#so at keast now she knows
yanderepuck · 2 years
Chapter two of my thoughts on Arthur's route even tho we all really know my thoughts on this whore
This bitch drivers to get bit. I'd bite him and then I wouldn't let go. And just keep clenching my jaw harder and harder until he's yelling in pain and someone has to rip me from him
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I'm going to make sure you hate that bite mark for DAYS AND THEY YOURE SCARED OF ME WHORE
Arthur. I don't think you know what flirting really is. You admit that you weren't trying to stall mc... THEREFORE YOU REALLY WERE JUST BEING AN ASS AND DONT KNOW WHAT "NO" MEANS
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I REALLY HOPE COMTE SLAPS YOU AFTER FINDING OUT WHAT YOU DID. But honestly, it's still unclear to me if MC tells Comte what fully happened between her and Arthur or just tells him the vampire thing. She tells him Arthur was going to bite her, BUT I DONT THINK SHE SAYS IT WITH SEVERITY
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Bitch is really happy to have a fucking butler do all his shirt for him. Not saying that isn't what a butler is for but at keAST RESPECT SEBASTIAN, WHORE
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Mc: *bites*
Arthur: you must be a real wildcat in bed
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nana-clodo · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔴 15/$25. Karen Keast ~ Forbidden Dream.
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OP au crack
Lan: Roll! Ineed to tell you something
Roll: sure, what is it? Not here, let's go somewhere where rest of the crew can't hear
Roll: okay, what did you want to tell me?
Lan: I don't know what Hub has told you, but I want you to know he's very much afraid of doctors and hospitals.
Roll: it went well with me. But he dud tell me he was sick as a kid.
Lan: he was, and that led to him being afraid of those things in the first place. So if he freaks out in the future at keast you know why.
Roll: I'll remember that. Is there anything else I need to know?
Lan: he doesn't handle me, or anyone he cares about becoming sick either. So he might freak out over that too.
Mega: what would Lan and Roll talk about alone?
Mayl: Roll might just talking to Lan about his medical history. She is making profiles of all of us
Mega: or Lan is telling her embarrassing stories about me
Mayl: he wouldn't do that
Mega: yes he would!
Roll: So Hub worries himself to death when others are sick, huh?
Lan: Basically. I once had a cold and he had to wrestle me to the ground to make me stay in bed
Roll: Why do I feel like it was so you wouldn't overexert yourself...?
Lan: Anyways, just so you don't freak out when it happens okay?
Roll: ...
Later that night
Mega: Hey, it's really late, why don't you go to bed?
Roll: Oh, I didn't realize how late it was... I was just studying some more
Mega: You're already a great healer, you don't need to work so hard
Roll: Well, I just want to make sure I'm the best I can be! I don't want you or anyone else to worry if someone gets hurt or sick!
Mega: ...Oh, that's what Lan was telling you, huh
Roll: Leave it to me, Hub! I promise I won't let you down!
Mega: *smiles* I don't doubt you for a minute... Now please go to bed, or you really will make me worried about you!
Roll: *giggles* I guess taking care of everyone means taking care of myself too, huh?
Mega: Yes, so please do that for me!
Roll: Alright
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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calliecat93 · 3 years
Alrighty, In have a theory about what’s going on with Belos, Hunter being unable to perform magic without the artificial staff, Creepy Luz, and Phillip’s portal. I am basic all of this on what we know so far and Infully expect to be wrong and someone else likely already thought this uo. But so far, woth all the evidence we have and what Incan recall thus far, this is my theory:
From what we know so far, Phillip appears to have created the portal to Earth. How he did so is unknown or even how he got sent to the Boiling Isles in the first place. But lets not worry about that now. Let’s just assume that he succeeded. But whether he did so on purpose or accidentally, the portal had a side-effect: it created a copy of the one who passes through it.
Think about it. What if the portal created a copy of Phillip that remained on the Boiling Isles? Originally I thought maybe it was so no pne would miss him, but then I remembered Gwen confirming that as far as anyone knew, he just vanished. But IDT that doscredits the theory completely. What if this copy hid his face somthat no one would otherwise be the wiser? What if the copy became mad with power and in ways unknown to us, managed to take over the Boiling Isles and change the entire infastructure to how magic was used? Instead of using magic freely, it became controlled unless they swore aligencd to him?
What if this hypothetical copy of Phillip became Emperor Belos? A copy who appears human on the surface and looks like Phillip, so he eneds the mask. What if he can’t perform actual magic like the other characters can? Which is a theory that began at the end of S1 and this would explain why, especially since the recent episode confirmed that staffs with ‘artificial magic’ DO exist? If he got wxposed as a fake, those serving him may very wel turn on him and his plans for the Day of Unity come crashing down.
And if it is true that the portal can create a copy, this would explain Creepy Luz. When Luz followed Exa that fateful day, another Luz cane into existence. One that may very well have the same memories and knowledge as the real Luz. Thus she was able to simply fill in the slot that Luz left behind. She went to camp instead of Luz. She came back and since she had jo reason to suspect otherwise, Luz’s mother just assumed that she came home as she was meant to. Now whether Creepy Luz is evil or even aware that she’s not the real Luz is a mystery right now. We won’t know what her true intentions are until we see her fully. But if it’s true, it reinforces the theory that Belos may very well not only not be a witch, but not even be human.
Now this is where things get clunky. Because if the portal creating copies is true, why isn’t there a copy of Eda? She’s been through the portal. Now to be fair we don’t know for sure, maybe we’ll get a surprise an encounter a Creepy Eda at some point. But I have another theory. Unless the portal only causes copying to happen to humans and doesn’t affect witches, it may simply be that the copies are not able to sustain themselves for long. A fake Eda may very well already be long dead with her none the wiser about any of it and if the portal only does this once, there’s no need to worry about another being made. Which brings us to Belos’ condotion. Why he needs to drain Palisman’s magic. Why he’s decomposing into some kind of black slime thing. Simply put, Belos is LONG past the point thag he was meant to die. Maybe the revelation drove him madc I’m not sure. But he kills Palismans to keep himsef alice and without them or another source, he will die. Somif Creepy Luz is nearing her expiration daye… yeah it’s not gonna be pretty.
So then, what about Hunter? What’s his connection in all of this. Well here’s the other theory, maybe Hunter isn’t 100% a witch. Maybe, just maybe, he’s part human. My friend @vivalatoons who was kind enough to listen to me ramble about this already suggested to me that maybe he’s some kind of descendant of Phillip’s, and that would make sense. What if during his time in the Boiling Isles, Phillip got together with someone? What if he started a family or at keast tried to? We don’t know his age when he left the Boiling Isles, and even depsite always planning to go home, he likely formed relationships the same way that Luz is now. So maybe he and another concoeved a child, but due to being half human that child and those who came after were always powerless? Unable to perform magic the same way others could. Hunter is the most recent powerless child and maybe if Belos is wise to this, it’s why he took him in as his ‘nephew’. After all, if Hunter is a descendant of Phillip, then in a warp way, he is Belos’ ‘family’ and someone that he can use to his advantage.
