#so i tasked my brother with the mission of going again to the mall and getting me kirk
moonlit-orchid · 28 days
A spock
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A kirk
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
When your dad told you he had recruited a boy your age to the Avengers, you felt a little flame of jealousy bubble inside you. Without any superpowers of your own, you were often left out of the heroic and dangerous missions the Avengers went on. Your dad did his best to include you by letting you help out in the lab and tag along on lowkey missions, but that all changed when Peter started coming around.
A lot of things changed when Peter started coming around.
The way he seemed to replace you, and so effortlessly at that, boiled into a deep resentment for the young hero. He was always there, occupying the spaces you once did, and you resented it. You resented him.
Just not as much as you resented the way he made your heart flutter when he looked at you.
“What are you guys doing?” You asked as you walked into the lab to see your dad. Peter was by his side, as he always was, making you roll your eyes. Peter smiled brightly at you as you sat down, and you gave him a tight lipped smile back.
“Hey, Princess.” Your dad greeted. “We’re adding back up back up jets in the butt of Rhodey’s suit in case the back up jets in his legs fail.”
“I call them the weapons of ass destruction.” Peter said gleefully as he held up the jets.
“Yeah, hilarious.” You said sarcastically and turned to your dad. “Um, daddy, I thought we were gonna do that.”
“Sorry sugar plum. I needed to get this done before the trip later and sticky fingers said I shouldn’t wake you.” Tony apologized to you and a familiar feeling of anger filled your tummy. This wasn’t the first time you’d found Peter doing something with your dad that you were originally supposed to do. It seemed like every plan you made, Peter weaseled his way in and took your place. You looked at Peter with narrowed eyes, to which he responded with a sympathetic smile.
“Did he now?” You said, just a little bitterly.
“Maybe you can help us next time. Did you sleep well?” Peter asked politely, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Did I sleep well? What are you, my Fitbit?” You snorted and looked away from him. Peter’s heart sank at yet another rejection from you, but he kept his mouth shut and continued working. Your eyes shifted back to him once he went back to his work, feeling a pang of guilt for being short with him.
“What trip are we going on later?” You directed your question only to your father, acting like Peter wasn’t there.
“Cap got a hit on where Bucky might be. We’re heading to Canada to check it out.” Your dad explained as he twisted a screwdriver.
“Okay. I’ll pack my stuff.” You got out of your chair and went to leave before you heard your dad sigh.
“Sorry Princess, but this is just gonna be an avengers thing.” He said with apologetic eyes. “We only have room in the jet for four and I promised Peter-“
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, not wanting to hear about Peter again. “I’ll just hang out with mom.”
“It’s really cold in Canada anyway. It’ll probably be a bad trip.” Peter offered to make you feel better.
“Yeah, thanks weather boy.” You teased and looked at your dad again. “Can we hang out tomorrow then?”
“Of course. Mall and a smoothie?” He asked, making you smile as he suggested your signature thing to do together.
“Mall and a smoothie.” You nodded, happy that he was finally making time for you. You rested your chin in your hands and watched them work, feeling slightly better now that you made plans with your dad that Peter couldn’t infiltrate.
You tripped over a cardboard box the next day, stumbling right into Peters arms as he caught you. You looked down and saw a bunch of boxes outside your old playroom, boxes with Peters handwriting on them.
“What is all this? You’re blocking the hallway.” You snipped at Peter as you stepped out of his arms.
“Sorry, Y/n. I’m almost done.” Peter apologized as he picked up another box. “Hey, I like your shirt.”
“Almost done with what?” You ignored his compliment, despite it making your face flush.
“Moving in. Mr. Stark gave me this room so I wouldn’t have to commute here everyday.” Peter explained. Your eyes widened up upon hearing this, not believing your dad would let Peter move in without asking you.
“You’re moving in?” You nearly yelled, making Peter clutch his box in fear that he did something wrong.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Maybe we can hang out more now that-“
“Sorry, I’ll be right back.” You cut him off and rushed to the kitchen, finding your dad rummaging through the refrigerator.
“What are you doing?” You demanded.
“Making a smoothie. Want one?” He offered as he shut the refrigerator with his butt.
“No thank you.” You shook your head. “And I’m talking about Peter. Why did he tell me he’s moving in?”
“Oh, cause he is. Now, do I want straw-bana or kale-berry?” Your dad pondered as he tapped his chin.
“Why does he have to live here? He has a house.” You reminded him.
“He has an apartment smaller than the first dollhouse I bought you. Princess, he was basically living in a cardboard box and sleeping under newspapers.”
“This isn’t an dog pound, daddy. We can’t just take in strays.” You whined, wishing he could take your side for once.
“He’s not a stray. He’s my son.” Tony quipped as he booped your nose and crossed the kitchen. Your heart sank to your stomach at his words and you felt your face fall.
“No he…no he isn’t.” You sputtered in a weak voice.
“Cheer up, sour patch. Think of it this way, now you have a brother.” Tony shrugged and dropped some blueberries in the blender.
“I don’t want a brother. Our family is fine the way it is.” You insisted, feeling the jealousy come back in a wave when your dad called Peter his son.
“He’s a good kid, Princess.” Tony said in a tone that told you the conversation was over. “Give him a chance. He’ll surprise you. Hell, he surprised me.”
Before you could respond, Peter entered the kitchen with a happy smile.
“Hey Mr. Stark. Hi Y/n.” He waved at you and put some bowls in the cabinet.
“Yeah, hi Parker.” You said dismissively, wanting him to leave so you could finish talking to your dad.
“You ready?” Tony asked Peter as he poured the smoothie into two cups, handing one to Peter.
“Yep. I’ll see you in the theater.” Peter nodded as he clicked his glass against your dads.
“What are you guys doing?” You wondered, watching them interact with disgust.
“He’s got me hooked on this show about teenagers in a glee club. The writing is horrible, I love it.” Tony beamed as he took a sip form his cup.
“I thought we were gonna hang out today. You know, mall and a smoothie?” You reminded him, feeling a bubble of hurt that he didn’t remember.
“Oh, sorry buttercup.” Tony realized he forgot. “I promised Pete the treat I’d watch the show with him. Tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded sadly as your dad cupped your chin and left the room.
“You could watch with us if you’d like. They sing a lot of the songs you like.” Peter extended an invitation to you when he saw your disappointment.
“Thanks for the sales pitch, but I’m good.” You mumbled at him and left the kitchen, missing the solemn look on Peters face as you went.
“She doesn’t like me.” Peter sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at his smoothie.
“No, she does not.” Tony laughed, cutting it short when Peter looked at him in dispare. “Oh, not funny. Don’t sweat it, kid. It took me a long time to like you too. She’ll come around.”
“Okay, good.” Peter nodded, content with the answer. “Wait, what?”
“FRIDAY, what’s my assignment?” You asked the screen outside the lab as you reported for your job the following day.
“Good morning, Y/n.” FRIDAY greeted. “Mr. Stark asks that you repair bullet holes in one of the suits.”
“Cool. Let me in.”
“Access granted.” FRIDAY chirped as the doors opened. You only got a few paces into the lab when you saw Peter sitting at a table, sighing in annoyance at the sight of him.
“Hello.” He said weakly, knowing you wouldn’t thrilled to see him.
“What are you doing in here?” You eyed him skeptically as you got some tools off a shelf.
“Not much at the moment.” Peter shrugged, trying to make a light hearted joke.
“Well you can’t stay. I have an assignment.” You told him, a little proudly at that. You were finally given a task after being idle for months.
“Actually, I have to stay.” Peter said, looking a little weary of you as you neared him.
“I am your assignment.” He grimaced, anticipating your reaction to be bad.
“You have bullet holes?” You folded your arms and eyed his body.
“Canadians aren’t as friendly as I thought.” Peter chuckled.
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “Where’s the suit?”
“Right here.” Peter pulled it out of his backpack. “Theres three of them. The holes are in the front. And the back. They sorta went through.”
“Went through?” Your eyes widened as you worried for him. “As in went through your body?”
“Canadians really aren’t as friendly as I thought.”
“You said that already.” You stated as you laid his suit out on the table.
“Sometimes jokes are funnier when you say them twice.” Peter explained, coming to stand by your side.
“I don’t need you to explain humor to me.” You grumbled as you began working on the holes.
“Feels like I do.” Peter muttered, adverting his eyes from you.
“Excuse me?” You snapped your head up to glare at him.
“Nothing.” He gave you an obviously fake smile. “Nothing at all.”
Doing your best to ignore him, you got back to your work. He was close enough that you could feel his breath in your neck, your elbows touching every-time you pulled on the thread.
“Is there a reason you’re hovering?” You said suddenly, losing your ability to focus with him that near.
“I just want to make sure you’re doing it correctly.” He shrugged, leaning down to check your work. Your jaw dropped a little, feeling offended that he didn’t have faith in your to do it correctly.
“So what, you think I can’t patch a bullet hole on my own?” You laughed shortly as you raised as eyebrow at him.
“Well I know the suit better than you do.” He said simply, taking pleasure in getting a rise out of you.
“I helped design it, Parker.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I know it just as well.”
“Then you won’t mind me making sure of that.” Peter shot back, running his finger over the newly patched hole.
“Whatever.” You scoffed and went back to work. “Just because you’re my dads lab rat doesn’t mean you’re mine.”
“I didn’t say I was.” Peter leaned again, watching your work closely.
“And yet.” You looked up with a sarcastic smirk, your nose nearly touching his from how close he was. “Hovering.”
“Sorry.” Peter mumbled and took a step back.
“You said there were three holes. I only see two.” You realized as you held the suit up.
“That’s weird. I definitely got shot three times.” Peter tilted his head as he stared at it.
“Did you find three bullets?” You asked him, a rare moment of civility.
“No. Just two. Oh…” He trailed off when he realized where the third bullet was.
“Yeah. Oh.” You mocked him. “Take your shirt off.”
“What?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows at your request as you went to a different shelf in the lab.
“You can’t leave the bullet in there, you’ll get an infection.” You reminded him as you set medical supplies on the table. “Take your shirt off.”
Peter hesitantly pulled his shirt over his head once you turned around to disinfect the table. You turned around, needle in hand, and turned a deep red at the sight of him.
“Good.” You swallowed thickly. “Just leave it on the counter.”
“Are you trained to do this?” Peter worried as he folded his t shirt. You did your best to hold eye contact, but your eyes slipped every now and then.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You said quietly, not trusting your voice to be steady.
“Have you ever done it before?” Peter wondered as he stared at the large needle.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You repeated to avoid the question.
“See? You said the joke twice. That makes it funny.” He smiled smugly at you and you made a face.
“Shut up and get on the table.” You groaned and he complied, laying on his side to let you work. You rounded the table to work on his back where the exit wound was located.
“Oh good.” You commented as you rested a hand on his bare rib cage. “It’s right at the surface.”
“Okay. Try not to kill me while you’re back there.” Peter looked at you over his shoulder so you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I won’t.” You grumbled, hesitating a little as your stared at his wound. “Um, this is gonna hurt.”
You felt a moment of sympathy for him, knowing he was in for a lot of pain. His skin was hot, even under your surgical glove you could feel it. In a brief lack of judgment, you squeezed his arm to comfort him.
“I’m Spiderman. Nothing hurts - SON OF A BITCH.” Peter screamed as you pressed a hydrogen peroxide soaked gauze pad to his wound. You quickly took out the tweezer and fished out the bullet, all while Peter hissed in pain.
“Sorry sorry sorry.” You stammered and threw the bullet into a dish. “It’s out.”
“Oh my God. I feel like a pencil sharpener.” Peter whined as he rubbed his back near the area.
“Sit up. I’ll patch you up.” You said in a kinder tone then he was used to hearing.
“You don’t have to.” Peter looked at you as he sat up straight.
“Yes I do. You’re my assignment.” You shrugged, trying to portray that you couldn’t care less when in reality, you did. As much as he got under your skin, you didn’t want to see him hurt.
You poured more hydrogen peroxide on a gauze pad as you cleaned his wound, feeling his body retract at first contact.
“That’s cold.” He winced, twisting his body around to avoid the pad.
“It’s also gonna save your life.” You grumbled. “Hold still.”
“Ow.” Peter jolted when you applied numbing cream to the wounds. “Cold again.”
“Can you stop whining?” You yourself whines as you blew on his cuts.
“Can you be a little more gentle?” He retorted. “Just try to be nice to me for five minutes. It can’t be that hard.”
“I am nice to you.” You hissed as you started your sutures. “I sewed up your dumb suit and I’m cleaning your stupid cuts so you don’t get an infection in your dumb ass body. I am nice.”
“Said the joke twice.” Peter quipped, grinning at you over his shoulder to rub it in.
“Shut up.” You sneered. “Stop fidgeting.”
“You think I’m funny.” He said in a sing song voice. “That’s fine. I get it all the time.”
“Oh my God. Could you be anymore irritating?” You groaned as you put the last bandaid on his back. You walked around the table to patch the front, looking up at him shyly as his bare chest rose and fell.
“Easily.” He snickered. “Wanna see?”
“I’ve seen plenty, trust me.” You rolled your eyes, meaning more than one thing with your words. Peter smirked a little, able to heart your rapid heartbeat with his advanced hearing. You rested a hand in his shoulder as you cleaned his chest, the wounds in the front stinging less as they already began to heal. Peter watched you intently as you worked, admiring the way you bit your lip when you concentrated.
