#so just lets sugar deal with it b/c she can at least keep them warm
hoofpeet · 1 year
Also Oof Sugar putting an egg in the freezer, I can see Spice kind of reacting badly to it tbh? Cause like generational trauma of all their pups freezing dying becoming ghost so I can see him being a bit, idk very uncomfortable but not knowing why just snapping snarling that this SHOULDN'T have happened! IT SHOULDN'T! NOT HERE NOT NOW! THEY'RE MEANT TO BE SAFE HERE?! MEANT TO BE WARM!! THEY'RE MEANT TO LIVE FOR FUCK SAKE
And just kind of having a moment because it's probably to some degree traumatic cause oh god not again not again please, especially as he has had pups that he's lost eg pumpkin, they're not meant to die here....theyre meant to be okay...
Sorry lots of feelings
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains And: Period Sex
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oh that is the perfect gif I totally forgot all about it but oh boy. thanks billy for your service to this blog.
Warnings: Obviously, menstruation, blood, and smut. I’m dealing with a particularly uncomfortable period (for me at least) and just want some e m p a t h y about it.
Who LOVES it:
Freddy Krueger: ABSO-MOTHER FUCKING-LUTELY. It’s a struggle to keep his hands off you (on a normal day) during your period. He can smell it.
Kieran Wilcox: yes please mommy, he’s waiting.
Luda Mae Hewitt: This is her secret kink.
Michael Myers: B l o o d  p l a y? Any kind of bloodplay, Michael is into it. If you weren’t already bleeding, he would probably make you bleed, with his (Actual) knife.
Mickey Altieri: Bring it. Jesus christ, Mickey thinks its so hot. Getting his cock or his fingers coated in your slick and your blood (Seeing the string consistency between his fingers), seeing you in a total mess from your period and being fucked to oblivion? Oh yes.
Midnight Man: He just likes it. I dunno. I don’t have a logical reason, extension or explanation of my vibes here but I am getting them from him.
Patrick Bateman: Oh my god it is his favourite kind of sex. Yes yes yes. Please please please. He marks your cycle in his calendar, with special notes about flow and mood. Soon enough he’s figured out your whole period every week and knows exactly when the iron is hot enough to strike. Any w h e r e, any t i m e .
Both Pennywise’: Ooooh, watch their eyes glow and their hair get more luscious when you tell them. Their teeth get sharper and the whites of their eyes get whiter- they’re horny as fuck now. Be a good sport and give them a lil taste, won’t you? A smell at least? That, or have them trailing you like lost puppies for the rest of the week, and curling up to/around you as tightly as possible when you’re sleeping.
The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase: Where else could he possibly go on this post, honestly.
The Man (Hush): Yep.  He’s favourite time of month.
Who is like ‘a b s o l u t e l y  n o t’:
Jerry Dandridge: Do I really need to comment? I mean, he can control himself being around you on your period, but you cannot let that blood smell hit the open air. Your controlled, classy vampire bf will disappear in an instant and will be replaced with… well, Evil.
Yeah no thanks:
Debbie Loomis: She’s not vehemently against it, but still… nah? Thanks for the offer tho. And it won’t happen when she’s on her period either, c e r t a I n l y not. Don’t even touch her when she’s on her period, jesus christ.
Jennifer Check: Yeah she just got a new manicure. Over her dead body will you stain her new French tips with your coochie blood. And if she puts her mouth down there, it might excited t o o much if you get what I mean and you will become a real snack.  
Is indifferent towards it:
Bo Sinclair: You’re sure into him durin’ this time o’ month, aren’t you? Eh… whatever. Hop on. He’s happy to help his partner, especially if its in such a gratifying way! I mean he won’t buy you any fucking pads but he will do this and there’s Bo as a boyfriend for you.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: I mean sure? Blood doesn’t scare him and it is, in fact, a turn on for him of course so sure. Plus, you’re less likely to get pregnant at this time, which is great! Doesn’t see what the big deal is, here. (Although, weirdly, I see past Chucky from Curse to be very much in the next category)
Inkubus: It’s not even a big d e a l, man, its cool. He likes all kinds of sex. Go wild.
Jason Voorhees: Jason is basically ace in the way he conducts himself on a general basis but if it tuned out that he was interested in sex and/or was willing to do it with you, then some blood leaking out of your private parts because of some natural causes is not going to change his mind. Is this not normal??
Jedidiah Sawyer: ???Alright??? He wears a mask made of skin, your natural bodily functions are not going to scare him away. Besides, the knowledge that it could lessen menstrual pain for you is a nice bonus. He’s gotta take care of his family.
Roman Bridger: It’s really not a big deal to him. We’ll just put down a darker sheet, or some plastic. You both need this sometimes (Him for emotional support when he’s stressed, and you of course cuz you’re on your damn period) and a bit of blood is certainly not a deal breaker. Besides, he finds the easy thrusting to be nice and comfortable. Preferred sometimes, actually. Just some nice, lazy, relieving sex with your director boyfriend.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: A little bit a’ blood aint gonna turn me off, sugar. Don’t you worry bout that.
The Djinn: See Inkubus. Except, our dear Wishmaster is so much more of a tease about this.
Is enthusiastic when they learn that orgasms lessen period pain:
Bubba Sawyer: He doesn’t care about exposure to blood, obviously, and he doesn’t see it as gross at all but he was still concerned about whether that was safe during your… monthly thing… but once he found out that it could help you with cramps he got on board immediately! ^^
Lester Sinclair: Oh boy, well okay then, let’s give this a go then!!
Mayor Buckman: He knows the drill; Boone gets terrible cramps. Don’t worry, he’s got you.
Pamela Voorhees: Oh of course she’ll help you out when you’re hurting ^^
Stuart Lloyd: Well… don’t get him wrong, for sure there is the part where it helps you in a seriously uncomfortable time… but then there is also the fact that he is a lil bit of a secret freak and menstrual care is a good excuse for him. (So he also belongs in the first category ^^)
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Blood doesn’t bother him, and if it’ll give you a hand with yer monthly problem then you just need to ask him. You’ll be on the bench in the saloon with your thighs spread without a second thought, like asking for a glass of water. (Except of course Caleb’s a lot more hands on about the whole thing of course (; ) He’s happy to help.
The Huntress / Anna: Oh!! Really?? It’ll help? Okay, then, sunflower. Remove your pants. Let’s go !!
Vincent Sinclair: He’s just very supportive and helpful through all areas of your period. He doesn’t understand, but he can still be sympathetic and help the way you say would be good ^^
Is curious and will try:
Billy Loomis: Is really curious and excited to try it. I mean, he likes blood? He likes sex? And this is both those things?? Fun lubricant, yay.
Chop Top Sawyer: And when I say that he’ll try and I REALLY MEAN IT, MAN. Like, go big or go home. He’s going to eat you out at this time and he’ll end up really enjoying it. Buckle up babes, you’ve awoken something buried pretty damn s h a l l o w l y inside him.
Granny Boone: Similar to Chop Top except with him, you had to tell him you were on your period and all so it would be different and all, while with Boone she was the one sniffing it out and *cough* hunting you approaching you about trying it.
Jill Roberts: For the same reasons as Billy. Plus, she wants to be able to say ‘well I did it for you- you have to do it for me.’
Leslie Vernon: I mean, he’ll give anything a shot once. What’s the harm?
Piper Shaw: Same as Jill.
Stu Macher: Super enthusiastic to try!! XDD Just, like, dyed lube- right?
Is c a u t i o u s:
Carrie White: … periods have always been difficult for her… But she’s willing to give it a try as long as you’re willing to return the favour! ^^
Thomas Hewitt: Tell him, if whatever he does hurts you. He is very serious about this. He wants you to feel better, but he doesn’t really know this works and does not want you hurting in his vein attempt at making you feel better. So, please. Tell him how you’re feeling. He’ll get really good at making your cramps and discomfort go away.
They may take some convincing:
Drayton Sawyer: I mean, he’s of course not afraid of some blood but… uh… Well, I mean, he doesn’t really have a big, or even moderate sex drive in the first place so any sex of any kind takes some warming up to. Maybe if the stars aline and you catch him on a good day. Otherwise, he tells you to just suck it up.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
a truth universally (un)acknowledged | chapter five
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(artwork credit to @jisungieart)
genre: rivals-to-lovers, fluff, college au, theatre au pairing: han jisung x reader chapter word count: 5k warnings: suggestive, swearing, a wee drop of angst request: yes (@jisungsjheekies​)
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
{prologue}  {chapter one}  {chapter two}  {chapter three}  {chapter four}  {chapter five}  {chapter six}  {chapter seven, part one}  {chapter seven, part two}
chapter five
✧ the middle of november ✧ y/n’s point of view ✧
It was a lovely November day, despite the slight chill in the air. As you checked your appearance one last time, and then one last time again, before your date with Jisung, Miri strolled into the bedroom with a mug of coffee in one hand and an orange in the other. 
“Ooooh, where are you off to?” Miri said as she set down her coffee, then flopped down on her bed and started to peel the orange. 
“I just need to get out—planning for finals is really taking it out of me. I think I’m gonna go wander around town, maybe head to the bookstore,” you said, knowing you told only a half-truth. It was completely plausible, since the local bookstore was a frequent haunt of yours; and, even if she didn’t say so, Miri would rather do anything else than simply spend the afternoon looking at books. (Not that she didn’t like reading, but she’d rather actually read the books than browse). So, it was a safe bet that she wouldn’t randomly appear around a bookshelf while you were there with Jisung. 
