#so like not spicy but you probably shouldn't read it at work
littlemissmanga · 4 months
What Are You Wearing?
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader
W/C: 400 (lazy writing)
Rating: R, 18+ (no spice but pretty close)
A/N: I started this months ago but apparently never finished it. Whoops! So here it is :D
It's set in S3, EP 6+7 (Infiltration and Extraction), so very slight season 3 spoilers. Divider by @stars-n-spice
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While at Teth, you decide to use Rex’s offered hospitality to finally wash your grimy clothes. But finding yourself without anything to change into, you steal Crosshair’s blacks. Just the top, though, as the bottoms don’t fit. It comes down just long enough to hit your mid-thigh.
Your clothes should be done, so you make your way across the base, not noticing several pairs of eyes following you.
You do, however, notice when Crosshair cuts across your path, glowering at you.
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh, my clothes are in the wash, so I had to borrow your blacks. Sorry, but my stuff should be done now. I was just on my way to grab them now.”
“Yeah, in the wash.”
“No. From my blacks.”
You glance down at your bare legs. “They’re back on your bunk.”
“I’m aware. Care to tell me why?”
You shrug. “They wouldn’t stay up. The shirt is long enough, anyway. It’s fine.”
Crosshair grabs your arm, his grip firm but not tight enough to hurt.
“No. It isn’t.”
He drags you to one of the empty back rooms, pressing you against the door once it closes behind you and making you shiver.
“Wanna tell me why it isn’t fine, kitten?” he asked, nipping harshly at the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“Cause – oh, fuck!” you hiss as his knee comes up to press firmly against your core. But when you try to rock against him, he stops you, demanding his answer. “Cause everyone could see.”
Crosshair growled and pulled you along his thigh, making you writhe on him. “Everyone did see. Saw their eyes track you across the damn room.”
It always surprised you when Crosshair’s jealousy got the better of him, but it never failed to light you up.
You nuzzle into his neck, pressing your tongue against his pulse point until his grip on your hips starts to feel like it’ll bruise.
“They didn’t see everything. That’s just for you.”
Crosshair’s kiss is demanding and all-consuming. His lips dance over yours, forcing them to give beneath his, before he bunches the fabric of his shirt at your sides, teasingly pulling his hands up slowly.
“That’s right. Now show me what’s mine.”
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Liked this fic? Check out my Masterlist.
Taglist: @dreamie411 @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino
@wolffegirlsunite @secondaryrealm @idontgetanysleep @freesia-writes
@multi-fan-dom-madness @dystopicjumpsuit @sinfulsalutations @sunshinesdaydream
@wizardofrozz @anxiouspineapple99 @dhawerdaverd @mythical-illustrator
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lostdrarryfics · 2 months
This is one of my favorite blogs, so I hope I'm phrasing this respectfully. As someone neurodivergent, I never make asks off anon because you occasionally dress down the asker for not following the rules or not asking kindly enough. I'm desperately afraid that's going to be me, and I realize I won't be tagged as a result if some of my remaining lost fics are found. Not asking you to make changes or accommodations; just saying that some of us are on anon for a reason, and it isn't to irritate you or because we're embarrassed by our taste in fic.
Thank you for what you do.
Hi anon! We believe you are referring to the statement in our pinned post, where we recommend people send asks off anon because it makes it easier for us to help you. That statement was added a long time ago (maybe two years ago?) when someone sent us an ask to let us know they were too embarrassed to send spicy and/or dark asks off anon. We wanted to make sure people knew that LDF is a no-judgement zone so we updated our pinned post. Send us excruciatingly detailed asks about a blow job scene! Describe a dark Harry AU and tell us all the messed up things he does! We really don't mind. There are mods on the team with differing likes and squicks, with some mods comfortable with searching for just about anything. In this way, we can work together to search for a wide range of requests.
From a team partially made up of neurodivergent folks, we're sorry to hear that you struggle with sending asks off anon! It will never be a requirement, only a suggestion. We typically ignore/delete asks that are rude or don't follow the rules. We will admit we've recently called out a couple people who didn't follow our guidelines around Reddit posts because it is a new and repetitive issue. It's very frustrating for our team when we spend so much time and effort on an ask just to find out that it was located on Reddit. It's a huge waste of our time but we've tried to roll with it anyways. We updated the rules and it still keeps happening. We try to be as kind as possible when calling out these asks, but we understand it's difficult to convey tone. We're not trying to embarrass anyone or make them feel bad, we're just saying "hey! Please don't do this in the future!".
We're all just people here and we try to give others the benefit of the doubt. Yet, we believe it is perfectly reasonable to give an appropriate response in a situation where you break our rules or are rude to us. This is a free service and we can choose to be firm about our rules when we find it necessary. Keep in mind that there is a reminder to read our guidelines before sending an ask in bold red letters on our pinned post. It's in our bio. You literally have to click a button that says "read the guidelines" when you send us an ask. The most important points in our guidelines are written in bold red letters. If you get that far and still send us rule-breaking asks, we may respond and ask you not to.
People tend to treat us like a search engine and not a team of real people. We help with a lot of asks that don't even include a simple "please" or "thank you". 99% of the rude or rule-breaking asks don't even see the light of day. We delete them and move on. It's very rare for us to respond! There really shouldn't be anything for you to worry about anon, it sounds like you have probably already read our guidelines. We understand if you'd still like to be anonymous in the future though! It doesn't irritate us, we just won't be able to send you updates about the fics you're trying to find.
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weareweirdpeople · 3 months
I keep getting allianated because I don't fit in, even in the neurodivergent sense.
I just realized that one the reasons I've kept getting made fun of in groups for my whole life pretty much is that I am more "visibly autistic" then people feel comfortable with. That and my wild trauma and lack of ability for socialize with kids my age.
Ive been told by my autistic friend that I have the "autism accent", I "speak like a 5 year old". My autistic friend saw me stiming because I ate spicy food and really liked it and asked if I had never had spices before and made it about me being white. (I am not even fully white tho like kdmdndweree but anyways) and she made me feel weird about it.
Im not good at reading tone. Im not good at telling sarcasm. I'm not good at socializing as a whole. Even while in a group where everyone was neurodivergent of some sort (2 people with adhd and a different autistic friend who will be referred to as S) They still made me feel weird.
They chose to wait till some of the last days of school to tell me how annoying they thought I was, that they shouldn't have heard S out on me entering the group. Theat they made fun of how I speak. That im just plain weird. One of them kept implying that they never stopped making fun of me and no on disagreed. They would tell me not to call myself autistic because I hadn't be diagnosed even though that's barley an option for me and they know it, but they had no issue with criticizing how I interact socially. Telling me I need to introduce them to my new friends so they can tell me if they are good people or not.
My other friend compares me to a 5 year old or an animal a lot. I constantly feel like a bad person for showing any not situational "appropriate traits" but I don't know how to not show them. I have spent my whole life being unable to socialize properly. Until 5ht grade did I have a friend who didn't constantly tell me how weird I was. Who treated me like a person and not an entertainment accessory.
My ex just straight up sexualized my "cute and innocent" traits and told me to get rid of my "bad traits". He never wanted me to be near him in school. He never wanted me near his friends. He wanted me to be a secret for him. He didn't like being near me unless we were alone or it was a sexual conversation. He constantly treated me like this naive stupid little thing. Everyone treats me like a naive stupid little thing.
I get pissed off at offensive shti and social injustice. My friends call me sheltered and soft and sensitive. I'm not sheltered. I didn't get the opportunity of being sheltered. I just don't find racist jokes funny at all. I just don't find using slurs you can't reclaim funny at all. I just don't find shit that everyone can't laugh at funny. Its only funny to me if everyone can laugh at it and enjoy it. I aparently don't understand how jokes work. Maybe thats because the only "jokes" I know in my very neurodivergent family involve word play or spontaneous bullshit.
The jokes I learned at school involve me being the joke. The joke is how weird I am. People like them so sometimes I lean into them a little. I don't comment on if it actually does make me feel bad. But then they don't like it. Then they say I'm weird and uncomfortable to be near.
They tell me I need to be super understanding and Empathetic if someone shares something serious with me. I need to emphasize their feelings and make them feel better. But then the 2 times I actually needed support both times I was told "ehh, I've heard worse." "Its not that bad." "Yeah but you probably weren't bullied as bad as we were".
I can kinda understand the last comment given the context. 2 of the friends, including S were talking about bullying we've felt with. S is physically disabled and autistic and the other friend is also physically disabled and fat. I am also physically disabled but its invisible. I am also autistic. I can understand them assuming that I didn't deal with much.
It just doesn't feel good when thats every time I have a problem. Its always "well it probably wasn't to bad, your sheltered".
They made jokes about their trauma to and infront of me despite me not knowing them too well, so I did the same. But im bad when I do it. I'm too blunt. I'm weird. My trauma is weird. Its weird to even mention that stuff.
Im weird or something that needs to be contained if I stim. Im weir dand bad if I don't understand social cues and context. Im weird and stupid for having reading issues. Im dumb for not understanding "normal things" sometimes. I mean as they straight up called me stupid and dumb to my face.
