#so I’m thinking oh maybe I’ll still be able to get tickets
gatheryepens · 11 months
Okay so an artist I like will be eventually touring in my country but I didn’t sign up for access for tickets (I think?) so I’m unsure whether I can still buy tickets or not
#s​tarting from the start I had no idea that they were going to be touring in the uk#until a friend sent it to me like some time this week#me being me and in exam mode#I was like I’ll look at this after Friday my last exam#however when I click the link#because my friend was telling me that she was talking to this other girl about this and the process of signing up#also my friend isn’t a big fan so without her I would’ve had no idea#since I literally have no social media except for like YouTube and Snapchat#but even finding out info on YouTube is hard since I turned off notifications for it like ages ago#so this situation is kind of my fault#anyway I digress#but yes so I click the link and it shows that the registration period is closed#I missed it by a day#also I’ve never been to concert so I have literally no idea how this works 😅#so I’m assuming the sign up thing is for pre-sales#which I’m still confused about but I think it’s when you get early access to the tickets before other people#so I’m thinking oh maybe I’ll still be able to get tickets#but now I’m not so sure#but I’m so confused 😭😭#because from the FAQ questions I was under the assumption you could still get tickets without showing interest#since there is a cut off point not a max amount of sign ups so in theory if let’s say everyone signed up it would be the same as not#having the sign up thing#but I think I might not be able to get tickets period#which is okay it is just a concert at the end of the day#I can do other fun stuff#I’m still going to try get tickets#but I’m 99% sure I’ve missed the chance#but it’s okay#gatherrambles#gatherbabblesaboutnonsensicalstuff
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ahonice · 10 months
not my boyfriend
luke hughes x fem reader
word count: 9.6k (the google doc was forty pages long idk what happened i got carried away)
warnings: jokes about dying/being killed, drinking, mentions of harassment (none actually happens though, just a topic discussed.) cursing, party games, lots of fighting that could’ve been avoided, VERY unrealistic scenarios and timelines lol, reader is stubborn for no reason and pisses me off (sorry)
note: this takes place during luke’s first full season as a devil. also idk how season tickets work with the devils so... hope y’all enjoy, leave feedback and lmk what you think, love y’all babes <3!!!
growing up in newark meant you were a devils fan by default. which wasn’t a bad thing, your father was a season ticket holder and often took you to games with him as you were the only one of your siblings who was still living at home.
you were the youngest of five, all others being boys, and the university you attended was only a five minute drive from your house so instead of moving into the dorms you continued to live at home. 
at each game you always wore unmarked jerseys, shirts, and hoodies. no number or last names on any of them, you weren’t a big enough fan to have a jersey that branded you so you stayed content with your blank ones. 
it was the home opener for the devils and your father dragged you, along with all your brothers, out to attend the game with him. he managed to get tickets right behind the devils bench this year, you didn’t even want to know how much money he had to spend to get them. 
“dad isn’t this a bit much? the game is going to be the exact same if we were sitting in our normal seats, two levels above.” you asked him once everyone was situated and comfortable in their seats.
“oh shut up y/n, these seats are great and who knows maybe you’ll catch the eye of a cute hockey player and you can live out your trophy wife fantasies.” your brother, who was sitting two seats down from you, teased.
“shut up david.” you said reaching over your other brothers to hit him, which you did…three times.
“would you two cut it out, you’re attracting a crowd.” your father scolded.
he was right, not only were a few people sitting behind you watching, but so were a couple people on the bench in front of you.
you groaned in embarrassment and hid your face in your brother gavin’s shoulder. 
“kill me gav, kill me.” your voice was muffled.
“number forty three is staring pretty hard right now y/n.” gavin wiggled his eyebrows at you.
you shot your head up and made, brief, eye contact with a boy who looked around your age before he quickly looked away. another player, who looked just a little older than you, laughed at him before giving you a wink.
“i’m serious gavin, shoot me right here.” you said, pointing between your eyes. “like i’m a horse that just broke it’s leg.”
after the game you went to dinner with your family before you parted ways. you had picked up your coworkers shift because he had a family emergency and wasn’t able to come in. during the summer between your senior year of high school and your freshman year of college you attended bartending school. you thought that working in the night life industry, especially as a young attractive woman, that you would be getting a lot of money in tips.
and you were correct.
your grandparents were covering your tuition, and since you were living at home there were no room and board charges, but you did have a car to pay for, books and school supplies, as well as an addiction to shopping that you had to support. so the job really was great.
it was a nice cocktail, lounge, styled bar. lots of business meetings took place, and overall upper class patrons were the ones who would visit. it wasn’t rare that local celebrities would stop by, or new yorkers wanting a lower tax on their tequila sunrise. so when a few people on the new jersey devils roster walked in, nobody was surprised. 
“y/n i’ll take bottle service for them tonight if you cover my side of the bar while i’m out? we can split their tip 70/30.” your coworker brian suggested after seeing them all make their way towards the private section, meaning they would not be ordering drinks themselves like all the other people in the establishment. 
“60/40, it’s a saturday night brian.” he rolled his eyes before agreeing, making his way over to the group as you began writing down tickets.
with brian gone you were now the only one behind the bar, it being a busy saturday night you didn’t really have any time to yourself. constantly getting new orders, or people confused why you needed their card to open a tab, you weren’t really planning on taking a break anytime soon. 
“what can i get you?” you asked whoever sat in the seat across from where you were currently fulfilling orders. you didn’t look up to properly acknowledge the customer, but you know they heard you because your question was quickly followed by a long “uhhhhh” before you placed the drinks you had been working on infront of their respective owners.
“while you uhhhh on that, i’m gonna go help customers that know what they want.” you didn’t really mean to be so rude, but you didn’t have time to provide good customer service.
“wait!” you had barely turned around before the customer stopped you. “i’m sorry, it’s just that i am not twenty one, so i don’t know what i can order here.”
“you’re not old enough to drink? how the hell did you get in? because if you used a fake i’m sorry but i’m gonna have to cut it.” you finally looked up from the glasses in front of you to see who exactly you were speaking with. he looked familiar, you couldn’t figure out where you knew him from. probably just a student you’ve seen around campus.
“no it’s nothing like that. i’m here with some of my teammates.” he nodded his head towards the private section where you could see brian making them drinks.
you looked back at his face again before the realization hit you.
“you were the player staring at me earlier.”
“you were the girl that slapped her brother in front of everyone earlier.”
you blushed at his recollection of you, he blushed at yours as well. 
“guilty.” you both said at the same time, causing some laughs to let out before the moment was interrupted by some people on the other side of the bar yelling that they wanted their drinks.
“i’ll be back in a little bit, sorry.” you apologized to the boy before turning to start making the drinks that the customers had ordered nearly five minutes ago, audibly groaning at the line that was forming all around the bar and the amount of people now entering.
it ended up being nearly thirty minutes before the rush of orders you had gotten was cleared and you had time to go back to where that boy was sitting. you weren’t surprised that he was no longer there, but you were disappointed. 
you decided to take the rare break to your advantage and poured yourself a glass of apple juice, savoring the taste before you brought your attention towards the group in the back. brian must’ve really been working for those tips because you had never seen a group so entertained in your life. 
making eye contact with the boy, you smiled as he stood up from his seat, excusing himself from the group being met with a smirk from the guy he was sitting next to, who you recognized as the one who winked at you earlier.
“you know you guys are paying for bottle service, you don’t have to come up to the bar to order drinks. it’s kinda what it was made for.” you said once the boy had sat down in the seat he was in just an hour before.
“i know, but i don’t want the guys to make fun of me for ordering orange juice.”
“are you assuming that i wouldn’t make fun of you? because i would, and i will. i’m team apple juice.” you said, raising your glass filled with apple juice, into the air. 
“can’t drink on the job?” 
you laughed at how stupid of a question that was, just because you worked as a bartender doesn’t mean you have no decorum. “ couldn’t even if i wanted to, i’m nineteen.” 
“oh so you’re my age, well a year younger.” he smiled to himself. “i’m twenty.”
you nodded at his words, too busy closing out a tab to respond.
“how can you work here though? if you’re nineteen. don’t you have to be twenty one?” he asked.
“no, you need to be eighteen to serve alcohol in the states.” you responded, not even looking up.
“got it.” he trailed off, it quickly became awkward as you were too busy to give him the attention he was obviously looking for. “i’m luke by the way, don’t think i told you my name yet.”
“i’m y/n, but i’m pretty busy right now so maybe you could go back to your table. i don’t mean to be rude, but i can’t spend my whole shift talking to you and not working.” you told him, noticing the long line that was beginning to form again.
“oh yea of course, sorry. umm i’ll see you around.” luke said, getting up.
you didn’t respond and just walked over to the other side of the bar where the people who had been waiting the longest were.
luke sighed before walking back over to his group.
“what’s the matter lukey? couldn’t impress the hot girl by ordering an orange juice.”
“shut up jack.”
it was only five days later that your father was bringing you along to another devils game and once again you got dressed in your unnamed jersey and a pair of leggings. you had work right after, having taken the closing shift tonight so you would be able to enjoy the game for at least an hour and a half before you would have to go.
“dad please tell me we aren’t in those seats again. you don’t need to be wasting your money like that, our usual seats are just fine.” you spoke as you followed your dad through the arena.
“sweetie, it is my money to spend and i wanted this. i never miss a home game, all of the money spent is being spent for good use.” you father responded, making his way down towards the glass. 
you had arrived after warm ups were finished so now you were just waiting for the game to actually start. playing a game on your phone, you were easily pulled into a trance and didn’t even realize that the players had made their way onto the ice until your father nudged you.
“y/n would you pay attention? the boy is looking at you again.” your head shot up at his words and you quickly made eye contact with the boy from last week, luke. 
he waved at you before turning around before you even had the chance to wave back.
“that was weird.” you said, not to anyone in particular, but you weren’t aware of your volume because that same guy that winked at you began laughing and pushed luke who was visibly blushing.
“can i get an orange juice? on the rocks.” 
you turned around to see number forty three smiling at you, his hand behind his neck in an awkward stance.
“is your group here today? we didn’t get any mentions of bottle service being needed tonight.”
“yeah, it was a last minute thing. i asked if we could come to this bar instead of the one we had planned on going to.”
“why? because the orange juice is that good?”
“without a doubt.” 
you laughed at his words before looking over at your coworker. 
“do you wanna do bottle service tonight? or should i?”
“i’ll do it. the general manager is here tonight and you know how she gets when it’s a group of men getting bottle service.” 
“got it, thank you brian.”
you looked back to see luke staring at you confused.
“why doesn’t she like men getting bottle service?”
“it’s not that, there have just been a few too many cases of us having to kick people out because of their behavior towards female bartenders.” 
“has that ever happened to you?” his voice suddenly angry, causing you to look at him funny.
“cool it casanova.” you laughed, ignoring his question because you have. that’s just what comes with a job in the night life industry though. “i have to get back to work, but i’ll see you around luke.” 
dejected, luke made his way to where his teammates were sitting.
“did you fuck up again?” 
“yes…? i honestly don’t know.”
it had been two weeks since that night.
you hadn’t been able to make it to any of the devils games due to coming down with a bug, also causing you to miss school and work. it definitely wasn’t ideal considering it was nearly thanksgiving break, which meant it was nearly finals week. but you couldn’t complain, it was always nice to do nothing but binge watch investigation discovery and drink yellow gatorade all day.
“dad can i come with you to the game tonight? my fever is gone and i haven’t been sick in three days. i need to get out of the house badly.” you asked your father once he made it home from work.
“sure sweetie. i’m planning on leaving in half an hour, i want to make it to warm ups tonight.”  he replied, shuffling through the mail.
“got it dad, i’ll go get ready.”
you quickly got ready for the game. deciding that you wouldn’t wear any makeup tonight, your eyelash extensions were enough to carry the rest of the face. tying your hair into a braid, you got dressed in an unmarked devils hoodie and leggings before throwing your shoes on.
“dad i’m ready if you wanna leave a little earlier.” you called out from upstairs, spraying your perfume on.
“sounds good hun, i’ll meet you in the car.” 
you were really excited for tonight's game, mainly because this was your first outing in civilization in nearly fourteen days, but a little part of you was excited to see luke again. 
a little part of you was afraid he had forgotten who you were, as you had only interacted a handful of times. 
a loud honk ripped you from your thoughts as you could hear your father yelling from outside.
“i’m about to leave without you y/n.”
you sat in your seat playing on your phone as you anxiously waited for the game to start
“what’s got you so jittery?” your father asks, noticing your legs bouncing. “does it have anything to do with number forty three?”
your eyes widened at the second question that came from your father’s mouth.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about.” you spoke defensively.
“well i thought i might ask because he has been staring at you since he got onto the ice.”
you had been so caught up in your thoughts that you missed warmups beginning, and looking up you met luke’s eyes.
you gave him a smile and a small wave, which he returned before number eighty six rammed into his shoulders and luke went back to what he was supposed to be doing.
after the game you decided to tackle the large load of school work that had been piling up from your sick days.
you managed to spend a good three hours uninterrupted before your phone began ringing. you picked it up to see your general manager's contact shown on the screen. groaning you answered the call, hoping she wasn’t going to call you in because there is nothing worse than a friday night shift.
“hey y/n, i’m sorry to bother you but this boy is currently asking about you at the bar and i need to know if you know him or if i need to ban him from the property.” she spoke.
your eyes widened, a little scared because this wouldn’t be the first time that you’ve had creepy men asking about you on your nights off.
“what is his name?” you ask, you doubted it but there was a chance you did know him.
“luke hughes.” you heard him yell in the background.
“yes darlene, i know him. he is harmless, please let him leave the jail cell.” you joked, knowing for a fact she had him held captive in the office. 
“he wants your number.” she whispered.
“just give it to him, and seriously let him go. him and his teammates tip a lot.”
from: *** *** ****
from: *** *** ****
this is luke. 
from: *** *** ****
i’m a little nervous that your boss gave me a fake number just so i would leave her alone, so if you could respond that would be greatly appreciated.
to: *** *** ****
i’m sorry, but you’ve reached the rejection hotline. the person who gave you this number is not interested.
from: *** *** ****
to: *** *** ****
i’m totally kidding.
to: *** *** ****
this is y/n lmao.
from: luke hughes
that is not funny.
over the course of the weekend you and luke texted a lot. 
mainly just basic information. favorite food, tv shows, some random questions.
from: luke hughes
why do you wear blank jerseys?
from: luke hughes
and blank everything else? you never have a name or number on you at games.
to: luke hughes
that’s just not something i’m into.
to: luke hughes
there isn’t a hockey player i like enough to wear their name or number.
that wasn’t entirely true. 
while you were a devils fan by default, you were a hurricanes fan and sebastian aho enthusiast by choice. 
you had multiple jerseys and shirts with his name and number all over them, but the devils only played the hurricanes on home ice a limited time each season so you weren’t able to break out your collection all that often. 
luckily for you, the hurricanes were playing the devils at the prudential center in five weeks and that was one of the only things you were truly looking forward to these days, as sad as that sounds.
“the boy who keeps asking for you is here.” brian said to you as he entered the office. 
“what do you mean keeps? darlene just told me about the one time.” you responded, turning your attention off of the roblox game you were playing and towards your coworker.
“because i’ve only ever gotten darlene involved once. he kept asking for your schedule that night and i nearly called the cops.do you know how scared i was? not for you of course, just of the amount of paperwork and witness reports i’d have to deal with. did i ever tell you about the time that one psycho came in here with a butter knife and threatened–” 
“brian focus.” 
“right sorry. he has come in asking for you at least ten times now. if you want me to kick him out i will, i’ve been working out.” brian finished his rant by flexing his muscles, that weren’t even there.
“you’re 5’7 brian. no amount of muscle will make up for that.” you started, picking your phone up. “i’ve got it don’t worry, but thanks.”
to: luke hughes
are you stalking me?
to: luke hughes
because i will get a restraining order against you.
to: luke hughes
i don’t care how attractive you are.
from: luke hughes
so you think i’m attractive?
to: luke hughes
is that seriously all you got from that??
to: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
will do.
from: luke hughes
as long as you agree to go out with me this week.
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
but only because i would like to go one night without my coworkers asking if they need to place your image on the blacklisted board.
from: luke hughes
yeah totally “only because”…
“so you expect me to believe that after the game tonight you are going out with luke hughes. the rookie player for the new jersey devils?” your father asks.
“yes dad.” you deadpanned.
you had told him of your plans for after the game tonight forty minutes ago and he does not believe you in the slightest.
“what did you take for your migraine earlier?” he asks, chuckling. “oh no, did you get into my medicine cabinet? i’m pretty sure i bought those painkillers back in ‘eighty-nine.” 
“you’re hilarious. now can we leave please? warm ups are already almost over.” you said, unamused, while your father was bent over laughing at his stupid joke. “i’m going without you.”
“like hell you are.” he said, snapping up right and marching over to the front door. “if you are telling me the truth i have to meet this boy and talk to him…to ask him if you’re blackmailing him into this.”
he added that last part once he was already outside, you groaned as you heard him laughing from inside the car.
to: luke hughes
i will be waiting in the car park after the game whenever you get out.
to: luke hughes
also my dad wants to meet you.
to: luke hughes
he says it’s because he needs to make sure i’m safe, but really he just thinks i’m lying to him about your existence in my life.
“sweetie when is he coming? it is late and i’ve got work in the morning.” your father asks, for what feels like the hundredth time.
“dad, i’ve already told you that you can leave. i don’t need you here.” you replied, for what felt like the hundredth time.
“what if he kidnaps you? or kills you? he’s got money, he could cover it up in an instant.” he snaps his fingers when he said instant to emphasize his point.
“i would never do that sir.” a different voice cut in.
both you and your fathers heads whip around and you’re met with the sight of luke, looking very good in his suit.
“holy shit y/n you weren’t lying to me.” your dad says, walking up to where luke was standing to shake his hand. “let me tell you kid, i thought my daughter had lost her mind.” 
“dad. please stop.” you stated, annoyed at his behavior, finding a spot to stand next to luke. 
“right. sorry sweetie.” he said before turning his attention back towards luke. “have her home no later than midnight.” 
“yes sir.” luke stated, before your dad turned around and walked towards his car.
“so where are we going?” you ask. “you’re dressed like we’re going to a five star restaurant and i’m dressed like we’re going to a drive thru.” you explained, pointing to the major differences in your attire.
“i’ll meet you halfway.”
“is it too late to tell you that i prefer qdoba?” you told luke as he pulled into the parking lot of a chipotle.
“i think i should take you home.” luke joked, before running around the car to open your door for you, slightly tripping in the process. 
“i should warn you though, i get queso and guac on my burritos.” you told him, knowing that he would be paying.
“what? that’s like an extra seven dollars.” he complains, holding the front door open for you to walk in.
“should’ve taken me to qdoba, it’s free there.” 
the night went very well.
you and luke talked about anything and everything. 
it was fifteen minutes to midnight when luke pulled up in front of your house to say goodbye.
noticing that the lights were on, luke asked if your father really stayed up to see if he had brought you home on time.
“i can guarantee he is currently in his recliner and snoring.” you told luke before you both started walking up the porch steps.
“well i had lots of fun tonight. you should really send me a text whenever you’re bored at work, i can always use my celebrity status to get in while being underage.” luke said once you had made it to the front door.
“your C-list celebrity status?” you started.
“-oh come on, i’m a b-list at least.” he cut in.
“don’t you have better things to do than sit at a bar and drink orange juice?” you finished your thought.
“honestly no. i don’t have any friends in jersey that aren’t my teammates.”
“well if you ever want to go to a party or hang out with me and my friends you always can, just text me if you’re ever bored at home.” 
you said your proper goodbyes and once you stepped into your house you saw your father asleep in his recliner.
to: luke hughes
i told you he would be asleep. he would never know if we actually stayed out past curfew.
from: luke hughes
did you catch him mid snore in that photo? that’s honestly a violation.
from: luke hughes
i’m bored.
to: luke hughes
what am i supposed to do about that?
from: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
do you not have a game tonight? because i’m planning on attending a frat party tonight if you would like to tag along.
to: luke hughes
unless you are now above frat parties after finishing school.
from: luke hughes
i’d love to join you.
to: luke hughes
great! i was planning on getting there at 10:30. do you just want to drive to my house? my friends are taking me btw and we could always just double buckle.
from: luke hughes
yea sure. what should i wear?
to: luke hughes
oh nothing too fancy just a tuxedo.
to: luke hughes
bowtie included.
from: luke hughes
i hate you.
“will you all please promise to be nice to him and be on your best behavior? i think i actually like this one and i don’t him to be scared away.” you warned your friends who were currently in your room pregaming.
“hey don’t look at me, i’ll be nice as hell to your new boy toy.” your best friend, trinity, spoke. you rolled your eyes at her before looking at the boys who crowded on your floor.
“cal, bass, and tyler.” you spoke firmly, attempting to intimidate them. “i swear to god if any of you make him uncomfortable, all of my images and videos from syllabus week are getting posted on the main.”
“sir yes sir!” the three shouted in unison, only causing your eyes to roll back further into your head.
“just please be welcoming. talk to him, get to know him, do not force him to play rage cage if he does not want to.” you emphasized that last point at kade.
“if he doesn’t willingly play rage cage he isn’t the one for you y/n.”
you were about to make a snarky comment but were cut off by your phone going off.
from: luke hughes
hey i’m outside. should i knock or wait out here?
to: luke hughes
just come inside, front door is unlocked. 
to: luke hughes
we’re upstairs in my room, just follow the sound of shitty music. my friend bass has aux tonight.
you could feel the nerves bubbling up in your stomach. you hadn’t informed the group that your luke was luke hughes, they were all devils fans and were in the know about things so they definitely know who he is.
“he is coming upstairs right now, y’all i’m serious, best behavior.”
the sound of a knock made all five heads turn towards the door.
“no fucking way-”
“shut it!” you cut cal off. “hey luke, come in. there are shooters on my desk if you want something to pregame with. trinity is sober tonight so you don’t have to worry about driving.”
luke makes his way over to your dresser and grabs three shooters before making his way towards the spot next to you.
“everybody this is luke, luke this is everybody.” you motioned your hands back and forth. “tyler, cal, trinity, and bass.” 
you pointed to your friends, who were looking at the two of you with shock and disbelief on their faces, as you named them.
“let’s go to the party, i wanna play rage cage.” 
“is bass your real name or is it just a nickname?” 
after arriving at the party you and your group established where trinity would be all night everyone started asking luke questions, the majority of them were about hockey and the nhl before you texted the groupchat and told them to shut their fucking mouths about his career.
“nickname. my name is sebastian, but this one-” bass grabs onto your shoulders and pulls you in front of him. “-says there is only one sebastian in her life and i am, unfortunately, not him so she started calling me bass and everybody else just latched onto it.”
you glared at him before speaking. “i was being sarcastic when i told you that, and you came up with the fucking nickname.”
“yeah, it’s not y/n’s fault you share a name with the love of her life and future husband.” tyler said, giggling after you hit his stomach.
“okay let’s go play rage cage, y’all need to shut up.” you said making your way outside, trinity informed everyone that she would stay in her spot and to text her if it is urgent. “luke do you play rage cage?”
it was an important question. 
sure most people favor cup pong or even flip up as a party game, but rage cage was what you and your friends dominated at every function.