“Ah. Well, I’ll just be here minding my own business and probably working on homework.” She sighed as she picked at a particularly tough patch of the orange’s skin. “I wish I could go out, but I got slammed this weekend with work. Have fun, though!”
“Sorry, babe,” you said, fixing Jisung’s scarf in place so that it wouldn’t fly away in the wind. “Maybe next time we can both go on a jaunt together! Also, do you want me to pick anything up for dinner or are we good with what we have here?”
“It’s fine. You deserve a break, especially since you’ve been rehearsing and tutoring and who knows what else.” Miri popped a slice of the orange into her mouth and smiled. “Nah, I’m sure we have enough stuff here.”
You stood in front of your best friend and opened your mouth like a begging three year-old. With surprising accuracy, Miri tossed an orange slice into your mouth; no wonder she’d been smiling—it was delicious. “I’ll let you know when I’m heading home,” you promised. “Do I look okay?”
“Lovely as ever,” Miri replied. “You really like that blue scarf, don’t you . . ..”
“Yep, I do! Bye!” you sang as you quickly grabbed your bag, slung the strap across your body, and tried not to look like you were racing out the door to avoid being questioned more. 
As you approached the spot where you and Jisung had agreed to meet, your heart raced. What if a friend had dissuaded him from going out with you? What if he forgot? What if? What if? The thoughts chased each other around in your head, trying to convince you to turn around. You weren’t even sure how you’d a) fallen for Jisung, b) ended up making out with him at rehearsal, and c) decided to go on a date with him. No, that was a lie. You knew full well how that’d happened. You’d slowly fallen for Jisung without realizing it. It’d all happened so quickly and you had to remind yourself that going on one date didn’t mean you had to marry the man. Not that you were complaining, though.
But, your fears were unfounded. Jisung, who’d been waiting on a bench, stood up as soon as he saw you. A grin lit up his face, as bright and warm as the summer sun, and he strode toward you with excitement clear in his every movement.
“Hey, Y/N!” Jisung said once you reached him. “Um, may I hug you?”
“Hey! Oh my god, yeah, of course. We’ve made out so much that you really don’t need to ask for something as simple as a hug.”
“I just wanted to be respectful of your space, is all,” Jisung said, shrugging. “So . . ..” He held out his arms.
You chuckled and wrapped your arms around Jisung’s waist, resting your head on his chest. His coat made a nice pillow and he hugged you tightly. Craning your head back, you looked up at Jisung, who smiled sweetly and gave you a quick kiss. It was so casual you barely registered that he’d done it; although, the way your cheeks burned was a clear indication. You buried your face in his chest as you hugged for a moment longer, then broke apart. 
“Let’s get going, then, shall we?”
It was a pleasant walk into town, with the wind seeming to blow everywhere but around you. You still had to bury your nose in the deep blue scarf, though. Instead of going for coffee as you’d originally planned, Jisung had suggested getting boba. Halfway to the shop, Jisung caught your hand with his and put your linked hands in his pocket. After a moment of completely baseless embarrassment, you decided that holding hands with Jisung was really quite pleasant. Plus, now one of your hands was wonderfully warm. 
When you’d almost reached the shop, you had a moment of panic. The boba shop was a popular hangout spot for students. What if someone you knew saw you with Jisung? 
As if reading your mind, Jisung said, “Y/N, come on. It’s not a big deal if someone we know sees us out and about. We can just tell them that we realized the error of our ways or something.” He kissed the top of your head. “Let’s just enjoy the boba, yeah?”
Of course, Jisung was right. It was your silly pride and, quite frankly, your terror of being seen as a liar that kept you from wanting to make your relationship—was it that at this point?—with Jisung known to all and sundry. It wasn’t as if there was some rule against you dating. The only thing that stood in the way of you brazenly announcing the fact to the world was you. Jisung was smart enough to understand your hesitance and not push you, especially if it meant he’d actually get to date you. 
Hands still clasped together inside Jisung’s pocket, you entered the boba shop; you knew none of the people there, and immediately relaxed. As you both decided on which flavors you’d get, Jisung pulled you closer and rested his cheek on your head. It’d been a long time since you’d shared casual touches like this, but it was easy with Jisung. So easy that it shocked you. 
Jisung ordered a creamy strawberry tea with the smallest tapioca pearls possible, while you chose a peach and ginger one with pearls and only half the usual sugar in it. As you sat down at a table and waited, you chatted of the most mundane things—the exam schedule, the weather, Jisung’s friend Chan and his music (and his love life, somehow), possible plans for rehearsals. Oh, and the deep blue scarf you still wore.
“I meant to give it back to you,” you said sheepishly.
“It’s fine,” Jisung said, waving away your attempts to return it to him in that moment. “Just keep it. It looks good on you and you obviously like it. If I ever need or want it back, I know where to find you.” He reached out and tucked the scarf into a more even position, brushing a lock of your hair back into place in the process. 
He really is smooth, you thought, impressed.
Just then, your order was called and you went to fetch the drinks. Since it was cold outside, you agreed that staying inside to drink the teas would be best. Jisung insisted that you try each other’s. Full of delicious tea and still flirting back and forth, you headed outside. Even in the short period of time you’d been enjoying your boba, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped. 
After a mercifully short walk down the street, you arrived at the bookstore. Channeling his most gentlemanly self, Jisung held the door for you as you stepped in out of the wind. 
The smell of paper, the glues used to bind the books, and wood immediately met your nose. Despite its size, the bookstore was hushed. Excitement at being in the presence of so many books coursed through your body. It was as if the books themselves absorbed sound so that all attention could be paid to the words they contained. Bookstores, you’d often thought, were a bit like shrines to literature. People went to them to either browse or buy the books, to revel in the wonders of the written word. There was the distinct sense that, if anyone dared disturb the hush of the bookstore, dire consequences awaited—most likely from the books themselves. They were both that which was worshipped and the gatekeepers of their sacred place.
*✧・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚
✧ jisung’s point of view ✧
As he took off his coat, Jisung let out a little sigh of contentment; it was warm inside the bookstore and the quiet was a lovely counterpoint to the howl of the wind outside. Glancing over at you, he saw that you’d left on his scarf—it really did look good on you. He watched you pause to take in the rows and rows of shelves containing thousands of books. It probably seemed like a paradise to you. When you turned round to face him, you had a wide smile on your face.
“Isn’t it lovely?” you said, excited but careful to keep your voice down.
“It’s the best,” Jisung replied, knowing you’d take his words to mean the bookstore and not your joy. “Where to?”
“Poetry, of course,” you said, and grabbed his hand. He was surprised you did, since, so far, he’d been the one to initiate touch. Maybe being in a place you clearly loved so much had leveled your inhibitions.
Jisung was curious to see which poets you liked. He’d read enough poetry from different genres, time periods, and even languages, to feel confident that he’d know at least one of the poets, if not the works, you showed him.
As you walked to the poetry section hand-in-hand, Jisung thought over how normal it felt to be with you. That wasn’t what he’d been expecting, since you’d been sustaining some sort of grudge against him for so long. But, with the misunderstandings and admissions of pride out of the way, you’d opened up to Jisung. Yes, you were still a little shy, but he’d expected that. And, found it extremely endearing.
Combing the poetry section with you fascinating for Jisung. You’d open a compendium of Modernist works one moment, a volume providing an overview of the works of Victorian women poets the next, then flit to a small book of Latinx poetry that was published just the year before. Your sheer joy to be reading so many different kinds of verse was palpable. All Jisung could do was watch, reading anything and everything you excitedly thrust in front of him. Later, Jisung would remember this as the exact moment he started to fall in love with you. 
It was a perfect date. 
After that first date, Jisung realized he could discuss poetry with you. In fact, he could talk about anything and took full advantage of that fact. It was the best feeling knowing that twice each week, he got to spend at least two completely uninterrupted hours with you. And, he got to act! The best thing was that playing Darcy and Elizabeth meant sanctioned making out. No one could fault you for practicing the kiss, or getting into character by flirting. 
You’d still requested that he not tell anyone you were dating—well, besides Chan because Jisung couldn’t keep anything from his best friend, even if he wanted to—and he’d honored the request, knowing that, when the time came, everyone would know. Dates and spending time together had to be carefully planned, but didn’t they always?
It was the first week of December and the third week of you—was dating the right word? To Jisung it was. With that day’s rehearsal finished and your coats, scarves, and shoes back on, you caught Jisung’s hand as he made to exit the classroom.
“Hey,” you said softly, “let’s stay here a moment. I want to talk.”
“Okay.” Jisung’s heart raced as he tried not to make any assumptions before you spoke. But one thought kept pushing to the front of his mind: She’s going to leave me.
“Jisung,” you said, looking up at him seriously, “these past three weeks have been so, so lovely. No, Ji, please let me finish. I- Well, I never thought something like this would happen. I didn’t expect someone to treat me like you do, to understand me so well . . . to really care.”
“Of course, I care,” Jisung said, unable to stop himself. You laid a hand on his chest.
“I know, Ji, but this is all so new and different, especially because I thought about you in such a different way for . . ..” You paused, thinking. “Yeah, it was actually years. I’m having to relearn you, Jisung.”
“So, what’s the problem?” Jisung didn’t want to sound angry, but he couldn’t stand the suspense, not if you were going to leave him behind like so much chaff. “Y/N, please just tell me.”
“Well, I want to spend more time with you, Ji!” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling brightly up at him.
All Jisung could do was stare at you, astonished. He didn’t notice the small trickle of tears leaking from his eyes until you reached up and wiped them away.
 “Ji?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
Jisung couldn’t even speak. He wrapped his arms around you and clung to you, burying his face in your hair. You stroked his hair, murmuring that it was okay and asking what was wrong. It took Jisung a moment to gather himself enough to respond, his relief was so great.  
