kittyhazelnut · 2 years
#so i tried to go to bed at 8:30 but my cat was in my bed and i didn't want to bother him so i went back downstairs#i tried to sleep on the couch downstairs at 10ish and the air was really cold and dry bc of how that room is positioned and I couldn't#so now im back in my room (my cat's under the bed so we're good in that sense)#AND MY CHEST IS DOING THAT STUPID GROWLING THING AGAIN UGHHHHH#HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN MY CHEST IS VIBRATING AND GROWLING AT ME#not to mention that my fever went away for like three hours today and then came back and I'm pretty sure I've got a fever rn#even though I've been taking advil or Tylenol every two hours so it SHOULD GO THE FUCK AWAY#and now my face feels like it's going to light my pillow on fire#which is the very reason i finally gave up trying to sleep after 6ish hours of lying in bed last night#god fucking dammit#and ofc I still have my flu symptoms like my super sore throat that makes it painful to talk or swallow and my super congested sinuses#i not going to survive this stupud flu i stg#covid was so easy it was just a sinus nightmare and i had a killer headache but at least i got to sleep 16 hours a day#I've probably alept six hours in the last two and a half days#and this is the first time ive felt even kinda vaguely tired (despite taking melatonin every night)#at what point do i literally turn the shower on super hot and sleep on the bathroom floor i stg#i can just put a sign on top of me so if my parents find me they don't think i just passed out or something#/j#but like. is it really.#because i did take a shower last night and then i did take another at 6 am just for the hot steam and it really did help#hghhhhh#if im back on tumblr in the next hour I've failed
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philomenie · 23 days
Hitman!Jolly fic
CN murder, violence, sex, organized crime, blood, angst, 18+
@jilliemiw86 @nojoyontheburn @reyadawn @dsireland86
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Jolly is startled when his cell phone, which he still has in his pocket, buzzes and vibrates. Olivia sighs restlessly in his arms.
Damn.... If this becomes a habit now, he thinks to himself angrily and looks at the display.
Kolja.... FUCK!!!
Jolly clenches his jaw, it's the middle of the night, but if he doesn't pick up, he'll make himself look suspicious.
As he carefully tries to pull away from Olivia, she claws at him again.
Jolly is torn.
Damn, it'll have to be like this, he thinks to himself and accepts the call.
“Jolly.... Artur has disappeared, including two of his men!” Kolja opens the conversation bluntly.
“And what am I supposed to do now?” he asks back.
“Track him down!” Artur hisses back.
“Listen... you've got enough men to look for him, what am I supposed to do? Besides, my head is pounding, I'm exhausted and tired!” Jolly explains as calmly as he can.
“If my father wants you to be my right-hand man, then act like it!” growls Kolja.
You pathetic little wanker, Jolly thinks angrily, now you're coming at me like this!
“Just tell me what you want from me!” sighs Jolly.
“THAT YOU FIND ARTUR!” Kolja roars.
The noise wakes Olivia up and she stares in horror at Jolly, who immediately puts his index finger over his mouth, signaling her to be quiet. Wide-eyed, she nods.
“In the middle of the night....” growls Jolly, ”Have all his whores searched, he'll already be holed up in one of them...”
“That's what's happening!” Kolja grumbles.
“He can't have vanished into thin air!” sighs Jolly, ”Who was the last person to see him?”
“My father.....” explains Kolja.
“And nobody else after that?” asks Jolly.
“No, he stormed out of his office and nobody saw him after that!” growls Kolja.
Jolly nods with relief, that's not bad... at least that way no one can link him to Artur.
“Maybe he needs to digest this first, got drunk somewhere, stayed with one of his bitches.... Or ran off somewhere.... I don't know, I don't know him.” Jolly sighs, ”Maybe he just wants to be left alone... and that's why he can't be found.”
“Hmm” Kolja seems to be thinking, ”I'll have my men search everything anyway.....”
“Do that... and if he doesn't turn up straight away, you can decide whether to keep looking for him or give him time to turn up on his own!” Jolly tells Kolja.
“Hmm,” grumbles Kolja, not entirely convinced.
“Whatever you decide.... I'd like to go back to sleep now, as I said I'm finished and my head is buzzing!” urges Jolly.
“All right.....” Kolja interjects, ”But if Artur doesn't turn up....”
“I'll look for him.....” sighs Jolly, ”Give him time... it's not the first time he's overreacted!”
“Hmm” Kolja nods reluctantly, ”You're right.....”
“Can I hang up now?” Jolly wants to know.
“Yes.... But come here tomorrow... my father wants to discuss something with both of us!” Kolja interjects before hanging up.
Olivia, who has overheard every word, freezes at the last sentence, buries her face in his chest and shakes her head. When Jolly puts his cell phone on the bedside table, she begs him, “Don't go there.....”
“I have to, min Liv!” sighs Jolly, holding her tightly against him, ”I have to keep everything the same or Semjon will get suspicious... he's smart and dangerous. Kolja is a snake and no less dangerous... I mustn't give them any cause for suspicion!”
“I can't stand it!” Olivia sobs, ”How am I supposed to deal with the fact that you could be killed at any moment!”
“I won't be killed!” declares Jolly sternly, ”I'll take care of myself, don't worry about that. It's worked out quite well so far!”
Olivia looks at him in despair, gently stroking the injuries on his face, “I wouldn't say that....” she swallows with tears in her eyes.
Jolly kisses her tenderly, “I promise you, the nightmare will end soon!”
Olivia snuggles up to him, “I don't know how I'm going to survive the days until then.....”
“One day at a time!” whispers Jolly harshly, ”I'll contact Doi and tell him time is of the essence! Maybe I can speed it up with that!”
Olivia nods and presses herself even closer to him, “I can't lose you...” she whispers barely audibly and Jolly's heart tightens, pure happiness pulses through his veins and he feels pure security.
“Happy with your car?” smiles Doi as Jolly approaches him.
“Hmm,” he nods and points to Doi's shot ear with a nod of his head, ”All good with that?”
Doi looks at Jolly lurkingly, then nods, “By now yes... I could have done without it though!”
“Better than a bullet between the eyes....” smiles Jolly.
“Quite.....” nods Doi, ”So, here we are.... What have you got for me!”
“How soon can you get me and Liv passports... guarantee a safe escape?” Jolly wants to know from him.
“I can do that within a week.... Where are you going?” asks Doi.
“Away from the Russian mafia's sphere of influence and preferably also from the Yakuza or any other organization!” explains Jolly.
Doi laughs, “I didn't know you were a dreamer!”
Jolly looks at him calmly.
“Very well.... Think about where you want to go.... My private plane is ready and waiting!” Doi nods, ”But if you want to start somewhere new, you'll need some start-up capital!”
“True... I also need papers for Liv with a new name and dates. She's a doctor... I don't want her to have to give up her job for me when she's already lost everything!” explains Jolly.
“Hmm a doctor....” Doi seems to consider, then looks Jolly straight in the eye, “If I'm honest, I could really use a man of your caliber.... A female doctor wouldn't be bad either!”
“Forget it!” growls Jolly, glaring at Doi, ”That's not on the table!”
“Hmm” smiles Doi, ”Anyway, my offer stands!”
“No need!” grumbles Jolly.
“Well then, WHAT have you got for me?” Doi then wants to know.
“Your two moles.....” Jolly begins and tells Doi the names of the traitors, causing his face to darken instantly.
“Fuck!” he hisses, ”They'll regret this!”
Jolly simply shrugs his shoulder.
“Anything else?” Doi wants to know.
“Semjon.... He's dying!” Jolly explains calmly.
Doi's eyebrow goes up, “Oh!”
“Brain tumor, he doesn't have long, hence his attempts to secure everything for Kolja!” adds Jolly.
“And then the asshole starts stressing me out?” laughs Doi, shaking his head in amusement.
“I didn't say he was acting rationally!” explains Jolly.
“Do you know how long he has left?” Doi wants to know.
“No!” Jolly shakes his head.
“Kolja.... is he a problem?” Doi follows up.
“He's not his father, definitely not.... A weakling, a snake at the same time. I'd be more worried about his mother!” explains Jolly.
“Inga?” Doi asks, puzzled.
“Inga!” nods Jolly, ”She pulls the strings in the background. Semjon listens to her, even though she never appears in public. Kolja too. If you want to hurt the Russian mafia, take Inga out after Semjon's death!”
“Hmm,” Doi nods thoughtfully, ”who else is a potential danger?”
“Oleg, Semjon's right hand man!” nods Jolly.
“What about his daughter, Nadja?” Doi wants to know.
Jolly shakes his head, “Leave Nadja out of it!”
“Oh!” Doi's eyebrow goes up again, ”Then it's true that you're fucking her, you're having an affair... what does your Liv say?”
“Had!” Jolly clarifies, ”She's about to get engaged to Sergei Ivanov.....”
“Then she's a potential threat too!” states Doi coldly.
“She has ambitions!” admits Jolly reluctantly.
“A woman with ambitions....” nods Doi, ”More dangerous than many a man!”
“Hmm” nods Jolly with a bad feeling in his stomach, he doesn't want to hand Nadja over to Doi, ”If you want a reliable ally, then Nadja is the one for you. She's smart, she knows how to assess the situation. Help her take over the organization instead of Kolja. That would mean peace and you'd benefit from each other!”
Doi ponders, “An interesting idea... I'll think about it!” he explains.
“Don't think too long.... I had a conversation with Semjon and Kolja yesterday. They're planning an all-out attack on all other organizations that Semjon sees as a threat. Pure idiocy!” adds Jolly.
He has to think about the conversation and he still feels sick about what it would mean for everyone. Chaos, suffering, dozens of deaths... especially innocent people would be dragged into it, killed.
“Semjon has become unpredictable!” snorts Doi, to which Jolly nods in agreement.
“Another thing, Kolja's going crazy because Artur's gone.....” Jolly grumbles.
“Hmm, I'll think of something.....” smiles Doi.
Jolly raises his eyebrow questioningly.
“I'm not casting suspicion on you....” Doi placates Jolly, ”But I think Kolja needs to know for sure what happened to his man!”
“Hmm!” nods Jolly darkly.
“Good... I'll take care of everything and let you know when I have your papers.... As for the start-up capital, is a million enough?” smiles Doi.
Jolly stares at him in disbelief.
“More?” Doi wants to know.
“Um... no.” Jolly swallows, dumbfounded.
“Your information was important to me... but the fact that you helped Nicholas escape is worth more than gold to me. He's like a brother to me! I'm very grateful to you for that... and that you didn't hit me!” Doi explains seriously.
“Hmm” nods Jolly, not knowing what to say to that.
“Well... and if you change your mind, I'll always have a place for you with me!” smiles Doi and says goodbye.
Jolly feels like a mountain is falling off his shoulders..... It's working, he thinks to himself, it's really working! Soon I'll be free and can start a normal life with Liv.
Olivia puts her hair up with trembling hands, breathing in and out deeply.
Jolly steps behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, tenderly kissing the junction of her neck and shoulder, “Are you sure you're ready to go back to work?” he asks anxiously.
Olivia shrugs her shoulders, “I can't stay at home any longer.... We're permanently understaffed anyway!”
“Hmm,” he grumbles and kisses her temple, ”I'm still not comfortable! I'd rather have you here where I can protect you!”
Olivia turns to him so that she can look directly at him, “You can hardly keep an eye on me 24/7!” she smiles.
“I can!” he kisses her on the lips, ‘And you can believe me that I won't let you out of my sight for a second!’ he grimly grumbles, ”Something like what happened to Artur will never happen again, I swear to you. No one will ever harm a hair on your head again!”
“It's OK, Joakim!” whispers Olivia, putting her hand on his cheek, ”It wasn't your fault!”
“Oh yes, it was!” whispers Jolly harshly.
“Please.... Let's not talk about it anymore!” swallows Olivia, ”I just want to forget it!”
“All right....” nods Jolly, still feeling miserable, ”I'll drive you to the hospital and pick you up again! I can also sit in the emergency room...” he suggests.
“No, that's not necessary, really!” Olivia smiles and snuggles up to him.
“Hmm,” mumbles Jolly, not entirely convinced.
Before he can say anything back, his cell phone buzzes and he notices how Olivia freezes in his arms.
She looks at him anxiously as he grimly takes the call.
“Come here now, I have a job for you!” Semjon grumbles.
“I'm on my way, it may take a while....” Jolly dodges.
“In half an hour....” Jolly contradicts stoically, noticing how Olivia shakes her head frantically, then takes her reassuringly in his arms.
“You're getting away with a lot!” Semjon realizes more calmly, ‘It's probably time to show you your place again, where you belong!’ he threatens dangerously quietly.
Olivia presses her hand over her mouth to stop herself from gasping out loud. She clings to Jolly in horror.
Jolly has to pull himself together so as not to irritate Semjon even more, “I'm sorry if you get that impression. But I can't help the traffic here.... Unfortunately, it's going to take me at least half an hour to get to you. And I'm on the road because I sometimes have to go shopping!” he explains as calmly as possible.
“Hmm,” grumbles Semjon, ‘but no later than half an hour!’ and hangs up.
“Oh God, Joakim!” Olivia sobs desperately against his chest.
Jolly hugs her to him, “Nothing will happen to me. He'll have calmed down by the time I get to him, I've seen enough of him!” he tries to reassure Olivia.
“And if he doesn't? If he knocks you down again?” Olivia swallows.
“He won't... he has a job for me.... That's probably more important to him than taking his anger out on me!” explains Jolly.
“An assignment is.....” Olivia looks at him anxiously.
“Hmm” Jolly nods, ”He wants me to kill someone for him!”
Olivia closes her eyes, “This is just so wrong....” she whispers desperately.
“I know, min Liv!” Jolly rests his forehead against hers, “But if I don't do it......” he leaves the sentence unfinished.
“I know... and that's the terrible thing about it... if you don't, he'll kill you!” she whispers, ”Another life for your life.”
Jolly nods slowly.
“Come on, min Liv, I'll drive you to the hospital...” he then explains gently.
“No.... Go straight to Volkov! Don't waste a minute! I don't want him to get even angrier with you if you don't get to him in time!” she swallows.
“Out of the question!” growls Jolly, ”I won't let you take the subway alone!”
“Yes, you will, because I'm not going to let that maniac hurt you again!” declares Olivia stubbornly, ”Pick me up when you can!”
“Liv, I....” begins Jolly, but is interrupted by Olivia, ”No, Joakim! You know I'm right. You'll never get to him in time if you drive me first. I'm taking the subway. DOT!” she looks at him with flashing eyes.
“I....” Jolly tries again.
“JOAKIM, stop trying to argue with me!” she snarls, ”Go to that maniac and come back in one piece, that's all I want!”
Jolly nods, admitting defeat, “All right! But I'll pick you up!” he swears to her.
“Do that!” Olivia smiles and kisses him on the tip of his nose.
“Artur's dead!” growls Semjon as Jolly stands in front of him.
“Why?” Jolly wants to know, ”Did you.....?”
“No....” Semjon explains immediately, ”Even if the thought did cross my mind. It's not a pity about that wanker, but he was one of us!”
“Hmm” Jolly nods in agreement, ”Who then?”
“From the looks of it, our informant at Doi!” growls Semjon.
“What?” Jolly is irritated for a moment.
“Hmm” nods Semjon.
“But why?” Jolly could bite his ass the moment the question slipped past his lips.
“Money!” Semjon explains tersely, ”The asshole probably wanted more money for his services, left Artur a note... what happened next, we don't know.... Only that Artur is now dead.... Found in that asshole's car!”
“Hmm” Jolly isn't sure what to make of this, but one thing he does know is that Doi is a really crafty motherfucker.
“Where's the informant now?” Jolly then wants to know.
“In custody.... The police caught him trying to make the body disappear.....” growls Semjon, ”He also killed two of Artur's men....”
“And what exactly am I supposed to do now?” Jolly wants to know.
“He'll be transferred to a detention center today. Make sure he doesn't get there alive!” growls Semjon, handing him a folded piece of paper, ”Here are the exact times and location!”
Jolly studies the notes briefly, “Hmm, doable!” he nods.
“Good, get that done. Kolja is beside himself.... Also, be on time on Saturday... Nadja's engagement party!” growls Semjon.
“Will I... where?” Jolly wants to know.
“At my house... after all, she's my goddaughter!” growls Semyon, then looks at Jolly lurkingly, ‘You're coming alone?’ he asks.
Jolly looks up without batting an eyelid, “Of course, what else?” he explains with a deadpan expression.
“Hmm....” grumbles Semjon, ”Go on then, finish that asshole off!”
After the job is done, the shot was no problem at all for Jolly, the informant dead on the spot, he waits in his car for Olivia. He watches the entrance anxiously.
Fuck, when is she finally coming, he thinks to himself.
When another 15 minutes have passed, he gets out without further ado and walks across the street to the hospital, goes into the emergency room and looks around for her.
When he finally spots her, he feels like he's going to burst with unbridled rage.
Michael, this huge asshole, is arguing with her, has pushed her against a wall and is talking loudly at her. Olivia hisses at him accordingly.
Jolly's ears are ringing, he can't understand anything of the discussion the two are having. All he can see is Michael getting closer and closer to Liv.
Jolly quickens his steps and sees Olivia looking at him over Michael's shoulder, startled, as he reaches them both and angrily pulls Michael away from Olivia.
“Keep your filthy fingers off her!” he rumbles dangerously quietly and stands protectively in front of Olivia.
The action has not gone unnoticed. Staff AND patients look curiously, sometimes alarmed, at the three of them.
Michael stares pale into Jolly's eyes.
Olivia grabs Jolly's hand from behind, entwines her fingers in his, “Leave him!” she begs him calmly, “He's not worth it! He's really not!”
Jolly clenches his jaw. Olivia's gentle touch brings him somewhat to his senses.
“Come on, let's go.....” Olivia takes a step forward, pulling Jolly with her, who is still glaring murderously at Michael.
“If that guy dares so much as look at you again, I'll kill him!” growls Jolly quietly on her way out.
“You won't do that!” Olivia hisses back, ”Even if I wish he'd disappear never to be seen again!”
“THAT could easily be arranged!” growls Jolly, still pissed off at this wanker.
“As tempting as that may sound, YOU leave him alone!” whispers Olivia sternly, ”YOU don't kill anyone unless you have to... that's for sure! And when we're finally out of this shit, you won't kill anyone!” she adds sharply as they walk out of the hospital.
“If anyone threatens you....” Jolly starts, but is punched in the upper arm by Olivia, causing him to wince.
“Ow!” he grimaces, ‘You got the spot where I got grazed!’ he complains.
“Maybe you'll remember what I just said to you! No more fucking murders!” growls Olivia.
Jolly has to bite back a grin, knowing that he would make Olivia even angrier.
Looking at her suspiciously, “I'm not joking, I'm serious!” she growls.
Arriving at the car, Jolly takes her in his arms first, kisses her, “I know min Liv, and I'll stick to it!” he smiles, unless some asshole gets too close..... he adds in his mind.
“I need a hot shower first.....” moans Olivia when they finally get to her apartment.
“Sounds tempting!” smiles Jolly, sliding his hands around her waist from behind, ‘Will you take me?’ he teases, kissing her neck.
“Hmm, do you deserve that?” she smiles.
“I think so... after all, the asshole is still alive.....” Jolly explains with a smile.
“God, Joakim!” moans Olivia.
“What?” he kisses her again, ”That guy triggers me just thinking about him...”
“I have absolutely no desire to talk about Michael right now!” gasps Olivia as Jolly's hand slowly moves into her waistband, pushing further and further down.
“Good!” Jolly's lips nibble on her earlobe as his middle finger touches her bud, applying gentle pressure to it and Olivia presses herself against him, panting, rubbing her firm ass against his already pronounced bulge in his pants.
“Fuck, Liv.....” Jolly gasps excitedly and lowers his lips to the tender skin on her neck again, sucking and nibbling while he continues to stimulate her with circular movements, noticing how she gets wetter and wetter and her breathing becomes intermittent.
Olivia raises her arms in the air and wraps them around Jolly's neck, pulling him closer to her as sweet shivers of arousal race through her body.
“Don't stop.....” she moans as she continues to rub herself against him, increasing the pressure.
Jolly has to swallow, pushes herself harder against Olivia and slides two fingers inside her, making her gasp. Especially when he starts to stretch her walls, slowly but steadily working his way up to her point, which makes her shudder.
Jolly skillfully twists his fingers inside her, pumping them in and out, rubbing the pad of his thumb over her bud until Olivia is a moaning heap of misery in his arms and he pulls her closer with his arm around her waist to keep her from collapsing as her orgasm rips through her.
Olivia rests her head against his shoulder, wincing slightly as Jolly pulls his fingers out of her again, holding her tightly afterwards.
“Let's take a shower.....” he suggests softly in her ear.
“Hmm” Olivia nods, still wax in his hands, rubbing herself against him, ‘You need relief badly!’ she smiles.
“If you say so.....” grins Jolly and picks her up, carrying her into the bathroom.
Later, as they lie snuggled up in bed, Olivia lovingly strokes a strand of hair from Jolly's face, “Do you want to talk about the job you had to do today?” she wants to know quietly.
“Hmm” grumbles Jolly, blinking at her, ”No.... Not really.....” he sighs and sits up a little, ”Wasn't a big deal....”
Olivia has to swallow.
“No, I mean, it wasn't hard to do the job.... Not that it wasn't a big deal to kill someone.... Although it wasn't a shame about the asshole...I mean....” Jolly doesn't really know what to say.
“Hmm,” Olivia nods, resting her head on his chest, tracing the lines of his tattoo with her finger, ‘I just can't get used to this kind of thing!’ she gulps.
“You don't have to, min Liv!” Jolly kisses the top of her head, ”I'm more than happy to finally leave this life behind me!”
“Me too!” whispers Olivia in his arms, snuggling up to him.
“I have to go to Semyon on Saturday, Nadja's engagement party with Sergei is taking place there....” he then mentions.
Olivia lifts her head, “You HAVE to?!” she asks.
“Hmm” nods Jolly, ”I HAVE to!”
“Hmm” Olivia mumbles and pushes herself even closer to him.
“You needn't be afraid.... I'll blend in with the others so Semjon doesn't notice me!” he promises her, ”I'll get out of there as soon as I can!”
Olivia nods, “I'm just scared if you have to go to that monster!” she gulps.
“Nothing will happen!” he kisses her again, ‘Do you have to work on Saturdays?’ he then wants to know.
“Hmm” Olivia nods, ”Late shift!”
“I'll pick you up!” explains Jolly immediately, ”Getting there will be difficult!”
Olivia tilts her head back, “I'll be fine!” she smiles.
Jolly sighs, “See, just like you're scared for me when I have to go to Semjon, I'm scared something will happen to you when you're out on your own. There are too many lunatics out there...” he growls and pulls her close to him.
It's Friday afternoon when Kolja calls Jolly.
“Come to the club tonight.... We're drinking to Artur!” he tells him bluntly.
“When?” Jolly wants to know and feverishly thinks about how he can avoid it.
“Be there by 8 p.m. at the latest...” Kolja replies, ”We should discuss my father's wishes in advance.... Regarding your future role!”
FUCK, thinks Jolly, “As your right-hand man?” he wants to know.
“Exactly... now that Artur is dead.... Well, you're not the worst choice!” explains Kolja.
“Thank you very much!” snorts Jolly.
“Well, you know... be on time!” Kolja informs him and hangs up.
Great, Jolly thinks to himself, Artur's funeral tomorrow and Nadja's engagement the day after. He would have liked to have spared himself that, but Doi still needs time for her papers to be perfect.
Jolly and Olivia have already thought together about WHERE they want to start again... but so far they haven't come to a final decision. There are too many factors to consider... At the moment, they are thinking about traveling the world to cover their tracks better.
Jolly can hardly wait to take this step together with Olivia.
Sighing, he gets up and strolls into her kitchen. He is hardly ever in his own apartment anymore, only to change clothes or when he needs something from it, his weapons for example. He only has his pistol, which Kolja gave him, here with Olivia.
Jolly is determined to teach Olivia how to shoot, even if she's just as unenthusiastic about it!
On Fridays, he actually wanted to take her to a shooting range in the afternoon.... But it should be possible by the evening.
His only problem is that he has to leave Olivia alone for so long.... On the one hand, he has a bad feeling about it because he won't be able to protect her, and on the other, he simply doesn't WANT to be away from her for a second.
The mere thought of her makes him smile, if not grin blissfully.
In the kitchen, he starts to prepare something for dinner before picking Olivia up from the hospital. This has almost become a routine and Jolly feels completely at ease with it, noticing how it relaxes him considerably, even more when Olivia is with him.
He still can't quite believe that this wonderful creature has crossed his path and then wanted him.... Even after she found out WHAT he is....
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starryhyuck · 4 years
thin walls. (m)
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pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Storm Clouds on a Sunny Day
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***Oooooo Teen!MC! Thank you for the request @lovevictoire! Now, although I think I'm technically Gen z??? (I could be a millennial. I have no idea). I have like 0 sense of most pop culture and probably won't be able to write that classic gen z chaotic humour properly, so I'm not going to attempt. What I can do is the hurt/comfort aspect of this which I LOVE! So, let's do this. I hope you enjoy it. ((Oh and before I forget *hugs*))***
Summary: MC has always been a happy positive ray of light that brought joy with them wherever they went; at least that's what the brothers and the other exchange students would tell you. But when they suddenly start getting quiet and begin isolating themselves, everyone is concerned.
TW: descriptions of grief.
In the darkness of the Devildom, you were the sun.
Since arriving in the dark, cruel world of the demons, you had reminded them how to smile, how to laugh, how to love. With you around, it was like the brothers had another sibling again. For the other exchange students, you were a breath of fresh amongst all the horror and despair of the Devildom.
In short, everyone had come to love and be incredibly fond of the teenage human that; which is why they noticed instantly when you weren't acting like yourself.
For starters, you had skipped breakfast, which greatly concerned Beel. The friendly giant had to go up and bring you your food afterwards.
He gently knocked on your door with one hand as he held a plate with way too much food on it in the other. "MC? Are you awake? You missed breakfast."
There was a small curse from the other side before he heard some shuffling. The door cracked open to reveal you wrapped in a bundle of blankets. It wasn't until you looked up that Beel got a good look at your face and his stomach dropped.
Your eyes were tinged red with tear tracks stained onto your cheeks. Your bottom lip was still trembling from the effort of not breaking down into sobs. There was not a trace of the sunshine child that you usually were inside of your stormy sad eyes.
Beel's heart broke as you still attempted to give him a small smile and took the plate from him. "Th-Thanks Beel."
He kept a hand on the door to prevent you from closing it. "MC, are you alright? What happened?"
Your eyes widened a little and you quickly wiped at your cheeks. "I-I'm just not feeling that well. Can...Can you tell Lucifer I'm taking a sick day?"
Beel nodded as concern grew stronger and stronger inside of him. "Of course. Whatever you need."
You weren't actually sick, Beel could tell that much. What you were was heartbroken. Something had reached into your soul and shattered it into pieces. He to ask you what it was. He wanted to reassure you that everything would be okay. But instead, he let you close the door and hurried back to his brothers.
His brothers looked at him skeptically as he arrived, noting the lack of a tiny human alongside him. It was Belphie, however, who noticed the distressed look on Beelzebub's face. "Beel, is everything alright? You look upset."
Beel simply shook his head and looked over to Lucifer. "MC has asked me to tell you that they would like to take a sick day."
Everyone was instantly on their feet in worry.
"Sick? What kind of illness? I can get any medicine they might need and look up the quickest way for them to recover." Satan quickly stated as he began to move towards the kitchen.
Belphie nodded and picked up his pillow. "If they're sick, they'll need rest right? I'll go up there and help them sleep better."
Mammon moved to go with Belphie. "I'll come with ya. They'll feel better with if their favourite's there with them."
Belphie growled and shoved Mammon as Levi spoke up. "I-I mean, I doubt they'd want to spend the entire day with me, but at the very least I can provide them with some movies and games for entertainment. In fact, it might be easier if we just, um, m-move them to my room."
Mammon and Belphie were now snapping at Levi rather than each other.
Asmo scrunched up his nose in disgust and put up his hands. "Yeah, no thanks. I love MC, but I'll leave you guys to handle all the snot and vomit thank you very much. Tell them when they're healthy, I'll give them a spa day, just the two of us."
Lucifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Boys, Beel hadn't even told us what is wrong with them yet," everyone froze and turned to Beelzebub. Lucifer nodded and gestured for him to continue. "As you were saying, Beel."
Beel shifted uncomfortably at the attention. "Right. So, I don't think they're actually sick."
Lucifer rose an eyebrow at this as an air of defence grew around him. "You think they would lie?"
Beel huffed in annoyance and shook his head. "No. I don't think they would. But when they answered the door, they didn't look sick. They looked like they were grieving," everyone breathed in sharply at the statement, but Beel continued. "They honestly looked like they had been crying since midnight. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't get any sleep at all last night."
Lucifer frowned and finally made a move towards the door. "I, and I alone, will go speak with them. We don't want to overcrowd them. In the meantime, someone please contact Simeon just in case they truly are sick and Beel misinterpreted it," he ignored the several shouts of protest as he walked to your room.
He knocked softly on the door twice before carefully opening the door. "MC? Beelzebub informed me that you aren't feeling-"
Lucifer cut himself off as he saw you hugging your knees to your chest in bed, sobbing your heart out. He quickly made his way over and sat down beside you, gently placing a hand on your back. "MC, what's the matter? I've never seen you this upset before."
You didn't answer. You merely turned towards him and buried your face in his chest as you clung to his shirt. Lucifer quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you tight.
It was almost as if he could feel your sorrow within the sounds of your cries. The way they shuttered and cracked with every inhale and vibrated with pure agony on every exhale. You were trembling violently in his arms in a way that he hadn't felt since-
Since he held his brothers after Lilith's death.
Realization came to him as he glanced over and noticed the lightly crumped picture of you and another human on your side table. His breath caught in his throat and he held you tighter. "Oh MC," he whispered softly. "I am so sorry."
He held you there, letting your tears stain his shirt without a single care. He held you as your sobs softened into sniffles. He held you as your head lolled to the side and you finally gave in to sleep.
Lucifer had been about to fall asleep himself when he noticed the door open. Simeon, Luke and Solomon stood there with equal expressions of concern.
Luke took one look at your tear-stained face before a flicker of fury and angelic protectiveness flashed across his face. He opened his mouth to shout at Lucifer, but was stopped as a hand came over his mouth.
Solomon looked down at him sternly. "They're sleeping, Luke, and clearly in need of it. You don't want to wake them."
Luke huffed and slapped Solomon's hand away before going over to the bed and climbing in beside you and Lucifer.
Simeon pulled out a bag that clinked and clattered from the vials within it. "Satan had said that there was a possibility MC was ill?"
Lucifer sighed and continued to rub circles into your back while Luke gently dried your face with a handkerchief. "Unfortunately it seems the only illness they have is a broken heart." He nodded to the picture on the nightstand. "They appear to have lost someone. Today must be an anniversary of some sort that reminded them of it."
Both Solomon and Simeon's faces softened at the explanation. Simeon put the bag away. "I'm afraid I don't have anything that can help with that."
Solomon nodded. "It's a feeling I believe we are all familiar with," he stood in silent thought before snapping his fingers and grinning. "I know what will cheer them up! Some soup! It most certainly cheers me up whenever I'm upset. I'll go make them a pot right away," he smiled proudly as he left the room, missing the look of horror on everyone else's face.
"Oh my," Simeon began, "I better go supervise and make sure he doesn't accidentally poison them. Luke, do you wish to come?"
He shook his head and hugged you. "I'm not leaving them."
Simeon smiled fondly and glanced up to Lucifer who shrugged. "So long as he doesn't mind being the presence of a demon, I suppose he can stay."
Luke grumbled and continued looking at your hand as he held his up to it and compared sizes. "If they were able to fall asleep around you and you were able to comfort them...maybe you're not so bad."
Simeon raised an eyebrow in shock and laughed a little. "Well there you have it," he looked back to Lucifer. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."
He nodded and watched the older angel leave.
Although the day was a rough one for you, there was not a second where you felt alone. There was always someone to hold you, to listen to you, and comfort you when you needed it most.
On days when sadness and despair threatened to cloud over the Devildom's only source of sunshine, the lords of the Devildom and your friends would be there to keep you warm until the sun could shine again.
***I hope you enjoyed this cute little comfort fic! Thanks again for the request @lovevictoire!***
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Heya! Congrats on the 100+ followers!! Your writing is really good and I enjoy reading your works!
If you dont mind, what would be your headcanons on the TWST dorm leaders of what prefrences they have for a S/O? Like what would they want in an S/O? (Also Im sorry if this has already been asked Im also kinda new to your blog as well ;w;)
Hii!! And thank you 🥰🥺💕 that means a lot to me!! I hope you stay and continue to enjoy yourself here!This hasn’t been asked before so I hope you enjoy!!! ;w; I hope you all enjoy I had a fun time (and a difficult time) writing this out! I think I made it too long, again ;w;
I made this SFW uwu just some fluff!!!! But please keep in mind before you follow me, I MOSTLY POST NSFW works.
Warnings: slight story spoilers for episode 5, for Idia’s part, if u squint
Pairings: Dorm Leaders x Reader
I put things under a cut for length!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would probably want a partner who does well in school - at least someone who tries to! It would go against his own desires to do well in life if he has a partner who doesn’t have the drive to succeed like he does.
He isn’t particularly fond of people who have a lot of potential yet waste it on being lazy. Like I said before, it goes against his own morals.
I also see him wanting someone fun-loving! Riddle grew up in an environment where fun was essentially taboo so he would be drawn like a moth to a flame to someone who has so much energy in them. Remember one of his best childhood friends is Che’nya so he would probably not hate the idea of joking around and being silly once in a while!
Someone who would love sweets like him! Not too often so he could maintain his shape, but someone who would love to indulge him once in a while!
Riddle would love to see an S/O who makes time for him and the unbirthday parties that Heartslabyul hosts! He feels like a good dorm leader and seeing you make an effort to come makes him feel like a great boyfriend too!
“Ah, Y/N, I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to make it today.” Riddle sighed to himself in relief. He feared his rose would come to the party late. “Ah, sorry Riddle! I was late because I was studying for Professor Crewel’s exam but I lost track of time!” You breathed out, a bit exhausted from running.
The redhead only nodded and smiled at you. “Don’t worry about it, my rose. We’ve only just begun the party, so no need to fret.” Riddle’s gentlemanly ways never failed to make your heart soar. “No no, I’ll make it up to you! I’ll bake you a tart sometime, you’ll let me right?” You playfully nudged at your boyfriend’s arm and smirked.
Riddle could only blush furiously. “Th-that would not be a bad idea. I suppose I would accept the gift graciously, dear, but only if we can cook it together. I believe it would be beneficial to both of us to learn!”
Leona Kingscholar
Someone who loves to nap with him like all the time
Leona would definitely want someone who is willing to praise him a lot. Growing up he never really had that and felt like he was overshadowed by his big brother, so this guy needs validation like crazy. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love him, how warm he is… he’ll scoff and look away but you could see the faintest blush on his cheeks. He secretly loves it.
I feel like Leona would like bratty tsunderes, for some reason. He would be the perfect teasing type for them and I think I can just picture Leona and his S/O getting into play fights that lead to something more, if you catch my drift.
Someone who can be “refined” enough for show so that when he brings you home to his family, they can accept you fully. The last thing he wants is his family pestering him about how his potential mate isn’t a good fit.
As tough as he may be he def wants someone at the end of the day to stroke his head and calm him down after a long and stressful day.
“Oi, herbivore, come here and be my pillow.” Leona’s gruff voice broke the silence of his room. He was sitting up on his bed while you studied on his desk. Giggling, you made your way into his bed, crawling over to where he was. Leona pushed your torso down gently and started nuzzling his head on your chest, and you could feel the vibrations coming from his body that was like a low growl. Or was it purring?
“Of course, anything for my big strong boyfriend, the best Magift player in the school, my one and only love~” you endlessly praised him, smiling at him as if he were a rare diamond. Leona only huffed as he wrapped his muscular arms around your form, effectively preventing you from leaving.
“Tch…. Damn right….” Leona mumbled. “Why don’t you tell me more while I start drifting to sleep?” Leona smirked. Running your fingers through his hair carefully, you obliged, feeling Leona’s breathing become more calm as you continued.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul would ALSO want someone who praises him, due to his years of being bullied. Call him beautiful, smart, tell him he’s the most cunning man on campus. He EATS IT UP. This man will swear on his life for you.
He also would want someone who has the ability to work hard… what? The Mostro Lounge needs extra workers sometimes! Azul thinks that if he can own the lounge, manage contracts, AND study hard for school, his S/O should be able to match him!
I can see Azul absolutely praising/spoiling his S/O too. Since you give him so much happiness in his life he should pay it forward, no? What would you like, a new dress/suit? A new piece of jewelry?
Someone !!! Loyal!!! Azul wants someone who he can feel secure with in a relationship, so he probably wouldn’t want you to flirt with anybody else since his insecurities will SPARK UP like crazy!
Azul wants someone who loves him for who he is, unconditionally!
“Angelfish… hello, good evening. I’m sorry if I am a bit more tired than usual, I just finished with ordering more inventory for the lounge and dealing with some paperwork.” Azul sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You dropped your bags on one of the chairs of the VIP room and walked over slowly to your octomer boyfriend. Bringing your arms to his shoulders, you slowly begin to knead and massage his arms gently. Azul groaned at the contact, muscles aching.
“How is this, Azul? I know how hard you work, you deserve to take a break too, sometimes…” you spoke gently into his ear, kissing the shell of it. The contact gave him slight goosebumps. “Ah, I would love to but, I have so much more to do… I know it’s going to be a late night for me, so why don’t you head on to sleep?” You tsked, upset with his answer. “I know it’s late Azul, that’s why I’m here. You know, if you keep doing this you’ll get wrinkles, right?”
“Ahem! Well. Then, this might be a good place to stop if that’s the case…” Azul huffed, standing up quickly to retire to his room, you in tow.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim wants someone who is cheerful! They may not be a ray of sunshine like he is, but I honestly can’t picture him with someone smug/gloomy. Kalim might be dense but he isn’t THAT stupid. I think he would be able to notice if you were upset which makes him upset.
Someone who is down for anything, Kalim would love to take you on a ride on his magic carpet at random hours of the day so be prepared to drop whatever you’re doing if you want to appease your impulsive boyfriend!
A fun loving person for sure, who isn’t super self conscious about what people think. If he asks you to dance with him he would really love for you to join! He wouldn’t want you to say something like, “oh, but I’m a bad dancer…” Kalim would shake his head and ask you why you would say that! It’s all about having a fun time together, right?
A patient lover is what Kalim would want as well, someone who’s kind, too. At the end of the day when Kalim is ready to sleep after his crazy antics, he wants a partner he can be able to lay next to and feel like himself.
Someone who loves him even if he weren’t rich, Kalim would want someone for their personality and not materialistic things or beauty. Kalim sees someone for their heart ! (*´꒳`*)
You yawned heavily while rubbing your eyes. Was that a tapping noise coming from the window? “Ugh…. What time is it?” Checking your phone, you saw it was 1:30am. You also had a text from Kalim.
*tap tap tap*
You groggily walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see Kalim sitting on his magic carpet with the biggest grin upon seeing you. Opening the window, you giggled lightly. “Good evening Kalim, fancy seeing you here so late.”
“Hi, Y/N!! I woke up and felt bored so, you wanna join me on a night ride around campus?” Kalim practically beamed at you, even this late at night. His smile never failed to make your heart flutter. The boy’s positive energy also transferred to you, effectively waking you up.Stepping onto the carpet from your window was your answer. After getting situated, you kissed Kalim’s cheek and held his hand. “Of course Kalim, I would love to.”
Vil Schoenheit
Someone who can tough out his callous words and treatment. Vil might be a bit much, but the reason why he does this is because he does it with the goal of ultimately helping you. He only wants to see the best out of people, including but not limited to his little sweet potato!
Someone who is patient. He knows he checks who the most beautiful person is quite often and he doesn’t do it to annoy you, it’s just for his own personal validation issues. Lay a hand on his arm, back, or head to give him praises and let him know he’s beautiful to you no matter what.
Someone who is willing to pepper him lightly with kisses (not the face though, he has makeup on!). He definitely eats it up and loves it so much, he feels like you are treating him like a king. He’ll pay that back tenfold and give you beauty treatments, it’ll feel like you’re at the spa on a weekday!
Vil is constantly posting on Magicam, depending on whether you’re comfortable enough to be posted on there he would want to make sure you are okay with him constantly taking photos to be posted on there. Whether it be food you cooked, matching couples outfits, or even pictures of you without makeup, be ready to face comments of all sorts coming from his fans.
“Mira Mira on my phone… Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?” You heard Vil speak outside of his room. Currently you sat on the small chaise at the foot of his bed. Vil told you he needed to step out for a second, so you could get ready for bed now. After putting on your sleeping clothes, Vil finally came back in, seeming more irritated than before. His eyebrows furrowed and his body looked tense.
“Vil, are you alright?” You questioned him as you made your way to his bed, slipping under the covers. Vil only sighed and exchange a quick “Mm.” as he changed into his pajamas and came to join you. He was turned so his back was facing you and he was a bit distant. You knew he didn’t get the answer he wanted when he got those search results back. You didn’t know how to convince your boyfriend otherwise but you decided you needed to talk to him.
“Vil, darling…” you spoke gently as you nuzzled closer, your chest pressing into his back. Your arm wrapped around him to pull him closer, to which he responded with finally relaxing in your touch. “You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me, Vil, I don’t know if you realize how lucky I am to have such a loving, caring, and talented boyfriend like you. Your beauty is simply the cherry on top of the person I fell in love with. To me, you’re perfect. I love you.” You ended your tangent by placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder, dozing off.
You couldn’t see Vil but he trembled lightly as tears silently fell down his face. “Thank you… I love you too, my sweet potato.” Vil whispered into his pillow. With you, he always felt like the most beautiful person.
Idia Shroud
Personality wise, I don’t think Idia would be picky. He’s a shy person and honestly would be surprised he could get an S/O at all! So is Ortho!
Speaking of Ortho, Idia wants someone who is kind and loving to his little brother. Knowing his partner loves his brother would only make him fall for you harder!
Probably someone who would give Idia his own space until he finally felt comfortable and wanted to take it further, he would prob take a few days to even kiss you!!!
Idia wants someone to be his player 2 :) like actually, come over and game with him and he’ll probably be the happiest boy ever.
Big big bonus if you love anime, cosplay, gaming, etc. It’s one thing to be an otaku like Idia but when he has a partner to fully indulge in his interests with?? It’s a win-win situation for everyone! He wants to do a couple cosplay one day if he gets the courage to ask you.
Someone who won’t pressure him too much. If you remember how Riddle pressured Idia into trying to speak publicly, you know how much of a scary situation it put Idia in, even though he was able to do it. Stressing him out is just gonna make him unhappy :(
Someone who enjoys spending as much time inside as he does! I’m not talking a hikikomori but someone who wouldn’t be opposed to staying inside with him 99.9% of the time lol
“Y-Y/N-shi, would you like to g-go on a date with me soon?” Idia fumbled with his fingers, looking away as he asked you. You raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Idia, this is the first time you asked me to ‘go on a date’. Don’t tell me, are we actually going out somewhere?!”
“Eek! D-don’t be ridiculous, Y/N!!” He almost screeched the words out. Suddenly he pulled out a couple of VR headsets with hand controllers, and handed one to you. “Fuhehe, I just made a bunch of simulation locations. We could go to the park, a restaurant, even an amusement park..!” He grinned showing off his teeth.
You giggled at Idia’s enthusiasm, loving the way he gets after speaking about his own creations. “What a wonderful idea, Idia. Maybe we could take Ortho to the ‘amusement park’ too? We’ll be a big family.” You mused. Idia’s face brightened and a faint pink tinge covered his cheeks.
“F-family, huh? Ah, Y-Y/N-shi…. That would be n-nice…” Idia blushed as he considered what the future would bring for the both of you.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus would also mostly not have preferences on a person’s personality. Like, he wouldn’t say something like: “I want someone shy vs someone bold.” Anything his child of man does is interesting to him and he’s entranced by you!
That being said, Malleus would not tolerate rudeness, disrespect to him, Lilia, or his fellow dorm mates, etc. He may love you but he values those bonds more, especially Lilia’s and his grandmother’s.
Malleus wants someone who is willing to teach him human tendencies, since he is curious about them. Malleus will also probably never stop asking you about your life in the previous world, and listen passionately as you describe the hobbies you had, family members, etc.
As long as you continue to love and treat Malleus like a normal person and with kindness, he will continue to love you endlessly. He’s so unused to it that he will feel so special as you only coo in awe instead of fear away, if he showed you a magic trick or maybe donned more of his draconic features like his tail or long claws.
You walked with Malleus under the bright moonlight in the woods near Ramshackle dorm. His height and charm never failed to impress you. And his face, he was so very handsome. His striking green eyes always made you feel hypnotized and his horns were so well taken care of, you almost wanted to reach out and-
“Hm, Child of Man… you do know it’s quite rude to stare, yes?” Malleus chuckled and suddenly broke the silence, making you gasp. “Ah, sorry Tsunotarou. I-,” searching your thoughts, you just couldn’t think of anything quickly enough. “I just couldn’t help myself. You’re very attractive.” You murmured, admitting defeat.
“Oh? Do I not intimidate you, my dear? Usually humans and even other fae fear my features and tend to shy away…” Malleus looked down in thought as he continued walking. You wrapped yourself around one of his arms as he walked, effectively stopping him in his place. “Well, you don’t intimidate me! I like being around you, so, let’s keep it that way. I want to stay with you for a long time so don’t get too tired of me okay, Malleus?”
Hearing you say his given name only made the fae’s heart beat harder in his chest. Surely you knew what you did to him. He smiled down at you, green eyes softening in your gaze.
“I assure you I won’t, little human.”
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
Not Afraid | jjk (m)
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Summary - Jungkook helps you change your flat tire, and teaches you how to let go.
Word Count -  3816
Pairing - Jungkook x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings -  dom!jungkook, fingering, bondage, breast play, oral (f recieving), dirty talk, rough sex
a/n: another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
Driving home from university on a hot Tuesday afternoon, you sang along to the radio at the top of your lungs.You sped down the highway (still following the speed limit- for the most part. Didn’t most cops give a 5mph grace?) when your car started shaking and swerving. You put your flashers on and pulled over underneath an overpass bridge. You got out and realized you had a flat tire. 
“Crap,” you mumbled, pulling out your spare from the back and staring at it.
You didn’t know how to change a tire. You groaned, kicking the stone wall in frustration. You heard a hissing noise from behind some chipped off stones, and out jumped a snake. You screamed, fumbling away from it. Suddenly, a tall man in a black leather jacket appeared. He fearlessly grabbed the snake by the head so it couldn’t bite him, and walked it over to a grassy area, tossing it free.
“Are you oka-” he began when you threw yourself at him, hugging him. 
Your hands then pressed against his chest. 
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you,” you rushed out.
Being pressed against him felt so good. Your hands slid down his chiseled abdomen slowly, mesmerized. You jumped back to reality, your gaze flickering up to his face, startled. You stood there, frozen, gazes locked together, your hands splayed across the top of his jeans. 
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” you squeaked, cheeks heating up as you stumbled away from him and his amused expression. 
“Oh, don’t mind me. I was enjoying the show,” he smirked. 
You almost died right then and there. From this new angle, you saw his deliciously tanned skin, deep brown eyes and razor sharp jawline, but soft, round features. He was gorgeous, erotic, he was…
“Jungkook?” you gasped, recognizing the boy from school. 
“Hey, Y/N.” he grinned.
“Oh my gosh, hi!” you smiled. “What are you doing here?” 
“I saw you were having car trouble and I stopped to make sure you were okay.”  
You and Jungkook weren’t exactly friends, but you were one of the few people  who didn’t treat him like trash, so you were friendly in classes and the hallways.
“I got a flat tire. I have a spare but I don’t know how to change it.” you sighed.
“I can help you with that. Do you have a jack?”  
“Uh…” you looked in the back and shook your head.
“I do, at my place. Come on,” he motioned to his bike. 
He handed you a helmet and you climbed onto the seat behind him, clutching his torso for dear life. Jungkook’s  body felt so good to touch, it made you hold on a little tighter than necessary. He wasn’t even going that fast. He rode down the highway, turning into his apartment complex. You hopped of the bike, your whole body still vibrating from the purr of the engine. 
“Whoa,” you swayed.
“First time?”  
You nodded.
“I’m honored to have been your first ride,” he smirked, making you blush at the implied meaning.
That bike wasn’t the only thing you wanted to ride…  He grabbed the jack from inside, while you looked around.
“Got it,” he said, suddenly standing behind you, his body head radiating onto your back, breath fanning against your ear. 
You visibly shivered, causing him to chuckle.
“Let’s go, princess.”  
You climbed back on the bike, more aware of his body between your legs than before. He rode back to your car and jacked it up, using the tools he’d brought he took off the old tire and put on the new one. He eased your car back to the ground.
“Good as new,” he beamed, “I’ll follow you home just to be sure that it’s all safe.”
“Thank you, Jungkook. You’re amazing,” you gushed.
He blushed and nodded, crawling back onto his bike and following you to your house. He got off the bike and walked up to you.
“Check your tire pressure in a couple days but other than that it seemed to drive fine.”  
“Okay. Do you want a drink or something?” you gestured to your house. “You really saved me today and I just want to repay you.”
“Sure,“ he smiled.
You led him inside, giving him some iced tea.
“Hungry?” you offered him a plate of cookies your mom had left out when she’d gone to night shift. 
“Thanks,” he smiled, taking one and biting in. 
He closed his eyes and let out a low moan that melted your insides. You pressed your thighs together.
“This cookie is orgasmic.” Jungkook told you, and you just giggled nervously.
“Oh, I forgot to give you the grand tour,” you grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the kitchen. 
You let go as soon as you realized what you’d done and showed him the downstairs before heading up the stairs.
“Last but not least, where I sleep,” you said, sitting on the bed.
“You’re the first guy that’s been up here,” you admitted.
“Oh, another honor of being your first,” he winked.
You covered your face, laughing.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“But didn’t you, Y/N?” the corner of his lip tugged upwards as he stalked towards you, almost like a predator closing in on its’ prey.
Your throat went dry as he placed his hand on your knee, leaning closer.
“Y/N?” your mom called up the stairs, “honey whose motorcycle is outside?”
Jungkook froze, your eyes popped open wide.
“She’s supposed to be at work.”  
“I’m not supposed to be here, am I?” 
You shook your head.
“Shit,” he mumbled, glancing at the window.  
“Don’t go. I have a plan. Come on.” 
You led him downstairs and stopped in front of your mom.
“Y/N, what-” she stopped and stared at Jungkook,  “Who are you? Why is he here? What were you doing up there?” she accused.
“Jungkook helped me change my flat tire and I didn’t have any cash on me but I wanted to repay him so he followed me here so I could get into my savings jar.” 
Jungkook nodded, furthering your story by pulling out a stack of one dollar bills from his pocket.
“Oh, well thank you… Jungkook…” your mom smiled wearily.
“It’s really no problem, Mrs. Y/L/N.”  
“Would you like to stay for dinner? As a thank you? I got off work early and I was going to make steak,” she offered.
“I’d like that,” Jungkook smiled. “At home it’d be me and a frozen dinner.”
“A growing boy needs a home cooked meal,” she clapped, “if you go back into your room, leave the door open Y/N.”
Your whole face felt hot  and you just nodded, dragging Jungkook up the stairs.
“I’m so sorry,” you groaned.
“Don’t be, she’s sweet.”  
“If you say so,” you mumbled.
You and Jungkook hung out in your room, talking and laughing and getting to know each other better. He told you how he became interested in tattoos, even learning how to tattoo someone himself, though he hadn’t had time to do it professionally with school. Tou told him that you’d never done anything half as exciting as that. The both of you kept moving closer unconsciously, until you were sitting cross legged on your bed, knees touching. You bit your bottom lip nervously. Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut.
“Y/N, it’s taking every bit of self control I’ve got not to attack you right now, please don’t make this any harder than it already is,” he groaned.
“Attack me?” you asked.
Jungkook lowered his voice, giving you a dangerous look. 
“You don’t even know what you’re doing to me, do you? From the moment you touched me at the bridge, I’ve wanted you. Even before that. You’re so kind to me, so pure and sweet. But I see the way you look at me. The way you want me. Then you bring me to your bed and you tease me, but I can’t have you. Your mom is downstairs. If she weren’t here right now, I’d have you screaming my name, begging me for more, I’d fuck you so good you’d be limping for days,” he growled, voice barely audible.
You sucked in a breath, using every ounce of willpower you possessed not to jump on him.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you babygirl?” he purred. “You want my hands all over you, my tongue-”
“Y/N! Jungkook! Dinner,” your mom called.
Your face was hot from Jungkook’s dirty words, and he had to adjust himself before going downstairs. 
“I’m starved,” he smirked, “but I really just want dessert,” he whispered in your ear, nibbling it before walking away. 
You nearly fainted, but you followed him down to the kitchen.  You sat next to him at the table.
“Wow Mrs. Y/L/N, this looks amazing,” Jungkook smiled innocently. 
You  pressed your legs together desperate for any kind of relief. Jungkook smiled, placing a hand on your bare thigh under the table. Your eyes widened, and you looked at him. He just smiled politely, eyes focused ahead on what your mother was saying. Your dad came in and introduced himself. Your parents made idle conversation, they asked questions, but you could barely pay attention with Jungkook’s fingers dancing on your skin, so close to where you wanted him, but not close enough. As you were explaining the events of the day to your father, Jungkook’s fingers found their way past the hem of your shorts. You choked on your water.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook feigned concern.
“I’m fine. Wrong pipe,” you coughed, gripping his knee as a warning, pushing your legs together. 
He easily spread them apart again, because, did you really want him to stop? His fingers slithered past your underwear, teasing your slit. 
“This steak is so moist,” Jungkook grinned.
“Thank you, Jungkook,” your mom smiled.
You rolled your eyes, until he slipped one finger inside you. You bit down on your lip to avoid moaning. Jungkook didn’t even glance your way as he added another, pumping in and out of your heat seamlessly. His arm was barely moving. His thumb  rubbed circles around your clit, and you jumped a little. You dug your nails into his leg as his skilled fingers started moving faster, curling and hitting all the best places, making the electricity in your core build fast. You whimpered quietly as he shifted the angle, hitting your G-spot again.
“Are you okay, honey?” your dad asked.
“Yea-yeah. I just… ohhh.. My head hurts,” you moaned out.
“Do you need to be excused?” your dad asked.
“No…” you choked out breathlessly, “I’m okay.” 
“Okay,” he gave you a concerned look and started asking your mother about her day.
Jungkook leaned over and whispered hotly in your ear.
“Such a naughty girl, you don’t want to get caught do you? But it feels so good, doesn’t it? My fingers deep in your soaking pussy.  You act so innocent, I knew you’d be a dirty girl for me.” he purred quietly, so only you could hear. 
“Jungkook,” you gasped quietly, warning him that your orgasm was quickly approaching.
“Let it go baby, but be quiet.” 
He smirked, quickening the pace of his fingers. You covered your head with your arms, biting down on one to stifle the loud moan that left your lips as you rode out your high on Jungkook’ fingers, shaking from the explosion deep inside your core.
“Y/N?” your mom questioned.
“I think it’s a stress headache,” you croaked out. “Maybe I should go lay down. I’ll walk Jungkook out.”
“Okay honey, feel better. Nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
“Pleasure was mine.”  
“Come again soon,” she told him and he just smirked at you.
“I will.” 
Once you got outside, you hit his arm. 
“You’re such an asshole!” you hissed.
“You loved it.,” he laughed. 
You tugged on his shirt and he stepped closer to you.
“There’s more where that came from baby girl. I’m gonna show you how good I can make you feel,” he growled  “if your parents weren’t watching us from the window, I’d kiss you.”
“Now you’re scared?” you scoffed.
His eyes darkened and he pulled you against him roughly, kissing you hard and fast, making you dizzy. His tongue battled yours and his hands gripped your sides, grinding you into him. It was like a grenade had exploded in your mind, almost as good as the orgasm. He pulled away and licked his lips suggestively.
