#so he might as well save logan from the guilt of killing her himself(which victors probably experienced before)
wolvertooth · 1 year
trying to piece together the team x/weapon x timeline is so difficult but i think origins sabretooth puts it best⤵️⤵️⤵️
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they just keep mind wiping them lol.
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xerith-42 · 7 months
The second turning point
@cinnamontoastcroonch I hope you're happy.
I've been taking a critical eye to every episode of Minecraft Diaries as I rewatch it. And I mean writing upwards of entire essays about single episodes. As you saw with episode 65. Part of why I've been doing this is to see where things truly went wrong with this show. The early episodes were better than I remembered, but I know for a fact there was an entire falling apart that happened between the utter quality that is an episode like say episode 58, and well... Season 3.
Obviously episode 65 was the turning point, but that was just the inciting incident. All the problems in MCD ultimately come down to the love triangle and how poorly it was handled. And the next major step was in episode 77. Episode 77 is an episode that is mostly spent on minimal character interactions at the wolf tribe after the gang finally gets back there with Logan and everyone else. Aphmau spends most of the episode building a boat, and then getting distracted from building her boat.
Until she decides to go check on the Nether Portal. It's broken, like when she last saw it, but Laurance is standing in front of it. I need to emphasize something. Up until this point, we've gotten very few conversations where Laurance brings up being a Shadow Knight. He usually diverts these conversations, or they get diverted by others, so we've gotten very few personal insights into a Shadow Knights existence. This is one of the first real times that we get a deeper look at how this condition has effected Laurance.
And y'know what? I'm just gonna give you a quote from my video essay on this. A nice little teaser. As a treat :)
His mind has sort of been rewired to put himself before others, even if he’s naturally a very selfless person. Which is a real slap in the face when you remember most Shadow Knights are guards, who are encouraged to be selfless. His heart still loves dearly and he is still the same selfless fool who threw his life away to save Aphmau, but his mind is telling him to be more selfish, take what he wants without regard for others. Laurance is actively fighting these thoughts all the time, but he worries that one day he might give in and… He says he never wants his heart to forget Aphmau, even if his mind tells him otherwise.
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This. This hurts me. It's quality Laurance content. It's a great moment of Laurance proving one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses. How emotionally vulnerable he is. It makes him easy to hurt. It means he'll actually express it. He's struggled to talk about being a Shadow Knight, but now he's able to.
Imagine if episode 65 let him see the fear of killing Aphmau before this.
And just as Laurance says that absolutely heartbreaking line, GUESS WHO HAS TO MOSEY HIS SORRY ASS INTO THE ROOM?! Garroth just waltzs in there and interrupts this incredibly private conversation that he just happened to be listening to. Now, I will say, there is a way to justify this that I will accept, but I know without a doubt the writers didn't intend this.
The only way this works is if Garroth is listening to this conversation because he's scared of leaving Aph and Laurance alone in case Laurance decides to just... Kill her. But then he feels bad. But that would probably make him walk away out of guilt.
So yeah this doesn't make sense. For Garroth. At all. Why is he so scared of Laurance and Aphmau literally having one conversation? Well, it's the answer it always is. The love triangle. They've shown before that they are willing to disregard basic logic, only to prove that they know the details of this logic in a later episode. In Episode 65 they disregard Garroth's fears around his family, and then center an entire conversation around it in Episode 68.
But wait, it gets worse. Because Garroth knows for a fact that Aphmau and Laurance having an emotional conversation won't likely lead to any romance.
There were seven weeks in between these episodes!! Idk how long it takes to make an episode of MCD, but I imagine episodes are written in major arcs at a time. How did they forget what happened IN THE LAST MAJOR ARC OF THE SHOW?! Because. Love triangle. Because Jesson don't care about the characters they previously wrote, they care about these characters fulfilling an already existing trope they liked in something before. They don't care how this dynamic might change because of their own characters, just that they go through the motions.
So Garroth interrupts this conversation. Laurance gets snippy and tells Garroth to fess up or else he might "sweep her off her feet first." And that's a red flag for Laurance. Good job writers. And let's be clear, I don't disagree with characters maybe being shitty, as long as it doesn't contradict previous characterization. Like this does.
The writers forgot that Garroth saw Laurance's confession. They forgot that Laurance took rejection on the chin. They forgot that Laurance literally said "I'm just happy to be in your life." Did they forget about Laurance's entire confession?! Do the writers think that went away when he stopped being blind?!
Oh fuck... Did... Did Laurance only accept rejection because he didn't think he was good enough to be with her when he was blind? Is that what they're trying to say? I... I really hope that isn't. And yet I wouldn't be surprised. Just completely and utterly disappointed.
That took a turn I didnt like. I don't know how to end this now.
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
Break Me Apart - Chapter Two
Please read the tags on the masterlist! Masterlist ***** ***** *****
Flakes of dried blood fell to the floor of the truck as Logan picked it off his skin while waiting for Charles to get them a room at the motel they came to. The motel door opened and he looked up to see Charles walking back, key in hand. “‘Bout time,” Logan grumbled as he got out of his truck. He locked the doors and went around to the back, opening the cap and reaching in to grab a beat-up suitcase before closing it again. “Where we at?”
“Just over here,” Charles told him, leading Logan to a door close by. He shoved in the key and turned it, pushing the door open after hearing the click.
Logan stepped in first, immediately noticing, “There’s only one bed.”
Charles leaned in the doorway, his arms folded. “I know.”
“There are plenty of rooms,” Logan said, his eyes going to Charles. “You should have been able to get us one with two beds.”
“This was… cheaper,” Charles replied as he handed over the change.
Logan narrowed his eyes at him but snatched the bills from Charles’ hand. “I have more than enough for a two-bed room for one night.”
“Yes, I know.” Charles offered him a smile and added, “But this one was closer to the truck and I figured you would want to get out of those sticky, clingy, disgustingly ruined clothes right away.”
Rolling his eyes, Logan set the suitcase on the floor by the bed. “Find something that tells us where we can get some food. We’ll go after I get this shit off.”
Without waiting for a reply, he went into the bathroom and locked the door. After turning on the water for a shower, he pulled off his boots. They weren’t too bad, mostly specks of blood. He peeled off his shirt next. That… went straight into the trash. His skin looked like it had been dyed. Off came the belt, and into the trash. Then the jeans. They weren’t nearly as bad as the rest, but there was still enough that he would not be able to get it out, so they found themselves in the trash as well.
He found the soap and unwrapped it, getting into the shower. The spray of hot water felt good after the events of the day, and he began to scrub the blood off.
A fucking vampire. Logan thought he was done dealing with them. Let everyone else save themselves. Why did he bother saving the kid? Why did he allow him to come along? Charles mentioned being a telepath. Was he actually controlling Logan right now?
He tried telling himself no. Tried telling himself he’d know if he was being controlled. But did that stop the rest of them?
He felt a gentle touch to his mind, like a caress upon his thoughts, and then he heard Charles’ voice in his head. Do you have any food allergies?
Doubt it, Logan replied. I thought you were going to try keeping your distance. So why this?
This was easier than yelling through the door.
Logan began washing the blood out of his hair. I guess.
There was a pause but Charles’ presence was still there. Are you still not interested, Logan?
Interested in what, kid?
He was answered with a vision of a naked Charles in front of him and Logan stepped back, his eyes fixed on the face.
You act like I am going to hurt you, the voice in his head said, the vision’s lips moving.
“Get out of my head, Charles.” Don’t go down that path with a telepath in your head.
In other words, you are at least a little interested.
“Get out of my head,” Logan growled. “Keep it up and I’ll throw you out.”
The vision disappeared. Fine.
He felt the other’s presence fade away, but there was still something there, very faint but he could feel it. Was that a normal thing when dealing with telepaths? Did Jean ever -
No. No, he was not going to think about her. He was not going to think about the way her fangs sunk into his skin, the way she drained him to the brink of death.
He shook his head, the lingering presence vanishing. Jean was in the past. Far into the past. He did not need to remember that day.
Logan rinsed his body and then shut the water off. He got out and began to dry off. Once that was done, he tied the towel around his waist. Looking up, he saw his reflection staring back. The scratches from earlier were already gone. No surprise there. His healing ability forced him to survive so much in his long life, including her attempt to kill him. He tilted his head, and found no scar, no evidence of her ever biting him. All he had were memories.
With a sigh, Logan opened the door, finding Charles sitting at the foot of the bed, peering up at him with a frown.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” Logan asked him. “You were still in my head.”
“I’m sorry.”
He was not Jean.
Charles gazed at the floor. “I should have pulled out all the way.”
“Yeah, you should have. I told you more than once to get out of my head.”
“I know.”
They may share the power of telepathy, but Charles was not Jean. She would not have felt guilt over seeing something she shouldn’t. She had become so invasive, Logan thought it was a normal thing for telepaths, that they could not control it at all.
But Charles had barely used his telepathy on Logan, and even then it was more an extension of what Logan was already learning about the kid, that he was playful, flirtatious. The unexpected vision in the shower was disturbing, but other than that?
He could not feel Charles poking around his mind at all. No trying to dig for his deepest secrets. The kid was keeping his distance, unlike Jean ever did. And he was genuinely apologetic for crossing the line, and not even trying to argue the point.
Logan walked into the room and Charles slowly looked up at him. As he grabbed the suitcase and set it on the bed, Logan said, “Listen, kid. It was a long time ago. Don’t worry about it.”
“But you -”
“No. Don’t think about it.” He did not want to have this conversation with Charles. He opened the suitcase and rummaged through it, thinking of how he could distract the young man away from the topic. “For now, think about what you want to eat, alright?”
“I -” Charles stopped speaking as Logan dropped the towel. His eyes instantly went down before he forced them back up to Logan’s face with a blush, but no matter how hard he tried not to, his gaze kept dropping.
That was easier than expected, Logan thought as he took out a pair of jeans and pulled them on, effectively blocking Charles’ view.
Logan looked at him. “Yeah, kid?”
Charles blinked up at him with a swallow, his face going redder. “Um… S-sorry for… for staring. But you have… a very good… very good body.”
“Thanks.” He zipped and buttoned his pants, feeling Charles’ eyes watching the entire time. “Did you decide what we’re eating?”
“What we’re…” Charles’ stare eventually reached Logan’s face again. “We’re what?”
“Oh… Oh, right.”
Logan watched him fumble with a leaflet, feeling a sudden wave of emotions that were not his; nervousness, desire, embarrassment. “How are you…”
“I am quite fine, thank you for asking,” Charles answered.
“No, your... emotions.”
Charles stopped and looked up at him.
“I feel them,” Logan said.
“Ah, sorry. Really, very sorry about that.”
Logan quirked a brow as the emotions merely lessened in intensity. “So, what was that?”
Charles looked away. “I… can sometimes project. Accidentally.”
“Make others… feel how I am feeling,” he explained.
“Right.” That was not something Logan ever had with Jean. “So food?” He grabbed a belt, quickly moving it through the loops. “You figure that out yet?”
“Yes. Food.” Charles exhaled a shaky breath and checked the leaflet. “I was thinking maybe this diner.”
“Which one?” Logan looked over when Charles held it up. It was only across the street. An easy walk. The roads out here weren’t too bad. His truck might need to be cleaned though after everything. It would need to wait until morning. It was just too late and he planned on sleeping after getting something to eat.
His eyes went to Charles’ face. “Yeah?”
“You haven’t said anything. Did you want to try someplace else?”
“No, it’s fine,” he told him. “I was just thinking about something.”
“What is it?” Charles asked, setting the leaflet back on the bed.
“How much blood I might have gotten in the truck. Nothing you need to worry about.”
“Is that really all?”
“Yes, that’s all.” He grabbed a white tank top and a flannel shirt out of the suitcase. “I know, you want to check, don’t you? I can feel you in there every time, you know.”
“I can keep my distance from your mind, Logan.”
“Yeah you can, if you want to.” Logan pulled the tank on first, followed by the flannel. “Are you gonna be warm enough to walk?”
“I will not freeze,” Charles assured him as he stood. He turned Logan toward him and began doing the buttons for the flannel. “You certainly gave me quite the view earlier. The least I can do is this.”
“You do know you’re still not getting any tonight, right?”
“We’ll see.”
“You’re not,” Logan said again.
Charles peered up at him. “Maybe not tonight.”
Logan stared into his eyes, eventually pulling out of the light hold Charles had on his shirt. “Let’s just go get some food.”
“Alright,” Charles said, making sure to grab the keys before they left.
===== ===== =====
X-Men Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.                            garfield mark logan NICKNAME / ALIAS.               b, bb, gar, grass stain, salad head (vic only), LGM, etc GENDER.                                 cis male (though able to alter sex by/when shifting) HEIGHT.                                   5′ to 5′5 (age dependent) AGE.                                        13-18 (verse dependent) ZODIAC.                                   pisces (with feral aries energy) LANGUAGES.                          english, can understand spoken swahili & hausa (cannot read or                                                   write it) as well as use basic terminology from both, reads and                                                   understands animal body language & other vocalization or forms                                                   of communication & is capable of mimicking it
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.                 dark forest green (previously dark, earthy brown) EYE COLOR.                   mossy green (previously wet earth with amber specks) SKIN TONE.                     vibrant grass green (previously olive or gold) BODY TYPE.                    lean muscle and nimble. gymnast build. stronger than he looks.  ACCENT.                          neutral american (can sometimes adopt swahili accent when                                           pronouncing specific words his foster mothers taught him while living                                           with them in africa). VOICE.                              a bit high-pitched, frequently squeaking or cracking during early teen                                            years. speaks quickly and with increasing volume when excited or                                            highly energetic. tendency to draw out words or use ‘uh’s and ‘um’s                                            when trying to organize his thoughts at the same time. stammers                                            and/or stutters and gets tongue tied while experiencing extreme                                           emotion (positive OR negative). voice can become distorted before                                           and after a shift depending on current emotional state and the form                                           chosen, but only for a few seconds. DOMINANT HAND.           ambidextrous & swaps ‘default’ hand depending on what’s convenient POSTURE.                         situational & company dependent. gar’s day-to-day posture is                                           attentive, but relaxed. not always ‘good’ but always evident he’s very                                           aware of his surroundings and is prepared to move quickly if needed.                                           when in company of ‘superiors’ or those he respects, admires, or                                           wants to impress, he stands very straight (almost stiff) and keeps his                                           eyes low. SCARS.                             bite scar on upper right bicep. multiple needle-induced scars around                                           bite scar as well as around his left shoulder.  TATTOOS.                        none (will get one on his left arm the year he turns 20 to cover a scar) BIRTHMARKS.                small ‘blob’ on his inner knee, though difficult to notice due to skin                                           pigmentation. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    he’s green, my dude. and beyond that he prefers to keep                                                               pointed ears, a slightly widened nose, and sharper                                                               canines/fangs even in his human form. at night, he’ll                                                               include tapetum lucidum in his eyes, which lets him see                                                               better in the dark and causes his eyes to ‘glow’ when                                                               reflecting light.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.                     unknown city, new york HOMETOWN.                             ???? (midway, michigan) BIRTH WEIGHT.                         ??? BIRTH HEIGHT.                          ??? MANNER OF BIRTH.                 ???  FIRST WORDS.                         mooma (’mama’) SIBLINGS.                                  none, biologically. considers kori his big sister. PARENTS.                                  mark & marie logan PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.     both of gar’s parents were present and involved when he was                                                   very young. after he contracted sakutia and they were able to                                                   mutate the virus, allowing gar to co-exist with it, they grew much                                                   more distant. gar was often isolated to certain rooms of their                                                   research center, partially for his own protection and partially                                                   because his parents didn’t know what to do with him once he                                                   started exhibiting the abilities sakutia had granted him. a scientist                                                   working with the logans, dr. samuel register, would often try                                                   pressuring them into exploring the possibilities that came with                                                   their son and, while at first resistant, mark began to bend. marie                                                   remained protective, determined to find a way to give gar some                                                   semblance of normalcy. gar remembers his parents with a blend                                                   of emotions he can’t quite explain or give names to, the only                                                   exception being guilt that he wasn’t able to save them.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.                        superhero/vigilante. will eventually become a wildlife educator &                                                 conservationist, working with various organizations and                                                 rehabilitation.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.         jump city, california CLOSE FRIENDS.                   victor, kori, raven, dick RELATIONSHIP STATUS.        single. FINANCIAL STATUS.               his inheritance has him more than covered (but this is a secret). DRIVER’S LICENSE.               he don’t got one lmfao, he got legs and wings bay-beeee CRIMINAL RECORD.              theft, breaking/entering, destruction of property (pre-hero work). VICES.                                    various forms of escapism. desperate need of company, often                                                 regardless of how dangerous or toxic it may be (will make excuses                                                 for the other party or claim it’s not that bad ; refuses to be alone).                                                 general refusal to seek or accept medical help for any injury.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.                        demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.                   bi / pan-romantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive | dominant | SWITCH. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.              submissive  |  dominant | SWITCH. LIBIDO.                                                 low (on a 1-10 scale, probably a 3). TURN ONS.                                          returning his bad jokes with an even worse (or better)                                                               one. a contagious laugh. warm hands. the way someone                                                               lights up when they’re excited over something they care                                                               about. pun-game on point. intelligence. sleeves rolled up                                                               to the forearms. genuine acceptance. kindness toward                                                               animals. upbeat attitude.
