#so blue actually does enjoy spending time with him. they're good friends
random percy headcanons:
wants to be the photographer friend SO bad and he technically is but like 70% of the pics come out blurry or weird bc there was a monster attack in the middle of them. his instagram is truly so chaotic looking.
literally always has seashells on him someone will ask him for a pencil or spare change and he has to empty all his pockets of shells to find it. drops his backpack and a bunch of shells fall out. kicks his shoes off and sand and shells fly out and his mortal friends are like percy What the Fuck
his eyes glow underwater!! bioluminescent king. no one told him though and he didn't find out until he joined his school's swim team and terrified everyone (he managed to convince them his contacts were having a weird reaction to chlorine lmao)
he really likes art!! he doesn't just pretend to for rachel's sake he genuinely enjoys painting with her. he likes splatter paint, collages and pop art styles the best. one day after splitting some edibles they realized percy could manipulate water colors and went CRAZY with it
will ask to be excused during class and comes back like an hour later with scorch marks all over his face bleeding from one of his ears covered in dust missing three fingernails rips in his jeans and a fat lip and the teacher is like percy what the actual hell were you doing in the bathroom all this time and he's just like uhhhhhh I have ibs
the brand from camp jupiter did unfortunately (for sally) Unlock something in him lmfao he keeps getting shitty little tattoos. usually stick-n-poke but someone's friends cousin's girlfriend's brother has a gun that gets brought to parties every now and then. most of them are sloppy but you can tell what they are HOWEVER he has one that was supposed to be a seal that came out looking like one of those shitty ms paint crying memes. annabeth laughed at him for ten minutes straight when she saw it.
he wanted to dye his hair blue but he was too chicken to bleach his entire head so he just did the tips. his hair is curly though so it looks absolutely ridiculous but he loves it
percy and annabeth get a crusty little yappy white dog in college and he carries it around like a baby lmao
back to his chaotic instagram, he's got so many pics of him like, relaxing at the bottom of the mariana trench or hugging a giant squid or riding on a whale shark and his mortal friends all think he's just really good at photoshop and this is a very specific bit he decided to commit to. they're always like lol percy where do you even FIND these pictures are you subscribed to like scientific journals for the laughs? but no he just took them all on his shell phone
has an ongoing prank war with annabeth's little brothers bobby and matthew but like it's Unhinged. they're playing 5D chess and she has no idea whats going on
weird tshirts!!! he loves them! like
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shit like this or those 'women want me fish fear me' shirts, anything with a funny or incomprehensible slogan is going in his closet right along with his band tees lmfao
bought estelle a panda pillow pet when she was born 🥺
can NOT bring himself to eat seafood no matter how many times poseidon has told him its fine. he's like NO these are my FRIENDS JONATHAN WAS TELLING ME ABOUT HIS GRANDDAUGHTERS WEDDING LITERALLY YESTERDAY WHY IS HE ON A PLATTER DAD. they had to give up and just start eating normal land food at the palace every time he comes to visit lmfao
gets into horsegirl antics with hazel she NEEDS to know everything the horses have to say. they spend hours gossiping in the stables.
movie nights in the poseidon cabin were 10000% a thing and when he was missing annabeth and thalia and grover (and a few others) would still sleep in there every now and then and talk about how much they miss him :(
percy and beckendorf had the worlds most elaborate handshake
he DOES impulse buy stuff just because they're ocean-themed. stuffed animals, home decor, school supplies, clothes, you name it he bought it if theres like a fish on it
has more scars from crashing off his skateboard than he does from monster attacks
grover is somehow the only person who's ever noticed percy is severely claustrophobic
has a deep passion for adele. I can't explain this one I just feel and know it to be true.
he and annabeth both proposed to each other at the same time and they were SO mad about it they kept yelling over each other's speeches lmao
he can SING but he doesn't know it. sally keeps trying to record him singing to himself but something always happens to the camera and she loses the evidence
called chiron a brony one time and mr d thought it was so funny he was nice to percy for an entire week
the camp keeps trying to convince him to teach sword fighting lessons to the younger kids but he can NOT bring himself to swing a sword at a 9 year old so he keeps getting injured
has the most complicated iced coffee order in the world his go-to local coffee shop finally just put the damn drink on the menu and named it after him
he IS the quiet kid in the back of your math class that always has his hood up to try and hide his headphones and eats increasingly elaborate meals out of his backpack when the teacher isn't looking. one time someone caught him with a rotisserie chicken in the middle of a geometry final.
he argued that he DID have enough to share with the class
currently obsessed with the image of him knocking back a container of sea salt as if it was a shot and his mortal friends being like hey! what the actual fuck! and he's just like uhhhhh anemia kills!
its his birthday<3
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rascalentertainments · 4 months
Wish Granted: The Startosphere 🌙🌠🌌
Since Star will be coming in chapter 3, I thought it'd be a good time to talk about Star's home, which is The Startosphere!
In this special space, its located in a cosmic space between the the mesosphere and thermosphere. In this space, millions of stars travel across the galaxy as nomads. They go around seeing different nebula formations, constellations and other wonders of the galaxy! All of the star people have cosmic power, but its never been used to the extent of actually changing their own form, let alone turning into animals or a human.
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They don't have solid forms, and since there's no gravity, the star people sort of glide across space. Their outer appearance look like human people, but they're outlined like constellations with a blue, white or yellow tint. (See this Helluva Boss GIF below as an example.) Like when a person draws an animation test for a character's movements.
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It can however, be a lonely life. Especially for our Star(boy). See, Star has a family. A big one in fact, but he hasn't seen them in years. And because stars are nomadic, its hard for him to make friends. He could be pals with one, but the next day he won't find them again. So he just wanders by himself, even though there are plenty stars around.
Many of the star people can see Earth from afar, but none of them have ever visited the planet itself. The stars just admire it from afar and go on about their business. Star however, was fascinated by Earth from the start and dreamed of going down there and meet the humans who all looked fun to him. He could spend hours watching them below, go away somewhere else, but always come back to Earth as if something there pulled him in like some kind of wind.
When stars reach 18 years of age, and they can pick their own names to go by. Sometimes they get them from the humans, and other times they create their own. Our Star hasn't chosen a name for himself yet, so Asha nicknames him "Star" to make things easier. Though after the adventure is over, he just might have an idea of what to call himself...
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Normally, stars can't grant wishes, that's a human belief. However, Star creates his own way to do it: Going right down to Earth and helping Asha however he can. Lastly, there are a few star nomads who heard rumors of a star with more power than any other in the galaxy. One so powerful, they could grant wishes to not only humans, but other stars. But none of them have actually seen this so called "Wishing Star".
Star nomads can hear humans, but only when they pay attention to Earth. Most of the time they're too busy looking for the next exciting thing, so Earth just doesn't hold their attention like it does for our Star. However, there is one human that ends up catching his attention the most, through beautiful singing...
In the Wishverse, Star is excited to meet other Starboys because not only have their been others who've been to Earth, but now he can make Star friends and he knows he can see them again, no matter how long it's been. Not only does he gain Earth friends, now he has star friends too. He couldn't be happier. 😁⭐ (Plus he loves to hang with Suñeo and Cielo the most, surprisingly)
Hope you enjoyed this little worldbuilding here. Like I said, this is my first fantasy story. I mostly write and watch media that are sci-fi, superhero, and action. I do like fantasy, but there usually has to be a twist on it to get me invested, and Wish's concept was one of them! So I took the sci-fi part I know and used it to create this system for the star nomads. More will be revealed as the story goes on, so I hope you continue to read Wish Granted as it unfolds!
