#so he's trying to find a new purpose & his obsession with dragons leads him to Atlas & his crew +he wants to look/walk like a lamb
blue-madd · 9 months
Made some picrews for my new Elmentian paras + the 3 older babies~
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Atlas, Mona, Tori
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mothstache · 1 year
I, decided to actually get involved with another Kirby thing for once :'D
I think it's only fitting I use a character very dear to me - they started out as a jambastion sona, but quickly evolved into their own character. I'm late to the party but wanna try this out anyways :]
Name: Captain Planck
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Calculated personality: Planck is rather outwardly cold, collected, and no nonsense. They often have a sort of "unimpressed" resting expression, and tend to scoff at any display of gushy affection or excitement. This ties into their role as an army captain, as they believe firmly that people who are very emotional can't be good fighters. That being said, they do have strong loyal connections to their crew, and would risk their lives for their close comrades.
However, they are a bit hypocritical, as they have a VERY emotional side. If things start to rapidly deviate from plan, Planck will become frantic, frustrated, and prone to outbursts. They hold a lot of build up resentment that later leads to them turning away from their original position of serving Hyness altogether.
But after Kirby's interference? Planck too learns to heal and grow, and finds new companions in Dreamland. New parts of their personality start to blossom forth - dry humor, compassion, gentleness, and even love. They still retain a lot of their old toughness, so they're not someone to mess with.
Backstory: Back in the days before Void Termina was first sealed, the universe was home to many more ancient and powerful creatures, one of them being a massive dragon found roaming the depths of space. They were known as the "Atomaton", named for the almost robotic route they would take around the nearby galaxies. The Ancients soon learned the dragon was taking routes specifically lining up with a previously unknown magic force called "quantum binding". This never seen before magic they possessed was powerful enough to destroy entire squadrons that attempted to hunt down the Atomaton. Eventually, the dragon was finally bested by the Four Heroes of Yore after it attacked a traveling galactic fleet in it's path. It was sealed away to a realm of its own magic, known as the Quantum Zone.
Years upon years later, after the rise of the Jambandran cult, Lord Hyness would begin to grow strong enough to harness the magic in realms previously undiscovered. While investigating the Quantum Zone's power, he opened a rift out of the realm, releasing the ancient beast inside. But having been in a comatose state for so long, a lot of the Atomaton's magic had left them, transforming them into a less powerful, humanoid form. Amazed by what he had discovered, Hyness ordered the newly-dubbed Planck to serve under him, for their knowledge about the secrets of magic around the universe. They eventually became the leader of three other generals, together becoming known as the Reality Bender mages. This consisted of Callie Burr, the energy general, Harper Oona, the time general, Corbin, the gravity general, and Planck, the quantum general.
Planck served for many years under Hyness, working loyally and tirelessly and helping amass an army for the cult. But Hyness's poor treatment of them and their companions as well as his growing obsession to the Jamba heart and fading care to his armies was leading to resentment for Planck. Eventually, the cult falls after the events of Star Allies, and Hyness, along with his top three generals, seemingly vanish.
Now without a purpose to serve, and craving revenge, Planck amassed the remains of the cult's armies, and began working on a new goal - reopening a rift into the Quantum Zone. They knew if they were able to regain the magic that had left them from their time as an ancient dragon, they would be able to become powerful enough to destroy the universe, fufilling the cult's original goal that Hyness failed to accomplish.
Of course, that wasn't to happen, if Kirby had any say in it.
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cadrenebula · 1 year
How many OCs do you currently have? If you have multiple OCs then how different are they from each other? How often do you create new ones?
Currently? 13 actual developed OCs. (I've still got to toss together profiles for Nebula and Ronove on carrd tho.)
At least 15 supporting characters. Meaning ones I'm not actively RPing cause they're just supporting cast for my OCs and won't do anything other than help plot things along as needed. Or they were created to avoid retcons. So they are available for a scene here or there as needed but not much beyond that. They're mostly for my own writing (or screenshot) purposes unless I need them for a plot point.
I don't plan on adding to my 13 anytime soon though. But we all know I'm terrible at promising not to. XD Ronove was unplanned but then he said I was keeping him. I don't add new ones too often. If they do get added it's usually because they were originally plot characters that I got attached to. Which is the case for Lancefer, Alexois, Asher, and Ronove. XD So it's only happened 4 times. That's not -that- often. An the first three were added years ago now. Ronove and Nebula were literally the last to be added and I wasn't sure I was even going to list Ronove here for the fact he's a voidal.
An boy do these characters vary! I cover a lot of bases with these OCs. (Okay I'll stop trying to be funny. XD LOL)
Destiney is a Shroudling mother and wife. She's warm and caring and very nature oriented. Very much a momma wolf who practically adopts everyone she likes into her Found Family. Stefan, is practically his twin's opposite. They were meant to be that way. He tends to keep people at arm's length and dabbles in things he shouldn't. He's the darkness to her light. But he'd do anything for his sister. Lancefer is the noble white knight who tries to remain good and kind despite all that he faces as the black sheep of his family. Tries to be a good big brother and cousin. Alexois is a villain in name only, an assassin for hire and hails from the lowest rungs of society who has turned his life around and works hard at being a better person. Valen is a pure ray of sunshine and good cheer who tries to lift the spirits of others without being dragged down by those said people. Traveling minstrel and bounty hunter. Marielle is a dragon stuck in elezen form by a curse and navigating a world she barely understands. Alfarinn is a intimidating looking brute with a soft heart beneath that beserker's rage. Looking for payback for the death of his lover. Keaira is a upbeat spunky ball of pink with a desire to explore the world and help people all while seeking challenges to make her stronger. Adelena is nicknamed the Frost Siren for a reason. She is cold and distant pirate of the Sanguine Sirens but is much warmer towards her sisters than others. Asher is a sky pirate with a weak spot for kids in similar situations to his when he was younger. He's a mischief maker and a tinker of machines. Eventually he's going to have a reckoning with his older brother. Aryn is a gremlin in disguise (not literally XD It's just his general behavior towards his circus family). He's a aerial dancer for a circus troupe and a trained Sage. A bit dramatic and obsessed with clothes. Nebula is a soft spoken mage from the deep woods of the Shroud, next in line to lead their clan when their mother steps down, a descendant from those who survived the fall of the three mage cities. Just traveling the world to learn more about the people outside of their clan. Ronove was my first attempt to make a voidal character. Exploring the madness of what it was like to be fresh from the void and under the control of a stronger voidal with an iron grip on him. Abused and tortured for over a thousand years and trying to find his way in a world that is mostly alien to him now. Now he's Stefan's partner in the plot to put an end to the voidsent trying to see them both dead.
Phew. Yeah they're all pretty different and come from varying walks of life. Thanks for the ask @furys-mercy
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||Do we have a deal 12: Her acceptance of death, birth of a new death god princess||
Hi everyone, we are back with part 12 for the Do we have a deal mini series. I think I can add something to this one now. If you wish to read the last few chapters, they are under the chapter tag. But this is a gift for my partner and friend.
~~~Chapters so far~~~~
Part 7: Do we have a deal: Start of the second month, their hidden obsession
Part 8: Do we have a deal: Check up Day; A dragon's scarred memory
Part 9: Do we have a deal: Her training continues; a secret between demon sisters
Part 10: Do we have a deal: Closing in on the end of the month
Part 11: Do we have a deal: His purpose, behind the locked demon gate
((Your reading part 12 now))
||Drabble Summary||
When the final day has come for the little vixen, it seems she had one more task to do for the devil Sukuna Ryomen. Unlocking a really old door leading to the other devil realms and the real world to roam freely. She thought she did her task but their was more to it. Now, the devils find out he stabs her through the chest killing her! Inraged, they had to get Melinda back but as she thought she was dying, a voice speaks to her. Who is the voice? Read to find out.
~Death is present for a moment but will be alive after
||Guests in the Drabble||
Melinda Brooks belong to me.
Sukuna ryomen (Demon au) belongs to me but comes from the anime jujutsu kaisen. A few other cursed spirits are some of his followers: Jogo, Mahito, Geto, Dagon, Hanabi, Uraume, and Choso so their guests.
Some of the devils belong to me along with the cursed Vixens and Miss Lilith.
Some of the devils along with the DBT and Senkai belong to my friend @demon-blood-youths
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble. It was written for fun so please understand. Thanks for that and hope you like.))
Yen-Lo-Wang couldn't believe this! He saw the whole thing in front of him as the devils were confronting the followers of Sukuna who was excited of playing again. He rushes over to the red glowing floor where the door was as Sukuna was happy now feeling more at home now. With the new door open, he can explore the devil realm and go to the real world as he pleases!
He was happily laughing excited but he looks at the portal as he was looking at the blood given as it slowly becomes more heavy. "Well, at least your daughter wasn't much of a brat was she? I really had fun with her being here as my guest." He laughed but Yen looks down at Melinda while was laying on the ground still bleeding.
Yen carefully moves to pick her up to hold her. "My heir...hey, wake up! Are you alright!?" He says this but Melinda was quiet while her hair was covering her upper face while she was showing some blood running down her chin.
"I demand you speak to me! Come on, say something!" he said holding her but Melinda still remains still not moving as her blood still leaves her. She heard muffled shouting but she didn't move that Yen looks down not caring if her blood stains his clothes.
"God damn it Melinda! Wake up!" he shouted trying to heal her that the other devils were shocked and worried as Lilith and Senkai was shocked. Yeah, Sukuna was worse but they saw Melinda still in Yen's arms.
"....." The devils said nothing but Vanity glares to look at Sukuna.
"What? Are you angry too?" he asked with a grin but Vanity looks to him feeling his own demonic power bursting.
"Sukuna, you said you were only to have her do tasks..what sort of task was this? This door was sealed for you alone and you could have-"
"I know, I know but I wanted to see if she could do it. Seems she's not totally worthless is she? But like I said, she's not dead.....depends on her." He grins.
"You killed her! You rammed your hand through her chest!!!" Illyius said but Sukuna smiled to cross his arms over his chest.
"Like I said it was part of her training and she did pretty good. So, depends on what happens now. I already got what I wanted...so I thank her again." Sukuna sneered smiling but the other devils said nothing as Yen said nothing holding Melinda.
Not again. Another heir dead but he looks to her as he sees her blood on her chin to carefully wipe some tears from her eyes. Damn it! She was just doing tasks! This shouldn't have happened.
"Melinda........" He kept holding her but Yen looks to see Lilith and Senkai rushing over.
~~~~Meanwhile in a unknown place~~~~
Melinda was floating but she was curled up while her eyes were closed. She didn't feel the pain anymore but she was still floating to show some hands holding up the spear she was in or some trying to break it. The hands were reaching to grab and pull her down to devour her. However, a new pair of hands reach from above to pull her up. From the dark of this world, a few were watching her while they were slowly holding their hands to her and carefully lifted the spear up.
A few pairs of eyes looks to the resting Melinda but they move to pop the bubble as she was floating in one's hand as she was still having the hole in her chest.
'Such a young little flower.....passing way too quickly..' a voice said to look at her but another sees her.
'True. She's still a demon growing...I see she has a long future but not like this..' another voice said.
'........I know that Yen is upset of losing his heir or daughter. She is still such a young soul too.' a third voice said. However, they look to her but carefully lays her down with one walking over but was smaller to form hands around Melinda. The gods of Xian was watching Melinda but one speaks.
'Listen young one..it's not your time...your not to die here.....you must return to the world of the living....return to that soft hearted devil Yen. I know he is upset his only daughter has passed but..you are not just his daughter. Your the daughter of death; or to say the princess of death. The new princess of hell, the princess of the fallen souls looming through the world and the demon realm. Your just like the snake (Nagi) and bird's(Orochi) heir who reaps the souls but you sense and fight with the spirits and your soul energy. It's building raw energy within you..' two big hands held Melinda but she was slowly glowing as the hole in her chest was glowing as well.
'Focus on the souls lingering around you. Use that energy to heal yourself. Go back....go back to the living. Go back and live...don't let his story end here. You are his daughter; the princess....now go back and open your eyes!' the light grew brighter as it engulfs Melinda as the other gods watch her but as soon as the light disappears, she was gone.
~~~In the demon world~~~
Yen was still holding Melinda's body in his arms, trying not to show his anger. He looks down to Melinda's lifeless body but as he was about to speak, he felt something to look seeing some sudden energy force flowing around Melinda's body. He looks down seeing some other energy that he then looks seeing the floor still glowing red from her blood but it suddenly glows a silver color while her blood was taken but it was sending energy up.
"What is this?" Goa asked but the other devils with Sukuna's followers looks but Yen looks down to his daughter seeing her glowing as she was in his arms. Was this....
"Melinda...Melinda, please..please come back...." He said looking to his daughter but he saw this new energy from within her but it burst from her as it leaves a heavy aura around the area. Even Sukuna felt it. He looks to her body but he looks to the bloody wound to see it glowing but he saw it was healing!
"Lord Yen, look! Look at her chest!" Lilith said as he looks seeing her chest healing on it's own while. He looks still holding Melinda but he figures her soul was returning but she was using her soul to heal herself! Or something was helping her.
The other devils looks worried but that's when the aura slowly disappears as the hole was filled and healed like nothing happened but a new scar was present now. Yen looks down to Melinda worried. He wonders if she was.......He didn't speak just holding her to him till suddenly.......
A loud gasp was heard from Melinda as she coughs a bit while trying to breath. She was alive! "Melinda!" He held her as she was shaking still coughing trying to move but it seems she was in shock.
"Hey hey hey, easy! It's alright!" Yen looks to her but he held her tight to stop her thrashing around. She was panting shaking in his arms but he only looks to her then looks to the two contractors.
"Take her out of here right now. Take her back to the real world." he orders as the two tense hearing the anger in his voice but quickly nods as Lilith and Senkai goes to take Melinda who was whining but Lilith held her as she saw Senkai having bats form around them before disappearing.
The devils were along with Sukuna and his followers but he saw this was going to be messy.
~~~In the real world~~~
The DBT was able to calm Jaron down but he was still worried if something bad happened. The cursed vixens were worried too but they were sitting near their territory, Central park.
"Is Jaron alright now?" Jinx asked Ink who sighed to see him.
"He's alright. But I know he'll be more calm when knowing Melinda is safe." she said but the others hope she was alright. They knew today was the last day and Melinda was to return to New York. So they waited. They were doing their best to keep Jaron calm during this time but as soon as he sighed, Rust pats his back.
"Come on man, she'll be back soon. You know she'll be alright.." he said but Jaron nods knowing.
"I..I know i Just..that feeling from before I.."
"I know but think positive. It's going to be alright." he said reassuring him. Jaron knew that but he just wanted her back. Mouse and Fosh was checking some things from the laptop and touch screen of her own before Vivi and Shdwkyz sense something. "Hmmm?"
In the middle of the two fractions, a swarm of bats show that everyone looks seeing familiar faces. Senkai, Miss LIlith and...
The groups looked shocked but even Jinx was shocked.
"M..Melinda?" she said that Jaron looks up quickly seeing the three but saw Lilith carrying Melinda. Right away, both fractions rush over to the two but Senkai stops them.
"Hold on now.....just wait." he said but they see the two leaders confused.
"Huh? What do you mean-" Jinx stops speaking when seeing how horrified Melinda was. She looked like she just woke up from a nightmare. Her arm was heavily scarred up and she looks to be sick. Her hair was covering her face but it showed some blood that made the girls shocked. What the hell happened!?
"Melinda? Hey, are you-" As Echo tires to talk, Melinda was shaking to curl herself up but the cursed vixens was worried but Lilith speaks.
"My cursed vixens, we will explain in due time. Please, do what you can to help her calm down...her time with Sukuna has left a...heavy marking on her." she said carefully lowering her but Jinx looks to her but the DBT rushes to stop seeing Melinda's state.
Ink's eyes widen seeing it with the girls covering their mouths in shock. The boys were horrified but Jaron was more shocked seeing this that he goes to look at her.
"Melinda? Melinda it's me.." he said reaching out his hand but Melinda was shaking curling herself up but her felt worried to carefully reach to touch her head to feel her stop shaking. She quickly looks at him but Jaron was silent worried.
"........." she looked like a mess but she looked really tired to feel him pull her to him holding her in his arms. He didn't say anything but just held her shaking. She was back and alive. She was alive!!
"Melinda...your back..thank god your back....I was so worried.." he said this but Melinda's shaking slowly stopped to relax in his arms but as she did, she slowly goes limp from being exhausted. Jaron felt that to pull her back worried.
"Melinda?! Hey, what's wrong!?" he said but Lilith calms him.
"Easy now. She just passed out...she's alright but needs some rest......" she said but Jaron looks to Lilith then to Melinda who was tired. However, he did see the dried up blood and some on her chin. Whatever happened there, it was disturbing to say. For now, the two fractions were happy, angry, shocked, and worried seeing the vixen come back but their was so much to explain when the time comes.
For now, the fractions let her rest.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hi, how are you? Your blog is amazing and your recommendations have already allowed me to read wonderful stories, so thank you so much! I wonder if you could suggest me any cherik fics of them as detectives? I remember reading one a long time ago, but unfortunately I don't know the name and even less the synopsis. Thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you so much @remember5novemberv for your kind words. I'm so sorry this took me so long but I hope you enjoy this list. There are some excellent detective AUs in this fandom so you're in for a treat.
Cherik Detective AUs
Their Mouths Always Lie – keire_ke
Summary: Charles adheres to most police protocols like they are a personal code of conduct. Erik gets things done and over with, for better or worse. Raven knows what she's doing, most of the time. The serial killer kills, regardless. Police AU.
Guilty by Association – Reagan
Summary: While investigating the homicide of a John Doe who he suspects might've been murdered while working the streets as a prostitute, Detective Erik Lehnsherr finds an unexpected ally in a hooker named Charles who seems as determined as he to solve the case. As they become more deeply involved both with the case and each other, there's just one thing that Charles neglects to mention -- that he's really an investigative journalist, one quickly convinced that what they're dealing with is more than simple murder. cop!Erik, fake-hooker-slash-reporter!Charles, Modern AU.
Incy Wincy Spider – Tawabids
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a renowned homicide detective, with his husband Charles at home and his partner on the job, Moira MacTaggert. When a twisted serial killer starts targeting mutants, Erik and Moira are the perfect team for the job, especially since Erik himself is the mutant poster-boy of an NYPD trying to improve their image.
