#so i didn’t rly think i’d get him u know bc i was like at this rate i’ll never pull him
saetoru · 1 year
giving you my luck, i got jing yuan on my first ever hsr 10 pull. MAY YOU GET HIM ON YOUR NEXT 1-7 PULLS
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mikanotes · 3 months
goodbyes are sour
connor x gn!reader — 2.1k words
genre: angst sorta! mutual pining in denial
warnings: mentions of guns and killing, kabedon for the sake of science, connor unreliable narrator LOL u have feelings android man… maybe ooc idk. (wrote this w the idea of connor being deviant since the beginning bcs Yeah!)
synopsis: You meet Connor again. Turns out things are much more complicated when you aren’t working together.
author’s note: hi dbh fic?! i Love connor nd i’ve been writing this for a while (crazy since it’s rly short) but i don’t like it much… anyways whoevers alive in the dbh fandom have this!
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There’s just something about the way Connor speaks. The cadence, the pitch, the enunciation of each word. It’s painfully evident that he isn’t human. Everything about him is so machine-like that even his perfect, human-like exterior could not fool anyone. However it is something you got used to. Hearing the android speak your name and call you ‘Detective’ back a while ago felt somewhat unsettling. Now it’s so easy to recognize that it almost makes you feel at ease.
“Do you seriously think I’m an android? I don’t wanna deal with those fucking machines, either. I’d be glad if you put a bullet through them rather than me.”
Turns out hearing him fake being a human is ten times more terrifying than his android speech patterns could ever hope to be.
This was not part of the plan.
You were sent with a unit to patrol around the streets for any android who still hadn’t been brought back or destroyed. You weren’t a fan of this whole assignment, but felt better than the rookies who were sent out to shoot humanoid robots as their first field mission probably did.
It would be fine, is what you told yourself, because you didn’t feel anything towards Cyberlife’s creations enough to be completely uncomfortable with the idea of their blue blood on your hands, though it wasn’t ideal. You could manage. Until the first person you came across happened to be the one android you genuinely cared about.
“I don’t think he’s one of them…” one of your fellow officers murmurs next to you. You suddenly become very aware of the gun he, too, is holding and pointing towards the target. Fuck. As if the situation wasn’t bad enough.
At least this idiot’s performance seems to be fooling them.
You wait one second, then sigh on the second, and finally lower your gun on the third. “You shouldn’t be here.” you say casually, prompting your colleagues to relax and the atmosphere to lighten a little. Your heart is in your throat, however. “We’ve got orders to round up every android we see around here. You should go home. This isn’t exactly safe.”
“I know, I know.” he sighs, rolling his eyes a little, “I was gonna leave anyways, thanks.”
Your coworkers mumble to themselves about how disagreeable this guy’s attitude is and it’s enough for them to miss the wink the latter sends your way as he leaves. You almost regret not shooting a bullet through his head.
Still, you sigh in relief, setting your gun back at your side and running a hand over your face. You don’t think you can continue patrolling in peace. There’s one too many questions in your mind and the key to answering them is escaping from your grasp.
You take the phone in your pocket and pretend to get a call, moving it to your ear and looking at the members of your team. “I’ll join up with you later.” you say, gesturing towards your phone. They nod and walk away, and you do the same, feeling more relieved than ever that these people see you as a leader of sorts. They won’t question you on anything. You hurry towards the direction your so-called partner left to the moment they’re out of sight.
A rooftop door, stairs, and more stairs. You’re jogging down like you’re chasing a criminal on the run. You’re down to the fifth floor out of eight when someone grabs your arm and pulls you out a door.
“Wha—” you try to yell, but a cold hand settle over your mouth. Your body relaxes but your expression tenses. Connor. “Let me go,” you mumble incoherently, surprisingly succeeding in getting him to let you step away.
You sigh and shake your head, turning around abruptly. His ‘human costume’ (which really just was a grey suit jacket thrown over what should’ve been his Cyberlife uniform, glasses, and a cap to hide his LED) is already gone, replaced by his usual attire, just missing his jacket.
“What the hell was that about?” you ask, annoyed, pointing towards the staircase (back there, on the roof) and the android simply shrugs. “Connor.”
“I was undercover, Detective. I thought someone as smart as you would recognize that much.” he says, his tone back to normal. You’d feel relieved if he wasn’t being so irritating. “Was I wrong?”
Your face drops. “No. I figured as much. But what for?” you sigh, crossing your arms.
“Same mission as always.”
“Who are you chasing? Did you find the place?”
“I have no reason to tell you.”
It only clicks then that while you know about Connor continuing his mission after being laid off the case, you’re not part of it anymore. He had to be sent back to Cyberlife, and you should’ve been forgetting about him entirely. You’re still DPD, and you have orders to shoot Androids on sight— Which you clearly aren’t following. He’s right. He has no reason to tell you.
You grab his arm when he threatens to walk away. You’re not sure what you want to say, but you’re not done talking. He lets you. “Connor.”
“Detective.” he says. You straighten your back and sigh, not breaking eye contact. He tilts his head to the side and his LED flashes yellow for an instant. “You’re angry.”
Of course you’re angry. He’s infuriating. There’s something about how logical and dead-set on following every single rule he is that makes Connor the most annoying individual you’ve ever talked to. Everything he does has to be for his mission. Every single thing.
“Do threats work with you?” you ask blankly, “If you don’t tell me where it is, I’ll get Cyberlife to bring you back, and all that?”
When he takes a step closer to you again, forcing your back to press against the wall, and his LED does not even threaten to change hues, you’re taken aback. Just a bit. It’s the same kind of frustrated attitude you would’ve expected from a human after saying what you just did. But not Connor.
He doesn’t seem frustrated, though. And you know he can look annoyed. He just doesn’t. So he must not be. And you want to find what it is he’s doing exactly, stepping closer to you without even saying a word, but your brain feels like it’s short-circuiting at the distance between you two. You know he does everything for his work. Does he think you have new information on deviants? Does he really believe you would call Cyberlife on him? Is he using his stupid interrogation module on you? Whatever it is makes you even more annoyed.
The silence feels heavy. It makes things worse. It gives your brain time to process how this is making you feel and it’s no good at all. “What?” you break the silence, tone somewhat irritated.
“I’m trying to understand the reason why you’re so angry at me.” he explains simply, like it makes sense. His eyes narrow a bit and the LED at the side of his head flickers yellow for a moment. “And no, Detective. Threats don’t work on me. Not when I can tell you’re lying so easily.” he adds, quieter.
“Shut up.” you scoff.
“I dont think I will.”
“— However,” he interrupts, “I can step away from you at any moment if you tell me to.”
What— No?! You register the word after saying it and sigh, face contorting into a somewhat pained expression. You panicked and said it, your mind processing his offer as him leaving you again— With no information and nothing to ease your stupid worries. Now it just sounds odd.
Is that embarrassment?
“You didn’t finish what you were trying to do, did you? You haven’t told me why I’m angry yet. Since you apparently care so much.” you say, tone sounding much softer than before. Your apparent discomposure took away all the bitterness from your voice. Interesting.
Truth be told, Connor knows why you’re angry. He’s not letting you in on the details of what he’s doing despite the time you spent working as partners a very short while ago. He’s spent enough time with people, and you especially, to know that after forming some kind of bond with a work partner, it would be frustrating not to receive information about their mission the way you used to from them—
Especially considering he was still chasing after something you both knew about. Jericho. But he cannot tell you about that. Not… Right now.
What he really was trying to do was evaluate how much of a threat you really could be to his investigation. He didn’t sense any hostility before and he doesn’t now, and you could’ve shot him but you didn’t. But it’s not enough. He needs more time— More evidence that it’s fine. That’s why he pulled you here in the first place. That’s why he pressured you to talk.
He needs to make sure killing you isn’t necessary.
“Because I posed a threat to the stability of your current mission earlier. You wouldn’t have been able to shoot me had I been discovered, and your reaction to your colleagues shooting me would’ve jeopardized your job itself.” he answers.
This reasoning would make sense.
“That’s not it.” you sigh.
Your heartbeat is slowing down. No good. Connor leans his arm on the wall next to you and moves closer. Your heartbeat picks up in speed. It’s almost alarming. He can tell all the details about your physical condition and deduce what you’re thinking or feeling based off of them, sure. But he’s no human. The way he views and comprehends emotions is registered in his system in a much more clear and logic-based way than it is in humans’ brains.
So maybe he won’t ever know why your heart beats so heavily against your ribcage. So he just has to pressure the right places and demand answers. He unfortunately can’t allow you to relax. He won’t get anything out of you if you’re calm. You’re much too turbulent for that.
Or maybe he’ll just have to ask. In a normal way.
“Detective, what’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” you scoff, eyes widening. Wrong question.
You seem like you want to be angry but something is holding you back from displaying just how much he gets on your nerves. You sigh deeply and look at him, “What’s wrong with you? You’re acting so weird. More than usual. Why’d you pull me here if you didn’t want to tell me anything? And I’m worried. What if you really did get shot? Wasn’t Cyberlife supposed to deactivate you? They wouldn’t have brought in another Connor this time. You’re off the case, you— You would’ve died!”
There’s circles under your eyes. There always are, but they’re more defined now than they were the last time he saw you. Now that you’re actually being honest, your whole voice and mannerisms betray any of your usual annoyed and dismissive facade. He didn’t think you cared this much, though he understands that some humans are quick to empathize. To a fault.
Now it’s clear he doesn’t need to eliminate you at all. Part of him seems to have grown fond of your company. He couldn’t risk that getting in the way of his better judgment.
