#so i will tell them i'm going to korea next year but also.....i am willing to work regardless.....
foxcassius · 2 years
no way did i just STUMBLE across a posting on dave's esl cafe for a remote r&d content writer. that pays $25 an hour.
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steveneveral · 2 years
24 January 2023
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I've been doing a lot of introspective thinking over the past few weeks and have realized that while I am living a good life, I also need to make a decision soon about what I'm going to do next with it.
Yes, COVID may have pushed back some of my plans, but I still need to make some decisions within the next few years.
I have decided to stay in Korea for another two years, so until the summer/fall of 2025. By that time I will have been in Korea for over nine years.
This also got me thinking: As of February 20th of next month, I will have been in Korea for seven years. I arrived here in Korea as a teacher on February 20th, 2016.
I have kept track of many of the people I went through EPIK training with and while many of them did 2-3 years in Korea and went home, there are still a handful of people that are still here. I know someone I went through my EPIK training with back in 2016 who was placed at a school near me in Paju city who still lives in Paju but works at a different school now.
But that's the thing about life: everybody is making their own decisions about what they should be doing and how they should be advancing their lives, and that's okay.
I will enjoy the time I have left here, but I also need to keep looking at the future. Just like my time here, it will certainly have its ups and downs, and I just need to do my best to roll with them.
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In other news, I still have not been in contact with my former friend. She tried sending me messages about some event a group she is a part of is looking for, but I didn't answer.
I seriously think she doesn't know what she did in December. Frankly, I am beginning to not care at this point. I'm taking my time to grow mentally and emotionally past her, and I know that I will be better for it.
I've run an outline of what she did past several friends (without mentioning her name to them) and they all kept telling me to cut her out of my life. If she was willing to do something like that and not even apologize for it, then she should just pound sand.
I'm continuing to work on that.
More to come.
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Feel free to ignore me but I'm here to ask you about YOON SE-WON. You could tell me anything you were thinking about him tbh but okay: where do we go from here? When do you think he leaves prison? Can he forgive himself? Will he work again? Can Si-mok and he ever be a team again? (I feel like if Yeo-jin was even slightly less good at making good choices for herself and her life she would take him in. Or is that a good choice?) Idk I just love him and want to know if you have thoughts about any/all these things!
Hi friend! <3 And omg, thank you so much for the ask! I've only recently started thinking in depth about Yoon Se-won and just how tragic and interesting a character he is...and you can probably tell I love to ramble when I'm thinking :D To answer kind of out of order...
When do I think he leaves prison? That is a super interesting question and I don't know enough about sentencing laws in South Korea to answer, so all I have to compare it to is the fact that Kang Jin-seob got sentenced to 22 years for Park Moo-sung's supposed robbery-murder while (the judge thought) lying about it and unrepentant. On the one hand, what Mr. Yoon did was way more violent and calculated, plus he kind of hit several cops at the airport (though I could see Yeo-jin pressing for those charges to be dropped)...therefore I could see it being a much, much longer sentence. On the other hand, I could see him receiving a slightly lighter sentence because he admitted it openly and also clearly had a lot of regret already pre-trial (if him crying in front of Kyung-wan is any indication). Either way, I think he'll certainly be in prison for close to twenty years at minimum. (But if you're looking for fic in which he gets let out earlier, @ohyangchon aka leechangjoon on AO3 has great fic in which he's been released from prison on a special initiative!)
Will he work again? Well, definitely not as a prosecutor, but I could see Kim Jung-bon or another civil righter helping him find some sort of redeeming work after prison - much like Kim Su-hang working in the elderly care home in S2. I don't think Yeo-jin would get involved with that directly, but I see her checking in on him, making sure he's making enough money to pay his rent and keep food on the table, etc.
Can Si-mok and he ever be a team again? I don't think a team, but then again, even in the course of two short years post-meeting Yeo-jin Si-mok became so much more empathetic and genuinely concerned for others, as well as getting shaken up to the point that he realizes no one, not even he and Yeo-jin, are safe from committing corrupt actions under the "right" circumstances. And that dream at the end of S2, that he pictures Mr. Yoon as his colleague, happy and healthy and working as a prosecutor...I think when we last saw him Si-mok is dealing with what Yeo-jin was in S1E16, finally starting to process the hurt and lingering disbelief of Mr. Yoon's betrayal and bad choices. (I say *starting* because he's still detached enough to not think reallll deeply about the fairly obvious implications of Mr. Yoon going away with LCJ in the dream.) I somehow don't see him visiting Se-won in prison, but I picture them a few decades down the line, much older and softened somehow, taking a walk around a lake together and finally having a conversation about what happened, what LCJ meant to them, and putting old grievances to rest. (Ow, this hurts???)
