#i saw a bow at a camping shop the other day and felt a strong urge to learn archery
unamused-kookaburra · 7 months
And the subject of anxiety this week is.... giving archery a try!!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Welcome back!!!! You are currently my favorite writer on this platform!
I wanted to request an angst but with a happy ending, of course. Can you write about the loves accidentally insulting the reader really bad about something they are insecure about. Doesn't have to be about looks could be about their cooking or their fighting skills. Of course, their lover is devastated and hurt by the comment and takes to ignoring them. Of course, the loves can tell they messed up and have to apologize and make it up to her in their own ways. Happy ending with them making up with Lu bu, Thor, Buddha, Odin, Jack, and Tesla and whoever else you'd want in there!
I am excited for the rest of season 2 as well! I can't wait to see Buddha!
-He knew he messed up, as soon as he uttered those terrible words he could never take back and seeing your heartbroken face, he had never known such regret.
-He had never made you purposely cry, that wasn’t happy tears, it made him feel like a monster, and when you turned to run from him, he felt like a statue, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move.
-You returned to your big brother, Shiva, who spent hours comforting you, and supported your decision, when he asked when (Love) came to see you, that you didn’t want to see him.
-You ignored his calls, his texts, and anytime he came around, you refused to even acknowledge him, which only made his guilt, his pain, feel even worse.
-He knew he needed to do something drastic so he could apologize, he didn’t want to lose you.
-Lu Bu- “You wouldn’t have made it as one of my soldiers. You’re too soft.” Lu Bu didn’t regret things often, but those words- those damned words, he would do anything to take them back. When you finally decided to speak with him, after he had been camped outside Shiva’s house for a week, he bowed deeply at the waist, apologizing so sincerely to you that it took you off guard. Lu Bu, seeing you weren’t yelling or running away, stood and spoke, “I’m sorry Y/N, I know I can’t ever take those words back. You’re not soft, you are a strong person, one I’m not worthy of having.” His words meant more to you than he could begin to imagine, and you managed to take him by surprise by leaping into his arms, hugging him around his neck, peppering his face with kisses.
-Thor- “I don’t understand why I’m with a weakling like you.” Thor cursed himself and hasn’t stopped cursing himself ever sense he said those words to you. He had been mad, annoyed that he was stuck fighting weaklings, other warriors who couldn’t give him a challenge, as Lu Bu was on vacation and not around. You offered to spar with him, to give him the exercise he wanted, and he bit back with his venomous words. Thor was a very proud man, but for you, he was willing to do whatever it took to get you back into his arms. He went to Shiva, every day, to ask to speak to you, to apologize, and each day he remained outside of your brother’s home, waiting for you, even after Shiva told him you didn’t want to speak with Thor. When you saw him, sitting and waiting for you, holding a single red rose, you finally went out and he apologized, giving you the red rose, “I was an idiot, I was mad and I took it out on you, one of the only people in this world that makes me happy.” You forgave him, hugging him tightly before Shiva ruined the moment, threatening Thor that he would take care of things next time, if there ever was one.
-Buddha- “Your cakes don’t taste as good as the ones at Artemis’ Sweet Shop.” He realized that what he had said came out much crueler than he intended, and you had been practicing hard to make homemade sweets for your lover, and after tasting some, he realized his insult after you ran off crying. Your big brother was hands on sight when he saw Buddha, the two getting into a fist fight that his three wives had to break up, scolding the both of them for fighting before Buddha begged to see you, to apologize to you. Shiva supported you when you didn’t want to, still pissed at Buddha, but after several days of begging him, Shiva had to admit that he had to respect Buddha determination. Buddha bowed, his head touching the floor, on his hands and knees, apologizing to you, begging you not to leave and when you told him that you were hurt more by his lack of support because you were trying so hard to make him sweets, yourself. You forgave him and Buddha surprised you at home with things to make a cake with, “Would you like to make a cake with me?” seeing his determination, his kindness, made you smile as you nodded.
-Odin- “Why aren’t your magic skills improving? Are you slacking off?” when you turned and left him, he was at first unsure why you did that until Muninn and Huginn offered insight, that you had been working every day, hours a day, and he insulted your hard work, he insulted you. Shiva laughed when Odin tried to demand to see you, your brother stating you were crying with his wives at the moment, and you didn’t want to see him. Guilt gnawed at Odin for days, wanting to speak with you, just so he could apologize. When you finally came out, you weren’t alone, Shiva and his three wives all glaring at him as well, but he didn’t care about them, he only cared about you. He apologized so sincerely it stole your breath away, you were stunned, “You’ve been working so hard, I know that, and I know my words were cruel, as I insulted your hard work. I’m truly sorry, Y/N.” you went home with Odin that night, after you made him take you out on a date, which made him and Shiva both laugh.
-Jack- “Have you thought about cooking lessons?” the spatula fell out of your hand at his words, after you gave him some food. You had been working hard, teaching yourself how to cook new dishes, and in those words, Jack immediately froze, realizing how cruel they sounded. He tried to run after you, but you refused to listen as you walked right into your brother’s house and told him you didn’t want to see Jack. Shiva had never seen you so pissed and knew he had to do as he was told, despite being the big brother. It was a week of ignoring his calls and texts, and ignoring him at the front door, but when you finally came out, wanting him to leave you alone so you could pout in peace, he stunned you with a bouquet of roses and sunflowers, your favorite flowers, bowing his head, “I’m truly sorry for my crass words, Y/N. I didn’t mean it in a cruel way, I know how hard you’ve been working at making meals for me and I appreciate each and every one of them.” You pushed the flowers out of your way, so he held them to the side so you could wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him and he embraced you tightly, apologizing over and over again.
-Tesla- “What’s so hard to understand this equation? Can’t you do something this simple?” when you suddenly up and left, Nikola froze, realizing that he, unintentionally, insulted you in the heat of the moment. The equation he was trying to show you, as you wanted his help to learn more, was simple, to him at least, as he knew how to calculate it, you didn’t. He was beside himself with anguish, crying himself as you ignored his messages, leaving him on read, and ignoring his calls, as he couldn’t get close to you as Shiva threatened him after Nikola made you cry. Nikola gathered the courage and showed up with a small bouquet of red roses and when the door opened he shoved them right into Shiva’s face as he bowed his head, apologizing. It wasn’t until you giggled when he looked up, seeing that he had apologized and given the roses to Shiva. Shiva was a brat, taking the flowers, “These are mine now!” before running off with them and you and Nikola looked at each other and he bowed deeply apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I sometimes get frustrated when I forget that some people can’t do things as easily as I can. It’s like you baking, I can’t do it without setting the oven on fire.” You giggled again, forgiving him before you held his hand and went home.
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bookstantrash · 4 years
A/N: Sorry, I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. Ghost mode is officially dead. It was stronger than me.
I will, however, disappear from tumblr once Release Week begins, but in the mean time enjoy some words that I wrote.
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In which she makes a friend, Part Seven
“Cassian, for Cauldron’ sake, stop with your fidgeting”
“I am not fidgeting, Azriel” Cassian said, eyeing the females training and making sure that Devlon was at least trying to teach them.
“You almost blinded me with your wings three times in the last ten minutes” the Shadowsinger huffed back, taking a step back and putting some distance between them.
Cassian just snorted but did check himself, realising he really was flaring his wings a little, a nervous tick that came out whenever he was distressed with something.
Not that he was recalling his conversation with Nesta during training yesterday, how he had been delighted to see her improvement and her beginning to master her powers.
Not that he was remembering how he could hear her heart beating quickly when he had pulled her close.
Not that he had had to muster every ounce of strength and control he had to not fall at her feet and beg for a kiss, for a touch, for anything when he smelled her scent.
Not that he had felt guilty of not telling her of the Illyrian revolution that was probable to happen.
Not that he was remembering how his heart had stopped when he asked her if she wanted to leave.
He would do that. Would help her walk away. From him, from the situation Feyre had forced upon her. But it didn’t mean it would not hurt him to watch her go.
Didn’t mean he would not reach the conclusion that he had failed her once again.
Cassian thought he and Nesta were making progress, but after yesterday he stopped trying to convince himself of that.
Things between them were awkward when they saw each other again at the afternoon training with Kaelin, and for once he was grateful for the boy’s constant chattering.
It was a good way to take his mind of his worries.
And the way Nesta seemed to relax and almost smile whenever Kaelin said something or nailed move was a relief to Cassian’s troubled heart. It was an accidental blessing that he cherished with all his life.
No, Cassian preferred to think that his actual state of mind was due to all the new documents and information he would have to go through after Azriel’s arrival, and maybe a little bit worried of how Nesta’s and Azriel’s encounter would go.
He knew her and his brother were not close — he had never even seen they talking to one another — but Cassian worried that Azriel’s presence may bring forth uncomfortable memories of the rest of the IC to Nesta, neither having the best relationship, specially after that party at the Sidra in summer solstice.
Cassian could only hope and pray that the little progress he had seen Nesta go through in five months would not go down the drain.
“There are more females today” Azriel noted, taking Cassian out of his daydreaming.
“There are” he looked over the training ring, eyeing the small group of eleven Illyrian females.
It was the biggest number he’d ever had so far.
After the war with Hybern, the death of many Illyrians took its tool in the ranks. Although it was a reason for dissatisfaction to arise, it was surprising to see a number of females wanting to train. Many had lost fathers, brothers or lovers.
They had realised that nobody would protect them except themselves now, and slowly the number of females appearing had gotten bigger.
Some came and stayed only for a few self defence classes. Some were coming steadily for more than one session.
Cassian didn’t care if they wanted to be warriors or not. The fact that they were coming and wanted to learn was enough for him.
“Baby steps Cassian” he thought, hope blooming on his chest for the first time in a long while as Devlon dismissed the group, for once having taught them with more attention.
Cassian suspected Azriel’s presence was a weight on the camp lord’s mind, and an undesirable reminder to try this time.
“I’ve to stop somewhere first before we go back” Cassian said to the shadowsinger, who watched Devlon leave the training ring without a glance in their direction.
Azriel only shrugged, not minding the delay at dinner and indicating that he’d accompany Cassian.
Not long after, both Illyrians were entering a clothier, the bell in the door chiming and announcing their presence.
“Look who decided to pay a visit”
“Now, did the oh so ruthless Emerie miss me?” Cassian smirked, leaning against the polished counter where Emerie was.
“It was not me who was left for two months alone in a cabin” she retorted, her brown eyes twinkling with wicked delight seeing Cassian’s shocked expression.
“You know—”
“Yes I know Nesta, she was here not so long ago for tea” the female answered, as if Nesta going out and having tea with Illyrians was nothing out of the ordinary.
“If she did not tell you of our encounter, I don’t think I should be the one to explain the particulars of our meeting” Emerie cut him again, raising an eyebrow in question.
Cassian was baffled.
“Since when had Nesta befriended Illyrans?” he thought to himself, having mixed feelings about it.
In one hand, he was happy she was putting herself out there, meeting people, living.
On the other hand, he felt a pang of jealousy and hurt go through his heart. Nesta had not told him any of that. Had not bothered to tell him of what she did on her spare time outside the morning and evenings trainings with him.
“But did you give her a reason to trust you?” Cassian thought with regret “Did you ask about her day? Did you tell her about yours?”
Trust was an one way road. And Cassian had lost the map which would direct him to it.
He also had to put himself out there. He had to open himself to Nesta if he wanted to mend their already tethered relationship.
Cassian had to stop being afraid of hurting his heart again when he had already hurt hers.
And he realised that not even another heartbreak would be enough to keep himself away from Nesta.
“But I take you did not come here to chat with me” Emerie said, eyeing Azriel, who was looking at her with curiosity.
“Not this time. But do invite me for tea” he grinned, trying to gather his lost swagger “The weather is about to change. I would like to purchase some clothes before autumn ends”
“The usual?” she asked, returning her sharp gaze to Cassian’s face.
“Today is light shopping,” he answered, dropping some coins on the counter.
Azriel shot him a puzzled look, but Emerie understood him just fine.
She gathered some clothes, and Cassian noticed that she also placed small sized ones too.
Emerie no doubt knew about Kaelin.
And she knew that Cassian would not let the kid go through autumn and then winter with hand me downs and fixed clothes, no matter how good of a seamstress Nesta was.
If Azriel noticed the clothes, he didn’t let it show.
Cassian also thought his brother was too busy inspecting Emerie to noticed anything else.
It had surprised him too the first time.
A female with a will strong enough to fight to be the sole owner of a shop in a place like Illyria.
Emerie had a fire that reminded him of Nesta. No wonder both females had somehow found their way to each other.
“Oh, please put this too” Cassian said, and quickly grabbed a leather strap he had spied on one of the shelves.
“Have you lost another one? I swear, you go through this things as if they’re water” Emerie ruffed, placing it with the rest of the order.
“It’s not for me.”
“Thinking of gifting it to Nesta?” Azriel said with a chuckle “Tell her to braid her hair with it?”
“As if Cassian was stupid enough to gift it to a Lady to tie her hair with” Emerie snapped, and Cassian laughed at the shocked expression on Azriel’s face “He knows her better than you think he does.”
“Charming as ever Emerie” Cassian said, gathering his purchase and bidding the female goodbye.
This time, Cassian didn’t fail to notice how his brother’ shadows were agitated.
And how they kept trying to go back to the clothier.
Cassian stopped breathing. Stopped living altogether as he looked at Nesta.
Nesta, who was sitting on the couch, reading.
He didn’t even have a mind to say how she did not light the fireplace, not as he saw what she wearing.
Because Nesta Archeron was not wearing one of her usual dresses.
She was wearing the clothes Cassian had left in her drawer all those months ago, when she had first arrived at Illyria. Clothes he not seen her ever wearing.
Until today.
Cassian had seen Nesta wearing pants. Hell, he saw her almost everyday now wearing the leathers, and his reaction at their first training was not so different as to when he had seen her at the war.
He had to constantly remind himself to breath and think with his upper head. To not make a fool out of himself.
But this time it was different.
Because Nesta was wearing leggings.
Mother’s tits, what had he been thinking when he left those leggings in her drawer?
Nesta wore dark leggings and a burgundy sweater, a little big on her due to her still too thin figure, something Cassian hoped to change.
And her hair. Cauldron, her hair was not on its usual coronet, but a loose braid, a few strands of her light hair falling over her eyes.
Cassian wanted to brush them behind her pointed ear.
Wanted to kiss and mark her slim neck. Feel her pulse under her soft skin.
Wanted to cover her body with his wings and scream at Azriel to leave.
But he did none of that. He willed his body and his temper to behave, and cleared his throat, making Nesta look up from her book.
Even though he was sure she had been monitoring their every breaths as soon as they arrived at the cabin.
“Hello Ness, did you have a pleasant day?” he tried, wanting to test her mood.
“I was having one until someone decided to disturb it” she answered, but Cassian noticed she did not put so much bite in her words as she did when she truly was annoyed “And don’t call me that”
“Well, I come bearing presents” doing a mocking bow and bracing himself for the worst, he looked at Azriel.
The shadowsinger’ Siphons gleamed, and a brown package appeared on the small table in front of Nesta.
“What is that”
A memory of a conversation during Winter Solstice, outside among the snow, resurfaced, and Cassian quickly shut it down.
“Tell you and ruin the surprise?” Cassian faked outrage, placing a hand on his heart “As if I could do that. You will want it.”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Cassian resisted the urge to close his eyes and scream in pain. Those words, that memory, kept appearing against his better wishes.
He had been an asshole.
Had regretted his words the moment they had left his mouth.
He had wanted to get a reaction from Nesta. Do it the way it usually was between them.
Blown being met by blown.
Fire against fire.
He had been stupid to think it would work.
Had been even more stupid to not apologise afterwards.
But this Nesta was not the Nesta from his memories. Was not the Nesta from a year ago.
He could only hope her reaction would be different.
“Are those... are those books?” Nesta asked, trying to hide her surprise as she opened it, reading the titles.
“I thought you would have gotten bored of reading the same books over and over again” Cassian said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he thought he was.
“And they must be more interesting than my military books” he added, indicating the long forgotten book Nesta had been reading when he arrived.
Nesta only looked at him and slightly dipped her chin in gratitude.
Cassian wanted to dance in happiness at that.
“Good to know that now you have a personal delivery boy to get whatever I want” Nesta said, directing her words at Azriel.
“As if I would do it for free” he snorted “Cassian promised to cook my favorite dish in payment. He’s the errand guy.”
“He does seem to like to be bossed around” she commented innocently, and that earned her a rare grin from Azriel.
“He also requested children’s books” the shadowsinger eyed her figure and raised an eyebrow “You two need a chaperone up here?”
Cassian tensed, not knowing what to expect from Nesta.
“Are you looking for a new job? Playing spy getting too boring?” Nesta replied, also raising a perfect eyebrow mockingly.
“Perhaps” was all the shadowsinger said, and Cassian took that as a cue to get between them.
“They’re for Kaelin, I thought they’d be easier books to read for now than the ones we have here”
Cassian had asked Azriel to get some old myths books for Kaelin, nothing too childlike but also not too difficult for him. He hadn’t wanted to offend the kid by giving him something too easy, having seen his progress with Nesta.
“And who is that anyway?” Azriel asked.
“He’s our new roommate” Cassian joked, not failing to notice how Nesta had flinched slightly when Azriel had asked about Kaelin.
“Kaelin is too young to live like he had been living” Nesta declared, stiffening her spine “I took him in. And he’s going to stay here”
Azriel said nothing, his shadows seeming to catch something in Nesta’s voice, and his eyes softened.
“I’m sure he’s nothing but nice if he’s keeping up with Cassian” he attempted “I’d like to meet him”
Just then, they heard the door opening.
“Ah, there he is!” Cassian exclaimed, a smile appearing.
That smile, however, weakened as Kaelin came into view, quieter than usual.
And Cassian thought he’d have to be the one to wear that leather strap in the end.
For Kaelin’s hair — once a wild mess of curls, who constantly feel on his eyes — had been sloppily cut, no curl at view.
In fact, he looked nothing like Kaelin at all.
There was a tension in him that had not been there before, the young Illyrian brown eyes’ seeming to look bigger on his face now that they were not hidden by his bangs anymore.
And the short cropped hairstyle that Kaelin now displayed also made the fresh bruises on his face even more alarming.
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frogtanii · 4 years
falling for you ✨
request: @lil-mellow-bunbun
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pairs: tanaka x reader
warnings: slight slight angst??, fluff, maybe a lil ooc
an: bruh this took SO LONG, also i am so so sorry if this is bad ily i hope this is fine 🙈
tanaka is easily enamored. that isn’t to say that he doesn’t have taste because we all know that just isn’t the case, (i mean, have you seen kiyoko?) but he often finds himself longing after a beautiful girl that he spots for just a moment, maybe leaving the train or shopping in the grocery store.
he knows these infatuations are temporary. he’s used to the pang in his chest when it sinks in that he’ll never see those girls again and the pain grows even worse when he realizes he probably wouldn’t even get a second glance if he’d actually approached them.
so tanaka hides. he watches from afar, waiting for the oh so familiar anguish to attack his heart once he sees the next woman run headfirst into the arms of another. he hides behind his loud and brash personality because he knows if he lets down his walls, he’ll just be hurt again.
it isn’t all bad, he reasons with himself. he has nishinoya and the volleyball team and the lovely kiyoko that he’s sure will return his affections one day, if he just tries hard enough. he has the thrill of the sport he loves, people he cares about and who care about him. i’m okay, he tells himself again and again, when he finds himself falling for women who will never even know his name.
the cycle is all so normal for him that when he spots you at the tokyo training camp, laughing with kuroo and somehow getting kenma to smile, he’s expecting it. what he’s not expecting, however, is the sheer intensity of his emotions towards you.
the first time you approach him, he nearly chokes on his tongue. you were helping the other managers clean up the gym after a grueling practice match between nekoma and karasuno when you notice a stray water bottle near the corner. you jog towards it, recognizing that all of your team had theirs which meant that it must be a crow’s. picking it up, you scan the gym, searching for someone who wasn’t drinking anything. that’s when you spot him.
you don’t consider yourself someone to get easily flustered so when you lock eyes with the the tall, muscular teen and heat fills your cheeks, you’re almost astonished at yourself. get it together!! you mumble as you head over to the group of boys seated across the gym from you. they shouldn’t be this intimidating, you think as your sneakers squeak to a stop just a foot away from tanaka.
“hi! i found this bottle in the corner and i noticed you didn’t have one. is it by any chance yours?” you give tanaka a warm smile and he swears that you’re an angel right from heaven. when he opens his mouth to respond with a suave and sexy quip, nothing comes out but a mouthful of gargling noises. his lips clamp shut as a blush overtakes his entire face and you can’t help but giggle at his adorable demeanor. you place the bottle by his foot and pat his shoulder as you stand. “take a drink! maybe it’ll help.” when you wink at him, he immediately feels his soul leave his body. as you walk away, yamamoto appears beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and laughing loudly. tanaka finds it in himself to feel disappointed through the haze of embarrassment, when his ears pick up something very interesting.
“- little sis!” the rest was muffled by the rushing of blood in his head but that piece of information brightened his whole day. he still had a chance with you! or so he hoped but he wouldn’t give up! he would get you to talk to him again (and hopefully he’d respond back this time).
he took his second chance at dinner. you, of course, sat at the nekoma table in between your brother and kenma, occasionally giving him some gaming advice or making a well placed joke in the conversation going on before you. after a while, your thoughts began to drift as your eyes wandered the cafeteria. they flitted from person to person until they landed on him. you couldn’t help your immediate reaction which was to gasp and cover your cheeks which were swiftly heating up. you were only human and he was a fine specimen.
once you gather up the courage, you glance back at him, only to pause when you see him staring right back at you. a blush was fast to overtake his cheeks as he gave you a sheepish smile and a little wave. you grin back and waggle your fingers, just to embarrass him a little further. this definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of his table which immediately bursts into laughter and teasing. when you catch his gaze again, you flash him an apologetic smile before continuing your conversation at your table. his lips curl up as he looks down at the table, basking in your unexplainable light, only to be snapped out of his thoughts when he hears nishinoya make a lewd comment about your chest size. that’s quickly put to an end with a swift chop to the back of his head.
after dinner ends, tanaka is determined to find you, to hold a conversation with you but you’re nowhere to be found. he ends his discussion with noya and bursts out of the dining hall, his shaved head darting from side to side, hoping to catch a glimpse of where you disappeared to. he waits outside that dining hall for at least another five minutes before resigning to the fact that you probably had already gone to bed, giving him no chance to speak with you again.
tanaka decides to head off to bed as well, passing an open gym on his way there. a tinkling laugh drifts out the open doorway and it stops him completely in his tracks. hesitantly, he follows the voice, gently pushing the door open and what he sees punches the air from his lungs.
you look ethereal, covered in a faint sheen of sweat from your activities and laughing with a gorgeous smile on your face. tanaka physically can’t look away from your beauty, your presence before him stunning him to the point of silence. his eyes track your movements as you move back to one side of the net, squatting down with a look of determination written all over your face. a quick look to the other side of the net reveals akaashi and bokuto getting ready to spike for you.
tanaka can’t tear his eyes away from the scene unfolding in front of him. he’s never seen you play but he has seen bokuto’s powerful spikes so he can’t help but worry for you. he doesn’t have much time to worry though because before he knows it, akaashi is setting the ball and bokuto is slamming it down hard on the other side of the net. time seems to move in slow motion as you move and- you receive it. you actually receive bokuto’s spike! tanaka’s heart swells at your cheers of excitement. as you hug your partners, he turns away, happy to see this part of you but mildly upset you didn’t ask him to spike for you. he begins walking back down the sidewalk when he hears steps running towards him.
tanaka turns towards the noise to see you, panting and out of breath right behind him. his throat seizes up again and he feels faint when your hand shoots out to grab his arm, your warm hands burning against his skin. “uhh...” this was one of the few times tanaka felt absolutely speechless under your unintentionally intense gaze.
