#so i don’t actually know if that was the company slandering them as a pr meat shield or if it was actually true
hammerbonk · 7 months
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My friend took me down the rabbit hole that is the Nijisanji shitshow. Actual literal black company if I’ve ever seen one
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gacha-incels · 2 months
I'm seeing a new wave of people going "well the PMUA was a fraud", is this about anything new?
In regards to why it’s happening - I think it’s probably because KGCS is helping monggeu and Mimi in their legal cases against project moon which, again, has literally nothing to do with people who play their gacha game. but because these kids have made liking this media a core part of their personality they’ve now become personal unpaid PR agents for project moon. they feel like they need to defend this company and KGCS is seen as the “attacking” entity in this us vs them, so they will do anything to slander them and smear their name regardless of the actual help they have provided victims of feminist ideological verification. this doesn’t matter, these fans don’t care and typically don’t live in South Korea so this doesn’t affect them, it’s a service they will never have to use so they don’t mind slandering this group. In regards to what is happening - It’s very telling that these people still refer to KGCS as “PMUA” - to them this entire thing revolves around Project Moon. It starts and stops with Project Moon. If anyone is trying to tell you “info” and using this acronym I would be skeptical about where they’re getting this information. The one I saw recently about how they “raised money for vellmori and didn’t give it to her” was particularly bold. I’m guessing it’s from some posts in english going around with the typical hearsay because these fans are pissed off about this legal battle which has literally nothing to do with them. If someone knows it’s from some new video essay please don’t even tell me I don’t want to live in a world where people are blasting out videos for the end goal of defending a gacha game LOL. again I’m not the KGCS PR agent or anything, I’m not here to blow smoke up their ass, this is just extremely basic stuff you would know if you had been following these cases for a full year now. after a while it’s pointless to keep replying to some of these people engaging in trivial back and forth arguments “well what about this? (wrong info)” “well what about this? (out of context)” - you go back and forth like a tennis match and end up essentially nowhere. it’s a waste of time imo so I try to avoid it. None of these groups are going to be infallible, that’s how everyone works, so I’m not sure how these fans see this slander as a slam dunk gotcha. anyway that’s how I see it at least
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“That’s the third story this month,” Tim said, putting aside his plate. “What is it this time?”
“It’s more rumors about the company,” Bruce said, passing over the newspaper. “And you.”
“What now?”
“You appear to be embezzling, Master Timothy.” Alfred pulled Tim’s empty plate from the table and replaced it with a platter of bagels. Tim pushed the tray away from his seat. He had eaten enough already. 
“The fact that it is untrue will not stop them from printing it.”
“Yeah,” said Tim, while he glanced over the article. “Yeah, I know.”
Stealing, it said, and money changing hands. Tim missed the next minute of conversation, vaguely aware of Bruce, Alfred, and Damian talking around him, but not processing what they said. 
Tim should make a joke. He knew that. There was a nasty article about him in the paper, and he should make a joke. That’s what they all did, in situations like these. 
Tim was getting fed up with situations like these. He took a few deep breaths, pulled a pen from among the hodgepodge of case files and breakfast plates, and scratched at the edge of the newspaper to see if the pen worked. 
The pen did not work. Well, Tim thought to himself. Well, that was the last straw.
“Are we doing emotions today?” he asked.
The rest of the table fell silent. Bruce put down his glass of orange juice. 
“Emotions. Do I get to be angry?”
“Yes,” said Damian. 
“Yes?” said Bruce.
“Cool.” Tim took another deep breath. “I’m angry.”
Damian leaned forward, folding his arms on the table. He rested his chin on top of them. “Angry about?”
“This.” Tim waved the article in the air. “The bad PR. The lying. The… it’s slander, right?
“It’s libel if they write it down.”
“Libel then.” Tim felt his face starting to heat up. “I hate it. I shouldn’t live in a world where cameras watch everything I do, and I definitely shouldn’t be reading about myself over breakfast. When I didn’t do anything. This is all nonsense.”
Tim stood up, suddenly anxious to move around. He looked down at the article in his hand again, reread the headline, and snorted.
“I’m embezzling?” said Tim. “I’m committing fraud? I’m bribing and conniving and stealing my way through this shitshow? Please, do tell.” 
He threw the paper down onto the table. “I am just… so tired of these journalists, these blogs, these— I don’t know— these instagrams insulting me and bending over backward to find mistakes I didn’t actually make. Obsession. They idolize me. They hate me. Which one do we get today?”
Tim paced away from the table, towards the center of the room. “Yes,” he said, kicking at the corner of a rug. “Quote me in pastels on your, your whatever— your social media. Post every photo of me that exists online. Take the pictures of my family that I take, run them through a filter, and insult us on your way to exploiting everything we do. Love it!”
Tim paced back, stopping. “Damian?” he asked.
“What else am I mad about?”
“Not right now.”
“The dating stuff?”
“Oh, yeah.” Tim threw his hands in the air. “Oh yeah! If I ever have to read anything ever again— much less answer questions— about who I’m dating, or who my family is dating, or if I’m dating my family, I’m going to lose it. I’m going to lose my shit. How many times do I have to say this?” 
Tim slapped a hand onto the table on his way past. Everyone in the room jumped at the sudden sound as Tim walked away again, hand stinging from the impact. 
“I will not write your trash headlines or your terrible stories. No, I will not answer your questions, and I will not bend my personal boundaries for your fantasies. I do not exist for you, personally, to receive favors, because—”
Tim floundered for a moment, gesturing vaguely. “Because I just, I just owe it to everyone, don’t I? That’s what I’m for? To do you a solid? To help you out? To make you feel better about your life by giving you my time and effort?”
“Tim,” said Bruce.
“And then everybody on the planet thinks I’ll do it again!” Tim clenched his fists. “And again, and again, and again, because now I have to. That’s my job now.”
“Yes ma’am,” Tim said to his right. “No, sir,” he said to his left. “Absolutely. Yes. What can I do for you? What do you need? Oh I am—”
“Tim,” Bruce said, softer this time.
Tim heard himself getting louder and louder, but he didn’t try to stop. He didn’t know if he could stop, actually.
“I am so tired,” he spat, “of smiling while I get screwed— and if I, if I do anything about it? Then I’m petty, and I’m harsh, and I’m the one at fault, and I’m no better than they are. Moral high ground my ass! I’m tired.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” Tim repeated. “I’m just here to give favors, but anytime I need something, anytime I ask, or even when I don’t, I’m expected to fall on the floor in gratitude. Oh thank you, my Lord and Savior, for blessing me with the human decency you should have been exhibiting this entire goddamn time.”
Tim kicked at the carpet again. “I’ve been working for seven days straight. I haven’t slept. It’s not cute, and it’s not fun, and it feels like dying, but here I am doing everything on Earth because it’s all my responsibility. The whole thing! All of it! So I’ll be—”
He raised a hand above his head with a lifting motion, rolling his eyes. “—I’ll be over here playing Atlas while everything I actually want to do goes down the drain. Fine! Used to it! I’m used to being stuck here because nothing— nothing ever goes right. It just doesn’t.”
“Be obedient,” Tim said. “Be polite, be perfect, be— I’m tired! I’m tired, okay? I’m tired, and I’m angry, I’m so angry that I’m going to scream. I am screaming! God! If everything could take a break for half an hour so I could just stop—”
Tim cut himself off, out of breath. Shit. He turned fully around and found the three of them staring back at him in varying stages of alarm. Damian appeared more interested than anything else, while Alfred’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. Bruce, of course, remained inscrutable. 
“And, um,” Tim added, suddenly self-conscious. “And whoever is hoarding all the good pens is getting written out of my will.” 
“Isn’t me,” said Damian, shrugging. 
“You’re already written out.”
“That’s valid.”
“I’m going to go now.” Tim pulled his backpack out from under the table. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it. See you.”
He marched out of the room, very aware of three pairs of eyes behind him. 
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Hero Deku meets Singer Shouto
Hi @ire-mired, I’m your secret santa for the @bnhagiftexchange. Sorry you had to wait so long for this. I hope you enjoy this, it was really hard to pick between the ships and I hope the story was good. It’s more pre-relationship but it just worked out. I thought since I was doing singer!Shouto, I thought it’d be cool to have Quirkless Hero!Izuku as well. There’s a little easter egg from the todoshindeku story ‘Heroics and Other Things That Don’t Require Superheros’ by @thenarator if you’re interested. I hope you enjoy!
Izuku climbed out of the town car. He still felt weird about being carted around like this. Even when he was in civilian clothes, he tended to use his high air pressured shoes to hop around everywhere. Which of course is half of where all those bunny comments came from but it was easier. Public transport got crowded when they realised the quirkless hero Deku was on the same train or bus as them.
But he could keep his comments about it to himself today. Today was special.
“Deku, welcome! We can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come today.” The man waiting by the door said, once the hero was close enough. He was in a suit and seemed perfectly put together but he didn’t reek of ‘I’m-to-good-for-everyone’.
“Of course I made time. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“The kids will be so happy their favourite hero came. You have no idea how much they look up to you.”
“That makes me very happy to hear. Shall we get started?” Izuku asked.
“Of course, right this way. And thank you again for taking the back entrance. We’re all for press taking interest in our cause, but they tend to be a bit overzealous. We handpicked a few to be inside with us. Thank you for the recommendations.”
“My pleasure.”
Izuku walked through the community centre, wishing once again this existed when he was a kid. He was born quirkless, part of the 1%. Growing up had been horrible. Bullied by his best friend (who eventually apologized and was once again on good terms with), treated horribly by prejudice teachers and neighbours, feeling like a burden to his mother, who didn’t know how to encourage him. He’d even been told by his idol All Might he couldn’t be a hero, the one thing he wanted more than anything in the world. He was surprised to later find out, that same day he met the famed hero and found out his secret, to also find out he’d once been quirkless.
“I had forgotten what it was like to wish for something as simple as someone telling me I could. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the one to tell you that when you needed to hear it.”
All Might – Yagi Toshinori, had offered him his quirk, but in that split second, all Izuku could think of was, ‘what if I can tell someone they can be a hero?’. He’d been quirkless his whole life and it felt like if he said yes, he’d forget where he came from and everything, he faced years later. So he turned down the quirk. When he explained his reasoning, Toshinori smiled.
“Yes, I think we deserve a hero who can prove quirks aren’t everything. Would you still take my offer on helping you get ready for the exams?”
Years later, he’d made it, the first quirkless hero. He still got slander and got yelled at by bigoted people for ‘putting ideas into people’s heads’ but he felt proud of himself. He’d been put into the General Studies class and met Shinsou Hitoshi, a guy with what people considered a villain’s quirk. Together, they proved to everyone that their quirks, or lack thereof, wouldn’t make them unfit heroes. After 3 years with dealing with the League of Villains, internships and general high school drama, he and Hitoshi opened up their agency, with a few of their other class and school mates, Underdog Agency. Name being a tiny bit misleading for those who didn’t know the heroes behind it, but it fit them to a T.
Now whenever he was asked, and he could fit it in between patrols, paperwork and general heroing, he’d go to talks about quirkless kids, charity events, visit schools, anything he could to help lower the stigmatism of quirkless people and to give them a bit of hope. They could be whatever they wanted to be, no matter what anyone said.
This event, was a fundraising event held a community centre geared towards people without quirks. There was a performance stage that was live streamed, mixed in with a silent auction and him, Deku talking with all the kids and visiting people. Just his name alone was bringing in money for the centre. The main gathering area was filled with kids, who’s attention was all on a stage with bright lights all focused on one person.
Split red and white hair, enchanting dual eyes and the grace of season dancer with the voice of an angel. God, he could hear Hitoshi teasing him already.
“I didn’t know Shouto would be here.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant. He didn’t think he sold it but thankfully, the director didn’t know him well enough to guess what he was thinking.
“Well a decent number of our kids unfortunately deal with abusive households or family members. We’ve only just started getting to help these kids so they aren’t forced to be subjected to a quirk heavy view in placing them in new homes or even helping them. Shouto has always been an advocate for helping kids from abusive households, no matter what their quirk or lack thereof. A few kids had written him letters and he apparently rearranged his whole schedule to be here tonight. If you’d like, we’d be more than willing to introduce you to him?”
Introduce him to the guy whose songs have been working as encouragement since his second year after he debuted? It was like a dream come true.
Shouto didn’t like heroes. Well, to be more accurate, he didn’t like top tier heroes. They got away with whatever they wanted and nothing could be changed. It didn’t matter that the small burst of courage that came over his sister to film his father’s ‘training’ and upload it had exposed the Number 2 hero and the corrupt Hero’s Commission, things didn’t change. The Commission might be scrutinized by the public, but he refused to believe they’d actually stick to their promise of being better.
It was easy to lose himself in the world of singing. His mother did it a lot, still did. After his father was gone, finally gone, he felt lost. He could have been a hero; prove he’d be better than his father but the idea of following in his footsteps filled him with so much dread. He didn’t attend school for a whole semester, trying to figure out what to do with his life. They moved closer to the countryside, away from the public eye and he’d been helping out at a local festival, lending his voice to one of the dance performances when the lady came up to him. She was on vacation with her friends but she couldn’t shut off her work brain after hearing him sing.
“An idol?” Fuyumi had asked in confusion, trying to wrap her head around the whole thing. “Shouto?”
“His voice is amazing. He’d be a trainee for a while and if the company thinks he can make it, he’d debut. How far he’ll go would be up to him, fans and the company but he’d learn so many skills as a trainee. Just think about it. You wouldn’t have to go there until next month for the monthly meeting with new recruits.”
And he did think about it. A lot. It had been his mother who eventually helped him decide. Even while still in the hospital in the city, after his father’s arrest he finally convinced himself to see his mother. She still loved him and always would.
“Would you want to sing?” she had asked.
