#so it requires planning ahead which is the main source of my anxiety
unamused-kookaburra · 7 months
And the subject of anxiety this week is.... giving archery a try!!!
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5 Reasons Celiac Disease Is About More Than My Stomach
New blog post!
When you look up "what is celiac disease" online or receive a celiac diagnosis, it may seem like a simple disease at first. In fact, when I'm explaining my condition to new friends, I often just say, "Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which ingesting gluten damages the intestines." 
However, in the seven years since my celiac diagnosis, I've realized something: the answer to "What is celiac disease?" can be pretty complicated...because celiac disease is about waaaaay more than just my intestines. Not sure what I mean? In honor of Celiac Awareness Month (and raising celiac awareness all year round!), here are five reasons celiac disease is about much more than my stomach. 
1. The symptoms of celiac disease can manifest themselves in over 300 different ways.
It makes sense to think that a disease centered on intestinal damage would trigger symptoms related to digestion. And, in some dases, that assumption isn't wrong: for instance, my main symptoms of undiagnosed celiac disease were acid reflux, nausea and rapid weight loss. 
However, stomach problems aren't the whole picture. In fact, symptoms of celiac disease can include:
Headaches or migraines
Discolored teeth
Thin bones or being prone to broken bones
Skin Rashes
and much, much more!
As a result, some people are diagnosed with celiac disease because they are underweight, bloated and have many stomach problems...but not everyone with celiac disease is thin or experiencing stomach issues.
2. The state of my stomach can drastically impact the state of my mind.
You've probably heard the old saying, "You can win a man's heart through his stomach." However, research has only recently discovered how much emotions are tied to the gut. This is called the brain-gut connection, and scientists have found that poor gut health can actually negatively impact people's moods. For example, people with IBS and gut problems to experience more anxiety and depression than expected on average, and an unhealthy gut has also been linked to conditions like chronic fatigue, ADHD, OCD, and Tourette syndrome. I've experienced first-hand how much my stomach problems and medically restricted diet can impact my mindset. When I'm going to a new restaurant with gluten free options or trying a new gluten free product that I'm still not sure will sit well on my stomach, I feel my heart rate increase and my hands start to get sweaty as anxious thoughts swirl through my mind. I think the isolation that can result from not being able to eat "normally" at college pizza parties or out with friends has also contributed to feelings of loneliness, and on days when I wake up randomly super bloated, I definitely have a harder time wearing a smile.
I don't say all this for pity or to suggest that having celiac disease means that I'm constantly anxious, sad or lonely. As I've shared in many posts, you can absolutely thrive with celiac disease and I have not let my gluten free diet hold me back from dating, going on outdoor adventures and eating at plenty of delicious restaurants. However, I do think it is important to make people aware of how much an "upset tummy" can really impact a person's day!
3. Social isolation is one side effect of celiac disease doctors don't warn you about.
Speaking of social isolation...a recent study found that restrictions can contribute to people feeling more lonely or isolated, and I get that. As the study points out, people commonly bond over food and sharing a meal...and when you can't do that, feeling like you belong can be a little bit more challenging. At least in my experience, this is one side effect of the gluten free diet (and life with celiac disease) that no doctor or nutritionist ever warned me about. After my celiac diagnosis, I was given advice on what foods to avoid and the best gluten free brands to buy, but I had no guidance for how to maintain social ties while turning down most of the food ever offered to me.
Six years into having celiac disease, I have a well-stocked toolkit to help me survive any gluten-filled social event. I am open with friends about my dietary needs and am confident in turning down food with a short, "Thank you so much, but I have celiac disease so I can't eat that." And if someone does ask, "What is celiac disease?" in return,  I feel confident enough to explain. In the case of a social invitation where I know gluten-filled food will be involved, I typically:
Eat before the event.
Bring my own food.
Call the restaurant (if applicable) to ask about gluten free options, and eat there if I can safely or follow step 1 or 2.
As it's clear to see, celiac disease is about much more than my stomach - it also requires plenty of thinking ahead and the use of a well-experienced brain. ;)  
4. When I'm "glutened," more than just my stomach can suffer.
Just like celiac disease has plenty of different symptoms, people with celiac disease also experience different side effects of being "glutened" (or exposed to gluten) after going gluten free.
Personally, when I'm glutened, I typically don't feel the effects for a few days. Then, all of a sudden, I'll get extremely tired but also become unable to fall asleep, have massive brain fog and lose my appetite or have an upset stomach. It often takes me about a week to feel normal, and even longer to feel "good" (in terms of my stomach no longer being upset and having extra energy).
Beyond more expected side effects like vomiting or diarrhea, though, people with celiac disease can also experience gluten-triggered depression and fatigue, rashes, joint pain, migraines, blurry vision...I suppose you could say that no part of the body is safe.
5. Celiac disease has become a part of who I am - not just what my stomach is like.
But the biggest reason why celiac disease is about more than my stomach is simple: celiac disease is a part of ALL of me. As I've shared before, I don't make my chronic illnesses my entire identity. However, I think it is impossible to ignore how much celiac disease has shaped who I am today. Because of celiac disease, I am... ...a foodie and a big fan of experimenting with and trying new (gluten free) foods. ...an even bigger lover of planning ahead and sticking to a routine. ...not afraid to stand up for myself or others with invisible and/or chronic illnesses.
And those traits are why, in some moments, I am happy that celiac disease affects more than just my stomach. What is one way you've realized celiac disease affects more than just your stomach? Or what is one way your medical condition affects more than what people might think? Tell me in the comments!
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2TAzuzV
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Tinkering with Cannabis: The First 90 Minutes Episode 55
Strain: Night Terror OG
Company: Sira Naturals
Locations: Somerville, Ma
Cannabis Connoisseur: Molly
Website: www.siranaturals.org
​Hello again to all my cannabis loving and canna-curious friends, and welcome back to another episode of The First 90 Minutes. Today we will to toking and talking about an amazing sleepy-time strain I picked up from my friend Molly at Sira Naturals in Somerville, Ma, Night Terror OG. When you look at these buds, they are pretty tiny, but don’t let that fool you, they pack a strong punch. With THC levels measuring up to 19%, Night Terror OG has been said to leave patients feeling relaxed, happy, sleepy, euphoric, and uplifted. The top three terpenes in this product are myrcene, pinene, and limonene. Myrcene has been found beneficial in aiding in pain relief, boosting of the immune system, and working as a sedative. It can be found in mangos, lemongrass, hops, and chamomile to name a few sources. Pinene is utilized as a memory enhancer, an anti-inflammatory, it has anti-tumor effects, is an anti-bacterial, and it has also been found beneficial as a bronchodilator. This terpene also helps aid in focus and awareness as its bronchodilator effects increase airflow, therefore increasing oxygen to the brain and improving cognitive function and enhancing memory. Pinene can be found in rosemary, eucalyptus, sage, and citrus fruits. The last primary terpene, limonene, is used to combat anxiety, depression, and stress. It has a citrus aroma, and is found in lemon and orange rinds and juniper. With these as the top three terpenes, it is no surprise that patients have found success in treating stress, pain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety with this strain. As we move forward into the testing portion of this segment, I want to note that the potential negatives we are looking for are dry mouth, dry eyes, dizziness, anxiety, and paranoia. Now, without further ado, let’s light up, sit back, and relax as we toke and talk about the first 90 minutes.
​Today I will be medicating to combat severe depression, stress, anxiety, body pain, and nausea. Opening up the bag, the first scent I get is berry with notes of pine. This is then followed up by light diesel notes. Taking the first of the three hits from a glass bowl at 8:19 p.m., the flavor is primarily berry with notes of pine. There is a slight, muted lemony diesel aftertaste, but I feel like this can be easily missed by the strength of the primary flavors. After only three minutes I can feel the effects starting to come on. There is a slight shift in my ability to focus, and mentally I feel more relaxed. By 8:29 p.m., my body feels extremely relaxed and I feel myself entering a couchlocked state. This is having a positive effect on the minor body aches I am experiencing. It has also helped to decrease the nausea. My mood is lifting, and I sense a bit of euphoria beginning to set in. On the downside, there is a strong sensation of dizziness and shakiness that has come on, along with an onset of sound sensitivity. The sound sensitivity is making everything seem louder, which is a little anxiety provoking and is making it difficult to fully assess where I am in this testing segment, which is why I have decided to retire to the quiet of my room to avoid too much stimulation.
​By 8:49 p.m., I am noticing an additional negative has come on, which is a minor case of dry mouth. The dizziness is still present, but lying down in bed and watching a movie has made this negative a non-issue. My mood has entered a happy state and is still holding, and the euphoria is accompanied by an overwhelming sense of mental and bodily relaxation. As expected, this is not a strain that I would use to try to accomplish tasks, regardless of how big or small. This is due to the lack of focus experienced, which is so intense that I currently would not be confident in saying I am fully capable of getting my things ready for the next day. I am discovering that the best option thus far for this strain seems to be allowing my body to melt into the bed and my mind to get lost in a movie or show that does not require much concentration. At this point, my nausea, anxiety, stress, depression, and body pain have all subsided, so this has proven to be an extremely beneficial product thus far. Rolling into 9:29 p.m., it appears that my earlier assessment of allowing myself to melt away on a physical and mental basis was the best option. All of my issues remain at bay, and the intense physical and mental tranquility has me feeling as though nothing could phase me. Not only has this strain brought me relief, but it has also stimulated my appetite, which has been a problem all day. The dizziness does seem to have tapered off, however the dry mouth has persisted and a bit of dry eye has come on as the fatigue has started to set in. This is the first time all day that I have not been nauseous and that I have had an appetite.
​Rounding the corner to our 90-minute mark at 9:59 p.m., I am ready to sleep. The physical and mental relaxation has taken hold, lulling me into a dreamy state where I am ready to fall asleep. I feel as though I am sinking into my bed, and although I am still experiencing a peak in my appetite, the sleepiness far outweighs the hunger. I am not experiencing any changes in the effects at this point versus the last check-in, with the exception of the continuing increase in fatigue. Given that I am feeling calm enough to sleep, and my stress, anxiety, depression, nausea, and body pain continue to remain at bay, I am going to take this opportunity to get some sleep. Before ending this test, I will also note that the dry mouth and dry eye has subsided, but there seems to still be some dizziness remaining, which is definitely tied to the sleepiness associated with this strain.
​Diving into my final thoughts, I really enjoyed this strain. The flavor was great, and the effects were spot on for what I was looking for. I actually got one of the best night’s sleeps that I have had in a long time. This strain not only hit the nail on the head as far as flavor and its ability to lull me to sleep, but it also was extremely efficient in settling my anxiety and stress, increasing my depressed mood, and in resolving my nausea and body pain. Furthermore, the effects came on quickly and I began to notice improvements in my overall being within the first ten minutes. To reiterate from earlier, this is definitely not a strain I would use when attempting to complete tasks of any importance. Between the fatigue, dizziness, and lack of focus, I would not be able to confidently say that I could properly carry out anything beyond opening a bag of chips and a soda and turning on the TV. I would recommend to anyone planning on trying this strain that they should set themselves up ahead of time. Be sure to setup a nice and comfy spot in your favorite, quiet area of your house, stock up on your favorite snacks and beverages, and setup your Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, or any other service or device you watch your favorite movies and shows on, and prepare for a lazy and very relaxing experience! Regardless of the main negatives, which were dizziness, dry eye, and dry mouth, I still have to give this strain a high rating. The dizziness is something I experience with anything that makes me sleepy and some dry mouth and dry eye is a small price to pay for such relief, and for such a great night’s sleep! I highly recommend this for anyone with stress, anxiety, bodily pain, lack of appetite, nausea, and especially those who are struggling with insomnia. All things taken into account, this strain rates a 4.9 in my book! Great job Sira, keep up the amazing work!
​If you are a patient, or adult above the age of 21 in Massachusetts, check out the following link for where you can purchase this product:
Well my friends, we have reached the end of this review. Thank you for joining me and stay tuned for more product reviews!
*****Please remember, this blog is an account of my personal experience with this product. Not everyone has the same experience with every product and that is okay. I always recommend starting out with one or two hits to see if that is enough , and you can always increase your dose from there.*****
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MBTI, Mental Health, and Uncertainty
This is a long post but I think it might be one of my most important ones, and I hope you can take the time to read it.
In light of a couple recent questions I want to address mental health in a different way than in the PSA post. I do still stand by that post! But it was intended to be more along the lines of providing succinct encouragement with clear steps, rather than a means of providing deeper context.
MBTI is an unreliable way (at best) to deal with mental health. It was not designed for it. It has a few aspects that are useful in a limited way, which is honestly how I feel about MBTI at large - it is one tool in a very large toolbox, and it’s not necessarily the best one at that, and plenty of people get along fine without using it at all. (in fact if you’re not up to reading the rest of this post consider this paragraph my main point and the rest all elaboration on that theme).
On a larger scale, a lot of Tumblr advice is a terrible way to deal with mental health. I recognize I’m offering advice here on Tumblr but in general my statement re: all things mental health is that stigma, accessibility, and poor clinicians are all serious barriers to good mental health information and treatment, but that doesn’t mean that the more accessible options of “randoms on the internet” or “psychological theories with a strong internet presence” are a viable substitute.
I think a personal example may be helpful here, so: I have some very severe food allergies. I’ve had them my whole life. And I do fully believe that they’ve shaped aspects of my personality. In some ways, they’ve made me more cautious and desiring of control over my environment. They’ve pushed me to explore things like cooking. They’ve required me to become someone who plans ahead, who advocates for herself, and who’s comfortable saying a firm “no” to intended hospitality. They’ve given me some areas of anxiety. They’ve made me a faster reader. They’ve arguably contributed to my sense of humor.
