#so imma try and cherish the hell out of that experience
desperatepleasures · 5 months
major W for doth tonight lucy always takes requests and she ACTUALLY did The Tide for me which is an ANCIENT DEEP CUT and also a MASSIVE BLORBO SONG 👍
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Lovecraft Country Episode 1
My dad told me I'd love this show and I got nothin else better to do rn so let's fakkin GO
Oh wow there's a lot happening
Jackie Robinson just cut Cthulu in half with a baseball bat
OH ITS A DREAM okay that makes much more sense
Looks like this is the 40s or 50s? Idk my years very well, but segregation is a thing for sure (future Marko here, it's the 50s)
Aw man they gotta walk? That sucks
"Stories are like people. Loving them doesn't make them perfect. You just try and cherish them, overlook their flaws" GODDAMN I love that. I don't agree with overlooking their flaws (both in stories and people), but I understand the meaning and I love it so much
Father's gone missing womp womp
Hippolyta, that's a cool name, imma steal it
I gotta say Atticus is a very pretty man. I didn't see it as much when Johnathan Majors played Kang in Loki (mainly because he wasn't there for long I think), but he is v pretty
Oooh secret legacy?? Mysterious letters??? V interesting...
Oop dude literally in the middle of a BJ and just talks to Atticus like he wasn't A Bit Busy just then
Ooh those two sing well!
Fuck yeah bust open that hydrant
Oof I guess Leti isn't as close to her sister as I thought
Oh damn she drew a grim reaper right over where they need to go lol
Damn Atticus is probably so smart with all those books, if people weren't so damn racist maybe he wouldn't have had to join the army to move out, he could've been a writer or somethin
Oop there's a hole in the wall. Bet that's a fun memory...
Bruh who tf did he call in South Korea???
Oh gross, the monkey noises.... hate seeing how people act towards them
Bruh this red car is fuckin banger look at the wood?? If old cars like that weren't so unsafe I would love to drive one
Oh jeez I hope this diner isn't too awful an experience...
Oh my god what in the fuck is happening
Okay so the diner was definitely a terrible experience. Love how smart Atticus is tho, he figured that shit out quick
This little girl is so creative I love her drawings
Sounds like Leti's mom wasn't the best to her, but her family never saw that so they're mad she didn't go to the funeral
Oof that's a rough fight to have, the one between Atticus and his dad. I understand why his father would be upset at Atticus for joining the army, but I also understand Atticus too. He views his country the way he does stories. "You just try and cherish them, overlook their flaws"
Dad and George's parents were shit, so then his Dad was shit, and George feels like he didn't protect his brother or Atticus enough. Oh the cycle of abuse ever turns...
Devon countyyyyy that's the one with the grim reaper on it
Aw fuck is that a cop
Nooooo fuck fuck fuck
Oh you motherFUCKER
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK
Oh mgod that was fucking terrifying
Fuuuuuck this guy is turning into a monster....
The flaaaaares v nice
Bruh why you guys walking did she total the car??
Ok so that was uhhh fucking amazing? The mystery, the monsters, the awesome characters, the struggles with racism juxtaposed with the science-fiction struggles, FUCK this is set up so damn well?? Goddamn okay I'm gonna proofread and post this and then imma watch the next one cuz I can't fuckin WAIT
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foolish-spectre · 3 years
Valentines Day Special: Making Chocolates for You HCs (Kasen, Izuminokami, Mutsunokami)
Pairing: Kasen Kanesada x Reader, Izuminokami Kanesada x Reader, Mustunokami Yoshiyuki x Reader (all pairings intended to be romantic, but you can ignore this if you want)
Content Warnings: Swearing but that’s it, also fluff
Word Count: 500ish words
Characters:  Kasen Kanesada, Izuminokami Kanesada, and  Mustunokami Yoshiyuki
A/N: Ok I wanted to do more characters and might post some late ones but I wanted to get this out on Valentines Day, sorry I haven’t been posting, college is killing me lol, so have this lol some of the characters I wanted to do were Kashuu, Sanchoumou, Hasebe, Micchan, Tomoegata, and many more but here have this ehe. Surprisingly Izuminokami was the most difficult for me to write since there’s so many interpretations of him lol, but Imma try and experiment with him because he’s our lovable Kanesan! Might also post something similar on White Day but the reader making something for these lovable Touken Danshi ehe~ anyways Happy Valentines Day whether you be single, in a relationship, or do not wish to have any of that and want everyone to stfu <3
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Kasen Kanesada: 
- Would be torn between making you a traditional chocolate and wagashi or some other traditional Japanese sweet 
- Either way it’s going to be pretty as hell and tasty so you can’t complain 
- Ultimately he sticks with what he’s familiar with and makes flower themed wagashi that look like your favorite flowers 
- Will mostly likely present his Valentines Day wagashi to you in the morning so you can spend the rest of the day thinking about it and spending time with him, of course being the poet that he is, he gives you a poem along with it 
- The poem is mostly about how despite this special occasion lasting for only a day, the love the two of you share is something he’ll cherish forever and how you seem to enchant him everyday no matter how many days, weeks, months, or years it’s been since he’s known you
- “This holiday does a disservice to our love because it’s impossible for me to express my love to you all within a single day.” 
Izuminokami Kanesada: 
- When he first learned of the holiday, he was so sure he’d make the best chocolate for you but then reality struck him 
- He wanted to make a cool and beautiful chocolate of himself and you, but then it exploded 
- He had to ask Kunihiro to help him make it, it took many tries and he had to deliver it to you at night but the smile you gave him while eating him made all of it worth it 
- Originally he wanted it to be a decorative chocolate but it kept on either hardening too fast or burnt him so Kunihiro and him decided to make some simple chocolate cookies with your initials on them 
- Even though it wasn’t his original plan, he was glad that he could convey his effort and love to you in these cookies and hoped that next year he’ll improve and make you even better ones 
- “Of course, they’re good, they were made by me after all! Besides I’ll make as much as you want, it’s the least I can do for the one I love!” 
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki: 
- Of course being the lovable Mucchan we know him to be, he really really got into Valentines Day especially since he got to express his love to you
- Unfortunately he wasn’t the greatest at cooking and like Izuminokami burnt himself with the chocolate a lot and had to get help
- Mostly looks up trends with current Valentines Day chocolates to get inspiration and while he was fucking around with the chocolate, he made a mini gun 
- The end result ended up being based off the ocean, aka a chocolate in the form of a seashell with hearts frosted all over it, because whenever he sees the vastness of the ocean, he can’t help but be reminded of you 
- He gives it to you in the afternoon since he stayed up all night, making it and spent all of the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon too 
- “I decided to make it based on the sea since the sea is full of endless possibilities and whenever I’m with you, I constantly feel like we can take on the world!” 
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ssixa · 4 years
Description: Walking into the night shift at the hospital proves to keep you on your toes. Nights are left to the universe so you can only hope that tonight will be decent. What happens when you find out that one of your patients is THE Mark Tuan from GOT7? how do you try to deal with the chaos erupting from this chance encounter? and how many times do you have to tell yourself that you love your job?
Genre: fluff, slight cringe
Pairing: Black Fem Reader x Mark Tuan (though I will say there isn’t much description of black characteristics)
Word count: 3.5K
Warning: explicit language
A/n: yay finally a long chapter! glad y’all are enjoying this story! The collage sucks for this one, but it was a struggle lol.
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Chapter Six
~Months Later~
I can’t believe the tour has already kicked off! Especially it being a world tour, the poor boys are going to be so excited and yet exhausted. 
“Yo bitch, whatcha doin this weekend?” I text my best friend y/f/n
“Nothin, probs just going to the bar. Wassup?” She replied 
“Guess who scored us some tickets to a very specific concert that we couldn’t get tickets for?” I send with a smirk
“Biittchhhh you dddiiiddnn’ttttt”
“Bbbiiittcchhhh I dddiiiddd” 
“How the hell did you get Got7 tickets when they’re sold out...what organs did you sell?” She questioned suddenly 
“Let’s just say I met a trustworthy person who was selling them for cheap” I reply not wanting to ruin the surprise
“Fuck it, I don’t want to know, just tell me how much they are later” she sends
“Also we better take some cute ass pics when we’re there, but then again, when do we ever not take cute ass pics” I send 
“Bitch you best believe I’ll look cute, don’t you worry” 
I put my phone away after scrolling through my social medias out of boredom. This weekend can’t come fast enough honestly. Just gotta make it through the work week at my other job. Yet again so many Karen’s coming in and doing what Karen’s do, men fully disregarding what I’m saying because I’m a young black woman; so on and so forth. The week was more busy than I thought because at a blink of an eye it was Saturday aka the day of the Got7 concert! I decided to get dressed at y/f/n’s place since it would be more convenient since she lives closer to the venue.
After getting dressed (and lookin fucking cute, but sexy at the same time) we head to the venue. I direct y/f/n that we should walk towards the ticketing booth in order to pick up the tickets. Luckily the tour and this venue had a common agreement on different ways you can have your tickets and luckily buying and picking up the physical ones at the booth was one option. 
“Ugh I seriously need to find out who got you these tickets! They can be our concert ticket dealer hahaha” y/f/n says
“A girl has her secrets” I give her a wink and keep walking.
We head towards the entrance of the venue and wait in line until doors open. As we do for past concerts, we start conversations with other fans in line. A basic convo of “who’s your bias?”, “what other groups do y’all stan?”, etc. Luckily it makes the time go by faster because before we knew it, doors opened and they started scanning tickets and letting everyone in. We found our seats and saw that some of the fans we made friends with in line were sitting right behind us. We continued our conversation about nothing specific really until I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and see that Mark messaged me, 
“Y/NNNNNNN!!!!” Mark messaged
“MAAARRRKKKK!!!” I replied 
“I see you”
“Can you please not be creepy”
“Awe but it’s fun! ANYWAYS I can’t believe you’re here I can’t wait to see you!” he replied excitedly 
“I can’t wait to see you either! First time I’m getting to see you performing on stage. I seriously can’t” I quickly reply
“OH RIGHT! I remember why I texted you, check under your chair” he messaged
“You’re making me nervous boy”
“First of all, I’m a man. Second of all, stop being a wimp and look under your chair” he replies back with an eye rolling emoji. 
I decide to give in and squeeze myself on the ground between my chair and the chair in front of me. I feel a little bit around until my hand takes hold of something. I pull it out and it’s an envelope so I open it because what harm is there in opening a mysterious envelope from Mark. When I opened it, I shut it just as quickly, I looked side to side to make sure no one saw, shoved it in my bag, and grabbed my phone. 
“Mark Tuan imma kill you” I message adding a crying emoji
“Am I your favorite member now?” he said with a cute emoji
“Nope, still loyal, but Mark you really didn’t have to do this! VIP BACKSTAGE PASSES”
“How could I not?! You’re one of my friends that I cherish and it’s been so long. The fact that you thought that just attending the concert would be the end of it...I’m hurt” he replies almost sounding a little too butthurt. 
“Fine fine, but you know I love you right! I seriously can’t believe I can even call you a friend, let alone a close friend at that!” I message excitedly 
“I-love you too, you’re seriously someone I didn’t expect to show up in the circumstances they did. Thank goodness you did though, I was on the brink of murdering Yug because he was just calling me by my name. That child has no respect”
“Mark, honey, you’re American, I wouldn’t have guessed you were so serious about that type of stuff” I retorted
“Well I’m used to the way things run so I just want to hit him sometimes, what an annoying brat” he sent. I ended up laughing and y/f/n looked at me curious as to what was so funny on my phone. I quickly hid it, but I already knew she knew something was up. That’s why I was grateful when she didn’t push further because she knows I always end up spilling the tea later.
“That makes sense anyways you see where I am right?” I ask
“Yup, you look pretty” he comments as he always does
“Whatever, you see the girl to the right of me?” 
“Kinda, I can’t really see her face though”
“Oh let me help” I replied. 
“Yo y/f/n let’s take a pic” I get her attention. She turned around and agreed seeing that it wasn’t unusual for us to take pics together, especially at concerts. 
“Ooo these are cute” she comments then turns back around to keep talking to our new friends. 
“See now, cute right?” I text Mark
“Oh yeah~ she’s cute I guess, what about her though?” He replies
“That’s the friend I was telling you about and lucky for you she doesn’t have a solid bias in the group yet” I mention knowing that it would peek his interest. 
“Oh she doesn’t now, well now I’m even more excited to meet her” he comments, with easy excitement detected in his message. 
“Well thanks to you, we all get to meet each other!” I message excitedly 
“You’re very welcome sweetheart, but I gtg my turn to get pretty” he sends
“Lol you’ve always been pretty, but see you later!” 
“Lol bye” he texted lastly. 
I spend the rest of the time before the concert trying to devise how I’m going to keep surprising y/f/n until we reach the boys while still talking to our new friends. I decided that I would say I found these badges in one of the bathroom stalls after going in after a staff member and decided that it would be our ticket into the backstage. Perfect, not only is it a crazy idea, but the prize at the end (her reaction) will be the icing on the cake. I decided to text Mark about the plan and to also tell the manager so when we do get back there we don’t get in actual trouble. He saw my message and sent an emoji making sure I understood he got the message. This made the whole experience even better.  
The lights dimmer and we knew the show was starting. The whole place erupted in screams and chants of “Got7” echoing everywhere. The stage lit up and the boys walked out. I screamed and almost busted a lung at how good the boys looked up there. Mark looking exceptionally nice almost made me forget how much of an idiot he really is. It amazes me how humans can deceive each other so easily by just putting on an act. 
The concert was beyond amazing! I almost forgot while in the middle of the concert how I actually know the boys and consider them my friends. My mind went back to just being a simple ahgase and it being just that. It wasn’t until Mark came to my side of the stage and did some weird thing that I recalled that I actually know this fool personally. Then Mark pointed me out to the other members so once they spotted me they made their rounds to come to my side of the stage and do something that made my whole side scream. One girl in front of me thought that the finger heart from Jackson was for her when it was really meant for me. Poor girl.
The concert went on, screams were loud, fanchants were strong, light stick choreo was on point, the BOYS choreo was definitely on point, and honestly everything was just perfect. In the back of my head I couldn’t wait to finally meet the boys and better yet, be able to get this secret off my chest. I still hadn’t told anyone of me knowing the boys so to be able to tell y/f/n was going to be a load off my chest. It was the end of the concert with the boys concluding it with a classic that is “A.” During one of the chorus point dances JB came to my side of the stage like he had done once or twice before. While Youngjae and him sang the chorus JB never stopped looking me during the certain lyrics
“Ei da aneunde wae jakku sumgyeo
Nega nal joahaneunge imi
Ne eolgure sseuyeoisseo
Ei nareul boda wae nuneul dollyeo
Da aneunde ei e...”
(Translated: “Hey I already know everything so why are you hiding
It’s written all over your face that you like me
Hey why do you look away
I know everything”)
Contradictory to the lyrics, more specifically JB’s verse, I couldn’t look away. Was he confessing...to me? There’s now way. My heart sped up at the thought that my bias, my ult bias at that, has feelings for me! It was hard to get immersed in the rest of the concert with my head getting mixed signals of what JB really did was meant for me or just did it to tease me, not like it would be the first time. We talked a lot over messenger and really clicked, that included him reminding me that he knew that he was my favorite. Yeah I grew legit feelings for him, but my brain rationalized that it wouldn’t make sense for that to ever exist beyond that, but if what he did right now on stage was him confessing to me, maybe...there’s a chance.
It’s just the possibility of him liking me from only talking to me, while my feelings have existed. I need to stop thinking about this because there’s no way
“Y/n just enjoy the rest of the concert” I mumbled to myself. Thank goodness it was loud and dark enough that no one could hear me or see me. 