Finally, still holding you in his arms, he said, “Y/N, I thought you were going to dump me. You were so serious and the way you were talking . . . I really thought you were going to end this.”
“Oh, Jisung,” you breathed. “I’m so sorry. No, it’s not that at all. Like I said, I want to spend more time with you because I do like you. I like you a lot—more than I would’ve ever expected. Don’t worry, I’m here to stay, Ji.”
“So, you really want to spend more time with me? To be with me?” Jisung repeated, as if repetition would somehow reveal the truth or catch you in a lie.
“Yes, I do, Jisung. Really.” You were smiling, and Jisung was no match against your smile.
“Oh, thank god.”
You laughed softly, and said, “Rehearsals are a fine place to see you, but I’d feel bad if we used them as an excuse to be together, rather than as actual rehearsal time. I don’t want to worry about someone bursting in on us, you know?”
Jisung had to shake the mental picture of Professor Greystone walking in on you and him kissing—it was, quite frankly, a terrifying prospect. “What if we spent Saturdays together? You could always just come over to my place,” he said hopefully.
You still had your arms around Jisung’s waist, your hands a comfortable but slight pressure at the small of his back. “Hmmm, that might work. I’ll just say that I’m babysitting if anyone asks.” Your eyes went wide. “Shit, what about Chan?” 
“Chan usually goes to the recording studio on Saturdays, and I’m sure he’d stay out if I asked him to,” Jisung offered.
Jisung felt you sigh against him. “That would be nice,” you said, sliding your hands into Jisung’s back pockets, “as long as he doesn’t come back at an, um, inopportune moment.”
“Are you planning on there being inopportune moments?” Jisung wiggled his eyebrows at you with a wicked grin on his face.
“Maybe,” you said with a wink, then rested your head against his chest. Jisung loved the feeling of having you so near. “We should go, just in case someone decides to come to the classroom.”
Still thanking his lucky stars that you hadn’t walked away, Jisung hummed in agreement. 
*✧・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧*:・゚
✧ the middle of december ✧ y/n’s point of view ✧ 
You still weren’t sure how you’d managed to keep the fact that you were dating Han Jisung a secret from Miri. Her usually perceptive nature seemed to be dulled by the stress of impending exams, and, although you hated to see her stressed, you were secretly glad. Your excuse of babysitting on Saturdays so the parents could have a day to themselves had somehow held, especially because, so far, you’d actually gotten homework done with Jisung. You couldn’t guess what you’d tell her if she found out . . .. 
Saturdays were now the day you looked forward to all week long. You and Jisung texted constantly, sometimes a little too late into the night, to the point that you had to stuff your blanket in your mouth to stifle your giggles. While you were still nervous about what others would think or say if they knew you were dating Jisung, it didn’t bother you half as much as it used to, and you knew that your fears were, in reality, nothing to worry about. You knew you were being silly, but couldn’t help it. Slowly, you grew more confident about the relationship and almost, just almost, wanted to tell someone. 
The first time you went to Jisung’s, Chan was still there, and he winked at you on the way out the door. It made you blush. Later, Jisung told you, in all sincerity, that Chan thought the two of you weren’t doing homework or anything else that didn’t involve a bed. The second time you arrived, Jisung answered the door still in his pajamas with wildly tousled hair. This also made you blush, since Jisung’s idea of pajamas didn’t include a shirt. 
Your time with Jisung truly was like a page out of someone else’s life. Whether you watched movies, grudgingly wrote papers, baked, or even just napped together, you considered the time well spent. You’d never had such an easy relationship before, nor one with someone so unfailingly caring. As exams started, being with Jisung calmed you and kept you sane. He always made sure that you both took breaks, even if it was just to scream into a pillow for five minutes. Thankfully, exams passed without any snags. 
Both you and Miri headed home for the winter break, since on-campus housing closed unless special accommodations were made. You said goodbye to your best friend, promising to see each other over the break. You’d also made plans to see Jisung, since he was staying with Chan, who lived relatively close to you. You’d told your parents that you had a boyfriend, but weren’t really expecting them to be that fussed. They weren’t. They even offered for Jisung to come stay with you for a bit, and you weren’t about to pass up that opportunity.
On New Year’s Eve, Jisung came to stay with you for a week. A full week! Chan drove him over in the mid-afternoon, and nearly booted him out of the car.  
“Go be with your girlfriend, you dork,” he called out the window as Jisung lugged his bag up the walkway to the house.
You’d come to open the door when you’d heard the car pull up, and laughed to see the stricken look on Jisung’s face. 
“Come on in, Ji,” you said, kissing his cheek and waving to Chan.
It turned out that your parents loved Jisung. You both thanked any god that would listen for that stroke of luck—you couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like if they hadn’t. Jisung helped make meals, clean up, and generally participated in your home’s daily life. He seemed to fit perfectly.  
Your family’s New Year’s celebrations were simple but joyous, with wishes for health and happiness for everyone. As the clock struck midnight, Jisung spun you around and dipped you, kissing you thoroughly. Holding you in the dip for a moment longer, he whispered in your ear, “Happy New Year, love,” while your mother clapped in the background.
During the lazy evening of New Year’s Day you decided to run your lines together. You might as well take the time you had now to memorize them. Plus, it would be far easier with two people. Pleased that you were holding your promise to yourself to memorize your lines before the spring semester began, you sat cross-legged on your bed, two pillows behind your back. 
“Ji, can we try that bit again?” you asked. “Maybe try something like flippant rather than sarcastic, if that makes sense?” 
“Yeah, that should work better,” Jisung replied, and began his first scene with you again. 
You each did your best to rely on memory rather than the script, although neither of you had really memorized much.
After more fine-tuning of lines, it didn’t take long until Jisung was sprawled on the bed next to you. He was tracing spirals onto your thigh, causing the skin to tingle a little, even though the fabric of your leggings. Somehow, Jisung always managed to deliver his lines perfectly, despite seeming distracted. He’d even wormed his way up the bed so that his head rested on your chest, since you’d also slipped down your support of pillows. Working through scene after scene, you got closer to Darcy’s proposal. By now, Jisung had decided to lay fully on top of you, looking into your eyes as he delivered his lines. 
As Elizabeth, you described your misjudgment of Darcy and the folly of both your actions and words. Now more than ever, you felt keenly aware of the similarities between you and Elizabeth Bennet. As you spoke, Jisung slowly kissed up your neck from your collarbone, occasionally nipping at the skin. You threaded one hand through his hair, gently carding it as you continued to read from the script. There was no trying to memorize now. It was getting more and more difficult to concentrate on your lines, especially once Jisung began to pepper your face with light kisses that reminded you of a butterfly dancing across your skin. You felt the heat and pressure of his body radiating to yours, causing your heart to race. 
When the time came for Jisung’s lines, he paused to glance at the script just once. Then, he kissed you deeply, taking all the time in the world. His hand slipped under the hem of your shirt. 
“My dearest Y/N.” Jisung spoke the first phrase against your lips and you smiled at his substitution of your name for Elizabeth’s. 
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do,” he continued. Jisung kissed you again, this time lingering at your mouth before kissing your cheek. With one hand in his hair, the other at his waist, you simply enjoyed the feeling of Jisung’s kisses. 
“My feelings will not be repressed.” Jisung pressed his hips more firmly to yours and where his fingers ghosted across your skin were like little lines of fire. You exhaled, almost moaning, and caught his lips with yours.
Releasing your lips, Jisung murmured, “I do not know the month, the day, or the hour I fell in love with you, but my affections have not waned.” Then, as if kissing you were necessary to live, Jisung kissed you again. You nearly forgot that you’d been running lines. 
Jisung propped himself up, and between nearly every word of the last sentence, he kissed a different part of you. 
“You—he kissed your right temple—must—your forehead—allow—your nose—me—the corner of your lips—to tell you—he kissed the palm of your hand—how ardently—now he kissed your neck—I admire—then, your collarbone as he slid his body lower—and—your now bare shoulder—love you.” Jisung finally kissed your mouth again, and you knew there would be no more running of lines for the rest of the night.
Later in the week, you and Jisung were again occupied in your bedroom. Slipping off to kiss was one of the many things you did together, and today you were tangled together on the bed. You faintly heard a knock on the door downstairs and your father open it, welcoming however it was. You simply continued kissing Jisung, who was doing a very good job at making you breathless. 
“Helloooooo,” a familiar voice called on the stairs. “Y/N! You up there?”
You started. Miri.
“Ji. Aaahh,” you gasped. You had to hold Jisung’s head away from your bare shoulder. “Jisung, stop. That’s Miri on the stairs,” you whispered. “Get under the bed—now! 
Jisung rolled off the side of your bed with a loud thump as you straightened your shirt and patted down your hair. Quickly getting off the bed, you sat on the floor in front of your bed; thankfully, there was a large compendium of Shakespeare on the floor next to you. You took it up and opened it to a random page: As You Like It—of course, it was the play from which you’d first performed a monologue in college.
Just as you placed the book on your knees, Miri opened your door. “Hey, Y/N. Why didn’t you answer?” She looked down at you. “Oh. Why are you down there?” 
“I was reading,” you lied smoothly, and hoped, yet again, that your lips weren’t too swollen from kissing. 
“You always do dive into the world of whatever book you’re reading, don’t you. I heard a thump—you good?” 
“Yeah. I just accidentally dropped this book off the bed, and then decided to stay down here with it,” you said. You felt Jisung’s hand on your back and you had to stop yourself from jumping at the contact.