“I’m not afraid of anything, baby,” he winked, jumping on his bike and riding away.
Over the course of the next few weeks, all you could think about was Jungkook. Jungkook’s lips on yours, his fingers, daydreaming about other areas of his anatomy… All you wanted to do was to see how he could keep his word but he had other ideas. He loved to rile you up, then leave you wanting more, saying “it will be worth the wait baby.” Jungkook would sneak up behind you in the hallway, covering your eyes, whispering in your ear with that husky voice “guess who?”  and you like to tease him too.
“Tae?” You pretend- guessed.
Jungkook spun you around in a flash, pinning you against your locker, capturing your lips in a hot, jealous kiss.
“Does Tae kiss you like that?” Jungkook growled. 
“Well now that you mention it…” 
“Oh you’re so in for it,” his fingers dug into your side and you let out a shriek as he tickled you. 
“Jungkook! Jungkook!” You screamed, laughing. 
“That’s right baby, scream my name. Just how I like it, ” he joked, pulling you into a seemingly innocent hug, if it weren’t for his hot breath murmuring dirty things in your ear. 
You went weak against him and he pressed his hard on into your hips, to help keep you up and also to tease you. You whimpered like an injured puppy, grinding against him, but he pulled away. 
“Mmm… so hot for me baby,” he cooed, “maybe if you behaved and didn’t tease me, I wouldn’t have to tease you.“
“I’ll stop I swear,” You promised. 
He grabbed your ass, pulling you in for a fast kiss. The warning bell rang and he took your hand innocently, walking you to class. This hot and cold had shivers running down your spine. He kissed your forehead and went to his own class. 
Later, as you cuddled in his bed, you finally broke. 
“Babe, you’ve been teasing me for weeks. I want you,” you whined. 
“Really? Okay?” you gasped. 
“Yeah, but I want you to beg for it. Beg for me,” he smirked, “tell me how badly you need my big, thick cock in your little wet pussy. Tell me what you want me to do to you.” 
His eyes were dark and dangerous and you were already dripping as you sat up on your knees, looking up at him. 
“Jungkook, please,” you begged, too desperate to be embarrassed, “Please I need you inside me right now. I need to feel your hands on me. I can’t stop thinking about how good your fingers felt inside me. You’re all I think about, I’m going insane. Fuck, please.”  
“Mmm.. that’s it baby girl. You want me to make you feel good?” he purred. 
“Yes, please. Fuck Jungkook, I’m literally begging you. I’ll do anything,” you whimpered. 
“Literally anything. I need you that badly.” 
“Strip,” He instructed, standing up and walking over to his closet and pulling something out. 
You did as told without hesitation. Some might call you whipped, but it was more like sexual desperation. You’d been allowed to have a sample, but you needed the real thing. You’d been teased and provoked for weeks, and you were ready to burst. 
“Lay back, baby,” He said softly, and you did.
He pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, smirking at you.
“Are you ready?”  
Your eyes went wide and you nodded, moving your hands up to the headboard so he could cuff them. 
“Now, this is going to be different, but I want you to stop thinking so much and just feel what I’m doing to you. Can you do that?”  
“Yes,” you breathed out in excitement . 
He pulled out a large bandana, covering your eyes with it and securing it around your head.  You couldn’t even see any light filtering in through the fabric, it was just darkness. You heard Jungkook’ belt buckle and assumed he was undressing. You felt his body hovering over yours. 
“Mmm… you look so fucking good all tied up and ready for me. I’m going to make you feel so amazing baby girl,” he licked a stripe from the sensitive space below your ear down to your collarbone, nibbling gently. 
You felt something soft tickle your breasts, causing your nipples to perk up. The strange soft object was ghosted across your alert nipples and you bit your lip and shivered. 
“Do you trust me to take care of you?”  
You didn’t skip a beat, “yes.” 
“Good girl.”  
Everywhere the soft tickling sensation went, Jungkook lips followed close behind. He sucked on your breasts, teeth gently tugging on your erect nipples. You groaned quietly. His wet mouth on your sensitive skin was almost too much. He licked a bold line across them, blowing cold air on the wet skin, and you shook in anticipation.  Jungkook treated your body like a temple, worshipping every inch of your skin, telling you how flawless you were, how much he craved you. His mouth slowly, tantalizingly slowly, worked its way down your body, leaving little love bites, kissing and licking and teasing. You felt the soft tickle on your heat, so ready for his mouth to follow, but it didn’t. He teased your slit with the soft touches and kissed your mouth tenderly. 
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look, all open and ready for me. You’re a fucking goddess, y/n. I bet you taste so good, so sweet,” he told you, nibbling on your bottom lip. 
Your mouth fell open in awe at how his words affected you, how even a simple kiss had you writhing, how not being able to see made everything so much more intense, or maybe it was just Jungkook. Jungkook’s mouth left yours, and you missed his body heat pressed against yours until you felt him press soft kisses at your entrance. Finally, he was where you needed him. His tongue darted out unexpectedly, licking and swirling against your sensitive clit. You moaned quietly. His fingers snaked their way into your dripping core, curling just right, just like they had that night at dinner, only better. 
You arched your back off the bed, trying to handle your fingers in his hair, but your movements were halted by the cuffs. Jungkook fingered you quickly, pumping in and out hard and fast, but his tongue danced slowly on your little nub, the different tempos making your head spin. You were already close, his magic fingers working inside you, his delicious tongue bringing you so close to the edge. Your high crashed over you and your breath hitched, you couldn’t even make sound, just sucked in your breath as the most amazing feeling washed over you. 
Jungkook continued working on your pussy until he knew your high had come back down. Your breathing was labored and he grinned, loving what he could do to you. You felt completely spent, and you thought that was the end of it, until you heard a foil wrapper being opened. You weren’t sure if you could handle anything else with how sensitive your clit felt, but you sure as hell weren’t going to pass up this opportunity. Jungkook lined himself up at your sensitive, dripping entrance. He reached up and took off your blindfold, and the first thing you saw was his gorgeous face smiling down at you, meeting your eyes. 
“I wanted to be able to see your eyes for this part.” He told you, leaning down to kiss you gently, slowly sliding inside of you. 
You gasped, feeling over sensitive and wanting more at the same time. Jungkook moved slowly at first, letting you adjust, then he started going faster. The faster Jungkook snapped his hips, the louder you moaned, Jungkook encouraging you obviously. 
“That’s it baby, let it out, I want the neighbors to know who’s making you feel this good.”  
“Fuck, Jungkook, oh…” you nearly screamed “faster please please please.” 
Jungkook pumped in and out of you faster, rougher, causing the headboard to smack against the wall with a loud thud each time. Your whole body rocked along with the force of his thrusts, and you thought you might actually faint. You were flying, soaring, floating, you couldn’t describe it. You were in another world with Jungkook deep inside you, filling an empty space inside you that you didn’t even know existed. It was like you were incomplete until this moment, and Jungkook became a part of you, closing the gap. Your high was coming again, even more intense than the last. You could barely breathe, you couldn’t even get his name out of your mouth to warn him, you couldn’t do anything but feel the ridiculous ecstasy, bliss, delicious feeling that swallowed you whole. 
You screamed out, the most intense orgasm of your life surrounding you in immeasurable pleasure. Jungkook came soon after, and slowed his pace after riding out your highs together. He collapsed next to you, breathing as ragged as your own. You couldn’t move, couldn’t speak for a moment. You glanced over at him, looking like a snack- no, a five course meal- skin shimmering with sweat. He was perfection and you couldn’t believe he was really here, that you’d really just had sex with him. But it had been more than sex, it was hot and sensual and overwhelming and erotic but it was also two souls intertwining, like coming home after being gone for so long. It was like you belonged there with Jungkook, and you were finally where you were meant to be.  
“Jungkook?” You asked breathlessly.
“Hmm?” He looked at you, worn and sleepy. 
“You’re fucking amazing.”  
“Fucked you that good?” he laughed. 
“Gosh yes, but like… all of you. You’re an amazing person. I’m really glad I met you.”  
He gathered you up in his arms, kissing the top of your head and holding you close. 
“I’m glad I met you too, y/n. You’re incredible,” he cooed. 
You didn’t even try to get up for hours, you knew your legs wouldn’t work after the pounding you’d just had, but you didn’t want to move anyway. The only place you wanted to be was wrapped up in Jungkook’ arms, where you were safe and cherished and not afraid of anything. 
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
yan Shigaraki pt. iii
Also known as: MOMMY KINK 
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ only, dubcon, mentions of rape, bondage, drugging, kidnapping, blow jobs, cunniliginus, vaginal fingering, mind break, manipulation, prostate milking, switching, mommy kink, DARK FIC 
Word Count: 9307 
Notes: back y’all. this one focuses on that mommy kink everyone has been requesting, so, uh, come get your juice. 
this fic is dedicated to & beta edited by @kugutsuu​. i am but a humble acolyte at her shrine, so if you wanna see some grade A mommy kink, or more Tomura porn, plz, go read her stuff. it is marvelous.
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part i || part ii  
The shower is grimy. Thankfully, most of the stains are old patches of soap scum or neglected bits of grout. You’d asked Tomura once, to clean it, but he’d just chuckled and shoved you into the glass box, saying he’d think about it, if you’re good. 
It’s a pity you haven’t made it back onto the “good,” list.
It’s been three weeks and although Tomura has kept you close, hardly letting you slip from his sight, binding you when he has to leave the confines of his room, he’s clearly sulking in his lingering annoyance. An annoyance that’s firmly directed at you. 
His touches are less frequent and there’s been a decided lack of that early, awed, wonderment and soft persistences. He used to stroke his fingers down your skin when you slept beside him, careful to let you know that he’s being cautious, not wanting to frighten, or worry you. Now, when he flops beside you, he turns his back, curling up, on his side of the mattress, shouldering off your tentative pets.  
He’s distant and you can’t adjust to it.
You reach for the plain sliver of bar soap and work it into your shivering arms, building suds and foam under your fingers. The shower door is fogging up, thick with the wet heat from the spraying water, but you can make out Tomura’s outline. He’s perched on a low stool, one that he’s placed specifically in the tiled room, so he can keep an eye on you, so he can make sure you don’t try to slither away from him again. 
It’s frustrating, the warring closeness and aloofness he’s giving you, and you grumpily slough off the bubbles of soap, watching as they swirl down the rusted drain. You were going to come back, you justify, wetting your hair and hoping there’s enough shampoo left to give it a proper soak. You only wanted to get your cat. It’s not your fault he’d forgotten him, when he’d drugged you and placed you under his power. Sure, you could have told him about the feline, but you just…
You wanted to do it yourself. 
Since he’s taken you, you don’t get to do a lot of things by yourself anymore and you needed to prove...no...that’s not right. You’d wanted to taste the fresh air that night and yank yourself out from under Tomura’s omnipresent thumb. It’s exhausting, being held like this. You know, in his own twisted way, that Tomura loves you and there’s some answering part of you that’s starting to care for him, too, but those feelings don’t make you any less caged. Besides, you sigh, combing the shampoo into your hair, how could you not find yourself slipping into a ragged dependency?   
How were you possibly supposed to prevent those budding needs? After all, took care of you and he fed you, both physically and sexually. God, you’d never had anyone fuck you like he did. You’re almost certain that he’d been a virgin when he fucked you, that first night, but damn, he’d more than made up for his inexperience with a genuine desire to see you satisfied. 
It’s an odd rush of emotions. 
You feel equal parts guilt and anger pressing at you. You didn’t mean for this to happen and it’s not fair he’s still taking it out on you. Besides, you’d only wanted to get your cat that night. You didn’t have grand plans of escape, or reporting Tomura’s undoubted villain status to the police. No, you would have come back. The most you would have risked was sneaking one quiet night's sleep in your old bed, but you would have slunk back to him in the morning, ready to see his outstretched arms and those lovely, fervid, eyes that flashed so much adoration when they rested upon you.
Yes, it had all gone to plan, that is, until he caught you. 
He hadn’t spoken much, since that night, and you missed those early conversations the two of you shared. You know you’ve perturbed him, angered him, hurt him, and it’s starting to feel like there's nothing you can do about it. 
However, while you were kept under strict watch, your rescued cat, on the other hand, has grown into a regal prince, free to strut about the hideout, often weaving under Tomura’s red shoes. Never, never, ever, would you have thought that you’d be jealous of a cat, of your cat. But you can’t help but bristle at the affection Tomura showers down on your feline, and your cat, that damned smug little thing, lapped it all up, purring and fat, content with his new supremacy.
You suck your teeth at the thought and quickly dash your head under the reassuring spray of the shower. When you turn, you catch sight of Tomura’s outline again and a sudden idea pops into your head. Before your failed rescue mission, Tomura had often luxuriated under your touches, almost vibrating some nights, drunk off the pleasure of your stroking hands. Although he’s been detached, maybe...maybe you could bridge that gap, with the right incentive, of course. 
“Um, Tomura?” you call, curling your arms about your chest, shivering as you step from the misting of warm water. 
He grunts, but that hazy silhouette doesn’t shift, solid and unyielding, despite your soft voice. You bite your lip and step closer, pressing yourself against the slick glass, not ready to give up. 
“Can you come here, please?” you try again, infusing honey and light into your tone, hoping it might convince him to turn. 
“What is it?” Tomura grumbles, but you notice him shift and you smile at your tiny victory. 
“I need you, just for a second, if you...please, Tomura?” you’re trailing your fingers over the frosted dips and imperfections of the shower door and you can tell he’s starting to waver. It’s hard for him to pull away when you whine out his name like that. It’s likely a control thing, but that gasping want, that echo of need is something he’s done his best to encourage, liking that he can make you slip into a gooey, broken, state. 
He stands and pads toward the steaming shower and you bite back a grin, pleased he’s maneuvering into place. Once he’s close, you crack the door open and poke your dripping head out, searching for his eyes. Tomura pauses when he catches sight of you, vermillion iries dark, narrowed and suspicious. 
“What?” he asks again, his lips curling, lifting that jagged scar and revealing a line of straight, white, teeth. 
“Can...can you do me a favor?” you question, dragging your tongue across your lower lip, tugging at the plush skin, silently rejoicing when you catch his eyes lowering, following the motion. 
“Depends,” he snaps, his gaze flashing back to yours. You give a soft huff, disappointed that he’s not bending, at least, not yet. 
“Will you, um, take a shower with me?”
Tomura snorts, looking over your sopping hair. “Don’t be stupid, you’re practically done.”
“What if I want to clean you off?”
“You calling me gross?”
“No,” you stammer, aghast and unsure if he’s joking. “I just...I want to do this, for you. You’ve been so good to me, I want to do something nice for you, too.”
“Liar,” Tomura taunts, but he does step closer, leaning one arm on the brass frame and peering over your half concealed form. 
“I’m not lying. I’d really like to– ”
“Not that. You’re lying about me being good to you. Don’t give me that look, you know it’s true. Should I list it out for you? To prove it. Let’s see, I’ve kidnapped you, fucked you, against your will, until all you can do is drool, begging me to stop, and I’m pretty sure that’s fucking called rape. What else? Oh, I’ve drugged you, tied you up for hours, almost killed your cat, ah, and I’ve been ignoring you, doing my fucking best to make you feel like the ungrateful little slut that you are. That enough? Or should I give you some more?”
You roll your shoulders, agitated. “Tomura, that’s not...I don’t want to talk about that. I want– ”
“You want to pretend again. To put on an act and go about the motions. Wait until I’ve lowered my guard and then you’ll fucking– hey– stop!” Tomura bristles when your wet fingers curl around his dark shirt, yanking him toward you and dangerously close to the wet tiles. His nose wrinkles and he tries to bat you away, hands roughly knocking against your pruned skin. 
“Tomura, please. I’m not...I just want to be close to you. Don’t push me away, I’m sorry. I’ve told you that before and I’ll tell you again. You know I didn’t mean– ”
“Didn’t mean to sneak out of a window? You fucking accidentally woke up and thought, good time to make sure he’s out on a meeting, better make the most of this? Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you (Y/N),” Tomura growls, finally succeeding in shaking himself free, glaring down at your damp, wrinkled, brow. 
Sighing, you sulk back into the warmth of the shower, pouting your lips and shaking  your head, dropping tiny flecks of water across Tomura’s dark shirt and bare feet. “You’re really not going to forgive me, huh? Even if I tell you that I’m sorry, even if I ask for you to let me hold you? 
That’s fucking mean, Tomura. You’re such a jerk. A fucking ass. You’re making me feel like some kind of bitch. Yeah, I didn’t ask for you to fucking kidnap me, but what do you want me to do? 
It’s not my fault that...that I like you. That I like when you’re nice to me, that I like when you make me feel so...so good, and, well, wanted. You can’t...what am I supposed to do? At this rate, I’ll just hate you. So, if that’s what you’re...what...what you’re want...oh.”
You’d turned your face, while you snapped and berated him, so the feeling of his hard, bare chest, and the sucking pressure of his lips startles you. When your face lifts to his, his long fingers wrap under your chin, forcing you to look at him. His red gaze ensnares you and your breath catches, granting him the opportunity to shut the glass door behind him and press you against the slippery tiles. His free hand shifts to the temperature gauge and he rolls the heat down, hissing at the sting of the shifting water. 
“Fine,” he smirks, slotting himself against your curves, letting you feel his rising cock and the sharp planes of his muscles. “I’m here. What is this, so called, nice thing you want to do for me?” 
You laugh at his dripping sarcasm and arch into his arms, pleased when he gifts you a quiet shiver. “Turn around,” you smile, your eyes roving over his exposed figure hungrily. Tomura sucks his teeth, but he does as you ask and you reach beside him, slipping the block of bar soap into your palm. You scoot close and dampen the sharp protrusions of his shoulder blades, slicking them with the lukewarm water before pressing the soap over him. Once you get a decent lather built up, you let your fingers dip into his corded sinews, massaging out the rough patches until he’s groaning, a pleased hum radiating from his chest. 
“Does that feel ok?” you ask, watching him tremble when you hit a particularly sensitive spot. Tomura responds by shifting back, cracking his back as he bows into your touch. You smile and cup some water over him, sloshing away the bubbles. Once his back is clean and gleaming, you rub yourself against him, kissing his neck. 
“What’s your plan?” Tomura sighs, his voice hushed. He cranes his neck and you catch a glimpse of one bright eye, watching you, waiting for your response. 
“Plan?” you ask, confused by his meaning. 
“Yeah, you trying to butter me up? You think this is gonna change my mind? If you do something nice for me, I’ll have to repay you? Let my guard down?”
You click your tongue and pull him to you, urging him to turn around, so you can see him properly. “Stop it,” you tut, raising the soap again and repeating the soft circles and easy massages, liking that he’s starting to duck his head, a light flush seeping over his chest and nose. “I want to do this for you. Call me stupid, but it makes me happy to see you relaxed. There’s something nice about your face and...and how you look at me. Besides, you haven’t looked at me like that...since...since before that night.” 
Tomura glances away at the reminder, breaking the hard stare he’d fixed you with, but he takes a shallow step toward you, letting the tips of your nipples glide over his slippery pectorals. You gasp at the sensation, enjoying the sweet tightening that races along your areola, puckering the buds into stiff peaks. 
“Well? Don’t leave the job half finished. Keep going,” Tomura rasps, his hands cupping your lifted wrist and moving the soap over his sternum, before passing it along his abdomen. Nodding, you gulp and work your way down until you have to kneel, your knees digging into the water logged floor. Your head lines up with his half hardened cock and you eye the velvety flesh ravenously. You chance a peek up at him, but he’s still refusing to meet your eyes, his head turned, scowling darkly at the wet tiles. 
“Tomura,” you begin, releasing the bar of soap, letting the rushing water snag it, carrying it toward the pull of the drain. “Why don’t you let me take care of this for you?”
Above you, his jaw sets and you can hear him grinding his teeth, trying to shrug off that deepening red blush. You’re not quite sure why he’s so affected by this, but you’re not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Your fingers slide up his thighs, nails gently scraping and pressing as you near the apex of his hips, watching him rise under temptation of your proximity. Once you’re grazing along his dark curls, he unconsciously thrusts toward you, a tiny droplet of precum budding out of his slit, gleaming in the light of the bathroom. 
“Do you want me to touch you?” you ask, your heart thumping wildly, unsure where this sudden urge, this need, to have him supplicate himself for you, is coming from. You want him to ask, no, you want him to moan for you as he blushes and pants. Oh, yes. That would look so good on him. “I can help,” you continue, careful to keep your eyes down, not wanting to give yourself away. “It looks...it looks like you need me to take care of you. Just ask me, Tomura. Ask me to..to…”
Tomura’s hand on the back of your head makes you lose your train of thought and you sputter into silence, your eyes lifting to his, waiting. He glares down at you, imperious and chilling. His nostrils flare when you breathe across his leaking tip and his hips shift again, thumping his heavy cock head against your parted lips. 
“Suck,” he commands and immediately, you do your utmost to take him all in, your jaw aching at the familiar weight of him. Tomura groans at the suction and his eyes finally slip closed. You hollow your cheeks and curl your tongue, racing the wet appendage over his thick veins, feeling him pulse and swell. He’s salty and so, so deliciously earthy. Your mind clouds over and all thoughts of making him bend to you fly out the window, content in the happy pleasure of making him spill down your waiting throat. 
Later, when you’re both dry and stretched out on his tattered mattress, he turns to you, pressing his face into your arms, sighing happily when you stroke a hand down his hair. It’s been a while, since he’s come to you like this, all contented nuzzles and heavy exhales. Even before your misguided escape, he would rather have you cling to him, than he to you. No, this is a different kind of touch. You curl around him and he begins to slacken in your hold, drifting into the welcoming embrace of sleep. 
As the night passes around you, you revisit those musings you’d had in the shower, when he was doing his best to ignore you as you gently needled him, wanting to hear him ask you for your attention. You’d never thought much on domination, how could you? Half of the time, you were bound or gagged, especially in the early days of your capture. Tomura had always been unrelenting in his control and you hadn’t done much to question his iron backed rule, at least, not until tonight. 
But once you noticed that tight lipped expression and that delightful blush he’d given you? Oh, you wanted something very different from him then. Imagine, you think, a mischievous smirk lifting your lips, just imagine him, gasping and whining, just for you. He’d look so nice, so handsome, like that. 
You’ll have to be cautious and you’ll need to go slow, but fuck, you want to see him beg. Tonight was a good step. You’d slipped back into his good graces and you’d shown that he can trust himself, and you, to let him show you a gentler, more vulnerable side of himself. Now, let’s see if you can get something different from this arrangement. Besides, you reason, if you’re stuck here, you might as well have a little bit of fun. 
He’s got you pinned down, his powerful thighs digging into your spread hips, slapping his meaty balls against the wet curve of your ass. His fingers are hovering over your clit, but he’s careful not to touch. He isn’t wanting you to cum, not yet. You can’t breathe when he takes you like this and his lips are close to the hollow of your throat, rising and lowering in time with his jagged thrusts. 
“You’re too quiet tonight,” Tomura rumbles, his tongue dipping out to swipe up some droplets of sweat that have slipped down your chin. “What’s the matter? Don’t tell me this is all you can take? I’ve seen you give me more. That’s it, be a good little slut, be my good girl, let me hear you.” 
His thumb slithers to your pulsing bud, slipping under the swollen hood and encouraging that pulpy flesh to throb out, hot and wanting. You gasp and he lifts his head, pressing a rough kiss to the side of your mouth. 
“Almost,” he taunts, positioning his index finger above his thumb, at the top of your clit, trapping it in his hold. The sharp, painfully cloying sensation he sparks makes you arch and his cock slips deeper, the head tapping against that final barrier of your cervix. You hiss at the distant echo of pain and Tomura sighs above you, surging his hips forward and grinding down, scraping his pelvis against yours, watching you tremble around him. 
“You take me so fucking well, (Y/N). Such a pretty little pussy, all wet and open, so flushed and all mine.”
When he tucks back, gliding his length from your weeping cunt, you find your voice and you shiver out a question, hoping, praying, he’ll entertain the idea. “T-Tomura, I...I want to ride you.” 
His brow furrows and he gives you a bewildered look, red eyes flashing over your distant, blissed out, expression. “Huh?”
“I said, I want to r-ride you. I want you on your back so I can...ohh...fuck,” your demand shakes to a halt as he gives you a harsh cant, his cock swelling as your walls flutter around him. 
“What’s wrong with this?” he scoffs, lifting his rubbing fingers and leaving your clit abandoned and aching. You keen at the loss, hips blindly rising, hoping you’ll catch him before he’s too far away. 
“Damn it,” you sulk, missing your target and tilting your chin, meeting his hazy eyes and wrinkling your nose. “There’s nothing wrong with this, I just want you deeper. Fucking you...ah– fucking you, when you’re on your back, will let me take more of you. Come on, just this once? If you don’t like it, I– ”
In the blink of an eye, Tomura wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, slinking under your quivering legs and stretching himself on the sheets. Your fingers scrabble for balance, accidentally scratching down his stomach. He growls at the sudden, trickling, pain but he’s impatient for you to move, so he responds to your unintended hurt by thrusting up, into your heat, leaking some of your copious arousal onto his thighs. 
“This doesn’t feel any different,” he grouses, his eyes glaring up at you before they dodge away, scowling out at his room, already frustrated that he’s given into your request, especially since it’s not looking like he’ll be getting much out of it.  
“Give me a second,” you complain, finally steadying yourself and bracing your knees on the soft mattress. Once you’ve gotten your barings, you rise up, savoring the sting of his thick cock as it’s lifted from you. You roll your hips when you lower yourself and Tomura grunts, minutely curving his back, his lips curling into a pleased grimace. “How’s that?” you ask, preparing to repeat the motion, keeping your legs close and your pussy clenched, exulting in his choked moans. 
“It...it’s ok,” Tomura concedes, a lovely blush beginning to seep over his face. His fingers tremble when they settle on your working hips, urging you to pick up your pace, but you ignore his silent request, circling yourself as you bottom him out, gently teasing him. 
“Awe,” you pout, trailing your hands to him, cupping at his jaw and turning him toward you. His eyes meet yours briefly and he quietly murmurs a few curses, trying to pull his chin from your warm digits. “Just ok?” you continue, letting your legs spread, rutting him into you, squeezing your sopping channel around his length. “I’m hurt. I figured you’d like this. Don’t I feel good? You feel amazing, so fucking hard and oh– Did you like that? Mmm, that felt nice. Tell me what it feels like for you, Tomura. I wanna know.” 
He dips his head back, unable to resist giving you a few sharp thrusts, his hips taking on a mind of their own as he begins to pulse inside you. That blush has bled down his neck and onto his broad chest, sprinkling his skin with a rosy hue. You drag your nails over the redness and he sucks in an unsteady breath, his eyes popping open and fixing you with a dazed stare. 
“Come on,” you taunt, bringing your knees back to the sides of his hips and lifting, rising, until his tip is beginning to slip from your quivering core. He hums at the feeling and the scar on his lip quirks as he gulps down a snarl. “I know, I’ll make a deal with you. Tell me how it feels for you and I’ll give you what you want,” you bargain, jutting your hips back and forth, teasing his swollen cock head until he’s digging bruises into your plush thighs. 
“What...what are you…doing...” Tomura gasps, his head lifting as he attempts to regain some control, his hands gripping you, trying to force you back to him. You click your tongue and lean away, out of his reach. “Don’t be like that. I just want to hear what you think. How can I possibly know if this feels good, if it makes you happy, if you don’t tell me?”
Tomura’s legs curl under you and his head shakes, white hair trailing along his neck, sticking to his damp skin. “I– it...it feels ok, I told you that.”
“Daw, but that’s vague,” you sulk, although you do sink down his straining cock, not quite all the way to his base, but low enough to reward him. Tomura sputters out a hiss when you do and he flops back to the bed, shaking. “Come on Tomura, give me a little more? Please?” you ask, fingers trailing along his stomach, drawing patterns into his slopes and grooves. 
“It feels...warm and it’s wet, so fucking wet, but...it...it hurts...I want more. Give me more. You said you’d take me deeper, not...not...ah– yes...yes…” He’s rasping as you engulf him to his hilt. You use your hands to brace yourself, picking up that cant, spearing him into you and keening when he hits something soft at the front of your pussy. Tomura’s eyes gleam when he notices your trembling and he lifts his legs, planting his feet under you and slamming himself into your undulating cunt. 