“I guess? I’ve been doing it more often. But if I do this, what if he sees and he tries to come after me?”
“Shouto,” she said calmly. Her, the one who was still hurt from everything she had to endure from the person she called a husband. “He’s never going to come after you. you have a chance to do something you want to do. But it’s up to you. I know it’s been hard to figure out where you want to go from here, but remember, you can make your choice now. So, do you want to sing?”
So he decided to at least become a trainee. Moving back to the city was scary. He had to convince himself that his dad wasn’t going to come swoping in and lock him away. The Commission had been dragging their feet in offering any sort of support, which made him dislike them even more, even in the new era of it. But being a trainee made it easy to forget it. If he worked harder than everyone, it wasn’t because he was forced, it was because he wanted to. His siblings would still drag him away from practise if it was getting to be too much. He learned to dance and found he was good at it. He learned to speak different languages. He learned how to make friends, enemies and everything in between.
So when they said he would debut, he agreed, because right there on the stage, was what felt right to him. That still didn’t mean he liked heroes.
With his advocacy to kids in abusive homes, he met a lot of heroes who’d show up to support or even PR related. Very few of them did he actual end up liking, having to keep a smile on in front of kids, but letting his blank face take hold if the ones he didn’t like tried talking to him privately. When he heard there was a hero coming to this charity event for quirkless kids, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Bring a hero in a room full of kids who didn’t have quirks of their own? That outta be good.
He was focused on signing the books and sheets the kids passed to him that he almost didn’t see the director of the charity wave him over. Standing next to him had to be the hero, judging from his green suit and metal face guard that sat around his neck. He did notice the shoes he was wearing, red high tops. Thing was, he’d seen the same pair of shoes, in different colours, on the feet of the kids. Why would a hero wear a brand of shoes made for quirkless people?
“Shouto, I’d like to introduce you to our hero celebrity for the night, Deku. Deku, our celebrity performer, Shouto.”
“Nice to meet you.” the hero Deku said, bright smile on his face. At least it looked genuine.
“Oh my gosh! It’s the Quirkless Hero Deku!” one of the kids shouted and before they knew it, they were surrounded by kids, most of them trying to hang off the tall hero.
Quirkless Hero? He’d never heard of him, but then again, he tended to ignore heroes in general. But at least the kids wouldn’t feel awkward with a hero flexing their quirk when they had none.
“Shouto, did you see? Deku came!” one of the younger girls said, hanging off his arm. “He’s quirkless just like us. He has a lot of support items and he’s really smart! He was able to create a plan to take down that huge crime ring, did you hear about that?”
He’d been living in a recording studio around then so not really, but he nodded anyway. The kids seemed excited and the guy seemed genuine, so clearly, he must not be that bad. He watched him talk to the kids, a huge smile on his face, answering questions just as quickly as they were thrown at him.
Shouto didn’t like top tier heroes, but it seemed that Deku wasn’t that bad. He hoped he didn’t disappoint.
Talking with the kids kept his spirits up when having to talk to adults, some of whom had some annoying backhanded comments to make about quirkless people. It was annoying some were only giving money to make themselves look better but he’d rather put up with comments then have the kids get no support and live with life just as bad as he used to have it. Shame Hitoshi couldn’t come, people tended to forget when they got full of themselves how easy it was for Hitoshi to take control and make them do things. Only minor, he was a hero after all, but then again, who didn’t have a short fuse for annoying people?
“Excuse me,” a voice interrupted. It was Shouto. His shirt had been unbuttoned a bit after his performance and his clothes were rumpled from all the kids who’d been hanging off of him. “Do you mind if I steal Deku?”
“Ah. I have to ask; you have such a powerful quirk? Why waste it singing around on stage?” one of the doners, who’d also been giving well disguised scathing comments about quirkless people – Izuku really wanted to punch him, or at least throw him out – asked.
“Maybe because unlike some people, I don’t have to flaunt my quirk to be liked. Excuse us.” Shouto said, before pulling Izuku away. “Asshole.” He muttered, loud enough for Izuku to hear.
“I was pretty close to punching him myself. Downside to doing these events, some of those guys slip through and you have to remind yourself that their money helps make the kids’ lives better.”
Shouto had pulled them to a less populated area of the room and took a seat on the floor. There were seats nearby but the dual haired singer seemed quite at home on the floor, so he sat next to him, keeping a decent distance between them. he had been able to keep his fanboying down – Toshinori would be so proud – and he didn’t want to mess up now.
“I have to admit, I was surprised to hear there was a quirkless hero. When I heard a hero was coming, all I could think was that some oversized ego UA graduate was just gonna flaunt their quirk and make some of these kids feel bad.”
“Well, some heroes have less flashy quirks, would that of been so bad?” he wasn’t insulted that Shouto never heard of him. The agency wasn’t as big as some of the others, Hitoshi worked mostly underground and even though he was good, people still liked to disregard him as a hero due to the lack of his quirk. He didn’t care. He graduated from Class A of UA, made an agency right out of school and worked with bigger heroes on missions they needed his help with. The people who mattered noticed him and he was helping kids like him to believe they could do anything.
“I guess. To be honest, I’m not a fan of heroes. I know with how much that’s being given by some of these people, they’d have to bring in a big hero but also be sensitive to the kids. How have I never heard of you?”
Izuku scratched the back of his head. “I’m 8 on the ranking list? Most of the time they tend to ignore me since I’m quirkless. A lot of people still think I shouldn’t do this without a quirk.”
Shouto looked surprised. “You’re in the top 10 and they think you shouldn’t be doing this? What are they idiots?”
“Well, I was taught by the former Number 1 and I’ve seen the pressure it puts on people, so as long as the people who matter know I’m there to protect them, that’s all that matters.”
Shouto hummed thoughtfully. “Kinda like me and singing, I guess. The guy was right, I do have a pretty powerful quirk but…” he trailed off, like he didn’t know how to word what he said next. “I didn’t want to be a hero. I wanted to be something else. So I decided to sing.”
“I know.” It kinda came out of him without permission, but Izuku was known for just going with it once he started something. “You debuted during my second year. Surprisingly, things got a lot more intense during second year, this coming from a graduate of a class singled out by the League. Your songs gave me a boost to keep pushing forward. So, I wanted to say thank you. I know you didn’t sing to you know, do that, but I’m glad you decided to do it.”
Before Shouto could open his mouth, a group of kids came rushing over, jumping on the two adults.
“Shouto, can we braid your hair? It’s so long! You said we could do it later since you had to perform.”
“Deku, is it true you wanted to look like a bunny?”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Izuku asked out loud.
“Because your hood has ears.” The child answered matter-of-factly.
“It’s supposed to be All Might’s hair.” He muttered before deciding to distract them by asking the kids their favourite things to do. The girls who came over had already made quick work ok tying up his hair with a random bag of hairties.
“Fan of All Might?” Shouto asked around the working hands. He seemed completely at ease with his head being moved around every two seconds
“Well, he was quirkless for most of his life. I found that out when I first met him and that’s what helped me decide to really try and be a hero without a quirk.”
“That’s why he’s our favourite!” one of the kids said, making himself quite at home on Izuku’s lap.
“Well I hope I can still inspire you guys to go after your dreams. Just know even if it seems like no one does, I believe in you guys. Always will.”
That statement did lead to all the kids jumping on him in happiness, sending him tumbling back. He saw Shouto smiling down at him, still looking amazing with his messy hair.
The silent auction was coming to an end and he and Deku had been asked to announce the winners. To keep the kids from distracting them, they waited in a small office not far from the main area.
“So, what does Japan’s first quirkless hero when he’s not advocating for quirkless people?” Shouto asked, shaking his head as he pulled out all the messy braids.
“when I’m not heroing? My best friend Hitoshi takes me to all these cat cafes and I take the chance to try out all the match au late they have. I remember I had this amazing one on I-Island. I’ve been trying to find one just as good since.”
“Well, the ones they have at the café at my company’s building are pretty good. You should come by.” The singer took in the hero’s surprised face. He wasn’t into heroes, but this one was one of the decent ones, even a really good one. “remind me to give you my number later and when you have time, I can show you. plus, their cakes are to die for.”
“Shouto, Deku, we’re ready for you.” the director called before the hero could give an answer.
The singer sent a smile over his shoulder, enjoying how red the hero had become. He did get Deku’s number by the end of the night, plus his name.
Izuku. Hmm, maybe he’d get to call him that more often.
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Why I Write About David and Gillian’s Friendship
I have this one anon, and I do believe it’s the same person, who asks me, “if you’re so sure David and Gillian are friends, why are you so insecure?”
It’s such a peculiar statement to make because I’m merely expressing a dissenting opinion from a popular sentiment. I’m not attacking anyone or getting defensive, I’m just explaining my case.
I’d actually argue that antis are insecure because 1. They get hostile whenever someone asserts that Gillian and David get along 2. They send hate anon 3. They resort to slander and claim they’re being attacked for not liking David. 4. They’re actively watching my blog. :) I literally don’t tag any of my anon posts, yet they send in other anons responding to them. 
If they’re so secure that David and Gillian aren’t friends, why do they care what I think, especially since it’s not harming or attacking anyone?
That’s called projection.
So, why do I write about David and Gillian?
For starters, they’re magic together and I’m clearly not the only one who thinks this. They’ve captivated fans, interviews, and photographers for almost 3 decades and that says a lot. For two people with such an enigmatic relationship, people cannot turn away.
Consequently, I examined my own fascination with David and Gillian by juxtaposing them with claims that they hated each other even present day.
And you know what?
I found that I didn’t agree with claims these two didn’t get along.
It’s not because I want them to be BFFs, which they aren’t, but because those who swear David and Gillian hate each other have an agenda. 
I’m not asking for any, but I notice whenever I post about David and Gillian being friends, I receive hate anons usually shitting on David, yet none for Gillian. The remaining anons are usually clearing up facts or trying to understand what’s going on. But, like...96% of my anons, which I received around 30 within 24 hours, is about shitting on David.
How does that have anything to do with David and Gillian not being friends?
It doesn’t.
Even one of them reminded me of when Peter and Gillian got together, which has nothing to do with David and Gillian being friends. Funny enough, they went to bat for Peter claiming his was this oh so charming gentleman only to turn out he was a massive asshole--they propped Peter up to shit on David only for that to hit them in the face last year.
This misinformation campaign that David and Gillian aren’t friends is all because a small group of Philes hate David. I’m not here to argue if their opinions are valid or not because it's nothing I care to concern myself with. But, their feelings about David has nothing to do with his actual friendship with Gillian. Yet, they conflate the two to have Gillian mirror how they feel, which is inappropriate and false.
Their poor understanding of friendships is why they believe that since David and Gillian don’t see each other every day or talk regularly means that they aren’t friends. They believe since Gillian says she doesn’t know much about David, all while overlooking that Gillian has shitty memory, that this proves they aren’t friends.
In their minds, everything is PR and Hollywood BS.
When the simplest explanation is that they actually do get along.
Even if you argue that they needed to pretend to get along during the original run of the show, which have examples of this not being the case, it doesn’t explain their present behavior. It doesn’t explain them showing up to each other plays and promoting each others work outside of the x files even after season 1 ended. It doesn’t explain them casually bringing up each other when the question had nothing to do with each other. Or allowing the other to speak at the Hollywood star ceremonies. 
Most importantly, claiming that they hate each other is calling Gillian Anderson a liar.
Gillian has stated on record that they do not hate each other. She has explicitly said that the work environment they had back then made shit tense at times. They have said that they’ve grown an appreciation for one another and wished they would’ve handled things differently. She has said she added to their friction back in the 90s.
Yet, her alleged fans call her a liar by dismissing her own words and running away with their own.
In their minds, every instance these two laugh together, smile at one another, have a good time, speak highly of the other, etc is all bullshit. They’re acting.
They say that people like Mark Mann who has personally spent time with them doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but they, internet stalkers know better than him. Their claims even goes against Jimmy Kimmel’s observation who was notably surprised at how well they got along. It was something that stuck out to him on at least three different occasions: behind the scenes, when the interview first started, and later on in the interview when he called them out again.
Again, all acting. :) It’s PR and Hollywood bullshit.
IMO, it’s absurd.
I write about Gillian and David’s friendship because I’m refusing to allow antis to continue to control the narrative and taint every interaction with their lies. To contextualize any blatant misrepresentation they’ve spewed these last few years. And to show that it’s okay to think D and G are friends, like it, and talk about it.
Because the only people who look delusional are those who keep insisting that two people who clearly enjoy each other actually hate each other.
How can two people who had a candid moment photographed into an iconic moment hate each other? Two people who a literal stranger said electrical energy surrounded them when they walked out of a room together? Two people where people (interviewers) remark on their chemistry (on and off screen)?
They give some of the best interviews together. They’re their most animated around each other. They bring out the best in each other (IMO). But, these two hate each other and aren’t friends.
When have we ever seen Gillian smile and laugh as much as she does with David?
My posts aren’t about romance, sex, or secret families (lol), just friendship and I receive hate anon for this shit. LOL.
The true insecure group are the anti David/anti gillovny folk (gillovny means more than romance so don't start).
In conclusion, altogether David and Gillian don’t talk frequently, from what we know, that doesn’t mean they don’t get along and/or aren't friends. There are different types of friendships with different frequencies and different expectations. But, these two clearly get along and enjoy each other’s company.
I’ll like to add something I forgot: Just like most relationships, romantic, platonic, or familial, people have their ups and downs. They don't always get along and sometimes issues are drawn out. That doesn’t mean two people hate each other, it means they need time to handle their own shit. Whatever crap David and Gillian may or may have not been arguing over in the past or present is their business. Neither have had issues saying how they’ve felt about each other before, so why now?
It’s because they don’t have an issue with each other, it’s all fandom bullshit.