Now again, I’m liekly wrong or someone did a far better job at explaining. We don’t know what Phillip’s life in the Boiling Isles was like. We don’t know how the portal came to be. We don’t know about Belos’ rise to power or Hunter’s family history. There’s a good chance that I am missing or outright forgetting something that throws a wrench into this whole thing. But with all the evidence so far, this is the only thing that makes sense to me. But for now, all that we can do is allow the rest of the pieces to show themselves, and then the puzzle can truly be completed.
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prince-ampora · 4 years
Maybe Zombiestuck!CronKri, if you would write that?
I know that there is already a zombiestuck au but I don't know how to find it or if cronkri is in it, so this is my own kinda thing!
-im so sorry this took so long! school, yknow?
-human zombie apocalypse au
-mentions all the other alpha trolls
-the alpha and beta kids are here, and the beta trolls
-jane is fat and strong and i will die on this hill
-a whole lotta character death
-cheating (mentioned)
The zombie apocalypse was something no one was prepared for. No matter how many movies people watched or how much of a survivalist they were, no one was prepared. So it's a wonder how Cronus and Kankri survived this long. Maybe they just happened to be lucky? No, that can't be a possibility. If the two were lucky, they would have been happy before all this. They could have saved the friends they lost when it started. They could have convinced Mituna not to sacrifice himself, and Latula not to go back for him, and stopped Porrim from look for that crying kid, and convince Damara to not storm off after finding Horuss and Rufioh sharing a bedroll in the morning, and force those two not to stay behind out of guilt to wait for her, and maybe they could have stopped Kurloz getting bit and turning Meulin, or stopped Meenah from running into a horde in some cool hero act, and stopped Aranea from trying to drag her out. So no, the two left from the group of twelve were not lucky. But at least they had each other, right? The two most annoying and selfish of the bunch, stuck together and barely surving. This was unlucky. But they still want to live, after everything, they want to keep going. So they keep moving.
"Kan, there's a radio station ahead. Should we go there for the night?" Cronus elbows the other, who's scanning the roads intently, "Oh, uh, sure. Maybe survivors will be using it to communicate and we can find a settlement." Cronus nods and takes Kankri's bag, "You cover us. Let's go." They run silently down the street, narrowly avoiding the detection of a zombie in an alley. The doors to the radio station are locked, but Cronus thankfully manages to pick it. Once inside, Kankri scouts the area. "It's all clear." "Good," Cronus nods, "Let's go check the frequencies." They find a console and flip through dead channels, before finding one working one, repeating a message.
Cronus smiles and Kankri starts crying. Finally, a safe place. Somewhere they can go. Kankri hugs Cronus and they sink to the floor. "We can go tomorrow. For now, we should sleep." Kankri nods and Cronus, words, and they lay down an open sleeping bag, then drag the other on top, holding each other. They don't know when this started, the cuddling, but it's the warmest and most mentally stabilizing option. At keast, that's what they kept telling themselves. But night after night of falling alseep in someones arms and being comforted by them when you wake up in tears... feelings happen. They never had time to address it but... maybe they finally can.
In the morning, they set out again. A horde had passed, but luckily it was in the opposite way they had to go. Kankri lead the way, having lived with his brother and father in Sburb Apartments before moving to college. Maybe they were still alive.
They managed to get there just as night fell. The doors were guarded by two very muscley women, one with long needles and the other with a chainsaw. "We heard the radio message. Neither of us have been bitten, can we go in? The one holding needles looks them up and down. "I'll take them in Kanaya." She leads them into the apartments and to a very clean room. "Jane, we've got survivors." Another woman, equally muscley but also chubby, comes out from behind a cabinet. "Oh goodness me, look at you two!" Needle lady leaves and the two are left clutching each others hands. "I need you two to strip so I can check for injuries. Will that be an issue at all?" Kankri elbows Cronus before he can say anything, "Not at all. Underwear too?" Jane shakes her head, "Only if you're comfortable." She leaves and the two strip down. She comes back with fresh clothes and looks them over. "Well, you two seem to be fine. Find Dave, he'll show you to an apartment. Or two, of you would rather stay apart." "No, together is fine," Cronus says, surprising Kankri. They dress in their dirty clothes again and leave the infirmary(?). A high schooler with a bunch of scars and a lair of shades two doors down stops them, "So, you two are new survivors?" Kankri nods at presumably Dave's question. "Woah, you look just like... Is your last name Vantas?" Kankri's eyes widen, "Yes! Is my brother here? My father?" Dave takes off his shades. "Karkat is here, but... your dad... he went out to find others and hasn't been back." Kankri's eyes fill with tears and Cronus pulls him into a tight hug. Dave hands him a room key, "I'll swing by with Karkat later." Cronus nods and Dave leaves.
Cronus gets Kankri into the room, "We should shower... You can go first." Kankri clutches onto him, "No, don't leave." Cronus lets out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be left alone either. "Let's shower together then." They strip once more, leaving the clean clothes on the sink. Cronus washes Kankri's hair as Kankri fiddles with Cronus' purple streak. It's so faded now. "Y'know... You didn't have to elbow me, in the infirmary." Kankri stops. "What do you mean? A girl was asking you to strip for her, I was not going to let you embarrass her." Cronus lets out a dry laugh. "I don't think I have it in me to do that stuff any more. And... even if I did... Kankri I think I love you." A long pause, and then Kankri smiles. "You know what Cronus? I think I might love you too."
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It's late again and I'm having way too many weird ideas that nobody really cares about. And well one of them is this:
What if Askeladd survived but like....thanks to Thorfinn who fucking dragged him back to Leif and was like ,,heal him'' to which Leif was like ,,what the fuck'' but also magically healed him.
And what if Askeladd after everything that happened (maybe due to the fact that he wasnt a leader anymore. And he wasnt surrounded by people who wanted to kill) and Bjorns' death (i'm sorry bjorn we're keeping you dead even though i love you with all of my heart) just...calmed down a little. Like he's still a bastartd but on the nicer side now.
And what if
- he gets along with Leif. Irritates him from time to time cause that is what Askeladd does. But mainly they respect each other as sailors and often seek the others advise
- he cooks for the crew. I always headcanoned him as a good cook cause I think he probs would have cooked for his ill mother. He is all in all benefitial for this crew. He can easily get them out of hard and dangerous situation.
- he develops a better now more father-son like relationship with Thorfinn. He takes care of him now. Still makes jokes and is sarcastic towards him (like most good fathers are. They just love to irritate you sometimes) but when Thorfinn needs it he will be given care and some love.
- Thorfinn calms down too due to the fear of losing Askeladd and realizes he doesn' t actually hate him. He also throws away his knives.
