#so he took him on a cool trip to the secret classroom and they played games all day and he actually had a really great time
xxoxobree · 8 months
Bree The Nightweaver/Spider-Woman?
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This is Bree Bishop from Earth - 1242
She’s your average 15 yr old genius, that got a scholarship to the prestigious Brooklyn Visions Academy
She was bitten by a genetically modified wolf spider and gained the proportionate strength, speed , stamina , durability and reflexes of a spider. She heals 3x faster and is more resistant to injury than your average human, can stick to walls , and can jump several stories high. Like the wolf spider she can release venom from the fibers on her finger tips that help her to stick to walls to paralyze enemies for a few hours.
Her spider sense is stronger than any other spider sense , much like Raven Baxter (she likes to say) her spider sense can basically allow her to see the future on occasion.
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Let’s take a trip down memory lane to understand just how Bree became the Nightweaver:
Field trips! Who doesn’t love a day away from the boring old classroom? So, the students were all hyped up for their trip to Oscorp Industries. You could feel the excitement in the air as the bus screeched to a stop. And who was there to greet them? None other than Dr. Octavius, the head honcho of Oscorp. He took them on a tour of the place, babbling on about every little thing along the way.
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Now, let me tell you about the spider exhibit. Poor Bree, had a major case of the heebie-jeebies when it came to those eight-legged critters. So naturally, this part of the trip was at the bottom of her excitement list. Little did the class know, one sneaky spider had managed to escape its cage.
As Dr. Octavius blabbered away, Bree tried to keep her cool by leaning against the wall and keeping her distance from those creepy crawlies. But guess what? That escaped spider saw the perfect opportunity and decided to take a stroll down Bree’s jacket and onto her hand. Without warning, it sunk its tiny fangs into her poor unsuspecting hand. Yikes! Startled, Bree smacked her hand completely oblivious to what just happened.
When she finally mustered up the courage to look at her hand, she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of the spider. Fear and panic overwhelmed her, and before she knew it, she fainted, totally overwhelmed by her unexpected encounter with the eight-legged menace.
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So there Bree was, waking up from that incredibly embarrassing moment that almost turned the field trip into a total disaster. She had this brilliant idea to keep the real reason behind her fainting all to herself, even though her hand was throbbing with pain. Little did she know, getting bit was just the tip of the iceberg. Bree was about to go through some seriously weird changes.
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Bree woke up feeling like a hot mess, with sweat dripping down her face and her vision playing tricks on her. Determined not to let this ridiculousness ruin her day, she mustered up all her strength and dragged her lazy self out of bed. As she reached for her homework, her hand started trembling like a leaf, and to make matters worse, the paper clung to her hand like it had a secret crush on her. Seriously, what the heck was going on? Baffled and annoyed, she shook her hand in disbelief, but that paper just stuck like glue.
After gathering herself, Bree left her dorm room, her senses seemed heightened, almost like she could feel everything around her. "Why am I so sweaty? What is going on?" she asked, confused and on edge, as she made her way down the hallway. Suddenly, she bumped into her boyfriend, Miles Morales.
Bree looked up at him, slightly flustered, and quickly apologized. Miles, with a concerned expression, reached out to brush her hair behind her ear. His touch revealed her dampened hair, coated with sweat. "Ew... Babe, why are you so sweaty?" he asked, instinctively wiping his hands on his pants.
Bree glanced up at Miles with a familiar look he knew all too well - she was about to cry. But before the tears could escape her eyes, they both turned their heads and squinted their eyes in response to a piercing buzz that resonated in their heads. Miles' eyes widened in shock.
Bree’s world came crashing down on her as Miles not only revealed his secret that he’s Spider-Man but she now has the same power and responsibility as him. But eventually she understood her responsibilities and now she’s the one and only Nightweaver.
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Miles gave her one of his suits that he grew out of.
Bree and Miles have been dating for 2 years since freshman year, Miles was in love the minute she smiled at him for the first time.
Their favorite thing to do is share new music and sing together
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Miles trained her how to fight but they have totally different fighting styles , Bree is smaller so she is faster but a little clumsy sometimes, she’s a Spider-Man so naturally she’s funny , even makes villains chuckle sometimes.
Her and Miles work together most of the time but they do go on solo missions.
Their relationship got stronger since Bree got bit.
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Fighting sandman
They both have comics made about them 🥰
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Before knowing what a cannon event was , the unthinkable happened to Bree and she lost her mom in a fight against vulture, she struggled with the lost of her mom and blamed herself for a long time , she decided that Nightweaver would be no more , with Miles to support her ,she took a year off.
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She took a year off and gave you bitches some slack 😝 but she’s back and with a new look
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She chose pink cause duhhh! But she chose to keep Miles’ design cause that’s her man and she gonna stick beside em’
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Copyright © 2023 Breeandhermunches. All rights reserved.
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briviting · 2 years
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maybe more sandwiches oughta do it
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We Have A Pool?!
Summary: There’s a secret swimming pool at Hogwarts. Y/N discovered it purely on accident in her first year, and it has become her safe place, that is until a particular Weasley find it as well.
Warnings: SMUT! (fingering, vaginal, etc) SMUT WITH PLOT IN A POOL YALL (ok I heard pool sex can be not great for everyone, so maybe don’t try it unless your into that then go off) Swearing, no proof reading, an irrational amount of commas because the public school system failed me. The end
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: OK so IDK if there's canonically a pool at Hogwarts, I just heard it in a starkid play and was like “Hey, I like that” So I made it all up so if there is/isn’t actually a pool pls don’t come for me. Also HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you’re all happy and are making progress to becoming even happier.
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Your elbows rested on the desk in front of you, your fingers rubbing circles into your temples as you tried to pay attention to the class in front of you. This past week had been stressful to say the least, you had three different essays, all needing to be at least four pages long, as well as a potions exam and a herbology quiz. To say you were excited for the weekend was an understatement.
And you knew just where you were going to spend it.
As soon as class was dismissed, you started packing your bag as quickly as possible, wanting to get to your room to finish your homework and change before going to your favorite spot for some much needed stress relief.
You practically ran out of the class, heading straight to the Gryffindor common room, but before you could get far, two tall bodies appeared at your left and right sides.
“Someone seems to be in a hurry” Fred said, looking to George who nodded in agreement.
“Indeed, where are we off to Y/N?” George asked.
“Oh, its a wonderful place, I don’t think you would have head of it. It’s called nun ya” You said, causing the boys to raise an eyebrow at you.
“Nun ya?” Fred asked
“Nun ya business” You joked, causing the older red to head to gasp in feign hurt, while George tried to stifle a laugh.
You and the twins had been friends since you were children, being next door neighbors and being the same age meant you spent a lot of time together, especially when your parents went on business trips and left you at the burrow. You had grown to become really close to them. However, over the past few years George and Angelina had started hanging out more, leaving you and Fred to get closer. 
This wouldn’t have been a problem if you didn’t have a giant crush on him. 
“Wow, were your best friends in the world and you wont even tell us where you’re going. I’m hurt!” Fred cried, making you laugh a bit. 
“I’m just going back to my room to do some homework. I’ll see you guys at dinner yeah?” You asked, turning to wave at the two boys, who stood in confused silence as they watched you walk away.
“Well, she’s hiding something” George said.
“Definitely” Fred agreed.
A few hours later, you had gotten dinner, finished your homework, and were currently laying in bed, waiting for Angelina and Katie to fall asleep. After a while, their breathing evened out, and you quietly got out of bed, putting your pillow under the covers to make it look like you were still sleeping there just in case one of them woke up.
You tip toed out of the room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible before making your way down the steps, and out of the common room. Once you were a bit farther away, you cast lumos to navigate better through the hallway. You took a right, then a left, then another left, before finally finding your way to the empty arythmancy classroom.
You made your way to the bookcase on the far left side of the room, running your finger along the spines before landing on a familiar blue cover labeled The Geometry of Liquids. You pulled the book back until you heard a click, pushing the bookcase forward which easily swung open to reveal a hallway.
You couldn’t help but smile as the smell of salt water filled your nose, quickly stepping behind the book case before closing it behind you. As you walked further down the hallway, you began to see a blue light, finally turning the last corner, you found yourself in an abandoned dungeon, with a large pool in the middle of it. 
You had accidentally stumbled across this room in your fourth year. You were bored, all of your friends either at Hogsmeade or detention Fred and George, and had found the abandoned classroom. You started going through the books, and the rest is history. You had been coming here at least once a week ever since.
You muttered the spell to stop the light coming from your wand, the pool somehow giving off its own soft blue light, before removing your shirt and sleep shorts, exposing the green bikini you had put on earlier. 
Walking closer to the edge, you took a few running steps before plugging your nose and jumping off the pool wall, landing in the water below. 
You sat there for a moment, allowing the cool feeling to sink deeper into your body. You had gotten a lot better at holding your breath over the years, still eventually you had to come back to the surface for air, which you did. You wiped the water off your face, opening your eyes to find a pair of dark brown ones looking back.
“Fred!” You screamed, surprised by his sudden presence. He stood at the edge of the water in a pair of jersey shorts and a t-shirt, his jaw on the floor as he looked at you, then to the rest of the room. 
“What are you... who’d you get here?” You continued, his silence making you a bit nervous.
“We have a pool?” He asked looking back to you, causing you to nod.
“Yeah...” You said, feeling a bit guilty for not telling him before. 
You had planned on telling him, along with the rest of your friends, but you were worried that word would get around and it would become a new party spot, which meant it would only be a matter of time before a teacher found it and blocked it off. 
“How long have you known this was here?” Fred asked.
You sighed, swimming to the side wall and pulling yourself out, ringing out your hair before crossing your arms in front of you.
“A while” You mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed.
“And you didn’t tell us because...” He started, wanting an explanation.
“I didn’t want everyone to find out, because then the teachers would find out-”
“And then nobody would be able to use it” Fred finished, causing you to nod, still refusing to meet his eyes, your own question suddenly popping into your mind.
“Wait, how did you find it?” You asked, finally looking up to meet his gaze, your heart beating a bit faster at the eye contact.
Now it was Fred’s turn to look guilty. “I followed you”
“You fo- why!” You shouted
“I’m sorry! It’s just, you were upset earlier and you seemed really excited about something, and then I saw you walking around and I don’t know I just followed you.” Fred blurted out, looking at you with a nervous expression.
“Ok fine, I’m not mad at you if you’re not mad at me” You tried to reason, wanting a truce.
“Deal” He said smiling, holding out his hand for you to shake, which you did. Unfortunately this made it so you didn’t see his other hand quickly come around to connect with your shoulder, pushing you back into the pool.
You quickly got your bearings, kicking back to the surface to find Fred keeled over with laughter. 
“You dick!” You shouted, which only made him laugh harder. You began laughing as well, before ducking under the water to move your hair away from your face, popping back up to see Fred walking over to where your clothes and wand were laying.
“What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously, you eyes widening as his hands went to the hem of his shirt.
“Getting in, duh” Fred stated, before pulling his shirt over his head to reveal his toned chest, making your face heat up in the process. 
Before you could say anything, Fred was running towards the pool at full speed before jumping into a cannon ball and landing right next to you, sending buckets of water flying into your face.
Your mouth fell open in shock, watching as Fred came back up to the surface, laughing once he saw your expression.
“Oh nuh uh” You grumbled, shooting out your hands to send water flying back at Fred, abruptly cutting off his laughter.
“Oh really?” he asked mockingly, sending a wave of water back at you, only for you to return a wave as well.
Soon enough, water was flying in all directions as you each tried to splash each other as fast as you could, the sound of both of your laughs echoing off the walls. 
You were splashing as fast as you could, looking away to avoid getting hit in the face as you aimed blindly, only stopping when you suddenly felt arms wrap around your middle and spin you around.
“Got cha!” Fred yelled, your arms landing around his neck to stabilize yourself as you shouted in surprise.
Fred stopped spinning, allowing the both of you to calm down and catch your breath, which made your heartbeat pick up at the realization of the position you were in. Your bodies pressed together as his arms remained around your waist, and yours around his neck.
You pulled back a bit to look at him, meeting his gaze before his eyes wandered down to your mouth, yours doing the same before he finally pulled you closer, and connected his lips to yours.
You responded instantly, moving your lips with his as you wrapped your legs around his waist. His arms moved downwards to hold you by your ass as he walked you over to the side of the pool, pressing you up against the wall.
He tugged at your bottom lip, making you moan into the kiss and allow his tongue to explore your mouth. You moved a hand up to his hair, weaving your fingers through the wet, fiery strands, and deepening the kiss even further. His hard length pressed against you, and your hands began traveling down his chest.
He suddenly pulled away making you open your eyes to look at him.
“Are you sure?” He asked, a soft look in his eyes.
You nodded.
Fred moved his lips to just below your ear, hovering just over the skin. “I need to hear you princess”
“Please, I need you Freddie” You whined, gasping as his lips came in contact with your neck.
He continued his attack on your neck as his hand moved in between you, dipping into your bikini bottoms before sliding his fingers through your folds. Your breath hitched as he slid two fingers into you, slowly pumping them in an out as his thumb drew circled over your clit, the coil in your stomach tightening as he began to speed up.
“Fred, I need you inside of me” You sighed, whining as he removed his fingers. His hands moved to lower his shorts a bit letting his cock spring free, moving your bikini bottoms to the side before gliding through your folds.
"You ready?” He asked, causing you to nod. “With your words princess”
“Please Fred just fuck me” You practically begged, before moaning as he slowly filled you up, his size stretching you out slightly.
He waited a moment, allowing you to adjust before you finally nodded, allowing him to move. He slowly pulled out half way, before thrusting back into you, repeating the action and picking up speed with each thrust.
You bit your lip to try and suppress your moans, but Fred wasn’t having any of it.
“None of that princess” He said, stopping his movements and making you whine “I want to hear you screaming my name when you come, got it?” He asked, still refusing to move.
“Ok fine, please just move-ah!” You gasped loudly as he started thrusting into you, much faster than before.
Water sloshed around you as he pounded into you, your back scratching against to tile with each thrust but you didn’t care. His cock hit that one spot perfectly with each stroke, tightening the coil in your stomach more and more. 
“You’re so perfect, taking my cock so well” Fred breathed into your ear, causing you to let out a soft moan. “I can’t hear you princess”
His hand slipped in between your bodies, beginning to rub fast circles around your bungle of nerves, causing the coil in your stomach to finally snap, sending you over the edge, while screaming Fred's name over and over again.
Fred continued to thrust into you, riding you through your orgasm, his thrusts eventually becoming sloppy before he stilled inside of you, painting your walls as he came.
You sat like that for a moment, catching your breath as you came down from your high. Fred pressed his lips to yours as he slowly pulled out, causing you to sigh at the empty feeling before moving both of your bottoms to their original place.
A wave of insecurity suddenly washed over you. Was this a one time thing? Was he still mad that I hid this from him? Does he want to just be friends with benefits? does he-
“Hey, what’s happening” Fred asked, snapping you out of your thoughts, a curious expression on his face.
“Um...” You started, setting yourself up for the possibility of rejection. “Was this a one time thing? Because, if it is I don’t want to-”
Fred cut you off by gently grabbing your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours, silencing all the insecure thoughts running through your mind.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you since fourth year, I really hope this isn’t a one time thing” He said, making you smile.
“Since fourth year?” You asked, causing his face to blush a bit.
“Well, yeah” He replied sheepishly.
“Well, I’ve liked you since third year, so I guess I like you more” You joked, causing him to let out a gasp.
“Not possible, I like you way more than you like me” He argued, to which you shook your head.
“Nope, I win, hands down” You responded, folding your arms matter of factely.
“How about, we go shower off, and I show you how much I like you?” Fred asked, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“Challenge accepted” You replied, all the while you couldn't hide the smile on your face.
A/N: UMMMM ok??? Pool sex. With Fred Weasley??? Am I obsessed with this concept? Yes. Is it healthy, probably not but its not hurting anyone so I’m a keep doing it. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it, feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback. I love you all! ALSO IF YOU KNOW OF ANY FRED POOL SMUT PLEASE TAG ME OMG
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lala-ladybug · 3 years
Healing Hands: Chapter 1
Hello hello! First fic here, it’s a Maribat AU with a side of Sword Art Online. Or what I remember from having watched the show once about five years ago. We’ve got Marinette and minimal class salt, Young Justice but only the good parts, and primarily Jasonette. Please spread the word (I am a tiny sideblog) and let me know what you think <3
Read here on AO3
Chapter 1: You have no idea how many baddies I’m going to blow up because of you
Friday, at long last. Marinette could not have exhaled a bigger sigh of relief. It was mid-way through the school term, her commissions were ramping up, and Hawkmoth had become frustratingly active. Her duties as class president had only increased as she and her friends neared the end of lycée, not to mention all the studying she was doing for the baccalauréat on top of her regular school work. Commissions were booming now that her popularity as the anonymous designer MDC was soaring worldwide. She wouldn’t give any of it up for the world, but she might enjoy getting more than three or four hours of sleep for once.
There was only part of her life that had gotten easier since that day three years ago when she was entrusted with a pair of spotted earrings and an old god to match. Ladybug started out with one partner, but she now had a whole team to share the responsibilities of keeping their city safe. Ryuko and Viperion became permanent fixtures of the Parisian rooftops, and Bourdonne replaced Queen Bee after the infamous (albeit self-inflicted) unmasking of Chloe Bourgeois. The people of Paris looked to these heroes with pride and trust.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng, now the Guardian of the Miraculous, looked to her partners with trust as well. She had decided that with her in charge, she could no longer keep secrets from her friends, from her new Order of the Guardians. She discussed it with Chat Noir, and he had smiled and agreed that it was time. And one day, when Ladybug gathered her teammates on a remote rooftop in the dead of night, she said only “I trust you,” before allowing her transformation to fall.
She wasn’t nervous, not really. She knew Kagami and Luka had good hearts, and she had seen firsthand how much Chloe had grown. Those three accepted her civilian self, her true self, without half a thought, and followed their leader in dropping their transformations as well. Chloe got her quips in while Ladybug looked to Chat Noir.
He passed his gaze over the faces of their friends and smirked like he was holding in a laugh. As he said “Claws in,” Marinette could hear the laugh in his voice, an intonation that sounded so very familiar, and oh. Of course.
Adrien Agreste beamed at his friends, both in the mask and out, and said fondly, “I’m so glad it’s you.”
The rest, of course, was history. For the year and a half since then, the five heroes of Paris had kept the city safe from threats magical and mundane alike. Hawkmoth had, of course, gotten craftier and more vicious with his attacks, sometimes choosing to send bursts of weaker akumas over the span of a week, sometimes waiting a month before sending an especially brutal villain their way.
But it was nothing that the Order of the Guardians couldn’t handle. Even though it could get exhausting after a while, which is why the incoming weekend was a welcome reprieve. There was another reason why this particular weekend was so exciting, which was that a new video game, Mindscape, was debuting. It would be released at midnight EST, which was 6:00 in the morning for Paris.
“Today’s the day, girl!” Alya squealed as she flagged Marinette down on their way to the classroom. “We are so lucky that our class won that raffle to get these exclusive passes. I bet I’ll be the first blog to get the scoop on this new tech they’re using!”
Marinette giggled and started to reply, “Super lucky, right? I’m excited too, I heard--”
“You know,” Lila cut her off as she sidled up to Alya. “I’m not saying that I didn’t enter us to get those downloads, but I was a big help with beta testing.”
How she managed to time that comment just as the three girls crossed the threshold of the classroom, and how she managed to know that nearly the whole class would already be there to hear it, Marinette would never understand. She only had to wait a moment before the rest of their friends rushed to the door to thank Lila.
“This opportunity is amazing, we are incredibly grateful!” Max was first in line, ever the technology-enthusiast.
Kim pushed his shorter friend out of the way and vigorously shook Lila’s hand. “You have no idea how many baddies I’m going to blow up because of you.” Lila looked a little overwhelmed as he continued to shake her hand all the while, and she gave him a nervous smile.
He was soon pushed out of the way as Alix muscled her way to the front next. “I definitely owe you for giving me the chance to kick his ass in a brand new way!” She jerked her head to where Kim had landed on the floor, pouting at her.
As the rest of the class who would be joining them in the game’s premiere expressed their thanks, Alya looked on with an affectionate smile. She was so very happy that she now had two kind, selfless best friends. Her smile fell a little as she noticed Marinette stoically edging her way around the crowd and up to her seat, not having said a word to Lila. Alya just wished that her two besties would get along.
Alya put a hand on Lila’s shoulder and smiled her thanks before following Marinette to what was once their shared desk. “You really should thank her, you know,” Alya implored hopefully.
Without turning around to face Alya, Marinette paused and shared an incredulous look with Adrien, who was already seated at his shared desk with Nino. She then shrugged and replied, “Lila never actually said that she got us the passes,” before continuing up the steps to her seat at the back of the class. Alya shook her head and sat down. It was always like this, a cool indifference from Marinette whenever Lila came up. They were both such incredible people, Alya couldn’t understand why they didn’t get along.
As for Marinette, she was semi-content to let Lila be as long as her lies didn’t hurt anybody. Her unrealistic promise to take away all of Marinette’s friends was never fulfilled, and honestly the amount of emotional energy it used to sap from her just wasn’t worth it anymore. Marinette had no idea how Lila was going to get her hands on a copy of the game when Mari was, of course, the one who had won the raffle. She distributed the special access passes herself, and Lila certainly hadn’t gotten one. If this was the way that she wanted to make friends, she would eventually have to face the consequences.
But for now, Lila was basking in her praise. That is, until she glanced at her phone and gave a small gasp of dismay.
“What’s wrong?” Rose asked, concern already etched on her face.
Lila covered her mouth with one hand and started rapidly blinking back tears. “It’s my VIP copy of the game. There was a mixup in the mail and it won’t get here in time for tomorrow morning! I’m so sorry everyone, it looks like you’ll have to do it without me....” She buried her face in her hands and her shoulders trembled with barely restrained sobs.
The class shared a worried look, and Sabrina piped up, “It’s okay Lila, you can borrow my copy.” Lila immediately looked up and surged forward to clasp the hands of her friend.
“Really? But won’t it have the same problem?” Sabrina smiled and shook her head. “Nope, it’s a digital download! I don’t mind, you can always trade it back when your VIP pass arrives later.”
Lila gave her a brilliant smile, any tears long-since dried. “Oh, thank you so much Sabrina! I’ll see what I can do about getting you a VIP pass too once mine gets here.”
At that moment, Chloe walked in, and one look at the scene displayed in front of her had her rolling her eyes at her former best friend. She gracefully swept up the steps to join Marinette at the back of the classroom and whispered to her, “Aren’t they all digital downloads?”
Marinette, who had started unpacking her bag to prepare for class, inclined her head and gave the blonde a meaningful look that indicated yes, they were indeed all digital downloads. Chloe snickered and started preparing her own side of the desk.
After the fiasco of outing herself as Queen Bee, Chloe had lost the minimal support and tolerances she had been allowed before. It gave her time to truly reflect on how she acted and treated other people. She had since been quietly making amends with those she’d wronged, and the person on the top of that list was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It took time and a lot of effort on Chloe’s part, but she mellowed out and did a lot of growing up. She still spoke her mind, though.
“Huh that’s strange, I got the VIP package too, but mine was a digital pass,” Chloe loudly proclaimed, studying her nails nonchalantly as the rest of the class turned to look up at her.