Stay awesome! 😉
@uva124 @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden
@annymation @spectator-zee @lazytitans-world @kenihewa
@mythartist21 @gracebeth3604 @flicklikesstuff @emptyblog7
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As bummed as I was at the time of reading it, I'm actually glad that "Blue Moon" had kind of a "cliffhanger" ending. Now, I and everyone else who reads it can project whatever happy ending we want on to it. For example, Carlisle talks Bella into naming their kid something unique but not overwhelmingly stupid and they fall in love. Rosalie and Emmett manage to overcome their issues and eventually join Carlisle and Bella in Volterra because "we're a family, goddammit and we should be together!" The birth goes as well as can be expected and Bella doesn't leave the planet after turning. She, with help from her family, becomes a pretty good mom and Carlisle is an amazing dad. Alice and Jasper keep in contact at a distance because of the Volturi and go searching for other hybrids. Aro becomes the baby's weird uncle and tells the kid all of his weird, interesting stories. At Aro's insistence, Bella develops her power and lowers her shield for him temporarily, causing him to go searching for the nearest vampire therapist. Emmett, I imagine becomes friends with Felix and Demetri while Rosalie gets along with Renata surprisingly well. They both adore the kid and since this is a world where Rosalie works on her issues, she doesn't get weird and project onto the baby. Bella and Carlisle get to have (probably?) good sex with someone they actually love and have commitment ceremony instead of a traditional wedding that's just them and the coven with Aro officiating. Alice and Jasper bring back Nahuel and everyone is relieved to know that the weird alien baby that they love should be alright. Nahuel's sisters get saved, probably by a delegation of Felix and a few of the scary-looking guards intimidating Joham into letting them leave if they want and they go live with him and Huilen and don't get pimped out by their father. And since "Breaking Dawn" doesn't happen, Demetri hears about Benjamin and Tia from Carlisle and immediately heads down to Egypt to tell them that Chelsea didn't make him leave and that while Benjamin has an interesting power, he's not someone Aro is desperate to have. This leads to a TLTIC situation where Tia and Benjamin decide to leave with Demetri and he brings them back to Volterra. Tia befriends Heidi, Benjamin becomes the baby's cool cousin, and Demetri becomes a very confused but protective big brother to them both. The twins are disappointed that the baby's not a squid but enjoy spending time with it regardless. Edward probably goes full Edward and gets executed by Caius but everyone knew it was bound to happen so they just get closer instead of falling apart. Esme just goes to the Denali and ends up becoming their MomBot, which is probably the happiest ending she's going to get. Alice and Jasper break up but it's on good terms and they're still part of the family. Jasper leans on Carlisle the most to maintain the diet and Carlisle, in turn, becomes closer to Jasper as a brother than as a "father." Bella finally talks to both Rosalie and Jasper without Edward interfering and realizes that they both like her just fine and develops a good friendship with them both. Alice's visions are stunted so she's kind of forced to be an actual person and see her family as actual people. She ends up with mixed results but everyone appreciates that she's trying. Her friendship with Bella, especially, isn't the same but that's not a bad thing for either of them. I imagine she'd get along pretty well with Corin. Emmett changes the least but he does start defending Rosalie more (something that's actually in the story) and he decides to take his job as "fun uncle" very seriously. Obviously they can't do the high school thing even after the observation period is done but they have each other, a support system in Volterra if they need it, they can wear whatever clothes they want, and they all live decently ever after. Anyway, it's a really sweet story with potential for a happy ending that you don't usually give the characters and I really liked it.
Blue Moon
Thank you, anon
(Not sure how I feel about "I've decided I like your ending because you didn't get a chance to make it sad")
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Me: I'm going to read Arsenic blues, wishing to see what the queen has to us ❤️
After reading the note: The fuck!?
Can't believe people are really stealing your job and asking why they haven't the right to it. People are crazier every time I check is half concerning and half amazing how their brains work
Have to be nice, living in that fantasy world for free and without Isekai yourself.
Be for real and growth. Write your own stuff and don't come here asking yourself why the author is mad when you literally just committed a CRIME
Anyway, great character as always queen! ❤️
It is amazing how Loki has one type, defender of rights only person here that knows about human rights and thinks they deserve it.
Loki's the "fuck around and found what happens" god and is always hurting him but he can't scape the consequences of his own actions
Dumb bitch, you're lucky you're hot
Baldur was the first to say: they deserve to live cause you created them and if they're bad it is because you all are worse, maybe if you all learn a minimum of moral they would be better ❤️
I love him, Loki really didn't deserve him, he doesn't deserve Percy either but Baldur is... *Chef kiss*
He was the first, if you know what I'm saying, it is even wonderful how a person (god) can be so kind without knowing what it really is. It is hard to be kind, but without an example!?
Made him the god of humanity and sent him far away from Loki's (too late)
Loki: what's wrong here? Him or me?
Me: You have one chance, and hint, it isn't Baldur you asshole
(That hint of karma. Poseidon is going to lose his daughter, one as loved as Baldur and it's just his fault cause he doesn't have a heart. Love that for him. I love him but I also love the drama)
(Maybe we're more like the gods that we like to think I guess)
Thinking about it, maybe Percy being too gremlin with him IS a good thing.
No matter what, that side of her, the way she's always ready to fight but also being ready to relax with him is his... Well, Loki is always on the edge, but her giving so much kindness to him is also pushing him away.
She chooses to spend time with him and genuinely enjoy that time when he isn't tricking her (to the surprise of EVERYONE including him)
(Percy, being too kind is one thing)
At least he's learning that maybe killing and hurting your loved ones isn't the best decision.
Took him millennials but progress is progress
For now, act 4 is going to give him a ticket express to that fall to madness
Well, his trauma is stopping him right now, but I trust him to find a way, it's the smartest one so I'm going to wait before saying something
(For once, the author's favorite is one of my favorites)
(Just laughed cause that is karma right there, you were the one always making the deals with bad ends, now is your turn babygirl. Still rooting for you king ❤️)
Thanks for the chapter Queen and remember, a alive Nico is the best kind of Nico ❤️
bro omg that plagiarizer was weird af. did you see the old ask asking for permission to make an hp x pjo x ror fic inspired by mine? THAT TURNED OUT TO BE THEM. they made a third wattpad account sfahdvbjhv 😭😭😭
i made another chapter calling them out on wattpad and they deleted the books and fucked off (they'll probably be back with a fourth account 💀) but yeah, that's just weird behavior fr 😭
and also.... the thing i wrote about poseidon getting karma? yeah, that's a big ass hint for the future HEHEHEHE
and yesss percy actually does enjoy loki's company most of the times, he just ruins it by... you know, being an asshole to her sometimes, but other than that, she likes hanging out with him! she actually considers him as a friend (but beelie is her #1 bestie in the ror verse LMAO)
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
ok okokk i may be pushing it but i just cant stop picturing barry circa 2012 with leaving!bucky. i just feel like theyd have the cutest dynamic ever. he gives art student vibes like maybe hes studying film or literature. theyre childhood bestfriends and maybe they were eachother's homoerotic-codependent-friendship canon event. UGHH theyd be so cute stfuu. and maybe bucky and gale are already established and curt is just yearning for a whileee like over a year of slow burn until the three of them are a throuple... idk i just miss curtbuckbucky. you dont have to change your canon for the long fic i just needed to share this idea lmfao
au post | NO ur not pushing it this is such fun world building teehee <33 genuinely this is gonna help me later for drafting! (FUCK MY LIFE HOW IS THIS 2K WORDS. i thought i only had a few thoughts... i was so wrong. my bad chief. enjoy/suffer ig)
ok so this is so funny because i've actually been thinking ab how sweet those two would be together, cute little nerdy besties, and how they'd meet because of course curt has to be in this fic!!
and the first thing my mind went to was the cliche homoerotic codependent friendship trope too LMAO. i'm feeling like maybe they meet on the first day of highschool; neither of them share their english class with any friends, and they end up sat next to each other, and john keeps side–eyeing him because curt looks... interesting. (ie: deep into his emo phase. the fringe. the smudged eyeshadow. chipped black nail polish, band shirts– all things john does not let him live down as they grow up.)
but his eyes settle on some pin on curt's jacket that has some character from his favourite movie or something, and the yap jumps out, john can't control it. blurts out a "you like ___ too?!" and curt's head snaps over and he nods nervously and john takes one look at those big sad charcoal–ringed blue puppy eyes and is like yup. this is the one. will protect with my life.