“I only pulled you here so you wouldn’t pointlessly chase down the streets searching for me, since I made sure no one would follow.” he says, stepping back and giving you more space, “You’re a police officer. It doesn’t matter what you say you’ll keep to yourself or not. I can’t compromise. This is too important.”
You’re hurt, it’s visible. He’s saying he can’t risk trusting you. He figures that must not feel nice.
The sound of the radio attached to your side breaks this prolonged silence with the promise of separation. You take it, eyes not leaving Connor’s, and listen to your colleague speak. You tell them you’ll be right there. You’re not one to be late. He knows you’ll really leave this time— Too far away for him to hope to talk to you again, if anything goes awry.
You turn the radio off and put it back where it was. “Hope you succeed, then.” you say, bitter, and push yourself up to start walking away.
“Take care of yourself, Detective.” Connor says. Asks. The words come out before he can really think. Something about your voice and this whole atmosphere made him… Feel uneasy. Like he needed to say something. If this is how your partnership ends, he doesn’t believe it should be on such a sour note. He cares doesn’t dislike you at all, so why should it?
You stagger a little, seemingly stopping in your tracks, but moving again no more than a second later. “You too, Connor.”
Somehow, goodbyes had never seemed so sad.
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judeswhore · 10 months
imagine like jude’s showing u around birmingham and hes meeting up w some old friends at a club and ofc tells u to come along as well, but when u get there his group of friends including his ex (bc thehre all in the same friend group) is there and he didn’t think she wld be. so he doesn’t rly know what to say to her bc he hasn’t spoken to her in so long and he’s just “being friendly”. but the second u saw her interact w jude u could tell they had something going on in the past even tho he hadn’t rly told u abt her bc he didn’t think it was necessary. and jude and his ex are talking quite a bit while ur talking with some other girl and we know that jude’s friendliness may come off as flirting. so ur just like eyeing them the whole time and ur kinda down and jude notices and asks u if ur doing okay. and u just smile and nod not wanting to tell him right there but he’s not buying it so he excuses u guys for a min to talk, holding ur hand and leading the two of u away. and u guys end up leaving a lil early and just talk for a while in the car and jude reassures u that their relationship is way in the past and that they ended things for a reason. saying u don’t have to worry saying how much he loves u and giving u sm kisses saying he’s not going anywhere
he sees from the corner of his eye that ur kinda moody and pouty but ur trying so hard not to show bc he knows u don’t wna ruin anyone’s night but he can’t stand and let his girl be all upset. so he’s telling his ex “look, it was nice seeing u again but my girls over there and i think we’re gna head off” and he doesn’t even wait for a reply just makes his way towards u and ushers u into a more quiet area. he’s trying to get u to tell him what’s wrong but ur smiling and telling him ur fine and that he should go catch up w everyone but he’s all “no can we go home? m’not feeling it anymore” and tells u he’ll buy takeaway for when u get home. but ur a little quiet in the car and he’s getting a bit worried so he’s parking up somewhere and asking u to tell him what’s wrong. it’d take a while but you’d eventually tell him that his ex was clearly flirting and giving him the eyes and he wasn’t really shutting her down and u felt a little weird in a room w her when she was so clearly into him still. he’s just smiling all soft and cupping ur cheeks and being “silly girl, how can u even think with u in a room i’d be focused on someone else. the whole time she was talking i was thinking abt coming back to u” and he’s telling u whether she flirted or not he’s not interested bc ur all he wants, is so reassuring that it’s over and they broke up for a reason and he hasn’t even thought abt her in so long that he completely forgot she’d even be there. just is so soft with u and gives u so many kisses bc he wants u to know how important u are to him and how his ex doesn’t matter at all
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starwarsbian · 26 days
answer all the star wars questions!
1. i think rey is the most controversial character because people are fucking losers and no one hates star wars more than star wars fans she’s my babygirl i love her
2. my most unpopular star wars opinion is i honestly… do not watch the prequel trilogy i’ve seen attack of the clones twice and rots like three times?? ill watch ep1 tho
3. favorite fandom pocket is tumblr but i love my tiktok star wars mutuals
4. if i lived in universe i think it’d be coruscant i wish i was cool enough to live somewhere else
5. i suppose x reader fics of din djarin or anakin idk 🙏 i like dinluke too or skysolo or reyrose <3
6. my favorite star wars story element/arc is the purposeful parallels between vader and luke
7. i have one for anakin and one for rey!
8. i laugh at anything with yoda i saw a drawing of yoda talking to luke and it was something like “i must get to know my father there’s still good in him” and yoda says “no, crazy he is. put down he must be”
9. all time favorite piece of content is return of the jedi !!!!! i love every part of that movie
10. i get most of my star wars merch at 5 below tbh i think a lot of star wars merch is UGGO especially figurines so i have quite a few star wars funko pops and one single star wars shirt that was my gf that’s almost as old as me
11. i suppose i relate most to luke i too have a terrible father who i want to know and believe there’s good in but im delusional or rey bc my dad left me too bae! it’s funny laugh
12. my comfort character is luke!!!! have u seen him? he is my baby angel i would die for him he’s so precious and he makes me laugh
13. my hot take on the sequel trilogy is i like it and no one can change my mind i prefer the og trilogy but if i could erase reylo from existence i would love it much more
14. i like a lot of the fandom except where the fuck are the gay people i’m surrounded by hets ???
15. i don’t have a star wars blog i wish would follow me! i’d actually prefer if the ones i rly like didn’t follow me because im annoying as fuck
16. i fell in love with star wars after i watched anh for the first time it was 100% luke being endearing from the beginning although i did watch the mandalorian first and really liked it!!! it’s what made me watch everything else
17. i haven’t been at an opening night 💔 im much newer to star wars than id care to admit
18. i .. do write fanfic for star wars.. so far it’s just smutty modern aus 💀💀 and i have like half a whole fic of oc x din djarin that’s entirely self indulgent and she is based on me and i keep that to myself for funsies
19. favorite spin off series is either the mandalorian or the book of boba fett!! i just think they’re neat i also love rogue one
20. he’s han solo..yeah he shot first when has he ever kept his mouth shut and his blaster down fuck greedo
link to original post!!
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stitchkiss · 1 year
tell me a story about u
bestie you know more of my stories than anyone and you still want more?? i can’t believe you aren’t sick of them yet lmaoo. i’ll tell you a few from that liam-esque list i sent you a while back.
story 1: idek when this was probably when i was like 13 but anyway we were gardening n shit and i was by all the tools takin a break bc i planted like 20 zucchini seeds (bad idea in hindsight all we ate that summer was zucchini) and i was tired. so i look down and there’s a garden hoe next to me and i’m getting flashbacks to my childhood when i watched tom and jerry obsessively and i think “huh. i wonder what would happen if i stepped on it” guess what happened. smacked me right in the face the second i stepped on it. blood went everywhere. face, clothes, tools, soil. brother is laughing. sister rushing for towels. mom making sure my nose wasn’t broken. dad wishing i was never born. my face messy with tears n blood n sweat. i consider this a win bc not only did i get to live out a childhood fantasy but i didn’t have to garden for the rest of the day!
story 2: i am. dumb. and impulsive. and i think movie magic applies to me. all this, but i’m 9 years old. we had just moved and a perk was that a golf cart came w the house. so when, for reasons i can’t remember, there was a dirt hill in my backyard i knew EXACTLY what to do with it bc i had just watched wreck it ralph AND played a mario kart tournament the night before so i know a ramp when i see one. see where im going w this? when i saw the dirt hill i got on the golf cart and fuckin floored it. the thing is, i didn’t know that the dirt wasn’t packed in, so it was too soft for the tires. i did not make it over. the cart tipped over and i fell out. it almost crushed me. the funniest part ab this is when my mom came over to check on me she was like “i saw you speed off and i KNEW what you were doing” i wasn’t allowed to try it again.
3. i had a goldfish named herbert. i won him at a festival when i was like 12 and he came in a plastic baggie like from finding nemo. so i brought him home and i quickly realized i had no place to put him bc he was my first (and only) fish. so i threw out these flowers my mom had in this really big vase and i put him in it instead. during this time i didnt have a phone bc i accidentally broke it a few days before when i was jump roping and had it in my pocket and it flew out. SO i didn’t know what to feed herbert bc no google and neither did anyone else and they didn’t want to help me raise my new son so i had to figure this out by myself. do you know what i fed him instead of fish food? ritz crackers. how tf was i supposed to know the salt from the crackers would kill him. the concept of “freshwater fish” eluded me at the time. i woke up the next day and he was floating at the top of the vase. but the worst part of this story? i was preparing a small, intimate funeral for herbert bc he deserved nothing less and i took him out of the vase and put him on a plate. then i left for like 5 minutes to make sure my brother and sister were going to be in attendance and to throw some rose petals in the toilet bc if i was gonna flush him it might as well be beautiful. but. when i went back to the kitchen to get herbert, my cat was eating him.
4. last story! my cousins and i are really close and we do this thing when all of us are available and we call it a version of guy’s grocery games based on who the judge is that night (we replace the g with our initial) where we each make food but change it up in a creative way. this time was pizza. i teamed up w one of my cousins and we decided to make a pizza based off the fast food chain raising canes. so we go to canes and order a bunch of chicken and fries and bread and we even got a cup full of canes sauce for $5 and we also bought a premade pizza dough. the pizza was DIVINE and i’d eat it again but be warned you need pepto bismal on hand if you eat it bc it’ll rly fuck up ur insides. but, even tho it was the best invention ever, we didn’t fucking win. what did we lose to, you ask? a ramen pizza. my brother and his gf made it w the recipe I SENT HIM!! but the thing is, this recipe called for soy sauce and my cousin is allergic to soy. my brother asked me for his allergy list in preparation and i forgot to put it on there. so my cousin was ab to take a bite when my brain connected the very very important dots and i smacked it out of his hand.
hope u enjoyed all that!!