I struggle with changes in my plan. I keep crying more often over things that shouldn't be cried over. Sometimes I stim when im really upset at home and my dad used to get upset at me for not controlling myself. Maybe I used to have autistic meltdowns at school, I don't even know. I already had so much trauma and everyone at that school scapegoated me anyways. I used to crawl under tables and scream or yell when I got upset and overwhelmed but maybe that was trauma. I don't know.
My family thought my male cousin was autistic. Not me though. It couldn't be me with weird speaking patterns who had to be put in speech therapy as a toddler because my mom was the only one who could understand even 50% of what I said. Not me who has constantly held better conversation with random adults than kids my own age.
Not me whos been a very very picky eater my whole life. Not me whos always been sensitive to loud sounds and a few textures. Not me who can't sit still or focus for the life of my but can tell you everything I know about teenage mutant ninja turtles non-stop sense I was 4. Not me, because im just a weird traumatized girl who's just sooo smart and needs to be challenged more. Only recently has the fact that I either need glasses or might by dyslexic had come up.
This isn't even on tract with the original point but qhat im trying to say is that there have been so many ignored signs of me being autistic because of me being a "girl" and even with other autistic people I get alienated for having said traits.
One of my friends told me that one of the reasons people dont like me if because I act "quirky". Well fucking excuse me. These same people are like "we understand people who joke around to cope with their issues" until its me. My bad. I didn't know everything applied to people other than me. My mistake.
I'll just let you keep calling and treating me like a fucking dog while shutting up about the fact that you randomly punch me as a greeting from behind with no apology or care for if it hurts or not. Ill just shut up until you tell me at the end of the year that im STILL ANNOYING APARENTLY, EVEN THOUGH IVE TRIED MY BEST TO FOLLOW YOUR RULES ON HOW I SHOULD BEHAVE. MY BAD FOR SAYING IM AUTSIC WITHOUT A DIAGNOSIS. ITS NOT LIKE MULTIPLE OF MY TEACHERS, THE SCHOOL PSYCOLOGIST, MY PARENTS, AND MY THERAPIST ALL SAY THERES AT LEAST A FUCKING CHANCE OF AUTSIM. MY BAD FOR EVER HAVING EMOTIONS ABOUT SOCIAL JUSTICE OR POLITICS THAT AFFECT ME AND MY LOVED ONES.
But its fine for you to fake claim people. Its fine for you, a trans person to make rules about who is trans or not. Its fine for you to make me really uncomfortable with that type of shit and for me not to say anything for your comfort. "You need to learn to just go with something you don't like and not say your opinion" I do that. I do that every single fucking day.
Its just that even with all the energy I have to put into trying to be normal, to focus on my work, to shut up so my friends can at least get their work done, to even with a modified schedule struggle to have my shit together, I STILL CANT FULLY PASS AS ALLISTIC. I DONT EVEN PASS FOR NEUROTYPICAL. EXCUSE ME FOR NOT WANTING TO DO THE PLEDGE OF FUCKING ALLIGENCE, AND THEN CALLING OUT THE TEACHER ON THE FACT THAT SHE CANT FORCE ME TO DO THGMAT WHEN SHE TRIED TO MAKE MW RE DO IT.
I guess I can't ever have opinions near people. Or be myself around people. Or be myself fully at home. Or talk about the things I like freely. Or exist without constantly having to put in effort to try to fit in even a little. Screw me for being born I guess. I'll try harder next time to make you more comfortable I fucking guess???
I don't know how to fit in and even around other autistic people I'm a freak.
It really hurts.
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amethystina · 11 months
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much darling 💜
1. Last song: Shishen Take On the Challenge from The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity soundtrack (which I paid a small fortune to get my hands on so you bet I've been listening to it almost non-stop ever since. The music is SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY)
2. Favorite color: Purple — which I feel should come as a surprise to no one xD
3. Currently watching: The Killing Vote, because I apparently need more dramas where the Korean public is allowed to vote on whether or not to execute people. Quite enjoying it so far! The characters are a hoot xD And I'm curious to see what they do with the Kwon Seok Joo dude.
I also just started The Guest because I want to watch it before they remove it from Netflix but BOI. That's not one I'll be able to binge, that's for sure. Horror is great but also, well, terrifying x'D
Though, I must say, I might have to take a detour and rewatch the Along With the Gods movies. I've been meaning to do so for ages and seeing Kim Dong Wook in The Guest makes the urge even stronger. Because, let me tell you, I'm SO EAGER to rewatch the movies and observe the characters now that I've seen the twist at the end of the second movie. A twist I figured out before I actually reached the reveal, sure, but I don't think that's a bad thing? Like, for real, guys. The AUDIBLE GASP I let out when I realised what the twist was going to be and then got to sit there and see it slowly dawn on the other characters? BEAUTIFUL. And it CHANGES SO MUCH. Like, I need to rewatch them because so much of what I thought I knew is now a lie! Circumstances have changed! My initial analysis might be wrong! Characters I thought I knew are now completely different! I need to do more research! I NEED TO KNOW.
(This is what happens when your brain works like mine. And one day I might tell you all about why Kang Yo Han is such a fascinating character to me, because, let me tell you, I've rarely seen a character remain so solid in his characterisation even through the kind of reveals we're given in the drama. It's fucking SPECTACULAR)
4. Currently reading: Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (I do it in bursts because it's not the kind of book I can just binge, okay? x'D), We Have Always Lived In the Castle by Shirley Jackson (I would have finished this LONG ago if it didn't give me so much anxiety (but in a good way?)) and Eld by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergman Elfgren (though I should probably start over on this one since I was very distracted when I read the first chapter)
5. Last movie: No Regret, because why not dabble in older Korean LGBTQ+ content? It was a ride, that's for sure xD And the next movie will be The World to Come (also one I want to watch before it's removed from Netflix)
6. Sweet/spicy/savory: Either sweet or savoury — it depends on my mood, really.
7. Relationship status: Married! :D
8. Current obsession: I'm not sure if I have one right now? Though I am hoping to get back on track with that diorama thing soon. I've almost collected all the materials I need! I just need fake foliage (preferably red) and I'm going to try and buy that either tomorrow or on Saturday.
9. Last thing you googled? Why my phone kept taking only green photos. And everyone kept telling me I shouldn't have unlocked the bootloader (which I don't think can be done by accident and I sure as hell haven't done it intentionally) so in the end I just restarted it and now it works just fine xD
10. Selfie: I don't really take selfies but here's a cropped version of a drawing WIP of mine.
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If you know, you know ;)
(... LOOK, the suspender-pulling had to happen eventually, okay?)
11. Currently working on: Chapter 5 of A New Dawn (Begins With Us) and, after that, it'll be either chapter 37 of Who Holds the Devil or maybe the sequel to Gravitational Pull which I'm STILL struggling to find the time to work on. I'm also working on, like, six different drawings simultaneously. Because why make things easy for myself?
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it! Tell me about yourself! :D
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dearladynightmare · 8 months
If you're answering those questions, then I want to know your answer for questions 9 and 17
17. Which Entrapdak fic, comic and/or fanart is your favourite?
Ohh I think this question is tough one. Over the last few months, I've read the works of so many artists and authors and I've marveled at everything! So it's impossible for me to pick just one Entrapdak artist or fanfic author, let alone a specific work.
Therefore, I would like to tag a few authors or artists who have absolutely enchanted me with their work!❤️✨ (I just wish I had the time to finish reading all the fanfictions on my list because there are so many more authors whose works I unfortunately haven't had the chance to read yet...)
Fanfic Authors: @solcaeruleus @madgirlmuahaha @pennamesmith
Artists: @kuurankaiho @abneyart @maireadralph @niuniente @alexologyart
9. Do you think they would have kids, and if so, how would they achieve it?
Yes, I can well imagine the two of them making the decision to have at least one child.
I think the question of "how" is more difficult to answer. I think they could try the spicy traditional way to achieve. And they probably would tho... But from another (let's say: "purely logical") point of view, they are both completely different species, which could actually make a natural pregnancy impossible. And even if it would work, the pregnancy could carry risks for the child (I know, a very realistic point of view for this being a fantasy seriesXD)
But after all, we're talking about the two most intelligent scientists Etheria has ever seen! So I'm convinced that they have no problem having a Lab Baby with the help of science. ✨ Anyway, Hordak managed to create Imp with the help of cloning technology, so creating a lil descendant shouldn't be a problem. I'm certain it would definitely be an exciting experiment for them!!! :D
Moreover I really have to say that I think Hordak and Entrapta would be great parents!! Accepting, loving and very supportive ones.🥰 I imagine Entrapta as the craziest mom ever which always supports her children and Hordak as the proudest, most caring and softest father (I means he's already a great Dad to imp!! So!!:3
Thank you so much for asking!! And sorry for the delayed answer❤️
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brokubroo · 1 year
more bokuroo fic recs by your friendly neighborhood bokuroo shipper
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i'm back and i have more fic recommendations! here are a handful of bokuroo fics that i think some of you might enjoy, so let's get into it!:
please make sure to mind any ratings and tags associated with the fics that might not be listed here! they're suggestions so you can make informed decisions on your comfortability, so please keep tags and age ratings in mind!
