#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot
megumi-fm · 26 days
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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textualdesires · 2 years
Liar, liar [Eddie Munson x Reader]
You get dared to kiss the freak. Things don’t go as planned.
Contents: Fluff, Slight Angst, Violence, Blood (a tiny bit), Smoking, Underage Drinking, Swearing
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You hated parties. From the bottom of your heart, you did.
You hated squeezing through the loud and sweaty crowds.
You hated your fellow seniors get shitfaced, girls vomiting and guys starting fights.
You hated the younger kids that hung around, fucking ip their lives, just like you hated the college kids that hung about these parties, trying to get into a poor junior’s pants.
What you hated most, however, was the jocks.
You didn’t know how you happened to come into their circle.
It was Chrissy who originally dragged you along to one of their parties. The two of you had been friends since childhood, living right across each other.
To say you didn’t drift apart would be a flat out lie.
Even if you tried to grasp onto a friendship that was long lost, the two of you just didn’t share many interests.
Chrissy listened to Madonna whilst you were focused on Metallica.
Chrissy was the star cheerleader and you had been one of the stronger debate club members.
Chrissy was popular and beautiful and you were… you.
You are propped into your favorite band shirt, washed a million times only to wear it again, the print already fading.
A leather jacket hangs loosely over your shoulders. It used to be your dads, a hand me down you cherished.
Your legs are covered by torn up tights over which you wear your favorite bootie shorts, ones you cut out of your old jeans.
Your black leather boots are clad on your feet, the chains on them rustling with every step.
A bright red bandanna pushes your hair out of your face, where black eyeshadow meets red lipstick.
And of course people notice. Jason is the loudest in his dismay. He doesn’t want to be seen hanging out with you. Frankly, you‘re a loser.
Chrissy would tell him off, would soothe you, saying he didn’t mean it. The two are the Highschool sweethearts, so of course he wouldn’t argue over something so small.
You take a swig off your beer, hands clasped around the brown bottle. It’s stale, but better than whatever spiked punch the others are drinking.
You stand in the kitchen, away from the loud bustle, only some thirsty teenager coming over every now and then.
You are good by yourself, just drowning in your own little world.
„If it isn’t the mighty [Y/N]. You look lost.“ A voice calls and your eyes dart up to meet the ones of Eddie Munson.
You know him, of course you do, he has quite the reputation, after all.
Besides, you hang out at the same jigs. Hawkins‘ metal scene wasn’t huge, meeting each other was inevitable.
„Ah, just not in the mood to join the teens making out outside. Or listen to some more shit tunes.“
Eddie chuckles, grabbing a beer for himself which he skillfully opens with his teeth. He clinks your bottle, nodding to your previous statement.
„I see you at Jimbo‘s all the time, when we play our gigs. If I didn’t know better I’d say you’re a fan.“
You have to laugh a tiny bit, shaking your head.
„I’m a regular at Jimbo’s. I’m there more often than you, probably.“
„If you say so, doll.“ He says.
„Well, it’s the only metal joint in Hawkins. Where else would I go, dickhead?“
He shoots out his tongue, giving you a snarky answer before he takes a sip.
Finally he scans you properly, his eyes stopping at your shirt.
„Nice shirt.“ He says with a wink. You’re ready to give a compliment back when you’re interrupted by Jason, calling your name.
„[Y/N]- what are you doing, talking to the freak? Is he bothering you?“
„I can talk with whom I want to, Jace. He wasn’t bothering me.“
„Whatever. Chrissy asks you to join a round of truth or dare. You coming?“ He asks, rolling his eyes.
You look at Eddie, shooting him an apologetic smile. You don’t want to leave, at all. But what choice do you have? You don’t want to cause a scene, especially not with Jason.
„Sure. Let’s go.“ You say, turning to leave and pushing Jason softly.
„You better not bother her again, freak!“ Jason calls towards Eddie as you leave, to which Eddie shoots him a grimace.
You turn around in the doorframe, mouthing a small sorry towards Eddie, who just shoots you a grin back.
„So, [Y/N]. Truth or dare?“ Angie, one of the cheerleaders asks you. You aren’t exactly pumped to play, but Chrissy‘s happy smile as you joined is reason enough to stay.
„Truth.“ You answer, taking a sip of your beer.
„Do you have a crush on someone?“ She blurts out. The group laughed a bit. They knew you didn’t exactly do dating. Your last ex was a drummer from one of the shitty small-town metal bands, who left state and broke up with you to pursues his career. He of course didn’t make it far. And you were left ridiculed.
Your eyes scan the room, a grin landing on your lips as you see Eddie trying desperately to get the host to play his tape. Jeez.
You have met Eddie countless times now.
He is smart.
Talented with the guitar.
Just your type.
But you could never admit it to the jocks. They would ridicule you forever.
„Yes.“ You answer. Chrissy immediately squeals, that being news to her.
„What? Who?“
„That wasn’t the question.“ You
say, spinning the bottle once more.
The round goes on but you knew you had caught yourself in a dilemma. Your next turn, you couldn’t choose truth.
They would ask who your crush was and you certainly don’t feel like sharing that.
„How come I didn’t know about your crush?“ Chrissy quietly asks beside you and you just shrug.
„I guess it’s pretty recent. Just didn’t come up.“ You answer shortly, the focus turning back to the group as the bottle lands on Jason, who chooses truth.
„Jason. Would you rather go to one of Munson‘s gigs or join the mathletes for their weekly pizza date?“ They ask, causing the group to laugh. You stay quiet.
The mathlete pizza time really is a special occasion. Talking about the newest mathematical discoveries and making an equation on how likely you are to get olives on your pizza slice is horrible.
But you already know what Jason will answer.
„Listen to the freak’s whiney noise? Over my dead body. I’d rather go on twenty metal gigs than join Munson and his stupid friends.“ He answers and you once again stay quiet as the group starts laughing, ridiculing Eddie for being different.
„He’s such a weirdo. Bet he killed someone or something. Sacrificed someone to Satan.“ Angie theorizes and again you stay awfully quiet.
„He’s kinda nice, actually.“ You mumble into your bottle.
All eyes are on you now. Like you said something so outrageous you should be shamed for eternity.
„What?“ Jason asks first.
„He’s nice. A lot nicer than some of you.“ You say with newfound confidence. Maybe it was the five beers you had up to now. The group breaks out into laughter again.
„You are so strange, [Y/N]. Defending the freak. Seriously.“ Jason calls and you just sink into yourself.
This proves your suspicions. You could never act on the hopeless crush you had on Eddie Munson. Or tell anyone about it.
Jason spins the bottle, it landing on you.
You’re glad, actually. Because Jason giving you the choice of truth or dare let’s the topic die down. Or so you think.
„Dare.“ You say, knowing damn well you have no choice.
A grin spreads on Jason‘s face. Like the best idea just popped into his drunken brain, like he had a master plan.
„Kiss the freak. Since you like him so much. He keeps staring at you anyways, I’d love to see his little heart break as you do so.“ He says and you immediately spit out the sip of bear that was previously in your mouth.
You tried to refuse, but to no avail. The peer pressure and stupid game got you standing here, in the kitchen, drinking a shot to get your nervousness down.
Eddie is standing in the corner, quietly sipping a beer as you make it over to grab one of the bottles behind him.
„Is it fate or why do we keep meeting?“ He questions and you smile.
„Whatever you say.“ You add with a wink, reaching for the bottle opener behind him. You pretend to stumble, more or less stumbling into his arms.
„Easy there, sweetheart.“ He says as he catches you, gripping you by the sides. You’re awfully close now and you can’t hide the red tint on your cheeks. Fuck, this dare is so dumb.
„Has anyone ever told you you’re pretty, Eddie?“ You question now. It’s honest? you’re speaking from your heart suddenly.
„Pretty? No, I don’t think so. They mostly call me a freak, especially your little friends.“
He answers and you can see his expression drop for a second. His head slumps slightly and you take a deep breath in.
You grab his chin, causing him to look up at you. Your heart is beating loudly in your chest, so loud you fear it will jump out of it. With all your courage and a goal in mind, you inch in even further. Eddie doesn’t back down.
„I don’t think you’re a freak.“ You whisper against his lips, them almost brushing against each other. It’s him who takes initiative now, pressing his lips onto yours. And of course you kiss back.
The impact almost knocks you out, the dare long forgotten. It feels good, too good to be true. There is an electricity in the air as you softly dig your hands into his hair, his body so awfully close you can’t help yourself.
It’s the laughter of your so-called friends that brings you out of your trance. No. No no no. What have you done? You just ruined your chance with the one guy who doesn’t see you as Chrissy‘s weird friend. Or the weird goth kid. He kissed you. He was the one who made the move. Because he likes you, too.
„Oh Jesus, look at his face. He really thought you like him.“ Jason calls.
Eddie backs up as realization seems to hit him. This is a joke. A stupid dare. You had been playing truth or dare. Of course. He really had been ridiculed by the popular kids again.
„Eddie.“ You whisper and he looks at you, a bitter grin on his face.
„Liar, liar, pants on fire.“ He spits at you, before he leaves the room. You want to run after him, tell him you weren’t joking. Tell him the dare was just what you needed to finally make a stupid move.
But you can’t move. Instead you stand in the middle of the kitchen as the group around you laughs. They are quieting down, but Jason stays loud and confident.
„He was so butthurt.“ He says, tears in his eyes from laughing.
And finally you snap. You turn around, your fist immediately meeting Jason‘s nose. You can feel it break under impact, Jason immediately stumbling backwards as Chrissy runs to her boyfriends side.
„[Y/N]! What did you do?!“ She calls in shock and you scoff. Finally, this is over. Finally you get to admit it all.
„Fuck you, Jason. Fuck you. You keep playing with people‘s emotions and think it’s fucking funny, hm? Well let me tell you something! It is not!“
„What has gotten into you? Don’t tell me you actually care about the freak?“ He says, holding his bleeding nose. But you are far from done.
„He has a name for fucks sake. His name is Eddie. And he’s great. Amazing, really. He’s not a freak, you’re just a bully! Be honest, Jason. If Chrissy didn’t drag me in, wouldn’t I be a freak, too? Hm? Because let’s face it, I’m not that different from him.“
„Oh my god. It’s him. He’s your crush.“ Angie says now, finally putting all the pieces together.
„So what if he is? Yeah. I’m tired of hiding, I’m tired of pretending to like any of you! But I do like him! I like Eddie Munson! You happy now?“ You yell, the room now awfully quiet.
Before the jocks can even speak, you storm outside, towards the back yard. You just potentially ruined your reputation. Lost all your friends. But god, did it feel good.
You sit on the terrace, lighting a cigarette from the packet you strapped into your boot. You had been smoking in secret for the past year or two. Not because of your parents, no. Because of your stupid friends. Or former friends.
You try desperately to light it, struggling with your shitty lighter, but to no avail. You get pulled out of your thoughts as a flame starts in front of you. You look up, meeting Eddie‘s eyes.
Fuck. You light your cigarette, looking up at his face.
„I thought you left.“
„Just needed a breather.“ Eddie says, sitting next to you. He snags the cigarette from your lips, taking a few breaths himself.
„Gareth told me what you did in there.“
You sigh, standing in front of him now. You look at him, not sure what to say.
„I’m sorry.“
„Sorry for what? Lying to me?“
You look up at him, at his sad and hurt eyes.
„The one I’ve been lying to is me.“
„I- I meant every word I said to you in there. Yes, they dared me, but only because I kept defending you and-I had to choose dare because otherwise I would have had to tell them who my crush was, which I guess I just told half our school anyways and I-„
He kisses you, catching you off guard.
This time you don’t hold back, pulling him in fully.
You kiss back so hard you think your lips will bruise. But god, you want to prove it to him so badly. That you like him for who he is.
He pulls back after a while, desperate for a breath of air. He looks around, as if to make sure this is not another sick joke. Then he pecks your lips once more.
He pulls you in, pressing you against his chest. A soft laugh escapes his lungs, as if he is in disbelief.
„You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.“
„Me, too.“ You answer softly.
„Well, I was right about something.“
You pull back, looking at his face.