(tiny headcanon that rly won't have a big effect on plot or anything, but i feel like it just fits very well with john/his character in leaving– dude's got madddd undiagnosed adhd. he's written off as a loud mouth/troublemaker in his childhood, but he wants to be a good kid, his mind is just always going too fast and sitting still is torture and his parents get frustrated and don't look into the root of the problem, trying to discipline it out of him instead. i will heal my inner child by healing him alright)
they're attached at the hip from that moment on and it makes sense to no one because they seem like complete opposites, curt more inclined towards the arts and bookish things and his friends are all the same, whereas john is more inclined towards athletics and science and hangs around that type of crowd as well. but they both love video games and movies and music and they bond over never really feeling like they fit in anywhere particular and both groups of friends get along just fine when they all get together. <3
but yk time goes on, they learn things about themselves as they grow up, and curt and john are so close and spend so much time together that they're already a lot closer than regular friends– they just don't realize it. they think nothing of cuddling up on the couch watching movies together, or sharing a bed when john stays over at curt's place after he gets into a fight with his parents, or being much more interested in spending time together than pursuing girls.
and curt's pretty– john nearly mistakes him for a girl that first day they meet. the summer before their senior year, john practically spends the whole summer at curt's house, and curt's mom doesn't mind; she works long hours and is glad her son isn't spending the summer moping around indoors alone, and she loves john and gets the feeling that her home is a sanctuary for him. one day they're in the backyard lazing around, and they get onto the topic of first kisses, and neither of them have had a proper relationship outside of those classic week–long middleschool flings that don't actually mean anything, so there's not much to talk about.
but being dumb teenage boys, they start worrying about "what if we're really bad at kissing and no girls wanna go with us to senior prom this year" etc. and one of them pops the suggestion of practicing together, and thus begins a summer of sweet stolen kisses and hand holding and experimenting and dancing around calling it something. it ends when the summer does because they realize that they both work better as friends, but they're as close as ever and both definitely learn they aren't straight (and they probably make a cute pact– "if we aren't in love by the time we're thirty, we'll just marry each other.")
i don't see them really doing much together because they're young and shy and inexperienced, but it's enough for john to decide that yeah, he definitely likes guys too, but that's all that really amounts to (until he meets gale) because he's growing up in a small town in wisconsin and it's not the easiest/most accepting place to find other queers. john probably ends up dating a real sweet girl during his last year of highschool, but she's going away for college and john's going to a local one so it ends amicably at the end of summer, both of them staying close friends. (if we wanna get sickeningly wholesome, maybe she ends up pining for a girl while john's pining for gale and they share their little stories and give each other advice and facetime every week to catch up <3)
(++ curt ends up falling head over heels for ken, who he meets through john when curt and john's friend groups get together for movie nights or summer parties. john pretends to be annoyed at how lovesick they are when they first start crushing, but he ends up matchmaking and being the one to push them to confess their feelings after graduation because he loves his friends.)
BUT THEN, leaving this fic's 'canon' to elaborate on the throuple stuff you said! i miss curtbuckbucky too </3
in a separate universe, curt doesn't end up with ken, and as much as he loves his friendship with john and agrees that a relationship wouldn't have worked at that time in their lives, he spends that first year of college pining. when john starts talking about some guy named gale during their second year, he's a little sad, but mostly protective, because "what do you MEAN he's in his 30s??" and "he's a BIKER?"
but john eventually introduces him to gale after a few months of telling curt about him, probably once he and gale actually start seeing each other, and curt immediately gets it. and then he's in double–hell because not only is he a bit (a lot) in love with his best friend, but he's blushing every time said best friend's new bf talks to him, and they're gonna notice eventually if they haven't already and he feels so guilty.
more yearning ensues and john is dense and doesn't realize but gale picks up on it, maybe even notices john doing a bit of pining of his own that john's not fully aware of. and his heart twists because his mind goes to his own insecurities about how john should be seeing someone his own age, so he sits john down and opens up a conversation about it. john is adamant that he's very, very happy with gale, but he tells gale about his and curt's past and admits that he has always still had feelings for him, but insists that it's not something he'd ever pursue, that he values curt's friendship more.
gale throws him off by saying he wouldn't mind if john wanted to explore those feelings, and at first john gets anxious gale is calling things off with the two of them and this is his way of softening the blow, but gale reassures him that's not the case, that he's very happy with their relationship. he just encourages that if he wants to talk to curt and feel things out, he wouldn't be opposed to john and curt seeing each other as well– gale's often busy, after all, so it would be nice for john to have someone else, as long as curt's comfortable with that kind of arrangement and as long as john keeps gale in the loop.
they decide to kinda just feel it out as they go, but soon enough gale starts coming home from work every so often to find the two of them curled up on his couch together, sweet and innocent. curt's wary at first, always slightly detaching himself from john when gale's around, but gale is always friendly and doesn't change up his routine, settling on the couch at john's other side like it's not a big deal at all, wanting to show curt he's welcome there, not wanting john to feel guilty.
it's another scenario where lines just sorta start to blur over time, curt spending a lot of time over at gale's house, and gale sees the way curt looks at him, probably noticed it from the first time they met but chalked it up to nerves at the time. curt's an angel and he's grown quite fond of him, but he doesn't want to overstep, so he leaves it up to curt, thinking maybe the boy will mention it to john one day and john will in turn come to gale to talk about it.
and eventually that happens, just like gale thought it might. curt's just gone home and john's head is in his lap on the couch while they watch tv, and john asks "what do you think about curt?" and gale tells him that he's sweet and he loves how much john smiles when he's around him, the usual. "so you like him?" john pushes, and gale immediately has a feeling where this conversation is going, drags his eyes away from the tv to look down at john.
says "of course" easily, and lets john take his time forming his thoughts. john ends up telling him that he and curt were fooling around earlier while gale was at work (and god help gale for the images that puts in his head) and that he'd made some offhand comment about how curt better hurry up if he doesn't want gale to come home and catch him half naked on their couch. and john's all shy when he says "and curt, uh. y'know. that... did it for him" with a vague gesture LOL. gale never fails to find it amusing how certain things can fluster john to talk about after all they've done together.
"so, anyway. i asked him about it after, if it was a coincidence, and he was real shy about it, but he did admit after a whole lot of apologizing that he likes you." gale listens to him nervously get his words out, petting his hair encouragingly, waits for him to be done before he asks "how do you feel about that?" only to watch the flush return when john mumbles "it's hot."
this is getting sooo long i need to take away my own typing privileges, but basically that's how things would start between the three of them– john and gale agree that gale will let himself be a bit flirty with curt and see how curt takes it. obviously this goes a little too well when curt gets hot and bothered sat between john and gale during a movie night with john's hand on his knee and gale's arm resting on the couch behind him while he plays with curt's hair.
the movie is forgotten when gale's finger catches on a tangled curl and curt doesn't bite back the little whine that slips out in time and john's head snaps over and he mumbles a "fuck" when he realizes what's happened, and his lack of filter comes out to play when he turns to curt and asks "curt, can gale kiss you?" and curt turns to gale with big doll eyes and nods.
john ends up palming himself over his shorts as he watches gale coax curt into his lap, face hot and pupils blown as he gets to see both his guys make out in front of him, almost dizzy seeing curt get so shy and needy and pliant because when it's just the two of them, he and curt are both very balanced in their dynamic. they've been such close friends for so long that not much gets the other truly shy like that, and they're always quick to voice their wants and crack jokes while fooling around and all. so to see curt get so flustered in that way with gale has him lightheaded, and by the time they all collapse into gale's bed at the end of the night, john's convinced this is the best decision he's ever made.
there's a lot of pining on curt's end because for a while it's kinda just sex when it's the three of them, and he loves it but he also finds himself wanting more but feeling too scared to voice it because he feels like he's intruding. but eventually they all get their shit sorted out; curt fits into their relationship just right in a way gale and john never intended or expected, and gale falls for curt just as much as john has and curt does the same with gale.
gale's got two sweet things glued to his side now and man, do they ever give him a run for his money, and if he'd thought john had too much energy (and stamina) it's nothing compared to keeping up with both of them, but he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
throuple things won't be happening in the actual fic, but i do love the idea of exploring the dynamic the three of them might have in a spin–off of that au so this was rly fun thx :-) maybe i'll write a pwp oneshot set in that universe as an excuse to write more curtbuckbucky once the fic is done LOL we'll see!