But what they don't yet know is that the serial killer is an old soul out of Erik's past, and his next move is to pull Charles into his web.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
Charles’ Killer – luchia
Summary: When detective Charles Xavier finds himself hunting down a vendetta-driven serial killer, it doesn't take long for him to realize he's in over his head. It only takes a little longer for him to realize his killer is, too.
Demoted – JayPendragon
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective-specialist with the NYPD Mutant Tactical Unit, ready to help out where his skills are needed. Or he would be, if he and his partner hadn’t been demoted. For the next four months, he is patrolling the Lenox Hill precinct with Azazel – if he doesn’t die of boredom first.
One night they are called in to investigate a potential case of domestic violence, yet the tenant assures them he is both alone and unharmed. However, there is something about this Charles Xavier that compels Erik to follow up.
Watching the Detectives – Clocks
Summary: Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are good friends and colleagues. However, when they go undercover at a Christmas party to nab a prime suspect, Erik keeps reminding himself to stay professional and ignore feelings of unexpected jealousy.
Oh, Sinnerman (Where you gonna run to?) – TintagelCastle (orphan–account)
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is one of the best homicide detectives in New York. From small time stabbings to high end mob hits, Erik (and his equally scary partner Logan) makes sure all the bad guys get caught, searching for the final clue to nail his mother's killer. As a string of murders draws the net ever tighter on Erik's life's work, he needs to catch the nightmare of his past whilst continuing to be the darling of the Force...
And so what if he's completely in love with the British guy on Forensics? Who's he ever going to tell?
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
I’ll see your heart (and I’ll race you mine) – sirona
Summary: For Kriminalhauptkommissar Erik Lehnsherr, this case will change everything.
Paralyzer – Yahtzee
Summary: In 1965, Erik Lehnsherr has infiltrated the NYPD for his own purposes -- but his powers make him a brilliant detective. Yet that's not why FBI agent Charles Xavier has sought him out. It's because the mysterious killer they're both trying to find is murdering people like them: other mutants.
Their search for a madman binds them together. Their inner demons may tear them apart. But the greatest danger comes when the killer they're looking for looks back.
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
The Long Bright Dark – lachatblanche
Summary: Ten years ago Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr closed the case on a grotesque series of murders that continue to haunt them even in the present day. When they are pulled in for questioning a decade later, they finally have confirmation of something that they have both suspected for a very long time - that there is unfinished business for them to take care of and that the case they thought they had closed so very long ago is in reality still all too open.
A True Detective AU.
Finding North – ClarkeStetler, Goosenik
Summary: Charles and Erik are (loosely) friends with benefits. They don't share personal details, last names, or anything concrete about their lives. This is ruined rather spectacularly when Charles gets recruited by the Mutant Apprehension Division of the FBI. Surprised is a bit of an understatement for their reaction to finding themselves partnered up and sent out on cases with the team.
Closer (to God) – dsrobertson
Summary: Se7en/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo AU-ish.
Political journalist and editor, Erik Lehnsherr, has just lost £150,000 in a libel case against businessman, Kurt Marko. Down on his luck and in need of money, Erik is approached by the Metropolitan Police’s Detective Inspector Charles Xavier. Well-known for his investigative journalism, Erik is asked to help in the search for a serial killer in return for £200,000 if the killer is caught.
Wrapped up in murder, religion, and sex, Erik gets more than he bargained for.
Homo Sacer – unveiled
Summary: In a not too distant future, Detective Erik Lehnsherr meets Charles Xavier: street magician, former academician, and telepath.
One Good Day – troll_under_the_bridge
Summary: One case which is going to turn Charles' world upside down, while he struggles to pacify his boss, investigate murders and come to terms with the mess his life has become.
Playing With Fire – professor
Summary: Charles is a detective determined to catch a serial killer.
If the serial killer doesn't catch him first.
Hold on or let go – aesc, pearl_o
Summary: Teenage telepath Charles Xavier takes a job as a consultant, working with prickly police detective Erik Lehnsherr. Charles is used to being on his own and taking care of himself; he has no reason to think that his relationship with this stern, icy man is going to change any of that. (Also known as: Tough Little Baby Telepath.)
MCIS: First Case – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr considers himself a great MCIS agent, and he puts up with a lot from his boss - Moira MacTaggart - in the name of solving crimes against mutants, but he's not so sure about this new empath, Charles Xavier. Their first case together will test Erik's patience, but doubtless be the beginning of a brilliant friendship.
MCIS: Fathers, Sons, and Brothers – Pookaseraph
Summary: Alex Summers has a single case that he has obsessed about ever since coming to MCIS two years ago: Su-M-94-0708-0034, the murder of Christopher and Katherine Summers, and the presumed kidnapping and possible murder of Scott Summers. Very little evidence was found at the time, but hopefully a new team - and new leads - can shed light on the case that left Alex an orphan.
When the Crazies come to town – Chinchillaatthedisc0
Summary: Erik is a surly detective with zero people skills who has just been assigned the murder case of Kurt Marko. Prime suspect? Charles xavier. Who's no where to be found.
My old man is a bad man – faerie_ground
Summary: Sebastian Shaw dies at two am in the morning with a dagger embedded in his forehead. Detective Erik Lehnsherr is on the case, and the number one suspect is the recently widowed Dr Charles Xavier, Sebastian Shaw's husband.
Deep Cover – Subtilior
Summary: Omegas in heat? The perfect whores. Sebastian Shaw? The bastard who kidnaps them for his Hellfire Club. Erik Lehnsherr? A hard-boiled detective who's been on the Hellfire case for months. The catastrophe that unfolds when he goes in on retrieval and finds Charles Xavier still writhing in a Hellfire bed? .... Deep Cover.
A Murder of Ravens – AbandonedWorld
Summary:Charles Xavier is wrongfully accused. Erik Lehnsherr is a top-notch homicide Lieutenant who stumbles upon the case of a lifetime: a serial killer targeting mutants–and only mutants. Charles bides his incarceration waiting on a miracle, reciting Poe's timeless gem in effort to retain his sanity...
Note: Unfinished
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lyquynhnhu · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers ending theory
Theory 1
Takemichi go back to the past and save everyone (Shinichiro, Baji, Emma, Draken, even Izana).
Disadvantage: he has to fight Kisaki again.
Option 1: he give up on Hina and do not save her.
Option 2: he follow the same path of the main story, but this time he know all the story and can prevent Kisaki plan easier.
Theory 2
Takemichi save Mikey, go back to the future and marry Hina (The most probable ending).
Theory 3 (my favourite)
After a massacre, Takemichi reach Mikey. One of them is about to die, but Mikey lose his dark impulse.
Takemichi and Mikey shake hands. Takemichi return to the future where everyone is alive and happy (but he doesn’t know how it’s possible) while Mikey go back to the past (or his past self became aware of the future events).
Mikey “awake” the moment he was about to punch Haruchiyo and he stops. Mikey decide to get rid of the dark impulse (whatever they are).
In this timeline, Takemichi saves Hina and Kisaki began planning.
Mikey need Takemichi to get rid of the dark impulses. He go to look for him, became friends and make Takemichi a founder member of Toman with the purpose to create a new era for delinquent.
Thus, Takemichi wouldn’t become a slave and wouldn’t be traumatised. He will grew up confident and brave like “Takemitchy”.
Mikey will prevent Shinichiro death —> Kisaki won’t be able to influence Kazutora (Valhalla arc not happening, avoid Baji death) nor Black Dragon. If Shinichiro doesn’t die, Izana wouldn’t become obsessed with Mikey. He still is angry with Shinichiro because he lied to him, but eventually they’ll make up. Izana wouldn’t kill Emma.
Kisaki and Hanma will have to find another way to take over Toman and control Mikey, maybe they found another gang. Likely, he will affiliated with South because Mikey wouldn’t pay attention to anything Kisaki propose to him.
Mikey would tell to all member of Toman something like: “No matter what, don’t trust Kisaki”.
Kisaki new gang want Koko and they blackmail him with Inupi’s life. Both Inupi and Koko stay in Black Dragon (which generation, I don’t know).
About the Shiba siblings, Toman will resolve it in another way.
Since Shinichiro is not dead, Black Dragon won’t be corrupted. Inupi will allied with Toman to save Koko. They have their argument about Akane, but eventually make up.
Kisaki is defeated, but doesn’t give up. Mikey will do everything to keep his friends safe and try to make Kisaki desist in a definite way. At the end, Kisaki makes some mistake and goes to prison.
In the future, Takemitchy hears this story from Mikey and they say something like: “This is indeed the best future”. By the way, Takemichi is about to marry Hina.
Everyone relationship is about the same. This time, Mikey is the one that have to confront Kisaki, who is a very dangerous opponent. This leads to incomprehension inside the gang. Example:
Mikey and Draken still fight, but Takemichi manage to stop them
Kazutora and Baji decide to infiltrate Kisaki gang, Mikey couldn’t stop them because he doesn’t want to talk about the future to them. Chifuyu and Takemichi are the only one that take action, they become partners.
Well, everything depends from Kisaki’s plans.
Then, Mikey underestimate Kisaki resolve/obsession. Kisaki continue his plans for years and years, so Mikey has to tell about the future to his most trust friends who are the most in danger (this include Takemichi, Draken, Chifuyu, and maybe Emma and Hina).
At the end, Kisaki plan failed and he is arrested. Maybe he tried to kill Takemichi or Mikey, but they survive (like it happen with Kakucho).
In this theory, Kisaki plan doesn’t limit during middle school, but even high school and after graduation. Mikey life is not easy because he has to keep his friends safe all the time.
He know that disbanding Toman and stay away from his friends wouldn’t work because the dark impulse could control him. He has to experience what Takemitchy has experience, finding his resolve, and he meet even more challenge.
But he managed to achieve the best future where everyone are alive and live happily ever after.
P.S. I hate Kisaki, but I like him as a villain. So I made him a villain in this, too. I don’t know where to put Senju and Haruchiyo as we don’t know their full background.
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
The Anormic
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Part of The Experiments Universe
Genre: Lucky One/Obsession AU
Pairing: Kris x Reader
Summary: You were everything he needed to feel human. But not even your presence could keep the nightmares away. The years had gone by and it seemed his dreams were all that was left of his trauma. When his past comes back and snatches you away, the human mask he’d worked so hard to create will be ripped away and he’ll stop at nothing to get you back.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3
You stumbled back, tripping over your feet and barely catching your balance before you could meet the floor. You felt like you’d been tossed in front of an eighteen-wheeler. To keep you steady, you placed your palm against the cold cinderblock wall. No. It couldn’t be the same Kris that he spoke about, not your Kris. Sure, he had a mysterious past, but you took it as easily explainable; a bad childhood or dysfunctional family he was trying to outrun, maybe even a criminal record that he deeply regretted. This was something else entirely.
You racked through your memory, trying to find any sort of sign or clue that this man was telling the truth. Kris couldn’t have any powers or extraordinary gifts. He was an average person who worked a laborious job, who came home to you in the evening, and lived an ordinary life. But the dots were there to connect: the ambiguous past that he rarely spoke of, the quick reflexes, and lifting of objects that should have taken more struggle. This Dr. Brandt had said he was like a dragon – a possible hint as to what else Kris was hiding from you?
“Quite a shock, isn’t it?” Dr. Brandt said, amused.
The words to snipe back were far out of reach. Part of you wanted to jump him like an overprotective cheetah, clawing his face with your fingernails until you drew blood. But the meeker part of you couldn’t find the strength to attack, barely able to keep your knees from buckling under.
“He was one of the subjects that progressed quickly. A shining example for the other eleven.”
Other eleven? Tao. Did that mean Kris’ friend Tao was among them? Were the other men you saw leave part of that group as well? Dr. Brandt’s smirk deepened, if that was possible. He seemingly enjoyed your confusion.
“So… you want to cage them all up again?” It was the only question you could push out onto the surface. There many more – more details of the experiments, what he meant by Kris jumping sides. A deep labyrinth lied before you. While you had no idea what sort of Minotaur waited in the middle and you were left without a string, you knew you would have to move forward to get to the truth.
“Actually, we’ve made progress without the original subjects,” he said. “Much more than could have ever hoped from the first trials. However, we’ve hit a bit of a wall. If we are to keep forging a new way, we need to glance back. We need Kris’ cooperation to do so.”
You swallowed thickly. At least he wasn’t trying to be the mysterious mad scientist in the tower. He came right down and had no issues explaining to you his evil plans. “So what do you need me for then? To make him help you?”
“Unfortunate collateral. We know that getting Kris here would be more trouble than it's worth. You were the easier target, so we brought you here. Eventually, Kris will come to us and be more than cooperative. Then, when we have all that we need, the two of you can go on your way.”
Great. You were bait. Like a worm on a hook. The tension in your jaw made the muscles under the skin ache. Even your teeth were whining from the pain. “So, I’m guessing you left him a little map on how to get here?”
“Oh, no!” Dr. Brandt laughed. “That’s not nearly as fun. But we did leave behind a clue to get him started. He’s an intelligent being. He’ll find us… eventually. Until then, enjoy the hospitality.” Like a dancer, he whirled on the balls of his feet and exited the room. The door slid closed behind him, the click finalizing the idea that this would be your prison for the foreseeable future.
You were battling yourself. You wanted Kris to come rescue you, but him getting pulled back into this mess of a place was horrifying image. It was hard to wrap around the thought of Kris living a life of experimentation, of tests and needles and torture. And for what? What was the purpose behind all of this? You almost shouted for the mad doctor to come to answer the questions, but you held your tongue. Now wasn’t the time to draw attention to yourself. While the doctors and guards might be aware of your presence, you needed to fade into the background of their minds. If you were going to get out of here, you needed to become almost invisible. So, instead of screaming into the abyss where your words would fall on uninterested ears, you lied down on the bed, eyes focused on the slick white ceiling. Kris would come for you, but in the meantime, you would create your plan. Because you would get out of here and you refused to let Kris be caged ever again. In order to that, you would have to find your own way.
It was hot. It was the kind of memorable hot where beads of sweat dotted the hairline in a way that was never ending and the sun shined up in the sky without any mercy from the clouds that had been dotting the sky for the past few days. Overnight they had either drifted off to another landscape or dissipated back into their individual water droplets. Despite the heat, it was still a beautiful day. The park was full of families and couples enjoying the fresh air, but it wasn’t overcrowded to the point of being suffocating. You took in the sights with a smile as you sat at one of the picnic tables by your lonesome. Textbook and pen at the ready, you were killing two birds with one stone by finally leaving the confining walls of your studio apartment while still getting plenty of studying done before your test next week.
After a few hours, your eyes were tiring from the glare the glossy paper gave off. The words were beginning to blur. You were no longer able to recite the previous sentence that you’d read. A break was certainly earned.
As your gaze wandered around the park it settled on a small food truck across the bike path. The signs all over the metal sides said their specialty was ice cream. Well, you’d worked hard for a treat, hadn’t you? Packing up your things, you threw your bag over your shoulder and made way to the truck expertly dodging children playing tag in the process. The line moved at a tolerable pace, giving you enough time to pick out a treat before approaching the front window. The woman inside the truck was friendly. She wrote down your order with a smile and, after handing your card back, pointed you off to the side where you could pick up your sundae. You were practically bouncing with anticipation as you watched from the opened back door; the employee scooped up the vanilla ice cream and torched the marshmallows until they were a perfect golden brown. The grin on your face was wide to the point of making your cheeks ache as you thanked the young man who handed the Styrofoam bowl to you. Not wasting time to find a spot to sit down, you walked down the bike path as you attempted to eat at a pace that was acceptable for the public.
All afternoon you had been hearing the typical noises of the park, most not bothering you in the slightest. You weren’t so easily distracted, but the blissful air you were currently in must have made you more susceptible. The chime of a bike bell caught your attention. You glanced over your shoulder to see a teenage boy peddling fast and laughing as he left his friends in the dust. But he wasn’t paying attention to where his bike was going, thinking that his bell was enough to clear the way as he stared behind him. Before he could collide with you, an arm wrapped around your shoulders. It pulled you out of the way in time but at the expense of your ice cream.
The bowl was cracked nearly in half. Chocolate syrup and melted mush covered both your shirt and the shirt of the wannabe hero.
“Well, that was nice while it lasted,” you murmured in disappointment.
“I’m so sorry,” a deep voice apologized.
You looked up and – as much as you hated to admit it – your irritation dissolved away, all because of the very handsome face that you were getting lost in. You waved his sorry away. “It’s okay. Better than being a bug squished on the cement.”
That made him laugh. “Let me replace it.”
“Oh, no, that’s alright. Thank you, though.”
“No, I insist.”
“Really, its-” You were completely ignored. The man – the very tall, handsome man – was already walking towards the food truck, wallet in hand. Nerves and butterflies took over your body as you stood there on the edge of the path, unable to walk away when you would have in any other situation. But there was something intriguing about this man. Not to mention, you were a sucker for chivalry.
The man came back with a new s’mores bowl balanced in one hand. Balanced wasn’t really the right word as what took two hands for you to carry rested nicely in his single palm. His other held onto a stack of napkins. The latter was handed out to you first.
“Thank you.” You took a few napkins shyly. Once you were cleaned up, you took the sundae. “Thanks.” You already said that. Clearing your throat, you tucked the used napkins under your arm and held out a free hand. “I’m (/y).”
He smiled broadly. “Kris.”
The building looked different. For over a year, the sight of the lit-up windows and the silhouette outline against the setting sun was a welcoming one – it loosened his tense shoulders, opened up his lungs. He felt stronger, even more so than he already was. A deep rest couldn’t do for him what seeing this place had. He always felt like he could live forever. Invincible, like Superman.
Now, though? Now it was simply a monument to his faults. Bricks and mortar that stood for nothing but loss. If he’d known that meeting you that day in the park would lead to this, he would have left the second he pulled you out of the way of the bike. He wouldn’t have smiled as you enjoyed the ice cream or even given you his name. Or, at least, he hoped that he would have gone the other way. As he walked up the stairs of the apartment building, he was bombarded with memories. The happy ones, most of all. But even the fights came pushing through. In those moments he’d been angry and frustrated, wanting to never have another scene like that again once you’d both calmed down and said sorry. In the present, though, he would give anything to have another fight with you. Back and forth he bounced, from wishing he’d never met you to praying he’d be able to hold you in his arms again. With unstable fingers he unlocked the front door and went inside.
The place was still a disaster. He hadn’t bothered cleaning up or even attempting to right any of the overturned furniture before he’d left. Dust was already starting to settle on every surface – something that would have driven you crazy. You couldn’t stand a dirty home. You wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else until it was spotless, just the way you liked it. Although, Kris had always thought that you simply used that as an excuse to procrastinate your studying. If it was you who had made the mess with your homework, then it wasn’t a dire situation. He’d always laughed at your pitiful argument against his statement. The lights suddenly flickered on.
