#Erik stevens fanfic
nareyacute101 · 2 years
I Can Give You A Ride
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this imagine is inspired by my fav movie from a24 “X” so I hope y’all enjoy!
Erik Killmonger x Black Farmers Daughter! Reader
You were just minding your business on a beautiful Saturday afternoon making some lemonade since you were very thirsty. As you were about to pour you a glass, you hear the the doorbell ring. “Daddy isn’t expecting anyone over” you said while walking to the door.
You open the door to see this fine chocolate man with some blue jeans on with a red and black plaided shirt and some timberland boots.
“Hello ma’am, my name is Erik and my car ran out of gas, so I was wondering if I could use your phone to call someone to help?” The stranger who goes by the name Erik said to you from outside the door. “Oh my goodness, well Mr. Erik I’m not sure if there’s any mechanic shops around her but my daddy is a mechanic and he could try to fix your car” You said while biting your lip innocently but sexy. “Okay, will he be able to fix it right now before dark?”
You thought for a second before smirking with an idea to keep him here “My daddy is out of town right now to do something supposedly “important” but…I could give you a ride.”
“Okay thank you so much, so where’s your car?” Erik asked your concerned. “Oh, I don’t mean that kind of ride sir.” You said pulling him in the door and touching his chest. “So, what kind of ride are you talkin-” he cut himself off know what she was talking about “Ohh, yeah I would definitely love that ride, ma” he mocked the same smirk you had on your face. “Well, let’s go to my room so I can help you out” you walked him up the stairs to your room, feeling his gaze on your ass.”
“FUCKKK!” You yelled while bouncing up and down on Erik’s dick. “Yeah, you like this dick huh Princess?” He asked while looking at you and your bouncing tits. You nodded to his question “No baby, I need words” he smacked your ass and you squealed “Yes, omg your dick is so big” you leaned your head back from the pleasure that you were getting from his long, curvy dick.
“Fuck, I can’t leave from this tight wet pussy” Erik said while getting ready to hold you and thrust up really fast. “FUCKFUCKFUCK” you screamed from the sudden thrusts up your pussy. “What’s my name babygirl?” “DADDYYYY! OMG IM GONNA CUM” “Me too baby, now who’s pussy is this?” Erik kept going to meet his and your climax “This your pussy daddy, please make me cum!” Erik thrusted three more time before you both grunted after reaching your climax.
“So, was that the best ride you’ve ever had Daddy?” You asked in a sweet voice “Hell yeah princess. Now, when is your dad coming home?”
You shrugged your shoulders “I don’t know but maybe in a few minutes, why?” You asked him. “Well one, I wanna try to get home before dark and two maybe we can do another round before he gets home” he licked his soft plump lips while looking at you up and down.
“Lets do it Daddy” you smiled while being rolled over by Erik and having a heated make out session.
I’m sorry y’all had to read thee worse sex scene ever but I tried okay 😭
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Whew! 😍😍😍
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Unbreakable Part 1 (Erik Killmonger x OC)
A/N: here is the summary for our new story! Enjoyyyyyy!
Warnings: This is an AU with bits of the movie and the comics mixed together
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“Fuck! J-Just like that.” Naja screwed her face up in one that gave the impression of a woman lost in the throes of pleasure, internally rolling her eyes at the haphazard thrusts of the man on top of her. 
In fact, she was merely counting down the minutes until he came and would leave. She supposed the time was good to clear her mind and reminisce.
There was that guy from London, her brain immediately recalled.
He was her favorite one-night stand to think about when she needed an extra boost to get off. Now, that man was gorgeous and he fucked like a God. She actually felt a tinge of guilt when, after he made her cum for hours, she returned the favor by torturing him for hours… and not in a pleasurable way. To his credit, he lasted a long time, which earned her respect. 
I hope he is doing ok, she thought to herself. Well, she knew he wasn’t. But had he just given up his supplier of stolen vibranium faster, he’d likely be doing better. 
“You like that??” He demanded as he fucked into her like a jack rabbit. No finesse, no skill, no care. He did not even ensure her needs were met. 
That’s ok, she decided. If his fucking was any indication of his skills in other activities, he was actually doing her and her pussy a favor. 
“Yes, I love it!” She called out, cringing at her own voice. She faked her orgasm to finish the ordeal faster. 
Anytime now, Bast, she called out to the god above. This was getting irksome. 
It seemed Bast heard her calls and blessed her, the man finally cumming and filling her. She silently thanked Wakanda for the painless, side effect free birth control that would last her five years. 
He rolled off of her, his chest heaving slightly while Naja was wholly unruffled aside from a thin layer of sweat. 
“That was… something,” she offered with a fake smile, a content and pompous smile he did not deserve forming on his lips. 
The male ego, she shook her head as she slid out of bed and threw a robe on. After returning from the bathroom, she was surprised to find him still lounging in her bed. Most of her night time companions knew the rules… no one stayed the night. But this one, Kofi…
No, this is Kwame, she thought to herself. 
No… Kwame actually knows how to fuck you. Or at least, attempts to make you cum even if he doesn’t succeed. Kwame gets an A for effort. Is there a grade lower than F we can give this one? Maybe it’s Amari? She tilted her head as she studied him. Hell, she did not know who he was but she did know one thing: he clearly did not know when to get the fuck out. 
“Ok well, this was fun but I should be heading to bed,” her tone was polite but left little room for negotiation. She gathered his clothes with lightning speed and tossed them onto his lap.
He pushed himself up onto her forearms. “Wait, you serious?” 
She stared at him, a dead panned expression painted on her face. “Yea. I sleep alone. I had fun though,” she lied with ease and a smile. 
“Oh… ok.” He started gathering his clothes, Naja wholly unmoved by the hurt glimmering in his eyes. “When will I see you again?” 
“I’m at the bar… working every night,” she handed him his shoes to speed the process along. The sooner he was gone, the sooner she could pull out her vibrator and actually service the ache between her legs. 
“So we can do this again sometime?” He asked as she shooed him toward the door. 
“Definitely, definitely. I’ll call you. Get home safe.” She pushed him out of her front door, locking and dead bolting it behind her. 
She rolled her eyes before returning up the stairs to her bedroom. She did not know why she even bothered. Every time she brought a man home after her shift, she knew they would likely not be able to please her. But she allowed them into her bed anyway. Fucking, even if it was lackluster, filled some void.
She settled into bed, about to pull out her trusted and faithful bullet when her phone rang. She groaned, glancing at her phone. 
Dayo. Her boss. 
“It is offensive to call someone this late, Dayo.” She chastised as she settled into bed. 
“I gave you an hour. I assume your suitor has returned home?” 
“He just left. What’s wrong?” 
He sighed. “Another child went missing in the village tonight.”  
Her heart sank. “That’s the 15th child in the last three months. Soldiers?” 
At his silence, she let out a frustrated groan. “The family?” 
“Devastated but not talking. They won’t admit it was the King’s men, which means they were threatened. The father tried to fight back and was killed. The mother had to be taken to the hospital, she was distraught and collapsed.” 
“FUCK!” She paced up and down her bedroom, the wood panels of her floor creaking softly. 
“I just wish we knew why he was targeting this village specifically. I reached out to the network across the rest of the city and the country and nothing like this is happening elsewhere.” 
She shrugged. “This is the poorest village in the Capitol. It’s like child soldiers across the continent and trafficking across the world. You steal people from those who do not have the resources and means to fight for their return. The King maintains his throne and his games with intimidation and violence. We will find them, Dayo, and we will liberate our people. I promise. I will talk to you tomorrow. Let me know if the family needs anything, I can try to go to the markets tomorrow night during my shift.” 
“Everyone needs everything, Malika. Thank you for doing what you can. For the liberation of Niganda.” 
“For the liberation of Niganda. Good night, Dayo.” 
She sighed, the ache between her legs vanishing completely. She grabbed her kimoyo beads and went over to the plain, nondescript wall across from her bed. She pressed the beads to a circular groove in the wood, both lighting up a mysterious shade of light blue. She glanced over her shoulder, as if someone were watching her, as the wall parted to reveal a walk-in closet.
However, this closet was filled with more than just clothes. It was a small arsenal. Spears, blades of all shapes and varieties, guns of equal diversity, even a bow and arrow, which she never got to use but she liked the look of it. And clothes. All black, fashioned to hide a many assortment of weapons in the oddest places, laced with vibranium to protect her body. She missed donning those clothes. And while those days might be over, the cache of weapons she maintained proved that some habits never died. 
She pulled a duffle bag out of the back of the closet, the bag filled with passports, Nigandan currency, and Wakandan dollars. She pulled out a notebook she kept stashed under everything else. She flipped through it, each page filled with notes from her years in Niganda. The last 20 pages or so were each numbered with the name and # of a child. Her notes, witness accounts, leads. All of it jotted down on those pages, a complex map that helped her get no where closer to find in those children.
She did not know #15’s name yet but when she learned it, their name would join their number on the page. She wrote down the bit of information Dayo shared, figuring she could fill it out more tomorrow after she spoke with him in person. 
All these children, all these souls lost. And no one seemed concerned or like they cared, no one willing to risk their lives to find them and save them. No one except those in the Nigandan Liberation Front. Dayo was their leader and he was committed as anyone to overthrow the tyrant that ruled over this country. 
Her writing was interrupted by a ping from her kimoyo beads. 
“Damn, can no one leave me the fuck alone?” She wondered aloud. However, she knew if someone was calling this line, it was important. No one from Wakanda ever bothered her unless there was news to share. 
She knew it would be an encrypted and recorded message, it was too risky to ever call her and expect her to answer. She checked her beads once a week at different times and intervals, usually there was nothing there. 
Shuri’s upper half materialized from the beads. Her voice was professional and calm, very unlike her. 
“Malika, please return home. The Royal Talon will be waiting for you on the other side of the Nigandan-Cannan border at the following coordinates at 2 a.m. in seven days. Your presence has been requested in Wakanda for two months by order of the King. Please confirm that you received this message.” 
“Anddddd this is why I never check this fuckin’ thing,” she mumbled, frustration coursing through her. 
Two months??? The power of the throne had clearly gone to T’Challa’s head. And only giving her one week to prepare to leave? And how many children, she glanced at the photos in her book of each one, would go missing in that time? How many families would be torn apart while she stayed in the safe bosom of Wakanda?
She hated herself for knowing she had to go, hated him for forcing her hand. He knew how she felt about that place, knew why she had chosen the path and life she had chosen. Why she had only stepped foot in her borders twice in the last seven years. But an order from the King was an order from the King, she took liberties but even she could not refuse him. 
As she laid in bed, frustrated, her mind already churned on what lie she could tell everyone to explain a two-month absence. She had already laid the groundwork for relatives in South Africa. Perhaps she could use that. 
“Ugh!” She now only had a week to get everything in order. “Every King on this bast-forsaken continent is a tyrant,” she mumbled to herself before flopping to her side to try to sleep. 
When Naja stepped off the Talon, she was thankful to only find General Okoye waiting for her, her stoic face a sight for sore eyes. She was thankful the rest of the family remembered she hated the excessive fanfare of returning home and immediately being pestered by a million people. It had been a long time since she saw many of them so she figured a certain King would ignore that directive. But she was thankful to have a moment to ease into seeing everyone. It was already an adjustment, as it always was to be back on Wakandan soil in the first place. It still felt new, every time, even though this was technically her home. It did not feel like home to her, not anymore. 
“General,” her lips tugged into the smallest of smiles as she saluted her old friend. It was the first genuine smile she could remember giving someone in months. There was little happening in Niganda worth smiling about anyway and when she did, it was usually fake. 
“Naja.” Once Okoye returned her salute, she reached out and squeezed Naja’s hand, Naja returning it gently, before their faces returned to their usual stoic and neutral expressions. “I trust your journey was well.” 
“It was. Though it was difficult to spin my absence on such short notice. Do you know why the King saw it to order me home?” 
Her answer was simple, and Naja knew, untrue. Okoye was one of two people in this palace privy to all of the King’s decisions and thoughts. But she also knew Okoye would not give her a single inch. It was worth a shot though, she reasoned. But it also let her know the reason was not straightforward, which meant her nap in her quarters would have to wait. 
“Of course. May you take me to his office if he is not too busy? I know the way to my room from there.”  
