#so i tried to go to bed at 8:30 but my cat was in my bed and i didn't want to bother him so i went back downstairs
kittyhazelnut · 2 years
#so i tried to go to bed at 8:30 but my cat was in my bed and i didn't want to bother him so i went back downstairs#i tried to sleep on the couch downstairs at 10ish and the air was really cold and dry bc of how that room is positioned and I couldn't#so now im back in my room (my cat's under the bed so we're good in that sense)#AND MY CHEST IS DOING THAT STUPID GROWLING THING AGAIN UGHHHHH#HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN MY CHEST IS VIBRATING AND GROWLING AT ME#not to mention that my fever went away for like three hours today and then came back and I'm pretty sure I've got a fever rn#even though I've been taking advil or Tylenol every two hours so it SHOULD GO THE FUCK AWAY#and now my face feels like it's going to light my pillow on fire#which is the very reason i finally gave up trying to sleep after 6ish hours of lying in bed last night#god fucking dammit#and ofc I still have my flu symptoms like my super sore throat that makes it painful to talk or swallow and my super congested sinuses#i not going to survive this stupud flu i stg#covid was so easy it was just a sinus nightmare and i had a killer headache but at least i got to sleep 16 hours a day#I've probably alept six hours in the last two and a half days#and this is the first time ive felt even kinda vaguely tired (despite taking melatonin every night)#at what point do i literally turn the shower on super hot and sleep on the bathroom floor i stg#i can just put a sign on top of me so if my parents find me they don't think i just passed out or something#/j#but like. is it really.#because i did take a shower last night and then i did take another at 6 am just for the hot steam and it really did help#hghhhhh#if im back on tumblr in the next hour I've failed
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dawnoftime22 · 3 months
| T.S
Warnings: no talking from R, a very light nightmare, and panicked/fast heartrate
Summary: Taylor was doing her work in the middle of the night while you slept, until you had suddenly received a nightmare, leading to Taylor to help you fall asleep.
Word Count: 1k
Category: Fluff
A/N: you guys...I hit 500 followers and I'm BEYOND in disbelief. I'm so so happy I wanna squeeze each and every one of you in a hug!! I loooove you all sm - I'm thinking of doing a special for it, although I would have to push myself a little and get my motivation back up. who knows, I'm hoping to maybe do a comfort week where I post comforting fics each day in a week for the times that anyone needs them :]
| Started on 28/06/2024, 2:26 AM |
| Finished on 28/06/2024, 8:30 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
“My, my, your gentle voice, oh, to be softly soothed with as I fall asleep.”
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|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
You were asleep, laying on the bed with your breathing deep and soft. It was quiet, a peaceful atmosphere as the cats, too, were sleeping.
Taylor was still awake. But it wasn't without reasons, as she had emails and work to do before tomorrow arrives, and also a melody stuck in her head too.
She had told you to sleep before her earlier, just because she knows you've had a long, exhausting day as she did. Even though you tried to stay up to accompany her, it was obvious you weren't able to keep your eyes open, so, a few minutes of cuddling had you sleeping within seconds.
The laptop screen made her squint through the dimly lit room, reading the words of a document, or her notes she had to check for anything she's forgotten.
A yawn escapes her mouth, and as her fingers made the keyboard keys clack with her typing, she felt herself getting sleepy.
Her eyes travel to the clock. It was 2 am. The night was still young, really, for any nights she's ever wanted to stay up for. But she wouldn't deny some sleep for now, especially with you already in slumber.
Deciding she needed at least a break, she makes sure everything is saved and mostly done on her laptop before looking to the side to grab her phone.
The screen was unlocked after seeing a picture of you and her, with Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin at the bottom. A smile raises upon her lips, her eyes going to your, thankfully, still sleeping figure.
She closes her laptop and set it aside before scooting closer to you slightly, then returning to her phone. The screen shows instagram loading up, and she uses her index finger to scroll, seeing posts and stories of her friends and other celebrities.
The gentle hum of her voice quietly sounds out, a smile still on her face, which raised up further at the sight of one of your posts; a photo of your hand, intertwined with hers, but a small cat paw joined in, atop the back of your hands.
She remembered when that happened. It was when you were sitting on the living room couch together, watching a movie. Taylor had reached your hand up to leave a soft kiss, and was about to settle it back down comfortably, when Benjamin's fluffy paw had come out of nowhere to touch your intertwined hands.
She scrolls a bit more, seeing Gracie's video of the fire in her kitchen. Again, Benjamin had come into the scene, but he was confuzzled with what he walked into. Taylor didn't even notice he was there when the situation was happening-- especially not when she was cursing at a fire extinguisher hoping her house wasn't going to burn down while Gracie was mindlessly holding up her phone.
She went to type a comment to the video, her thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard, but just as she did, she saw the smallest movement of your stirring in the corner of her vision.
Taylor senses the chance of your awakening, and her eyes lock onto your face with concern. But then, you had jolted out of your sleep with a sharp breath, your eyes snapping open.
Even with her surprise, she catches herself to gently wrap her arm around you, careful not to scare you further as she pulls you closer.
You look around panickly before you felt her hand moving in a soothing rhythm at your back. You find her blue eyes in the darkness, and she could see the vulnerability gleaming in yours.
Her face softens, and her hand moves up so she could gently make you lean against her forehead. "Shhh, it's alright." She whispers, letting go of her phone to wrap both her arms around you, making sure her phone was beside her instead of in between the both of you, just in case she accidentally moves atop it.
With a slow, gentle breath you let out, you snuggle close to her, your nose brushing against her neck, tickling the skin ever so slightly.
Although she was concerned, she could see it in your form; you were calm on the outside, but your rapid heart told otherwise. It was clear. You had a small nightmare, but thankfully not one enough to terrify all your being.
Taylor looks down, tilting her head to take a little peek at you. The tiredness and sleepiness was still in your eyes, the yawn that escapes your mouth told it further.
She smiles softly, turning to lay a soft kiss against the side of your head. Her hand was kept on your back, moving in a soothing motion still.
Minutes passed by, the white noise of the fan and A/C sounding through the room, and her own yawn coming from her mouth.
With a check on you again, she saw your eyes half open, but also not fully closed. The movement of your hand fiddling on her necklace also was a clear sign. You were having difficulty falling back asleep, and she knew you needed a small push.
With a gentle deep intake of breath that she releases slowly, she closes her eyes, leaning into you. A soft hum starts to quietly sound from her, a familiar melody that had your bleary eyes traveling up to her.
"I spy with my little tired eye, tiny as a firefly..."
"A pebble that we picked up..."
"Last july..."
All that filled the space now was her whispered words, starting to lull you to sleep. Her hands lovingly run through your hair, in hopes that it will calm you. With the melting relaxation of your body, it indeed did.
"Down deep inside your pocket,"
She smiles softly, looking at you once more with a warm smile, even while she too, was sleepy, it almost made it even sweeter.
"...We almost forgot it..."
"Does it ever miss wicklow...sometimes?"
Your eyes had grown heavier, and she watches as they finally close. Your breaths dissolve into a steadier, slower rhythm, and her humming matches with the timing.
"Mm, mm..." She hums softly, continuing on with her lullaby, until she too starts to fall asleep herself, joining you in slumber.
They said the end is coming...
Everyone's up to something...
I find myself runnin' home to your...sweet nothings...
Outside, they're push and shoving...
You're in the kitchen, humming...
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @escapereality4music @fawnedolly @justgayloringeverthrone @lovelyy-moonlight @stevecore @midastouch013 @liloandstitchstan @maleahoswick @raven-ss
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viscerax · 5 months
It wasn't often that Katsuki Bakugo stayed up late. He typically went to bed around 8:30, and he was very strict to adhere to his schedule. However, after a particularly fitful bout of attempted sleep, he figured he would bite the bullet now, and get up to make some tea to hopefully help him calm down. He enjoyed the dorms at night. They were quiet, and it left him some time to himself, something he did not get very often.
The sound of the dormitory door closing is what alerted Bakugo. It was... awfully late for anyone to be up, let alone sneaking into the dorms. Although, he supposed he wasn't one to talk. He was up as well, but he wasn't speaking out- well, in.
He peered at the door from the corner of his eye, only to see a green tuft of hair disappear past the corner and down the hall. Bakugo got up from his spot on the couch, leaving his tea pot behind to follow often who could only be Izuku.
He heard the other boy mumbling, and he couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or somebody else.
"- shhh... you can't make any noise!" Midoriya muttered into... his book bag?
Bakugo tried to strain his ears to hear more, but then Midoriya quickly whipped his head back, as if he had sensed him.
