#so i was like........... u and bakugo FOUGHT???
serxinns · 8 months
Yandere Villkan Bakusquad Vs hero Dekusquad pt 2
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: Yandere behaviors, Stalking, deep obsession, taking pictures without consent, and touching without permission
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(I do not support or encourage this behavior AT ALL if somebody you know is acting similarly to this, Please cut all contact with them and stay safe this is NOT healthy)
Vil Bakusquad
•They would do anything to get your attention and destroy buildings even torture another Villian just to send you the video and send it to you to see your scared expression
(hehe this was Lady-ashfade idea 😈)
•If you ever had merch they will completely rob that store that sells it dry nobody needs your merch other than Them
•they have a room filled with photos, Items, and merch dedicated to you and they can't wait to show you it when they capture you again
•while battling they'll always be so dazed and distracted when you are trying to fight them or other villains, The way the wind makes hair flow in a badass way, the way your hero suit looks on you while fighting, and how hot you look when ur Hero suit is all messed up showing parts of your skin (don't u dare act sus 🤨📸)
Needless to say, they're all flustered and immediately taking pictures
•even if you get pissed at them for ruining and city putting people at risk they'll still find it cute even when you yell at them, they just can't help it you look like a puppy throwing a fit and the way your cheeks puff up and you turn red makes them wanna pick your little cheeks and kiss them!
• They get super jealous if another villain tries to replace them or tries to plan on kidnapping you or try to destroy you they'll be so enraged and the next thing you know you see that the villain you fought on the news they were found bones broken and neck twisted its a MESS
•Bakugo is the mean but soft type he would always degrade u saying how weak of a hero you are just to get you riled up even more just to see that cute face Bakugod that type
•Kirishima is the good cop bad cop type he always tries to convince you that being a villain is much safer and that Dekusquad are the bad guys and he's also bakugos right-hand man he's pretty much of a delusional type he thinks ur getting corrupted by these hero's you call "Friends" and need to be saving so they could teach you the rights and wrongs
•Denki loves to tease and flirt with you while in battle trying to make you he's the type to say the most unhinged thing without hesitation so he can see your reactions and coo at them his favorite is when you get scared he loves to see you flustered, embarrassed or scared it makes him have that shit-eating grin
Sero is more of a manipulative and possessive type he seems like a chill person who just goes along with the group but deep inside is just as obsessive as the rest of them dude would get angry easily every time he sees you talk with someone and when your away he beats them up and tapes them up somewhere
•Mina is clingy and a bit sadist type she is always taunted. about how much of how cute you are in your hero suit and fantasize about how she wanna use her acid to burn your costume and maybe your skin
•Bakusquad would always try to find a way to "Take you away from harm" but the Dekusquad was like "HELL NO" and always ruined their plans, For example, bakugo and Kirishima were going to get you while you were alone he planned that if they snatch u up while it's alone then no one will find you it was just when the 2 boys were about to jump out he saw todoroki and his worse enemy Deku walking beside you and bakugo and Kirishima glared at how Deku and Todoroki were looking at you like you were there's how Deku was holding your hand and shoots arm was wrapped around your shoulders Kirishima snarled while bakugo growled how dare that scum gets to touch what's theirs but no worries if they ever get you they'll never let you go
Hero Dekusquad
•Ever since Bakusquad has taken a like over you they have been more protective than ever
•Iida insisted that you should train more with him( even on the weekends) and give you advice about how to protect yourself and would give you things like pepper spray, hidden weapon items, and even a taser! Even if you reassure them that you'll be ok he'll always excuse the "you'll never know what will happen"
•izuku and Shoto will take turns walking you to your house checking around their surroundings and making sure that nobody is following you home once you get home they'll secretly stay around your house checking if the bakusquad will come to Shoto convince you to get a ring camera in your house just in case.
•Ochako was like ur knight and shining armor as much as she swoons over you saving her she also wanted to protect you she always wanted a sleepover cause she's scared (and to make sure no villains will break in) When you go to sleep she makes sure that every door, window and even attic is locked up tight she watches out in the night to be sure that mine doesn't hang around on those trees or Kirishima secretly taking photos
•Tsuyu is like Uraraka but a bit more chill Uraraka she'll also make excuses to sleep in your room to protect you and will reassure you that no villain is going to get you and the 2 of you cuddle up while Tsuyu sings you to sleep or either give u cute head pats if Uraraka come over as well she'll bake sweets for the 2 of you and watch movies to get your fear off villains ever coming here
•The dekusquad all live together while u live alone but like a few blocks away from their house
• izuku and Shoto will also help you when you training with Iida Izuku hyping you up and showing you new moves to try out while Shoto makes sure you drink plenty of water and helps you take a break maybe massages ur shoulders or brings you somewhere relaxing and quiet once our training is done
• Mina, Ochako, and Tsuyu would always bicker with each other about who knows y/n more and who they prefer is safer
Ochako: what do you know about y/n you haven't been hanging out as much as We do
Mina: Oh really ~ *Shows them a scrapbook* This is all the photos we had together! (There are pictures of y/n sleeping and y/n going into their favorite restaurant and even changing)
Tsuyu: *Gets pissed* that's stalking not Getting to know them you psycho! *kero*
Mina: Same thing 🙄
*Boys version
Bakugo: give it up damn Deku just give us the little hero and no one gets hurt *Does an evil smirk*
Izuku: Back away kaccha they're safe with us who knows what you'll do to them!
Kirishima: Oh please like heroes are any better
Shoto: we aren't that type of hero so might as well back off
Denki *Giggles maniacally* or what? Y/n is gonna be with us sooner or later~
Iida: As If!
Sero: Our Amor is gonna come with us whether you like it or not
•If you talk with any hero they'll quickly make an excuse just to pull you away from them as possible if a hero ever tries to be mean or bully you for not being "Good enough" then they'll blackmail that hero so their life will be ruined and would even out some fake rumors here and there
•They would break any law just to make sure you are happy using ur quirk without permission? No worries bribe the boss! Do buildings get destroyed due to your quirk? spread a rumor that some villains did it, accidentally kill a villain? shoto gonna be hiring some good lawyers
•In conclusion they loved you dearly and wouldn't trade anything in the world for you even if those nasty villains get a hand on you They would be dead the second they found them~"
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Pro-hero Katsuki Bakugo x Pro-hero Black fem reader
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day and they enjoy themselves. I decided since I posted my first work earlier today why not provide a second one.
Synopsis: What happens when you fight fire with fire? You and Katsuki are the epitome of hatred. But when you are tired of his shit, what happens when fire meets fire?
Warnings: Dick in pussy, degrading, slight use of quirk play, nipple play, and swallowing, office sex, hate sex, nutting on ass, use of the word daddy ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP.
"Goddammit Katsuki! You always have to come and fuck up some shit dude! I told u I fucking had it! Now this bitch got away!" you screamed at the top of your lungs because again, Katsuki decided he wanted to take your shine away and paint you as a damsel in distress. You work for the top hero just like he does and can do the exact same things that he can but better!
"You sure about that brat?! Cause from the looks of it, you were about to get crushed like a fucking pancake until I saved your crying ass. So how about a little less bitching and a little more thanking since I saved you life!"
"You didn't save shit! I fucking had it. Now because you did that stupid shit dude got away. Not only did dude get away but you let that bitch Mirko get him and bring him to justice! MIRKO KATSUKI!!! OF all fucking heroes you let that nigga slip into her hands to bring him to justice."
You HATED THAT BITCH MIRKO. Since you guys were elementary-aged kids' you guys always had this fucking rivalry. Deep down you knew she was always better than you and you hated to admit that. And the fact that you guys had been going at it since yall were fucking kids and today was another mark on her Talley chart you were fucking heated! I mean heated so bad that the center of the earth would be damn cold because you were so fucking pissed of at him. You guys fought all the way back to the damn agency. Everyone knows you and Katsuki and oil and water but when you guys work together with your quirks, you guys are fucking unstoppable, which is why when the number one hero, Hawks added you guys on after graduation you were honored. There was so much paperwork that had to be filled out because you and Katsuki both had injuries and made kind of a big mess. It was late when people started dwindling out of the office when one of your mentors, Hellcat, stopped by your desk.
"Working late again sugar plum? You know it's not good to work all the damn time"
Taking in a deep heavy sigh " I know Auntie. But this work has to be done and I'm trying to take my mind off what happened earlier. I can't believe he did that goofy ass shit and let dude get away."
"You know baby, in watching the fight back again, he was actually right to defend you"
You looked at her surprised because you couldn't believe what she just said. She said that Bakugo had the right to defend you. That's fucking horse shit. "What!? Auntie that's crazy. Mans is self-centered and always wants to take my shine away. He's done it before so why is this time any different?"
"Well, that's part of being a hero. Accepting your flaws. Now I know both of you are fire. I went back to look at the fight and from the outside looking in, he did save you. You were about to take a huge hit that could've possibly killed you but you didn't because he did what he did. Sure, both of you came out bruised and a few buildings destroyed but if he hadn't, we would be planning a funeral right now for you. See you in the AM"
With that she left and really left you wondering why he decided to save your life. To think since you started working here 7 months ago and have been arguing with this man consistently and now he saved your life? Thats crazy. So, you decided to get on YouTube to see what Auntie was talking about. You typed i your hero name and the most recent fight popped up.
Dynamite saves hero name again. In reading the caption and the comments people were clowning you. They were saying how you should have not decided to be a hero but you should have done something else. It hurt. To see the people that you wanted to protect say such nasty cruel things about you hurt. You swallowed your pride and went to Bakugo's office. Upon nearing his office you could faintly hear him typing away on the computer. You knocked on the door.
"What?" Damn. This man is mean and doesn't have any fucking manners to just be saying what to people who want to talk.
"It's Y/N. Can I come in?"
