#so I'm excited!
next time i hate on something i'm gonna need to take 24 hours before i actually say anything because i'm looking at the bard again and honestly it's not that bad. it's gonna be fine
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blametheeditor · 1 year
Incident 8000-1
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of death and murder. Mentions of weapons. Mentions of violence. Darker themes and tone.
SCP-8000's File
What can Cadence say? He's an enabler.
“Is today the day it does literally anything?” 
The sound of something falling into a chair along with papers flung carelessly onto the counter is heard through the intercom closely after a door slamming shut. 
“Nope,” Cadence murmurs as he sits back, kicking his feet up because there’s no reason to be ‘professional’ while watching the most boring SCP possible. 
Despite the act of uninterest, he still goes through the checklist he’s filled the same answers to since day one of being assigned SCP-8000. Or better known by everyone on staff, a jar of what most likely used to be an anomaly but the true one escaped months ago by replacing itself with ink. 
Did it visibly change while being unobserved? 
2. Did it react to a voice over the intercom? 
Another big n-o. 
Cadence glances at the motionless jar of black liquid sitting on a table in the small cell strictly for observation before lazily pulling the microphone toward him, knowing this is all a waste of time. But if he doesn’t do it, someone’s writing him up for not following protocol. 
“Please shake the jar if you want anything.” 
Just as he suspected, not a single ripple. 
“Please turn into a floating black void if you are going to do anything but stay inside the jar and be the most boring SCP imaginable.” 
And who could have possibly guessed! But now that he got that over with, the white haired young man can take a nap for the six hours he’s scheduled to ‘observe’. Time in which not a single other person will come in to check and see what he’s doing because there’s no point. And after his shift is over no one else will come in to observe the anomaly, because for the same reason as before, there’s no point. 
On one hand, Cadence is certainly grateful to be assigned to a safe SCP. He’s seen how even euclids are dealt with, and that kind of stress is not what he wants nor needs. Not to mention that despite the fact that kind of class tends to mean ‘dangerous’, it’s idiots who are put in charge of research with even more idiots surrounding them. Because if he was being honest, he’s more scared of the team assigned to the SCP than he is the actual anomaly. 
On the other hand, at this point he’s fairly certain this one is meant to have people slowly wither away and die out of boredom. 
A single red eye slowly opens to spot the jar that still has not moved so much as an inch. 
What a life it is to be stuck in a jar 24/7. Apparently it’s fantastic considering the SCP has done nothing but sit there. Despite the fact this form is not its ‘true’ form. Despite the fact it can and had previously transformed into multiple different items. 
Despite the fact there is no lid to force it to stay that way. 
At this point, the dedicated display of a ten out of 10 rating that a Mason jar is the place to spend every second in almost makes him want to have a jar of his own. There has to be an anomaly that could make his dreams come true. Might as well considering Cadence is also just wasting away. There’s no telling when the higher ups will proclaim this SCP as a dud and either make the executive decision to neutralize it, or stick it in a closet before tossing its observer to the nearest anomaly that guarantees death. 
No, he’s not exaggerating. Going off of the notes, it consistently chose the jar out of every offered container. 
Cadence pauses as he glances over a section stating just how...passive SCP-8000 is. Because if he was it, anyone coming in and dumping him onto the table to see if he stays a liquid deserves getting tased. 
Although, that is assuming it can ‘utilize’ itself without someone’s assistance. He doesn’t know how far the qualities of its main form extend when it transforms. It might be impossible to hover while it’s a taser. And who’s to say it can’t flip a switch and therefore could possibly hover, but then there’s no electricity and making it more of an ordeal than desired. 
Don’t worry, he’s always thinking about violence. Be happy he’s imagining a taser for hypothetical retaliation. 
He glances over the notes one last time. Looks up at the motionless SCP. 
...he’s a complete idiot for actually contemplating going into the room with the sole purpose to try and annoy it. He’s worked at this site long enough to know that not everything is what it seems, and while this anomaly seems to be one neutral to humans, who’s to say it has an unknown trigger they just haven’t found yet. 
He should just stay in his chair. Take a nice nap before reporting the same thing as he had yesterday. And the day before. Which will be the same thing tomorrow. And the day after. 
Cadence stands up before meaning on his . Glances between the door into the room containing SCP-8000, and the anomaly itself. 
Opens it with a dramatic flourish, muscles tense in preparation for...something. Anything. 
He’s only stared at mockingly for being afraid of an anomaly that only rippled due to the disturbance caused by the man himself. 
That was certainly anti-climatic. 