“i have never played it before. haven’t even heard of it.” luke shrugged. 
everyone’s movements paused for a second before hell froze over.
“you’ve never heard of it?”
“what fucking school did you go to?”
“y/n get him out of my face.”
you weren’t even sure who said what, but luke had a slightly scared look on his face. 
“they’re joking luke, let me teach you how to play.”
“so your future husband's name is sebastian? should i even continue pursuing you?” luke asked, jokingly, once you two were left alone in the backyard, tyler had drank one too many bitch cups and needed to be nursed back to health.
“i am most definitely not marrying him. he is six years older than me, lives hundreds of miles away, and also knows nothing of my existence.” you informed luke before finishing your drink. “you should definitely continue to pursue me.”
from: luke hughes
are you coming to the game tonight?
from: luke hughes
i have a proposition for you, if you are.
to: luke hughes
i’m listening
from: luke hughes
you wear my jersey tonight, and in return i win the game.
from: luke hughes
it’s a win-win situation
to: luke hughes
yea for you. i get nothing out of it.
to: luke hughes
also i do not own a jersey with anyone’s name on it, let alone yours.
to: luke hughes
and you are NOT buying me one. if i want a jersey i will pay for it myself…or my father will.
from: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
but when you become my girlfriend you have to wear my jersey, no matter what.
to: luke hughes
okay, if i become your girlfriend i will wear your jersey.
from: luke hughes
not if, when.
to: luke hughes
i’ll see you tonight weirdo.
“your boyfriend is waving at you.” 
“david shut up he isn’t my boyfriend.” you responded to your brother, shoving him.
you waved back at luke before his smile dropped and he pointed towards the jersey david was wearing. how you didn’t see the name and number on the back before? you didn’t know.
“are you seriously wearing luke’s jersey right now?” you placed your head in your hands knowing the conversation that would come of this. “he asks me to wear it before every home game and i never do, and now my own brother is wearing his jersey and not me.”
“why won’t you wear his jersey?” your brother asks, finishing off his beer. “-and don’t give me that bullshit answer of you never wear anyone’s jersey. you wear aho’s.”
“that’s because sebastian aho is sebastian aho.” you deadpanned. “there has never been a player, besides aho, that i have liked enough to wear their number. i’m not a fan of anyone…besides aho.”
“yeah, but luke’s your boyfriend.”
“oh my god he isn’t my boyfriend, do you ever listen to me? idiot.”
“so your brother wears my jersey, but you don’t?” 
the sound of luke’s voice drew your attention away from the tab you were closing out at work. “i knew you were gonna show up tonight. remind me again why i decided to give you my schedule?”
“because i’m awesome.” luke answered, taking a seat in front of you. “-but of course not awesome enough for you to wear my jersey.”
“are we still on that?” you asked, handing luke a pop. 
“yes we are.” he stated blankly. “seriously i don’t understand why you won’t just wear my jersey. you said you didn’t want to pay for one, and that i couldn’t pay for one. but now that i know your brother has one i would very much appreciate it if you would wear it, to at least one game.”
“i’ll think about it.”
your answer was no. that was three weeks ago and you still had yet to wear a jersey with the number forty three on the back.
tonight you were excited. 
the carolina hurricanes were playing the devils at the prudential center tonight and you and your friends all got seats behind the canes bench. none of them were canes fans, but this one the one game a year that you had the opportunity to sit near sebastian aho and you would be damned if you missed out on that opportunity. 
from: luke hughes
you coming tonight?
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
so are trinity, bass, tyler, and cal.
from: luke hughes
oh great, i haven’t seen them in a bit.
from: luke hughes
are you guys going out after the game? it’s a friday night.
to: luke hughes
yes we are. cal’s frat is hosting this sport night thing if you wanna come with.
to: luke hughes
just bring a jersey to change into after the game.
from: luke hughes
oh crap i don’t own any jerseys.
to: luke hughes
you’re hilarious bud.
to: luke hughes
but just so you know i’m not sitting in my usual spot tonight. my brothers are sitting with my dad tonight.
“no fucking way.”
that was the first thing you heard as you got in bass’ car.
“what?” you asked, everyone looked at you in disbelief.
“you are wearing aho’s jersey.” tyler replied, speaking for everyone in the car. “and you’re dating luke hughes.”
“i am not dating luke, you guys know that.” you deadpanned, you were getting sick and tired of people mistaking you for luke’s girlfriend. almost as much as you were sick and tired of not being luke’s girlfriend. “-and you also know that i am a loyal sebastian aho supporter before anything else.” you added the end in a lighter tone of voice. 
“alright, but when luke gets upset with you tonight you cannot be angry when we tell you we told you so.”
the rest of the car ride only one thing, a question, was on your mind, would he really get upset with you?
“oh my god!”
“how many times are you gonna say oh my god tonight y/n?” trinity asked.
she had a point. it was like the only thing that was coming out of your mouth.
“never.” you deadpanned. “sebastian aho is right in front of me. my future husband is right in front of me.” you got more giddy by the end of your statement.
“oh wow y/n, you’re blushing.” cal poked your side. “that’s pathetic.”
“lover boy, two o’clock. does not look happy.”
you looked over to your right and saw luke looking at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read, but bass was right, he did not look happy.
“GOAL!” you screamed, shooting up from your seat. “SUCK IT DEVILS!”
“alright calm down y/n.” tyler said, laughing at you.
“NO! sebastian aho just scored his second goal of the night, if he gets one more i’m gonna lose it.” you replied, sitting back down.
“oh god you haven’t lost it yet?”
to: luke hughes
hey! sorry about the game, you played great :)
to: luke hughes
if you do want to come to the party we’ll be at this is the address.
to: luke hughes
12345 house street
to: luke hughes
i hope to see you there.
“so is your boyfriend coming tonight?” cal asked. 
“not my boyfriend.” you started. “and i don’t know. i just texted him the address for him to meet us there if he wants.”
“ok. real talk,” trinity started. “do you want him to be your boyfriend?” 
“i do-”
you were cut off by the screaming of your four friends.
“shut it.” you snapped, effectively shutting them up. “i do want him to be my boyfriend, but i have no idea if he wants me to be his girlfriend. i mean we’ve known each other for three months and he has talked about us dating in the past but he hasn’t asked me out yet and i don’t know if he ever will.” 
“y/n don’t be like that. i can tell by the way he looks at you and acts around you that he likes you, a lot, and also he looked jealous as hell when he saw whose jersey you were wearing tonight.” bass said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
“okay enough with the pity party, lets go to the party. i need a drink.” 
from: luke hughes
not really in the mood for a party tonight. 
to: luke hughes
oh ok. 
to: luke hughes
well i’ll see you soon, yeah?
“luke isn’t coming tonight.” you told the group, an upset look rested on your face.
“oh…well it’s probably nothing. i wouldn’t want to go out and celebrate a loss.” trinity said, giving you a reassuring smile. 
“ok i seriously need a drink now.” 
it has been over a week since the game and luke hasn’t spoken to you once. 
all texts have been left unanswered, he hasn’t come to visit you at work, and when you were at the game two days ago he didn’t look at you once.
you were working the closing shift tonight, and it was a monday so it was not very busy. in the past you would text luke and he would arrive as soon as he could, but you stopped attempting to communicate with luke two days ago, after the game. he made it clear he no longer wanted anything to do with you.
“y/n, someone is at the bar asking for you.” you looked up from the wall you were staring at in the office to see brian. “not the usual one though. did you and your boyfriend break up?” 
you had a little bit of hope that it was luke for just a moment, before brian told you it wasn’t him. “he’s not my boyfriend. never was.”
you stepped out of the back room to see the other hughes brother sitting at your bar.
“hello jack. what do i owe the pleasure?” you ask, planting yourself across from him.
“we need to talk about you and luke.” he replied curtly.
“there is no me and luke, he has made it very clear that he is no longer interested in being my friend anymore.” you said, pouring a drink for no one, you just needed something to do.
“that’s the thing. he does want to be your friend, more than that. this past week he has not shut up about you and how you guys weren’t talking anymore. what happened?” jack asked, grabbing the now finished drink and bringing it to his lips.
“i don’t even know. we were planning on going to this party at my friends frat together and then after your guys’ game against the hurricanes he flaked out and hasn’t spoken to me since. i’ve reached out and haven’t gotten anything back, i was at the game on saturday and he didn’t even look at me, so if he is upset that we aren’t talking then he is just upset with himself.” you took a moment to catch your breath before looking at jack.
“whose jersey did you wear to our game against the hurricanes?” 
“sebastian aho’s. why?”
jack let out a chuckle and shook his head. “makes sense. he was muttering stupid sebastian aho and fucking homewrecker the whole way home and bunkered himself in his room for days.” 
“i always refused to wear his jersey to games, or his anything, and now i’m realizing i probably pissed him off by wearing someone else’s name and number when i’ve been telling him the whole time i’ve known him that the reason i won’t wear his stuff is because i don’t wear anyones.” you told jack, pouring another drink.
“i wouldn’t say he is pissed off. he is definitely upset though.” jack starts, standing up. “i think you should come to our game this thursday-”
“i always go to your games.” you cut him off. “well come to our game this thursday wearing his jersey. i think that is all he wants…well that and you being his girlfriend.” jack finished, not giving you a chance to respond before walking out the front doors.
“david please, just let me borrow your jersey for one night.” you begged your brother over the phone.
“no can do little sis. just go buy your own, i mean it might be beneficial to own your own luke hughes jersey when luke hughes is your boyfriend.”
“david i’m not even gonna say it, but seriously? where am i gonna find a jersey on such short notice?” “at literally any store in newark. walk down mainstreet and you’ll probably find five in the front window of shops.” david answers, the sarcastic tone in his voice pissing you off further.
“goodbye. i’m gonna go walk around looking for a jersey in the freezing cold now.”
to: luke hughes
hey. i know we haven’t talked in a little bit but i spoke with your brother the other day. 
to: luke hughes
i’m going to the game tonight, if you would be willing to let me see you after i would really appreciate it.
to: luke hughes
i would like to talk to you.
you weren’t able to find a jersey with luke’s number on it so you wore a blank jersey tonight, which kind of crushed your original plan for the evening, but you still had to try.
“are you sure sweetie? because i have no issue waiting until he shows up.” 
“yes dad, i’m sure. i’ll be fine, please go.” you assured your dad, pushing him towards his car.
it wasn’t until forty minutes later that you heard footsteps approaching you. you turned your head around and frowned at the sight of jack hughes walking your way.
“sorry i’m not the brother you wanted to see, but luke left as soon as he could and ubered back to our apartment.” 
you nodded in defeat. “thank you for telling me. i’ll just order myself an uber home then…tell luke i said good game and if he ever wants to talk he can message me.”
“why don’t you tell him yourself.”
trinity would literally die if you told her whose car you were currently sitting shotgun in. 
“luke made it pretty clear he doesn’t want to talk to me, or even see me. i don’t think this is a good idea jack.”
jack had convinced you that the best thing to do in this situation was to confront luke directly. not as much convinced you, but rather offered you a ride home and said he had to make a stop on the way, that stop being his and luke’s place. 
“y/n luke is miserable not talking to you, and that is making me miserable.”
“well he wouldn’t be so miserable if he would just text me back, he is the one choosing to not speak to me. can we just get this over with? drive faster.”
“luke’s room is down that hall, second door to the right.” jack informed you, you thanked him quietly before making your way to luke’s room. 
you knocked gently and got no response so you knocked again, a little harder.
“jack i’m not in the mood right now. go away.” 
you tried to speak up but nothing came out, so you just knocked again.
“jack i’m serious. this whole y/n situation is messing with my head, i played awful tonight and i just want to go to sleep.”
“well if it’s messing with you so much and making you as upset as jack says it is then maybe you should just text me back and we can figure out how to fix this.” you spoke, frustration clear in your tone. 
you didn’t give him the chance to respond before you made your way out of their apartment and towards the stairwell, ordering an uber as you ran down the steps.
once outside you saw that your uber was about five minutes away so you were forced to just stand there and wait. from: luke hughes
i’m sorry.
from: luke hughes
please come back up. 
to: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
please. let's talk about this.
to: luke hughes
i’ve given you many chances in the past week for us to talk and you’ve ignored me each time.
to: luke hughes
it’s my turn to be upset now.
that was two weeks ago and you haven’t seen or spoken to luke since.
you went to your mothers house is oregon for christmas and came back to new jersey today. 
the second you ended your gift exchange with your father you went up to your room and opened your texts with luke.
from: luke hughes
y/n i’m sorry.
from: luke hughes
please talk to me.
from: luke hughes
merry christmas, i got you a gift. i asked your coworker brian where you’ve been, he said it that you were spending christmas at your moms this year so i’ll give it to you when you get back.
from: luke hughes
please text me when you get back.
from: luke hughes
i need to see you.
you spent a few moments contemplating whether to send a text or to continue ignoring him, even if the later was driving you crazy.
before you could stop yourself you sent a message, and got one back immediately.
to: luke hughes
i’m back in newark.
from: luke hughes
on my way
you slightly panicked when you realized that after nearly a month of silence between the two of you, luke was now going to be in front of you and in your presence again. you didn’t know what you were going to say, worry filled you thinking about the many outcomes that could happen.
“sweetie, luke is at the door for you.”
you timidly stood up and took a deep breath or two before making your way downstairs. 
“hey luke, let’s go up to my room to talk.” 
luke nodded before stepping inside, giving your father a proper greeting before heading up the stairs.
“ok, so can you start off by telling me why you ghosted me for a full week?” you asked him once he had sat down on your hammock chair, you across from him on your bed.
“you wore someone else’s jersey.” luke started, letting out a deep breath afterwards. “after you told me for months that you never wear anyone’s jersey, so you wouldn’t wear mine.”
the sound of your friends yelling “i told you so” played in your head, but you pushed it aside to focus on what was happening in front of you.
luke was now in your closet, where he would find your many, many, aho items.
“luke please get out of my closet.” you were angry, he had no reason to be searching your things.
“how many things do you own of him. jesus.” luke said once he finally walked back into your bedroom. 
“luke i’m sorry that i lied to you about never wearing anyone else’s jersey, but is that seriously why you ignored me?” you were a little skeptical of his reasoning.
“why did you ignore me for multiple weeks?” luke ignored your question.
“because you were the one leaving me on read and skipping out on our plans, but then you went around telling people you were miserable not talking to me as if i was the one who failed to reach out and that made me angry. i gave you so many opportunities luke…and you didn’t take up any of them. so i got mad and i knew i was about to leave town for two weeks and i didn’t really wanna communicate with you during my vacation.”
“why did you lie to me?” luke asked, now taking a seat next to you on your bed.
“i honestly don’t know. i’ve only ever worn aho’s number, just feels weird wearing someone else’s. and i was being honest, other than aho, there has never been a player i like enough to wear their jersey until now.” you sat up from your spot and walked over to one of the gift boxes sitting on your floor, during your gift exchange with your dad you received a devils jersey with the number forty-three and hughes on the back as well as some shirts and hoodies with the same thing. “these were all gifted to me for christmas. i asked for them. i wanted to wear your jersey, i have for a while now, but i was just unsure of what it would mean. can you tell me why you got so angry?” you asked the question that had been on your mind for weeks.
“y/n i like you and i want you to be my girlfriend, i never asked you though because you wouldn’t even wear my fucking jersey no matter how much i begged you to so why would you say yes to being my girlfriend.”
“god luke again with the fucking jersey, i don’t get the big deal it’s just a piece of fabric.” you yelled, getting frustrated. 
“it means something! ok y/n, it means something.” he starts. “there is a difference between wearing a jersey as a fan and wearing a jersey as a girlfriend, something personal and intimate, and you won’t even wear my jersey as a fucking fan.”
it felt like you were talking in circles and it was driving you crazy. 
“that is what i’m saying luke. i didn’t ever wear your jersey because i didn’t know what it would mean. i didn’t know if we were friends or something more, and wearing your jersey could’ve given us both the wrong ideas.”
“what idea would it have given you?” luke asked, taking a step towards you.
“that i’m something more to you than a friend, and i didn’t want to think that because it isn’t true” you admitted the truth, it wasn’t that you didn’t want him getting the wrong idea, but rather yourself. “-and i don’t like to get my hopes up.” 
luke didn’t respond, he just sat there in silence for what felt like an hour, but was probably closer to three minutes.
“luke if you want to leave, just go. i’m sorry i ruined our friendship, i wish you the best in the rest of your career and life-” 
your words were cut off by lips touching yours, luke’s lips.
after a few moments you broke the kiss, not liking how fast it was progressing.
“luke what was that-”
“i like you, y/n. as more than a friend, that is why i wanted you to wear my jersey so badly. i wanted to feel special, because you have this rule about never wearing anybody’s jersey, but you wore mine and you wore mine because i mean something to you whether that be a friend or something more, i just wanted to feel like i meant something to you.” luke practically yelled, interrupting you.
“i feel like we are both making the same points, but just phrasing them differently each time.” you spoke, trying to choose your next words carefully. “what do we do now? how do we move past this?” 
“well, you could agree to go on a date with me and wear my jersey to the next home game. that would be a start.” luke offered, grabbing both of your hands. “-you could also let me kiss you again, i’d really like that.”
“sweetie are you almost ready? we’re gonna miss warmups.”
“coming dad.” 
you quickly made your way downstairs, checking your appearance in the multiple mirrors you passed by on the way towards the car.
“wearing your boyfriend's jersey i see?” your father quipped once you got into the driver’s seat, he demanded you drive because you had just gotten a new car.
“not my boyfriend.” was all you said in response.
“still? that boy needs to grow a pair.”
from: luke hughes
are we still on for after the game? 
to: luke hughes
yup! meet me in the car park when you’re done?
from: luke hughes
after the game you parted ways with your father, him taking an uber home and leaving you with your car to drive you and luke around tonight. which isn’t traditional, especially for a first date, but you loved betty, your new car, and you wanted to drive her.
“wow the new car is dope y/n.” 
you turned around and saw jack and luke walking towards you, the older hughes speaking.
“-and nice jersey, next time wear an eighty six for me, yeah?” 
“never gonna happen jack.” luke started, before turning his attention to you. “you ready to go?” 
“yes i am, you can put your bag in the trunk.” i opened up the trunk with my keys before getting in the driver's seat. “where are we going?” 
“i’ll give you directions as you drive.” luke said, plugging his phone into the aux.
a few minutes later you pulled into a qdoba. 
“wow you know me so well hughes.”
“i just didn’t feel like paying extra for your queso and guac.” luke deadpanned.
“yeah right, i know i’m turning you into a qdoba enjoyer.” you teased as you entered the restaurant.
after getting our food luke gave me an address of where to drive for our late night picnic. it was a lookout place that luke had found when he first moved here, you had been here multiple times as well and knew of a good place to sit.
“follow me” you hopped over the barbed wire fence and waited until luke made it over to start walking again.
“are you sure this is allowed?” luke whispered.
“i know for a fact that it is not, but it’s fine no one is here right now it’s after dark.” you said back at full volume, earning a loud shhhh from luke in the process.
you walked a little bit more before you made it to your favorite ledge, you could see all of newark from here and a little bit of new york, but when you looked up there was a perfect view of the stars.
“how did you find this place?” luke asked, digging into his food.
“i was hiding from the cops one night and me and tyler ended up here.” luke’s eyes widened at your story. “i’ll tell you more about that later, but ever since i’ve been coming here.” 
we continued to eat and talk about random things until it was time to go.
“we should probably go, it’s nearly midnight.” 
once you finished the drive back to luke’s apartment you got out of the car to say your goodbyes.
“well i had a lot of fun tonight, we should do it-” luke cut you off by kissing you. “you have to stop doing that.” you teased.
“sorry, it’s just that you look really good in my jersey, like really good. i was struggling not to jump over the glass when i saw you during warmups.” luke admitted, going in for another kiss. “look y/n, i was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my girlfriend?” a blush crept up luke’s neck as he spoke.
“i would love that.” you replied, a blush spread across your cheeks.
we said our goodbyes and you drove home, not expecting your father to be awake on the couch.
“oh you’re awake?” you asked, taking your shoes off.
“yeah just wanted to make sure you were safe.” your dad replied. “how is your boyfriend?”
“he is great.” you replied smiling, not correcting him for once because now he really was your boyfriend.
note: BOOOO HAPPINESS no but this literally took me a month to finish because i had absolutely no energy and no inspo to write anything. idk if i like this yet…but ANYWAYS hope y’all enjoyed, leave feedback, have a great day, love y’all babes. 
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gimmehyuck · 2 years
a series of (un)fortunate events | l.mk
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summary. it’s been months since you've seen mark in person. when you have no choice but to be around him because of a wedding, you start to feel as if fate likes to see you suffer.
or, alternatively:
maybe fate just wants to see you happy.
pairing. rising actor!mark x fem!reader, feat. hyuck and ryujin
words. 9.4k
genre. exes to lovers; fluff with lots of angst sprinkled all over
warnings. reader has anxiety, honestly she’s a little bit miserable but i think we can forgive her for that, alcohol consumption, i asked my friend what the agents name should be and we both thought linda would be funny (sorry if your name is linda), cliche kdrama drunk scene bc i can
you were frozen in time. mind completely empty. the literal embodiment of ‘not a thought behind those eyes’. it took a solid 45 seconds of ryujin calling your name before you snapped out of it and looked at her again through your phone screen. she was frowning at you and you couldn’t help but mutter under your breath a small, “shit.”
clearing your voice you apologized with a smile this time.
“i knew she’d react like this,” ryujin said to the other person sharing the space on the phone screen.
“i know… look,” donghyuck said to you after turning away from his now fiancé. “i told mark that he’s my best man because he’s my best friend, but i also told him to try and keep his distance. we both want the both of you there for us.” donghyuck was pouting a little, probably because he always got his way when he did that but you were mostly looking at ryujin. she was happy and you could tell, but her eyes were worried for you. and who were you to ruin this time for her?
“oh, of course babe. i can handle this, no worries at all!” you forced the smile to meet your eyes, hoping she’d buy it. she didn’t. but she admired your bravery in the moment and didn’t press you further.
“i’ll let you know the details, you’ll have to fly back home so don’t worry about the dresses or anything. i’ll take care of that for you!” she chirped.
“ryu, no! if i’m the maid of honor then i should help with this stuff!” but ryujin was already waving her hand dismissively.
“just focus on getting here, it’s going to be expensive enough to get plane tickets, let alone the back and forth. so we’ll make it one trip for the wedding and i’ll facetime you for everything.”
“at least let me plan the bachelorette party,” you argued. and ryujin smiled brightly at that.
“i wouldn’t dream of taking that away from you.”
after a few more minutes of honest congratulations and eye rolls for donghyuck, you hung up the phone and you sat back on the couch while you stared at the picture that was the home screen. running your hand through your hair, you sighed heavily. the picture of mark leaning against the short wall of the ice rink as he was laughing hysterically was staring back at you, the moment captured during your one year anniversary date. you had fallen while ice skating and he spent the first two minutes laughing before he pulled himself together to help you up. you had been recording at the time and it was your favorite picture.
even though it had been two months since you had left, you still didn’t have the heart to change it. just like you didn’t have the heart to fall out of love with him. this wedding would be the second hardest thing you’d have to do.
the first will always be the night you left.
you took everything that you had originally thought back. this would absolutely be the second hardest thing you’d ever have to do.
when ryujin sent you the seating arrangement for the wedding and let it slip that you’d have to walk with mark down the aisle, you nearly cried.
you did cry, actually.
luckily you knew where the letters were on your keyboard so you were able to type out a ‘sounds good to me, babe :)’ without actually seeing since your watery eyes were making the keyboard all but disappear.
you angrily brushed them away, getting so frustrated with your emotions and scolding yourself because you would have to get this under control in three months time. you still didn’t understand the rush of the wedding but it wasn’t your wedding to plan therefore you had no say in the matter. shaking your head you went back to your laptop to search for plane tickets to korea when the late night show’s host saying mark’s name caught your attention and you quickly whipped your head up to watch the tv.