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narwhalandchill · 7 days
Hello! I saw you mention Childe in labyrinth warriors (hope that’s the right name) when talking about the 4.6 appearance, can I ask you about your thoughts on him there? I didn’t get to play that event- so what I know about it is spotty at best. Just that it’s in Inazuma, had Xinyan I think? And that Childe was there. And the little paper dude. I’m genuinely curious about what insights you gained from the event into his character- and I’d love to hear you talk about Childe more.
(can you believe. when i say. now that im finishing this up. that it got out of hand anon??? uhhhhhhhhhhhh. i mean. at this point this should be expected)
hi!!!! sorry this took a bit, ive been somewhat sick all week and also just now absorbed by the nuzlocke im doing but Anyway. am here now thank you sm for the ask and enabling childe thoughts!!!!!
. readmore bc this Actually got just. unbearably long otherwise JIWDJDWJKDJKWWJDK 😭😭😭😭
so the outline is basically as u said, but like. to summarize it w some particular details mentioned since they Do matter (sorry it got giga fucking long bc i think the full context is helpful for discussing childes parts too lmao). but here goes:
so a mysterious domain has appeared out of thin air on narukami island with monsters spewing out from within into the countryside. now this is an Issue (TM) bc timeline-wise this is still v much the immediate aftermath of the inazuma AQ and the civil war - the nation & esp the tenryo commission rly isnt in ideal shape resource and manpower wise to deal w another crisis like this and it has sara rightfully tense after the initial waves of the monsters were finally forced back. she kinda cant afford to send her men to scout inside the domain (it also kinda. opens and closes and reopens at random which is another issue for potential scouts) but if nothing is done to stop the monsters she must commit to a full on assault to destroy the domain to remove the threat & shes more or less on a timer with that. making it quite the precarious situation for her politically too and not just security wise. (keep this in mind)
how we end up being asked to investigate the place has to do w the. im ngl p convoluted xinyan b plot basically she was invited to a music festival as a performer but it was cancelled so now she lacks the travel permits she needs and getting new ones is Not fast without some inside help. we agree to look for sara so she could argue xinyans case, run into her dilemma w the domain and she agrees to expedit the process if we investigate the place in her forces' stead. (xinyan the civilian tags along for some reason too)
first time u go in, u find the paper dude (kind of an enchanted paper familiar of sorts) aka shiki taishou outside who has lost his memory yet is undoubtedly connected to the domain which is obviously a bit suspicious given the whole. monster spewing into the neighborhood deal. but idk she passes xinyans music vibe check so she argues we should help him recover his memories and in turn discover the truth of the domain along the way.
once we get inside the domain we obviously run into mr. worldwide himself including but not limited to a closeup of his crotch during his introduction for some reason. yeah its been nearly 3 years these things you cant unsee. that and the sending us sausage in his bday mail. like bruh
now childes (as he eventually divulges) in inazuma to look for traces of scara who ran off w the gnosis and happened to stumble into this strange domain with weird vibes. he thought it might be something relevant and waltzed in, proceeded to get locked inside (as the domain shifted) and beat the shit out of all the monsters there all the while having the time of his life bc hes simply built different. bc turns out the place is basically just a full-on sparring simulator for warriors that seems to be running by itself w no one overseeing it ever since the domain resurfaced cue the "pratice targets" aka monsters running wild
dont wanna recap the entire thing in detail but basically. firstly childe kinda improvs another new identity as an adventurer noticing xinyans liyuen attire bc Osial Incident and picking up the awkward energy we have at the realization of. this might be messy if we tell her. and xinyan buys it and nicknames him "red" w/e. so thats why the harbinger thing doesnt become a bigger conflict
he then informs us that all the monsters within the domain turn into torn paper charms when destroyed and that there are "replicas" of shiki taishou strewn about the domain that should restore his power and hopefully memories over time.
so we end up going thru the place helping shiki taishou gather his power and uncover the nature of the place. he kind of has an identity crisis happening bc all the monsters the place is generating seem to imply he was created for some nefarious purpose as a weapon of some sorts (childe says some Very Interesting Things in response as an attempt at pep talk. will get to it).
but TLDR what we do discover is actually that the shikigami/paper magic and the domains functions were basically a system invented after the domains creator harunosuke studied similar adeptal techniques in liyue in order to create the shikigami as these battle partners for samurai fighting against monsters from the cataclysm. these paper dolls could then record and replicate the monsters it and its partner fought in order to train others inside the domain so that inazumas protectors would always be ready to face such a threat if it ever came to be. shiki taishou was created as the "overseer" of this domain and its functions as a training facicility. by regaining his memories and finding clarity in his purpose shiki taishou gains control over the place again and is able to shut down its rogue functions so that it no longer poses a threat. he then promises to improve upon its workings by taking it to dormancy again. sara is relieved that the crisis could be averted without costing her manpower or further resources she doesnt have. yippee
So. yeah that took way too long mb jdwhjwdjdwadwaj but. Childe.
so there are a particular standouts in here in my opinion.
for one that is less like. a characterization aspect but more of a "gotcha" confirmation thats very nice to have is that he explicitly confirms that wherever in the abyss he spent those 3 months at 14, it DID involve places tied to the irminsul and its roots.
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fissures between great tree roots u say?????? Inch resting ajax. tell me more abt the trees king.
also this monologue is literally so fucking sexy in general i love his single-minded pursuit of something as like. quintessentially simple as just. Improvement. but bc he has literally 0 fucking chill in his boundless hunger for that one singular ambition it alone is enough to disrupt the gravity of the world around him....... (but we will get to that)
Anyway. another Very good fucking moment from him character-wise is during the 2nd act. where weve spoken w sara about the tense situation after the 1st day of investigation ended w all of us minus childe (who got "trapped" inside the same way a child gets "trapped" inside a free-for-all candy store with all amenities included. he had a blast) getting thrown out and the domain rearranging itself again. and like we go back in once the entrance opens and are even more eager and restless to start figuring things out bc again. sara is on a timer.
and then .
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guys im pretty sure theres a twitch emote for this???? something starting with C and ending with AUGHT?
he reads the shit out of us trying to all "subtly" push for the investigation to proceed so the crisis we are actually tasked to investigate can be solved. like this is literally just Actual 5d chess situational awareness and picking up cues from people around him and honing onto exactly whats stirring up in the undercurrent from childe. basically. he just lays onto us like. ah right. this is probably a big problem for that tenryo commission right? such a problem that theyd even ask an outsider to cover their duties... when thatd never happen during regular times right? a conundrum that could get even more problematic if theres a harbinger publicly around... right? oh my bad my bad haha just thinking out loud bestie lets get back to investigating shall we? hahaha
he is such a smart fucking Bastard oh my godddddd bro is out there smelling the traces of societal unrest and any and all weaknesses in a given governing structure like hes a shark tasting like 0,00000001% blood in the water . professional & supernaturally efficient problem causer everyone. this is what he was hired for . i love him
like. hes SMART guys. and hoyo Knows how to work his intelligence into the writing too its soooo scrumptious man .
and like bro hes being such a fucking menace in here too bc. he couldve kept this observation to himself too. but nooooo he just had to shove it in ur face that we are Not being as slick w keeping him in the dark as we would like to think💀💀 smug ass.
it makes me think abt how many things he actually Notices among the harbingers and all their power plays and schemes among one another but that childe simply keeps to himself bc he has nothing to gain from disproving the assumption of himself as this. gullible and simple-minded loyal warrior harbinger and the person-shaped time bomb we toss at wherever the flames of discord need some help sparking alight. after all, we saw this in arles quest too - how not only did he use our pathetic distraction attempts as an opportunity to fish relevant information on both arlecchino and pulcinella for himself (which i already commented on) but also. the fact that he Very clearly noticed our attempt at distracting her and intentionally helped us out without even knowing anything abt the matter at hand. to the point where even arle makes that Highly pointed comment about it and all but spells out that childe was assisting us on purpose the entire time.
like he is just. incredibly perceptive and so fucking intelligent like especially back in 2.2 where even Bigger of a portion of the fandom (if thats even possible) than today just thought of him as this. stupid fucking baby infant meow meow idiot brainwashed by the tsaritsa and completely owned by zhongli and signora XDDDDDD . seeing this unfold made me so fucking happy abt the way like. yeah HOYO knows what his character is all abt. the fandom can ruin him all the want but the games story isnt going to bend to their will.
Speaking of Which.
The weapon thing.
so as ive already alluded to prior . the entirety of labyrinth warriors despite it highlighting childes intelligence, attitude, priorities and ambitions in a way thats like. genuinely so fucking good and comes off as natural with no forced sounding exposition or backstory dump . mostly got a fan reception more in the way of . waa waa my baby boy is depressed with sigma PTSD 3.0 with DLC because calling yourself a weapon is self dehumanization and it signals he is suicidal and has no self worth 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he got TRAPPED in the EVIL DOMAIN consisting EXCLUSIVELY of all his favorite activities nonstop he must be feeling so scared i need to hug him my babygirl!!!!!!!!!11!1!1
when its like. ah yes. i have never heard of a motif ever before.
bc like as much as i do genuinely consider it something that more or less can be taken at face value as an Aspect of who childe is (not necessarily the whole of it, just another mask true to a part of his self) . it should still be acknowledge that part of the reason why his dialogue (and the event in general) fixates on the notion of being a "weapon" has to do with shiki taishous character arc.