☆ this is how it starts (this is what it means) by eurydicees
Kuroo isn’t quite sure how he got here.  Here, being: stuffed in the backseat of Iwaizumi's car, listening to a combination of Suga’s music and Asahi’s nervous rambling that makes Kuroo want to claw his ears out, skipping out on his chemistry lab, and on a four hour drive to an MSBY Black Jackals game, getting ready to break his own heart. He just knows that, probably, it started with Bokuto.
rated: t (13+)
word count: 14k
tropes: friends to lovers, road trip, post-canon
why i'm recommending it: this is one of those cornerstone fics i just can't get out of my head. not only does it take place from kuroo's point of view as he navigates the nervousness of confessing to bokuto, but it's just so heartwarming and fulfilling in the end. if you haven't already, i definitely recommend putting this on your read-immediately-because-it's-bokuroo-being-bokuroo list!
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☆ Belonging by notallballs
"Okay, look," Kuroo said, releasing him and rubbing at his temples wearily. "You wanna come share my bed? You don't have to sleep, but just lie down for a few hours, that cool?" Bokuto made a face. "Your room is so quiet."  "I'll put some music on." Bokuto said nothing. "Kou. That okay? Will you try?" "...Yeah, okay." Bokuto's been having trouble sleeping, but when Kuroo invites him to share his bed, the careful balance of their friendship tips over.
rated: e (18+)
word count: 2k
tropes: friends to lovers, friends with benefits, roommates, sharing a bed, background college au
why i'm recommending it: it's sweet and simple! a common factor that many bokuroo enjoyers like myself love is the roommates trope (aka, THEY WERE ROOMMATES!) and it all comes around to a spicy but also comforting fic where they share a bed...and then they share a bed. what more could you want from a one-shot? bonus: kuroo calls bokuto "kou" and bokuto sleepily calls kuroo "k'ro" in this fic. how cute is that?!
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☆ Fly Me To The Moon by Tearsaresalty
Kuroo might have fallen for the silver-haired singer of the jazz café he goes to study. No wait -- he's actually very much in love; he just doesn't realize it at first.
rated: g (everyone) word count: 5k tropes: coffee shop setting, college au, first date, fluff why i'm recommending it: first of all, musician!bokuto and pharmacy student!kuroo is the combination no one thought they needed but definitely deserved. it's cute, lighthearted, features a lineup of seijou characters working in a coffee shop, a well-made chemistry joke, and fluff! it's an all-around enjoyable fic if you want to read about kuroo and bokuto falling in love at first sight.
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☆ Betting on Emotions by holdontoyourhulahoops
Kuroo agrees to pretend to be Bokuto's boyfriend for a few weeks so they can win a bet. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, if only his annoying feelings would stop getting in the way.
rated: t (13+) word count: 10k tropes: friends to lovers, fake dating, pining, canon compliant why i'm recommending it: bokuroo and fake dating basically go hand-in-hand when it comes to common tropes with this ship, and honestly? it totally works for them! this is a really nice fic that features some of the best tropes with canon compliant bokuroo: friends to lovers (of course), fake dating (who doesn't love a good pretend boyfriend situation?), pining (majorly), and some good ol' cute moments! it's a pretty enjoyable, down-to-earth fic that i think is worth a read.
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☆ #KurooStealsPants2K20 by kuidore
Kuroo was a good person. He was a good person, and he didn't deserve this. He could almost hear Kenma’s disbelieving scoff, and he resisted the urge to mentally tell his best friend to shut his damn mouth (as if it would actually do anything). He didn’t need imaginary Kenma’s judgment at the moment. He’d deal with enough of that from real Kenma later. "I need to borrow your pants." AKA Kuroo needs pants for a lab, Bokuto has the best (or worst) timing, and Kuroo can't catch a fucking break.
rated: e (18+)
word count: 89k
tropes: strangers to friends to lovers, different first meeting, college au, mutual pining, slow burn/build
why i'm recommending it: you might be thinking to yourself, wow, there's been a lot of pining and college fics, i wonder if this one will be different. well, i have good news and more good news: this fic has all of that and more! because, really, how can those things be overused when it comes to bokuroo? not only is this fic longer and more of a slow burn than most other fics i've recommended, but it's full of group chat funnies, angsty moments, and so much more! it's a really fun read, even if you think you're over the college au with mutual pining and friends to lovers, because this one starts out with kuroo stealing bokuto's pants...cue a knowing smirking face here. (there's also a wonderful meet-the-parents one-shot sequel that's also a funny and great follow-up!)
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anddd that's a wrap! i hope some of you all were able to find something new to read for bokuroo and have a wonderful lovely amazing bokuroo day!
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frostypoppy · 8 months
opinions on blossutch,,, thoughts, headcanons, or maybe you hate it now idk.
This is going to be a long post because there are so, so, so, so many thoughts I have on Blossutch. I think about them, at least, once a day, to keep me sane.
Blossom has always been my favorite puff. There's something about A-Type characters and me, we just jam together. Butch, on the other hand, grew on me so freaking much when writing and expanding on what his character can be. He's a crackle of energy and lives in the moment and is kind of all over the place, but he just wants to make whatever he's doing fun for himself and those around him. The dude is observant and better at understanding people than you may think.
This is kind of where I like to find their balance. Butch brings a needed spontaneous nature into Blossom's by-the-books life. She helps him want to get organized, or at least, motivates him to figure shit out and have a direction to whatever he pleases. She thinks analytically, he thinks with emotions; they see both sides of things and learn together. Blossom, let's face it, is a perfectionist, it's her fatal flaw, but Butch is a person who's okay with failing and trying again. Seeing that from the person she admires dearly, eases her fears and it's what allows her to feel the most comfortable with Butch. Blossom is the one person who takes Butch seriously when no one has, and he's pretty sure she's the first person to ever turn to him for advice or acknowledge his intellect. He's loud and obnoxious and outgoing, he's absolutely ridiculous to be with, but he's also the person Blossom has laughed the hardest with and why she's more willing to put herself out there and open up to people. And with Blossom, Butch finds the beauty of what can be said in the silence.
As far as head canons:
Growing up, Blossom didn't think much of Butch other than twitchy ruff, and for Butch, she was girl Brick. They don't really interact beyond puff/ruff feuding and school bump-ins, until later in high school when they're assigned as lab partners and from it, a budding friendship into best friends that doesn't take a turn until their mid-twenties.
Blossom is the big spoon. Always.
They're the kind of couple whose favorite thing is just to be with each other. They could be waiting at the DMV for hours, or suffering from food poisoning, but if it's together, it was the best day. This also makes them the worst couple to invite places. Because if you invite one, you best believe the other will be there, and they kind of will do their own thing. This isn't a diss or intentional, it's just they have the most fun when with each other.
Shouldn't be surprising, but they are THAT couple when it comes to PDA. Butch is a touchy, puppy dog kind of a guy, and Blossom has come to understand and accept his need for physical touch. Besides, he's hot and she's allowed to make out with him whenever she so pleases.
They are terrible sleepers. Butch has too much energy to get more than two-three hours if he's lucky. Blossom, either overworks herself or her mind overthinks. This leads to them having a lot of late-night hang-outs/dates at the start of things, and when they do move in together, they find it a bit easier to sleep until an acceptable five to six hours.
They have the worst taste in media consumption. Their watchlist consists solely of whatever is ranked low on IMDb, and probably the reason that one shitty show you swear no one watches got renewed. The same goes for Blossom's choice in non-academic reading. Any of those terrible romantasy books you've heard about, she's torn through it with highlighted passages and colored sticky tabs on all the cringy dialogue/plot holes/questionable smut. She rants to Butch about them often, and sometimes, he'll quote something to see if she notices (primarily the spicy stuff). 97% of the time she catches it, and 3% of the time she's embarrassed a line worked on her.
Butch buys her flowers every other week just before the last bouquet is about to die.
Butch is and will always be ACAB, and he is strongly against any superhero organization. He gets Blossom and her sisters are genuinely trying to make a difference and help people, but superheroing sometimes involves collaborating with cops. Unless there's an attempt of assault or murder, Butch won't get involved even if it's happening right in front of them. This tends to be their biggest disagreement because Blossom understands his personal grievances and she agrees to a point with him, but she does wish he'd helped out when a robbery or monster attack derailed their date night.
Before they even got together, they were relationship people. Blossom's past ones were known to have at least a two-year minimum, and Butch had a hard time entertaining anything if he wasn't committed due to his quickness of boredom.
Blossom's humor is saltine-cracker dry and her jokes are often taken as rude because not a lot of people realize she's attempting a joke, they don't even think she's capable of telling one. But ask Butch, and he'll tell anyone willing to listen she's the funniest person he's ever met.
While I'm a color-crack shipper first, I do love other ships (brickercup, the blues, bubbles and/or boomer having a queer relationship with a normie), and I like to think of Blossutch as the constant. There has to be a time of wacky hijanks that lead to them and the others breaking into the multiverse later in life, and while their siblings are disgusted/perplexed by whoever is paired differently with them, Blossom and Butch are together in every alternative timeline they are shown.
Okay, okay. I think that's more than enough. Before I go, I wanted to say thank you for this ask. I've been putting off a Blossutch project I have planned for a summer release (hence why I think about them daily) and this definitely got the ol' brain working in the right direction. Hope this was something worth reading, lol.