Also, v. curious at what point exactly Si-mok found out that Mr. Yoon was at Anyang Prison and that Yeo-jin had gone to visit him. Did he know all along? What would be his reaction to finding out? I think they'll process all of this differently, and I think there'll always still be an element of distance between Yeo-jin/Si-mok and Se-won. Yeo-jin in particular, while she now knows what he did does not define him, is still able to hold in mind how horrific his crimes were, and maybe there'll never be enough trust to work with him. (I think Si-mok would think working with him is just straight out off the table.) But they *will* reach out often enough to show that they're there for him and they care.
Can he forgive himself? Oooooof that's a difficult one. I think he's going to carry it with him for the rest of his life, and I think it'll always be complicated and compounded by the loss of his son, which I hope he eventually finds peace about. If Park Kyung-wan does come visit him, I think that will help, even though that guilt will never fully be absolved by either of them. But I do think he will realize that he can have a purpose and a mission in the world beyond the short-term one LCJ saw in him, the one that he was willing to plan and accept out of pain and grief. Maybe he will always feel guilt over what he did, but he will also arrive at a place where it doesn't stop him from moving forward and doing his best to live an empathetic and generous life.
Where do we go from here? Season 3 when??? I think it would be a neat completion of the arc that developed through S2, with Yeo-jin and Si-mok and the world around them finally processing the events of S1 more fully, to have Si-mok reach some kind of peace with Se-won. I see Se-won suffering intensely for the next few years but hanging on, just barely, because of people like Yeo-jin and Kyung-wan (and all the people I'm imagining Yeo-jin is going to recruit to visit Se-won) and maybe Si-mok who still care for him and see something worthwhile in him. And when that passes...I hope happiness and peace.
Wow, that was SO MANY more thoughts than I even thought I had XD My apologies for the ramble and I am so grateful for the ask!!! I would love to know your thoughts on these questions too <3
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asiandramastoke · 4 years
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Episode 5 thoughts
That plot twist from the end of this episode gave me a lot of thinking. But before that I want to post some other thoughts first.
This scene of Rara and Jun.
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A traumatized looking Jun is so heart breaking.
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I love the fact that Rara is there l to comfort him. Also... The bed scene is so freaking misleading. They could totally talk somewhere else, like sitting in a chair. So why does it have to be on the bed??? Lol!
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These cute ahjummas.
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I am seriously seriously getting some When the Camellia Blooms ahjumma vibe from these middle aged ladies. I love them and their salon get togethers and the way they talk about nonsensical things but are totally hitting the right spots without even knowing it - like that time where they talk about a specific person and tell all their doubts and suspicions and then the scene cuts to some snippets showing the fact that they were right. That was totally sold for me.
Ha Young and Seung Gi
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The writer needs to get these two together. They've got great chemistry going on and I'm digging it. It's just funny how they have a decade of friendship under their belt and yet Ha Young is so oblivious of Seung Gi's feelings for her. They're too cute in my opinion.
Rara and Dr. Cha
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I understand that these romantic line is next to impossible but I always have fun watching Dr. Cha trying to hang out with Rara as much as he can. Aside from the fact that he obviously likes her, I'm sure there's an underlying reason why he wants to be close to her. It's probably how her music touched him during that recital as he himself is going through something which is not yet revealed as of this episode.
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Rara's personality has this effect on him, as if his problem is not really a big deal compared to the woman who lost everything but still remains positive despite her unfortunate circumstances.
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Mimi is officially my favorite character starting this episode. This precious baby is all out cuteness! She deserves a lot of scenes in this drama.
Jun's Identity
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I had my theory set out for his identity and I was right. What I didn't expect though was his age. 12th grade?!? Senior highschool!!! Wtf??? I'm guessing he's 18-19 yrs old if I got that right. Or 17 if we count ages internationally. Since in Korea they count 1 year during birth. That would make Rara 23 (internationally). Still... That's around 6 yrs age gap. No wonder they keep him on wearing shorts in this drama!
Knowing that kind of made me feel weird all over. But this also made me realize the reason why Lee Jae Wook is so perfect for this role. He could still pull off the highschool image and at the same time look as if he's a young adult/young professional.