“oh my gosh, i’m sorry!” you quickly snatch your hand from his arm and give him a sheepish smile. “i just noticed you from the door and i wanted to come say hi! you’re yamamoto’s friend, tanaka, right?” all he can do is nod as you grab his hand and pull him to start walking beside you. “sooo, you’re really good at volleyball! i saw you spiking in the game versus nekoma and it was crazy strong!” his face fills with red as he turned towards you and bowed deeply.
“thank you taketora-san!” you can’t help but giggle and help him stand to his full height once more. “no need, tanaka-kun! though, i wonder why you aren’t as loud with me as you are with your teammates and everyone else..” these words cause tanaka to freeze up. did you know how he felt about you? you continue to speak, unaware of tanaka’s inner thoughts. “i’d really like to hang out with you if you’re okay with that!” tanaka nods aggressively, knowing that now he has his chance to make his move on you (with your consent of course)!
you finally make it to the manager’s rooms, stopping in front of tanaka with a shy smile on your face. “thank you for walking with me tanaka-kun. i appreciate it,” you lean up and place a gentle kiss on his cheek before turning back into the room. tanaka was vibrating with excitement, unaware that he barely spoke a word to you instead racing off to his room to brag to nishinoya about how he got a kiss before him.
finally, it was the day of the barbecue. all the managers were passing out watermelon as the boys took their well-deserved rest on the lawn while awaiting the delicious meat. as you grabbed another tray of fruit from yachi and begun to pass it out, you couldn’t help but notice all the leering eyes on you as you bent down to pick up an empty rind. you know that they’re just “boys being boys” but you were starting to get uncomfortable, the whispers becoming loud enough to reach your ears.
“damn, look at nekoma’s manager. who knew she’d be so cute!” “yeah, i thought karasuno had the cutest managers but i guess we were wrong.” you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, one of your hands shooting down to pull your shirt over your butt. you were just about to excuse yourself to go hide in the bathroom when a loud booming voice interrupts your escape.
“oi! keep your pervy eyes off of nekoma’s manager!” you swiftly turn at the sound of tanaka’s voice to see him, nishinoya, and yamamoto standing in front of you, blocking the view from the creeps. you can’t help your heart beating out of your chest at the sweet gesture so you place the tray of fruit down and barrel into the boys, wrapping your arms around tanaka’s waist in particular. you can feel him tense up in your arms but you can’t see his fearful glances that he gives to your brother. yamamoto just laughs and claps a large hand on his shoulder.
“you can take her out dude! i totally respect you and i know you’ll take good care of her!” at that, your brother bows deeply followed by tanaka’s own deep bow. you roll your eyes and take tanaka’s hand, pulling him close to you and kissing his cheek before whispering in his ear, “i can’t wait to go on a date with you..” with that, you turn and walk away to join your fellow managers, not surprised to hear nishinoya’s clear yell, “dude!! i want to date a hot manager!!”
tanaka can’t help but grin, finally feeling full.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
* Mini Episodes KFCN (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"I'm home! Cake!"
Neko entered the room with a paper bag from a pastry shop on her head.
"Uh, so good that you came back safely. It was hard work."
Kuro stopped cooking and faced Neko.
He was a little worried about letting this girl take over the assignment, but apparently everything went well. He thinks it's something to try and quit.
"Then, I'll pick up the receipt and change it before I forget it. It's a matter of time until the final report."
Then Neko bowed her head and,
"I think I got it at accounting time. I got so much paperwork."
Neko bends her neck almost at a right angle,
"Huh, you by no means stole it from the store. Plus, it's packed properly, right? Well, if you look closely, it's in a bag with a cake box. So where's the receipt?"
"I see, it's creepy..."
"With this paper, the change... they should have returned a small amount of money, what happened?"
"What do not you understand?"
Neko stretched out her chest and looked at Kuro's face.
"As you told me, I gave the money to the store staff and got the cake. Better the cake than getting the money."
"Well, yes... that kind of understanding. The change is... no, it's fine for today. I'll explain later."
"If you're satisfied, eat the cake. And Shiro?"
"He hasn't returned from shopping yet... and the cake is for after dinner. Put it away."
At that moment, the sound of the front door opening was heard, followed by Isana Yashiro's voice.
"I'm home! I bought a cake."
A few minutes later, Kuro was confused in front of the two paper boxes in the chabudai.
An orthodox strawberry cake and a large cake that can be cut and eaten by about eight people.
There are two whole cakes for Kuro's birthday celebration.
Neko told him to "find the right one", so it was to be expected that he would buy something bigger than necessary. Well, he thought it would be nice to eat it two or three times.
He has doubled.
"A cake of this size... I wouldn't buy it without thinking."
He's not going to blame the boy at all, but because of his personality, he worries when things show unexpected changes, so he ended up asking the other person.
"You must have been in charge of 'ingredients (other than cake)'."
"No, I sorry."
The boy scratched his head.
"In the unlikely event that Neko drops money on the way or drops the cake on the way home, Kuro will be disappointed... If you think, just in case..."
"Why don't you trust this girl more?"
That said, Kuro himself was worried about that kind of thing, so he couldn't help but understand his feelings. But the problem is...
"Did you think about the possibility that there could be two cakes?"
"Well if that happens, big cakes will line up in this chabudai."
"They are lined up right now."
"It feels like a big party and I thought it was wonderful."
"It's wonderful! Let's eat!"
"What is the party? I wonder if three people will eat this amount of cake."
"That's why."
The boy spread both hands in front of his chest.
"Let's call the classmates and share the celebration."
"Ah? Hm, I see."
When he thought about it and laughed, he suddenly took an attitude like opening his chest. He wasn't used to this breathing yet, but Isana Yashiro's proposal was a blind spot for Kuro and it was also convincing.
"If it's Yukizome, you could call her. It's a sudden story, but why don't you call her?"
The front door bell rang as Kuro took out the PDA.
When he opened the door, Kukuri Yukizome, who he was just talking about, was in the bedroom hallway. Behind them are classmates Sumika Inaba and Sota Mishina.
"Kuro-kun, today is your birthday, right? Congratulations!"
"Hey, Mishina. The gift."
At Inaba's urging, Mishina gave him a paper bag from a pastry shop.
"I did it big so everyone could eat a lot!"
She has increased the number of cakes.
"Ah, did you already have a cake? I should have confirmed it correctly."
In front of the three full cakes, Yukizome shows her forehead.
"I received the consideration. Thank you all."
As he bowed deeply, Kuro pondered again.
(I would like my hometown teacher Ichigen Miwa to eat this cake, but this kind of raw food will not be accepted by courier. After that, would I like to take it with my own hands and go home?)
There the bell rang again.
What appeared at the front door...
"Hey, how are you, Kuro?"
"Ichigen-sama? And…"
Kuroh Yatogami's teacher, Ichigen Miwa, and behind him, a tall person.
"Hello, Kuro-chan."
"Mishakuji Yukari?!"
When Kuro unwittingly stood up, Yukari smiled with a slight bow and a sharp smile.
"What are you planning to do? With such a wide stance."
"Neither of you guys should fight, because today is Kuro's celebration."
Miwa said that softly.
"Uh... please tell this boy that."
Yukari lifted the paper bag that he was holding and winked at him.
"I bought a cake, Kuro-chan."
(Cake! Another cake?)
When he coughed into his heart, his consciousness quickly woke up.
(Oh, is this a dream?)
A dry winter breeze hit his cheeks.
After the "Gakuenjima Incident", Kuro and Neko began a journey to find clues about the missing master, Isana Yashiro. First, they visited the grave of Miwa Ichigen in Kuro's hometown and the residents, where they spent the end of the year parties at Kuro's house and returned to Tokyo at the beginning of the new year to the present.
It happened that the cold weather was not so strong for the last few days, Kuro and Neko, who are used to the outdoor life, were camping in a corner of the park.
(If I dream like that, I may be starting to get tired. I'll have to establish a base around here soon.)
The room that was the setting for his dream was a room in the Ashinaka High School student dormitory. It exploded during the incident and now they can't get in, but... he woke up for a few days, and it seems like it was unexpectedly big for him.
Also, the people who came out in the dreams, "classmates" from Ashinaka High School, brother and nemesis Mishakuji Yukari, the late teacher Miwa Ichigen, and right now "Silver King" Isana Yashiro. Those people for whom he felt affection are not in front of them now.
Only one remains.
A piece of blanket fluttered next to Kuro, she rubbed her eyes and Neko lifted half her body.
"No, I haven't cooked food yet. Well, it's my birthday today. Do you want to eat cake?"
A few hours later.
"You, this is..."
Kuro was completely disappointed in front of two large paper boxes placed on a park bench. Neko who jumped up and said, "Let me buy the cake!", came back with two whole cakes.
"Because... it seemed like I could buy two with a lot of money..."
"I wish I had one for each person..."
"Maybe tomorrow is my birthday...!"
When Kuro raised his face, Neko took a step back.
"Oh... are you angry?"
There was no money to spend on this. He thought about how much they both eat. Even if he left it, there was no place to keep it. Are they going to walk around with a cake that they are about to eat?
He wondered if he could give her two lectures, but... surprisingly, he only escaped a bitter smile from his mouth.
"So... what I saw this morning was a dream."
As he kept Neko waiting and made tea with simple camping gear, Kuro coughed.
"Fufu... Today is a great party."
After that, the heartburn feast lasted for two days, but he felt the area around his shoulders have become lighter.
His wandering journey will continue for a time.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Antonio and Pablo Agama headcanons
Leoncio Renato Braganza-Olmos was a dashing cavalry officer, just recently promoted when he met Altagracia Luna Quelempan-Agama,a healer working in the army camp. It was during an army dance, this being the years before Shuriki, and the camp was celebrating its recent victory. Like a classic fairytale, their eyes met across the room. He introduced himself and bowed, they danced, and fell head over heels for each other. Their backgrounds were quite different with Leoncio coming from a long line of esteemed army men much like the Villalobos of Avalor City. In fact, the Villalobos family was one of their greatest rivals for the Olmos family wanted to move out of serving the borders of far away villages and achieve glory in war on foreign land or against dangerous malvagos that seemed to attack the city.
Altagracia was a mestiza, a mixed race girl of indeginous tribes that prided themselves from descending from the great Maruvians and of the more pure blood Spanish descent. Altargracia was very much inspired by her indigenous side, working hard with others to keep their culture and knowledge of medicines and textiles alive. Though, there was not much discrimination for her mixed blood, as many actually wanted to learn the secrets of ancient Maru, people still sometimes taunted them for their superstitions and outdated ideas. Both their families cautioned them from getting married, fearing that their backgrounds would be too different.
However, the couple did not care. Their backgrounds meant little compared to their love for one another. She wanted to support him in his army battles and patch him up in the privacy of their own home and Leoncio adored his at turns intelligent and fierce wife who may not be able to hold a spear but could verbally spar with the best of his fellow soldiers.
Though the life of following army camp after army camp was tiring, they leaned on each other and were thanful to have the other by their side. Eventually came the day when Leoncio got a sword through his thigh. It broke stright through the bone and sidelined him for nearly a year. He eventually healed despite fears that he’d have to be amputed, but he would live with a permenant limp and had to retire from his life of sword. It happened to be excellent timing for Altagracia was pregnant with their first child.
They settled into Altagracia’s home village where Leoncio was aimlessly lost at first, unsure that he had any skills for citizen work but with Altagracia’s guidence and help, he found his way to work as a part-time picker on pepper plantations while Altagracia continued to work and sell her weaving wares and herbal medicines.
Their first son, Antonio Lautaro Agama-Olmos was born at dawn, a loud and robust baby. A direct contrast to their second son, Pablo Sergio Agama-Olmos who was born at midnight, similarly loud but skinnier.
The family was small but happy. Leoncio being a particularly proud father, trying to teach his sons fighting tricks and boast of his great victories. However, one day, Leoncio left without a trace. Perhaps he left because life in a small village bored him, maybe he had found another woman, or maybe he wished to start over fresh in Avalor City without the burden of caring for a family or the hauntings of his former officer glory. It could have been any one of these reasons but no one would ever know for he left no note.
Altagracia received no sympathy from her family who had warned her that a wealthy man like he might get bored with her, warnings she blithely ignored. She had more help from the Olmos’ who pitied her and felt similarly abandoned for Leoncio sent no word either to them. Besides it went against their honor to abandon someone who was part of their family. They sent Altagracia an “allowance” of sorts monthly and Leoncio’s younger brother, Fernando even offered to marry her to make up for his brother’s grievous actions and give the boys a father. Altagracia politely refused, her pain was too strong and she  wished never to see any of her husband’s kin ever again.
Altagracia reluctantly accepted the money as she needed it for her sons, and packed up, took up her old name, and moved to the village over the plateau. (I imagine it to be very similar to Curicó in Chile. You know, mountains on either side, a central fertile valley for agriculture, humid and wet). She couldn’t stand the humiliation of everyone knowing her husband left her and wanted to start fresh even though the rumors and pitying stares still plagued her when she moved to the new village near Mesa Roja. Words traveled fast.
Despite the money sent to her, she couldn’t buy a house with enough space for all her weaving so she couldn’t open her own weaving shop. But Altagracia was determined to make do and used the stables that adjoined her home to house her looms and set to work by herself to create the most elaborate, quality ponchos, clothes and other items till she became the known as “la mujer de la telar.” The money the Olmos did sent them was set aside for special nonessential things like archery sets or a professional portrait since Altagracia decided any essential items like food or clothing, she would pay with her own work. Those luxeries Pablo proudly boasted about since it set them apart from their little less-off farming neighbors, and he’d often sell these goods for a price. That is until Altagracia found out and threatened to stop buying him things if he wasn’t going to use it himself.  
Antonio had been 7 at the time, Pablo only 6, and if that one devastating event wasn’t enough. That was the same year that Shuriki came to power. Music and the old festivals were banned. Altagracia was one of the few people who was happy with this new arrangement since she’d much rather not be reminded of dances or anything happy like that. The boys however, were sorely disappointed by the thought of no more spring harvesting festivals with the children’s races or the games and such. And the addition of Shuriki’s guards patrolling the perimeters to quell any underground rebellions was an unnerving new normal to add to their lives.
Though the boys were too young to truly understand the full context of what was going on, they came today follow their mother’s mantra of “make do with what they have” and made their own fun without the festivals like marbles or pretending their were great trapeze artists like the traveling circus they saw or exploring their new home and the surrounding wild. Antonio’s particularly favorite game was pretending to find lost treasure which influenced his later career.
By the time Antonio was a teenager, he came to think of himself as the new man of the house. He saw how Leoncio’s departure affected their mother. She threw herself into her work, and doted on them more than ever. But she was so distrustful of others especially the rich who she now thought saw people like her as playthings or beneath them. He heard the rumors and taunts of other kids that “they” were the reason their dad ran away. And he vowed that he’d bring fortune to the Agamas name. They’d be known for something else than their disappeared dad.
The one obstacle to his big plan was his own brother. It seemed Pablo had inherited their father’s propensity for wanting glory and their mother’s sly tongue. He fancied himself as a poor man’s merchant (more accurately a con man) and had been cheating people out of their money with goods that he overhyped or stole from people for them to buy it back at exorbitant prices. Antonio often chewed him out for these things especially since it could reflect badly on their whole family but Pablo defended that they wouldn’t want their dear Mama to worry more than she had to, beside he was doing his part as a dutiful son to give her money any way he can. Even though he made plenty of enemies that way. Their neighbors, the Palomas, especially. 
Their mother did notice the tension between both boys and often had to drop subtle reminders and wise proverbs like “Family isn't an important thing. It's everything,” or “The important thing in a family is not being together but being united.”
But they both possessed the same stubborness and their differences grew anyway. Antonio was a studious student, paying attention in class while Pablo often skipped because he felt there was no point. Most people didn’t use the lessons on geometry or English in their daily lives, they learned their family trade and that was that. He much preferred to wager and make bets with the boys and flirt. Antonio had also entertained thoughts of marrying girls he had crushes on but he knew that would doom his dream. Once he got married, he’d have to stay settled down and he didn’t want that so he staye dcelibate though many women, allured by his muscular build, did try to tempt him much to Pablo’s disgust (Poor Pablo, he wanted to be tempted. That's all he wanted!). But Antonio was different. Their teacher, Professora Risquez thought Antonio had potential, he had a passion for history and the stories of treasure hunters so she told him about the field of archeology. It sounded like a dream to him! Being able to find lost civilizations that told them of where they came from and what they did just like the ancient Maruvians.
He couldn’t get the kind of education at home. Not there where the highest level was 12th grade. Professora Risquez offered to sponsor him to go to the University of Avalor. He would live with her parents in their house in the city and he could pursue a degree in archaeological studies. It was a perfect plan and Altagracia was thrilled for her son, and Antonio was similarly thrilled. He was getting one step closer to his dream of bringing fame to the Agama name.
The only one who was less enthusiastic was Pablo who thought Antonio was acting stuck up and superior to him which he kind of was. This led to their first major fight, leading them to never speak to each other for the next twenty eight years.
Antonio hunkered down on his studies, but it had been quite a shock when he first arrived in the city. They had so many more modern convencies like carriages instead of carts and shops for everything and the port brought all sorts of peoples and stories of distant lands that he could never imagine. He even saw a professional circus that put the traveling circus he saw in his childhood to shame.
 Then there was the actual university, the small school with its few teachers and lackluster substance had not prepared him for rigerous testing and academic tone of the unversity. But Professora Risquez’s parents had been former professors themselves and helped him with his study habits and time management. As for the kids, some were nice, some were snobs, a regular crowd of all kinds of people. Though sometimes those classist snobs sniffed at his “village peasant” accent and how fast he talked (Chilean spanish accents is known for being the fastest-spoken) so he learned to modify his fast to his slower, guttural sound. 
It got stressful at times but the one thing that kept him going was the passion for archeology itself. Each book he read, he yearned to know more, to learn more, to go out and explore and find the routes himself which he did every summer, even managing to secure his first glimpse of fame when he found the Heiroglyphic Staircase of Maru.
Pablo stayed at home, helping his mom with selling her wares and occasionally take odd jobs about town. Eventually, he got bored with the poor provincial village and decided to set out for his own. Altagracia gave her blessings since she had enough money to get by on her own with her work and the allowance from the Olmos. Besides she felt that maybe it would encourage Pablo to grow up a little especially now that he was out of Antonio’s shadow. He offered his services as a salesman to various small businesses but often quit when he felt ready to wander again or because he wanted a larger cut than his employers were willing to give him. He also decided to do his own version of treasure hunting and find items from the trash or wild or sometimes laying around someone’s backyard and sell them, often adding they belonged to some famous royal or legend or had magic properties. Then splitting town before his angry customors found out they were tricked.
Meanwhile, as Pablo scraped by, Antonio was sending money and letters to their mother with each new discovery he found. He had gotten his biggest dream as a result with the fame and universities begging him to come vist and give lectures. He did so especially if Professora Risquez asked, but he found the fame wasn’t as appealing as he thought it would be. Lectures, especially preparing them, were boring and he didn’t sell his items rather he gave them to museums to study. He much preferred the thrill of the adventuring and the excitment of finding treasure than anything else.
Then came the day he ventured to Obsidian Island. He had been so sure of himself, having sort of bought into his own hype, and that this would be his greatest find yet. But he had not anticipated for the gecko curse to be real! He freaked out when he was first transformed finding his brain sharing the instincts of a gecko’s and he’d often be distracted by his gecko instincts. Which he had stayed in that form for years.
Meanwhile, Pablo had come home from his itenerite wanderings after his mother wrote to him to come back. He had been 5 years since she had last heard from Antonio. Pablo had no information to give her on that front, but it didn’t matter because she needed him now that her arthritis was acting up and it was harder for her to move. Eventually, she had stopped moving completely and needed to move around in a wheelchair. Pablo cared for her during her final days and then Antonio came back.
He finished his adventure at Obsidian Island, and no longer a gecko, he had to apologize and explain to everyone he had known what had happened. His first trip was to his dear mama who had wept with joy seeing Antonio alive and well and that he had not abandoned her as she had thought. Pablo was put-off. Finally, he had time with their mama but once again Antonio, the golden boy outshone him and “saved” the day.
The next day, Altagracia died, seemingly ready to move on after seeing her son again. Pablo and Antonio tersely arranged the funeral together, maintaing some politeness to each other. But that all exploded after the funeral. Pablo made some comment of how nice it was for the famed and renowned Antonio Agama to find time to visit and how he had done all the work when Altagracia was ill and Antonio made her think he had left them just like Leoncio. Antonio shot back that he didn’t mean to not contact them. He was a freaking gecko! Those were exnuating circumstances, and it wasn’t like Pablo was so concerned about his welfare since he hadn’t written him so much a letter since Antonio left for college. This left them in fury and they refused to talk to each other again.
Until the will came and both were given parts of that treasure map aka The Family Treasure. After the events of that episode and Elena’s song getting stuck in their head thus reminding them, they decided to patch up their relationship and spend more time with one another with Antonio even inviting Pablo to his next archeological adventure so they’d have plenty of time to talk or find more things to fight about, but they’ve come to sort of like it that way.
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qweeby · 4 years
“What’s your Deepest Thought- Part 4/???