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hag-o-hags · 1 year
Tagged by @godblessyoublackemperor I'm very forgetful about these things but I am currently pretending that I shouldn't be getting dressed and putting on boots and going over to commit violence on a collapsed chicken coop
last song: absolutely absurd but I can't remember the last time I actually listened to Music(TM), it's All Books All The Time at the moment, so probably Faith Hill's This Kiss in the hardware store......
fav colour: Totally depends. Teal and pink today?
currently watching:
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last movie: ......my letterboxd says I haven't watched a movie since Legally Blonde in AUGUST?! That can't be right ...... but maybe it is? I've been hideously busy, I guess. And I didn't get to go to Pride and Prejudice 2005 brunch OR The Mummy movie party because I keep ending up in the wrong state......
currently reading: I'm low for once. Circe by Madeline Miller and Nona, because god damn it, I WILL understand the plot of these books before Alecto comes out! (Just kidding, we all know that's impossible. Every read-through we have our own little Abigail Pent telling us we still have it wrong.)
sweet/savoury/spicy: Savory, because I made beef stew last night and it was grand.
relationship status:
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current obsession: (don't say destroying the chicken coop) ACTUALLY not that I can do anything about it for a while, but setting up and decorating my Crab Pit Lanai (second room next to my bedroom at home, fondly known as the Crab Pit). My grandma gave me a lovely antique rattan peacock chair and I'm excited
last google: "4.2 Alaska earthquake usgs"
currently working on: STICKERS! For ma peche's stream merch. With MGS cheesecake and the squeezehounds.
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I really think I've captured Siffy's beady-eyed, maniacal essence. <3
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My latest Armand/Daniel fic. Under a read more link bc things get spicy Or read it here on ao3
Daniel isn't stupid, despite what his ex-wives believe. He knows he isn't getting out of the place. Couldn't leave if he wanted to. Doesn't mean he's going to stop doing his job. Because dammit, now he's invested.
The knock on the door startles him, and he realizes he's been hunched over his laptop the last four hours. Sometimes he gets like this, hyper focuses and forgets the world. Shit, he neck hurts.
“Come in.”
Armand breezes inside. Daniel glances his way and then turns his head fully to look at him. He's wearing black silk pajama pants and a black silk bathrobe. There's nothing underneath the robe, though it is tied, albeit loosely. Daniel can see all the way down to his navel. Not that he's looking.
Daniel pulls off his glasses. He rubs his eyes and looks back at the screen. He's in the middle of writing what will be the novelization of this interview. It's more of an outline than an actual book right now, especially considering he hasn't gotten to the end of the story. He wanted to get farther than he has, but at his age sleep is more important than work.
“Good evening, Mr. Molloy.”
Daniel gestures to his laptop. “Something you need? I'm working here.”
Armand shrugs, causing the robe to slip a little off one shoulder. Daniel is ninety percent certain it's on purpose. Which is interesting, to say the least. And hell, he likes Louis. Sure, he tells himself he doesn't, but when it gets down to you, he's got a soft spot for him. So he probably shouldn't be eyeing the 'love of his life' like a starving man offered a five course meal.
“I wanted to see how you were. You missed your evening meal.”
Missed is the nice way of putting it. Daniel had told the person who came to get him to fuck off. He's been busy working. “Wasn't hungry.”
“You have to eat.”
“You sound like my first wife. She liked to nag.”
Armand ignores the jab. “I brought you a smoothie. You can drink it and work at the same time.”
Daniel hadn't noticed the glass in his hand, but in his defense, there was a lot of skin on display. He's only human. “Thanks.”
He reaches out to take it, more from finely ingrained manners his mother instilled than any actual desire. Armand's hand goes out to meet his and their fingers brush. It's the first time they've touched, and it's electric. Sparks ignite, and Daniel feels like a teenager with his first real infatuation. That hot, fluttery feeling in his stomach and the desperate, yawning pit in his chest.
To save face, he takes the cup and takes a swallow. It isn't bad—pineapple, with something sweet. Honey. The little shit.
He makes eye contact as he takes another swallow. Armand watches the way his throat moves, not attempting to hide the naked fascination. Daniel carefully sits the glass down on the desk beside him and swivels the chair to face Armand. “Was there something else you wanted?”
Armand's eyes snap up and connect with his. “I think you know exactly what I want, Mr. Molloy.”
Daniel does. He isn't fucking stupid. He knows how to connect the dots. He has poor impulse control. “Well then, are you gonna come take it, or what?”
Armand launches himself at him, inhumanly fast. Then Daniel has a lap full of squirming vampire and Armand is kissing him. Kissing him like those couples Daniel used to see back when he was doing puff pieces about soldiers returning home from deployment. It's a lot. It's not enough.
Daniel's hands go Armand's waist and find the tie. He breaks away from the kiss and murmurs against his mouth “May I?”
Usually, he wouldn't be asking permission this late in the game, not when the outcome was a given. But it feels important—and he can't figure out why, it just does—to ask with Armand. He pulls the tie free and slides his hands inside and up Armand's ribs. Armand bends down to kiss him again and nips at his bottom lip. And Jesus fuck, if he were as young as twenty years ago that could have had him hard in his pants. Not to be outdone, his thumbs find Armand's nipples and rub them until Armand whimpers against his mouth.
It's the hottest fucking thing Daniel has ever heard. Any lingering thoughts of betraying Louis vanish.
He slides his hands up the back of Armand's thighs and hefts him, standing at the same time. Armand effortlessly winds his legs around his waist, slotting into place like he'd been there a hundred times. And wait a second...
“Take me to bed, Mr. Molloy,” Armand whispers into his year, arms twining around his neck and Daniel loses his train of thought. All he can think of is the cool skin of Armand's thighs that he can feel through the thin pants, and the sweet way he tastes as Daniel mouths along his neck. He wishes vampires could bruise, so he could leave a mark on him. Armand chuckles warmly at the thought.
“Stay outta my head,” Daniel orders, sucking at the thin skin of his neck as he walks them to the bed. Armand moans prettily, too prettily to be sincere. He just wants to get him riled up to get what he wants, brat that he is. Well, he won't get it now, not until Daniel feels like giving it to him.
Daniel deposits Armand onto it and braces himself over top of him. He bends an arm down and runs his thumb over Armand's bottom lip. “You sound as pretty as any whore.”
“I used to be a whore,” Armand says, as casually as if he were mentioning the weather. Shit shit shit. Daniel purposely has no thoughts or opinions on the matter. He's not going to think something and piss off Armand. He will kick his own ass if he fucks this up and doesn't get Armand into bed.
“Yeah?” Then because he's a goddamn fool and the king of taking chances, “Can you do me a favor? Don't perform, just be yourself for me.”
Armand is silent for a beat. “Alright.”
“Good boy,” Daniel says. Either he'll be into it, or it'll piss him off. Either one were a turn on.
“I think you'll find you just find me a turn on, Mr. Molloy,” Armand says, voice dark and amused.
Daniel slides a thigh up between Armand's legs and presses against his groin. He bits down harshly on Armand's neck. “Stay out of my head.”
The noise Armand makes should be illegal. If he were only twenty years younger...
“If you take some of my blood, you could get it up,” Armand says, offering like it's nothing.
“Yeah? What happened to “I wouldn't let you near my neck?” Daniel mocks, copying Armand's accent and odd pronunciations.
“I wasn't trying to fuck you then, Mr. Molloy.”
And Daniel can tell himself it's just because he's horny. But it's mostly because he just wants to try it. Because at his core, he's just a junkie looking for his next high. Whether it's from interviewing an actual goddamn vampire to sucking Armand's blood, he'll do anything to chase that buzz. “Yeah, alright, give it to me.”
Armand laughs and draws a fingernail over his own neck, cutting a deep gash. He presses his bloody hand into Daniel's hair and presses his mouth to his neck. Daniel's first thought is shit, now I'll have to wash my hair tonight and his next as the blood touches his mouth is how the fuck could I care about fucking shampoo during this? Armand's blood tastes sweet, not pineapples and honey sweet, but something unique to him. He tastes good and he feels great. Daniel feels like he could fly to the fucking moon.
“Only if you fly me with you, Mr. Molloy.”
Daniel sucks on his neck harshly, causing a sharp cry from Armand. He can't tell if it's pleasure or pain. He hopes it's pleasure.
“Pleasure yes, it's good, don't stop.”
Daniel pulls back from his cut and mouths along his collar bones. “Don't be bossy.” He dips down and flicks a tongue over a nipple. Armand's back arches up off the bed and he grinds against Daniel's thigh. Daniel bites down on his nipple, a bit harder than was nice. Armand gasps and shivers against him. “And stay out of my head.”
“You like me bossy,” Armand says grinning. He pulls Daniel down to kiss him, but Daniel pulls back at the last second.
“Yeah, well, don't tell anybody,” he says, returning to his cut and licking along its edge. His hand slides inside Armand's waistband to find nothing but skin underneath. “and Stay. Out. Of. My. Head.” He enunciates each sentence with a rough stroke over Armand's dick.
Armand arches against him and moans wantonly. “You mortals think so loud when you're aroused. It's hard not to hear.”
Daniel bites at his wound. “Are you whining at me right now?”
Armand huffs, “I'm not whining.”
He was, but Daniel isn't going to press it. He's too close to getting his dick wet. He just has to keep his smart mouth shut long enough to bur himself inside Armand.
Armand laughs wickedly, and says, “What makes you think you'll be the one on top?”