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Percy,Miles and Jason are very important to me as the 'los tres amigos' trope because it's exactly a dynamic that fits and benefits all three of them
Miles is a soft sunshine boy who's clearly trans and autistic and a troubled kid so Percy would date adopt him as her little brother within three days TOPS of knowing him like she does every other character like that she meets in canon and Jason and her are the perfect setup for her classic enemies to frenemies due to being forced to work together to ride or die best friends she had with Thalia,Clarisse,Zoe and more and Miles is so sweet but has the same mouth running she does and Jason shares it too but he's got the same mean attitude she does so it's a perfect balance and she's got nothing to do with Bruce because they met straight after Utrh as a metaphor for Jason letting Bruce go for people he actually needs and wants and she ends up being part kryptonian because of old Jackson interdimensional shenanigans so Clark's her new dad instead of Poseidon's deadbeat ass and she can actually enjoy the revelation after processing it because it's a Sally thing
Miles never gets included in crossovers despite his whole franchise being about interdimensional hoping and making platonic soulmates along the way and the most recent installment having him break canon word for word because he knows better and i think we all know WHY the DC fandom obsessively ignores him despite their famous motto and why him and Percy have zero content together despite all their parallels but as someone who's read everything Jason's in and watched and played most of his adaptions and games,i know for a fact he's the only male superhero Jason would instantly like and that Miles would be fond of him back and there's good angst and darker storylines potential with Jason not outright telling him what he does for a living and the leadup and aftermath to the reveal and Percy being willing to kill too from the start makes things all the more interesting and on a lighter note,they'd give him special treatment 24/7 and initially only stick to eachother for his sake and their influence makes him tougher and more self-confident and he gets a Blue Lantern ring and Apollo's Blessing out of pure awe at his sheer artistic talent and love for his craft
And Jason gets an actual legit canon team,something DC has NEVER given him the grace of and yeah that's a pun but fr his and Artemis' dynamic and her lore remixes are literally the only good thing to come out Rhato.Instead of the Roy and Kory fuckery,Jason gets Miles,who he genuinely likes as a person and loves hanging out with and he fumbles sometimes but is good older brother at the end of the day and Miles makes him be good again without even trying just like he does pretty much everybody he interacts with that's got some fucked up shit going on and Percy,who's allowed to be not just a female lead but a trans woman one and is on equal grounds with him because again,he actually likes who she is and loves spending time with her inspite of their bickering and Miles and Percy get powerUPS instead of powerDOWNED and are allowed to be just as their own as him instead of walking talking props that aren't even good for him,much less him them.Also,Spider Mutant Jason that ended up that way because of constant exposure to Miles' spiderperson dna + Lazarus Pit dna + Middle name is deadass 'Peter' and he learns how to make special greek mythos items for backup
It's such a random ass crossover on the surface but there's a reason it's and they're called The Anomalies!!!They're supposed to be weird,not fuckass sanatized fandom tropes,they're supposed to find home in eachother,they're supposed to be stories told in the form of characters and sick as fuck powers and layered jokes and wholesome cheesiness that feels genuine because it IS genuine on my part and everybody else i've gotten into it has the same feelings on them i do!!!!Call me Odysseus the way i care them so much🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
Jenna/JJ Walker HCS!
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since I've also seen the other jaylings get their HC posts, now it's JJ and soon ethan's time to shine!!
(most of these are connected to or need the lore post to understand; so check it out if you haven't!)
Jenna, at first, seems like a sweet and shy kid (if you didn't intimidate her), but she's a literal demon once she gets a bit used to whoever she's talking to
^ to continue with the above, she has trust issues, so if you already leave a bad first impression on her or if she just seems wary then she'll have a hard time even standing next to you
and for that reason it was hard to bond with Jay before he got his memories back, he's a person she knows but doesn't at the same time, and it heavily hurt her because she just wants him to love her like his daughter again
she still was able to keep a good relationship with Nya, but it was a bit hard to talk sometimes because of how much Jenna's changed and that they haven't seen eachother in years
she had such a big bond with Cole, so it would be an understatement saying she missed him severely
she was also very close to Kai! Lloyd, compared to now, wasn't very close to Jenna pre-merge but would love to sneak her some candy when Jay didn't let her
Zane was also pretty close, he'd only wear obnoxiously oversized hoodies just to carry Jenna in them
Wu loved spending time with Jenna, and would give her some scrolls to read to improve her Ninjargon! Jenna hosted tea parties with him, too, and would give him a pink birthday hat instead because his current hat was 'too boring' in her perspective
her handwriting was also pretty decent, too
she is touch starved but sometimes needs her space or she'll get snappish, hugs are what usually calm her down
her favourite animals are, well, dragons! she had basically been around dragons her entire life, so she was never afraid of them, other than dragons though she really loves cats!
her blue phonecase even has a cat on it, it's a small white kitty in the middle and she decorated the rest of the phonecase with small stickers (that are mostly Jay's old ones she borrowed, like his pins)
suprisingly tho, her favourite colour is neither red nor blue, it's actually lavender! her second favourite being any shade of gold, she digs those kind of colours :D she only wears clothing that mostly consist of red and blue to match with her family, she doesn't hate those colours though because they're also on her favourite chart
when she was almost 14, she hit her growth spurt and became the second tallest sibling (Noah being the tallest), she couldn't stop laughing at the look on Kaida's face when she realized she's becoming the shortest 😔 (even Tessa is taller than her, and Ethan was already starting to be tall for his age)
she's, unsuprisingly, unbelievably stubborn, and tries to convince herself to not give up too quickly
she has whole boxes of markers, coloured pencils, and paint! her obsession for art is too great, she even asked Lloyd if she could help paint the new bounty
when she'd go out, there would be some paparrazi she obviously did not like them that much, but had grown used to ignoring them
she had so many of those children colouring books and had alot of drawings pre-seabound, and most of them were complete, but they all burned down along with the monastery in crystallized :')
she was a bit anxious about going to school, but was still excited and had enjoyed it! alot of kids had wanted to be friends with her and she didn't mind the attention
she's a theatre kid! would act in alot of plays when she was still at school and she goes absolutely all out when she does, now she isn't so open about that fact but would sometimes sing and dance in secret (she got caught by Kaida one time, and she never felt so embarrased)
her room's walls are painted by her, she painted simple things like landscapes with some dragons thrown in there
she's that sibling who's always got your back, she'd get into fights if it meant that she'd protect you that way
but she is not much of a good listener, wanting to hurry up with things, but if you needed to rant to somebody so badly she'd try
for her whole life, she was very protective of Ethan, their dynamic was good but got a bit wonky during the timeskip because of how dull everything seemed, and because of how Jenna would be in her room most of the time
she loves to cuddle him alot tho and is still able to carry him sometimes, she never realizes that he's heavier than he looks lmao
sometimes, Lloyd would come and find them asleep on top of eachother on the living room couch, the movie they were watching still playing on the TV
and she despises how Ethan never knocks on her door, fsm knows how many times he's jumpscared her when he slams the door open 💀
she loves to pull pranks on people (that people is Kaida) with Quinn and Finn, those three are unstoppable 😎
speaking of that, Jenna warmed up to them eachother quicker than she expected, it just took a while because she was still not sure of them, but she liked their energy and they didn't seem like a threat to her
she was just envious of the two because they spent their entire lives with Nya and Jay, which was what slowed down the process
being very protective of Ethan, she hated the fact she had to share him, so she was very wary of everyone (especially Noah, who she noticed loved to spend time with him) and didn't want him so close to anyone
but when she saw the way Noah treated him gently and had genuienly loved him, and how much fun Ethan had when he spent time with him, she grew to love Noah aswell
Jenna loved to climb on his shoulders before her growth spurt, with him being ungodly tall she felt like she was standing on the borg tower
with all of these fights, she never thought she'd get along with Kaida one day, theur fights would even sometimes get a bit too heated, but once they starting warming uo eachother, and talked in conversations that weren't fights, they both quickly became protective of one another
she doesn't know how to use a gun, she never used a gun before, so Kaida had obviously taught her (Tessa and Noah taught her too when they could)
BUT she does know how to use a sword! she would sometimes train with Lloyd during the merge timeskip, so she has some pretty decent fighting skills and is good with a sword for her age
she has a love-hate relationship with sparring, tho
she hates blood, she really hates blood, but having seen it so many times in her lifetime (*cough* including hers *cough*) she got only a bit used to it
she was scared about coming out as aroace, but nobody in her family is straight (obviously) and neither are the walker kids (obviously #2) and was suprised when they were all so chill
Jenna: Guys, I'm aroace.
