#so like a hopeful asking 'would you want to grab dinner' only to get 'yeh lemme let my husband know.'
drop-pop-cola · 3 months
Ofc the "I love my spouse I will always talk about my spouse" trope is good, but I'm also partial to the
"Doesn't bring up their spouse (in a 'it's not your business/you never asked' way, not a keeping it secret/ashamed way) and they just suddenly say "my spouse" and everyone goes "your WHAT"*
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lou-struck · 2 years
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Dream Eaters Part 1
Obey Me! x MC!
Featuring: Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan
Part 2
Part 3
~ How they react to a lower-level Demon giving Mc nightmares intentionally.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, torture, and nightmares. Nothing too visually graphic.
As soon as your screams of terror reached his ears Lucifer sprang from his desk and ran down the hallway with unholy speed. Fearing you're in danger he breaks down the sturdy door to your bedroom. Instead of seeing an intruder, he sees your trembling form curled up on the mattress as your chest heaves in exhaustion.
“MC?” he says softly approaching your like he would a wounded animal. Once he is right in front of you, you blink as if just noticing he is in the room with you. Tears pool in your eyes as he lifts you carefully in his arms and you cling to him tightly. And carrying you back to his bedroom. Where he gently placed you on the bed and looked you over.
“Are you unharmed?” he asks as you nod, voice too horse to speak from all the screaming.
“Was it a nightmare?” another nod.
“You’ll be staying with me tonight, please try and go back to sleep he says gently kissing your forehead. He moves to turn off the light but you grab his wrist.
“I’ll keep this one on,” he says softly pulling you to his chest hoping that you’ll sleep through the night.
The next morning as your body rests he gently grabs your wrist to place a kiss to your hand only to see a faint outline around your wrist. It is more than a stay mark from a pen or a bit of dirt, it has a sinister aroma that makes him sick. It belongs to a lesser demon.
Wanting to get to the bottom of why some other demon has marked you with its energy he cleanses it with his magic engraving the scent to his memory when he does his rounds at RAD.
Excusing himself from his Student Council duties he follows the scent to the men’s restroom lingering just outside the door to hear the conversation a boastful demon is having with its companions.
“That Human exchange student is delicious. How could Lord Diavolo bring something as sweet as them down here and not expect us to go wild.” The biggest one says licking its chops. “Humans are so vulnerable to dream feeding all I needed to do was mark em up and I score.”
“So that’s what happened?” Lucifer says coldly, stepping into the bathroom. The demons shudder at the intensity of his rage and drop to their knees in blubbering forgiveness. Their pleas fall on deaf ears as Lucifer sentences them to punishments far worse than what he does to his brothers. No number of insecure apologies will make up for the look of fear you had in your eyes.
By the time Lucifer sits down for dinner, there is blood on his shirt collar, but no one pays it any mind.
There are nights one Mammon’s sin gets the best of him and he becomes way too greedy for your proximity. His feet carry him to your doorway on his own. Of course you know of this little habit of his and keep your door unlocked for him in case he wants to come by and stay the night with you.
Settling into the sheets he hold you close to him and is finally able to shut his eyes after a hard day.
Suddenly he is awoken by the harsh thrashing of your limbs as you seem to be clawing away at something that isn’t there. Your breath comes out in ragged gasps as he tries to shake you awake as gently as he can. 
It isn’t till he sees the tears streaming down your face that he tries a bit more aggressively finally pulling you from whatever nightmare that had consumed you that night. 
“Mc, it’s just me, the Great Mammon. I’m here for yeh, Was just a bad dream.” 
When you look up at him and begin to relax his heart flutters a bit but he continues to hold you, rocking you back and forth until you’re able to get yourself back to sleep.
But it doesn’t stop.
You wake up three more times that night and Mammon knows enough about dream-eaters to know that this is most likely intentional.
Mammon knows just how easy it is to get Demons to turn on eachother for a little grimm so he does just that. Through a series of bribes and a few death threats he is able to corner the Demon who has been feeding on his Human. 
Once he finds them he shows the miserable creature exactly why he is the second strongest avatar of Sin.
Leviathan ~
As a night owl himself he didnt think that you staying up all night in his room was anything out of the ordinary. But when he noticed that even after he turned off his game to try and get some sleep you still played through the night clutching the controller with a death grip as your eyes blink to stay awake.
Your eyes while beautiful look fearfully exhausted, almost as if you haven't slept in days. His concern for you overpowers his incecurty to ask as he takes the controlled from your hand to ask why you haven't gone to sleep yet.
When you explain to him that you are afraid to go to sleep because of persisting nightmare that play behind your eyes his heart sinks. In the old day lesser demons called dream eaters would plague others with fearful nightmares as a form of torture. and the fact that it is happening to you makes him sick.
You're his Henry, the one person who understands him and doesn't judge him for being an Otaku. His blood runs cold as he helps keep you up through the night so you dont have to deal with the nightmares. As you mindlessly mash buttons he searches through his computer for any information on dream eaters and how to track them.
Hacking into the RAD student directory isn't hard either, he is able to locate possible suspects who have the ability that has caused you so much pain. He looks at each profile till one in particular stands out. Without a doubt he is the demon who is feeding off of your nightmares. The next morning Levi actually gets dressed to go to RAD to find this troublesome Lesser Demon and give you a much deserved good nights sleep.
Let's just say Henry 1.0 got a tasty snack down in the catacombs after Levi was through with him.
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Oooo could you write kk3 Terry being jealous of his girlfriend who was just conversing with a random guy purely out of kindness...I see him as the possessive , jealous type if I'm being honest. You can make it a bit steamy😏if your comfortable of course 😌💚💚I so enjoy your writing!
Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoy my writing 🤗 I hope you like this 💚
You and Terry had been invited to a celebration dinner at the towns most expensive hotel, and you were both dressed up. Terry wore his white suit and you wore a beautiful red bodycon dress. When you both arrived you were offered a glass of champagne and started to mingle and talk to some of the people there. You entered through a huge hall with many people also dressed up too, and the dining room was going to be open for everyone once the food was ready. You and Terry really enjoyed drinking champagne, trying hors d'oeuvres that waiters were handing out, and mingling with many other people. About half an hour before the dining room was going to be opened, Terry asked you "Hey baby, I just have to speak to James over there about a possible business deal, I'll be right back ok?"
"Of course Terry, no problem" He gives you a kiss before moving across to the other side of the hall. As you wait by yourself, another waiter offers you another glass of champagne which you happily take, then a man about your age walks up to you. "Excuse me? Sorry to bother you but, are you hear this evening with Terry Silver?" "Yes I am, do you know him?" "Well I know of him yes, I was wondering if he is wanting anyone to invest in his karate business?" You and this man were having a perfectly normal conversation, but Terry looked over and could see this man talking to you, and he instantly felt jealous. "That sounds great James, now if you'll excuse me" He leaves his friend James and walks right over to you and this man.
You were still talking to this guy as you feel Terry's arm wrap around your hips as he stands next to you. "Hey babe, this is Sam. He was wondering if he could talk to you?" "Yeh sure, but first I'd like to talk to you in private. Come with me babe, I'll be right back Sam" Your a little confused at Terry's behaviour as he leads you away from Sam and guides you into an unattended room, closing the door behind him. "Babe? Are you alright?" "No I'm not Y/N, was he trying it on with you?" "What?! What the hell Terry?! Of course not, you know I would never-" "Not you Y/N, him. Was he trying it on with you?" "No Terry he wasnt, he was asking about you! He wanted to know if you were looking for anyone to invest in the dojo"
His shoulders slump a little, but he is still frowning. "I'm sorry baby I just..." "Dont you trust me?" "Of course I trust you Y/N, with my life. I just feel....I get jealous when another man is around you, your the only woman I have ever loved and I dont want any other man to try it on with you" "Oh babe, you know I love you with all my heart, the only man I have eyes for is you, and nothing is going to change that. Come hear" He walks up to you and you pull him in for a hug. "No other man can make me feel the way you do Terry" He pulls away slightly so he can look at you "Oh yeh?" "Yes, you make me feel loved, feel safe....and you know exactly what your doing when we're....intimate..." He chuckles as his hand strokes from your cheek down towards your chest. "Is that right?" "Oh yeh Terry, you make me feel like I'm on fire. You know my body more than I do. You know all my sweet spots, and how to make me scream..."
His eyes fill with a sexual hunger, and he slowly pulls up the lower part of your dress before picking you up and sitting you on the table behind you, and he positions himself inbetween your legs. "Mmmm, I think we have enough time before the dining hall opens...why don't I show you how much I love you...." He leans down and you start to kiss eachother, at first its tender, but then it gets more and more passionate, you both were holding and grabbing eachother like your craved physical touch. He pulls away as you both take a breath, and he keeps seductive eye contact with you as he gets on his knees infront of you and lifts your leg on to his shoulder. He starts leaving open mouth kisses down your inner thigh, and pulling you underwear to the side, his face disappears between your legs.
"Oh...oh Terry...." His tounge is slow and gentle at first, but his pace gradually speeds up as your orgasm builds more and more. You arch your back as he continues to devour you against the table, and you feel yourself getting closer to sweet release. "Oh Terry...please dont stop" His pace quickens and that's when he inserts his finger and moves it in just the right way. "God Terry...I'm going to-" And before you could say anything else, your breathing is heavy and your hands grip against the table as Terry gives you one of the most powerful orgasms you've ever hand. Being in a public place, you try not to make to much noise, and luckily you manage not to scream, but you cant control the moans that escape your lips.
Once you start to come down from your orgasm, Terry stands back up and smiles at you, as he rests his hands on your thighs. "Like music to my ears baby" You giggle before giving him a kiss, you then rearrange your clothes and you both head back out to the hall together. Someone announces the dining room is open and you all head on in, Terry has his arm around your waist as you both go in. "I'm looking forward to trying the food they serve hear baby, but it's safe to say that I'm far more exited to get you home tonight, and enjoy the rest of my desert....."
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wizkiddx · 3 years
hiiiii !!! if you are accepting requests at the moment, can i ask something about reader and tom expecting a baby, one day while he’s drunk she sees him flirting with another women and when she confronts him he snaps at her and tells her he’s not ready for this “shit”. So they broke up and broke contact for months, until he shows in her apartment regretting his words and they talk but she suddenly at that moment gets into labor?!? I remember seeing a concept similar in a movie but I would love if you couldn’t bring it to life! Thank you so much in advance, appreciate your work a lot 🧸🤎
right so I loved this so much it has become a multiple parter and im not even going to apologise. so thanku so so much anon for getting me out a little rut!!!
summary: when toms caught out all hope looks lost - probs part 1 of 3 but it could get a bit longer too lol
warnings: serious angst, reference to abortion, cheating, a whole lot of swearing (im British sorry not sorry)
“Hi babe, just to let you know Yamna’s invited me out for dinner this evening so don’t worry if you get home early and im not back! I love you x”
It was a spur of the moment plan, which was a rarity recently. The past 5 months since you’d found out, you could name barely 5 occasions you’d been out past 8 oclock- trading your heels for fuzzy slippers and dresses for massively oversized tops and joggers. It wasn’t how you had expected to be spending the summer before your 25th birthday but it was now your life. The rooftop bars, the wild nights, the get aways had all sort of been cancelled for… for the rest of your life.
Because an 8 month pregnant belly isn’t something you can ignore.
Sure…. it wasn’t the plan. Not the plan to be pregnant with your boyfriend of only 6 months, who at the time you didn’t even live with. But you were making it work. And now, you were just excited. It was the start of a new story with Tom, and you’d got past the phase of being sad and mourning your youth. Because the little bubba inside of you, she was pretty awesome and you really couldn’t wait to meet her.
So yes, you had been home alone eating ice cream from a tub when Yamna knocked on the door. She’d been one of your best mates for as long as you could remember so when she’d turned up unannounced with mascara smeared under her eyes you’d cancelled your plans of a pathetic alone evening. Her boss had just given her the sack - which was no surprise. He was a backwards tory old git who couldn’t handle the fact Yamna was a woman doing the job better than he could ever dream of.
So yes, you’d suggested going out to the fancy new bar down the road - to celebrate the fact she no longer had to put up with the arsehole. Obviously you couldn’t drink and neither did Yamna, but you go to a bar for the atmosphere - and the selection of mocktails they had was insane.
Your boyfriend Tom was already out, he said he had a meeting and then dinner with some execs he needed to shmoosh. Of course you didn’t mind, but he had been working a lot recently, in order to be able to have the time off when your baby girl arrives.
So after sending a little text and giving Yamna another hug to try and turn the evening from disappointment to celebration you walked out the door with a smile on your face. Maybe you could pretend, just for an evening to not be pregnant and whale-like?
The bar was just a 10 minute walk so it wasn’t long before the two of you were soaking up the atmosphere. It was all decorated in a rustic fashion, with old exposed wood and dangling lightbulbs from the ceiling and the drinks were incredible. The type that have dry ice or flames or some other sort of fantastical display of edible decorations. Even Yamna had perked up, especially when a guy from the table across had bought you both a round of drinks.
“I’m just gonna pop to the loo.”
“Do you really need the toilet or do you just want to parade infornt of the fit rich man who keeps looking at you?”
“ Is both an option?” You laughed as Yamna slipped off her stool, winking rather dramatically as she did so. She was unbelievable - but at least this way she wasn’t thinking about her work, or lack thereof, anymore.
Happily you sat scrolling though your phone, seeing that tom had messaged you with an okay, before flicking through instagram.
And that was where the happiness ended.
For in a hurried manner, with a face looking a lot more ghosted than when she left, Yamna took her seat again.
“Are you okay?” Immediately your worry took over, the way she was biting her lip and not meeting your eyes not helping.
“I um yeh-yeh. Just I think I saw Tom.”
“Tom as in my Tom?” Her almost guilty looking nod had your scrunching your eyebrows, why was it such a big deal Tom was inside?
“He didn’t see me I don’t think but er… he just looked pretty close to a girl and I-“
To be honest you stopped listening at that point, heart dropping out the bottom of your chest. Because it made sense, he had been so distant recently and even if you’d been lying to yourself that it were work - this seemed much more likely. Whilst nodding along, pretending to listen to Yamna, instead your attention was solely focused on fiddling with the promise ring he’d got you after the two of you decided to keep the baby. He’d been so committed, so ready for this unexpected news. He’d said he was in for the long haul.
“sorry I um… it’s probably just a work colleague he needs to sweet talk. I’ll um-I’ll just go say hello.”
“I’m coming with you.” She spoke astutely, very much forcing herself into the situation.
“No no I’ll… I’ll come back if I need you, just wait here.”
Her face was so grim and destitute, as much as you were pretending it was okay - you knew it wasn’t. Before Yamna could protest further, you slipped off your seat ( clumsily thanks to the elephant belly) and walked with fake confidence back inside.
It took you barely 3 seconds to hone in on Tom, call it mothers intuition. He was on a booth in the corner with 5 others on his table but none of whom you recognised. It was 2 other guys and 3 girls - the six all paired off in mathcingly initimate conversations. Apart from that you payed almost zero attention to the others, attention solely focused on your boyfriend and the girl he had his arm round.
She was everything you weren’t. She was skinny - you, as previously mentioned, looked like you had a beachball stuffed under your top. She was blonde with sleek and perfectly styled waves at the tips of her long her - yours was thrown into a messy bun due to the last minute plans.
Most importantly - right now she was wrapped in Toms arms, whilst you stood alone watching.
God knows what came over you, but with confidence you never normally had you marched up to the table, just waiting at the end. One of the men you didn’t recognised, arrogantly asked you ‘can I help you’ - but you completely disregarded it, eyes solely fixed on Tom. He took a moment more to look away from the leggy girl, but as soon as he did his eyes grew massively wide.
“Y/n I-I-“
“Fancy bumping into you, I thought you were out with work executives?” Frantically casting his gaze across the table, you could see the cogs whirring to try and come up with an explanation.
“No I-I was but then Charlie here came over, we used to be mates at school and-“
“Oh fuck off Tom., I cant deal with this right now.”
You didn’t even have the energy to listen to his clearly fake excuses as to why he’d landed himself in that situation. You also certainly did not have it in you to maintain the strong face, you could feel everything shattering inside of you.
Because it was so blindingly obvious by how he had acted. You’d caught him out and you both knew it.
And it fucking hurt like hell.
So you exited the bar as fast as physically possible, hearing the shouts of both Yamna and Tom behind you. You didn’t know what you needed in that moment - except that neither of them were the answer. Tom though, presumably the faster of the two, managed to catch up - grabbing your arm to make you halt in the road.
There was this moment between the two of you that time almost seemed to freeze. The two of you, in an otherwise pretty empty residential street, at 9:30 at night, in a moment that you would never have again. From your point of view, you saw the slightly bloodshot and bleary eyes, widened with panic and fear. For Tom he saw the floods of tears down your cheeks, which you hadn’t even noticed were freely streaming.
But in that moment there was, at least, the slightest bit of peace. The slightest bit of hope - that he could explain, that he had some ludicrous but valid reason for the situation you had walked in on. Just a smidgen of hope that this were recoverable.
But then he had to open his bloody mouth.
“Y/n I swear nothing-“
“That didn’t look like fucking nothing!”
“It was I swear! We just-“
“Tom this is your one and only chance. I don’t care if your off your face, if you don’t give my a miracle of a reason as to what the fuck THAT was - then I’m gone.”
“Don’t say that Y/n, you don’t mean th-“ He tried to grab your hand which you snatched away, like you had just scalded it on a hot plate. Like he had hurt you.
“I swear to god I’ve never meant anything more. So cut the shit.”
“FIne-fine! Um so we were at the meeting and then on the way out I bumped into George and hes been a good mate of mine for years.” All you did was hum, arms crossed and making sure you had a metre of distance between the two of you.
“So he said god you look like you need a drink and I agreed because its been stressful as hell recently.”
“Oh its been stressful; for YOU has it? I’m so sorry Thomas, has it been hard for you while i’ve been throwing my lungs up with morning sickness? Has it been stressful that I’ve been running on zero hours sleep because she kicks me all bloody night? ” Your words were laced in a posioned sarcasm, to which Tom just stammered to.
“Please just let me.” Given he was supposed to be fighting for you, he sounded pretty darn defeated already.
“I said yes to the drink.” He skipped out the bit that had angered you, to which you rolled your eyes at. “And one turned into two and more and then I don’t know-“
“Your going to have to try a lot harder than that.” You deadpanned, taking a small step further back still.
“I mean it! The girls were all his friends and we were just talking.”
“Just talking? All pressed up and arms round her?”
“Yes!” As indignant as he retorted, it didn’t not make up for what you had seen with your own eyes.
“Your such a bullshitter Tom!”
“God why wont you just listen to me?” He cried, wobbly doing a little 360 on the spot, in what appeared to be exasperation.
“Because your just spouting fucking lies! And you try and blame it all on poor little tommo being stressed which is-“
“I HAVE BEEN! Running round after you! I’m just tired of this shit!!! So kill me, for having one night of freedom!”
Tom was too deep in his angry lecture to take any notice of you. Which is why, once finished, he waitied, breath heavy and nose flaring. He was waiting for you to scream back at him. To give it back. He was too drunk to notice the change in your demeanor.
“I’m tired of this shit.”
It was just reverberating round your head. Again and again and again. He was tired of your relationship and you hadn’t even become parents yet. He was at his wits-end and the baby was still unborn. What the fuck was going to happen when baby arrived? Clearly there was no hope. It was dead. Your relationship was dead with no chance of revival.
Because he’d said it. Your relationship was shit, and nobody can put up with something they hate for that long. Not 18 years. Not while bringing up a child.
So with a new sense of dread and fear and complete and total isolation you uttered three single words before hysterically running away.
“Don’t follow me.”
Not now, not ever.
?to be continued?
~~~~~~~~~~gahhhh I hope u enjoyed! I also REALLY CANNOT THINK OF A NAME FOR THIS MINISERIES --> if anyone can think of something pls inbox me!!! ~~~~~~~~
tom taglist: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala @tom-softie @sunwardsss @spiitfiiires @radcloudenthusiast @ladykxxx08 @prancerrparkerr @wildxwidow @Elishi03 @arctic-monkcys @Ownbauer13 @tomhollandlol
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [4]  pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, josei, angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right? Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, cliche fluff, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT)
Notes: lil development right there HAHSHSHHS , yes tojis appearing soon guYS hddhdhdh thank u for ur patience ily all and yall stay safe and drink lots and ltos of water!! sorry for the late update!