- they may or may not be pursued by Canute cause Thorfinn still did hurt him a little.
- they still meet einar at sime point because what is this story without einar.
- everybody loves askeladd.
At some point they reach iceland and well time to meet thorfinns mom and sister and oh boi are both thorfinn and askeladd absolutely stressed.
When they do meet them it turns out that Thorfinns mom reminds Askeladd way too much of his own. So already Askeladd has the atitude of ,,i will protect this woman from all harm'' like we all would. (Just so you know: this is not me shipping them. I just think they'd be great friends and get along. Also in this scenario he is not interested in women and him and Bjorn were husbands cuz of course they were). He does apologize many many times for what happened to Thors and for not taking good care of Thorfinn but she already forgave him. They get along well. Also she calls him ,,lucius'' because of course she does.
At first Askeladd and Ylva do not get along. She absolutely hates him. After all it's kinda his falut that Thors died. But after a while they start gettig along. They become a sarcastic - way too confident duo. They have that cool father cool daughter relationship now and they judge people together. You will not change my mind. ( also he does scare off boys she does not like. He does it with class cuz he still likes to be dramatic)
Askeladd helps them in the house quite a lot. Thorfinn of course does too.
Just imagine Ari coming to visit Ylva one day and sees goddamned Askeladd helping around the house, or standing behind Thorfinn with Ylva or Helga by his side and trying to figure out what the fuck to do with Thorfinns hair cause that is a total mess.
Oh oh also! Einar does not trust Askeladd at all and oh boy does Askeladd have fun with that. He scares him many many times just for the funs of it until Einar gets to know Askeladd better.
Askeladd definitely sees what Einar relationship with Thorfinn looks like and while he won't admit it, is super proud of Thorfinn.
He gets along with Gudrid wel tho. They bicker a lot but mostly for the fun. Their characters are very different since Gudrid is more childish and Askeladd is...well Askeladd.
Him and thorfinn full eyes like to play pranks on others. Maybe he teaches him hiw to fight sometimes. OOOH ASKELADD CAN TEACH GUDRID HOW TO FIGHT OR AT KEAST PROTECT HERSELF TOO. THIS IS GREAT.
OHH AND ANOTHER EINAR IDEA. They finally bond when they meet king canute again (yes im keeping it in. Maybe also on ketils farm where they stayed for a while. Einar could be a slave while thorfinn not and they helped out arneis here too. Ask3ladd joined). After thorfinn gets beaten up (which makes both of them angry and worried) and after einar said what he said to canute and it was thorfinns turn to negotiate, they just sit back and quietly judge the king.
Like they whisper to each other while watching him like teenage girls with a crush.
Something along the lines ,,man i nearly died for him to become king and now what. He doesnt know me?'' ,,yeah and look what thorfinn had to do to even talk to him'' "yea what a shit. And what is this weird ideology..''
All in all Askeladds character does not change that much. He's just much less brutal and now happier. I truly just want him to be happier.
And yeah i just wanted to have fun with that concept. It's not in character at all but i can do whatecer the fuck I want to do so here goes my idea. Have fun with it. Sorry for the long post.
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lavendersdays · 4 years
We were supposed to go out today and the only thing i could think about up to this moment is that I will never be liek them. like my friends. they're beautiful in every way possible and i'm here sitting around and wondering why they are friends with me. tehy are all beautiful, skinny, smart, kind, sweet and genuinely nice. they are heathers in every way possible. i'm glad that they are my friends but i sometimes wish i was them because whenever i'm with them noone will even look at me. they will all see them, look at them, talk to them, listen to them while denying my existence. i just want to be seen or heard or at least acknowledged. i just want someone to notice me first and not last. i want someone to hit on me just once and not my friends. i know i don't have boobs or a butt that make me attractive and i'm average in every other way but at keast acknowleding my existence would be nice for once. i'm always the one forgotten about.
i was actually excited to go out today because not all of my friends were going and my chance of getting noticed would have gooten a bit higher but now we're not going because there have been some new cases and my friend decided she wouldn't go so i couldn't go either.
i was looking forward to feeling free again because the past couple days have been so painful and i just wanted to go out once more before i finally give up. i guess that won't happen. I thought maybe tonight would change my mind maybe there was a new reason to live after all but i guess i was wrong. i don't know what to do. 8 just want to go out once more but i don't know when i will have the chance again and if i am still alive then.
I just want to give up. noone would notice. i'm a shadow that is barely ever noticed. i'm the clingy shadow that's always sticking to my beautiful friends. i'm a nothing surrounded by the brightest stars i know. they are all perfect and i'm just me. i'm not talented or skinny or pretty enough. i'm nothing
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augujerdeer · 4 years
What is the difference between "host" and "main"?
“Host” has many different ways of defining them. The most common (that we use) is simply, “fronts the most or is the person(s) who deals with daily life.” It is a little boad, but we are happy with it. It may also be defined by others as “the person who is the default fronter”
Some add more “requirements” such “have a certain amount of power and influence across the system.” or “identifies most with the body” None of these are wrong nor are they required and permanent. System terms can be very flexible sometimes and can change or grow- this is most applicable to the more older and most basic terms (e.g. host, core, protector, etc.) from what we’ve seen.
What is for sure, though, is that you can have more than one host, and the host does not necessarily have to have been there since the birth of the body, for the lack of a better description. Hosts can be anyone that is new or old- introject or insourced. We have multiple. Hosts are also no better or worse than the rest of the system. They are not necessarily more important or any less. Everyone in the system is a team- or should be at least.
The term has started to lose its meaning (in our system) recently, not because it is useless, but because of personal reasons and experiences. It is hard to figure out indeed, “who is/are the host(s)” after accepting all the system members and allowing them to front, because in a way I can’t explain, knowing is based on feeling, when it comes to figuring it out. It’s hard to ask someone to be the host, the most you can do is ask they help around. For our system, it seems that assigning who gets the host role ks subconscious and lmost out of our control. Though, as Kris says (about our system) “who cares?” Haha. Again, we can sort of tell who our team of “hosts” are but we’ve instead started using “MFC” instead of “host” i wish I could explain to you some more, but this is off topic from your question.
“Main” is something we’ve heard from somewhere else- a tumblr post. I’ll leave the link there so I do not need to “copy and paste” its description. This term was or is used to describe Jamie- but we’ve sort of changed our meaning for it. For us, when we say Main, we mean something more similar to “core” (aka “original”) but not quite. Jamie was our old long-running host who is now retired. She is NOT a host anymore nor does she plan on wanting to return to it. We still acknowledge her though, and for the most part,the parents outspace are her parents- the brother is her brother (though we all do love him and call him “our brother” ocassionally) Looking back on the original description for “Main” it might not be applicable. She’s not our “defacto” leader and asking her for permission to do anything (not that it’s bad to ask your host(s) or other system members to discuss wants and needs is bad) was actually very unhealthy for us. To this day we do not have a good name for how we feel about Jamie other than slightly changing our meaning for both Main and Core.