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As for the romance, I'm not much of a noona fan. Its sort of makes me feel that the woman is a cradle snatcher especially when the woman is supposed to be a professional/college graduate. However... in this case, I think I'll be able to accept this for 2 reasons.
Rara is no better than a high schooler. Meaning, compared to Jun - she doesn't even deserve to be called an adult. Lol!
This isn't a teacher student love affair. I hate the noona vibe when it comes to school love affairs. And because that's not the case, I'm very much willing to accept this romantic line between them.
I'm looking forward to next week's reveal. Episode 6 didn't have much of that except for that stalker-ish looking guy who finally showed his weird personality in a specific scene.
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starry-eyed-skz · 5 years
Jisung and Jiwoo Han ~ The Twins Part 2
Since I may not remember to post part 2 tomorrow, here it is a day in advance 💞 Have fun reading!!
Bold = Memories/End of Chapter ; Italics = Thoughts
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~~~Jisung's POV~~~
jiwoo._.han has tagged you in a photo
My heart rate picks up rapidly as my head starts spinning. "No, no, no.." My thumb runs over the notification and I click it, the post popping up on my screen.
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The fact that the others had seen it already makes me calm slightly knowing that I'm not insane. They're all in the living room and I've just been locked away in my room. I instantly dart up off my bed, sprinting down to the living room of our shared house. "GUYS!!" I fall flat on my face at the bottom of the stairs, feeling my nose start to bleed. "Jisung!" Felix yells and the others all run towards me. "You have to stop hurting yourself.." Jeongin says as him and Woojin help me sit up against the wall.
"You guys saw that, right? The post on Jiwoo's page?" My breathing is heavy as Chan gives me a tissue for my nose, her name leaving a distasteful feeling on my tongue. It's been a long while since my sister's name left my mouth. "We all did. Didn't you hear us screaming for the past 5 minutes?" Seungmin asks and I only shake my head. Since Jiwoo disappeared I've had really bad depression and been known to space out, not hearing a single thing around me. Sometimes hours would pass by and I'd be a blank slate, my eyes completely dull until someone snapped me out of it. It happens at least once a day.
I grab my phone from my pocket and go to check the rest of the comments, almost all of them saying the same thing. My head starts spinning again and my vision blurs. "Shit.. guys, bring him to bed." Minho's voice is the last thing I hear before I black out.
~~~Jiwoo's POV~~~
I've been on the run for a week.
A week of random people letting me stay at their house for a night with a meal in my stomach and then on the run again.
So far I've managed to stay away from the monster that stole me from my home, my friends, my parents, and most importantly, my brother. The brother who isn't only known for his sister being missing anymore. He's a famous idol in the group Stray Kids, with our friends no less! I was so proud but I had to worry about escaping completely first. Remembering earlier that week when I escaped makes a chill run down my spine as I lay in the bed in the house I'm staying in tonight.
I sit against the wall with my feet and hands tied with rope. After my last escape attempt I wasn't trusted out of my 'room' without my kidnapper's supervision. "Hyungwon!" I yell slightly, my bladder feeling like it will explode. "Yes, love?" He peeks his head into the room, the nickname making my skin crawl. "I need to pee.. really bad.." I say and try to cross my legs but can't with the rope restraining my feet and legs from moving. "Okay, you know the rule." He says and walks into the room, untying my feet and hands.
We sit there for a few minutes, knowing my legs are too numb for me to move. He runs his fingers over the harsh marks on my ankle and I shiver in disgust, not wanting his filthy hands to touch me. (Hyungwon I am so sorry ㅠㅠ) I know what he did during the day. Crazed fucking serial killer. "I-I'm okay to go now." I say as soon as feeling regains in my legs. "Alright love, let's go." He helps me stand up, placing his hand on the small of my back.
Once I'm alone in the bathroom I sit on the toilet and thoughts fill my head. Three years of misery. Three years of torture. Three years of so much death… Whenever Hyungwon killed someone, he'd come home covered in blood and ask me to help clean up his clothes. Afterward he'd tell me how he killed the person or people that day, every single gorey detail burned into my brain. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him..
"Princess? You done in there?" He calls from the other side of the door, his normal sweet but menacing tone sending a violent shiver down my spine. "Just a second!" I flush the toilet and get up to wash my hands, trying to form another escape plan in my mind. Every one that comes up immediately being scrapped because I knew they wouldn't work. I open the door and am immediately met with his gaze. He smiles warmly at me before taking my hand, making me look at the ground.