Masterlist || taglist || [prev ; next] [updates; every saturday!]
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You stare at the ring on your hand as you stand next to Nanami Kento in the grocery shop, you and him have agreed to see each other and go out once a week while fixing up the divorce papers. 
Last week you both had gone to a cafe after work but had to end early since Yuuji had fell down the stairs (despite being athletic, the boy was awfully clumsy). This week, you both decided to do something mundane.
Grocery shopping.
“Hm, what does Yuuji think about this?” You asked, showing the man some bars of rice krispies, “He seems to be a sweet-tooth.”
“Sukuna is the sweet-tooth, Yuuji isn’t really picky with food.”
“Huh,” You hummed,  “Sukuna seems so soft despite all the tattoo’s.”
Nanami rolls his eyes at your statement, “He’s just, as kids like to call these days, a nerd.” he retorts, taking the peanut butter off the shelf and carefully placing it in the grocery cart, “He enjoys mathematics and art,”
“Ah, hence the tattoo’s.” you thought out loud.
“I almost lost it when he went home a few months ago looking like that.” He sighs, running his hands through his hair, “It was a sign of rebellion, saying that he didn’t want to move to Tokyo.”
You chuckled, eyes on him, “Must’ve shot up your blood pressure, Kento.”
He clicks his tongue in dismay, the memory still fresh. Nanami Kento    unlike what Gojo Satoru said    was a very easy person to like and accompany. Ever since that ‘mild’ mishap two weeks ago, you’d have calls and little quick meet-ups aside from the once a week dates. 
At times it felt like the little wedding at the Izakaya hadn’t happened, it was as if you were just going out with him.
Nanami Kento didn’t even have to try so hard to make you comfortable, he was just...there and everything just seemed right. He had easily fit right in with your routine.
You continue to watch him and he stops in the middle of his tracks, blinking heavily, “Ah,” he mumbles, placing a hand over his eye.
“Oh,” you paused in your tracks too, “Are you alright, Kento?”
“Just dust,” He mumbles, “It probably got in.”
You hold back a laugh, how mundane, “Here, let me…”
You slowly take his hand away from his face, his eyes shut tight, trying to hold in the pain from the dust getting in his eyes, “Do you mind bending down a bit lower, Kento?” you ask, “I’ll have to blow it out of your eye.”
Nanami follows your orders and bends down. You slowly cup his cheeks and lean in closer to his eyes and softly blow. You notice the slight twinge of his body, the reaction making you inwardly giddy, “Feel better?” you whispered.
The older man opens his eyes and only then do you notice just how close you two were with each other. For a moment, movement around you is slow and you don’t even notice Maki Zen’in standing right in front of you along with Yuta Okkatsu.
You finally snap back to reality when you hear that very familiar voice calling you out. It seemed like Nanami had been caught up in the moment too, “Oh,” You cleared your throat, letting go immediately of Nanami’s face and jumping back, “Maki-chan.Yuta-kun. What a surprise.”
The young girl narrowed her eyes while Yuta’s ears were evidently red, signaling that he felt very embarrassed to walk in on that moment, “Hi sensei.” Yuta greets, clearing his throat, “I-uh sorry about that, I told Maki to walk away and-”
“It’s fine, Yuta-kun.” You laugh, a bit nervous. What would happen if she told Yuji and Sukuna about this? You knew how Maki was sort of close with the twins, although she did not know who Nanami was, she may describe him and if the boys were smart enough to catch on with it, you’d be entangled in it pretty quickly and you weren’t ready to meet them as their ‘oji-san’s’ partner. 
You were a bit nervous and it was showing.
Nanami takes quick notice of this and slowly wraps his fingers around yours, a small smile appearing on his lips, “Good afternoon, you must be my partner’s students.” he greets, the man had a way with younger ones, you could only imagine how he was as a father figure to the boys growing up,  “It’s nice to finally put some faces on the kids that Y/N loves to gush about.”
Unlike your nervousness a while ago, this man is calm, cool, and collected. You almost envy him at how good he’s doing this.
“At least you picked someone better than Toji-ojisan.” Maki nods, “This guy looks actually more serious with life than him.”
You feel Nanami’s brow quirk up at what she just said.
“A-Anyways, Sensei…” Yuta clears his throat, “We’ll leave you and your boyfriend together. See you at Math class tomorrow!” He hurriedly grabs Maki’s wrist and zooms away at a speed of light. Leaving you two awkwardly standing there.
“Toji?” Nanami asks, curiously peering at you, “An admirer, I assume?”
“Megumi’s otosan.” You mumbled, embarrassed, “He likes to play jokes and all that. It’s nothing serious.”
“Hm.” he mumbled, a small dismayed look crossed his features and you wonder why, “If he does anything uncomfortable, you can pull my name out. I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll be sure to take note of that.” 
You both continue your way down the grocery aisle, not even noticing that he still has his long hand wrapped around yours.
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“Y/N-sensei…” Nobara drawled, placing her head on top of the wooden end of the mop, “How come we never knew you had a boyfriend?”
“Oi,” Megumi growled, “You’re supposed to be cleaning.”
“You’re just jealous that Y/N-sensei didn’t get to be your new okaasan.” Nobara bit back, putting her tongue out. You watched as the raven-haired boy chunk the blackboard eraser at her direction, a vein popping in his forehead.
“Stupid,” He replied, “I’d never let Y/N-sensei near the jiji.”
“What’s he like, Y/N-sensei?” Junpei asked, tapping his chin, cutting the argument short,  “I heard Maki-senpai talking about him.”
You watch as Yuuji placed his head on his best friend’s shoulder, “Yeah, she was telling me how older he looked than you.” he exclaimed, you nervously gulped down. Yuuji sure wasn’t helping the situation at all.
“Well,” You chuckled, trying to remain calm and oblivious, “He’s nice and he has kids.”
“Ha.” Sukuna droned, stopping whatever he was doing,  his punishment     despite not being given any by Nitta    was helping the cleaners clean for the whole week, much to his dismay, he had to follow or you’d be giving him a slip, “You’re dating an old man? I thought the reason why you didn’t date the Zen’in-jiji was because he was old and he had kids.”
“Oh.” you looked down on your books on the desk, embarrassed, “I don’t have a problem with kids. In fact, I’d love to meet them.”
“Wah,” Yuuji’s eyes were sparkling now as he hurried in front of you and placed his elbows on top of your table and head on top of his hands, “I hope I really get to meet someone like you, sensei.”
“Stupid, I doubt any sane person would want to go with you.” Nobara said across the room, making Yuuji glare at her and started teasing her.
You chuckled once again at their antics. Meanwhile Sukuna continues to stare at you, eyes narrowing especially at the ring on your ring finger. For some odd reason, it held quite the familiarity.
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Yuuji likes to think that Nanamin is the best godfather out there, technically, he was like a father to them already. So he had always wondered why he never got married, he was sure that when they were out a few times, many women would crowd for their ojisan. 
His father’s very close friend, Haibara-ojisan had mentioned one fleeting moment back when he was babysitting them that Nanamin was very secretive on who he liked that even he didn’t know if he’d ever been in a relationship.
But things were different these days, for the past two weeks, he’d have one day wherein he’d go home later than usual. It was odd to say the least    and not like he minded really, they were high school kids after all     since Nanamin hated overtimes.
He mentioned it to Sukuna but his twin just rolled his eyes and said, “Man probably needs to chase the bag or something, he technically is paying for this nice house and two freeloaders here.” 
Yuuji doubted it though! Nanamin earned pretty well and he didn’t really need overtime since he was technically the boss or so he heard from Geto-ojisan a few nights ago.
So while he was making them some katsudon for dinner that night and Yuuji was doing some homework for your class, he decided to ask the question.
“Saaay, nanamin-ojisan…” he drawled, placing his pen down, “You’re coming home a lot later than normal these days…”
The older blonde turns to the younger twin, face still straight-lace and stoic, something that Yuuji was accustomed to, “Work has me by the neck.” he replies shortly.
“Every wednesday’s?” he quips, tilting his head to the side.
“You aren’t dating anyone?”
Silence erupted between them, the only sound could be heard was the sizzling of the chicken on the pan, “What made you say that?” he asked stiffly and maybe, if Yuuji was ignorant, he wouldn’t have noticed the slight twitch of his brow but he wasn’t.
Yuuji prided himself to be an observant person, someone had said he could pass off to be a detective in the near future, he had the agility and the observation skills (sukuna said otherwise though and said he’d get himself killed if he were to ever enter that field)
“You sometimes have that weird look on your face when you look at your phone.” the boy pointed out, “But Sukuna says you’re just chasing the bag so maybe he’s right, he’s kind of the smarter twin after all.” he mumbles the last part with great disdain.
Nanami lowers the fire on the stove and places his hands on the counter in front of Yuuji, “What if I told you I was sort of seeing someone?” he mused, humoring the young boy. 
“Are you really?” Yuuji’s eyes widened, surprised written all over his features, “What are they like, Nanamin-ojisan? Are they pretty? Do they know about us?”
“Oi what’s the noise about?” Sukuna’s raspy voice cuts through Yuuji’s excited one as he enters the kitchen, hair still wet from the shower and in house clothes with a towel hung on his neck.
“I told you Nanamin-ojisan was seeing someone!” Yuuji yelled, eyes sparkling since he was right this time, he quickly returned his gaze back to the older man, “When do we get to see them? Are they nice? How’d you guys even meet?”
“You’re seeing someone?” Sukuna spat, eyes wide in complete surprise, “How’d you even get someone to stay around with your uptight attitude?”
“Yah!” Yuuji yells, “Nananmin-ojisan is nice with women unlike you, no wonder girls are very scared to approach you!”
“Shut up,” Sukuna grumbles towards his twin then turns towards his godfather, “How the hell did you even meet?”
Nanami just shrugs, telling them they’ll know soon enough as he returns to his cooking. The boys seemed to dislike his answer though and continued to bug him. After cooking dinner and having their fill, he returns to his room and whips out his phone, a text message from you saying, ‘hey, the boys asked me about you earlier. They heard from maki-chan.’
The blonde wonders if he weren’t drunk, would he even consider doing this sort of thing? Dating was really out of the question, he admits he isn’t in the right place to go out with anyone especially with a young person like you. 
He thinks he’s taking advantage of the power-dynamics since he’s older.
He doesn’t even deny how weird it was that you're still hanging around him especially when you had a far richer man as one of your admirers. Satoru may or may not have overhead Yuuji gossiping about you one time and your ‘relation’ with Megumi’s father, it was definitely a small world and judging from the Toji you had mentioned a few days ago, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots that it was actually Toji Zen’in, a member of one of japan’s high business clans.
He shakes his head before pressing the call button, it only takes a few rings until you answered, “Hey kento.” You greeted, “What’s up?”
He hears the sound of a whizzing electric mixer on the other line.
“Boys gave you trouble?”
“No,” he could almost feel the smile on your words, “They were just surprised I liked a man with kids.”
“I reckoned, Yuuji seemed to have caught up too in my side. Been asking why I’m going overtime.” 
Silence settled between you two for a moment and Nanami wonders if you’re scared out of your wits. You might be backing out this deal after testing those waters, “Maybe you should tell me when I could meet them then? We wouldn’t want them to run into us during one of our outings or when we’re fixing up the divorce.” you replied softly.
“Hm,” he mumbled, “I’ll be sure to ask them about that. For a temporary setting, you sure take this matter quite seriously, Y/N.”
“Well, I did say I’d help you out.” 
A small smile reaches his lips as he hears your small and shy voice. It seemed like having people to check up on you by the end of the day wasn’t so bad, after all.
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; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil  ; @shephard17895  @kristineyoshaii ; @airybnb ; @okachansenpai ; @amortentiaxo ; @rinvtaro ; @franko-pop ; @kozutenshi ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @bleepop ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @pettybroccoli ; @nixxona ; @kiyoo-omi ; @omibaby ; @bokkunto ; @peccobagnaia ; @sangwoahbigbussy ; @inu-makki ;  ; @megumiisee ; @softieelorelylove ; @azellianna ; @haruhuiii ; @restless-human67 ; @tsukkisfatsimp ; @taihjj ; @shayiswifey​ ;  @roione​
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Protective P2 - Harry Hook x reader - commission work
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(gif by Val on twitter) 
Protective p1 (OG version, bad writing made in early 2019)
Protective p1 (V2 REWRITTEN VER made in October 2020)
commissioned by @thebookbakery
You stared wide-eyed at the letter held in your eyes; sent, written, and signed by King Ben himself.
Dear Mr. Harry Hook and Ms. (y/n) of the isle. His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon prep. Please notify his Majesty’s couriers of your response to this request.
-we’d love to have you three with us here in Auradon, you and your child deserve a better life, will you come? If you accept you will be picked up one week from your response date and will live in the dorms until graduation. - King Ben
It had been around two months since the whole ‘kidnapping ben for the wand’ situation, and Ben had not been able to get you, Harry, and your baby off his mind. And before anybody else could stop him; he made the arrangements for the three of you to live in Auradon, and sent the very invitation you were holding now.
You stood from the barrel you were sitting on and walked into your shared room with Harry, holding up the letter as he looked up from feeding Arella. “what’s up-“ he paused as you turned the letter around and let him read it. His eyes went wide “holy shit, is-is that fer real?!” he stood, gently moving Arella into your arms and taking the latter, reading it over and over again “holy shit it's real-we-i-you…” he looked back up at you, reaching out for your free hand and intertwined your fingers “should we do this?”
You thought about it for a moment, then looked down at Arella, smiling as she played with your jacket straps “yes…yes we should” you smiled up at Harry, who seemed unsure of this decision but he would follow you into oblivion.
“Okay, I trust yeh” he mumbled, kissing your lips and then Arella’s head.
Only a week later, you and Harry were packing the last of your things up to leave for Auradon, Gil had been invited as well, already at the other end of the tunnel to wait for the limo with Dizzy; who had also been invited.
Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and picked Arella up off his bed, cradling her carefully in his arms and leading the way out of his room and onto the main deck, where the rest of the crew were waiting.
They all said their goodbyes, Desiree and Drey cooing at Arella and Harry let crew say their personal goodbyes to her. Bonnie squeezing you tightly as you patted her head “stay safe you two” Jonas mumbled, patting Harry’s shoulder as he took Arella from him “and take care of the pirate princess” you and Harry nodded, the crew waving goodbye as you walked off the docks through the tunnel.
You stood with Gil and Dizzy a few moments later, waiting anxiously for the arriving Limo. And behold a minute later it pulled up, the driver stepping out and unlocking the back, helping the four of you load up. Harry took all your bags and stuffed them in the trunk, Dizzy sliding into the car first and taking Arella for you to get in easier.
Harry and Gil soon got in and Harry slid next to you, wrapping one arm around you and the other on Arella, rubbing his thumb on her chest as her tiny little hand curled around his forefinger hanging from your shoulder. “we ready?” Harry whispered, leaning in close to you. You nodded with a nervous smile and Harry kissed your cheek “let’s do this”
Two hours later the limo pulled up to Auradon prep, where Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben’s mother all stood ready to welcome the four of you. Dizzy bolted out first as soon as the door open and leaped into Evie’s arms, the two squealing with each other in excitement at Dizzy finally being in Auradon.
You weren’t surprised Mal wasn’t there, she didn’t trust or like Harry or Gil at all and probably felt betrayed by you for siding with Uma after she left.
Ben stepped forward as you, Harry, and Gil climbed out of the car, holding a sleeping Arella in your arms. Evie and Belle immediately went soft at the sight of her but kept their composer as Ben stepped forward with a smile “Welcome to Auradon: Ben said happily, clapping his hands together “first I want to apologize it took so long, and second; thank you for accepting my invitation. I know it was hard to make that choice in both trusting me and leaving behind the isle and your family” you knew he meant the crew “but I promise they will soon follow and now;” he gestured back to the dorm building “let’s get you all set up.” You nodded, letting Evie step closer and coo over Arella.
“oh she’s so cute~” Evie giggled, pressing her fingers into Arella’s (not as pudgy as it should be) cheek softly, your baby girl gurgled and pushed Evie’s hand away, Evie laughing quietly at it “oh I love her already…(y/n)?” you hummed, not looking at her as you followed Ben through the halls of the building “im sorry I left you”
You looked into her eyes, softening a bit as you could only see sincerity in her eyes. “i-“ you started, lifting Arella in your arms a bit, her head cradled in your arm. “i-…don’t forgive you, not just yet but” you smiled at her as her face fell but rose in hope at the ‘but’ “we can start with being friends again?” Evie beamed and nodded, looking over at Jay and Carlos who were letting Evie talk to you first before they tried “and them too, I can tell they want to apologize…Mal thought” Evie winced at that, yeah; Mal would probably take a long time to come around. She had even cussed (y/n) out at the hideout after Evie the boys told her about (y/n)s relationship with Harry and her position on the crew.
‘she betrayed us as soon as we left! We can't trust her! Or Harry! they might lead Uma right into Auradon to destroy it!’
To say the least, Evie and the boys distanced themselves from Mal; after seeing her very narrow tunnel vision, they didn’t want to hear her bitch about (y/n) and Harry’s arrival at Auradon.
Evie hoped she would come around soon though; she missed the days of the five of them running around causing chaos. But reminiscing about the wicked old days could be saved for later, as Ben had led the group to one of the dorm rooms.
“Harry, (y/n)?” Ben called, Harry humming and looking up from Arella as he made faces at her “this will be your dorm room” Harry looked surprised at that, he had expected the dorms to separate them but-
Ben opened the door to reveal a large room, two full-sized beds by the windows (that could be easily pushed together), a crib, a newly installed mini kitchen with a working stovetop, a large dresser (two actually) flowing with baby blankets, baby clothes (designed by Evie), toys, baby food, diapers, wipes, anything a young parent could ask for.
“guys” your voice cracked as you walked into the room, Arella already reaching for the teal octopus plush sitting in her new crib “this is-i-holy shit!” Harry walked up behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders as he looked around the room with watery eyes.
“I don’ know wha’ ta say” Harry croaked out, turning back to Ben; who just smiled.
“a thank you would be nice” Ben joked then waved it off “we’ll let you settle in, Gil, Dizzy?” the two turned to Ben, who waved them out of the room “I’ll show you to your rooms” Gil gave you and Harry a hug and kissed Arella’s forehead, running out of the room after Ben and the others as he closed the door.
“we’re actually here” you breathed out after a moment of silence, slowly spinning around the room. “actually in Auradon”
“aye,” Harry muttered, noticing your bags had already been brought into the room “kinda weird we’re not ‘ere ta destroy it” you chuckled, handing Arella to him and checking over her new items, Harry cooing at her and lifting her into the air, her adorable baby babble echoing around the room.
A few hours later, everything had been unpacked and set up, Arella was dressed in one of her new outfits, of course, designed by Evie; a tiny red jacket that copied Harrys iconic one, black shorts, booties, and a white t-shirt with a spray paint hook on the front. “hi darling” Harry cooed, kissing his daughters cheek multiple times as she giggled “ah yeh look so badass~”
You laughed at his adorable behavior with your kid and walked over to him, slipping on one of your new jackets from Evie and kissing his cheek “and you are so cute” Harry flushed but accepted the compliment, bringing Arella to his chest and enveloping her in his arms as you grabbed Arella’s dinner. “come on, Ben said we were going out for dinner tonight” Harry hummed, grabbing a baby sling and putting it on, then slipping Arella inside.
You sighed, setting down your book bag next to the door and closing it with your foot. You appreciated the fact that FG gave you and Harry only four classes a day (and switched the two of you off so Harry took care of her in the afternoon while you took the morning shift) so you could attend to Arella more often than not but that didn’t prevent you from being exhausted from them.
You looked up and cooed, Harry was on your now connected beds, asleep with Arella sleeping on his chest, his arms curled around her safely. you quickly took a picture with your phone and sent it to Evie, who immediately sent back several heart-eye emojis.
You put your phone on the table and walked over to the bed, carefully climbing on and resting your chin on Harry’s shoulder, reaching up and caressing Arella’s soft cheek. Harry grumbled as he felt you and took one of his arms off of Arella and wrapped it around you, pulling you even further into his side “afternoon my love” you mumbled, leaning up and kissing his cheek “how’d she do?”
