#so i thought it’d be fun to do a doodle sheet while i watched the new g5 mlp chapter
quinn-pop · 1 year
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doodles of the puff himself !!
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ok i have an inbox full of prompts, but i was making valentine’s day plans & all of a sudden felt very inspired to write some valentine’s day gallavich! featuring uncle mickey, homemade cards and a lot of domestic fluff- i’ll probs have a part two up sometime this week!<3
It was a lazy, slow-paced Sunday afternoon at the Gallagher house. Mickey had been lying on the couch passively watching trashy reality TV for god knows how long—and apparently at some point he’d fallen asleep, because now the TV volume was just a low hum, and he was being woken up to the startling crash of the kitchen back door slamming shut, and the rustling of shoes and coats being taken off and discarded by the front door.
“Alright Franny, let’s set this stuff up on the kitchen table.” Mickey heard Ian’s voice sail across the room, his eyes still closed to block out the cheery sunshine teeming in the living room.
Mickey tried to doze off again, attempting to block out the bright light infiltrating his eyelids, but it was no use— whatever Ian and Franny were doing, murmuring and clanging in the kitchen, there was no way for Mickey to escape the sound now and drift back into his sunwarmed sleep. He begrudgingly shoved the scratchy crocheted blanket off of his lap, stretching as he rose and stumbled into the kitchen.
He wasn’t expecting the carnage that he saw when he turned the corner; the kitchen table was covered in an explosion of sheets of multicolored construction paper, all reds and pinks and whites, with tiny multicolored stickers and tubes of glitter and shiny ribbons arranged and spread wide across the countertop, scattered with glue sticks and pairs of scissors and an exploded box of crayons. There was a small mountain of cut-out hearts piled high on the table, smattered with glitter-glue and blocky handwriting.
Mickey rubbed his eyes, taking in the scene. “What’re you two Picassos up to?” he asked drowsily.
Ian looked up, his eyes light. “Look who’s awake!” He gestured at the table emphatically, like it was Christmas morning. “Isn’t it great? Me and Franny grabbed all this stuff at the dollar store for less than ten bucks. The glue sticks definitely kind of suck, but I think it’ll get the job done.”
Mickeys eyes scanned to Franny, who was hard at work trying to cut a shape out of a piece of red construction paper, her brows furrowed in concentration. Ian kept chattering on as he unwrapped another sheath of the paper.
“Debbie left Franny with me since some rich lady called her with a weekend handywoman emergency that popped up at the last minute, so now I’m helping Franny make her valentines for school.”
Mickey scoffed. “Fucking valentines?”
Ian rolled his eyes as he contentedly started to glue together two pieces of paper. “Yes, Mickey, valentines. You know, those nice things that normal people give to each other on Valentine’s Day, along with a box of chocolates or some shit and a note about how much they love each other—”
“Yes, I know what they are, smartass. Don’t know why you didn’t just buy the little cardboard ones at the store though.”
Ian smirked, his eyes still focused on the paper beneath him that he was smudging glitter on. “Yeah, well. Franny wanted to make them, and I thought it’d be kind of fun.”
Just then Franny gasped triumphantly, raising a lopsided and crumpled paper heart up for Mickey to see. “Look, Uncle Mickey! I cut a heart! Uncle Ian showed me how!”
Mickey raised his eyebrows at Ian, who had a sheepish look on his face. “Didn’t know you had so many hidden talents, Gallagher.”
Ian flashed a grin. “I used to be really into art class in elementary school, what can I say.”
Franny looked up at Mickey with wide eyes. “Do you want to make valentines with us? We have to make twenty-seven, because that’s the number of people in my class.”
Mickey faltered. Sitting here gluing fucking glitter to pieces of paper was not exactly what he’d had in mind as his plans for the weekend…
“Uh. That’s okay kiddo. I think you two’ve got it covered.”
Franny seemed to readily accept Mickey’s answer, instantly looking downward again and grabbing a fistful of crayons from the table to continue enhancing her masterpiece. Ian, on the other hand, tore his gaze from his own valentine.
“Oh c’mon Mick, you don’t wanna help?” Ian asked, his voice goading and his eyebrows raised.
Mickey rolled his eyes. “Yeah, thanks but no thanks.” He turned, walking over to open the fridge and grabbing a beer from the top shelf.
“C’mon, just one valentine. Franny can show you how to cut out a heart shape, right Fran?”
Franny nodded vigorously. “Yes, I know how!”
Mickey took a swig of his beer and sighed. “Jesus, fine.” He pulled a chair between Ian and Franny, slowly scraping it on the linoleum, and then perched on the edge uncomfortably. “Alright Franny, show me what you’ve got.”
“Okay, so the first thing that you have to do is pick which color is your favorite. What’s your favorite color?”
Mickey had taken another sip of his beer, and now he sputtered slightly. “I don’t know Franny, you pick for me.”
Franny’s face melted into a pout. “But you have to pick, Uncle Mickey, it’s your favorite color!”
Ian bit back a laugh, his eyes still bright and cheerful. “Yeah, Mick, c’mon. What is your favorite color? We’ve never gotten this deep in our relationship before.”
Mickey gulped again from his beer can and flipped Ian off in the process. “I don’t fucking know. Never thought about it before.”
Franny held the stack of construction paper up to Mickey. “Look! There’s red, and yellow, and blue, and purple, and green—”
Mickey cut her off. “Uh, give me a green one.”
Ian smirked. “Green?”
“Fuck you, it was the first color I thought of.” Of course, that wasn’t really true—if Mickey needed to have a favorite fucking color, it was obviously going to be green, like the green eyes that met his gaze every morning and were the last thing he saw before he went to sleep at night— even if he would never be caught dead admitting that sappy bullshit to Ian.
Ian looked like he was holding back a smile. “Right,” he mused. “Hey, Franny, pass me a blue paper? Cause y’know, that’s my favorite color.”
Mickey gently shoved Ian in the square of his chest. “You’re being fucking soft.”
Ian let a crooked smile burst onto his face. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
Mickey leaned back in his chair, holding the piece of thick green paper in front of him appraisingly. “Okay Franny, what’s step two?”
Franny stretched her body across the table to reach for one of the strewn pairs of scissors. “Now, you fold the paper in half, and then you cut out the shape of half of a heart, like this.” She drew an example of the curved pattern on the backside of Mickey’s paper with the tip of her finger. “And then you unfold it and it’ll be a perfect shape!”
“Sounds easy enough.”
Mickey took the scissors from Franny’s grasp, and held them up to the paper. It was just a fucking half circle with a little indent at the top— this wasn’t going to be too difficult. Ian and Franny went back to being absorbed in crafting their valentines, while Mickey started to botch and slash at his piece of construction paper.
When he was finally satisfied he unfolded the shape, the outer shell of the paper falling away. It was… well, it was kind of a heart, with two slanted sides and a wonky top half. It looked more like a blob attached to an angle than anything else.
Ian looked up from where he was doodling on a glittery heart and snickered.
“That’s uh… that’s a good first try, Mick.”
Mickey slammed the piece of paper down onto the table. Fucking arts and crafts, he was never good at this shit even when he was little—he fingers were always too fumbling, too clumsy for him to make anything delicate and pristine. Ian’s hands should have been as ungainly as his, but instead they were quick and nimble, smoothly cutting perfectly-rounded circles and gluing neat lines of glitter.
Franny noticed that Mickey was done cutting his shape. “Good job Uncle Mickey! Now you just have to draw on it, and put on stickers and glitter.”
“Yeah Mickey, let’s see those artistic skills.”
Mickey aggressively flicked some flecks of glitter from the table in Ian’s direction, then picked up a crayon and gripped it with an iron fist. What the fuck was he supposed to draw? This was a valentine for kids at Franny’s school, the fuck did kids like anyways? He started to draw some sort of stick figure, but the arms were too long and the head was too small, so he tried to color over it and make some sort of tree or some shit…
As Mickey scratched at the paper, he looked over at noticed suddenly how content Ian looked—how blissed out and settled he was, just running a crayon over the colorful paper and shaking bits of glitter onto pools of glue. If Mickey was being honest, he hadn’t seen Ian this light and happy in a while; he’d had a hunch in his shoulders for months after the wedding and the pandemic and all the minimum-wage job bullshit, the shadows of expectation hanging over him and causing a deflated weariness in his gaze that was impossible to ignore. But right now, Ian looked like he was having as much fun as Franny was, practically vibrating with satisfaction as he put the finishing touches on his drawing and reaching to place his completed valentine in the growing pile.
Mickey snatched the paper out of Ian’s hand, slightly crumpling it around the edges. “Wait a second. How the fuck did you do that?”
The valentine was immaculate, the heart symmetrical and traced in a thin outline of glitter. In the center of the paper there was a perfect little cartoon of a dog in a top hat, with an air bubble that read “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Ian shrugged. “Watched a lot of cartoons when I was little. And I’ve always kind of liked to draw.”
Mickey shoved the valentine back in front of Ian. Goddamn perfect fucking husband who’s good at fucking everything. He crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair, suddenly losing all motivation to play along.
Ian smirked, then reached to rest a hand on the back of Mickey’s neck. “Giving up already?”
Mickey rolled his eyes. “Fuck you, Gallagher.”
Ian’s smile just widened. “Here, how about I cut the fucking shapes and you glue stuff onto them. That’d still help me and Franny a lot, right?”
Franny nodded. “It’s okay Uncle Mickey, I was bad at cutting the shapes too at first.”
Mickey huffed. Okay, so maybe he was horrible at this shit, but the least he could do was suck it up for Franny’s sake. “Fine,” he muttered, and grabbed a glue stick and a bottle of glitter.
A few minutes passed and they settled into a comfortable silence, enveloped in the sound of the scissors gliding and Franny scribbling on paper.
Suddenly, Franny looked up as Mickey reached across the table to grab a pad of stickers.
“Hey Uncle Mickey, what do you and Uncle Ian do for Valentine’s Day?”
Mickey didn’t really know how to answer that question— he darted a glance over at Ian, trying to signal as much. Could you ruin the spirit of Valentine’s Day for kids in the same way you could fuck up Christmas? “Uh, nothing really.”
Ian chimed in. “We used to like Valentine’s Day when we were little like you Franny, but now that we’re big we don’t really celebrate it. Right Mick?”
Franny’s brows were furrowed again, this time in contemplation. “But. You love each other, right?”
“Sure, Franny. But we don’t need a special day for us to remember that,” Ian explained.
Franny seemed appeased enough by that answer to resume her drawing. “You don’t give each other valentines or candy or anything?”
Mickey almost laughed. Of course he and Ian had never celebrated fucking Valentine’s Day; if he was being honest, he didn’t remember even really thinking about Valentine’s Day before now, other than it being a day when Mandy came home crying in middle school because the boy she liked didn’t ask her out, or buying all the half-priced chocolates in red and pink wrappers at the drugstore a week later with his brothers. With all the shit in his life the past few years, frilly fucking holidays like Valentine’s Day were just… not on Mickey’s radar.
But maybe— maybe this year was different. This year, for maybe the first time in his life, Mickey felt secure and steady in a way that he never had before, like the ground was solid beneath him and wasn’t going to cave in at any minute. He had a fucking husband that he loved—why couldn’t they celebrate Valentine’s Day like a normal goddamn couple? Ian didn’t seem to be too bothered that they both didn’t give a fuck about the holiday, which was all the more reason to catch him off guard. He kept pressing stickers down onto the construction paper, his mind starting to churn.
By the time they’d made the twenty-seven fucking valentines, Mickey had made up his mind; this year, he and Ian were going to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
part two here!
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gabywantsafriend · 4 years
Anything For You: Ferris Bueller x Reader
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(Kinda my gif??? Idk I found it online but I originally posted it on here)
Requested by anonymous:  ferris bueller realizing he loves the reader maybe?
I’m so sorry it took such a long time to post another imagine! I hope you guys enjoy it :’)
Warning: Swearing
“Adams?” “Here.”
“Adamley?” “Here!”
“Adamowski?” A rather lazy hand was raised, indicating the student’s presence. 
“Adamson?” “Here.”
“Adler?” The response was delayed by a couple of seconds. “Here.”
“Anderson?” Another delayed response. “Anderson?” “Here!” 
Nothing. You quickly scanned the room, he wasn’t there. You hadn’t even noticed that he didn’t walk in that morning. You looked at Cameron and he shrugged. Apparently he didn’t know what Ferris was up to or where he was. “Bueller?” Crickets. “Bueller?” Dead silence. “Bueller?” The teacher’s monotonous voice began to sound like a broken record player. 
You cleared your throat as you tried impersonating the missing troublemaker, letting out a low “Here.” The class snickered, causing your teacher to silence everyone. Turning to you, he huffed. 
“L/n, I know you and Bueller are best friends but you really don’t have to cover for him in his absence. You’ll get your turn in the roll call later, don’t get too excited,” He went on with checking the attendance. You stubbornly sank into your seat, eyeing the vacant one next to you where Ferris was usually sat. What kind of trouble do you have in mind this time?
Recess rolled in and you were standing at the phone booth just outside of your school. You dialed Ferris’ home number and waited for him to pick up. He was probably out on another one of his spontaneous adventures.
“Hello?” His voice was nasally,  he was always good at playing sick. 
