#so like yea if it hit him real hard and that's some nasty shit.. i hope he (and everyone affected by it ofc) took the necessary time to gws
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great news for jp dub users for tears of themis!! artem's voice is slowly being added back in 🤗
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
Heyyyyy I’m new here :3 could I request ATEEZ reaction to you being a brat? :3
Ateez reaction: Bratty Y/N
➼ requested?: yes
➼ genre: smut
➼ pairing: Ateez x neutral!reader
➼ Word-count: 2k+
➼ Warnings: nsfw content, strong language, cursing, threads, annoyance, bratty behavior, pet names...
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction and is only for the purposes of fun, it’s a hobby. Read at your own risk!
➼ A/N note: Sorry for updating after a longer time, I had a few mental health issues... Thanks to everyone who waited tho and thank you so much for 200+ followers... Please let me know if you have ideas in mind for a ‘special'! Hope you all like this one tho. Feel free to leave some feedback! Also, let me know if any of you wants to be added to my taglist!
➼ Taglist: @teeztheflag @darkstarlights
Park Seonghwa
You were sulking because Seonghwa didn’t bought you that dress you saw in one of those expensive shops today. Actually, you could call him your „sugar daddy”. He bought you anything you wanted whenever you wanted, but not today. Today was different, because you already started to provoke him in the early morning, disobeying and yelling at him. He didn’t know what happened to you, even after asking a hundredth of times, you just kept on being bratty towards the male. Soon, he had enough. While the two of you were sitting in the car, at the parking lot of the shopping mall, you kept on complaining about that dress. Seonghwa leaned into your side and grabbed your throat, immediately shutting you up. „You better stop talking, before I lose my shit and hit you right in the face and fuck you right on top of this car, baby. Would you like that? For all people to see how I put you in your place. Huh?” You silently shook your head, a hint of fear written on your face. „I thought so. Now stop being a bratty little bitch and start behaving, understood?” Again, you remained silent, nodding your head this time. Seonghwa then sat back and started the power of the car, driving off, back home.
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Kim Hongjoong
Hongjoong finally took a day off, immediately calling you to go on a date but you were mad at him. Why? He knew that you had other plans today but still choose this day to take a break. „Y/N, baby, come on. You know I have no say in this. This is not my fault, so please come to the restaurant we always go to, okay?” You let out a ironic laugh. „Tz. First, you pick the worst day and now you want me to come there myself? Oh no, if you really want to get out with me then you are going to pick me the fuck up.” Hongjoong was kinda shocked, not excepting this kind of behavior. After massaging his temples, since this boy was stressed and annoyed by your way of behaving, he just hung up the call, not in the mood to keep up with you right now. You went absolutely insane. Like, how dare he? When midnight came around, Hongjoong entered the front door, food in his hands. You were sitting in the living room, still pissed about earlier today. A knock on the doorframe made you look up. When spotting your boyfriend, you rolled your eyes and kept watching tv. „Haven’t cool down yet?” You got back to 180. „Excuse me?! Get your ass out of this room Mr. 'I think I can allow myself whatever I want' because yes, I am still mad at you.” He stared at you, not believing what was happing. Since when did you get so bratty? Shaking his head while approaching you and placing the food on the table, he grabbed both of your forearms and looked you deep in the eyes. „Okay now listen here you bratty bitch. You’re gonna listen to me and start behaving or I will punish you so hard that you wish you could turn the time back and thank me for making time for you, okay? I want my good little kitten back because I don’t like nasty strays that don’t obey me. No one would like one, so be happy and appreciate me you ungrateful pice of shit and shut the fuck up.”
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Jeong Yunho
He was just staring at you blankly, while you were throwing a tantrum. This already happened a couple of times but it was never this bad. He kept on watching you, until you eventually calmed down yourself. It really provoked you that he didn’t stop you or has done anything for that matter. At some point, you gave up because you knew how well Yunho could control his anger. Honestly, you didn’t even know why you freaked out like that. Both of you were searching for a movie to watch and when Yunho picked one that you already saw and absolutely hated, both of you started auguring. It’s his turn to pick the movie because you picked last time, yet that didn’t sit with you. Maybe you were just having a bad day? At least that’s what Yunho told himself. „Are you done now?” You sat there, at the ground while Yunho sat in front of you, on the couch. „Yea... sorry.” Yunho nodded, pulling you up on his lap. You thought he will cuddle with you but sike, he flipped you over so you were laying on your stomach, over his knees, ass in perfect view for him. „How many hits do you think you deserve? Hm? Maybe 20 or 30? Or... 40 or 50?”
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Kang Yeosang
He had this furious and annoyed look on his face. You got kinda terrified now, knowing what a beast this boy could be when he was mad. He watched you until you went silent, sitting next to each other and waiting for what’s going to happen next. You started to get nervous because Yeosang kept looking at you without saying or doing anything. His silence never meant anything good... „Stop looking.” He raised one of his eyebrows. „Stop talking.” You did keep quiet, not knowing what else to do now. „Dumb pet, do you think you’re worth my time? Oh how embarrassing... It’s such a shame that there are so many people who want me yet I chose you over everyone else, an ungrateful little bitch.” His words kinda hurt and you stated to doubt your worth. Maybe he’s right? You maybe should have followed the rules. You shouldn’t have told him no and most important, you shouldn’t have done all of that in front of his friends. You kinda started to regret it but it was way too late now. Even if you did apologize now, Yeosang wouldn’t forgive you, he will punish you no matter what. The more silence there is, the harder the punishment will be. „Go into the bedroom. Take your clothes off and wait for me.”
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Choi San
To be direct, you were unnecessarily overreacting. When you visited the boys and watch them while they practiced, San didn’t greet you as usual and you didn’t like that. At all. He was too focused to even notice you tbh. When he finally turned around and spotted you, he rolled his eyes, taking in your grumpy state. He made his way towards you, so he could give you a kiss but you pushed him away. He gave you a questioning look but you just turned your face away. „Hey, give me a kiss.” You still didn’t move, hoping to upset somehow. „Y/N.” His first warning. „Look at me.” Still, you didn’t move. The other members started to notice but kept on practicing because they didn’t wanted to get involved in anything. San exhaled loudly, pulling you up and dragging you out with him. „Don’t touch me!” You yelled at your boyfriend. He didn’t even bother to listen to you. „It hurts!” You hoped that he would loosen his grip a bit, but instead his grip on you got stronger. When he reached his room, he threw you on the bed and undressed himself. „You hurt me!” Still having that attitude on, you again yelled at him. He gave you a murderous look, finally shutting you up. He the hovered over you, staring you dead in the eyes. „If you ever dare to pull something like that in front of the other members again, I will make you regret visiting us, okay? Now better behave, before I completely lose the last bit of my self control, you stupid kid.”
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Song Mingi
„Mingi, Mingi! Wake up!” You shook him until he groaned out in annoyance. „Y/N? What’s wrong?” You huffed. „I am bored. You have to do something with me, come on.” You tried to pull him up but he was stronger than you, resulting that you were the one being pulled and laying on top of him now. „Did you loose your mind? It’s three in the morning, let me sleep!” He half yelled, half whispered. As he was about to drift off to sleep again, you pulled on his hair, making him tear his eyes open and cry out loudly. „Ouch! What the heck, Y/N? That hurts!” A smile creeped on your face, finally achieving your goal of waking him up. He just stared at you, giving you a ‘are you serious?’ type of look. „Now that you’re awake, we can do something! Should we watch a movie or should we play some ga-“ „No! We are not going to do any of these! It’s bed time, so lay down! I am not in the mood for all of this.” You smacked his thigh. „No Mingi, get up! What do you not get from 'I am bored, let’s do something’, huh?” He really has enough. „Okay Bunny, you wanna do something? Let’s play a game. It’s called ‘try not to scream while getting your ass beaten and brain fucked out’. Sounds fun, right?” You gulped, then getting pulled and flipped around, so that your backside faced up. At least he’s full of energy now...
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Jung Wooyoung
Both of you were sitting in a restaurant. He was already fed up with your behavior but he let go because he didn’t had enough strength to deal with you right now. This cutie was so hungry and tiered after practice, that he didn’t wanted things to go wrong but you really left him no choice. Just because you didn’t wanted to eat in this restaurant and wanted to go to your favorite one instead, you stated to act up, gaining lots of attention from all the nagging and yelling. Wooyoung grabbed your upper arm and pulled you near him, whispering in your ear so others wouldn’t hear. „Shut your mouth now Y/N, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. You’re so fucking embarrassing you stupid brat.” He then let go, harshly shoving your arm away and leaning back. When the waiter approached you two, to note your order, you remained silent. After rolling his eyes, Wooyoung ordered food only for himself. When he finished eating, he stood up and threw some money in the table. He was about to walk away when he turned around to face you. „If you don’t get up within the next two seconds, I will break your legs.” He gave you a last condescending look before walking out. You obeyed and followed him out, joining him in his car. He didn’t even spare you a glance, driving straight to your apartment a grin forming on his face, several ideas for your punishment popping into his head.
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Choi Jongho
Hit after hit, you put in more effort to annoy him. You soon realized that this wasn’t enough, so you started pinching and biting him. „Ouch, Y/N, are you crazy?!” Ah, finally! You smirked at him and wiggled your eyebrows, satisfied that he finally showed a reaction. „Do you think that’s funny?” You smiled. „Very. And now that I finally have your attention, you can do something with me. Oh and, get me some water please I am thirsty.” He stared at you in disbelief. „Are you okay, Y/N?” You gave him a look of disapproval. „Uhm, yea? I still am but if you don’t get me my water I won’t be and than I am going to hit you, again.” He was kinda amused now. „Oh? Where does all that attitude come from, all of a sudden?” You shrugged with your shoulders. „I don’t know and I don’t care. You gotta deal with it now.” You laid down on the couch both of you were sitting on and placed your legs on his lap. „I am still waiting for my water Jong.” He didn’t move. You wanted to raise your head up to scold him but he was faster than you, now hovering over you. „I will give you something else to drink. Get down and kneel. We have to clean that bratty mouth of yours, yea? Come on brat, suck me off. You don’t want me to get mad now, do you?”
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Eat your heart out
Blurb night- 1.8k words
(request: ok but what if u wrote one where y/n is a virgin and they finally did it after dating for months and then Harry's friends came to visit him and you overheard h talking how bad u are and all that angsty stuff...)
The word means a something different to everyone. Some people save it for marriage, some don’t care about it, others tie it to religion. It’s all up to personal interpretation and value. For Y/n, it’s not that she didn’t want to lose it, she just never felt ready until she met Harry.
She had met him through a mutual friend, they were both invited to a birthday party and just got on so well they decided to get to know each other better. Dates, hangouts, and many hours spent together later they had become official and now they’re 5 months in and going strong.
A few nights ago, she had finally felt ready. She had communicated to Harry at the start of their relationship she’d never been intimate with someone before and it might take her a while to feel ready to be so vulnerable with him, but eventually the night came and while it was a bit clumsy filled with trial and error she thought over all it was a special experience. Harry had made her feel comfortable, he had made her feel like she was beautiful and made him happy, so she’s completely confused and crestfallen at the words she’s hearing come from his mouth echoing through the spacious house.
“mate, it was bad. Like proper awful, I almost gagged at some points from how bad it was.”
A cruel laugh followed his words. Her chest felt hollow, like her heart had caved in just from his words. She couldn’t bring herself to stop listening, she guessed she was just a glutton for punishment because the hurtful words just kept coming.
“I thought being with a virgin would be hot!”
She heard the voice of one of his friends exclaim, she had never hated the sound of someone’s voice before that moment.
“so did I! it’s why I put up with the wait, thought she’d be bloody tight and a good shag, but I was dead wrong. She barely got wet; she didn’t even taste good! I couldn’t stay hard for shit, pretended to cum and everything just to get it over with. I didn’t know sex could be so bad!”
Another round of cackles and random bullying comments were made about Y/n among the group of men, at this point Y/n felt worthless. She felt like she failed, she felt dirty and stupid. Everything he’d ever said to her was now being questioned. she swears she could vomit.
“Jesus H, what a waste of a pussy innit? Don’t worry can get some girls lined up for you this weekend. Can trip and have a proper orgy, deserve it after pity fucking that dud.”
“Thank god! Need a good fuck after that nightmare. Line up a good few for me yea?”
Humiliated didn’t even come close to describing how Y/n felt right now. Not only had her boyfriend objectify and completely embarrass her to his friends, she’d just heard first hand that he hated it so much he had faked his orgasm, and was planning to cheat on her with multiple women in less than 24 hours. She was sick, her heart stomped on and her feelings completely crushed. She’d never felt so worthless, stupid, used and disgusted with herself. She had confided in Harry how she was scared to be vulnerable, afraid to be intimate with someone because she wasn’t ready to be so open and bare with another person. Harry had told her how she was worth the wait, how she was beautiful and he loved her but now she knew none of it was real. He’d just wanted to be with a virgin, and he hated the experience.
The vomit crawling up her throat had finally reached her mouth, the girl darting towards the bathroom to empty her churning stomach into the toilet tears springing to her eyes as her body tried desperately to purge out all the hurt yet the waves kept coming.
If anyone had heard her getting sick, they didn’t care since no one even called out her name. The girl didn’t even feel like an actual person anymore, just a defective object who was disposable. She couldn’t be here anymore, the emotional pain starting to manifest into physical symptoms as well. Her head pounding, stomach turning and ears ringing. It took all the energy she had left to shove some of her things into her bag to take back to her flat.
The girl was too humiliated to even face them, to confront Harry or mention what she had heard. She internalized all of it, pulling her hood up and ducking out of the front door silently. She suddenly felt lucky that the living room wasn’t in view of the entry way so she could slip out without detection.
y/n didn’t bother to leave a not nor text Harry about her departure, making her way on foot to the underground to get home. She hadn’t driven her car there since Harry had picked her up, and she didn’t have any service to get an uber so she opted for the easiest option.
The majority of the train ride she spent with her head down, thoughts racing as she desperately tried to suppress the sobs begging to be let out. she somehow managed to keep it together until she got into her flat, as soon as she shut the door her back was against it pained sobs wracking through her body.
When her bottom finally hit the ground she was reminded of the bruises she’d woken up with on her hips and ass from where Harry had gripped onto her.
Maybe that’s why he made me switch to all fours, he was so disgusted he couldn’t even look at my face. Maybe that’s why he seemed to get angry, I couldn’t make him feel good.
The soreness didn’t even compare to the internal injuries his words had left her with. It was as if she’d been clawed from the inside out, every hurtful word slashed at her organs. Her mind burning with self-hatred, insecurity and disgust towards herself. Y/n had always been insecure, she struggled with body image and confidence since she was a child and this ridicule of her natural state and what was supposed to be special tore her limb from limb.
She didn’t know how long it had been, she seemed to zone out finding herself laying in fetal position on the wood floors of her home. Her back was still pressed into the cold steel door, using what was left of her to stand to her feet and lock it, sliding the chain lock as well just to make sure there would be no chance of anyone disrupting her decent into the void of pain.
She didn’t get much sleep that night, her head wouldn’t stop pounding and her thoughts never eased up. She’d gotten a text from Harry asking where she was, her only sending a simple message saying she was feeling poorly and went home in reply.
Harry left her on read.
It must have been many hours since the sun had rose then set again in the time she’d laid still between her covers. She hadn’t gotten up to use the bathroom or eat. She didn’t feel like a person anymore. She didn’t feel like she held any worth in any sense to anyone, seeing as no one had reached out for her in the hours she’d been MIA, not even the boy who supposedly loved her.
Y/n shifted her gaze to the clock on her nightstand, she then knew it was Sunday. It had been almost an entire 48 hours since she’d moved from her spot and by now she was sure Harry had been balls deep in numerous other women. Women who could give him everything she failed to, women who he desired and could get off with. They must be everything she’s convinced she’s not. Pretty, sexy, desirable, loveable, worthy of Harry’s intimacy. Something he regretted ever engaging in with his own girlfriend.
It was 10 in the morning on Monday when Y/n’s phone finally dinged. By Sunday night she had managed to drag herself to the bathroom to relieve herself and brush her teeth, yet she only then returned to her bed to lay in a depressed shame filled coma of sorts, she truly felt so heart broken it was like her body was giving up on her.
She caved and looked at the message, feeling another stomp on her deflated heart when she saw it was from Harry-
“you alright? Stopped by your work, they said you haven’t called out but you never showed?”
Y/n had forgotten about her job in her spiral, but even now she couldn’t bring herself to care. She knew she was already on thin ice with her manager for taking so many days off to see Harry preform or visit him on his breaks so it wasn’t a surprise if she got fired. She didn’t care though; she knew if she lost her job she’d be another month late on rent and end up being evicted since she couldn’t scrape together enough for last month either. This would lead to her likely having to move back home with her mother or find a hostile somewhere for women, yet she didn’t care. It seems silly that something as simple as someone commenting on her sexual skills would put her in such a state, but that’s not really the main focal point in her mind.
The thing that hurt most was knowing Harry had only been with her to get to take someone’s virginity, and she’d disappointed him so badly he talked shit about her to his friends and made plans to cheat on her. Harry had completely disrespected, objectified and crushed her, and he didn’t even know she knew but she decided he shouldn’t have to know she knew what he said for him to realize it’s wrong. He’s an adult man who knew full well how hurtful and horrid his comments were about someone he had claimed to love. He should have spoke to her if he felt that way, yet instead he played her and tossed her out like rubbish.
Harry broke her heart, one he’d known was already fragile and timid. He’d still said all those nasty things about her even after the nights he’d let her cry into her chest about how much she hated her body, how bad her self-image and confidence was, the way she felt like she was never good enough for anyone. His actions only confirmed what she’d always feared to be true.
Harry didn’t love her.
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honeypirate · 4 years
Pro hero Red Riot/Kirishima x Pro hero y/n.
Reader is a higher hero than Kirishima and the public likes her more. I didn’t specify her quirk but I’d say it was more power type.
(When I had a concussion before i couldn’t walk all day bc of being insanely dizzy and I talked a lot, said anything I wanted to say and didn’t think of it. So I went with that and exaggerated just a little with it)
I like to think he hair doesn’t harden with his quirk even tho I can realistically see how it would. It’s just my preference for this fic.
You were in his strong arms as he carried you to where the ambulances would be. He had his fair share of concussions, and so had you actually, but this time yours wasn’t too bad. he was concerned mainly because you weren’t acting like yourself, you were blunt and mischievous, he knew you were always talkative but it was never like this, so before he took you home he was going to have one of the EMTs look at you.
For the first time in your life you don’t even think about consequences you’re not thinking of tomorrow or when you’re all healed, you are doing and saying what comes to mind immediately. Which is why you currently had on his hero costume mask and your hands buried in his silky hair.
“How is his hair so soft?” He chuckled as you raked your fingers through his hair “oh shit did I say that out loud? My heads kind of fuzzy still.” You never stopped playing with his hair. “Since I’m saying everything out loud anyway, how come your quirk doesn’t work on your hair?” You wish you could feel the softness of his hair on your face “How can you be sure it doesn’t?” He laughs as he responds and you notice the pink on his cheeks “it doesn’t. I’ve noticed. I notice everything about you Kiri” your hands quickly go to his face and softly touch his deep red blushing cheeks, the action jostling you in his arms “Kiri I am so dizzy, I think I have a concussion. That guy hit my head so hard” you burry your head in his chest, the action causing his hero mask to fall down around you like a necklace. “Y/h/n, i know there isn’t anyone around and that you have a concussion, but please try and remember to call me Red, at least while we’re out, okay, sweetheart?” Your head shot up to look him in the eye, it felt like your brain was the last to follow, sloshing around in your head, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry. Red” you nodded as you said it even tho you wouldn’t remember.
You loved his name so you tried to say it as much as you could in normal life without it being weird. You lay your head back down on his chest and close your eyes, your hands on his neck drawing little designs on his skin with your fingers “hey don’t fall asleep on me. Not until we get you checked out and healed up” you laughed “and then after you’ll let me fall asleep on you? That would probably be the best sleep I’ve ever had” you sigh and with your ear against his chest you notice his heart beat quicken. “I love you my Kiri” you whisper into his chest before you fall asleep and he hardly caught it. His eyes widen and his breath hitches.
