#so cute. so happy. so proud of himself. kinda shy. love him
hauntedmunson · 2 years
joe getting all shy after getting all red in the face with the accents. i’m never not in love with him maybe
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anton-luvr · 8 months
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𖦹 bf!riize x gn!reader | fluff & suggestive | bf au 𖦹 note ; i love writing reactions like these they’re so fun… more coming soon!!
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would instantly feel so proud of himself
because you look so good in his clothes !!!
would compliment you like crazy
takes a bunch of pics
would post them on his instagram with the caption "my model" <3
the next time he goes clothes shopping, he makes sure its something you can wear and look good in too
thinks you look so good!!!!
like he would be blushing and jaw dropped for the first few minutes when he sees you wearing his hoodie
but once he recovers from the shock he won't hesitate to tease you
"oh, why are you wearing my clothes? oh my god are you broke?!"
just throw a pillow at him and he'll shut up <3
doesn't forget to compliment you and kisses you everywhere
finds you so cute :(
you're not tiny or anything, but the significant difference in size from his clothes and your body makes him lose it
goes crazy when he sees your sweater paws
smothers you in hugs and dramatic squeals of how adorable you are
would start picking out more clothes for you to wear from now on
gets so flustered...
he thinks you look so incredibly gorgeous
but would be too shy to tell you at first :p
face flushed red, eyes avoiding you but occasionally peeking when he thinks you won't notice, a little smile stuck on his lips for the rest of the day
will eventually sigh a "you look so pretty in my clothes" later on, with his blushing face hiding in the crook of your neck, followed by kisses
gets turned on honestly <3
something about the fact that you're wearing his clothes just makes his head spin and his mouth water…
you don't even get to leave the house because seunghan will not keep his hands off of you
he physically can't
messy kissing, whined compliments of how good you look, and his body pressed against yours for hours just to prove that
so shocked
he didn't know it was humanly possible for someone to look this good
just stays seated for a while, eyes shining with adoration and smiling like an idiot
eventually squeals and squeezes you in a hug
kisses you all over your cheeks while complimenting you <3
he'll be just like wonbin
so so so so shy but so so so so happy!!
feels kinda proud too honestly
because you're wearing his clothes, and he's your one and only boyfriend, and he's honoured <3
calls you his pretty angel while kissing you
secretly takes pictures of you in his clothes and giggles at them when he looks back at it
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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h6avenly · 1 year
How the gang would react to a introverted/shy s/o!
So sorry for taking so long to write this! But here are your guy’s headcanons @bluetackbaby @l-3-xxx (I wrote more for soda since one of you guys asked for it!)
Darry would probably appreciate how quiet you are since he has to take care of boys who don’t know how to be quiet for a second of their lives
He thinks it’s very adorable how shy you are
When he isn’t at work he’s probably always by your side
When he’s stressed your presence just somehow makes him calm? (Does that even make sense lol)
Ponyboy’s probably thankful for you because you always seem to calm him down whenever he’s mad
When Darry first introduced you to the rest of the gang you just hid behind him like a five year old child
They kinda already knew Darry wasn’t one to go for loud and wild girls
When you guys would go out to dinner sometimes, Darry would probably be one of those parents who makes their child order for themselves
“Go on, tell him what you want, I’m waiting”
He doesn’t mean to do this on purpose, he just really wants you to slowly come out of your shell
He ends up ordering for you
You guys are literal opposites
He’s just jumping around everywhere and telling you everything that happened that day. And I mean EVERYTHING
You just smile and nod, happily listening to him talk
You’re always there for him when he needs to talk about his problems, which he is always thankful for
Whenever you guys go out anywhere, you’ll have to hold his hand just to make sure he won’t get lost
Like I said, he’ll be talking your ear off while you just listen to him, glad that at least one of you are talking
He doesn’t really mind how quiet you are, he knows you care and that you’re just shy
Whenever you guys are in crowded places, you just hold onto him the whole entire time 
He finds it cute 
Whenever you want to say something to someone, you’ll just whisper it to Soda and he’ll say it to them with a wide smile on his face
“She says she’s doing good! Probably because she’s with me of course!”
You just look at him unimpressed
When you do speak around people he’s so proud
He overall just loves how quiet you are and finds you so cute!
Ponyboy doesn’t mind how quiet you are but he sometimes tries to encourage you to speak your thoughts
When you guys are alone in the comfort of his room that’s probably when you’ll be speaking more
You guys will be just living comfortably in silence with one another
He reads to you most of the time as you just sit next to him and listen
He doesn’t mind how much of an introvert you are because he’s one himself
When you come to his track meets, he’ll probably look for you in the crowd and smile knowing how you’re silently rooting for him
You get pretty happy when he reads to you, probably because you don’t have to do much talking
“Hey y/n, do y’want me to read to you again? It’s fine if not, we can do something else”
You immediately nod and become very glad that you don’t have to talk for this activity
You guys will both be quiet together, no questions asked
The gang probably teases you both for how you guys are so similar
You and Johnny are probably never spotted without the other
You guys are literally attached together by the hip
Even if you guys don’t talk much you both get each other
You’re always there for him whenever he’ having problems with his folks
He’s really grateful for you since you are like the only other person besides Ponyboy who understands him
You guys literally don’t need anyone else when you have each other 
“Hey y/n, thanks for always listening to me whenever about my problems..”
You have to assure him it’s no problem 
Bro this guy would be encouraging you to do some crazy things with him 
He talks a lot but not on the same level as Soda
Whenever you guys are hanging out he’s just mostly talking about cars as you try and stay interested
When someone is talking to you, he’ll mostly answer them (unless you don’t want him to)
He’s happy to stay at home with you instead of going out
He’s probably around you most of the time when he isn’t at the DX
Is probably one of the loudest guys out there so the gang doesn’t really understand how you got with him
He thinks your shyness is cute
“I swear! Today I saw this super cool red mustang! It was so sleek and everything! Too bad a dirty Soc owned it..”
You would just nod along to whatever he’s saying
At first he honestly thought how weird it was to be so quiet
The only other person he knew that was very much introverted and didn’t speak much was Johnny
So when he met you, you surprised him
He’s always trying to make you laugh and get out of your comfort zone
His mother always has to tell him not everyone is as outgoing as him
“I know ma! I’ll stop bothering y/n to get out of her comfort zone!”
He really does care for you even if he’s trying to make you do crazy things that make you want to hide in a hole
Like I said, he’s always trying to make you laugh no matter the circumstance
Dallas wasn’t really used to being around girls that don’t really try and get out there
He honestly thinks it’s amusing how quiet you are
Even if you don’t talk much he’s glad to know that you’re willing to listen to whatever he’s ranting on about
He doesn’t really understand how you could be so quiet and shy but he loves you nonetheless
Whenever he forces you to go to parties at Buck’s he always makes sure you’re comfortable 
“You alright doll? We can leave if ya want.”
He tries to act like he doesn’t care but you can sense it easily
The gang is happy there will be someone around to balance Dally out
Sorry if this isn't what you really wanted! I tried my best so again I'm sorry if it's bad! But thank you guys for requesting!
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lil-elle · 6 months
Heyyy!! Can you pleeease do a maknae line version of the hickey reaction too please?
Well you ask, and I deliver 🙏
XIKERS Maknae line when you give them a Hickey
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pairs: bf!xikers x fem!reader
genre: established relationship, fluff, suggestive
word count: 743
content: marking, kisses
a/n: i did kinda want to do this since most of my bias line is in the maknae line 😭
Just completely freezes up, eyes going wide, heartbeat speeding up, ears going red
He'd be so so so embarrassed and at the same time so shocked because he didn't even think you were the type to do something like that, and he's a little embarrassed about how much he likes it
He wouldn't really make much of an effort to hide it, though, even if he's going to hang out with the guys, because he'll just hit back any of the teasing they have for him “well at least I can get one of these”
The next time you two are making out, he'd shyly ask you to leave another one, admitting to himself and you that he loves the way they look
He'd also be too embarrassed to try giving you one, although he wants to. He'd need your encouragement
As soon as he notices it in the mirror he's smirking and chuckling with surprise, shocked and amused that you'd ever be bold enough to leave something like that on him
He'd immediately go up to you and yap you on the shoulder, pulling the collar of his shirt and leaning down to give you full view of it, a smile overtaking his face as you go beet red
He'd grab you by the waist and lift you up, telling you you're so cute and teasing you until you're practically begging him to stop
He's another one that wouldn't cover it up, not embarrassed by it at all, if anything he's proud of it, and of you. He's just so happy and grateful to have you
From then on you'd be lucky to escape a makeout session with him without at least one or two marks, and he'd be constantly urging you to give him some too. He just loves them so much, thinks they're so intimate
Would immediately go red seeing it, he'd have no idea what to do. Should he bring it up to you? Should he cover it? Should he leave it?