"Ah!" Midoriya shouted before using one hand to cover his own mouth, using the other to hold onto his book bag.
"Deku? What the actual fuck are you doing out this late?" Bakugo whispered-yelled. He looked Midoriya up and down and- wait. Was his book bag fucking moving?
"Kacchan! I was just uhm! Going for a walk! Yeah!" Midoriya quickly excused, but Bakugo didn't buy it for even a second, and Midoriya could tell.
Bakugo quirked an eyebrow. "A walk?"
"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Bakugo scoffed, almost offended that Izuku thought that would work on him for even a second.
"N-no! Of course not!" Midoriya quickly cleared up, although Bakugo's gaze didn't lighten.
"What are you actually doing?" Bakugo questioned again, sparing a glance to Izuku's wiggling book bag.
Midoriya let out a soft sigh. "Okay... please don't tell anyone..." Izuku hummed and ushered Bakugo to come closer. Bakugo inched forward, and peered into Izuku's bag.
"Is that a fuckin-"
"SHHH!" Midoriya quickly silenced bakugo with a hand over his mouth. Inside the bag peered a wide eyed kitten, soft and multicolored fur looking tangled and ratty.
"Why are you sneaking a kitten into the dorm?" Bakugo scolded, glancing up at Izulu and then back down to the kitten.
"He uhm... he comes around all the time. I started feeding him and then he started following me in the building and its going to rain tonight and he's such a small guy he'd probably freeze to death out there so I couldn't just leave him and so I figured I could bring him in tonight and then re-home him tommorow!" Midoriya explained in one long winded breath. Bakugo just stared for a few moments, before looking back to the kitten.
"Whats his name?" Bakugo asked, reaching a hand into the bag as the kitten gently rubbed against him. He pet it a few times, before withdrawing his hand, acting like he did not give a fuck about the very soft... very adorable kitten.
"What? Oh uhm.... its... All Meowt." Izuku whispered, and bakugo almost let out a laugh. How perfectly nerdy and creative for Izuku.
"All Meowt?" Bakugo asked, biting down a smile.
"Y-yeah. Like All Might." Midoriya explained, and Bakugo scoffed.
"Yeah, I know, nerd." The once teasing name was said with almost an endearing edge. "How are you going to keep it hidden without Aizawa finding out?"
Deku shrugged, hugging the bag close to him again. "I dunno... keep it in my dorm until I find someone who will take it...? Or maybe he'd let us keep it! He seems like the type to like cats!"
Bakugo shrugged. "Yeah, but he's also a stickler for the rules. I guess you'll find out tommorow."
"Yeah... I guess so. Well, I'm going to try and sneak him into my room. Goodnight Kacchan!"
"Goodnight De- Izuku." Bakugo bit back the old insult he used to use on Izuku, although it felt weird after calling him nothing but for the last 10 years of their life. Midoriya smiled at Bakugo in a way that made his stomach tense up, and he quickly turned around to attend to the tea he had left on the stove.
After fixing and drinking his tea, Bakugo tip-toed through the halls back to his dorm. However, on his way, he saw the light of Izuku's dorm peeking out from under his door. He figured that checking in on the kitten wouldn't do him any harm, he supposed.
He knocked quietly on Izuku's door, and heard scrambling and "Shit!" From the other side. He leaned closer to the door and cupped his hands around his mouth, whispering "It's just me, you damn nerd."
After a few long seconds, Midoriya opened the door, looking up at Bakugo.
"I wanted to see if you had gotten caught yet." Which was Bakugos way of saying he wanted to check in on All Meowt.
"O-oh! No, I haven't. Uhm- do you want to see him?" Midoriya whispered and moved to the side so Bakugo could come inside. Bakugo stepped past Izuku without answering his question, finding All Meowt curled up on Izuku's All Might comforter.
Bakugo walked over and pet the kitten on his head, which caused him to wake up, blinking sleepy eyes up at him. He stood up and rubbed against Bakugo's thigh, which prompted him to gently pick him up and hold him to his chest, a moment of gentleness he would've been more embarrassed of around anyone else. He sat on the floor, setting All Meowt in his lap. The kitten purred and curled up in Bakugo's lap.
"He seems like he likes you." Izuku chuckled, sitting next to Bakugo and petting the kitten in his lap.
"You think?" Bakugo remarked sarcastically, glancing over as Izuku scooted ever closer to him.
"Hm... no nevermind. He definitely likes me more." Izuku teased, and Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah, sure. Because he's curled up and purring in your lap right now, isn't he?" Bakugo scoffed.
There was a long moment of silence, although it was comfortable and natural. He wasn't sure how long it had been, but before he was aware of it, Midoriya was snoring lightly against his shoulder, and Bakugo was struggling to keep his eyes open. He told himself that he was only staying there for All Meowt, and definitely not because he may or may not have enjoyed the feeling of Izuku relying on him.
Bakugo woke up to the sound of snickers and a flash of light in his face.
"Guys! Stop! Kacchan is going to kill you all! And probably me too!" Bakugo opened his eyes to find he was laying on the floor, holding a sleeping All Meowt in his arms. He looked up and saw Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima surrounding him, snickering and taking pictures of him from all angles.
He immediately stood up, setting All Meowt down on Izuku's bed to chase after them, small explosions coming from his hand, but they were long gone.
He chased them down the halls, capturing Kirishima, and giving him a few blasts. Izuku watched from his room, trying not to smile as he held All Meowt in his hands.
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happyanderes · 1 year
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Stalker x reader
⚠︎Warnings: Yandere, stalking, drug usage(movie chloroform)
This is an oldie, so no drawings of the guy:>
Unless someone wants to see it
Word count:1.6k
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If you’re reading this letter, I hope you read it to the end. 
You have the right to know everything written in here.
The first time I met you was exactly three months ago, it was a fraction of a second. you walked past me with hurried steps, I was deep in thought.
At that moment, a question that popped in my head.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
……Only one way to find out. 
It was an experiment, and I chose you to be my participant.
To be honest, it could’ve been anyone walking there, you were just unlucky, I guess.
So I took the plan into action and turn around to follow you home. The first thing I learned about you was that you walk really fast, as if you’re in a hurry. 
But I was faster, you were relaxed, I can hear the little tune you were humming along with the music from your earphones. You liked that song a lot back then, but it changed to another lately, right?
Anyways, you were in your little world, I didn’t even have to hide the sound of my footsteps. Well, nobody is prepared for a stalker, not even me, perhaps.
I learned so much about you just that night, you would play with the straps on your bag, twist your fingers in them. Did you notice that little habit? It looks like you want your hand to be held.
And the way you breathe was quite adorable, sometimes you take deeper breaths as if you forgot to breathe.
You were a complete stranger to me, not my type, even.
But those little details were quite intriguing, so I continued on with my “research”.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
For the first two weeks, I followed you through you going between work and home, at 8:30 sharp, but you often leave late, looking tired, were you being picked on? I later knew that it was in fact, true. Poor you, but it’ll get better, I’ll make sure of that.
By following you, I learned quite a lot, your favorite foods in the convenience store, how you would get all excited when you see a stray cat, or someone walking a dog. 
But that wasn’t enough, I can see you have a mask on when you’re outside, always smiling, always so composed.
So, I did what I have to, I broke in your house. It was so easy, who hides their spare keys in somewhere so obvious? So I took it and had someone make a copy, they didn’t suspect a thing, even laughed and told me to be careful with my keys, after all, who would know they’d encounter a stalker in real life? It’s amusing.
I haven’t felt such emotions in a long time, the fear of being caught, the excitement of sneaking around, the interesting feeling when I think about how nobody suspected me.
Strangely, I didn’t feel guilt, I mean, never had. 
Anyways, I went in your apartment, it was way smaller than what I’ve expected, and quite messy, must I add. But it holds a certain charm to it, how you really are is so obvious just by seeing this room, I find it cute, how your pajamas are lying on the bed, how you forgot to leave the cap of your toothpaste on. Always, you go to work in a hurry and come home so late, do you have time for anything?
The first day was a little dangerous, I was so into the photo albums and the trinkets you collect in your room I almost forgot the time, I went past you when you were on the ground floor, but you didn’t seem to notice me, you looked so tired, no matter how much make up you put on it couldn’t hide those dark circles.
I felt bad for you, but I can’t help out yet, the experiment will last for three months.
Can someone know everything about a person when the other doesn’t?
After that, I often visit your house, in fact, I visit every day when you were not there. I would go in, look at all your things, then leave before sun down.
It was when I tried to go in your computer and faced a password did I realize that I don’t know your name yet. 