TURN OFFS.                                         lack of empathy. ignoring him. belittlement.  LOVE LANGUAGE.                              sending memes. quality time, taking turns choosing                                                               activities. various forms of physical contact, be it hand-                                                               holding, leaning into you, propping his legs over yours,                                                               etc. special nicknames for you and only you (gets irritable                                                               if other people try to use them). allowing himself to show                                                               signs of sadness or depression around you.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.          initially friendly and welcoming, though this can 180                                                               immediately depending on how it’s received or how he                                                               observes you treating others. highly protective of friends                                                               and those considered family, to the fault of being blindly                                                               willing to “throw himself away” if that’s what it takes. puts                                                               friends/family first, always. doesn’t give a shit what                                                               genetics say, you choose your family (trigon’s a dad?                                                               news to me). crushes fast and hard, but it takes a bit                                                               longer for romance or sexual feelings to actually root                                                               themselves.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.           pride . waving through a window . what’s up, danger? HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.                    video games, dancing / choreography, free-running &                                                               parkour, climbing anything he can, exploring/being                                                               outside, swimming, sun-bathing, flying. MENTAL ILLNESSES.                          complex PTSD. depression. situational anxiety. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.                       infected with a mutated strain of the sakutia virus. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.                 right-brained. PHOBIAS.                                              being alone. hospitals/medical staff/scientists. needles. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.              low to medium, depending on his company (ie:                                                               confidence is higher when around his own team & friends,                                                               but significantly lower when in steve/mento’s presence or                                                               around someone he might be crushing on or trying to                                                               impress) . VULNERABILITIES.                             mentions of his biological parents. bringing up                                                               past “screw-ups” or mistakes. tara (especially how he                                                               spoke to her the night of her betrayal, though this is                                                               information he hasn’t shared with anyone). his fear of                                                               himself and his own “potential”. (post-series) accidentally                                                               killing madame rouge. his refusal to wind up alone.
tagged by stolen from: @humanitysbridge​​
tagging: @gctjinxd, @nvertoolate, @demon-sorciere, @ring-of-azar, @fastestboyalive, @kywht​, @floraluniversal​ —————YOU if you’re reading this (tag me so i can peep) !
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grace13star · 5 years
Better Get Superstitious (Prologue)
Logan Dennison is a firm believer in science, and the facts are that no one can come back from the dead. Witches and magic could never exist, he's known this since he was a kid. But after a sudden move to Salem, Massachusetts, suddenly everything he's ever believed is challenged by a talking cat, a cute believer, and a trio of undead witches from the 17th century. What's a skeptic to do? 
Character(s): Roman Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Remus Sanders, Anton (Antagonist), Missy (Misleading Compliment), Terrence
Trigger(s): Death, Deceit, Remus, electrocution, witchcraft
This is a Hocus Pocus AU, so Roman’s last name is Binx. Eventual Analogical, and that’s the only ship. 
AO3  Here  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Roman woke up later than usual, which was his first clue that something was off.
The sun was already up as he stumbled outside of his house, still disoriented from waking up. He held his hand up to block the light.
“Missy?” he called.
Come little children, I’ll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment.
“Terrence!” He said, spotting his friend. “Terrence, hast thou seen my sister?”
Terrence shook their head. “Nay, but look.” He pointed in the direction of the woods. “They conjure.” A column of strange purple smoke was rising from the Sanders cottage.
Roman straightened up, tiredness forgotten. “Oh God, the woods! Emily!” He started off for the woods, but Terrence grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving.
“She’s done for. You won’t have a chance.”
Roman shrugged Terrence’s arm off, giving his friend an apologetic smile. “Get my father,” he said. “Summon the others. I’ll try to distract them long enough.”
Terrence seemed hesitant, but patted his arm. “Good luck.” Then he started off to gather the village.
As soon as he was moving, so was Roman. He started off in a dead sprint, forgetting that he didn’t even have shoes. Rocks and sticks dug into his feet, but he barely noticed them in his panicked state.
One particularly big rock sent him tumbling down a hill. He gathered himself at the bottom. His ribs were hurting, but he didn’t have time for that now for right ahead of him was his destination- the Sanders cottage.
Biting back a hiss of pain, he ducked behind a tree, as one of the brothers was outside of the house with his sister.
As Roman watched, Missy followed the green-clad witch into the cottage. Once they were inside, he ran across the clearing to one of the open windows.
From inside the house came laughter- laughter from the Sanders brothers themselves. They all wore long velvet cloaks- yellow, green and orange. The green one was dancing like he was deranged around Missy, who was sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the room.
She spotted him and sat up. The witches noticed, so Roman was forced to duck out of view.
One of the witches came over to the window he was at, and he held his breath.
“Oh, look. Another glorious morning.” A sound like an intake of breath. “It makes me sick!” The shutters were slammed, leaving Roman without a way to see in.
He looked around quickly, and spotted a water wheel. There was a window near the top of it, so he hitched a ride to the top, then entered the house with as much stealth as he could muster. He wanted to go in guns blazing, but he couldn’t risk Missy getting hurt. He ducked down to observe and wait for the right time.
The yellow witch was flipping through a book, ignoring his brothers as the green one fooled around and the orange one tried to get him to stop.
“We must finish this spell now that our guest of honor has arrived.” yellow was stroking a book like it was a dog. “Wake up now.”
As Roman watched, what had seemed like a latch on the cover opened revealing a yellow snake eye, mirroring the yellow witch’s own eye. It rolled a bit, looking all around the room.
“Anton, I definitely don’t need any help,” yellow said to the orange one.
Orange- Anton, apparently- rolled his eyes as he walked over to the cauldron. “I notice Remus isn’t helping,” he muttered.
Green- Remus- struck a dramatic pose, as if he’d been shot in the heart. “I’m hurt, Antie! I lured the child here, didn’t I? Didn’t I!”
“Don’t be quiet you two,” Yellow groaned. “Remus hath done his chore.” Then he turned back to his living book, either missing or ignoring when Anton dragged his thumb across his neck in a ‘you’re dead’ motion and Remus stuck out his tongue in retaliation. “Bring to a full rolling bubble. Then add two drops of oil of boil.”
Anton put the drops in as Yellow continued. “Six, but the hour with the herb that’s red. Turn three times, pluck a hair from my head. Add a dash of fox and a dead man’s toe. Don’t get a fresh one.” The last part was addressed at Remus who cheered and danced over to a box singing about dead men’s toes.
Roman tried not to gag as the green witch pulled out a human toe, sniffed it, announced, “it’s fresh!” and tossed it into the cauldron. Did they just have a collection? Where did they get them in the first place?
Remus threw a toe at Anton, and he threw it back, causing a toe throwing war until Yellow snapped at them.
“Will you two never stop that? I am definitely able to concentrate right now.”
“Sorry, Damien,” Anton and Remus chorused, sending each other dirty looks.
Suddenly Anton stopped in his tracks. He sniffed the air, turning round the room before stopping right at Roman’s hiding place.
“I smell a child,” he said, eyeing the balcony.
Damien gave a long-suffering sigh, putting his gloved fingers up to rub his wrinkled eyes. “What do you call that?” He demanded, pointing at Missy.
“...A child,” Anton muttered. Remus laughed at him and he sent a glare back.
“Whatever. Potion’s not done now,” Damien said, waving them all over. “Just need a bit of thine own tongue.” They all spit in the cauldron, making it steam and turn a bright green color. “Now just one taste and her life will be mine.” He paused. “I don’t mean, ours.”
He scooped up some of the potion and started towards Missy.
“No!” Roman shouted, standing up.
The brothers looked up in surprise.
“I knew I smelled a child,” Anton growled.
Damien shook his head. “It matters now. Get him!”
Roman leapt down from the loft and ran to the cauldron. He pushed with all his might, briefly wondering how he was able to do this without being burned, and managed to tip it over, spilling potion everywhere.
“No!” Damien shouted. “My potion!”
The witches were confused, so Roman took the chance and ran to Emily. He grabbed her sleeve, but before he could do anything else, pain hit him.
He fell to the ground in agony, the electricity running through him aggravating his bruises from earlier.
“Damien, look,” Remus said, clapping his hands. “The child!”
Roman’s vision was blurry, but he could see Missy was now glowing. He attempted to move, but his limbs wouldn’t respond to him. He struggled as much as he could, but he could do nothing as the witches advanced on his sister.
“Come now,” Damien said, reaching out his hands. The other two witches grabbed them, forming a line. “We shall share her.”
They started sucking in air, but instead of just air, the glowing around Missy went into their mouths. She started growing older before Roman’s eyes, even as he tried to get up.
Before too long she was old and gray, and the witches were now young. Roman stared in horror at his sister, who was sitting unmoving in the wooden chair. Was she-?
“I am beautiful!” Remus cried, dancing around again. “Boys will love me!”
“We’re young,” Anton said, smiling. The smile looked out of place on his face, and Roman shivered just looking at it. Luckily that meant he could start moving again. He pulled himself up on a ladder slowly.
“Well, younger,” Damien said deprecatingly. “But we’ll get younger as we suck the lives out of all the children in Salem.” He turned to Roman who was swaying on his feet, even with the ladder as support. “Let’s brew another batch.”
“You hag,” Roman spat with all the strength he could muster. “There aren’t enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful.”
The three witches gasped. “Ooh, did you hear what he called you?” Remus whispered dramatically.
“Let’s just kill him,” Anton said. “We can get other children.”
Damien shook his head. “No. This one’s punishment should be more fitting.” He snapped his fingers and the book flew over to him. “Let’s see here.”
Roman watched in fear as the witch searched through the pages. He knew he wouldn’t be getting out of this one- he could barely stand and they and magic. He just hoped his death wouldn’t be in vain. Hopefully Terrence had been able to gather everyone so they could kill these witches and stop their terror once and for all.
“Perfect!” Damien slammed the book shut. “His punishment will not be to die, but to live forever with his guilt.”
Roman’s heart pounded as the witches started chanting. He could barely hear the words over the roar in his ears as pain filled his body. He could feel himself changing, and watched through blurry eyes as the witches seemed to grow, leering down at him as they finished their chant.
Soon a cat stood where he had last, a cat that hissed at the witches. Remus went in to pet him, but Roman swiped at him, claws out.
Suddenly there was pounding and shouting at the door.
“Open! Witches! Sons of Satan! Open this door!”
Roman’s heart leapt at the sound of his father’s voice. Father would make everything all right- he’d kill the witches, save Missy, change him back…
“Hide the child,” Damien ordered. Anton threw a shawl over Missy, then joined his brothers near the door.
“Witches? There are no witches here,” Damien called.
“Just three brothers spending a quiet night at home,” Anton added.
“Sucking the lives out of children!” Remus said gleefully. Damien growled at him.
The village was quick to put up the noose, especially after finding Missy’s body.
The witches were sentenced to hang that day, and soon enough they were standing on barrels awaiting their deaths.
“Damien Sanders,” Roman’s father said. “I will ask thee one final time.”
“Yes?” Damien said smoothly.
“What hath thou done with my son, Roman?”
“Hmm, I don’t recall,” the yellow witch grinned. “Cat’s got my tongue.” All three burst out laughing at that. Roman growled.
“This is uncomfortable,” Remus said, moving his head.
“Brothers, sing,” Damien demanded. What followed was the worst harmony Roman had ever heard. They weren’t bad singers, per se, but the notes they were singing did not go together at all.
“Cover your ears!” Roman’s father cried. “Listen to them not.”
The boy holding the witch’s book threw it down in his rush to cover his ears, and as Roman watched, the cover opened and the pages flipped.
The witches stopped singing as Damien cackled. “Fools! All of you!” He announced. “My ungodly book speaks to you. On All Hallow’s Eve when the moon is round, a virgin shall summon us from under the ground. Oh, we shall be back, and all the lives of the children will be mine!”
Roman’s father gave a signal and the barrels were kicked out from under the witches.
The crowd, including his father turned to leave, so Roman hurried over. He rubbed against his father’s leg, hoping he’d notice.
Unfortunately, he didn’t notice in the way his son was hoping.
“Away, you beast, away,” his father swatted at Roman, sending him off.
Roman watched him go with a mournful meow, mourning the loss of his sister and the life he once had.
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praphit · 5 years
The X-People: DP Degrees of BS
Frickin Phoenix!
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(What does that even mean? “Every hero has a DARK side?” She kills people! Are all of our heroes murderers? - but I’ll get to that later.)
I'm mad! That's right, people! I'm mad at MYSELF! Why? Well, I could have taken the kids to go see "The Secret Life of Pets 2", so we could laugh our asses off (Idk what kids I'm talkin about - just randomly picking kids up off the streets and taking them to see movies... prob best I didn't do that). 
I could have seen something cultured like "Late Night" or "THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANSISCO"; which I admit is a stupid title, but it seems like it's a good movie. But, no, people! My comic book geekiness would not allow it!
Instead I went to see this bullshit right here - “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”. 
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Don't look at me that way, Sansa! You know dag gon well this movie is some ol' bullshit!
You know! The rest of your acting squad knows, the director knows, the writers know - I knew from the first trailer! I knew from the first time they announced that they were taking another crack at a cinematic Phoenix story. Why?? Cuz we've done this before! Yep! 