Turning around, Kris felt immediate relief.
Standing in the doorway were four of his brothers. He hadn’t seen them in quite a while. The exact amount of time was lost to him. Years, maybe? They all lived on the military base that kept them safe. It had crossed his mind once or twice to take you there to live. It might have helped drive the worry and the nightmares away. But that would have meant telling you everything. That inevitability haunted him even more.
“Chanyeol.” He tried to swallow down the shakiness in his voice. Thankfully, the younger hybrid took the first step, not even acknowledging the way Kris was barely holding it together. He closed the space between them with long strides and hugged Kris for the first time in years. Kris sighed into the embrace, even patting Chanyeol on the back. When they parted, Kris said, “Thank you for coming. I know this is probably the last thing you want to get involved in.”
“Hence why there’s only four of us,” Baekhyun huffed. The haughty air was clearly fake given the smirk dancing in the corner of his mouth.
“Nice to see you, too, Baekhyun.”
“So, Chanyeol said that your… friend was taken.” Minseok crossed his arms and leaned up against the door after shutting it behind him.
“My girlfriend,” Kris correct.
“And you both lived here?” Yixing asked.
Kris nodded. “Yeah. I don’t know how they found us. The apartment is under her name.”
“Does she know about you?” Chanyeol ran a hand through his messy black hair. “Does she now about us?”
“No,” Kris admitted. “Well, at least she didn’t before. Now- now there’s no telling what she does and doesn’t know.”
Yixing walked deeper into the apartment until he reached the living room. Crouching down, he examined the shards of glass sprinkled all over the rug. He scooped up a hand full, not bothered at all by the tiny cuts the edges made on his fingers and palms; they healed just as quickly as they were formed. “How long ago did they take her?”
“Day and a half ago. Why?”
“Just wondering. I wasn’t sure if they tried to come back and get you as well. Or if this was caused by them coming back.”
“Nothing’s changed since I left.”
“Did you find anything on your original search?”
Kris cleared his throat. Yixing and he… well, they never really had the closest of relationships, even back before they were separated. As thankful as he was that the latter had volunteered to help, Kris still couldn’t help against feeling the slightest bit awkward. “I didn’t do a thorough search, but I did find this.” He walked over to where his duffel bag was sitting on the floor and unzipped the pocket that held the frayed badge.
Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at the symbol. “What is it?”
“It’s the symbol for Regeneration Science, camouflaged unit for EXO. Wang told me about it. She considerate it their back up plan. I never put too much thought into it. The way she talked about RS made it sound like that’s where they would move everything in case something were to happen.”
Minseok took the patch, examining it closer. “Is it possible that they had a copy of the files that you didn’t know about?”
Kris shook his head. “I wouldn’t have thought so. Wang was protective of her research. She didn’t like the idea of copies floating around. While I was still undercover, I tried to find all the copies that I could. They didn’t exist.”
“They obviously still have something on us,” Baekhyun chimed in. “Why else try to come after us again after all these years?”
“That’s a good point,” Yixing said as he straightened himself back up. “If you found that,” he pointed to the patch, “without looking, then maybe there’s something else here. I think we should dig a bit deeper, maybe we’ll get lucky.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
So, the four of them started searching around the apartment, checking under the couch and in the different rooms for any other clue the enemy might have left behind. Kris headed towards the bedroom, but found himself frozen in the doorway. His brain, adding to the cruel torture he was already in, imagined you sitting on the bed, covers draped over your legs, smiling at him as if he’d just come back from a long day at work.
“You alright?” Minseok asked. His sudden appearance made Kris jump.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Behind Minseok, he watched as Chanyeol picked up the bookcase and set it against the wall. On the floor were scattered papers and folders, creased from the pressure of the wood that had lied on top of them. “Excuse me.” Kris passed by Minseok to get to the living room.
“Is this yours?” Chanyeol asked.
Kris shook his head. “No, it was (y/n)’s. For one of her classes.”
Frowning, Yixing picked up several of the papers and skimmed their contents. “Are you sure about that?”
“Of course.” Why would you lie about something like that?
Yixing held up one of the papers for Kris to see. “I think this might have been how they found you.”
In a flash, Kris snatched the paper. His eyes flew over the words. Slowly, their meanings sank in. It was a list off all the previous places he’d lived, including the different aliases and variations he’d gone by. Only after meeting you had he gotten weak and used his real name. How did you find any of this? But more importantly….
Why were you looking for it in the first place?
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
@sammysdewysensitiveeyes - And finally, Shinobi for World of Darkness, three different versions/games! Under cut because like always, it’s long!
For a vampire, he’d be a Toreador. They’re the type who will turn someone just because they’re pretty, then get tired of them within the week, and that’s how their ranks get flooded with dilettantes who don’t posses any artistic talent, like Shinobi. Toreador are famous for being the most emotional and passionate and in touch with humanity, but in truth, many are emotionally hollow, chasing fleeting highs of false feelings that are shallow and brief despite their deceptive intensity. This leads them to become callow and callous, trying forever to breath life into themselves through new experiences that become banal all too soon, leaving a trail of broken mortal hearts and lives behind them, to say nothing of fledglings that, like, Shinobi, are pulled into this world they’re not ready for and typically destroyed by soon enough. While many people deride them as romance novel vampires, I think they’re actually a very clever subversion of that, and in their own way as horrifying as more famously frightening ones. Shinobi, bitter and wounded over being rejected and abandoned by his sire, has become exactly that kind of Toreador himself. He also strives to be as seductive and glamorous as other members of the clan, and he has the image down, but it falls apart quickly when others question or reject him. He’s also a very young and weak vampire, so he has no political strings to pull, and since he has no art, is looked down by his clanmates as a poseur. All this just makes him more pathologically driven to prove himself and gather allies who will love and respect him, even as he fails at it every night. Also, the Tories are often called divas and “Degenerates” is literally a nickname for the whole clan, it’s perf. I also think he’d make a good Ghoul. When someone---be it a human, animal, even a fellow vampire---drinks the blood of a vampire three times, they become Blood Bound to them. In the case of animals and humans, this makes them the vampire’s ghoul, and the vampire their domitor or regnant. The blood bond is one of the most powerful tools of vampirekind, as the victim is completely enthralled to them, forced to obey. The ghoul is obsessed with them, usually in love, and will do anything asked of them. Continual drinks reinforce it, and the ghouls WANT this, for vitae---vampire blood--is addictive. And the longer they serve a vampire, the more they’ll need it not just out of addiction, but to survive. Ghouling a human (or animal) will freeze them at their current age, just like a vampire, and even grant them some vampiric powers...but when the blood stops coming, all those years catch up with them...all at once. It’s not pretty. Some ghouls who manage to escape their masters---usually by the latter’s death--become vampire hunters in order to get their vitae fix, drinking from different ones in order to avoid the “three strikes and you’re out” Blood Bond. As for what vampires get from this, ghouls have any number of uses, from daytime bodyguards to managers of mortal affairs, messengers, servants, it goes on. The sad, cursed existence of a Ghoul is in many ways worse than that of a vampire, and with none of the benefits. I could see him either as a group ghoul, perhaps, serving a coterie (small group) of powerful female vampires...but I feel like that’s more his fantasy than anything. The reality is probably that he went looking for his birth father, tracked him down successfully, and got a lot more than he bargained for...but hasn’t aged a day since either. Much like Ghouls serve vampires, Kinfolk serve werebeasts, and out of a very different sense of being bound by blood. Kinfolk are the human and animal relations of a werewolf or other werecreature, and breeding with them yields a higher chance of a Garou offspring (since, remember, the offspring of two Garou is a sterile, deformed metis) A Garou birth will still be rare, and most or all of their children will just be Kinfolk, but maybe the next gen will have a Garou, or the next. Because of this, the Garou (or Bastet, or whatever they may be) maintain close ties with their Kinfolk, watching them like shepherds over their flocks. There’s a dark side though. Their primary role ultimately is breeding stock, and many tribes treat them exactly like that. They’re automatically seen as part of the Garou tribe to which they’re related (or worse, its property) and are thus beholden to its regulations, owing them their loyalty, but get none of the respect and glory that the Garou do in return. They’re "valuable second class citizens" at best. Besides breeding, other roles they take includes childcare (since the werewolves are off battling the Wyrm), financing, politicking, and bureaucratic maneuvering on behalf of the Garou, directly or in their interests, are all examples, but there are dozens more things an individual Kinfolk might to do serve their family. Sebastian would definitely be a Shadow Lord werewolf as described in Fabian’s section, and Shinobi his unfortunate Kinfolk pup. A disappointment twice over, firstly for not being Garou, secondly for not even being the USEFUL kind of Kinfolk. All the tribes have an individual approach to their kin beyond the general basics I just described, and Shadow Lords tend towards the abusive. To quote the canon,  “[Shadow Lord] Kinfolk don't receive much coddling, however. Weaklings and victims don't deserve to breed.” So not only is Shinobi not supposed to be sticking his dick in anything that can get pregnant, he’s supposed to purely serve his father’s interests while also growing up a society where he will NEVER be good enough. Which...look it’s horrible, but you can’t deny it FITS! (Also: While Sebastian def would be a Shadow Lord himself as a werewolf, he also could easily just be a human "target" of one as a mate. To quote canon: "Female Shadow Lords are sometimes drawn away from the flock toward men with power. A ruthless businessman, a brilliant crime lord or even a military dictator may find himself overpowered by a stalking suitor.") Since Shinobi is half-Japanese, he could be a kuei-jin if he was born/raised/died in Japan or a place with a strong Japanese (or other Asian) culture. Now, the kuei-jin are very problematic, White Wolf (the game company that does all this) mashed together a bunch of different Asian cultures together (even “kuei-jin” is a combination of Japanese and Chinese) and appropriated a bunch of terms they used incorrectly (ex: dharma) but I really like them and I’d like it if one day they could go back and fix them like they have with other creations they made that were really problematic at their conception (most all of this shit was made up by white nerds in the 90s) So, kuei-jin are vampires of a sort, but an entirely different sort than the Kindred are, despite some calling them ‘the Kindred of the East’. Firstly, their range has more to do with culture than geography. They populate Asia, but have begun emerging in the West in places like Chinatowns where Asian cultures are prevalent. Which brings us to the second difference---they are not Embraced like Western vampires, they rise from the grave on their own. Something drove them so hard that their souls clawed their way out of Yomi World and back into their bodies...well, usually their bodies, there have been cases where they came back in a DIFFERENT body. The goal of the kuei-jin is to remember what this something was, for they believe it is their purpose, and they must then accomplish it. In order to discover their purpose and fulfill it, they will choose different paths that they think will be best for this. These paths, called Dharmas, are liked clans, but, as I said, can be chosen, and even changed. Shinobi’s Dharma would be the The Dance of the Thrashing Dragon, also known as the Laughing Rainbows. Yes, they all have names like that. Again, white nerds in the 90s. The Thrashing Dragons are the Yang-Aspected paths, they  seek to defy their undead state through frenzied revelry and acts meant to celebrate life (in all its beauty and bloodcurdling savagery both).  These Kuei-jin are as alive as the undead can be, believing  creation is a rainbow – illusory, but too colourful to ignore-- and their ideal is to experience each of those colours as vividly as possible. As a result, Laughing Rainbows shun society's restrictions, are often messy and vulgar, indulging themselves with wild feasts and drunken orgies - celebrations that usually feature living "entertainment," too. In their calmer moments, a Thrashing Dragon can be gentle and compassionate, nurturing life even though they consume it---the kuei-jin are still a type of vampires, and they feed on chi. They can get it from flesh and blood, but, as they get older and more powerful, can suck the pure chi out of the air from a person. But the Thrashing Dragons like to eat their prey raw, and often alive. They’re violent and combative, in addition to  shameless, impulsive, lusty, and having a tendency towards nudity. What’s interesting is that in life, many Thrashing Dragons denied the flesh, and believe they came back due to their repression during life. Some ferociously carnal people do return to finish what they started in life, but most Laughing Rainbows learned to laugh only after they died. So perhaps Shinobi had a sad life that ended prematurely (COUGH DAD COUGH) and now that he’s come back, he’s “living” large at last. Or perhaps he’s one of the ones that was ALWAYS a hedonistic idiot and he was actually brought back as a lesson to live a better life, but he hasn’t learned it yet. Kuei-jin have two souls, the Hun and P’o, and they struggle against the latter. The Hun is  higher, rational half of the soul, akin to  morality, conscience, honor and devotion to duty. The P’o is the evil bestial half of the soul, akin to “the Beast” that Western vampires struggle against. Each person’s P’o takes one of several archetypes, based on which is most likely to tempt a kuei-jin off their path, and Shinobi’s would be The Monkey. The Monkey is  a creature of the moment, its each new pleasure or distraction being the most important thing in the world. The Monkey is capable of concocting elaborate plans to achieve small or momentary goals, but it’s in no way concerned with any overarching mission that the Kuei-jin might have. Indeed, the Monkey seeks, at every turn, to waylay Shinobi from his appointed goal, to divert all of the his attention and energy to lesser, transitory things. So basically it tempts him to be HIMSELF. (As a note, I think the Adversary would translate REALLY well as a P’o for a kuei-jin Haven; India is part of Asia too!) Finally...I might be typecasting him too much by race, but there’s also the kitsune. The kitsune, as one would expect, are the werefoxes of East Asia, mostly found in Japan and China. They are the youngest of the Changing Breeds, and the story goes that when a fox named Bai Mianxi was brought before Gaia (who created all the werecreatures) by Luna (the moon) for playing tricks that created havoc in the world, Gaia’s punishment was that Bai Mianxi be given a duty. Bai Mianxi tried to trick her way out of it, claiming that  Gaia's other children were all adequate enough in their duties and she was not needed. Gaia's wrath at Bai Mianxi's impudence shook her residence, but after soothing words from Luna, Gaia promised the fox that in return for their service, the fox-people would one day become the BEST at something, better than all the other werecreatures were at it, whatever it is. Like all other were-types, the kitsune are born in animal or human form, and the offspring of two Kitsune will be born in hybrid form and be stuck that way until their First Change. Unlike the Western metis of the Garou and many other fera though, these “shinju” as they are called, are NOT sterile or deformed, nor are they looked down upon by other kitsune. But all kitsune, no matter what form they were born in, carry a curse, and that is that when a kitstune is born, at least one of its parents will die. Usually, it is the non-kitsune parent, and there is also a one-in-ten chance that the Kitsune parent may die, either instead of, or along with, their mate. So my thinking is kitsune Shinobi was born in human form in Japan to a kitsune mother, but has a human white dad in America (Sebastian obvy) who despite the great distance still passed away mysteriously at the moment Shinobi drew his first breath. And so Shinobi grew up raised by his mother and her Kinfolk, and he never saw his father and he grew up feeling loved and wanted, and now he is a happy healthy adult werefox who will indeed be the best at something one day! You can see why I wanted this for him ^^
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overthinkingkdrama · 5 years
Exit Review: My Country
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This drama is set in the transition between the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties, and follows turbulent friendship turned fraught rivalry between Seo Hwi and Nam Seon Ho. Seo Hwi’s late father was the greatest swordsman of Goryeo, but after being framed for embezzling military supplies he was executed as a traitor, a stain which hangs over Hwi and his sister’s lives. Seon Ho is the illegitimate son of a powerful state official, but due to his mixed parentage he can never fully belong to his father’s world and has an insatiable ambition and bitter resentment toward his father which drives him.
Hwi and Seon Ho have been close since childhood, but when they end up going head to head in the state military exam a tragedy follows that will drive a terrible wedge between them. Eventually circumstances will force them to pick sides between General Yi Seong Gye (the first King of Joseon) an his ruthless son, Yi Bang Won, in the fight which will give shape and purpose to a newborn country.
Story: My Country is a difficult drama for me to review objectively, in part because I loved it so much. Watching this drama was a truly absorbing and gripping experience for me, and it plays to so many of my story preferences. I was unequivocally obsessed with this drama from the premier to the finale, but during the weeks between airings I couldn’t help but feel like I was arm wrestling with the script.
It was characterization more than anything that gave me fits. I wouldn’t go so far as to accuse the show of giving us thin or two dimensional characters. To the contrary, each of these characters has a fully realized matrix of conflicting desires, loyalties and ambitions that inform their choices and alignments. However, it is often difficult to sift through those murky motivations and draw a clear line between a character’s internal desires and their external actions.
This drama starts out with an incredible cold open that raises all sort so questions about who these characters are and immediately invests you in finding out how they ended up in this situation. It’s truly masterfully done, and I probably rewatched it upwards of 10 times through the run. It kept me asking those questions all the way until the pay off. But because the writers were so invested in keeping their cards close to the chest, clear characterization was sometimes lost in the shuffle.
That said, this drama really is one beautiful, tragic escalation after another. Just taking the first two episodes in isolation is quite a ride. I really thought after the first few weeks, or hell, the first half, that the drama would get bogged down in plotting and politics or have nowhere left to go, but to my great joy it really doesn’t let up a single moment until the finale.
Acting: Where to even begin with the acting in this drama? All three of the main male leads: Yang Se Jong, Woo Do Hwan and the inimitable Jang Hyuk are perfectly cast and give inspired performances. Everything from posture to voice to subtle microexpressions is so stunningly on point.
I came into the drama already a big fan of both Woo Do Hwan and Jang Hyuk as actors, having followed them through other projects, so it wasn’t surprising to me that I liked them both here as well. However, what did surprise me was the extent to which they were able to show off their range and talent. As a long time Jang Hyuk fangirl, I would confidently argue that this particular rendition of the Yi Bang Won character is him at his absolute best. I also went into My Country relatively indifferent to Yang Se Jong, or at least not overly familiar with or impressed by his previous work. I’m happy to announce that that is no longer the case, as his performance of Hwi is one of the most memorable of the year for me, and his sheer level of commitment to the role is awe inspiring. There’s a video of him talking behind the scenes about a moment early on where he actually yelled himself hoarse embodying a moment of panic and grief, which made me appreciate the level thought and effort he put into playing this character.
I don’t want to limit my praise to just that trio of actors either, because the entire cast is incredible. I didn’t know much about Seolhyun before this role, but I thought she was really strong as well, though her character doesn’t feature as heavily as one might like or expect from the promotional material around this drama. The villains too are captivating, especially the detestable Nam Jeon played by veteran actor Ahn Nae Sang. Wow, you are really going to love to despise this guy. I just cannot say enough about the performances from top to bottom, because we would be here all day. The acting is really what makes the drama, especially the stunning chemistry between the characters, and more specifically the chemistry Yang Se Jong has with all the other leads.