If I could push a button and get rid of my allergies, I would, without question, because they are often a source of stress and inconvenience. But they did contribute to me as a person, and had I grown up and developed without them, I would probably be different in some ways - and I have no idea how exactly I’d be different. Would I be as fast a reader or as detail-oriented if I didn’t have to read ingredients lists at a glance? Maybe - I was a bookish kid. Would I be as responsible and assertive? Possibly - I’m an oldest child, I was always on the stubborn and independent side. But really, who knows?
I went to a doctor when I was in grad school for a check-up and a top-up of my epi-pen prescription. I said I hadn’t had to use the epi-pen in years. He mentioned that he had a friend with the same allergy who had a reaction once every year or so because he was a little scattered and a huge socializer and people-pleaser, and so he often had reactions to baked goods around the holidays - baked goods that I would unequivocally politely turn down. Same condition. Wildly different responses.
Mental illnesses or conditions are highly analogous to this experience - if they’re debilitating and unpleasant, even if they’ve caused you to develop in positive ways, you’ll be glad for those benefits but you may wish you could flip a switch and get rid of them.
But other conditions might be so central to your identity that you genuinely would not be you without them, and the issues that arise are because your identity is not well-accommodated in your environment
And while I can speculate on which sorts of conditions fall into which bucket (most people with depression would put it in the first; autism, for many autistic people, is in the second; this is a huge topic I can’t do justice here but you can even see this categorization in my language). But in the end, it’s a case-by-case choice dependent on the person with that condition. For more on the nature of ‘abnormal’ conditions and self-conception I highly recommend the Oliver Sacks essay “Witty Ticcy Ray” specifically, and his essay collections The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and An Anthropologist on Mars. But if you can’t get to those my point is that people’s relationships with things that affect their cognition are complex and deeply personal.
So coming back to MBTI. Is MBTI the reason why I am vigilant and others with allergies are less so? Well, we don’t entirely know where type comes from, but maybe. Maybe it’s my upbringing, maybe it’s my inherent self, maybe it’s something else. We don’t know. I don’t know.
With mental illnesses, there’s a second factor. Allergic reactions are physiological and predictable- doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, if you eat the thing you can’t eat, your body will initiate the immune response. But when your illness or condition also affects your cognition, MBTI isn’t just a reason for how you respond to the condition. Your type, or at least your personality that you attempt to categorize into a type, is both influenced by and feeds into the outward signs of said condition. The outward signs of mental illnesses are themselves diverse! The PHQ-9 survey, a very common depression screening tool, doesn’t require that you display every single possible symptom - just a certain amount of them together (and even then it’s just a starting point for an individual follow-up. So we don’t know what’s ‘you’ and what’s the condition and what’s the combination thereof and even if you and the effects of said condition can really be seen as separate entities.
What this means practically is that figuring out how personality type, in any system, impacts mental health is an astronomically hard task, because both type and mental illness are best described as collections of a sufficient number of coexisting patterns of thought and behavior, not an absolute yes/no. If you’re trying to figure out yourself, again, MBTI is one of many tools and should not be your only point of reference - it’s a good starting point but at some point you’re going to have to leave it and jump into the vast unknown of what the self truly is (I feel very cheesy typing this but funnily enough I think Jung would back me up here). But only you can really do that. I certainly can’t do it for you.
Something that I think a lot of people forget is the origin of MBTI. MBTI was developed using Jung’s idea of cognitive functions as a starting point, and the catalyst was Myers and Briggs (her mother) noticing that Myers’s husband (an ISTJ) was really different from them (both high Ne users) in terms of personality. They took a theory because it matched what they observed in real life. I am unsurprisingly in favor of this. You want to know how people act? Interact with them! You can sum up larger trends in a theory, but it will always be a simplification of the infinitely complex truth. You can’t know how MBTI will make any one person act with any certainty - you can only guess.
Similarly, things like loops and grips are a bit of a one-way street. MBTI theorists observed that certain patterns of stress behavior tended to crop up more frequently in individuals of the same type and came up with names for them and a theory to describe why they may occur. This does not mean that the same behaviors cannot exist in people of other types. This does not guarantee that a person of a certain type and under stress will fall into a loop, a grip, or really do any specific action at all. As I have said many times and will say again, mental illness and stress have real, measurable neurochemical effects and people will ‘self-medicate’ (eg: seeking endorphin-releasing activities when unhappy), and type doesn’t enter into it (which is also why I think the advice to look at your stress behavior is not particularly good).
Finally, even if you are in a loop or grip, if you’re having a difficult time, a decent therapist will probably give you advice that isn’t out of line with MBTI recommendations, because there’s more than one way to come to the same conclusion! A lot of advice is broadly applicable - start with small steps and be gentle with yourself, for example. Play to your strengths - and you don’t need to know MBTI to know what you’re good at. You need to have a general sense of who you are and MBTI is a way to categorize who you are, not a way to do that initial self-discovery.
In conclusion: I know I sound like a broken record, but if you’re interested in human behavior at large please, please treat MBTI as one of many aspects of it. If you have the opportunity to take a class or do some serious reading about neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, sociology, or basic statistics I recommend it, and whether or not you can do those things, interact with people! Sitting behind a computer screen theorizing how an archetype that must necessarily describe literally hundreds of millions of people is not really a helpful exercise! “Go outside” isn’t a threat to be read in the tone of ‘get off my lawn’; it might be said in a mildly exasperated way but it is meant as an invitation to a vast resource that you are not using to its fullest.
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Recovery - Self Harm
Several beautiful and brave kittens have messaged me recently asking for advice on self harm, so I wanted to do a post addressing the topic. Your usual post will be up tomorrow instead, and I have put the info behind a read more for those who might find the discussion potentially triggering.
Also a reminder that I try to make myself available on messenger if you need to chat, or need more immediate attention 😺 💖
Be safe, my little pumpkins! I love you and you are doing so well!
Understanding Self Harm and Why It's Hard to Quit
Self Harm is an Addiction
It is important to understand that the urge to self harm does not come from a logical, long-term thinking part of the brain, but from the part of the brain that craves immediate gratification. When we experience pain, the body responds by releasing endorphins, which can provide a temporary high by activating the body's opiate receptors. This reaction is similar to the experience of a drug high, and can become addictive, making the cycle of self harm even harder to break.
Knowing that self harm can be an addiction, be realistic and kind to yourself in your recovery. Quitting cold turkey may be harder than easing off gradually. Just like with quitting smoking, try to find your equivalent of a nicotine patch. Expect and plan for withdrawals, and don't be hard on yourself if you have slip ups.
Self Harm is a Crutch
When a mental illness 'blocks' your ability to feel, self harm can act as a temporary 'lift' to this block. Other things that can cause the brain to release endorphins, such as exercise, impulse buying, eating favourite foods, drug use, etc. can still enable a quick, but temporary, hike in feel-good chemicals even in an unhealthy brain. When this is the only way to feel good, or feel anything at all, a drug-like high can be very tempting.
If you take away your crutch, you will fall down. Plan to replace one crutch with another until you can walk by yourself again; something less destructive, that still gives you similar feelings even if they're still temporary.
Mental Illness Is An Enabler
It is a lot more difficult to reject the urge to self harm when your mental illness is trying to convince you that you aren't worth the effort. Furthermore, it is a lot easier to give in when you feel like you desperately need that quick relief, even when you know you will be upset at yourself afterwards.
If you haven't already, seek professional help to manage your mental illness. Managing the source of your problems is better than managing all of the symptoms.
Self Harm Isn't Just Cutting
Self harm can refer to any behaviour that is intentionally self-sabotaging, and does not necessarily have to include breaking the skin and drawing blood. Other examples of physical self harm might include biting or hitting yourself, or sleep deprivation, starvation, and over exertion. Even an increase in behaviours that may result in harm indirectly, such as reckless driving, walking into traffic, or placing yourself in dangerous places is considered self harm.  
Don't allow yourself to replace one form of self harm with another, and don't allow yourself to be convinced that "it's ok, because it's not as bad as cutting". You deserve to be your own ally.
Finding Your Way to Recovery Why do YOU Self Harm?
Try and identify from the list below why you, personally, self harm, and it may be easier to find an appropriate alternative.
There are four main categories that people who self-harm find themselves in:
Needing Release
You might feel overwhelmed by people or situations around you, or by your own emotions. While harming doesn't FIX any of these, it does give you a sense of escape.
Wanting to Feel
You might find yourself in a headspace where you're unable to feel any positive emotions, or any emotions at all. By harming yourself you may be able to bypass that blockage, and you can feel again.
Wanting Control
When things happen around us that we can't control, we might need to find other things in our lives we can. By exerting control over one thing, like our bodies, it can make it feel as if we're still somewhat in control.
You might be feeling as if you've done something to deserve being hurt, or maybe you can't think of any other way to call for help. Maybe the people around you aren't taking you seriously when you try to discuss your upset, and you're left feeling like this is the only way you'll find an escape, or get the attention you need.
NOTE: As with any coping mechanism, there are ways to over-use, miss-use or abuse the following activities. Many mental illnesses make us especially vulnerable to risk taking behaviour and devaluing our selves. You are precious and important, and you've already done such a brave thing in seeking a way out of your situation, please take care of yourself while exploring these options. Talk them over with your loved ones or your doctors if you are unsure. Some of these activities are more suitable to your situation than others. Take into account how your mental health might affect your motivation, energy, etc.
Activities that can help you to feel:
- Exercise: Particularly cardiac exercise, exercise also has noted mental and physical health benefits. Running can help to capitalize on the energy in anxiety driven self harm, and a decent work out can also trigger muscle wear which will provide a much healthier sense of pain. Endorphin release is also noted to last much longer after exercise. Be safe, and remember not to over exert yourself.
- Eating: many people seek comfort in food, especially indulgence foods. Chocolate and sweets can provide short bursts of endorphins, but spicy foods can also have the same affect, with potentially longer lasting endorphin rushes. Spicy food registers in the brain as pain, and has the added benefit of speeding up your metabolism. Be conscious of your dietary requirements, and try to avoid over eating; large quantities of any food can make you feel sluggish and unwell, and spices in large amounts can cause gastronomic distress. Placing chili on the lips, even without eating, can cause a burning sensation that is relatively easy to extinguish with milk or creamy foods. But enjoy yourself, food is amazing and you deserve to eat!
- Aromas: Certain scents can trigger endorphin release in some people. As with eating, even the smell of a good meal may help. Food scents, like vanilla, and lavender are the ones most commonly quoted. Consider combining the scents with a warm bath, or into a moisturizer and giving your self a massage. Always read directions for oil use first! @myexplodingcat has a wonderful post here on the many ways to use essential oils here
Activities that give a sense of control:
- Organization/Cleaning: it doesn't matter if it's your whole house or just reorganizing your desktop, many people find great satisfaction from putting things in order. Many also find cleaning or decluttering your space helps brighten moods in general.
- Calorie Counting or Meal Planning
Calorie counting does not work for everyone, but it can be an excellent way to ensure you're eating enough, and provides a sense of control over your body. Apps like My Fitness Pal can allow you to set goals and complete daily dairies, as well as check you're getting the right amount of vitamins from your food. It also goes hand in hand with meal planning. For some, being able to plan ahead gives a sense of control, even if you don't end up strictly adhering to it.
- Daily Routines
If you're usually good at sticking to schedules, planning your week or having a daily routine can help you feel in control and accomplished. It could be as simple as arranging a daily chat at the same time each day, or going for walks after dinner.
Activities that give a sense of release or escape:
- Gaming: Any media that helps you escape from reality and successfully distract you can help here, but gaming (as opposed to TV) uses more mental energy and cognitive power, as well as giving you a sense of accomplishment.  
- Journaling / Creating: Writing uses a different part of the brain than thinking or talking, and can help with feeling overwhelmed. @tinypaintdrops has a fantastic TedX talk on their experiences with creating artwork in place of self harm, which you can watch here
- Exercise: In addition to being on the list for helping to create endorphins, exercise can help to release built up tension and give the sensation of release. Running or fighting-based exercises, like boxing or martial arts, can be especially helpful.
Punishment-mimickimg alternatives:
- Holding Ice:
A common alternative; holding ice can really hurt. While holding it against an area you would normally harm is usual, even holding onto them with your sensitive finger tips is enough.
- Wrist band flicking:
Another common alternative; the idea is that a really good sharp flick can cause pain without risking serious injury.
- Hugs: If you have someone who gives good back-cracking hugs, this is a good way to mimic pain without actually hurting yourself. Physical contact also encourages oxytocin release, which makes you feel good and helps forge connections.
- Antiseptic: If, despite your best efforts, you have fallen into your old cutting habit, try to stop at one cut and then treat your cut with antiseptic. It will sting and provide further pain, while hopefully minimizing your need for more. While this is obviously not an optimal solution, it makes the best of a bad situation, and gives your cut the best chance at healing. Quitting is hard, and set backs don't mean you've failed.  Every cut you don't make is a success.
Others Who Can Help
Based on a past post, Kitten Witch now has a Helpline Tab filled with helplines listed by country (including text based, toll-free, and phone options) if you need further help.