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"Love? you Dabi the asshole?" Dabi glares at Y/N "It's not love! but it is a strong feeling ok!. The two villains stare at one another their full attention is only on each other "What about you? do you feel anything?. You think about what he's talking and maybe you do feel these feelings but it's such a new feel neither me nor him have felt before so maybe we're just confused. "Hey, Doll we made it back" Dabi lets you down. "I hope we didn't keep everyone waiting" but before you walk in Dabi stops you and pulls you in close as he presses his forehead on yours, then he covers your eyes blocking out everyone's voices and thoughts but his. "Just stick with me and, you'll be fine ok, Y/N". Hearing him say your name makes you strangely happy and gitty until Twice opens the door, "YOU BROUGHT HIM BACK THANK YOU SO MUCH! tears once again escaping his mask then Twice crosses his arms and turns his head away from them "I didn't miss you". Dabi puts his hand on Twice shoulder "Told you I'd back copy machine" Twice grabs Dabi hugging him while you being squished by both of them. "Twice get off", "BUT DABIIIIII". Toga pops her head out of the door, "Ooooohhh a group hug! let me join!" "Sure there's room babe!" Toga joins in on the hugs, "Hey Tomura you wanna join in on this group hug!" Tomura glare at the group as he walks up to them while all of the league members get excited seeing he's finally joining the fun. Shigaraki takes off the hand that on his face and places it on your head "It isn't much but here". Y/N smiles as she's being surrounded by people that love her. Toga pulls Y/N away from the group, "Hey I have a great idea how about we go to the mall tomorrow!" Dabi rolls his eyes as he slides out of Twice grasps "The mall why do you wanna go to the mall?" Toga shakes Y/N "Because we finally have a girl my age here and I wanna have fun! Y/N, me and big sis call have a girl's day!" "If that's the case shouldn't we all go, don't you need a new video game Tomura? I've seen you beat that Mario shit 20 times". "It's not Mario you brunt pile of garbage! But...your right that game was getting too easy", Toga beams "Then it's decided we have a date Y/N~"  you laugh nervously " A date? Woah my first date is with so many people" Dabi rubs your head "Don't worry of course I'll make sure this Doll has a nice playdate".   -The next day has arrived and you and the league are out and about in the Mall- "Aren't you excited Y/N!", Dabi covers Toga's mouth "Try not to be too loud remember what role your suppose to play" Toga puffs out her cheeks "No fair I was supposed to be my date", "Shut up you'll get another one next time we can't just be walking around with our hoodies on we would look suspicious so we needed you to disguise yourself as an employee". Y/N looks at Twice as he looks down sad with a paper bag on his head, "Y/N I MISS MY MASK! Don't you like the new look!?" you pat Twice's back "You'll be fine just try to be happy...hey don't forget your on a date with Toga". Twice swiftly grabs a pink marker out of his pocket and draws little blushing lines on the paper bag were his cheeks should be, "I can't believe your right!  I AM ON A DATE WITH BABE! Thanks for cheering me up! I should do the same, how are your head voices loser!" "My quirk? yeah, I still hear people in the mall but it seems calmer that chaotic like how it is normal but I'm more concerned about where did you get the marker from...? and hey Dabi why did we leave Spinner?" "He can't come with us he'd be sticking out like a like sore thumb plus I don't wanna babysit  5 kids" All of the members stare at Dabi screaming "HEY! IM NOT A KID!" he rolls his eyes at them "Thanks for proving my point" Dabi grabs Y/N hand " Come on Doll" "W-wait where are we going?" "Last time I checked this was a date right so I gotta at least take you to buy something" Y/N turns back at the others, "And what about the others?". Twice holds a thumps up "WE'LL BE FINE Y/N, I don't think we are gonna be ok...HEY WHERE"S TOMURA!", " I guess he left ahead of time so it's just you and me Twice". Toga and Twice go off to do their own thing while Dabi drags Y/N around the mall looking around. "So what the do girls like anyway do you guys like just shop for panties? You wanna buy some?" Y/N hits Dabi in the back of the head. "NO, YOU JERK!". He stares at you for a second tilting his head in the prosses "I think I know what to get you!". Dabi takes you a store as you look around you see there are a lot of hats and winter gear, "You're buying me a hat?" Dabi faces palms "No you dolt!" he puts these AllMight themes on your head. "I know it's stupid but I thought maybe this could help with the whole hearing voices thing because we ain't getting you a new phone so here". You smile at Dabi while you touch the earmuffs "ARE THESE THE LIMITED EDITION ALL MIGHT EAR MUFFS! These cost a fortune! You're buying me theses?" Dabi smirks "I think you forget what we are Doll, we aren't buying anything. We're stealing them". He puts his arm around Y/N shoulders as the walkout the store but obviously, the security alarms start to beep. "Hey Doll this is where we run" and with that, you and Dabi dart off as the store owner chases you two around. Y/N and Dabi after an hour of running finally catch up with Toga and Twice both of them seem to have gone on a shopping spree. "Hey, guys! why are you too out of breath?" Dabi holds up his hand "We stole some ear muffs and some old man started chasing us...what's with all the stuff what the fuck did you buy?" Toga raises the airs high in the air " LOTS AND LOTS OF KNIFES DUH". You look around for Tomura but he's nowhere near, "Hey where's Tomura?" Twice frantically looks around totally freaking out "HE WAS HERE A SECOND AGO! oh there he is...he's fine". Y/N looks pass Twice to see Tomura with two other people, worried you start walking towards Tomura "Stay here you guys I'll check on Tomura!'. Y/N gets closer to Tomura seeing that he's holding someone by the neck someone with green hair and a girl standing in front of Tomura, "Hey!" Tomura turns around staring at you while the boy he was holding was sweating and his eyes are very teary. Tomura lets go of the boy, he storms off his eyes are filled with rage "The next time we meet...I'll kill you", the green hair boy falls to his knees coughing and gagging. Y/N rushes to the boy checking on him "Are you ok?", "Y-yeah thanks to you if someone else didn't see him that would have been it for me". The green-haired boy stands up holding out his hand to you "Hello my name is Izuku Midoriya", you do the same stretching out you hand giving Izuku a handshake "Hi Izuku my name is Y/N L/N and you don't have to thank me really. "Are you ok Deku?! You're not hurt are you" Izuku's face turns a shade of red simultaneously as he hides his face "I-IM FINE URARAKA! NOTHING TO FEAR I'M A-OK!". You smile at the two but before you can say a word you hear a loud whistle noise from behind you it's Dabi signaling you that it's time to go. "Oh! t-that's my friends I should really get going I hope we see each other again Deku and you too Uraraka!" you quickly run back to league members waving goodbye to the two of them as they do the same. Dabi looks at Tomura "So Boss what's the plan?" Shigaraki grins "We kill them all and leave nothing but dust". Y/N stares at the ground stressing out, why would they need to kill anyone? Will she have to kill someone? but more importantly... you stop walking with the group "Shigaraki...who is...All for one?" Tomura turns around looking at the naive villain "Do you really have to ask? I think you know, right you, from reading my mind". Y/N removes her headphones revealing that they been bleeding intensely. Dabi and Toga quickly rush over to Y/N, "Why didn't you say anything Doll! I thought the earmuffs were helping!" "Dabi my quirk isn't something that can be blocked out with just blocking my ears if it was then we wouldn't have this problem". Toga shakes Y/N "YOU WERE BLEEDING AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" "THAT'S WHAT'S BOTHERING YOU!". You stare at Tomura locking eyes "Let me guess my mind was too dark for you?! Too much to bear?! My mind will be the most twisted you'll ever hear! A truly twisted mind of a VILLAN!...Next week those kids are going to a training camp that's where we destroy everything and we kidnap that Bakugou fella and recruit him to the league...that's our plan. Tomura and the league continue to walk but Y/N runs off "I'll meet you guys back at the hideout I have to do something real quick!". Dabi watches you go as he debates if he should go after you but he ends up not doing so. You make your way back to the store that Dabi took your earmuffs from as you see him replacing the glass Dabi melted to take your gift. "Umm excuse me I think this is yours" you hand the man the AllMight earmuffs, "My..my friend saw that I really wanted these and he acted without thinking...It wasn't right to steal it and it damn sure wasn't right having you chase us around I'm sorry". The man bows to you "Even though you did steal...you brought it back what you stole and owned up to it, unlike your friend I'd say you made the right choice just like a hero would!" he places the earmuffs back in your hands "Keep it as a reward and a reminder of this deed you did!". You hold onto the earmuffs "No no no you got it all wrong i-i'm not a hero!", "Sure you are! see it's kids like you that I believe will change society!". Y/N walks out of the store and holds her gift tight to her chest "A hero huh... that sounds...nice...".
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idkhyuck · 5 years
Fireflies- NCT DREAM Fanfic pt1 
I couldn’t shake the happy, freeing feeling this song gave me. So here’s the result of that
Y/N Goes on a camping trip with her best friends to celebrate their last year as teenagers
DREAM OT6 !BestfriendREADER with hints of romances.No warnings other than swearing as it’s really fluffy. A/N I don’t really know the Dream Timeline too well yet so in this they’re idols and it includes things from their careers but I've kind of created my own timeline. I Kind of want to continue this if anyone likes it. Feedback is appreciated. 
“Are you sure this is all we’ll need?” I asked looking at Jaemin and Jeno loading up our cart with a few sleeping bags. They both turned to me and nodded
“My dad’s got some stuff in the garage I can use. We can spend more money on food this way.” Jaemin said confidently as he pushed the cart down the aisle “maybe we should grab this just in case.” he said reaching for a tarp. I sighed knowing we’d end up back in this aisle before we left the store. Jeno nodded and followed behind him grabbing a few packs of the rope. and followed him, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tent pegs they both walked passed. I’m so excited they have the weekend off. We’re going camping to celebrate our last summer being teenagers. Chenle and Jisung still had a some time left but it wouldn’t be the same without them with us so we’re bringing them along. We continued our shopping trip. I spent most of my teenage years with these boys. I stuck with them all through their trainee days after meeting in middle school, They’re my best friends and will forever have my support.
“I need swim shorts!.” Jeno said freezing in place as he turned to look for a sign to tell him where to go, he was such a lost puppy at times. I grabbed him and pointed him in the right direction. We made our way to the men’s wear section. I felt the stares of the girls that passed as they watched me walk with them. I wondered if they knew who they were or if they were just amazed at the beauty of the two of them like I am continually. I’ll probably never end up dating any of them but that didn’t stop my heart from noticing how handsome they’ve gotten over the years. I’ve literally had a legit crush on all of them at least once in the past 7 years, except Jisung he’s my baby and he hates it. the worst was Haechan at 17. They all knew except Haechan and it drove me nuts. You know when you have a crush for so long and it just grows into a content love. That’s what I have with each of them. They’ve seen me at my worst, and vice versa. We grew up together basically and at the end of this year We’d be adults. Man times flies when you’re having fun. “My mom said yes to taking her van, she’ll be here with it later.” Chenle said as he walked into the practice room throwing his bag at me in the corner.
“hey!” I yelled as the bag landed a little too close to me with a thud,
“Oh. Hi.” he said indifferently as he started stretching. Haechan sat up laughing from across the room.
“Great to see you too.” I added sourly as I pulled his bag over and laid on it. We were supposed to leave for our camping trip after practice which is why I’m here so god damn early. Renjun walked in he looked so incredibly tired.
“Renjunie. did you even sleep?” I asked him as he sat on the floor beside me
“Kind of.” he said sheepishly meaning he was up all night playing games. I sighed as he changed his shoes beside me.
“You can sleep in the van on the way out.” I said as the staff came in to the room. They were filming a dance practice today. That would be fun to watch. I had all of my things for the weekend in a backpack. Jaemin and Jisung hauled all of our camping gear in here last night. The boys went on practicing hard for a little bit. the hours flew by fast as I watched them perfect the choreo enough to film it. They started filming takes for the video. After the first take chenle came over
“Call my mom please. She can bring the van now.” he said taking a sip of water before running back into formation. I went out into the hall to make my phone call. Chenle’s mom as already on her way with the van when I reached her. I thought I’d take this time to haul our stuff to the doors so it would be easy to load up. I started with the tent, I made a few trips back and forth. The guys at varying degree of choreography each time not even noticing me coming or going. I saw one of the execs in the lobby as I carried Mine and Jisung’s bag to my growing pile.
“Those boys treating you good?” he asked me. I nodded politely bowing. “Have fun this weekend.”
“Thank you.” I said. It was still so scary knowing that everyone here knew me. I��d pass other idols in the halls and they’d greet me like any other. Most people would die to be in my position and I thought about that often. Like they’re just 6 boys that became my friends. Mark and the other NCT boys too. Mark was gone on a work trip or else he’d be here camping with us. I missed him a lot, He’s always so busy, He’s such a hard worker. We barely saw any other the other boys. We were so busy with graduation and other things. The older boys were busy with tour prep and comeback scheduling.
“Wow!” Jisung said as he saw all the stuff loaded into the van. His hair freshly showered and extra soft looking. The smell of their shampoo radiating off of them as we all loaded into van.
“FOUR DAYS OFF!” Chenle yelled as he closed the door behind him and sat beside me. All the other boys started cheering. Jaemin started the van and we pulled out as Haechan sat in the passenger seat fixing the radio with the playlist he made just for this weekend.
“We have enough food?” Renjun asked as he settled in with the cooler between him and Jisung in the back seat. I was stuck in the middle between Chenle and Jeno.
‘Yeah. Me and my mom packed it all last night.” I said “There’s all kinds of good things in there.” I added. “As long as we have a fire. We’re set.” I said
“okay.” Renjun quietly said from behind me I didn’t even have to see I could already tell he was drifting off to sleep. I looked as we passed all familiar places in Seoul. Soon enough we’d be entering the country side. It was early afternoon. The sun high and shining brightly. I couldn’t wait to be at our campsite. I’m so glad that we get to be completely off the grid, no body guards, no staff, no cameras. Although I planned on taking tons of pictures and videos of our time together. The windows being open brought in just the right amount of breeze so we weren’t hot. Jeno was playing on his phone or responding to emails, he was always working. Chenle was listening to the music playing with his eyes closed. Haechan was texting on his phone. And Jaemin quietly sung along with the radio. Jisung and Renjun were passed out in the backseat, i could hear them both snoring softly. This was already so relaxing, I felt myself getting sleepy. I yawned and laid my head back. I felt jeno’s arm wrap around me “lean on me. you’ll be sore.” He said quietly
Jeno was my first crush out of all the boys I’ve ever known. He was tallest in our grade and strong and so so handsome. I couldn’t help but feel things for him. I hated myself for it. We were really good friends, and I wasn’t the only girl that had a crush on him. I WAS the only girl that got to see the real him. the soft boy who loved games and singing and dancing and sports. He was so passionate about his work, he worked so hard to get where he is. He’s kind of goofy despite being called NoJam and I loved that side of him. He looked so tough and hot but he was so soft and that’s what got me. This was pre-debut. I struggled to hide my feelings around him because I didn’t want him or anything between us to change. Or worse they’d think I only liked him because he was going to debut. I spent a whole year crushing on him and then I saw him one night late at the studio it was just us because he was my ride home. He was very frustrated with himself, There was new choreo he couldn’t get and and he’d been working for hours and we were supposed to go hang out at the river before we had to be home but we were already late. He misstepped and fell to the floor in frustration, I ran over and saw him slump over in defeat. He was so exhausted, they’d been working non stop since their debut a few months prior. I sat on the floor beside him.
“Hey. its okay.” i said trying to keep things bright. it was when I saw the tears fall to the floor as he refused to look up at me that I knew he wasn’t okay. “Hey no, Jeno.” I said reaching out to touch his arm. “You’ll get it. You have time.” I said trying my best to reassure him. “Lets go home. You’ve worked hard.” I said as I watched the tears mix with sweat and fall off the tip of his nose. “Don’t be to hard on yourself.” I said “You’ve been working so hard, You’ve done so good. So good!” I said ‘I’ve never seen anyone work as hard as you.” I added “You should be proud of yourself and celebrating. You guys are the best rookie group out there right now. It’ll be okay.” I said reaching down to wipe his face. His eyes finally met mine and I saw how upset he really was. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and held him close, a few tears escaping me “Jeno.” I said my voice cracking “I mean it. You’re doing amazing. You don’t need to be perfect.” I said trying to keep my voice even. He was breathing hard against my shoulder “We’ll be okay.” I said “You’ve got this.” I added as I rubbed his back. He finally pulled away and started wiping his face.
“I’m sorry.” he said “I didn’t mean too here.” he said wiping at his nose gesturing around with his hand.
“No. It’s fine” I said smiling at him “It’s why I’m here.” I said “We’re best friends you can always tell me anything. I’ll always be here.” I said and in the moment I realized I meant it, I couldn’t imagine my life without Jeno in it. I woke up to Chenle pulling me out of the van, catching me as I fell out only to let me go and go running “WE’RE HERE!” He said as he ran to the other side of the campsite. it took me a second to adjust my eye sight to how bright it was. I turned and ran into Haechan, he just laughed as he slid me over to the side to start unloading. I yawned and made my way over to the back where the rest of the boys were unloading bit by bit
“Tent first.” Renjun said as he pour the contents out of our tent bag. I went over to help him. We bought the biggest tent we could find. It was an 8 person tent. Renjun and I slid the poles in. as Jisung and Jaemin set up the rest of our campsite with our chairs and our coolers and bags. I smiled at Rejun as our poles met in the middle Renjun was my second crush, it had only lasted about three months. He was helping me learn Mandarin and I longed for the time we spent together at the building when he was on breaks. It was just the two of us and I really got to know him then. I lived for the late night phone calls we shared. They’d start off as study calls and then it’d turn into him getting distracted and he’d tell me about aliens and ghosts and his theories and whatever else he was reading at the time, he was so incredibly real and honest. He was so confident in the way he carried himself even though, He was tiny, I loved his tiny features. He was almost delicate but still such a strong, handsome boy I was sure I was in love with.Then he admitted his crush on a girl in our class and my feelings for him died instantly. We all let out a sighs of relief as we settled into ours chairs, Haechan and Chenle spent the past hour setting up our fire pit with rocks and sticks and grass and leaves. We had our food and extra supplies set up in a make shift lean to with the tarps we bought. Jaemin’s dad had a bunch of chairs and sleeping bags and a cool fire starting kit. The sun was a a low place in the sky right now. it wasn’t quite twilight but everything was getting glowy. I took out my phone.
“Smile!” i yelled as I started taking pictures of them. I wanted to remember these moments forever. They all laughed pretending to hide their faces. haechan hid behind his hoodie. I stopped to focus on him. He was reaching for my phone blindly before he got up and started chasing me. We ran around the camp screaming and laughing as i took pictures of them as best as I could while running . it wasn’t long before chenle and jisung joined in trying to intercept me. It was chenle that grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me. I was giggling hysterically by now. I felt his chest heaving against my back as my own breath and heartbeat drummed in my ears. He picked me up and carried me over to the chairs, he threw me in to my chair laughing.
“Better sell those to the fansites, you’ll be rich.” he said with a laugh. I stuck my tongue out at him as I snuck one more of him
“Just when you think you escaped the cameras.” Jaemin said with a wink as he drug the cooler over.
Jaemin was the my third crush. I developed it while he was on time off. He spent as lot of time at my house because being at the dorms or at his house depressed him. He couldn’t do what he wanted to do and it was eating away at him. We’d spend hours watching movies, He’d leave for appointments only to come back for a few more hours. Usually bringing food. He trusted me with all his worries, We’d talk for hours about what his future looked like with the band and we’d cry and then we’d laugh at ourselves and eat some food. We watched and cried together as NCT dream got their first win. I honestly thought he might have liked me too. the rest of the boys would tease him about being with me all the time. We didn’t care we were having fun.it wasn’t until I went to the SM Christmas party with the boys and people started asking us if we were dating then he’d deny it. it kind of hurt me but I was just grateful to have that connection with him. to this day he’s one of my BEST friends in the world. There’s honestly no one I trust more than Jaemin, I’ll always go to him first with anything. “Of course you know how to start a fire.” I said as Chenle was hard at work starting our fire. He just turned and gave me his signature Chenle smile. I hoped to god I wasn’t blushing I was still getting over that crush on him It was the first day back at school from winter break. I hadn’t seen my friends much over the holidays so I was scanning the room for them. Specifically Renjun and Chenle, They went back to china for almost a whole month. The last time I saw either of them was at the SM christmas party. Chenle and I shared three dances that night. Jeno and I two and the rest I had to beg to dance with me at least once. I even danced with Mark and Jungwoo. I was having the time of my life. Chenle and I we’re just about to go out to the dance floor when the song changed to a slower one. I froze with his hand in mine, He just shrugged his shoulders and continued dragging me out to the dance floor. Once we got there he carefully placed his hands on my waist. it was a foreign feeling. this was my first slow dance with a boy but I’d never admit it to anyone except maybe Jaemin. I thought to myself as I enjoyed the feeling of being whisked around the dance floor. The music from some drama I never finished blasting through the speakers. I was looking around at other people dancing some of the couples I’d begun to recognize in the media were here. dancing to this song and here I am holding on to Chenle. I went to look up at him and realized I had look a bit further up.
“When did you get so tall?” I asked looking at him in the eyes as I now began to realize just how high up my arms were on his shoulders.
“I can’t be short forever.” He said pushing me out for a spin. I laughed as he pulled me into him. Why was he so good at slow dancing. Was there anything he can’t do. The song was over and he dragged me back to the table. The next day he left for china and we barely got to talk because he was busy with family. I couldn’t tell if I was developing feelings for him, it was like I was seeing him in a new light after the party and I dwelled on it the whole winter break. I was hoping he’d be here early like he usually was so we could hang out. I texted him to no avail. I felt a hand tap me scaring me as i waited in the hall
“What are you doing?” I jumped and screamed at the sound of his voice, only to turn and see he had died his hair light and that he was at least another two centimeters taller causing me to scream again causing him to jump back and lift his hands up “GOD what the hell is wrong with you?” he said “I don’t look that scary.” he added as he clutched his chest. The adrenaline running through my veins at the scare, and the sight of him caused my heart to race and i started laughing uncontrollably.  Jeno and Jaemin came over to see the commotion.
“What’d you do?” Jaemin asked Chenle as he stood there confused out of his mind
“No I’m fine.” i said “Not you.” I managed to muster between giggles “You scared me.” I said gaining composure breathless I looked up to see all three boys staring at me confused out out of their minds. I looked at Chenle and immediately felt my cheeks get hot again. I looked away before they could notice. “I was looking for you guys. I never gave you these.” I said digging out bracelets I made for them as apart of their Christmas gifts. They were green with all our initials on it. Jeno rolled his eyes as I tied it on him. Jaemin excitedly accepted his and when I got to chenle I almost dropped the bracelet as he bumped me while pulling up his sleeve. good lord I’m already awkward around him I thought to myself as i\I fumbled to tie it around his wrist. The bell rang and I bowed to them and ran off to my class before I made things worse. The last thing on my mind was the lesson we were reviewing that day from last unit.