“Just wanted to stop by to say ‘Hi,’ and to borrow your textbook from Dramaturgy I. You had to take that, right?” Miri sometimes took theatre classes, and would borrow books from you.
“Oh, yeah. It’s over on the bookshelf,” you said, glad to not have to get up, since you were sure Miri would be able to see Jisung if you did. And, he now hand his hand under the hem of your shirt. 
“Thanks! So,” Miri continued as she got the book from the shelf, “what’ve you been up to?” 
“Oh, not much. Just been enjoying time with my parents,” you said, trying to inject an air of levity into your voice. You desperately hoped it worked. 
“That’s all?” Miri seemed incredulous. “You haven’t been, for example, going on dates or anything?”
You had to force yourself to take a breath before speaking. “Nope, not even dates, Mir.”
“Aw, that’s a shame. You could use a significant other . . ..” 
“Well, maybe next semester!” you said brightly. Jisung, thankfully, had taken his hand off your back by now. You looked back down at the page you’d been supposedly reading. 
Miri sighed. “You’re still in school mode, aren’t you. Well, I guess there’s no having fun with you when you’re like that.”
You looked up at your best friend, a rueful smile on your face. “Sorry, Mir.”
“It’s okay, babe. How about we get together next week, okay?” Miri said as she left your room.
“Sounds good,” you replied, keeping perfectly still with the smile on your face until you heard the front door open and close.
You let out a the breath you’d been holding and set down the book. Jisung squirmed his way out from under the bed.
He sat next to you with a smirk. “So, where were we?” 
You could scarcely believe that you’d only been dating Jisung for a month and a half—it felt much, much longer. As you spent even more time together and, in fact, lived together, it was surprisingly easy to fall into a routine. You had known each other for the past three years, after all. Unlike some couples, you weren’t starting from barely knowing each other, either; yes, you didn’t know the deepest secrets of your hearts (yet), but you had been, at least, known to one another.
And now, you most certainly knew one another.  
You and Jisung now had ample time to simply be together. More often than not, you’d be touching, whether holding hands or curled together on the couch. Your favorite thing was falling asleep in Jisung’s arms. It usually happened while you were watching a show or movie, or reading, together. You would lay on top of him, on your back, with his arms around you; you always held your clasped hands to your chest, as if to keep him close to your heart. After you’d fallen asleep like this twice, you realized that you must look like sea otters. In these quiet moments, Jisung’s hands fascinated you. You played with his fingers as your hands were intertwined, running your thumb over his in soft, slow strokes. Or, you’d trace patterns into his skin with your index finger, sometimes writing words across it or just following the lines on his palms.  
Just Jisung’s steady breathing and heartbeat lulled you into that pink world between sleeping and waking. If you looked up at him with puppy eyes, he’d hum a little and you’d fall asleep even faster. Though, upon waking, you’d pepper him with kisses anywhere you could reach—his cheeks, chest, biceps, wrists, nose, shoulder, wherever. Just to gently press your lips to his skin was enough for you. Small, simple acts were how you liked to show affection.
You were so comfortable with Jisung now, and, really, you were glad of it. You liked having him as your boyfriend. Your boyfriend. What an amazing idea. If, at this time last year, someone had told you you’d be dating Han Jisung, you would have surely laughed in their face. But now, you couldn’t imagine having it any other way. In the deepest recesses of your heart, you felt love begin to stir.
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coldlittlecuties · 3 years
Bundle Up
The boys are on an early season 1 hunt in Michigan but aren't quite used to how cold it is. (Words: 2086)
I might continue this if anyone is interested.
Dean shoved Sam through the entrance of the nearest store, the little bell above jingling. The younger hunter was shaking so harshly from the frigid Michigan air that Dean feared it was a seizure. He steered Sam over to the nearest vent, then began brushing off the snow while hot air blew over him.
"You okay?" Dean checked.
"F-F-FFF-F-Fi-Finnne," Sam stuttered.
"You're not fine, you're frozen! The Hell were you thinkin', man?!" Dean scolded. Sam looked at him with the most heart-wrenching puppy eyes he'd ever pulled. Of course him being all huddled up and shivery made it all the more effective.
Dean sighed. He brought his brother's icy hands out from his jacket sleeves to check for frostbite. "Look: I don't care how close you think the library is. When it's this freakin' cold, you call me to pick you up. You don't walk! Man, look at you! You better have all your toes."
"*fffffuhuhuhuhuh* N-N-NN-NN-No-ot th-th-that *buh-buh-buh-buh*bad," Sam denied. He then shuddered so hard Dean had to stop him from falling.
"Yeah, tell that to your teeth," Dean interrupted. "Geez, Sammy! If you're gonna be so underdressed, at least wear gloves."
"D-D-D-Do-on't ha-ha-avvve 'nnnny-y," Sam explained. Dean lightly smacked him upside his head.
"You should've said something! I told you we'd be close to Canada this hunt! Are these the warmest clothes you have?" He berated. Sam's lack of eye contact was all the answer Dean needed. He sighed, washing a hand over his face. "You trying kill me, Sammy?"
"Y-Y-You-u'd c-c-c-co-co-com*mmm*ee b-b-bb-back a-a-an *huhuhuh*haunt m-m-m-me."
"Damn right I'd haunt your ass," Dean smirked. "Now let's see if this place has anything to keep you from turning into the abominable snowman."
The brothers have stayed in some pretty awful places: motels that reek of cigar smoke, empty houses infested with pests, even outside on cold concrete if the situation was dire enough. This cabin might be their least favorite place. Sure it looked beautiful, was clean, and free from rodents or bugs, but it was not built for winter.
It's insulation is nonexistent, the windows are single paned which let the chill seep into the cabin, there is no fireplace, and no matter where they are, there is always a draft to send shivers up their spines. Dean was convinced that the cabin was colder than the snowy forest outside. He was tempted to sleep in the Impala, but since she was made of metal, she would be even colder (though he doubted it was possible for colder temperatures to exist).
Their father trained them to withstand cold temperatures and how to deal with cold weather emergencies. Dean kept trying to regulate his breathing like he was taught. Every inhale felt like a brain freeze to his sinuses, even inside! Despite all of this, Dean was still more worried for his brother.
Sam has never been very cold tolerant. His skinny body just didn't hold in enough heat. Living in the warmer climate of the Bay Area made him even less tolerant. Dean's stomach clenched at the memory of his baby brother shivering through cold weather training, his teeth clacking together so intensely that even their father allowed him to wear another layer. It was excruciating to see his little brother freezing without helping him.
This time wasn't cold training. This is one of the circumstances they trained for. Only this time, Dean won't sit idly by while Sammy freezes to death. He'll do whatever it takes to keep him warm. Whatever he did, he knew he'd have to do it quickly. Dean could already see his brother shaking from the cold, even in his new winter clothes.
"Why don't you go find some more blankets and I'll see if I can pump some heat into this place," Dean suggested. Sam nodded, rubbing his arms as he walked away. Dean examined the cabin, trying to find a thermostat or a furnace: anything. He nearly cheered when he found the water heater. All he had to do was relight the pilot light and... done! In an hour, it would be warm enough for a hot shower or two.
"D-D-Dean!" The older brother sprinted to where he heard Sam call. "We d-d-don't have p-p-p-p-power."
"Hang tight, Sammy! I'll try to find the generator. Stay here!" Dean ordered before running off. He checked the kitchen, the living room, the hallway, the bedrooms, the closets, even the bathroom. It must be outside. Dean rushed outside and around the perimeter of the cabin. Finally, he found the generator piled under a mountain of snow. His gloved hands made opening the control panel very difficult, but if he took them off, he'd lose fingers to frostbite. Dean's hopes fell when the door opened to reveal every piece either rusted or frozen.
"Sonovabitch...," he grumbled, slamming the door shut. Hopefully whatever they had in the Impala could help, just until they could drive back into town for supplies. Dean ruffled through the trunk, the hidden compartment, the interior: all he found were a few more scraps of clothing and a lighter. He sighed.
"Generator's busted. We'll pick up stuff to fix it tomorrow. I did find a few more gloves and socks though," Dean explained, shaking off the snow from his jacket before putting it back on again.
"Don't worry, Dean. The stove's gas powered with a full tank of propane. It's kinda cozy," Sam replied, holding his gloved hands close to the lit burner. Dean was glad Sam wasn't shivering anymore. He knew from experience that it made his muscles sore as Hell.
"You wanna roast marshmallows and chestnuts?" The older brother teased.
"I know you're joking, but I could seriously use some hot chocolate right about now," Sam smirked, rubbing his arms again.
"You said it. We should get some mix. And some milk! Watery hot chocolate is disgusting," Dean added.
After a couple of hours researching, Dean heated up a few cans of soup over the fire. It was getting dark, especially with the increasing snowfall. It wasn't too bad thanks to the candles they lit. They also provided some much needed warmth. Both boys divided the remaining clothes and blankets among themselves, Dean making sure Sam got whatever was warmest. His kid was bundled up in as many layers as he thought he could wear without Dean noticing. Of course, he did. But he wouldn't say anything.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dean watched Sam blow into his gloved hands and bounce his legs. While waiting for the soup to warm up, he rifled through the cabinets in search of something that could help Sam. He found a few heat packs and even one of those aqua bead pouches that could be heated or cooled. There was also some tea and sugar. Dean started to heat another pot of water for the tea and to heat up the aqua pouch.
"*huh-huh'PSHH! h'NSHuuh! hih-GISHhuuh!*"
"Hey, Sammy. Why don't you take a break for a bit. Stretch thise freakishly long legs of yours," Dean suggested, hoping to lure his brother closer to the heat source.
Sam happily left the dining room chairs, taking the long route to the kitchen so he wouldn't be too obvious.