“You know, if you stopped acting like I was the devils spawn for a minute, you might actually like me. We’d get along.” He laughed softly, making you look up at him. Your eyes locked and for a moment, he saw kindness in them. It quickly retreated as your face hardened, looking down to avoid his gaze.”
“Thanks for the life advice but I think I’ll pass.” You replied sarcastically as you opened a bandage.
“Is there a reason you don’t like me?” Peter honestly wondered. “Is it something I did?”
“No.” You grumbled, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. “Be quiet, I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Oh, I get it.” Peter nodded like he knew something you didn’t.
“You get what?” You took the bait, looked up at him in angry confusion.
“You like me.” Peter smirked, making your whole body ignite. Your face twisted in shock, followed by anger as you stumbled over the right words to say.
“What?” You sputtered. “What could possibly lead you to believe I like you?”
“That’s the most obvious answer.” Peter pretended to yawn, making you even angrier. “You’re mean to me because I you like me. Classic playground logic. It’s cute if you think about it.”
“I do not!” You stamped your foot, feeling frustrated that you couldn’t come up with a better argument. He had caught you red handed and you didn’t see a way out.
“Okay.” Peter’s voice was dripping with false innocence. “I believe you.”
“Listen Parker.” You growled, leaning your hands on either side him and gripping the table. “Let me make this clear, I do not, nor will I ever, like you. I don’t even tolerate you.” You shook your head slowly while holding his gaze. “I don’t want you here, okay? My life was a whole lot better before you came around and ruined it. If it were up to me, you’d be thrown out on your ass before lunch. I do not like you.”
“And yet,” Peter leaned forward, tilting his head a little, “your heartbeat says something entirely different. You know what they say, there’s a fine line between love and hate.”
“You’re all done.” You ripped off your gloves with a loud snap. “Put your shirt back on.”
Peter smirked as he tugged his shirt over his head, loving the angry flush he left on your face. You gave him one last glare before storming out of the lab, your footsteps echoing loudly as you went.
“See you later!” Peter called cheerfully, laughing when you let out an angry huff.
 To be continued…
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort @foreverxholland @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland @unbelievableholland @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker  @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx @hes-amarillo @quaksonhehe @kelieah @kickingn-ames @purefluffykiwi @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @anapocalypseinmymind  @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff @cookiemonstermusic258 @maybemona @young-romanoff @alexxcorona113 @spidey-reids-2003 @lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey @im-still-tryin-to-find-it @big-galaxy-chaos @pandaxnienke​ @spideydreamers​ @parkerpeter24​
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
First Lines
Awwwww thank you @mrsweasley06 for including me! ❤️ 
Rules: List the first line of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all)
See if there are any patterns.
Choose your favorite opening lineThen tag 10 authors!
“I still don’t get why she’s allowed on the bus with the team?” One of the freshmen on the lacrosse team asked, out loud as they waited to board the team bus. (Manners Forgotten - Brett Talbot)
“That was- wow.” Y/n stated out of breath (Chances Not Taken part1 - Derek / Parrish)
“Valentine’s day. A great holiday if you have someone, a sad depressing one if you don’t.” Y/n exclaimed to her brother. (Secret Valentines Day Plans - Billy Hargrove)
“I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me.” Y/n exclaimed at Kol. She didn’t get why he was so mad at her. (Aggression Takes A Turn - Kol Mikaelson)
As Peter and Y/n walked up through the rounded driveway, up to the front door. Standing there was nerve racking to both for different reasons. Despite the nerves Y/n took a deep breath and knocked on the front door. ( Separated Part 6 - Peter Pan completed)
“I had so much fun tonight.” Y/n spoke with a big smile on her face as she turned to face her boyfriend. ( Not Again - Emma Swan daughter)
“Are you crazy?” Y/n exclaimed with raised arms and an outraged face.“Between the two of us shouldn’t I be the one questioning your sanity? Considering who your parents are and all.” Jason asked trying to lighten the air between them. (New Christmas Plans - Jason Todd)
“Stiles! Stop!” Y/n whined annoyed at her boyfriends antics to get out of studying.“Stop what?” Stiles played coyY/n laughed sarcastically “Oh, you know what.”“No, I don’t think I do. Wanna tell me?” Stiles snarked keeping up with his little innocent act. (1 Question = 1 Kiss - Stiles Stilinski)
“No” Y/n stated shutting her locker“Come one, please.” Billy whined taking a step closer towards the only girl in Hawkins that resists him.“I said no, Hargrove.” Y/n turned looking him in the eyes hoping this would be the last time she had to state it. (I Promise - Billy Hargrove)
“How’s Y/n doing?” Harry asks Hermione as she sat across from him and Ron at the Gryffindor table.“As well as she can. She’s afraid with the tasks getting more and more dangerous that she might lose her brother.” Hermione explained with a saddened expression, clearly worried about their friend. (Worries, And Long Time Crushes - Harry Potter)
“So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?” Y/n asked from her bed as Billy snooped through her dresser drawers. He always did after she went to the mall. Hoping to sneak a peak at any new lingerie she might have gotten. Y/n on the other hand was just laying on her bed, looking through a magazine Billy brought over with him. Specifically for her to read. She glanced up at him to see his answer to her question. Y/n has learned how to read Billys face very well since the two got to befriends, let alone since they’ve been together. (Your Part Of My Family - Billy Hargrove)
“You all are seeing what I’m seeing right?” Tony asked the group standing around the kitchen. (Bets - Bucky Barnes)
“Mal!” Y/n yelled upon seeing her best friend and half sister. She was holding back her reaction to the fact that she looked like the wicked witch when in disguise. (Auradon Instead Of Isle - Descendants Completed)
Bucky sighed before knocking on the bedroom door, knowing Y/n would come to sulk and hide in the comfort of her own room after what happened on the mission. “Y/n, it’s me. Bucky.”“Come in.” Y/n called after a moment of silence. Bucky opened the door and stepped into her room closing it after he entered. “Hey, Buck.” Y/n greeted but there was a slight strain in her voice. Which he detected immediately.“Don’t do that Y/n. Not with me…please.” Bucky shook his head, he knows her better than she thinks. He’s not gonna fall for her bullshit, its obvious she’s not ok. (Would Have Been - Steve Rogers)
“Noah!” Y/n squealed as Noah fell dramatically on top of her making the bed bounce.“Y/n!” he mimicked her before snuggling into her“We’re gonna get caught!” Y/n stated while squirming as she felt Noah move his hands to her sides. (Rule #9 is Problematic - Noah Fynn)
“Come on Y/n/n. Cheer up.” Steve spoke from upfront in the driver’s seat after having been glancing back at his sister for the hundredth time. In the last 8-minute car ride.“It’s a party, you love parties.” Nancy added giving Y/n a quick smile and glance from the passenger’s seat. Y/n appreciated their worry but it’s not like she could tell them why she wasn’t herself. (Halloween Party - Billy Hargrove)
Cedric sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t like this, Y/n/n.”“I know you don’t.” Y/n answered with slight sarcasm.“Can’t you see my side of this.” Cedric expressed with his arms spread out.“I do see your side of this Ced.” Y/n sighed softly and turned around to face her brother. (Rumors - Cedric Diggory)
“And this children is the Gotham City Police Station.” The teacher announced to the class she is guiding through the cities police station.“Some of you may be more, familiar with how we work and do things than others.” The police chief spoke looking over the class and directly settling his eyes on Y/n. Which made the young pre-teen very uncomfortable. (Police Station - Bruce Wayne)
“I don’t want you around that Dilaurentis boy anymore. He’s bad news.” Y/d/n stated harshly towards Y/n“That’s not fair! You don’t even know him. You only know rumors.” Y/n replied back chasing him through the house. (Dad, no. Mom, yes. - Jason Dilaurentis)
“Noooo!” Y/n screamed as she saw the rogue wolf go after Theo not far from her.“Y/n don’t!” Scott yelled as he watched his life long friend jump in front of danger to save Theo who he feels doesn’t deserve it.“Why’d you do that?” Theo asked and though he didn’t really mean it to come out angry.“What? Save your life? You could just say thank you know?” Y/n sassed Theo for his comment while getting off of him. (Why? - Theo Raeken)
Patterns: I know I like 99% of the time start with dialog. Because thats how I start them all I write the dialog first.
Favorite ones: I can’t choose. I like all my writings for different things and in different ways. I’m proud of the ones that have more non-dialog. Because thats hard for me to write a lot of most of the time.
--I have over 200+ fics so I used most recent ones
Masterlist (link to my masterlist where you’ll find all of the listed stories above)
(No pressure!)
Play along! Tagging: @nev3rfound @after-avenging-hours @justkending @propertyofpoeandbucky @bonniebird @buckysmischief @constantwriter85 @buckys-broody-muffin @writings-of-a-british-fangirl @book-boys-are-my-guilty-pleasure
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madpanda75 · 5 years
“Santa Surprise” Part of the Hostage Series
A little holiday story featuring my Barba family for @thefanficfaerie​‘s Christmas OTP challenge. There’s domestic fluffiness mixed with a hint of smut. ❤️
Prompt 16: Santa
Slightly NSFW (Santa kink, anyone??)
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Rafael finished wiping down the counters after dinner when something odd struck him. It was quiet—too quiet. You offered to host the SVU holiday party and were currently out shopping with Liv, leaving Rafael alone with a five year old and two toddlers. Creeping into the living room where his children were, he expected total chaos, but instead was greeted with a picture perfect moment.
There was Mila sitting in front of the fireplace flanked by her two siblings while she showed them her pop-up book of The Night Before Christmas. “On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus comes down the chimney and then he leaves you presents under the tree,” she explained, pointing to the fat, jolly man dressed in red. “But if you’re bad, then you get coal.”
“No one is going to get coal this year,” Rafael said. “Santa just texted me and he said you all have been very good.”
Mila gasped and looked up at her father in awe. “Papi, you know Santa!”
“Of course I do,” he replied and picked up Rory and Ben, kissing them both on the cheek. “Ok, my little reindeer. Bath and bedtime."
Ben giggled and pointed to Rafael. “Santa!”
Rafael shook his head. “No, I’m not Santa. I’m Papi.”
“No, you Santa,” Ben replied.
“Santa!” Rory chimed in, grabbing at her father’s beard.
Rafael let out an exasperated sigh. Ever since he had decided to grow a beard that winter, the twins had taken to calling him Santa. It was beginning to get old. He walked up the stairs, balancing the twins in his arms with Mila following close behind.
“Papi, is Santa going to be at the Christmas party?” Mila asked while Rafael was wrangling Rory and Ben into the bathtub.
“Maybe, but remember muñequita, Santa is very busy this time of year. He may not be able to make it,” Rafael replied. Just then Rory escaped from the bathtub and ran down the hall, screaming and leaving a soapy trail.
“Oh God, we have a runaway. Rory, come back!” Rafael got up and chased after the naked toddler.
Mila grabbed the rubber ducky from the sink and handed it to her little brother. “Looks like someone is getting coal in their stocking,” she said in a sing-song voice, making Ben laugh.
Rafael was utterly exhausted by the time you came home. After getting Rory back in the tub, Ben decided to make a run for it, escaping down the hallway. Once the twins were finally bathed and put to bed, Rafael then had to negotiate bedtime with Mila. He sang. He danced. He read stories. He was beginning to feel like a one man show on Broadway.
Staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, Rafael tilted his head from side to side, noticing the grey that streaked his hair and beard before looking down at his soft belly. No wonder the twins kept calling him Santa.
With a sigh, he shut off the bathroom lights and walked into the bedroom where you were waiting. Taking one look at your poor husband, you held out your arms to him. Rafael collapsed onto the bed and into your warm embrace.
“Rough night?” You asked.
“Mmhmm.” He nodded, his head practically buried in your chest.
You softly laughed, having experienced bedtime with Mila and the twins when Rafael was working late. “Thanks for watching them. I really appreciate it. There was no way I could’ve gone shopping with those three running around the store.”
“Anytime,” Rafael replied, his voice muffled against your skin.
You ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. A groan escaped Rafael’s lips as his body began to relax. He nuzzled against your chest making you giggle and squirm. “Your beard tickles.”
Rafael raised his head and saw the red mark he had made on your sensitive skin. “Sorry,” he sheepishly said.
“Don’t be. I love it,” you purred.
“You do?”
You smirked and stroked his scuff. “You look so sexy with a beard. It drives me crazy.”
Rafael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Good to know,” he whispered and pushed up your flimsy silk nightgown, exposing more of your bare flesh. He lay open-mouth kisses on your stomach, dragging his tongue across your skin while spreading your thighs with his large hands.
You bit back a moan and tried to focus, knowing that if he kept this up you would forget all about what you had planned to ask him all evening. “So Liv and I were talking,” you abruptly said.
“Uh-oh, never a good sign,” Rafael murmured against you.
“And we were thinking what if you dressed up as Santa for the holiday party?”
Rafael stopped and met your gaze. “Santa? Really? I don’t know,” he groaned. “The squad would never let me live it down. I already dress up for Halloween, now I gotta be Santa too?”
“Everyone would love it! Besides don’t pretend you don’t love dressing up for Halloween every year.” You sat up and playfully narrowed your eyes. “I see how excited you get when we pick our family costumes.”
You had him there. Over the years, Rafael had grown to love Halloween. Being married to you, it was hard not to be. This past Halloween you were characters from Alice in Wonderland. You dressed up as the Red Queen. Rafael was the White Rabbit. Mila was Alice, and Rory and Ben were Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum. It was becoming a sweet family tradition.