“tonight we have with us, the up and coming star whose debut movie will be releasing this friday, mark lee!” the audience clapped and the thought of reaching for the remote to turn off the tv did not cross your mind; the idea of getting to see him aside from the random magazine cover made your heart ache but in that moment you wanted to brave the ache if only to get to see a smile from him.
mark walked on the set and waved at everyone, a bright smile on his face that you had been waiting for. his blue blazer complementing his black hair, and you couldn’t help but think about how handsome he looked. you were far too entranced to tell yourself to turn it off now.
“so!” the host said, clapping his hands together as mark took his seat adjacent to him. “welcome to the show.”
mark nodded along, “thank you for having me.”
“the pleasure is all ours, isn’t that right?” the host said to the crowd and they began the applause all over again. you noticed mark’s ears turning a little pink and you knew he was getting a little overwhelmed with the love from strangers.
“your debut movie dive into you, your very first role as an actor nonetheless, was making waves,” the host paused with a raised eyebrow while the crowd - and mark - laughed at his pun; then continued, “of the sundance festival. how did it feel to win awards so soon after wrapping up production?”
mark smiled and nodded along in answer, “it feels like it’s not real honestly, but also like my hard work has finally paid off. i never really thought i’d be here. i never thought i’d get to see this part of my dream come to pass but here i am. i can’t help but feel nervous, but also excited, you know? the director, cast, and crew were all welcoming and amazing to work with. i’ll truly remember this moment forever, and be grateful for it.” the host nodded along with mark as he answered his question at length, and then as he spoke the hosts lips pursed and he began tapping his chin.
“you said something very interesting just then, mark,” the host commented and mark raised an eyebrow at him suddenly looking around trying to figure out what it was exactly that he had said, as if the audience could help him find it.
“what? did i accidentally cuss and not realize it?” mark gave a nervous laugh and you couldn’t help but smile at his awkwardness. you were happy to see that although he had achieved his dream, he was still the same mark.
“oh no! and besides. it’s late night tv, you’re allowed to cuss here and there,” the host laughed a little before leaning forward on his desk and mark leaned closer as if they were going to share a secret.
“what i was curious about, and i’m sure what everyone else at home is curious about as well, is what you meant exactly by ‘this part of my dream’? what’s the other half… or whatever fraction of your dream that hasn’t come true yet?”
and mark’s eyebrows rose, “ahhh, that…” he hesitated while he scratched the back of his neck.
“i just meant… um, i just meant that the other part being that i wish that my- my friends were able to be here and celebrate this milestone with me.” mark was lying through his teeth, you could tell because as he said the word friends, his nose scrunched a little and that was always how you knew he was either lying or withholding something. but these people wouldn’t know that about him, and the shows host accepted the answer immediately. his face gave a look of understanding and almost concern.
“oh yeah, you came from korea for this movie, didn’t you?” and mark nodded in answer.
“yeah, they’re all back home supporting me but it’s okay. my best friend is getting married in a couple of months so i’ll be able to celebrate then with them in person!” and the host grinned widely at mark and then the camera.
“well that makes me happy for you, mark, truly! oh, and it looks like that’s all the time we have for tonight. everyone go watch dive into you when it releases in theatres this friday!”
the credits began to roll and mark was shot smiling and clapping, leaning over to say something to the host that the camera mic didn’t catch as the show ended. seeing his smile and being happy like that made the heart ache worsen, and you rubbed at your chest trying to ease the metaphorical pain. you weren’t sure if you were ready to see him. you weren’t sure if you’d be able to keep it together for this whole thing.
but for ryujin, you’d try.
fuck this. you couldn’t do it.
you really really couldn’t do it.
after landing in korea you connected to the wifi of the airport only to receive one message from ryujin.
5:50 pm my baby 👭: mark will be picking u up from the airport, hyuck and i had last minute kinks to work out for the wedding but i’ll come and get u tonight for the bachelorette party! i’m so sorry 😞
she even had the nerve, the audacity to send the sad emoji but all you could do was feel your heart racing from anxiety. so you quickly typed back in a panic -
that’s ok! i can just take a taxi, no need for mark to come!
but she answered immediately as if she were waiting for your response, and her only message was, “he’s already there!”
and you were going to fucking kill her. you were absolutely going to murder her before she even got the chance to step one toe down the aisle. you didn’t even bother responding to the text, your anxiety and frustration making an uncomfortable mix in your chest and if you weren’t already thirty seconds from a panic attack, your phone buzzed again and with sweaty palms you checked it.
6:05 pm ml 🐯🥰: ryujin gave me your new number, sorry if this is weird. but i’m outside in the blue car, take your time though.
6:06 pm ml 🐯🥰: this is mark, btw
you internally screamed as you read the message over and over again, the contact name being another thing you also didn’t have the heart to change like your wallpaper, truly thinking you would never see it pop up again. you abruptly sat on the nearest bench as you waited for your checked luggage to arrive at the baggage carousel, the people who were standing around you edged further away from you. flashing you concerned looks at your apparent mental break down, but you could hardly even blink. you felt your heart rising in your throat and you tried to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth.
you tried slowly counting to five.
you tried breathing in for a few seconds and breathing out slower.
as you sat, you tried every calming technique you could think of.
it wasn’t until an elderly lady placed a gentle hand on your shoulder causing you to jump slightly and she gave you a kind look.
“everything is going to be okay,” she said as she gently rubbed your back and then just… walked away. the sudden appearance and disappearance of her making your panic halt in an instant in the distraction.
then the carousel whirred to life, and you had to rush over to haul your bag off of the moving belt before you had to wait for it to come around again. you really should have let it circle around a few times, but that idea came to you after you had already set the suitcase on the ground.
the kindness from the older woman, and the knowledge that you would be able to thoroughly murder your friend in a few short hours helped you to steel your nerves as you exited the airport and quickly found the blue car mark was driving.
it was easy to spot because he was literally leaning against it while he stared at his phone. you hesitated a moment, taking him in and god did he look good in those jeans and that sweater. the thoughts getting away from you before you could stop them but immediately scolded yourself.
steadying yourself with a quick breath, you rolled your suitcase up to the trunk and he jerked his head up at the sudden movement.
“oh, hi. i was waiting for a response from you- but, uh, um, here! let me get that.” he said quickly as he reached for your bag to help you heave it into the trunk but you put your hand up to stop him, taking a step back to create space.
“it’s okay,” you said, a little too curt with him. “i can do it myself.” and mark instantly deflated, your heart jumping at the need to fix that look.
no, you scolded yourself and internally forced your heart to still. he’s not yours anymore.
you made sure of that.
mark stepped back and let you lift up the heavy suitcase yourself, dropping it ever so gracefully in the trunk. you closed it and tried not to make eye contact as you moved around mark to get into the passenger seat. when you shut the door you couldn’t stop yourself from looking in the side mirror to see him frown and he shook his head at himself. you breathed a sigh of relief out. the ‘ripping off the bandaid’ part over and done with.
he got in to his side of the car smoothly, and you prepared yourself for an awkward silence the entire ride to the hotel.
“we’re staying at the same place, so that’s cool!” mark said casually, trying to create some form of conversation, of peace. you didn’t respond to what he said, instead opting for a different approach.
“you didn’t need to come and get me,” you said quietly as you stared at the passing cars on the road.
“i wanted to,” he said just as quietly, and you flinched internally at what sounded like sadness. he said your name, and then hesitated. after a few moments of silence, you saw his reflection in the window shake his head slightly as he decided against saying whatever it was.
“never mind.” was the last word uttered of the drive.
the tension weighed heavily on your already wounded heart.
fate had it out for you. she must really enjoy screwing you over. because what you kept thinking would be the hardest part… kept continuously turning out to absolutely not be the hardest part, as if she were taunting you.
exhibit d:
“what do you mean my reservation was canceled?” you asked the hotel concierge for the third time in a row, causing her to sigh in frustration at you, finally cracking her happy persona she had to wear for her job.
“ma’am, i really don’t know how else to explain it to you. it says here it was canceled, and your room was already booked by someone else.”
“well unbook it!” you insisted, all but yelling out at that point, completely fed up. “i didn’t cancel my reservation, so it must have been a system error. isn’t there anything you can do to fix this?”
“i’m sorry,” the woman said again. “we’re fully booked for a wedding that’s taking place in a few days.”
“i-“ you paused pinching the bridge of your nose tightly, taking a moment to deeply inhale. you were going to have to google better calming techniques. “i. know. because i am in that wedding!” you hissed between clenched teeth and when the woman reached for the phone in fear, to call what you presumed was the security, mark stepped in suddenly. he leaned against the tall counter, and his sudden closeness made you jerk your head up to make eye contact with him.
“i booked a suite with an extra bed, it may be a little… um, awkward but the bed is yours if you want it.” his ears were turning red, but his voice sounded genuine. as if he truly meant his offer and god you wanted to crawl into the nearest hole and never come out. knowing your options were limited to this or staying with your parents who lived two hours outside of the city, you really didn’t have any other choice.
fate was absolutely fucking with you just because she could, was the only thought on replay as you were getting ready in the bathroom for the bachelorette party that night. considering you had slept on the plane, you weren’t tired yet and you figured you’d be able to sleep off the jetlag with a nice hangover before the rehearsal dinner the next evening. putting the final touches on your makeup, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
you could do this.
you could do this.
you could do this.
you repeated those three sentences like a mantra to yourself over and over, trying to give yourself the confidence to leave the room and be in the same space as mark again, but it seemed like the universe had different plans as your inner musings were interrupted.
“you look… really pretty.” he said in the entrance of the bathroom, his body blocking the only exit from the room. you looked down to avoid the eye contact in the mirror he was giving you, and muttered a quiet, “thank you.”
he paused a moment more before saying your name, for the second time since you had seen him, and hearing his voice saying your name in that way as opposed to the first time… it almost made tears spring to your eyes.
“i just wanted-“ he started, but for the first time since you had been told of this wedding, something (because it definitely wasn’t fate) decided to take pity on you and give you a break because at that moment you got a text from ryujin.
9:45 pm murder victim (1) 🔪: here babe!!
and you instantly sighed in relief. cutting mark off from what you were sure he had spent the last hour building up the courage to say, you turned on your heel and said, “ryu’s here! gotta go.”
you brushed past him to exit the hotel room, not even noticing that you had forgotten the door key on your way out.
it was three am.
or maybe four.
you weren’t sure.
you spent the first twenty minutes of the night scolding the hell out of ryujin in the back of the uber and she just took it with a grin.
“and just what is so funny?” you huffed at her, crossing your arms and allowing your brows to stay furrowed.
“it’s almost like the universe is telling you to get back together.” she sang, and wiggled her eyebrows at you. you threw your hands up in exasperation, drawing eyes from the driver through the rearview mirror. giving a slight bow of apology to him you turned back to ryujin only to roll your eyes at her.
“no, the universe likes watching me hit a newly discovered rock bottom. we’re not getting back together and i’m sure he’ll be happy to have me gone once your wedding is over.” ryujin only shrugged and you didn’t hear it when she muttered, “i wouldn’t be so sure.”
when the uber dropped you off in front of the first club of the night, your sour mood dispersed in a second as you headed inside.
you and ryujin, along with her other bridesmaids in her party, heejin, yeji, and jimin had bounced from club to club and you had thoroughly drank your cares away. you were no longer thinking about how fate was a bitch. you were no longer thinking about the doom and gloom you were feeling.
you were no longer thinking about mark.
except that last one was a lie because he was the only thought that occupied your brain through the night, so much so that ryujin had to cover your mouth with her hand to stop your rambling about him.
but as the dawn crept closer and closer, all of you were calling it quits. yeji had lost a shoe somewhere along the way and jimin had left thirty minutes before, taking a whiny yeji with her; heejin was finally getting into her uber after ten minutes of drunkenly explaining that no, she wasn’t in the building the street over, and yes the gps was actually wrong. it just left you and ryujin as you waited for donghyuck to come pick you up, knowing he was on standby for the designated driver role of the morning. ryujin held your hand and affectionately laid her head on your shoulder. you copied the action and turned so you could hug each other and sway back and forth, the scene cute if not for the fact that anyone watching could tell that you were both heavily intoxicated if the giggles coming from you both after each dramatic sway were any indicator.
“you know everything is gonna be okay,” she slurred a little too loudly in your ear and the phrase made you think of something but you couldn’t quite remember what it was.
“i know,” you giggled at her, grinning brightly and you both squeezed each other tighter. you couldn’t remember in that moment what needed to be okay.
“hey, that’s my future wife! if you wanted her you should have proposed first!” you both turned to see donghyuck smiling widely, as he leaned across the center console to be able to tease you both out of the passenger window. you answered by sticking your tongue out childishly at him and ryujin answered by kissing your cheek with a loud, exaggerated smack, leaving a red stain on your cheek from what was left of her lipstick.
“i could have had her years before you even knew her, and i’ll have her years after you. remember that!” you said while pointing your fingers at your eyes and turning them on him. he rolled his eyes and sarcastically mimicked your response before motioning for you both to get in the car.
the drive back to the hotel was quiet and for the first time that night you checked your phone.
11:03 pm ml 🐯🥰: hey, i just noticed you left your keycard to get back in the hotel
12:00 am ml 🐯🥰: i’ll sleep with my phone off of silent, just call when you get back and i’ll let you in
2:15 am ml 🐯🥰: please be safe, let me know if i need to come get you
your heart fluttered at his messages and you drunkenly smiled at how he still cared. you covered your mouth to hide your smile but the sober one in the car didn’t miss the way your eyes lit up in a way that neither he nor ryujin had seen on you in five months. he could only smirk to himself as he drove, promising to himself to tell ryujin about what he saw the next morning.
you stumbled your way down the hallway, stopping and taking off one shoe as it was rubbing your foot painfully. then after a few steps you realized how silly it was to walk with one heel on and you clumsily leaned against the wall to pull off the other shoe. arriving to the door, you giggled at the idea of getting to call and talk to mark.
mark was here, with you.
you were here, with mark.
something you’d never thought would happen again and it made your heart soar. giggling again at that thought you pulled out your phone. hitting the call button, he picked up after the third ring and you sighed as you leaned against the door frame, allowing it to hold you up.
“hello?” his voice was raspy from sleep and it made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“hi,” you giggled once more, and you internally smacked yourself this time.
play it cool or don’t talk yourself into sounding like an idiot, you told yourself.
“hi,” he parroted back to you. “are you okay? do i need to come get you?”
“yeah, can you please?” and you heard rustling through the phone.
“okay, i’m on my way. where are you?” he didn’t hesitate. he didn’t even sigh. he didn’t seem annoyed by having to help you. he seemed… almost happy in the way he said his words. as if you could audibly hear the smile. but maybe that was the alcohol letting you hear what you wanted to hear. you heard him walking around in the hotel room through the phone, and saw a light flick on from the little sliver of a gap under the door.
“on the other side of the door,” you smiled, laughing a little harder at your own joke and the door jerked open to reveal mark in all his sleepy glory. shirt wrinkled and hair sticking out at in odd directions. his relief, however, made way to his smile and he couldn’t help but stare down at you for a moment… but you, you were definitely still drunk. and who needs inhibitions to tell you not to do something anyways? not you, that’s for sure.
“my pretty maaaark!” you sang, as you threw yourself against him, or well, fell against him would be a better term for what happened.
he froze at the sudden affection from you, arms raised at awkward angles above your body before allowing his arms to lower and hug you back gently.
“i’m so sleepy, mark.” you slurred against his chest and you nuzzled your cheek against it, thinking about how soft this shirt was. he huffed a small laugh and pulled you further into the room so he could close the door.
“okay, let’s get you to bed then. c’mon.” and he helped you walk (in reality he half carried you) towards the shared bedroom.
“mark,” you called his name again softly. he glanced down at you and he noticed you were already looking up at him, arms still wrapped around his waist.
“mm?” he answered as he navigated you finally over to the bed.
“i’m so happy,” you said to him and somehow, fate again you assumed - that bitch - you simultaneously tripped over your own drunk feet and tumbled back onto the bed. your arms that were still wrapped around his waist gave him no choice but to fall with you, or well, on top of you. he caught himself instead of crushing you, an arm on each side of your head, caging you in.
he looked down at you and your body acting off it’s own accord by gripping his shirt tightly at his waist. you couldn’t help but stare at his face for a few long seconds, eyes going from his eyes, up to his hair, down to his lips, back to his eyes, and then back to his lips one last time.
“and why is that?” he asked, bringing you back to the moment before you tripped. and although your eyes had drifted back up to his eyes, he noticed that yours started to slowly flutter closed, as if you were fighting sleep but the alcohol was winning. your bright smile you gave him while you were thinking of the answer made his heart beat fast, but the words you said next made it stop entirely.
“because i get to be here with you, even if it’s just for a moment. i missed you so much, my mark, all marked in my heart.” you laughed softly again at your own joke, referencing back to a pickup line he had given you that made you say yes to his first request of a date. he couldn’t help the melancholy feeling that overcame him as he looked down at your sleeping form, the alcohol finally taking you from awake to asleep within seconds.
“i’m happy too,” he whispered though you didn’t hear it.
if only you knew how happy he actually was.
the next day, you surprisingly slept well considering it was 3 o’clock in the afternoon and you were still in your clothes from last night. the curtains were drawn tightly as to not let any light in, and you groaned at the headache that pulsed behind your eyelids. you knew the room was empty based on the the silence and you were grateful for it as you felt embarrassed by your actions the night before. why the hell would you say that to mark? if you wanted him to hate you, well, you were doing a damn good job of solidifying that. you searched for your phone amongst the blankets and pillows to check your messages.
11:15 am murder victim (2) 🔫: mark said earlier that you forgot your key, hope you ‘got in’ okay ;)
11:30 am murder victim (1) 🔪: hi babe, how’s the hangover? the rehearsal is at 5. text me when u get up, ily 😘
11:47 am ml 🐯🥰: i put tylenol by the bed with some water, i would have ordered you food but didn’t know what time you’d be getting up. see you later
your heart gave way at the kind gesture as you flipped on a light switch and squinted at the brightness, quickly finding the medicine and downing it in one go to quickly turn off the light again.
maybe he wasn’t hating you like you thought.
you gave yourself thirty minutes to try and let the headache lose the battle with the medicine you took and finally rolled out of bed to take a shower, doing everything you could think of to keep mark and his never ending kindness off of your mind. you got ready in record time, and somehow made it to the rehearsal on time with five minutes to spare.
you ran through the wedding fairly quickly, and you most certainly did not blush as mark took your arms in his to walk you down the aisle for the practice run. besides that, you didn’t get a chance to look at mark until it came to dinner with the wedding party for the night.
fate, and you couldn’t say you were mad at her this time, had allowed mark to sit next to you during dinner.
“so mark,” yeji had said as she stuffed a piece of broccoli into her mouth. “what’s it like being famous now?”
he groaned in answer. his hand moved ever so slightly to the right and his pinky was suddenly touching yours. your eyes widened but you didn’t move your hand away, allowing his hand to rest next to yours. it felt like something from middle school when you would get excited over your crush, your eyes laser-focused on where you were connected.
“i mean, of course i’m happy to have found success in it.”
that word alone sent you back to The Moment five months ago.
success was all that you wanted for mark, you were happy to watch him as he acted on set. with the way his schedule had been lining up, you hardly saw him. so when you suggested that maybe you could spend the day with him on set while he worked, he didn’t say no to you. it made you happy that he made you feel like he was fitting time in with you even if he was insanely busy.
you missed spending time with him, and you really… just… missed him. his absence making your worries and self doubts grow more eminent but you were both usually good at communicating so it wasn’t a constant worry, but the worry was there all the same.
mark had just left you to begin another scene, leaving you sitting in his chair that was off to the side and you couldn’t stop your eyes from following him around the room, watching his interactions with his cast mates.
a body landing into the chair next to yours caused you to jump and you turned to see his manager sitting next to you, leaning to the side to be just on the verge of invading your space. she was a stone faced woman, perfectly presented down to the red polish of her nails.
you had only met her a few times but she seemed… nice enough. you couldn’t deny that she worked hard to get mark solid chances and auditions so you appreciated her as mark did.
the situation at hand made you uncomfortable for some reason though, your gut telling you to move away from her.
you didn’t listen.
“so,” his manager began slowly, not making eye contact with you, instead her eyes were following mark as yours had been doing moments before.
“so…?” you prompted when she didn’t begin speaking right away.
“we need to talk… and i’m taking the initiative because mark’s too kind and won’t do it.” this caught you off guard entirely. mark was keeping something from you? you were both good terrible secret keepers with each other and this seemed so unlike him.
but, you thought, his manager was with him when you weren’t so maybe…
“oh…” you said, and finally his manager made eye contact with you. the cold stare she was giving you sent shivers down your spine.
“look, sweetie. this… this relationship you have with mark. it isn’t working.” and she patted you on the shoulder as if this were good news. “it isn’t going to work for his image or his future. you know you’re holding him back from the future he could have. the future he deserves. why do you want to burden him any further than you already have?” she asked, voice dripping with a sense of sweetness that screamed condescension.
you stilled at that instantly. the thought that you may have been the problem the entire time you were together… that you were the reason as to why he couldn’t get auditions… you would be lying if you said it hadn’t crossed your mind.
“but mark never said…” you argued weakly, playing with your fingers all while trying not to make eye contact with the woman sitting next to you.
“of course he wouldn’t, dear. he knows you’re too… fragile.” she sneered at the last word, her disdain for you being glaringly obvious as the conversation carried on. your anxiety made you fragile? mark had talked about you to her?
when you didn’t respond right away, mind racing, mark’s manager stood up.
“if you want to be selfish, and ruin his chances at success then that’s fine. just know any future failures would be on you. if you truly loved him, you’d do this for him. you’d leave.” her voice changed sharply within that sentence, the word selfish becoming a thicker blanket on top of burden in your mind and it was like you couldn’t breathe.
the anxiety stemming from the words she had just said - the fears you had been harboring for months, the thoughts that you had been smothering like a fire in the back of your mind suddenly roared to life, and the sudden heat was too hot for you to handle in the moment.
the idea of mark possibly resenting you in the future for things you knew were out of your control, it shook you… and it was minutes of spiraling into yourself before you realized that his manger had been long gone and the director had called cut.
mark stopped by where you sat for a brief moment to tell you that he had to go to the the hair and makeup trailer and he would be back soon. the fact that he didn’t tell you that he loved you with a quick kiss like he usually would being the final nail in the coffin for you in believing every word.
you got up and left the set that day, going to your shared home with mark and realized there wasn’t much that you wanted to take anyway. your heart was shattered and everything you’d take would only remind you of him.
you had packed a suitcase, and sat for a long time contemplating if you wanted to leave a letter but then ultimately decided that if he was already feeling burdened by you, you’d be doing him a favor by not making it hard on him. or well, any harder.
allowing that memory to play all the way through for the first time since seeing him made you feel as if reality had punched you in the stomach, and it sobered you up quickly. the heavy weight of your anxiety was back and it settled on your chest. the bubble of happiness you felt at the slightest touch, at the first sight of him after being apart from him for so long… all gone in an instant.
remember you’re the burden, you did this for him, you chided yourself sadly in your head. you were the reason why you both were estranged.
you gently moved your hand away to rest it in your lap. mark cut his eyes to you suddenly but you missed the glance and you missed the way he was still looking at you as he said, “but i’m just happy to be here with you… with all of you again.”
he tore his eyes away from your face to look at yeji and she smiled knowingly, eyes darting from mark to you. the room felt small to you then, almost suffocating. the sudden appearance of someone to the table brought you to the present.