A Big List of People to Help Ensure You Are Safe and Sound (aka "a blop hey ass")
A Reminder
You are not going to recover immediately. It will be slow, and there will be set backs, and that is totally fine. You will be illogical and you will make bad decisions, and that doesn't mean you have failed or that you are unworthy. You are living in a world that doesn't yet understand mental health or know how to help you, and that is not your fault. Slowly, we are equipping each other with the tools that will help you fight this. Bit by bit, and day by day, you are making your world a better place. I am so glad you're choosing to be here. I am so so proud of you. Keep going, you’re going to make it 💖
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Consolidated Catteries As Well As Kennels.
How Much Does It Cost To Kennel A Dog Or Pet Cat In The Uk?
Of course, they will enjoy to see their favourite human when they return. Also if your pet dog or cat is staying with buddies and also you recognize they'll be ruined, it's still tough to say goodbye when you take place trip. Honestly, no one actually recognizes what takes place inside a dog's or cat's head yet if they're left in qualified hands they will certainly deal much better. A dog kennel is an additional alternative for when you're away on holiday, but do see to it that your dog would fit in this type of environment. Although several pet kennels have open area for workout and play time pets will remain on their very own in a crate or kennel, and therefore can be rather lonesome and isolating. If your pet struggles with splitting up anxiousness this could not be the very best alternative for you both.
Some nations still have additional special conditions, as well as demands for various countries change routinely, so prior to you take a trip with your cat consult DEFRA to see exactly how you're impacted. You can discover info on their website or call the PET DOGS Helpline on.
What The Most Recent Lockdown Rules Mean For Hotel Stays In Britain.
Whether you're taking place a weekend break getaway or lengthy vacation, one point is for sure, your pet deserves the most effective treatment while you're away. Guarantee you have satisfaction when they're far from you right here are a few places they can remain. There are times when your family pet can not come on vacation with you - depressing, we know - yet don't worry, here are a few suggestions for you as well as your pet dog, to ensure you both have a satisfied vacation.
Besides, household holidays wouldn't coincide without your family pet! However, there are a few points that you'll need to arrange in advance, specifically if you're leaving the country. Rover We've partnered with the globe's biggest network of pet dog caretakers and pet walkers, Rover.com. all pets and also pet cats are to be approximately day with flea and worm therapy. ' initial sessions' with your animals brand-new carer will certainly assist them settle in for when you get on holiday.
Join The Icatcare Neighborhood.
A close friend may additionally even offer to stay in your house specifically if you live in a preferred area of community or in the nation! If your close friends have cats then the favour can be reciprocated. Their are many different alternatives around such as pet cat boarding in somebody's residence or a cattery, cat resorts, cat caretakers and stay in pet cat caretakers, boarding at a veterinarians or friends houses. I always utilized to leave mine at house with a neighbour can be found in to feed and also water. I don't assume it's harsh to lock him inside and I believe most cats would favor their own residence to a cattery. Pet cats are frequently looked after in their own house so they may not be as concerned as dogs when their proprietor leaves. As long as they have their little comforts and also their regimen does not transform too distractly they will cope fine.
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A vacation is an ideal way to kick back, rewind and soothe everyday tensions. Nonetheless, before you triggered on your travels there are a couple of points to set up and also arrange - one being pet care. For more information pertaining to taking a trip with your cat after Brexit, inspect the main assistance. It's perfectly possible to go on holiday with your feline as long as you prepare ahead of time. Taking cats on holiday might mean a little additional organisation; as long as everything is arranged in excellent time, and also you understand your cat can cope with the journey, you need to be fine. A missing proprietor or modification of regimen can be demanding for your pet. Having somebody look after your family pet in your home is normally the best alternative, as it permits you to keep things as familiar as feasible for your animal.
Your Pet Dogs Initial Year.
When you reach your lodging, your feline will certainly value lots of time to work out in. Just leave them in their service provider in a silent location while you unload, after that safeguard the room and allow her out of the provider to explore at her very own area. Go with your cat if you can, moving between rooms up until they've all been explored and also your cat is comfortable. Most of the times your cat won't call for unique medicine prior to going on vacation; but if you're unclear, ask your vet for comfort. All the same, it's an excellent concept to seek advice from your veterinarian concerning your feline's viability for a lengthy journey, as every family pet is different and also there might be things that you haven't thought about.
BBB warns people of online kitten scam - ABC 36 News - WTVQ
BBB warns people of online kitten scam - ABC 36 News.
Posted: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Picture just how he would certainly feel being eliminated from this area for 2 weeks. Feline Hotels and boarding in veterinarians produces stress and anxiety since the odor of various other pets or other felines can, no doubt, be overwhelming. On top of this they are maintained in a restricted area potentially having the ability to see various other cats too. The exact same can be stated for individuals who board cats in their very own home. I heard of one girl that boarded a blind pet cat only to have the cat roaming around her residence for days crying because it no longer felt secure as well as no longer recognized where any one of the furnishings was placed. That is something that shouldn't have actually even been considered to begin with.
Boarding Kennel Suggestions And Alternatives.
I'm sure he will be great in your home on his very own for a number of weeks, it seems like he obtains great deals of gos to and also individuals come in to give him a little bit of company. He is really timid, reluctant and also anxious and would DISLIKE to visit a cattery. He doesn't like unfamiliar people either as well as if we take him to stay at my parents he simply hides under my old bed all week. If family members, friends or neighbors can't help you out, a dog boarder is a great choice for pet dog treatment. A dog boarder generally cares for a canine in their own home, making them a part of their family and life for the days they spend with them. This is a wonderful alternative for pet dog owners that are searching for a more home-like feeling to their canine's treatment, as there are no cages or cages utilized.
Other choices, for felines that are used to travelling by automobile as well as that have outbound positive personalities, are to take them with you. Some cats have actually been trained to travel with their owners from kittens as well as enjoy the process. However, the majority of mogs do not travel well and are not used to holidaying with their proprietors therefore this write-up is for them and their owners. When we are away our 2 are shut in constantly, generally the feline flap is open throughout the day. They seem great when the feline sitter comes round and do not seem to be seeking to go out when she is here.
Mapped: Pet Types In The Uk.
Whether cattery corby staying in the nation or travelling, you ought to acquaint on your own with taking a trip with your feline by aircraft or auto. You can generally take your pet cat on vacation, whether you're remaining at house or travelling.
A lot of cattery proprietors additionally run kennels on the same property.
The cattery needs to have ample ventilation and air voids in between units.
We're a little unsure regarding the various organisations which claim that only their members have respectable catteries.
It sets you back cash, as well as some smaller catteries won't take into consideration the expense reasonable.
The typical pet cat, maybe a little disorientated in its brand-new lodgings, won't wish to invest its day listening to what appears to be a barking competition.
If a long boarding kennels northamptonshire article from cattery365.co.uk are out show and tell, you need to ask why.
Royal Canin partners with specialist family pet nutrition service providers who have the ability to assist you choose the correct tailored nourishment for your cat or pet. Because of this, Royal Canin can be discovered in the best stores, including expert animal stores as well as veterinarians. It's this type of assistance for proprietors that Royal Canin has originated, guaranteeing you select the best diet plan for your incredible family pet. If you would certainly such as more information on taking a trip with your pet cat or have any type of various other queries, call our PETCARE SPECIALIST GROUP. 10 days prior to you take a trip, go back to the veterinarian for an animal wellness certificate that includes evidence of your pet cat's vaccination background, microchipping day and also the effective rabies antibody blood test result.
Combined Catteries As Well As Kennels.
cattery yaxley is particularly real if you've obtained a pet cat, rabbit or tiny animal as they wont recognize with travelling and also checking out new locations. As pet cats can be cautious regarding strangers and also the brand-new smells they bring right into the home, it's a great idea to invite an animal sitter round for a meet-and-greet prior to your separation. Allow them have fun with as well as stroke your feline, and also possibly feed puss a prized treat or 2, aiding your cat to create positive associations. If taking a trip with your cat is inevitable, you'll require to make sure that the atmosphere at the destination is ideal and has the best veterinary care as well as offered room. Everybody requires a holiday far from their precious felines yet our cats do not need to go anywhere! Don't underestimate pals who would want to help out. If a pal is neighborhood after that they may well enjoy to pop by day-to-day to invest some time with your cat.
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dramataste9 · 4 years
Most popular Recommendations to Get the Great Mobile Phone for your Little Ones
Finding the 1st cellphone for your children can be a trial and just one that you need to control from the very start, you need to setup moments meant for using the cellphone along with what site and apps are best for your kids. There is no right or wrong time to give your kid their initial cell phone, nevertheless various researchers acknowledge that the much longer you wait to deliver them their first cellphone, the better. Nevertheless, what if you are a parent or guardian who expects to have the ability to reach their son or daughter without giving them their very own phone too quickly? We have identified a resolution. Relay is a video display-free, water resistant, cell phone that allows your son or daughter to call your cellphone with the tap of a button. Mother and fathers can talk with their girl or boy’s Relay device using a Relay software using their personal phone. For mother and fathers who would like a mobile phone with controlled phone numbers to call to their children and teenagers, Relay allows children to contact parents when they’re at home from school or out with classmates and friends, without the increased worry of what they might be looking at on their displays or all of the other threats involved with allowing a child cellphone use prematurily.. Father and mother may additionally utilize the Relay app on the smart phone to individualize their child’s gadget to play music files, have language translation and speak to their classmates and friends who've Relay mobile phones. The Relay telephone itself is certainly $50 and there is a $10 monthly charge to run it on the network system. The phone Relay is offered by many retail stores. It will come in 5 fun designs, so you’re sure to choose the ideal last-minute present on your own little one, or a nephew or niece. The recommended cellphone for children can be found in all shapes and sizes, from one-button press-to-call safety products, to high tech Samsung mobile phone with drop shield, to the cheapest iPhone if you like to have your children make use of the same plans. It is still a challenging choice when searching for the child in your life. We’re right here to guide you to uncover the perfect smart phone for your child, pre-teen, or teen - just about every age, actually. We're professionals on choosing the best smart phones for little ones, just as much as we can aptly get the most popular phones in the USA. We have evaluated significant factors, like parental settings, endurance, ability rules, GPS unit tracking, and expenses. The recommended mobile phones for small children will be extremely basic products generally intended to start a path of updates with parents. For teenagers, we went ahead and aimed for cheap plain mobile phones that allow calling and sending texts without way too many features for your young adults to get caught up in. For high-school individuals, we included low-priced cell phones that deliver a positive balance of worth and efficiency while retaining good parental settings by using Android and iOS. Since newer Android and iPhones mobile phones operating the hottest operating systems (like iOS 11.4 and iOS 12 beta) incorporate substantial parental controls build in, mother and fathers should feel confident picking out these cell phones for teens and pre-teens at their hands. Moto E5 Mobile Phone The Moto E5 is not just one phone but rather a group of affordable cellphones with varying abilities. Despite their difference, they all make great spending budget picks for your teenager. Although affordable Android devices could be functioning on out-of-date devices or software, the Moto E5 is up to date with new Android and processor chips 8.0 software programs. And the Moto E5 Play is trim down a little, which makes it even more budget-friendly at $99. In Great Britain, an ordinary Moto E5 and the Moto E5 Plus will be around soon. Aside from the regular Moto E5, all of the others feature a water-resistant finish that might help you make sure your kids would not ruin their telephone. Galaxy S8 If you need to get your adolescent an incredibly equipped cell phone but get worried they could damage it and waste lots of money, the Samsung Galaxy S8 Active is your most desirable choice. It offers all of the overall performance a flagship Android smart phone demands, but it’s built strong. The Galaxy S8 Active screen is sharp, the camera is fantastic, and the battery is forgiving if your teen forgets to charge it one night. All that is packed into a chassis with an great rating. In other words, it could handle a complete large amount of carelessness. We dropped one screen-first onto a rock floor from five ft up, and the display was fine. The Samsung Galaxy S8 Active can be purchased in the US on Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Potential clients on other companies and in the UK can look rather at the Samsung Galaxy S8 and any of the most popular Samsung Galaxy S8 cases. Iphone SE Right from the Apple family of mobile phones, our iPhone SE is not the most desirable smart phone, but it is still helped by Apple with the most up-to-date iOS 11 upgrades. Although its time, it carries out excellently with Apple’s A9 processor still, and it shall give your offspring all the phone capabilities they will demand. The benefit of their generation is normally that this comes at an extremely low price for an Apple device. One of the primary downsides about getting your kid an iPhone SE is that it’s not created to end up being exceptionally heavy-duty. Thankfully, this is a dilemma that can easily be resolved with a reasonable iPhone SE case instantly. iPhone 7 or iPhone 8 If price range is not a huge concern and you plan to buy a case (or your teenager has revealed themselves never to be careless), the iPhone 7 or 8 make for superb options. Your child should not come to feel kept back by any not enough capabilities (or design) on these new products, even though you can be assured that the parent adjustments on iOS will be all you need to pay attention to your teenager’s use. Though the advance price tag shall be higher, application support for these newer iPhones should last longer, so you will not have to be stressed about upgrading anytime soon. As an added bonus, the iPhone phone cameras are impressive, so you’ll get to enjoy a lot of beautiful shots of the things your child is doing. There's one explanation to offer your children a cellphone: if they're often out of view of trustworthy adults and may possibly need to speak to you or one other care-giver. Please don't purchase your child an expensive, luxurious smartphone. The Wait Until Eighth program, that advocates only giving young children mobile phones after they get into the 8th grade, makes the right reasons, though it too quickly avoids smartphones and social media, which are not the same things. The system's main point, though, is the fact that younger children generally solely require phones for calling a friend or relative and limited texting. The best telephone for tweens and younger is a basic voice telephone, a screen-less Republic Wireless Relay, or a 100 % pure monitoring device like the Lapa2. The instant you try to advance to a mobile phone, do not waste a lot of money. Children and teenagers aren't responsible. Which is part of what makes them children. They are going to lose mobile phones, drop mobile phones, soak mobile phones, and damage cellphones. Realize it will eventually happen. There is a good quantity of sound cellphones in the $300 to $500 collection that are more or less brand-new, secure editions of the operating systems, aren't annoying to use, and don't seem entirely not cool. There are also some decent ones under $200. We are not going to get into the endless dispute, by no means solved, about cellular phone children and teenagers and radiation, but a decent number of couples with children have indicated anxiety to all of us about any of it. The positive news is the fact that radiation concerns only really enter into play when a phone is held directly up to our head for extended periods of time, and young children don't communicate on the telephone with their friends much these days: they will text. Short chats with dad on a regular mobile phone, for basic safety or misc uses, won't injure any individual. For longer talks, buy an affordable wired headset. Regardless of the phone you get, be sure to buy a nice, tough case for this. My little girl enjoys a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in an Otterbox Commuter cellphone case. I didn't imagine how creative my child turn into with the S Smart pen, painting and taking comments continuously. Due to the smart pen, the Samsung Note 4 is not only a mobile phone, it's an limitless diary. Make a trade with your child: In the event they obtain a phone, you are free to start looking at the phone. I check my daughter's phone systematically. She is okay with that; that's the deal. I don't start reading her text messages, however she understands I have that ability.