Lila grit her teeth into a forced smile and replied sweetly, “Well that’s because mine was an original beta testing copy that they had to update for the full game.” She turned her attention to Marinette and a note of false concern crept into her voice. “Oh Marinette, I hope you’ll still have time to come too! I know you’ll be busy this weekend with planning the spring class field trip. It would be such a shame if it didn’t happen because you were too busy playing a video game.”
Marinette suddenly felt very warm under the gazes of the entire class. She stammered out, “Oh-of course we’ll get to go! Don’t worry, I have a meeting with the school board on Monday.” Trust Lila to sniff out the one thing that had slipped below her radar.
Lila’s eyes lit up with an opportunistic gleam. “That’s great! Where will it be?”
“Well, uh, the school board has to review the location, so I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I can tell you that it will be in, um,” her eyes flicked around wildly and landed on the posterboard of different flags from the prior week’s lessons. “America!”
The class burst into excited chatter moments before Madame Bustier arrived and the late bell rang. Marinette released a breath and sagged in her seat. Saved by the bell.
Chloe gave her a sidelong glance and murmured, “America, huh?”
“Shut up,” Marinette shot back.
* * *
Madame Bustier tried to get the class to pay attention, she really did. They struggled through their lessons before lunch, the volume of side conversations between deskmates swelling all the while. The moment the bell for lunch dismissal rang, the students exploded into conversation as they left the classroom.
Marinette waved as Chloe and Adrien walked off to go meet Kagami and Luka at a nearby cafe. She breezed into the patisserie across the street from Francois Dupont and gave her surprised Maman a kiss on the cheek.
“I thought you were going out with your friends for lunch?” Sabine asked, balancing a tray of eclairs on her hip. “I forgot I have to plan our class trip!” Marinette replied cheerfully as she hurried into the kitchen to quickly fix herself a croque-monsieur. She gave her Papa a hug as she finished preparing her meal. He shouted up at her to not make a mess as she retreated into her room to eat at her desk.
She gave a small snort at that. It was nearly impossible for her to make a mess of food when she had over a dozen Kwami there to clean up after her, but he didn’t know that. She greeted said Kwami with a delighted grin and a wave as she set her plate down by her desktop computer.
“Marinette, why are you back so early?” Tikki asked, “is everything okay?” The other Kwami swarmed around her as she woke her computer up and logged in.
The girl waved one hand nonchalantly and opened up a web browser with the other. “Everything’s fine, I just forgot about planning the class trip!” She took a huge bite of the sandwich and started typing furiously. Several Kwami dove after the crumbs that sprayed everywhere.
“Ohhh, I see! Do you have an idea of where to start?” Tikki zoomed around Marinette’s shoulder to hover next to the monitor screen.
Marinette had the same determined gleam in her eye as when she finally found the perfect fabric for a design. She said confidently around a mouth full of ham, “America.”
* * *
By the time the lunch break had finished, Marinette had a preliminary list of cities on the East Coast of the United States. She had researched Gotham first, but it looked far too dangerous and gloomy. Next was New York City, which she determined was too big. Philadelphia was historic, but in a way that would definitely bore her classmates. Boston was too cold despite its excitement. Which left Metropolis as the perfect candidate. It was also protected by the perfect superheroes, Superman and his family, so she was absolutely confident the school board would approve of the city.
Of course, the meeting on Monday would need more specifics than just the city, but she was pleased with her progress so far. Marinette shut down her monitor, grabbed her backpack and plate from lunch, and went downstairs to the kitchen. She quickly scrubbed and dried her plate in the sink before waving to her parents as they bustled around, accommodating the tail end of the mid-day rush.
Marinette walked across the street with a spring in her step and, spotting a tall flash of blue hair, half-jogged up to her group of friends.
“Hey guys, sorry I couldn’t make it to lunch!” She grinned apologetically at Kagami and Luka.
“That’s alright Melody,” Luka gave her a side hug, “Chloe told us you were busy planning your class trip.”
Adrien slung an arm around Kagami’s shoulder and pulled his girlfriend closer to whisper conspiratorially to her, “I hear we’re going to America.” She laughed softly at his antics and at Marinette who stuck her tongue out at him. Kagami then said to Marinette, “That sounds delightful, Marihime. I trust you will still be joining us tomorrow morning?”
Marinette’s eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of playing the game with her friends all weekend long. “Definitely! I’m going to finish preparing for the school board meeting tonight so that we can play the second it comes out.”
“If you can wake up on time,” Chloe teased.
Marinette crossed her arms defensively and stated with pride, “I already set three alarms, thank you very much!”
Adrien burst out laughing at that. “Leave it to our everyday Ladybug,” he winked. Her face flushed as she pouted. He chuckled again and kissed Kagami on the top of her head. “See you later, mon coeur.”
She and Luka waved to the rest of the group as they left to return to their own schools. The three Francois Dupont students watched them go for a moment before returning inside.
“So, you and Kagami have plans?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah! Our parents gave special permission for a sleepover at my place tonight so we can play the game right when it comes out tomorrow.” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had never quite abandoned. “But I’m not sure how often we’ll be able to be online with you guys after this weekend. You know how busy our schedules are....”
Marinette elbowed him lightly as they walked. “It’s a blessing you both managed to convince your dad and her mom to let you come to the launch at all! We’ll play together when we can, it’s no big deal.”
Adrien smiled gratefully at her and held the door open for both Marinette and Chloe as they entered the classroom. Alya was already there, and once she spotted her best friend (well, one of them), she skidded down the steps with a huge grin and held an invisible microphone up to Marinette.
“Thank you Nadja, and good afternoon Paris! This is Alya Cesaire, and today I am joined by young fashion designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, can you give us an exclusive scoop on the trip you’re planning for your class?”
“Good afternoon Mlle. Cesaire,” Marinette giggled, “Unfortunately, the trip has yet to be approved by the school board so no details just yet. But I can tell you with certainty that we will be visiting the resident city of some popular American superheroes.” She winked as she finished in her best interview voice.
Alya gasped and dropped her pretend microphone as she hugged her best friend. “Really!? Oh my gosh girl, you are the best!”
Marinette laughed and hugged her back as Alya jumped and spun them around. Once they pulled apart, she told the brunette, “As soon as the school board gives me the green light, you’ll be the first to know.”
The late bell rang and the girls practically skipped to their respective seats as Madame Bustier called the class to attention. Well, “attention” in the loosest sense of the word. They struggled once more through the majority of their lessons, but Madame Bustier seemed to sense defeat and she let them chatter excitedly for the last twenty minutes before dismissal.
Kim and Alix were boasting about how they were going to stay up all night, while Max encouraged them to maximize the time they would be able to play the next day by getting a full night’s sleep in before the launch time.
Lila bragged about her role in the creation of the game from its conception to even having suggested the highly anticipated date of release. Adrien pointedly ignored Lila in the row behind his and discussed the music they had recorded and mixed for the game with a very enthusiastic Nino.
Sabrina looked on a little sadly until Mylene, Ivan, Rose, and Juleka invited her to join their Disney movie marathon double-date instead. Mylene was too nervous to play the game so Ivan chose to sit out to support her, and video games weren’t really Rose and Juleka’s style. Sabrina’s face softened as she gratefully accepted their invitation.
Nathaniel turned around in his seat to talk to Marinette about the art rendering and the programs they used while Chloe scrolled aimlessly on her phone.
By the time the bell finally rang, the class was beyond excited to go prepare for the launch the next morning.
Marinette, to her credit, swallowed her enthusiasm and sat down to fully plan out their trip to Metropolis. It was grueling work, researching the safest hotel that was still in a central location. It had to be affordable but not shabby, too, because they had a limited budget. She eventually settled on the reputable Wayne Hotel, apparently part of an enormous corporation called Wayne Enterprises, and then began to build an itinerary with different events from there.
She worked nonstop the rest of the night, with the exception of a brief dinner break, and it was nearly 11:00 at night by the time she finished. Marinette sat up from her desk chair and stretched, then double-checked that her alarms were set before finally heading to bed.
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julyarchives · 4 years
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key: ✿ (fluff) | ♡ (smut) | ✰ (angst) | ✻ (horror)
Requests are open!
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Don’t You Hear Me Howling? 
Pairing: Changgu (Yeo One) x Reader | Kino x Reader
Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07• 08
Finding out you are a female Alpha sparkled some rivalry inside your pack, and resulted in you losing your best friend and your life turning upside down, so leaving for college was the fresh start you needed. Years later, you are about to finish your degree and suddenly this past comes back to mess with your head.
Teach Me Series 
Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04
Friends with benefits to lovers
A collection of friends to lovers that can be read as a multi-chapter story or independent one-shots
Thicker Than Blood
Pairing: OT9 x Reader 
Index: 01 • 02 • 03
Mafia AU
Growing up in a tough neighborhood had you learning to deal with hard situations, the occasion leads you to cooperate with the mafia organization that took care of your neighborhood - Pentagon. Looking after yourself and valuing your safety brought you to adapt to the moment, but the line between working for them and protecting yourself is very blurry when you are forced to live under their roof.
Christmas Lights Special  ✿ 
Pairing: Reader x OT9
Index: Here
2020 Christmas inspired fluffy one-shots to warm your heart during the winter season
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REDAMANCY ♡  Hui x Reader x Yeo One
(n) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full
When your boyfriend Hui wasn’t treating you right, you didn’t expect someone else to do so. And you definitely did not expect Hui was going to be there to watch everything.
[or the one where Changgu shows your boyfriend how you deserve to be treated, and he likes it.]
The Things We Do In The Dark ♡  Hui x Reader x Hongseok
Treating yourself with an expensive night out turned out to be way more rewarding than you thought when you meet the two hot club owners Hui and Hongseok.
Eyes on me  ♡  Hongseok x Reader x Wooseok
You always knew your friendship with Wooseok was really special, and the best part is that your boyfriend Hongseok wants to always make you happy. Who are the best people to take such good care of you if not your two favorite boys in the world?
Love Is Plural  ♡ Yanan x Reader x Wooseok
Dealing with two boyfriends might be tricky, but the advantages of having twice the fun make everything better.
Triple Fun ♡ Yuto x Reader x Wooseok
An uneventful movie night ends up becoming way more fun than you would have imagined
Watch Me ♡ Shinwon x Reader x Hui
An open relationship takes a lot of trust and friendship, and that is not a problem for you and your boyfriend Shinwon, especially when he's so cool about your crush on one of his best friends - Hui.
Mixtapes and Love letters ✿ Jinho x Reader x Hui
A mix-up of feelings makes a mix-up of letters, but much to your surprise, Jinho and Hui come through with their feelings for you.
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Lee Hwitaek (Hui)
Take Me Higher  ♡ You're assigned for a different flight than you were used to, but once you saw Hui there you knew it was going to be a fun trip.
Sweet Melody  ♡ You showed up at your boyfriend’s band practice to support and take care of him and seeing how tired he was, you just had to do something to boost his energy and reward him after such hard work.
High Heels and Night Skies ♡ "My lifestyle demands certain appearances that would be much better with you accompanying me, and I can provide everything you need to. You would have to be available and ready for our…" he paused  "dates"
"So you want to be my sugar daddy?" You scoffed, more amused than offended.
Complicated ♡ Your ex gets really jealous after seeing you flirting with someone else at a party, and he makes sure you don't forget anymore who do you belong to.
Jo Jinho (Jinho)
Wonderfully Wrong  ✰ ✿  When you thought your boyfriend Jinho forgot your anniversary it really upset you, but later that night you realized how wrong you were
Closer ♡ You thought you would be nervous on your first time with your boyfriend Jinho, but everything about being with him is simply perfect.
Skinny Love ✿  You didn't understand why your roommate was so angry when his friends started interacting with you, but everything was clear when he decided to be honest with you
Baby, pull me closer ✰♡ If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. When you were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
Yang Hongseok (Hongseok)
Reuniting ♡ Coming back home and meeting with your best friend, you weren’t expecting the night to take such a surprising turn.
Lazy Days and Loving Touches ♡ Doing nothing with your boyfriend can be interesting when your boyfriend is Hongseok.
Meant To Be ✰ ✿ You didn’t think you would have to deal with past feelings until you meet your ex-boyfriend Hongseok, right after your current boyfriend proposes to you.
Ko Shinwon (Shinwon)
Warm Water, Slow Hands ♡ After having a rough day at work, a relaxing bath prepared by your boyfriend Shinwon is the best thing you could have asked for. 
Late Night Gym ♡ Going to the gym isn’t always the part of the night you look forward to the most, but after you started flirting with Shinwon things just might work out well for you. 
Focus ♡ Your boyfriend Shinwon puts you in your place when you lash out at him after a bad day, and you love every second of it.
Play For The Win ✿ Shinwon and you discover a common passion and it turns out that the soccer stadium is the perfect place to fall in love
Just Breathe ✿ When the world seems to be closing around you, your boyfriend Shinwon is the only one who can make you feel like breathing again
Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Drip ♡ Seeing Changgu looking so handsome at a wedding leads you two to a steamy shower after the party.
Elysian  ♡ Spending Valentine’s day with your boyfriend is always special, and Changgu knows how to make you happy in every possible way.
So Bad  ✿ You couldn’t find a better way to put your feelings into words, so you let a song speak for you when you couldn’t hold back your feelings for Changgu.
Lovers In The Night  ♡ Dating an idol is already hard, and when you debut it gets even harder, but your boyfriend Changgu knows just how to make up for all the time spent apart
Yan An (Yanan)
Scintilla ♡ Having to deal with the most handsome and cocky nemesis can be fun when that person is Yanan
Sparke (Scintilla pt.2) ♡ Falling for your enemy can be dangerous, but Yanan doesn't make it easy to just forget about him.
Lunar Love  ♡ Stuck between forbidden love and duty to the kingdom, decisions under the moonlight may change everything
Oblivious ✿ It all feels right when you and Yanan admit you love each other more than friends.
Adachi Yuto (Yuto)
Halloween Party  ♡ At a Halloween party, you had let your insecurities take the best of you, but Yuto showed you that there was nothing to be ashamed of. 
Vorfreude  ♡ Vorfreude (n). The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
Into You ✿ First dates can be a little awkward, so you thought that a carnival would be a good place to make it fun, and Yuto definitely is the best company for that.
In The Dark ✿ Late-night feelings always seem more intense, but it's better when they are mutual.
Fireworks In My Heart ✿ going to a lantern festival with Yuto
Afterglow ♡ comforting Yuto after he's had a long day.
Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
Die For You ✻ Being taken hostage turns out to be what you needed to find what you have always been looking for.
Earned It  ♡ Secretly dating the Teacher’s Assistant has its perks, especially when you two get the classroom all by yourselves and he enjoys his new pet name.
Among Flowers ♡  If you had to pick a favorite place on earth, it would be your boyfriend’s flower shop. A new relationship can come with a few insecurities, but nothing that would be a problem for you and Hyunggu
Something About You ♡  Visiting Hyunggu in his studio ends up with you helping him finish his song in the best way you could have thought.
Blossom ✿ You can see all the colors perfectly, except your soulmate’s favorite, but you were a little skeptical about that. You just didn’t expect to be proven wrong when your best friend’s brother takes you on a fake date.
Sunrise ✿ Spending the night getting to know Hyunggu better is as sweet as it sounds.
Jung Wooseok (Wooseok)
DO or NOT ♡ To All The Boys I've Loved Before AU
Come With Me ♡ Your boyfriend Wooseok tries to convince you to move in with him with a very compelling argument.
Safe Place ✿ Wooseok comforts you after you second guess your attitudes on a drunken night.
Third Time Is The Charm ✿ Two times you and Wooseok didn't kiss, and one time you did.
Play With Fire ♡ Working with Pentagon becomes harder when Wooseok notices you. It doesn't help that he looks extremely hot in the new concept.
Teach Me ♡  The boys were making fun of Wooseok for not being as experienced as them, and since you two have always been good friends, you decided it was a good idea to give him the help he needs.
Secret Rendezvous ♡ After the last encounter, Wooseok was acting a little weird and distant, but the boys made sure to help you two get closer again. Really closer.
Impulsive ♡ A lot of things go through your head when you think about your relationship with Wooseok - and so you feel very conflicted. You two can’t help but go for each other every time you are together, but where will that lead you two?
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celestialtitania · 4 years
A Preposterous Predicament
This fic was written for 11JJ11 on AO3 and FFN. Thank you to @khanofallorcs for betaing. 
Read on AO3, FFN or below the cut!
Marinette ran into school, about an hour late for class. The last akuma attack had taken far too long and she hadn't even been able to properly feed Tikki. She'd had to recharge in the middle of the battle and then she hadn't had enough cookies.
"Marinette?" Tikki stuck her head out of Marinette's purse.
"I know, Tikki. Let me get to my locker, I have lots of cookies there!" Tikki nodded at Marinette weakly before settling back down. The poor thing seemed so weak. "I'm so sorry," Marinette apologized for the umpteenth time.
"It's okay, Marinette," Tikki sighed, clearly exhausted.
"No, it's not, Tikki," Marinette refuted as she walked into the locker room and attempted to wrench her locker open. She ended up pulling with far too much force and ended up toppling over. She picked herself up slowly by holding onto the locker door.
"Here we go," Marinette sighed as she spotted the familiar bakery bag, full of cookies. Fishing out a large chocolate chip cookie, she handed it to Tikki while she gathered her supplies.
"Well, looks like I missed Mlle. Bustier's class. It's time for Science and I'm ten minutes late!" Marinette scrambled out the door, running to the classroom. She desperately hoped Mlle. Mendeleiev wouldn't notice her late entry. Or at least not care enough to comment.
No such luck. As soon as Marinette pushed the door open, she fell over her own two feet and slammed to the ground, front first. "Ouch," she groaned as Mlle. Mendeleiev stared down at her.
"Yes, thank you for announcing your entrance, Marinette," she sighed. "Care to explain why you're late this time?"
Marinette flushed pink as she flailed her arms, while trying to come up with an excuse. After a few moments of pointless babbling, Mlle. Mendeleiev shook her head and pointed Marinette towards her seat.
Marinette sighed in relief as she sat down next to Alya. Her best friend was shaking her head at her fondly. Marinette gave Alya a sheepish grin in reply, before turning to pay attention.
An exhausting hour of Chemistry later, Mme. Mendeleiev set them free for lunch.
"Girl, you will not believe what you missed today," Alya was telling her. "Where were you anyways?"
Marinette blinked as she got out of her seat. "I...um….Oh I was–," Marinette was thankfully spared from answering when she tripped for the third time that day. What was happening to her? She was clumsy, yes, but not that clumsy!
She looked down to see a bag tangled in her feet. So that was it. She needed to pay better attention to where she was going. A yawn cut off her train of thought, as she untangled the bag straps from her feet. Clearly, a good night's sleep would help too.
"Woah, what is that?" Alya was exclaiming. Marinette turned to look at whatever it was that Alya found so fascinating, only to find her vision blocked by Adrien.
"Hi, Marinette!" The boy greeted her with a sunny smile. Marinette felt her heart come to a grinding halt, the brightness of his smile making her feel warm from head to toe.
"A-Adrien!" She squeaked out, her face burning hot. His smile grew a little brighter and Marinette found it hard to breathe.
"Need a hand?" He asked, as he offered her his outstretched hand. Hesitantly, Marinette placed her hand in his and let him pull her up. She stumbled a little as he did, and caught his shoulder to regain her balance. His grip on her hand tightened as his other hand automatically went around her waist.
They looked at each other, their faces far too close. Marinette turned a bright shade of pink as she practically leaped away from Adrien.
"Th-thank you!" She stammered out, as she blinked up at him. Unfortunately, she didn't get much of a chance to see Adrien's reaction or talk to him further, because that was when Alya made her presence known.
She had one hand on her hip and a foot was tapping impatiently. Marinette stared at Alya with raised eyebrows, completely confused. She couldn't remember the last time her best friend had ever interrupted her while she was trying to talk to Adrien.
Then Marinette took a closer look and nearly had a heart attack. In Alya's other hand was Tikki. Alya shoved Tikki into her face, so Marinette could see her kwami up close. "What is this?" Tikki's expression had turned into one of panic and Marinette tried to mentally reassure Tikki that it would all be okay.
Alya pulled Tikki away from her and leaned in, waiting for an answer.
Marinette blinked rapidly, trying to come up with anything that would protect her secret identity. Beside her, she could hear Adrien choking, but there were far more important things at stake.
"It fell out of your purse, Marinette. What is it?" Alya was demanding loudly. Marinette bit her lip, while she tried to think a way out of this mess.
Nino had come up to them, wondering why they were taking so long, when he too saw what was in Alya's hand. He stifled a tiny gasp as he threw his girlfriend a questioning look. In answer to his silent question, Alya simply pointed at Marinette.
Marinette took the opportunity to take a closer look at Tikki, hanging limply from Alya's grasp, and noticed she was playing dead. If Marinette didn't know any better she'd think Tikki was just a doll. At the thought, a lightbulb went off in Marinette's head.
"That's a doll," Marinette replied, trying to sound confident. Alya took another look at Tikki, seeming to carefully examine her.
"Okay," she said slowly, a worried expression appearing on her face. "But how did you get it?" Alya's eyes took on a certain glint. "Could you tell me the store you bought it from? I'd love to get one of my own."
"Bought?" Marinette squawked. Alya raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, pretending to be innocent. Marinette swallowed, her eyes darting left and right. "I mean….does it really look that good? I made h–it myself!"
Alya brought Tikki closer to eye level. Then, she showed Nino, who seemed just as cautious, if not more. Marinette knew that both of them were mentally comparing Tikki to their own kwamis and mentally groaned.
"How did you get the inspiration for it, Marinette?" Adrien spoke up, the smile on his face brighter than ever.
"Inspiration?" Marinette repeated, feeling a fresh wave of panic wash over her. She stared at the floor, her mind whirling.
"Good question, bro! The design is pretty unique, dude, how'd you come up with it?" Nino followed through.
Marinette wracked her brain, trying to come up with any plausible reason to have created such a 'doll'. Then it hit her, the perfect way to throw off suspicion was to add a grain of truth. "It's based off of Ladybug's kwami."
Alya and Nino gaped at her while Adrien pretended to be confused. If Marinette had been paying better attention, she would have wondered about Adrien's strange reaction. He should have known what a kwami was, he had been Aspik after all.
"How, how do you know Ladybug's kwami?" Alya asked, her voice dropped down to a whisper. Nino and Adrien were staring at her in the same kind of wonder, and slight suspicion in Adrien's case. Marinette was determined to not let that rattle her.
"I...a few weeks ago Mme. Mendeleiev got akumatized! Ladybug asked me to help her then," Marinette shrugged, her heart feeling like it was beating a thousand beats per minute. She was moments away from a full blown panic attack. Please believe me, she prayed to every deity out there.
"You were a superhero?" Nino asked, awe clear in his voice. Marinette felt a little offended for a second. He was a superhero, was it that surprising that she could be one too? Marinette had to remind herself that it was a good thing her friends didn't think she could be a superhero. That was how she was able to keep her secret identity just that. A secret.
"Y-yeah!" Marinette gave them a falsely bright smile.
"What kind of hero?" Alya interrogated as she pulled out her phone to take notes; she was in full reporter mode now.
"The mouse," Marinette smiled.
"That's kinda cute," Adrien mused, his green eyes bright and clear. They were so mesmerizing, she could easily get lost in them. "It makes sense Ladybug chose Marinette. She's our Everyday Ladybug after all."
Marinette turned a bright red at that, as she tried to remain cool and collected. She quietly pinched herself, to keep herself from going to dreamland. This wasn't the time for that, there were more important things happening. Far more important than her crush paying her a compliment.