"I don't fucking care". With that being said you opened the door and spoke to him. He mumbled something but you weren't able to hear what it was. He was focused on whatever the fuck he was doing on his fucking computer. Man didn't even look up once. You took the time to really study his features. Man was not ugly. He had a nice jawline, beautiful intense red eyes, and an undercut that you could see with the way he was angling his head. T-shirt that was tight enough to show his muscles, grey sweats that kind of hung low and some nike slides. He must've just taken a shower because he looks so good and looks like he is determined to finish whatever shit that he has going on.
"Thank you"
He looked up and cocked his eyebrow like he was confused.
"Saving me. I went back and rewatched the fight with the villain earlier and I see how you came in and saved me. I appreciate it. If you had not done what you did I would completely be dead as fuck. Maybe you could help me train, considering those comments on YouTube about me are fucking nasty"
"What comments?" You went over to his desk to pull up YouTube. You pulled up the video, played it for him and showed him exactly what they were saying about you.
"Dynamite saves H/N. She sucks. He's going to be a fire ass pro hero. Sis is gone be like Daphne on Scooby Doo, the damsel in distress. Dynamite is fine as fuck. H/N is cute but her getting caught a lot makes her kind of dumb. H/N gradated at the top of her class at UA? More like on top of the monkey bars at the park because she's childish. " Hearing him read those comments out loud hurt a lot more when its read out loud than read silently. He could tell you're unconfortable so he decided to help.
"Oi.. you not trash. But you could be better. We jut have to work on your defense. Thats all. But you could stop getting your ass kicked every now and again "
"Well thanks. I still fucking hate you tho. But seriously. I am not a fucking damsel in distress. Sometimes I can take care of myself but what you did today was needed. "
"How are you going to tell me thank you then proceed to be a brat in the fucking process?"
"How are you going to be an asshole while I'm thanking you for saving my life? I bet you liked reading those fucking negative comments about me didn't you?"
He gave me a little smirk "I mean.. in a way they weren't wrong" God you felt so fucking offended. You were trying to thank him for saving your life and he round here playing like he ain't got no fucking common sense.
"Whatever. fuck you nigga" As you started to walk out, he grabbed your wrist. You looked at this man like he lost his fucking marbles. "what the fuck is you doing?! Let my wrist go ass"
"Oi..stop being such a fucking crybaby. You signed up for the wrong profession if you gone let some random motherfuckers make u cry like a baby"
"Are you serious? That shit they said is fucking rude and disrespectful. Not only that nobody likes your punk ass either. They to busy gawking over how big your dick is, if you have one, and how cute you are. They dont like yo bitch ass"
"WOW. Who said I dont have a big dick? If you wanna see it all you have to do is ask princess" he said smugly while he had a smirk on his face that made him look like a fucking god.
The name princess just kinda made you feels some kind of way. It made your cheeks blush red as a rose and your pussy started to get a heartbeat.
" For your information, I think your genitals are smooth like Barbie Ken because you act like a bitch and can't do anything right! Second of all, don't fucking call me princess. Third, fuck you. I'm officially leaving. You can try and find another partner who can put up with yo shit. Nigga im out."
The way he looked at you like you just pissed him off with that comment about barbie Ken.
"What the fuck did u say about my dick brat?"
You scoffed with a smirk "Hoe I said that you act like a bitch and you are so bitch made that you don't have a dick. You don't have anything down there where ya dick should be because you are a bitch. B.I.T.C.H" As you spelled out bitch and pointed to his face and pushed his chest with your pointer finger when you spelled out bitch. And boy oh boy did that piss him off beyond fucking repair. It happened so fucking fast that you didn't even see it coming. He stepped close to you and grabbed your throat and pushed you onto his desk, grabbed your throat to make you look at him and he looked deep into your eyes.
"You are such a fucking brat and I hate it. Like I said crybaby if you cant handle rejection and people talking crazy, then you need to pick a different profession. Stop doing that shit man. Fucking ridiculous. If you wanted to personally see my dick, then you could've just asked but no you have to go be a brat."
The whole time he was yelling at you, you couldn't help but think of all the nasty freak shit you wanted him to do to you. He just manhandled you in his office you're soaking wet like Niagra Falls. He leaned into your ear and said something that shook you to the core.
"Since you wanna know about my dick so bad princess, why don't I give it to you?" he said as he slightly bit the lobe of your ear and also dropped his voice deeper than normal. You don't know what came over you but you turned completely submissive. To let him have whatever he wants with you.
"Fuck. You can do what you want Katsuki. I don't care. you have permission to break me like an egg."
"Good girl" and he picked u up and pushed you onto the table. Spreading your legs so he had enough access to feel your core throbbing and being soaking wet for him. He kissed you passionately. His lips were soft and warm. His kiss was fierce with passion but gentle. He licked the bottom of your lip to gain access to your mouth. The make-out session became heated as he was grouping you and kissing dow your jawline and then moved to your neck.
"You so fucking sexy. You know that?" he whispered to me while he was starting to unbutton my shirt. The way my hero costume is you have to unbutton it from the front. We're working on a new costume anyway. He unbuttoned the top half of my uniform to reveal my bra that had the girls sitting up there like I had surgery.
"Fuck these titties are pretty. When was the last time you had someone suck on em?" he asked as he popped a pretty pierced brown nipple into his mouth. You moaned at the feeling because it had been a minute since you'd had a mans touch. Honestly, you hadn't had any action since you stopped dealing with Denki.
"Fuck.. I-shit.. it's been a minute. God that feels good." He took that as a cue to pop the other nipple in his mouth and kneed your tit like he was making biscuits. It felt so fucking good. Here you are, being submissive to Katsuki Bakugo, AKA, Dynamite because he was making you feel good as fuck and also about to possibly fuck you senseless into the new year.
"You got me all hard and shit. Look" He pulled back so you could see his hard-on through his sweats. And he looked fucking massive. "You did this shit and now you're gonna fix it. Get on your knees princess."
You did as told and got on your knees. He whipped his dick out and it was so impressive that it had you speechless. It was pretty. It was long and thick with a massive vein on the topside of the shaft. Very suckable. You immediately got to fucking work. You used two hands to hone into the dick and suck it like your life depended on it.
"Fuck... Like that princess. Spit on it baby" You spit on it. Made sure to go all the way up to his tip and suck antagonizing slowly. "If you keep that up im coming... Shit." with that he nutted in your mouth. You swallowed all of it like a good girl and decided to keep sucking after he came. You spit his cum back on his dick and slurped some more and made him come again. You didn't even need prepping with how big his dick was.
"Hurry up and fuck me please." you whined. Man oh man was he taking his sweet everlasting time with you. He grabbed you by your throat and provided a super sloppy kiss to you and then started to pull the pants down from your hero suit. Soon as he did, it was a large wet spot. Clearly you were soaked by being manhandled.
" Damn princess. You're soaked and I haven't fucked you yet" You let out a loud whine because you were tired of being teased. He teases you all fucking day for 7 months to be teased again while attempting to get fucked. He didn't even need to prep you because you sucking his dick and picturing his face while he put his hot cum down your throat was amazing. Made your pussy wet like fucking Niagra Falls. He turned you around so you were facing the back of his office with your ass facing him. He gave your ass a nice smack.
"Smack it again" He smacked it again and again. "Babe smack it again with your quirk activated" He looked at you with a mischievous grin. "You sure about that princess. Might be a little much for you to handle."
"Dammit I-" before you could even attempt to complain you heard little pops coming from his palm. Before you knew it, he activated his quirk and smacked your ass. "Fuck...do it again baby" He smacked your ass with his quirk activated a few more times before he stopped and placed a kiss to the red ass cheek. He finally put the tip to your entrance. You started throbbing before he could even do anything.
"look at you. being so fucking needy for me" he finally stuck the tip of the dick in and it felt fucking amazing. "Damn princess. Didn't realize you would be this tight" He bottomed out and started moving hella slow.
"katsuki.. please move" he let out a chuckle. "since you said please. your wish is my command." He started to really fuck you. And I mean fuck you! The man was rearranging guts that you didn't know you fucking had. You were rocking forwards so hard from him thrusting into you that you damn near knocked his computer over.
"Yes... Fuck..Ohh" you damn near screamed because he was fucking you so good. Fucking you better than Denki ever could. "Thats it. Right there."
"right here?" he asked as he sped up his pace and smacked your ass and activated his quirk. "you nasty slut. you like taking this big dick huh?"
you could barely talk and managed to squeak out a "yes daddy" as he fucked you into oblivion.
"this is for calling me a cunt when they first partnered us together." smack to the ass. Every time he smacked your ass he knew you like when he activated his quirk. "This is for talking about my dick" smack. "this is for letting the sled monster go" smack. This next smack was lethal and had you on the brink of coming everywhere. "this is for almost getting yourself killed earlier today and being a brat about it."
"ohh shit, I'm sorry! fff-fuck you feel so damn good baby" you cried out. "its to much baby...I can't" you wailed out. It hurt but it felt so fucking good. He was putting you on cloud 9 and scrambling your eggs to oblivion.
"take it baby" was all he said before he out one leg on the desk and started to really plow into your pussy. "fuck.. Im coming, im coming, im coming!" you cried out.
"Do it. Come all over my fingers princess. Make a mess for me." with that you had the biggest orgasm of your life! "pull out and cum on my ass daddy!" he pulled out and came all over your plumb brown ass cheeks. Best dick of your life! You also didn't fake it. You let him hit and he gave you a fucking orgasm that has you on cloud 9. Both of you breathing heavily you took the opportunity to look at him.
"You are so fucking fine but such an ass. I can't believe you got good dick and you just scrambled my eggs like that" you laughed. He laughed too and just smirked. "I fucked the great Dynamite, AKA Katsuki Bakugo."