"Hyungwon?" My voice is small and just above a whisper, the tone I know works on him. "Yes, love?" He asks, his eyes softening when he looks into mine. "Can.. can I sleep without the ropes tonight? I promise to be good and that I won't run away." I squeeze his larger hand, hoping he says yes. "Of course, baby. You've been really good lately so I hope you won't make me regret my decision." He strokes my hair gently and I just nod, celebrating in my head that my plan is working so far.
He drops me off in my room, kissing my forehead before closing my door. Now all I have to do is wait. Hyungwon is normally asleep not long after he drops me off in my room. He's also a very heavy sleeper, which I'm going to try and use to my advantage.
It's been over an hour, Hyungwon asleep a long while ago. I tip toe out of my room and into his. The first thing I need is my phone. I open the drawer I know where my phone is and grab it out, quickly but quietly leaving the room. I quietly sneak out of the house and as soon as I'm far enough away I break into a sprint.
I've felt so free the past few days, finally away from Hyungwon after 3 terrible years. It's almost been exactly 3 years. It's currently September 1st, 13 days remaining. Hyungwon abducted me from Korea and brought me to America, making things more difficult. But, I had run into an old friend that was willing to help with that.
"Joshua, I think I'm ready.."
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arreisstorm · 5 years
BTS Paved the Way
Guys this is huge! Not only have BTS been nominated for a 3rd year for Top Social Artist, but they have made history yet again by rightfully earning a second nomination for Top Group/Duo!
Do you understand what the significance of that is? It means that 7 boys, who were once total strangers, courageously made the decision to endure hours of gruelling training, countless years of hate-filled commentary, and their own personal sacrifices in order to form this incredible and inspirational phenomenon, as well as become undeniable global superstars, and because of all their success, plus ARMY's undying love/support, BTS have now played this huge part in helping to pave the way for other Korean and Asian artists who wish to transition into Western media. It's mind-blowing when you think about it.
A couple years ago when BTS was first introduced to the Billboard stage, there were many who reacted in a negative and harsh manner. You see, some believed that the nomination was not fair and either the boys wormed their way into the line-up due to simply a popularity contest, basically saying that they were piggy-backing off the K-Pop industry's existing fame, or, others felt that because of the simple fact they didn't sing complete English versions of their songs, that somehow proved they had no place being involved anywhere near the category they would eventually come to win. Although both outlooks are equally misconstrued in their own ways, I guess there could be some sound arguments to the whole thing.
Now in no way am I agreeing with these opinions, but it is true that BTS had been growing in popularity by the time they received their first BB nomination for Top Social Artist, and this fact probably did end up playing a huge part in why the boys took home the title; however, that doesn't discredit the unfathomable amounts of hard work and passion that was put into every song, album, MV, and stage performance. I think it's pretty clear by now how much planning and effort BTS incorporates with their music, so why shouldn't all of it be rewarded with something meaningful? The award was beyond deserved.
So anyways, flash foward to the next year when BTS found themselves winning yet again for Top Social Artist and the reception was a little less hostile. By this time, Love Yourself: Tear had been gaining love and the album's title song FAKE LOVE had been soaring across the charts. More and more people were becoming fans and the boys began to feel even more love from a combination of both old and new ARMYs. Of course you can't have success without at least some haters, so when BTS did manage to win Top Social Artist for consecutive years, beating out fan favorites and huge contenders, there were those who blamed the Western music industry for "pandering" to outside influences in order to make themselves look good and save face. So due to this reaction, ARMY also came under fire and some even went so far as to start calling us toxic and spiteful, saying that we would slander anyone who voted against or didn't openly support our boys. Although this did happen in some cases, those who chose to act this way were, in fact, not part of the ARMY at all, and instead provided a twisted version of what we are really about. But let me remind you that this is happens with everyone, ARMY are not exclusive in this problematic situation.
Ok, so with that thought aside, let skip ahead to the true reason I decided to write this. So it has been recently announced that BTS have not only been nominated for Top Social Artist for 3 consecutive years, but also they have earned their first nomination that requires more than just a "popularity vote". Being chosen as a nominee for Top Group/Duo means that the music is the main focus, which in turn means that people are now being asked to recognition the importance of BTS as genuine artists and not just 7 pretty faces. That's amazing!