“Oh, cut the crap. Where the hell are you, idiot? This is your tenth absence this semester, you said you didn’t wanna miss school after last time! No wonder your grades are shit! What are you up to now?” You scolded. Skipping class to hang out and be teenagers was fun the first few times. However as it became a habit of Ferris, you wished he could take school more seriously.
“Y/n, calm down. First of all, I could easily hack into the school’s computer system and change my grades,” He coughed. “Second, I’m not kidding this time. I’m actually sick.” You scoffed, muttering a small “yeah right.” 
Of course, you found it hard to believe. You’ve known Ferris Bueller since you were ten. And you knew that it took a lot for him to be ill. 
“Why would I ever lie to you? I’m serious,” he deadpanned. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. “Alright, I’ll bring today’s assignments for you and I’ll visit you as soon as class ends.” You could practically hear him smile through the phone as he spoke. “Thanks, Y/n. You’re the best.” You bid goodbye as he did the same, both of you putting down the phone.
Well, what do you know. For the first time in a long time, Ferris Bueller was sick.
You dropped your bike right in front of the Buellers residence and sprinted to the back door. You lifted the rug and took the spare key that Katie Bueller left in case of emergencies or whenever you wanted to visit. You were always welcome. Unlocking the door, you bolted up the steps and stopped in front of the door to your best friend’s room..
“Ferris, you better not be naked. I’m coming in.” 
“Hi, Y/n.” The sight was beyond pitiful: The floor was littered with used tissues. Bottles of medicine decorated his dresser. And on the bed was a very pale boy, sniffling and shivering still even under the many layers of blankets he was covered in. Oh, Ferris.
“You look like shit.” He let out a weak chuckle. “It’s nice seeing you too,” he quipped. You rolled your eyes at his untimely use of sarcasm and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead.
“Jesus, you’re practically steaming,” You commented, getting up to fetch him an ice pack to hopefully lower his temperature. “I’m flattered, Y/n. I really am. But can you keep it in your pants until after I get well?” You were used to his foul-mouthed jokes by now. “Very funny, loser. Now put this on your forehead,” You handed him the cold material and he obeyed, hissing as it touched his skin. 
“Oh, right! I got the homework for you,” you told him, getting your bag and pulling out his books and assessment sheets and laying them on his desk. “I also wrote an extra copy of the notes you missed,” You handed him the pages that you’ve ripped from your notebook where the duplicates were. His eyes, teary from his cold, widened.
“Wha-? But I just asked for you to get today’s assignments! You didn’t have to go an extra mile with taking my notes for me!” He took the papers gratefully, flipping through them. “I’m convinced you’re my guardian angel or some shit! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you.” 
It was true. You’d gladly and endlessly do anything for him.
You’ve liked Ferris since you first covered for him in fifth grade. 
Young Ferris thought it’d be a good idea to chuck a bouncy ball at Mrs. Ritland, the math teacher you had all despised. Believe it or not, he was an even bigger idiot back when you were ten. She was writing on the chalkboard, back turned to you; the perfect time to strike. The small toy hit the poor lady’s nape. The classroom was suddenly filled with gasps and the sound of laughter. She exclaimed in pain, rage-filled eyes darting from student to student. Before she could even question which delinquent threw the damned thing, you stood up and raised your hand. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
Ferris was quick to defend you, chucking another bouncy ball at the woman. “If you even think of punishing her, you’ll have to go through me!”
You were both given a month’s detention and have been inseparable ever since. 
“I’m dying,” He croaked, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Oh, please. You’re not dying. You just can’t think of anything good to do!” You quoted him. “Didn’t you say that yourself?” 
He groaned, “Yes, I did say that myself. But now isn’t the time. I’m really not feeling well, Y/n.”
“Nonsense! It helped Cameron last time, he felt great afterwards.” You got off the bed, trying to pull him up with you. Instead, he snuggled deeper into the covers. “Aww, come on! Get up on your feet, mister! What do you feel like doing today? The weather’s lovely! Maybe we can go swimming? Or perhaps you’d like to go to the arcade? Ooh, street food sounds good! Just tell me where you wanna go, and I’ll take you there!” You coaxed excitedly.
“As much as I love our adventures, I was thinking maybe we could just stay here? You know, we could talk for a while and we can take a nap together just like when we were kids. And when I’m feeling better, we could watch a movie,” Ferris spoke softly, sniffling right after. You hummed, considering his offer.
“You can stay here and rest. I can get us some corn dogs from the stand nearby, I’ll be quick I promi-”
“No, no, you missed my point,” he shook his head, grinning at your stubbornness. “I meant can you stay? We don’t have to go anywhere. I enjoy your company, it’s more than enough,” He pulled the blankets to his nose, hiding his bashful smile as well as his growing blush. You were sure you would have melted then and there.
“Sure thing. Ferris.” You adored this boy.
It had been an hour since you’d agreed to stay in with Ferris and you were seated at his desk, tutoring him about trigonometric functions, a lesson he missed that day. He was reading the notes on the topic, following along with what you were saying. “Okay, I found this to be quite easy. So, we start off with the basics: sine, cosine, and tangent-”
At least, that’s what it looked like.
At first glance, it seemed as though he was actually studying. But what you didn’t know was that he had been admiring your handwriting and your little doodles on the blank spaces of the paper. 
See, Ferris liked you. He’s liked you since forever ago. He remembered the moment so vividly, as if it only happened yesterday. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
He looked at you and thought, “Wow, that is the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” Obviously, he couldn’t let a pretty girl such as you take the blame for what a stupid boy such as him had done. It just wasn’t fair to you. So he immediately admitted that it was his fault, as he should.
He felt guilty that you had to get wrapped up in this mess and had to suffer the consequences. To make up for it, every time you had detention, he would take you to secret hideouts around the school. That two months of running around school trying not to get caught marked your first of soon-to-be-many adventures. 
And now here you were, almost eight years later, helping him solve for x. His eyes softened at how into it you were while teaching him. You were even more beautiful than when you were a kid, just when his younger self thought you couldn’t get any more stunning. 
He thought about how you were kind enough to fill him in on everything he’d missed; how as soon as class was dismissed, you biked as quickly as you could just to take care of him. You could have easily ditched him to go out and get those corn dogs you’ve been craving; or you could have easily gone out for a walk since, according to you, “the weather’s lovely.” 
But you didn’t. 
You stayed. 
The mere thought of that, along with everything about you, caused his heart to pound out of his chest. 
I think I’m in love with her. Fuck that. I am in love with her.
“...And that explains why sine 90° is equivalent to 1. What the-? Ferris Bueller, are you even listening?” You waved a hand in front of his face, still not responding. He looked as if his mind was somewhere completely different. “Hello? Earth to Ferris?” He blinked a few times, shaking his head. He whispered something you didn’t quite catch. “What?” He whispered again. “I can’t hear you, pal. Speak up.” 
“I love you. There, I said it.” You were at a loss for words as your eyes met. Both of you progressively got redder by the second.
“What in the right mind made you say that?” Confusion was evident in your voice, as well as nervousness. 
“I’ve loved you for a while now and when you dropped everything to visit me today, I realized how deep I’ve fallen,” Ferris bashfully stated. He could be cheesy at times but you thought it was cute.
“Woah, you are such a fucking sap,” You both burst into laughter, him scoffing and clutching his chest in mock offense. “I love you too, you dingus.”
His heart fluttered as you said it. The mix of his sickness and your confession made him lightheaded. You plopped down on his bed, hugging him tightly. “Wait, what are you doing? You’re too close, I’m gonna get you sick!” He asked as you kissed his nose. 
You got under the covers with him, rolling your eyes, “You think I still care? I fucking love you for Christ’s sake!” You made him laugh at that. “How about that nap you suggested earlier, hmm?”
He closed his eyes, the biggest grin still plastered on his face. “She loves me,” being the last thought in his head before contently falling asleep.
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
When They’re Jealous//ATEEZ
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A/N: An attempt was made lol
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“This sounds incredible!” You couldn’t stop smiling as you listened to the song you had just finished recording, your producer doing as you asked and not auto-tuning your voice like the previous ones had.
You were making your comeback album and needed a new producer immediately, one that understood you were talented without vocal enhancements and could respect that, but all of them ignored you and only followed what they thought sounded right, causing the general public to mock you as an artist. But then you met Jihoon, or Woozi as he wanted you to call him. He was an excellent composer and an even greater producer, having a great ear for music that he even helped you find your range, something your vocal coaches even ignored or struggled with.
You were enjoying the moment until you felt your phone vibrate erratically, your heart sinking into your stomach as you read Hongjoong’s name from the screen. You excused yourself from Woozi as he continued to touch up on a few songs. He was always so immersed in his work.
“Joong,” You breathed out once you removed yourself from the room to drown out the noise inside.
“Hey. I came by your apartment so we could eat dinner together but I forgot you said you’ll be at the studio tonight. You mind unlocking the door for me once I get there?”
“I-uh-how about we go to the cafeteria upstairs? People get mad when we bring food in the studio anyways.” You said, biting on your bottom lip in hopes he would agree, but you knew that was too much to ask.
“I’ll make sure we clean up well this time. Besides, I wanna help out on a few of your songs.” You wanted to cry at this point, knowing there was nothing stopping Hongjoong from walking into his worse nightmare.
“O-okay. I’ll leave the door open for you.”
“Thank you, baby. I’ll be there soon, love you.” You gave a small ‘I love you’ before hanging up, rushing back into the room only to be met with a soothing melody played on the studio provided keyboard, but it didn’t ease your anxiety.
“Woozi, listen, you need to go before Hongjoong gets here.” You said bluntly, watching as his fingers stopped before looking at you, his eyes filling with worry at the sight of your own panicked expression, your bottom lip close to bleeding from how hard you were biting it.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“I just can’t have him know you’re here. Please, you just need to trust me-“
“Is Hongjoong hurting you, (Y/n)?” Woozi asked with genuine concern and a hint of outrage.
“No, but he’ll hurt you if he knows your my producer so you need to-“
You turned around and tried to hide your fear with a large smile, Hongjoong staring at you with an almost pained expression that made you let out a small whimper despite your seemingly casual appearance.
“Hongjoong! This is Woozi. He’s a-“
“Producer, I know. So you helped on (Y/n)’s album?” Hongjoong stated with a bitter yet monotonous voice, handing you the large bag of takeout before making his way into the room and taking a seat next to Woozi, your heart ringing in your ears as you watched them interact.
Hongjoong was always begging you to collab with him on a song or album. You could just picture his smile as he talked about how he’d listen to it over and over again, reminding himself that, even though your relationship wasn’t allowed by your company and he wasn’t able to show the world how great you were together, he’d be able to say you were great together as musicians and collaborators. But you crushed those dreams by asking Woozi to help with your album instead.
Hongjoong couldn’t deny he was hurt, and maybe even a bit jealous. Woozi was an amazing composure and producer, but so was he. Did you think he wasn’t good enough and that’s why you didn’t ask for his help? Or maybe it’s because you always liked Woozi better. Hongjoong recalled all the times your absentmindedly praised the older male’s musical abilities, a mixture of anger and self-doubt consuming him as he gave half-assed comments on the tracks Woozi played from your upcoming release. They were perfect, and that only made Hongjoong feel worse.
It took some time for you to regain your composure as you set the food down and stood beside Hongjoong, listening to him give a bit of critique to your title track, praising it despite his entire demeanor showing he was less than pleased with the situation.
“I’m gonna head home now to give you two some space. You need me to come by tomorrow to work on that bonus track?” Woozi asked while packing up his belongings.
“No, that’s fine. Thanks again for today.”
You both watched as he finally left, the tension in the air nearly suffocating you as you tried to find the words to say.
“He’s a great producer. Glad he helped with your album.” The tone of his voice was so defeated and sad, the small sigh you released doing nothing to relax your tense body.
“I wanted to ask you but you were already focused on Ateez stuff.”
“I would’ve made time for you.” He finally looked at you, his gaze soft despite the painful thumping in his chest fueled at the thought you went to another man for help. It almost felt like he was just cheated on.
“That would’ve been the most selfish thing for me to do and you know it. But look,“
You walked around to the seat Woozi previously occupied, finding the notebook you kept for all of your songs and picking out a loose sheet of paper. It looked a bit faded and old but you could read the lyrics perfectly.
“I wanted to make a bonus track that’d be released before the album and, considering we wrote it together, I thought it’d be wrong of me to have Woozi work on it.”
Hongjoong gently grabbed the sheet and read over the page that had strange doodles in the header and margins, a small smile appearing on his lips. He wrote this for you as a confession while he was still a trainee, giving it to you as a birthday gift before you returned it with drawings and extra lyrics added, you both going back and forth like lovesick kids until both sides of the page were filled.
“Are you doing this to pity me?”
“I’m doing this because you’re a great producer with amazing talent that will make this song better than I could ever imagine.” Despite your words being genuine, he felt you were only telling him what he wanted to hear. And he was okay with that.
“Alright, should we get started now?” He asked eagerly, moving to the keyboard to find a perfect melody for the love song.
“Let’s eat first. I’m starving.”
“Nope. With me it’s business first, leisure second.” He said with a nonchalant yet peppy tone, your body sinking into the seat as you realized he alone would go days without a meal until he perfected a song, so there’s no telling what you’ll have to endure with him. Maybe you should’ve stuck with Woozi on this one.