"well if you like it.. how about we do it more? I'll pick you up this weekend and we can go out so you can get some more. If you act like a brat you wont get shit."
You pondered about it for a second. "What if I want to act like a brat? Will my punishment be you fucking me to the oblivion again?"
"Only one way to find out princess," he smirked at you. "Be ready because when I come get you we going to eat."
"Fine" you planted a small kiss on his lips and sat on the desk while he went back to doing what the fuck he was doing on the computer.
@fantasydaydreamers @dabisqueen This is the second oneshot I wrote. I hope you enjoy. Wanted to tag yall that's all lol
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anicaaa67 · 4 months
The battle we struggle together
TW: sh, sad bakugou, angst/comfort, reverse comfort *not proof read* lots of grammar mistakes
"damn it," Bakugou said Angrily in his mind. This is the third time he's gotten this problem wrong. And it was pissing him off almost to The Verge of Tears. he's been a lot more angry, depressed, and emotional the last few weeks, and he's not sure why. he's just been feeling like such a failure semi: not just because of school, but he relapsed a month ago and has been beating himself up over it. he had been so far free for 3 months, and it absolutely broke him to be in the same spot he fought so hard to get out of.  He sat on the floor, staring at the problem. He'd been trying to solve for over an hour. "I hate myself," He whispered, Audible defeat in his voice. throwing the homework onto his floor, he slumped deeper into the corner, head and hands wishing he had a gun to his head. "I hate myself," He mumbled over and over again until he reached into his bottom drawer and reached for his blade. gripping it tightly with a dead expression, he rolled his sleeves up and began to drag the blade quickly. But forcefully against his bare cold skin.  He could see the cuts he was making a new. He shouldn't be doing this yet. It was so addicting that he gave him relief. It gave him purpose. his brain was yelling him. Just one more, and it'll be done just 1 more. When he was finally done, He threw off his old longsheaf shirt. He was wearing which was now covered in blood. And he threw on a black skull hoodie to cover the new scars he had just made. He wishes he could be better. He wishes He wouldn't be like this. He wishes he wasn't so angry and overreactive. He wishes, He had never started cutting himself. He wishes that he was better at school. He wishes that he was someone else. He wishes he was dead. He finally got himself together composed. And calm like he'd always been shown to everyone else. He kept his composure, but yet was angry at the same time. he went downstairs into the dorm kitchens and tried to get something to eat. Even though he had been struggling with an eating disorder for the last few months, he thought that maybe eating something would make him feel less guilty about the things he'd been doing to his arms. he got downstairs, and nothing made him look good. Everything there made him sick this stomach. He couldn't even look inside the fridge any longer, so he shut it. He knew that if he tried to eat anything, he would end up throwing it up later that night. so he just sat there staring out into the window. Cause he swear he saw someone out there. He's probably just saying things he told himself. It was 5 in the morning. He just then realized that he was gonna have to get up in an hour for training. "Another night sleeplest." He told himself. "Bakugou?" You said concerned that why your friend was up at 3 in the morning. "Why are u awake?" you questioned. "Uh, I was checking g for food.." He shyly answered you, his cheeks blushing, but you couldn't tell because of the lack of light in the kitchen. "Well I'm worried about you, I went to get water and I heard you talking to yourself... some.. not so nice things about yourself" you stated waiting for what the blond would say. You were used to being angry loud and obnoxious. All the time, but somehow you would still caught feelings for him. as he waited for response. He put his head in his hands and slowly lowered himself onto the floor, almost like he was gonna pass out. "Bakugou?! whats wrong??" You said well quickly mealing down next time. Somehow by encouraging bakugo and The fact that it was 3 in the morning he agreed to let you in to his dorm so you guys could talk about him and what he was going through. granted bakugo didn't really wanna talk about anything he just wanted to be with you.
A/N: hey guys this is purely self indulgent and needed to write smth to get my head out from reality. hope this helps someone🤍 also I had to make it two parts cuz my story was too long😭
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
You will do a character/personality analysis of Shinomori, Banjo and En?
I already did some analyses of these guys, but I think I'm gonna put down this masterlist of what I can pull off the top of my head so far
In relation to posts I made, got asked about, or reblogs about the vestiges and analysis/reading comprehension, from what I can remember,
(Edit: this is a list I'm updating as time goes. Does not include the AFO posts I make [I also like that guy])
En being a product of the time he grew up in
En being cut in half by AFO and not OFA
This ask about if I think En has an anxiety disorder
En and Shinomori's vol 41 illustrations
Shinomori being cute and also some character stuff
Shinomori and Hood should've been the same person
Shinomori was a weirdo
Shinomori and Bruce can be related (appearance and similar character/habits)
This ask about Shinomori being Bruce's nephew
Banjo is a Vigilante, not a Pro Hero
Banjo is where AFO realized taking OFA needed more
Banjo word vomit from an ask asking if he wears a clown mask over his problems
Kudo's really kind
Kudo and Lady Nagant
(Extra point to Kudo-Nagant parallels- THEIR QUIRKS. When they used them, they shot bullets FROM THEIR ARMS and could make the bullet go WHERE THEY WANTED. Nagant by skill, Kudo by Ability)
Kudo, OFA, and "San-San-Kudo" symbolism
Kudo and Bakugo look alike
Kudo and Bakugo resemble each other in s7 too
Kudo and Bruce have eyebags
Kudo smiles like a muppet
Kudo makes funny expressions
Kudo is so short he tucks his pants in
The temptation to write about Kudo knowing nothing about babies and getting one thrown on him in the Resistance era + opening paragraphs
AFO hating Kudo while also being scared shitless
Me over a Kudo cameo
How Kudo fell when Yoichi died, and Kudo and Bruce's different reactions
The foreshadowing of why AFO can't hate strongly, with reference to Kudo
Just a mention in tags about what if Kudo was AFO's soulmate in a Soulmate AU
The Resistance were squatters
Me realizing Kudo's anti-AFO group is actually nameless
Bruce is hot but also has great character
This ask about Bruce's smile
The contrast between the only two times we see Bruce smile (as of ch 424)
Baby u r my angel (Bruce) + tags about being in Bruce's shoes
Some pics of Bruce at bad angles (+ he got the Ojiro treatment)
Me in the tags over Bruce fanart
Why Yoichi can be considered the older twin
Me in the tags when Yoichi shows up as a vestige in s7 ep 12
Some Yoichi-Midoriya parallels
AFO seeing Yoichi in Mineta of all people
Me mentioning people should consider Yoichi, AFO, and their mom in a red light district AU setting
3 reasons for why All Might couldn't find information on the first Three (Yoichi, Kudo, Bruce)
Me going buckwild over a Yoichi and Kudo gif and breaking tag containment
Yoichi + Kudo to Midoriya + Bakugo parallels in the [holding out a hand] scenes
Even as a vestige, Yoichi couldn't look AFO in the eye until Kudo was with Yoichi
The first Three's appearances in s7 ep 13
S7 ep 13 and Midoriya punches AFO with the power of rainbows, right after Yoichi and Kudo appear
*COUGH* Kudo Yoichi Bruce dynamic reblog *COUGH*
Me in the tags looking for rare content about the first Three
Me in the tags over the parallels of Orpheus and Eurydice, to Yoichi, AFO, and Kudo
Me asking if OC-centric fics exist, set in the times of vestiges
Chronological events based off AFO's chase of the past vestiges
Why OFA users are good bases for High-Ends
When the vestiges are smiling without any stressors. Just. Smiling. Oh my gosh-
A point in this post about how determination to beat AFO was what remained of the vestiges
Reblog of post that showed Bruce was crying when he fought AFO
Reblog of a post where Midoriya manages to kill 7 dead people (the vestiges)
Me in the tags wishing Ultra Analysis had pages of the other vestiges
Me in the tags about Horikoshi having detailed backstories for the vestiges and not giving them
My pinned post, which involves a masterlist for my BNHA OC fic stuff (all involve the vestiges, and set in their time periods)
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heronoegg · 8 months
If u wanna, could you evaluate on how Ojiro the sports festival in your au? Now that you've mentioned it I'm really curious to know how that would've gone down :D
me and my friend wanted to include all the kid's that didn't get to fight in the sports fes so we made a really big tournament bracket (it is called the whole mama tournament bracket . png on my computer)and decided in every single bracket who would win and why so Bakugo was the winner of bracket one and Ojiro was the winner of bracket two
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excuse Tanaka from haikyuu being there we included Bakugo's middle school friends in UA and didn't have a picture of the kid with the red wings so we just used Tanaka as a place holder
i don't really remember who Ojiro fought cause this was kinda a bit ago but since Todoroki passed out Bakugo won but passed out as well which automatically made Ojiro 3rd place or 4th place or something like that but he got a medal
my friend said it was Ojiro vs Jotaro in the last round and Ojiro won
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keiskake · 1 year
uhm uhm.