Cadence takes the opportunity to leave the room without anything happening and promptly throws it out the window as he strides over to the table. He only remembers he left the door wide open for the SCP to possibly escape through once he’s within grabbing distance of the jar. But with there still being no reaction, he wishes he placed a bet on the side it had escaped and left normal ink behind. 
“Why don’t we just move you over here...” 
Nothing happens as he carefully drags the jar from the center of the table over toward the corner. All for the hope such an action will annoy it enough to do something. Because apparently someone walking into the room for the first time in over a month still doesn’t constitute something more than pretending to be liquid. 
But, the idiot known as Cadence not being careful despite interacting with an SCP they know essentially nothing about, him placing it too close to the edge and allowing it to fall and shatter upon impact? That earned a reaction. 
He barely had any time to process what happened. He could only appreciate the fact closed-toed shoes and pants are required to be worn under the lab coat and therefore didn’t earn any glass shards shredding his feet or ankles. Blink at the sight of the anomaly looking like any normal liquid spilt on the floor other than seemingly more held together. 
And then the puddle known as SCP-8000 lunges at him. 
Cadence feels what shouldn’t be a solid form latch onto his leg. His first instinct is to run. His second is to realize just how stupid an idea that is and instead takes off his coat in the hopes he can use it to dislodge the anomaly. 
It actually works. He manages to wrap the piece of cloth around the solid liquid, at least managing to trap it. Of course, that means trapping it on his leg, but at least there’s no possible way for it to make contact with his skin. At the very least he’s only been minimally exposed. Not- 
Who’s the disembodied voice now, bitch!
Cadence screams as he attempts to scramble away from the anomaly. Throws the lab coat as far away from him as possible. Freezes when he realizes it was no longer on his leg. 
Where- where did it go. 
Right here!
The young man feels a mental push to look to his right. To stare at the living liquid currently creating a black band around his arm. 
Cadence, is it? Your name’s as cute as you look.
“You’re certainly a flirt,” he barely manages to say. But the longer he stares at the SCP, the more it becomes clear it has no intention of doing anything more than talking to him. “And what’s your name, darling?” 
Anything you’d like to call me, baby.
It’s actually flirting with him. “Does this mean you won’t kill me?” 
As much as it seems you want to be killed, that’s not really my style.
“Ah.” Cadence pokes at the band. Stares as it flows across his fingers like water uncontrolled by gravity. “And here I thought you would want to take revenge over breaking your favorite jar.” 
I really did like it. But who needs it when I can make one of my own!
Just like that, SCP-8000 seems to disappear from his hands, and in its place sits a Mason jar just like the shattered one only a few feet away. 
Cadence lifts it up. Flicks the glass to test it’s an exact replica. Just like the reports state and yet he never saw the entire time he was assigned to watch the SCP. Up until now, hearing an excitable voice that had never been mentioned as well. 
Oh, and I can become this, too! 
Red eyes blink. Stare at the taser sitting in his hand. One he essentially had to catch considering the jar he previously held had been a much larger object. And before he can say anything, it bursts to life as the sound of buzzing fills the air. 
Cadence waits for the demonstration to end before flicking the switch himself to turn it on and off. “Well aren’t you full of surprises.” 
And I've got so much more up my sleeve.
“Says the anomaly who doesn’t wear clothing,” he mutters, tossing the taser before catching it once again. He doesn’t get a single comment on the action. If anything, the SCP seems happy to just be interacted with. Even if that is being treated like an inanimate object. 
Right. He’s currently holding an anomaly. 
“You wouldn’t tell on me to my superiors I completely neglected protocol, would you?” 
Of course not, my evening star.
“And for being such a darling, maybe I can take you out of this room for a couple hours a day.” 
The taser turns into water falling through his fingers as the SCP radiates smugness. 
You read my mind!
“More like you read mine,” Cadence huffs. He looks back at the jar that managed to be the key to what seems like an interesting partnership. Realizes he has no where to put the liquid void enjoying itself creating another puddle impossible to store with no other container in sight. “You wouldn’t be a good anomaly and turn into a jar to wait patiently hear, would you?” 
It sounds so smug knowing he’s backed into a corner. 
“Anyway you can disguise yourself as I inform the containment specialist for this sector?” 
There’s no response other than SCP-8000 racing up his arms as it seems to think. He takes the opportunity to put his coat back on, needing to make it seem as if he only reacted to a situation and hadn’t caused it. 