So I went through all your stuff, finding some mail and your passport, found your password, your name and your birthday isn’t a good combination, by the way, someone bad might figure it out.
It’s too late for that, apparently.
The stuff you have in there is just, so interesting.
First of all, you should block that guy who’s keep messaging you instead of dragging it on! Why are you giving him hope? He’s disturbing you and that alone is enough for him to die a thousand times.
Next, interesting taste in fictions. We might make a good couple.
Unfortunately, I didn’t think about it too much at the time, the need to do an experiment was replaced by the excitement rather than attachment or emotions towards you, of course, I felt attached to you, but it wasn’t strong……not yet.
Then after a month or so, I went through everything I could find, including your computer, I even read all the manga and stuff to get to know you more……and I hate to admit it, but it wasn’t half bad, some had nice plots.
But at some point, I couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing you, so I went back to stalking you. I’ve gone a little rusty, but same as always, you didn’t feel it, it was a little frustrating to be honest, I don’t want you to notice me in this experiment, but at the same time I wanted you to turn your head around and use those beautiful eyes to look at me, to notice me, to show all those emotions and little details to me. I must have gone crazy……if I wasn’t at the start. 
We are only halfway through the experiment, and I’ve known so, so, so much about you, all those adorable little quirks, the real side of you, you became so beautiful in my eyes when I started stalking you again, for a moment, I thought you were an angel, not the biblical accurate ones you’ve seen in fictions, the ones people think about.
It was then I realized, I have fallen, not that deep yet, but…... 
If I stopped the experiment could we still be strangers back then? 
Can we?
No, it was too late for that……
Just following you wasn’t enough anymore, just going through your albums isn’t enough anymore, just looking through every post you made on social media isn’t enough anymore.
I have to……no, need to touch you.
It was the biggest risk I’ve taken by far, It would be the end if I was caught.
But it was so tempting, to touch your hair, your face…..to hold your hand and kiss your nose. 
I enjoy petting your hair a lot, whenever I touch them, I can’t get my hand off it it, and how comfortable you look when I pet you even when you’re sleeping. 
And the way your nose would scrunch up whenever I kiss you, as if it tickles you is just so cute.
That was just so adorable I couldn’t help but kiss you again and again, in your forehead, your eyelids, your cheeks, and your lips. They were soft, but a little dry.
It became routine, everyday when you’re fast asleep I would go in your house and just look at you, if I was feeling bold I’d touch you some more.
But it’s not enough, it’ll never be enough.
I haven’t slept well ever since I met you that day, I was making notes, or planning things, you never leave my head, every second of my life was surrounded by you, but the fact that you don’t know me was driving me crazy, you did all of this unconsciously.
By the time I realized, it’s only a week until this experiment ends. I learned about anything I could possibly learn about you, the way you talk to the people you like, the way you talk to the people you dislike, the little habit you have when you’re tense, I fell madly in love with you.
But there’s one thing I don’t know about you.
What would you do when you talk to me?
What face would you make when you see me?
Some stranger who knows all about you?
I think I have an inkling.
I can predict what you do easily, it’s amusing.
Anyways, I took a little time off from you and got some……supplies, I’ll put it that way. I’ve decorated our new place in the way you like, I hope you would appreciate it. I should be in your house by now, remember to take a deep breath.
I’ll come and get you in……
(Suddenly, you feel someone breathing on your neck)
(when did the door click open? )
“Ah ah ah, don’t run.”
(An arm was wrapped around your waist)
”The experiment was successful, I know aAaaLlll about you.”
(A cloth covered your mouth and your nose, you try to struggle, but it’s getting dizzy.)
“But it’s time for you to know about me. After all, it’s only fair for you to know all about me when I know you so well.”
(Your consciousness is fading, you tried to attack the person behind you, but you don’t have any strength anymore.)
“Can’t wait to have those pretty eyes looking at me.”
(You lose conscious)
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paikothecateater · 2 days
What does Denmark do when his baby brothers are ill? (Basically asking for anko family fluff) (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
Alrighty. Let's do this.
Denmark always wakes up at around 6-6:30 am. He doesn't particularly enjoy being up alone, but Iceland usually wakes up around 7:30am, so it should be fine. He and Iceland have made a habit of spending the first few hours of the morning together, eating breakfast, talking, laying down on the sofa together. It's become the highlight of Denmark's mornings.
Only, there's one problem. It's 8 am. Where on Earth is Iceland? Denmark tried to ignore the tardiness chalking it up to Iceland oversleeping, but Iceland just doesn't oversleep. If he's not up by now, something's wrong.
He gives in and walks into Norway and Iceland's room and much to his surprise, Iceland is actually awake, but not only him, Norway was up too.
Norway normally wakes up much later in the day.
Denmark walks over to Iceland's side and takes a seat on the bed, reaching over to stroke Iceland's hair.
"don't feel like getting up today, huh?"
Iceland opens his mouth to retort, and is subsequently interrupted by a huge coughing fit. It finally clicks for Denmark that Iceland is in fact sick. One glance at Norway confirms the same for him.
Awe crap.
Denmark accepts that any plans he'd had for the rest of the week went out the window at that moment.
He leans over and pulls Iceland into his arms, patting his back and shushing him. It was likely Iceland's coughing that woke Norway.
Speaking of which, the coughing fit finally dies down and Denmark is able to put Iceland down and get up to head to the bathroom and by extention the medicine cabinet. He grabs pain killers and fever reducing medication and heads to the kitchen where he grabs water and cold packs from the freezer.
He then heads back into the room where he heads to Norway's side first dropping off the medicine and water while also leaning to place his cheek against Norway's forehead.
"this is actually the worst way to check someone's temperature..."
"and yet you're still doing it? Get off."
Denmark ignores Norway's complaints rather focusing on his temperature. He can tell even through this awful method that Norway has a mild fever. He moves to Iceland's side and does the same, resting his cheek on Iceland's forehead. Iceland's protest is much weaker coming in the form of a pitiful whine. Denmark can tell that Iceland's fever is quite a bit more intense, but that's to be expected given his generally weak immunity.
Denmark turns to look at Norway.
Norway's irritated expression softens slightly.
Denmark reaches over and smoothes Norway's hair back.
He turns to Iceland as if asking the same question. Iceland mimes throwing up which makes Denmark chuckle sympathetically. He leans over to kiss Iceland's head.
He turns again to address Norway.
"I'll go make you something to eat." he turns to Iceland and adds " you don't have to eat, but I'll make you some too. You want tea?"
Iceland doesn't respond, instead focusing on taking the medicines with as little water as he possibly can. Norway reaches over and pulls Iceland into his arms, resting his chin on Iceland's head.
Denmark smiles at them before heading over to the kitchen. He begins prepping to make some of Norway's favourite foods. Mainly Danish pastries. Denmark did enjoy baking, so in a way, it was a win win.
Iceland could never eat whenever he was sick. Nothing would stay down, and it's not like he even had the appetite to want to eat. It really was no loss. He didn't exactly love a lot of foods. Hong Kong's family was determined to change that.
Denmark still wanted to make sure he'd eat at least a little bit.
He walks back into the bedroom with a tray to the sight of Norway and Iceland engaging in what can only be described as a weak cat fight. Denmark roles his eyes.
"hey! Why are we fighting?"
"he pushed me because he 'doesn't want my cooties on him'"
"hey, everything feels gross right now. I don't need you getting your slime all over me."
"Norway stop being so clingy, Iceland quit calling Norway slimy."
Iceland manages a sly expression.
"but Daaaad."
Denmark laughs.
"I'm sorry, son, but I can't have you calling your brother slimy, true as it may be."
Iceland sighs and pinches Norway's cheek.
"come on, we're messing with you. You know we love you, slimy as you may come."
Norway shoots his little brother a mock angry look before turning to accept Denmark's peace offering of food.
Iceland rolls his eyes and mimes throwing up again. Denmark crosses over and hands him a mug of hot herbal tea. Iceland nods in appreciation and takes a sip.
Denmark then reaches into Iceland's bedside table to pull out a small device he then plugs into a nearby outlet. With the knowledge that there was no way Iceland would be needing the rest of the water he needed for the medicine, he pours a portion of it into the humidifier. It was a gift from South Korea, Iceland didn't use it often, though he probably ought to.
Norway remained preoccupied with eating. Denmark's home cooked meals always managed to comfort Norway whenever he felt down or ill.
Denmark climbs in between the two and puts his arm around them, not caring enough about contagion. Denmark's immunity is just a lot stronger.