“Stay out-”
“-of your head. I know. You are thinking you'd like to do something better with my smart mouth. Is that what you want Mr. Molloy? Do you want me to me to put my mouth around you and swallow you down my throat?” Then, just because he is a vile, terrible creature he adds “I don't have a gag reflex, you know; they trained that out of us at the brothel.”
Daniel freezes for a second, because genuinely, what the fuck was he supposed to say to that? He realizes Armand is just saying shit to throw him off, but it begs the question why he needs control so badly? Doesn't really matter in the end, Daniel doesn't mind handing over the reins, if that's what Armand needs to feel comfortable.
“Look, I can't take it and walk tomorrow at this age,” Daniel says, because why not be fucking honest? “But you can still be in charge, from any position. I'm yours to command.”
The corner of Armand's mouth quirks a little bit. He reaches a hand up and traces over Daniel's lips. “You're so careful of me. I won't break.”
Daniel smirks. “Babe, you're going to fucking shatter.”
“Oh?” Armand arches an eyebrow. “I'd like to see you try.”
“I'd like to see me succeed. Bet you'd be real pretty.” Daniel moves his fingers to Armand's mouth before he can reply. “Open up, baby.” Armand does, and Daniel pushes two fingers inside his mouth. Armand sucks on them greedily, lathering them with spit. “Fuck,” Daniel breathes, completely entranced. He reluctantly pulls his fingers away and wraps the wet hand back around Armand's dick.
Armand shivers against him and tilts his head back. Daniel latches onto the cut and sucks at it, long, hard pulls. Armand moans openly beneath him and buries both hands in his hair, tugging at the roots as he writhed in his grasp. Daniel bites at the edge of the cut, “Behave.”
Armand's hands loosened their grip. Daniel rewards him by returning to his neck and drinking deeply. He can't believe he's never tried this. This is the best goddamn high he's ever had. He'd do anything to have this. Anything to chase this feeling. Anything for-
“For me, anything for me, Mr. Molloy.” Armand finishes. He's arched all pretty, pert little nipples on display. Daniel wants to bite them. “Yes, do it,” Armand chants. Daniel obliges and bites down on his left nipple, worrying it with his teeth until Armand's hand is back clutching at his hair. Jesus, a guy could get addicted to this.
“Fuck, I want to fuck you. I want to eat you out. I want to suck your cock. I want all of it, all at once.”
Armand shivers and jerks his head down. “Left pocket, bottle of lube.”
“Cocky bastard.”
“I was right, wasn't I?” Armand purrs.
Daniel retrieves the bottle and squirts some over his fingers. He delves one finger straight into Armand's hole. It isn't warm like a human, it was cool to the touch, like the corpse he was. Daniel thinks he's probably sick for liking it. He sinks another finger inside Armand and stretches them out. He curls them until he finds that spot that makes Armand gasp, then rubs over it relentlessly.
Armand is quivering around him before he stops. He doesn't quiver for long though, as he bolts up and spins Daniel round on his back and crawls over top of him. He jerks Daniel's pants down and climbs into his lap. He sinks slowly, so slowly, unto his cock.
Daniel's hands fly up to grip his hips, but Armand bats them away. He pins them down on either side of the pillow and grinds in place on his lap. Daniel sees stars. “No touching.”
Daniel wants to groan. But he's not going to press, he's not that kinda guy. “Okay, okay, I'll be good.”
Armand releases his hold and starts absolutely bouncing on his cock. And fucking christ, he has to fight not to come like some teenager getting hole for the first time. Daniel's resolve to be good doesn't last long, and he's got his hands clutching Armand's hips, his mouth back working on his neck.
From the noises Armand is making, he doesn't mind. Daniel wraps a hand around his cock and pumps him in rhythm with his hips. Daniel can tell Armand is getting close, the way he tightens around him and starts to gasp “Mr. Molloy,”
“Call me Daniel while I'm fucking you.”
“Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,” Armand rasps, voice raw from moaning. His whole body shakes as he comes over Daniel's hand.
It's so good it nearly sends Daniel tipping over the edge, and he wants to ask if he can finish inside, but he can't find his words, and really, why is this the one time Armand isn't in his head?
“Do it,” Armand whispers, clenching around him. And Daniel comes, comes harder than he has in the last three decades. It's good, so good.
Armand collapses down unto his chest and folds his arms, resting his chin on his hands. His gaze is on Daniel's face. Daniel isn't sure what he's looking for, so he just strokes a hand up over his jaw and into his hair, tucks a stray lock back in place. “You're a great fucking distraction.”
Armand grins at him, and Daniel remembers at once that Armand is a predator.
“I'm not through distracting you yet, Daniel.”
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rozphorus · 2 years
this is like, the third time I've tried to write an introduction post. I keep getting stuck over things like, 'well, what's really the point of one' and 'well how do I sum up the entirety of me in a couple paragraphs' and 'maybe I just shouldn't and just kind of lurk like I did on That Other Site' and 'fuck am I overthinking this way too much again??' with a little bit of spicy 'oh god oh fuck am i oversharing again' sprinkled in here or there, too.
And! That sums up a lot. Hi! I'm Rozalin. Sort of. We're also Sel, and Nixie. For the most part, I - Roz - will be the one doing most of the 'social' stuff, but! There are three of us in here.
Most of this blog will probably just be watching and reblogging, but, I think I'll try to make more of an effort just to share thoughts and such here! I think I had a bit of trouble using Twitter effectively as like, social media, because when I want to share a thought, it usually ends up like all of this.
As for who we are, uh! I'm a student, still, technically. It's taken me almost six years to finish out this computer engineering degree, but, we've very nearly made it. I work, too, because of roof and food.
As for stuff I do! I like to read, and I write sometimes! I rarely finish the writing, or find it good enough to actually share, but I do!
So, that's us! Hi, if you're reading this! I hope you have a wonderful day. u.u
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willowser · 2 years
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i have this like one hc that pro-hero work involves a lot of traveling, especially in the beginning. they move here for six months and then there for four and then here for 14 and so on, just to get experience out in the field.
so it only makes sense you and bakugou end things, right at the start of his career.
and it's okay. it is. bc you both love each other and you know that, know that it's not ending bc of any huge, terrible fight that makes you enemies of one another. all the memories you'll carry can stay gold, not tarnished by anything other than the bittersweet distance.
getting used to it takes a little time, that's all; before he was your boyfriend, he was your friend, first and foremost. someone you had inside jokes with and had similar interests you could talk to about for hours, things that you only did with him and no one else. things only he knew. and not getting to tell him exciting news about college or ask if he saw the limited edition, golden age all might nendoroid they're releasing at the end of the year...sucks. it feels wrong, like these are things he's supposed to know, no matter what. things you're supposed to talk about.
you call him five months into his eight month nagoya contract and he doesn't answer. you think maybe he changed his number and didn't tell you, bc he doesn't actually have to anymore. bakugou has always been good about self control, keeping to himself, and it wouldn't surprise you if he's written you off without a second thought—bc this is how it's supposed to be when you break up with someone.
it's not until the next day that you get a text, late in the evening.
[9:26 PM] did you mean to call me
of course you did, but maybe you shouldn't have. hearing the line ring over and over again—it's cemented the realization that he's not thinking about you anymore. that he's moved on and you should too and he probably doesn't want to hear whatever if is you want to talk about. he'll probably just think you're weird. clingy.
yeah, but it's nothing important [9:32 PM]
he reads it immediately and—nothing happens. and you think that's it. hopefully you didn't come off too passive aggressive and now he thinks you're mad that he didn't answer. maybe you should have put an emoji, the little smiling one with the hands to show no biggie ! maybe you should have just said that, or that you couldn't remember the name of that hiking trail you did together two summers ago, but then you googled it and didn't need him anymore. or something.
he calls at 10:03.
your heart is in your throat when you pick up, beating like crazy bc you haven't heard his voice in a while. "uh, hello?"
and he hesitates too; his drawn out inhale doesn’t go unnoticed. "hey."
there's a brief period of silence on the line, some light shuffling on his end. sounds of cars passing, the rare honk of what traffic lingers this late at night. the wind scratches by, audible, and you shiver despite being in your own bed. you imagine him under a dim streetlight, fully outfitted.
bakugou huffs, "you called me?"
"yeah," you blink and sit up, though you don't know why. maybe because this needs your full attention, or because you don't want your voice to get muffled by your pillow. "i was just, uh—my roommate. she asked me if i've ever been to gekikara gourmet festival—"
"oh my god."
it's the exasperation in his voice that makes you laugh, so vivid, exactly as you remember it, and you can picture the face he must be making. "i know, i was like 'oh boy, have i'."
"d'you tell her you puked—"
"—with my head between my knees while sitting on that kiddie slide, yes i did."
he snorts, just the way he did as he patted the back of your head that night, awkwardly, standing beside you with a fist at his side. "told you not to try those fucking noodles."
you agree. "they were making even you sweat, i don't know what i was thinking."
it had been one of your first official dates, and you think all the spicy food didn't help with your restless nerves. it always felt stupid, looking back on it, to be so afraid; you'd known bakugou forever, and the only difference between that night and the many you'd spent before as friends was that he'd kissed your temple, lips red from spice and all. it was just bakugou, you thought. what was there to be anxious about?
and now the silence is making your stomach turn.