“Hey hey don’t fall asleep come on baby wake up!” He tries to wake you up but you’re too far gone, luckily he’s just made it to the ambulances. It was a small villain fight so there was only a few of them around on different streets. Fewer now that the fight has been over for a while.
One of the EMTs ran up to him “how is she hurt?” “She’s got a concussion but I think that’s it” “follow me” kirishima and the EMT take you to the ambulance and he lays you down on the bed “with my quirk” the EMT says “I can assess her injuries and if they are small I can heal them. The only consequence being she’ll be very tired and weak. You’ll have to help her home.” Kirishima nods “okay.” the EMT puts their hands on your head and closes their eyes, nararating what they sees with their quirk. “She’s got a nasty concussion and some fractured ribs. Should be easy to fix. I seeee.... no other problems.” When their hands fall from your hair your eyes open and you look around until you see him, his eyes full of worry when you sit up and look at him fully. “There you are. I was just dreaming of you.” He smiles as he looks into your tired eyes “she needs to get some rest now” the EMT says to Kiri and he nods. You go to stand and you wobble a little so Kiri picks you up into his arms once more.
“You don’t have to carry me I think I’ll be okay now” he just shushes you so you lay your head on his chest and draw shapes on his chest absentmindedly with one of your hands. “I want to help you out until you’re feeling yourself again so you’re coming to my house.” He says and you feel your cheeks blush “okay. Thank you Red Riot” you say quietly. Remembering how stupid you were when you had a concussion. You were so grateful to him for carrying you, even more grateful that it was in the middle of the night and no one was around to see. The one thing you didn’t need was this in the newspaper. (Just wait until you see next mornings headline because you’re already there)
When you got back to his place he sets you down gently in the living room. “Kiri, do you have like some sweats and a shirt I could borrow so I don’t have to stay in this?” You ask quietly and gesture down at your dirty suit. He blushes and nods “yes I do. Come with me and you can shower too if you want”
After a nice long hot shower, you put on a pair of black sweats and a faded gray UA High teeshirt. You were surrounded in his scent like it was hugging you in. You fold your hero suit and walk out of the bathroom to find him in the kitchen making some tea and a late night snack. You place your suit down on a kitchen chair
“There’s my girl” he says with a smile and your heart beat quickens. “Hey” you say shyly and he comes and pulls you into a hug “god you scared me. I thought you had like terrible brain damage or something. You were talking and acting crazy until I got you to the healer” you laugh awkwardly “was I really that crazy?” You ask worried about everything you said. Worried that your real honest thoughts about him he thinks are crazy. He pulls back and gazes down at you “no. Not really that crazy at all.” He smiles sweetly down at you holding your face in his hands. He takes a deep breath and then ends the moment, secretly because he was terrified your words were only because of the concussion and not the honest truth. “I made you some tea” You take the tea he hands you and he takes you into his room to lay in bed and watch a movie.
You sit cross legged and drink your tea as he sets up some new Christmas show on Netflix. Your tea is finished by the end of episode one and you’re hooked on this show. You lay on your side and hug one of his pillows to your chest. He lays on the other side of the bed, one arm behind his head and the other on his stomach. He isn’t really watching any of the show, he just watches you. Your smiling face when cute things happen, your eyes are bright and happy. He loves it. He’s extremely jealous of the pillow you’re using to hug. He wishes you were holding on to him that tight. He moves and is now sitting with his back against the headboard and hands in his lap.
“Y/n?” You pause the show and sit up, turning towards him “Kiri?” He smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. “Do you remember what you said when you were concussed?” You swallow hard, remembering telling him you loved him, and whisper “yea” his hand hasn’t left your cheek, he’s softly rubbing your skin with his thumb “did you mean it?” He asks just as quiet.
Your mouth goes dry as you look into his eyes, your hands start to sweat and your heart races as you try to gauge what’s going to happen after you say yes. He’s either going to say he loves you back or he’s going to shut you down. Either way at least you’ll be able to move on.
You reach up and cover his hand with your own, before gently placing it in your lap and running your fingertips across his, you watch your fingers trace his callouses, afraid to meet his eyes. “Yes, Eijiro, I meant it” you whisper.
“Y/n. Please look at me” he whispers and takes your hands in his. You look up into his eyes with your brows furrowed. He smiles and reaches up to smooth out your forehead “always so easy for me to read” he scoots closer to you and kisses your forehead “don’t worry. Don’t be nervous. How could I not love you back?” His voice is warm and calm.
He smiles and strokes your cheek as you stare into his eyes shocked, he loves you back... relief flooded your body followed by excitement and butterflies. He watched it all in your eyes. A smile slowly spread across your face and you felt yourself blush. “You love me?” You say quietly and reach your hands up placing them in his cheeks “I love you y/n” he says with a smile and a shrug, like he was suddenly shy to be admitting it.
You throw yourself into his arms and laugh “I love you!” You say and he holds you in his arms laughing along with you. When you pull back he looks into your eyes, you can see the pure happiness and adoraration in his eyes. “My beautiful girl” he says softly and you blush. He leans forward kissing your nose, then both cheeks, then pressing his lips finally against yours. You melt against him and he holds you tight in his strong arms. When he pulls back you lay your hand on his cheek and sigh happily. “I can’t believe that Red Riot is in love with me. This is gonna boost you hero reputation exponentially!” You laugh at the look of shock on his face “get it? Because the community loves me? And I’m always in the news? And I’m a few points higher than you?” You keep explaining what’s obvious and poking his cheeks softly with a smile on your face that said you thought you were the funniest girl. He shakes his head and laughs with you.
He pulls you into his chest as he lays down on the bed “do you wanna finish this show?” He asks and you happy sigh as you cuddle closer into him, hugging him like you were the pillow. It warms his heart to finally get what he wanted. “Yes. But I might fall asleep. I love how warm you are” you respond and he laughs “that’s okay baby. You need rest. I’ll hold you as long as you want me to” you chuckle “forever?” You ask and he laughs “anything for you”
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officialwittek · 4 years
pt. 2
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*gif is not mine* 
word count: 1,987 
“SAGE” a voice yells, my eyes shoot open and I fall out of the bed, David laughs loudly holding his vlog camera
“Fuck you” I groan, standing up I notice I was changed and all my makeup was taken off
“Wow I was so productive even while drunk, I even took my makeup off bitches” I say, collecting my things off the floor and plugging my phone into the charger
“Nah, it was Jeff. You passed out after taking shots with Zane and Ilya. So he carried you into Natalie’s room and took care of you before he left” David explained, tucking his camera under his arm
“Oh nice, where’s Natalie?” I ask, putting on some shorts and walking to the kitchen with David
“She went to get coffee for everyone” He says, I laugh quietly seeing all of our friends passed out on the floor or the couch
“I guess I’ll make breakfast. Then I’ll help clean after we eat” I say, David nods and follows me to the kitchen
I grab some eggs, bacon, and pancake mix and start making breakfast for everyone. I notice Jeff and Todd aren’t here and assume they went to work out so I make extra food just in case they come by after. I shoot Jeff a text and ask him but I just get left on read. Weird. I pout a little and David suddenly takes my phone.
“Why did Jeff leave you on read?” He asks, I shrug and David takes out his own phone and texts him and of course gets an immediate response
“Interesting, whatever. I ain’t tripping ‘bout no hoe” I say, spooning the scrambled eggs into a big bowl
After I finished making breakfast, Natalie walks in with the coffee, Todd helping her carry everything. Our friends wake up one by one and join us in the kitchen
“Sage, baby marry me” Zane says, I laugh and take everyones empty plates and put them in the dishwasher
“Baby.. you couldn’t pay me enough money” I reply, our group laughing even harder
I wash the dishes while Matt helps me put them away. He also offers to help me clean the rest of the house. I take the soiled couch blankets and throw them in the wash while Matt takes the trash out. I grab the empty beer cans, solo cups, and hard liquor bottles and take them to the recycling and trash. After about an hour we had David’s house looking as nice as possible. I say bye to David and Natalie before Matt and I head our separate ways for the afternoon.
I finally get home and take a shower. Cleaning David’s house had me in the mood to be productive and Carly was probably with Erin I open our curtains and play some music over the speakers. Quietly singing to myself I take my laundry and start separating the loads before throwing the first one in. I walk to the kitchen and start cleaning out our fridge. Expired foods, old take out, nasty old fruits and veggies. After that I compile a grocery list and send a quick text to Carly to see if she needs anything, she sends me a handful of items and tells me to let her know how much she should PayPal me. I wash the dishes and put everything in their respected cabinets. After a few hours of cleaning and washing laundry, I get dressed to run errands.
I choose some brown patchwork jeans, a white tank top, a chocolate brown oversized zip up jacket with my white Air Force ones. I throw my hair in a ponytail and text Jeff.
Sage: Hi bub, ik you left me on read, but do you want to run errands with me?
Jeff: nah i’m good.
I sigh in annoyance and shove my phone in my purse. I grab my keys and walk down to the parking lot. I get a text from Corinna and Natalie asking if they can tag along with me since they’re bored and I agree, the three of us meeting at David’s house. After they pile into my Honda Civic and we go to the grocery store.
“So.. what’s got you all annoyed?” Corinna asks, I realize my eyebrows have been furrowed the whole time
“Jeff keeps leaving me on read or he’s being dry. Even at breakfast he didn’t even acknowledge me. I mean what the fuck. I would never ever do that to him. The fuck is his problem” I whine, grabbing a carton of oat milk
“Well you did kiss him last night and you haven’t said anything” Nat points out, my eyes widen and my jaws go slack, the two girls giggle at my expression  
“I k-kissed him? I mean shit go me, but now I feel like an asshole” I ask, turning to them and I sigh
“I’m never drinking again” I reply, making them laugh. After a bit more shopping we all go to pay for our stuff.
We stop by my apartment and they help me put the groceries away. We all go back to Dave’s house and hang out for a bit. I start editing some pictures I took for my instagram. While editing Todd, Jeff, Zane, Carly, and Erin walk in. They all come up to me and give me a hug, well except a certain someone. I’ll admit I feel like an asshole about not saying anything but I didn’t know it pissed him off that much. I text and ask if we can talk in the studio and he leaves me on read right in front of my eyes.
I roll my eyes and just sit at the kitchen island alone. Mindlessly scrolling through my phone as I hear some people approaching me. I turn and see Mariah, Carly, and Erin. They immediately knew something was up, my eyebrows were furrowed so we walk outside to my car.
“It’s fucking Jeff. So Nat and Corinna told me what happened last night and I obviously felt bad. So I texted Jeff about five minutes and asked him if we could talk in the podcast studio for a bit and he left me on read. He probably hates me now. He’s been ignoring me all day” I cry, Mariah rubs my shoulder to help console me
“I’m not going out with you guys tonight. I think I’m just going to stay home” I say, the three of them nod
“Well then all the girls are coming over tonight. I hate seeing princess peach being sad” Mariah says, princess peach is her nickname for me since I love anything to do with peaches and everyone treats me like a princess since I’m the youngest member
“Finee, bring wine and I’ll make pasta” I say, finally letting a small smile appear as we head back to the house
“Where the fuck did you guys go?” Heath asks, wrapping his arms around Mariah as I pretend to throw up
“We went to make out real quick” I retort, walking over to collect my things
“Nat, Corinna let’s go babes” I call, they excitedly grab their things and we hop in Nat’s Mercedes
“Oh c’mon guys” Todd says, but Carly promptly stops the rest from coming
“No we’re having a girl’s night. Sage isn’t feeling well, no boys allowed. Especially Jeff” she says, mumbling the last part so only the girls could hear and we let out giggles
“Fuck men” I yell, closing Nat’s door as we head to my place with Carly
Nat drops us off while her, Mariah, and Corinna get some alcohol. I grab the ingredients from the pantry and fridge. I decide to make a simple pasta with garlic, cherry tomatoes and basil. While I was cooking the other girls come back and we all gather in the kitchen. Talking about everything and anything, Nat starts snapping pictures on a disposable camera. After a few minutes the food was ready and we all gathered in our living room to watch some movies. After some bickering we all decide on Always Be My Maybe.
“T-that was so good” I cry, heavy tears streaming down my face, I look and see them all with tears in their eyes
“I hate being single” I whine, grabbing a pillow and crying into it and the others start laughing at me
“Sure sure” Corinna says, taking all of our plates to the sink. After countless bottles of wine we started dipping into the vodka. Natalie decides to stay sober for tonight  since she’ll probably have to take everyone else home
“Wait hold on David’s calling” Natalie says, I turn the music down and sit there nursing my vodka bottle and another bottle of sparkling pink lemonade
“Yea I’m not sure Sage is in any shape to go anywhere” She comments with a laugh, watching Corinna take the bottle and pour more vodka in my mouth
“Uhm I don’t know, let me talk to her” Nat says, her smile falling as she covers the mic with her hand
“Is it cool if the boys come here? They’re tired of staying at David’s and he needs drunk Sage content” She asks, I look at the rest of the girls and sigh
“I guess” I reply, Natalie purses her lips before replying
“No, we said it was girl’s night. You can get drunk Sage content any day of the week” She says, soon there’s some jiggling by our door as Natalie and Carly quickly run to the door and lock the door with the latch above the handle
“David get the fuck out of here” Natalie yells, stopping them from kicking our door down
“It’s ok I guess, just let them in” I reply, getting off the floor and unlocking it, quickly  walking to my balcony and Erin locks the door behind me, knowing I should have some alone time
I play some music on my phone and just sip the vodka in my hand. I take a hit from my puff bar, just enjoying the cool breeze on my skin. I let some tears fall down, thoughts invade my head. Maybe Jeff is just over how clingy I am? Is he tired of being friends with me? I sigh and sink deeper into my chair. I jump when I hear a knock, I quickly wipe the tears off my face and turn. I’m greeted by that dumb face and nod.
“Hey” I said, taking a hit of my puff, watching the vapor disappear as Jeff take a seat next to me
“Hi..” he replies softly, I can feel him burning holes in the side of my head
“Carly said I should probably come talk to you” he continued, I roll my eyes and collect my things
“Thing is, I don’t really want to talk to you anymore ok? This is me, leaving your dumbass on read in real life” I slur, putting my phone in my pants as I reach the door he grabs my wrist
“Please, I know you’re mad and I don’t really know why” Jeff replies, I scoff and set my things back down
“You ignore me all day, LEAVE ME ON READ WHILE I’M TEN FUCKING FEET BEHIND YOU, over a fucking drunk kiss for the vlog. Why would I be mad? You asshole” I yell, finally getting someone to open the door and I storm back in, sitting in the kitchen with the girls
“I DOn’T ReaLlY kNoW WhY You’Re MAd. The fucking NERVE of him” I rant, Nat pats my back as the girls and I talk on the kitchen floor
After another hour everyone leaves and I get ready for bed. Sure, I could’ve actually talked to him and I really was until he asked why I’m mad. I mean what the fuck? Whatever, I set my alarm and slip off into a peaceful sleep.
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georgeharris0n · 5 years
Blisters On His Fingers - Chapter 2 - “First Date, If John Doesn’t Ruin it”
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapters: 2/25
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, Minor Paul McCartney/John Lennon
Plot Summery:  George can't help but watch Rory Storm and The Hurricanes play, but John and Paul know he just has his eyes for their drummer. Ringo has some problem with his hands, and George may just see his perfect opportunity to talk to the handsome drummer. (Hamburg Beatle Era)
Note: It’s herE! Here’s a litlle something, as a early Christmas gift! Multi Chapter Hamburg Starrison Fic? you bet! @cirilee​ and I worked very hard on research and planning for the fic and I’m so happy to finaLLY released the first continuation chapter (Thank you sOOO much Ciri! ily ::o::)
Read Chapter 1 Here
Inhaling the stale air in the Bambi Kino cinema was probably the worst thing to wake up to since arriving in Hamburg, but after last night, George barely even noticed. Peeking his eyes open, he adjusted to the artificial light in the damp cement block they called a room. He felt as light as air… George had kissed him. Ringo Starr, George Harrison kissed Ringo Starr.
It’s a wonder George had gotten any sleep at all after that. He remembers staring up at the pitch black ceiling for hours last night and just looking at his smile, the smoothness of his cheek and scruff of his jaw… reliving that moment when he just fucking went for it.
George let out a pleased sigh and stretched his arms above his head.
After a moment he turned over to the bed opposite his only to be faced with two snickering bastards staring back at him. Of-fucking-course, can’t have one single moment of peace can I?
“Sleep alright’ there princess?” John smirked taking a drag from his ciggy.
George groaned. No, not even John could ruin this morning for him.
“Shut up Lennon, and give me drag huh?” He reached toward the nightstand table for the cigarettes, but Paul swooped in all to quick before George could take a blow.
 “What the-”
 “You can have a ciggy after you tell us the details. So spill.” Paul smirked and scooted beside John, taking advantage of his leverage.
 “Details? I- what do you want to know? How do you know anything happened?” George stammered, he thought it would be easy to burst out and tell his best mates what happened, but his nerves seemed to get the best of him.
 Paul scoffed. “Well for starters, you woke up in this shithole with that dreamy smile on your face.”
George felt himself flush, gosh he was smiling pretty wide huh?
 “Yea, and not to mention you coming home at fucking 4 in the mornin’.” John quipped while tapping his ashes off onto the floor, which Paul detested, but couldn’t really argue with considering how nasty the room already was.
 “Well- I.. I’m sure you both enjoyed the alone time.” George teased, hoping to distract from himself a little longer. It held some truth, it was pretty hard living just the three in one room, even harder when he bunked with Pete. John and Paul rarely got to get cozy and the two of them were a committed item, which took awhile since John insisted he wasn’t “queer”. Course, he was over the moon for Paul the moment they met, which was pretty frustrating at first. George saw it, and he knows as soon as those two finally stopped being resisitent, they were all over each other.
 John leaned back lazily and chuckled. “I wish! Sadly, Paul wouldn’t put out. The only tossin’ and turnin’ all he’d do was worry about you getting home, real mood killer you are Georgie boy-” Paul smacked a pillow into John’s face before he kept running his mouth.
 “Piss off John! He’s distracting us! Come on’ George and tell us before John gets his teeth punched in will ya?”
George snickered at the display of Paul looking like an eager parent or older sibling, practically on the edge of his seat.
George fiddled a little with his hands, remembering how the night before he used these same ones to care for Ringo’s palms. How rough Ringo’s hands felt from years of drumming. George liked that much more than silky soft hands, it’s like every scar and callus could tell a story. He hoped Ringo would let him hold them again during their date- Ohfuck. THEIR DATE.
 “Shit! My date! He asked me on a date!” George was standing now, throwing off his blanket and immediately going into a panic.
 Ringostarraskedmeonadate! Howcould I forget thaT-
 The lad was already rummaging hopelessly for clean clothes to wear to no avail. While John and Paul were both now standing probably trying to catch up on the bomb he just dropped into the room.
 “You finally snagged a date with the Hurricane’s drummer?”
John was shocked like he couldn’t believe his ears.
 George looked up from his pile of clothes and he knew he was unfolding, it couldn't be stopped now. “I- well I kissed im’ first, then he asked to see me tomorrow, so… yes?”
 “Hold on! Wait- you’re telling me you kissed him and didn’t tell us? Just sat there like a smiling idiot knowing you kissed the lad we watched you pine over for months?” Paul was almost offended, all that waiting and George didn't tell him sooner?
 “Listen!” George didn’t have time for questions, the stakes were much higher now “Yes! Yes okay? I kissed him, and now we have a date,TODAY, and i have no fucking idea when he gets here so if one of you could get off your asses and HELP ME PLEASE!”
 George was losing his mind, he had no idea what to wear, how much time he had, what he was supposed to do- but of course, Paul did. “George, clean yourself up, and I’ll find you some clothes alright?”
 “Yeah, and calm down too, don’t want to spook him looking like you just left a crack house.”
 George looked over to the wall mirror, he did look frantic, definitely not first date with Ringo material. His eyes were wide, his hair was unruled, and he was nearly shaking. John had a point. This date was way too important, he can’t ruin it by being this nervous.