„You really made everyone believe you liked the jocks. And hated me. How could you?“ Eddie says in fake offense and you laugh.
„Liar,liar, pants on fire.“
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pleasantpedanticny · 1 month
don't be surprised..
Cops have always been this way...I guess I am glad you never noticed and lived that kind of life.
New York cops aimed a gun at me for helping a highschool kid go to school because I shared my public transit pass with him.
Cops have always been this way... I was like 14 and white and Jewish looking but dressed working class and they threatened to kill me over 1$ subway fare. Because some other kid lost their pass.
When high school students, teenagers protested in about 1992 my friends, my brother, my mother, hundreds were teargassed without warning to clear the plaza. The students were complaining about lack of educational resources, problems with the curriculum, and over-policing.
Cops have always been this way... I don't understand how you didn't notice. I learned about Kent State. Police fire bombing a building in Philly, about so much worse.
When I was a kid aware of and sometimes even at Act Up rallies in the 80's and Early 90's that simply wanted to draw medical attention to millions of HIV/AIDS deaths and push for political support for treatment and prevention of deaths... the cops regularly used pepper spray and teargas. And I heard one say they would use their batons more but they didn't want to get AIDS from the F@#s.
Cops have always been this way... they don't care if you live or die.
I volunteered with a soup kitchen as a junior in highschool and watched the cops stand outside and threatened the poor hungry people who loved up outside. Making them not talk to each other. Scaring them intentionally. So the homeless "wouldn't bother the neighbors.
Cops have always been this way... they may not all be evil men and women but as a group they are a terrifying evil thing that is there to harm people. Some people certainly get hurt more often. So be glad if you were allowed not to notice.
I remember seeing cops beat up a pair of homeless people in grand central who hadn't woken up and moved along fast enough just... started swinging night sticks. One of the men wore clothing a d was an age that suggested he was a Vietnam veteran. They arrested him for yelling at them... after they hit him. He didnt threaten them. He didn't fight back.
Cops have always been this way... they train people to exert force on the population. They train them to use preemptive violence. First strike rules of engagement. Excessive force may be a problem but it is training priority. If you may be in a little danger make absolutely sure the person can't hurt you... they say to each other. And then they are taught to see every person as a threat to them. And people are surprised that somehow that leads to police violence.
I had a cop say "are you a Jew to me" with the tone of voice you might expect if I was suspected of murder. This was in a small Midwestern town where I was visiting a college that I chose not to attend. They did like my answer, as I kept my hands visible and away from my body that I was half.. the wrong half so I was ethnically half Jewish not really Jewish. The cop said 'so yeah a jew.' And left me alone but watched from accross the shopping center to make sure I left. He had wanted me gone. So I went.
The cops have always been this way... do not believe this is bout preventing antisemitism or keeping the peace. The modern police were invented and militarized to harm to frighten and to prevent political protest to decrease democracy.
I am not glad if you didn't notice before. It may mean. You are part of what let's this system keep going.
The only moral and reasonable response is to defund and replace policing institutions.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
UA University:
So what events exactly is adapted to the accelerated timeline and what happens as is (unchanged from canon)? i.e. Shie Hassaikai no longer exists before izuku's first year at UA University so they're irrelevant.
and a diagram of the timeline (a line and bubbles connecting to it with text saying when it actually happens) if you have the time for it that is, if you can't make a diagram, a list with dates will suffice.
I was just gonna ask when would AfO actually puts his plans forward due to him wasting away to his injuries, but a timeline of when and what happens is a better ask tbh.
So the goal is to change the overall timeline as little as possible, by which I mean that even though UA is a university, events happen when they happen. Stain is around while Midoriya is a Highschool first year, for example.
So it would look something vaguely like
Junior High, Start of Third Year: Sludge Villain Incident exactly like canon.
Junior High, Third Year: Midoriya trains by cleaning the beach. There isn't an upcoming Entrance Exam as a hard deadline.
UA University High School, Early First Year: Midoriya receives One For All. Because the High School has limited Quirk resources, Gran Torino gets involved to train him
UA University High School, First Year: Stain attacks Ingenium.
UA University High School, First Year: Midoriya and Yagi attempt to convince Nighteye to teach Midoriya. On their way back they run into Eri and take her with them.
UA University High School, First Year: I-Expo occurs. Wolfram has only one Quirk
UA University High School, End of Third Year: All For One launches some kind of attack because he doesn't have the time to wait anymore. All Might and several top Heroes, including Star and Stripe, team up to defeat him. Shigaraki may remain unknown.
High School Graduation: Midoriya can use something like 50% of the stockpile and most if not all of the other Quirks. All Might retires.
UA University Entrance Exams: Go largely the same as canon, but Midoriya does way better thanks to the above bullet point. (Side note: there may be more than 40 students per year in the Hero Major thanks to the college structure)
UA University, First Year: MLA begins making political moves.
UA University, Some Point First Year: Student Exhibition Expo. A series of games and challenges that showcase the potential of the students, like the Sports Festival.
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a-blip-of-billdip · 2 years
dipper pines headcanon/au masterlist
Δ not finished Δ
// general //
dipper (along with all of the pines, really) is left handed. this, combined with his pen eating habit means he is probably COVERED in ink constantly.
dipper is one of those kids who refuses to let film die out. refuses to use a contemporary camera or phone for things he really cares about, sticks to old film cameras or polaroids.
he's also one of those guys that makes it a point that he drinks his coffee black. sometimes he drinks decaf, especially during the day. says he just likes the flavor. (see billdip headcanons for a continuación)
// future //
he definitely goes on to get a doctorate, i just cant figure out what? in the show he says "a technical college with a photography and media production minor" out of the technical courses, i could definitely see him pursuing biochemistry as a major the most.
as much as i do enjoy the other ideas and possibilites, i can see him becoming basically a ford jr. in that he'd go research the anomalies of the world. going around researching and documenting all the weird happenings. he shows actual footage of real things on a show or docuseries but no one outside of gravity falls genuinely believes it.
also, i do think dipper eventually accepted fords apprenticeship. he likely did so around junior year in highschool, after he realized highschool wasnt really anything that useful and mabel matured enough to be okay with it. he mightve even graduated early in junior year and took two gap years to study with ford.
going off of "dr p's extraordinary guide to magic and monsters" from amphibia, he probably goes on to learn magic enough to teach it and warn about the risks and consequences. (see more in "dipper has magic")
he probably drives mabel everywhere she wants to go because she sucks at driving. he was the one who got his license at 16, meanwhile she didnt pass till 23yo after 4 attempts. fleeing from all those monsters in the go cart really gave an extra edge
// dipper has magic //
so, yeah. basically if you look at canon itself dipper is extremely magically proficient, moreso than anyone else we see in the show. yes, gideon does preform a summon spell, as well, but he did so with ample preparation. dipper did his summons on a whim and while stuttering and fumbling. obviously the more showy examples of his powers are when they go into stans mind and when he raises the dead. he managed to bring two other people and himself into someones mind with no prep or teachings at all, and then once there he almost actually did some damage to bill... five seconds after bills first appearance. with raising the dead he manages to awaken a very large portion of land while, again, stuttering and fumbling around and while MESSING UP THE PRONUNCIATION! he is a natural, even if hes awkward.
callback to bill, but even bill acknowledges that dipper shouldnt be able to fight back against him so easily and is angered and confused by it. dipper just almost levels the playing field, at least in the mindscape.
the amount of animals and mythical creatures that affiliate themselves with dipper and get close to dipper is rather... intriguing. i saw one person make a great point about the manotaurs; dipper is definitely not the first person to bring jerky into the woods. they also dont have any other humans in their group, and seem to have never accepted any humans into their group. dipper is the first. the manotaurs noticed him in some way. it seems like other people in gravity falls just stumble upon weirdness, meanwhile the weirdness seeks dipper out.
I'll say it again probably a hundred times but yes ☆ dipper with tattoos ☆ he has various spells and wards, the zodiacs, as well as sentimentals to family and friends. im putting this in here because of the use of magic wards.
// snapped dipper //
basically this just goes off the idea that dipper would become fed up with always being the brunt of the joke, always being written off or insulted, and would seek revenge.
if he ever got into a situation where it was needed, he would be the getaway driver for sure.
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hannahshattuck · 10 months
Normalcy is Overrated
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Rating: Mature
Square: August Adoptable - Alpha/Alpha Relationship (Replacing Square B5 - AU: Reincarnation)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Age Difference, Teacher-Student Relationship, Bucky is 18 at first and Steve is 32, later Bucky is 21 and Steve is 35, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Alpha Relationship, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Alpha Steve Rogers, Student Bucky Barnes, College, Professor Steve Rogers, Violence, Domestic Violence, George Barnes is Not a Good Father
Summary: Bucky comes out to his parents saying he liked Alphas, as an Alpha himself. His father doesn't take it well but luckily there's a certain professor who steps up.
Written for @allcapsbingo​ All Caps Bingo Masterlist
Read on Ao3
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Bucky took a deep breath before he walked into his Art History class. He was halfway through the semester and he wished someone had warned him about his professor before he booked the class. Professor Rogers not only had the body of a Greek god, but the Alpha cared for all his students regardless of their designation. Bucky has professors who treat the Omega and Beta students differently than the Alphas and it irks Bucky. Professor Roger though? He pushes all his students equally which only makes Bucky’s heart swell in admiration.
Bucky’s known he’s liked Alphas since his junior year of highschool and as an Alpha himself, he hasn’t told anyone since Alpha/Alpha relationships are very rare. They’re not unheard of but those kinds of relationships are definitely frowned upon. According to some, Alpha/Alpha relationships aren’t fulfilling as Alpha/Omega relationships since, when an Alpha goes into rut, the presence of an Omega will abate rut symptoms. Bucky hasn’t told his parents since they share this view but science has since proved that the intensity of rut or heat does not depend on one’s partner.
“Good afternoon, James!” Professor Rogers said as Bucky walked into class. Bucky smiled as he took his seat. He was always one of the first students to show up since Art History was Bucky’s first of the day. “How’s college going?”
“It’s going.” Bucky stated. “It's a little difficult being on my own for the first time but it’s going.”
“How are your parents doing with their only child away at college?” The first day of classes, Professor Rogers had all the students go around and say a bit about themselves and Bucky shared he has no siblings. 
“They’re…okay.” Bucky’s relationship with his parents is strained, at best. With their views on unorthodox relationships, Bucky’s had a hard time being himself around them. They keep asking if he’s found a nice Omega yet, even though he’s just started college. He wants to scream he likes Alphas every time he’s asked.
Professor Rogers walked over to Bucky’s table. The room was set up with long tables that held four students and were wide enough for the big papers art students used for their projects. Bucky wasn’t very artsy so he would never need that much space. The younger Alpha sat at the back table and Professor Rogers leaned against the table in front of Bucky with his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Strained relationship?”
Bucky nodded and looked down at his fiddling hands. “You could say that.”
Professor Rogers hummed, “I have a strained relationship with my father after he left my mom and I when I was twelve. He decided he wanted a relationship with me within the last year.” The older Alpha chuckled and shook his head. “Sorry, didn’t mean to trauma dump, James.”
“Bucky, call me Bucky.” The younger Alpha smiled up through his eyelashes and hoped his cheeks weren’t red. There was a look in Professor Rogers' eyes that made Bucky’s stomach swoop. The professor cleared his throat as he nodded.
“A-alright. Sounds good, Bucky.” The way he said Bucky’s name made the younger Alpha’s stomach swoop harder. 
Other students filed in which broke whatever trance the two Alpha’s were in. Professor Rogers went back to the front of the room and pulled up his PowerPoint for the lecture. Bucky shifted in his seat a bit and hoped his scent blockers were doing their job. Once everyone was in their seats, Professor Rogers clapped his hands together and welcomed everyone.
“I hope you all have had a good day so far. Today we’re going to talk about Romanticism and…” Bucky tuned out the rest of the introduction and just watched Professor Rogers in his element. He loves teaching and loves art and combining those two loves showed in every wave of his hands. Bucky picked up his pen ready to take notes as the PowerPoint changed slides.