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You couldn’t read him at all. He was smiling like usual but his eyes were somehow narrowed with a glare. His body was so relaxed yet the arm around your waist was holding you into his side so tightly. And his voice; he was holding a conversation like normal yet sounded so sarcastic and bitter.
You could never pinpoint Seonghwa’s jealousy, he was a master at hiding it. But he knew when it kicked in, especially with the way your work husband, as he introduced himself, came rushing towards you with a bear hug during your company’s recent office party. He knew there’d be someone at the office interested in you, it’s hard not love someone so kind and energetic. But he also had to make a point of you being his, and what better way to do that than with class?
“Every day I come in, (Y/n) manages to make it better. It kinda bummed me out when you told me you were with someone, cause I would’ve had you for myself by now.” You coworker joked with a laugh, you and Seonghwa returning the laughter before the same arm around you tightened once more and you were certain you’d pop any second now.
“Well, let’s just consider you unlucky, right?” Seonghwa’s joke left an uncomfortable silence between you three, your eyes going between him and your colleague.
“I think (Y/n)’s incredible, sweet, talented. I’d say you’re a hard worker but that’s pretty obvious since you practically live at your office, right?” Seonghwa continued, facing you as you tried to make sense of what he was thinking and feeling, slowly piecing it all together with his little rant.
“But I think the greatest thing about you is that you’re mine and mine alone, and no work husband could ever compare to your real one.”
“My what?!” You snapped out of your trance as your coworker finally spoke up, apologizing if his comments made either of you uncomfortable, your head shaking frantically as he excused himself.
He was the only fun person you worked with that was around your age, everyone else in their 30s or 40s and having no time to joke around. His presence made your job bearable, and now you probably lost that thanks to the passive aggressive fool next to you.
“Why would you make up a lie like that? I should’ve known you were just jealous from the start.” You grumbled, wanting to remove yourself from his arms and apologize to the man that would usually give you a coffee with a joke written on the cardboard sleeve.
You gasped as you were pulled back once more, not too harsh but enough to make you turn and face Seonghwa, staring down at you in such an intimidating yet passionate way. It was scary yet exciting.
“I didn’t lie at all. You’re mine just like I’m yours and, we may not be married now, but it’ll happen soon.” He clarified, standing upright and looking away from you as a familiar smirk played on his lips.
“And I never get jealous, you know that.” Liar.
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Jealousy wasn’t something Yunho typically felt, but when he felt it, it hit him hard.
He wasn’t sure why he was so jealous, you were only talking to an old friend, one that you introduced him to as your “first crush”. But those feelings were from years ago, you were with Yunho now so there shouldn’t be a problem. Until he remembered he was also your crush at one point, you pining after him for two years until he caught on and accepted your feelings. If you could wait that long for Yunho, who knows how long you’d wait for this guy.
You were in a public space, walking alongside one another in the park Yunho always took you when he was stressed from work and practice, but this situation was just as stressful. Yunho felt like a kicked puppy at the way you gave all your attention to someone you haven’t seen in years and, from the sounds of it, had nothing in common with anymore, just fond memories. He didn’t want to start pouting because he’d be too obvious about his envy, his eyes rolling whenever you laughed at a lame joke he said. Seriously, he wasn’t that funny.
“Yunho, I forgot to ask what you did for work.” The other man, Chris, spoke up, causing Yunho to finally give him his attention.
“(Y/n) and I work together. I’m an idol while they’re our makeup artist.”
“Makeup artist? I can’t believe that’s still your dream job after these years. Congrats.” Chris smiled down at you before reaching to place his hand on your head, ruffling your hair as you let out a cute faux-whine and that was the last straw for Yunho.
You gasped as you were suddenly spun around, crashing into your boyfriend’s chest as he held onto you tightly, trying to hide his glare as he looked to a shocked Chris.
“Sorry but I just reminded myself we’ve been on break too long and I have to get back now.”
“Oh, well (Y/n) and I can hang out while you head bac-“
You barely managed to give a proper apology and goodbye to Chris as Yunho dragged you off in the opposite direction, your body fighting against his until he released you, only to grab onto your hand with a gentle yet iron-tight grip. You’ve only seen this side of Yunho once before, and it was when you first began dating, the head makeup artist being a male that you had to give your undivided attention to in order to learn properly.
The lack of eye contact, the way his lips formed a pout despite him licking them occasionally to erase it or at least hide the fact it was there only to have it come back deeper than before, and the stand-offish yet clingy affection he gave you, almost as if he was angry at you but desperate for you to comfort him. He was jealous, and it was honestly amusing.
“You know, you have to stop getting jealous like that.”
“I’m not jealous.” He said bluntly, a small giggle leaving your mouth.
“Okay, sure. I bet you were fine with the fact Chris kept calling me his ‘love’ too, right?”
“When did he say that?!” You couldn’t stop the laughter leaving you at his outburst, ceasing his steps to face you with a devastated look.
“I’m sorry, I was only kidding, I just love how cute you get when you’re jealous.”
“I was jealous that you weren’t including me in your conversation. Him calling you love is just disrespectful to our relationship.” He clarified, your head nodding understandingly.
“Well, that doesn’t matter because he’s not my type.” You paused to kiss the hand holding onto yours, looking at Yunho’s face with a small smile.
“I prefer giant crybabies.”
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You couldn’t contain your excitement as you stood alongside Park Bo Gum in the makeshift apartment on set, your heartbeat ringing in your ears as you watched him recite his lines for the third time that night. Sure, he was probably annoyed and exhausted because you could only stare at him in absolute admiration which led to you forgetting your own lines, but the words he spoke never got old to you. The character he was playing was confessing to you, something a rookie actor like yourself could only take to heart, especially when the man opposite of you was your celebrity crush.
But that only made Yeosang stand far behind the camera sulking. Seeing as you were always so excited after the end of filming each day, Yeosang took it upon himself to come watch you, only to realize this was the cause of your joy. When you said the leading actor for the upcoming drama was a ‘surprise’, he didn’t think you meant Park Bo Gum, yet here he was: staring down at you with soft eyes and a toothy smile that made Yeosang want to roll his own.
After various attempts, you final managed to deliver your lines, you and the slightly older male ending the day with a seconds long kiss that would be edited to last an eternity, the entire cast and crew relieved that you got it together so they can wrap up and go. Yeosang couldn’t help the way his face burned with irritation as he swallowed his jealousy, it always happened when he did. He also couldn’t help how cold he was acting as you approached him with a large smile.
“Did I do well? Did you like it?” You asked hopefully, Yeosang slowly cracking at the nervous and childlike gaze you gave him, a sigh leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Yeah, you did really great, sweetie.”
Yeosang’s bitter scowl came back as Bo Gum approached, his typical smile planted on his face and the poor boy couldn’t help but admit he was a real life prince. No wonder you could barely speak in front of him.
“Sunbaenim!” You greeted, bowing politely before gesturing to the obviously angry man next to you.
“This is my boyfriend, Yeosang.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you. (Y/n) talks about you all the time.”
You watched as he kindly extended his hand, Yeosang’s eyes staring at it pathetically before drifting upwards to glare at your elder, a shocked gasp leaving you as you apologized to the equally shocked, but honestly amused, actor.
“I’m so sorry. He’s a bit socially awkward outside of his performances so you’ll have to excuse him.”
“It’s fine, I get that way sometimes. But you did great today, don’t forget to practice more when you get home.”
You nodded and watched as he strolled away to return the outfit used for today’s filming, your head snapping to your boyfriend’s unbothered figure.
“What the hell is wrong with you? You just disrespected Park Bo Gum! Are you insane?”
“Stop talking about him like he’s some god. He’s just like anyone else.”
“Even if he is, that doesn’t excuse you being rude.”
You huffed as you walked away from him, the crew and director putting their items away as he stood awkwardly with his arms crossed over his chest, upset but still willing to wait for you to collect your items so he could take you home. You didn’t know why he acted like such an angry brat when he was jealous, but you could understand that you having a romantic scene with someone you’ve admired for years would obviously be an ego killer for him. You couldn’t help that you put Bo Gum on a pedestal, it was the fangirl in you. But your boyfriend was just as famous and meant even more to you, so why weren’t you treating him the same?
Yeosang heard your timid footsteps stop just in front of him although he refused to look at you, your arms wrapping around his torso as you pried his own apart with your head so he could hold you properly, staring up at him with a pout.
“Stop being angry with me.” You tried to say in your cutest voice, Yeosang trying hard not to break his sour puss persona.
“Act cute all you want, but I think Bo Gum would probably like it way more than I do.”
“I’m too young for him. Besides, he probably doesn’t like weirdos like me.”
You felt two warm hands cup your face before squishing your cheeks together, making your pout more prominent and fish-like, Yeosang finally smiling as he playfully tilted your head from side to side.
“Yeah, you are pretty weird.”
Everything seemed fine and well for you two again, especially when he leaned forward to plant a small kiss to your lips, only to retract instantly with his previous stone-faced expression.
“You didn’t wipe your mouth after he kissed you, did you?” Your eyes widened in realization just after he released you, turning on his heels to walk away only for your body immediately follow his, preparing to fix things once again.
“Wait, I forgot to! I didn’t leave it on purpose! Yeosang!”
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It all happened last night: San taking you out to dinner, the waiter flirting with you heavily, you giggling in a mixture of awkwardness and flattery, and San biting back his jealousy. All of that was last night, so why the hell was San romancing the hell out of you now?
You watched carefully as he maneuvered himself around the dorm’s dining room table, standing at your side as he cut your steak for you and even opted to feed you, his eyes staring into yours lovingly as you chewed although you were starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, finally bringing yourself to look away.
“Shouldn’t you take a seat and eat as well? I feel weird having you do this for me.”
“Nonsense. I’d rather starve before I learn you haven’t had your meal first.” Your eyes widened at his words, staring at him in disbelief as he eagerly held another piece of meat to your lips.
The jealous San you knew was pouty and clingy, but this one was suave and charming, making your heart skip a beat whenever he looked at you. But you could tell he had some impure motive behind this, most of your instincts telling you he wasn’t just spontaneously feeling enamored.
“Well, I can’t take another bite knowing you aren’t eating either. Please eat, Sannie.”
He gave a small smile before setting your utensils down and pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth, making his way back to his own seat where he didn’t even look at his food, just stared back at you with the same gaze as before. You mentally groaned, knowing this would be a long night.
And, by god, it was.
From the painfully uncomfortable dinner, to the way he held your hands and complimented you as he presented a necklace with his name on it, to the way you slow danced in the center of their dorm. You just couldn’t handle it. But you still allowed him to sway your bodies together as he held the same joy on his face, almost oblivious to the fact you wanted to push him away, a simple sentence leaving him that made you snap.
“I just want you to know that there’s no other man in this world that’ll treat you like I do.”
You glared up at San before removing yourself from his grasp, walking towards his phone placed on the nearby table and turning off the music he had playing before returning to stand in front of him.
“Listen, it took some time for me to figure out you were jealous, but to go through all of this? You’ve clearly lost it.”
“I just want to show you how much-“
“You love me? Because this ain’t it, San. You just wanted to one-up a waiter that I laughed at because I was uncomfortable and wanted him to leave me alone.” His eyes widened at your words.
“So you didn’t like him talking to you?”
“Hell no. I was hoping you’d do something besides sit in your corner having a pity party. Now, here we are, in the middle of your dorm slow dancing while you’re in slacks and a dress shirt and I’m still in my pajamas. And we both know Seonghwa made that steak, so don’t take credit for it.” You’ve said so much already yet your rant didn’t end there.
“I think the worse part of all of this is that I asked you for this necklace when we started dating last year, and to finally receive it under these circumstances makes me not even want to wear it. I honestly prefer your usual whiny self to this.”
A brief silence, your hard gaze boring into his shocked one, neither of you knowing want to expect next until San acted first, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you into him with a whimper.
“You promise you didn’t like him more than me?” You couldn’t help but smile and place a comforting hand on his back. This was your San.
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He felt so childish and stupid for being jealous, but how could he not be when his own partner was sitting on his lap but giving all of their attention to Hongjoong.
He was happy you were getting along with his group members, but hearing how you laughed and talked with his elder, your body perking up at every word he said, your conversations dragging on as you discussed your shared interest, something you and Mingi struggled to do as you were totally different people, his eyes widening whenever you mentioned a new fact about your life. He sat back and silently wondered if you preferred Hongjoong over him, if you ever wonder what he’d be like as a boyfriend. His thoughts were so negative, only growing grimmer and sadder with each scenario playing through his mind, his arms loosening from around your waist as he abruptly stood, your lips no longer moving as you stopped your conversation to check on the giant leaving you.
You followed him into the kitchen silently, his back to you as he rummaged through the fridge, not wanting to see or talk to you as of yet.
“I was gonna head out to eat soon, wanna come?”
“Why not go with Hongjoong?” He muttered, not being able to help that the snarky response slipped out.
“Because the main person I want to be with right now is my boyfriend.” You were met with silence, causing you to sigh and desperately grab onto his arm until he finally faced you.
“Mingi, what’s wrong?”
“Do you like Hongjoong? Like, are you interested in him?”