You'd find him fumbling with things in the bathroom, asking him what he's looking for. He'd refuse to turn to look at you, you'd have to force him around
You'd meet his incredibly red face and the mark you made on his neck and you'd just stand there, jaw dropped, you didn't think it'd leave a mark
You'd awkwardly help him cover it with concealer, both of you silent and flustered. His mind would just be full of flashbacks of whatever you two were doing when you gave him that mark, he wouldn't even be able to speak until you're done
He'd never say it out loud when you two are making out but he'd always want you to leave more marks. He'd also desperately want to leave them on you, the only thing holding him back being his shyness
Would see it in the mirror and just chuckle at first, sort of surprised but not thinking much of it
He'd cover it up himself, making it so no one (including you) had any idea he had one at all
He'd bring it up later when you two were making out again, using it to tease you since you had no idea you gave him one
He'd want you to give him so many, telling you it's okay because he knows perfectly how to cover them up himself, he'd also help you cover up any he put on you
He'd also want to put them all over you, not shy at all in doing so and making you flustered telling you “you look so pretty like this, covered in my marks”
He'd definitely be amused and intrigued, leaving the bathroom to question you, teasing you with a smirk on his face
He'd call you cute and tease you but on the inside he's going insane, shocking himself about how much he loves having your mark on him
Although, when you guys are making out again, he wouldn't be at all afraid to tell you just how much he wants to have your mark on him, making you super flustered
He'd only put marks on you if he was feeling particularly jealous or protective, other than that, he'd like just having yours on him
For him, it's like a wedding ring, something that tells other people he's taken. He also likes teasing you like crazy, especially around the guys
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv
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juuuulez · 5 months
📰 | part twelve: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour!Reader, no pronouns used for reader, slow burn, teenagers in love, cute Judith moments, dialogue heavy chapter, kinda just pure fluff, reader is an artist.
summary: You, Carl and Judith share a picnic away from all the troubles of war. Alternatively: the calm before the storm.
okay this was so so so so so cute!!! a very dialogue heavy chapter, but juicy so hopefully you all enjoy!!
next chapter will be…a LOT (pretty angsty) because guys it is our LAST CHAPTER!!! then there will be an epilogue to package everything up nicely
don’t worry, there will be waaayyy more xSaviour!Reader one shots to come because it’s my favourite trope, and i can work through tones of cute requests to keep us all with our required dose of carl grimes ;P
-> masterlist <-
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You watched as Judith scribbled with her crayons, drawing nonsensical shapes and patterns onto her page. She seemed at peace with your presence, which made you a little bitter, knowing nobody else from Alexandria could ever see you in this light. After catching your staring, a chubby hand reached out, offering you a crayon.
“What’re we drawing?” You asked, leaning down to hover next to Judith. She didn’t answer, giving you that shy little smile, but nonetheless pushed a piece of paper towards you.
“It’s easier to find crayons than pens now,” Carl remarks, seated next to you on the blanket, “Do you guys have pens? At the Sanctuary, I mean.”
“Yeah. We’ve got pens.” You entertain the small talk, drawing a tree onto the page in waxy blue crayon. It starts out as a vague shape, though you slowly give it more and more detail, hatching in shading and even patches of grass at its base.
The silence resumes, though you’re content with that. Carl is, too. He’s just happy to have your attention, in a scenario without Alexandria or the Saviours or a war.
Despite this, you find yourself talking again, unable to keep these thoughts bottled up. Sometime, when you’re nervous, you run your mouth. Maybe Carl is making you nervous.
“Judith is lucky to have you.” You tell him, still colouring on the page. The admission catches Carl’s attention, and though he isn’t shocked with its contents, he’s a little surprised by the blatant display of.. vulnerability? He isn’t used to you being so personal.
“I know,” He agrees, “My dad says that family is the most important thing nowadays. He’s right.”
The idea leaves you thinking for a moment, and Carl can practically see the gears turning in your head. He liked digging deeper, seeing what made you tick, what was going on underneath those walls.
“Yeah,” You end up nodding, “I think I agree.”
“Y’know, that’s why we won’t punish you. When this war ends.”
It garners your attention, finally looking up from the paper. Carl is sitting next to you, whilst you’re lying on the blanket with Judith. He looks serious, but maybe a little solemn, not intending to steer the conversation down this dark path, yet viewing it necessary to discuss. He wants to be on the same page.
“My dad won’t kill Negan,” Carl continues, sounding quite sure of himself. “He thinks he will, but he won’t. I’ll convince him. I know I can.”
You look back down at the page, but don’t continue colouring. It’s a weird idea, that Rick would spare Negan. You couldn’t see how that would happen. But knowing Carl wanted to advocate for peace was nice. Comforting.
“Negan’s gonna kill Rick.” You eventually tell him, though it doesn’t hold the same certainty. It’s a bitter reality, loosing faith in your own people, yet with each day, this war is seeming more difficult to win.
Yet you know one thing. If given the chance, Negan would kill Rick. You knew he would. Carl knew it, too.
“That’s why you guys can’t win.” He tells you, not sounding too proud of the fact. Months ago, and he would’ve happily rubbed this in your face. But now, it made him feel a little nauseous.
You let the silence sit for a moment, and Carl worries he’s upset you. He hasn’t, but the whole situation is upsetting. Not that it’s his fault, which you keep reminding yourself.
So, you speak quietly, trying to be nice. “Can we not talk about this?” You suggest, throwing another glance up at Carl.
He takes pity on you, understanding that this was supposed to be a break from everything, though he feels a little better knowing the idea doesn’t make you outright hostile.
Carl lies down on the blanket, next to you, on his back whilst you lay on your stomach. He tilts his head towards you and Judith, brown hair pooling on the blanket and falling over his shoulders, bangs sweeping over his eyepatch.
You get an idea, shifting a little, focusing a tad harder on the drawing. One arm holds the crayon, and your other creates a barrier between Carl and the paper. Though, he doesn’t seem very focused, instead watching you.
“Does your head hurt?” He asks, eyes unconsciously drawn to the bandage wrapped around your head. It was almost silly, the way you matched, but Carl struggled to find any joy in that fact.
“Kinda. Just a headache,” You tell him, still drawing. At one point, Judith reaches out, trading you a yellow crayon in exchange for the blue one. “Did you find the bastard who shot me?”
Carl scoffs, a smile spreading onto his face. “Yeah. Someone from the Kingdom. Nobody you’ve gotta worry about, though.”
You roll your eyes, unbeknownst to how Carl inspects every inch of your face. “Who names their community the ‘Kingdom’? Pretentious assholes.”
“Like the ‘Sanctuary’ is any better.” He points out, which forces a smile onto your face, knowing that he has a point. It is a little silly.
Judith reaches out again, handing you a red crayon. You take it, giving her the yellow one you’d been working with, to which she happily continues scribbling on her side of the paper.
“Do you ever wish that things were normal?” Carl asks, once again prompting conversation. “Like.. would we have been friends, otherwise?”
“We aren’t even friends now,” You point out, sparing him a glance and smiling at his curious expression. So cute. “But no.. I don’t mind things how they are. I didn’t like my normal very much.”
This causes Carl to think, pondering on that statement. A light breeze brushes past, tussling his hair slightly, though he remains focused on you, looking so peaceful while you draw.
“Your normal… with Negan?” He begins, hoping that you would get the hint and fill him in. All this time, and yet he knows nothing about you.
You take the hint, giving a small shrug. “No. With my father.”
Carl tries to read your expression, to gauge how deep this wound is, but he struggles. “You didn’t get along very well?” He asks, voice soft and free of judgment.
It isn’t difficult to read your behaviour these past months. You’re snappy, easily agitated, and weirdly flighty yet strong and resilient at the same time. In many ways, your attachment to Negan is unnatural, though Carl presumed there to be a driving factor behind it all.
“No,” You confirm, “He was a heartless bastard.”
Carl nods, still lying on his back. The silence doesn’t last for long, as he still has more questions. “Did you have any other family?”