Your fingers wander to your clit and you start to roll those heady circles against yourself, oscillating waves of pleasure from your slippery bud. Tomura lets out a long sigh and he shivers as you break, edging yourself along that sharp ledge and falling into the mind numbing ecstasy that waits. As you drip and clench around him, Tomura gives out a weak shout and releases into you, thick bursts of his cum pulsing against your overstimulated and aching walls. 
You fall against him and he clings to you, kissing sloppily at your damp brow. After the heat of your coupling, your skin quickly begins to cool and you burrow into his warmth, careful to keep him tucked inside you, enjoying the softening of his length and the oozing slop that’s leaking from your cunt and onto the sheets. 
“What was that?” Tomura asks, his voice distant, awed.
“What?” you repeat innocently, pleased that these little pushes you’re giving him are working. You like seeing him disheveled and desperate and you want to see more. 
 It’s been easier between the two of you, since you’d worked your way back into his trust, but Tomura, being Tomura, still has his darker moments. 
He hasn’t permitted you to leave his room, still bringing you meals and keeping you close, binding you, or locking you in, when he can’t. But the nights are very different. He’s gentle with you again and he likes to duck into your arms, his white head pillowed against your breast. For your part, you’ve done your best to foster those urges, welcoming him and whispering soft words of praise over his bowed head. It’s a quiet lull and you like the shaking kisses he gives you, pleased with your acceptance. 
One evening, however, he comes to you in a blind rage.
Someone’s done something to shake him, to work him into this state, molding him into a walking, talking, callous being of anger and vitriol, but he won’t give you any names, or any particular reason for the sudden wrath. Instead, he opts to shove you down and spread you open, barely slipping his pants over his hips as he tugs his engorged, leaking, cock from the elastic band of his boxers. You’re not prepared for his first thrust and he growls in frustration as he sticks to you, lingering outside of your heat, unable to press forward. 
“Fuck,” he snarls, slicking his tongue over one thumb and lowering it to your clit, frantically rubbing at you, encouraging you to bead some of that glimmering arousal over your lower lips. 
“Tomura...Tomura...wait...I’m...ouch,” you whine, unable to hold still, shrinking from his aggression. “You can’t just shove your dick in me...I’ve gotta– ”
“Shut up,” Tomura grunts, maintaining that rough pressure, pinching at your half risen clit, pulling the hood away and mashing the pad of his thumb over the tiny bud. “I just want to...damn it…why won’t you– This isn’t fucking fair. I thought...I thought you were always ready for me, now? Why bother with you if you can’t give me what I want? Fucking slut, come on. I know you want me. Why won’t you– hey!”
Grateful that he’s neglected to tie you down today, you kick at him, scrabbling away from his belligerent touches. Tomura, displeased, snatches your ankle and tumbles you over, cracking his hand against your newly presented ass, startling a strangled gasp from your lips.
“Stop that,” he scolds, yanking you back and pressing you down, lifting your posterior and running a warm palm down the fleshy curve, soaking in the heat he’s struck from your skin. “I’m going to fuck you, so you might as well get used to that idea. Now, keep still (Y/N).”
“And I told you to hang on,” you grumble, twisting your head around to glower up at him. Shockingly, he pauses, his eyes narrowing as he leans back, lowering his hand to his throbbing length, tugging at himself, relieving some of the pressure that he’s worked up, waiting.  
“Just...what happened? Can’t you at least talk to me, before you try to fuck me inside out? What– ”
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” Tomura frowns, already pulling you back to him, prepared to line up with your unprepared cunt and shove his way inside you, ready or not. 
“No, wait. But what if– ”
“But what if?” Tomura mimics, unamused with your continued struggles. “My head hurts and I want to feel you. So, stop arguing with me, stop being such a–”
“If you finish that sentence I swear to fucking God, Tomura, I’ll– ”
“What? You’ll what? What are you gonna do? Huh?”
“Ugh, stop being such an ass, Tomura. It’s not like I pissed you off. How would you like it if I did this shit to you?”
“If you fucked me until I couldn’t think anymore? I’d say thank you and not be so– ”
“So let me do that,” you snap, wriggling out of his grip and flipping yourself around, fingers already reaching for his half clothed thighs and pulling yourself up to him. Tomura freezes underneath your touch and his eyes are wide, whisking over your upturned face. 
“You’ve got this, mmm, backwards,” he grouses, unable to resist bucking into you when one of your palms slips over his dripping cock.
“Do I?” you smile, kissing along his jaw, pausing to suck at his earlobe. He gasps at the sensation and his head butts into you, easing you off of that sensitive skin. “I’ll make it good for you, I promise,” you coo. 
He’s quiet for a time and the only sounds you can hear are the wet squelches of your hand, gliding up and down his succulent cock, squeezing when you reach the tip and working some of that dribbling precum over your fingers. You’re about to posit another question when you hear him, breathy and low, rumbling out his answer to your soft seduction. 
“Fine. What do you want me to do?”
Oh, fuck yes. You bite back your smile and pull yourself from his neck, meeting his eyes and reveling in that sweet blush he’s gifting you. Your hand keeps up a delicious friction, mollifying his ragged needs, and you study his face, debating your next move. He looks frustrated, but there’s something else hiding behind those vermillion eyes, something that’s curious, avid. 
“Let’s see,” you ponder, already feeling intoxicated off of this new sensation, this burgeoning power he’s bestowing you. “Since you were, oh, so impatient earlier, how about you show me just how wet you want me to be?”
Tomura snorts, rolling his eyes. “You could have just said you wanted me to eat you out.”
“Oh? I’m sorry, was my request unclear about that?” you smart, lifting your fingers away from his cock, pausing to wipe his slick lubrication down his pants. Tomura sucks his teeth at that, but lets the impudence slide. “Well?” you question, laying back and cocking your head at him, spreading your legs, granting him a swift peek at your flushing pussy. “You gonna make me wait all day? Oh, and take your pants off. It’s not fair you always get to keep all the layers on.”
“Why the fuck am I letting you do this, again?” Tomura growls, slipping his long legs out of his stained jeans and tossing them on the floor. His shirt follows and, despite his grumbling, he quickly slots himself between your spread thighs, his nose already dipped and sniffing loudly, inhaling the heady aroma of you dampening curls. 
His fingers thread to your dewy folds and he splits your lips apart, gathering some of the gossamer webs along his fingertips. You give him a pleased hum and he sinks his index finger into you, head lifting so he can watch you arch against the intrusion. “Hey, (Y/N),” he smirks, adding a second finger and v-ing the two, stretching you open, “I asked you a question.”
“Because you wanna see what I’ve got planned for you,” you gasp out, lifting yourself onto your elbows, wanting to observe his teasing explorations. 
“Do I? What makes you think that?”
“You can’t help yourself. Besides, I think you like pleasing me. You like when I tell you nice things or when I say you’re doing a good job.”
“Hmph,” Tomura jeers, shaking his head at your assessment, but he doesn’t comment further, content to silently watch as your cunt swallows his fingers. Your arousal soon coats the digits and begins to drip down his palm and onto his wrist. He’s just about to lean forward, to press those rough lips against you when you tut at him.
“Uh-uh,” you scold, lowering one knee and trapping his hand between your thighs, barring him from you. Tomura flashes a displeased expression your way, but humors you, stilling his movement. “Gotta ask,” you inform him, arching one delicate brow at his redding cheeks. 
“Ask? I thought you said you wanted me to make you wet?” Tomura sneers, his red eyes hardening, like flecked rubies in the darkness of his room. 
“Sure did. So, do you think you’ve done a good enough job? Or are you wanting to do more?”
Tomura’s jaw flops open and he fixes you with a sour look. “What?”
“It’s not that difficult, Tomura. I want to know if this is the best you can do?” 
“Of course it’s not. It’s– ”
“Well then,” you interrupt, lifting your knee again and arching yourself toward him. “Show me. Ask me if you can eat me out.” 
“I’m not– I–” His eyes have drifted from yours and that blush is deepening, seeping over his skin, staining him with his flustered want. Oh, this is working too well, you think, tilting your head at his abashed grumbling. 
“Come on, handsome,” you call, trailing your foot along his lean side, watching him quake and gasp. “Do it for me? Just this once?”
Tomura glances back up at you and he clicks his teeth together, trying to muster his wavering desires. “C-can I eat you out?” 
“Oh, baby. That was so fucking good, thank you. Go on, you earned it.”
In seconds, Tomura’s beet red face is buried between your thighs. His lips latch onto your clit and he starts to suckle at the budding flesh, his saliva leaching from his lips. The warmth of him makes you shiver and your fingers sink into his silvery hair, threading along the strands and scritching at his scalp. His caresses are sloppy and he hunches himself closer, lapping and slurping at you, groaning when you flutter around his imbedded fingers. 
As you’re indulging yourself, whispering soft encouragement over his bowed head, you notice one of his hands drifting toward his straining cock, his fingers twitching as they grasp at the bulbous head, eager to work out some of that simmering pressure. “Stop that!” you snap, startling him, making him lose his grip on you. 
You curl your digits into his hair, yanking him up, straining his neck as you demand his full attention. His eyes are narrowed and gleaming, ire written all over his slicked face. 
“What the f-fuck?” he growls, tongue lapping at the residual threads of your arousal, trying to work steel into his voice.
“I said you could eat me out, not that you could touch yourself,” you retort, tugging at his hair until he’s moaning, his hips unconsciously humping against the bed. “Oh, you like that? Well that doesn’t work at all. Get on your knees.”
“What? I thought that– ”
“Get on your fucking knees, Tomura.”
“Stop telling me what to do you fucking– ah– God.” Your fingers release his hair and before he can stumble out another snarl you’re shoving him back, your hand wrapping around his cock, squeezing and pressing quick jerks over him. 
You let him fall to his back and you loom over him, teeth latching onto his scarred neck, biting and pulling, coaxing a low whine from his throat. Your hand slows and he keeps trying to rut into your palm, his legs trembling as he flounders against the sheets. “You wanna cum? Hmm, do you? You want me to finish you off? Talk to me, Tomura.”
He’s overwrought under your ministrations, his head lowered and his brow furrowed. His eyes keep opening and closing, too disjointed to focus on anything but your touch. He tries to gulp something out, but it’s lost in a smothered groan seconds later. He looks fucking cute, you think, watching him, rutting your hips over his raised knee. Drool starts to fleck out of his mouth and his back bows and arches. He’s practically unhinged, but it’s not enough. He’d never let you get away with not answering a question, so why should he get special treatment?
Your hand slows and he pouts, a long groan leaching from between his clenched teeth. “I asked you a question,” you mime, licking along his cheek, pulling some of that extra saliva he’d frothed out into your waiting mouth. “Do you want me to finish you off? Or should I leave you like this?”
“P-plea...finish me off,” he whispers, his voice rasping. 
“Ooh, was that what I think it was? Baby, did you almost say please? I’d love that so much. Oh fuck, that makes me want to take care of you.” You kiss at his temple and he quakes, his hips rising, trying to force your palm back into that rhythm. 
“I didn’t...I didn’t mean to...just fucking…(Y/N)...” Tomura lets out a reedy whine when you lift your hand from him, letting his cock spring from your grasp, the tip curving toward his stomach, swollen and red. 
“Oh no, you didn’t mean to? That’s not nice, no that’s not fucking nice at all. Especially after I just told you how much I liked that idea.” you lift your sticky fingers to your lips and lick up the last bits of his precum, humming contentedly and lifting your eyes to his. He’s watching you, his eyes hooded and dark. His breaths are coming in low heaves and he’s gritting his teeth, but he hasn’t reached for himself. No, there is a wild look in his eyes and you want to see if you can make it worse.
“Say please and I’ll touch you,” you tell him, your voice lulling, tempting.
He looks away from you and he starts to shake his head, but then you hear him, whisper thin, broken, and oh, so fucking needy, so exquisite. “Please, I-I wanna cum. Touch me, please (Y/N).”
You take him back into your hands, your fingers gentle as they wrap around that velvet skin, careful to build him back up slowly. You rise up on your knees and tilt his chin up, wanting to feel his lips on yours. Tomura sucks in a ragged breath when you tap soft caress to him, his body surging forward, demanding more. You indulge him, letting him slip his rough tongue into your mouth, pressing and dipping until he’s inebriated off the sheer closeness of you. When you pull away he lets out a huff and you stroke a hand down his flushed face. 
“You’re doing so well baby. Do you like it?”
“Y-yes, can...can you g-go faster?” he stammers, his mouth falling open and head tipping back when you acquiesce, picking up speed. He’s starting to sway, his back hunkering forward and backwards, knees spreading, drifting closer and closer to his release. Your thumb traces over his slit and you pull a glistening strand of precum from him, clinging and wet as it dangles across the short distance you’ve created. 
“God, handsome. You’re doing such a good job, I’m so fucking proud of you. I know it’s not easy, but you’re perfect. How does it feel, love? Are you gonna cum for me?”
He moans at your declarations, unable to even gasp the words out, leaning forward and burying his face in your shoulder. His brow is jagged against your smooth skin, but you let him rub himself against you, feeling the heat of his blush and the damp stick of his lips as he tries to catch his breath. 
“It’s ok, baby. I’ll take care of you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Are you ready to cum for me?”
He nods, his head thumping on your neck, another thin strip of drool escaping his open mouth. It trickles down your breast, cooling and prickling your flesh as it passes. You kiss at his lowered brow and he sighs, muttering something that’s too distant for you to hear. 
“Hmm, love? What was that? I can’t hear you,” you tell him, tightening the grip on his slippery cock, feeling those tell-tale flutterings that proceed his release. He’s scalding under your palm and he keeps trying to scoot closer, his hands shaking beside his hips, one of them reaching for you and digging into your side. 
“I-I said...fuck...let me cum, mom...m-mommy, please,” the last two words leave him on a yelp and he pulses in your hand, spurting thick cables of his cum across your lap and his. 
In the lull that follows, Tomura drags you against him, not caring that he’s smearing himself all over you and his chest. He pulls you down and wraps his long arms around you, caging you to him as he regains his breathing. You ignore the wet sticking that he’s rubbing into your lower half and you pull yourself higher, shifting until you can see his face. He’s still flushed and his eyes are clouded, but he lets you kiss at the side of his face. 
A silence stretches over the two of you and you’re unsure what to say. 
You’d liked pushing him and you’d liked how he bent to your demands, but that last comment, that final utterance he’d grunted into your shoulder as he worked himself into a frenzy, well, you’re not sure how you felt about that. Sure, it had made your pussy clench and you’re fairly certain it would only take a quick tweak of your fingers to shatter that burning ache within you, but what exactly have you awakened? Would he even acknowledge it, later after he’s escaped this haze that he’s slipped into? Would he...would he let you do that to him again? 
His drying cum is making your skin pull and you try to shift from his hold, but Tomura keeps clutching you, refusing to budge. 
“I- I just want to clean myself. Can I go to the bathroom? I’ll be– ”
“Don’t go, not yet,” Tomura replies, his tone gravel and forgotten ash. His arms tighten and you chance a quick glance at his turned face, meeting his eyes and absolutely melting. 
His expression is slack and his eyes are wide, with a childlike wonderment, and when you look at him he smiles. “Stay with me?” he asks and you wrap yourself around him, feeling for that familiar beat of his heart as it pulses, steady and strong, under your shaking fingers. 
A few days later, Tomura tells you to put on a new, grey, robe and leads you down one of the long walkways, toward one of the closed rooms that sits at the back of the hideout. He opens the door and hot steam pours from the tiled space, bushing against your face and tickling your nose. Inside sits a porcelain, square, ofuro bath. Your eyes lift to his, but he’s not looking at you. Instead, he’s wholly focused on tugging you inside, sliding the door shut and sealing you both in the fresh condensation.
���Leave your robe on that table by the door,” he tells you, already stripping off his dark shirt and lowering his four fingered grip to his belt, clattering the metal under his nails. You shift to obey, carefully folding the soft fabric and waiting for him, shivering against the cool tiles.
Tomura turns to you once he’s finished and regards you silently, his eyes lingering over your face. “Come on,” he rasps, gesturing his head toward the bath. He lets you step in first and once you’ve sunk into the water he wedges himself behind you, hissing against the warmth. Tentatively, you lean your back to his chest and Tomura shifts you over him, slotting his legs alongside your hips. Once you’re both comfortable, you slide your feet to the end of the tub, resting your head close to Tomura’s collarbone, quietly luxuriating in the gentle warmth. 
“So, um, I didn’t even know this room was here. Not that I know a lot about any of the rooms, so I guess that’s a stupid point. Anyway, why did you wanna do this? I mean...I like this, I’m just confused,” you correct, tilting your head up to look at his face. His eyes are closed and his lip is set into a light curve, smirking at your question. 
“Think of it as my way of getting you back for the other night, in the shower,” he rumbles, his voice deep as it reverberates around your ears. 
“Really?” you laugh, trailing your hand over the water, watching the ripples spread and fade. 
“Yeah, haven’t seen you this off balance in weeks,” Tomura teases, resting his chin over your head. 
“Pfft,” you scoff, brushing a bit of water over his chest, “you wish.” 
“I do,” he sighs, bringing his arm down over you, quieting your playful splashes. “I figured you’d like this and you’ve shown me that it’s nice to do things for the people you love.” The mention of the word love makes your heart miss a beat and you try to peek up at his face again, but his chin holds you still. It’s not the first time he’s said it to you. No, he’s said it plenty of times before and in plenty of ways. Sometimes it was a threat, other times it was a calculation, something that was supposed to make you pause, make you second guess yourself, letting a strange, nagging guilt prick along the back of your mind. 
But, there’s something different about this utterance of the endearment.
It’s quiet and it’s spoken with no layering of underlying motives. No, he said it like he...like he meant it, perhaps for the first time. You press back against his slick pectorals and he hums at the weight of you, pleased by your response to his declaration. The water laps at your sides and you snach his arms, wrapping them around you, stroking delicate designs over his wet skin. 
“I don’t– I don’t think that’s it,” you pant, your fingers slick. They’re too slippery, really. You can’t get a good grip on him and you keep flicking your eyes up to his, positive he’s gonna to buck you off of him any second.
He’s quiet, his lips set into a white line, but that blush of his, oh, that will never not look nice. When you fumble again he shifts, arching and impatient, but he doesn’t tell you to stop. Why would he?
It was his idea after all.
He’d murmured the request when the water cooled about the two of you. But your chill was forgotten as soon as he rasped the words against your ear, tickling your sensitive skin. When you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak, his cock began to swell behind you, prodding and curious. 
As you entered his dark bedroom, he didn’t even give you a moment to breathe, lifting you to him, lips biting, sucking, licking you senseless. Once your knees bumped the mattress he urged you to sit, leaving your side to fish something out of a nearby drawer. He tapped the bottle down on the lone side table, nudging it expectantly and fixing you with a grinning leer. 
You’ve never done anything like this, never thought about it, never...no...no, that’s a lie. You have thought about it before and you’ve heard about it, too. I-It was supposed to feel good, right? 
Now, if you could only do this correctly.
You ball your hand into a fist and bite your lip, take a steadying breath and give him another lidded glance, watching him from the curtain of your eyelashes. “Ready?” you ask, rubbing your thumb and index finger together, trying to warm up the glossy lube. 
Tomura doesn’t grace you with a verbal affirmation, instead he simply nods his head, cascading his white hair over his forehead. Alright, you think, scooting closer and lowering one finger to him, reaching for his cock with your opposite hand. You grip him firmly, coiling your digits and admiring the dribble of precum that greets your pump. Tomura lets out a low exhale and arches again, those fervid eyes falling behind his eyelids. 
While you’re pulling and squeezing him, your trembling finger traces a circle around his puckered asshole, teasing at the muscle, giving him time to adjust. Once you’ve dampened him to your satisfaction, you dip into that warmth and gasp, your other hand faltering, accidentally loosening your hold on his straining length. 
You peek up at him, but his head has fallen back and his broad chest is heaving. Again, he’s not protesting, or demanding that you stop, so you keep going. That first ring of muscle is tight, pinching your intruding digit when you try to sink further. As you wait for him to acclimate to the foreign sensation, you focus on his cock, bending your head over him and giving him a long suck. Your tongue swirls around his tip and you lap at the bubbling, salty, precum that floods your mouth. Again, Tomura stretches and shoves his hips forward, encouraging you, wordlessly telling you to keep going. 
His dick slides from your lips with a wet pop and your hand makes up for the loss, jerking moans from his open lips. You twist your opposite wrist and drive your finger in, plunging the last knuckle past that quivering ring. Flexing the digit, you begin to feel around for a bulge, the one that he asked you to stimulate for him.
He said he wanted to know how it felt and, best of all, he wanted you to push him until he begged you to stop.
It’s hot and sleek inside him and you’re worried that you might miss it. After all, it’s not like...wait...what...is that? There’s something protruding and it feels both hard and soft under your finger pad. Unsure, you stroke over it again and Tomura does something wonderful in response.
When you apply the slightest whisper of pressure his legs curl up, bracing his feet against the sheets and he lets out the breathiest whine. His fingers scrabble beside him, slapping and gripping at the bedding until you’re sure he’s about to decay the whole fucking thing and leave you both blinking on the dusty floor. 
“D-did– that feel good?” you query, amazed at the clenching his body is doing. Tomura nods his head, white hair splayed across the mattress and you pause, waiting for him to gather himself back together. 
“Again,” he finally grunts, craning his neck to give you a staggered glare, his eyes cloudy.  
Licking your lips, you give the gland another press and Tomura practically writhes off the bed. He’s groaning and gasping, choking out your name as he works himself closer. His cock pulsates in your hand and a line of milky white cum spurts out. It’s not enough to be a true release, but it makes your mouth go dry. 
Tomura sits up and his eyes immediately ensnare yours, blazing as he looks up at you. “Fucking keep going, don’t stop,” he barks, his voice splintered, hoarse. Keeping your finger close to the swell of his prostate, you shake your head at him. Tomura snarls at your impudence, but when you start to withdraw your finger he quiets, his teeth grinding behind his scowling face. 
“Don’t be an ass,” you challenge, fingers scooping up some of his leaked cum, using it to ease your renewed motions. Tomura buckles at that and his head drops to his chest, shaking out a few unsteady breaths. “If you want me to keep touching you like this, you better ask me nicely.” To emphasize your point, you lightly scrape your nail over that sensitive spot inside him, making him shudder and sigh. 
“Keep going, please,” he spits out. It’s dripping with more false supplication than true politeness, but you’ll take it. Since he reacted so well to that first press, you can’t help but wonder what he’ll do when you circle some modulated pressure around him. Oh, and it’s a perfect reaction. As soon as you complete that first rotation he’s a gooey mess, his bowed head shaking and nodding as he scrapes out your name.    
“Oh handsome,” you sigh, watching as another burst of precum trickles from his slit, coating your hand in a tacky sheen of pearl colored liquid. “You look so good. Being such a good boy and taking me like this. Does it feel good? Do you like it? Talk to me.”
Tomura whimpers when you repeat the oscillation, his voice slipping into a giddy edge, cracking and rising. “Fuck yes. It– it feels– oh fuck– again, again. Do it again. I-I mean...please. Ohhh God, (Y/N)!” 
He’s laughing now, his throat snagging as his moans hit a high pitched garble. “Ah-haha— I know, you liked it when I called you mommy. I saw your fucking face. It looked so pretty. Want me to say it again? Ah– oh, oh. I’ll do it. I’ll do it if you keep– hahaaa— fuck, fuck, fuck– I’ll– m-mommy. Oh, fucking God. Mommy don’t stop! Come here, fucking come here. I don’t care if you’re not rubbing my dick. Come here mommy and let me show you how much I fucking waaant you.”
His hands paw at you and he drags you up, lifting you with a lithe strength that you’ve never seen. Your finger, too slick to withstand the pull, slips from him and he groans at the loss. “I didn’t mean–” you begin, but he silences you with a fevered kiss, his teeth clinking against yours. He drowns out your protestations and swiftly straddles you over him, pressing you down and spearing you onto his messy cock. 
Once he bottoms out, the tip of him pulsing deliciously as he indulges himself in your wet heat, he leans back and gives you a wild grin, his eyes bright. “Fuck, yes. Ride me mommy. Let me show you what a good boy I am.”
notes: ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ  
tags: @libiraki​ (i’m tagging you cuz imma make you into a tomura fucker if it’s the last thing i do) @spicy-skull​, @xwildskullx​, @yixxes​, @ghstmthr​, @rekoii​, @diaouranask​, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love​
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kayxleeee · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson: Fatuous Love (Loki x Reader)
Warning: SMUT 18+ finger, oral.
A/N: I have PT2 and bait of pt 3, but idk if I’ll end up posting them.
Summary: Loki just wants to make you forget the fate that you can not escape. 
Word Count: 2k+
*NOT MY IMAGE* Do not copy my work
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“Do not speak of this again! I do not want to hear another word about this foolishness, (Y/n)!” Your father yelled at you sternly dismissing the complicated conversation at hand. “You will not behave this way when we are guest in this palace. How dare you act like such a child under the same awing as your future king!?” 
You were the soon to be Queen of Asgard, set to marry the prince, Thor son of Odin, god of thunder and future king of Asgard. Any woman would be overly joyed to be in your shoes, but you personally could not stand the thought. It was an unchangeable fate that you could not bare, so for about the one-hundredth time you plead and  beg your father to let you out of the arrangement.
“But father, I do not love him!” You cry out in frustration.
“THEN YOU WILL LEARN! This is berserk and if you ask me you are ungrateful and are no better than his fatuous brother! I will not tolerate this one more second!”He narrows  his eyes and stares you down as if testing you to speak again. When you don’t, he storms out of your room slamming the door so hard you were sure the kingdom could hear its echo.
Unfortunately for you, you were in love with the wrong Allfather child. Loki was the one thing that you could not resist, your forbidden fruit if you will. He was not supposed to be yours, and you were not supposed to be his because it has been written in prophesy. Even when the three of you were children playing in the garden under the sun, you only had eyes for the mischievous one. It seemed that everyone in your family knew your fascination of the dark hair boy and it only grew fonder as you aged. Although the fascination was known, the extents of your relationship was oblivious to them all, even Thor. As adults, your relationship soon blossomed into more than just lust or want, but it became more of love and an urgent need to be around him. This feeling is why you fought so hard to get out of this arrangement with Odin Allfather, which ended with you marrying his first born son.
Loki was the most incredible being you had ever come to know. Arrogant? Yes. Mischievous? Absolutely. Selfish? Sometimes… But also in the same breath he was  loving, with the most beautiful soul. For some reason he has always had a soft spot for you, even when he hated everyone else. He has always put you first, even before the two of you were romantically involved and he would do anything in his power to try and please you.
You angrily finish getting ready for bed, slipping your hair into a silk wrap and letting your night gown loosely flow against your skin. You get into your nicely made bed turning off the lamp that sat on your bedside table. You lay in the darkness of the room, over your soft sheets, wishing there was a way to get out of this marriage. You then see your door push ajar slowly as the light from the hallway illuminates the bedroom. The shine of the light quickly goes away as the door closes, just as it was opened.
“Fatuous?” You hear his familiar voice fill the silence of the room as he walks in. Your heart swells at the sound of his voice and butterflies filled the pit of your stomach. This is how he made you feel on a daily basis, just by being in his ever lasting presence. “He believes I am Fatuous.” He scoffs. “I may be many things, but I am without a doubt, unquestionably not Fatuous.” He chuckles slightly as he makes his way onto your bed.
“Loki, my love!” You smile ear to ear reaching your hands out to him as he climbed beside you, engulfing you into a warm embrace, his soft sleeping garments brushing against your skin. “I have not seen you all day.”  You pout.
“That is because you have been busy all day, with my idiotic brother.” He reminds you. “Although I am fond of your father, I thought he would never leave.” He says referring to the argument he overheard. “And I am not fatuous.” 
“I know my love.” Is all you say as the two of you lay there quietly in each other’s embrace enjoying every moment of it. The warmth of each other and the rhythms of your breath was all you needed to feel close to him. “I love you…” You mumble breaking the silence. “And I’m sorry this is set in the prophecy” 
“You say this every time we meet.”