“ ‘ad a lil’ tantrum afta’ yeh left, missed ‘er mommy but” he yawned in the middle of his sentence and pushed his cheek onto your head “she did good, fell asleep ‘bout n’ ‘our ‘go”
You hummed and rubbed your thumb on Arella’s chest, she hadn’t even moved in the few minutes you had been on the bed “that’s good, did she eat her lunch?” Harry sleepily nodded and was already falling asleep again, following Arella’s lead.
You stared at the two loves of your life, and you thanked whatever gods that had intervened in your life to let you meet Harry almost two years ago and saved you from meeting a bad end with the Gaston twins. And then you had fallen for him and fallen for him hard. And you didn’t regret going behind your friend's backs to be with him; not if it resulted in the greatest thing you had ever made, that was sleeping on his chest.
so this was a commissioned 2nd part to one of my very first stories i posted on here back in 2019, that was rewritten in late 2020 and i never planned to continue it, but i was commissioned to do so and im happy with how it turned out~!!!! :3
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
You know how there are so many smut writings where the female mc always gets fingered under a table or in public or whatever? I was wondering If you could write about Harry getting his ass played with in public. I've never seen that done before
Anonymous asked: What about fingering harry under a blanket during a movie night when company is over
Hi!!!! I combined these two since they were fairly similar. This is something kind of different from what I've written before, since y/n is a slightly meaner dom than usual (not too mean tho bc I'm not super into that), but I hope you all still like it :) also, I pictured this one as LHH, so he's written with long hair!!!
warnings: smut!!! 18+ only!!! anal fingering, sub!harry, slightly mean dom! y/n, some degradation/humiliation, public sex, orgasm denial
wc: (almost) 1.3k
Harry was being bad.
He knew this, of course. The two of you were going out with the boys for dinner, just to catch up. But Harry decided to make it more fun for himself. Throughout the day, he was being a tease. Kissing you deeply and slipping his tongue into your mouth, but pulling away when he heard you moan. Brushing his ass against your front while cooking lunch together as he got ingredients from the cabinets. Bending over to pull his hair into a bun so you would have a nice view. You probably still wouldn’t have punished him, mostly because you were a total sucker for him and hated seeing him sad in any capacity.
But then he denied you a quickie.
You had had him shoved up against the wall, heavily making out. Both of you were moaning into each other’s mouths and grabbing at each other desperately. But when you tried to move him over to the bed, he pulled away with a smirk.
“We’ll be late if we don’ leave now.”
“Hasn’t stopped you before,” you retorted, reaching out for him.
He moved further away from you, “C’mon, babe. We’ve got friends t’ meet.”
Oh, he was in for it now. Before you left the room, you slipped a small container of lube into your purse. Harry was already out of the bedroom by then, so he didn’t see you. Good. With what he did, he kind of deserved a little surprise.
You stayed normal all throughout the appetizers. Harry was still teasing you, running his fingers over your thigh under the table. You were sure that he thought this little game would just mean you’d fuck him extra hard tonight. Little did he know that, most likely, he wouldn’t be cumming at all. As Harry was laughing at something Niall had said, you subtly took the lube out of your bag. You popped open the cap while the waiter was bringing out the main courses, the clinking of the dishes covering up the sound of the lube cap. You coated two of your fingers generously and reached over, popping the button on his obnoxiously skinny jeans and sliding down the zipper. A smirk appeared on Harry’s face since he was thinking he would get what he wanted. You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself, too. If only he knew.
Luckily, Harry was in the shadowed corner of the booth, so no one noticed when you slid his trousers down just enough to access his hole. When your finger brushed over the sensitive area, he jumped slightly in shock, not expecting the cold liquid of the lube. He thought that would come later tonight, when you fucked his ass so hard that he wouldn’t be able to walk the next day.
He leaned over to you and whispered, “W-what are yeh doin, love?”
All you whispered in response is, “You’ve been a bad boy all day, Harry.”
His eyes widened. Oh shit. He knew you weren’t usually a fan of punishments, so he thought he’d get away with it. But that definitely wasn’t the case.
“‘M sorry, love. Promise I’ll be good now.”
“It’s a bit too late for that, baby boy.”
He knew he was in for it when one of your lube-covered fingers slid inside of his hole. A soft whimper fell from his lips, quiet enough that no one else at the table heard it, but loud enough to make you smirk.
“Stay quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone at the table to know you’re getting finger-fucked at dinner, do we?”
He shook his head slightly, “N-no.”
“Then shut your mouth and take it,” you ordered softly as you pumped your finger in and out of him.
Harry swallowed hard and tried to re-engage in the conversation, but he found it difficult to listen to Liam and Louis bickering playfully as you teasingly dragged you finger at a snail’s pace. His body was tense, practically begging for more. The only thing you did was add another finger, but you kept going at the painfully slow pace you had set. Harry was ridiculously hard now, the tent in his trousers too large to be ignored.
“P-please, baby,” he stuttered out quietly.
And just like that, the contact was withdrawn. A satisfied smirk stretched across your lips as you took in Harry’s flushed face, balled up fists, and painfully hard cock. His face looked pained as well, desperate for the orgasm he had been denied.
You only leaned toward his ear and whispered, “Only good boys get to cum.”
Shortly after that incident, which somehow none of the boys actually noticed, Liam suggested a movie night. You had a malicious glint in your eyes when you agreed on yours and Harry’s behalf, even suggesting that you have it at your place since “we haven’t had company in ages.” But both you and Harry knew that you were only doing it to prolong the torture. He didn’t know how long he would be able to last before he was kicking all of the boys and their girlfriends out and begging you for his release. He’d make you cum first to prove he was a good boy, of course. He loved making you cum. But he was pretty desperate, and you knew it.
Your company had spread out across your furniture, watching the movie. You didn’t even know what they had turned on, not fully paying attention during the selection process. Paying attention to Harry was a lot more fun. Seeing him struggle to interact normally with the boys while trying to cover up his hard on was honestly quite entertaining. And kind of hot.
You and Harry were snuggled up under a blanket, and you knew that no one would be able to see what you were doing underneath it. You snuck the lube that you had hastily shoved into your pocket out and popped it open when there was an explosion on screen to cover up the noise. Harry still heard it, though, and he looked at you with a slightly incredulous expression. You said nothing back as you repeated the same motions you made earlier, slipping a finger in his waiting hole.
Harry bit his lip trying to hold back a moan at the feeling of your finger entering him once more. You smirked at his attempt and leaned toward his ear.
“Bet you wished you had been a good boy now, don’t you? You’re usually my good boy, but he’s gone right now. If only he was here,” you whispered as you moved your finger inside of him.
A soft whine escaped his lips as he quietly protested, “I am y' good boy!”
You hummed lowly as you slid in a second finger, “Good boys don’t tease their doms all day. And they certainly don’t lead them on.”
Harry’s face fell, “‘M so sorry I wasn’t good. I really am. Swear I’ll do anythin t’ make it up t’ yeh, baby.”
He nodded vigorously, lucky the others were too caught up in the movie to notice his motions.
You raised your other hand to his hair and tugged on the long, chocolate curls, “Then you’re going to sit here and take it while we watch this movie. And you’re not going to cum. If you do, you’re not cumming again for the next week. Once they leave and you make me cum twice, I’ll think about letting you do the same. Understood?”
He nodded again, “I understand.”
“What’s your color, bub?” you asked, wanting to make sure everything was okay.
“Green,” he replied softly, making you smirk.
The rest of this movie night would certainly be fun.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
uwu hcs for jean and eren with a s/o who’s bold in giving affection but gets easily flustered when they’re the one receiving it 😗
“now whose the flustered one”
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paring: eren yeager x female reader, jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: implies nsfw, kissing, heavy flirting, fluff
word count: 2400+
a/n: sorry for the lack of content, but i hope you guys like this, im trying to get through all the requests before i go on hiatus but hope you like it any comments will really benefit, also i didnt read it properly but its a headcanon sort of, idk sorry im tired 
summary:  in which giving affection to the boys always leaves them swooning but as soon as they do it to you, you become an entire mess in front of them
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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eren yeager
You had known Eren since day one of the cadet corps, both meeting one night out on the barracks. You had seen him around whilst in the cadet corps, but you talked to Sasha and Connie a lot more than you did him and his two friends who always seemed to follow him around.
But the one encounter late at night had bloomed a friendship where you both became closer than anybody realised. Now two years later, on the brink of graduating and joining the survey corps you and Eren were partnered up to spa with the boy, the consistent teasing and flirting for two years flowing out from your mouth.
“Aww is Eren not able to beat a girl.” You mock going in for a punch, he dodges but cocks his head backwards in a laugh.
Looking at your much shorter frame, he goes in for a punch himself, “I’m capable of beating anyone Y/n, that includes you.”
You’re the one to laugh this time, arching your back to miss the swing of his fists, “maybe you’re going easy because you like me, it’s fine a cute boy like you, I might let you win.”
He blushes but tries to hide it with his fists raised, “like you, I could never.” The back and forth continuous on, everybody in their own worlds except Armin and Mikasa, the latter being annoyed at how you hit him.
“Come on Eren, aren’t you going to try harder.” You tease before you feel him grab your arm and flipping you to the ground, he stood on top of you his feet planted beside your waist.
An idea popped into your head as you quickly grab his arm dragging him down on top of you, you heard Mikasa shout his name but you both ignored it. His body on top of yours, you smirk feeling his hands on the sides of your body. He encased your body in his own and you leant up to meet his ear.
“Baby if you wanted to get me in this position, all you had to do was ask.” You kiss the side of jaw the blush on his face evident. Mikasa and Armin had come up to you both, confusion at how you both just stayed there.
The flirtations had been a common occurrence, you weren’t just naturally flirty with everybody you happened to have a soft spot for the boy and maybe a teensy crush. And the only way for you to let it out was through teasing and flirting which he seemed to enjoy a lot.
“Eren are you okay? Did she hurt you?” Mikasa speaks worriedly grabbing the top of his shirt to get him up, his cheeks visible to everybody.
You laugh getting up yourself, “Mikasa I’d never hurt the pretty little thing.” His eyes flash, widening at how easily you can flirt and tease at him, evidently a rush had gone somewhere else with how he grabbed his jacket from the floor covering his lap.
“Eren you shouldn’t put dirty things on your clothes.” Mikasa spoke about to grab it.
“I’m fine.” Eren muttered back, he watched as you walk a way a grin on your face at how at ease you were.
It wasn’t till after you all got back to the barracks that he could sort the downstairs problem and all he could imagine was you. A happier grin on his face he joined everybody for dinner, the bread being stale and the food being grim to say the least but the first thing he notices was how you, Jean, Marco, Connie and Sasha were on the table with Armin and Mikasa.
He shrugged it off grabbing the food and going to the table, “where were you?” Mikasa questions ready to give her his seat, but he instead sits beside you. You hadn’t noticed him listening to Sasha about food and hunting a smile on your face.
“I had to sort something out.” You nearly jump out of your seat at the sound of his voice a laugh echoing through your ears at how close you both were. His arms touching your own.
“Sort something out yeh.” You muttered lowly, it was barely audible but Eren heard and as much as he loved the flirting, he needed to give you a bit of your own medicine.
He moved his face towards your ear, his hot breath fanning your ear. “You created a problem for me, so I had to sort it somehow…” his voice becoming even more quieter, “how about next time you help me yourself?”
You had watched the boy grow, watched everything for two years and now at the sound of him knowingly flirting back, knowingly acknowledging something was there. You heart fluttered and a heavy red scattered across your cheeks, you felt warm and in heaven.
He moved his head ready to start a normal conversation with everybody else, nobody having paid attention except Mikasa who always kept an eye on the boy. For her sake, you hoped she didn’t like him because you knew you were not letting him go. “Now whose the flustered one.” It was audible enough and your head spun out how he knowingly knew that you were blushing at his comment.
You could barely speak; he expected a response but was instead brought with your wide eyes and flabbergasted face. “i…i…”
No words came out and with Jean on the other side of you trying to gain your attention you stayed frozen. “Did someone break Y/n?” Jean mutters, Marco laughing at how dumbfounded you were.
“I…I’m fine.” You seethe out trying to cover your face with your hair, “I need some air.”
You weren’t trying to get away, but you felt embarrassed, they had known you for two years as a major flirt even more than Ymir was to Historia but the way you had easily got flustered over a proposition. It was humiliating to say the least.
You rushed out, moving past the people. You had been holding in a breath that you quickly let out, the warm air hitting your skin, you leant against the building, looking up at the stars before you heard a cough beside you.
You turn and see Eren, the boy looking down before meeting your gaze. “I shouldn’t have said that and I’m so…”
Interrupting him, you began to speak yourself, “you don’t need to apologise, I just didn’t expect it I thought you didn’t know of my feelings towards you.”
He smiles coming closer to you, he brings his hand to your jaw making you look up at him, your back pressed against the wall. His other arm against the wall trapping your head, “Y/n you’ve been flirting with me for two years you really think I’m that unaware of anything.”
You tried to turn your head away, but his grip made you face him, “I thought your only focus was killing all the titans, or you liked someone else and were trying to let me down easily.”
“I’m not a dick to lead a girl on for two years Y/n, I needed to get over some stuff and then everything happened, and we’ve nearly finished this whole thing and I realised in a couple days we’ll be in the survey corps and fighting titans and I might not have another chance to say this. But I love you.”
The last three words were a whisper, but it was all you needed for you to grab his hair pulling his face closer to yours. He closed the gap in an instant, his hand removing off your jaw and onto your waist, it was a sweet kiss, filled with love and lust. His tongue licking your bottom lip for access, which you allowed, soft moans came from you both. Hoping nobody would see but that was the last thing on Eren’s mind as he relished in the way your tongues moved together. It was as if you were both made to fit into each other. It was a needed kiss and the turmoil the would come made it even sweeter.
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jean kirschtein
The survey corps was the worst place to ever flirt ever. You and Jean had only just finished training and you were both thrown into the deep end with the first scouting mission, of course you and Jean had unhidden feelings, but it was always just flirting. Heavy flirting especially from you but just flirting.
The female titan being uncovered made everything become even more chaotic and finally when you both had gotten some sort of peace in where the main base of the survey corps were. You were spending it with your friend hoping no more disorder would come.
You sat at dinner, chewing at the bread as you leaned against Jean. He would often let you lean against him just to know that you were there, and to everybody you acted like a couple but you both knew that neither of you had admitted any feelings. You talked between yourself as the others had left themselves before it was just the two of you. They knew that once you two were deep in conversation nobody was every going to break past the two of you. Which was evident as you realised everybody had left.
“Where did everyone go?” You gestured to the empty dining area.
Jean looked around, you both had been in your own world, talking about everything you two possibly could, “they must’ve left.” He shrugs grabbing the glass of empty water. “You drank my water.”
“I was thirsty.” You try and gain sympathy, but he rolls his eyes at you.
He drops the glass looking at you again, “I wish I spat in it.”
“Gross but if you’re into that.”
“You’re terrible Y/n, I hope you know that” He mutters shaking his head, you had still been leaning against him but as you stretched, he knew what was coming.
“Come on pretty boy, let’s go on a walk.” You gesture about to stand up.
“Pretty boy, really.” He mutters but you could sense he had a thrill from hearing the words.
You pout standing up and putting your hand out, “would you rather me call you horse face?”
The nickname Eren had given him a plague on your tongue, he whipped his head to face you. Taking his hand in yours, he was a lot taller than you, but you liked the height different, it made you feel safe. “If you call me that I’m never talking to you ever again.”
You laugh at the boy before speaking, “I don’t need you to talk, just little moans will do it for me.”
He always admired your boldness, both your feelings there but never told to each other. It wasn’t like you two had even kissed yet and this had been going on for two years now. Of course your flirting always left him a mess, many nights along in his room thinking of you. Sometimes you came too close to him your breath on his neck, or it was how in your normal clothes you left a couple buttons shown to see your visible chest. Or even better how you said bold words that to anyone would only be reserved for a couple.
He knew how outspoken you were but you both had just not gone down to talking about your feelings. He himself never went to the extent you did but he loved watching you flirt with him and even make him jealous occasional by touching Eren’s arm.
He knew if in a relationship, you doing that would make him fuck you in an instant but right now he couldn’t do shit. He could only watch you flirt with  him, you both had arrived outside, the breath of fresh air hitting you both.
You saw some of your friends, seeing Connie try and fight Sasha for some meat presumably. You dragged Jean the other way, wanting him all to yourself. “You’re awfully quiet, what happened am I too pretty that you’ve gone quiet?” You giggle pulling him along the narrow alleyway, he admired how you occasionally looked around to make sure he was still following even though you were the one holding his hand.
Finally getting into the open area, you sat on one of the steps waiting for him to join, you undid a few buttons. His eyes fixated on your hand movement, “I don’t bite you know, unless you’re into that.”
A blush creeped onto his face, he shut his eyes to surpress it but to no avail he became a mess under your words. He sat beside you quietly, trying to think of what to say before an idea popped into his head, “a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be spending so much alone time with me, I might ruin you.”
“Ruin away.” You taunted back waiting for a comeback, he smirked facing you your head rested against his shoulder whilst looking up at his face. He was a pretty boy, you could imagine him ruining you, you had been known back in your town as timid and quiet, but it was really because nobody really took an interest in.
But Jean, he was perfect having come up to talk to you and as time went on you grew comfortable enough to stop being timid and be the loud outspoken person you are today. And it was all down to the hot head.
He touched your thigh rubbing is fingers up and down, a friction making you tense up. He had never gotten this close, never done this before but you liked it. “I bet you’ve spent countless nights thinking about me, you enjoy taunting me because it gives you a thrill, but both of us know that when we’re alone you’re just a hot mess…” He paused taking a breath, “just for me.”
You knew he was right, the nights tossing and turning not able to sleep, with thoughts of him touching and kissing you. Your cheeks erupted in a flush on embarrassment. You were the one to get shy this time, he grabbed your face, moving his lips closer to yours whilst speaking, “now whose the flustered one.”
He edged closer and closer before you closed your eyes and kissed him softly, the fireworks that erupted inside of you made you melt under his touch. He guided the kiss with his hand, making sure that you were comfortable but satisfied by it all, it deepened with his hand grabbing your thigh to bring you closer. You could almost feel his own thighs beneath him, his teeth tugging at your lip to gain access for his tongue. You obliged with ease, the movements of both your tongue perfectly balanced with soft moans erupting from your mouth. You felt dazed but enjoyed every second of it, because you had finally gotten the kiss you had dreamt about.
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yoongisfoot0 · 3 years
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Bts reactions
How they react When your kid gets her first period
He was just sat on the sofa rocking your baby to sleep when your 11 year old daughter came running into the room
“ Umm dad I’m bleeding “ he instantly panicked thinking she had hurt herself but when she showed no emotion he realised what she was talking about.