As sad as it is, it's true that Asian artists don't receive as much credibility as American artists when it comes to our country's music industry; that why with this nomination, I'm hoping that BTS could be the catalyst that changes that for the future and for future aspiring Asian artists as well. The above article expands on this when it says,
"...It also reflects the way critics don't think work from boy bands merit serious analysis, let alone the music of Asian artists, who still are underrepresented in the American music industry. This nomination feels like a big step. While their nomination is based on streams and airplay, and not critical praise per se, it shows that fans care about BTS' music as much as they care about their personalities. And when the industry truly understands that (as we saw happen with boy bands dating all the way back to The Beatles), it is a stepping stone to more respect from the industry and critics."
As a supporter of these boys and as an ARMY myself, I can't help but to become emotional while writing this. I keep thinking about how much I know this achievement means and how many years of struggles, doubts, hardships, and trials these boys had to go through to reach this exact moment. I realize for some it might not seem like much, a smaller achievement on the grand scale of everything BTS have going for them as of right now, but this is truly a monumental moment for them. When it comes to K-Pop, there are some bands who have allowed their style and sound to be transformed by outside opinions and criticisms; however, one of the aspects that I respect BTS the most for is their grounded beliefs and the fact that they refuse to let themselves be influenced or manipulated by others. They understand that music is universal, and that no matter the language, if the sound and message is important enough people will listen. They've been doing this from their debut and they will continue to til the very end. BTS are from South Korea, therefore they are going to sing in their native tongue. Yes they might incorporate some English words here and there, but Namjoon has expressed multiple times that, although they do appreciate the advice, BTS will never release a full English album. I would never expect such a thing either and I think it is very commendable for them to say this. I don't think people from different countries should have to cater to the will of Americans, I believe instead, we should appreciate those who are willing to share their language, their culture, and their hearts with us and accept it for what it is. When I see how strongly BTS have chosen to stick to their roots, it gives me even more of a genuine vibe from them. Anyone who listens to their music will see right away that they know who they are, they are confident in their message, and that not even the language barrier can destroy that. They have not worked years practicing and perfecting their craft just to have complete strangers tell them how they should and shouldn't act or speak. This Top Group nomination is blatant proof of that, and the fact that both EXO and GOT7, two other successful Korean groups, are also among the talent to be nominated this year for Top Social Artist is beautiful in its own right. Asian representation is here to stay; recognize it and respect it. ✌
Congrats again to BTS for earning such a monumental nomination and for making history yet again! You 7 never fail to amaze me 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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choisgirls · 7 years
okay so, how about the RFA + V and Saeran (and Vanderwood if you want) reacting to MC who never celebrated Halloween? like, never dressed up for Halloween or went to houses or Halloween parties. I'm a sad case T~T
A/n: Aw love, im sorryyou never got to celebrate! But, hey! Fun fact! (i think?) In South Korea, fromwhat I’ve learned, people don’t celebrate it too much as well. It’s forforeigners and children. Mostly, from what I understand so don’t take my wordas law for this, they can be offended by the half-naked costumes some adultstend to wear?? ^^;;
(I did a littleresearch on that but I’m not Korean in any way so my word obviously is not lawso if I’m wrong then I am very sorry;;) bUT ANYWAY ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM 4 IMMAPRETEND THEY CELEBRATE IT FOR THE SAKE OF SPOOK MONTH™
               What!!! Oh no!!!You’ve never gotten to trick or treat?? No candy??!! He literally trains youfor this night. He has you come up to the front door, knock, ring the bell, trainsyou to use your cuteness to your advantage to still get candy at your age, evenhas you practice until you can do it all as fast as possible without soundingrushed! Goes over the game plan he’s created to get THE MOST candy as possible-makes you memorize it because!! It’s a team effort MC! He’s finally the masterof a craft and /you/ were the newbie, he’s excited to show off his expertise!(what expertise yoosung- getting free candy??)
               He isn’t too intothe scene since he dresses up as an actor all the time, but it’s sad that youhaven’t gotten to celebrate! He decided to accept an invitation to a Halloweenparty with some previous co-workers just so he could give you the experience! GentlyTalks you into a couples costume and tells you to leave it to him. Once you’reat the party he’s on high alert for anything that may be frightful, or ofanyone checking you out in your adorable costume. He’s a complete gentleman thewhole night, getting you drinks, stepping into conversations if you getawkward- nothing he wouldn’t do for you normally. But you were left to defendhim from the black cat decorations. That’s always fun.