“Because I am— it makes this venture so much more miserable.”
He sighs loudly shaking his head, “Please, we can speak of it another time. Tonight we shall just enjoy each other.” He smiled as he places a kiss to your temple. 
You wished it could only be that easy. He did not understand that the time was winding down quickly and in a few short months you would be marrying Thor, and all of this would have to end, regardless of how either of you felt.
“But of course,” He speaks again as he switches his position slightly, “that won’t stop you from worrying will it?” He lets out a small chuckle to himself, already knowing your mind is going around in unusual circles.
“Of course you know me.” You let out a slight giggle as he runs his hands over your sides, the pads of his finger tips tickling you as he caressed. 
“Well, what if I said I have a remedy.” He coos smoothly, mischief in his voice.
His hands begin to travel down the side of your curves, outlining every inch that he could over your night gown. He slides it up slowly as he begins to caress your hips with one hand  and make his way down the shape of your thigh with the other. His fingers sneakily pads to the inner of your thigh,  sliding in between pressing them apart slightly and you shift your position so that you are  laying on your back instead of your side.
“Loki…” You say in a low voice.
“Yes?” He says inching away from you and positioning himself in between your legs. “Remember when we first met each others acquaintance? Meek children I suppose, enjoyed sweet treats and childs play. Now look at us, adults with weakness in each other. You are my weakness, my dear.”
You lay there with your legs spread apart, giving him access as he continues to trail his finger down your thighs and then back up. He grips each thigh in either hand as a smirk played against his lip. He takes his hand  raising up your night gown completely exposing the dark black color of your satin underwear. He rubs his hand over your covered core, causing your breath to hitch into your throat.
“Loki.” His name falls from your mouth again, this time in a desperate whisper as the feeling of need is building up in your core. “What are you doing?”
“Whatever you would like me to be doing your highness?” This came out in a low growl, sending chills over you. He continues his hand movements on your covered pussy.
“We shouldn’t.” You bite down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from letting out any type of moan.
“What would you like me to be doing (Y/n)?” He repeats himself now tugging at your underwear. “Live a little my pet, nothing will change our fait, we might as well enjoy our time together. Even if this is the last night I every intention to pretend that you are all mine. Oh my beauty, there’s no need for you to feel sorry for yourself, when I can help you forget.”  He smirks. 
“I want you to help me forget.” You follow his words.
“Then that shall be what I do.” He says confidently as he places kisses down your inner thigh, leading them to your core. His confidence and skill was what aroused you quickly as you felt his hot breath. His tongue delicately rolls over your clit, his skillful rolls making you wet almost immedietly.  He massages the inside of your thigh as he continues to lap his tongue over your pussy.
“You are so beautiful.” He marvels lifting your thighs over his shoulders for better access. “And all mine.”
 He skillfully connects his entire mouth to the fabric open mouth kissing and rolling his tongue all over your parts. You moan at the new sensation of him hiking up your undergarments causing friction against your clit as he soaks them with his mouth. 
Loki pulls away only to pull off your now soaking wet underwear “Look at you, so beautiful.” He admires you again helping you out of them and then going back down to get back to work, this time sloppier.
In no time you are a moaning mess. He laps his tongue around your clit down to your entrance, over and over again. Your moans get progressively louder as he continues the movements of his tongue causing a sloshing noise from the wetness.
“Ohhh.” Is all you could  manage out as you grip his dark hair and barrie his face deeper into your pussy. “Don’t stop.” You moan breathlessly, the noises from your wetness enough to make you cum.
He lets out a growl into your core, the vibrations sending you into over drive. As you run your fingers through his hair you arch your back bucking your hips, needing him to keep going. He removes his mouth pushing your hips down, grounding you down to the bed as he slipped a finger into your wet folds. You throw your head back has he adds another, moaning all types of profanity.
“Listen to me (Y/n), while you marry my brother, I want you to remember how I’m making you feel in this moment. All wet for me not him.” He says maliciously. “Who’s making you feel so good?” He asked this while gliding his thumb over your clit fast as he thrust his fingers into you hitting that sweet spot that makes your toes curl.
“I’m so close Loki! My love I’m so close…” You moan louder as you roll your hips, grinding on to his fingers as they fuck you.
Loki thrusts is fingers into you faster, meeting your grinds while hitting your g spot. You felt the familiar warm feeling spreads from the bundle of nerves that is your clit to the pit of your belly as you began to cum over his hands. 
After you come down from your high, he finds his way back up to you lying next to you as you shift  positions to lay on his chest.
“You're too good to me and I can’t live without you.” You say feeling the warmth of his body as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. “But we can’t keep doing this.”
“I think we can.” He chuckles to himself. “They all are incompetent, so I think we can manage our time.” He says rubbing small circles onto your back. “ They hardly even notice you’re involved with someone who isn’t their beloved prince. “ Loki sighs. 
“There is no way for me to get out of it.” You relax in his embrace and trace the lines of the sleeping garment he has on. “It will be a sad lonely life of being Thor Odisons wife.”
“Listen to me,” His voice is now more serious. “... you need not to worry about that because it most certainly won’t be a sad lonely life. You will have me (Y/n), and I will not be going anywhere.” He kisses your head. “I most certainly do not say this quite enough, but I love you .”
You sighed. You knew his words were kind, but there was no point in pretending this wasn’t pointless. The only thing that was fatuous, was loving someone and not having them completely. Love is the fatuous one.
“I love you too” You finally mumble before closing your eyes ready to drift off to sleep as he continues rubbing soothing circles around your back.
Comments, Questions, Opinions :)
See more of what I have written so far: Masterlist
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Loved your latest chapter and Im so excited to see what happens under the mountain!
I was wondering if I could request a one-shot?(up to you how long and you can do it in your own time)something along the lines of:
Feyre( from either ACOWAR, ACOFAS or ACOSF) time travels back to ACOTAR, but instead of finding herself back in her human body i the spring court, she's still in her fae body and ends up trapped in velaris, having to explain to the rest of IC who she is and why she cant go free their highlord(add some mistrust from the IC)
🙈🙈Id its very similar to what youre doing rn with your other fic but, if you find the inspiration sometime could you please do this? Ive wanted to read a fic for ages were feyre rime travels and meets pre-acomaf inner circle who dont know/trust her, but Ive never found a fic like that
Thank youuu
Hi lovely anon! It makes me so happy you enjoyed my latest chapter! I’m supposed to be working on a project for uni, but I couldn’t resist gratifying my lovely friends (because you're anon and won't be notified I was getting sad at the idea of you checking my blog and not seeing me respond) <3 I’ll admit I’m a bit scatterbrained at the moment, so I hope it’s okay!
I was having trouble brainstorming a reason for Feyre getting sent back in time because I didn't want to borrow the reasoning from ACoFD. So I was vague and twisted the pre-existing rules around the Ouroboros, and ended up getting quite carried away with the story since I don’t like not giving things a happy ending (even though it’s a little cheesy, sorry)
Anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for! I know you wanted the angst of not being able to save Rhys but... I couldn't just leave my poor bat-boy behind, you know? ;)
Also if this didn't quite scratch that itch, I'm always happy to take more requests
Word count: 4,446
The Ouroboros.
It was a massive, round disc—as tall as Feyre was. Taller. And the metal around it had been fashioned after a massive serpent, the mirror held within its coils as it devoured its own tail.
Ending and beginning.
From across the room, Feyre could not see it. What lay within.
She forced herself to take a step forward. Another.
The mirror itself was black as night—yet… wholly clear.
She watched herself approach. Watched the arm she had upraised against the wind and snow, the pinched expression on her face. The exhaustion.
She stopped three feet away. She did not dare touch it.
It only showed Feyre herself. Nothing.
Feyre scanned the mirror for any signs of… something to push or touch with her magic. But there was only the devouring head of the serpent, its maw open wide, frost sparkling on its fangs.
Feyre stared and stared, but all she saw was herself. There was nothing else. Then—
Feyre woke with a gasp, sitting up in bed to shake away the cobwebs of sleep and the strange, foreboding feeling that felt draped around her shoulders like a weighted cape, pulling her down. It hadn’t been a particularly horrifying nightmare. In fact, it was perhaps of the tamer dreams she’d had in the last year.
Yet something about it clung to her, perhaps a lingering agitation that she’d yet to retrieve the mirror the Bone Carver had requested. That must be it.
The bed space beside her was cold. The sun peaking through the window was not high, it couldn’t be long past dawn. However worrisome her own dream, her mate’s must have been worse to draw him from sleep so early. Worse still for him to sneak away.
Feyre rose from the bed, reaching absently for Rhysand’s dressing robe to wrap around herself. She always loved to steal her mate’s clothes, to be wrapped in his scent.
With gentle steps, she made her way to the study, where she could only assume Rhys had sequestered himself in the lone hours of the night. She’d noticed the weary draw to his shoulders, the dark circles under his eyes. This war was weighing on him heavily, and he was nervous. Feyre wished he didn’t insist on shouldering the burden alone.
“Rhys?” Feyre called softly as she got to the study, knocking on the door before she cracked it open.
Peeking her head around the door, she was met with the sight of Rhysand’s abandoned study. The scattered papers and war maps that had become characteristic of his desk space were surprisingly missing. In fact, the whole space had been cleared away and there was a thick layer of dust on every surface as if no one had been in here in years.
Feyre frowned at the sight, and how different it had been just the day before. Where had all the dust come from? And more importantly, where was Rhys? Perhaps he’d taken a morning flight to clear his head.
Where are you, love? She called to him through the mating bond, but was met with silence.
“Who are you?”
The voice was cold and venomous. Feyre turned, coming face to face with Mor, whose face was twisted into a threatening scowl.
“Mor?” Feyre asked, confused by her friend’s cold demeanor. “What do you mean? Have you seen Rhys?”
Mor’s face turned deadly, a look Feyre had only ever seen from Mor in the Court of Nightmares. “Is that some kind of joke?” she snarled.
Then, before Feyre could process what was happening, Mor had gripped onto Feyre’s wrist and they were enveloped in darkness. They stepped into the House of Wind, into the dining room where Cassian and Azriel abruptly stood up.
“Mor?” Feyre questioned when the blonde didn’t release her steel grip. She looked to Cassian and Azriel quizzically. “Guys? What’s going on?”
Cassian crossed his arms, assessing Feyre with a hostility that put her on edge. “Who’s this, Mor?” he asked gruffly.
Feyre frowned as she watched Azriel reach for Truth-Teller.
“Is this a joke?” she asked, flitting her eyes to each of her friends. Where she sought that friendly warmth in each of their gazes she was met with hard stares, filled with distrust, ready for a brawl. She couldn’t make sense of it. Was this an act Rhys had put them up to?
“I found her in the townhouse,” Mor said. “I don’t know how she got in there. She was in Rhysand’s study.”
“And she’s wearing his dressing gown,” Azriel noted dryly. Cassian did a double glance, his eyes going wide, then narrowing with a rage Feyre had never seen from the male. Certainly never directed at her.
There was a whisper of shadow, then suddenly Azriel was behind her, Truth-Teller poised at her throat.
Feyre startled. “Azriel!” she said sharply. Even if it was a joke, Feyre couldn’t imagine Rhysand would sanction this kind of threat. And the energy in the room was off, the tension too thick. “Stand down.”
“And who are you,” he breathed in her ear, his voice coated in shadow and nightmare, “to command the Shadowsinger of the Night Court?”
“I’m your High Lady,” Feyre answered steadily, not letting Azriel’s shadows, nor cunning voice, shake her resolve. “Now, I don’t know what is going on with the three of you, or what strange joke you’re trying to pull, but you will listen to what I say. Put. Your. Knife. Down.”
“High Lady?” Cassian repeated with a snort of disbelief. “You’ve got balls, little girl.”
Truth-Teller danced across the skin of her neck, pressing lightly enough to intimidate without breaking skin. “Do you even know to whom you speak? You should be bowing before the acting Queen of the Night Court.”
Too stunned to properly resist, Azriel kicked his feet out to knock Feyre to her knees in front of Mor. His fingers slid into her hair, gripping it tightly to pull her head back as Truth-Teller resumed its threatening position at her throat.
“Breaking into the High Lord’s personal residence, impersonating a high position within the Night Court, lying to the Morrigan’s face,” Azriel listed, increasing the pressure of the blade with each transgression. “You throw our High Lord’s generosity and protection in his face, something we as his acting Court do not take lightly.”
“Acting court? Acting Queen?” Feyre repeated, feeling as if she’d woken to a different reality. “What are you talking about? Where’s Rhysand!?”
“We’re the ones asking the questions here,” Cassian growled.
Feyre looked to each of her friends, studying their faces. Beyond their militant expression, she could see their grief. Could smell it. She repeated, “where is Rhysand?”
She felt the snarl that rumbled through Azriel’s chest behind her, vibrating against her back. When the question was once again unanswered, Feyre abandoned all sense of patience.
Darkness exploded through the room. She heard Mor gasp as the walls of the House shook from the might of her power. Feyre folded into the shadows, winnowing out of Azriel’s grasp so she stood in the center of the three of them.
“Az, Cass, Mor, you are my friends and I do not want to hurt you. But I am also your High Lady and you will answer me this instant, where is Rhys? Where is my mate!?”
Siphons gleamed red and blue through the thick tendrils of night, illuminating the Illyrian males’ faces. Cassian’s jaw had fallen open, while Azriel was studying her through narrowed eyes, wisps of shadow surrounding him. Feyre wondered what they were whispering to him.
“Mate?” Cassian echoed, the first to break the heavy silence.
Mor took a cautious step forward, her countenance completely changed. Her pupils were blown wide, twin brown depths churning with sorrow and gentle astonishment. Azriel went rigid at Mor’s approach, but no one moved to stop her as she came face to face with Feyre.
“Where did you get this?” she whispered, taking Feyre’s left hand, eye fixed on her mating band. On the sapphire-star ring that once belonged to Rhysand’s mother.
All eyes befell the subject of Mor’s attention. Cassian swore softly in recognition.
“It’s my mating band,” Feyre answered measuredly, still puzzled that the inner circle, her family, didn’t seem to have any memory of it. Nor of her. “I won it from the Weaver, as was the task set by Rhysand’s mother. But you were all there for that. I don’t understand what’s going on. Where. Is. Rhys?”
“Under the Mountain,” Mor whispered, her voice soft and pained.
The darkness ebbed away like a receding tide. Feyre felt her heart sink as she tried to process this information. “He—What?”
“He’s been Under the Mountain for the last 50 years,” Mor said, firmer this time. “And if you were his so-called mate, you would know that.”
“No,” Feyre said, shaking her head vehemently. “No, that’s impossible. We got out. We—”
This was a nightmare. It had to be a nightmare, and she just hadn’t woken up from it.
“Amarantha’s dead,” Feyre insisted, mostly in an attempt to console the unparalleled grief and panic that were raging inside her. “She’s dead, and Rhys and I got out.”
The grim faces of her friends said otherwise. They stared at her, in unbearable mixtures of pity and horror.
“I think she’s having a mental break,” Cassian said, not unkindly. “Should we get a healer?”
“Let me show you,” Feyre said meekly, casting her magic out to tap on their mental shields.
They all tensed, clearly not aware they’d been in the presence of a daemati. Trained well by Rhys, they all cracked their shields just enough for Feyre to send her conjured memories through. She showed them going Under the Mountain as a human, winning the trials and being resurrected, falling in love with Rhys, and eventually becoming High Lady of the Night Court. In turn, the three of them pushed back their own memories, of the current state of the world. Of Rhysand sacrificing himself so that his Court and Velaris would be safe.
A sob broke out of Feyre. “How is this possible? How am I here?”
It was Azriel who immediately went for the jugular. “More importantly, if you’re here as a High Fae, how is Rhys going to get out? How do we stop Amarantha?”
Feyre fell to her knees, grief-stricken by this realization. She was no longer human. She couldn’t stride in as Tamlin’s human lover and undergo the trials. Feyre had her powers, but they were untested. Would she be able to take on the whole of Amarantha’s court?
“What do I do? How do I save him?” she whimpered, staring in mute horror at her mating band.
Mor tentatively reached forward, laying a comforting hand on Feyre’s shoulder. “Rhys sacrificed himself to keep the people he loves safe. He wouldn’t want you getting yourself killed trying to save him.”
“I have to try,” Feyre answered desperately. “Amarantha she’s…” Feyre couldn’t bring herself to say the word, rape. Not to his family, who wear his sacrifice for them like an open wound. “She’s doing unspeakable things to him. He’s suffering so much. I can’t leave him to that fate. I have to try.”
With renewed conviction, Feyre accepted Mor’s outstretched hand and picked herself to her feet. “Rhys said it himself once. Amarantha’s biggest weapon is that she keeps the High Lord’s power contained. She can’t access them herself. But I… I have access to all the High Lords’ powers. And that bitch has my mate. My wrath will be plenty to take her down.” She faced her friends, who watched her warily. “You have my word as your High Lady,” she swore to them. “The High Queen of Prythian is going to fall by the night’s end.”
Winter had not yet fallen in the Mortal Lands. Feyre wondered if across the world, there was a version of herself curled in a bed with her sisters, clinging to any shred of warmth and survival.
That version of Feyre was very different from the version who strode up the sloping hills of the Spring Court with Azriel by her side. Rhys would be furious that Feyre had allowed him to accompany her. Should anything go wrong, it would destroy her mate to know his family had been put in harm's way after everything he’d done to protect them. Which was why it was only Azriel who came with, the only compromise she could reach with his Inner Circle, who insisted on coming with.
Who better to sneak into the Mountain with than the very soldier who taught Feyre the art of stealth. He was the obvious choice, since Mor needed to stay to rule the Night Court and Cassian was too heavy-handed to handle such a delicate task.
Their footfall was silent. Feyre wrapped them in the shadow of Night as they winnowed through the cave network. Her heart hammered in her chest, panicked to be back in the source of so many nightmares.
But Rhysand was more important than her fear. For him, she would not falter.
With the Shadowsinger by her side, Feyre snuck through the winding tunnels until she came to a familiar passageway. They slid into a massive, dark bedroom, lit only by a few candles.
To attack Amarantha in the throne room would be too messy. Too many variables to contend with, should Amarantha have enough wit about her to use any faeries as a shield. Especially Rhysand.
After several hours of waiting, the lock on the door clicked and swung open. Darkness swirled around the room as Rhysand took in the sight of Feyre and Azriel on the bed.
Immediately, the door slammed shut.
“No,” he whispered, voice dripping with horror. “No.”
“Rhys—” Feyre started, but her mate wasn’t paying any attention to her. He was looking at Azriel as if his whole world had shattered.
“Leave,” he said, his voice cold and commanding. This was no happy reunion between brothers. This was Rhysand’s worst nightmare. “Leave this instant, you stupid fool. That is, if you’re lucky enough to have avoided detection when you passed under her wards.”
“I took down the wards,” Feyre said. They weren’t particularly strong, either. Amarantha had gotten lazy, perhaps thinking herself secure with the only spell-cleaver under her control. Or so she believed.
Rhys turned that quiet fury towards her. “And who are you?”
“Your mate,” Feyre answered steadily, tipping her chin up.
Rhysand laughed. A desperate, humorless sound. “Then you are just as foolish as my idiot brother. And you have both sealed your deaths by being here. Do you understand that?”
Feyre scratched along those familiar adamantite shields. Rhys’s eyes flickered in surprise, but otherwise he looked unruffled as he cracked a sliver open for her.
It would be unwise to underestimate me, mate.
I wouldn’t be going around boasting about such a thing, if what you claim is even true, came his icy response. And I wouldn’t count on a few party tricks to save you, either.
And what if I told you, she purred, that I possess the power of all seven High Lords?
That, at least, garnered a reaction from the stoic male. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief, studying Feyre carefully. His gaze caught on her hands, at the lace tattoos that flowed to her fingers. And the mating band she still wore.
Feyre watched those violet eyes go wide, the silver constellations dancing in astonishment at the sight of his mother’s ring.
Where did you get that?
It’s a long story, love, but you’re going to have to trust me. She lowered her mental shields completely. Have a look for yourself. I’m telling you no lies. I am your High Lady, and I am here to free my husband.
She felt those familiar talons wrap around her mind. A foolish thing to do, to give a daemati unrestricted access to her mind. And if it were anyone but Rhys, it would have been. But his touch was gentle, and he took only the information he needed.
“I don’t understand how this is possible,” he whispered, breaking the silence of the room. Azriel had been waiting patiently, but looked relieved to be included in the conversation once more. “And I hate that you’ve put yourselves in danger for this, but it could work.”
Rhys considered for a long moment, then he looked between Feyre and Azriel and said, “do it when she’s sleeping. That bitch has been playing dirty for 50 years, you might as well level the playing field to give yourselves the best chance. Let’s do it tonight. I’ll leave the door unlocked, wear her out, and signal you once she’s asleep. Her spell prevents me from harming her, but I’ll make sure she’s restrained. All you have to do is drive the ash dagger through her heart, but have your magic ready for damage control.”
Feyre and Azriel waited in Rhysand’s bedchambers for his signal. There was a revelry tonight, as there was every night Under the Mountain, and Rhys was expected to be in attendance. Afterwards, he’d join Amarantha in her bed and make sure she was, in his words, “thoroughly exhausted”.
It was torturous for Feyre. To know exactly what the implication in those words were, to have to use her mate’s body in such a way. She wanted to roar at the Mountain, at the Cauldron, at anything that would listen, but instead she was next to the quiet, brooding Shadowsinger, and lamented in silence.
She’d begged Rhys to reconsider, to perhaps help them stage a more physical encounter that didn’t rely on his own suffering. But he’d denied any plan but the one he’d proposed, insisting it would cause him more anguish to but Feyre and Azriel in harm's way.
So they waited the long, agonizing hours until she felt a delicate pull at her chest. She’s asleep, Rhys called. Be on your guard.
He sent her directions to Amarantha’s bedchambers. There were guards outside, but Feyre and Azriel winnowed past them, cloaked in night and shadow.
Amarantha’s bedchambers were huge. Feyre had never been inside them before, but she was unsurprised to see they provided any luxury a High Queen could wish for.
Atop a large bed of red, silken sheets, lay her mate and Amarantha, both stark naked. The smell of sex clung to the air, Rhysand and Amarantha’s scents intertwined. Feyre thought she might be sick.
Even more sickening was the sight before her, of Amarantha’s arms restrained to the headboard in cloth. A clever way for Rhys to restrain her under the guise of sex, but horrifying nonetheless, to see the proof of what they’d been up to. The female was fast asleep, so convinced of her authority that she could fall asleep tied-up and not feel vulnerable doing so. How satisfying, Feyre thought, that such arrogance would be her downfall.
Feyre warded the room, putting up a shield of darkness so that no sound would break through to alert the guards. Rhys watched their approach warily from where he perched beside Amarantha, so still Feyre was convinced he held his breath.
He wouldn’t risk moving to wake her up, which terrified Feyre. Should something go wrong, her mate would be susceptible to Amarantha’s wrath. Naked, vulnerable, and completely under her control. It was such a dangerous game they were playing.
The room was as quiet and still as the bewitching hours of the night, their footsteps silent as they picked across the room. Azriel held the ash dagger. If Rhys could not kill Amarantha, his brother wanted to do it on his behalf. Meanwhile, Feyre summoned tendrils of night that carefully wrapped around Amarantha’s legs, slithering up her body like a snake, ready to constrict and restrain.
The female stirred in her sleep, perhaps feeling the ghostlike touch of Feyre’s magic. But she did not wake. Not as Azriel raised the dagger over her chest, and not as he plunged it down.
Amarantha’s eyes shot open as the dagger pierced her chest. She let out a shriek of agony and ire, moving to claw at her attacker. She raged against the restraints, spewing obscenities until they died at her lips as the blade sunk into her heart.
Rhysand’s chest was heaving as he watched the female still, then slump. He looked from her dead body, to Azriel and Feyre.
Feyre’s heart sank as she watched her mate process that it was truly over. There wasn’t a trace of elation in his eyes at being liberated, but she understood why. Rhys would finally be returning home, but as a much different man than the one he had been. He’d survived, but not unscathed, and he’d need time to process this.
Feyre came to him, reached towards her mate with the hand that bore his mother’s ring. Rhys looked to it, then up to her. His eyes were clouded with sorrow, with a melancholy she could only hope to chip away at in time. But she could see stirring beneath it was a breath of hope, perhaps the first he’d allowed himself in a long time.
“Let’s go home, Rhys,” she said gently.
Slowly, Rhysand nodded, moving to grasp her hand. She felt him jolt at the touch and, as she glanced at him questioningly, she saw his lips part in wonder.
I suppose you weren’t lying about being my mate, he whispered, the words a sensual brush in her mind. Thank you for coming to rescue me, High Lady.
Feyre grasped onto Azriel, and together the three of them stepped into darkness.
Then, they were above the House of Wind, tumbling through the night sky. Feyre unfurled her wings before Rhys could move to catch them, worried that her mate would struggle after 50 years without flight.
Both males stared in astonishment at the sight. Rhysand’s eyes danced in awe as Feyre, albeit clumsily, carried them to the training ring on the roof.
Rhys snapped his own wings open as they landed. Feyre watched him tilt his head back in rapture as he felt the wind against his wings for the first time in decades. Then he opened his eyes, his expression shifting to reverence as he beheld the night sky.
“I was beginning to think I’d never see it again,” he whispered, his voice a heartbreaking blend of exaltation and disbelief. “And for this gift… for my salvation to be courtesy of my mate and of my brother… I’m a bit overwhelmed,” he admitted sheepishly.
Feyre hesitated. If this was the Rhysand from before, the one to which she was mated and married, she would come to comfort him. But this version of Rhys had only just been freed from enslavement, and she didn’t know what he needed.
As though sensing her hesitation, Rhys cast his eyes back to the sky. “I know they’re all waiting for me downstairs, but I’d like a little bit of time with the stars. Will you let them know, Az?”
Azriel nodded, though he seemed conflicted. His reunion with his brother was perhaps not as merry as the male had expected. But right now, she knew the Inner Circle would hardly deny Rhys anything. Perhaps for a long while yet. So Azriel headed downstairs to inform their friends, who were sure to be anxiously awaiting their arrival.
Rhysand regarded Feyre carefully once the two of them were alone. “Mate and High Lady,” he mused. “You seem to wear many hats.”
“You forgot ‘wife’,” Feyre said lightly.
“Yes, and ‘Salvation’, ‘Queen Killer’, ‘Most Beautiful Female in Prythian’, it seems there’s many things I could call you. Could we start with your name, perchance?”
Feyre was shocked. She’d assumed he’d taken such information out of her mind earlier, but it seems he’d been even more respectful than she’d expected.
“Feyre,” she answered. “My name is Feyre.”
He looked wonderstruck. “Feyre,” he repeated, testing the name on his lips. A gentle smile curled at the corners of his mouth, the first she’d seen from him yet. He extended his hand towards her. “Would you like to watch the stars with me, Feyre?”
It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her hand found his with all the casual grace of a dancer, as if it were a routine they’d been perfecting their whole lives. Their fingers interlocked and as one, they stared up at the dazzling night sky.
This reality wasn’t perfect, Feyre thought. This Rhys was different from her own, and he still had a lot of healing to do. But if she could be there for him, to help him in a ways she hadn’t before, then she would be grateful to the strange eddies of the Cauldron for bringing her here. For allowing her to end his torment early. For giving them this extra time.
She watched a shooting star dart across the sky and smiled as it passed. There was nothing she could wish for except that her mate find peace in all that he’d endured the last half century.
His deep, velvety voice cut through the silence. “Do you often wish on stars, Feyre?”
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her with a heart-wrenching wistfulness.
“Only when I have a wish worthy of the stars.”
“And do you?”
Feyre looked to the northernmost star, which shined brightest in the sky. “I wished for a light in the darkness,” she told him. “I don’t think the stars would ever begrudge such a wish.”
Rhysand nodded solemnly. “It’s true that they would be begrudging themselves in doing so. But I see no need for you to wish for such a thing.”
Feyre looked to him. He was still watching her, but something in him had shifted. He was smiling at her gently, that lingering sadness already receding. “Why’s that?” she asked cautiously.
That gentle smile widened, showing off his brilliant teeth. “Why, Feyre, to find such a thing, all you’d need to do is look in a mirror.”