The rest of the walker siblings: Cool.
Jenna: ...what-
Ethan: What's an aroace?
during her stay with them, Ed and Edna would teach her how to engineer and how to use unimportant spare parts to make something new, and she was suprisingly a quick learner and it had distracted her a little from what had happened
she is not a great cook in the slightest, she'll break the pan she's using the moment she touches it :'D
she is an avid reader of comics (just like her dad) and finds them to be more interesting and funnier than books, she borrowed jay's starferer comics during the timeskip after the merge and read them all, and god she did not shut up for weeks about it (which made lloyd very proud lmao)
she loves to swim!! her love for it had plummeted a bit after seabound however
but before the merge, she had been taught how to swim by nya quite alot and always loved to go to the beach just to jump in the water (she's that kid to do those massive cannon balls lmao)
and she loves to run too! she'd never back down from a race and is extremely quick, unless you're Tessa or Quinn it's hard to catch up to her sometimes
(I hit that block limit 😭)
EDIT: she, obviously, knows some swear words
she has frequent nightmares from her ptsd (cough crystallized cough near death experience cough fuck I'm spoiling again-) and gets extremely anxious, the pain seems like its still there, and she cannot stay alone by herself for too long or she'll spiral
EDIT: she also has slight pyrophobia from crystallized (try to guess why)
^ during the merge timeskip, when they started happening more frequently, she'd instantly go to Lloyd, but now she almost always goes straight to Tessa during those times. when she's at her lowest point especially, Tessa's the only sister who listens to her and lets her cry it all out which is why she's one of her closest siblings
in fact, Tessa's the first sibling she grew close to!
Nya does know about these problems too, and when Tessa for any reason isn't able to help Jenna heads straight to her
sometimes, when her anxiety gets the best of her too, she talks walks across the monastery courtyard and climbs up and down the stairs a few times, it always calms her down
Tessa mostly uses her a benchpress along with their sisters, so no one is suprised when they see Tessa benchpressing Jenna who's currently on her phone
she's usually comfortable around Finn and Quinn, and begged Quinn to teach her how to fly once she got her powers too
when she and Kaida got along, those hellspawns LOVED to gossip, and would constantly laugh about an inside joke between them while everyone is so confused (me and that one friend meme be like)
like how the brothers have movie nights, the sisters all have movie nights too!!
before Kaida warmed up to them, she'd constantly fight with Jenna during the film and Tessa would try her darndest to shut them up, while Quinn is just focused on the TV while eating popcorn 😎
and if it isn't obvious enough already, other than Ethan of course her favourite sibling is Tessa, but Kaida quickly followed suit
when she'd be bored, she'd grab Finn and Quinn to paint the walls of their room together
whenever she hears Noah talking about Sasha, she goes "nope" and leaves the room instantly
Jenna borrowed Lloyd's old headphones, which she also decorated with her stickers, she only lets Tessa use it
it's easy to tell that something belongs to Jenna, she always has her nickname 'JJ' on her stuff everywhere
EDIT: Jenna also gets an aviator jacket from Tessa! all the sisters have it :DD
in the future, she eventually gets more chill and Ethan will become the energetic one
ohh my god that was LONGGG..
bb boy ethan's next!! I'm going to sinai tomorrow though and staying until saturday, so yeah expect him to be a little later on!
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consumeroflemoans · 6 months
Hello, you asked for Vilidia asks and I'm gonna try my damndest to deliver because I crave content of them as well, so I'm just gonna knock out a few scenarios I have in my head, they're a bit half baked, but I hope that's fine
So the social event thought, Vil is famous, Idias family is kinda too, he's bound to be forced to attend something at some point and does acting coincide with conglamerate shit? Probably not, but I don't know how being famous works and a man can dream
This then could lead to a classic run-in and then "chilling outside because you're the only person here I like or maybe even know", but what I personally think is just a tad funnier is if the rest of Idias whole extended family was also present and Vil can be introduced to those guys for a nice little "wtf Idia has friends/a boyfriend", depends on wether he'd be willing to tell them, and not only that it's Vil fucking Schönheit
Of course there's Mr. and Ms. Shroud which in and of itself already good, but an idea I've seen floating around too is that Idia has a cousin who could be TWST Zeus and I like that thought plus aunts, uncles, whoever you want really
Secondly, something smaller is that I like to think Idia at some point in his life is going to get glasses because I have glasses come on, he sees more blue light than sunlight
And now that could go over into funky glasses frame shopping because just because glasses are made to make you see better doesn't mean that they aren't just as much capable of looking fun and I think Vil would agreePlus you could also get a nice chain to attach if you wanted to
Proceeding with more fashion stuff, now it's no uncommon scenario to see Vil dress Idia up a bit, but I also like the thought that by the end Idia is so flustered that his hair is entirely pink and now the outfit colours Vil picked out don't work anymore
I might come back at some point and tell you about more thoughts, but I feel like that's enough for now and I hope you enjoyed them
Have a nice day :]
Dude I am going absolutely insane
Vil and Idia at some stuffy party they don’t want to be at is golden.
I absolutely adore Vil having the chance to meet Idia’s family but also consider:
They’re the only two outside and already familiar with each other. Vil notices Idia visibly uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to have to dress up and socialize, that much is obvious. They stand in silence for a long time, far enough apart to not intrude on one another. Vil mentally debates the whole time, wondering if he could be irresponsible for just one night. He wants to help Idia, but he has an obligation to make his presence known at the party. Eventually he decides, sweeping over towards Idia in whatever elegant gown he donned. Vil asks point blank if Idia wants to get out of there. Idia’s obviously taken aback but stutters out an agreement. They take a night out, finding some gazebo far from any human life and spend the night together. They’re still in their formal wear as they explore together and chat, but neither of them mind much. Outside of the obligations of the party, it’s nice to have a chance to be themselves.
Augh actually on the topic of Vil and family I feel like he’d be kind of shocked by Idia having a large family. It’s always been just him and his dad, so him suddenly having a massive extended family would be so fun. Also I feel like he’d be the kind of guy to absolutely adore kids. He might not have them for himself, but he loves Ortho and any of Idia’s younger cousins. Idia finds it really endearing seeing Vil get along so well with his family.
I’m just imagining Vil looking over the options with Idia, both of them trying to find the perfect one to match his vibe. They can’t seem to find the perfect one, so they take matters into their own hands. Both of them have the money and talent to design custom glasses. Vil would sketch out designs for different outfits and scenarios while Idia would build the frames and add some sort of techno magic to them. He can’t have boring regular glasses after all.
Omg one of my favorite things ever is them combining Idia’s technological genius with Vil’s skill with design. They could pull together so many cool tech savvy outfits
Just them trying fashion together!!! Aaaaa Vil dressing Idia, standing back to appraise him, and saying Idia looks stunning. Idia immediately breaks, his hair flaring a bright pink and Vil watches him smugly. Vil adores how easily he can break Idia and he often will whisper small compliments into his ear just to see that reaction. They pass each other in the halls and Vil leans down for a brief moment to say Idia looks cute. Idia tugs his hood over his head and quickly shuffles away, now unable to think about anything besides Vil.
Swipe you thank you so much for feeding me. As promised I am kissing you platonically /silly
Now excuse me while I die
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trans-mephisto · 11 months
You know, I have been thinking latley and.....
Arthur and Rin would be lile the perfect dream team if it wouldn't be for Arthur's racist and borderline genocidal tendencies with demons.
Just hear me out :
Both Arthur and Rin are known for not being the smartest of the bunch. They tend to get very excited abt stuff they enjoy and are very stuborn too. They basically share the same core personality !
Arthur with his claymore has a fighting style more focused on slow, but powerfull attacks. During a fight he moves in rather large heaps at a time. Rin's fighting style is very agile. While his flames allow him to exercise strikes of enormous strenght too, he usually uses smaller/"weaker" heaps with his sword in relative quick succsession.