Sorry I have not been helpful in answering this ask. It has been a long day. Apologies for being long-winded. I hope I’ve answered at keast one thing; and if you have more questions I will attempt to elaborate or explain.
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berd-ze-bird · 4 years
Holy...been so long since I put in something..sorry for the VERY long hiatus..been busy here and there.. but..I do have abit of a post, like abit of an story about an different version of Dash, hope you at keast enjoy this snippet
It was dark and dim, a room lit by an small light on the table, there sat a dark blue mare, whose eyes were focused on a potion in front of her as she carefully picked up dust particles of different colors and from different AUs to put in it, as if trying to make something new, her ears flat and heated, she felt some frustration hit her as she tried to continue her duty and look for the rest of the things she needed, putting a hoof in her pocket, trying to find a potion, only to suddenly hiss with frustration, "Oh for the love of-" stopping herself, she breathed in sharply, calming herself as she exhaled, muttering to herself, "great...the kid must've got into my potions again, I'm missing the one that I need.." getting up from her chair, she went over and turned on the light, the room brightening up, her ears perking up, she opened the door, and went out, looking for a human kid, when finding Elizabeth, she sat down, knocking on the wall to get the young kids attention, the mare tried to keep her cool, but she let out a slight hiss under her breath, "Elizabeth, kiddo, did you mess with my potions again?" The young girl's eyes immediately went wide, her brown gaze meeting with the mare's dark blues, "Oh! Dash! W-Well...I may have accidentally took..well..one of them..but don't you have extra of this one?.." Dash's ears went flat, her fur bristling underneath her suite, where she kept most of her dust and potions, but she forced herself to keep calm, knowing that this was just a little girl, that possibly lost her AU, "It takes a long time to make another..but anyways, where did you put it exactly?.." she kept her sharp gaze on the little girl, her ears remaining flat, Elizabeth pointed to where she put the potion, only to say something that highly disturbed the pegasus mare, "Why do you care about potions so much? And why do we leave everyday to..protect AUs?" Dash stopped on her tracks, and sighed, looking at the young girl, thinking of how to reply, before she forced the words out, "Because..because it is just my duty alright?..I was chosen to protect the AUs for some reason that I don't even know and I take it very seriously..now kiddo, I need to get this potion, and continue making what I was making, okay?.." she continued walking, getting the potion, looking at the reddish color, sighing, she put it in her pocket, turning and walking back to her room, Elizabeth running to the door, only for it to get shut before she could even speak, her head lowing, she slightly tugged at a part of her sweater and went over to the table and sat down, not wanting to disturb the mare. She silently thought that what Dash wasn't the full story..
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lonelylawstudent · 2 years
Hello there
Hum... I don't really know where to start. I just need to vent out I guess ? So here I go.
Here some stuff about me : I'm a French girl, I'm a law student and these days I feel awfully lonely.
So just thought that starting a studyblr will keep me busy.
I just started my second year of law school. This is the firsy tile in many years that I come back to school alone. Last year, my best friend was with me, but she has to repeat the first year. This year, I'm essentially alone in the middle of thousand of people.
I mean, yes, technically there are like 3 people I know from high school, and this girl I befriend, but it just feels off. People are not means, just... Distant.
All of my school life, what makes me happy to go to school was the fact that I would spent the day with my friends. Now none of them are by my side through those way to long lectures.
Obviously I still see them, but we are all in different college, so our schedule don't really match.
And like I said, I'm French, so I go to a French university, which is quote different from the U.S system for exemple. We don't have such campus life, and most classes are just long lecture with thousand of people in one amphitheater : peole come at the begging, left afterward, and that it.
Actually, from what I noticed, it's those who smoke who make friend the fastest. Not surprising.
And beside that, people meet through parties. But if there is one thing that I can't handle, it's this. Being surrounded by numerous, loud, drunk people in a small place with music I don't like is way to hard for me, my social battery can't keep up.
Then comes the topics of my major. I'm... lost. I get into law school because I didn't really know what I wanted to do, my best friend was here and I thought it suited me. Last years was not that bad actually : I had a hard time adapting to this new environnement, to my young adult life, but otherwise not too bad.
But this year.... The classes are not interesting. They are not meant to. It's a necessity for me to know about administration (especially the French one), but it's honestly boring. And the teachers saying "it's the hardest year, and the keast interesting one" everyday is not motivating at all.
So here is my everyday life for the next school year : going everyday to a place where I don't feel at peace, without any real friend, to study thing I'm less and less interested in, and with an awful schedule. Very nice.
To be continued I guess ?
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revengeworld · 7 years
Let the Past die. I
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Zombie Apocolypse AU
Kylo x Reader (+ Solo siblings)
Words: +1.900
Warnings: It is a Zombie AU so … Blood, Death, Angst and Gore will probably appear in every chapter. Somtimes more sometimes less. In this chapter there will be shooting in a school building so if this upsets you, please consider skipping this chapter.
AN: This will be a series and i hope to get a new chapter out each week atleast :) It is not exactly a Solo Triplet story because i like to experiment with them as brothers in different ages in my stoys. Hope you will like it none the less.  I´m very excited to share this story, because i think Angst and Drama suits me better then Fluff, but we will see how much Fluff will end up in this aswell. Constructive critic is always welcome.
Next Chapter - Starry Night
Chapter 1 - Empty
It all happened unexpected and suddenly overnight. Nobody had suspected anything, no News in the Media, no weird attacks, no one ever thought that a think like the resurrection from the dead or the case of cannibalism would be happening in this area of time.
But the whole world seemed to have turned upside down in a matter of a few hours.
Now she was standing there, the blood of her parents splattered over her body, while the men who shot them presser her against his chest.
“Sweetheart, you are going to be late for school!” “I´m coming, Mom!”
She run down the stairs, pressing a binder against her chest and pulling the strap of her backpack over her shoulder.
“What took you so long?” “Sorry, I made sure that I have everything for my literature project.” while she patted the binder, she took one of the toasts that her mother had placed on the table.
“And don´t forget, come home after your club. We go out for Lunch for Dads Birthday.” “Yes Mom. I promise.”quickly making her way around the counter, after finishing her breakfast, kissing her Mother Goodbye and ruffling the ears of her old dog Benji.
As soon as she walked down the veranda, she almost run into someone. “Sorry...” a low voice mumbled, before the dark figure continued his path.
“No, i´m sorry...” she whispered shyly, knowing that he couldn´t hear her anymore. She knew him since she was little, since their family moved here when she was only 3 years old. He always seemed to keep to himself, his black strains of hair, mostly falling into his face hiding his dark eyes. Always covered in black clothing and rarely speaking.
The only thing the both of them had in common was their way to school.
When she finally arrived at the school, she was greeted by her friends who were already waiting for her.