“Fine, I’ll think about it,” he said and gently pushed you back down onto the bed before going back to his previous task of leaving a trail of kisses down your body.
“Liv and I found a really nice Santa suit,” you said.
“Mmmhmm,” Rafael mumbled while nibbling on your inner thigh. You gasped and arched your hips towards him.
Rafael was playing dirty, trying to distract you from your mission. But your husband underestimated you. You were determined to get him to play Santa. “The guy at the store is keeping it on hold for us. I have to let him know tomorrow if we’re going to take it,” you continued. “We thought you could dress up and pass out treats to the kids.”
Rafael huffed out a breath. “Mi amor, can we talk about this later. I’m a little preoccupied at the moment,” he said, gesturing to your open legs.
“I just think it would add such a great touch to our party and the kids are so excited for Santa this year. Mila even made him an invitation.” You scrambled out from under Rafael and grabbed Mila’s invitation from the top of the dresser, handing it over to him.
The invitation was a picture Mila had drawn of herself and the twins with Santa. The little five year old even signed her name along with a few scribbles in red and green crayon which he suspected were Rory and Ben’s signatures. The drawing tugged at his heart strings. He felt like the Grinch whose heart grew three sizes. If he could be a Lewis Carroll character for his family, he could certainly be good ol’ Saint Nick.
“You promise it’s not some cheesy polyester suit?” Rafael asked.
“Actually I think it’s a cotton-poly blend. A light breathable fabric.”
Rafael gave you a warning look. “Y/N.”
“I’m just kidding. It’s a nice suit. Way better than any Santa costume you’d find at the mall.”
“Alright,” he conceded and set Mila’s invitation on the nightstand. “I’ll be Santa.”
You squealed with excitement and wrapped your arms around Rafael. “You are the most incredible husband and father. Have I ever told you that?”
“You have, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again,” he teased and planted a searing hot kiss to your lips. “Now that we got all that sorted,” he purred, kissing down the gentle slope of your neck. “May I please—” His mouth moved lower, kissing the swells of your breasts. “Continue what I was doing earlier.” He pulled your nightgown off and kissed a path from your right hip to your left hip.
You softly moaned, your eyes slipping close. “Whatever you say, Santa,” you breathed with a hint of a smile on your lips.
Rafael’s eyes darkened. In an instant, he had you flipped onto your back. “Oh you’re asking for it now, cariño.”
It was the night of the party. Rafael and Sonny stood outside on the front stoop. When you stopped by the store to pick up the Santa outfit, you spied a beautiful lime green and red elf costume. It even came with pointy shoes. You rented the outfit and miraculously had managed to talk Sonny into being an elf. “I still don’t see why you get to be Santa,” he grumbled. “Whoever heard of a 6 foot elf.”
Rafael rolled his eyes. He was beginning to sweat within the red jumpsuit. His face itched and he silently cursed himself for not shaving before placing the fake white beard on top of his real beard. “For the last time, it’s my house and Y/N asked me to be Santa.”
“I’m just sayin’ I’m always Santa at the Carisi house.”
Rafael gave Sonny a dead-pan stare before knocking on the door.
“I got it,” he heard Fin say. Fin opened the door to see Rafael and Sonny dressed in their Christmas regalia and took out his phone to snap a picture. “I got my Christmas gift right here,” he laughed.
Rafael and Sonny walked past a still laughing Fin and into the house. “Hey everyone! Look who’s here,” you announced when you saw your husband and partner.
“Santa!” All the kids exclaimed and ran towards Rafael and Sonny. Rafael smiled and said hello to everyone in his best booming Santa voice. He had to admit seeing the children’s faces light up with joy made it worth dressing up in a ridiculous costume.
“Ok, kids. Santa is going to sit by the Christmas tree. You can each go see him and get a treat from his elf.” You looked back and winked at Rafael and Sonny.
Rafael sat down in a big armchair while the kids lined up. Fin’s grandson, Jaden, was first. He wanted Transformers.
When Noah asked for a puppy. Rafael glanced up to see Liv vehemently shaking her head at her son’s request. “Uhhh….you may need to ask the Easter Bunny for that one,” he told the little boy.
As soon as Amanda place Billie and Jesse on Rafael’s lap, they screamed and cried. Amanda laughed and took a few pictures. “They’ll love these pics when they’re older,” she teased.
It was Mila’s turn after that. With a shy smile, she hopped up on Rafael, then the inquisition started. The little girl was relentless, asking question after question.
“Santa, did you bring Rudolph with you tonight?” She sweetly asked.
Just as Rafael was about to answer Sonny interjected. “He’s back at the North Pole,” he said with a mouthful of cookies. “Santa only takes Rudolph with him when the weather is bad.”
“Oh, ok. What about the fireplace? What do kids do when they don’t have fireplaces. Do you still give them gifts?” Mila looked up at Rafael with big green innocent eyes.
“Well….I…you know fireplaces…” Rafael’s voice trailed off, trying to come up with a plausible answer.
“I know what Santa does. He uses Christmas magic,” Sonny answered before chugging a glass of milk.
“Actually my elves also freelance as chimney contractors,” Rafael replied, not wanting Sonny to outshine him. After all, he was Santa.
Sonny snorted a laugh. “Really, Santa? Chimney contractors.”
Rafael glared at Sonny and flicked a bell dangling from his hat. “Why don’t you go and pass out the candy to the kids.”
“Tough gig,” Sonny mumbled and went to pass out treats.
You watched Mila’s interaction with Rafael and had to bite your lip to keep from laughing. She was definitely her father’s daughter. “Baby, why don’t you tell Santa what you want for Christmas,” you said, deciding to save your husband from Mila’s line of questioning.
When Mila was finished, you brought over the twins. Rory and Ben held hands and warily eyed the man in red. “This must be Rory and Ben.” Rafael picked up the twins and set them on his lap. “What would you two like for Christmas?”
Rory smiled and pointed at him. “Papi!”
“No, Rory. I’m Santa,” Rafael said with a nervous laugh. “Unbelievable,” he thought to himself. The first time in weeks the twins call him Papi and its when he’s in a Santa costume.
Ben shook his head and giggled. “No, you Papi!” The tiny toddler yanked off Rafael’s fake white beard in front of everyone.
There was a collective gasp in the living room. You and Rafael locked eyes. His panic-stricken expression matched your own. “Papi? You’re Santa?!” Mila exclaimed.
All the children began to cry, asking their parents if Santa was real. It was amazing how in the blink of an eye, your party turned into a total disaster.
“Remind me again why we decided to do this?” Rafael shouted to you above the pandemonium.
It took a while, but the adults were finally able to calm everyone down and tell the children that there was indeed a real Santa. With some quick thinking on your part, you explained that Santa and Rafael were friends and Santa sometimes asked Rafael to help out when he couldn’t attend parties due to prior engagements. Rafael agreed, saying it was a little job he had on the side during the holidays.
The older children were a little skeptical of your story, but after bribing them with a few more chocolates and some additional questions from Mila, they seemed to be appeased and the party went off without a hitch.
Later on that evening, you checked on Mila and the twins. They had passed out as soon as the party was over. You walked back to your bedroom, expecting Rafael to be fast asleep only to find him sitting in a chair in your bedroom with a mischievous grin on his face. He was shirtless, wearing only the red pants and suspenders along with the Santa hat, having forgone the fake white beard and red jacket.
A tingle shot straight to your core. You never had a Santa kink...until now. “Santa, what are you still doing in here?”
“Well, I was about to leave, but then I realized I never asked you what you wanted for Christmas,” Rafael said.
“Give me one second.” You held up your finger and ran to your dresser.
Rafael spied a flash of red when you pulled something out of your drawer before you made a beeline to the bathroom. He twiddled his thumbs and whistled a Christmas song while patiently waiting for you.
Just then he heard a crash coming from the bathroom. “Ow, fuck!” You muttered.
“Everything ok in there?”
“Yep,” you called out, slightly out of breath. “Be right out.” A minute later, you opened the door dressed in a sheer red lace baby doll teddy lined with white faux fur and a matching red lace thong.
Rafael audibly gulped, drinking you in from head to toe, all the blood in his body pooling in his groin.
“Well, what do you think.” You blushed and slowly twirled to show off the lingerie before sauntering over to Rafael.
“I love it, he softly groaned and ran his large hands up your thighs and around to your backside, giving your ass a firm squeeze. “Wait, you didn’t get this while out shopping with Liv, did you?”
“No,” you giggled. “I picked this up a while ago. Finally thought of an opportunity to use it.”
Rafael looked up at you, his green eyes half-hooded with lust. “Why don’t you come sit on Santa’s lap,” he purred and patted his knee.
You straddled his lap and ran your fingers through the smattering of hair across his chest, playfully snapping one of his red suspender straps. “I have to tell you, Santa. I’ve been really naughty this year,” you softly said, grinding against his growing erection.
“Well let’s see what we can do about getting you back on the nice list,” Rafael growled, kissing down the slope of your neck. You gasped and dug your nails into his biceps, feeling his scruff scratch against your soft skin. Rafael smirked, nibbling and sucking until a bruise formed right above your clavicle. Inhaling deeply, he could smell the Christmas cookie body spray you had spritzed on earlier. You smelled good enough to eat.
It may have been a crazy chaotic evening, but one thing was for sure—playing Santa certainly had its perks.
@glimmerglittergirl​ @southern-magnolia​ @sweetcannolicarisi​ @delia26​ @obfuscateyummy​ @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded​ @thatesqcrush​ @katmstanton​ @amirightcounsellor​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o​ @sonnysdoll​ @lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @burningsorr0ws​ @gibbs274​ @izzythefanfreak​ @riodallas​ @babypink224221​ @livxrafa​ @esparza-army​ @obsessionprofessional​ @ottosuricato​ @melsquared79​ @dreila03​ @frenchiefoxy​ @tropes-and-tales​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @goodluckfindingone​
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
162. Here, take this.
Just as a note, this one is a bit longer because my initial idea ‘Hey, would be funny for Nines to gift Gavin a pebble’ kinda took off a bit.
Fandoms: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
part2   part3
Nines had learned a lot in the little time he had been active. If he had to boil it down, he could reduce it to three things. One: humans were confusing and so much more complex. Two: Him not having a social module made it unbelievably difficult to work with them. Three: His working relationship with Detective Gavin Reed depended solely on the fact that an RK800 unit – Connor – considered him a brother and had knocked out the human immediately after every fight they had.
It was a relief to have the Detective behaving in his presence now, although Nines had wished the reason to be himself, not the looming threat that was Connor. But that would need time. Experience and learning. Cyberlife never finished him. His hardware was completed, yes. But a lot of the software-tweaks they wanted to implement had simply been forgotten over the revolution. Most could be overlooked but the lack of social skills was a severe hindrance.
Sarcasm, humour, body-language or just a slightly different tone that altered the meaning of a sentence completely – all that were concepts he knew. He had done the research and memorised it in all the empty space where the program should have been, but recognising it in real life situations? An impossible task for him.
‘Phck, shit, goddamnit! Why are you phcking doing this to me?’ RK900 looked up and over his desktop to Gavin quickly analysing the situation. No eye-contact. Looking at the screen with wrinkled face. Tone harsh. Nines concluded it wasn’t directed at him pretty quickly, but what was this emotion? Anger? Incomprehension? Despair? Could be anything. ‘I detected you are in some way irritated. Can I help?’ Gavin flinched and looked up to him. ‘What? No. The damn computer just asked for a password and I mistyped it. Now I’m blocked for the next five minutes.’ ‘I have to remind you, your Computer isn’t in any way sentient and you speaking to it won’t achieve anything.’ ‘I know, tin-can! But sometimes you have to let your frustration out and yell at a machine. I mean, look at you! You also seem not to be sentient enough to understand me and yet I phcking talk to you! I need a damn coffee!’ The human jumped from his chair letting it scoot a bit backwards. Nines remained seated and started analysing the last conversation. Had he done something wrong? Had something he said angered the Detective? Had there been another social cue he had overseen, something subtle he should have picked up? He was still deeply in thought as Connor came over. ‘Has he done something?’ Nines studied the other android and somehow it was easier to read him than humans. There was this evident worried protectiveness together with disdain for the Detective. ‘I don’t know. He stated to be “frustrated”.’ ‘With you? You know I can talk with him anytime, just say the word.’ ‘No. RK8- brother – your “talks” tend to end in physical violence. I think it would be detrimental to the efforts I put into understanding the human. He seemed frustrated of his Computer.’ ‘Fine.’ Connor locked eyes with Gavin coming back from the breakroom and as soon as the man realised his presence there was resistance in coming nearer. The cause of it stayed illusive to Nines, although Gavin returned to his desk as soon as Connor had departed. ‘Jesus, your brother is terrifying.’ ‘Jesus didn’t have a brother.’ ‘What the… Nines, I meant your brother. Connor.’ ‘I wouldn’t call him threatening. He is easily agitated when it comes to the people, he calls family.’ ‘Whatever. Just please don’t tell him to beat me up again, okay? I learned my lesson, I’m trying to be nice to you, although you are weird as phck.’ Nines took a while to try find out the meaning of weird as a fuck. In the end he agreed on the basic expression of him being weird and the rest of the sentence due to the Detective’s very unique use of expletives. ‘I never told him to do that. I don’t even understand why he tends to do it. I don’t wish any of my surroundings harm.’ ‘Well, you are not very good at it. I’m gonna go home. See ya tomorrow.’ Nines nodded but didn’t answer, not knowing one was required.