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There it is! - and it was terrible! 
What’s going on with that poster? Apparently, they didn’t have any confidence in that movie either. Why is Wolverine running at me like Sonic the Hedgehog?
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I tried to find a better poster, but...
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Here they look like they’re posing in some 80′s rock video. TAKE THAT STAND:)
I was mad back then with the first trailer, because I knew that this moment would come. And I actually really liked the first two movies of these particular X-Men. It was Apocalypse that ruined everything. 
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People thought that movie was so bad, that it erased all the good that this franchised has done (even going back to the older X-Men):
The ground-breaking 1st movie (tho it prob doesn't hold up),
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(Creepy old Magneto is coming for dat ass!)
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(it's hard to imagine anyone playing him better than Hugh Jackman. And he should have won an award for how cut he got... and he was so modest. If I ever  end up looking like that, WHEW! - ladies look out:),  
I loved Patrick Stewart as Prof. X, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's intense hot & frigid bromance (though we never got our make-out seen:), Quicksilver (man, I wish we could get more of him), "Logan" (excellent comic book movie), and I'm not sure if we'd have Deadpool without them ruining that first Wolverine movie. Not to mention that they marketed the hell out of this movie franchise and made so much money! But, then this guy showed up and effed it all to hell!
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("Everything they built will FALL... ")
- you ain't lyin, jack!
And while that movie was terrible, it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Bullshit sure, but... there are different degrees of bullshit. Apocalypse was forgettable BS, sometimes there's BS that makes us laugh, or think, or cry - what type of bullshit will Dark Phoenix be? -  Let's take a look:
This movie kicks off with the X-Men in space. Yep! SPACE! Since when are the X-Men astronauts? Which movie did they get training for any of that? How did they build an X-Jet for space travel? Did they learn it on YouTube? And even if that were the case, how's the government allowing this? If a group of talented minorities built a functional space craft, do you think President Trump would allow them to come and go as they please? Shiiiiiii In the movie they don't even test it first. Xavier just says that they'll be fine, and sends the kids off.
I think that there needs to be an investigation. Prof. X is trying to kill these kids. He keeps sending them on missions that they shouldn't come back from:
X-Men: "But, professor, we don't know how to disarm a bomb!"
Xavier: "You'll be fine."
X-Men: "But, professor, the X Jet isn't built for deep sea exploration, we don't even know where we're going!"
Xavier: "Y'all will figure it out."
Then, as they come back, he's counting to see if they all made it - "Ten kids left, and coming back, I count... ten DAMMIT! But, wait, one is injured... doesn't look like he'll pull through. YES! (as he drinks some bourbon - which he does at an alarming rate in this movie... prob to block out all the kids he has killed).
While we're on the topic of him - did the movie "Split" ruin James McAvoy's take on Prof X for anybody else? This is all I kept seeing when he was on camera.
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But, as you know, cuz they did this exact plot in "X-Men: Last Stand" Jean Grey gets possessed by some space entity while they're up there, and becomes Phoenix.
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Jean (played by Sophie Turner, who actually does a good job) is found to have done something horrible. Xavier (and this is no spoiler, cuz again X-Men: Last Stand") blocks out the bad stuff she has done to try to protect her, this eventually wears off, and now we get DARK 
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...wait, sorry.
Now we get DARK PHOENIX! 
There we go!
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(”Where’s my money?!”)
Now, Jessica Chastain is in this as well seen here, experimenting with bleach,
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 who's leading a group of aliens to manipulate Jean (I'll get to them later). But, if JC is in the house, you can be sure that a women's rights message will be in there somewhere (#drinkinggame) And BOOM, there it was - "Don't let some MAN in a chair tell you what you are? - what you can and can not be! Don't let him controoool you!" 
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I'm all for girl power, buuuuuut she HAS been on a bit of a carnage streak, and she has been killing people, annnnnnd isn't Jessica Chastain also trying to control her? But, imma let all that go... what do I know?? :)
I gotta be honest, I was digging the first half of this movie. They were capturing everything I love about the X-Men: social issues, political issues, teen struggles. They have lots of real drama going on amongst themselves. There are times when you'll cheer the X-Men on and times when you'll agree with some of the humans that THEY GOTZ TO GO! I love the flaws of the X-Men; it makes them relatable. I even love the struggle with having so much power, and yet having to try to walk a line of morality - which they suck at btw.
The professor sucks at it the most, which made me kinda sad, actually. BUT, to be fair, he has the power to control people's minds... would any of us with that power be able to consistently resist certain temptations?? Def not giving him a pass though. He does a lot of messed up stuff (some things they draw attention to, and others that they don't). Some things that made me cringe, even though MOST of what he was doing was out of love. I can't depend on none of my fave leaders anymore - not even the fictional ones.
We were getting into some deep stuff! BUT, then it was as if some big shot walked on the set and reminded them that they have a "Blow shit up" quota to meet, and that the plot points were slowing them down. Soooooooo, they burn the script and start blowing things up. Some people might say "Praphit, this is a comic book movie, how much script can you expect?" If this were 20 years ago, I'd agree.
Plus, it's more the fact that nothing makes any sense at this point.
Magneto (who's always the voice of reality in these movies, in my opinion) wants to kill Jean (for very good reasons), but he knows that he can't take Phoenix by himself, so why is he trying? He's a smart dude; why not come up with a better plan? Prof X wants to talk to Jean, to reason with her... the problem with that is that they just tried that a few days ago, and that couldn't have gone any more terribly than it did. The aliens in this movie (which lack all personality btw), who's objective is to control Jean, also know that they can't really do that or take her out (which was plan B), so... what the hell are we doing? The aliens are supposed to be the smart ones!
Prof X should have just controlled everyone's minds, and played a big game of immoral chess to take Jean out - that would have been a cool movie. But, this (though the effects are VERY COOL:) simply became a shoot-out! Not to mention, that right before all of this awesome, but confusing damage takes place, they have a big speech about restraint and not doing harm. Literally, a minute later, the X-Men are blowing buses up!
But, all of that is not even what makes this movie bullshit (grade: D+ btw). What makes this movie bullshit is the fact that it's the last one before Disney takes over.
You'd think that they would have given it their best, so that they can go out making us miss them! But, it felt like half way through the movie the team was told that this is all over, and that Mickey Mouse is coming to collect, but instead of going out with their best, they said to themselves "bleep it" and mailed-it-in.
The way that the final battle scene ends doesn't make any sense. It's one of those scenarios where "If you could do that... why didn't you do that earlier and save more destruction?" and a lil bit of "Well, if you had THAT much power, then none of these other altercations should have even been close."
The way it ends after that too! Man! It's like they just fast forwarded through the parts they didn't feel like acting out. This is the last one, people! Just lazy!
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Yeah you!
I've got a spoiler, sooooo if you don't want it, skip through the text after Patrick Stewart - and start reading again when you see his handsome face again:)
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(this is back when I learned to love this man)
So, Jean is... gone (possibly dead), and the X-Men name the school after her "Institute of Jean Grey" or something like that. Also, Prof X steps down (maybe due to guilt of his misatkes with Jean, who knows for sure, cuz they didn't act it out), and leaves Beast in charge in with the other teen X-Men to instruct the 'young kids at the school. "Other TEEN X-Men" Did they just make these kids professors? And what qualifies Beast (at this stage in his life) to run the school? Plus, Jean Grey was kind of a murderer wasn't she (and this wasn't a secret from the rest of the world)? Come on,kids, let me sign you up for "Ted Bundy's School for gifted youngsters" Would you be onboard for that? Hell no!
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(Here’s PS fresh off a bender. “I promise, Timmy, I’ll try to think about never touching the sauce again, but this hair says that I will.”)
So... I'd say, entertaining bullshit. The effects (especially) at the end are great! But, the rest... and to go out like this... ugh.
There's a cool quote in here from Mystique (played by J.Law) who clearly didn't want to be there. It was a quote about how the women in the X-Men seem to be sticking their necks out and saving the day way more than the men, and that  maybe Xavier should change their name to “The X-Women”. I thought that was not only funny, but a damned good point. I say do it!
I'd love it if you had a a big strong manly man of the team go ahead of the action and stand up to the enemy, and when asked "Who are you?" he replies
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"We're the X-Women."
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briangroth27 · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Review
I absolutely loved Avengers Endgame! I was a little skeptical at first—there are still solo stories I want to see with some of the characters we're saying goodbye too and I'd prefer those to Avengers movies, honestly—but everyone behind this film really pulled it off. The pre-release hype did get to me eventually though and by the time the movie opened, I was absolutely pumped. I left the theater nearly completely satisfied and I definitely felt the weight of a decade of stories coming to an end with this film. Had this been the end of the MCU, it would’ve been a great one.
Full Spoilers...
I thought they did an excellent job of wrapping up the cliffhangers left by Infinity War as well as providing closure and a worthy conclusion to this era of the MCU. Trading the bombastic fights of Infinity War for really solid character work and interactions here (and swapping focus on Thanos (Josh Brolin) out for focus on the heroes themselves) was perfect. Done the other way around, I feel like this would've been exhausting. Instead, while it did feel full, it was always engaging and entertaining and didn’t feel like it was three hours long. The pacing worked really well to keep things moving briskly even with an insane amount of characters to service. The direction and action were solid, and the writing felt totally in-character for an enormous cast, which was a feat unto itself.
My favorite Avenger is Captain America (Chris Evans) and I was extremely satisfied with how his story ended. I do wish we’d gotten a Captain America 4 where Steve faces the rising Nazism among everyday American citizens we’re seeing in the real world: the last test for his resolve would be to see whether he still wanted to represent ideals that the American people now only use as excuses for their hate. Can he carry on if he’s seemingly the only one who believes we can be better? I feel like that could be Chris Evans’ Logan. However, I was surprisingly content with this end to his story, especially once I realized he’d get to end up with Peggy (Hayley Atwell) after all (though I thought he was going to drop into the 70s instead of his original time). In hindsight I wish they hadn’t had Steve and Sharon Carter kiss, but I’m more than willing to deal with that awkwardness and sacrifice that bit of comics canon for Steve getting a happy ending with his best gal. I’m satisfied with either interpretation of Cap’s story: knowing that things have to turn out a certain way, I can see him not saying anything about the future and always having been Peggy’s cryptic, never-named husband (his comment to Nat (Scarlett Johansson) at the beginning of the movie also signals that he’s ready to stop fighting), or, that he immediately decided to shape a better century by saving Bucky early and then proceeded to kick Hydra out of SHIELD & continue saving the world alongside Peggy and Bucky. I can buy either resolution to his character arc and I really liked that they didn’t kill him in the end. If they want to use him more, they can, but if this is the end for Evans then he got a happy one and that’s perfect. I’m hoping he’ll show up as a mentor to Sam (Anthony Mackie), now that he’s the new Captain America (also the result I was hoping for: the mantle of Cap as Steve wore it is about fighting for more than making up for your past mistakes. Sam embodies that much better than Bucky (Sebastian Stan) would (and his fight scenes will be a whole lot more unique given he can fly)). Steve standing up against Thanos’ entire army by himself was perfect, finally getting to say “Avengers Assemble!” was great, and getting to wield Mjolnir was an outrageously fun sequence! I can see both sides of the “Cap was/wasn’t truly worthy in Ultron” argument, but again, I’m cool with either explanation: either Steve was on the cusp of worthiness but hiding Bucky’s complicity in the murder of Tony’s (Robert Downey Jr.) parents held him back, or he realized he could always lift it and is such a decent guy that he didn’t want to upstage Thor (Chris Hemsworth). I also liked the quieter moments with Steve, like finally patching things up with Tony, trying to get Natasha back into the world (just like she had done for him back in Winter Soldier)—I’ve always loved their friendship—and running a support group for everyday citizens in the wake of the Snap to help them move forward, even if he couldn’t (that was also a nice way for him to pick up what Sam was doing for veterans). It was fun to let Steve have moments of levity about himself too, like the “America’s ass” joke and his reaction to hearing “I can do this all day.”
There's only one major plot point I was disappointed in: Black Widow's death to get the Soul Stone. I'm glad that they had her fight for it (clarifying that it was her choice, given the circumstances, rather than a fridging) and going out to save the universe does put a significant cap on her (so far underwritten) quest to clear her Red Ledger. However, I've always felt there was more story to cover with her (the details of that Ledger for one thing, as well as her attempts to overcome her past crimes and her mental conditioning) and she's my second-favorite of the original six Avengers, so it hurt a lot to lose her. I was sitting there thinking “now we’ve had to lose both Nat and Gamora (Zoe Saldana) to this dumb Stone?” That was a less-than-great look. It was also a bummer to have a cool moment where all the female heroes protected Spidey (Tom Holland)...except Natasha. At least her death wasn’t used to give the guys license to get violent. I liked that they gave the Avengers’ reaction to her death significant time to breathe, even if she didn’t get the grand funeral Tony did. She might be the one who was closest to all of them (except Thor) and she deserved that moment of silence from her friends (Banner’s distraught “I tried to bring her back” to Steve was another great beat). I’m very excited for Widow’s (finally!) upcoming solo film, and I wonder if it will focus on the Natasha from the alternate universe Steve created (if that is what he did), rather than the one who just died. The MCU doesn’t tend to do prequels unless they’re introducing new characters, so a random Black Widow film, while welcome, seems like an odd choice if it’s an origin story like the rumors say. Maybe it’s the origin of that timeline’s Natasha, who can continue on in new adventures should Johansson want to (and why wouldn’t the MCU, given she’s the only actor of the original six who can successfully open a non-Avengers movie)? Maybe Steve and Peggy (given Peggy’s dealings with the Black Widow program on her own show) rescued their timeline’s Romanoff from the KGB before her Red Ledger started filling up. If we could see Nat struggling between her programming and the better life Steve and Peggy could show her before she’s done the horrible things she’s hinted at, that could be a very cool arc. Regardless, Steve’s the one I thought I would leave this movie wanting more from the most, but it was Natasha that I feel like the filmmakers left a lot of cards off the table for.
I loved Tony’s moments with Nebula (Karen Gillan) at the start of the film and hated that he still blamed Steve for not letting him build his “suit of armor” around the planet. His Five Years Later family (Gwyneth Paltrow, Alexandra Rabe) was really sweet and I really enjoyed his interactions with and protectiveness of them, bringing me back around on liking his character to an extent I haven’t felt since the first Avengers movie. I totally understood why he wouldn’t want to change the past and erase all of that (and I was very relieved to hear that, as I didn’t want the Snap undone). Moments like meeting his father (John Slattery) just before his younger self was born were more great character bits, especially after the tumultuous relationship the two of them had. I would’ve liked a little more balance between the Pym science, Banner’s intelligence, and Stark’s input rather than Stark essentially inventing the working time machine on his own, but oh well. While I didn’t want to see Tony Stark Saves the Universe, this win over Thanos felt like enough of a team effort that it didn’t bother me, and his last line to Thanos—“I am Iron Man”—was perfect. I could easily see him coming back in future films as an AI, but I’d rather not. I feel like they’ve explored everything there is to with his character (though admittedly I’m not well-versed in Iron Man lore) and it feels like the MCU has moved on from him; even moved beyond his level of technology. It felt right that this era of the MCU would bookend Stark’s life as well, and the writers and directors made me feel for him and feel his loss, which is impressive given I haven’t liked him in the vast majority of his appearances.