“dessert will be coming out soon,” the waitress said to ryujin.
your appetite was gone entirely, and you had to get out of there. you leaned over and whispered in ryujin’s ear that you loved her but you were heading up to the room. you felt the tears were coming, because reality was the bitch this time instead of fate.
the kindness mark was showing you during all of this was making your heart ache and it was bringing up the pain that you desperately fought off for five months. excusing yourself from the table, you told everyone goodnight and made a beeline for the elevator that would take you up to the room.
stepping inside and punching the floor number, you hit the close door button frantically and bit your lip to try and keep the tears from coming as long as possible. the doors were almost closed when a hand suddenly blocked it and it opened again, revealing mark and he stepped inside, awkwardly coughing at the dramatics of it all.
you stepped to the side of the elevator and didn’t look up from your fingernails that you played with to avoid eye contact at all costs. the awkward tension filled the elevator thickly and you could feel mark’s stare boring holes into the side of your head. when the elevator finally dinged with the arrival of your floor, you’d never felt more grateful for the annoying sound.
all but running from the elevator, you headed to the room only to realize that, fuck, yes you were actually staying in mark’s room and no, he wasn’t riding the elevator for fun. his steps sounded behind yours and you pointedly didn’t say a word to him as you both entered the room. his presence didn’t deter your tears that had been threatening to spill, in fact it only made them more prevalent and it was taking all that you could do to not let them fall. the click of the door being shut made you flinch a little in anticipation of what came next, and mark cleared his throat.
“so, um…” he began, hesitating while trying to find the right words on how to approach this before continuing. “i think - i think we should talk. you said something’s last night and it… it really has me confused and i just need, no, i deserve an explanation.” when he finished his sentence his words sounded pained.
you did guess that you owed him an explanation.
but you didn’t want to give it to him.
the same way you felt you deserved one as well, but you didn’t want the confirmation.
“i’m sorry, mark.” you said, voice barely above a whisper. and it was the only thing you had to say in that moment, anything over three words and your voice would have cracked. you kept your back to him as you walked over to the bathroom and shut the door, not wanting to see his face during this.
you really were a coward, you thought.
you heard mark approach the other side of the door and stop.
“you’re- you’re sorry?” he asked, and then with a hint of sarcasm, he finally decided to bring up the biggest and obvious elephant in the room. “you’re sorry for what? leaving or are you sorry for what you said last night? are you going to tell me you didn’t mean it now?” and you could only shake your head even though he couldn’t see.
“all of it.” you choked out.
“all- ha, all of it?” his laugh was dry. your silence was answer enough.
“you left me. you left me without an explanation. without a single note and then you changed your number! i thought you had just left the set but i came home to find you gone. what could i have possibly done that would have deserved that? what did i do?”
“it’s…” you started from the other side of the door, tears falling at the desperation in his voice. but mark was on a roll, months of pent up frustration and sadness finally boiling over.
“you were there with me and then you weren’t and you hurt me, y/n. you absolutely broke my heart, you know that? i almost quit the movie entirely.”
“if you had, then it would have been for nothing.” you cried from the other side of the door.
“what are you even talking about?”
you flung open the door suddenly, mark taking in your tear stained face, your eyes red and bloodshot.
“i left you for you, mark.”
“i don’t-.”
“you said i broke your heart, but i broke my own first. i left you for you!”
“i never asked you to do that!”
“you didn’t have to! she did it for you. i left so i wouldn’t hold you back anymore. i was holding you back, i was burdening you, i was keeping you from the successful career you worked so hard to achieve.” you placed your hand on your chest and took a deep breath, “i admit that i was a coward in not waiting, but i couldn’t handle hearing the confirmation of it all from you. so i did it for you, i left so i wouldn’t be selfish.” you spat out the last word like it was poison, the word that had been torturing you these past five months, all while pointing your finger at mark as if to drive home your point.
“she-? you… selfish? what the hell are you even talking about?” he asked, eyebrows fully drawn together in confusion. you scoffed.
“don’t act as if you hadn’t talked to her about me. about how you couldn’t tell me any of this because i was fragile.” your mouth twisted with that sentence, and your emotions didn’t know whether to be angry or sad. so you continued to cry because, yeah, that would cover all the bases.
marks mouth clicked shut as things started to come together in his mind. pieces falling into place and then he was suddenly livid.
mark was silent for a moment, his lips pursed and his eyes thunderous - you could only assume that fury was directed at you considering his eyes never left yours, and you swallowed nervously.
“y/n…” mark started slowly, his voice dropping dangerously low in his anger, “who exactly do you mean when you say the word ‘she’?”
you hesitated a little, never knowing mark to get this angry.
“your… manager.” you murmured and mark’s jaw clenched, and you felt your anger dissipate entirely as his took over. as the seconds ticked on, you watched as mark reached into his back pocket and withdrew his phone, he only broke eye contact for a second to click the name he was searching for and he brought his eyes back to yours. your eyebrows drew together in confusion.
who would he be calling during the middle of the argument - and finally you heard it when the other person answered the phone and you could recognize that sickly sweet voice anywhere. your jaw dropped and you made to stomp away when mark used his other hand to gently hold onto your arm, pulling you a bit closer than you were before to stand in front of him.
“mark, honey, i’ve been waiting for you to call! how’s korea? you just have to tell me all about it.” she asked loudly through the phone and you frowned at the way she spoke to mark.
“korea’s fine,” he chirped politely as if his eyes weren’t telling you otherwise. “my family is well, the wedding is going as planned, and linda, you’ll never guess who i ran into!”
“oh do tell, you know i love the gossip.” she laughed through the phone and you saw mark’s eyes darken.
“y/n.” the anger in which he said your name, but it not being directed at you, was both a relief and worried you at the same time.
the deafening silence from her end was answer enough for mark.
“and she told me the funniest story,” snark dripping from every word, “hilarious actually. but i think i’d rather hear it from the horses mouth, you know?”
“look, mark, sweetie, i’m sure she misunderstood or she must have been confused by our conversation that day, i only meant to tell her-“
“what?” mark interjected. “tell her that she was burdening me? holding me back? that i called her fragile? i think that’s exactly what you meant.”
she hesitated before answering, but her answering tone was the same as she used with you that day.
sweet condescension.
“well, yes. she was bad for you,” she said shortly.
“oh no, i disagree entirely. i think the one bad for me, was in fact, you.” and she sputtered on the other end of the phone and you couldn’t help the small upturn of your lips to hear her at a loss for words, the smile not going unnoticed by mark if the softening of his eyes were any indicator.
you realized in that moment how you let your anxiety and self doubts ruin something that was perfectly fine to begin with.
linda scoffed, the haughty sound coming in loud through the phone’s speaker.
“oh, please. you’ll thank me someday when you’re big and famous, dating some supermodel. someone at your level of fame.”
mark was silent, his eyes taking in your face and he knew how hard hearing things like this must have been for you. he knew of your insecurities, and he thought he did his best to reassure you but he realized the one time it mattered most, he let it slip through the cracks.
he realized his lack of presence in that moment ruined what you both had.
linda took his extended pause as agreement with what she was saying.
“see? you know that i’m right. anyway, mark, honey, let’s-!” mark cut her off mid-sentence.
“no, what i know… is that you’re fired.” he said calmly, and your eyebrows raised and your eyes widened and you opened your mouth to argue - yes, you hated the woman but she had helped him with his career. mark lifted the hand that had been gently holding your arm to place a finger on your lips, effectively shutting you up with a smile on his face.
linda screeched through the phone, an abrasive noise that sounded awfully like a dying cat.
“you can’t fire me, you ungrateful d-.” and mark hung up the phone, tossing it onto the counter of the kitchenette behind him.
you swallowed thickly now at the sudden silence that fell over the room. mark moved his hand from your lips to wipe the tears that had ran down your face earlier and you avoided eye contact with him then at the gentleness of his hands.
“mark, i…”
“you said you loved me, so you left. did you stay away because you loved me too? change your number for the same reason?”
you nodded, “i thought i would be making it easier for you…”
“do you still love me now?” your eyes snapped back up to his. you decided to be truthful.
“i can’t do anything but love you.” mark’s smile at your answer ignited butterflies in your stomach.
“and i…” he said stepping closer into your space, reaching down to hold your hand in his as he brought it to his chest, his heartbeat a steady rhythm that you could feel. “i have no choice but to love you.”
you felt tears well up again in your eyes at his admission, and you bit your lip to try to keep them from spilling over.
“you still… are you still in love with me?” your voice quivered, and you cleared your throat trying to tame the burning sensation that came with holding back your tears.
“without a doubt.”
“well, if you really do love me… if you love me like i love you then…” you looked between his eyes to his lips, and as you blinked the tears you had been holding back fell. and mark tilted his head, his playful smile making you smile with him through the tears.
“then kiss me.”
mark didn’t waste any more time, one hand tangling itself in your hair and the other cupping your jaw tenderly and you melted into the kiss, wrapping your arm around his neck and pulling his body flush against yours. five months of anger and sadness and longing pouring out in the movement of your lips. you were crying still but the tears were more out of happiness this time and mark continued to kiss you through it. he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, lips centimeters from yours, his breath hitting your lips and you closed your eyes, both of you breathing heavily. his voice was soft when he spoke.
“five months spent wasted because i didn’t reassure you enough, i’m… i’m so sorry, y/n.”
“and five months gone because i was too afraid to talk to you… i’m sorry, too.” and you opened your eyes to see he had tears in his eyes this time and you let out a small laugh.
“did you miss me that much?” you joked softly, eyes shining with the happiness that you had pushed down finally seeping through.
“shut up,” he groaned and swept in to kiss you again.
that night, neither of you slept alone in your separate beds.
the next day found you and mark, surprisingly (to everyone else) friendly, almost flirty, with each other and it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else in the wedding party. ryujin walked down the aisle to an overjoyed donghyuck and the proceedings went on without a hitch.
the reception was loud, and a bit wild as after the first dance, no other slow song was played. ryujin and donghyuck made it feel like you were clubbing, and if you danced with mark a tiny bit provocatively, no one seemed to notice or care.
during one of your breaks from dancing while you stood near one of the tables, you felt a hand tap on your shoulder and you turned to face them. once you saw their face, your jaw dropped.
“it’s you!” you couldn’t help the gratitude that laced your voice.
the old lady from the airport stood there, the wrinkles from years of smiling showing proudly on her face.
“see, i told you everything would be okay, didn’t i?”
you nodded, smiling and you couldn’t help yourself when you leaned in and gave the woman a hug.
“grandma? you know y/n?” it was mark’s confused voice that came from over your shoulder, coming behind you to rest his hand on the small of your back.
“oh, not really…” she gave you a secret smile, and continued, “but mark, dear. do tell ryujin and donghyuck it was a beautiful wedding for me, i’m sorry but i’m too old to stay up with the younger crowd nowadays.” she patted mark on the arm and said goodnight to you both, leaving you with a wink. mark looked back and forth between you and her and you only shrugged in answer, and you pulled him back out to the dance floor with a smile.
eventually, the night had to come to an end though, but not before the traditional throwing of the bouquet. you were pulled onto the floor with the other bridesmaids and the second ryujin tossed the flowers over her head, the other girls dispersed leaving you to be the only one standing to catch it. you were confused at first but when ryujin gave you a knowing smile, you couldn’t help but laugh at their group effort. and so you turned around to find mark smiling at you and clapping at the edge of the crowd, and you smiled brightly at him as if he hung the stars himself, newfound confidence in every step as you walked up to him.
you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him fully in front of the guests who remained, mostly the small group of friends who all knew each other well. mark wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you slightly off the ground, while your friends cheered dramatically behind you.
breaking the kiss you smiled at mark before he set you down, and both you and mark turned and caught sight of ryujin and donghyuck sharing a highly triumphant high five.
it all clicked then, every step had been planned by your cunning best friend… and you couldn’t even be mad anymore.
how could you be, when it all turned out to be okay?
you sat at the table of celebrities like you belonged there, no longer feeling as if you were the misfit amongst them.
a year and a half had passed since ryujin and donghyuck’s wedding and with it came changes.
all of them, you could say, were good.
you battled your anxiety and won… well mostly won, you still had your moments but the second you called mark for reassurance, he was there in an instant with gentle words of affirmation, which you discovered was your love language.
you and mark got married six months after donghyuck and ryujin did, and mark’s reasoning was sound in his opinion.
“i spent five months apart from you, and i think i’ll die if i have to do it again. so i’m locking you down, babe.”
you couldn’t argue with him on that.
and now this moment, the moment where upon hearing mark’s name being called you stood up and cheered, clapping a little louder than the famous people next to you. mark kissed you quickly before running up on stage to receive his award.
it wasn’t an oscar… yet.
but the golden globe would do.
his speech went as he rehearsed with you in your bedroom in the off chance he won. being nominated was enough for him, he had said but you encouraged him to have a speech prepared, just in case.
you had no doubts he would win tonight.
you were right.
his speech was coming to an end, something you could quote with him word for word, until you heard him derail from what he practiced beforehand.
“and i just wanna say the biggest thanks of all to my wife. who, without her, only half of my dream would have been achieved,” he gestured the award to you and the smile he wore was lighting up his entire face. “without you, this wouldn’t matter at all to me. so this one’s all for you, babe. thank you.”
you stood and clapped again, accepting mark back to his seat with an excited hug.
fate - well, ryujin - may have had it out for you, but it was okay in the end.
and you could honestly live with that.
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st4rwon · 10 months
dates w skz
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maknae line x reader (separate)
hyung line ver.
warnings: none that i’m aware of!
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jisung 지성
han takes you on arcade dates at least once a month
he is definitely a bit competitive
but likes to let you win just so he can see your pretty smile
both of you have every two player game they have
tried to win you things from the claw machine to impress you
but half the time it doesn’t work
loves to buy you stupid things with the tickets you earn
he’ll buy you stuffed animals, yo-yos, tiny trinkets, you name it
you have a small area on your desk where you keep all the stuff he’s gotten you
“we should definitely name him sam” you said, smiling at the bear jisung had gotten you “what the fuck, no” you shot his a look of disappointment “what’s wrong with sam?” “it’s hyunjin hyung’s english name, there’s no way you’re naming him that” “aww you jealous ji?” you said poking him as his cheeks heated up “whatever, let’s just think of a better name for our child” you giggled at his words “alright you baby”
other members under the cut!
felix 페릭스
picnic dates!! or cafe dates
always comes to pick you up with a bouquet of flowers (each time they are different and they always have a meaning to them) and some chocolates
such a sweetheart
constant compliments
“you look so pretty baby” “ooh that necklace is so pretty! isn’t it the one i got you?”
makes sure you’re enjoying the date and always caters to your needs
“oh you’re not feeling well? well let’s just stay inside then, i’m sure we can still find something fun to do”
makes you smile so much that your mouth hurts
“felix how did you find this place??” you said looking at the beautiful flower field around you. “i have my ways” he giggled “i’ll take it as you like it?” felix questioned “like it? i love it! i get to spend the day with my favorite boy and be in such an amazing place place!”
seungmin 승민
night time dates
seungmin really enjoys the atmosphere at night
it’s quiet, you can hear the insects, and the wind blows just enough to keep you from getting hot
he likes taking you on walks, sometimes around the neighborhood, or around the park
he likes the fact that he is able to see your face illuminated by the streetlights
though whenever he finds you to be a bit too cute he moves away so that his blush is hidden
little does he know that you’ve caught on to this and mentally give yourself a pat in the back for getting the kim seungmin embarrassed
you and seungmin walked hand in hand, walking towards the park that you typically went to. it was by the convenience store so the two of you would typically grab some snacks and go sit in the field. “minnie” you spoke, grabbing your boyfriend’s attention. he turned his head towards you in response, “you look so pretty today” you said grabbing his arm, pulling it next to you. seungmin lifted the mask further up his face, “no darkness for you to hide your blush today” you snickered. “you knew?” he questioned, “of course! i always pay attention to you” you said proudly, but before you could speak again you felt yourself falling forward, you held tightly onto seungmin’s arm. he swiftly pulled you up with both arms, now it was his time to laugh. “maybe most more attention to yourself pretty”
jeongin 정인
100% shopping dates
all the time!
tbh you guys actually don’t buy many things
it’s just fun to be around each other and try of different clothes to see what styles look good
you’ve definitely bribed him to buy matching clothes a couple times
but how could you not? they were so perfect for the two of you!
whenever you go to the mall, you’ll both run around different stores until you get tired and end up in the food court
jeongin is so happy to have someone that loves his passion for fashion just as much as he does
he’ll also keep in mind what your eyes are on, so that he is able to buy them as future gifts
“innie you need to try this on!” you said dragging him towards a rack, “ooh i love the color” he said, picking it up by the hanger. you both walked over to the dressing room and tried on your respected clothing. “looks nice…” jeongin said, as you twirled around showing him your outfit, “but i feel like the color clashes with you, it doesn’t fit your personality. the outfit you put on earlier complimented your skin tone perfectly! it really brought out all my favorite features on you” “really??” you asked surprised, “i thought it pointed out some of my flaws…” you mumbled. “baby you’re flawless in my eyes, and trust me with this. this color suits you really well! lets find some more” jeongin smiled. “let me go change back,” you said turning to the dressing room, “wait you haven’t tried on your clothes yet” you frowned. “it’s okay, i can always shop later. i wanna get something special for you first”
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please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒙 𝑽-𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 Business Trip +18. 𝐊𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Dear, Anonymous your 𝑷𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 bonbon is filled with 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 & 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆 , please enjoy the taste of 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓
request: Anonymous asked: hi Sashi!! /i’m so sorry, didn’t read the rules first time/ can i please get the matcha one with byakuya? 😳 pronouns she/her, and the bonbon… i guess, purity? but my translator didn’t work correctly on bonbon names so please if it doesn’t suit, choose by your choice!!!! Thanks! tw: ok, so. I literally dreamed of THIS scenario so bear with me with the long ass fic. so, sex with a stranger, duh. oral. vag. unprotected. Also, featuring Ukitake and Orihime with Kazui when they get to Karakura town. I call Byaku as "Angel Man" just because his hakkuteken reminds me of one 😂 | wc: 4.2k | masterlist |
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Mascara and eyeliner. Nothing else. You are sure spending so much time on such a long flight will smudge your makeup anyway.
A carry on, it should be enough. This is a business trip; not a romantic getaway for valentine’s day…
You wonder who organizes a convention for the beauty industry companies on the next day of Valentine’s day, but in any case it’s better than spending the whole day inside with no plans on such a “romantic day”.
“We will be attending with our best associated partners; Kuchiki Cosmetics” your boss said, and you wondered who would be the one representing the company. Perhaps a beautiful woman, way more sophisticated than you and rich too.
“So, who should I search for?” you asked.
“Lord Kuchiki Byakuya himself, (Name). It’s important for you to make a good impression. We need their investments to prosper!” your boss chimed, pushing you out the office so that you go get ready for the trip.
You walked back home with no emotions whatsoever. That Lord Byakuya might be probably an old man of a hundred and fifty five years, rich as hell. He might be probably flying in his private jet while you get to have your legs cramped in between a few inches wide seat for 10 hours. You didn’t even take the time to google his name, you weren’t interested, really.
“(Name); (Surname). Yes, I have your seat right here. Unfortunately, I don’t have any space left on window’s side, but I can give you a seat on the emergency exit. You will be able to stretch your legs properly there. Sounds good?” the girl behind the counter, of the cheapest company your office could book you a ticket of, says smiling.
You nod. “As long as I don’t have to seat next to a crying children or a woman called Karen I’ll be ok” you sigh, making the girl to laugh.
Quickly going through security, you notice next to you the most handsome man your eyes ever seen in your life. Of course, he is dressed in an expensive suit, and goes through the VIP line, those you pay more to bypass most of the people at the TSA. His long hair catches your attention, his slanted yet big eyes with the deepest blue irises that reminds you of the sea during a summer night, too. His sharp mandible, but still kinda chubby cheeks…
“Miss? You can go by…” the security guard says after having you checked for every type of existing weapon.
“Oh- yes, thank you” you mumble, closing your black blazer and picking up your stuff from the x-ray machine.
“Have a good Valentine’s!” the guard says back, making you sigh louder.
“Yeah, with who…?”
You turn back to where that beautiful stranger was, but, he is gone. Of course, he is. He was some kind of hallucination you think, some kind of angel you got the chance to see. There ain’t no way a man that perfect would ever exist. He will be remembered as “the angel man” in your mind.
Soon, you are sitting on the plane. The window side seems empty, and you get comfortable. If the person next to you hasn’t arrived yet probably it will never come.
But, you are never that lucky… or maybe you are, after all…
“Excuse me, miss?” a deep voice, soothing and tinted in class calls you.
“Ye- yes?” you answer, stuttering when you discover the “angel” man standing right before your eyes.
“I believe that’s my spot” he murmurs, with a long coat hanging from his forearm and him bending practically over you.
You blink twice. He is right. Your spot wasn’t on the window side; you can only word a dry “excuse me” and slide to your real seat as fast as possible.
He doesn’t say anything, he only gets his expensive briefcase with some gold letters engraved on the top of it, inside the overhead locker. And then, proceeds to sit right next to you.
The mysterious man, that should belong to first class is sitting right there with all of you in such a low-cost company…
He gets served, however, a glass of champagne. You take a look at the flight attendant… when did they ever served that in economy? But in any case it was just him, nobody else.
You are tempted to ask, but you remain silent. Your wattle bottle would suffice… however, why is this man so damn cold. He is formal and well educated, but the way he speaks to the personnel makes him look like he is above all of you.
In any case, and after your dinner looked like shit compared to his, you close your eyes and drift into a bumpy few hours of rest.
The turbulence seems to lull you to sleep, until a delicious musky scent invades your nose. Thalamus connected, you woke up opening your eyes suddenly.
You notice soft black strands of hair grazing your nose, and your head particularly comfortable as it lays on top of some kind of velveteen fabric.
Soon, you understand you aren’t sleeping in the clouds but over angel man’s shoulder. And him, has no problem with it as he is also sleeping.
Should you wake him up? Should you move back to your correct position without saying anything? Should you… enjoy the indecent pleasure of using him as a pillow even though he is a complete -hot- stranger?
But, none of those were an option. As the turbulence becomes violent, you begin to jump on your seat. You are lucky you are wearing your seat belt, and you lowkey panic. There are sounds you have never, ever, listened before while flying and some people around start getting scared.