The laugh you let out was loud enough to cause Hongjoong to questioningly glance towards your direction although he couldn’t see you, your body doubled over as you tried to ease your hysteria.
“Holy fuck, no. What makes you think that?”
“You two just have a lot in common and get along a lot better than we do.” You sighed and reached down to grasp his hands, staring into his eyes despite him shyly looking away, obviously still battling with his insecurities.
“Hongjoong is a great friend, but I’d be so bored with him. I like to talk about our hometown, and how we both love Iron Man films, sure, but you’re always teaching me new things and increasing my hobbies. Remember how I didn’t like rap before you? Now I love it! And it’s because I chose someone I can stay with forever and learn something new about every day.”
You felt your lips tug upwards as he finally looked at you, unable to contain his smile as he pulled you into him, a light squeal leaving you as you held one another in a tight embrace. As much as Mingi wanted to scream to Hongjoong that he won, having you choose him and only him, he stayed silent and mentally celebrated his victory.
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Unbeknownst to you, Wooyoung liked to make you jealous. He found it cute when you shoved his arm and told him to stop being so flirty with other people, only to apologize and remind you that you were his one and only. It was a stupid and silly cycle he loved. But the second you started being cute and flirty with anyone else, hell broke loose.
You didn’t know you were coming off flirty, thinking you were your typically friendly self as you spoke with a fellow idol, congratulating them for their win on tonight’s music show and praising their talent. Sure, he gave a few winks and flirtatious remarks here and there, even stepping closer to you as you continued to converse in the backstage area, you completely unaware of the angry body quickly approaching yours, but Minho catching onto his presence quickly.
“Wooyoung! You did great tonight.” The older star said, Wooyoung giving a curt smile and nod, wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you to face him, your eyes wide and cheeks burning at the sudden action.
“Same to you. I’m just upset our song wasn’t part of this week’s voting, we would’ve won thanks to my good luck charm here.” If your face wasn’t bright red before, it surely was now, not used to Wooyoung being this touchy in front of others.
Minho’s eyes widened as he finally realized the situation, bowing respectfully and apologizing for not realizing you two were together, your hands gently pushing Wooyoung to pry him off, not liking the way he stared at you with amusement and an almost predatory glint.
“A lot of people don’t know about us, and I think it’s because I’ve never gotten them a necklace or something to show they’re taken. But I think I have a better alternative.” You gulped as you once again tried to escape, knowing exactly where this was going.
“Wooyoung, don’t you dar-“ You were cut off by your own whimpers, eyes shutting in embarrassment as Wooyoung latched his lips onto your throat, sucking harshly and squeezing your body closer to his.
You knew how Wooyoung got when he was jealous, he was possessive and willing to do such risky things to show whoever was entranced by your natural beauty and presence that you were his and only his, and that a simple touch from him would prove that true as you only craved more.
You released a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding as he finally pulled away, admiring the purple and red mark stained onto your neck before finally giving Minho a glance, the other boy staring at you both in what you could only assume was embarrassment and shock.
“Now, I’m gonna head home. You can come with if you don’t feel like staying out too long, okay? Congrats on that win again.”
Wooyoung went back to his usually cute self, kissing your cheek and casually turning away to stroll from the room filled with a few forgotten people that took in the scene, your bottom lip being sucked into your mouth before bowing and apologizing profusely and rushing out the door. Not because you were mortified, but because you needed to catch up with Wooyoung, unsure if you wanted to yell at him for humiliating you or finish what he started.
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As a barista, your job was to provide excellent customer service and, not to brag, but you were beyond excellent. Your friendly smile and bubbly personality made it impossible for people not to gravitate towards you, leaving you in a loop of minutes long conversations about nothing with each and every customer while also serving them with their order. Seriously, you were basically perfect.
That kind of perfection is what caused Jongho to fall for you, coming by your shop every day for the same drink just to have more conversations about nothing, and you enjoyed his companionship, your typical work related jokes becoming personal rants that he happily listened to, loving how you both finally grew closer to one another. Of course, he hadn’t asked you out yet, but that was his main and only goal for the day as he entered the small shop. Until he realized you were giving the same undivided attention you gave him to someone else.
They were the only customer as it hasn’t hit peak hours yet, you both sitting at a table just by the window, your head tilted as you listened closely to his words, nodding along as he smiled softly and spoke. Jongho didn’t want to intrude but he was curious. What did this man possess that was similar to or, worse, better than him? The light giggles you occasionally let out didn’t put him at ease either. This man really must be something.
“You’ve honestly really made this day better, (Y/n/n). Seeing you doing well on your own is making this moving thing a lot easier on me.”
His hand, reaching across the table to hold onto yours, brushing his thumb over your skin as you stared ahead giving a shy laugh and smile. Your body shivered as a strange chill ran down your spine, your body feeling stiff and tense as if something was looming behind you menacingly and, once you turned to invalidate your suspicions, you let out a loud yelp that they were true.
“Jongho! I can’t believe I didn’t hear you come in! Come on, let me make your usual.” You said cheerfully while standing from your seat, only for the stone faced boy to ignore you, eyes boring into the man he still had no idea about, but a lot of opinions of.
“You must be Jongho. (Y/n) talk a lot about you.”
“That’s good to hear, since they don’t mention you at all.”
You stood there with wide eyes, blinking away your disbelief before hurriedly looking towards the male, apologizing profusely much to Jongho’s dismay. The unidentified man took the hint that there was a bit of tension from his presence and decided to leave, avoiding giving you a hug as he usually would. As soon as he was out of sight, you crossed your arms, ready to give Jongho a piece of your mind until he cut you off.
“Don’t let anyone else touch you. Or look at you. Especially when you smile because that makes them want to talk to you more.” He stared at you with a small pout and round puppy like eyes.
“And since when have you become my boyfriend?”
“Since now.”
Quite honestly, this was the coldest confession you’ve ever received, but it made your face heat up all the same, a playful smirk making its way onto your face as you approached the still pouty and jealous boy.
“I think I can accept that, as long as you direct your jealousy to someone that isn’t my brother.”
The realization and embarrassment that crossed his face was an instant pass to your forgiveness.
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
Let me tell you, Duncan once catch y/n and Jim stalking and thristing about some pretty boys on insta. he had all the feelings, dunc was a little discouraged, self conscious, a little sad with a mix of mad but mostly JEALOUS. He hide in his office for a while thinking about giving them the silent treatment but finally deciding on being more rough (n' extra dom) with them that night trying to show them he is the only one that can make them feel so freaking good 👌 -drunk anon
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{gif credit to @arthmorgn}
This is an old ask, but since we’ve all been missing Duncan x Sugar Babies - I thought it’d be a good time to revisit this. 
This made my tummy do little flips because.. well.. jealous Duncan is a whole ass concept that I adore. Because thirsty hoe. 
A few extra thank yous to @langdonsinferno @wickedlangdon , and @lvngdvns s  for helping build my dom!duncan. Also.. considering the standards in this fandom - this isn’t very mean!dom or extra rough. So. Please be nice lol I’ve gotten far too used to writing soft pieces. 
As always, thank you for reading & enjoy!
“It’s unfair, really.” Jim slumped into the plush sofa. His thumb scrolled on his screen, “He’s just so damn hot.” 
“I know.” Y/N was laid on the couch with her head resting on Jim’s lap. “Let me see!” she took the phone from his hands to closer examine the image on his phone. 
“He’s so pretty. I bet he only drinks and eats kombucha and kale salads.” She commented out loud on the photo of the attractive Instagram influencer that both Jim and she obsessed with. 
Duncan came around the corner to see his babies playing nice on the couch. He always loved seeing how those two could feed off each others energies. The perfect little bundle. 
“He’s just so damn hot.” Duncan heard Jim say. His lips twitched up in a smile, thinking Jim was talking about him. He continued to overhear their conversation - he quickly put together they weren’t talking about him. Heat rushed to his face and his heart dropped. 
It was ridiculous to feel upset over it; he knew that. But it didn’t matter. He looked down at himself, noticing how his dark shirt clung a little to his tummy.  What did Donavan the Instagram model have that Duncan didn’t?
“I think anyone who has to Facetune their photos so much, isn’t worth all the attention.” Duncan spoke up as he approached them. 
“Besides, I can - or rather, I am giving you guys the life style he promotes, am I not?” Duncan sat on the ottoman, scratching his beard - something he always did when he was annoyed. It was only one of the reasons he didn’t play poker with his friends anymore - they figured out his tell tale sign. 
Y/N and Jim exchanged a look. What in the hell had gotten into Duncan? “It’s all in good fun,” Jim offered, putting his phone away. 
“It’s not like you don’t follow models on instagram. Don’t tell me you’re jealous, daddy?” Y/N liked pushing his buttons. Jim stifled a giggle and avoided Duncan’s eyes. Y/N may be the brat in their relationship, but Jim always managed to go down with her. 
Duncan rolled his eyes so far back into his head, “Right. Because I would be jealous of him,” he scoffed. “You two enjoy your screen time. I have work to do.” 
“Shit..” Jim whispered quietly. 
“He’ll be alright, Jim.” Y/N reassured him. “We gotta think of ways to make it up to him,” she winked and poked at his ribs, making him giggle. 
Duncan retreated back to his office to get work done. Or so he told himself. In truth, he hated how jealous he felt, but he couldn’t entertain the idea of his babies wanting someone who wasn’t him. They were his and always will be. 
He understood that the person on the screen wasn’t a real threat to him or what he shared with them; but he didn’t want Y/N to start comparing him to an unrealistic hyped up model. Not when they had something real. 
His fingers tapped on the smooth mahogany - too lost in his own thoughts to get any actual work done.
The door creaked open and he looked up from his absentminded doodles he’d made on a sheet of paper.
Jim and Y/N treaded lightly into the corridors of his office. Both on them dressed for bed; Jim in his plaid boxers and Y/N in an old T-shirt that came down to her thighs. 
Duncan had managed to avoid speaking to them for the rest of the day. Sure, the silent treatment wasn’t the most mature response to the situation, but Duncan didn’t play fair. 
“Are you coming to bed with us?” Jim pouted. Sweet Jim, Duncan thought. He could see the desperation on him - both of them, really. He glanced at Y/N and how she nervously toyed with the hem of her shirt. 
A dark chuckle passed his lips as he stood from his desk and walked over to them. He noticed they way Jim and Y/N’s hands brushed against each other as he approached them. 
“Now,” he grabbed Jim’s chin, looking into his blue eyes, “Are you sure you don’t want someone else in bed with you, baby?” The corner of his eye watched his other sugar baby. 
“N-no,” Jim stuttered, “We want you, daddy. Only you.” 
“Hmm,” he dropped Jim’s chin and turned to face his girl, “What about you, princess? Are you aching for someone else’s cock?” 
She shook her head timidly. The way his crystal blue eyes har darkened and his jaw was tense, made her insides turn.  
“Use your words, Y/N.” his eyes narrowed. 
“No, daddy,” she licked her lip, not daring to drop her gaze from his eyes. 
“Seemed that both of you” each one of his hands found their way to their crotches. He gently palmed over Jim’s hard on while his left index finger slowly ran up and down Y/N’s panties, “were more preoccupied with someone else. Don’t forget; you’re mine.” 
Poor Jim began attempted to grind himself on Duncan’s palm. 
He felt the blood rush to his lower abdomen as Duncan continued to touch him, “Please,” he finally let out. There was something magical about the way his body responded to Duncan. To his voice, to his touch, even a simple look made his knees go weak. 
The older man’s hand stopped briefly. Only enough for him to lean towards Jim. Jim felt Duncan with every fiber of his being -  his hot breath ghosted over his lips as they hung open. They always say that the moment before a kiss is better than the kiss itself. 
His blue eyes fluttered as his anticipated Duncan’s mouth on him. And he did feel Duncan’s lips. Just not in the tender kiss he expected. 
Duncan leaned forward and caught Jim’s plump bottom lip between his pearly white teeth. He tugged back, brining the boys lip with him. A possessive gesture. One that made Y/N grow wetter by simply watching. 
“Ahh,” a strangled whimper left Jim’s mouth. Duncan released him with a sinful curve of his lips. 
He turned his attention to Y/N, who had now soaked through her cotton panties. His fingers were sticky with her arousal and all he’d done was brush up against her clothed pussy. That’s my girl, he thought. 
Duncan brought his fingers up to his mouth - sucking on them slowly. 
So  s l o w l y. 
Jim’s cock twitched in his boxers at the sight of Duncan’s hollowed cheeks and pink bubblegum tongue. 
“C-come to bed with us,” she begged, “please,” 
Hiss gaze was like that of a tiger watching his prey, glancing between the two of them. His hands had stopped their pleasing motions. 
“Show me how much you want me.” he shrugged. His typically cool demeanor never faltering. Unamused smirk twitched (much like his own growing bulge). 
Jim and Y/N felt the tension in their shoulders drop. Both still so turned on for Duncan and his power games. He loved to make them edge and beg for him.
Y/N took Duncan’s smooth hand and dragged in under her shirt. He could feel the softness of her skin and each dip and curve of her body. She stopped when he grasped at her breast, “We’re all yours,” she whispered. 
Duncan laughed, pulling her in close. His tongue protruded from his lips and licked a stripe up her neck. She shuddered lightly feeling marked by Duncan. 
