#so i wanna redo part of it anyway
ok. i have been Thinking about onyx’s relationships. and i’m pretty decided now that she’s gonna be poly, mostly bc she works so well with so many characters, and also they all look so cute together <3 but now i’m trying to figure the like. timeline of things??? and hoo boy
i’ll make the full timeline in a separate post, but i’ll sum up stuff real quick here. onyx was in love with trahearne, tragically that didn’t work out cuz he died rip. she’s real sad for a while, so she ignores the beginnings of some feelings for braham and caithe. after kralk, she and canach have a brief and casual fling, and then onyx ends up falling for jayrim while hanging out in elona. they eventually have to split up, especially with onyx having to leave elona and jayrim wanting/having to stay. during ibs, onyx’s old crush on braham pretty much punches her in the face. when he becomes primordus’ champ, onyx is SUPER worried about him. when she finds him alive after the fight, she gets rly emotional, like telling him how much she cares about him and stuff. she knows her feelings are more than a lil crush now, but refrains from making a move bc braham needs some time to recover (both physically and emotionally). in eod, caith and onyx have some real cute moments as aurene’s moms, i think jayrim pops up again with the corsairs here, and i really like the idea of onyx asking out braham after the engagement party. the big issue now though, is that i feel like caithe and onyx should have started dating after onyx and jayrim dated, but before onyx has her big Feelings Epiphany with braham at the end of ibs. that basically just leaves me with ibs as the timeframe, which is rough bc i don’t think caithe shows up during ibs at all?
ok. so. i’ve thought of two options rn. one: onyx meets up with caithe after leaving elona, and that’s when they start dating. two: they spend time together in the eye of the north and end up dating
this got. really long lol. so my rambling is below the cut! ur welcome lol. also if u just wanna see what i ended up going with, i put a silly lil diagram at the bottom o7
option one works, but i feel like onyx would have left elona bc of the start of ibs? like she leaves because she has to go to the charr rally thing. i guess maybe she could’ve still had time to swing by the grove and hang out with caithe? but idk. i could just make up some other reason that onyx had to leave, like maybe her family or something? ok, that has some promise!
option two feels a bit more possible to me, but i’m also not super sure how much caithe was at eotn during ibs. also, there was a lot of war stuff happening so idk if they would’ve had time for dating?
ok i’m kinda leaning towards option one now… like, onyx gets contacted by her family that they need her to come back for like a wedding, or to celebrate an achievement of one of her siblings? one’s trying to be a minister, one’s in the seraph, and another one is a priest, so any one of them could have done something cool enough to warrant onyx going back to see them. (also i promise i didn’t forget jasper, around this point in time he’d too busy partying to do anything worth onyx coming home for lol) so with onyx going back, she says that while it’ll be a long time, she’ll come back to elona afterwards! or, if jayrim wanted to… she could come with? and jayrim tells her that this has been great, and she loves onyx and all, but she can’t stop being a corsair. and onyx can’t stop being the commander. either way, this isn’t gonna work out forever, so… maybe it’s best if they end it now. and so they agree to break up but they’re both sad about it :(
so then maybe onyx and caithe starts as a kind of rebound thing? like they run into each other, and start hanging out. and hm! she’s feeling some things! onyx thinks back to their talks together as they took care of bb aurene, and now that she thinks about it, she might have had some feelings for caithe at the time? and these current weird feelings feel a lot like those?? wait has she been kinda in love with caithe this whole time??? and then they start dating :3c
also, i think onyx and caithe would talk about braham during or after ibs? bc like, i want onyx to be kinda freaking out over her feelings for braham, but i don’t want her to be kind of cheating on caithe :/ so maybe they have a convo early on about like, possibly being a poly/open relationship? i could see onyx thinking about this since she just had that whole thing with jayrim, so maybe at the time she’d be kinda hoping to get back together someday? either way, i feel like caithe would be pretty open to it, cuz i’m sure sylvari aren’t that monogamous. i feel like caithe would just want onyx to run it by her before she adds somebody yknow? and she’d run it by onyx if she liked anyone! tho i don’t think she would? i think caithe wouldn’t really be looking for another partner. like, i think caithe would like a monogamous relationship, but she’s also ok with a poly one, especially if they keep up good communication and that onyx doesn’t like, forget about her or something. yeah. i think that the idea they’d have for their relationship at first is that caith would be dating onyx, who would also be dating braham, and then also jayrim. but then caithe and jayrim would start dating eventually too :)
OH ALSO!!! i could always add yao…. bc im Love Them. and i could see them dating onyx and braham… oohhhhhhh that’s so cuteeeee….. lol and then the polycule is two triangles, which is kinda fun!
ok tldr ig. the polycule is eventually gonna be this: caithe is dating jayrim and onyx, who are dating too, and onyx is also dating braham and yao, who also are dating too :3c here is a diagram
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killjoy-prince · 7 months
After 10+ Long Rests to clear out any event that can override this one and another Duke rescue later, I finally got Wyll's last romance scene
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welcometogrouchland · 7 months
We talk a lot about there being zero content for a niche thing you're into but ohhhh my god. Oh my GODDD WHY IS IT SO TORTUOUS. OH MY GOD WHY. KILL ME. PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY LIKE OLD YELLER. OH MY GOD WHY
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
just want you to know, I LOVE Kepler so much, his relationship with Brea is A+ he's just so good!!!!☺️
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It honestly makes me so happy that ppl like or even notice him!! Cause he's totally just. The brainchild of myself and my best friend and we only made him on the offhanded mention if "hey d'you think Brea would have a padawan" AND HE ENDED UP BEING THE BEST BOY IN THE WORLD!!!
I seriously love him SO much!! I wanna draw and post about him more in the future and I love that he exists just BECAUSE I talk about and draw him sometimes and you guys get the chance to love him too ; w ; he honestly means so much to me! 🫶💖🫶💖🫶
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ignore the blank space by Tic
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well. i HAD another character fully done (well, technically 2 bt that doesn't matter since it was only a head of one of them) krita really hates when i insert text though. so that's all gone, but have all (-2) of the users i've designed so far i also had a little thing that related to lore but krita hated that apparently (how dari i even attempt to insert text and forget to save the drawing)
anyways, bet you didn't expect me to make KinitoPET user ocs, didja?