Angel man, however, doesn’t. “Miss, calm down. I’m a pilot myself. It’s gonna be fine. I’m sure this is just bad weather conditions. We might be unable to reach our final destination tonight” he says, holding your hand, looking at you with a sleepy look on his eyes that could calm you even if the plane were about to crash.
“Thank you, Sir…” you mumble, trying to learn his name but the captain announcement stops you from keep talking.
“Dear passengers, It’s the captain speaking. We are experiencing severe weather conditions; we can’t come back nor continue to the final destination. So, we will have to make an emergency stop halfway in order to assure the safety of the whole flight. Please keep your seatbelts on, we will be landing on Karakura town briefly”
You look at him, and then sigh. But he never lets go of your hand… how comes he has softer palms than you?
“I’m gonna be fired… if I don’t get to the convention in time… and- then investor…” you mumble, with eyes closed and a surrendered tone.
The stranger, that’s giving you total comfort now, shows a soft side smirk. “Don’t worry, Miss. I’m sure you will make it in time”
You sigh again and smile back at him. After all, he is right… there is nothing you could do now, so why should you worry now?
It’s not after 20 minutes, a shaky landing, and some people vomiting on the back, that you get your feet on the tiniest airport you’ve ever seen. Karakura town? You never heard from it, but, it doesn’t seem like an ugly place to stay for some hours until the plane takes off again.
But, my dear, as always, you were absolutely wrong. You will have to spend the night, and yes, wait until next morning to be able to take the next plane to your final destination…
“You will get a voucher for a taxi ride to our hotel, so you will be able to stay the night for free there until tomorrow. We excuse ourselves for the inconvenience” that’s all they have to say, a simple paper, a cold ass town and nothing to eat.
Mr. Angel man had already taken his leave, but before you could see him go away a pregnant woman came by his side to talk to him. And, you understood that maybe that was his wife who was traveling on first class.
“Ah… beautiful ~” you venomously spit as you walk to the entrance, realizing of course such a handsome man would be married and expecting beautiful kids…
The snow outside makes you hide your nose inside your scarf. It’s almost night, and you could see the many restaurants getting crowded with cute couples ready to celebrate Valentine’s.
You smile, softly. You can’t hate them; you will be there someday too. You are sure you will be happy with someone by your side…
The taxi driver seems nice. He isn’t like the ones you are used to. The big city is always running, but here, they take things slow. He is particularly pale, and his white hair is long, very long. His eyes are kind, like the ones of a gentle father. From time to time he coughs, and you wonder if he is sick.
“Oh! I bet you are coming here to visit a lover, right? You are planning a surprise for Valentine’s?” he asks, seeing at your eyes scan your fidgeting fingers through the back mirror.
“Oh… no, sir. Our plane landed because of the weather; I was heading to a convention. Just work. I wish, however, I had a lover in this beautiful town!”
“Ah… sweetie, you will find one here! I’m sure…”  
You laugh, kindly. What is he talking about? You are only staying here for a few hours after all.
You really didn’t want to use the voucher, you wanted to pay the driver… but he didn’t accepted it. You insisted, but he did too. What a kind soul.
As soon as you enter the hotel, a ginger woman, with sweet eyes and cheeks stuffed of some type of bread, greets you. “You are coming from the airport, don’t you? What’s your name, miss?” she asks, and you discover a little red haired kid holding from her skirt, looking at you with big eyes.
You tell her your name and she types it on a laptop. After taking another bite to what you identify as the rests of a doughnut, she chimes; “You got the last one! Here, keys for room 006!”
You take them, she has such a healing aura. You smile, salute her and the cute boy and head upstairs.
The hotel is decent. The reception is properly decorated for Valentine’s day. Pink and red hearts and a bouquet of pink camellias over the countertop. Is not the most expensive nor sophisticated place you’ve been, but it’s clean and pretty.
The key, unlocks the door easily but the lights are on. And there is a semi naked man (that almost looks like a God) lying in what you thought was going to be your bed.
You go back and slam the door with a thousand “I’m sorry” coming out of your mouth. You are sure you went to the wrong room, but, you weren’t… it says 006.
You come back inside. “Sir, you are IN MY ROOM! I got the 006 bedroom” you protest.
“What is it today with the coincidences and the way you want my spots, woman?” he calmly says, yet this time a little more annoyed at you as he sits down on the bed and puts a white shirt on. You know him, he is the man that held your hand, the man you named “Angel man”
“YOU AGAIN?” this time you ask, amazed by how much destiny insists on making you two meet. On and on, and on. “Why aren’t you with your pregnant wife?!”
He stands up from bed. He seems confused as hell. “Pregnant wife? What are you talking about? I’m a widower, I- I’m single! I didn’t come here with anyone but myself” he explains, realizing he has given you too much information.
You bite your lower lip. Widower… at such young age?
“I’m sorry sir. I- I wasn’t trying to- is just that I saw you at the airport with a pregnant lady and I thought-“
“I gave her my spot so that she could fly more comfortably in first class. I don’t know her, at all. She was thanking me”
You smile. What a kind soul. That’s why he was receiving such a good and preferred treatment from the flight attendants… he didn’t belong to economy; he was supposed to seat in Business class.
He walks towards you, and you shrug a little. He might not be huge, but, he is imponent and scary on his own ways.
“We should solve this. If there isn’t any more rooms I will go get one on another hotel” he says. But you don’t think that would be fair. He has given up so many things today, you wouldn’t like to abuse his chivalry.
“Y- yes, but please sir, stay in this room. I’ll be the one leaving. It’s o-“
“A woman like you shouldn’t be out during these hours alone. Let me solve this”
While he calls reception, you frown. What did he mean with “a woman like me”?
Soon, he informs you that indeed, there are no more rooms available and that it’s up to you to decide whether you want him to leave or not.
You giggle, what is he gonna do? Sleep next to you…?
Yes. He will.
He sits back down on bed. “If you don’t mind I’ll pick up the right side of the bed. However, if you feel uncomfortable I could sleep on the floor. I might need one of the pillows”
You gawk. I mean, is not that you didn’t want him to sleep by your side but… you don’t even know his name.
“It’s ok. We can share, sir…” you tell him scratching your head and closing the door behind you. You first leave your carry on right next to his luggage. And giggle inside. He is a total stranger, and you don’t really even want to know him, you just imagine how much you would love to have at least a fun night with him.
However, you simply erase those lewd thoughts from your mind. He is a total stranger.
Yes. And you are spending the night with him, too.
Angel man stands up and puts his hand on your shoulder from behind. “Would you like to shower first?” he asks, with a rather whispery tone.
You jolt. “No- I- please, go ahead first” you tell him back, taking a look at him by the mirror in front of you on a very humble vanity. You can’t help but take a moment to admire his beautiful façade. How could a man be so pretty? So perfect?
He nods in silence, and after lifting his hand -that felt like crushing your whole spirit for some reason- he turns around making his hair flow with style.
You could hear him opening the tab and some of the steam coming out of the semi-transparent bathroom door. You make a huge effort not to peak even for a little bit at his whole nudity being bathed by warm water… even if you would have given everything for just a look.
Instead, to pass the time, you prepare your clothes. As soon as he is out, you wanna make sure you pass right through him to get inside the shower, take as much time as possible and get out when he is probably already sleeping… but you should know by now that destiny isn’t following your plans after all…
You hear that the water finally stops running. “How long does this man take to shower? My God” you think as you keep reading the itinerary for tomorrow’s meetings.
He clears his throat and soon your brain freezes as you see him wearing nothing but a white towel around his hips.
Pale, unpolluted, fit and so tempting body standing in front of you. Him using a tiny towel to dry his long hair and still some little drops of water traveling his hairless chest… he isn’t an angel, he is a freaking God…
“S-sir?” you say, looking at him from head to toes twice. “Yes? Are you hungry? Is Valentine’s day, right? Should we ask for champagne too?” he says, so nonchalantly.
You blink repeatedly. What the hell?
“I mean, I don’t know about romantic dates but I’m certainly hungry. I thought that since it’s a special day they might have something to eat. I will call while you shower” he clarifies, acting like the fact of him being totally naked in front of you is nothing.
You nod, still amazed and frankly horny as hell. He calls once again to reception, and in no time you hear someone knocking on the door while you get in the shower.
You bathe quickly, noticing that man’s little pots of special shampoo and conditioner. Not to mention the “fresh shower splash” that you believe must be basic shower gel but expensive as fuck.
You take a time to apply really soft make up, something he couldn’t notice but still look presentable. Even if he didn’t bother in changing clothes by the time he was out of the shower.
But, to your surprise, he is now wearing a soft pair of pyjamas probably silk ones in black. His hair is tied in a half pony, but his bangs still garnish his forehead.
How… fucking… sexy.
“They only had sweets, chocolate bon bons and fruits. I ordered all of them” he says, sitting on the bed with a big silver platter with assorted delicious looking treats.
“Oh… I’m so hungry!” you smile, watching him pick the juiciest strawberry covered in dark chocolate, and stand up.
He comes closer to you, as serious as he could be, with a look in his eyes that can dominate your whole soul with it. “Take it, they are delicious”
You don’t know what to do, but your body does. And instead of taking it with your hands, your lips separate. He gasps softly but he doesn’t doubt. He takes it to your mouth and delicately pushes the tip of the fruit right between your lips. Some of the citric juices drip through your lower lip and he can’t stick his eyes out of the tiny drop.
You take a deep breath that’s loud enough to express how much you want him. You don’t even know his name, and you don’t even care. Probably, he doesn’t even care either… and what you are about to do it’s as weird as exciting for both of you.
A tiny smirk with just the commissure of his lip, before he could eat the other half of that chocolate covered strawberry.
You simply wish you were that fruit, but why rush… if you know exactly you will be his tonight?
“You know, I prefer spicy food and usually hate sweets, but this treat…I must buy more before leaving” he says, pleased with the taste while your legs slightly shiver of need.
You remain there, with a lose shirt and shorts that aren’t any type of sexy. However, right before he turns around to go back to bed, he grabs your chin in between his fingers. You widen your eyes, and gulp. Angel man… is too close.  
He tilts your chin just enough, and with lips lingering over yours… “I was talking about you, by the way” he whispers. “Yo- you were?” you stutter, unable to blink.
“Show me…” he murmurs, planting a sloppy kiss. A sloppy kiss that turns into a violating one. Always so delicate, but still so dominant. You feel lightheaded, dizzy, even drunk.
Slowly both fall on that big bed. Breathing accelerated, you and he take some time to recover some oxygen.
You wanna ask who he is. You wanna ask his name… but, you prefer just not to do it. Not tonight, or at least not until this is over.
He attacks your neck with bites and kisses, lifting your leg so that your sexes get closer, so much closer. Your wetness is surely showing through your shorts, his hardness is surely feeling it too.
Pants and moans, sexual tension being released; his beautiful grunts mix with your whimpers as he frees your body from every type of covering.
The stranger on top of you, finds your body fascinating. He takes time to inspect every corner of your anatomy. Long fluttery eyelashes garnish his sloppy eyelids as he gets ready to plant a trail of kisses from your nipples to your lower belly.
“Ngh…” you moan, as his soft lips reach your folds. “I said I wanted your sweetness…” he whispers, turning your skin all bumpy.
Your toes curl, your back does too. His fingertips separate your labia and then he kisses your inner thighs. “Am I allowed to?” he asks, playing with you. You can’t tell him no. You have become absolutely dumb, a doll for him to use.
You nod, right before the tip of his tongue reaches for your clit. A gasp followed by a whimpering “fuck” slips out of your mouth and he scoffs with your anatomy surrounding half his face.
“Go ahead, you don’t have to be formal…” he says, before feeding off your arousal.
You aren’t sure why he used those words, but frankly thinking is something you can’t do right now. You are just a prisoner of lust and desire.
Skilful fingers open their way inside you, stretching your walls, using beckoning motions to have you on the edge of glory. Your inner thighs tremble and spasm, as his slightly longer nails carve on them while eating you out like if he was famished.
“I’m – I’m com-“ “coming? Not if you it isn’t around my dick…” he whispers, stopping his oral delight, surprising you… a man with such class speaking that way? Angel man… what’s gotten into you?
Flipping his still a little wet bangs off his face, he prepares to fuck you raw, rough and surely deliciously. You have no doubt about it.
Angel man kneels in bed, and you use your toes to pull down his pajama shorts. He lifts the shirt too, showing you again the perfect composition of his chest.
You discover he isn’t wearing anything underneath, what a beautiful look of masculinity. Perfectly trimmed, as pale as the rest of his body, strong thighs.
You take a little look at the mirror right behind him, his back, not huge but surely wide. It calls for your nails to carve marks, to leave red strings of passion engraved on it. You wish you could have him every single night.
He smirks. Knowing too well the effect he has in women… Angel man presses your legs together and grabs them by your ankles. He lets your shins to rest on top of his left shoulder while his free hand pumps his hardness. He is getting ready to bury into you… you can’t wait no more.
“Can I fuck you rough?” he asks, a few centimetres from your entrance. Tip shiny and throbbing, desperate to be engulfed by your flesh.
“Please. Fuck me rough, as much as you like… sir ~” you purr, drowning in desire, with a voice tinted in pure concupiscence.
No more words are needed when he finally impales you. Deep, oh so deep. You grip tight to the sheets, and then to the sides of his strong legs.
“Leave marks on me if you want…” he whispers, tilting his head to the left to kiss the bridge of your foot.
You bite your lips and while throwing your head back as you reach climax, indeed you leave the tiniest cuts on his milky skin… like if you were allowed to claim him as yours.
Even if right now, the one claiming someone is him.
He is your owner, your body has become his, your everything reacts to and obeys his own motions. Your breathing synchronizes with his, both pant and grunt. He feels like exploding, and you are too.
“Ugh…” he growls, this time allowing your legs to fall open. He keeps thrusting in you, on and on, topping you. His long hair falls on each side of his face, framing his raptured expressions. “You are so warm and tight… I could keep fucking you for eternity”
You trap his lips with your teeth. Both breathe each other’s orgasmic moans; both breathe no oxygen but pure lust and release…
“Can I learn your name?” you ask, with your lips swollen.
“I’m Byakuya, Kuchiki” he says, caressing your cheek.  
You stay silent, gawking. He- HE IS KUCHIKI BYAKUYA?? The man you were supposed to meet for the convention? “Sir- I’m… (Name & Surname). You…” you stutter. It’s crazy how destiny works, right?
He scoffs… “I know, what about skipping the convention? It’s pretty late already and we haven’t slept yet. I also think this place is worth staying for one more day, don’t you think? They will understand, it’s the night of Valentine’s day” he says, pulling you closer to his chest.
You rest your head with a growing smile and nod silently. You are drunk of his skin perfume; musk & sex.
“By the way, call your company… I’m investing three times what I originally told them I was going to…”
“S-sure… Mr. Kuchiki …”
He knew… He knew all along. And, deep inside, you knew too…
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Tup x Reader
Today's writing features Tup, suggested by @starrrgazingbunny. I really need to learn how to name things. I had an easier time writing this than I did thinking up a name, lol.
Pairing: Tup x Reader
Word Count: 1053
Songs: None
Warnings: Creepy Neighbor, but no one gets hurt
Prompt: "Do you see her laughing? Then leave her alone."
Divider by saradika
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Your fingers hesitate over your com, you’re unsure whether or not you actually want to send this message. Your Tup had only just returned from deployment earlier that week. And he hasn’t really had much free time since he returned. 
You don’t begrudge him that. He has an important job, after all. 
But, well, you miss him. 
You eye your com for a moment, and then decide to send the message. The worst that can happen is he apologizes and says that he’s not able to go on a date with you.
“Hey Tup! My boss gave me tickets to the circus that’s in town this weekend! Wanna go on a date?” You hit send before you can back out, and you wait for his response.
You don’t have to wait long, as your com chimes, “I’m sorry, cyare. Rex ordered mandatory training. Rain check?”
You smile softly, “It’s okay, babe. Maybe next time.”
He sends you a series of heart emojis, and you set your com on your table, your gaze drifting to the pair of tickets sitting innocently in front of you. Maybe you would give them to your neighbor? 
You consider your options for a moment, and then you grab the tickets and slide your sandals on, and step out of your apartment. Just as your neighbor's long term girlfriend slams out of his apartment, and storms down the hall cursing up a storm.
Your neighbor glares down the hall after her, and then he notices you. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, did she disturb you?”
“Not so much. I was coming to offer the pair of you these tickets to the circus, but I guess you don’t need them anymore.” You say with a shrug, “Maybe I’ll give them to Mrs. Collins-”
“Wait! We can go together!”
You blink at him, startled, “What?”
“Well, I mean, I no longer have a girlfriend, and I’m guessing you don’t have a boyfriend anymore or else you’d be going with him-”
You scowl at that assumption, “He’s working.”
“Sure he is,” He turns and takes a step towards you, and you take half a step back, deeply uncomfortable, “So what do you say? Let’s go together!”
“I really don’t-”
“Come on! It’ll be fun!”
“Your boyfriend doesn’t even have to know!”
“Can you-” Your back bumps into the wall, and you realize far too late that he managed to trap you. “Can you back up?”
“Oh, come on sweetheart, your boy is probably cheating on you. It’s only fair that you do the same.”
“You know, this is probably why your girlfriend broke up with you.” You say, as you try to slide away from him. 
He scoffs, “She’s a bitch anyway. We could be great, though. Just think about it.”
“I’m really not interested. At all.” You say flatly.
“Let me show you how amazing I am-”
“Are you stupid?” Your gaze snaps to the side when you hear a very familiar voice, and you sag against the wall in relief when you see Tup standing there, still in full armor, “She said she’s not interested.”
Your neighbor took a step back, and raised his hands, “Come on man. It was just a joke.”
“Do you see her laughing?” Tup asked, easily placing himself between you and your neighbor.
“Then leave her alone.”
“Alright, alright.” The neighbor turned and headed back to his apartment, “Didn’t know she didn’t have a sense of humor.” He calls to Tup, before he returns to his apartment.
As soon as they are alone in the hall, Tup spins and lightly grips your shoulder, “Are you okay?”
You look up at him, and then lean forward and bump your forehead against his chest plate, “No.” You say honestly. You feel his arms wrap around you and you relax against him, “Thought you were busy?”
“Rex released me early. He said that if he had to look at my sad eyes for one more minute he was going to throw me out a window.” Tup explained with a smile in his voice. He gently nudges down the hall and enters the code to your apartment.
You let out a quiet laugh, “How’d that work for him?”
“Well, there was a lot of shouting about how Rex was playing favorites, and so Rex just released all of us.” Tup guides you into your apartment, and shuts the door.
You lift your head and take a step back, a small smile playing on your lips as you watch him swiftly peel his armor off, “So, what did he want anyway?” Tup asked as he stacked his armor on the stand next to the door.
“I thought you were busy so I was going to give the circus tickets I have to him and his girlfriend, but his girlfriend broke up with him, and he decided I should go on a date with him.” You explain as you lean against the wall and watch him.
Tup shakes his head, “Well, I’m glad I arrived before he tried to hurt you.” He places his boots on the shoe stand and then holds his arms out to you. 
You need no other prompting before you’re in his arms again, this time your face pressing against the soft material of his blacks rather than rough plastoid. “I’m glad you did too.” You say quietly.
“Do you still want to go to the circus, cyare?” Tup asks as he smooths his hand down your spine.
“My tickets are good all weekend,” you mumble, “Can we stay in?”
“Of course we can.” He lightly pushes you back, and brushes the back of his fingers against your cheek, “Let me shower and change into something more comfortable, and then we can order your favorite food and watch a movie.”
You hum thoughtfully, “Do you need help in the shower?” You ask, in a would be innocent tone, save for the small grin playing on your lips.
He laughs, and ducks his head to kiss you thoroughly, “I do like it when you wash my hair, cyar’ika.” He kisses you again, and then pulls away, “Lead the way, my love.”
You grin at him and take his hand, eagerly tugging him through the apartment and towards your fresher. Your evening was starting to look so much better.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
It’s spooky season! Would you be willing to write a fic based around Halloween season? Any of the turtles is cool! Hope your day has treated you well! ❤️
Haunted House Shenanigans
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author’s notes: i just went to the 13th gate, lemme tell you, it was a wild night for sure, pure adrenaline for 30 straight minutes but it was fun nonetheless, this is superrrr indulgent to my experience
warnings: cursing & that’s about it!
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This was not his idea, not at all. But he is not one to be left behind neither. Raph would be sitting shotgun, occupying his mind with being the car dj. “Donnie it’s your turn, no wait was it Mikey’s? Oh that’s right Leo you’re up! Nicki Minaj again?!” Every time it’s his turn to pick a song it will be an uplifting song. Good vibes only, lest he start thinking about the scary shit he’s signed up for.
Subtly shifting his weight during the two hour wait time, the turtles didn’t have enough cash for four VIP tickets! Looking out for line cutters and kindly asking them to go to the back of the line if anyone cuts in his vicinity. They definitely listen.. I mean c’mon no way is anyone gonna look at Raph and be like ‘no’ 6’foot something turtle that’s totally shredded?! Yeah they’re strolling to the back of the line.
Secretly dreading as the line starts to move faster, dragging his feet. Though he will definitely put a on a brave face if he sees his little brothers are getting scared too, “Whaat this is gonna be fun, c’mon guys!”
He’d volunteer to go first in the line since Haunted Houses are single file. He wouldn’t want his brothers to think he’s scared even though Raph is definitely terrified.
Hands covering his face the entire time! High-pitched screams if he’s getting jump scared. Making sure his brothers are still behind him, “Are you guys okay? Shit-!!” Even while he’s getting approached by a crazy chainsaw carrying man.
When he finally sees the exit he’s thanking the supreme pizza in the sky. “That wasn’t so bad~” even though he probably got scared the most/screamed the most. “I’m starving who wants pizza??” BIG appetite after that 30 minute adrenaline rush through the Haunted House.
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This was his idea for sure! Heard about it or found it on a website and he had to go, but there’s no way he was going alone, so he got his brothers to join him, one way or another. “Ohhhh you’re scared???” He wouldn’t be above goading/teasing to get his way. He’d be in the back seat with Mikey, goofing off the entire way.
Complains the entire time during the line! Slouching or crouching whenever his feet would start to hurt from just standing there. He’d get bored fast, even his phone wouldn’t be able to cure his boredom. After about an hour into the line, some of the workers for the haunted house would make their rounds to scare their soon to be customers.
“Oh my shell, what is that?!” Leo would get freaked out, jumping up and down as he watched the clown approach where they were standing in line. “Donnie, you gotta take my picture!!” Leo would get as close as he possibly dared as the clown started grinning manically, he’d probably let out a screech while getting the picture taken.
“There’s no way I’m going first, I’ll go second or third…” Leo will start to lose his cool the closer the group gets to the entrance. And when it’s time to go into the haunted house he’s practically changing his mind, “Maybe we should reschedule?!”
He’s holding onto Raph’s hand or his shell in a vice grip. High pitched screams, jumping out of his skin, running into the walls trying to get away from the jump scarers! “No no no no no” he’d repeat certain words while scared.
After the adrenaline rush he’s exhausted, “totally wasn’t scary~” if he got called out about how much he was screaming he’d just say “That wasn’t me! That was Mikey!” And he’d smirk or laugh while Mikey would sputter trying to defend himself. He’d fall asleep on the way home!