Finals were in two weeks and Bucky was stressed. It seemed like all his classes had assignments due the same days and his professors gave quiz after quiz. It also didn’t help that Bucky's parents kept asking if he was in a relationship with an Omega. He decided to go home the weekend before finals as a way to recharge before he was going to be studying non stop during the next week. Bucky also decided this was when he was going to tell his parents he likes Alphas since he’d be spending his four weeks of winter break at home after finals. “James! Oh baby I’m so glad you’re home!” His mother, Winnifred, crushed him in a hug and kissed all over his face. “Come in! Your father is watching the game.” No matter how many times Bucky asked his parents to call him ‘Bucky’ they never did, using the excuse that it wasn’t his “proper” name. Bucky’s father, George, was always watching something in the living room. He was the type of Alpha who believed Omega’s were responsible for housework and that gave him the excuse to just laze around. Throughout Bucky’s childhood, George would yell for Winnifred to bring him another beer while he never got up from his spot on the couch. The only time Bucky ever saw him not in “his spot” was when his dad would be at work.
“Hi, Dad.” Bucky said as he rounded the corner into the living room. Sure enough his father was watching a football game and drinking a beer.
“Son.” George Barnes was a man of few words. Bucky sat down on the other side of the couch trying not to make it obvious he was putting space between them.
“How’ve you been?”
George hummed without taking his eyes off the game. Bucky nodded and settled into the couch. He stared at the TV but wasn’t actually watching the game. He was trying to think of when the best time would be to tell his parents. Before dinner? During? After? Maybe tomorrow morning after everyone’s had a good night’s sleep?
“Winnifred, he’s an Alpha. Leave him alone.” Bucky flinched as George’s yelling brought him back. “James doesn’t need to help you at all. He ain’t an Omega.” Bucky realized his mother was asking for help with dinner. 
“It’s okay. I can help Mom.” Bucky started to stand up from the couch but George’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Son, once you get yourself an Omega you’ll learn very quickly that it’s best to just let them be. They say they’ll want help but they don’t actually want it. They need to be put in their place which is the kitchen when they’re not cleaning the house.” Hearing those words come from his father made Bucky’s blood boil. Bucky believed it didn’t matter one’s designation, everyone has the ability to do their part even if it’s just helping your family.
“Dinner’s ready.” Winnifred said as she set the last things on the table for dinner. Bucky decided then that he was going to tell his parents he didn’t want a relationship with an Omega.
The three Barnes members ate dinner in silence until George cleared his throat. “Any Omegas caught your eye, Son?”
Bucky tensed in his seat, “Um, well. Right now I’m just focusing on my classes. Finals start this coming week so those are on my mind right now.”
“But, Son, what about your ruts? I bet you’ve had a pretty Omega help you through those.” Bucky’s grip on his fork tightened. Yes, he’s had his ruts but it’s just been him getting himself through them. His college has two buildings, one for Alphas and one for Omegas, where they can go for their rut or heat. Betas are lucky in the way they don’t have ruts or heats but they do have the ability to help their partner through whichever. 
“George. Let’s not have this conversation over dinner please.” Winnifred pleaded.
“I’m just trying to make conversation.”
“This is an inappropriate topic for dinner.”
George glared at Winnifred, “If I want to know if my son has found himself a bitch to help him during a hard time, I will dammit!”
Bucky’s parents continued to argue and Bucky just sat there. He couldn’t believe his parents were essentially arguing about his sex life. His father kept saying “Omega this” and “Omega that”. It was really pissing him off. His mother kept saying Bucky would find an Omega when he was ready. His father was saying how the sooner Bucky found an Omega the sooner he could train them to his preferences and-
“I didn’t have an Omega help me through my rut, okay!” His parents silenced but his outburst gave Bucky the confidence to keep going. “As a matter of fact, I don’t like Omegas. Not romantically. I like Alphas. I want to be held down by an Alpha. I want an Alpha to help me through my rut and I want to help them through theirs. I hate that you two keep trying to force me into a relationship when I just started college! And if you must know,” Bucky stood and glared at his father, “I went through my rut alone! By myself. I even shoved a dildo up my ass imagining it was an Alpha.” George stood and what he did next shocked Bucky.
“GEORGE!” Winnifred screamed.
Bucky’s vision blurred. It took him a moment to realize his father just hit him. A punch to his temple. George started hurling insults and dining ware at Bucky. Bucky tried to get away but tripped over the leg of a chair and twisted his ankle. He fell and his hands landed in a pile of broken glass, the little pieces impaling his palms. Bucky tried to get to the front door to leave but something hit him in the back of the head. Glass fell from around his shoulders and it was then when Bucky realized his father hurled a glass at his head. Bucky managed to get out of the house, get his car keys out of his pocket, unlock his car and get in. The front passenger side window shattered and a rock landed on the seat, his father yelling more insults. He started the car, put it in drive, and pulled away from his parents house. 
Tears started to fall from Bucky's eyes and he quickly wiped them away, wincing as the back of his hand connected with the cuts on his face. He didn’t anticipate his father reacting like that. He knew his parents wouldn’t react well but this? This? 
A sob escaped Bucky’s mouth as tears fell uncontrollably down his cheeks. His hands hurt. His head hurt. His ankle hurt. Every part of his body, soul, and mind hurt. Bucky’s vision started to darken at the edges and he knew he needed to stop driving otherwise he’ll end up in a wreck. He pulled into an empty parking lot and struggled to put the car in park due to the pain in his hands. He managed to shift the gear and then tried to get his phone out of his pocket. It was virtually impossible with the pain in his hands and the blood seeping from the multiple cuts on his palms.
Bucky blinked to clear his vision as he unlocked his phone and went to his contacts. He clicked on the first contact he could see through his slowly darkening vision and put the phone on speaker. His head rolled against the headrest of the seat as the phone rang.
“Steve. Help.” Was the last thing he said before everything went black.
“...the spelling of words, and their pronunciation. For Greek sculpture, the variation can be seen not only in stylistic trends but also in iconographic choices. A fine bronze mirror with a handle in the form-oh. Hey there.” Steve stopped reading and smiled at the younger man in the hospital bed. Getting the call from Bucky the night before where he only said Steve’s name and ‘help’ scared the Alpha more than anything. Steve’s glad he’s created a great relationship with his students and has felt comfortable sharing his personal cell with his student but never, in his six years of teaching, did Steve ever think he’d find himself in a situation like this.
“Where am I?” Bucky asked horsley. 
“Brooklyn Med. My mom works here.” Steve set the textbook aside and scooted the chair closer to Bucky’s bed. He gently grabbed Bucky’s bandaged right hand. “Bucky. What happened? When I found you, you were covered in blood.” Steve's voice went to a whisper. “I was scared, Honey.” The pet name slipped past Steve’s lips and he winced internally. If Bucky noticed, he didn’t react. Just closed his eyes and a tear slid down his cheek which was gently brushed away by Steve’s thumb. The blond Alpha kept his hand cupping the younger’s cheek.
Bucky shuddered a breath before he spoke, “I told my parents I don’t like Omegas romantically. I like Alphas and my dad didn’t take it well.” Bucky’s voice cracked as he continued. “He punched me and then started throwing stuff. A glass hit the back of my head I think. I know I tripped and fell. Glass cut my hands but I don’t remember getting in my car. I don’t remember calling you. Why can’t I remember? Steve, why can’t I remember” Bucky started panicking which caused the heart monitor to beep rapidly. “Why can’t I remember anything?” 
Steve tried to calm Bucky down as the younger man who thrashed against his hold. When Steve yelled for a nurse, his mom, Sarah, ran in along with two other nurses. The four of them held Bucky down while Sarah administered a sedative. 
“Steve. Steve. I-I…” Bucky repeated as his eyes closed. Steve didn’t let go of the other man’s hand.
“It’s okay, Bucky. I’m here. I’ll be here.” Steve kissed Bucky’s knuckles that were exposed from the bandage. “It’s okay. Just close your eyes, Honey.”
“S’eve.” Bucky said once more as his eyes closed and stayed close. His breathing evened out which calmed Steve’s beating heart. He looked up at his mom who placed a hand on his shoulder.
Sarah smiled at her son before leaning down and placed a kiss on the top of his head. “Is this James?” 
“Bucky, Ma.”
Sarah hummed as she checked the sleeping man’s vitals. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Steven. It seems like this precious boy has been through a lot and you’re not too old to put in time-out.”
Steve smiled at his mother but kept his gaze on Bucky, “Everything will pan out, I hope. I promise I won’t push anything.”
Sarah patted her son’s shoulder before she left the room. She looked over her shoulder with a knowing smile at the two men. Steve admitted to her that he felt a connection with the younger man. There was an ache in his chest every time he saw Bucky, that made Steve want to protect him. Steve knew acting on anything would cause him to lose his job or worse. And now? Steve knew he’d need to be more careful but that wouldn’t stop him from helping the hurt Alpha.
Bucky was released from the hospital two weeks later. His professors, thankfully, allowed him to take his finals while he was still in the hospital so the school sent a proctor to the hospital with the tests for Bucky. Sarah provided Bucky with all the test taking snacks and he was thankful for the older woman when she sat with him after her shifts were done just talking with him. 
She told him many stories of Steve when he was a kid and all the trouble he’d end up in. She explained that Steve was smaller than most of the kids in his classes which Bucky found hard to believe. Sarah said it wasn’t until Steve’s sophomore year of high school when his body decided it was tired of being small. He shot up and towered over his classmates and those who picked on Steve before his growth spurt were hoping he didn’t pick on them. Steve explained, when he visited one time, that he kept being respectful to those kids.
“Kill them with kindness.” Steve said.
Sarah and Steve were there when a police officer visited Bucky to get an understanding as to what happened. The officer informed the young Alpha that his father would be arrested for assault which Bucky understood. Once the officer left, Steve pulled Bucky into his arms as the younger one sobbed. The ache in Steve’s chest was stronger after that day.
“So,” Steve started as he helped Bucky pack his stuff the day he was being discharged. “Where are you going to stay?”
Bucky shrugged, “I’m not sure. I might call a friend and see if I could crash at their place for break.”
Steve fidgeting with the zipper on the duffle he bought for Bucky. “Um, if you want, I have a spare room that you could crash in. And I just realized this is inappropriate since I’m your teacher. Well, I was since finals are done. But I won’t be able to sleep at night knowing you’re not in a safe place or comfortable being who you are wherever you end up staying and-”
Bucky cut off Steve’s rambling by pulling him into a kiss. The older Alpha groaned and placed his hands on the younger’s hips pulling him flush against his body. Bucky gripped Steve’s shirt tighter as he felt the ridges of the older Alpha’s body against his. When the need for air became too much, they pulled away and Bucky’s eyes widened in fear.
“Oh my god. Oh. My. God.” Bucky pulled away and started pacing in the small hospital room, “I-I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. You…I…I understand if you want to leave and never see me again. I’ll make sure I have no classes near the art building…”
“...that way we won’t run into each other. A-And I can talk to my advisor to move all my classes online so there’s no chance of us crossing paths and…”
“Bucky. Stop.”
“...I’ll even stay in my dorm when classes start-”
“Bucky!” Steve cupped the younger man’s face and pulled his gaze to meet Steve’s. “I liked it. Yeah there’s some things we need to work out but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t felt a connection between us since the moment you walked into my class.”
Bucky blushed, “Oh, um, I have too.”
“Good.” Steve chuckled as he placed a kiss on Bucky’s nose. “I’d like it if you stayed with me And, if you do end up switching to online, I’d be honored to support you through that, okay? But right now, let’s get you out of the hospital and figure out where you want to stay for the break.”
Bucky had a dopey smile on his face, “I’d like to stay with you if that’s okay.”
Steve nodded and placed a quick peck on the man’s lips. “It’s very much okay.”
Bucky moved into Steve’s spare room after being discharged from the hospital. During the break, they went to Bucky’s dorm and got his stuff out of there. Bucky had a single room so he didn’t have to explain to a roommate why his professor was helping him move out. Steve also supported Bucky when the brunet went to his parent’s house and got his stuff out of there. Winnifred tried to get Bucky to stay, but he shook his head without saying anything signally he was closing this chapter of his life. He can see himself creating a relationship with his mother, but there’s no chance of one with his father.