When the concert ended, y/f/n and I just sat there in utter amazement. We couldn’t believe we just had the chance to witness this and not to mention a relief since it had been so long for Got7 to come back to a city near enough that we could travel. After a moment of shock, I looked at her
“Yo bitch” I said to grab her attention
“What bitch?” She replied, such friendship
“This night ain’t over yet” I commented and signaled for her to look down her face of confusion and shock filled her face
“Y/n how the hell did you get these?!” She whispered yelled to not get much attention to us
“Remember when I went to the bathroom earlier? I guess I used a stall after one of the staff members and they misplaced it there” I commented hoping she would believe the lie
“Y/n you don’t do wild shit like that though, it’s always me” she mentions 
“I know but I’m willing to risk it all because what’s the worst that could happen?” I say hoping to convince her
“Well first we could be black listed by JYP, we would be the new face of sasaengs and last I checked there aren’t many or many in general black sasaengs...that should be enough reasons not to do it” she said.
“Yes, but if it works then we have a high chance of meeting Got7 and think about how much staff they have. What’s the likeliness they would know who we are'' I bring up
“Damn, you making me do dumb bitch shit...fine I’m in” she says. Score. 
We made our way out with most everyone just like normal, but snuck away to a secluded area where security wasn’t looking through. We slipped through a door that led through a hallway that led backstage. Getting backstage we were looked at sideways but everyone was rushing everywhere not paying us any mind (thank goodness their staff was pretty diverse), but I’m surprised no one noticed how different we stick out especially with our outfits. . 
We slip passed another door, we turned around getting stopped in our tracks by the boys’ manager. He wore this scowl on his face and both of us freaked. Then I remembered Mark texted me saying the manager would have eyes around the place so when we sneak in he would know where we were. So when running into him and seeing the scowl I knew he was just faking it and yet it was so believable. He stared us down,
“Now I don’t think I recognize you two” he comments 
“Um well you see” y/f/n starts in a slight panic
“We were given these passes by someone higher up in the company so we just decided to let ourselves in instead of waiting for the person they were going to send” I replied back confidently hoping it sounded believable enough...to y/f/n that is.
“‘Someone higher up huh?’ well who might that be exactly?” he questioned 
“I don’t have to say and you can’t make me” I snap back with a bit of attitude 
“Well if it is like that, I can’t allow you to proceed any further” he snarls back. Wow he’s really into this. JYP should really look into an acting career for this man and if not that give him a raise or something.
“Now if you two ladies could follow me to this room and I’ll get security to come deal with you both” he continued. y/f/n was getting visibly overwhelmed, but thankfully she had her inhaler with her. I hated to see that her reaction was getting that intense, but we were so close.
“Fine” I replied back fake angrily. y/f/n and I follow the manager back to a room that was labeled “Security” on the front. Perfect, everything was going to plan. Mark helped give more detail to my plan and thought to get a sheet of paper and put security to make the plan more believable. What we didn’t know though is under that sheet of paper it actually said “Artists Dressing Room.” It also occurred to me how good the manager's english had gotten. I guess it worked out with my Korean also getting much better as well. Luckily, I told y/f/n that I decided to study Korean again so she didn’t question why I was able to speak so well. She is able to speak pretty well herself, but the intensity of the situation caused her brain to freak out not being able to respond.
Once we reached the door, the manager slowly turned around. We briefly made eye contact and a smirk slightly graced his face. This is it, y/f/n looked like her nerves were a bit calmer, but I was sure to stand behind her in case she passed out. The manager opened the door and stepped to the side, he ushered us in and I gasp really loudly, 
“OMG IT’S GOT7” I exclaim. The boys all shot their heads up from different areas of the room, the sense of panic that graced their face for a few seconds made it even better. That stupid Mark, I guess he didn’t tell the boys of the plan so they must have thought that we were crazed fans who actually snuck in. Once the boys stared in shock for a few more seconds, all the sudden I hear
“y/nnnnn!!!” Mark screamed and dashed from the chair he was lounging in for a hug. I start laughing hysterically when I turn to see y/f/n’s hella confused face. It took me all the strength to try and stop laughing, but eventually I was able to calm down enough to talk,
“SURPRISE BITCH!!” I look to y/f/n and yell, her face still in utter shock and confusion. 
“Hey boys” I wave crazily to the boys who finally have the previous shock go away and have faces grazed with the biggest of smiles.
“y/n, how are you here?!” Youngjae questioned. From my peripheral vision I could see the boys look with beaming eyes mentally waiting for the answer to that same exact question they were all sharing. I look to Mark and comment
“You idiot, you didn’t tell them?” I laugh
“Well seeing you were surprising your friend, I wanted to do the same for the boys” he laughed back. 
“Makes sense, this was worth it though to see their faces” we both started laughing. Mark went on to explain in Korean about the plan we concocted and how we were able to execute it along with the help of the manager and other staff members. The boys nod and I turn to y/f/n explaining everything similarly. 
“I hate you so much right now” y/f/n says but with humor
“Awe but I love you so much” I replied back lovingly
“Mark this is my friend y/f/n I was telling you about before” I turn to Mark and say
“Nice to meet you!” Mark said with a bright smile
“Nice to meet you too” y/f/n replied back slightly shyly but still with slight confidence. Mark directs us to go and sit down on the chair that was previously occupied by him and Jackson. We all took a seat while BamBam, Yug, and JB were getting their makeup taken off and getting dressed in more comfier clothing behind a panel. 
“This is crazy that we’re finally getting to meet you y/n though it feels like we’ve been friends for ages’ Jackson speaks up.
“I know right! It’s still surreal that we’re all pretty good friends given we’ve never met physically...well except for Mark that is” 
“Wait how do you even know Mark...like how the hell did that even happen?” y/f/n speaks up. The boys looked at each other surprised that she didn’t know even though Mark and I had been talking for months. I look to Mark to see if it was fine to tell her given that he’s not one of my patients anymore, but still it would be illegal and immoral to start spilling unless allowed. He gives me the go ahead and I turn back to y/f/n and explain to her how it came to be. From all the stupid stuff he said to getting to talk to the boys over facetime, nothing was left unturned. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and how lucky I was to have a chance encounter like this. 
“Wow you really lived the ‘y/n’ life right now huh?” She commented
“I’m just glad I was able to get it off my chest, it was really hard trying to keep this a secret for that long” I laughed 
“But why now, like how long you think you would’ve held it in if they didn’t have a tour?” she questioned
“Honestly I was close to just spilling everything, but luckily the tour was announced. You can also thank Mark for the free tickets and passes by the way” I laughed. y/f/n looked at Mark and had no other way of phrasing words than to say thank you multiple times
“It’s no problem at all, your reaction was priceless though! It made it worth it in the end” he laughed.
I sit there looking at my surroundings amazed this is actually happening. Mark irritatingly asked y/f/n to tell him stories of stupid shit I’ve done in the past because I refused to tell him. y/f/n went along I’m guessing as payback for the stupid stunt I pulled with this whole encounter. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to put those two together because now Jackson is listening in and I guess so is BamBam from the makeup chair because I can hear him laughing along with everyone else at some part of the story that I don’t even remember (I must have been drunk...whoops). Even then, I don’t think anything could top this moment…
Now I have to figure out why JB has been avoiding interactions with me since y/f/n and I walked in. 
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koiandjelly · 4 years
So Fila’s actual past isn’t very detailed, because she’s not a main OC, and I haven’t spent a ton of time actually thinking about her as a character lol. 98% of my Creativity goes to my original content characters, cuz someday when I finish actually crafting my worlds, I’m gonna write a book. I’m aiming for the lofty goals of making a full, fleshed out, intricate— just fuckin’... a whole ass Multiverse system comparable to the Lore content of Tolkien’s works, or The Elder Scrolls— gah fuck y’know what, I’m changing this post from being about my Fantasy Life OC to being about my creation baby, the effort of about 6 years (I am 20 years old, and although I didn’t know it at the time I started, I was 14 when I made the shitty Fire Emblem Manakete rip-off race that I’m gonna actually now talk about, because holy fuck this ain’t gonna fit in a parenthesis “btw have some info” bubble)
A’ight so I have a hard time keeping track of time, especially in a large scale across years. Apparently it’s related to being severely depressed without medication (communication error on my part, my parents are very lovely and helped me ASAP when I spilled the beans) while also having moderate to severe ADD. So, ya know, keep in mind that I was yet another terribly depressed 8th grader when I talk about my creation’s early days. I wouldn’t experience that time of my life for any sort of payment ever. It was goddamn miserable, because when I was midway through the age of 14, not only did the aforementioned depression spring up, but I also realized I was bisexual (And I live in the infamous state of Alabama, for reference. Don’t fear for me though, I was too unnoticeable to be bullied if anyone did know, and my wonderful mother, whom I love and cherish with all of my heart, is one of the few Christians that actually... like... do what their own God tells em to. That is, Jesus. I’m an atheist and have a general discomfort about the idea of super powerful entities actually existing irl, but I do agree with the stuff I’ve heard and remember from a decade ago in Church about Jesus. Good guy. But yeah my mom not only accepted me and reassured me when I came out, but she’s gone even further and is of the opinion/fact that lgbt folks are, really, good and normal and that God created them, so she really genuinely just... loves and accepts me. There’s no “I love you despite of this” in the equation and I am so grateful. But again. I digress)
Pause after that sidetrack, to recap, all of my medical issues began to emerge about 6 months before I turned 15. Including what I hate most, the emergence of my Fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s Syndrome, and for an added kick to the flesh, an undifferentiated connective tissue disorder. Meaning, as what I understand it to be, a nameless chimaera of many symptoms in a way that the disorder either is it’s own thing, or just can’t easily be recognized as any one disorder. And I had anxiety. If I recall correctly on *that*, forgive me cuz it’s been a while since it’s been diagnosed/brought up in a significant way, I have or had either general anxiety *and* social anxiety, or just lightweight versions of both, or something, but at the time I was horribly shy and I couldn’t even talk to the teacher after class about schoolwork, even though I tried rationalizing it to hell and back that I shouldn’t be scared— as you’ll guess, shit didn’t work out til I got medicine for it, because no amount of logic and rational thought will change the fact that I was struggling because of a literal disorder, an error of the brain, and as with that walking with two shattered femurs ain’t gonna work, trying to talk when the talk machine broke... ain’t going to goddamn work.
God. I am rambling a lot. But anyway, shit fucking sucked as a teen for me, because I got that wombo combo, prepare for trouble, make it double, precision strike at my existence as a person during fucking already difficult puberty— I am rambling. It’s 4:55am as of this sentence lmao. I had a nasty cocktail of both mental illness and physical disorders pop up once puberty hit me, so I, through many events starting from loving to draw as a toddler, to play pretend stories of heartbreak, betrayal, and death as best an 8 year old could understand via playing with Polly Pockets, and all the creative power I inherited from my Dad, plus the motivation borne through a need to escape, I started making my own characters.
So, to return to the present state of my creations, which will now be referred to as Bounding Beyond the Stars, or BBtS, I’m gonna get some things out of the way. Just to clarify, yeah? I have created my worlds in a way that is specifically meant to stand apart from the irl universe as we know it. I’m certainly not a knowledgeable researcher with any level of comprehension on Spacial law and quantum physics and shit like that. So hey, if something ever seems... like, off, or wrong? Unless it’s pretty obviously wrong in the “hey you just googled how a thing works, and misunderstood it, and made a detail based on a failure to understand stuff and that’s dumb in a catastrophic way that even a high school level viewer would notice...” kind of mistake, then hey, shoot me a message. But if some sort of universal rule seems fucky in the way that it doesn’t make sense, but isn’t a catastrophic structural error... well, Imma use that sentence to start a better one. For an example of a catastrophic error, perhaps... this: “This planet has no seasons cuz of its shape and axis! And it is also like twice as big as Earth!” That would be catastrophic alone because anyone with a grasp on planetary gravity or something, may go and think “if it’s that big, gravity’s gonna be way more intense”. And you’d be right! Which is why I usually account for those things with... *Magic*.
Before I split this post for Length reasons, and I’m sorry the majority of this was me rambling about how my general experience with life sucked from ages 14-17, I’mma state something very important about all my creations.
Magic, which will be explained in depth at a later point, is a fundamental, essential, and omnipresent force of not just any one universe in my Multiversal Trio. It is a key piece of Reality itself, as magic is the flow of many multiples of millions of unique and mysterious energies, concepts, and laws existing anywhere that Is.
To end this post, I’m going to put a quick summary and explanation why I’m rambling about any of this: The rant about my age and circumstances at the start are relevant because it’s necessary context for the tone and type of writing my creations are built upon. The foundations of BBtS are borne from a sometimes angsty, sometimes genuinely upset 14 year old who found escape in the art of Creation. There have been many, many, many heavy edits, rewrites, scrapped info and ideas, and even more info built upon it. It used to be pretty pointlessly edgy in a lot of ways, and redundant in grimdark, morphing into *grimderp* plot devices and character traits. The way it’s written today, I like to think the lore of my many high fantasy-alien societies, and all its denizens and creators and whatever else, are still written to be dark, be dangerous, even angsty... but more skillfully so, with the sort of nuance a 14 year old wouldn’t really even begin to understand. Cuz I still like high stakes stories with real consequences and character deaths when appropriate. And I enjoy characters who have tragic pasts, but now that I’m older and I’ve seen and read about and done so much more— I can write that stuff *better*. And more over, what I’m most satisfied with, is that I’m more in touch with myself as a person, and I’ve evolved many of my personal beliefs and ideals and all the things of the world I can have opinions on. But most of all, I’ve reached a point where I have consumed enough content from others to where I have figured out how to write something that should be interesting, and maybe a bit new, because I put a looot of Damn focus on identifying, and understanding, writing structure, cliches, plot holes to avoid, character traits to handle differently, and just generally making something that’ll appeal to both me, and my audience, should I get that far.
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zer0pm · 6 years
What a Coincidence Pt. 3
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A/N: The long-awaited next part of the imagine I’ve been working on for @frienah.  
Part 1 & Part 2
This was supposed to be the last part buuuuuut Imma keep going. You’ll see why ;) Until then, enjoy.
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Some time has passed since that mind-blowing kiss with Ardyn.  Okay, perhaps mind-blowing was throwing it out of proportion.  But the gesture was so unexpected, so short and sweet that it sent your thoughts running to that moment the second you felt that you could move on from it. You obviously could not. And now just hearing the word “kiss” made you blush a million shades of red, especially so since Gladio kept using the term amidst his teasing of the young Prompto over his crush on the Hammerhead belle Ms. Cindy.
At one point, you have managed to rendezvous with Prince Noctis and his crew after the tragic events of Lucis. On Cor Leonis’ orders, you were tasked to journey with the royal company and help the prince collect the rest of the remaining Royal Arms from their tombs.
Losing Lucis... It was hard to listen and watch the news of what transpired before everything went static. In your mind, you knew that Niflheim had no intention of keeping good on their word; but in your heart, you had hoped otherwise. Nowadays, it seems that the few good things you have going for you is the company of the prince and his companions...and the charming Ardyn. The former was more an obligation, the latter, however... A selfish pleasure you hoped the men will not recognize etched on your growingly flushed face.
Gladio: “So who could possibly be on your mind that isn’t me?”
Of course, they would notice.
Prompto: “What? You’re thinking about someone?!”
Ignis: “Our loyal Crownsguard has been in quite a daze for some time now. Surprising that you didn’t notice sooner, Prompto.”
Noct: “Was probably too busy thinking about the car repairs.”
Gladio: “Right. The repairs.”
Prompto: “H-Hey! Why are we ganging up on me all of a sudden?”
You adored this playful banter the four have with one another. It reminds you of... You had to mentally stop yourself again. Damn that, suave devil of a man!
Gladio: “So, who is he?”
You: “Why do you assume it’s a he?”
Gladio: “Well, A. You didn’t deny it. And B. You look like you go for the...tall, dark, and handsome type.”
The biggest of the four winks at you. He meant to tease, referring to himself, but his image was far from you when he said those words. The words described Ardyn in every sense. Instead of answering, you sigh admitting to his claim.