If we combine those we have Rin able to confuse and distracting a demon bit his more agile fighting style while Arthur can prepare and deal out stronger slashes.
Not to mention what they could do combined. Imagine a blue flame powered Angel Slash.
Returning to their personalities and going away from their fighting abilities, Arthur would the the rock Rin needs in his life. I mean, it's pretty obvious Rin felt kinda lonley after Shiro's passing and struggeled a fair bit with self worth.
He couldn't really rely on Yukio for mental support and he didn't wanna put stuff on his friends. Arthur could be an ear to listen for Rin. Meanwhile Rin would be the thing loosening Arthur up a bit.
He'd show the older that orders aren't everything and props would teach him some social cues by pure proximity.
Not to forget that I am CONVIDENCED that a good chunk of Arthur's problems in the mental department could be solved if they just gave him an apprentice or student to take care of an teach.
Saint Complex and comming off as too princey ? Having a kid around that would look up to Arthur could easily satisfie atleast some of that complex.
Too sadistic/too little empathy for others ? Well kids need a lot of emotion. If Arthur got attached to it he'd deffo naturally get better in that whole empathy department due to pure neccesity.
Too easily manipulatable ? Having someone to teach and look after would deffinitly decrease the amout on time he spends with the Uzais.
Rin who already has a similar personality with Arthur would deffinitly see the blonde getting genuinly attached if we ignore the Spawn of Satan side of things.
Sadly, Arthur was manipulated into being a borderline demonic genocidal maniac by the Uzais 😭
Sorry it took so long to answer this, I've been busy
But I agree with basically all this. I've actually thought a lot about how similar Rin and Arthur are and how they seem kind of like reflections of each other, like Arthur is just how Rin would probably be if he actually was raised as a weapon and not like a son. I also feel like a lot of Arthur's hate towards demons is definitely hammered in by his family, since he doesn't even have an issue with Caliburn (seeing as he actually will hold conversation with her and actually cares enough to wrap her up when its cold, which is cute lol) and he's best friends with Lightning who is obviously a demon fanatic who enjoys seeing and researching demons
The way he seems to almost seem more like a child when Jeremiah comes into the story (how he gets sensitive around his brother and whined about how he wanted to fight in the battle against Satan because Jeremiah said he could) really shows how deep the manipulation goes honestly. I almost wonder if he's scared to go against whatever Jeremiah says sometimes
But if Arthur was able to have that character development I could really see him having an older brother sort of bond with Rin. They're so similar and I feel like they could relate and work together both battle wise and friendship wise pretty well, if that ever were to happen
It'd be cool seeing em fight together too, hopefully if Arthur DOES live and gets his redemption we could see something like that in the manga. It'd be so cool
Plus, I know Yukio wasn't mentioned here, but he has said he likes Yukio despite being a son of Satan as well, so he definitely isn't 100% clouded by his hatred for demons so it could be a possibility still that he can just. Learn to stop being such a dick to Rin if he gets hit with some common sense
But yeah, I enjoy reading your asks and I think most (if not all) of Arthur's issues stem from being manipulated by Jeremiah and the Uzai family. Hopefully he learns to be his own person sometime. I already like a lot of his character so I'd love to see an arc about him :]
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
ıllı it's the most wonderful time of the year~
a/n: how we feeling about the holidays??? Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it <3 Also I did mean pre-Scaramouche for Kuni's one, I prefer the soft, innocent one. Fight me 😡
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly, god of gods!reader in Zhongli's section
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Kunikuzushi is very new to the festive season, so you're obviously gonna have to teach him a thing or two. He very much enjoys the hot chocolate and marshmallows though, they're probably his favourite. During the next few days up till the actual holiday, he tries to be on his best behaviour so he doesn't get coal in his stocking. Speaking of which, you both have matching purple ones, his lighter, yours darker.
You and Ganyu make her office a little bit more festive by hanging tinsel around the corners of the ceiling. It's a nice white and blue colour scheme, nothing too much, but it still manages to feel festive. She takes peppermint tea with her to work for the holiday season, and wraps up warm because of the snow <3
Ayato and Ayaka are yet again seeking out your attention, both of them bickering about who you want to spend Christmas with the most. Of course, they can't duke it out like normal siblings and beg for you to choose because that would spoil their image. Bribery is the next best option. Ayaka wears little red scrunchies in her hair and asks for you to help her pick an outfit so that she can match with your scarf. Uh oh: does Lord Kamisato see competition? Oh well, he needs some help making cookies because Lords being humble is the new trend these days, care to try his millionaire shortbread?
Zhongli has seen many seasons go by with you, but this one seems to be a lot more memorable. He has stepped down from his godly position whilst you have not. You, the god of gods: aka the god babysitter, used to play with Guizhong in the snow, not caring about a single thing, your job was to make sure that another war didn't break out and that there was peace after all. Building snowmen with her was the best, and watching you two from afar was amusing. Alas, those were good times. Now was the time to huddle over the hearth and drink eggnog with you and Barbatos.
Out of spite, you spend Christmas with The Raiden Shogun, not Ei. You two have a great time, sure she's kinda dry, but she's good company. In my past works, I make you and Raiden besties and leave Ei out just because it's funny but I'd genuinely like to be the puppet's friend, you know? Well, Ei does not like this. She enjoys the sweets and everything, yeah, but when she sees you dressing up her puppet in a Santa hat and pretty earrings, she starts thinking that you want her puppet more than her. Hmmm, maybe you're just bonding. That's right! Bonding. Raiden seems to enjoy this though, the attention she's receiving is so much better than just setting out tasks for people to do. She thanked you by giving you a stiff hug. The poor thing's trying, okay?
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bengiyo · 2 years
My School President Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Tinn got to spend a few nights with Gun and the rest of Chinzhilla at the school in preparation for Hot Wave. Gun now fully understands how whipped for him Tinn is, and we got to see Drunk!Gun try to throw hands with Kaljorn. Gun and Tinn have some of the better communication skills I've enjoyed, and their moment during Hot Wave after Tinn bailed on his mom (and the aftermath) was really good. Win and Sound are also on the rise.
I just love Tinn so much. The boy understands a moment. I also love Gun for keeping Tinn from getting lost in his head.
Of course Tinn has been counting the time they've been apart.
This has become so much more fun since Gun started actively flirting back.
I actually like Tinn's mom. She's not an antagonist or villain. She's just a bit overprotective. She does trust her son, though I find it hard to believe she doesn't know he likes a boy (Moms always know). Still, curious about how the lies will catch up with Tinn.
I love Gun and his mom's relationship. I am nervous that she doesn't actually have the meds Gun asked about.
Tiw and Por rising? I don't know why they have Mark committed to this floaty, but I'm okay with it.
Sound and Win are always going through it, I swear.
Time for the beach splash montage.
I like that Gun now instinctively moves towards Tinn when he's startled.
"We can't tell them, but we can level up our sweetness." Pulls out BL Juice. I love that we have just accepted that the product placement is here to stay, and have just decided to be ridiculous with it.
Por and Phat look so good this episode.
Mark is killing this role with just his face and body language in the background.
Oh, Tiwson. You are my favorite. I love that Tinn's best friend is also a Supporter.
Gun and Sound are so ridiculous. I can't wait to see what song these two come up with.
This is the first time I've been glad Tinn is around for the drama. He has useful perspective about secret crushes, and asks good questions of Gun. I think Gun has also been in need of a confidant.
Fourth and Gemini are really good together. I probably would have recommended channeling Sound's feelings into the song, and letting Win decide what to do after hearing it and making it through Hot Wave
Oh, I like the way Satang's voice broke as he thought about what Sound was really into.
Yak has been fun this episode.
Tiwson said, "Ah, the stupid is generational in this band."
Gun worrying about unreciprocated feelings hurting Sound and the band as he leans on Tinn is the exact kind of visuals I needed from this show.
Aw, and here I was thinking Sound and Win would make progress. Still, Sound tried a little bit.
Gun sharing with Sound was actually pretty brave, and also necessary if they're going to put genuine feeling into a song.