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Mikey was super hyped to go, at first. He’d never been and he’s definitely the type to try something once before knocking it. “Should we dress up?!” He’d want to go in costume too, do some spooky makeup. He’d be in the back seats with Leo.
In line he’d be making plenty of friends, asking if they had been before and what to expect. Telling everyone that this was his first time at a Haunted House. Bouncing from one foot to the other as the line inched forward. Mikey would definitely be freaked out by the scarers who go around the line, but after the initial shock he would be much more interested in their costume and the detail of the makeup.
“Woahhh it looks so real!~” he’d shake Donnie or Leo’s arm as he would point to the tall Slender Man that approached with no facial features. Mikey would only start to get nervous when his older brothers did. So right as they went through the big doors into the Haunted House he’d be whimpering and practically on top of Leo’s shell. If someone scared him from the side he’d jump back into Donnie.
His eyes would be squeezed shut after too many jump scares. He’d only open them when it felt safe to, Mikey would look towards the ground unless something creative caught his eye. Turns out it was an animatronic and it’d jump scare him too! His head would duck into his shell! He couldn’t trust anything in that place!!
“Is it almost overrrrr?!” He’d cry out after he got scared by one of the nurses in the fake asylum. “20 more minutes~” they answered honestly to which Mikey would cry out in disbelief. It felt like they had already been in the house for 30!
After the whole thing was over he’d be laughing about how much his brothers got scared. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience, Mikey didn’t know if he’d put himself through that again. He’d definitely call for a sleepover in the lair, not wanting to sleep by himself that night. The dark would be too scary!
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Last to agree to go, isn’t afraid to admit he would rather do a million other things than go to a Haunted House. BUT him scared? Pshhh! Why would he be scared?! It’s humans in costume, you’re literally paying them to scream in your face. In the drivers seat, swerving in and out of traffic to get this done & over with!
Donnie would be on his phone the entire time during the line. Only speaking when spoken to, and he’d look up from his phone on the rare instance a scarer was approaching. He’d cringe inwardly at how creepy they could act, truly a well done performance.
By the time they reached the entrance he’d have to make sure he turned off his motion sensors for his robot arms. Wouldn’t want to get kicked out because a scarer activated a defense mechanism by getting too close. He would reluctantly be in the back of their four person line. Holding onto Mikey’s shoulders when it got to be too scary.
“GALILEO” “NEWTON” “EINSTEIN” would be just a few names he’d shout out in fear at the jump scares. Usually the back or the front got the worst of the frights. The robots or animatronics would hold his interest for a little while. They would move so realistically! He’d probably use that as a way to get his mind thinking of something else, naming parts and pieces that the manufacturers probably used to make the robots. “NEVER AGAIN LEO,” Donnie would be pissed at first, not liking how many times he lost his cool, totally not a bad boy thing to do.
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hbosucc · 6 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 8
Link to previous chapter (18+ only, minors dni!) here.
This chapter is kind of part two to the previous one; it picks up right after the last one ended.
Content Warnings, same as always:
Sexual Content (only mentioned in this chapter, no explicit scenes, but it's still an 18+ chapter)
Alcohol consumption
Mention of drug use
Maybe fluff towards the end??
That's all! I'm having a really weird, difficult time irl right now, and posting these is something fun to look forward to. So, if you're reading, thank you:) xoxoxo
Chapter 8: Meeting the Fam, Part II
Back in the main room, I craned my head to look for Greg. I spotted him at the bar and had to stop myself from breaking into a run. He glanced up and met my eyes as I approached him, his smile disappearing as he saw the traces of unease I hadn’t been able to wipe from my face.
“Hey, are you okay? I just saw your text.” He asked, taking my hand as I reached him.
“Yeah, no, I’m fine.” I gave my best attempt at a smile, looking over my shoulder, then back up at him.
“Are you sure? I was looking for you for, like, a while.” He looked concerned, which almost made me start crying again.
“I’m sure.” I squeezed his hand. “What did Kendall want?”
“Just, like, family drama, which is also work drama, like usual.” Greg sighed. “They really can’t chill out, even for one night.”
“God, that sucks.” I said, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” Greg lowered his voice. “You’re kind of…I don’t know, something feels different?”
“I’m…” I closed my eyes for a moment, then looked up at him. “I just did coke, Greg.”
“Oh, oh.” Greg’s eyebrows went up. “Okay, gotcha. No, that makes sense. Um.”
“I know.” I nodded. “There was this really nice girl I met in the bathroom, and she asked me if I wanted a bump, and I said sure, why not.” I felt bad lying to him, but Tom’s warning from earlier about ruining Greg’s career rang through my mind. Tom was a prick, but there was still something that felt dangerous about him. And as much as I hated Waystar, I did not want to be responsible for Greg getting fired.
“Oh, I see.” Greg nodded. “That’s cool, I mean, I don’t care that you did it—I mean, I’ve done it before, too, just so you know—I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you.” I lowered my voice. “I’m wondering if it was cut with something weird, though, and that’s why I was feeling so sick at first. I’m okay now, though, I think.”
“Are you sure? I mean, we can totally blow this off, and, like, head home, if you’re not feeling well.”
“Really?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah, totally.” He nodded. “I think Logan’s supposed to be giving a speech at some point, but I don’t really need to stay for that.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” I leaned against him, glancing out over the crowd. I saw that Tom had reappeared across the room and was now talking to his wife. His eyes met mine for a moment, a smile tugging up the corner of his lips.
“Do you want to just go back to my place? I mean, it’s closer, and you haven’t been over yet.”
“Yeah, we can do that.” I ripped my gaze away, meeting Greg’s eyes again, giving him a more successful smile this time. I really was interested to see his apartment.
“Okay, cool. I’ll call the driver if you go get our coats? Meet you out there?”
“Okay.” I nodded, taking his coat check ticket and heading for the exit, keeping my gaze straight ahead, my shoulders back.
I got our coats and stepped out into the frigid air, wrapping mine around myself and trying not to shiver. My legs were mostly bare, and I shifted from foot to foot, trying to warm myself. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out to see a text from an unsaved number.
Remember what I told you.
          My fingers shook as I tried to think of how to respond, if I should at all, and I knew it wasn’t just from the cold. I wasn’t surprised that Tom had been able to find my number—not really. I put the phone back in my pocket, wrapping my coat tighter around myself. I was about to head back inside to wait for Greg, the cold outweighing my fear of running into Tom yet again, but then I saw Greg heading towards me. The car pulled up, and the driver came around to open the door for us.
          In the warmth of the car, I still shivered, scooting closer to Greg and laying my chin on his shoulder. He squeezed my thigh, then interlocked his fingers with mine.
          “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want me to turn up the heat more, or anything?” He asked softly, brushing some of my hair back from my face.
          “No, it’s okay. I’m warming up now.” I smiled. “I’m excited to finally see your place.”
          “I am, too! It’s kind of crazy. I don’t know if I told you, but Kendall, who you met tonight, actually owns the place, and he’s kind of just, like, letting me live there right now.”
          “Really?” I asked. “That’s really cool of him.”
          “I know, right?” He went on to tell me the story of how he hadn’t been able to believe it at first, that he’d thought Kendall had been playing a joke on him. Given the initial impressions I’d gotten of his family members, that didn’t surprise me.  
          We pulled up to his building and he helped me out, leading the way inside, then up in the building’s elevator, almost to the top floor. When the door slid open to reveal his apartment, I was surprised at its size, despite how he’d already described it to me. It had the tallest ceilings I’d ever seen in an NYC apartment—or any apartment, anywhere, really.
          “Jesus, this is incredible.” I breathed, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out over the lit-up city.
          “It is. I still can’t believe I get to live here sometimes. Like, I keep waiting for him to kick me out.” He let out a nervous laugh.
          “That’s kinda fucked up.” I turned to face him, leaning against the glass.
          “Yeah, it is.” He sighed, coming over to me. “Hey, did anyone…did any of them say anything, like, weird to you? I mean, I saw that Tom was with you at the bar while Kendall and I were talking, and then, like, the next time I looked over, you were both gone.”
          I closed my eyes, leaning into his chest. I didn’t want to lie to him. The truth swirled around inside of me, and I felt a wave of nausea as the mix of no food, lots of alcohol, and two lines caught up with me.
          “I’m going to throw up,” I choked out, realizing I didn’t know where his bathroom was.
          “Oh, fuck, okay, it’s this way.” He read my mind, pulling me down a hallway and into a bathroom, flipping the light on. I bent over the toilet, making it just in time for my guts to upend themselves, spilling the evening’s overpriced g&t’s into the bowl.
          Another wave came up, and then everything was out, nothing left inside of me. I felt Greg’s hands in my hair, smoothing it back from my face. I spit into the toilet and closed the lid, flushing and propping up my head, unable to look up at him.
          “I’m sorry.” I croaked. “You didn’t have to—you didn’t have to stay.”
          “No, no, it’s okay.” He said, rubbing my back slowly. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
          “I’m—I’m fine now.” I pushed myself up and stood shakily, looking at myself in the mirror. My makeup was streaked down my face, my hair mussed, my eyes red and teary. “Fuck.”
          “Do you need to throw up more, or do you want to go lie down?”
          “I think I’m done. Do you have, like, mouthwash or anything?” I asked, leaning on the counter, my head in my hands.
          “Yeah, I’ll go get some. Be right back.” I heard him pad down the hall and open another door. I spat into the sink and turned on the tap, rinsing my mouth with water while I waited. How much did I need to tell him? How much could I tell him?
          “Here,” He reappeared in the doorway, handing me a bottle of Listerine.
          “Thanks,” I took a big swig, swishing it around between my teeth for a minute, until it stung my gums, then spat the minty foam and rinsed it down the drain.
          “Do you want, like, one of my shirts to wear to bed?” He looked like he wanted to reach out and touch me, but hesitated.
          “That would be great, yeah.” I nodded. He led us down the hall to his bedroom, which was just as big as I’d imagined it would be, having seen the rest of the apartment. “You don’t have any makeup wipes, do you?”
          “No, sorry.” He shook his head, rummaging through his drawers. He pulled out a white t-shirt and handed it over.
          “That’s okay. Can you help me with the zipper?” I turned around, and he pulled the zipper down so I could slide the dress off of my body. I shuddered as I remembered how Tom had done the same thing just hours before. I unhooked my bra quickly, pulling the t-shirt on to cover myself.
          “Y/n.” He took my hands in his. “Please just tell me what’s wrong.”
          “I…” I started, swallowing, closing my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, into his searching gaze. “Tom was being, like, kind of weird.”
          “How—how so?” He sat down on the bed, pulling me to him.
          “When you weren’t around he…he was just…I don’t know, like, weirdly interested in me, I guess.” I bit my lip. “But I was worried because if I told you anything, and he found out, he said he’d…” I was still too high, and having to deal with conflict felt incredibly overwhelming, and I collapsed, sniffling into his chest.
          “Fucking Tom, oh my God.” He sighed, pulling me onto his lap.
          “Please don’t let him know I even said—said anything.” I whispered, another sob coming out.
          “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” He wrapped his arms around me. “I’m not scared of Tom, okay? You don’t need to worry. Whatever he said he’d do to me, don’t worry about it.
          “Did he…” Greg trailed off, and I looked up at him. “Did he do anything to you?”
          “No.” I shook my head. “Almost, but no. He said he was, like, just joking with me or something.”
          He ran a hand over my hair, reaching down to wipe my tears with his thumb. “God, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…I should’ve realized he would do something tonight.”
          “It’s not your fault.” I whispered, swiping at my face. “I’m gonna go wash my face, okay? Be right back.”
          I got up and went back to the bathroom, cleaning off my face the best I could with soap and water—I knew it wasn’t great for my skin, but it was probably better than sleeping in a full face of makeup. I padded back to the bedroom and found him sitting in the same spot, on his phone.
          “You’re not texting him, are you?” I balked in the doorway.
          “Hey, come here.” He opened his arms, and I allowed myself to be wrapped in them once more. “I don’t want you to worry about Tom. He’s a dick, yeah, but he’s kind of…like, on the outs with the fam right now. He’s impotent, okay? I’m not worried about him.”
          “If you’re sure…” I swallowed.
          “I’m sure.” He laid back against the pillows, pulling me down with him. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
          “It’s not your fault.” I said again, burying my face in his chest.
          “Is there anything I can do? To make you feel better?” He ran a hand over my hair, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
          “I don’t think so. I’m okay.” I whispered. I wished I could just go to sleep, but I was still too wired from the coke. It was going to be a very long night.
          “You don’t want me to kill him, or anything?” He asked, and I giggled, trying to stifle the noise with my hand. “What, you don’t think I can put out a hit on him?”
          “Not really.” I said, pressing my lips together, but more laughter spilled out, and he joined in, still holding me close.
          “You don’t want me to have the mob take him out?” He teased, and I shook my head, giving him a kiss.
          “No, if you’re going to kill him, I want you to do it yourself.” I rubbed my nose against his. He’d succeeded in making me feel better, at least for the moment.
          “Well, whatever you want.” He pressed another kiss to my lips, and I let myself melt into him before pulling back. “Do you want to go to bed?”
          I shook my head. “I’m kind of tired, but I’m not going to be able to sleep for a while.”
          “Do you want to watch a show or something, then?” He asked, rolling over to grab a remote from his nightstand.
          “Sure.” I sat up as he scrolled through some options, landing on something light and stupid, pressing play on a random episode.
          “Are you hungry at all?” He asked. “I have, like, cereal, and probably some chips and stuff.”
          “No, I’m okay.” I smiled. His place was such a bachelor pad. “Thank you, though. You’re the sweetest.”
          “Nah, I’m not.” He protested, but I could see that he was pleased.
          “You are, too.” I kissed his cheek, moving down to his neck.
          “For real, though, do you need anything?” He looked at me, our eyes locking in the dim light coming from the TV screen. It might’ve been the fact that I was high, but it felt like he was looking straight into me, reading my mind.
          “No, no, I’m…I’m good.” I whispered. “Just need you here, with me. That’s all.”
          “Okay.” He breathed out, pulling me closer to him once again, our limbs wrapping around each other, my ear pressed to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, thumping away, and relaxed into the sound. I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a while yet, but that was okay, as long as I could stay with him, just like this.
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canirove · 2 years
Red & Blue | Chapter 5
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“Are you coming to the game?” I ask Ben while we are watching a movie.
“When is it?” he says, his arm around my shoulders.
“Thursday. I already told you.”
“Thursday… I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. Dele is coming back to London and he already talked about meeting.”
“He can also come to the game, I’ll get him a ticket.”
“He probably has plans. I don’t think he’ll be able to go.”
“So you are going to miss my most important game of the season so far just to go out with Dele?”
“He asked first” he shrugs.
“Unbelievable” I reply, crossing my arms over my chest, starting to get annoyed.
“I’ll got to the final, I promise” he says, leaning in to give me a kiss.
“Yeah, sure” I say, moving so he misses. “Mason is coming.”
“Mason” he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“Yes, Mason. He supports me a lot more than you do.”
“You two are spending a lot of time together, aren’t you?” he says, moving his arm from my shoulders.
“And? He is my friend. Don’t you spend time with other people too? With other girls?”
“Yes. But Mason is one of my best friends, it’s different.”
“Oh, so I can’t go out with Mason because he is your best friend, but you can go out with other girls and do God knows what because I don’t know them?” I say, sitting up to face him.
“That’s not what I said.”
“That’s exactly what you said. If we are going to keep things like this, both of us have the right to see other people.”
“Then maybe I don’t want to keep things like this anymore” he says, also sitting up.
“And what does that mean?”
“People already think we are dating. Like properly. So let’s do it.”
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
“Maybe” he says, running a hand through his hair.
“Yes or no, Benjamin.”
“Yes. I want you to be my girlfriend.”
“And does that mean that you’ll stop seeing all those other girls?”
“I will. I promise.”
“And can I still see Mason?”
“You can” he says after thinking about it for a few seconds.
“Ok” I say.
“Then does that mean that it’s official? Are you my girlfriend?” he asks, moving closer, his hand on my cheek.
“I am” I say, smiling and kissing him.
(click/tap to enlarge) 
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“We need to talk” Ben says when he picks me up from training.
“About what?”
“Don’t get mad at me…” he says, already looking at me with puppy eyes. “But I won’t be able to make it to the final.”
“You won’t? Why? What happened?”
“My sister is throwing her birthday party that day.”
“And?” I ask. “Why is that party so important?”
“She’s been going through a rough patch after she broke up with her boyfriend, and I want to be there to support her.”
“And what about me? What about supporting me?” I say, raising my voice.
“I…” he mutters.
“I’m your girlfriend, Benjamin. I’m playing the Champions League final. And your sister is throwing a stupid birthday party, one that probably is like the one she had last year, and the one that she’ll have next year too. Are you seriously telling me that that is more important?”
“Hey, she is my sister. I can’t do that to her.”
“You can’t… Fuck off” I say, getting out of the car.
“Where are you going?” he calls.
“To see if Leah is still around and can take me home.”
“What about our date?” he asks.
“Fuck you, Chilwell!” I yell, tears coming to my eyes.
It’s the day of the final, and Ben and I haven’t spoken since our last argument. He finally decided to go to his sister’s party, not bothering to fix things or apologize. Mason and Aaron, on the other hand, have flown to be with us. With me.
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The final doesn’t go as we planned. Barcelona are too good, and they don’t give us a chance despite putting everything we have on the pitch. When the referee signals the end of the game, I can’t help but fall to the floor, crying, everything that has happened lately, on and off the pitch, finally taking a toll on me.
“C’mon, girl. Up!” Leah says. “Don’t let them see you like this.”
“I can’t, Leah. I can’t” I say between sobs.
“Hey, look at me. Look at me” she says, lifting my face. “You were amazing tonight. The best of all of us. There is nothing else you could have done.”
“But nothing. Now you get up, and go pick that medal.”
“I can’t. I don’t want them to see me like this.”
“Too late” she says, grabbing me by the hands and finally lifting me from the floor.
Once I’m up, other teammates come to comfort me, even some Barcelona players. I manage to not cry while we get our medals and while we see them receive the trophy, but once inside the changing room, I break down again.
“Mason and Aaron are waiting outside. They want to see you before we leave” Leah says, putting an arm around my shoulders.
“I don’t want to see them.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I just want to go home.”
When we make it to the hotel, I hide in my room. My phone is constantly buzzing, people sending me messages and calling me, but I just ignore them all. Even Mason.
Back home, I only leave to go training. I need to be alone, to process not only the final but also what is going on with Ben. Yes, I’m his girlfriend, but it doesn’t look like it. Or feel like it. He sent me a message the day after the final, saying that he was sorry, and that was it. Looks like his hangover didn’t allow him to write anything else. For days.
"You have to break up with him. Now" Leah says. I'm finally in the mood to see people, and she and Aaron have come to visit me.
"But..." I mumble.
"But nothing" Aaron says. "We are your best friends. You have to listen to us. We do this because we care about you, because we love you."
“I know that what I’m about to tell you will hurt, but you need to hear it” Leah says. "You have to break up with Chilly. You said you knew what you were doing, that after you know who, things were different and you would be able to handle it. But you clearly haven’t. He asked you to be his girlfriend, yes. But because he was jealous of Mason, because he could see that there is something special between you two, and he wanted you to be just for himself while he was whoring around.”
“And that isn’t fair” Aaron ads. “That’s not how things work when you supposedly are on a committed relationship.”
“Exactly. If you told me that he was a good boyfriend, who takes care of you, who supports you and shows you that you are important to him... Ok. Maybe. But he hasn't done any of that” Leah continues. “He's only cared about you when he was horny, bored or both. He chose to attend his sister's birthday party instead of your most important game this season, and when you lose and look devastated in the middle of the pitch, making it to all the headlines, what does he do? He just texts you the next day with a "sorry about last night". People who barely know you showed more interest on how you were feeling than your own boyfriend!”
I’ve started to cry, the sobs making my whole body shake.
“Listen" she continues, her hands on my face to make me look her in the eyes, tears going down my cheeks. "I know it hurts. That after losing the final this is another punch in the gut. But you can deal with this and whatever they throw at you. You can do this. So pick up your phone, text him, tell him that it's over, and unfollow him everywhere. Benjamin James Chilwell is no more."
"Shouldn't I call him?"
"That's too good for him. Send him a text. Give him a taste of his own medicine” Aaron says.
"Ok” I mutter.
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"Alright then" Leah says, rolling her yes.
“He doesn’t seem to be too sad about it” Aaron ads.
"It's a text, you can't know for sure” I say.
"That's true. But I'm sure he isn't crying his eyes out like you are. Why don't we open the ice cream I brought and watch a movie? The Lord of the Rings marathon?" Leah suggests.
"That sounds great" I say, smiling for the first time in ages.
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thegettingbyp2 · 2 years
Request for Aaron Tveit, best friend's brother/brother's best friend.. Maybe Wicked era?
Best Friends Brother
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You and your best friend, Natalie, were taking your seats in the theatre to watch Natalie’s brother in Wicked. You had always had a crush on Aaron but you never wanted Natalie to find out, scared that she would think it was weird.
‘Why are we here?’ Natalie groaned, sliding down in her seat while you sat and flicked through the programme, trying not to linger too long on the photo of Aaron.
‘We’re here to support your brother,’ you replied, laughing lightly, knowing that Natalie wasn’t a huge fan of the theatre.
‘No, we’re here because you love this bloody show,’ she said, grabbing the programme from your hands as the lights dimmed and the curtain rose.
When the show finished, you were shocked at the fact that you were able to find Aaron even hotter than he usually was; his cocky attitude and those tight white pants were entirely to blame. As soon as the lights came back up after the bows, Natalie was up out of her seat and ushering me along the row, trying to get out as soon as possible. ‘Come on, the quicker we see Aaron, the quicker I get to go home,’ she mumbled as the two of you made your way out of the theatre and around the corner to where Aaron was waiting for you both outside Stage Door.
‘Hey!’ he exclaimed when you and Natalie got closer and he moved in to give you both a hug, the hug he gave you lingering a little bit longer than the hug with his sister. ‘What did you guys think?’
‘I loved it! You were amazing!’ you exclaimed, making Aaron laugh lightly.
‘You were alright,’ Natalie replied sounding bored.
‘I told you, if you don’t like coming to the shows, don’t come! I’m not fussed, besides, I’ve got (Y/N) to wave my flag for me,’ he joked, throwing an arm over your shoulders and pulling you in slightly. You giggled nervously and made a show of pushing yourself back from him, noticing Aaron looking down at the small gap you had put between the two of you.
‘Great,’ Natalie said dryly and you couldn’t help but frown at her lightly, wondering why she was being so rude. ‘So now that we’ve seen the show can we go?’ she asked, turning to face you with an expectant look on her face.
‘Oh, I was going to ask Aaron a bit about the show,’ you said, gesturing at Aaron who was still standing next to you, frowning at his sister.
‘Yeah, Nat, you can go if you want, I can make sure (Y/N) gets home safe, I’ll walk her home. Unless you want to come backstage, you know see all the costumes and stuff,’ Aaron said, knowing that his sister wouldn’t want to hang around.
‘Alright, text me when you get home so I know you’re safe,’ Natalie said, turning to hug you before slapping Aaron on the arm affectionately before crossing the road and heading to the Subway station.