 George just needed to get ready and hope that he doesn’t make a fool of himself.
 Good luck with that.
 Paul had George cleaned up real nice. Black drainies, and one of Paul’s clean white shirts tucked in made George cut a fine figure. Topped off with a large smooth pompadour. Very handsome and slim. Paul was very proud of the simple, yet refined appearance he made up for George’s date. He was a good looking lad all the same, and those fangs that pointed when he smiled had to be a deal breaker. Had he had more time (and spare cash), he almost wanted to go buy him a new fit to really shock Ringo. But- the look was still perfect in Paul’s opinion, but John was insistent he add his own little flare to the mix.
 “Make you look tougher, like on stage.”
 “He’s not going on stage John, he’s going on a date-”
 “Yes, and he’s going to wear the damn jacket!” John argued. Draping a leather jacket on George’s shoulders. He took a much larger role in the getting ready process then was expected. He and Paul fussed left and right over how George needed to look, what shirt, how to wear it, what to say, make his hair messy or clean. Boots or loafers. Smile or brood. The two just couldn’t agree.
 As per usual.
 “George needs this date to go off without a hitch! Who knows? If they go steady, we might get a new drummer.” John winked.
 Last week the lads had to get a replacement drummer to sit in after Pete hauled ass back to Liverpool for some kind of “family emergency”. John seems to think George’s date with Ringo could be an opportunity… Ringo was considered the best drummer as far as Liverpool was concerned, and despite George agreeing that Ringo was 20 times better than Pete, he didn’t like what John was implying. Paul seemed to catch onto it quicker than George was though.
“Oh no no NO, you’re not making George’s date about your little fued with Rory! That’s none of your business.” Paul chided, seeing through John’s casual tone. He knew that face and twinkle in his eyes. He was scheming, and John Lennon’s schemes never ended well.
 “I’m just saying, you can’t date between competing bands. If Geo plays his cards right-”
 George had heard enough, he wasn’t letting this crazy idea get to his head. He wanted to enjoy his date, not be John’s pon.
 He was about to speak up when suddenly a loud knock at the back door silenced the whole room.
 George looked at the door and felt his palms clam up. He shuffled his feet toward the handle. He thought he was going to pass out. This wasn’t even his first date, but it was his first with Ringo, and somehow that made it all the more important.
 Another, more faint knock, hit the door, making George jump back slightly. Is that him? Is he here? Gosh if it’s not him-
 “Don't just stand there! Open it.” Paul whispered, clearly waiting in anticipation.
 When George gathered up his non existent courage and opened the door up, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor…
 If he thought seeing Ringo up on stage, was in itself eye-catching, he was grossly unprepared for when he cleans up for a date.
 Ringo was standing at the door, looking a bit flustered, but non the less pleased to see George. That smile. George thought he might lose his footing had he not been gripping the door frame. He almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wanted to drape an arm around Ringo’s shoulders and admire how handsome he looked. He was stunning, he was sporting nice fitted charcoal trousers, with a white and black checker striped shirt tucked in. He even topped it off with a black corduroy jacket.
 “Hmm... now that’s what I call boyfriend material.” Paul muttered behind George, who was also admiring Ringo’s attire.
 George barely registered what Paul said until Ringo finally spoke.
 “Gosh, I’m- speechless, you look real handsome George.” Ringo gaped while he shuffled his hands out of his pockets.
The two were both clearly nervous, and George just couldn’t even believe Ringo was really here. Last night had felt too much like a dream to be real, but… it was and he was here and-
 “Whoa there Ringo! You got on this fancy get up for our little Geo?”
 Fucking. Hell. John.
 Ringo let out a nervous laugh “Suppose’ so,  not too fancy I hope. Havn’t got too much money for a proper restaurant...” Ringo scratched the back of his neck. He seemed a little embarrassed, but George was pretty relieved. He wasn’t into fancy smacy places like that anyhow.
 But- he was into getting out of here with Ringo as soon as possible before John kept talking. Which was the perfect incentive to push his nerves away for a bit.
 “WELL- Guess will be going then! See ya fellas!” George was already walking down the steps and quickly leading Ringo away before those two ruined the date before it even starts.  
 “You better have him home at a respectable time young man!!!” John yelled out after them which made George cringe. Gosh those two I swear-
 George ran a hand up his hair. “Sorry about them, they’re a piece of work.”
 Ringo snickered, “Funny though, don’t worry, bet they pick on ya’ too much huh?”
 “You don’t know the half of it.”
 George and Ringo were walking down Grosse Freiheit, opposite corner from the KaiserKeller where they worked and typically spent their time. George hadn’t explored much of this side of town, but it seemed Ringo knew where they were going, so he didn’t mind it.
 It was nearly 3 in the afternoon, so most places had slow business. Once it neared about 5, that’s when most of the sailor, drunkards, and “fast women” slipped out for the nightlife. Despite the occasional peek of a prostitute in the day, most afternoons were strangely quiet considering this was a red light district.
 When George arrived in Hamburg, the idea of living in such loose city, with so much sex and alcohol seemed exciting, but other than the advantage of drinking, George wasn’t too into the easy sex. John and Paul tried to set him up once, but he ended up horrified, having not been with a women and being pretty certain he was gay at that point. That only solidified it. He ended up sending her away, she didn’t seem to bothered by it. Probably just looked like a spooked young boy.
 Paul stuck around to apologize about it. Make sure he was okay. If anything George was almost happy to know he didn’t fancy girls. John and Paul were always so defensive about it, but when George was having thoughts like that- it felt comforting to know his friends were the same way. That they could understand.
 George saw Ringo veering toward the right. They must be close. The walkway was definitely in more uncharted territory, but- a little more secluded. Ringo reached out his hand suddenly, and George hesitated. Sure there wasn’t anyone around, and the area didn’t persecute lads holding hands, but- it was still out in public, and George didn’t quite feel comfortable for that just yet.
 Ringo’s smile softened and he lowered his hand into his trouser pocket. “No worries Georgie, the place is right back here, follow me.”
 George walked with Ringo down a narrow alleyway leading to a wooden doorway on the side of the building. Already regretting not taking Ringo’s hand, but certainly thankful Richie wasn’t offended by his apprehension.
  A quick knock on the door, and it was soon opened up by another fellow. Clean looking boy with rosy cheeks and a slender chin, about Paul’s age or older maybe.
 “Afternoon Richard, back again so soon?” The boy smiled, clearly pleased to see Richard here. Where- wherever they were. George felt his arms tense, hoping he wasn’t already feeling jealousy on the date that’s barely started. “Where’s your tall friend?” He continued, while giving George a disappointed side glare.
 “Afternoon! Awe this isn’t much his scene really, he’s more interested in birds.” Ringo looked past the boy, and pointed over his shoulder to a booth past the bar-room.
 “Mind if we have a seat over that way?” Before the boy could give answer Ringo was already sliding through the doorway with George in tow.
 Now standing inside, George could really get a load of the place. It was definitely a bar, but why it was so hidden away was beyond him. It played great music out of some speakers, which seemed to be connected to the local radio. It was pretty full too, especially for this hour, but no one seemed to be very rowdy, mostly just dancing or a having a nice drink.
 One thing that did catch Georges eye was the clientele. Every person inside was a bloke. Not a single girl in sight. 
 “Ringo? Is- is this a gay bar?”
 Ringo stopped in front of the booth and looked back at George shyly.
 “I- yes, it’s pretty classy, but I wasn’t sure, you know? If you’d been to one before.” George tilted his head, in all honesty he had never seen one before now. It just seemed like they were myths considering how well hidden they were. Not to mention John, Paul, and George never played in gar bars, or expressed interest in one before. Though, Ringo’s logic made sense, why not go to a place that’s guaranteed to be safe for a first date. Not having to watch your back if he wanted to hold Ringo’s hand or maybe share a kiss.
 “I’m… I haven't, but I really like it here, seems like a perfect first date spot to me.” George smiled, sliding into the booth.
 The date started out really great. Ringo was even more adorable on dates. He ordered them both some drinks and they sipped away talking. It felt like they spoke for hours on end. Ringo was so fun to talk to, he was cute and much more cheeky than expected. He had the cutest little blush when George decided to move over to Ringo’s side and sit beside him in the booth. Letting his shoulder graze next to each other.
 The topic of how they ended up in Hamburg came up, and George talked about meeting John and Paul, and about how they let him join the band. The band that feels like his family, like he was always meant to be apart of them. He told Ringo stories and pranks they all pulled on each other, and about how he practically had to knock sense into them both about their feelings for each other.
 “They were fighting like mad all the time. Mostly John, pushing Paul away n’stuff.”
 Ringo listened attentively, “You could tell? That they were… pushing each other?”
 “Definitely, those two were inseparable, and the way John looked at Paul and the way Paul looked at John- you knew. I knew for sure. John had hurt Paul real bad one day, said he didn’t need him around anymore. Paul was devastated.  I had to talk with John and get it sorted out.”
 “How’d that go?”
 “Basically told him to get his shit together and tell Paul how he felt. Honestly, I’m surprised the bastard listened.” George laughed letting his little pointed teeth stick out a tad.
 “So… how long have you known… you um.. fancied...” Ringo paused, trying to find the right words for the question, but George had a feeling he knew.
 “A couple years now… I had a couple girlfriends back in Liverpool, but it never really took. I knew I fancied boys, but I didn’t know for sure if I fancied girls too or not. Nowadays, I know I’m gay, but I’ve-” George paused feeling embarrassment flush on his face. He almost wanted to end the conversation there, hoping Ringo wouldn't push him further, but the look in those blue eyes. The soft, sweet way Ringo listened and gazed back at George. Like he was savoring everything, every look and word George gave him.
George wasn’t afraid, no, not around Ringo.
 “I-um… I haven’t had a boyfriend before.”
 George felt his hand shake at his sides, feeling unsure… clearly Ringo had been around more often, he was older after all, and knew about gay bars, probably had a boyfriend once or twice too. George didn’t know this stuff, he’d only ever kissed a boy once and neither spoke about it after the fact. Would Ringo want some inexperienced lad who-
 George felt a sudden warmth interlock with his shaking fingertips. He moved his gaze back to Ringo. He was holding onto his hands, rubbing his thumb over each knuckle. Smoothing the tremor that left the joint until they were steady and calm. 
 I might faint.
 “Hey, neither have I okay? I’m still new to this too, but I know I like you George. A lot.”
 George blinked wildly. Ringo was new to this?
 Ringo could see George’s confusion considering their current place of establishment and chuckled. “I’ve known I am for awhile, me mum even had an idea about it when I was younger, she could just tell I never fancied girls, but finding fellas ain’t easy and not exactly safe. So no, I haven’t either. Did find this place with me mate Johnny though, but he’s just a best mate, doesn’t really swing that way.”
 Somehow knowing dates and boyfriends were a bit of new territory for Ringo brought George lots of comfort. He could feel his shoulders slack under his jacket. He wanted to loosen up, really just enjoy the date. Show Ringo a good time.
 Hurriedly, George stood up from the booth pulling Ringo up with him. The radio had several patrons out of their seats and swinging to a solid tune. A jazzy one, clearly hitting the backbeat like a rock n’ roller. George gave Ritchie a cocky grin and twisted his arm around giving Ringo a spin. George did little kicks and fancy moves with his feet, while Ringo showed off his funny little moves on the dance floor as well. Being honest, Ringo’s dances were outright ridiculous, but- in an endearing kind of way. He was silly and smiling so wide. Really enjoying himself when he danced with George and purposely tried to make him laugh with funky jumps and head shakes. George loved how funny Ringo was, the way he could just go along with things and make it 10 times better? The way his smile peeked out when those teddy boy curls bounced on his forehead, George was ready to spend the rest of the night like this. Giggling like school boys.
 As it got later, the dancing got a little too crowded for both the boys’ taste, and they decided to step out for the night. The walk was much longer going back, probably because the two weren’t quite ready for the date to be over just yet.
 “You really do look handsome this evening George.” Ringo remarked as they walked the chilly street back to the cinema.
 George grinned with his cheeky fangs and bumped Ringo with his arm. “How bout’ a kiss then? Paul worked real hard to get me all dressed up like this. Got to have a little credit where credits due.” George leaned into the lads shoulder, batting his eyelashes for dramatic effect.
 Ringo applauded the flirtation, clearly George was getting more comfortable. Very coy.
 “Sorry, I don’t kiss vamps on the first date.”He quipped, poking the side of George’s cheek playfully.
 Had this not been their first date George would have half a mind to marry Ringo on the spot. The way they bounced off each other so easily was unbelievable. The only fault was that the date was ending so soon. The streets here are just so complicated and… adult. Nothing simple, like burger joints or parks. George hated the idea of only being able to go out in the afternoons. Nightlife here was just so loud and indecent. “Gosh, maybe one of these days we can catch a bus out of here, go somewhere a little more normal.” George said gazing out ahead at countless street lights that dawned every corner.
 Ringo’s eyes widened. “You want to go out again then?”
 George felt his throat shrink. Oh fuck- You idiot. He was already daydreaming about the next date without even knowing if there was going to BE ONE.
 “If- you wanted. I thought- I mean. This one seemed to be going really well, but if your not interested I completely-” stop rambling please oh god please stop.
 “George!” George thanked Ringo internally for stopping him before he dug his grave even further.
 “I’d love to go on another date with you.’
 George thought he was going to say something, but his brain decided to go out of commission in that moment. Ringo didn’t seem to mind, the look on George’s face told him everything he needed to know. This was special. This thing between them, very special.
 It was quiet on the streets surprisingly. Not a prostitute or drunk in sight near the back of the cinema. It was nearly 9:30, which was hopefully “respectable” for John, but George wasn’t ready for it to be over, not just yet.
 George stopped before the steps to the door and turned to Ringo. His nerves that had been present throughout the evening had vanished, something about how he was feeling, the look in Ringo’s eyes. He felt like he was staring into the ocean. So welcoming, and vibrant. How could he stand here and not be utterly at peace?
 Ringo soon moved surprisingly close him. George wasn’t sure what it meant at first, but to be fair, there were lots of things that George didn’t know.
 He didn’t know his lovestruck crush would stand before him tonight and gingerly touch his cheek, or that he’d get so close they’d share a cold breath in a Hamburg alleyway. George would never have thought months ago, when he first met the boy, that he too would lean into the embrace. That George would get to wrap his arms around Ringo’s waist, slipping past his jacket and rest his palms on the small of the drummer’s back. He didn’t know that they’d glace down to those soft lips. Unconsciously waiting… for what? He wasn’t quite sure. Yes, he was.
 Ringo’s hand gilded behind his neck. Stroking his thumb gently under George’s jaw. George felt a shiver go up his spine. Feeling his heart pounding like crazy. He wanted this. He really did. All night he dreamt of the event that occurred that night, about the feeling of kissing Ringo, the way his lips felt on his. He was so close to that again, only this time, he wanted Ringo to kiss him. 
 The drummer hesitated. They had kissed before, but the fervor in the air that filled the non existent space between them was thick. Both of the boys breaths were seen in the cold air as they exchanged them. Ringo lids fluttered, and George let his own shut. Darkness allowing every touch and caress to feel all the more real. Abruptly, a hand tugged the collar of his leather jacket slightly, and he was pulled into those lips again. Both bodies immediately reacting as the two shared an earnest kiss. Ringo taking control with impelling affection.
 It was delightful but chaste, far too short for the guitarist’s liking. When they separated a moment, George barely gave Ringo time to catch his breath before pressing forward and allowing his tongue to slide past his lips. His fleeting impulse crashed into Ringo, and his hands clenched at the fabric of his striped shirt.  Ringo responded with matched eagerness and the two were soon both kissing with more passion than they’d ever felt before. George even let a soft moan slide past his lips as he felt Ringo tangle his fingers further into his hair.
 Neither wanted to stop, but George’s head was already getting dizzy and Ringo’s footing was starting to give way on the edge of the steps. They both reluctantly separated, and caught their breaths still not bearing any space between them, chests heaving with cold air against one another. George just wanted to stay here with Ringo in his arms, barely able to stand and looking just as dazed as George probably does.
 “Gee Ringo…” George’s lip twitch upward. “I thought you didn’t kiss vamps on the first date.”
Chapter 3 here!
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shookmione · 4 years
Alright homies I love art comparisons with progression over the years but I'm shit at art but thought hey I DO Like writing though, so maybe a could do a comparison, but like,,,, with the writing?
Here's an excerpt from when I was eleven (I know it's ATROTIOUS bare with me I was just starting out)
I wake up in cold sweat, with a worried Annabeth right next to be. "Seaweed brain, calm down. It was just a dream" I must of been screaming in my sleep. The image of my past tormenter lingers in my brain, as I look outside. It's looks around 11 In the afternoon. Did I sleep for that long?
"I'm sorry, wise girl. What time is it?"
"It's around 11:32, why?"
"Because I was planning on swimming with the rest of the seven!" I jump out of bed, and do my hair quickly. Well, try at least.
"Hey Percy, can I ask you a question?"
"Yea" I say trying to find clean clothes somewhere. I know I have a clean shirt somewhere...
"Who's Gabe?" She says, and I almost drop what I'm holding. Did I say something in my sleep?! No, no,no,no! I hope to the gods, i didn't say anything. I don't know what she will think of me. Say I'm a coward? Say I'm weak? Break up with me?!
"Percy...?" I let the silence stretch to far naturally, and finally respond. "Don't worry about it. He's no one." I put on a playful grin, and look at her. She has a suspicious look on her face, like she knows something. Please tell me she doesn't.
"Come on Wise Girl. I wouldn't lie to you. You would know if I was anyways" I stated, and I continued trying to find my clothes with fake goofy smile. I find them and walk to the bathroom. I meet her eyes, now filled with worry still starring at me like she can simply figure out what I'm hiding if she looks hard enough. I pretend like I don't notice, and shut  the bathroom behind me.
Only when I hear the door click shut, is when I let me real emotions kick it. My eyes tear up with just the mention of Gabe, let along have a flashback.
I take off my shirt to change, when I catch a glimpse of my body in the mirror. It's covered in cuts, scars and bruises. Very few of them i gained in battle, which says a lot about how many there is. Most of them are from him. The person who made my life hell for the longest time. Who hit without no thought. Who taunted me day in and day out. The person I kept a secret. The person I want no one to find out about.
I pull myself out of my depressing thoughts and look at the shower. I need to take one now that I think an about it. I poke my head out the door, and see Annabeth sitting right were not I left her.
"Hey Annabeth, I'm going to take a  shower. Alright? It's going to a little bit" with that, I shut the door not waiting for a response.
I walk back to the shower, and turn the handle halfway, making it perfect warm. I finish undressing and jump it, and immediately feel better. The water clears my mind and I'm able to think.
I can't even read that anymore I'll die of embarrassment
Anyways, I rewrote the scene for comparison a few months ago. This is now, at fifteen.
The hands in his hair startled Percy out of his abysmal nightmare. His cheeks were wet and his body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around his limbs, probably because he was thrashing in his sleep. His heart pounded against his chest. He was trembling.
"Percy, wake up. Wake up. It's not real. It's not real. You're okay."
It takes him a moment but he starts to take notice of his surroundings. He wasn't trapped in that small apartment trapped underneath a man intent on making him bleed, nor was he in any danger at all. As he came to he realized the hands in hair were actually incredibly gentle and smoothing, a large barrier that separated his then and now.
"Shh, It's okay." His head was pulled into her lap where she caressed his headache away and bent down to give him a kiss on the forehead, not caring if it was sweaty. One of her hands went down and grabbed his to steady him. "It's over."
He opened his eyes slowly. The light was violent and made him wince. Noticing this, Annabeth reached over and shut the curtains quickly. Percy wanted to thank her but all that came out was a groan.
"Do you want me to get you some nectar? I'll help your headache."
He shakes his head, then it one sudden motion, pulls her down on top of him. He sniffs heavily into her hair, taking in the magnificent smell of lemon soap.
"Do you want to talk about it then?" She whispers and he digs his head into her shoulder and wraps his arms around her. Percy shakes his head again. Annabeth had no idea of his life before camp and he wanted to keep it that way. Besides, there was no reason to worry her. He was here now and that was what mattered.