Prompto: “Is he from around here?”
You: “I’m not sure, really. He didn’t say.”
Ignis: “What is his occupation?”
You: “Don’t know that one either.”
Noctis: “...Do you know anything about him?”
His voice is sin and he has the body and mind to match. You weren’t going to admit that out loud though ‘les you decided to throw yourself into deep hell. Yet the idea of drowning in him didn’t sound so bad, he was... You didn’t even know what to call him. Then it hit you.
You: “I know his name and I have spoken with him. Enough times to say with confidence that when the time comes for anything else, if it’s with him it’ll be an experience worth remembering.”
You hear Gladio whistle.
Gladio: “Color me jealous. I may just have to shake his hand for catching your eye.”
You: “After you punch him for it?”
Gladio: “You know it!”
That made you laugh, the others joining you. Gladio was a shameless flirt, but you knew he was sincere in the joy in you sharing something as personal as your romantic life. As guards of the royal family, serious relationships were hard to come by and cherished when found.
Suddenly, you hear a sharp hiss and turn your head towards the prince who appears to be grasping his head. His youthful face contorted in what could only be pain.
You: “Your highness!”
Prompto: “Noct. Is it the headaches again?”
Noct: “Nngh, yeah. They seem to be getting worse. I don’t know why, but I think that sleeping Astral has got something to do with it.”
Ignis: “I noted a viewing scope at the edge of the city near the parking area. It overlooked the Disc of Cauthess. Perhaps, we should get a layout of the land before making the trip over.”
You: “Good idea, Scientia.”
In agreement, the five of you make way to the aforementioned area. Lestallum was a bustling city so you had to navigate around the wandering bodies for a bit to get to the viewing point. When you made your way to open space, the boys were already ahead of you so you sprinted a bit to catch up. You noticed their shoulders slump and overheard the slight growl from Gladiolus as they approached the scopes. Looking over behind them, your own body grows tense and your eyes widen.
Is that Ardyn?! Who else dresses like that?! Why is he here?! The object of your obsessions throwing question, after question, after question and your mind raced to try to come up with legit answers. He was leaning over slightly, his eyes occupied by the viewing scope. He must have seen something amusing as his trademark smirk appears to have quirked wider than usual, as if he was told a joke only he understood. Ardyn moves away from the scope, running his long fingers through his messy hair. It made you wonder how it would feel were you to-
Stop it! You had a job and your distraction, as you like to call him, is here of all places! Surely that cannot be a-
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Ardyn: “What a coincidence.”
He looks to your group, a slight, dramatic wave of his arm towards the boys until his amber-colored eyes land on you. They widen slightly as they took you in and his lips faltered a little in their smile. It seems that he is just as surprised to see you here of all places.
Then it dawned on you. He knows the prince and his retinue, he has met them before and they do not seem keen on his company. How? What is going on? You do not know the extent of their relationship but you sure as hell plan to find out. You cannot believe this to be coincidence by any means. You hear Gladio mumble something, but didn’t quite catch it as your focus was all on Ardyn. He turns slightly and paces towards your group. It looked like he was talking to the boys, but his eyes were dead set on you, trapping you in place as he comes closer. That gleam in his eyes losing all of the softness they had before from what you remembered, replaced with a glint that speaks volumes of...what you can tell to be daring and dangerous.
Perhaps, it should have been wiser to truly get to know him. He speaks, loud enough for the others to hear, but tilts his head to the side to get a better look at you. His voice reaching an octave you didn’t think possible sounding like velvet caressing your reeling senses. Not too long ago, you were fantasizing about this man fondly, looking forward to the next time you meet with him. Now here he is, in front of you, and suddenly the warm Lestallum air around you grows frigid. You have a job to do...and your instincts tell you that Ardyn is about to make things excruciatingly complicated.
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Ardyn: “Aren’t nursery rhymes curious things?”
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suenala · 6 years
BTS-imagine ; You falling asleep
Hyung line
[genre] ; fluff + mentions > angst, smut
[fandom] ; 방탄소년단
[⚠] ; ×
-I do not own any of these gif's, credit to original owners-
you were hanging out and it was relatively late obviously you started to get tired but wanted to hang out longer that is until you fell asleep.
| Jin / Seokjin |
You were at the park with Jin sitting on a bench just watching the sunset, staring at the ducks in the pond in front of you, you were sharing a pair of earbuds and your head was leaned onto his shoulder and hands intertwined together. The mood was calming and nice, wanting to cherish this moment of calmness with him as you rarely spent time together since he was super busy. You would be waiting for him to come home just so you can cuddle in bed with him and let him talk about his day it was always worth it in your opinion. Soon enough you started to doze off and fell asleep not a second later.
"Anyways, it looks like its getting late, dont you think we should get going?" He says checking his wrist for the time.
no response
"Y/N, hun, hello?"
no response
"Jaiga?" Jin turns his head to look if you were listening, turns out you weren't. He sighed and realized you fell asleep before trying to wake you he took his phone out and began recording you asleep and then the scenery, putting in the caption ;
'she's the only cutie that looks so natural sleeping with nature.'
He then sent it to the group chat with the boys (BTS) and a few other friends just to brag about your cuteness, he admired you a bit more just smiling to himself thinking about how lucky he is to have his beautiful women beside him. He placed a kiss on your forehead and put both earbuds in your ears and gently putting you on his back careful not to wake you, he gave you a piggyback ride all the way to the dorms and asked Namjoon to make sure he was unlocked using the spare key. After arriving home he went straight into the shared bedroom and carefully placed you on your side, he then went straight into the closet and grabbed one of his big t-shirts and changed you into them leaving you in only that shirt, bra and your underwear but to be honest you always slept in his clothes even though he acted mad about it he thought it was super cute and adorable the way his oversized clothes engulfed your whole body.
He then proceeded to tuck you in and then headed to lock the main doors again. Jin went back the bedroom and shut the lights off before heading bed, he got comfortable and started to hug you from behind pulling you closer to him and placing his face in the crook of your neck taking in the smell of your shampoo and the scent of your perfume, he loved the smell so much.
"Ah, your so pretty Y/N." He whispered to you even though you couldn't hear him he praised you anyways. Soon enough he also drifted off to sleep.
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| Suga / Yoongi |
You were at a party with other guys who had been invited by another celebrity. You being a celebrity yourself already knew some people but Yoongi introduced you to some people who you never met, turns out most of them knew your group but you didnt know who they were, vise Versa. It was a rooftop party and the guys all separated so you were just with your boyfriend.
It had been an hour or so since you been there and you were bored, it was currently 10:03 pm and you were tired from working on lyrics all day but the girls (your bandmates) convinced you to go out since you would be spending time with Yoongi but he was equally as bored and tired as you were.
"Hey, imma get some drinks okay? Don't move, stay here and don't fall asleep until I come back." He looked at you for a response
"Mhm okay, bring me a soda please." You said with your head laid back.
Once he left you already felt like falling asleep, four minutes passed and you crashed, you couldn't resist it. Somehow you managed to fall asleep with people laughing and yelling and music blasting out the speakers, it was quite crowded and even though there were people also inside, it was equally as crowded, all the soft drinks and food were inside and the alcohol was outside so no wonder why it took Yoongi awhile.
"Who's that?" Some guy says as he spots you on the bench he crouched down to be at your level, with a beer in one hand, obviously drunk.
"Damn she's hot," he says stroking your hair and cheek with his free hand. He slowly let his hand trace down, brushing over your lips, over your jawline lower to your exposed thighs from your skirt.
Suddenly the man who was touching you was flown across the floor.
"Who the hell do you think you are you fucking ass?!" The man says wiping the blood from his nose, he placed all his weight onto one arm and his other hand laid flat on the floor while people behind him tried to help him up.
"Who the hell do YOU think you are you piece of shit?! Ever come towards my girlfriend like that again then your nose won't be the only thing bleeding fucking bastard!" quickly the rest of the guys (BTS) ran to you guys, the drinks Yoongi had brought had already fallen out of his hands and broken onto the floor. Jimin and Hoseok came to you and asked if you were okay utterly confused you nodded while the others tried to calm Yoongi down. Yoongi pushed the guys off him with his shoulders and walked over to you.
"What the fuck if wrong with you?! I told you not to fall asleep, what if I was gone longer?! What if he had done something more to you?? Huh?!" he pushed your face side to side to make sure the man didn't hurt you then he looked at your thigh to make sure you weren't cut or something.
"I-i know, I'm sorry, you just took too long and my eyes started to get heavy and next thing I know I'm in dreamland, I'm so sorry please don't worry I'm okay I promise." You were on the brink of tears, you never liked when Yoongi yelled or even hurt which you didn't realize until he held your hand and you saw that his knuckles were bloody half which was the other man he punched.
"Babe, your hand," you said staring at it, already the boys tried to reassure you that he was okay and that you shouldn't do anything rash. Your tears had dried and now your eyes were full of anger.
"Y/N, im okay, it doesnt even hurt okay? Lets just go home and sleep." he held your hand tighter so that you couldn't leave him.
"Fine. Let's go before I change my mind." That night you both went to bed, he didn't want to let you know about what that man had just done to you until you and him calmed down a bit but the next day he was sure to let you know and ever since the party he's been super protective of you.
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| J-Hope / Hoseok |
You had been working a month straight without a day off until today, it was also BTS last concert in Seoul so you went to watch them, you had paid for a ticket in the VIP area without Hoseok getting you in for free, you didn't want him to things like that just because he was your boyfriend (even though you still got a discount). Deep down you wanted to say home and sleep in, everyone tried to convince you but you wanted to see your man get emotional and cry on stage. The guys had just finished their last song; 2! 3! All the lights were off beside the lightsticks and one stage light shining on all seven of them, at this point it was time for them to give thank you speeches and Hoseok was first.
"Wow. There are so many of you. Even though this may be our last concert it may be your first concert ever or your first BTS concert and I'm truly honored if it is and to those who's isn't, thank you for tagging along with us." He did start to cry but didnt let them hear he was crying though it was visible, he started looking for you and with Jimin's help he found you.
"Ahh, everyone my beautiful girlfriend came today to support us, she also wanted to see me cry haha.."
"Awwwe" ARMY says in unison
"But it seems to me that she had fallen asleep, its okay she worked hard for a long time and today she finally got a day off. I should punish her for sleeping when I'm giving my speech though, don't you think?" He says smirking
"Yes!" ARMY says the rest of the boys finished their speeches as well, the whole time Hoseok had been waiting to get you backstage to that he could punish you. Once that time came he quickly pushed you into a single person bathroom and locked it, obviously, you were confused so he took out his phone and searched for the video of him on stage from a second ago (obviously ARMY would be quick to upload the experience) and skipped to his speech. You raised your eyebrows and mouth a gap, you were surprised that he would say such a thing live in front of millions of fans.
"Its been a whole month and I didnt get to touch you once..you dont know how long I have been craving for you babe" his eyes were dark and full of lust, before you could respond he crashed his lips onto yours [use your imagination for the rest]. You spent at least 10 minutes in there then leaving and heading into the shared dressing room, all the boys looked at you both and smirked, they all knew why you guys took so long to get back and Hoseok wasn't even embarrassed.
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| RM / Namjoon |
Namjoon was in his studio trying to put back a collectible he broke back together, it had taken his at least 30 minutes to put 2/3 of it together. You, on the other hand, were waiting for someone to open the door to the dorms and to your surprise once you knocked someone immediately opened it.
"I knew it! I smelt the coffee the second you knocked!" Hoseok stared at the box that was placed in between your arms and waist
"You can do more than smell if you help me" you said letting him grab the box and one carrier of drinks, he placed them both on the kitchen counter then shut the door behind you, you placed the rest of the drinks down and grabbed a knife and a plate
"Hyung, who is i-Y/N!" Once Jungkook yelled your name the other two makanaes next to him swung their head around.
"Y/N!!!" They all ran to you, you just laughed
"You sound like three-year-olds"
You had your hands on the lips of the box the boys eagerly stared at you waiting for you to open it
"Are you ready?"
"Yes!" They all said in unison. You opened the box and pulled out a cheesecake, their faces softened a bit
"There are so many different types, is it homemade?" Hoseok says watching you cut off a piece that looked like vanilla
"Yea" a loud gasp was heard and suddenly their faces brightened up, everyone loved when you baked or cooked but you rarely did so, only when you were just checking up on Namjoon, you cut pieces off for them and told them that the drinks were for them.
"Make sure Yoongi and Jin get one too!" You took a plate and one of the drinks and headed to Namjoons studio
"Hey baby~"
"Hey Y/N" he didnt even turn around to look at you
"Whatever you brought just set it down" you set it on the desk next to his printer and his drink near his keyboard so he couldn't knock it down.
"What happened?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed your head on his
"I crushed it when I went to get a package I ordered, I forgot I was polishing it and set the box on top of it"
"What was in the box?"
"It was three laptops," he said still focused
"Why do you need three laptops???" You furrowed your brows and sighed
"I bought one for you since I broke it and bought me one since I also broke it and Jungkook cause I broke his when I broke mine, sorry babe" you went to sit on the couch not even surprised, it was 11:20 pm and you had just gotten off work two hours ago but despite work you watched your friends daughter, cleaned their house and made the cake there, so you damn well were fucking tired.
"Well if you need anything just tell me, ill be right here"
"Mhm" he didn't say anything else after.
time ; 11: 58 pm
"Y/N, i finally finished!" He sighed and took a sip out of the smoothie you gave him, he turned around and laughed
"You fell asleep? Wow" he got up and sat by your feet, your whole body was on the couch and you were hugging the decorative pillow, he looked at you and started to blush like he saw something he wasn't supposed to (he didnt)
"Your even more gorgeous when your asleep" he got up and placed a kiss on your lips before picking you up bridal style and heading to the shared bedroom laying you down, he shut off the lights and joined you, as soon his body was laid down he knocked out in an instant.
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lollytea · 7 years
I have a three hour class coming up, so naturally, I need to give you something that will take you three hours to write to make it fair. Gimme all of them for either Satin Diamond or Jazzle, your choice.
Idk enough about Puzzle to do ALL of these about Jazzle so I went with the sparkles.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Now I’ve said that Guy is a HUUUUUGE impulse buyer who would probably throw money at whatever remotely reminded him of Satin. But I also imagine Satin as the type to spend MORE on stuff for Guy.
Just because while he’ll buy anything that holds his attention long enough, she’s more focused on the quality. If it’s expensive, its good. All shit that goes on her boy gotta be designer and she is hellbent on dressin him pretty.
So Satin. Its Satin.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Guy. Whenever he has a tight schedule, he’s either working or napping cuz damn son hes exhausted. But the thing is, that leaves him with very little time to spend with Satin. So sleeping in her lap is the best he can get.
Meanwhile, my girl has a way better sleep endurance than he does. She can pull off an all-nighter and still seem perfectly composed the next day. Satin’s fuckin incredible.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
who tf u think
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Guy is often begging Satin to get some sleep. But listen, if she’s in the zone, you cant stop her. Yes, Guy, she’s aware its 2am.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Neither Satin or Chenille have much experience in cooking. They were pretty spoiled and never had to lift a finger in any kind of housework during their childhood and teenage life. Both of them have had to learn since they moved out but they gotta stick to the basic stuff.
Bless her, Satin’s heart was definitely in the right place. But what she tried to cook was gourmet which she sure as hell was not ready for yet.
Guy’s childhood ran more on a chore wheel kinda thing. He and his siblings had to take turns cooking dinner each week so like he’s a lot more acquainted with it. But is he proud of Satin’s obvious efforts, that’s his girl! You did amazing for your first try!
Tbh he probably tries to eat some of it just to be like “Nonono its fine, we can totally eat this for di-” *Chokes and has to spit it out* “Yeah ok imma make some cookies. You did a good job tho I love you”
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
At a petstore, Guy points at two lizards lying on top of eachother “That one’s me and that one’s you.”