The night shift arrived, and Nines was still working. Connor and Lieutenant Anderson had gone shortly after Gavin and Connor once again offered him to come with them. But he had declined as always. There was no use going somewhere when there was work to do. Although, around midnight he found himself distracted more and more. The conversations of the day replayed in his mind over and over again, analysing every second of them, learning from it and trying to figure out what he did wrong again this time. He managed to dismiss most of his thoughts for later but wasn’t able to let go of the Detective explaining he was frustrated. Frustration. The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something. A kind of mental pain humans experienced. Maybe if he could help the Detective, they would warm up to each other. But what could he do when he had to research what frustration was, what it felt like? Frustration could be caused by stress, but also from various other sources, there was no way Nines could find out what it was exactly that put off his partner. All he knew was that Gavin wasn’t happy. How to make your partner happy? There were quite some results to the search. He hadn’t expected there to be so much advice when clearly little jobs had people partnering up. Compliment him. Well, Gavin was intelligent. He was on the upper scale of human attractiveness according to online-tests and really stubborn. But he wouldn’t know how to say any of that without getting misunderstood. Tell him you appreciate what he does for you and your family. Again, not the best thing, when all Gavin had done for his “family” to hold Connor at gunpoint repeatedly. Make time for things to get hot in the bedroom. That just left Nines clueless. Sure, he could hack the Detective’s smart home and manipulate the thermostat, but wouldn’t the human know best what to do with it? Be supportive of his alone time. At least that he already was, following his orders when he told him to fuck off. Look him in the eyes. Manageable. When you get something for yourself, get something for him, too. So a gift, then. Difficult but also in the realm of possibility.
He decided to take the next day off. There hadn’t been new cases lately, so his new mission was far more interesting and rewarding. Learn how to compliment. Acquire a gift. He figured the mall would be as good of a place as any to start and so he strolled through shops filled to the brink with humans and androids, trying to find something in the overwhelming heap of goods. Somehow he ended up in a small shop for minerals and simple jewellery. He hadn’t made the decision consciously and realised he had only entered because it was empty and somehow… tranquil. The android wandered through the aisles of sparkling crystals and polished stones beginning to think he was going to fail his mission.
‘Hello. Do you need help?’ Nines nearly forgot he wasn’t alone. He was about to decline but maybe the human could actually help him. ‘I’m looking for a gift for a friend of mine. He is a human and stated to be frustrated. I thought a gift would help.’ ‘Ah, so is your friend interested in minerals?’ ‘I… I don’t know if he sees any value in these stones.’ Nines quickly did some research about the public opinion on them realising what he said had the potential to hurt the shopkeeper. ‘But I heard humans enjoy… shiny things.’ The human huffed at that and nodded. ‘Most do. Is your friend someone who wears pendants or rings?’ Nines didn’t even have to check to answer that. ‘No. He has a keychain, but that’s as far as it gets.’ ‘Okay, so more of an ornamental object. Do they have a favourite colour?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘What about eye-colour?’ Nines frowned. ‘How is that important?’ ‘Well, it’s something few people realise unless they spend time with each other. So, it is a proof you remembered it, a sign of affection. Some people tend to say the eyes are a gateway to your soul.’ ‘I don’t have a soul.’ ‘Well, humans aren’t really sure they have one either. It’s more of a saying, symbolism.’ ‘Do humans compliment on each other’s eyes if they mean so much?’ ‘Oh, yes. Most do. So what is his colour?’ ‘Green bordering to grey. It kind of depends on lightning and how much he slept.’ ‘Okay, I have some green ones.’ He led Nines to a shelf full of little stones, all of them varying tones of green and blue. Although Nines had no real grasp at aesthetics one caught his special interest. It was small, not bigger than a pebble, but it looked like ocean waves crashing against a cliff, turning in on each other and creating a pattern of delicate complexity. Somehow it seemed fitting – a storm caught in a moment. ‘That’s an apatite. But not the best of quality. See those enclosures? Normally they are thin and not as prominent. We have better ones over here if you like.’ ‘No, I think I’ll take this one.’
The next day he was back at work, the stone in his pocket. Gavin hadn’t asked why he hadn’t been at work yesterday. Both simply worked on their cases and reports, close to ignoring the other. Until Gavin announced he was going for a coffee break. Immediately Nines stood, this being the cue he had waited for. ‘May I accompany you?’ ‘Sure, I mean it’s just to the breakroom and out for a cigarette.’ Nines waited until the Detective got his coffee and followed him to the parking lot.
‘So why are you so clingy today, toaster?’ He took a deep breath and blew the smoke out in the air. ‘You stated you were frustrated.’ ‘And?’ ‘That means you are not happy. As this is the prerequisite for a good working relationship, I aim to correct that.’ ‘What?’ ‘I noticed that your eyes are remarkable. There is a high possibility you won’t need glasses until old age.’ Nines scanned the human but couldn’t decide whether the expression he wore was flattered or dumbfounded. But well, that was complimenting him done. Now to the gift. ‘Here. Take this.’ He stretched out his hand, the stone on his palm. Gavin hesitantly took it and studied the object. ‘What is this?’ ‘It’s a stone. It reacts badly to pressure and heat, just like you and it looks like your eyes when we investigate at night. My research deemed this a suitable gift. I’m going back to work.’
With a more than pleasing [mission successful] in his HUD he left Gavin standing in the parking lot, the man staring a hole in his back.
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legion1993 · 5 years
teaching time!
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@holly-jolly-stucky this one is for you and your marvel holiday writing challenge! enjoy and sorry if i butcher this... first time writing loki.
pairing: loki laufyson x reader
prompts: "hun. there's a problem. i don't know how to wrap presents." "oh, what a coincidence. some mistletoe. kiss me~" "tequila and christmas cookies do not mix. take my advice."
summery: in this we explore how you teach loki about subtle christmas things in your own querky romantic way!
---lesson 1: wrapping gifts---
loki: "so why are we shopping when we have company coming over tomorrow?"
you could only smile and hold your arm threaded through Loki's as you guys walked through the mall.
Y/N: "because we are buying gifts to wrap and put under our christmas tree..."
Loki: "but whats the point of that?"
Y/N: "the point is to decorate and to give back to those to bless us through the year."
loki seemed both curious and confused at the idea. but once the shopping was finished and your boyfriend finished wandering off without your knowledge you guys left to head back home.
upon arriving back home you left loki to go to the closet to grab the wrapping paper pile. coming back it was the look of wonder that crossed loki's face that made you smile.
you sat on the ground with the numerous rolls of wrapping paper, the countless things of scotch tape, and 2 pairs of scissors.
Loki: "whats all this for?"
you grabbed all of the gifts and laid them out before both of you.
Y/N: "we are gonna wrap all these presents babe!"
Loki: "hun. there's a problem. i don't know how to wrap presents."
you stood to sit next to him a huge smile crossed his face...
Y/N: "here its time you learned..."
you started to wrap the box... but his hands soon came a top yours to try it for himself. you soon pulled your hands back and just sat in his embrace... watching as he wrapped the present.
his next task was a simple one to figure out how to get you wrapped in wrapping paper... so he could seductively un-wrap you.
Loki: "i did it successfully!"
Loki spins you round so your straddling him and pulls you in for a makeout session.
~lesson 1 passed with flying colors~
------lesson 2: Mistletoe------
holiday gatherings, a wide variety of food and socialization.. now the avengers did one every single year and because of yours and Loki’s relations with them it was a tradition that you both attend the festivities every single year.
Loki: “babe remind me again why we are going to this if not to hear everyone else brag about their missions and shit...”
Y/N: “because its good food and i like talking with Natasha about training and stuff, plus its good to say hi to your brother once in a while.”
Loki: “ok fine but babe if he starts nagging me or i dont like something i will pop us back home, just so you know.”
you leaned up and kissed Loki on the cheek smiling.
Y/N: “i wouldnt have it any other way. now lets get there before they decide to start eating without us.”
Loki: “hold on tight babe.”
Loki always did this at the halfway point between your apartment and the tower. within seconds you and Loki appeared in the lobby of the tower. 
you guys hung your coats on the coat rack and walked up the stairs towards the various familiar voices.
the hugs and welcomes flowed in, even Loki tried to keep himself occupied and not mischevious but you knew he was doing it for you.
Thats when Tony stood in center of the room and began his speech...
Tony: "welcome everyone! every year we have a party to celebrate the holidays. but its also about love of friends and family. i want to play a game, and i invite all the couples to stand in the center with me and pepper for a little game of 7 minutes in heaven!"
you and Loki went into the center of the room after you told Loki to behave himself. with his arm around you, you knew he agreed!
standing there all you focused on was Loki's hand on your mid lower back. once every couple was in the center of the room Tony began to speak again!
Tony: "ok everyone else thats single can watch the great fun and keep score and time! the couples get to play a little game of truth or closet!"
this was something that you were now a little terrified about! Loki now had a smile crossing his features... that also terrified you, cause it was his seductive look.
Tony: "ill start us off... Y/N will you pick truth or will you go straight to the closet?"
Y/N: "we're going to the closet , we’re going on a trip, we’re going to the closet to grab our stuff and split.” 
you conga’d your way to the closet, there was a brief moment of pause where you stood in silence of wonder feeling a set of eyes watching you from behind. Tony caught the look that Loki was giving you, but it was Thor who took the nudge from Tony to take the next turn.
Thor: “oh brother its gonna be great fun watching you squirm... answer a question first... have you kissed the lady Y/N yet? or to the extent of sleeping with her?”
Loki just glared at his brother and stared down at the floor...
Loki: “we have only kissed... we haven’t actually slept together yet in the form of sex... in other words we havent gotten to second base! i mean we cuddle each night but its not gone farther than that."
Thor: "ok brother will it be truth or to the closet?"
Loki could only smile as the thought of you and him alone in the closet... making sure to conceal his look, he stood up and smiled!
Loki: “i’m following my love to the closet where i will woo her!”
Loki arrives in the closet a few moments later, pressing right up against you! 
Loki: “babe, i have been waiting for months for this! i have an obligation to you, to us and to our future!  so lets do this, right in the closet i wish to make love to you!” 
you looked up at the ceiling and smiled!
Y/N:  "oh, what a coincidence. some mistletoe. kiss me~"
Loki and you spent the next hour or so having sex in the closet under the mistletoe!
~lesson 2 complete (with a few added bonuses)~
----Lesson 3: baking while drinking----
today we are headin’ to the kitchen to see what Y/n and Loki are doing today!
Loki: “babe what’s Tequila?”
you were not wanting to say anything but instead you pulled out the bottle of tequila that you had been saving for a special occasion! you poured him a glass of Tequila along with one of your own! 
you handed him the glass of tequila and watched him take a sip as you gave him a small warning...
Y/N:  "tequila and christmas cookies do not mix. take my advice."
loki: “well dear why don’t we just substitute one of these liquid ingredients for some tequila as i am starting to feel very seductive...”
You smiled knowing all too well the seductive side effects of Tequila... loki came up behind you while you were finishing the mixing process for the christmas cookies and he added some tequila to the cookie batter...
you laughed now completely giddy and smiley, feeling Loki’s arms around your waist you finished laying out the batter across the cookie sheet making sure to put them in the oven.
but as soon as you turned back around, you found Loki already without his shirt! 
lets just say that ~lesson 3 is accomplished~ again with added bonuses!
~lets say that all of the lessons are complete tune in next time to see the teaching of Loki about the ballet/dance in general~
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Spy AU - Toxin, pt. 1.5
Randomly, last night, I sat down and wrote this.  It takes place shortly after the first thing I wrote with the toxin.  After getting targeted by an enemy while on a mission, Ford is attacked with a toxin that reverts him to being a three-year-old.  In this ficlet, Stan and Angie are taking Ford to find clothes that will fit him and don’t belong to his nieces.  It...doesn’t go as well as any of them would like, but at least Ford gets ice cream before they head home.
              Ford stopped in the middle of the aisle.  While he caught his breath, he looked around at the shelves, covered with various brands of chips and snacks.  The song playing over the store intercom changed from country to pop.  He was staring blankly at a bag of corn chips when Stan rushed back to him.
              “Geez, Sixer, don’t scare me like that,” Stan said, putting a hand on Ford’s shoulder.  “We thought you got kidnapped or something.”  Stan followed Ford’s gaze.  “…Do you want chips?  Is that why you stopped following us?”
              “Not really,” Ford mumbled.
              “Okay.  Why did you do that, then?”
              “I don’t wanna say.”  Ford ducked his head.
              “…My legs got tired,” Ford said reluctantly.  “I was- I was just taking a short break, that’s- that’s all.”  His already small voice got smaller and smaller as his sentence went on.
              “Oh.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  Ford frowned at him.  He clearly had something to say.
              “Stanley.”  Ford crossed his arms in a gesture more mature than one would normally see in someone his apparent age.  “You’re holding back.  You’ve got a suggestion or comment or something.  Spit it out.”
              “Fine.  There’s a really easy solution to your problem.  Two, actually.”
              “Is one of them finding somewhere to sit for a little while?” Ford asked. Stan shook his head.  Dread began to build in Ford’s chest.  “I’m not going to like it, am I?”