His curiosity didn’t piss you off, like it usually would. Maybe it’s because your guard was down, or maybe you felt you owed it to Carl, to open up with him a little.
“I had a sister. Younger,” You begin, speaking whilst you draw, “But she died at eight weeks old. My mother died with her, in childbirth. She was nice.”
There are a few beats where nobody talks. Even Judith has stopped playfully mumbling, though she pays no mind to your conversation. Your gaze flickers up to Carl, finding that he’s still watching you, seeming to be in thought. It’s like he sees something more: something beneath your surface, something you can’t even touch.
Or maybe he just relates. It’s surprising how much Carl understands you, to the point where he’s a little unsettled by it.
“Don’t ask depressing questions if you don’t want the answer.” You finally chime, trying to clear the air of this strange tension.
“No, it’s not that. I get it.” Carl concludes, his voice remaining in that soft tone, one that makes the hairs on your neck stand up. He doesn’t want you to feel bad.
You nod, reassuring him. “I know you do.”
Having such a personal conversation is strangely liberating. It makes you feel good, better than you usually do, better than anybody has had the ability to make you feel. For once, there’s a sense of peace, as you know Carl understands you.
The silence returns, but it’s pleasant this time. Trees in the distance rustle slightly in the wind, an atmosphere void of groaning corpses or yelling and fighting. You’ve never experienced that.
After a few more etches with the crayon, the drawing is complete. You spin around the piece of paper, sliding it to Carl with a smile. “For you.”
Carl sits up on his elbows, taking the paper to inspect it. It’s a sketchy crayon drawing of… well, him. Lying there, on the blanket. It’s surprisingly realistic, shapes accurately blocked out in a combination of yellow, blue, and red crayon. The very edge of his hat had been coloured in, messy pink scribbled roughly inside the lines by Judith
“When did you do this?” He asks, not having noticed you creating this masterpiece throughout the duration of the conversation.
You stifle a laugh. “Just then. I was gonna let Judith keep colouring it in.”
Carl nods, still fixated on the drawing. Nobody has ever drawn him before. “Can I.. keep this one?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll make Judith something else to colour.” You agree, already pulling out another piece of paper to sketch something a little simpler. Though you viewed that drawing of Carl a breeze, he was amazed by how you’d managed it in such a short amount of time.
“I didn’t know you could draw.” He says, finally taking his eyes off the paper, to inspect your newest creation. This time he’s set on paying attention, wanting to watch how it comes together.
That, and he thinks it’s very sweet that you were drawing with the intention of letting Judith colour. A lot of artists would probably be protective of their work, but yours served the sole purpose of making others happy.
You decide to draw the tree line, using an unnatural colour like orange to outline the landscape, in hopes that Judith would colour it green. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” You tell him, a strangely cagey answer, but Carl isn’t put off.
“I do want to know you.” He urges, and the conviction in his tone causes you to glance up at him, before back down at the page.
“You will. Maybe when this is all over.” You land on responding, an answer Carl can’t be unhappy with, as it fills him with the semblance of hope that you’re willing to open up to him. That you see a future where you get along.
He sets the artwork down, laying back on the blanket. “So… you agree? That all this will end?” He tests the waters with another question about the war.
“Don’t push your luck.” You immediately shut him down, a playful grin on your face.
Carl doesn’t mind, not when he’s already picked your brain so far. To him, you’re like a stray cat, any further and you’d start hissing and run away. He’d like to maintain this peace for a little longer.
So, Carl laid there whilst you drew an illustration for Judith. Eventually, the toddler gleamed with joy when you handed it over, eagerly scribbling in the lines with her colours. It was messy and unorganised, but brought you happiness to see that she was so immersed.
The two of you soaked in the sunshine, enjoying the quiet surrounding the clearing and absence of responsibility. Carl had somehow managed to coax you closer, to lay next to him, his hand guiding your head to his shoulder. It felt good, and you weren’t used to letting yourself feel good.
He ran his hand through your hair, careful not to disrupt the bandaged wound, finding it surprisingly soft. In a way, a lot of you was soft, and sweet. It was just buried underneath this rubble of anger and aggression, but Carl knew he could wiggle it out.
When this whole war ended, he hoped you’d be happier.
Regardless, the picnic was a nice getaway, though you tried not to seem too bothered when the sun had begun to set, and you knew you’d return to the Hilltop. It wasn’t your home. It was just some place where they held you captive.
“You’ll actually come and visit me, right?” You end up asking Carl as the pair of you pack up, you holding Judith while Carl stuffs the blanket into his bag.
He nods, “I will. I’ll come by your room every day until Negan takes this deal. Promise.”
That satisfies you, for now. At least you’d have some company, though the idea of being a hostage any longer was slightly sickening. For now, you’d put it out of your mind.
Carl leads you back up the hill out of the clearing, finding the car that he’d hidden away. You throw the bag onto the car’s floor, and buckle Judith into the back seat while he gets it started.
However, the bags zip wasn’t done up, fabric splaying open slightly to reveal that Carl had accidentally left the gun inside. It’s shameful that your first thought is to steal it: make an escape right now, leave for the Sanctuary and screw up this entire plan.
You lean down, palming the metal object. It would be a pretty large hike up there, but worthwhile if it gave the Saviours any power. Carl wouldn’t be able to stop you, as long as you had his gun.
Biting your lip, you pocketed it for the time being, coming to sit in the passenger side.
“When we get back, I’ll go ask Michonne how the deal is going. She’ll probably end up telling me,” Carl suggests, “You’ll feel a little better knowing what’s going on.”
The suggestion catches you off guard, watching Carl with a slightly surprised expression as it sinks in. That he’s willing to give you information simply to provide peace of mind. It’s a stupid idea, really, betraying the trust of Michonne and Rick and everyone else… but it’s sweet.
“You left this in the back.” You end up telling Carl, offering him the handgun. The words spill out before you can hold them back.
His brows furrow in concern, and mild irritation at his own forgetfulness, accepting the gun and hooking it back into his belt. “Shit. Thanks, wouldn’t want Judith grabbing it.”
The engine starts in a low rumble, filling the silence as you begin to drive back. Guilt wells in your stomach for even thinking about turning on Carl, and for the better part of the drive, you settle for watching the boy as opposed to the scenery.
“You alright?” He eventually asks, sparing you a glance before looking back to the empty expanse of road.
“Mhm,” You hum, “Just… grateful that you did all this..”
The admission causes Carl to grin, feeling an unfamiliar swell of pride, your thankful attitude boosting his ego. Even without words, the look he gives you makes you scoff, rolling your eyes and looking out the window.
A smile still grows on your face, knowing that he’s earned this victory. You reach out towards the dash, taking Carl’s hand and just holding it while he drives, allowing him to revel in his prize for a little longer.
taglist: @ilov3carlgr1mes @eminemxxeminem @strxwbxrrymarx @ilaaishi @iamaslytherin0 @grimeslvrr @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @kmsatm @ilovespiderpeople @hearts4mitski4 @jkvolgs @mysouleaten
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daydreamingyuta · 7 months
NCT as Husbands Series: Yuta
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!yuta wc: 996 nct as husbands masterlist
Yuta is my fav man so to me, he’s the absolute best husband!
He would be completely obsessed with you. Like you didn’t think it was possible for him to become more obsessed with you, but ever since you two got married he's been on a whole different level. A lot like his love for Mark but intensified because you're his wife.
But Yuta can also come off as hard to read sometimes, not always making his emotions known. So I think Yuta would find comfort in the fact that even though he’s not showering you with love at the moment, you still know just how in love with you he is!
He’s also possessive but not in a (super) toxic way just in a “that’s my wife” kinda way. Which is one way he shows his love for you. like nothing makes him more proud to be your husband than when other guys are clearly looking at you, but he’s the only guy you’re concerned with! and you know exactly when it’s happening because of the little smirk he gets on his face.