Thor's depression worked really well for me and while I didn’t recognize it when I saw the film, after hearing the complaints about fat-shaming from the other characters I understand the offense some viewers felt. It wasn’t the fact that he got fat that was the problem, it was the other characters mocking him for it, and I wish more consideration had been given to that situation rather than going for easy jokes. Otherwise, Thor dealing with the guilt of not killing Thanos—leading to the death of half the universe—was really well done. The fact that he couldn’t change anything even when the team tracked down Thanos, only to realize that the Snap couldn’t be undone, was a huge moment for him and Hemsworth played his depression and resulting sedentary lifestyle very well. I loved most of his conversation with Frigga (Rene Russo) (minus the “eat better” jokes) and the tearful moment where he realized he was still worthy of Mjolnir was perfect. I also appreciated that (as others have pointed out) he didn't magically get his fit body back when he reclaimed all his power and status (according to Wikipedia, this was Hemsworth’s idea and it’s a brilliant one). I feel like that would’ve been another insulting development (an “only attractive people can be useful heroes” sensibility) that they thankfully avoided. Sending him off with the (As)Guardians of the Galaxy is a brilliant move (particularly given the turn in his solo franchise to a Guardians aesthetic) and I loved the argument between him and Quill about who would be leader. I really hope he’s in Guardians 3!
Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk finally embracing Banner’s intelligence (and Bruce embracing the Hulk in return) was a great move and I’m so glad they finally found somewhere new to take his character, rather than the constant push and pull of Hulk and Banner hating each other. I would’ve preferred Banner accepting that the Hulk was part of his psyche and he has serious anger issues rather than him being some separate “other guy,” but this works too. It was a nice of pace to see people excited to meet Hulk, rather than everyone being afraid of him. I also liked Bruce and Tony reuniting as Science Bros to figure out how to use the Pym Particles to create a time travel heist. Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) is my least-favorite of the six original Avengers, and this didn’t do much to change my opinion. The Avengers have never been shy about killing their enemies, so Hawkeye going Ronin to kill criminals didn’t feel like such a huge a fall (though it is a troubling example of man-pain in the wake of the deaths of his wife (Linda Cardellini) and kids (Ava Russo, Cade Woodward, Ben Sakamoto), whose losses do feel like fridging. However, I do like the parallel of Nat going to retrieve him from his vendetta, just like he made the call not to kill her when they first met and she was the violent criminal. His moment with Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) at the end was also a nice addition to their friendship.
Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang made for an excellent addition to the Avengers (and a great way to introduce the time travel capability), bringing levity to the proceedings with his off-kilter and genuinely sweet personality. Pushing time through him was a great sequence and I will always be happy for as much of this Ant-Man as we can get; these movies have made him a favorite of mine! I liked that they also let him get some drama out of the reunion with his now-five-years-older-daughter Cassie (Emma Fuhrmann) and I can’t wait to see more of how that relationship develops in the next Ant-Man and the Wasp film. I would have liked for Rocket (Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn) and Rhodey (Don Cheadle) to get meatier roles here, but I understand that there’s only so much screentime.
Nebula’s development into an Avenger was a great arc, especially as things got complicated with her past self, and I think she’s my favorite Guardian after this. After all the torment and literal torture Thanos has put her through, it was awesome to see her stand up to her past self and help defeat him. I do think she totally knew what she was doing by sending Natasha and Clint to Vormir, and that’s a character moment I wish they had let play out onscreen. I’m glad that it was past-Nebula who played the role of villain here, rather than Nebula getting the gauntlet from her father and becoming the story’s real villain, like what happened in The Infinity Gauntlet. I’m excited to see her search for Gamora and help continue turning her life around in the next Guardians!
I wish they had explained what was going on with Thanos “in” the Soul Stone at the end of Infinity War (I was really hoping it was punishment for not making a real trade of love to get the Stone, since what he felt for Gamora was not love and should not have been cosmically confirmed as such), but ultimately I didn’t need any more of him than we got here. It was cool that his younger self knew he would die to see his quest for the Stones fulfilled, and so was set in his determination to meet that destiny because it also meant he’d win. Thanos brought a very impressive battle and unforgettable scale to our heroes’ lives, but ultimately I feel like he could’ve been entirely dealt with in just this and Infinity War. Outside of the familial ties introduced in the Guardians movies, there was nothing relevant about Thanos that we couldn’t have learned from just these two Avengers films if he’d shown up for the first time at the beginning of Infinity War (his being behind the attack on New York could’ve been a reveal to all of us, not just Tony and Bruce). The Stones arc went on too long and Thanos never felt really menacing until these last two appearances, making me bored with the whole plot at least halfway through if not sooner (Guardians itself calls the Stones meaningless MacGuffins). I hope the MCU doesn’t try to build decade-long (or even 5-year) stories out of its other villains to try and match this, because they don’t need to. Galactus, for example, doesn’t need build-up; just let him appear in all of his planet-eating glory as a new problem for the Avengers to team up and stop.
I really liked the movie’s fresh take on time travel: you can go back and change the past, but not in your own timeline (since the future you came from is now your past), and any changes you do make will result in a new timeline. That’s a cool way to preserve the events of the MCU while letting them go back and muck around with their history at the same time. I left the theater thinking that it’s possible to play this all as one timeline that didn’t branch at all if Kevin Feige and the rest of the MCU’s architects decide to. As I said, I can see Steve finally retiring to have a life of his own, saying nothing and knowing that things will turn out OK (though I really want to see him meet Red Skull (Ross Marquand) when he returned the Soul Stone!). The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) could have helped him restore the Tesseract and Aether to their former states using the Time Stone (as someone else pointed out online). Loki’s (Tom Hiddleston) escape from Avengers Tower with the Tesseract and eventual recapture could be the entire basis of his upcoming Disney+ series, given we never knew SHIELD was even involved with his arrest at the end of the first Avengers. His brief escape could’ve always happened. Present-Nebula might not have killed Past-Nebula at all, given she’s an alien cyborg and her internal organs might work or even just be arranged differently than we’d expect. My initial read of the end of the battle was that Tony had sent Thanos’ army back in time and erased their memories via his Snap (since he didn’t want to change history), not that he killed them. I suppose Past-Gamora’s existence in the present after the battle is the only loose end that can’t be taken both ways. If they do want to create a whole lot of alternate timelines, that works too…especially since I feel like the next big event is going to be Secret Wars (the more recent one, not the original).
Regardless of the potential new Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, I hope they use the Snap to its fullest potential going forward. Not only would it be a global disaster to lose half the population, but bringing them all back would throw things into disarray all over again. Nations would have fallen, new regimes emerged (Latveria, anyone?), superheroes going to extremes to keep the peace, and super-villains turning over new leaves when they realized how petty their crimes were. The possibilities for interesting stories are endless! It should affect everything going forward, from Far From Home to the remaining TV shows and beyond. They’ve created a world where the events of the films can have a huge, undeniable impact on everything else, and they should honor that shared universe. The only thing the Snap shouldn’t result in is the creation of mutants, because that would remove their “we’re supposed to be here” argument and the connection to the real-world people they’re supposed to represent along with it.
There are too many awesome moments and character beats to list here, so here are a few off the top of my head that I loved. Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) getting to be the queen of New Asgard.  Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) finally getting to team up with the Avengers. Wanda and Carol (Brie Larson) completely destroying Thanos at just about every turn. A much better use of Captain America saying “Hail Hydra” than in the comics. Time travel allowing them to not only revisit some of their greatest hits, but to bring back many of the actors who appeared later, forming a more tightly-knit world. Tony and Peter’s farewell. Black Widow becoming the leader of the Avengers. Hulk holding up the Avengers facility like the mountain in the original Secret Wars. James D’Arcy as Jarvis, finally getting to break the TV/movie barrier as the first TV-original MCU character to appear in the movies (go watch Agent Carter; it’s fantastic!).  Stan Lee’s last cameo happening in this film, which just feels right. Cap/Iron Man/Thor vs. Thanos. Everyone vs. Thanos. 
This was definitely a worthy conclusion to this era of the MCU. I’m really glad that they resisted the urge to tease what’s next by omitting any post-credit scenes or tags on the end of the film. The only thing at the end of the credits—the sound of Tony making the Iron Man suit from his first film—was the perfect touch. Let things rest for now. The massive credit sequence with all of the stars getting their own card was great, and I liked the page they took out of Star Trek VI's book (having the original six Avengers sign their names onscreen) too. That was classy. 
There are a few lingering questions about just what timelines might have been created (or not), but nothing that hurt the experience of the movie for me. There are more stories I wish we could be seeing with Cap and Widow, but that would likely always be the case no matter when they retired. Regardless, the filmmakers had a lot to wrap up and to do so to the extent that they did is truly impressive. The actors were all at the top of their game with a lot of really good material to work with, making this an excellent and supremely emotionally satisfying movie! I can’t wait to watch it again when I get it on home video!
I'd give it an A(vengers)!
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #5: Jericho
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Princess of Gemworld
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How will he not know when he finds his fingers have been Crazy Glued to his cock?
With Jericho's powers, I don't know why he needs Garfield's fingerprints. Why not just possess Steve Dayton himself, knock him out so he can't scream for help, and just walk in to grab the promethium? Or hire his dad to get the shit! He could probably guilt Deathstork into doing loads of illegal stuff for him.
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Why would Steve Dayton allow Garfield Logan access to his promethium?! Yeah, I fucking know Logan's his son. It still doesn't fucking make sense!
Jericho takes the promethium back to Arthur Lord so he can trade it to the Quraci government and save his daughter's life. But it's only after Lord leaves Addie's place with the promethium that she says to Jericho, "I think we just got scammed!"
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Jericho responds, "I think you're a loser."
Sure enough, Penny and Arthur were just using Joey and his mom to get their hands on the most destructive non-Lobo thing in the DC Universe. Penny is all, "That dupe actually thought I loved him! But we didn't even fuck! I just held a tin of microwaved potato salad between my legs and let him fuck that." That's what sex feels like, right? Fucking warm potato salad? I mean, I totally know that's what it's like. I hope! I mean, I don't hope it feels like that in that I love the feeling of fucking warm potato salad! I hope that's what it feels like so people who have fucked don't think I haven't fucked because I described it poorly. We all have different experiences anyway! You can't invalidate my description of what it felt like when I totally had sex all those times! Joseph, being the biggest dupe of them all, didn't replace the promethium tablets with Sugar Mamas like I would have expected him to do. So now he and his mother have to break into Arthur Lord's secret laboratory and resteal the promethium tablets! If only they had consulted Nightwing, they could have been done with this adventure already. He would have been all, "Man, Joey, you smell like potato salad ! Did you fall for the fake lover with the potato salad between her legs trick? You better not trust her, buddy!" Oh, I was wrong! They don't break into Lord's place at all! They think their smartest move is to break into Qurac and kidnap Curt, Penny's husband! I guess they can use him as leverage. Although couldn't Joey have lifted Penny's fingerprints off of his prostate to gain access to the secret lab? If Joey had the ability to sneak into Qurac to rescue Penny without risking the entire world by giving Qurac promethium, why the fuck wasn't that the plan from the beginning?! I'm starting to sense that maybe Marv Wolfman was on Quaaludes when he wrote this script.
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That would be Joey's crotch.
There's an advert for NBC's Saturday morning line-up in this issue and it just makes me wonder: if modern conservatives are so pissed off about everything in our culture that they see as emasculating the kind of man they think every guy should be, where the fuck were they in 1986 while I was watching Kissyfur, The Gummi Bears, Smurfs, Punky Brewster, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Foofur, and Kidd Video?! The most manly cartoon in that list is Alvin and the Chipmunks and they wore dresses! Stop doing the math and trying to point out that I was fourteen or fifteen in 1986! Gummi Bears had one of the best cartoon theme songs (right after Ducktales)! I'm going to go listen to it right now! Joey and Adeline take Curt to Tokyo where they finally begin interrogating him. Even though he spent multiple days being tortured by the Quraci government, he wouldn't tell them a thing. He spends two minutes alone with Adeline and Joseph and he begins spilling the beans. The only threat they used was that Joey was going to put himself inside hi...oh. I see what he's afraid of! Dude, it's nothing to be frightened of! Just relax, man! Joseph's a sensitive poet. He'll definitely provide a reach-around. Joseph infiltrates Lord's secret base and discovers he's resurrecting H.I.V.E. (which stands for Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination which is fucking stupid. Just spitballing for a few seconds and I already came up with a better one: Higher Institute of Violent Extremism!). Joseph's movements are described as catlike which is why he's noticed freaking the fuck out, bouncing off walls, and yowling at the top of his voice. Arthur Lord, leader of an organization full of soldiers who are only in the organization because they killed a bunch of other master fighters, decides to fight Joseph himself. His mighty warriors (the best of the best!) just stand around in robes watching.
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What good is your invaluable edge if you're not going to use it?! Kill the little creep, you idiot!
Arthur Lord tackles Joseph straight through a wall where they both disappear from view. Then he emerges and he's all, "He's dead! And since Joseph can't control the host's talking, I must be myself and telling the truth! Ha ha ha!" But I know better! Remember how I already saw there's another issue in this stupid story arc? Joseph is totally still alive! And probably possessing Arthur! And probably able to speak because Arthur was knocked unconscious! Pshaw! Marv Wolfman, you need better twists! Arthur and H.I.V.E. take off from their secret base to go take over the world. And they won't need the base anymore for some reason, so they just blow up the island on the way out. Ugh, he's the worst kind of tenant. Teen Titans Spotlight #5: Jericho Rating: B-. So much betrayal! So many twists and turns! Not much fucking though. Which makes it a mediocre Teen Titans story. And yes, the B- factors in the fact that this whole conflict is, once again, somehow driven by family.
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Stay Gold Master Post
Completed November 10, 2018
Random One Shots: These are little one shot fics just to get you acquainted with the Egos and how I write them! However, a few of the stories might get into more of the lore of the blog, which might require reading some of my other stories first.
Markiplier Ego Imagines
Amy and the Egos
Ego One Shots
Anti Imagines
Disney AU’s
Reverse Prompts
The Good Stuff: Now here’s where things start to get interesting. From here on out, the posts are arranged in a timeline for you to follow. Be warned: there’s a lot!
Ego Incorporated: Amy discovers Ego Inc. where all the Egos live and work together, and it’s just the beginning.
The Host and Amy: The Host isn’t exactly what one would call “social,” but a certain Alien Queen is here to help.
A Date with Darkiplier: Dark is feeling threatened by Amy’s presence in Ego Inc., so he has a plan to get rid of the problem.
From Amy, With Love: After Dark’s scheme, Mark doesn’t remember Amy, Wilford is missing, and Amy has to figure out how to save everyone.
Their Amy, His Liebling: Bad memories keep Amy and Mark away from Ego Inc., but with more trouble brewing, they can’t seem to cut ties.
June 19: Dark decides to celebrate his birthday with a little high-stakes game involving the fans.
Say Goodbye: Jack might’ve created Anti to spook the fans, but now the glitch is around to stay. And he wants a body of his own.
Enjoy the Show: Nate doesn’t normally ask Mark for favors, but when Mathew goes missing in Freddy’s Pizzeria, Nate doesn’t know who else to turn to.