"Are you sure? You were crying and thrashing around. You said some stuff. Who's Gabe?"
His arms tighten around her. It wasn't the first time he'd talked in his sleep he just wished it wasn't something so incriminating as a name. There was no way he was going to get around her answer with lies. She was smart and could always detect one before it ever left his mouth.
"What time is it?" He asks, changing the conversation. She seemed to get the hint he wasn't about to open up. He usually did when it came to Tartarus, but she was there with him for that and this was something he was completely alone to suffer in.
"It's nearing eleven. I just finished the plans for the temple and wanted to check in on you. Why?"
Percy pulls himself away and off the bed. She wasn't going to tell him alright but he knew he stank. "I was planning on going swimming with everyone. The lake is always busy and I figured we could go to the beach."
"Nico and Will too?"
"Hazel wouldn't allow it any other way. I'm going to take a shower, okay?"
She nods as she pushes herself up on her elbows. Her usual pulled back blonde hair was a mess and fell down her face in frizzy ringlets. He smiled stupidly at her then shut the bathroom door behind him. His shoulders immediately sag when he spots his own appearance in the mirror.
His shirt is the first thing off as always. There were always too many scars there, many of which weren't from any battles. The ruined, pink flesh stuck out against his chest like a sore thumb. It was worse there than anywhere else. His legs had a couple of nasty ones as well but he was able to pass them off easily as ones from monsters.
The thought left pitiful irony bubbling at his lips. He'd gone through hell and his bastard of a stepfather still held a tighter rein on him than it ever would. Wasn't that pathetic?
He pulled at his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. If he closed his eyes he could almost feel the hot alcohol-infused breath hitting his face.
The shower to the right to him suddenly turned on full power. The sound startled him out of his daze wide-eyed. Unconsciously his shoulder had hunched themselves over and thrown himself towards the closest wall.
He'd lost control of his power before after nightmares. He once woke up to find the fountain had burst and was overflowing when he was thirteen.
It usually only happened when he had nightmares of Gabe, but those were slowly decreasing now that he was seventeen. It was just recently that they had been getting increasingly worse and he had no idea why. Gabe had been gone from his left for five years now, so why was it suddenly taking so much toll on him again? He could feel himself slipping back into that old, dark pit in his head again and despite what he tried to tell himself he was terrified. He could hardly confide in anyone about it either. The only one who had the slightest bit of a clue of what really happened was Grover and he was across the country now.
He touched the water with an outreached hand and immediately the weight from his shoulders turned to dust. It was probably one of the one things that calmed him down anymore besides maybe Annabeth.
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yakumtsaki · 5 years
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I taste just like ice cream, bitch I am so icy, heart cold like an ice queen, that's why they don't like me 🎵
-What the hell was that.
Traditionally I start Union updates with semi-relevant song lyrics.
-Why did you start an update at all.
Because it’s time, Shajar! I took a holy oath in my 2020 simming goals post to update Unions once a month, and I’m already a month late.
-But nothing interesting is happening. 
That’s never stopped me before. Now listen to Rico Nasty, cry some more about Sophie blowing you off, and shut up.
-Ugh please, I couldn’t be more over Sonia if I tried. I hardly ever texted her links to wedding pinterest boards and quizzes to determine if our parenting styles are compatible. 
Did she ever reply? 
-She did once and said ‘who dis’. Of course the letters unscrambled spell out ‘do wish’, meaning she did wish me to keep messaging her. I just don’t know where it all went wrong. 
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-Hey there, 17 year old girl, maybe you’ve had enough neat whiskey for the night? We’re actually running out of bottles. 
-Beat it, ponytail, I need to dull my pain. I’ve just been stabbed right in the gut by the love of my life. Just like my style idol and general role model, space opera fascist Kylo Ren.
Shaj I really hate seeing you like this, and not just because the red neon light is super unflattering on your complexion.
-You can fuck right off too, I was perfectly happy with my dads who hate me and my imbecile sister and my brother who might as well not exist, noogie-ing people all day AND night long, but you had to be all ‘OMG IT’S SOPHIE MIGUEL SHAJAR GO TALK TO HER’. Life-ruining-moron. 
But I was totally right about you two hitting it off, I mean look how sad you are now that she dumped- yea never mind, that’s not a good argument.
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-Look what I can do even though I’ve had 46 whiskeys!! How you like me now, Sophie???
-You’re paying for all these broken glasses, I’m going to need your name and a credit card.
-Yes, fair enough, my name is Cyneswith Union-
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Yea, you really should eat something to soak up all the alcohol. And not to kick you when you’re down, but you should also disregard all those cliches about ~a smile being the most beautiful thing you can wear~ because MAN. Watch out Joaquin, there’s a new Joker on the prowl. 
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-So.. 20 lobsters thermidor and our most expensive appetizers?
-Would you mind settling your bill now?
-Of course not! My name is Cyneswith Union and this is the credit card my parents got me when I was 6 because we’re super duper best friends! I love my parents! They don’t care about their other daughter at all, even when their other daughter is going through a really hard time because she got the emotional equivalent of a lightsaber wound in the gut. You know what, let me also get 20 bottles of your most overpriced champagne to go with the lobsters.
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Feeling better?
-Well it’s hard to feel bad when you’re spending your parents’ money recklessly and with malice aforethought.
It sure is. Alright well, the sun is coming up, maybe we should head home.
-What’s the rush? What is going to happen if I don’t go home, my parents will get worried? LOL
God your life sucks. Ok let’s hit a couple more places.
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-Greetings. Welcome to our establishment. I am a human employee from this planet.
Great, nice to meet you.
-I just want there to be no doubt that I am indeed an earthling, born and raised under the earth’s exosphere and not above it.
Leave us alone.
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-And I’m the resident community lot sim with that one face template you hate! There must be one of us on every lot you visit!
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-And I am here in my revealing outfit to use the dance sphere and make everyone uncomfortable!
You’re actually pretty, I need to keep you in mind for after Don Oates takes a wrecking ball to our genetics, but yea, let’s bounce, Shajar.
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Time to visit the happiest place on earth, Deh'Javu Modern Art Museum, home to my favorite piece of art in any medium, The Toilet of Fire. Shove that Fountain up your ass, Duchamp. How we feeling, Shaj?
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-This trash can reminds of Sophie :( She used to go around town throwing money she stole from charities in trash cans and then send them riddles for where to find them :(
Enough with Sophie, we’ll find you someone better! Like..
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..your aunt! Get the hell out of here Brit Brit, you’re taking up townie space. 
-I won’t be long, Gunther’s amazing close-up portrait of my hair was rejected by the museum so I’m here to set this shithole on fire. 
In other words Gunther just painted a canvas black and called it a day?
-His art doesn’t cater to plebs. Yes, offense.
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Our old friend Ugly Teen Townie is here so finally we can have some fun. Shajar had gone almost 12 hours(!) without noogieing someone and I was starting to worry for her health.
-Yes, yes, I’m starting to feel like myself again..
Good for you, Shaj!
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-Hope you’ve made peace with your God, Ugly Teen Townie, this water balloon is filled with horse feces! 
-I ordered it from some guy named Leod McGreggor.
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-How about a another joke, MuRRAY?
-Now you say, ‘no, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes’. Say it!
-No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.
-What do you get when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? Now you say ‘call the police, Gene!’
-Call the police, Gene!
-I'll tell you what you get..
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Alright I’m starting to feel bad for Ugly Teen Townie, first he had to come to all the toddler birthday parties during the Victoria/Komei era and now this, he has suffered enough at this family’s hands. Time to go home, Shaj.
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-Not so fast!
Wow, the Countess and Mrs. Crumplebottom on the same lot, top 10 anime crossovers.
-I have been sent here by the Limp Dick Vamps United organization to recruit Shajar Union.
Ugh you people are still around? Haven’t heard of you losers since the Count wouldn’t let Victoria bang him, which I’m still annoyed about. 
-Indeed we are, and it’s clear Shajar is ready to join us, dedicating her life to evil deeds without romantic distractions. I have no idea what Crumplebottom is doing here.
-I’m here to recruit Shajar to my own organization, Bitter Sims Worldwide Alliance. We’re always on the lookout for new members who want to spread their misery to their fellow Sim. 
It sounds like it’d be more effective if you guys just merged your organizations.
-I will NEVER merge my organization with someone who displays her bosom like a common whore. 
-Eat a dick, Crumplebottom!
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-Alright here I am, what the fuck do you want?
-Shajar, it is a pleasure to meet you! Ardent admirer of your work.
-What work, freakshow?
-Torturing everyone around you, what else!
-What? I don’t torture people around me, if anything they torture me.
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-Why don’t you talk to me about it?
-I’d rather not, you look like a bejeweled snowman.
-Look deep into my eyes, Shajar..
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-And now look deep into my razor sharp teeth..
-Ugh fine, let’s talk. 
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-Is that Victoria and Komei’s teen granddaughter hanging out with a vampire?
Yes it is Kennedy, keep it moving.
-God, wtf is wrong with this family. 
Nothing now that you’ve been removed from our social circle, go away! Just kidding, you’re an icon and I’m marrying you in at some point. 
-Hard pass. 
Your loss, hombre. 
-It definitely isn’t.
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-If I had known your turn on was vampires I would had set you two up!
STOP SETTING UP TEENS WITH ADULTS, LAKSHMI. And Shajar’s turn ons isn’t vampires, it’s fitness/fatness. Body positive queen. 
-Well, Shajar, you alphabetically listing all the people who have wronged you while I was trying to kill Crumplebottom telepathically has made for a very productive conversation. We’ll be in touch. 
-Thanks, Countess, it’s been real.
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Shajar!!! Who cares about Sophie when you might bag a hot, rich vamp??
I’m gonna need you to be more excited about this prospect because a vampire spouse might just be enough of a draw to beat the comedic factor of fucking Don Oates turning us into an unintentional uglacy and I’m doing whatever I can to avoid my fate.
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God I miss you Vic 💔
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-Donnie-bear, not to be not-nice, but mopping your pee off my front lawn is not exactly what I pictured doing during this date.
This guy won’t even mop up his own piss, what a catch.
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Wow, manipulative much?? You are a piss piece of work, Donaldo.
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-Don’t think we forgot about you, you 10-nice-point disgrace!
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-Finally, some peace and quiet.. Just me, alone with my broken heart, pondering my hopeless, loveless future..
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-💗💗💗OMG SIS THERE YOU ARE. DONNIE AND I MADE OUT!!! 💗💗💗 But then grandma’s ghost scared him into soiling himself. 
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-Good for grandma, hopefully next time she gives him a stroke. Now shut up and let’s eat in silence while I ponder my hopeless, loveless future.
-Okie dokie! 💗💗💗
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-Um, I think mine has vomit in it.
-Yea I did that, but it’s just whiskey and lobster, if anything it increased in value. 
-Awww thanks sis! 💗💗💗
-Stop patronizing me, you little bitch. God I want to poke your eye out with this chopstick so badly.
-I love you too Shaj! 💗💗💗
And I hate both of you. Where’s your brother, I haven’t paid attention to him in 3 days. 
-He went upstairs, I think he’s pusshurt we forgot his birthday LOL
-Don’t feel bad, I forgot it too! 💗💗💗
-I’m here, I just grew up and dare I say it could not have gone better! 
Really?? Finally some good news! Let me look upon you-
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-I was Mozart musical genius boy but now I’m a sk8ter boi! Character development!
Ok this is the most iconic birthday look since Gunther grew up in the pirate costume, we’re obviously keeping it. 
-Great! And as if the fact I’m a Wyatt face template with 0 Jojo genes wasn’t enough to make me unelectable, I also rolled family! :D I’m doing everything I can to ensure I live that sweet motherlode spare life! 
Honestly you should had picked another outfit cause now that you’re dressed like this I unironically want you to win. Hoisted with your own petard.
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The Professor Pt.5
Tags: @namelesslosers @blackchunkyqueen@panthergoddessbast @forbeautyandlife @cancerianprincess@shegoego @soulsparker @iamrheaspeaks @blq-gyal @ashrae720 @chaneajoyyy @loosewindmill @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @txmellayella @tiava143 @ohshititslezz@sheisexcellent @sydneebleu @blackpinup22 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @whoramilaje
Pairing: Erick x Aniya
Characters: Erik Stevens
Fandom: Erik Stevens, Killmonger
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.)  SMUT SMUT SMUT 
Word Count: (1.8k+)
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           My eyes blinked rapidly as I woke up, the pounding in my head was a reminder of what happened the night before. I grabbed my phone to see the time.
My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed and ran to Simone’s room. She was sitting at her desk watching a makeup tutorial on YouTube.
“Girl why didn’t you wake me up for class!?”
“Niya, I only woke up twenty minutes ago and plus my head is killing me there was no way I was going to any classes today. I knew you would be feeling it too so I let you sleep boo.”
I let out a heavy sigh placing my hands on my hips.
“I mean I guess that’s true. Ugh I hope we don’t miss anything important. Do you want some breakfast?”
“Oh, my God yes please. I would love some of your famous Belgian waffles.”
           “Okay I got you.”
The smell of waffles, eggs and bacon filled the apartment and as I cooked I couldn’t help but think that us waking up late was some type of divine intervention because Erik’s class was the first of the day and I knew he would be pissed after the stunt I pulled at the party last night. When I finished, I called Simone for her meal and we ate and gossiped. Once we completed our meal we decided to get cleaned up make the most of the day and go to the mall. We shopped in forever 21, Victoria secret and we even popped into the nail salon to treat ourselves with new full sets. I got mine baby blue and Simone went with a nude color.
As I sat near the entrance of the salon waiting for Simone’s nails to dry I glanced around to see what was going on in the mall and I nearly shit myself at what I saw. Downstairs in the Nike there was Erik at the register buying a track suit and a pair of socks. I couldn’t deny the feeling of butterflies I felt in my stomach. Erik made me nervous but in a good kind of way. Simone tapping me on my shoulder shocked me put of my thoughts.
“Hey girl you ready to go?” I nodded yes
“Yea, but can we stop by the Nike store really quick I want to get that sweat shirt I’ve been looking at online.”
“For sure let’s go”
I made sure to stay out of Erik’s sight up until the last moment. We got there right when he left the store.
“Hey professor Stevens.” Simone called to him with a surprised grin on her face.
He looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Oh, hey Simone...”
His focus shifted to me and I could see how hard he was trying to keep his cool. He knew he couldn’t snap on me in public and he damn sure couldn’t do it with my best friend right next to me.
I giggled a little knowing it would make him even more upset. I wanted to see just how far I could push him. How much he could handle before he snapped. He made small talk with us before we parted ways. Just as Simone and I were about to leave the mall I told her to go on home without me so I could go back and get something I forgot. I waited until her uber was out of sight.
           Meet me in the parking lot.
He wasted no time coming out and I knew this would be and encounter to remember. There were a good amount of people entering and leaving the mall so I knew once again he couldn’t get on me out here either.
“How are you?” I asked in the most innocent voice that I could manage.
“How am I? What you mean how am I? I’m pissed the fuck off. You lucky all these people out here or I-“
“Or you’ll what?” I asked taking a step closer to him looking directly into his eyes.
Erik’s the kind of guy that’s used to getting his way all the time but not with me. I was going to show him just who was in charge here and I was going to make sure that he remembered it too.
“Take me to your car.”
He looked at me with a confused look on his face I tilted my head signaling to him I wasn’t going to say another word until I got what I wanted. He sighed and walked me to the car. The force of the door closing when Erik got in told me just how mad he was.
“So, you still gonna act like you didn’t do anything?”
I shifted in my seat to face him.
“I didn’t do anything.”
He chuckled in frustration, rubbing his beard.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me. What the fuck you mean you didn’t do anything? So, I didn’t call you and overhear you fucking some other dude? Come on Niya stop playing.”
I couldn’t stop the smirk from forming on my lips. Seeing him this upset was kind of entertaining not to mention it was turning me on a little bit.
“Oh, so you think this shit is funny? Get out my car.”
“Well…first of all I wasn’t fucking him, he was devouring my pussy. Second of all no one told you to call me at that time. Third, what are you really mad at? Hmmm? The fact that I was with someone else or is it because I’ve been ignoring you? Because to be real were not together so I can do whatever I want. If you really want me gone, I’m gone and we never have to speak again”
I opened my door and as I was about to step out he caught my arm, pulling me back in.
“Don’t do that.” He said reaching over me to close my door again.
“Look I’m sorry okay? It was petty of me to answer the phone I could’ve just let it ring.”
I kissed his cheek, letting my lips linger for a moment.
“Okay? I’m sorry.”
He didn’t respond.
I kissed him again this time letting my lip go a bit lower to the space between his ear and jaw.
“Do you forgive me?”
           I slid my hand down his body. I could hear his breathing getting labored. When my hand got to the place we both wanted it to be. He inhaled sharply, flaring his nostrils and baring his teeth reveling those golden bottom fangs that I love so much. I groaned biting my lip at the sight.
           “Pull your pants down and push the seat back.”
           “Niya this isn’t- “
           “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh just do it.”
           Once the seat was far enough away from the steering wheel I climbed over to his side of the car. The heat coming off of his body was almost tangible. Immediately his hands went to my ass, caressing and squeezing it. I cupped his face kissing him lightly while grinding my hips into his.
“I’m sorry baby. Do you forgive me now? Hmmmmm?”
                       I slowly pushed my fitted dress up to my waist, exposing my smooth bare pussy. Erik groaned adjusting himself under me.
“Why are you doing this to me Niya?”
           I brought my hand to my mouth licking my palm all the way up to my fingertips coating them with my tongue before gripping his length. I could feel the grip he had on my ass cheeks tightening with every stroke, pre-cum dripped down his shaft providing me with more lubrication. Up and down I worked him, his moans and groans filling the air until I had him right on the edge.
“Are you still mad at me?” I asked stroking him teasingly.
           All he could do was shake his head no. I smiled beaming with happiness. I knew Erik was putty in my hands and I loved it. I kissed a trail from his soft lips down to his neck, where I began to suck and bite at his flesh wanting to leave my mark on him. He growled and smacked my ass hard. I moaned into his ear and nibbled at his earlobe.
           His hand took hold of my wrist stopping its movement. His eyes peered into mine. His breathing was shaky. I loved seeing him like this. Overcome with lust, vulnerable, needy.
“You can’t make me cum yet…I need to be inside you. I need to feel you.”
“You need me?” I moaned.
“Yes. Please…please put my dick inside.”
           The sound of my hand connecting with his cheek echoed in the car. I felt the vibrations coming from his chest as he growled, the sting still fresh on his face. I licked my lips as I rubbed his tip against my entrance, back and forth. His hips bucked and he groaned with impatience.
“Don’t tease me Niya.”
I giggled.
“Are you still mad? Tell me Erik do you forgive me?”
“Ugh yes I forgive you just -“
           Before he could finish his words, I started to sink down onto him inch by inch. I kissed him passionately as my walls stretched to accommodate his size. I arched my back to get just the right angle.
“What are you waiting for. This is what you wanted right? You better work for it Erik.”
           He pumped his hips into me slowly at first, then gradually picking up speed until the entire truck was moving. His hands were all over me exploring my body. Pressure built up in my core as he rammed me.
“Niya…why you feel so good? Huh? Why you do this to me? Making me want you so bad. Fuuuck. Your pussy feels soo good on my dick. So, fucking tight and wet. Damn baby you’re so beautiful.”
“You’re so sweet. Do you love my pussy baby?”
“Say it.”
“I love you’re pussy”
“I love you’re pussy so much. Fuck I’m about to cum”
            I could feel myself getting close too. I sat up placing my hands on his chest for support. His big dick kept hitting my spot over and over again making my juices run down my thighs covering his shaft and balls.
“Mmmm you want me to cum with you baby?”
He growled, pumping up into me even harder. His grip on my hips was so tight I knew that spot would be sore tomorrow.
“That’s what you want isn’t it? You’re so nasty. Make me cum Erik. Do it.”
           My nails dug into his chest. He placed one of his hands on my stomach, using his thumb to rub my clit. I threw my head back in ecstasy. My walls began to contract and spasm.