Okoye did not nod or answer her. She merely changed the direction of their walk through the palace toward T’Challa’s office. Naja tried not to get too wrapped up in the bustling movement and sounds of the palace. The last time she was here, it felt more like a ghost town than anything else, lifeless and dreary. Wakanda had weathered the Blip better than most countries but it still struggled and during those five years, the palace wore the scars of its lost King and Princess and half its population. But with their return, life and joy returned to the palace and all of Wakanda. She was happy for it. They all deserved it, to be whole again. 
She did not let the facade she had on fall until Okoye opened the door to T’Challa’s office, her brother in law sitting behind his desk reading. He glanced up, a wide smile gracing his tired but ever youthful features, as his eyes landed on Naja. He immediately stood up, joy rippling off of him like waves. One thing she always appreciated about T’Challa was, even when he and Nakia were not together, he treated her like a younger sister. A colder one than the one he actually had but a sister nonetheless. 
“Thank you, General. Naja, welcome home.” 
“My king,” she saluted him. She waited for the firm click of the door closing behind Okoye before she offered him a smirk. “My king summons, I answer.”
“No need for the formalities, sister. And I know you despise hugs. But it has been 7 years, humor me?” He rounded the desk to stand before her. 
“I was told the Blip only felt like minutes to those of you who were gone. So technically, for you, it has only been two years. But as my king, I suppose you make the rules. You get seven seconds.” At his raised eyebrow, she shrugged. “One for each year.” 
She allowed herself to be gathered up in his arms, the man squeezing tight. She forced herself not to fall into it, though she wanted to. The warm embrace of family, she had missed it. But instead, she merely cleared her throat, letting him know the timer on their emotional reunion had indeed run out. 
To his credit, he immediately released her, his hands holding onto her forearms as he took a step back to examine her. She chuckled and rolled her eyes as he attempted to inspect her form for any injuries or drastic changes that would worry his Queen. Seven years might have passed since she last laid eyes on T’Challa at his coronation but time had done little to change either of them.  
“You look well. Thin,” he remarked. “But well. How are you?” 
“Glory to Bast, I am in good health,” she offered lazily as she sat in the seat opposite of his desk. She tried not to look at the pictures that littered the office, keeping her eyes trained on him, knowing she would find more than one that featured him. She did not need or want to see him ever again.  “Food in the Capitol has been sparse since the return of everyone from the Blip.”
“Do you need more money? I know the alias and job you chose does not offer much.” 
She shook her head. In addition to the money she made at the bar she worked at, all War Dogs received a salary discreetly added into their accounts disguised as local side jobs and businesses. She had more than enough money. 
“No, no, no. Thanks to you, I am the world’s richest bartender. Just the monarchy hoarding resources, there is more than enough to go around for the wealthy. And the black markets continue to thrive there under the King’s nose but what I usually get from there, I give to those who need it more,” she shrugged. “I’m good. I’ve survived on less.”  
“Anything of note on those black markets?” 
She tilted her head before shaking it, T’Challa’s shoulders sagging a bit. “Aside from delicious meats and vegetables the royals have now deemed delicacies? No.” 
“Well, make sure to eat two plates at dinner. Or else your sister will not rest tonight.” 
She nodded. “Two plates? That feels gluttonous. Though I suppose I need to reacclimate to this… abundance,” her eyes flickered to the obvious signs of wealth and prestige littering his office. A pang of guilt hit her for even being able to indulge in it. “So I’m sure Nakia will make it her mission to fatten me up before I return home. So are you going to tell me why you’ve grounded me for two months? I hope it’s a good reason. Do you know how hard it will be to explain a two-month disappearance?” 
T’Challa’s deep chuckle filled the office as he sat back in his chair. “Only you would consider a vacation and a bit of time off a punishment.” 
She scoffed. “It is hardly a vacation when it comes as a direct order from my King himself, one he knows very well I would never refuse.”
“You could refuse.” His eyes twinkled with humor as he handed her a glass of Wakandan rum, the one thing he knew she missed from home.
“And face the wrath of the Black Panther?” She shook her head, throwing the entire glass back in one gulp before sighing contently. She slid the glass across the desk, gesturing toward the decanter, T’Challa refilling it for her. “The people outside these walls may call me ongenaloyiko* (the fearless one) but I am still smart enough to fear the greatest warrior in all Wakanda. But as your elder,” she started to say with a wink that she knew would agitate him. 
“You may have surpassed me in years thanks to the Blip, dear Naja, but you are still my younger sister always,” he reminded her. 
“Then tell me why you brought me back. Niganda is in a precarious place right now… things are… brewing. This is a long time to be gone.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “The other War Dogs in the region report no issues. Remember, Naja…” 
She sighed. “I know, I know. No interfering and we only care about things that threaten the interests of Wakanda. I’m being a good leashed watch dog now, I promise.” She knew she was not off to a good start, lying to him so soon. But she hated the new role expected of them. To witness the suffering of the world but do nothing to help. The other War Dogs in Niganda may be fine with such an existence but one thing she had in common with her sister, Naja would always do whatever she could, as long as life pumped in her veins.
“Good.” She was surprised he believed her. “I brought you back for many reasons. The first and most important being that your sister is pregnant,” Naja’s eyes widened. “And due any day now and she has spoken of what a great support you were during the birth of Prince T’Challa while I was…” 
“Fake dead,” she supplied. She knew the Blip was not a laughing matter. It was traumatic for those gone and those who were forced to stay and carry on. But they had all survived, she saw little point in dwelling on it. 
“Yes. And I knew she would be happy to have you here for the birth and a bit of time afterward as well. Second, you have a nephew that is growing day after day and barely knows you. I did not know my uncle before he died. You can understand that I would prefer for history not to repeat itself.” 
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on stealing vibranium and selling it to the highest bidder while I’m here,” she mumbled as her thumb traced patterns in the condensation of her glass, trying to stay aloof at the mention of his father. 
“I’m serious, Naja. The War Dog program is important but N’Jobu taught me that it is not more important than family and connection. And third, I am hoping that some time back here will give you some perspective and perhaps… change your position on certain matters.” 
She scoffed, standing up to pace his office. She was dressed simply, far too simply to address the King some would argue. But there were perks to her position and her reputation, no one would correct her. Her standard soft black pants and tank top provided comfort and agility and ensured she never stood out. Tucked into her waist band was a gun, she had forgotten to remove it on the plane. Though she felt safer with it, even here, on her person. She had left her other weapons at home, her calf felt uncomfortably bare without her blade attached to it.
“And there it is. So just so I understand the rules of engagement. Are you speaking to me now as my King or as my brother?” 
“I speak to you as your brother, Naja, always.” 
“Except when you ordered me home,” she muttered as she leaned against the window sill, her eyes starting into the heart of the capital city. A small part of her ached. She’d never admit it aloud but she did miss it sometimes. She had tried for so long to find something like it but nothing compared to Wakanda. She ignored that, pushing it into the depths where she stored every other feeling she did not want to deal with. 
“You may reject the displays of our love and affection but it will stop none of us from giving it or caring for you.” 
“I am happy with how things are now, T’Challa. I have no interest in changing my position on certain matters.” 
“We are entering peace talks with Niganda, and while you do not trust them -” 
“I do not trust them because they are untrustworthy,” she cut him off sharply. “I’m the best War Dog you have there. You’d do well to heed my warnings where the Nigandans are concerned.” 
“If these negotiations go well, there is an opportunity for you to consider a position that is here in Wakanda. You are the best War Dog I have in any country on this planet, Naja. But it’s been 15 years. We have other War Dogs stationed in Niganda now, thanks to you, who can ensure the peace treaty is adhered to. You can come home.” 
“Those other War Dogs don’t know what they are doing. And… This is not my home, T’Challa,” she muttered. 
“You can spend as much time as you want away from our borders and pretend to be Malika, a lowly Nigandan bartender all you want. But you will always be Wakandan, Wakanda will always be home.” 
“And the best way for me to honor Wakanda is by doing what I have always done: serve her. Protect her interests. In Niganda.” 
She and T’Challa stared at each other for a few moments. While most would have withered under the intense gaze of their king, Naja did no such thing. It was T’Challa who finally broke their standoff, bowing his head as if to signal his surrender. 
“For your sister’s sake, I ask that you merely consider it. She misses you terribly. And not just your physical absence. She misses who you were.” 
She rolled her eyes and chuckled as she walked back over to his desk. Her eyes fell on a picture of T’Challa, Nakia, and their son. She picked up the frame, her fingers grazing along the patterns surrounding their smiling faces.  
“Who I was is of little consequence now, T’Challa. This is who I am. It’s been 15 years and my sister would do well to accept this version of me. Wakanda and I are better for it anyway. Does she know I’m here?” 
“No, it is a surprise for dinner tonight.” 
She sucked her teeth before nodding. “Fine. I will serve out my two month sentence - without complaint - and I will not tell her of your clever but well-intentioned manipulation to force me here. But I say this with all the love and reverence for you as my brother and my King, when these two months are up, I will return to Niganda with or without your approval. Are we clear?” 
Few could talk to T’Challa as she did or had the privilege to make demands. But when Naja spoke, T’Challa listened. “Crystal clear. It is good to have you home, sister. We missed your bubbly personality and disposition around here.” 
“It is good to see you too, T’Challa. Congrats on the new baby. Next time you want to send me encrypted messages, send me good news like that. I’m going to lay down until dinner.” 
She stopped and turned around to face him once more. 
“I recognize, accept, and love who you are now. But I would push back on one point.” At her raised eyebrow, he continued, “Wakanda is served well by every version of you because you love her and she loves you back. This version of you is extraordinary. But better implies there was something wrong with the equally extraordinary version of you from before. And there wasn’t.” 
Something pricked the back of her eyes as she turned away from him, a sting she despised about as much as physical affection. 
“This is why I hate coming back,” she huffed. “Tell anyone my eyes so much as misted and I’ll kill you in your sleep.” 
He chuckled. “Bast’s fiercest warrior and daughter never cries. Even if my eyes witnessed such a feat, I would not know the words to share it with a soul.” 
She smiled before exiting his office, immediately swallowing the emotion she felt. She hated how out of sorts she felt being back here. Seeing T’Challa in the flesh again after seven long years, the emotions of being back here in this home and in this city, finding out her sister was pregnant, the emotional exhaustion of switching from her alias back to Naja… this was why she preferred to be alone when she first got home. Had not been on Wakandan soil for an hour and she had already been through a rollercoaster of emotions. 
Naja moved through the halls silently and swiftly, moving like a panther herself to ensure she did not run into her sister. Though she was not happy about being forced to return, she was excited to see her sister and her nephew. Though Nakia still treated her like a fragile dove, her sister loved her beyond comparison and reason. 
When she finally found her way to her room, she stripped down and curled into bed immediately. A content sigh slipped from her lips as she settled into the comfort of the soft mattress and linens. The room was obscene, triple the size of her home in Niganda. It was home to her and served her needs but it left much to be desired compared to what she left behind. 
Don’t get used to it, she thought to herself as she already started to drift off to sleep. Two months and then we’re out of here.
Naja yawned deeply as she rushed to dinner, realizing she was several minutes late. She hated that T’Challa was right, per usual. 
A break from life as a spy was not so bad. She did not know how to relax and rest but her body seemed determined to ensure she did it. She slept like a rock, a call from T’Challa 10 minutes past dinnertime was the only thing to jolt her from her sleep. 
She paused outside the family dining room, her heart warming as she heard her nephew spitting rapid fire questions at his parents about training. Her sister’s voice filled the room. 
“Will you teach your sister how to train when she’s old enough?” She heard Nakia ask. 
TJ’s small voice responded. “Would that be safe for her? I don’t want her to get hurt like I do.” 
“As safe as it is for any Wakandan,” Naja offered with a teasing smile as she rounded the corner. 
“Auntie Naja!!” TJ sprung from his seat with the strength of a cannon and ran into her outstretched arms. “I missed you!” 
“My prince!! You are getting taller and taller every day!” She tickled his sides, his giggles filling the dining room and everyone’s hearts with warmth. “And when you’re training that little one in a few years, you should remember what my baba always told us. Our battle scars are our strength, our power, and…” 
“A reminder from Bast that we lived another day to serve Wakanda,” TJ finished, reciting the words Nakia and Naja’s father always said. 
She cradled him against her chest for a moment once more before letting him go, his small hand gripping around hers to drag her farther into the room. 