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because thats what he is. and is trying to discover what kind of purpose a discarded (bc harunosuke left the domain abandoned at the end) weapon and tool like himself can even have anymore. and childes lines taking that repeated emphasis of. whats so bad about being a WeaponTM (& expanding on what that means for Him) specifically . are as much about himself as they are just an attempt to communicate his worldview to shiki taishou as a way of pushing him towards solving this identity crisis he has . that paper boy literally Needs to solve in order for the domain to stop malfunctioning.
and like. okay even if we just look at it w/o paper boy. so say childe considers himself a weapon . but what does that mean to him?
[incoming top 5 dialogue lines that genuinely fucking challenge my sexuality this is so fucking hot. no one talk to me]
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"Only those that wish for an end will find one."????????
"My limits vanish behind the horizon with every step I take"??????
like people think of childe as this fatalistic if not actively suicidal then at least like passively reckless and uncaring towards his own wellbeing blood knight w low self esteem barreling towards his death and here he is. using his own fucking words. saying that the mere CONCEPT of an END. is not in his fucking VOCABULARY. because it does not serve his ambition to let such confusions ever obstruct his sights.
people think his purpose and ambition is soooo tied to his family tied to the tsaritsa that if those are ever taken away he will just freefall into the depths of directionless confusion and depression and whatever. when.
oh hey thats funny now where have i heard that before. bonjour my baguettes any fontainian cults or god kings out there interested in the world and fate altering power of unstoppable weapons that can cut into anything even ego and destiny itself and whatever that may mean?????? O____o
i swear to fucking god if the entire time this entire weapon allegory from labyrinth warriors was all about all cleverly n loosely associating him with themes relating to descenders and wills that rival the world all the way back in 2.2. and yet on release all people wanted was to weep for how sad it was he thought himself a weapon. man why is it always like this . i weep for THAT.
like. idk i dont have anything poetic to say abt it other than childes drive as an individual is just fucking breathtaking to me??? its literally Scary how utterly consumed he is by that ambition yet at the same theres this . crystalline clarity he has towards viewing it and himself ?? this weird ass self awareness that coexists with the all-consuming pursuit and ambition of it all??? this isnt sad this is both ridiculously attractive AND batshit insane like dudeeee . and like . the way he talks about it too like this is just a matter of fact everyday thing to him 💀💀 bc thats his abyss shrimp color vision this is how he rolls . its nothing grandiose its just how he is . this is normal to him its unbearable i hate him
like somewhat unrelated here (sorry) but sometimes i see ppl go against the possibility of childe having sth to do w the 3rd descender (which like yes is a crack theory for now and its not sth i can fully align myself with either as of rn Due To Those Thematic Clashes it just lives rent free Because of how conflictingly insane it is while also having some Strangely compelling evidence in its favor) or even just. Any higher predestined significance assigned to him in the grand scheme of things with the sole argument of like . but then everything about Him is worthless bc it wasnt His ambition and His drive to overthrow the world he wasnt Just A Guy (and. sigh. as the op. of that ancient thing. stop taking that old ass hastily typed post too far and too literally thx. its abt the vibe the attitude the subversion. having a destined purpose if the story handles it well does not conflict w being the quintessential just a guy thanks xx). he was just special all along so it all means Nothing and its like. dude. he told a recently-amnesiac paper boy having an identity crisis that its a fucking skill issue to ever falter in the face of some greater purpose haunting in your past or defining your origins. that a True weapon cuts himself free of even that without even a sliver of hesitation . ppl think that if indeed some soul of the 3rd descender is resurrected in story and idk tries taking over his body with past lives and memories or whatever. you think he isnt ripping the essence and existence of that poor fucking dude apart and devouring him alive into the crushing depths of the black hole of an unquechable ambition that beats a steady pulse at His core just to reclaim HIS place as the ultimate weapon to cut through everything???????
aww thats so cute. you guys think even the hypothetical of theories akin to these being legit on some level is automatically going to ruin his arc and character bc hes gonna be taking it lying down!!!!! you think hes going to look at a Grand destiny Assigned to him by someone Outside and Above and not spit in its face!!!
just like his narwhal looked at the destined cosmic end of All life to fall to ruin and immediately devoted its entire existence to denying the universe that very outcome isnt that curious why are they the sam---------------SORRY SORRY where was i at
like. i see how it is for yall. well. myself on the other hand. i have some fucking faith in him lmao
partially . indeed Because. i read the goddamn text of labyrinth warriors. where they let him Talk about what these things mean to him. and how he Truly isnt about to stop. Ever. hes not looking for an end and if presented with one he sure isnt about to respect it. hes just. built different its absolutely amazing
and yeah my bad i got. sidetracked very badly there. you asked me abt labyrinth warriors but bc its childe this is just what tends to happen like my brain fucking spirals. but like . no im not saying that the weapon theme being such a prevalent aspect in the story is like 100% a descender and sword of narzissenkreuz thematic parallel and intentional reference i just think its Quite interesting in hindsight . that This is the angle they drilled in on .
anyway hopefully this at least had Something to illustrate abt why i love labyrinth warriors for how it serves to establish how much of a madman childe ajax tartaglia my beloved truly is . and how to hoyo his outlook towards the world has very much been one of endless limitless hunger and never-sated ambition . and not whatever fanon wants to cook up. childes greatest enemy has always been stagnation and he has always looked towards the Future. of surpassing each and every limit and boundary on his path . like thats what makes him who he is.
also. last lil thing aka. Most Ignored Canon Line Spoken By This Man
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which is a shame bc. its so fucking interesting??? i mean. i get that ppl dont know what to make of it bc everyones so fixated on picturing childe as this loyal puppy tsaritsa fanboy who couldnt even deign to imagine discarding allegiances to anyone yet here he is. saying exactly that.
like ive seen ppl be like oh hes trying to Convince himself of this!!!! hes putting up an act!!!!! and its like? no? i dont think this contradicts anything about his character. people just find it uncomfortable because it implies that the things he listed there are not something of any Inherent value to him. which adds up perfectly fine to me but what do i know.
like the way i have always seen this is that it really isnt. oh childe says he isnt actually a loyal person When it matters to him personally and isnt actually invested in fulfilling his duty (as of Right Now, mind you) which would yes seemingly contradict a lot of other things. but really its just that those concepts alone are void to him. you cant stop him from pursuing his ambition by saying its evil. if the tsaritsa ever truly loses his respect and leaves him completely disillusioned in the archon that once was a fellow honorable warrior in his eyes, the concept of "allegiance" will not be able to dissuade him from turning that burning ambition of toppling the heavens towards her throne too. personal respect maybe. a sense of honor. maybe even disdain so extreme that even investing that time into her now is a waste? sure. but like. you get what im trying at? he is way more ambivalent about these things than most people really Want him to be. bc they dont fulfill the hunger that burns at his core.
and it adds up. bc like. his ambition his drive towards battle and bettering himself and becoming a weapon completely unstoppable and irreplaceable that can conquer the world . is his north star. its the singularity that all else about him orbits around. of course silly little concepts like right and wrong will be secondary to that. we just really havent seen a moment where his ambition is in true conflict with the bonds and oaths he has sworn in his current life. but i have a feeling that if and when we do. this line will make a lot more sense lmao
anyway uhhhhhhh
yeah i liked labyrinth warriors!!! very underacknowledged and misrepresented event that had a ton of fun stuff abt childe. i am super normal about these hip and enjoyable aspects of his character as they are explored within this event as the length and contents of this post imply!!!!
omg anon i. really fucking hope u got at least Something u were looking for out of all this KWJKJKDWWJKDWJKDJKWDK i swearrr i just cannot. stop myself from completely fucking losing it on the asks of every innocent anon (and like non anon too why not) approaching my ask box 😭😭
but thank you again for sending this in!!!!!! have a nice day!!!! im very normal thanks for asking!!!!!
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
omg quinn this is so cute.. can i req something 😭😭😭 no pressure to do it ok!!!! i think this is a rly sweet idea thank u for doing this for others :,)
i’d love a thoma x sick!reader with fluff if thats okay 😭 am currently feeling super under the weather bc its my that time of the month so anything to do with sick characters and fluff would be greatly appreciated huhuhu 🥲
as always no pressure to get this done okay!! i hope i did this right :,)
YING!! i’m so glad to see you requesting ahhh <3 so here’s the thing i don’t know thoma well so i tried my hardest to write him in character i hope he is!! this one took a while bc just as i started I GOT SICK WGDKDHS so i just got to writing it a bit ago. i’m really not proud of this at all so if you have any feedback i would love it so much !! thank you <33 and take care of yourself :3 also tell me if there’s any mistakes ahhh
btw!! this is a small thing but i think it could be a trigger warning, it’s mentioned the reader has tears in their eyes after taking pills, so if you have trouble with pills it can be taken that way but if that���s personal and you don’t like it, think of it as you coughed wayyyy too much shdkhd it’s up to your imagination!! again i hope you like this ying !!