"So, how did that result in you meeting Ladybug's kwami?" Alya was asking excitedly while Nino's expression had turned into one of horror.
"Dude! Why did you tell us that? Now Ladybug will never call on you again!"
"How do you know that?" Marinette asked suspiciously, throwing the spotlight on Nino for a moment. She almost felt bad for making him panic about protecting his secret identity, but she needed a break.
"Well, you know! Superheroes and their secret identities and all that. We all know how strict Ladybug is about identities," Alya covered for Nino. He nodded along enthusiastically.
"Oh, I see," Marinette hummed. "Though that doesn't stop you from asking about Ladybug's!" She noted, to which Alya sheepishly shrugged, causing Marinette to sigh. "Well, I don't have to worry about that. I accidentally revealed myself in front of Chat Noir, so Ladybug already said she couldn't call on me again." Marinette gave them a small, sad smile, acting as if she had accepted she would never be a hero again.
"That's too bad, Marinette," Adrien gave her a sympathetic look. Her smile grew shy as she shrugged at him.
"Did you ask Ladybug before making a doll about her kwami?" Alya worried.
"I think Hawkmoth already knows kwamis exist," Marinette pointed out dryly.
"She has a point, babe," Nino fiddled with his hat. Alya handed Tikki back to Marinette, who quickly took her back and put her back in her purse.
"That didn't explain how you met Ladybug's kwami," Adrien interrupted.
"Well...I met Ladybug and Chat Noir's kwamis," Marinette corrected, as she told the three about the story of Kwamibuster. Considering she never planned on using that trick again, she didn't mind letting them know some of the details. At the end of her story, Alya and Nino were nodding in understanding.
"That sounded rad, dude," Nino complimented and offered her a fist bump. Marinette tapped her fist against his.
"Yeah, let's get to lunch!" Alya agreed, as she swung an arm around Marinette.
"You guys go! I'll be right there!" Marinette ducked underneath Alya's arm. She just needed a moment alone, so she could talk to Tikki and calm her nerves.
Alya and Nino gave her a puzzled look before they shrugged and nodded. Waving, they left her to her own devices.
Marinette could still hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears as she let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed a hold of her purse and was just about to begin speaking to Tikki, when a voice spoke up.
"You alright, Marinette?" The purse fell from Marinette's hands as she squealed in surprise. She could hear Tikki give a tiny squeak and mentally winced in apology. Marinette looked up to see Adrien biting back a smile at her antics.
"Guess Ladybug was right to give you the Mouse Miraculous," he chuckled. Marinette wanted to dig a hole into the ground and disappear forever.
"Could I see your doll again?" He asked politely. Marinette's hands flew to her purse protectively. "It's just, I'm a big fan of Ladybug. I don't want to bug you or anything, but I'd love a doll of her kwami myself."
Marinette blinked and stuttered as she looked around for an escape route, anything that would allow her to distract Adrien without seeming suspicious. Adrien's expression didn't change as he expectantly held out his hand.
"Y-you see, I really should be–," Marinette protested anyways, but when she saw Adrien's big, green eyes pout at her, she was rendered useless. Silently, she reached into her purse and despite Tikki frantically tapping Marinette's hand in disapproval, brought her out for Adrien to see.
Adrien bowed his head to take a closer look and rubbed Tikki's head. Marinette held her breath, hoping Tikki wouldn't move. "Great workmanship, Marinette!" He flicked his eyes towards her and gave her an earnest smile. "I can't even see the seams!"
Marinette nervously smiled in agreement. "She even smells like cookies! Much better choice than Camembert," Adrien laughed, as he kept his eyes trained on her.
Marinette laughed with him, slightly puzzled by his words but far too relieved to truly notice anything wrong in that statement.
"Does your Tikki come with matching earrings?"
"Earrings?" Marinette's eyes widened as she frantically shook her head. "What earrings? No earrings here!"
Adrien gave her a patient smile as Marinette took a breath trying to calm down. At least she was able to speak proper words around Adrien, that was a win in her book. It was especially surprising considering how panicked she was, she couldn't even think straight!
"You've captured her sweetness perfectly! I wonder if you could do the same to Plagg," Adrien suggested. There was something in the way he was looking at her, but Marinette couldn't put her finger on it.
She blankly nodded along, her other hand was twitching. The sooner Tikki was hidden away, the better. She never should've given in! Her anxiety was killing her. Adrien gave Tikki one last look before backing away. Marinette quickly tucked Tikki away and gave Adrien a frazzled smile.
She was just about to turn and leave, to regain some of her sanity, when the last few minutes of the conversation ran through her mind. Didn't want to bug her. Tikki. Camembert. Plagg. Marinette whirled around, mouth gaping and one finger pointed at Adrien.
Adrien tilted his head innocently. "Marinette?"
Marinette opened her mouth before closing it again. She shook her head before trying again, but nothing would come out. All the clues were there but she still wasn't sure. Until she was, Marinette couldn't take that chance, there just had to be a logical explanation for this.
The only one she could think of though, was Adrien being Chat Noir. After watching Marinette try to talk a few times, Adrien sighed.
"Cat got your tongue?" He smirked at her. Adrien Agreste was smirking at her. Marinette didn't know how to react. That could mean something else, it didn't have to mean what she thought it meant, did it?
Adrien seemed to understand what she was thinking because his smirk grew wider. "How clawful, Purr-incess! Haven't you figured it out yet?"
Princess. The only one to call her that was...Marinette's eyes grew wide as she silently took in his confirmation.
"Th-then you really are?" She croaked out, feeling it hard to breathe. Adrien walked behind her to close the classroom door, before nodding.
"It's me, Bugaboo," he was grinning, looking ridiculously happy.
A black blur zoomed out of Adrien's shirt at the same time Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse.
"That was just painful," Plagg complained.
"Oh hush, Stinky Sock. She just needs some time to process!" Tikki argued weakly, she herself was giving Marinette an incredulous look.
"You did a great job playing dead!" Adrien complimented Tikki, who glowed under the praise.
"Not good enough," Plagg pointed out, making Tikki immediately turn to scowl at him.
"He's been Mister Bug! Of course he didn't buy it!"
"That's enough you two," Adrien scolded the kwamis while he kept his watchful gaze on Marinette.
Marinette couldn't stop staring at him. Adrien was Chat Noir? Polite, sweet Adrien was her flirtatious partner who cracked the worst jokes? She couldn't even reconcile the two boys as one in her mind, let alone accept it in reality.
The longer she stayed silent, the more the bright smile on Adrien's face faded, until it had disappeared entirely, a bitter one replacing it. "Are you disappointed it's me, m'lady?" He had finally looked away from her and Marinette felt panic swell in her throat.
She frantically shook her head. "No!" She shouted, as she waved her hands trying to convince him, as she stumbled towards him. Adrien caught her hands with his, making Marientte's insides turn to mush. "Never," she whispered.
"I believe you. It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" He was smiling brightly again, so Marinette calmed down.
"How come you aren't freaking out?" She complained, her face was radiating so much heat, she felt like she was in a sauna.
"Trust me, when I saw Tikki in Alya's hand, I freaked out plenty," he laughed, looking at her softly. Marinette peered up at him, trying to read his expression. "I'm not disappointed either if that's what you're wondering," he added, a Cheshire cat grin on his face.
Marinette squeaked as she bowed her head, trying to avoid looking at him.
"I do have to ask though, how did you pull off Multimouse? I almost doubted myself, but well, not even you can make a kwami doll that convincing, LB."
Marinette pulled her hands away from Adrien reluctantly, so she could use them to cover her face. "I used the Fox Miraculous," she mumbled into her hands.
"What?" Adrien questioned as he tried to tug her hands away.
"I said, I used the Fox Miraculous," Marinette huffed. Adrien's eyes widened in understanding, his eyes becoming softer as he laced his fingers with hers.
Marinette squeaked as she tried to think of just about anything else. A thought crossed her mind and her eyes widened as a new flash of panic went through her. "Tikki! We... I mean identities!" She got out, fear tinging her voice.
"It's fine, Marinette," Tikki reassured. "It was about time you two knew each other's identities. Not knowing was causing more problems anyways."
"We're just surprised it took you so long. The kid wasn't exactly being subtle," Plagg cackled.
Tikki looked like she wanted to argue but even she was looking at Marinette in disappointment.
"I was panicking! It's not like I knew he was Chat Noir!" Marinette tried to defend herself. When they all stared at her in disbelief, Marinette groaned and covered her face with her hands again.
"It's okay, I still love you m'lady," Adrien grinned. Marinette peeked at him from behind her fingers in surprise. He froze, as it dawned on him what he had just said.
"I-I mean!" It was Adrien's turn to stammer, as his face turned pink.
Plagg was snickering while Tikki sighed. Marinette stood there frozen while Adrien searched for something to say. Marinette took in a deep breath before taking pity on him. "How about we go get lunch first? I'm sure Alya and Nino are wondering where we are."
Adrien nodded. "Good idea," he smiled. He still seemed a bit nervous so Marinette offered him her hand. Tikki and Plagg were still laughing as they went into their respective hiding places.
"We'll take this one step at a time, alright, Kitty?" She whispered as he held on to her hand tightly.
"It's you and me," Adrien grinned back.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
And woohoo, October 1 is here, so why not kick it off with a BANG? Okay, that joke’s been used already--but hey I got a writing work here. And it’s paired with gorgeous artwork done by @swissgirlfromnowhere - I’ll put up a link to the artwork once it’s up! This was really challenging and yet still a lot of fun to write, so I’m really grateful to have signed up for this cool event.
Thanks to @hphmbang2020 for this--now let’s get things going!
PROMPT: Faced with attending Hogwarts on her own, having no friends and being a Werewolf, Chiara has problems to adjust to her life as a Hogwarts student and find her way to happiness. But everything changes after she meets a cute little cub from the Forbidden Forest and gets more than she bargained for.
Here’s the artwork!
The glow of the flames rising high from the torches did nothing to light the darkness shrouded over the werewolf’s past.
Chiara Lobosca let out a slow, silent exhale, fists clenched at her sides. Hesitation slowed her steps, held her back in the throng of first-year students that surrounded her--the students all eagerly chattering in excitement as they followed their Prefect, Jane Court, to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Any typical kid her age right now would eagerly extend their hand to make a new friend, but she was not like the typical kid her age--not anymore.
Each of them were unaware of what she had been through. It was best to keep it that way.
It was not like she was scared of her own past. With parents that cared so much for her despite her recent afflictions, she felt like she could release her hold on the security blankets wrapped so tightly around her just a little. Still, the memory of her first and only friend learning of this secret and screaming in sheer terror at it when she realized her mistake upon seeing her transformation kept rising in her mind. The sight of what she became, when not the sweet shy girl in the day, led to the shadow forever cast over her head like an indestructible veil.
Knock, knock, knock-knock-knock. The sounds of her Prefect rapping her knuckles on a round wooden door caught her off-guard, but she managed to stop herself before she tripped over her feet. That was when she realized--tonight was the full moon. There was no way she could stay in her dormitory tonight without anyone knowing her secret.
The minute her Prefect dismissed everyone, she departed from the common room at high speed, dodging past the older students making their way into the common room and dashing out into the corridors. With what little strength she had in her conscious effort to distance herself, she wrenched the door open and sprinted across the grounds towards the forest. Her strides never faltered, feet pounding hard on the grass and breathing quickly through her mouth. As she reached the border treeline, she glanced back at the castle, distant lights from the windows twinkling like the stars in the sky.
Then her blue eyes widened as they soon met the luminescent glow of the full moon; her mind blanked, and she knew no more.
“Miss Lobosca--a word, if you may.”
The first Potions class came and went, and the conclusion of the hour in the chilly dungeon brought the end of the first day of classes for the first-year students. The Ravenclaws gave a half-hearted cheer in unison as they packed their bags and left in small groups of twos and threes. Some of the Hufflepuffs did the same, anxious to get out of Professor Snape’s way. Chiara was just clearing her things and didn’t even make three steps to the exit when the Potions Master called her to the front. She did so as the last student almost tripped on his loose shoelaces oh his way out of the classroom, deliberately biting back a swear.
“What’s the issue, Professor?” Chiara asked him timidly. “It’s...not about my Cure for Boils, I hope?”
“Your Cure for Boils was...passable,” Professor Snape told her. “At the very least, it was not brewed in a cauldron coated with Bulbadox Powder.” He peered at her face, his scowl deepening. “I didn’t notice that scar on your cheek at the Welcome Feast last night.”
“S-scar?” Chiara’s eyes widened in shock, her hand raised to her cheek where the long red line was etched. Indeed, it was a wound inflicted from the night before--a sharp branch from an unyielding tree drew the mark through her flesh. The initial sting from the impact suddenly multiplied itself tenfold at the memory. “I didn’t know you paid attention to these things, sir.”
“Tch.” Professor Snape stood up straight once more and cleared up his station at the front of the classroom with a wave of his wand. Then he beckoned towards the student with a hand. “Please follow me, Lobosca.”
In a manner that was almost like following a lethargic ghost drifting along, Chiara trailed behind Snape as they walked through the halls. Her skin prickled unpleasantly at every student glancing their way, but she did not look back, paid no heed to their whispers and stares. There was no reason to engage in business that was not hers to meddle in. The further away she stood from them, the better off she would be.
Eventually they reached the school’s hospital ward--a large rectangular chamber lined with beds dressed in light green covers and divided with tall curtains of a similar shade. The vibrant colours of the sunset streamed through the large windows behind the beds, casting a warm glow into the room. Chiara glanced around at all the empty beds--it wouldn’t be long before students started filling them in with Quidditch accidents and other common illnesses ailing them. Then she watched as Professor Snape approached the school matron bustling around with a tray full of medicines--a member of staff she didn’t recall attending the Welcome Feast.
“Professor Snape!” the matron exclaimed. “Didn’t expect you to come here so soon.”
“I brought a student with me here, Madam Pomfrey,” Professor Snape explained, gesturing to Chiara with a hand. “Perhaps she could explain--”
“There’s really no need, Professor,” Chiara interrupted him softly. “It’s just a scratch from a tree branch. It’s nothing to worry about.”
The matron, Madam Pomfrey, took a careful look at the girl, her stern eyes scanning over Chiara’s body almost as if she was performing an X-ray scan. “What’s your name?” she finally asked.
“Chiara Lobosca, ma’am.”
“Were you inflicted with any long-term wounds prior to last night? I was warned by Professor Dumbledore that one of the incoming first-years is a werewolf.”
Chills suddenly rooted Chiara to the spot at the sudden question, the cold tingles shooting down her limbs numbing her coherent thoughts. She nodded tersely. “Yes, I was bitten by a werewolf when I was seven. I had to run to the Forbidden Forest last night following the Welcome Feast so I wouldn’t...disturb anyone.”
At this statement, Professor Snape’s stern face suddenly morphed into a sneer, hands clenched into fists at his side. Madam Pomfrey, however, just nodded in thought--a reaction Chiara did not expect.
“I see. You are not the first student who has come here with a lycanthropic affliction,” Madam Pomfrey told her then. “And thankfully this time around we have a potential solution that could relieve the symptoms, if not cure them entirely--”
“Is there?” Chiara tilted her head a little.
“Yes, Wolfsbane Potion. It is very expensive and advanced to brew, but with the resources we have here I’m sure it would be worth it to see you succeed at Hogwarts,” Madam Pomfrey reassured her, turning towards Professor Snape who looked like he just swallowed a toad. “Is that right, Professor Snape?”
Despite the discomfort projected on the Potion Master’s face, he managed to nod. “Of course, Madam Pomfrey.”
“Now, really. We must ensure that everyone remains safe and well here regardless of what happens,” Madam Pomfrey said crossly. Then she turned back to Chiara. “I’ll heal your scars, and then Professor Snape will brew the Wolfsbane Potions for you. You must take one dose per day for a full week prior to the full moon, otherwise the potion will be ineffective.”
“What will happen by the next full moon if I do take all the doses?” Chiara asked as Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over the scars.
“I imagine you will still transform, but retain human intelligence,” Professor Snape responded.
Retain human intelligence? Chiara scrunched her face up in concern, but she knew better than to ask--no one here had had her condition and received this treatment before. She simply nodded again, turning her attention instead to the way Madam Pomfrey healed her wounds with her wand. There was definitely something enchanting about healing magic, the way it closed wounds faster than leaving them to nature and time. As the mark on her face finally faded away, she smiled ruefully as she lifted a hand to feel the newly healed skin.
“There we go--I think those are all the wounds I see,” Madam Pomfrey told her then. “And...Miss Lobosca?”
“Do be careful, alright?”
She saw the concern glimmering in the matron’s eyes--the same glimmer in her parents’ eyes reminding her of how much she will always be pitied because of how different she was--and she nodded again.
“I will.”
The sunny day that beckoned to her a week after the visit to the Hospital Wing did nothing to ease her mind. Sitting in a shaded corner by the courtyard, her Herbology textbook propped open in her lap, Chiara watched as her peers socialized in small groups of twos and threes, reading together or playing Gobstones together, eating sweets or simply having a chat. She could see the Weasley brothers laughing by the fountain’s edge, Charlie flapping his arms almost as if he was a huge dragon with fiery breath. She could see Tulip and Andre playing Gobstones off to her right, the latter almost shrieking as the liquid from the marble squirted all over his robes and his opponent squealed in laughter. She could see Penny being bombarded by other students to talk about gossip going around the school. All of them had bright smiles on their faces--smiles that were natural, not forced out of fear.
She was once able to smile like that too. The days she spent with Selina felt like so long ago, a time that seemed to belong to someone else…
“Hey! Chiara! Catch me if you can!”
She could see her friend dashing away to their usual spot in the park--the big oak tree that stood a little ways away from the playset-- and she laughed as she ran to catch up to her, a wild laugh escaping into the air. The grass felt so soft beneath her bare feet, springing beneath her soles as if she was running atop a trampoline. A warm breeze blew past, lifting her hair and her spirits up so high--and then she finally tapped the trunk of the oak tree, dashing just past her friend at the last second.
“Aw, not again!” Selina cried, folding her arms in mock anger. “You’ve always beat me in every foot race!”
“What can I say? I guess I’m just naturally good at it,” Chiara said with a shrug, slumping down toward the grass with a happy sigh. “Can’t believe the summer flew by so fast too.”
“Like the messenger god on swift wings,” Selina remarked in agreement. “Time plays funny tricks on all of us, it seems.”
Yes, time played funny tricks on everyone who knew no better than her. Why she even told Selina about her lycanthropy in the first place, she would never say out loud without seeing her terrified face--a face that tore into a single shriek.
Could that really be all she was? Would anyone see her for what she can be without the light of the full moon?
There was one wound Madam Pomfrey could never heal. Chiara looked down at the scar Madam Pomfrey did not touch--the bite delivered by Fenrir Greyback when she was younger. It was sealed by other Healers with powdered silver and dittany, but it could not completely remove the damage. It was this very scar that changed her life forever. It was this scar that turned her from a simple human girl to a monster.
But things could look up here. Like everyone else in the courtyard, she was still a student. She was already contributing to Hogwarts’ legacy in some way--that had to count for something, right?
She closed her book just in time to see a toad hop over to her, a golden Dungbomb strapped onto its back gleaming in the sunlight.
“Oh, hello,” she said tentatively, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
That was when she heard a laugh from above her, and Tulip stooped down to pick up the toad.
“Dennis, what did I tell you about hopping away so much?” Tulip reprimanded the toad lightly, scooping it up with her hand. “Next time, stay where you are, or else I can’t find you and I might panic.” She glanced over at Chiara and smiled broadly. “Thanks for helping me find my toad.”
“Huh? Oh. It’s nothing,” Chiara murmured with a nod.
Tulip eventually departed with Dennis still in hand, and Chiara sighed in relief. She couldn’t risk having another friend. She couldn’t risk getting close to anyone again.
Perhaps she would never smile like she used to again.
In the days that followed, Chiara found being at Hogwarts rather enjoyable. Herbology, Potions, and Charms were such fun to learn--all the Professors gave her praise whenever she did well, and encouragement when things got tough. She even decided to help Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing, which the matron greatly appreciated as students began to come in with ailments all over. In some way, accepting the letter to come to Hogwarts was probably one of the best things Chiara had ever done. Here she could forget about her own troubles, even for a fleeting moment, and find a purpose here.
However, the reminder of her troubles and the next full moon eventually brought her back to reality when she was once again called to the front of the classroom by Professor Snape after lessons. As the other students filed out once more in groups of two or three, she approached the Potions Master, apprehension settling in over her face.
“Muffliato,” Professor Snape muttered, waving his wand at the door. Then he turned to Chiara. “Wait here, Lobosca.”
He briefly left the room, ducking ino hisoffice, and came back out a few moments later with a goblet in hand. “Your Wolfsbane Potion dose for today, Lobosca.”
The goblet of potion looked very unsuspecting--filled to the top with dark blue liquid and emitting light blue smoke from the surface. She tilted her head at the goblet, then looked at Professor Snape. “It’s...supposed to look like this?”
“Yes, Lobosca. Now drink it.”
It was like tasting a soiled apple pie meleed with garlic and ghost chili peppers; as the concoction slipped down her throat with every sip, she had to resist every urge to gag. She glanced up at the Potion Master from the rim of her goblet, only to see his hardened glare forcing her to drink the rest of it in one gulp.
“Unpleasant, isn’t it?”
Chiara put the goblet down delicately and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “It’s certainly...different,” she managed to say.
“Adding sugar to the potion would also render it ineffective,” Professor Snape warned her. Then he handed her a large bottle filled to the brim with the dark blue brew. “Remember, you must take one gobletful of the potion each day before the full moon. This should be enough to last you the rest of the week.”
“Yes, sir.”
The Wolfsbane Potion was not easy to stomach, let alone swallow, yet it was a medicine she dutifully took every morning prior to breakfast. Thankfully, no one asked her about her sudden change in morning routine. The foul taste of the potion did not stick around for very long in her mouth, either; it was easily doused with a sip of fresh ice cold water a few moments later. Still, Chiara had second thoughts about what would happen when the full moon rose. Could a werewolf really still retain human intelligence under its effects? What if the effects that she experienced weren’t what she was promised? 
Eventually, the night of the full moon came around once more. Somehow, she felt that everything she had worked up to belonged to another student that should have been sleeping soundly in her cozy bed in the dormitory, safe and sound in the castle. As she ran out into the open air once more, sprinting across the grounds towards the forest, she felt uncertainty creep up her throat, the foul taste of the Wolfsbane Potion coating her tongue in place of the bile that usually came from shortness of breath and lack of stamina. 
Running in pure joy was one thing; running out of fear was another thing entirely.
Her feet slowed as she approached the treeline of the Forbidden Forest once more, and she glanced back at the castle, at the twinkling lights from the castle windows. For some reason this time, the view gave her a small glimmer of hope. Somehow, tonight, everything was going to be fine.
Then her blue eyes widened as they soon met the luminescent glow of the full moon; her mind blanked, and she knew no more.
It was the sounds of birds chirping in the early morning that woke her from her deep slumber, the warmth of the sunrise seeping through her tensed cramped muscles. Chiara’s eyes slowly fluttered open, only to quickly shut again at the intense red-orange glow of the sun; she pushed herself up on her palms, the miniscule sticks and stones beneath her palms digging into her skin, and quickly surveyed her surroundings.