Iceland having given up on even the tea, leans on Denmark's shoulder for warmth. Denmark instinctively wraps his arm around Iceland, bringing him closer. Iceland begins drifting off.
Norway on the other hand takes it upon himself to take the tray as well as the rest of Iceland's tea to the kitchen. He then comes back into the room, not to lay back down, but to grab some clothes to go take a shower. Denmark offers help, but is almost immediately turned down.
It's only two pm by this point, but the concept of time means nothing when these two are sick.
Norway finally finishes up and crashes to the bed with a comedic thud. He then proceeds to weakly try to push Denmark off with his feet.
There was no shot that Denmark would give in. It was once in a blue moon that Iceland was tired enough to cuddle up with him and he wasn't about to let that go to waste for Norway's little tantrum.
Norway eventually tires and settles down to also take a nap.
They sleep until about 8pm. Denmark was entertained by his phone for most of the time. One of the perks of having these two get sick is that it gives Denmark the excuse to lie in and do nothing.
Iceland wakes up groaning. Denmark puts the back of his wrist on Iceland's forehead.
"man... It's almost like you keep getting hotter."
He notices the ghost of a grin on Iceland's face.
Denmark playfully smacks Iceland's shoulder.
"not in that sense, you cheeky fuck."
He leaves to grab Iceland some more medicine. In the meantime, Norway stirs awake and manages to make his way over to Iceland's side and starts stroking his hair affectionately.
"still feeling like crap?"
"mhm... You?"
"yep... A bit better though... Where is he?"
"grabbing more medicine... Says my fever got worse."
Norway makes a soft 'oh' noise before leaning over to kiss Iceland's forehead.
"anything I can do to make you feel better?"
Iceland shrugs.
Denmark walks back into the room with another half glass of water and a few pills. Pushing the pills into Iceland's hand and handing him the water glass.
He also presents playing cards.
"we've literally done nothing all day, I'm bored. Come on."
Norway agrees primarily for the reason that he's always been pretty good at card games. Iceland's just desperate for anything to help him forget the absolute burning in his throat.
They play a few rounds of rummy. An easier game as Iceland had never been a fan of card games.
Norway wins every game shy of two that Denmark actually managed to win. Iceland didn't exactly care to win. He was just trying to not mess up any sets in his delirium.
Denmark then heads downstairs into the living room to set up the pullout sofa. The sofa was usually taken up by Sealand and Ladonia whenever Sweden brought them over because there was just not enough space. Denmark, however, found another use for it. Whenever the whale brothers get sick, he'll always try to get them to come sleep on the pullout sofa, so he can strip their bed and put it together for when they eventually get better. It also helps get them out of the stuffy room and get them some fresh air.
He gets Norway to head downstairs and carries Iceland, not trusting him to navigate his own way down a whole flight of stairs.
"you're already dying to death, you don't need a concussion too."
He gets them both situated and gets to work he sets up their bed and heads back downstairs to check on them. He felt he had to make sure Iceland would eat, so he brought him some Skyr, Iceland's comfort food. He manages a few spoonfuls of it before giving up and passing it to Norway who also doesn't seem super eager to eat.
Denmark sighs and turns to head upstairs to his own room, but both of them pull on his arms and beg him to stay. He reluctantly agrees and lays down in between them, his arms wrapped firmly around the two of them.
As no one was feeling particularly sleepy, they just opted to put on some kind of children's movie. Unfortunately, Denmark's request for the lego movie was unmet.
They fell asleep with the TV still quietly running in the background.
The next morning would become one of the rare mornings Denmark would sleep in. Poor Finland would come in to the sight of the three of them still fast asleep at 10:30am.
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queenpiranhadon · 8 months
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A/N: This is really old... have fun with this I guess lol banner art isn't mine!! The one on the left belongs to the amazing @cat-terpillar Here's my masterlist!
Warning(s): Female reader, reader is a lumberjack, 3rd to 2nd reader, slight misogyny if you squint (not from Alex), kisses on the cheek
Pairing(s): Alex x Reader
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•─────•°•❀•°•──── ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ 10:00 ────•°•☁︎•°•────•
It was the day of the Stardew Valley Fair. Alex cracks his joints, groaning as he sits up from his cocoon of warm sheets and blankets. It was common knowledge that he was presumably the strongest in his town, as he held the highest score for the Smashing Stone at the fair. And he was determined to keep it that way.
Getting out of bed, he shuffles to his closet, to put his shirt on and change into his favorite pair of jeans.
Once he was ready, he looks at himself in the mirror, grimacing at his tousled hair. He didn’t particularly like it, it was a major distraction when it came to working out, sweat causing it to stick to his forehead and cover his vision whenever he did push ups, pull ups, etc. But it made him popular with the other bachelorettes around town. (Haley wouldn’t leave him alone whenever he worked shifts at the ice-cream stand. He didn’t mind though). Hopefully he could be married soon and leave his home. Sure he loved his grandparents, but he needed to feel independent!
Sighing, he ruffles his mane of brown hair, styling it until it looked presentable enough to go out, but good enough that it wouldn’t bother him. For now.
It was on 7:30; the fair started at 9:00, so he walked out of his room and see what was for breakfast. Evelyn, his grandmother, bless her, made him a hearty breakfast, complete with Pancakes, hash-browns, and fried eggs. Alex could almost taste it. He hugged Evelyn happily, before sitting down and indulging in the food. He practically inhaled the meal, but tried his best to savor it. No matter how good the food was, he was to stay on diet. 
After a few minutes of painfully slow chewing, he finished his meal. He grins, noticing the time was 8:10. Perfect.
He trudged outside, as he watches the booths and grange display boxes being set up. Walking over to the dog house, he greets Dusty, rubbing the canine’s fur behind his ear and smiles. 
“I’m going to be the best, you hear me? I’m going to demolish that strength booth.” Alex says cockily.
Dusty barks in affirmation, wagging his tail. In all honesty, he just wanted food.
They sat there, under the tree, lightly playing fetch with Alex’s grid-ball, before be noticed the time. 8:50 already? Time sure felt a lot faster in the valley. But he didn’t mind. 
The clock struck 9, and he raced to town square, leaving poor Dusty behind. Rushing past the grange display, he reaches the Smashing Stone, greeting the burly man that watched over it.
Hefting the mallet that he handed him, he heaved it, testing out the balance before swinging it, the hammer hitting the metal with a resounding riiiingg.
He smirked, content with the score that flashed in front of his eyes. Beat that.
After the strength booth, he decided to look around, seeing the grange displays being set up. Marnie’s was especially mouthwatering.
After that, he went to go find Haley. She was over by the booth where you buy star tokens, and she smiled upon greeting.
“Hey! Are you excited for another year of being the top?” She grinned.
Alex smirked confidently. “Of course. I’m the strongest person in the village.” He rolls his eyes.
Haley coughs, making a sound that suspiciously sounded like the word arrogant.
Alex was about to question her when a sound rang out throughout the town square.
“WINNER!!” The sound came from the Smashing Stone. Alex’s blood ran cold. There, at the booth was the last person he expected, and the only person to defeat his score.
A local lumberjack stood there, triumphant, her smile stretching from ear to ear. That lumberjack was you. Alex surveyed you from afar. He had heard about you, you were a local farmer in the village, but you made your profit by selling sums of wood, hardwood, tree sap, acorns, pinecones etc. Watching your proud expression, he felt an unusually emotion from his core. He didn’t feel jealous, surprisingly. Just…intrigued. Alex itched, wanting to talk to you, and find out more, but he glanced at his grandfather, George in his peripherals. George…was, old-fashioned, to say in the least. He frowned upon any modern ideals, which included women indulging in what he believed to be masculinity, including the lumber industry. Alex wasn’t against it, in fact, he was fascinated by your sheer strength, noticing the defined muscles in your biceps. 
Haley coughed obnoxiously, breaking Alex out of his reverie and rolling her eyes. “If you want to talk to her so badly, just walk over to her cottage later after the festival.”
Alex nodded, a little embarrassed that he was caught, but glad that he had someone like Haley to help him think straight. You walked away from the Smashing Stone after a while, after having a lighthearted conversation with the bodybuilder there, and you left to examine the grange displays. 
Mayor Lewis announced Pierre won, as he did every year, and after a few hours of more games and prizes, the fair came to a close.
Alex didn’t realized how quickly time had passed, his watch reading 10:00pm. The lamp posts were his only form of light as he made his way across town, quietly passing 1 Willow Lane before entering the Cindersap Forest. 