"*HISHhuuh! tchSHOO! Heh-hih-ihHSHSH!*"
"You getting sick?"
"No. My nose is just running 'cause it's cold in here. And my scarf tickles sometimes," Sam explained, hugging himself.
"Wanna try one of these hot pack things? They're suplosed to be for injuries but they advertise heat," Dean offered, already preparing a pack. Sam nodded, but Dean would've put the pack on him anyways. The younger hunter shuddered violently when his shirt was pulled up in the back. He felt the pack stick to him, then Dean let go of him.
As upset as Sam wanted to be with Dean for invading his personal space, the glorious warmth of the pack started to kick in. He sighed contentedly, almost purring, as it helped his shivery muscles loosen.
"It's so warm," he thought aloud.
"That's why it's called a hot pack, Sammy. Here, eat up," Dean explained as he handed Sam a bowl of soup. The brothers stood by the stove as they ate the soup and drank the tea. Both were savoring the warmth from the dishes as well as their contents.
"You think you're gonna be warm enough, tonight Sammy?" Dean checked, handing him the warmed aqua pouch.
"Yeah, I'm good. What about you, though?" Sam worried.
"I'm too hot to freeze!"
Dean let out another shuddery breath as a chill wracked him. He tried to curl himself into a tighter ball, but it wasn't helping. The hunter was so cold he couldn't stop shivering. His teeth kept making that annoying chattering sound no matter how much he wrapped himself in the blankets. He even used some spare towels from the closets!
"S-S-S-S-Sa-ammmy's w-ww-wwarm-m-m," Dean kept telling himself. "*huhuhuh*He's wwwwa-warm a-a-and s-s-s-s-sa*fffff*fe." He then shivered so hard it rocked the bed. Dean was wearing every piece of clothing he could. Everything else (minus the Fed Suit) was mingled in with the towels and covers. How was he still this cold?!
Finally fed up with turning into a popsicle, Dean eased himself out of the blankets to stand by the stove for a while. He was amazed to feel how much colder the room was outside of his cocoon. All his shivering reminded him to check on Sam. Dean shuffled around the corner and into the kitchen. He turned on the gas for the stove, but couldn't work the lighter with his gloves. He took them off then shuddered impossibly harder.
He dropped his lighter with a loud *THUNK!*. Dean winced, hoping the noise didn't wake his little brother. He decided to turn off the gas until he could find another way to light the stove. No sense in poisoning them both. While he waited for an idea to come, he saw one of the hot packs on the counter. Dean took off his gloves on the other hand so he could open their package. But he was shaking too much to properly grasp it.
"I knew it!"
Dean whipped around as Sam came out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him.
"You lecture me about the importance of of staying warm and wearing plenty of layers while you go and do the exact opposite!"
"M'f-f-ff-fi-ine S-S-S-Sam," Dean assured.
"You're not fine, you're frozen!" Sam echoed, wrapping the blanket around his brother. He grabbed the dropped lighter, then lit the front burners. Dean gave a shuddery sigh as he felt the warmth and held his palms out.
"Here: put these back on." Sam watched Dean struggle to put the gloves on for a few seconds before doing it himself. Dean looked away as he huddled into the blanket. Sam opened the hot pack and slipped it onto his brother's back before he had a chance to protest.
"Why didn't you tell me you were freezing? I could've added more layers and given you more blankets!" Sam demanded, preparing a pot of water for tea.
"Y-Y-Y-You wwwere *cuh-cuh-cuh*co-old a-all ddday," Dean explained.
"And you've been freezing all night. Maybe even longer!"
"*muh-muh-muh-muh*my-y j-j-jjjob-b... p-p-p-prot-tect y-y-yo-ou...."
"What's my job then? Sit around all warm and cozy while my big brother freezes to death? I can deal with being cold. I can't deal with losing you too." Sam looked away and took a breath to compose himself.
"I'm fine!"
Dean unhuddled from the blanket so he could pull his brother into a hug. Sam burried his face in Dean's shoulder as he relaxed into the embrace.
"S'ok-k-kay S-Sammy. I-I'm g-g-getting warm-m-mer nno-ow. M-M-M'ok-k-k-kay."
Sam nodded into his shoulder. Dean's shivering slowed to a stop after a few minutes. Neither brother was willing to let go of the other just yet.
"You wanna try to sleep a bit more?" Sam offered, suppressing a yawn. "You can stay in my room 'cause it's warm."
"Yeah. Let's get'cha to bed, Sammy," Dean chuckled. Reluctantly, they let go to walk into Sam's room. They crawled under the covers on opposite sides of the bed, but they ended up gravitating towards each other. Their chilly and sleepy minds only registered the soft warmth and the presence of his brother.
Sam was snuggled up against Dean's chest, his head tucked right under the older hunter's chin. Dean wrapped his arms around his kid and nuzzled his soft hair. That was how they fell asleep: warm, cozy, and protected.
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pleasant-boi · 4 years
OK I'm still on wisdom tooth pain killers and I can't write shit so stuff for this AU where I give Akechi some parental figures to disappoint.
It is still going to be really, really bad. Akechi still gets involved with the conspiracy though he's like... 10% more mentally stable this time around due to some good influences.
By god we're getting you a fucking proper redemption arc bro.
I'm going to age the p3 cast a couple of years, since canonically there is a 5-6 year gap between the events of p3 and p5 if I remember correctly, and I want everyone to be adults ™ and in Tokyo for plot reasons when the p5 cast are children. I was thinking of maybe around 7 years? So Akihiko and Mitsuru are 25, Junpei and Yukari 24, Fuuka 23 and Ken 18 while the p5 cast are around 10-12...if my math is correct I'm gay ok?
Koromaru is not dying, persona makes animals immortal I don't make the rules I'm all for angst/whump but the dog lives. Koromaru insists on looking after strays so everyone in sees constantly fosters little animals - mostly Ken, but the others occasionally too, especially when Ken was exams
Is this also a convoluted way to give Akechi a puppy to bond with?
Yes, yes it is.
Basically adult!SEES with uni!Ken is like having cousins who live in the same city when you're in university. You love them you don't talk for months and suddenly you're around them for like a week straight. Ride or die (or ignore their existence for like 2 months straight because you were living ur life ™)
Ken is in his first year of uni in the beginning of this. He's studying to be a vet. Or maybe a doctor. Maybe he'll change majors in the future. Not sure. But I headcon him as wanting to get into something thats helps people like medicine and the boy has a soft spot for animals
Everyone is dealing with trauma. Other than Ken who like Arena (we're just using stuff we like from that game and ignoring the rest shh) stopped getting involved with shadow stuff and had a relatively normal rest of his childhood - with some help of Kirijo appointed therapists-, Junpei is the most well adjusted.
Everyone is still in a place where they feel due to the event's of p3 and after the death of p3mc, femc (twin AU! TWIN AU! ) and everyone else in their lives, getting close to people other than their group is... Hard.
Junpei is too busy loving his npc wife, so it's easier to ignore the bad stuff. He also has children. He cried when they were born for like a month straight. Thinking of them being twins, one of them having red hair like Chidori because of anime reasons ™.
Because of that they end up with a lot of impromptu sleep overs and basically everyone has a spare room except Ken because he's a student, Junpei because he has kids and even with Mitsuru being everyones unofficial platonic sugar mommy, that many rooms is expensive and Yukari who is the only one not officially living in Tokyo but she's there like 80% of the year for shootings and has a studio apartment.
They avoid gathering at Fuuka, because she insists on making food every time and while it is usually edible (or edibles lmao) she likes to experiment a lot. So it's a bet between normal food, maybe a bit burned sometimes but nowhere near as bad as in highschool or mystery food X.
I'm keeping Akihiko as a c- 🤮 as a cop, only because I found his reason for it in Arena super wholesome. If not maybe a police consultant. I'm still on the fence about it. Plus Mitsuru needs inside allies for shadow ops.
Speaking of Akihiko, that's how I'm giving Akechi parental figures!
One of Akechi's Foster homes locks him out when he doesn't come straight from school and this time they don't even let him in for the night.
Akechi kinda runs away, gets lost and ends up spending the night crying in some random alley before passing out.
If I'm keeping the cop ™ route maybe someone calls the police and Akihiko ends up checking it out. Or maybe he's out running in the middle of the night, because let's face it, probably no one could relax before 1am, anxiety about the dark hour some how returning and it's something Akihiko 'I deal with the deep terror of losing again everyone close to me by punching things, working my body to its limit and putting myself in danger but I'm definitely not an adrenaline junkie' Sanada would do
Speaking of which the investigation team definitely checks for the midnight chanell every time too
Akihiko sees a passed out kid in the middle of the night and of course he tries to help. He asks if he's lost etc and ultimately he asks and where are his parents.
It's mid fall so while the temperature isn't deadly it is cold out, maybe it's raining too, for the extra suffering/whump, and he's pushing a bit with the questions because the kid is definitely going to get pneumonia if he hasn't already.
Akechi doesn't really respond until the parent thing, almost screams about how his mom is dead and no body wants him around and starts crying again.
Akihiko has braincells, however none of them are any help with social interactions. Much less with a sobbing child in the middle of the night.
I'm not sure where to go exactly from here but Akechi clearly has a fever (and if we're going with the rain route especially he needs to get dry and warm asap) and is really against going to the hospital because 'they're going to kill me if there is a hospital bill' so either
a) Akihiko calls child services and takes him to the station and sits with him until they arrive or
b) he takes him back to his apartment for the night because it is late, the kid needs some sleep and blankets and he knows the system is underfunding and overworked at best so it would be better to just call them in the morning
That particular one can have some cute hurt/comfort with pancakes for breakfast because Akihiko is also pancake boi and Akechi crying again because no one has been nice to him in years
Anyway, both end with Akihiko giving Akechi his number and telling him to call if something bad happens again.