Production: There is some movie quality cinematography throughout this drama. It just looks very, very good both in the way it is shot and the attention to detail, the props, the costumes the sets. There is a beautiful long tracking shot following Hwi through a battle field in episode 3 or 4 that was just jaw dropping. It really felt like they were flexing, honestly, and it’s refreshing to see this kind of cable quality coming out of South Korea and ending up on American Netflix for people to watch and appreciate.
I love the music in this drama. Some of it can come across a bit camp, like the electric guitar and strings heavy instrumental “My Country” that accompanies many of the sword fight scenes, but I loved Bang Won’s wailing violin theme music every time it showed up, and the OST definitely sets a mood.
One of the more distracting choices the drama made was to allude to certain historical characters like Poeun, Sambong and Choi Young but never have them actually appear as characters, in the present or in flashbacks, opting to address certain important events and philosophies through fictional expys such as Nam Jeon and Seo Geon instead. They even resort to filming certain scenes in strange oblique ways so that we understand Sambong is in the room but we don’t see his face.
The only thing I can figure is the writers wanted to use the audience’s familiarity with these historical figures without chaining the story too closely to the actual flow of historical events. Or perhaps they decided to exclude these characters in order to avoid too much direct comparison to the critically well-received and highly rated drama, Six Flying Dragons, which covers much of the same time period.
Feels: For me My Country watches like a bitter-sweet tragi-romantic melodrama centering on a toxic love triangle with a historical backdrop. And when I say “love triangle”, I am 100% referring to the interplay between Seon Ho, Hwi and Bang Won (my sincere apologies to poor Hui Jae) because that’s how the entire drama is structured. My Country is one of the most purely homoerotic things I’ve ever watched. If it weren’t for a few limp attempts to imply Seon Ho’s romantic interest was in Hui Jae and not his former friend, I would say “unapologetically homoerotic” but alas, South Korea isn’t quite there yet.
The romance between Hui Jae and Hwi never quite caught fire for me, though lord knows they were trying. It always felt like a side dish to the main course that the drama really wanted to serve: namely the star-crossed relationship of Hwi and Seon Ho. (And this is not meant as a dig toward those who liked the Hui Jae/Hwi romance. This section of the review is just about my subjective experience.)
There were moments where I worried, or couldn’t quite tell where the drama was taking us with regard to Seon Ho and Hwi, or where I feared everything was going to end in senseless destruction and they couldn’t successfully bring the plot to closure in just 16 episodes. But for the handful of issues I had with the writing of the drama, its final resolution was poetically, heart-wrenchingly, perfect.
My Country just pushes so many of my narrative and aesthetic buttons and plays heavily to my id. This is a drama that I’m going to be thinking about for a long, long time. I will definitely be watching it again and I will try to get as many other people to watch it as possible. I liked it that much.
Would I recommend My Country: The New Age? Yes, oh god yes. Please watch it. Watch it and then come talk to me about it. Definitely one of the best of the year.
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juniperwindsong · 5 years
Necessary Monsters (3/16)
"Brought her in on my shift, they did. Thought she were dead! Pale as a corpse - like there weren't no blood left in her - but twitching, like. The way I used to see 'em back when...You-Know-Who's followers were torturing people left and right. You'd see 'em twitch like that when they'd had the Cruciatus Curse used on 'em too long."  
     It takes twelve and half minutes to walk the road leading from the Hogwarts grounds into Hogsmeade, then a matter of seconds to apparate outside the Leaky Cauldron in London.  Add four more minutes to enter the crowded pub, climb the stairs, and wind down the hall to the room at the very end, and Felix has had just enough time to work himself into a respectable frenzy.
    Felix has never been able to pinpoint the exact date he fell in love with Juniper Windsong, so he can't say definitively just how long he's been planning their reunion. But it's been the highlight of his thoughts for almost a year. The perfect evening, carefully orchestrated to show Juniper how he's come to feel about her and persuade her to feel the same. Gone to pieces. 
   He slams the door, the parade of ruined moments and wasted opportunities building enough furious momentum behind his arm to rattle the frame. Throwing his cloak over the room's mouldy winged armchair, Felix runs his fingers irritably through his hair. He should have been more direct, he berates himself, kicking petulantly at one of the chair's wobbly legs. It gives an indignant "Oi!" and scoots away from him, nearer the fire. He had hoped to let his actions explain his feelings for him, even thought he'd done a halfway decent job in spite of the evening's rocky start. But replaying their conversations in his head, Felix fears he wasn't obvious enough.
   Regret beats a heartless rhythm against the inside of his skull as he perches on the edge of the rickety bed. Juniper did want to see him over the summer, he consoles himself, that's something. And she had seemed genuinely excited at the prospect of visiting him. And there was that moment in the common room, their fingers intertwined, faces so close Felix could almost feel the nervous excitement radiating from her. He's positive Juniper had been waiting for him to lean in just a bit more, even imagines her eyes had flicked for a moment to his lips.
   Felix falls back against the lumpy mattress with a groan. All that means nothing if she gets herself killed next year. Felix had so hoped finding Jacob Windsong alive would finally put a stop to her amateur investigations. But he knows with a sinking certainty, in spite of her assurances that she wants to leave the Cursed Vaults behind, Juniper will never be able to escape their web while her brother is still caught in it.
   And even if she survives her last year of school unscathed, he thinks miserably, there's always her excessive number of male friends. Juniper may have little interest in them now, but Felix knows better than anyone how much a relationship can change in one term. 
   His brain bruised by the weight of all the things he cannot control, Felix pulls his wand out from underneath him and points it in the direction of his valise.
   "Accio," he mumbles.
   The bag sails halfheartedly across the room and stalls at the foot of the bed. Felix uses the tip of his shoe to edge it closer to him, his hand fumbling for the catch. He reaches in without looking and, as he does whenever he feels anxious, pulls out a sheaf of parchments wrapped in a leather tie, heavily frayed and dangerously thin in places. 
    He tugs at the crude binding carefully, toying, as he often does, with the romantic notion of finding a ribbon, preferably Juniper's, to replace the leather. But he's never known her to wear any kind of ribbon in her hair. And anyway, Felix thinks as he pulls out a particularly worn piece of parchment, he doubts a hair ribbon would wrap all the way around their collected years of correspondence. He settles back against the pillow and lets the words he knows by heart soothe its anxiously racing beat.  
   Since his graduation, Felix has received more letters from Juniper than he can count. This by itself isn't exceptional. He's received many letters, far more than he expected. Former classmates write occasionally with updates on their lives, Barnaby writes regularly for advice, and even his mother sends the sporadic note pleading with him to return home. But it's Juniper who writes with questions about him. Juniper, to whom Felix recounts his days, even the most boring and difficult bits. She has the uncanny ability to read past his affected formality, and  Felix soon discovers there's no one else with whom he can truly be himself.
   After months of rough tenting with bad food and very few actual dragons, it's Juniper Felix complains to, and Juniper who both sympathises and challenges him to stay his course. When he's forced to kill a dragon for the first time in defence of himself and his team, it's to Juniper Felix relays the entire gut-wrenching affair, complete with the horrid guilt he feels and the nightmares he cannot shake. And it's Juniper who comforts him with words like a balm, that he reads through each night to lull himself to sleep. Her letters become the best part of every month, and he begins counting the days until they arrive.
   It's after the end of his first and only relationship, nearly a year ago, that Felix begins picking Juniper's letters apart, studying them as intently as if he'll be tested on their contents. He re-reads everything she's ever written, parsing each word for hidden meaning, anything that might indicate she cares for him as more than a friend or confidante. Some days Felix is convinced he can read love plainly in her words, then the next day he's sure he imagined it. The uncertainty drives him to distraction, until admitting the depth of his feelings actually seems like the less painful option. But it has to be done face to face, Felix decides, that’s the proper way. And after the Quidditch match on which so much of her school reputation is staked seems like the best time; when she'll either be full of high spirits or in need of comfort.
   Felix sets the worn letter aside in agitation. It's no good. He's reached a level of anxiety he's only ever been able to soothe by writing to Juniper about it, which he can hardly do in this case.
   An idea appears in Felix’s head fully formed, and he sits up abruptly. Why not just tell her in a letter? Felix had convinced himself love was something that must be discussed in person, that the month spent waiting for a response to such an admission would be unbearable. But he's no longer at the mercy of inter-continental post. Her return letter might even reach him before he left England. And he's always been better able to express himself in writing. 
   Perhaps his prose can do what his actions couldn't and convince her to keep herself safe. For him.
   Reinvigorated by this new plan, Felix scrambles off the bed. He pulls parchment, quill, and ink from his bag, and seats himself at the spindly-legged stool in front of the room's token writing desk. A small window looms behind it, the darkness outside transforming the glass into a black mirror reflecting his face, every line quivering with purpose.
   Felix dips his quill in ink and pauses briefly at the top of the parchment. The ink drips slowly from the quill tip after one minute, and then another, and then several pass without him pressing the point to the page, as it dawns on him that he has not the first idea how to begin such a letter. Which seems impossible; he's composed snatches of letters like this in his head for a year, waiting for the perfect moment to pen them. But now it's time, words seem to have deserted Felix, just as they did in the common room and out on the grounds.
   Because it has to be perfect. That's key. Whatever he writes has to convince Juniper to put aside a quest that's become an obsession, persuade her his love is worth such a sacrifice. And Felix is positive it is. There isn't a person alive, including her brother, who cares for Juniper more than he does. Felix is certain of that.
   A small, confident smile flickers to life on his lips, and Felix begins to write. Haltingly at first. But he finds as he focuses on Juniper’s smiling face, the memory of her cheek pressed against his fingers, the words come easier, and it isn't long before he's pouring his heart onto the page. He confesses to the parchment everything he's felt for Juniper since he was seventeen, allowing emotion to choose his words instead of adherence to any literary form. Felix writes until his parchment is exhausted, then leans back from the desk.
   He holds the letter close to the yellow candle illuminating the desktop in uneven patches and reads what he's written with a critical eye; and then again, trying to see the words from her perspective. With a slight shake of his head, Felix sets the parchment back down and picks up the quill again, crossing out lines and adding words in, until any ordinary candle would have melted into its iron holder and sputtered out.
   By the time the sky outside the window lightens to a steely grey, Felix has finished a draft he likes. Perhaps it would be hubris to call it perfect, he thinks immodestly, but it's certainly close. He folds the parchment with extreme care, as though excess creases may cause her to simply throw the thing away without reading, then tucks it delicately into an envelope and seals it before he can reconsider.
   Flushed with excitement, Felix stands, stretching his cramped fingers. The thought of waiting to deliver the letter is intolerable, but, as he glances out the window at the predawn light, he knows the Post Office in Diagon Alley won't yet be open. The rational voice in his head suggests timidly that he ought to get some sleep, but there's too much adrenaline coursing through him and he's itchy for action. He'll wait in the pub, he decides, have a quick bite to eat and then set off as soon as the hour strikes.
   Felix tucks the letter carefully into the pocket of his rumpled robes, and walks with a bounce out of the room and down the cramped and winding stairs.
   Felix wasn't overly familiar with the Leaky Cauldron before two days ago. Necessity has forced him to rent a room there while in England. His father, astonishingly tolerant up till now of what he considers Felix's "rebellious dragon phase", has made it clear in his last correspondence that a transfer to the Romanian Reserve is the final straw, and until Felix is willing to return to his family obligations, he will no longer enjoy any Rosier family benefits. Namely money and a place to live. Since Felix has expected this since he first introduced his chosen profession to his parents, he's only moderately hurt.
   This is the second morning Felix has spent in the inn and pub, but he’s learned he enjoys its sleepy silence as the regulars engross themselves in their papers before ingesting enough food and news to begin chatting with their neighbors. It makes for a pleasant start to the day, and Felix pushes open the door looking forward to a quiet breakfast before he completes his life-changing post.
   Instead, a low thrum of excited muttering fills the room, emanating from the fireplace where nearly all the pub’s early-morning patrons, and even its proprietor, have congregated. Tom has not yet bothered to set down all the chairs from their night-time perches on the tables. He's standing just behind a witch in lime-green robes who seems to be the center of the whispering crowd.
   Felix seats himself on a stool at the bar, casting surreptitious glances over at the furtive group, trying to catch snippets of their conversation. But they insist on speaking in hushed tones, as if their subject is too dangerous to be discussed at a normal volume. Felix finally catches the eye of the barman, who breaks reluctantly away and trots over.
   "You'll be wanting breakfast, then, sir?" Tom asks, his voice friendly, though he continues to shoot longing looks behind him. "It was coffee you took, in't that right?"
   "Yes, thank you," replies Felix distractedly. "Is everything alright?" He looks pointedly at the fireplace and Tom's eyes light up with the thrill of the gossip.
   "Oh, I'm afraid not," says the barman with enthusiasm. "There was another attack up at Hogwarts school last night!"
   All Felix's animated energy freezes in an instant, leaving his limbs stiff and his hand quite unable to lift the cup Tom sets in front of him.
   "You mean... someone else was petrified? I thought that was all over."
   Tom shakes his head happily. "Not petrified no. Apparently, the student was brought to St Mungo’s. The school professors weren't sure what happened, but they’re trying to keep it awful quiet. Winn," he jerks his chin over at the witch in green robes. "Was on duty and just happened to see them bring her in."
   "'Her'?" Felix asks, his throat so dry it comes out a croak. There's hundreds of students at Hogwarts, he reassures his racing heart, there's no reason for it to be -
   "The Windsong girl. You know - the Cursebreaker? Her brother's that one expelled some years back, you might remember him - Master Rosier?"
   Felix vacates his stool and stumbles over to the fireplace where the witch in lime-green robes continues to murmur under her breath to her captive audience.
   "Excuse me," he somehow manages to say.
   The witches and wizards around the fire all look up at him.
   "Did you...did you say you saw a Hogwarts student brought into St Mungo’s last night?"
   The witch called Winn nods vigorously. "Not just any Hogwarts student! Jacob Windsong's sister! The one what's been opening all them cursed vaults up at the school the last few years!" Her voice is subdued but shaking with excitement. She shuffles her chair around to face Felix, clearly pleased for an excuse to retell her story.  
   "Brought her in on my shift, they did. Thought she were dead! Pale as a corpse - like there weren't no blood left in her - but twitching, like. The way I used to see 'em back when..." She clears her throat and her eyes dart about as if searching for hidden spies, before she continues even lower than before, "Back when You-Know-Who's followers were torturing people left and right. You'd see 'em twitch like that when they'd had the Cruciatus Curse used on 'em too long."
   One of the wizards by the fire shakes his head and says something about the mad goings-on of teenagers these days, but Felix isn’t listening. He’s already moving away, lurching between tables and knocking into chairs as if drunk. Ignoring the pub patrons' affronted looks and Tom still calling to him from the bar, he trips out the front door and apparates as soon as his feet hit the pavement.
   Felix hasn't been to St Mungo’s since he was a child, and his current visit does nothing to improve his ill-feeling about the place. The lobby is packed, which seems strange to him for so early in the morning. The seats are full of witches and wizards tapping their feet and sighing with poorly-hidden impatience. Healers in lime-green robes walk swiftly to and fro, all headed in different directions, and the queue for the help desk is a dozen people long. There's a sign above it informing those who can read which types of maladies belong to each floor of the hospital. But, Felix realises, since he doesn't know exactly what's happened to Juniper, he has no idea where she might be.
   Blood pumps thickly in his head, making the sounds in the lobby seem oddly muffled as though he's underwater. Felix walks briskly to the information desk and brings his hand down harder than intended on top of the counter. The smacking sound has no visible effect on the bored-looking help witch beyond a quick flick of her eyes away from the hiccoughing wizard in the queue and toward Felix.
   "I'm looking for Juniper Windsong," he says, his voice shaking with some emotion he doesn't have time to identify.
   "Excuse me, sir,” the help-witch drawls tonelessly. "But if you have a question you'll need to queue up like everyone else."
   She gives a barely perceptible jerk of her chin at the line of people now glaring at Felix. One woman's entire face is a vivid shade of pink, and a small child standing with his mother seems to have steam emitting from his nostrils. But none of them appear in any immediate danger to Felix, and he turns back to the help-witch belligerently.
   "This cannot wait. Juniper Windsong. She was brought in last night."
   The help-witch blinks dubiously at him, but something in Felix's voice or face seems to convince the girl her life will be easier the sooner she gets rid of him. She drags a clipboard across the desk toward her with two fingers and glances down at it.
   "I don't have anyone by that name here," she announces, her tone still bored but a slight curl at the edge of her mouth.
   "Yes, you do! You must!" he insists, now almost shouting. Because if she's not here, then that means....
   "Mr Rosier." 
   A cold, quiet, and all too familiar voice stops Felix's rising panic in its tracks. He whips around to find Professor Snape standing by the entrance to a stairwell. "What are you-"
   "Professor!" Felix interrupts, abandoning the help desk and hurrying over to Snape.
   "Is it true?" he asks, suddenly breathless. "Juniper. Is she-"
   Before Felix can finish, Snape grips his elbow tightly and drags him into the stairwell, slamming the door shut behind them. The Potions Master casts his dark eyes around as if making sure they’re alone before answering in a crisp whisper:
    "Kindly do not bandy Miss Windsong's name about in front of so many witnesses. It is important that her presence at this hospital be kept entirely secret. Which is why,” his eyes narrow at Felix, “I must ask how you came to know she was here."
   "I - she - " Felix tries to breathe normally, but the air catches against his ribs, constricting his chest. "A healer. In the Leaky Cauldron. She...she said she saw her - Juniper - last night. She said, she was attacked. But-"
   "How do you know the person speaking was a healer?"
   Thrown by the question, Felix casts his mind back for the details of the conversation that he realizes with a lurch was not fifteen minutes ago. It feels more like hours.
    "Tom! He said she was a healer. And she had the robes, the same color green that the healers wear."
   Snape closes his eyes briefly, nostrils flaring in forceful exhalation. Felix has seen this look on the Potion Master’s face before when dealing with exceptionally dim-witted students, but whether it’s himself or the healer in question with whom Snape is exasperated he doesn’t know, or care.
   "Professor, what's happened to Juniper? Is she alright? The healer said she was attacked, but she didn't say...I mean...she wasn't sure..." Every ending Felix can think of to this sentence causes his throat to convulse.