It was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. They had a chemistry test in second period, Pizza for Lunch and nice giggle and chat after the school before they would need to go to their Clubs.
Walking through the halls , they all joked around carefree until a sudden announcement echoed through the halls and classrooms.
“EMERGENCY! This is not a drill! A violant disturbance has broken out on campus. There is an imminent risk of danger to participants and bystanders. For your own safety, please go into a building and take cover. If you are not in the Area, stay away. Follow instructions from school officials or local authorities. I repeat!”
The message repeated and the group of girls looked shocked at each other.
“Do you think this is a joke?” one of them asked scared and kept looking around.
“Didn´t you listen?! It´s not a drill.” another one hissed, but seemed just as terrified. “What should we do?”
Hearing tumult nearby, all of them started to panic. Y/n quickly rushed to the classrooms nearby and started to check and ruttle at the handles. “This one is open! Quick!!”
Looking over to her friends she noticed a small figure coming out of the boys bathroom.
It was a small boy, his dark brown hair standing up in all directions, his face pale and horrified.
She stopped in her tracks, quickly rushing to his side before down in front of him. When she saw his scared face she felt like it seemed quite familiar but couldn´t quite place it.
“Hey there, I know this seems all very scary right now but you need to hide with us, alright?”
For a moment he seemed relieved before but kept a safe distance.
“My Brother told me not to talk to strangers.” he mumbled shy. “That sa good advice your brother gave you, but at the moment ...” she got interrupted by her friends.
“Y/N come on!!” they shrieked in a panic. “One Moment!!” she shushed them and turned back to the boy.
“The how about we become friends? My name is Y/N.” “B...Ben...”
Smiling down at him she place a hand gently on his shoulder.
“See Ben, now we are no strangers anymore….” a sudden sound around the corner made them flinch and she quickly pushed him to the classroom her friends were waiting. “But we really need to hide now!”
For the most time it stayed quiet. No Announcements, a few footsteps here and there but they really wasn´t sure if they could consider this a good thing or not.
The five of them were sitting in a corner of the classroom, pressed together under the last table they hadn´t used to barricade themselves.
“Do you guys think somebody will still come for us?” one of her friends began to share her worrys.
Y/N who had her arms around Ben to keep him calm, looked angry at her friend. “Of course somebody will come for us!” she hissed quiet, but after a few hours they just knew it couldn´t be just a small incident.
When they suddenly heard Gunfire outside the room, they tried to cover their screams and Y/N instinctively covered Bens ears until the door was pushed open by a few police officers.
“Alright Kids, we are from the state police and will bring you home. Please follow us. Everything will be alright now.” while they slowly followed the officers outside, Y/N carried Ben to spare him from the sight of the chaotic school. Broken Doors and windows, bloody handprints on the walls and distant sound of gun fire.
Feeling the little boy shake in her arms, she only pressed him nearer.
“Don´t worry, they will get us home soon.” she tried to encourage him and felt his slight nod against her shoulder. When they left the building it was already dark outside.
“A Van will bring you home, pleas get in the Line for your district and follow the orders of the officials.
“Ben where do you live?” she asked him while setting him down, he quickly held onto her hand. “Fr...Frankly Street, in Brooklyn.” the small boy stuttered.
“Thats good! I live in the same street! Stay close now, okay?” with a worried look she separated from her friends and pushed through the crowed to get to the Van they needed.
“Ben? BEN?!” the dark haired boy, she had run to in the morning was pushing threw the crowd and quickly kneeling down to the boy. “Are you okay? You hurt?” he asked worried but Ben only smiled. “No, Y/N helped me out!” and she could hear the older brother mumble a thanks. “That´s good, Bud. Come on we need to get home.”
Before she couldn´t even say her goodbye, the older one suddenly laid his hand on her lower back.
“Our Van is this way.” he explained without looking at her. “Thanks...uhm” she mumbled and walked along them.
“Kylo...” he answered her unspoken question and helped her into the car. Placing Ben on her lap before he took the place beside her. “I´m Y/N...” “I know.” for a moment she wasn´t sure, if she really had seen a little smirk form on his lips.
Seeing the familiar road, Y/N heart felt a lot more at ease and couldn´t wait to meet up with her parents.
“Please remember, pack a few things, just the important things, clothes, food rations and make your ways to the city halls in less then an hour! Your familys will be safe there!” the driver explained again before he let them outside.
“Good Luck.” she heard Kylos deep voice beside her. “You too.” ruffling through Bens hair before she rushed to her house.
“Mom? Mom are you here?!”
Now that she was home, her body suddenly started to shake and she couldn´t keep her voice from breaking. “Mom? Dad? Anybody?” it was just a whisper that escaped her lips and for a moment she didn´t know what she should do.
Frozen in place, her body just wouldn´t move until she heard a small yelp from the kitchen. “Benji?” stumbling into the dark room a scream was caught up in her throat.
The floor was covered in blood, her dog laying there while someone was leaning over him. A shiver running down her spine while she heard the crunching noise coming from that horrible scene in front of her and she was sure she would never forget these horrible sounds.
“Dad what are you doing?!” Y/N found her voice back, even though it only came out as a shriek. Her fathers head snapped in her direction, only letting out a low growl showing of his blood smeared teeth.
Before she could properly react, her father had grabbed her shoulders and was throwing her against the wall with a bone shaking scream.
“Dad, please...” Y/N whimpered trying to catch her breath. Slipping on the wet floor she fell to the ground, trying to crawl under the table she felt someone grabbing her leg and pulled her back.
This was it, this was the end. At keast that was what she thought until a sudden loud bang halled through the kitchen.
Her ears started ringing, and she pressed her shaking hands onto them while she screamed. When she opened her eyes again, her fathers body was lying to her feet, his face mutilated by the bullet that went through it.
This was a nightmare, she just needed to wake up. Pressing her eyelids shut she started to hit her head. Wake up! Wake up!!
Someone grabbed her wrist and pulled them away from her face. “Hey it´s me!” her eyes shot up to look into the honey brown eyes from Kylo.
First she was relieved to see him until she noticed the rifle in his hand. “You shot him … you killed him you monster!” she screamed before hitting his chest over and over.
Kylo just let her, while he laid an arm around her. “You need to listen to me. We need to get out of here as quickly as possible.”
She only whimpered and shoved him away. “What is wrong with you?!”
“That wasn´t your Dad anymore! He was sick, it´s some kind of infection! It´s spreading and if I hadn´t come you would be one of this things to!” his voice grew louder and he wasn´t sure how hhe properly should explain it to her.
Both of them flinched when they heard a scratching noise on the door to the cellar. Even though it were just weird growls coming from it, she knew exactly who was behind it. Seeing the bloodied handprints on the lock, she knew her father had locked his mother away in it.
“Do you have any scratches or bites?” Kylo asked while searching her arms, legs and upper body. “N...no I don´t think so.”