Bucky made the decision that he wanted to continue his degree online. Somehow everyone on campus knew what happened to him and he couldn’t take the sympathetic looks he’d get from students and staff. He talked with his advisor, who understood Bucky’s decision, and helped him make sure everything was in order. The only times Bucky would absolutely need to come on campus would be for labs and advising meetings.
Steve and Bucky met with the Dean of Students, Maria Hill, and explained their relationship. She was disappointed in Steve’s actions and chastised him. But with her being a close friend of the blond’s, Maria explained that she would do her best to keep the board off their backs for the remainder of Bucky’s education. She then informed Bucky that out of all the Alphas to choose from Steve was a good one which made Steve blush. And Bucky totally teased him the rest of the day.
The Alphas relationship blossomed throughout the next two years. With Steve’s unyielding support, Bucky’s going to be able to graduate a year earlier than he anticipated. Steve also helped Bucky through his ruts, and Bucky helped Steve through his. At one point their ruts synced up and it was a good thing Steve lived alone on a big property because they would be all over each in every room. Sarah would drop food off at the doorstep and always left a note telling them to be careful and to call her if they needed anything. 
Now, Bucky was two months away from graduating and being with Steve was the highlight of his life. If he could show high school Bucky that he’d not only be in a relationship with an Alpha but also finishing college earlier, his younger self would laugh. Unfortunately their relationship was leaked and there were some very unhappy board members, but Maria pointed out that both Alphas were consenting adults and nothing happened until Bucky was no longer a student of Steve’s. The board members could disagree with that logic. The two Alphas were happy they had someone in their corner ready to fight for them.
The sound of a key unlocking the front door made Bucky smile. He saved his essay he was working on and set his laptop on the coffee table in front of him. When he went to stand up from the couch, Bucky’s classmate, a corgi puppy they got a month ago that Bucky named Biscuit, tumbled off the couch excited to see her other dad. Bucky picked her up with a chuckle and scratched behind her ears.
“Careful, you goof.” He kissed her head as she yipped. “Yeah, I know. Me too. Let’s go see Daddy.” 
“There’s my babies!” Steve exclaimed as he rounded the corner and threw his shoulder bag on the couch. He pulled Bucky into a hug and spun him around causing the other Alpha to giggle. Biscuit barked in between them wanting attention as well. “Yes, sweet girl. I see you too. Hi.” Steve cooed as he scratched behind her ears and Biscuit gave a look of contentment.
She then squirmed to get out of Bucky’s hold and bolted out the back door which Bucky had opened during the day and went to the grass to do her business. A butterfly flew in front of her and Biscuit yipped as she jumped and tried to get it.
Steve hugged Bucky close and buried his nose in the other Alpha’s neck. Bucky ran his hands up Steve’s back and into his hair. “Not that I’m complaining, but what’s got you so cuddly?”
Steve nipped at Bucky’s neck. “You just smell good.”
Bucky huffed as Steve licked the mating bite on his scent gland, “Steve. Are you going into rut, Baby?”
Steve just hummed as one of his hands moved to the front of Bucky and cupped the younger Alpha’s hardening dick. The older Alpha lapped at Bucky’s scent gland as his hand worked Bucky’s dick to full mast. 
“Mmm. I think. Please, Buck.”
Bucky gently extracted himself from Steve’s arms. “Okay. Okay. Let me get Biscuit and put her in her crate with her toys and text your mom.”
Steve groaned as Bucky moved away from him. “Nooo. Alpha.” The older Alpha whined and made grabby hands which caused Bucky to laugh. He grabbed the puppy and shut the back door. 
“Uh uh. Big guy. You can wait.” Bucky playfully scolded.
Steve flopped on the couch. “No I can’t!”
Bucky looked over his shoulder after he put Biscuit in her crate. “If you behave I’ll let you suck my dick before I fuck you.” Steve stumbled off the cough and threw his clothes off as he ran to their room. Bucky shook his head with a smile and sent a quick text to Sarah letting her know to come get the pup when she can. “What are we going to do with him, Beebee?” The puppy just barked which caused Bucky to chuckle. “Yeah. Guess I should go help him.”
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sylvies-casey · 1 year
Ok so you said that in 11x18 they say that Matt still has a year left. Which would make sense if season 10 was year 1 and season 11 was year 2 and he's supposed to be in Oregon for 3 years. However, if BEN is being accepted to colleges, that happens in your senior year/12th grade of highschool, not your junior year/11th grade. So that would imply Matt DOESN'T have a year left? I mean I highly doubt the writers even have a time line since in general we've never seen a birthday or holiday or basically anything that would tell us how much time has passed.
Also, I'd also been thinking back to the cliff hangars and I can't think of any season finale that involved JUST ambo but also, it was the ambo crash that caused Matt to go feral, if Matt is in the finale is it too much to want Sylvie to be the one to go feral and be like, "OMG I'm still SO in love with him I can't lose him to this??" I don't know. I'm torn. I just want them back together as soon as humanly possible and I don't care if it's something stupid that gets them together as long as they get together.
the timeline regarding the darden boys has been so confusing. realistically, he should be in grade 11 right now?? which means there should really be two years left until matt comes back to chicago. when matt said ben got accepted i was soo confused but i guess the writers don’t really care LMAOO.
i still think there is a possibly of sylvie leaving at the end of the season (this is just my opinion); especially with the synopsis (basically the same thing they said for the episodes mills and matt left)). i feel like we might have a feeling of what is going to happen when we get the synopsis for 11.21. maybe this is why they brought matt back 🤷🏽‍♀️ especially with the way 11.18 ended…..they’re for sure not over each other. BUT i will say that i hope they don’t have her leave JUST for matt. i hope they can somewhat incorporate paramedicine into the storyline — like either they want her to expand the program somewhere else or something. it’s why i had an issue when they wrote out sylvie for a while last season. i wish the reason was career wise (with a hint of missing matt)
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theit-girl111 · 2 years
okay I don't like doing this but I am having a dilemma D:
I wanna revise/manifest that I'm back in freshman year of highschool bc I did not get the high-school experience of my dreams and I'm not ready to move onto college :( </3
but like what kinda affs should I do, bc that's a whole 2 yrs ago. so would I say "Its 2020" or smth like "I'm in my freshman year of highschool" and despite what affs I use, do u have any tips on how to ignore my 3d when im going to school everyday as a junior T_T
sorrryyy :< I know it's in the rules to not ask "how to manifest __" so if u think that this falls under that rule feel free to ignore <33 tyyy mwah ^_^
It doesn't actually break the rule so obviously I'm answering it! Plus I feel like its really important for you! Hope this helps ;
1. Use whatever affirmation you like
2. Ignoring the 3d means not letting it define you. Your beliefs is more than that. Everything will change cause you already have your desire so np!
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mahvaladara · 2 years
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The family sat together for breakfast, as the kids talked about school and what awaited them. In Summer Apollo finished highschool and would start college, and Syra would start her junior year of highschool, the twins middleschool. 
“We’re going out to Copperdale in the weekend,” Apollo broke the ice.
“Copperdale? Isn’t that the public school I’m going to?” Syra asked.
“Yes. The Von Haunt Academy doesn’t have an auditorium anymore since the... accident, the renovations are still pending approval from the board of directors. So we rented out Copperdale High’s Auditorium for a Senior Prom Night.”
“Aww! I remember my Prom night,” Maeve reminisced.
“No you don’t, we didn’t have that gameplay feature back then,” Mal lifted a brow.
Maeve frowned and him and Apollo rolled his eyes.
“I asked out Anika on a date. I plan to ask her to go to prom with me.”
“It’s not like you’ll give her the choice to go with anyone else,” Mal pointed out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That knowing your temper, if she says no, you’ll find a way to twist it around into her being insensitive.”
“She’s not going to say no!” Apollo glowered.
“Yes, your right. I used to think Anika had you wrapped around her finger, but now I realize you’re the one using her as your sock puppet. How plots change!”
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graceerodgers · 1 year
Introductory Post
Hello! My name is Gracee Rodgers. According to the obvious, my name means full of grace and some people may believe I live up to the name. If I had to choose between a new name and the one I have now I wouldn’t change it. I like my name. Simple, yet no one can seem to spell it right. I come from a Jamaican mother of five with me being number three. For me to be the middle child I tend to keep my composure very well. However, my sisters have me on the brink of insanity.
My first day of high school was boring. I went to a different school than all my friends, which I was already upset about, and it felt like a regular school day. My middle school was very small, I graduated with about 45 other 14 year olds. I knew everyone since before I could do simple multiplication and now we were all forced to go separate ways. My family and I were in the middle of moving counties and I wasn’t a big fan of the idea. I had to switch schools and endure another first day of high school. The school was bigger, the classes were bigger, and the students were bigger. I struggled to find my classes and ate lunch alone. I thought my original first day of high school was the worst it could get. I was wrong. My last day of high school was the complete opposite. I graduated my junior year and my school had several senior activities for us to participate in. My last day of high school was a great day, we had a “senior celebration”, picked up our cap and gowns, and ate. After school was done, my friends and I all went to the pool then got ice cream. I can count that day as one of my favorite high school memories, second to graduation day. Graduation day was so magical. A class size of over 550 people caused it to be hours long but everything was beautiful. Once we were officially announced high school graduates, everyone was either running, screaming, crying, or trying to find their cap that they've previously thrown. The day after, there was a big party and every junior and senior was in attendance. It was the first time I realized, I actually graduated high school. It was almost a feeling of freedom. Although I knew college was in our futures, graduation day was the first day of the rest of our lives. I loved graduation also because since I was an early graduate, many people didn’t believe that I was graduating a year early. It felt nice to prove to everyone that I was a part of the 2022 class. I had a great feeling of accomplishment and I was excited to continue that going into my college years. One of my least favorite high school memories consists of every day that we were required to do online school. It wasn’t hard, it was just a pain. Every morning I would go downstairs at my kitchen table trying to mimic how I would have been sitting in the event I was at school. It turned out to be a good plan, I was getting High Honor-Roll certificates in the mail every marking period. Online learning took more of a mental toll. I went from an extremely social and extroverted person, to an extremely anxious, social, and extroverted person. I am still social but I noticed that I now overthink almost every interaction I have with someone. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change anything. I’m happy with the way everything turned out, I'm proud of myself for accomplishing everything I did. Highschool is a once in a lifetime experience and I made so many connections that I can use for life.
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I major in Communications and Media. When I ask myself what do I want to do for the rest of my life, my mind runs blank. I just told myself I didn’t want to wake up everyday to go to a job that I hate. I never figured out what I want to do in life or if these decisions are permanent. At 17 I cannot accurately tell someone where I would be in the next month, let alone the rest of my life. If I owned my own television show then I can say that I’ve achieved my dream job, but a lawyer, nurse, dentist, or surgeon can also be considered my dream jobs. I’m young and undecided. 
Painting is a hobby of mine I enjoy. Not quite drawing, but painting. It seems to ease my mind when I'm anxious. Every once in a while I would put on a good show and start to paint whatever I see in my mind. Last week, the night before my road test, I was so stressed. Overthinking everything and started to get upset at the thought of failing. I put on Gilmore Girls, the show that I am currently watching, and started to paint. It calmed me down a lot, and I slept well that night. Granted, the anxiety came back in the morning but the painting helped once again. Art truly warms my heart, being able to capture the beauty of lifeless or imaginative things is talent. I recently saw a painting of a woman’s body in different shades of blue. I liked the idea so I tried to recreate it from memory while incorporating my own favorite colors.