“There’s a fine selection of squeaky toys over here and I'm going to pick one just to whack you with.”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
I mean Guy wears the clothes Satin MAKES so
I'm sure he’s tried on her actual clothes a couple times tho
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Satin: “Okay okay, so it was a good day. A really good day. A productive day. Bought the groceries for dinner tonight, made the phone calls, picked up the dry-cleaning, went to the post office, got the car fixed, vacuumed the living room-”
Guy: “Aww baby, that’s great. Hey, where’s Jade?”
Satin: “Where’s who now?”
Guy: “Our 2 year old son? You-you picked him up from day-care, right?”
*Sounds of Satin grabbing her keys and tripping out the front door*
Guy: “.....was that a yes orrrr?”
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Guy cant read maps so he drives. Also if they have a kid (or theyre babysitting the other kids) Satin’s better at telling them to behave so its better if she’s not behind the wheel.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Guy poses, Satin draws. Its like part of their whole model/designer dynamic. Duh
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Guy backflips, Satin has chips
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
After the first article of clothing is removed, Satin is forced to confiscate Guy’s glass.
“Sweetheart, listen. We cant afford to do this again. We cant go back to jail.”
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
They both do ofc
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Satin did when she was really little but Guy hadn't the foggiest clue why she kept doing in. He just piped up with “That's not your last name, it’s mine, silly!” Then proceeded to tell her what her last name was in case she forgot.
She did start calling herself Satin Diamond a few years before they got married. Like it wasn't his real last name so it didn’t matter much. Plus it sounded classy as hell. You wouldn't wanna fuck with a lady called Satin Diamond.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Neither of them are huge fans of spiders but as Guy always had to suck it up and take spiders out for his little sister’s sake, he’s a lot more equipped to dealing with it.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Satin often doesn't wear jackets so if she cold, Guy’s on that shit in an instant
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
They both got a pretty good relationship with eachothers siblings. Guy’s brothers are all lovable nerds in their heart so they adopt Satin immediately
Meanwhile Chenille is like a sister to Guy so like she knows he’ll cherish Satin with all his heart but like. Like a sister. Tell me Chenille hasn't blown her top several time cuz her annoying little brother/her sister’s boyfriend is being a shit again
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Guy probably. Their relationship kinda develops from friends to occasional flirting to more recurring flirting to constant flirting and like Guy is almost CERTAIN they’re on the same page. Orrrrr flirty might just be a budding aspect of Satin’s personality because hey, it does suit her very well.
Eventually he just gets confused and impatient and blurts out like “HEY ARE WE DOING WHAT WE’RE THINK WE’RE DOING CUZ I LIKE YOU A LOT AND-”
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Pretty good, considering they weren’t really ready to be parents. The whole nine months was like last minute cramming for a test. They read so many baby books my fuckin god.
But no Satin’s a natural mom. Not as high energy as Poppy and a lot more subdued but still very caring and considerate. She’s calm and logical when helping her kid deal with problems and makes sure he always feel comfortable when talking to her. Jade is REALLY close with his momma.
Also if he gets caught sneaking out at night, he’s shish kabob. But he respects and understands that. His mom is the best person in the world. He just wouldn't dare fuck with her
Guy is also a very devoted father and tends to act as the sillier parent. His relationship with kid can be best described as “Lovingly argumentative.” But no matter, how much he makes fun of his Dad, Jade is probably his biggest fan. He knows the man’s complete filmography by heart and aspires to be an actor too. (Jade cant act for shit but ssssh he’ll change his career choice when he’s older)
But yeah, Guy spent years as his acting coach and tried so hard too because he personally believed his boy could do anything. Turns out he couldn't but ehhh, its the thought that counts. Guy loves Jade to bits and vice versa.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Neither of them use perfect grammar but Satin is most definitely the number thing. Guy is not.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
I dunno if either of them are the type to get bullied. At least in the case of Satin, she just doesn't take crap. But I guess in the case of Guy, who’s just so unashamedly himself, he might piss off a few other kids with that toxic masculinity mind-set. It probably doesn't happen often but if it ever did, Satin would bite their heads off. She aint here for this bullshit.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Guy: *puns*
Satin: “You’re doing amazing sweetie” (I imagine death so much, it feels like a memory.)
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Hear me out. Guy is the impulse buyer, which is why it shocks everyone when Satin is the one to buy the puppy. She was going through an emotional week ok?? Leave her alone
Guy actually has to be the voice of reason here because babe do we have time for a dog idk if we can do this
They end up keeping it and tbh they are TOTALLY the type of people to call themselves the dog’s mommy and daddy. They’re those people fite me
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Satin doesn't get tired easily but she wears pinchy shoes a lot so Guy gives piggybacks when she needs it
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
I need to tattoo “Guy is Satin’s biggest fan” to my gotdamn forehead
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Satin. Guy hates candid photos so fuckin much so like nobody has any pictures of him laughing or sleeping or just walking around with no makeup on.
Except for Satin. Satin has like a billion. Guy just doesn't know about them cuz she knows he’d make her delete them.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
I mean Satin DID give Guy a makeover when he asked. You don't think the legendary Guy Diamond look was a one man job, do you? Nah, the twins helped create the icon.
Hell, his first experience with makeup was Satin hiding him the girls bathroom stall when they were like 12 and covering up the acne on his chin after she caught him getting upset over it.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Look if Satin ever gets a snake, Guy aint gonna be pleased
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Okay but listen to me. Guy makes a big deal every time his hair gets wet. He hates rain. He hates it so fuckin much.
One time when they were teenagers, they agreed to meet at the other end of town to see a movie. Ofc theres a downpour and Guy’s standing with his umbrella at the bustop, waiting for Satin’s bus to show up. But once she steps out, she looks frazzled af, clearly having not expected the rain.
So its been a long day and Satin is pacing back and forth, unintentionally splashing puddled as she rambles about an unfair detention she received, about Chenille stealing her hairdryer, about her homework not making any sense.
The rain suddenly stops pelting her head and a shadow falls over her frame. She turns around to find him with his arm outstretched and his umbrella looming over her.
Guy blinks, confused as she stares at him in shock, his hair a soaking mess. “What?
And Satin is just internally “Imma marry him. I stg imma marry this loser.”
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Wherever there’s city lights and rooftop penthouses. Theatres, restaurants and glitzy ballrooms. They live for the night glow. Tbh take them to Paris. Let them dance under the Eiffel Tower at midnight. Tell me that isn't the pinnacle of romanticism.
Also Satin takes the pictures. She’s the better photographer between them. Guy gets too eager and so many of his pics are fuzzy
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insomniiiac-blog1 · 7 years
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let me start by saying what the f u ck ??  i’m so eloquent .  i know ,  i know .  so i’ve decided to revive my maggie blog without any expectations .  i played her so long ago ,  not anything like i do now  &  the rules of roleplaying are constantly changing  &  let’s be Real i’m such a rusty loser .  i was a scared lil bean  still am  when i first posted my promo ,  i didn’t have a clue what i was doing  &  i still D ONT .  all i do know is that i love this character so much ,  with all of her quirks &  poor life choices i scream about 24/7 . but anyways ,  i wanted to try giving my own spin on things  &  what the hell right ???  worst it could happen i’d get ignored  &  DIE .  i figured i’d probably lurk in the shadows before getting my soul sucked by a demon or whatever ,  so you can imagine how  Shook  i am that all of you are still here with me  &  it all happened so fast too !!!    i pride myself in following people who spread only love &  *~~*~~*  positive vibes *~~*~~*  &  my dash is such a good place honestly ??  whenever i’m feeling down or upset,  you guys lift me up ,  humor me ,  keep me laughing  &  entertained  -  even if you don’t know you’re doing it ,  just know you’ve been cheering me up when i needed .  you’re all wonderful writers , i’m so thankful for each follow button i ever clicked ,  for having found such great ,  kind members in this community .  if i follow you i’d just like you to know i  ADMIRE  you so much !  yes ,  every single one of you is so dear to me  &  i will legit bite off the face of anyone who tries to upset y’all .  you’re strong ,  diverse ,  WAY TOO QUALITY to follow me  & i’m the luckiest gal in the world for having you as my followers .  if you ever need anything ,  anything at all ,  please know you can hop straight into my IM  !   now before i get all sentimental  too late u dork  let me get this list started
@thinhumanity & all the chars i convert u into making sorry i think you were one of the very  FIRST  people to pop in my inbox  &  i’m ever so thankful you did . turns out we  had  met prior to this blog being revamped  &  u were still around &  you found me again !!  i absolutely  ADORE  you  &  everything you write ,  you are such an inspiration, and such a genuinely kind ,  funny and creative human being , i love getting our wild plots going and you’re so stuck with me for life .
@dreamerflew  you are literally such a blessing .  i don’t know what i’d do if i didn’t have you on my dash ,  seeing your posts in  &  out of character just give a spark to my day you have no idea .  you’re so dedicated as a writer and focused on your muses it’s admirable .  you’re always nice to everyone and patient , and  i love every single one of your muses .  u don’t even got a choice imma stalk yo blogs 5ever .
@superiiorisms  LIGHT OF MY LIFE !!   i know i’ve been lacking on discord lately ,  so let me take this opportunity to tell you  i love you so so much  &  you are one of the best people i’ve met through roleplaying .  you are kind ,  sweet ,  devoted  &  has been there for me even during the worst times .  i am so grateful to have you as a friend you can’t even imagine how much  &&  you know i am  so ready  to fight anyone & anything that upsets you .  you are my bitter ,  salty mate  &  i love you more than you’ll ever know .
@kruegxr  i am so lucky to have met you here  &  i’m so glad you CapSLocked the shit outa my IM that day  &  we got to talking !  what the fuck is there even to say ??  i don’t think i’ll ever meet another anoes geek like the both us are .  i finally found someone i can scream with about random  my nerdy stuff  &  that actually understands my 80 year old spirit  &  even laughs at my shitty sense of humor .  if thats not a soulmate idk what it is  ok ?  i love you matey
whether we’ve roleplayed much or not ,  if you’re on this list is because i admire the heck outta you  &  lowkey stalk your threads OOPS ?  you’re amazing  &  i’m so totally  hooked  on you  &  your character baby !
@calignus  //  @goremade //  @millennicl  //  @queasymortician  //  @dollyhoused  //  @clownsiin  //  @vodked  //  @bloodiedgown  //  @plaguedlaughs  //  @violentstarved  //  @penywises  //  @thrunawy  //  @tragedyveined  //  @meddlingheels  //  @benjinobunaga  //  @maskmade  //  @reaperiisms //  @webcunt  //  @dollcursed
thank you so much for being a part of my roleplaying experience ,  really .  thank you so much for following  &  sticking with me despite all the trash i dump on this blog all day long lmao .  i love y’all so much  &  am so pumped to have your urls on my followers list !
@tctalwildcard - @butscrewmefirst //  @beartrappcd  //  @axedhearts  //  @mindfcker  //  @holythievery  //  @chilledbreath  //  @youngsuffers  //  @amsterdammotherfucker  //  @graceworn  //  @neverstrays  //  @huntersfate  //  @shiokataru  //  @sacrificas  //  @alexskralie  //  @heavenblind  //  @theirprophecy  //  @themanyvoiices  //  @humanhunting  //  @serialclown  //  @babyfircfly  //  @fleshbringer  //  @devoursflesh  //  @dysmelia  //  @dcllparted  //  @mrbxtes
we already know i’m missing some people cause i’m a  total Mess !!!  but i cherish y'all  SO SO MUCH ,   thank you for following my sorry ass  &  letting me bring maggie / katherine to life !
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teardropsandbs · 8 years
  Thank you 2011 for being one of the best years of my life. After 14 long years, Tom and I end up loving each other. Who would have thought that he’s going to be my husband? Seriously! LOL! Cliché but true, no one really knows what the future holds. I want to thank you, my dear 2011 for giving me lots of memories. You started so well by finally giving me a lovelife after how many lonely years haha! And not just that, I had the best of both worlds! I was given an opportunity to work in our Sales department and earn more hehe. My lil sister and I were able to travel to a foreign land together - HK. I was given a chance to visit my hometown, Manila. I was so happy to see my family and friends once again. Home will always be home.
When I came back here in Canada, I had a fun Ontario experience with friends. We went to Harris Hill in Lake of the Woods. Although, my fall and winter had been pretty much all about focusing on my benchmarks and targets, I learned to save up! Haha! I used to save to travel and/or buy stuff that I want but this year, I managed to be future-wise and know my priorities. Mainly because I got engaged! I became more matured because I finally realized what I really want in life. I want to be a wife. I want to be a mom. I want to grow old beside the man I love. Everything that I am doing right now is for my future, for my family and for the future family that Tom and I will have. This year, I surpassed the quarter-year. I have never been this driven, never been this happy and I think, now, I can say that I am growing up haha! Thank you God for all the blessings especially for my sister’s second life. That accident was a miracle! With You, Lord in our lives, we can overcome anything. I am looking forward for another awesome year. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Jun Carlos Custodio!
Thank you for my family and friends all over the world who made this year a memorable one! I need to get up now and dress up to welcome the new year. And oh, Happy 75th Birthday to my lolo back in Manila. We need to be home before the party starts to Skype and celebrate with them. Haha! So bye 2011! I know 2012 will be better but I will forever cherish you.
    2012-01-01 02:47:53 2012-01-01 07:47:53 open Publish post 757991223 Homecoming xaxcxexlx Sun, 05 Jun 2011 15:02:01 -04:00
I'm actually up in the air somewhere in the Pacific on my way to Vancouver. We left Tokyo 4 hours ago so that means I'll be stuck on this aisle seat for another 5 hours. Beside me is an old Filipino man. He's very charming (not that I have a thing for old men), he's like my lolo, a funny gentleman. He was amazed that I speak fluent Tagalog and use po at opo because he thought I was born in Canada. I just finished watching all the travel documentary flicks on my seat TV. The last one was an episode of Billy Conolly's jaunt all over Canada, from East to West coast (made me wanna do that!). He spent 10 weeks travelling from St. John's to BC, exploring some of Canada's most remote locations. The film made me appreciate my second home. I've always hated moving to Winnipeg. Not only because it's boring compare to Manila but mainly because of my family and friends back in my homeland. I didn't cry when I left Manila earlier, maybe because I didn’t look at Tom. I don’t wanna look back at him. I don’t want to see him crying. I didn’t want to face the fact that I’m leaving the man that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I was in denial that Manila is not my home anymore. I was born and raised as a Manila Girl. I party a lot! And I mean a lot! But Manila is not just about partying or drinking. You’ll only understand the difference between fun and happiness if you try to experience Manila life.
                I spent 4 days in HK and 3 weeks in P.I. minus the 3 days that I got flu and just stayed in my bed while Tom took care of me. We were together all the time. Wherever I go, he goes. We haven’t fought yet, like a real bf-gf fight, and I hope not. I didn’t get the chance to visit my bestfriend, Karen and her baby Kyzer, my RGLC family and my boyfriend’s closest friends since we were in HS. 3 weeks was not even close to enough. I wish I could stay longer. Most of the stuff that I bought was just pasalubong, failed to buy those things I need for myself. But I had the greatest time of my life. Nothing beats visiting your hometown. And of course, spending time with Tomtom is the best part! I could not ask for more. After 14 long years of knowing each other, we never imagined ending up loving each other this much. Sadly, I had to leave and he has to fly back to Singapore as well. We have to be apart for a while first to be together forever.
                I never planned my future with any guy before. I didn’t even want to get married. I’ve experienced all boys’ lies you could ever imagine first hand and got hurt as fck! But I never get tired of loving again.  And when this guy came into my life, everything has changed. He made all the tears, heartaches and waiting all worth it. He was God’s final gift and He wrapped him with a bow. Haha! I am truly blessed, so thankful and much loved. I’ve never been in love like this before, never ever loved someone this much before and never been loved by someone this much before. I want to marry him.