First of all i wanna tell u that i love your work a lot honey!
so, if it's ok with u, can you write a bakugou x gamer!reader ??
like when they both arrive home after UA and just start playing games together with the others (kirishima , sero , mina , tsuyu , denki...etc. those dudes you know)
and at the weekends when they all come to the readers house (yeaaaa we're rich hehehe ) to play games together such as football games and stuff ?
and actually i cant stop thinking about how fun and funny would be the whole bakusquad playing an among us game bro :))))
hope im not asking for a lot of things, if you're not comfortable about writing that just forget about it, honey!!
thx a lot.
a/n ~ thank you so much i'm really glad you enjoy my work, genuinely means the whole world to me. i wanted to firstly apologise that it took so long for me to respond to your request, and secondly your idea is amazing rui! the way the bakusqaud would play games would be similar to how an OTV video, very chaotic. i split the ideas into three segments so i hope i've done your great idea justice.
bakugo (ft bakusquad and their respective colors) x gamer!reader (gn)
at some point during dorm life you and bakugo were able to gain permission from aizawa to install a gaming console in the main living area. aizawa most likely just caved in because he couldn't be bothered to fight the two of you, given how stubborn you both were. so low and behold, a game console for class 1-A.
the class was split in the middle, those who played (bakusquad) and those who watched (the extras). smash bros caused the most chaos between the group, especially when there were teams involved. you and bakugo always fought whilst playing, mainly bakugo yelling that you stole his kill or stole his no.1 title. so you preferred to team up with mina though bakugo was always against it since you were his. but gossiping with mina whilst killing off kirishima and denki was the absolute life. sero would team with denki just to taunt him and laugh at him. when denki is tired of losing he'd just suck all the electricity out via his quirk, and bakugo would probably blast him for it. it was entertainment for the rest of the class, and a great way to blow off steam after a long day of classes.
sometimes on the weekends, bakugo will come to your house to hang out. the both of you are very competitive. for example, in your house there is a mario kart arcade machine and you love wiping the floor with a road raging bakugo. "OI DUMBASS DID YOU THROW THAT FUCKIN' RED SHELL???". "HOW DARE YOU GO IN FRONT OF ME YOU EXTRA?!". "GET OFF MY ROAD AND DIE."
you know, the usual. when you win he'll reluctantly give you kisses, putting his love before his pride. and on some occasions the whole bakusquad will come over and fawn over your game room. DDR machines, air hockey tables and of course the whack a mole contraception (as an add on, the whack a mole heads are changable, so y/n owns everyone's head in 1-A in a whack a mole form). bakugo and kirishima would be extremely likely to break one of your game machines, bakugo would start the process and kirishima would try and stop him but actually add fuel to the fire. sero and mina would absolutely kill DDR, there's no argument against that. denki would just take a bunch of pictures, pretending that it was his home on his socials.
and this is how a game of among us would go, everyone is in the same room but in different corners. instead of typing during meetings they would just shout at one another across the room.
"bakugo did you kill kirishima?"
"c'mon man, not cool."
"vote you out, duhhh."
"don't you DARE vote me out pinky freak."
"i'm with mina on this one."
"y/n??? you fucking traitor."
"i like to follow a valid queen."
"and this is why y/n is the favourite!"
"so blasty is going right?"
"guys please vote, being dead isn't very manly..."
"bakugo katsuki. you are out of here."
"blasty go poof."
"sorry dude."
and like that sero was thrown under the bus by bakugo, both were imposters and sero was left to fend for himself. but crewmates won, avenging kirishima's death. this would go on for about 3 hours before night would come and your classmates would go home. but this would be a bakusquad tradition. rooted from you and bakugo.
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theshinazugawaslut · 4 months
could u also do it the other way around with three characters u love from each anime watched?
a/n: i'm genuinely so surprised all y'all want my opinions on this stuff xxx
Bakugo Katsuki (my glorious carmine-eyed king, they could never make me hate you. he genuinely has some of the best writing and development i've ever seen, and i love characters who have boatloads of ambition.)
Todoroki Touya/Dabi (what a fucking guy, he's got such dramatic flair and his design is genuinely so sick. his backstory makes me sob every time but he's just so amazing. his writing is genuinely so brilliant, too!)
Midoriya Izuku/Deku (him, Katsuki, and Shoto really emphasise what it means to be a hero in different ways but Izuku contradicts typical hero society at its core. and he's a hero at his own core, too, and i love him so much for it!)
special mentions: todoroki shoto, hawks/takami keigo, all might, kirishima eijirou, aizawa shouta, shigaraki tomura/tenko shimura, nana shimura, tamaki amajiki/suneater, yaoyorozu momo, himiko toga, rody soul
Sanemi Shinazugawa (was there ever a fucking doubt? my goat, my king, my lord, my saviour, my husband, my everything in this world. writing, backstory, design, voice is mwah mwah mwah)
Tanjiro Kamado (he's such a beautiful, pure-hearted soul, i could go on about him for years. if you don't like tanjiro, you're probably genuinely a dickhead)
Mitsuri Kanroji (sweetest girl in the whole world, i feel as though her character is very universal whilst simultaneously being unique. though i feel like people constantly put her down a dumb bimbo when she's a whole ass hashira who fought an uppermoon and muzan)
special mentions: yoriichi tsugikuni, michikatsu tsugikuni, muzan kibutsuji , gyutaro shabana, lady tamayo, nezuko kamado, genya shinazugawa, kotaha hashibira, rengoku kyojuro, rengoku senjuro, sabito fujikasane
Choso Kamo (he's one of the best big brothers ever and he's the nicest boy in the whole wide world; i love his writing. best boy)
Itadori Yuuji (he deserves the whole entire fucking world, i wanna eat him up he's the goddamn cutest and he has such a kind heart i love him so much!)
Kugisaki Nobara (i love how well Gege showed her and she's the best written female character in JJK, especially how well she handles being 'feminine' and 'masculine', was very upset at her destiny)
special mentions: inumaki toge, geto suguru, sukuna ryomen/dickhead, uraume
Levi Ackerman (best character in aot hands-down, the warmest heart in the whole world and just such a cool badass to watch!)
Eren Jaeger (one of the best MC's in anime, his turn was both unexpected, devastating, and absolutely brilliant.)
Pieck Finger (I love her so much; she's so pretty and smart, like her intelligence genuinely blows me away!)
Noe Archiviste (what a fucking hottie cutie patootie. i genuinely love his positivity so, so much!)
Vanitas (he's so ethereal and mysterious, i love his aesthetic!)
Vanitas (except the majestical one who raised the MC Vanitas; they/she/he were so fucking cool!)
Guren (i would literally combust for him)
Shin'Ya (love this bro)
Mikaela (blondie)
Rachel Gardner (genuinely such a well-written mc and her bond with Zack was so, so good!)
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pizza-with-tomato · 10 months
Katsuki Bakugo X reader
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You and Bakugo were both similar. You both had the same character, to the great misfortune of your parents. The first time you met was in a bakery. You both wanted the same pastry. However, there was only one left. So, in front of everyone, you fought, and you, mad with rage, smashed the cake in his face. He then took the cream that was left on his face and spread it on your face. You start yelling until the baker kicks you out. The only positive point was that you were not required to refund the cake. The second time you saw each other was in Yuei. You were admitted by recommendation, so you didn't need to take the test. When you returned to class, how surprised you were when you saw him. He looked up at you, and his eyebrows instantly furrowed. You started yelling at each other for no reason.
I told you his jacket is red!
Shut up!! It is burgundy!!! ….
U….uh…guys….don't shout, everyone is looking at us! -SHUT UP DEKU!!!
LEAVE HIM ALONE !!!! …. The teachers couldn't stand you anymore. Once, during a rescue, you almost killed the victim. You argue over who will carry the victim. Bakugo or Katsuki, if you prefer, simply threw the victim at you, not wanting to exert any effort while carrying him. The victim, who was already in a bad state, almost fell to the ground because you dodged him. Fortunately Hawks was nearby, and had caught him in mid-air.
You felt your arm burn. You were on a battlefield. Literally. Your stomach suffered the blows, which did not stop. The villain was far too powerful.
He had scars all over his face. He kept burning everything that moved, including you. No matter how hard you fought, it wasn't enough. He threw you against a wall, in one blow.You felt your limbs tense. Blood was flowing everywhere. Some of your veins had exploded. You really weren't a pretty sight.The scarred villain noticed you and advanced towards you, to give you the final blow.Fire. Everywhere. Blood, fire. Your breathing was getting faster and faster, your heart was racing and suddenly stopped. You closed your eyes, ready to succumb to your injuries.You suddenly heard a loud noise. Then an explosion. You looked up and immediately recognized the figure. His silhouette. KATSUKI! He had come, he had saved you. He got the villain's attention and they moved away from you. You waited a little while, thoughtful. You were like a cat and a dog and yet he had tried to save you. You felt your limbs less and less. Your hands fell to the floor. He had tried to help you, if only he had come sooner, if only you had told him how you felt, if only you weren't going tonot die.
-(Y/N)!!!!!!! I FORBID YOU FROM DIE, YOU HEAR ME?!! I...if you die...I...I will kill you.
You felt your body being shaken.
-P....please! (Y/N)!!! I...I...I love you...
You wake up with a massive headache. You felt a weight on your hand. You turn your head.
You suddenly put your hand over your mouth. Katsuki slept like a baby with your fingers intertwined. You were on a hospital bed, it wasn't exactly very romantic. You looked at his sleepy face, then at your hands, entwined. You buried your hand in his hair, stroking it gently. You suddenly felt your arm being grabbed, and you rolled over onto Bakugo. You moan in pain. Your scars hurt. Your faces were very close now.
Before you could say anything more, you felt his lips crash into yours. He bit your lower lip letting his tongue meet yours. Your kiss will last for many minutes before you separate.You smile mischievously;
- So Katsuki? Do you have a little crush?
He pressed his forehead against yours.
- No, not a crush, a girlfriend.
You looked at him confused.He kissed you and smiled at you.
- I love you, idiot. You're mine.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
catie this made me giggle like real giggles AHSISJSUAUHKA I find it so funny perceiving the world based on cw tags. "yeah me and my bf had a major discussion last night, but it's all better now. we're definitely gonna keep in mind to be better at open communication 🥰" me: omg it's giving hurt/comfort, angst and happy ending vibes 🤩🤩 AHSUAHSUUSU just kidding I'm not actually like that!!!