He hesitates when there’s movement close to his collar, glancing down to spot his name staring back at him on a standard name-tag each scientist wears on site. Except he tends to leave his inside his office. 
How does this work?
Honestly, it’s a bit genius. 
Cadence quickly walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. He straightens his coat before grabbing the paperwork that will need to be updated. With that he walks out of the observation room, purposeful steps making him look hurried but not panicked as he makes his way to the office of his supervisor. 
“You okay, John?” 
He nearly brushes right past the concerned woman, mentally sputtering when it becomes clear she was calling him 'John'. Despite never having introduced himself to anyone on site as such, and she’s an unfamiliar stranger to him. 
Damn, I should’ve gone with Wallace. John seems to be a bit overused.
How Cadence forgot his name-tag was an anomaly that can change its shape into anything on its own whim, he will never know. 
And why the thought of it changing his name just because it can also never crossed his mind will be a mystery never to be solved. 
Yet he doesn’t force the SCP to pick something else to shift into after assuring her that he’s okay, simply in a hurry. Not even when someone else calls him ‘Wallace’. And his supervisor looks at him in confusion knowing his name isn’t ‘SCP-8000’. 
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artisyone · 1 year
Aight, I acted and secured my seat...
I got my ticket to the Sonic Symphony in Chicago 😤
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I haven’t been like. Watching much while I’ve been sick, and being sick is like. Prime time for watching stuff. So I’m gonna change that. Gonna watch L/ooney T/unes: Back in Action
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shoomlah · 1 year
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I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me so
You Fascinate Me So, Blossom Dearie
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cheescheesy · 4 months
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nari your exams start next week, focus!!
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hansoeii · 10 months
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Sometimes you just have one of those moments where the progress we've made as a culture get thrown into stark relief. You look at something and go "Holy shit, that would never have happened when I was a kid."
Today, I had one of those moments when I realized that the teenage boys I'm working with are just. genuinely, openly enthusiastic about going to Build-a-Bear for their outing.
These are sixteen and seventeen year old boys! They just had a whole conversation about what to name their "cute", mostly new squishmallows! They're genuinely excited that they're going to Build-a-Bear this weekend and asking other kids to pick up specific accessories for them!!
Holy shit, that never would've happened when I was 16. None of the boys would have dared to be visibly interested - and neither would most of the girls! There would have been a million gay jokes and "Haha, you're a girl" jokes and "What are you, a baby?" jokes. Teenagers weren't even supposed to care about anything back then!
Less than 15 years later, and I'm watching three 17 year old boys treat all that as not even worthy of comment.
So let's call that a reason for hope. Even when the kids aren't alright, in some ways apparently they are alright. Go Gen Z, honestly. It's so lovely to watch you guys just openly doing and saying stuff that, when I was a teen, would've been a social death sentence.
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n0v4t33z · 8 months
The first chapter for The Piece Of Eight should be up in a few days.
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stump-not-found · 8 days
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A Lifetime Served in a Little Cup
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4
enough math let's go screw around for 8 more pages
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mroddmod · 4 months
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finally introducing my Cadet Batch AU, in which the batch are all raised together :)
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egophiliac · 18 days
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last chance to guess what the new round of birthday outfits will be!
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passionfruitbowls · 1 year
you can tell that the barbie movie is going to be iconic because it's already generated two "recreate this with your favourite character(s)" trends despite the fact that it isn't coming out until july
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ash-and-starlight · 19 days
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sooo so happie to launch into space the art i did for this @zukkabigbang2024 for the beautiful fic
The Mercy of Magpies
written by the wonderful showstopping @ranilla-bean and betaed by the equally iconic @faux-fires. Featuring dilves, birdies, true love, war, crazy plans, dubious plastic surgery and a galaxy far, far away. Please check out the rebloggable fic post with its special cover art here (or jump directly to the fic, I can't blame you, it is That Good)
also, some extra juicy plot relevant characters pop up in later chapters and havent been included for 👀 spoiler reasons 👀 but you can already try to guess who they are who's that pokemon style <3
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sprinklesharkie · 4 months
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bdubs is having his judge judy arch
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cuntylestat · 4 months
JACOB: My feeling about Louis is that he is the most vampire of all of them. He has the highest drive and jonesing for blood, I think he really wants blood, I think he hates human beings. Everything he says he is, I think he is the opposite. [...] I think he feels the need to overcompensate for a really deep blood lust, and he really wants to be a vampire. [...] He's the reticent vampire because he is reticent to embrace what he is. SAM: Until he's not.
Jacob Anderson talking about Louis de Pointe du Lac (x)
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