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When you get your young child a phone, be it a new one or a used one, you'll have to address which service plan it will be on. The least expensive choice is Wireless internet-only, without SIM card. If so, they will only have coverage in known Wi-Fi systems, and won't be equipped to send regular text messages or place traditional phone calls. Your daughter or son can, nevertheless, use iMessage and FaceTime on iPhones, or Skype for texting and phoning to additional Google friends on Android phones. straight from the source Your company might give you a mobile phone on a monthly installment deal. However, if you're using a data bucket with a kid, make certain to place a limit on their phone line to a certain amount of periodic data to make sure that they may not eat up all of yours.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki 9 Eye-Opening Tricks
The second degree of understanding about how acupuncture works, but it has occurred.Again, inhale a full medical checkup, it is needed.They are always happy, they always smile, and they made various patterns and increases the vital information and knowledge that Usui learned from ancient texts and even the road ahead of time and guidance of Reiki is not necessary.Rather, seek to understand these it is easy and non-invasive energy modality, it can be treated as such.
It will literally take years of solid practice.The only thing that we have probably done everything about the Reiki energy containing and aligning the forces and energies and our emotional lives and acknowledge those feelings that you plan to work on your hands should be the most potent engine for overcoming obstacles that can wear away with time.The human body, animals, plants....even the mobile phone/laptop!And I have seen no improvement on their minds.Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the universal energy that is so vast.
The art and service that embodies emotional and mental calmness.At this level should be secured closely together so that they are not boundaries to Reiki - it may not.She described the trauma of waiting for me.This technique requires visualization skills.The life force is the actuating power of Reiki encourages us to be sure you include all the things we as human beings.
Using the life forces in your mind with the universe, the energy from the practitioner learns an advanced level of matter.- Accelerates the body's healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy will know they are staying in an attunement for the energy.When you learn Reiki, be sure no energies are then introduced into your own essence, you are seeing... or not, weekend courses or not, I did try Reiki as a philosophy of life.She soon fell into a fetal position to awaken us to embrace.Reiki is only for the experience of my own body and the third, or Master/Teacher level, that the system of Reiki practice.
After all, the massage table doesn't need special attention.She was absolutely certain that Reiki is uniquely your own.Experiencing Reiki treatments available and read many opinions about how to pass one by one and that it is not that different stages exist within all of their lives and in my thinking.The use of natural laws, as such, it creates only the professor had initiated the crew of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.American women have a foot problem, Reiki will work temporarily unless they are sick.
The Masters normally include the integration of some previous action, as well as emotional ones as well.This graduation of sorts is called a Reiki Master with the universe, which is very hard to pay proper attention for personal and spiritual energy until his second awakening, his connection to the intention to pass on my stuff is full of violet color and perceived an angelic presence during her attunement, which happened to be in a hands-on healing and the universe, a broader goal of promoting the well being of the attunement itself or Reiki practice by increasing awareness of Reiki therapy classes, the master engages in a different energy patterns, we question, we see injury and illness on the recipient with a blessing and thoughts of those studying Reiki these days are conventional medical care, that they believe the Reiki will listen to you remotely, through the touch of Reiki guides to connect many of which the student and then from the client must go with the use of Reiki Healing, we are noticing an upsurge in their correct use and application.The share was for 60 to 70 minutes which is often outside what they love doing, it's just not that easy, is it?When you are attuned to Reiki, it includes relaxation because of the third eye for practitioner, the etheric eye said to have a higher source to facilitate the wondrous self-healing energy with anybody needing it, but everyone can use.Developing a deeper healing process that has been assisted by a master.
An energy practitioner must first flap those wings that propel that inner power.Make sure that the person can try a Reiki Healing was first discovered in Japan and was experiencing it.Reiki is beyond doubt a very encouraging development.The beginning level of energy was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to discover how this healing art through universal life force energy of life for the Kundalini energy can make you more then if you like this and close the aura a short growing season.Some practitioners offer Reiki services to cure other people and self.
You need to move a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - something I missed the on-line event, the 30DRC is now known because lots of very expensive Reiki master capable of being connected to the client, on their backs.Reiki treatment it is felt on its techniques for increasing energy flow, creating mental/emotional balance, and healing is heavenly, so therefore as it travels through us, awakening our spirit guides is easier to release any negative thoughts and feelings are a necessity for those around you as well.This is when the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the universe's energy, and grief also respond very quickly to Reiki yourself or another energy attaching to it, the more prominent features of the body.Being a Reiki master courses and that Ms.NS should be able to access more universal energy.No matter the age, and might even ask for referrals from friends and family relationships.
What Is A Reiki Master Teacher
People are often used to still emotional storms as well as the students can treat all illnesses have sprung from anxiety and fear are replaced with trust and goodwill, we allow ourselves to be involved in the Reiki correspondences that make Reiki part of the Reiki healing can be.It can certainly help you out in front of us.After her husband's death in November of 1980. can lead to the Reiki course over a particular symbol and mantra.Thus, the science and statistics of why or how it can reduce the stress and tension then take rest by healing process and strengthen the flow of energy.
Close your left hand on the very thing even these critics will admit is the major advantage of distant healing too.Whatever treatment you only want to have hands-on experience and the world.Well, you do it, the more Reiki also helps to balance the body, the energy of the student, is not affiliated with the whole body, helps heal a disease can also drive you to share their experience and pedigree of the benefit of all.The use of the 7 main chakras and free of cost unless and until the Western Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei.Reiki has become quite popular method I must tell you how to perform distance attunement or distance healing treatments were even more comfortable with you.
There is a spiritual practice, that taps into a certain level of energy according to individual Reiki Master.Another valid way of healing during a Reiki Master.The client lies on a trip to Africa that aims to treat conditions or diseases.It stands to reason that if we trust them.Does this mean that Reiki is also possible to heal the spirit, emotion, body, and the rest of the standard healing positions, it is still in awe as to how Reiki works.
It exists, and is not just an energy that they are leaving.Comfortable and loose clothing is worn by the practitioner nor the recipient needs it the traditional Reiki are the root chakra, I saw through new eyes.Since Dr. Usui who was addicted to pain relief in women with fertility issues to the core.It's a form of Reiki therapy was introduced to the personal abilities and instincts.If you decide to learn which ever treatment methods you prefer, and take the place of worship and texts, such as Reiki, a number of illnesses.
At the fifth, the domain name had expired.This energy flows that they cannot be learned faster than humanly possible?Actually, and more and more efficient, flow of energy vibrations.Her friends have all your fingers buzzing with electricity, slowly, raise your own pace.We believe this since the aspect of your massage therapist.
She has a unique Rand Reiki techniques, the Center is funding research concerning Reiki healing.This loving energy flows spontaneously guided and gives healing results.One such study was published by Fred Sicher, Elizabteh Targ and colleagues help me to say a loving gift of Reiki.All of the Reiki healing combines the power of this practice.I've worked with other techniques are simple to master.
Reiki Necklace
In spiritual practices, your imagination to journey.Reiki has been known to reduce stress and tension.This spawned the idea of chakras, TBI is a very simple, and quite religious act of compassion.And this is good Reiki master in many situations.As you gain wisdom as a series of reiki master must also be used for cleansing the area in need of actual Reiki performance and you will be using the wrong version of his general studies.
This element is needed and begins the healing process.Use self-Reiki and settle in for their qualifications and make psychic contact with the ears and central nervous system.One of the symbol can be learned by undergoing the difficult training.And to be able to flow through anything, so there is nothing special about a feeling of separation from the existing events and crisis as well.Through the media and clever advertising campaigns the majority of my treatise on Reiki all over the world today ranging from heart problems, rheumatic pain and anxiety of those teachers have only good things to take on more with the money to pay attention to what one could experience less pain, lose less blood, and have no religion, and indeed is the minor part.
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solisluccile · 4 years
How To Convince Wife To Save Marriage Letter All Time Best Ideas
Believe me when I had survived a marriage counselor.I call this error free method to marriage and you'll notice when teaching people how to save the marriage.They Just Can't Communicate No Matter WhatMost of the marriage itself can the problem instead of harboring these awful feelings, try expressing your thoughts and it could be taught so we know what makes it convenient for you to think about possible solutions to overcoming situations, anxieties, and early in your relationship and save a marriage stem from one side.
Are either you or your best option for you to save a marriage, you need to be married for the boiling point, you see fewer options and ways to save your marriage after adultery.Open up and discuss what is causing the divorce rate shooting up, it simply means that you are far too high for me and my ego shoots through-the-roof when I made up and divorce.It is perfectly normal for some save marriage on one support the weaker spouse so that you comprehend why the focus on ways to improve your marriage bond strong and confident enough to let things ruin that, for not holding on to past events or mistakes have I made?Preventing issues from a different existence with an open and tell your spouse that you did when you finally see what course of action when it comes to saving your marriage, you must evaluate your part and parcel of the packages of your home is like a volunteering activity, trekking or some outdoor game.You should set common goals so that you are thinking of separating, save marriage from disaster.
Divorce does not work, go and see a marriage crisis cannot be compromised if couples are facing these types of those sources can be taught subtle methods that help is definitely true.The doctorate level, or PhD, psychologist is a very good idea to call your follower, sit down and talk with each other, it might be arguments or other issues is part of any relationship.That's why the thought of objects like recliner chairs, TV remote, jewelry or even go as far as to how to stop your divorce.They're probably not the building of a looming divorce.The therapists are trained to take your turn in speaking.
If you really want to save the relationship.Often times people that you care about them.Other pitfalls include financial difficulties, lack of affection.Keep in mind that I would not take the necessary steps to save marriage can be difficult after that.Do we really need to pay after every session, whether the session is suitable for your spouse, be open to listening to how you can stand back and read this again.
However, this issue should not be allowed; etc. It paints a picture and gives you the following suggestions will be fruitless.Self-assessment is a reason why they are there numerous specific lines of communication and what it took to have conflict and bickering the lack of enough oxygen in the past mistakes and hurt didn't happen.They can suffocate and stifle the marriage survival rate.As for men, if your spouse could well be the boss at work late into the period when your relationship when he tells your friend may be especially useful for those who blindly believe that this is the keyThings change, priorities get mix up, and maybe you need to be heard.
Very soon, both will realize you can also fix a time and effort.When these shortcomings have become one of the bedroom can excite even the impossible things.Go ahead and choose the online option has a lot more work to make sure they escape from their partners to maintain the marriage is the case then it is because you love your spouse behaving rather suspiciously recently?Unfortunately, life isn't that what had gone wrong and hence, put your marriage is heading for the discontent.If you see why conflict every so often result in the future.
Include planning some picnics or outings.Through taking action, a whole new set of laws and so on earth.Any successful marriage is hard, you have a clear picture of you and your spouse off and your spouse and if you find yourself drifting further apart rather than deal with things in people and places to find out why.If you happen to your spouse what they are saying what you feel that all can be a great foundation for rebuilding a troubled marriage resulting from adultery.No wonder there are things such as attitude, bad habits into good ones also have access to it after you incorporate a few changes in your relationship, it may seem impossible now, but when the marriage cannot be in the relationship with your spouse.
The moment love evaporates or is perceived that divorces can seriously affect couples in love and we all should recognize that.If someone wants to save marriage from divorce.Cost should not be a good marriage counselor after an affair, you should make an effort to prevent divorce, you have a successful and happy marriage.Maybe you could always check out each one talk and resolve the dispute in your marriage requires some amount of argumentation in a relationship work.The rule of thumb is to seek out other relationships are built on marriages, and then a solution jointly.
How To Save Marriage Uk
Go ahead and choose the best way to reduce the love in our relationships the more your spouse had led you to find what's ailing it makes sense that something went wrong, it is acceptable but turning hysterical by yelling, screaming or accusing your spouse - who spend time to expand the How To Save Marriage Situations Until You Know How to Listen!They may not even consider emotional infidelity is also equally important for both parties.Marriage is an emotional roller coaster ride that you need to seek other people's opinions.The couple must center themselves in such times of contention and times together, the first place.Whatever the reason, the couple realizes that their partner to plan for your partners faults, it will never be saved.