She seemed to be in a wooded clearing surrounded by bushes, trees with low branches serving a canopy over her head to shelter her from further dangers. Glancing around now at the forest in the day, she felt much more refreshed and energized than she ever had before following her transformations. She dusted her hands clean from the stones and sticks stuck on her palms and checked her face; there were no drying scabs, no scratches from what she could feel.
A small smile blossomed over Chiara’s face as she sat up, her eyes soon adjusted to the sunrise’s light. Somehow, she managed to make it through the night without a single murderous motive crossing her mind--what’s more, she survived without getting hurt herself. The Wolfsbane Potion truly worked after all.
A chipper bark suddenly jolted Chiara up in her seat; her head whirled around now at the sound. Wherever could it be coming from?
She tilted her head now at the rustling bushes to her right, a slow exhale escaping her lips. This couldn’t be one of the dangers in the Forbidden Forest now, could it?
“Borf borf!”
And out from the bushes burst a little pup with pointed ears, shining black eyes, and fluffy dark grey fur that bounced with every bound towards the girl. Its mouth turned up into a smile as it stopped by her knees, a playful gleam illuminating its eyes.
“Oh. Hello there,” Chiara murmured softly, holding a tentative hand out. “You’re a really cute little pup, aren’t you?”
It didn’t seem to be in a hurry to run off. Perhaps it sensed that she was one of its kind and wanted to keep her company. Nonetheless, it didn’t seem to be a danger at all. Smiling faintly now at the memory of the first awkward encounter she had with Dennis, Chiara slowly reached out and lightly pet the pup on the head, which earned her a soft hum.
A docile wolf pup...she faintly recalled one of the Healers treating her wounds making a passing comment about werewolf pups. Werewolf pups were conceived when two werewolves mated whilst transformed under the full moon, and they were not savage beasts at all; in fact, they were known to be very intelligent and beautiful. Now she knew what they meant--indeed, they were very beautiful. And somehow, this one knew she was one of them.
Just knowing that it didn’t judge her at all for what she was made her feel immensely grateful.
Eventually, Chiara made her way back to the edge of the Forest; the sun had just about fully risen, and if she didn’t hurry she would be late for her first lesson of the day. She looked back at the Forest now, an immense wash of relief flooding her entire body--and her eyes fell upon the little wolf pup who had followed her all this way.
“Borf!” the pup called, wagging its tail excitedly once more.
Chiara chuckled as she approached the pup once more, giving him an affectionate pat on the head. “Looks like you really like me, huh?”
“Well, I’ll say,” Chiara smiled. “I have to go back to the school, but I’ll see you later...Borf.”
“Borf borf!” The pup’s eyes gleamed in such an adorable way that made Chiara grin.
A light feeling enveloped Chiara’s mind and soul as she skipped through the grounds and blended in with the students now milling through the halls getting to where they needed to go. Somehow, the prospect of fitting in at Hogwarts without being judged was not as dim as she once thought it to be. In fact, there was no harm in being different--not when somewhere she could be accepted for what she could not control. 
She smiled as she headed to the Great Hall for breakfast, thankful for Borf and all the joy and hope he brought her.
In some way, he was the light she needed that lifted the shadow of doubt that haunted her past. 
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sundaywonder · 3 years
the lost song : yoonmin
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Getting ready to start fresh in life, physical education professor Park Jimin is just waiting to migrate to Australia with his daughter and girlfriend. Everything gets topsy-turvy when world-class music producer Min Yoongi—and also his secret ex-boyfriend—comes back home to South Korea to marry his it-girl fiancé. If that wasn’t bad enough for Jimin, Yoongi invites him to the wedding. It gets worse; it leaves him no choice but accept it to avoid spilling the beans.
Although the worst happened back then, it’s not enough for their forsaken what-ifs and unsaid feelings from making itself clear. The situation makes Jimin realize how jaded he was without Yoongi all the years they were apart—and vice versa. As they slowly pick up the broken pieces of the past, reality hits hard back at them again. There are two choices: to give up on love and live in the present or to run away and never look back.
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Genre: Romance, Adult Fiction, Melodrama, Erotica
Fandom: BTS, BLACKPINK, Red Velvet, IU
Pairing: Suga & Jimin, Jimin & Rosé, Suga & Jennie, IU & Jungkook, Wendy & j-hope
Rating: M or R-18 — contains sensitive themes, strong language and graphic depiction of sexual activity
Status: Ongoing — 6/12
Link: Wattpad, ao3
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Excerpt: The Flower Bloomed — 10 Years Ago
Yoongi, 20
I hurriedly go down the stairs while vigorously drying my head with a towel. I knew I would oversleep. Aside from being a deep sleeper, I’m also not used to waking up as early as 7 a.m. Nine is still pretty early if you’d ask me. The cool air last night made everything even worse. I shouldn’t have opened the windows.
Good thing my grandma heard Aunt Hyeja yelling outside our house. If she didn’t, I wouldn’t have even noticed that her and our other neighbors’ missed calls and text messages.
“Make sure none of the kids get injured, okay? We don’t have money for their hospital bills if ever,” reminds grandma as she followed me down. I don’t hear and comprehend what she said until five seconds later.
“Got it. Bye.” When I get out of our gate, I immediately see Aunt Hyeja who was waiting for me outside.
“We’ll get going, Auntie Dooshim!” exclaims Aunt Hyeja.
“Alright, have a safe trip!”
“I’m so sorry, Auntie. I really am.” She walks so briskly that I have a hard time catching up with her. Regardless, I feel like that’s how should it be; I must walk maybe two or three steps behind her after what I’ve done.
“Don’t think about it anymore. The kids are already in there. You know our numbers so contact us immediately if anything goes wrong. There’s a ton of food on the table so feed yourselves when you get hungry. Don’t leave at least one of them unattended. Never attend to the gate if it’s a stranger and refrain from telling them that an adult is not present—oh, how old are you again?”
“My bad. It slipped my mind that you’re already an adult. Anyway, did you understand everything clearly?” I just nod. Aunt Hyeja doesn’t seem to be mad but it’s fairly obvious that she’s already dying to leave. I discreetly peek at her watch which says 7:15 a.m. I can’t help but shake my head. I reminded myself endless times to do well in this babysitting gig but I still ended up ruining the first thing about it. There must be something really wrong with me.
After arriving in front of the home of my best friends, brothers Seokjin and Taehyung, she tells me, “Also, your Aunt Misun told me that Jimin won’t be able to attend the excursion because he’s sick. He’s going to be home alone today so I told him that he can contact you if he needs anything.”
I gulped as soon as I heard Jimin’s name and forced myself to act nonchalant. “W-what happened to him?” It was definitely hard to do so.
“He has fever,” she replied. “Don’t you guys get more written projects in lieu of not attending out-of-the-classroom activities?”
“So, does it mean you like completing paperworks instead of attending trips and such?” I just let out a fake chuckle and nodded. I’m sure it wouldn’t sit with her when I say that I don’t like socializing and going to places with a lot of people. Aunt Hyeja is a social butterfly and—I don’t want to sound like I’m judging her (but maybe I am)—she’s not exactly the type of person to bother understand things deeper if it doesn’t concern her. Besides, it’s lengthy and we’re not that close for me to open up to her. An awkward giggle is probably better than an explanation.
The Kims already left when I entered and all the four kids were sleeping on the sofa in the living room, not even noticing my entrance. I decide to just sit on the floor and watch TV in low volume. My body is asking for me to sleep so badly that pinching myself isn’t working anymore. A faint regret is starting to form in my chest but I cut it out immediately.
After getting bored of the morning makjang drama that I forced myself to watch, I turn around to check on them. Jingoo—a cousin of Seokjin and Taehyung, as well as Namjoon who is also a cousin of the two—is already up but still lying on his stomach while silently watching the drama with me. Our eyes meet but he doesn’t say a word and just shifts his eyes back at the screen.
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” I ask. Jingoo just nods. “What did you eat?”
“Seaweed rice balls and jeon.”
“Tell me when you’re hungry.” He just nods once again.
Our conversation awakens Taejoon, Chanbin and Yeongyu. Unlike Jingoo, they wanted to eat so I prepared the food that was left for us. Being alone with these kids who I barely know suddenly makes me feel weird for some reason. It’s probably because I don’t have any experience in babysitting. So far, it’s an alright deal. The money is good and you practically get paid to stay at home.
I leave them and go back to the living room, sitting beside Jingoo’s feet who hasn’t moved an inch ever since he woke up. “Where did they go?” He asks, not moving his eyes from the screen.
“A trip.”
“Event aunt and uncle? I thought it was a school trip.”
I let out a sigh and close my eyes. Some sort of hot energy constantly forms in my head the longer I talk to this kid.  “I don’t know why. Ask them when they come back later.”
It got rowdy when they started to play. This is way worse than I imagined. Toy cars and guns are all over the place and I need to remind them every two to three minutes that they shouldn’t be shooting bullets on the TV screen, as well as the vases and figurines. None of my words seem to get to their tiny heads.
I take back what I said. I don’t want to this ever again. I wasn’t like this when I was a kid. Even my friends. We weren’t anything like this. Not even close. We were well-liked by the neighborhood in general because of that.
Out of the blue, my phone suddenly vibrated. My heart almost dropped on the floor when I read Jimin’s name on the screen.
All of a sudden, my heart started to pound like it wanted to get out of my chest. I took a deep breath before flipping my phone and pressing View.
Hey, can I go there? It’s getting a little boring here.]
[ME (draft)
Of course! Bring what you need!]
I delete it before I could even think twice. I cringed at what I just typed.
[ME (draft)
Okay, but it’s a little loud here]
Maybe not. He might end up not going if I say that.
I’ll bring ramen]
[ME (draft)
I press the end call button and just fold my phone instead. I immediately go to the bathroom and wash my face with soap and water. I run my wet hands through my hair as well. Just as I got out, someone knocked on the door.
“Don’t shoot on anything!” I yell before walking out the door.
“Hey,” greets Jimin as soon as I open the gate. Unlike his usual self, the gloomy aura surrounding him can be clearly felt. His face and shoulders seem wretched as well.
“Are you alright? You look so pale.”
“Trying to be.”
“Stay in Seokjin’s or Taehyung’s room if you want to get some rest. It’s a little rowdy in the living room.”
“Thanks. I’ll go text him.”
As soon as I hear Seokjin’s bedroom door close, I make an announcement to the kids. “Jimin’s sick. Don’t make any loud noises from now on.” It did subside but only for a short while. “You kids, anyone who makes loud noises will not get to eat lunch.” They stop playing tok look at me with a weird expression on their faces, as if they’ve never heard someone say such a thing to them before. A hint of fear can also be seen. I fucked up again, didn’t I?
Unlike what I said, I started to prepare lunch when the clock hit noon. The kids gathered at the table and chowed down as soon as the food was ready. Meanwhile, I got my own food and ate in the living room.
[ME (draft)
Hey, lunch is ready. Can you go down here?]
Lunch is ready, feel free to eat here.]
What’s for lunch?]
Pork belly, barbecue, dumplings, rice and kimchi]
Damn, will go there ASAP]
I wipe the droplets of sweat on my forehead. My breath keeps on running as if they are trying to get away from something… or someone. I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about this. It only makes me go crazier and crazier. Even my well-trained emotional suppression skills are barely working. Helpless, hopeless—that’s what I am.
“Shit!” I hold to my chest in shock and turn around. “I-it’s you.”
“Yes, it’s me. You okay? You’re deep in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice me pass in front of you,” asks Jimin.
I shake my head. “I just zoned out.”
“Shit!” Taejoon mimicks while the other three laugh.
“Shit!” Chanbin and Yeongyu repeat in unison which makes them laugh even harder.
“Are you kids an adult to say that?” I ask.
“Shit!” The three exclaim, not even bothering to answer me.
Suddenly, I hear Jimin giggle softly—making me look back at him. “So, you can already laugh. Feeling better now?”
He just nods with a faint smile and takes a spoonful of kimchi stew. “Mmm, delicious. Did you cook?”
“Nope, one their parents probably.”
Neither of us talked after that; I just pretended the focus on my food while his eyes wandered around the place. Even though it feels like I need to say something, not a single word’s coming to my mind. My mouth is left agape from the urge to speak but not knowing what to say. For some reason, it seems to me that he’s feeling the same way. But how can I know for sure?
The kids come back to the living room not long after they have finished eating. I couldn’t thank the heavens enough; this is the only time today that I’ve actually become happy about their presence. Before they can even settle on their seats, I stand up to play the first Disney DVD my hand landed on: The Incredibles.
Jimin passes behind me so I look at him. He’s bringing my dirty plate with him to the kitchen. “Hey, s-sorry. You didn’t have to.”
He looks back and says, “Huh?”
“The plate.”
“Psh. It’s nothing.”
I follow him to the sink where he’s silently washing the dishes. He almost looks like he’s zoned out and submerged in his deep thoughts.
“Hey!” I jokingly yell from his back.
“Sh—!” He accidentally loses his grip on the plate he’s holding. It falls back to the sink, causing a small chip on the edge. “Oh, no…”
“I’m so sorry,” I say as I try to catch my breath. The plate looks expensive with all those blue Chinese prints. It most definitely came from an expensive dinnerware collection and Mrs. Kim would kill me if she sees this. I might have to babysit for nine or ten more times just to pay for the damage.
“Don’t worry about it. It was an accident.”
“But it looks expensive!”
“I was the one who lost grip on it, what are you being so worried about?” Jimin says with a faint giggle. I’m not buying it; he doesn’t sound amused at all. “Also, wanna watch?” He nonchalantly asks.
“This?” I ask back, pointing at the TV.
He just shakes his head. “Seokjin has a big collection up there.” I just looked blankly at him, deliberately making it obvious that I need more details to get what he’s saying. “Sola Aoi, Asami Yuma, Haruna Hana and so much more. We have everything we need up there!” I feel my whole body suddenly heat up upon hearing what he just said and my legs seem like they want to give up on me. “Hey, you okay?”
“Th-the kids…”
He takes a peek at them. “They’re already asleep.”
I look back at the kids and close my eyes in panic. Images of him being half-naked while beating off instantly flash in my mind. I vigorously shake my head along those thoughts. I can’t count how many times I saw him naked in the past. We even used to take a bath together along with the other guys when were younger. But this time everything’s different, especially to me, and it sucks big time. “Okay, then…”
He opens the dish dryer and puts all the now-squeaky clean plates, glasses, spoons and forks. “Don’t be so nervous. They’ll probably stay asleep until twilight or something.”
“Maybe,” I replied to him even if his words just seemed to bounce against my head. Naked. Naked. Naked. My mind just doesn’t seem to get tired about this goddamn word and keeps asking for more. Now, even the way he looks and smiles at me is starting to mean something else.
Jimin grabs my arm and pulls me until we reach Seokjin’s room. Before I could even react, the door was already locked and his pants and underwear were on the floor. My manhood starts to throb and harden as soon as my eyes lands on his half-naked body. He’s grown much bigger and thicker ever since I last saw him. That was a few years ago—same situation as now but with Hoseok and Taehyung, minus the feelings. To stop myself from completely breaking down out of panic and ruining everything for good, including our friendship, I just turn my head at a random teddy bear on Seokjin’s bed.
I sit beside him on the carpet and before also taking off my short pants and underwear. A strange kind of electricity seemed to charge on my body when I saw him look at my manhood. His mouth slightly gaped but he immediately closed it and focused on operating the DVD player. Since the tapes weren’t labeled, we don’t know what those contained. Jimin chooses just whatever. The video begins, and we see Sola Aoi who was wearing a provocative nurse uniform enter the hospital room where the middle-aged male patient was in.
I lean on the bed to relax and force myself to focus on the film. Jimin’s already starting to touch himself. He looks back at me with an unexplainable expression in his eyes. It’s been a while since I did this with them but I’m sure we didn’t look at each other while beating off, or maybe I’m just forcing weird meanings. At this point, I can’t even trust myself anymore.
I couldn’t help but start to actually beat off as soon as Sola started to moan. All of us in our group likes her the most for how irresistible she sounds when she’s getting fucked. It makes the film feel like 5D.
The film already ended but neither of us reached climax yet. When I was almost there, I stopped. I don’t know why but I felt like I needed to do so. As I try to catch my breath, I watch him while he did his business.
To my surprise, Jimin also stops and joins me in leaning on the bed, panting hard. He looked at me straight in the eyes, then his gaze dropped on my lips. “They look dry…”
Before I even knew it, our lips were all over each other and his tongue has successfully penetrated my mouth. Jimin’s hands start to explore inside my shirt before pulling it off of me. He removes his own next. My hands are frozen on his groin in disbelief. Everything seems like a dream but all of these are a hundred percent real.
“Jimin…” I mindlessly say.
“Do whatever you want to do to me.” He grabs my hand and places it on top of his manhood. “Don’t hold back.”
I pull his head and kiss him hard before pushing him down. Only God and I know how much he looks good with nothing on but his golden rolo chain necklace. “As long as you let me, I won’t.”
If you’re reading until here, thank you so much! The Wattpad and ao3 links where you can read the whole story are available above.
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nanasarea · 4 years
M’lady I zch
Prompt:  Your classmate got akumatized so you and chat noir have to swoop in and save the day, but the catch is, you never noticed your crush’s ring before 
Genre: crack fluff
Pairing: ladybug!reader x chat noir!chenle
Word count: 1.3k
a/n: i thank blame anti-honesty hour also I don’t know what this is, I was watching Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir and this moodboard and one thing led to another and now we’re here so enjoy this really crappy basic Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir episode with Chenle as himself Adrien Agreste
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The day started normal. Your kwami, Tikki, had to wake you up because you slept right past your alarm. You ended up almost missing first period, which you couldn’t afford considering the fact that you missed almost 30% of your classes. Not voluntarily, of course, saving Paris wasn’t really something you could say as an excuse for skipping math. 
You got to class in time to see your crush, Chenle and his best friend, Jisung talking right outside the classroom. If it wasn’t for your best friend, Ryujin, snapping you out of your trance, you would have probably started drooling on the floor. 
Of course you had a crush on Chenle. Not only was he good at piano, fencing and singing, he was also so kind and friendly. When he first started going to this school, you imagined him being a stuck up rich kid, mainly because you heard he was friends with Chunwa, who was the resident mean girl. Yes, it was wrong for you to assume, but you quickly realized he was actually really nice and later on, really cute.
After Ryujin brought you back to earth, you shyly laughed it off as she made yet another comment about how embarrassing you are and how you should be careful if you don’t want to trip on air again, because you were paying more attention to Chenle instead of walking. 
“Come on, class is starting.” Ryujin laughed as you all made your way into the classroom, where you saw Chunwa talking to, or more accurately, bullying your friend. 
“Chunwa, calm down, everyone gets a note wrong once in a while, but that doesn’t mean they’re not talented, right, Renjun?” Chenle smiled at the boy, who was sitting down at the piano. 
“A mistake like that would never happen if I were to be the one playing.” Chunwa commented, making Renjun roll his eyes.
 “As if you have any talent besides being annoying.” You say quietly, but not quiet enough, since Chenle and Ryujin both heard it and laughed, but before you knew it, Renjun stormed out of the classroom.
“Nice going, Chunwa, next thing you know Hawkmoth will akumatize him.” You said “She has a point.” Chenle agreed.
“Relax, maybe then we’ll see Chat Noir, he’s so attractive.” Ryujin laughed, causing you and Chenle to both momentarily freeze. 
“What? That guy? What’s so special about him anyway? I’m way more attractive than he is.” Chenle said, causing Ryujin, Jisung and Chunwa to laugh. 
“What do you have against Chat Noir? Jealous of his awesomeness?” Jisung asked. 
Just like that, the door flew wide open and you saw Renjun, but he wasn’t Renjun?
“The name’s Red Harmony, and if you don’t want to be crushed to bits alongside Chunwa, i suggest you move aside.” Renjun cut off Chenle’s sentence and with that, everyone started running. 
“Oh come on, are you all just going to leave me alone?” Chunwa said as she started running. 
“Y/N, where are you going?” Ryujin asked as she saw you sneaking away. 
“I’m just going to hide in the bathroom till this blows over.” You nervously laughed, leaving Ryujin to sigh and make a quick “as always” comment.
Chenle, on the other hand, decided to run into an empty classroom before Plagg appeared. 
“See, if they had just calmed down and ate some camembert, th-” “Plagg, not the time.” Chenle laughed.
“Plagg, claws out!”. 
Once you quickly locked yourself in the stall, making sure you were the only one in the bathroom, you yelled “Tikki, spots on!”. 
Time skip
“Took you long enough, m’lady.” Chenle stated, but at this moment, he was Chat Noir. 
“Sorry for the wait, kitty. Ready to save the city? Or in this case, a snobby mean girl.” You said.
“M’lady, in times like these it’s best to stay pawsetive, don’t you think?” He chuckled at your eye roll before you looked at an akumatized Renjun, or Red Harmony in this case. 
“The akuma must be in his pin. He keeps holding it before singing.” You said.
“I’m feline like that’s a good observation.” He said before winking at you.
“We have to find a way to destroy it.” You stated as he nodded. 
“We should probably make sure Chunwa is okay first, don’t you think?” He asked.
“Ugh, fine, you get her to a safe location while I try and fight him off.” You sighed as he chuckled.
“I’m on it, m’lady.” He said before swooping in and dragging Chunwa out of the room. 
“No, get back here!” Renjun yelled but before he could reach for his pin, you used your yoyo to stop his hand from moving. 
“Not so fast, mister.” You said as you started fighting him off. After a couple of minutes, Chat Noir came back right when you were cornered. 
“Meowy apologize for the wait, m’lady. You should use your lucky charm now, don’t you think?” He asked, winking at you before you smiled and yelled “Lucky Charm!” before some rope with a polka dot pattern dropped into your arms. 
“Guess we have to tie him up.” You said.
“Kinky.” Chenle commented, laughing as you playfully hit him before scanning your surroundings.
“Of course! We have to tie him up to that chair and then use your cataclysm to destroy his pin. I’ll go left, you go right.” You said as Chenle looked at you with heart eyes.
“You’re so clawver, could you be any more purrfect?” He asked before taking one end of the rope as you took the other. 
“On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3!” You yelled as you both started running towards Renjun and running around him quickly. 
“No! I haven’t finished yet!” Renjun yelled as he tried to free himself from the rope. 
“Cataclysm!” Chenle yelled before taking the pin into his hand, making Renjun yell out “No!”. 
You opened your yoyo and yelled “Time to de-evilize” before the butterfly flew out, to which you said “Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!” and throwing your yoyo up in the air to restore all the damage done. 
LWhat happened?” Renjun asked, confused as you and Chenle said “pound it!” while sharing a fist bump. 
“Would love to stick around, but we should both leave, we’re going to transform soon.” You said “I can keep a secret, m’lady.” He said, chuckling.
“Not a chance, kitty. Bug out.” You said before running out of the room. 
“I guess that means I have to go too. Hope you feel better soon, Ren-I mean human I have never seen before.” Chenle laughed after he heard his ring beep, causing him to run out as well. 
Time skip
“You were hiding out alone? Again? We were all in the gym.” Jisung said.
 “What’s this about?” Ryujin asked.
 “Chenle decided to sneak off to hide alone.” Jisung explained “As always.” he added.
“I like being alone!” Chenle defended.
“Seems like you’re not the only one, y/n always hides alone too, who knows, maybe they are ladybug and chat noir.” Ryujin laughed, causing you and Chenle to nervously laugh along.
There’s no way Chenle could be Chat Noir, you thought, while Chenle thought the same about you being ladybug. 