Watching to make sure Natalie had descended the steps into the Subway station, Aaron gently took your hand in his and tugged you around the corner until you were hidden from the public by a wall. As soon as you were both hidden, Aaron’s hands came out to cup your cheeks as he lowered his lips to yours. You rose up onto your toes and slid your arms underneath his jacket, running your hands along the fabric at the back of his t-shirt.
‘Hi,’ he said softly when you broke the kiss, rubbing his thumb gently along your cheek, smiling down at you.
‘Hi,’ you replied, smiling back up at him. ‘You really were amazing up there!’
‘Because you were there,’ he said, leaning down to peck your lips again. ‘You’re like my lucky charm. Was Nat alright, she seemed kind of pissed off.’
‘I think so, she wasn’t best pleased when I told her I’d gotten us tickets to the show, but theatre’s not really her kind of thing is it? I feel bad about lying to her though,’ you said, pressing your forehead to rest on his chest as you felt him drop a kiss to the back of your head before wrapping his arms around you and holding you against him.
‘I know, we’ll tell her soon. Maybe when she’s in a bit of a better mood, so in about ten years time?’ he joked and you slapped his side gently.
‘I just hope she’s okay about it?’ you sighed, moving your head up to rest against his shoulder as he pulled you into a proper hug.
‘Her best friend and her brother? What’s not to like?’
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Haru: I missed you.
Eden: I missed you too. I realize it’s only been a few days since you came to the rink to watch me practice, but it feels like ages.
Haru: I know. Like, three or four days seems like three or four years when I can’t see you in person and touch you, and you know… just be with you.
Eden: I don’t know how we’re going to cope when you leave. Phone calls and video chats aren’t the same as being together.
Haru: We’ll have to be strong.
Eden: Easier said than done.
Haru: Yeah, but we’ve gotta try.
Eden: I know.
Haru: The first part of the tour’s only a couple of weeks, and then I’ll see you in Kyoto after Winterfest. Sarah said I can go to the second part of your competition if Ji-Soo comes along. The free skate?
Eden: Yeah, the senior men’s free skate is during one of the evenings between your two shows.
Haru: I’ll get to see the big jumps?
Eden: Mm-hmm, and lots of guys in form-fitting outfits.
Haru: I really only want to see you in your form-fitting outfit.
Eden: You know, you’re allowed to enjoy yourself, and you’re allowed to admit you want to.
Haru: Okay. I do want to see lots of pretty men in form-fitting outfits, and I’m probably gonna enjoy it a lot more than I should, but like… I won’t be thinking of inviting any of them back to my hotel room afterwards.
Eden: Are you saying you’re thinking of inviting me to your hotel room?
Haru: Do you want me to?
Eden: Of course I want you to, and I’ll definitely say yes.
Haru: We won’t even have to run away to have our night in a hotel. I still might have to run away to go sightseeing and shopping with you, though.
Eden: Don’t do that. We’ll have other chances to go sightseeing. It’s okay.
Haru: Maybe when the tour’s finished.
Eden: Maybe you won’t be as busy then.
Haru: Things should calm down for a while after the tour.
Eden: I hope so.
Haru: Oh, since we're talking about the tour, I convinced Sarah to get tickets for you and your coach for our second Kyoto show. The competition will be over by then.
Eden: Yeah, it will. The men’s free skate is the last event, actually.
Haru: You can show me your gold medal.
Eden: *laughing* But no pressure, right?
Haru: You’ll do awesome. I hope you win, but if I’m being honest, that’s not as important to me as you having fun and staying safe. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.
Eden: Same for me when it comes to you. Maybe it’s ridiculous to worry so much about it, but I’m worried about you travelling anyway.
Haru: It’ll be okay. We always have lots of security staff around, and we have medical people who travel with us too.
Eden: Really? Do you need medical people?
Haru: We do. We usually travel with at least one nurse and a physical therapist, ‘cause you just never know when somebody might get sick or hurt.
Eden: That makes sense. I hope none of you hurt yourselves or get sick, though. I think I’d lose it if you were sick and we were thousands of kilometres away from each other.
Haru: Same. I’d worry like crazy if something happened to you while I was off in a foreign country and couldn't get to you.
Eden: I guess we’ll both have to do our best to stay healthy, won’t we?
Haru: As best we can, and we’ll still be talking to each other every day, so we’ll be able to make sure everyone’s all right.
Eden: I like talking to you every day. I never thought we’d get past one date, because I usually never do, but here I am worrying about you and thinking about us as far into the future as the end of your tour.
Haru: It’s weird. I mean, in a good way. Like, nobody’s ever liked me before, and I kinda got used to the idea that nobody ever would, so I don’t exactly know what to expect in a real relationship. I have no idea what I’m doing.
Eden: I’m just as clueless as you. I’ve never had a boyfriend before either, you know.
Haru: Girlfriend?
Eden: Never had one of those either. I’ve slept with a lot of women, but they were only into me for my body.
Haru: You do have a fabulous body, to be fair. I can’t wait to see more of it.
Eden: I love that you’re not shy about what you want. How about later tonight? I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.
Haru: We've got our own hot spring bath here, and traditionally you're not supposed to wear anything in the onsen, so...
Eden: I like this plan.
Haru: The only downside is that we might not be alone. You might also have to look at my friends naked if they decide they want to use the bath too.
Eden: You think I'm going to have a problem with that?
Haru: Probably not? But, I might.
Eden: Don't worry. I may look, and I'll probably enjoy it, but it's just like you said about watching other skaters. The only one I'll be thinking about is you.
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Chapter Eleven: Welcome to Starcourt
Summary: You learn some disheartening news about Eddie, and when you go to Steve for advice, you find his new coworker Robin instead. (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, 2.2k words)
Warnings: Mentions of eating.
A/N: Okay, this is also about Eddie, but I also had to introduce the reader to Robin since we’re now entering season 3 territory. She deserves her own chapter lol.
Tags: @blackbirddaredevil23​
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June 14th, 1985
After graduation, you and Steve each got the jobs you were planning to get at the new mall. When your shifts aligned, Steve offered to drive you to and from work, but on days where you didn’t have to go in between Melvald’s and Starcourt, you took the bus. Your parents were generous enough not to kick you out of their house, but you weren’t on speaking terms and you certainly didn’t feel comfortable asking to borrow their car. You kept it in the back of your mind that the most likely reason they were actually letting you stay was so they could keep tabs on you. If you asked to borrow the car, then they would always know where you were. You couldn’t have that. 
This particular Friday morning, Steve was able to drive you to work and you spent your entire day at the theater. It was pretty dead until the evening when it got so crowded that you started to get a migraine from how fast you had to move to keep up. When the initial rush subsided and most everyone was seated in their theaters, you took a moment to sit and sketch as you rubbed your temples. Your peace was short-lived, however, when you felt the figure of another customer approach your booth. You sighed and began your spiel without stopping your drawing.  
“Hi, welcome to…”
You trailed off abruptly when you looked up to see a familiar face. It almost felt like you were seeing a ghost.
“Y/N. Hey. Did you quit your job at Melvald’s?”
“Uh, no. Just took this one on to make some extra cash. Don’t tell Mr. Melvald, though. The mall is kinda driving away all of his business. Not that you… talk to Mr. Melvald ever.”
“Actually, I have a hot date with him tonight, but don’t worry. I’ll be sure not to bring it up.”
You smiled politely at his joke, but couldn’t get past the confusion of seeing him again.
“Right. Well, uh, what movie are you planning to see?”
“The Stuff.”
“Interesting choice. You know it started, like, fifteen minutes ago, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m never on time for anything. It’s fine, though. I’m still waiting for somebody.”
You raised an eyebrow at this just as you were about to print his ticket.
“So… two tickets?”
“Yeah. Two.”
You nodded and looked back down to print his two tickets. You hoped to god he was only waiting for Wayne or one of his friends from Corroded Coffin. 
“You… okay?” He asked, picking up on your attitude change.
You cleared your throat, trying to buy yourself time to think of another explanation. Then you realized there was still the mystery of why you hadn’t seen him at graduation. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just surprised to see you, I guess. I just assumed… that you would leave town after graduation.”
“Oh,” He chuckled sadly, looking down at the floor. “You’re right, I probably would have if I could. Uh, funny story, though. I didn’t actually… graduate. Again.”
You were shocked by the news, but tried to hide it. You could tell he felt ashamed by this.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, it’s my fault. Maybe next year, though, right? Third time’s the charm and all that.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” You said with a reassuring smile. 
He smiled back, and then the two of you had your attention taken away from each other when someone came bounding in through the front of the theater.
“Hey, Eds! Sorry I’m late. Did you get our tickets yet?”
It was a girl. A pretty girl. Your heart dropped. 
“It’s okay, I just got here, too. I’m getting the tickets now.”
They turned to you as you were still frozen in shock, then you shook your head to free your mind from your internal torment and handed over the tickets to Eddie silently.
“Thanks,” He said in response, and handed you some cash in exchange. 
“Eddie, you don’t have to pay for me,” The girl tried to protest.
“I insist. My treat. You didn’t wanna see this movie, anyways.”
“Aw, you’re cute. Thank you,” She cooed and planted a kiss on his cheek. 
You looked away quickly but the damage had been done. Your face burned red from the warring emotions inside yourself, and Eddie noticed. 
“Uh, hey, this is Y/N by the way,” He said nervously, gesturing to you. He was trying to be polite. “We went to high school together. Y/N, this is Jo.”
“Nice to meet you,” You said quietly.
“You, too,” She replied cheerily. “Hey, tell me, what’s he like at school? I’m dying to know.”
She was nice. It made you hate her more.
“He’s, uh… charismatic. Very charismatic.”
You smiled sadly at Eddie, who smiled back at you with pursed lips. 
“She’s just being nice. She really means that I’m a massive dork,” He joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“That sounds more accurate,” Jo giggled, then turned to Eddie. “Hey, we better go before we miss the entire movie.”
“Right. Thanks, Y/N. It was good to see you.”
“Good to see you, too. Hope you guys enjoy the movie.”
“I certainly won’t, but thank you. It was nice to meet you,” Jo replied, linking arms with Eddie and pulling him away towards the theater door. 
“Nice to meet you, too,” You mumbled when they had already walked away. 
You watched them until they closed the door behind themselves, hoping that Eddie would turn to look at you before he disappeared into the dark theater. He didn’t. 
When your shift ended, you hightailed it out of the theater before you would have to face Eddie and Jo again, and made your way to Scoops Ahoy to find Steve. If he really was your romantic guide for the summer, then you were desperate for his advice. When you walked in, though, you didn’t see him. Instead, you found Robin Buckley, someone you had gone to school with but had never actually gotten the opportunity to speak to. 
“Hey, Robin, right?” You asked her, unintentionally slamming your hands on the counter in a huff. She eyed you up and down inquisitively. 
“Uh, yeah. Y/N, right?”
“Yes. Hi. Is Steve here?”
“He decided to take an unscheduled break and completely abandoned me here. The man is having a serious existential crisis.”
“Great,” You groaned. “That makes two of us, then. Can I just wait here until he gets back? I really need to talk to him.”
“Sure. But only if you buy something.”
“Seriously?” You asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
“Fine. I’ll get a strawberry sundae then.”
“Good choice,” She mumbled, then grabbed a bowl to get started making it. After she handed it off to you, she moved the tip jar closer to you not so subtly. “For your consideration.”
You rolled your eyes and put a dollar in the jar.
“Much appreciated,” She said with a smirk, and you walked away to wait for Steve.
You sat in the nearly empty parlor for several minutes as you ate your ice cream sadly, resting your chin in your hand as you watched the melted bits of it slide off of your spoon over and over again. Then Robin sat in front of you abruptly and you straightened in your seat in surprise. 
“Okay, you are seriously bumming me out, and clearly Steve is not going to be back for a while, so spill it. What’s wrong with you?”
“You want to hear about my problems?”
“If I can get that look off of your face, then yes. It’s like watching a puppy getting kicked over and over again,” She whined dramatically. “Please, put me out of my misery. I’m begging you.”
“It’s just… some guy. It’s stupid.”
“What did he do to you?” She asked with a groan and an eye roll. 
“Nothing. He’s just… on a date with someone who isn’t me. “Jo.” Like she’s straight out of Little Women. You know that was my favorite book as a kid? I would kill to be Jo. Stupid Jo…” You rambled, pushing your ice cream away from you angrily. 
Robin sighed and reached across the table to steal the remainder of it, shaking her head at you in disapproval as she ate a spoonful of it. 
“You’re right. That is really stupid,” She said with her mouth full. 
“Gee, thanks,” You scoffed. 
“What? Gimme a break. You are a talented, beautiful woman with a fresh high school diploma. The world is your oyster, and you’re sitting here stuffing your face with ice cream, pouting about some guy that’s too dumb to see that? It’s a tragedy. I’m sick of seeing the women in this town making themselves smaller for complete losers.”
You leaned back in your chair, taken aback by this impassioned speech. 
“Wow. Thank you? I didn’t think you’d have such a strong opinion about this.”
“Sorry. That may have been more about my own shit than yours,” She admitted, pushing the ice cream dish back towards you. 
“It’s okay. You’re right. I just can’t help it. If you knew him, you’d understand. He’s much better than most of the other guys in this town.”
“I seriously doubt that, but okay,” She mumbled. 
“It’s complicated. This is more my fault than his. I just can’t get out of my own way.”
“Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You need to realize how great you are.”
“You don’t even know me,” You snorted. 
“I know of you. I know enough to know that you are seriously undervaluing yourself right now.”
She sat back in her chair, crossing her arms matter-of-factly. You raised your eyebrow at her. 
“Why are you being so aggressively kind to me?”
“I don’t know. It’s been a weird day. Having to work with Harrington has really thrown me for a loop.”
“He’s not that bad, you know. He’ll surprise you. You’ll see.”
“Well, I am very curious to know how the two of you ended up becoming so close.”
“I would tell you,” You chuckled, “But honestly, I’m not really sure of that myself.”
She nodded, then pursed her lips together as she came to a sudden realization. 
“You know, I actually thought you two were a couple until this very moment. Maybe this guy you’re upset over just assumed Steve was your boyfriend, too.”
You almost disagreed with the ridiculousness of this, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. 
“I… that’s actually a pretty good point. I never thought about it like that.”
“You’re welcome,” She said with a proud smile. 
“So… what should I do then?”
“Beats me,” She shrugged, and reached to grab another spoonful of your ice cream. You couldn’t help letting out a boisterous laugh. 
“Okay, well… thanks anyways.”
“Look, obviously I’m not good with this relationship stuff. But if you ever need to talk about anything that Steve wouldn’t understand - which I assume is actually most things - then you know where to find me. Just… don’t forget to tip,” She teased. The right side of her mouth was turned up in a half-smile, and you could tell she meant this. 
“Thanks. And if you ever need to vent about Steve being an idiot, I’m working at the theater. Stop by anytime.”
“You know I will probably most definitely have to take you up on that.” 
“I know,” You snickered. “Best of luck to you.”
You stood up to throw away your ice cream, and Robin pushed in your chairs. 
“Should I let Steve know you stopped by?” She asked as you put your jacket on. 
“Uh, sure. Thanks. Just tell him I won’t be needing a ride home, though, please. We can keep the romantic drama between the two of us. I think I got what I needed.”
“Really?” She asked, scrunching up her face in confusion. 
“Yeah. I don’t know how he could top that pep talk, to be honest. Plus I don’t want to pile onto whatever crisis he’s currently going through.”
“Well, okay. If you’re sure. I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
“You really were. Thanks. I’m glad we finally actually got to meet.”
She seemed flustered by this, but also didn’t seem to disagree. 
“Yeah. Me too.”
“Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around. Do me a favor? I know it might be difficult, but please try not to be too mean to Steve. Maybe just a little mean to keep him grounded, but not too mean. Promise?”
“Okay,” She chuckled. “Just a little mean. I promise.”
You nodded appreciatively and waved goodbye to her, then left to catch the last bus home. You listened to music on your Walkman the whole way and tried your best not to imagine what Eddie was doing on his date. 
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natsu-tte-noodle · 2 years
A3! Translation: Tenichi’s Improvised Manzai Show (Joke Planning Elaborately)
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Ooo mixing it up and doing the SSR first this time oooo keeping you on your toes
Oh my god comedy is so SO fun to write, it’s so rewarding to get the joke and then feel like you’ve maybe made it work in English.  The original JP of the manzai routine is honestly really really funny, so I hope I got even a fraction of that to come across here.
iirc, this one was provided by the lovely star @banriapologist​ ! Thank you!!
The translation is under the cut. If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, please let me know!
Taichi: Ahaha, that duo was so funny just now!
Citron: They are a favorite to win the young manzai’s gateway to success, “King of Blooming.”
Tenma: The duo before them was funnier.
Taichi: I wanna see the next duo soon!  I can’t wait for these commercials to end~
Izumi: I’m home.
Sakuya: Director, welcome home!
Taichi: Welcome home!
Izumi: Oh, perfect.  You guys, are you interested in live comedy shows?
Tasuku: Live comedy shows?
Azuma: I’ve never been to one before.
Izumi: Well basically, earlier…
Yuzo: I’m coming in.
Izumi: Yuzo-san!  What can I do for you today?
Yuzo: I just happened to pass by on my way home from helping out an acquaintance’s troupe, so I thought I’d drop by here too.
Izumi: I see!  Good work today.
Yuzo: Well, it’s not just to say hi.  Here.
Izumi: Tickets to a live comedy show?
Yuzo: Yeah.  Apparently someone in the troupe that I went to help out today has an acquaintance who’s making an appearance in this.
Izumi: I see.  Huh, it’s being held at an event hall in the next town over.
Yuzo: I was planning to go since they were nice enough to give them to me, but unfortunately I’ve got other plans that day.
Yuzo: I can’t go, but I thought someone in this troupe could be able to.
Izumi: A comedy show, how nice!  I bet this would be useful for our plays too.
Yuzo: Exactly.  It could work as study for how to insert adlibs, or comedic plays.
Izumi: That’s true!  Then, I’ll take you up on the offer and accept the tickets.
Yuzo: I wanted to see it too, but it is what it is.  Let me know what you think, if you don’t mind.
Izumi: Alright!
Izumi: –so that’s what happened.
Izumi: We’ve got some tickets, so I’m hoping there are people besides me who can go too.
Citron: A live comedy show, I wish to go!
Taichi: It sounds like fun!
Tasuku: Huh, I’m interested.
Izumi: It’s going to be on this day…
Azuma: Mmm… that might be a bit difficult for me.
Tasuku: I’ve got a guest appearance that day.
Citron: Ohh… this day is the day that I go to see kabuki.
Sakuya: It’s a shame, but I also have things to do…
Taichi: Ughh… it’s no good for me either…
Izumi: In the end, it’s really inconvenient, huh.
Tenma: …I’m free on that day.
Izumi: Really?  If you’d like to, I hope we can go together.
Tenma: Are there still tickets?
Izumi: Yeah, I have some left.
Tenma: I’ll ask if any of the others can go.
Izumi: Really?  Thank you, Tenma-kun!
Izumi: Alright then, let’s have a good time today.
Tenma: Yeah.
Misumi: I’m excited to see a comedy show~
Muku: I’m looking forward to seeing a live comedy show too!
Kumon: Me too me too!  I’m excited, this is kind of like a field trip~!
Yuki: I can’t believe the entire Summer Troupe was free.
Kazunari: Isn’t it great?  A live comedy show with everyone!
Izumi: I think this’ll become a source of lots of acting tips, for things like getting a feel for the tempo and how to use pauses.
Tenma: Yeah.  There could be something that we can incorporate into Summer Troupe’s comedic plays.
Kazunari: Alright, let’s go to the event hall right away ☆
Yuki: Wow… it’s a bigger venue than I expected.
Tenma: There’s a lot of people here too.
Muku: I’m excited to see what sort of jokes they’re going to show us.
Kazunari: Ah, looks like there’s a list of the featured entertainers on the pamphlet we got earlier!
Izumi: It’s not just one duo, but a lot of them.
Misumi: I wonder if there’ll be a triangle entertainer~?
Tenma: What the heck is a triangle entertainer…
Muku: I’ve seen this person before!
Kumon: Awesome!  They’ve been making appearances on TV a lot recently with their quick one-liners!
Yuki: I thought they were a solo act, but they were originally part of a duo?
Tenma: Huh?  I’ve never seen this duo before.
Izumi: Ah, they’re a new face in manzai that just graduated from training school.
Misumi: What’s training school?
Izumi: It’s a school where you study comedy in depth.
Misumi: Ooh~!  That sounds fun~!
Kazunari: I’m too excited, my tension is maxed out!
Entertainer A: I’m starting the impersonations now, so try to guess what I’m doing.
Entertainer A: Meow meooow.
Entertainer B: That cry is… a cat!
Entertainer A: Buzz.  The correct answer was… a unpopular idol who thinks that imitating a cat will make her cute~
Entertainer B: That imitation is too specific!  Would anyone figure something like that out!?
Kumon: Haha!  It’s like Marshmugi!
Misumi: Whaaat!?  It wasn’t a cat??
Kazunari: Dark-ish jokes can also be nice~
Yuki: That comeback just now… it could be easy to use as an adlib.
Izumi: Their sense of speed is just right too.
Tenma: Yeah, the timing was perfect.
1. The tempo and pauses were really good.
Izumi: Their use of tempo and pauses was really good too.
Tenma: Especially with that routine just now, it seems like it’d work well for the Summer Troupe’s comical performances.  It’d be fresh and exciting.
Tenma: Alright, when we get back let’s try incorporating this stuff into practice right away.
2. This is even better of a study reference than I had imagined.
Izumi: This is even better of a study reference than I had imagined.
Tenma: Definitely, when you watch it like this manzai and theater surprisingly have a lot in common.
Tenma: It’d be interesting to put on a play with a manzai theme too.  Maybe we should borrow and study some DVDs on comedy too.
Izumi: Heheh, I’m glad we came.
Tenma: Yeah.  I’m looking forward to the next entertainer’s routine.
Izumi: Just like that, it’s already half over, huh.
Tenma: The next duo is…
Tenma: Next is another young duo.
Kumon: What sort of acting style are they gonna use?
Muku: I’m looking forward to it!
Kazunari: Ah, looks like it’s starting!
Mozu: Hello~!  I’m Kotaro Mozu! (1)
Esaka: I’m Kanade Esaka.  Kanade and Kotaro.
Mozu and Esaka: Together the two of us are Kanako!
Esaka: It’s nice to meet you all.
Esaka: I said that thinking we would start right away, but lots of types of people came by today, huh.
Mozu: They did~!  Looking out, I see young men and ladies of course, but also moms, dads, grandpas, grandmas, dogs…
Esaka: No no, there’s no dogs.
Mozu: That young man over there, what’s your name?
Audience Member: Um, it’s Inui.
Mozu: What?  No joke!?  There really is one! (2)
Esaka: There’s a dog here!  Wait, why are YOU surprised!?
Kazunari: Haha, so it’s a routine that plays with the audience~
Yuki: Ugh… do your best to not make eye contact.
Misumi: It’s funny~!
Mozu: Aaah!!!
Esaka: Why did you suddenly shout… what’s wrong?
Mozu: O-Over there…!
Esaka: Uh huh, what?
Kumon: Isn’t he pointing at Tenma-san?