“Fuck baby just like that. Cum with me, cum on my dick. Keep cumming on my- “
           Erik’s dick throbbed and twitched inside me as his hips bucked and convulsed with his orgasm. I could feel so much of his cum filling me up.
           Once I knew he was completely done. I placed a light kiss on his lips before grabbing his face in my hand.
“Don’t ever forget who’s in charge here.”
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wakandamama · 6 years
All I Want is You
After a few years of only letters, photos and calls. Erik finally shows up to show you he's real. (Nasty)
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 "Go to sleep you got exams in the morning." Erik's deep voice said quietly. 
You giggles a bit, drunk on your tiredness. You had a full and stressful day of classes and work. You had been studying all day for your master exam tomorrow. You went to your professor officer hours for as long as you could, have been writing random blurbs of knowledge down and even listen to your notes while you worked in the cafe for your five hour shift. 
You came home with a growing stress headache but pressed through by taking a nice warm shower, changing into a worn oversize t-shirt and boy-shorts. You planned on having a warm cup of caramel coffee and a date with your text books until ten then would hit the hay.
Then Erik called. 
You meet Erik a year ago in a community service program, you wrote letters and made phone calls with soldiers who were from your hometowns with no family. His profile called to you like siren's song.
He's black as fuck. So are you.
He hella honest. So are you.
He talks both in Ebonics and Shakespearean.  So do you.
To be honest he's boujee.
So. Are. you. 
So you wrote him, told him about how the neighborhoods had changed in Oakland (also how not a damn thing had evolved), about yourself and what you liked, even some poetry. He called you first and that was it. 
Whenever both of you had the availability you called, texted and wrote to another. You never thought you could fall in love with letters smudged with dirty finger prints and wet ink or a deep soul grazing voice that sound like both the boys you grew up with on the block and a man you only thought was in white romance novels. 
It was hard to admit you had hard feelings for Erik. You hadn't seen anything besides his clean cut military picture or selfies but, you did. You found a hole grow in your heart when he was on radio silence or missed his call time and couldn't text back for weeks or how you poured over his letters until you could recite them when the mail was just too slow.
You were stuck on Erik Stevens. 
You were happy when he was sent back state side, but he was at MIT. You were at Spelman. Both of you too busy for more than the some weekly FaceTime or phone calls. And even that could be iffy.
"I think, I'm still wired up from that coffee I drank to get some more studying in." you whisper to the screen, closing the text book in front of you and laying back on the couch. You chuckle as he kisses his teeth.
"Well go for a run or somethin'. Get that extra energy out, so you can get your extra ass to bed."
"I'm Extra?" you tease back and shutter at his raspy chuckle.
"Hell yea, who the hell listens to themselves say they own notes while taking some cream of tartar ass bitch's latte order?" he jokes and you laugh.
"Girls who have extra ass niggas who make extra ass comments like 'cream of tartar ass bitch'. I'm just tryna get this degree and get this bread E." you laugh and he hums.
"Well I like my girls extra. I don't mind it, you sound sexy as hell when ya all determined and shit. That passion in ya voice keep me going. Makes me feel good, like there is something worth the fight out there beside....um....just thanks for being you, you little nerd." he says, getting soft and serious and you hum.
"Your voice keeps me going too. Outside of my besties and auntie....you all I got...you make me feel good too Erik." you say and his end of the line goes quiet for a bit. 
"Fuck Y/N. I can't believe you real sometimes." he whispers and you glance at the clock to see it one thirty in the morning. The exam was at ten.
"I think the same. I want to see you one day. Feel you." you say softly and he is silent again. 
"Nah you wouldn't. I....I got some scars...I can be a scary dude. You soft, you make me feel soft.  You're from a world I ain't been in contact with in years." he explains and you sniff.
"Don't say that shit! You are worthy....It's like whenever I hear you, you control me. You make me sensitive and shit, like every part of me wants something." you say he hums and you hear him stepping up some wooden steps. 
"Fuck...you must be in my head. You say everything on my mind. I didn't think some letters and phone calls could lead me to something as good as you baby." he confesses. You giggle lightly in the confession, feeling your heart swell as your toes curl.
"Erik...I...I think I love you. I want you a lot. I wish I could see you." you say and suddenly he gives a deep chuckle that start to tie a knot in your stomach. 
"Would you want me in you?" he ask and you freeze as the line drops and three soft knocks come on your apartment door.
You look wide eyed at the door and get up, you run over and throw it open to be engulfed by the strong figure of the man you always wanted to touch. He looked better in person. His thick, brown skinned arms encircle your waist and pick you up a bit, you wrap your arms around Erik's neck. 
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Warm. The warmth of him was so strong it was sweltering. His smooth calloused fingers grasps your lower back and massages in like claws on your soul and you feel him.
His presence is like a peaceful night. It's strong like hundred year old trees and locks you in like hundreds of chains. His eyes are almost jet black and rich like the ink of his letters. Ya'll mold into one another like clay, or a masterpiece coming together as he grips you like he's trying to prove you are real.
"Damn." he hisses softly and you cry silently as you bury into his collar bone and smell his intoxicating scent. It's a mix of leather, spice and you finally found out what home smells like. 
You break the long embrace as he kicks the door close. You two quickly get lost in each others eyes and you look at his smooth full lips. You bite on your bottom lip as his look like they just might fit yours perfectly. He smiled down at you and gently grips your chin. 
"You want this? You want me forreal?" he asks and you smiled as he wipes a tear off your cheek.
"Yea...it's selfish.....it's damn selfish how much I want you." you say. This makes him smirk and his bottom grill gleamed in the dull light.
"How much of me you want?" he ask and you roll your shoulder back and looked at his chest.
"Right now...I want those eyes staring at me." you tell him as you lose yourself in them. Pulling yourself so close, your chin rest on his chest and you have to stare up at him.
"I want your lips on mine." you say. He hummed in response, looking fine and smooth as his eyebrow twitches up mocking and teasing you. He is first to move however. He presses a kiss to your lips. A quick smack followed by a slowing pulling kiss. 
You move in his lead and ya'll moan into each other with wet smacks. He tastes as sweet and unreal as forbidden fruit. He pulls back and kisses your face. Starting with the arch of your cheekbone and up to the corner of your eyes then the side of your head. When his lips graze of your chin you shudder and get weak in knees as he buries in to suck on your neck. 
"I...damn...I want ya hands on me." you whisper through pants and hitches of voice, as his lips mark their trail furiously up and down your neck and chest and your eyes flutter shut as he massages his fingers up your back. 
His lips come back to yours. He presses you into himself almost dipping you down with the pleasure of the pressure. His right hand comes around in between the tight space of your bodies, you gasp then giggle as his cool hands slip up your shirt and cuffs your right breast. 
He squeezes lightly and his thick, firm fingers send goosebumps over your skin as her rub over your nip and massage the swell of it with his cool palms. You take his gesture as the a sign. One hand squeezes on his firm bicep while the other pulls him closer by the loop of his jeans.
"You wanna go a bit further baby?" he whispers into you ear and you damn near let your eyes roll back, but nod. He hums and slowly takes your shirt off, you whine at the brief lose of his lips when he get the shirt over your head. You are answered by him chuckling into your teeth as he licks into your tongue. Your hands lock together behind his head and neck, the tip of your fingers trying to bury into the roots of his dreads. 
His other hand drops from your back to your ass and squeezes. Just hard enough to cause you to grunt , then moan, as he rubs it out. Erik breaks the kiss to watch your face, you look back up at his with dazed eyes. He licks his lips and haul you up by the waist and locks your left leg around his hips by the knees. You buckle as his steady fingers start to work the soft sensitive skin behind your knee and you grip him back with your other leg. Once he had you higher than himself. He turns and presses you against the door.
Ya'll are face to face now and you read him like one of his letters.
You see glimpses of hesitation yet there is yearning. Fire burns in those eyes and it's building, like lava bubbling to burst into an explosion. His expression is wanting and wiling. Like he want to pleas every needs he made in you and wanting everything you promises him.
"Shit! Your’re so damn beautiful. I...never thought I would have something this fine in my hands." he mumbles and you hold his face in your hands. Gently and slowly, you lean over until you can kiss his face. You kiss down his forehead and down he side of his cheek until your next to his ear.
"I'm real baby and I've been waiting for you. My mind, my heart, my soul...my body." you whisper In between each lick and kiss that you trail down his face until ya'll kiss lip to lip again. He carefully walks himself back until you two come to the sofa. 
Erik lays you down and you watch as he takes his shirt off and you give a small soft gasp. The tops of his shoulders and the right peck of his chest is covered in short horizontal ridges of scars. You sit up as he sit himself beside you. He doesn't look you in the face but looks at your legs. You crawl over into his lap until you are facing him and your legs trap him in. 
"What it this? When you said you had scars....I didn't expect this." you whisper and he sighs and mold his big hands around your waist. He nods though, which makes you hum as you run your finger down his firm and defined chest, his skin is highlighted in lines by the soft shine of the streetlights outside your window blinds. 
"I said I wanted you. I mean that shit. I want all of your Erik Steven, even ya scars." you say softly, resting your forehead against each others and he sighs in relief and you feel him further relax under you. He looks into your eyes and a smirk cross over his once soft face and his eyes read like a big cat getting it's prey. You give a cry of surprise as you are suddenly on the couch and your panties dangle on one ankle. Erik is between your legs, with one hand still holding your side and the other he used to support himself as he looms over you, an inch from your face.
"I want you too Y/N. I want so many things of you. The first thing I want though? Is a taste." he say and your gasp as he kiss your deeply. Dipping his tongue in and smacking, when he breaks the kiss you looked at him wide eyed for a moment but then smile and twist the end of one of his dread in your finger tips.
"Go ahead and eat then." you breath. He smiled and kneels on the side of the couch and moves you over, so his head is in between your legs and breathes over your pussy before diving in with his tongue.
You gasp through a laugh and arch up, one hand grips into his hair and the other hold the back of the couch. He plays and flicks his tongue in ya folds, the dull golden points of his grill graze and scrape softly against your pussy lips. You cry out. His hand grip your ass until the skin gives a sweet ache in reaction. You whimper a small cry as you slowly ride up in you seat, pushing his face in deeper and his beard tickles the soft insides of your thighs. 
You buck as he chuckles and one of his hands glides up your stomach and his thumb plays under your breast and gently twist and encircle the nipple. You let go of his head to grasp the other breast. Panting in anticipation for his next move.
And Goddamn do this nigga got plans.
You moan out as he starts different tactics. His two fingers push in as he starts to flick his young in different paced circle around your clit. You watch in shock as your legs are in the air and jiggle back and forth as he slides his hand down to fully pump you on his hand. Your eyes roll back as he loudly and purposefully smack his lips and slide his talented tongue around in you. 
"Erik!" you scream out in moan as climax. You spilling out in his mouth and pant as he sit up with a proud smile and licks your juice off his hand. He licks his lips and rubs at his chin and beard of your juices. 
"Damn, I didn't know you wanted to drown a nigga baby. I need to get a feel of that pussy." he groaned out. You nod and watch him stand up. You watch as his hands go to his belt and stop him. 
You swallowed and shivered as you moved his hands to the side. Your try to steady your breathing with the stars of your orgasm still hazing you as you unbuckle his belt and drop his pants. 
Erik bellows a vibrating laugh as you gasp at him.
How the fuck was you suppose to get to your exam if you can't walk in the morning?
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horrorsbf · 5 years
For the angst fluff prompts, 99 “I fell in love with you, not them” for you and Gordon
Jim Gordon had a hard time wrapping his head around what David did for a living.
Well, not for a living. One doesn’t exactly get money from stalking and harassing child abusers. At the same time, though, it felt like that. Jim would kiss his boyfriend goodbye as he did up his tie, and mutter hellos as the man headed out for the night.
It happened every night, just like Jim left every day. That showed it was for a living, right? When someone’s living their job.
But it was confusing. It was confusing and every night Jim wanted to tug David by the wrist into bed, so they could curl up together. It felt like he was having a dog-instinct. He had to think of a solution to get rid of this urge.
There were a few times a day that their lives intercepted. It was late afternoon, Jim freshly off work and David not heading out yet. The sun made everything a soft golden in their apartment as they sat.
Jim gave David space by sitting across from him, but reached out to take both his hands in a soft hold. He almost started rubbing the scars, indented in the skin, ones he knew so well.
“You know I’m Commissioner, right?”
“yes, jim,” David rolls his eyes. “you get to flaunt that title every room you walk into. ‘gcpd! this is commissioner gordon!’.”
His voice stays quiet even when he mimics Jim’s swan song. It’s accurate, because it pulls a laugh out of the Commissioner.
“But that means that I’m in charge of the whole department,” He lets out a breath. “That means I could put anyone on the payroll that I wanted to.”
The handsqueeze he gives is a sign that this is supposed to an emotional suggestion. David shakes his head.
“sounds like you could abuse real easy, jim. what of it? got some nasty people on the payroll you want me to sort out?”
Oh. Shit, Jim forgot that he couldn’t naturally imply things like he did with Lee or Barbara. His face flushed. So he had to explain it.
He squeezes David’s hands again.
“David, I want you to come work with me. As an outside source. You’d get paid, and you’d have semi-regular hours, and you could come get coffee with me every morning. We can see each other so much more often.”
It’s a romantic sales pitch, an infomercial for part of Jim’s heart.
David’s eyes are wide. He stutters for a moment, and shakes his head. When he squeezes back, his nails almost dig in.
“jim, no, i could never work for the police. you know that.”
“Why not? You could help so many more people. It’s so much less corrupt now. You trust me, right? I’m there, and I’m in charge there.”
Jim knew how happy he sounded. How badly he wanted this to happen. In his mind, he could finally sate that puppy-dog urge. The want to lay in bed in David and sleep peacefully.
“jim...” The younger’s voice shifted from the playful tone to stern, still soft. “i fell in love with you, not them.”
That part hit him. It was a response he never expected. David loved him, thank God, but this was a way to say it that shocked him.
“I know but- I’d love to see you more, though.” There’s a little whine in his words. His tone makes David smile- he sees the puppy-dog.
“i love you, jim. look, look, puppy, i’ll come see you at work, yea? i ain’t ever gonna join, but i’ll pop in like i used to. sprawl out on your desk like i did a decade ago.”
“Oh, Jesus.” Jim chuckles, but inside, he’s excited. Somehow they had come to a middle ground without any arguments. The happy puppy came back. He squeezed those hands once more.
“Okay. Okay, that sounds perfect.”
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Kiwi 🥝 Harry Styles Part 2
Part 1
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Song: Kiss it Better- Rihanna
First smut since my breakup??? Hell yea I’m feeling better 😜
Warnings: smut, Harry styles being daddy dominant, oral (f), CEO!Harry Styles, slight angst
Relationship: Harry Styles x black plus sized reader
“Hello love” Harry says. I look up giving him a glare and he smirks sitting on the my desk.
“What’s up boss” I emphasize
“Nothing much what about you”
“Nothing. I need to get my nails done sometime soon”
“Why not today?”
“Cause I have bills sweetie” he shakes his head chuckling. Harry pulls out a fat stack and hands me a couple hundred.
“Harry what the hell is this?”
“For your nails and whatever else you need matter of fact” he hands me the entire thing but I push it away
“I don’t need it I’m fine”
“Here love I can make this back in a day”
“But if you keep it that won’t be necessary”
Truth be told I was a little behind but I always keep my private life private.
“Fine but I’m not taking the whole thing”
“You’re taking the whole thing” I stuff the money in my purse and roll my eyes. I notice a few people staring at us and it brings me back to that night. Who saw us? I can name only a few of the 2 hour stands he’s had in the office but I don’t know if there are more.
“You ok?” He asks
“Can we talk privately in your office please?” He nods and stands up. I push myself out and follow him where he shuts and locks the door.
“You look stunning today” I look down at the little dress and cardigan I have. Fall is coming and you can definitely feel it in the air. I smile lightly. “Is everything ok love?”
“Have you figured out who it was in the office that night we had sex”
“No why are you worried about it?”
“Harry I could lose my job over this let alone my reputation”
“Sweetheart I’m the boss right?” I stay quiet standing awkwardly “answer me”
“Ok then so I call the shots and you won’t be fired and I assure you anyone who has anything to say about what we did will be fired” I nod. “Come here”
I walk over to him and he pulls me closer kissing my lips. The kiss is so enrapturing I forgot we were in the office.
“Mmm” I sigh. I pull away “you’re not gonna get me that easily”
“Even with your thick thighs around my head?” I groan laying my head on his shoulder. He smiles moving his hand down to my ass. I push it back up smirking.
“Business Harold” I stand up straight and walk out going back to my desk. Danny comes over with a smile.
“What was that about?”
“Absolutely nothing”
“Mhmm sure oh did you hear about some girl riding Harry on Friday?” My eyes go wide and my mouth dries out “I’m sure she can’t be any different from his other collection of whores”
I feel tears blur my eyes but I blink them away.
“Really everyone knows?”
“Hell yea Catherine ran around talking about it” I look to him and feel anger surge through my veins. Catherine was one of Harry’s whores.
“She said she looked a lot like you” I stare at Danny and he gasps
“No way”
“Shut up and don’t say a word to anyone” I emphasize
“Oh shit does Harry know it’s her?”
“No and I’m not gonna tell him or she’ll be out of a job just let it cool down”
A week goes by and things have been constant. Fewer people are talking about it which is good.
I walk into work and see people snickering and talking about me. Harry isn’t here yet he’s in the car fixing himself after we did the nasty real quick.
“What?” I ask
“It was you” Catherine comes out. This bitch “I’ve finally figured it out”
I see I’m wearing the same shirt from that night which is how she figured it out. This girl is good I’ll give her that.
“You’re the whore that fucked Harry Friday night”
Everyone comes up to me overwhelming me. I feel dizzy. I hear a high pitch whistle and everyone turns seeing Harry.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Harry this whore made you fuck her?” I see red and drop my bag going to lunge at her. Hands wrap around my waist and it’s Danny pulling me back.
“Nah she not about to disrespect me like this”
“Calm down mami” he says. I stop fighting and stand taking off my heels.
“Catherine did you start this rumor?” He strolls closer hands clad in his pockets.
“It’s not a rumor I seen-“
“Did you start this?”
“Yes sir. But she fucked her way to the-” he cuts her a death glare gritting his teeth.
“You’re fired” I’ve never seen Harry this mad. “does anyone else have anything else to say? The next time you decide to speak negatively on Y/N or myself I’ll have you removed instantly. As for you get your stuff and leave the premises immediately”
“But Mr. St-“
“Now” he hisses. She jumps and grabs her things. Everyone’s jaw is dropped including mine. “Y/N office please”
Danny lets me go and I put my heels back on. I jog slightly catching up to him. He closes the door behind me locking it and wraps his hand around my throat. I can see the lust dripping from his eyes.
“Fuck me” I beg. He smirks smashing his lips against mine. He pushes me against the wall and lifts my skirt. Harry took my underwear so I’m bare underneath. He drops his pants and rolls on a condom. Harry pushes my legs back and behind to thrust into me with such force the picture is knocked off the wall.
I moan quietly scared everyone will hear.
“I wanna hear you, I want them to hear you”
“Do it or you won’t cum” Harry drills my g-spot making me lose myself.
“Fuck” I moan out.
“That’s it” my lower back and bouncing against the wall. My nails fit into his back pulling my closet in which he goes deeper. I gasp arching my back which gives him access to my neck. He licks a broad line up my neck and sucks on it. Harry drops one of my legs and puts his hand around my throat against his time shoving two fingers in my mouth. I suck on them.
“Fuck darling you’re so needy. Fucking again right after we just did”
“Yes” I moan hitting my head against the wall. I barely even feel it because of the pain and pleasure Harry is inflicting on me.
I begin to pull on his hair, something I always did when I was about to cum. This orgasm is so much more intense than before in the car and Friday that I don’t even know what to do with myself.
“I can feel you clenching yourself baby” he grunts and digs his short nails into my thigh spurting into the condom “fuck love”
“Harry” I warn. He pulls out and gets on his knees throwing a leg over his shoulder. He sucks on my clit prominently which is enough to make me shake. I’m about to lose my balance when I grab onto the door knob for leverage.