“Oh and by the way, thanks for sticking up for Renjun. Chunwa might be a childhood friend, but I don’t agree with her behavior a lot of times.” Chenle said, looking at you. 
“No problem. Besides, without Chunwa, wouldn’t Hawkmoth basically be jobless?” You laughed. After class, Chenle stopped you and handed you your book, which you forgot and that’s when you noticed Chenle’s ring for the first time. 
“Nice ring.” You commented as you thought, could he be Chat Noir? no, Chenle’s too cool to be Chat Noir. 
“Nice earrings.” Chenle commented back, wondering if you’re ladybug but once he looked into your eyes, he had his answer.
He smiled and began making his way to his limo, but before entering, he added a “m’lady.” as he turned around and winked at you. 
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silvia7272 · 5 years
1 ~ My ‘Lying’ Prologue
You won’t believe how I had tried to write how Marinette was going to meet Rosina but then I started writing more and more ML-Class Salt and I couldn’t stop myself. It was quite enjoyable so I thought this would be a good place to start. This is how the class first started to become salty. You better grab some popcorn; you can hold the salt cause I’ve got plenty down here.
Word Count: 2094
Collège Françoise Dupont had always been a place Marinette had enjoyed going to. Besides fashion, baking and music, she loved hanging out with her friends.
She loved being friends with Alya and helping her with all her Ladyblog stuff as much as she could, talking to her about her dreams and aspirations had been a great past time.
She loved Rose with how honest she was towards her feelings.
She loved Juleka and how she was better at overcoming her shyness.
She loved Alix with her art and amazing roller-skating.
She loved Mylène with how passionate she was about what she believed in.
She loved hanging out with all her female friends, they had tried to help her with so many ridiculous schemes to confess her love to Adrien it was too many to count, but they stood by her side always.
She… Could tolerate Sabrina, and Chloé to an extent, she knew they held a close friendship and didn’t want to disturb it. And Chloé… Was Chloé. They tried not to get in each others way too often.
She loved Nino and his passion for music, his DJ skills were great, she was sure he could become famous in no time.
She loved being able to offer encouragement and support to Nathaniel and Marc, each of their comics looked so cool she couldn’t wait to read it.
She loved being friends with Kim, they had been ever since Kindergarten. His crazy bets were bound to excite her after school each day.
She loved Max and always playing games like Ultimate Mecha Strike III, and totally beating him by the way.
She loved Ivan for how sweet he could be when he tried to show his feelings for Mylène.
And she loved… Loved Adrien.
He was kind. Pushover
Generous. Pitied
Caring. Traitor
Forgiving. Afraid of repercussions
But she ruined it.
She had claimed so many tales that the others lapped up at any mention of fame.
She had strung every last one of her classmates along like sheep and cattle.
She had changed so much in the school, she was excluded to the back in her class, away from everyone else. And when Marinette had tried to expose her?
She had turned it all around.
She had threatened her, enough for an Akuma to be sent her way in the bath stall.
She had bid her time, waiting until people truly believed her, until she enacted on her plan to ‘Dethrone the Princess of the school’
She had first started with little remarks about the bluenette, ones that didn’t seem overly malicious as she couldn’t start out too big right?
She had to make sure they grew in size as an appropriate time passed on. And soon… It had worked.
She had… Turned everyone against her.
She remembered when she had come into class that exact morning, because she was late everyone had already taken their seats.
The moment she had entered the classroom all heads turned to her.
“Sorry, Mlle Bustier I had to err- um-” To her surprise, she held a hard glare at the girl. Actually, everyone did.
“That’s enough excuses Marinette, I should send you to the Principal after everything that’s happened” Mlle Bustier announced, shocking the girl.
“What but I-?” She wasn’t able to finish.
“I thought we were friends Marinette, but now you say I could never be an Olympian?”
“Or you thought my voice was painful for anyone within ear reach to listen to!”
“Or I should always be covered in any pictures ever taken because I’m such an eyesore!”
“Or I’ll never be anything in the music industry. How dare you lie to me all these years dude!?” The stray of accusations pointed to the girl were almost enough to make her cry… Almost.
“How could you!? I thought you ‘supported me’, but now I see that you’ve always been a deceitful manipulative liar!” Her former Best Friend held so much anger in her eyes as angry tears stained her cheeks.
“But I- I would never say that! You have to believe me, who told you?” Marinette pleaded. No, Alya was her best friend, there was no way she wouldn’t believe her. Right?
“From someone a lot more trustworthy, Lila told us all of your dirty little secrets. She couldn’t bear to keep the truth from us, even after you threatened her in the bathroom where no one else was there. That’s low Marinette, even for you! Just because you want Adrien all to yourself, Lila doesn’t even like him that way! How could you be such a jerk!” She stared in shock than anger as she looked at the liar.
“Why would you lie about all of this Lila, how could you?” Lila faked her cries as she covered her eyes.
“I had to tell them the truth, I knew you hated me, but I couldn’t stand by any longer and let you lie to everyone, I appreciate every one of my friends. I don’t care if you hate me more”
“If this is because you’re jealous forget it! That’s no excuse for doing this Marinette!” Alix yelled, she winced, even Alix? But she had always been so loyal.
‘Loyalty only goes so far’ She thought sadly.
“That was a brave thing to do Lila. Marinette apologise right now to Lila at once! I thought you were a good example for the class, not turn into a bully!”
“But she’s lying-” She got cut off.
“Not another word or you’ll be going home” Mlle Bustier warned.
“Marinette this is your last warning!” She lowered her head and walked to the back as all the students glared at her, except for one.
Marinette sneaked off to the lockers. She couldn’t even cry, or she’d be turned into an Akuma, and nobody would want that.
Because she was Ladybug.
Soon you won’t have any friends left at all. Trust me.
You will lose your friends and wind up all alone.
“She was right, she really did turn everyone against me. I really am alone” She exhaled a shaky breath and before Tikki could comfort her the door opened.
“Marinette. There you are. I was wondering where you ran off to?”
‘Adrien, Adrien’s really here. He knows I’m telling the truth; he must be here to help me’ That was the last nice thought she had about him.
“Adrien I-”
“Marinette we talked about this, exposing her isn’t the right thing to do, what if she had become Akumatized in front of the whole class?” He held a disapproving gaze, one that shocked Marinette.
“But she really was lying, if I don’t say anything now, everyone truly will hate me for something I never did.”
“But we both know you’re strong enough already Marinette you’re our ‘Everyday Ladybug’. I know you can hold out from any Akuma until her lies are uncovered”
“Adrien what about my friends, they all think I said all of this stuff even though it's untrue”
“I’m sure if you do more nice things they’ll turn around in the end” She still looked unsure, so Adrien carried on.
“They’ll forgive and you’ll forget, then after everything, we’ll all be friends again. You’re strong enough already, I know a bit of solitude won’t hurt you. At least you aren’t always stuck in your room with no one to talk to. If you just take the high road and don’t rock the boat everything will turn out alright in the end, we’ll all be happy and forgive everyone for their mistakes. We may even forgive Lila. Ok? I’ll stand by you as well”
She wanted to say no, desperately wanted to. That this wasn’t fair on her, that she had only done what was right, that the truth should come out now.
But… This was Adrien, and her last friend.
So… She took his advice.
But he didn’t keep his promise.
After that day, she tried to follow his advice. She tried to get all of her friends to like her again. She made macarons and croissants, cakes and pastries for them all to try, she spent some nights staying up all night to perfect her recipes she was sure the class would like, even… Lila.
But Lila had been ‘specifically allergic’ to hers even if Marinette overheard how ‘lemon’ was her favourite.
So, they threw them all away.
She had tried to design and give homemade bags and controller skins to them, but Lila didn’t like the material even if she knew part of her outfit held the exact same material.
So, they threw them all away.
Her final straw had been when she had made so many class trips to Theme Parks, Museums, Gaming Centres, Conventions. As Class President, she had to be the one in charge of trips as the teachers were ‘too busy’ instead. She tried to include everyone's interest and so far it worked. They had absolutely loved the idea of it, claimed it would be the best time of their lives. There were so many praises being thrown around the girl thought.
‘Finally, they’ll see I want us to be friends again. We’ll all go out to meals and movies like before. They’ll apologise and we can be like we were before she came. We can plot and have me and Adrien together-’
“Wow Lila, it was so cool you got us the tickets for the last anime convention. I thought they ran out of them last I checked?” Nathaniel asked while studying the tickets, he had always wanted to go but thought the class wouldn’t want to do something like this but he was surprised, she had told him otherwise, just like she had told him to get rid of Marc, after all in Lila’s words ‘he was limiting your potential’
Marinette remembered him crying in the locker room with no one around, she had been the only one there to comfort and successfully stop an Akumatization from happening.
“Well you see when you know a family friend who actually works in this industry you get so many free passes”
“It's just a pity that Marinette was repulsed by the idea of all of us going. She said it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard and that I was such a loser to ever think of it in the first place. And the fact that she made me do all of the work, how could she be Class President?” The class glared at her, and each insulted her, even if it was her idea.
But when she looked over to see the familiar blond boy.
The sweet, blond who had promised would be there for her…
…Turned to look the other way.
Don’t rock the boat Marinette
I’ll stand by you as well
He lied.
Just like she had done.
Just like… Lila.
It shouldn’t have been surprising; he was a major pushover when it came to friends and his Father. When Chloé and Adrien were friends she could step all over him and he wouldn’t say a word, but had he really done anything for her?
Not really.
Huh, it seemed ironic, the one who hated liars had become a liar.
Marinette had lost her crush on Adrien after that.
She stopped talking to him after that.
He didn’t even talk to her, he was always too ‘busy’.
With all of the class trips happening she had been forgotten.
“Oopsie the times wrong, we go at 9, not 8”
She lied.
“Mlle Bustier? Marinette told me she couldn’t afford this trip and to take her off the form, she didn’t want to do it herself because she wanted to go for free”
She lied!
“How could you Marinette!? You know I have a fear of waterfalls, my Aunt fell down one last year, I had to spend months in the hospital by her side waiting for her to wake up.”
Why couldn’t anyone see she was lying!?
But it didn’t matter.
She didn’t have anyone else.
She had lost all her friends.
She had lost her crush.
She had lost the title of Class President, which was then given to the liar. Even when Chloé was Class President they never had a Re-Election because it would be unfair.
She got her way.
And she had lost everything.
Collège Françoise Dupont had always been a place Marinette had enjoyed going to. Besides fashion, baking and music, she loved hanging out with her friends.
Not anymore.
I really hope I did this right. And I hope I made up for the salt compared to the last one, I really hope it’s pouring with salt. Anyway, I hope you like this and hopefully the next one you’ll see the introduction of Marinette and Rosina. And just as a fun fact, I used 94 she’s in this, amazing huh. Not including that one by the way.
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Here we go Loopty Loo pt 2
Summary: Graduation was supposed to signal the final time they all spent time together at UA, to show they have all grown into the Heros they dreamed of being.
It was supposed to be, but when has anything ever been easy for class 1-A?
pt2 (HERE)
Loop #7
The Rules had begun in Loop #7 when the class realized that things weren’t always identical to the original timeline.
They realized this by waking up in class on the first day before the Quirk assessment like they had the last six times only to find each and every one of them was the opposite gender.
Aizawa was not proud to say he lost all cool in front of his students as he jabbed the frankly too large globs on his chest swearing obscenely as they jiggled. It did not help that instead of a jumpsuit he was wearing a skintight long-sleeved crop top and fucking tights with high heeled boots.
On the other hand, the students were not doing much better, each looking at each other and screaming, as they seemed to forget common courtesy and smacking each other’s chests.  
Some, like Midoriya, Jiro, Backugo, Ashido, and Todoroki looked similar to their usual appearances, while others like Sato, Iida, and Uraraka looked drastically different to the point that the only reason Aizawa could tell who they were were the mannerisms he was overly familiar with from them.
After a few minutes, he wrapped his head around it enough to slam his hands down on the closest desk and order them to calm down.
“Okay, I get we’re all having an existential crisis,” He snapped, “I get it, this wasn’t what I was expecting either. Clearly, we aren’t just returning to the start of our own timeline unless I’ve always had fucking D cups and no one deemed it important to share with me.”
The first order was to get everyone to their seats so Aizawa could go through the class list, going through the new names he… she knew the students would mess up more than once.
Aoyama Aki
Ashido Mareo
Asui Susumu
Iida Sumiko
Uraraka Kaito
Ojiro Megumi
Kaminari Emiko
Kirishima Etsu
Koda Kaya
Sato Riko
Shoji Miki
Jiro Kazuo
Sero Hiroko
Tokoyami Jakushitsu
Todoroki Suzu
Hagakure Taku
Bakugo Kasumi
Midoriya Kumiko
Shinso Toshiko
Yaoyorozu Kado
Great, she had to learn all their names again too, which reminded her, “My name is Aizawa Saki. My hero name has remained the same. Your other teachers are Yamada Himari, aka Presentation Mica, Ishiyama Kamin, aka Cemetoss, Kayama Naoki, aka Midnight, and Ectoplasm still demands we don’t tell the students her name, so deal with that.”
“All Might is Yagi Yoshiko,” Modriya piped up, “But she still coughs up blood when I call her anything other than All Might so let’s let her relax for a bit.”
Mo- Yaouarozu raised his hand, “Si- Sensei would creating a list of rules and changes that happen from each timeline so that we don’t trip up as much? I imagine this loop will be particularly difficult for obvious reasons.”
“You’re not wrong,” She agreed, rubbing a hand over her eyes, “Would it be possible for you to create a rolling whiteboard? It’ll be easier to hide and keep up for the next three years.”
The creation quirk user seemed more at ease now that he didn’t have to worry about flashing the entire class to create such a large object. It didn’t take long for it to be set up and Aizawa took the offered blue marker.
“Alright,” She breathed, drawing a seven at the top of the board before splitting it down the middle, “Rules to take through loops if we keep going and rules and changes to keep us from getting in trouble in this loop, how does that sound?”
The agreeal rang out as she started listing off things she’s used as rules of thumb since she had been sure they had been looping.
#1 - Only talk to the others that are looping about looping and previous timelines.
#2 - Do your best to make the changes between your consciousness from the original version of yourselves from this timeline seem as natural as possible, we do not need people thinking we’re Toga.
#3 - Reveal all relevant information on the changes to the timeline that you know at the first awakening, or when we’re all together after the first awakening.
#4 - If the stress gets too much talk to us, we’re all going through it together.
She paused from writing, tucking her still long hair from her face with a soft sigh before turning back to the students.
“Can anyone else come up with any other rules right now?”
The silence was all she needed, “Great, we can edit it down the line as things change, but I want you all to remember these rules. They might be the only thing keeping us sane depending on how long we’re stuck in these loops.”
Loop #10
He was going to bash their heads in, he swears to god these children were sending him to an early grave. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka had managed to track down the Hero Killer to try and get him to change his ways wasn’t a huge shocker, what had been a surprise had been that Mina, Tsu, Denki, and Jiro had joined forces with Stain to try and destroy quite a few heroes that were abusing their positions in society to harm others as they had discovered in previous timelines.
The result had been a huge nightmare and a media shit show. How the next two years were going to go now that these eight had to pretend to hate each other was going to make him go grey.
No one commented as their irritated teacher scrawled down a new rule. It seemed fair enough.
#5 - Any major timeline changing decisions are required to be discussed with the entire group present.
Loop #21
“Shit,” Mina cried the moment they woke up, “I’m the mole!”
“Oh I get a break then,” Aoyama hummed, “Oh exciting, the League was getting tiresome”
While it was nice to know ahead of time who to keep an eye on, Mina played the double-double agent a bit too well, informing them of everything they could possibly want for the timeline to go seamlessly, all the students could feel the
Aizawa didn’t even bother to get out of his sleeping bag when Iida stood up unprompted in the middle of the test he had given them, mostly for appearances since he knew they could ace it easy at this point, and stomped to the closet where they stashed the whiteboard.
#6 - If you have information that could make the timeline interesting if kept secret (such as being the mole) keep it secret.  
He stood next to the board, as if daring anyone to counter him, but Aizawa nodded.
“As much as peace is nice if I have to go through another timeline that’s this easy I might actually expel all you brats.”
“Does that mean we can be vigilantes?”
“No, I refuse to deal with you during the night if I decided not to see you during the day.”
Loop #24
The class just blinked in confusion as the villains fell to their knees in apparent pain. The USJ attack was old hat to them at this point, but the fights had barely started.
Dabi tried to stagger to his feet, hand held out as if to call forth his flames, only for nothing to happen. Around the different zones, the heroes were having similar dilemmas as they faced the seemingly depowered villains.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Midoriya screeched, once the time travelers had made it back to the classroom. They had rounded up all of the villains, confusion evident between the villains, pro heroes, and students on why the villains had suddenly lost access to their powers.
All Might suggested that perhaps All for One had something to do with it since it had appeared to be his quirk but couldn’t come up with a reason his enemy, who he knew from the large scar on his side was that he was, in fact, a villain this time, and not just a kindly father like had happened before.
He received an answer from an unexpected place.
Sero gave a small laugh, “So… fun fact, my great grandfather may or may not be All for One this time, and I may have All for One as a ‘second’ quirk…”
“Fucking hell,” Yagi groaned, face planting on the desk as the class stared at Sero with a combination of awe and fear.
However, the intrigue of their classmate having All for One was short-lived as they realized that the villain mastermind was not going to attack anytime in their next three years as he now had to recruit new henchmen to fight them, and well that took time to cultivate villainous intent that stood a chance against them.
It wasn’t even the end of year 1 and they were already so tired on just… being normal heroes in training. Even Yagi was at the end of his rope, deciding to retire early even if he hadn’t had to use up the last of One for All.
Bakugo glared at Sero as he amended rule six, the rest of the class staring down the sheepish boy.
#6 - If you have information that could make the timeline interesting for an extended period of time if kept secret (such as being the mole) keep it secret.
Loop #63
Aizawa coughed harshly trying to clear the dust from his lungs as the rumble shifted around him.
An ambush, it had to be, but… the class had been acting the same as ever. Aoyama had let slip that he wasn’t the mole this timeline, so the hunt for the mole as the attacks changed kept them all on their toes.
Yagi had assured Aizawa he would keep an ear out, telling them he was sure All for One was still out there, even if his wounds weren’t quite as grievous as they had been in the first timeline, causing him to look more like a sleek runner then skeleton true form they were used to seeing him in, though he could still transform into his buff form, holding it for almost the entire school day even after passing on One for All to Izuku.
It was a nice change overall, even if it was nearing the end of the class’s second year without a sighting of the evil bastard. The students had filled the space they usually spent in the longer battles tormenting Endeavor, with Aizawa giving convenient alibis for the students each time as long as they made sure to keep the dorm kitchen stocked with his favorite coffee brand.
But now, on a solo patrol, they struck.
He should have predicted this, but after almost 200 years of doing the same thing with only minor changes over and over again, he was growing sloppy, too comfortable with the norm to remember what it felt like to have pure adrenaline and fear running through his veins.
“Oh darn, you’re still breathing, I thought that would end you for sure,” A familiar voice groaned, causing Aizawa to try and spring to his feet only to find his leg pinned some of the fallen building.
A familiar lithe form sitting on top of the pile, staring into his soul with clear mirth in the oh so wrong looking purple depths.
“Hello, Shouta-kun,” The man hummed, a smile pulling at his lips, a cruel imitation at the normally blinding grin, “Suprised?”
His eyes bulged as his heart lept to his throat. There was no way… All Might…
“What?” The symbol of Peace asked, “You were oh so busy looking for the mole with among the children, the other staff, even growing suspect of your closest friends, but you didn’t even bother letting me be a possibility did you?”
“But you’re All for One’s nemesis,”
The man laughed hopping down to stand over his fallen, “Oh I was, but the man you’re referring to is dead, Shouta-kun. He’s been dead since I fought him six years ago. ”
“You said he was still out there,”
“No, I said All for One was still out there,” Purple eyes blazed as he tapped the rubble, watching it explode, disassembled to the very base level.
“Overhaul…” Aizawa didn’t even try to get up, feeling ice going through his veins, “How…”
“When I faced All for One he became desperate,” Yagi explained with a sigh, as if reminiscing about a pleasant date, “He tried to shove as many quirks into as he could, hoping I’d explode from so much power in my system, but that’s the great thing about One for All, it stockpiles power. He didn’t realize until it was too late that by opening the connection between us, I was able to take his quirk from him. He crumbled into dust once the last of the quirks were left him. The powers, however, refused to join.”
“And you just what?” Aizawa demanded, “Decided to become the villain? What about giving Midoriya One for All?”
The man just laughed, “What’s a villain without a hero trying desperately to stop him? I spent so much time trying to save a society that doesn’t want saving, perhaps Young Midoriya can finally get through to them.”
“Kuruigiri,” He called before Aizawa can answer, and suddenly the pair were pulled through a portal and into a dimly lit cell, the other members of the League of Villians jeering around them. Aizawa felt overwhelmed, heart beating harder then it had in a long time, real fear churning in his gut.
He felt the other time traveler pause at the name, understanding the silent demand.
They had made a system years ago, Aizawa couldn’t even remember which loop now. If the students ever needed one of their teachers to talk about the Loops, they would call them Shouta-sensei and Toshi-sensei, if they needed to call on each other, they became Nori and Sho.  
“Leave us,” Toshinori barked, and slowly watched the villains dissipate into the dark misty portals.
Toshinori held up a hand and an ear-piercing ringing passed over them before fading.
“What was that?”
“Siren,” Toshinori hummed, “Until I release it they can’t hear what we say but they can still see us, so keep up that grumpy look of yours.”
His scowl deepened but the panic that had started clawing up his throat began to retreat, “What is going on?”
Toshinori chuckled, “I was under the impression that rule #6 was still in effect.”
“You’ve…” Aizawa couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling passed his lips, “You sly old man… you played us all like a fiddle this time didn’t you?”
“Fiddle?” Toshinori hummed, strutting across the room to a chest just outside the cell, “No, fiddles actually take effort, this was shockingly easy. After all who would ever believe the Symbol of Peace would be the big bad evil~”
Aizawa hummed in agreement, as the hero… villain turned back to him.
“So no, Shouta-kun,” Toshinori continued as he entered the cell, “I didn’t play you like a fiddle, I played you like the cheap kazoo you are,”
“I’m going to kill Denki for teaching you memes,”
“If they find you,” Toshinori chuckled, grabbing his wrists and handcuffing them to the bed.
“Oh, kinky,” Aizawa mumbled, “Haven’t seen those in a few loops.”
“Maybe next time we’ll be hit by a sex pollen quirk again,” Toshinori suggested with an eye roll, “Now hold still while I treat your leg.”
“Isn’t this counterproductive to your whole shtick?”
“Rule #6. What fun would it be if I let you die or stole your quirk?”
“Your buddies won’t question it?” Aizawa hissed as his wound was cleaned out.
“No,” Toshinori hummed but didn’t elaborate, sealing the bandage over the wound, “No stitches needed.”
“Good, your stitching is shit.”
Toshinori just huffed before rising, “I better return to the students, they’ll be oh so devastated to hear you’ve been taken.”
“ ¥ 10,000 Todoroki puts it together first,”
“ ¥10,000 says Young Shinsou catches me,” Yagi counters, not turning around.
“No giving him hints,”
Yagi just smiled as the ringing reappeared, “Wouldn’t dream of it, Shouta-kun.”
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justhereforseverus · 4 years
A Rose by any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet
Chapter 13: But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.