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a groan left your lips as you shifted in your seat, the words in front of you dancing and twirling. the burning in your chest built up and you lifted your arm to cough into it for the nth time.
crap. you were definitely sick.
you also had to finish this last piece of work up, and a part of your mind itched at you to finish it before you rest. your fingers typed frantically as your eyes squinted at the glaring screen, a pathetic attempt to shield yourself.
a soft click sounded from the front of your room, the sound blending in with the symphony of your keys clacking. light footsteps pulled a creak out of the tired floorboards, the sound snapping you out of your funk.
“thoma?” hope stumbled out of your lips in the form of your lovers name, and it was satiated as thoma stepped into the room, a small smile gracing his face.
“hello dear.” a pause followed as thoma’s eyes searched your face, his smile slowly giving way to a frown saturated in worry.
“you look,, unwell.”
fuzziness creeped out from the corners of your eyes as you peeked up at him, the temperature of your fever affecting you in ways you didn’t think was possible.
“stay here darling.” thoma said before he left, as if your muscles would listen to you if you even attempted to move. not even a minute later, thoma returns, a small thermometer dangling from his fingers. his fingers tapped at your chin, a smile painted with sympathy forming.
“open up, let me check your temperature.” your tongue pressed down on the cool plastic, and a small whimper left your throat at the unwanted intrusion. thomas’s hand moved to your cheek, his fingers slightly rubbing your cheekbone as he waited, his actions showing more love then any words could at this moment.
a loud beep interrupted the momentary silence, and the device was fished out of your mouth gently. thomas eyes squinted as he peered at the numbers on the screen, the corners of his mouth turning down slightly.
“you’re running a bad fever. have you eaten?” his question was answered as your stomach made a noise pitifully in response.
“i guess not. let’s get some food and meds in you, and then you can rest. i don’t want you feeling worse.” thoma set the thermometer gently aside, and you could see his brain mentally making a small list containing all the things to clean and tidy.
you shook your head groggily, your body saying thing and your words another.
“i have to finish. this one um.” you pointed vaguely at your work, hoping he’d get the picture.
his eyebrow raised, the action speaking a question his lips didn’t. a deep sigh left your chest as you just weakly shook your head.
“i can’t.”
thoma looked down at you, a small smile spreading over his face as he moved closer.
“i’ll just have to,” he paused, his arms wrapping around you as he lifted you, your hands immediately flying to his neck for support, “aid you in your decision making.”
a complaining whine left your body as you rested your face in the crook of his neck.
“my decision making process is perfectly fine.” you mumbled into him. his laugh vibrated throughout your body’s as he shifted you in his hold.
“right, and i have black hair darling.” a small chuckle left him at his own joke and your own frown was replaced by a giggle.
gentle hands eased you onto the bed, thoma’s embrace being replaced by the embrace of the soft bed. your eyes closed automatically, you just realized how utterly exhausted you were. soft shuffling was picked up by your ears, and you reluctantly opened your eyes to see thoma leaving the room gracefully, his actions quick and smooth. you rested your head against the headboard, but was promptly picked it up again as another coughing fit overtook your body. you sighed, your eyes closing again as you let sleep overtake you, a time pass as you waited for your lover.
“love.” a thumb brushed over your cheek as your eyes opened slightly, trying to register what was happening.
thoma stood in front of you, a bowl of hot soup and a small container of pills sitting on your beside table. time passed slowly as thoma helped you eat, soft praises filling the air as the bowl slowly emptied. shapes were rubbed into your back as you choked down your pills, gentle hands wiping the tears from your eyes.
“you did so well dear.” thomas eyes crinkled he looked at you, a soft kiss being placed to your forehead, as he sat in a chair beside your bed, one of his hands smoothing your hair, the other resting on top of your hand.
“now my love. you work so hard. i’m so proud of you, and that won’t lessen just because you’re resting. in fact i’ll be even more proud.” he winked at you, sending your heart into a flurry.
a kiss was pressed into your temple, another to your cheek.
“sleep well darling.”
and with that, you drifted off into a world created by your imagination.
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hi !! thank you for reading this! if you did please rb (tags make me so happy but no pressure) and i hope you liked it!
taglist; @calyxcore, @ireallylikehamsters (send an ask to be removed or added)
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bwokeback · 3 months
4, 6, 8, 11, 30, 40, 49, 50, 63, 65
(on mobile so formatting is gonna be ass)
4. Genie granted you three NSFW wishes. What are you wishing for?
- 1. natal penis of my own that i can summon as i wish. 2. the ability for my boypussy to accommodate more than 2 fingers lmao. 3. bigger ass
6. Something you did in bed and would LOVE to do again?
- get my ass eated again for sure. my boyfriend needs a fucking medal for how good he is at that and well everything really
8. Something you never did in bed and would love to do?
- 69!!! ALSO get my ass fucked w a strap!! my slutty pup of a boyf deserves to be able to rut into me as much as he desires <33
11. What kink/fantasy of yours are you the most embarrassed about? Why?
- i’m still definitely exploring what i’m into but rn im rly into the idea of getting my bf to pee on me and i was nervous to ask abt it especially since i wasn’t sure how the logistics would work lol. but uh yes pls waterboard me w ur piss in the shower! make me kneel and lap at ur cunt to clean u up 🥺
30. Favourite position to give oral? And to receive?
- omg when i’m eating him out or sucking him off while laying on my belly and he’s on his back with his legs up and smooshing my head 😍😍 like PLEASE PUT ME IN MY PLACE I AM SIMPLY A COCKWARMER. for receiving hmmm i love to be in the opposite position tbh but also i know i’d love if my bf ate me out from the back since he thinks my asshole is so cute. details will have to be experimented with
40. What are your favourite pet names to be called during sex?
- anything with baby or boy! pls point out how needy and small and horny and helpless i am. BUT IF IM DOM being called daddy makes me FERAL
49. Favourite thing to do when dominating?
- i LOVE to tease and leave some suspense.. will i shove my fingers in you now? later? how many? who knows? also i love to call him names. my little cumslut 💋my boywhore💋u know💋
50. Favourite thing to do when being dominated?
- i love to squirm and make my cutest noises. yes ur in charge but babe can u even think clearly when i look like 🥺🥺
63. What is something you always wanted to ask your partner but didn’t have the courage to?
- we’re super open w each other plus our relationship is pretty fresh so idk if i have anything super pertinent to say but um. can i put a leash on u. please. it’ll be rly cool and fun
65. Is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner to have? Why?
- intox bc i love to smoke weed and it’s even better when it’s sexy. some light cnc somno is fun too bc i get handsy when i can’t sleep.
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7rashstar · 29 days
i didn’t rly sleep last night yap sesh below the cut
missed mayday festivities because i am debilitatingly socially anxious but then went camping for a friends bday and felt refreshed by being able to see soooo many stars and be outside…(and go on the most extreme hike of my life dude omfg)
while we were camping my digi cam fell out of my pocket when i laid on the ground to look at the sky and stars and it stormed that night and my camera got destroyed. hoping the sd card is salvageable..
creepy had hella ticks on him (including one thats head got stuck in his uhh..wiener lol) went to the vet got em removed in total there were 8 (!!) that we found. he has so much fur man idk there could be some more on him but at least they’d be dead atp because i ALSO finally got a flea tick preventative that he can take monthly. it’s been impossible to get a vet appointment anywhere, especially at the clinic i’ve been taking him to since he was a bb. praying he didn’t contract anything from the ticks…we’ll get a blood test sometime in september-december
bestie soup told me u could see the northern lights in the city last night + they sent me some pics but i pulled a leg muscle skating n it hurt too bad to waddle over to the overpass (plus there’s been several shootings in my neighborhood the past couple weeks outside my building so i don’t rly like going out at night rn anyway)
yesterday oomf texted the gc n said a friend of a friend asked him where to listen to my music online bc they loved my set :’)) the last time i played a show was the beginning of march!!!! that made me feel rly good so now i have more incentive to finally upload things to soundcloud again. might work on that later today…like. might,…finally post something
he said he sent them a link to my old bandcamp and i forgot i never deleted my music there i only scrubbed my sc so i went over n listened to what i posted. it was kinda cute. in 2020 i started using ableton for the first time consistently and actually tried to figure out how to make stuff w it so everything f from that time is like. ahh. i’d do that so different now!! but at the time i was so proud of myself and that makes me feel kinda fuzzy (in a good way) like noticeable artistic growth yanno? n also knowing that version of myself who was constantly suffering and seeking an End still felt excited abt what i was making. it’s cute. my old self is someone ive made peace w and hold close to my heart in the ‘it’s different now and it’s Awesome’ way like fuck yea lil buddy you got clean and made it out alive. that’s sick
some of my old music goes hard asf too tho. a lot of unreleased stuff on my google drive i dug thru after listening to my bandcamp i don’t even rly remember making but i was like :0 !!
i was up until 5:30am working on a flyer !! i wanna make more flyers!! i miss making flyers. i’m outta practice and using procreate bc i don’t have photoshop anymore so still a newbie on the program front but i think. i did a good job and it looks cool so that’s nice
i rly wanna skate but my leg hurts i feel like that spongebob guy
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saetoru · 11 months
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✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。yours, always yours
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synopsis. satoru has always been yours—and he needs you to know you’ll also always be his
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— word count. 2.4k (read the breakup fic first for better understanding, but can be read as a stand-alone)
— contents. fem! reader, college! au, rich boy! gojo, post-getting back together angst that gets a little heated <3, minors do not interact, fingering, unprotected sex, edging, satoru cumming too quick <3, creampie, tbh the smut is short and a lil rushed my b, it ends in fluff tho !! trust !! there is fluff !!