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
You’re All I Want - Shinsou Hitoshi
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Rating: 18+ (Smut) Words: 5,073 Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader (Aged up/Pro Hero) Warnings: Oral (Male receiving), Oral (Female receiving), vaginal sex, pet names. AN: Here is my entry for this month’s BNHarem NSFW collab! Special thanks to @unbreakablekiribaku​ for supporting me as usual and listening to me ramble on about my favorite purple boy. Title taken from a song by Cigarettes After Sex because I am soft today. We all had the same starter for this collab, so it’s important to read that first so you understand the set up! (It’s kind of like a choose your own adventure!)
My Masterlist Buy Me a KoFi?
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, shucking off the mask onto the ground beside you. It wasn’t like they’d be able to see your face back here, or you hoped not, and the thing was itchy.
There hadn’t been much instruction on what to do, so you decided to make yourself comfortable on the pillows and wait in the near darkness, feeling a little annoyed that they’d taken your phone, even though you understood why. 
You gazed through the hole, trying to see if you could make out anything on the other side. You could hear music, the slightly muffled guitar from some classic rock playing for the party guests made you giggle a bit. Blowing some random hero while listening to 80’s hair metal through a hole in the wall was not how you had been picturing spending your Saturday night, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Before you could dwell on that anymore, you heard a sharp knocking on the wall, the light coming from the hole in the wall suddenly cut off when someone stepped in front of it. You had a feeling this was your cue. 
You shuffled over on your knees, grabbed a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, took a sip, and tried to ignore how much your hands were shaking. You knew what you were doing. This wasn’t your first time sucking a cock. The situation was different, of course, but if you closed your eyes, you could just pretend it was someone else, right? 
Letting your mind wander, you wet your lips when the man on the other side of the wall shoved his dick through the hole, starting with kitten licks and light sucks on the tip. You closed your eyes and thought about the object of most of your fantasies, pretending it was him sitting heavy on your tongue, bracing your hand on the wall in front of you as you used the other to grab the base of the man’s cock and pump him slowly.
Being a barista wasn’t the most exciting job, but your regular customers somehow made things seem less dull. One man in particular always had you vibrating with excitement the moment he walked through the door. He usually strolled in during the mid-morning, his purple hair defying gravity, his face holding the look of someone who didn’t get enough sleep. He did always manage a small smirk in your direction when you greeted him, already working on his preferred drink order before he could even open his mouth. Black coffee with a double shot of espresso and a blueberry muffin. He never strayed or asked for anything different. 
He would pay for his order and then lean his hip against the counter on the far end, arms crossed over his chest as he kept his eyes trained on you. It made you feel hot all over, your mouth dry and your thighs clenching as he watched you work, his apparent interest in you making you feel exposed and raw. You had half a mind to grab him by his shirt and drag him over the counter so you could press your lips to his, the sexual tension that his gaze created nearly driving you mad.
But as always, you would walk over and slide him his drink and pastry bag, biting your lip and looking up at him from under your eyelashes, wishing him a good day. He would always give you another once over, and sometimes his fingers would brush yours as he took his breakfast, his deep voice rumbling in thanks. He would smirk at you again before turning and walking out of the shop, leaving you to melt into a puddle of sexually frustrated goo behind the counter.
You’d entertained the idea of writing your number on his cup, wondering if he would text you, imagining what he would say if you asked him out sometime. It was a shame you were too nervous about doing anything other than flirting over the counter, too scared even to attempt to hold a conversation with him. You’d have to resort to using your overactive imagination to your advantage for the task at hand.
With the music still blaring in the other room, you could just barely hear the man on the other side of the wall moaning as his cock twitched in your mouth, your tongue gliding over the vein on the underside while you hollowed your cheeks around him. Humming, you took him as deep as you could, feeling triumphant when you felt him shudder, thick ropes of cum shooting into your mouth. 
You pulled off and spit into the nearby trash can, going back to lick the man clean, and then chugging on your water bottle. As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone, and the hole was empty once again. Sitting back, you sighed. That hadn’t been as bad as you thought it would be, though you figured it was probably because your mind was elsewhere. You just needed to keep this up for the rest of the night, and then you’d collect your giant wad of cash and be on your way.
Hours passed, men came (literally) and went, and your jaw was starting to feel sore. You had no idea how much longer you had, but you’d been putting forth your best skills while thinking about the purple-haired coffee man to pass the time. 
There was a knock on the wall, so you sat up from where you were slumped against it, grabbed another water bottle, wet your mouth, and got ready to go back to work. Since your eyes had adapted to the darkness of the room, you’d been trying to get a good look at the different dicks that had been shoved through the hole as the night progressed. You’d yet to be disappointed, and men at this party were giving you unrealistic expectations for real life. The one that was in front of you now, however, was probably the nicest and one of the biggest you’d seen so far.
Suddenly feeling eager to prove to yourself that you could handle the size of it, you shuffled forward on your knees and wrapped your hand around it, stroking slowly and letting your tongue poke out to lick at the bead of precum that had already gathered at the tip. The music fading from one song and into the next in the other room allowed you to hear the groan of pleasure coming from the man, your ears perking up, and legs clenching together. 
His voice was deep, just like the man in every one of your fantasies. You’d made yourself cum just thinking about that voice whispering in your ear, low and thick like honey, praising you for taking his cock so well, growling and moaning about how good your pussy felt around him. You let your eyes close, humming and focusing all your efforts into giving this man the best blow job of his life, picturing purple hair and a sharp jawline, smirking lips caught between straight teeth, bulging biceps and long fingers. You wished you could feel his fingers in your hair as you took him as deep as you could, relaxing your throat and rolling your tongue around his length, practically choking around him as tears gathered in your eyes.
You swore you heard that voice again, a drawn-out curse coming from the other side of the wall as his cock twitched in your mouth and he came, and for the first time all night, you swallowed all he had to give you, too caught up in the moment to worry about spitting it in the trash. 
Before you knew what was happening, he was gone, not even letting you clean him up. You fell back, gasping for air and trying to figure out what happened. Your cunt was throbbing, and your chest was heaving as you reached blindly for the water bottle beside you. Did you do something wrong? He seemed to have been enjoying himself, but it was hard to tell with the wall between you.
You didn’t have much time to dwell on it, though, because there was a knock from the door you’d entered the room from, and suddenly the girl who had led you back here was standing there, smiling at you. “Are you doing okay?”
Nodding, you stood up. “Yeah, am I done?”
She crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame. “That depends. Do you want to make a little extra?”
Eyebrows furrowed, you frowned. “What? How?”
“Someone is requesting you for some special one on one time if you’re interested. It would involve more than just a blow job, so if you’re okay with that, I can take you to the bathroom and then to the room he’s rented for you.”
Your eyes widened, mouth suddenly dry. “Someone requested me?”
Chuckling, she shot you a grin. “You impressed him. He was insistent about it being you, so you must have given him the best head of his life or something.” 
Biting your lip, you deliberated. You had promised yourself not to get too involved with this world. It was supposed to be quick and easy money. 
“If it helps, it was the last guy you were just with, like not even 10 minutes ago.” 
The man with the deep voice and giant cock. Well, fuck.
“I...yeah. Okay.”
“Great!” She clapped her hands. “Grab your mask and follow me. I’ll take you to the bathroom so you can brush your teeth, then I’ll bring you to the private room.”
You nodded, picking up the mask and putting it back on your face, concealing your identity again. You followed her from the room and to a bathroom, a sealed toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste on the sink. You used the bathroom quickly, brushing your teeth and checking your eyeliner, before slipping the mask back down over your eyes and stepping back into the hallway. 
She led you into an elevator and then down a hallway, stopping in front of a closed door before turning to you. “You’re not obligated to do anything you don’t want to do. There are condoms, and there is lube in the top drawer of the table next to the bed. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable for any reason, there will be a guard outside the door to keep watch, and you can get their attention if you need help, just in case.”
Suddenly nervous, you nodded again.
“I know this guy, though, and he’s a good man. You don’t have anything to worry about. When you’re done, the guard will bring you back downstairs so you can collect your pay and your things, okay?” She offered you a calming smile. “Have fun!”
You didn’t say anything, offering her a weak smile in return before turning your attention to the door. Your palms were sweaty as you reached out to grasp the handle, pushing it open. Taking a deep breath, you walked inside and closed it behind you.
When your eyes met with the amethyst ones on the other side of the room, your heart stopped.
“Uh, hi.” He stepped forward, his hands in his pockets. You took in the way he bit down on his bottom lip, eyes traveling down over the black button-up shirt he was wearing, the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, the glint of the watch on his wrist in the table lamp light spilling across the hotel room.
It was him, the object of your every desire, and he was standing there looking at you nervously, his hair sticking up attractively as usual.
“Black coffee, double shot espresso, blueberry muffin.” You said dumbly, your mouth moving before your brain could process what you were saying.
“I...what? How do you know my breakfast order?” His eyebrows furrowed, confused. 
Pulling off your mask, you shook out your hair and stared at him, not sure what else to say. You felt completely out of your depth, and it was taking everything in you not to throw yourself forward and kiss him.
“Holy shit.” Letting out a breath, he started moving toward you again. “It’s you.”
When he stopped moving, he was so close that you had to tilt your head back to look up at him. You couldn’t believe your luck. Remembering what the girl had told you, you shivered. When you’d heard that low voice through the wall, you’d thought of him, but to know that it actually was him was a whole different thing. “I didn’t know you were a hero.”
Your eyes slid closed when you felt him touch the side of your face and push back a piece of your hair, his fingers leaving a warm trail in their wake. “Yeah, underground, but yeah.” Clearing his throat, he continued. “I didn’t know you did-”
“I don’t!” Your eyes flew open in alarm. “I mean, not usually. Just needed some extra money to get caught up on student loans…” You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment, your gaze falling to the floor. “This is my first time doing something like this.”
“Me too.” His fingers on your chin lifted your face to look back up at him. “I didn’t want it to be like this...I wanted to ask you out properly.”
Gazing up at him in disbelief, you stuttered. “I...you did?”
It was his turn to blush. “Yeah, I was just trying to figure out what to say.” His hand dropped to curl around your hip. “But now we’re here…”
Feeling bold, knowing he wanted you just as much as you wanted him, you let your hands rest on his chest, the feeling of solid muscle beneath it, causing you to shiver. “Yeah, we are. So what do we do now?”
“I can think of a few things.” The smirk that made your knees weak was back on his face. “Like this, maybe.”
Your breath caught when he leaned forward, your eyes closing when his lips met yours. It was a hesitant press at first, sweet and soft, making your heartbeat quicken with anticipation. Breathing deeply through your nose, you let your fingers tangle in his lavender locks, pushing yourself closer and kissing him harder. You’d wanted this for so long, and you weren’t going to let this moment go to waste.
He hummed lowly, both hands on your waist holding you close to him, his tongue slipping out to trace along your lips. You parted them, allowing him entrance and shivering when he licked into your mouth. Sighing, you arched into him, feeling his palms slide down to grab your ass.
Pulling back, the both of you panted, your eyes sliding open to gaze up at him. Swallowing thickly, you licked your lips. “This is all happening so fast.” You said slowly. “I don’t even know your name.” 
Smirking, he bent slightly, his hands slipping behind your thighs and lifting you quickly. “It’s Shinsou.” He turned and walked towards the bed, dropping you unceremoniously onto the mattress. “And yours is Y/N, right? I remember it from your nametag.”
You nodded, half distracted watching him pull your skirt down your legs, his fingers toying with the waistband of your panties. Sitting up, you began unbuttoning his shirt, sighing when you felt his lips on your neck.
“I know this is sudden, but you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” He mumbled against your skin. “And knowing that you were the one who sucked my cock through that wall makes me regret not doing something sooner.”
“I was pretending it was you.” Finishing with the buttons, you untucked the shirt from his pants and worked on pulling it down his arms. “I heard you moan, and I thought it sounded like you, and I just let my mind wander a little…”
Chuckling, he pulled back, shrugging his shirt off and lifting his undershirt over his head. Your hands went to his chest immediately, tracing lines over the hard muscles and up over his shoulders.
“Do you think about me often?”
Blushing, you sat back, pulling your top over your head. “More often than I’d like to admit.”
He reached behind you, his fingers fumbling with the clasp of your bra. “It sounds like we’ve been wasting too much time. We could have been doing this a long time ago.” He tossed the offending garment somewhere behind him, looming over you when you laid back. “Guess I should make up for it now, huh?”
Before you could answer, he was kissing you again, one hand wandering down your side, his other arm bent and keeping him from crushing you under his weight. His mouth moved to kiss along your jaw and down your neck, your chest heaving as he nibbled on your clavicle, his warm tongue laving at your skin. 
Your breath hitched as he moved lower, trailing kisses over your breast, his mouth latching around your nipple and sucking at it, teeth scraping over the hardening bud. “Shinsou…” You trailed off, breathless and panting, your eyes fluttering shut as your hands found his hair, digits curling into his purple locks and nails scratching at his scalp.
He must have enjoyed the feeling, a low moan rumbling from his chest as he switched to your other breast, giving it the same attention. His fingers dug into your hip, keeping you still as you attempted to wiggle in his hold, needing some kind of friction for the throbbing between your thighs. 
“Impatient, are we?” He asked lowly, kissing down your stomach and sliding down the bed some more. “Don’t worry, kitten. I’m going to take care of you.”
You whimpered at the nickname, closing your eyes when you felt his fingers slide under the elastic around your waist, tugging your panties down your legs. Warm breath ghosted over your inner thighs when he spread your legs to rest between them, his thumbs drawing comforting circles across your flesh.
“You gave me the best blow job of my life. It only seems fair for me to return the favor.” His thumbs moved to spread you open, his tongue sliding along your slit without warning.
Your hips left the bed, your head rolling as your back arched, your body unprepared. “Shinsou! Fuck!” His hands held you down as he descended on you, tongue laving greedily at your cunt, slurping up your juices and sucking on your clit with abandon.
“God, you were so wet already, how turned on were you? You must have been thinking about me pretty hard down there in that little room.” A kiss was pressed to your thigh as he caught his breath. “Why don’t you tell me what you were imagining, hmm?”
Opening your mouth to reply, all you could manage was a low moan when he dove back in, his tongue circling your entrance before traveling back up to your clit again. 
“Answer me, kitten.”
Sucking in a breath, the vibrations from his voice shooting straight through you, making it hard to think, you tried to answer again. “Thought about you bending me over the counter in the coffee shop…”
He hummed, and your eyes rolled back, body tensing when he let one of his hands move down lower, one finger sliding inside you. “I’ve thought about that too.”
“Shinsou, please. I want you to fuck me.” You felt pathetic, practically begging him, months of pent up longing for the man between your thighs finally spilling forth as he sucked on your clit and stretched you with a second finger. “I want you to fill me up.”
Groaning, you felt his teeth graze against you, his fingers curling, the squelching sound filling the room a testament to how wet you were as he pressed against your g spot, adding another digit. “Fuck, you want it that badly?”
You shivered, your legs aching, and your toes curling. You couldn’t even form a sentence if you wanted to, the coil in your belly tightening with every caress of his tongue along your pussy. The feeling of his long, calloused fingers stroking along your inner walls and the vibrations of his moans when you tensed around them made it hard to focus. You barely registered his hips moving against the bed in time with the thrust of his fingers, obviously just as into it as you were.
“Come for me, kitten, and I’ll give you what you want.” He moaned, the tip of his tongue flicking quickly over your clit again.
The tone of his voice, rough and full of lust, was enough to push you over the edge. You came with a cry, head thrown back against the pillows, vision whiting out at the intensity of your orgasm. 
Shinsou groaned as he coaxed you through your release, pulling back only when he felt you go boneless beneath him. You gazed at him through half-lidded eyes, trying to pull air into your lungs, watching as he sat back and wiped his mouth on his arm. “You okay, kitten?”
You managed to nod, watching as he shuffled off the bed and over to the table beside it, opening the top drawer and pulling a condom out. Sitting up on your elbows, you licked your lips, anticipating what was about to happen. Everything was moving quickly, but you’d been dreaming about sharing these intimate moments with him for so long that you couldn’t be bothered with worrying about what would happen tomorrow.
He made quick work of his belt, his pants falling around his narrow waist as he unbuttoned them, revealing purple boxers that matched his hair. He caught you watching, raising his eyebrow as he toyed with the elastic band on his boxer briefs. “See something you like?”
Teasing him, you grinned. “I told you, I've been thinking about this for a while.” You couldn’t help ogling him. You would have never guessed his body would look this way beneath the oversized t-shirts he usually wore when he came into your job every morning.
He laughed at your blatant staring, biting his lip. “You did mention that.” He shook his hips to tease you as he pulled down his pants and boxers, making you giggle. You liked how he could make you feel comfortable, and insanely turned on at the same time. 
Crawling up the bed, he settled in between your legs on his knees, his large hand moving to stroke his cock. He picked up the condom, ripped the foil packet, and rolled it onto his length. He gripped your thighs, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours. “You ready?”
Tilting your chin up, you kissed him, your fingers tangling in his hair. You could taste yourself on his lips, feel his heart beating when you let your other hand rest against his chest. You were more than ready to let this man wreck you. “I’m ready.”
He dropped his head to your shoulder as he positioned himself and pushed his hips forward, groaning as he entered you. The stretch was just on the edge of painful, and you tried to stifle your cry as you tucked your face into the space between his neck and shoulder, your nails digging into the skin of his back as you arched up off the mattress.
“Fuck…”He breathed, pulling out and pushing back in further. “You’re so tight.”
Uncurling to lay back against the pillows, your hands moved to wrap around his biceps, his arms caging you in on either side as he moved in and out of you slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size. You weren’t sure you’d ever been with someone as big as he was, and as the burning sensation of the stretch slowly turned to pleasure, you felt like you’d been missing out.
He finally paused when he was fully seated inside you, his lips pressing against the skin of your shoulder, and then up your neck and jaw until he was able to look into your eyes. You briefly thought about how bizarre the entire situation was, how you’d been pining after this guy you were too afraid to speak to, and now he was balls deep inside you in a lavish hotel room where he was paying to fuck you. At least he had confessed he was actually interested in you outside of all of this, so maybe that meant you had a shot at something with him. You didn’t really want to think about the money portion of it all because that was too much to unpack at that very moment, deciding instead to focus on how he was looking at you reverently, and he was not moving. “Shinsou, you gotta move, please. I’m-”
Lips curling up into a smirk, he kissed you. “I’ve got you, kitten, don’t worry.” His arm moved from your side, his hand curling around your thigh and lifted your leg slightly, and then he was pulling back and slamming his hips forward.
Your hips rose off the bed to meet him, pleasure coursing through you as he started a brutal pace, each thrust making your toes curl and your eyes roll back. You managed to wrap your legs around his waist, urging him closer as he leaned over and grabbed the ornate headboard of the bed above you, using it for leverage as he rammed his cock into you over and over again.
“God, fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to-” He broke off, grunting when you clenched around him. “You’re so wet for me, kitten. I could fuck you like this all night. Would you like that?”
At that moment, it sounded like the single greatest idea you’d ever heard. “Shinsou, don’t stop!” 
Growling, he picked up the pace, letting go of the headboard to grab your legs, folding them between your bodies. The angle let him slide in deeper, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. You felt so full, the scent of his cologne surrounding you, the sound of his low moans and panting breaths echoing through the room. You keened, your fingers white-knuckling the sheets beside you, concentrating on the building pressure in your lower belly.
Every muscle in your legs was screaming, pleading gibberish spilling from your lips as you begged him to keep going, climbing higher and higher as he fucked you into the mattress. He sat back on his knees, positioning your legs over his shoulders and leaning forward again, kissing you to quiet your babbling. You couldn’t get enough of the taste, your fingers weaving through his drooping hair, delirious and consumed by him at that moment. He trailed his lips down to your chest, mouth closing around your nipple and sucking hard, scraping it with his teeth and soothing with his tongue. You barely registered his hand moving, his deft fingers finding your clit in between your sweat-slicked bodies, rubbing harsh circles over it. “Come on, kitten. I want to feel you come apart around me.”
Warm breath over your sensitive chest had you mewling, your back arching, your body pulled taught and finally snapping, cries of his name repeated like a prayer as you fell over the edge, drowning in ecstasy.
The moan that left him was just short of animalistic as he moved back, hips slamming against yours again and again as he chased his high, your pussy fluttering around him, gripping him and sucking him back in every time he drew back. “So fucking good for me, kitten.”
His rhythm became uneven, his grip on you loosening, hips slowing as he came. You watched the way his brow creased, his abs tightening as he unloaded into the condom. You found yourself half wishing he was cumming inside you, so fucked out that rational thought was off the table. He ground against you one last time until he was slumping forward, your legs falling off his shoulders and to the side. 
You hummed, petting his hair back from his forehead. You felt him smile against your skin, his nose brushing your cheek as he tried to catch his breath.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” You cleared your throat, your voice raw. “I’m good. Really good.”
Chuckling, he kissed your cheek, huffing as he lifted himself off of you. He pulled off the condom and tied it before shuffling off the bed and pulling on his boxers, wandering off in the direction of what you assumed was the bathroom. 
You took that moment to assess how weak your legs felt, cursing your choice of footwear, and wondering how you were going to walk. Shinsou appeared again a moment later, a wet washcloth in his hand. You let him clean you up, blushing but appreciating his kindness.
When he was satisfied, you took a deep breath and sat up, moving slowly as you stood up on shaky legs, gathering your clothes and redressing yourself. You suddenly felt awkward, not sure what to say or do. Did he want to see you again?
“Do you have work tomorrow?” He asked, breaking the awkward silence. 
Blinking up at him, you shook your head. “I’m off on the weekends. I’ll be in on Monday morning.”
Scratching the back of his neck nervously, he nodded. “I...good. Okay. I’ll see you then, right?”
“Unless you’re going to go somewhere else for your coffee, then yes, you’ll see me.” You frowned. “Did you not want to-”
“No! Oh god, I’m making a mess of things, aren’t I? I just mean I was worried you wouldn’t want me to come-” He groaned. “I feel like I’m making this more awkward than it needs to be.”
“You said it, not me.” You teased. “I’ll see you Monday, and we can talk then, okay?”
“I’d ask for your number, but neither of us has our phone.” He stepped forward, tipping your chin so you could gaze up at him. His lips pressing against yours sent a shiver down your spine again. “I’ll see you Monday.”
You barely remembered leaving the room or following the guard down to where your things were locked up, or the amount of the check you received before you left. 
All that was on your mind were sleepy amethyst eyes and lips curled into a knowing smirk, soft smiles, and urgent kisses, the way his voice sounded when he called you kitten.
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Go to Sleep
Kanene’s note: Gosh, having a schedule is weird. I just wanna post everything I already wrote and ramble non stop about it asdfgtyujkigfdo. XD
Well, this was suppose to be a drabble, but it’s very long so sdftyujikgfred. I hope you like it!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders from the serie Sanders Sides.
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic. If you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!! ^w^)b
* This is Lee!Virgil with Ler!Roman. Around 1.500 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Listen a bit to the birds today. Changing the way you think is not a bad thing. Drink water, sleep, eat and love!
Roman growled, missing by a few inches the button of his thunderous, infuriating alarm before finally hitting it. Staring and blinking lazily at the numbers his brain struggled to discern and recognize, only to confirm it was really time to wake up and start the day. He grabbed his pillow and squeezed it with all the strength he could muster, rolling from one side to other on the mattress, trying to wake up his body as quick as his mind and almost falling from the bed a reasonable number of times during the process.
 He got up, yawing, stretching and humming as the first lyrics of the day stuck on his head, hand rubbing at his eyes as he followed the kitchen’s direction with slow steps and tired sways on the beat of the song.
 Two dark, wide eyes stared right back at him, their owner completely frozen on the spot with his hand inside the cabinet, probably already holding some sort of a snack. Roman also stopped mid-step, gears running inside his mind, gaze locked on the other, his brow progressively furrowing.
“Virgil,” he began, voice slightly hoarse “What the heckty heck are you doing up? It’s barely seven in the morning!” Virgil only stared back, slowly closing the cabinet’s door, as if afraid the movement would startle the other. Roman proceeded to get some eggs and other cold ingredients from the refrigerator for the breakfast, his words growing more awake and vivid as they spilled with no filter or whatsoever from his lips. “You got an early shift again or something? Those are absolutely hellish. A bunch of people exhausted, tired and glaring at you as if you are the holder of all their problems and their solutions can only be achieved by being insufferable pieces of- Urg. I can’t believe they would give you one right after you got the night one. Damn, I didn’t even see you arriving here yesterday!”
 He turned his attention back at the other, looking for a kind of frustration in the place of the still startled, wide gaze which continued to be directed at him. Virgil nodded slowly, stepping away and putting some physical distance between him and the confusion on Roman’s features.
 Then, between the strings of sleepiness that clouded his brain, it clicked.
 Suddenly more details on the other’s behavior started to become clearer: the way Virgil’s hair was messier than his usual ““style”” (Roman scoffed mentally, thinking that if he rolled his eyes any harder they would never come back to his normal place again), his wary, yes, but way too much slow movements, the way he seemed to be unable to stop blinking at every millisecond and, above it all, the final piece of the puzzle.
 Virgil wasn’t wearing his pajamas.
 “YOU DIDN’T!” Roman gasped, as if Virgil’s life choices were a personal attack. “YOU DIDN’T GET ANY SLEEP LAST NIGHT!!” A turn of heels and he was again fixating his glare on the other, his free hand accusingly pointing in his direction, receiving an annoyed hiss as immediate answer.
 “Shut up!” Virgil snarled, practically growling back at him. “It’s fucking seven am don’t be so freaking loud.”
 “Don’t change the subject! Why didn’t you go to sleep?”
 The one being questioned just snorted, half amused. “Bold of you to assume I’d ever sleep in my whole life.”
 “That is it.” Virgil didn’t even have the time to wonder the meaning of his friend’s sentence before the aforementioned picked him up, resulting to a not very contained shriek escaping from his lips and his hands not much gracefully – or gently, although since they were keen on just jumping on each other out of nowhere to play fight Princey would be fine - meeting his friend’s face.
 “Roman! What the he-”
 “Did you just SLAP me? My beautiful face?! Before my own beautiful eyes??” Virgil Storm always got, even if he would never admit this out loud, surprised with Roman’s capacity of doing a series of offended incoherent noises which evolved to words before being carefully metamorphosed in weird noises all over again, and in the end still managing to form comprehensible sentences. His surprise did nothing to quell the grumpy snark immediately flying from lips, though.
 “And I’m going to do it again if you don’t let me go in this exact instant.”
 “You go and try to help and that is the acknowledgement you get,” The one wearing pajamas with little crows printed on it huffed, mumbling in a lower tone as he noticed the sharp gaze being thrown in his direction. “fucking unbelievable.”
 “I still can hear you, Princey. You’re literally carrying me.”
 “I sTiLL cAn HeAr yOu-OW! Ow! Ow!” The sentence was interrupted when the sleep deprived one punched Roman’s shoulder. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
 “Let me fucking gAAH!” In a way his wish was granted, one could say as they watched his protest being cut as Storm was impolitely tossed on his bed, Roman quickly following his friend on the mattress, arms hugging him from behind, and physically preventing him from escaping his current soft predicament. “Prince, you’re dead.”
 “Shhh, no talking. We’re sleeping.”
 “We are not. You are being a pain in ass and I am about to defenestrate you.” Despite his fervent protests, his sharp, flaming glare began to lose its heat, his body not doing any actual effort to free himself from the other’s – strong, good - grip, muscles starting to relax against the great warmth involving him in a comfortable and secure blanket.
 “Sure, sure, mister Grumpy Pants, you can do that when you wake up.” He tightened a bit his hold around Virgil, yet being the most careful as possible, actively ignoring the annoyed hiss his friend gave him. His hoodie was really fluffy at the touch, slightly remembering his stuffed animals he frequently hugged to sleep.
 For a moment, everything was pleasantly quiet. The one with smudged makeup, since he hadn’t time to get it off before being trapped by his roommate and best friend, felt the tiredness becoming sleepiness as the seconds went by.
 …That was until an electric sensation shot across his spine, leading him to almost jump in the same place 
 “S-stop nuzzling me!”