Another hiss came from the door and lightly bangs started to reach their ears. Kylo bit his lip and stood up again.
“Cover your ears...” he mumbled. And without questioning it her hands slowly raised up before she stopped.
“Wait! What if there is a cure?!” she shout whispered clinging to his arm.
But as soon as her eyes met his again she knew the answer.
“I´m sorry...” Kylo whispered.
Tears started streaming down her face while she pressed her hands onto her ears, the loud shot sending shivers down her spine.
Looking to the ground were Benjis empty eyes looked up at her and she couldn´t stop her sobs anymore.
The only thing that she felt was emptiness. Not even noticing Kylos arms wrap around her.
NEXT CHAPTER - Starry Night
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Tags: @renpublic @cryxlowrites @kylotopia
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destinscelle · 2 years
❦ *Throws main/adult kisara and Tim* As probably just Friends (but idk always open to plotting and exploring different scenarios - roommates? co-workers? skies the limit)
- and of course all the Plantonic familial bonds with lil kisa let's goooo!!!!!!
Hmmm, au where somehow a Kisara from AE has been with Dartz for millenia ( idk he brought her back to life ?? idk at the very keast learned of this woman with such a strong connection to a great dragon- reminding him much of his knights and thought he could use her but now that he's been dealt with she's kinda lost, like what the heck she gonna do now?? Like she knows what he was doing was bad but she's also kinda been dependent on him for a long time so idk just becomes a roommate with Raf now- since the other 2 dipped/ clearly already had other things in mind I guess? I don't know where I'm going with this lol.
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I love all these ideas gib!!
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chronicbatfictioner · 6 years
Theater of the Soul - Chapter 17
He could sense the tension in the air - even the bird boy was a little tense. There were people with white lab coats, and the nice lady doctor, who pricked him with numerous needles. It was only the boy's and the lady doctor's presence that made him reconsider punching them all and run away.
Well, that, and the fact that his legs still hurt a lot. It might not be a good idea to run while he could only hobble. The bird boy walked around a lot, and even if he'd walked slow enough to be caught up on, the too-much-walking still taxed his legs.
The boy would press his body onto his side while they were pricking him with needles, saying soothing things. At least they were in soothing tone, because his brain is too cloudy to know what they were talking about.
He has always had trouble sleeping, that much he remembered. Even under drugs, he would always be on alert - the smallest of noise would wake him up. Maybe it was due to the fact that he had never felt safe - living on the floors of the alleys of the city tend to sharpen one's instinct to the point of semi-paranoia.
This time, thought, he could tell that he was being drugged. But at least, the bird boy was there, holding his hand.
For the first time in his life, he succumbed to the blackness of sleep; knowing he would be safe. The bird boy would guard him, he was sure. Whatever it is they were trying to do by drugging him to sleep, the bird boy would make sure he would not be harmed in any way.
More bad news came from Dinah, just as Jason was about to be wheeled for the surgery. Tim, Barbara, and Dick eventually decided to hold their meeting while Bruce was holding vigil in front of Jason's surgical theater. 
Somehow, Bruce had even managed to joke, "this is the worst theater I've been in." 
And Tim really wanted to know what he would be thinking if he'd heard that his son was a suspect in a murder. No, that his son was the main suspect in a murder. 
"His prints and biologicals were found there - in the house where they had found Napier's body." Barbara said grimly, pointing out to the screen of her laptop that was showing police and Crime Scene reports.
"Okay, counselor, wouldn't that be obvious if he was detained there?" Dick countered. "Were they found on Napier's corpse?"
"They couldn't tell yet. They found the body decomposed, you know. Mummified, actually. I'm... not sure what to think of with the term 'mummified' and how... But I reckon the area he was found at was dry enough to make him mummify instead of fully decompose. They couldn't even determine time of death and put it on a very wide bracket of three months to a year." Barbara replied.
"The bright side is that I found clips that said Napier was alive by the time Danny met Jason three months ago." Tim showed them a clip from an info-tainment channel, showing Napier arguing with somebody out of sight right outside the Harley Club. "Supposedly - if the tabloids were to be believed, he'd left for LA right the next day. I haven't found anything from LA that can corroborate that." he admitted, a little begrudgingly.
"Right, I'll take that one, then. I've a friend who can poke out some alibis. You know him," Dick smirked at Barbara.
Barbara suddenly groaned. "Ugh... ick. Won't it be a little too obvious for you if you call him up and start asking about Napier?"
"He, who?" Tim wanted to know.
"Jason Bard, Private Investigator Extraordinaire," Dick smirked mischievously. "A.K.A. Babs' ex boyfriend."
"Oh," Tim winced. "Yeeeah, I agree. Might be a little too suspicious if you call your girlfriend's ex to investigate something involving your adoptive brother." Tim pointed out. "Other option?"
"There's Ralph Dibny, but if we ask him, he'll definitely report to Bruce." Dick huffed. "He and Bruce are like, BFWBs. Best Friend With Benefit - and said benefit comes in dollar signs."
"Victor Sage." Tim suddenly remembered. "He was an investigative journalist. He was really good and fair - he would expose either side of the suspicions fairly."
"...and place Jason in more stress?" Barbara said softly.
"Won't he be more stressed if he was to be named as a murderer when he couldn't defend himself? Jason is catatonic. He's not an idiot." Tim reminded them. "He's thinking, just not expressing. He'd talked to me once. Bruce had heard it, too."
Both Tim and Barbara landed their gaze on Dick, who was pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly.
"Alright," Dick finally decided. "Victor Sage. No punch pulled. We prepare ourselves for Jason's defense, right?"
Barbara nodded solemnly. "Always. I have Kate Spencer, Rachel Keast, and Jean Loring on speed dial."
"And all-girls squad, Babs?"
"Works for the heart, Dick." Barbara smirked. "If all else fails, go for the heartstrings. Orphaned, homeless, stardom, dumped broken and back on the streets... I'd cry if if were in the jury selection."
They continued chatting, plotting, scheming; interrupted only when Bruce finally came amongst them, looking gaunt and even older than his mid-30s.
"Did it work?" Dick demanded.
"Hm? Oh, the surgery itself was... 'easy', so Pieter said... the drama will begin once he wakes up." Bruce told them, sighing. "Alfred is waiting with him, in case he wakes up and get distressed." He did not imply anything, but Tim could sense Bruce's glare landed on him.
"I'll take over from Alfred once I'm done eating," Tim assured him, pointing to the takeout boxes Barbara has had on the table next to the laptop, didn't even realize that he has been devouring a box of noodles while talking. Dick, ever the mother-hen, had probably placed a box in Tim's hands and he'd started eating out of... well, it had smelled nice.
"He-- I would appreciate that, Tim, thank you." Bruce acknowledged. "Now, you kids maybe can fill me up on what schemes you've been running to prove Jason's innocence on Napier's death."
Dick dropped his fork halfway to his mouth. Tim nearly choked on his fry. Barbara just glared at Bruce.