He relaxed a bit and said “ it’s okay it’s normal if you have a look in your moms drawer in our room you should find some pads “ you daughter quickly nodded and sprinted to your room
“You sister is a big girl now”
He was in his studio (he has one at home) when suddenly there was a light nock on his door he gave whoever it was permission to come in and your daughter walked into the room with an pad in her hand
He didn’t panic much at first thinking maybe she found it somewhere and didn’t know where to put it but when he seen her tear stained cheeks he installs worried
“ what is it honey “ he asked sweetly to try and calm her down since her chest was ricing very quick she took another step forward and she had a note in her hand she handed it to him and took a step back
The note read “ I think I have my period “ in scribble writing since she takes after her father who hasn’t go there best handwriting either
“It’s okay your mom goes through this two “ he said in a reassuring tone “but dad I don’t know how to use it can you show me “ he was taken back since he thought you had taught her this but he instantly grabbed it from her and began demonstrating to her how you fold it he finished showing her and she left in a hurry to put it on and he called you
“Your never going to believe
What just happened she’s not
a little girl anymore”
He was cooking dinner while you where bathing your 7 month old son your daughter was looking for you but could only find her dad
“ umm dad where’s mom i need to speak to her “ you daughter asked sweetly trying not to scare her dad at her sudden appearance “she bathing your brother what’s wrong” he replied back wondering what could be wrong
“Umm I just need to know where the pads are because mom told me everything but I forgot where she said they where “ he was taken back but soon realised that he had to be calm so she wouldn’t freak out
“ umm there in the downstairs bathroom in the cupboard “ she quickly nodded and walked to the bathroom to grab some
“Y/n she’s growing to quick
how do I stop it”
He was just working out in your at home gym when your daughter came running in a as if her life depended on it he was confused and also anxious because dog what she was going to say
“ dad I’m bleeding and I don’t know why “ he was concerned instil she turned around and showed him the red spot on her pants he immediately went into super sad mode and ran to the bathroom in the gym that had pads since you sometimes worked out
“ here put this on do you know how to “ he asked her quickly “no” “ok well her I’ll show you “ he opened the wrapper and showed her how to do it then grabbed another one and gave it to her she went in the bathroom to put it on
“It happened it happened I’m so
Excited she’s so big now”
He was ok the phone with his manager when his daughter walked into the room carrying her little sister yoongi smiled at the sight until his daughter handed her sister over and signalled she wanted to talk to him
He told his manager he had to do something quickly and muted his side of the call so she could speak “ can you call mom please “ she asked as if she was in a rush “ okay “ he replied before going back on the phone saying something had happened with his daughter
He dialled your number into his phone and handed it to her you picked up almost immediately “ mom it happened “ was the first thing your daughter said thru the phone “ okay baby pass the phone to your dad “
“ hi baby what’s up “ “ umm can you get out a pad and show her how to use it I completely forgot about the period chat with her “ “ okay yeh I’ll do that “ “ okay I gotta go bye tell her I said she’ll be okay “ “okay I will bye “
He ran to your room and picked up a pad and then showed her how to use them he handed her some and she ran of to put them on
“She’s getting older so quick”
He had just gotten back after spending the day at work when his youngest daughter sprinted down the stairs to see her dad and you followed he was suspicious because his oldest daughter hadn’t come walking down the stairs like she normally would
“ hey where’s d/n “ “she started her period so she’s taking a nap “ he looked at his wife with shock since she didn’t call him when she found out “ why didn’t you call me I would have came home “ “ that’s why”
He said his hellos and went upstairs to see his daughter sat on her bed with chocolate rappers and a hot water bottle on her bed he ran up to he and gave her a hug and asked how she was feeling
“God I hope she isn’t always moody”
He was just playing overwatch with a few friends when he heard someone walking around very quickly he took of his headset and stood up opened his door and peeked his head out to see his daughter looking thru most cabinets in the house
“ d/n what are you doing look at the mess “ “ sorry I’m just looking for the pads “ oh why would she be doing that her mom isn’t here “ well there in the cupboard in the bathroom “ he looked at her as she looked like the weight was lifetimes of her shoulders
“ thank you “ she sprinted into the bathroom and locked the door her dad was even more confused until it hit him he was going to have to girls in the house that will bleed for a week every month that sounds fun
“Omg I have to tell y/n she
Growing up to fast”
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Terry X Reader
Context: Terry takes his girlfriend out to the cinema, but her lower leg is in a cast, and there are stairs in the cinema 💚
Kk3: ever since you broke your leg, you were stuck in the house, unable to return to work at the dojo with Terry. So one night, Terry makes a suggestion. "Hey baby, why dont we go to the cinema to watch a movie?" "You know what? Yeh, let's go out". You both get ready in your bedroom. Terry puts on a shirt and jeans, and you wear a loose flowy summer dress. With the leg cast, you wanted to wear something easy. Terry drove you there, and you hadn't been to this particular cinema before. It was a huge building with a large carpeted entrance. You and Terry walked to the counter and bought your tickets, and all the time you were there, terry had his arm wrapped around yours to help you when you walked. The guy told you that the room was just around the next corner, room 12. But, when you both turned the corner, you were met with 2 flights of stairs. And room number 12 was right at the top. You let go of Terry's arm and hold on to the banister. "Baby? What are you doing?" "Well I have to hold something to get up these" tutting and shaking his head, he stands behind you and picks you up, holding you in a bridal stance. "Terry! What are you doing? Put me down" "you have a broken leg, and I'm not letting you climb this" "Terry I could hurt your back, just put me down. I can still walk, i will just be a bit slower" he kisses you, then says in a playful way. "My lady has a terrible injury and being a strong noble knight, I shall carry you up these evil stairs" seeing as hes not taking no for an answer, you decide to play along. And you put your hand to your head, pretending to look faint. "Oh good sir knight, please rescue me from these ghastly stairs" "with pleasure my lady" then he starts to take you up the stairs. Your quite surprised at how easy he is making it look. You hoped you weren't to heavy for him, but he just smiles, barely making a sweat. And the whole time you could feel his muscular arms around you. You both reach the top and he gently puts you back down. "Thank you Terry, you didnt have to do that, but you did, and I'm very grateful" "it's my pleasure baby. You barley weight anything, and I actually really enjoyed carrying you" you smile, pulling him in for a kiss. "So my lady? Do I get a reward for my heroic rescue?" Giggling at him, you take him by the hand and guide him to the door. "Well good sir knight, why dont we find a seat at the back of the cinema, and maybe you'll find out"
CK: you and Terry were just relaxing at home after he had come back from work. You were a little down recently because you had broken your lower leg and it was in a cast. Only over the lower part of your leg, so you could still move around a little. And Terry decided to treat you to a night out. "Hey sweetheart, I booked us tickets to see a movie tonight. I thought it would be nice to go out and have an evening out together" "oh Terry, your the sweetest boyfriend. Thank you, that sounds wonderful" after you both had some dinner, you both got dressed. Terry wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and you wore a loose fitted dark green dress. You both go to the cinema and buy your tickets, but the ticket man didnt mention that in order to get to any of the cinema rooms, you had to go up 2 flights of carpeted stairs. "Oh dear, we still have a few minutes before the film starts, I'm going to go back to the car and grab my crutch stick" you try to walk away, but Terry stops you. "No sweetheart, that wont be necessary" and before you could ask him what he meant, he picked you up and held you in his arms. "Oh! Terry you need to put me down, I'm too heavy for you" "sweetheart please, you barely weigh anything at all" "babe honestly, I dont want to hurt your back" he just smiles at you, and proceeds to take you up the stairs. Being a bit older, you did worry about him doing this, and yet, he held you like you weighed less than a few books. His upper body strength was incredible, all the working out he did at the dojo certainly paid off. At the top of the stairs, he gently puts you down and smiles happily at you. "Terry that was so kind of you, thank you. Did I hurt you at all?" Shaking his head at you, he rests his hands against your face and kisses you tenderly with such love. "No matter what, I will always go above and beyond to help my beautiful queen. I love you"
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wizkiddx · 3 years
i just had the cutest idea at least in my head and would LOVE if u could do a blurb? where tom is trying to measure your ring size to propose while your asleep, but then you wake up and catch him.
this is v v cute! I hope this is what u want, sorry if it didn't translate I found it a bit tricky aha
summary: tom gets caught preparing for a very big moment
warnings: v small reference to smut
Sleep always had been, and always will be, an important thing in your life. Naturally then, any source of interruption, was met with some….some hostility. Maybe it was your annoying flatmates as a student, who insisted on playing the worst drum and bass till 4 am every night; maybe your neighbours car alarm, which seemed to be set off by the lightest gust of wind; or maybe your loving- if slightly infuriating -boyfriend.
Tom had just got back from a trip abroad and you’d had a quiet evening in- consisting of pizza, a long forgotten film playing and lots and lots of laughs. As much as you loved his family and friends, celebrating with a fancy dinner and lots of drink - there was nothing better than a night in. It was what you’d both desperately needed too, just actual quality time with the both of you living in the moment, forgetting everything else outside the four walls of your flat.
Needless to say, you’d ended up right between the sheets and you honestly couldn’t remember falling asleep. But now, barely conscious, you did notice your fingers being moved and fiddled with. With a groan you limply pulled them away, rolling over to chase Tom’s body heat - which seemed to have disappeared. His presence hadn’t though, you could tell even with your eyes shut due to his little coo.
“Shh darling…. go back to sleep.” And with a mumbled incomprehensible response, you tried to - even if you personal heater appeared to be in hiding.
Yet then, barely 30 seconds later, the bed dipped weirdly again; Tom’s grasp lightly tugged at the arm you’d crossed over your body. Fighting against it, you snatched your arm away and groaned incoherently once again. Again you got a the most whispered and soft sounding reply from Tom. “Shhh Y/n/n…. come on, work with me here.” Clearly you were half asleep, not really paying any attention to to his words, so huffed - shifting again so you we lying half on your back, half on your side, your left hand lying on the pillow next to your head.
And yet again, barely a minute later, you were sure you heard him chuckle before the bed wobbled as he crawled up it. You could feel his shin brushing against your side as he once again went to grab your hand. And that- that was the last straw.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
The sight you were greeted with was not one you expected. Tom kneeling next to you, with bed hair and all, looking like a deer caught in headlights - literally too, the flashlight from his phone illuminated the otherwise pitch black room. His eyes bugged out his head, while he frantically fumbled with his phone in an attempt to get the light off.
“Nonononono” Muttering as if you weren’t there, Tom obviously struggled to find the right button to shut it off - giving you amply opportunity to notice the other object in his lap.
A yellow tape measure?
Why the hell he was measuring you while you slept, completely unawares, was beyond you. The boy hand some explaining to do - primarily because… he interrupted your sleep.
“Tom what the fuck?”
“I’m so sorry I-I just….just go back to sleep love.” It was weird, how he seemed defeated? He looked upset, and was doing that thing where he nervously ran his fingers through his brown curls.
“Not until you tell me what the hell you’re doing.” Sticking firmly, you reached over to flick the bedside light on, just as he finally got the torch off. The warm golden light illuminated to whole room, allowing you to more clearly assess the situation. The brunette was sat so he were almost leaning over you, with the tape measure but also you now noticed a little notebook and pen sat to the side. His despairing look had you immediately forgiving the interruption to your night- everything, melting away to concern. “What’s going on T?”
“You um-you weren’t supposed to-fuck! I’m sorry love I just-“ Reacting to his embarrassed ramblings, you sat up properly to cup his his cheeks with both your hands.
“Hey take a breath yeah? Then tell me why you’re being all creepy and sizing me up for a coffin or something?” He laughed breathily at that, but it was a smile that didn’t meet his eyes.
“I wasn’t- I… can we just forget this happened?” He already started to get off the bed, wrapping the tape up in a very hurried manner. With a scowl you shook your head, leaping up to grab the yellow ribbon out his hands before he could fight back.
At that point it was too late for Tom. You saw the way the tape was labelled, not with cms or inches. Instead it was letters of the alphabet, starting at G and ending at Z. You would’ve been confused, except the fact you’d used this weird scale before, when you and your best friend got matching promise rings the other month.
Tom had been trying to measure your ring size.
You couldn’t help but let out a little ‘oh’ as it clicked - making Tom sigh heavily, still looking at you with worried and terrified eyes. It took a minute for you to face him, smiling weakly with a little gleam growing across your eyes.
“We should- we should uh, let’s go back to bed yeh?” Stammering through, you already almost forced the the tape back into his hands. Wordlessly he nodded jerkily and placed both the notebook, the tape and his phone on the bedside - as you flicked the lamp off.
Obviously, it was awkward as hell. Right now Tom knew you knew - he was less convinced though on how you reacted. Now he was doubting whether you wanted that- if you wanted to be his wife. The silence was defeneing, the bedsheets the only noise to interrupt as you both settled back onto the pillows. Tom left a bit on no-mans land in the middle, not wanting to push it.
Really there was no reason to not move and cuddle up to him, even slightly cruel. You knew Tom was worried that he’d fucked up massively. You could hear his breathing shake, as you both stared up at the ceiling. Maybe it was slightly horrible, but you couldn’t help but feel insanely blissfully happy. Tom was your future and it was good to know he was starting to get the ball rolling.
“I’m a size N” You whispered up to the ceiling “just for the record.” You both swivelled to look at each other simultaneously, your smirk completely overwhelmed by the smile of pure joy that grew on Tom’s face. Yes the room was dark and you could barely see, but that image might just be one that lives forever in your memory - as your absolute favourite.
“Just-just so we’re on the same page… um, thats your fourth finger? Left hand?”
Finally moving from the awkward position, you nestled your head into the crook of his neck, legs wrapping round his. You chose not to answer super specifically, because it seemed like he was asking more than just one question there. Just very broad and very open to interpretation answer.
“Yes and… and um yes too…just for the record”
~~ let me know what you thought <3 ~~
tagging: @hallecarey1 @hollandfanficlove @crossyourpeter @lovehollandy12 @thefernandasantana
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seanfalco · 3 years
Learning How to Make Love | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​
Word Count: 5.1k Warnings: Smut, nothing extreme lol a/n: This is the direct continuation of A Cure for Stage Fright.
[ masterlist ]
Lydia noticed Win was quiet on the way back home after the scene outside the venue.  It was definitely one of the downsides of their job — people feeling entitled to your body, to your personal life... 
Knowing how hard it could be, she simply held her girlfriend's hand, rubbing soothing circles with her thumb, hoping that by the time they got home she would feel a little bit better. 
"Finally!" Lydia sighed as they arrived at the flat.  "I need a shower... do you wanna go first, Winnie?  Or come with me?" she offered. 
"Can I come with you?" Lyddie's Nathan exclaimed, raising his hand. 
"Have you just performed for a venue full of people?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.  "Didn't think so."
“Would you mind if I join you?” Win asked quietly, not really wanting to wait around in her sweaty clothes, and the thought of being close to Lydia sounded nice.
"Not at all, come on.”  Locking arms with Win, Lydia led her to the bathroom.  "Are you okay, baby?  Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked, quickly undressing before waiting for the water to get warm to climb in the shower, her hair draping down her neck like a blue curtain as soon as the water hit it.
Win joined her girlfriend and traded places with her, letting the water run over her as well.  “I’m fine...” she sighed.  “I dunno why it got t’me like that.  I’m not usually the type to get rattled so easily.”
"It sucks, I know, but don't let it ruin your night, those wankers don't deserve it," Lydia murmured, lathering her hands with shampoo and running her fingers through Win’s hair, carefully untangling it and letting her hands slide down do massage her shoulders.  "We're safe, we did amazing, and I love you."
“Aw babe, I love you too,” Win murmured, letting Lydia’s soft massage ease her further.  “It felt like the first time we played together, didn’t it,” she mused, catching Lyddie’s eye as she twisted to look at her over her shoulder.
"Yeah, if I knew then that you'd be my girlfriend I wouldn't have wasted my time being so nervous and awkward... you made me forget how to breathe," Lyddie laughed before kissing her lips softly.  "Playing with you is the best."
“I’m unbelievably lucky,” Win agreed, kissing her back before having her spin so she could help wash Lyddie’s long hair. 
“What’s takin’ so long?” Win’s Nathan called through the door.  “You two aren’t gettin’ it on without us are yeh?”
"Yes, I'm finger banging Winnie as we speak!" Lydia shouted back and winked at her.  "I'm the lucky one, baby." 
"Hey!  If you two don't come out soon, we're gonna eat all the leftovers!" Lyddie's Nathan threatened.
“You just want us t’stop shaggin’ cuz you want a turn!” Win called with a laugh, remembering all too well how badly Lyddie’s Nathan wanted a second round.  “I am hungry though,” she admitted as her stomach rumbled.
"Yeah, me too..." Lydia turned off the water.  "I don't doubt they’d eat it all out of spite,” she laughed, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself before grabbing one for Win.  "So, um, did your Nathan ever mention finding something out about me?  Like bragging or...?"
Win tilted her head.  Shit shit shit, she thought, her mind racing.  He had found out about the one thing... while they were in New York, but should she tell her that?
“Uhm, no, what d’you mean?” she asked anxiously.  She wished Lyddie’s Nathan were there so she could ask what he thought she should say.
"It's just today he did something... but I never told him I like it, so my Nathan thinks he just picked up on 'signs' but I don't think I have any," Lydia mused, slightly terrified that she actually had several tells that everyone could see except for her.
Win glanced away.  She’d picked up on some signs too, outside of what she’d managed to weasel out of Lyddie’s Nathan, but she wasn’t sure if now was exactly the time to tell Lyddie that.  “I’m sure that’s all it is.  I mean, I know Nate’s not always the brightest, but he likes you a lot, so of course he’s gunna pay attention to things you seem to like.”
"Oh... okay."  Lydia looked down, feeling slightly self-conscious.  If he picked up the signs, that must mean Win did too, which was her worst nightmare.  She remembered all too well how Alisha and Kelly had reacted when Nathan decided to run his mouth.  "I mean, I'm not complaining, it just freaked me out for a second."
Win frowned, sensing Lyddie's unease.  "You okay?  You know you can talk to me about anything, right?  I'd never judge you, Lyds."
"Yeah yeah, sure, I just... I have a few things... What Natty said that night at the restaurant, about me liking to watch people eat..." Lydia whispered, her cheeks turning red.  "It’s true.  I know it's kinda weird, but there are worse things."
"I don't think that's weird," Win murmured, noticing how embarrassed just admitting that seemed to be for her, and she knew she needed to tread lightly, already knowing what worse things she meant. 
"I think it's kinda hot sometimes when people eat too," she offered.  "Besides, I'm not here to yuck on anyone's yums.  Kinks are weird sometimes, doesn't make you any less valid," she said with a shrug.  "And if your partners are willing t'do those things for you, then it obviously doesn't bother them."
Lydia took a deep breath, and without another word, just held Win against her chest.  "You are so sweet, I don't deserve you," she whispered.  She was so relieved that her girlfriend didn't mind that.  
Okay, that was done, now there was only one thing left to say... it would be so much easier to just say it!  
"Hey, I'm turnin' on the oven in five minutes," Lyddie's Nathan warned, interrupting her thoughts.  
"We're coming out, you prick," she chuckled.
Win squeezed Lyddie back, glad that she could put her at ease at least a little, just like Lyddie’d done for her, lingering in her embrace for a while.  Throwing on a t-shirt and panties, Win opened the door.  "I'm so starvingggg," she groaned.
"Me too!"  Lydia followed Win with a giggle.  She would turn on the oven and do things the traditional way, but she was too hungry for that.  "Nats, can you be a dear and heat that up for us?  I can't wait fifteen minutes," she whined, batting her eyelashes at him. 
"Fine..." her Nathan replied, pretending to be very inconvenienced by her request, but picking up the casserole dish and warming it with his powers.
"Thank you, Natty," Win purred, stretching on her toes to place a kiss to his cheek and ruffling his hair. 
"Oh there you are," her Nathan exclaimed, coming out of the other room.  "Took y'two long enough," he grumbled and she spared a kiss for him too.
"Sorry, girl talk," Lydia shrugged, cutting what was left of the lasagna in four parts, carefully serving it with some extra parmesan on top.  
"That's what they call it these days?" her Nathan taunted before taking the first bite.  
"I suppose it is..." Lydia said, joining the others on the couch.
"Wish you were a girl?" Win teased, poking Lyddie's Nathan in the side.
"No, but I wish I could've been included..." he grunted. 
"We didn't shag, stop whining," Lydia nudged his arm.  "You know I hate shower sex." 
"Oh really?  What about New York?" 
"That was different," Lydia looked between Win and both Nathans.
Win's grin faltered, remembering how she'd bungled that opportunity and quickly looked down at her plate, focusing on her lasagna. 
"Oh, how could I forget?" her Nathan exclaimed. "I wish we had a shower that fuckin' fancy."
"Hey, remember what we did on the sink though...?" Lydia whispered, feeling how upset Win got over the comment. 
"We were gonna get a bigger flat with a bathroom like that, y'know," Lyddie's Nathan explained. "In West London, but we like this one too much."
"Course I remember," Win whispered back, offering a small smile, trying not to let it bother her before snorting and raising her voice.  "Oh yeah, I'm sure that's the reason," she teased.
Lyddie's Nathan stuck his tongue out.  The truth was, after they started saving for the New York flat, they didn't have the money to move to West London. 
"But when we go back to New York we can get a nice place," Lydia mumbled.  "We need to be close to the Brooks Atkinson, so I don't need to take the subway every day."
"I'm excited to go back," Win murmured, trying to imagine what life would be like there, what their flat might look like. 
"Me too," her Nathan agreed, slipping his arm around her.
"Yeah, I can't wait.  Can you guys imagine how Halloween is gonna be?" Lydia finished the last bit of her dinner and set the plate on the coffee table, getting up to grab some water. 
"Good luck thinkin' of a couples costume for a quad," her Nathan teased.
"I'm sure we'll think of something," Win mused, setting her plate aside and laying back, spreading herself over both Nathan's laps, covering the large yawn that cracked her jaw. 
"Hey now, none of that!" her Nathan exclaimed, jostling her slightly.
"Yeah, I haven't gotten your knickers soaked yet!" Lyddie's Nathan protested.  "No gettin' tired now, Winnie!" 