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icehot13 · 2 years
Lucienne is sure that Dream is refusing to see something important, when he remakes the Corinthian.
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llama-head · 2 years
I want to renovate the entire Garcia house yet it doesn’t make any sense story wise :/
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heliads · 7 months
angel boy charles leclerc with a workplace romance?? maybe r’s new on the ferrari pr team or an engineer who he keeps flirting with but she’s kinda shy so she doesn’t rly flirt back and doesn’t know why he’d want her over everyone, but then he defends her against some shitty reporters who keep making jokes abt her and she realizes oh he actually does like me and SHE asks HIM out?? obvs it’s cool if you don’t wanna write this but either way i think you’re really cool and i hope you’re day’s goin great!
'here's what i know' - charles leclerc
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It’s time for the one part of the week that Formula One teams across the grid detest most of all. No, it’s not qualifying, and not even the threat of a bad race day that can crush championship dreams for good. Today is Thursday, media day, which means that twenty drivers and many more members of staff are about to be hounded for hours until they break down and spill something they shouldn’t.
Since you’re not a driver, you had always hoped that you’d be able to get out of these sorts of things without too much difficulty. No one pays much attention to the engineers anyway– outside of Adrian Newey and the like, the guys behind the scenes tend to be ignored in favor of the ones in the cars, although you don’t know many engineers or strategists that have a problem with that.
No, the baying mass of reporters known affectionately to the paddock as Sky Sports and their affiliates are more of a difficulty than a blessing. Each and every race week, drivers and team principals alike are briefed by their PR officers on how to dodge bad questions and only stick to their strengths. For one of the first years in your career, though, you now have to deal with the same thing, and that is due to your recent promotion.
You’ve been a race engineer for a couple of years now, and you’ve loved every minute of it. Every STEM-inclined student with a hankering for racing dreams of working for Formula One, but you actually managed to turn those fantasies into a reality when you signed your first contract with the Scuderia Ferrari racing team. It wasn’t a showy job, of course, closer to tightening screws and redoing paint jobs than anything specific, but over time, you’ve managed to show your worth and quickly rise through the ranks.
As of this season, though, you’ll be out on the pitwall as Ferrari’s chief strategists instead of tucked away somewhere in the garage. It was a risky move when you decided to throw your hat into the strategy ring instead of sticking with the more technical aspects of race engineering, but you’ve had a knack for it ever since you first turned up in the paddock, and the higher-ups at Ferrari have noticed that. This promotion has been a long time coming, so they say.
Regardless, it’s still a bit stressful to be the face of Ferrari’s strategy decisions, especially given the fact that the Scuderia has struggled a bit in that department over the past few seasons. The Tifosi were definitely hesitant to show their support of the change in leadership, but after your critical advice led to some excellent showings in the first few rounds, you won them over in a landslide. No more terrible back-to-back stops, no more team orders mixups, you’ve proven your effectiveness in the strategy seat and everyone is glad to see it.
Well, almost everyone. The reporters are still as fixated as ever on getting a good story, and for some reason a couple have decided that the best headlines are centered around creating drama regarding your new job assignment. It feels like every week they’re running stories about how the Ferrari team principal wishes you weren’t there, or how Charles and Carlos are shaking their heads over each and every one of your bad calls.
This, of course, isn’t the case. Ferrari couldn’t be happier with your decisions since they’ve propelled the team up in the championship standings, and you get along quite well with the drivers. Charles especially has taken it upon himself to reassure you countless times that the rumors couldn’t be less true. Some of the reporters have a way of twisting their words from compliments into insults, but he wants to ensure that you never believe them.
Charles has been one of the greatest parts of your climb to head of strategy at Ferrari, actually. You met him when you were the lowliest of engineers, and for some reason, he’s stayed a friend of yours ever since that very first day. Truthfully, you hadn’t expected him to so much as remember your name– there are infinitely many engineers and strategists and PR workers at Ferrari, after all, and Charles is introduced to dozens of new celebrities at every race– but the very next time he saw you, he’d smiled and greeted you by name as if you were an old friend.
It had made your day. Same with the next time he’d done it. Although you may not entirely understand it, Charles Leclerc is committed to liking you, and he doesn’t seem inclined to stop any time soon. Nor are you inclined to stop him yourself– Charles is a fantastic person to be around. He’s never let his fame get to his head, and if you were to talk to him, you’d swear he was just a friend from uni or a next door neighbor or something, certainly not a world class driver. Charles doesn’t talk to you like he’s a Formula One driver and you’re a strategist. He speaks with you like he’s Charles and you’re Y/N and he couldn’t want anything more than to hear you laugh when he tells a joke.
Armed with this knowledge, you feel that you could take on any reporter, their tendency to warp simple statements into crazy arguments be damned. What’s more, you have an excellent friend in Hannah Schmitz, Principal Strategy Engineer over at Red Bull Racing. Although the two of you may technically be on rival teams, that hasn’t stopped you from becoming close friends. Hannah is one of the only people in the world capable of understanding exactly how you feel regarding work, as she’s in almost the same position as you, albeit on Red Bull instead of Ferrari. She’s older than you by a good couple of years, but that hasn’t stopped you two from quickly growing close.
For Thursday’s media frenzy, Hannah meets up with you close to the gate so you can walk in together. The Ferrari and Red Bull motorhomes are close by, and it’s nice to have a friend while you brave the storm of reporters waiting for you just inside the paddock.
The first round of them draws near. Hannah grins at your obviously forced smile. “Stay alert. They’re coming.”
“I’ll do my best,” you whisper back, and she hides a laugh.
You don’t have much time for inside jokes after that; a dozen phones and recording devices are flung in front of you, and you’re immediately greeted with several overlapping questions. You answer in quick syllables, all the while careful to keep your tone light so no one accuses you of being unnecessarily terse. You feel confident that you didn’t say anything to dull your team’s image, but you still can’t help a sigh of relief when you bid Hannah goodbye at the door of the Ferrari motorhome.