                He changed my perspectives in life. He made me want to have kids, eat veggies, learn how to cook, love what I hate and most importantly, trust a guy and love without fear. He’s just amaaazing! He makes me laugh, cry, smile, frown, smug, sing, dance, dream, blush, he just knows how to make me the happiest person ever! And that makes me love him more.
                One year. We have a year to prepare for our future together. He’ll come here, and that’s huge for me! Nothing’s harder than leaving your family and friends back home. I should know! But Canada is my home now and it’s the only place and the only way for us to be together. In a few hours, I’ll be home. I have a day off before going back to work. A day to overcome jetlag, pay my $$$ Rogers bill, learn changes in my department and a Skype date. But whatever! I know I can get by. I don’t see these as problems. That vacation (especially Tom) gave me a brighter outlook ahead. No bad vibes! Cheers to happiness and to the future… at my home, Canada eh!
    2011-06-05 12:17:53 2011-06-05 16:17:53 open Publish post 749357437 Lilo xaxcxexlx Sun, 05 Jun 2011 12:26:10 -04:00
I may be mean ignoring you, but could u blame me? You hurt me too many times. I treated you more than a best friend, loved u more than my own sister and cared for you like a mother. The happiest memories of my life were memories with you. My greatest, craziest and dumbest photos were with you. Yes, I miss you. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't trust you.
  2011-02-20 01:53:40 2011-02-20 06:53:40 open Publish post 741726049 Lookbook.nu xaxcxexlx Tue, 21 Dec 2010 00:22:31 -05:00 Acel Libante on LOOKBOOK.nu 2010-12-21 00:21:51 2010-12-21 05:21:51 open Publish post 737620705 I Can't Stop LOL xaxcxexlx Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:24:10 -04:00
2010-07-10 23:17:40 2010-07-11 03:17:40 open Publish post 729939647 Fast Lane xaxcxexlx Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:31:16 -04:00
Hello everyone! I don't have much updates (again ;p). Just 'cause my sister's 18th is finally over (pics on my FB, click Facebook up there) and now I'm getting my "me-time" back. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were planning her party and now it's all over. Stressed and drained, I am. It feels fulfilling though. My sister was so happy on her night and so as her guests. She's going to Bora this week and have a week left to spend in Manila to shop (for my stuff too)! Anyway, I'm home alone. It's soooooooo hot outside! +26 on spring????!!!! Can u believe it?! Sun will set by pass 21:00 and Imma go out to jog or maybe eat dinner. It's gonna be this sunny for the whole week so it means I'm gonna wear sandals everyday! Yey! I have to shower now and enjoy the rest of the night!
2010-05-16 19:58:33 2010-05-16 23:58:33 open Publish post 727250670 xaxcxexlx Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:31:47 -04:00
 Ok. Before I start this blog, SHUT UP PONG! Read it first. LMAO! Anyway, I woke up this morning realizing how much will I miss on my sister's 18th birthday. We've been together forever. Every single birthday she had, all the birthday parties I threw and she was actually the one who blew the candles on my 18th birthday cake. I feel so sad that I won't be able to share this moment with her. Not even dad or mom, but she understands how it is. She knows we want nothing but the best for her. We're giving her everything she deserves. She's the only reason why we're working hard here. We may miss her night but I will surely throw a party once she gets back from Manila. The feeling just got me nostalgic. The party's theme suits her best. If you know her since she was a kid, you know what I'm talking about. Look at her pic up there :)) She was very witty and "bibang-biba"! As she grew up, she became better and better. She doesn't drink/smoke. She barely go to clubs. She knows her responsibilities. She's a walking-periodic-table-of-elements. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. She can sing and surely is good in dancing. She says what she wants to say. She's way more than just a Facebook photo-whore. She CAN'T be friends with everyone,  she will befriend you if she feels like to, but if not, she just doesn't like you at all. haha! If u love her, she'll love you more. Hate her? Hell she cares! :)) I experienced everything first hand! LOL! Sure we fought now and then but our personalities are like the Yin and the Yang. There were times that we're on opposite poles but I think for sisters, it comes naturally that you both find your equator.  She is my ultimate enemy and my best-est friend at the same time. She's my greatest critic, my hilarious entertainer, my worst listener, my pentium1-diary, my partner-in-shopping but not in crime and lies, my clothes-sneaker, my pms-ing helper, my messy roommate, my reading-bugger, my party-killer, my science-translator, my stuff-breaker, my finicky shoe-mate,  my meanest boy-meter, my financial-abuser, my weirdest chef, my favorite bugger, my loveliest Barbie, my drive to success, my first favor to God, my priceless treasure, my one and only sister...Reizel.
  2010-05-06 04:54:28 2010-05-06 08:54:28 open Publish post 726653699 xaxcxexlx Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:32:21 -04:00
 I haven't checked my MySpace for ages until today and I received the most retard message I have ever read!
"hello angle how are you to day hope fine i was on ur profile ealre today i found it so intresting. i felt like making u my closed friend. i am so intresting of u so i deside to writte this maill to u i dont know if u will be kind enough to acepte me. u know u girls are some how defficut. i will be gratefull if u acept and maill me back with this maill ikdon@***.com. so to tell u more about me and give u my pic hopeing to ear frome u soonest thanks"
Wala lang  I just find it hilarious! Plus I need to entertain myself while finishing the details on my sister's 18th. It's gonna be huge! I hope she'll be happy even if Mom, Dad and I can't be there. Anyways... I don't have much updates for you. I've been working so hard lately and on my last meeting with my TS, he informed me that I'm currently ranking #1 for the entire department  Isn't it awesome? I still have lates though, BUT I'm working on that! The city bus schedule sucks! I hate it! And I'll never get used to it! I have to buy a car before winter! I still have several months to save up. And speaking of saving up, I might start saving or rather TRY saving after my birthday. Yes! My birthday's coming up in 2 months. If you're in MNL, it's a long time for you but here, it's over before u even know it! But before that, of course, Reizel's debut party is knocking me out. I'm actually finishing the final plot right now so I could send it to my Tita tomorrow. FYI, it's already 4:54 am CST here. Yesterday, I slept after lunch na and I wasn't able to finish it so now I have to really wrap it up. She's leaving soon and I'm dying out of envy! LOL! Last minute preps drove me gaga (like OMGaga! - that's my fave expression lately! haha!)... but they're all set now.  So yeah, that's it for the meantime. I'm just waiting for Rachel's email for the new collection and send eveything to Tita then I can finally sleep.
 P.S. ---- Since Rachel has been a huge help on my chaos lately, pls visit her collection and SHOP! You'll surely love every piece!
  2010-05-02 06:05:48 2010-05-02 10:05:48 open Publish post 726439429 BZ xaxcxexlx Sat, 10 Jul 2010 23:33:41 -04:00
I've been so busy lately... with my sister's homecoming and at work. Barely touch my notebook. I'm uber-attached with my new BB ^_^ ...told u guys that I was planning to get Bold or Storm. So, I ended up getting a white BlackBerry Bold 9000. Touchscreens are getting boring . Posted that photo up there 'cause it looks like downtown Peg. Been such a work-a-holic! OT's and yeah, on my last evaluation, I'm ranking #1 for the whole department  All the hardworks are paying off. I'll be busier until the end of next month, it's my sister's 18th (I think e'rybody knows it na anyway!) and I already have my Med Insurance. I'll get my eyes checked (I left Manila with a 20-20 vision and now FML!), teeth bleached (if necessary, braces or retainers), general medical exam (CBC again of course!) and MASSAGE!!! hehe  For this week naman, I'm off tomorrow, chocolate-shopping with mom for pasalubong... and TRY to cook spaghetti haha! I won't be going out nor date anyone, well, not until June. I have heaps of things to accomplish this coming month...so I need to focus focus focus! That's it for now, it's almost 5am CST here! :)) XO
2010-04-26 05:21:42 2010-04-26 09:21:42 open Publish post 726095266 Home xaxcxexlx Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:49:49 -04:00   I miss home. My sister's going back in a few weeks and I envy her so much! lol 2010-04-23 16:37:18 2010-04-23 20:37:18 open Publish post 725947367 Good Sunday Morning xaxcxexlx Sun, 02 May 2010 06:42:10 -04:00
  I slept late last night (went out w/ friends) but woke up so early this morning. I dunno why, but it's a good thing though 'cause I have to revise the video and edit some photos for the soireè that I was talking about on my previous post. Imma start in a while but before I go, I wanna share these sites. So u guys can go shopping even if ure just bumming on ur couch. I chose these sites because they're my personal favorite shops online. Some of them were already featured on magazines and/or tv shows. I barely shop online just 'cause Winnipeg got American Apparel, Urban Behavior and Urban Planet which I mostly buy my stuff from and if I have more money, I can go to Swank! And oh, you can also be a real winner in Winners! I only buy clothes/shoes online IF I really love it and the price isn't rip off. So here they are... HAPPY SHOPPING!!!
     2010-04-11 13:48:21 2010-04-11 17:48:21 open Publish post 725171897 ClosetKid.com xaxcxexlx Sun, 02 May 2010 06:45:57 -04:00
Hey guys! This will be my first post for April. Boo! I know! Sorry  I've been way too busy with work, family, friends and organizing a very special soirée. My YMCA membership got voided too 'cause I don't have spare time. They require at least 6 visits or use of the facilities every month to keep your membership but yeah I am that busy! I'm in front of my laptop all the time working on an upcoming "something" but have no time to blog. So quick update lang for now but I promise I'll try to post as much as I can kahit using my phone lang. I'm planning to get a new BB next week. If you have any suggestions on what model, just post it on my Chatterbox right there > > >. I had 2 hours of sleep last night. Sabog much? haha! And I'm still up this late tonight. Well, I just want to post this site. So u guys can pick up some ideas for the summer season (spring here). Few people kept asking me for fashion tips kasi on my Formspring.com/xAxCxExLx ...So, I'll just post some fashion feeds/finds na lang online since I'm not a fashion guru naman no! As Ive said, JUST BE YOURSELF and WEAR WHAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF. Nakakaloka lang kasi ung ibang questions sa Formspring ko. haha! Some of 'em, hindi ko na sinagot 'coz they're just lame and might hurt people pa but most of the questions naman, sinagot ko. Anyways, here's the site na... c/o Laureen Uy
  2010-04-09 02:27:10 2010-04-09 06:27:10 open Publish post 725029355 Sea of Shoes xaxcxexlx Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:31:40 -04:00
Jane Aldridge's fashion blogsite:
click! U won't regret it :)
2010-03-29 01:31:00 2010-03-29 05:31:00 open Publish post 724388866 UB xaxcxexlx Sat, 27 Mar 2010 01:12:57 -04:00
Sana matanggap na ko sa Urban Behavior
  2010-03-27 01:11:45 2010-03-27 05:11:45 open Publish post 724277301 Sunshine xaxcxexlx Fri, 26 Mar 2010 01:10:27 -04:00
 I won't rush this time. But yes, I found The One.
2010-03-26 01:09:47 2010-03-26 05:09:47 open Publish post 724220664 HAARP Technology xaxcxexlx Thu, 25 Mar 2010 02:40:09 -04:00 2010-03-25 02:39:29 2010-03-25 06:39:29 open Publish post 724165685 After reading about the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 6th deadliest earthquake in recorded history, and the 2010 Chile earthquake, the fifth strongest earthquake since 1900, I started reading a bit more on HAARP. http://templestream.xanga.com/731631025/do-christians-need-a-head-adjustment/ 1 2010-08-18 09:34:00 2010-08-18 13:34:00 templestream [email protected] http://templestream.xanga.com/ 0 34825592 0 1515783879 Springing Spring xaxcxexlx Sun, 02 May 2010 06:47:22 -04:00
Hey everyone! I'm on a break right now, so might as well blog. Not a work break... but a break from a major room cleaning. I worked 7 days straight this week and now enjoying my 3-days off... cleaning! haha! It's fun! For real! I didn't notice I have this much stuff already since we moved here! So they need to be organized. Plus I'm switching my wardrobe from Fall/Winter to Spring/Summer 2010  'cause today is the first official day of Spring! Bye winter coats, hello summer dresses!
And while I do that, here's what I have on my tube:
2010-03-20 19:05:45 2010-03-20 23:05:45 open Publish post 723905524 xaxcxexlx Sat, 13 Mar 2010 00:42:40 -05:00 Im currently on the tub right now. ;p I dont wanna fall asleep so I thought of blogging. There are so many random things in my head right now. Bills, him, school, work, party, friends, family and my sister's 18th. 2010's first quarter had been pretty expensive for me :D and now I have more splurging to come. The sectional this month then Bravia on April 2nd, iPad will be out on the 3rd but Im thinking of MacAir instead, I need a new laptop! Im not MALUHO ok? I just wanna stop fighting with my dad over his Farmville! LOL! Reizel's 18th is the most pain in the a$$! From the very small details to the huge plans, I have to organize everything. And it's the hardest party I have ever planned! Not to mention the pasalubongs that she has to bring for our family and friends back home. I have to do some budgeting. I might have to use my savings. But it's all good. Whatever makes her happy, Im happier. And of course I would never stop thanking God for all the blessings. Every part of my life at this moment is all in control. That's why I dont want a bf right now. I admit that I'm crazy-in-love with a guy though. But I like it to stay this way, no strings, just inspired. :) Tomorrow, I'm scheduled for a morning shift and have to head straight to Jo's 18th after work (kasama narin paperview for Manny's fight! Haha!). On Thursday, Republic (the busiest club here) turns 1! I won't miss that! If I have to go with my white friends, I will but I really wanna go with my pinoy friends of course. I need to have some fun and learn to balance work and play before school starts. 'Cause for sure I'l be so dead by then. Less than 4 months and I'll be on the quarter of my life. Yay! Im excited to plan my bday! Imma rent a Hummer-Limo! I swear! Haha! Reiz will be legal by that time so we gun party hard when she gets back for my 25th. Imma bring Manila life here! Why mope around missing the limelight back home when u can juz bring it on here!? Life's short. We only live once, make it worth it! 2010-03-13 00:41:59 2010-03-13 05:41:59 open Publish post 723443112 Blair aka juicystar07 xaxcxexlx Thu, 11 Mar 2010 01:01:23 -05:00
Kahit super arte nya, I'm learning a lot from her vlogs
2010-03-11 01:00:43 2010-03-11 06:00:43 open Publish post 723328743 When I Grow Up xaxcxexlx Thu, 08 Apr 2010 02:22:56 -04:00
Sorry guys! I promised to blog yesterday but I didn't.  I slept for like 15 hours! I had to rest after all the chaos of the past weeks. Well, I'm still in chaos though.   But I'm starting to manage it. The mass yesterday helped me a lot in realizing which should I prioritize in my life right now. Back home, I've had the most excruciating heartbreaks. Malas! But I've realized it wasn't just because of my unlucky fate in love, it was certainly because of my decisions and actions before. I was not wise enough. I always let my heart dominates.