LMFAOOO THIS IS MAKING ME LAUGH TOO cuz actually one of my cousins married her... professor? I think... and every time i see a college!au teacher x student fic i think of her kjasdkfaksd so literally... SO TRUE OMG.
but honestly tho, i feel like this is gonna (has?) put a spell on me forever now... ik you say jk (ehehe) but already when i see LIVE miscommunications i think of fics, so now it's truly just gonna be like:
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anyway anon. i love u
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nothingbutfilthx · 2 years
Katsuki bakugo- headcannons
- character is aged up 18+
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(i need to write shyt for mha after the latest manga chapter, ifykyk)
- im sorry guys but he wouldn't call you teddy bear (even though i myself am completely upset by this) 😭😖
- however, bakugo does call people by their quirks or features, i feel he'd call his s/o ; gorgeous, brat or simply just 'MINE'.
- not alot of pda in public. Some. But not alot.
- tight hugs! Warm hugs too 😍 *swoon*
- jealous. Probably will threaten to beat someones ass for looking at his girl.
- speaking of jealousy... %100 will kiss you and hold you in front of said perv. Let them know only he can kiss you
- behind closed doors. He's a sweetheart.
- (this is kinda self indulgent, im sorry ..im not) he hasn't slept well since being kidnapped, one night you two were watching a movie, the movie is halfway? And hes asleep head on your chest looking so peaceful.. from then on he sleeps with you next to him. (In his opinion best sleep ever)
- no secret hes a smart cookie, helps you study.
- training with you. Unfortunately if he wants to be the best ..he wont hold back. But he knows your more than capable of defending against him.
- protective. Is ready to fight someone to the death if it meant protecting you. He knowd youd do the same ( i would definitely protecc kats 😭 )
- bakusquad. Obvi. Bakugo is obvi alpha of the group , denki has defs called you mrs alpha before..baukugo didnt hate it , actually he took it upon himself to call you Mrs. Alpha.
- if y'all get into an argument.. he's cooking and bringing flowers to apologize to you.
- carrys you firman style or bridal.
- dates with kats are either adrenaline fueled places or somehow end up being a bakusquad group thing. (Ngl wouldnt bother me)
- hear me out. The movie 10 things i hate about you ...the paintball scene.. yeah that but bakugo 😍😭😍. (Self indulgent? Yes? Does it fit? Yes. Mind will bot be changed)
- u.a does a prom thing. Proms arent his thing but he jumped at the chance to ask you. Seeing you dressed up and glowing like a goddess.. his goddess sparked a joy in him.
- if hes stressed. Shoulder massages.
- cooking together 😍 teaches you how to cook his and your favourite meals.
- says i love you anytime you or him leaves the door.
- fought aizawa so you could sit next to him in class.. (aizawa being a secret softie caved and gave in)
- he trusts only kirishima with you.
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- katsuki be packing the finest dick. Thick cock.. lengthy too, one vein going to the head (how does one describe a dick..?🤣)
- brat tamer . Dominant as fuck.
- degrading. 'filthy whore, daddys lil slut, desperate bitch, needy cum slut'
- dont worry he also gives praise. 'good girl. Doing so good f'me. Look how pretty you look. Taking me well'
- hes the top. Definitely likes to be called master, sir or daddy.
- Markings! Hickeys. Bruises, hand prints
- choking either from his hand around your throat or his dick being down your throat either way it pleases him to see it
- filthiest dirty talk. 'like daddys cock deep in you huh babe? Feels so good in you. Cum all over my cock slut.'
- trying to be quiet? Good luck (🤣) he will thrust into you at a brutal pace to force a scream, squeal or whatever out of you. 'cmon babe louder let everyone hear how good you feel' (😳 ...hot..sh don't u judge me 🤣)
- multiple rounds. He will only finish when hes %100 sure you'll be fucked dumb or sore tomorrow.
- any position. As long as he can get a view and hear you. Hes good..if he had to pick bent over or mating press. He loves being deep in you .
- hair pulling. Wether hes hitting it from behind or your sucking him off hes pulling your hair
- headgame 😫 man will go down and eat u like a man starved. Wont stop till his face is dripping with your juices.
- stamina. He aint cumming anytime soon. He's making sure your not moving when y'all done
- he will cum anywhere. On your tits?yep. In your mouth? Yep. On your face? Yepp. In your cunt? Double yep.
- TEASER!!!!!!! Will tease you and edge you if youve sassed him or bratted him. 'aww wanna cum? Mm not yet babe..gotta make you sorry for that attitude today. Wanna cum? Apologize and beg for it'
- okay fr tho. He is absolutely the king of aftercare. He knows he is overly rough but a nice bath and clean sheets and clothes outta fix it + cuddles and whatever dessert he can find.
- drunk bakugo had admitted he'd like to tag team you with Kiri. Though you wait for his sober self to say this to act on it.
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😍 him in the jeans thoo ...ffffff ddaaaddyyyy
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you for 100 followers!! I still can't believe 100 people have liked what I've written enough to follow me asjksjkd I appreciate every single one of you and will do my best to keep producing even better content 🤍
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if you have any sweet thoughts about katsuki as a boyfriend, imma need you to leave them at the door thanks
he's not kirishima
this boy is an explosive punk
but i mean isn't that the appeal?
i do however headcanon him as a lowkey mama's boy
and you know what they say about mama's boys
how they treat their mom is how they'll treat you
hope you can keep up in an argument asjdksjsk
imma be honest
did not like you at first
but it's okay bc he doesn't like anyone at first
he doesn't like most people at all aksjsj
but somewhere along the line you became less annoying than the others
more tolerable
almost... enjoyable to be around
he even liked you more than kirishima, not that he was willing to admit it
partially bc that would mean admitting to liking kiri and he was not about to acknowledge his feelings like that
honestly it didn't hurt that you didn't seem to be afraid of him
you said hi to him whenever you saw him, and you invited him to a party you threw a while back
and your smiles were never... forced
they were genuine and kind and it didn't seem like you had anything against him??
which makes no sense bc he's
loud and explosive
even his classmates only tolerated him baby they like you and kiri and denki frickin LOVE you hush
you definitely piqued his interest
so when he found out you needed a tutor, boy nonchalantly offered to tutor you
and by nonchalantly i mean practically j u m p e d at the chance but in a way that made it seem like he was only doing it so you'd owe him
which... would be a little challenging bc he's not the most patient person in the world
but he is one of the smartest in his class so you were willing to make it work plus he's super cute soooo
surprisingly he's more patient than you thought he'd be?
he's not deku but he's not screaming at you or bonking you on the head like he did kirishima asjdkad
he actively did his best to be patient and understanding, which shocked the entire class when they found out
kiri and denki had figured out from that that katsuki liked you and immediately started encouraging him to ask you out
which obviously he fought bc no wdym i don't like anyone
l i a r
did they accept that answer? no
took a few months of them constantly pushing and risking being blown to bits before he finally accepted that he likes you
still took him a little longer before he could work up the courage to ask you out
you know he's insecure, he had to make sure you weren't going to reject him before putting himself out there like that
and considering you were painfully obvious about your crush to everyone b u t him, kiri had no problem reassuring him that you wouldn't turn him down
he was a frickin t s u n d r e when he asked you out, but of course that didn't stop you from saying yes
nor did his slightly stand-offish attitude stop you from going on more dates
he was trying his best and you knew that
the dates were simple but (for him) sweet
he'd hesitate for a moment before quickly grabbing your hand to hold, slightly blushing and refusing to look at you
he'd buy you a snack from a street vendor when he bought himself one and act like it was no big deal
occasionally if he was really struggling with his emotions, he'd "buy himself a snack" and take one bite before giving it to you
he most definitely actually bought it for you but he wasn't going to admit that
honestly he was even awkward when he asked you to be official
"so... we're dating now. you're mine. aight?"
this frickin loser aksnsjs
but it's okay bc he's a cutie
and angy cutie but a cutie nonetheless
and now he's your cutie~
and boy if it ain't an interesting experience
he's ticklish on the sides of his neck only
you only found out bc you had your face buried in his neck while cuddling and he flinched slightly when you sighed
it was barely noticeable, but you were in tune with him well enough that you noticed
threatened to punch you if you ever dared intentionally tickle him
it was an empty threat and you both knew it
luckily for him, you agreed to not tickle him most of the time
definitely the type to hold your hand 24/7 while driving
like, he doesn't let go even to shift gears, just uses your hand to do it
will make you food when you're sick
or if there's something you really really wanna eat
it's one of his ways of saying i love you without actually saying it
gets jealous easily but never in a way that's directed at you
if he notices someone checking you out, he'd show them that you're his
what he does depends on how interested or sleezy they seem
if it's not much, he'll just grab your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders
if it's a little too much for his liking, he'll wrap an arm around your waist or peck your cheek or lips
if they're r e a l l y lookin, he'll pull you into him and give you a deep kiss before locking eyes with them, a fire in his that just screams "get lost"
honestly comes off as more protective than jealous if you know him well enough which you do~
if someone smacks your butt, grabs you, or gropes you in a n y way
hope they picked out their casket bc they w i l l die
that boy will beat the living crap out of them
w i t h o u t his powers just to make it worse and to avoid getting in trouble bc this boy is a future hero
when you hold hands, he does the thing where he rubs your thumb with his
90% of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it
it just helps him relax a little more and maybe just maybe helps remind him that yes you a r e real and there is indeed someone who loves him that much but you didn't hear that from me
he's not usually the greatest at initiating any kind of physical contact, but sometimes if he's feeling really cuddly or missed you a lot, he'll just kinda throw you over his shoulder and take you to bed to snuggle
if you're willing, he actually really likes working out with you
you encourage him, he encourages you (in his own way ofc)
and he takes care of you, but like... wordlessly
like he'll bring you a towel if he notices you need one or fill your water bottle when he fills his
he may not say it, but he feels responsible for you
you're his partner after all
everyone else may be extras but maybe- just maybe- you can be a main character with him
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blkchainsaws · 3 years
opposites attract  🌊
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imagine izuku, that’s right. izuku, with a friend that’s completely different from him.
 no one has no idea how you both attracted to each other. you’re both completely different people. 