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tiramisiyu · 4 years
【未定事件簿】Tears of Themis: Main Story 5-35 Translation
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Translated parts: Chapter 5 – Sounds of Falling Snow (Part 1, 2, 3): 5-1 / 5-3 / 5-5 / 5-7 / 5-9 / 5-11 / 5-13 ♦️ ♦️  5-14 / 5-16 / 5-18 / 5-20 / 5-22 / 5-24 / 5-26 / 5-28 ♦️ ♦️ 5-29 / 5-31 / 5-33 / 5-35 / 5-37 / 5-39 / 5-40 / 5-42 / 5-43
Translation Masterlist: here
Video: (28:22) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15a4y1j7CW?
CEO’s Office
At 10:00 AM, the Stellis News Website chief editor, Liu Hao, arrived at Pax Financial Group’s headquarters.
Though Pax’s CEO was definitely a prominent figure, Liu Hao had met with people all over the world. He didn’t feel any caution.
Liu Hao: CEO Lu, hello.
Lu Jinghe: Chief Editor Liu has arrived. Please sit.
Lu Jinghe: What does Chief Editor Liu want to drink? Wen Chen, prepare something for our guest.
Liu Hao: No need, no need, CEO Lu is too courteous.
Lu Jinghe: That’s fine then, my time is tight, so I won’t be polite with you. Let’s talk about serious matters.
Lu Jinghe: Pax is currently considering fourth-quarter advertising circulation. We want to work with more stylish media.
Lu Jinghe: Traditional platforms tend to conform too much with social norms. They don’t match Pax’s determination to be enterprising with innovation.
Lu Jinghe: Recently, I saw the Stellis News Website’s interview with Heirson general manager Qin Shan, and felt that your platform is pretty good.
Lu Jinghe: I was wondering if Chief Editor Liu has any intentions to collaborate.
Liu Hao: Your words really are too courteous. It would be our pleasure to collaborate with Pax.
Lu Jinghe: I heard the media department’s people reported that Stellis News Website’s gold-level advertising space has already been booked for Heirson?
Liu Hao: Heirson’s collaboration with us should be ending this month.
Liu Hao: If Pax has the intention to, you can bid against Heirson for the position in the fourth quarter.
Lu Jinghe: I thought Chief Editor Liu was an educated person. Compared to doing business with sales and purchases, you must be more of an expert in creating writing.
Lu Jinghe: I didn’t think that you also have such skill in calculation.
Seeming to have been alerted that Lu Jinghe was unhappy, Liu Hao was slightly agitated, his smiling expression slightly stiff. 
Liu Hao: Bidding is a typical process. Though I am the chief editor of Stellis News Website, some things aren’t up to me.
Lu Jinghe: That is true. When discussing business, one indeed should not seek the chief editor to do so.
Lu Jinghe: In fact, discussing business was just secondary when I specially invited you here today.
Liu Hao: Then you are…?
Lu Jinghe: Pax Financial Group has continuously been rapidly expanding our biopharmaceuticals. In the recent two years, we’ve been looking at Heirson with the intention of buying shares.
Lu Jinghe: I’ve looked up all the business’s information that I need to look up – but I’m the kind of person who looks more at the person themselves when seeking to collaborate with them. 
Lu Jinghe: So I wanted to find you, Chief Editor Liu, to understand this Qin Shan person. 
Lu Jinghe: If Chief Editor Liu can help me with this, then naturally, Pax will not find another platform for our advertisements.
Liu Hao: Qin Shan and I actually do have some private interactions. Otherwise, with his business so busy every day, how could I have made an appointment for an interview?
Liu Hao: CEO Lu, feel free to ask about whatever you want to understand.
Lu Jinghe: Last year, that water pollution matter of Heirson stirred up a fairly large amount of trouble. At that time, I didn’t pay attention, and I heard that it got to the point of a lawsuit.
Lu Jinghe: Apparently it was a reporter from your news site who wrote a falsified news article slandering others. What exactly was the situation with this matter?
Lu Jinghe: If Heirson really has a record of environmental pollution, then Pax will definitely not work with them.
Liu Hao: You’re asking about this matter.
When it involved his own platform’s “scandal”, Liu Hao was somewhat awkward.
Liu Hao: For this matter, Heirson really was innocent. Those two news reports were falsified by one of the reporters on our platform, Kong Moli.
Liu Hao: In that case, it was clearly Rainbow River Village’s paper mill that polluted the water. But if we were to report that, this kind of news wouldn’t attract much attention.
Liu Hao: Kong Moli just wanted to garner views, so she deliberately wrote that the source of the pollution came from the Heirson’s laboratory.
Liu Hao: Ah, it was also that my reviews weren’t strict. From the beginning I really thought that she had dug up major news…
Lu Jinghe: So it was like this all along.
Lu Jinghe: To be able to have Heirson, a large company, litigate a little reporter - looks like this matter created large losses for Heirson at the time.
Lu Jinghe: But I saw on the financial reports that last year, in the third quarter, Heirson’s profits were increasing rapidly. This sure is strange.
Liu Hao: Though looking at it at that time, it was a scandal that negatively impacted the company’s reputation, it still let more people know about Heirson.
Liu Hao: This is also the use of us media. When one report comes out, sometimes it’s very hard to say whether it’s bad luck or a blessing.
Lu Jinghe: I saw that at the beginning of fourth quarter last year, Heirson started to work with you in depth.
Lu Jinghe: Looking at it like this, that Kong Moli was basically generating income for your platform.
Lu Jinghe: Chief Editor Liu, you must remember to give her a promotion.
Liu Hao looked surprised. It was clear that he hadn’t thought that Lu Jinghe would actually arrive at this kind of conclusion.
Liu Hao: Does CEO Lu not know? Kong Moli is already dead.
Lu Jinghe: How could I have known. What happened to her? Sickness, or an accident?
Liu Hao: It was an accident. She got in a car crash.
Lu Jinghe: I heard that being in a media occupation makes it very easy to get people to remember and hate you, to invite retaliation.
Lu Jinghe: If she was all fine and well, how could she have gotten into a car crash? Could it be from Heirson…
Liu Hao: No no, CEO Lu, you’re overthinking. Heirson did sue Kong Moli for causing harm to their commercial reputation, but they just defended their rights as needed.
Liu Hao: Even if there were people who wanted to get revenge, it would be that witness called Qiu Heng who would want revenge. 
Lu Jinghe: Qiu Heng? Who?
Liu Hao: He’s a researcher who does environmental evaluations. Kong Moli paid up to have him make a fake report to frame Heirson.
Liu Hao: This matter was noticed by Heirson’s lawyers. Qiu Heng retracted his testimony in trial, so the court judged that Kong Moli had lost the case.
Lu Jinghe: Then why would this Qiu Heng hurt Kong Moli? It doesn’t make sense.
Liu Hao: I wouldn’t know about this.
Liu Hao: I guessed it was Qiu Heng because the platform’s office building garage monitoring system shot him on camera.
Liu Hao: Before Kong Moli got in the accident, Qiu Heng had appeared in the area around the car. The security guard even specially made a report to upstairs. 
Liu Hao: Although, at that time – maybe it was because he noticed the security cameras – Qiu Heng didn’t do anything before leaving.
Liu Hao: This is what I foolishly pondered after I heard that Kong Moli had died from a car accident.
Lu Jinghe: You knew there was someone who was conspiring illegally against Kong Moli, yet you didn’t warn her?
Lu Jinghe suddenly stopped smiling. His whole body changed demeanor, exuding an imposing manner.
Liu Hao was subsequently confused, but he still unconsciously became agitated.
Liu Hao: Th-this… Because of the fake news, at that time the platform already planned to expel Kong Moli, so…
Lu Jinghe: Expelled because of fake news. Hah.
Lu Jinghe: We won’t talk first about whether the Rainbow River water’s pollution really was related to Heirson. First, you can explain this picture.
Wen Chen, who was holding a file folder and standing on the side, placed a photo in front of Liu Hao after he heard Lu Jinghe’s words.
This photo seemed to be from an automatic road monitor. The time that the picture was taken was last year, August 30.
In the picture, Liu Hao and Qin Shan were standing at the doorway of a high-level meeting, chatting very happily.
Outside of the foreground, a white SUV was parked on the roadside. The license plate number could be clearly seen.
Liu Hao: …
Lu Jinghe: VD3F046. You must recognize this car.
Liu Hao: I don’t recognize it…
Lu Jinghe: This is Kong Moli’s car!
Lu Jinghe: You simultaneously took Qin Shan’s money and waited for Kong Moli’s lawsuit results.
Lu Jinghe: If Kong Moli won the case then Stellis News Website’s reputation would be great. Naturally, you wouldn’t be short on benefits.
Lu Jinghe: If Kong Moli lost, and Qin Shan won…
Lu Jinghe: Then even if it’s for media PR, Heirson will still spend even more money on Stellis News Website, or on you.
Lu Jinghe: Earlier, what I said about Chief Editor Liu having skill in calculation was right.  You really were benefitting from both sides, profiting without loss.
Liu Hao: I, I…
Lu Jinghe: But this kind of matter can be done but not said. If this were spread out for everyone to know, then your name can be considered destroyed.
Lu Jinghe: But so unfortunately, your meeting with Qin Shan was noticed by Kong Moli.
Lu Jinghe: Using the accusation of “making up falsified news” to expel Kong Moli, having Kong Moli lose her believability, was just the first step.
Lu Jinghe: Did you also think about having Kong Moli get into a little accident and completely disappearing from this world?
Lu Jinghe: You didn’t tell Kong Moli that someone had tampered with the car, to have someone else do the dirty work for you and reap the benefits after.
Liu Hao: Lu Jinghe, do not spit blood at others!
Lu Jinghe: Spit blood at others? Are you even suited to use this phrase?
Lu Jinghe: The matters that you yourself have spit blood at others over – are they few?
Lu Jinghe: Exactly whether Kong Moli was making up false news – were you really not sure?
Lu Jinghe: Alright, let’s go back one step – you really did believe that what Kong Moli said was false.
Lu Jinghe: Then, should you not apologize to and pay compensation to Heirson, as a company whose commercial reputation was harmed due to your platform’s news reports?
Lu Jinghe: When you took Qin Shan’s money, did you not feel guilty?
Lu Jinghe: Making use of the effect that media has on the masses, ignoring the truth for your personal gain! What face have you to call yourself a news worker!
Lu Jinghe tossed the file folder from Wen Chen’s hands, letting it fall on the coffee table. The documents inside were shaken out. 
They were Liu Hao’s expenditure records at the luxury goods shop under Pax’s banner. The total amount of expenditures exceeded Liu Hao’s annual income by far.
Lu Jinghe: Liu Hao, have you declared the luxury goods that you bought with this money as taxable?
Lu Jinghe: If I were to continue to investigate, would I be able to find out that the source of this money is Heirson’s or Qin Shan’s personal bank account?
Frozen stiff, Liu Hao sat on the sofa. Cold sweat rolled off his forehead.
He was trembling. He didn’t dare to look at those documents, and he didn’t dare to respond to Lu Jinghe’s questions.
Lu Jinghe: Liu Hao, I can tell you now with certainty that I did not call you here today as Pax’s executive CEO.
Lu Jinghe: I am Kong Moli’s friend. I will investigate into clarity exactly how she died.
Liu Hao: But CEO Lu, I really did not harm her.
Lu Jinghe: Yes, you indeed did not participate in the murder. You are just a bystander of this murder case.
Lu Jinghe: You ignored it, indulged in the event of this murder case. You even enjoyed the resulting benefits.
Liu Hao: I, I…
Lu Jinghe: Indeed, the legal system has no way of convicting you, but this does not mean that you will not pay the price for this.
Lu Jinghe: I will send this evidence to the Stellis News Website’s Board of Directors.  You can experience the things you once did to Kong Moli.
Lu Jinghe: But what will be different is that no one will help you right any wrongs.
Stellis City Police Station
After meeting with Qiu Heng, I went straight to see Wang Han.
Having gone through a night of trouble, Wang Han was far from having the dignity from yesterday, when we first met.
After seeing me, none of that exaggerated fake laughter appeared again.
MC: Wang Han, you…
I was about to start asking when Lu Jinghe’s message was sent over.
“Stellis News Website chief editor Liu Hao did receive Heirson’s money, but he didn’t participate in Kong Moli’s murder.”
“I found out about something interesting. You might be able to use it – check out your inbox.”
MC: (We can exclude Liu Hao from the list of suspects’ names…)
If one doesn’t break the law, can we truly say that they are innocent?
This kind of thought flashed in my head, but at this moment, I didn’t have the strength to mull this hard question over… 
I opened the inbox, noticing that what Lu Jinghe had sent over was Heirson’s detailed financial report.
In the contents, Wang Han’s name was written impressively among the dividend details. Plus, this dividend was from before three years ago!
MC: (Though compared to other shareholders, Wang Han’s dividend can be disregarded…)
MC: (But his name being on here is sufficient to indicate problems!)
[Got Heirson’s Dividend Details!]
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Here We Are, Born to be Kings - AUgust Day 9
Title: Here We Are, Born to be Kings
Author: Purple_ducky00
Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Rhodey/Tony
Square Filled: G2 Dramatic Proposal
Link: Read on AO3
Summary:  Prince James is in love with Lord Tony Stark, a childhood friend. However, the Starks have been disgraced due to embezzlement charges. Can they overcome this?
“Your Highness. Lord Stark is here to see you.” Quentin Beck holds up his nose.
 Prince James Rhodes rolls his eyes. It’s not like Beck should judge. He was only hired because his family was in serious debt.  Tony is working out of his.
 Tony walks in a few minutes later, hair askew. “Wow, Rhodey, your servants hate me. I call it an achievement.”