   Snape considers before answering, his words tinged with frost. “Miss Windsong is alive for the moment."
   A flood of warm relief washes over Felix almost tangibly.
   "But," Snape continues. "she has been very gravely..." He pauses, tongue between his teeth, as if choosing his next word carefully."...Wounded."
   "Why? What happened? Is it something to do with the Vaults? Is she going to be alright?" Felix asks every question that comes to his mind all in a rush.
   Snape says nothing. He scrutinizes Felix closely, and Felix gets that uncomfortable prickle he sometimes feels around his former head of house, as though the professor can see right through him. He averts his gaze, and stares instead at his ink-stained hands.
   Snape's voice, still frigid, but not quite as icy as before, breaks the silence.
   "Follow me, Mr Rosier."
   Snape turns on his heel and ascends the staircase without a backward glance. Felix hastens to follow.
   At the fourth floor landing, Snape throws open the door and proceeds into a corridor crowded with harried healers. Felix, who cuts a much less intimidating figure than the Potions Master, has to push through the lime-green crowd forcefully in order to keep up. Snape turns down a side hall, and then another, longer one, until they reach a deserted corridor with a dirty window marking a dead-end. Snape forgoes the doors on either side, stopping instead in front of the window, daylight just peeking through the streaky glass. He taps the pane on the lower right with his wand, and Felix can hear a very soft click, like a lock being turned. The window swings inward, and Snape and Felix step quickly inside.
   The room is small, only slightly larger than the Hogwarts Artefact Room, with no windows and no other doors. There's just enough space for a solid looking bed, a rather high bedside table covered in potion bottles on one side if it, and a chair pulled up to the other. Felix can see the outline of legs tucked under a white sheet lying on the bed, but the rest of the occupant is hidden by the bulky figure in the chair, who stands quickly and revolves to face the two intruders.
   The man raises his wand directly at Felix, who flinches, though for once it has less to do with the wand itself and more to do with the heavily scarred face of the person holding it.
   "Password," the man grunts. Snape does not bother to conceal his eye-roll.
   "Dragon Heart-String,” he pronounces with very slight disdain, and the strange looking person lowers his wand a fraction. 
   All Felix’s attention is caught up in the man's one electric blue eye that swivels eerily over both newcomers, then rolls right back into his head as if checking on the patient in the bed behind him. He's so distracted by this display, Felix doesn't notice the man's other eye inspecting him suspiciously.
   "Who is this?" the man asks in a gruff voice. "I thought you were bringing back one of the trainees."
     "It seems as though the healers cannot all be trusted,” Snape replies loftily. “One is already blabbing the attack in the pub."  
    The other man swears under his breath.
   "This is...a friend of Windsong's,” Snape continues.  
   Felix isn't sure, but he thinks there's a slight pause before Snape pronounces the word 'friend', and a careful note to his words. But he's too preoccupied to give this further thought. The shock of the room's strange guardian has worn off enough for Felix's attention to return to the bed. And as the man steps toward Snape, the head on the pillow becomes visible.
   If Felix hadn't known it was supposed to be Juniper, he might not have recognised her straight away. She looks like an entirely different person from the vibrant young woman laughing and flirting with him only hours ago. It's as though all the blood has been drained from beneath her skin, leaving her as pale and lifeless as the healer in the pub described. The only part of her with any colour is the uncountable number of angry red cuts decorating her face and the visible portion of her neck and arms. She's so eerily still Felix would be terrified Snape was mistaken about her condition, if it weren't for the slight twitching of  her fingers, curled strangely and lying on either side of her.
   Bile rises in Felix's throat and he has to swallow hard to keep from being violently ill. He’s known Juniper to be injured many times before; she’s famous for it. He’s seen her battered by Devil's Snare, half-frozen to death by cursed ice, knocked about by a dragon. But his memories of those admittedly deadly injuries all include her face set in grim determination or flushed with success. Felix has never seen her like this. Broken and beaten on a hospital bed.
   "What happened to her?" he asks, his voice hoarse.
   "Tortured," the man with the strange blue eye replies matter-of-factly. "Cruciatus curse by the tremors. And the cuts are one of R's signature curses.”
   "R?" asks Felix vaguely, fumbling for anything that will keep his mind from creating a mental picture of Juniper being tortured.
   The man explains irritably as though this should be common knowledge. "R is the organisation after the vaults. They're the ones have been threatening Miss Windsong the last few years."
   "But...how could they get to her while she's at school?" questions Felix, his voice rising. "Surely, there's spells and wards set up to protect the students?"
   "Of course," Snape responds coolly from behind Felix. "But it's been well-established that the defences surrounding school grounds can be penetrated. One has to be inside the school itself for the Headmaster's greater protections to be of any effect. And Miss Windsong was found outside on the grounds. Do you have any idea why she might have been out there, Mr. Rosier?"
  Felix's knees buckle abruptly. He grabs the back of the bedside chair to keep himself from falling to the floor. If his display of weakness elicits any reaction from the other men, Felix doesn't notice. His eyes are shut tight against the emotions threatening to overwhelm him. His voice cracks as he rasps:
   "It's my fault."
   "Excuse me?" The man with the swiveling blue eye whips around to face Felix again, normal eye narrowed. His wand is still pointed aggressively, and Felix half wishes the man would just curse him.
   "I - she - was with me," Felix tries to explain, nausea churning his stomach sickly. The chair is now the only thing keeping him upright.
   "You were with her on the grounds?" the man demands, his blue eye now fixed on Felix as well. "What happened? What did you see? Who else was there?"
   "There wasn't anyone. There was...it was...just us. "
   The weight of the guilt causes something in Felix to snap. He cranes his neck around searching for the eyes of his former head of house, desperate for assurance that this isn't his fault; that Juniper isn't half-dead because of him.
   "I told her not to, Professor, I swear! She wouldn't listen, I couldn't stop her! But...everything was normal. There wasn't anything strange or-or suspicious on the grounds. I didn't - I mean, I - I thought..."
   Snape wrenches his gaze away from Felix, as if his pleading is something painful to watch. But Felix is beyond embarrassment for the moment.
   "Mr. Rosier," Snape responds, still looking decidedly anywhere but at Felix. “I am all too familiar with Miss Windsong's particularly obdurate determination to do whatever she pleases. However, I think we both know you exerted little effort to dissuade her. And it cannot be denied that you are the reason Miss Windsong was out on the grounds alone last night."
   Each of Snape’s words cuts deeply into Felix, like a mirror of the wounds decorating Juniper’s arms. All his defensiveness bleeds slowly out of him, and he sags further against the chair. 
  "If," Snape continues, "you would like to make amends for your foolishness, then perhaps you would be willing to help us now."
   "I - Yes! Of course, anything, what-"
   "At the moment, Miss Windsong appears to be under an enchantment of some kind. Discovering what exactly happened to her and who attacked her may enable us to wake her. We need to investigate, but we also need to keep a guard over her. It is not unlikely that whoever did this may return when they realize their work is unfinished."
   "I'll stay," Felix answers, a semblance of strength returning to his voice. The idea that he'll be allowed to help is entirely unexpected, but a set task goes a long way to reasserting his focus.
   The strange-eyed man looks from Felix to Snape, his face, a map of scars and craters, alight with skepticism.
   "You sure he's up to it?"
   Snape stares hard at Felix until that uncomfortable prickling begins to resurface, but Felix is determined to keep his gaze, to prove he can be trusted. 
   "I believe so," Snape answers. The other man gives Snape a disparaging look before lowering his wand to his side.
   "Fine. If anything happens to her, it'll be on your heads then." He crosses the small room in two long strides and looks back at Felix as he reaches the door.
   "You. No one is to enter this room without the password. The healers assigned to her know it, and they're the only ones I trust. Anyone else tries to get in, stun them and call for backup. Do you understand?"
   Felix nods in affirmation, not trusting himself to speak.
   "Do not take this lightly, boy. Miss Windsong's life may depend on your vigilance."
   Felix straightens with as much fortitude as he can muster. He directs his words to the man in front of him, but they’re really a promise to himself.
    "I won’t let anything happen to her."
Read Chapter 4 | View all stories on the Masterpost
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
The Dawn and Twilight with a Vampire AND Assassin MC
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I’m going to clear up somethings that had plagued me while writing this because it really made them both hard to do unless addressed.
The only people technically worthy of being assassinated would be Toichiro and Koga, the only nobles/super-rich men in the faction. 
The rest are otherwise just leading a supremely normal job/jobless existence 
(Squints at Kuya, Yura and Oji). 
Even if we could say that they could be targeted for their Ayakashi nature, it wouldn’t make sense for it to be super sneaky when the whole government is against their very beings but doesn’t want to alert the citizens. 
Too many of them disappearing all at once would just set the whole Capital in a state of unrest. 
I’m going to stick to Asian vampires but admittedly, some Western traces are going to be found. 
Out of all of them, Oji is going to be the most OCC I believe.
I’m going to be honest and say that I have been getting kind of tired of doing these headcanons especially after receiving a few... messages that were a bit insulting. So that’s why I closed the ask box. That said, Nonnie who sent this request, if this is unsatisfactory, do feel free to PM me. I’m really sorry if I sound irritable, I’m just really upset at some of the things in my inbox. 
Honestly, this could be the start of something new.
A relationship fraught with sexual tension. 
Yes, even for this blushing Dragon.
No, seriously, imagine this. 
During the events of Book 1, and amidst all the chaos of being an Onmyoji…
On top of your other supernatural powers AND… unique job, you find yourself in the alleys, securing a target of yours. 
His scrutinizing gaze settled on your lips, which were pulled up with a teasing smirk.
Finally, a challenge.
He stood like stone, barely eroding even when you had started to show off your floating powers. You had to give it to him, he really was a warrior defending the Capital. 
And apparently, your best opponent. You may have easily snatched away his daggers, but he had easily grabbed your wrist and targeted the vein that should have been pumping with blood if you were alive. 
So why did you suddenly crumple to the ground?
The number of smokescreens between you two was seriously enough to choke everyone in the room. 
You did try to make sure though it did not affect any of the factions, and surprisingly, it had worked.
Seemed that there was an unspoken agreement that you were both looking out for the Capital, except his was more of a freestyle form while yours was conscripted. 
He could respect that. 
What was really hard was completely forgetting your beliefs and loyalties.
Suddenly gravitates towards the Mythology section of his bookshop.
And then... you talk. 
It’s a long talk. It may or may not have been about life, someone’s life you had to take, and everything about order. 
You guys end up working together to bring down a lot of opponents or threats and wow, what a tag team you both are.
Finally, a gun-wielding AND sharp-tongued senpai!
… I’m joking, please don’t teach him any more violent/sassy stuff. 
And yes, technically, you’re not sharp-tongued, that’s more of your fangs just gleaming.
You, despite having been in this service and becoming a literal creature of the night, had made the most rookie mistake ever. 
Leaving. Your. Papers.
With all of your bloody targets.
Pun intended because the few red splotches scattered across the parchment certainly wasn’t just a teacher’s pen.
The thing is, Aoi at first hadn’t bothered looking at the content when he had first spotted them. 
He was only focused on just returning your ‘homework’ for Finishing School.
Even though he usually refused to look into anyone, his Seer powers couldn’t exactly tune out the presence of a heart. 
Except, apparently, you did not have one. 
Honestly, you were surprised he never called you out for it. He could have easily unravelled the whole situation.
"Trust me, I know you don’t have one. But you still feel. How can I hate someone who’s always considering her actions every time?”
Now, how to respond to a man so understanding as him?
Why by showing that you were JUST as tsundere as him.
Koga Kitamikado
He feels that he has no right to judge you for killing because at least you have determined if your intended victim was worth spilling blood over. 
He didn’t with Masanobu’s brother.
Honestly, you were always just the slightest bit worried that one day he would pay you to kill him should he ever submit to carnage. 
You and Kuya both want to shake this man so hard.
But for now, you stay. 
Sometimes, you even make sure the area is vacated if it looks like the illness is acting up again. 
For that, he is grateful and makes sure that you are properly covered as well. 
And I don’t mean just hiding your tracks from the public eye. 
This man will get you equipped to deal with ANYTHING.
Heck, even if you had turned human all of a sudden, you could fight an army in the sun thanks to the umbrellas, sunscreens and whatnot. 
It helps that thanks to your line of work, you HAVE to go to parties so while he finally has a companion to secretly diss the questionable crowd, you can gather intel on your next target and see if they were worth it, with inside info from him as well.
You both spend as much time together as you can, even if it’s just sitting in his office doing different things.
Ironically, he never says what you are aloud through it all.
Because the only thing that mattered was who was living at that moment.
The boy is smart. He can tell something… 
That you were a bit too familiar with flying. 
At first, he had chalked it up to you being nervous about heights but with how you waved your wand around and almost seemed to be stabbing enemies mid-air, he knew something was… up. 
And he just confronts you the most easily out of everyone here. 
“So, are you a vampire who kills for literally and figuratively a living?”
A bit too morbidly fascinated with it. He’s already obsessed with wraiths, he needs to know how someone like you could battle it all. 
And now he knew.
Don’t expect him to read up. He WILL ask questions that are borderline uncomfortable and really make you question the nature of what you were doing and if there were really no alternatives. 
Always touching your dagger when you’re not looking and then looks like a startled crow when you catch him… before just outrightly asking to touch your fangs. 
Sweet goodness, Kuya, why?
Essentially, imagine him with Koga. 
Because he feels that you torturing yourself to kill just to survive was really not worth it. 
How he finds out is even more stupid than Aoi. 
You had smiled. 
Like, really smiled because how can you not smile at this pure jelly bean… 
Oh shoot, your fangs had been fully retracted. 
Again, one of those who feels that he is in no position to question your actions.
You even take pity on him by quickly removing all of the animals that he is forced to kill. 
Somehow, not seeing their carcasses alleviates his pain. 
What really made him relieved was that they also acted as a sort of substitute to 
At one point, you had wondered if there was any cure to you being a vampire.
Unfortunately, like with Koga, the most he can produce is a sort of potion to reduce your bloodlust. 
It does help you lower your hit list, thank god.
Maybe one day, the two of you will actually have time to clean those bloodstained hands.
Are you here to harm his brother? 
What, you found his scent to be too saccharine? 
How Bloody Dare You. 
You better get diabetes. 
Gaku, not the point.
He found out thanks to Yura confessing. 
Sure, it had taken sheer effort to finally corner the both of you, especially since Yura knew more hiding spots in the forest than Gaku. 
When he did though, the first thing he did was to raise his drums for an attack.
Not surprisingly, he was more concerned with how you would be either against Yura rather than himself. 
Surprisingly though, he is the one giving you weapons much later. 
And I mean much, much later. Yura needed time to work his brotherly magic, after all.
He would rather you not even be doing this at all, it reminded him too much of the path Yura was forced to take. 
Only somehow worse because yours was directly related to your newfound nature. 
Still, if it helped you, he would make sure the kill is at least clean-cut and efficient.
Toichiro Yuri
Good, more resources for the Kitsune clan. 
Seriously, you don’t think there’s a bit of dirty work involved in ruling a bunch of Ayakashi, no?
He already knew of your kind thanks to not just his Western connections, but also because most vampires were related to ancient nobles. 
You had to be bloody pathetic to have not accumulated SOME form of wealth after 100 years.
Especially since your diet was literally JUST blood.
It would be no stretch to assume that Toichiro made use of his silver tongue to inveigle his questionable business partners.
That you were about to become a part of. 
And somehow even more well-hidden than the rest.
Will bug you at night on purpose just because he knows you will be up.
Truly though, he does value your opinion, especially if whoever he needs info on is a potential victim.
Well, you could have at least told him of your dietary preferences before he had brewed up that pot of milk tea. 
And why you always seemed to struggle with meeting him on the midnight patrols. His schedule was literally thrown up thanks to YOUR secret one.
He somehow isn’t so thrown off at the fact you’re a vampire. It’s what you’re doing that gets him on guard. 
You’re going to have to work to prove that you are NOT a threat to Toichiro. 
So... good luck. 
You may even have to literally swallow your pride... in the form of milk tea. 
Low-key salty he is one of the few who didn’t figure it out and had to be told by Toichiro. 
And yet, you still did. You even tolerated his master’s jokes with an almost inhuman level of patience.
Oh, wait...
Sometimes wonder if freezing blood would help you keep it so that you won’t have to constantly hunt. 
Although you better do whatever Toichiro does ask you to do still.
Just that... he may or may not be slightly concerned with the other non-human in the manor.
Honestly, he is disappointed. 
It’s not about you being a vampire.
He’s probably thought his species was the worst and shameful enough not to reveal at all. 
No, it was the fact you had to murder people. 
Yes, he was glad that you had some sort of say in deciding who to kill.
The thing is, he already has one loose ex-Shinsengumi member risking everything for a few servings of justice.
He was hoping not to have a chance to lose you too.
Did try to accompany you the first few times but you were a bit too fond of the dark. 
For obvious reasons. 
Begins to stock up on random medicine he uses for physical training as an acrobat before wondering if they would even work on a vampiric body.
Still better than you not going to a hospital just because you would be tempted by the blood donors.
Hugs you tight before every mission that he knows he can’t take part in.
Someone’s gotta look after Nachi.
For the first time, you will hear what Aoi calls ‘The Dead Voice’. 
For the longest time, you thought it was just one of his ways of covering up his affectionate slip up of calling Oji a ‘Dad’.
Now, you know. You heard right.
Strangely, he is the most aggressive. But remember, he has to consider someone. 
While Aoi may technically accept you, Oji has seen him completely vulnerable after losing all faith in humanity. 
He can’t imagine the state his ward would be in if you were to ever take it too far. 
Not only that, the resurgence of Asian Vampires started around his era so he had to grow up with the worst lot. 
Not the best memory to look back on. And he knows you can’t represent a whole species. 
Doesn’t stop him from having one or three eyes peeled open.
It takes some convincing from Koga to finally Aoi himself to reassure him that you wouldn’t do anything to harm the rest. 
And finally, you get back the adorkable manager(?) who is a bit too busy coming up with vampire puns, always offering a ‘bite’ for you.
After parting with your beloved, you flew. 
“Good job, my doll. I’m proud that you told him.”
With that, you smiled at the one who had turned your blood to one that lusted after another’s. Your daggers met not as an attack, but a sworn oath.
“Yes, Professor.”