Jim licked his own lips in anticipation again. Duncan always loved making that antsy boy wait. He needed a lesson in patience anyway. 
“On your knees, princess.” the rasp of his voice rang low in her ears. 
Promptly, she dropped down without missing a beat. 
“Now, baby boy.” he grabbed the back of Jim’s hair, tugging it just enough to sting a little, “Gonna show me how damn hot you think I am,” he teased him. 
“Yes, daddy.” eager little Jim joined his co-baby on the floor. 
Without much more buildup, their daddy took his hard cock out for them. He loved feeling their greedy mouths on him. Never quite fighting for him, but always working together for Duncan. 
Y/N Jim let their tongues and wet mouths be the ones who ask Duncan for forgiveness. With each swipe of their tongue on a vein was like a boost to Duncan’s ego. 
Fingers laced into their hair as he held them close to him. Each one them taking turns with his cock. Kissing it. Sucking it. Pleasing him. 
Jim grabbed Y/N’s chin after releasing Duncan from his mouth and kissed her hard. She felt her lips turn to mush at the hardness of his kiss. Her tongue slipped between his parted lips and tasted the faint taste of Duncan. Jim and Y/N groped at his length and jerked his forward. 
“God,” a robust groan came from Duncan, “Feels so good,” his fist clenched in their hair as he released his load on their shared kiss. 
His dick stayed hard with the scene of them cleaning his cum off each other. Sloppy, wet, and erotic was the only way to describe it. They shared his hot white gloss. 
“Get up,” he commanded, once they had wiped his cum off their faces. They sheepishly obeyed his orders, standing up again. “I’m not done with you yet.” He circled around them; both covered in his cum and with obvious wet spots on their underwear. He could practically see Jim’s leaking red cock through the dark fabric. 
Duncan nodded his head towards the desk, a silent order. One that Jim knew well. All it took was one look and Jim knew. He glanced back at Y/N before bending over the desk and spreading his legs slightly. 
Blood was pounding in his hot ears as he awaited what Duncan would do to him. Would he start by spreading open his cheeks and ramming his cock inside? Or maybe he’d take his time and swat his ass a few times until it was red, raw, and ready to be pounded. Either wave, Jim was aching at the thought. 
He tried to subtly rub himself against the edge of the desk. The hard soon sent a painful wave of pleasure.
Duncan walked over to the expensive mahogany desk. He ran his long fingers over the surface; let the gingerly dance along the smoothes. He knew the way Jim’s stomach was bubbling now. So eager for what awaited his baby boy. 
And Y/N. His fucking princess; left soaked and agape as Duncan gave her no further instruction. Yet. 
Her eyes were fixated on Duncan’s veiny hand and how it seemed to manuever expertly. She wanted -no. Needed to have them on her. 
Duncan’s dark eyes peeled away from her momentarily as he pulled something out of a drawer. He held the shiny, black, toy in both hands slightly rubbing the wand in a jerking motion. 
Jim’s pretty pink hole began clenching. Both him and Y/N had previously experienced this toy of Duncan’s. Jim’s mind became hazy remembering all the orgasms that little wand hand given him. He bucked his hips into the desk again, miserable whimper leaving his mouth. 
“Oh, baby,” Duncan’s coo was covered in false sympathy, “Desperately trying to get off like that on my desk isn’t going to make me fuck you any faster.” 
He turned his attention to Y/N who was now pressing her thighs together. Her sticky arousal gliding down her legs. He motioned her to him with his index finger; another silent order his baby new well. 
Y/N stood in between the two men. She couldn’t help but notice how heavily Jim was breathing. 
Duncan handed her the sleek anal vibrator. It felt heavy in her hands; usually the one controlling it, controlling her, was Duncan.
He walked over to Jim and tore off his underwear. The cool air hitting his precum soaked head made him hiss. “Duncan, please. It hurts now. I - I need to cum,” Jim cried out. 
“Duncan?” Duncan shook his head, “Oh, you know better than that, baby. Don’t tell me someone else is your daddy.” he pulled Jim’s hair back, his head rolled back to look at Duncan. “Who’s your daddy?” 
The harsh tug on his scalp made his skin tingle. The mixture of pain and pleasure taking over. 
“You!!” Jim yelped, “you, daddy.”
The verbal validation was great for Duncan, but nothing was better than the physical manifestation of having them crumble at his will.
He released his grip on Jim’s hair. Pulling Y/N over to him, he made her stand directly behind Jim. Ghosting his lips over hers, he quietly said, “You’re going to ruin Jimmy for me.” his voice was low and husky. 
Duncan spit on two of his fingers and smeared his hot saliva on Jim’s opening. 
A barely there gasp came from both of his babies. Y/N watched in awe as Jim’s ass reacted to Duncan’s touch. She gulped silently, nervous about what he meant by ruining Jim. 
“You’re gonna follow each one of my orders, princess,” it wasn’t question. He stepped back, seeing the ruffled expressions of his baby girl. “Go on,” He unbuckled the belt of his pants, “Cover it in your spit. Get it nice and wet for him.”
She stuck the toy in her mouth, wrapping her lips securely around it. She made obscene sounds, sucking it for Duncan. 
“That’s enough,” he put his hand up and held on to his belt tightly. 
“Stretch him, open,” Duncan was so hard. He had a perfect view of Jim’s asshole, red, wet, and gaping. 
She carefully pressed the end of the toy to his hole, “Please,” begged Jim. 
“I didn’t say stop,” Duncan quipped.
She continued pushing in as Jim cursed under his breath. His knuckles were white from the grip on the desk. 
“Turn the pulse on - fastest setting. You know the one you like so much, baby?” he smirked. 
Y/N turned the vibration settings on, following Duncan’s order. Jim’s thighs were shaking. He rutted his hips into the sharp edge. 
Duncan kneeled behind Y/N and discarded her panties. He smacked her ass ruthlessly, making sure his handprints were left behind. He gripped at her fleshy, full bottom after each spank. 
“Harder,” he barely heard her speak. “Harder?” he repeated. 
Jim was losing himself as Y/N continued to pump him with the toy. 
“Don’t test me, Y/N.” he spanked her ass again, bruising it with his palm.
Duncan spread her cheeks apart, taking in a good look at her glistening pussy. 
Her lips were parted by his long middle finger as he gathered her juices. His fingers searched for her swollen bud. Once he found the sensitive bundle, he pinched down on it. 
Duncan was brutal on her pussy. His fingers fucked into her deeply, curving and scraping on the spongy pink flesh.
Bratty Y/N was no where to be seen. She was a whimpering mess as Duncan worked her hard, “What was that?” he taunted.
“Tell me who makes you feel so good,” he growled and bit into her ass. 
“You daddy,” her childish whine making both Jim and Duncan moan. 
Her hold on the toy that penetrated Jim was shaky, making each and every thrust unexpected for Jim. 
“That’s right. Never forget who makes you feel like this. Both of you.” he attached his lips to her clit and sucked it. Her taste was as sweet as nectar and he was taking straight from the fruit. 
“So, fucking close,” Jim panted. Each wave the toy sent to his prostate sending him into overdrive. 
“Turn it off.” he mumbled into her cunt. “Turn off the toy,” 
She fumbled shortly but managed to obey him. 
“You’re not cumming yet. You’ll cum when I say so,” Y/N slumped forward as he got off his knees -  the ache between her thighs still there. 
Duncan carefully took the toy out of Jim and began walking out of his office without another word. 
“Come on,” he called from the hallway. Jim and Y/N both felt like they could barely walk. 
They followed him into the room where he now laid on their bed, his clothes discarded. His own veiny cock sprung proudly against the happy trail on his lower stomach. Y/N loved feeling it against her base skin when the fucked chest to chest. 
“Come ride my cock, baby,” Jim nodded eager to please. 
He climbed over Duncan, positioning himself above. He grabbed the base of the Duncan’s cock and sank down on it. Y/N had prepared his tight little ass for Duncan. 
Jim could feel the indentations of Duncan’s nails sinking into his skin begin to form. He started grinding his hips, forward and back, wiggling. His cock was leaking down his shaft and on to the base of Duncan’s balls. 
“You’re so fucking tight.” Duncan touched Jim’s length, he fisted the boys cock and began lazily pumping him. 
“Princess, I”m not done tasting my sweet pussy. Come here.” he slapped his own face slightly with his free hand. 
Y/N spread her thighs around his face, dropping her dripping cunt on his mouth. His tongue darted inside and began fucking her. His tongue spiraled around her clitoris. 
The room was filled with sloppy, wet, sounds of flesh slapping together. 
Y/N pulled Jim to her and kissed him. A slow sensual kiss that Duncan wish he could have seen. It was the brushing of her tongue on his mixed with tightening grip Duncan had on his cock that finally had Jim cum. He spurted his stickiness on to his and Duncan’s tummy. 
Duncan moaned feeling the hot cream land on him. Before long, he felt himself coming undone for the second time that night. 
His tongue movements slowed down as he orgasmed. The slow kitten licks on her clit made her calves tense. She was so close. 
“Daddy, please. I wanna cum too. I’ve been good, please, please please,” she pleaded in soft panting. 
He nodded beneath her and worked her clit until she collapsed. Jim helped by helping her balance as she rode Duncan’s tongue. His hands caressed down her body, paying extra attention to her full breasts. 
Duncan tasted her cum on his tongue as she finished for him.
Sweaty, hot, and messy, they laid on the bed, too warn out to move. 
Y/N and Jim rested their heads on their daddy’s tummy, eye drifting off.
“We’re sorry, daddy,” Y/N mumbled almost fast asleep.
"We’re all yours” Jim reassured him.
Duncan smiled down at them even though they couldn’t see his face. He stroked their head lightly, “I know, my loves. I’m all yours too,”
Thank y’all for reading. This took me longer than expected because I really wanted to deliver for drunk anon and give her some dom!duncan instead of my go-to soft!daddy!duncan (getting out of my comfort zone a little bit tysm)
Again, thank you for those I asked on for opinions/suggestions. I love reading some dom/harsh stuff, but when it comes to writing - i always go super soft so yeee i appreciate :)
Tags: @1-800-bitchcraft @divinelangdon @dvncans @langdonsdemon  @plsfuckmelangdon @langdonsoceaneyes @mega-combusken @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @lathraios @ticklish-leafy-plant @wvntersldr @wroteclassicaly @michael-langdon-appreciation @ritualmichael @langdonswhoreprobably @viridarium-girl @coollangdon @bbyduncan @venusxxlangdon @langdonsfeed @rocketgirl2410 @cocosfern @ccodyfern @lovelylangdons @sammythankyou @maso-xchrist  @langdvnshepherd @americanhorrorstudies @icylangdon  @emmyrosee  @ladynuwanda @flowersiren @starwlkers @littledemondani @queencocoakimmie @fckinsupreme @langdonscherry
I will be rebuilding my taglist soon (?) so please lmk if you’d like to be added or removed. 
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over-a-new-leaf · 4 years
self-care 101 (covid-19 period)
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Since we’ve rolled round to another May bank holiday, I thought it’d be nice to share some tips with you. As a homebody, and someone who will do absolutely ANYTHING to avoid one specific boring activity, I’ve racked up quite a long list over the past few years. Obviously, I’m no professional - but I find these help. There’s no specific chronological order to these - just pick and choose as you like!
Get out of bed!
Or lie in if you need to. Whatever makes you feel good
Start off the day with some yoga or meditation, or basic stretches
Or pray for a bit if you’re religious
Make your bed: tuck your sheets in, rearrange your pillows, etc.
Brush your hair and tie it up nicely
Pick out a cute outfit - could even be your favourite PJs - and lay it out
Go take a soothing shower, or a bubble bath
Use a bath bomb, get some nice candles if you feel like it
Put on some nice music to relax to
Try out a new hairstyle or style your hair the way you would if you had somewhere to be!
Slap on some makeup, why not? :) 
Floss your teeth, or maybe use that teeth whitening formula you never picked up again after using it for the first time
Pick out a recipe for a hair mask or face mask and put it on
Before doing any of these, make sure they suit your hair & skin type
E.g. if you have frizzy and dry hair, use a moisturising and rejuvenating mask vs if you have sleek, straight hair - use a volume-enhancing mask. Same goes for your skin - evaluate whether you have dry skin, oily skin or combination 
Stick to the recommended leave in time! It can be extremely difficult to get out later otherwise
Or make your own mask! There’s tons of recipes on YouTube and Google :)
Make yourself a nice breakfast
Breakfast smoothies are amazing! A really simple recipe I use contains a few spoonfuls of oats, handful of fruits (e.g. blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes), honey / sugar by taste and yogurt.
Or a nice bowl of your favourite cereal
Avocado toast - there are so many different varieties of this online, and I bet you’ll find that you like.
A fruit salad!
Eggs done the way you like
A full English if you’re feeling ambitious
Workout for an hour or so
This doesn’t have to be really equipment intense or challenging if you don’t want it to be
Some YouTubers I recommend: Chloe Ting, Emi Wong, Fitness Blender, MadFit, Blogilates, Yoga with Adrienne, etc. 
Don’t over exert yourself. Take longer than the recommended break time between exercises if you need to
Grab a new book, or a book you just enjoy reading
You can browse through Spotify for any playlists to listen to while reading - or use a playlist of songs you like
Listen to some music you like
Or discover some new music using Spotify’s ‘Discover’ feature
Preferably something that lifts your mood!