"Oh, come on, let her sleep if she's tired," Lydia came back with a glass of water in hand.  "I might go to bed soon too..."
Win groaned softly.  She didn't want to be tired.  "You can try," she murmured with a smile for Lyddie's Nathan. 
"What?  Not you too," Win's Nathan whined, looking up at Lydia.
"Challenge accepted..." Lyddie’s Nathan exclaimed, pulling Win into his lap and kissing from her chest, to her neck, to her lips.  "Let's wake you up, huh?" 
"What?  You had other plans?" Lydia gave Win's Nathan her best innocent look.
"Well... yeah," Win's Nathan spluttered, sitting up to reach for her. "Thought we could... y'know!" he exclaimed. "Don't y'remember?" he asked, humping the air.
"Of course I do, I'm just dicking with you," Lydia ran her fingers through his curls.  "I also remember that I said you MIGHT get lucky, it wasn't a promise..."
Win responded slowly at first, but each press of Nathan's lips to her skin seemed to light a fire in her, warming her til she kissed him back with a sigh.  "Jeeze, you're persistent aren't you?" she murmured. 
"I wasn't the one horny as we were about t'leave.  Well... I was, but I wasn't the only one!" Lyddie's Nathan pointed out, circling Win's nipples with his thumbs.  "I remember you sayin' you'd need somethin' after the show to take th’edge off..." 
Win sighed, arching instinctively into his touch.  "I dunno, I think that shower took most of the edge off actually.  Hence, why I'm sleepy," she teased, her own fingers finding his nipples to tease him back. 
Win's Nathan stuck his bottom lip out in an over exaggerated pout, hoping to gain some sympathy as he gazed up at Lydia with his best puppy dog eyes.
"Don't look at me like that..." Lydia tried to look away, but it was too late.  "That's not the best way to get me horny, I can tell you that," she said, sitting back down next to him.  "But I think you know that by now..."
"Oh, I know," Win's Nathan mused, "but I also know y'can't resist these gorgeous eyes o' mine," he said with a grin, pulling Lydia into his lap, tracing the dark mark at her neck with his finger, letting it run down her shoulder, hooking under her shirt and pulling it down so he could press his lips to her skin.
"Okay then..." Lyddie's Nathan decided to call Win’s bluff.  "Good night, Winnie, I love you!"  Kissing her forehead, his fingers gently brushed over the marks on her neck. 
Win frowned before her lips quirked slightly upward.  Fuck, but she loved this man.  "Oh, okay, I see how it is," she said, pinching his nipples harder and rolling them between her fingers through his thin t-shirt. 
"Ouch!" Lyddie's Nathan gaped, he definitely did not expect that reaction.  "If you wanted t'shag me so bad, you could've just asked..." he teased, smirking as he bucked his hips against her. 
"You cocky bastard," Lydia's breath hitched slightly, feeling tingly just from the softest kiss, her goosebumps giving away her excitement again.  "You think you know me so well, but I wouldn't be too confident if I were you," she teased, brushing her lips along his jaw.
"Oh? Well, why don'tcha fill me in, darlin'?" he asked, his eyes flicking up to hers as he tilted his head, allowing her better access to his jawline as his arms snaked around her waist.
"Well, you already know about the food thing..." Lydia muttered, feeling her face burn with embarrassment even though everyone else seemed okay with it.  "And the chugging thing..." 
He must've noticed, right? 
"But maybe with time you'll find more," she mused.
Win shrieked softly, laughing as she squirmed in Lyddie's Nathan's lap.  "I always wanna shag you, you twat," she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer.  "You know exactly what you do t'me.  I can never resist you for long," she whispered. 
"Oh?  I had no idea I caused such a fuss," Lyddie's Nathan gasped with fake surprise.  "So you can't resist me, huh?” he murmured, pulling her shirt over her head and kissing his way to her breasts.  "That's good t'know, Winnie..." 
Win sighed, her fingers running through Nathan's curls as he bent to kiss her. "I shouldn't give you a bigger ego than you already have..." she murmured, her breath catching.
"Big ego?  Me?  Nah," Lyddie's Nathan scoffed.  "It's not my fault I have two sexy birds who can't resist my charms..." his hand reached between Win's legs, under her knickers.  "Seems like it's workin', I have you soaked." 
"So, you do," Win admitted, "not that it's hard," she laughed.  "Natty," she said softly after a moment, pressing her forehead to his.  "I want you to make love to me.  Not fucking, not shaggin', but... y'know?"
Win's Nathan smiled softly.  "I'd like to find out more," he whispered, "I wanna know everythin' there is t'know about you," he insisted, his hands slipping up under Lydia’s shirt.
"That's actually sweet..."  Lydia stopped moving for a moment, thinking about the possibility of telling him, he would have the same reaction as her own Nathan, but... the issue was, telling him meant telling Win as well.  "...But some things are better kept secret, right?"
Win's Nathan frowned for a moment, his thumbs moving in slow circles against Lyddie's skin. "Alright then, keep your secrets," he said, pressing his lips to hers. "You can tell me whenever you're ready.”
His frown made her want to tell him everything, he was so sweet asking her... "If I really have as many tells as Nathan says I do, you might already know, and it's a little scary to me," she admitted, hiding against his chest.
"Wait what?" Lyddie's Nathan was taken by surprise, that was certainly new, no one had ever asked him to do that before.  "I mean, sure... I can do that," he wasn't sure how, but he was willing to find out. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve asked,” Win murmured, playing it off with a small laugh. 
"No! I'm fine with it, we can do it! I just have never done it before... but I want to," he took her hands. "Come on, y'can show me." 
“I don’t ever want y’to feel... scared,” Win’s Nathan said softly, rubbing Lydia’s back soothingly.  “I love you...”
"I love you too," Lydia murmured, holding him tighter.  "I'm not scared of you... not exactly..." she mumbled, feeling slightly guilty for killing the mood with her insecurities.  Win’s Nathan felt Lydia’s grasp on him tighten and he stroked her hair, past caring if got any or not, more worried about making sure Lydia was alright.
Win nodded, she glanced over to Lyddie and her Nathan who seemed to be having a moment of their own.  “Shall we...?” she asked, nodding toward the bedroom.  It might be best for them to give the other couple some space. 
"Yeah yeah, sure," Lyddie's Nathan murmured; looking over at them he immediately understood, following Win to their room.  
"So, should I get naked, or...?" he cleared his throat, unsure of what the next step might be. 
Win bit her lip as she sat on the edge of the bed, taking Lyddie’s Nathan’s hand and drawing him closer.  “Here, let me,” she murmured, lifting his shirt, her palms skimming over his warm skin before going to the waist of his jeans, looking up at him as she unbuttoned them, easing them down his hips to fall to the floor with his shirt.  Closing her eyes she pressed her lips to his navel as she eased his boxers down, her hand gliding over his length, stroking him lightly before she lifted her chin and opened her eyes, finding him watching her open mouthed. 
"So far... I like it," Lyddie's Nathan nodded, agape.  He brought Win up and kissed her gently, sliding down her knickers.  "I love you," he breathed softly against her lips pulling her close, his hands roaming her body with no rush, just wanting to feel every last bit of her.  "Am I doin' it right?" 
Win grinned against his lips, her hands coming up to hold his face.  “Yes, you’re doin’ it right.  I mean, it’s basically just shagging, but softer?  Taking your time t’savour the other person and carin’ as much about their pleasure as your own,” she explained. 
"Oh, I get it..." Lyddie's Nathan nodded, lowering Win to the bed.  "Sounds like a good time," he joked, kissing her neck over every single hickey he left earlier, idly wondering why Lyds never asked him to make love to her.  "Y'look so beautiful," he murmured, pulling back to admire her. 
Win stretched out under him, her arms thrown over her head.  “So are you,” she murmured, watching him with a soft smile on her face. “I love you so much,” she said, reaching for him, pulling him down atop her.  “I wanna make you feel good, Nathan.” 
Lyddie's Nathan resisted the urge to move things faster, to tease Win until she begged, he wanted to feel her, to appreciate that moment.  "I wanna make you feel good too," his hand slowly slid between them, finding her clit and circling it slowly while his lips found hers.  "How's that?  Do you like that, baby?" 
“Uh huh,” Win moaned, reaching between them to stroke his cock as she pulled him closer with her other hand, kissing him tenderly.  
Lyddie's Nathan squirmed, moaning softly into Win's kiss, rolling his hips to meet her hand without realizing. "I need you," he purred.  "I need you so bad, Winnie." 
“I need you too, Natty,” Win breathed, guiding his cock to her entrance as she held his gaze.  “I love you so much.” 
"I love you too, baby," Lyddie's Nathan gasped silently as he pushed himself into her, being mindful of every move, holding Win as close as humanly possible.  "You feel so good." 
“Oh,” Win moaned as he filled her slowly, different from his usual rough thrusts.  “Oh, you feel so good, too,” she breathed, pressing her forehead to his as he moved in her and she held him close, wanting to feel every inch of him pressed to her, closer than ever before as they moved together. 
Lyddie's Nathan had never felt so connected to Win and suddenly he remembered what she said about wanting to spend the rest of her life with them, and he knew in that moment, he had to find a way to propose to her.
"My Winnie," he whispered with a grin before kissing her again. 
Win felt tears prick her eyes as he whispered her name like that, overwhelmed with emotion and she buried her face against his shoulder so he wouldn’t see.  “Nathan, I’m close!” she cried, wanting desperately to come together. 
"Me too, baby, come for me," Lyddie's Nathan groaned, moving slightly faster, firmly holding Win against him, one hand on her neck, the other on her thigh as her leg hooked around his waist. 
Her climax crashed over her like a wave and she cried out, tensing under Lyddie’s Nathan, her arms tightening around him.  “Oh Nathan!  I’m yours, I’m yours!” she cried, feeling him filling her, giving several more shuddering thrusts before he stilled, not moving yet, not pulling out of her, just breathing together. 
"Jesus, that was... different," Lyddie's Nathan spluttered, trying to catch his breath.  "It was so good though.  God, I love you so much," he panted, trying not to show how vulnerable he felt at that moment.  "Hey,” he murmured, guiding Win’s eyes to his.  “Remember those things you said when we were high in the City?  D'you mean it?"
Win blinked at his question, trying to remember exactly what she’d said.
I wanna be with you and Lyddie forever. 
“Yeah... yeah, I meant it,” she said softly as the memory hit her.  “I can’t imagine my life without you, without all of you,” she whispered.
"Good, I feel the same way..."  Lyddie's Nathan slowly pulled out and fell on his back, pulling Win to rest her head on his chest.  "Should we be worried at how quiet the others are outside? Lyddie’s usually quite loud when she... d’you think she's okay?" he asked. 
Win listened, she didn’t hear anything either, but she wasn’t as worried.  “I think they’re alright.  Maybe Nathan wanted t’be gentle too,” she mused, snuggling closer.
"Gentle with Lyddie?  Good luck with that," he laughed and kissed the top of Win's head.  "I'm so happy everythin' seems t'be fallin' into place, it's hard t'imagine a year ago that I was homeless and miserable." 
Win lifted her face to watch Lyddie’s Nathan’s expression as she idly traced patterns against his chest.  “You deserve t’be happy,” she said, remembering her own time with Nathan at the Community Centre, at how happy he seemed when he suddenly felt needed, important. 
"I think we all do after all the shit we've been through," Lyddie's Nathan sighed; he was so tempted to make a ring appear out of thin air and propose right then and there, but he didn't think it would be fair to her Nathan. 
Win sighed, completely content, suddenly feeling the exhaustion that she had kept at bay earlier crash over her and her eyes grew heavy.  She tried to say something to Lyddie’s Nathan but the words came out more of an incomprehensible mumble.
Lyddie's Nathan watched as Win fell asleep in his arms, so peaceful.  Pulling the covers from the edge of the bed, he let that relaxation take over him as well.
"I'm making a big deal out of it, it's stupid," Lydia shook her head, trying to take Win's Nathan's shirt off.  "Don't worry, just shag me, be rough with me..." she said, trying to push those thoughts aside.
“Hey, hey, it’s not stupid,” Win’s Nathan insisted, gently fighting off her attempt at undressing him, grasping her wrists til she calmed.  “What if I don’t wanna be rough with you?” he asked, concern twisting his features.
"But... I like it when you are," Lydia said.  She felt slightly worried.  In her mind, when someone didn't have a burning desire that made them wanna jump her bones, it's because they didn't find her attractive.  "Did I do something wrong?" she asked quietly.
“What?  No!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed.  “I-I, that’s not—“ he groaned. 
“I like bein’ rough with you Lyddie, I like shaggin’ your brains out, but... but right now it feels like you’re usin’ that as a way of distractin’ yourself or somethin’ and I don’t wanna do that if you’re upset.”  Any other time and he wouldn’t have argued, jumping at the opportunity, but this was different, he actually cared about how Lyddie felt.  She wasn’t just some one time shag.
"Alright," Lydia agreed.  "If I told you something, would you be able to keep it a secret?  I'm not ready to tell Win yet.  I will, but I'm just a little scared of her reaction, you know?  So, can we keep it between us for now?  It's totally fine if you can't... I shouldn't be asking you this..." Lydia babbled, shaking her head — his loyalty to Win was probably bigger than all of this, and she couldn't blame him for that.
Win’s Nathan bit his lip, considering.  He didn’t like keeping things from Win, but if Lyddie had a good reason, then he would.  “I won’t tell her if y’don’t want me to,” he assured her.  “I think you should trust her with whatever it is though.  She loves you so much, you know that right ?  She’d never judge you for anythin’,” he pointed out.
"So everyone keeps telling me.  I love her way too much, I don't want her to look at me differently,  I just need to find the right way to say it..." Lydia bit her nails nervously.  "The thing is... well, you see... I have this thing..."  Before she completely lost the nerve, she quickly whispered it in his ear, expecting him to laugh, which would be completely understandable, she had learned to laugh at it ages ago.
Nathan listened to Lyddie’s secret, holding his breath, waiting for some terrible thing, but... he already knew it.  So did Win.
Should he tell her that Win already knew and didn’t care or should she give Lyddie the opportunity to tell Win herself.  Though, maybe if he told her... she could feel less worried about the whole thing, but if he revealed that... then he’d reveal that he already knew as well and he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that. 
“Oh really?” he said, grinning at her.  “If that’s th’case then I’m the most powerful man in th’universe.”
Lydia laughed, feeling slightly better about it, a warm affection growing inside of her mixed with desire.  "Yeah, yeah you are, you mannerless bastard," she giggled, leaning in to kiss him, burying her fingers in his messy curls.  "I love you, Nathan."
“I love yeh too, Lydia,” Win’s Nathan replied, squeezing her tightly as he kissed her.  “D’you feel a little better now?”
"Yeah, I love you too," she sighed with a huge smile.  "I feel much better, you should be flattered, I’ve never told anyone before," she joked, tilting her head to kiss his neck.
“I’m glad yeh trust me so much,” Nathan breathed, affection filling his chest and he moaned softly as she kissed his neck.  “Y’know, you can trust me when I say that you shouldn’t worry bout what Win thinks,” he said, pulling Lydia closer, as he rolled his hips to meet her.
"I know, I'm gonna tell her, I just need to find the courage to do it..." Lydia's sentence was interrupted by a quiet whimper as Win's Nathan teased her. "Oh, okay," she snaked her hands under his shirt. "By the way, try not to use this against me too often..." she joked.
“I won’t, with great power comes great responsibility, after all,” Nathan joked, a grin tugging at his lips.  “Cross my heart and hope t’die,” he added, capturing Lydia’s mouth in a passionate kiss.
"Hope to die, do you?  I don't know why I don't believe you..." she mocked, kissing him back, this time successfully pulling his shirt over his head. " You bloody tease," she huffed a soft laugh before kissing his heaving chest.
“I would die for you!” Win’s Nathan panted, freeing Lydia from her shirt as well, urging her to keep grinding against him.  “Just because I’ll come back t’life again afterwards doesn’t make it mean any less!” he laughed between kisses.
"I'm honored, Natty," Lydia laughed, quickly unzipping his jeans and palming his cock, stroking it rhythmically, as she hungrily sought his lips.  "You don't have to be rough with me tonight, I just wanna feel you," she begged, her arousal pooling between her legs.
“Oh, Lyddie,” Win’s Nathan groaned, bucking against her hand.  “I didn’t mean that I didn’t want yeh.  I want yeh so bad!  I just didn’t want... I didn’t want yeh to feel like you needed to be used to feel like I wanted yeh.”
"That's the only way I ever known," she shrugged, pulling her knickers to the side and sitting back on Win's Nathan's lap, sliding his length inside of her.  "But I like it this way too," she moaned quietly.  "I never thought I'd see you being so... sentimental."
“I hope that’s not a turn off,” Win’s Nathan chuckled nervously, his eyelids fluttering as she began to ride him, rolling her hips to draw him deeper.
"Usually I'm not a fan of sentimental, or polite, or gentle... but I love you no matter what, so I'm very much turned on right now," Lydia held onto Win's Nathan's shoulders moving in sync with their breathing.
“O-oh,” Win’s Nathan gasped.  “Well that’s good t’know,” he mumbled, thrusting up into her harder.  If she didn’t like it gentle, then he wouldn’t be gentle.  Sometimes he forgot how different Win and Lydia were.
"Yes!" Lydia threw her head back moving faster in response.  "I love you, Natty, I want you with me forever," she mumbled without thinking about the words she said, she just felt them as they dripped out of her mouth.  "I can't live without you."
“Fuck, Lyddie, I love you too!” Win’s Nathan gasped, his hands on her hips urging her to move faster as she bounced on him.  “I can’t live without yeh either!” he exclaimed, crushing her against his chest as he exploded inside her, trying to ignore the thoughts that had suddenly taken hold and the crushing doubt that came with them. 
Why would Lyddie say yes to him if Win already hadn’t, besides, she was already engaged to his clone…
"Oh, Nathan, Nathan, please..." Lydia cried.  "I'm gonna—" she had to hide against Win's Nathan's shoulder not to scream as she came, feeling her whole body contract and relax, pleasure rushing through her.  "Oh my God, you're perfect," she shuddered, her body giving out completely.  "Is everything okay, baby?"
Win’s Nathan, wrapped his arms around Lydia, resting his cheek against her hair.  The last thing he wanted to do was worry her, especially after everything she’d confessed to him earlier. “Everythin’s perfect, princess.  You’re perfect.”
"Okay," Lyddie yawned, putting her shirt back on.  "Two shags and show, I'm exhausted," she said, stumbling her way to the room, stopping midway to look over her shoulder with a sleepy smile.  "Are you coming, Nate?"
“Yeah, I’ll be right there, babe,” he said, sitting up.  Shooting a smile at Lyddie before she rounded the corner he rested his elbows on his knees and dropped his face to his hands. 
What did it matter if Lyddie was marrying the other him?  And Win still loved him, it wasn’t like she didn’t just because she’d turned him down the first time.  So why did he suddenly feel so empty? 
Not wanting Lyddie to worry he swallowed those thoughts and followed her to the bedroom, finding her already in bed and Win asleep in his clone’s arms.
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @santacarlahorrorshow @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator  @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren  @violetrainbow412-blog
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sunflowerryvol6 · 3 years
Movement - H.S
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Warnings - Angst
WC - 2.4k
Hey! So I promise I don't intend to write such angsty things, but it just came to me! Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcome, and my ask box is open for requests. This might have a part two, but I'm not sure yet, let me know if you would like it. Please like and reblog. I have some more non-angsty ideas, but I'm stuck, so I'll try to work on them and put them out.
Today Mohini sat by the windowsill in her parent's home, silently counting fruits on the mango tree in her neighbours' yard. Teentaal played in the back. Shed, she was doing her warm-ups when she got distracted. The dark green raw mangoes were a clear sign that summer has begun in full swing. She and Harry had come down to India arguably during the worst time of the year. But this was the only time her guru(teacher) could give her the time she needed during the year. Mohini has been up since 5 am in doing stretches for a very strenuous riyaaz by herself before stepping away for class with her teacher.
Harry wasn't awake yet, he usually wakes up by around 7, and she's well into her hour-long tatkar footwork by then. She comes out to the terrace balcony to open up and use the more vacant space for chakkars (pirouettes). She sets her mat down and starts with sun salutations and some prayer. Silently working on arm movements where teentaal plays dimly in the background. She thinks back to how she and Baba would do riyaaz together. She had become a dancer because of him, of course. He was the one that pushed her to pursue her dream to become a dancer. If not for Baba, she'd have never met Harry. The same Harry who was now asleep in the room upstairs, who she doesn't want to wake up so early, which is why she pushes tatkar to the last of her riyaaz. She makes a mental note to tell him all about the time she and Jaya stole mangoes from their neighbours' yard and how she wants to show him how to do it, to recreate that memory in a way. With that thought, she goes back to working on her pirouettes.