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Hogwarts Mystery: Aleksia Aries Profile
Thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory​ for the template <3 
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Name: Aleksia Liusaidh Aries
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birth Date: December 10th, 1972
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Straight Demi-Sexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Euro
Residence: Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality ENFJ - The Protagonist 
The Mage
1st Wand:
Vine Wood
Phoenix Core
12 3/4
Pliant Flexibility
2nd Wand:
Ebony Wood
Phoenix core
Animagus: Golden Retriever 
Misc Magical Abilities:
Frost Affinity - only females of Aries family
Boggart Form: Her abusive father
Riddikulus Form: Her father turns into a monkey with a dress on
What she smells: Fresh laundry and a hint of sandalwood 
What she smells to others: Cherry blossoms, chocolate, rain
Patronus: Husky
Those with the Husky Patronus are often very in touch with their environment and fantastic team players.
Conjurer's of the husky are hardy in heart and mind. They cope well with hardship, often able to endure struggles others could not.
Despite this hardiness, those who conjure the Husky are gentle with others. Careful and kind in interactions. Those with the husky cooperate well with peers and work very well in a team. Those with this patronus are intelligent and spiritual.
Patronus Memory: Playing with Jacob and riding on her griffin, feeling the wind in her hair
Mirror of Erised: Her with her brother and friends, everyone happy and safe.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Meteolo jinx
Melogers Jinx
Faceclaims: Lilly James
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Game Appearance:
Height: 5.3′ 
Weight: 145 lbs
Physique: curvy, very muscular (very athletic) 
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black, long and wavy
Skin Tone: Not completely pale. Can tan
Body Modifications:Earrings
Scarring: She has alot of scars on her back from her family abusing her, especially her cousin and father. 
Inventory: she always carries her wand, notebook, pencils, candy
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: (she would be a Thunderbird)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Ministry of Magic
Aries Family
(eventually Headgirl)
Magizoologist/ Writer/ Animal Rescue
Order of the Phoenix
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiency:
Astronomy: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★☆
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Flying: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Herbology: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Care of Magical Creatures
Study of Ancient Runes
Quidditch: Chaser
Extra Curricular:
Frog choir 
Duelling Club
Favourite Professors:
Minerva McGonagall: Aleksia finds her to be a motherly figure which she confides in. Minerva helps Aleksia deal with the emotions that she tries to hide and the depression she deals with.
Filius Flitwick: She respects him as a dueler. She loves learning as much as she can from him. 
Least Favourite Professors:
Rakepick: She didn’t trust her right from the beginning. She recognized the manipulation tactics she used to get her way as something her family constantly used. When she found out the truth she wasn’t surprised, but that didn’t make her any less angry.
Snape: He’s rude and mean. Why would she like him? She doesn’t hate him, but he certainly isn’t her favourite, nor she his. They are both stubborn.
Brother: Jacob Aidan Aries
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January 14th
Spoiled by parents, was the favourite sibling
Jacob got everything he wanted because he followed everything his father wanted, also because he was male.
Jacob would do most of what his father wanted so that he could get what he wanted. He is cunning and therefore would take advantage of his fathers resources. 
Hated his father for everything he was, but never showed it. Unlike Aleksia, he knew how to hide his hatred and play it smart.
He vowed one day he would be strong enough to get both Aleksia and him out.
When he went to Hogwarts, he befriended Duncan and Olivia Greene. He became obsessed with the Vaults.
When Duncan was eventually killed, he nearly lost it. He couldn’t believe one of his best friends died because of him.
Rakepick used his need for power and want to be strong enough to help his sister to manipulate him into continuing with the Vaults until his disappearance.
Got scars on his face from his encounter with the dragon
Father: William Lee Aries
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brown hazel eyes
One brother and 2 half sisters
Met Aleksia’s mother, Leanna in a bar in Scotland while on a business trip.
Parents approved because of her Pureblood status and beauty, as well as the fact she was Slytherin 
Married Leanna after she became pregnant with Jacob.
Demeanor changed after that. He became controlling and abusive
Very close with his family and often has them over.
They, like him are very judgemental and not good people. Very manipulative
They believe that blood must remain pure, and all the others were to be avoided. 
Aries family females can develop an ice affinity, and if strong enough can conjure an ice guardian. Aleksia is the first female since her great grandmother who was able to produce a guardian. 
He blamed Leanna when Jacob went missing, which lead to separation.
He eventually found a new wife, Emily, who was the perfect wife for him.
They had a son.
Mother: Leanna Mckinley Aries:
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Brownish-red hair, brown eyes
Grew up in Scotland with 10 other siblings
When she became pregnant with Jacob, her and WIlliam married and moved to England.
Began to be abused both physically and emotionally when she did not listen. To avoid this she complied with most of what he wanted.
Leanna wasn’t allowed to see her family, being manipulated into thinking that she was unwanted 
When she became pregnant with Aleksia, she wasn’t happy, knowing she would have to subject another child to the grasp of William.
She saw how Jacob was treated better than Aleksia, but thought she couldn’t do anything about it and would make it worse. She tried to teach Aleksia to just do what her father wanted and things would be alright. Aleksia was too head-strong for that.
Eventually left with Aleksia to Scotland after Jacob went missing.
She became very strict when it came to everything and they have a strained relationship still. Aleksia is still learning to trust her.
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Blondish hair, blue eyes
England with parents
Physically and emotionally abusive to Aleksia
Very manipulative
He is very talented in the dark arts
He becomes a death eater when the death eaters escape from Askaban 
Love Interest: Barnaby Lee
Best Friends:
Barnaby Lee
Rowan Khanna
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Madame Rakepick
Death Eaters
Aries Family
Henry - Cousin
Rowan Khanna
Pets:(Domesticated pets)
Astra - White fluffy cat
Pepper - Snowy Owl
Merrill - Rat
Jaxx - Crup
Fenris - Kitten Kneazle
Darcy - Kneazle
Bubbles - Frog
Poof - Puffskein
Closest Canon Friends:
Barnaby Lee
Bill Weasley
Rowan Khanna
Penny Haywood
Jae Kim
Closest MC Friends:
Alex Johnson @cervo-live-in-arts
Aisling Baskerville @elefseija
David Denneth @callmederok
Sonia Zur @onboroo
Laurent King @slytherin-puffskein
Ethren Whitecross @hogwartsmysterystory
Eleanor Dacres @swansangel
Emilia Martin @emiliawyd
Aisling Casey @badeeaswife
Aleksia was born in England on December 10th, 1972 to parents William and Leanna. She grew up with her father, mother and brother Jacob, however, her fathers family was a big part of her life. From the time she was little she was seen as weak, not just because she was the youngest, but because she wasn’t like the rest of her family. Her entire family consists of Slytherins, with the exception of a couple of Ravenclaws. She is the only Gryffindor in the family, to which the whole family was shamed by. Her cousin Henry in particular hated Aleksia, and would often beat on her, which was allowed by the adults and seen as him playing and venting out his frustrations. Jacob was the only one who was on her side, but not all the time. She was often punished by her father and put outside, not being let in until morning. That is when she met Revena Sevier and Merric Nyx, who also were kids living on the streets. They all became very close, and would take care of each other. Revena and Merric were eventually adopted by a music shop owner, who would let Aleksia stay with them when she was put outside. 
Aleksia and her mother eventually moved after Jacob’s disappearance, and moved to Scotland. William still had a hold of them financially, and still had a hold of them, but less. Aleksia’s mother became very controlling and protective after this, which made them butt heads alot. Aleksia didn’t completely trust her mother, since she often went with her fathers will and didn’t fight back. Even years after she was learning to trust her. Aleksia’s father would sometimes try to visit Hogwarts to leave notes and things for her to manipulate her or would try to see her. 
When she went to Hogwarts and looking into the Vaults, she found that it gave her purpose. She found alot of great friends, and learned to truly trust people. She and Merula definitely had a problem with each other right away. Merula reminded Aleksia of her cousin Henry, and immediately had her guard up. They eventually get a mutual civility by sixth year. Not friendship, but civil relationship.
Henry went to Hogwarts for the first couple of years before being transferred to Durmstrang to learn more. During the years he was there, whenever they saw each other, he would try to jinx her and hurt her. She eventually had enough and attacked him, leaving him to go into the hospital wing. 
It was after the ice vaults, that she started to develop her ice affinity, and began exploring her family background. From then on she often could be found studying ice glyphs and conjuring. By the time she was 18 years old, she was able to conjure an ice guardian for a short while, and by the time the war came, she was even stronger.She could conjure it and make return it whenever she wanted. 
One time during her sixth year, she was forced to go to visit her father, and there he tried to tell her that she was going to have to get married right after Hogwarts. He had set up an arranged marriage. He blackmailed her, saying that he would make her life hell and that she needed to continue the family purity. When she returned to Hogwarts she isolated herself for days until she finally emerged from her room depressed and hopeless. Her friends came to her rescue and cheered her up. 
Extroverted: Aleksia is very personable and enjoys being around people. She is able to charm most people with her upbeat personality. Of course this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like her alone time. She loves it. However, if she is isolated for too long she gets depressed. 
Stubborn and Hot Headed: Oh boy this girl is STUBBORN. She will not back down for most things. If she wants to make a point, she will stick with it and find evidence that it is true just to show she is correct. However, if someone shows her real evidence to the contrary, she will back down. She has gotten into fights before, but not for no reason. If someone messes with her or her friends she will get in their face. She has head butted Merula before for bullying Ben. 
Reckless: She can be quite reckless and put herself into harm's way without thinking. She often pushes herself past her limits and is often needed to be reminded that she needs to take care of herself. Despite her being reckless, she is not reckless when it comes to others, only herself. 
Hard working: She is an exemplary student and very intelligent. She excels in most classes and always seeking to learn new things. If she wasn’t in Gryffindor she most likely would’ve been placed in Ravenclaw.
Caring: She cares too much at times. She is so selfless that she always is looking after others and making sure they are looking after themselves. She will always help others in need no matter what. She even helped Ismelda with her crush despite the fact that Ismelda has been shitty to her, and despite the fact that Aleksia was in love with Barnaby.
This life is mine is her theme song
Has a will headbutt anyone who is an idiot to her or her friends.
She has headbutt Merula once for calling Ben a MudBlood.
Is smol but strong as hell
Sweets may or may not be her addiction. Especially chocolate.
Just wants all the hugs. GIVE HER HUGS PLEASE.
Total nerd. Sci-Fi, books...ya nerd XD
If you get close to her, she will consider you her child and she will protec
She can be reckless
Has a strong kick
Used to have a toy wolf, but her cousin and father ripped it apart. 
For Aleksia’s 15th birthday, Barnaby purchases a plush wolf for her, which she absolutely treasures and cuddles with.
Aries family females have the ability to produce ice glyphs and if powerful enough ,can summon an ice guardian. Aleksia is the second one in the family that can conjure a guardian.
Barnaby and Aleksia wait until they are 24 to get married. Their wedding is sweet with close friends.
When death eaters were freed, Barnaby and Aleksia moved around quite a bit, knowing that Barnaby’s parents would look for him.
Aleksia’s cousin, Henry, joined the death eaters soon after. 
Aleksia and Barnaby were separated after a death eater attack. Aleksia was found by Henry and he used the Cruciatus curse on her. He left her for dead bloodied and broken. She was found by Penny and Rowan, who Barnaby had contacted after the attack.
They end up having 3 children with Barnaby, Kieran and Kaia and youngest Faye.
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Dark Wizard AU (Part 2)
Here’s the last part as god I enjoyed doing this way too much BUT now the real fun can begin; so expect some DW au stories to be coming out overtime. 
Mel Glover:
Being persuaded by Leslie was easy as he said joining him would be in the name of ‘protecting the magic of nature’
Wanting to protect the natural state of nature and it’s life source he helped Leslie with whatever he needed
Honestly the most harmless of the dark wizards as the less people unable to use magic the better 
Zeus Brundle:
This boy is a tyrant, as he will unleash his dragons upon the world
Another one of the more dangerous dark wizards to encounter 
His only goal to to pretty much just cause chaos and to put anyone in their place if they question his power just in the slightest bit
Hiro Tachibana:
As much of a pain Zeus is, Hiro would faithfully follow the idiot
In the case of BBW still have control to possess Hiro there is going to be A LOT of bloodshed (even if BBW wasn’t possessing him, Hiro would still kill anyone or sent to another dimension in order to protect Zeus) Though there were a few times BBW tried to kill Zeus for his power
There are just some things that never change in which for a dark wizard, he’s still VERY lazy if not more
Alfonse Goldstein:
He has no grudge of being disowned from the Goldstein name as it only gave him free range of all the things he could do as he’d also dye his hair some fun color or silver/gray
Of course he’s still a doctor, but there are few that know him in the dark market and of the dark wizard community as a seller of organs and magical drug dealer
He has no interest in working with Klaus as clearly if the two ended up in the same room usually it ended with the two fighting
While on the other hand whenever Alfonse encounters Elias and his group of dark wizards/wizardess, he’s more than happy to lend a helping hand whenever needed
Caesar Raphael:
This boy is no stranger to being a thief as he was happy to be back to his old ways to which he’s been trying to get his hands of the star sapphire to break the stupid curse 
But of course he’d be partnered with his old friend Zett as he’d assist in selling illegal magical tools
He’s another one that’s tricky for the Ministry to catch 
Caesar is such a ladies man *cough*Also to quite a few men as well *cough*  (Me: I need to say it. My Brain: No you don’t. Me: He a thot.)
Lucious Duller:
At long last he was free from his imprisonment to which he can finally do what he long dreamed of doing: taking his revenge 
Of course meant killing Caesar as even if it didn’t go successfully the first time, Lucious isn’t going to stop until the last member of the day kingdom was long dead
Would most likely end up going around with Zeus and Hiro (much to his displeasure) since aside from the others that he knew, he felt he’d be better off with them as maybe it’d help with offing the cursed boy
Hugo Peers: 
He’s already kind of like a dark wizard to an extent 
He would of killed the goddess or successfully sacrificed her to become the human pillar to keep Felix in his slumber
He would of disposed of a lot of the prefects or anyone who got in his way of saving his future 
If he hadn’t killed/sacrificed the goddess, he would have definitely killed Rembrandt to ensure the sleeping dragonkin wouldn’t wake up
As beyond that; anything that threatens HIS future in the slightest of ways he’s going to cut down the person/group 
Hisoka Hagakure:
Has a burning hatred for humans in which his greatest goal is to rid of them
Is a part of an organization full beastmen that want to take over the world
He’s a very good merchant as he sells goods in which the ones he sells to humans are actually faulty with things that could kill them
Willem Rembrandt:
His primary goal is to awaken Felix and Lycan as he wants to take back what they lost
It’s been far too long as he’s seen what the world turned into as he tried doing it the sly way as it would be time to turn to the violent way
He’d most likely join forces with the group Hawkeye to ensure his plans aren’t foiled anymore
When he successfully awakens Felix it’s only going to get a lot more destructive
Nox Noir:
He’s already the phantom thief in which he’s not going to stop till he’s accomplished his goal
If he’s getting cornered or confronted by authorities he’s going to fight until he can find an opening to get away
If Rex confronts him one day in private about being the phantom thief, Nox is going to beat the crap out of Rex and lock him away just so his secret is safe. Though if he needed he’d unfortunately have to kill his old classmate
Most wanted for the longest time by the Ministry
Rex Blanc:
Some point down the line his definition of what justice is got twisted in which drove him a little bit on the obsessive side to the extent of having to take leave of the Ministry
Which only left him to continue his work on his own that he didn’t have to answer to anyone as he started to believe that the true injustice was the Ministry
He pretty much becomes his own hit-man as he’ll kill both criminals and members of the Ministry of Wizardry
He doesn’t work with others often though he may seek some things from a few individuals such as Alfonse or Lizzy 
After getting his memories back he should of been happy to remember; however, then the thought that he was nothing more than just some keeper only good for that one thing crossed his mind
Those kinds of thoughts got darker as it infuriated him to which he thought one of the best ways to release that rage was to destroy bottles that contained contents of the far past memories
But then he stopped when realizing that these could serve a purpose of a greater use
He became an informant dealer to the dark wizard community as they’d go to him to which he’d smuggle the bottles out from the academy to sell to clients
Being the one sent by his clan to seal the Nidhogg away once again, he actually had other plans of his own
Helps the beast break free in which help him break away from his clan
He has a small grudge against humans which he’d kill some 
Would partner up with his friend Hisoka in his efforts 
Lizzy Luna:
Being the adventurous girl she was some of the power she acquired along the way may of gone to her head *cough*Though some think it was the glitter gone to her head*cough*
Her actions had most likely lead to her either leaving the academy or her getting kicked out due to being a ‘hazard to everyone’ according to Headmaster Schuyler’s words
Honestly she has no higher goal but to just cause mayhem in which if anyone attempts to catch/arrest her they’re going to be in for an awful time because if she ain’t gonna hit them with her glitter bombs, she’s going to summon one of her reanimated beasts to do the job
She’s popularly known among the dark wizard community as she pretty much assists whatever organization/group of dark wizards that come to her for help
One of the most wanted by the Ministry of Wizardry along with one of the most dangerous with the new title Empress of Reanimation
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aweebwrites · 5 years
When You Leave...
Polyninja soulmate AU
They say to have a soulmate was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you have someone destined to love you forever. A curse because life is a fragile thing. This is the tale of how four of Ninjago's protectors discovered that.
As a child, Cole grew up unable to see the colours red and blue. A triad bond the people in his village would whisper when they thought he couldn't hear. Lucky, they would call him. He did think he was lucky. Very lucky. It was the knowledge that someday he'd meet two persons who would love him no matter what that had kept him going through his mother's death and the rift it tore between him and his father. That knowledge gave him purpose.
Jay couldn't see the colour red whatsoever and the moment he and his parents found that out, they were ecstatic. He had a soulmate! Him, the junkyard kid, the wannabe inventor, the motormouth. It gave him hope. Someone would love someone like him…
Zane had only noticed he couldn't see red and blue just a few times but he wasn't ignorant to what it meant. He had soulmates out there. Lifelong partners. He had only returned to meditating. They will cross paths when the time was right. Then maybe… He could have a true home with them.
Kai had always known he had a soulmate. Hearing it as often as he had growing up, how could he forget? No blue skies for him either. But he couldn't do anything about trying to find them. He had to take care of Nya and the shop since their parents up and vanished. All he could do was hope destiny brings them together.
And destiny did, through Sensei Wu. He had first taken Cole under his wing. While he was reluctant, with what being unable to go out into the world just in case his soulmates happened to pass by and all, but reasoned that it was best to stay in one place. He would be easier to find.