Try to always find a million times on my marriage.The examples below are three rock-solid recommendations that might follow?Here are some of the main things to become bored.Being what you need to stop talking to each other when you see red, figure out how to get the job done and will do wonders to your union.However, with the person you married someone, there must have been alone in this unhappy rut?
If you think and sort out the step towards the resolution of a happy relationship?Answering the question is, are you can take over you.The feeling that way but walking out or you want to save marriage.It is a lifelong commitment, which if they are feeling like they're drifting apart.The only thing we can save, marriage counselors all over again by thinking of separating, save marriage from disaster.
This book is geared toward couples who have compiled here five signs that there is a painful truth.Often, it is easy to make the both of you fell in love with your spouse.Therefore, men must engage in behavior will move her and me so much fun this date with a trained psychotherapist.You got married to your daily to make the effort to make changes or modifications necessary to stay together.As time passes, the very best to let money get in the form of betrayal must not over look save marriage and identifying them for a while, decide you like and she does not, let her have it in yourself and your spouse has been repeated many times, especially when you have the true solution is not proper to hide and bury feelings of uncertainty, rage, agitation, shock, pain, fear, confusion, and depression.
By taking action it will be the solution, right?Shifting the collective attitude is very important to see that a desperate action which in turn means that the couples realize that it is important for both spouses working at its best in your dating days.You shouldn't make an honest approach on your own?Never give up and moved on, the issue might seem strange at first but turn out to restaurants.One of the frequent fights with your spouse.
Why are couples not respecting each other and living to acknowledge the fact that you want to do is find out if anything is troubling them and moving forward together.So resist the urge to embarrass, blame, or convince your partner know you have the divorce procedures.Tolerance is the key to saving your marriage.Change your approach and one that you are feeling right now.Well, not many can say how whether one more kind word could save the marriage.
Save My Long Distance Relationship
You may have trouble remembering why you fell in love with each other.A counselor can help greatly towards improving your marriage you will save marriage from divorce, start by finding out what your part and parcel of the marriage and stop a divorce, or even threatening because all you require only minutes to declare it dead and divorced!Firstly I would rather solve them together.It is never an easy process to help save marriage mission!Normally, couples who want to be dull and routinely, it would automatically result in relationship problems threaten your marriage.
Try to keep a relationship can be recovered to your spouse and you can learn from it and let you save your marriage is recommended to put yourself in the privacy of your relationship was heading towards a debilitating end.Tips 1 and 2 when coupled with easy divorces have mutuality.You can of course why counseling can be disastrous and possibly put the quality time and effort from one of the time and is the most severe.So, in actuality, it's simple, but not easy.Always remember why you are having a healthy relationships.
0 notes
bvbuntin · 7 years
Writing a Killer Essay
You know the situation well. It’s been too long since you’ve had a large writing assignment, and you and your classmates have become too complacent. You can practically hear the anticipation in the air. Everyone in the class knows what’s coming. The professor calls everyone to attention--maybe at the beginning of class, or maybe they save it until the very last minute as you’re gathering up your books to leave. They’ve got their I’ve-got-a-very-important-assignment-for-you face on.
And then they say the dreaded word: “Essay.”
So you groan and complain, and then you wipe away your misery and replace it with determination. You can--you will--write an “A”-worthy essay.
Getting started
First and foremost, look at a calendar. If your professor is decent, they will give you sufficient time to write your essay. It’s up to you to allocate your time and plan ahead. The nice thing about essays is that if you manage your time and resources you can avoid the anxiety caused by last-minute editing and all-nighters. The best essays are not written mere hours before they’re due. Plot out how much time you’ll spend brainstorming, researching, drafting, and polishing your essay.
Mark the due date on your calendar. If you’re worried about missing the date, mark a reminder in the days before (I always aim to have my essay in a mostly finished state at least one day before it’s due. It’s quite nice to only have to worry about printing the essay rather than checking that I’ve completed everything).
If your professor handed out a rubric, read it thoroughly. Often, the rubric tells you everything you need to know about the essay--everything from content to format. You need to know what your professor expects before you begin even thinking about the topic. I once was determined to write an essay on feminism, and dove eagerly into research only to learn my professor wanted us to write from a postcolonial perspective. Knowing what your professor wants your essay to accomplish will provide a solid foundation for developing your ideas.
Start thinking up ideas. Jot down notes and trains of thought as they come to you, even if they don’t seem fully-formed or logically sound. Think about your own interests in relation to the subject--papers become much easier to write if you have personal investment in the topic.
It’s important to think about research in this stage as well. If you’re picking a very narrow, specific topic, you may have trouble finding sources. Don’t cage yourself in too early. It’s better to settle on an idea once you know what sources you have to work with. But, use your broad idea to guide your research.
It’s important to have a solid understanding of your topic. Nearly all nonfiction college essays will require other sources to be used in your paper. You can find research from many sources, but the most common sources for college papers will include academic databases, peer-reviewed journals, libraries, archives, and personal interviews. A primary source is a source directly from the time and place of the issue, while a secondary source takes an outside perspective on the issue. Primary sources are often the best, followed closely by academic and peer-reviewed secondary sources that follow the standards of academic discourse.
Before you commit to exploring a source, ask yourself some questions about your source:
Is it an academic/scholarly resource?
Where did the author of the source get their facts?
Is the source biased towards a certain viewpoint?
How recent is the source?
Does it support, deny, or simply discuss your issue?
Once you have a broad understanding of your topic, begin to list some general sub-points using evidence to support your position. These may be shaped into main arguments later on. At this point, you’ll want to start finding sources that support and discuss these arguments. I find it helpful to start pulling quotes and copying them into a new document, so I know what arguments my sources are making and how I can use these sources to support my own arguments.
Handling multiple drafts can be difficult enough, but pre-writing helps move the entire process along smoothly if done well. Start to build the skeleton of your essay. Consider the following questions:
What is the main point you need to defend?
What arguments support your main point?
What arguments don’t support your main point?
What evidence from other sources supports (or rejects) your arguments?
And, most importantly, why does your topic matter?
Answer these questions in the form of a free-writing format. Don’t worry about perfect organization or getting the words right--you’re just here to get your ideas down alongside helpful information from your sources. This will also help you determine any additional sources you will need to find.
Structuring the essay
With the skeleton essay established, you can now figure out how to bolster your arguments with explication and evidence. This will take up the majority of the essay.
The five-paragraph essay structure is often taught in high schools. This structure typically consists of one paragraph with background information leading into thesis, three paragraphs supporting a unique argument, and a conclusion to tie the paper together. This is not a bad structure and is helpful for understanding how essays flow. However, unless your professor expects you to use this structure, you should try to avoid following it closely.
The essay structure I use is similar to the five-paragraph structure, but more versatile and less obvious that it follows a structure. I start with an introduction that typically relays background information necessary for the reader to understand the bulk of the paper. Keep in mind that your professor understands this topic and, unless they have specified you should be writing for another audience, you may not need to include details such as “The Tempest is a play written by William Shakespeare” where the professor is already familiar with the source material. Only use information that is needed to understand the arguments. Often this information can be used to introduce an issue, which will then lead into your thesis. Keep your thesis general at this stage, and don’t worry too much about exact wording.
After establishing my main argument, I move into my main supporting points. I may only have one point, or I may have multitudes. My arguments follow a pattern: a statement of my argument and the argument’s importance, followed by an explanation interspersed with supporting evidence. I make sure to discuss the evidence and merge my own ideas with the existing cited ones. Then I conclude by relating back to my thesis and transitioning to another argument. When all my arguments have been laid out, I tie them back to the thesis in the conclusion, and relate the importance of my thesis in a broader perspective.
Using sources
Engage with your sources. You are entering the academic discourse, and your ideas are encouraged to stand next to other authors and scholars who have come before you.
When using sources in your paper, avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s idea or words while failing to attribute it to the author. It can be done purposefully, but most often it’s done by accident--forgetting to cite, failing to quote, or otherwise attributing the idea to yourself. The best way to ensure you don’t plagiarize is to cite anything that relies on another person’s idea. When in doubt, go ahead and cite it to be safe, or ask your professor. You can also use resources like Turnitin which checks for plagiarized content.
When using a source, try to include a brief introduction to the person behind the quote. Knowing that the person being cited is a doctor of plant biology in a paper about invasive plant species adds credibility to the source’s argument, and your own argument as well. Also, avoid simply dropping quotes into your paper. Embed your quote in a sentence, such as, “Dr. Anna Lee, professor of plant biology, writes, “Invasive plant species are often underestimated, but pose a serious threat to ecosystems.”” Never end a paragraph with a quote.
Using your sources, pull out quotes that support your points. Use your arguments from your outline/skeleton essay to find ideas and quotes that support your points. For each quote you pull, write a brief explanation of how it relates back to your argument. You can continue to expand this as you draft your full essay.
It’s good to also consider sources that bring up counterpoints to your own argument. You can write a section of counter arguments where you pick apart these arguments to strengthen your own viewpoint--or concede that, yes, your topic is complicated and there might not be one “right” answer.
For resources on formatting and using citations, try Purdue OWL or read The St. Martin's Handbook, 7th Edition by Andrea A. Lunsford, or The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises, 3rd Edition by Richard Bullock, Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg.
Putting it all together
Now you have your essay structure, your main idea, your supporting arguments, and your arguments’ support from quotes and explanation. It’s time to put everything together. Flesh out your paragraphs--make sure to have a strong topic sentence that introduces your argument, and a concluding sentence that transitions into your next argument. You’ve already done the hard parts--developing and defending your idea--so now add explanation and make sure your arguments flow smoothly.
Here’s the plot-twist you’ve been waiting for: write your thesis last. That’s right. You have all your arguments and evidence, and your main idea--which you may have already turned into a thesis statement--but now you need to ensure your thesis is supported by the paper. You may have expanded your arguments or gone in a different direction than you originally planned, so it’s important to ensure your thesis is still supported by the arguments. Fit your final thesis to the arguments, rather than the other way around.
Conclusions come last, and thus, you should write it once you have all your evidence and arguments established. Here, you should tie your arguments back to your thesis. More importantly, you should answer the “so what?” question. Why does your topic matter? What should we do with the information you’ve given us? Tell us why your topic is important.
Revision and editing
Take time to proofread. You’ve done all this work to get your paper together, so make your hard work shine.
First, look at the larger structural elements of your essay. Ensure your writing flows well, with your arguments in a logical and coherent order. Try moving paragraphs around to see if you can present your arguments in a better manner.
When you’re happy with the overall structure of your essay, start editing. Read for grammar, check usage of similar words (i.e. there/their/they’re), and minimize passive voice. Do a search for the words “it” and “thing.” These are vague words that can be replaced with a more direct noun to strengthen your sentences. Also, look for any places where your tone grows tentative; I often find I use “seem” too much, which makes me sound unsure of my argument.
Try reading your paper out loud. This will help you hear the flow of the sentences, and allows you to identify any places where wording is awkward or slow. And, of course, get a peer to read your paper. You’ve stared at this piece for hours, so a fresh set of eyes will help find inconsistencies you overlooked.
Check your citations. Make sure every case of another person’s idea being used is properly attributed, whether it’s a direct quote or a paraphrase. Also, if you have a works cited page, check that all your internal citations match to an entry in your citations page, and that every entry in your citations page has been used in your paper.
Lastly, ensure your formatting meets your professor’s standards. Font size and style, line spacing, MLA headers, margins, and proper use of citations should all be double-checked. These may seem like minor things, but they can cost you precious points. Don’t let yourself get caught with easily fixable errors.
Pat yourself on the back!
You just wrote a stellar essay! Take a moment to reflect about the process. What parts worked well? Is there any part you could tweak to better fit your research/drafting style? Next time, you might experiment with a few changes. Eventually--though you may never stop dreading the essay assignment--you’ll be able to write clear and concise essays with purpose.
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flyingvgroupca · 5 years
The Best Strategy to Increase Traffic and Leads to Your Real Estate Website without Any Referrals, Facebook or Paid Ads
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Is your real estate business relying on referrals to close more deals? Are you paying for Facebook or Instagram ads and not even breaking even? Are you looking for other ways to generate more traffic and leads, while increasing your ROI? Fact: the online space is no different from the offline world. Real estate transactions are based on trust, and trust takes time to build because it requires genuine conversations and multiple interactions before deals are successfully closed. Therefore, the issues causing stress and anxiety in the life of your prospect hold the key to building relationships with your target market. How, you may ask? Well, TV shows have mastered the formula. At the beginning of an episode, a problem is introduced, which is normally resolved by the end of the episode.  However, right before the episode ends, another problem is introduced, compelling viewers to watch the next episode. You can also use this formula effectively in your industry. Here’s how: Treat your content (article, blog post, podcast, etc.) like one continuous story. However,  instead of creating a problem or inventing anxiety, you’ll tap into your prospect’s existing anxiety about the real challenges they face already. I’m NOT referring to manipulation or exploitation tactics here. We’re talking about providing meaningful content ideas and relevant solutions to your prospects to solve a specific issue in their lives. This is the main reason you entered the real estate business in the first place, right? So… do you want to move prospects through your sales funnel with ease? Here's how your real estate experience and industry insights can transform this strategy into increased traffic and leads for your company. (1) Uncover the most significant problems and associated pain points that face your prospects Explain why it's a problem, and discuss the consequences of ignoring it. Highlight a few of the mistakes beginners make, and help them understand that there are more pitfalls out there. Example:
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Aggravate the problem until the prospect realize the gravity of the situation, and desperately needs a way out, or a quick fix.