— notes. tbh this will probably get flagged rly fast but oh well u win some u lose some. anywayyyyy here is the make up sex bc yall nasties deserve it <3 jk love u guys
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satoru falls first. and he falls hard. everyone knows it, it’s never been a secret.
“you want me to wash your hair?” you ask gently, kissing his shoulder as the water falls over his head. he hums, nodding absentmindedly as he stares blankly at the tiles of your shower wall.
“sure,” he mumbles, “don’t tug.”
“i never tug,” you roll your eyes, snorting. he huffs a small chuckle, but it’s not the usual laugh satoru gives you. it’s mechanic, almost—just there to fill the space. “baby?” you ask softly.
“yeah?” he asks, “oh, should i bend a little? sorry, i—”
“what’re you thinking about?” your hands cup his cheeks, gentle and warm from the hot water as it soaks his skin.
he shakes his head, trying to smile as he clears throat. “just how nice it is to be pampered. maybe i’ll let you break my heart every once in a while so i get my back scrubbed and hair washed like this.”
“satoru,” you insist. you know—and he knows it too. “tell me?”
“why’d you do it?” he mumbles, “why’d you listen to him?”
“toru, you know why,” you sigh, “you know i didn’t think there were any other options.”
“you could’ve talked to me,” he furrows his brows, “just because my stupid old man threatens you with my stupid inheritance doesn’t mean we have to break up.”
“i was afraid you’d choose me.” it comes out as a whisper, like a confession you can’t bear to admit.
“i would have chosen you,” he agrees, “why’s that bad? how’s that wrong—”
“you’re not thinking about the bigger picture,” you shake your head, “that company is yours. you’ve spent your whole life—”
“so what? was i supposed to give up the rest of my life for it too?” he asks tiredly—satoru’s defeated. he’s never been defeated, it’s the most magnetizing thing about him.
even before you date him. he asks and asks and asks no matter how many times you say no. because there’s always a chance you’ll say yes, and he’ll never stop as long as there’s a chance.
“i’m sorry,” you sniffle, lips wobbling, “i could have….i should have said something. i didn’t want you to make a choice young and then….and then regret it.”
“you think i’d regret you?” he’s wounded—absolutely wounded at the words.
satoru has always been careful, diligent and so, so meticulous to love you right, to love you how you need to be loved. hadn’t that proven enough? that he was in it for the long run—for forever? he’d been so sure you’d be his future, that the break up feels like waking up from a peaceful dream to a house fire—devastating, with smoke in his nose and lungs that he can’t breathe right, and everything gone within a moment before he can even register it.
he stares at the ashes in despair. nothing prepared him for the hollowness of not being yours—because satoru has never cared to make you his. all he’s ever wanted was to be yours.
you’re quick to remove him from everything, deleting pictures from your socials, untagging him from posts, removing him from your private stories and close friends list. he doesn’t understand how you could change your mind so quickly—and then he realizes you probably don’t. because he knows you—better than anyone ever has, satoru knows you.
so he’s comes to you, drenched from the rain, from standing outside your door even as the water pelts against his skin because he’s determined. he’s going to get an answer out of you, going to make you explain why you pulled him in so close, let him reside in your heart and fall asleep to the comforting rhythm of its beating—and then push him out like he’s nothing. what made you push him out?
and finally, when he does, when you let him be yours again and admit it’s never what you wanted, that it’s because it’s what his father wanted—well, satoru can’t keep his composure. don’t you know? hadn’t he always told you? hadn’t he poured his heart out and let you know every moment he’s always been stuck dangling from his father’s fingers? stuck somewhere between the sky and ground, too high to feel the floor under his feet but never high enough to feel the wind in his face.
you’ve always known, always listened—and fuck, you held him some nights too, let your fingers dip into his hair and soothe his sorrows of always being stuck.
satoru’s always been stuck, always had every choice made for him and every instruction carefully laid out on the table. and then you decided to make his choice for him too, walking away and choosing his future for him like he’s never had a say.
he’s always been stuck, but never with you—but now, he wonders if that’s changed.
“no,” you squeeze his cheeks, “no i don’t think you’d regret me….but satoru losing what you have is a big thing,” you mumble, “people work their whole lives not having a fraction of what you do. that’s a lot to let you lose.”
“i’ve never seen my dad kiss my mom,” he stares at you, hard and unwavering, his eyes stare into yours, “he’s never held her hand or made her laugh. and you know what she told me? that she would sell her share of everything to have what we do. why do you always look at me for what i have first?” he asks angrily, the water pouring over his shoulders as they shake, “why can’t you just look at me first for once?”
“i do look at you,” you insist, “toru, all i ever see is you—”
“then stop caring what he says,” he says louder, his voice echoing through the small bathroom of your small apartment.
everything about your home is small—smaller than satoru’s especially. but he loves it, thinks he’d rather be here than anywhere else.
because it’s yours. and as long as you’re here, the world fits into this tiny apartment, the galaxy too.
“okay,” you say shakily. and then you nod, looking him in the eye, “you’ll handle it?”
he nods, kissing between your brows, “yeah, i’ll handle it. who else is gonna take over that company anyway?”
“but what if he finds someone else? and then he—”
“he won’t. my grandpa will shred him.”
“but he’s old, and he stepped down, so what really can he do if your dad decides—”
“god, baby,” he groans, pushing your body against the wall gently, “i love your voice, but you talk so much. i’m wanna listen to something else.”
his lips find your neck, sucking gently at the skin, hand trailing to your tits before his thumb circles your nipple. it’s slow, deliberate, teasing as it rolls over the bud.
you whimper, clutching onto him as a breathy, “t-toru,” leaves your lips.
“yeah,” he nods, “that’s what i wanna listen to instead.” his lips are in a grin against your neck, kissing and biting until he reaches your collarbone. “anyone dm you after you took me out of your socials?” he asks bitterly.
“j-just one,” you admit through a stutter, “b-but i didn’t even open it! i wasn’t really—oh, toru,” you gasp as his finger finds your clit, spreading your legs as he lets out a soft growl at your words.
“what? just cause my face isn’t on your instagram suddenly you’re not mine?” he asks, thumb rubbing harsh circles against the sensitive bundle of nerves—you close your eyes, moaning as your arms wrap tightly around his neck. “you’re always mine,” he murmurs against your ear, low and careful so you hear him well, “yeah? got that?”
“got it,” you nod furiously.
“got what?”
“‘m al-always—oh, fuck,” you mewl as one finger prods at your entrance, gathering your slick before slowly sliding through your walls.
“c’mon, sweetheart,” he says firmly, “finish your sentences.”
“always yours, toru! always yours—please, please j-just…”
“just what?” he raises a brow.
“more,” you sob—it’s a broken plea as your hips thrust against his finger.
he’s quick to slide in a second, thrusting his digits mercilessly into your soaked cunt, his palm gliding over your clit as the slick sound of his fingers fucking you is almost drowned by the water in the back.
your water bill will be high this month. you decide it’s a sacrifice satoru deserves.
“you think someone could ever learn this body better than me? make you cum like i can? you think anyone will ever love you enough to learn you like i do?”
“n-no,” you pant, his fingers hitting that spot inside of you so perfectly, you feel that dull ache build up quickly. it’s good—everything with satoru is good. his other hand finds your chest to pinch a nipple, twisting and squeezing until your nails leave indents on his shoulders as you moan loudly. “no one—no one but you.”
“exactly,” he growls, “how could you leave me? how could you leave us?”
“‘m sorry,” you sniffle, whimpering when the tips of his fingers slam against that spongey spot of your walls, fluttering around him and squeezing him in. you’re close—so close that you almost don’t know what he’s saying anymore, too focused on the way your impending orgasm is approaching. fast. “i’m sorry, i’ll never—ever leave again.”
“say you love me,” he demands.
it sounds like he’s pleading, though, if you listen closely. there’s a small crack in his voice, a slight shakiness that makes you force your eyes open and stare at him and whisper, “i love you, satoru. i love you.”
and then he rips his fingers out—right before you’re about to cum. you gasp, pleading nonsense as you cling to him and buck your hips and search for something, anything to take you over the edge.
and then you hear a sniffle. is he crying? is that wet droplet on your shoulder a tear or the water? you’re too busy calming down from your orgasm dying before it ever came to focus.
satoru’s hard against your thigh, throbbing and painful to sink into you. he strokes himself a few times, whimpers as his thumb gathers the pre cum from the sensitive tip, smearing it along his length as he shakily lets out a quiet moan.
“f-fuck, i gotta feel you. please, can i? please—”
“yes,” you pull him closer, grinding your heat over his hard-on, “yes please, toru. more, need more.”
he’s sliding along your folds, dragging the tip of his cock along your entrance and smearing a mix of your arousal with his. and then slowly, ever so gently, he’s pushing into your after that, pushing past your walls and bullying into your soaked cunt, curving into you perfectly.
it’s only been a week—you feel like you haven’t felt him in years. but it’s familiar. you remember every part of him, including every vein that drags along your walls and makes your head spin. he remembers every part of you, including where that spot is that he needs to angle his hips to find.
he slams into you, hard and rough and fast—doesn’t even let you adjust your position to hold onto him tighter before he’s thrusting his hips and fucking into you desperately. you can feel him, every inch of his skin against you, every part of him that’s touching you. and you can feel the way his cock nudges past your folds, the friction burning pleasure through ever nerve.
satoru knows how to fuck you, just like he knows how to love you, he knows your body—every dip and ever curve, every place to touch and every part that has you gushing around him. it’s just the way he is, too good at giving you what you want, what you need.
when he moans, it’s breathy and he’s panting as he lets out those soft whimpers that make your head spin. “feel that? feel me?” he asks, grunting as you squeeze around his length.