“Now why doesn’t he have a time limit on your affection?” T’Challa’s voice was filled with fake indignation. 
She merely shrugged as TJ demanded she take the open seat next to him. 
“I simply like him better than you.” 
However, before she sat, she rounded the table to her sister. 
“Sister. No, don’t get up,” she cautioned as Nakia started to move. The hug she bestowed was longer than most would receive but she could tell by the unshed tears in Nakia’s eyes that she needed it. She cradled one hand to Nakia’s cheek before the other rested on her belly. “How are you? And how is my future niece, Wakanda’s next great warrior?” 
“We are both well, even better now that you are here. You’re so thin.” She tsked slightly, T’Challa and Naja sharing a knowing glance and chuckle. “You need to catch me up on everything. But first sit. Eat.” 
As she returned to her seat, she watched as a silent conversation passed between her King and Queen. Though Nakia’s face appeared happy, there was something brewing beneath the surface. She could sense the anger passing through her to T’Challa, a guilty look plastered on his face. She watched as he busied himself with his own plate to avoid her glare. 
She did not know what to make of it as she piled food on her plate, she could not deny she was starving. However, she realized the reason for that silent conversation quickly as two voices grew louder and louder as they moved toward the dining room.
“If you had just listened to me, we wouldn’t have been late! Your elementary knowledge of nanotech is useless. I could’ve finished it in an hour if you hadn’t been there mansplaining,” Shuri ranted as she rounded the corner into the kitchen. She was so frustrated she did not even notice Naja at the table or acknowledge her. 
“Aye! I went to MIT, short bit,” a sharp American voice filled the space, Naja’s blood turning to ice water, her head whipping toward the door so fiercely she could have broken her own neck. She felt as if her heart completely stopped as she watched Prince N’Jadaka enter the dining room. “That shit’s hardly element-” his words immediately fell off as his eyes fell on Naja, his entire body paralyzed in mid step. 
The pair merely stared at each other, the dining room rapidly filling with tension so severe even the staff ceased moving. And only four people, save the Prince and Naja, knew the source of that tension. Her body did not move an inch, her fork still hovering in the space above her plate as indescribable rage took control of every cell in her body. She could feel it deep in her bones, 15 years worth of pain she had buried warped into a monster. Her nephew’s presence mere inches from her were the only calming presence she could feel, the only thing keeping everything from boiling over. 
“Well… this is painfully awkward,” Shuri muttered as she sat down in her seat next to the Queen Mother. “W-Welcome home, Naja.” 
She cleared her throat, an even and cold timbre falling on her voice. No longer did Naja, the sister and friend, sit at the table. Naja, the spy, with her iron clad facade sat before them. Cold, unfeeling, ruthless. Unbreakable, she reminded herself. That was the weapon she had fashioned herself into. That was who she was now. And she was better for it. 
“Thank you, Princess. I am happy you are back and well. I see much has changed since my last visit. Erik.” 
He had started to make his way to his own seat but stilled at the sound of his American name. It was the name he had gone by his entire time in Wakanda when he moved here as a child after his father’s death. Prince Erik, preferably just Erik, he forced everyone to call him. But Naja… she was the one person aside from T’Challa he allowed to call him by his Wakandan name. She knew he had once loved hearing her say it as much as she loved to say it. She knew the dig, however coded it was, hit its mark, a part of her savored in the hurt that crossed his face. 
“I prefer N’Jadaka,” he offered as he sat down in the last open seat directly across from her, which only increased her anger. 
“Hmm… So you have returned to Wakanda for the birth as well, Erik?” She asked, ignoring his preference. She would never call him N’Jadaka or prince again. She did not care if the whole damn country referred to him as such. 
He sucked his teeth. “Nah. I’ve been back for months… I owed T and Wakanda a favor so I’m home for good, helpin’ rebuild after everythin’.” 
The entire table seemed to shift as rage wafted off Naja. She cut her eyes from Erik to T’Challa, the rest of the room falling away as she threw him a glare that made him thankful the heart-shaped herb ran through his veins. However, beneath that glare, T’Challa knew it masked hurt and one question only he and Nakia could likely decipher. 
How could you? 
“I have suddenly lost my appetite. Sister, I will check in on you in the morning. Good night.” Her fork loudly clanked against the dinner china before she rose from the table. She ignored the calls of her sister and T’Challa for her to stay as she turned to leave. She slowed herself just enough to kiss her nephew on the forehead briefly before exiting without a second glance.
He was home… How could T’Challa not tell her? Tell her that she would be living under the same roof as him for months? Did he consider her too fragile for such knowledge? That her feeble, weak mind would collapse or fall apart? Those days were behind her. 
She had turned all that hurt and pain into fuel, it drove her and pushed her. And now here he was, and all that hurt she suppressed for 15 years, all of that was back with one look at his face. She hated him, despised him. She did not want to look at him, much less sit across from him at every meal for the next two months. 
She could not do it. Fuck the King’s commands. She was returning to Niganda tonight. Even if she had to hitch hike the entire way. 
She was so wrapped up in her escape plan that she did not hear the footsteps behind her until she felt a presence directly on her back. Without thought, she pulled out the gun still tucked in her waistband and cocked it, aiming it directly at… T’Challa. 
She ignored the bang of the Doras’ spears on the ground as she kept the gun aimed at him. She was thankful it was just him. That was the one thing she did not enjoy about her life as a spy, her instincts were too difficult to turn off now. 
“Still ever vigilant, I see?” T’Challa raised his hand to the Dora, silently ordering them to stand down, wholly unperturbed at having a gun pointed at his chest. 
“Well, you never know when someone’s gonna betray you,” she spat with venom that made him flinch.
“I understand you’re upset...” 
“You understand nothing,” she seethed, taking a step toward him. She lowered the gun, the weapon shaking in her hand. “I understand that you knew I would not agree to return if I knew he was here so instead of telling me of the birth and asking me to return, you forced my hand. I understand that you used your title and my love for my sister as manipulation to force a reconciliation. It. Is. Not. Happening.” 
“You cannot avoid him forever. You are both part of this family.” 
She paced, agitated and frustrated. “I can and will avoid him forever. Because if I don’t, I will use his body to test out the multitude of ways I know how to kill someone.. I can’t believe you didn’t warn me he was here.” 
“I am sorry. I thought it would help but I was wrong.” He sighed before gesturing at the gun. “Will it help?” 
She thought about it and nodded. 
The black fibers of his suit emerged and covered his whole body. With perfect precision, she shot him over and over again, emptying her clip until his suit was bright purple with the stored kinetic energy of each bullet. The loud bangs reverberated through the halls, her eardrums rattled. 
“Better?” He asked when she finally lowered the gun and tucked it back in its hiding spot.
“Yes… and no. You’re still able to talk,” she muttered. Though shooting something did take the edge of her anger off. 
“I am sorry for deceiving you. You are right, I knew you would not return if you knew Erik had returned home permanently. But your sister… and I… we need you here. I know what he did, the pain he caused you. And if you do not speak to him ever again, you would be within your right. But I ask very little of you, Naja. And right now, I am asking you to stay here,” Naja was annoyed that he somehow already realized she was going to run back home. “And endure for us. Two months and then you can leave and I will not utter a word to convince you to stay. I promise.”  
She nodded. “Fine. But just so you know, any ill conceived notion you had of me returning to this country for good? That is gone now. As long as Erik Stevens calls Wakanda home, I never will.” She turned on her heels and disappeared down the hall, leaving T’Challa alone surrounded by shell casings. 
She only paused when she heard him yell back, “I’ll have dinner sent to your room. Please eat or your sister will kill me.” 
She scoffed. “That’s not reason enough,” she called back. Though they both knew she would eat whatever was brought to her. 
Unlike Naja, Erik was able to hide his emotions a tad bit better and hold it together through dinner. However, his emotions did not include rage, except for toward T’Challa. All he had felt at dinner was the hot, uncomfortable spotlight of guilt and shame. What he had done, he’d never forgive himself. And any stupid notion he once had that Naja could forgive him one day was wiped out in a manner of minutes. 
“What the fuck, T?” Erik demanded as he stormed into T’Challa’s office, the King nursing a glass of rum as he continued to work. 
“Your ex already shot me several times this evening, figuratively and literally. So go easy on me, N’Jadaka.” 
“You told me she didn’t ever come back to Wakanda? That she moved on??
T’Challa shrugged. “Those things are not untrue. Naja is a War Dog stationed in Niganda,” he admitted. “You wanted nothing to do with Wakanda once you left and worked for the US Government so I could not reveal War Dog identities to you. And when you came back, I thought it best that she remain out of sight and out of mind.” 
Erik’s eyes grew wide. “W-wait, w-wait… a watch and report back War Dog or a Hatut Zeraze-era War Dog?” 
There was a distinction, one only a precious few in the country knew. For most, the War Dogs were merely spies, a Wakandan-style CIA force that watched, patiently integrating themselves into their host country’s world to report back critical information to protect Wakanda. However, past kings used a specialized force of them for other purposes, ones the average Wakandan knew nothing of, purposes that actually kept Wakanda safe and protected all these years. 
T’Challa sighed and rubbed his eyes. “The latter until my coronation. She was handpicked during training by my father, and worked her way up to leading missions across the continent and beyond.” 
Erik scoffed. “Missions… I know what missions mean. Assassinations, torture.”
T’Challa tilted his head. “None that we would ever admit to.  She is stationed in Niganda 90% of the time unless my father needed her for another assignment. When I became king, I disbanded that portion of the War Dogs and she has been our lead War Dog in Niganda ever since.” 
The stinging heat of anger and fear prickled his brain. The Naja he remembered was soft, not in a bad way either. You wanted to lean into her and soak up her warmth. It was comforting and soothing. However, he knew first hand the things she would have had to do to be part of that specialized force. And he would not wish the damage all that had done to his own soul on anyone else, least of all her. 
“’N you didn’t think to tell a nigga she was comin’?” 
“I thought 15 years was enough time for you both to move past everything that transpired. Clearly I was wrong.” 
“She still hates me?” 
T’Challa scoffed. “Is there a word stronger than hate? Because that may be more accurate.” He paused. “Do you still feel guilty?” 
Erik merely nodded, his finger fidgeting with his father’s ring, which he had worn around his neck since he was a small boy. 
“15 years and one look at her and all that shit just comes right back,” he let out a low whistle. “She looks damn good. Different though. Not just physically. She’s colder than I remembered.”  
“You miss her?” 
He nodded. “Yea, being back here this year. She’s gone but every fuckin’ place in this damn country reminds me of her. I fucked up.”
“You still love her?” 
Erik shrugged. “A lack of love was never the issue. Doesn’t matter if 50 years go by… it’d still be her. Only her. Who knows, maybe I can make this shit right. Can’t be a coincidence that Bast brought us both back?” 
“May I be honest with you, cousin?” 
“Me saying no ain’t ever stopped you.” 
“When Naja first joined the War Dogs, her father made a personal plea to my father and I  to reject her application. When I asked him why, he said that though they were crafted by the same hand, his daughters could not be more different. Nakia, he said, was an assassin’s blade. Beautiful, striking, and when wielded with the right hand, deadly. While Naja was no weapon at all. She was a delicate sculpture, something to gaze upon, he said. She could be a weapon, like anything. But one blow would be all you get and the cost would destroy her and she would never be the same again.” 
“This fuckin’ Wakandan proverb shit,” Erik mumbled. “Like what the fuck does that even mean?” 
“It means… You broke her, N’Jadaka. And that isn’t a judgment or condemnation,” he added at the pain that flashed across his face. “I understood then and now what ailed you when you did what you did. But you broke her. And to cope with that pain, like you, she picked up all those broken pieces and fashioned herself into a weapon that is more deadly than even Nakia ever was. Someone who is unbreakable. She is the most lethal weapon I’ve ever seen with stunning effectiveness and precision. She is pragmatic, she is cold, she is cunning, and merciless. And for her, love for anything other than this country and its throne is weakness. She is not the Naja you left here 15 years ago. She may look like the woman you love but she is an entirely different person, N’Jadaka. Be wise and remember that.”
“What are you saying?” 
“I am saying that as much as I would love to see the two of you reconcile, this Naja will sooner kill you before she will let you close enough to break her ever again. Goodnight, cousin.” T’Challa grabbed his glass and stood up, walking to the door, leaving Erik to contemplate the consequences of his actions. 