              “No.  No, you aren’t.”  Stan sighed. “Look, you’ve got tiny legs now. Just a fact.  You take a lot more steps than I do to go the same distance.”
              “…I know this.”
              “Yeah, but I’m reminding you, so that…maybe my suggestions don’t upset you as much.”  Stan stuffed his hands in his pockets.  “The way I see it, you’ve got two options, like I said.  Option one is you riding in the cart.”
              “In the baby seat?  No!  I explicitly said I wouldn’t do that, back at the house.”
              “Option two,” Stan continued, “is having me or Angie carry you.”  Ford’s jaw dropped open.  “You can’t keep up with us, Sixer.  You know that.  So if we wanna finish shopping and head back home quickly, you have to choose one of those options.  Your suggestion – taking a break – would take a long time.  ‘Cause it wouldn’t be just one break.  It’d be a lot.  We haven’t even been here a full twenty minutes and you’re already too tired to keep walking.”  Stan smiled sheepishly at Ford.  “It sucks, but them’s the breaks.”
              “I- I can’t do either of those,” Ford whispered.  “You- you can’t make me choose!”  Stan sighed and crouched down to Ford’s eye-height.
              “Either you choose, or I do,” he said firmly.  “I don’t like it, either.  But sometimes you don’t have any good options.”  Ford looked down at his feet.
              “I- I don’t wanna choose,” Ford whispered.  Stan sighed again.
              “Carrying you, it is.”
              “No!  I won’t do it!” Ford protested, stomping his foot instinctively.  He froze, the immaturity of his action crashing over him. Stan scowled and scooped Ford up in his arms, then stood to his full height again.
              “Don’t talk to me like that,” he scolded.  Ford swallowed nervously.
              “S-sorry, I didn’t-” he squeaked out.  Stan groaned.
              “Shit, no, Ford.  I’m- I was the one who fucked up there.  I’ve heard that sorta stuff from my daughters a million times, and I slipped into ‘Dad Mode’. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
              “No, I- that was a reasonable reaction,” Ford said quietly.  “It’s- it’s how you would respond if I was actually a petulant child.  We are in public.”  Stan sighed one more time.
              “Still.  Well, uh, let’s, uh, let’s go find Angie, okay?” he said, feigning a cheerful tone. Ford nodded.  Stan set off.  Ford frowned, frustrated at how much faster they were moving, now that Stan was the one walking.  After a few moments, they found Angie perusing clearance dresses.  “Ang, I found him.”  Angie looked up.  She beamed.
              “Ya most certainly did!  You ready to find some clothes, Stanford?” she chirped.  Ford nodded reluctantly.  Angie paused for a moment, watching the two brothers.  She cocked her head.  “Uh, aren’t ya goin’ to put ‘im down?”  Ford buried his face in Stan’s shirt so that he could pretend he didn’t hear how Stan replied.  Unfortunately, his hearing wasn’t impeded whatsoever.
              “His legs got a bit tired is all,” Stan said.
              “Ah.  Okay.” Angie’s tone was mild, but Ford felt a hot flush rush across his face.  He squeezed his eyes shut.  Stan patted his back gently, but while the gesture was supposed to be comforting, it just frustrated Ford more.  They started moving again.  Ford could hear Angie humming softly.
              Why does she do that so much? It’s- it’s- His agitation began to slip away.  -it’s very soothing.  He sighed.  Angie knows what she’s doing.  So does Stan, for that matter.  They’re both excellent parents.  His comfortable position, snuggled against Stan’s chest, was disrupted as Stan carefully peeled him off and set him down on the ground. Ford looked up at Stan.  Stan chuckled and ruffled his hair.
              “That’s a damn cute face, Sixer.”  Ford blinked at the compliment.  Stan grinned. It was the affectionate smile of someone looking at an endearingly adorable child.
              “Stanford, sweetheart, come over here,” Angie called.  Ford looked over.  Angie was standing next to a display of various shirts, frowning at a sweater emblazoned with the Loch Ness Monster on the front.  “This looks like somethin’ ya might enjoy.”  Ford walked over to where Angie was standing.  She held the sweater up.  “Right size, seems like.”  Ford stared silently at the sweater.  In Angie’s hands, its minute size was clear.  He glanced past Angie, at a nearby boy being helped by a woman he assumed was the child’s mom.  Distress churned in Ford’s stomach.
              I’m…so small right now.  That- that literal toddler is taller than me.
              “Well?” Angie asked.  “Do ya like it?”
              “Yeah, it’s- it’s fine,” Ford choked out.  Angie set the sweater back on the display and crouched down.  Ford determinedly looked away from her worried gaze. He hurriedly wiped away a couple tears that had escaped from his eyes.  “I- I like it.”
              “Hon, are you all right?” Angie asked softly.  Ford let out a loud sniff.  Seemingly summoned by the noise, Stan appeared at Ford’s side.
              “Bud?” Stan asked quietly, crouching next to Ford.  “Somethin’ wrong?”  Ford clenched his hands into fists and pressed them tight against his eyes. “Ang, you’ve got his size now, right? Think you can handle it on your own?”
              “Sure,” Angie said.  “Just keep yer phone on ya, and I’ll find ya when I’m done.”  Ford felt Stan carefully pick him up.  He let out a sob.
              “C’mon, buddy,” Stan said soothingly, rubbing his back.  “We’re gonna go for a little walk, okay?”
              “B-but the clo- the clothes,” Ford sobbed.
              “Angie’s gonna handle it.  She’s better at this stuff anyways.  Wanna go to the food court?”
              “I- I-”
              “Yeah, let’s go to the food court,” Stan continued.  “Get some ice cream.  Okay?”
              “O- okay.”  Stan began to walk.  Ford could hear the change from the generic radio station to the faint background chatter of the mall thoroughfare.  Stan was humming to himself like he often did when doing everyday tasks.  The mundanity of the sound calmed Ford.  He finally opened his eyes and peered over Stan’s shoulder.  Immediately, he wished he hadn’t.  There were two teenage girls walking behind Stan, clearly having spent a full day shopping. They were also clearly watching Ford with wide eyes.  One of the girls, short with red hair piled in buns, saw Ford looking at them and elbowed her much taller friend excitedly.  Her friend gasped and covered her mouth.
              “Oh, my gosh, he’s so cute!” the taller of the two girls gushed.  Ford looked away, blushing.
              “You scared him!” the other girl said.  Stan’s pace picked up.
              “Don’t worry, we’re almost there,” Stan said softly.  “Just ignore ‘em.”  Ford nodded silently.
              After a few more incidents of Ford catching people watching him, they finally arrived at the food court.  Ford let out a relieved sigh.  They went through the line at the ice cream place without incident, but Ford’s delicate good mood was strained by Stan grabbing a booster seat for Ford to sit on at a table.  As Stan set up the booster seat and put Ford in it, Ford stared at him pleadingly.
              “Please don’t do this,” Ford whispered.  Stan’s expression was wracked with guilt.
              “…I don’t have a choice.  Not- not only would it be suspicious, but it’s not safe.  You have to use the booster.”  Seemingly acting on instinct, he kissed the top of Ford’s head.  “All right, eat up.  Can’t let it melt.”  Stan handed Ford his scoop of butter pecan in a dish and took a seat, then attacked his own treat, a chocolate cone.  A few bites into his ice cream, Ford could feel himself perking up.
              “Excuse me?”  Stan and Ford looked over.  The speaker was a woman neither of them recognized, holding a baby carrier occupied by a sleeping infant.
              “Uh, you talking to me?” Stan asked.  The woman nodded.
              “I was just wondering – how did you teach your son such good table manners?” she asked.  Stan frowned.
              “My son?” he asked.  Ford coughed quietly.  Stan looked at him.  His eyes widened.  “Oh, yeah, uh- he, uh-”  Stan’s stammering was suddenly replaced by a suave demeanor, as he slipped into his spy training.  He beamed. “Stan Junior here, he didn’t get that from me.  You’d have to ask his stepmom.  She’s the one that taught him all his good manners.”  Stan grinned at Ford.  “Isn’t that right, Junior?”  Ford stared silently at him, unsure of what a three-year-old in this situation would do. Stan chuckled.  “He’s a bit shy.”
              “Aw, well, I am some strange, random lady that walked up to the two of you,” the woman said with a laugh.  “Thanks anyways.”
              “No problem.”
              “Have a good day, Stan Junior,” the woman cooed at Ford.  She walked away.  Ford scowled.
              “Really?  Stan Junior?” he hissed.
              “It was the first thing that popped into my head.”
              “I thought you were better than that at improvisation.”
              “Hey, that coulda gone way worse,” Stan said defensively.  “Finish your ice cream.”
              “Ya didn’t get me anything?” a familiar voice asked.  Angie took a seat at their table.  Stan grinned.
              “Nah.  This was a special treat for just us guys.  Right, buddy?” Stan said, winking at Ford.  Ford quirked a small smile; Stan’s exuberance was contagious.
              “Hon, I think ya can lay it off a bit,” Angie said quietly.  “Not many folks ‘re payin’ attention.  There’s plenty of cute lil kidlets at the food court.”
              “Oh.  Yeah.” Stan rubbed the back of his neck. “Dammit.  I’ve been slipping into ‘Dad Mode’ with Ford a lot.”  Angie put a hand on Stan’s back.
              “Yer adjustin’.  We all are.” She looked at Ford.  “How are ya holdin’ up?”  Ford shrugged.
              “All right, I guess.”  He poked at his ice cream.  “Didn’t like the people who kept looking at me,” he muttered.  Angie frowned, confused.
              “Buncha teens and old ladies thought he was cute and stared at him,” Stan explained.
              “Ah.  Well, that’d happen, since ya are mighty cute,” Angie said.  Ford sighed.
              “Yeah, I…I guess it’s a curse.”  Angie and Stan chuckled.  Stan shoved the last bit of his ice cream cone into his mouth and stood.
              “I’m gonna hit the john before we head out.”  He kissed Angie on cheek.  “Back in a minute, babe.”
              “I’ll hold ya to that, darlin’,” Angie said teasingly.  Stan walked off, ruffling Ford’s hair on the way.  Angie moved closer to Ford.  “Here.”  She carefully messed with his rambunctious curls, returning them to something more closely resembling a neat hairstyle.  “Better?”
              “Yeah.  Thanks.”
              “It ain’t no problem, sugar-cube.”  Angie grimaced.  “Oh. Whoops.  Sorry ‘bout that.”
              “It’s fine.  No worse than Stan scolding me earlier, or him carrying me everywhere.”
              “He calls ya ‘buddy’ a lot, too, I noticed.”
              “I don’t mind that as much.”
              “Good.  ‘Cause I don’t see that lettin’ up any time soon.  Stan, uh, he really wants a son.  Lately, I’ve caught him mumblin’ in his sleep ‘bout throwin’ a football to someone he calls ‘sport’.”  Angie smiled sheepishly.
              “That might explain why when a lady asked about me, he called me Stan Junior,” Ford commented.  Angie laughed.
              “Oh, that’s right!  He put that name on the list.  I told him that under no condition would I name my son Stan Junior, but he didn’t care.” Ford cocked his head.
              “Are- are you and Stan-”
              “No,” Angie interjected.  She shook her head.  “Not- not yet, at least.  Just talking about trying again.”
              “Remember the last time you and Stan were ‘just talking’?” Ford said, raising an eyebrow.  Angie chuckled.
              “I remember.  I remember very well what happened. We’re tryin’ to be a bit more careful this time.”  Angie smiled warmly.  “Sorry that yer trip to the mall was so upsettin’.  Hopefully I picked out some clothes that ya like.”
              “You have good taste.  I’m sure it’s fine,” Ford said with a shrug.  Stan returned to the table.
              “All done with your ice cream?” Stan asked.  Ford stuffed the last bite into his mouth, swallowed, and nodded. “Great.  Let’s get goin’.  Want me to pick you up again, Sixer?  We’d get to the car faster that way.”
              “I know,” Ford said.  “And I’m feeling slightly better about that particular fact now.  But…maybe Angie would carry me?”  Stan’s mouth fell open in a surprised “O”.
              “Ya sure?” Angie asked.
              “You two are incredibly surprised by this,” Ford remarked.
              “I mean, ya did know Stan when ya were this age the first time ‘round,” Angie said.  Ford shrugged.
              “Fair enough.  But Stan claimed you were my stepmom, and that’s something a stepmom would do, right? And I don’t think I can handle the embarrassment of my younger brother carrying me again.  At least, not today.”
              “If yer sure,” Angie said.  Ford nodded. Angie stood and picked Ford up from his booster seat.  As she carefully nestled Ford into a comfortable position, he thought about how this was different from being carried by Stan.  Her patterned blouse was softer than Stan’s T-shirt, and she smelled like citrus and sweet peas, much more appealing to Ford than Stan’s usual aroma of motor oil, cigar smoke, and whiskey.  “Comfy?” Angie asked.
              “As I’ll ever be,” Ford said.  Angie stroked his back.
              “That’s good enough fer me.  Let’s head home.”
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squirenonny · 7 years
[whispers] soulmate au where you can steven universe style fuse with your soulmate(s)
*star eyes* Oh my gosh I love this idea!
Everyone is born with a gem/precious stone (or sometimes a metal or mineral that wouldn’t normally be considered a gemstone) somewhere on their body. This isn’t a full-on gemsona situation, but gemstones as this AU’s soulmark equivalent.