"How." she demanded. Not asked.
"Diana Prince is a good friend of mine. She'd come here from Themiscyra under my parents' sponsorship." Bruce explained. "She had warned me that the investigation might hit too close to my home, and my son. And told me to prepare the defenses accordingly."
If Dick or Barbara had heard the same thing Tim did, of the words 'just don't tell me how the investigation going' that were not said, they did not show it.
"I'm thinking Kate Spencer, Rachel Keast, or Jean Loring on Jason's behalf." Barbara said. "They'll have to face... whoever's the DA in LA?"
"I think you can include Harvey Dent, too." Bruce said contemplatively. "He's... quite fond of Jason. And his position as a former Gotham City's DA would make him a formidable opponent."
"Whoa... that's heavy." Dick huffed.
"I'll consider Dent, if all else fails." Barbara replied, not detailing what 'else' might include. "The thing is, Dent defends crooks, too, nowadays. So I'm not comfortable with him."
"All lawyers would end up defending crooks at one point or another of their career, Barbara. It's a matter of how many hours they've booked. I'm presuming you'll co-chair with the Manhunter?" Bruce said. "I'd exempt Keats, though. Her link to Diana Prince - being from the same country - might be used against her investigation and us in general. Loring should be your last option - she would defend anyone with money and that could turn against you."
"Co-chair?" Tim echoed. "'Manhunter'?"
"Well yes, you didn't know Babs has a law degree?" Dick smirked at him. "Kate Spencer's nickname is the Manhunter, since she's pretty much vicious and relentless in proving some people's guilt."
"Of course I will. I'm partial to Kate, too, and just keep Keats and Loring as reserve. I might consider taking over Jason's custody temporarily while I'm at it." Barbara remarked.
"What for?" Dick asked, an eyebrow cocked in curiosity. "You're not even old enough to be his mom."
"Just for the simplification. If I have custody, all and any documents will be sent to me instead of Bruce. That way, nobody can imply 'parental ignorance' or neglect." she explained. "Sometimes when they're losing, the prosecutor would delay sending notices on new evidences, to rattle the defendant's defense."
"...so by sending them to Jason's actual legal guardian, Bruce, they would expect said notice to be actually lost." Dick clarified. "That actually kinda makes sense."
"Yes," Barbara nodded sagely. "I, on the other hand, do not let any envelope go past me and accepts my own mail. Their argument therefore will not be valid."
Tim sighed, "legal stuff hurts my head." he admitted at Barbara's glare. "Not like I don't understand them, I just... don't understand the necessity for scheming."
"I second that," Bruce agreed. "But then again, we're all law-abiding citizens here, so what do I know." he added blithely.
Barbara nodded slowly. "Hence you need the despicable breed that is Homo-Legalis to think dirty for you." she said with a smug smirk. "Think Jason would be awake by now?"
"Pieter-- Dr Cross said he should be fully sedated for at least three hours. So yeah, he could be starting to wake up now." Bruce looked at Tim expectantly.
"Pffft... alright. I know when I'm not wanted because the adults want to talk." Tim scowled playfully and dumped his empty noodle box into the bin. Bruce smiled. "I'm gonna keep Jason company, because at least he's still considered a kid. Like me."
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Dance post
I remember this one interview that I had around my junior to senior year,
It was impromptu and short, but some things really stuck with me, and I can’t seem to figure out why.
If I recall, he asked me about the characters I played, and how I felt about them...
I remember playing roles of malevolence, evil, or corrupt. In mike Esperanza I was this weird cropper, in a senior piece I was a demon, in another I was a crack addict, in another I wa...
I remember not realizing and even know still not seeing the collection of roles I played. Was I experiencing covert racism, and I didn’t have the words to say it? Was I blind to the racism the faculty perpetuated on me? I remember being both like I had been punched and squeezed real tight, like I just couldn’t make sense of the situation. I started to repress this, and I think that’s why I went to sociology... maybe my subconscious wanted to understand the issues I was facings, because others had callled out the faculty, but I was so blind to everything because of my male privilege, maybe I accept this racism because I was given a male pedastal, but how far did that pedestal reach? It did go far, even as a male student I went to nyc twice, dc, va, and by junior year pretty professional, I was on my way. But I must have seemed selfish to my faculty, tiffanie had made me the star of one of her pieces, and I said nothing back to her, not even thank you. But I had spent so many years watching her pieces , working with her even as a freshmen, and by the time I was in her piece it was conditional. It wasn’t the same music we both loved like James Blake’s or James Vincent, and I think we missed each other in communication. I was bad at communicating, and my senior group piece had been cut for a number of reasons. I used masks in my piece, and she decided to incorporate that into her piece that I was the lead in.... was she trying to work with me on a piece without me realizing or was she leveraging my own ideas for her own success? Now it’s too late to understand, even asking it would be hard to tell, she’s done it probably five times over by now.... but male privilege and covert racism, I mean covert is always hard to snuff out... I had definitely evil characters but I also had opportunities that some people actually never had and never will have. Faculty changed and I’m not sure if they even take students outside of VA.....I guess my faculty was so diverse I thought racism couldn’t affect me.... the white teachers were lesbians, the others were Asian, the Spanish teacher gave me a chance, and the only white teacher was the one who sent me to nyc twice.... I guess it was also the others in the room talking about the injustice, no my roommate didn’t feel or rather we didn’t discuss racism and we didn’t feel burdened because of our scholarship. But my female friends had a completely different life, one was bigger and was ruthlessly denied and scolded for it, one was asked to play a dog and she was black, and one felt that she wasn’t offered pieces because of her skin..... I saw in front my eyes opal keast once being told not to eat....
it’s weird because the classes above me or the seniors and juniors above me that were black didn’t speak of racism, just rather lack of diversity. Maybe I didn’t hear them clearly before I entered sociology, but my recollection of their experience was bright. One black student went back home and is slowly making an empire, others went back home and are still dancing, but I wonder if I had. A conversation with them, would they feel like they experienced racism within the faculty. Obviously living in VA it’s going to be around u in the people, but I really don’t recall someone saying I didn’t get in this piece because I was black! You know? But people in my class, or people under me as well... although weight was still an issue both times..,, the girl called a dog became a nurse, the other transferred to Ailey, another male or who fucked around with transferred to Joffrey, and the other one below me i don’t see anymore so I think he transferred, for my classmate that I also fucked that was in my class I know he graduated, but again I didn’t hear him say he experienced racism either. I doubt he would even say that if I tried and asked..... so we’re they racist? Or were they sexist? Or were they just blind to societal changes in the south? I feel a clearing.... maybe
Maybe they were sexist, but didn’t realize it, maybe they were slightly racist and dint see it. Maybe they were, or are becoming more racist and didn’t see it. I had evil characters, I also traveled to NYC that 4 out of 60 kids went too, I am seeing things differently.... was it racism or lack of diversity? Was my dance experience at SU bad or good? Was I being categorized by my race or just by my sex? Was I being used just by being a male, but slowly worked my way up? Was I just sexual in nature and they didn’t know how to utilize that? Did I get into deviant behavior, and that was used in a way I didn’t like? Hmmm I’m going to try to honor SU more... because you can’t blame the faculty for the environment around them... lus change happens slow, sexism is a touchy subject, when dancing has taught us being a stick is what you need to be, but they made valiant attempts to make sure I was suited for success. I stipend that fit me, until I double majored, travel opportunities, choreographic opportunities, I mean they gave me a lot of things to be successful, did I experience racism or sexism? I think I experienced sexism and that’s hard to work with... was it just the times and they needed to understand that a man doesn’t just partner a female? Or that financially, I was completely different that females? Or that no matter if I gained any weight, I know I wouldn’t be in any hardship for it?