"I'll be the captain of your ship." I feel like these people are reading our comments.
Tinn is too much. My dude jumped straight from coming out to getting married. I can't get enough of this man.
Drinks seductively over the product placement apology.
That was a good Now Kiss Moment from Satang and Winny.
Tinn remains the best boy. Especially with The Warp Effect airing right now, Tinn stopping and leaving as soon as Gun said to resonates strongly.
I'm vibrating with anticipation for the moms finally meeting.
Looks like the secrets are out with Tinn's mom.
Please let Tiwson get in the water.
Por is serving absolute cunt in this outfit with the short shorts, the blue button-up tank, the glasses, and the raised briefs.
The cover dance B plot continues. I think I'm having the reaction to the dancing that others have to the singing.
I like Sound's song.
I'm glad Win isn't dense, and recognized that the song was about him.
Oh yes. Please flash back and give me a scene we missed. An umbrella sharing scene? Be still, my heart.
Oh my. Sorry to Intouch and Korn, but you've been defeated.
"I don't know if I feel the same way, but I'm willing to try," is something I'm glad is moving beyond Japan.
I like Gemini's voice when they don't over-tune it.
Alright, the notebook kiss was really special. Good job, boys.
Mmm, kinda nervous about next week and Gun's mom.
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
I keep forgetting to post art ACK-
Okay so!! For my friends(and my bf), I enjoy including their own inserts in my own story. For toh, Laika is part of a small rebellion group called "Visions and Variety," named after Hexside's old art club that she used to run. (Sidenote: it's why they all have black chokers, it's like their group thing)
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Here's the two most important members + their palismen! (Click for better quality)
They're the s/is of my brother @loogiballoogi (Milo they/he) and my boyfriend @swapthewoz (Axel he/they). They ship with Eda(romo) and Lilith(QP) respectively!
Rambles about them and their palismen under the cut! Be warned about length haha
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Milo does a mix of bard and plant magic, and is considered by most as a protector to any and all palismen. It's how they got their scars, which they're proud of and show them off often. Protecting palismen is actually what got him his own, Little D. They has a particular interest in the glyphs Luz has discovered as well, dabbling a bit in it themself. He's a season 1 character who later takes Lilith's place in season 2 when she leaves the house for good. He and Eda are kind of pinning idiots, Eda the only one out of the two who knows about the other's crush. She doesn't want to confess just yet however, she wants to wait until things are less hectic.
Little Dude is an extremely old Palisman, one of the first ones ever made. He was made by accident, and his original owner has passed long long ago. He was under the Bat Queen's care for a while, though one day while some of his fellow palismen were getting captured, they tried to fight against it and save their friends, only to fail and be put in the same cage. They ended up being saved however, by Milo. During the scuffle they got badly injured, to which Little D got the Bat Queen and asked for help. After all of that was done with, the two bonded and he became their palisman. They were never named, so Milo calls them Little Dude, or Little D for short. His personality is best described as chaotic good.
Axel does a mix of potions and construction, and he spends his time saving wild witches and leading them outside the city. He lost part of his arm long ago, as he used to have a sigil and tried to become the new potions coven head. It, obviously, went wrong, but on the plus side losing the sigil allowed him to practice wild magic again. He's a huge nerd about history and astrology, hench his jacket buttons. He's a season 2 character and gets a full episode with Lilith, Luz, and King. Sometime later, Lilith ends up bringing him to the Clawthorne family home and he ends up living there for awhile. He's also the leader of the current V&V, as Laika felt like she shouldn't be in charge and Milo didn't want to be either.
Icicle was a complete surprise to Axel. After living with the family for awhile, Gwen and Dell seeing just how deep he and Lilith's care was for each other, they decided to officially make him part of the family. Before the decision was made, Lilith shared a book about human birds with Axel, his favorite being a blue lovebird. Sometime later, the Clawthornes pretended that they had a specific request for a blue lovebird palisman, and that they wanted Axel to help carve it. After it was carved and painted, Lilith ended up lightly prodding Axel about what he wanted to do in life, to which he said he wanted to rediscover the lost history of mixed magic. That makes the bird spring to life, and Lilith reveals that surprise! She's his Palisman! Welcome to the family! After some happy tears, he names the little bird Icicle. She's an extremely curious bird, sometimes getting distracted by the simplest things. She feels like she needs to investigate every little thing, think like ADHD the bird
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spmcomic · 2 years
I saw a post whose artist identifies their Mario as aroace and I wondered, despite being extras in this story, have you thought how Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser each identify? (Also, maybe a bonus ask, a reminder for Blue and Co.?)
yeah, i can talk about that a bit! with the bros, the labels are... not *quite* right? but they are technically correct.
i can't really make any calls about actual canon lol, i think all of those characters are probably asexual because they live in a pg-rated universe where storks can and will deliver babies. they're allowed to flirt at least, and... whatever the hell waluigi is doing, but mario games are not focused on actual romantic relationships let alone sexual ones. most of what we see from the characters is one-sided or played for laughs.
but anyway, on to comic-geared interpretations.
mario is aro/ace in my story as well. he's more interested in having a good rollicking adventure than dating anyone, though he does enjoy a spot of cake or a kiss on the nose. he and peach are close friends.
luigi is trans and gay. he's dating peasley in the comic, but it won't come up much, since they spend 99% of their screentime outside of their home world. he still likes to crossdress, but it’s less about “dressing in girl’s clothes” and more “well yeah i like wearing dresses, they’re not girl clothes, they’re luigi clothes.”
peach is... hm, i haven’t thought about peach a lot. i think she’s probably also ace, but maybe homoromantic. royalty isn’t determined by lineage among the toads, so an heir has never been on her to-do list. she’ll probably take on an apprentice later in life though, much like toadsworth cared for her.
whatever’s going on with bowser, he sure likes peach a lot. i think that at first the kidnapping was very much an occupation for him, but as he and peach spent more time together over the years he did grow quite genuinely enamored with her and her no-nonsense attitude. but part of it is probably that he doesn’t have any monarch koopas his age in his life; he’s the only one. else he’d probably be more or less straight, maybe pan. i guess you could say he identifies as a dad and leave it at that.
the count is asexual and gray-aromantic. he’s also intersex, as you can see in his horn length, fluffiness, and general stature. 
timpani is pan.
nastasia is “not even god knows what your orientation is. good luck” (but she has expressed a deep romantic desire for the count at any rate).
o’chunks is bi.
dimentio is gay.
mimi is gender fluid (mostly settled somewhere around “girl” by the time she hits her teens, but you can still catch her changing it up every now and then) and into girls. 
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
hii! 57, 24, 62 for the ask game <3
Hi Bestie!!
57. Do you believe in true love? - Absolutely I do. I think there are a lot of kinds of true love, honestly. Platonic, familial, romantic. I think you can have more than one true love, too. But yes, definitely believe there's true love in that there are people who you're just meant to spend your life with in certain ways and hopefully you find each other. It's beautiful when you do <3
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? - Reading and writing lol surprising no one I'm sure (or maybe it does??) Journalism once I got to the level of school that had those courses to offer. I've always been a writer at heart, I think. I ran into an old English teacher on Facebook a few years back and she saw my page and was like "Oh you're a writer! Of course you are, I couldn't see you doing anything else." But I was always well suited for school - my learning style lined up well with the way things are taught in the U.S. and I've always been a good test taker, so I got good grades and went to college on academic scholarship. I also really enjoyed psychology (minored in it), theater (double majored this with journalism for a while) and history. Math was never my strong suit (so I married a math major and he does our taxes :) )
62: What makes you happy? - when people actually want to spend time with me and demonstrate that REALLY CLEARLY. Also when people are thoughtful in the ways they interact with me when trying to show that they care? If you reach out and say you want to hang out and suggest something, I'm overjoyed. I always feel like a burden if I'm reaching out or suggesting activities (though I tend to be the planner of my friends and family groups) so it's great if someone else does it at least every now and then. I also damn near sobbed when the friend y'all know as my TLOU bestie sent me a present last Christmas. I love to bake and complained to him that my cakes taste great but never look good. He (a former chef) asked what kind of decorating tools I had and I said basically none, just piping bags, he was like "WHAT? Well that's why, you don't have the proper tools." Two months later he texts me and says "Hey check your porch." There's a box and inside it is a cake turn table and decorating knives. I fully cried because he just remembered this off handed complaint I made and got me something he thought would help, it was so sweet. Basic things that make me happy: Watching humans human? Like two people randomly dancing together because there's music playing somewhere or when you see strangers realize they're wearing the same shirt and they point it out to each other. Also, really hot French fries, fresh cut flowers, my husband kissing me on the forehead out of the blue and when my dog decides to put his head on my lap.