Also this man is obsessed with blowing kisses for some reason and it’s the cutest thing in the world! So he would be constantly blowing you kisses especially over FaceTime when he can’t actually kiss you. (or he would send you a quick video if you can’t pick up)
I think one of the most precious things about him is that, when he likes someone, he makes sure that they know how special they are to him. like the way that he would genuinely make you feel like the most beautiful woman that's ever walked this earth! Compliments from him would leave you blushing and replaying his words over and over in your head all day! but as soon as you tell him how handsome he is, he’ll get so shy and cute about it 🥹
One thing that he’s going to make sure of is that his baby is happy!! He literally cannot stop himself from spoiling you and showering you with love 🥺🥺
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You hated the fact that one wrong thing could happen, and your whole mood would be ruined for the day. You had gotten into a disagreement with a friend today over dinner and you couldn't stop thinking about it. It wasn't even that big of a deal, it was just annoying that they couldn't see your side of the argument. Yuta could tell that your mood was sour as soon as you got home, plopping down on the couch without even changing into sweats like you usually did. "You're back home early." He says, wrapping his arm around you, letting you lean into him. You hum in response and he knows that you don't really want to talk about what’s put you in a bad mood. Since he doesn’t know what’s bothering you, he quickly searches his mind for ways to make you feel a little better. He sits there with you for a good minute, stroking your hair to comfort you, when he thinks of the new cookies you had bought but haven't tried yet. "Hey, did you want to try those new cookies you got from the store?" He smiled to himself when you perked up slightly at the thought of a sweet treat. "Yeah, I forgot about those." You two walk into the kitchen, Yuta instinctively putting water in the kettle for some tea as you get the cookies out. "Their coffee flavored right?" "hmm…?" You inspect the packaging until you spot the description of the cookies. "Yeah, they’re mocha flavored." You point at the packet showing Yuta as he leans down to get a closer look but then he surprises you by giving you a quick kiss on the cheek instead. You give him a playful smile as he gets two mugs from the cabinet. Once the tea is poured, you both try the cookies which turn out to be amazing. You both express your delight by nodding your head at each other because your mouths are full. As you enjoy your treat, you find yourself talking all about your disagreement with your friend. It's nice to talk to your husband because he's such a good listener, but reliving the conversation made your mood go right back to annoyed. Yuta actually gives you some good advice once you finished telling him the whole story, which he could tell made you feel better, but he still wasn't going to be satisfied until he saw your pretty smile that he loves so much. "Hey, stay here." He says, as he leaves the kitchen. You wait there until he returns, phone in hand and looking something up. You're confused for a good minute until you hear him playing one of your favorite songs. He grabs your hands, and you know he wants you to dance with him. You follow his lead as you sway with him to the song. He can see a smile creep onto your face as he presses more into you. You bury your head into his neck and stay just like that for a while until Yuta gets an idea. He pulls you two apart gently so he can spin you in a circle, which causes you to laugh because the song that's playing does not warrant him to be spinning you around like this at all. Yuta flashes you a proud smile, beaming at the fact that he made you laugh. "Now spin me around." You shake your head at him, but comply with his wishes, spinning him around not once, not twice, but three times until he’s satisfied. The song ends and you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a big kiss for being so adorable. "Have you always been this cute?" "Only when my sweet wife needs to get out of a bad mood." He says, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you back.
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noaltbruh · 1 year
hello! BIG congrats on 200 followers!! for the event i was wondering if i could request 💤,🍭, and 🍰 for johnny, gyro and josuke? thanks!
Ohhh alright! This'll be interesting! And thank you! :))
Link to main event.
💤How often do they fantasize about their S/O? Is the latter constantly on their mind?
Honestly, you must be something special if Johnny Joestar let you be a part of his life. You truly matter a lot to him in a world that has treated him like he was scum. So, you can guess this boy inevitably finds himself thinking about you on more than a few occasions.
Sometimes, he gets overwhelmed by negative thoughts, or is just not in a...Very happy headspace, which is when you come in! Just imagining you calls him down a little, and puts a small smile on his face, you're a very reassuring presence to him, you could say.
Johnny is also rather shy, so sometimes, he may find it easier to hide away in his thoughts and fantasize about you, instead of making them a reality. He doesn't want to appear clingy or too needy to always be by your side. he is.
Gyro doesn't use his head much outside of combat lol. But those few brain cells he's still using are more inclined towards you than anything else. He's a quite proud guy, so he may find these thoughts overly cheesy, but he eventually learns to embrace them.
Imagine that he's just come up with a new joke, he won't be able to think about anything else but telling you about it. Or maybe he saw a teddy bear that "looked familiar" and he immediately bought it for you, so you could match!
I can see him also fantasizing about riding his horse with you, but that is the one idea he'll try to scrap and push away no matter what, no woman can ride Valkyrie...Although the perspective of it doesn't...Sound horrible.
Sweet sweeter sweetest boy, Josuke's thoughts about you are just as diabetes-inducing. He's not one who falls in love easily, but once he does, it's hard for him to think about anything that isn't you.
He won't pay attention in class because he's too busy imagining to be making fun of the teacher with you. He'll lose focus playing videogames since it's not same to play alone anymore. He might even just see a dress in a shop and give it to you for absolutely no reason aside from that fact that he thought it'd make you happy.
Also, stealing this idea from my friend, I have a feeling Josuke would often imagine what it'd be like to marry you. Just imagining you walk down the aisle while he's desperately try to hold back tears.
Yes, he has cried just thinking about it.
🍭 How easy is it to fluster them?
Now, Johnny used to get bitches, but not anymore, and he's kinda forgotten what it feels like to have someone show that type of interest in you. This means that getting him flustered will be a piece of cake.
Even if you're bad at flirting and mess up some words in an attempt at being smooth, he won't even notice and get embarrassed anyway. Compliment and show him that you appreciate his efforts, and it won't be long before his cheeks turn pink.
Also, friendly reminder that anything the stand feels is felt by the user as well. Hug or pat lil' Tusk act 1 with your own power, and Johnny will also get flustered by the indirect manifestation of affection.
Luck is not exactly on your side when it comes to get Gyro flustered. Dude has hooked up with lots and lots of women, and has learned a lot from each one of those experiences, simple flirting is not gonna work.
Take into account that most of your attempts will be nullified by him with ease. He'll tell you how cute he thinks it is that you're trying to embarrass him, before he teases you back, actually succeeding in doing so.
There is one obscure way to get him to turn red, and that is calling him by his actual name. He blushed even just saying it out loud. If you were to do so, and continued to after he told you to, you can be sure that it won't take long for him to try and hide his face with his hat.
Josuke is quite the easy prey too, I won't lie. Perhaps not as much as Johnny, but it won't take too much to get him flustered. He really likes receiving compliments from you and remembers all of them, blushing a little just at the memory of it.
It is very likely that both of you will get rosy cheeks though, since this boy is ready to compliment or tease back in such a natural way he may not even realize what he'd doing. You both look cute though, and probably end up giggling together realizing what just happened.
It may be obvious, but I think saying something nice about his hair, especially if it's not his usual haircut, would really hit him right in the heart. A pat on his head, and he's already leaning on to your chest, not showing his face, trying to deny his embarrassment.
🍰 How teasing are they? Do they often flirt with their S/O?
Johnny couldn't flirt to save his life lol. Like O said, he just doesn't have a clue anymore about relationships, and despite how much he loves you, teasing you is not the best way he has to show it.
He does know that you'd probably like of he tried to, from time to time, so he might make an effort to think of something smooth to make you sway. When he realized he doesn't know what to do, he'll probably ask Gyro for help lmao.
Tries to play it cool when one of his pickup lines actually work, but he's definitely letting out a huge sigh of relief and hearing Angels' choirs. I can see him getting the hand of it with a lot of practise, but he's trying :D
Yes! Definitely! Gyro just adores flirting and teasing you, he can't help himself, it just comes incredibly natural to him. Not that he minds though, he enjoys every second of it.
Rest assured that he won't be missing out on a single opportunity to make you blush. He's really good at it, since he's had his fair amount of experience with dating beforehand, and his confidence and smoothness are of great help.
Even if you're getting attacked, he'll still find some way to get you flustered.
Maybe he's just beaten the crap out of gunslinger while covered in blood, looking all menacing. If he catches you staring at him, he'll probably say something like "Mh? What is it? Like what you see?~" Followed by his iconic laughter and a wink.
Okay, Josuke's situation is a mix of two main factors. He's someone who values romantic love and doesn't go around flirting with anyone he sees. Which means that if he were to tease or compliment you, you genuinely means what he's saying, and because of this, it comes very simple to him.
With that being said, this boy is also naturally good at flirting for some reason, he has a lot of abilities he keeps hidden, and if he's feeling goofy that day, or thinks it's a good time, he won't hesitate to bring out this...Talent of him.