There’s a hereditary component to what gem you get, but it’s not simple inheritance. (i.e. You have a higher probability of having the same gem as one of your parents, and some family lines run relatively pure, but it’s also common to share a gem with a more distant relative, or to have something your family hasn’t seen in recent generations)
Gems come in “families,” so even if a certain bloodline runs pure, there’s still going to be a little variation. For example, the beryl family–beryl, emerald, aquamarine, heliodor, ect–are very closely related. Hunk’s family tends toward beryl gems.
On that topic:
Hunk has a heliodor (a stone associate with warmth and sunshine) on his chest [example of a heliodor]
Pidge has a malachite (associated with nature and supposedly good at preventing sensory overload) at the nape of her neck [example of malachite]
Matt has a goethite (associated with grief and raw emotion, often found with malachite deposits) on the inside of his wrist [example of goethite]
Shiro has a black opal (associated with karma and the cosmos, and often thought to bring misfortune despite also being regarded as a healing stone; the black variant is notable for the stark contrast with the blues, greens, reds, and yellows contained within) at his collarbone [example of a black opal]
Lance has a turquoise (associated with luck and ambition, but also unity and leadership, and said to confer protection if given to you by a friend) on the back of his left hand [example of turquoise]
Keith has a vein of luxite (the metal in his mother’s blade, and not something anyone on Earth recognizes) across his right palm. He wears his gloves in part to hide it.
Theoretically, anyone can fuse with anyone else, but the vast majority of fusions are unstable. There’s no way to tell who can form a stable fusion with whom until it happens
The official definition of “soulmate” is “a pair or grouping that can remain fused indefinitely.” Since it’s obviously impossible to prove that you can stay fused forever, and since most unstable fusions fall apart quickly, the cutoff is often set at five minutes. Any people who can stay fused longer than that are considered soulmates (if they choose to label themselves that way.)
There’s also no way to tell from gems or from the fusion itself if the bond is romantic or platonic. You’d have to ask the people involved.
That doesn’t stop people from coming up with a millions theories anyway. (”Romantic partners always have the same gem!” “Romantic partners NEVER have the same gem!” “Platonic partners will always have gems in the same family!” “There are romantic sets–but good luck reaching an agreement on what the sets are.”)
Fusions look just like regular people with a few exceptions: they’ll have 2+ gems, but depending on placement you might not be able to tell; their eyes will usually be banded the colors of members of the fusion, but you have to look closely to notice; and there will sometimes be additional markings in the colors of the gems, often forming a trail connecting the two gems.
Other than those minor physical differences, fusions are also notably different if you look at brain scans. They don’t generally maintain two (or more) separate consciousnesses, but they retain the knowledge, memories, and capabilities of the people involved, and they tend to have much higher levels of brain activity on any given task. Fusions who are familiar with their fused state tend to be more dexterous, have better reflexes, and be physically stronger than their unfused counterparts, and they tend to solve problems more quickly and more efficiently.
The rest of this (i.e. the Voltron ‘verse story) is going under a cut because this is already long.
Matt and Shiro accidentally fused one day during training for the Kerberos mission. They were completing a simulation where the engines had failed halfway to Kerberos and life support was flickering. Very high pressure situation and all that. Sam was “injured” for the purposes of the simulation–able to give advice over the radio, but confined to the “med bay” (control booth where Iverson was supervising). Matt and Shiro got into a rhythm, to the point that they didn’t immediately realize they’d fused. It wasn’t until they couldn’t get Sam to respond to one of their questions–they thought it was part of the simulation and his condition had turned critical or something, and Matt turned to ask Shiro if he had repairs in hand so Matt could go check on Sam, and then suddenly it hit them.
The mission control team was ecstatic about this development–fusion-capable teammates are a huge advantage to any crew, and Shiro and Matt proved to be highly stable. They had to undergo special training and classes about when it is and isn’t appropriate to fuse during a mission–it’s a matter of balancing hands to cover all stations with the enhanced capabilities of the fusion–and how to make sure their personal relationship didn’t become a liability, but they were just as giddy about it as Iverson and the others.
They weren’t fused when they were captured, and they were kept in different cells prior to the Arena, but when they were led to the vestibule and Matt was told he was going to be fighting first, Shiro fused with him on instinct. The other prisoners instantly backed against the walls, and the guards came with strange weapons that disrupted the fusion, forcing Shiro and Matt apart–apparently fusions are a highly revered part of Galra battle culture, and prisoners are too crude to be allowed to take part.
The force de-fusion left them both reeling. Shiro recovered first, using the pain and confusion as an excuse to lash out at Matt, wounding him and keeping him out of the Arena. (Matt, still dazed at the time, looked horribly betrayed by the act, and Shiro always wondered whether Matt thought Shiro really meant it.)
Fusion is actually a fairly common thing, though most people find it too inconvenient to do it frequently, or else haven’t found anyone they have a stable fusion with. First fusions usually happen either with family around 10-12 years old or with friends/partners in the early to mid teens, and in both cases are usually highly unstable and last only a few seconds.
Lance first fused with an older cousin when he was ten (it’s happened once or twice since, but never lasted more than a minute)
Hunk first fused with Lance when he was 13 (by their third or fourth fusion, they’d stabilized, and after going to space they often fuse just to feel less alone)
Pidge first fused with Matt when she was 9 and he was teaching her how to build a robot (they stayed fused until the robot was done, about two hours later, at which point Sam walked in, asked how long they’ve known they could fuse, and got a blank look in return.)
Shiro first fused with his twin brother when they were 11 (they’re very inconsistent–they have been fused for an hour at a time, but just as often they’ll immediately split apart, and they aren’t entirely sure why except that sometimes being fused makes them feel further apart than sticking to their same old rhythms.)
Keith didn’t fuse until he was 16 and had known Shiro for about a year. Keith had picked a fight with another student at the Garrison, Shiro came along to break it up, and they ended up accidentally fusing, which scared the shit out of the other cadet. Shiro and Keith’s fusion barely lasted thirty seconds, mostly because Keith was freaked out by the whole experience–he’d honestly started to think he wasn’t capable of fusion with anyone. They fused a few more times (with more success) either so that Shiro could show Keith how to fly the simulators or because Keith wanted to take Shiro out into the desert on his cheap-ass hoverbike, which really was only built to hold one.
Hunk and Shay fused, briefly, during the battle for the Balmera. Hunk uses the fact that they fell apart after about two minutes to prove to Pidge that they aren’t in love (and Pidge doesn’t need to know that they fused again later and made it to ten minutes before they both got bashful and de-fused.)
During Crystal Venom, Allura kinda accidentally fused with the ship’s crystal? It’s really, really not supposed to work that way, but Alfor’s AI tricked her into thinking she was fusing with him, and… yeah. Turns out the lions can mimic fusion (in fact, that’s what the Voltron itself drew inspiration from). The five lions force themselves partway into Allura’s fusion with the castle, destabilizing the whole thing and allowing Allura to come back to herself so she can break Alfor’s memory core and save them all.
During The Black Paladin, Keith partially fuses with Red, and Zarkon tries to force a fusion with Black. It doesn’t work, but the attempt leaves Shiro shaken and Black reluctant to fuse with Shiro at all, at least until the events of Space Mall. On the astral plane, Shiro and Black fuse (spiritually, if not physically) and cast Zarkon out for good.
Ulaz also has luxite as his gem–it’s relatively common for Galra, and that in combination with the blade that matches Keith’s makes him very, very nervous about what he’s going to learn about himself when he goes to the Blade headquarters. He hasn’t fused with Shiro since Shiro came back, and he still hasn’t managed to fuse with anyone–despite Pidge and Hunk managing it briefly once when they were working on the lions, Shiro and Allura fusing while Zarkon was chasing the castle across the universe, and even Lance and Allura fusing once when Lance flirted with her–and promptly de-fusing so violently they both skidded halfway across the bridge.
Part of the Trials of Marmora is supposed to be achieving a stable fusion with an established Blade, under the understanding that someone who’s loyal to Zarkon wouldn’t be able to remain fused with a rebel. Keith doesn’t manage it (maybe because they don’t tell him he’s supposed to try, and the allies who come in to help him fight are so aggressive that Keith assumes they’re just more enemies. He lets them take out each other, but fights on his own, as he always has.) He awakens his blade at about the same time as Shiro crashes the test, but Kolivan is still intent on taking it back since he didn’t manage a fusion.
Then Keith and Shiro fuse (unintentionally, and it takes a moment to stabilize because Keith is all too aware of Shiro’s history with the Galra and the fact that Keith himself is Galra. Shiro holds on, though, and once Keith realizes Shiro isn’t pulling back, he relaxes and the fusion stabilizes.) Kolivan accepts this as passing the trials less because it actually counts and more because two fused paladins isn’t someone he wants to make an enemy of.
Keith and Hunk fuse, briefly, inside the Weblum–something Acxa finds fascinating, if slightly troublesome. Lotor’s team can fuse in nearly any combination they want to (Acxa has trouble fusing with Zethrid, and Ezor with Narti, but other than that they’re all pretty well in sync.) That’s always been the greatest advantage they had, but if the paladins can also fuse…
Fusion, as it turns out, can deepen the Voltron bond. The team finds this out when they face Zarkon at the end of season 2 and achieve a partial 5-way bond. Because they’re each in their own lions, they can’t physically fuse, but the familiar mind-link becomes a literal single mind as their consciousnesses fuse. When Haggar rips them apart, the effects are staggering and that, more than even the Quintessence drain, nearly kills them, but they pull it together and manage to defeat Zarkon.
Lance and Allura fuse again just after Allura first pilots Blue, when Lance is helping her figure out how to bond with her lion. It’s still awkward, but far more stable than their first disastrous attempt, and it does, actually, help Allura get in sync with Blue.
Actually, Lance kinda wishes he could fuse with Keith and get inside Red’s head, but so far it hasn’t happened. They’re close–on Thayserix, when Lance and Keith are alone and Keith admits he’s screwed everything up–when Lance acknowledges the truth in that statement but moves immediately to “Let’s fix it (together)” they feel something. A tug, like they might have been able to fuse if they physically could. So far they haven’t come close again, but honestly, it’s only a matter of time.
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ptw30 · 7 years
Loving your blade!Shiro little prompt fills. Does Haggar give Shiro back to Sendak when she's done with him? And does the Blade rescue him??
So…I’ve been sitting on this question for a while (evenbefore the 653 Followers Giveaway) because the answer is a total spoiler. I satdown and drafted a working outline for the Shiro-is-captured-by-the-Galra-Sendak-returns-to-the-plotarc, and it’s six to eight short-ish stories that touch upon the answer to thisquestion. So without giving much away, I’ll say this – Shiro’s escape from theactual series doesn’t change much here, and the events that Shiro endured inthe series occurred in this storyline – the Druids’ questioning, the arena,Shiro’s arm. However, the reactions to those events is what I’ll touch upon inBlade!Shiro – how Sendak and Ulaz react to Shiro’s participation in the games;why Shiro gets his arm; and Kolivan and Keith’s shared distress during Shiro’simprisonment, etc.
Since I can’t write you anything for that without givingsomething away – here’s a little mutual-pining Shendak. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Shiro asked, chin propped uponhis fist as he stared at the large security screen split into various scenes.“Am I being punished?”
“What makes you say that?” Kolivan used his I’m-only-going-to-growl-orders-today-not-snap-themtone, so Shiro surmised the Blades’ leader must have been in a good mood.
“Why am I forced to watch the monitors of this dingy barwhile you guys get to do some real work?”
“You don’t exactly blend in, Shiro, and you have animportant part to play.”
“Oh, yeah. I get to knock out one Mall Cop reject and thentell you when a certain commander is occupied, so you can grab his credentials.Lots of action here.”
“I could have Antok transmit the feed into the ship’ssystems and have you complete your assigned task from there.”
“You do know I’m an adult, right?”
“You’re breaking up.”
Shiro lifted a single finger toward the monitor screen atthe exact moment Kolivan glared into the security camera from his spot at thecrowded bar.
“How do you do that?” Shiro muttered, but Kolivan refused toanswer this particular question – again.
The night continued, unassuming and boring, before a Galracruiser finally docked at the spaceport. Shiro informed Kolivan and Antok, whoscattered about the bar, but when the Galran party arrived, Shiro reeled.
Throk, a commander in the Navlon sector of the empire,entered, as expected, but none of the intel from Ulaz had mentioned a secondcommander would be with Throk, Sendak especially.  
Antok cursed; Kolvian started.
“Shiro, get out of here. We’ll take a later transport.”
“I’m-I’m fine,” he stammered, much to his own disappointment.“It doesn’t change the plan. We can still get Throk’s information. I’ll letyou know when he’s…indisposed.”
Kolivan’s mouth opened to retort, but Antok stopped him byplacing a hand upon his shoulder. Though their voices barely rose louder than awhisper and the bar’s music made it hard to hear, Shiro still managed to grasp,“Let him do this. He’s going to run into Sendak eventually, and it’s better forhim to acclimate to the situation and Sendak while we are here to supervise.”
Shiro was twenty-one, not five. Surely he was mature enoughto watch as Sendak received a beer from the bartender without ordering, like he’sa regular customer. And it wasn’t like Shiro’s stomach bottomed out as henoticed the fitted undershirt that stretched across Sendak’s muscular chest,outlined by his leather jacket. Those tight, casual pants, too, left little tothe imagination, and all too easily, Shiro remembered Sendak’s warmth againsthis back, his gentle purrs of arousal and comfort, his strong arms cagingShiro’s waist and cradling him during those turbulent times. Perhaps Sendak hadbeen the only semblance of stability Shiro had during those first years withouthis parents.  