“Cum in my mouth baby” he moans. I push his hair back and scream trying to close my legs. He finally unlatches and and I gasp trying to catch my breath. Harry comes up showcasing those deep dimples. I pull my skirt down and place my hands on my hips watching him get himself together.
“so how about dinner tonight?”
“uh I didn’t think you were serious about really firing someone” I say disregarding his question
“For you baby? I’d fire everyone” he winks “now let’s get back to work I’m quite sure nobody will have anything to say after Catherine’s situation”
“Yes sir” I turn around and look in the mirror fixing my hair. Harry smacks my ass hard and I rub the burning spot glaring at him.
“Don’t glare at me or I’ll bend you over” he says sitting behind his desk.
“Pick me up at 7”
“Yes ma’am”
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phoenixrisingwoman · 6 years
1-102. You should have known I was gonna do this.
This friendship was a mistake.
1) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? any HSM song brings me back to my childhood & also oldies that my parents used to play in the house like stand by me by Ben E. King, unchained melody by the Righteous Brother,….
2) did you have a memorable childhood pet? I think every one of my pets is memorable. one that specificly comes to mind would have to be our Tervuren. We took him in because his owner didn’t take care of him and was planning on ditching him in the middle of the woods. the poor thing got treated like some kind of monster when he only asked for the bare minimum, to get treated with respect and basic kindness. I still remember how easily he trusted us. We were a family of 5 so to have 5 strangers around you all of a sudden and not get defensive and lash out especially after getting treated so badly by humans is one thing but to completely immediately trust us wow. He was such a gentle and sweet dog and it hurts my heart when I think about how he died. He had cancer. Fucking dogs man i know i say this about all dogs but he really was an angel. What a pure soul.
3) have you ever been drunk? yes
4) have you ever tried drugs? i’ve only eaten space cake and that’s it. but i don’t really have any desire to ever try hard drugs.
5) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? 99% of the time I regret what I say because I am dumb and say some real embarrassing shit
6) have you ever made someone cry? I hope not, unless they were happy tears!
7) has someone ever made you cry? most likely yeah i’m just very sensitive and take a lot of things to heart.
8) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. i've never been in love9) which came first the chicken or the egg? The real question is where does a circle begin and where does it end?
10, 11) already answered
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? read the answer to question 8
13) are you a good cook? i mean i’m not the worst but there’s always room for (a lot of) improvement.
14) already answered
15) what is the last movie you cried during? i can’t remember but hatchiko is a movie that can always make me cry.
16) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
It’s such a long list so i’m going to narrow it down to a few: Skillet - Would It matter, DNA - Lia Maria Johnson, you don’t know - Katelyn Tarver, Adam’s song - Blink 182 , 24 floors - The Maine, Sleepless nights - Faber Drive, Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande & I can’t make you love me/ nick of time - Bon Iver. That’s some real sad shit.
17) do you have a middle name? Nope18) have you been out of your country? yes, I’ve been to Italy, England, Turkey, The Netherlands and Germany & this summer i’m going to Spain.19) are you a chocolate fan or not? I am a huge slut for chocolate always20) how many people have you kissed? only one because I have no game21) already answered22) what is your dream car? don’t have a specific one in mind but a range rover looks nice. as long as my car is big enough to take all my dogs with me to the beach, i’m satisfied.23) what is your lucky/favorite number? don’t have one24) what is your favorite flower? i like water lilies a lot25) books or movies, why? Both. Depends. you can get lost in books and imagine the characters/scenery more and the words just stick with me more when i read them? But movies are also nice if a certain character gets played by a good actor and really brings it all to life.26) have you ever been on a blind date? I’d rather not get murdered on my first date. so to answer this question no.27) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? yeah in my teenager years 28) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? don’t really see the point in hurting a friend? If a friend betrays my trust i’ll cut them out of my life immediately and never speak a word to them again nor will i waste any more energy on them or be willing to listen to whatever bullshit excuse they want to try. I’m very loyal and loving but if someone takes advantage of that and betrays my trust then I have no problem with cutting them out of my life and continuining as if we were strangers all along. i can take a lot but i don’t fuck with fake people.29) what thing do you symbolize love with? many things really but that’s because i think love comes in many forms. friendship, hobbies, pets, lovers, family,…i think love is all around us really. a tiger playing with her cub, puppies play fighting a lil too rough with an older dog but the older dog allowing them because they still need to learn their boundaries, strangers pulling funny faces at babies or playing along with a game a kid made up, someone giving up their seat and so on. I think all of these acts symbolize love. Once you stop seeing love as this strictly romantic thing i think it’s easy to find it everywhere you look. no matter how small the gesture.30) do you have neat handwriting? It’s not too bad i think. 31) do you have a friend with benefits? nope32) do you want a friend with benefits? I don’t really think i’m cut out for that type of thing. I mean whenever someone holds the door for me i think about it for like days after so I really am not sure if I could trust myself with seeing it as only a friendship with benefits and nothing more.33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? a siren, a wolf, a forest nymph, harry styles’ next gf haha34) have you ever been blackout drunk? yeah35) have you ever met someone famous? no :(36) how many concerts have you been to? uhh i think 13-ish37) which concerts have you been to? first ones were Justin Bieber (don’t judge), 1d, 5sos, ed sheeran, the script, dua lipa, harry styles, lord huron38) do you have a hidden talent? i can go trough 10 different emotions in the span time of an hour39) what do you do when you’re stressed? shut down, cry, get angry or all of the above.40) do you think money can buy love? money can buy things you love and that make you happy so i guess in that sense you can buy ‘happiness’ & ‘love’, but if we’re talking about real, true, genuine feelings then no that kinda love can’t be bought41) how old would you date? the oldest like 24 but for a sugar daddy i am always willing to make an exception42) have you ever done something illegal?  jaywalking is illegal but most of us have done it at some point so like nothing too illegal43) what is your biggest fear? for my loved ones? that they wil never get all the goodness in life that they truly deserve and that life will treat them like shit and inflict pain upon them that i’ll never be able to undo. for myself? i’m scared i’ll never truly feel like I belong and will never truly feel happy and that once I’m close to dying i’ll be faced with the fact I’ve wasted all my time.44) what is an unusual fear you have? having a doppelganger that’s a real piece of shit and people thinking it's me that has done all that nasty shit to them and me eventually being sentenced for it while the real demon is still out there...yea idk 
45) can you drive? no haha i really need to get my license46) do you believe in supernatural creatures? yes but i’m not sure to what extend but I do believe there are certain things living on this earth unbeknownst to us. 47) do you believe in karma? i think what goes around comes around. or so i truly hope.48) what is one quality you need in your partner? above all my partner needs to be kind. no matter what.49) do looks matter? i’m not going to be a hypocrite and say no because there does need to be a certain level of attraction but it’s not like looks are the most important thing about someone.50) does size matter? which size are we talking about here. but no idc if you truly love someone, you take them as they are. not a single cell in your body would even think about changing anything about them because they already are perfect just the way the are.51) who is the last person you forgave? myself for being so dumb52) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry and chocolate53) already answered 54) ever been on a plane? obviously55) ever been on a boat? yes56) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? yea a highschool friend that i haven’t heard in years.57) are there any friendships you regret? yes, this one58) are there any friendships you wish you could make? yes @harrystyles if you ever wanna hang out hit me up. i am free almost always so we can hang out whenever you are free too. thanks my dude.59) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? no60) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? yes61) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? no but one day I will!62) are you scared of rollercoasters? yeah and i wish i wasn’t. but i always imagine some final destination type of shit when i’m on it so i tend to avoid rollercoasters and such. I’m a paranoid bitch.63) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? 664) do you have any plans this weekend? yes 65) do you miss anyone right now? not really66) who do you wish you were talking to right now? the ghost of Christopher McCandless. I’d like to hear his stories and thoughts. he seemed like a very interesting individual.67) already anwered68) who is your favorite superhero? catwoman? idk i don’t really have a fave superhero69) are you dirty minded? me? an angel? of course not.70) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at the 80’s? this question should be illegal. how am i supposed to choose one? there are so many bops.71) how many kids, if any, do you want? at the moment i don’t want kids but if that ever changes 2 would be enough.72) who is your biggest OTP? don’t have one73) what is your favorite food? lasagna & pizza. other than that cake/chocolate/anything cookie or candy related. I have a sweet tooth okay 74) do you want to be married one day? idk I don’t really feel the need to get married but if someone is willing to marry my annoying ass then I’m grabbing that chance with both hands.
75) dogs or cats? both but unfortunately i’ve only owned dogs till now so i’m hoping that will change soon!                                                                   76) already answered77) have you ever seen a shooting star? nope78) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? No, unless the aliens are there too. then sign me the fuck up79) how many best friends do you have? 380) when was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago81) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? mind ur own bussiness82) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? yeah83) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? countryside of Ireland, Sweden or Northern Wilderness84) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? gentle, dreamer, stupid 85) do you consider yourself a loyal person? yes, very loyal until you give me a reason not to. but even then i won’t badmouth you i’ll just erase your whole existence from my memory.86) what is your favorite season and why? summer bc i need that vitamin D to beat the sad bitch in me. but also autumn because SWEATER WEATHER87) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? no, i don't easily say i love you to someone 88) do you know how to play any instruments? no :(89) already answered90) what are you allergic to? pineapple. i might have other allergies i’m unaware off.91) already answered92) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? I’d wanna be Daenerys Targaryen because I want to have dragon friends who will fly me anywhere I wanna go. also talk about an entrance when you arrive with your fucking dragon somewhere.93) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? harry styles, niall horan, BØRNS or Maggie rogers because they seem like fun people to be around that will just brighten your day by being in their company.94) are you outgoing? nope, unless you catch me in those rare energetic moods or if i’m drunk then I do shit even I don’t want to know about.95) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? no96) are you a good flirt? probably not because i always say some weird shit and kill the mood haha97) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? nope98) already answered99) are you superstitious? not really100) are you a good listener? i like to think so101) are you a good kisser? who knows102) would you kiss any of your friends? depends how much money is involved
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enzoseven · 4 years
LyricsYo, shout out to everybody that worked on the album You feel me, son? Yo, shouts out to Ty Dollas Shouts out to Hodgy Daddies, shouts out to Left Brizzle Shouts out to Domyon, shouts out to Frankie Ocean Shouts out to Syd the Dude, shouts out to L-Boy AwkBig eared bandit is tossing all his manners In a bag and wrapping them in seran wrap bandages Tossing 'em in baskets with the rest of those sandwiches So when he says "Catch up, nigga" it looks like an accident Um, flowing like my pad is the maxiest My bitch white and black like she's been mimicking a panda It's the dark skinned nigga, kissing bitches in Canada Then kicking all out like Mr. Lawrence did Pamela Put her in the chamber all against her Wilt Chamberlain I never had a Reason, nigga I was just Ableton Not a fucking Logic contradicting dick head Flyer than an ostrich moshing in a tar pit Semen scented cheetah printed tee In that 'Preme five panel, I'll repeat it for the season Previous items in the present With the normal ass past like I cheated on my team It's me (Tried to get that nigga, but, Golf Wang)To have some type of knowledge that is one perception But knowing you own your opponent is a defeating bonus I'm Zeus to a Kronos, cartilage cartridge is boneless Smiles of cowards in lead showers Dead spouses in red blouses Children who fled houses on Mustang horses and went jousting I'm on my Robin Hood shit, robbin' in the hood Whips, drugs, jewels, and your pet, I'm stealing your rings Coke diamonds and your Vet, soldiers lace the fuckin' boot And salute like the troop when you shoot you gon' poop It's kill Hodgy, nigga, stay the fuck off my stoop And out my Kool aid, JuiceHodgy got the juice, I got the gin Jasper got the Henny, my nigga we get it in Wolf Gang party at the hotel I call a ho, you call a ho, and all the hoes tell You know Left Brain need a freak I need a bitch to go down like a Nitty beat Yup, uh, and her ass fat Don't be surprised if I ask where the hash at Nigga I'm tryin' to smoke, bitch get higher Domo where that Flocka Flame? Talkin' 'bout a lighter Still bang salute me or just shoot me Cause if you don't salute me then my team will do the shooting Yeah my nigga Ace will pull the black jack The king Mike G is in the cut with the black mac Livin' like the Mafia, bitch, don't get to slacking up And if these haters actin' up, throw 'em in the aqueduct Free my nigga Earl, yo, I don't really ask for much But two bad bitches in front of me cunnilingusWhat the fuck is caution? Often I leave you flossin' and cause exes next to coffins Lost in translation, the dreams you chase Got you diving for the plates like you stealin' home base That's great, I'm home alone dreamin' of two on ones With Rihanna and Christina Milian, bring it on And Travis is in the closet organizing and hangin' the tramp Three lettermans that Ace has been making him No strays while we catchin' matinees, huh? I'm gettin' blazed thinking 'bout those days I had the top off the GT3 like toupees One finger in the air, all's fair when crime pays My grand scheme of things is to be attached To the game like bitches to their wedding rings And you don't even need to look cause we gleam obscene In the light, ride slow to my yellow diamond shining Like the Batman logo over Gotham, rock LA to Harlem If you say "get 'em Mike G" then I got 'em One man squadron, nigga I'm a problem From Briggs I got bars and plans to Pimp these Polish bitches into pop stars Humanity kills, we all suffer from insanity still And if I said it then it is or it's gonna be real OF 'til I OD and I probably will, uhIt's still Mr. Smoke-a-Lotta-Pot, get your baby mommy popped With my other snobby bop, do I love her? Prolly not Know your shit is not as hot as anything I fuckin' drop Bitch I'm in the zone, stand alone, like Macaulay Cock I've been runnin' blocks since a snotty tot Big wheel was a big deal with the water Glock Now I'm all grown, sing songs just to give 'em watts Fire what I talk, but still cooler than the otter pop Op Dom neck shit in your wish list Mad sick shit, mad dick for your bitches On some slick shit, your mistress on my hit list And I'm lifted 'til I'm stiff out of this bitch Odd in your motherfuckin' area Blood clots give me five feet 'fore I bury ya Suicide flow, let the big wave carry ya Tyler got the mask like he held Jim Carey up And fuck your team, ho nigga wassup Wolf Gang so you know we not givin' no fucks You know me dog, I'm a chill in the cut so I can Cut it short, break it down, couple pounds, roll it upGet me a Persian rug where the center looks like GalagaRent a super car for a day Drive around with your friends, smoke a gram of that haze Bro, easy on the ounce, that's a lot for a day But just enough for a week, my nigga what can I say I'm hi and I'm bye, wait I mean I'm straight I'mma give you this wine, the runner just brought the grapes My brother give it some time, Morris, and Day Course you know the vibe's as fly as the rhymes On the song, cut and you could sample the feel Headphone bleed, make this shit sound real Used to work the grill, fatburger and fries Then I made a mil and them psychics was liars Now, how many fuckin' crystal balls can I buy and own Humble old me had to flex for the fogs Down in Muscle Beach pumpin' iron and bone Bumpin' oldies off my cellular phone Yeah, bumpin' oldies off my cellular phoneGoddammit, this rapping is stupid and it's hard Gotta do it over and over and over again but here I goHey it's Jasper, not even a rapper Only on this beat to make my racks grow faster Got a TV show, so I guess I'm an actor Pot head, half baked, lookin' like Chappelle Rollin' up a blunt with that fire from hell Still ignorant, still hit a bitch Wolf Gang, nigga, so I still don't give a shit Catch me in the back with Miley on my lap Bong rips as I feel on that little bitch catHah, nigga came through with a 9 bar real quick Just for the bitches, little bit of money in my pocket Fuck it, Wolf GangYeah, fuck that, look, the contrast is a pair of lips Swallowin' sarapin, settin' fires to sheriffs whips (Whoosp, whoosp) fuckin' All-American terrorist Crushin' rapper larynx to feed 'em a fuckin' carrot stick And me? I just spent a year Ferrisin' And lost a little sanity to show you what hysterics is Spit to the lips meet the bottom of a barrel So that sterile piss flow remind these niggas where embarrassed is Narrow, tight line, might impair him since I made it back to Fahrenheit, grimey get dinero type Feral, fuckin' ill apparel, wearin' pack of parasites Threw his own youth off the roof after paradise La di da di, back in here to fuck the party up Raidin' fridges, tippin' over vases with a tommy gun Never dollars, poppa make it rain hockey pucks And 60 day chips from fuckin' awesome anonymous Call him bloated 'til he show 'em that the flow deluxe Off the wall loafers, Four Loko, and a cobra clutch Vocals bold and rough, evoke a ho to pose as drum And let me hit and beat it with a stick until the hole was numb The culprit of the potent punch Scoldin' hot as dunkin' scrotum in a Folgers cup, or Nevada Drivin' drunk inside a stolen truck, shittin' like his colon bust Belly full of chicken and a fifth of old petroleum Supernova, I'm rollin' over the novices I'm roamin' through the forest and spittin' cold as the porridge is Stay gold 'til the case closed and the story end Post mortem porkin' this rap shit and record it To escort it to the morgue again, lord of lips Bored of this, forklift the tippy top, best under 40 list Stormin' the gate, ensurin' the bass, scorchin' ladies Motherfuckers sore in torso and face Get at me with savages, have a pack of Apache Indian pack of niggas who don't give a fuck if we nasty as flatulence As a matter of fact, your swagger is tacky So see me you can't like Crunchy Black catchin' a taxi Back like lateral passin' With that motherfuckin' gladiator manner of rappin' As an addict I let percocets and xannies relax me Fall back if your paddies is Maxi, pleaseOF, shit that's all I got From my bigger brother Frankie to my little brother Tac From that father figure Clancy to that skatey nigga Naks Shredding down 'Fax, Wolf Gang run the fuckin' block Storefront, knee tat Book cover is the same lettering on lettermans and cotton socks And grip tape, and my shoes Um, I was 15 when I first drew that donut 5 years later, for our label yea we own it I started an empire, I ain't even old enough To drink a fuckin' beer, I'm tipsy off this soda pop This is for the niggas in the suburbs And the white kids with nigga friends who say the n-word And the ones that got called weird, fag, bitch, nerd Cause you was into jazz, kitty cats, and Steven Spielberg They say we ain't actin' right Always try to turn our fuckin' color into black and white But they'll never change 'em, never understand 'em Radical's my anthem, turn my fuckin' amps up So instead of critiquing and bitching, being mad as fuck Just admit, not only are we talented, we're rad as fuck Bitches 
I don't own this lyrics I got it from odd future
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ddjuneten · 7 years
Number 62 [PromNight]
S/O to Chance the Rapper for inspiring me yet again.
(Is this that chance beat? … yea)
I got love for him like i got love for my homies, Silly affection in the silly ways they show mes. And no matter how far we may be roaming One conversation feels like they back home and they never even left. I’m not even scared of death, I’ll give these guys my very last breath because they always remind me to simply just love myself. Even while i’m writing this first song… Shit i hope i don’t disappoint, i hope i dont get this one wrong… The love i got for my guys got you wiping tears from your eyes. Its that mushy gushy shit she’d get wet from, Except its not even for her, She just wishes she had met them. Everyone’s jealous of what we got, Questioning the alcohol which we bought. Hoping if they drink the same then they can be like us, Nope and i think they lame. They can’t be like us! I ain’t got 99 bitches, but i got my 4 or 5 bros, We’ve gotten scraped up, I’m talking 99 stitches over 4 or 5 hoes, but we still came back after. Talking about others, nights filled with laughter, Flipping through the yearbook pages and chapters, I’m the Urkel in this episode of my “Friends Matters”. Wiping off the smudges on my glasses, Looking past the judges of the masses, I don’t give a shit about any of these asses! Unless its the asses of these nasty ass friends of mine, Cuz i think they’ll be around all the time. Even at the drop of a dime they’re by my side to listen to another silly rhyme or at least remind me that no matter what i still shine. They always got my back goddamn i gotta love them for that.