“They just think it’s ok to judge since their scandals happened long ago enough for people to forget. You don’t deserve this.”
 “I probably do.” Tony shrugs. “It doesn’t bother me. Actually, it gives me the chance to ditch my politeness because they already dislike me.”
 “Oh for that luxury,” Rhodey sighs. He hates the protocol he must go through. Maybe that’s why he finds Tony so refreshing.
 They first met at a football match. Tony was on the other team, and he told the young prince, “We’re not playing any easier because you’re the prince. So, be ready for that.”
 Rhodey laughed and started playing. Tony’s team was clearly better, and they defeated Rhodey's team easily. After the game, Tony invited him to grab some lunch. They have been fast friends ever since.
 Now, Rhodey is 22 and Tony is 21. Tony’s father died last year, and Tony inherited his estate. After going over the numbers, Tony’s godfather, Obadiah Stane informed him that Howard had been falsifying records and was basically bankrupt.
 Dazed and reeling from his parents' sudden death, Tony doesn’t know what to do with this information. He reaches out for help, but as Howard had been stealing money from his peers, everyone refuses to help him. Rhodey offers to bail him out completely. Tony won’t let him. He decides he will work to pay off his father's debts.
 Tony was always incredibly smart. His patented inventions were used worldwide. He decides to start his own company, Stark Enterprises, where he builds and sells hi-tech machinery and entertainment devices. As his company quickly grows, he branches out into clean energy and satellites. Not even a full year after starting his company, Tony is very successful. With only Stane and his PA, Pepper Potts, at his right hand, Tony makes sure that he himself takes care of the books. Every entry is painstakingly entered and checked by the big boss himself.
 Rhodey is very proud of his friend, but it seems that his family is the only one in the kingdom that is. King Terrance and Queen Roberta love the young man as a son, but they often wonder if he is taking on too much, causing his sleepless nights and unhealthy eating habits. Tony waves them off saying he had had those problems before his parents had died.
 Prince James’ PR agent tells him that finding someone to date might be a good look for him. Everyone is looking for news of the royal family, and they will only assume the worst if they don’t hear from each member. Queen Roberta’s cooking classes and bingo games are televised. The king does a podcast twice a month. Jeannie plays tennis professionally. James is the only one without a big public profile, and he prefers that. However, there are some people who think that James is being pushed out of the spotlight or being abused in some kind. To quell any quickly rising rumors, Rhodey agrees to attend sports matches and talk to the press for a few minutes each time. When Tony’s not working his ass off, he often accompanies Tony.
 What Rhodey doesn’t tell his PR agent is the reason he doesn’t date. He is hopelessly in love with Tony and admitting that would be bad for a few reasons. 1.) Everyone in the country is against Tony. They would slander his name even more if they thought he had got his “money-grubbing claws” in the prince. 2.) Tony is straight. He had never told Rhodey otherwise, and he has only dated women as far as Rhodey knows. 3.) He doesn’t want any reason to make Tony uncomfortable in the only place he is welcome other than his home. So, he skirts the topic because fake dating is not his idea of fun.
 Now, Tony’s here and Rhodey knows he’s giving Tony heart eyes. “So, you’ve got a day off from me. What’s the plan, Rhodey?”
 “You pick today. I’m up for anything.” Rhodey trusts that Tony won’t do anything Rhodey can’t.
 Tony sits on the chair beside Rhodey. “I need to sit. I don’t think I’ve stopped moving for a week.”
 “So, what you’re saying is you need sleep.” Rhodey retorts.
“No, I need to spend time with my Rhodeybear. We never did that Star Wars marathon after Rise of Skywalker came out, did we?” Tony pokes him. “We can order like tons of pizza and greasy foods and bro it out like the old times.”
 Stuck in a theatre room with only Tony and highly unhealthy food? “Sounds like a great day. Let’s queue up the movies. I’ll have |Miss Cabe order our food. The usual?” Tony nods and heads off to the theater.
 Rhodey pulls out his phone and texts a maid, Bethany Cabe, to place an order for the following: an extra-large bacon pizza, two orders of cheesy curly fries, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings. Rhodey has cases of Tony’s favorite beer, so they did not need to worry about drinks.
 As they settle in to watch the movies, Tony tells him, “Wake me up if I fall asleep. I don’t want to miss Episode Six again.”
 “Come on Tones, Return of the Jedi isn’t the best.” Rhodey smirks.
 Tony glares at him. “It’s my favorite. Leave me alone. Go ahead and like Empire or whatever one you like the best. Geez.”
 “You know mine is Episode Three. The tragedy, the pain, the John Williams’ scores? A masterpiece.”
 “Anakin deserved better.” Tony mumbles as he eats a bite of pizza. Rhodey sighs. He’s heard this rant many times, and he’ll probably hear it again tonight. Tony really gets into these movies.
 Tony falls asleep at the end of A New Hope, his head falling on Rhodey’s shoulder. He looks so exhausted so Rhodey lets him sleep through Empire since Tony thinks it’s overhyped or something. Rhodey likes it. When Return of the Jedi starts, Rhodey nudges Tony awake. “Episode 6? Honeybear, you are an angel.” Tony kisses his cheek.
 By the time The Last Jedi comes on, both of the men are sleeping. Jeannette comes in to check on them and snaps a picture of Tony lying on top of Rhodey, both snoring away.
 Rhodey wakes up a few hours later and freezes. Tony is sleeping peacefully on him, his head on Rhodey’s chest. He doesn’t dare move in fear of waking Tony up. He slowly reaches for his phone and scrolls through Instagram and other social media apps until Tony wakes up.
 Tony wakes up slowly, but when he’s fully awake he jumps up and goes. “I’ve got to get to work!”
  “Hey Tony. It’s Sunday. We were going to spend Saturday and Sunday together, right?”
 “Oh. Oh. Whew. I thought.” Tony slumps. “Probably hallucinating from all that grease.”
 “Maybe we should get a little more sleep in a real bed.” Rhodey suggests. Tony nods, and they walk up to Rhodey’s room. Since they were kids, Tony always slept in Rhodey’s bed with him. They only ever slept and/or cuddled, and Rhodey has a king bed in case either of them needed their own space.
 They go to Jeannie’s tennis match then accompany her to an expensive Italian restaurant for dinner. The next morning, there are pictures splashed across the tabloids. Stark trying to get in with the Royal Family? Read more on page 3! One says. The Apple Doesn’t Fall far from the Tree – Another Gold-Digging Stark! Rhodey shakes his head. He was afraid this would happen. He calls his PR agent, Maria Hill.
She answers with a “Now do you see why having a partner would be good?”
 “Yes. Do you have any candidates who would be willing to date with no sex and/or strings attached? For public only?”
 “You don’t know how many celebrities only hope for that. Let me see which ones I can get. I’ll send you over a packet when I get them.”
 When he gets the packet, Rhodey isn’t surprised to find that 75% of them are women. Skipping through them, he tells Maria to reach out to an A-list actress Natasha Romanov. She is a beautiful woman, and they seem to have a lot of the same likes and dislikes. She agrees to meet with Rhodey at a small café near the palace. He introduces himself as Rhodey, then corrects it to “James or Jim” when Romanov gives him an odd look. “I’m sorry. My best friend always calls me Rhodey. It’s just what I expect now. I mean, if you want to call me that in private, it’s fine. Maria thinks it’s better if you call me James or Jim when talking with the press.”
“Tell me about this best friend.” Natasha leans forward. “He sounds like a nice guy.”
 Rhodey launches into a detailed description of Tony: his strengths, his flaws, his quirks, etc.  When he’s done, she asks, “And you’re dating me because you can’t date him?”
 “How did you…?”
 “You’re in love with him. Just look at your face. It’s ok. I won’t tell the press. I have almost the same problem. I’m in a poly relationship with a different celebrity couple. However, since Hollywood, even with its sex scandals, still looks down on poly relationships. I need a beard to keep our activity on the downlow. Is that acceptable for you?”
 Rhodey nods. “Of course. And you’re right. I love Tony, but I need to keep the press out of his life. His father put him through a lot, and he’s trying to make up for Howard’s sins. He doesn’t need the extra press coverage. Also, I don’t know if he likes me like that. I’ve never seen him date a guy.”
 “Well, I’d like to meet him.”
 +++++++ Natasha and Tony eventually meet. Tony is happy to meet her, but Rhodey feels that Tony is wearing one of his many masks. |When they kiss goodnight, Natasha tells him, “Rhodey, he likes you.”
 “Not that I want to doubt you, but I’m highly doubtful on this one here.”
 A few months pass, and Natasha and Prince James are photographed at red carpet events, at sports games, and at galas. Rumors are spreading that Prince James might propose soon. Natasha shows up at the palace for a surprise visit. “Hey, can we talk?” She pulls James from his family dinner.
 She tells him how the couple that she is dating are planning on coming out to the press as poly with her because they know some younger people who are receiving hate for their relationships. They want to be allies for such people. And they want her there when they come out. “Can we say we amicably split? I’d love to keep in contact with you.”
 “That sounds good.” His phone pings. He has a google alert set up for Tony because the press likes to come up to him for hostile interviews at the most inopportune times. James does his best to save him. “Listen Nat, I will talk to my publicist, but I have to go.”
 The press has trapped Tony on the palace driveway. “What do you think of Prince James marrying Ms. Romanov?” One reporter asks.
 “I didn’t know they got engaged, but I think they are an excellent match. Well-suited for each other.” Rhodey can see Tony is keeping his press face on but was not ready for the sudden press conference.
 Another reporter sneers. “We know you were trying to get a piece of the royalty. Will you try for the princess now that the prince is spoken for?”
 “Excuse me?” Tony reels. “What are you talking about?”
 “They’ll never have you. You’re just a charity case to them. What do you think of that? Did you think Prince James really liked you? Especially after what your father did?” Another reporter shoves a microphone in his face.
 Tony loses his mask. “Do I think Rho- Prince James really liked me? I have known the prince since we were young teenagers. I know he likes me… as a friend. But anything more? No. He never did, never will. I know what my father did; I know what I have to do to fix it. My father and Prince James have no correlation. What are you even trying to say here?” Rhodey can see the pain in Tony’s eyes. They flash when he says that Rhodey will never like him as anything more as a friend.
 “Excuse me.” Rhodey steps forward. “Can you step away from him, please?”
 The press apologizes and steps away. “Now, I want to say this once more and hopefully never again. Lord Stark is not his father. Lord Stark is paying his father’s investors back as quickly as he can. He started up his business on his own with his trust fund from his maternal grandmother. Howard never saw or added to a penny of that fund. What is the point of hating a man for the sins of his father? Keep rolling. I am talking to the country as a whole. Leave him alone, please. I want to say one more thing. Tony Stark, you are the love of my life. The reason I have not dated is because the only person I have ever loved was you. Yes, Natasha and I dated, but we did to keep other things hidden. I’m sure she will let you know at some point. It’s not my job. Tony, again, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and perhaps rule with you. I do not have a ring yet because I had not planned to propose to you in front of live TV today, yet here I am. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
 “You’re serious?” Tony gasps.
 “Then Rhodey, my Honeybear, my Platypus, my Sourpatch, I will marry you in a heartbeat.” Tony smiles widely, and Rhodey kisses him deeply, in front of the cameras. As they turn to the palace, Tony turns back to the cameras, lifts his middle finger, and says, “Fuck you” whilst smiling sweetly.
 ++++++ The country is so shocked at Prince James’ dramatic proposal. People wonder if Tony is a good fit for the prince due to his blatant disregard for protocol. Princess Jeannie posts the picture she took of them sleeping in the theatre room on Instagram, the caption “I knew it.” She broke the internet with the most likes on an Instagram post.
  Tony goes through his numbers and his father’s numbers again to make sure everyone is paid off. While looking at his father’s records again, he notices some discrepancies from Obadiah’s report. The truth comes out – Howard had not done anything wrong; it was Obadiah. He falsified documents, records, and even bills to give him much more money. Obadiah is fired and imprisoned. Tony’s name is cleared. Anthony Stark marries Prince James Rhodes a happy man.
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arigatouiris · 5 years
out of my league // t.h — 01
Pairing: Tom Holland x Critic! Reader [I use female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; eventual fluff; angst; hurt/comfort; a little bit of cliche because come on.
A/N: Thanks for all the love, everyone! It means so much to me because this is my first story on here and this support makes me want to write more. Do check out my revised masterlist for more upcoming stories. You guys are the best~
Also, Birds of a Feather and Canary Mountain are all fictional titles, I just decided to make this sort of fictional (as if it isn’t already) with Tom’s filmography. Jean is no real writer, he’s an OC haha. Also, if you want to be in the taglist for the next chapter, just leave me a message or a note and I’ll add you ^^
Also, I have no actual idea how offices (fictional London Post) works, so do cut me some slack if some of the mechanisms of worklife don’t match. Apologies are due~
Word count: 2485
Series Masterlist
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Ch. 01 
(y/n) wouldn’t ever consider herself a workaholic, although, she sometimes tended to bounce in and out of being one when time seemed fit. It wasn’t as if she hated her work, it was in fact the opposite; however, on some days, she’d prefer relaxing to working.
    Like today for instance, she enjoyed her cup of warm tea, gazing at the showery skies of London, from inside her comfortable room—decorated with fairy lights and pictures of herself and her friends, people she doesn’t even speak to anymore, from college. She was a fairy lights kind of girl, she’d tell people who’d enter her room; however this number declined over the years, as being an adult took preference over being inviting. On the days she rested, she told herself that her mind was rather kind to her. It gave her solace and kept her from thinking dark thoughts. Days like these allowed her focus on bittersweet memories from the past, filling the aura around her with a dash of forgiving nostalgia that was comfortable to think about within the confines of her own home. This comfort, she was grateful for, but not anymore.