Pick out a recipe you’ve been meaning to try and just make it!
Dance around the house to some music
This can also be a sort-of-workout!
You can try learning a routine
TikTok dances are so stupidly fun
Maybe get a friend on vid-call and learn a dance with them
Make some TikToks
Or duet some on the app!
Get out a new bottle of wine - it’ll make you feel boujie ;)
Or your drink of choice - I’m not big into alc so I usually love a cool mint lemonade or iced coffee
Sit outside if the weather is nice
Or even if it’s rainy! I particularly love rainy days
Go for a walk around your neighbourhood
Do some grocery shopping! It can be surprisingly fun when you’re in no rush - plus, that’s a task off your future to-do list
Go meet a friend - stand at least 2m away and have a chat
Or text/ call your family / friends
Houseparty is great to use because it’s got games that you can play together if you’re not big on talking
Watch that TV series / movie you’ve been trying to get round to
Play with your pet, if you have one!
Do a cute lil photoshoot
Put on a nice outfit and take some nice pictures using the timer
Pictures with your pet
Or take pictures of your surroundings when outside
Or of the new dish you’ve impulsively made
Grab a pretty notebook
Start a bullet journal
Or a diary!
Do some journalling using journal prompts online
One really simple activity I really like is writing out 3 things that made my day :)
If you’re a poet or writer - write write write!
Maybe take the first step towards starting a blog (like I did last week, aha)
Play a musical instrument 
Or pick up something you haven’t played in a while
Try learning some basic chords online
Or just play your favourite music if you’re a professional
Sing along to your music!
Search up some online webinars and virtual events to attend
Lots of professional webinars on LinkedIn, even Facebook at times
Live museum and art gallery tours on Google!
Try some meditation
Headspace is a great freemium app, among others
Use a guided meditation from YouTube
Create a Pinterest account and start making boards
These can be pretty pictures
Or things you’ll have in your future house
Workout routines
Even more self-care recommendations
There’s this activity where you put your playlist on shuffle and draw what comes to your mind when you hear each song
Or just search up an image online and draw it
Doodle in your bullet journal / book if you have one
Embroider/ stitch some of your old clothes
Plenty of tutorials online!
You can stitch in some cute images :)
Try a new podcast 
There are so many to explore on Spotify under the Podcasts section
Or watch something on YouTube
Learn something new if you feel like it
Pick up a subject area of interest and search it up on YouTube
You’ll get so many results!
Reorganise your house / room
Put on some music to jam along to while doing this!
Or just tidy all those papers off the desk
Reorganise your drawers
Fold your clothes
Dust any surfaces - super satisfying!
Maybe spice up your furniture placement
Try moving things around - be careful not to strain yourself
Do some laundry maybe
Yawn, but can be satisfying once you’ve done it!
Purge your wardrobe of any old clothes
You can donate them to charities
Or sell them on apps like Depop
Do some online shopping
Be careful not to spend too much though! :)
Download a photoprint app and get some pictures printed
There’s a lot of apps that offer you __ amount of free prints with delivery costs - not a bad deal!
You can finally make a photowall / collage
Try some scrapbooking 
Get out some old newspapers and magazines and cut out any pictures of words that particularly catch your eye
Make pretty lil collages or spreads with them
Reorganise your digital folders
E.g. bookmarks on Chrome
Saved folders on Insta
Email folders
To Do lists
Give them pretty names so you’re more likely to use them in future
Catch up on some much needed sleep 
Afternoon cat naps are actually lovely!
Make yourself some tea or coffee and just sit by the window with some music
Cliché and niche, but makes you feel calmer!
Try some chai recipes online if you’re into relatively milky tea or trying out new recipes
I’m not a big fan of chai ^ which is surprising as an Indian, but my family and friends love it soo
Do something with your family / roommates
Movie night!
Group dinners (even better - themed dinners!)
Or a fine dining wine night (bonus points if you dress up!)
Board games night
Or just games night e.g. charades, Headbandz, Psych (app)
DnD - never tried it but sm people have recommended it!
Make some TikToks
Sit around and chat
This is random but you can make PPTs about things you like and present them to each other - good for shit n giggles :) 
Play an old online game e.g. Fireboy and Watergirl!
Create each other in the Sims 
Organise some friendly competitions :)
Truth or Dare? 
Look at star sign stuff with them - whether you believe or not, it’s an interesting thing to do nonetheless
Do Enneagram tests - extremely interesting and scarily accurate from my personal experience
Experimental cocktails maybe!
Some DIY arts and crafts!
Pitch a tent outside
Or make a pillow fort inside
Speaking of which - pillow fights!
Karaoke night
Or set up your own club - make a playlist, get some strobe lights or turn off the lights and get everyone to switch on their phone flash and just dance around. Get some drinks if you want as well!
Have a BBQ - great to do especially in the afternoons or early evenings!
Have a date night if it’s just the two of you :)
Have a picnic outside
Text someone something nice!
Win-win for the sender and the recipient :)
Great chance to reconnect with someone
Cleanse your devices & social media profiles
Change your profile pictures, bios
Archive / delete some pictures (we’re all guilty of this)
Maybe restart your account if you haven’t used it in too long, have too many random followers or just want to start afresh
Check your phone storage and delete stuff accordingly
Change your wallpaper / theme
Back up old pictures and delete them off your device 
And that’s my list for now! I might add to it later if something comes to me but I hope you guys enjoy this! :) 
Image credits:
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hecamity · 5 years
petals ch. 2
ch. 1 | ao3 link
Katsuki did not know what it was about Midoriya Izuku that made him want to pay attention.
Being around people was never necessarily on the top of Bakugou Katsuki’s favorite things to do, so when he realized he had begun to enjoy Midoriya Izuku’s presence, it almost felt like he had been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water.
And by the second month of their tentative friendship, Katsuki learns.
Whenever Izuku’s in a bad mood, his shoulders are slumped and his eyes are missing that little twinkle, his full lips turned downward into a frown that looked out of place on someone like him.
Nervous Izuku though, bit his lip until it was a dark pink color, fumbled with his fingers, and tripped over his words clumsily.
But mostly he’s happy, Katsuki notices, and when he’s happy, his face lights up the room. He grins the biggest grins, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle.
When he was bored in class, the green-haired man would doodle little drawings on the edges of his notebooks or his eyes would wander until they glazed over and he was lost in thought.
His freckles were pretty, Katsuki thought.
They suited his boyish features, the body marks like constellations splattered across the bridge of his nose and on his rosy cheeks.
He was also funny; funnier than Katsuki would have imagined and on more than one occasion, he would find himself fighting a smile at one of his stupid dad jokes that sounded like something Katsuki’s father would tell.
Katsuki kind of hated him for it.
He was also thoughtful and kind—on more than one occasion Izuku would share his snacks during class or bring him notes he missed on the few days he couldn’t bring himself to get out of bed early enough for class.
During quiet observations of his newfound friend, Katsuki noticed his eyes would sometimes glaze over, the ghost of smile pulling at his lips and during those moments, he found himself wanting to know what Izuku was thinking about.
Izuku was also a talker and Katsuki learns more about him.
He learns that he’s an only child who was raised by his mother and he grew up without a father figure in his life.
He didn’t have many friends growing up but in high school, he’d befriended a girl named Uraraka Ochako, who attends a university on the other side of Tokyo and he was still very close to her.
Izuku tells him that he’s allergic to bees—though he thinks they’re cute— and his favorite color is scarlet, and that he’s broken so many bones climbing trees while trying to save cats that he’s kind of best friends with all of the nurses in the emergency room of the nearby hospital.
He’s also a really big All-Might fan and even though he’s studying to be a veterinarian, he still dreams of being a superhero just like him.
He’s kind of an idiot nerd, Katsuki thinks to himself, watching Izuku hum happily around a bite of katsudon.
“Are you okay, Kacchan?” Izuku looks up from his bento and gives him a warm smile, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes. “Your curry’s going to get cold.”
Katsuki is startled from his thoughts and feels the tips of his ears burn at being caught staring and definitely not at the endearing nickname that Izuku had taken to calling him not too long ago.
Clearing his throat, Katsuki moves his gaze down to his spicy curry and lets out a small growl. “M’fine. Stupid nerd. Also don’t call me that again or I’ll kill you.”
Izuku gives a soft laugh, picking up his chopsticks once more. “I’m glad. Eat up, Kacchan.”
His laugh sends a flutter through Katsuki’s stomach and his heart stutters in his chest.
Katsuki learns.
First Week of July, Year 1
A shrill ringtone filled the still silence of Katsuki’s childhood bedroom, interrupting the peace of a quiet, summer morning.
Katsuki let out a long groan as he opened his bleary eyes, kicking away his damp bed sheets.
Reaching a long, toned arm towards his nightstand, he grabbed his cellphone and squinted at the screen in front of him.
He was met with a silly picture of Izuku, the green-eyed man sticking his tongue out playfully at him.
A few weeks into their tentative friendship, Izuku had stolen his phone and saved his number, insisting that a caller ID photo under his contact name officially made him a friend and he could do nothing about it.
Katsuki had pretended to be unimpressed and had ripped the phone away, re-naming his contact name as Shitty Nerd, much to Izuku’s displeasure.
Before the call went through to voicemail, Katsuki’s thumb swiped right, answering the call.
“The fact that you’re calling me during summer break before nine in the morning definitely means you’ve got a death wish.”
“Good morning, Kacchan,” Izuku called out brightly through the phone’s earpiece, his voice tinny. “What are you plans for the day?”
“I was planning to sleep until you called.”
“Perfect,” Izuku cried. “That means you’re not busy and that I can drag you out for a breakfast picnic.”
“I’ll see you in an hour!”
Accepting the fact that he would not be able to sleep in any longer, he sat up in bed with another groan.
An hour and a half later, Katsuki found himself sitting across from Izuku on a red-checkered blanket, biting into the tuna onigiri that’d been handed to him completely disgruntled at Izuku’s All-Might opinions.
“How the fuck can you think the All-Might vs. Endeavor Arc is the best when Discovery of All for One exists?” Katsuki crowed, eyebrows furrowed as his expression set into one of incredulity.
“Kacchan,” Izuku began with a matter of fact tone of voice, his face growing serious the way it only did when it involved All-Might discussions. “While I agree that the Discovery of All for One is an incredible arc, All-Might vs. Endeavor not only gave us great insight into the rivalry and relationship between All-Might and Endeavor, but we got to learn more about Endeavor as a character and not just an antagonist.”
“Endeavor fuckin’ sucks.” Katsuki replied simply, reaching for his bottle of iced green tea, although he was fighting an amused smirk at the passion he had for the animated series.
It was endearing, Katsuki admitted to himself.
“He does,” Izuku agreed, giving him a small smile. “But the amount of back story that arc gives us definitely makes it the best.”
“You’re such a nerd,” Katsuki huffed, allowing the smirk he’d been fighting play at the corners of his lips. “Let’s see how much worse your opinions can get. Favorite villain?”
“Tch. All for One. You keep on disappointing.”
Izuku gave him a tiny pout and threw a grape at him, the tiny fruit hitting Katsuki above his eyebrow.
Katsuki growls and doesn’t waste a moment as he menacingly lifts his half-eaten onigiri, a playful smile growing on his face as Izuku giggles his way through half-hearted pleas.
Katsuki settles for not wasting a delicious onigiri, but did not mind wasting a couple of grapes, much to Izuku’s relief.
As Katsuki walks back home later that afternoon, he feels a strange yet pleasant warmth settle in his chest.
It’d been a good morning.
Later that evening, as he’s settling into bed his phone chirps beside him.
When he unlocks the screen he’s met with a single line.
Thank you for the best day in a while, Kacchan. <3
Katsuki’s heart squeezes in his chest, before thrumming as fast as a hummingbird’s wings as he types out his reply.
Yeah it was pretty all right. Night Deku.
September, Year 1
“Wait,” Izuku interrupted Katsuki, his face aghast. He held a hand up in front of Katsuki and stared at him with wide eyes. “You’re saying I already missed your birthday?”
The two were currently sat in a quiet corner of the library they’d claimed as their own earlier in the school year, hurriedly typing up a lab report that was due in exactly two hours—or at least Katsuki was attempting to, Izuku already seeming to have grown bored of the work in front of him and proven to be a great distraction.
“Six months ago.” he clarified, with a roll of his eyes at Izuku’s annoyingly endearing dramatics. “It was before I even met you.”
“But we got to celebrate my birthday.” Izuku pointed out, his bottom lip jutting out slightly. “We should celebrate belatedly!”
“Only because you practically forced me to come to your house for your birthday dinner.” Katsuki deadpanned as he pushed the glasses he almost never wore up the bridge of his nose, not moving his eyes away from the screen in front of him as he continued typing his lab report.
Nearly two weeks after their picnic, Katsuki had found himself inside the Midoriya household’s home for the first time, at a small celebration of Izuku’s birth.
He’d been nervous; Katsuki was never too comfortable visiting others’ homes and meeting parents—but he’d admittedly enjoyed himself.
“You had fun,” Izuku argued, leaning forward on the table. He set aside his books and laptop, having given up on working completely. “I’d never seen you laugh so much. I also didn’t think you could be so polite.”