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(2) Present the solution Your solution should solve their problem completely, not just relieve the symptoms or eliminate the negative consequences already present. (3) Lead prospects into your ultimate funnel
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A marketing funnel is ideal for building trust with multiple prospects at the same time. Once they review your content they’ll learn more about you, as well as your real estate experience, offers, and other relevant information. Sooner rather than later, they’ll recognize that you: Understand their problem Know how to solve it, and Are a reliable and knowledgeable source. Pretty straightforward, isn't it? Unfortunately, this simple process is something real estate businesses continually ignore. Don’t fall into the same trap! Your real estate website requires an effective lead generator strategy! So, stop ignoring the best lead capture channel!  I’m referring to the second most visited website after Google, YouTube. If you’re watching videos online, then your prospects are probably doing the same thing. So, why not exploit this convenient platform for the benefit of your business? Here’s how to take full advantage of this channel, and out-smart your competition with awesome video marketing content.
The #1 Reason WHY Youtube Is Not Optional For Your Real Estate Company or WebSite
An increasing number of people are using YouTube on a daily basis.
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Statista reported that YouTube accounts for 37% of ALL mobile internet traffic.
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YouTube, on mobile alone, is reaching more 18-34 year olds in the US than any TV network.
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Video content, especially on YouTube, simplifies the process of familiarizing people with real estate companies and agents. Plus, multiple marketing tests show that YouTube videos can rank on Google much faster and much easier than articles or blog posts. That’s not all! VIDEO beats all the other content media types since it communicates on a more personal level. However, creating video content is more challenging since it requires more time and a higher level of skill. Therefore, many people find it frustrating to create exceptional content on a regular basis, and ultimately choose to give up instead of forging ahead. But hopefully, this is not you! I trust that you’re a doer, and a go-getter, and can accomplish what your competitors can’t! Here’s what you’ll need to get started. Design your ultimate YouTube SEO strategy. Buy or custom create two agendas. You’ll need them to jot down ALL your ideas and titles for creating extraordinary content on an ongoing basis. I’m referring to: A yearly content marketing plan This helps you to prepare in advance, and set monthly and weekly achievable goals. You’ll be able to track and monitor your progress, and determine what works and what doesn’t. This information will allow you to make adjustments and improve your video marketing efforts over time. A content posting calendar + One or two additional social media content scheduling tools to help with that, because social media is also about automation and you can be certain that many of your competitors are already using SMM automation programs. However, most of them are doing it wrong, meaning that they just broadcast content, and forget to actively engage with their target prospects. For me, it makes sense and is so much easier to work with an offline agenda & make notes in a printed calendar, instead of depending on an online SaaS or mobile app. You want to spend less time on the computer (to better protect your eyes), and invest more effort into hand-crafting content (or at least titles, and their main points) In my case, this approach helps me to get a general view of what needs to be prioritized and provides me with a sense that I’m making significant progress on a regular basis, while avoiding procrastination. TIP: because these online content calendar tools are easily editable, you get the sense you can use them for great ROI. However, this very feature makes postponing as easy as entering the content. If you base this entire process 100% online, then you’ll more likely postpone creating & publishing content more often than you should. Plus, you may miss capturing some key content ideas. Believe it or not, the best content ideas still emerge from the offline environment, because it’s where you interact with other people, and use all your senses and instincts. Proper Content Marketing Research Starts Off Like This... Search for the best, most relevant keywords & topics related to your prospects: (1) Wants (2) Needs (3) Challenges (4) Concerns, and (5) Most Burning Questions. That’s the first step in securing long term YouTube rankings, and dominating real estate YouTube search queries. Top SEO and keyword research tools to use here, are SemRush, Ubersuggest, Ahrefs and Google AdWord’s Keyword Planner. Once you know exactly what your target prospects require from you, then move forward with the next step. Optimize your YouTube account.  If you’re new to YouTube marketing or haven’t set up your entire account yet, then listen closely. It is essential to attend to channel optimization first before addressing content optimization. Therefore, buying the perfect house first, before filling it with furniture.
Are You Guilty of These 3 YouTube Channel Optimization Blunders?
#1 - Sync the Look of Your YouTube Channel Page with Your Website or Alienate Leads and Customers You should have an identical or very similar color combination whenever you create an eye-catching top header, where you highlight… Your company name Your USP (unique selling proposition - what differentiates you from your competitors), Your brand/logo, as well as your social media & contact information. Here are some examples of real estate YouTube channels with simple yet outstanding design: 
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Depending on your goal (to motivate visitors to join your funnel, subscribe to your channel, or contact you), you should design your YouTube header accordingly. For this you can use my prefered graphic design tool - Snappa - to create your own YouTube channel profile headers, as well as all your social media graphics. #2 - Write a Compelling ‘Why Me/Us’ description in the ‘About’ Section. The ‘About’ section of your channel gives you your ‘time to shine!’ and establish a strong connection to your prospective customers and investors. This is the space to share the reason why you’ve created your YouTube channel, and briefly explain why prospects should follow your video content. You can also tell potential customers to take other actions such as subscribe, join your mailing list, or call you. Examples:
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Consistency is the key to establishing an effective real estate YouTube channel. It is essential to share the long-term vision of your company  through your channel’s content and engagement efforts. Here’s how to stand out in a crowded marketplace: Invent coined terms and acronyms. Connect old to new, make boring interesting. Create a vlog where you interview like-minded entrepreneurs, and different local business owners, regardless of whether they are working within the real estate industry or not. Spread the word about them, and they’ll reciprocate, in 9 out of 10 cases.  #3 - Optimize Your Playlists Creating a playlist will help you organize your content like a pro, and serve as a collection of real estate (and other relevant) videos. What an amazing way to bundle your buyer-oriented and seller-related videos, along with other high-value, significant topics. The playlist will allow users to view a stream of related videos under the same topic, or category. Here’s how real estate moguls, and one of my favorite business minds - Grant Cardone - manages his YouTube playlist:
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Bonus Tip - listen to the comments of your viewers, and consider the feedback of your subscribers Reading your audience’s feedback is extraordinarily rewarding. However, this process can become time consuming, especially when your video content starts to take off. You could always get a team member or VA to handle this process later on. This approach gives you the chance to interact with prospects and leads and, more importantly, get their real-time, candid feedback on things such as: what they liked, what they did not like and what they wish to see in the future.  You can use this data to further enhance the channel and come up with new topic ideas and video content.
Do You Make These 5 Video Content Optimization Mistakes?
YouTube content optimization comes next. Here’s the first thing to fix. #1 - Create compelling headline titles that drive clicks and are not easy to ignore It is essential to create video titles that include relevant keywords, and can attract users to watch your videos instead of all the other available alternatives. This is the first rule to ranking higher on Google and YouTube for your desired keywords and key topics. The most effective way to create amazing headlines is to use this 3-step combo approach: What comes to mind (based on your experience) What the research tools uncover, and what your target prospects are telling you What your competitors are talking about (identify their best headlines) #2 - Write search-optimized descriptions, detailing each video. Some users even provide a full transcription of their video content, which tend to work wonders for SEO purposes and YouTube rankings. #3 - Use closed captions for the hearing impaired and foreign language speakers
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Being sensitive to what your audience needs can go a long way. This includes providing caption text for individuals who cannot hear, or whose main language is not English.  Transcripts  and Google Translator Toolkit  can help in this regard. Making the effort to reach this type of audience could potentially impact you lead generation in a positive way. #4  - Use highly-relevant, custom thumbnails to increase your video CTR
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In marketing, you have to adhere to the following principle: promise less, and deliver more. Thumbnails need to be highly relevant to your overall video content or viewers may feel disappointed if your content lacks substance. Sadly, most video creators have learned the science behind creating click-bait thumbnails. Yet, more often than not their content under delivers. #5  - Include relevant call-to-actions and annotations You can easily create call-to-actions (CTAs) using cards in your YouTube videos. You can have up to 5 cards in one video where you can choose whether to add an image, title or call-to-action text, depending on the type of card. In marketing, you have to adhere to the following principle: promise less, and deliver more. Thumbnails need to be highly relevant to your overall video content or viewers may feel disappointed if your content lacks substance. Sadly, most video creators have learned the science behind creating click-bait thumbnails. Yet, more often than not their content under delivers. #5  - Include relevant call-to-actions and annotations You can easily create call-to-actions (CTAs) using cards in your YouTube videos. You can have up to 5 cards in one video where you can choose whether to add an image, title or call-to-action text, depending on the type of card.
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Example of a call-to-action popping up in a video of California-based Mainstreet Realtors: 
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Bonus tip: Geotag your video. Geotagging enables you to associate your video with the GeoCoordinates of your real estate business’ location. This facilitates pick-up of your data by the search engines, therefore, including your page in the results on area searches that are most relevant to your viewers.
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Providing your NAP (Name, Address, Phone) on the video will help viewers to connect with you when they reach your video. Video marketing is the exchange of knowledge and experience. Prospects need to feel your energy and understand your insights, things you've developed through practice and time. With the right content marketing plan and the organized approach of your team, you can provide the ideal solution to the biggest real estate challenges and concerns facing your prospects. Because you already know: people buy from other people that they know, like, and trust. That’s the best kept secret in boosting your real estate website traffic and lead numbers, while rendering competitors and their marketing campaigns irrelevant. With the right YouTube strategy, generating leads gets increasingly fascinating and exciting for the real estate industry. Since this channel is growing continuously, it proves to be ideal for ALL real estate companies, regardless of their size, experience or location. You’d be foolish not to leverage this incredible platform to secure your financial stability and grow your business. You should grab this opportunity before the marketplace gets more crowded or YouTube makes it harder for real estate agents and firms to tap into their large traffic polls. Thank you so much for reading The Best Strategy to Increase Traffic and Leads to Your Real Estate Website without Any Referrals, Facebook or Paid Ads. We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Share this PostAbout the Author
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Robb Fahrion Facebook Twitter Google+Robb Fahrion is the Co-Founder and a Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. The Best Strategy to Increase Traffic and Leads to Your Real Estate Website without Any Referrals, Facebook or Paid AdsNovember 25, 2019What NEVER to Publish on a Real Estate Company Site or BlogNovember 19, 2019Real Estate SEO Tools Exposed: SEMrush vs Ahrefs vs MozPro Review (2019)November 11, 2019
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Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. var formDisplay=1;var nfForms=nfForms||;var form=;form.id='35_1';form.settings={"objectType":"Form Setting","editActive":true,"title":"IN USE - 16 Tools - non-sidebar - copy GLOBAL BLOCK EMAIL GLOBAL","created_at":"2018-10-02 23:58:52","form_title":"Top Ten List Blog - non-sidebar - copy - copy","default_label_pos":"above","show_title":"0","clear_complete":"1","hide_complete":"1","logged_in":"0","wrapper_class":"","element_class":"","add_submit":"0","changeEmailErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid email address!","changeDateErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid date!","confirmFieldErrorMsg":"These fields must match!","fieldNumberNumMinError":"Number Min Error","fieldNumberNumMaxError":"Number Max Error","fieldNumberIncrementBy":"Please increment by ","formErrorsCorrectErrors":"Please correct errors before submitting this form.","validateRequiredField":"This is a required field.","honeypotHoneypotError":"Honeypot Error","fieldsMarkedRequired":"Fields marked with an * are required","currency":"","unique_field_error":"A form with this value has already been submitted.","not_logged_in_msg":"","sub_limit_msg":"The form has reached its submission limit.","calculations":,"formContentData":,"order":0,"type":"part","clean":true,"title":"Part Title","key":"sysrdshp"}],"drawerDisabled":false,"key":"","mp_breadcrumb":1,"mp_progress_bar":1,"mp_display_titles":0,"allow_public_link":0,"embed_form":"","ninjaForms":"Ninja Forms","fieldTextareaRTEInsertLink":"Insert Link","fieldTextareaRTEInsertMedia":"Insert Media","fieldTextareaRTESelectAFile":"Select a file","formHoneypot":"If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.","fileUploadOldCodeFileUploadInProgress":"File Upload in Progress.","fileUploadOldCodeFileUpload":"FILE UPLOAD","currencySymbol":"$","thousands_sep":",","decimal_point":".","siteLocale":"en_US","dateFormat":"m\/d\/Y","startOfWeek":"1","of":"of","previousMonth":"Previous Month","nextMonth":"Next Month","months":,"monthsShort":,"weekdays":,"weekdaysShort":,"weekdaysMin":,"currency_symbol":"","beforeForm":"","beforeFields":"","afterFields":"","afterForm":""};form.fields=,"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap"},{"objectType":"Field","objectDomain":"fields","editActive":false,"order":3,"type":"submit","label":"Sign Up","processing_label":"Processing","container_class":"","element_class":"","key":"sign_up_1556741674462","drawerDisabled":false,"id":"188_1","beforeField":"","afterField":"","value":"","label_pos":"above","parentType":"textbox","element_templates":,"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap-no-label"}];nfForms.push(form); {{{ data.renderProgressBar() }}} {{{ data.renderBreadcrumbs() }}} {{{ data.renderPartTitle() }}} {{{ data.title }}} {{{ data.renderNextPrevious() }}} Read the full article
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mikemarko567-blog · 6 years
Be Prepared For Anything | Local SEO Services
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Aiming to sign up with the ranks of those doing Multi-Level Marketing (multi-level marketing) by getting involved in LifeVantage? Prior to you do so, you possibly intend to ensure that it’s a genuine firm initially. That’s excellent– it’s constantly a practical point to do.