He 100% likes to do so when the two of you are in public, especially since it knows that it's even more effective this way. If you were to tell him to stop, he'd chuckle before actually doing so. He respects his darling's wishes, after all ;)
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creedslove · 10 months
headcanon for joel!!! where reader hires joel to build her idk like a gazebo😭 and he does and they slooooooowly start to fall in love and they start to go out for a few months but he’s scared to introduce her to sarah.
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: bestie omg this is too cute, you made my heart warm and melt 😭🥰
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• You've always loved gazebos and it was a dream of yours to have one, and once the money allowed it you called a local contractor firm to get it done for you
• you had spoken with the guy named Joel over the phone, apparently he was the owner and he explained to you the service would probably be simple and quite fast
• you gave him your address so he would stop by to check the place he would build your gazebo
• when he knocked on your door the next day you were shocked: you didn't expect your contractor to be that hot
• but he was, and even if he was professional, he looked at you up and down when you were distracted, after all, he didn't expect to find such a beautiful girl hiring his services
• after the initial shock, he went on with his work, always so professional but yet, he couldn't ignore he was developing a crush on you
• little did he know you were also having a crush on him, so even if you knew you would have to let him work without bothering him, you would find any excuse to be around and make small talk
• and Joel didn't mind it at all, quite the opposite, he loved it, because you were just so gorgeous and sweet, the conversation became quite personal
• he had told you he was a single dad and his daughter was named Sarah and that she was the smartest girl he'd ever seen
• and you loved to hear him talk about her because he was just so proud it made your heart melt
• you also told Joel a lot about yourself and that was how you two spent the days together
• when your gazebo was finally done, you felt both sad and happy; you finally had a beautiful garden but at the same time, you wouldn't see Joel
• he felt upset too, and he was still battling to figure out if he should invite you out or not
• he had convinced himself not to do it, after all why would a pretty girl like yourself want a man like him?
• but something about the way you hugged him goodbye when he said he was leaving, made him change his mind
• and he invited you out
• you said yes and one date became many
• but he was still kinda worried about introducing you to Sarah
• you didn't say anything about it, not wanting to pressure him at all
• so you and Sarah met by chance when you were at the mall
• you and Joel had to stop by so you would buy a birthday present to your friend before you headed for the bar her party would be at and Sarah was hanging out with her friends
• you'd never seen Joel so shy before, as if he had been caught red handed doing something wrong
• but Sarah was such a polite and sweet girl, she hugged you and immediately made you feel welcome even if it was a brief encounter
• the next day Joel invited you for a family lunch so you would meet his daughter properly and of course the two of you hit off
• and after that, you became part of the Miller family because both dad and daughter liked you a lot
• Sarah had found a friend and a mother figure, and Joel had found love and his future wife
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a sweet prompt because it's my birthday tomorrow hehe. it's their s/o birthday! what have the skellies planned?
I hope it was a fun birthday :D
Undertale Sans - Something intimate just for you and him. He's not a big fan of parties. He actually bakes a cake all by himself, gives you your present, and then you spends the rest of the day doing nothing on the couch, watching funny movies while cuddling. Sans likes simple things.
Undertale Papyrus - Big surprise party! Well, you kinda guessed it was a surprise party because when he's excited, Papyrus can't really hide it lol. And he acted really suspicious all day long, randomly dragging you across the town to avoid seeing people and stuff :')
Underswap Sans - He takes you to where you first met for dinner. He prepared everything and took a telescope so you could look at the stars once the night fell. He can be romantic when he really wants to.
Underswap Papyrus - He wakes you up at 5 a.m. and asks you to drive the car (because he can't lol) to the place he wants. You're confused until you see you're at Disneyland! Honey is as excited as you are.
Underfell Sans - He tried to bake a cake for you. It looks horrible and it tastes even worse, but he tried lol. You kiss him on the cheek as a thank you, even though he's all grumpy because he failed. You're too good for him.
Underfell Papyrus - He takes you to a fancy restaurant for dinner and acts like a true gentleman all day long, refusing to let you do anything in the house. It's your day, you sit on the couch and let him do his thing. He bought you a nice dress and everything for the restaurant, and red roses.
Horrortale Sans - Willow forced him to wear a suit, and now the poor guy looks constipated lol. Oak wanted a simple day at home with gifts and cakes but his brother insisted he go outside with you. So you went... Uh... Outside??? Oak took it literally. You kinda wandered the streets aimlessly for two hours before Oak sent a text to his brother to ask if they could come back in now xD He then returns to his initial plan: cuddles on the couch, cakes and gifts.
Horrortale Papyrus - Willow cooks a five-star dinner just for you. He really worked hard on it and was excited to show you all he did. He even dressed nicely and put rose petals on the bed and everything. He wanted this dinner to be perfect!
Swapfell Sans - He worked on a beautiful handmade necklace for you, with some of his most precious rocks. He's a little shy when he gives it to you, playing it cool, but you can tell he spent several months on this piece and that he's a bit emotive finally giving it to you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He hid a thousand birthday singing cards in the house. Whenever you open a drawer or a wardrobe, they start to sing lol. Some of them also have recorded messages of Rus screaming and so there's a chance out of two you're getting jumpscared. Rus is very proud of himself.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He says he loves you so much he went to steal the Crown Jewels for you. You laugh, saying he's cute, until he actually gifts you the Crown Jewels he stole during the night. Uh... You're both going to be in trouble, are you?
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He made a cute painting of you. He put all his love for you inside. He's happy you like it. Other than that, you spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed and playing video games because that's all you need to be happy in life.
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bcolfanfic · 3 months
Hiii!!! to take your mind to kinder and softer things: any headcannons on josies first birthday with clegan?? will her uncles and aunts come by with truly threatrical gifts that sends buck and buckys eye twitching? will she demand to be carried around by her uncle croz and never be put down for a second? will there be some godawful birthday games that leaves her uncle curt a trip to the er because a game of pin the tail on the donkey is supremely misunderstood? will there be a quieter celebration during the nights bedtime where bucky brushes back her hair and sings happy birthday softly and buck uncharacteristically plays air guitar bc hes ever so freely playful in front of his two favorite people?
i hope everything goes well for you today and tomorrow!! sending love your way ♥️
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she’s just a girl living in wyoming, of course it’s horse themed.
gale and bucky have to put it (in bold) on the invitations they send out to the guys that under no circumstances are they to get her a horse, please.
demarco texts bucky and asks on a scale of 1-10 how mad he’d actually be if someone you know- hypothetically,
an 11. we are renting one that will go back to it’s horse house at the end of the day, so don’t worry about making up for us depriving our child.
this is the first real birthday celebration she’s ever had which makes gale emotional in the lead up when they’re talking about it and she doesn’t really get it.
he gets that- he never really had birthday parties growing up either. getting to do different by his little daughter makes his heart warm.
she has a few little friends from school there but it is mostly the guys and their various families that came into town for the the festivities. and josie kinda ditches her little school friends for them, whoops.
especially her moon and sun and stars uncle crosby.
has a little moment where she gets jealous of the attention he’s giving to his youngest who is just shy of a year old. and matter o-factly informs him it’s not that baby’s birthday, ‘s mine 😾
sweet thing she thinks the baby is cute and all just wants uncle crosby to herself. croz hands the baby off, and josie is quick to park herself in his arms before he can change his mind.
she’s absolutely big enough to walk, but it’s her birthday and she’s cute so uncle crosby does haul her around all day.
rosie rosenthal STUNS with a new talking customized pop up card of himself
he even provides him own replacement batteries this time, and gale tells him they ought to throw them away but he knows they won’t.
the guys spoil that girl rotten, and if it’s with some of the noisiest toys produced in the united states then well, so be it.
kenny is one of the few that doesn’t go the noisy toys route- he gets them a membership at a local children’s museum. and writes bucky his own card that makes him tear up.
because kenny remembers the bucky he saw spiraling overseas and that he spent years and tears so worried about. and now he’s here- and he just wants his buddy to know how proud of him he is.
curt doesn’t wind up in the ER but there is a little bit of a near miss when he gets lost in the haze and whacks his good leg with the piñata stick
sweet josie gets so worried, curt laughing through the pain when he hears her ask if they’re gonna have to cut that one off too (it’s just bruised, but she’s five and doesn’t really understand the one that had to get amputated was a little more injured)
gonna decide that gale plays the guitar in this au because why not. he picked it up after he came home from the war just to learn a new skill.
him sitting on the floor against josie’s bed playing it for her at bedtime while bucky sits in her little princess bed singing to her in his arms.
both guys get a little teary eyed- for more than one reason. because their baby is growing up, they can’t help but wish she was with them for her first four birthdays and because the road to get to where they are now singing their little daughter to sleep was long. especially for bucky.
but they made it to the good life damnit. 🩵
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safetycar-restart · 7 months
Getting feelings over Max releasing a little Lion named Jimmy as merch. It makes me think about how maybe its based off of little!Max’s favorite plushie. And how maybe little!Max wants to give you one too, and he’s all shy about giving you the present but also a little proud bc it was his idea? And look its here now?? Huhu. All your littles just give me all the feels 😭😭
Also the D/S au lestappen idea of having the same professional dom in Monaco tho. 👀👀👀 Like, how do they find about each other? Did they run into each other when one was leaving/arriving? Maybe after it at first they’re kinda awkward around each other? And then maybe if they’re at like a triple header and haven’t seen their dom in like 3 weeks, they kinda commiserate with each other over how much they miss them???