Upon entering the Ferrari center, you immediately spy Charles at one of the tables near the door. He glances up when he sees you enter, and flashes you a kind smile. “You look stressed. Don’t tell me Sky Sports has gotten to you already?”
You laugh. “They were waiting for me when I arrived. Man, I miss when they had no idea who I was.”
Charles chuckles. “I don’t. You’re more interesting to see on my screen than some of the other drivers.”
You scoff. “I don’t believe that for a second.”
Charles’ eyes widen meaningfully. “It’s true! You actually have things to say. The rest of us can only talk about how we plan on winning. Everyone says that.”
You walk over to his table, leaning your hands against the open chair. “If you paid attention during strategy meetings, you’d have something to say to them, too.”
Charles rolls his eyes, but grins sheepishly nonetheless. “How about you fill me in now, then? Come on, have a seat. I’m sure my PR officer would appreciate it if I didn’t go out there sounding like a total idiot.”
You shake your head on instinct. “You’re relaxing. I don’t want to take up your time.”
“I mean it,” Charles insists. “Sit down. I even have extra coffee.”
“That’s certainly a nice coincidence,” you say with a raised brow, but take the seat he offers you.
Charles smiles satisfiedly when you join him. “Yes,” he murmurs, “A coincidence.”
You end up passing more time than you expect at Charles’ table, just the two of you and the coffees cooling in your mugs. At first, you do talk about strategy, but over time Charles starts coaxing more details out of you, like what you’ve done since the past week and if you’ve got any plans for the upcoming weekend. He sounds genuinely interested in what you have to say, and it’s easy to forget that he isn’t just your coworker but a real, true friend.
You glance down at the table when the intensity of his earnest stare becomes a little too much for you. You know how the other strategists talk and tease you about your friendship with Charles, even if it is just that, a friendship. Yes, he may bring you coffee all the time, and eagerly stay back after strategy meetings so he can walk you out to your car, but he’s just doing that to be nice. It doesn’t mean anything. You cannot allow yourself the hope of thinking that it might mean anything.
After all, despite the denials you’ll give the other strategists and even Hannah when she has the occasion to join in the teasing, you wouldn’t mind it if Charles ever acted on his flirtations. The only problem is that you have made a career out of being realistic and reasonable, and you know that this is one perfect victory that just won’t be yours. Charles is gorgeous. He goes after gorgeous girls, stunning supermodels, and amazing actresses. You are lovely in your own right, but you aren’t the kind of person that a Formula One driver would ever date. It is important to keep your heart from being crushed, even if denying this hurts you more than Charles’ rejection ever could.
That little coffee chat ends soon enough, much like every other quick lunch and early morning talk you’ve shared with him. Charles goes off to his garage, and you head out to your office to prepare some talking points for meetings later that day. The drivers will be escorted to media day press conferences, and you probably won’t run into Charles again until later into the afternoon.
You realize about halfway through the day’s work that you haven’t gotten up once since you arrived. In need of a brain break and a chance to stretch your legs, you decide to go for a quick circuit around the paddock before coming back inside again to carry on. The sun is warm on your face when you dare to duck outside, and it feels good to walk around for a little while.
Unconsciously, your legs carry you towards the building where the press conferences are being held. Not wanting to intrude, you decide to head back towards the center of the paddock. While you’re in the middle of making this decision, though, you notice Charles emerging from the building. You switch directions to aim towards him instead; you can joke about the nightmare that is a Formula One press conference, and you know Charles will be glad to let off some steam by complaining.
As you’re walking over, you notice a few reporters coming out of the building as well and groan internally. These couple of men in particular have been nothing but thorns in your side since you accepted your promotion. When the news first broke, they wrote a couple of articles apiece about how you were going to run Ferrari into the ground. When that proved false, they switched tactics and decided to use their journalism skills to disparage you whenever they got the chance. Numerous drivers and reporters alike have called them out for targeting you, but they haven’t stopped yet, which is frustrating.
Charles notices the reporters at the same time as you, you can see his head turn as he tracks their progress. You’re close enough now that you can hear what they’re saying, but it isn’t good. They never get tired of repeating the same bullshit about how you can’t make a smart call to save your life. One of them laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. That’s what you get for putting a girl in charge.
Hot anger boils through your stomach, but you force it down. They haven’t seen you yet, and you’d like to keep it that way. Challenging them on this will only provide them with more ammunition.
Charles, however, doesn’t seem to see it that way. He stops directly in front of the two reporters, arms folded coldly across his chest. “What did you say about Y/N?”
The reporter who’d just spoken eyes him confusedly. “Nothing, man. Don’t worry about it.”
“I will if you’re insulting her,” Charles fires back. “Don’t talk about her like that. Y/N is a welcome part of Ferrari and her strategy decisions have won us races, as you well know. I don’t know what you get out of taking her down but it’s stupid of you to carry on like that.”
The reporter blanches, leaning back as if Charles has struck him. “Calm down, man. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Charles’ glare doesn’t lighten for a second. “Then stop talking badly about her. It just makes you look like an asshole who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s what you are, of course, but maybe you want your reputation to be better.”
You clap a hand to your mouth to stop from letting out a surprised laugh. He’s totally caught them off guard, and it’s fantastic to see. More fantastic than that, you realize slowly, is that Charles is doing this purely to defend your honor. There are no cameras around. No one is recording him. Charles could have just ignored it, but he chose to go out of his way to defend you because that matters the most to him. Because he would never be able to live with himself if he didn’t spend his every waking hour making sure you got the respect you were owed.
Charles doesn’t have to do this, but he wants to. There is a reason for this, a reason that, at last, you know. You’ve been denying it to yourself for the longest time, but the proof of his affections is right before your eyes.
You spin away before he can notice your presence, giddy with the knowledge that, of all the people in the world, Charles Leclerc wants you. You. Y/N L/N. His chief strategist.
You nearly run into Hannah when you pass by the Red Bull motorhome. She’s just emerging, and looks at you confusedly. “Is everything alright?”
“Hannah,” you say, grasping vaguely at your friend’s arm to steady yourself. “Hannah, I’m having an epiphany.”