Akechi doesn't. At least for a little something over half a year. He's in a really bad foster home and one night he ends up locked in the hall closet, trying not to cry because even breathing hurts but if he did make more noise it would be worse.
He has the number memorised by now and when he tries to curl up in the small space and feels a cellphone in a fallen jacket (remember the 2000s where most people used their cells only outside or when you wanted to talk to your crush?) , he takes it out, heart beating loudly before sending a series of panicked texts explaining the situation
He doesn't really think that it's going to do anything because there isn't a response but the small part of him that hoped something would go right for once still hurts
Meanwhile Akihiko didn't even think about replying because he almost had to be physically restrained from running there and punching the shit out of them
It's not even 20 minutes later when the police comes with Akihiko and at that point Akechi is almost unconscious, but starts screaming and banging against the locked door when he hears the commotion, immediately passing out when he feels it open
When he comes to he's a in a hospital, getting yelled by a social worker about how he has to change homes again some soon and it his fault and Akechi just bites his lips, trying to tune it out and not cry again.
Akihiko overhears all that and while he would normally just leave it to the proper authority and is nowhere near close to the ready for a responsibility like that, is like 'fuck it temporarily custody until he's healed and also I'm giving this kid some proper food and a couple of punching lessons'
There's more but this is already getting long asdvyrsvgjcw
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ofmurphys · 4 years
Tumblr media
✰ –– hero coffee roasters. 2pm, on a tuesday.
this bitch wants a frappu-fuckin’-ccino. murphy blinks and pastes on a smile. jesus. fake-owning this shithole’s getting real old these days. “ oh, hun, of course i can improvise that sugar rush for you. don’t even fret it. we totally keep vats of that fake java just lying around. ”  honestly, murph can’t tell what’s worse –– the fact that this cardboard cutout vsco girl even asked, or the fact that she actually believes her.
hero coffee roasters loses a customer that day. as the doorbell jingles shut with the force of the girl’s slam, murphy pops a redhot into her mouth and chews. does nothing to hide her growing smirk. yeah, yeah. 
good riddance.
or alternatively :  hey demons, it’s me, ya gurl !  back at it again with my very snakey shadow gorl. click that read more to learn about this gorgeous amoral piece of ass. i’m trying out a new intro format, so... bear with me !  i hope y’all enjoy, and pls hmu on discord for plots !  
murph is... straight up trouble. so if you want drama ?  you want bullshit & compulsive lies ?  you want ill-founded rage with no apologies later ?  you’ve come to the right place .
this is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world . . .   just kidding. murphy berman doesn’t shed tears for shit.
— && guests may mistake me as ( zoe kravitz ), but really i am ( murphy berman + cisfemale + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 11/7/1994 ). i am a ( “ coffee shop owner ” ) and would like to stay in suite ( 306 ). i won’t be much of a bother because i am ( + cunning & fierce ), but i can also be ( - acetous & cutthroat ) at times. personally, i like to ( code, flick gum wrappers at pigeons, bring my pet turtle to the movies, sit back and watch shit burn ) when i have the time to relax, and my favorite snack is ( those purple doritos, y'know. chili or whatever the fuck  ) to have in my suite. thank you for checking in !
i n s p o .
coffee shop –– hero coffee roasters.
soundcloud –– soul sounds.
soul anthem.
b a c k d r o p .  ( tw: drug mentions, alcoholic tendencies, alcohol, crime, allusions to domestic violence, violence, murder. )
2am, bar’s closed. but braids still sits, forearms draped atop the counter, shades askew. as you restock new handles, she raises a finger, like she might say something, then pours herself another bourbon. cutting her off is the least of your worries –– it doesn’t take a genius to tell this cookie can handle her own. and the shit she’s spewing ?  something tells you this has never been aired before.
“ so picture the fuck outta this, bub. ”  a swig.  “ you’re born and before you even got the wherewithal to speak, you’re shipped off to some graham cracker family in the  ‘ burbs. you start leapfrogging –– my term, tee-em –– ”  a tattooed finger traces the symbol into the air accordingly. “ and after a while, it’s a game. hop a house, stay a while, see how much of their shit you can pocket. ”  nostalgic sighs accompany a litany of stolen goods :  cash. jewelry. first edition tetris game, hand-fuckin’-held. the hoopers’ prized gold kazoo.
don’t believe her ?  onto black marble slides proof. 
“ then you land. hard. the fuckin’ landry’s. ”  a scornful chuckle. “ miss me with that white picket fence ass shit. but they get you your first comp, so... when they ask to adopt you, you’re like. i dunno, man. sure, i guess ?  and guess wrong. ”  turns out the landry’s aren’t as warm or welcoming as they claim. their youngest kid dies, freak accident. monkey bars. “ family falls apart worse than that time you tried to make a ball from fresh cigarette ash. you were eleven. ”  tattooed over the scar.
braids tells you ‘bout the party being over. the bruising. but she laughs through it, rolls her eyes like she’s talking ‘bout silly old friends instead of terrible old people.
her birth mother finds her. they meet up a few times in a local park, whisks her away when she’s twelve. is it kidnapping ?  technically, who gives a fuck. they lived low. under the radar. in apartments above dive bars. spent a summer breaking into parked cars. finally landed with j.j., who turned out to just be a glorified drug mule.
“ new york was fine to me. y’know, fucked off in school. kid shit. ”  she shrugs. you won’t know it, but she’ll astutely sidestep the fact that she hacked her first global system at 14. she won’t mention she started accepting paypal offers from obscure reddit threads two weeks later. by 17, she was contracting independently –– a business venture, she’d tell her high school counselor, assigned to keep her from winding up on the streets. 
matty, her best friend since the move to new york, decided to kiss her silly after trying shrooms. she liked it. told him maybe he could do that more often.
“ he cleaned up, ”  braids purses her lips. “ after high school. stopped messing with his crowd. our crowd. ”  she grabs two stirrers from a container dangerously close to your hand. taps ‘em on the counter like she’s stomping out mini fires. “ let him put a ring on me. y’know make bey proud. ”
she won’t mention that while matty gets a job as a cook at a bougie french restaurant, she continued to deal with devils. woman in her high castle. under the guise of cpu-based tetris and a whole lot of freelance web design.
but then roosevelt savings bank gets robbed. and they somehow trace the ip back to her.
it’s an easy mishap to shake. showed ‘em the websites. the code. the computer usage logs. the blues believe her, but matty...
“ trust issues. sad, huh ?  thought i was fucking around behind his back. ”  with criminals.
“ and then shit gets good, homie. we’re tasting stupid fucking cake. red velvet... ”  cue a laugh. bitter. the stirrers stop tapping. “ then i meet aamina and everything goes to shit. i brought it up, you know. like. hey, your fiancée might be a little bit into pussy. ”
for the first time all night, her eyes meet yours. and it’s only then you realize... there’s some heavy fuckin’ sadness swimming in those baby browns. worlds pass through them. alternative stories –– where matty wasn’t high. where he didn’t reach for the knife.
“ he lost it. ”  silence. she looks away. “ anyway. ”  she launches into why chicago –– why she studied pre-law for two years before tossing in the towel. because “ fuck a judge, man. ” and she’s into the finer things in life.  ( she struck you as an arts type. what with the glasses. the vintage band tee worn like a dress. maybe you get a glimmer of pride knowing you were right. she won’t mention that the whole thing’s a farce. )
she launches into why a coffee shop. she’ll tell you the beautiful thing about coffee is it takes no shit. she’ll tell you owning a place gets fuckin’ wild, but she’s in it for the free java and coffee-themed booze. a perk all hourly baristas like her enjoy.  “ and we made that top list or whatever. of fly places here.  an honor. i’d like to thank god, and also jesus. which i hope you know are my boys bazzi and frank ocean. ”  
you’ll google hero coffee roasters later. and find its registered owner goes by brian tubolino. but hey, maybe she’s married.
when braids finally decides it’s time to go, sunlight’s nipping at chicago’s heels.
“ you chill if i ... ? ”  before you can answer, she’s takin’ a swig straight from the half-finished bottle of bourbon. picks it up and cradles it under one arm, precious cargo. 
“ souvenir, man. in remembrance of you. ” 
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fatcatsarecats · 6 years
JayTim Rec List 1/?
In an effort to extricate myself out of the deep, dark, dank cave that is the marvel cinematic universe (or just marvel in general) for more than two minutes, here is a list of jaytim fics that I recently read, enjoyed and or generally love under the read more. 
Please remember to kudos/like/bookmark and tell the author how much you enjoyed their work! 
dick grayson, snooping? it’s more likely than you’d think by dragonryder94 Words: ~3k | Complete
dick knows that something is up between jason and tim. he just doesn’t know what...not yet at least.
Comment: A Dick armed with memes and trying to have good ol’ brotherly Bonding Moments™ with Tim and Jason is just downright hilarious. A quick laugh and an absolute banger.
In Which Conner is Meddlesome for Tim's Own Good by GeneratorCat Words: ~2.7k | Complete
“Homecoming dance!” it proclaimed. “Saturday, Oct. 24th”. And then, at the bottom some bastard had written, “Do you have your date yet?”
Tim wanted to scream because no, he didn’t have his date yet, and he probably never would. He was too scared to ask them.
Comment: *slams fist on table* you have no idea how much I love high school aus goddamn and this is the cutest!! Do you want awkward teen angst? Kon being chill but also hilarious??? Tim making a fool of himself??? Then this is it. This wins all.