"yeah," you continue lamely, "nothing important, it just—made me think of you."
he doesn't say anything. if it weren't for the distant slam of something—a trash can lid or car door—you would think he hung up. he's always had a hard time with his words and you don't really even understand why he called instead of texting. if there was something he wanted to say to you, you aren't sure he could.
"so, i guess i'll let you—"
"y'got a roommate now?"
"uh, yeah." something ugly in your stomach wants there to be jealousy in his tone, and you shake your head to be rid of the thought. because it shouldn't matter. "she's in a couple of my classes. big fan of, like, kpop and stuff."
he snorts again and you can imagine the roll of his eyes, bright with amusement despite the frown on his lips. you love that look on him; so content that it felt out of his character, something he wanted to hide. being the cause of it has always been so sweet. "different apartment?"
"yeah, in a little dorm on campus." he didn't live with you long, just in the time between graduating and when his applications to agencies began returning acceptions. "couldn't afford that place by myself."
bakugou hums, and your eyes swim so suddenly that you have to take the phone away from your head. you wonder if he misses those days as much as you do. the simple life, doing the mundane together; washing clothes in the laundry room downstairs, having to clean the dishes by hand or the dishwasher would flood the tiny kitchen, taking quick showers together so that you'd both get hot water.
it was terrible. it was perfect. the kind of life you could never have, with dynamight.
his voice buzzes distantly and you sniff, wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater before putting the phone back up to your ear.
"what'd you say?"
"that—" he huffs, "nothin'." you sniff again, unthinking, and he goes completely silent again. no inhale, no exhale.
he's not stupid. he probably knew this would happen and that's why he didn't want to answer. it was hard enough for him to get the words out the first time ("just gonna be shit, for you to be waitin'. eraser told me not to—won't be able to keep any fucking—and i don't wanna be some jackass that just lets you down all the fuckin' time.")
"sorry," you laugh because you feel awkward, because you didn't mean to force what you've been suffocating on him all at once. "i don't know what just happened."
bakugou mumbles, "s'fine."
you think that even if there was something he wanted to say, he wouldn't know how.
"but yeah," you sigh and scrub a hand over your face again. "no biggie, just thought it was funny when she asked and wanted to tell you. it's actually kind of late and i need to head to bed, but i'll—" talk to him later, is what you want to say, but your stomach drops and you know that it's not that easy. not anymore.
maybe it will be one day in the future, but this is the life you have to live, for now. all you can do is hold onto that hope, as your throat tries to tighten again.
"fuck, i—" he breathes, so frustrated that it nearly becomes a grunt, "y'don't know how—just, goddammit, in three months i'll—"
"i know," you tell him, and you smile like he can see it. in three months, he'll come back, to accept another contract, and then he'll be gone again. if there was a way to make it work, bakugou would have found it. of all people, bakugou would have found it. "it's okay," you tell him.
and it is. it is.
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
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gender neutral reader; modern au (roommates), while neither are explicitly stated, autistic!poe & autistic!reader, reader has chronic headaches, ungodly amount of pop culture references. rated teen for some slightly spicy yearning on both these dork's parts. incredibly self indulgent. (read on ao3)
“I could pilot a Jaeger.”
You tear your heavily-lidded gaze away from your television to the man lying beside you; Poe's eyes are still firmly on the screen as the camera pans lovingly up Gypsy Danger, his arm tucked behind his head to prop it up, his other hand playing absentmindedly with his necklace. 
You'd woken up with another one of your frequent headaches, and after watching you try to push yourself through the pain, Poe had promptly declared a pajama day and pulled out your DVD collection, hauling out all your favorite movies and TV seasons with an impish grin and a bold declaration you'd work through as many of them as you could in a single day. 
It was one of many, many perks of living with one of your best friends; with Poe's oddball work hours and you currently in between jobs, it meant that pajama day could happen even on a Wednesday. 
“You say that about everything,” you can't help but point out. 
Giving Poe shit was one of the cornerstones of your relationship, something he expects at every turn and dishes right back at you. You've known each other for years and you still can't help but marvel sometimes at the implicit trust and understanding you share: how much more easily your snark comes around him. 
“I don't say it about everything,” Poe retorts indignantly, turning towards you as though you've conferred a great offense upon him. “When else have I said it?”
You count on your fingers: "You've said it about the Enterprise —”
You were about to tap your second finger to make your next statement but this visual makes you hesitate, coming way too easily to the forefront of your mind: he would look really good in it.
“I stand by that. I bet I could pull off the uniform too,” Poe says with a wink, before his face screws up. “Well maybe not the original series uniform. I could probably pull off the Deep Space Nine ones.”
The one drawback to having your best friend as your roommate? Your not-so-little crush on him, that has only increased by a tenfold since moving in with him. How could it not, when every morning he's already got the coffee pot going for you, his cheek still pillow-marked and his curls mussed when he gives you a sleepy ‘morning’ in a rough voice that never fails to make your heart stop, or when you catch him curled up in the afternoons on the weekends rereading books he's loved so much the spines are worn and faded, or how he fusses at you when you grab more bags of groceries than him out of the car just to prove you can?
“You wouldn't look terrible in it,” you allow before hastily continuing on with your list, "and you said you could pilot the TARDIS, which I still disagree with. The Doctor can't even pilot the TARDIS. There is no piloting it, you're just along for the ride.”
“I bet she'd let me pilot her. She does River.”
“The way you drive?” 
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“I'm just saying, you're my designated driver, I know what you're like, Mister veer into oncoming traffic-”
Poe groans, looking heavenward for patience. “For the last time, we were turning in to the parking lot and I had plenty of time to make the turn -”
”And traumatized me for life in the process -”
“Thought I did that when we did the donuts?”
You frown but there's little sincerity in your frustration and Poe knows it, so you don't feel guilty by agreeing. “That too. No way could you fly the TARDIS.”
Poe shakes his head, adamant. “If she lets the Doctor, she'd let me. And I'd be a much better pilot, give her the respect she deserves: no kicking the console or pushing her outside where she wants to go. I'd fly her real gently. Enthusiastically, but gently.”
Your brain shouldn't snag on that combination of words, it really shouldn't. It also shouldn't make your stomach flip pleasantly or make you feel warm all over, but they do. 
A little more forcefully than necessary, you grab the bag of Doritos laid between the two of you (purchased specifically by Poe because they tend to make your headaches better when the Tylenol fails) for something to do with your hands and you pray to Raleigh Beckett for strength not to let your mind stray too far into the little fantasy you've conjured of Poe's hands skimming along the curves of your body, just as enthusiastically as he swore his flying would be. 
Your mouth is dry even before you pop a chip in, and you tell him as primly as you can around a mouthful of nacho cheese dust, “Real gently or not, she's still the one in charge.”
Poe's voice is nonchalant even as a tiny grin tugs on his lips: “Eh, it's more fun that way.” 
You choke a little, accidentally inhaling some of the dust sooner than intended. Grabbing your water bottle from your nightstand, you take a couple sips to regain your oxygen and composure. “I don't think you can claim with full confidence you can fly all of those. They're all joint operations, partnerships. You couldn't do it alone.”
“Nah, I couldn't.” Poe agrees, reaching into the Doritos bag to grab a handful from where you've left it in your lap. “But I never said it'd just be me, did I?”
“I didn't?” Poe's eyebrows furrow contemplatively, clearly running back your previous conversations in his head, still engrossed in the film even though he's seen it way more times than you and has all the lines memorized. “Huh. I guess I didn't. I mean, it goes without saying for the Jaeger. You can't pilot those alone.”
“Nope,” you pop the 'p', licking your fingers clean, so focused on the task that you miss the way Poe's eyes catch on the movement, a near inaudible sharp intake of breath making his lips part slightly. 
It takes him a second to realize you're still talking, and a second longer for him to process the words: “You'd have to find someone you're drift compatible with.”
“Whaddya mean 'find?'” Poe asks, looking genuinely surprised. “You'd be my co-pilot.”
And it's something about the way he says it, like he's shocked you hadn't already considered this, the way his expression softens: it makes butterflies soar in your belly. 
You press your lips together to try and tamp down a smile but there's no use, it breaks free anyway and you admit shyly, “Yeah I guess we are drift compatible, huh?”
“Exactly,” Poe says with a satisfied nod. “Besides, if I'm flying the TARDIS, I'm not gonna take off without you.” 
You swallow hard, unbearable fondness making your heart swell, as the intense urge to burrow yourself as close as possible into him rushes through you: it's a feeling you're well familiar with by now and you don't feel the least bit self conscious in acting on it, scooting closer to him and laying your head against his arm. 
Poe stretches it out like he always does to wrap around your shoulder, and he murmurs, “This is gonna make your headache worse.”
“Worth it,” you tell him with a little yawn. You've both fallen asleep on each other more times than you can count. “Besides, the chips helped.”
You barely feel his lips against the top of your head when he kisses you. “I'm glad.”
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
We all know at this point I don't care anymore this is the closest I've been to finally writing something again in over a year&I don't wanna stop it's so much funnnn
Right so, men who wear a nice aftershave or cologne are *chef's kiss* alright but a pretty girl that also smells good??!!! That's god tier to me.