 “Hm? Oh sorry.” Virgil pressed his lips tightly closed, preventing the wobbly giggles to escape as Roman speaks, not realizing how close his mouth was from the base of his neck, every breath sending tickly shocks across every nerve. “You’re just too much sooooft.”
 Roman opened an eye when realized that no snark remark from the other followed his words, the figure in his arms shaking too much to be asleep. A frown painted his feature as he readjusted the position of his hands, trying to get a bit more of balance to look at Virgil’s face when suddenly a high-pitched yelp escaped, cutting the air and immediately catching their attention.
 “Did you just squeal?” He questioned as his glare assumed a playful shine seeing a blush spread on his now frozen friend.
 “It was NOT a squeal! It was a yelp.” Virgil’s words came so fast that they almost tripped on themselves. Roman snorted, a smile taking over his face. “Get off me!” and, in the moment the one wearing a hoodie tried to pry his hand from the spot on his right side where it was resting, the pieces finally clicked in the right place and his smile quickly submerged, giving space to a smirk.
 ‘No WAY Doctor Doom and Gloom is ticklish!’
 However, the red lover only blinked as the true personification of innocence and naiveness, his hand firm in its place, fingers starting to slowly move, light pokes being delivered on the sensitive skin. “But why that, Knight Mare? It’s cold and all I could ever want is just to hug my bestest friend!”
 “You already hugged me, now go aWAY!” His voice trembled in the last second, the exact moment his thumb experimentally scratched the spot right under the lowest ribs, leading a surprised squeak to leave Virgil’s mouth.
 They both stared at each other, gleaming, filling their wide eyes.
 “No.” Virgil said, trying to squirm away but finding himself stuck between Prince and the wall. Roman didn’t even attempt to hide his smug grin, anymore. This was going to be so much fun
 “Don’t you dare! Don’t you freaking dare!!” His friend only laid down again, now carefully, yet firmly, pulling him one more time against his chest, growling playfully. Years and years fighting for the Tickle Monster title on his family, battles and battles against Remus only sharpening his skills, which showed by the way his fingers seemed to find every single weak spot on Virgil’s skin, wiggles, scribbles, pokes and scratching exploring everywhere. “No! Nononono! You fucker, you moron, you bitch, you-” A few chuckles cut his curses as he one wearing pajamas squeezed his side a couple of times, the tip of his fingers also teasing his ticklish stomach. “Roman!!”
 “No, no, my so dear, so ticklish, friend. Roman is no longer here, this is…” He paused for a dramatic effect, basically beaming at the giggly giggles and wiggly wiggles from the other. He shoved his face on his neck, the next words vibrating almost as bad as the spidering on his ribs. “The Tickle Monster!!”
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Bad Vibrations
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Prelude - You know those stories that like you read and then the ending is like “but it was all a DrEaM”? yeah this is that but in reverse. Also keep in mind that Shindo is an individual who keeps up a very polished outer appearance, very different underneath the surface. Bakugou saw through it; Shindou’s a little faker for the public just saying
Pairing - Shindo Yo X Reader
Prompt - Shindo but noncon
Warnings - NSFW, stalker Shindo, non con, dub con, graphic, vibrations (ofc), crying, idk, y’all should know by now that there aint nothing good going on in these here parts.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/4FeWr4OsidcJClBjUEBHWI?si=Ea026PEQSX2vsQFf8AKkZw
You wake up to a hand over your mouth, a weight across your waist.
It’s still dark, your bedroom window open and leaking cool air into your room.
There’s a figure above you, straddling your waist, eyes glinting through the darkness. It’s a man, you determine, with his unruly hair, muscled build and the rough “shhhh” noise he makes, his hand tightening over your mouth as you fully awaken.
“Mmh!” You whine, panic flushing through your body. Who is this? Why is he here? Oh god, are you going to die?
“If I take my hand off, can you be good?”
His voice is soft, barely above a whisper. The man doesn’t seem to be a threat from his body language, the smooth rhythm of his voice, even though he’s apparently broken into your house, into your bedroom. 
You nod your head. As soon as your mouth is free, you’re begging quietly.
“Please don’t hurt me, please.”
“Shhh, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing.” The man cooed, a hand cupping the side of your face. Odd. “I just want you to be good, okay? You can do that for me, right?”
What does he mean? You suppose your puzzled face clues him into your confusion, because the man chuckles lowly.
“Aw, don’t worry… I know you don’t have a clue who I am, but that’s okay - it’s not your fault. I’m Shindo, okay? I’m not gonna hurt you, everything’s fine.”
The man was so soothing, if he wasn’t pinning you to your bed with his bodyweight, maybe you wouldn’t be shivering with fear. You couldn’t think straight, mind still foggy with sleep, all you could do was blink up at the man-Shindo.
“I’m tired of watching, I just want a little taste, y’know? You looked so pretty earlier, like a little treat.”
Your eyes widened, and your body tensed. What was he—? Had he been watching you? What did he mean by /earlier/? Your mind flitted back to what you were doing before you drifted off to sleep, and you immediately flushed. An electric toothbrush had been pressed to your cunt, over your panties, the vibrations ever so slight as you writhed under your own hand. You had never messed with toys before, too intimidated by all the different choices, the names, the reviews. Plus, the actual act of buying them was mortifying, even if you could just order one from Amazon - what if it showed up in a package clearly outlining what it was? What if your neighbors saw?
“Don’t be shy, I know it felt good, I mean, it certainly looked good.” Your attention was pulled back to the present, to the man-Shindo sitting on top of you. He was grinning, a small hint of teeth showing. Your heart hammered in your chest - you we’re going to die. This man was going to rape you, then kill you. 
“Please, there’s-there’s money in the drawer, you can have it a-“
Shindo surged forward, capturing your mouth in a kiss, cutting you off mid-sentence. You squeaked, rearing backwards, but he followed, pressing his lips so firmly to your own that you felt like he was trying to worm his way inside. You tried to turn your head, shocked, scared, but a hand grabbed your chin with an iron grip, freezing you in place. It hurt.
A moment passed, then two, and you were fully panicking now, chest heaving, hands flailing. Shindo separated himself from you with a quiet, wet smack, barely pulling away from your lips before leaning back down to kiss your nose. The hand holding your chin relaxed.
“Don’t fight, just be good. I’ll treat you nice, okay? Don’t make me upset baby.” His voice had a sharp edge to it, and you had the immediate sense of mind to commit to doing what he said - you figured if you didn’t, you might not live to file a police report. You nodded shakily, tears brimming in your eyes. This couldn’t be happening. 
Shindo smiled at your nod, patting your cheek lovingly, before another kiss was planted to the tip of your nose. “Good. Now, we’re going to get to the fun stuff, what do you say?”
It was a rhetorical question, the man not even waiting for a response before he was tugging at your shirt, almost ripping it as he pulled it up and over your chest, whistling as your bare chest was revealed. “Damn baby, you’re delicious.”
You flushed, hands twitching uselessly at your sides. You shouldn’t, you couldn’t fight, he’d hurt you. You just needed to stay still and quiet, let him do what he wanted, let him take what he wanted. It was going to be fine. You could do it.
Abandoning your shirt after he bunched it underneath your arms, the man immediately palmed at your chest, hands warm, soft. The chill of the night air plus his interest in your nipples had the small buds peaking almost immediately, stiff and upright. Shindo gave a quiet, pleased huff, before thumbing over your nipples, closely watching your face for a reaction. You turned to the side, determined to not give him one. Maybe if you just stayed still, didn’t engage, he’d get bored and hurry up, fuck off into the night and back from where he came.
A wet, searing heat enclosed your right nipple, and you gasped, arcing at the foreign sensation. A glance downward showed Shindo with his mouth around your tit, brown eyes hooded, twinkling up at you. You turned your face to the side again, shooting a hand up to bite down onto your fist as the man started sucking. It felt good, a dull pressure pulling at your breast, making you want to arch your back and push further into the man’s mouth. 
He stayed there for a moment, sucking quietly, before quickly switching to your other tit, immediately bringing his hand up to palm softly at the spit-slicked nipple he’d just abandoned. You whined into your fist, it felt good, why did it feel good? It shouldn’t, this was wrong.
Shindo switched again, one hand always kneaded the breast not held up to his mouth. He kept his tongue busy, playing with your nipple, laving hotly over your skin, sucking bruises into the sensitive flesh of your breast. You could’ve sworn that his tongue vibrated a couple times when it passed over your nipple, but maybe that was just the intense shaking from your body.
You were so stressed, so scared, your body was practically vibrating in fear - you were shivering so hard you felt like you were going to throw up. 
The man quickly got bored, detaching from your breast to shuffle down further, stripping the sheet away from your body as he did so. The tears that you had successfully held back so far came rolling down your cheeks as he gripped the waistband of your pajama pants. When you couldn’t quiet a sob, the man’s brown eyes flickered up, away from where he was peeling the pants down, barely pulling it past your belly button.
“Hey, don’t cry, I told you I wasn’t going to hurt you, like, three times. I’ll be gentle, I know how to treat my girl right.” He soothed, but his words just made you cry harder. 
He clicked his tongue, before crawling up to flop down next to you, laying on his side, facing you. You closed your eyes, the intensity of his gaze too much for you to handle, muffled cries wracking your body. You couldn’t do this, he was going to rape you, this can’t happen.
Thumbs wiped at your face, rubbing your tears away. “You know, it’s kinda hard for me to get it up when you’re laying here crying like that, so I’m going to need you to stop.”  
You kept your eyes closed, wanting to convince yourself this was just some bad dream, you could wake up, this wasn’t happening. A sharp pinch to your cheek had you giving a small cry, eyes snapping open to see his face inches from your own.
“Don’t fucking ignore me, I’m being fucking nice. You want that to change?” He growled, making you flinch. The whiplash from the personality change had you confused, lips quivering as you burst out into a fresh wave of tears, quickly trying to wipe them away. This man was dangerous. 
Seeing you try to rectify your crying, Shindo backed away, offering you a comforting smile. “See? It’s not so hard. God, you’re perfect for me, so obedient.”  His voice was sickeningly sweet again, nothing like the vicious growl it had been not ten even ten seconds ago. It was terrifying, the man was unhinged. 
There was a quick press of his lips against yours again, before he was resuming his position by your lower half, busying himself with pulling your pajama pants off.
The second they passed your hips, revealing your bare pussy to his gaze, Shindo groaned out a curse, body sagging. Your pajama pants were quickly ripped the rest of the way off, leaving you completely exposed. 
You wanted to cover yourself from his searing gaze, but something told you the the man wouldn’t like that - he might hurt you for trying - so you twisted them into the sheets by your head, anchoring yourself in the physical sensation that it provided you.
Shindo looked up, sticking his fingers in his mouth as he did so. You watched him suck on them, swirling his tongue around the digits before taking them out, absolutely drenched with his spit.
“You’re gonna like this part.”
Before you could ask what he meant by that, before you could even /think/, those fingers were pressed against your pussy, smushed up against your clit. The sensation from that lone had you breathing in quickly, closing your eyes. When the vibrations started, you almost screamed.
Your eyes flew open, mouth open in a silent cry, hips bucking uncontrollably both towards and away from the vibrating fingers. It felt so good it hurt, the vibrations hitting deep, buzzing and rumbly, so fast and heavy that you couldn’t think, you couldn’t even breath.
Shindo laughed, eyes dark as he watched you writhe on his fingers, slowly starting to rub them over your clit, along your labia, moving up to press hard against your mons pubis, which mad the vibrations go so impossibly deep, you choked on a moan, eyes rolling back into your head. The feeling was incredible, it was too much and not enough all at the same time,  like nothing you had ever felt before. 
He played with you like that, you don’t even know for how long. It could’ve been a second, it could’ve been an hour. All you knew is that it felt good, that you wanted more, that you couldn’t stop your hips from trying to grind down against his head. And then he was pulling back the hood that protected your sensitive clit, using a finger to flick at the bud, and you were sobbing through an orgasm.
“Please! Oh god, stop, stop! It-it hurts, no more, please!” You cried, the pleasure quickly breaching into overstimulated pain as he ghosted over your clit. It hurt, sharp pain, the buzzing reaching into your thighs, and you didn’t know if it would ever stop.
Then, it did, and you almost cried in relief, collapsing against the bed in a gasp, sweaty and breathless. 
You think some time passed, enough for SHindo to strip out of his clothes, because when you next opened your eyes (when had you closed them?) the man was naked, watching you. 
He had his fist loosely wrapped around his cock, his long, veiny cock, already shining with precum. He was stroking slowly, seemingly content to watch the rise and fall of your chest as you tried to regain your breath, the glistening wet of your pussy clenching between your legs. 
Your eyes met his, those brown, glinting daggers, slitted dangerously as they watched you. “Mm, feel good pretty? I knew it would. Just gotta let me take care of you… I can make you feel even better.”
“I don’t….” You whispered, your sentence trailing off. You didn’t want to do this, but could you even say no? Would he hurt you?
Shindo didn’t hear you, or if he did, he didn’t acknowledge you. He leaned forward, letting go of his cock to situate himself between your thighs. You cringed when his wet hand brushed against your leg, pulling it up and over his elbow, opening you up to him.
This was so gross, his cock was leaking all over the place, and he was going to put it inside you, you were going to vomit.
“Let me in, let me treat you nice.” He cooed, tapping the tip of his cock sweetly against your clit, almost mocking you. You jerked on each tap, body shaking hard again. 
Then he shifted, dipping down so he could line his cock up, slip it inside quickly, before you could move or wiggle backwards.
You couldn’t think about anything other than the solid heat filling you, pushing into your stomach, stretching you past the point of comfort. You had to bear down, relaxing your pussy around him so it didn’t hurt as much. He was long, and thick, and it hurt - was it supposed to hurt?
Shindo cursed again, his hand quickly patting along the bed before he found your own, immediately clenching it tight within his grasp. 
“Baby, you feel so nice, clenching like that around me. Been waiting so long for this, was gonna do something all dramatic and romantic like flowers and candles…. I just couldn’t wait any longer.”
He was completely inside, stilling as his hips came into contact with your skin, panting above you.
“Been watching you for a while, you’re real dumb, I followed you home in plain sight several times. I even broke in a few times, stole some stuff.”
Your eyes were wide, staring up at the man above you with your mouth open. This was too much to process all at once, the physical sensation, the information being dumped on you. 
Shindo continued “It was nothing big, just some panties and other little things here and there. You didn’t mind though, you never even noticed it was missing.” You had noticed some stuff go ‘missing’ but you had just chalked it up to your own faults, loosing your favorite necklace, misplacing towels, forgetting where you put your underwear after you folded it.
“You’re a little dumb, but that’s okay baby, I don’t mind. It’s kinda cute, y’know? Although it would’ve been nice for you to at least recognize me - I’m not in the top ten, but I’m still a pretty good hero.”
Wait, hero? You looked up at the man, scanning his face. He didn’t look like any hero you had seen on the news. He caught your suspicious gaze, his brow furrowing, a deep frown appearing on his face. 
“What, you really don’t get the fuck who I am?” He snapped, the hand holding your own flashing towards your throat, fighting around your skin, cutting off your air. “I’ll give you a little hint.”
The cock inside of you vibrated, just like his fingers had.
You choked behind the hand cutting off your airway, thrashing under the man over you. The cock kept vibrating, but the hand let off your throat, letting you gulp in deep breaths. 
“This ring any bells?” His voice was light again. You wanted to cry, he was moody, volatile, scary. You couldn’t do this - you could feel his lightly vibrating cock leaking inside of you, whether you could actually feel it or not, just the mental image was making you sick. 
“I-I don’t know who you are..” You tried, voice slightly scratchy. “I just wanna stop, please? I won’t tell anyone, please, if you’re a hero…. This isn’t right.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Fine. I gave a plenty of chances.” The mean cut in his voice was back, and that’s all you could notice before his hips were pulling back, cock sucking out of you, before it plunged back inside.
It was vibrating even more intensely, like it was shaking your inside, and you couldn’t think past the quickly building thrusts, the man sweating and groaning above you, hand gripping your leg tightly. You couldn’t breathe.
“No, I don’t want this, it-it feels weird! I can’t—!” You squealed, Shindo unrelenting as he rolled his hips into you, grinning.
“I dunno, feels good to me.”
You moaned on his next thrust, the vibrations bringing you to the edge, too fast, too intensely. You felt like you were speeding towards it, and then you were falling over it, shaking on his cock as you came, clenching your teeth.
“Fuck, fuck baby, feel so good!” He didn’t let up, didn’t give you a second, just kept thrusting, leaning down to push his tongue into your mouth, his spit going everywhere. It was too much, you couldn’t take it, you just came!
“Shin-do! No, too - mmhm - much! Plea-se, too-too m-ah! Ah, ah, ah!” You moaned, embarrassed at the sounds tumbling out of your mouth as you ripped your head away from his slime tongue, but yet you couldn’t stop yourself as you whined.
“Nn, you’ve got such a tight little cunt, perfect - ah! - for my cock.” His thrust sped up, the vibrations getting stronger inside of you, and you threw your head back, squealing, bucking your hips, thrashing - anything to get away.
But his grip was unrelenting, as was the quickening slap of his hips against yours, his thick balls swinging to clap against your ass lewdly. You couldn’t get away, he was going to cum inside, you couldn’t make it stop.
“Oh, baby - haah - keep moving like that, you’re milking my cock, feels so good.” He moaned, dipping down to pant against your neck. You cried out, trying to still, trying not to egg him on. You just wanted this to be over, you could hardly think with the pleasant, intense buzzing in your pussy, the solid, warm cock filling you up, pushing you past your limits.
And then you were gone, screaming into another orgasm, loosing yourself to the sensation.
You wake up to your covers tucked around your chin, safely snuggled into your pillows.
It’s light, your bedroom window open and leaking the sun into your room.
You go to stretch, reaching your arms above your head, only to pause at the unrelenting ache in your back, the horrible tight soreness between your legs. It-it wasn’t a nightmare.
It was real.
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Fiendish Flora
18+ MINORS DNI (I hate that I have to put this, you will be blocked)
Sukuna x Fem!Reader x Yuji Itadori
Warnings: d*bcon, "Sir, sensei, my king", biting, blo*d, clit slapping, chok!ing, Sukuna is a little shit. monster f^cking?
A.N: This is my first Sukuna/Yuji fic and I'm honestly super proud of it! Yuji is over 18 (duh)
“F-fuck you know, you’re gonna get me fired.”
“Oh sweetness, with everything you know” Sukuna licks a hot wet stripe from your drooling hole to your swollen clit. “- they would kill you.”
Ha, he’s not wrong.
The only other person who knows the dirty little secrets of the higher ups is Gojo sensei, but he’s too important for them to kill. You on the other hand are not particularly important, just a foreign exchange student with a gift for wielding curse magic perfect for reconnaissance. When the council asked you to keep a close eye on Yuji Itadori you jumped at the chance to prove yourself as an asset to the school. Not only that, but a large part of you wanted to meet the king of curses and see what he was all about.
A bite to your clit brings you out of your thoughts and you yelp.
“What the fuck?!”
“Did you think I would take kindly to my darling spacing out while I’m graciously servicing her?” He leans up and brings his hand down to smack your clit. “Now that deserves a punishment, don’t you think.” The sadistic glint in his sin red eyes is intoxicating, its potency increased exponentially when his second set roams your exposed body.
“And I just thought of the perfect one.” Your demonic lover sits up from his position, the bottom half of his face covered in your slick and closes his eyes.
You watch him for a moment, a smirk on your face that drops as soon as the markings fade from his skin and the 23-year-old Yuji slumps forward onto you.
You catch him by the shoulders before he can head butt you and move him to lay next to you.
You have got to be fucking kidding me! How am I gonna explain this?
Before you can even think of sneaking out of his room the man wakes up and looks directly at you. “L/N Sensei? What- “
You flinch when he stops talking and look away in shame.
“Are you? Did you? Are you sleeping with him!?”
You don’t answer, what’s the point when you’re in his room, naked and disheveled looking.
“But… he’s a curse… a king of curses… and I thought you didn’t like me.” You turn your face back to him when you hear the hurt in his voice.
“I’m sorry, but I’m sleeping with the demon possessing your body and you’re worried because you think I don’t like you?” Remembering your state of undress, you cross your arms trying to retain some sort of modesty. No wonder Sukuna thought this would be a punishment, what the hell is wrong with this kid?
“Well… yeah! This was my body first, so if you hated me why would you fuck me?”
“For the love of- I don’t hate you Itadori!” You stand and throw your hands up, causing your naked breasts to bounce and effectively captivating Yuji. Noticing his stares, you walk closer and grab his chin, tilting his head to look up at you. “I don’t hate you love, but it’s not very professional of me to be sleeping with the person I’m supposed to be monitoring.”
He sits there for a moment and you are aware of how different he looks from Sukuna, not unattractive, just... different.
“Well, it’s not really professional of you to be sleeping with a demon either Sensei.” Yuji stands up, you try to pull back, but he grabs your hips to keep you in place. “And since that is worse than sleeping with me, I say why not?” Dipping his face down to yours he stops just short of your lips, looking at you for permission. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, tilting your face just a smidge before he crashes his lips against yours.
He growls into the kiss, pulling you closer by the hips to grind his hardening cock against your belly. His kisses are passionate but not nearly as feral as Sukuna’s. He is actually a really good kisser, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck and swipe your tongue over his lips.
“Having fun darling?” You both break apart when you hear the voice, a mouth appearing on one of Yuji’s cheeks. “You know brat, this was supposed to be a punishment.”
Your eyes go wide, Yuji glancing at you and smirking before replying. “You’ve been fucking her for months, making me watch and you thought I would hold back?”
Before you can blink you are picked up and tossed onto the bed, letting out a quiet off and trying to sit up. There is a hand on your chest pushing you down and you look up to see Yuji and the mouth on his cheek smiling. It causes a shiver to run up your spine, whether from fear or arousal you honestly have no idea.
“Now it’s my turn.” He hikes your legs up on to his shoulders and looks down at your glistening cunt, licking his lips. “I finally get a fresh taste of this.”
“Itadori, are you su…” One of his hands clasps over your mouth, he doesn’t even look at you before he dives into your pussy, licking it sloppily. You moan and drop your head back, getting lost in the feeling until a tongue dips into your mouth.
“Mmphf!” You grab his hand and pull it away for a second catching a quick look at a mouth with a sharp toothed smile before it is once again attached to your face.
Sukuna’s tongue is long, licking all around the inside of your mouth, even going down your throat till you gag. You tried to pry the hand off your face again but the grip on either side of your face would tighten enough to be painful, so you stopped.
They’re gonna kill me with this.
Itadori’s hand and arm were blocking your view so lean your head back still making out with Sukuna. You move your hands to cup your breast only to have the hand on your face removed and placed on your throat.
Itadori lifts his face, most of it covered in a mix of cum and saliva and shakes his head. “This is a punishment sweetness, so that means you stay still.” The glint in your eyes must have told him that you were gonna say something back; his grip shifts to the side of your throat, stopping with his palm over your pulse and Sukuna bites you. “Behave.”
You flinch at the command, the word spoken through both men, melding their voices into something primal. “Okay, okay! I’ll be good.” You try to nod your head but the bite on your neck, as well as the hand on your throat make it a small movement.
There is a beat of silence before you feel a tongue lathing over your wound, Sukuna had bit hard enough to make you bleed. Not that it was a new experience, the king of curses was a sadistic bastard, but he always made sure you were willing.
I hope Itadori extends the same courtesy.
“Good, now let’s see if I can get this pretty pussy to squirt hmm?” Itadori goes back to eating your pussy, this time a little more controlled, while the hand at your throat drags down to one of your breast. You can feel Sukuna’s sharp teeth catching on the sensitive skin and you whine.
“I know you like my teeth darling, don’t make it sound like you dislike the pain.” The mouth had popped up on the top of the hand to mock you only to go back to the palm and tease your nipple.
“OH fuck. Yuji, if-if you wanna make me squirt you gotta use your fingers.” You speak softly, worried that he will take it the wrong way but he only hums and moves his mouth to drag his fingers through your slick.
“I know, but you taste so good. I only ever got to taste whatever lingered in my mouth when you two were done.” He pouts, his voice deceptively soft and whiney but you know better, especially when he dips two fingers in your tight heat and starts fucking you with them.
You moan, gripping the sheets beneath you in an attempt to not grab his wrist and fuck yourself on his hand.
“It isn’t enough, is it?”
You shake your head “No, more please Yuji.”
He chuckles and starts curling his fingers, it takes a couple tries but eventually he is rewarded with a moan from you. “Oh, is that the spot baby?”
He speeds up his movements, leaning his head back down to suck on your clit. Sukuna still teasing your nipple with his mouth, nipping at it then sucking on the tender bud.
Your head is swimming, the stimulation of the mouths on your nipple and cunt bringing your orgasm to a head faster than normal. “I’m gonna cum, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.”
Sukuna lifts off your breast, pulling your nipple before he lets it go from between his teeth. “That’s it darling, cum on the kids face. We wanna hear you scream.”
You hear and feel Itadori growl into your cunt, the vibrations hitting your clit and throwing you over the edge. You let out a moan, your thighs closing on Itadori’s head while he continues fingering you. You try to recover from your orgasm, but he doesn’t slow down.
“He wanted to see you squirt, so he isn’t stopping until you do my love.”
You cry out, the overstimulation making your eyes water. “I know. I know, but it’s so much my king.”
You feel Itadori slow down for a moment at your words but quickly picking up the pace again.
“Oh? I think you made someone jealous darling.”
You open your mouth to reply but before any words come out two fingers are shoved into your mouth. You gag on them but quickly recover and close your lips around them, licking and sucking on them on impulse.
You see the mouth on the top of his hand and groan at the smug smile. “Yup, you pissed him off.”
Itadori doesn’t let you forget about him, sucking on your clit hard and pulling his hand out of your cunt to add another finger. He smirks when you scream around his fingers, the sound warbled and drool leaking from the sides of your mouth. It only takes a couple pumps before you are cumming, hard. The force of your orgasm causing your jaw to close on his hand while you coat the other one with cum. He takes his fingers out of your cunt, moving them to rub circles on your clit and watch you squirt.
“So fuckin hot Y/N. I knew you could do it.” He stares in wonder at you, but your eyes are closed, head flopped against the pillows in exhaustion. When you are done cumming he kisses your shaking thighs and moves to lay beside you. Itadori grabs your chin to gently pry your mouth open and remove his fingers. “Almost bit my fingers off though.”
“M’sorry Yuji.”
“She did a good job, wasn’t much of a punishment though.”
“You have three fingers in your cunt, a vacuum on your clit and two fingers in your mouth and tell me if it’s not a punishment.” You open one of your eyes to glare at Sukuna’s, the contrast of his demon ones and Itadori’s human ones is actually somewhat comforting. “I think I died for a second.” You sigh in exhaustion and curl into his chest, your breathing starting to slow as you feel the blackness of sleep roll in.
“Oh no no no sweetness.”
You are rolled onto your back, a very dick pressed against your thigh and your eyes shoot open.
“I still need to feel that cunt wrapped around my dick.”
“And maybe with some… creative thinking.” Itadori leans his head down so Sukuna’s mouth is level with your ear. “We can stuff you with both cocks. How does that sound?”
Oh fuck.
@eyebagsbutglam @doinmybesthere @reinawritesbnha @patchworkpuzzle @officialsukuna
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fanficsandfluff · 3 years
The Wake-Up
Finally, I've crossed a fic idea off my daydream checklist! Enjoy!
Fandom: MCU, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, some Cass and AJ, a smidge of Sarah
Words: 2,010
Bucky hadn’t felt as well-rested as he had on Sarah’s couch, even despite being woken by her two boys. So, yes, maybe he did keep accepting offers to stay over. It helped his mental well-being, so what? He sought the rest and relaxation. Sam hadn’t even been there a few times, but it was still as welcome as ever. Sarah cooked great food. He brought her flowers the last time he slept over, and he loved the bright smile that sprung to her face.
“We need to clear a guest room all for you,” Sarah joked at the dinner table on one particular summer night.
“You can take Uncle Sam’s room when he’s not here!” Cass announced through a mouthful of grits.
Bucky grinned at all the jests and he knuckled Cass’s shoulder, “Oh, I’m sure Uncle Sam wouldn’t mind at all,” he always smiled whenever he heard ‘Uncle Sam’ being used to address the new Captain America. Brought a lot of nostalgia back, and even turned it into something positive.