She eyes you dubiously. “What now? You want to change your tire strategy for Sunday?”
“No,” you say, voice weak, “I realized– I think Charles likes me, Hannah. I think he likes me a lot.”
She stares at you. “Are you just now coming to this conclusion?”
You turn to her in surprise. “You knew?”
Hannah throws her hands in the air. “Y/N, we all knew. It was extremely obvious.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks. “Oh. I didn’t know.”
“That was also obvious,” Hannah comments. “Now, come on. You’re one of the most action-oriented people I know. What are you going to do about this?”
You turn towards the Ferrari motorhome. “I’m going to talk to him.”
“Great start,” Hannah says, clapping you on the shoulder. “Tell me how it goes. Tell me everything.”
You grin at her before you leave. “I won’t leave out a single moment.”
Charles has just made it back to the Ferrari center when you arrive. He beams up at you when you walk through the door, as if he hasn’t just heard some assholes insulting you and decided that every moment not spent defending you is a moment wasted.
“Charles,” you breathe. “Can I talk to you?”
He arches a brow, still wearing that same lopsided smile. “We’re talking now, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” you laugh him off. “What if we talked later, too? Like, over dinner or something?”
His eyes go wide. “What? Do you– what do you mean?”
“Charles,” you repeat. He goes silent, like just the sound of his name from your lips is enough to compel him to you forever. “I’m asking you on a date. Will you say yes?”
“Yes,” he tells you. “Yes. What– I didn’t know you felt like that– do you really? This isn’t a joke, is it? We’re not going just as friends?”
“I think I should be asking you that,” you laugh. “No, Charles. I want to go on a date with you.”
“Well,” he says, smiling, “I think I can arrange that. Only if you promise there will be more than just one.”
“I promise,” you tell him.
How could you not? Charles is the one you want, the one you have been wanting since you first fell for the spark in his dark eyes and the light of his laughter. He is the one you will continue to want months and years from now, after countless dates and many gifted flowers and a lot of moments spent together, always together. It starts now.
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy, @juphey
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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redtippedfox · 8 months
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Accidentally deleted this post when I was trying to edit it but guess I can’t undo that.
All characters in this AU are aged up and are adults
Anyway gonna take this chance to redo this post and upload her updated kwami swaps.
Behold the holy trinity of Kwami swaps part 1
1. Fox! Marinette: Huli Jing, she’s a trickster and her illusions are beautifully dangerous
2. Bee! Marinette: HoneyBee: She’s hella sweet but you don’t wanna piss her off because her sting can hurt
3. Turtle! Marinette: Chelona Jade: Graceful, strong, and powerful she is the protector.
4. Black Cat! Marinette: Lady Noire: Pent up Destruction can be dangerous especially for a rule follower who’s been stuck being perfect
5. Mouse! Marinette: Multimouse: She may be small but she can give you quite a scare when she divides and conquers.
6. Peacock! Marinette: Bleu Celine: A Goddess in human flesh her Sentimonster’s seem like a dream but beware for they are not all they seem.
7. Butterfly! Marinette: Titania: Light as a butterfly, become her champion be blessed by her gift.
These kwami swaps are definitely going to appear in Timey Wimey soon, we’re getting really close to Marinette’s reveal. I’ll also be posting the other half of this which the Chinese zodiac part of the Miracle Box, yep that’s right my girl is pulling a Kwamibuster on the corrupted hero’s but with a twist. Anywho, updated their designs and was just trying to edit the post but accidentally deleted it so whoops.
So cleaned up their designs and thought might as well post more.
The main seven Miraculouses are still my favorite
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resowrites · 1 year
Holy Grail - drabble.
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Summary: Henry develops a fixation for a certain part of his pregnant wife’s body…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, sexy talk, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 635
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Holy Grail - drabble.
"Henry, get out, I'm trying to get dry!" He quickly turned around as she grabbed the towel from the bed and clutched it to her chest.
"I'm sorry! I came in here to fetch Kal so I could give him his tea!" But the pooch was still fast asleep at the foot of their bed.
"Well you better get out of here before he wakes up, you know how protective of me he is at the moment."
"I know, the soppy git…"
"He's soppy?! You almost had a panic attack yesterday when you thought I ate shrimp! And he picked up following me into every room from you!"
"Yeah well at least I don't guard you when you're in the shower--"
"Well thank God for Kal, otherwise you'd be leering at me through the glass!"
"At least then I'd get a look at them! Come on, drop that towel, and lemme see if I can't tune in for the news and weather--"
"Out, now! I wanna get dry in peace."
"Then here, let me help…" Henry took a few steps forward only for her to dart under the bed so she could fetch something. "What the hell is the broom doing under there?!"
"I had to bring it up last night to squish a spider on the ceiling and now I'm going to use it to get rid of another pest."
"My lady may call me whatever she wishes. For she is beautiful, rich, and got huge… tracts of land!"
"That's it! I'm not enduring Monty Python quotes. You're banned from my presence the rest of the evening. Be gone!" She tried to jab with the broom only for him to dart out of the way.
"Aww come on, when was the last time we got to knock boots?"
"Last bloody night!"
"Then you should be warmed up by now!"
"God give me strength… anyway I thought you just wanted to cop a feel?"
"Well I'll take whatever I can get--"
"Yeah well by the time I'm finished with this broom, you'll be able to sweep the floor!"
"Charming, all I wanted was to enjoy the beauty of my pregnant wife! Honestly, it looks like you're holding up two ten-gallon hats--"
"God you belong on a bloody list… can't you go one night without being a pervert?"
"No, but I'll tell you what, you flash me lefty and I'll give you a hundred quid."
"A hundred quid?"
"Yeah, would you prefer cash or bank transfer?"
"Is that all you think I'm worth?!"
"Well, it's not like you're giving me a handful!"
"And how much would you pay for that? I was thinking of redoing the kitchen…"
"What? Why? I did a good job of the tiling!"
"Henry, two fell off just this morning!"
"Then let little Henry have a dance in your ballroom and I'll fix it for free!"
"Will you also disappear back downstairs?"
"God, you always want to get rid of me!"
"Yeah, cos you get on my sodding tits!"