Aw okay yes I love both of these ideas so much!! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying all the littles content! And yeah I'm also loving this lestappen idea, so I'm gonna tag it with 'D/S AU - lestappen' so that we can group all the content about it because I would LOVE to discuss it more and develop it further. I'm gonna discuss each of these ideas a little bit and then I can always expand on them in future asks if you guys would like :))
Jimmy the lion!!! Max is so so proud of him!! Of course max was absolutely terrified of releasing it as merch, and his management certainly looked at him like he'd gone insane when he first suggested it. But he wanted to do it so badly.
I almost think it's a way for max to accept his little space into his every day life? For so long he denied that aspect of himself, refused to acknowledge it until he couldnt stop a drop. He wouldn't prepare for it at all, never allowing himself to buy plushies or toys or cute jammies for his little self.
But now that he's grown to accept that side of him and actually allows himself to think about it and prepare for it and plan for it? He lets himself look over his schedule and allocate time just to regress and be cared for.
He's come so far and he just... he wants a way to represent his little self in his merch and in how people see him. The lion plushie is absolutely perfect for that and while his fans are a little confused when it gets announced, they absolutely LOVE it.
And oh my god of course he must give you one!! He's so nervous for that, so nervous to give you something like that because it's so so special to him. He waits until he's regressed, wrapping the present nicely in his adult headspace and leaving it with his toys for him to get when he regresses.
You're so shocked when little max crawls into your lap later and shyly hands you a gift, making you promise you won't laugh before you open it. And of course you love it!!! You give both your maxy and your new jimmy a forehead kiss, promising maxy that you'll take good care of your new plushie.
I love the idea that they run into each other outside of the building? So maybe you're a professional dom in Monaco known for being exclusive and private, so much so that you have your own studio that you use for scenes. This means that there's no way either of them could have been there for something different when they run into each other.
Max is exiting your studio, a small smile on his face and zero tension in his body because he's just finished his scene with you and he feels so good. What max loves about you is how you always give your subs as much aftercare as possible, allowing them to cuddle with you for hours until they're ready to leave.
On that day, max stayed even longer than usual so that when he left, Charles was already there waiting for his scene. Charles, conversely, was all stress and nervous energy. He needed this scene so bad, needed to be taken into subspace and made to feel whole again.
They're in shock when they run into each other, neither of them knowing what to say now that they knew. Even though both of them had official team doms to use an emergency, those doms couldnt raise a candle to you.
"You too?" max asks, surprised. Charles just nodded and headed inside, not being in the right headspace at all to think about the fact that max also scened with you.
Charles doesn't mention this to you when the scene starts, and he and max don't acknowledge it for weeks until it's the third race in a triple header and neither of them have been back to Monaco since before the triple header began.
Charles goes to max to complain about how much he misses you because he knows Max would understand. Anyone else he tells would just tell him to use the Ferrari team dom if he needs to be taken down, but no thats not what he needs. He needs you, and he knows max will understand.
Max does understand, and they end up talking about how good of a dom you are and how much they miss you. After that, they talk about it more and more.
I also think they'd start to talk about how much they both hate the idea of you domming other people? They know you're a professional dom and so of course you have other clients and neither of them have any right to be upset about that. But well... even though they're submissive they're both also possessive of you. They both want you with them all the time and their skin crawls when they think of how they're all alone missing you and you're busy domming other clients.
Interestingly, neither of them seem to mind that you dom the other though...
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littlehypnone · 7 months
Requesting for Small Mountain and Small Dew coloring and having a good time listening to nice music with CG Cumulus and CG Swiss? Whenever you get the chance! Thank you!!
there you go, love, I hope you like it! I kinda forgot about the music part but shhhh...
750 words, no CWs, just two happy boys &lt;3
“Woah! What’s going on here?” Cumulus laughed, taking in the scene before her as she walked into the common room. The scene being Mountain leaning over a table with a crayon clutched tightly in his fist as he drew something, his tongue poking out in concentration; Dewdrop giggling at his own piece of paper holding a few wax crayons at once; and Swiss sitting next to the latter with his toothy grin plastered on his face. There was some soft music playing in the background, but the two small ghouls seemed to be too invested in their arts and crafts to care about it.
Dewdrop clapped excitedly when he saw Cumulus and Mountain waved at her shyly. They both didn’t have many words, if any, when small, but they seemed very happy. Swiss greeted her, though, “Hi, Lulu.”
“Hello, dear,” she chuckled, looking over the table. “Oh, what messy little boys we have here!”
Mountain blushed, coming back to his work, and Dew only giggled some more. The earth ghoul was doing a great job, currently working on a tree. Dewdrop was… well, he was a different story entirely, probably too little to even try to draw something specific. His piece of paper was just rubbed with crayons all over, with no regards to… anything, really, but he was having a great time, and that’s what mattered.
“Messy, yeah,” Swiss admitted, “but look what beautiful things they’re making, aren’t they?”
“Oh, yes, absolutely! My cute little artists.” Cumulus took a seat in a chair next to Mountain and rested her chin on her balled up fist, looking over at his paper in awe. He seemed to be finishing up and indeed, soon he sighed and turned to the ghoulette. “Are you done, fawn?”
He nodded with a big smile, and pushed the drawing in her direction.
“That’s so beautiful, Mounty!” There were a few trees, rocks and clouds, and Mountain seemed to be very proud of himself. Cumulus was too and she said as much, making the ghoul blush once again.
He remembered something suddenly, though, and all but jumped up with a gasp, pointing to a cloud on his drawing. “Lussy,” he slurred.
Cumulus felt her chest go all warm, “Awww, baby! That’s so cute, thank you so much!”
“Can I see too?” Swiss chimed in, leaning over Dewdrop to take a look. “Woah, pebble, you did such a great job!”
All that attention, even if filling Mountain with a nice feeling, was just too close to being too much for him. The ghoul shied away, curling up on himself just a little bit, but the smile never left his lips. Noticing, Cumulus placed a soft hand on his shoulder and soothingly rubbed gentle circles with her thumb.
She was about to say something when Dewdrop deemed his art ready too and decided to announce it by loudly blowing a raspberry and giggling.
“Oh, you little gremlin!” Swiss laughed, ruffling Dew’s hair. The little ghoul tried to growl but what came out was more or a mrrp sound, and it was not even a tiny bit threatening. “Hmmm, and what did you draw?”
Cumulus and Mountain looked over too, all three now staring at the paper, trying so very hard to come up with what it could’ve been. It was taking a moment and Dewdrop was starting to get a bit cranky, not getting any praise.
Soon enough, though, Mountain gasped and turned the paper a bit, apparently confirming his hypothesis.
“What do you think it is, pebble?” Swiss asked and now that Mountain was expected to answer, he got a bit shy.
“It’s okay, fawn, you don’t have to speak,” Cumulus reassured him but the earth ghoul shook his head and looked over at Dew, still waiting for well deserved recognition.
“I fink…” Mountain started, “fink i’ssa gwuitar.”
The resulting cheer and clapping from Dewdrop told them Mountain was right, making him smile too, proud of his guess. Now that Cumulus and Swiss looked at it, it made sense, the blob of colors was, roughly, in the shape of a guitar.
“Such an artist, aren’t you, baby?” Swiss turned to Dew.
“That’s a really beautiful guitar,” Cumulus praised, and the fire ghoul seemed to only get happier and prouder. “Now, do you boys wanna go show Rainy what you made?”