               She doesn’t even/decorate/. She’s always super busy! Then she doesn’t wanna spend all the timeafterwards putting it away… she just normally doesn’t do it. But you haven’tdone anything Halloween-like? At all? She’s breaking out any decoration shecan- that isn’t much, by the way. The two of you go pick out a few differentdecorations, all completely adorable, and set them up around the house. Shedoesn’t mind the set up so long as there’s someone with her willing to takethem down. Pumpkin shaped candle holders around the house, lights in the shapesof ghosts and bats hang around the house, little ghost figurines onbookshelves! No one told them usually you’re supposed to decorate the outsideof the house instead.
               Could probably careless about the holiday in general because he can have all of the candy he couldever want? Even as a child? Also really into being healthy so if hisnutritionist and dentist say no, even little Jumin is turning his cheek. But,he loves to make you happy, so he comes up with something for the two of you todo for this Halloween. You come home to find an entire living room full of anycostume you can imagine. You’re to pick one, knock on the bedroom door,“trick or treat”, receive your candy, and repeat the process- in thatorder, according to Jumin. It goes smoothly, he’s handing you king size candybars, until he decides to be a little shit. You receive a shoe. A couple timeslater, a tie. One time, he simply handed you Elizabeth and shut the door. Hethought those would work as the “trick” portions of, what heconsidered, the game.
               The /MASTER/ ofdress up. You haven’t gotten to dress up for Halloween? He’s dramaticallythrowing himself to the floor, crying out about the cruel, cruel world. Then hesprung right back up to remind you that dressing up is a year round thing, MC,so long as you take it seriously. He takes you to the costume store and runsaround like a child at the playground. He’s putting on masks and jumping outfrom behind things, trying on the most ridiculous costumes for you, even messeswith the fog machine. No one kicks him out of the store- they just don’t care,they’re so used to him. Any and all costumes you even /remotely/ consider, he’sbuying them for you. Demands a costume fashion show later that night- sexiestcostume wins. He won, what the fuck.
               Have you at leastgotten to dress up and pass out candy to the children?? No?? Well then he’s gota job for /you/ my friend. After finding the most adorable costume, the two ofyou pick out mountains of candy to pass out to kids. You questioned if you werereally going to pass out this much, but all he did was chuckle and tell you towait for it. The moment you opened the door for the first trick or treater, sawthe most adorable lil kid (probably no older than say, 3-4? Adorable age), andalmost started to sob. Their cute little outfit, the bright smile and shinyeyes, you wanted to give them all the candy you had on hand. You settled forgiving them a handful instead of just a few pieces. When you closed the doorand turned, he stood there with his arms crossed and an “I told youso” smirk on his face. You shoved the bowl at him and stuck your tongueout at him playfully.
               You’ve never beento a haunted house and you wanted your “strong, scary boyfriend” tohelp you get through it. He sighed but hearing you call him your“boyfriend” gets him every time. So he reluctantly goes. Every littlejump scare leaves you screaming, holding onto him tightly. He was in the middleof a lecture of how this was stupid, all of it was fake, and that you wereridiculous for bringing him here, until this guy broke through the fake wall toscare the two of you. He screeched, punched the guy, and practically scoopedyou into his arms to run to the exit as quick as possible. There’s a picture ofhim mid screech and mid punch. You buy it. He denies it ever happened. Alsotells you that the two of you are never going to one of those again. Bonus: thenext day, Saeyoung popped out of the fridge in a mask and punched him in theface.
               Doesn’t want to doany of the Halloween activities that involve dressing up or going out. Justisn’t his style. Now, binging cheesy horror movies all night and laughing atthem with the one he loves and /NOT/ dealing with Saeyoung, /THAT’S/ his style.So you’ve never done anything Halloween related? Say hello to his horror moviecollection. He’s lined them up from the more ridiculous ones to the ones thatcan even scare him a little. Gotta start off slow, get the really creepy oneslater into the night. He’s laughing at them all while you’re cuddled next tohim, hiding your face against him, screeching most of the time. If it trulyscares you, he’ll turn them off of he’ll make ridiculous commentary on it toshow you it isn’t scary. Lowkey loves that you hide against him when you’rescared. Does not like the fact that he has to walk you to the bathroom in themiddle of the night because he freaked you out.
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