And I just imagine best friend!Eddie loving your smell. Not your shampoo, or lotion, he's refined enough to keep these apart after years of knowing you (&mby having used your shampoo once or twice while staying over), bit he loves the scent he can inhale when hugging you and his nose brushes the spot behind your ear where your hairline starts or the scent that drifts from somewhere when he's laying on top of you, chin resting on your stomach listening to you reading him LotR. If he could smell something for the rest of lives, it would probably be that, it would be you.
He's also noticed that it changes a bit depending on the seasons. He doesn't know that you're one of the girlies that switch up their perfume when the weather changes, a lighter scent for the warm half of the year and a heavier one for the colder months.
Now you've recently run out of your previous winter scent and decide to have some fun and get a new one, one that's a little more grown-up in it's undertones. And Eddie practically goes feral the first time he smells it. It's earthy and spicy and warm, but still has that floral tinge to it that in his brain is forever tied to you. He doesn't know what sorcery this is but the scent flodding his senses when he slid behind you onto your chair at lunch make it hard for him to focus on anything except the thought of you in his bed, naked, your perfume rubbing off on his sheets and invading his nose and -
He's scrambling up and away, realizing he had started to get hard and jeez he has been into you for a long while now but this is probably not the way you should find out -
It leaves you a little confused but you shrug it off, wanting to ask him about it later that day when you come over to his place. Which you do. Only you made the stupid decision to ride your bike here and one big fat cloud decided to open up exactly 5min before you reached your destination, leaving you soaked to the bone. Eddie tries not to stare at your chest, where your nipples are visible through two layers of clothing, that's how fucking soaked you are, just pulls you in and almost immediately shoves you into the bathroom to change into some of his clothes. You come out in one of his Hellfire shirts and a pair of sweats and for the entire evening you swear Eddie looks everywhere except directly at you. He drives you home that night in your dry-again clothes and when he gets back, falls into his bed restless. He's clutching the shirt you wore and he's confused, shouldn't rain wash away scents? and he's horny because god, it smells so much like your perfume it's driving him crazy. He knows he won't find any rest with a half hard cock and images of you spiralling in his brain, so he pulls down his pants and gets to work. He cums with his face buried into the shirt, a low guttural grown being muffled by the fabric. He loves and hates it at the same time, because now he will probably never recover from his crush on you. He swears to himselfnto not wash the shirt again.
Unbeknownst (is that a word?) to him, you're in your own bed, equally restless... hands buried in your cunt, fingers playing with your clit, a smile on your face - upon witnessing his reaction at school, you had reapplied your perfume on purpose after changing into his shirt. He constantly drove you crazy with his little lingering touches, teasing remarks and flirty gazes, so you had simply wanted do the same...
(pretty tame I think? I cam up with this while cycling to work this morning lol) 😘
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Oh my god I fucking love this. Just-never stop sending me things k?
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caro-bug · 3 years
How (not) to woo an exorcist
Xingqiu has strange methods in winning his best friend's heart. It's just a matter of time for them to backfire.
Contents: Fluff; slight angst; I mean Qiu thinking he doesn't deserve love; he gets exposed; love confessions; Xingqiu is bad at feelings; Chongyun takes the initiative for once; there's an oblivious grandpa too.
He shouldn't be doing this.
Xingqiu sighed quietly, sneaking a glance at Chongyun from behind his book. The white-haired boy however paid him no mind, staring at the opposite side of the lake with his beautiful, bright eyes. He was probably looking for signs of spiritual activity. Since the awaiting entity was strong enough to withstand his pure yang energy, it was probably wreaking havoc all around the place of their destination. Thus, even for inexperienced bystanders, it should be fairly easy to spot it from afar.
Expect... There was never an evil spirit to begin with.
"It sure is a lovely evening to spend at Sal Terrae. It's really beautiful this time of the year." Said an older man, hired to bring them to the island with his boat. "But there's a lot of dangerous monsters around here too. What brings you two to this place anyway?"
Before his best friend could even open his mouth, Xingqiu shut his book loudly, successfully cutting him off.
He respected both Chongyun and the gentleman stirring her boat. But showing just a bit of disrespect and telling one white lie was the only way to keep his best friend from experiencing just another disappointment, right?
"Actually, we are on a duty to deal with certain creatures living around here." He explained, a confident smile on his face. "So rest assured good mister. Me and my Dear Chongyun are well prepared to fight any monster we may be meeting at our destination."
Well, none of these claims was an absolute lie.
"If things don't work out, Xingqiu is obligated to buy me dinner at Wanmin restaurant." Says Chongyun, mindlessly dipping his hand into the cold lake water "Which would be nice, if he stopped ordering me spicy food on purpose."
"But I just want you to gain some resistance for the spices! And I know that you actually like the taste of the jueyun chillis too! It's just like with Xinyan's performances... You're pretty cute when you let yourself loose."
"You know I don't like it!" Chongyun sent his friend a look of disapproval, however as soon as he comprehended the word "cute", he turned back to face the water, faint blush now covering his cheeks. "And... Is cute really the right word for you? I wouldn't call destroying Xiangling's entire restaurant cute."
"Agree to disagree. Besides, those adorable stunts of yours are nothing your best friend can't afford to pay for, my dear Chongyun," said the young heir with a caring, yet amused smile on his face.
As the other boy groaned, the old fisherman smiled to himself, looking at the horizon in front of him. The sun was already setting, spreading Its beautiful, fiery aura among the sea of blue, white, and pink clouds.
Young friendship truly is a wonderful thing. He thought, accompanied by the two boys' bickering, as he sailed into the sunset.
They were supposed to start at midnight.
Because that's when the evil spirits were supposed to show up, right? At least that's what Xingqiu has read in many books of his. That's why he told Chongyun that if their target doesn't show any signs of activity during the daytime, they should just wait for the night to come. In the meanwhile, they could sit, just watch the sunset together and-
No, It didn't end up like that. Not at all. Instead of going along the perfect scenario Xingqiu had in his head, Chongyun just had to take a walk around the area and fight off the monsters that would be a big nuisance if they met them during the exorcism. 
But... That's what Xingqiu liked about Chongyun. The pure passion he had for his profession, and his desire to make his first ritual perfect was both cute and admirable in hydro vision user's eyes.
"I... I think these are all monsters in the area." Chongyun panted heavily, his face red and sweaty after an exhausting fight. "I think I..."
Seeing his friend stumble on his own feet, Xingqiu panicked. He quickly rushed up to Chongyun, catching him in his arms just as the rather was about to fall on the ground.
"Take a deep breath, Yunyun. We're gonna cool you down." Xingqiu murmured, stroking his friend's hair while carefully sitting down on the sand. Hopefully, the cold breeze coming from the lake will help Chongyun recover in no time.
"Why are you helping me right away...?" The claymore user asked under his breath. "Don't you usually sit down and enjoy the chaos?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Xingqiu smiled innocently, while handing his friend a water bottle. "Now drink up. I don't want you to zone out on our- I mean, your first real exorcism!"
Probably because of his current state, Chongyun didn't question Xingqiu's little slip-up. Instead, he just emptied the bottle given to him, before once again collapsing on his best friend's lap.
"That's right, Yunyun. Take a deep breath."
Once his friend finally closed his eyes, Xingqiu allowed himself to stare. To stare at Chongyun's usually pale, now bright red face. Stare at his white, fluffy hair. It reminded Xingqiu of mountains and mist, or wintery clouds. Even Chongyun's eyelashes were like snowflakes, making him look like a good spirit, or some beautiful, heavenly being who descended to Teyvat from Celestia.
There's no way Xingqiu wouldn't fall for such a beautiful, cute, and determined person like Chongyun.
Feeling a blush and a lovestruck smile spreading on his face, Xingqiu forced himself to look away, and instead focus on the sky. The sun was long gone, leaving nothing but a faded light blue aura at the edge of the horizon.
Seeing more and more stars appearing in the sky, Xingqiu smiled.
"Chongyun, my dearest, are you not cooled down yet? The sunset was a few hours ago. Midnight will come before we know it. "
"Maybe I would've stood up already if you didn't stare at me like that."
"Excuses, excuses!" Xingqiu's nose crunched as he turned away, trying to hide a tint of red spreading across his face. "Well, if you need it, grab your popsicle, and let's look for-"
The blue-haired boy blinked, looking at his best friend in confusion. Chongyun wasn't the type to talk much, let alone interrupt anyone. So then... Why did he do that? And with such a serious tone too?
"...Yes, my Dear Chongyun?"
"We... Aren't here for the exorcism, right?"
Xingqiu laughed.
"Of course we are, silly! Why would I show you the leads if that wasn't the case?"
"Well... Remember when I went to The Wuwang Hill as you recommended? You know, with Lumine?
Ah, yes. The Wuwang Hill incident... What Xingqiu was planning to be a "friendly" date, turned into a fiasco because his love interest was too impatient and oblivious and went there with a famous Traveler instead.
"What about it?"
"I... I talked with her about the apparitions you gave me intel about. And... She told me to change my source of information."
Xingqiu's palms got sweaty. He slowly detangled them from Chongyun's hair. Chongyun, whose head was still resting on Xingqiu's lap, stared at him intensely. These ice-blue, cat-like eyes would one day be death to Xingqiu.
"You... Don't believe me Chongyun?"
The Cryo Vision user finally averted his gaze.
"I... I just connected the dots and figured that you wouldn't make so many silly mistakes when looking for leads. Thinking that an actual ghost is hunting a scary tourist attraction? Unlike me, you're to smart for that..."