Tag List: @miyuhpapayuh @pipsqueak-98 @injerafiend @themakingsofdion
A/N: Ok I've never written Erik before so I'm really excited. I also feel like this OC is very unlike my others so I'm excited about.
Drop a comment and let me know what you thought or if you want to be tagged!
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theereina · 2 days
The chokehold that Terry Richmond (Aaron Pierre) and Erik "Killmonger" Stevens (Michael B. Jordan) have me in is critical.
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20 notes · View notes
sageispunk · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
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'belongs to another' - jimmy uso x black!reader
angst, smut, fluff, infidelity, weed use • 1.7k words
'untitled' - jey uso x black!reader
alcohol use, groping, teasing, smut • 433 words
'as nature intended' - silas p. silas x black!reader
smut, hairy coochie praise • 279 words
'untitled' - erik stevens x black!reader
they're roommates, teasing, tickling!!, smut • 1.1k words
'4/20' - terrance coin x black!reader
weed use, neighbors to lovers, age gap, smut • 503 words
nsfw alphabet - fontaine x black!reader
no warnings • 1.2k words
'untitled' - richie jerimovich x black!reader
pt. 2 of that drabble, somno, voyeurism • not started
'might be' - richie jerimovich x black!reader
pt. 2; weed use, smut, pining • not started
A/N: i know you guys have been waiting on Fontaine's nsfw alphbet for a minute but it just needs a little more time (I want it to be perfect🫣)..I'm hella excited about the Jimmy fic, I spent like 2 hours writing it last night and right now I'm just stuck on how I want to finish off the first part (there will probably be a couple parts). My Richie fics are just continuations of a couple things I've already uploaded and will likely be started around the time Bear s3 comes out (basically when I rewatch). The tickling Erik oneshot is probably gonna be the kinkiest thing I've ever written tbh and I can't wait to share!!! Method Man characters because I'm a big softie for that man in all eras of his life. And obviously the Usos because them WWE boys have a GRIP on my soul right now
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30 notes · View notes
bizzybkd · 2 years
Cornbread (1)
Killmonger x pregnant!reader / part one
Warnings: None, just super fluffy, and in this AU, Erik’s father never left Wakanda but he did pass at the same time as in canon, Erik just grew up surrounded by the rest of his family instead
As you looked amongst your closet, the growing mound on your front told you that most of your clothing wouldn’t properly fit you anymore right now. Carrying your fiancé’s big headed baby boy had given you enough reason to buy larger sized clothing ahead of time. Of course, most of the clothes you wore were Erik’s, seeing as he was almost an entire foot taller than you.
You reached your hand inside and pulled out one of Erik’s Nike tech outfits, the much larger size telling you that as long as you didn’t spill anything on it, and your baby didn’t suddenly decide to come two weeks early and have your water break whilst sitting on the couch, Erik wouldn’t be upset once he saw you in it.
Said man had already taken his leave to go to work, a job you knew very little about but didn’t care to know much. You had your dream Cadillac in the garage and subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, and Disney+ and more than enough good food in the kitchen. Whether it needed to be made or even just removed from the packaging, you couldn’t be happier with the selection. Erik always made sure you had your favorites, which at the time were goldfish crackers, plantain chips, ice cold water from your preferred refillable water bottle, and your soon-to-be Auntie-in-law’s homemade cornbread, which Erik would either take you to get personally from her in Wakanda or he would go get himself.
For a royal family that could have any chef they desired and any food they could ask for at their finger tips, Queen Mother making cornbread always seemed to brighten your mood no matter what.
As you looked in the fridge for your cornbread, you looked at the container the cornbread was in had been gone, and taking a quick glance at the sink, you knew exactly why.
‘You ate the last piece of cornbread?!’ You sent to your fiancé’s phone, fingertips typing ten words a second at how furious you were becoming. How dare he! Taking the last piece of cornbread he knew you loved and knew he wouldn’t have time to get for another few days due to work. How dare he taken something quick to eat in his late morning that you had wanted first!
After five minutes passed of you staring at the message sitting on “delivered”, it finally changed to “read 11:27am”.
‘Babygirl, there was only one piece left.’ He replied, having deleted and retyped his message three times as the dots had told on him.
‘That was my last piece! Now there isn’t anymore and I want some! When can we get more?’
‘Maybe Thursday, (Y/n). I don’t know, I shouldn’t be talking right now, okay? I’ll get you your cornbread.’
You glared at the message and simply put a ‘thumbs up’ on it in reply, letting out a long groan of frustration before putting a hand over your belly, in your act of anger, you had forgotten to actually get something to eat. Getting up with a huff, you trudged to the kitchen with much less gumption that you had before. Pulling the box of Lucky Charms cereal from the cabinet and the oat milk from the fridge, you made yourself a quick bowl of cereal, leaving everything out by you as you knew you would want another few bowls.
An hour or so later, still saddened by the lack of cornbread as you munched on the bland tasting plantain chips you had beside you. The mediocre game show on screen made you cringe, it was obvious the contestants were guessing wrong on purpose to the easiest questions just to make the episode hit its target screen time. It annoyed you to no end, but seeing as you binged all your shows and wouldn’t dare taint your mind’s taste buds by risking a new show or movie, you settled.
Out of boredom, you decided to treat yourself, you were cornbread-less, patience-less, and had what the doctors assumed to be a seven to eight pound baby in your belly. Wakanda was only a short ten hour trip by flight, and practically 30 minutes if you could convince your cousin-in-law, Princess Shuri or King T’Challa to send a jet to your house.
You had always known about Erik, well, N’Jadaka, Erik simply being the name he took undercover when he came to America where he met you. You figured out pretty quickly he was the prince, shaving his beard, contacts and a switch from locs to a fade didn’t do as much disguising as he’d hoped, not from you anyway.
You kept his secret while you both attended MIT, as long as he promised to help you pass your physics and trigonometry courses. Aside from numbers and formulas, those weren’t the only things you were happy to take with you once you graduated.
Now having dated four years and being eight months pregnant, with a beautiful 4 carat engagement ring on your finger, and a very strong bond between your fiancé and his family, it wasn’t exactly uncommon for your pregnant self to call the princess and king if you needed something while Erik was at work.
Dialing Shuri’s kimono beads with your own she’s given you, it was almost immediately she answered, a large smile on her holographic face.
“(Y/n)!! It’s great to hear from you!! How are you and my nephew? Sleeping okay? Resting? Eating well?” She cried, the background of the hologram showing she must’ve been at work in her lab.
“Hello, Shuri, I’m doing very well thank you, M’Jabe too. Erik ate the last piece of Queen Mother’s cornbread this morning and I was hoping I’d be able to come get more? It’s really been the only thing keeping me—“
“Right away! I’ll speak with cousin later but for now you come here!!” Shuri interrupted, an interruption you couldn’t care less for as it meant you’d be getting what you wanted. “The jet will be there in ten minutes, shall you pack a bag and stay the night again?” She asked.
You’d stayed the night last month, having had phantom contractions that had easily convinced you that you were in labor. Seeing as it had been another four weeks since then, it was obvious you were wrong. Knowing you still had two weeks before your due date, you deemed yourself perfectly fine not to stay long, especially with how busy the royal family were already.
“No, Shuri, but thank you, I’ll stay again in a week or two since M’Jabe will be due then.” You assured her. She nodded solemnly but smiled. “That’s fine, but the next sleepover I’ll be meeting my nephew so I’ll be looking forward to that!”
You let out a laugh and nodded. You and Shuri continued to talk until the jet arrived, having put on a jacket to combat the nipping mid October weather and a pair of fuzzy slippers you loved. Okoye met you at the top of the stairs into the jet, giving you a smile as you walked in, lending you a hand up the steps as you used the other hand to hold your belly.
“Enkosi, General.” You smiled as she nodded and helped you to a seat.
“Of course, (Y/n), it’s good to see you’re doing well, I’d hoped you would with prince N’Jadaka.” She replied, earning a laugh from you and your son who kicked your kidney in agreement. God he wasn’t even born yet and he was heavy handed like his father.
The ride to Wakanda was short of course, and for good reason, you could only feel your drool escaping your lips as you nearer the great castle, as if smelling the cornbread being made already.
Erik called you after you landed and we’re being escorted inside.
“Why are you in Wakanda?” He asked almost immediately after you answered.
“I wanted my cornbread.” You replied matter-of-factly.
He let out an audible sigh. “You’re a trip..” he let out a soft chuckle before it turned into a light laugh. He loved your attitude, and his ability to tame it. “Don’t worry, Babygirl, I’ll be there soon. Tell Auntie and the other two I said hey.”
You smiled and walked along the long hallways with Okoye, her simply going about her duty alongside you. You couldn’t tell if she was just a master of not showing her opinions through her face, or if she truly tuned out your conversation. It didn’t really matter to you.
“Okay, baby, I’ll see you when you get here. And I forgive you for eating my cornbread.” You smiled, rubbing your belly gently.
He let out yet another laugh, but this one came from his gut, he truly found you amusing and that’s one of the things he truly loved about you. You loved his laugh as well.
“Thank you for forgiving me baby. I won’t touch your cornbread again.” He said in defeat, you could hear the smile in his voice and it made you blush. God, even after four years he could make you giggle like a school girl.
“Get here soon, me and M’Jabe miss you lots..” you admitted. Curse your pregnancy tongue.
Erik noticed the small difference in your tone, how sad you suddenly became at the thought of him being so far away. He hated doing that to you, no matter what his duties were. Of course, him working was to provide for the human you both created that was only days away from coming along. You and your baby were his priorities and everything else came second, so as much as he’d want to spend hours and hours tending to your pregnant form and giving you all the treatment you deserved, being able to stay with his family was the next best thing.
“How about you stay in Wakanda until my son comes along?” He asked you, knowing you had already discussed how you wanted to stay in the comfort in your own home until it was time. But you also knew that he was worried about that plan, what if you went into labor and he wasn’t home or couldn’t make it home, he’ll be damned before you had to take yourself to a rinky dunk hospital that charged almost 100k just for birthing the child and even just holding it afterwards, before the baby was born of course.
You went silent for a bit to think it over, you knew what he was worried about but also knew what you wanted. Being hormonal and pregnant, missing your fiancé who couldn’t be there for what you knew wouldn’t be another two hours, and in a castle you hadn’t spent more than a week at a time in, tears welled in your eyes.
You quickly wiped them away and did your best to hide the sudden spiral in your voice.
“How about we talk about that when you get here, baby, I don’t wanna make any decisions without looking each other in the face.” You said, mustering a smile.
Erik nodded, he knew that would make you feel better.
“Alright, baby, that sounds good. I’ll talk to you then, okay? I love you.” He finally said.
“I love you back..” you replied, hanging up the phone and letting soft tears fall as you made it to the thrown room.
Face to face was how you liked to handle things anyway. That how you got M’Jabe to be two weeks away to being in the world anyway.
Well… maybe not two weeks.
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Summertime Magic XIII
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A/N: WHAAAAT?!?!?! Another chapter of your FAV fanfic with Mr. N'Jadaka Udaku.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: Nothing really but there is a discussion about ... uhn uhn no spoilers sorry
Word Count: 4182
Song Recommendation: All Mine - Brent Faiyaz
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
N’Jadaka looked up at Leslie and said “I can explain everything, Leslie. Wait, does she-“.
“Nope. She doesn't know anything. Y’know I was a little skeptical when we first met then I started to see you more and when Y/N told me about your trips to Wakanda, I just thought ‘hmmm, just another person from Wakanda. But then low and behold the freaking king and lord of Wakanda are in your house. You don’t know how to hide it, don’t you?”, Leslie asked before she took a sip of red wine. The prince looked down at his hands and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry but you have to keep this between us. She can't know right now”
“Why? So, my best friend doesn’t know she is gonna be one of your wives?”
“One of my wives? Leslie, where the hell did you hear that from?” Leslie poured another glass and said, “my grandma told me when she was back home, the kings and princes had multiple wives. Look, I ain’t tryna talk shit about our own culture but Y/N is too good to be one of your wives. I ain’t with that shit and neither would she.” N’Jadaka laughed and said “with all due respect, she must have not been there for decades because we stopped that shit when my unc became king. Queen Mother wasn't with that shit at all either so I get you. I care about Baby Girl too damn"
Leslie leaned forward on her hand as she asked "then why can't she know? I mean you love her and what not so why keep her in the dark?" N'Jadaka took a deep breath and started to explain why. "Well, I feel like if she finds out she may leave me, use me, or just whatever the fuck she wants. I had to basically stop my friends from mentioning people around me. I have to keep a very low profile at all times or someone will run and ask for my autograph like I'm Beyonce or something."