He knew it was a bit of a stretch to go to such lengths to talk to someone he’s never met, but it was in only chance, given how watchful his grandfather way. Silently, he crept through the all the trees, seeing how there wasn’t many. You must’ve been doing a good job, because the ground was littered with saplings. The sound of metal hitting bark echoed throughout the night, signaling that you were here.
Wiping a bead of sweat, you sighed, exhausted. It was late, but you only needed this last tree to fulfill your quota for the day, ensuring you got your daily profit. Setting your iron axe down, you rest your hand onto the tree bark, leaning your back against it for some time, feeling a little tension leave your sore muscles. 
Suddenly, a twig snaps somewhere around you, pulling you out of your reverie to see Alex of all people entering your vision.
“Wha…Alex? What are you doing here?” You asked, bewildered. He was the last person you expected to be here. Yet, it excited you. You had admired him for his strength, as well as his personality. His ambition, confidence, and occasional sweetness made you more fascinated with the man.
The man in question looked embarrassed before looking at you. “I uh, wanted to talk to you. I saw you at the fair. You beat my score.”
You couldn’t tell if he was upset or fascinated. His voice was monotone and his face was still mostly shrouded by shadows. 
“Uh yeah, I guess I did.”  You say, unsure of what to do.
It was painfully silent between the two of you before he spoke up, stepping towards you. “Look-”
“Watch out!” You yelps, before a stray stone sends him tumbling in your direction. 
He tripped, as he lost his footing, and he fumbled to brace himself against the tree, ultimately pinning you down, sandwiching you between the bark and him. 
You’re pretty sure you felt your face turn every shade of red there was. Alex looked just as flustered. You were about to apologize when you noticed something in his eyes. A connection of sorts. Sure, you only really acknowledged each other around town, but you both knew that you both shared something, deep down.
You felt Alex’s breath warm your next, noticing the definition of muscles that showed through his shirt. Then you realized you were staring for too long. 
Staring back up into his eyes, some magnetic force instinctively told you to lean in, and you did. Alex reciprocated, his lidded eyes never leaving you.  
Then as you were only inches apart, your noses lightly grazing each other, a creak from a door make you two scramble away from each other. There, in her robe, was Marnie, with what seemed to be…hot peppers? You quirked an eyebrow. Lewis loves those. Marnie’s face was bright red, and her eyes were wide as she noticed both of you, mere fractions apart. 
Everything was silent, all you could hear was crickets and the occasional rustle of leaves.
Marnie was the first to speak up, hiding the peppers behind her. “No one should ever hear about this.”
The two of you nod, and she takes her leave, going to where you both assumed was Lewis’s house. 
It was quiet again. And then you turned to Alex, seeing as the moment was ruined. But maybe not all was lost. Taking a deep breath,  you stood on your toes, and pecked his cheek. 
“Goodnight Alex. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Giving a small smile and a wave, you heft your axe, and your wood, before leaving to turn back home.
This was definitely a night you wouldn’t forget.
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marcholasmoth · 4 months
OSRR: 3573
so i didn't sleep all day today. we didn't have game today, so joel and i got lunch together at olive garden and ran some errands.
eventually i brought him to a friend's house for a bonfire and i went home. chels and james made dinner which i did not eat because i had a late lunch, and i went upstairs to talk to and help my momma.
she had surgery twice last week since she's got kidney stones. the more recent one was general anesthesia and they tried to break the gigantic kidney stone she had apart with a laser, but it wasn't a strong enough laser to cut through it. so they kinda had to take it out a different way. what are kidney stones made of, anyway?
but she has to go back again in a week and a half to get the last one out, which i don't know why they didn't do on friday.
regardless, i'm apparently the only person in this house who knows how to take care of anther human being. my mom takes care of us when we get sick, and the answer i came up with a long time ago to "who takes care of momma when momma gets sick" was "me."
i got home and she needed a bunch of things to help her feel better and i immediately went and got them for her. i helped her get up to get out of the bed, i helped her by adjusting all of the blankets and pillows to be more comfortable, i got her a hot washcloth for her face and hands, i got her a fresh thing of ice, more water in her cup, a refill for her water with a lid so the cat didn't get in it, and i brought her some fresh fruit to try and help her feel like a real person.
and i sat with her for a while, watching tv and talking to her.
around 8:30 i asked if she needed anything else bc i was going to see a friend, i helped her one last time before heading out.
bek and matt are in town until tomorrow bc her baby brother graduated with his bachelors degree on friday night. so i got to go over and see them and give them hugs and say hello.
i came back about an hour later, and i grabbed some water before going up to bed. i went upstairs to my mom's room and turned off her computer and brought my water into my room. when i went back to turn out her light she had woken up, so i helped her up and the back into bed once she was done in the bathroom.
i'm tired. all my autism goes into explaining things that haven't actually happened. not d&d style unfortunately, but i'm so tired that i don't care
anyway, it's time to go the fuck to sleep lmao
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The great regular sleep experiment of 2024 part "REM"
Again I get into bed by 10 or 10:10 ish and an undoubtedly asleep by 10:30... again I sleep, wake briefly, sleep again and wake to find it is 1:44 or 1:45...
Again I lay in bed 2 extra hours trying to sleep before giving up to go pee and feed my cat, alert as can be. Tired, but so so alert.
Again I have had dreams of being back in circumstances involving ex's ex friends and old roommates... This time I am trying to tell someone, "No really, the skinny corset style top isn't mine, it is too small, my rib-cage alone would break it and I don't wear girly things with pink print all over them, it has to be Fine's. IDC if it's black or if you think it would 'suit me'..."
And why? Because men in my life, friends or otherwise were always doing that. They'd find a "girl clothes" in their/the house that's about 2-5X girlier than my gay ass would ever wear, and insist on repeat that it "MUST" be mine, that I am just not remembering and getting defensive, sometimes accompanied with comments of thinking it would look good on me or wanting to see me in it... Always until some other "woman" [because they would not acknowledge my masculinity, other women are women, i'm just a gay] would come forward and be like "Yeah, no I left that here."
And always always always it was someone who should have known me better than that. Someone who could have only missed what I generally wore if they hadn't bothered really looking at me for years at a time in close proximity. And often either my partner, or someone who seriously had no business picturing me in ANY clothes/outfits [like being 20 years older than me]. Very often they would have me confused with another 'girl' with dark hair, even when they are dating me. There is an insult inherent to this.
And now I have to fuckign DREAM that? Bullshit.
Who did I piss off?
But I guess my point is, it's becoming clear that I have been sleeping like this all along, but usually strung together on one end of the day instead of spaced out, so I couldn't really tell that when I am sleeping 8 hours I might only actually be getting half that many REM cycles.
Because either:
-I am having REM cycles faster than most people which means I am getting two in 3 ish hours of sleep, which explains waking in the middle and having dreams on both sides of that [8 hour equivalent in terms of raw REM cycles]
-I am only having one rem cycle per sleep, interrupted, which means currently having 2 per day [4 hour sleep equivalent to most people]
And if you have recommendations for affordable home equipment to measure that I am all ears, because I wouldn't survive going to a sleep clinic.
Every trick I have ever used to combat insomnia is failing me. Self hypnosis, meditations, other things you do before bed that knock people out cold sometimes... Any medication that's made me sleepy before, all of it, none of it.
And I just get to wake up vaguely annoyed I am wasting my precious vivid dreaming time talking to people I removed from my personal space for a reason, and other generic dream actors.
And the night sleep, well that's the one that butts up against the nope-time, 5-10 am... but the day sleep, I have tried to encourage the day sleep to extend itself with no luck either.
If I stopped sleeping at night, I might get the two sleeps crammed back together, but then it's exactly what I don't want, sleeping all day, and also -by virtue of it being regularly scheduled sleep- I won't be sleeping any longer than I am now.
I always liked a half day schedule. I liked it in theory and in the moments I could hold onto it in practice. It solves a LOT of my problems including waking up halfway through the night and not being able to sleep again, and it being too hard to force myself awake all the way till my next sleep time, that's only half a day away at most now.
I just... I need more than 8 hours of sleep, and I am getting 6 on a good day.
And that brings me to the next point... I am pretty sure the conflict is this:
-I have a delayed sleep phase disorder that sometimes looks like a non-24 hour sleep disorder because of how it keeps pushing my bedtime back when I sleep at night [I am a 'night person']
-I am a "super sleeper" in that I have the genes to have shorter sleep cycles or for my body to think it needs one fewer to be alert
-I also have chronic fatigue and require extra rest/sleep regardless, maybe specifically sleep to help with healing and converting adenosine, and this is incompatible with also having the genes of a "super sleeper"
-I am one of those people hardwired to "two sleeps" as was once more fashionable, and this doesn't stack well with everything else or with the societal expectation that I should sleep 8 hours in one block and only at night.