“yeah,” you breathe, “‘m so full.”
“i need you. please, please,” he murmurs, “can’t lose you, baby. never you,” he chants, the quiver in his voice tearing you apart.
“i’m right here,” you gasp, lacing your fingers with his and squeezing his hand. he squeezes back, just to let you know he’s there too, “right here, baby. you got me.”
and then he cums, just as soon as you whisper that—he spills right into you with a broken cry, his hips rolling, needy and desperate and so, so lost on the pleasure. he’s too busy working himself through his high, trembling over your body to care he’s cum too quick—and you don’t have it in you to tease him. you can feel the hot ropes of cum filling you, painting your walls white, fucking deep into you as the blunt head of his cock slams into you without a second of hesitation.
but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t falter that brutal pace as his hips slam into you, perfectly kissing your sweet spot every time. and before long, you break—your head pushes back against the wall behind you, mouth parted as you wail his name and cum—hard. you’re quivering and spasming around his swollen cock, enough that he whimpers at the way you’re so tight.
it’s good, it’s always good. satoru makes you feel good. he’s the best you’ve ever had—the best you’ll ever find.
and then you hear it again, the sniffle into your neck as he clutches you tightly. you know for sure that wet droplet is a tear this time, and your fingers tangle into his hair as you stroke the wet strands.
“i love you, toru,” you murmur, “my sweet boy. i’m sorry, okay? i’m so sorry.”
“don’t do that again,” he huffs in between tears, “that was so mean. so mean.”
“i said i won’t,” you chuckle, fighting back your own tears, “how long are you gonna hold this against me?”
“how long do you plan on being mine?”
“well,” you pull him from your neck, cupping his cheeks as you wipe away tears and peck his lips softly, “i think….forever.”
“well, get ready, then,” he glares softly, “i’m gonna hold this against you forever too.”
“okay,” you nod, “that’s fair.”
“and i love you too,” he adds, “but block whoever dm’d you. it better not be that zenin boy.”
“block those girls who’s pictures you liked,” you shoot back, glaring at him with a pout of your own.
“don’t yell at me,” he mumbles, leaning into your touch as your thumb strokes his cheek, “i’ve had a rough week. you have to be nice.”
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dabitee anon. are u seeing this. did u see the satoru who cums too fast. did u see it. report back if u saw this. i repeat, dabitee anon report back if you see this
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coral-melon · 7 months
Ohh could i get an obey me matchup if u have time? :D
Appearance: i’m afab, tall but skinny like a noodle, still have curves tho. i have light brown hair and dull blue eyes i’m pale af and have a slightly larger than average number of moles. i have had purple under-eyes since i was 12 they are never going away
Personality: professionally i’m doing well but every other area of my life is in shambles lmfao. still live with my parents can’t drive depressed as hell and barely any relationship experience💀i hate responsibility but i’m still responsible because i hate letting people down. i make a conscious effort to always meet deadlines and show up to meetings on time and it bothers me when other people don’t. but still i’m pretty lenient with others and give them the benefit of the doubt. i am fairly whimsical and quite unbothered by everything. not afraid to push boundaries and attempt things no one has done before, when ppl tell me my goals sound unrealistic it just motivates me more
Strengths/weaknesses: good at drawing and school, graduated college with a 4.0 gpa and a bunch of honors and stuff, and i am the creator of several viral posts and quizzes. good at taking advantage of opportunities that come my way. and i can see humor in everything i love to laugh. i’m kinda irony poisoned and struggle with sincerity, but i’m also an open book i don’t rly have anything to hide. i always talk pretty casually with people no matter who they are but i get away with it cuz i’m smart and good at my job or something. i may come across as impulsive but i do think through everything i do and say, i’m just a fast thinker. i’ve been told i’m too trusting but i haven’t been hurt yet sooo idc ^_^
Likes/dislikes: i am fan of any kind of creative hobby. i like being in nature and interacting with animals but i’m also a pwetty pwincess who hates getting dirty. i hate doing chores and paying for stuff too 💅🏻 i avoid drama and conflict like the plague, though i enjoy it as a spectator. and i hate office jobs, specifically because i work very efficiently then have to pretend to be productive for my dumbass boss when i finish everything early. i love to hang out with people even if it’s something boring like running errands. for some reason people think i don’t like hugs or texting but i do :( i constantly crave novelty i love new experiences
Other: when i really like someone i’ll take an interest in their interests and memorize every little thing i learn about them to the point where i gotta play dumb sometimes so i don’t sound overly invested. we would probably have to have a strong friendship as a foundation cuz u gotta be patient with my repressed ass. i don’t have a lot of preferences for dates so i’d be happy doing whatever they want, i’m v indecisive so it would be good for both of us if they like taking the lead
- 🦝
Hello -🦝! Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself, it a pleasure to meet you! ^^
This felt really fun for me bc I already had a few silly hc in mind for you, so I hope you enjoy!
I match you with…~
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꩜ Never a dull moment when your around him.
꩜ The two of you are a funny duo, to say the least. If it were possible, it would be like you taking care of a leash kid.
꩜ Not to worry, with this jackass over by your side, he will make you forget about your depression with his bullshit and shenanigans! That’s right, The Great Mammon himself! >;D👍✨ ((plz don’t take this too seriously..))
꩜ When it comes to you, he might as well not have any experience either. When others look at you, sometimes they think you’re the one who knows the ropes even if that’s not the case at all.
꩜ He’s supposed to keep an eye on you, but the fact of the matter is that it got twisted real quick and you ended up responsible for him instead. You keep him in check when it comes to his studies and duties he must finish. Oh what’s that? Sike! Even if you didn’t want to, he’ll beg you to help him out before Lucifer catches a whiff that he failed a test for the 1738929th time.
꩜ You’re motivated to want to improve yourself, so why would t you want the same for those you care about? No matter how hopeless someone is, surely there’s always a way!
꩜ Doesn’t matter how much he tries to hide something he did wrong though, Lucifer knows way before he himself does. So you’ll often see him upside down hanging from a ceiling. He temps you first before resorting to begging you to help him out again.
“Are ya takin’ me seriously, human?!”
— “Pfft- Yea yea of course!👌” nah, not really
꩜ As time passes by though, he starts catching your drift slowly without being told what to do. Simply wanting to get your attention and praise is enough to have him determined to want to do better. So in a way, both of you help each other out to get yourselves organized; May it be your actions or mental state. Thriving forward because of it.
꩜ He appreciates you never me giving up on him, thinking about it makes him soft and weak.. He’ll never admit it though! Not the Great Mammon himself! Not in a million years! Pretty obvious tho..
꩜ He, too, is an open book; not on purpose though. He tries to hide it but ultimately just reveals even more.
꩜ But It’s funny watching you two play dumb with each other when it comes to the other’s interests. He is just as invested in what you like — or perhaps even more — like you are with his.
“Oh, you like -insert hobby-? Ha, lame!” *Proceeds to look up everything there is to know about it*
꩜ Lovely to know you like to hang out, cuz best believe this guy is stuck to you like glue. He might try to come up with an excuse as to why he just barged into your room or sent you some random message, but it’s all bs. He just wants to be with you even if there’s no reason. He just really enjoys your company.
꩜ On days he gets paid, He’ll say he’s feeling generous and willing to spoil indulge you a bit. You better be grateful to the Great Mammon! Whenever you go shopping, he’ll keep an eye out for anything you might glance at, even if it was just for a brief moment.
꩜ And even if it’s rare coming from you, he’ll immediately sense if there’s greed coming from you. So he’ll buy you whatever it is that you want so badly! *cough* you just glanced at it.. *cough*
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I hope I was able to make you smile
Take care -🦝!✨
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sewercentipede · 8 months
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i wish i could get or had gotten a proper regular circuit ball toy for shirin (like the one in the second pic) instead of the one i got her (the one in the first pic) cuz the one I got sucks shit and she plays with it or tries to at least even tho it sucks shit but because it sucks shit it’s less fun to play with. it was cheaper $ and I didn’t know if she would be into this type of toy at all when I got it (which would mean Id waste less money if she wasn’t) and I figured 3 tiers would make it more interesting but it just makes it confusing on which ball to focus on, and the poor quality of the whole thing means that she accidentally pushes the whole toy trying to hit one ball and that the tracks are uneven so the balls get “stuck” at diff parts instead of smoothly going around which discourages her cat brain from staying engaged. somehow the bottom row ball is missing too so I think she managed to get it out which shouldn’t be possible (but good for her<3)
next time I have enough disposable cash im gonna get her the proper one. it’s not even that much money especially if she’s having fun. I just feel guilty buying another one because,my brain is wired that way, and because I used to fuxkin have one from my last cat!
but I sold, donated and threw out all his old toys and his cat tree when i gave him away because I thought I’d never ever have a cat again and I was moving a lot so it made no sense to bring a bunch of cat stuff each move when I didn’t even have a cat or ever plan to have one. but I REALLY wish I hadn’t done that because so many toys of his shirin would ficking LOVE. his cat tree was fucking awesome (even the 14yo cat living w us loved it). his collapsible tent-material cat tunnel. his little bug toy that walked on its own (he was scared of it but shirin would be obsessed). his plastic ball that u put treats in and had a small hole for releasing one if it was played with/rolled around enough. the wand with feathers at the end of the string, the fabric rainbow wand that was super long (I can’t find one as long as that anymore). His electronic concealed motion feather toy…..
none of that stuff was cheap!!!!! I spoiled the shit out of that cat. but I made good money back then so I could afford it all and so it feels like shit to have to buy it all again because if I’d just saved them I wouldn’t have to at all. and I can’t buy half the stuff he had bc I’m poor now and the stuff I can buy i have to buy the cheaper shittier versions of because im poor now. even his freaking e-collar i got rid of so I had to buy another one when shirin got spayed 😞 sigh!
but I rly thought I would never have a cat again. like I vowed to never get one again or if I did it’d be when I’m like 40. so idk 🤷‍♀️. at least I kept his cat carrier (ironically it was the only thing I didn’t buy, I accidentally stole it from the lady who gave him to me bc I had nothing to put him in when I took him home and I thought I gave it back but I found it in a closet like 2 years later lmao!!!)