If binge watching was a sport, then someone owes me a medal. I am fascinated with Netflix series. Wednesday, Atypical, Ginny and Georgia, Bojack Horseman, and You are just a few I’ve seen. My favorites are Orange is the New Black and Money heist, highly recommend both of them. I've also watched Criminal Minds, Shameless, Pretty Little Liars, and just about every baking show on Netflix. I've been told that I have the heart of a child. I enjoy cartoons to the max. My favorite shows are Rick and Morty, Bob's Burgers, and Family guy. I also like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Teen Titans, etc. I enjoy more Cartoon Network and Adult Swim shows rather than the Disney and nickelodeon shows. Although Gravity Falls is a Disney show, in my opinion it is much more advanced than it first seems. I believe that Gravity Falls has the potential to be an adult cartoon and the writer can have much more creative flexibility. The Walking Dead is another favorite. I watched World War Z in theaters when it first came out, ever since I have been so interested in zombies. I’ve watched almost every zombie movie on Netflix. People always tell me that werewolves and vampires are more interesting but I disagree. In my mind, there is a real possibility that zombies can one day be real. When I try to think of my least favorite show nothing comes to mind. I don't watch things that do not automatically interest me. If I start a new show and I don't like the first episode, I won't continue. 
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The last thing I created was a big pot of chicken alfredo, which coincidentally is one of my favorite meals. Although, If I had to choose the last meal ever I would choose a chicken-bacon quesadilla. It seems so simple but quesadillas are a comfort food for me. I don't eat them often, which keeps them special.
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devilleswisteria · 2 years
byler headcanon:
when the party graduated highschool, they spent the night at the harrington residence (courtesy of dustin pleading) and camped out by the pool. they had tents lined up and a makeshift fireplace made of sticks. it was a sentimental night, albeit, still celebratory. they got to talking about college and their plans for the future. dustin says he’s planning to go to MIT, lucas to NYU with max, el wants to travel for a bit and discover what’s more out there.
when it was mike’s turn, he was silent. he had it all planned out for him: ivy league, big shots, and big big big opportunities. but he stayed silent, he looked at will and waited for his answer first. will looked at him in confusion for a bit before darting his eyes to the rest of the party, hesitating. “um.. i got a scholarship grant and offer from Yale… arts major,” the party roared in excitement and celebration because will is going to be able to do what he loves !! he could branch out of this shit town and move forward. mike was happy for him, of course he was. will deserves everything good the world could provide. but he was so far away from him again that he can’t help but feel sad. “how about you, mike?” will snaps mike back from his thoughts. “oh uh.. stanford—“ “fucking stanford dude?! you’ll be on the other side of the country!” dustin stands up in disbelief. “yeah, i mean that’s great for you and we’re happy for you but… four of us will be around the same area and el would probably visit regularly..” it was lucas’ turn to share his thoughts. mike didn’t know what to say, he feels hurt they thought that he wouldn’t try to reach out, he’s hurt because he feels the same way as them, but it was his parents’ decision as per tradition. “you’ll.. you’ll write to us though, right?” will’s voice was small, and mike’s breath was almost caught in his throat. he manages to croak out “yes.. yes, god, of course i will. i don’t want to just drift away from you guys..” he looks at will “.. not again.”
when the time for college came, they all said their goodbyes and wrote each other their addresses. the letters were regular, but mike made sure his letter for will was daily if he could. somewhere along the way in the 90s, mike worked up the courage to write will a letter: a confession. he spent his month’s allowance to hop on a plane the moment their junior semester break happened. flying miles across the country to land in front of will’s dorm room and finally kissing him when he opens to answer.
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may i ask for some poly relationship w larry & sal x male reader hcs?
Ah! Of course! :) Sorry I've been taking so long school is getting to me cause of finals;-;
Warnings: Noncannon compliant (their parents aren't together, no one dies, etc), NSFW (implied teen NSFW otherwise they're out of highschool), no weird cult stuff but they still ghost hunt, more modernish (?) phones and stuff
Sal x Male Reader x Larry hcs
I think that Sal and Larry would have gotten together before you got there
Like, I say gotten together but the way they started it was literally best friends that were super hornknee and decided to have sex together
They started then developing romantic feelings for each other though
And although the sex dynamic wasn't perfect (refer to my Sal x reader NSFW fic) it was good and they loved each other
It became an on and off thing until they actually worked it out
they talked about it and decided that it was better that they stay friends until they can sort out their own sexual desires and endeavors
Sal didn't even know he could do both as a switch and verse so he wanted to just re-examine his sexual self
And Larry was okay with that
So they decided to date but just without sex for a while
Then you moved to Nockfell their sophomore year
and god were you cool
Sal was the first one to see you in the hallway
It wasn't love at first sight really
He thought you were cool and he wanted to talk to you
Then that same day he told Larry about you during lunch
"I want to talk to him I just don't know how to approach him"
"Oh, well who is it?"
Ngl Larry was kinda jealous about how flustered Sal was getting at the prospect of a new friend but then Sal pointed at you and Larry was like "Oh, okay, I get it."
So Larry just approaches you
It was kinda to tease Sal about how shy he was being
Also kinda because you looked rad as fuck
So Larry approaches you sitting at a table alone
You were actually quite chill
You were happy since no one was approaching you
You guys hit it off and ended up becoming really good friends!
So for the duration of your sophomore year and the summer of your junior year, you guys were really good pals and hung out a lot
Then Larry started developing feelings first
And he was super confused since he knew he still liked Sal, no doubt about it
So he was just super confused and conflicted because he didn’t want to break up with Sal
So during, about the first half, of all of your junior year he kept this to himself and tried to keep himself from feeling for you
Sal on the other hand already accepted his feelings, he realized it later than Larry
And he read yp on what being polygamous meant
So although there was a lot of confusion at first he figured it's no different from people in love triangles
He realizes it a couple weeks after Larry and decides to bring this up to Larry during winter break
The conversation pretty much just went like Sal explaining polyamory to Larry for an hour
They end up deciding to just wait a bit and try to flirt with you individually
you know,
because they don't remember that you don't know they're attracted to you at this point
So basically you think that they're both trying to cheat on each other for the week they're flirting with you
At the end of that week, you tell them to meet you together
And they don't know any better than to meet you
And then you come to them, don't let them explain, and cry because you don't want two of your best friends to cheat on each other like this even though you like them
And then they realize why you're saying this
So although this was not the time they expected to confess to you they told you what they were trying to do
So you just sat there
With these two idiots
and told them "No guys, cause I was literally having a breakdown about losing my two best friends."
And they confess to you
and everything is emotional and raw and you accept
Your guys' dynamic doesn't change because you’re dating now
The only difference is you guys make out together and show lots more pda
although you always bring up what they did when they were trying to give you hints
"We just really wanted to flirt with you okay??? Is it such a crime to want your crush to fall for you???"
"When you guys don't explain you're looking to expand your relationship, yes. Yes, it is Larry."
"He's kind of right babe-"
Y'all spend a lot of time communicating with each other on stuff like that now
Your senior year goes without any bumps between all of you and you then graduate
College Dynamic
so you and the gang (except Ash, she moves to the city of course) goes and makes a college house
once you all move in together there it's a new routine
You all agreed and talked about the move together and what it would entail
And then you all finally realized how different it was from a monogamous relationship it was
But you all had your learning curves within the relationship
You find out more about their dynamic as a couple
For example, Larry and Sal never liked to fall asleep without you anymore
They had trouble sleeping without you beforehand and the first time you all slept in the same bed together it was just... so... peaceful
They'll spoon and cuddle without you individually (Sal is always the big spoon with Larry)
but they just love falling asleep next to you
They also refuse to do homework without you there
Even if it's just the simplest this they're just gonna need to have you in the room to finish it
Sal likes to make songs about you guys
He records them and edits some but he never lets you two listen to them
"It's just embarrassing if you two were to listen to it. It's like confessing my love for you guys all over again except I can't hide behind the mask."
So until he decides to release his songs online or plays those at gigs he's never going to let you listen to them
Larry likes to paint you guys
His paintings of you before the "disaster confession" were okay, it just looked like he was making a painting of a friend, except for the occasional rose
But now he paints you and draws you two whenever he can
He finds it funny how flustered you and Sal get whenever he makes suggestive paintings or sketches of you two
One time he painted a whole sex portrait of you and Sal together (A 12 by 28 specifically) hung it upright in front of the door to your rooms and didn't tell anyone
So after you and Sal got home that day you were welcomed with Larry lounging on your bed with the giant picture of you fucking Sal next to him
It was definitely beautiful though, even if it's hard to call your nudes beautiful
"Larry Johnson, this painting, as always, masterful. Beautiful craftsmanship but please-" "-we mean this in the most loving way possible Larry-" "-STOP PAINTING OUR NUDES BABE"
He put it away to be hung up in your apartment for when you all move out
Non-College Life
Once you all finish college you guys move into an apartment outside of Nockfell
The minute after you and Sal leave to get food Larry puts up all his private paintings of you guys
It's funny to him
I imagine you guys moving to a really populated city
Somewhere where it's a good place for people wanting to have creative jobs but still close to Nockfell
Maybe not back to New Jersey but probably not as far as New York or LA
you guys do all the cute stuff you never got to in Nockfell together
It's not like the majority of Nockfell was homophobic, mostly just the people who went to the church
But a lot more of them didn't think that polyamory was possible
So now it's easier
It's not like you never experience any polyphobia anymore but it's easier because you're in a more open-minded place
Sal's favorite thing is to go to concerts now
And pride
He also likes coffee house dates too
Larry gets hit on a lot though whenever you guys go out anywhere though
He finds it funny how jealous you both get
Sometimes if he wants Sal to get really mad he'll play along
But most of the time he shuts it down before it begins
Sal gets hit on a lot at concerts the most though
He gets kind of awkward about it, he's not going to edge them on but he gets uncomfortable enough to just not know how to shut them down
Usually, you and Larry will just appear behind him and whisk him away
Larry likes to use it as teasing leverage for a good rough one that night but you usually make sure he's okay with it before Larry does anything
You get hit on the most casually
Here and there but there aren't really specific places
It just sort of happens
You mostly shut them down alone
But occasionally you'll have to go to Sal and Larry if they're persistent
And they'll be mean too
One of the first times you saw Sal and Larry ever legitimately get that mean was when you got hit on in a club and they both just pulled you behind them and absolutely ripped the person a new one
You guys really like to stay at home if you guys have dates though that way everyone feels included
But when you all do go around together it's always specifically for three people you never tell anyone it's a date for dinner reservations, you always make sure you go on rides everyone wants to go on at amusement parks, and hey if worse comes to worst smoking is a group activity (if you have asthma or any other breathing condition Larry makes you edibles if you really wanna do edibles with them)
Starting jobs there are tough and all but you make it off your feet
Sal ends up booking a lot of gigs and Larry's commission request skyrocket when he moves to the city and makes a blog about his art
You all get an apartment with affordable rent and one that allows Gizmo
I hc that Gizmo is an esp but I don't know if that's real
So regardless you'll still be able to have room for him
Sal proposes to both of you
You guys talked about marriage and decided that it would be easier legally to just not get married through a court
So you guys have a friends wedding and Gizmo is the ring bearer
You guys don't get a fancy venue or anything
You guys all just have a city wedding
So, the first time you all decide to hook up it's mostly just very communicative rules beforehand
Sal is more comfortable with being fucked than fucking someone else at most times but "It's not like I never want to stick my dick in you two" as he puts it
He also likes background music on most of the time
It's kinda weird if there isn't just a little bit of music
It isn't really bothersome, you guys keep it below 20 at most times
Sal's also super submissive
He liked it rough, make him cry out for you two
A bit of a pillow prince
Especially enjoys being tied up by you two
gags and blindfolds are on the table
Although whenever he does feel up to fucking you and Larry he'll usually end up having you two ride him because he gets to be such a mess with you two unless he's jealous or upset
Usually, when he's upset he's gonna lift you two up and fuck you against the headboard or wherever you two are if he's impatient enough
One time you were chilling with Larry in your bedroom and he was painting over his easel
Sal burst through the door where it slammed back on itself and closed itself
He then tracks his eyes on you
immediately asks you "Can I please fuck you right now"
and as soon as your safe word and consent comes out of your mouth he's holding you down on the bed and fucking into you so hard you can barely breath
Larry doesn't mind it and just continues painting with you moaning and being so pathetic in the background of his music
He kinda finds it funny because before you all got together and he and Larry would angry fuck it never worked out
Sal was just being a brat most of the time because Larry still wouldn't let him fuck him submissively
Speaking of which, Larry's more comfortable with being dominant, he'll bottom but only if he can still be dominant otherwise forget it
Larry's just a rough fucker anyway
He really likes pushing and holding you two up against walls when he fucks you guys
He likes showing off the muscles he got helping his mom with handy work and stuff like that
The first time he did this was to Sal when you were studying in your guy's room
You said you didn't really wanna participate today so they fucked like they would without you
And so they're talking back and forth, teasing each other
and Larry corners him
And just
lifts him up
It looked like he was just lifting a bag of sugar up
Sal seemed weightless as Larry just rocks into him
It was one of the hottest things you'd seen at the time so you joined them
You do that a couple more times but then it just becomes normal and you decide you need to start finishing all those assignments
Larry does that to you one on one as well without Sal but it happens to Sal a lot more spontaneously
Larry though is kinkier than Sal in some respects
He'll try anything at least once "Lisa didn't raise no bitch-"
He's really into breeding and long fucking sessions though
Like, lowkey he has omegaverse fantasies
Not because of the weird stuff just because a lot of the time..... they have breeding written in
He'll never admit to reading any of it but you know he has at least once
Super into dirty talk
And he's really good at it
He also had a praise kink and a degradation kin
He likes degrading you and you telling him thank you and how good he's treating a filthy little brat like you
"What're my filthy little brats good for other than sucking my dick so well. Taking me so well like the dirty little whores you are?"