-My most natural time to fall asleep is right after sunrise and that is the ONE time it is most safe for me to run errands now, due to 'infectious dose' [or the dose of virus I -personally- react to, short of infection] vs 'viral load' [virus levels that build up in the air in buildings through the day] and the fucking perpetual plague, so it is the one time I need to be habituated to being alert enough to go out. First thing at opening, after walking there.
In a world without the plague I could probably sleep from midnight to whenever and only have to deal with SOME of the... Byproducts~ of a regular sleep schedule, a lot of people don't expect you to be an early morning person when you are disabled.
Anyway I am just going to start biting people now. [In dreams? who can say! It worked on the sleep paralysis demons didn't it?]
Love that I decided to do this to myself just to make SUPER SURE that regular sleep wouldn't solve my problems...
At least I am not hallucinating or having night terrors, sleep paralysis etc.
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realcuntsofsuburbia · 9 months
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1. She’s about 23! She dropped out of high school in 10th grade and started hustling along side her cousins (they influenced on her badly)
2. She was raised by her single mother since her father didn’t want anything to do with Monica so she was raised by her mom and was babysat by her grandmother, Anne-Mae
3. Tried smoking a cigarette once when she was 5, never again. Tried edibles when she turned 16
4. Had a 2 year relationship but it all ended when the girl she was dating, JoJo, started hooking up with her cousin in their bed. FOR 3 MONTHS WITHOUT HER KNOWING.
5. Went to the psych ward for addiction and depression
6. She’s pretty muscular like but scrawny (kinda like in a trevor way???)
7. She’s very clingy to her significant other and that kinda causes the relationship to end early :(
8. Was brought up in the hood but her mom moved up by Paleto Bay since her grandmother passed :/
9. Became cool with LD (even tho he still try to take his shot despite her liking pussy)
10. Loves west coast classic radio and the radio rebel radio!
11. Her style is like a grunge/midwest/street-like
12. She’s VERY possessive.
13. Use pet names for her significant other (baby, babydoll, love, princess, sweetheart, etc.)
14. Has a black challenger that she would give her life for since it was a gift from her mom!
15. Smokes weed when she’s sad, mad, horny, frustrated, happy, tired and so on…
16. Goes to the gym every now and then, has good metabolism
17. Once shot someone with her cousin when a run went south
18. The type of girlfriend to grip your thigh while she cruise around.
19. LOVES going to street racing
20. The fastest roller i know, she gets down, SHE DON’T PLAY
21. Has mini breakdowns in the middle of the nights most time
22. She smells like a musky, vanilla, wood scent
23. Doesn’t care to shave and dgaf if her partner doesn’t cause she know how it is
24. Goes in the woods shooting to calm down when she’s pissed or something
25. Has a tabby cat named TaTa
26. Has a crush on Thomas Hewitt (TCM) and Lisa Rose (Girl, Interrupted)
27. Goes on late night drives for fun and to get food cause of munchies!
28. Hella good at Mortal Kombat
29. She selfs isolate when she’s overwhelmed/overstimulated
30. Has a love and hate relationship with kids. (so real)
31. Obsessed with older women and psychotic people
32. Used to SH when she was just 10
33. Can beat the living shit outta someone
34. Shes always either cutting or dying her hair but she sticks with pixie cut
35. Obsessed with tittys and thighs (just like me😍)
36. Has a best friend, Antoinette, she had a crush on but she didn’t feel the same way :( (still friends though)
37. LOVES GOSSIP (“Oh my gosh, that long motorboat feet bitch still delusional over him?? Pathetic, honestly)
38. Super sassy😨
39. Her full name is: Moníca Marie Wilson
40. Rarely feminine
42. Has ‘fuck me’ eyes
43. She’s about 5’10
44. Has a rbf
45. Gives princess treatment
46. Gets disrespectful real quick if she’s disrespected
47. OBSESSED WITH TATTOOS and PIERCING (she has a tongue piercing despite not being able to have piercings on gta 😞)
48. Surprisingly a good cook
49. she’s the FASTEST pussyeater i know, she gets down, she DONT play 😭
50. Loves throwing slick shots
51. Makes fun of LD when he throws a BF (Bitch Fit)
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otp questions fair game list but it’s by an idiot who can’t sit in a chair correctly
“pens you’re alive???!?!??!?” yes unfortunately anyway the list, minus a couple of them because they’re a bit nsfw and im not here for it
i’ll put it under a read more because im not a sadist
1. Who is the most affectionate?
clover. no justification just facts
2. Most common argument?
do u know,,,, what its like,,,, to be AFRAID of yourself??? i could hurt u! i could- (translation: qrow telling clover to Fuck Off before he gets hurt)
3. Who apologizes first?
clover. qrow is emotionally constipated and sits on the roof brooding until clover comes up to find him
4. Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
board game night or some shit, idk. clover always wins
5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?
clover drives and scolds qrow for putting his feet on the dash
6. Who is most likely to carry the other?
clover initially but then qrow gets tired of him showing off and starts Picking Him Up to establish dominance in the middle of combat or something
7. Nicknames?
lucky charm and cloves are the obvious ones. soldier boy. dipshit. idk what clover calls qrow but it’s probably something disgustingly affectionate and qrow gets embarrassed every time
8. Who proposes?
clover probably, qrow is still in his “you dont want the burden of my name” arc
9. Who sings along with the radio?
qrow but in bird form ONLY
10. Who worries most?
probably qrow but poor clover is also pretty fuckin worried about qrow 24/7
11. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?
clover needs content for his instagram (which is private and has qrow’s account tagged with a bunch of hearts in his bio. qrow doesn’t even have a pfp. he forgot the password 3 years ago.)
12. Who likes to playfully tease the other?
13. Who has the weirdest taste in their music?
qrow. his spotify is a mixture of the most emo ass shit, nightcore emo shit, and terraria boss music. 
14. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
clover. qrow remembers too but clover orders so
15. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
im sure clover has some form of trauma after the whole chapter 12 incident. i wouldnt be surprised if there was a fic already about clover’s insecurities around his giant ass chest scar
but like also it’s clover 
16. Who initiates kisses?
clover mostly
17. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
also clover. qrow is too busy Repressing his Emotions to do such a thing but clover holding his hand is like therapy even if he wont admit it
18. Who brings an animal they found home?
clover brings a cat home. they name it lucky. they laugh for an hour then realize how stupid they are.
19. Who holds the umbrella for the other when it’s raining?
clover keeps trying to bring qrow an umbrella, but qrow runs away from it because he needs to brood in the rain
20. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
they’ve got a competition going. both of them are really good at the cocky act though so neither of them have cracked. yet.
21. Who kills the scary bugs?
qrow, with pleasure. clover tries to rescue them as much as possible depending on the bug. cockroaches are on sight tho
22. Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
probably neither of them. they’re old, they need their beauty rest
23. Who hogs the blankets?
qrow. even if he’s overheating he still takes clover’s blanket
24. Who wakes up first?
clover wakes up at like 7:30 every morning and makes breakfast. qrow is both awed and disturbed by how well he has his life together. one time, qrow tries to pay him back, so he wakes up at 5am and makes an inappropriate amount of pancakes. (they have to invite nora over to finish the leftovers)
25. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
qrow emerges from bed at 11am on average. it’s rare to see him out of his pajamas before noon.
26. Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
tea. but see #24
27. Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books?
clover. qrow absolutely didn’t cry watching the lion king, and even if he did, you have no proof.
28. Who gets scared during horror films?
qrow acts all tough when clover’s clutching a pillow in anticipation, but he falls for every jumpscare
29. Who cuts the other’s hair?
qrow is a master of cutting hair. his niece is yang xiao long.
30. Who says “I love you” first?
clover. qrow will pine away but will never say anything for previously mentioned emo reasons
31. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
clover tells his family. qrow’s family tells HIM. yang and ruby get sick of watching him pine 
32. What do their friends/family thing of the relationship?
ruby and yang are just happy that their uncle qrow is slightly less edgy now. winter is happy for clover but will detest qrow until the day she dies just on principle
33. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
clover, i mean havent you seen the ballroom scene in v7? where clover asks qrow to dance and they end up getting married and salem leaves because she cant compete? what do u mean that didnt happen?