Alter Egos: Chase used to be just a normal guy with normal problems, but after a certain glitch and ze Good Doctah get a hold of him, he’ll never be the same.
Hall of Mirrors: Something is wrong with Amy Nelson, and now it’s time for the Egos to save her.
Heroes and Legends: Every Legend starts somewhere, but will these villains live long enough to become a hero?
Down the Rabbit Hole: Amy finds out just how far down this rabbit hole really goes.
Advocates for Chaos: There was an idea called the Advocates for Chaos. The idea was to bring together a group of chaotic wackos to see if they could become something more.
The Lost Brother: Some of Mark’s off-the-cuff Egos don’t last long, but this particular Ego might make a comeback.
Something Darker: Dark rarely misses an opportunity to use someone to his advantage, and Walter is the perfect target.
Truesight: He paid a heavy price for his hubris, but the Host might find that his loss has made him stronger.
Amnesia: Dark will do anything to have his way, even wipe the slate on a certain Ego and start fresh.
Smoke and Mirrors: Whoever thought that the alien obsessed with reflections and the specter with anxiety would make for a great team? Certainly not Dark.
Monster Inside: Anti is making a come-back, and he’s ready to take down anyone who gets in his way.
Question of Redemption: Can the darkest of Egos ever be redeemed? Or will his redemption destroy all of them?
Google 2.0: Mad doesn’t do anything without getting payment, and he’s picked Oliver to pay the price.
Split: Some people can’t seem to leave their past in the past, but the Host takes that to a whole other level.
Anti Hero: The Author doesn’t like sitting idle, but his new story idea might bring Anti to his knees.
The Colonel’s Last Stand: Wilford Warfstache’s past is a dark one, and it isn’t ready to let him go just yet.
Fairly Odd Family: A doctor, four robots, and a computer glitch. They don’t exactly make a good Christmas card, but they are a family.
Haunted House: The Chaotic Dream Team is up to no good this Halloween, and the residents of Ego Inc. are in for a few spooks!
A Bit of Madness: Life needs a bit of madness, but when Mark goes off the deep end, there’s a little more than “a bit” of madness involved.
Oxenfree: Anti has always had a weird set of powers, but when he accidentally glitches into a parallel world, he’s going to need outside help to get home.
The Brothers Grim: The Septic Egos have never been the closest family ever since Anti first attacked, but tragedy might just bring them together again.
Ours to Choose: Life is ours to choose, but Damien’s choices always seem to lead to more darkness.
Don’t Remember: Anti stumbles into the Author’s trap, but he doesn’t want to kill the glitch. His plans for Anti are much worse.
Man of Shadows: After one too many brushes with the darkness, this ray of sunshine becomes a man of shadows.
Unreliable Narrator: The Author is the epitome of an unreliable narrator, and this time, only the fans can save the Egos from him.
Second Chances: Anti lets himself slip, and now he’s alienated himself from his family. But some dire circumstances might give him a second chance.
The Explorer: Anti and the Host hope to find a way to give the Egos a happy ending. What they find is the Explorer... and a very drunk clown.
Wake Up: Dark is still on the path to redemption, and he needs to wake up and realize that he can’t walk this path alone.
Amnesia and Eggos: Glitches and amnesia don’t exactly mix, but with so many bad memories, does he really want to remember?
Musical Malady (WIP): A new serial killer is on the loose, and when Logan takes the case, the game is afoot.
Secrets and Scars: Even families have secrets, but this family’s secrets usually end with scars. Either way, Jamie has a confession.
Red Like Roses: Celine has been missing ever since the Author’s last attack, but finding her might not help things.
Stay Gold: While the Host tries to learn more about who he has become, who he used to be is ready to bring them all to their knees.
All-Seeing Eye: Dark has forced Anti back into the Septic Egos’ lives, and they’re all about to find out why when a new darkness emerges.
Broken Pieces: Despite everything they’ve been through together, Marvin still isn’t ready to forgive Anti. Until Phantom appears.
Deepest Desire: Celine’s darkest secret is getting out of hand, and Phantom peddles deepest desires to help her out. But even they can’t fix this alone.
Google Gets an Upgrade: When an upgrade goes horribly wrong, Google ends up searching for something he may never find.
Out of Time: Amy gets pulled into another world of the Roaring 20′s, and Mark has to work with the Egos if he’s going to get her back.
Septic Things: Jamie is missing, a secret organization is hunting Anti, and a monster lurks in the woods. But stranger things have happened.
Backdoor: The new Egopocalypse is creating chaos for the Septics, especially Anti, and an unlikely solution comes from a certain cat magician.
Power in Name: The Host’s name is his most precious possession, but when it gets turned against his best friend, he takes drastic measures.
Strings and Wires: Robots and Empaths, strings and wires. What happens when emotions mix with robotics and wreak havoc?
A Hero’s Courage: Jackieboy Man is a hero above everything else, and he and Marvin work to keep people safe. But they might need the help of a villain to keep themselves out of harm’s way.
Wheel of Fate: Bim Trimmer trusts Wilford and Dark more than anyone, but when faced with his greatest fear, will he swallow a lie and tear them all apart?
The Aftermath: Now that the Ipliers have survived their darkest moment to date, it’ll take a lot of work to rebuild what was destroyed.
Little Marionette: Sharper has lived his entire life in a warehouse, and he’s running out of time to repair himself before he shuts down. But can he accept help from his new friends to save himself and his new brother?
Detroit: Become Human (WIP): In a YouTuber AU of DBH, androids and humans are faced with a civil war, and while Mark and Jack might start on opposing sides, they’ll have to work together if they want to survive.
Effects of Chaos: An ominous glowing cloud is munching on timelines, and it’s up to AFC’s Chaos Crew, along with an unwilling Phantom, to save the world.
Hanahaki: Bim’s guilt is killing him--literally. Flowers are growing in his lungs, and the only way he can be saved is by the love of his family.
The Broken Ones: Trapped in the Forgotten for what has felt to them like 50 years, Wilford and Anti seem forever changed. They’re just another one of the broken ones.
Something Old Something New: As a treat, Wiggles has brought back something old by making it new, but it might not go as well as he hoped.
Grasp on Reality: Ever since he got back, Anti’s grasp on reality has been shaky at best, but when Marvin is taken, it’s only going downhill from there.
Voice in the Static: Everything is fine when everyone finally makes it home from the Forgotten, right?
Cursed: Phantom falls prey to a death potion, but could it be that someone closest to him is the real victim of a curse?
Starlight: Stars align to make Jamie’s nightmarish world into a reality, and the Fourth Wall is coming down.
Spooktober: The month of October brings a startling amount of angst to the blog, almost as if fluff itself doesn’t even exist anymore! So prepare and beware...
Little Red Pills: Noticing the shift in the balance of power, Phantom uses a deal to make it to the Ultrareality where a familiar face is laying in wait.
Nightmare Mode: Mad comes back with a team of nightmares on his side in one last ditch effort to get Sharper back, but with his brothers on his side, Mad has another thing coming.
The End
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seasaltnightmare · 6 years
Hana (X-Men Arc)
This is my first attempt at FanFic for X-Men #wolverinestyle #xmen 
Victor and James find Hana as a child in an abandoned village and discovers she is like them. She has spikes that extend from her elbows. As Hana matures to an adult, Victor finds ways to change her. She becomes an excellent assassin. James become the object of her affection, as they end up getting closer, which infuriates Victor. It fuels him to be more of a killer. After the stunt in Lagos, James leaves and tells Hana to come with him. She doesn’t go because Victor threatens her the night before with James’ life. James tells her that he would “see her on the other side”, his own way of telling her they’d find each other.
Stryker visits James, who has started a new life with his girlfriend, Kayla. He tells him that Victor went crazy and has killing their old crew. Victor is after Hana and need his help protecting her. James, obviously loving Hana, wants to protect her. The couple leave for Miami where Hana is supposedly hiding.
He finds Hana working at a bar on the beach. She is unsure of Kayla and feels like she might be a threat to James. She doesn’t want to go because she had known about Kayla before when she went to look for James after she left the team. James talks her into coming with them back to the Canadian Rockies, after the two get into a fist fight with 2 locals. At the cabin, things go fairly back to normal. Hana gives Kayla a chance. James goes back to work. Hana opens up to Kayla a little. Hana gets a whiff of Victor’s scent and leaves for the woods. After a bit of searching, Hana spots Victor and Kayla. Victor kills Kayla and goes after Hana.
James agrees to Stryker’s deal and is given the adamantium. He goes after Gambit and tracks down Victor. Through Fred he finds out that Stryker and Victor were always in it together. He gets to the facility where Stryker is holding the mutants hostage. He discovers that Stryker had given Hana the adamantium, but her body isn't adjusting as well as he’d hoped. Through pain, Hana begs Jim to kill her. Stryker wants to study the effects more. Kayla is alive and was part of a plan (to save her sister) to get James to become Wolverine and captures Hana who is now part of the Battle Angel project.
Victor and James battle Deadpool. James decapitates him. Victor escapes but take Hana in the process. Kayla manages to save the mutant kids, but is killed in the process. James tries to save her but is shot in the head by Stryker, which wipes his memory clean.
James, now Logan, is living on the outskirts of Canada. He and a young girl named Rogue are saved by Storm and Cyclops (Ororo and Scott). They are taken to Xavier’s School for gifted children. They are shown around by Xavier himself. He leads Logan to a room and tells him that is his. Jean Grey studies him, where he starts to fall for her even though she is Scott’s girlfriend.
Later the same night, the kids that reside at the mansion are excited to hear a familiar motorcycle sound approaching. Xavier exclaims that she has returned. He leads Logan to the main window where they watch a woman get off her motorcycle and gets greeted by the smaller children. When the girl sees Logan and calls him James, she wraps her arms around his neck. He gently pushes her off saying he has no idea who she is or who James is. Xavier telepathic tells her that Logan had an incident and that he could help him with her help. She reintroduces herself. Hana. She regards Xavier as her father.
Hana and Rogue become friends, as she can see that Logan has taken her in like a little sister. A lot like how they had started. Rogue tries to ask her questions about Logan, but Hana doesn’t really answer them. The next night, Logan accidentally walks in on Hana and the Professor talking. The Professor thinks that Hana should keep going on about keeping their past hidden until Logan is truly ready for it. Reluctantly, Hana agrees. Logan tell the Professor that Jean is waiting for him in the lower levels.
Logan walks with Hana back to her room. He notices that she keeps looking at him with sad eyes and asks if they really know each other. Hana lies and tell him maybe in another life. She put her hand on his arm and he can feel her emotions.
Rogue hears Logan having a nightmare and goes to him. He accidentally stabs her. She takes his power. She runs away because the other mutants are afraid of her, so she was told to believe. Then get kidnapped by Magneto to be used in his plan to turn the world into mutants. The Professor tries to track them but is put into a coma. Victor has a run-in with Logan again. Hana stops him from killing Logan. Logan goes to Rogue to save her. Victor fights Hana. He confesses he had always loved her. But he was an animal and if she didn’t kill him he would always be there and always be a killer. She cuts into his chest with her blades and he falls from the Statue of Liberty.
The Professor wakes up from his coma. Logan is greeted by Jean, whom he has a crush on. They are interrupted by Scott who is accompanied by Hana. Xavier tells Hana that it must have been hard to do what she had to do, but it will all be ok.
Later that week, Hana gives the Professor coordinates to where Logan would find some answers that might wake his past without harming him. She tells him that she is leaving for a while and that she would be back when she felt the time was right. She runs into Logan who is leaving as well to go to the place Hana had given the Professor. He asks hers to be honest and tell him if they shared a past, she smiles, walk to him and kisses him and says “I’ll see you on the other side”.
Logan finds the location in which his experiments were done, but does not find any answers.  Logan comes home. He is greeted by Storm and Jean who are getting ready to go to collect Nightcrawler, who attacked the President. He finds Hana in the rec room with some of the kids. He heads to his room to drop his stuff off. The Professor and Scott go to Erik who are all taken by Stryker.
Logan has another nightmare and goes for a walk in the mansion looking for beer. He finds Bobby and Hana eating ice cream in the kitchen. Logan gets flirty with Hana and suggests they pick up where they left off. They are attacked by Stryker’s Team. Hana is shot by a serum saving Bobby. She feels sleepy but cannot use her blades. Most of the children are collected. Logan, Bobby, Rogue, John and Hana escape and go to Bobby’s house on their way to find Storm and Jean.
They are found by Storm and Jean. Hana accidentally walks in on Logan confessing to Jean. Jean tells him she loves Scott. Hana goes off on her own to clear her head. She knows Logan is not her old James, but she can’t help but feel heartbroken. Jean comes to her to see if she is ok. Hana makes her touch her mind and see what their life was before. Jean hugs her because she is experiencing her pain.
Logan fights his way in to save the professor and the children. Stryker does not given him the answers. As the dam breaks, Jean sacrifices herself to save the rest of the group.
X3: The Last Stand
Hana went away because she couldn’t use her blades. She goes to Japan to where experiments were done on her.
(Story stays the same.)
Compound 6: The Battle Angel
Hana is captured by a group called Supreme Hydra. They tell her that she belongs to them and that she was one of their first experiments. She tells them they are wrong because Stryker make her what she is by fusing her with the adamantium. They go on to explain to her that when she was a child, they had taken her from a small village in Malaysia. They wanted to make her their weapon, but it was stopped due to the attacked by the Americans.
The Wolverine
Haunted by the fact he had to kill Jean to save the world, Logan goes into hermit-mode and lives in the woods of the Yukon. Yukio has collect Logan and taken him to Ichiro, a friend he made in WWII. After Ichiro dies, his granddaughter is attacked. He and Mariko go on the run and escape to Nagasaki, where they spend the night together. Logan goes outside to breath the fresh air. He catches a familiar scent. He thinks he sees Hana and starts running after her.
Hana isn’t sure if she, herself is hallucinating, or if she is really seeing Logan again. But she isnt ready and takes off again. Logan catches her in the wooded area of the mountains. She fights him telling him to go away. Then she realizes he’s not healing. Touching his skin she can tell there’s something foreign in his body stopping. She hugs him tightly to which Logan says “I just don’t understand women”. He explains why he is there. Hana can feel his guilt for killing Jean and what it's done to him.
On their way back down the mountain, Logan sees Mariko being taken by Yakuza. Yukio comes to get Logan, seeing things happen. She is a little leery of Hana because she sees Hana in her mind with Logan’s heart in her hand. When they get back to the House of Ichiro, Logan puts himself on the machine to track what Hana feels like might be inside of him. Logan cuts himself open and has Hana reach into his heart to grab the “bug”. He survives and fights Mariko’s father. Logan defeats him. Logan goes after Viper and Mariko. Hana stays with a half dazed Yukio.
Yukio and Hana arrive as Mariko kills her grandfather, who was just draining Logan of his powers. Logan passes out and says good-bye to Jean. He whispers his always love her. Yukio is going with Logan back to America. At the airport, Logan notices that Hana is not there. He tell the private jet pilot to wait so he can go get her. Hana had turned around to disappear again. Logan calls out to her, she stops for a moment and continues. He tells her to come home with him. She tries to explain to him that she can’t because she still loves the old James and it’s hard to be around Logan knowing he doesn’t feel the same about her. He grabs both of her arms and throws them over his neck, kissing her deeply. “No more. No more ‘I’ll see you on the other side’.”