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⇥ izuku is a nervous boy with nerdy interests, he’s spent his life in front of a computer, he knows things. he wants to get strong and help others. he wants to become the number one hero! he studies to achieve his dreams, he gets along well with others! everyone looks up to him!
⇥ while you were just “off the chain” (as some would call it). you didn’t care what people thought of you. you did what you want when you wanted and or need to. you had certain interests that would make people back away from you. you were loud, confident, you spoke your mind whenever. 
⇥ i mean, you even made bakugo back off a bit on your first day. 
⇥ but even that didn’t scare izuku.
⇥ he warmed up to you on the first day. scrambling over to your desk with his notebook out asking fifty million questions on your quirk. you found it cute. the way his eyes lit up with each detail you gave about your ability. 
⇥ it became a daily routine. he would scramble over (literally, he would sometimes even trip on his shoe laces) and pull up a chair and ask you so many questions. “who’s your favorite hero and why?” “do you have any other friends?” “would you like to meet mine?” “do you know all might?”
⇥ you guys would spend hours talking about each other’s interests. izuku would question you about your quirk and write down every detail. he would listen to you talk about your favorite tv show at the time, and vice versa. 
⇥ you both even shared hair care tips with each other. he even asked for help for his next wash day. 
⇥ he would always come to you for advice, and each time you would give him the PERFECT answer. you would explain your answer and how this would help improve his problem.
⇥ no matter what izuku always looked up to you from afar. the way you spoke, your tone, your facial expressions and the way you give a small smile to him whenever he would approach you
⇥ it made him melt inside. 
⇥ everytime you guys were on the phone he would stutter once your convo took a slight turn into something serious. he had no idea why life is so complicated, he just wanted to show you his latest all might figurine.
⇥ but this time, it was different. he could tell by your tone you were holding something in, and probably holding this in for a long time. 
⇥ “(y/n)? are you alright?” he tilted his head, staring at his phone. “you’ve been silent for a while” 
⇥ taking a long, deep breath, “izuku” you whispered, “do you have a girlfriend?” a slight yelp came from the other side of the phone, “u-u-uhm! n-no...?” he sounded a bit embarrassed yet confused. 
⇥ you took another deep breath. this was the first time you were nervous about something. 
⇥ “izuku. i would like to be your girlfriend” 
⇥ silence. you shook your head getting ready to apologize before you heard sniffling. was he seriously crying? you shook your head once more and smiled. a soft feeling growing in your chest as you heard his sniffles and happy outbursts. 
⇥ “I’m just...so happy (y/n)!” he repeated over and over, a faint smile still on his face. 
⇥ you smiled hearing his cheerful tone through the phone for the rest of night. you truly loved izuku. even though your personalities seemed to clash, it never did.
⇥ you both never fought, got into an argument or anything like that. you were both two souls merged into one. it’s like you were both made for each other. he knew how to calm you down in certain situations, you knew how to calm HIM down. you both had each other’s back, you knew if he was ever in trouble you’re right there for him, and HE knew that if you were ever in danger he would surely be there for you.
⇥ you both could tell when the other is distressed or depressed. you both knew how to find each other, where the other would be located if NO where to be found. 
⇥ your classmates would mention this, asking how you both did it. how do you make it work. 
⇥ it was truly a mystery as to how you both bonded so quick, got together so quick, and never looked back. 
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god im so sorry if this seems rushed? im sick of all these damn drafts! hopefully you guys will like this <3 tysm for all the love on my last two posts! 
please! forgive any mistakes...im super tired at the time of writing this and i’ll probably edit it later. 
reblogs and likes appreciated <3 
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sailor-manga · 4 years
“Don’t Choke” - Katsuki Bakugou. [Prompt Fic]
A/N: Well shit, hey guys- Sorry I’ve been away for so long in terms of actually posting writing. I promise I’m going to try and be back more and maybe get on a regular posting schedule. This request is for the lovely @lady-bakuhoe​ who was actually the one who really helped me get some inspiration back. Hope you enjoy it ~ 
This piece is intended for +18 readers, if you are not of age, please go somewhere else. Thank you. 
Warnings: Swearing, public setting, ball licking. 
Prompt used: 6 - “Don’t Choke” 
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“Pussy” the blonde scoffed while poking his fork into his half eaten meal. 
Staring at him with a blank expression, you would bring your foot forward and kick him lightly “You can’t just spring something like that onto me, we’re in a restaurant!” you’d hiss in return.
This caused him to smirk and shrug “You asked what’s been eating at me, and I told you- Don’t get all huffy with me, Princess” he said leaning forward a little bit and keeping his crimson hues glued to you.
“.. Has your fantasy of me.. Sucking you off under a table REALLY been eating at you though?” you asked him with a glare. 
The blonde would shrug and finally look away, crossing his arms some “Obviously, haven’t you thought about it? The thrill of pleasuring your man in public?” he asked, giving you a side eye glance now to gauge your expression.
Though you didn’t want to admit it, the thought of it was.. Quite tempting. Bakugo never really cared about how people saw him, so of course public intimacy was on his list. 
“I’m not a pussy you know” you would finally huff, which caused Bakugo to let out a singular ‘ha’ 
“Prove it then, Princess.. Right here, right now” he said with a smug expression. 
Staring at him for a moment, you tried to determine if he was really just fucking with your or not, but his own expression didn’t change which meant he was dead ass seroius. 
Looking back and forth a few times, you smirk before slipping under the table and letting out a short breath. You would look around in the dim lighting, thankfully there was a tablecloth so no one would only really see you unless they really squinted. 
Your thoughts were interrupted though, when Bakugo tapped his fork against the table “Looks like someone is bluffing” he muttered in a tone only you could hear. 
Puffing your cheeks, you wouldn’t waste time now.. Crawling over, you would shove the males legs apart and start to undo his pants, and you could practically feel his smirk as you did so. 
After working his jeans and boxers just past his ass, his erect cock would spring out and stand at attention.. It seemed that was the reason why he coaxed you so badly “Ah, seems like you just couldn’t control it could you.. You’re practically twitching as it is~” you chimed out, seeing his lower half tense a little bit.
“You forget that I can ream that ass when we fucking get home, dumbass.. Just suck me off already” he hissed out impatiently, which caused you to giggle.
Focusing on the thick girth in front of you now, you would teasingly drag your finger along his shaft, watching in amusement as the male seemed to shiver at the slight touch. You weren’t going to torture the male though, because he was right about the fact that you still had to go home with him.
Leaning forward, your plush lips would kiss one of his balls and upon parting those lips, you would take one into your mouth, your tongue immediately swirling around the soft flesh, causing the blonde to tap the table a little loudly now “C-..Cheap shot, Dumbass” he said in a shakier tone now, which meant that you were definitely getting to him, just what you wanted. 
Letting out a sly little laugh, you would continue to suck on his sensitive sac, shifting from one to the other while the male writhed in his chair. 
Finally letting go, you would glance up to see a trail of pre making its way down his shaft “Are you sure you can handle this?” you’d asked in a hushed tone, which just earned you a small but light kick.
“Keep. Going” he growled in an almost feral tone, one that caused you to shiver. 
You said nothing now, there was only one thing to do.. And that was to satiate your own hunger now.
Licking your lips, you would scoot closer and grip the base of his cock before starting to lick his pre, earning a happy hum from you, but once you got to the top you didn’t stop there, your lips would tightly wrap around his tip and your cheeks would cave, eager to get every last drop before you officially started. 
To your surprise though, you felt the males fingers weaving through your tresses and massaging your scalp, probably to motivate you to continue, which it did.
Starting to slide inch by inch into your mouth, you would groan softly as your nose kissed the base of his cock, your hand immediately reaching up to cup his balls. 
Swallowing your throat around his tip, you would slide up just to go back down, until soon your head was bobbing at a rhythmic pace, causing the blonde to grab a fistfull of your hair and move with you. 
Smirking mentally, you would pull out of your phone and open up Snapchat, making sure to put the front facing camera on and taking a video of you staring right into the camera, sucking your mans dick, and even giving the video a little wink before using that free hand to select Katsuki’s name and hit send. 
You could hear his phone on the table buzz, and you knew he opened it when you’d hear a breathy “F u c k” 
He liked it a lot more than that little curse let on, his cock was practically throbbing against your lewd tongue as you continue to fondle and suck, though now you put a little extra effort into it, letting your tongue lap against every vein you could feel. 
You could hear every so often the male let out a very quiet and resisted moan, and it honestly encouraged you to keep going.. Perhaps.. You were finding this way more hot than he was now?
“Gonna cum” He would growl softly, which caused you to cave your cheeks in more.
You weren’t much for overkill, but you definitely went for it this time.. As your fingers worked at his hot testicles, urging him to let it out, you would bring your lips back up to the tip, your wet muscle working his cock head for that sticky treat. 
It didn’t take long for you to get it either, before you could even blink, the male was shoving your head down further and thick ropes of cum started to shoot into the back of your throat, coasting every wall of your mouth it possibly would “don’t choke” he said in a cocky tone. 
Your eyes would roll into the back of your head as you fought to swallow all of it, your tongue lapping at his shaft eagerly. 
Once his hand loosened though, it merely started to stroke your tresses, and as your eyes flickered up, you could see his stomach and how heavy he was breathing, which meant he had caught his high.. And was coming down from it. 
Slowly sliding him out of your mouth, you would lick your lips and smirk “Coast clear?” you’d ask softly, slowly pulling his boxers up and starting to button up his jeans. 
“Yeah, hurry the fuck up” he grunted softly.
With that, you would crawl out from under the table and go back to your seat, and it was now you could see that the male was blushing “So I take it that you .. liked it?” You’d ask with a sly smile on your face. 