"Yes sir-" "-we're made for your big cock-" "-thank you for fucking us like this-"
He especially likes breeding you and having Sal suck you off while he does it, he finds your crying cute
And an added bonus is rewarding Sal after for it
You guys talk about long-term consent and all that and decide that it's a good idea, you all trust and love each other so there isn't a problem
lol this kinda went to shit at the end but I still like it enough! Thanks for the Sally Face request I really like this game and the dynamic between a poly reader hc :)
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEDACANON + NANAMI KENTO || friends to lovers
request: Headcannons for my husband Nanami and a fem childhood friends to lovers? They became friends as children because they were the only ones who could see the weird scary monsters that no one else could see, and he’s very protectice of her! Gojo used to flirt with her in highschool to tease Nanami and get him to finally confess (^_^)☆
note: honey you mean OUR husband nanami - because i love him a lot as well TT and of course gojo will do that lol - he just wants nanami to get off his ass and ask you out before some random ass boy tries to steal you away. but i love this honestly, such a cute request for our husband TT 
pronouns: she/her
note: very long because i love nanami and more people need to give him love 
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you and nanami met in the park one day, and it was because of a weird ability that only you two share that bonded the both of you together
nanami had always been able to see curses, but he hates telling people this; espeically the adults, who just think that he is making things up for attention and will lecture him for it 
so he had learnt to ignore it for awhile now, pretending that he does not see that weird catfish like curse lurking in the pond that he stood next to as he fed the ducks
“h-hey - can i feed the ducks next to you?” a shy and sweet voice had called out, causing for him to look over to see you; dressed in a cute flowery dress and haired pulled back with a matching fabric headband. “i wanna feed the ducks too...but i don’t like the scary monster in the water...”
“...you can see it too?” nanami asked you in shock, having never met anyone who can see the things he does; even his parents were blissfully unaware of the weird creatures and monsters that lurk in almost every corner of the small town you live in 
when you had shyly nodded your head in reply to his words, you had no idea that it was the start of your relationship that will last a lifetime
because you were from the same town, you two basically became the best of friends; going to the same preschool and middle school together, spending most of your free time playing with each other, and always seeking each other out even if you two have different friend groups
when he had developed his technique, he uses to exorcise a few of the low level curses that are in your town - of course he does to quietly and in the covers of shadows so no one will notice
he always make sure that there are no curses near you that can scare you, and if they try to attack you or are scaring you too much, he’d exorcise it - yet at the time he didn’t really know what he was doing
he had remember once when you had come crying into his room, clinging onto him since there were a few fly heads that were terrorising your room - you had no idea how they had managed to enter, but they were knocking things off your shelf and scaring the living daylights out of you
nanami had entered your room and somehow dealt with them, even staying the night by sleeping on the floor next to you on your futon; only to make space for you in the middle of the night so you two can curl up together when you were too anxious to fall asleep
with how small your town along the outskirts of Tokyo is, everyone there is tight-knit and very close with each other; with very strong family-centered and peaceful living values instilled in everyone from the moment they are born
everyone was pretty sure that one day you two are going to marry one another, with how you two come as a package deal as the years go by. even your families have pretty much accepted that fact and just act like they are in-laws a this point
when he was offered a space at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College for high school, he was hesitant - this will be the first time that he is going to be away from not only you but the town you lived in, and the first time either of you had been separated from one another ever
yet you were the one who encouraged him to go to school there, since he’d be wasting his potential if he doesn’t - you didn’t want to be the reason for him to stay back in your small town
so he had went, and now you two mostly spend time on your phone; calling and texting one another late into the night, even if you have classes the next day
there was once, during your long break, that you had decided to take a bullet train up to tokyo to spend the weekend with nanami and to explore the city that you’ve always wanted to visit
so he had waited for you by the train station, dressed in his simple Jujutsu High Uniform with his then wrapped sward resting in a weapons bag over your shoulders - smiling softly when he spotted you before catching you in his arms when you launched yourself into his embrace to give him a long awaited hug
soon you found yourself standing before the temple that hides the college within, looking around in awe as you latched onto his arm, walking beside him with the most entranced look on your face that had nanami watching you with the softest of smiles
it was there that you had met his small group of classmates - the bright and positive haibara who had stuck to your side to ask you a few more questions about his usually quiet classmate
the second years had just returned from classes, the three of them turning into the main hallway just in time to see you giggling up at nanami at a joke that haibara made; and gojo’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of his usually cold kouhai smiling back at you so freely
it took him a few seconds to realise that you were probably the reason why nanami spend so much time on his phone, to which he just grinned and rubbed his hands together; this action causing geto and shoko to just sigh tiredly 
operation: getting nanami laid is a go
“kent-kun~ you never told me about your pretty little friend.” gojo called out as he skipped over to his junior, his grin widening at how nanami’s expression dropped as he gave his senpai the most unamused look on his face
yet you were just curious as you blinked up at the tall man, offering a warm smile as you untangled one arm from nanami’s and held it out for gojo to shake. 
“my name is l/n y/n, and i am from kento’s hometown. it’s nice to meet you!” you had greeted him with a wide and warm smile, causing everyone in the hallway to just stare at you before it was wordlessly decided that they were going to protect you from all the curses of the world
saying that, gojo is still going to go ahead with his plan on making nanami confess to you
so the entire time you were there, he made sure to suck up to you, being extra nice to you and giving you a few flirtatious comments here and there - but you just brushed him off with a soft smile, not really interested at his advances at all
but pushing him aside lol - you loved meeting his seniors, who asked a little more about yourself and how you seem so casual with the idea of nanami being able to see Curses
it was then you admitted that you can see and sense Curses as well, but you had no Inherited Curse Technique, meaning that you were just the every day civilian with the exception of seeing Curses
they also took the chance to ask questions about their usually quiet kouhai as well, wanting to know more about his life back home in your town that he keeps so private
usually nanami will be against it, but since you were laughing and giggling at all the fond memories you two share, he decided to let it go for once - even if it’s all at his expense
the rest of the weekend was a blast - nanami brought you about tokyo to see all the tourist sights, visit a few places that he loves to shop at or drop by from time to time, letting you try all the different street snacks and famous restaurant to your hearts content
but it is when you’re in the college that he is the most annoyed with - not at you, no. but at gojo - who kept flirting with you and kept making jokes with you about random things
if that wasn’t bad enough, you had shared a few laughs with the older male, since a few of his jokes were genuinely funny - and that had nanami fuming
geto probably took pity on the dense boy before he started to nudge at him to confess his very obvious feelings he had for you, since it was obvious that the both of you are very much in love with one another
it was either he confesses, or more dumbasses like gojo might try to pull something like this on him and take you away from him 
and even though he was sure that wouldn’t happen, the more he thought about it, the more he realised that geto might be right - and that there is a chance he is going to loose you to someone if he doesn’t act fast
and there is no way he is going to loose to that white-haired ferret - no wat in hell
when he had returned home for the semester break, meeting you up at the train station where you greeted him with a wide smile that you only reserve for him and pulling him into your warm and comforting embrace, he just sighs in relief and holds you close as well, taking a few moments to just appreciate you
throughout the semester, he had slowly build up the courage to confess his feelings to you - making a rough plan of how things are going to go before he went full on ham on the day he plans on confessing
and if we know something about nanami - it is that this man always stick to his plan 
for most of your free days, the both of you are out on dates; visiting old favorites of yours, trying out the new restaurants and cafes that you’ve yet to visit, going to a few arcades, and even a few stores to just do some window shopping together
it went on like that for a few days before he suddenly asked if you wanted to go out to visit the nearby festival that your town is holding - which you agreed with a warm smile on your face before he promised to drop by your home
you had decided that since it was a festival, you’d put on one of your most favourite yukata pieces - a beautiful dark blue one made of silk, with cranes and clouds printed all over the fabric, a simple dark blue obi to tie it all off 
nanami had decided to wear a simple grey kimono, since it just adds to the excitement of going to a festival - so when he saw you dressed for the occasion as well, he smiles and takes your hand in his, telling you how beautiful you looked
while you were still fangirling about the comment, nanami promised your father to bring you home before midnight, to which the older man just smiles and waves him off; knowing that he can trust nanami to keep his word and make sure you’re safe
when you two were there you had a blast - trying out all the different kinds of candies and treats, playing a few games, and visiting a few vendors that have set up shop at the tourist spots as well
nanami had even won you a cute seal plushie, one that you hugged to your chest in delight the entire time with the brightest smile on your face; nanami blushing and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully at how that look was directed right at him 
he had confess that night when the both of you were just admiring the stars and the moon visible in your small town, asking if you had wanted to officially become his girlfriend
when you had agreed the biggest and most happiest smile on your face, launching yourself in his arms with an excited giggle while he smiles and hugs you around the waist, happy that you had agreed
to be honest there was not much of a change between your current relationship and the one you had before - the only difference is the more physical aspects of your relationship, and how open nanami is when it comes to showering you in affection
when gojo had found out that you two finally got together, he just grinned and clapped his hands in delight, happy that nanami finally got off his ass to admit his feelings for you 
and as much as nanami hates that gojo will forever take credit for the both of you getting together, he isn’t wrong either. but there is no way in hell is he going to admit that to the older man 
even when he was a salesperson or return to the jujutsu world after awhile, he is forever going to be the protective boyfriend that he is
an arm around your waist whenever you two are out together, sharp eyes glaring at anyone who stares at you a bit too long or is eyeing you up like you’re a piece of meat
doesn’t stop you from wearing things like short dresses or low riding tops if it makes you happy, but will make sure that you are safe whenever you go out together; tossing a jacket over you if you get cold, and keeping a hand on your thigh the entire time
even now he makes sure that you’re safe, texting you when he gets a mission so you aren’t in that part of town where he is going so you’re not hurt by the curses that are roaming that part of town
by the way, it didn’t take him that long to propose to you and ask if you wanted to get married to him, which you agreed to with the same enthusiasm that you had when he asked you to be his girlfriend all those years ago
and he’s never been more grateful that he gets to call you his
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Truth and Reconciliation ↬ p.p
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AN: for @scarletspideyy ‘s 3k challenge! And also inspired by Rambling by @lousimusician !!!! Go check theirs out its HILARIOUS 😂
Summary: you're hit by an alien substance that makes you speak the truth no matter WHAT the situation is ;)
Warnings : rambling. lots of it. Also mentions of sex cause that’s basically the plot but it has not smut. it’s only implied! it is also implied that all the characters are 18+ !
Word count: 1.2k
College!Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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The thing is, even if you’re dating a hot smartass like Peter Parker, your ability to make smart decisions are exceptionally low. Add that with being a chaotic junior Avenger and boom you have a reckless teenager at your service.