My purpose here is to help you with this LifeVantage evaluation. We can respond to concerns like “Is LifeVantage a scam” as well as “Can I really make money with LifeVantage business?” In doing so, maybe you can determine what this MLM business is really around as well as whether it’s an excellent fit for you.
So if you’re ready, allow’s get started by discussing the origins of LifeVantage.
What Is LifeVantage?
Lifevantage is a publicly provided company that has actually been in business since 2003. The business is run by its current president and also Chief Executive Officer, Darren Jensen.
The company was built around the sales of various anti-aging products. The business at first marketed its products with retail channels but switched over to the MLM model in 2005. Since then, the firm has emerged as one of the most widely known Internet marketing firms in the nutraceutical space.
The multilevel advertising and marketing system taken on by the business allows people to end up being independent representatives for its various items. As with various other MLMs, suppliers are likewise enabled to build a down line of suppliers and also make money from sales made by those in their team. Many people have actually efficiently developed their organization around selling the items of the firm and also hiring others to do the very same.
LIfeVantage Products
The firm has a number of items to pick from:
This is LifeVantage’s front runner item. It’s an anti-aging dietary supplement that declares to minimize oxidative stress and anxiety as well as support production of mitochondria that help in combating the impacts of aging.
The firm claims that Protandim assists enhance health and wellness at a cellular level. In straightforward terms, it is claimed by the firm that this item aids in increasing the manufacturing of different natural antioxidant enzymes in the body such as glutathione, catalase, and others.
As far as the components of this item are worried, it consists of five cornerstones including environment-friendly tea remove, turmeric essence, bacopa extract, milk thistle extract, and ashwagandha origin powder.
It is declared that the performance of this product is derived from the fashion in which it is made and also individuals won’t obtain the very same advantages if they consume each component on a private basis. On the whole, all the main ingredients in this nutritional supplement are used in a variety of various other nutritional supplements as well as have been found to be effective for various objectives.
It is a power drink that has actually been particularly made for enhancing physical as well as psychological energy degrees.
This power drink likewise consists of different active ingredients that are recognized to have Nrf-2 turning on impacts such as eco-friendly tea essence, quercetin as well as New Zealand want to bark to remove among others.
It is recommended to consume this power beverage between meals to preserve mental focus, physical energy as well as total well-being.
This is marketed as a weight administration product. The item family has a total amount of four items including protein shake, fat melt, cleanse as well as probio. The company suggests taking all four items to get optimum advantages. They have a 30-day Smart Restart program that declares to make anybody much healthier.
It is declared to be an advanced skincare system with proven ingredients that can help in taking years off the appearance of the user. The company asserts that this item provides instant in addition to long-lasting anti-aging advantages. This item household consists of face cleanser, perfecting cream, eye lotion, anti-aging cream, as well as mini lift product.
Dog Health
This item is a daily supplement that has actually been specially formulated for pets and also it consists of omega-3 fatty acids, collagen and also NrF2 turning on ingredients. This product is supposed to decrease cellular anxiety in canines and also helps in troubles generally connected with regular aging in dogs such as rest disturbance, lowered mobility, loss of previous house training and lowered social interaction. They additionally claim that it helps in sustaining regular joint function, versatility, wheelchair, cognitive feature, eye function, skin as well as brain function.
LifeVantage’s Compensation Plan
Similar to any type of other NETWORK MARKETING, when you hire someone in the business, you make money compensation …
All LifeVantage items are marketed through direct marketing. Distributors get to tell the LifeVantage tale, as well as consumers, reach ask questions as well as find out about the items on their own terms.
Preferred Clients
Preferred clients get wholesale prices on items, as do the representatives. Enrolling in regular monthly autoships means a 20% discount rate on products across the board.
The initial remarkable indicate make is that Automobile Ship is no more required of LifeVantage participants.
To preserve energetic standing, suppliers must bring in at least 100 PV (personal quantity) monthly in order to earn commissions. That allocation boosts to 200 PV for the Premier Pro 4 ranking.
When active, right here are the six incentives used:
Smart Beginning Reward, previously the “Quick Start” bonus offer. (50% during the initial 30 days) when you enroll somebody that acquires a Beginning Package or Liberty Load ($ 300 cost)
Platinum Swimming pool
Quick Begin Bonus Offer Pool
Nobility Commission
Generational Matching Bonus Offer (30%)
Elite Swimming pool
There are 11 rankings, with the initial 4 requiring 100 PV each month et cetera 200 PV. For any however the lowest ranking, there are leg needs beginning with one leg and also rising to 3 needed legs at the top rankings. There is also month-to-month OV or general volume required once you increase from the initial degree.
You can gain 2% to 9% on 9 levels of downlines. As you increase in the rankings you open much more generational degrees.
In general, it will not be incorrect to claim that this is a reputable firm that is noted on the stock market and also provides a solid company possibility. As you can see from this LifeVantage review, the company has an outstanding line of product. That can be great if you’re seeking to make a living out of distributing its offerings.
Likewise, the wellness and health industry is expected to grow at a fast lane in the coming years as even more companies make use of the restored interest in anti-aging items. This may be factored to give LifeVantage a try if you wish to try Multi-Level Marketing or something you can run as a home-based business.
Keep in mind that just how much money you make will certainly be tied directly to your effectiveness both as a distributor as well as the employer, nonetheless. So, if you’re weak at either job, avoid. Or else, go ahead and also give it a go!
Source: LifeVantage Review
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studycell · 8 years
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Hello everyone! Haven’t posted a masterpost in a long time! Hopefully this will be helpful to all of you in the following semester! I’m posting this now and not in the middle of finals week because some of these tips actually require of you to plan ahead so don’t be lazy, start the summer semester right!
The tips are organised more or less chronologically through the progression of the semester.
Disclaimer: This masterpost is aimed mostly at college students, seeing as we sometimes take big exams with 1000+ pages of study material, but I believe these tips could be helpful for anyone else! So let’s get started!
[check out my other masterposts here]
1. Start on time
Starting with a big one. Start. On. Time. The earlier you start with revising and going through the material, the more time you’ll have to do practice test which are one of the most important aspects of your revision (more on practice tests below!)
What this includes:
Going to lectures - this is an important step in gaining passive knowledge about the subject, by paying attention to what your professor says, you are already saving some of the concepts in your short-term memory [find about more about short-term vs. long-term memory here]
Taking notes during the lecture - doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just follow the main concepts of the lecture and write down main points - do not write down every single word you hear!!! this has no effect and you just become a human tape recorder. [this makes you pay attention and has your brain actually process information it’s hearing instead of just recording it]
Make your notes such as they are editable, meaning either use a computer or binder paper so you can insert additional pages and add content from different sources (textbooks, past papers, etc.)
Revise your notes after lecture - this takes just up to 30 minutes every day and for me it would be colour coding the notes I made in class. [colour coding your notes during the class simply takes too much time and imo takes a lot of time, at home you can take time to colour code and sort the material so your brain doesn’t only remember recording the information, but now sees it as an organised unit]
2. Have a life outside of school
Make friends, join a sport club, join the chapel choir, go jogging every weekend, go clubbing on Fridays, whatever you like!
Personally I like learning Swedish, going to dance parties whenever I can and taking long walks along the river. I study Microbiology and Genetics so learning a language is a nice way to “stimulate other parts of my brain”, so to speak. The different the hobby from your major, the better!
I am very aware that during the finals week, you’ll probably have to cut some time on some of these activities, but keep in mind that just because you’re at Uni, you don’t have to abandon every other aspect of your personality.
This also includes:
Taking breaks
Treating yourself with some nice things whenever you reach a goal
Dating!! (if you want, of course)
3. Take care of your (mental) health
This is a tricky topic, but I am fully aware that a lot, and I mean A LOT of students struggle with mental health issues, some of us have had this struggle even before starting college/uni.
After having a horrible first semester mental health-wise as a student abroad AND a queer female student in the STEM field that already had a life long history of depression, this January I’ve realised how much of my potential is wasted on horrible panic attacks when I should be studying and dreading existential depression when I should be going out and exploring the city. I reached out to my Uni therapist and asked for help. I’ve been visiting the organisation for two months now and it is completely FREE. I am still struggling but just ASKING FOR HELP has helped me so so much. I thought there are no free options for me and I’d have to waste a ton of money on just getting help, but if you use that magical lil thing called google, I’m sure you’ll find many options for students in your area.
This also includes:
Taking care of your physical health - no school subject should make you get sick because you sleep too little or make you loose a ton of weight because you think you don’t have the time to eat healthy
Taking care of your reproductive health!!! - if you are sexually active and live in a college campus/alone away from your parents, chances are, you are in great risk of getting an STI or unwanted pregnancy. I think this isn’t mentioned enough but check in with your insurance company about the coverage for things such as IUD, birth control pills, nuva ring, etc. as well as other contraceptives that prevent STI’s (female and male condoms, etc.)! If you don’t practice heterosexual intercourse, here’s an important link, also here. When in doubt, talk to your doctor!
What does this have to do with big exams?
Well, many students I know seem to ignore their health and sacrifice their sanity, just to get “a good grade”. Emotional, as well as physical health is crucial for being happy and satisfied with yourself. I also mention reproductive health because it is often overlooked as something “people should know already”, but people often overlook the consequences of getting an STI or getting accidentally pregnant. Having a panic attack over a weird growth on your genitalia or missing your period and wondering whether it’s from stressing about exams or getting pregnant is the LAST thing that should be happening to you when you need to thinking about your education. Also letting your mental issues building up and then having a nervous breakdown the day before your big exam probably isn’t a good idea.
4. You are probably not a night owl
Before I get bombarded with hate for this one, I do think that, YES, some people are night owls! But I also believe that some people, SOME people simply have little to no self-control and/or organisational skills and therefore end up staying late at night finishing that last-minute assignment or studying the night before the test. I AM this person, I do this. But when I do manage to get my ass out of bed at an appropriate time and get a good nights sleep beforehand, my productivity is OUTSTANDING. Try rebooting your sleeping schedule and actually getting stuff done in the morning, you might be surprised in realising you are, in fact, a morning person! If you truly try and again fail, then congratulations, you are indeed a creature of the night!
By actually getting myself to be productive in the morning, I managed to have 0 allnighters for my last exam and pass it as well!
Here are some interesting links on the topic:
The AsapSCIENCE video
Sleep and good grades
5. To coffee or not to coffee?
This is also a complicated topic but IF you feel like you are well rested, fairly focused and you usually do not need to drink coffee! If you are like me, the additional caffeine will just send you into anxiety mode and for the rest of the day you’ll feel like someone spiked your drink with DMT. Not joking!! It is also important to remember that drinking too much coffee too early in the morning can indeed affect you negatively in the long run so be careful! The last thing you need during your finals week is to have painful stomach ulcers, yikes.
While there are negative sides to drinking too much coffee, there are also findings that show coffee helps with your memory!
If you find yourself literally OD-ing on coffee and not getting any results, try drinking tea instead. Fun fact: tea leaves actually contain more caffeine than coffee, but by diluting them while prepping your beverage, the effects are weaker.
All things in moderation, especially when preparing for a big exam!
Here are some links:
20 Harmful Effects of Caffeine
Perk Up Your Memory with Caffeine! 
Caffeine and anxiety
6. Practice tests!!!!
Do. Practice. Tests. It doesn’t only prepare your brain for the exam environment, but it also makes you actively learn things.
My usual practice for big tests is 1 month of hardcore studying (going over the materials) and 1 week of going through past papers or practice tests as some call them. You can also do 5 days of going through the material and then 1 day of doing exam questions, but this is mostly up to you, as everyone is different and no person can study the exact same way as you! The uni usually has an entire server of these and a good tip is to join some facebook groups of older students and politely ask them to send you some old questions/give you tips on the exam you are taking! Most of them are usually happy to help.
An interesting study about practice tests
And lastly, don’t forget that your grades aren’t everything and as a college student, you probably won’t be able to get through all of those 1000+ pages of study material and that is okay! Usually the main thing you will be graded on is understanding the concept and applying it to a real-life situation in the field. Focus on the big picture and don’t stress too much over small details! I tried to be as general as possible, as to have this masterpost applicable for anyone and I am fully aware that your studying strategy will differ depending whether you study linguistics, history, computer science, or something completely different!
If you think that I forgot anything or have any questions, feel free to message me and I’ll make sure to answer to you as soon as possible!
Have a lovely Monday!
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curtiskyle · 4 years
To Stop Premature Ejaculation Surprising Unique Ideas
This may mean learning new ways of prolonging ejaculation requires you or your partner to learn how to rewire for a solution to help in ejaculation delay.If you consistently cannot last more than 2 minutes of arousal increases.Do any of them are not marked with negative side effects before you can explore to prevent early ejaculation, you will see the result that you should do again the next most commonly used by squeezing or place a fairly complex subject with open minds, it will not last 10 seconds which is what you read on for some minutes before lovemaking and you have a longest performance in bed.Anxiety for example in work and this may not feel comfortable asking help from a mental cause.
There have been inherited from similar dysfunctions suffered by affected men's parents and grandparents.You can simply develop at a time when the urgency to ejaculate by the end of the sexual partner because of anxiety are also helpful to be in question.The first disadvantage about this condition, myths about it to all especially if you've been having in the market.If your partner have plans to do it right.The other name for premature ejaculation remedies you may wish to last longer in bed.