He's not really used to the muggy heat in Mumbai, but it's not too unpleasant. They try to avoid stepping out when it's hot anyway. Today he's pleasantly lulled out of sleep by the sound of her ghungroos. This his favourite way to wake up, he thinks. That lights up an idea in his mind. He knows she'll be working on her footwork for a bit. It gave him enough time to scour through his stuff and find his latest purchase, the Exakta RTL 1000. He knew it was the right moment to take it out for a spin. A Photowalk was due, but with their conflicting schedules, they hadn't ventured into town yet. Staying close by in the suburbs, so Mohini could help out with her dance teachers classes. They did have plans to explore the city, maybe go away for the weekend, but hadn't been in a rush. They were here all throughout the Indian summer and some of the monsoon. He slowly walked down the stairs, camera in hand, ventured out into the balcony where he knew the music was coming from. He could hear her feet patter away to the rhythm of the music. Looking at her right now, he's taken back to the first time he'd seen her at the dance studio a few years ago. He'd been there rehearsing for treat people with kindness music video, and she was in the studio room right next to his, blasting Fineline. It had really caught him by surprise, so he wanted to see who was playing the music. He was met with Mohini at her finest, in a red flowy cotton tunic and loose linen pants, she had these gold bells tied to her ankles that he now knows are called ghungroos. She was performing to his song, easy to say he was in awe. The way she moved effortlessly to the music, was really a treat to watch. He stood by the door and watched her perform to the whole 6 minute song, tearing up by end at intensity and fervour her performance exuded. He knew then that he was done for. After watching her for so long, he felt obligated to tell her how much he loved it. He approached her, only for her to get really startled and then upset that he was eavesdropping. He apologised of course, but he was expecting her to recognise him, considering the song, you know? Turns out, her friend had hooked her up to a gig at an art gallery in London to do an experimental piece; and she also suggested the song. Mohini really had no clue about him. What were the odds that she would run into this international pop star in a beat-up studio in Hampstead? But that's precisely what happened. He asked her if he could attend this said performance since it was his song and all. She reluctantly agreed and told him where it was. He went there the next week, in a poor disguise, to catch the least attention possible. But he needn't have done that, because nobody cared who he was, at Akademi Dance, they were there for her. They watched in awe, tearing up just like he did that same week. He didn't need a better sign. It was love at first sight, really, at least for him. He called Jeff after that performance and had his management contact her. It wasn't that hard. She was very known with the south Asian classical dance community but tough to book. So he went back to that studio in hopes of finding her there. Today he's not ashamed to admit, that he went there consistently for 2 weeks before she showed up, surprised to see him there. He told her what he had in mind.
Today that's known as one of the most viewed classical meets western ballad performance. They had to contact the gallery to erase any trace of that performance. Mohini rechoreographed it to the music, with Harry and his inputs, though they were very few, if at all. With his audience, she had dance companies contacting from all over the world. But all Moh wanted was to stay in London and teach. The one thing he hopes, she remembers fondly, is her falling in love with him during that project. Rest is history. He went on tour for the album. She continued teaching, performing a fair bit. The two met up at different venues, depending on where the other person was.
The morning sun hitting her just right, sweat glistening her face and chest. She had a thin gold chain with an H pendant around her neck which swayed as she moved. Her hair was slightly damp, likely from the heat and her practice. Mohini's side was facing him. She was wearing a light pink tunic with loose white linen pants. He was waiting for her to turn so he could quickly capture the elation on her face that he knows is there when she's practising. "Moh! Why don't yeh give me dazzle?"
She turns when she hears Harry, quickly covering her face with her palms. "H! I'm so sweaty right now! Stop it!" she's laughing now. Having stopped dancing, he chases her around the balcony getting as many photos of her as he could. He stops when he's cornered her at the edge. Her back hit the rim of the balcony, she leaning outwards. He puts the camera on the table where her speakers are placed and locks her within his hold. Both hands on either side of her waist, she's breathing heavily now, adrenaline coursing through her. He slowly moves one finger to swipe the sweat that gathered on her exposed chest. Her breath hitches at that, taking in the look in his eyes, but she knows she can't back away now, so she takes charge, grabbing him by his face, inching closer to kiss him. Just when he thinks she's going to kiss him, she leans forward and gently nibbles on his ear, which has his knees weak. She whispers, "Think we should smoke that blunt, Jaya got us last week", and ducks under his arm, laughing as she runs back into the house. "I'll get yeh back fo' that, Moh! Just wait yeh little minx," shaking his head smiling.
That evening, Moh and Harry brought out the works. She only smoked when she felt the tension to release some of that pent up energy. Harry will use any excuse to spend some time with this girl, knowing he wouldn't get any time with her this summer. They were here for her work, after all. So he pulled out all the stops for the night, went out and got her favourite snacks, whipped up some quick salad for dinner, knowing they would be gorging on munchies. He set up a blanket on the balcony floor, brought out all the food while she showered upstairs. He had been working on some writing and recording today. They brought a bunch of their recording equipment along, so Harry could set up in her dad's study. Ever since her parents passed, her home in Bombay laid vacant for her to use whenever she pleased. Coming home to an empty house had been hard for her last year, but Harry had been there by her side through everything. Cleaning out all the supplies, arranging things, throwing out old items and keeping things that would remind her of her parents. He made it home for her that year. So when she was asked by her teacher to spend the summer here, she readily agreed because Harry would be with her, and going back home wouldn't feel so morose. The first week had just been setting up the house to their liking. They were just about getting comfortable around the house. Somehow Harry knew the terrace balcony was special for her, so that's where he'd set up their make-shift date night. She walked in, wet hair from her shower dripping all over. She was wearing one of his loose t-shirts and he was lounging in a pair of white shorts. He looked up at her, smiling softly. "How was class today? Is Madhuri doing any better?"
"Yeah, I think so, she is, but she was resting, we did some footwork with the kids, movement exercises and whatnot, and with me, we just went over some of the stuff I'd been working on back home", she smiles.
He sits down, leaning against the railing, and pats the spot next to him, silently motioning her to join him. She does so, reaching her place and leaning in to kiss him on his nose before picking up the joint. She lights it and takes a long drag from it. "I miss baba", she exhales.
He takes the joint from her, "Know yeh do, pet. D'ya want to talk about it?"
"No. I just hadn't said that out loud in so long. Felt like it was eating away at me, y'know?"
"Yeah, know what yeh mean, s'okay though, we can just sit here and take that in for a bit."
"Madhuri Ji, asked me if I'd considered coming back," she said
"Yeah? Well, yeh are here now, and we'll be here all summer." He added
"No, I think she meant moving back here, but I didn't give her an answer yet"
"Are yeh really considering that? Thought we were looking to put the down payment for that house in Chelsea when we went back?" He asked, slightly confused
"Yeah, I mean, we are, but I didn't want to not consider it. I'd be able to help her out with classes more often, work on new projects with artists that I don't get to back home, and just" she pauses ", I just wanted some time to think about it, y'know."
"Okay, well, yeh know I've got to go back after the summer, pet, if you'd like to stay for longer, that's okay, we can figure something out." He sighed. He knew Vrindavan was vital to her. She had too many memories attached to it. She thought she had time with those here, but with her parents passing away in an accident last year, it really took that opportunity away from her. So now she felt cheated of her good memories of her home. He knew she'd want to keep this place, but they'd always talked about settling in London and coming down here for her performances and to meet Madhuri. Something changed her heart, and she seemed unsure of their plan to settle in London.
He kissed her softly and put an arm around her, bringing her close to him, "We'll sort it out, darling. Baba and Ma are going to be with yeh no matter what."
That conversation ended with them lazily passing the joint, munching on the snack laid out. Both of them passed out contently in each other's arms out in the open terrace that night.
Come monsoon that year, Moh decided she wouldn't go back to London, so she sat on her bed, watching the love of her life pack away all his stuff to leave for his home the following day. The yellow light of their room fell on him, which only made him look more beautiful. She realised how much she would miss watching him play her his new songs sitting in the same spot he sat now. Rain poured mercilessly, almost as if Bombay was weeping at the state of their relationship. She didn't want this to end, but she also couldn't leave the only semblance of her father behind. She wanted Harry to stay, desperately hoping he would make it work, but she also knew that wasn't rational. He couldn't fly back and forth so often, it would be detrimental to his health. So she turned her face away to wipe the tears that lined her waterline.
"I wish you'd at least consider coming back with me. If yeh still don' like it there, you can come right back, Moh" his voice shaky, she knew if she listened to him any longer, she wouldn't be able to hold her sobs back. So she looked at him with this vacant look, tears brimming in her eyes. "I'm not ready for that yet, Harry. I don't think I will be. It's not fair to you."
"Okay then, if you change your mind, know I'll be waiting for yeh, pet" he wipes away a lone tear and goes back to packing.
The following day she waves Harry goodbye and rushes to the balcony terrace to watch him go gently twisting the H hanging from her neck. The mangoes are long gone, so is the light from those summer mornings.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
What a Beautiful Wedding Ch. 5: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Summary: Dark and his family try and get out of their little reality bubble.
A/N: I should have had this out yesterday, but someone *glares at Chase* were being difficult.
Title comes from the song “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from How to Train your Dragon 2.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Channel 2
The instant Dark mentally came back to himself he pulled everyone back into the Manor. But he also found that Anti and Henrik were within the same bubble as well and grabbed them as well.
The instant he started explaining things everyone started waking up.
“Who knows how long we’ll be here,” Dark finished.
“At least ve’re avake,”[1] Henrik decided from where he was standing with Chase.
Illinois, who had only been away for the past couple of minutes, was trying to remember where he’d been before this before remembering he’d been at his wedding and flying into an immediate panic.
“Eric!” Illinois realized with horror.
He got up and raced through the front door, he planned on running all the way to the park but the instant his feet were outside the door he was already reaching the chain link fence to Eric’s backyard.
But Illinois was not deterred, he was getting his fiancé back if it was the last thing he did. Illinois practically vaulted himself over the chain link fence.
“Eric, dulcito[2],” Illinois called up outside his window before thinking: “screw it!” and used his lock picks to break in and start creeping towards Eric’s room. He’d save punching this fake Derek until he was sure Eric was safe.
Just because he wasn’t real, and more importantly dead, that didn’t mean he could cause Eric a lot of pain.
Eric was asleep when Illinois walked up to his bed and shook him away.
“Dulcito,[2] we’re going home.”
Eric screamed in surprise, and Illinois held his hands up.
“It’s me, it’s me,” Illinois said, already starting to cry in relief. “We need to get home, we got dragged in and . . . please forgive me.”
Eric flinched before letting out a quiet gasp, “Illy?”
He practically threw himself into Illinois’s arms, starting to sob profusely as Illinois held him.
“I’m so sorry, I should have rescheduled the wedding, it should have been the happiest day of your life,” Illinois apologized.
“I wanna go home,” Eric told him, and went to move before he felt a sharp pain stab through his legs, mostly from stress, mostly from not having his actual good prosthetics all day and having to make do with bad ones.
“Eric?” Illinois asked in distress.
“My legs,” Eric sobbed in pain.
“I got you,” Illinois promised, picking him up in his arms.
Eric clung tightly to Illinois’s shirt, and then coiled up when a pounding came from the other side of the door.
The timid young man let out a terrified whimper.
“Eric what’s going on in there?” Derek yelled, trying to break down the door. “Who’s voice is that? Open this door!”
“Shit,” Illinois hissed, prepared to fight Derek.
“Illinois should start walking, quickly before Derek can enter,” the Host spoke up.
Illinois and Eric startled but out of reflex, Illinois began to start walking. He took two steps and suddenly he wasn’t in Eric’s home, he was running into his own. And the whiplash just about made him go unconscious. If he hadn’t been aware he was in a sitcom from hell, he wouldn’t have felt a thing.
“What was that?” Illinois looked around wildly. They were walking into the living room of the Manor.
“The Host used a screen wipe,” the Host smiled.
“This whole place is a shithole,” Illinois snarled as he rushed to carefully set Eric down on the comfiest-looking couch. “The laugh tracks were already giving me a migraine, thanks for stopping them.”
“The Host was not a fan of them either,” the Host agreed.
The instant he realized they were back in the house, Dark checked them over briefly when they came over and then Illinois set Eric on the couch and the two of them almost immediately fell asleep, wrapped up together. Dark stretched a blanket over them and then walked into the kitchen.
Mostly to collect his thoughts and figure out some kind of plan of attack. If it was just himself, Dark would worm his way out and hunt the Actor down. But he wasn’t alone. There was Lunky and Eric to consider, along with the triplets. All of them had no hope of standing against the Actor on their own. He couldn’t see what was out there, and didn’t want to take his chances.
“How yeh holdin’ up?”[3] Chase asked.
Dark was sitting at the large dinner table, he had a coffee in front of him. He wasn’t sure where or when he’d gotten the coffee from but he had it.
The sooner he was out of here, the better. He didn’t like how easily it was for the anomaly to pull him around.
“I’d think you’d want out as soon as possible,” Dark told him.
“Well nothin’s[4] happened yet,” Chase told him and walked over. “Sides,[5] at this point we should prolly[6] stick together.”
“You can do that perfectly fine in any other room,” Dark told him, trying to sound uncaring but he could still remember waking up with Chase in the morning.
“Yeah, but I was worried about yeh,” Chase told him, not taking a seat yet and just leaning against the table. “Sides,[5] Bim was growlin’[7] at me, so I decided ta[8] give him his space.”
“I’m fine,” Dark told him sharply.
“Kay,”[9] Chase agreed, not wanting to push him. The two of them were quiet for a bit.
“What do you want?” Dark growled.
“I told yeh[10],” Chase started.
“No, you’ve given me some thinly veiled plot,” Dark glared, “but not what you actually want. Is it the triplets? Is it boredom? Everyone wants something.”
“What if I just want you? Have yeh[10] thought about that?” Chase asked.
“Don’t play with me, Brody,” Dark scoffed angrily. “What do you want?”
Something in Chase just snapped, something that was always compelling him to take care of Dark. “I’m not fookin’ jokin’. I actually wanna be with yeh. Yeh frustratin’, self-absorbed piece ‘a shite. If I was gonna lead yeh on, I’d be actin’ like Wilf.”[11]
Dark’s jaws clicked shut and he glared at Chase.
Sighing, Dark tried to tune out the anomaly, which was whispering to him. The most tempting of whispers. To just push everyone else out and the anomaly could give Dark what he wanted. Could give him the power he wanted. Could give him a version of Wilford that would never look away from him. Children who would always need him.
It was so tempting, but Dark knew better. The anomaly couldn’t give him that infinitely. It would falter, it just wanted a living battery to feed off of.
“Dark?” Chase whispered, taking a seat next to the Entity. His tone gentler as his anger was fading.
“I can open a portal to let you through, but I don’t know how long I can keep it open,” Dark told him. “I also don’t know what’s out there. We’ll have to be careful. We need to make sure the weaker spawnlings do not go out first.”
“Sounds good ta[8] me, but heads up, Illinois isn’t goin’[12] anywhere without yah[10],” Chase chuckled. “Kid’s a little needy when it comes ta[8] yah[10].”
“Illinois has Eric now, he doesn’t need me,” Dark corrected. “I was safe in here, he was a child again. Once we go back out I have to prepare his territory, I have all these arrangements to make and—”
“Dark, Dark,” Chase urged. “Listen ta yerself. Yer Illinois’s dad.”[13]
“Wilford is his father,” Dark reinforced.
“Bubbles didn’t raise him, you did,” Chase reminded sharply. “Wilf went off an’[14] did whate’er[15] the hell he wanted. You made sure the kids were safe. Granted he didn’t have a choice sometimes but the point stands.”
“I can’t have children,” Dark said, but it was his blue soul that put the words there. “I’m not allowed near them. Demons don’t feel things like love or joy, they just exist.”
“We both know that’s not true,” Chase told him, desperately trying to get through to him. “Yeh[10] adore those kids. E’eryone[16] in this whole fookin’[17] town knows that.”
Dark went quiet, hanging his head, he didn’t have a firm rebuttal for that. “I . . . I’m not . . .”
“Those kids are yers[18] as much as they are his. Our boys an’[14] Tempus are just as much yers[18] as they are mine,” Chase told him. “Yeh can have ‘em an’ see ‘em just ‘cause yeh want ta. Not because yeh need ta pay fer ‘em.”[19]
Chase mentally froze because that last part had just slipped out, he’d never considered . . . He mentally thought about Memento and Mori and how the two of them would show him knives and things Dark had just given them. Of Illinois and his adventurers and power within the city. Or Bim and how Dark just let him literally eat people. “Dark yeh know yeh don’t have ta buy yer own kids’ attention, right? They fookin’ love yeh.”[20]
Dark made a disbelieving scoff.
“Dark, they compete fer yer attention whene’er yer in the room,”[21] Chase told him. “Why do yeh[10] think Bim an’[14] Illinois are fightin’[22] all the time?”
“Siblings just do that,” Dark dismissed.
Chase looked up, “Oh my how are yeh[10] this fookin’[17] dense? Dark, yer[23] lucky yer[23] cute.”
A slightly darker grey blush briefly spread across Dark’s cheeks, he looked away from Chase for a second.
“If that’s how yeh[10] think siblings are supposed ta[8] act, did Damien an’[14] Celine participated in death matches or somethin’[24]?” Chase commented, trying to lighten the mood.
“Something to that effect,” Dark admitted. “Celine was always the favorite because she was able to perform magic. Their father was very harsh with Damien because he was a null. If he hadn’t died the way he did, he would have surely become a demon.”
“Yer[25] old man was a fooker[26],” Chase told him. “Maybe I should have Host use the anomaly ta[8] brin’[27] him back so I can kick him in the dick.”
“Only if I can kill him for keeping me prisoner in his house for decades,” Dark promised.
Chase smiled, before really looking at Dark. “I was serious early.”
“About which topic?” Dark asked.
“I’m exactly where I want ta[8] be,” Chase promised, finally saying when he’d been trying to remember to tell the Entity for months now. “There’s no one else I want ta[8] be with.”
“You’ll get bored,” Dark told him.
“Yeh[10] managed ta[8] keep stuff interestin’[28] in all the years I’ve known yeh[10],” Chase smiled.
“You’re human,” Dark reminded.
“Depends on who yeh[10] ask these days, don’t think I’ve got many ‘a[29] those years left,” Chase confessed. “Henz an’ Marv prolly don’t either. ‘Sides, if someone does manage ta kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back an’ haunts yeh. I’ll bang some pots an’ shite. Make sure yeh know it’s me.”[30]
Dark’s brow furrowed, he was still looking for something. Then, “You’re with the heroes, if you wanted to be with me, you wouldn’t have turned me down when I asked.”
“That wasn’t me turnin’ yeh down, that was me sayin’ no ta bein’ yer hired gun,”[31] Chase told him in exasperation. “I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killin’ fer yeh.”[32]
Dark wasn’t looking at him, Chase inched a little closer.
“Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look howe’er realistic an’ fancy yeh want, an’ I’m there. But I’m not killin’ on yer order. Defending yeh or the kids is one thing. But becomin’ yer private hitman is off the table.”[33]
“That sounds reasonable,” Dark told him.
Chase just about had the urge to lean in all the way and kiss him. But he felt it was all going too fast. This was still so new. So he didn’t.
Instead, Wil broke the silence.
“Awww,” Wilford suddenly appeared next to them, smiling and wrapping his arms around the two of them. “Look at the two of you.”
“Don’t push yer[25] luck, Bubbles,” Chase snapped at him.
Wilford just hugged them tighter, pressing his face closer to Chase’s until the marksman pushed Wil away and kicked him in the shins, cursing at him as he did so. Dark rolled his eyes as he watched them.
Outside the bubbles, the heroes were busy popping the next one they’d jumped into. Freeing Nate, Mare, Marvin, and Quackity among the other heroes, villains, and civilians they’d pulled free.
Phantom was a bit disoriented and started looking around, trying to find an easy escape.
“I had awesome power, this better be worth it,” Quackity rolled his eyes as he looked around. “Where’s Dream?”
“Still in one of the bubbles,” Punz answered.