Currently, her mind was flooded with the thoughts of the hate mail that came toward her from thousands of Tom Holland fans; for ruining or trying to ruin his reputation, for being too cowardly (she couldn’t understand how this could be called cowardly) to understand the ending that was chosen for him, for being too critical (this was her job!) regarding movies or books or TV shows, for being unforgiving over narrative differences and finally, this one she found most absurd, for being an absolute A-grade bitch.
    Because (y/n) was many things, but bitch was not one of them.
Tom fucking Holland, if she were given the strength of Diana Prince she’d have broken the cup she was holding but she had the strength of a hamster so the cup was safe. It’s just a goddamn critique, why the fuck did he have to make a commentary out of it? To save his friend’s ass? Jean A. Marcel’s known to crumble under the pressure of making final seasons. I even wrote the critique for his previous failure of a show, Canary Mountain. What’s Holland’s fucking problem now?
(y/n) didn’t understand the sudden need for Tom to defend Jean. This was Tom’s first time with this writer (who took over another writer to write just the final season, a move that the whole world dreaded, and even wrote petitions to stop; but now it didn’t matter, because Jean’s reputation was saved by the beloved Tom Holland, who chose to ignore every fact on earth before defending his friend). I didn’t even say anything bad about his acting! In fact, I complimented him! She found it easier to defend herself in her head rather than the internet, because it honestly scared her. Death threats came pouring in, five or more (no less) each day, something she’d learned to ignore over the years. However, Tom’s fangirls seemed to be serious. They loved him, and they let it show.
    Groaning, (y/n) finished her cup of tea before heading over to the kitchen to place it in the sink. All the while, she missed the solace her mind usually gave her—which were now muddled with anxious thoughts, and thoughts circling around self-pity, unusual for her, but they were there. Prominent, angry, yet very, very present.
She almost failed to notice her phone buzzing in the room when she walked in, frowning as she thought of the time she had turned her phone on silent, not remembering why. Ah yes, she answered herself as she held the phone in her hands. It was to silence the fucking notifications from all those hate mail. She picked the call and put the phone against her ears.
    “(y/n) darling, how are you doing?” Her manager Susannah Davies was a goddess.
Susannah Davies, a lovely 39-year old woman was the kindest soul on the planet according to (y/n). She was understanding, caring, and would always encourage (y/n) to do her best.
    “Oh you know… The usual. Any new movies that I need to review?”
    “Hahahaha, right erm… Honey, we think you should take some time off?”
Why was it phrased as a question? (y/n) was normally not a very angry person. However, everything that she had thought of Susannah now crumbled in her mind. She was now a very angry person.
    “Some time off for what, Susannah?” Gritting her teeth, (y/n) felt her fingers go pale.
    “See, writing is such a tasking job! No one takes writing critiques as something that’s easy. Why don’t you instead work on the desk for a while? You know, it’d take your mind off things—”
    “Off what things, might I ask?”
There was a sigh on the other end. (y/n) knew she had lost this round. Susannah sighing meant Susannah giving up. And Susannah giving up meant Susannah had made her decision.
    “The comments are quite nasty, (y/n). You can see it, and we can see it. The whole world can see it. It’ll do you and our company good if you were off the radar for a bit. Jenny even talked about you on the 9 o’ clock show! They even put your picture! Not to mention how the HR and PR have been ignoring thousands of hate mail from Hollanders, it’s become too much to handle now. We need to issue a statement saying we’ve fired you—”
    “Don’t worry, not actual firing. Just a statement.”
    “That sounds very unfair, Susannah.” (y/n) moaned in displeasure.
    “It’s only temporary! Until all this dies down. Anyway, I can’t take this lightly. I don’t want them hating on you more than this and as harsh as this sounds, there’s no other go, love.”
(y/n) felt her eyes well with tears. There was a soft burning sensation behind her eyelids, considering how the hate began to pour in two days ago, and hadn’t stopped in intensity yet, (y/n) had not given herself the time to sit down and cry out her disappointment and rage. But, now, she felt it was long due. She pressed a hand to her mouth and held back her sobs.
    “Susannah…” Her manager was listening to her intently from the other end. “I really love this job…”
Susannah’s heart broke. She knew the moment (y/n) decided to publish the review that this was going to happen, but not to this extent. Hate mail and death threats (which weren’t too serious), along with false media representation, which could amount to slander or defamation, and the mere fact that (y/n) needed to take a break from doing what she really, really loved—all of these factors shattered her heart as well. No other review had gotten her this much hate. Not even the one she had written on A Game of Thrones. And if she were to compare, GoT had a larger fanbase than Birds of a Feather.
    “Can I take a week off?” (y/n)’s tone was impossible to decline.
Ending the call, the journalist fell back on her bed and cried her heart out. I hate Tom Holland, she thought before forcefully wiping her tears, swallowing her sobs. I hate him and I hate his face and I hate his guts.
Sadly for her, hating Tom Holland did not aid her with her pursuit for an ease of mind.
Harrison normally never reacted with such surprise. However, the second he saw the news about a particular (y/n) having lost her job, it felt as if his mind went on overdrive. What the hell? He thought before characteristically dialling Tom’s number. Can they even do that? She just did her job! Sighing, he waited for Tom to pick the call so he could do something to rectify this damage.
    “Tom, did you see the news, mate?”
It seemed that Tom was out with Tessa at the moment, having rented an entire park for the girl to run around happy. Tom had a smile on his face when he picked the call.
    “News about what?”
    “(y/n), you twat. The girl who wrote that review about the show.”
Tom then remembered. He was supposed to apologize, but he believed the whole ordeal would die down in a couple of days. He hoped it did.
    “What about her?”
Harrison groaned. “Mate, she lost her job.”
Tom’s eyebrows shot up like someone had exploded a cake in front of him. He stopped moving and became rigid all of a sudden, and he was quite thankful no one could see him pale up at that second. He should have apologized.
    “How can they—”
    “That’s what I don’t understand. Apparently, your fans,” Haz stressed on the word, “sent not only (y/n) but the London Post some nasty mails in a couple of thousands. It got too much so they issued a statement to the media saying she was laid off a couple of days ago. Did you apologize to her?”
Considering the silence that came his way from Tom’s end, Harrison knew the answer.   
   “Tom… That’s her job, mate. A review wouldn’t have hurt anyone’s reputation here. Did you even read her review? It said nothing bad about you. Just that the writer wrote your role into the dirt,” Tom winced at his friend’s words. “Which is absolutely true because don’t deny it, you hated having Lionel killed too.”
Tom couldn’t deny it. Guilt washed over him like a wave under the full moon. He felt terrible, no doubt. He had no idea that this would happen. Now when he thought about it, Jean himself had more work writing for other shows now that Birds of a Feather was done. Tom sighed. He groaned. He ruffled his own hair. He looked at Tessa running around in the field.
    “I fucked up, didn’t I?”
    “Yup. You did. Big time.” Haz was brutal.
It was at that second that Tom decided he’d talk to her. Ask her out for coffee and apologize like a decent person would do. He’d make sure she got her job back as well, but first, he needed to tell her those important three words.
    “Haz, can you give me her—”
    “Already on it, mate. I’ll send it to you in a jif.”
Once the call was over, Tom knew what steps he had to take. After he reached home, he quickly browsed through (y/n) (l/n) in Google, looking at the results. News articles over news articles about her spread in his face, before finally finding one from the London Post. Her review on Birds of a Feather. He was surprised this was still up, and clicked on the link. There was so much written in this review that he knew would take over 8 minutes for him to read. He was a bit of a slow reader, but that didn’t mean he didn’t pay attention when he read. Tom’s eyes scanned over the descriptive words, and his heart almost stopped when (y/n) wrote about him.
“...while Tom’s performance in this season has been remarkable, it’s sad to see his role being written into the dirt. Lionel, one of the main protagonists of the whole show, deserved perhaps a more bittersweet end—something Tom could have delivered with a bat of an eye. With such talent streamlining the entire show, it’s a mere disappointment to see it fail in the eyes of a fan. Poor Tom deserved better himself…”
Tom sighed. Brushing a hand through his head, he came down to the comment section.
TomLoverxox wrote: What a bitch she made Tom sad I mean come on go home criticize your own face
LaserTeaser15 wrote: Listen slut let me see you write a show as great as this one
Tom grimaced. I did this, he thought before looking at the contact details that Harrison sent. Gulping the bit of hesitation that was previously stopping him, Tom made the final move. Three rings was what it took for (y/n) to pick the call.
    “Hello?” Her voice was pleasant. It gave Tom the impression that she may forgive him and all might go well.
Smiling, Tom replied, “Hi. Is this (y/n)?”
She recognized him. Honestly, she wasn’t expecting his call to come at that second, but she knew it’d come. Considering how so many of her reporter colleagues would flaunt over how nice he is as a person and how decent he is and how he’d definitely apologize if he hurt anyone and how he would definitely give her a call too. One of her colleagues even went as far as to say he’d ask her for coffee where he’d be nice to her and apologize in person too. She didn’t think that was necessary, because she knew the answer.
    “Is this (y/n)?” Tom’s voice was as sweet as sugar.
But (y/n) liked her coffee black.
    “Tom Holland.” She spat, like it was poison on her tongue. If she could see him, she’d see him flinch.
    “Hi.” He said, and nervously let out a laugh.
    “What’s made you call me, Mr. Holland?” (y/n) specialized in sarcastic conversation. It was her forte, she often put it.
    “I’m terribly sorry about—”
    “Making me lose my job over a review I wrote for a TV show you acted in and had nothing to do with writing the script? Terribly sorry about me being slandered all over the internet and being called a whore to someone who’s better called a dunce? Terribly sorry about me doing my job and being reprimanded for it? Mr. Holland, tell me. How would that review have affected your job?”
Tom had no idea how to respond. He figured she’d be feisty and aggressive, but this was a whole other level. He knew if she pressed him any more than this, he’d perhaps stammer out of guilt.
    “I’m very sorry about—”
    “Making a public story on Instagram trashing me and my work where I didn’t even criticize you but the writing of the show? In fact, did you happen to read—”
    “I actually did. I want to say sorry for—”
    “Acting out before having read the entire piece, right?”
Tom didn’t blame her. That’s what he was telling himself.
    “(y/n), I just… Listen, I feel terrible for what’s happened. Can we meet over coffee and talk this out—”
    “Tom, I didn’t deserve what I got. Thank you for calling me. You’re a very good man. But what you did ruined my reputation online and in my career. Slander must mean something to you, you’re an actor. You understand better than most what I feel at this moment. So, leave me be. And no. I don’t want to meet you for coffee.”
And that was how the call ended. Tom turned to Tessa, who was now looking right into his soul.
    “I know, girl. This isn’t done.”
@strangemaximoff​, @aestheticgaybish, @noobmaster63​, @why-are-all-the-teens-gay​, @wonders-of-the-multiverse​, @boushalaivre​, @jackiehollanderr​, @nerdypisces160​
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
Press Conference
Fandom: Spider-Man: Far from Home Pairing: Peter Parker & Pepper Potts Characters: Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, JJJ is there at the end Summary: Pepper's reaction to the end of Far From Home is to do what she does best, handle PR.
Barely an hour after the release of Mysterio's final moments, screens around the city once more light up with news.  A newscaster looks frazzled, like he's just been pulled back into the seat.  His partner is much more composed, and it's her that speaks.
"Moments ago Pepper Potts-Stark, current CEO of Stark Industries and widow to the late hero Iron Man aka Tony Potts-Stark, called a press conference in defense of suspected supervillain Spiderman.  We go now to the live coverage of the event."
"Thank you all for coming here so quickly.  I apologize for the short notice, but we thought it best to clear up the confusion as quickly as possible.  The victims of the London attack deserve the truth."  Pepper begins, tone calm and perfect.  Behind her stands Spiderman, shoulders squared against the glaring crowd of reporters.
"Does that mean you are confirming Spiderman's involvement in Mysterio's death?"  One of them calls.  
"Please hold all questions until the end of the conference."  Pepper says calmly, glaring at the man.  "Or at the very least, raise your hand."  The reporter shrinks back at the scolding.
"As I said, we are here to clear up the confusion caused by the video released earlier today.  I would like to state clearly that this information was always going to publized, we were simply taking the time to present it right.  Without that liberty, I can't promise my presentation will be flawless."  A screen to her right bursts to life, showing a still of the video released earlier.
"This video was sent to several press companies approximately an hour ago.  It was not sent to any police personal.  Likely it was recorded by one of the many drones and then later altered, explaining why so much time had passed between its supposed creation and its release."
"How can you be so sure the film was altered?"  Someone shouts.
"A little more respect, if you will."  Pepper scolds.  "Every SpiderMan suit, either the exception of the hoodie, is built with an AI system known as KAREN.  One of KAREN's primary duties is to record every moment Spiderman is active.  This was implemented both for slander such as this.  KAREN has been uploaded onto this secondary screen to show you the truth.  KAREN, if you will."
"Of course."  A robotic voice said as the screen to Pepper's right flared to life.  The crowd was silent as they watched the true retelling of London from the perspective of Spiderman's eyes.  And his chest, when he removed his mask, not that they needed to know that.
"As you can see, Mysterio had the technology to create illusions and was intent in fooling the public.  He pulled a similar stunt to create the false video blaming Spiderman."  Pepper says.  "In fact, every thing to do with Mysterio was illusion.  Along with KAREN's video, we have several that EDITH took.  Mysterio, or Quentin Beck as he is legally called, attempted to delete this."  One screen began to play a video if Quentin rephrasing the London attack.  On the other screen, Quentin's real documentation appeared.
"Desperate his claims of other Earths, Mr Beck was simply a disgruntled employee with a history of anger issues and a grudge against superheroes."  Pepper waits a moment for the crowd to take that in before continuing.  "Now, we'll take questions."