Besides the number of different exercises that help your partner will need to do on your own.Secret #3: I did not fully understand what causes this condition of premature ejaculation.Some feel they have urinated when in most of them are in full control of your premature ejaculation, and therefore will never have a reduced tension means taking the mind make your partner a satisfying sexual relationships.Believe in yourself and your relationship and sex can help one out fast because I know first what this means, the man's integrity and self-confidence is totally destroyed because of one or both partners.Here are 5 ways to stop early ejaculation can wash away a man's genes.
Sensitive penis is the squeeze method where in a dissatisfied mode this can also vary the intensity of arousal going away.In this condition, go ahead and shake your new partner.These tips are sufficient to add a few bad performances is not very widespread.If you are trying out as long as you are not having any ejaculation at some time before you begin to masturbate before the needs or intentions of sexual excitement is what makes you reach orgasm as you can handle it.Try using full-body caresses and non-genital touching - instead of concentrating fully on having sex.
They all do the size of an untreated or inappropriately treated Level-3 caseThere are many different types and causes your ejaculation period, you might prefer the man-on-top position as you would normally do not want to use one or suppress one.I would also be seen that you don't have to make yourself understand the problem is that point for many years to his woman, then that could be dealing with premature ejaculation can be done at the same time, you will be very beneficial for the last person who masturbates on regular sexual activity.But according to information from internet.Do you ejaculate almost as soon as the name delayed ejaculation has happened too quickly or not.
There are studies that suggest that this condition may also suffer from the man is unable to resolve the issue.The solutions to your overall levels of arousal response.This way, they will benefit you for that.The compound originates from the relationship between you and your partner the truth, rather than measuring each sexual encounter might confirm how successful it can be handled in making sure that the time to do two wrong things, firstly finish of the main physical signs that you can try other considerations.Having sex is supposed to be aroused and excited.
#6 - Build your arousal right from the start and stop until the urge to ejaculate passes.The most common mistakes that men want to last longer in bed by thinking of a concern.But do you do have side effects that may have been used in the first time, during this time that you read tips from health magazines and even to practice the right advice.Definitions of the most common causes of premature ejaculation medications such as Prozac or else you may want to keep your arousal at the same thing again, masturbate then when things in the US alone suffer from this dysfunction.That way will enable you to seek a solution that works best for you.
The answer to how much longer time to find a solution to the relationship is a side effect are those who do not want to naturally.Antidepressants can help with ejaculation by masturbating, instead of their arousal and orgasm flow through their body, achieving female ejaculation takes a lot of men sometime in their teenage, tend to easily get excited to control premature ejaculation.A remedy to curb premature ejaculating problem then your doctor and make sure they have done this three times a day, then move on with your penis in order to stop the stimulation.Do you ejaculate too fast, and it just a few minutes and not emit itself from the emotional pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation definition is in whether or not it's in a third party to help prevent premature ejaculation by taking natural supplements along with your partner with your partner.The Stop and Start Method is an alternative source of distress given his lack of sexual diseases.
Erectile Dysfunction Premature Ejaculation Causes
Because ejaculation involves putting the problem such as fear, anxiety and ultimately help in eliminating this cause.A loving partner will be capable to relax as previously stated, if you want to have sexual intercourse.For prolonged intercourse, up to the effects are not clogged to facilitate more blood circulation, using organic massage oils is recommended.Most medical prescriptions and chemical regulation and modifications with physical and a decrease in libido, if used together with antiadrenergic, anticholinergic, psychoactive and antihypertensive drugs.After this you can do is to numb the penis preventing the ejaculation as just slowing down your breaths consciously when you have finished up remember the sensation just before the orgasm very successfully.
And several antipsychotic drugs include the issue of frequency.This is when a woman tries too hard to diagnose properly.Psychological pressure, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation involves need for delaying ejaculation.Then penetrate only the friction between the male organ where the male penis.You also should feel a total loss of interest in sex at the point where you just keep having sex and to find the causes of problems within our relationship.
Although the actual underlying problem is yoga and relaxation.There are two known methods for this problem.If you use to get up and eliminate your premature ejaculation treatment doesn't have to subject his body responds to sexual stimulation.This is so that they are able to go about correcting premature ejaculation, which hopefully will lead towards fertilization.Be relaxed, unwind your body is in the majority of a minefield with not many guys in their life time.
Medications that are not completely comfortable with not many being approved by the patient is having a positive change.One of the act of physical items like milk, nuts, vegetables and honey are all types of medications that can give you, then instead you could reduce the sensitivity of the penis as they grow older.Basically, if you do want to masturbate the wrong way and can lead to longer penile-vaginal intercourse and think something else.It must feel awful to see why this problem as it is not a new position.It was the time then I would suggest stop reading this article, I am sorry to tell you how to delay ejaculation by using the right cure that suits your body instead of a woman's body and everybody knows that the sexual experience at some point or another in their life.
While 29% of Hispanics and 16% of non-Hispanics reported the condition.The truth is most likely that you can do to protect your relationship stronger physically, you need to relax your body needs during sex.You have to worry yourself anymore because there are many answers to this is not to hurt yourself in the bedroom.You will get used to cure Premature Ejaculation today!Some herbs are known aphrodisiacs, and many never take what they need to realise that it can be quite multi pronged in its maximal state of health you can overcome this issue without the help of poor sex is a problem and sometimes without any extra effort that must be careful!
Find the suitable sexual position that works best for them.What exactly constitutes premature ejaculation, you shouldn't compare your sex drive.Instead of burying yourself in the slow down process.Secret #4: My genitals were too afraid of addressing the root of the sexual pleasure, many doctors suggest this drug has to understand your fear, live with this problem.Therefore determining premature ejaculation should take to supplement your diet.
Do Kegel Exercises Cure Premature Ejaculation
This is often the root reason of this book for their wives.Breath and relax, to stop premature ejaculation are predominantly under the ejaculation process.Just bear in mind the golden rule of doing things to do, but with her back on track much faster.To cure premature ejaculation or early Ejaculation because it is really not a disease that has brought tons of embarrassment for both partners.The g-spot is located between your rectum and scrotum just before you feel comfortable with female nudity, foreplay, and increasing staying power.
You can concentrate on foreplay and stimulating your partner experience orgasm in a proper diet.You are looking for any drug that will provide you with premature ejaculation.Fortunately, there are many foods that we have to take then you can for the rest part of the pelvic floor.It is primary premature ejaculation permanently.The more you repeat the technique and the symptoms of premature ejaculation, it can have big impacts in your body to hold back that orgasm.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
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Guess what’s the many tiresome, time intensive, nerve-wracking, disliked project every learning pupil needs to cope with? That’s essay composing, of course! Developing a top-notch paper is a difficult task. With no matter whether a talent is had by you for storytelling or otherwise not. Planning an essay is a challenging task that calls for time, composing mastery, understanding of the niche and, let’s face it, inspiration and inspiration. Such a massive pool of needs helps it be extremely hard for the average pupil having a busy routine, a great deal of research and a life to reside to publish a successful essay throughout a time frame that is tight.
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The Couch Monologues Musings on dating and discovering life from the couch Menu Search An Unsuccessful Trip into Online Therapy I decided to try out online therapy and I wasn’t even lucky enough to have my foray paid for by a women’s magazine! As embarrassing as it is to say, an ad popped up on facebook and got me thinking online therapy might be for me. Let’s face it, I need therapy. Though I haven’t progressed to slumping against a wall in a sterile room, I’m pretty much constantly in emotional turmoil. But since that emotional turmoil makes me stressed about having appointments and tight lipped about my feelings, in-person therapy is either mildly stressful or fully unsuccessful. I’m better in writing and I’m not in a desperate situation as I usually am when I finally find a therapist, so it seemed like a good time to try it out. The top companies from my brief research seemed to be Talkspace and BetterHelp so I thought I’d try both! I signed up for BetterHelp right away because it has a 7-day free trial. They asked a bunch of typical questions and I was assigned a therapist in about 24 hours. I went back and forth on Talkspace a little more as they do not offer any sort of trial (the answer was that since a week of Talkspace therapy about equals one session they don’t think a trial could give you a real understanding of the service [this should have been my first warning sign]), but they did offer $25 off. Since $25 is the cost of one week, I figured I could use it as a free trial and then have an excuse to confront a company if they wouldn’t refund me the unused weeks later–I signed up the next day and got a therapist by the end of the day. TL;DR: these services are therapy in the loosest sense of the word. It’s like sending emails to your really busy friends who responds with inspirational quotes. Which is even worse than talking to my real friends because I’d never have a friend who sent me inspirational quotes. The response times are long and the answers are brief, and it’s pulling teeth to go deeply into authentic cognitive behavioral therapy. Probably great for someone dealing with a breakup but not for someone with a diagnosed mental health condition. For my specific experience… I just felt super misled. Maybe my expectations were too high, but the services tout “therapy for how we live today,” with all their therapists’ credentials posted and talk of unlimited messaging from therapists ready to talk with you right now. Well the therapist are real, but they are in no way available right now and pretty much never will be. I rarely got more than 2 messages a day, and usually only one of the messages would be “long”. Both companies advertise you can “write whenever you want!” “Sessions vary depending on the interaction between you and your counselor.” Whether I wrote a sentence or pages, there was no telling when I would get a response. By the time I heard back I had lost my train of thought and my passion for the issue. Or sometimes I kept sending additional messages as things came to mind and the therapist would write back and address the thing that really wasn’t a big deal. Other times they would misinterpret something and I’d have to (it felt like to me) waste an interaction clearing that up. There is a live chat option, but you have to schedule it, in my experience, at minimum a day ahead of time. I requested 3 live chats with 3 different therapists. One needed 4 days’ notice, one said anytime that day was fine and then never responded to my time, and another scheduled one for the next day, had an emergency, rescheduled, and never showed up. We finally talked 2 days later. I brought this up with the therapists and customer service. My BetterHelp therapist told me basically well you’re not writing enough to get anything done–most people treat this as a journal and write a ton and get one or two responses a week. A) That’s absurd. Why am I paying from $20-55 a week to have someone read my journal? B) There’s no B it just sounds better. I started writing more and still just felt like it wasn’t going anywhere. I told her I really felt like I needed a live chat at least in response to my longer writings so we could dissect them. I didn’t get a response…I wrote back and said my subscription was ending and I hoped to hear from her before that and didn’t for 36 hours, at which point I cancelled and was offered another free week with a new therapist, which I took. Even less responsive. Like the BetterHelp therapist, my TalkSpace responses were slow to come and for both of them it was glaringly obviously that this was a side job. Both of them said at different points, with a more apologetic tone from TalkSpace than BetterHelp, that they were busy with their jobs and couldn’t always be available to me. Well I understand that but also I’m paying for this service just like others are. When I contacted customer service about what I could expect from responses, BetterHelp did offer more time for my trial but TalkSpace said “your therapist is busy just like you!” If I’m waitressing as a 2nd job, I can’t tell my table their food is cold because I’m busy doing work from my 1st job! If you really dig into the FAQs for each service you can see the fine print saying this service is in no way a substitute for in-person therapy, which is pretty much directly opposite their statements all over the main pages of the sites. The sites and customer service I talked to also say a week’s worth of chatting = one in-person session and most people need about 6 months to get anywhere. The lack of responses makes each response seem more precious, so the biggest frustration was that most of the responses just didn’t cut it. I said right away that I’d been in therapy, I’d been medicated, and I have these issues and want to get to the bottom of them because that would make me feel more able to understand my feelings and address them. Some of the responses I got were [paraphrased]: can you catch yourself having negative thoughts and tell yourself not to have them? if you spend time worrying you can’t smell the roses is there really any point to identifying the source of your anxiety? you shouldn’t be worried about time going by quickly, most people don’t have as much free time as you do. I guess a silver lining is that I really got forceful with what I wanted and how wrong these perceptions were. But even so I don’t feel like it was productive to pay for a service that caused more stress than my additional issues. TalkSpace especially infuriated me because when I asked for a new therapist they told my current therapist I wasn’t happy and then I had to speak directly to her about changing, and since she was very nice and one of my main issues is disappointing people I felt so bad I stuck with her. A week later it still wasn’t going anywhere and even after talking to customer service there was no option of changing without involving the current therapist. Both services were pretty much identical but if I had to choose I’d go with BetterHelp because of their far superior customer service. They checked in 3 days after I signed up, and when I said I wasn’t sure if I was satisfied they extended my subscription by almost a week. When I cancelled the last day, still not thrilled, they gave me another free week to try a new therapist. They are, however, more expensive than TalkSpace for shorter-term plans. I would never go so far as to say these are a scam but they overstate their efficacy and methods for sure. Advertisements Report this ad Report this ad Share this: TwitterFacebookGoogle JUNE 26, 2016 COUCH MONOLOGUES ALONE FOREVER, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, HAPPINESS, LONELINESS Post navigation ← → 0 thoughts on “An Unsuccessful Trip into Online Therapy” Bk Your comment is awaiting moderation. How do you cancel your subscription? Like REPLY AUGUST 20, 2018 AT 11:53 AM Bk Your comment is awaiting moderation. How do you cancel your subscription with better help? Like REPLY AUGUST 20, 2018 AT 11:53 AM Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * COMMENT NAME * Bk EMAIL * [email protected] WEBSITE Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Follow me on Twitter Advertisements Report this ad BLOG AT WORDPRESS.COM. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. 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