“Ugh, I wish Peter was here right now.” you mumbled as you kicked the creepy robot monster square in the chest, huffing a little before running off.
“You’re just saying that because he’s your boyfriend.” Nat says in the comms, the static startling you a little.
“And because his ass looks great in the super tight spandex.” you nodded very seriously, missing your hot ass boyfriend’s ass, and of course because you were worried that he was going insane sitting at the tower’s newly delivered futon, munching at M&Ms and sulking about his ankle and how he broke it (by tripping in the shower).
“That’s it. The next suit I make for the kid will make him look like a pillow.” Tony piped up in your conversation.
“Nooo please don’t do that Tony, for my sanity!” you said, smirking at the ‘get some’ and ‘gross teenagers’ that came from Sam and Bucky, before your eyes widened.
‘Oh shit.’ you thought.
A Jabba the Hutt like creature was making its way towards you with a gun…in it’s hand. Wondering how the Jabba look-alike fitted a gun in its barely there hands, you used your telekinetic powers to fly towards the goop monster, thrusting your hands in front of you and slicing it smackdab through its belly, satisfied by the way it blasted in smithereens, but not before the green goopy thing hit your face, sliding down your neck and shoulders.
Looking in wonder at the green goop as it seemed to have saturated in your skin, you wondered,
“The fuck was that thing?”
Ignoring the ‘language’ from Cap, you felt your vision waver.
“Uh Mr. Stark, Nat, Bruce, someone. I think something’s wrong, I can’t see straight, which reminds me that Peter wears contacts but he never told anyone and I only know that cause I’m nosy and his glasses make him look ridiculously dorky and hot at the same time, why am I telling you this?” You said, trying to shut your mouth.
“I’m going to pretend that you don’t sound like you want to bone my kid, but were you hit by something? Any weird alien green goop? Are you hurt?” Tony said, landing near you.
“Oh my you care about me too, you’re like a father figure 2.0 to me too, but you didn’t ask that. Yeah I was hit by this weird green alien goop that seeped into my skin and that creature kind of looked like Jabba the Hutt-”
“-like the star wars character?”
“– yeah now stop interrupting me dad..man.. dadman! As I was saying, I think the thing is kind of like a truth serum. But it’s also making me say what my mind desires the most, like the Mirror of Erised! ” you said, excited in your own world, which is why you didn’t notice the glimmer in the other Avengers’ eyes as they saw you blabber your mouth off until you were out of breath.
“So you’re telling me that my girlfriend physically can’t stop telling the truth? Or just stop talking?” Peter said, crossing his forearms and squinting at the team. It did nothing but make him look adorable because of his propped up broken leg.
They at least had the decency to duck their heads to hide their smirks.
“Yeah if I have to hear her talk one more time about the theories of what might happen in season 8 of Brooklyn nine nine and then get distracted by “the veins in Peter’s arms’, I swear I will blast another hole in the wall!” Tony shrieked, hands up in the air in an exasperated gesture.
“But it’s true right? I mean Peter come on! you folding your arms like that are just making your biceps bulge and that poor t-shirt of yours looks like it’s about to tear.” You piped in from behind Tony, which queued Peter to loosen his arms, blush rising up his face.
“You have the right to remain silent.” Tony said firmly, glaring at you to stop talking. You shrugged as if to say ‘can’t help it.’
“I mean she can’t really help it right? You didn’t say anything embarrassing…..right? ” Peter said in a small voice.
“I'm pretty sure the Miranda warning was meant for me to shut up but I’m sorry I’m currently incapable of reassuring you,” you said, eyes slightly wide, "I told them that you read and write fanfiction on tumblr and I secretly follow your blog and your writing is so damn good! I never really told you this because I know you would die if I told you that I read your smut fictions till 2 am cause they’re so well written… SOMEONE GAG ME!”
By the time Stephen showed up to help Tony and Bruce, Peter’s face was so red that he looked like he was going to explode.
“….and then I said that fuck off bitch that’s ma bro you’re messing with, and promptly punched him in his little gremlin face and then realised that I had called my elementry to highschool crush ma bro…” you rambled, amusement clear on Steve’s face, who was intently listening to you talk about that time you had punched Flash for messing with Peter.
The tower was a mess due to the revealed secrets, Tony and Banner were trying to find a cure with Stephen , Wanda was recording you and Natasha was just…..casually sharpening her knife.
“Hey Y/N, drink this please?” Tony said, cutting you off from your rant about god knows what. He thrusted a vial with a weird goopy substance in it, instantly making you gag.
“What is that? I’m not taking some shit from a mad scientist who gave his fortune 500 company to his girlfriend because he was too emotionally unstable to handle it himself! I mean good call, cause Pepper is badass and all but-”
“-I’m going to ignore the jab at me but it’s a hopeful cure, so you’re going to drink that goop, and hopefully we all will get some silence.”
Huffing petulantly, you took the small vial of glass from him and chugged the thing with a small grimace.
Everybody was silent for a moment, including you. You could hear everyone holding their breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But that never happened cause you wore the shoe like a pro.
Giving a huff, you laughed out loud. Again you looked Peter in his eyes and said in a serious tone, “Peter, I’m never fucking you again.”
Peter’s face fell at what you said, tears almost appearing in his doe eyes. Wanda and Nat gave you a shooketh look while Bucky and Sam were just laughing their asses off somewhere in the background. Strange looked so done that he portaled back to his Sanctum and poor Bruce just made his merry way to the lab.
“Hey look I lied!! This worked!” you whooped, Tony and Steve shaking their heads as you ran, but not before giving Peter a subtle wink.
Welp. Someone’s gonna get laid tonight.  
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rosiehrs · 3 years
a little push | seulgi
group ; red velvet
genre ; fluff.. i think? T^T
au ; highschool!au
pairing ; highschool student!seulgi / fem! reader
request : hello! are you taking requests? if so, could you please do a seulgi x fem!reader college au where seulgi and reader are best friends and seulgi is in love with reader but doesn't know how to tell her? maybe they could do homework together and seulgi tells her? super fluffy please!
a/n ; AAAAAA IM SO BAD AT FLUFF BUT I TRIED, I'M SORRY ANON - and it's more of a smol drabble bcs bibi brain blank ALSO I DID FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL INSTEAD OF COLLEGE AAAAAAAAA stupid
word count ; 763
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“seulgi? earth to seulgi!”
the loud voice snapped seulgi out of her thoughts, instantly looking up at her friend. “yes! yes, i’m here, what’s up?”
“i asked you what the answer to question 15 is, you stupid idiot.” you replied, making her slap you. “you have no right calling me an idiot when you don’t even know how our digestive system works! the answer is pancreas, you stupid idiot. i don’t understand how you passed junior year, this is basic shit, l/n!” she teased, watching as your lips curled and your eyes turned into adorable little crescents.
“i’m not gonna lie, kang. i’ve gotta agree with you, i don’t know how i passed either, guess everyone just really liked me.” you smiled before you continued to look down and write the answer down on your worksheet. she couldn’t contain the smile on her face after your reply. because you were right, everyone really liked you. you were so loveable and likeable - it was impossible not to like you. that’s why it was so easy for her to fall in love with you. she was in love with you, and she didn’t even try to hide it. everyone around her could tell how in love she was with you except, well. you.
she has been your best friend for as long as she could remember, she’s wanted to tell you so many times - but your friendship just means so much to her that she doesn’t wanna ruin it. god knows how much she’s tried to suppress her feelings for you, but she just couldn’t do it. she can’t resist you, she’s just too in love. she spends time with you everyday and just wants to call you hers and kiss your soft lips. you just bring so much joy to her, you’re her sunshine. seeing you daily makes everything so much better for her.
“okay, seul, you’ve really gotta stop zoning off. you’re really worrying me. what’s on your mind, bear?”
the nickname never failed to make her heart flutter, she’d always imagine waking up with you in your arms whenever you called her that. something about it just really made her so happy and giddy. so what if you called her that whenever you woke up in her arms? what if you called her that everytime after she kissed you?
i’ve gotta do it, i really have to do it.
you giggled at the bluntness of her tone, “me? you’re thinking of me, cheeks?”
“yes, y/n. i’m thinking of you, i just- i can’t get you out of my mind. it’s eating me up inside.” seulgi’s heart feels like it’s about to explode or beat out of her chest. she wants to do it, she needs to do it. if she doesn’t tell you now, she feels as if she wouldn’t be able to pretend like everything was normal.
the quick realization hit you, she wasn’t kidding. something was eating her up inside and it was because of you. “oh shit, you’re being for real? what’s wrong, seul? did i do something?” you asked, dropping your pen and sitting closer to her, grabbing her hands. “please tell me, what’s wrong?”
“nothing’s wrong, y/n.. i just, i need to tell you something and i want you to promise me nothing will change between us, okay?” seulgi’s voice was trembling and she was shaking uncontrollably. you tightened your grip on her hands to try and calm to down. “of course, seul! you know i’m always gonna be here for you.”
she took a deep breath before looking right into your eyes. “i love you.”
you blinked at her before smiling sheepishly, “i know, seul.. i love you too?”
“no, y/n. i mean i’m in love with you.” she stated clearly, making your heart stop. your grip loosened slightly as you froze.
“fuck, no, y/n, i’m sorry! let’s just.. no, i’ll go home-”
before another word could leave her lips, you pulled her close to connect your lips with hers. seulgi kissed back without hesitation, realizing how long she’s been waiting for this moment. how much she’s longed to just even remotely brush her lips against yours, and now that it’s finally happening - she doesn’t focus on anything else but you.
you were the first one to pull away, caressing her cheek lovingly. “i love you too, bear. i mean it.” you continued to kiss the blush on her cheeks as she hid her face in your shoulder.
“ugh, please say it again.” she whispered.
“i love you too, seulgi.”
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samanthadalton · 3 years
Slowly falling (part 3 finale)
And here we are!! last part of the fic, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I ended it just at the end of the pool scene but I know in my version, Nicole is dead so the story would obviously play out different. So in this version, Nicole is actually a vampire and when Kamilah buried her, it helped Nicole not turn feral since Vega fed her his blood before the attack on the castle. So Nicole would obviously come out during the tribunal to back up Vega’s claims in which Adrian would be found guilty and then the gang will break him out and you guys know the rest :)
also i took some lines from the book, bc the pool scene is just too good :))))
slightly NSFW (but quite tame but I’ll tag it as that anyway)  also mentions of death 
taglist: @cloud9in @alleycat97 @thedaft1 @mrs-avamontjoy @itszdavenport @iamsimpforpoppy @otakufangirl-12 @orisasay @justavampirefan @waterinathermostat @bloodkueen @dimis-yiddies @alexlabhont @thepotatobleh @mara-re @fundamentalromantic 
wordcount: 2.5k 
Amy wakes up, dazed. Her eyelids feel heavy as she blinks away the last remains of her sleep, wondering when she went to sleep in the first place. As she takes in her surroundings, she sees she’s in Kamilah’s office, laying on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, unsure of where it has come from as the sun begins to set. She rubs her eyes sitting up to see Lily typing away at Kamilah’s desk, looking slightly zombified as her fingers fly over the keyboard. 
“Hey Lil?” As if in her own world, Lily continues typing, her eyes never leaving the screen. Amy amplifies her voice louder to capture her attention, “Lily!” 
“Huh,” Lily jerks her head up, her concentration breaking. “Hey Ames.” She tiredly rubs at her eyes, shaking her head a little before mustering a small smile, “sleep well?” 
Amy yawns a little smiling back, “yeah, this couch is pretty comfy. Thanks for the blanket.” 
“Oh that was Kamilah, I haven’t gotten out of this chair since we’ve come back from the gala.” Lily stretches before continuing with her typing, already back in full attention. Amy looks down at the blanket, hugging it closer to her body, feeling a glimmer of something she can’t quite put her finger on. 
“So have you found any evidence yet?” 