I didn't realize I've been here for almost a year now. Canada is truly a fast-paced place. Work, eat, sleep, mall, Church and Internet. Simple life. For months, I had liquor twice, I went out once and I haven't been to a club yet. Very far from my life back home. I miss it so much. I miss my friends and of course my family. But I chose to move here. I made that decision together with my family. Not just because of my own future, but also for my sister. I'm going back to school this fall. By then, my future starts. That means I'll be much busier. I'm still debating whether to take Pharma or CGA. Pharmacy is my sister's course, so we could share books and be cheatmates  but I'm also thinking it will take me years. So I thought of taking Accounting, not only it can be my MBA but I already have knowledge and experiences on it. But that doesn't mean I don't have any on Pharma. I love Chemistry! But these are not the issues or those so-called chaos I've mentioned. Love always knocks me down whenever I'm on my best. I'm all set now and ready for my plans in life. Then someone came along. Unexpectedly. The worst part is, he is the best man I have ever met. I've never felt this crazy ever! And you know what's funny? I rejected him. Stupid much? I know!!!  But I have to use my brain this time. I can't let loose right now. I am so in control of my life. I have so much responsibilities, plans, goals and dramas in my life right now. I just can't fall. I've grown up
  2010-03-09 01:26:35 2010-03-09 06:26:35 open Publish post 723215185 It's So White, It Hurts My Eyes xaxcxexlx Sat, 06 Mar 2010 22:51:11 -05:00
  Hi xangans! I'm sorry for not blogging these past few days. I've been so busy with work and with my new "Sunshine"  . Did I just say that? Haha! Yeah, I am head-over-heels in love with a guy right now and this is the very first time I felt this extreme towards a person! I'm actually starting to become annoying! Haha! So, Imma shut up now!  BTW, we just got home from Brandon, visited Ate Ela and her family. It has been a freezing foggy day today. Too scary to drive on the road but I love the scenery though, everything's white. Imma have supper in a while and rest, can't go to Republic with friends tonight 'cause I'm still tired from the trip. I have to rest and we'll see if I can go out some time soon. I promise to blog tomorrow. Xoxo!  NA
  2010-03-06 22:50:32 2010-03-07 03:50:32 open Publish post 723089895 Signs? xaxcxexlx Sun, 28 Feb 2010 19:18:39 -05:00
 From all the devastating calamities that are happening in the world today, call me a freak but it really is scary.
  2010-02-28 19:18:00 2010-03-01 00:18:00 open Publish post 722723646 ▌♥ ▌GO CANADA GO ▌♥ ▌ xaxcxexlx Sun, 28 Feb 2010 15:11:32 -05:00
Men's Ice Hockey Finals on now!!!
Sa inyo na ang basketball! Hockey is our game!!!
2010-02-28 15:10:51 2010-02-28 20:10:51 open Publish post 722716459 In 5 Years. xaxcxexlx Sun, 28 Feb 2010 04:37:11 -05:00
2010-02-28 04:36:33 2010-02-28 09:36:33 open Publish post 722679978 Spring is Coming xaxcxexlx Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:09:49 -05:00
my favourite morning! Tims Double Double
   I can wear shorts now  ...with leggings though
  2010-02-26 02:07:59 2010-02-26 07:07:59 open Publish post 722550863 xaxcxexlx Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:03:17 -05:00
Gold: Yu Na Kim (South Korea)
Silver: Mao Asada (Japan)
Bronze: Joannie Rochette (Canada)
  2010-02-26 02:02:39 2010-02-26 07:02:39 open Publish post 722550697 xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:02:11 -05:00
Tessa and Scott won gold in Ice Dance for Canada...IN CANADA!
  Tonight, I have two skaters to cheer for! Joannie Rochette for Canada and Kim Yu Na of South Korea but with a Canadian coach and training in Toronto. Kim Yu Na, as the reigning world champion and Grand Prix champion, she is expected to win gold tonight. But with plenty of competitions on the rink just like Mao Asada of Japan, one of Kim's fiercest rivals, is capable of throwing a triple axel, something no other competitor is likely to try and other Japanese skaters Miki Ando and Akiko Suzuki as well as Canada's Joannie Rochette pose a formidable challenge.
 Few minutes and let the game begin!
2010-02-23 20:01:31 2010-02-24 01:01:31 open Publish post 722420662 My #1 Style Icon xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 18:03:57 -05:00
Olivia Toledo Palermo
2010-02-23 18:03:19 2010-02-23 23:03:19 open Publish post 722417528 I Strongly Recommend xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 17:51:58 -05:00
   2010-02-23 17:51:20 2010-02-23 22:51:20 open Publish post 722417111 The Wait is Over xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 17:47:01 -05:00 2010-02-23 17:46:22 2010-02-23 22:46:22 open Publish post 722416947 xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:10:48 -05:00
  2010-02-23 03:10:08 2010-02-23 08:10:08 open Publish post 722377004 Yoga Accepts. Yoga Gives. xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 02:15:14 -05:00
  After gaining weight due to the holidays and so
much pigging out lately, I need this.
  2010-02-23 02:11:04 2010-02-23 07:11:04 open Publish post 722375355 I Am So Back In Xanga xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 02:16:17 -05:00
I just recovered this blogsite. This is my first ever blog. So now, I decided to revamp it. From now on, I'll make it public so everyone can check it.
2010-02-21 20:22:56 2010-02-22 01:22:56 open Publish post 722303590 C H A N E L xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:53:57 -05:00
     2008-02-17 15:05:30 2008-02-17 20:05:30 open Publish post 642877664 Anna Wintour xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:30:46 -05:00         2007-10-23 05:59:03 2007-10-23 09:59:03 open Publish post 623037643 Dream Room xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:36:37 -05:00
 Mariah Carey's closet.
  2007-10-11 16:28:55 2007-10-11 20:28:55 open Publish post 620980034 Spice Girls is LOVE :)) xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:14:09 -05:00 2007-10-08 13:40:48 2007-10-08 17:40:48 open Publish post 620412775 Jason and LC xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:18:50 -05:00 2007-10-08 10:09:03 2007-10-08 14:09:03 open Publish post 620357229 Very Audrey Hepburn xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:49:31 -05:00
2007-10-05 19:02:46 2007-10-05 23:02:46 open Publish post 619883787 The Last Hug xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:47:37 -05:00
Reserved the best for last. THE LAST HUG!
How do u say farewell to a person who you selflessly loved? I dont know how, although a whirlwind it was, it was the best rollercoaster ride of my life! So I just hugged him near, in that instance I had no sense of time! I just remember trying to embrace the love of my life, praying time would stop running forth, unfortunately no cooperation, the clock kept ticking! I released him but couldnt bear it, so I held him close one last time, cherishing preciously this human being that taught me to let go of my jadedness and allow myself to love. The most difficult moment was that last farewell glance, turning & walking away. Wish I could pull myself to glimpse back but I was scared I couldnt control myself and would run back, then I wouldnt be able turn my back once again. Im fulfilled with my decision to let be my emotions, to just let go, stop trying to control. No regrets. It was liberatingly freeing!
 Thanx ATE... for all the night-outs, drinking sessions and melancholic songs that made me cry out really loud! It felt so good to let it all out though! and yah thanx for escorting me with all the bottles of beer even if u cant even finish a bottle! It's the effort that counts! lav ya!
Thanx RIA... for never getting tired of listening to my endless ranting! and for being my hero against Pyke! hehe! Thanx for the long hours of chikahan!
Thanx BRY... for always checking up on me, for ticking me off when I skipped meals and for the libres! hehe!
Thanx ANGEL... for all the sleepless-sleepovers! haha! and for being my pretty nurse! We've been together for 9 looong years, u know the whole story! Thanx for EVERYTHING!
Thanx PYKE... FOR NOT SPEAKING TO ME FOR TWO MONTHS!!! It helped! I know how much u despise him! If y'all will form a petition party against him... I know u will be the President / Founder / Vice-Pres / Sec / Tres / blah blah blah!!! I still love u though! BUT It doesn't mean that I finally realized that I should've listened to u coz Carlos, It won't happen! COZ I HAVE NO REGRETS!!! I dont care if u dont understand why, how come, what am I thinking blah blah blah... basta! WE'VE BEEN HAPPY AND THAT'S ENOUGH. Believe it or not!!! Just pls be happy for me, I may not be able to smile at the moment.. but in time I will... hope soon... it's painful, still... but it will pay off sooner or later... I just need you beside me :) luv u Pyke! ..and happy bday! thanx again for inviting me... I ran out under the heavy rain just to get to Mindanao Ave! hmp! but it was worth it coz of our CEASEFIRE! hehe!
Thanx BEZ(Yadh)...for the calls and for making me cuento sooo daym long! Thanx for listening and helping me realized everything! I miss u! See u soon!
 U'll be the last guy I'll ever love this much!!! Thanx for making me the happiest!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I miss everything we used to do together! There are so many things that remind me of u! It's getting harder and tougher! Just pls don't waste everything, PLS BE SURE THAT WHAT HAPPENED WILL MAKE U HAPPIER!
  2007-10-05 15:07:29 2007-10-05 19:07:29 open Publish post 619869888 Be Deaf! xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:50:47 -05:00
2007-09-17 11:26:21 2007-09-17 15:26:21 open Publish post 616516200 Me Missing You xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:46:02 -05:00
Missing You – Case
Standing here looking out my window
My nights are long and my days are cold
Cause I don't have you
How can I be so damn demanding
I know you said that it's over now
But I can't let go
Every day I want to pick up the phone
And tell you that
You're everything I need and more
If only I could find you
 Like a cold summer afternoon
Like the snow coming down in June
Like a wedding without a groom
I'm missing you
I'm the desert without the sand
You're the woman without a man
I'm the ring without a hand
I'm missing you
 Driving 'round thought I saw you pass me
My rearview mirror's playing tricks on me
Cause you fade away
Maybe I'm just hallucinating
Cause my loneliness got the best of me
And my heart's so weak.
  2007-09-13 19:48:38 2007-09-13 23:48:38 open Publish post 615827491 aww I miss Cold Rock :D ya bet we can do this better! haha! xaxcxexlx Sun, 04 Nov 2007 22:38:54 -05:00 2007-09-05 18:09:58 2007-09-05 22:09:58 open Publish post 614322473 xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:48:39 -05:00 Will I ever find someone like you again? 2007-08-31 11:53:39 2007-08-31 15:53:39 open Publish post 613289781 Stupidity and Love xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:54:58 -05:00
I was browsing some multiply sites and ended up at my sister's schoolmate's multiply. lil lady yet big heartache! tsk tsk tsk! WE'RE IN A COMMON STATE. So I got interested with her blog.  I felt sad and disappointed again. kanino? kanino pa ba? eh di sa mga boys!
I hate forcing myself to let go of one person that I need in my life, it's the only thing that makes sense but at the same time, it's the same thing that complicates me! I KNOW THAT I AM BETTER OFF WITHOUT THAT PERSON, YET I FEEL EMPTY WHENEVER I TRY TO LET GO! Is emptiness better than constant hurting?
*even the smartest people make the most stupid mistake.. WHEN IN LOVE.*
2007-08-25 06:27:13 2007-08-25 10:27:13 open Publish post 612099335 xaxcxexlx Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:39:22 -04:00 The Allstars @ Wave's D'Gathering Sheenz for Mtv VJ Hunt(check out Jon on the last part! haha! so so dazed!) Kenjhons' single: "I'll Be Your Angel"(I really looove this song!!!) 2007-07-20 06:39:22 2007-07-20 10:39:22 open Publish post 605126993 Hey Doll * just browsing around xanga. your page is wayy cute! feel free to stop by mine & comment/subscribe! take care xOx &hearts' kate 1 2007-07-20 09:17:00 2007-07-20 13:17:00 BoMBSHELLandBRAiNS [email protected] http://bombshellandbrains.xanga.com/ 0 26294079 0 1349249707 Simei Singapore xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:58:42 -05:00
2007-07-16 10:28:28 2007-07-16 14:28:28 open Publish post 604347320 The Art of LV xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:01:51 -05:00
2007-06-04 16:10:07 2007-06-04 20:10:07 open Publish post 595534428 Bento Fun xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:05:56 -05:00
I don't want to eat it!
2007-05-17 15:15:57 2007-05-17 19:15:57 open Publish post 591443064 Funner Shopping xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:08:57 -05:00
LV Japan
    2007-05-12 03:56:08 2007-05-12 07:56:08 open Publish post 590166962 last weekend @ Tierra Nevada xaxcxexlx Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:51:23 -04:00
2007-04-23 06:50:34 2007-04-23 10:50:34 open Publish post 585846806 I'm A Big Fan xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:12:30 -05:00
Steve Aoki is LOVE!!!
2007-04-19 08:54:00 2007-04-19 12:54:00 open Publish post 584988403 xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:57:15 -05:00
“Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”  -English proverb
2007-04-06 17:38:51 2007-04-06 21:38:51 open Publish post 582169400 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:56:14 -05:00
2007-03-29 11:00:16 2007-03-29 15:00:16 open Publish post 580278146 PHA xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:16:09 -05:00
2007-03-17 20:47:36 2007-03-18 00:47:36 open Publish post 577599925 The Dance of Love xaxcxexlx Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:04:58 -05:00
I heard the crowd clapping and cheering as I stepped on the ice. My skating friends shouted, “Go, Ace!” I tried hard not to blush, but a grin crept over my face just like it always did whenever my friends called out their support to me. I reached my starting spot on the ice and took my opening position. I hoped all the hard work and many hours of practice would help me achieve my dream to win.
 My music began – a selection from the flick soundtrack of Step Up (it was the fastest routine I’ve ever danced!). Like a light stroke of a paintbrush on a canvas, my arm drew across my body, and my eyes followed out to my fingertips. I pushed off on my left foot with three powerful strokes into a Mohawk followed by a loop jump. I smiled as my blade curved a clean cut through the ice, and I held the landing, making sure all the judges could see. I pumped my legs with powerful crossovers until I was at the corner of the rink. I stretched my leg and jabbed my toe pick into the ice, which lifted me into a flip jump. Yes! I thought and gave another giant smile.
 My next moves needed to match the beats of the music exactly. I did a waltz jump, with a ballet jump following. I could hear the music; I was going too fast. I did some fancy three turns so that the music would catch up. Now! Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. I danced on my toes to the high notes of the piano. I tightened my body for my low, fast sit spin and came out of the spin with two back crossovers. So far, things were going great. My energy was high as I followed the music in my mind.
 Already it was time to wind up my program. My last 45 seconds included required footwork, a combination jump, and a sequence of spirals. To position myself for my footwork, I prepared to do a second Mohawk. I swayed my leg. Then suddenly my foot slipped out from underneath me, and I hit the ice with a thud. The crowd gasped. My teeth were jarred from the impact, but I popped right back up.
 I had never fallen in a competition before, and my first thought was to skate off the ice into my mom’s comforting arms. I had worked so hard, and now I felt like I had thrown it all away. After all the hours I had spent preparing, why did I have to fall on such a simple maneuver in front of an audience? The judges would never award me a first. I had ruined everything.
 But in that same instant, I kept going. I remembered my coach saying, “The skater who gets up and keeps going, no matter how hard it is, is truly a winner.” I remembered my parents telling me, “It doesn’t matter whether you come in first or last as long as you try your hardest and enjoy yourself.” I had worked too hard to quit now. I was determined to focus.
 I smiled as I skated toward my flip-loop combination and landed with a wobble. The crowd clapped enthusiastically and my music began to slow to the end. I stretched my back leg for a spiral sequence across the ice. I stretched from one edge to another, lowered my leg , and did a slow back pivot to a standing pose with my chest in the air and my head and arms arched back. The crowd applauded loudly as I bowed and skated off the ice.
 I stopped at the boards and stepped of the ice. MJ smiled encouragingly, and my mom hugged me tight, whispering in my ear that I had done a wonderful job. I slipped on my guards and sat down on the “kiss and cry”. I was still breathing hard and my legs wouldn’t stop shaking. As  I waited for my score to be posted, I thought about how much I love this sport, and I decided it didn’t matter what I had placed.
 Later that evening I was scheduled to skate a coupletech performance with my lil sis, Reizel, so we decided to eat first and rest. I changed into some warm-ups, smoothed my White velvet ice dress, and tucked it into my skating bag. As we walked out of the ice rink toward our car, Vernice, one of Reizel’s skating friends, asked what I had placed.
         “Fifth,” I told her proudly.
        “That’s great, Ate,” she said. “And goodluck tonight.”
        “Thanx!” I replied.
 As we drove back to our house, I thought about my day. I had grown up a lot, and I had a new way of looking at performing. I truly realized what my coach meant when he said, “When you fall, especially in a performance, you get stronger, because when you finish something, even if it’s not perfect, there is a feeling of accomplishment.” I was a winner today because I got up and finished my routine with a smile.