Of course I was, the blond thought to himself. It was humanly impossible to be rude to Midoriya Inko; she was kindhearted and welcoming—not too different from her son.
“Fuck you,” Katsuki huffed and gave him an indignant look. “I can be polite. Mothers love me.”
That was a lie—Kirishima’s mother was perhaps the only mother that tolerated him aside from his own.
Izuku only smiled at him, reaching over to pat his forearm. “Well, at least my mother does. She thinks you’re great.”
Katsuki felt heat course flood his cheeks and goose pimples rise on his flesh at the velvety touch of Izuku’s warm fingers against his skin and pursed his lips, glancing away in embarrassment. “Well, yeah, I’m damned awesome.”
“I can’t say that I disagree with you. You’re a good friend to have, Kacchan.” Izuku tells him kindly.
Although Katsuki feels a small pool of warmth at the soft look in Izuku’s gaze, he can’t help the lump that builds in his throat, a small tug in his chest at his words.
A good friend.
Later that evening, as Katsuki sits alone in the semi-darkness of his empty dorm room, he's interrupted by a quiet knock at his door.
Standing at the doorway, arms full of snacks, a laptop, and the unmistakeable shiny cover of the limited edition DVD of All-Might: The Discovery of All for One was a messy-haired Midoriya Izuku.
"Why don't we get that belated birthday celebration going, Kacchan?" A wide grin and twinkling emerald orbs, look up at Katsuki's surprised face.
His stomach swoops, his palms dampen, his cheeks flush, his heart sings—
Katsuki learns.
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bright-molina · 7 years
Secret Santa
A/N: Day Three! This is probably like one of my top five favorites of what I have planned tbh. Let me know if you guys liked it as much as I liked thinking of all this lol. (Also it’s under the cut just cause this one’s a little longer)
“What’s the point of this again?” Mal asked, barely sparing a glance at the other side of the diner where Jasin was talking animatedly to Uma, Harry, Gil, and Kellan.
“I’ve told you like fifty times already,” Adelaide sighed as she scribbled everybody’s names down onto pieces of paper. “It’s fun. That and Eva and Ben insist on doing this every year and no one can talk them out of it”
“Right” Mal nodded simply and debated how she’d react if she drew one of their names. Nevertheless it was for Eva and as Adelaide had said, there was no arguing allowed.
“So this way we only buy something for one person?” Lana asked as she and Jane walked into the diner. They were the last ones to arrive and they watched as Eva ushered everyone over.
“Technically yes but I always get everyone something anyway” Jane shrugged as she hung her pastel blue coat on one of the hooks by the door.
“Makes sense” Lana said with a smile. She had already been planning what to get everyone for a couple weeks now.
“Okay so,” Eva’s voice caught everyone attention. It was a rare sight to see this group of people in particular gathered together without any arguments bubbling between them. Part of the reason they were so calm was simply because they were quite literally as far away from each other as possible. “Just reach in and pick a name. Only rules are that it can’t be yourself and you can’t tell anyone who you have”
“But what if I get someone I don’t like?” Harry asked as he reached into the hat where all the names had been mixed. He smirked when Eva rolled her eyes at him with ease.
“Suck it up” She said, watching as he opened the piece of paper before nodding once. The process continued until there was only a single piece of paper left for Eva. “Alright kids, we’ll exchange gifts the night before we head home. Good luck”
“You’ve known her for years, what do I get her?” Uma asked Kellan as the two of them and Lana sat at the highest point of Mount Olympus. It was the second time they had been up there in the past week. Needless to say they didn’t call Dionysus the party god for nothing.
“Stars” Kellan said after a couple seconds of staring off into the distance.
“Okay I think you’ve had too much of this” Uma snatched the bottle of wine Dionysus had gifted them out of Kellan’s hands as the three of them laughed together.
“No,” The two girls rolled their eyes playfully when he straight up giggled. “I mean Adelaide likes stars. Get her something star related”
“That’s...actually a pretty good idea,” Lana admitted reluctantly. “Even I didn’t know that”
“I can be smart sometimes” Kellan shrugged innocently before standing up, wobbling only a little bit. “Let’s go back, yeah? Things always start getting interesting right about now”
“What do you get someone who has literally everything?” Evie sighed as she finished hemming the bottom of the dress she was working on for Audrey.
“He’s pretty easy to shop for actually,” Adelaide chimed in from where she and Lonnie were finishing their History of Pirates project. “Just get him something a smart person would like”
“That doesn’t really help,” Evie laughed with a shake of her head. “Have you decided what to get Jay?”
Audrey was broken out of her concentration by Evie’s question. “Not yet” She shook her head lightly. “I’m still debating between a couple things”
“Get him whichever one is shiniest” Mal told her with a shrug. “Usually a good rule of thumb”
“I’ll keep that in mind” Audrey politely smiled in her direction before turning back towards Lonnie. “What about you?”
“Oh I bought Kellan’s gift a couple days ago. It’s hiding it from him that’s the problem” Lonnie shook her head in an amused manner while everyone laughed.
“All done, my dear,” Evie said as she finished pinning the last part of the dress in place. “Who’s next?”
“What about this one?”
“That’s cute!” Eva smiled as she and Jane huddled over the tablet on the table. “How about a darker blue though?”
“Good idea” Jane clicked a couple things on the screen before the color switched and both of them nodded in approval.
“Weren’t we supposed to be finalizing whatever it is we’re supposed to be looking at?” Jasin sighed as he spun around in his chair a couple more times.
“What he said” Chad looked up from the doodle on his page, almost hitting his head on the back of the chair.
“Why are you even here?” Jasin asked after a few more seconds when he realized neither Eva nor Jane were paying him any attention.
“That’s a great question” Chad nodded a couple times before going back to his doodle without another word. The door opened and Ben finally walked in, handing Lumiere a couple sheets of paper before closing the door behind him.
“Did you get it?” Eva asked him once he had sat down.
“Yeah, should be here in a week” Ben led out a sigh as he visibly relaxed.
“What should?” Jasin asked absentmindedly, still spinning in his chair.
“You can’t know,” Jane laughed easily as she locked the screen of the tablet and set it aside. “Ben got Uma for Secret Santa and there’s no way you can keep a secret from her”
“I can too!” Jasin argued. It wasn’t until he stopped spinning and saw the looks coming from all them, save Chad who was still doodling, that he sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I can’t”
“Hey!” Jay jogged down the boys hallway in Harry and Gil’s direction. Carlos sighed before following him down the hall. “You know Lana”
“So you’ve noticed” Harry leaned against the wall with ease, amused at the fact that they had changed so much as to act civilized around each other.
“Well,” Jay tried his best to hold back a snarky comment. “Which one do you think she’d like better?” He pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper with several different drawings on them.
“You did that?” Gil asked, eyes widened in surprise.
“Of course not. I’m paying Dizzy to make something” Jay shrugged with ease.
“I said the red one but he thinks one of the black ones” Carlos pointed out the designs he was talking about.
“Red” Harry said as he narrowed his eyes at the paper in concentration.
“What about that red one but in black” Gil easily pointed out the red design he was talking about.
“That’s a good idea” Jay nodded, jotting down the note on the back of the paper. “Or what if this part in black and this one in red”
“That’s better” Carlos agreed after contemplating the changes in his head. A few seconds of silence passed between the four of them before Jay cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Well, uh, thanks for the, uh, the help” He said and without another word they parted ways, trying not to think of the moment they had just shared.
“You know every year we say don’t tell anyone but that never works out does it?” Eva laughed as she and Audrey walked side by side. They had taken a break from classes and were walking through the mall, wandering in and out of different stores with their arms linked together.
“Should expect as much” Audrey laughed. Eva paid close attention to the things Audrey looked at and put back. She had almost everyone’s presents thought out already. Audrey’s was one of the only ones she had left and then it’d be done. Eva smiled as she thought of what day it was. Only twenty days left before Christmas, and it was going to be perfect.
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trickstercheebs · 7 years
A Devils Regret
alright here’s the second part to this fic, dont worry yall there’s a happy ending here for these two. once again using @shinyzango‘s 2D Bendy AU for fun times
Henry had been walking in a sullen silence for about ten minutes now..His chest ached horribly now..actually everything on him had taken on a dull throbbing after being thrown about like some childs doll..But he didn’t think mentioning it in his present company was in good manners..Speaking of the little Devil..Bendy had been silent since Henry had fished his page out of the ink..the only thing letting Henry know Bendy was still there was a soft series of sniffles and hiccups..
Bendy felt absolutely horrible..there was no way to put it lightly that what had happened shouldn’t of, that something had gone wrong and nearly cost someone their life. And the more Bendy thought about it, the worse he felt..Something had..overtaken him during the fight, he enjoyed getting rid of those pesky ink blobs like they always did..but when Henry had tried to get him to stop something else inside said no..He watched himself chase Henry down, a part of him even liked holding the animators life in his hands. That part of him made him sick to his stomach..he had put Henry in mortal danger and Henry forgave him!! He had nearly ripped Henry to bits, that part of him had wanted to do it too, but..something let him take the wheel and when he did everything fell apart. He was scared of himself, scared for Henry being here, and scared of what could of happened had he not somehow gotten control again. He was at a loss for what to do..the only idea that came to him made his tiny devil heart ache fiercely, and that was to part ways with Henry.
Henry of course had no idea any of this was going through the little Devils mind..But he had some inkling about what was upsetting him. Henry in truth had been scared seeing Bendy in such a state, even more so that he had wound up on the receiving end of that rage..But he would not place the blame on the poor Devil, judging by how hard Bendy had been sobbing, he had no real want to cause him harm...And therefore something else must of caused the reaction. The only real problem now would be to find out what sent Bendy into such a state..and getting the other to calm down long enough to realize Henry wasn’t mad at him. Looking about he spied a door, one that thankfully wasn’t locked. After everything that happened, Henry thought he could use a rest and some peace and quiet. And while he knew there were no beds to be found, a quiet room with a chair and a lockable door were the next best thing. Slipping inside and locking the door behind him, he was glad to see the normal, almost comforting sight of a basic animators desk and chair..the dim bulb hanging from above set everything into a lazy setting..It’d do nicely for what was possibly going to be a long talk.
Sitting down in the chair, Henry let out a soft appreciative groan that he was sure his legs would of mimic’d if they could. Setting the now quiet paper on the desk he scooted the chair forwards and fell to silence..How was he supposed to start? It wasn’t a easy subject to broach honestly..there was no real gentle way to ask what happened..But before Henry could even try to sound out a single word..a soft voice broke the silence first..
“...y-you should of just left me there on that wall Henry..I’m no better than those..those things dontcha see? I almost....I-I almost k-killed you..just..just leave me here ok? You’re better off without me...”
The little Devil’s voice was dripping with grief and sorrow, Henry could feel his own heart pang softly listening to the others words..They felt that strongly about their actions enough to want Henry to leave them here? No..he couldn’t leave Bendy like that..it only proved to him that Bendy was innocent here..
“...B-bendy don’t say that abou-”
“IT’S TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT HENRY! ..I..I couldn’t control myself..I could of ripped you to shreds and I just about did!”
“ That wasn’t your fault Bendy..you lost control of yourself..Something happened and it made you lose yourself, just calm down and think for a minute..what do you remember before..well it all fell apart?”
“It’s no use tryin to explain it Henry..I’m dangerous to you and I don’t..I don’t wanna hurt you ever again...you don’t deserve that..you deserve to get outta here and live the rest of your life..Not to worry about when some useless ink stain on a piece of paper might stab you in the back like th-!?”
A fist being slammed into the desk was the only thing that stopped Bendy’s self-depreciation spiral from continuing onward, the noise and impact making the little huddled shape jump in alarm. Henry was rarely angry without good reason, he thought of himself as a well grounded man at times..But watching Bendy dig himself further and further down had sparked something he wasn’t quite sure the name of was yet. But he was angry nonetheless..not at Bendy but the way how he was so quick to blame himself for a accident..It had to stop, and Henry had to do something before the little Devil would most likely think otherwise.
“Now that’s enough of that, not one more word alright Bendy? I want you to listen to me, and I want you to remember every word.. What you did was not your fault, and never will be, you understand? You are not just some useless ink stain Bendy, you’re a lot more than that..Now I want you to answer me truthfully here..did you ever feel like attacking me the last few times you..well took on that big form of yours?”
“ ....n-no? But Henry I still hu-”
“No buts Bendy, but see? The last few times you had complete control..Something must of been different this last time you see? Now..what was different from the other times? I want you to think carefully now Bendy..”
“I don’t see why this matters I’m...okay, okay..stop looking at me like that first and lemme think..”
Each time he had heard Bendy protest and tell him it was pointless..Henry had adopted a rather stern glare..The little Devil couldn’t help but do as told when met with that sort of look, but he couldn’t quite understand why..
“Alright...well..there was a lot more ink than usual..it was up to your waist right? So..there were more of those blob things too..But last time there were alot of them too..and I didn’t lose control..Henry I don’t get it..”
“ Well you were right on both parts so far..Whenever you become that bigger version of yourself it’s always to settle a quick fight...But last time took alot longer didn’t it? We were fighting and clearing a path for a little while..”