(FF after Oklahoma City incident. Charles goes into another seizure. Logan wants to go Alaska to hide and begin a trek toward Nevada.)
Hana had run away years ago. After the death of so many, she ran even further. For 30 years,she had thought Logan was dead and felt too guilty to go find him. A quick glimpse of Xavier, a little girl and Logan on tv almost makes her pass out. Xavier leads them to Hana, who was working as a volunteer doctor at a free clinic. Logan is wounded and needs to be taken care of. She takes them to her little home, and tells them to stay the night but to be gone by the morning. Charles excitedly tells her about Laura. Laura becomes clingy to Hana because she is also part of her. Hana lays next to Charles and holds his hand so she can feel his emotions. He feels hers and tell her to go to Logan.
Hana and Logan talk in the kitchen about what happened with him. She sits on the counter when he slips a ring on her hand and tells her that he'd been holding it since their return from Japan. She puts her arms around him and kisses him. But tells him to leave in the morning. They leave before Hana is awake.
Logan, Laura and Charles are attacked. Logan gets them to safety, but again is deeply wounded. They go back to Hana’s office. Hana is attacked and she fights alongside Logan. Noticing Logan is slowing down a lot she tells them to go North and to meet her at Neptune's Castle, a motel a few hours away. Logan waits for her outside. Once inside the dingy, Laura hugs her waist and doesn’t let go. Hana hugs Charles and kisses him. Logan hands her fresh clothes. He notices that the scratches on her face aren’t healing. (Two conjoined rooms.) While cleaning herself up, Hana’s more obvious wounds aren’t closing. She wraps herself in a towel and grabs her bag. Logan notices her from the other room and walks back to the second room. He sees the fresh blood on the floor. He tries to get into the bathroom but Hana tells him to mind his own business and go away. He breaks the door down. She sewing her palm. He holds her as she starts to sob, because she’s dying too. They make love.
Hana talks Logan into taking them to North Dakota. She tells him if there’s nothing there, there would be nothing to lose. And if that was the case, she wanted to go to Canada and live out the rest of her days with him, Laura and Charles. Logan agrees but stresses that they should lay low for a week since the Reavers were hot on their trail. Though Laura throws a fit, Charles calms her.
A month later, they start their journey again. Logan is getting much worse. Hana knows it won’t be much longer. Charles finds out Hana is pregnant and urges her to tell Logan, but Hana keeps it to herself. Charles has another episode, forcing the group to take a more secluded route. They end up helping a couple and their son after a near fatal crash with their horses. The family invites them back to their house for dinner and offer them a place to stay for the night. Charles tells Logan that Hana and Laura need rest. Hana helps Logan take Charles to the bedroom upstairs. She makes Laura comfortable next to Charles and kisses her goodnight. She makes sure that Laura can feel her emotions to tell her she is loved and that everything will be ok. Logan watches her from the door. She walks over to him and kisses him. Charles laughs and says that Laura loves to see them together and that they were a family. Logan grunts and goes away. Hana goes to Charles side and tell him she will come back for them. Before she leaves Charles tell her how proud of her he is. Before she leaves she tells him she loves him.
Logan helps the man with the water. Charles is killed by X24. X24 takes Laura. The family is killed by X24. Logan and X24 fight, and Logan is wounded badly. He takes off with Laura. He buries Charles in the woods, and passes out. Logan wakes up in a clinic. Laura had driven him there. He leaves the clinic with her. Laura speaks to him finally and tells him they need to find Hana, whom she calls mama. Logan gets mad at her for calling her that but it doesn’t stop her. Then she starts screaming to go to North Dakota repeating names of children who she escaped the facility with. Logan is tired and he has lost a lot of blood. As he is getting ready to leave, Hana shows up. She catches him as he falls out of the car. Hana motions to Laura to help her get Logan into the back of her truck.
Logan passes out in the back while, Hana drives them to the east. They stop at an abandoned barn for the night. Laura is asleep in the front, Hana climbs into the back with Logan who is in and out of sleep. Hana helps Logan find a little solace and lulls his mind to a peaceful sleep. She kisses his cheek and tells him to push just a little longer, and that there will be 4 of them soon. Logan half smiles and falls into a deep sleep. Hana leaves the barn so she won’t wake the others. She mourns the death of her father.
She is fooled by X24 who cuts the fetus from her and leaves her to bleed to death as a warning to Logan. Logan wakes up confused and sees Hana sitting up against the barnside with blankets around her. He gets up to greet her but notices the trail of blood to where she is sitting. He screams when he discovers she can not heal from this and she says her goodbyes. Laura holds her hand and Hana tells her that she couldn’t have wished for a better girl. Logan holds her as she starts to fade. She touches his face and shares all her favorite moments with him. He feels all of her emotions. It ends with her showing him a dream of raising kids and getting old together. She tells him to live long enough to save “their daughter” and that she’ll “see him on the other side”.
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gloomy-goober · 7 years
A Graceless Spell
Roman Day 3: Princey is cursed to be clumsy in everything he does for one whole week! I wonder how that plays out?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (You are Here!) A witch is found and a spell is broken
Three horses slowed to a stop in a clearing. The grass that laid there was dead and showed obvious signs of a fight that had once happened on the ground. The dead and knotted trees that surrounded the area gave it a very ominous feeling. 
Prince slowly untangled himself from Anxiety’s tight grip and slid to the ground. Unlike his usual dismounts from a horse he landed clumsily and was lucky enough that Virgil was fast and caught him. 
“Thank you.”
“Whatever,” Virgil mumbled and let go of Prince’s collar once he was sure the side was steady on his feet. 
Logan stopped and dismounted next to them. The side held the reigns of his horse tightly and looked around the clearing with great interest. His eyes seemed to take note of every place a spell had seemingly hit. 
Patton’s horse was next to Logan’s. The usually talkative side had gone quiet and his mare seemed to give some uneasy noises. He did not get off her back instead looked over to Roman with a look that said ‘now what?’
In full honesty, Prince had no clue. He did not know if the witch was alive or if they would even stay near this clearing. The side was very uncertain how this situation would play out or if the other three would be any help to him at all. 
He refused to relay this uneasiness to the other three. They counted on him to be the strong one. The one full of confidence to counter Virgil’s doubt, to push through any barrier’s Logan would point out that they could face, and to give Patton the feeling of hope. 
Roman drew his sword and took a few steps forward so he was in the middle of the circle. 
“Witch! I know you are still alive,” he called out into the forest, “Your trick of ashes fooled me once but never again! Your spell has a hold on me and I demand to reverse it at once!” 
His words rang through the trees and slowly died away which left the four sides in utter silence. 
Roman could feel his palms sweat against the handle of his sword but stood his ground. He had to be ready for any attack that might be thrown at him. It could come from any angle at any time. 
The horses suddenly let out shrieks and tipped the two remaining riders to the ground before they tried to run off. All but Logan’s escaped since the Logical side had thought it best to get off and hold his steed still. 
Anxiety and Morality hit the ground hard with a couple of thumps.The two sides groaned in pain but otherwise seemed alright. It was a lucky break that the horses had not taken a chance to stomp on them but fled. 
It was not a lucky break when a heavy breeze seemed to blow through the clearing and seemed to circle Roman’s three companions. Logan let go of the reigns of his horse in favor to protect his eyes from the dirt. The cloud of dirt became so thick that the prince could not see the other three easily. 
“Ah, Prince Roman,” a wicked voice whipped through the wind and froze the prince mid-step towards where the whirling clouds that surrounded his friends were. 
“I see my clever trick did not deceive you for as long as I thought it would,” the witch chuckled, “But I guess you are not as dumb as I thought you were. You even brought companions this time to aid you.” 
Another cloud of wind moved and picked up the black pile of ash that still laid where it had the day he had killed the witch. The wind swirled it up in a dark tornado. 
“Too bad they will be no help to you. This battle is between you...” the wind spoke around him. 
The black tornado slowed to a stop to reveal not the nasty hag he had fought before but a mesmerizing, yet powerful being. 
“And me,” the creature snarled and raised a hand. 
Roman only had a second to think before they casted a spell. A deadly green shot from their finger tips and he clumsily dodged. The royal side grunted at he hit the ground hard. 
The curse still on him prevented him from doing the usual roll to catch himself. 
The side bit back the pain and rolled over just in time to block another deadly green bolt with his sword. The spell rebounded but a little too far to the right to hit its target. 
He gritted his teeth and rolled out of the way as a blue blast was sent at him. When it hit he took the chance and and pushed himself back up to his feet. The prince got up just in time to block another spell that would have hit him square in the chest. 
With a shout, Roman charged at the being before him but found himself stuck halfway there. His sword raised above his head. With a lazy flick of the creature’s finger he went flying back towards the trees.
Roman felt the wind get knocked out of him at the hit the solid surface and slide to the ground with a groan. His sword was no longer in his hands. He could feel the hopelessness in the situation welling up around him.
“Oh my dear, Prince,” the creature cooed, “You cannot rule without your grace and you cannot win this battle without it.”
Roman lifted his head to look up at the being in front of him. The thing had a smug smirk on their face and had a hand raised. In that hand a ball of electricity was being formed and somewhere in Prince’s mind he knew that if it was thrown at him he would be dead. 
“If you surrender now,” the thing continued, “I will spare your life and your friends. Your kingdom will be in good hands and you can live out your life without the knowledge that you killed them.”
Princey glanced around the clearing now in hopes to find his weapon. The sword laid just out of arms reach. He would have to be quick and cunning if he wanted to grab it and kill the creature in front of him. Cunning was not usually his forte though, that was Logic or Anxiety’s. They were the quick thinkers.
“If you do not surrender you will have to watch each of them die.” 
He snapped his head to look at the creature to see an evil smirk on their face. They were so close now. 
“You will have to watch them die one. By. One,” they twirled their finder and the dirt and dust that made the spiraling clouds thick cleared so he could see each of them clearly. 
Logan had his eyes covered still but still stood. He was the only one to be doing so. Patton was on the ground and had his hands over his ears. The noise of the wind must be loud; they probably could not hear a word that was being said. Virgil was in a ball on the ground. The dark hood of his outfit over his face and his hands over his ears as well. 
A pang of guilt ran through the prince when he saw all of them. He was supposed to protect them and if he could not than he had to save them. He glanced at the threatening ball of light in the creature’s hand and than at the sword. This was the only way. 
“Fine. You win,” Roman hung his head in defeat. “You win just...just spare them. Take the kingdom but please,spare them.” 
The creature cackled and the light of the ball faded. 
“You are pathetic,” they said with a sneer, “But what can one expect?”
They moved closer and held out a hand to the prince in front of them. 
“Still, a deal is a deal,” the being stated, “We shake on it and than you and your friends have an hour to get somewhere safe. If you do not I am not responsible for the fates that may befall you.”
Roman kept his head down and slowly reached for the hand. He grabbed his loosely but did not shake. In an instant the loose grip turned hard and he pulled the being down to the ground. He moved fast to grab his sword and was happy to find that the curse did not stop him from falling over. 
“The deal is off!” 
In a quick motion he brought his sword down and hit the powerful creature right on the neck. The hand he had held in a death grip turned to snow in his hand and a scream echoed in the air. 
Roman sat there frozen for a minute, hand clutching melting snow and his sword embedded in the ground. A weight had seemingly lifted off his chest as soon as the being had change; a weight he could only guess was the evil spell that took away his gracefulness. 
A breathed in a sigh of relief but it did not last long when he heard the sound of silence. The wind that had been loudly screaming in his ears had died away. 
Princey was on his feet in an instant, no stumbling around, and hurried over to the dying cyclones. 
Logan’s disappeared first and Roman was fast to catch the Logical side before he fell onto the ground. 
“Logan? Logan can you hear me?” 
Logan coughed and slowly removed his hands from his eyes. His glasses had been scratched from the flying debris in the wind. Calculating brown eyes blinked slowly to the light before they looked up to the side that held him. 
“Logic? Are you alright?” Prince asked. 
Logan coughed and pushed himself out of the hold. He moved to adjust a tie that was not there in the armor before he settled to just readjusting his glasses. 
“Roman,” he said slowly, “I am never coming back into this place again.”
“Understood, but-.”
Screaming cut him off and both sides turned fast to where Patton’s wind had died away. The emotional side still had his hands over his ears and was screaming at the top of his lungs. 
Roman was at his side in an instant; trying to get the hands away from his ears. The action was surprisingly hard.
“Patton? Patton! You are alright! You are alright!” 
Patton did not seem to hear. He just kept screaming and Roman was at a loss for what to do. 
“Let me.”
Roman looked up at Logan in surprise but stepped back to see what would happen. He expected some sort of rational talk or a secret pressure point to get Patton calm. He did not expect the logical side to just straight out slap Morality.
“Logic!” Roman cried in horror. “That is not what we do!” 
“It got him to stop screaming and come back to his not-reality,” Logan pointed out with a shrug and looked back down at the dazed face of Patton. 
“Logan?” Patton said the name slowly; his hands still over his ears. 
“Yes, that would be my name.”
Patton shot up in an instant and wrapped his arms tightly around Logan’s neck. The logical side froze on the spot under the heart’s affection. 
“Oh Logan you saved me!”
“I-I believe it was mostly Roman’s doing,” Logan grit out, “But, yes, I suppose I did help get you to stop screaming.” 
Roman smiled at the two of them and then turned his attention to the last cyclone’s location. It had disappeared during the small display between Morality and Logic which left a dark ball on the ground. Silent and still. 
“Anxiety?” Roman said the side’s title slowly and carefully made his way over to him. He did not get close; unsure with what to do. “Virgil? Are you o-”
He paused and rethought the statement. 
“Are you hurt?” 
He expected no response but there was some relief when a second later Virgil shook his head no. The prince chanced a small step closer and crouched down next to his companion. 
“Do you need anything?” 
Once again the answer was no. Roman nodded and looked around the clearing.
“Do...do you want to leave?”
This time the answer took several seconds to come about but eventually Virgil shook his head yes. 
“Alright. I will find the horses,” Princey said and moved to stand up. 
“Hey Princey.”
Roman paused. Virgil’s voice was softer than normal and a little hoarse. He waited for him to continue and than realized that with the hood up Anxiety could not see him very well. 
“Yes, Hot Topic?”
The royal side considered it a small victory when Virgil gave a small huff that he had taken to mean it was an amused sound. Almost a laugh but not quite.
“If you get into one of these situations again don’t drag me into it.”
“No promises,” Roman chuckled and stood up fully, “I quite like having a riding companion on my way to the fight.”
Virgil made another one of those amused sounds and actually shifted some so Roman could see his eyes. 
“Yeah, well, I don’t exactly like watching you pretend to sacrifice yourself.”
Roman stopped and stared at Anxiety. He could not keep the eye contact for long. With an awkward cough he looked away and wiped some of the dirt off his white trousers. 
“Yes, well, good to know you care,” Roman said awkwardly and pretended to be more interested in a speck of dirt on his coat, “But I don’t think that was worth stalling me into getting the horses.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said and sat up slowly, “Go get them so I can go back to my roo-spot on Thomas’ couch.” 