"How can we be sure that it was Mysterio's video that was altered and not yours?"  Someone asks when Pepper points to her.
"We are happy to let professionals look over our files."  Pepper says.  "Much like we had professionals look over Beck's.
"Experts were able to confirm that these sections of Beck talking were taken at the same time, and all of them earlier than this moment where Spiderman supposedly calls a strike.  More importantly, we confirmed that that call was made at this moment during the London attack.  Now tell me, why is a command that will supposedly cause mass casualties immediately followed by the drones retreating?"
"But how can we be sure that Spiderman won't do something like this is the future?  That he isn't obsessed with being the next Ironman?"  
"Because I don't want to be the next Ironman."  Spiderman speaks up this time.  "Those are big shoes to fill and I don't have anywhere near the experience needed to try."  
"If everything that Mysterio said was a lie, does that mean that Peter Parker isn't Spiderman?"  
"As you tell in the video, Spiderman's face is never actually revealed.  The photo of Mr Parker at the end was added by most newscasters.  And beyond that there's simply no evidence to support that Mr Parker is Spiderman."  Pepper says.  "We believe that Beck said that to make his video seem more legitimate, believing no one would actually look into it."
"Why would claiming Spiderman is some random teenager legitimize Peter's claim?"  The report didn't raise their hand but Pepper allows it.  She seems to think for a moment before sighing.
"This is something I intend to have an entirely different press conference about, one with Peter actually here."  She sighs.  "Peter Parker was not some random teenager.  Prior to the Blip, Peter became Tony's personal intern.  We used to joke that Peter was Tony's test run for Morgan."  She smiles a small but honest smile at the memory.  "In his will, Tony made Peter his heir.  Few knew about this, but it appears Beck discovered this fact.  It's entirely possible he did believe Peter to be Spiderman, given their similar relationships with Tony.  However, I can assure you, Peter wasn't even in London.  He was in Berlin, waiting for me."
"If Peter isn't Spiderman why isn't he here?" 
"Due to the short notice, he wasn't able to get here in time."  Pepper explains.
As soon as they’re in the car, alone and out of sight, Peter wraps his arms tight around Pepper.  “Thank you.”  He mumbles into her shoulder, feeling letting his shoulders start to shake but still trying not to cry.  Pepper smiles softly, hugging him back.  
“I should be thanking you.”  She says.  “That a breeze compared to handling PR for Tony, you actually showed up!”  They both manage a laugh.  It still hurts to talk about Tony.  People say grief takes time but it’s been a year and Peter still chokes up at his name.  On his bad days, he still flinches at the name of the third father-figure he had to bury.  
Today’s not a good day.  But Peter has so much more to be stressed about then feeling guilt over Tony’s death and his continued grief.
“You do know this means we’ll have to do a second conference for Peter Parker, official Stark Heir.”  Pepper said before the silence could last too long.
“I think I can handle it.”  Peter says.  “At least I won’t be going on stage an assumed murder.”  Pepper gives him a tight squeeze before letting go of him and turning to the steering wheel.  
“Come on.”  She hums, starting the car.  “Let’s go get something to eat, Morgan’s missed you.”
“We’ll have to get hamburgers.”  Peter grins.  Peper smiles back and starts driving.  Plans are already whirring in her head for the next conference.  She’ll have to give Hayley a call before hand, he’s about Peter’s height and he’ll be happy to play Spiderman for a day.
“So Pepper Potts-Stark wants to call Spiderman an angel?”  J. Jonah Jameson huffs on the screen.  “Ridiculous!”
“I’ve had people calling in practically every minute since the press conference for my opinion, and I’m here to give it!”  He went on.  “Do I think Mysterio lied in that video?  Of course I do, what do I look like?  A fool?  The evidence is overwhelming.
“However, do I think that makes Spiderman a hero?  Absolutely not!  One good deed does not a hero make!  The man’s not a murderer, am I meant to applaud him for that?  I won’t!  He’s still a menace, making our streets more dangerous and acting like a hooligan!”  There’s a sound of screen and Jameson grows distracted a moment, mumbling ‘What?  Fine!’ before turning back to the screen.
“Now before I continue to reveal the truth about Spiderman, there is one other thing people keep bugging me with.  Peter Parker.  No, I don’t think this kid is Spiderman.  Mysterio was an idiot.  Spiderman is obviously not a twelve year old.”  Jameson immediately returns to ranting about Spiderman and Pepper turns the tv off.  She’s heard all she needs to know and, as much as she hates it, Peter will just have to get used to some people night liking him.
Or she could sue Jameson for slander, Pepper thinks, running her hands through the sleeping boys hair.
No, Peter wouldn’t want that.  Still, she’ll definitely keep it in mind.
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
“you can all celebrate him willingly walking to his execution and I promise that after I make a few final goodbye” Dear lord. HIS EXECUTION?! I’m gonna need them all to take like a zillion massive steps backward. They’re really saying Darren marrying Mia is equivalent to his death. I can’t. What the hell? They can’t honestly think this sounds sane, can they?
In all fairness they have spent the last 4 or 5 years with ajw as their Chairman of the Board. She is a ruthless leader who had no trouble spinning a fantasy that was predicated on anti-Mia hate and bullying. As the self-appointed leader, she took a position of claiming most of her fabricated theories were the truth and she often claimed she knew WHAT Chris or Darren were thinking about a given situation.  I could go on and on and on but her statement yesterday is a great summation of how her thinking is jaded by her fantasies.
The thing is nonnie, it isn’t just career.  This isn’t just choosing straight. It is choosing straight AND:
A woman he literally despises and that has egregiously hurt him repeatedly
RR, the most inept manager of all time, who works for his beard
The bar that has complete personality disorder and that requires him to promote it more than anything in his career and to be physically present frequently
All of the enablers who need to be promoted constantly and this includes her friends and many of his friends
Likely giving up C for good because to me, the situation looks much different when it becomes willing. A marriage is willing, I just don’t see C being ok with this.
Being paired to a woman that acts badly. She rolls joints in cars and posts in SM, has not work ethic, parties continuously, etc etc
To me IF he wanted to choose straight, he would choose a classy beard that actually was ambitious and would bolster his image not hinder it.
This is about so much more than choosing straight. If marries M, I don’t think he ever breaks free. And M comes with too much baggage.  I honestly don’t see him surviving it long-term.
And for the record, I don’t think D is choosing straight, but i just want to emphasize M is much much more than just choosing his career over his truth.  I literally think he would need a personality transplant to make this choice.
This entire manifesto of HER beliefs about Darren getting married are nothing more than HER theories based on HER fantasy and HER HER HERHERHERHE. 
Choosing straight? Darren has constantly and constantly said he is straight since 2010. At NO time did he suggest, hint, or hem & haw that he was anything but straight. The “Darren is queer” trope is entirely fabricated and perpetuated within the CC fandom. They truly believe he is queer and then proceeds to out him on a daily basis. That is fucked up. 
A woman he literally despises and that has egregiously hurt him repeatedly? Darren has never so much as suggested he was angry at Mia let along “despises” her. We have never seen them break up or take a break. They worked together on Glee and they own a bar together. They spend a lot of time with one another. In fact, the CCers have spent many hours arguing that “it isn’t normal” that they spent so much time with the one they love. The few times that  Darren has talked about Mia over the years have constant - he loves, he loves her a lot. She has accompanied him to events for many years and in the last 4 yeas she has been to most of his events. The only ones who “despise:” Mia are the jealous CCers. 
Egregiously hurt him? Once again, there is not one story that is rooted in reality. Most couples hurt one another at some point but there is nothing that we, as fans, are privy too and nothing that reaches the level of “egregiously”. If there was then it would up to Darren’s family and friends to intervene and his family and friends like her. Darren’s family interact with her in a way one would expect of their soon-to-be DIL. Fans have seen them together at shows. There is nothing to suggest they don’t like her.  And there are no stories of Mia hurting Darren that weren’t manufactured by the CC fandom.
RR, the most inept manager of all time, who works for his beard? I know you won’t be surprised to know that stories of RR ineptness are also made up. How would any fan know what Ricky is doing for Darren? We don’t.  We do know that Darren calls Ricky his good friend and that he followed Ricky when he started his own business. I know that he hired a music PR company and told them that he only needed promotions services because he had his own manager he wants to stick with( I randomly met the music PR company CEO on an airplane). Darren’s career is flying, he is busy AF with lots of projects and the two men have worked out relationship that works well for them both. Managers aren’t allowed to control their actors lives as CCers have suggest. He must work on behalf of Darren, in Darren’s best interest at all times or Darren could end the contract. Ricky isn’t working for Mia…where would Mia get the money to pay him? Why would he hurt someone that so many people in Hollywood love- he would ruin his career when that got out. Nobody who is in Darren’s world sees anything amiss but we are supposed to believe CCers? OKAYYYY  This is another trope that AJW fabricated that isn’t based on a shred of reality but it helps her explain why Darren is not out of the closest and why he doesn’t talk to Chris and why Mia is still around.  
The bar that has complete personality disorder and that requires him to promote it more than anything in his career and to be physically present frequently The bar doesn’t have a personality disorder. It is an over-21 bar with theme nights that are well advertised. It is so easy to find a rationale explanation for why Darren promotes the bar more than anything in his career: Because IT IS HIS BAR and he LIKES it.
All of the enablers who need to be promoted constantly and this includes her friends and many of his friends This is disgusting. These are his friends…. friends he has cared about for many years. The ccProblem is that they like Mia and that can’t be so they are labeled ccEnablers. Darren’s important relationships are belittled and denigrated so that CCers can ignore the obvious - that Darren’s friends love Mia. They aren’t enablers: they are supporting a real relationship between two people they all love very much.
Likely giving up C: He was never with Chris. That was all made up in the cc fandom’s head. Chris is living his live unbothered by what is happening in Darren’s life right now because they have nothing to do with one another. 
Being paired to a woman that acts badly. She rolls joints in cars and posts in SM, has not work ethic, parties continuously, etc etc Let’s be clear, there are no examples of her acting badly that are based in reality. The CCers spend a lot of time and energy creating and publicizing Mia Acting Badly but it is all ccNonsense. Pot: She and her friends rolled 1 joint, in 1 car, 1 time. Most Americans are smoking pot today and it is legal in CA so it is ridiculous to keep bring this up. She has no work ethic: She OWNS a bar. We have no idea what else she does. She could be doing projects that we don’t see- things that aren’t made-for-social-media moments. She is on Ryan Murphy’s charity and she has done freelance work so there may be stuff we don’t know of, idk. It doesn’t matter if she is doing a lot or nothing more than owning her bar and supporting Darren’s career because that is the choice that they made as a couple in a relationship as couples do. It isn’t any of our business. 
Parties continuously: Also a CC trope that has no evidence to back it up….they just keep throwing it out hoping it sticks. It hasn’t. This trope is based on CCers deep desire to slander Mia and they caught her standing near glasses of unknown substances, belonging to unknown person at TSG so yaknow, she’s drunk amirght? Most of the time, Mia is with Darren so idk where they get the idea she is a partier unless Darren is a partier and we know that they cannot EVER, Ever, ever entertain the idea that Darren is or was ever a drunk, frat-bro. The other day they dug up a blind from 2014 that claimed Mia was doing cocaine and acting like an asshole but there was nobody thought to grab their phone and start recording. SHOCKING. Also utter BS. 
etc etc etc: All of their examples  of Mia “acting badly” are fake. I have vetted them all. There are a lot of stories of Mia treating fans badly and yet there is not ONE video; not one photo of these moments? Amazing that fans are video taping Darren’s show and the stage door moments but they never catch Mia being a raving bitch to Darren’s fans.  It’s almost like they aren’t real. 
To me IF: yes to me to me to me to me me me me me memememememe its all about her. 
M comes with too much baggage: Louis Vuitton? I’m super jealous. Darren has loved Mia for almost 9 years. He knows her baggage well. The CCers on the other hand, have no clue what is real and have fabricated a lot of fantasy luggage they will be left standing with as Darren and Mia walk down the aisle toward one another and their new life.
I honestly don’t see him surviving it long-term.This always makes me chuckle. What exactly do you imagine will happen? What actually happens to people who “don’t survive long term?” That makes for a great fiction story, the plot of many movies but what happens in real life? She imagines what about Darren?  
According to CC trope, Darren is living a life of hell right now- lying to everyone, having to keep a billion balls in the air and all the lies and stories straight. He has to lie to everyone and keep track of those lies- lies to friends, fans, family, interviewers, team members, Mia’s family, Mia’s friends,TSG patrons, and people he works with on set. He has to pretend and ACT like he likes Mia at Hollywood events, TSG, weekends with Starkid, in front of fans and with their families. He has to spend all day with Mia and run home to Chris for 2 hours of snuggling and spooning. He has to engage his parents in participating in stunts to keep the ruse going. He has to get everyone who knows to lie for him. 
If he breaks it off with Chris and marries Mia, he stays in the closet and just lives his life. Yes, he is denying his sexuality-but many men in Hollywood have done so for many years. and according to ajw, staying in the closet and having a beard is the norm right now. Let’s be real, he is doing all of this- hiding in the closet, marrying Mia, and forsaking Chris in order to keep his fame. There is no other reason to keep his sexuality hidden except for fame because literally nobody but Ryan Murphy, Fox Studio, Ricky Rollins and Mia Swier CARE what Darren’s sexuality is. He could be a lawyer in NYC and nobody would care if he was queer…or an actor in San Francisco or run a theatre in Michigan. He is literally Ariel, trading his sexuality and sexual freedom to Ursula in exchange for his career. 
Staying hidden deep in the closet and forsaking his love would be a horrible price to pay for sure but to me it seems far less horrible than the story spun by the CrissColfers that describe a life of deception, fear, and a lack of integrity.  In this scenario, marrying Mia means he lies to himself about his sexuality but in exchange he gets to stop lying to EVERYONE else. 