Hogwarts is busy and you don't see Severus as much as you want to. But one cold night an opportunity arises. In addition, Severus has found the perpetrator of the classroom-destruction and he's not happy about it. Remus and you are also looking forward to the Yule Ball.
Ok, that took a while. Sorry for the delay! Originally, I wanted to include the Yule Ball scene in that chapter, too but decided against it in the end. I didn't want to rush writing that very important day in the lives of Severus and the reader ;D
I still feel very awkward writing kissing scenes and stuff. But I hope it's not too cringy.
Thank you so much for reading and your kudos! Comments always appreciated <3
The next weeks went away in a blur. There was so much work and it wasn’t exactly helping that Dumbledore had left for a business trip for three weeks. The consequence of that was that Severus and Minerva split the headmaster’s work among them. Thus, me and Severus only saw each other at the drama sessions and occasionally for lunch or dinner in our private quarters. I missed him dearly and hoped that we would see us more often again in the near future.
One day, the ghosts added additional drama into the mix. They’ve managed to break through a water line while having a secret party. We all awoke with half of our classrooms under water. Despite our magical abilities, it still took the whole day to clean up the mess and put everything in order. I returned to my quarters late, exhausted and with a nasty headache. However, insomnia decided to disrupt my need for rest and I just shuffled around uselessly on my bed. I put on my coat and went outside for a walk but it was cloudy and rather cold. Winter had made its arrival quickly and I dare say that autumn was way too short to be enjoyed. The weather only made me more depressed, so I returned inside. In that moment, I saw Severus coming out of the great hall and decided to say hello.
“Hey, Severus.” – I uttered still freezing. Maybe I can catch him for a bit longer than an hour or so this time. Severus looked elegant and handsome as always but his eyes looked tired. Despite his ever-going desire to always look cool and controlled it seemed like the last weeks of additional work had taken its toll on him, too.
His eyebrow rose when he saw me and he asked: “Still awake?”
I smiled, “Yes, but I could ask you the same question.”
“Well, Filch was bothering me with some rebelling students in the great hall.” He sighed, looked back and continued: “But it seems like our caretaker cannot tell the difference between a lost bird and human beings.” After he shifted his gaze back at me, his forehead furrowed: “You look like you’re freezing. Were you outside?”
“Yes. I couldn’t sleep but I guess the season of pleasant night-walks is over. Now, I need a fire to turn to.” – I told him, pulling my coat closer together.
Severus mouth curved into a cheeky smile when he offered me the following: “May I suggest the one in my quarters? It would be my pleasure.”
“Yes, absolutely!” – I beamed.
He looked around. We were alone and most of the students have either returned to their quarters or common rooms. He took my hand and led me to his quarters down in the Slytherin dungeons. Even though he was willing to show affections openly in London, we both somehow agreed, without talking about it, to keep it low at Hogwarts. I also didn’t feel brave enough to directly talk about it. I always dreaded being the one asking the ‘What are we?’ question. Many men have accused me of being clingy, holding naïve expectations and I hated the patronising tone in their voices. With Severus, I just followed with what worked now. I didn’t want to ruin anything. I was scared despite his assurances in the beginning that if he loved again it would only be in a serious relationship.
When we arrived at his quarters, he prepared tea and put the fire on in the fireplace with a quick spell.
“Waaaaarmm” I only uttered while taking a seat in front of the fire.
He scoffed with his signature sarcasm: “Excellent conclusion, Professor. Fire is indeed warm. Some might even argue it’s ‘hot’.” I laughed. But two can play that game, so I replied: “Wow, that’s outrageous! This is science going too far!”
He chuckled and sat next to me. I snuggled into his arm and he held me tight. This felt wonderful, just like coming home. I missed him so dearly during the last couple of weeks. By the looks of it, Severus seemed to feel the same. He was beaming, smiling and petting me softly on my shoulders and arms. It was so cosy and warm. After a while I told him: “I never thought I’d spend my evenings like this at Hogwarts. I could get used to it. Maybe I’ll even enjoy winter like that.”
“Not fan of snow and Christmas?” – he asked curiously.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong I LOVE Christmas but the cold and the dark and everything.. not so much. It’s depressing really. I like the spooky tones of autumn and Halloween but winter is.. heavy and frustrating somehow.” Thinking to myself, I often dreaded that seasonal depression also exists among wizards without a cure. In the end, I rather enjoyed a good and fine summer day than a day of heavy winter numbness. But to each his own.
He nodded. “I see your point. For me, it’s not much of a difference really. At least in winter, many students stay indoors and refrain from walking illegally on the grounds after dark. Either way…I agree, I certainly could enjoy winter.. like this.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head on mine. He seemed relaxed and happy and that meant everything to me. We talked a bit about the last weeks and how he wished Dumbledore would return soon. Apparently, Minerva is rather annoyed with the whole affair as she didn’t think his trip was necessary. After we had done enough ranting about our day, I was longing to ask something different.
“A while ago, you mentioned you had one or two ‘unpleasant experiences’. Would you… like to talk to me about it? I just.. I want to get to know you better and it seemed like it was important to you.”
He was quiet at first and looked up in deep thought. Then he said: “It’s difficult… for me to talk about these events. You might have noticed I’m what people call a ‘buttoned-up’ person. But don’t think I don’t want to share these memories with you. I do. Maybe I just need more time. I’m sorry.”
I took his hand and said: “It’s fine! Really. I respect and understand that. Do you want me to tell you anything we haven’t talked about before?”
He said in a cautious tone: “You mentioned your last relationship..”
“Yes right…” I pondered about how to tell the boring story. “It’s not much to say, really. He always had to have the upper hand. He looked down on me and my passions, my interests, my concerns. In the end, he showed a complete disinterest in my life. I should’ve taken this as a sign to leave but I stayed because.. well we’ve been together for so long. It can’t end that way, can it? He made me feel like I was annoying, clingy, selfish and I believed him. I thought, something must have been wrong with me. I needed to improve. But even my improvement was not enough, which basically was me trying to become his ‘perfect girl’; always doing what he wants, listening to all his problems while staying quite on mine, being attentive and subservient. Yet, after he yelled at me in public calling me an ‘ungrateful bitch’ …I left. I couldn’t take it anymore. I know I was dumb to let all of that happen but…. I’m a very loyal person, forgiving and forgetting and all that. I’ve learned my lesson but I still have his voice in my head. The one telling me everything I do is wrong. I know it’s stupid but..I don’t know..”
Severus had listened attentively and with concern. He turned towards me and put his hand on my cheek: “It’s not. Stop putting yourself down. When you live with this for years it’s ingrained in you. He abused you emotionally and this leaves scares which take years to heal. The first step is certainly not putting yourself even lower than he did. You didn’t do this to yourself it was him.” I was close to tears after hearing this. I moved closer to Severus and kissed him. I didn’t know what to say nor how to say it but I knew I wanted to feel him. To thank him with my affections for understanding and not judging. He put his arms around me and held me close. Neither of us committed to let go of the other.
Our bliss was broken by a loud bang of the clock that signified it was indeed very late now. Slowly, the exhaustion of earlier crept back into my bones. But I didn’t want to leave, yet. I asked: “Severus, I know it’s late but somehow I don’t want to go. Can I… stay with you, here? Not for like.. necessarily having sex.. now. I’m really tired but I want to just stay with you.”
He studied my face for a while with a rather puzzling expression but then said: “I don’t want you to go either.” I went to my quarters to get some pyjamas and brush my teeth and stuff. I changed in his bathroom because it still felt awkward to change in front of him (bit silly, I know) and then went to his bedroom, which had its door wide open now. His bedroom consisted of a big double-bed with velvet green beddings, some dark-wood bookshelves and a huge dark closet. On a bedside table laid some books in a pile and a big Slytherin tapestry had been put on the wall. Severus was sitting unexpectedly shy on the bed in black long cotton pyjamas. He had tied his long hair into a ponytail. I sat next to him and gave him a tight hug. He then put his hand on my waist and after a while we started kissing again. When I lied down on my back, he leaned over me and put his elbows on each side of my torso. We kissed for a while further and I could feel the heat running up between my legs. Yet, I didn’t want to sleep with him for now and I felt like neither did he. I just enjoyed feeling him so closely, so intimately in his most private room. I ran my hands up his chest and put it underneath his shirt to feel his skin. I could feel his muscles and chest hair underneath. He was warm and his skin so soft. I felt his chest rising more rapidly and him breathing faster. He moved away from my face and started kissing my neck. When he was touching a rather sensitive spot there, I couldn’t help but moan. Getting the drift, he continued kissing me there until I laughed heartily. He leaned back and looked at me happily. We just smiled at each other for a while then he rolled to the side and held me close; then said “I highly enjoy this but we probably should catch some sleep.”
“I agree… to both. Though I don’t know if I can sleep with the amount of adrenaline you give to me.”
He chuckled before kissing me again. I turned to the right and he spooned me, kissing my back and wishing me a good night. But one last question came to my mind: “Sev, would you like to go with me to the Yule Ball? You know.. as a date together?” As I couldn’t really see him, I was quite nervous to hear no reply for some seconds. Finally, he said: “I’ve never had a date for that event. I’d be delighted to.” I beamed “Thank you, good Night, Sev” I uttered before we both feel into a peaceful sleep.
I had to schedule some more rehearsal dates this week as usual as we got closer and closer to the holidays and our final performance. We’ve been through the entire play and the students have become so much better. However, some things still needed additionally instructions and we needed more time. Sadly, that also meant that Severus couldn’t attend some of the additional rehearsals because Dumbledore was expected to come back next week the earliest. I missed his presence behind me and his occasional commenting on how to improve certain scenes.
At the moment, our leading role, played by a young Hufflepuff boy, struggled with Hamlet’s angry solitude after he promised his uncle and his mother to stay in Denmark. He didn’t understand why Hamlet wasn’t more open in direct confrontation with his uncle instead of holding his tongue. Despite him being deep in mourning, he let the king scold him about his unmanly grief. I hope I could make him understand what the reasons were and that it’s always difficult to criticise people with immense power.
On Friday evening, I received a letter from Severus telling me to come to his classroom as soon as I could. I was worried and rushed there immediately. When I entered the classroom, Severus stood leaning onto his desk looking quite troubled. He just said: “I know who it was.”
It took some time for me to get what he meant. He meant the person who destroyed my classroom. It didn’t seem like good news though…
“Draco Malfoy. And you can conclude yourself whose boy that is.”
“Yes, indeed. I had my suspicions but no proof. However, during my potions class today, he bragged to his classmates that he’d plan another attack. Or maybe he wanted me to know and looked for my approval. I’ve talked to him and made the opposite clear. I don’t think he will go through with that particularly pathetic plan but.. there’s not much I can do.” He sighed heavily.. “I’ve talked to Lucius just now but I can’t go as harsh as I want to. I gave him detention that he likely won’t attend because Lucius will find some excuse or other to slither his way out as before. I’ve taken house points but that isn’t important to him. Lucius power as school benefactor is too big. And Albus is as uncooperative as always. He thinks it’s not worth the trouble if he hasn’t killed anyone. His absence right now doesn’t make it any better.”
I shook my head and was shocked. I didn’t think our headmaster would push that aside so easily nor protect certain students in that way. I told Severus that Dumbledore had always supported me but I reckoned even Hogwarts needed money from those kind of benefactors.
Severus retorted harshly: “It’s not even that. It’s also the connections. Lucius is a master in manipulating everyone to his favour. The minister thinks highly of him. He respects me to a certain degree but because I’ve changed over the years and he stayed very much the same his goodwill towards me has decreased. He also finally catches the drift that he can’t manipulate me. I’ve seen through his tricks. Lucius is terribly predictably even when he thinks he is so clever. But..” and here he clenched his hands digging his nails into the desk “We can’t shut him down. We can’t throw him out of the parent’s counsel. We can’t punish his son too harshly because he’ll twist it into a conspiracy and damage our reputation with the state. Albus knows this, everyone knows this and thus we must comply. It’s the same old story and I’m so.. sick.. of.. IT.” He looked away from me and I could feel his frustration and anger despite his utmost control. I stepped closer to him but was taken back by a stern “Don’t.”
What to do now? I sincerely just wanted to hug him and somehow comfort him and said: “Severus, I can see you’re angry and frustrated. So am I. But we will just go on. We’ll prove them wrong. And now that we know who it was we can both outsmart this boy and his following. It’ll be ok. You’re everything but powerless.”
He scoffed without looking up: “That’s what you seem to believe despite it all?”
“Yes, and it’s true.”
“I can’t get him off the school. I can’t get anyone off here. No bully and swine that roams these halls will be punished. I can give detention or take house points but what does it really change for those who have power? Nothing! I’m older. I’m the teacher and yet I can’t change a goddamn thing and so many people are just looking away and.. I..” And here something made him stop his tracks and he uttered: “Please. Leave me alone for a while.”
“No.” I thought to myself that I couldn't leave him like this.
He looked surprised at my refusal and chuckled in a sad way: “I’m not asking.”
“And I’m not your student nor your slave, Severus. You are angry, rightfully so and it’s ok to show this. I want to get to know you more and I want to share the feelings you feel. It’s fine with me. You don’t have to pretend. You’re not weak in showing emotions and expressing them. You don’t need to be in control all the time. Just let me get close to you. Let’s scream and shout and be angry together and then we’ll find a solution. You are not alone anymore. I won’t look away. I’m here, please!” – and I started sobbing because I didn’t want him to feel like he can’t do these things. I didn’t want him to feel powerless or alone or useless. He is the most wonderful person and I wanted to give him and myself hope.
Severus still didn’t look at me, his long hair hid his face. I stepped towards him and hugged him tight, kissed him softly on his cheeks. I was ready to be pushed away but that didn’t happen. I felt him shaking. After a while, he put his arms around me, regaining his composure a bit, hugging me tightly. He continued to hide his face by hugging me and that was ok. I’ve never seen him that vulnerable before. He always seemed to know better, to be prepared. But here he let himself be unreasonable. And that meant the world to me.
After a while, he let go of the hug and faced me again after adjusting his hair. He looked tired, his face was wet so he might have been crying just like me. But there was a kind and loving smile on his face. He kissed me lovingly and then just whispered:“Thank you.”
We talked after this and agreed we’d continued rehearsing and preparing the play. In addition to our current security plans, we might hire some of the prefects of other houses to stand guard as they were more keen on standing up to Slytherin. Also, we talked about how we could punish Malfoy’s boy without drawing attention to us. Nothing too harsh of course. Yet, we both can definitely outsmart him. Severus seemed to have regained his usual composure, his snarkiness and sarcasm. I think all this brought us closer together and I felt like he trusted me more.
Finally, Dumbledore returned and Severus was discharged of his additional administrational tasks. It was also the week of the Yule Ball and everyone was busy thinking about dresses and dates. It’s a weird that the ball is named after Yule but takes place much earlier than the actual Yule time. No one knew why it simply wasn’t renamed. Traditions be like that.
The evening before the ball, Remus and I met up to show off our outfits and catch up on the latest gossip. He stood in front of me with a very fine and elegant brown Victorian suit, which he wore with a silk dark yellow cravat. The colour combination worked well on him though I personally wouldn’t have chosen something like that for myself. I nodded in approval and told him: “What a fine gentleman we have here! You look exquisitely handsome. Sirius will be pleased to have you as a dance partner.” Remus bowed jokingly and replied: “Thank you, thank you! Yes, he’s one lucky guy indeed. But come one, now it’s your turn!” I went into the bathroom to change into my chosen dress. It was a long, slim dress made of dark-blue silk with star constellations stitched upon it. I had a fitting blue jacket in case it gets too cold. I also wore a golden necklace with a (fake) diamond star pendant and a simple golden bracelet. What can I say? I just like stars and it’s quite fitting with the Ravenclaw theme, too. I put my hair into a chignon and put my pearl (once again fake, I’m poor) earrings in. When I came out to model for Remus he just gasped and exclaimed: “OMG our little Ravenclaw star! You look very beautiful! Severus is a lucky man.”
I turned around playfully a couple of times more and then said: “I sure hope so…. Maybe he’ll gets discouraged though when I mess up the first dance with him..”
Remus jokingly threw a lose grape in my direction: “Oh shut it! We’ve practiced so much this week. You’ll be fine! Believe me! Just look him lovingly in the eyes and he’ll forget about everything anyway.” He winked and refilled my glass of champagne. We talked for some hours more, guessing everyone’s date and exchanging stories about our classes being obsessed of finding the right partner. Remus was glad Minerva decided to give all houses dancing lessons as Severus and Flitwick continued to ignore the pleas of their students to teach them more about it. I had to admit, I was very nervous and excited for the next day..
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companionjones · 5 years
A Date?
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Rich!Student!Reader
Summary: Reader stays away from the usual activities of the Host Club. This peaks Kyoya Ootori’s interest.
Warnings: ANGST, heavy depiction making out :))))))
*Italicized words in asterisks are thoughts.*
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    Daylight seeped graciously through the music room’s window as you got some work done. The view from the Host Club room was one of your favorites, both outside and in. You weren’t blind, you were aware that the boys in the Host Club were very attractive, you just couldn’t bring yourself to approach any of the boys. Almost all of them had come up to you, of course. Even Mori accompanied Honey when the smaller boy tried his luck with you. You were never mean, you just kindly explained that you wouldn’t like to be flirted with, and you were content to sit alone in the corner you found.
    It had been some months since the boys had given up on you. Since then, a girl (yes, you knew right away that she was a girl) named Haruhi came wandering in, and she became a host herself. You didn’t have any problems with her lifestyle; however, you did have problems with how some of the boys would sometimes handle her and talk about her. Haruhi didn’t seem uncomfortable with it, so you kept it to yourself.
    Usually, nobody would enter the corner you used. That day was different. Kyoya approached, “Y/n, may I ask you a question?”
    Having the cool type talk to you caught you very much off guard, but you still managed to normally reply, “Of course, go ahead.”
    Kyoya adjusted his glasses. “You come here everyday, yet you have no desire for any host. Why is that?”
    “Well, honestly it’s because I like to watch the boys. Sorry, but most of the time they act really silly. I just find it funny to watch.” A realization hit you. “That’s probably against the rules, isn’t it? I’d be happy to make donations to the club, since I’m not putting my money towards merchandise and such--”
    The boy interrupted you, “No, you’re fine. I was just curious, is all.” He then began to walk away, but turned to watch the other boys for one last remark, “You are right. They can be ridiculous at times.”
    From that day on, Kyoya came to talk to you almost daily. He never asked for money for the club, which you thought was odd. Kyoya never did anything that he didn’t have something to gain from it. That was one of Kyoya’s traits that you’d noticed, anyway. You’d discovered all the boys’ secrets and true selves just from watching them. You had a good idea that Kyoya knew the rest of the group’s secrets as well.
    One day, as Kyoya completed his daily tradition of conversing with you, he asked something that you certainly had not been expecting. “Uh...”
    *He’s nervous. That’s new.* You observed.
    Kyoya continued, “Y/n. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to dinner tonight. I have reservations for 7 at Yukimura.”
    “I...I would love to.”
    “Wonderful. I’ll pick you up at 6:30,” he smiled. With that, he left.
    You noticed it wasn’t a real smile, it was his host smile. That didn’t matter to you, however. You understood he had certain walls up, and it wasn’t like he was being mean to you. In fact, he had just asked you to dinner.
    Kyoya had just asked you out to dinner. It was hard not to get up and find an empty room where you could freak out privately. Of course, you had been a fan of Kyoya’s looks since the beginning, but in the days that the two of you had been talking, you had started to develop a real crush on the host. Actually, once you thought about it, you realized that your romantic feelings had started early. Kyoya was the only one of the original hosts that did not approach you for meaningless flirting. It seemed he could read you as easily as you could read him. And he had just asked you out to dinner.
    That night, you spent about two hours worrying about what to wear. You were barely ready by the time your servants announced that a limo had arrived for you.
    Nearly running down the stairs, you went straight for the door. You would’ve said goodbye to your parents, but they were both off on a business trip.
    You stopped short when you saw Kyoya. It was the first time you observed him not in his uniform. He wore a sweater with gray dress pants and black shoes. You took a moment to look him over.
    For a moment, you could’ve sworn he was just as awed at your appearance as you were his.
    The night was better than you could’ve imagined. Kyoya broke the ice early in the car with a joke about both of your wealth that both surprised you and caused you to break out in a fit of laughter.
    Once you got to the restaurant, things weren’t much different.
    “No, no. I’m serious!” you tried to continue while also keeping your giggles at bay. “I was totally stranded up there! The only thing that saved me was security coming up to the roof after I screamed at a security camera for a half hour.”
    Kyoya threw his head back as he laughed. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him like that before that night. It made your grin even wider.
    Before you wanted to be, you and Kyoya were back in Kyoya’s limo, and you were pulling up to your family home.
    “I had a lot of fun tonight,” you admitted as a smile crept back onto your features.
    The host was silent for a moment. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was lost in your eyes. Then, his smile matched your own. “I had a lovely time as well.”
    Your gaze fell downward, and you watched your own hand seek out his. “When would you like to go on another date?”
    Suddenly, you lost all contact with Kyoya. Your eyes snapped up to meet with his. You could tell by his eyes that, for some reason, his walls were back up.
    “I...This wasn’t a date.”
    And just like that, the world crumbled around you. “I’m sorry for thinking otherwise,” you rushed out, and moved to open the limo door.
    “Goodnight, Kyoya.” You were already halfway up the stairs to your front door.
    “Y/n, wait--”
    You slammed the door shut, startling your servants. “Don’t let him in,” you ordered. Then, remembering your overprotective guards, you added, “He didn’t hurt me. Just don’t let him in.” You ran to your room and only cried when your bedroom door was shut and locked behind you.
    Three days went by without you seeing Kyoya. You stopped going to the Host Club to avoid doing just that. However, it turns out Kyoya had other plans.
    “Y/n,” he called into the otherwise empty classroom.
    Immediately wishing you had been faster to gather your things, you turned to meet the boy’s gaze.
    He looked slightly disheveled. It wasn’t enough for other people to notice, but you could tell he hadn’t slept since the last time you saw him. *Heh. Just like me.* you bitterly thought to yourself.
    “I apologize.” Kyoya entered the classroom. “I should’ve been more clear about my intentions the other night.”
    Sighing as you finally gathered your books together, you spat, “It’s fine. Your intentions became very clear after the fact.”
    He stepped forward. “Y/n, please--”
    “It’s fine, Kyoya. You don’t have to say anything else.”
    “Y/n, I am so sorry--”
    “There’s nothing else to say,” you pushed past him, making your way to the door.
    “I love you.”
    You stopped dead in your tracks.
    Silence filled the room.
    Bit by bit, you turned yourself around. “...What?”
    He tried to repeat himself, “I lov--”
    “That ‘wasn’t a date,’ yet you ‘love’ me? What are you playing at, Ootori?”
    Kyoya grew quiet.
    You turned to leave.
    Finally, he found words. “If it were up to me, I would’ve asked you out the day we met. Every time we talked, I fell in love with you more, Y/n. Eventually, it just got too much. I wanted to know what it would feel like if you could be mine, even if it was just for one night. I...I guess I purposely never addressed if it was a date or not.”
    “You keep talking about this as if it’d be a forbidden thing if we got together.” You furrowed your brow. “Why?”
    His reply caused a tear to roll down his cheek and you nearly dropped every resolve you had to go comfort him. “My father,” Kyoya answered, “He has some sort of made-up, one-sided rivalry with your family, Y/n. If we were together, he’d kill me.”