“Oh Thomas!” Patton gasped, “We got to tell him what happened...oh I hope he wasn’t hoping for a more mythical adventure story with all of us playing a really cool character role that would lead up to a grand, together boss fight!” 
Logan stared at the side that had finally detached himself from him. 
“You watch way too many movies,” he said slowly, “You know that?”
“I do not! You just watch too little.”
“I left the two to bicker and went off to find the horses. They had only gone a little ways down the road so it was no trouble.”
Princey sat on the side of Thomas’ bed as he relayed the story to him. It was drawing to a close. Usually they would have this conversation downstairs but with Virgil having taken to camping on Thomas’ couch it had to be up here.
“We all got back on and rode back to the mind castle. Everyone changed back to their normal attire...well almost everyone. I think Patton is going to keep those robes and, well, you know the rest.”
“Do you think they are fine after that?”
“I am sure that after a week or so they will be back to their normal selves,” Roman said with a shrug, “It could have been worse. They could have been eaten but a dragon.”
Thomas nods. A thought already blooming in his head of what would happen if one of his sides ‘died’ in his mind. He pushed it off to another day. 
“Well, I am glad that was fixed and you all are okay.”
Princey stood up and smiled down at his host. 
“As am I,” he chuckled, “And this did make a very interesting bed time story.”
“It did indeed,” Thomas yawned and looked over at his alarm clock, “But I better hit the hay. You are probably exhausted as well.”
“Yes, I do need my beauty sleep after a week of chaos.”
Thomas chuckles and moves to turn off his lamp light.
“Good night, Princey.”
“The best of dreams, dear Thomas!” Roman said and sunk out with his normal flourish.
When he appeared back in the mindscape there was no tripping or breaking. It was just epic music and than silent. The other sides were sleeping and his castle was slowly fading back into the normal palace. The prince smiled sadly at that but knew everything came to an end. 
He walked to his room with all the grace he should have as what he represented and hummed a merry tune.
All was well again. 
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twilight-deviant · 8 years
I'm curious. What are the reasons Wyatt might not be good for Lucy?
You’re trying to get me in trouble, anon. lol. I’ve just been mumbling under my breath about it. I guess I shouldn’t be afraid to speak though, even if it is against the (for some reason) most popular ship. Um, I can’t tell from your tone if you ship it, or if you hate it, or if you’re neutral, so if I offend your ship, I apologize. I’m just calling it like I see it.
Can I make this a general post about Wyatt? Since the tag you’re referencing was mainly about my outlook on Wyatt. But I’ll tie Wyatt/Lucy back into it.
Under a cut because it’s really long and also so anyone not wanting to hear a more critical reflection of Wyatt’s character can abstain.
I should probably preface everything which follows by saying I don’t hate Wyatt. True, of the four main characters, he is my least favorite and the least interesting, but that’s neither here nor there. I think he’s an all right character (nothing groundbreaking) and that he is decently three-dimensional. But the reasons I find him to be a departure from the standard, cookie cutter hero character are, apparently, quite different than what everyone else cites.
So… despite what the fandom almost unanimously believes, Wyatt is not a precious cinnamon roll. He is not a good person. I’m not saying he doesn’t want to be one. And he definitely thinks he is. But he is also kind of a jerk. Which is fine. I like my characters with some depth. I just get a little frustrated by people ignoring his faults or sweeping them under the rug. And I definitely don’t get why everyone thinks him having a relationship with Lucy would be the most healthy and well functioning thing. (Look, I ship Flynn/Lucy, but I’m also calling a rose a rose. It is what it is.)
I leave my own preconceived hangups at the door. Ever since I first watched the trailer, I was already rolling my eyes at the inevitability of the show trying to force them together, like every. single. other. show. on. television. It’s boring, if I’m being honest, predictable. But then I watched the Pilot and was intrigued when they called themselves brother and sister. Actually, I was downright giddy. I couldn’t stop going on about it. I thought hey… maybe they’re actually going for a different dynamic, something unique. Then they did it again in the second episode, a third time in Stranded, and I became really excited at the idea that they would develop a sibling relationship instead. How cute is it for Wyatt to be younger than her and yet end up acting like a big brother? Plus, it’s a lot easier to overlook Wyatt’s faults when the relationship between them isn’t romantic. So, digression aside, I’ll answer your question now.
I’ll start off small and build up, kay?
Wyatt is not over his wife. He’s not. He’s still obsessed with her. He regularly prints out pictures of her and stares at them, tapes them to his wall with the newspaper articles. He sits at a bar looking at her picture and drinking. And his obsession isn’t going away any time soon. He isn’t going to wake up one day in the near future and move on. It’s already been four years, and he is still feeling it. And he’s not done yet. Lucy’s journal claims that Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica. We don’t yet know exactly when Lucy writes the journal, but Flynn does say that it’s, “A few years from now.” So a few years from now, Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica and her death. We can’t honestly expect him to be all in with Lucy until he’s over Jessica. That’s not fair.
Inappropriate/Inconsiderate. He’s a guy. Fair enough, right? Excuse it if you want, but what he does in the Pilot is still a jerk move. Wyatt and Lucy are locked in a cell together. They’re standing, they’re pacing around, he’s staring at her breasts. It makes Lucy visibly uncomfortable. She scoffs and turns away from him. Oh, but it was all tactical, right? He had to stare at her chest before his eureka moment hit. Sure. Whatever. Okay, but then (and there’s no excuse for this) he watches as she takes off her shirt and bra! That’s downright sleazy. And the fandom romanticizes this instance? How would you feel if this guy you JUST MET was leering at you and, oh yeah, you’re locked in a room with him? There’s a certain expectation of consideration where you don’t make people feel uneasy. Let’s just say “gentleman” isn’t a word I’m throwing around with Wyatt Logan, aight?
Unstable. There was that part in the beginning of The Alamo where Wyatt is being reassigned. And I have to admit, I was surprised. He handled it with integrity, maturity, and respect towards his superiors. Fiction is so full of loose canons, I’d never seen that before. I was impressed. But boy, he got me good. Because just wait until the adults are away. He immediately descends into an erratic mindset. He begins experiencing flashbacks that are one step away from full-blown hallucinations. He is tortured by survivor’s guilt to the point that it affects his decision making skills. He already had enough of that going on because of his wife. In the Pilot, he’s so distracted by saving Kate the first time that he lets Flynn get away. And then a second time. And then a third time. I have to wonder how Wyatt has the psychiatric green light to be approved for combat, much less such a vital mission whose outcome literally affects the fate of the entire world. The episode posed the question if Wyatt is the right man for the job, and somehow the answer was… yes? Come on. This would never happen in real life. Wyatt’s instability is a liability. Let’s be honest with ourselves, he’s about as unstable as Flynn.
Oh, speaking of…
He’s as bad as Flynn. Not “as” bad, but committing a lot of the same transgressions. You know the body count between them is about the same, right? Granted, several of the people Wyatt has killed are Flynn’s men, self-defense shots with a low impact on the timeline. But others?
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That’s sort of… what Flynn does. All the time. And why he does it. 
And the justification here, why we shouldn’t care, is because the guy was a Nazi? Look, he wasn’t a member of the top brass. He was just a soldier guarding some random spot in the woods. He’s not making a lot of decisions about the war. Was most likely drafted. He was just a guy doing as he was told, and he got shot in the back. And any descendants he might have had disappeared. They certainly weren’t Nazis. He was just some grunt. I seem to recall Wyatt’s outlook on the life of a soldier as, “I don’t get trained in why. Just who, what, where, and when.” It’s a bit… heartless. It shows a lack of empathy. That’s all I’m saying. (No, I’m not a Nazi sympathizer. But I do consider the individual within the cause.)
Wyatt actually killed at least six people in that episode. But there’s really no telling how many more were casualties of the rocket he and Rufus set off. Most likely (and at least) there were the four who were next to it when it exploded. Which would bring Wyatt’s contributive body count in that one episode up to ten. But given the massive fire the rocket ignites, there were probably more. (And we can’t even calculate how many of their descendants were wiped.) Honestly, if I did a legitimate tally, he has undoubtedly killed MORE people than Flynn.
He also killed Lieutenant Louis Coulon’s son, which can’t have not had an impact somewhere. And he was a good guy who wanted to feed them. Poor fella.
Wyatt has killed other people in the past. Like Rittenhouse’s men, but those were in self-defense so we have to let it go. Even though an unscheduled death going back 236 years definitely affected a lot in the timeline. That’s dozens of people who weren’t born, though it could easily be a hundred or more.
Wyatt has NO concerns with preserving the timeline, which is Lucy’s primary mission. And it’s very disrespectful how he OFTEN changes events on a whim, ignoring Lucy’s advice (and sometimes her pleas) to be more careful, leave less of a footprint. In response, Wyatt tells Lucy that history is her job and expects her to be his damage control as he runs about doing as he wishes in his mission and changes almost as many things incidentally as Flynn does intentionally. Lucy is so passionate about history and maintaining it and… Wyatt doesn’t really care a lot of the time.
Wyatt is manipulative. To be fair, this is mostly something seen with Flynn. He does it three times in the Watergate Tape episode. He toys with Flynn a bit, makes him think that he’s really willing to listen him. Flynn expresses that he wishes Wyatt would believe him, and Wyatt decides to run with it, use it. I’d let this go because, hey, Flynn was threatening to kill him and that’s just survival. I actually like the idea that Wyatt was consciously trying to trigger Lima syndrome. It’s devious, and I like it. But there’s one instance that sits unwell with me. There’s the really great scene (Goran is such an amazing actor) where Flynn finally fills in the blanks and says what happened regarding his family’s deaths. It’s extremely raw and emotional, obviously a sore spot, to put it lightly. And after Flynn has basically overshared his soul, Wyatt says, “Look. If any of this were true, you have a time machine. Why don’t you just go back and save your family?” It actually took me a few viewings to realize how, well, insidious the suggestion really is. Wyatt KNOWS you can’t go back to a time you already exist. And yet he’s hoping Flynn doesn’t? So he took the heartbreaking story that was shared with him and he then tried to twist and exploit Flynn’s desperation and love for his family until he could convince the man to go back to the night it happened and, in the process, destroy himself. Wyatt tried to weaponize Flynn’s mourning. It’s just very… unsettling. It’s very cold.
And then a lesser instance with Lucy, though his motivations are conjecture. But I gotta be honest that, once again, it just doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. The scene in The Capture of Benedict Arnold where they find out Rittenhouse is one man and the team is trying to decide how they’ll proceed. Lucy isn’t on board, and Wyatt sort of says everything he can to bring her around, up to and including the illogical proposal that it might even bring Amy back. He wants something, and Lucy’s standing in the way of a united front. Keep in mind, Wyatt’s already on board. Flynn bought his cooperation from the beginning. So every point he makes here is for the sole purpose of convincing Lucy. He mentions all the people who will suffer if they don’t do it, and yeah, it’s a great cause but it’s not his cause. It’s not his motive for why he’s doing it. He wants Jessica’s killer. The plight of hundreds is his tactic for convincing Lucy. And the way he finishes it by saying, “What you really believe in is helping people,” it sort of feels like emotional blackmail. He presents the argument in such a way that Lucy can’t ignore that her disagreement and inaction will cause the deaths of all those people. He’s pressuring her to agree with them. Like I said, his motives there are debatable, but I don’t like it.
Temper. Wyatt is a great guy. So long as everything is going his way and everyone is doing what he says. Source? Just… any scene with him and Judith Campbell, honestly. He immediately flips a switch with her, and it’s somewhat frightening to know how quickly he can turn on a person. He has a temper lying in wait, and it can be unlocked with very minor provocation. It’s an overall bad episode for Wyatt with an unfortunate peek at the darker side he definitely has. He tries ordering Lucy and Rufus around the entire episode, snaps at them when they disobey or lose focus. Lucy even tells him he doesn’t give the orders, not that he gives it much mind. He tells her to take it up with Agent Christopher, which she obviously can’t do in the past. Wyatt knows and takes advantage of the fact that when they are isolated the past, he becomes the default power of authority. He doesn’t use it often, but it is a trump card. Lucy and Rufus cannot stop him physically. He’s a well trained soldier, and they’re nerds. Wyatt is aware.
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And, ya know, just adding, he goes on to use Judith as bait, something he knows could be dangerous given his nonanswer when she asks if he would do the same with a woman he loved. Lucy told him Judith is important, and he still used her, risked her.
His temper ties in with this next point.
Everything! In! This! Scene!
Good lord. Red flags popping up like daisies. Can we extract the facts from this scene? Maybe if we’re not watching two people act, the story will shine through and hit a little better, a little clearer.
Wyatt and Jessica go out to a bar.
Jessica runs into an old boyfriend of hers.
Wyatt becomes immensely jealous. Even though he and Jessica are married. (Now, I don’t know the girl. Yet. But unless he has proven and established reasons to worry about her being disloyal, this is very insulting.) Wyatt is an over the top jealous, possessive person. 
Let’s add distrustful.
Wyatt’s jealousy leads to him drinking too much.
I’d like to mention the obvious here in that after drinking “too much,” he then drives them home. So… drunk driving added to the list of offenses.
They leave the bar, and, once they are alone, the fight begins.
The shouting becomes so unbearable that Jessica would rather get out of the car than stay in it with him.
Instead of letting it go, at least until they get home, he actually, legitimately stops the car.
He lets her out on the side of a highway. It wasn’t a city block or a rural street. Only highways have mile markers. Have you seen a highway? It’s typically a long stretch of road that might not have anything on it for miles. That’s why they have mile markers. He let her out there.
Because of this, Jessica is (predictably?) killed.
This isn’t a tragic backstory. Flynn has a tragic backstory. He was just a man doing his job and they killed his family. What Wyatt has is the consequence of his actions. The one redeeming aspect of the whole ordeal is that he does at least blame himself for it. I mean, he should. So at least he does.
I dread the day when (not if) they inevitably show us the flashback of that night and end up retconning so much of how the scene is represented. Because Wyatt is a fan favorite now, so they’re going to make every decision he made that night look like a natural course of events that could happen to anyone. You know they’ll do it.
Jealous. Related note to the above point, people think it’s cute every time Wyatt “gets jealous” when other men pay Lucy attention or flirt with her. Noooooooo. Once again, red flag. We’ve heard what happens when he gets jealous. WHY is this cute?
Did I ramble? Definitely. Is anyone going to read all of that? Definitely not. Sorry I couldn’t keep it brief, Anon. I’m a very contemplative individual who thinks too much about fiction. It’s dangerous to ask me a question. lol. No matter how simple it may sound when asked.
I think what we’re supposed to do with Wyatt’s character (which so few do– no one?) is acknowledge that he is a protagonist who is not 100% good. He is the mirror image of Flynn, an antagonist who is not 100% bad. They have so much in common, I truly believe we’re supposed to draw parallels between them. 