That day at lunch I met with the rest of the guys and gave them their bracelets. Jisung and I qucikly ran to the convenience store to get food for the rest of us. When we got back we spent  the rest of our lunch hour discussing what we did over break. Renjun and Chenle distributing all the Chinese candy they brought back for us. We had fun like normal, I couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Chenle. Jesus christ I thought I was done with this after Haechan. Speaking of Haechan he was no where to be seen because of his injury. and I missed him. I’d gone to see him at his place so many times over the break. I sent him an “I miss you” text. only to have him reply with a ugly seflie of him in bed. “If only i could be so lucky to lay in bed all day.” I replied
“Come join me then.” he replied. He didn’t mean it, he never did. That didn’t stop me from smiling like an idiot.
“Y/N! come on!! we’re gonna be late. Flirt with Haechan later!” Chenle was yelling at me from across the lunch room. I yelled at him and chased after him. He was running through the hall, I was so close to catching him when he suddenly stopped causing me to run straight into him. He caught me as I fell and placed me straight up while bowing to the teacher that passed and gave us a dirty look. I scrambled to bow quickly at her. I turned to Chenle
“You brat!” I whispered loudly while hitting his chest.
“How about I make it up to you?” He asked quietly looking around leaning in. My heart nearly jumped out of my throat. before I could even say anything he had his hand around mine and placing something in my hand closing it, while pretending to make sure no one was looking “i knew how much you loved these last time so I brought some extra for you.” He winked at me and then left. “Don’t tell the guys.” He mouthed to me as he walked into his classroom. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until the room started spinning. I looked down at my hand and saw a whole bag of the jelly candy i loved. I blushed as I opened one and ate it and made my way into my class. Jeno seated at his seat behind me
“You still have some?”he asked he watched me eat the candy.
“Oh. O didn’t eat mine at lunch.” i said quietly putting them in my bag and opening my books. I played with the candy wrapper for the rest of the afternoon with that sickening feeling you get when you know you’re gonna like someone. shit I didn’t want to have a crush on Chenle yet here i am already head over heels. it’ll pass it always does. I said to myself. And I continued to say that over the next six months. I said that as Jaemin and I were on the phone one night and he confronted me about it about a month and a half ago.
“So Chenle?”
“what about Chenle?” I asked him
“Why are you drooling all over him all of a sudden?” he asked
“I’m not!” i said trying to sound offended
“y/n….” he said flatly
“I KNOW! OKAY I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. HE LIKE GOT TALLER AND HE BROUGHT ME CANDY, AND HE BUYS ME LUNCH. AND HE’S GETTING SO GOOD AT DANCING AND LIKE DUDE. he’s such an amazing singer.” i said taking a deep breath “like it’s like one second he’s an annoying little brother then he’s swaying me around the floor at the Christmas party and he’s not so annoying anymore.” I said
“christmas? That’s how long this has been going on?” he asked shock in his voice
“I know.” i sighed “It’s fine. you know how I am. So shallow. It’ll pass.” I said in a light tone, but it really wasn’t anywhere near passing. I tried so hard since then to push the feelings away and it was working.
“First Haechan now Chenle. Are the rest of us not good enough.” he joked.
“Shut up.” I said. As I got over my crushes on them I made sure to make it seem like I had a crush on another guy or an idol or something so it didn’t seem like I wasn’t crushing on someone. Haechan was the first one out of them that the found out about and intended to keep it that way. “Hey uh don’t tell anyone okay?” I asked him serious
“”I won’t.” Se said I could hear the sincere smile in his voice. He then proceeded spending the next month telling me to tell chenle despite me telling him I was getting over him and I really felt like I was getting over him. I hoped this camping trip wouldn’t help that.
The campfire glowing as the sun set around us. It as absolutely perfect.
“is this what fireflies are like?” Jisung asked as he watched the embers of the flames rise and float off into the night.
“i imagine so.” Jeno said as he turned his stick over. He was currently burning his hot dogs but refused to listen when we told him to take them out. Jisung went over to the cooler and brought back marshmallows. He took a pile and tossed the bag to Jaemin. who took some, this continued until the bag got to me. I said
“Wait is this the first time for everyone?” I asked and looked around as everyone nodded “Let’s do a marshmallow toast!” I said excited grabbing my stick to put them on. I stood up ignoring their protests and watched excitedly as they all stood up reluctantly. “To being twenty.” I said sticking my marshmallow high above the fire
“to graduating.” Jeno said “to being friends.” Jaemin said earning a shove from Haechan and Jisung on either side of him. “To being friends forever.” I added “To being us!” Renjun said finally before shoving his marshmallow in the centre we all did that and roasted our marshmallows. I looked around the fire at each of them all unique in their own ways, all meaning different things to me, it made me sad, We’ll be adults next year. What if things change. I’ll be off in college all by myself while they’re enrolled online. Lord knows what the future holds for them career wise. I don’t even want to know how Jisung and Chenle feel. There’s talks of Renjun joining WayV in china. The other boys don’t know their future yet, Everything changes and all of this feels so final. I looked around at them laughing and having fun and living in the moment. The way Jaemin and Jeno fought as their marshmallows stuck together. Chenle and haechan fighting trying to knock each others marshmallows into the fire. Renjun sitting in the back eating his burnt marshmallow laughing and Jisung trying his best to roast more than one at once. They were still the same boys I met back in middle school but not at the same time. I sat back in my chair and tried my best not to cry. Haechan noticed my quietness and came over to sit beside me. I loved the way his skin glowed, I hated when he wore makeup on stage. He was so absolutely stunning and it hurt me. I had a crush on Haechan for 4 months now. It was getting worse with each day. NCT 127 had just released a new album and this all started as I watched Haechan practice his parts in studio. His voice was so angelic I literally sat there blushing the whole time he was singing. He didn’t notice, he never did. I bought that album, first album I bought myself only so I could listen to him singing on it. His parts had such an effect on me and I hated it. I thought I was doing good at hiding my crush on him. I wasn’t awkward around him. We teased non stop like always, only it was driving me nuts, and had no effect on him. We’re always cuddling or holding hands because that’s haechan, but at least it was something right. I was sitting outside during lunch on the front steps listening to my CD. 127 was doing promo so Haechan was away from school for awhile and I missed him. it was the first time he was really away from us and I was going through it. Jisung was the first to find out.
“Who are you listening to like this?” he asked pulling my headphones out as he sat down beside me with his face in his hands and batting his eyes  
“I’m not like that.” i said shoving him
“Like what?” Jaemin said sitting on the other side of me.
“She’s in love with someone.” He said reaching for my old CD player I got from my mom. as I pulled away from him Renjun came from behind and grabbed it.
“Give it back.” i whined. looking up at him to no avail he opened it
“Oh my god 127 hyungs!” he said with a gasp. all the boys looked at me “It is johnny?” Jisung asked “i bet its johnny.”
“No it’s Taeyong.” Rejun said said
“Is it Jungwoo? He’s your type” Jeno asked as he sat beside Jisung. they continued this game as I denied all of them.
“Ten hyung!” Jisung said beside me
“NOOO” i said annoyed with them
“Then who? Renjun asked confused “the only one we didn’t name was…” they suddenly all yelled “HAECHANNIE!” “Arghhh! ” I said beyond annoyed with them  
“Oh my god it is.” Jisung said hanging his head with disbelief. Renjun tsked as he handed me back my CD player. I sighed as Jaemin looked at me trying to get an answer.
“What’d I miss?” chenle asked as he approached us out of breath. We all looked up at him. then they all started talking all at once telling various versions of what just happened. Chenle choked on his drink
“Haechan?!” he asked “Why?!” he was the first person to ask anything. “I don’t know.” I said still annoyed with them. “Ah, you should have seen her sitting there.” Jisung said as I shot him a dirty look. “Are you going to tell him?” Jaemin asked a concerned look on his face and I could tell why, he was just as scared as I was of things changing
“Noooo. God no. He can never know.” I said panicking “Why?” renjun asked “Because it’ll make things weird and like it’s just a stupid crush anyway. I’ll get over it.” i said matter of factly. I didn’t get over it for a whole year… He was just so handsome and he seemed so more mature compared to the rest of the boys. He wasn’t and still isn’t but like The fact that he was out in the world touring and working on music and like he just seemed like he was on a different level then the rest of us here. Like he was still the same old haechannie who liked to tease me but like I just saw him differently and he was so incredibly untouchable it hurt. Like I think it’s his passion that drew me in. He practiced so hard, He worked on his singing so hard. Watching him at a piano was a treat. I still love him and would date him in the drop of a hat to be honest but like I know he doesn’t see me that way, I’m still the same ol me to him and I don’t think that will ever changed and that’s how I eventually got over him enough to be here normally. The boys didn’t help either. They’d constantly tease me about it behind his back I’m honestly surprised he never found out. “What’s wrong Y/N?” Haechan asked sitting down beside me
“I’m just thinking.” i said hoping to keep my voice even.
“About?” Jaemin asked from across the fire.
“Life.” i said my voice sounding smaller than I wanted it to. I now had all their attention. “Ah shit. Here we go.” i said looking down “We’re almost adults. 20 years old in 6 months. doesn’t that scare you?” I asked “not just at work but here. and in real life too. I get anxiety thinking about what will happen to you guys at work honestly. We barely see mark.” I said “And like it’s just all gonna change.” I said my voice finally cracking I looked down as my eyes welled up “I’m so grateful to know you guys as stupid as you are.” I said trying to laugh. “We’re so lucky to have met how we did because I honestly can’t imagine my life with out you guys and idk if you feel that same way or I’m just some dumb girl but like you’re all gonna be there when I get married and I hope when I have kids and like I just want to be friends forever. and I don’t want to lose you guys.” I turned to Renjun “I don’t want to lose you.” he knew what I meant and I was full on crying at this point “Not yet anyway.” I sighed in my seat and I looked up at all of them. They were all so quiet and somber I thought I had ruined the trip  then Haechan spoke up
“We’ll always be friends no matter what.” he said and all the others nodded. He said it with such a finality that he didn’t need to say anything else. It was when I looked around and saw each of them looking at me with concern and worry that I knew. They really did care for me.
“lets have some more marshmallows.” i laughed “I’m sorry.” i said wiping my nose with my hoodie sleeve
“No. it’s understandable.” Jeno said “We’ve been so busy. life catches up with you.”
“let’s play truth or dare!” Jisung said hating all the sad stuff. i smiled a knowing smile at him and nodded
“Yeah!” i said. We all stood up again and played rock paper scissors to decide who would go first. Jisung would go first and we’d go around the circle asking to our left. Renjun chose truth so Jisung asked him
“what’s one thing you can’t live without?”
“easy. Headphones.” Renjun replied quickly “truth or dare?” he asked Jaemin who said Dare “I dare you to do karaoke for us. one song WE PICK.” He said motioning for Haechan to come over with his phone and speaker.
“Argh not this one!” Jaemin said as the most popular song in korea rn started playing “I’ve heard it a thousand times.”
“sing! or we’ll throw you in the lake!” Jeno said as the song started into the melody we’d all heard at least 1000 times. Jaemin started singing his voice cracking here and there because it wasn’t in his key. The guys laughing at him as he turned various shades of pink. it was a sexy song and he hated it
“choreo! come on!” rejun said as the chorus started soon enough they were all up dancing various stages of the song.
“you guys are a mess.” i said in between laughing. the song came to an end and they all sat down. “Thanks for the show.” i laughed. they all threw marshmallows at me. “okay next.”
“Jeno! truth or Dare?” Jaemin yelled as he opened his water.
“truth.” Jeno said
“Favourite idol you’ve met.” Jaemin asked
“EXO hyungs.” Jeno said easily
“boring.” chenle asked “I pick truth.” He said taking a bite of a hotdog he had cooked himself
“Favorite place we’ve been so far.” he asked stiffling a yawn
“Brazil.” he said “truth or dare?” he said turning to me.
“truth.” i said pondering how bad it could be they were doing easy questions i should be safe
“first crush.” Chenle said i wasn’t safe.
“um. like first first crush? or first real crush?” I asked
“first real crush.” he said “we all know about you’re crush on Goku.” he said rolling his eyes
“hmmm.” i said pretending to think while looking across the fire at Jeno .”No names BUT we were 15.” I said looking away from Jeno as our eyes met i could tell he knew immediately. “First time I’d ever noticed a boy in this way that was my age. wanna guess?” I said looking around at the boys as they all have puzzled looked on their faces.
“We met already?” Renjun asked
“yup, you guys were in training. He was the only boy in our grade that was this tall and handsome.” i said looking down as I could practically all hear them whip their heads towards Jeno.”it was short lived but this boy will forever remain as the boy I liked first.
“Is he still as handsome?” Jeno asked looking at me from across the fire with a small smile, i could feel the rest of the boys eyes peering into me.
“Other girls seem to think so.” i said smiling back at him. Haechan laughed beside me
“AWWW! LITTLE Y/N’s FIRST CRUSH IS JENO!” He said roaring with laughter, which caused all the other boys to start laughing.
“WHAT?! i wasn’t the only one to crush on him that year!” i said defending myself “not my fault the rest of you refused to go through puberty.” i said they all took that so well. I was kind of shocked
“Hey! my voice was dropping already.” Jisung said defensively
“it’s still dropping!” I said to him “girls go crazy for it online.” i said “if they only knew what a baby you are.” i said laughing. He shot me a dirty look. “Okay if you are all done.” i said turning to Haechan
“Dare.” he said looking me in the eye.
“I dare you to finish that bottle of juice in 30 seconds.” i said pointing to the full bottle beside him
“Easy.” he said picking it up “timer!” he said
“Go!” Jisung said. We all watched as he chugged the juice quickly “he’s done that before.” Jisung said as he watched. He finished the bottle with 7 seconds left and wiped his lips while looking at me
“Told you.” he said. I sat there pouting. The game went on for two hours. We had tons of fun. Chenle made me do their choreo in front of everyone while they filmed it. I wanted to die. We all sat around the campfire just talking about the past school year and how much fun we had. Jeno yawned first.
“we should go to bed.” i said stretching my legs out. “How are we all sleeping?” I  asked standing up a shiver went down my spine as the wind brushed my hair across my neck. “it’s getting chilly.” I said I went over to my bag and dug out my comfy clothes. sweats and a long t-shirt.”I’m changing in the tent!” I said running into our tent. I could hear then all fumbling around outside the tent, yelling at each other, beating each other up from the sounds of things.
“y/n hurry upppp.” Haechan whined from just outside the tent pulling at the zipper.
“Stop it! or you’re all sleeping outside.” i said as I slipped into my sweats. I changed from my real bra to my sports bra and slipped my shirt over. I sat down and washed up my face.
“What are you doing??” Jisung asked
“Washing up.” I said as I went over my forehead a few times.
“Washing up on a camping trip.” Jeno said flatly.
“Don’t come for me when you’re all breaking out when we get back.” I said as I packed up my things “Come in.” I said shoving my bag in the corner. The zipper  opened they’re all came piling in carrying sleeping bags and pillows and blankets. They were all kind of hunched over and bumping into each other shoving and i’m backed against the back wall of the tent “GUYS! wait!” everyone back out!” they all practically fell out of the tent I followed suit and grabbed my sleeping bag and pillow from the pile they abandoned it in. I looked at them all varying stages of bickering with each other.
“Oldest to youngest.” Renjun said.
“Fine.” Jaemin said knowing he had a chance at a good spot being fourth, the rest of us all groaned and nodded in agreement. My birthday was in November.so I was third last. This was my first time sleeping over with all of them. over the years i’d spend the night at one of their houses or one of them mine but never all of us at once. I sometimes wonder what other stuff I missed out on having no girlfriends I grabbed my headphones and my blanket. I was waiting. Renjun went into the tent first and set up his bed along the back wall.
“HEY! wait!” I  said as Jeno started walking into the tent! “There’s enough room for me to sleep along that back wall too. Renjun and I Horizontal and the rest of you guys spread out vertical along us.” I said looking at all of them hopeful “look at you guys if any of you try and fit there it’ll never work.” I said gesturing at how tall they were. “Renjun is JUST short enough that I’ll fit and it’ll create more room!”
“wow! she’s a genius!” Jaemin said as he looked at the room they’d all have. they all nodded and i made my way into the tent. I rolled out my sleeping bag and sat on it. the rest started coming in and rolling out their things. Jaemin and Chenle slept on myside. Jeno and Haechan on Renjun’s side and Jisung planted himself straight in the middle. “I can’t believe it.” Jaemin said laying down starfishing on his sleeping bag “so much room.”
“We don’t get to cuddle.” I said pretending to sound sad.
“What are you talking about. i’m gonna cuddle Jeno all night.” i heard Haechan say from the other side of the tent.
“YOU BETTER NOT!” Jeno said. and then they started fighting. At least I think, my eyes were closed i was so comfy.it was warm in the tent, it was really getting cold outside. “First to sleep has to build the fire and cook in the morning.” Renjun announced as he sat up and took out a deck of cards. We started our uno Marathon. It was already kind of late. The first few rounds were fun and exciting, then I started losing and getting tired.
“Look! y/n’s getting sleepy.” Jeno teased as I dozed off.
“I’m not.” I whined opening my eyes.
“I can go all night.” Haechan said excitedly
“We know!” we all said in varying stages of annoyance. Haechan was really a work of science, the boy barely slept and was still so energetic.
“I’ll have that food ready when you guys get up.” I said grumpily as I slid back into my corner of the tent. I faced towards the window so the glow of the lantern we had on wasn’t as bright. I put on my headphones and fell asleep listening to my favourite songs. I woke the next morning to see the sunlight coming through the crack in the window cover. I blindly rolled over and let my eyes adjust to the glow. I saw Jaemin sleeping right in front of me, at least I think it was jaemin, his head was covered. I looked and saw jisung beside him rolled up like a burrito and down to see chenle all spread out half off his sleeping bag. I heard Renjun lightly snoring above me. I couldn’t see where jeno and Haechan ended up. I reached around for my phone it was around 10. Perfect time to get up on a day off I thought. I tried my best to quietly get up, I was actually so warm in that tent. The sun shining warmed everything up. I quietly made my way out of the tent trying really hard not to step on anyone. I saw a glimpse of Jeno and Haechan in the back corner of the tent. Haechan clinging onto jeno for dear life. I couldn’t help the giggle the escaped. Jeno would die if he knew. I went and dug a bottle of water out of the cooler, I chugged half of it and started digging for our food. I took out the eggs, and instant rice we bought. I grabbed the kettle and filled it with some of our water. I walked back over to the fire and wondered how I would start it. I saw chenle doing it last night but did he make the sticks a certain way, did he use a match? why did he need that paper? I sat down on a chair trying to think back to how he did it. I heard rustling in the tent then as if on cue Chenle popped his head out and sleepily made his way over to our bathroom bushes. I waited for him to come back 
“You going back to bed?” I asked him as he sleepily approached me 
“Nah I’m up.” he said walking over to me, his morning voice something I’ve never heard before. 
“Good.” I said. “I need help.” I said looking up at him batting my eyes holding the matches out to him. he laughed as he took them. 
“You wanna learn?” He asked as he crouched down rubbing his eyes with one hand sliding the matches out of the box with the other, He pushed up his hoodie sleeves I noticed the bracelet I gave him at christmas still tied on his wrist. I nodded then crouched down beside him. “okay.” he said clearing his throat. “First we make the wood pile nothing too crazy, just enough to burn for a while. He said “then we take something small to burn first. In this case.” He said holding up the newspaper i had brought along “it’s paper, you take a small bit of this and then crumple it so then you light it and throw it into the smaller sticks underneath and then slowly the rest of the wood catches fire.” he said as he lit the newspaper.and threw it in. Sure enough there was smoke and small flames growing. 
“Wow.” I said and he turned to me and smiled. “Thank you.” I said he nodded then sat on the chair behind him. I stood up, I went over to get him a water bottle. I brought it back to him he looked up at me thankfully. he opened it and chugged all of it. “thirsty?” I asked he nodded. He was so sweet when it was just the two of us. I loved that he was this comfortable around me to let his little guard down. He’s told me all of his worries in the past. stuff only Jisung and I would probably ever know. He wasn’t just a spoiled rich kid. He lets people believe that about him sometimes. “It’s easier that way.” he said to me. He’s so incredibly passionate about everything he does but it seems like it all comes easy to him. Every one goes on about Haechan’s sunny demeanor but no one ever notices Chenle’s. I used to wonder it if was an act for him to be this happy and fun all the time. Then I realized he really loves what he does and who hes with. He wears his heart on his sleeve. These are all the things I’ve loved and will continue to love about him once I get over my phyisical attraction to him. don’t even get me started on that. I looked over at him as the fire grew before us. His hair catching the light just right, His face a little puffy from sleeping but that just made him cuter. his facial features delicate in a way. The way his hoodie hung on him slightly as it was too big for his growing frame. His little sweater paws. i smiled. He looked over at me 
“What?” He asked with a shy smile looking away 
“Nothing.” I said “You’re just a cutie.” I added teasing him. he blushed ten shades deep and looked away swatting his hand at me. I laughed “Thank you for the fire. i would have never done it.” I admitted 
“It’s no problem.” he said “I learned years ago.” He laughed as he thought back “my mom wanted me to know. you’re wife will thank you later in life.” she would tell me.” He laughed looking up at me through his eyelashes 
“lets’ hope your wife is as good a chef as me.” I said teasingly and he blushed again. He was so fun to tease. I went over to my pile of food and started getting it ready. I put the kettle on the fire and took out a frying pan. I started scrambling the egg’s in a big bowl. “you think they’ll get up anytime soon?” I asked him, he shrugged “this is enough for the two of us?” I asked him holding my bowl. He nodded. I poured them into the pan and cooked them til they were perfect. As if on cue the kettle slowly started it’s crescendo into screaming but Chenle stopped it before it could go full volume. i smiled a thanks at him. I took the eggs off and put them onto a paper plate. I Then opened two rice cups and poured the water in. I put the kettle off to the side.