And it’s alright. And it’s okay. We’re all good. We’re with homies. Any problems, you can call us, it’s all love. It’s our love. (x2) Our relationship! That’s some special shit here and, I’ll rap this shit twice for those of you hard of hearing. Double bag it, sometimes i call my friends faggots, Non-derogatory term of endearment for our love… We’re 10% gay for each other but it’s all love. So it’s all good and none wood. Actually, I know at least one guy here who would. But that’s just who we are. The men of the hour, Cuz when shit go down we all Jack Bauers.  Travel the world in just 24 hours because nobody is ever gonna fuck with what’s ours! I dont usually get angry, but i’ll fight these cowards. Fuck it, if i have to i’ll even fuck up the real Jack Bauer! Hope i dont have to, but i’ll do anything in my power. I’m kind of a kind pacifist, But if they mess with this and my buddy’s in distress then i’ll turn full sadist, ready to start some shit. I’m do it, I’ll make the hit. I’ll take another hit. Just as long as my homies can also smoke a bit. Feeling light, getting lit, I wrote this for you guys so i guess this is it.
I’m looking down at my wrists, at this shit i writ, i think i’m at the end of my wits, But my homies tell me just roll with this shit. They keep me going, Help keep me flowing. Tell me i’m better than I know and, if i need anything else then it’s no thing, i ain’t got to worry about nothing. This gotta be love or something.
Cuz i wouldn’t want to do this with anybody but you guys(you guys) And i wouldn’t want to live this life if any of you dies(stay alive) I love you guys even if ya’ll aren’t too wise(fucking idiots) In fact when i call ya’ll dumbasses,  it’s just because i remember us in our high school classes. Vincent, you funny fucker with the jokes you’ve made. Jon Ho, bragging about hoes and how he’d be the first to get laid. And Puah, sure-ah, he was every girl’s crush, but it was Jeevs beard probably tickling thighs getting girls flushed. And if i needed someone sassy and true, I know i got Hieu, and i got Quach, If you ever need a laugh then he’s the man to watch. We tease him cuz his name rhymes with crotch, But he’s not at all a dick. Just kinda lame, not so cool, not that sick, He’s one of my healthiest relationships. Together we can sail the seas, me and you, Discover places brand new. Would ya’ll like to join my One Piece Pirate crew? Can ya’ll imagine all the wild shit we gon’ do? This is for you guys who have been true ever since the very start. So if i get famous, I’ll remember your faces. I won’t leave ya’ll in the dark. I’ll buy all your kids silver spoons, When i see ya’ll soon. (So good! So right!) Until next time fellas I’m only gonna miss you like hellas. (So good! So right!) Convos, laughter, and smiles. Through tribulations and trials (So good! So right!) Wherever, whenever, forever (So good! So right!) Cheers to us, here’s to us growing old together. (So long! Goodnight!) I love you guys i swear, just wanted to thank ya’ll for being there.
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fanforfanatic · 7 years
As You’re Told - FOUR
Relationships: Castiel x Reader Rating: Smut Warnings: Dom/sub, bdsm A/N: Orgasms occur this time!
~8000 words
Summary: You start dating Castiel, a famous physicist, when you get hired at the same university as him. A few months into the relationship, you explore dom/sub dynamics within your sex lives.
Read it on ao3
Chapters on tumblr: ONE  TWO  THREE  FOUR  FIVE  SIX
Chapter FOUR
You lock the door after him and let out a massive breath. You lean on the wall for a little while, waiting for the shit storm to hit. Waiting for the panic. For the embarrassment. For the What the fuck just happened? It doesn’t come. You wonder if it’s normal that you liked what you and Cas did so much. If it’s normal to enjoy- not just enjoy but relish- following orders as much as you did. But that’s the extent of the ramifications.
You’ve had wilder sex than this. Hell, you’ve had wilder sex than this with Cas. Hell, you didn’t really even get to the sex part. It was freaking frottage at the most. But. But. It was so intense. Every little thing felt massive, felt like the only thing, until the next thing. Then, that became the only thing.
You were nervous (really fucking nervous) in the beginning, but it definitely got easier. You hadn’t been able to get up from your chair when he first asked you to, but by the end you were under his damn thumb. (Your hand drifts to your left breast, then, though you don’t feel it through the thickness of the robe.) When you managed to do what Cas asked of you, it made the next task less daunting. At some point you stopped even thinking about it but you think that had more to do with how much you wanted to come. Probably.
You sigh again. No trainwreck for now. To keep it that way you know that you need to avoid thinking of just how pathetic you were at times. Begging and pleading, choking on your own words.
“Nope nope nope. Not going there.”
You trudge to the kitchen, realising just how thirsty you are and down a glass of water. You fill it up again, waiting patiently for the water distributor in the refrigerator door.  You take another few sips and leave it on the counter.
You go find your discarded clothes next. You pull on your jeans, forgoing underwear, and smell the shirt you had borrowed from Cas. It didn’t smell like sex or sweat or debauchery like you thought it might but you decide to get a fresh one anyway. You head back to the bathroom, the one that’s in Cas’ room and, once you pick up your panties and Cas’ underwear from the floor, drop them and the t-shirt in the laundry basket. You hang up the bathrobe and return to the bedroom.
You put on the bra you’d had yesterday and go to his dresser. The undershirts (and the socks) are in the second drawer. You open the first. The sight of the toys is too much too fast and has you slamming the drawer shut. You’re not a fucking prude, okay? You own toys. You didn’t feel embarrassed when you went and bought them in the store (ordering online is for wimps). You dirty talk as much as the next guy. Better. You really have a mouth on you when you get going in general. You’re a rambler. An excessive talker. That transfers into sex.
You had your tongue caught in your throat with Cas earlier today, because it’s not the same. It’s just not. Cas wanted you to say things and it was so out there. Not the words being said, but the saying of the words. Usually, when you’re saying the nasty while doing the nasty, you don’t see the other person staring at you like they’re holding back from ravaging you. Usually your head is pressed into a pillow where the words are muffled and your eyes are closed. Or the other person’s head is between your legs and you’re not maintaining constant eye contact. Usually, you’re so far gone by the time your lips get loose that you can’t be bothered feeling embarrassed. Can’t be bothered filtering any of it. It was different this morning, though.
Just like these toys are different. These toys aren’t in an old shoebox under your bed. They aren’t the alternative to your hand. These toys are full of Cas. Hand picked by Cas. Thoughtful and careful choices made by Cas. Rebuilt my collection , he’d said. He placed them here, in this drawer that has dividers. He organised them, probably re organised them when all the dildos didn’t fit in one section, decided to put the butt plugs there instead or some other arbitrary shit that happens when people are figuring out storage. Point is these are Cas’ . Meaning, he wanted to use them on someone in very specific ways and now he wants to use them on you. And you’re going to let him. You’re going to let him.
So, yeah, these toys are different and it’s a little hard to look at them. The world can bite your sweet ass.
You open the drawer again, just an inch and peek inside. There’s so many things in here, it’s full to the damn brim. You open the drawer more fully and force yourself to stare inside until you can stop your muscles from clenching. You don’t really take in most of what’s in there. You’re just- Exposure therapy. That’s what you’re doing, you realise. With a huff (once you’ve unclenched all your muscles), you close the drawer once more. You don’t need to be practicing psychology on yourself.
Except maybe you do. Shrugging on a new t-shirt from the second drawer you say, “I want you to touch me.”
Walking back to the kitchen you say, “Fuck me, Cas.”
After a sip of water you say, “Fuck me, Cas, please.” And then, “Please fuck me, Cas?” You wonder if there’s a grammatical preference for the order of the words. You shrug and head to the coat stand with your water. You’d left your satchel bag at the base of it, last night.
“Yes, I want you to take my underwear off. Yes, I want to stop being such a fucking loser. Would I like to not suck? Sure!”
You plop down onto the couch and pull your computer from your bag. You get about an hour of work done, taking care of the grades first, then diving into the powerpoint. You are the newest member of the faculty, at least as far as the physics department is concerned, so you get a lot of the tasks the people with seniority don’t want. Like hosting a seminar for confused freshmen who haven’t declared their major. You don’t mind it so much. You figure everyone’s gotta pay their dues.
After that first hour, you have to consciously stop yourself from researching dominant and submissive relationships. Information is power, but information can also get inside your head. Well, obviously that’s where information goes, but, whatever, you get what you mean.
You think what you glimpsed while filling out the checklist is enough to tide you over. You know that you can ask Cas questions, in any case, and he probably has trustworthy resources if ever you want to delve in deeper. Jumping blindly nerves first in the wild sea of the internet is not something you’re interested in doing when it comes to this. Still, you end up having to stop yourself from doing exactly that at least four times.
It’s when you’re trying not to cave for the fifth time that Cas decides to text you, like the saviour that he is.
How are you feeling?
About what we did?
We’ll talk about that in person. How r u feeling rn?
I’m good? You type out.
Cas got weird after Charlie called and at the time your mind was sluggish so you hadn’t caught on, but you know now that Cas was doing aftercare. Which is sweet, really, but unnecessary. You weren’t going to have that thing that subs have where they feel wonky after a scene, because you aren’t a real sub. Besides, you guys barely did anything, it probably doesn’t happen even to real subs unless there’s actual sex involved.
You continue typing: Nbd. Getting hungry, you gonna be here for lunch?
Cas’ answer is immediate. Nbd??
No big deal, old man
So you’re alright?
Yes sir :p ;) You follow up with, food?
I’m gonna be another two hours at least. Eat w/o me
Is the part.acc. data retrieved?
Working on it :( And then, Should be fine tho. What are you doing?
Procrastinating, because im a model prof
You feel up to doing something for me? It can wait til im home
You swallow. Are you up for it? Before, Cas was there to reassure you every time you thought you were in over your head. Cas isn’t here now. Then again, that also means you could freak out privately. And Cas’ eyes on you was thirty percent of the struggle.
Baby? It’s nbd :P we can wait
Ur sure?
You type: yeah, bruh, hit me with your best shot. You erase it and type: Wouldn’t say that I am if- You erase it and type: Im sure cas
Ur perfect
I want you to go the dresser and open the first drawer
Take every single toy in your hands and decide if you’d like it used on you
Make a no pile on the bed
Pick the one from the yeses you’d like to try first and put it on top of the dresser.
You stare at the onslaught of texts for a minute. Or two. Or maybe a whole fucking year goes by. Absentmindedly, you turn the sound of your phone off, in case Cas decides to go on another texting spree.
Do you understand?
Yea cas
Would you like to wait for me?
You picture it for a moment, Cas sitting on the bed, grinning at you while you go through each and every item, probably as red as a tomato.
Should I feel insulted?
Extremely so. I prefer when youre not around, i just rly like ur place
You’re cruel
Gottago deans got smt
Be good.
“Fuck,” You mutter, rubbing a palm against your left boob. “You be good, asshole.”
You shove your computer away like it’s what’s offended you and rise to your feet. In a Great Act Of Defiance, you decide to eat before doing what Cas asked. You’re a real rebel, alright.
You eat peanut butter on toast. You like that if the bread is hot enough the peanut butter melts a little. Then you eat one of the cannoli. And an apple. And a banana. And the leftover blueberries from breakfast. In fact, only once you’ve divested the kitchen of fruit (Castiel doesn’t keep junk at his place), do you go to the bedroom.
It mocks you. The drawer. It’s telling you that you’re a chicken shit and it’s right. You don’t need to be doing this. There’s literally no reason for you to do this. Expect that Cas told you to.
You sigh. You signed up for this. You don’t regret it, either. You enjoyed it this morning. You know that you did. So just shut your whore mouth and get rid of the toys that freak you out. Christ, it’s not nuclear physics.
Honestly, it’d be easier if it were.
After your pep talk, things go relatively smooth. You start with the buttplugs because that’s simple enough, you’d discussed them first during the checklist. You toss the largest one he’s got on the bed because you’re not interested in dying. It’s the same for the dildos but you also remove one of the smaller ones, just because you don’t like the shape.
Once you do that, the rest feels like more of the same. You pick up each vibrator and then put them back down, trying not to feel silly for picking up the ones you’re sure you’ll keeping just by looking at them. You continue through the rest of the gizmos and gadgets calmly, only squirming when you get flooded with ideas of just how Cas might want to use them. It’s almost therapeutic.
As far as bondage items go, you get rid of everything that has patent leather because you don’t like how shiny it is and how very sex club dominatrix queen (or something) it looks. There’s enough of the matt leather that you don’t think it’ll be a problem. You get rid of the rubber restraints that are so stiff you think they’d cut into your skin. You get rid of the cuffs that have fuzzy fur on them, even if its softness surprises you. If you’re going to be tied up you want it to be with classy stuff. Not something tacky even if you can tell that the cuffs are really good quality.
You get rid of the actual whip he has. Kinky, fucker. You get rid of a small pizza cutter style knife that has blunt points. You get rid of a wooden ruler because if Cas wants to do a professor role play so help you God. (You put the ruler back in the drawer.) You get rid of a gag that’s shaped like a penis and after a bit of hesitation you keep the ring gag.
Despite the healthy pile of things you did take out, what’s left outnumbers it by far. You’re about to close the drawer, but something gnaws at you. You leave the room only to return with post-its and a pen, all stolen from Cas’ desk. You write maybe on one and stick it on the ring gag. You write never before on another and stick it on magnetic spheres that mostly confuse you. You write out one more post it for the compartment of nipple clamps: Can’t really tell how intense these are, so we can work our way up? You black out the question mark because it’s not really a question, you decide.
You return the supplies to their places and settle on the couch again. Still, something gnaws at you. You go back to the drawer and remove the maybe post-it from the ring gag. You’d said on the checklist that you weren’t sure about it and you trust Cas to keep that in mind. This time, when you return to the couch, it’s with a deeply satisfied feeling.
The indicator on your phone flashes and you find you have texts and two missed calls from Cas.
20 minutes ago: How’s it going?
19 minutes ago: Are we having fun yet? ;)
10 minutes ago: Baby, I need you to tell me you’re alright
7 minutes ago: Answer me, now.
5 minutes ago: I’m going to call, pick up.
4 minutes ago: I need you to pick up, alright?
2 minutes ago: Im on my way
“Shit.” You click on the icon of a telephone at the top of the text conversation and listen to it ring once before Cas answers.
“ Thank, fuck. Are you okay? What are you feeling? ”
“Cas, I’m fine, seriously. I was, euh, I was, doing the thing, and I left my phone in the living room. No need to rush back.”
There’s an audible sigh of relief on his end of the line and it sounds like he slows down.
“I’m sorry, I freaked you out, Cas.” You say, guilt creeping up your spine. You had started to feel like you wouldn’t fuck up and yet…
“ I’m on my way .”
“Cas, I swear I’m fine.”
“ We’re almost done here. The rest is pretty technical, anyway, so I’m going to leave Dean and Charlie to it. I’m fifteen minutes out. ”
“A-Are you upset with me?” You just- you need to know. Need to prepare yourself.
“ What? No? Baby, no . I’m just- I’ll be there soon, okay? ”
“Okay, Cas.”
It’s barely ten minutes later that you hear the jingle of his keys outside. He doesn’t waste time at the door, dropping his bag, kicking his shoes off and slinging his coat in the general vicinity of the stand somehow all at once. Then he’s beside you on the couch, taking the water out of your hands, placing it on the table, and gathering you in his arms.
After a moment he pulls back so he can watch your face, which he holds in two large hands, while he asks, “How are you, baby?”
You grin at him. “Cas, I’m good. I see what you’re doing and, honestly, it’s overkill.” You all but stick your tongue out at him.
Cas searches your face for anything that might ring false. When he’s satisfied that you’re alright, he lets go of you and his eyes narrow playfully. “Overkill, huh?”
“Mhmm, if you’re not careful you’re going to drive me away with all this affection.”
“Is that so?”
He pulls you onto his lap so that you’re straddling him (again). The position turns your entire body on like some kind of pavlovian effect. Jesus, even the dog needed more than one run through.
You kiss, gently, then hard, then gently again and your arms wrap around his neck like they belong there.
“I was thinking about you all day.” He says.
“Liar. You were probably running around like a chicken with its head cut off worrying about the experiment.”
“That’s true but my mind kept being tugged back to this pesky thing I left at home.”
“Pesky? And here I thought I was just unbearable.”
He kisses you. “You’re both.”
“You’re very good to put up with me, then.” You kiss him.
“That’s also true. What I want to know is if you were good for me.”
Everything changes, then. His eyes are on yours, just like usually, and his voice is the same as ever, but it’s different. You take a deep breath. You can do this. You practiced like a loser. They’re just words.
“I was.” You say.
“You were what?”
You don’t even glare this time. You don’t huff in annoyance. You don’t even call him a prick in your own head. You just take another breath and say, “I was good.” And then, “For you.”
Cas’ heart fucking pounds out of his chest and breaks a rib on the way. “Show me.”
You lead the way to the bedroom, your hand in his as he trails behind you. You steal a few furtive glances over your shoulder and sometimes you’re met with soft eyes, other times with a look of mischief.
He settles you on the bed and spreads out your no pile. Your heart is racing and you think Cas hears it because he grips the back of your neck, tilts your head up, and kisses you. He goes back to examining what’s laid out but he doesn’t question any of it. When he’s done he scoops it all up in a canvas bag he gets from and returns to his closet.
Next he opens the drawer and you know the huff of laughter is from the post-its. Of course, he thinks, you’re nothing if not thorough.
He looks around the room, after that. The sun beams through the two windows on either side of the bed. They’re narrow but start at the floor and go all the way to the ceiling so the light floods in easily. For a moment you wonder if he’s trying to choose what he wants to fuck you on. The space is minimally furnished so you don’t think it’ll take him too long to decide.
“Take out your phone.” He says from his place by the dresser, his tone serious, reprimanding.
“I- What?” Your brain short circuits. Did you screw up? No, you did good. You know you did, you picked up every single thing in that drawer and-
“Take out your phone.” He repeats, still stern but patient.
“Okay, yeah, okay.” You lean back, somewhat, to pull it out of your pocket and hold it out to him. What’s he going to do? Take a picture of the drawer and send it to everyone you know? Look at all the things she wants used on her. Of course he doesn’t want to do that. This is Cas. Not a creature straight out of purgatory.
Cas shakes his head at you. “Open it and go to our texts.”
Your hands move of their own accord.
“Read the instructions I sent you.”
“Okay?” You say, scrolling up. “You’re-” perfect. “I want you to go to the dresser and open the first drawer. Take every single toy in your hands and decide if yo- you’d like it,” You clear your throat, consider shooting Cas a pleading look, but ultimately continue, “If you’d like it u-used on you. Make a no pile on the bed. Pick the one from the yes -”
You stop, eyes wide and on Cas. “Cas, I-”
“Finish reading.” His eyes have darkened and he looks like a brewing storm in the sunny room.
“I- Okay,” You sigh. “P-pick the one from the yes es you’d like to try first and put it on top of the dresser.”
“Did you do that?”
“No,” You say, looking down at the floor.
“Did you do what you were told?”
You meet his eyes and whimper, “No, Cas.”
“Do you have an explanation?”
You’d forgotten but you say, “I, um, I just wanted you today?”
Cas’ demeanor steels even more. “Did you just lie to me?”
“What? No! I mean yes- I mean I didn’t mean to- I- I’m sorry, Cas, I didn’t, I…” You trail off but by then you’ve crossed the room and plastered yourself to him. “I’m sorry.” You say again.
There’s a moment where Cas doesn’t say anything. It’s because he’s reeling a bit. You’ve taken to this so much more than he could have imagined, even if you’re still struggling with that fact internally. You can’t tell, though. In fact when Cas doesn’t say anything, you think you’ve really gone and ruined things.
Before you can spiral too much, Cas pets your hair and says, “It’s okay.”
He moves you away, even as you’re reluctant to give into his hands, so he can look at you.
“It’s okay, even good girls make mistakes, okay?” He’s gentle but very much in control.
You bristle. You don’t want to hear good gir- those words right now. “I’m sorry.” You repeat.
“I know you are.” With a grin that soothes you more than anything else has, he says, “We’re going to find a way for you to apologise alright?”
You nod. “Okay, Cas.”
“Okay,” He echoes then turns you both so he’s behind you, hands on your shoulders, and you’re facing the drawer. “Open it.”