So for lots of reasons, I don’t think Wyatt is good for Lucy. Really, unless he changes himself drastically, I don’t think he’s good for anyone. His wife is literally dead because of his jealousy and his temper. And Wyatt just… can’t really handle it when people disagree with him, not when he’s too invested in his own idea. Lucy is too strong willed for something to actually last for very long between them. I hope it never starts. But I rarely get what I want in these matters so…
Once again, I don’t hate Wyatt. He’s still an okay guy. I didn’t list his positive attributes because it wasn’t relative to the question. And there are enough posts about that. But yeah, one day, the glass just sort of shattered and I noticed all of his bad traits that had been building up under our noses the entire time. They add up. He’s just a flawed, unstable hothead. But at least he’s three-dimensional.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 11 - "The Time has Come to Slay the Beast" - Duncan
fuck you jay have ur damn confession
In other news, I did not too bad on the immunity and then realized that if I win a third in a row I'm going to be the biggest target which was literally the opposite of the strategy I was going for so hopefully someone did it in less than seven. My strategy was good tho I'm pissed like it is literally not in me to not try/throw a comp and it's not good news but like I just WANTED TO DO WELL OK THIS COMPETITION WAS FUN DFSAJKNHFJDSKHFSKJADFH I'M CRYING Anyways! It's final nine and this is the round to make a move, I think. Sam really pissed me off last round being all wishy washy and non-committal. People like Ryan blame Trevor for being controlling but it's literally what Sam wants. Sam wants to be "told" what to do, or to not have an opinion, so he doesn't seem like the leader he is but like... It's so obvious to see through. He acts like he doesn't know what's going on or what other people think, but he does. Take an acting class, betch! I don't know if it's smarter to go for Sam or Ali or JD. I guess like... Sam: Pros, he's the biggest threat of the three and he has an idol and he personally acts like an idiot even though I really wanted to work with him he gives me NOTHING and I want revenge! Damn! The con would be that...he has an  idol and he's always paranoid af and he'll probably play it. Another con is that his minions Ali/JD can be easily swayed without him, and someone could scoop them tf up. Ali: Pros, Sam has mentioned needing to get Ali out although idk if it was a lie or not. He's got the best social connections out of everyone and people genuinely want him to win. Cons, he's arguably more loyal than Sam and he's a lot less frustrating to talk to and I like him. Also leaving Sam in the game with an idol after taking out his ally is not a good. JD: Pros, she's the least likely to be expected as a target, she like....is so naive in terms of trying to save Ryan last round and then telling Trevor "oh you're the leader" like, girl bye. Cons, Ali/Sam could still be in the game as a tight duo, and also she seems the easiest to beat in the end of the three.... Idk! I don't know. It also depends on what I can get Logan/Duncan/Lydia/Trevor to agree on, if anything. And also like... immunity results will matter. And Sam's idol. And then like idk what Ryan is gonna do! So! We! Will! See! I! Guess!!!!!! Also Ryan messaged me this morning and like I do want to work with Ryan still but I'm worried that he views me as tight with Trevor and if I say anything to him or give him any info he can use it to turn others against Trevor and I so dskjafhadsjf idk what to do about that but we'll see if he messages me again huh!
noh wow! Oh Wow!! OH WOW!!! 
An alliance called "oh wow!" Just was made between Owen Logan and I, which is good bc I need two of the people I'm closest to to have some type of trust with each other and not come after each other's necks. In other news I crackt the code in mastermind in 5 guesses!! I'm very happy and proud of my score even if I don't win immunity, but it would be a good confidence booster tbh. And one last thing. Whoever told RTP I was leading a charge against him, you better watch your back because I'm saltier than a tortilla chip. I hope they have their boxing gloves on, bc I'm ready to swinG
I'm not going to lie, I'm really frustrated.  The touchy subjects really did bother me because me and Ali are both playing this game, we might not be the ones calling all the shots that that doesn't mean we aren't in the conversations. I get were people would say it and I see how it was the easy way to do it, the newbies are getting pulled along. That's fine, cheers. AliWelp, skype killed the hype, and potentially my game. Lydia had proposed this amazing big move for tonight, but I'm scared these tech issues might ruin it. Like... ughhh such a shame. Anywho, on a positive note, I made Final 9! :) Outlasting, 13 people already is phenomenal, so that's amazing! I'm ready to go for broke now. Ideally, I want Trevor,Owen,Sam and Ryan out as the next four boots, as the four biggest threat for the end. My dream F3 is JD and Logan, with Duncan as a possible alternative, and Lydia as a 4th choice. They're the people I think I have the biggest chance of hopefully beating. Lydia is dangerous though, so I don't want her going too far...
[7:36:08 PM] Ryan Palmer: i mean we don't really have another choice lmfao [7:36:19 PM] Ali: yeah, we're kinda limited for options eek Gee....limited for options against that alliance....gee....its almost as if....SOMEONE COULD HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS FOR 2 ROUNDS....if only ppl like matt or david who would have voted with us were here....i seriously cant with these ppl....i literally told everyone if they were gonna wait it was gonna be too late....fuck
Rob getting into the jury, I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think Rob was really happy with us when he got voted out. 
Sorry I'm late on confessionals :( Anyway! Owen made an alliance chat with me, himself, and Duncan, which I'm happy with. Ali pitched the idea to me to have an alliance with Lydia, myself, JD and Ali. That sounds workable, and suddenly I see the ground beneath my feet in this game. I need to work out how to get to the end from here - I still do not have a solid f2, which worries me. I could go for a f3 with Owen and Duncan and play the middle of those two, but Trevor is? Talking to me? Wild. I guilt tripped Ali so badly last round because he told me the vote was for David and *insisted* that, and I nearly voted for David, but thanks to Duncan... whew. Saved that. But now Ali feels super guilty. Ethos, logos, pathos? Using them all, but pathos was my friend then. Good use of pathos, actually. My english teacher wishes. David is gone now anyway, which I feel sorta bad about, all the boys in this game are super cute and too pretty to be getting early boots. I do trust Duncan, but I'm not 100% how much. At least we aren't viewed as a duo. But he said it himself, we were two people brought together by unfortunate circumstances, and in my experience, that never works out. But I'll stick with you, for now. We'll see. At this point, I can't win this game. I maybe could get fifth? Maybe. If I really work it. My UTR game won't cut it, I really need to be MOR, or else I'm getting the block. Time to show my value to people, or become fifth juror - one of the two. 
I think as of right now the ideal final three for me would be myself, Logan and Lydia. Getting there though with that specific group is...not necessarily the easiest thing. Especially because I've basically sworn not to screw over Trevor or Duncan. And I don't really want to have to put either of their names down, but I know they're bigger threats than I am. Maybe I could beat them in the end... But do I really want to beat Trevor and have him lose in the finals a third time? I want Trevor to do well and I want to see him win. But I want to win too! So I'm at a bit of a conflict here. Ideally, Sam/JD/Ali go now and probably another one of them goes next. Maybe it could be like... Sam and JD or Sam and Ali. Then at final seven I think it would be good for me if Trevor left. It'd have to be at seven because that way, Trevor/myself/Lydia could vote one way and then Duncan/Logan/Ryan/Thing 1 or 2 (whichever is left) could vote Trevor. Then at a final six, maybe the other Thing (Ali or JD) goes. Final five would have to be Duncan. And the final four would be me, Ryan, Lydia and Logan? Then Ryan goes fourth? Maybe? That's one way to get there but that counts on a lot of things going right with immunity and idols and also that counts on me being very aware of Trevor and Duncan both leaving and potentially having a hand in that and that's....not good! NOT GOOD. ugshfsdfsd
SOOOO! JD won immunity which limits my options to Ali and Sam I guess. But I did have a plan. Trevor mentioned that Sam told him that Ali has to go eventually. So my thought is that Trevor tells Sam that it's time to do Ali. And so Sam thinks we are voting Ali, he knows the votes will be me Trevor Logan Lydia and Duncan against Ali. And that way like maybe there's a chance he just votes Ali Idk!!! But then in reality the five of us vote for Sam. That way the idol is gone, guaranteed. He either plays it on Ali and leaves or he votes for Ali and keeps his idol. The only problem is if he doesn't believe us and plays it on himself instead, which makes me think maybe like.... idk maybe Logan uses the extra vote they supposedly have and we split the vote somehow. I guess that plan would depend on what ryan is doing. And I wouldn't want to tell ryan the plan in case he still goes for Trevor. Idk!!!! I guess we could also make it seem like we are going for Sam and vote Ali instead but I think it's more realistic to do the other plan since sam has expressed interest in voting out Ali anyways??? It's hard calling shots because I'm not immune this time, but Trevor does still have an idol as well so maybe he could play it just in case. Idk!!! We will see
I won immunity! I'm so excited right now, those puzzle skills my preschool teacher was talking about finally paid off! *happy dance* 
HEY! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET RIGGED OUT OF THE GAME. oooooh hosts you really had to do that huh I would be beyond stupid to not think that I was the target of the other side this round--people know that I'm close with Trevor, but I am willing to drop him at any time. So this round, even though I knew I was in some hot water, I was like "oh, I have Trevor's idol in my possession, and I have one that he's willing to play on me. I'm like a poached egg not fully hard boiled--I'll be fine." THEN OH THEN Duncan steals Ali's ability to go to the Labyrinth and YOU KNOW HWAT HE FUCKIN FINDS?????? HE FINDS A DAMN ADVANTAGE THAT ALLOWS FOR ME TO NOT VOTE AND MAYBE SUPPOSEDLY NOT HAVE ANY ITEMS PLAYED ON ME????? FUCK THIS????? the worst part is that I don't know what I'm up against! because owen isn't being forthcoming to trevor! so i don't know if trevor can play an idol on me at all or if i can't play an idol just on myself but I know I can't vote! so i need to give an extra vote to someone who will vote on my side!!!!! i hate!!!!! this!!!!!! so now i actually have to scrape for literally everything while other bitches don't even have to lift a finger!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!! hosts if i go out tonight i love you BUT this is a shitty way to go that i don't really have control over!! call me malcolm binch!
sorry for all my yelling like i just thought this one was meant to be. i was ready!!!!
So the plan is pretty much set in motion. I think Logan and Duncan are on board to vote Sam. AAAADN duncan apparently found a power to cancel sams idol???? Which would be???? Greater than Frosted Flakes. But this just makes it extra clear that's Sam CANT KNOW anything is going on. Which is where I might've messed up. Trevor said he would talk to Sam but I got the feeling he wasn't really doing it and I told him about Duncan's power oop and he was sketched out by Duncan, as he is. Cue the argument about whether or not Sam should go!!!! Yay!!!! So I've basically just gotta convince Trevor to do it. And to keep his mouth shut. And he's....impulsive. I don't think he will. The good thing is he's coming here tonight!!!!! So if I need to I think I can convince him in person. I just have to hope by then it's not too late :( I'm not afraid to flirt my way to Trevor's brain to try to get him to follow through with this. All is fair in love and war.
talked to sam and he's high key paranoid what a surprise I brought up doing Ali....screams. He said no, pretty much, and mentioned doing Trevor instead which to me seems sketch cause idk why he would suggest that so easily to me of all people. He wasn't being very clear, like usual. I basically told him to wait until final seven SHSKDJDJJD to do Trevor and Idk he said he wasn't seeing the picture and so when I asked him like... what the picture is what he thought the next few votes would be he said he didn't think that far cause he's not there yet. My bullshit radar is goin off!!!!!! :~) I'm not sure what the convo meant. It's the first time he truly wanted to talk to me. But he did bring up just going for Logan so idk. We agreed to talk again in a little bit. And Trevor will be here in person soon. And I just need this all to work out because i think if it doesn't then I'm toast Know this tho if Trevor ruins this for me then I'm not holding back anymore!!!!!!!!!! I'll help him pack his bags!!!! 
So this vote is going to be reealllly messy I think. So far as I know: Owen and Duncan want to vote out Sam, Trevor doesn't wanna do that because ovbs, Sam gave him the idol and he feels like Sam will probs be usefully (sorry for the bad abbreviation, Im just lazy right now). From what I've heard Trevor wants to vote Duncan now though because he, I'm guessing, wants to break up him and Owen. WHY the fuck are you not voting OWEN!? I've run the idea by Ali and I want to get Trevor to play the idol for ether Ali or Sam cus, why not~ get the idol out of Trevors hands and if we can get the idol played on someone other then Owen then why not vote for Owen? It pisses me off the Trevor doesn't want to talk to me, I mean, okay your with your boyfriend who is in the game but if he asked it's not hard to lie and say I'm freaking out over thinking and Trevor is chilling me out. I mean, I'm 100% on thinking that Owen thinks of me as the goat so he'd believe it. My plan would be so vote Owen. Right now the majority is split on Owen and Trevors side. Owens: Owen, Duncan, maybe Logan = voting Sam or Ali, we've heard Ali as a second or a 'go vote this one' to get some throw away votes. Trevor: Trevor, me, Ali, Lydia, Sam, Ryan = voting for Duncan to break up Owen and Duncan? My plan is a three way split for Sam, Owen and Duncan, then on the revote we vote our Duncan (sorry hostys Im sure ties suck) but really I just want to fuck up the votes and vote Owen. Hoping that Trevor will use his idol on Sam, assuming he cant use it on himself... I guess we'll see. 
So!!!! Of course Trevor gets here and tells me that they're all voting for Duncan!!!! Lol!!!!!!! He wasn't even gonna tell me except it was more convenient for him since we were about to be together for 48 hours. Anyways. Thanks for lying all day and then planning on leaving me out to dry ;~) looks like I won't have any trouble lying to you from now on huh!!!!!!! Anyways, I immediately got to work convincing him to do Sam instead, and then we called Lydia finally and talked to her about it. Except Trevor also told everyone all of this SHIT and I'm so mad I literally like. At least he bought me chipotle. Anyways!!!! Lydia was planning on telling Ryan to vote Sam and also they all think that Duncan's rags make it so that Sam can't have any idols played on him even from other players. Idk it's messy and i just want to sleep. I'm hoping I convinced them to switch their votes. Sam needs to go now that he knows I was after him. Also lol it's funny cause I asked Trevor as soon as he walked in if He told Sam to message me lmao I knew it was fishy af Idk it's all fishy. Why does Trevor feel the NEED to ruin!!!!! Djdjdjdjd Jesus. Also surprise he's not giving me the idol. Or playing it on me. I hope it bites him in the ass when people like duncan and ryan really do wanna vote him out and I'm not there to cover his ass. Literally DJDJDJD fuck all this At this point I'm just hoping it's not me. Idk if it would be. I've worked too hard today for it to be me, tbh. But really? Damn
this game gave me acne and soiled my crops
So I might have tried strong arming Trevor into this split by saying that Sam is easily dropped if the vote goes wrong. I don't think that he liked that cus not hes talking to Ryan about voting Sam. Which I don't get but it would mess up the split. 
This vote has just aged me! Sam is maybe going, which sucks. Duncan is a liar, Logan is lying to me. Sam gave me his extra vote though, so hopefully TLJoA can vote togethed next time, as a majority. Samit was a good run, folks
Heyyyy! Umm idk if this will be my last confessional or not until allstars but here we go. The time has come to slay the beast. It's time to make a move. It's time to take down sam.in short. I was allegedly the original target of rtp plus the unholy trinity, and Lydia and Trevor were on board. Then Owen talked to them and convinced them to vote Samuel only because I had my handy rags. It was a conditional agreement. But umm hopefully no one else will play an idol on sam, and hopefully everyone who is telling me they're voting sam is telling the truth. The thing is, if I get voted out tonight it's okay. I didn't come here to make it to the end and win. This is a move I need to make to help me win. So if I'm going down, I can say I did what I said I set out here to do when I applied. I came to win, not to be a coward
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