I really want to spoil the hell out of shirin and give her sooo much more solo enrichment so it feels rather upsetting. I spoiled my last cat so much when tbh he didn’t deserve it at all or use 99% of what I spoiled him with; he constantly and ONLY wanted to go outside and be out all night and get in fights with tomcats or whatever psycho shit he got up to out there and he would scream at full volume without letting up until i let him out. he dug a hole under the fence to escape the backyard and I filled it up but he kept doing it until he was big enough to be able to leap the fence entirely.
shirin is just a good girl a good good perfect gentle angel sweetie pie baby girl who is so good and precious she is grateful just having random small objects thrown across the room for her to chase. she deserves all the toys in the world all the toys her heart could desire if she knew of them. and it sucks that I can’t provide more than a miserable and janky fraction of that for her
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
ahh thanks for taking the time to amswer so thoroughly! i want to take a moment here to point out that lestat does mention throughout the chronicles (totbt, for instance) that he's offered louis his more powerful blood several times, but louis choses to stay as weak as he is to have the agency to end his existence when he wants to. i don't... think you're being entirely to lestat, but then again you don't rly like him/like armand more and i ofc totally respect that lmao. thanks again!!
Okay I really do 100% admit that this is very like TEAM LESTAT vs TEAM ARMAND Hot Topic tshirt time 🤡
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(thank u @armavnd for this beautiful artwork)
so like yeah I don’t have a super charitable read on Lestat, and I know a lot of people don’t have charitable reads for Armand. I respect and love you it’s all good! (Unless someone is mean to Armand in which I do not respect you and you are not my friend, he is my son/boyfriend/meowmeow.) 
I want to address the thing about Lestat’s blood though!
If I recall, this comment was in reference to their second try, AKA after the events of QOTD. I think that adds a lot of context for all the growth Lestat has done in that time, plus after his Akasha bender he’s like mega powered so he’s offering Louis the Akasha blood. Louis at this point has met a bunch of the ancients and I think that really solidifies his decision to be a vampire purist and grow his powers on his own. (This is like so fuckin Catholic of him btw lmfao louis baby)
But it’s funny because like, it kinda tells us a lot about the IWTV Loustat era if you know they weren’t sharing blood.
Like I don’t take the blood=sex thing extremely literally in the text because I think it’s kinda tacky and removes a lot of the emotional nuance of the characters, but basically I always come back to the realization that Louis and Lestat basically had a sexless marriage.
Don’t get me wrong bc I’m asexual and I don’t think they need to have sex/share blood to have genuine intimacy between them or to be in a relationship, but it’s something to think about in this conversation lol. Especially the comment of Lestat ~offering~ like he’s an obnoxious horny husband with a frigid spouse. Yikes bro.
I was thinking more too after writing an ENORMOUS essay the other day; if I could make it a bit more concise I’d also sum it up as:
Lestat intentionally manipulated Louis for years.
Armand did a single really bad thing that he has time to atone for.
I, a mere human loser, can empathize with Armand, and he didn’t have my daughter/girlfriend murdered so maybe I’m not close enough LMAO but I see the good in him, and I think VC canon & lore relies on the reader’s suspension of disbelief to understand that the vampires experience emotions and time differently than we do, have different capacities for forgiveness and love and relationships. I imagine that Louis understand Armand and can finds way to empathize with him and forgive him.
And this is the same as why I think Loustat in later canon makes sense as well, because Louis continues to forgive him and see the good in him.
Also just, as an Armand stan, I think people are missing the mark when they read him as just this cruel sadist with no feelings. So for all the evidence we can stack against whether or not Armand was manipulating Louis, I don’t particularly buy those reads because it’s out of character for the way I read him. I personally don’t see Armand as a person who would do that, it doesn't make sense to me. He fucks up and misbehaves because he isn’t socialized LOL but I don’t see him as a cruel or sadistic character. The good news is that all of the vampires are poly and do whatever they want so Louis does not have to choose. :D
Anyway please I’m begging Hot Topic to bring back the TEAM WHATEVER tshirts for the show I will buy all of them.
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banghwa · 11 months
I know this is never gonna happen but still. I’m on my hands and knees, big hit producers please dust off those live instruments from the basement, buy new strings for the guitars, check the amps PLEASE use a base guitar or an electric guitar while working with jk!!! he’s amazing in pop and I’m sure I’m gonna enjoy whatever he puts out but I’d start climbing the walls if I hear him in anything alternative… like I get that entertainment companies aren’t really gonna let idols create outside of pop (other than like rnb) they are pop music artists and ent. companies are revenue driven so ofc they don’t want to risk a flop when they can make safe pop music that consistently gets the numbers but idk… it kinda feels like a loss that most kpop artists can’t really experiment with their identity as a musician and be experiential with their sound… anyways i just think id be cool to hear jks vocals in a pop punk setting lol I didn’t mean to ramble so much
THISSSSS LITERALLY THIS i know its never gonna happen but seeing jk play around with that bass in that one memories video i think wtv like that shit changed my life GIVE HIM SMT INTERESTING!!!!! give him smt messy could u imagine how he'd sound with a dirtyyyyy muddy guitar tone. like he does GREAT pop he does! and i dont blame him for wanting to stick to it bcs he's so good for it and its a sound that he likes to listen to himself. but if he did anything slightly grungy i think the planets' axis would shift like. lots of idol groups try to push what kpop means n its what bts used to do too when they werent as big and they werent being toyed around like a catch-all brand instead of an artistic project 🙄. idk i think bts have this rly great opportunity to not play it gp safe all the time given they have such a unique position rn where anything they do will get attention. and u can tell some of them rly want to push that boundary and its great that they have the platform to do so in a safe way so i just think jungkook deserves that same exploration process! they shouldnt be scared of it!! let jk make rock music !!!!!!!!!
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cutiehoneyyyyyy · 1 year
1. What is your biggest sexual fantasy?
4. Have you ever had sex in public?
6. What are your favorite sex positions?
it’s hard to pick just one (these are prob boring tho lol) but… i think it would be fun to just fuck a complete stranger? like those videos that are like some dude just sees a random girl walking and just picks her up and then they start fucking lmfao. i know they’re just staged and i think i’d feel scared in the moment if it happened fr but i think that it could be fun anyway maybe. or idk if this counts but like dp sounds fun 🫣
ig if in a car counts i’ve done done that plenty of times, but also i have once just outside like, under an overpass (idk don’t ask it sounds stupid bc it was i was walking w my bf at the time to his house and his parents texted him saying they’d be home early so ig he figured he’d rather us get caught by a rando than his parents lmao)
i’ve….never tried one that i didn’t like? it’s rly easy to make me cum so just put me however u want lmfao
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hyunverse · 1 year
idk how i didn’t see this earlier 🤔
he rly does tho there’s smth about hyunjin w his whole romantic side that gives he lovessss kissing. so cute and romantic and so up my alley teeheeee
i feel like we could get along w all of skz in diff ways yk ? also english breakfast sounds so good rn 😩 oddly enough i’ve been craving like plain frosting all day ??? no cake no cupcakes just frosting which is weird bc i like ,,, don’t rly like frosting LOL
THE HIP SWAYING OHHYESSSSSSS i love it. he has a nice build too so his hips just make it 👌🏼. same minho butt hunter is life. is csm where that name came from ?? 😭😭 bc it is so fitting ??
i feel like ALL of them would be scary mad like no thanks i will keep my distance. minho it would be either rly hot and he’d think it’s hot too LOL or it would be absolutely terrifying. imagine disappointing lee know ………. i’d like …. be done for on my own terms LMAO
us having the usual 5 convos at once teehehehe
i am so very sorry for being late at replying T_T i swear i love u!! u r the loml!!
LOOK BABE I REMEMBER I READ SOMETHING ABT HYUNE BEING A MESSY KISSER... IT GOT ME THINKING... 💭 i feel like he puts so much emotions into his kisses that it gets messy.
mm most of skz are feelers too, so i feel like the best way to get along with them is be somewhat emotionally intelligent. they seem like such cool people to talk to. would love to just sit down and talk to them about anything and everything. (i am being delusional please do not mind me)
hyune hip swaying is so real!!! his hip swaying skills are out of this world. when shakira said these hips don't lie she was talking about hwang hyunjin. also dont rmmbr what i said abt csm im so sorry 😭 i re-checked the last ask and still don't understand the context HELP (she's just a girl... a little dumb and stupid)
minho the type who knows it when he looks hot. i despise that. he holds so much power over me it is unhealthy!!! no pls i dont wanna disappoint him i'd hate mysely LMAO (to be fair i do not like disappointing people in general LOL)
i love us and our multiple convos <3 mwah kisses for u angel
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