The truth is that all of the CC theories are based on 2 things: 
the CCer’s baseless hatred of a woman they don’t know
they are concocted to explain why Darren’s behavior and words do not support the most basic CC trope: that Darren is queer and that he and Chris are in a long-term committed relationship.
Every single CC trope and theory was fabricated in direct response to something Darren did or said that did not reflect that is queer and/or in love with Chris Colfer. The tropes are fabricated as explanations for behavior that does not uphold CrissColfer and this has led to an enormous number of unrelated and complicated tropes. As we get farther away from Glee and it became readily apparent to everyone except the CC fandom that Chris and Darren do not have a public relationship, the tropes rely more and more on an endless number of “contracts” that seem to serve no purpose other than to “promote” Mia and/or ruin Darren’s life. It is all utter rubbish. 
The most logical, most simple, easier explanation as to why Darren said or did something that doesn’t uphold CrissColfer is that 
Darren Criss Loves Mia Swier
That one simple sentence solves all of the mysteries about Darren’s behavior over the last 10 years.  
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aboriginalnewswire · 6 years
Trigger warning for sexual abuse, stalking, rape, domestic violence and large-scale attacks by hate groups. Last Thursday, I criticized the Linux community for continuing to support and center a leader with a years-long, documented history of unrepentant abusive behavior, someone who has actively and systematically nurtured a hostile, homogeneous technical community, and someone who has long actively chased people from marginalized groups out of open source. The retaliation has been terrifying. On Friday night, the home addresses of every member of my immediate family were posted online. I have received literally thousands of harassing, abusive, threatening and violent messages across at least half a dozen separate sites. People speaking up in support of me had their home addresses posted online as well, sometimes within minutes, creating a climate of fear that has functionally isolated me from most community support. I have received slurs of every variety, death and rape threats, and violent and threatening images. They have gone after my business and my family's livelihoods with slander, intimidation and attempts to cut off financial support, and tried to hack into various of my accounts and systems. They have left pages and pages of stomach-turning comments on the front of every internet community I am a part of and that influences my professional community and peers. As I was reeling from my family being doxxed and taking steps to ensure everyone’s safety, the tech press was giving a massive platform to an ex-partner - someone I dated for four months more than 3 years ago - who has, after I dumped him, terrorized, threatened and abused me for years, and continues to do so. This is a person who is a known liar, abuser and manipulator, with a long history of stalking, hacking and terrorizing women, who is now being treated as an authoritative character witness on one of his long-term victims - for the sole purpose of destroying my company, discrediting my work, and terrorizing me into silence. This is a person who has hacked nude photos of me and sent them to my employers - yes, bosses, executive team and investors. (I barely left my house for two weeks after and to this day cannot recall a time being more scared, depressed and humiliated). Details of my private sex life - provided by my ex - are now all over the internet and have been used to justify my abuse, incite more of it, and slut and kink-shame me. Valleywag -- less than a day after stealing stories from me, plagiarizing content from my Twitter, publishing my comments without permission or compensation, and refusing to properly acknowledge my work and job title -- has used its platform to replicate this terrorism and domestic violence to an even larger audience. Nevermind that their original articles had already incited harassment against me (they were posted over and over to the anonymous hate boards that attacked my family); their most recent article on me is an act of pure and spiteful violence following my critiques of their behavior. The past few days have been terrifying, and my heart is broken. This is abuse. This is domestic violence. This is harassment. This is terrorism. While many are eager to claim that I am actually being abused because I'm crazy, a liar, a fraud, a troll, a hypocrite, a neo-Nazi, a whore, because I've had kinky sex, because I dated an abuser, because I'm mean to men on Twitter, because I swear a lot, because I'm a "blogger" that contributes nothing to the field: I am being targeted because of my work speaking up against tech culture. My work is what has made me a target, but it is nonetheless ironically (or maybe predictably) being erased in a frothing media-frenzy to portray me as a useless, insane "PR girl", a hysterical slut with a social media account, and to generate page views from my pain. (I'm posting this on Pastebin because unlike most of the tech press, I refuse to use this abuse as a machine for eyeballs and ad dollars.) In case you’re not familiar with my work, let me tell you about it. A few years ago, I started blogging independently about tech culture, giving talks about it, and organizing resistance efforts on social media. In that period, I produced several books-worth of essays that deconstructed in detail harmful elements of tech culture, discussed useful modes of intervention and resistance, and called out collective complicity in oppression across the industry... including my own complicity. I also began using my Twitter account to talk about my experiences with misogyny in tech, call out inequality and advocate for change - and yes, I use swear words on Twitter dot com, and you will handle it because you’re not a fucking three year old. (I might take your cookies and smash your fucking Xbox anyway, though.) I did this in my spare time until late in 2013, when I started working full-time on Model View Culture, which launched in January '14. In the past year, Model View Culture has produced a body of tech and cultural criticism the size of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. We have published over 150 authors. Our publication consistently stands against discrimination, abuse and oppression in the tech industry. We have covered sexual abuse and assault, social media activism and abuse, the surveillance complex, engineering mythology, open source community, accessibility, hiring discrimination, mental illness and disability, consent in product design, workplace abuse, the VC industrial complex, suicide, white liberalism, police violence, codes of conduct, team dysfunctions, and systemic discrimination, violence and inequality at every stage of the technology pipeline. We publish and pay a large and diverse groups of writers speaking to their experiences, to their beliefs and to their sense of justice, to their demands for a better tech industry. We challenge racism & white supremacy, sexism and misogyny, transphobia, ableism, classism and other forms of institutionalized oppression rampant in tech. I believe we have produced more critical content from diverse voices than any other tech media. Model View Culture is not perfect. It is not a panacea. It is not done, or complete. It is one year old, just getting started, and there is so much more for us to do. But we have been an influential, if small, part of the growing attempts to call out and dismantle fundamental problems in the tech community. This work is what people are desperate to stop, by any means including trying to get my family killed by SWATing, trying to convince me to kill myself, terrorizing my supporters, stalking me (I have had multiple men stalk me for 6-14 months at a time), hacking my computers and accounts, "exposing" my sex life, cutting off my funding, belittling and erasing my writing, plagiarizing my content, sending constant rape and death threats, and ceaselessly holding me up for abuse to hate groups. This has been my life for almost two years. I'm sad to say that part of you starts to get used to it. But I also want to tell you about what it does to me and other victims of these attacks. Because of my work, I can no longer make public appearances, speak at events or have anyone know where I am or what I'm doing. I can't have friends over to my house because no one can know where I live. My social life consists only of a few close friends who I feel I can trust. Many of them also undergo the same shit I do - other people don’t understand and find it too stressful to be around. I am traumatized by what is now years of active stalking and abuse; abuse committed by tech workers and unaffiliated individuals, by anonymous harassers and influential figures in tech, and by media both in tech and mainstream. My sex life is fodder for 8chan and corrupt journalists trying to destroy my company because it is competition and it poses a threat to their press-release factories, funded by startups and venture capitalists and uncritically reproducing their propaganda. I receive anywhere between dozens and thousands of harassing messages each week. Anything bad that happens to me is considered “normal” and “expected”, and any reason to expose me to abuse is sufficient. People say I am a "professional victim", suggesting I am somehow profiting off my work, but I am now unemployable in the field I once loved and make a fraction of what I used to make as a tech worker. I spend an enormous amount of money and time securing my safety. It is no longer safe for me to do media appearances as media abuses me, demeans me, violates my boundaries, steals my content and holds me up for abuse, offering no support or protection: every article has resulted in more stalkers and harassment. I am frequently cut off from support because people who support me are afraid to be targeted as well. That's just my everyday. Then there's these recent attacks. Frankly, I am devastated, depressed, vulnerable, non-functional, anxious, paranoid and isolated. I’ve visibly lost weight since last Thursday. My heart hurts and my body aches. I feel humiliated, exploited, and am in physical pain. I'm frightened for myself, my family, my friends, and people in my community who have supported me. I am trying to keep working but honestly, it is incredibly difficult. I had a lot of plans for Model View Culture in the beginning of this year, and unfortunately most of them are going to be delayed by at least weeks as I try to put my self-esteem and sense of safety back together, take the needed steps to protect myself, family and community, and process these feelings of fear, anxiety, trauma and anger. It's devastating to admit the toll this has taken on me, to accept that it is having such a significant impact on my work. I fear that people won’t want to write for Model View Culture anymore because doing this work is actually dangerous. As is, we have to publish far too many articles anonymously, because people fear losing their jobs and their safety for speaking out and telling their stories. I am asking myself how I can actually continue like this and run a company under these conditions. No other tech press is operating under this level of violence and terrorism, and we don’t have corporate money or VC funding to help us defend against it. It’s intimidating. I ask Model View Culture readers and community to be patient during this time. The truth of the matter is that as much as people want abuse victims to be fearless, to come out on top, to not be stopped: at some point, this is simply not realistic. That said, I'm not stopping, I am not going away, and I will continue, even if it happens a little slower or a little later than I planned. Changing tech is my life's work. I'm only 28, so you'll probably have to deal with it for at least the next few decades. This is a set-back for my health and my ability to work, but I'm here for the long-term. I am sad that my new normal is, well, this. But so be it. To everyone who has supported me in this time: Thank you so much. I haven't been able to respond to so many of you because it hasn't been safe to, but I appreciate and value your belief and faith in me. To everyone else: Go fuck yourself. Some specific “fucks yous” go out to: The Linux community, I hope you realize how fucking toxic and broken your “community” is after standing by silently as me and my entire family were terrorized after I criticized Linus Torvalds. I think you are cowardly and spineless and I stand behind everything I said. I also think you need to seriously look at the clear ties the Linux community has to 8chan and GamerGate which led many of the attacks on me. Andrew Auernheimer aka a blast of trash from my past: you started whining and crying the day I dumped your ass and you haven’t stopped since. May the ouroboros eat YOU, easily mistaken for a snake, and may you spend the rest of your days as you have to date - pathetic, prospectless, alone and heartbroken, ever-pining over women who hate your guts and clinging to any last scrap of fast-fading relevance. Milo Yiannopoulos, a failure of a human being but tremendous success as an opportunistic sell-out scumbag who has spent months digging up details on my sex life and leading harassment campaigns against me. Valleywag, particularly Valleywag editor Dan Lyons -- a white man who is 26 years older then me and uses my sex life for clickbait while citing Yiannopolous and Weev as a credible source in order to take me down. Also Jason Calacanis, who has supported my long term stalker Loren Feldman and is basically a shitstain of a human being who we should kick out of tech forever. Vivek Wadhwa, who is building his career off women in tech yet is transparently a misogynistic asshole who has used this opportunity to get back at me for criticizing his profiteering and patriarchal brand of "allyship." Also Elizabeth Spiers who continues to refuse to get the FUCK away from me after MONTHS of me asking to be left in peace. Get the fuck over me and move on with your life as a has-been. You are literally 10 years older than me, yet are relentlessly picking on a young woman with an up-and-coming media career like you once had. You look jealous and petty, and your ongoing obsession with me is creepy as fuck. In the remainder of this post, I am addressing my community. I realize that following my tweets can be difficult and not very coherent, especially as I have navigated the emotional roller coaster of the weekend. My anxiety is through the roof and I haven’t gotten much sleep. While I don't think I should have to explain and rehash my sex life, analyze terrorism against me at length, and somehow summon words out of a fog of anxiety, fear and depression, I want to get my views on the record. They have been dismissed, erased, deemed irrelevant, misconstrued, twisted and deployed against me. So here they are, FROM ME. They have made it too scary to defend me, so I defend myself: I, unequivocally, support ourselves and stand behind us. Lol. OK for real. I wanted to start by discussing my past sexual history. Since we are already so deep into my sex life - released non-consensually and with the sole aim of terrorizing me - let's talk about it. Over three years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to Andrew Auernheimer aka Weev. I had no idea who he was prior to this friend telling me about him and introducing me. I was not involved in the infosec community (still aren’t), was fairly new to tech, and arrived in Silicon Valley years after his most high-profile attacks on other women in tech. As many of you have conveniently forgotten, (even those of you who wrote them!), articles about him painted him as a charismatic, counter-culture hacker taking on powerful and corrupt systems - someone who expressed a number of "controversial" (i.e. sexist, racist and homophobic) views, but these were glossed over as satire and mischief. I was happy to do the same, something which I deeply regret and deeply apologize for. The industry was, as it always has been and remains, enamored and worshipping of the "edgy" young white male hacker who ostensibly reflects a challenge to the status-quo, but in actuality just re-creates those systems under the guise of liberalism, satire and "mischief" aka misogynistic and racist terrorism. Frankly, I was also enamored. At the time, I was really early in my career, didn't give much of a shit about social justice, didn't particularly understand how fucked up the industry was, and was laboring under the profound delusion that my career success meant some kind of feminism. I think I was starting to undergo some type of political realization or awakening and was in some clumsy and inept way reaching out for an alternative framework, a tech “counter culture”. Of course, the "alternative" framework I discovered was some abusive piece of shit who would crawl into my life, use me for money and housing, and then spend years after punishing me for it. Typical. I am also not the only victim of his predatory and exploitative behavior towards his partners and ex-partners. At the time, I was in a bad place (which he gleefully exploited) and frankly looking for some strings-free fun and (unhealthy) emotional support. A good time seemed like having a completely doomed relationship with a notorious, emotionally co-dependent bad boy that I could fuck for a few hours and call daddy in a hotel room, then leave after giving him $40 out of the ATM because he had no money (stemming from a blanket refusal to work, preferring to just take money from women who feel sorry for his miserable existence). It worked for me at the time, it satisfied something I was looking for, and it made my life feel edgy and exciting, even though I know recognize it as a a huge mistake and deeply regret it. But, it happened. To all the people berating me for making poor dating choices in my mid-20s, many who haven't seen their mid-twenties in ten to twenty years: Guess what, assholes. Mistakes. Were. Made. Can you really tell me that you haven't fucked the wrong people? Maybe ones of the dudes I