Zane was second and went with him without a fight. He was curious. What he didn't expect was to meet another soulmate he didn't knew he had. He walked through the monastery gates and was struck by just how black the hair of the male on the training course was. Was black always so… Bright?
Sensei Wu had called Cole's attention and Cole glanced up, his eyes falling on the newcomer- before squinting, the white of his clothes all but too much. Had white always been that eye popping?
“Could you stand out of the sun maybe? Your clothes are… Too bright.” Cole says, rubbing his eye as Wu rose a brow.
“Your hair is extremely dark. My eyes are having some difficulty adjusting.” Zane also commented, squinting a little.
Wu had stood there patiently, waiting for them to realise. Both of their eyes widened.
“Are you-!” They both said at the same time, shock washing over them.
Three soulmates?! Zane had never heard of something like this before. How will so many of them cope?
“You are both pardoned for today.” Wu says, walking towards the building. “The test continues tomorrow.” He added, turning to face them before the paper doors slid shut before him.
Both chosen pupils had watched him before looking at each other.
“Hi. I'm, uh. I'm Cole.” He introduced himself unsurely.
“I'm Zane. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Zane says with a kind smile and- wow he was even prettier when he smiled.
Cole blushed at his train of thought, glancing away. Zane couldn't help but notice how much softer he looked with the pink hue in his cheeks.
“Are the colours blue and red missing from your vision as well?” Zane asked him and Cole blinked and nodded.
“Yeah. Didn't know white was until now to be honest.” Cole says, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“I didn't know black was missing either. But I'm glad I found you.” Zane says with a soft smile and how could Cole not blush at that.
He smiled however. Sweet talker.
A few short days into their partnered training and they worked surprisingly- or unsurprisingly- well together. They still couldn't beat Wu's incredibly quick drinking time but they were getting close. Then a new person was lead into their world and the skies shone.
“Huh. Your clothes and hair are a little bright.” Jay had said, rubbing his eye as both males looked up at the sky, alarmed.
“Woah… It's… Beautiful…” Cole whispered, eyes wide.
Before, the sky was a big blur of gray with eye popping white cloud but now? Now it was… It was… Breathtaking.
“Is this… Blue?” Zane whispered and Jay looked at them confused before gasping loudly.
They were his soulmates?! He didn't know he would have three! He had to admit to himself that he had hoped for his soulmate to be female but he would take whatever he could get. Besides, he still hasn't seen red yet.
Just like before, Wu had allowed them the day connect, to learn as much as they could from each other. While they weren't girls, Jay found them both incredibly attractive which sent him in a gay panic. He resurfaced minutes later after seeing them interact like they did with each other and himself. What does it matter if it made him gay or not? They're his soulmates and they were already so kind and helpful and thoughtful that he could see himself falling for them all too easily. Together, they trained together, pointing out flaws and areas of improvement. Within no time, they finally manage to best Wu and his quick drinking.
Their last test was to apprehend an intruder. They were all so focused on defeating the stranger that they hadn't notice the difference in their vision. It was only after Wu had changed their gi did they all pause.
“Easy on the eyes pal.” Jay says, squinting at Kai who looked over all three of them confused.
“Wait. Your clothes.” Zane says, the colour bright and hurting his eyes a little.
“What colour is that?” Cole asked, leaning in closer but pulling back and rubbing his eyes.
“My colour?! What is he wearing?” Kai asked, gesturing to Jay then looked to then. “And you two. Your black and white look so strange…” He whispered before gasping.
“Wait- you're our fourth?” Jay says, bewildered.
“Sensei, was this planned?” Cole asked, suspicious.
“Not at all.” The Sensei immediately declined. “Though it seems fit that the four of you, destined to protect Ninjago should also be destined for each other.” He says and they all looked at each other.
Jay didn't get a girl as their fourth but ay this point, he didn't care. He realised pretty quickly that gender certainly didn't matter. Not when his soulmates were perfect as is. Cole may tease him for being a blabbermouth but that's all it is. Teasing. He would sit and listen to him for as long as he can talk. Zane too. Kai seemed a little rough around the edges but he's worried for his sister. Not to mention that it was a little endearing.
Cole had similar thoughts. Sure Kai was a little blunt and quick to jump right in but he was sure his edges would fit perfectly with theirs somehow. Zane was just happy to finally meet and be surrounded by all of his soulmates. The moment was cut short however. They had golden weapons to hunt for.
Kai was a handful to say the least. Jumping into things head on and giving his soulmates mini heart attacks at each turn. Boy were they glad when everything came to an end. They had the golden weapons, Garmadon was in the wind, they had their own pet dragons that adored the rest of them as much as they did their riders (they were suspicious that it had something to do with them all being soulmates) and Sensei Wu wasn't dead! Sure Zane, Cole and Jay almost touched fire and lava several times because it was 'so pretty’ but Kai stopped them with an exasperated yet fond expression every time.
Now that Nya was safe and there wasn't an immediate threat, they focused on their bond and each other, discovering a few things along the way. Like Cole being touch starved and wanting to keep physical contact with them as much as possible. They didn't mind at all- in fact, they encouraged it. Jay for one appreciated a random hug every now and again. He was like a big teddy bear after all. A big, muscular teddy bear but a teddy bear no less.
Zane was the mother hen of the group. He just wanted his soulmates happy and healthy after all. He spoils them with occasionally baked goodies and concoctions he makes to appeal to their individual tastes. Kai was still the hot head they came to know but slightly more laid back than then. He was the encourager of the group despite of that. Jay working on an invention that crashed and burned? (more literal than you think) He pats him on the shoulder and tell him to keep trying. Jay brings the energy to the group. He's always doing something or talking about something and he always has this big smile on his face that often had his soulmates pausing to aww at his constant excitement.
They were all so caught up in each other and pushing training back further and further, that soon, they completely stopped. Which proved to be a big mistake when Lloyd Garmadon arrived on scene. At first, he was nothing more than a little squirt making trouble but then he decided to get payback and release the serpentine. Everything took a dip then. Between finding the scroll about the green ninja, losing their home, Cole getting hypnotized, turning on Zane, finding out Zane was a Nindroid (they didn't mind but Zane sure did at first), Kai's downright obsession with the green ninja title, the Great Devourer, Sensei Wu with his self sacrificing bullsh- you get the drift.
When it was all over, the first thing Jay did was turn and kiss his closest soulmate. Which so happened to be Zane. They've never seen Zane go that red before and was worried for a moment that he was overheating or about to have a malfunction. Naturally, they all exchanged kisses and voiced their relief that they were all in one piece. Now they had a young green ninja to teach and nowhere to stay while Garmadon was out there with their golden weapons. What's the worst that could happen?
The Overlord, that's what. The weeks leading up to that catastrophe really tested all of them, especially Lloyd. They watched as he went from pipsqueak to Ninjago's golden savior and couldn't help but feel proud, even though he got all the fame and glory in the end. And hey! Non evil Garmadon! He was actually pretty cool and *cough* looked way younger than Wu *cough*. But the break was welcomed since they all had a lot of recovering to do.
They even managed a few dates! Four to be exact with each of them picking a revenue. Jay picked Mega Monster Amusement Park and they certainly had a lot of fun on the rides and fireworks show afterwards was very romantic. Kai nearly had a meltdown trying to pick somewhere they won't completely hate but Zane had reassured him that they would love wherever he picked, as long as they were together. Still didn't help him with finding an exact place but he decided 'screw it’ and had a dinner date at Chen's noodle house instead. He was sure Cole loved it at least.
Zane brought them to a restaurant as well. The very one he worked at formerly because he knew the service was good and the atmosphere too. He was just not made to be a full time chef it seems. They had a blast, awing at the way the food was cooked in front of them. Cole turned up the romance with a private picnic in a spot with a great view. All through they had to climb there, the effort was worth it. While they did miss being ninjas, being teachers wasn't half bad. They still had to retire early when the digital Overlord made his presence known.
He was after Lloyd and they would make sure he wouldn't succeed I'm getting him. Or, at least they would try. And fail. If it wasn't for Pythor, the Overlord would have been history. If it wasn't for him…
“We're free!” Jay yelled once they landed on their feet, the tendrils letting them go, turning green as they went limp.
“Zane!” Kai gasped and they all looked up to where their soulmate was holding onto the golden armor, his body glowing blue as he was being overloaded by its power.
“He's not letting go!” Lloyd yelled and Kai, Cole and Jay's hearts plummeted at that, horror filling them.
“His heart! It's reaching critical mass!” Jay yelled with a step forwards, wanting to do something- anything but he knew he couldn't- knew he could only watch.
“If his heart overloads, he'll blow! He won't survive!” Cole yelled, breathing picking up as panic overwhelmed him.
“Let go Zane!” Kai yelled out desperately, but Zane kept holding on. “What is he doing?!” He asked, voice taking on a hysterical edge.
“He's protecting us all.” Wu says solemnly as they all looked on helplessly.
“I am a Nindroid, and ninja never quit! Go, Ninja. Go!” Zane yelled and tears fell from the eyes of his soulmates as he blasted ice at the Overlord, feeling his heart continue to overload, gritting his teeth.
“No, Zane! No!” Jay yelled, running towards him but Wu held him back as large chunks of ice began to fall around them, stopping Cole once he rushed ahead too.
“We have to get out of here, now!” Wu yelled, pushing them both back.
“No! We aren't leaving Zane!” Kai yelled, barely missed by a huge chunk of ice.
“Think wisely Kai!” Wu snapped at him, startling the teary ninja. “Would you rather have two soulmates left… Or none?” He asked and Kai's eyes widened before he gritted his teeth and looked away, more tears falling from his eyes.
“We have to go.” Kai says, taking both of his soulmates by the hand, pulling them back as even more ice began to fall.
Kai glanced back to see Garmadon holding a manhole open for them. It broke his heart to leave Zane like this, to hear Jay's sobs, to see the pain in Cole's eyes but he had to keep them safe. Zane- he choked back a sob- Zane would want him to. He got in last, all three of them watching as they slowly lowered the cover, their soulmate's last moments. An agonized ‘no’ escaping them as it all reached a crescendo, his glowing so bright they had no choice but to fully close the lid as they looked away.
Zane smiled as he looked back on his life, at the friends he made along the way, at his soulmates he would be leaving behind. He remembered meeting them all, all the fun they had, the good times, the bad. He wished he had more time with them all, wish he had done more but he was glad he met them, glad he got to know them as much as he had. This was to make sure they could live on, even if it was without him. He lifted his head and smiled wider. And if it was for them, it was worth it.
Kai couldn't hold back the sob that escaped him once the explosion rocked the ground, icing over the manhole cover, knowing that it meant their Zane, their soulmate was… Cole pulled Jay into a tight hug as he shook violently with each sob, burying his own into his hair. Little below, the Sensei's shared a sorrowful look as Lloyd hung his head. They knew… This would change everything.
They emerged shortly after, finding everything in the nearby vicinity covered in ice, the Overlord… Nor Zane anywhere in sight. Cole was the one to find half his face panel and stared down at it in silence as a tear fell under the eye and sliding down as if it was… Zane's. He was in denial but the truth of the situation… He looked up at the sky, at the washed out and faded white of the clouds. The truth was undeniable. They've… He gripped the face panel tightly as his hands shook. They've lost him.
(Good morning! Did I cry writing this? Only twice. But it was worth it! I was listening to Numa Numa and this idea held me hostage and wouldn't let go until I wrote it! I hope you enjoyed! Later days!)
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prisma-does-things · 5 years
My Interpretation of Daganronpa V3′s ending (plus extra goodies)
Hey everyone! Long time no see, but I think I may finally have time to do things regularly now. I’m gonna try and split this blog across Writblr/Fic, Danganronpa, and Edits so we’ll see how this goes, lol. I’ll have a new intro out sooooon!
Anyways onto what you clicked for:
This is a compilation theory of my interpretation of DRV3’s ending. I can justify why I think anything I say here if you want me to, but if I wrote down evidence for everything here it’d literally be 100 pages long so if you wanna discuss just ask me! Some of these things are just straight up indulgent but that’s the fun of interpretations!
1 | The Beginning of Team Danganronpa
After the events of DR3, and I mean LONG after the events of DR3--like at least a century--Hope’s Peak Academy has been diluted into a small and insignificant government program, totally out of the way of society. Talent isn’t as much of a big deal anymore and everyone’s chill now. The concepts of hope and despair, Junko and company are reduced to stories and paragraphs in history text-books.
Eventually, and slowly, the stories of the killing games entered into the world of fiction. The idea of the ultimate clash between Hope and Despair was quite enticing, and so Team Danganronpa was created to make these ideas come to life on the screen.. Reenactments, roleplays, museums, you name it and Team Danganronpa had a part in it. The hardships of the past lead to inspiration for the people of the present. Hope and despair became little aesthetics and concepts for people to attach themselves too, like coping mechanisms. 
However, as society grew to appreciate this, it grew more and more perverse. The reenactments became more and more realistic, and the people consuming it cared less and less about the specifics. All they cared for was the mindless and constant clash between Hope and Despair. Good or bad. It wasn’t even despair that society was experiencing, more like a perverted sense of sentimentality. If it sounds like I copied that I did, that quote was from Undertale.
2 | The New Killing Game
Anyways, at the rate things were going, it was inevitable that Team Danganronpa would eventually start recreating killing games using actual students, probably a combination of scouted out individuals and volunteers with actual murders. Remember that this is a society that bounced back from a near-end of the world decision, they’re all recovering, even the kids that were raised by the survivors. 
And please note that when I’m talking about the society in the Danganronpa world I don’t think that it applies to the fandom AT AL. In fact I think the society in DR is the exact opposite of the fandom, but let’s keep going.
3 | Rantaro’s Plan
We really don’t know the amount of ‘Seasons’ there’s been, but we’ll just call this one ‘Season 52’. Season 52 stares a whole new story continuing from the ‘fictional’ stories of Hope’s Peak. The only two members of this group that we know are Rantaro Amami...and Kaede Akamatsu, the two that chose to sacrifice themselves at the end of the 52nd killing game. Rantaro and Kaede both get survivor perks for their troubles, and the other two survivors are allowed to have their memories replaced so they can return to society with their sanity. Rantaro and Kaede can leave to the real world too, but they will be brought back for the next season, which is planned to be a sequel featuring them as the fan favorites.
Luckily for Rantaro, this is the perfect situation for his plan to destroy Team Danganronpa for good. Everyone else in the world is generally repulsed by Team DR’s actions, but their reliance on them is too great for them to break away or do much of anything.
He starts out by getting in contact with Kaede’s twin sister, we’ll just call her Haru as a temporary name. Rantaro needs to pitch a good plot for the next season, since it’s a sequel he’ll have the advantage in knowing where everything is, including the one weakness of the seasons mastermind. Because Kaede, being positive and bright, and Maru, being cynical and rude, are polar opposites, a twin vs. twin plot seems like the perfect thing to pitch to Team Danganronpa. 
In addition Rantaro also adds Shuichi Saihara and Tsumugi Shirogane to his little squad. Shuichi’s mind is analytical, but he lacks confidence. Rantaro knows Team DR enough to predict what they’ll do with him, so he becomes Rantaro’s backup. He adds Tsumugi only because she and Kaede were dating-A and he thinks she’ll make a good first victim, letting Rantaro get a bit more time to find the mastermind and convince the world to fight against Team DR.
 4 | Scouting of the other members
Before any of this, back when he was recording his Survivor Perk, he made sure to structure it in a way that would motivate a Rantaro in a killing game to get out and survive another game so he could try again. He really wanted to cover all of his bases, he was dealing with a huge corporation by now after all.
In another sect, Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa, who are both dating, join in with Rantaro’s idea. And, somewhere entirely different, a prince by the name of Kokichi Oma, and his personal maid, Kirumi Tojo, are both scouted and kidnapped by Team Danganronpa for the next killing game. A shy but sweet mechanic whose father is friends with the Queen of the kingdom, Miu Iruma, decides to volunteer.
After much planning from Rantaro’s group, they strategically get everyone in the 53rd killing game, lying on their audition tapes...well-everyone except for Maru. Team DR accepts the whole twin vs. twin plot, and they start modification of the sets, making them seem dilapidated and old to show a passage of time. Right on the cusp of the plans success, Kaede succumbs to her guilt. After seeing the horrors of the killing game her spirit is broken, and soon before the game’s beginning, she commits suicide. The final note she leaves to her sister asks her to end the killing games, despite their differences. 
Without a twin to complete the plot, Team DR is forced to improvise. They bring out a beta for a project they were planning, a robot named K1-B0, or Keebo. Keebo’s purpose was to be the audience's eyes, something suggested by Miu to give her friends an advantage in ending the game. 
5 | The Start of Season 53
Finally, the killing game starts. 
The 16 students are brought to Team DR one way or another. Maru is especially shocked, as she’s never participated in a killing game before, but is treated like she did. Everyone’s memory is replaced, save for Rantaro who’s allowed to keep a set few memories that would’ve worked well for the sequel plan. Everyone wakes up in the lockers, with Maru waking up next to Shuichi, now forced to take the identity of Kaede. She tries to get the hang of her sister’s personality, as we see in pregame, but eventually her entire identity is replaced with a Flashback light when she receives her talent. You could also describe it as an Ultimate Revival if you wanted to. Maru becomes Kaede Akamatsu, now able to fulfill the role that her sister is now unable to.
After the events of the prologue (Which is called Ultimate Revival by the way, I don’t want you to miss that wordplay) Tsumugi wakes up in a locker, right next to Keebo. Something not even Rantaro accounted for happened, Tsumugi was chosen to be the mastermind. Not Kokichi or even himself like he was expecting. However, Team DR saw Tsumugi as a perfect candidate for a mastermind, as her obsession with fiction was seen as relatable. She was a perfect reflection of what society had become.
Tsumugi’s mind was barely touched by the Flashback lights, but all of her relationships with her friends and girlfriend were replaced. Upon waking up and seeing Keebo, he explains to her that they’re currently in a spaceship that was supposed to take off ages ago and the outside world is inhospitable. Panicking, she sets K1-B0 into it’s ‘friendly’ mode and lets him go off and talk with the others, entirely forgetting about his set role as a future traitor, as well as the Flashback Light machine. 
However, K1-B0 was set to teach the mastermind how to do their job, and now without that information in their memory, Tsumugi doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do. All she knows right now is that she has some involvement with the mastermind. As a result, the Monokubs, another set of helpers, also have no idea what they’re doing and have to rely on Monokuma, an AI the mastermind can’t control, for instruction.