"With all due respect my prince, you will never be Beyonce. And do you really think sissy is like that", she asked in a monotone voice, left brow rose and arms extra folded. N'Jadaka sat up and looked her in the face before saying “no. To be honest, I just wanna protect my baby. She really does mean a lot to me but I just know a lot of folks will come after her. I promise I will tell her.”
"When", said Leslie when she rolled her eyes, not believing him. N'Jadaka kept her eyes on her as he dug in his pocket and slid a velvet box towards her. “N’Jadaka…is that what I think it is?” Leslie looked to him before grabbing the box and once she opened it, all she can say was:
"Yeah, been holding on since we made it official."
"N'Jadaka, this is beautiful. But wait, why buy a ring but not tell her about you being royality?"
"It may seem foolish but it was M'Baku's idea. He said it would be more suspenseful, dramatic but mostly I did it because I want to take her on a trip to Wakanda in a few months and tell her." Leslie couldn’t stop looking at the ring; a 2 1/4 ct tw Emerald-cut 14K White Gold but the band looked like it was a polished vibranium finish. Leslie felt teary eyed just looking at it, just imagining how her best friend would react and how beautiful of a bride she would be. “Wow, this is really nice and beautiful and sweet. I’m sorry that I’m so dramatic. I am just so happy for y’all.” He walked over to her and hugged her tight as he chuckled. “Well, I’m happy you love it. I can’t wait to see my baby’s reaction.” 
They heard footsteps and had to be inconspicuous; N’Jadaka let go of Leslie and started caressing the fridge while Leslie wiped her face clean of tears and sipped her wine clean, they saw the ring and its box; he grabbed and hid it in his pocket. Y/N waltzed in with her nephew on her like a koala. “Hey, Monte. They in here and for some reason, babe is making love to y’all new fridge.”
“If he gets my fridge pregnant, he will pay child support”, Monte said as he walked behind her. Soon, everyone made their way to the backyard where it was a whole barbeque feast along with pot roast, baked mac and cheese and multiple side dishes. “So, JD. How is the OutReach center going, man? Sis been tellin’ me about some of programs already?”
“Oh yeah. You know we have the whole nine yards but I think the kids are going to be more into the science and art programs though. We also got the sports coming in too so the kids are gonna love it.” Monte nodded and asked “So JD, when are you and sis gonna make me an uncle?” Y/N coughed on her white wine and fanned herself to breathe again; Izaiah patted her back to make sure she was okay. Leslie told Monte “baby, don’t tryna sound like pops please. They will have kids one day.”
“Leslie baby, I know. I’m just talking trash, that's all.” Leslie cut into her pot roast as she glared at him and said “well, ya better stop or your butt is gonna be talking to that couch.” Monte looked at her and glared at her back but went back to his food then asked “so, baby sis, when y’all getting married”; this made Leslie choke like Y/N and she quickly drank her water while everyone watched. N’Jadaka sat there with wide eyes eating his food then relaxed them once she felt Y/N’s hand on his thigh. She looked to her good friend and said “when the time comes, Monte. I don’t want to rush into anything, you know what I mean but even if he never asks me to be his wife; it doesn't matter to me. I will always love him.” N’Jadaka looked at her and smirked as she winked and went back to his food. 
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Once they finished dessert, Monte, N’Jadaka and Izaiah were playing with a huge yoga ball in the backyard. Leslie grabbed her vape, added a cream pineapple flavor and took a small puff, making sure to blow the smoke out where Y/N wasn’t sitting. “I can’t believe Monte asked that”, Y/N said before pouring her fourth glass of white wine. Leslie took another hit and asked “which one”?
“About me having a kid with him. He know that is a touchy ass subject so why ask?” Leslie took a deep breath sipping her red wine and said “I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I feel bad now.” Y/N looked to her then looked at the three boys and watched as N’Jadaka played with her godson. He looked so happy as he played with the small child; it warmed her heart so much but then she felt a tear drop and her heart shattered. She excused herself and went straight to the bathroom. Once she did, she saw her mascara running down her cheeks. “Great, there goes my makeup.” She grabbed one of Leslie’s makeup wipes and tapped her running mascara marks away. She then dug into her purse to grab her setting powder, her travel powder brush and started to cover what was missing from her makeup. Y/N closed her eyes, took a deep breath and told herself “I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am strong. I am loved and I matter.” She opened her eyes to see Monte standing behind her with a concerned face that made her heart fall to her kneecaps. “What the fuck, Monte?! When the Hell did you get in here?!”
“Uh, when you started chanting like Angela Bassett praying like Tina Turner”; she rolled her eyes and he looked at her reflection. “Bae told me where you were and also cussed me the fuck out so yeah.” She looked at him as she reapplied her eyeliner then her mascara. Monte bent down to place his head on her shoulder, pouting as he looked in the mirror. “Sissy, you ain’t mad at me are you?”
“I’m chillin’, Monte.”
“You sit on a throne of lies, madam. I’ve known you since middle school and I know how you are, missy. You get that look in ya like you wanna shank someone in the knee cap then ya nostrils start flaring up.” Y/N looked up to him which made him point at her and stand up straight. “See, there it is”; she turned to him which made him yelp and slam his back into the door. She poked into his chest as she said the following words:
“Why the hell would you mention children knowing what I've been through?” Monte relaxed his shoulders a tad and took a deep breath; he hung his head in defeat and replied: “I am sorry, sis. I feel really bad. I meant no harm by it.” Y/N looked at him with folded arms before he asked, “he doesn’t know, does he”; she stood in silence which he took as an answer. “You gonna have to tell him one day right, sis? You can’t hide it from him forever.” Y/N stood there, feeling as if she was disappointed in herself. She loves N’Jadaka dearly but what if her secret would make him leave for good. 
Once it was time to go, Y/N placed her god baby in his bed and tucked him while JD watched. He grinned thinking of how great of a mom she would be. He thought about what he was asked at dinner and just couldn’t stop imagining him and Y/N as parents. He felt like she he was a chunky baby, their child would also be a chunky one as well. He didn't care if they had a boy or girl first; the only thing that mattered was the health and well being of the child or, as he would like in the future, children. When he was growing up in Oakland, California, he only really had his father up until he was eight sadly. Once his father passed away and his family took him to Wakanda, Mother Ramonda and Father T’Chaka were his parental figures. At fourteen years old, his family decided to explain his mother’s death; she passed away two days after giving birth to him. This became a fear for him especially if he and Y/N decide to make their own family.
The ride home was honestly so quiet which wasn’t their typical quiet, there was some tension that you can cut with a knife.When they got to N’Jadaka’s home, she hopped in the shower as he was checking his phone and getting undressed. Y/N stood looking in the mirror after she hopped out, she had to come clean about her secret. To her, communication was key and she knew that if she kept this hidden then it would keep eating at her. In bed, her in a huge shirt and him in just sweat pants, they just lied there looking at the ceiling; and that’s how they dosed off.
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Y/N woke up to the smell of breakfast so she stood, stretched her limbs and headed to do her morning routine before leaving the bathroom. N’Jadaka stood at the counter as she walked out, listening to Brent Faiyaz and setting the waiting area. He poured some OJ in tall curved glasses and followed half the cup with champagne. On their plates were fluffy omlettes with spinach, peppers and cheese, wheat toast, turkey sausage links, bacon and a side of hashbrowns. She sat at the counter and took a small sigh before saying “good morning” with a small smile and buttering her toast. N’Jadaka can tell something was troubling her and said “y’know? My unc always said ‘you can always feel if something is troubling someone you care for.’ You have something on your mind. I can feel it”. 
“I just been thinking about what Monte said at dinner”, she said after showing and finishing a slice of toast. N’Jadaka looked up at her while he sipped his mimosa. Once he placed his cup back down and moved his food next to her as he sat. N’Jadaka sat ext to her and leaned into her saying “baby, we already talked about this. We don’t have to get married anytime soon, love. We-”.
“I can’t have kids, N’Jadaka”, she said as she poked at her food. N’Jadaka was taken back honestly mentally. He had no idea what to say in the situation. He couldn’t imagine what was going on through her mind. But all he can do was stand as ahe looked down at her plate and hugged her from behind. He rested his chin on her head and as the hug went on, he heard little sniffs and felt her rub his arm slowly; the sound of her crying broke his heart. He kissed her head to comfort her and said “it’s okay, Y/N.” 
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“It’s not. I just-” ; she stopped and continued. “What if you wanted kids one of these days and I can’t give them to you. I just- I just don’t want you to regret being with me...” He looked over her head, took a deep, holding her tighter before he letting go and went to sit back down. “Y/N, I will never regret being with you. I love you way too much to say that is a deal breaker. We don’t have to have kids right now and when the time comes, we can just try and do our research. And even if we still have a baby, I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Really”, she said as she look up at him while tearing up a bit. N’Jadaka wiped her tears with his thumbs as he told her “of course, beautiful. I would never call it quits because of that. We will make it work. Aight?” She nodded and he leaned into her lips and kissed them softly. “Now, eat ya food, shower, get dolled up, alright? You been working a lot, you may got a little burn out and stress going on so I’m take you to get ya nails and feet done. Maybe, a deep ass massage, a little shopping trip for you and not for your shop. Okay?”
Y/N sat there in her feelings but they weren’t bad feelings. She felt love, she felt safe and never felt this way with any man before and she was okay with that. After they ate and got ready, they headed out and spent the day together. He would steal some looks of her. Watching her with pineapple hair, black shades, tye dye body con dress with red slides to match, she was beautiful not even trying. As they walked the street of Rodeo, he would pull her and wrap his arms around showing her a warm embrace. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. Even just watching her get nails and feet done, he still loved being around her and in her presence. As she talked and got pampered, he watched as she smiled and everytime she did, there was light that just shined and made everyone smile from ear to ear; he couldn’t wait to make her Mrs. Udaku and treat her like royalty the rest of their lives.
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The following week, both of their schedules were hectic as heck. From the Outreach Center to the grand opening of her salon, they have been overly busy with everything. When ever they were together, they were always working but they always made sure that made time for one another. On the next off day for N’Jadaka, he sat at his place bored and laying in bed. All of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door and got up to answer; it was Jerald and Sheila. The couple wore a matching Nike sweatsuit and had bags in their hands. “Hey, man. Where baby girl at”, Sheila asked. He told her “working on the shop, S. She’ll be home in a few hours.” 
Jerald places the bags on his counter and said “my moms made you grip of food, bruh. Cornbread, greens, pot roast, all that.” N’Jadaka rubbed his hands together feeling his inner fat boy jumping for joy. “Awe shiet. Ma Dukes threw down, huh?”
“You know she did. How ya fam doing by the way? I know the finna all be down here soon for the grandopening in like a month, huh?”
“Yeah, but between me and you, they just wanna meet Y/N. M’Baku and T already did and B’s big ass try to talk to Leslie.” Jerald and Sheila now sat on the couch as Jerald said “Leslie got a whole ass child and man though right.” While she rubbed Jerald’s back, she told the guys “please that aint stopping nothing for M’Baku. Remember her tried to get at me when I was a few months pregnant?” N’Jadaka chuckled and said “oh yeah and he was trying to challenge him on the mountain. Nah, that was funny as fuck.” 
“Man, I still got PTSD from being on that damn mountain being butt ass naked.” N’Jadaka passed them some drinks like water and apples juice before sitting. “So, JD, did you do it yet”, Jerald asked and N’Jadaka replied “nah, not yet man. I want it to be special though and y’all got be apart of it.” 
“I’m sorry but what are y’all talking about?”