“I’m starving” He said as we waited for the Rice to cook. I separated our eggs and got us cups of juice. Chenle and I sat beside each other sharing a small table between us. “let’s eat.” He said holding up his rice cup to me then digging in. It was so peaceful, the birds we’re chirping, The sun was shining but not beating down on us too hard that it was unbearable. The fresh air now mixed with the smell of our food. I looked up at Chenle between bites as he ate his food.”this is so good.” He said smiling at me. We slowly started talking about what he plans to do next time he goes to china, We talked about how much fun it would be if we all went out with him. He told me of all the places he wanted to show me. It was honestly so much fun just sitting and talking with him, He lit up when he talked about things he loved and that made me happy. I forgot it wasn’t a camping trip with just the two of us until Jaemin was suddenly behind Chenle. 
“Morning.” he smiled at me a huge smile and thumbs up from behind Chenle 
“Morning.” I said looking down
“Anything left for me?” He asked looking at our empty containers
“Yeah. coming right up.” I said, getting up to gather my cooking items. So much time had passed I put the kettle back on 
“I wasn’t interrupting was I?” he asked sitting down across from us pointing between Chenle and I yawning.
“we finished awhile ago.” I said trying to discreetly give him a dirty look. 
“Ah.” he said sitting back as Chenle tossed him a water bottle. I cooked him a bunch of scrambled eggs and let the kettle scream this time so everyone could wake up. After I took it off I heard a bunch of grumbling coming from the tent. I couldn’t help but laugh as one by one they all crawled out of the tent. 
“So are we swimming today?” Jisung asked excitedly as he ate.
“Yeah!” renjun said “The lake isn’t far from here.” 
“okay. Eat up then we’ll go.” I said. I had been saving a two piece suit forever, I always wore a one piece around them and they wore t-shirts too but i was almost an adult now I could wear what i wanted. I was too scared to wear it in actual public. “You guys go to the lake and change there i’ll come after.” I said as they all finished eating “I’ll clean up then meet you in like 15.” they all nodded and and gathered their things I could hear their banter slowly fade as I cleaned up all of our breakfast. I threw some water on the fire and went to change in the tent. I wasn’t as revealing as I had previously thought. The bottoms were almost shorts and the top was almost like a sports bra but it had cute little lacing up the middle. it would be perfect for the lake. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me, I felt self conscious as the breeze his all my exposed skin. I grabbed Haechan’s speaker and some bottles of water and made my way in the direction they had left. I  wasn’t walking long before I could hear them all playing around screaming. I walked closer and closer to the sound then I finally smelled the freshness of the lake. I could see it in the distance all of their heads floating around. 
“HEY!” I yelled out. they all turned and waved, only their heads poking out. I waved back “is it cold?” U asked 
“No! Just get in here!” Haechan said. I put my things down and laid my towel out. I turned to see all of them staring at me. Different unreadable expressions Jisung looking down and anywhere but at me, I sighed, Teenage boys. of all times for them to notice me it’s now. 
“You bought that when we went to the mall?” Jeno asked confused
“No” i said making way towards the water and jumping in “I’ve had this for years.” I said popping up and pushing my hair back “I’ve been too scared to wear it but it’s just us.” I said 
“In that case.” Jaemin said making his way to the shore. He got out to about his knees then flung the t-shirt the clung to him off and made his way back in 
“He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Jisung said floating on his back
”Jaemin make me uncomfortable?” I laughed as he came over and shoved me over. I splashed him back but ended up hitting Haechan behind the head he then came over and shoved me under the water. I came back out and then we started chasing each other all over the water. We played around for a few hours before I was exhausted and needed a drink. I went over to the shore and laid out my towel. I sat on it bringing my knees close to my chest as I drank some water. I looked out at the boys. Chenle and jisung  and Haechan we’re still playing with each other. Renjun was floating around living his best life and Jaemin and Jeno made their way towards me. 
“You brought the speaker!” Jeno said excitedly as he sat beside me splashing me in the process. I protested and shoved him over as he shook his hair at me. “Give me your phone!” he said as he fiddled around with the speaker. it wasn’t long before he had songs playing on the speaker for all to hear. They all turned in our direction and started making their way over to us. It wasn’t long before we were all laying on the lake shore, music blasting, The shade of the tree above protecting us from the hot sun that shone down.We lazed around on the shore all afternoon. It was late afternoon, We should be heading back for food sooner or later. I sat up 
“Anyone hungry?” i asked. They all said no. 
“i want to go back in the water, We should have brought a ball or something.” Jisung said. as they all agreed in varying stages of laziness. 
“Lets go then!” I said standing up and running into the water. Jisung followed suit. the were a few rocks so we were chasing each other back and forth to those seeing who could swim faster then that brought everyone else into the water. I washed away all of my impending worries in those moments. Living in the moment as the summer faded around us. Times I will remember for the rest of my life. The smiles of each of these boys that mean the world to me. The time where all we had was each other and we knew we’d be okay. I sat up on a rock and looked out at them. The same boys i knew at 14 now almost adults. So much we’ve been through but so much to go through yet. So many feelings and experiences to explore. So much life to live and i’m grateful to live it with them.  
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His Girl
Pairing: 40′s Bucky x Reader
Warnings: ANGST! With a tiny bit of gore. 
Word Count:  2372
A/N: Okay so the universe this is in is kind of weird. There’s no Steve and there’s no Hydra. 
Summary: Bucky falls in love with the right girl at the wrong time. 
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He’d just returned from some feral battle - shaken up and jittery, but surprisingly unscathed. Some higher up had insisted he and a platoon advance on enemy territory. So, like any good soldier, he’d done as told.
Only this time, he hadn’t expected it to be so bloody.
That’s all he recalled.
Pools of red. Mangled flesh. Stray limbs. Uniforms blackened with blood. Disfigured faces.
Every image he’d seen earlier that day had embedded themselves into his mind with no plan of leaving.
His feet had found their way to the far corner of the mess hall, far from his loud companions. He looked down, and a tray of dry chicken and even dryer potatoes had made their way before him. Numbly, he took a bite.
A firm hand had landed itself on his back, causing him to jolt a bit. Turning around, Bucky had immediately noticed the face. It’d been one of the men from the tank. He was surprised he’d made it.
“You alright Barnes?!” The man grinned, breath reeking of liquor. Bucky straightened up a bit and mustered up his signature maverick smirk. He cleared his throat as the clearly intoxicated man plopped down next to him.
“I’m just… fine and dandy. You?”
“Couldn’t be better!” The man’s gaze lowered to Bucky’s crotch. “And… apparently, neither could you.” Bucky looked back at his brother in arms, embarrassed and even more confused. “Romantic dinner with the missus, eh?”
The Sargent tilted his head “what are you -”
Then he looked down in his lap.
And there you were. Sitting crossed legged on a bench in some place that looked like Central Park. There was a bow in your curled hair. You smiled toothily, shoulder popped, bright-eyed and glossy-lipped, knowing exactly how good you looked. Along the length of your body, ran an expensive looking dress that outlined every dip and curve flawlessly. It’d been satin, he figured, and sleeveless with just the right amount of cleavage showing. You were an image of tantalizing damehood and girlishness, all rolled up in one.
Absolutely breathtaking. He thought.
The only thing was, Bucky had no idea how the bewitching woman ended up in his lap.
“I sure wish I had her to go back home to.” His fellow soldier grumbled, taking a bite of Bucky’s chicken and standing. “You’re a lucky guy, Barnes! Always lucky!”
“Yeah…” He held you between his thumb and forefinger. “I guess I am.”
And with that, the man left. Leaving Bucky and his stranger completely alone.
Bucky squinted at the photo in his hand, attempting to absorb the angel before him. Finally, his eyes landed on the upper right corner of the portrait. Scribbled in wobbly cursive were a Brooklyn address and your name. Silently, he put the name to the beautiful girl and it all made sense. Surely, you were a sign from God. Something to take his mind off of the trepidation he’d endured that day.
There had been no better remedy.
Before Bucky knew it, word spread around the camp like wildfire. Everyone asked to see Bucky’s girl, and he’d show you off willingly. Many men would whistle and make lewd remarks. The more sentimental of the bunch would show him the pictures of their wives and reminisce. Amongst the bickering and scrapping in the camp, there’s one thing everyone could agree on:
Bucky was lucky to have such a knockout of a girl.
He wasn’t exactly sure how you’d slithered your way into his breast pocket, but he wasn’t complaining.
It’d been a week since the war ended. In a matter of a few days, Bucky had been shipped back home from Europe and he’d made it back to his little corner of Brooklyn. It’d been late afternoon when he’d finally reached. Music flowed into the streets from the apartment windows. Streamers hung in the barber shops and diners and lamp posts. For the first time ever, Bucky had seen a sense of community in his little niche of New York. But amongst all the carousing, nothing was as beautiful as the girl he kept in his breast pocket. As he neared your street, he could hear his heart pounding in your ears.
Would you like him? Would you be just like he imagined?
It was getting dark when he stopped in front of your door. From the outside of the small townhouse, he could see a warm light emitting from behind the flowery curtains. Those curtains emulated you. With a sudden burst of bravery, Bucky stepped forward, knocked and waited.
Needless to say, he wasn’t met with the bright smile he’d been expecting.
Instead, a quivering young woman emerged from behind the door, a patterned shawl thrown around her shoulders. You examined Bucky with furrowed brows and a wary frown. It was clear you’d just woken up.
You sounded just like he imagined. Silvery and light. He’d practically melted on your doorstep in spite of your cold, guarded demeanor. Even in her semi-conscious state, she was alluring.
“Can I help you?” You asked again, hands tight around the doorknob.
Bucky shifted his weight on his feet. “Uh... yeah. Yeah, you’re Y/N, right?”
You nodded slowly. Once. Then twice. 
“Can I come in?” He asked, entirely knowing he was overstepping some boundaries.
You gave Bucky a once over, then nodded again and cracked the door open a bit wider. Bucky stepped into the threshold, clumsily tripping over the copious amount of shoes in front of the door. While you closed the door, the young woman voiced a small apology. If he squinted, he could have sworn he saw the tiniest smirk pull at your lips. Instantly, his ears went warm. “You can sit here.” Bucky shuffled over to the open living room and sat on the velvet couch. You sat across from him in a chair that looked all too uncomfortable. If he stared long enough, (which he did a few times) he would have seen that you mimicked the crossed legged posture of that in his photo only far less glamorous.
Once he took you in a few more times, he glanced around the room.
He was taken back by the look of the place. He expected each windowsill to be brimming with potted plants, the tables to be polished, the floors and counters to be pristine. He expected to be met with the smell of vanilla and clean laundry. Instead, it smelled faintly of cologne and peeling paint. Everything was mostly grey, with the occasional splash of beige, brown, or green. The small living room had been littered with letters, all of which were torn open, some of which were strewn across the dusty floor. Every table and wall was covered with framed pictures of you and another man. One who looked all too familiar. It had taken all of this to make Bucky realize that the world he’d dreamt up for you was one of fallacy. From the looks of the tiny flat, you’d had been a paycheck short of being dirt poor.
“I don’t understand... are you a friend of my husband?” Your small voice snapped him out of his thoughts. You’d been watching him this entire time. Bucky cleared his throat and straightened up. “Yes. No! I mean... I... I found him.”
The memories came flooding back from that July afternoon.
Pools of red. Mangled flesh. Stray limbs. Uniforms blackened with blood. Disfigured faces.
In the heap of bodies stood out one soldier in particular.
A tall man lay in the mud with a particularly peaceful face. His hair was neat under his helmet. His jacket was buttoned all the way to the top. His glasses were fastened ideally on his face.
If one were to ignore the way his torso trailed feet away from his legs, it would almost look as if he were sleeping.
As Bucky inched closer to your husband, he felt a pang of survivors guilt. If there was a man who looked the closest to alive, it was him. If he made it home, Bucky thought, he seems like he would have made a good lawyer or accountant. A good provider.
“He was… waitin’ to be buried. I opened his jacket and there you were…”
Upon further inspection, Bucky could see something sticking out of the front pocket of your husband's breast pocket. Curiously, and knowing he shouldn’t, Bucky pulled out a letter and a portrait. Your portrait.
The look of mistrust on your face was replaced with horror.
“... You took my photo from him?” The crack in your voice made him want to cry. Bucky nodded slowly, internally cringing at how horrible it had sounded in retrospect.
“It was next to the letter.” His leg bounced frantically.
You were sure you’d opened every one of your husband’s letters.
“What letter?”  
“His letter back to you. It was like the one that… if I died, I’d want to have mailed home. Not stuck in the ground with me.” Bucky eyed his shoes, afraid his heart would shatter into a million pieces if he looked up at you. “No man wants to think his last words won’t make it home so I told myself I’d take it home” he took a shaky breath “to you.”
“Where is it?”
“Huh?” He looked up and met your unwavering gaze.
“Where’s the letter?” You urged.
Shakily, Bucky reached for the letter in his pocket. You watched his hand with insane precision. Finally, he pulled out the letter. “This was all that was left.” Instantly, you recognized your husband’s penmanship. The bottom half of the paper was completely singed off.
Your bones went stiff.
“No! No! Hey!”
Bucky was no medic, but he could tell when someone was going into shock.
He stepped over the coffee table and caught you just in time with big eyes and strong arms. “There was a fire in the field and I accidentally dropped it!” He lied. “Your husband wasn’t burned! He wasn’t I don’t know how he died, but he wasn’t burned, alright?”
Your breathing calmed as he ran his hand along the expanse of your back.
“Alright, Y/N?”
Had it been under any other circumstances, you would’ve fallen in love with grey-blue eyes. You straightened and nodded curtly, trying not to get too distracted. Bucky helped you back onto your couch and sat next to you. His hand had made its way into yours. The contact felt all too good. It’d been months since you’d been touched by your husband, let alone any man. To have this stranger next to you, holding your hand, face inches from yours, was overwhelming. In the back of your mind, you felt the tiniest urge to kiss him.
Instead, you bolted to the kitchen, discarding your shawl and straightening your blouse on the way there. Bucky followed you like a lost puppy. “You alright, miss?”
“Where are my manners?” You turned and feigned a flimsy smile. “Are you hungry?”
Bucky nodded.“I could eat…”
“Good! I only have crackers and coffee? How does that sound?”
Bucky watched you from the threshold, as you scrambled to find ingredients, frantically yanking open cabinets and slamming drawers closed. You never managed to find the crackers. So you searched the top cabinets for the coffee. As you stood on your toes and reached, the tin of coffee grounds toppled off the shelf and emptied itself all over the kitchen tile. You dropped along with it and began to weep.
Feral. That’s what your wailing sounded like. More like an injured animal than a woman. Again, Bucky’s arms found themselves around your heaving shoulders, almost as if he wanted to squeeze the heartache out of you. He pressed small kisses onto your forehead and hair. He let you cry onto his jacket. It’d been the only way he knew how to help. Once your breathing became even, Bucky lay his chin on your head, inhaled, then began.
“To my dolly Y/N,” he cleared his throat.
Your shoulders tensed.
That was your nickname.
“I cannot tell you where my Earthly body will be as I write you this, but I can tell you where my heart lies. It’s with you at home. You’re reading your book in my chair. I’m returning from the garden with dirt under my nails. We’re meeting for the first time. I hold you in my arms. You’re saying yes to my proposal. We’re walking down to Nathan’s together. Your stomach swells with our children and we’re hand in hand. It’s in all these places where my heart lies. Keep my shoes by the door, keep my coat on the stand. I mean to come home to you. And only death will stop me. In that case, I’ll send you these words. I love you. For always and always. Your guy, Tommy.”
With that, his arms loosened their grip on you. You missed the closeness.
“Sorry…” Bucky scratched his neck. “I didn’t mean to memorize all of that.”
“Thank you.” You turned in his arms and looked up at him, fat tears still running down your face.
“I know - I’m sorry I took you from him... I just... needed to...” I needed you to get me through that. “I needed to get this to you. It’s what he wanted.”
You nodded once. Then twice. Then rose to your feet.
“How about you take a seat out there and I’ll make you some soup?”
“Sounds great.” He said, standing and brushing the grounds off of his trousers.
You smiled. Genuinely this time. Toothy. Just like in the photo.
Satisfied, Bucky made his way back to the living room and sat. He heard you click on the radio.
There was the sound of a broom brushing against the tile. The knife against the chopping board. The bubbling of the pot on the stove. The sounds of home. But not his home.
With one final peek into the kitchen, Bucky slinked to the door and slipped your portrait and the singed letter into a pair of Tommy’s shoes. He was careful not to step on them as he headed outside and into the cool September night.
Not in this lifetime,
He thought.
But maybe in another.
Did you guys like this one? Feel free to reblog and comment!
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Hi :) I loved your gladnis x reader fic... Was wondering if you could do a fic with all four of the Chocobros x reader? Like an OT4+1? Like the boys were already discreetly in a relationship and s/o was their best friend who felt like she was imposing. The boys all loved s/o so they decided to slowly show their love and affection (taking her on little dates, hanging out, and spending time together) before asking for her love in return? I think it would be adorable (^^)
This one was really hard to start, but once I got going it flowed pretty easily. Sorry, btw, I’m back on my dreams of owning a motorcycle, again.
Taglist: @idiotflowerex
Five of Hearts
You were good friends with the Bros, “your boys”, as you called them. You’d known Noctis the longest, having met when your family began serving King Regis. The two of you became fast friends. From there you got to become friends with Ignis, Gladio, and finally Prompto. You enjoyed each friendship individually, but together the five of you were a whole new level of wonderful.
You helped the men get ready and leave Insomnia for Noct’s trip. There had been an offer to bring you along, but you joked that the car was too crowded. You got a hug from each of them as they got ready to leave, before Prompto jumped on your back and yelled, “GROUP HUG!” Everyone laughed as you were embraced by four of the greatest people in your life.
It was that memory that got you through the next few weeks. Pain from missing your best friends was only outdone by the pain of losing your entire city in one night. Everything was gone. Your King was murdered, your home razed. Daemons wandered the streets you grew up on. You weren’t even sure if anyone you loved had escaped.
You almost didn’t make it out of the city. You were one of the last ones to leave because you were trying to save everyone you could. The refugee district didn’t have any other heros, you were their only hope for protection as they fled. You were still in the middle of the city with no options to get past the daemons on each corner, when all six gods must have smiled upon you: you discovered a motorcycle with the keys still in it! It even started for you! You sent up a prayer as the nimble vehicle was able to get you past daemons and wreckage as you left the gates of Insomnia.
You rode as far as the bike would take you. Somehow, that was all the way to Hammerhead. You handed it off to Cindy, hoping she could help you fix it. You were sort of attached to the impractical thing as it had gotten you out of Insomnia. Now, it was all you had left of your home. Cindy saw the exhaustion apparent on your face and sent you off to the diner for some food.
Inside, you were met with a full house of refugees. One group recognized you and made room at their table. You were thankful for somewhere to simply sit.
The radio was broadcasting news about the event, but the service kept breaking up. “Prince…is thought…” was all you heard. Noct and the boys! You thought, grabbing at your pocket for your phone. Your fingers touched broken glass. What you pulled out was a phone with a shattered screen that was falling off. Falling to the ground was your only hope at hearing from the guys. You couldn’t take much more of this, so you stormed from the diner to get some air and cry alone.
Rain started to fall with your tears. You looked off in the distance to see smoke still rising from the ruins of Insomnia. All you wanted was to shout, to throw things, to cry, to collapse all at the same time. The cold rain soaked you, making you shiver. Your mind wandered back to that amazing group hug.
Where were the guys? Where they ok? Had they made it to Altissa?
All you wanted was to hear their voices.
A kind old woman came out of the caravan and offered you a place in the warmth. You allowed her to take you inside, falling asleep when you sat down.
The next day you woke early and slowly rose, primarily because your back hurt from sleeping so oddly. Outside, you stood out in the cold desert morning, a light fog clinging to the ground from the rain. Cindy saw you and called you over, showing you the now operational motorcycle.
As you learned all about motorbikes form Cindy, you heard footsteps approached from behind the shop. Who could be approaching from back there, you wondered. You readied yourself, expecting the worst.
“…[Y/N]?” The great man almost whispered as he saw you. Gladio had rounded the corner of the shop. He was shirtless, dirty, and battered, but he was there.
“GLADIO!” You screamed, your heart racing you into his arms. You collided with him, barely even moving him. He wrapped his strong arms around you tightly.
More footsteps. You looked up to see the rest of your boys running towards you. They were all battered and dirty, but you had never seen a more beautiful sight.
“[Y/N]!!” Prompto cried, eyes watering, as he latched onto your body, not caring that Gladio still held you.
Noctis was next, he latched onto you, burying his face into the hug. “It’s so good to see you…”
Ignis was beaming at you as he embraced your little glomping, his long arms wrapping up everything like a bow.
The five of you stayed like that for as long as you could. You loved every moment of it, as you were safe, warm, and ever so loved in the arms of all you had ever wanted.
Eventually, you did break apart, but none of them ever stood far from you.
“What happened? We’ve been trying to call you?” Ignis began, the first to need answers.
You simply pulled what remained of your phone from your pocket. Gladio hummed in acknowledgement.
Prompto flinched at the sight of the device. “How’d that happen?!”
“Daemons, MTs, motorcycle ride…who knows?” You answered.
“At the same time?!” Prompto looked at you like he was meeting a childhood hero. You could simply laugh, but he wasn’t far from the truth.
“I’m just glad you’re safe,” Noctis added, coming up beside you.
You smiled, looking around at them.
You all ate at the diner, talking about what had occurred. Ignis was most impressed by your motorcycle idea for getting out of the city.
“Now what’re you gonna do?” Prompto asked between mouthfuls.
The idea hadn’t occurred to you.
The men looked at each other before sharing a smile. “Well, then. It sounds like you’re coming with us!” Noctis said definitively.
You set out for the guys’ campsite soon after breakfast. They had set up just behind Hammerhead, having arrived late in the night.
You bought your own camping supplies, primarily a small tent and a sleeping bag, so that you wouldn’t intrude on the guys. Gladio joked how it would be warmer if you slept with them, making you blush.
In the mornings, you finally had a reason to get out of bed, again. You loved to help Ignis with breakfast and train with Gladio.
Having slept in one morning, you emerged to see Gladio and Ignis kissing. Blushing furiously, you ducked back into your little tent. It wasn’t that you didn’t approve, you thought the guys would be fantastic together! But you felt like you had just seen a very intimate moment that you shouldn’t have.
“You’re up late.” Gladio said, as you still sat blushing. Oh gods, he saw me, you thought. You emerged, still blushing, to see Gladio laughing and Ignis blushing, as well.
A similar situation happened in Lestallum. You were flipping through Prompto’s pictures when you found one of him and Noctis kissing. You turned fiery red. Prompto saw the photo over your shoulder, as you stared at it, and snatched the camera away. He whistled as he walked away with it.