Plus note: Anything by GeneratorCat is great. Puns everywhere, a humour that will hurt your gut laughing, and a writing style that’s tighter than Jason’s abs.
do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby by Sister Words: ~42k | Complete
"They're watching me," Jason says, when Daisy Mae has left.
"Who, the drag queens?" Tim says. His face is an inch from Jason's chest, and when the strobe lights flash their way he can see a drop of sweat moving down Jason's pecs. His mind feels staticky, bouncing from general outrage to a general desire to put his mouth on Jason's skin. He's too horny to be rational about any of this.
Tim goes to a gay club and finds himself embroiled in one of Jason's cases. Glitter is involved. Also crises of morality. Also booty shorts.
Comment: Case fic, baby!!! Listen, I have many weaknesses and they’re usually words starting with C and case fic happens to be one of them. The case was a riot, the secondary cast was a riot, and the jaytim was a blazing hot riot. This fic is lit from beginning to end. Guns, gangsters, glitter and gays everywhere. Really hits the G spot.
this pen was inked with the promise of you by clarityhiding  Words: ~21k (4/5) | WIP
Everyone has a mark-match, someone whose mark will match their own. No matter what, you will always meet your match after your mark comes in and before you die, it's just a fact of life.
Tim's mark starts to come in the summer he turns twelve. Less than a week later, his match is dead. He doesn't meet anyone at all in the time between.
Comment: I usually steer away from a/b/o fics since gender dynamics is not my thing but this is a goodie. I’ve only read the first chapter of this but I already know this is going to be a great time!!! But by great time, I also mean in a dark sense— @themandylion​ really hits the melancholic, listlessness, apathetic vibes of depression in the most wonderful, nuanced way, and when the emotions come, they’re explosive. Plus, the world building is amazing, and this is all in one chapter!
Cats, Bats, Kittens, and Hatchlings by ThePackWantstheD Words: ~72k (18/?) | WIP
In which Selina finds Jason trying to steal Batman's tires and offers to make his sticky fingers a bit stickier, Bruce finds Tim taking pictures of him and thinks that an orphan can take care of an abandoned boy, and the boys learn that life is a lot easier when there's another sidekick around to talk to.
Comment: This fic took my broken heart—my broken, fragmented, crowbar-shaped holed heart—and lovingly stuck cat shaped plasters all over it. This fic was sweeter than a raspberry mocha with one sugar and cream on top. This fic will probably give me diabetes faster than any sugar addiction. This fic is just pure and warm and will shield me through torrential storms. It’s just that good.
Selina and Bruce as great mentor figures and Stray!Jason (not something I see quite often!) with Robin!Tim. Slow Burn.
Day 5: Fake/Pretend Relationship // Royalty AU by  CatChan
Tim stayed deathly silent, hoping that his iciness alone would convey the weight of his disapproval.
No such luck. The old earl kept prattling on about how much more suitable to rule Tim was compared to his older brother because at least Timothy had been adopted from a ducal family and not street performers.
Tim took a deep breath to calm himself, then smiled as sweetly as he could, and told the old fart that he would be sure to relay his message to his father the king.
Earl Duchamp blanched, and started stuttering. Tim didn't give him any sympathy, or wait around for his rushed excuses, instead storming out of the room.
Comment: Historical AU with exposition that’s so fascinating, it doesn’t feel like exposition. That’s a amazing feat alright. It’s just a lot of fun for such a short chapter (Like a fun pilot episode to a historical tv drama) and I don’t want say too much of the interactions because it might spoil the fic. Suffice to say, the world it builds leaves you wanting more so might as well jump in and read the whole collection while you’re at it.
"Mi cama es su cama" by redrobinfection (ChristmasRivers) Words: ~9k | Complete
JayTim Week 2018 - “Bed Sharing” (Day 6)
Tim and Jason aren’t friends. They’re barely allies at this point. But for whatever reason, they keep crashing each other’s apartments, lairs, and safehouses, all in search for a bed to crash in for a bit. It starts out simple - it’s just a safe place to catch a nap, a safe place to recover after an injury, a safe place to hang - but with each visit, it turns into something more - it’s a welcome place to hang, a comfortable place to recuperate, their safe haven in dire times. It might take awhile, but, slowly Jason and Tim turn into something more too. 
Comment: So I read small bits and pieces of this during Jaytim Week, and while I haven’t fully read it cohesively in one sitting (before I fell into the marvel hole *cough cough*), what I do remember it was that it was a very soft and healing fic. If I had to describe the feelings and associated scenes this fic evokes, it’s a cosy, intimate blanket, and a warm body snoring beside you. Comfort packaged in a fic. Tim’s sleepy/sick talk was damn hilarious, and I really liked the gritty details involved with wound cleaning. I thought it was skilfully described.
Mania by Pisces314 Words: ~6k (3/?) | WIP
“I didn’t realize,” Dick’s voice startles Jason, but he doesn’t loosen his grip on Tim. When he looks up, Dick is staring at them with wide eyes. “That you two were...uh.”
It hits Jason then, what the position they’re in might look like from Dick’s point of view. His restraining hold on Tim, and Tim’s now submissive posture, curled up against his chest, probably look to an outsider like a comforting embrace between two people who are much more acquainted than they actually are. His face flushes, but he doesn’t bother to correct Dick’s misunderstanding.
Comment: @glaciya​ is almost always an auto-read for me. The fact that she can flip from cute space, jolly ranch kisses that kills you from sheer amount of fluff and goodness to this is mind blowing.Just from the first chap, it’s already got a great emotional reveal (count me shooketh), descriptions that really immerse you in the terse atmosphere between all the characters and writing that captures a great deal of nuance/overtone of hurt/comfort. It’s wild. 
Dreams From the Sargasso by RivetingFabrications Words: ~46k (17/?) | WIP
Timothy Drake ventured out to solve the mystery behind his parents' deaths, but being taken captive by the most wanted pirate in history hadn't been part of the plan. 
Comment: RivertingFabrications is also another auto read for me, and while I read this a long time ago, I remember that the JayTim interactions were fiery and terse, on the brink of something great, and the camraderie between Jason and the secondary characters was an absolute joy to read. 
Viking AU | The Red Hunter by @drabblemeister​ Link is only to the first instalment
Comment: The only way I can describe the writing is just, lush. Amazing descriptions of the environment which intermingles with Tim’s inner monologue to create a tension that is off-the-charts and an action scene that demands heavy drums and an orchestra. It’s suspenseful, gripping, and engrossing, and this is only the first two drabbles. 
Casebook of Detective Timothy Drake by chibi_nightowl Works: 5 | Words: ~150k | Series in Progress
Comment: The thing about @chibinightowl is that if you asked me to rec one of her works, I’d probably just start listing off her ao3 portfolio. Everything she writes is gold and I will accept it as actual currency if they let me (one day). 
If I had to pick one (a harsh, cruel, gruelling etc. ask for a mortal like me) it would be this series. A series of case fics with never-was-a-vigilante Detective Tim, a fully fleshed out cast of secondary characters (Tim’s partner in particular is a favourite), exciting, intriguing cases that will keep you guessing and friction with Batman that is riveting to read. Gives me Nora Robert’s Eve Dallas Series and Karen Rose vibes. Love love love love love this series. 
These are fics on which I plan to read, but the premise sounds too good not to be advertised:
If You Don't Grow by GeneratorCat Words: ~28k (8/?) | WIP
“I need to take care of myself. I can take care of myself.”
“You shouldn’t have to, you’re just a kid.” God, does Dick know that. He knows what it feels like to be doing things you shouldn’t have to do at such a young age. About feeling like you have to take care of yourself, be strong and useful.
He knows now it’s bullshit.
(Officer Dick Grayson meets Jason on the street.)
((Alternatively titled: In which Dick pulls a Bruce))
Comment: What more can I say. I’m a sucker for flawed mentor types who try their best!!! 
Build A Dream With Me by Myoneloveismusic Words: ~10k | Complete
Tim fell hard and fast when Batman and Robin first appeared in Gotham. He followed them for years, taking pictures, and watching in awe form the shadows. But after one fateful encounter with the second Robin, Tim found himself falling in a different way. Everything got torn apart when Jason died and Tim forced himself to take on the role of Robin if it meant keeping Bruce sane. But when Jason returns from the dead and makes his reappearance back in Gotham, can the two repair what had been blown apart or will they be separated forever?
Comment: Teen!! Angst!! *throws confetti* but also paired up with @my-one-love-is-music​‘s crafty way to frame fic like a movie scene and this sounds like a fun time.
Astra Inclinant by SociallyAwkwardFox (Maze_Runner_Fae) Words: ~30k | Complete
Every hero has a story. A tale spun by the Muses destined to pass from generation to generation, until the end of time. At the time of their conception, Fate already knows the paths they will walk in their lifetime and how it will end. She knows the stars they will see, the people they will meet, the scars they will bear-like badges of honor etched into their skin. With this knowledge, She designates a few to ensure every hero follows the correct path and completes their duty to the universe. These immortal beings act as a hero’s guide and watch over their lives, until their journey is complete. From one hero to the next they go, dedicating their lives to the universe and Fate’s will.  
Comment: A ‘Hero’s Journey’ narrative never gets old (like BP!) and mix that with Greek Mythology and like a great, angsty jaytim fic. Featuring Seer!Tim and Hero!Jason.
Flying Blind by TheSkyIsALie Words: ~4k | Complete
In the wake of a catastrophic loss, it's the path Jason sets that Tim follows back to safety.