Quackity stared at Punz for a little bit before smiling, “Hey Punz, how much would I have to pay you to have us just leave Dream in there?”
“Twice what you pay Purpled,” Punz told him, checking his guns.
“Fuck!” Quackity hissed, kicking some rubble. “Come on, dude!”
Another rumble passed through the area as one of the bubbles began to ripple violently and two tendrils snapped out of it, one shot out like lightning and attached itself to the bubble Dark was in while the other snatched up Phantom and pulled him in.
When the first tendril latched on it dragged Dark away from Chase and Wil and before anyone had any time to think it yanked him in and Dark’s bubble popped. The bubble started rapidly growing in size, and it yanked the smallest bubble into it and consumed it. It stopped swelling when it was twice its former size.
“The fuck was that?” Illinois shouted from where he’d dropped to the ground, looking around wildly. “Was that the Actor?”
“No, the Actor does not have the anomaly,” the Host said as he began inspecting the area with his own aura. “That bubble contains Techno and Phil and with the absence of other stories, the anomaly is desperately trying to keep what it does have. Its hold is weakening. Which means the Host will not be able to keep the Actor at bay for much longer.”
“Do you know who are in the other bubbles?” Ponk asked. “Be really nice to have fucking Skeppy right now.”
“I’m right here,” Marvin shot at him.
“I give you one of these books and Skeppy will kill me,” Ponk told him.
“Hey, wait a second, is that one ‘a[29] the,” Marvin recognized the spell book he had as one of the cursed tomnes he’d been trying to get from the Server for months now.
Ponk held the book to their chest, backing up, “Uh . . .”
Sam shouldered his way in-between, shoving Marvin back as he summoned his trident. “We don’t have time to wait around.”
Ponk just stared up at Sam, leaning into him before they looked back at the Host. “So who’s where? Where’s Skeppy and Bad?”
“That one,” the Host gestured to the bubble higher up, “however it needs to be loosened by another two bubbles before it pops. There are too many powerful demons in there powering it.”
“Okay,” Ponk sighed in frustration.
“Techno, Philza, Big Man, and Ghostbur,” the Host pointed with his aura to the largest bubble that Dark and Phantom had been dragged into.
He continued to the farthest one, “That one has the Actor and all of Silver’s friends.”
“Fucker,” Silver spat, trying to fly towards that bubble at top speed but bounced off. “Give me my friends back!”
“And the last one’s got the Sides in it?” Bing asked from where the Google androids were encircled around him.
“That’s the strongest one,” Nate grumbled in frustration. “Why’s he in that one?”
“Because the entire legate is in there, it is likely it will be one of the last to pop for that reason. On its own it’s indefinitely sustainable.”
“Shit, he’s like a living battery,” Nate hissed.
“I’m going in,” Illinois decided, looking at the bubble Dark was in.
“Stay here with Explosion Boy,” Chase told Illinois, gesturing to Eric.
“My dad’s—” Illinois started to shout.
“Let us handle it, we can’t have all ‘a[29] our magically powerful people in one easy ta[8] capture area, stay with yer[25] fiancé,” Chase told him. “I’ll make sure nothin’[34] happens ta[8] him.”
“If I see there are any problems, I’m going in,” Illinois told him.
“Fine, that’s fine,” Chase told him, then he looked back at Jackie. “Jackie, come on.”
The Host lowered the bubble Dark had been dragged into and then ripped a hole in the bubble long enough for Jackie and Chase to go in.
Channel 6
Jackie and Chase walked in and a wave passed over them as their outfits changed. Snow buffeted them as they stood in thick warming fur coats and wool clothes.
Jackie was still in his mask but their clothes colors had changed to deep purples and dark reds
“Let’s go,” Chase yelled over the snow as they followed the road and hoped it would lead to a town.
Accessibility Translations:
1. At least we’re awake.
2. sweetheart
3. How are you holding up?
4. nothing’s
5. Besides
6. probably
7. growling
8. to
9. Okay
10. you
11. I’m not fucking joking. I actually want to be with you. You frustrating, self-absorbed piece of shit. If I was going to lead you on, I’d be acting like Wilf.
12. going
13. Listen to yourself. You’re Illinois’s dad.
14. and
15. whatever
16. everyone
17. fucking
18. yours
19. You can have them and see them just because you want to. Not because you need to pay for them.
20. Dark, you know that you don’t have to buy your own kids’ attention, right? They fucking love you.
21. Dark, they compete for your attention whenever you’re in the room,
22. fighting
23. you’re
24. something?
25. your
26. fucker
27. bring
28. interesting
29. of
30. Henz and Marv probably don’t either. Besides, if someone does manage to kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back and haunts you. I’ll bang some pots and shit. Make sure you know it’s me.
31. That wasn’t me turning you down, that was me saying no to being your hired gun
32. I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killing for you.
33. Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look however realistic and fancy you want, and I’m there. But I’m not killing on yer order. Defending you or the kids is one thing. But becoming your private hitman is off the table.
34. nothing
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Interlude - Rewrite POYW - Harry Hook x reader - Part 3 - invitations
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The Smee twins stared wide-eyed at the crisp white letter that was clearly and openly inviting them, both of them, to Auradon prep, signed by King Ben and Ms. Evie of the isle. They heard that Harriet, CJ, and their older brother Sammy had gotten the same letter around the same time that they had gotten theirs.
His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, Skipper and Sterling Smee, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon city middle school. Please notify his Majesty’s couriers of your response to this request.
-we’d love to have you two with us here in Auradon, don’t worry, your brother has been given the same invitation, will you come? - King Ben
-Don’t let this go to waste boys, I’ll see you soon - Harry H.
Skipper and Sterling looked at each other, then back to the letter, the older twin, skipper, picking up the letter and holding it gently in his hands, reading it over and over for any small hints that might reveal the letter to be a whole joke and they would never be coming off the isle.
Skipper slowly looked at his brother with a grin “it's for real” he whispered, shaking the letter in Sterling's face “they really want us to come to Auradon!” Sterling took the letter and examined it for himself, a bright grin matching his brothers growing on his face.
The twins threw their arms around each other, jumping and spinning around the room. the door to their room opened, the twins pausing in their celebration as their older brother, Sammy, and dad, Mr. Smee, looked in on them with just barely repressed smiles. “Dad look!” Skipper took back the letter from Sterling and shoved it into his dad's face, the old man smiling and picking up his son as he examined the letter “they invited us to go to Auradon! And Harry signed it too!!”
“they invited your brother as well” Mr. Smee hummed, setting Skipper back down on his feet and examining the letter again, smiling at the note from Harry. “Harriet and CJ too”
Sammy flipped his invitation between his fingers “yeah, Harriet said something about how they finally assigned guardians for us so they were finally able to send the invitations, all that’s left is for us to tell the dudes who gave ‘em to us that we accept” Mr. Smee, handing the twins letter back to Skipper, the two going over it once more.
“when can we tell them?” Mr. Smee asked, walking back out of the twin's room to the living room of his apartment that he had acquired after (y/n) had dismembered his ex-captain.
“well, Harriet got a letter from (y/n) saying that the next shipment of goods tomorrow, will have some of the couriers that are expecting our response so we can tell them then.” Mr. Smee nodded, moving into the kitchen to start making dinner for his sons.
“so after we tell them you three are all for Auradon, when will you be picked up?” Sammy pursed his lips, trying to remember what Harriet had relayed to him from the letter that (y/n) sent her informing her of the timeline of events for the vks transfer.
“uh, after we tell the courier dudes tomorrow? the limo should be here sometime next week…no clue what time yet but im sure well be told at some point before the day” Mr. Smee nodded, setting a pot of water onto his stove and turning it on, waiting for it to boil so he could add the pasta.
“I noticed on the twin's letter, it said “Auradon middle school” while yours said “Auradon Prep”, so the twins will be going to a different school?” Sammy nodded at his father's question, helping him get the ingredients ready for the chicken alfredo spaghetti he was about to make.
“Yeah, they are only 10 after all, and Auradon prep is a high school so I’m guessing when they turn 14, they’ll go then.” Mr. Smee nodded again and started to chop up some parsley.
Sammy grabbed the chicken from the fridge and placed a pan on the stove, starting the flame and grabbing some seasonings for the chicken.
The two worked in comfortable silence, the sound of the twins playing in the background providing the much needed “white noise”
Sammy sighed, slicing up the chicken and tossing it into the pan, watching it cook as he thought of the fast-approaching future.
Only a week from now, he and the twins would be across the sea in Auradon, away from their father for the first time. Now Smee wasn’t the best father, hardly anyone on the isle was, well maybe except for Dr.Facilier which was mostly a surprise to…well everyone, the once voodoo doctor turned principal and arcade owner held his daughter in high regard and strived to give her the best life he could on the isle.
But back to his father, while he wasn’t the best, he definitely was far from bad, and tried to the best for his kids when he could. And right now, the best for his kids was sending them to Auradon.
Sammy knew the twins would miss their father, yes, they would have the hook siblings and their older brother but nothing could take the place of their dad. Sammy hummed as he wondered if he could request visitations for the twins to see their dad.
CJ balance-walked the curb as she kept pace with Harriet, both heading back to the older sister's ship for the night as darkness began to set over the isle.
“so when are we goin ta Auradon?” CJ asked Harriet, grinning as she gave an annoyed sigh, it being the seventh time CJ had asked that question within the last five minutes.
Then again, Harriet hadn't bothered to answer her so CJ thought it was perfectly reasonable to continue to bug her with it. “at some point within the next week” Harriet muttered; she had wanted to keep her answer as loose as possible as to not get CJs hopes up. Harriet was a cynical person, unlike CJ who was oddly optimistic, and she didn’t want her little sister to be disappointed in case the limo never came.
But thanks to CJ’s constant babbling of the same question, Harriet just decided to blurt it out if only to make her shut up. “sweet~ is Harry gonna be in the limo thing?” Harriet sighed, question after question, and if Harriet didn’t answer CJ would babble it over and over again until Harriet snapped.
“I don’t know, I just know they are aiming for next week to pick us all up, (y/n) said I’ll get another letter about two days before we get picked up so we have time to pack ‘n stuff” CJ hummed at that and lept off the curb, skipping up next to her sister and clasping her hands behind her back.
“so what was (y/n) like? I didn’t get to meet her when she came to demolish dad” Harriet stopped for a moment, of all the questions for CJ to ask that was one she wasn’t expecting.
“well,” Harriet starting, moving forward again as her ship came into sight “she was really…expressive, very protective of Harry, um-damn good with a sword….I don’t know I wasn’t around her for a long enough time to gage her properly but what I've gotten about her from her letters, she’s a thorough person and makes sure everyone is taken care of before going through with a plan” CJ hummed again, Harriet’s “description” of (y/n) was different than the image she had made in her head due to Harrys “description” but either way (y/n) sounded kinda cool and she would have hella fun annoying the hell outta her.
The two hook sisters arrived at Harriet's ship and climbed aboard, moving into the lower decks where the kitchen was to eat dinner.
Dizzy hummed happily to herself as she moved about the salon, cleaning up the last of the clipped hair and globs of dye before the salon opened at midnight.
In one week, ONE WEEK, she, Dizzy Tremaine, the daughter of Drizella Tremaine, would be going to Auradon!!! With Evie!! Her idol!!
As the day drew closer to the fateful pickup day, her excitement built up inside her, bursting out in sleepless nights and constant ideas to sketch down in her sketchbook.
She let out a squeal and spun on her heels, sweeping up the last pile of hair and disposing of it. She just couldn’t wait! There were so many things in Auradon that she wanted to try! From ice cream to swimming pools, it was an endless list of joys she had yet to experience!
“Dizzy!!!! Finish up! Time for dinner!” her aunt Anastasia called from the apartment upstairs, Dizzy set her broom and dustpan against the wall and skipped up the stairs, unable to keep the bright grin off her face.
Ben looked at the papers the couriers had given him of the responses of the six invites he had sent out the day before.
All of them said yes.
Ben couldn’t help the wide grin from growing on his lips, and he didn’t resist the urge to dance as excitement swelled inside him.
‘Finally!’ Ben thought as he danced stupidly around his office ‘finally! After more than half a year I can finally bring more VKs over! Nothing can stop it now!’
Mal knocked gently outside his office, it was lunchtime and he had yet to arrive at the pavilion where he and the vks plus (y/n) would be eating (lunch celebration for the invitations being sent out). After a few moments of silence, other than the sounds of Bens dancing footsteps, Mal opened the door, calling out for him.
She burst out laughing as she spotted Ben dancing around his office, a wide grin on his face “They all accepted!” Ben sang, pulling Mal into the room and making her dance with him “they all accepted! Six more vks next week!”
Mal laughed again and let herself be pulled into the moment of joy, gigging as Ben spun her around and lifted her into the air “Six more vks!” she echoed, squealing a bit as Ben dropped her into his chest and spun them both around some more “Ookayyy!! Im gonna throw up lemme down!” Mal smacked at his shoulders until Ben grinned at her and set her on her feet, laughing a bit as Mal tumbled into a chair from dizziness.
“Come on, let's go tell the others!” Ben grabbed onto Mal's hand, dragging a still slightly out of it fae from his office and to the pavilion, where the rest of their friends waited for them.
“There yeh are, an’ here I thought yeh keeled over from paperwork” Ben let out a few sarcastic laughs as he looked to Harry, who just grinned back.
“harde har Harry, but! All six of them accepted the invitation!” Evie and Carlos let out a gasp and Evie stood from the table, bounding over to Ben and slamming into him for a hug “I know! Next week we’ll finally have more vks!”
Gil and Harry burst out laughing as Evie took Ben's arms and spun them around in a dance, “He was doing that in his office” Mal sniggered, sitting down next to Jay and leaning on him, Jay holding up his phone and laughing as he recorded Evie and Ben dancing.
“adorable” you purred, curling against Harry's side as his arm wrapped around your waist. Carlos and Dude ran around for a moment, hyped up from Ben's visible excitement, and slid to a stop in front of the table.
“come on! Let's eat! Then we get ice cream! For celebration!” everyone cheered at Carlos' suggestion and Ben and Evie quickly sat down, Ben tapping his hands on the table to rid of his excess energy.
A few moments later Ben's personal chefs appeared with trays of food, setting them down in the middle of the table and pouring their drinks “thank you, Cherise, Tulio” the two chefs smiled at Ben and nodded, waving the eight teens goodbye and moving back into the castle.
“to the new vks!” Ben called, raising his glass and laughing as the rest of you followed his action.
“to the new vks!”
“and many more~!!” you finished, the vks grinning even wider than that. That was the plan, as soon as Harry's sisters, the Smee kids, and Dizzy were in Auradon, the process to bring another six would be immediately put in action.
The only question to that was ‘who would be chosen?’
-end of part 3-
 yeeee P3~!!! the new vks have been invited to Auradon and things are lookin up~!!! and writing excited Ben was so fun, hes a fun character to write and create for, i don't get why the official writers pushed him to the side so much, after all without him the Descendants storyline wouldn't exist (yes this is heavy side eye to the writers of descendants) 
anyway Permtaglist!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @random-thoughts-003
@remembered-license @rintheemolion
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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dracofeltonmalfoy · 4 years
Cute Babies
Pairing: Draco x Y/N
Warnings: Swearing, mention of deaths, angst and fluff
Word Count: 5266
A/N: Baldy, no nose voldy doesn’t exist, Snape has a niece and his father is in this story. Also Lucius is nice.
This was a request, @bbeauttyybbx hope you like it hun! xxx
“Malfoy, if you DO NOT move out of my way, I will kick you in your groin like I did exactly 2 months ago and poor old Parkinson as well as the 6 other girls you were entertaining at the time were not able to get their sexual satisfaction from you and you weren’t able to piss without your dick hurting, so Mr Malfoy if you don’t want that to happen again I suggest you MOVE!” She screamed in Draco’s face. For a 5’2 girl who looks very angelic with her Y/H/L Y/H/C hair and shiny Y/E/C eyes, she sure was intimidating when she was angry, but the only person who found her anger very amusing and a form of entertainment was the platinum haired, 5’9, grey eyed boy, Draco Malfoy.
“Y/L/N, let's not make that mistake again, hmm? You know very well you only did that because you were jealous you weren’t in their place and to be very honest with you, you...will...never be. Just look at yourself, no fashion sense, so short and have been with every boy our age in slytherin. Do you think I’d really go for a girl like you?” Draco whispered in her ear, this was enough for Y/N to, once again, knee him, but before she could he grabbed her wrist and spun her around so her back was now against his chest and her arm twisted behind her. “No, darling. Don’t you dare try that again.”
“Malfoy, let me go or I swear I will hex you.”
“Malfoy, I’m going to say it again, let me go.”
“Hmmm, I’ll let you go, but only if you do one thing.”
“Oh hell no, I am not doing anything for you Malfoy, we can stand her for as long as you want then and be late to potions, but I am not doing anything you tell me too. And anyways, Snape loves me more than you, he is my mother’s brother after all.”
“Your wish is my command Y/L/N.” Draco’s grip on Y/N’s arm was getting tighter and tighter and Y/N knew she was going to have a print of his fingers on her arm, but there was no way she was going to tell him that he was hurting her. “Come on Y/L/N, it’s obvious you’re hurting, why don’t you listen to the deal.” She stood there quietly, giving no response, resulting in Draco tightening his grip even more, but this time using his free hand to grab her chin and turning it sideways so he could see her face. “Dump Zabini.” he breathed out
“Are you having a laugh Malfoy? Why would I dump my boyfriend because you told me to, not to mention my boyfriend of 2 years?”
“You answered your own question darling, because I told you to. And i’ll tell ya something else, right now, this very second Zabini is shagging your best friend in the broom cupboard.” after saying that the platinum haired boy let her out of his grip.
“Oh you’ve crossed the line Malfoy, you have crossed the fucking line.”
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, let’s go to potions and see where your beloved boyfriend and best friend are shall we?”
“Go suck a dick, you git!”
Y/N ran to potions, her heart pounding and her head spinning. She stopped outside her class to see that Malfoy was right, both Blaise and Pansy were missing. “Told you so.” Malfoy whispered in her ear before entering the class.
“Mr Malfoy…oh and Y/N, why are you two so late?” Snape asked firmly, but before any more words were spoken, Y/N ran to the broom cupboard. Breathless, she whipped the door open to see her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and best friend, ex-best friend all over each other.
“My grandfather will definitely be hearing about this, but for now MY UNCLE WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS! YOU FILTHY LITTLE PEASANTS! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TWO? HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE ME? ME?!?! Y/N Y/L/N? ONE MINUTE, IT WILL TAKE ME LESS THAN A MINUTE TO FUCK YOUR LIVES UP!” Y/N screamed, her eyes fogging up, but she didn’t dare let a tear fall.
“Babe, babe it's not what you think it is I…”
“Oh sod off, you didn’t deserve me anyways, my papa was right, I should’ve gone for some with the same standards as me. He was right, you were only with me for the money!” She screamed, trying not to break down in front of them. “You look like you're about to shit yourself sweetheart, don't worry i’ll just think all the money I spent on you was charity.” And with that she stormed off to go to potions, leaving Zabini and Parkinson dreading what might happen next.
“Uncle?” Y/N whispered, her head down, trying hard not to let the class know she was crying.
“Y/N? Where did you go?” Snape questioned, looking at his deceased sister’s last memento.
“Can I please talk to you?”
“We are in a…”
“Now?” she looked up a bit and Snape saw her puffy eyes, but at the same time someone else did as well. He quickly gave the class some work to do, grabbed Y/N and left the class.
Draco sat at his desk, observing everything that happened. He should've been happy, he was happy, until he saw her puffy eyes, her red eyes, eyes filled with tears and pain. The girl, who never cried, the girl who didn’t even cry when her parents were killed, the girl who only spread happiness and joy was crying. Y/N told her uncle everything and to say her uncle was more relieved than angry was an understatement. “Y/N, they will be punished, I promise you, but I am extremely happy right now that the facade ended. You deserve someone who is as wealthy as you, someone who me and your papa think is reliable and we have chosen the someone for you.”
“You have?”
“Yes, after you have graduated this year we will be visiting your future in-laws, it was your mother’s wish to get you married straight after you graduated. I will not tell you who it is, but you will be happy with this decision and one more thing focus on your N.E.W.T.S, not on that stupid boy, go to your dorm now.” Snape finished and showed a rare sign of affection by kissing the top of the heartbroken girl’s head.