    You had never seen Kyoya like he was in that moment. He was a broken man in front of you. All of his walls were down, and right then all you saw was a young boy with a broken heart.
    “Well, what if he didn’t know?” you asked. You hated it, but you felt hope bubble up inside you.
    Kyoya was confused. “What do you mean?”
    “Since your father seems to be your only hang up about this, what if we just didn’t tell him?” You tried to swallow, but your throat was suddenly dry.
    His voice almost morphed back into his business persona as he clarified, “It would mean an awful lot of sneaking around. Your parents couldn’t know either. You would do that?”
    “For you, I would do that,” you promised.
    The host seemed like he could barely believe your words. He took steps toward you. “For you, I would do anything,” Kyoya breathed. He stopped only about two inches from you. “Y/n, may I...May I kiss you?”
    Out of any response you could give, all you could manage was a nod.
    Kyoya leaned in, and captured your lips with his. As soon as the contact was made, his hands landed on your neck and on your waist, and Kyoya pulled you as close as he could. He licked across your bottom lip, and you knew he was asking for entrance. You granted it, and Kyoya held you impossibly closer as his tongue danced with yours.
    “I love you,” he confessed once more before driving back in to consume you again.
    For that fleeting moment, it was easy to believe that everything would turn out just as you and Kyoya wanted it to. His dad would never find out, and the two of you could continue finding blissful encounter like that moment until the end of time.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics over on my page. You should go check it out. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I take requests for one-shots, multi-chapters, headcannons, and preferences. No smut, please. I write for a variety of fandoms. If you’re wondering if I write for a specific fandom, please ask me. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you.<3
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nightshadedawn · 4 years
Persona 6 Concept Part 5
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We’re getting down to it, guys. I ain’t got much more besides plot left to tell you. So, let’s get on with it.
And let’s be honest, I should really stop writing this at like, 1 in the morning.
So I figured that I should add this, because it seems important for the protag’s background. But where do I add in this scene? Who the fuck knows. I’ll figure that out… later. But I can’t make references to this scene without it being stated. 
At some point in time, you’ll need to take a trip down memory lane, and you’ll re-experience the things that happened a year ago. The reason why you’ve come to this teeny town in the first place. We already know that your mother died, and you’ve probably at least begun Yuuki’s social link, and know that your parents divorced over ten years ago due to too long split apart. But why were they split apart in the first place? What was your mother doing in Tokyo? And why was it you who went with her when she left?
To understand the answers to these question, we have to discuss it all. Let’s start back in the beginning, over ten years ago, when you were but a child of four or five. 
The first thing we must acknowledge before we delve deep into memory lane is that you, the character, will at some point retrieve a photo that you, the players, will not see until this memory lane. It’s a picture of a brown haired woman sleeping and holding two small children. A brown haired little boy and a white haired little girl. It’s your mother, you… and your twin. Both MCs! (This is how both will be able to become cannon and can simultaneously exist)
With that said, we jump right into the MC’s background, when both MCs were children, young, about the age in the picture. At this time, though almost everyone in town will claim that there’s been no death from the virus, that’s basically a lie. It’s just never been so close together before, and everyone who’s died before has always had another reason for dying (old age, other illness, ect). 
Everyone but the twin MCs. 
Mostly healthy young children, who quite suddenly got very, very sick. Their only symptoms that of virus. And considering that no doctor in town had bothered to try to find a cure for the virus, both children were quickly doomed to die, their young bodies unable to handle the virus’s violent symptoms. 
So your mother took you and your twin to the big city, trying to find a better doctor who could at least keep you alive until a cure to the virus was found. For a time, it worked. But then… your illness turned for the worse, and your twin died. 
This will be a fact I don’t know exactly where to add, either, but you need to keep this in mind. There are three ways your core will exist; black for ‘corrupted,’ green for ‘infected,’ and white for ‘healed’ or ‘uninfected.’ Healing a core is different from removing the corruption. Healing the core makes the MC weak, and if they were already weakened, it could kill them. (SO basically after every final battle… fun!) Basically, it sucks the life out of you to heal someone else. Give and take.
Anyway, your mother had the MC’s powers to heal corrupted cores (she never awakened to a Persona or visited the Velvet Room, but she visited the Endless Forest and healed people before, as long as she could get to them before their corruption killed them) (Why would she go through all the work of leaving if she could just heal you? Because there was two of you, and she knew that staying in town would give you the risk of being infected again, and Yuuki didn’t want to leave town)
Anyway, unable to bear the thought of losing another child after your twin died, your mother became desperate and used her powers to heal your core. You became well, but your mother became sick and weak and you didn’t return to the small town.
She survives for several years, hospital bills stacking up and doctors unable to find anything to help her even with monthly visits. But then we get to the scene you actively get to see in memory lane session (the rest of this may be experienced through cutscene dreams?)
This will be where we finally get to see the events of what happened nearly a year ago. The MC sits in a hospital room, wearing their summer weekend clothes, by a bed with a brown-haired woman in it, their mother. She’s delirious, feverish, and hardly makes sense over her coughing and wheezing. But basically she insinuates that she’s dying from the virus that’s infected your hometown, she thought they were all safe because she’d been gone so long, and she’s terrified now that she couldn’t protect the MC, even after what happened over a decade ago… 
After fighting it for years, the corruption finally takes over your mother’s core and kills her. Your mother’s heart monitor stopping right in the middle of her apologizing for leaving or something equally sappy, but regardless, she has died, right there with you in the room, and you reasonably freak out. The flashback ends with chaos as doctors rush in and enter the room.
That was depressing as fuck. But basically so is the rest of this game, and Persona games in general…? Moving on back to the main plot.
Reference of the mom
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Young female MC (kinda, but with green eyes)
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Young male MC
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June 10: Miyako returns to school and thanks the rest of the team for saving her life.
June 11: Celebration party! And news of a new transfer student?
June 12: News spreads around town that a child has died from the virus.
June 13 - 15: You’re free to do as you like.
June 16: Masahiko enters the fray, and Miyako isn’t happy about it.
June 17 - 21: Free days. One the 21st, you’ll be able to exchange in dialogue with Masahiko.
June 22: Miyako and Masahiko get into another fight. You are visited by The Plague in your dreams (I suppose you could say you’re Plagued by the, eh, eh?)
June 23: Unsettled by your dream, you head to the cave to check if Masahiko has a Palace. Masahiko follows you and awakens his Persona.
June 24 - July 8: Your allotted time to complete Masahiko’s Palace. 
July 10: Masahiko returns to school You’re unable to talk to him.
July 11: You get to talk to Masahiko. He and Miyako argue a bit, but make up afterwards.
July 12 - 14: Exam prep.
July 15 - 18: Exams days.
We return to the plot on July 18. 
As before, the MC will take the test for you and you won’t be answering any questions yourself. Instead, after the tests are over for the day, you’ll walk with Sayaka and Yūdai to meet up with Miyako and Masahiko.
Before you can find the second years, you’ll be faced with an unfamiliar student (unless you’ve been nosey and have gone down to the first year classroom and talked to some of them). Hoshiko is bright red, almost the exact same shade as the color of her hair, as she presents you with a letter and shouts “Senpai, I have a huge crush on you, please go out with me!”
It’ll cause a scene, though Yūdai’s reaction to the confession will differ depending on your gender (“Aren’t you worried about confessing to another girl for everyone to see?” if you’re playing as a female and “Wow, who knew this guy could actually get a girl,” if you’re playing as a male.) 
It doesn’t matter your preferences or gender or what choice you make, you’ll end up rejecting Hoshiko at this time. Sayaka will attempt to smooth things over and tell Hoshiko that she and the MC barely know each other, so maybe they should try to be friends first. Which would be a cool thing, if Hoshiko didn’t end up running off in complete embarrassment. 
The next day, you go to hang out with your friends to celebrate Masahiko’s release from the hospital and also the beginning of summer vacation. Sayaka complains that she wants a beach episode like in the animes, but Miyako argues that she doesn’t want to wear a bikini and she doesn’t do beach volleyball. Yūdai will be on Sayaka’s side, though Masahiko will claim he’s too refined to spend the day getting burned out on the sand and playing in the dirty ocean. Sayaka will ask you about what kind of swimsuit you’d wear, and if you’re female, you’ll get the option for a bikini, which will have the boys ogling at you and obviously imagining the sight. (This will result in the option to revel in the praise, ignore it, or smack them both for being perverts)
Anyway, moving on, on July 22, Avis will take you to the Endless Forest because there has been an influx of corruptions you need to take care of IMMEDIATELY. You’ll have a couple battles, but then you’ll come across The Plague. Too late to save his next victim, as their Shadow completely turns black and crumples until nothing is left but their shining black core, which The Plague takes and pockets.
There’s a scream of terror from behind you, and you turn to find Hoshiko has followed you into the Endless Forest. Which, okay, how did she get there in the first place, and when? (The answer; she accidentally wandered in just a few moments behind you and fuck, this kinda fear ain’t a good look on her)
So, obviously Hoshiko is terrified ‘cause she’s got no idea what’s going on, so she turns tail and runs through the forest, going deeper into it instead of out. Obviously, you go after her, and somehow you manage to get her out. 
Unfortunately, it isn’t that day that she awakens her Persona. She’s too scared, has a panic attack, and has to be carried out of the Endless Forest by one of the boys (or one of the girls, I’m not really picky).
The next few days revolve around you making sure Hoshiko is alright and keeping your secret. Well, trying to. Every time you try to approach her, she scurries away, almost in fear. (For someone normal, that’s kinda a normal reaction, right?)
It’s only after you notice that Hoshiko’s core has become corrupted that your team gets together and you all corner her at once. You briefly explain what’s going on and the situation and what you’re going to do, mostly in a way she can understand.
In a strange moment of bravery, Hoshiko decides to go with you to check out her Palace. The team warns her of potential danger, and Hoshiko’s resolve begins to crack, but she goes with you anyway. 
Her Palace is a haunted forest, with a haunted version of your school as the goal to get to. Out of all the Palaces in this game, Hoshiko’s will be the mostly aesthetically scary. The Shadows, before their ‘true form’ is revealed, will go around, looking like traditional Japanese style ghosts. The true form of Shadows you can find in this Palace will mostly be new, being horror creatures such as Bloody Mary and other popular characters from horror stories. This Palace is supposed to mimic Hoshiko’s unease and fear, after all.
The entire time you’re in the Palace, Hoshiko clings to your back. Checking out the school will lead you through familiar halls, looking absolutely terrifying. You’ll find Hoshiko’s Shadow, laying on her desk in the mimic of the first years’ classroom, the only desk in the whole room.
Hoshiko’s Corrupted Anxiety (also known as highly intense fear in some cases) appears, looking like a flippin’ ghost of all things (traditionally Japanese ghost, so double the terrifying, that shit scares me).
The Corrupted Anxiety separates the team, keeping them from Hoshiko’s Shadow. The only ones together are you and Hoshiko. It’s in the moment that Hoshiko awakens her Person. After the fight, you’ll have to find the rest of your teammates and get out of the school and Palace.
On July 27, you begin your official run through the Palace. You’ll have until August 12 to save Hoshiko or the virus will kill her.
At this particular point in time, I haven’t come up with any sort of exact puzzle or challenge for ANY of the Palaces, and really, I think it shows. But anyway, considering you’ve got some right chickens on your team, this is going to be a terrifying Palace for everyone. (Expect some banter between Miyako teasing and scaring Masahiko in the sidelines)
This being said, Hoshiko’s Palace is mostly opening up blockages to get to places you’ve already been to. There will be more mini boss battles than before, each signifying some part of Hoshiko’s anxiety. (Defeating them does not rid her of her anxiety, only prooves to her that she can stand up to it)
When it finally comes time to fight the Corrupted Anxiety, no matter who delivers the final blow, in the cutscene following the battle, it will be Hoshiko. She’s talks about how she’s tired of her anxiety controlling her and keeping her from experiencing life. This entire experience has taught her that. She doesn’t want to sit back in safety anymore, she wants to live.
So the Corruption is defeated, her Shadow is saved, and y’all get the fuck outta there ‘cause it starts crumbling down on you. After leaving the Palace, but before you can leave the waterfall, Hoshiko stops you. She explains that her anxiety isn’t just gone, but what she said is true; she wants to get better. So she asks for your help. This may or may not kickstart her social link, but it’ll be a big part of her social link in general.
Moving on, Hoshiko will check herself into the hospital that night and won’t be seen again until August 14, the first day of school. During the morning on your commute to school, either Masahiko or Miyako will acknowledge that they look forward to Hoshiko’s release, but aren’t looking forward to classes due to some troublesome students, specifically those whose suspensions ended over summer break.
We continue to jump right into the plot because that very day, you and your team go to welcome Hoshiko back and find her cornered by none other than Jun. (At some point in the past, there’ll have to be some cutscene or small exchange of dialogue somewhere about Jun, and how he’s such a prince, he’s so handsome, he’s so kind, so it was huge surprise when he ended up suspended. Because, you know, looks can be deceiving and we gotta get that across)
Jun asks Hoshiko out, still as amiable as ever, but Hoshiko turns him down, claiming to have feelings for someone else (that someone being you, as she just confessed to you maybe a month ago). Jun presses the issue, trying to pressure her. He grabs onto her wrist and corners her against the wall, his look getting more and more severe with every moment and absolutely terrifying Hoshiko. 
So, obviously, you have to step you. And you do so just in time to prevent her from getting hit when she denies Jun’s advances once again. Let’s just say that the encounter doesn’t end prettily, and Jun leaves upset.
Give or take a few days later, it’s time for Hoshiko’s release party. Unfortunately, the night is interrupted by Jun once again, though this time he’s fighting a guy in the middle of the restaurant.
But we’ll talk more about him and his issues next time.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 years
Time and Time Again
WC: 6292
Summary: The Kippens are from the 19th Century, and they’re time travelers. The GHC is from the 1970s and very much not. (Also did you know the name Cyrus was really popular in the late 1800s?)
TJ spun around in his office chair, trying to come up with a reason why it was so important to be at the office at three in the morning on a Saturday. Wensley had telegraphed him, asking him to stay late. He hadn’t been aware that ‘late’ meant ‘till the wee hours of the morning. TJ sighed and shot a balled-up piece of paper at the rubbish bin, smiling as it went in. He had come up with a game of getting the balled up paper in the bin, getting different points for different distances. As he was about to shoot a three-pointer, his mentor came rushing in, affectively hitting his wad out of the air. 
“Seriously”, TJ exclaimed while Wensley yelled, “No time for games, come with me! QUICKLY!”. TJ watched as he disappeared into another hall as quickly as he came and went up to follow his enthusiastic mentor. 
He followed Wensley into a smaller room TJ knew he used for more secret projects. The room was Wensley’s usual organized chaos with papers and gears and tools scattered throughout the room. At the back of the room, however, was a cylindrical machine. It had gears and pipes coming off of it, all curved to stick close to the side of the mechanism. The contraption had a door that seemed to lead to nowhere. 
Wensley was bouncing between different tables and muttering to himself. 
“What’s all of this?”, TJ asked as he made his way around half-made inventions and stacks of books. 
Wensley’s head snapped around. “TJ, come come come, it’s finally done”, he said, flapping his hand at the fifteen-year-old. 
“What’s done?”, TJ asked coming to stand next to the scientist, careful to not get in his way. 
“The time machine”, he answered like it was obvious, indicating the large machine in front of them. “I’ve been working on it for years. The mathematics were the hardest, finding a way to jump through space-time. I’m the beginning I had tried a more straightforward approach of just moving so fast that you were effectively moving at a different time than everyone else. But that would only make you go forward in time and was actually really hard to accomplish even if the math was there. I then…”
TJ realized his mentor wasn’t going to stop soon and math really gave him a headache, even when it was just being explained to him, so he cut him off, asking, “Does it work?”
“Well, I haven’t done human trials on it yet but all the rats came back fine”, Wensley said. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Me?”, TJ blanched. “Uh-uh, no way, you are not putting me in that death trap again.”
”It’s not a death trap, it's a time machine”, Wensley corrected. “And I need you to do it. I can't do it because I have to be here to fix anything if it goes wrong.”
TJ debated it in his head. He loved Wensley, he really did. They had met when he was seven and he was fourteen. The other boys had been messing with him because he couldn't do a lot of things they could do. But TJ soon found out that Wensley could do a lot of things others couldn't, and they were a lot cooler than wrestling and playing around in the mud. Since then, TJ had been a constant guinea pig for his friend, and never once had he been seriously hurt in the testing of something. TJ groaned. 
“Fine”, TJ said. “How do we do it?”
“Step into the machine. All the controls are  .”
TJ nodded and walked toward the machine. The metal was cool as he pulled it open and went in. It was a little cramped—TJ was bigger than most people this age—but not unbearably so. He heard muffled words through the machine and tried to shout back, but he doubted Wensley could hear him. 
TJ day there for a few minutes before the machine started to spin. It started slow but soon increased in pace. The fast TJ spun, the hotter the invention got. TJ accidentally brushed against the metal and felt that it was still surprisingly cool. Suddenly, a loud pop rang through the machine and it stopped, throwing TJ into one of the walls. This thing definitely needed a seatbelt. 
He took a minute to keep the world from spinning before slowly opening the door. He opened it to see a long hall. He stepped out of the machine and looked around. He heard another pop and turned around. Where the machine should be was a storage closet and a note on the floor. TJ picked it up, seeing that it was from Wensley. 
You should not be able to see the machine since it moves things but not itself. I set you for July 1, 1880, 15:00. Be back here by 17:00 to get picked up. 
TJ shook his head and tucked the boy into his pocket. He closed the closet and looked down the hall. One side seemed to lead further into the building and the other had double doors leading outside. He chose the doors, deciding to see what America looked like five years in the future. 
In the end, it wasn’t much different. He walked around getting his bearings for a while. He had some money so he got a bit to eat. He mostly just watched people, until he came to a most peculiar sight. Outside a very wealthy looking mansion were glass spheres that seemed to capture light. There were no flames in the lamps. TJ looked on amazed as a butler of some sort flicked them on with delicacy, clearly not very used to them either. The butler gave him a look and he figured it was time to move on. 
He was pretty tired by the time 17:00 rolled around. It was pretty early, but he had been up for almost 22 hours by now. He stumbled into the building, stepping into the closet just as the first bell started to toll. He was in the machine again, spinning and hot, before it stopped with a jerk and he almost flew out of the machine and onto the lab floor. 
“Seriously?”, TJ grumbled, moving to sit in one of the chairs when Wensley started to bombard him with questions. He tried to answer them as best as he could, but TJ doubted he did a good job when the next time he opened his eyes, he was laying on the ground, a light shift thrown across him and light streaming through the windows. 
“What happened?”, TJ asked groggily, sitting up. Wensley popped up from behind a table at the noise. 
“Oh good, you’re awake”, he said coming up to him. “You passed out after you came back. Slept for two days. I’m guessing that the longer you spend in a time you aren’t supposed to takes more out of the body than the same amount of time in your present time. Though I think I’d new trials, I’m thinking we should…”
“There were balls of light”, TJ suddenly cut it, the image of the glass spheres flying back to him. Wensley gave him a look and he elaborated. “There were hollow glass spheres with little wiring inside that gave light when a switch was flicked. No flame.”
Wensley looked lost in thought, “Well, I guess a lot has changed in five years.”
TJ slowly got up and Wensley reached one of the tables and handed him a plate of food. Suddenly, the door burst open. 
“Tyberius James Kippen”, his sister Amber called coming in. Wensley flinched at the sound and gave Amber a glare who sent him an apologetic look. Amber was two years older than TJ and would probably be working with Wensley if she didn’t get her job at the library. 
“Hi Amber”, TJ said around the food he was shoveling into his mouth. 
“Don’t ‘Hi Amber’ me, you’ve been gone for two days”, his sister seethed. TJ turned to Wensley. 
“You didn’t tell her?”
Wensley gave him a confused look, “Was I supposed to.”
TJ shook his head and turned to his sister who was looking between them expectantly. 
“Sorry, Wensley made a time machine”, Amber’s jaw dropped open. “I tested it and when I came back, I passed out. I only just woke up.”
“We don’t know why”, Wensley cut in, not looking up from his table. 
Amber looked between the two before grinning widely. “I call next.”
It was about two months later and they had found out that if you go to a time where you were alive in, it was like you were giving energy to two people. All the exhaustion you’re counterpart felt, added onto your own. They hadn’t been brave enough to test if the same thing happened to the counterpart but Wenseley’s current standing was ‘no’. 
Amber and TJ have made several trips back and forth through time in those two months. They had learned a lot about what was to come and what had already happened. They went to big things like the signing of the Declaration of Independence and smaller things like the birth of their mother. They had gotten pretty accustomed to the ways of traveling space and time unnaturally. 
Something that always stayed the same, no matter where the went in time, they were spat out in some sort of closet or a small room that looked like the machine until you opened the door. They couldn’t control what room the landed in, however, which led to some pretty awkward situations (TJ walking in on a classroom full of kids and Amber having to sneak in and out of a boy’s bathroom).
It was two months of experimenting and science with no boundaries. 
So, of course, it was only a matter of time before that changed. 
Amber has just gotten back from a trip when there had been a knock on the building’s front door, which almost never happened, Wensley always delivered to his clients. TJ went to check it and found three men wearing suits and giving him a hard look. 
“You know where Dr. Wenseley Marks is, son”, one asked. 
“Uh yeah”, TJ answered uncomfortably. “I can bring him to—”
“I think it’d be better if you just take us to him, son”, another man said. 
TJ thought that was a really bad idea. He didn’t like people he didn’t know coming into his space and he only let Amber and TJ into his lab because they were friends and his field agents. He would certainly not like three strange men coming in here. 
“No, I really think—”, TJ tried again, but he was cut off by the men pushing past him and into the building. 
“Hey, you can’t just—”
“United States Secret Service, son”, one of them said, showing a badge. “So we can ‘just’.”
The men scoured the room and seeming not to find what they came for they made their way down the hall, opening doors and rummaging in rooms. TJ tried to protest, but there were three to his one and they were all bigger and older than him. 
One finally reached the lab and TJ could hear Wensley’s confused cry of outrage as the men in suits burst in. TJ quickly followed to see the men standing in front of Amber and Wensley who was looking perplexed and uncomfortable. 
“United States Secret Service, sir”, one said. “We’re here because we were notified of someone breaking space-time. One of our past agents saw a boy with blonde hair and green eyes twice nearly a decade apart, not having aged even a day. We have spent a long time finding you.”
“What do you want with my time machine”, Wensley said stiffly, not caring how they got here, just wanting them to leave. 
“We want to use it for the United States government.”
“No, no, no”, Wensley said shaking his head furiously, looking hard at the ground right in front of the men. “It’s my machine, you can’t have it.”
One of the men started to say something, but another cut him off. “We don’t want to take it from you. We want you and your two agents to come work with us. We’ll have agents assigned to your branch and they will defer to you and these two. You can run the machine and still conduct your experiments, we’ll just use it for missions every once and a while.”
Wensley was still shaking his head, but it was less an answer and more just a way to help him think. He passed his eyes over Amber and TJ, but they were as lost as he was. 
“No one will use the machine without my say so?”, Wensley asked. 
“No one”, the man assured. The guy he had cut off looked upset but the other guy was impassive. 
It was silent for a minute as Wensley deliberated. Finally:
1 Year Later
“Good morning Agent Kippen.”
“Good morning, Nancy”, TJ greeted one of the assistants as she looked over the notes on her desk. “Is my sister in yet?”