You were happy that the guys were all happy. They were great together! But it was extremely hard to handle being the only single person around a bunch of guys who were dating each other…
Time went on, the five of you camping around Eos together. But the boys were concocting a plan for you.
You were maintaining your bike at the campsite, having settled early in the day so that Noctis could go fishing, when Ignis approached you.
“I’ve been wondering…isn’t it rather hard to enjoy the view when you’re always riding?” He asked, pointing at your bike.
“Sure…but you get a different type of view.”
“And your hair never gets to experience the sensation of the wind under that helmet!” He added.
You raised an eyebrow at your friend. “Do you want to ride the bike, Iggy?” You teased.
“No, rather I want you come on a drive with me.” He promptly replied. He had such determination in his voice, he must have been preparing this.
You were taken aback, not knowing the guys to ever keep plans from you.
“Besides, we need groceries.” Ignis winked, already getting into the driver’s seat of the Regalia. You hopped into the passenger seat beside him.
The drive was more exhilarating than you expected. Ignis made a path along the coast with the top of the car down, pop music playing on the radio. For you, he pushed the Regalia, going well above his normal speed. You stretched your arms over your head and let your hair flow in the wind. A cry of joy escaped your lips into the salty air.
You covered your mouth, embarrassed, but Ignis just looked over at you laughing. His smile was brighter than even the sun.
You kept your little escapade to yourselves, not wanting to upset Gladio.
Soon after, you moved camp inland to the Chocobo Farm. Prompto was over the moon and his joy was infectious.
Ignis was starting dinner for the night, when Prom approached you. “Psst, hey!” He came up beside you like the two of you weren’t talking. “Wanna embark on a secret mission with me?” His eyebrows danced on his forehead. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sure, Prom, what’s up?”
“Let’s go see the baby chocobos!! They’re only like, a week old!” He was bouncing and pumping his arms he was so excited.
Wanting to catch a glimpse of the babies, too, you agreed. They were going to be so cute!
The two of you snuck into a barn on the farm. It was filled with fully grown mama chocobos and their new chicks.
Prompto was a red mess sputtering gibberish at the sight. You weren’t much better.
Quietly, you approached one adult. “Hey, mama, mind if we we see your baby?” You asked, as you were far more coherent than Prompto. She seemed to understand you as she raised a wing to reveal four yellow puffballs under her.
Prompto crept closer. He looked the adult in the eyes, gulping. “May I…May I touch one?” The bird bowed her head and didn’t move as Prompto picked up a small chick. You followed suit, the yellow puff being the softest thing your hands had ever felt.
You had to feel the soft tuft on your face. You held it up to your cheek and the chick sneezed and shook. You and Prompto were so taken by the cuteness of the moment that only sounds could be made.
The two of you sat there, cooing and petting the small birds. Soon, their siblings awoke. Missing out on the attention, they chirped and bounced over to your laps. You looked up to each other to see the utter joy and excitement painted on the other’s face.
But your evening was truly made when, while you were cuddling her chicks, mama chocobo got up, waddled over, and laid down to cuddle at your backs. Snuggled in your own fluffy nest, you and Prompto giggled as you cuddled the adorable family.
A few days later, you were back on the coast. You had set up camp along the rocks at the bottom of a steep cliff, making sleeping difficult.
Walking out of your tent late at night, you found you were not the only one up. Noctis sat on a small dock by himself, wrapped in a blanket.
“Can’t sleep?” you asked, coming up next to him.
“Naw, you too?” He replied.
You nodded, staring in the same direction as him. The two of you stood there, admiring the ocean for awhile.
“Wanna fish?” He whispered to you. You burst out laughing, leave it to Noct to think about fishing in a quiet moment. He was smiling at you, knowing how ridiculous he sounded.
“C’mon! I’ve never gotten you to fish before!” He added, fake indigency tinged his voice.
“No, because fish freak me out!” You retorted.
“Just try it! I’ll handle the fish for you! You handle the line!” He had already summoned his fishing pole.
Having nothing better to do, you agreed.
He stood behind you, teaching you how to cast, and pulled with you when a fish bit and you had to reel it in. His body was warm and his teaching was soothing. He was patient with you and gentle. The experience made you blush.
A cold wind blew off the ocean to remedy the heat in your cheeks, though. You shivered, the fishing pole still in your hands. Suddenly, you felt Noctis over your back. “Wha?!”
“You’re cold, but I’m cold, too. This way, the blanket keeps me warm and I keep you warm.” His logic was…present. You laughed as the two of you cuddled on the dock that night.
Days past. Your spirits took a dive as you started the search for lost hunters. Ever dog tag you found hit close to home. It was someone who wouldn’t get to see their family again, someone who wouldn’t see the future.
The guys took notice of how much it hit you, but Gladio decided to do something about it.
You were back at your campsite outside Hammerhead. The Regalia had taken some hits from daemons and needed repairs.
You were up late, just chatting and telling jokes with Gladio as the other men had gone to sleep.
“Hey, wanna get some food?” He asked suddenly. You expected him to pull out some cup noodles, but instead he got up.
“Where are you going?” You asked, confused.
“Taka’s. He’s still up.” You looked where Gladio was pointing, seeing Hammerhead still lit up.
The two of you made your way to the outpost, fighting few daemons along the way. Music and laughter met you upon your journey.
You entered the barriers and heard people celebrating inside Cindy’s shop.
“What’s going on?” You asked, hoping Gladio knew.
“I dunno. Let’s see.” He replied walking around to the front.
The garage door was open. String lights covered the tall ceiling of the shop. Refugees and Hammerhead citizens were dancing to music, eating, and singing inside. It was a full celebration.
Many cheered when they saw you, pulling you into the party. It turned out it was a child’s birthday, today. The refugees decided to have a full celebration to bring joy back into everyone’s lives.
You escaped some of the partying to breathe outside. Gladio met you. “Having fun?” He asked, smiling at you.
“You knew about this, didn’t you?” You smiled at the sly man. He just smiled back.
Gladio turned to look at all of the people in the garage. “This is because of you, you know.”
“You helped to save every one of these people. What you did in the city wasn’t for nothing.” You turned to share his gaze. “Sure, sometimes we lose people, but sometimes… we don’t.” His kind smile warmed every part of your soul.
“Thank you…” you said to him. He just pushed you back into the party.
You truly loved your men, every one of them. You were so happy that they were happy, but part of you wished for more time with each one.
You were all eating dinner one night, Ignis was trying to get Noctis to eat his vegetables, again. It was a great game, but Ignis was determined to win this match.
You watched as the tactician flew over the table towards Noctis. Before Noctis could react, Ignis took hold of his shirt, his other hand holding a fork full of veggies. Iggy’s face moved closer to Noct’s until they were practically touching.
“Vegetables or nothing,” he growled to Noctis.
“Fine.” Noctis’s lips parted and the fork slid in.
You were furiously blushing at the whole experience. Blinking, you realized the others were seeing this same scene. They had to be reacting!
Looking around, you saw that they…were laughing. You felt planted in your seat, blushing.
The guys continued their dinner like nothing happened. “Er…guys?” You asked. You were so confused.
“What’s up?” Prompto asked.
“Not to be nosey…but…I’m confused…who’s dating who?” You stammered.
All of them looked at you, stunned. “Oh, we all are.” Ignis answered.
Wait…what? How? That’s a thing? You supposed that would be a thing. It made sense, but you hadn’t known!
“Ohhh…” is all you could say. A thought left your mouth as it formed: “Am I…interfering?”
“NO!” They all said at once!
You felt your body involuntarily push backwards.
Noctis started softly laughing. “You know, we were actually wondering what you think about it.”
“What I think about it?” You asked, not knowing why that mattered.
“Yeah! You’re so great!” Prompto added. You sat there, still trying to comprehend what was being said.
“Do you really think we didn’t know about all of those dates?” Ignis asked with a sly smile.
“So, what do ya say?” Gladio added, raising an eyebrow.
“Me?” Is all you could think to say.
“Yes, you. We all love you, [Y/N].” Noctis moved beside you, taking your hands in his.
“All of you…” Sure, you loved all of them, but it seemed way more logical for one to love four rather than four to love one.
“All of us.” Ignis added, coming around the table to you.
“Wanna be our girlfriend?” Prompto added.
Your mind had to wrap around this idea. You felt so right with each of them, and together you felt like the world was right. Everything worked so well between all of you.
If it works, who am I to argue? You thought.
“I’d love to.” You concluded, smiling.
Gladio wrapped his arms around you from behind, Prompto kissed your cheek, Noctis hugged you, and Ignis kissed your hand all at the same time.
It wasn’t four for one. This was five people deeply loving five people.
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bighound-littlebird · 5 years
Sansa/Sandor Interactions and Mentions of One Another in A Game of Thrones
Sansa I
 A terror as overwhelming as anything Sansa Stark had ever felt filled her suddenly. She stepped backward and bumped into someone. Strong hands grasped her by the shoulders, and for a moment Sansa thought it was her father, but when she turned, it was the burned face of Sandor Clegane looking down at her, his mouth twisted in a terrible mockery of a smile.
“You are shaking, girl,” he said, his voice rasping. “Do I frighten you so much?”
He did, and had since she had first laid eyes on the ruin that fire had made of his face, though it seemed to her now that he was not half so terrifying as the other. Still, Sansa wrenched away from him, and the Hound laughed, and Lady moved between them, rumbling a warning. Sansa dropped to her knees to wrap her arms around the wolf. 
They were all gathered around gaping, she could feel their eyes on her, and here and there she heard muttered comments and titters of laughter.
“A wolf,” a man said, and someone else said, “Seven hells, that’s a direwolf,” and the first man said, “What’s it doing in camp?” and the Hound’s rasping voice replied, “The Starks use them for wet nurses,” and Sansa realized that the two stranger knights were looking down on her and Lady, swords in their hands, and then she was frightened again, and ashamed. Tears filled her eyes. 
He looked at Sandor Clegane. “And you, dog, away with you, you’re scaring my betrothed.” The Hound, ever faithful, bowed and slid away quietly through the press. Sansa struggled to steady herself. She felt like such a fool. She was a Stark of Winterfell, a noble lady, and someday she would be a queen. “It was not him, my sweet prince,” she tried to explain. “It was the other one.”
“You mean the Hound,“ she said. She wanted to hit herself for being so slow. Her prince would never love her if she seemed stupid. "Is it safe to leave him behind?” Prince Joffrey looked annoyed that she would even ask. 
More below the cut:
Eddard VI
“Is the Hound the champion now?” Sansa asked Ned. “No,” he told her. “There will be one final joust, between the Hound and the Knight of Flowers.”  But Sansa had the right of it after all. A few moments later Ser Loras Tyrell walked back onto the field in a simple linen doublet and said to Sandor Clegane, “I owe you my life. The day is yours, ser.”“I am no ser,” the Hound replied, but he took the victory, and the champion’s purse, and, for perhaps the first time in his life, the love of the commons. They cheered him as he left the lists to return to his pavilion.
Sansa II
“Joffrey called out, “Dog!”
Sandor Clegane seemed to take form out of the night, so quickly did he appear. He had exchanged his armor for a red woolen tunic with a leather dog’s head sewn on the front. The light of the torches made his burned face shine a dull red. “Yes, Your Grace?” he said.
“Take my betrothed back to the castle, and see that no harm befalls her,” the prince told him brusquely. And without even a word of farewell, Joffrey strode off, leaving her there.Sansa could feel the Hound watching her. 
“Did you think Joff was going to take you himself?” He laughed. He had a laugh like the snarling of dogs in a pit. “Small chance of that.” He pulled her unresisting to her feet. “Come, you’re not the only one needs sleep. I’ve drunk too much, and I may need to kill my brother tomorrow.” He laughed again.
The Hound snatched up a torch to light their way. Sansa followed close beside him. The ground was rocky and uneven; the flickering light made it seem to shift and move beneath her. 
She kept her eyes lowered, watching where she placed her feet. They walked among the pavilions, each with its banner and its armor hung outside, the silence weighing heavier with every step. Sansa could not bear the sight of him, he frightened her so, yet she had been raised in all the ways of courtesy. A true lady would not notice his face, she told herself. 
“You rode gallantly today, Ser Sandor,” she made herself say.
Sandor Clegane snarled at her. “Spare me your empty little compliments, girl … and your ser’s. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight. Did you see him ride today?”
“Yes,” Sansa whispered, trembling. “He was …”
“Gallant?” the Hound finished. He was mocking her, she realized. “No one could withstand him,” she managed at last, proud of herself. It was no lie. Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. “Some septa trained you well. You’re like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren’t you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.”
“That’s unkind.” Sansa could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. “You’re frightening me. I want to go now.”
“No one could withstand him,” the Hound rasped. “That’s truth enough. No one could ever withstand Gregor. That boy today, his second joust, oh, that was a pretty bit of business. You saw that, did you? Fool boy, he had no business riding in this company. No money, no squire, no one to help him with that armor. That gorget wasn’t fastened proper. You think Gregor didn’t notice that? You think Ser Gregor’s lance rode up by chance, do you? Pretty little talking girl, you believe that, you’re empty-headed as a bird for true. Gregor’s lance goes where Gregor wants it to go. Look at me. Look at me!” 
Sandor Clegane put a huge hand under her chin and forced her face up. He squatted in front of her, and moved the torch close. “There’s a pretty for you. Take a good long stare. You know you want to. I’ve watched you turning away all the way down the kingsroad. Piss on that. Take your look.”
His fingers held her jaw as hard as an iron trap. His eyes watched hers. Drunken eyes, sullen with anger. She had to look. The right side of his face was gaunt, with sharp cheekbones and a grey eye beneath a heavy brow. His nose was large and hooked, his hair thin, dark. He wore it long and brushed it sideways, because no hair grew on the other side of that face.
The left side of his face was a ruin. His ear had been burned away; there was nothing left but a hole. His eye was still good, but all around it was a twisted mass of scar, slick black flesh hard as leather, pocked with craters and fissured by deep cracks that gleamed red and wet when he moved. Down by his jaw, you could see a hint of bone where the flesh had been seared away.
Sansa began to cry. He let go of her then, and snuffed out the torch in the dirt. “No pretty words for that, girl? No little compliment the septa taught you?” When there was no answer, he continued. “Most of them, they think it was some battle. A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath.” 
His laugh was softer this time, but just as bitter. “I’ll tell you what it was, girl,” he said, a voice from the night, a shadow leaning so close now that she could smell the sour stench of wine on his breath. 
“I was younger than you, six, maybe seven. A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my father’s keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts. The old man made marvelous toys. I don’t remember what I got, but it was Gregor’s gift I wanted. A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight. Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox. So I took his knight, but there was no joy to it, I tell you. I was scared all the while, and true enough, he found me. There was a brazier in the room. Gregor never said a word, just picked me up under his arm and shoved the side of my face down in the burning coals and held me there while I screamed and screamed. You saw how strong he is. Even then, it took three grown men to drag him off me. The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who’s been burned knows what hell is truly like. My father told everyone my bedding had caught fire, and our maester gave me ointments. Ointments! Gregor got his ointments too. Four years later, they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, ‘Arise, Ser Gregor.’”
The rasping voice trailed off. He squatted silently before her, a hulking black shape shrouded in the night, hidden from her eyes. Sansa could hear his ragged breathing. She was sad for him, she realized. Somehow, the fear had gone away.
The silence went on and on, so long that she began to grow afraid once more, but she was afraid for him now, not for herself. She found his massive shoulder with her hand. “He was no true knight,” she whispered to him.
The Hound threw back his head and roared. Sansa stumbled back, away from him, but he caught her arm. “No,” he growled at her, “no, little bird, he was no true knight.”
The rest of the way into the city, Sandor Clegane said not a word. He led her to where the carts were waiting, told a driver to take them back to the Red Keep, and climbed in after her. They rode in silence through the King’s Gate and up torchlit city streets. He opened the postern door and led her into the castle, his burned face twitching and his eyes brooding, and he was one step behind her as they climbed the tower stairs. He took her safe all the way to the corridor outside her bedchamber.
“Thank you, my lord,” Sansa said meekly.The Hound caught her by the arm and leaned close. “The things I told you tonight,” he said, his voice sounding even rougher than usual. “If you ever tell Joffrey…. your sister, your father… any of them …”
“I won’t,” Sansa whispered. “I promise.”
It was not enough. “If you ever tell anyone,” he finished, “I’ll kill you.”
Eddard VII
“Sandor Clegane dropped his visor with an audible clang and took up his position. Ser Jaime tossed a kiss to some woman in the commons, gently lowered his visor, and rode to the end of the lists. Both men couched their lances.
Ned Stark would have loved nothing so well as to see them both lose, but Sansa was watching it all moist-eyed and eager. The hastily erected gallery trembled as the horses broke into a gallop. The Hound leaned forward as he rode, his lance rock steady, but Jaime shifted his seat deftly in the instant before impact. Clegane’s point was turned harmlessly against the golden shield with the lion blazon, while his own hit square. Wood shattered, and the Hound reeled, fighting to keep his seat. Sansa gasped. A ragged cheer went up from the commons.
The Hound just managed to stay in his saddle. He jerked his mount around hard and rode back to the lists for the second pass. Jaime Lannister tossed down his broken lance and snatched up a fresh one, jesting with his squire. The Hound spurred forward at a hard gallop. Lannister rode to meet him. This time, when Jaime shifted his seat, Sandor Clegane shifted with him. Both lances exploded, and by the time the splinters had settled, a riderless blood bay was trotting off in search of grass while Ser Jaime Lannister rolled in the dirt, golden and dented.
Sansa said, “I knew the Hound would win.”
The Hound went to one knee. Ser Gregor’s blow cut air, and at last he came to his senses. He dropped his sword and glared at Robert, surrounded by his Kingsguard and a dozen other knights and guardsmen. Wordlessly, he turned and strode off, shoving past Barristan Selmy. “Let him go,” Robert said, and as quickly as that, it was over.
“Is the Hound the champion now?” Sansa asked Ned. 
No,“ he told her. "There will be one final joust, between the Hound and the Knight of Flowers.”
But Sansa had the right of it after all. A few moments later Ser Loras Tyrell walked back onto the field in a simple linen doublet and said to Sandor Clegane, “I owe you my life. The day is yours, ser.”
“I am no ser,” the Hound replied, but he took the victory, and the champion’s purse, and, for perhaps the first time in his life, the love of the commons. They cheered him as he left the lists to return to his pavilion.
Sansa VI
Sansa drew her blanket up to her chin to cover herself. “No,” she whimpered, “please … leave me be.”
“If you won’t rise and dress yourself, my Hound will do it for you,” Joffrey said.“I beg of you, my prince …”
“I’m king now. Dog, get her out of bed.”
Sandor Clegane scooped her up around the waist and lifted her off the featherbed as she struggled feebly. Her blanket fell to the floor. Underneath she had only a thin bed gown to cover her nakedness. 
“Do as you’re bid, child,” Clegane said. “Dress.” He pushed her toward her wardrobe, almost gently.” “Ser Meryn and Ser Arys followed him out, but Sandor Clegane lingered long enough to yank her roughly to her feet. 
“Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants.” “What … what does he want? Please, tell me.” “He wants you to smile and smell sweet and be his lady love,” the Hound rasped. “He wants to hear you recite all your pretty little words the way the septa taught you. He wants you to love him … and fear him.”
“Did he instruct you to hit me if I refused to come?”
“Are you refusing to come, my lady?” The look he gave her was without expression. He did not so much as glance at the bruise he had left her. He did not hate her, Sansa realized; neither did he love her. He felt nothing for her at all. She was only a … a thing to him. “No,” she said, rising. She wanted to rage, to hurt him as he’d hurt her, to warn him that when she was queen she would have him exiled if he ever dared strike her again … but she remembered what the Hound had told her, so all she said was, “I shall do whatever His Grace commands.”
“As I do,” he replied.
“Yes … but you are no true knight, Ser Meryn.”
Sandor Clegane would have laughed at that, Sansa knew. Other men might have cursed her, warned her to keep silent, even begged for her forgiveness. Ser Meryn Trant did none of these. Ser Meryn Trant simply did not care.”
“Frog-faced Lord Slynt sat at the end of the council table wearing a black velvet doublet and a shiny cloth-of-gold cape, nodding with approval every time the king pronounced a sentence. Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. But a voice inside her whispered, There are no heroes, and she remembered what Lord Petyr had said to her, here in this very hall. “Life is not a song, sweetling,” he’d told her. “You may learn that one day to your sorrow.” In life, the monsters win, she told herself, and now it was the Hound’s voice she heard, a cold rasp, metal on stone. “Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants.”
“The king gestured, and Ser Meryn opened a door for them. “Thank you, Your Grace,” she murmured. The Hound was right, she thought, I am only a little bird, repeating the words they taught me.”
“Joffrey pressed his lips together. “I want to show you what happens to traitors.” Sansa shook her head wildly. “I won’t. I won’t.” “I can have Ser Meryn drag you up,” he said. “You won’t like that. You had better do what I say.” Joffrey reached for her, and Sansa cringed away from him, backing into the Hound. “Do it, girl,” Sandor Clegane told her, pushing her back toward the king. His mouth twitched on the burned side of his face and Sansa could almost hear the rest of it. He’ll have you up there no matter what, so give him what he wants.” “When he smiled, she knew he was mocking her. 
“Your brother is a traitor too, you know.” He turned Septa Mordane’s head back around. “I remember your brother from Winterfell. My dog called him the lord of the wooden sword. Didn’t you, dog?” “Did I?” the Hound replied. “I don’t recall.”
The outer parapet came up to her chin, but along the inner edge of the walk was nothing, nothing but a long plunge to the bailey seventy or eighty feet below. All it would take was a shove, she told herself. He was standing right there, right there, smirking at her with those fat wormlips. 
You could do it, she told herself. You could. Do it right now. It wouldn’t even matter if she went over with him. It wouldn’t matter at all.
“Here, girl.” Sandor Clegane knelt before her, between her and Joffrey. With a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he dabbed at the blood welling from her broken lip.
The moment was gone. Sansa lowered her eyes. “Thank you,” she said when he was done. She was a good girl, and always remembered her courtesies.” 
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virgilantejustice · 6 years
The infection (pt. Three)
the final part!!
chapter word count: approx. 2200
trigger warnings: Violence, dystopian setting
And yea, i did make Virgil agender, because why not, you know?
chapter one   chapter two   sea of stars   on the church steps   heartbreak
masterpost link
     It took them about another hour to get back to the camp, and the greeting honestly wasn't quite what Logan expected.
     "Logan! Get down!" Patton yelled, as soon as they pulled up a outside the church. Logan leapt off the bike and flattened himself to the floor, knife out, even though he didn't know why, as he came charging down the front steps.