"I bloody wish!" She looked up at the ceiling and prayed for guidance.
"Henry, give me one good reason why I should have sex with you tonight."
"I can do better than that, I can regale you with song."
"What?!" Henry cleared his throat.
"Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate!" She perched on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.
"I can't actually believe I'm having your child…"
"I can, especially after last night. Now get thee to bed, and let's go for round two--"
"Really? You're reciting Shakespeare now?"
"Well I thought that might do the trick--"
"Fat chance."
"Why not? I can leave the money on the bedside table--" she chucked a pillow at him.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo @geralts-yenn @livesinfantasyland @jackjanira
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : request by @bontensbabygirl for a part two of tr characters doing this trend 🫶🏻
characters : mikey + rindou + ran + sanzu + izana
"yes bubs?"
"can we do this one trend?"
"yeah it's a thing where the video goes viral and everyone does the same thing like the video"
"sounds lame"
"manjiro!" he laughed while sitting on the couch so you turned record and attempted to sit down but mikey closed his legs.
"manjiro..." you voice with a warning. you redo it and mikey happily obliged, the video perfectly done although you had to force him to wear covered shoes. "i don't think anyone would find slippers hot in thirst trapping"
"that's not the slippers fault!"
"oh here we go again it's like that one meme where the boyfriend is trying to relax and the hyper girlfriend keeps bugging him"
"are you saying that you hate my presence haitani?"
"fine, if you won't do it. your brother might do it with me anyways" you stomped your feet away from him but heard footsteps grow behind you. "oh c'mon now, i never said you're annoying. what is that you wanted to do baby?" you glared at him and showed him the video. "oh, anything for my baby! c'mon sit sit" he urged you to start the recording and did the trend so well. after posting the video, rindou didn't let you go from his lap and said sorry.
"ran you're annoying"
"i love you t- wait what" he snapped his head towards your direction while you giggled at him. you the moved closer to him. you turned the camera and pressed record, ran oblivious to your activity and kept watching the tv without a single care of the world as he's watching his favorite drama.
apparently in the app, girls saw how your boyfriend manspread and went wild with it. after telling ran about it, he was PROUD. but for you, that's the first and last time you're featuring ran in your account.
"haru wanna do this trend with me?" sanzu who just finished washing the dishes wiped his hands on his apron. "what trend is that princess?"
"it's a trend for couples on tiktok"
"oh okay may i see the trend?" you showed him the video and he scrolled through the video with the same music and nodded his head slightly. "we can do it on the chair princess let's go" you were giddy and when sanzu looked like he was ready, the camera was on. unfortunately you tried sitting between his legs but you slipped because the apron he's wearing was blocking the way. sanzu laughed at you and said sorry while taking off the apron. rubbing your butt, you pouted. "aw does it hurt come here, i'll take care of it"
did the trend the next day because you two forgotten about it.
"but just once?"
"no honey"
"aw it's not like im showing your face" you tried talking to him while izana was typing away on his laptop. "it's just a 7 second video, won't disturb you after this promise" you whined at your boyfriend. izana pinched the bridge of his nose.
"fine c'mon then honey seven seconds move it, move it" he pushed the chair from the table and gestured his lap. you wasted no time and wiggled your way between his legs. after posting the video, you didn't budge from his lap and sat there. "on a second thought, this position is comfortable don't you think?" you asked while looking back at him. he looked down at you and sighed, making you giggle. you stayed there anyway, clicking sounds heard.
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echobx · 4 days
author's note: this is something I wrote for my oc!fic but I hit a writer's block and I have to redo it all to combat that, but I didn't wanna lose this entirely to the bin, so I'm posting it bc my brain also won't let me put it into a one shot somewhere. and how's your day going bc this is also the third time of me trying to post this...
warnings: pet names, making out, talk of sex, 1st person pov!!
word count: ≈900
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“Tell me what you want,” JJ demanded with a whisper and my breath hitched at his hand harshly squeezing my hip.
“You. I want you, J,” I whispered and he kissed me.
“Want me to make you feel better?” he rasped, running his hands up and taking my shirt with them.
“Pretty please,” I begged and he leaned up and pulled me with him so he could take my shirt off. He was basically gawking at my boobs, which gave me enough time to open his shorts, diverting his focus.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought-” I looked at him with puppy eyes and he smiled.
“I'm not gonna fuck you, not yet.” Then he got up and I decided to do the same. It had been a bad idea anyway. Things were happening too fast and I wasn't-
“What are you doing?” JJ repeated, standing on the opposite side of the bed and looking at me, as I was holding onto my shirt, but his shorts were off. And his boxers really didn't do the best job at concealing his erection.
“I thought you didn't-” the words got stuck in my throat.
“Put the shirt down,” he ordered and I let the fabric fall to the floor. Then he pointed at the bed and I quickly opened my shorts and let them fall to the floor too.
“What was that now?” JJ chuckled.
“I thought, because you did and- Equality, you know?” I mumbled.
“Yeah, but I wanted to take those off,” JJ laughed lightly and I bent down to pull my shorts back up.
“You don't have to put them on again, princess,” he ran his hand through his hair and I furrowed my brows.
“This is very confusing to me.”
JJ stepped around the bed and cupped my face with his large hands. “I'm sorry, I didn't think- Should I explain?” I nodded and he continued speaking. “I'm not gonna have sex with you, today, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. And if you want me to strip for you, just say the word. Also, taking your clothes off of you is part of my job from now on. All right?”
“I understand,” I whispered and he smiled boyishly.
“Good. ‘Cause I love you.”
“Love you too, J.”
He took a step back, looking me up and down as a guttural groan left him. “How do I even deserve you?”
“I didn't plan this,” I shook my head and looked down at myself. It had been a total coincidence that I had decided to wear one of the new sets that morning; the peach one. “I promise, I didn't plan it.”
“I don't care if you did or not, you look hot as fuck, baby,” he bit his lip and shook his head slowly, admiring every last inch of my body. “Turn around for a sec,” he asked and I did.
“Do you like it?” I asked and in response he pulled my flush to his chest, his hard cock pressing into my ass.