But on the couch he remained, at least for the upcoming night.
Sam pulled up at 3 am, the whole house asleep. He had to get used to seeing Bucky on Sarah’s couch, but it was finally starting to become less surprising. As long as he was on the couch and not in Sarah’s bed, all things were fine by him. Sam tiptoed in after shedding his boots at the door, easing into the comfort brought to him just by being in the house. He adjusted the blanket by Bucky’s feet and pulled another corner over his bare arm, non-metal.
Sam smirked to himself. He always assumed Bucky possessed superhuman senses, so someone who decided to even step too close while he slept would be pulverized immediately. But no. The guy needed the sleep, he supposed. Bucky’s breathing pattern didn’t even change when Sam adjusted the blanket. Hmm… he could use this.
“Shhh, shhshh, hey guys,” Sam kissed his nephews on their foreheads when he woke them purposely later that morning. Dawn was just creeping over the bayou, shimmering the lights on the water.
“Wait, shh, you gotta stay quiet or you’ll ruin it,” Sam had his hand atop AJ’s head and he ruffled it around, making the older boy giggle.
“Ruin what?” Cass whispered.
“We’re gonna wake Bucky. The guy’s just always sleeping, isn’t he?”
Both boys shared identical grins, “Yeah, totally!” AJ slipped his glasses onto his face, Cass following suit.
And so the plot begun. Sam went to the bathroom with his nephews and gathered shaving cream after Cass had pulled a feather from his animal project from school. Sam explained what they’d be doing with these tools, since they’d never pulled this prank before (wow, Sam felt old).
AJ and Cass were practically vibrating with anticipation and giddiness. The trio snuck their way to the couch. Sam sprayed the shaving cream on Bucky’s metal hand since he knew how to not make the spray noise come out so loudly (and his human arm was tucked behind him on the couch so he couldn’t get to that one, okay? He didn’t go for the metal on purpose, he isn’t that cruel).
Sam pointed to Cass first as the three of them stood by Bucky’s head, hiding behind that edge of the couch, crouching. Cass stood and swiped the feather across Bucky’s forehead. No reaction. He gave it to AJ. AJ, more methodical, wiggled the feathered tip on the bridge of Bucky’s nose. Now he got his nose to scrunch, brow to furrow, but his arms stayed put. Sam next. He got the feather to move closer to Bucky’s nostrils.
“So close…” Cass whispered in the smallest voice, hands covering his mouth. AJ also put his own hand over Cass’s hands covering his mouth because of the comment.
Sam kept it up, even swiping around Bucky’s cheeks, when-- WHAM!
The boys both exclaimed, Cass jumping up and down excitedly while giggling. Sam laughed loudly, holding his stomach. The noise was a loud metal clang when metal arm connected with skull. It was hilarious.
Bucky shot up with a start, feeling his eyes covered in some kind of gook, and he practically gave himself a headache. He heard all the laughter and he sighed deeply.
“Gross…” he grumbled and wiped his eyes, not realizing his hand was the cause. He ended up smearing more shaving cream across his eyes.
“You got a little something…” Sam spoke, holding back more laughs. Anything to mess with Bucky was the highlight of Sam’s day.
Bucky got enough shaving cream off his face and wiped onto his pants to see again. He eyed the boys first, knowing he could scare them off quicker. He growled.
“Go go go!” AJ directed his younger brother, ushering him back towards the bedrooms, the two shoving each other and tripping over each other along the way.
Bucky’s eyes went to Sam immediately after.
Sam had to think quick. Run from a super soldier and inevitably get caught, or wake Sarah because there’s no way Bucky would do anything to him if Sarah was--- yeah, nope, not willing to face Sarah’s wrath either. Sam bolted out the front door, hearing the screen door clatter behind him. Not two seconds later he heard it clatter again, meaning Bucky was hot on his trail.
Sam ran through the yard, weaving between trees, feeling the dewy grass get kicked up under his bare feet.
Bucky threw himself at Sam when he had the shot and they both propelled forward, rolling in the grass for a few feet.
“Ow! Shit, Buck!” Sam exclaimed, groaning, feigning more pain than he was actually in.
Bucky was atop Sam, not falling for the act for a second. It took Sam a moment to look up and he burst out another laugh, unable to help himself. Bucky still had a white-painted face full of shaving cream, just now looking more smeared than goopy.
“You know you’re so dead and you’re still laughing? Where’d you get the balls…” Bucky tried to sound menacing, he really did.
“Nahah, no, you--” he cleared his throat, buying time so he could formulate a way out from under the Winter Soldier, “It’s good for your skin. Moisturizing. You look good.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes and his metal hand snapped to Sam’s when he tried to move, wrenching it up above his head. Sam was pinned. Now was the time he was getting nervous.
“It was all AJ and Cass, I just thought you should know.”
“Mmhm,” Bucky, man of few words, looked up and down Sam’s torso. He had him pinned. Now what to do. Bucky poked at Sam’s protruding rib. He did it again to the few above that one, making a little path of pokes.
Sam shifted under him, uncomfortable. His face looked much less jovial now. Annoyed. Good.
“Oh Sam, buddy, you never told me you were ticklish,” he drawled.
“I’m not--I mean, just stop. I’m sorry,” Sam apologized.
Bucky’s eyebrow actually raised. That was the whole fun of the game. Coaxing the apology. But of course Sam went and ruined that. Nice guy.
“For what?” Nice recovery, Barnes.
“For waking you up.”
Bucky allowed himself to quirk the corners of his lips, “Gotta be more specific than that,” and his one hand dug into the ribs on Sam’s right side. His fingers groped for the spaces in between and massaged his way in. Sam bucked and laughter was torn from his chest.
Sam was ticklish and only Sarah knew. Of course she knew, being the older sister. But dammit, he was never planning on Bucky Barnes figuring it out. And this was exactly why! The guy would be devastating!
“No! NohohoHO BUCKY!” Sam twisted side to side since that’s all the mobility he was allowed.
“What else are you sorry for? Here, I’ll give you the list,” as Bucky spoke, he had to raise his voice over Sam’s desperate giggles, hand switching to clawing at the other’s belly, “You woke me up with a prank. So there’s that. You lied and blamed AJ and Cass for something you 100% planned. You ran from the scene of the crime. Am I missing anything, Wilson?”
“Screhehehew you!” Sam got out before laughing louder as Bucky’s hand scratched at his armpit, “Stop! Stoppit, you fuhucking cyborg!”
“Oho! I’ll add that! Aaand, oh, and you lied to me about you not being ticklish. You said ‘I’m not,’” Bucky imitated Sam in a very stupid voice, “when clearly you are. Very. Very ticklish.”
Sam was pulling on his arms as much as he could without injuring himself. His veins popped, muscles straining. He was useless like this. Defenseless.
But he was laughing.
That was kind of nice.
Bucky contemplated letting go and allowing Sam to squirm. He liked having him at his mercy like this, though. Made him feel powerful… Hm.
Bucky kept Sam pinned with his vibranium appendage, and he wiped as much of the remaining shaving cream off his face as he could with his right hand.
Sam coughed as he sucked the humid morning air into his lungs. By now he didn’t know if the moistness he felt all along his back was from the dewy grass or from his own sweat.
“No, man, dohon’t,” he saw the absolute mischief painted on Bucky’s gleeful face and his raised shaving cream hand. Bucky planted his palm on the side of Sam’s face, chuckling to himself after the act.
“Aw, you-- you’re real gross, Barnes, you know that?” Sam spit out the imaginary shaving cream that got in his mouth.
“I think I’m just being fair,” Bucky pushed up Sam’s sleep shirt with his free elbow and he started tracing patterns with shaving cream along Sam’s belly. That got Cap giggling all over again.
“Buhuhucky, noho!”
“Keep giggling, Sam, it’s only gonna make me want to keep this up.”
Sam would swear up and down that that particular comment didn’t make him blush, but oh boy he felt his cheeks get warmer.
“I don’t g-gihiggle, asshole!”
“Oh, no?” Bucky switched to scratching at Sam’s taught tummy, the shaving cream making the experience extra slippery, causing Sam’s laughter to jump in pitch.
“I”m sorry!” Sam squeaked out before Bucky could even change tactics again.
Bucky chortled, “For…?”
“Everything! Eheverything you sahahaid!”
“Aww,” Bucky smiled. He pulled his metal arm back and just sat on Sam’s waist, still basking in the glow of winning like this.
Bucky leaned his head down closer to Sam’s, “I forgive you,” he said curtly. He watched the last few huffs and breaths of light laughs leave Sam’s lips. He could get headbutted being this close to Sam’s own face. Or kissed. Wait--
Bucky climbed off of Sam, sitting beside him in the grass. He pulled up the bottom of his shirt and wiped the shaving cream fully off his face.
Sam jabbed Bucky’s abs when the shirt came up and the Winter Soldier twitched.
Sam smiled wide. Bucky, eyes squinted at first, soon relaxed his face and allowed himself to smile back.
“Don’t do that again,” Bucky pointed a vibranium finger at Sam.
“Which part?”
“All of it.”
“You made Cass and AJ very happy.”
“Yeah, well…. They don’t need to prank me to be happy.”
“Yeah they did. Being mischievous. It’s all part of being little kids,” Sam sat up, head tilted Bucky’s way.
“Okay, I was trying to be thankful, jerk. Thanks for handling it like a good sport.”
Bucky looked over at Sam and he held his gaze for a few seconds. Did Sam like what just happened? Or was that just praise for him for not ripping Sam’s nephews limb from limb? Restraint?
“Oof, that brain malfunctions a whole lot, doesn’t it?” Sam was right back to teasing, “Code red!”
Bucky chuckled, head bowed. Sam, proud as ever to get that smile from the Winter Soldier, nudged him.
“You’re so stupid,” was all Bucky could think of saying. Sam laughed.
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Freak (One Shot)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: your writer being a dick about the otp
Word Count: this is the first time that I had to remind a therapist about a session. Usually it was me who would forget about sessions or even booking sessions. But that was also because I was scared. Now I know that in order to get better I need to make a few changes with my way of thinking. Bonus? I did not cry during this PMS cycle.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"...in summary, you touch any of my playthings, you will have to deal with the consequences." Kruge wants to pierce those eyeballs out but he has to stop himself in case he is taken a prisoner for harming the new king of Jotunheim on the very first night. "Understood, your grace," Helbindi gives a little bow and waits for Loki to open the door to his chamber before he lets his fangs out in pure animosity for the God.
Loki makes sure to close the door behind him before he closes his eyes and rests his head on the silver frame with a thud. At least he won't have to keep up the facade of being composed all the time in this room. Did I make the right decision? His thoughts are running at a speed that would be considered normal for Pietro. This is the last place Aellae would invade. He inhales a lungful, his mind addressing a hint of lilac in the cold air. That is if she hadn't already done that. And all the fingers are pointing at Helbindi. I am sure Helbindi has something to d-wait...Lilac?
Those computing brows are suddenly furrowing in curiosity while those eyes open to dart around the room in question. At the other end of this immaculate and massive bedroom, you walk out from the direction of the bath, your wet hair a beautiful mess, your skin glowing in the faint light reflecting off the shining frost, your dark blue pyjama shorts showing off those legs that seemed to have toned a little, thanks to the workout this deadly trip has provided. Out of nowhere, winds are blowing into the bedroom from the balcony to bring Loki more of that lilac scent you are covered in right now. Those teasing soft punches of air are doing their best to tickle your exposed skin while teasing the God with a little bit of peek of some more. He does not realise it but Loki's eyes are stuck on you, his throat trying to gulp down whatever is frozen in there, just not ready to digest the poetry unfolding in front of him. Normally he would have scolded you for putting your used towel on that chair, but right now all his brain can comprehend is you raising your leg on his bed to apply some lotion on it. Your head turns in his direction and he is suddenly finding himself running into the sole vase on his right side. He is Loki- the God of mischief- so, of course, it does not take much time to bring that vibrating vase to a standstill. But he still keeps holding for another moment or two, for the fear that it might move again. Any third person witnessing this can tell it is not exactly the vase he is trying to still. "This painting is nice," he murmurs to himself while looking at a pictureless frame decorating the wall to his side, pointing to it and pretending to appreciate it. His hands, though, cannot seem to find a comfortable position. "You're back?" you ask him, still working on your leg. "Hmm?" He pretends to notice you for the first time, still not ready to lock his eyes with you, instead, playing with his fingers. "Oh, yes. Just...had to give a couple of instruction to the...uhh...boys." "I don't like that Helbindi guy-" you screw your nose and Loki seems to lose a couple of ounces of air- "he gives off bad vibes." "Yeah, yeah he does," he agrees with you, walking slowly and calculatingly towards the bedroom part of the room. Your leg switches. "I'm glad that you have the majority though. That too considering you have been away for a looooong time." You raise your head and he busies himself in the ferns kept at the entrance of the bed-chamber before asking himself what his idiotic ass was trying to do. Finally finding the strength, he looks back up at you and nods with a smile. Walk to the other side of the bed, he is practically giving the basic instructions to his brain now. She isn't going out like this, is she? That one part of his brain clad in some dark crevices questions him. That one simple thought seems to raise multiple silent alarms in his body. "So-" he tries to point at you and the door but fails and instead takes his finger to scratch an itch at the back of his neck- "you're going to sleep in now?" That glowy leg worth months of hair growth suddenly drops on the floor. And so does your face. Loki cannot make out what you're thinking because he is busy waiting for your answer. "You want me to sleep somewhere else?" It's just a softly put question. But your eyes seem to glimmer in sadness as if he just betrayed you some way. "What?" he is more surprised by the fact that you did not think of it as a possibility. Why would she sleep somewhere else? We've been doing it the whole trip! Well, the whole trip did not have rooms like this one, balconies like this one and certainly not a view like this one. Loki breathes, opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out for a good few seconds. He is still trying to make his mind look away from all the stray water droplets falling from your hair inside your clothes. "No-" he blinks, bringing his eyes back to yours, licking his lips, he is soft in his speech- "um, you stay here." Loki, you are a God. With the sudden reminder, he clears his throat, straightens his back and brings back that dominating energy in the room. "You stay here," he orders this time. Your quick smile is already melting that robust core of his. And that quick jump on his bed catalysis the effect. "Cool!" You sit there with your legs folded under you, thighs spread, and that shirt not covering as much as it is supposed to. "Woah!" you snapped him out of his trance as you took a little jump on the bed. The sudden glow in your eyes was sending a tingling sensation down his spine. "Oh," you exclaimed, going up and down on your thighs, "we finally have a hard mattress! God, I'm old!" Loki just stood there, watching you arch your back as you went up and down, testing the bed, and at the same time testing his fortitude. Why-why is she not wearing a bra? Loki smacks his inner self. That's what concerns you right now? "Stop that," he growls. One final jump and you are falling on your back with a long sigh. That tingle seems to have subsided but as it is going back, Loki's gaze cannot seem to come off your body- you lying with your limbs spread out as you groan out loud to remove that fatigue from your lungs. That double chin of yours is quite evident when you raise your head just a little to look for the quilt and bring it closer to you with your feet. Who does she think she is? A part of Loki asks. Beautiful, his inner voice answers without a pause, all dreamy eyes for you and your double chin. "By the Norns, you have to stop," the God growled again, making you pause your leg mid-air with the quilt in between your toes. You drop that quilt just like that and turn to rest your head on your palm. "Stop and...?" that low hoarse tone of your mixed with a wicked glow in your eyes lights up a section inside the God he should not be thinking about. Especially when it has the power to take over his brain.  The next time he opens his eyes, you can witness a change in that usually brooding boy to something more...feral? Those bloody eyes of the only Jotun you know are sending you mixed reverberations. By the time you are trying to figure out what it is behind those eyes, Loki's leg is already on the bed and his body over you within two strides. Your hips are locked in by his thighs and he is looking down at you with a simmering gaze.  You are definitely questioning all your freaky actions tonight. But I thought I would tease him a little! You know, to get his mind off serious stuff going outside that door!! And here you are, lying under Loki, your hands clasped close to your chest while your eyes are trying to figure out his next move, all the while unconsciously biting your lower lip. Not gonna lie, this blue version of him kinda looks sex- Loki's hands go down, right between his legs. You are about to catch your breath and cross your legs when his hands yank out the quilt from between the two of you to lay it over you. Your lips are still apart, mouth gaping, breaths at a pause while Loki flattens the fabric out over you till your neck before tucking it on your either side to the point that you cannot escape it even if you wanted to. Your brows furrow in disappointed confusion. Your hands are making that universal gesture of 'what the fuck???' under that damned sheet whereas Loki is proudly looking at his work. "That should keep you warm." “Dude!” Is all you can let out from your lungs before letting your body struggle to get out of this cosy prison. Loki gets up and away from the bed to undo his coat, looking away from you and smiling at this little achievement. “Don’t waste your breath, darling. I learned it from my mother. You cannot get out of that  hold unless you have calmed down enough to-“ His words disappear when he turns back to witness you already deep in sleep; your lips parted, your head practically drowning in the pillow, and little snores already forming in your nostrils. “How exhausted were you to sleep within seconds?” He whispers, never taking his eyes off. I need to teach her not to sleep with her guard down in suspicious places.
The coat lay on the floor along with the familiar pants and shirt. Loki sits on the bed in a nightgown, letting his back rest on the bed frame while his eyes gather some much needed light sleep. The night outside is still if not for the periodic interruptions of crows here and there. The chill of this frozen land comes as a blessing for this Jotun, who is no longer regulating his temperature as per the Midgardian ways. His Jotun form too is breathing fine, even feeling better than before. A true blessing in disguise. “Mmm…no…I don’t like it…” you mumble in your sleep, opening Loki’s eyes before he knows what’s happening. His hand automatically reaches out for you, coming to rest on your forehead before realising he cannot use magic to get rid of any bad dreams. So, instead, he softly pats your head. Your sleep laden crinkled brows seem to find some peace from those soothing pats, going back to dreamless sleep and loud snores. Loki cannot help but burst into a silent laugh at those snores. How can someone so small and comparatively frail snore worse than a giant?! That laugh that crinkles the edge of his eyes seems to be slowly melting into a smile; and not any ordinary smile at that. It is bringing a sweet realisation with it; a realisation about this human. Among seven billion humans, this one seems to have brought him the comfort he never even dared to feel. The past few days spent in this human's company were far lighter and chirpier than the most extravagant days spent as a child in Asgard. There was no anxiety, no restlessness. Whenever he was not able to collect his thoughts, looking at this human used to bring everything to a standstill. Knowing that he is not alone this time brought a certain peace to his soul; brought solutions faster and escape routes quicker than his enemies could calculate.  Is this what it's like to have a friend? To have the want to protect them, fight them, tease them, make their life miserable but never let anyone else lay a finger on them? Is this what friendship means?? As if to answer his question, your snores break into a snort before you wiggle inside your duvet to crawl closer to him in your sleep. Your hand stretches out from under the warm cover, take an elongated sigh till it touches Loki's arm and wraps those toasty fingers around his cold muscle. Loki has paused his existence for a second to make sense of this moment. She feels safe with you, a soothing voice inside him resonates in his core and he is watching you in a new light. Some moisture seems to gather at the edge of his eyes before he blinks it away and slides down to rest his head on the pillow right next to yours. He does not realise it but his arm is frozen in that place for you to hold on to it and there is a slight smile on his lips while his eyes are observing every single detail on your face. The God does not seem to notice a bubble being projected out of the bed to overtake the room with a warmth that is emanating from the celestial being himself. And most of all he does not seem to notice the voice hiding in the dark corner somewhere looking at you with heart eyes. I like this human. She can stay.
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Stiches, Part 2
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A/N: Yep, I’ve ventured off the Marvel path and penned a few tales for The Witcher! 
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut
Stiches Part 1 
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Consciousness came slowly, like sunlight filtering through a thick fog. Warmth surrounded your heavy limbs and when you tried to move, a delightful pang registered in the muscles of your inner thighs. A low moan slipped passed your lips as the ache between your legs caused a flood of images from the night before to crash across your mind.
You told the traveling Witcher you wanted to feel him for days after he left. The man took you at your word. Playing your body with the mastery of a hundred years of practice, Geralt assured your cunt stayed swollen and wet as he fucked you thoroughly, roughly, and repeatedly.
“Stay put,” a deep gravely voice rumbled against your ear. A strong arm pulled you tighter to his bulk. “I am not ready to awaken yet.”
You turned in his arms to bury your face in the hair of his chest. Your knee easily slipped between his thighs as his legs tangled with your own. His large hand settled at the back of your neck, and you felt his deep sigh. His weighty and lax body wrapped around yours. His half hard cock pressed into you belly. Despite fatigue, your hand moved between you to wrap around his length.
“Hmm.” Geralt pumped into your palm once before pulling your hand away and pressing your palm to his lips. “Sleep now, my dove.” He chuckled lightly. “Later I shall plow you like the fields of wheat in Novigrad.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you nuzzled into his chest and succumbed to the warmth, drifting off to sleep again.
Darkness enveloped the world. The warmth surrounding you turned your limbs numb, preventing you from moving away from the wailing in your ears. Harsh and painful, the sound clawed at your mind brought you to panic. You needed to run, needed to flee, but you couldn’t move. Not even a sound came forth as you tried to scream. The source of the wail pulled at you, ripping into your chest, tearing the life from your breast.
Light flared. Fire seared your flesh. Breath rushed through your lungs and you screamed.
Hard rough hands shook you. A deep voice called your name. Your eyes popped open to see Geralt on his knees over you, gripping your shoulder hard. Shock left your heart beating like a galloping horse. Cold steel brushed against your hand and you realize his sword lay beside you.
With another shake he said your name, scowling. “Are you with me? Why do you have a Hym attached to you?”
“What?” You looked up at him. “I, um, I have nightmares.”
“Nightmares?” Geralt’s jaw clenched. He let you go, sitting back to lean on the headboard and place his sword beside the bed. “No,” he huffed. “A hym has attached itself to you. What have you done?”
You sat up, pulling the blanket up with you. “What? I have not-“
“Don’t lie to me.” Geralt large hand grasped your jaw. You never saw him move. He was just suddenly holding you down, growling in your face. “Hyms only feed upon the guilty. What have you done?”
A tightness gripped your throat, but it wasn’t Geralt’s hand. Tears burned your eyes. “I don’t know.”
He released your jaw, but didn’t let you go. He pulled you upon his lap.  “Tell me of the creature in your nightmares. Is it just in your dreams, or does it whisper to you while awake?”
“Just nightmares.” You twisted your fingers in the blanket. “They come once, maybe twice, a week.”
“I suspect,” he tilted his head to look at your downcast face. “That is the only time you allow yourself to sleep soundly.” You nodded. He took a deep breath, running his fingertips down your spine. “Hyms attach to persons holding onto guilt, great guilt. They feed on it, create a darkness in the person, so they can feed even more.”
Silent tears slipped down your cheeks.
“I can help you, little dove. I can defeat this thing, but you have to tell me.” The warmth of his large hands slipped up to rest upon the base of your neck. His voice rumbled low and deep, but it made you want you curl against him and weep.
“The spring after my husband was killed,” You sniffed and leaned into Geralt’s chest. “One of the smiths, Wallen, attempted to gain my favor. I turned him away, but he persisted. He became obsessive and abusive. I feared him and took great pains to never be alone with him.”
He remained silent, but his fingers began their journey over your back again.
“One day three men came to town. They were part of the raiders who attacked when my husband died. I knew they were dangerous, knew they would kill without remorse.” Your voice dropped to a whisper. Never before had you uttered the words, “I knew they were listening when I lied about a large commission Wallen had taken.”
Geralt nodded. “They killed him for riches he did not have.”
“I told myself, I just lied. I didn’t kill him. It was a little lie, that’s all.” You wept. “He was vile and mean. I could not push him away anymore. He attempt to...he nearly...I knew he would do worse than force me if he caught me alone. I was afraid.”
A single rueful huff erupted from his chest. Geralt pressed his lips to your hair. “Such feelings for nothing but a cunning solution to a problem.”
“If this man came after you, and you held a blade, what would you do?”
“Use it.” You huffed.
“If he came after you, and you own attack hounds, what would you do?”
“I’d release them.” Your tears ceasing.
“So all you did, my dove, is release the dogs you had at your disposal.” Geralt pressed his mouth to the sensitive skin below your ear. His tongue slipped along the edge of your ear before he nipped at it lightly. “Now that you have spoken of it, the hym can be fought.”
“How?” You turned your face into his neck.
“Tonight you will take me to where the Smithy was killed.” He felt you stiffen, but he shifted you in his hold to tuck you closer to his chest. “You can. You will. The hym will come to you. Then I will kill it.”
“How do you kill a nightmare?” You asked in a small voice.
“I’m a Witcher.” He chuckled. “Or had you forgotten?”
“No,” you quietly laughed. “How could I?”
“Then tonight I shall slay your monster.” His hand tipped your head up. His breath washed over your lips.
“But I have no coin to give you.” You fought not to smile.
“Then we shall have to barter.” Geralt’s mouth possessed yours, drawing a delicious moan from you. He tossed away the offending blanket, and moved you to straddle his lap. Your fingers tangled in his white hair. As your tongues battled, his hands encircled your waist and he rocked you against him. Your breasts raked over his chest.  
Still sensitive from the night’s amorous activities, you grew wet against his hardening cock. You nipped and kissed along his neck. “Gods, you feel so good.”  
He only grunted, as his rough hand squeezed your breast, thumb rubbing over your taunt nipple. With a fluid movement, he flipped you both. You landed on your back. Geralt hooked your knees over his arms. Leaning forward he trailed love bites down your chest.
“So sweet.” He hummed against the soft skin of your inner thigh. The scruff of his chin grazed your sensitive clit and you gasped. Geralt laid the flat of his tongue over you, soothing you, teasing you. “Do you need rest, my dove?”
“No.” You panted, fingers twisting in his hair.
“What is it you want?” His voice vibrated through your body.
“Fuck me.” You breathed.
He chuckled, crawling up your body, painting a trail with his mouth. When his cock pressed against your slick core, he kissed you hard, burying himself deep. His groan mixed with your moan. Unlike the night before, he moved slow and deliberate. The length of him moving in and out at such a pace that your breath became one, the tension coiled, and heat spread.
“Yes,” you clung to his shoulders, legs wrapping tightly around his hips. His fingers dug deep into the meat of your ass, holding you tight. His weight pressing into you and the scent of his sweat filling your head, you lost yourself in him.
His pace quickened. Your body tightened. You curled your hips up. His hips snapped, cock hitting you perfectly. Your thighs shook. His grunts mingled with your cries. Geralt pounded into you with force. You dug your nails into his back, coming hard. He growled, following you.
You held on with weak limbs, relishing in the feel of him. He rolled and pulled you along with him. Your fingers trailed down his side, feeling the stitched you placed there just the day before. Lifting up, you checked his wound. It was pink, but looked a week old.
“Told you I heal quickly.” Geralt sighed.
“Good thing,” you settled into the crook of his arm. “I’d hate to aggravate an injury before you go monster slaying again.”
He huffed. “It would be worse if you sent me off hungry.”
You laughed, sitting up. His eyes were closed and a relaxed smile was on his face. “I think I can manage to satisfy your appetite.”
Geralt’s golden eyes met yours, glinting with mirth. “You’re definitely doing that, but what about food?”
Soon the two of you were dressed and seated at your favorite table in front of the fire. The inn owner, Rulla, thankfully did not comment as you immerged from the Witcher’s room. She just gestured to your table and followed with a pitcher of ale and cups.
“About time. I suppose you’re hungry.” Her reproachful words did not match the teasing smile on her lips. When Geralt grunted an agreement, she wondered off to quickly return with a large platter. Unloading bowls of stew, loaves of bread, and a large plate of cured meat and dried fruit.
Your stomach grumbled, realizing for the first time how famished he’d made you. Geralt tore off a piece of bread and began to eat with purpose. He did everything with purpose; eating, fucking, monster killing.
By the time this Witcher moved on, he would not only leave you well bedded, but free of your nightmares. You smiled, feeling better than you had in ages.    
If you wish to be added to my Witcher tags, please message me! 
If you are on my “Everything” Tag list for Marvel stuff, please let me know you want to be on this stuff too!
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