     Patton flew past him and slammed Virgil to the ground. His eyes were blazing and his hands were wrapped around their throat. "Who are you?! How did you get here?!" He demanded, shaking them. Patton was as small and slight, as Virgil was, but anger made him strong.
     Logan ran over and pulled him away by the shoulders. He was shaking with what seemed to be a mix of fear and rage. Virgil stood and dusted themself off looking apprehensive and tense.
    "Patton!" Logan shouted. Patron was still struggling, fear filling his eyes like a trapped animal as his saw Virgil over Logan's shoulder. "Its okay, My Heart, they aren't here to take anything."
     Gradually, he began to calm down, but Logan kept holding him for a while. He looked so scared. But Logan was there to protect him, as always. He would always make sure of it.  
     After a few minutes, he let him up. He stood for a moment, looking slightly unsteady on his feet, not taking his eyes off Logan. Then he ran into the church that they called home and pulled the door closed.
     Logan and Virgil stood, staring at each other. Virgil's eyes were wide, and their lips slightly parted, like they had forgotten how to speak. "What just happened?" They finally said, in a quiet voice.
     Logan sighed and looked down. "We've had some- bad experiences, with strangers coming here." He sat heavily on the ground. 'I shouldn't have brought them here,' he thought, 'but now I don't want to lose either of them.' He never expected sweet Patton to react like that.
     "Bad experiences? What do you mean?" Virgil asked, coming to sit next to him.
     Logan sighed again and tried to fit the words together. "We've had several groups of bandits come through, and take everything, and what they didn't take, they destroyed." His breath hitched in his throat at the memories, but he kept his voice strong. They had only just managed to make the church feel something like home after the last time the robbers came. "There were also several people who were infected, and they either didn't realise why they'd been kicked out of where they were before, or they just didn't want to be alone." They had felt so bad for turning them away, but they didn't have a choice. Patton had cried for days, and Logan had refused to. Logan paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "There's been problems. We can't blame Patton for reacting that way."
     Virgil looked down at their hands, twisting their sleeves. "Stay here for a minute," Logan said gently, placing a hand on their shoulder. He pulled his knife out of his pocket and pressed it into Virgil's hand, just to be safe.
     Logan made his way through the thick, heavy doors of the church, and he saw Patton curled up on a pile of blankets. They still loved it in here, it was like they had managed to trap the rest of the colour left in the world. They had draped different prices of fabric from the ceiling, keeping off the draft like a tent, and the light shone through what few stained glass windows were left, casting rainbow patterns onto the floor.
     He walked over, and sat down beside Patton, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. He was sniffling into his hands and covering his eyes.
     "I was so cruel," he shivered through his tears. "They just need a place to stay and I attacked them!"
     "Hey, Heart, its okay," Logan said softly. "They're fine, I explained, it's all okay."
     "No, its not!" He gasped, looking up at me with his red, puffy eyes. "You brought them here, and I attacked them. After everything we've been through together, everything you are to me, I didn't trust your judgement?!"
     Logan ran his thumb along Patton's scarred cheek to wipe away his tears. "Its all okay, they understand, I understand. It was instinct, we have to trust our instincts. Above everything."
     He slid a hand under his chin, and brought his face closer. Their lips were just centimetres apart when a shout came from outside.
     "Logan! Help!"
     Immediately Logan was on his feet. He ran to the door and wrenched it open. Outside, where he had left one person, there were four. Three infecteds were stalking around Virgil, growling and hissing, fully transformed.
     Then, one of them pounced, the other two following its lead. Virgil was quickly overpowered and pushed to the floor, desperately fending them off with Logan's knife. Logan ran forwards into the fray, pulling them away from him and snapping their necks on the ground.
     It was mindless, Logan felt like one of them, but he didn't have a choice. He was going to protect them. He had to make sure if it.
     Finally, they all lay on the ground, still and finally at rest. He pulled Virgil up and pushed them and Patton inside without another word. They went, quietly, as if in shock, his arms hanging limp. Before Logan pushed the door closed, Virgil handed him back his knife, their hand was shaking and their face was blank.
     One by one, Logan picked up the bodies and took them away, walking for about five minutes before putting it down and coming back for another. There were no feelings. And normally that was comforting for him in an odd way. But now? Now it felt so empty. So violent. So desolate.
     When Logan came back in, he saw Patton curled around Virgil, holding them tight and rocking them back and forth. Virgil was sobbing, hard, into his shoulder. Logan knew how hard this must have been, six months wasn't a long time.
     Slowly, Logan made his way over, but they didn't look up at him. He began to gather some wood to make a fire, deciding it was better not to disturb them.
     He made a small cone of twigs, and rubbed two stones together to make a spark. He had never really built a fire before the infection spread, but he knew the theory, and you learn pretty fast when its literally your only option.
     By the time he had a small blaze going, Patton had come over and sat next to him, and a few moments later, Virgil joined them, rubbing his eyes and fixing a smile. "Are you alright?" Logan asked, looking up at him.
     "Yeah," they replied quietly, in a broken voice. "Course."
     Logan knew that wasn't true, he had seen, Virgil knew he had seen, but he felt it better not to respond with anything more than a smile.
     Patton offered a comforting smile as well, admitantly pulling it off far better than Logan, and he reached up a hand to Virgil, which they took for a moment. Patton gently squeezed his hand before letting go, and Virgil went to sit on the other side of the fire. Logan had know that Patton would warm to him, as he did to everyone.
     The mood was light and heavy all at once. Tense as a bow string, yet, somehow, light. They didn't talk for a while, they just sat and enjoyed hearing each others breathing. Steady and ongoing.
     The fire threw its warm colours onto the walls and their faces, filling them with its heat. Virgil lay back on their elbows, smiling at the painted ceiling and tracing its patterns in the air with their finger, and Patton nestled up into Logan's side.
     "You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for," he hummed, curling in closer to Logan, his familiar warmth spreading through him.
     "I'm the boyfriend you got stuck with," he replied, wrapping his arms around him and lightly pressing his lips to his forehead.
     Patton giggled and nestled his head under Logan's chin. "I'm glad I got stuck with you." He murmured, his eyes closed. "Oh," he suddenly exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "You'll never guess what I found in one of the old shops!" Then he ran off into one of the other rooms and disappeared into the darkness.
     Logan let his eyes trail after he until she vanished. "Why were you in the shops?" He asked, not shouting (bad idea), but loud enough for it to echo around the high ceiling.
     "I was bored," Patton moaned, pulling a face and drawing out his vowels as he came back into the room, with a bottle in his hand. Grandly, he presented the bottle to Logan. It was some brown liqueur, whisky, still sealed. "Tah-dah!" Patton announced as he handed it to him.
     "I thought it had all been taken," Logan said, taking the bottle and examining the label.
     "Well," Patton replied, "lot of the bottles were smashed, but this one was still intact!"  
     Logan broke the seal and took a swig, and coughed slightly as the liquor burned his throat. Him and Patton had been under age when the second wave hit, and they left any alcohol that they found until they were eighteen. The law may not have been stopping them, but lowering inhibitions wasn't exactly a great plan when you could be seconds away from death, so they'd only had alcohol a couple of times before.
     Logan took another sip, and his stress began to melt away, but that left the hole. It felt wrong not be worried, somehow, but it also managed to feel good. He smiled like I hadn't in weeks. He was still stressed about things, but it wasn't as bad. He felt lighter and more free, a stark contrast to his usual, uptight nature.
     He began to absent-mindedly pass the bottle to Virgil, but Patton caught his hand. "They're underage," he whispered, looking uncertain.
     Logan considered this. It was true, but there was no law anymore. And he was sixteen, that's old enough, and they were all together. "It will be fine," Logan replied slightly hesitantly.
     He passed the bottle to Virgil and they looked a little surprised. "Take some, if you want," Logan said. "You deserve it." Their expression softened and they drank. Unlike Logan they didn't cough, and he had a feeling this wasn't their first time.
     They looked back, a little guiltily maybe, and passed the bottle to Patton, who smiled at them and put the bottle to his lips.
     Virgil shivered slightly as the cold night air penetrated the bubble of warmth created by the fire. Logan lifted up his arm and gestured for them to come over to where him and Patton lay curled up like cats. With a small smile, they scooted over and lay against his side. Logan leaned back against the pile of blankets and smiled.
     "How old are you?" Virgil asked quietly, looking up at Logan, the fire dancing in his eyes.  
     "Twenty now."
     "Hm," they replied, looking down. Logan looked inquisitively at them, which they must have sensed, as they looked up at him. "My brother would have been about your age. I wonder what he would have been like" they continued sadly. Then they yawned widely.
     "Well," Logan replied, again channelling Patton and squeezing his shoulder. "If he was anything like you, he would have been pretty much allergic to sleep." Virgil looked mock-guiltily at him. "And he would have been clever, creative, passionate, cool- and he would have been proud of you."
     Virgil offered a watery smile and they lowered his head into Logan's lap, and Patton closed his eyes on his shoulder.
     "Each for themselves, huh?" Virgil smirked up at him, repeating his words, his eyes glittering in the low light of the fire.
     "Each for their own," Logan corrected his past-self, a smile ghosting his lips. Slowly, Virgil drifted off to sleep. Logan let them lie on his lap for a while, but then he carefully lifted them up onto the hammock. Their eyes flickered open for a moment, but they didn't wake up.
     Logan went back to sit next to Patton in front of the fire. His eyes sparkled in the uneven light, he looked so- tragically beautiful. He looked at him for a moment and offered his beautiful smile, and Logan attempted to return it, then Patton stared back into the flames in silence.
     So they sat, and they waited. What they were waiting for they still don't know. They knew that nothing was going to happen. They knew that nothing was going to fix it all. They knew that no deity, no entity was just going to swoop down from the skies and the rescue them. But, they knew that you have to play the cards that you're dealt with.
     Logan noticed Patton staring at him. He looked tired, with a tentative smile. "It will all be okay, won't it?" He asked. The fire was dying down, and soon it would be dead, but the sun would be up by then.
     "Of course," Logan said, gazing back at him. "I'll make sure of it"
@the-blue-belle-blog @monstercupcake61176 @starryfirefliesbloggo @iolanomsgranola @mourning--star
Hooray!! i really hope you enjoyed that (you probably did if you got this far)
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30 Days of Zutara - Day 23: Coronation
As the fire sage lifted the flame-shaped crown, the crowd grew eerily quiet, everyone holding their breaths. Katara watched intently from the first row; the headpiece glistening in the sun. The fire sages chanted something in the ancient language of the Fire Nation and the crown was placed into the topknot. The crowd erupted in cheers and the new Fire Lord stood up. Katara looked at the golden eyes burning with determination, remembering the first time she saw them.
30 years ago, South Pole
Katara ran out of the healing hut hearing the commotion outside. Panicked voices, shouting, people pointing to the sky greeted her. The warriors in the village were rushing back to their homes to gather their weapons. Katara saw the red spot in the distance that grew larger, until the contours of a dragon appeared on the horizon. She smiled; she only knew one person with a dragon, then she frowned, because if he showed up like this, out of nowhere, unannounced, it had to be something bad.
“Don’t worry, it must be Zuko,” she calmed down the fellow villagers. The dragon kept getting closer - spirits, Druk has gotten big, when Katara last saw him, he was just the size of a red scarf, hanging around Zuko’s neck. Well, they haven’t seen each other for a long time…but Bumi was born less than a year ago and the pregnancy and motherhood made it difficult for Katara to travel.
The dragon landed gracefully in front of her and Zuko jumped down from it’s neck, his pale face grim, with dark circles around his eyes. Not caring with the usual greeting protocols, he walked straight up to Katara.
“Aang’s not here,” she said.
“I came to see you,” he said on a strained voice and held out a tiny bundle “Save her, please.”
Katara took the bundle and saw a tiny nose peeking through the swaddling clothes. She nodded and went running towards the healing hut, Zuko following in her footsteps. Once inside, Katara carefully unwrapped the baby - she was thin and fragile, much smaller than a newborn should be. Her features a miniature, delicate version of Zuko’s face were distorted by pain, her eyes were closed, and her entire body was a shade of unhealthy purple.
Katara summoned some glowing water on her palms. She felt the weak heartbeats and the faintness of her chi. The baby was too young, too little. “We’ll put her in the healing water,” she explained to Zuko.
“Wouldn’t it be too cold for her?”
“You can warm it up a little,” she pointed to the smallest pool. Zuko breathed on it, and Katara tested it with her elbow. When the water was at body temperature, she placed the baby inside the pool.
“We got some of the spirit water from the North inside it - every little helps…”
She was not sure if he heard her, he kept his eyes fixed on the baby. “What happens now?” his voice was hoarse.
“Now we wait.” Zuko nodded and sat on his heels by the pool, his face grim, his lips pulled into a thin line. Katara left the hut and returned with a fur blanket and steaming cup of seaweed soup. He wrapped the blanket around Zuko and gave him the cup. “Drink this, looks like you haven’t eaten in a while.”
“I rode for 2 days straight,” he finally looked at her and she could see his eyes were bloodshot.
“What happened?” Katara asked quietly.
“I don’t know. Things looked fine, then one day Mai collapsed, she started bleeding - and the doctors had no idea what was happening. They delivered the child, but she…” a single tear ran down his cheek.
“Zuko…” she grabbed his hand.
Zuko stared into his cup. “Mai didn’t make it. She slipped away. The doctors were useless, and told me the baby would die too.”
“I’m so sorry,” Katara put her arms around his shoulder, squeezing it, he rested his head against her shoulder.
“I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to try something. This way at least she has a chance,” he whispered.
“You did good. You should sleep now.”
Zuko shook his head. “No, I have to watch her…”
“I’ll stay right here and watch her, Zuko. I’ll wake you up if something changes,” Katara said firmly.
He nodded, clearly too exhausted to argue, and dropped his head on the bedroll. He fell asleep almost immediately. Katara sat watching them sleep side by side - father and daughter.
The baby survived the night. Zuko woke way before the first rays of sun, as always. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Katara’s smile as she was doing another healing session with the baby. “Her heart is stronger, that’s good news. Here, hold her against your chest.” Zuko put the baby on his chest.
Katara shook her head. “No, not like that, skin to skin. She needs warmth and hearing your heartbeat can make hers more regular.” He opened his tunic and tucked the little baby against his skin. She was so small, so fragile that he was afraid he would break her. His hands shook slightly, as he clumsily embraced her. The baby melted against his chest, her little hands trying to grab onto the skin. He could feel the tiny heartbeat echoing inside him, it was soothing and terrifying at the same time. Their breathing fell into a rhythm and Zuko for the first time in days felt that maybe it will be OK.
“What’s her name?” Katara asked.
“She doesn’t have one.” Zuko explained. “In the Fire Nation, babies are not named for the first week of their life, so the evil spirits who would claim them cannot find them. We call them turtle duckling or little dragon, or some such thing to mislead them.”
“Turtle Duckling... that’s cute.” smiled the waterbender.
Zuko stayed with the baby in the healing hut for a week. Katara taught him how to bathe her, change her, dress her. He studied it with the kind of intensity he did everything in his life.
When the baby whimpered, Katara brought her turtle-seal milk in a bottle, which she sucked at hungrily. She gave her a whalebone rattle that she grasped in her little hand.
When she was not in the healing pool, Zuko sat with her, holding her on his chest against his skin letting his fire kindle hers. When Katara put her hands on the baby, she could feel their chis connecting.
On the third day, the baby finally opened her eyes. Katara was not at all surprised to see Zuko’s golden eyes look back at her from the china-doll face.
“Looks like she has the spark, Zuko.”
“I don’t care one way or another. She’s already perfect,” he said with conviction.
On the seventh day, the baby was strong enough to travel. Katara rocked her wrapped in thick furs to protect her from the wind as Zuko was getting Druk ready to travel.  When all their packs, including an ample supply of turtle-seal milk was secured on the back of the dragon, Zuko went back to Katara.
“Thank you for your help,” he bowed to her formally, “Sifu Katara. You made a miracle happen.”
She smiled. “Well, she did most of the work  - she has your fighting spirit.  I’m glad she’s OK. Have a safe trip back Zuko. You and Little Turtle Duckling.”
“Izumi, her name is Izumi.” he said.
Katara’s eyes opened wide in surprise. The little Fire Nation princess would be named in honour of the healing waters of the water tribe that saved her life.
“That’s beautiful,” she said. Zuko got on the dragon and Katara handed him the baby. Druk took off with a powerful blast of his wings. Katara watched them go until the red dot disappeared below the horizon.
Caldera city - Present Day
Katara stood on the balcony, watching the garden of the Fire Nation palace shrouded in soft moonlight. The sounds of the party filtered through the thick curtains faintly. It was peaceful out here; one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen, with fragrant flowers, little ponds, tree branches swaying gently in the breeze. She turned when the curtain parted behind her and Zuko appeared, holding his 1-year old grandson on his arms. He had none of the clumsiness of that first week; he carried the boy with the confidence of a parent who rocked his child to sleep on many sleepless nights. Katara smiled when she saw the whalebone rattle in the boy’s hand.
“It’s good you could come, Katara,” he said warmly.
“Of course,” she said. It was the first time since Aang’s death that she had left the South Pole.
“She was great today, you can be really proud of her.” Zuko never remarried, and raised Izumi by himself. They were incredibly close to each other; Katara saw the depth of their bond the way they interacted with each other.
“I am,” he said simply. “She’s ready.”
“So what will happen to you now?”
“I will retire. My uncle used to say a man needs his rest, and I feel really exhausted,” he said quietly.  Katara understood. Zuko had been running a country since he was 17, through the first few troubled years of the fragile peace, he hammered out trade agreements, helped Aang set up Republic city, organized the united army, and turned around the economy. Somehow he also managed to raise a daughter. He certainly earned his retirement. “Now I understand why Iroh wanted to stay in his tea shop.” he added.
“Are you planning to open one?” Katara joked.
Zuko laughed. “No, I don’t want to inflict my bitter tea on anyone. I was thinking of travelling.”
“I thought you wanted to rest. Didn’t you constantly travel as Fire Lord?”
“Well, yes, into conference centers, boring diplomatic dinners, never seeing really anything that mattered. I want to go now and just savour it. To be free - to be me. You know, to really feel how things changed and not have a picture painted for me.”
“Sounds nice.” Katara said dreamily.
Silence settled between them. Zuko looked at her, opened and closed his mouth a few times. Finally he took a deep breath and said, “You could come with me.”
“What?”  That was unexpected.
Zuko swallowed, “I meant - we could travel together… like old days…except you know without the me chasing you around part...”
“Camping in the woods? Sparring during breakfast preparation?” Katara grinned. It was hard, and at times scary, but the time spent together was also the best part of her life.
“If that’s what you want…” chuckled Zuko.
“I don’t know, Zuko. Sounds lovely, but…”
“But what?” Indeed what? If she was honest with herself, Katara knew there was nothing and nobody to hold her back. Aang was gone, their children grown, living their own lives. She had trained many healers to staff the healing hut. She was going back to her silent hut into the long, dark winter of the South Pole, just because that was what widowed women of the Southern Water Tribe were expected to do. Well, she had fought expectations her entire life and she wasn’t going to stop now.
He looked into his pale gold eyes that were still burning with the same fire as they did when he was a 17-year old, even if his face was lined now and his once sea raven black hair was peppered with white. A fire that scared her and attracted her with its intensity. A fire that challenged her and made her chi surge in response. She had been a calming spring for too long, she wanted to be crashing waves and raging storm again.  If Zuko had adventures left in him, so did she. “Nothing. I’d love to go.”
He smiled, a wide genuine smile. “Great. Where do we go first?”
Katara didn’t have to think much. There was one place in the world that was more special than anything. Even after many decades the white sand, the azure waves, the salty sea air were etched into her heart with a clarity. “That’s easy, Ember Island.”
Zuko squeezed her hand. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
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konatachan603 · 6 years
Akatsuki Gift Exchange
@tea-and-finalfantasy @akatsuki-gift-exchange
Alrighty. This is technically the first fanfic of any kind I’ve ever actually completed, so here goes nothing. It’s a canon-compliant fluffy Kisame x Itachi fic in Kisame’s POV. I hope you enjoy!
Also Happy New Year if it’s already January 1st! I’ve still got an hour and a half before midnight so... not technically late? Sorry for the delay!
Kisame glared at the road as the sun beat down on his head, his hat and cloak doing little to block out the heat. There were no other travelers in sight, which was probably for the best. He would take out his annoyance on anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path at this point.
Itachi’s quietly disapproving stare flashed in his mind, and Kisame nearly rolled his eyes at the phantom image. Not for the first time, he wished his partner was actually present.
Splitting up had seemed so logical at the time. They had been assigned two simple missions, and they could finish both more efficiently alone. Itachi was the obvious choice for planting blackmail in a stuffy noble court. Kisame could easily acknowledge that subtlety was not his strong suit. Taking out a political rival’s personal guard in a showy and gruesome demonstration was much more his style.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t factored in the timelines of their respective missions. Kisame’s task was over all too quickly and he’d been left to his own devices until Itachi finished his own, which required subtle maneuvering that would take days to accomplish. They had agreed to meet in one week at a fairly isolated tea house.
It was turning out to be the longest week of Kisame’s life. The lack of Itachi’s presence was somehow making him stir-crazy, although Kisame should be feeling free with all the time he now had to himself. But no matter what he did, his thoughts always returned to his reticent partner. Many times already, a random thought had slipped out of his mouth as he waited for a quiet hum in acknowledgement. Of course, Itachi was never there to reply. A frustrated grunt escaped his lips as Kisame realized just how much he was missing the other nin’s presence. At least he would see Itachi soon enough as it was the end of the week. Kisame picked up the pace, hoping to arrive early in case Itachi was ahead of schedule.
As he moved along the path, sounds of shouting reached his ears. Curiosity piqued, Kisame moved off the path and into the surrounding forest, hiding his presence and approaching what appeared to be a lone caravan being robbed by bandits. Quickly becoming disinterested, Kisame eyed the guards already on the floor. The bandits were certainly efficient, although he could only sense a developed chakra system in one of them, presumably the leader. About to move on from the thieves clearly below his pay-grade, Kisame caught a glimpse of the merchant’s wares.
Was that… Itachi’s hideously expensive tea? Kisame considered expensive tea to be one of Itachi’s many quirks. What kind of S-ranked criminal didn’t just steal whatever he wanted? Apparently, the kind that cared too much about their partners, Kisame thought ruefully.
With a sigh, he moved into the open, releasing the hold on his chakra. Immediately, the bandits froze, turning towards the new threat. The leader took one look at his face and paled in recognition.