Thanks for asking, bestie!!! Love you!!
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honeybyte · 11 months
you got questions oc meme! For the whole axe and cleaver gang: 6, 19, 35, 46, 47, 50 :)
YES thank youuu!!!
6. if they were badly injured and couldnt go to a hospital, who would they go to?
OOH okay so for goliath and euan, this is actually super easy bc it would be elle. elle first and foremost. really, none of their group has much of a choice BUT elle, but. but but.
elle is who euan took goliath to whenever he was bleeding. when goliath's eye was taken, it was elle who patched him up. elle may seem a bit strange, but they're who each would turn to in a time of crisis. and when it comes time for elle to call for help, they have 4 people who will come to their aid.
19. how easy is it to become their friend?
for agnes and angus, it's extremely easy; both are friendly, outgoing people. euan takes some practice and like. the emotional equivalent of cats sniffing each other thru a door. elle is friendly w everyone, but being their friend is a completely different thing, and that's a lot harder to do-- gotta earn their and 12 identities' trust to do that. goliath is just shut off from everyone, so you're not going to actually be his friend until you break thru level 14 of his trauma and even then he's not going to be super friendly w you, he just wont. try to beat you within an inch of your life when you close the door too hard.
odelia is very friendly. do not get close to her.
35. do they believe in fate, or do they believe they're in charge of their own destiny?
goliath and elle have no opinion on this matter, for several reasons. agnes is very romantic and believes in fate, angus and euan believe in taking charge of your own destiny (for different reasons, but they came to the same conclusion). odelia believes in fate and it enables and empowers her decisions. this is not a good thing.
46. would they lie to get out of trouble?
yes: goliath, elle
no: angus, euan, agnes
they lie anyway: odelia
47. would they lie to get someone else out of trouble? even if they had to take their place?
yes: goliath, elle
no: angus
they'd try to lie but they're terrible liars: agnes, euan
odelia, who lies 41546312316 times a day, regardless of circumstance, has no place in this particular poll
50. What's your favorite thing about them?
Agnes: i love that she's so romantic, esp abt her studies. she has a certain type of love for theology that makes me giddy to think abt, and her love for her studies seeps into the rest of her personality
Elle: they're very. hm. relatable, in a way. esp when we consider that they have a heavy mask, where they spend a lot of time acting as a jovial and lovely person, and when the sign turns to 'closed' they shrink in on themself and become fairly morose, a little too in their head abt everything that happens to them. but still they persist, which i find admirable
Goliath: goliath gives me an outlet for the chaotic. being a retired gladiator, there's a certain energy he has that i love to dive into every now and again just to feel esxcited abt what im doing again. he makes me absolutely thrilled to work on art
Angus: he's a big teddy bear! i like playing w him and euan when i want smth soft and sweet. he has a very steady and gentle attitude that balances everything out, i love it
Euan: i like the sainthood feel i gave euan. i dont draw it much, but i very much consider him the madonna of the group; he's a sort of weeping saint type personality. if you asked me what he reminds me off, i'd say cotton drying on the line, royal blue velvet, and red tears
Odelia: oh i always knew i'd have a cult leader oc (elle was originally constructed for this purpose, but as you can see: they're not one). i just didnt realize i'd make her so gruesome and sociopathic, but i think it's a good stretch for me to try to write an "evil" character and not try to justify or redeem them. i tend to do that but i've been enjoying having an oc who just does fucked up shit bc that's what makes sense in her brain and bc she Wants to
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winsoongi · 1 year
odd numbers in the oc ask game for this nyangi fellow
[ask game]
>:Dc YESSS TY i love doing these!!! i couldn't find any recent sketches of nyangi i haven't posted, but i did find this one from back in 2021:
Tumblr media
he's fine. Answers under the cut:
I typically associate nyangi with electric blue, though the colors he wears most often are red, black, and white. Mostly red, though. He leans into the gamer aesthetic
3. Nyangi's weapon of choice is an ancient crowbar, though it hasn't seen much use. it was the first thing he stumbled across when looking for a way to protect himself, so he's gotten pretty attached to it.
5. While he likes to be comfortable, nyangi definitely favors fashion over function. He typically dresses in sweats and a t shirt, but they're like, $400 sweats and a $600 t shirt. he's gotta spend that esports money on something.
7. his favorite animals are vultures, but only aesthetically. for an animal he'd actually want to be around, koi fish, maybe? he doesn't actually like cats that much and gets annoyed when people assume he does
9. Nyangi's a simple man. he loves string cheese and eats it with just about everything. he's not a super picky eater, but more often than not he finds himself sticking to instant ramen because he figures he'll enjoy it more than whatever else he could get. Nyangi's least favorite food is anything mint-flavored. he'd rather eat toothpaste.
11. Oh boy... i do not have a lot in common with nyangi. i had to think about this one for a while... neither of us went to college and we're both loyal? As for differences, there's a lot but i think i can sum it up by saying that nyangi chooses the nuclear option whenever it's offered. i love him deeply but he and i would NOT get along at all and i never want to have to deal with someone like him irl LMAO
13. Nyangi is a native korean speaker, but doesn't speak any other languages fluently. he can understand a fair amount of english and he took french for a year in high school (it was required), but he doesn't feel comfortable speaking either.
15. Nyangi's an only child. his family is just him and his parents, and they don't often see other family growing up. in normalverse, nyangi's roommate was deos, but in Ad Terra he lives alone (apart from his crowbar)
17. Is it a copout to say he spent all his free time and summers gaming? nyangi was pretty shy as a kid and didn't have many friends before he got into Fantasy OW.
19. Nyangi has an astonishing temper and is laughably easy to provoke. Though he's able to hold it down when he's in front of people he respects, he otherwise doesn't see a point in turning the other cheek (though it's always "just a joke, [he's] not actually mad" if he gets called out on it). He's specifically very, very sensitive about his skills as a pro and hates being underestimated.
21. His favorite place to be is Igni Astra's original practice room! it was tiny and a pigsty (courtesy of fleck and splinter) but nyangi has nothing but good memories of it. though he's been in lots of other practice rooms since then, he's never been able to recapture the same kind of camaraderie and excitement he remembers.
23. Nyangi's voice is sharp and scratchy and I think his vocal range is also a low-ish tenor? he can't sing at all, which is partially due to how poorly hydrated he is. the man lives off of coffee, soda, and cheap alcohol.
25. Nyangi's hearing is completely average, but he's legally blind without his glasses.
27. (again making this favorite game) Nyangi's favorite game is FUBG (Fantasy Unknown BattleGrounds), but he doesn't ever play it without friends. As for his favorite solo game, he plays a lot of Fantasy Tetris.
29. I heavily associate nyangi with electricity and lightning. that's the reason i ended up making his surname Jeon (while 電 (meaning electricity) isn't the actual hanja for the last name jeon afaik, it's pronounced the same)! (it also makes his name even more of a dumb homonym, but that was completely accidental)
31. Nyangi doesn't have any particular feelings about gift-giving or receiving, but he does try to show off sometimes by buying expensive gifts. though he would never admit this to anyone (least of all himself) his ideal gift is someone giving him a hug and telling him they're proud of him :(
33. nyangi is pretty divisive among my ocs, though i think all of them would describe him using some version of the word "passionate." splinter would call him bratty and annoying, sale and deos wouldn't disagree with him but would add on that he's intelligent and "going places." fleck would say he's loyal to a fault, and seonjin would just plain call him annoying. as for roadster... it's complicated. he'd probably decline to respond.
35. in normalverse, nyangi does return home occasionally, but he doesn't like spending time with his parents. In Ad Terra, more metaphorically... you'll just have to wait and see :)c
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