“Of course I did, dumbass.. I also learned not to underestimate you, Princess” he muttered, palming the back of his neck.
Letting out a small giggle, you would grab the napkin next to your empty plate and dab your lips “Good, now let’s fucking get out of here.. Or.. We could just go to the bathroom, I want you” you’d purr out with a sheepish smile.
Bakugo nearly choked on his water before setting the cup down “Get your ass in that bathroom right now, count to five.. And wait for the knock” he said with a growl, the pink coming back to his cheeks.
“Yes, of course” you’d say with a soft smile, standing up and kissing his cheek before heading off to the bathroom… 
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bakugohoex · 4 years
reader confronting katsuki about his anger issues and how he bullies deku too much and they scream "don't u wanna be a hero?!" or smth like that and it strikes a nerve but also makes him Sad bc he wanna be a hero don't call him a villain :((
“you’ll never be a fucking hero if you keep acting like a dick to midoriya”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: language, bit of angst bit of fluff
word count: 1400+
a/n: hey guys, hope you enjoy this little headcanon thingy i dont know what it’s called lmao
summary:  in which after seeing bakugo continue his bullying with midoriya, you take it upon yourself to stick up for the boy and bakugo get’s a lot more than he expected, finally realising that his act cannot go on for any longer
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Another day, another Bakugo shouting at Midoriya.
You could see in Midoriya’s eyes how much he looked up to the boy, you may have only known the two for a couple months now but seeing Bakugo scream at the boy again.
It was too much, the anger in explosions, the way Midoriya tried to hold him back.
He was extra pissed today and was taking it out on the green haired boy.
Being close friends with the boy, the shouting of Bakugo had made your instincts act out.
You left your own partner, Kirishima, and marched past everybody. They could all see your own anger; you were going to protect the boy and they were not going to stand in your way.
You grabbed Bakugo’s collar and this boy was in shock, nobody had ever done something like this.
His actions stopped as you dragged him out kicking and shouting for you to let go of him.
“Y/n, what the fuck? Don’t fucking ever do that shit again?” He scowled outside of the training rooms.
You tapped your foot lightly, but you were pissed, fucking annoyed even. He looked angry at you but kept it under wraps. If someone was to analysis Bakugo they would realise how he had a soft spot for you after both of you fought against each other at the spots festival. Hell he even remembered your name and quirk, he may have been nicer to you but his anger that he had suppressed for you needed to be let out somehow.
“Bakugo, you’re going to listen to me, oh so help me God, I will make you look like an idiot inside.” He took a sharp breathe only nodding at how easily you had shut down his frustrations.
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? Leave Midoriya the fuck alone, you don’t need to be so fucking rude to the boy. You might think it makes you look all powerful but all I see is a bully.” You took your own deep breath, “you’ll never be a fucking hero if you keep acting like a dick to Midoriya.”
He stood taking it all, all the anger you felt from how he acted towards the boy, he took it all in. The last thing he had ever wanted was to hear the words you had said and worst of all, it was you who had said it. The girl who had nearly beat him, the girl who had always been so kind and nice to those around her. The girl he had almost become infatuated with, you were the one shouting at him, telling him he was the one in the wrong.
“Get a fucking grip, Bakugo.” With the final words you left him speechless outside, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. But anger filled him, the sound of his explosions arose from behind you, but you didn’t turn around shaking your head to let him have his tantrum.
You had spent time with him, even studied with him. He never acted the way he acted to Midoriya to you, he always seemed nice and a lot calmer. But watching how hurt Midoriya looked, it hurt you to see your friend upset.
“You don’t get to fucking say shit Y/n.” You stopped in your steps, you were half way inside before his words caught up to you. He was shouting at you, his eyes filled with sadness, you were close enough to see it. But the rest of the class who were watching the scene could only see anger.
“No, Y/n, you can’t say that shit and leave like that.” His voice seemed weaker and his arms may have been out towards you. But no yellow explosions were coming out from it, he just had anger within him. He hated you protecting the young Midoriya, but he knew that you shouldn’t care as much, that you had never stopped him before. So why now?
You didn’t meet his gaze, instead looking to the side, “fucking look at me.” Your eyes flickered to his own and he was about to speak when a much angrier Aizawa stomped towards you. He looked pissed at the two of you not training.
“You two stop talking now.”
“Yes sir.” You both spoke in unison, before you left to go back to Kirishima.
The words had repeated through Bakugo’s head since the encounter outside, he respected you for saying what you said. To stand up to him, but he could see how it had ruined your friendship.
Whenever you’d be in the elevator going up to your rooms, you’d stay on your phone, refusing to talk to him, or if you both were waiting for Aizawa to come in. You’d leave your seat behind him and go talk to Midoriya or Todoroki, he hated it so much.
This is how he ended up doing something entirely rash and a lot more unexpected. It was the end of the day and you were about to leave to go back to the dorms. A hand had grabbed your wrist however, “Y/n.”
Bakugo’s voice was hesitant, but you turned to meet his gaze. He let go of you, scratching the back of his head before speaking again, “I want to prove to you that I am he…hero material, so just umm wait here.”
You were hesitant at first, but you stayed outside, you noticed him walk towards Midoriya who at the sight of seeing Bakugo looked timider than ever. Bakugo gestured you to come over, which you did waiting to see what he’d say to the young boy, “I…I’m sorry.”
Midoriya looked more confused than ever, “are you ill Kacchan?” Midoriya began to try to inspect Bakugo’s face.
“Let go me stupid nerd.” He got out of Midoriya’s way and looked at you.
“An apology won’t just fix a relationship Bakugo.” You had not been impressed with what you had seen, and you wanted to hear more.
“Okay, okay.” Bakugo looked back at Midoriya, “we’ve never been friends and I know we never will.”
You stared blankly at what he had said, that was not a good start, “but I shouldn’t have put all my anger on you, to be honest, all the niceness I give to y/n, I have left over anger that needed to go somewhere. It shouldn’t have been to you, I’m not trying to be nice to you, I’m still 100% better than you and your little nerdy friends but I won’t put the excess anger I have onto you.”
“Okay.” Midoriya had grown over the months, he didn’t need Bakugo’s approval for anything, he had grown to have other friends. Move past the boy from his childhood and you were glad about that.
Bakugo came to meet your gaze again, “yeah, yeah we’re fine now.” He grinned at you walking with you back to the dorms. “So what’s this about being nice to just me.”
“Shut up shitty woman.” He growled as you laughed.
“Hey, you’re supposed to be nice to me.” You pouted to the boy.
“Y/n.” He stopped you in your tracks, even with the acceptance he had gotten back from you, he was still upset about what you had said. “About me not being her…”
You interrupted him, touching his cheek. “It was rash, and I shouldn’t have said it.” You smiled up to the boy, your thumb caressing his face, “you’ll be an amazing pro hero one day and you’ll protect us all.”
“Even you.”
You laughed at his statement, “only if I’m in trouble, but I doubt I will be.” Just as you had let go of his face, he grabbed your arm bringing you closer.
Your faces only a mere inch apart from one another, he had bent down to reach your face. And he was happy, content even, he hated having you ignore him. Having you shut him down every time he tried to talk to you, but you had given him another chance and he was taking it.
His lips finally reached yours and you gave a low whisper, “do it future number one hero.” The command was all he needed to encase his lips against your own. The softness between one another and warmth that the boy brought was filled in the lustful kiss, his tongue guiding your own and the heavy breathes you both took after. It had been careless but soft and he had even more of a reason to become the number one pro hero and that was you.
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 years
Todobakudeku x reader
Three’s a crowd  
(WARNINGS: forced relationships, implied kidnapping)
They were mad when they came home.
You flinched when Bakugou slammed the door shut. It shuttered behind him as he began to stomp into the living room where you were sitting. You gave him a small greeting, one which he ignored, and watched him stalk into his bedroom.
“Bakugou,” Todoroki calls after him, “Bakugou don’t be ridiculous.”
He sighed when he didn’t get an answer, before going into the room too.
Midoriya was the last one standing near you. He ran his fingers through his hair. He looked stressed.
You were starting to get a bit stressed too.
“Izuku?” You called, knowing that they liked to be called by their given names, “What’s-what’s going on.”
Midoriya turned towards you, as if he was seeing you for the first time. Then he smiled and came to sit down beside you on the couch.
His smile was soft, “Hey, how was your day?” His eyes were scattering.
Something was wrong.
“Good,” You said, and he moved a bit closer to you. You bit your lip softly when he began to trail fingers down your arm. You don’t tense up anymore when they touch you and that’s good. They get less mad when you don’t show too much discomfort.
“Sorry about this, we’re talking about something serious right now. Kacchan got mad because Todoroki isn’t agreeing with him.” Midoriya said.
“Shouto never agrees with him.”
Midoriya laughs, “True true.”
You two stop your discussion and turn to watch Bakugou rush out of the room with Todoroki hot on his heels. The blonde looks enraged.
“What the fuck do you mean it won’t work. You think I haven’t been fucking thinking about this!?” When Bakugou passes the couch he bangs on the armrest next to you in frustration. You flinch and in response Midoriya leans over and wraps you in his arms. His head nuzzles in the crook of your neck, whispering small words of comfort.
Todoroki glances over at you, “Bakugou calm down. You’re scaring her.”
Red eyes flick over to you and everything goes silent. You look down, not liking the amount of attention you’re receiving at the moment.
“Tch,” Bakugo finally clicks his tongue, “Listen all I’m fucking saying is that if we leave next month we’ll have less shit to worry about. There’s less villain attacks this time of year too and we won’t be bothered as much for patrols.”
Todoroki shook his head, “It’s too unreasonable. The media will be keeping an eye on us because of the announcement of the Hero rankings. We can’t do it then.”