“N’Jadaka is proposing to Y/N”. N’Jadaka said “NIGGUH! Now, you know S can’t keep a damn secret.” She stood and said “am not. At least I aint tell the baby you a whole ass Prince of Wakanda. Did I, hmmm?” Jerald looked at N’Jadaka and said “bae, you kinda told the last girl he hooked up with though.” She looked at him and seemed as if a ray of heat hit the back of his head because his eye twitched once before he said “she looking at me is she?” He avoided her glance as his friend chuckled before saying “Sheila, please don’t tell my girl anything. But my plan is to tell her that I got a surprise vacation planned, she won’t need anything just her and her phone, right? Ima get Dora Milaje to dress up and up on the aircraft then on the plane I will tell her we in Wakanda and all that but then once, we getting greeted by all the tribes. Ima make her feel like royalty the whole night you know after I tell her. Then Auntie talking about a welcoming feast and party but after that, Ima take her to the garden then BOOM candles every where, flowers falling, the purple night sky and my hands in hers as I get on one knee and then this.” He even got on his right knee as he showed the ring. Jerald stood and looked at the ring. “This shiet is sick as fuck, bruh.”
“Is that a vibranium band, JD?” The prince looked at the ring as he stood and said “yeah, it is. Because just like vibranium, our love can withstand anything and last for generations to come.” He heard sniffles as he looked up and saw not only Sheila crying but also Jerald. “That’s so beautiful, nigga. Got my crying and shiet.” Sheila looked to him and pushed him out the way to get to JD. “I promise I won’t saying anything. I am so happy for y’all, baby brother. EEEEK, I can’t wait.”
“Hey, y’all. Can’t wait for Sheila?” They shock to see Y/N standing there with black plastic bags of food. She wore some distressed jeans, a white tee and matching Converse; her hair was in a low bun. Sheila looked at the box in N’Jadaka’s hand and stood in front so he can hide the ring in his pocket and said “the grand opening of the salon, sis. Y’know what? That reminds me, girl. We actually got to get our fits ready. The event is in two days, right?” She pulled Jerald up and pushed him to door as she got her answer and walking; they said their byes with some hugs and left. Y/N turned to her man and said, with a confused expression as she walked to him, placed the bags on the coffee, “was J crying?”
“Yeah, we watching a sad ass movie, Sheila made us watched.” She giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss his lips once; he growled in pleasure and wrapped his arms around her waist, deeply kissing her. She moaned as her lips and tongue make love to his. She began to hold the back of neck getting deeper into the kiss until she smelt the food. She tried to pull away from the kiss but he didn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, the food is gonna cold.”
“Fuck that food. I wanna eat you instead.”
“Baby, I’m hungry.”
“You can eat later after I eat.”  With that, he picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and made their way to the bedroom. He threw her gently on the bed and started crawling up her body. “You gonna feed me, baby girl, or do I gotta unwrap my food myself.” She looked up at him while on her elbows before unzipping and slipped out her jeans. He began kissing her inner thighs before slipping her panties to the side. Slipping his thick digits inside her made her grip them instant as he did a curling motion as he sucked her clit. She moaned at the feeling and felt all her stress from the work week. She looked down at him to see his gentle orbs looked right at her. 
He loved making eye contact whether it was missionary.
“I love you so much”.
From the side.
“Damn, this pussy good as fuck, baby girl.”
And especially from the back. God, bless that mirror.
“Look at you taking all this dick. Mmmm fuck. Don’t you look beautiful taking this dick.”
“I look so good taking this dick, daddy.” After they made love, he stood from the bed still nude and said “aight, baby. You wanna eat?” All the answer he got was when he heard little snores behind him; he just chuckled and laughed.
It was the night of the grand opening and they were ready. N’Jadaka looked in the mirror of the bedroom and knew he looked good in his attire with his coat wide open and gold fangs glistening. Y/N came out in her amazing dress and he was taken aback. He kissed her cheek and they were off. They saw the news trucks, her family, friends, and supporters as they pulled up. Y/N got local black businesses to cater the event, and she had something to say before she opened the doors. 
“Hey, everyone. If you do not know who I am, I’m Y/N Y/L/N . I have been doing hair since very young young and been saving for this moment. This may sound cliche but I honestly am very thankful for y’all support and just being here. It was a very long road to travel down but it was all so worth it. I appreciate you all from friends and family for having my back for years but I also want to thank a man who has showed me so much love in the year and few we have dated and that man is Mr. N’Jadaka Udaku, who without him, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”  She held out her hand to signal him to come and as everyone cheered, clapped and took photos, he stood behind her, hugging her from the back and just being so proud of her but they didn’t know what was happening a few feet behind the crowd. 
There was a couple leaning in a silver Nissan Altima, wearing all black hiding in the night. “So, what you got planned to fuck them over,” said the man who was still upset N’Jadaka has his ex now. He looked towards the woman and said “just know, you inspired this plan… a lot.”  The woman was about to do something to ruin what a good thing the couple had, but she didn’t care and was willing to do anything to let Y/N know she made a huge mistake.
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Um....who in the raggedy hell plotting on Y/N and the Prince and HOW do you think Y/N will feel when she finds out N'Jadaka is a whole Prince? Find out in the next chapter. *evil cackle*
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juniperwoodwell · 2 years
Hello! I have some news.
I unfortunately will be busy most of March and probably won't be able to write as much.
So if you'd like to request some stories, Headcanons, Imagines, etc.
Please send them in! I'm willing to do pretty much anything except Smut, I will do some heated moments but nothing too explicit.
I do Fem! Reader and GN! Reader.
Here's my Master list and Prompt list.
•Master List
•Prompt List
Of course you do not need to ask for something from my prompt list, you can ask for anything you'd like.
Posted: Feb 17th
Valid until March 31st
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nareyacute101 · 2 years
Boyfriends Best Friend PT.1 ~ E&D
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This is a fanfic I wrote a while ago so I’m just posting it and I hope y’all enjoy 😭
I was at home with my boyfriend of 3 years almost 4 next month, Donnie. We met in high school in the beginning of high school and started dating in the 10th grade. I thought he was really hot and sweet when I started talking to him. But, we were waiting for Erik to just hang out as friends , me and Erik are friends , I met Erik through Donnie because they have be friends since elementary so for a while, so Donnie walked downstairs since he was upstairs and I was downstairs eating food, "Babe, I'm going to the store to get snacks so if Erik comes , just let him in." Donnie said going to the kitchen " okay babe, I will." I said and Donnie came around to give you a short passionate kiss and left the house.
After he left, you went to put on comfortable clothes on and went back downstairs, trying to find a movie to watch and 5 minutes later, you heard the doorbell ring. You got up to open the door and knew it was Erik so you swung the door open and their revealed Erik. Now, when you first met him you thought he was cute or whatever but a year later and some, he got hotter and whew Chile, anyways, Erik was smiling and said " hey y/n" with his deep voice that was so sexy. "Hey Erik" you said as you hugged his torse and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Come on in and by the way, Donnie went to by some sna-" you got cut off by Erik kissing you deeply and rough, you thought about pushing back but you kissed him back and a few seconds later, you pulled away.
"What was that for Erik?" You asked as you looked at his dark brown eyes deeply. " Y/N, I've always wanted to do that since we met through Donnie and your just so beautiful, smart and a intelligent women and I've always wanted you but never got a change because Donnie got you before me and now is my chance." Erik said then looking down and he truly meant that and I know it so I'm like f*ck it , I feel bad for him but then I'm going to feel bad for Donnie because I've been with him the longest but I'm going to give Erik a change to have me for now.
I started to kiss him again and then it got heated into a makeout session " Jump" Erik said seductively in my ear and I jumped into his arms and walked up the stairs and he was so strong carrying me and Donnie's shared bedroom, but, he threw me on the bed and hovered over me to connect our lips again.
"Strip" Erik said while standing up off the bed so you got up and took off your pajamas shirt and shorts leaving you in your laces bra and panties. Erik was already undressed and only in his briefs.
He was staring at you up and down and then said "Damn, my best friends girlfriend looking fine naked" ( omg 😭 okay keep reading ) Erik says so sexy and his body is so hot with those scars and those biceps (🥵). He pushed me on the bed and went down between my legs and looked up at me for permission , I nodded and he took off my lace panties " Damn" Erik whispered but you heard it so you smirked in your mouth( if that makes sense) and he just starting eating you out and I felt like I was in heaven on how is tongue was working my clit and his plump soft lips around my p*ssy " OH MY GOD ERIK FUCK" I yelled that anyone who was in the house can hear " I'm gonna cum Erik , fuckkkk" I said and then came.
"Now it's my turn princess" Erik said. So I got off the bed as Erik goes to lay on his back on the bed.
I crawl on the bed to meet his face and kiss him, then kiss my way down to his growing budge. I start to tease him by only putting my mouth on the tip, "stop teasing me Y/N" said Erik but I stopped teasing him after a couple of minutes then put him in my mouth.
"Ughhhh yes Erikkkkkkk" said Y/N moanly loudly, "Fuck" Erik grunted while blowing my back out (omg😳) after a while I hear my phone ringing, "Pick it up" Erik said while his thrust going faster "I can't d—ooo that's fuck but okay" Y/N said while picking up the phone and answering Donnie "Hey babe"Y/N said while breathing heavily, "Hey baby so was there any particular snacks you wanted while I'm here?" Donnie said while looking through the aisles. Y/N looked back at Erik to slow down but Erik kept going "Hello?" Donnie said over phone not hearing his girlfriend speak, "Sorry I was looking for something but um yeah some—Takis chips and Oreo's please" Y/N said then whispered "fuck" after she said that because she was getting pleasured by Donnie's best friend. "Okay we'll see you when I come home, I love you" Donnie said over the phone. "Love you too babe" Y/N said then hung up and screamed "SHITT, This feels so fucking good Erik". "It's does huh princess?" Erik said then grunted. "Yes daddy" Y/N whined
"I'm home!!" Donnie yelled throughout the whole house.
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kittybeewillows · 2 years
Collision Course Part 2 (A Modern AU Fic with Artist! Namor and Scientist! Shuri). Part 1 here.
Edit: got my ao3 account!! All updates will be there from now on. See the story here.
"Where the hell have you been?" Erik called out from under the aircraft's belly.
Shuri rolled her eyes. Her cousin had grown up in the United States, which explained a lot of his manners. 
Then again, he was right. She was indeed late. 
Shuri had promised him that she would help him fix his aircraft, which he affectionately called Killmonger. She hated the name and she never failed to remind him of how dark it is. 
"Cousin, you are not in a rush to go anywhere are you?" Shuri teased. If anyone else tried to make light of Erik's sentence, they would be met with her cousin's fists. 
Instead, Erik rolled out from beneath the machine and threw an oily rag at her. She swatted it away and smiled, getting to work. 
Erik was to remain landlocked in Wakanda after being caught smuggling vibranium out of the country. It was a political nightmare for T'challa, but deep down, Shuri understood why Erik did it. It would help countless other countries in need. In the end, T'challa also understood this eventually and initiated programs to help the outside world while keeping the world's only vibranium deposit secure. 
Shuri's thoughts trailed back to Namor. He was obviously not Wakandan, therefore he must have been one of the recipients of her brother's program. Which means he was a brilliant man in his field. 
She remembered his art. Scenes of a beautiful island with brilliant colors adorned the pages. Shuri has never seen color used that way.  There was no doubt that he was worthy to be one of the selected outsiders to visit Wakanda, for the betterment of both of their countries. Shuri allowed her thoughts to linger on his face a little more. His ears and nostrils were both pierced, adorned with jade of all things. He was a beautiful man.  A smile crept across her face without her noticing.
"You seem a little too happy today, cuz," said Erik, peaking from the window.
Shuri ignored his jab, but wanted to learn more about their nation's guests. 
"Did you see the cultural exchange fellows?" she asked, trying to remain as neutral as possible. 
"Nah, I don't have time for that," said Erik.
"You were supposed to be a consultant for the project remember? You're also partially the reason that they are here, cousin," replied Shuri. 
Erik smiled a little bit at that, but chose to reply with a question instead. 
"Someone new caught your eye?" he said. 
Shuri blushed, suddenly remembering a crooked smile and a fleeting handshake. Erik laughed. For one of the most brilliant minds in the world, Shuri was easy to read. Not that she made any effort to conceal herself or her feelings. 
But she will not have it from Erik today. 
Shuri raised a blowtorch and lit it. "Mind your business or Killmonger gets burn marks," she warned. 
That shut Erik up for once. 
As Shuri worked, she suddenly remembered that T'challa had invited her to the ceremonial dinner welcoming the foreigners. Shuri did not think much of it at first, as she usually did not like attending her brother's political engagements.