34. Who cooks best?
qrow is secretly a good cook but you would never know it by the way he pours milk straight into the cereal box
35. Who wears the other’s jacket?
I would say qrow because there’s no way his skinny man jacket fits clover, but let’s be real, clover doesn’t own a fucking jacket
36. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
clover. have u met the man
37. Who makes the other laugh most?
clover makes qrow laugh a lot, if u count amused huffs as laughter
38. Who needs more reassurance?
39. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
clover is usually the law-abiding half of the relationship, plus he’s part of the military so
40. What would be their theme song?
@synvamp (im sorry for tag syn) wrote an absolute banger for them. thats it. whatever universe it is, that’s the one
41. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
clover usually, sometimes qrow tries in bird form but lucky is one evil cat and WILL try to murder him
42. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
live their lives man wdym? clover sends qrow lots of texts though
43. A headcanon about them that stabs your feels?
44. A headcanon that mends the previous one?
my canon now
if you read all of this you’re a legend, see you in 6 years when i finally finish the next fic chapter
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gatorcatally · 11 months
I need help.
My cat has anxiety but he also has a bad habit of tearing things up, carpet, walls, furniture, people if he’s in a bad mood. I’m not evil so I would never declaw him. So I wanted to try claw caps. I was worried about them originally because CJ won’t even wear a collar. If you try to put one on him, he will bite and claw at his own neck until he’s bleeding to get it off. But we needed a solution to his clawing and we tried everything else. Playing, scratch towers, scratch mats, anything his little heart desires but none of it works. He might use his scratch objects occasionally but more often then not he’s destroying my mothers house.
I thought I would at least try the claw caps, they should be comfortable enough, they wouldn’t hurt at all, no scratching. Etc.
Now, after 45 minutes of struggling to get them on him, one is still on crooked even after reapplying it twice because he wouldn’t stop squirming. I’m worried some are stuck on his fur because again he wouldn’t stop squirming, by the time I got to his last paw he was exerting so many smells (he didn’t spray at least), he was shedding heavily, and when I didn’t let him go he straight up but down on my hand and wouldn’t let go. I had to call my mom downstairs to help me. I gave him some of his favorite wet food as a reward and tried to help him calm down because he was starting to hyperventilate from being held tight for so long.
He’s had them on for less than 30 minutes and at first he was just grooming himself which was normal. He was shedding a lot and it was a new sensation on his claws, I thought he might lick them so I wasn’t concerned. I sat down for a few minutes, and he ran under my bed after I finished helping him groom. He wants space? That’s fine, fair, so I let him go.
Not ten minutes later I hear the plastic clicking and grinding. I looked under my bed and boom, purple claw cap. So I told him to stop and tried to pull him out to make sure he didn’t hurt himself taking it off. A few minutes later, two more were off. At this point, he was trying to fucking swallow the evidence! Obviously they’re plastic and could block his digestive system so I grabbed him by his scruff and dragged him out, getting bitten the whole time, but I had to make sure he hadn’t actually eaten any.
I’ve been sitting on my bedroom floor trying to get him to play to distract him but he keeps running away. He keeps biting them off and I’m worried he’s going to make himself bleed, or worse swallow some, and block his digestive tract. I have to go to sleep soon because I have work in about 8 hours and he’s starting to calm down seeing as he’s no longer trying to eat his claws. I’m worried because I work at night, when he’s most active and I don’t want him to don anything stupid while I’m gone.
I also have bad anxiety and the reason he’s my cat now, and no longer the family cat is because I formally adopted him in college to use him as an emotional support animal.
I have given this cat everything he could ever want, and I love him so much but he makes me worry just as much. If anyone has any advice on how to deal with anxious or stubborn cats please tell me. I feel like I’ve tried everything or at least all the normal things and I need advice from real people not articles.
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grussell63 · 2 years
F1 drivers + how much I would enjoy them walking me home after a night out
Seb: it‘s automatically a 10/10, you know it, I know it, he would make sure I grab a pizza and a bottle of water along the way so I don‘t get too hungover the next day, is german and definitely trained in the concept of avoiding a hangover, would enjoy me singing random tunes and sometimes chime in as well
Daniel: it‘s also a 10/10 but for different reasons, we would never arrive at home because somewhere in between we would think it‘s a fantastic idea to book a train to Paris or jail, would definitely buy another bottle of alcohol at the next shop for the way home
Lewis: very sweet, can have two moods going from laughing all the way home to being a bit impatient about me wanting to chase every cat and bring it home, 8/10 he‘s gonna get me home safe and definitely get me to drink a glass of water
Charles: 3/10 because we would have to at some point call someone and tell them we‘re lost, he‘s walked the wrong way for at least 30 min and then went on to have a fight with me for 15 min to insist that we‘re on the right track, apologises with a pizza and skips all the way back home with me, making it a 5/10
Mick: he‘s a bit overwhelmed, thinks it‘s too much responsibility, tries to be safer than he needs to be which means he never lets me walk next to the road and always keeps his hand on my shoulder at a red light, it‘s very sweet but also incredibly annoying at some point 7/10
Yuki: we‘re grabbing way too much to eat on the way home, but it‘s exactly what we need, barks at random strangers with me and makes me laugh every single time, it‘s a fun experience, but also very weird… we end up at Pierre‘s house instead of mine, 5/10 I‘m alive but not home
Max: you would think I‘d say 0/10 but nah, it‘s a 9/10, we‘d 100% be on the same level, no one knows how we got home, no one knows how we made our way back home, there‘s some weird sign from a construction site standing in the living room, i may not have gotten home safe, but it was a wild ride
George: could either be an absolute mess or the best walk home I‘ve ever had depending on the day, I would either get home safe and sound or not at all, he makes sure I eat and drink something before going to bed, would take off my shoes and tuck me in but some times he forgets where we are headed and we somehow find ourselves standing in the middle of nowhere, can be anything from 2/10-10/10
Lando: I am the one taking him home 1/10
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cloudselkie · 2 years
Fuck, today was weird. So, I woke up at 4am because my weather radio went off for a tornado watch. Okay, whatever, so I tried to go back to sleep. Except I WASN'T actually expecting a tornado watch, so I was reasonably freaked out and only dozed. Until 6:30 AM when my boyfriend's "wake up bitch!" alarm went off. Which I normally just roll over and go back to sleep for, BUT. Knowing there was a fucking TORNADO WATCH in effect, I rolled over and checked my phone and saw there were already two goddamned tornado warnings west of us. Okay, so I'm regretting praying to Jupiter to make today's weather interesting. But no biggie. I don't know anyone in north Parker county or Wise county. So I open the NBC5 DFW app and let live coverage play while I attempt to go back to sleep until my 7:50 alarm (because what person who works from home doesn't roll out of bed ten minutes before it's time to clock in). BUT. AT exactly 6:57 AM, a storm in Palo Pinto county decideds "Okay bitch, time to drop a motherfuckin' tornado." And proceeds to do so. Like a cunt. So as NBC 5 covers this, I hear that a new tornado warning has been issued for where my parents live. I immediately call my mom and make sure they are sheltering. Then I call my little brother and little sister to make sure they know our parents could be in danger. Also, my brother would have been driving into the storm to go to work, but he decides not to. Which is great, because this storm dies down for a bit, but then pulses back two miles from his place. The same warning that is places for him also covers us, and we get a fucking TORNADO WARNING, and the sirens start going off, all
It's about 8:15 and I am thoroughly freaked out. I tell my work team I have to shelter in place, get my boyfriend and the cats ready and hunker down.
Luckily, the rotation cuts through far north Tarrant county and leaves use on the middle east side in the clear, with just a lot of lightning and thunder.
The storms keep going and threaten other team members and friends in northeast DFW, but everyone ends up okay. I'm not really able to focus the rest of the day, but that's okay, right?
So after work, I go and grab some wine because who wouldn't want to relax after a day like this?
Except after I get back, my boyfriend wants to play Pokemon SV with a good friend of his.
I get drunk on wine, go to the bathroom, only to find out there is a building wide issue with flushing the toilet. I proceed to flood the bathroom while I watch in drunken shock as my boyfriend tries to clean it up with towels. We call the complex emergency line and tell them to come fix their shit. Which the do, and I am saved from having to pee in the shower.
Finally, by 10 pm, it's resolved and I am able to go to work bed.
But for real. Fuck Dec. 13th.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I had a pretty excellent day off. I wish I slept a little more when I took a nap this afternoon. But that's alright. It was still a really good day.
I slept okay. And let myself sleep in a bit.
When I got up I felt pretty fine. I decided to do some cleaning. I got dressed and kissed on Sweetp. I changed the kitty litter and vacuumed. I changed the sheets and the duvet cover. I felt very productive.
I had a snack and decided I would leave around 11 to go do all my shopping for the house. It was going to storm this afternoon so I thought I would leave a bit early.