“Retreat!” yelled the leader with near panic in his voice. The group didn’t hesitate to turn tail and run, leaving behind a slightly irritated Kisame. It was nice to be so infamous sometimes, but he had been itching for a fight. It probably wasn’t too late to go after them… Another flash of Itachi’s disappointed frown quickly changed his mind. Was this what it felt like to be whipped?
Meanwhile, the merchant looked unsure if he should be grateful or in fear of his life. Not wanting to get on the fearsome missing-nin’s bad side, he quickly bowed and thanked Kisame for his help.
“I-I thank you nin-san. Your generous help is most appreciated. Please, how can I repay you?” He couldn’t quite rid himself of a stutter as Kisame regarded him.
“I’ll take a box of your tea.”
The merchant flinched in surprise but recovered quickly. “You can take three! It’s no problem at all!”
Kisame raised an eyebrow but agreed, willing to cash in on the merchant’s overflowing gratitude. Really, it would be easier to just take some and leave, but Itachi’s admonishing gaze wouldn’t leave his head. Five minutes later, he was on his way to the rendezvous point once again, leaving behind a relieved merchant who felt he barely escaped with his life.
As the designated tea shop came into view, Kisame saw that Itachi had already arrived. He was nursing a warm cup of tea, looking relaxed as he watched Kisame approach. Now that Itachi was in sight, Kisame took his time walking over to the shop, content in watching him sip his tea. Itachi always managed to look elegant and regal, and the vision of his deceptively thin fingers gracefully bringing a teacup to his lips was worth taking the time to admire. Itachi calmly gazed back at him during his entire approach, never wavering in his attention. It was entirely obvious that he knew what Kisame was doing, and he was welcoming the attention.
When Kisame reached the shop, Itachi smoothly stood from his seat and they turned to walk away in synchronization without a single word. Kisame’s mind settled as they made their way into the forests again. All his lingering annoyance and frustration left him as he listened to Itachi’s breathing beside him. As per usual, Kisame started up some idle chatter, and Itachi hummed and replied when needed.
Later that night, after setting up a camp and perimeter, Kisame took out his newly acquired tea, watching Itachi’s expressions carefully. He was rewarded with a blink of surprise and a slow-forming smile, and he couldn’t help the way his heart started beating faster. He barely managed to stop himself from inhaling shakily, but the burgeoning emotion in his chest ruined his efforts when he exhaled a bit more forcefully than normal.
With skillful and practiced movements, Itachi prepared the tea with all the efficiency and grace expected of an heir to a noble clan, and Kisame’s eyes were again captivated by Itachi’s every action. No words were exchanged while the tea steeped, and it felt like years before it was ready. Itachi lifted a cup to his face, inhaling slowly and letting the aroma settle around him. His eyelids drifted lower, eyes barely open. As he sipped the tea, a low hum of approval inadvertently escaped.
Kisame had long stopped attempting to breathe evenly. Instead, he had been holding his breath, not wanting to disturb the sight before him. At last, Itachi spoke, his words a purr.
“Thank you Kisame. You didn’t have to.”
Kisame released his breath with an abashed laugh. “I wanted to.”
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childofthenight2035 · 6 years
Moonlight (Part 3) Final
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A/N: Eyy,  @ osh-osht0394   I’m finally done with this thank you for being patient and i hope you’ve actually liked these so far but anyway here;s the third part of Moonlight yavayay
Pairing: Oh Sehun x g!Reader
Summary/Prompt: On a camping trip, you stumble across a mystery that leaves you terrified for your life.
Genre: Pretty much everything, Wolf!AU
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: None
Find links to the other parts in my masterlist! Link in bio.
“This totally sucks,” my friend commented as we ducked under the sunroof of the little café that she had always wanted to try. We shook our umbrellas, freeing them from the raindrops. She dropped hers in the basket outside the door and I followed her lead. “It hasn’t stopped raining in days. We’re going to get flooded if this keeps up.”
We just might, I thought, partially knowing the reason behind the storm, but I didn’t comment. She pushed open the door and we entered the café. It was a snug little place, the warmth quite welcoming in this bad weather. Oh, this is nice. I looked around at the tables and chairs grouped in cozy corners. This is really nice. Looks comfortable.
We seated ourselves by the large glass windows on the far side of the café and picked up the menus that were already placed on the table.
“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse,” she pouted.
“Gross.” I pretended to choke. “Why eat a horse when there’s pie and club sandwiches?”
We scanned our menus for a while longer before a waiter approached us. I heard my friend’s sharp intake of breath and I tore my eyes away from the list of drinks.
Oh wow, he’s gorgeous, was the first thing that popped into my mind. Does he seem familiar at all? Maybe I’m just imagining it. I think I would remember if I saw someone as beautiful as him. Oh my gosh, he’s looking at me.
His eyes met mine and suddenly the air in my lungs evaporated. I don’t know how long he held my gaze. I was only aware of my heart pounding. His eyes are so pretty, I can’t help but feel like I’ve met him before.
“Ahem.” My friend’s exaggerated cough brought me back to my senses. A light shade of pink tinged the waiter’s cheeks.
“I apologize,” he said, his voice deep and earthy. I’m swooning, I can’t. “It’s just that…” He looked at me again. “You’re very beautiful.”
Taken completely aback, my mouth parted in surprise. I covered my mouth with my hand to hide the wide smile that I couldn’t hold back. I was blushing, I was sure of it. What even is happening? “Oh. Um…thank you.” I glanced up at my friend, who was watching our exchange with a mixture of excitement and amusement. From the breathy laughter that escaped our waiter’s lips, I could tell that he felt embarrassed, too.
“Pardon me.” He lifted his little notebook. “Could I take your order?”
I remained frozen in my seat, lips tightly sealed as she ordered for both of us. Once he walked away, we burst out at the same time, “What the heck was that?”
“It’s love at first sight,” she said dreamily. “He just saw you and now he’s completely whipped.” I swatted at her arm.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“Hey, I’m just saying that it’s so obvious that he likes you.” She shrugged. “I’m hungry. Wait, did it stop raining?” I craned my head to peek outside. True enough, rain was no longer pounding the roofs and the road as if it wanted to drown everything on earth. Does that mean…maybe he’s moved on from it. He didn’t get what he wanted and he’s accepted it. That’s a relief.
After a fulfilling snack, I had completely forgotten about the rain. The waiter and I had avoided each other’s eyes as he arrived with our food and drinks, a red blush painting my cheeks again.
Once the food was eaten, we sat back in our chairs, waiting for the cute waiter to return with the bill.
“Here he comes,” my friend whispered in a not-so-subtle way. I widened my eyes menacingly at her in a warning to shut up. The tall dark-haired young man smiled down at me and handed me a slip of paper. As I grasped it, our fingertips brushed together.
I gasped as an electric shock jolted through my body. From the way he snatched his hand away, I understood he must have felt the same thing. The bill fluttered to the floor, but my mind was overwhelmed. Ecstasy coursed through me, but so did several memories.
Glimpses of a dark wood on a rainy night. Soaking wet and firewood scattered around me. Utterly alone. A wolf, with a sleek black coat. A young man. The werewolf.
“Sehun?!” I whispered, finally realizing why the young waiter looked so familiar. His eyes locked on mine when I spoke it. He gave me a tiny nod. I could scarcely believe it. This was my stalker? The werewolf who had marked me down?
I stood up, face hard, defiant. “I can’t believe you.” I shot my friend an apologetic look, gave him one more glance in fury, fear and contempt before storming out.
I didn’t even remember my umbrella.
Barely two paces away from the shop, thunder crackled overhead. Before I could even contemplate dashing back to the shop for it, rain had begun to pour down. I let out a frustrated yell and pressed forward, head bowed.
“Y/N!” I heard a deep male voice call my name, but I refused to turn back. He seemed to be walking behind me at the same pace. “Y/N, please listen to me.” I had no intention of doing so. I continued on as if I hadn’t heard. How dare he, I fumed to myself, how dare he think he can just target me like that? What am I, an object? As much as I wanted to stop and hear what he had to say, I was stubborn. I kept walking.
“Y/N, I can understand that you’re confused,” he called out, still steadily following me. “I don’t blame you. And after what Kyungsoo must have said to you…” He trailed off.  “But it’s not like that, please believe me. Just let me explain.”
“I don’t need to hear anything you have to say,” I finally answered him back. “Just go away.”
“Y/N, I think we’re soulmates.”
At that statement, I stopped in complete disbelief and swivelled around to face him. “Do you hear yourself, Sehun? Are you crazy? If you think that you can just mark me down and use me, then you’re wrong, okay? Just leave me alone.” I swung back around and I took only two steps forward when I heard his voice again.
“Walk away. But first look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t feel anything when I touched you.”
I paused, wanting to say it right out. But then I remembered the euphoric feeling that had run through me, the shock, his face telling me that he felt the same. Kyungsoo’s voice floated through my mind. “You managed to get him to transform. Even I’ve never been able to do that.”
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t. I shut my eyes tight until I felt footsteps in front of me.
“Y/N, please look at me.” His deep voice sent vibrations into my chest. I obeyed. He searched my eyes for some hint of what I was feeling, and I could only hope he had better luck than I did, because I had no idea what was happening. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you that night.”
“What is going on?” I nearly whimpered. It barely registered that the rain had stopped.
“I don’t know how much Kyungsoo told you,” he began, “but the full moon is far too dangerous for me and everyone around me. The moon sired me, she can kill me.” He hesitantly reached out and cupped my cheek. “When I was in wolf form, it was so obvious from your scent—you were my mate, my soulmate, whatever you want to call yourself. I’ve smelt you so often on Kyungsoo that for a while I thought he might be my soulmate—“ he let out a breathy chuckle, “—but no, it wasn’t strong enough to be coming from him. I guess it was fate that brought you to me. I attacked Kyungsoo because all I saw was him, another wolf, with you. I couldn’t stand it. I apologize for everything.” He took my hand in his broad one. “I understand if you don’t ever want to see me again. I’m only asking for a chance.”
My mouth was parted in confusion and awe as he finished his little speech. I knew in an instant what I was supposed to do. I nodded.
“Okay,” I murmured. “I can give you the chance.”
He smiled endearingly and brushed back a lock of hair from my face. “I can see why Kyungsoo is so protective of you.” He brought my hand that was still in his grip, to his lips and pressed a kiss to it. I involuntarily shivered. His lips were so soft and plush and I longed to feel them against mine.
He swallowed nervously, possibly sensing my desire. “Is there any chance that you’ve kissed a werewolf before?” I giggled a bit, shaking my head no. He wet his lips. “W-would you want to?”
“Gosh, you’re too slow,” I whispered, ignoring the thudding of my heart. My fingers found his collar and tugged him toward me, my lips finding his. A jolt ripped through my gut the second our lips met. The kiss was better than I could have ever thought possible.
We broke apart, breathless, blood pounding in my ears.
“I think,” he panted, “we should go back. Your friend claims that you have the money.”
Oh no. “Dammit, I forgot about that,” I laughed. I linked my arm  through his. “You’re right, let’s go.”
“Wait,” he interjected, “you’re not scared of me, right?”
I rolled my eyes. “Please. Behind that wolf, you’re just a puppy.”
p.s. there’s a bonus part now!
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centtaura · 6 years
Day Two (adventure novel)
"And with a swish, slash, and slice, the hero felled the villain and stood proudly above the fallen, filled with righteous vigor, the adoring eyes of the disenfranchised gazing up at him in adoration and gratitude. As the savior of the common people, he became revered, almost sainted, loved by all even when the cheers died down and life continued as normal, albeit, with much less fear of an ever-looming threat-"
"Lyz, -please-."
Lyzander's narration halted with a slight scratch at the edge of his voice. Tovi certainly noticed, and she could quite easily tell that he was hurt, with the sharp hiss that escaped instead of whatever word was supposed to follow the last. She merely stared at him, the campfire between them flickering behind her glassy eyes. He almost lost himself in their glitter. Almost.
The offense was too strong to be washed out by mere -aesthetic-.
"I was almost finished! You couldn't hold out for just one more sentence? Where is your elven patience?"
"At home, with mother. Didn't stick." Tovi waved her hand dismissively at Lyzander's frowning face. "One more sentence could last an hour, with you. Haven't you heard that run-on sentences are out of style?"
"My writing is -impeccable-. You know nothing of the broad strokes of creativity. I cannot be bound by full stops. Have you no appreciation for the charm of a ramble, like a rose with its thorny vi-"
"Please. For the love of the stars. Shut up."
"Graceless! Tell yourself a bedtime story, then, if mine is too sophisticated for you!" This time, Lyzander was the one waving his hand, but with a good measure more irritation. Tovi shrugged, and kicked her legs out, dropping to her bedroll with a very unladylike thud. To add insult to injury, he watched her fall asleep within minutes, without even rolling over. The sound he made in the back of his throat would have been venomous if anyone was awake to hear it. Aiden had passed out well over an hour ago, hardly past the exposition stage of Lyzander's tale. This didn't surprise him, though. Aiden had less of an attention span than the fish they'd cooked for supper. And Meriah? She was out like a lantern before he'd even started! His audience was the problem, he concluded, and with that, he whipped out his weathered old journal. If they didn't want to listen to him, fine. He'd write it all down for someone who -would-.
His fingertips smudged the letters as they pushed against the pages, the piece of charcoal he'd been using to write having been worn down to almost nothing. He'd have to barter for a new one in the next town they were able to visit. Maybe he could snag two, even, if he had enough courage to sneak some of the party's spoils for himself...without Tovi noticing? Maybe not. He'd settle for one.
Soon, the fire would die out, and Lyzander would be left to scrawl his prose by the light of the moon alone.
Tovi opened her eyes to a glaring sun and chapped lips, her throat dry from sleep, and her eyes dark with grogginess. Aiden, despite being almost nothing like his sister in every other respect, woke up at the same time, almost like they shared an internal clock as far as starting the day was concerned. Meriah appeared to have been stirred earlier, and was already chewing absently on some jerky for breakfast. The trio nodded their greetings to one another, and silently began to pack their things for the day's travel.
Partway through their wordless gathering, Tovi perked up with the sudden realization that it was -never- this quiet.
"Where's the Dreamweaver?"
Her brother and the mer-girl shrugged. "'S gone when I woke up," said Meriah. "His stuff's gone. Guess he wandered off again." Tovi grunted. -Again- was a word, alright. She supposed she'd insulted him badly enough that he'd decided to travel ahead and meet them in the next town, as he often did when he became restless or otherwise provoked. By the time they'd get to civilization again, he'd have cooled off. He'd probably be on a crate in front of some poor unwitting fool's shop, narrating his stories for all to hear, whether they liked it or not.
-Of course they'd like it-, a voice filtered through her morning haze, and she accepted that. He was a charming man, all told, no matter -what- she thought personally, even if she -was- right. He just always captivated the hearts and attention of those around him, naturally, and all the grouchiness in the world couldn't bring him down; she'd learned -that- the hard way.
So the three of them simply accepted that they'd meet with their fourth on the road somewhere, and without too much lollygagging, set out on another leg of their journey.
Not too far along the road - more of a well-traveled path in the dirt than anything - they were stopped by...an obstacle, if one could call it that. Surely, they could just step to the side and walk around it, avoiding conflict entirely, as they so often did with such trivial inconveniences. There was nothing to be gained from this thing. And yet, Tovi found herself drawing her weapons. With a glance to either side of her, she saw Aiden and Meriah doing the same. Were they to fight for nothing more than the glory of it? That -was- something Aiden would do if he didn't have such focused minds alongside him, but he'd have been outvoted...
Meriah drew her arm back, knocking an arrow. Her breath slowed to a glacial pace, and time froze as she released the taut string - then -whoosh! - the arrow pierced through the air with a whistle, and straight through the giant, sentient heap of slime that blocked their path.
This acted as the call to arms that sent Tovi and Aiden rushing forth, their blades slicing through the air and indeed through the viscous material that comprised their foe. Tovi's sickles flashed with a flurry of attacks, cutting through the slime so quickly, it hardly had time to recompose itself; Aiden's gladius came down upon the creature with such power and purpose that the smaller chunks splattered and melted into the dirt on contact with his blade. The trio made quick work of the monster, as was expected of such an experienced band of heroes, even without their magician by their side.
As they watched the pathetic creature disintegrate into the soil, they exchanged confused glances.
"Was that...entirely necessary?" Tovi ventured, and was met with shrugs. Meriah said nothing, but Aiden let out a short chuckle.
"Maybe not, but it was fun!" he exclaimed cheerfully. "Finally, you two join me in my thirst for adventure!"
Meriah frowned. "Since when d'you talk like that?" Tovi's eyebrow raised sharply, thinking the same thing but with much more callousness. "You think you're some kinda storybook hero, now?
Aiden just grinned and bounced onward, while Tovi and Meriah slogged through the sticky dirt, grimacing at the way their shoes pulled with every step. Pointless. Monsters don't leave behind treasure, not like those drunk adventurers in the taverns boasted about in their exaggerated retellings of their experiences. And a slime, at that! It didn't even leave behind a hide, or teeth, or bones, or -anything- at all, much less anything useful!
The team trekked ever onward, barely speaking to one another, besides Aiden's constant rambling about gods know what, and which the women would never know since they refused to actually listen to the words that spewed so carelessly from his mouth. After several hours, they decided to rest - Aiden walked too fast, and Meriah was -starving-, and Tovi was just about ready to call it a day just to fast forward the weirdness away. Something felt so awkward, so unnatural about today.
Lost in thought, Tovi almost didn't even notice the shadows growing long over their day camp.
It was merely midday - the shadows shouldn't be covering the plains in such extremes, especially with so little in the way of trees or structures or even rocks to cast them. While Aiden hummed a tune idly, and Meriah gnawed on a piece of chewy, stale bread, Tovi bothered to look up.
"Is that a fucking dragon."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement. The others looked up out of habit - if Tovi saw something, it was probably worth taking a peek. Sure enough, something dark and scaly and certainly quite ominous soared effortlessly overhead.
"That's...a fucking dragon," Meriah agreed. Aiden's face lit up like the sun glinting off of a fresh snowfall, all childlike wonder and youthful exuberance, having never had the opportunity to meet a dragon face-to-snout. Would it notice them and come swooping down for a battle? Aiden sure hoped so.
The women were not so excited. Meriah steeled herself, preparing her bow for a fight, and Tovi grit her teeth - could this day get any weirder? Wait, scratch that. Don't ever ask that. The gods took pleasure in the challenge.
Much to Aiden's delight, the dragon indeed took a sharp turn in the air, its glowing eyes trained quite acutely on its targets, three weathered adventurers bracing themselves for glorious battle. It took a dive, straight at them, and the air suddenly felt hot, and wavy, and -weird-, and Tovi knew exactly what was coming.
"Get down!" she cried out, yanking both of her comrades to the ground with her, covering her own head while hoping the others would follow suit. She couldn't tell, but once the roar of flames passed, and the only sound left was the ringing in her ears and the distant thunder of massive wings cutting through the air, she peered up, and saw both of her partners doing the same. Aiden's face was split by a gleaming smile, and he really did look the part of storybook hero, though she'd never, ever say so out loud. Meriah looked...bothered. She was not a fan of heat, as it were. Dried out her scales. She was only half-focused on the adversary at hand, the rest of her mind placed squarely in the marketplace of some future town, wondering if she could afford some decent lotions for her skin.
“We should just...run…” Tovi suggested, and Meriah nodded, though Aiden pouted.
“When will we ever get to fight a dragon again?”
“Hopefully never, if we’re lucky.”
“What kind of adventurer are you, anyway? How do you never have the desire to seek the thrill?”
Again, Tovi and Meriah both raised their brows at Aiden, speaking like a novel’s protagonist out of nowhere. If anything was weirdest about this day, this would be it. Dragons Tovi could understand. They were out in the middle of nowhere, it was bound to happen -someday-, and slimes? Well, maybe something came over her. It wasn’t unheard of. But hearing Aiden employ such diction was just unnatural.
They didn’t have much time to ponder Aiden’s sudden eloquence, though, with an entire dragon swooping back down through the air to redouble its efforts to cook them.
Without their magician, they had no way to magically bar the flames, but they had other tricks up their figurative sleeves. Aiden’s shield was enough to cover himself, and Tovi was quick enough on her feet to outdance the fire. Meriah simply flattened herself to the ground, mumbling into the dirt as if it would envelop her if she whispered sweetly enough to it.
As the dragon shot low past them, Aiden took a chance and threw all caution - and himself - to the wind, thrusting his sword upward without really looking, simply banking on luck and good timing to drive his blade forth. Tovi, taking notice of her brother’s movements, slipped backward and rolled under the fiery spray, using the split-second opportunity of distraction to rapidly slice at the dragon’s neck, expertly landing each cut in a criss-cross pattern along the tender flesh of its underside. Her blades were sharp enough to delay the rush of blood that flowed out from the wounds, allowing her to avoid the splash.
With their mark’s throat cut raw, and a deep stab through its chest, the trio had one last shot at felling the monstrous creature. As it stumbled and tripped, gurgling in an attempt to roar, Meriah pulled herself up to her knees and knocked an arrow, letting it fly without wasting any time with precision, instead allowing hope to take wing, and guided by faith alone, its aim was true. Piercing the dragon’s eye, half-blinding it, Meriah’s arrow brought the goliath to the ground once and for all.
Finishing the dragon was easy work, with it writhing in the dirt, unable to focus on the heroes that conquered it. Soon, with well-struck blows in all the vital places, the dragon fell silent and peaceful with its last gasp, a sigh of release, carried by the wind to the sky.
The heroes stood proudly over their trophy, unable to move it from its final resting place, but admiring the work they’d done to slay such a noble, yet terrifying beast. Tovi immediately set to work removing some of the most valuable bits - teeth, scales, some wing leather, talons...she butchered the animal quite cleanly, having done such work so often before. Meriah disappeared somewhere within the dragon’s coiled corpse, likely to grab a snack from the tenderest of flesh available to her. And Aiden - well, Aiden smiled brightly and cheered for them, as there were no adoring masses to do it. Surely, he would spend the nights penning a song to memorialize the feat, which would be sung in taverns across the lands…
Tovi opened her eyes to a rising sun and dew in her hair, her nose cold in the morning air, and her eyes dark with sleep. She was, as usual, the first awake, not including Lyzander, who never slept to begin with. Aiden snored lightly, and Meriah could pass for dead if one simply skimmed over her.
“What are you grinning about, Dreamweaver?” she demanded, already testy so soon after waking up. Lyzander closed his book, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Oh, nothing. Just finishing up another chapter in my novel, you see.” He looked her dead in the eyes, and without blinking, landed the killing blow:
“How did you like it, dragon-slayer?”
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