"Why are you doing this?"
It got silent. Despite being in a position many people would consider romantic, Xingqiu didn't find the situation romantic at all. Chongyun was resting on his lap, so what? That dreadful conversation was inevitable considering Xingqiu's controversial wooing methods. And despite being aware of it from the start... Xingqiu just wasn't ready.
"I just... Don't understand it. Are you making fun of me? Or do you just wanna hang out? You know I would never decline hanging out with you, so why-"
"I was stupid."
"I... I wanted to give you hope. To see your eyes shine with determination, to seem like a good, helpful friend who does more than ramble about his books, to buy you dinner so I can cheer you up after failing to find evil spirits..."
Chongyun stayed silent.
"I know it's selfish, but I just wanted to... Go somewhere far away and spend lantern rite alone together. To blend in with the other couples and get scared by the actors on Wuwang hill. To watch the shooting stars together."
And just as Xingqiu said that, he noticed something with the corner of his eye. A shooting star.
"And here they are... Too bad the mood is now ruined, huh...?"
He was crying. He was shaking like a leaf. Yet his voice seemed distant and neutral. Maybe the thought of Chonyun leaving him was so obviously inevitable that he already accepted it.
And just like he expected, he felt his best friend's weight disappear from his lap.
What he didn't expect was Chongyun's hand gently caressing his cheek instead.
"I... I probably should be mad at you. But I'm not. I really, really like you Xingqiu, so... You don't need to deceive me like that to spend time alone with me, or watch the shooting stars... Or... Blend with... The other couples."
Xingqiu felt his heart flutter in his chest, as he shyly raised his gaze at Chongyun's loving eyes. The exorcist, although clearly embarrassed, used his thumb to gently wipe his reddened, tear-stained cheek.
And then Xingqiu smiled. Purely, genuinely, and Chongyun felt the Yang energy in his body rise.
But when Xingqiu was the cause, he didn't mind.
"... The meteor shower just ended."
Xingqiu's small laughter-filled Chongyun's ears, as the other boy wiped his tears away with his sleeve. "It's alright though. My wish has already been fulfilled anyway."
"Huh? What was your wish then?"
And this time, it was Xingqiu who cupped the exorcist's cheek. And just like that, Chongyun was sure what kind of answer his best friend was about to give.
"To be able to tell you how I feel about you, my dear Chongyun."
"... I love you."
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nana-sanblog · 3 years
You are the only one who can visit Katsuki Bakugou's dorm room (Bakugou x Y/N)
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The title, it is what it is.
Bakugou and you have been dating each other for three months now. In most of the time, y'all would just hangout in your dorm room instead of his.
Playing video games (Animal Crossing especially, Bakugou insisted), discussing homework and fighting styles, kissing, snuggling, taking naps together...… You name it.
Speaking of his room, you were curious about that too.
Correction: The rest of 2-A classmates ARE feeling the same way.
Like, what does his room look like? What kind of decoration his room is having? Does his room as emo as he?
No idea, but you gave up on that not long time ago. You thought that it isn't that important though, it's not like how his room look like will stop you from loving your awesome grenade boi.
What? Calling him boom boom boi? You did it before, but he dislikes it, saying that it is so stupid and childish.
For the one who named 'Dynamight' as his hero name, he is the one who talks.
Back to the topic.
The summer holiday arrives, everyone in 2-A Hero course went back to visit their family, except Bakugou and you.
Bakugou's parents went to Hawaii for n-th honeymoon vacation, right before the school holiday starts.
'It must be that old hag's plan, tch.' Bakugou said, but you found him isn't that angry though, hmmm you wonder why.
While your parents who both work as heroes are having a mission in another country, and you don't want to be alone in that big ass bungalow. So, you chose to stay in the dorm instead.
Due to this and due to that, both of you are now staying in your dorm room. Bakugou even brought all his study materials to your room, which now makes your room slightly messier.
'Bakugou monsieur excuse me, your room is just next to mine???' You cried.
'Yeah, so what?' He answered while doing Aizawa sensei's homework.
✨The audacity✨
'Take some of your shits outta my room, this room is getting fully occupied.' You put your palm on forehead, sighed at the books and stuffs of Bakugou's that are using most of the walking space in your room.
Bakugou remained silent for a while, when you are thinking about bribing him with some extra hot&spicy ramens, he cut into your mind.
He said:' We are moving to my room then, let's go. 'at the same time, he starts to pack his stuffs, indicating that he was talking about the real shit.
Nani the fuck?
You realised something is going on, you asked him:' R-are we going to your room?' He never let anyone enters his room before though.
Is he okay with that, now you are worried that maybe you went too far, you shouldn't talked to him like that just now.
'Look Katsuki I'm very sorry for nagging at you, it is totally okay if we stay in my room alright? Please babe don't be sad-' You tried to comfort him with a very soft tone, close to a point that you would even use baby toy at him like ‘gugugaga don’t be sad’.
'What the fuck is wrong with you, I'm not, stop being an ass and take your shits to my room. You have 5 minutes.' He said as he left your room with his stuffs, leaving you alone by yourself.
'Hmmm......' Tons of thought are now flying across your mind.
Should you rush to the nearby convenience store to get some rubber?
You have to say, Bakugou is pretty minimalistic; his pillow and blanket are in dark blue color, sunlight in the morning shines through the clean white sheer curtain into the room, while the white wallpaper makes the overall room looks bright and simple.
'The fuck I am thinking about, calm down Y/N, just pack up any thing then go to his room.' You slapped yourself in the face.
There is a set of dumbbells on the floor, it reminds you of his stiff muscles. As your sight rests on a wooden book shelf, you managed to see something that surprised you.
Romance manga??? You look at Bakugou again, he is still concentrating on his homework. You gulped.
‘Babe, can I read them? These look interesting.’ You asked carefully.
‘Yeah, go ahead.’ He answered with an eye contact with you.
You chuckle, throwing out random questions at him while you are choosing which to read: ‘I like to read manga too, especially romance and shoujo genre, how about you?’
‘I just read it.’ Straight to the point.
‘......’ Being speechless, you then proceed to the next question: ‘You never let anyone enter here though, may I know why?’
‘I hate having those extras in my room, they only cause a mess.’ He answered like there was no second thought.
You quickly proceed: ‘ Then why did you let me be here?’
Bakugou makes that confused grumpy face at you, ‘ Huh?’ he asked, as if you said something stupid just now.
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‘You are my girlfriend duh, it is different than those extras.’
‘Which part of it is different though?’ At this point you aren’t asking questions anymore, it’s more like messing with your boyfriend.
‘You are going to be with me for the rest of our life, that’s the fucking difference dumbass, do you need a brain check?’ He yelled, he looks so pissed off, as if what he said is a common sense that everyone should be having.
You blushed, turning you face away from him so that he can’t see your face.
‘Damn, Bakugou.’ You whispered.
Grenade boi is surprisingly good at this, it’s probably thanks to these romance manga.
‘Oi dumbass, you took too long to choose, what’s the problem?’ Bakugou asked.
‘It’s nothing, have you watched the animated one of this manga?’ You show him the cover of a manga. The manga is beat-up, it looks like the owner has read it for many time.
Bakugou wake up from his bed, he look surprised at your suggestion: ‘It has animated?’ he exclaimed.
‘Uhh, yeah, and I bought it from Amazon too.’
‘So you wanna watch it or nah?’
‘We are watching that in the living area.’ He looks so determined, as determined as to when he was fighting with villains.
So both of you spent the whole day binge watching that romance anime series while cuddling with each other. Although it’s just the third day of the holiday, you already take it as a splendid one. 
‘Hey Katsuki, I like you.’
‘No shit dumbass, I like you too.’
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
I AM BACK! and again these prompts are for sirius or Aleksander. Ill be honest i think these are more interesting than the ones i sent yesterday, a bit more spicy! ENJOY AND IM LOOKING FORWARD TO READING ALL OF IT ALREADY! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT?!? Bless your heart! 💜
Desperate, needy sex +
❛ you’re soaked. let me grab you a towel. ❜
" please, talk to me... it kills me seeing you like this. "
“ we probably shouldn't do this... “
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”💜
Wiping the other’s tears, Holding the other while they cry +
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
"Do you think I'll make a good father?"
"This is as much your child as it is mine and that will never change."
“You’re my everything.” 💜
kitchen counter make-outs+
"Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
"Wait... you're pregnant?"
❛ i can’t do this without you. ❜
“I’ve waited so long for this.”💜
surprising your lover from behind, smacking a kiss on their cheek
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
"But I want to hear you sing." 💜
trailing kisses from your lover's lips to their neck, wrapping your legs around your lover's body as they lift you+
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“I like your stupid face. It’s so stupid. It’s so… I like it. Can I touch it?”
"God, you always make me blush so damn much." 
"Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that." 💜
trying to concentrate on a task, but your lover kisses your neck, making your head spin+
“Stop distracting me.”
“Come over here and make me.”
❛  if you keep looking at me like that, i’m not responsible for what happens next.  ❜
"C'mere, you can sit on my lap until i'm done working."💜
Is it ok if I do some of these for other characters? Because I feel like a few of these would mesh really well with Jesper or Matthias 😂 (and I’m rereading Crooked Kindgom rn and I’m in a vert Matthias and Jesper-y mood lol)
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