T'challa did not admit this outright but the dinner, and the program as a whole, was still political in essence. Her brother was pushing for an inclusive, open door policy, which was controversial in their once-hidden nation. If the program was successful, her brother could enact even more positive changes to the world, not just Wakanda.  
Of course then, it was suddenly clear to Shuri that she must go to the party. She must support her brother. 
It definitely did not have anything with the  man who had the most piercing brown eyes she had ever seen. 
(You guys, thanks so much to the positive response to my first drabble!!! I didn't expect it much from it. This time I wanted to explore Shuri's feelings. She is definitely more logical and rational than Namor, whereas Namor is rash and passionate. She is still a brilliant scientist who just happens to have mechanic skills on the side ofc. Some things don't change across the multiverse methinks. I also have loose ideas in my head of what I want to happen to certain characters other than Namor and Shuri but long story short, no one is dead here and everyone is a normal person trying their best in this version!!)
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tjadakaa · 1 year
I’ve been writing a verse with my husband called “hush”
Erik (age 8) gets adopted by a mentally unwell, time traveling T’Challa (age 45) from another timeline. And it’s actually really really good. Hopefully I’ll find time to edit and share soon.
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theereina · 14 days
*very Erik (Killmonger) coded...🤭
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my-km-me · 2 months
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bizzybkd · 2 years
Cornbread (2)
Killmonger x pregnant!reader part two
Warnings: none
“(Y/n), dear, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Queen Romanda asked, having put the pan of cornbread batter into the oven. You were sitting at a table only a few feet away as she refused to let you be on your feet. As well as having had you change into a long, beautifully patterned blue and yellow robe she had had made for you when you gave birth, but seeing as she underestimated the size of your coming child, decided you should be given the gift ahead of time to be comfy until the birth of her grandchild.
You were grateful for the gift, it represented a part of your culture you weren’t able to be indulged in, a distant part but it was still a part of you seeing as your ancestors had been twisted and traded with other racial DNA over the generations. You loved every part of yourself of course, but it was nice to be in touch with a specific part, like you belonged somewhere besides being from “everywhere”.
As for the question of your current state, the way you were bouncing your left leg and your hands unknowingly tense around the glass of water you had been given gave more than just the impression of uncomfortableness.
“Oh yes, Queen Romanda,I’m kakuhle ngokupheleleyo.(“perfectly fine”)”You replied, God, those Duolingo lessons really paid off. That, and Erik helping you himself.
Romanda smiled, she loved how you embraced her kingdom’s culture as your own, as it was anyway. “Kuyaqondwa, ntombi.” She replied.
“Queen Mother!” One of the Dora Milaje cried, rushing into the room, the Queen immediately on her guard. “There seems to be an uproar in the capital, citizens are protesting what they have found to be an unfair merchant.” She explained, spear at her side in attention.
“Take me. I must apologize, ntombi, but I must attend to this.” She said, speed walking up to you and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead before going with the warrior.
This left you alone in the kitchen, the gorgeous vibranium and black titanium of the tiles and counters made the entire room feel clean and sleek. You imagined having this for you and Erik’s home, although you knew it’d cost an arm and a leg to install, let alone maintain.
After just a few minutes in silence, you got up to your feet, mouthing a small apology to Queen Romanda, as you had broken you unspoken promise to stay off your feet. Walking the hallways, the cup of water in your hands seemed to be weightless as you looked at the many tapestries and paintings, the tall doors that were patterned so nicely it made you wonder how much time each one took to make.
Letting your mind wander was a speciality of yours, it’s how you passed most of the time when you were by yourself. Creating stories and characters and scenarios in your head and playing them out how you saw fit, if the characters didn’t act on their own anyway.
As you started imagining yourself as queen, keeping the ideas to yourself as you were afraid even speaking something like that completely alone would risk treason, you felt your phone buzz in the back pocket of your shorts, the shorts you had left in the guest room you’d stayed in the last time you were in the castle.
Erik’s contact name “Husband🖤” showed on your phone, along with the blurry contact photos of his butt you’d taken while he slept on his stomach on the couch a few months ago.
“Hello, my love.” You answered, stopping in your tracks and leaning against the wall of the hallway, holding the glass and your hand on your belly.
“Hello, Beautiful, I’m here, I’m just outside by the landing deck, where are you in the castle?” He asked, you could hear the deafening sounds of helicopters in the background until they stopped and the sound of a door closing could be here from the phone and from down the hall.
As you turned your head and saw him come around the corner, you immediately hung up the phone and grinned. You couldn’t run, but you quickly walked up to your fiancé, who’s smile couldn’t be contained as he met you 3/4 the way, he hated seeing you going around with that beach ball in your belly.
He hugged you gently, doing his best not to squeeze too hard before kissing your lips and smiling, he stared happily into your eyes and rubbed your hips gently, your hands on his shoulders before they trailed down to his chest.
“You’re finally here..!” You cheered quietly, hugging him once more, not being able to be as close as you wanted to be.
He let out a soft chuckle and held the back of your head and kissed the opposite side. “Yes, I am, I couldn’t miss seeing your cute ass.” He smirked, tapping your butt.
With a roll of your eyes you stole another kiss. “Yeah yeah, as if that’s not the reason I’m even in this position.” You joked, tapping your belly gently until you buckled your knees, grabbing onto his forearms immediately.
“(Y/n)?!” Erik jumped, grabbing your arms as well to hold you up. “What’s the matter with you?”
You gulped and looked up at him shakily, clearing your throat and climbing up his arms and gaining back your composure. You have a shaky nod that made you feel like your brains had been turned to mush, and with the roll of your eyes to the back of your head and the last sight you saw being your worried fiancé, you blacked out.
You awoke to the soft sounds of wind, lying on your back and surrounded by what looked like purple and violet blades of tall grass. You laid under an Acadia tree, the low hanging and outstretched branches hovered over you, as if shielding you from the setting sun. The sky was beautiful, if you hadn’t noticed the tiny biting sensation on your calve you could have stared at it for hours.
With a small yelp, you looked down for the source of the biting, a small black panther cub the culprit. You cocked your head to the side. Wondering how in the world it even got here. Then again, how in the world did you get here?
You got up to your feet, using the tree behind you to help you, despite feeling somewhat weightless in this new place, the mound on your belly still kept you aware of how silly that feeling was.
Trying to look around, it seemed as though you were somewhere in the wild, free from the fingertips of civilization and untouched by that of humans even. All that lived in your line of sight was you, your growing baby, and the panther cub that suddenly stood on its two back legs in front of you.
As surreal and entirely unnatural such a thing was, you weren’t afraid, as if something inside you was telling you not to be scared. The cub slowly changed before you, you didn’t even remember blinking, but you suddenly saw a baby in front of you, sitting on the ground.
It looked eerily familiar, from its curly topped head to the dark brown eyes in its head. As you studied the child even more, you eventually bent down to be face to face, this bend having turned immediately into a sit of course.
“What are you doing here..?” You said, your voice no more than a whisper.
‘Do not speak to him.’ A voice told you.
You froze, the voice wasn’t familiar at all, and it didn’t even feel like it was around you, like someone had played it in your head. You didn’t jump either, everything that would have had your head spinning and think nig you were going crazy around you only made you feel as though it was natural. That this was all meant to happen.
You only nodded to the voice, turning your attention back to the child, who had slowly turned into someone who seemed to be 13-14. He looked like Erik, in an eerily similar kinda way. Was this him as a child? No, it couldn’t be, the child’s hair was different than Erik’s, and a different color.
Taking a second, it hit you, he had your hair. And your nose, and even your face shape. While he had Erik’s eyes, lips, and skin tone, he even had a birthmark on his arm that resembled the one you had.
This was your child. The same one brewing in your belly. You reached a hand down to your stomach only to hit the ground, looking down, your stomach was flatter, not completely but enough to show the absence of a pregnancy. You looked back up at the child who now looked 18.
You scrambled back a bit but immediately calmed down. He looked like you, he’d grown into his features and had locs, one in particular had the tip colored white, with face paint adorning his features. He extended a hand to you, his face still neutral.
Taking his hand, you could feel the calluses, he obviously had some kind of training as he grew. They reminded you of Erik’s. As you stood to your feet, the robe you once wore was gone and you were suddenly in a much fancier attire, you examined yourself and saw how the fabric fell perfectly over your curves and how well it fit your body shape. The glimmering gold and black accents could only shine in the permanent sunset in front of you.
Looking up once more, your son had become grown, you couldn’t even assume the age he’d turned into. He had Erik’s build, and what you could guess to have grown to 6’3 or so. There was a scar across the bridge of his nose and one down the side of his mouth. He gave you a smile and bent down to kiss the top of your hand, it was then that you saw the throne that had been hidden behind his large build. Your son released your hand and stood straight, walking backwards with his hands behind him to the throne, stopping just before it and sitting down, either hand on the arm rests of the throne.
‘King M’Jabe.’ The voice said.
You woke up with a gasp, sitting up too quickly until four hands held you, one on either arm and two on your back. Your breathing quickened as you looked around yourself, the ringing in your ears and the sounds of monitors beeping out of control filled your ears, slowly fading until you heard voices.
Erik was on your left and T’Challa was on your right, you looked at both of them and put a hand over your chest, doing your best to catch your breath as Erik asked you what happened, his voice obviously snitched on his current state, he’d cried, at least once. His voice was shaky and desperate, as if he’d waited ages for you to wake up.
It felt like you hadn’t been gone more than five minutes.
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Summertime Magic XII
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A/N: I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I know it has been a very long time, like years, but I have been going through a lot of stuff like depression, panic attacks, and just an all-around mess. BUT I AM BACK AND HERE TO STAY.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: No warning but ... nope, you gotta read it.
Song Recommendation: Honest Kiana Lede
Word Count: 2665
“Of course, baby. Especially after that. You basically fought for me and you still looked beautiful doing that shit. You’re a queen for sure, always have. Always will be”, N’Jadaka kissed her perfectly bandaged knuckles and lied his head into her chest again. “And you will always be my king, baby boy.” She straddled his lap kissing his forehead and was startled by him pulling them down to the bed so she lied on the bed and he was on top. “I love you, my queen.”
“I love you, my king.”
They began to kiss and get intimate as their chains sat in a dish together, sunken in a cleaner to get rid of all the blood they drew together as a team, in the distance.
“Daka, have you seen my keys”, Y/N asked as she looked through the multiple purses of her home while N’Jadaka was in the kitchen washing dishes. “Nah, baby. I haven’t. Did you check ya jeans you wore last night?”
“That was the first thing I checked, baby”, Y/N walked out of her bedroom wearing a camel-toned satin pencil skirt with a black turtleneck and matching heels; her hair was laid with a seamless 1B lace front wig cut into a bob, left side tucked behind her ear. Daka turned his head in her direction and started to walk up to her. “Look at my queen, looking like she looking.” He wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her neck. “Baby, I gotta go”, Y/N said as she pouted. Daka growled in her ear and said “Nah, you don’t” before smacking her plush bottom. Y/N felt all heated up but knew the business had to be dealt with at the shop. It had been a month and the team was finally chosen, eight nail techs, four barbers and beauticians, and a whole lot more. “Aht aht. None of that. Momma got to go have this business meeting, my love. And besides, don’t you have to be at the center today anyway.”
“Ah, shit. You right”, N’Jadaka said as he dried his hands off. The grand opening was in a week for the center and everything had to be perfect. “Shuri been bugging me about that. The fam was supposed to be all here, but T is in New York, M is in the ATL and Shuri is gonna be in Florida opening the other centers.” Y/N listened as she grabbed ice-cold water from the fridge; she noticed her keys were by the door. “Well, they are here in spirit. OK, I will see you tonight for dinner, right?”
“Oh, for sure. It’s at Leslie’s?” Y/N nodded as she smiled and said, “yes and you can meet my Godson, Izaiah.” N’Jadaka grinned adding, “I can’t wait to meet little man, baby. I know he is gonna be a good kid.” She looked at him as she walked back to the door. “Well, my baby is very much on the shy side. It would take a while for him to get warmed up to you.”
“What is he into? Like coloring, video games, what?”