“...Were we? I..I can’t remember, I was busy fighting all of them..I remember it being fun, knowing you were behind me fighting too..T..then all I felt like doing was fighting....A-and next thing I knew I was about to...about to..”
“Shhh..it’s alright Bendy..I think I know what might of caused this...”
“ Y-you do? What is it Henry?”
“...I think it was time..Or..how long you were stuck like that? Thinking back on the last few times you were like that..it was only for a few minutes at most..But, last time was a lot longer..I think this ink does something to you in that form..the longer you stay like that it might cause you to lose yourself..I mean look at the paper, it’s almost falling apart it’s so soaked....Actually why don’t we fix that real fast..?”
It wasn’t hard to find a blank sheet of paper and a pen to draw another line for Bendy to stand on..With a bit of coaxing he eventually transferred over to the new sheet..Henry could still see that he was upset about the whole event..But there was a slight general improvement at least..
“There..a little bit better. “
“ But Henry..w-what if it happens again? What if the next time I turn I end up finishing the job? ...A-aren’t you scared of me? Aren’t you scared I’d goof up and just..become another one of those blobs?”
“...Bendy..It won’t happen again, I promise you it won’t. And I’m not scared of you either..in fact I trust you wholeheartedly..I know what you did was not your fault, and accidents happen you know. I’m still here and so are you..and I’m not going to leave you behind..now or ever..”
“ ...h-henry...”
Bendy was slowly devolving back into tears again...but thankfully it wasn’t due to sadness. Listening to Henry still having such faith in him..he felt like he didn’t deserve someone like that believing in him, especially when he didn’t. Even after nearly taking his head off Henry still wanted to have him around..the little Devil couldn’t contain the happy feeling welling up in him as it began to leak out from his eyes...He quietly told himself he’d make Henry proud from now on, and that he’d do whatever it took to keep the man safe..
Henry gave a tired smile at last, he had finally managed to talk some sense into the upset little doodle..Along with figure out what had possibly caused the accident in the first place. He’d have to keep a eye out on the other should he lend a hand again..Henry couldn’t think about seeing the little Devil so distressed again..Now that things had been patched up, a long yawn worked its way free of the animator.
“..you tired Henry?”
“ A little bit yeah..I was thinking of catching a bit of sleep before we carried on, you don’t mind do you? “
“ No no, you need your sleep big guy..I might join you even, even Devils need a bit of shut eye right?”
“Heh..right, we should be safe in here for a few winks anyways...”
Shifting some he gently picked the paper up off the desk before shuffling the few pieces of furniture around to where he could comfortably sit in the chair and prop his feet up. Once things were settled, Henry hunkered down with the paper laid over his chest gently..The light wasn’t bright enough to bother him..and thankfully it was just warm enough in the studio to not worry about a blanket..Letting his eyes slip shut Henry let himself relax fully for what was possibly the first time since entering the studio..
“Night Henry..sleep tight..”
“ Goodnight Bendy..”
The little Devil didn’t quite go to sleep as fast as Henry did, instead they remained awake listening to the others restful state take over. The animators hand almost acting as a warm blanket of sorts, keeping the page he was on safely tucked against his chest..It was almost like a hug Bendy thought..comforting in ways he didn’t realize he had needed after all that had happened..Listening to Henrys soft..almost nasally snores he let himself drift off at last for some shut eye...
Hours later, both had woken up feeling marginally better than when they had gone to sleep..Well sans a few stiff joins and possible bruises forming here and there..But aside from that Henry felt better about things..Specially when he was greeted by that happy little voice he had grown so fond of. A quick peek outside had proved the halls safe enough to walk back out into to continue their “adventure” into the unknown depths of the studio..However before Henry could get too far Bendy stopped him with a odd request..One that found him taking the little Devil back to the ink flooded portion of the hall once more..
“...Are you sure you want to do this Bendy? There’s nothing wrong with avoiding the ink for a while until you’re ready..”
“No Henry..I-I gotta be sure, you know? We can’t dodge all the ink down here..I wanna be sure of things so...so I don’t have another accident an get you in danger..”
“..Alright, I understand..”
It didn’t take Henry that long to return to the spot where it had all happened..Looking down at the piece of paper, Bendy gave him a nod to let him know he was ready..and set the paper down into the ink..At first nothing happened..But slowly a form began to take shape..It wasn’t quite as big, but still rather tall compared to Henry..He got the vague idea Bendy was metaphorically dipping his feet into the waters. Instead of the bulky figure he had seen several times before..was a much slender version, a foot or two taller than Henry was. There was clear evidence that Bendy looked nervous but hopeful as he looked over at Henry expectantly..
“..How you holding up so far lil buddy? Everything good?”
Bendy seemed to stare at his hands for a moment or two, flexing them a bit before nodding and giving a bit of a small smile. Looks like things had gone well so far for the little Devil, Henry thought.
“ Alright..you wanna call it quits for now? ...Bendy?”
Instead of reverting back to his usual state Bendy seemed to want to test his luck fully..Henry watched as the form swelled a bit..slowly becoming the more larger version Henry was more familiar with..When the transformation had stopped..Henry noticed Bendys face was screwed shut in fearful expectation..That feeling slowly crept back into Henrys mind..no matter what form the other took he was still just that goofy little Devil to him..and one that was afraid of himself. Deciding to help out just a bit..Henry reached out to lay a hand on the others shoulder, making the hulking Devil flinch in surprise. Cracking open his one eye he looked down at Henry with what looked like a mix of worry and surprise..
“See? Nothing to worry about big fella..You didn’t have to test it out, but you did..I’m proud of ya Bendy, long as we mind that time limit there’s nothing to worry about right? I’ll be sure to k-ah, Bendy what?”
Something about the words “Proud of you” had made the floodgates open up once again..Henry was..proud of him?? He was scared this entire time..Scared that the second he saw Henry he’d want to attack..But Henry was right after all, he could control it and Henry had trusted him from the get go..Relief had welled up in his heart as it sank in. Henry had absolute faith in him to do his best..even after all that..Henry quickly found himself wrapped up in another inky hug..the Devils head resting on top of his own as fat inky tears rolled down his face.. Henry couldn’t help but smile and comfort the sappy doodle with a few pats and a hug in return.
“ Shhh it’s okay..You did great just now Bendy..I told you it’d be alright didn’t I?”
While he thought it a big comical trying to calm down someone big enough currently to carry him, he was happy things had finally gotten back to normal. Bendy eventually returned to his normal paper bound state and the two of them resumed their walk down the halls. The two of them in much brighter spirits now than before, and now a great deal closer as well.
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skywailer · 7 years
✉️ hii so im like an outgoing person who has their shy moments. i love tigers. i dont really have a fav song but rn i love learn to let go by kesha. when i listen to music i love to go all in and like do a mini performance. emerald green is my fav color. winter is my fav season cause the snow is so pretty. im always ready to fight. not like fist fighting but more of im ready to defend anyone. might get me into trouble one day but oh well. i hope thats enough and i love ur writing omg
I am the exact same when it comes to music, and favorite seasons lol.  Thank you so much and that’s definitely good material (plus blog stalking).  Here you go!
Wanna know what your first year at Hogwarts looks like through caffeinated eyes?
how you got your Hogwarts acceptance letter: you’d been traveling for the summer with family, and though you hadn’t said much about it: you were keeping track of the days.  Not to say you didn’t enjoy your vacation, but you were 12 years old, and you knew very well what that meant.  Or at least, what it should mean.  So, you were highly aggressive about getting back home within the week that you were supposed to receive It.  It’s a just a letter, you’d tell yourself, but your feet were dancing to get inside, to see if it’d arrived.  But you’ve done the count, and you were in time.  So, you spent the next day listening to music, waiting close to the door, feet itching, when the mail door creaked open and in slid one, crisp letter.  Right into your hands, before it could dare touch the floor.  Again, it’s just a letter, but it’s The Letter that you’ve wanted- were slightly worry you might not get because your magic actually hasn’t surfaced yet.  But that was it, you were fine.  Your name was written in loving script on the envelope, it’s yours, and you breathed a sigh of relief and joy.  You wouldn’t have to tell your family some lie to get to the doors of Hogwarts.  You’re magic, and you are psyched.
head canons about your trip on the Hogwarts Express: going through the wall was a little too much fun for you, to be honest.  You wanted to freak out the muggles a little bit by just standing half-in, half-out, maybe making a little jig out of it, but your friends were quick to yank you through to the other side (rats!).  You’re one of the new students who, thankfully, is not completely fresh-faced nor side-tracked by the spectacle of people rushing to and fro.  You know where you want to go, and who you want to go with.  Your friends, a mixture of students your age and some Hogwarts veterans who’ll show you the ropes, are a small group that pushes through the noisy herd and claims a cabin for good measure.  Most of the trip is spent in good company, swapping tips about how best to avoid awkward ghost encounters, quickest routes to and from classes so you can spend more time having fun and less time running around like a chicken with your head cut off, and the Slytherins of the group are full of cheat-sheets for success that sound both extremely tempting, but a little bit too easy for you.  At one point, you grow curious to see what the rest of your school populace looks like and, when the conversation dies down, adventure kicks in and you’re out and about searching for the candy trolley (and chasing down a few chocolate frogs you ‘accidentally’ knocked loose of the cart) and you gravitate towards the groups that linger in the corridor- the ones that are loud and laughing, with stories to tell that you want to hear… but you keep most of your stories to yourself for now.
what happened when you went head-to-head hat with the sorting hat: you saw green long before your feet touched the steps leading up to the sorting hat.  You knew exactly where you wanted to be, but were a little unsure if the house would welcome you - even with all the friends you’d made on the train, and before then.  There were cheers from the Slytherin second and third years you’d already bonded with through family ties, and even friends from your year - the ones who didn’t get Slytherin, even though they thought they would - were grinning when you sat upon the stool.  But their sudden change in fate gave your feet the jitters again, and they thump hard on the floor as the hat is laid upon your head; after all, your parents were both from a very different house, and maybe you’ll be like them?  You recited a song in your head to keep your cool, keep the feelings from bursting like mad when the hat cries out “Slytherin!”  Before the “s-” was even out, the table roared with the new edition, though your friends already knew who you were, and so did you- but that moment solidified everything.  
who’s your squad: Hilariously enough, despite the rivalries, you have loads of friends from Gryffindor.  Their sense of adventure attracts you and you’re known to fraternize with the enemies (Ginny and Harry specifically, but also Lee Jordan and sometimes the Weasley twins).  But your Slytherin pals forgive you, because you’re a tough cookie and they know who you’d fight for.  They’d fight for you, too.  Because of this, you’ve made such pals as Pansy Parkinson, who’d take a blow to the knee for you- or well, would blow someone in the knee for you.  Because you’d do the same.  She’s protective of you, but she can also be Quite A Basket Case to you sometimes and you’ve gotten in your share of arguments, especially about blood status.  To balance her influence out, you hang with Astoria Greengrass, and the Patil sisters who stimulate your thirst for knowledge and neutralize you.  When you’re around them, you can relax long enough to enjoy the things around you, and they love your energy and how it lets them unwind, too. 
general first-year shenanigans you were up to while Harry was being Harry:
your first year is during That Time when a hairy Azkaban escapee was rumored to be roaming the Forbidden Forest, and werewolves were a thing, and that was the best and worst news you’d ever heard.  You were, on multiple occasions, caught with your posse trying to go out in mock search of the adrenaline rush and possible heroics of catching a wanted man (and you were actually really freaking relieved you got caught, to be honest).  
You picked a fight with Peeves once for egging a friend of yours.  It didn’t end well for him.
On that same day, Draco thought it was in his best interest to say Something Stupid and you got him real good.  His hair hasn’t been the same since.  And he still has a bit of a haunted look in his eyes, really.
And how many times has someone caught you dancing in between bookshelves at the library?  Too many times to count.  You’ve claimed, every time, that a song got stuck in your head and you had to get it out somehow, and thus got sidetracked from doing your class research.  You aced the test, anyway so who cares.
during winter, you’re less rowdy and have been known to wander around in the snow, making doodles on the ground.  You especially liked hanging around the Quidditch Pitch and watching people practice.  You couldn’t wait to try out one day.
on campus, you became known as That Girl who refuses to deal with sexism and stupidity at Hogwarts.  You’re a viper of justice, and have been known to viciously wound idiot Slytherin boys who think they know how girls work- when obviously they need to hit the books again.  But your hearing wasn’t and still isn’t biased; you’ve lashed out at a few girls, too, for downgrading others and to hear a little thing like you yell is something no one wants to see, anymore.  So, people started to behave.  And respected you.
despite your ability to keep people in check, you were dumbfounded when people do the same for you.  Your magic has struggled to the surface and it ate at your self-esteem at times; what Slytherin can’t summon their magic?  And you could be hostile about it, were known to keep it to yourself: the worry, the self-doubt and the fear that you might not be able to ever match the fire in your heart to your wand.  But even though you were quiet, your friends heard you and protected you.  Like you’ve protected them.  
When Hogwarts is put into lock down thanks to That Hairy Guy, Sirius Black, and everyone is placed in the Great Hall, Pansy is the one who bunkered down next to you and told you how it is, how it’s gonna go, and the next day she kicking your butt into magical shape.
Your magic finally kicked into full gear with a blast of blinding light: your patronus- the tiger.
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