Mountain nodded eagerly, Dew clapped some more, and with as clear of an answer as they could have gotten, Swiss and Cumulus took them to go get some more applause. 
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nctyena · 6 months
Fan's Favorite Moments of YenaxMembers #7
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🎶 Room Playlist 🎶 (feat. Warm Winter ❄ Snacks 🍞🌰)
Yena was seated next to Hendery. And towards the end the cutest moment between them happened.
"Can I?"
"Hm?" He looked at her and understood what she wanted. Because she was already leaning her head down on his shoulder and getting more comfy under the blanket. He didn't say anything but lowered himself a little more on the couch. She then shared her blanket with him ,tucking him under it with her.
"I like it here." Her sudden comment made him laugh and looked at the camera with a wide smile on his face , looking shy for the rest of the live.
NCT 2021 [UnCut] "Beautiful" MV Behind The Scenes
While some members were talking directly to the camera and chatting with each other at the back the duo could be seen. They were sitting on the ground, facing each other, looking at something on Hendery's phone. And at the same time they laughed at the content on the phone throwing their backs on the ground. And it was kinda loud that some members approached them to see what was so funny.
Since they don't have many moments on camera , fans enjoy the smallest moments as much as they can. And even though this one is not a big one they love it.
230602 WayV Instagram Live
A fan asked about awsaz and who would be on it the most. While they were discussing another comment got their attention.
"Hendery and Yena next episode"
Hendery looked offended immediatly.
"Hey! We are not awkward around each other."
Other members agreed saying that even though they are not the closest, they still spend time comfortably with each other. After the live Yena shared a picture with him on her bubble account. Calling him cute for getting sulky after the comment.
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Part Of Renjun Fan Club
"Renjun is the prettiest today. Why?"
"Look at him sleep. Everyone, you just saw an angel sleeping. How was it?"
"Renjun-ah! Please sing this part for me. I'm gonna record it."
She doesn't do it for fun though. She does it so nonchantly that Renjun always gets flustreted by her comments. And other members are kinda jeaolus because he always accepts her hypes and returns them.
221009 Yena Instagram Live
She invited Renjun and when he accepted it, she gasped.
"Oh my, are you here?"
"Open the door please, my hands are full."
He logged out and they kept the live on her account only.
"I was bored. Let's cook together."
"He always does that guys. I'm not the biggest fan of cooking but if that's what makes him happy."
"Don't act like you don't have fun cooking with me."
"I love the results and eating them."
"It's a win-win then."
NCT Dream Vlive [ 7x7=49 💚 ]
She was sitting next to Jisung on the ground and technically in front of Renjun. He kept playing with her hair the whole time and neither she or the fans didn't think much of it. But later he patted her shoulder.
"I braieded your hair."
He opened his phone and took a picture of her hair to show her.
"Woah, I like it. Let me show off to everyone."
Honestly it wasn't anything big but how she was so happy and proud about it made the moment more special.
NCT Dream Tour "The Dream Show2 In Your Dream"
She performed the Smile for her solo stage. And on one of the fancams a moment went viral. At the end of her song and greeting the fans she ran towards the end of the stage. And members were waiting for her, watching her performance. Renjun waited her with his arms open. She realised him quickly and led herself fall between his arms. They hugged for seconds tightly. And the proud and love was all could be seen on Renjun's face the whole time.
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - ryan being your boyfriend
pov: ryan nguyen (azngami) is your boyfriend!!
warning: none
type: wholesome
member: ryan nguyen (or known for azngami)
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at first, ryan would be like "hummmm.... no, thank you." BUT THIS WON'T LAST LONG, I PROMISE!
at first, when you started to hang out with the NSB members, you started to notice how ryan was quiet and silent compared to the others members
but then, when you guys started being friends.. oh dang it!
he wasn't too shy anymore
we can clearly see a difference, between the first video NSB did and in the latest video they posted, how ryan is less shy and omg, i'm so proud of him :( he really love his friends
now that you're boyfriends and girlfriends... he isn't shy anomyre (at least with you)
he created a close friendship with you
he love how he can be himself in front of you and you wouldn't judge
like... before, he wouldn't say if he was sad or angry to you because he would be scared that you'll judge him or tell the boys
he just don't want to worry your pretty little head <3
but now that you guys are dating, he tell you everything
sure, he's still a bit shy, but less than the first time you guys met
when you guys met for the first time, he was a bit cold and wasn't talking that much
the first time he saw you, he thought you were really pretty
and it kinda made him sad that he couldn't ask you out since he's scared of rejection and don't really know how to do it properly :(
but a couple of weeks later, when you asked him for his number, he tried his best to avoid the fact he was having a lot of butterflies in his belly
not a lot of people do that type of things to him, so when he saw you were serious, he was so happy
he's so into you <3
like.. sometimes he think about you and just zone out
the nsb members have to remember him to eat or something like that 😭
"oh yeah... hum.. i was in my thoughts"
"still thinking of y/n?" said oli laughing
"y-yeah.." he replied shyly
he won't say it to you, but you're constantly in his thoughts
all he do, he's doing it for you and the stars <3
you guys are super close, it's like the Ying and the Yang! you guys complete each other (LIKE HIS YING AND YANG TATTO OMG-🥺)
"hey... i brought us matching hoodies.. want to wear them with me?"
ryan love PDA. LITTERALLY!
he wouldn't make out with you in public (it's a good day to avoid traumatisation to kids!!) but he would hold your hands and kiss your cheeks if he feel like it
i mean, he will always holds your hands even if he isn't in public
while walking, while cooking, while talking.. HE JUST LOVE YOUR HANDS SO MUCH OKAY?
he would def have a plushie with you
"this is our kid, y/n. "
i feel ryan would be the type to hype you all the time
"you look good, y/n!"
"sheesh, babe! you're cute"
"looking great!"
stream on twitch with him
"oh yeah guys! this is my girlfriend y/n! everyone says hi to her! "
he would makde youtube videos with you
"this is a special video because today i'm with my girlfriend y/n!"
he would do everything for you to be proud of him
he just want your love and your hugs and your kisses and everything he can have
this man is territorial
you're his
and only his
if he saw a person trying to flirt with you, he'll hold your waist with his arms and he'll kiss your cheeks
"babe, i just saw something... wanna check it out with me?"
he wouldn't be scared to end the conversation with the other person (who was trying to flirt with you) just so you could be with him
"jealous? i am notttt!! i just wanted to.. show you the things i wanted! check this controller!"
if you don't believe me, check his tiktoks ("when we're dating, you're mine" or "dating me is easy... you just have to kiss me every 3 minutes...")
"you're so fucking pretty.."