I would drive out to Canton crossing. With some bursts of down pouring rain along the way. But I got out there before 11. Which was only bad because most of the stores didn't open until 11. Which I didn't realize. Oops.
So I went to target first. The carts were all wet. I had a funny interaction with a family, who commiserated about the wet carts but also that the first carts we tried also had broken wheels?? I changed it out and got a quiet, working cart. I got the cat food and litter and other things I needed form there. I felt bad when I picked up a bag of litter and it was torn and spilled everywhere. I found someone who worked there to let them know and they were like. Oh man. That happens so often. Annoying I'm sure.
I finished up in there pretty fast. I found most of the things I thought I would be able to get there. I paid and headed to the next place.
Ulta was next. They apparently don't have body shop lotion anymore so I got hemp brand. I had a coupon but then it was also 30% off so I got my $25 lotion for $8! I always use Jess's phone number at Ulta so apparently I have earned her $6 off too but I left that for her. Which msde her laugh when I texted her about it.
Five below was next. Where I got a bunch of candy, but I also found calico critters blind bags for me and Jess for next weekend when she comes to visit. And I got 4 soft side boxes for my cart in my studio. Exactly the size I needed.
I had a coupon for DSW and I tried to see if they had the flip flops. But no luck. That's alright. I left there and returned to the car.
I put everything away and drove to the other end of the shopping center. I went to the Nordstrom rack but it was a little overwhelming. No luck on flip flops there but they did have philosophy lotion, and I got the lemon cream which I love. So it wasn't a total loss.
I went next door and got kitty litter deodorizer and I got Sweetp a beautiful new collar. It's black velvet and has a gold ring detail and it is just so fancy! I will have to get a picture of it on him.
I decided on lunch next. There is a shake shack over there and I decided to use their drive through for the first time. Which felt weird! I got my mushroom burger and they had spicy cheese fries. I decided to bring all of it home.
I took a weird ways home and got back in about 15 minutes.
When I got home I struggled to carry everything up but I got it. And didn't drop anything but it was tough.
I put stuff away and set up to have my little lunch and the fries were super super spicy but also really really good. It was an excellent meal.
I got everything out away. Put the stuff for camp in a bag. And chilled in the AC.
I would lay down for an hour. But I think I only actually slept for a half hour. I woke up when I had a text that was important to answer right away. And then James and me decided they would tell me at 3 if they needed me to come get them because of the incoming storm.
They decided that they didn't want me to come. And would end up getting stuck in the thick of the storm. Which made me feel so guilty.
I would sit in the window and have some ice cream and watch the rain and wait for James to get home.
They were soaking wet when they got home. They would get changed and dried off. And I would chill on bed. I had lost all of my energy.
James had their DND game with their friends. And I would rest. I took a shower and Waheed my hair. Laid in bed so my hair could dry for a while. Eventually I would go sit on the floor in the studio and fill all the bears I made with polyfil. I'll get them sewn shut this week.
James would make me breakfast for dinner again. Which was great. And we would just hang out. And then coming to lay in bed. Which is where we are now.
Tomorrow James is coming to camp with me! They are going to help with the project and I am looking forward to their company. And we will leave early for my rhumatologist appointment. I hope it is a good day.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are staying cool.
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rabbivole · 1 year
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mujtama commune, 5501, starting population of 6
i’ve gone back to trying to do a hundred-pawn colony challenge. ‘challenge’ isn’t really the right word here because i have an unholy number of mods that make this a lot easier, but regardless, my goal is to grow to 100 pawns. i cheated to start with ‘tunneler’ as my first meme
some strategies for making this work:
-an underground tunneler fort is considerably easier than an outdoor base. whenever an outdoor base grows, securing it gets harder; that’s more walls you have to build. an underground base can keep growing and be naturally sealed off from threats, other than bugs. and bugs are bad, but vastly more manageable than raid threats. additionally, underground bases are absolute shitholes for quite a while, which can be an issue for mood management but helps keep your wealth low
-additionally, an underground base on a map that is mostly mountain means i can play on a larger map that still has less ‘active’ surface area, which helps framerate. and i’m going to need all the performance help i can get
-ideology abuse. nutrient paste is the only way we’re keeping this many people fed, and setting cannibalism/insect meat both to ‘acceptable’ adds more calorie sources to the pool. i also have a nutrient paste mod that makes it pipeable to however many dispensers you want all over the base, so the dining room doesn’t have to be literally in the food processing zone
-i tend to like giving people their own bedrooms. this is not viable for a 100-pawn colony. barracks abuse makes this possible (if you shove enough furniture and statues into a communal bedroom, it counteracts the penalty for not having a private bedroom). bedrooms are limited to royals and people who are married. technically you can build a double bed and couples will still fuck nasty in the middle of a barracks, but i don’t care for that
-i have turned down ‘chance for instant death on down’ to 0%, because otherwise the game will make it difficult to capture raiders after a certain point. i also have rituals set to give me a chance at a random recruit
various events of year 1
i have the Auronya mod race installed. they’re cat people and they’re frankly the best cat people available; the art for them is great and they’re adorable while still being taken mostly seriously. however i have so many fucking mods installed at this point that they’re pretty rare. so i tried to guarantee myself some cats by putting a husband-and-wife couple in my starting 6. 
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the problem is that i fucked up doing the character editing to make them married or even in a relationship and then didn’t notice. so my very first ritual gave me a recruit who was cowher’s girlfriend.
not only that, but cowher’s girlfriend that was doomed to die
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luciferium is an extremely rare and expensive drug that i definitely didn’t have. without it, she soon goes into a coma, then dies after about 30 days. so i had her help mine out some of the base before she inevitably ate shit. through an unbelievable stretch of luck, they got engaged and then married shortly before she went into a coma, though there was nowhere to do the wedding other than atop the pile of garbage in a dank hole in the ground
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then she laid in a coma for over a month before eventually dying. i thought about euthanizing her but i think that would have been an even worse mood penalty for everyone. i had to keep him mining to maintain the ‘passion for my work’ buff so he didn’t go nuts
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weirdly enough, he and tamryn got together without my prompting shortly afterwards. and it turns out time heals all wounds. having sex 8 times is equivalent to your wife dying. a game after david cage’s heart
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they’ve now had a beautiful daughter together. here’s to many more
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commander-krios · 2 years
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I posted 7,054 times in 2022
That's 462 more posts than 2021!
372 posts created (5%)
6,682 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,209 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#mass effect - 1,256 posts
#femshep - 257 posts
#kaidan alenko - 245 posts
#inspiration - 245 posts
#swtor - 210 posts
#cats - 203 posts
#quotes - 199 posts
#video - 198 posts
#star wars - 196 posts
#aurora x joker - 181 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#and you're gay. they're gonna be calling you a kawaii smol bean cinnamon roll owo and drawing you in flower crowns.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Beautiful commission of Aurora and Joker that I got from the wonderful @me1onmi1k. Thank you so much for your hard work. It’s everything I’ve been wanting. <3 
106 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Angsty Love Prompt List
“You say you’re dangerous. That you destroy everything you touch. So destroy me. Ruin me. Tear me apart, and let me love you all the same. “
“And I'm not afraid to love you. Only afraid my love won’t be enough. “
“I feel like shit.” “You look like it, too.” *they bump shoulders*
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to do this to me.”
"Nothing about any moment I've ever spent with you will ever be a regret.”
"I'll find you. Okay? I promise you, whatever happens, I’ll find you, and we'll be together, and everything will be good again. "
“Do you truly believe that anything so little as a rule, or a law, might have stopped me from protecting you? “
“You. I'll always and endlessly fight for you. “
“This path you’re on… it’s gonna get you killed. You know that, though; don’t you? “
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been killed! “
“You need to go now, okay? Don’t worry. I've got this. They’ll want to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you.“
186 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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I managed to snag one of @savbakk ‘s soft commissions and I’m head over heels in love. Everything about this is perfect. The expressions, the hands, the colors, the mood. Ashley and Thea look so in love and happy which is so important to me. Thank you! 💛
311 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
OTP Relationship Asks
1. Who most initiates PDA?
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
4. How did they first meet?
5. What is their love language?
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
7. Who is more sentimental?
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
9. How are their personalities different?
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
17. Who fell in love first?
18. What song fits them perfectly?
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
21. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
23. Who overthinks the most?
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
25. Who’s the most stubborn?
26. How do they comfort each other?
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
29. What is their sex life like?
See the full post
419 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Send me a ✍️ + tell me what you’d like to see me write more of this year.
847 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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