 When I am skating, I feel relaxed, peaceful, and as light as the sand crystals that blow along the beach. What matters is that every day I am learning and trying my best. What matters is that I LOVE TO SKATE.
 It was my final competition. I will miss iceskating so much! Bye ice, Hello waves!
2007-03-13 09:27:37 2007-03-13 13:27:37 open Publish post 576571779 Up North xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:28:35 -05:00
 Here’s a cuento from my Baguio trip last week…
  THURSDAY night (Feb 22 ‘07)
 ©      Went to GB3 – foodtrip! Chill! Cof!
©      Pert gave me a CD – their album! coz I told him that Ikaw Pa Rin is my fave song! He’s so baet! Hehe!
  FRIDAY (Feb 23 ‘07)
 ©      Bad news: couldn’t sleep!
©      Good news: fell asleep at 3AM
©      Worst news: 4AM – have to wake up na agad!… leavin’ in an hour!
©      1st destination: Shell-Maya (Gil Puyat – in front of The Columns) – gas up!
©      groceries! Yey! Bought 3 bags of chicha! Kahit bawal skn chichiria! haha!
©      Crossing EDSA: I fell asleep once again :D
©      7AM: NLEX – breakfast!
©      8AM: on the road again!
Background music: Jamelia’s Superstar (the girls gone gaga!)
  ©      10AM: Our Lady of Manaoag shrine (Pangasinan)
- they have the best Mais Con Hielo! Hehe ;p
©      12AM: La Union! …but of course!!! Hehe
©      “Surf All Day And Do The Hula!” – Roxy
I got the ugliest tanline! Coz I was wearin a shirt! d@mn it!
 ©      5PM: up up up north to Baguio!
…took McArthur instead of Kenon! Hehe! I was scared to death!
Background music: STRAIGHT CUT!!! (Georg sucks! Haha!)
©      7PM: SM Baguio (ate first)
©      saw Raja Montero (motorcade)
©      9PM: Kuya Ian’s crib (the rooms upstairs has the best hill views!)
©      1st night in Baguio – so cold!!! Water was like melted ice!
©      Stan’s friend & the pretty twins (Ela & Lyka) lives juz near our house! Same hill.. Quezon Hill! They’re from Silver St. lang! Our streets are crossing each other! Chico’s hometown! Hehe!
©      11PM: zzz…zz..z.
  SATURDAY (Feb 24 ‘07)
 ©      7AM: :’( I missed the sunrise! I so envy Reizel’s good-morning-Baguio pic!!!
©      9AM: Session Road!…watched Panagbenga Festival – Street Dancing (dame tao!)
©      11AM: shoppin’ time!
©      2PM: -others went to La Trinidad (strawberry farm)
-5 girls (including me!) went to Burnham Park
-riding a banca was fun! Rowing’s not though!
©      3PM: - Botanical Garden, Wright Park, The Mansion, Mines View Park… I don’t have much picz coz I was the group’s photographer! How nice of ‘em no?! hmp!
©      6PM: - went back home!
- they ate dinner, I did not, my tummy ached!
©      7PM: - went to Grotto (a 250 staircase up to the Altar)
- camwhorin’ and shoppin’ with my cousins!
©      9PM: - *porch* fireworks from Burnham Park! Yey! Hehe!
©      9:30PM: - they ate again! I did not AGAIN! :D
-after dinner, the girls and I played like lil kids with the uber fun help of the camera! ***check out my multiply: http://acel07.multiply.com/ ***
©      11PM: - zzz!!!…
  SUNDAY (Feb 25 ‘07)
 ©      4AM: - breakfast! Dami ko nakain! Wahaha!
©      5AM: - Sun wasn't up yet when we left the house.
©      6AM: - Baguio Cathedral
©      8AM: - Session Road (waited so ‘kin looong under the Sun!)
©      9AM: - Panagbenga Festival – Flower Floats Parade!
·          30 floats! Politicians! Celebs! Vast crowd!
©      12NN: - walked up hill back to the Cathedral’s parking area with my 2 ½ inches heeled pumps! Lolz!
  - ate pizza in the car then left Baguio na!
©      1PM: - camwhorin’ with Reizel along the “kakahilo-yet-awesome” Kenon Road!
- Background music? – Lady Sovereign! Best roadtrip ever!
       ©      4PM: - reached NLEX! …ate @ Jobee!
 ©      7PM: back to Manila! Finally home! Haaay… I LOVE THIS TRIP!
©      (I should’ve blogged my Singapore trip too! Sayang! Hehe!)
2007-03-12 07:09:06 2007-03-12 11:09:06 open Publish post 576302030 Breakfast at Tiffany`s xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:31:43 -05:00
Thanks Babe!
2007-02-18 20:53:19 2007-02-19 01:53:19 open Publish post 571391131 Sentosa xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:36:41 -05:00 2007-02-18 20:38:56 2007-02-19 01:38:56 open Publish post 571389363 You Copycat xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:36:56 -05:00
  2007-02-08 19:17:29 2007-02-09 00:17:29 open Publish post 568945017 Adrian and Paris xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:37:13 -05:00
They look so cute together!
  2007-02-03 07:28:42 2007-02-03 12:28:42 open Publish post 567615300 Sheena, the Japanese Doll xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:38:20 -05:00
@ Emba Cafeteria
2007-02-02 15:03:07 2007-02-02 20:03:07 open Publish post 567488892 One Day xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:41:19 -05:00
I will see the northern lights someday.
  2007-02-02 01:27:54 2007-02-02 06:27:54 open Publish post 567336203 Walk Away xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:48:33 -05:00
Bez! C'est très dur vous permettre d'aller!
Walk Away PAULA DEANDA I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember meI'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember meI saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI'll admit that I was impressedPhysically just short of perfectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn't be concernedIn the back of my mindI can't help but question
Does she rub you feetWhen you've had a long dayScratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know that you
like to Play PS2
till 6 in the morningLike I doI can't explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we've moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)
I can't forget how we used to be
 I guess i gotta live my life from day to dayHoping maybe you'll come backAnd though I tell myself not to be afraidTo move on but it seems I can'tBut no other man has given me attentionIt ain't the same as your affectionThough I know I should be contentIn the back of my mindI can't help but question
Does he kiss me on the foreheadBefore we playShow up on my doorstepwith a bouquetDoes he call me in the middle of the dayJust to say
hey baby I love youLike you used toI can't explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we've moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away
I can't forget how we used to be
 So hard to express this feeling Cause nobody compares to youAnd you know she'll never love you like i do
 I can't explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we've moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk AwayRemember You(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)(I'm gonna remember youYou're gonna remember me)
2007-01-31 15:35:14 2007-01-31 20:35:14 open Publish post 567019776 Irina Slutskaya xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:46:08 -05:00
2007-01-29 15:59:45 2007-01-29 20:59:45 open Publish post 566548974 Moonriver xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:48:02 -05:00
The Glamorous Audrey
2007-01-28 06:24:54 2007-01-28 11:24:54 open Publish post 566193610 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:51:42 -05:00
 Ready to hit the shops in Singapore? You have come to the right destination as shopping, along with eating, is rated as one of the top favorite pastimes here. Shopping is a serious business in Singapore where even hardcore shopaholics who have perfected the art of shopping will surrender to the sheer volume, range and diversity.
 Having earned a global reputation as a true shopper’s paradise, Singapore is one giant mall where all your shopping needs can be fulfilled. Each year, millions of visitors from around the world explore the shopping delights in Singapore and treat themselves to one shopping spree after another.
 Singapore is a city of duty-free luxury goods, cutting-edge technology and high fashion. It is also arguably one of the best places to hunt for the latest high tech gadgets at competitive prices. From international or local fashion designer labels to made-to-measure clothes in any fabric of your choice, Singapore offers it all. You can also choose to experience shopping in a swanky air-conditioned malls in downtown areas of Orchard Road and Marina Bay, or pick up unique finds in the ethnic claves and for the more adventurous, the suburbs where local residents shop.
 For the shopper, the seamless shopping experience is unrivalled. You can be assured of the value and quality of your purchases, especially with the Star Retailers’ Scheme for consumer technology products, and Quality Jewelers’ Scheme for jewelry.
With all this diversity, value and quality that Singapore has to offer, it’s up to you to decide how to vary your shopping experience to create your Uniquely Singapore shopping experience.
 No matter where you are on this island, you will never be short of an opportunity to shop to your heart’s delight.
Tanglin Area:
©     Tanglin Shopping Centre
©     Tudor Court Shopping Gallery
©     Tanglin Place
©     Tanglin Mall
©     Tangs
©     Delfi Orchard
©     Forum The Shopping Mall
©     Palais Renaissance
©     Hilton Shopping Gallery
©     Liat Towers
©     Wheelock Place
Scotts Area:
©     DFS Galleria Scottswalk
©     Far East Plaza
©     Scotts Shopping Centre
©     Shaw House
©     Pacific Plaza
Tangs to Paragon:
©     Tangs
©     Wisma Atria
©     Ngee Ann City
©     Paragon
©     Lucky Plaza
Mandarin Gallery to Park Mall
©     Mandarin Gallery
©     Cineleisure Orchard
©     The Heeren Shops
©     Centrepoint Shopping Centre
©     Specialists’ Shopping Centre
©     Plaza Singapura
©     Park Mall
Citylink Mall
©     Lee Hwa Jewellery
©     OZOC
Raffles City Shopping Centre
©     LIFEbaby 
©     Swarovski
Raffles Hotel Arcade
©     Raffles Hotel Gift Shop
©     Louis Vuitton
©     Empress Myanmar
Suntec City Mall
©     Dashing Diva
©     New Urban Male Store
©     MANGO
©     Fountain of Wealth
Millenia Walk
©     Cortina Watch Espace Boutique
©     Harvey Norman
Esplanade Mall
©     Thetres on the Bay!
Marina Square Shopping Mall
©     Buffalo
©     Chinatown Complex
©     People’s Park Centre
©     Chinatown Point
©     Pagoda Street
©     South Bridge Road
©     Trengganu Street
©     Temple Street
©     Club Street
©     Ann Siang Road
©     Trishaw Park
©     Chinatown Night Market
©     Smith Street
©     Eu Yan Sang
©     Yue Hwa Building
©     Mustafa Centre
©     Tekka Mall
©     Little India Arcade
©     Tekka Market
©     Serangoon Road
©     Upper Dickson road
©     Dunlop Street
©     Cuff Road
©     Chander Road
©     Race Course Road
©     Syed Alwi road
©     Bali Lane
©     Haji Lane
©     Arab Street
©     Bussorah Street
©     Baghdad Street
©     North Bridge Road
 BUGIS (kayanin mo ang baho dito! Harhar!)
©     Bugis Junction
©     Bugis Street
  DON’T MISS my fave shops:
 The Heeren Shop
©     Flash N Splash
©     Fourskin
©     77th Street
©     Check Fotwear
 Far East Plaza
©     FuncDeko
©     Sidewalk 10
©     COL
©     Ambush
©     Rastafari
©     Essue 21
 Bugis Junction
©     Refugees Apparel
©     Vintage Bloom
©     Soul’d Out
©     Girl’s Paradise
©     Maameemoo
©     Hula & Co
©     Cocoon
©     Tian
 Plaza Singapura
©     M)phosis
 CityLink Mall
©     New Urban Male.com
©     Surfer Girls
  2007-01-25 07:15:46 2007-01-25 12:15:46 open Publish post 565519564 xaxcxexlx Sun, 28 Jan 2007 05:59:21 -05:00
Dad! She's a real lady now :'(
2007-01-25 05:07:31 2007-01-25 10:07:31 open Publish post 565496085 I love Bloc Party xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:53:14 -05:00
2007-01-20 02:20:32 2007-01-20 07:20:32 open Publish post 564302768 I Heart Memories xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:56:30 -05:00
2007-01-19 12:00:58 2007-01-19 17:00:58 open Publish post 564184696 xaxcxexlx Fri, 12 Jan 2007 19:36:21 -05:00 merci dad! je vous manque! SAMSUNG K5Je vous parie ne peut pas vous permettre d'acheter ceci fille pauvre! 2007-01-12 19:26:00 2007-01-13 00:26:00 open Publish post 562561594 xaxcxexlx Tue, 09 Jan 2007 15:33:43 -05:00
Be part of the night
that will be written in history!back to back GRAND party  
JAN 10 07 @ Prince of Jaipur, The FORt
as we call all the
B-U-tiful ladiesto celebrate this night of
and the birth of
"PRICELESS PRODUCTIONS"let the hot, gorgeous, steaming sexy ladies
fill the club w/ FREE SHOTS
as we dance to the rhythm
of an unforgettable night..brought to you by the
genuine hip hop and rnb djs and mcs.let the earthshaking nights begin!need we say more?..free entrance for everyone!
coz our party is your party!c yah!
2007-01-09 15:31:51 2007-01-09 20:31:51 open Publish post 561846635 Pretty Sunrise xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:58:20 -05:00
I had to wake up as early as 5 AM today to start training for the upcoming 2007 Grand prix Philippine Open Figure-Skating Championship. This will be my last competition coz I decided to enter the pipemasters world! Yeh boi! I am so excited to ride the waves!
 Today, my goal will be the Bielman position and spins. My lesson will start at 10 AM but I have to warm up and try freestyle before getting to coach MJ. Reiz has her dance class (8-10AM), I’ll just meet her at the rink later together with Rozz.
2007-01-08 19:05:24 2007-01-09 00:05:24 open Publish post 561643529 M's xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:00:54 -05:00
2007-01-04 12:44:03 2007-01-04 17:44:03 open Publish post 560734816 Cherish xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:01:27 -05:00 Let's take a walk together near the ocean shore hand in hand you and I Let's cherish every moment we have been given for time is passing by I often pray before I lay down by your side If you receive your calling before I awake Could I make it through the night?  Cherish the love we have We should cherish the life we live Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love Cherish the love we have For as long as we both shall live Cherish the love, cherish the life, cherish the love The world is always changing, nothing stays the same But love will stand the test of time The next life that we live in remains to be seen Will you be by my side I often pray before I lay down by your side And if you receive your calling before I awake Could I make it through the night? 2006-12-30 17:33:49 2006-12-30 22:33:49 open Publish post 559597262 random pix xaxcxexlx Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:02:36 -05:00
2006-12-30 16:59:43 2006-12-30 21:59:43 open Publish post 559594142 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:57:54 -05:00
2006-12-29 15:29:34 2006-12-29 20:29:34 open Publish post 559389895 White Will Always Be Sexy xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:06:09 -05:00
2006-12-22 13:52:38 2006-12-22 18:52:38 open Publish post 557913758 Awe xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:12:22 -05:00
2006-12-19 06:34:08 2006-12-19 11:34:08 open Publish post 556988343 Blue Crush *love watchin it over & over again!* xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:13:00 -05:00
 Life for Anne Marie has been one long Pipe dream. She's about to make that dream a reality if she can keep from drowning in her own fear. As the clock ticks down to the Pipe Masters surf competition on the North Shore of Oahu, more is at stake for Anne Marie than the pressure of competing in one of the world's most dangerous, aggressive and male-dominated sports. She must first win a dreaded contest within. Sharing a beach shack with her best friends Eden and Lena, and her rebellious younger sister Penny, Anne Marie lives for the adrenaline-charged surf scene, rising before dawn every day to charge the Pipeline's deadly waves. The friends eke out a living as maids in a luxury resort hotel. The humble job pays the bills and lets them keep their focus on the water. But things change when a pro football team with slovenly habits and fat wallets checks in. Like it or not, Anne Marie starts losing her balance--and finding it--as she falls for quarterback Matt Tollman. Suddenly there are options: trophy wife or trophy winner? But there's really only one choice for someone like Anne Marie. Matt knows it, too--that's why he likes her. And when Anne Marie faces a paralyzing moment of truth on the biggest day of her life, Matt is there along with Lena, Eden and Penny, to help her remember why the goal that has driven her for so long matters so much.