“Fucking love it, baby,” he quietly growled into my ear before biting down on my earlobe. “You make me crazy, darling.”
I sighed as his hands roamed my body, squeezing and grabbing, while his lips were leaving wet kisses on my neck and shoulders. And when his hand slipped between my legs, running over my wet slip and softly pressing into me, I bit my lip to not moan as loudly as I wanted to. My mind was completely blank, nothing but the pure pleasure he was giving me filled it up. JJ wanted to pull his hand away again, but I held onto it. Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder, I looked into his lust drunken eyes and he kissed me. Drawing soft circles on my clothed clit with his thumb.
“I want to try again,” I whispered, his forehead leaning against mine as he nodded.
“C’mon.” With that he let go of me and pulled me into bed with him.
“Do you wanna try like last time?” JJ asked as we sat on the bed and it felt a little awkward.
“I wanna not think about it,” I whispered and he smiled.
“I'm good when it comes to not thinking, maybe even the best,” JJ murmured while leaning over and pressing a kiss to my lips. His kisses had the ability to make me forget the world around us, so it just felt natural when he laid me down underneath him, groping at my tits and pressing his knee in between my legs and-
“J,” I moaned and he looked at me a little concerned.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” I smiled and played with the hair in the nape of his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he hushed and went back to kissing me, his leg still pressed against my wet cunt.
His kisses traveled down my neck over my shoulder, pushing the bra strap down and letting me free my arm. He kissed my throat and I threw my head back, moaning softly before he went to my left shoulder and pulled the strap down there, too.
Rolling down the lace of my bra he started kissing the swell of my breasts, moaning against my skin as soon as his lips closed around my nipple.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
only tagging moots bc this doesn't really count as a standalone blurb/fic to my brain || @redhead1180 @maybankskiss @princessmaybank
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harlowtales · 8 months
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Reader X Jack are enjoying a lazy day with their new puppy until reader goes too far and pays the price.
18+ Sweet/Romance/Smut 🚨⚠️
“How are you feeling babe? It’s almost roll out time.” You said affectionately as you ran your fingers through Jack’s curls with his head in your lap. At first you didn’t like the mullet, but now, it turned you on even more if that was possible.
“I’m feeling good baby. It’s finally done and I can chill with you in my biggest, baggy clothes and just fucking play with the puppy.” Jack said and pointed up at you with his lips ready for a kiss.
She was so good when you were gone weren’t you sweetheart?” You cooed at the brown poodle as she jumped up on you wagging her tail enthusiastically.
It was you and Jack’s first attempt at taking care of something together. So far Jack was the doting dad. He ran out and bought everything a puppy could want.
Ok I’ll take her outside for a bit he said getting up from lazing around happily in your lap.
You were having a convo about his first single from the new album dropping. Jack was not super into promo so he was looking for a simple and quick idea to generate buzz.
“You know what Jack, that clip you released on Tik Tok did so well for First Class, why not just do that again?” You suggested.
“What here right now?” He said
“Right now with pups.” You said with that look on your face that Jack couldn’t say no to.
“K what do you want me to do.” Jack said open for anything you had to say.
“Just play with her and sing some of the lyrics.” You said
“That’s it?” He said raising an eyebrow
“That’s it and we’ll put it up. It’ll go viral.” You said assuredly.
“Ight. You know best baby.” He said and started playing with the puppy with the phone on the floor. You looked on in awe of how sweet they both were. These were the simple times you craved with Jack and now your new fur baby. You hoped for a real baby someday with him.
“That was awesome! Let’s post it, don’t redo it or overthink it.” You said and posted it right away. You checked back in an hour and was so excited to see the views, saves, likes, and comments already. “Babe!!! It’s going crazy!” You exclaimed hitting Jack in the arm with excitement.
“That’s all you baby thank you.” Jack said as he snuggled with you on the couch. Little puppers fell asleep in the little space between your legs and you laid on your boyfriend.
“So what are we binging this weekend?” You looked up and asked him
“Anything you want bubs.” He said nuzzling his nose into your neck giving you little kisses with his soft pink lips.
“Pinch me I’m dreaming.” You said wistfully and playfully scruffed up his beard. He wrapped his muscular arms around you and you felt him growing through his sweatpants
“Babe. No, I wanna just chill.” You said
“I’m not starting anything.” Jack lied as he pressed his hips into your back for you to feel the bulge even more.
“You vanilla and a baby anyway.” You said kissing your teeth and rolling your eyes
“Say that again.” Jack challenged. “Matter fact…off me.” He said pushing you to the side enough so he could get up and put the puppy in its cage. “Bedroom. NOW.” He ordered pointing to the bedroom you recently started sharing with him.
“Jackman I was just kidding. They’re your lyrics!!!” You protested as you marched to the bedroom
“You ain’t using my songs against me woman.” Jack said as he closed the door. “Take everything off.” He said and just laid back waiting for you to comply.
“You can’t be serious.” You said half giggling, half afraid. He was being so intense. Jack had a great sense of humour but part of him didn’t like to be ribbed or teased.
“Slower.” He said as you started taking off your clothes. You slowly pulled the TShirt you were wearing that was his over your head. As it landed on the floor you undid your bra’s front clasp to reveal firm beautiful natural breasts and slipped off one strap, then another. He grasped his hard-on building in his sweatpants, taking it all in.
“Turn around and close your eyes.” He said then he walked away. Was this a prank? You thought.
“Jackman….where did you go?” You called out as you stood there in just your underwear with your eyes closed
You felt cold leather and Jack breathing behind you. He placed a blindfold over your eyes and lead you to where you could feel the bed.
“This vanilla enough for you?.” He said in a sexy but sinister way.
“You know what Jack? You’re not vanilla at all baby.” You pleaded
“No take backs” Jack said sternly.
He gently bent you over and tied your hands behind your back with one of his neck ties. “Jack?? Baby, I like that you’re not really adventurous babe.” You said making it worse for yourself.
“Do you ever shut up?” He asked calmly and you could hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trailed up your inner thighs and moved your underwear to the side.
You felt the head of his impressive manhood testing and teasing your space. Gently poking, pulling back out and poking in only half way again. With each slight reentry you responded with more and more slick approval. “Ummmmmmm” You moaned wanting him to just put all of it in but afraid to demand it lest you paid the price.