6 | Tsumugi as the Mastermind
Tsumugi ends up wandering around, stopping and staring at an odd dragon statue. That’s when Shuichi and Kaede find her in-game. Tsumugi can’t explain why, but Kaede touching her cheeks made her feel all fluttery inside. After their ‘first’ interaction together, Tsumugi takes note of the big round ball in the dragon’s hand. 
The first motive, The First Blood Perk, comes around, along with the time limit soon after. The pressure of this definitely scares Tsumugi, but she wants to see Kaede get out okay, especially since she feels inspired by her.
At some point Tsumugi goes to the bathroom and discovers the hidden room entirely by accident. Once into the room with Motherkuma, she asks about the whereabouts of Kaede, and Motherkuma gives her details about her and Shuichi’s plan. Wanting to help out, but not wanting to seem suspicious, she gets about the bathroom a.s.a.p and goes back to blending in. She’s planning to get Kaede out as soon as she can, but she doesn’t know if she can do it.
Time goes on, and eventually that really loud music starts playing. Tsumugi knows Kaede’s gonna make a move, so she rushes to the hidden room in the library again and starts her own little plan. After stealing a shot put ball from the warehouse, something she did out of inspiration from the dragon, Tsumugi opens up the hidden door in the library to see Rantaro lying crumpled on the floor by the bookshelf.
Without thinking, she smashed the ball into Rantaro’s head and finished him off. She initially thought him to be the mastermind, but after checking his survivor perk she realizes that there’s a lot more to Rantaro, and this game, than she realizes. Desperate for more time to solve the mystery, she rushed back with everyone else to get on with the investigation.
7 | The First Trial
As the investigation rolled around, she started panicking. She formed a quick alibi in the form of her cospox, but planned to explain herself more in the class trial. She wasn’t quite ready to face reality yet. She knew Monokuma was supposed to punish her, so she let herself act like she was innocent until the time came. 
Once the class trial DID come around, she realized what Kaede was doing. Once Monokuma declared the voting right, she was confused, but took it as an opportunity to defeat the Mastermind. Her death made her distraught, but she bit her tongue and promised to solve it for Kaede’s sake.
The night of the Class Trial, she went back into her secret room when she was greeted by a Flashback Light. This one, on top of the one everyone else received, was built to make her be a more efficient mastermind. 
8 | The Trials After…
Trials 2-4 were largely the same. Just after each Class Trial, Tsumugi was given a different special Flashback Light to get her to question everything around her more, specifically targeting the idea that everything Danganronpa, including Hope’s Peak, isn’t actually real. Monokuma had been no help, fully content holding the truth over her and making her dance around to find it. I don’t have any idea what those Flashback Lights could’ve been, but I DO know that one of the ones meant for Tsumugi was nabbed by Angie in chapter 3. Tsumugi planned for her to find it, but didn’t expect her to destroy it.
By Chapter 4, Tsumugi asked Monokuma to show the “outside world” for the first time, confirming what Keebo said. During this time, she fully believed the scene outside to be real, mostly because she had no other evidence to disprove it. After this, Tsumugi decided to start a plan of her own that she’d enact by herself.
9 | Tsumugi’s Plan
Before getting a look at the Neo World Program in Chapter 4, Tsumugi used a Flashback light on herself to replace the memory of her seeing the outside world with her doing something else. This was because she needed a fresh reaction to seeing the outside world, but also because she needed to avoid Kokichi, who was definitely the closest to being able to figure her out and expose her.The other one she needed to keep an eye on was Shuichi, who could also figure her out if he ever caught his suspicions. In her desperation she never noticed the secret of the Flashback Lights, which lead to her replacing memories instead of erasing them like she was excepting. 
The next step of her plan involved her overhearing Kokichi and Miu’s plan to create the Electro hammers. She knew they’d be used to escape the ship at some point, and with a fresh reaction everything would be in place for the next step, which was getting Oma killed to give herself time to figure everything else out so she could finally come clean. Of course, since she really believed the world outside was destroyed, she really just wanted to trick everyone into not committing any murders. That just happened to mean getting rid of Kokichi. 
With all of this in mind, she wrote down her plan and used the Flashback light on herself. After having her memories erased, she went through the game as normal until trial 4 passed. Luckily for her, it gave her just the motivation she needed to want to kill Kokichi. She wasn’t quite able to see through Kokichi’s mask, she was blinded by a mix of power, confusion, and rage by then. 
Immediately after trial 4, she was hit with her usual mastermind Flashback Light, however this one made her remember something extra important, the script of season 53.  
Tsumugi actually wrote herself a fake set of plans as part of her plans. That was the whole ‘script’ thing she was talking about in chapter 6. She set the plans up so that way she truly believed she was the mastermind. She was taking the risk of Kokichi finding her, but she figured the confusion would throw off any secretive actions she could’ve done. The reason why she did this was to give herself confidence. If she made herself think that everything in her plan was already set to happen, she’d believe in herself enough to make it so. 
Going into Chapter 5 now, after seeing the outside world for the ‘first time’ she blended in with everyone else, but she did know that Kokichi wasn’t actually the Mastermind as she read the script she made for herself. Tsumugi didn’t plan for this, but it did help her out because it got everyone to go again Kokichi. 
After trial 5, and his sacrifice, Tsumugi was hit with her final flashback light. This one made her ‘remember’ her time as a part of Team Danganronpa. This didn’t mess with her plan too much, as she already knew that something would happen to her head before she made herself forget the secret of the outside world. However, after all of those lights..her head couldn’t take much more. There was too much stuff going on in her head, too many confusing contradictions for her to process. She ignored this originally because she thought that the Flashback Lights erased and created memories instead of replacing them, but it was too late. Keebo started destroying the academy, something she DEFINITELY didn’t plan for.
10 | The Final Trial
Without any way of solving the mystery of Team DR, she scrambled around and put together a class trial of her own, leaving the shot-put ball Kaede used in the trash for Shuichi to find later. All of her attempts came crashing down, but she was able to convince Monokuma to shamble together something to make season 53 end with a ‘good climax’. 
Trial 6 starts, and after Tsumugi’s found out as the mastermind, she uses a series of Nanokumas to help her cosplay. By now she believes that the stories of Hope’s Peak are fiction, so she’s able to cosplay them...and only them...all she wants. She doesn’t know anything about Team DR’s history, so she makes it all up, including the titles of the seasons, which she shambles together from her favorite fandoms. Monokuma plays along, and even adds in a huge audience set to make it look like everyone’s watching. In fact he’s so wrapped up in how good everything’s doing that he doesn’t realize Tsumugi’s baiting Shuichi into helping her.
During trial 6, she even brings up the motive that no one had a chance to see in chapter 5, the Pre-Game tapes they did when they were together ages ago. 
By presenting herself as an ultimate evil, Tsumugi took Shuichi’s will to find the truth and twisted it so that he’d end up finding what she wanted him to. She wanted Shuichi to discover the truth, that fiction can change the world. 
At the end of it all, Tsumugi allowed herself to be killed, succumbing to the after effects of the Flashback Lights and letting herself be consumed by the lies. Believing herself now to be some kind of replacement to Junko Enoshima, and thus a ‘cosplay-cat killer’, she allows herself to be killed and finally rest. She wanted to admit what she did more carefully, to say a final goodbye or at least hint to the fact that she meant to help them, but she couldn’t. 
Shuchi, Maki, and Himiko all survive, finally able to leave Danganronpa together. Team DR allows it, as it feels satisfying, but they do look forwards to seeing the 3 of them try to truly end Danganronpa for good. Tsumugi doesn’t know what’s on the other side of the End-Wall, but she trusts in her friends to face that truth.
11 | Conclusion 
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this read/arrangement of evidence for what I think happened behind the scenes of Danganronpa V3! This took sooo much thinking it’s not even funny. Seriously I spent at least 4 full school periods doing nothing but thinking and taking notes. A lot of this is indulgent, specifically the parts with Kokichi being a prince and the whole Kaede + Kaede Twin Sister switch, I just thought those were neat. 
I didn’t say it there but I think that The Ultimate Talent Development Plan was actually two things. The first was a board game released alongside Season 53 featuring all the characters, and the second was actually a real program, sorta like the Izuru project. I don’t really wanna consider the implications of what this could do to my interpretation though, lol. 
But yeah, V3’s ending is really important to me. It upsets me wayy more than it should when people consider it to be stupid or lazy or insulting to the audience of the games. I think what they were trying to do with the ending was both stupid ambitious and super cool. Killing Harmony is like...my 2nd favorite piece of media ever. It’s so important to me, and as a storyteller I totally respect them for what they did with the ending. The idea of using the enjoyment of the franchise against the player was so brutal and effective for me. Danganronpa helped me grow as a person, and being undermined and told the emotional connection I had with everyone was all just bullshit hurt. Buuuut then Tsumugi and Shuichi helped me realize that even if it is just a bunch of silly bullshit, the emotional response that it gave me...and all the happiness I got from it, that’s all real. Ain’t no black and white bear taking that from me.
So yeah, thanks for reading.
Thanks for everything, Danganronpa.
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For the Hozier ask thing: No Plan, Be, Talk
- No Plan - Do you believe in a pre-determined purpose in life?
No, but I think it can be helpful–for some people!–to think and act like you have a pre-determined purpose, as long as you’re not too rigid about it. Sometimes the random twists and turns of life just get overwhelming, you know? And you need to weave them into some sort of pattern–“A, B, and C all happened in order to lead me to D,” or “Despite X obstacle, I know I’m meant to accomplish Y.” Humans are pattern-finding creatures–that’s why we like stories so much. I can’t imagine getting through life without periodically making it into a story, whether you actually believe in some divine Plan and Author or not. (This is reminding me once again of that Brian W. Foster lyric I’ve become obsessed with: “And if it wasn’t designed, then I’ll be damned if I ever know why.”)
Though honestly, for me? The opposite is true. I’ve faced, and continue to face, so many mental-health barriers to having the kind of life I’d like to have, and I’ve fought (and continue to fight!) such a harrowing, hard-scrabble fight to make that life happen anyway. It’s a massive struggle, it’s ongoing, it’s every day. It’s exhausting and humiliating and entirely without dignity. So the thing that I like to tell myself about the life I want? Is that I wasn’t meant to have it. Some particularly nasty gods have played a trick on me since birth, crafting a person for whom friends/romance/productive work/artistic fulfillment/Happiness are impossible–and day after day, I’m fighting them, trying to prove them wrong. Clawing and biting at them with everything I have in me. Forcing my way out of their boxes, grasping at what I want, and spitting in their eye for good measure.
I’m sure my preference for this narrative says something about me as a person, but I leave that up to you, anon!
- Be - Have you changed much as a person in the last year? 
…I literally don’t know where to start.
In August 2018, I wasn’t married yet. I lived in a small town in New Jersey with my parents and sister, and was desperately terrified of moving (permanently) anywhere else. I had completed two master’s degrees just a few months before, but I’d never had a full-time job, and I was 250% convinced (for the aforementioned mental-health reasons, and a chronic physical illness to boot!) that I could never, ever have one. Oh, and I’d just gotten back from a visit to my former roommate (which remains the last time I saw her, not counting Skype), and I was suffering constant agony over the intense, passionate, mutually pining, emotionally needy, co-dependent mess that was that relationship.
And now?
I’m married. I live in Boston, in an apartment where I’ve paid 100% of the rent for the past six months (though that will soon be changing!). I have a full-time job that has challenged and transformed me in ways that I could not possibly have imagined six months ago. Like…literally could not have fathomed. Outside the scope of my brainpower. Beyond my wildest dreams.
I’m the head of my department…because I’m the entire department. I do heavy-duty customer service. I interact with dozens of strangers every day–children, teens, and adults–and I usually do it without a whisper of social anxiety. I pick up my desk phone when it rings. I make phone calls when I have to. I send and receive dozens of e-mails a week. I manage a budget! I place orders! I schedule programs! I answer reference questions! I operate and troubleshoot various forms of technology constantly, and teach others how to use them. I reason with, joke with, assist, educate, entertain, chastise, and discipline 20+ rowdy teenagers ON A DAILY BASIS. There have been many days, and once an entire week, when I was literally in charge of my entire workplace and everyone in it. And it was all still functioning when my boss got back.
…And it’s actually really timely that I should write about all this now, because I’m smack-dab in the middle of an extremely daunting work task, one that’s causing my ADD to kick my ass to hell and back. And I’ve spent the past few days wondering just how fucking desperate this place must have been to hire someone who’s been wretchedly sobbing over her utter lack of focus and organizational skills for almost 30 years. So it’s…quite the morale-booster to look at these paragraphs about just how goddamn far I’ve come in a year.
…Also, Ex-Roommate and I have gone no-contact, and most days, I don’t think about her. And if I do, it doesn’t hurt so much.
- Talk - What’s your best friend like? 
I have three (3) best friends, and they are MY WORLD, so get ready for this.
(1.) My husband. We’ll call him Kit, which is, in fact, a name he often goes by. He is a Gemini, which I mention only because he’s a very classic Gemini: bursting with curiosity, interested in everything, with a dizzying array of hobbies and interests that seem to change and shift by the moment. He teaches science, and used to teach history. He loves camping, sea shanties, Lawrence of Arabia, board games, and tabletop RPGs. Being a teacher, he’s had the summer off, and he’s spent it being a house-husband: cleaning our apartment, buying all the groceries, doing my laundry an embarrassing number of times, and cooking me dinner every single night. He loves being useful to people and making people happy. He’s terrific at long-term planning, but has no sense of time, and he’d be late to everything without my intervention. We have separate bedrooms, and mine is obsessively neat, and his is…not. He was once bitten by a squirrel that he was hand-feeding on the Boston Common. A few days later, he received a serious electric shock from a string of Christmas lights, and the bandage he’d placed over the squirrel bite was burned black instead of his hand. This perfect balance of cursed and blessed is, in a way, all you really need to know about Kit.
We love to watch movies and TV shows together and discuss/analyze them obsessively. We love to have looong philosophical discussions and/or debates. We take walks, we get Italian food and/or ice cream far too often, we go on jolly road-trip adventures, and we read out loud to each other. He’s currently reading me Charles Dickens’ Our Mutual Friend, which I have read before (twice) and he has not, because I love it so intensely, and I know that he will too. He’s the best person on earth to discuss virtually anything with, to be honest. He’s my DM in the best D&D campaign I’ve ever been part of. I’ve just made a new D&D character, although I don’t have a campaign for her yet, and Kit cannot stop lavishing praise on her and getting excited about her…even though she’s a hobgoblin, and he spent a significant portion of a recent car ride passionately arguing with me about the viability of hobgoblins as player characters.
He is absolutely extraordinary at admitting when he’s wrong, owning it fully, changing his opinions, pursuing personal growth, and just becoming a better and better person all the time. And I’m so damn honored that I get to be here for it.
(2.) We’ll call my second best friend Unicorn, which is a multilayered inside joke.
I met Unicorn during my freshman year of college. We lived on the same floor. I was the odd woman out among my suitemates because I had crippling social anxiety; he was the odd man out among his because he was gay. Somehow we started watching movies and TV shows together, and it became our Thing; I think our current marathon record is six or seven movies in a row. We’re both from New Jersey, and he still lives there, and there are few places in the world I feel safer than on his giant couch, in front of his giant TV, with snacks and glasses of Limeade close at hand, and his neurotic little dog nosing about. He has a pool, a massive movie collection, and an encyclopedic knowledge of state politics, because he works as a full-time environmental canvasser. His hours are absolutely terrifying, as are the physical and social demands of his job, but he still finds time to run a D&D campaign for his coworkers, and to visit the rest of us in Boston at every possible opportunity.
Unicorn is barely a month older than I am (a fellow Leo, though I think it suits him a hell of a lot better than it suits me), and he understands me in specific ways that the other two members of our little quartet just can’t. We get each other’s humor, we have similar tastes in men, we both love to swim. When the four members of our found family are all together, he is invariably the only person who notices all my little puns and innuendos, and laughs every time.  He listens to me, and asks me questions, in a way that no one else in the world quite seems to do. He made a speech at my wedding that reduced me to a blubbering mess. And, most importantly of all: He started inviting me to our college’s LGBT group when we were juniors (right after Kit and I started dating), which was how I met my third best friend, and how we all became a family.
(3.) I’m going to refer to Best Friend #3 as “Dragon,” because…he loves dragons, and because he was Unicorn’s roommate when I first met him, and it keeps the mythological-creature theme going. …And once again, I don’t know where to start, so I’m going to go dig up an old post I made about Dragon, copy and paste it below, and then figure out how to elaborate on someone who both my husband and I have identified as the best human being we have ever met.
This is a friend who invites the whole gang of us to his apartment for entire long weekends, and cooks for us, repeatedly. Who hosts “fake Christmas” every year, complete with a tree decorated with blue and silver ornaments because he is Jewish, and made all of us hand-stitched, personalized stockings, and fills them with gifts and sweets purchased specially for each of us. Who once baked me a cake just because I was coming to visit him. Who organized and directed my entire move from New Jersey to Boston because his Tetris-like car-packing skills and his utter laidback unshakable calm in the face of any task are absolutely unparalleled. Who is a goddamn wizard at literally everything, from cooking and baking and sewing to Photoshop and graphic design to painting D&D miniatures to putting together elaborate cosplays to theater tech to writing and research to courageous and tireless activism to law (did I mention he’s a lawyer?).
…That was my old paragraph, so let me add a few things. I can’t emphasize enough how much he carries that aura of calm and kindness and competence about him at all times. Never in my life had I had a cooking/baking experience that didn’t stress me out until Dragon let me help him make an entire dinner and various desserts for our friend group, and it was just…so chill. So well-organized and perfectly timed, but without ever feeling like those things took any effort whatsoever. He was so kind and patient with me, demonstrating each task step by step, then being entirely confident in my ability to perform said tasks, and never trying to nitpick at the way I did them or take them over himself. Part of his job involves teaching, and I know he must be fantastic at it, because no one else has ever been such a soothing balm and a stimulant (both at once, somehow!) to my poor, tormented ADD brain. Someday (maybe soonish!), our whole found family is going to live together, and the thought of being around Dragon all the time just makes me weep with joy. And did I mention his sweet, child-like enthusiasm for holiday celebrations and ghost tours and spooky TV shows and musicals and fantasy novels and text RP and all other Best Things? (Ok, he also loves dogs and Marvel movies, and I love neither, but I forgive him for this.)
Oh, he also officiated my wedding. And he also had top surgery today, and I have maybe never been this happy about anything ever, what an auspicious day to finish this post!
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