“Agent Kippen should be in momentarily.”
“Awesome, thanks.”
TJ walked up the stairs to the upper control room. He greeted the technicians before walking back into the study. Wensley was looking a lot like he had the first time TJ had time traveled. He was mumbling to himself as he made notes on the pages scattered through the room. While he was thinking, he picked up a few gears and messed around with them. He got an idea and dropped the new device onto a table, now a miniature music box. 
“What’s going on, Wensley”, TJ asked, sipping his coffee as his old mentor and best friend fluttered around the room. 
“There have been some flukes with the new machine”, Wensley said, not seeming surprised that TJ was suddenly there. “The linger a mission takes the longer it takes to get the agent back. What time is it?”
“Uh, 07:00”, TJ said. 
“Amber should have been back an hour ago”, Wensley said movements speeding up. 
“How long has she been in 1975 again?”
“Two weeks.”
“Do you want me to go and get her?”, TJ asked. “Maybe her machine just got bumped a little.”
“Yes, yes, that could be it”, Wensley said, not really listening. “You can leave now.”
“Yep”, TJ said, popping the ‘p’. He left and told the technicians to set a machine to where Amber should be right now. They had since been able to control the landing of a machine so that it would learn and specific safe spaces. There were agents all around whose job was to be alibis for agents when they had to stay somewhere for an extended place of time. A lot can change in a year, TJ had discovered. 
He set his coffee down and waved at Nancy again before stepping into the machine. They had added straps but TJ was so used to it he didn’t need it. The room started to spin and soon TJ was hurtling to Shadyside, Utah, September 3, 1975. 
TJ was spat out into a plain-looking room. He exited and went downstairs. Well, finding his sister wasn’t too hard. 
“Amber”, he called and his sister whipped around. She looked worried. “What’s up, you were late and Wensley was starting to worry.”
“TJ, I don’t know what’s going on”, Amber said shakily. “I went to the closet at the assigned time, but nothing happened.”
TJ frowned as Amber led him to a room on the other side of the hall as the one TJ stepped through. She went to the closet and TJ stepped in, but he couldn’t find anything that could be disrupting the machine. TJ shrugged. 
“Well come on, just use mine, I told them to pick me up in half an hour. tell me about the mission.”
So Amber told him how she had found the informant and learned the location of the lost archives. The agents were a couple and their story was that they were new residents for their jobs. They both worked the jobs to maintain cover but barely interacted with the public. When thirty minutes had passed, they went into TJ’s room. They stepped into the closet, expecting the spinning of the machine. I didn’t happen. 
“What is happening?”, TJ asked once they had stepped out. 
“I don’t know”, Amber said. “But I think we’re stuck here until we figure it out.”
“You’re telling me we’re stuck a hundred years in the future?”
“It’s not like we haven’t been in worse situations.”
“Our tech always worked in those situations. We have no security now.”
“Look”, Amber said sharply, trying to stop her brother’s freak out. “It’s just for a little bit. Wensley will find a way to get us out. We just have to act like normal teenagers.”
“Oh yeah, and how do we do that?”
TJ wished he hadn’t asked. Cause two weeks later, he was walking into Grant High School. 
Amber was eyeing everyone suspiciously. She had gone into her first class as a senior and had quickly gotten bored. She took her job very seriously and made sure to know the school curriculum of every generation. She could do 1975 in her sleep. What she did not know how to do was act with these people. She knew her brother was probably freaking out somewhere but he hoped he didn’t have to do too much math. TJ was smart, but Math didn’t work for him. Amber has learned that it was called dyscalculia and had tried to help her brother so that he wouldn’t struggle too much if he had to use math. She never expected him to have to use it at school though. 
Amber’s eyes continued to scan the room as she stepped into her fourth period. They caught on a girl with short black hair doodling in her notebook. This was a senior art class and she clearly wasn’t a senior, but the page seemed to come alive underneath her pencil. Amber wanted to talk to her. 
So she did. 
“Hi”, she said, coming up beside her desk. The girl looked up and Amber swore she was the cutest human Amber had ever seen. “I’m Amber. I’m new.”
The girl smiled up at her. “Andi”, she said, reaching out a hand which Amber shook. “You wanna sit?”
Amber nodded eagerly and slid onto the stool next to Andi. They quickly got lost in art and conversation. 
TJ’s day was going better than he thought. Math still sucked, but he rocked History, English, and Science. He had seen his sister at lunch and they talked briefly. Now was TJ’s last class: Physical Education. 
TJ had always been good at sport, even before he was trained by the United States government. He doubted he had anything to worry about. 
But of course, he was wrong. He has lots to worry about, just not what people normally worry about in PE. 
He was almost too good. He ran double the laps as everyone else without even breaking a sweat. He was nearly asleep as he did the normal drills. When he got to the rope climb, he scaled it in six seconds flat and dropped without worrying and landed on his feet in front of the whole class. Compared to the other kids, he was almost Superman. And he, of course, drew attention to himself. 
“You trying to make us look bad?”, a boy slightly smaller than him asked, breathing heavily. TJ had run circles around everyone at basketball. The only one even barely keeping up with him was this girl who was glaring at him from next to the boy. 
“Why would I do that?”, TJ asked. 
“Who are you?”, the girl asked sharply. 
“Uh, my name’s TJ?”, he answered like it was a question. 
“Lay off, Buff, we can’t help that he’s good”, the boy said again, straightening out. “I’m Marty, this is Buffy.”
TJ shook the guy’s hand. The girl, Buffy, still looked a little upset, but she also shook his hand. The three of them spent the rest of the class chatting and running around. Buffy eventually loosened up to him and he learned that they were both ran track and played basketball. Buffy said they should shoot some hoops some time and Marty said he should try out for the team. TJ said sure and that he would think about it. 
The trio walked out of the gym together after school, heading to the front. They were walking up to a group of people and TJ was laughing at something Marty said when he nearly stopped in his tracks.
In front of him was the cutest boy he’d ever seen talking excitedly to a boy and girl he didn’t know and...his sister?
“Hey guys”, Buffy called as they strolled up. The group turned to them and Amber let out a bark of a laugh. 
“Hey little brother, fancy seeing you here”, she said as the group looked back and forth between the two. 
“He trumped us in basketball so we had to bring him”, Marty said, Buffy, saying that he didn’t really ‘trump’ them. 
“Marty, Buffy”, Marty said pointing at himself, then Buffy. He turned to TJ and pointed to the other three. “Andi, Cyrus, Jonah.”
TJ’s eyes lingered on the cutlet boy as he was introduced and he knew Amber could tell. 
“Amber and TJ Kippen”, Amber said. “At your service.”
“So, where are you guys from?”, Jonah asked as they started to walk away from the school. 
“New York”, they said at the same time, cause it was true. 
“Why would you ever want to move from there?”, Cyrus asked. 
“Trust me, it wasn’t our idea”, Amber said. 
“We move around a lot”, TJ said. “Our parents’ jobs mean we move around a lot, but New York is kind of like our headquarters. We’ll move somewhere for a bit, then go back to New York, then we’d be on the road again.”
“I couldn’t imagine living anywhere other than Shadyside”, Andi said and the others agreed. 
They ended up outside a diner the others say they frequent often. They were there for a few hours before it started to get dark and they had to leave. The Kippens headed home a little lighter than when they had left. 
Just because they were stuck in a different time, didn’t mean his training was any less important. Amber had rolled his eyes when he had told her he was going on a run but had waved and told him to stay safe before going back to talking on the phone with Andi. Which they were definitely going to talk about later. 
TJ was jogging around the park, feeling calmer the more tired he got. He looked over at the playground and saw a familiar face on the swings. He and Cyrus hadn’t been able to talk much over the week, so he didn’t know him very well. TJ desperately wanted to change that. 
As he got closer, he heard Cyrus singing. 
...go down
That’s how we make the swing go round
Drag your feet
You go slow
The more you drag
The less you go
“Nice song”, TJ said. The boy jumped and turned to look at him. TJ hadn’t really planned for after that so he said. “Got one for the slide?”
Cyrus preceded to sing his slide song.
“I did not expect you to have a song for that”, TJ said honestly, giving Cyrus his best smile. He returned it and TJ felt something in his chest flutter. 
“Wanna sit?”, Cyrus asked, nodding his head toward the other swing. TJ went over and sat down, swaying a little. 
“What are you doing out here so early?”, TJ asked. 
“You’re out here, too”, Cyrus replied, avoiding the question. 
“Yeah, cause I can’t run in my house and I have to meet Buffy and Marty for basketball in an hour.”
TJ looked over at Cyrus and he seemed to be debating something. TJ started to swing. Cyrus would tell him if he wanted to. 
“I come here when I’m feeling bad about myself”, Cyrus finally admitted quietly. “So, fairly often.”
“Why is that?”, TJ asked, just as quiet. Cyrus shrugged but it wasn’t really an answer. 
“Bet ya I can swing higher”, TJ challenged, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I’m scared to swing high”, Cyrus confessed. TJ grinned down at him before launching himself off the swing. He ran behind Cyrus. 
“Underdog!”, he yelled, pushing the boy up and over his head. The boy gave a surprised shout, but he didn’t sound upset. TJ turned to look at him and found him grinning down at him. 
“That was exhilarating!”, he cried. 
“What another one?”
“No thank you.”
“Hmm, too bad.”
TJ started to push him and Cyrus laughed as he ran under him again. They swing and chatted until they saw Buffy and Marty coming up to them. TJ waved to them before turning to Cyrus one more time. 
“Call me whenever you want to swing again”, TJ said. “Or just, whenever.”
Cyrus smiles and nodded and TJ gave him one last big smile before running up to Marty and Buffy. 
“You and Cyrus look comfortable together”, Buffy said as the walked to the court. TJ shrugged but he couldn’t shake the huge smile on his face. 
Maybe being stuck here wasn’t so bad. 
Amber watched Andi as she talked excitedly about the new headband she wanted to make. Amber and TJ had been in Shadyside for a few weeks and were no closer to finding a way to get out. Amber was starting to not really want to. 
“Amber are you listening?”, Andi asked. 
“Yeah, yeah, of course”, Amber quickly assured her. 
Andi gave her a look and Amber continued to smile at her. Andi blushes and suddenly looked down a small frown gracing her face. 
“Maybe we should finish this tomorrow”, Andi murmured, not looking at Amber. 
“What?”, Amber asked, confused. “Why?”
“I just remembered I have a lot of homework I need to finish”, Andi said standing up.
“I’ll see you later”, she said. Then she was gone. 
TJ liked Cyrus’s house. Well, both of his houses. They were a lot more cozy and comfortable than his house with bare walls and cold rooms. Cyrus’s house was covered in color and cloth and pictures. It was an actual home. Not just a base. 
They were currently in his head at his mom’s house. They were stuffed full from dinner and were laying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. They had been talking for a while, but now they just laid there in comfortable silence. 
“Hey TJ”, Cyrus suddenly called. 
“What does your name stand for?”
There was a pause, probably Cyrus shrugging before realizing TJ couldn’t see him. “Just curious.”
“Tyberius James.”
“Like Star Trek?”
“Like who?”
“Captain James Tyberius Kirk from Star Trek.”
“My parents named me before that show came out, Cy.”
“Oh, right.”
TJ pauses before saying, “Everyone thought it was weird so I made it an acronym.”
“Everyone thinks my name is weird”, Cyrus said. “You and Amber are actually the first ones to say ‘Cyrus? That’s a funny name’, or some variation thereof when you met me.”
“I’ve known a lot of Cyrus’s”, TJ said. “Though none like you.”
It was quiet for a second. TJ didn’t know why but the air seemed to have changed. Cyrus sat up then and TJ followed. They looked at each other for a bit and TJ was about to say something—he didn’t know what but he talked when he was nervous—when his mind went blank. 
Soft lips touched his own but before he could react they were pulling away again. Cyrus looked terrified and TJ was pretty sure he was saying something but TJ couldn’t hear him, just wanted him to stop freaking out. So he grabbed his face and kissed him. The boy froze in shock before melting against TJ. TJ drew out the kiss a little longer before he pulled back. 
Cyrus looked flushed, his eyes still closed. He opened them slowly like hew was waking up from a dream. “We shouldn’t have done that”, he said softly. 
“Why not?”, TJ asked. 
“We just, shouldn’t”, Cyrus said, dropping his hands from where they had grabbed TJ’s arms. “We aren’t supposed to.”
TJ grabbed his chin softly and raised his eyes to TJ’s. “Why not?”
They stared at each other for a bit, the words hanging in the air, and TJ was sure Cyrus was going to push him away and tell him to get out. But he didn’t. He pulled him back in. And TJ forgot that he wasn’t supposed to be here at all. 
Andi has been avoiding her. It had been a week since Andi had suddenly left her in Andi Shack and Amber had only caught glimpses of the other girl. She was upset and she couldn't figure out why. Well, she could, but she didn’t want to admit it. 
It all came to a breaking point when they got paired for an art project. Andi has barely looked at her all day, but they had to work on it. They walked to her house in silence, every step making Amber angrier and more anxious. 
Finally, Amber let out a frustrated groan and garages her friend. Andi let out a shocked noise but Amber just dragged her around a corner and back behind a building. 
The building was close to the forest so the could t be seen from the street and there were no doors on the back wall. Amber stopped and spun around to face Andi. 
“What’s going on?”, she asked. 
“I don’t—”
“No”, Amber cut in. “Don’t say you don’t know. You leave me sitting in Andi Shack with no explanation, you avoid me for a week, and now you won’t even talk to me. Please, Andi I just want to know what’s going on.”
The girl was looking down at the ground looking guilty and sad. Amber felt regretful and was about to apologize when Andi said, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”, Amber asked. 
Andi looked up at her before surging forward. Amber caught her in her arms as their lips met. Amber was frozen for a second, but she soon melted against the smaller girl and pulled her closer. Andi gave a little sigh as she pulled away. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for three months”, Andi admitted as she rested her head against Amber’s. The blonde hummed in agreement. 
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to make up for those three months”, Amber said and softly pulled the girl back. 
No one but their friends knew. Marty and Buffy had basically figured it out and Jonah just seemed to think it was normal. When they were with their friends or alone, they belonged to each other. And it was getting increasingly aggravating that they couldn’t do that in public. 
Both of the Kippens knew that this would always how it would be. They didn’t even think they’d have what they did, in all honesty. But it still wore at them that they had to spend their days next to their partners and pretend that they weren’t madly in love with them. 
And that was just the normal problems. 
They still hadn’t told anyone who they really were and there was a looming threat that one day, the boy would come and they’d be called back. Not the best circumstances for anyone, let alone gay teenagers in the 1970s. 
It was New Year's Eve and they didn’t have any plans. All their friends were spending time with their families out of town—or state in Cyrus’s and Marty’s cases—and their ‘parents’ had to go to D.C. for a debriefing. They were sitting at home watching the box tv broadcast the ball dropping. 
As the clock struck midnight, the house shook and they both heard a loud pop. They looked at each other in surprise before quickly running to check their closets. The note was inside of Amber’s
Amber and TJ
If you are reading this letter, it means we finally hit the right time when time machines started working again. For some reason, all-time machines fail during 1975. My most likely guess is that it is now January 1, 1976. We have not figured out why this anomaly occurred, but it shall be rectified. The pickup time set in place will be on January 10, 1976, at 18:00. 
They didn’t know what to feel. They stared at the letter. Then at each other. Then at the closet. Repeat. They sat there as the bell struck the half-hour, the first hour, and so on. They say there until they couldn’t anymore, ‘til exhaustion overtook them and the fell asleep in front of TJ’s closet. 
School states again on the fifth. It was the first time they would be seeing their friends again since they got the letter. They still didn’t know what to do. So they did what they did best. Disappeared. 
They made themselves nearly invisible at school, a feat of impossibility seeing as the two had quickly become pretty popular in the way athletes and pretty girls tend to do. If you checked the attendance you would find them in every class, but no one could have told you if they had actually been there or not. They could tell they were worrying their friends, but they were too scared to face them. How could they tell them that just as everything was fitting together, they were leaving? 
But avoiding a problem doesn’t fix it. And in this case, it only makes it worse. It was the tenth, and Amber and TJ were getting ready to leave. 
They didn’t have any stuff there, so it was mostly mental preparation. The clock struck 18:00 and they stepped in the closet. They didn’t notice the bedroom door opening behind them. 
They walked out onto the lab floor and were quickly met with agents checking on them. Then the door behind them opened again. And out stepped their friends.
“This is the biggest breach of protocol I’ve ever seen. How could you have let this happen? Did you lose all your training in three months? I should have known better than bringing children into a government organization...”
The Kippens stood at attention in front of their supervising officer. They felt his glare on them like a ton of bricks.
He was right
They had let their emotions take over basic protocol and have almost ruined their best friend’s life work and put their friends in serious danger. If they had just told their friends they were leaving they could have avoided everything. But they didn’t. 
“You know better than to get attached”, he finally finished, sounding tired. He sighed. “Look, you two are my best agents. But I don’t think you can do this...”
The Kippens started to argue but he held up a hand. 
“I don’t think you can do this right now. You guys are still kids. I shouldn’t have pushed this on you”, he looked over at the one-way glass that separates them from where their friends were sitting, very confused. 
“Maybe, you guys should grow up first.”
“Sir?”, TJ asked. 
“Agent Kippen, Agent Kippen. I’m giving you two a long-term mission. Explain to your friends what all of this is, then go back to Shadyside. When you’re eighteen, or now for you Amber, you’ll go to the government’s training academy and get ready for this branch. Once you’re finished, you will come back here with your positions waiting for you.”
The pair looked at him in shock. They stared at him for a minute before he asked, “Am I understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, you are dismissed”, and with that, he left. 
They looked at each other for a bit before turning to look at their friends. 
Amber took a deep breath. “You ready?”
“Not even a little bit.” 
Then they walked in. 
2 Years Later
“I can’t believe senior year is almost over”, Andi said as she leaned back into Amber who was smiling behind her. 
“We could always go back”, TJ jokes and laughed at the five shouted ‘no’s. 
Their friends had been more than a little surprised when they told them. Amber and TJ had been scared they would be mad at them. But then Marty made a joke about how they could be in 2075 right then and they realized they weren’t. Amazed and upset they hadn’t told them, yeah. But not mad at them. Not really. 
They had met Wensley who complained to TJ and Amber that they were abandoning him. They assured him they weren’t and they were never more than a time jump (or the new time call that Wensley had invented) away. And the Kippens were more than happy to bounce back to whenever Wensley was.
Their friends started to talk and Cyrus turned around in TJ’s arms. He smiled and kissed him slowly for a minute, forgetting anyone else was there. He pulled back to rest their foreheads together.
“Promise you’ll come to visit as much as you’re able”, Cyrus whispered.
“Of course”, TJ promised. “Yours is the only time I want to be in.”
Cyrus rolled his eyes before pulling him back into a kiss. Time travel was the best thing to ever happen to him.
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laceyeb · 5 years
I know I don’t say this very often, but I LOVED my job today. 
For a Wednesday during which I had to do study hall three days before winter break for kids who had to miss out on an ice skating trip, it was actually a decent day already. 
At lunch, I went through the office to give the secretary some money because we’re collecting for the principal’s birthday. But I walk right past the principal’s office when I walk from the staff room to the front office and she stopped me to talk to me. My class is pretty rough this year. I teach a Special Day class, which is what we call the “most restrictive environment” as far as classes we offer to students with disabilities at our school. I have four grade levels (5th through 8th), most of my students have pretty serious behaviors (I don’t have like chair throwers or classroom destroyers though), and I have about twice as many students as I should have in order to run a truly effective program. 
So the principal stopped me and said, “We’re not going to solve any problems this year, but we need to go to the superintendent before next year and have a discussion because you shouldn’t have to put up with all of this. It’s not fair to you and I’m sorry you have to put up with everything you do.” I told her she doesn’t need to be sorry because it’s not her fault my class is so ridiculous this year. I did tell her, as she already knows, that I call the day a success if we make it through without any bloodshed or broken bones. And we might learn some math, but I can’t make any promises. She said that’s exactly her point and that it’s not fair to me, so we have to demand some changes for next year. I told her hopefully I make it through this year and can stick around for next year. You should have seen the look she gave me! She said, “Do NOT talk like that! You’re not going anywhere! You can move to a different position if you have to, but you are NOT leaving our school!” And she was only kind of joking around which made me feel very special and appreciated. Seeing as I often feel very under appreciated. 
The other reason I loved my job today was because we had our staff Christmas party this afternoon. I’m not much of a socializer/party-goer and I sometimes feel a little awkward and left out at such gatherings. But today was an absolute blast!!! We had so much food, exchanged our last secret santa gifts, and played a game, which was the highlight. If you’ve never heard of the dice game called LCR, google it. That’s what we played. We were all told to bring $5 in quarters if we wanted to play. I think it would typically be just played with chips. In a nutshell… You have three dice labeled L, C, R, and the other three sides have dots. You roll and L means you pass a quarter to the left, R to the right, and C mean you put it in the center and those ones basically end up out of play. Dots mean you do nothing. After two rounds, we started a new rule that meant everyone has to give you one quarter if you roll three dots. (Of course this was after I rolled three dots on both of my first two rolls, so I’m slightly bitter, but I did get it again after a while.) We started with about 20 of us playing and the last person with quarters won all of the money! The game probably took an hour by the end. You can keep playing if you run out of quarters, because someone on your left or right might give you some. Most people left after they were out because they had to go pick up their kids or go to appointments or whatever. I pointed out that I don’t have any kids and I could stay all night if I had to. Many of us got very competitive. 
At some point I must have mentioned that these quarters I brought were my laundry money because I have to go to a laundromat and everyone else is real grownups. So then one of our secretaries (the one who said last night that our principal is “hot as fuck”) and one of the other teachers started googling those little portable washers that you fill up with hot water and can fit in like three pairs of pants at a time. They were picking some out for me and then she got the bright idea that she could email every employee in our district and they could chip in a dollar and get me a portable washer! She wasn’t kidding! So they started writing this email together and were like “wonderful teacher,” “gives so much of herself,” “never complains,” etc. I told her she better not do that and she was NOT listening. (It was all in good fun.) Finally she said, “Okay, then I’m just sending it to people at our school.” At some point she said, “You can nominate someone for next time.” And then the two of them spent a lot of time muttering together. So I don’t know what, if anything, will come of that. I think it would actually be really cool (not just because I like presents that are hopefully cash and not portable washers) if we picked a staff member to just show appreciation to every once in a while and that person then got to pick who was next. That sounds like an awesome way to bring us together and boost morale in general and just show each other appreciation. So I’m kind of hoping they actually do something for me because I already know who I’m picking to go next!
And finally we got to the end of our game and the PE teacher ended up winning. He’s my classroom next door neighbor and we have the same lunch and I’ve known him since I started at this school (he was actually the principal at the time and was the one who hired me), so we’ve bonded. He ended up getting all the money and him and me and a couple others were helping to clean up after the party and he kept saying, “Those are your quarters, Lacey.” And I said, “No they are not.” And he said, “Yes they are. That’s your laundry money.” And I said, “Nope. Those aren’t mine.” Finally I convinced him to keep them and use them for the library fundraiser we do in the spring where we collect change, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see them appear in my classroom tomorrow and I just know we’re going to be arguing about these quarters for as long as we’re working together. 
All in all, I felt very appreciated and included today and had so much fun and even made a trip to (a very busy) Target to put together an outfit for our ugly sweater contest on Friday.
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