“Eh, a little bit of everything. But I gotta go. Love you, baby”, and like that she was gone. N’Jadaka looked at his watch and ran off to the room to get ready. He looked over what he chose to wear again to make sure, a black sweater with matching slacks and loafers. When he was finished, he heard some movement in his living room. With his Navy tactic instincts, he listened carefully as he crept in. Suddenly, something told him to grab and pull which he did. He pulled down a slightly heavy object and flipped it over his shoulder; when he looked to see what or who it was, his older cousin chuckled heartedly. “T, what the Hell? You scared the fuck outta me!”
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“I am sorry, cousin N’Jadaka. I thought it would be an amazing surprise to see your dear cousin.” The cousins dear their royal salute and chuckled at how T’Challa startled the Prince. “I thought you were in the Big Apple. Go ahead and sit. Get comfortable”, Daka said as he heads to the kitchen. As T’Challa sat on the couch, N’Jadaka asked “you want anything while I’m in here, cuz.”
“Water will be fine. I see you added a few new pictures around, dear cousin.” T’Challa had lifted up the golden framed picture and grinned; it was a photo of N’Jadaka and Y/N at what seemed to be a wedding. He wore a navy suit with a white button-down and his hair braided back; she wore a beautiful, tasteful burgundy sheer gown with her hair in a low bun and golden jewelry. As he placed the photo down, N’Jadaka handed him his water and sat on the armchair near the couch. “Well, Y/N will be a beautiful princess one day and from Shuri’s mouth, she is quite the woman.  She could not stop speaking highly of her once she came back.” N’Jadaka leaned back into his chair and agreed to say “yeah, my baby is something special.” T’Challa sipped from his bottle and noticed his cousin grinning into space. As he leaned to place his bottle on a lonely coaster, he asked “well, when will you tell her you are THE prince of Wakanda?”
N’Jadaka side-eyed his cousin and uttered “it’s not the right time, T. One day, but not now.” T’Challa lay back on the couch and folded his leg over his other knee. “If you love Y/N then why hide who you REALLY are? You are the Prince of Wakanda and a part of one of the wealthiest families, there is. You live in a lavish part of California near the hills and you have an underground garage for cars. How does she not know or expect you are basically worth trillions?” N’Jadaka leaned forward, elbows knees, and said “she been busy with her shop, and besides, I don’t want her to end up being like every woman I have been with. Cuz, I had multiple women claiming I gave them a baby but how can I do that as a virgin? What we got pregnant orally”; this made T’Challa laugh and boom around the area. “Ah, yes. You are talking about Ashley, Veronica, and Francesca.”
“Yeah, those ‘women’ only wanted to take pictures and pretend it was their shit. I’m just glad Shuri can hack people’s phones and whatnot. But I just gotta make sure Y/N is really the one, T. That’s all.” N’Jadaka looked at the time on his phone and placed it on the table; T’Challa noticed the picture on the screen of the couple. “I have 20/20 vision, Prince N’Jadaka, so that means I can clearly see that she is the one you will marry and have multiple babies with.  I have yet to meet her but Shuri has told me nothing but good things about her. You should not doubt that she isn’t. Father has taught you that before he passed away.”
“I know but-“
“Aht aht, no buts, Prince. Y/N is the only. I can see it already.”
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“I agree with your cousin, N’Jadaka”, N’Jadaka heard coming from the secret elevator. There he stood’ 6’5, around 250 or more in brown dress pants, wool turtleneck, and suede slipper. N’Jadaka stood and gave his good friend brotherly love. “Baku, you look good man. I see you not dressing like a hobo anymore”; M’Baku laughs while he faked like he was going to hit him in the gut. “I wanted to come to visit before my trip to Trinidad for a month or so. I had to see about this overly flashy garage of yours but also to hear about the lovely Y/N in person.”
“You tryna ease up on my lady, bro?”
“Her, no. A sister, twin or cousin that looks exactly her, yes most definitely”, M’Baku said matter of factly while the men looked at one another. “Well, MY baby is that shop handling business and away from you, horn ball”. Suddenly, the door opened and the men turned to see a woman coming in. “Come in, Leslie. We can get the-"; the ladies stopped when the N’Jadaka was with two men. “Oh, hey baby. I am so sorry. I came to get the paperwork for my employees. We can wait until you’re done.” N’Jadaka walked to her and hugged Leslie, and gave his lady a kiss on the forehead. “Never apologize, baby girl. That is why I gave you the key to come and go as you please. I wanna introduce you to my friend, M’Baku, and my cousin, T’Challa.” When Y/N looked at Leslie, she smiled, and waved at the two then looked between her and N’Jadaka. “While y’all talk, Ima go to the back and look for those papers”, Leslie said as she fixed her power suit and gave the men slight bows to pass by; M’Baku watched as she passed by and waited until she disappeared. “Is she attached to anyone”, M’Baku asked and Y/N smiled. “Married actually with a child if I may add.” M’Baku held his head down in defeat as a joke as T’Challa smacked him on the chest and made his way over to Y/N. “Hello, Y/N. It is finally nice to meet you in person and now I see what Shuri said about your beauty is truth.”
“She is very sweet and telling by your accent like Shuri’s is that you are actually born and raised in Wakanda”; T’Challa looked at N’Jadaka to see that his eyes squinted right before Y/N looked at where he changed into a smiley expression. “Yes, I sure am.”
“Ooo, how is it? I’ve heard it's beautiful. I tried looking up pictures, but I couldn’t find any pictures.”
“Well, that is because we are like a very private location. You know, to keep intruders-.”
“And colonizers”, N’Jadaka said cutting of T’Challa. T’Challa looked at N’Jadaka before looking back at Y/N. “I guess he is right.” They heard Leslie’s heels click against the ground and turned with the files in hand. “Alright, girly. Let’s get a move on. We got lost to do tonight.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you both. I guess I will see more of you soon”, Y/N said and T’Challa nodded. Leslie touched N’Jadaka’s shoulder and said, “see you tomorrow night, and don’t forget the drinks.”
“Bye, my baby”, Y/N said before Leslie gently pushed her out and closed the door. N’Jadaka smiled at the door before M’Baku asked “so, her friend. Is that a real situation with her husband and child or”, with a mouth full of washed, crunchy celery; the men looked at him as he shrugged and kept eating.
Y/N stepped out of the bathroom in nothing, but an all-black bra and panty set staring at two outfit options; a light blue jean dress with a matching jacket a brand new black Timberlands that N’Jadaka bought, or a yellow sundress and sandals. N’Jadaka was in the mirror standing there in a white tee and black combat cargo. He peeked over at Y/N holding up the outfit up to her frame as she looked in the mirror. He leaned against the door frame and looked over her outfit. “Ain’t it too cold to wear a dress. It’s like 50 degrees outside and besides, they said to be comfortable and warm since we are eating in the backyard.”
“Yeah but it’s pretty.”
“Yes, it’s very pretty and you are beautiful, but I don’t want you catching a cold because it’s ‘cute.’ What about jeans, basic with a jacket and ya Timbs.” She turned to look at what he wore and up & down saying “you tryna be twins again, big head.” He walked up to her with hands in his pockets and smiled. “I mean, Ima be warm so I’m just saying that my fit choice makes sense.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, making her smile, and she told him “tell you what? What if I wear one of your long sleeve white tees, black jeans with the boots, and my jean vest.”
“Eh, I don’t know”, he said being goofy and it made her hit his forehead softly and he laughed. “So rough. Aight aight fine BUT if you get cold do NOT, AND I do mean DO NOT ask for my jacket, little lady”; she held up her pinky and said, “pinky promise.” He rolled his eyes and he cuffed their fingers together. Soon, she got dressed before doing her hair in a large bun on her head and looked in the mirror, quietly admitting that she actually looked better than this in her jean dress; they hopped in the car and were off. As Y/N led them to the location, they looked around the neighborhood, full of white people and huge houses. N’Jadaka shook his head while observing the people watching their car pass by. Once they finally pulled up, he turned off the car and reached behind him to the backseat, and grabbed his jean jacket along with the bottle of alcohol for the small dinner party. Before he got out he looked at Y/N’s left hand as she applied lip gloss and checked her hair; he stared at the hand with new jewelry before he asked “ya ready, baby?”
“Yeah, ready”; he walked over to her side to open the door, help her out and close the door before wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked. Before she rang the bell, Y/N could hear giggles and pitter-patter passing by inside which made Y/N chuckle. “Leslie is chasing around Izaiah before dinner. It makes him eat a lot which means he will be tired by ten.”
“He goes to bed at ten?”
“If they are lucky. That little boy can get so much energy that he won’t be able to sleep until four.” The door soon opened and revealed Monte smiling big and pulling Y/N into his arm and lifting her up into a big hug. “Monteeeee, ugh. Put me down, you big dummy”, Y/N said as she laughed before Monte put her down. Monte held his arms up and said “welcome to our crib. JD, it’s good to see you again brotha, man”, he said as he gave him a brotherly handshake. “Thanks for inviting me, man.”
“Ah, don’t mention. If you dealing with Y/N, you deserve some love over here”, he stood to the side as they walked in. The ceiling was tall with a silver tinted chandelier that hung midway, two levels of stories, and an archway on both sides of the home. “Whoa, bro. This is a HUGE house”, Y/N said as she looked around; N’Jadaka just did the same, but he knew in his head that his place was bigger, she just didn’t know about it. They heard the giggles and laughs getting closer when a three-year-old toddler ran their way and Y/N scooped him up. “Got ya, stinky butt”, she said before lifting him into the air and blowing a raspberry on his belly. Leslie walked around the corner out of breath and said “hey, y’all. As y’all can see, the little troublemaker was tryna make a getaway.” Y/N held him on her hip while he cuddles into her and said “he should know that when TT is here, it is a wrap”; she tickled his stomach loving his little giggle. N’Jadaka looked over to Leslie and said “hey, I brought the drinks.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll show you the kitchen so we can chill them”, Leslie said as she walked past the group after kissing her husband and son. Once the pair walked into the kitchen, he saw the oakwood countertop and black-white patterned tile ground. “This is nice as fuck. It really is nice, Lez. No cap.”, he said as got to the fridge caressing the dark steel fridge that matched the coffee machine, microwave, and stove/oven. “Thanks, we got them from this appliance shop down the way. You can sit down while they go out. I think we should talk.” N’Jadaka sat on one of the barstools at the island placing his jacket down and Leslie pass the water bottle to him; he opened it and began drinking.
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
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becauseimswagman1 · 6 months
About becauseimswagman1
Wassup folks I'm Lexis. I'm 23! (#BigCancerNotTheLittleOne). She/her and into women.. And men sadly. And I'm a kneegrow
I started writing fanfic about 4 years ago and I mainly wrote boyxboy then I started writing ...that straight stuff... But I still write boyxboy! I've only written fluffy girlxgirl but I'm always open to expanding my craft!
I'm into kpop and khiphop. My main groups consist of nct (all units), ateez, monsta x, and cignature (I like and listen to WAYYYY more. Ask and I shall tell all). Khiphop wise, my main peeps are Coogie, Changmo, Dean, and JEY (I also listen to WAYYYY more. Just ask about it).
My ult bias is Haechan (how could he not be? Like have y'all heard his voice?)
I also listen to jpop and p-pop. (Y'all know them boys Alamat? Or Psychic Fever? 👀)
I'm a big tv/movie watcher. I watch just about any and everything. I'm into marvel, dc, teen wolf, degrassi, etc. Trust me if it has a good plot or a hot cast (or both) I've already seen it or I plan to watch it. I'm into WWE too! Aew as well (not as much but I'm tryna fix that #JonMoxleyIsMyHusband #Don'tTellDarbyAllin #OrSwerveStrickland #OrEddieKingston)
I'm also into BLs. (Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino. Mainly Thai tho)
I'll write for just about anyone. And I'll write just about anything. NO dub-con or non-con at all.
I'm always taking requests! And don't be afraid to give me details about what you want!
My reader will always always always be black too!!!
Becauseimswagman1's Masterlist
(18+) Ruined (Erik Stevens)
(18+) What Are We? (Michael Cimino) Pt.1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5
(Fluff) Love Is All You Need (Yunho from Ateez)
(Fluff) The Beginning of Something Beautiful (Shuriri)
(18+) Wanna Be On Top? (San x Mingi x Reader)
(18+) Study Session (Mark from Nct)
(18+) Toxic Love (Trevante Rhodes)
(Fluff) Lightskin Jaehyun (Jaehyun from Nct)
(18+) She's The Boss (or so she thought) (Q from The Boyz)
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