Lily shakes her head, “whatever Vega is hiding, he’s done a damn good job because it’s heavily encrypted, I’ve broken past so many firewalls but it feels like there's millions.” Lily runs hand down her face, “Oh yeah, Kamilah said that if you wanted to clean up she left a key to one of the rooms.” Lily gestures towards the table before refocusing. Amy stands, and swipes the key from the table before making her way to the room to clean up. Once she’s finished taking a shower, Amy chooses a new outfit from the closet and makes her way back to the office. 
“Good you’re here.” Kamilah lets her gaze roam Amy’s body for a few seconds before meeting her eyes. Amy can see the fatigueness in her demeanour, how her body is slightly slumped and her hair slightly frizzled. 
“Are there any updates?” 
Kamilah shakes her head, “not yet. If only Lily could do her job better we could actually get the evidence,” Kamilah retorts, a hint of malice in her tone. 
Frustrated Lily slams down on the desk, “hey I’ve been working on this all day. My skills are the best of the best, it’s just Vega’s is better.” Lily, downcast, looks down at the screen, her head spiralling at the sight of the numbers on the screen. 
Kamilah sighs heavily, her head hanging low, “I apologize. I’m just frustrated.” Lily musters a small smile and continues typing away on the keyboard but Kamilah stands from her chair and lays her hand over the young vampire’s stopping her, “I think that’s enough.” 
“But Adrian-” 
“He will know we did our best with the time we had. There are only a couple of hours until the tribunal, it’s inconsequential at this point.” 
“But how will we know what Vega is hiding?” Amy interferes. 
Kamilah looks at Amy, “we won’t until it’s presented.” Her head turns back to Lily, “I think since you and Amy were at the castle it’s only fitting that you two testify on Adrian’s behalf.”  
“Of course,” the girls say simultaneously. 
Kamilah gives a satisfied nod, ”we’ll reconvene in an hour, I’m going to go for a swim. Lily you should get some sleep.” Kamilah makes her way to the door but before she leaves she throws her head over her shoulder, her eyes blazing into Amy’s, “and Amy you’re welcome to join me.” Kamilah turns her head and continues walking. 
Amy looks in surprise as she whispers to Lily, “what should I do?” 
“Girl why are you still here? Go!” Lily shoos Amy out of the door. 
Amy trudges up to Kamilah as they wordlessly enter the elevator together. Amy can see a hint of a smile on Kamilah’s lips as they go up to the rooftop. As the doors open, Amy lets out a short gasp. A gorgeous pool lies in the middle of the rooftop, the water glimmering under the moonlight as the stars sparkle overhead. 
“Woah, and I thought Adrian’s rooftop restaurant was nice.” 
Kamilah merely shrugs her shoulders, “Adrian finds solace in the company of others. I find it in solitude. Swimming here alone, under the stars...it brings me peace.” 
Amy cocks her head slightly to look at the other vampire, “but you invited me up here.” 
“So I did.” Kamilah replies, Amy waits for something, instead Kamilah paces over to the bar, reaching behind it. She gives Amy a conspiratorial look, “drink?” 
“Sure, I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
Kamilah begins mixing together a concoction of liquor before pouring it into 2 glasses. She hands one of the glasses to Amy before settling down on a lounge chair. Amy assesses the milky white liquid before taking a small sip, she squirms slightly as she coughs slightly, “it’s certainly strong!” 
“That’s what makes it good,” Kamilah watches as Amy takes a bigger sip, her features in more control as she enjoys the drink, “It’s Arak. Distilled from anise seed.” Kamilah takes a huge gulp of the drink as she looks out to the sky, while Amy takes a seat on the lounge chair near her. 
“Thank you Kamilah.” 
“For what?” 
Amy shrugs as she gazes off into the distance, her hand swirling the drink in the cup, “everything I guess. For helping Lily, Adrian,” she pauses, “me.” 
“Of course, I know Adrian would do the same if he were in my position.” 
Amy nods, “knowing him, he probably would.” 
Kamilah gives Amy a side glance, looking for something but she can’t quite put her finger on it. When she doesn’t find what she’s searching for, she places her drink down and begins unbuttoning her shirt before sliding it off her body, exposing her smooth toned upper body. 
Amy's eyes widen, “oh!” She awkwardly glances away, as Kamilah places her hands on her trousers, smoothly slipping them off. “You’re taking off your clothes. That’s a thing you’re doing.” Amy gulps uneasily, trying her damndest not to make her gawking conspicuous. 
“Well I’m not going to swim in my suit,” Kamilah bluntly answers as she enters the swimming pool. She begins swimming a few laps as Amy looks at the water droplets glimmering off of her body, only accentuating her curves more. She stops swimming before looking up at Amy expectedly, “coming?” 
Amy pauses momentarily before nodding, “yes,” she hesitantly glances over at Kamilah whose gaze is still burning on her, as she slips off her clothes, folding them neatly onto the chair before she dives into the pool. When she reaches the surface, she slicks back her wet hair, “it’s cold.” 
“Is it? I didn’t notice.” Amy turns on her back and floats towards Kamilah who’s already aimlessly floating, together they stare up at the sky, lost in the shimmering of the stars. A few moments later Kamilah breaks the silence, “it’s funny,” when she speaks her usual commanding hilt is gone and replaced with something softer, more resonating with the voice Kamilah used when she was helping Amy after discovering Nicole’s body. “How old are you Amy 23?” 
“24,” Amy replies.
Kamilah chuckles, “I remember that age. I thought I knew everything. I thought I’d felt all there was to feel. I imagine you feel the same way.” 
Amy gingerly answers, “I guess? I mean I feel like I’ve been through a lot.” Kamilah turns her head to face Amy, and when their eyes meet, the older vampire’s eyes look so deep they almost look bottomless.
“Have you ever been in love?” 
The question catches Amy off guard, as she shoots her eyebrows up. “Once.” Kamilah curiously cocks her head as she appraises the tenderness in Amy’s tone. Amy gazes back up to the sky, as if the stars are painted in her eyes, “Christopher. He- he was a childhood friend of mine. Everyone used to always make jokes that we were dating but it wasn’t until we were freshman in highschool when he asked me out.” Amy’s lips quirk up slightly, “I felt like the happiest girl in the world. We both even agreed to go to college in New York. He got into Columbia and I got into NYU.” 
“What happened?” 
“Our first year in college was the worst.” Amy’s eyes darken, a somber look in her eyes as she recollects, “we agreed to live together while we were in college but we ended up fighting all the time. During our Sophomore year, we agreed to break up. I moved out and ended up moving in with Lily.” Amy lets out an airy laugh, “but that’s a story for another time. Anyway, I was so heartbroken during my college years, I tried moving on but it didn’t feel right. Fast forward to the end of my Junior year and we randomly bumped each other. We got to talking and decided to get back together again. We agreed to take it slow, so I was still living with Lily.” 
“Well I’m guessing it didn’t work out.” 
“No.” Amy’s eyes glisten with tears as she blinks them away, her voice becomes hoarse as she continues, “a few months after college, Chris, he was- he was walking through the park, and I guess he was attacked by a wild animal but the police found his body torn to pieces.” 
Kamilah grimaces, and apologetically reaches out to Amy, and rubs her arm, “I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“Now that I think about it, it wasn’t a wild animal.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I keep getting flashbacks to what happened in Marcel’s castle. The bodies, the way they were shredded to pieces I-” Amy cuts herself off, as she swallows down her sobs. 
“You think it was a feral?” Kamilah knits her brows together, following suit as Amy pulls herself out of the pool, grabbing a towel to dry herself off.
“I know it is. It’s why I became so triggered I guess, with everything that happened with Nicole. All the memories of his body just came flooding back and I panicked. I-” Amy closes her eyes, taking a slow steadying breath. 
“I’m sorry for asking, I did not realise this was a sore subject.” 
Amy shakes her head, “it’s not your fault, it’s just hard sometimes. For months I didn’t leave my house and it wasn’t until Lily practically forced me to start being more outgoing. She’s the one who told me to go for the job of Adrian’s assistant.” 
“I guess we have to thank her for that.” Kamilah speaks softly, her eyes boring into Amy’s and Amy can see the genuinity behind her eyes. 
“So why did you ask about my love life?” 
Kamilah presses her lips together in thought, “mere curiosity. It’s been a while since I’ve spent my time with someone with so many attachments. The company of vampires tends to make you jaded. It’s nice to be with someone so uncynical. So open to new possibilities.” 
Amy gives Kamilah a small smile, “well you’re welcome for giving you a fresh perspective.” Amy smiles hoping to alleviate the tension a little bit, but the somber look on Kamilah’s face causes her to knit her brows together in thought, huh, she thinks to herself. Maybe Kamilah isn’t as tough as she makes out to be. “Kamilah?” 
Kamilah hums, “yes?” 
“Doesn’t everyone have someone they’re attached to, I mean without Lily, I don’t know where I would be today.” 
Kamilah purses her lips in thought, “no, no they don’t.” 
“But you love Adrian.” 
“I’m quite fond of him, yes. Which perhaps is an illusion itself, because he reminds me of my brother.” 
“But you have loved.” 
“Many times.” Kamilah’s face drops, her voice quiet, “and lost. Just as many.” When Amy meets her eyes, she can see the sadness brimming in the surface of them, 2000 years worth of pain and loss just merely breaking the surface.
“2000 years is a long time.” 
“It defies imagining.” 
“You’re right. I can’t imagine even a small percent of what you’ve seen.” 
“And I’ve seen a lot. I’ve watched empires rise and fall. I’ve watched the world transform right in front of me and yet I-” Kamilah presses her lips together in a thin line, a pensive look on her face. Kamilah sharply inhales, “I’ve felt everything that there is to feel, I’ve loved, lost, grieved, but now, I feel like an empty vessel. Just detached from everything.” Kamilah looks away, as Amy watches as she transforms her expression back into her usual icy demeanour, as if the last few minutes did not exist. 
“I might not know a lot Kamilah,” Amy takes a step towards the older vampire, “but I know that you are so much more than you think you are.” 
“Please,” Kamilah scoffs, but behind the harshness, Amy can see she’s touched by her words. 
“I’m serious. You are incredible. I’m purely in awe of you every single moment.” 
“You don’t need to fuel my ego, I don’t need your pity.” 
“Pity isn’t what I feel at all.” 
“Oh? And what do you feel?” And in that moment, Amy can see the earnestness in Kamilah’s words. 
“Connection. Admiration,” Amy hesitates for a second, “infatuation.” 
Kamilah raises an eyebrow as Amy takes a step closer to her, closing the gap between the two. Wordlessly, Amy tilts her head up, and presses a soft kiss against Kamilah’s lips. When Kamilah doesn’t reciprocate the kiss, she steps back flushed, “I’m sorry.” 
Kamilah places her forefinger against Amy’s lips silencing her, “don’t be.” 
In her eyes shine conviction as her finger trails down Amy’s body before her hand cups her hip, Kamilah leans down, capturing Amy in a long kiss, the kiss full of ecstasy, driving Amy into a euphoric state. Kamilah kisses Amy harder, her tongue snakes into her mouth, eliciting a small moan from the human. Kamilah groans slightly, her hold on Amy’s waist tightening as she leads her to the lounge chair before pushing Amy flat out on it, covering her body with hers. Kamilah dominates the kiss, her kiss full of passion, as if she’s yearning for the desire it brings her. Her eyes flash red as her knee pressing against Amy’s core, evoking a small moan from the girl. Kamilah smiles devilishly, as Amy’s hips buck against her knee, slowly rubbing trying to gain any friction that will bring her pleasure. Kamilah brings her hand under Amy’s chin and kisses her breathless. Eventually the kiss breaks for the much needed air, and the atmosphere is quiet, but charged with electricity. Kamilah rests her forehead against Amy’s as the human pants heavily, and as their eyes meet, everything feels different. 
“We should get going, the tribunal is soon.” Amy swallows heavily and nods, the wind still knocked out of her after the kiss. Kamilah smiles as she climbs off her, and offers her hand for Amy to stand. “Come on.” The women silently make their way to the elevator, but Amy feels different, she feels something that she hasn’t felt since Chris and as she gazes at Kamilah, she can see she feels the same. 
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