But Shiro remembered the payments, too, and the demands forownership. The blood upon his blade and upon his face.
Just because he knew what the mark upon his face meant now,didn’t change how it was put there – against his will.
“Shiro, where is Throk?”
Shiro’s eyes frantically searched over the monitors until hefound Throk, pressed against a bathroom stall, a rather vivacious Galra womankeeping him occupied. 
“He’s in position – and very, very distracted.”
But so was Sendak, prowling toward a Galra soldier – aboutShiro’s age and build – and as he tucked the willing – and quite enthusiastic –soldier against his larger form, Shiro hit on a private channel.
On the cameras, Shiro saw the Blade standing by the bathroomdoor, keeping watch as Kolivan disappeared inside. “Yes?”
“Kolivan said that Galra mate for life. Does that…I mean…dothey still – are they…y’know, monogamous?”
Ancients, he couldn’t believe he just asked Antok that!Sure, Antok was like that older brother you go to for advice about everythingfrom homework to sex, but Shiro’s face still burned.
Antok took pity on him, sympathy lacing his words, “Thereare many different type of Galra species. Only the feline species mate forlife.”
Like Sendak.
Shiro blinked and focused on the bathroom, where Kolivancurrently had Throk’s Galra credentials and was in the process of ghostingthem. Against his better judgment, Shiro glanced back at Sendak, whose handscaressed the soldier’s sides. His moves were graceful, sensual in the shareddance as he diverted from the fast tempo of the music to create a slow, elegantglide that captivated Shiro.
“There are exceptions, of course,” Antok continued,mercifully. “As in every species, there are those who are unfaithful. Also, inthe event of a mate’s death, it is not uncommon for one to take another.”
Well, which one was it? Was Sendak unfaithful – or did hethink Shiro was dead?  
He had no right to be jealous, Shiro chastised himself. Sendakoffered eternity, and Shiro chose to leave. This was his life now, and – and hewanted to be here, with the Blades and Keith, not the “proper mate” of theGalra’s highest commander.
…but Ancients, those hands were big and powerful.  
“Hey! What are you – uk!”
Oh, hell. As Throk came out of the stall to collect histhings, he saw Kolivan finishing up the ghosting and lunged. Thankfully,Kolivan had the wherewithal to put up his mask and hood before starting thedownload.
“Antok! Throk caught Kolivan!”
Antok cursed again and burst into the bathroom, and thethunderous music of the bar drowned out the fight. It took less than a few ticksfor Antok and Kolivan to subdue Throk, and his one-time lover fled. =
As Kolivan exited the bathroom, he commanded, “Let’s go.” Therewas no room for debate, and if Shiro wasn’t in trouble before, he was now.
As he stood, he spared Sendak one last glance to see thesolider run his hands along the commander’s tight muscles. Shiro’s stomachchurned – at one time, that fur belonged to him – and as he turned to leave, aglimmer caught his eye. The solider tugged Sendak down by the shirt collar fora long, thorough discovery of Sendak’s mouth, and it allowed Shiro to see thesilver chain about Sendak’s neck. It led to a distinctive charm, one Shiro knewintimately. It was kanji, the symbol meaning “moral courage, integrity.”
His birth mother gave him that charm before she left for a GalaxyGarrison mission, but he’d sold not long after his father left, using the GACto buy some food and Keith’s favorite red candies for the cub’s birthday.
How the hell did Sendak get –
“Shiro!” Kolivan bellowed, snapping Shiro out of his revere.
“On my way!”
When Shiro fled, he never looked back because if he did, hefeared what he’d do.
More from the Blade!Shiro series
24 notes · View notes
be21zh · 7 years
sync with woz's new school term.
Feb 27, 2017
dreamt 2 or 3 my privileged senior middle school alumni, Zhu Zehua, who's technical subjects usually score quite high, and some others long time no see. we corporate and compete to produce rebellion weapons. we also compete intelligently. we passed my hometown dam, spring well with crowd among which we escape enemy's hunting. this week a bit sad. gay in neighbor dorm room desperate stalks me. surveillances my usage of toilet and follows to shit and leave it unflushed. the sickened soul pretends coughing for quite some time and he should dies in illness. my son's mom, the small bitch also tried her best to challenge me. they mimic my son's monthly cinema day and invited her mom to go cinema the night before my gathering day with my son. all her knowledge is outdated and poor quality but still she day by day gathering pupils at her house for tuition. one of her girl friend whose father lent me camera when my son given birth at hospital found some old photos of my son in the hospital agrees to send me those precious photos but now hold back by the bitch, son's mom, for a bargain. my son yesterday irritated me and I had to give him a lesson. we previously agreed that our new broadband was a bliss holy and we should make good usage. but on Sunday when I went to see him, he even didn't power on broadband router in his house, but just reading paper book of rephrased Chinese classic, A Dream of RED Mansions. I went mad with his ignorance. I show brutal violent threat and scorned him for near half hour in cause of his failing VPN and system update. I didn't mean hurts but remind him his work, his future indispensable with high tech including internet, while his mom and his grandma actually not equipped it, for their cheap work mainly related with primitive tools. my son show resolve when we went for lunch and shower, even after I bought him extra fruits. on way returning to my dorm, I pray God to let it the hard time for us to defeat, to slaughter our enemies by hand and will. I beg Holy rewards us thicker after the adversity and allow us to stick out of the dark curtain and smile. in the night I felt guilty upon my son, and boring and sad for shopping online. I bought my son a spring trousers with cellphone pocket. I also ordered myself one but run out of money. so I entreated my kid brother to pay. but the contemptible man enlist my phone number into his blacklist to evade confrontation with me. God, let me remember the revengeful shame sinful people insult us, the glorious One. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain the eastern Asia. bring me sooner Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan for peace among our heritage, our once more glory cover half pacific ocean. grant us memories of retaliation.
Feb 16, 2017
the day before yesterday I worked overnight. then yesterday I felt inspiration in ladies fulfilled my heart. I admire them so much, and sympathetic to their pleasure seeking and concerns while none of them lives in my life in past decade. in the night I dreamt first played with kids. then among a kindergarten, I with my men with shotguns played with kids crossword puzzle. we shoot to answer. then I likely a royal captain of firearm brigade, operated them in war field where fire distance matters. after wake up I wonder the small figure in dream is Napoleon, who relentless with war fire till saw his own failure and death after challenge Russian, the iced land. I saw relentless love attempts for his concerned, esp women in his life, in prescribed relief of embrace of death against doomed premature failure. I felt dizzy after morning alarm. even breakfast in canteen is satisfying, I still trying finding nap after settle here my workload. last afternoon bankcomm clearance crew buzzed in, show their interest to interview. there is nothing new in their probation. they impotently demanded me return at once my credit debt of ¥10000 while It clearly out of possibility in my situation, in which recent 3 months steadily returning, ¥2000 paid every salary day. in the mid after found their only aim is to intimidate me, I claimed they incapable to negotiate with me, for there is nothing valuable or granting policy in their holding card, so I arbitrarily quit the conversation. my work space just resumed, I enjoyed my favorite Chinese podcasts, and Amazon prime video in the rest of the day. God dad, last Monday after my ICBC monthly credit statement revealed ¥700 left under account, I immediately renew zhone 19th domain, billingzhu.com for my 2nd son, to its longest life span, 5 years for ¥511. dad God, there is only one thing unfinished in 2016 as annual, woz's 12 domains renewal. grant us financial freedom to do the job. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain my offspring. bring Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan, to home my new family. bring 2017 new monument for ever growing mission to revitalize eastern Asia, for the grace and persistent commitment of Chinese and Japanese for thousand years forged in Ming Dynasty under my ancestor's title, Zhu's. thx dad God, for the snowing night yesterday and this morning so quiet in sober.
Feb 10, 2017
dreamt of complicated time space pair. after 2 busy days at dorm, heat gathered in central China gradually melt. my nose ran water a lot, and shit softly, too. last night I perceived erotic dream drove by full sperms, but in fact I didn't wet last night. rather, in dream I got insight of time-space tangle. I saw a dynasty broke down and lots of strange behaviors, like soldier don't know who to obey, court women don't know how to survive in riot era. I saw my Nankai alumni went class while I drift wild. I saw when time dissolves, events in space can be floating around, losing their sequence. the result and the cause in different time location can't be replaced, otherwise there will be forecast, in time travel paradox. these days hard economy again pestered me. I only gain a much shrinked ¥3000 in 2016 as year end bonus from QRRS, my once and long time employer, comparing near ¥7000 in 2015. a policy gain, aid for poor staff, ¥1000 offered to me by labor union. I handed over to dorm canteen at once, and next day I had to borrow ¥200 again for living expense. now I have debt ¥1000 to local contacts, and my anual renewal of zhone domains yet complete. ¥2000 will do the job like a breeze. then again every month I will fight for dinning out twice a week with my son woz for gathering, and my pills will add another ¥100. in the 3rd hometown flight tour, I almost broke up with my kid brother who contempts me and cheats me into endless waiting his aid. now my salary, at its best around ¥3000, barely afford our lifestyle including credit debt penalty. but, God, how I lucky in such failing economy maintaining such a small burden of investment! and watch the grand produce of my endeavour and willful. God, dad, I see so many affirmatives in holy message. please firmly attach me onto faith of Christian. bring me sooner my Royal China to fasten the falling treasure. bring me Asoh Yukiko to put together the Empire dream and stipulation. grant me financial independence to safeguard our startup so strong online.
Jan 31, 2017
the night before yesterday I gave my son a lesson, for he too open and vulnerable upon cheap offers. this night I felt blessed when we ready to sleep. I first dreamt in art college saw many students and computers running a software likely robohelp or tin?in. its a series tools including 3d modeling, illustration, and presentation. in dream I felt glad to fetch my pastime skill and sharpen them. I felt that would more or less let me more energetic. then in my hometown village, facing neighbor village there are 2 modern office malls where once rice field. many small companies rent space there and share introduction multimedia, project management or progress report online there. I still dwelling on the robohelp and thought about app as service, or the functions of presentation. I tried hard to sync our data or put our running data into the app. the detail of program very lengthy in dream, even cross the intervene of getting up to pee. 2 days ago I finally got informed that our train ticket booked, after more than 60000 times bidding online by our travel agency, ctrip.com. so last unease resolved and we really needn't hurry, just as holy affirmed. my son once repulsive upon my teasing infant of my nephew's, a 16 month old boy, after I told him why I glad to help infant with empowering them with full heart support, he forgave me and I thankful for his considerate. his willful pal, the grandson of my 2nd elder sister, also quit hijacking my son with all flattery. I also openly talked about fault of my 2nd elder sister whose family less attractive and colder in heart, with her husband and daughter-in-law. the daughter-in-law is a slim tall woman with adorable configure and I tried to help her when she loathe to chores. I hope they don't pitfall like some of my relatives. after all, we are family from my passed grand father, God in heaven now. this is a sunny morning with clouds. hopeful it will more shiny later. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to home my offspring, to guest my concerned. bring me financial independence to liberate some of my relatives trapped in wrong idea and habit. grant me adequate fund to renew our domains, the last task unfilled upon new year 2017.
    LOFTER:riveryog, 旎宫嘉坊   http://ift.tt/2m0DCJP
0 notes
chinad · 7 years
woz spring school term starts first day.
Feb 27, 2017
dreamt 2 or 3 my privileged senior middle school alumni. Zhu Zehua, who's technical subjects usually score quite high, and some others long time no see. we cooperate and compete to produce rebellion weapons. we also compete intelligently. we passed my hometown dam, spring well with crowd among which we escape enemy's hunting. this week a bit sad. gay in neighbor dorm room desperate stalks me. surveillances my usage of toilet and follows to shit and leave it unflushed. the sickened soul pretends coughing for quite some time and he should dies in illness. my son's mom, the small bitch also tried her best to challenge me. they mimic my son's monthly cinema day and invited her mom to go cinema the night before my gathering day with my son. all her knowledge is outdated and poor quality but still she day by day gathering pupils at her house for tuition. one of her girl friend whose father lent me camera when my son given birth at hospital found some old photos of my son in the hospital agrees to send me those precious photos but now hold back by the bitch, son's mom, for a bargain. my son yesterday irritated me and I had to give him a lesson. we previously agreed that our new broadband was a bliss holy and we should make good usage. but on Sunday when I went to see him, he even didn't power on broadband router in his house, but just reading paper book of rephrased Chinese classic, A Dream of RED Mansions. I went mad with his ignorance. I show brutal violent threat and scorned him for near half hour in cause of his failing VPN and system update. I didn't mean hurts but remind him his work, his future indispensable with high tech including internet, while his mom and his grandma actually not equipped it, for their cheap work mainly related with primitive tools. my son show resolve when we went for lunch out and shower, even after I bought him extra fruits. on way returning to my dorm, I pray God to let it the hard time for us to defeat, to slaughter our enemies by hand and will. I beg Holy rewards us thicker after the adversity and allow us to stick out of the dark curtain and smile. in the night I felt guilty upon my son, and boring and sad for shopping online. I bought my son a spring trousers with cellphone pocket. I also ordered myself one but run out of money. so I entreated my kid brother to pay. but the contemptible man enlist my phone number into his blacklist to evade confrontation. God, let me remember the revengeful shame sinful people insult us, the glorious One. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain the eastern Asia. bring me sooner Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan for peace among our heritage, our once more glory covers half pacific ocean. grant us memories of retaliation.