“You don’t think I haven’t thought of that!? They won’t be watching us AFTER the rankings are announced. We can do it then!”
Todoroki shook his head, “Still too risky. I want this to have the least amount of attention as possible.”
Behind you, Midoriya started to trace your shoulders. You continued keeping your eyes forward.
“Then what the hell do you wanna do, genius?” Bakugou sneered.
Todoroki gave him a blank stare, “We’ll do it in two months. That way we won’t run into the media and we’ll have more time for paperwork.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “I could go through that paperwork in five fucking minutes-“
“It’s safer,” Todoroki emphasized, and Bakugou narrowed his eyes.
“U-um,” Your voice was soft but the two men still turned towards you. Midoriya’s hands slightly tightened themselves around you. They looked surprised, as though they weren’t expecting to hear your voice at all this evening. Which was to be expected, you never really did speak up when they started to argue. 
“What’s going on? Did something bad happen?”
Bakugou gave a mocking laugh, “Wanna explain your shitshow to our sweetheart over here?” He sneered at Todoroki.
Todoroki gave him a silent look, before turning to address you, “It’s not safe here anymore. And we’re thinking of moving out.”
At first, you thought you heard glass breaking.
Todoroki nodded, his mouth was in a straight line, but there was sincerity in his eyes. 
It made you sick. 
“Somewhere out in the countryside too,” Bakugou continued, “People are too nosy in the city. Always asking what I’m up to, shit.” He cursed. 
“Doesn’t that sound great?” Midoriya piped up, ignoring your spaced out look, “It’ll be a big home too, with lots of room. We were feeling bad that you were always stuck in the cramped apartment when we were out, so this will be good for you.” 
They were taking you to the countryside? Far far away from people? Away from chances of escaping? 
You put on a fake smile, ignoring your shaking hands, “Are-are you guys doing this for me? You really don’t have to. I’m happy here!” 
You looked down, kneading your hands together. 
“I’m so happy here.” 
“Oh sweetheart~” Midoriya cooed, using that same patronizing voice he always  used when you did something he didn’t like, “It’ll be alright. We’ll make sure you’ll have no trouble at all, right?” 
Todoroki stepped closer to you. He was never touchy, preferring to watch when Midoriya cuddled up to you. But his grip was firm and tight, clasping on your shoulder like handcuffs. You made yourself smaller, feeling his presence suffocate you as he took a deep breath. 
“I’m sorry,” His voice sounded flat, with the tiniest hint of understanding, “But with the villain attacks increasing, it’ll be best to go to an area where you will be better protected.” 
You wanted to scoff. Villain attacks, your safety. They used all the excuses they could to justify keeping you here. You saw your ‘missing’ story back a few months before Bakugou smashed the TV. There was a high chance people were still on the lookout for you. 
And these ‘heroes’ didn’t like that. 
Bakugou must have noticed what caused your lack of response. He always noticed. He leaned down, and the three cornered you on the couch. Bakugou knew you hated it when they did this. You used to get panic attacks before. But he didn’t...care. None of them did. 
After all, since when did you ever matter to them? 
A few months ago, you would’ve cursed, screamed, cried. You would have fought back. But the constant restraints and patronizing remarks just make you slump your head down as Bakugou drew closer. 
“Two months,” He said lowly, softly trailing your cheek, “Just two more months.” 
“..two more months and we’ll have you all to ourselves.”
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kexkiji · 4 years
Stargazing with prince Bakugo
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Pairing: prince!Bakugo Katsuki x princess!reader
Genre: fluff, fantasy AU/ royal AU
Authors note: I wrote this for a friend but I wanted to share it ^-^
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He wasn’t the politest of princes you had ever met...
No, Bakugo was blunt.
Painfully so.
He’d tell you when your hair was a mess. Tell you when you looked tired.
But that didn’t mean Bakugo was a bad prince.
No, Bakugo was good. Maybe a little chaotic, but good. He played things fair. Never fought in an unfair battle, but never gave up when he was outnumbered.
By the time the two of you were to be wed, as a truce between your kingdom and his, he’d acquired his fair amount of battle scars. Mostly small slash wound scars from past battles or sparring matches. The coolest one you found so far was the one on his jawline. It was small, but it’s placement brought out his facial features.
But recently, you’d found a scar you’d never seen before.
Stepping down the stone steps and into the balcony which was littered with moss-covered stones and plants, you watched the steam rise from the onsen. You were still getting accustomed to this new castle. Bakugo’s kingdom was seated directly on the side of the mountain, the castle itself cut from the very same stone.
You noticed his bare shoulders through the steam of the hot spring. Slowly, you walked forward, clutching your towel to yourself.
“U-Uh... can I join you?” You muttered softly.
“Mhm.” Bakugo nodded with closed eyes as he scooted over just a bit, even though the hot spring was plenty big enough for the both of you. You muttered out at quiet “ok” before slipping the towel off and sliding into the water. Slowly, you glanced over at the blonde-haired man, who had his arms spread out alongside the stone edge of the hot spring. Your eyes widened when you noticed his chest. It had to be the biggest scar he had, pinkish flesh spreading across his heart in a thick line.
“Is that one new...?” You asked softly as you raised your hand from the water to point.
“Mm?” Bakugo opened his eyes and glanced down to where you were pointing.
“No, I've had it for two years now.” He looked back at you, his eyes searching your face.
“I suppose I never noticed it...” you mumbled, your eyes trailing on the healed wound.
“How’d you get it...?” You whispered, leaning closer to trace the skin. Bakugo felt his cheeks heat up at the contact.
“On an expedition with some knights... had to fight eastern monsters.” He muttered.
“You do love joining the knights, don’t you...?” You hummed amusedly.
“What? Expect me to sit around inside the castle? Do I look like a Todoroki to you?” He grinned teasingly.
“I suppose not.” You nodded with a smile.
“Your book...” Bakugo muttered, curiosity in his rough tone.
“What about it...?” You looked up into his crimson eyes.
“... have you finished it yet?” He asked in a mumbled- almost shy tone.
“Oh? You’re interested?” You smiled widely.
“Of course I am, idiot!” He glared at you, which didn’t last long as he began to smile a little.
“Yes, I finished it just yesterday.” You returned his growing smile.
“What was it about?” He tilted his head slightly.
“The alchemy users in the west.” You responded, recalling the book’s contents.
“Alchemy users?” Bakugo’s eyes widened a little.
This had to be his favorite thing about you.
You were teeming with knowledge of things he’d never heard of. Things he’d never been taught in school. He could listen to you talk about your interests for hours, soaking in everything you knew like a sponge.
Usually, he’d get angry if someone blabbered on about things they knew.
But you... you spoke to him in a way that he felt he would never get tired of.
“You can borrow the book if you want to read it...?” You offered gently. Bakugo nodded, looking off at the distant sunset. Your eyes followed his gaze, listening to the soft trickle of water and the gentle rustle of leaves as the cool wind blew. You watched the sunset, fading beams of light dipping past the horizon.
“Pretty isn’t it...?” You muttered, turning to rest your front against the edge of the hot spring and face the fading light. You stared dreamily up at the ever-darkening sky, watching as stars began to flicker into sight. You heard a soft exhale of breath from Bakugo.
“Yeah.” He closed his eyes for a moment before gazing up at the sky as well.
“How many do you think are up there...?” He wondered aloud as he gazed up at the twinkling lights.
“Millions.” You whispered. A small smile spread onto his lips as he looked back down at you, moving to sit a little closer to you.
Now clothed, with a blanket draped over your shoulders as you stared up at the stars, your legs dangled from the balcony. The soft padding of footsteps caught your attention and you turned your head. Bakugo sat beside you, smelling of faint soaps. His legs joined yours in dangling over the balcony, his clothed leg brushing yours.
“Doesn’t it feel... a little... strange? Looking up at them?” You whispered, sleepy eyes focusing on one star and then flicking to look at the next.
“Like you’ve forgotten something...? Or... the feeling of missing home?” You whispered. Bakugo’s eyes stayed on you, admiring your face from the side with a thoughtful look. He turned slowly to gaze up at the stars.
“Makes me want to go on an adventure.” He muttered. You let out a laugh, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Me too.” You agreed, turning to gaze at him. He turned in time with you, staring into your eyes before he leaned a little closer. You felt a warm hand at the back of your head as he pulled you in for a kiss.
“I love you.” He muttered with closed eyes, leaning closer for another kiss. You greeted his lips happily, thankful for these times when Katsuki let his guard down and showed his softer side.
“I love you.” You whispered back with a smile as he pulled away. His hand remained at the back of your head as he brought your head down to rest on his shoulder. You scooted a little closer to him, torso brushing against his as he brought an arm around you. You closed your eyes, rubbing the knuckles of his right hand with a thumb. Bakugo’s left stroked your side gently, slowly leaning his head onto yours as his breathing slowed.
Feelings of comfort and warmth enveloped you, even with the cool mountain breeze on your cheeks. You gazed down at the small, glowing lights of the kingdom. The smell of Katsuki circled you as you closed your eyes once more.
Bakugo was warm... and his presence felt safe and strong.
It took a while for your feelings for him to develop. On the outside, he appeared rude and aggressive... but spending more time with him revealed a bit more of how Katsuki really was.
Opening your eyes and staring into his... noticing the little flecks of gold in his red hues... the small marks that littered his skin... you remembered just how much you loved him.
You loved when he teased you in the morning, pulling you into a headlock and kissing your cheek.
When he hugged you from behind.
And right now... while his hand stroked your side and he stared sleepily into your eyes with a love you didn’t think you’d see from a man like him...
You pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling as he let out a small sigh.
“I love you...” You whispered against his lips.
“Love you too...” he mumbled softly, pressing his forehead to yours.
You wrapped your arms around him just as he began to do the same. His strong arms pulling you tightly against him.
So... incredibly warm...
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