Summer Holidays
Y/N, her papa and Snape were standing outside Malfoy Manor. Y/N was shocked, extremely shocked, her jaw was practically touching the floor. “Papa?” “Yes, my angel.” “THE Malfoys?” “Yes, my angel.” “THE Malfoys?” “I thought we already answered that question, but yes my angel.” “Papa, nooooooooo, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pweaseeeeeee.” Y/N begged, with the cutest, most innocent puppy eyes and sad face. “No, father. No! Do not look at her and do not apparate back.” Snape said, receiving a glare from Y/N. “Angel, I don’t know how long i’m going to live and this is the last of your parents’ last wishes, please try to understand and not put up a fuss.” Y/N’s grandfather told her, he knew these words would melt Y/N a tiny bit and she would agree. “Fine, but please don’t talk about death, I don’t want to lose you two as well, you are the only good things I have left.” And with that said a house elf appeared and escorted them inside the manor.
Y/N was wearing a long red silk dress that showed off her curves, her hair braided like a crown at the top and the rest of her hair curled and down. She looked breathtaking. “Good afternoon, it’s lovely seeing you here Mr Snape, Severus and Miss Y/L/N.” a voice called, it was Lucius Malfoy. “Good afternoon son, good afternoon Narcissa, where is the young Malfoy?” Y/N’s papa questioned and Y/N tried her hardest not to roll her eyes at his name. “He’ll be down by the time we have settled down in the dining room.” Narcissa replied sweetly, she was Y/N’s favourite Malfoy, sweet and kind, she sometimes reminded her of her own mother.
When they entered the dining room, Draco was standing there waiting for them. The two teens made very awkward eye contact, to say the least, and Y/N could’ve sworn she saw Draco blush.
Draco’s POV
Fucking hell she looks amazing. What the hell? You hate her, you hate her, you hate her, well you don’t hate her, you dislike her. Right? Repeat the mantra Draco, you dislike her, you dislike her, you.. “Draco darling, come sit down. We all know Y/N looks beautiful tonight, no need to make her feel awkward.” Mother teased. Shit! Was I staring for that long? I took a seat in front of Y/N, which was probably the worst decision i’ve made tonight, and “So, should we talk about the wedding now or after dinner?” Father asked. “I think after dinner is perfect, an old man needs to fill his stomach up before making big decisions.” Y/N’s grandfather laughed and Y/N smiled and shook her head. Merlin, she looked angelic.
During dinner I think I looked at her about 50 times, very slyly, obviously. Me, the Slytherin Prince, being sly, as easy as pie. “Do I have something on my face?” Shit, she’s caught me. “Huh? I mean pardon?” “Do...I...have...something...on...my...face?” “You didn’t have to say it like I have a hearing problem! I can hear very well thanks!” “Well, you were the one who said ‘huh, pardon?’ not me! SO I thought maybe you’ve developed a hearing problem of some sort. Also, I asked you a question so stop avoiding it!” “Who said I was avoiding your silly question? To answer your question Y/L...Y/N, yes there is! Your nose, your eyes, your lips, your eyebrows, there's a lot on your face!” “Have you never…why are you guys laughing?” Y/N asked the elders around us “Oh nothing dear, how wonderful! Young love! What a beauty!” mother answered. “Young WHAT?” Both of us questioned, together! “Young love children, it always starts off with some teasing and bickering. You two already sound like a married couple!”
“Draco, please give Y/N the wonderful, wonderful, gift you have selected for her.” “Yes, mother. Y/N, here, this is for you.” I handed her a velvet box that had a green emerald pendant in it, mother had chosen it, because I didn’t know about this arrangement until yesterday night and I expect Y/N didn’t as well. “Thanks, um…” “Here angel give this to Draco. Son, Y/N selected this for you, with a lot of love.” “I did? I did, yeh I did! Um...here you go, hope you like it haha.” Ok she definitely didn’t pick it and she definitely didn’t know about this arrangement either. I opened the box to see a snake ring, not that I needed anymore, but I still liked it. “Thank you, I do like it.”
“Draco, son, why don’t you and Y/N go for a walk, we’ll call you when dessert is ready?” Mother offered, well basically told me, I nodded my head and waited for Y/N to stand up. I walked out and she was behind me, walking so slowly. We got to the garden and I turned around to see Y/N missing. “Y/N? Y/N? For Salazar’s sake Y/N are you that dumb you can’t follow a 5’9 guy properly? Y/N!” I yelled and to my surprise she was knelt down in front of the roses, looking at them in awe, like they were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. “I was shouting your name Y/L/N, you could’ve at least told me you’re here!” “Oh, you were? The thing is, the two words you call me are midget or Y/L/N, so I couldn’t hear my first name from your pretty mouth.” “Pretty mouth? You think I have a pretty mouth? Well you will be thrilled to know that after marriage this pretty mouth will be all yours!” I smirked, but internally cursing myself for being such an idiotic flirt, that was such a stupid pick up line, if you would even call it a pick up line.
“Thank you.” she said softly. “Thank you? I should say thank you, you complimented..” “No, you git! Thank you for telling me about Bla...those two.” She looked down towards her feet. “Y/N/N, um, Y/N, shit um, Y/L/N, I…it’s um...you don’t need to thank me. I...um...I…” “So first you call me by my first name, then you call me by my nickname and now you stutter as well? Any other surprises Draco?” DRACO! SHE CALLED ME DRACO! I SWEAR MY HEART DID 5 SOMERSAULTS IN 2 SECONDS! Her saying my first name was so damn cute. “I’m sorry.” “Oh for fucks sake another surprise! THE Draco Malfoy apologizing, now that really is a surprise!” She laughed anndddddd there we go again my heart flipping over and over again. “But honestly, jokes apart, why are you saying sorry?” “Because I made you cry that day.” “Not the first time.” “Oh, wait, I've made you cry before?” “Mhm, but forget that…” “No, no, no forgetting, please tell me.” “Anddddd another surprise. Draco, are you sure you’re not drunk?” “No, I'm not.” I grabbed her hand and led her to the bench near us and sat down, patting the place next to me telling her to sit down. To my surprise, she actually did. “Do you remember in first year I was wearing an old rusty watch?” “Yes?” “And you made fun of me for having all the money in the world, but wearing a rusty old watch like a mudbl...that word. That was my late mother’s watch, it was the first present my father got her when they got married, with his own money, not his inheritance. And it was thrown in the bin, because it wasn’t slytherin enough” Oh shit. “Then when you broke my quill?” “I didn’t Goyle did.” “You stood there and laughed, you stood there and encouraged him. That was my late father’s lucky quill and he gave it to me before he died and said my lucky charm gets my lucky quill, I don’t need this when I have you with me.” I was such a prick. “Then when…” “I...I can't hear anymore Y/N, I am sorry, I really am sorry.”
I look up to see tears rolling down her cheeks. I made her cry again. “Y/N/N I am so sorry, please, please don’t cry. Please love please. Please don’t cry.” I moved forward so I was sitting right next to her. Hesitantly, I brought her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her, one arm resting on the back of her head and one on her back. “Sshh, sshh it’s fine, it’ll all be ok, i’m so sorry, so so sorry. I am a fuck up, a big fuck up.” I moved my hands to each side of her cheek, wiping away the tears with my thumbs. “Do you know why I was a dick to you? It won’t really justify what I did, but it is something. I don’t know how to handle feelings Y/N, I show the same emotions to people I love, people I hate, people I like and people I dislike. The only person I’m not like that with is my mother. When I first saw you, I practically died there and then, I didn’t know how someone could look so beautiful, then after Christmas when I heard your parents passed away, I thought you’d be broken, but no, you were still smiling, giggling, enjoying yourself and to be honest I was jealous. How could someone be so strong. Then you got your first boyfriend, who wasn’t me, that killed me. Then you broke up after 2 years and he hurt you, so I hurt him and he broke both his arms during a quidditch game, even though we were in the same team and Ravenclaw got the blame. Then literally 6 months later you and Zabini got into a relationship, even though he knew I had feelings for you. If I really hated you Y/N, I would’ve stayed quiet about the fact that Zabini was cheating on you with Pansy. I kept trying to tell myself that I hate you, I dislike you, but everytime I see that smile of yours I can’t stop. Y/N/N, I’ve liked you since first year and I know it’s hard to believe, but I have.” Woah, okay I got that out of the way, but why wasn’t she replying?
Her mouth was wide open, eyes practically popping out of her head and she was frozen, I swear for a minute I thought someone had frozen her. “Can you please reply? I’m kinda shitting myself here.” Why did I say that? I mentally facepalmed myself. “What the fuck Draco? What the actual fuck? You can’t just be a dick for 7 years then say you love, well like me and then expect me to answer within 2 minutes of you saying that! I need time to actually let my brain function and understand what just happened!” “Um, ha, yeh, um...take as much time as…” “Oh, I will, thank you very much!” “Actually, um...could you kinda hurry up, because your silence and glare are kinda scaring me.” “Mhm.” “Mhm?” “Mhm” “Mhm?” “Mhm” “Mhm?” M FUCKING HM! NOW SHUT UP!” “I...sorry.” She looks so cute when she’s angry, wow. It started to rain ever so slightly, but looking up at the sky, it was obvious it was going to be pouring with rain very soon.
“I can’t believe it took you 7 years to say that you git! You are cute and tall and you have really nice eyes and you are quite handsome. We would have cute babies.” She started talking and I choked on my own spit. “Did I interrupt you when you were talking?” “No, sorry.” I cleared my throat. “I did have a little, now don’t suddenly have an ego boost, right where was I? Yeh! I did have a little crush on you, since we became potions partners, even though you were the world’s biggest prick. KEYWORD Malfoy, were! What I’m tryna get at here is, maybe, well yeah I like you too, but because both of us are, KEYWORDS AGAIN Draco, ARE AND WE, um where was I again? Yeh. We are so stubborn we didn’t tell each other that. Ok so what i’m gonna say is big, but don’t freak out, but I think the decision for us to get married was the right decision, but wrong time, but now I feel like it’s the right decision right…”I cut her off by cupping her cheeks and kissing her, she was shocked at first, but then our lips were moving in sync and that’s when I realised what I had done. Once again mentally facepalming myself during the kiss. Merlin, she was hard to resist, she’s adorable.
As I had expected it was pouring with rain and honestly, I just wanted time to stop, Y/N with me, it’s pouring with rain, how romantic! Oh if she heard me she’d think I’m so cringey. I pulled away and “Um sorry, I interrupted you again.” “This is the one interruption I don’t mind.” she said laughing and I could feel my face heating up and going red. This time, she pulled me in to kiss, her soft hands going around and wrapping around my neck and my hands resting on her waist. But obviously I couldn’t have a good moment without being interrupted. “Papaaaaa, THE Malfoys? THE Malfoys? Papaaaa noooooooo, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pweaseeeeeeee. You two are the only good things I have lefttttttt. Angel, you said these words, not even 2 hours ago.” “Papa? Um, I, you always say you’re right and you’ll always make good decisions for me, so um I was just checking if the decision is really good or not.” Y/N laughed awkwardly, realised what she said and, “No, I meant, we were, um I don’t know, Draco?” “Oh um, Sir, we were getting to know each othe...ouch!” Y/N stepped on my foot and I realised what I had just said, we were stuck in a messy situation. “Oh kids, you youngsters say you understand jokes, but looking at your flustered states I don’t think you do.” Mr Snape laughed and we awkwardly laughed with him. “Once you’ve finished what you’ve started, come down and have dessert, just make sure Severus doesn’t see you two or he’ll probably hex you son.” “Papppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” “See you in the dining room angel” And with that Y/N’s papa walked off laughing.
“One good thing Malfoy, one damn good thing was happening and you fuck up again!” “Fuck up, excuse you, but I didn’t invite your papa to walk into us snogging did I?” “Well, you could’ve, I don’t know, been more alert of the situation, kept your eyes open, looking out for people!” “Oh wow, so you expect me to keep my eyes open mid make out to look out for people. Darling, don’t you think that’s a bit creepy?” “No, well, yes, but no, but yes. Oh for fucks sake Draco! You’re so annoying!” Y/N starts walking stomping away. “Hey, we haven’t finished what we started!” “Sod off Malfoy, go finish it off with Parkinson!” Parkinson? Where did she come from? “OI! Come back!” I yelled, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into me before slamming my lips onto hers. Breathless, I reluctantly pull back, “Finish what we started off remember? Now, where were we again?” And we did finish off what we started, the only problem was that we didn’t want it to finish and we had to finish it so someone else (Severus Snape) didn't walk in on us making out. I quickly said a drying spell and we went back to the dining room.
Reader’s POV
“Welcome back children. Hope you enjoyed your time together.” Narcissa greeted the two, “Your wedding has been scheduled to be next month, 9th to be exact. Y/N as I am sure Severus and your grandfather have no idea how to shop for wedding dresses, Narcissa will take you.” “Yes, Sir, that’s perfectly fine.” “Oh please don’t call me Sir, you can call me father.” “Thank you.” “Tomorrow you and Draco will go out for lunch, I have booked you two a table. It is at 1:30 exactly, please do not be late.” “Um, I will be there, thank you.” “No need to say thank you dear.”
The Next Day
1:30 went to 1:40 to 1:50 to 2:00 to 2:30, but there was no sign of the young Malfoy and Y/N was getting very, very annoyed. “I’m leaving!” Y/N mumbled. “Y/N! Wait up!” Malfoy yelled, extremely out of breath. “WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS? I HAVE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR AN HOUR DRA...MALFOY AND YOU ARE LATE! ENJOY THIS LUNCH BY YOURSELF, BECAUSE I AM NO LONGER INTERESTED! TAKE WHOEVER HELD YOU UP TO THIS LUNCH! I AM NOT HUNGRY!” and with that Y/N apparated back to her home. “Great, now what do I do?” Draco asked himself, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That git…” “Language.” “That boy was 1 hour late papa! I hate people who aren’t punctual! I can’t trust him, what if he’s late to our wedding?” “So you’re already thinking about your wedding?” “No...I…” “Go freshen up sweetheart. You seem tired” “Ok papa.”
WHOOSH! “What the..” “Hey!” Malfoy said. “Malfoy, before just apparating into someone's bedroom you should really apparate outside and knock first! As you can see I am currently wrapped in only a towel and I do not appreciate you turning up like this! You either turn up late or turn up without warning!” Y/N yelled, “Well I was late and you left, so I decided I’ll surprise you and turn up at your home” and to tease her more the platinum haired boy walked closer and closer, until Y/N’s knees hit the bed and she fell backwards. Draco leaned over her and whispered “You said something about us having cute babies yesterday, wouldn’t mind trying that out.” He stood back up and turned around, “I’ll wait for you downstairs, I have a little surprise for you.” And with that he left, leaving a very flustered Y/N laying on her bed, blushing like a maniac.
“Angel, look who’s here!” Y/N’s papa pointed towards Draco and Draco greeting her like he hadn’t just seen her half naked and left her extremely flustered 15 minutes ago. “What a very pleasant surprise!” Y/N greeted, very sarcastically. “Sir..” “Call me papa” “Papa, if I have your permission, could I take your angel somewhere today. Even though we were in the same school, same house, same year, we don’t know much about each other. I’d like to spend the day getting to know her.”
“Getting to know her? Like yesterday?” “PAPAAAAAA!” “I’m just joking angel.” “Son, come here quickly.” “Yes papa?” “Please do use protection if you get that far.” Mr Snape whispered in Draco’s ear, this time leaving Draco flustered, but Y/N overheard “PAPAAAA! OMG! DRACO GO OUTSIDE I’LL COME IN A MINUTE!” “Oh angel, look how red you have gotten, but please be safe.” “BYE PAPA!” “Bye angel.”
“You want babies, but papa wants us to use protection, pray tell me how that works?” “DRACOOOOOO!” “I haven’t even done anything and you’re already screaming my name.” “I will strangle you!” “Kinky.” “MALFOYYYY.” “Draco sounds better.” “That’s it, go where you wanna go alone, I’m not going with you.” “But I need you to have babies, I can’t have babies by myself, even though they would be perfect.” “DRACO! I AM GOING BACK HOME! AGAIN! ENJOY!” “Final decision?” “YUP!” Draco picked Y/N up bridal style, “PUT ME DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” “The more you cooperate the quicker we get there sweetheart.” and led her to a very posh restaurant, different to the one from lunch, putting her down when they were at the door. They enter, have a lovely meal, get to know each other more (with words and quite a lot of kissing, let’s say more kissing than words) and when they had finished eating, Draco grabbed Y/N’s hand and said “Y/N, I know I've been a dick to you and I know I don’t deserve you. You are so beautiful, so adorable and yes we would have the cutest babies, mainly because of you and in order for that to happen you have to become Mrs Malfoy,” He got down on one knee and finished it off “Will you do the honour of marrying me, completing me and helping me become better? Will you Miss Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N marry me?” Y/N was in tears, she was an emotional wreck and to make it worse Draco stood up and before putting a ring on her finger, handed her two things, a watch that was EXACTLY like her mother’s and a quill that was EXACTLY like her father’s lucky quill.
“Dray…” she whispered, knowing if she spoke any louder she'd be sobbing. “I had to, we do need your parents' blessing as well and I didn’t want to feel guilty about the mistakes I made in the past and then look at you everytime and be reminded of all the times I made you cry and...this was the reason I was late earlier as well, I’m sorry my love. ” “YOU GIT! CAN YOU EVER DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MAKING ME CRYYYYYYYY?” “Hmmmmm, would making babies make you cry?” “DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!” “Hey, I don’t wanna hear my father’s name being screamed in the process.” “DRACOOOO!” “That’s better, but we haven’t even started, Merlin, you wouldn’t last 10 minutes.” He chuckled, earning a big slap on the chest from Y/N. “You haven’t answered my question. Will you marry me?” “Do I have a choice? I do want cute babies.” “So, yes?” “Yes!” He slid the Malfoy ring on her finger and they shared a passionate, loving kiss, both melting into each other. “Do you want me to keep my eyes open?” Draco teased. “Draco, if you want me to kiss you then you need to shut up before you lose the privilege to be kissed.” “Mhm, mhm. You wouldn’t want that though.” “Just kiss me you sap” and before they could deepen the kiss, “I hope you remember my advice son!” Y/N’s grandfather yelled from outside the window. “PAPAAAAAAAAAA!” “How does he turn up every time I’m kissing you?” “If I knew don’t you think I’d make sure it doesn’t happen again? Draco use your brain for once.” the two lovers chuckled
Marriage Day
“Are you ready angel?” “I think I am papa.” “Then let’s go, they’re waiting for us.” The doors opened and all eyes were on Y/N, she looked stunning and Draco could not get his eyes off of her. “Holy shit,” he mumbled, earning a nudge from his father. The vows are said and they were pronounced husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, finishing it off with a sweet kiss. Y/N’s grandfather goes up to the newly wedded couple and whispers “Remember the advice I gave you last month? Don’t use that today.” “papaaa,” Y/N whispered, her papa leaving the two of them blushing and shaking their heads while he went and sat down. “Well at least we now know when we can start making cute babies.” Draco whispered “You’re such an idiot.” “I’m your idiot,” “Sap” “Only for you.”
Quite some time later
“Daddy?” “Yes Angel?” “Me and Shcorp have a question.” “Go ahead.” “Shcorp you ask.” “Daddy?” “Yes Scorpius?” “Did you and mummy have an argument last night?” “No sweetheart we didn't, why'd you ask?” Y/N asked, giving the twins milkshakes, Draco his coffee and sitting down next to him drinking her own coffee. Draco wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him and then gave her a confused look and she shrugged her shoulders in response. “Because we heard mummy shout your name quite a few times last night.” “JDCIFDOIACODJNAOVCD” Y/N and Draco both choked on their coffees, red in the face and extremely embarrassed, both coughing their lungs out staring at each other not knowing what to do or say. “My lovely children, have you heard of the term making cute babies?” Y/N’s papa came in and asked. The innocent children shaking their heads and their poor parents growing redder and redder. “Well, that’s what was happening.” the old man laughed. “PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Draco and Y/N shouted, very very embarrassed. To hide her embarrassment she hid her face in Draco’s chest. “So you were making cute babies? WE WANT TO MAKE CUTE BABIES!” “SCORP! ANGEL! NO!” the embarrassed couple yelled, “Children let your parents do that job.” “PAPPPPAAAAAAAAAA!” 
Y/N was right when she said they’d make cute babies, because the two kids sitting in front of them were the cutest and most beautiful kids anyone had seen.
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