Feb 16, 2017
the day before yesterday I worked overnight. then yesterday I felt inspiration in ladies fulfilled my heart. I admire them so much, and sympathetic to their pleasure seeking and concerns while none of them lives in my life in past decade. in the night I dreamt first played with kids. then among a kindergarten, I with my men with shotguns played with kids crossword puzzle. we shoot to answer. then I likely a royal captain of firearm brigade, operated them in war field where fire distance matters. after wake up I wonder the small figure in dream is Napoleon, who relentless with war fire till saw his own failure and death after challenge Russian, the iced land. I saw relentless love attempts for his concerned, esp women in his life, in prescribed relief of embrace of death against doomed premature failure. I felt dizzy after morning alarm. even breakfast in canteen is satisfying, I still trying finding nap after settle here my workload. last afternoon bankcomm clearance crew buzzed in, show their interest to interview. there is nothing new in their probation. they impotently demanded me return at once my credit debt of ¥10000 while It clearly out of possibility in my situation, in which recent 3 months steadily returning, ¥2000 paid every salary day. in the mid after found their only aim is to intimidate me, I claimed they incapable to negotiate with me, for there is nothing valuable or granting policy in their holding card, so I arbitrarily quit the conversation. my work space just resumed, I enjoyed my favorite Chinese podcasts, and Amazon prime video in the rest of the day. God dad, last Monday after my ICBC monthly credit statement revealed ¥700 left under account, I immediately renew zhone 19th domain, billingzhu.com for my 2nd son, to its longest life span, 5 years for ¥511. dad God, there is only one thing unfinished in 2016 as annual, woz's 12 domains renewal. grant us financial freedom to do the job. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain my offspring. bring Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan, to home my new family. bring 2017 new monument for ever growing mission to revitalize eastern Asia, for the grace and persistent commitment of Chinese and Japanese for thousand years forged in Ming Dynasty under my ancestor's title, Zhu's. thx dad God, for the snowing night yesterday and this morning so quiet in sober.
Feb 10, 2017
dreamt of complicated time space pair. after 2 busy days at dorm, heat gathered in central China gradually melt. my nose ran water a lot, and shit softly, too. last night I perceived erotic dream drove by full sperms, but in fact I didn't wet last night. rather, in dream I got insight of time-space tangle. I saw a dynasty broke down and lots of strange behaviors, like soldier don't know who to obey, court women don't know how to survive in riot era. I saw my Nankai alumni went class while I drift wild. I saw when time dissolves, events in space can be floating around, losing their sequence. the result and the cause in different time location can't be replaced, otherwise there will be forecast, in time travel paradox. these days hard economy again pestered me. I only gain a much shrinked ¥3000 in 2016 as year end bonus from QRRS, my once and long time employer, comparing near ¥7000 in 2015. a policy gain, aid for poor staff, ¥1000 offered to me by labor union. I handed over to dorm canteen at once, and next day I had to borrow ¥200 again for living expense. now I have debt ¥1000 to local contacts, and my anual renewal of zhone domains yet complete. ¥2000 will do the job like a breeze. then again every month I will fight for dinning out twice a week with my son woz for gathering, and my pills will add another ¥100. in the 3rd hometown flight tour, I almost broke up with my kid brother who contempts me and cheats me into endless waiting his aid. now my salary, at its best around ¥3000, barely afford our lifestyle including credit debt penalty. but, God, how I lucky in such failing economy maintaining such a small burden of investment! and watch the grand produce of my endeavour and willful. God, dad, I see so many affirmatives in holy message. please firmly attach me onto faith of Christian. bring me sooner my Royal China to fasten the falling treasure. bring me Asoh Yukiko to put together the Empire dream and stipulation. grant me financial independence to safeguard our startup so strong online.
Jan 31, 2017
the night before yesterday I gave my son a lesson, for he too open and vulnerable upon cheap offers. this night I felt blessed when we ready to sleep. I first dreamt in art college saw many students and computers running a software likely robohelp or tin?in. its a series tools including 3d modeling, illustration, and presentation. in dream I felt glad to fetch my pastime skill and sharpen them. I felt that would more or less let me more energetic. then in my hometown village, facing neighbor village there are 2 modern office malls where once rice field. many small companies rent space there and share introduction multimedia, project management or progress report online there. I still dwelling on the robohelp and thought about app as service, or the functions of presentation. I tried hard to sync our data or put our running data into the app. the detail of program very lengthy in dream, even cross the intervene of getting up to pee. 2 days ago I finally got informed that our train ticket booked, after more than 60000 times bidding online by our travel agency, ctrip.com. so last unease resolved and we really needn't hurry, just as holy affirmed. my son once repulsive upon my teasing infant of my nephew's, a 16 month old boy, after I told him why I glad to help infant with empowering them with full heart support, he forgave me and I thankful for his considerate. his willful pal, the grandson of my 2nd elder sister, also quit hijacking my son with all flattery. I also openly talked about fault of my 2nd elder sister whose family less attractive and colder in heart, with her husband and daughter-in-law. the daughter-in-law is a slim tall woman with adorable configure and I tried to help her when she loathe to chores. I hope they don't pitfall like some of my relatives. after all, we are family from my passed grand father, God in heaven now. this is a sunny morning with clouds. hopeful it will more shiny later. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to home my offspring, to guest my concerned. bring me financial independence to liberate some of my relatives trapped in wrong idea and habit. grant me adequate fund to renew our domains, the last task unfilled upon new year 2017.
spring snow in Qiqihar where the center of future territory of eastern Asia stands fautless. here snow scene of QRRS Dorm.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2m0vMjn
0 notes
be21zh · 7 years
Feb 27, 2017
dreamt 2 or 3 my privileged senior middle school alumni. Zhu Zehua, who's technical subjects usually score quite high, and some others long time no see. we cooperate and compete to produce rebellion weapons. we also compete intelligently. we passed my hometown dam, spring well with crowd among which we escape enemy's hunting. this week a bit sad. gay in neighbor dorm room desperate stalks me. surveillances my usage of toilet and follows to shit and leave it unflushed. the sickened soul pretends coughing for quite some time and he should dies in illness. my son's mom, the small bitch also tried her best to challenge me. they mimic my son's monthly cinema day and invited her mom to go cinema the night before my gathering day with my son. all her knowledge is outdated and poor quality but still she day by day gathering pupils at her house for tuition. one of her girl friend whose father lent me camera when my son given birth at hospital found some old photos of my son in the hospital agrees to send me those precious photos but now hold back by the bitch, son's mom, for a bargain. my son yesterday irritated me and I had to give him a lesson. we previously agreed that our new broadband was a bliss holy and we should make good usage. but on Sunday when I went to see him, he even didn't power on broadband router in his house, but just reading paper book of rephrased Chinese classic, A Dream of RED Mansions. I went mad with his ignorance. I show brutal violent threat and scorned him for near half hour in cause of his failing VPN and system update. I didn't mean hurts but remind him his work, his future indispensable with high tech including internet, while his mom and his grandma actually not equipped it, for their cheap work mainly related with primitive tools. my son show resolve when we went for lunch out and shower, even after I bought him extra fruits. on way returning to my dorm, I pray God to let it the hard time for us to defeat, to slaughter our enemies by hand and will. I beg Holy rewards us thicker after the adversity and allow us to stick out of the dark curtain and smile. in the night I felt guilty upon my son, and boring and sad for shopping online. I bought my son a spring trousers with cellphone pocket. I also ordered myself one but run out of money. so I entreated my kid brother to pay. but the contemptible man enlist my phone number into his blacklist to evade confrontation. God, let me remember the revengeful shame sinful people insult us, the glorious One. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain the eastern Asia. bring me sooner Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan for peace among our heritage, our once more glory covers half pacific ocean. grant us memories of retaliation.
Feb 16, 2017
the day before yesterday I worked overnight. then yesterday I felt inspiration in ladies fulfilled my heart. I admire them so much, and sympathetic to their pleasure seeking and concerns while none of them lives in my life in past decade. in the night I dreamt first played with kids. then among a kindergarten, I with my men with shotguns played with kids crossword puzzle. we shoot to answer. then I likely a royal captain of firearm brigade, operated them in war field where fire distance matters. after wake up I wonder the small figure in dream is Napoleon, who relentless with war fire till saw his own failure and death after challenge Russian, the iced land. I saw relentless love attempts for his concerned, esp women in his life, in prescribed relief of embrace of death against doomed premature failure. I felt dizzy after morning alarm. even breakfast in canteen is satisfying, I still trying finding nap after settle here my workload. last afternoon bankcomm clearance crew buzzed in, show their interest to interview. there is nothing new in their probation. they impotently demanded me return at once my credit debt of ¥10000 while It clearly out of possibility in my situation, in which recent 3 months steadily returning, ¥2000 paid every salary day. in the mid after found their only aim is to intimidate me, I claimed they incapable to negotiate with me, for there is nothing valuable or granting policy in their holding card, so I arbitrarily quit the conversation. my work space just resumed, I enjoyed my favorite Chinese podcasts, and Amazon prime video in the rest of the day. God dad, last Monday after my ICBC monthly credit statement revealed ¥700 left under account, I immediately renew zhone 19th domain, billingzhu.com for my 2nd son, to its longest life span, 5 years for ¥511. dad God, there is only one thing unfinished in 2016 as annual, woz's 12 domains renewal. grant us financial freedom to do the job. bring me sooner my Royal China to sustain my offspring. bring Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan, to home my new family. bring 2017 new monument for ever growing mission to revitalize eastern Asia, for the grace and persistent commitment of Chinese and Japanese for thousand years forged in Ming Dynasty under my ancestor's title, Zhu's. thx dad God, for the snowing night yesterday and this morning so quiet in sober.
Feb 10, 2017
dreamt of complicated time space pair. after 2 busy days at dorm, heat gathered in central China gradually melt. my nose ran water a lot, and shit softly, too. last night I perceived erotic dream drove by full sperms, but in fact I didn't wet last night. rather, in dream I got insight of time-space tangle. I saw a dynasty broke down and lots of strange behaviors, like soldier don't know who to obey, court women don't know how to survive in riot era. I saw my Nankai alumni went class while I drift wild. I saw when time dissolves, events in space can be floating around, losing their sequence. the result and the cause in different time location can't be replaced, otherwise there will be forecast, in time travel paradox. these days hard economy again pestered me. I only gain a much shrinked ¥3000 in 2016 as year end bonus from QRRS, my once and long time employer, comparing near ¥7000 in 2015. a policy gain, aid for poor staff, ¥1000 offered to me by labor union. I handed over to dorm canteen at once, and next day I had to borrow ¥200 again for living expense. now I have debt ¥1000 to local contacts, and my anual renewal of zhone domains yet complete. ¥2000 will do the job like a breeze. then again every month I will fight for dinning out twice a week with my son woz for gathering, and my pills will add another ¥100. in the 3rd hometown flight tour, I almost broke up with my kid brother who contempts me and cheats me into endless waiting his aid. now my salary, at its best around ¥3000, barely afford our lifestyle including credit debt penalty. but, God, how I lucky in such failing economy maintaining such a small burden of investment! and watch the grand produce of my endeavour and willful. God, dad, I see so many affirmatives in holy message. please firmly attach me onto faith of Christian. bring me sooner my Royal China to fasten the falling treasure. bring me Asoh Yukiko to put together the Empire dream and stipulation. grant me financial independence to safeguard our startup so strong online.
Jan 31, 2017
the night before yesterday I gave my son a lesson, for he too open and vulnerable upon cheap offers. this night I felt blessed when we ready to sleep. I first dreamt in art college saw many students and computers running a software likely robohelp or tin?in. its a series tools including 3d modeling, illustration, and presentation. in dream I felt glad to fetch my pastime skill and sharpen them. I felt that would more or less let me more energetic. then in my hometown village, facing neighbor village there are 2 modern office malls where once rice field. many small companies rent space there and share introduction multimedia, project management or progress report online there. I still dwelling on the robohelp and thought about app as service, or the functions of presentation. I tried hard to sync our data or put our running data into the app. the detail of program very lengthy in dream, even cross the intervene of getting up to pee. 2 days ago I finally got informed that our train ticket booked, after more than 60000 times bidding online by our travel agency, ctrip.com. so last unease resolved and we really needn't hurry, just as holy affirmed. my son once repulsive upon my teasing infant of my nephew's, a 16 month old boy, after I told him why I glad to help infant with empowering them with full heart support, he forgave me and I thankful for his considerate. his willful pal, the grandson of my 2nd elder sister, also quit hijacking my son with all flattery. I also openly talked about fault of my 2nd elder sister whose family less attractive and colder in heart, with her husband and daughter-in-law. the daughter-in-law is a slim tall woman with adorable configure and I tried to help her when she loathe to chores. I hope they don't pitfall like some of my relatives. after all, we are family from my passed grand father, God in heaven now. this is a sunny morning with clouds. hopeful it will more shiny later. God, dad, bring me sooner my Royal China to home my offspring, to guest my concerned. bring me financial independence to liberate some of my relatives trapped in wrong idea and habit. grant me adequate fund to renew our domains, the last task unfilled upon new year 2017.
spring snow in Qiqihar where the center of future territory of eastern Asia stands fautless. here snow scene of QRRS Dorm.
0 notes