fucked was worse than your partners, but I've always been an overachiever. Like I have previously stated: At least I fucked weev in shame and private unlike the EFF, TechCrunch, the NY Times and all the rest of your favs. To be honest, dating men who are emotionally and physically abusive has been something of a pattern for me, due to the fact that I have disproportionately fallen into these relationships as a former abuse victim AND due to the fact that so many men are abusive, predatory, manipulative and lying scum. Fuck them, and misandry forever. In response to Andrew's allegations that I am a racist, hate-filled neo-Nazi who shared his views, that I am simply a troll or performance artist: I do not, and have never shared Andrew's views, and he didn't teach me shit. Most of our relationship consisted of fucking in potentially disturbing and unhealthy ways, talking about his upcoming trial, sharing photos of red pandas, me bitching about work, watching My Little Pony (i know, i know) and him trying to get as much money out of me as he could. I smoked a bunch of weed, he drank and we ate lots of takeout. As far as his trolling techniques, they seem to consist primarily of convincing people who can actually code to do things for him, then taking the credit for them, so I wasn't really interested in acquiring these “skills” even if I did have a naive fascination with what I then saw as his "innocent" pranks and how they functioned. While it wasn't a big part of our brief-lived (four month) relationship, he often made comments that were racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, misogynist and transphobic. I alternated between being like "hahahaha", “satiring” back to him (including making similar comments), and telling him to knock it the fuck off. In private conversations he assured me that he was just a performance artist, that it was satire and trolling, and that he was actually a feminist (lol). He was always laughing when he said really horrible things. Like the anti-intellectual, self-centered, callous, cavalier and "edgy" white liberal that I fancied myself (And was) at the time, I laughed too and played along. As much as there is lots of feigned outrage from white people about it, this discourse was frankly not much different than that I saw and still see constantly in the tech workplace and at events, online and in the community. Tech prides itself on being "not overtly -ist" when it actually is, despite almost everyone’s vehement protestations. For those who attempt to distance themselves from the racism, sexism, and transphobia of the industry by congratulating themselves that we don’t "say those things": you are full of shit. The tech industry is chock full NOT ONLY of "subtle" issues that let us continue to feel like good people because we don't use slurs, but actual constant and overt abuse, discrimination, and violence - often under the guises of "irony" and "satire”. And I have absolutely participated in it. People demand to know why I won't "defend" myself from the "charges" made by my ex. Yes, they contain a number of outright lies and inventions as well as self-serving exaggerations, distortions and manipulations. Frankly, I’m not going to indulge this circus by refuting and responding point-by-point to the details of an abusive relationship I had years ago. As to the overall tone of the allegations, basically that I used to be an oppressive asshole who held much different values than I do now... well I don't feel a need to "defend" or "deny" that because the truth is, I had for years and years of my past been whole-heartedly complicit in the systems of inequality and discrimination that plague our field. I thought that if I made six figures and did well in my career, acted like "one of the boys” aka white male patriarchs, or played along with them, and was as vulgar, violent, self-centered and cut-throat as the "successful" white men around me, that was "feminism." I gave a shit about my own advancement but for many years didn't really give a shit about anyone else's advancement. I didn't recognize my role in the tech industry as a privileged white woman, and didn't do much of the internal and external work required to divest from those systems. As I started my political awakening, I was primarily concerned with the advancement of white women like myself and didn't give much thought to broader systemic issues, or how I was complicit in the oppression of other groups. My attitudes, beliefs and behavior were 100% born of my alignment with white capitalist patriarchy, and I benefitted enormously (And still do) from it even as it has abused me. Here are two categories of things that are both true. 1. I am queer, mentally ill and a woman. I have been through a lot of hard stuff because of those things. I went through some Carrie-style shit when I came out in middle school. I have had an anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder since I was a kid. Some of my first "real" sexual experiences included being molested and a victim of statutory rape. Later in my life, I've been raped at knife point and dragged across the floor thinking I would die that night. I've been punched in the face by my "lovers". I showed up to my first real job interview with a barely concealed black eye and bruised ribs. I've finished school while I screamed bloody murder into an apartment complex at night pleading for help from anyone who heard. As a working professional I've been sexually harassed, verbally and physically intimidated by managers, underpaid, overworked, denied promotions, humiliated, and subjected to hostile work environment after hostile work environment. I've been threatened with revenge porn by multiple exes, and coerced into doing things I think are unethical by people in positions of power over me. I've had hacked nude photos sent to my bosses and investors. I've been stalked over the course of months and years, been slandered and abused by media, and disowned by my industry for being a woman who spoke up. I am one of the most visible women in tech - not as a respected and valued member of our industry, but as a target. I live in constant fear of the tech community and am terrorized on a regular basis. I am held up for all to see, a public example of what they will do to you if you speak out - and it seems “anything goes” more and more each day as organized hate groups grow in numbers and strength while the tech community grows in apathy. 2. I am a cis white woman who has uncritically profited from white supremacy, cissexism, ableism, classism and other forms of oppression. My success, visibility, and achievements are fundamentally built on the oppression of others, and I spent years not giving a fuck, lending any semblance of a hand, acknowledging my role, or working to dismantle the systems I've been part of. Most of my privileges in life happen as a direct result of a white supremacist capitalist system, and I too long stayed silent and comfortable. From an essay I published in autumn 2013 on my personal blog, called "Finding Out You’re a Sexist, Misogynistic, Homophobic, Classist, Racist Asshole and Hypocrite": "I can only cringe and hate myself when I think of all the times I have totally fucked up and became part of the very problems I hate. Yes, I have slut-shamed, body-policed, name-called, bad-joked, appropriated, derailed, co-opted, silenced, objectified, stereotyped, trivialized, slurred, punished, isolated, insulted, benefited, and stayed silent with the worst of them. A highlight reel of my life profiting uncritically and even participating in the systems of misogyny, classism, racism, cis-normativity and homophobia that oppress my friends, my family, my fellow humans would not endear anyone to me, least of all myself. It fees horrible to talk about. But I am because we all must realize how complete, how intersecting, how deeply fucked up the system is, and the role we play in it. It’s easy to become invested in an image of ourselves as good human beings, without blame or participation in the oppression of other people. Sometimes we even imagine ourselves as a helper to them, a healer, an ally, without even thinking it through." I have made many sexist, racist, transphobic and homophobic comments that were abusive and violent in my life. I have consistently failed to stand against discrimination that affected other people. I've often prioritized my own needs and success above that of more marginalized people. For years, I made no effort to use my privilege and power to help others. I have *literally fucked a neo-Nazi and harbored him with money, emotional support and yeah, kinky sex.* My internalized misogyny and the racism I have reproduced affected real relationships and hurt real people. Because I have had access to white, cis, class and educational privilege, I have been able to protect myself, get amazing health and mental health care, and attain economic security that many suffering the same and much, much worse do not have access to. In the workplace, I got the perks of diversity in tech efforts while more marginalized people were left behind, and I didn't say shit. I benefited and continue to benefit enormously from white supremacy in the tech industry, able to amass financial resources to start my own company and escape the day-to-day grind of the abusive tech workforce, which is not an option for so many. All of the above things are true. As a cis white woman I have both abused and been abused, been a victim of violence and someone who commits violence, been punished by the system and also benefited extensively from it. I refuse to run around insisting that I'm not an oppressive asshole instead of actually doing the work of dismantling the system - inside me and outside me. I heal myself, and I also work to ease, destroy and amend for the pain and oppression I have inflicted on others, that I participate in, benefit from, and bear responsibility for taking down. I also want readers to note that the "redemption" narrative that people are looking for me to manifest here is hugely problematic, centering white people's feelings and experiences, our personal growth over dismantling oppressive systems, and our need to feel like we are "good people." As I've written in the past, I don't believe that "good person" as a framework to approaching systemic inequalities is useful. I don’t think I am a good or bad person. I am a person who has done good things and bad things, and I try to do more good things as I grow. I don't wish to offer excuses for my past. I cannot undo it, nor change it. I remain complicit in and benefit from many systems of oppression, I still have an enormous amount of work to do to divest of my own investment in the system and how I enable it to continue, and I have a life-time of work to do against it, work that I try to do each day. This is work that the tech industry needs to partake in. I invite you to get out of my sex life and to join me doing it.
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ripoffreportassist · 3 years
10 things you should do if you Search that a Ripoff Report is appearing in your Google search results
A Ripoff Report can quickly appear in your Google search results, making it difficult to find the business you’re looking for or damaging your company’s reputation before you’ve even had the chance to defend yourself against false accusations. What should you do if this happens? Here are 10 things you should do if you discover that a Ripoff Report is appearing in your Google search results.
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1) Call your lawyer
If there’s information on a ripoff report that’s libelous or otherwise not true, contact an attorney to see what recourse you have. If you don’t know of one already, ask friends and colleagues for recommendations; they might be able to recommend someone to talk with about your case. It may also be worth it to look up attorneys who specialize in reputation management and online reputation management—many such lawyers will offer free initial consultations. While speaking with an attorney does come at a cost, there are plenty of low-cost legal options out there as well. Make sure not to pay unless and until he or she has done something for you.
2) Call your ISP
Many have had success calling their internet service provider and asking them to remove Ripoff Reports from their search engine. In some cases, companies have been able to get these reports removed from Yahoo!, Bing, and even Google—especially when they’ve been able to prove that what’s being said isn’t true. It doesn’t always work but it might be worth giving it a shot; who knows? You could end up saving yourself thousands of dollars and tons of stress! To be honest, most people never even consider looking for information like How can I get my negative report removed from Google? when dealing with an issue like having their business falsely accused on the Ripoff Report. Call your ISP; chances are they can help.
3) Get Google Help
In most cases, rip-off reports can be removed from Google search results for free. Call up Google and explain that there’s a report on their site that contains inaccurate information about your business or practice. They’ll ask for a faxed statement from you stating all of these points before they remove it. Sending them a statement by email will not be sufficient to have it removed. You can also take help from an ORM service company in India if you don’t have enough knowledge about it.
4) Do not respond!
Some websites allow you to contact their operators directly. If you can find an email address or phone number for a site, it's often worth reaching out to see if they'll take down or remove your review. A few reasons why: 1) Even though these sites typically don't have legal jurisdiction to force you to take down negative reviews, they might be able to convince others to make changes on their end. 2) Sometimes, people who put up misleading reports will back off once they realize someone is contacting them directly. 3) Sites like Ripoff Report rely on volume for revenue, so fewer reports could help them reduce some of their volume over time.
5) Contact the site owner directly
Typically, there’s no point in reaching out to Ripoff Report or any other similar sites. While they may have an option for users to file feedback, you are unlikely to get anywhere with them. It’s better to take steps to minimize how much weight these types of websites have on your business. Do not publish contact information on your website: There’s no reason for visitors to your site or potential customers to know where you or anyone else associated with your business lives and works. This allows people like Dr.
6) Remove all evidence online of this report.
Go to each website where you can edit content and remove everything they have about you. This includes all of your contact info, such as email address and phone number. You can also delete any posts on social media accounts or anywhere else online where information about your business appears. Keep an eye out for similar posts on blogs, discussion forums and message boards, but don’t panic: just delete them and move on to Step 2.
7) Use slander/libel removal services (Cease & Desist).
Yelp will typically remove fake reviews from its platform, but doing so can sometimes take a while. In fact, it’s not uncommon for fake reviews to appear for several months before they are taken down. To make sure Yelp knows about these fake positive reviews, give them negative reviews on their Yelp page. Not only will these negative reviews likely get picked up by Ripoff Report SEO companies but they could even help push down some of those helpful 5-star positive reviews. If you already have Yelp pages set up for your business then just add some negative feedback about how terrible these other businesses have been to you. When doing so, use strategic keywords in both places that relate to rip off reports and SEO experts will direct readers to your page instead of theirs.
8) Sue them back. And win!
Yelp provides a free platform for disgruntled customers to make their voices heard. As such, there's no better way to respond to a Ripoff Report than by posting honest, positive reviews of your own business on Yelp. This not only makes you more visible but helps offset any damage from misleading content on other sites. A few quick tips: Check out what's currently being said about your business on Yelp before jumping into the review fray. Start with some basic facts about what type of business you run and then focus on personal experiences and brand promises that directly connect with consumers.
9) Give negative reviews on their Yelp page.
If someone has defamed your business on Yelp, take those reviews down! You can also go on Yelp and leave positive reviews as well. Pay them with cash to take down their page: This may sound drastic, but paying someone with cash to take down their page could be money well spent. Having an online presence is vital for business success. Once your reputation is tarnished by malicious reviews, it can be hard to recover without some heavy SEO and PR help or running into someone who’s familiar with your brand and willing to write a good review. The more people who see negative reviews about your business online, the harder it will be for you to win back customers from competitors who don’t have any bad reviews of their own.
10) Wait 3-6 months for their report to be de-indexed completely.
Once on page 1 of Google, it can take anywhere from three to six months for any update or change to be completely reflected on those pages. The first step, then, is simply patience: letting new and relevant content rise up and push out older and/or poorly organized pages. If time doesn’t help, consider getting additional reviews on third-party websites like Yelp or Facebook; by having more reviews with higher ratings, sites like Ripoff report will likely deindex your company over time as long as you have no history of fraudulent business practices or lawsuits. Just make sure any reviews are actually representative of what you do –– not just satisfied customers! It’s easy to filter out positive reviews by visiting their social media accounts before posting an authentic review.
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