Tenma: Wh-!  D-Don’t tell me he…
Mozu: There’s a suspicious person~!!!
Esaka: There really is… he’s wearing sunglasses even though we’re indoors.  You’re right, that’s too suspicious.
Tenma: H-Huh!?
Kumon: Wait, Tenma-san!?
Izumi: Eh!?
Mozu: Oh!  He’s standing up, what a nice suspicious person!  Why don’t you come up here for a bit?
Tenma: M-Me?
Esaka: You’re the only one with the spotlight on you, arentcha bro?  Everyone, let’s greet him with a round of applause~
Tenma: …I don’t really get it, but I’ll go for now.
Yuki: Eh?  You’re really going up?
Muku: He went up…!
Mozu: Welcome, Mr. Hot Stuff!
Esaka: Hm?  Doesn’t he have this aura about him?  Can I ask what your job is?
Tenma: Uh…
Izumi: Tenma-kun!?  Will he be ok…?
Misumi: Tenma…
Yuki: If he says anything like “actor,” it’s all over.
Kazunari: …
Kumon: Kazu-san!?
Muku: Where are you going, Kazu-kun!?
Kazunari: Now, now, leave this to me!
Esaka: What’s up, bro?
Mozu: What’s this, what’s this!  You jumping in at the last minute too, bro?
Kazunari: Heyo!  His job, right?  Actually, fresh out of VSC’s (3) 33rd generation, we make up the duo Tenichi!  Nice to meetcha ☆
Tenma: What?  What are you…
Esaka: Eh?  We’re in the same graduating class!
Mozu: No way, are y’all in the same trade!?
Esaka: Alright, this is huge so please show us just a little bit of your routine.
Mozu: I definitely wanna see it too~ Anyone else wanna see Tenichi’s routine?
Tenma: *Sigh*... remember this later.
Kazunari: Tenten, you gotta have fun like this!
Mozu: Done setting up your routine, bros?
Tenma: Yeah.
Kazunari: Ready enou~gh.
Mozu: A surprise challenger from the outside appears.  What sort of routine will they show us?  I’m getting excited~!
Esaka: Without further ado, show us what you’ve got.  Well then, go for it~
Tenma: Hello.
Kazunari: We’re Tenichi.  Nice to meetcha!
Kazunari: C’mon Tenten, your tension’s so low!  Let’s do our Tenten Tension Up shout together!
Tenma: Stop saying tentententen!
Kazunari: Alright, how many times did I say “ten” just now~?
Tenma: Huh!?  Umm… Tenten, tension…
Kazunari: Speaking of which, I went to this great ice cream parlor recently.  The salesperson’s tension was so totally maxed out!
Tenma: Hey, don’t suddenly change the subject.  What sort of salesperson was it to leave that sort of impression?
Kazunari: I’ll do a quick reenactment, so follow my lead, Tenten.  I’ll be the salesperson, and you be me!
Tenma: Wait!  Why am I playing YOU?
Kazunari: Isn’t it easier to remake it that way?
Tenma: That makes no sense!
Kazunari: Alright then, here we go!
Kazunari: Welcome~!  It’s hot today too, isn’t it?  At a time like this, let’s eat ice cream and have a blast ☆
Tenma: L-Lit!  No matter which ice cream I look at, it’s totally instablammable!  This crackling candy ice cream is rainbow colored and adorbs~!
Tenma: I’m seriously getting hyped~!!
Kazunari: Hey, no, not even gyaru (4) talk like that these days.
Tenma: Don’t get all calm and collected!
Tenma: –wouldn’t ever happen!
Kazunari and Tenma: Thank you very much!
Mozu: Considering it was thrown together at the last minute, you’re really getting laughs!
Esaka: One more big round of applause for our last minute heroes, Tenichi~
Mozu: Not bad at all, bros!
Tenma: W-Well, yeah.
Kazunari: Thanks!
Esaka: I have a feeling we’ll meet again someday.
Mozu: Next time, let’s meet at King of Blooming!
Esaka: That’s right, in the finals.
Host: “This year’s King of Blooming has turned out to be a fierce battle too!”
Host: “Young manzai entertainers competed ruthlessly in this tournament… which duo will take the champion title!”
Citron: Wonderful!  It is a very close match this year!
Taichi: In the end, it’s gotta be number 1!
Kumon: What!?  It’s totally the last guys!
Banri: Not number 3?
Sakuya: I liked number 2… mnn, but number 1 was funny too…
Muku: They were all so funny, I can’t choose!
Tenma: Everyone’s getting excited.
Kazunari: Well, it IS~ the once-a-year battle to determine who’s the top dog of comedy!
Host: “I’ll announce the results!”
Host: “The winner of this year’s King of Blooming is…!”
Company Members: …
Host: “Number 2, Kanako!!!”
Citron: Ohh!  This year it is Kanako!
Banri: Their dialogue was definitely great.
Tenma: Huh?  Aren’t those guys…
Kazunari: Ah!  They’re the guys who messed with Tenten at that live comedy show we went to the other day!
Host: “Congratulations on your victory!  How are you feeling right now?”
Esaka: “Everyone, thank you so much for your support.  We’re happy to have been able to win, but we aren’t satisfied yet.”
Mozu: “That’s right, our victory here isn’t enough!  We have a rival that we must win against no matter what!”
Host: “Ohh!  And that rival is…?”
Mozu: “They came to a live comedy show before–Tenichi!  We absolutely must face them in the finals here!”
Esaka: “I’m looking forward to the day when we can face off~”
Tenma: Wh…!?
Banri: Wait a minute, is Tenichi…
Taichi: Whaat!?  Tenchan, you know them!?
Citron: You two, leaving Citrun behind, what is the meaning of this!!
Sakuya: Since when were you comedians!?
Kumon: Kanako’s rival is Tenichi, that’s so awesome!
Muku: Oh my gosh, we could see something like that last live comedy show again!
Taichi: What happened at that live comedy show!?
Kazunari: Yooo!  How about it?  Are we going on King of Blooming??
Tenma: Obviously not!
1-1. I don’t know if it’ll show at all, but the duo is speaking in the Kansai dialect.  I’ve read that it’s a popular dialect among comedians for having a casual feel to it.  The previous duo used it too, I believe. 1-2. Apparently it’s popular to translate it in a southern drawl?  But tbh I felt that coming from me it would feel forced.  They got one “y’all” as a treat. 2. One of the kanji in Inui (犬井) is the kanji for dog (犬). 3. Veludo Star Creation, most likely.  It’s based on the actual comedy school, NSC. 4-1. Gyaru (ギャル) is a subculture of girl’s fashion characterized by trendy or nonconformist styles.  It’s got a style of speech that mixes unique slang with a very casual tone. 4-2. If I were to localize this line, I’d probably go with “Hey, no, nobody talks like that anymore.”
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Fushimi Omi - Translation [SSR] Photographer at Dawn (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Omi: We’re home.
Izumi: Welcome back!
Taichi: How’d the touring go?
Tasuku: The ride felt great. The weather held up too.
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Citron: That’s good to hear~! So, what soup and ears did you get?
Taichi: Uh, it’s souvenirs!
Omi: Ahh, about that… Actually, we weren’t able to buy anything this time.
Tasuku: It was fine in the morning, but the roads were pretty congested on the way back. We were going to buy some at the rest stop, but we gave up on dropping by. Sorry about that.
Izumi: That sounds rough…
Citron: Oh! That’s a shame, but I understand.
Juza: This ain’t a souvenir, but I got this.
Taichi: “Wanko certification ticket”…? What’s this?
Omi: It’s a certification that we ate over 100 wanko soba bowls. Tasuku-san and I got them too.
Izumi: Wait, you’re telling me the three of you ate over 300 bowls!? Amazing…!
Taichi: How many bowls did you end up with at the end?
Juza: The shop workers stopped countin’ after we went past 100, so I dunno the actual number.
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Tasuku: The restaurant ran out of stock while we were eating, so it was over before we could give up.
Citron: You ate them clean!? That’s an unexpected smackdown!
Taichi: I mean, that expression’s not exactly wrong.
Omi: We were relieved when the shopkeepers told us we helped them out since not many people come due to them being in the countryside.
Izumi: That’s good to hear.
Izumi: (I’ve gotten to a good place to stop in my work, so maybe I’ll have some coffee…) Huh, Omi-kun? What are you doing at this hour?
Omi: Director. Haha, I was spotted. I was making some sweets an apology for not being able to buy any souvenirs for everyone.
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Izumi: You don’t have to worry about that, you know?
Omi: No, no. I left breakfast to you, yet I came back empty-handed. At least allow me to do this much.
Izumi: That’s so like you, Omi-kun. By the way, what are you making?
Omi: Buckwheat flour muffins. I remembered we had some leftover buckwheat flour from when we bought it before.
Izumi: It’s soba-related!
Omi: You got me. The truth is, this buckwheat flour has been on my mind ever since I was on my 30th bowl or so.
Izumi: Really?
Omi: You said your sweet tooth has been acting up lately, didn’t you? That’s another reason I wanted to make sweets tonight.
Option 1: “That’s very kind of you”
Izumi: I only briefly mentioned sweets to you yesterday. That’s very kind of you.
Omi: Well… you also mentioned you had things to take care of today. I felt like you’ve been a little too busy these days.
Izumi: I’m getting as much rest as I can, so it’s fine.
Omi: I thought you’d say that. All I can do is make sweets like this, so please have some if you’d like.
Option 2: “I can’t wait”
Izumi: Buckwheat flour muffins~. I can’t wait to see how they taste.
Omi: They’re not bad. They’re not as moist as with regular flour, but they have a crumbly texture.
Izumi: I see. …Wow, there’s a great smell coming from the oven!
Omi: It looks like they came out well.
Izumi: Looks like they’re done!
Omi: Shall we take them out quickly? By the way, did you need something from the kitchen, Director?
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Izumi: Ah, right. I reached a good stopping point in my work, so I came to make some coffee.
Omi: You’re still working at this hour? That’s a lot. I’ll let our hardworking Director eat these freshly baked muffins before anyone else then.
Izumi: Are you sure? I appreciate the thought… but I think Azami-kun’s going to get mad at me if I eat sweets this late.
Omi: Alright, it’ll be our very own secret then. That solves that, right? If you’d prefer, how about I feed you directly? Here. Say ahh—.
Izumi: I-I’m fine. I can eat it myself!
Omi: Haha, just joking.
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Izumi: (It doesn’t sound like a joke when Omi-kun says it…) Alright, I’m taking a bite. …Yep, it’s tasty alright! It has a really gentle flavour.
Omi: I’m glad if it suits your taste. Here, you can take a few to your room too.
Izumi: Thanks! I’m going to eat these and get back to burning the midnight oil!
Omi: Once again, please don’t push yourself too hard.
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ilostyou · 1 year
rant 🤪
i love my best friend dearly and spent three months after i got eras tickets trying to convince her to come with me bc i got extra and she kept just saying she can’t bc school this school that but now! a month before the concert! she’s like oh btw i was talking to [this other friend of ours, my og swiftie friend] and also some other people who are going and now i think i wanna go but i don’t have my schedule yet so i have to wait but i wanna go sooo if you still have the tickets lmk how much bc i want in but if you did sell the tickets it’s fine
mind you this is like 24h after i Finally came to terms w rly selling them (for AGES i was like. i wanna hold onto one more bc what if she wants to come so i’ll sell the others in a pair and my dad was like ??? you’re insane but whatever lol) and NOW? after talking to other people??? now you decide you want in????? and idk why i’m irrationally weird feeling abt this maybe it’s bc i am in fact exhausted but. girl ?? i spent months trying to CONVINCE yes convince you to wanna come and ???? nothing. but now??? bruh.
and to boot! my dad and this whole selling tickets for a fortune thing. he’s always been like ? you’re just lol gonna give it to her for face value? that’s a $1200 gift we’re talking about. and i’m like bro it’s not a gift lol she’ll be paying for it. but he’s like dude profit margins. and i really didn’t feel that way til yesterday when i was told (by stubhub or wherever i was looking) that my seats have been selling for upwards of $3k which is INSANITY in its own sense but yknow what he did have a point! and i know i’m not actually considering not giving her a ticket bc thag was my whole point of getting however many i could at presale bc. i do wanna be able to go with friends and have it be a whole time yknow?? but now i’m feeling petty and like. bro i talked this up for so long and it took. someone else’s opinion to get you to wanna come w me???
and don’t get me wrong we’d have the time of our lives she really is my best friend and my sister wouldn’t mind if she came (i don’t think) bc she’s chill and they like each other but also like. i’ve gotten into the mindset that it really is just gonna be me and my sister and i got underratedly hyped for it!!!! like yes she’ll be 13 but yknow what that’s such a blast and literal core memory for her i have no doubt about it. and now i’m like. maybe we Shoukd just be going alone not with other people even if it is my best frjend
UGH so many thoughts and honestly it’s not imminent bc obviously she didn’t commit yet but i’m gonna have to tell her she needs to commit or not bc i have to list the tickets soon so i’ll either save hers or i won’t but like. she needs to commit to it
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seventeensbabye · 2 years
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《ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ》
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◆ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs/ɴᴏᴛᴇs: ᴄᴜʀsɪɴɢ (ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғ ʀᴇᴀᴅ!)
◆ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ʏᴏᴜ’ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀ ғɪɴᴇ ᴍᴀɴs ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ.
◆ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.3ᴋ
◆ ɢᴇʀɴᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴊᴏʙ/ᴡᴏʀᴋ/ʙᴜsɪɴᴇss ᴀᴜ!
◆ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sɪᴍ ᴊᴀᴇʏᴜɴ x ʏ/ɴ (ꜰᴇᴍ)
◆ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ
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its 4:30 am on a saturday. i dont really work on the weekends but today, my boss asked for me to come in. jennifer usually takes the weekend shifts with him because she wanted to still be able to be his assistant but today was different. i got a call from my boss. the phone rang loudly, waking me from my sleep. i'm glad i went to bed early last night. i picked up the phone and put it to my ear after i answered.
“ hello? ” i said sounding as tired as ever.
“ i need you to come in today. ”
“ do you need anything before i get there? ”
“ my coffee and food. also, i need you to be here in the next 45 minutes. come any later and we’ll have a problem. ” i cant express how much he scared me.
“ okay, i’ll be there. ”
“ good. ” after saying that he hung up.
i was upset, i had plans today and now i have to cancel. what can i do? all i can do is listen and go work. i got up and quickly got ready taking maybe 10 minutes in total. i hurried and grabbed my things hurrying to the car. i got in the car and drove to the coffee place that, i thought, had his drink. when i got in there i asked for the iced vanilla coffee and the donut but they didnt have any vanilla cream. i bought the donut and walked out thinking of other places who had the coffee. starbucks! it was five minutes away and i had 26 minutes left to get to work. i sped to the starbucks and ran in. they had his coffee so i ordered. it took 8 minutes to make it. after they handed it to me i ran to my car and started to drive to work. i have 18 minutes left and it takes about 20 minutes to get there so i started speeding. ensuring that i got to work on time. i didnt want any problems, he honestly scared me. luckily i made it to work 2 minutes early. i hurried inside the building making it to his office exactly on time. as usually, i knocked on his door and instead of opening it myself, he was standing next to the door to open it for me. i bowed to him, he stepped to the side allowing me inside. i walked inside and sat his drink and donut on the table. “ you made it on time, you got lucky. ” he walked over to his seat and picked up his coffee.
he took a sip of the coffee then put it down. “ my other assistant wouldn't have made it on time. thats why shes not here. i told her not to come. ” i was shocked. he told her not to come because he knew she wouldn’t make it on time and called me instead. “ oh.. ” he sat down and opened his computer. “ sit and pull out the notebook. ” i sat down doing exactly what he asked. “ write this down, i need you to get a ticket so we can fly to tokyo. february 22nd, first class, i have the money and i will write the check so you can get the tickets and the rooms. ” i slowly nodded. “ so i’m going and not your other assistant? ” he looked up at me as if i disappointed him. “ i said we, not me and her. yes you’re coming with me. dont ask dumb questions like that. i dont need her to come with me plus you need experience and this is the easiest task you can do for me right now. ” im so dumb, why the fuck did i ask that? “ my apologies.. i wont do it again. ” he sighed. “ i know you can do decent make-up and hair so i dont need a stylist for this trip, you can do it for me. you have to be up early though and dont worry about the coffee on the trip i’ll just get room service. ” i continued writing as if it was a essay. “ also, you need to look nice and bring a good selection of clothes because you be out with me the majority of the time. ”
“ okay sir. ” he closed his computer, crossing his hands. “ stop calling me sir, im not that old, just say mr. sim. ” i nodded nervously. “ lastly we have somewhere to go today. ” i already got the room and things like that. ” he stood up from his desk, putting away his computer. “ pack up your stuff and wait outside my office door. ” i packed up everything and got up out of my seat, proceeding to walk outside his office. i stood there for 2 minutes wait for him to come out. when he did he walked past me without saying a word and walked outside to the escort. i followed behind him. a man was waiting outside of the car door holding it open for jaeyun. he walked to the car then got in, using his fingers to get me to hurry up. when i got in the man closed the door and we waited for him to get in and drive. “ mr. sim, may i ask.. where are we going? ” he pulled out his phone. “ i have a few meetings i have to go to for the next few days and i won't have time to go home so i got a room so i dont have to worry about that. ” he was on the phone seconds later, talking and making orders. i sat there in silence fiddling with my hands. wait.. is it one room? i dont have any clothes..
i didn’t bring any makeup. what if i mess up his schedule? fuck. fuck. FUCK. what do i do? i became extremely anxious. scared at this point. i was shaking for maybe ten minutes straight. “ whats wrong. ” his question brushed past my ear as if he never asked. his hand then was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump. “ yes! ” i yelled out of nervousness. “ im sorry.. yes? ” i looked to my feet. “ are you okay? ” he kept his hand on my shoulder. “ yes.. im fine.. my apologies. ” he removed his hand and sat back. “ you’re breathing way too hard for you to just be okay. ” i looked out the window trying to keep myself distracted. “ im sure. im fine really, i was just overthinking. ” he chuckled. “ if you’re thinking of ways you could possibly fuck this up, you can’t. i have everything ready for when we get there, i got stylists and things of that sort to help us prepare. i have clothes you can sleep in, the only way this could go wrong is if you dont wake up on time but i’ll be there to wake you up. ” hearing him say all of that calmed me down. it made me worry less. we finally got to the hotel and got out of the car, walking inside the building. it was nice and huge. we got the key to the room and headed to our room. there was so many people here.
we made it in the room and it looked like a suite. it had a kitchen, sadly on room but i was willing to sleep on the couch. i put my purse and bag down on the kitchen table. “ i need you to start working on getting the tickets and room. ” i sat down and pulled out my computer, quickly getting to work. i worked for hours, starting at 6 am and not ending until 5 pm, we were busy the whole day, well at least i was. i got the tickets and the room and started to work on whatever else he assigned to me. it was a lot. i had to make reservations, look at files, figure out exact locations for things, i was stressing. i kept choosing the wrong locations and looking at the wrong files but i chose not to say anything about it. i was in and out after 6 pm. i had to go make sure the locations were right, i had to go get things for tomorrow, it was hard. when i came back at 8 i still had files to look at and work on, i didn't get any rest. i was up until 11. mr. sim walked in the the dining room and sat next to me. i didn’t notice, i continued to work on everything that needed to be done, looking at what he assigned to me i realized that i forgot to get his suit for the tokyo trip but the place to get it was closed. this scared me to death, what do i do? i had to get it by tomorrow or i would struggle to get it while there in tokyo. i checked his schedule to see if i had enough time to get it during the day but his whole day was booked up i would have to be up by 6 am to go get it. dealing with this gave me a headache. i pushed everything away from me and put my head down. i couldn’t take it anymore. he closed my computer and rubbed my back. “ stop stressing yourself out, i’ll make a call and have the suit be brung here, okay? just because you’re my assistant doesn’t mean that you cant ask for help or get rest. i’d prefer if you communicate with me rather mess things up and stress yourself out. ”
i didn’t expect him to care, not even a little. i brung my head up. “ im sorry, i just didn’t expect this to get so stressful. ” he started to organized everything on the table and put it in my bag. “ it’s not supposed to be stressful, its just stressful to you because you didn’t ask for help. you need to eat and get rest so i’ll order food and you go take a shower, i’ll put clothes on the counter for when you get out. ” you see luckily i always bring extra pairs of underwear everywhere so i dont have to worry about that. i tried to help him pack everything up. “ no, i got it. go shower, you need to relax. ” i didnt want him to think i was lazy but instead of helping like he said, i got up and walked to the bathroom. turning on the shower as i waited for it to get warm. i closed the door leaving it unlocked, taking off my clothes before getting into the shower. my shower was about 45 minutes long. when i got out as told there were clothes on the counter, his clothes. a oversized white tee and a pair of sweats that surprisingly fit perfectly. the clothes that i took off were gone. i think he must’ve put them somewhere. i walked out of the bathroom and headed to the dining room where he sat with food.
fried chicken, spicy ramen, spicy tteokbokki, and water. i sat next to him and he handed me the plate. “ i made everything but the chicken so its fine if you dont like it, i cant cook anyway. ” he laughed. after he handed me my chopsticks i started eating, i was starving. all i had to eat today was light snacks and water. surprisingly his food was actually pretty tasty. he ate with me until there was no more left. when i seen that we were done i got up and grabbed the dishes to wash them out. “ why do you always feel the need to rush and overwork yourself with everything? i could’ve wash them out, im still a regular and normal person. ” he got up and started throwing things away. while i washed them. “ well i knew you’re a regular person but it feels weird being your assistant and seeing you do things on you own. thats why im here to do things for you. ” he stood next the the wall and leaned against it. “ thats not what you’re here for. other people would love to have you as a assistant but i need you here to do everything i dont have time to do. like the files, getting rooms, tickets, and things of that sort. also i just need someone here to keep me interested. being alone gets boring even though i am the boss of people. ”
so is he saying he doesn’t have friends or a girlfriend? thats shocking seeing how attractive he is. “ thats was the other reason i needed you to come and not jennifer. she bothers me, badly. she wont leave me alone for shit. she annoys me and i wanna fully get rid of her and replace her for you but i dont want to hurt her feelings but i cant take this shit anymore. she’s basically useless, she’s more worried about me, she forgets to do the work i assign to her. then she flirts and talks to all the friends i work with like mr. park and it’s like why are you here? ” i can tell by his tone of voice and face expressions that it was irritating him. “ what do you think i should do? should i just get rid of her permanently? ” i put the dishes away and turned facing him. “ i dont know but i dont want to tell you to get rid of her and have her be upest with me, she already doesnt like me because you made me your assistant. she’ll just be even more rude to me when we work together. ” he looked confused. “ instead of being upest with me, she’s mad at you because i chose you to be my assistant? ” i nodded. “ alright, it’s settled. i’ll fire her from working with me at all. she can go work with mr. park, he likes her anyway. i’ll make the call and let him know tomorrow. ” i was shocked. “ y-you’ll.. fire her? ” he lightly smiled, “ yes, i dont want her having problems with you or anyone over a choice that i made. ”
i scratched my head. “ dont worry, i wont let her say anything to you. dont feel bad either, she deserved it. ”
ᴇɴᴅ. @seventeensbabye
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© seventeensbabye: all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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