he won't ever say it to you but he appreciate you so much
he appreciate the little things you do for him, like when you're giving him water when he's playing videos games or when you do him a massage because he played way too much and now his back is sore 😭
he would dye your hair if you want to
you would def dye his hair for sure! he trust enough to play with the color and to make it cool
"we should have matching hairs one day"
he would do everything he can to make you smile and make you happy
you'll be best friend with the nsb members and sometimes, ryan would be a bit *jealous* of them (even though he know his best friends would never do that to him)
"i know jp weren't flirting with you, but.. can we cuddle together? i missed my girlfriend"
LOT of cuddles and kisses
gaming with him <3
if you don't know how to play, he'll teach you
and he'll laugh at you if you start to be angry because you can't win
he would actually let you win on purpose just so he could see your smile and your excitment
he just want to see you smile and being happy
he think your smile is like a diamond
it's precious and super beautiful (IM CRYING-)
"you know babe... to me, you're like a precious stone. you're so hard to find but when we find you, we want to show you to others, to.. aah fuck, i forgot what i wanted to say, never mind"
"sorry, it was so fucking cheesy, i'm sorry" while laughing
lot of inside jokes
he already said in one of seb's car talk that he would love to have a date by flying light lanterns with his significant other. so i'm sure he would like to do that kind of thing with you :)
the boys would find you so cute together
darren would be a bit jealous because he wouldn't be able to hug his peanut anymore :') (but he actually love seeing you guys smiling and laughing)
the Stars are so happy for him to have find a partner like you
he would sing you to sleep (did anyone heard his voice?? IT'S SO RELAXING AND SO PEACEFUL! I swear-)
in conclusion, ryan would be a good boyfriend who would comfort and help you 24/7
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balbigalum · 2 years
Hi! Not sure this is even a headcanon but if I just think about any of them (Alicent, Aemond, Aegon, or even Helaena) meeting their lover's family/friends and being unconditionally included and welcomed and experiencing freely given kindness and appreciation for the first time ever I go feral and froth at the mouth
it’s kinda sad that he has a really dutiful view of family and family events, he really doesn't even entertain the idea of them being enjoyable
and then you invite him to some name-day, a big family gathering
he goes with you, he knows how important these things are so he makes himself ready to spend the evening trying to impress your parents and make you proud
so he is very surprised at the warm welcoming he finds
your mother literally hugs him
she goes on and on about how much she heard about him, about how dashing he is, and how happy she is that he came to visit
aemond is speechless, he looks at you trying to figure out what to say and just lets a shy “thank you” out 
you find it kinda cute but you don’t say anything about it
the whole night your family comes and goes, talking to him like he is another member of the family, looking at him in the eye and never shying away from him not even from his scar
when the two of you are finally alone at night he seems to be very lost in thought while you get ready for bed
“So, that’s why you are so kind-hearted then.” he says like he just made the biggest discovery in history of westeros 
the guy is ready to get shitted on
he just knows it, someone is gonna comment on his behavior or reputation, he dreads it
for the first couple of hours of arriving to your home he tries to find something to drink and to not face anybody
but then a little kid (who looks suspiciously too much like you) is pulling at his clothes and asking to be picked up
he looks around wondering what mother in her right mind would allow their child to be near him but he can’t seem to find anybody
he finally does, kid in one hand, cup in the other (can you blame him) 
the kid ends up leading him to the garden with the other kids and before he knows it a bunch of children from your family are crawling all over him
one is pulling at his silver hair
other is demanding to see his dragon
finally you and some of the mothers of the kids find him and can’t help to laugh
he is smiling at you, mouthing at you “they like me” talking about the kids
you help him up and reassure him that of course they like him, he can be very lovely sometimes
(cue to aegon basically babysitting all the kids during the feast which helps keeping him sober tbh)
i love her
she is a little weird but she is not as good at picking up why some people don’t like her
so she doesn’t worry much about socializing
she knows it always goes like this: she starts talking, people give her a weird look, and leave
you invite her to visit your family since king’s landing makes you homesick and she accepts
when she arrives the first one to welcome you is your uncle, who has mud up to his knees and hugs you two anyways “we had a storm last night” is what he says
he calls Helaena stunning and she smiles
after a moment Helaena can’t help but whisper something to herself
your uncle asks her to repeat herself, since he couldn’t hear her
“light is a warning that will leave you deaf” 
there is a beat of silence, and she feels like you and your uncle will ignore her and keep walking like nothing
but your uncle starts nodding his head
“That’s what I always say,” he says very seriously, did he understand her? “The brighter the lighting, the louder it sounds.” Oh… so he did understand her
Helaena can’t help but to smile big and bright
“Don’t worry, the storm has passed, you two will be able to sleep just fine, lighting won’t keep you awake” 
i’m doing young alicent so it makes more sense
she is a lonely person
her mom died and her dad is… her dad
she doesn’t realize how much she missed having a motherly figure in her life until your grandmother visits you in king’s landing
you roll your eyes at your grandma, you’re used to her, she is a well respected lady and very smart too
alicent thinks that’s the most amazing thing ever
you two have a ball to attend and alicent chooses to wear one of her late mother’s dress
when your grandma sees her she gasps at how beautiful alicent looks
the dress doesn’t fit her as well, her mother was way older when she passed
“Come here dear, let me adjust it for you.”
and alicent could cry at the kindness
“Green looks beautiful on you, there you go.”
alicent ends up spending more time with your grandma than you
they often drink tea together and alicent gets wonderful advice from her
sorry for any mistakes
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markosbabymama · 10 months
hii! was wondering if i could get a ck matchup :))
i’m 5’2, filipina, i have dark brown eyes and pretty long hair that’s thick and dyed a burgundy color. i wear glasses and practically never leave home without putting on winged eyeliner. i think i’d describe my style like downtown girl, but there are times where i just love dressing up like with heels and a mini skirt/dress.
i’m an aries sun, sagittarius rising and virgo moon. i’d say i’m more ambivert. i do love talking to new people, but it just takes me awhile to warm up to them. i love reading romance and dystopian books, and dancing is a big part of my life (mostly hip-hop). i’m literally the biggest scaredy cat ever and really emotional. like i’ll cry when i’m happy, sad, mad, stressed. my love languages are touch and gift giving.
i also have a cat named mochi and she is the love of my life (and emotional support).
uhhh, i think that’s it, i’m not sure if this is enough or not 😭 but tysm! <33 i also don’t mind whether i’m matched with a girl or boy, i love everybody 🫶
you would be so good with robby!!!
also u sound so pretty?!?!?
robby is on the short side, so when he towerd over u he wouldn’t stop bragging abt it
“hey shortie” “robby istg-“
definitely calls u his arm rest LMAOO
thinks ur height is adorable tho.
he’s obsessed with the color he thinks it’s the hottest thing in the world
definitely has hair ties on his wrist for u
practices doing messy buns cuz he loves the way they look on u
LOVES running his hands through ur hair
has ur shampoo and conditioner in his shower🥹
loves ur glasses sooo much
like he’s literally obsessed with the way u look with glasses on.
he lowk gets sad if u were contacts.
“hey, what happend to your glasses?” “i traded em’ for my contacts today!” *pouts* “i think u look pretty hot with ur glasses” *blushes* “good to know.”
puts them on from time to time and steals ur phone to take selfies with them on LMAOO
*steals ur glasses* “what do we think?, do i look fabulous?” *whips imaginary hair* “oh definitely.”
the amount of times he tried to convince u to let him do ur eyeliner is CRAZYY
obvi u don’t let him cause it’s to important to fuck up.
“pleaseeee” *pouts* “robby, no. if u mess up my eyeliner i won’t have time to do it again. i’ll show up to school looking like a clown.” *crosses arms* “fine.”
one day u give in and he’s the happiest person in the world
he’s surprisingly good ???
like you didn’t take it off, it looked good.
he was very proud of himself.
he has a leather jacket that u always use to steal so he gave it to u cause u used it more then him🤭
has a drawer that JUST has stockings and ankle socks for u.
“do you prefer fish nets or just plain black?” “plain black, why?” “cause i bought 6 pairs of both.”
whatever money he has saved up he’ll take u on mini shopping sprees🥹
and when u decided to change up ur style to the mini skirts and dresses
(or his hands lol)
when y’all first met he thought it was the cutest cause u were kinda shy
like the way u would look down and play with ur hands would MELT HIS HEART🥲
and when u warmed up to him he was so excited
loved hearing u ramble on abt anything
“and then she told me that her boyfriend di- what are you staring at keene?” “i just think you’re really cute.” *blushing n smiling like a mess* “you’re so corny.”
buys u all kinds of romance novels.
he will literally go to book stores and sit for hours and will ft u just to know if u would enjoy it or not
and don’t get me STARTED on all the jewelry he buys u
obvi it’s not diamonds and rubys but he gets u whatever he can get his hands on🥹
he got u his initial to put around ur neck.
genuinely just loves buying u things.
loves watching horror movies with u cause you’ll hold onto him for dear life
“are you really scared rn?” “yes! are you not?!?” “no not really” “whatever robby, it’s not my fault im afraid.” “i think it’s cute.”
first time he bought u smth u definitely cried happy tears and he thought he did something wrong LMAOOO
“wait why are you crying? is it ugly, did i get it in the wrong color i-“ *lauging* “no robby, im crying happy tears. i promise it’s perfect, i love it.”
robby is definitely a pda guy so, he always has his hands on u.
weither his hands are on ur waist, his arm wrapped around ur shoulder, his hand in urs, he’s always touching u.
loves hugs cause he’s got mommy issues
loves touch in general, especially forhead kisses.
GOD he loves those
will literally melt if u kiss his nose or forhead
loves ur cat🥹
calls her his daughter 😊
“hi baby!! how’s my girl today?” “oh i’m doing go-“ “i was talking to mochi.” “you’re an ass.”
but u honestly love cause he takes ur cat like a whole ass child
will definitely make her wear halloween costumes and ugly christmas sweaters
loves his girl and his cat🥹🥹
A/N: HOPE U ENJOYED THIS!!! this was definitely the cutest one i’ve written so far lol!!🫶🏻🥹
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