“Vanilla huh?” Jack said circling around you now, producing a belt from behind his back.
“Jack no you are….my god so thrilling.” You said apologizing
“Say it like you mean it.” He said snapping the belt making you jump nervously. Where was all this coming from? Most times were mostly missionary, but here you were tied, blind folded, and bent over at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Jack please.” You begged and he loved it. He teased your bare behind with the belt trailing the smooth leather over one cheek before giving you a little tap just enough to sting. An electric shock ran up your spine as you gasped and a red sore spot was left behind.
He untied you but left you blindfolded grabbing a vibrator from the nightstand. Your vibrator that you didn’t know he knew about. He laid you on your back and held it to your clit driving you insane. Taking the vibrator he slowly put it into your sore space that was wanting more. “Fuck Jack!” You cried out as he sucked on your clit while driving the vibrator in and out of you. He saw all the cum dripping from it and needed that to be him inside you now.
He put you on your side holding one of your legs in the air with his soft hand applying pressure to your throat. He pumped you hard making you scream, pausing and driving deeper for you to feel every inch pressing your G spot. Your legs shook as you erupted in agony. Covering your mouth he got more and more aggressive until he felt your single tear trickle down his hand.
He gave you time to breathe as he stroked himself and came up to your mouth. He positioned you where he wanted you with your head upside down. “Be a good girl and open for baby boy.” He said patting the side of your cheek. You opened wide as he thrust into your mouth making you hold his thighs to steady yourself. You drooled all over him as he repeatedly slid his whole shaft down your throat until he let you come up for air.
He couldn’t take it anymore and took off your blindfold. You enveloped his warm pulsating sack with the fleshy warmth of your mouth and sucked as he jerked and came all over your breasts. “Y/n ah my god!” He exclaimed in painful pleasure smearing his sweet cream all over your chest. You cradled your breasts licking it off. He collapsed beside you on the bed both of you naked, heaving, and glistening with sweat.
You heard the puppy whining in the cage. “Perfect timing” he said recovering his breath “Coming little sweetie.” He called out to the puppy and pulled on his sweatpants to tend to her.
You stayed motionless on the bed not able to move or speak. “I guess I was wrong.” You thought “My favourite flavour is vanilla now.”
@jacks-daycare @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Could you do omori x reader thats rich and spoils them with gifts and trips and stuff? 💛Thanks
A/N: i already did this with aubrey but i'm gonna redo her part cuz it was awhile ago
RW OMORI characters with a rich S/O who spoils them
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SUNNY hates it
not because he doesn't like gifts or money or anything, but he truly thinks he doesn't deserve it. you can spoil anyone in the world, why him?
he'll get flustered and look away mumbling "thanks" if you hand him a gift
concerned as to why you can just. blow money on him
he'll accept these things, because he doesn't want to be rude, but it's still awfully embarrassing . he has no idea how he scored someone like you
he wants to scream into his pillow whenever u show up to his house with his favorite drink/food
tries to go all out and hand-make you gifts for your birthday and such but he feels bad since it can never out-do your gifts
he's kinda scared you're gonna betray him and you're trying to get on his good side or something, so it helps if u reassure him you just love him a whole lot
she doesn't get it, why would you do something like that for lil old her??
but she cherishes everything you do for her to the fullest extent.
she spends a lot of time at ur house and has lots of sleepovers with u to get away from her own home life
she rlly thinks she doesn't deserve you. like at all
tries to take you places and pay for your meal but she can't do it all the time, so she makes the most out of every date and trip
gets embarrassed if u show up with a gift and just hugs you until she isn't flushed anymore,, she can't have you seeing her face!!
she doesn't have a lot of money so she really appreciates everything u get her, especially food
gobbles on any food u get her or dinner u buy,, she isn't passing free food up!!
"oh! for me?? are you sure??"
he'll be awfully confused every time you randomly show up with something he's been wanting
if you buy him food or take him to GINO's a lot he'll try to cut down his order to make you pay less but gobbles it all up
gets embarrassed if u ask him if he wants anything else,,, like stop !! spending!!! money!! on! me!!!!
"haha, no, i don't wanna make you pay more... wait, where are you going?!"
he tries to tell u not to get him anything but he is a big growing boy that needs his nutrients. he gobbles up whatever you buy so you know none of it went to waste
he accepts your offers and gifts gladly, but not without hesitation!! he hates being a bother
"hah, i'm supposed to be paying for your meal.." lowkey damages his masculinity
he's also confused. why are you buying him all of this?? cookbooks??? new, fancy silverware??? paying his dogs medical bills??? what the fuck
he's actually kinda skeptical about it at first,, like what if you're breaking up w him?? are you trying to soften him up so you can backstab him?????
but he realizes that's stupid and awkwardly accepts anything u do/give him. he gets all blushy about it and starts stuttering though
he spoils you back. to an extent because your family is richer n all that, but he still tries to spoil you by getting you gifts and flowers and chocolates and stuff you like/need
it's weird to him because he's usually the spoiler/gentleman in the relationship,, so he's lowkey swept off his feet
he would've done that for you anyway, but now he has to do it extra so it isn't unfair!!! he feels like he's taking advantage of you or something
she always denies everything u do/get for her,, but she'll eventually accept it and kiss you on the cheek as a thanks
like SUNNY she doesn't think she deserves that kind of treatment,, you shouldn't be wasting your money so fast like that!!
she does love the romantic aspect,, like if you went on a trip together all alone and romantic,, or if you show up to her house with flowers and chocolates and... is that a diamond ring?
it gets her all blushy but she tries to hide it by being devious and teasing u,, then she goes home and goes crazy over you in her room
"oh? is this for me?? why, if i didn't know better i'd say you're in love!"
teases to cover up the fact that she's embarrassed as fuck
he's constantly telling you not to spend any money on him
he tries to spoil you back by giving you home-planted flowers and drawings and pictures, but he never feels like it's enough
"really, you shouldn't be spending this much money.."
makes him super flushed if u show up with something he said he wanted,, he didn't mean for you to actually go out and buy it!!!