You rush to comply.
“Good.” He squeezes your shoulders. “Now, pick the first toy you’d like to try.”
You nod but you don’t move. You don’t know what the right choice is. You don’t want to take something too safe, in case he thinks it’s a sign that you’re not all in. Because you are all in , you realise. You also don’t want to take something too-
“I’m going to repeat something I told you earlier, alright? Wrong answers are the ones that are lies and the ones you give because you think they’re what I want to hear. Am I making myself clear?”
“Yes, Cas.”
He kisses the top of your head. “Pick the toy you’d like to try first.”
You take out a pair of leather cuffs. You don’t necessarily prefer them over everything else, but it’s a place you feel comfortable starting. You place them on the dresser, just like the original instructions had said and you hear Cas grunt softly behind you. He presses his body against yours and you feel him, half hard.
“You’re perfect,” He whispers in your ear making you tremble in his hands.
Cas turns you so that you face him and firmly says, “I decide.”
You don’t know what to do, but you’re not about to argue with him. “Okay, Cas.”
“Good. Kiss me.”
You asked him just that earlier today but right now Cas is telling you. So you do the only thing you can do and kiss him.
When he pulls away, he steps back from you entirely. “Lift your shirt up.”
You grunt. “Cas, not again.”
He grins at you, glad that you’ve shaken your slump. “I’m not going to ask you again.”
“Fine.” You lift up your shirt so that you’re holding it under your chin.
“What’s this? No, no, that won’t do.” Cas looks almost offended to see the undergarment. “Take it off and take your bra off. Now.”
“Fuck yeah,” You half cheer, tossing your shirt to the ground followed by your simple white bra. You move your hands to the button of your pants but wait, expectantly looking at Cas.
He laughs. “Are we eager, babe?”
“We’re horny, babe. ”
“Take ‘em off.” He says.
“Yes, Sir .” You say sarcastically, dropping and kicking your pants off faster than you knew you could.
Cas would be impressed, if he wasn’t so distracted by the fact that you aren’t wearing underwear. And if his eyes weren’t narrowing at you for giving him lip.
He stalks over, very much how a predator would, and places his hands on either side of you, flat against the still-open drawer. He slides it shut backing you up against the dresser.
He leans down so his lips are near your ear, just a breath away from brushing against it. “You already have two things to apologise for,” He says, his voice deep, rough. “Do you want to make it three?”
You’re completely naked between the tweed clad arms of this handsome man who isn’t touching you but who is so so close it’s making you a little dizzy.
You say, “No, Cas.”
“Get on the bed, on your back.”
You expect Cas to watch you obey, he’s always watching you, but he shrugs off his jacket and walks into his closet instead.
You wait patiently once you’re settled. Well, you don’t really ever settle, placing your hands by your sides and then on your stomach and then by your sides, again, but you wait. You’re rewarded for it because when Cas steps out of the closet, he’s sans sweater, the top buttons of his dress shirt undone, and he’s rolling up his second sleeve, exposing his forearms and looking so damn good it might be a sin. It’s got your hips shifting involuntarily and you decide you’re going to ask the Human and Legal Resources at the school if it’s at least against the law to look so damn good.
If you missed Cas’ eyes before, which you realise that you did, you don’t anymore because they’re on you now, intent as ever. He moves to stand by the foot of the bed and places the tip of a finger in the crook just behind the knob of your ankle.
He watches your face while he drags just the tip of his finger up over the curve of your calf. He watches you bite- chew- your lip as his finger dips in where the back of your knee does. He watches your lashes flutter from trying to keep your eyes open- he loves that he doesn’t even have to tell you to- while he traces the shape of your thigh.
He glances down, just for a second, to see the way his finger presses into your flesh. Then, he’s right back to watching your face as your breath hitches because his finger is making its way up your body but also towards the center of it. Not enough, though. Not there. He smirks at you like the cat who got the creme tapping your hip bone twice almost chastising you for your dirty thoughts.
He follows the curve of your hip, of your waist, of the mound of your left breast. He circles your nipple once, twice, and it either hardens or it had already puckered. You don’t know. You’re not sure you care. You just want to be touched.
Cas knows, so he touches you. He pinches your nipple but there’s no bite. It’s more like he’s holding it between his thumb and forefinger and it’s weird but mostly it’s not enough.
“Cas,” You breathe out.
“Tell me, which toy you chose to have used on you first.”
Does he have to use all the fucking words? Is he trying to make you self combust? He could have said what did you pick or which item did you choose, but nooo Cas has to go and be an asshole. Asshole .
“You saw what I- Leather c-cuffs, leather cuffs!” You’re quick to rectify when cas squeezes your nipple.
Your hips buck off the bed and your heels dig into the mattress and you expect Cas to let go but he just continues to hold your nipple with the same pressure.
“Ask me.”
“W-wha-” He squeezes just a little harder and jesus fucking christ you feel it between your legs. “Alright! Okay, jeez. Cuff me- fuck. ” The pressure increases more as he twists his fingers this time. It’s a little painful but it’s mostly not and that’s freaking you out. “Please u-use the leather cuffs to r-restrain me.” You say, writhing all the while and Cas only has the tips of two fingers on you. Not even in you.
“To what?”
“What? Cas I don’t know, I don’t know okay, that’s,” You inhale because you haven’t been getting all the oxygen you need. “That’s my real answer, okay? I don’t- Whatever you want. Cuff me to whatever you want. I don’t care. ”
“Hmm.” Cas ponders for a moment, eyes on yours. “No.”
He steps back, taking his touch along with him and you want it back as torturous as it was. He goes to the dresser and puts the cuffs away.
“You disobeyed me earlier so you don’t get the help. You’re going to have to restrain yourself.”
He’s back by your side when he says, “Arms up, hold the headboard.”
Your hands fly over your head, your fingers gripping the wood of the bed frame.
Cas brushes the back of his fingers over your cheek. “You’re going to be good for me, aren’t you?”
You choke a little but you sigh out, “Yeah, Cas.”
Cas moves away from you again but this time it’s to climb between your legs. He bends them at the knees and spreads them, making one hang off the bed. Then, very true to character, Cas looks.
He stares and when you squirm and try to close your thighs to try to hide yourself from his gaze, he holds them open.
“You won’t move.” He says without even glancing up. “You’ll let me look at you for as long as I’d like.”
“Why?” You complain and you hate how whiny you sound.
He grins then, sparing you a once over. “Because I want to and because I said so.”
His hand drifts up your thigh in a feathery touch, but when he presses his thumb between your lips to pull one to the side it’s with a contrasting firmness. You fidget at the feeling and Cas’ other hand smacks your thigh, packing a bit of sting.
“What? I kept my legs open.” The words come out of your mouth and you feel like a whore in a brothel saying them.
“I told you not to move.”
“Like at all?” Your eyes widen. “How am I supposed to do that with you touching me and- and looking at me like that.”
He shrugs.
“Cas, c’mon, you’re killing me here.”
He hums and says, “ La petite mort.”
Cas moves his thumb so it’s right against your entrance and tugs gently at the rim.
You sigh, enjoying the sensation and trying to keep your hips from participating.
Cas pushes the tip of his thumb, not even to the first knuckle, just inside of you.
You breathe deliberately. It feels good, he’s giving you so little but it feels good.
“Cas,” You moan, a quiet little moan.
Cas wishes he’d already taken his pants off altogether but settles for undoing them with deft fingers, giving his straining erection some room.
He pulls his thumb out and you barely manage a grunt of disapproval before he’s pushing it back in, maybe a millimeter deeper than before. He rubs it along your opening and the slow pace of it all is absolutely maddening. Which you tell him.
“This isn’t just punishment, Cas. It’s damn torture.”
Cas looks away from where he’s working you over to give you a deceivingly confused look that’s all too knowing. “This isn’t punishment at all.”
“W-what? What do you mean?”
“This is your apology. I won’t be punishing you this time.” The hand on your thigh squeezes warningly. “Don’t think I’ll be as generous with my leniency beyond this point. I won’t tolerate you lying to me.” As an afterthought, because it is the lesser infraction in his eyes, he adds, “And I expect you to do as you’re told and not forget a task when you’re given clear directions.”
You nod a little too willfully. “But… Cas what you’re doing…”
He swivels his thumb and you just manage to keep from using your leverage on the headboard to take him in deeper.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?”
“No, I- I am, but-”
“Then it isn’t punishment.”
You nod, gasping as Cas draws his thumb out then pushes back in again and again, fucking you with it. Your chest heaves making it so that if Cas couldn’t hear your breathing, he can now see it. This time, when Cas pulls his thumb out, he glides it upwards to land and press on your clit.
“ Fuck. ” Your hips rolls, chasing the pleasure as sharp as it was.
There’s nothing for your hips to meet, though, because Cas’ hand is gone.
“No,” He says. “Don’t move.”
“I won’t, I won’t.” You make promises you don’t know you can keep.
His thumb returns to your clit but he also sinks his pointer finger into you. He goes so goddamn slow the feel of him is more agonising than not. You want more, you want so much more.
“Good,” He says when your only movement is the tremors of your body.
His thumb rolls your clit at a calm and steady pace but with varying pressure. The finger inside you doesn’t move at all. At first, it’s okay. At first, what he gives you is enough, you struggle to remain still, but it’s enough. You murmur to Cas that it feels so good and that he always touches so well . He’s got you panting and he’s got you forgetting to be embarrassed about it.
Then, minutes pass, however many, and you find yourself needing more. Needing anything more. You find yourself begging Cas quietly.
“Please, please, please, Cas, please, I- please. ”
Cas needs to physically restrain himself because seeing you like this does things to him. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to move, I want- please, Cas.” You thrash your head to the side, to keep from thrashing your hips, and press your face into the cool pillow.
So Cas moves but it’s as unhurried as everything else he’s done. He drags his index out, pressing along your upper wall all the while, then nudges it back in. Over and over and over and you can’t.
“ No, ” Cas snaps, taking his hand away and slapping your mound with it. It shocks you more than anything else but has you writhing on the sheets letting out a low groan nonetheless. Cas smacks your thigh this time, getting some of your wetness on it. His voice is deeper than usual, which you hadn’t thought was entirely possible. “I told you not to move.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” You gasp when you manage to calm yourself. “I am, I’m sorry, Cas.”
“You asked me to fuck you with my finger, correct?”
Your breath hitches. “Yeah, Cas.”
“And what did I do?”
“It?” Even as you say the word you know it isn’t enough so when Cas raises an unamused brow at you, you shift and mumble, “You fucked me with your finger.”
“And what did I ask you?”
“To not move.”
“Did you do that?”
You shake your head but seeing Cas’ hand lift you quickly say, “No, I didn’t.”
His hand falls gently back to you, even rubs your thigh soothingly, spreading more of your slick onto your skin. You shiver beneath him.
“So you understand then, that you can’t be getting what you want, right?”
You suspect the question is rhetorical, but you don’t really end up pondering because Cas returns his hand to your pussy, thumb toying with your clit and finger buried inside of you. It seems contradictory to his words but when he doesn’t move inside of you, you get it.
“Cas, please.” You whisper. You strain your muscles to keep from shifting.
“Hmm? You want something?” He leans over you to place a teasing kiss on your lips.
“You know I do, come on, Cas.”
His tongue finds your right- right! - nipple.
“Cas please,” You take a deep breath. Cas likes it when you use words? You’ll give him words. “Finger me, Cas.”
He gives your breast a peck before leaning back. “That’s not going to be enough, sweetheart.”
“I won’t move, Cas. I promise. I’ll be- I’ll be-”
Cas smirks at you, his thumb unrelenting in its lazy circling of your clit. His other hand leaves your thigh to push his pants and boxer down enough so he can grasp his cock and stroke it leisurely. The sight has you moaning and purposefully not moving. Cas does feel you contract around his finger though and he lets out a small laugh.
“You’re so needy, baby. You’re desperate for it aren’t you?”
“ Yes, Castiel. ”
His full name on your lips is a rarity and it has Cas grunting out a fuck as he picks up the pace of the hand on his dick. The hand on you keeps torturing you just as slowly.
“What will you do to get it, hm? What are you going to do for me?”
You’re shaking now, but it’s a tremor that Cas can’t fault you for. “Anything, Cas.”
“Will you stay still for me?”
“ Yes. ”
This time, Cas fucks you. His finger thrusts in and out of you at a rhythm that can get you there. A rhythm that builds you up and up with the help of his thumb still sparking pleasure out of you.
To help you not fuck up into his hand you chant his name, you probably cuss him out a little too, you might pray to God once or twice. Your fingers dig into the wood above your head and you think this is how beds are broken. You keep your eyes on Cas the whole time. Either locked with his or following the movement of his hand on his leaking cock.
Cas stops fingering you exactly once. It’s a horrible moment where you think you might have moved despite your best efforts and now Cas won’t give you more, won’t make you come. It’s a brief moment, though, and Cas just ends up pushing two fingers from the hand that had been working himself into you, curling them and going right back to his dick, using your wetness to slicken the way.
It’s so hot, it’s so fucking hot that your entire body flares up. Your clit fucking twitches. Then the hand that had been on you all along comes back. He uses two fingers to pump into your pussy and you only feel the stretch a little because of how soaked you are, but it’s enough, hurts just right.
“You’re going to come,” Cas says, as if you were possibly unaware. “I don’t want you to worry about-” He pauses to moan. “About moving when you do.”
You don’t even manage a full nod before your orgasm overtakes you. It’s a good one too, the kind that you think might be fading but then peaks again. Cas is saying something all the while but it’s only when you come down that you tune into the words.
“-so good. Look so good. Feel so good. So good for me. Fucking, perfect. You’re- fuck! ”
Cas comes too, mostly on your stomach, some of it on your breast.
He leans back on his heels in his kneeling position to catch his breath but once he does his eyes are on you. You smile lazily up at him, still basking in the afterglow. Cas moves up your body, gives your left nipple a lick picking up a drop of come, then kisses you.
After a few moments, he slumps beside you and tugs you into his arms, bringing yours down, unbothered by the come he’s smearing between you. “You did such a good job, baby.” He tells you. “How are you feeling?” He brushes his fingers along your back soothingly.
You’re still sporting a silly grin when you tell him, “Really good.”
“That’s right, you did really good.”
You knock his shoulder with barely any force. “No, Ass, I feel good. That’s what happens after you get off.”
“That is the general course of action.”
You can’t be bothered with thinking up a retort and simply nuzzle into his arms. “You did really good, too, Cas”
The hand at your back stutters for a fraction of a second. “Thank you,” He says.
You push yourself up to your forearms and you’re honest-to-god impressed that they don’t give out under you because your entire body feels like jello. “I mean it. Since this morning, you were really patient and I appreciate that.”
He kisses you, long and soft and then he says, “You want another shower?”
“Yes, please, but I don’t want to get my hair wet again.”
You two lay there for a long while before moving to get cleaned up.
Later, Cas lays on the bed in boxers, his arm slung above his head. The sight of him is distracting, all long lines and taut muscles stretched out along the mattress, so you focus on getting yourself dressed.
“Have you seen my socks,” You ask as soon as you’ve buttoned your jeans, bending down to pick up your bra and t-shirt.
“I put them in your boots last night, right before we went to sleep.” True, they’d been scattered in your haste to get in each other’s pants.
“Cool, thanks.”
Castiel watches you slip your clothing on and almost audibly grunts in objection. There’s a little bruising on your left nipple and it looks so good on you. He wonders if it’s too early for rules like no bras in the house .
“We need to talk.” He tells you, sitting up.
You’re tucking Cas’ undershirt in your pants when he says this. You look up at him curiously and tap the first drawer of the dresser behind you. “About this?”
“Yes, about how it was for you.”
“Didn’t we already have this conversation?” You glide over to him, sit on the bed, one foot tucked under you and the other on the floor, mirroring him. You’re close enough that he can place his hands on your hips so he does. “You said it was good, I said it was good.”
“I think we’re a little more clear headed now, I want to make sure that’s still how you feel about it. I want to know if you’re interested in doing it again, in pursuing this further.”
You grin at him. “I’m very,” You push him onto his back, again. “Very.” You straddle his hips. “Very.” You kiss his lips. “Interested.”
He grins back at you. “In that case…” Cas flips the two of you, so that he’s the one doing the straddling.
“No, no,” You laugh, smiling the kind of smile you can’t suppress. “I gotta get going, Cas.”
He lifts his head from where he’s kissing your neck and frowns. “You’re leaving?”
“Gotta. Singer wants a diagnostic report on the latest variable shift by wednesday and I’ve barely started looking at the results from the last test run. Files are back home too.”
Cas leans down so his body presses into yours more firmly. “Let me ask again, give you a chance to change your mind. You’re leaving?”
You chuckle and crane your neck to peck him. “Yeah, Cas.”
He grunts and rolls off of you so you can get up.
“I have to go water my elephant ear, too, it’s been a few days.”
Cas sits up quickly. “You’re supposed to keep the soil of that plant damp at all times.”
“Huh,” You say with a teasing look. “Guess you aren’t the botanical expert you fancy yourself after all. In the winter, they say to let it dry out for rest periods. Something about fertilization, or whatever. I researched it.”
Your studio is nothing like Cas’ place. The entire thing could fit in his bedroom. It’s ill lit with the one window and the hanging overlight that seems to perpetually be swinging at least a little. Whatever light does get in gets swallowed by the exposed brick of the walls.
The window is directly across your front door. Below it, there’s a low and wide filing cabinet that you also use as a side table. To the left there’s your bed and at its foot a trunk. There’s a door on each wall that form that corner of the room, one leads to the bathroom, the other, the one next to the entrance, to a closet.
To the right of the front door there’s a dining table for four pushed up against the wall, with two chairs tucked in. There are a couple things on it at the moment, including a reading light, because it’s where you eat but it’s also where you get work done. The wall that runs perpendicular to the table-desk-hybrid is the kitchen. It’s lined with one long countertop that’s only interrupted by a sink, a refrigerator and a stove. In front of the very last cupboard, below the window, beside the filing cabinet, there’s the colocasia plant Cas got you, two months into the relationship. It’s more commonly called elephant ear plant or angel wings plant, because of the shape of the leaves.
You can afford a bigger place but you want to pay off your student loans as quickly as possible and rent seems like the best place to cut back expenses.
You kick off your boots and drape your coat over one of the chairs, then pick up a half full bottle from the table. You cross the room in roughly six steps and pour the water into the pot, cooing at it. You’d read a study that compared the growth and health of plants that received compliments daily and plants that were yelled at. You were skeptical of the results the article shared but figured you have nothing to lose.
You change into sweats but keep Cas’ shirt on and get to work. You get half of what Singer’s expecting of you done before switching tasks and finishing the powerpoint, even running through the presentation you’ve prepared once. It’s when you’re back on the report, with tabs that have nothing to do with it open on your computer, that Cas texts you.
What are you doing?
Working on the part.obs. for singer (procrastinating)
You do that a lot.
Aha are you going to call me a bad girl?
Fuck, why would you say that? Here you are having a very normal conversation. Not everything is about sex no matter how much Freud disagrees. It takes Cas longer to reply.
Would you like me to?
You think for a moment before replying. No
This time his response is immediate. Good, because you’re perfect.
w/e ur lame
That’s just not true. And then: What are you wearing?
Ahahahahaha shut up Cas
:P did you eat?
Not yet. I kind of ate ur kitchen earlier
Come over, I’m making carbonara
Im starting to see a pattern
Really? Which one is that?
The data points to an undeniable correlation between you trying to feed me and you trying to have sex with me.
Data doesn’t lie.
:P I think im gonna crash early
Worn out huh? How did that happen? You can imagine Cas smirking as he wrote this text.
This asshole where I work fifty shades of greyed me
Lucky guy. I bet he’s hung.
His ego is definitely inflated. Gnight cas
Read it on ao3
Chapters on tumblr: ONE  TWO  THREE  FOUR  FIVE  SIX
These lovely people asked to be tagged in this story (or my writing in general): @xleggo-my-elevenx @nickylarrywigetta @trexrambling @impandagrl @hannahindie [let me know if you’d like me to stop doing that]
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