I concur feeling remorseful for my SU days, knowing that the school was sexist, and the racist parts I experienced was not from the faculty but from people attending the school and the south environment in VA. I concur that I was a part of reason me too movement started, and that I was sexist for not saying anything to faculty regarding women’s weight and my scholarship. I guess when I had to resubmit scholarship for sociology, and I took out more loans, I felt I was more equal to them, but that was a facade. Man my life feels so scripted....
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soonhoonsol · 4 years
Okay done for now -rant anon
(1) Okay so, I'm from Denmark. Aka I'm white. Which means apparently that I inherently have no culture. And that's what I'm sick of. I'm sick of people disregarding and disrespecting the culture we have. I so often hear "white people have no culture" "you're white stop acting like you have culture" and I'm sick of it. Danish culture and danish history is wildly mistreated everywhere in the world. People wear "Viking" helmets that have horns when that's wrong. Those were rarely (very rarely) used and
(2) Only for ceremonies, like weddings(if you were super special) or some special rituals for the gods. Horns were mainly for drinking, which, when you cheered it was important you banged the horns hard enough together that a bit of you drink spilled into everyone drink and vice versa. This was to avoid anyone poisoning the drinks (as they would have to drink it too) which is also why you start every meal with cheering and why it's super rude (like deadass you will be scolded) if you cheers with an
(3) Empty cup or if you don't drink immediately after. And don't get me started on what marvel gas done to our mythology, how they have morphed and twisted the stories into something unrecognisable. Thor and Loki are not brother. Loki and Odin are blood brother, meaning Loki is Thor's blood father. Thor's wives is supposed to have the longest golden hair as she is the goddess for harvest. Everything is wrong with the marvel interpretation. Everything. And people depicting Jörmungandr as a serpent
(4) Or even a dragon when it's a worm. A huge worm. Child of Loki btw, which many don't know and wrongfully say it's some random elder beast when that's wrong. And people not realising that just because white people don't have "flashy" "exotic" or otherwise "outthere" culture doesn't mean we have none. Our societies are just as coloured by culture as any other ethnicity and I'm so done with apologising for being born in a notheren country.
(5)  We have just as much history and culture as any other countrym and don't get me started on the "yeah but your history is enslaving other countries" fuck that. First off, we didn't enslave entire countries, we got slaves. YES GOT. Slaves were used in trades by everyone. We sold danish slaves, English slaves Irish slaves everyone could be a slave. The slaves gotten from Africa were mostly giving in trade by chieftains (aka they were already slaves, usually war slaves from attacking other tribes)
(6) Every culture in the entire history of humankind has taken slaves, from their own people and from other countries. In so done with people ignoring history just because America is that one loud child ™. As if being loud means your argument is valid. As if Americans aren't one of the biggest changers of history (aka they just write what they want). Like for god's sake, Denmark is a kingdom, we have traditions for watching the new years and the queen's prepares a speak. Our military regularly holds
(7) flight shows and other exercits for the queen and the countrym we literally have the oldest and the first flag in the world. First and oldest theme park in the world. the longest unbroken chain of monarchy in europe and even aome parts of asia. we are so much more than just white people without culture. just because some people are loud doesnt mean theyre valid. and dont get my started on braids and hairpins. apparently its wrong and racist to ca african braids and asian hairpins but when people
(8) ca dane braids and hairpins its okay and just " a normal braid you cant claim that" excuse you but normal dkesnt exist across cultures like that. ove seen people wear ceremonial warrior and ritual braids only recorded in dane history and call them normal and fashionable. like no, at keast, at the very least. recognise that those are not your culture's braids and that you dont have an inherent right to wear them. if you can do it for the africans why not for the rest of us.
(9) and ive seen people calling danes racist and say we ca when wearing hairpins when theyre a part of our history too. they arent exclusive to parts if asia, they were used by our ancestors too, in different ways, and different styles than im asia. we have a right to wear them too. -fuuny rant anon (more like angry rn) (lowkey dinoe but still upset) (also there's so many typos I'm so sorry)
(10) Oh and also. Not saying Vikings invested braids. Braids have been used everywhere and no one can claim the invention since it has appeared independently in multiple cultures. However people wear Viking style braids for fashion when those braids were for actual warriors, ready to join Valhalla. Young boys still learning to fight couldn't wear them. Some braids were only for significant fights, others were for rituals. Also getting back to something else that bothers me. Vikings weren't all warrio
(11) Rs. In fact, the word Viking wasn't even used until later. Danes or Norsemen were mostly farmers and merchants. Only a handful were warriors (as any country should have a decent fighting force in case of enemies) I'm sick of the Viking age being depicted as a while society of bloodthirsty men and boring women, when that's such a minor part of that time. Also women were allowed to fight as much as any man, they even held more power than men in some household or otherwise they were equal. We had
(12) equality between genders with women being in charge of economics, often gifted daggers in presents and even encouraged to cut of the jewels of any man rhat attempted to rape them. they would even sometimes hang these in their houses to discourage strangers from making the same mistake. in just. So done. So sick. So tired. Of people disregarding and generalising all white people as having the same lack of culture
okie so there’s a lot to unpack here. i just wanted to put a disclaimer here that i’m not very familiar with your culture so i apologize beforehand if i say anything offensive.
i think people just lump so many different races into “white”, which tbh is kind of dumb. and you’re right, every country has its own culture. it’s ignorant people that act like that doesn’t exist.
i wanna point out that you are not your ancestors!! you are NOT responsible for things they did. 
i’m not exactly sure about the Marvel aspect because idrk what people say about Thor and Loki, but from what you mentioned it seems to be the main trigger for this rant? please correct me if i’m wrong
but yes, again to reiterate, you are NOT your ancestors. you should not be blamed for things they did. and for people who just ignore white culture, or more specifically Danish culture in this case, walk away from them. like, for real just walk away from them. if they’re not going to open their minds to at least find out a bit about the history, then they’re not worth talking to at all.
screw those ignorant people. they’re not worth it at all.
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