always insists that he pays for dinner. always
gives u lots of hand crafted things and drawings,, he really hopes you think it's the thought that counts
cherishes everything u give him,, new garden shears? he's going to use these the rest of his life
if u two go on a trip he takes lots of photos of you and the scenery, and has an entire album dedicated to you
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rensimps · 5 months
Wrong Number {L.F, SKZ}
chapter 12
summary: when texting your friends new number turns to you making friends with a memelord and his friends
warnings: fluff, crack, very bad sense of humor, angst if you squint, a lot of swearing
a/n: hi guys, ik ive been gone for months so heres a update, currently my phone is still broken so im trying to find apps that works well. the app im using currently for the texts is very bugged so im tryna be patient, there will also be less twt au’s bc i need to redo all the profiles so bare with me 😭. but anyway im back now so ill update a few times a week (no promised tho). if u want drop a comment on the story so far and how i can improve it :)
the app i used for this bugged and i really didnt wanna redo it for like the 5th time, really sorry to anyone whos confused.
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posallys · 5 months
ok 1 ur desktop theme is GORG and 2 i need (if u wanna) ur thoughts about the show (or show sally in gen bc ur the only one i trust with her)
thank you!! i was actually thinking about updating it but maybe i wont 🤭🤭 and i have a lot of thoughts about the show except none only very few of them are good and i will be crucified by the 13-year-olds
im going to tell you anyway.
i will start with something i like....percy being angry. like yes give me the anger of a 12 year old who feels utterly alone in the world and doesn't understand (or does and it makes him more angry)
the fight scenes are dog shit. the only kind of cool one was in the arch but it was only cool because of percy doing the bait and switch and falling through the arch...the fights are bland boring sucky whatever other synonym you wanna use
uhhhhh sally jackson is not and would never be sitting in the rain pining of the god she told to leave....and especially not to teen pop...if she WERE going to act like a 16 year old and do the pining thing it would be to fucking like...billy joel and ricky martin and donny hathaway and stuff llike that okay...
i will preface this by saying that yes i understand that talking back to an abuser the way sally does in ep 1 doesn't make the abuse less abusive....however i DO not like the fact that that scene explicitly goes against sally characterization in the books....i am not digging my book out atm but the part where percy is like "my mother has never raised her voice or said an unkind word to anyone"....me thinks the writers all read the books 10 years ago and are going off of memory alone + or their brains are so clouded by the obsessive Big Screen Need to make women a badass girlboss slay queen i fucking hate it here
LET ANNABETH BE SILLY AND FUNNY AND CUTE AND CRY AND NOT BE AN ADULT THANK YOU....hated that they made annabeth the one to realize that it was medusa and not grover...give me back grover having to wrangle percy and annabeth into backpack leashes just to keep them on task/stop them from wandering off...book trio i miss you
i absolutely ADORE leah, walker, and aryan though the three of them are so so perfect, A+ casting no notes couldn't have done it better myself. if it weren't for the three of them i would have zero hope for the show i cannot lie...they're carrying. without them it's just..bad.
the pacing???? bad.
why did we waste half of the 4th ep on the train with echidna...stupid dumb pointless i hate it here
i do like the whole not all monsters are monsters and the gods aren't inherently good just because they're gods thing they've got going on though...very inch resting...silently hoping that they do a complete 180 and have percy side with luke and redo the series from there because that would be iconic as fuck <3 a girl can dream because at least then i could take the show at face value and not take 80 health damage every time they mess up a key part of the books...im at -29834 heath rn.
where was the time at chb before the quest??? the oh so important vital scene where luke teaches percy to sword fight???? like BRO that's soooooooooooo important to ME how could you get rid of that
not having annabeth show percy around camp
additionally, not having annabeth feed him the nectar and ambrosia, WHICH BY THE WAY they haven't even mentioned in the show yet...plot armor gone rip
not the fredrick chase sympathy while simultaniously blaming the woman...........rick when i get my hands on you...
annabeth having to EARN thalia's love??? absolutely not probably one of their biggest fuck ups fr.
the scene where sally is talking about Poseidon to percy...i do not like it sam i am. bad. not wistful enough not longing enough not sad enough not gut wrenching enough...also not completely here for sally telling percy that his dad was a god because....sallys whole thing was NOT telling him in order to keep him safe...i know they changed it in the show so sally knew he was going to camp immediately but that does not mean i have to like it
the scene with sally and percy in the pool. i hated everything about that. sally would never talk to percy like that never talk to him about money never make it seem embarassing NOT TO MENTION that percy simply wasn't scared of the water. that's stupid as fuck. theres a part in the book where percy literally says being by the water calms both him and his mom like...come the fuck on just admit you can't fucking read or at least didn't read the book.
sally annabeth get behind me so they cant hurt you anymore
i did loveeeee percy praying to sally though...absoutely insane and true of them. also the "I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" yesss baby you tell them about your mommy!!!!!!
them making athena moa level bad in tlt is quite interesting. setting up annabeth siding with percy pretty well.
also the whole impertinence thing over medusa's head was weird to me. when annabeth first said that i had immediately thought that annabeth's impertinence was telling percy to pray to poseidon IN ATHENA'S TEMPLE bc that made much more sense to me...but whatever
the annabeth/medusa parallel is intriguing at the very least
the underwater scene with the neraid was cool even though i hated the parallel to the pool scene w/ sally.
the dumbass pinecone fate line. 0/10 did you read the book? did you pay attention to how empathetic and reflective percy was when he found out about thalia?
honestly....i think disney was just the wrong place to go with this show because it's like what...pg? it should be pg 13 and should have more... sustenance.
this medusa was so cool though. which we could've seen a fight.
i need to know how many women are in the writer's room though...because It Does Not Look Good. funny how the characters that they're fucking up are all women....crazy. weird. totally coincidental.
are we just not going to talk about the vitality and pressure of getting the bolt back on time? where is the inherent inevitable danger, the suspense, the fear of not accomplishing a seemingly impossible talk looming over everything
this is 10000% not all of my thoughts but im not going to rewatch in order to collect them all so this is what you get xoxox
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