Also Known As:
Surf Girls
Surf Girls of Maui
Production Status:
Action/Adventure, Comedy and Romance
Running Time:
1 hr. 49 min.
Release Date:
August 16th, 2002
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for sexual content, teen partying, language and a fight.
Universal Pictures Distribution
Production Co.:
Imagine Entertainment, Shutt-Jones Productions
Universal Pictures
U.S. Box Office:
Filming Locations:
Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Produced in:
United States
2006-12-15 08:14:23 2006-12-15 13:14:23 open Publish post 555991783 The F Shots xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:14:36 -05:00
2006-12-14 02:19:30 2006-12-14 07:19:30 open Publish post 555666620 Renditions xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:15:17 -05:00  Joshua Desiderio of Freestyle Paolo Banaga of K24/7  2006-11-09 06:46:09 2006-11-09 11:46:09 open Publish post 545888323 Candy Stirrer xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:16:55 -05:00
2006-11-01 17:18:33 2006-11-01 22:18:33 closed Publish post 543508813 Winnipeg, See You Soon. xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:18:10 -05:00
2006-10-24 12:11:36 2006-10-24 16:11:36 open Publish post 540857295 Belle, You Are The Most Beautiful Pinay Ever! xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:19:37 -05:00
2006-09-12 11:42:36 2006-09-12 15:42:36 open Publish post 528485463 Ms. Hilton`s Closet xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:21:36 -05:00
2006-08-19 11:40:46 2006-08-19 15:40:46 open Publish post 520768191 Les Deux xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:23:08 -05:00
2006-08-15 13:13:34 2006-08-15 17:13:34 open Publish post 519491935 xaxcxexlx Thu, 14 Dec 2006 01:39:48 -05:00
Ever tried to let go of something so close and dear to your heart that letting it go would be like giving up a part of your life? Sometimes we have to let certain things go even if we don’t want to, because sometimes we end up hurting ourselves even more if we hold on to it.We're only human right? So, I'm pretty sure that we get tired. Maybe at first you'll be like "I can't do it. I can't let go" but trust me you’ll find the strength to let go. When you let go of a person or when the person lets you go, you shouldn't be bitter. You should thank the person for teaching you a lot of things. Maybe someone better was meant for you. Maybe he just had something to teach you. Maybe God gave that person to you to teach you to become stronger. Sometimes letting go is easier. (Yeah, yeah, easier said than done.) It's like holding on to a piece of broken glass, you hold on, you keep on hurting yourself but when you decide to let go, you feel the pain and your hand bleeds but the pain doesn’t last a lifetime. It heals but there will be a mark. Just like in your heart. There will be a mark, a proof, that once in your life you loved someone so much and he taught you a lot of things and that someone taught you to be strong. It won't be easy, but you'll get through it!
2006-08-15 13:04:59 2006-08-15 17:04:59 open Publish post 519488833 xaxcxexlx Thu, 14 Dec 2006 01:40:34 -05:00
By Benjamin Joseph D. Collado IIIPublished on Page C1 of the July 26, 2006 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer 
IT'S ABOUT WAKING UP IN THE morning with a bad hangover and being hit by a very familiar feeling that you went overboard again last night.
It's about a one-night stand with a girl you met at a party, sneaking out of her room before she wakes, checking your things if something was missing, looking for her phone and purposely deleting your number from her phonebook.
It's about meeting a girl at a bar and offering her a ride home. It's about asking her if she wanted to go someplace private so you can talk--when both of you are aware that you have a different "talk" in mind.
It's about meeting your ex again after quite some time and noting how much better she looks now than she did before. It's about pushing the right buttons for her to give in. And finding yourself in bed with her without strings attached, all the while being grateful to your friend who told you it's good not to burn your bridges with your exes.
It's about seeing a girl and finding ways for you to meet her. With pickup lines being overused, you have a better chance of getting her number by having a friend go over and ask her politely if he can have his friend over there introduced to her.
It's about texting with her the whole day, getting to know her, showing that you have a genuine interest in her, sharing sweet nothings on the phone and forwarding her cheesy quotes that work almost all the time.
It's about having your friend, your partner-in-crime, the Robin to your Batman--or whatever you want to call him--validate to her all your pledges of devotion and loyalty.
It's about perfecting the art of lying. Telling your girlfriend it was just you and the boys last night--go ask Robin. And not bothering to tell Robin what to say because he already knows the routine.
It's about keeping your girlfriend happy. Giving her gifts and surprises so she won't suspect your wayward ways.
It's about not caring if your girlfriend broke up with you because she caught you cheating. There are other fish in the sea, you say. You're better off a free man, free to do anything you pleased without worrying about getting caught.
It's about asking the girl you just met out for a date. Convincing her that you're for real. Making her forget about the warnings her friends gave about you.
It's about doing anything so you can bring her home tonight. And if everything else fails, it's always a good idea to have a plan B.
It's about saying the L word without breaking eye contact. Making her believe that you really mean it and that you're starting to fall for her. That's plan B.
It's about thinking of ways to break up with her if she starts to get clingy. Thinking of the standard breakup lines and wondering if she'll buy it.
It's about rushing to your friend's girlfriend with a shoulder to cry on. Telling her that everything's gonna work out fine. Comforting her one minute, making out the next.
It's about going out with your friends and partying all night. Drinking till dawn and playing around with girls.
It's about waking up in the morning with a bad case of hangover and a very familiar feeling that you went overboard again last night.
Deja vu.
Ugly cycle
It really is an ugly cycle. After years of a life like this, you begin to ask yourself if there is more to life than drinking all night and finding someone to hook up with. And in the morning when you wake up, no matter how much you soap yourself, you still have this uneasy feeling that you're still dirty.
Your friend has found a girl that he's serious about. When you go out with your friends, you find him taking a raincheck because he has to spend time with his girl. You and your friends wonder what has gotten into him. You even wonder if he's lost his mind. How can he even think about trading this kind of life? There's nothing better than a bachelor's life.
It's all fun and games the first few years. But after a while, you look at yourself in the mirror and find the traces of abuse you did to yourself. And if you don't change your ways, you fear that maybe someday you'll find yourself alone and lonely.
And after all the years of booze and girls, you can finally sum up your life in one word--empty.
Maybe it's not good to spend your life that way. Maybe your friend hasn't lost his mind, after all.
What you need is to find someone who can make you look forward to another day. Someone who, when you think about her, never fails to put a smile on
your face.
Someone who makes you want to be a better man--to steal a line from pareng Jack Nicholson.
Someone who fills that emptiness in you, making you complete.
Before, when you used to wake up in the morning and find somebody in your arms, your first thought was how you could get rid of her without hurting her feelings. But now, what you need is a girl who makes you want to think of reasons and ways to let her stay in your arms.
Because when she's right there beside you, it is as if everything's okay. That nothing else matters but you and her.
You need somebody who makes you miss her so much that you buy a bottle of her perfume and spray it on your pillows so, when you go to bed at night, you can hug the pillow with her scent on it and wish that it was really her you were hugging.
You need somebody who makes your heart skip a beat when she smiles at you. Who makes you feel so comfortable and safe that you pour out your heart to her, unburdening secrets that you've kept for a long time. And having her tell you that it's okay, you have a new slate now, that you can leave everything where it belongs, in the past, and concentrate on what lies ahead of you.
You need someone who makes you listen more to love songs on the radio. Someone whom you pray for at night before you sleep. Someone you wish you'd dream about, for even while you sleep, you still want to be with her.
Someone whom you can finally look in the eye, without all the guilt and deceit, and tell her you love her. And you get this mushy feeling inside that tells you it's true. You want to shout over the rooftops, you love her, and she loves you!
There's no better feeling in the world.
I have found my someone. I have found my all. I've been wanting to ask this for a long time now. And I think there's no better timing than now.
So here I am, down on one knee, asking you, my someone.
Will you marry me?
Its when you hurt the worst that you have love the most.
2006-08-15 12:31:05 2006-08-15 16:31:05 open Publish post 519475804 xaxcxexlx Tue, 15 Aug 2006 05:13:30 -04:00 2005-12-17 08:04:54 2005-12-17 13:04:54 open Publish post 408214493 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:25:50 -05:00
2005-12-08 05:53:32 2005-12-08 10:53:32 open Publish post 402506386 Comfy & Stylish xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:30:36 -05:00
2005-11-28 11:41:53 2005-11-28 16:41:53 open Publish post 396255686 Dog House? Wow. xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:29:21 -05:00
  2005-11-22 14:18:38 2005-11-22 19:18:38 open Publish post 392358736 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 18:31:25 -05:00 !!! H-A-P-P-Y---B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y---K-A-L-B-O-!!! 2005-09-08 09:48:16 2005-09-08 13:48:16 open Publish post 343688746 Hey I'm Still A Little Girl :) xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:01:18 -05:00
2005-08-22 12:23:49 2005-08-22 16:23:49 open Publish post 332279794 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:03:13 -05:00
LIKE YOU - Bow Wow featuring Ciara
 (Chorus) I ain't ever had nobody show me all the things That you done showed me In a special way I feel when you hold me We gon' always be together baby That is what you told and I believe it cuz I ain't never had Nobody do me like you Bow Wow Now I done been with different kind of girls So like I done seen them all But ain't none of them at all (like you) And I done seen the best of the best Baby still I ain't impressed cuz Ain't none of them at all (like you) and if you know how I feel when I chill Look if I'm seen with a girl Then she gotta be just (like you) And baby thats the way I feel And I ain't got no choice But for me to keep it real Cuz when we first got together Starting hanging out you was skeptical at first Had to figure out if I was the kind of guy Would try to dog you out but I ain't that kind of guy you try to make me out You found out when you turned to my baby I showed them other brothers How to treat a lady I let you drive when I ride that Mercedes And I ain't trippin' or actin' shady Cuz baby you know (Chorus) I ain't ever had nobody show me all the things That you done showed me In a special way I feel when you hold me We gon' always be together baby That’s what you told and I believe it cuz I ain't never had Nobody do me like you Ciara And everytime I think about you I smile When you ride when you call when you come around Your love is amazing to me I can't wait till I see you (I wanna be with you again) And everytime your out on the road (I'll make a trip) And whenever I'm doing a show (Don't you forget) That I'm your main chick Who got that game chick One in the same chick The one you can hang with (Chorus) I ain't ever had nobody show me all the things That you done showed me In a special way I feel when you hold me We gon' always be together baby That is what you told and I believe it cuz I ain't never had Nobody do me like you Bow Wow Ok we hit the mall pop tags Spend a few G's (Cheesin') Hit the runway to a new season It ain't nothing Spoil the one I care for Feel like I ain't doin' enough That's when I shape off I give you this give you that What chu need love You know I got it Holla at me if you need love In affection cuz I'll be your protection Kinda hard job but I'll do until perfection And you can tell that I ain't tryin' to let you go I get with you when I can So thats how I let you know And you be trippin' cuz sometimes I gotta go But chu the first one I hollared to right after my show Hey now I was trippin' in a sense I was tense but my body's lose around you But I'ma do without you I gotta get it together say whateva Since I met you my life seems so better (Chorus 2 x's) I ain't ever had nobody show me all the things That you done showed me In a special way I feel when you hold me We gon' always be together baby That is what you told and I believe it cuz I ain't never had Nobody do me like you
2005-08-18 03:37:16 2005-08-18 07:37:16 open Publish post 329413838 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:05:29 -05:00
Southerz…see you this weekend!
I effin miss Daytona! Bry… beat me! Haha!
I felt like… I came out from a tomb! Haha!
Can’t wait 2 use my “inaamag” TZ-card again!
Miss hanging out with y'all! I’m comin with my cousin k?
Don’t worry… they’re loadz of fun!
C u all dirtee southerz!
2005-08-17 09:40:19 2005-08-17 13:40:19 open Publish post 328780553 xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:06:22 -05:00
Aya asked me to post this.
"Miss... I don't deserve yer boifriend...I'm too good fer him!...and besides, he doesn't need a lover...he wants a BITCH!!!u deserve him!"
onga naman :))
2005-08-14 10:31:11 2005-08-14 14:31:11 open Publish post 326653538 Over xaxcxexlx Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:45:49 -05:00
I remember the time when there was a special someone who was so much a part of my life. There was hardly a moment we weren’t together. It seemed so perfect. Sure we fought every now and then… but problems were there to help the relationship grow stronger. We would work through the problem, and not just ignore it and hope for it to go away. With all that he and I had been through together for 3 long years, I thought that nothing would ever separate us. But as life would have it, you can’t stay on cloud nine forever.And then… IT HAPPENED!… HE ENDED IT! And found someone else (though I’m still clueless how he lowered himself for that kinda girl). I never thought he could hurt me. I thought I know him that well. That he’s not that kind of person. And worst, hurt me in that fuckin way! LEFT ME… back to ZERO!
I kept asking God why it happened. I totally flipped. I was angry, frustrated, depressed, confused, and hysterical all at once. I kept asking myself… Why? What happened? What did Ido? I couldn’t sleep nor eat for a week… I’d just cry my eyes out! I would close my eyes and see his face. I’d look around me and almost everything would remind me of him. I’d hear songs and remember him. There were times that I’d be out with our common friends and I would think I’d see him but it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I’d wake up my mom in the middle of the night and cry to her because I felt like my heart had been ripped out. My world was shattered!!!
Then of course I hit the stage of depression, then anger, then bitterness. I got so angry and bitter, that I gathered everything he gave me… letters, notes, gifts… and put everything in a box. I carried it around with me to school, and I was debating with myself whether to give it back or not. Well, eventually I did not. I did what Howard told me. But I did it badly. Coz of the fact that I couldn’t resist calling him and still talked to him for more than a couple of times. Plus another fact that his family wouldn’t want to let me go! I love them so much! But it was not exactly the smartest nor the most proper thing to do. But sometimes when our emotions get the best out of us, even the smartest people make stupid mistakes. It was really difficult for me. I just wanted to forget it all happened. When people would ask me what had happened, I’d just say I don't want to talk about it. I cut off all ties with him and he did the same with me. I went out with my friends, and just had fun. Of course there were still moments when I’d think about him and then I’d miss him.
I don’t remember the exact moment I realized I was over him but I’ve realized them all by going to our fave place. There! It just happened. I finally got my sanity back and realized I have a future to prepare on. That he's no longer part of it and someone will come someday. Now, after almost a month, he and I talk occasionally, the things of the past forgiven. There's still that part of me that will always care. I believe the past is there for me to learn from. I also believe that I am meant for someone. I know he’s out there somewhere, and I trust God that He will bring us together. I’ve tried doing things on my own and I usually just mess‘em up. I’ve had my heart broken into pieces so small you could fit the pieces through the eye of a needle. That’s why I decided to trust in God instead of doing everything MY way. And besides, why mope around and be depressed when there is so much in this world to experience? We all have friends who’ll stick by us until the very end, friends who stick by us through the good and the bad. And we have a Friend up there Who wants to take care of us, and all we have to do is let Him.
Now, I’m abso-bloody-lutely over you.
2005-08-13 10:20:28 2005-08-13 14:20:28 open Publish post 326008364 Best Bag Ever xaxcxexlx Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:19:05 -05:00
2005-08-10 09:06:05 2005-08-10 13:06:05 open Publish post 323812573 Hey whats up 1 2005-08-10 12:34:00 2005-08-10 16:34:00 Spring_Branch_kings [email protected] http://spring-branch-kings.xanga.com/ 0 18332827 0 618182861 hey gorgeous <3thankss for subscriibiing _ hott song * lovess iit <3comment back * keep iin touch <3_ love you biitch <3*xOx MiiCH SUMMER x3 1 2005-08-11 19:21:00 2005-08-11 23:21:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 621212243
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