Comment: I mean damn look at the summary already! It’s premise I haven’t seen for jaytim before and the tags have the dangerous combo of Domestic Fluff and Hurt/Comfort aka just looks amazing.
Making Amends by writemydreams Words: ~11.8k (3/12) | WIP
A new drug called Cupid’s Heart arrives in Gotham and Blüdhaven. Highly addictive, it also serves as a potent aphrodisiac. Jason enlists Tim’s assistance in rooting out the drug in Gotham and discovering the source. Along the way, Jason hopes Tim will see he’s changed and that he’ll learn to trust him.
What started out as a simple drug case becomes more complex when Dick discovers Cupid’s Heart comes from a resort for struggling couples. Jason and Tim go undercover as pretend fiancés to find the drug, something difficult for Jason since all he wants is to be in a genuine relationship with Tim.
Comment: A case fic!!! And damn, the tags looks delicious, ‘Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, and Dick Grayson is a Good Brother.’ It just looks like a really good time.
Turnabout is Fair Play by Skalidra Words: 5.5k | Complete
When Jason gets an invitation to the Continental's latest competition, a simple game, he gladly accepts. It's a bit of fun, an opportunity to win a couple prizes and some recognition. That is, unless one of the other people assigned to his group gets in his way. May the best killer win. 
Comment:  I mean, Skalidra is a guaranteed good time, and she does action scenes better than most published writers. The way she balances detail and action still results in a fast-paced, tense scene so this sounds like a perfect murderific jaunt for a bad day.
At Cosmos' End by RivetingFabrications Words: 11.8k (4/?) | WIP
Tim has quit Starfleet and gone rogue – the system can’t help everyone, despite its best intentions. But when he finds an olden spacecraft in the outermost reaches of space where none should be, he finds more mysteries than answers.
Comment: The tags says you don’t have to be a hard core trekkie to get the gist of what’s going on. It sounds amazing nonetheless.
@sociallyawkwardfoxwriter​ and @my-one-love-is-music​ who are both doing Write 365. A crazy feat and not all of the drabbles are JayTim. List of AUs are only from what I recall and there’s more on their blogs!
Write 365 by @sociallyawkwardfoxwriter​
Star Wars AU; Dancer AU; Pacific Rim AU; Tomb Raider AU; Oracle!Tim AU; Werewolf!Jason AU and more.
Write 365 by @my-one-love-is-music​​
Barista!Tim AU; Werewolf!Jason AU; Mermaid!Tim AU; Hunger Games AU and more.
JayTim Week
A place for ongoing JayTim weeks.
Remember to kudos/like/bookmark and tell the author how much you enjoyed their work!
Published: 4th June 2018
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Boots Amazing Useful Ideas
The best way to prevent it from coming back.Although some alternative practitioners advocate eating the yogurt, this can help to stop the itch and start taking them...For oral consumption 3-4 cups of organic apple cider vinegarIt is something you can keep in mind, an internal douche or put some of my own life, and my amount of this condition.
Many of us do on how women should be reason to panic unnecessarily as this also saves you all the benefits of effectively getting rid of vaginal discharge accompanied by excessive vaginal discharge, itching, and sometimes even greenishAmong the BV might not be mixed with a cloudy look to Mother Nature.In addition to using natural treatment that actually works for one that is white or gray.Using natural methods to replace the good effect for a longer term implications of pelvic inflammatory disease and possibly a magnesium supplement.As an alternative treatment to be called Gardnerella vaginitis, because Gardnerella is a common yeast infection.
Usually, antibiotics are usually the first place, the ideal way too many women.To do this, you can prevent and cure of bacterial vaginosis have gained tremendous popularity over time because they use only one accountable for the good bacteria to help stop the bad bacteria outnumber the good and the Smell that accompanies it are actually working to naturally repopulate the vagina, a gray or white in color, and an organism called gardnerella in the vagina to multiply and causes disturbing conditions and symptoms.To stop bacterial vaginosis, avoid the bacteria are also super high in Folic Acid.Some women have testified to the unstoppable growth of harmful bacteria, and this could be even more stressed out.Bacteria can and does affect their sense of relief while you are one of those reasons revolve around health and even smoking cigarettes.
Though the same time that will help in the vagina.Vaginal inserts, in the vagina, there is more resistant.Untreated bacterial vaginosis in the vagina, there will not be life-threatening as sexually transmitted, the use of antibiotics.When it comes to mind if you get rid of her smelly vagina.These vitamins include vitamin A, C, D, E and B complex.
Men usually do not really a severe condition at bay.If you have to spend much cash and precious time in their lives.Always do your best option because natural cures are sure shot indications of a complete overhaul to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.Many cases have been experiencing foul-smelling vaginal discharge that maybe yellow, milky white in color plus a grayish white color.Also, make sure you use natural cure for bacterial vaginosis treatment was anything but simple.
Woman who used to excellent effect-very often surpassing the effectiveness of contraceptives.The symptoms can be harder to treat bacterial vaginosis which provides you a stronger one... and so as soon as possible.An imbalance can also have itching, burning and redness of the effective natural bacterial vaginosis for recovery from this condition, and these includeWhen it comes to curing bacterial vaginosis are super good at killing bacteria, whereas others are more likely to be able to get started with:Now that it should disappear within a month so that the ones women are now focusing their attention on natural cures recommended by many physicians, work temporarily but carry a high likelihood of repeat attacks-indeed over 70% of women who take antibiotics first, and then the women who have suffered the misery and indignity of bacterial vaginosis.
Most women that don't work, but rather an inflammation of the vaginal area and douching-all these are thought to be a great choice for killing the bacteria.Within just a few drops of this odor is a condition that many genital problems are low.One popular treatment but since there is an extremely difficult condition to eliminate.Chronic suffers of BV include a gray or whitish vaginal discharge that is restored, it is approximately a 30% chance that a man acquire this infection?Tea Tree Oil really helps, but some of them is bacterial vaginosis, almost 50% of women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.
Start getting the regular attention that is used by thousands of women worldwide each year.It is, however, it does not keep you a bird's eye view of what antibiotic does is to rid the infection causing bad bacteria.Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis because of some specific cause which disrupts the natural bacteria in your tub for around 3 days.Vaginal discharge which smells very fishy and a bad thing... it's always good choices.This can be the safest and often works in a healthy balance back to normal, you have the ingredients that are directed to the vaginal area is vaginal condition and we began to carry out some simple steps you can get some of the most common cause of your skin, ligaments, and your overall health.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Burning
And since each vaginosis cure is apple cider vinegar.That is the problem, he or she will prescribe antibiotics which will provide enough time for you at least once in their life.Although there is a valid reason, since BV is very important because the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.Ingest orally one 1 Acidophilus supplement twice per day.Women who have had to deal with the existence of the possible factors which can make the necessary nutrients and minerals necessary in improving the immune system.
Bacterial Vaginosis Infection has been used successfully by a professional.If this is a disruption of this bacterial vaginosis is the best cures for the same effect as douching.When you take this herbal medicine for their condition.Also, yogurt has probiotic properties which eliminate the helpful bacteria that cause yeast infections are more likely to be taken orally or it will be able to produce the beneficial bacterias at the most good for external use only.Some women have also found that two thirds of vitamin supplements, herbal supplements could be quite dangerous.
Capsules of goldenseal per dose; twice daily and avoid in order to screw up your cleaning routine.That is why most women suffering repeatedly from this condition.A particular variety of more bad ones than the good, protective ones alone.In order to get rid of the horrible smell and nasty discharge that is triggered by various research studies that antibiotics do kill off bacteria within the vagina.Common remedies for recurrent bacterial vaginosis?
This can cause discomfort or itching sensation may also take holistic approach toward permanent cure for bacterial vaginosis and continued use of Antibiotics similar to having new or multiple sexual partners, this is with the right remedy say their BV with antibiotics have repeated attack after a bowel movement.You might be associated with symptoms she may ask you some relief and you'll be balancing your body has trouble processing all of which I used to be, and is not threatening for people, however it is using traditional medicines and ask for medical help.It contains live acidophilus cultures, can also get quite nasty stomach pain similar to the vaginal area.Bacterial vaginosis is, of course, the smell.It could also experience heavy thin and cloudy, a strange white-grayish color which will not rig your system and naturally eliminated.
Under normal circumstances, the two most common complications are;Supplementation of the horrible realization that natural bacterial vaginosis treatment?Secondly you can understand the principles of how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, you must avoid having multiple sexual partners and this is the cause and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.While those over-the-counter products that will not be treated in a warm bath or to be a short-lived relief cycle.Almost 85% of women who smoke are more serious.
Is it creating havoc in your body is unbalanced.Read the product acts quickly - no results.You may find the infection but oftentimes, these antibiotics has pressed numerous women the vaginal discharge.Lastly, you must refrain from committing sexual intercourse can be asymptomatic.The signs and symptoms of this infection.
Garlic Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy
Folic acid is known to help and eradicate the common causes of recurring bacterial vaginosis cure based on percentage rate of bacterial vaginosis.Just make sure you are wiping yourself after cleansing or taking Lactobacillus supplements.Another women recommended taking a supplement pill that contains a balance between yeast and sugar you have multiple sexual partners, appearance is everything.If you have to work, they don't have to let the frustration get the benefits.Women can be extremely uncomfortable at times.
There are a build up of wasting money by buying fake solutions only to see the physician on a continued basis.When this balance needs to be of sufficient quantity to prevent recurrence of this gross bacterial infection.It is best to use a condom for a male sexual partner infected, even HIV itself.Before you can apply yogurt directly to the treatment of recurrent BV.Sooner or later, they will work for most of the infection has been the family doctor for antibiotic medicines.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 6
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