#so many clarifications
highendphasrs · 1 year
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Mcr Images That Very Much Have A Certain Vibe To Them That I Can't Really Put My Finger On At The Moment But I Know It's There
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blamemma · 2 days
i think the trickiest thing now, is the wait. every little thing makes me wanna bawl my eyes out right now, but the precipice that i feel i'm standing on, flip-flopping from it's over, to god there may be the slightest bit of hope, every hour or so is cruel. i'm riddled with anxiety. i chuck my phone on my bed and swear not to look at it for an hour, but the itch of what if lingers. i don't expect an announcement today to be fair, because i want daniel to rest, process, and be able to go into this "meeting" and ask for whatever he wants to ask for. if he wants to fight, have the energy to fight. if he wants to step away, be able to do it with some dignity. but if red bull make us all wait until the end of this break. that's cruel. it's so undoubtedly cruel. the kindest thing, in this fucking shitstorm, that they could do, is just pull the knife out.
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quartergremlin · 11 months
Im really really curious about future Mikey's baby jesus egg... is that gonna be something you expand on or was it like a one time little side comic? :0
(Sorry I don't mean to pressure you or anything!! I really really love this series! I know u like... only just posted the comic about Mikey's egg...)
no pressure at all! i do actually have an idea for more about mikey's egg! however I think I'm gonna focus on finishing Leo's Crisis first and maaaybe establish another character before gettin into it
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soranker · 10 months
hi….! any chance we can see your art process ? it’s fine if not! i was wondering if u do a sketch before your lines or you just skip directly to lineart? your art is very beautiful!
HI!!! AUGGHHHJHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH T__T my art style is kinda simple imo so my process is pretty bare-bones ^^;; there's not rly much too it!! it also kinda changes depending on how uhhhh lazy im feeling in the moment HAHA
probably around half of my drawings are straight to line art bc they're rly just doodles or things i decide to draw without any planning (but also im kinda impatient so i try to skip the sketching step if i can LOL...). but if i DO have a specific pose in mind for a drawing, i'll start with a sort of mannequin sketch or loose pass, then depending on how messy it is, ill either do the lineart pass on the layer on top or duplicate the sketch and then clean it up.
and then my coloring process is not sophisticated at all i just create a new layer and then paint bucket tool away LMAOOOO
here's an example of a drawing where i did sketch first ^_^
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noirandchocolate · 15 days
The Yiga Clan isn’t a cult in my honest opinion.
They’re more like a crime syndicate.
If a crime syndicate was also an oppressed minority group subjected to a genocide in the distant past and continued marginalization in the present as they’re forced to lurk at the edges of and mostly outside society to eke out a living through theft and violence while the “good” members of the same minority who accepted the harsh terms of cultural genocide at the hands of the very people they served get to stand next to every other race that reviles them and call them “evil” and “traitors” because they seek justice against the divine-right monarchy that betrayed them first and have forsworn the goddess who never once deigned to help them.
They're not monsters to be mowed down, they're people. People who engage in genuine and understandable strife against authority figures who uphold systems of inequality.
Anyway, that's what I think.
(Edit: For even more of me rambling, see the notes.)
#yiga clan#master Kohga#((ps i only said 'crime syndicate' as a joke i don't mean that sincerely. i mean the main part of my post sincerely.))#((<--clarification bc tone on the internet sometimes doesn't come through))#anyway headcanons are headcanons but here's mine: they're not a cult and they're not indoctrinating anyone#they have beliefs about the royal family and hylian nobility and the kakariko sheikah sure#and those beliefs certainly don't line up with what those groups ('the good guys') think about themselves#but i personally don't think that makes them a cult? again imo#they also love their masters kohga but why shouldn't they? everybody play age of calamity current kohga deserves their love#he's a silly guy with flaws but he cares about his people. this is not properly shown in botw bc he's barely in it.#and it's easy to say 'they revere this looney tunes-level dork whose boss battle was a cakewalk? they must be stupid/indoctrinated!'#but uh...why couldn't they just genuinely love him and think he's cool? why's that so hard to believe?#straight up he IS cool. he just had to deal with Hylia's Chosen Hero who has constant access to a hammerspace arsenal and a Sheikah Slate#((ie kohga's own ancestors' magitech that they were forced to give up or die/be exiled for!))#he himself can clearly *use several ancient Sheikah techniques* without a slate *including magnesis* in the BotW battle!#the yiga clan did nothing wrong (they’ve done many things wrong but can you blame them?) ((you can but yet. can you??))#((this is what we call nuance. and morality not being black and white.))#((ANYWAY THAT'S WHAT I THINK))#((people are obviously allowed to think otherwise and that’s why I said ‘in my honest OPINION’ on this post! but that IS my opinion))#legend of zelda#kidk headcanons
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skz-miroh · 9 months
can someone please explain to me why its so attractive when someone plays the piano ??
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kagayakukagavaku · 1 year
I just wanted to say that all head canons about Zanes appearance are accurate and canonically possible.
That's right, your Zane is canonically valid because he can literally appear however he wants. Short, tall, blond hair, white hair etc. with his cloaking ability.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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the-silver-chronicles · 3 months
Siblings Q&A | Silva & Elsa Omar ONESHOT
Tagged by @raresbaby and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @voidika @icecutioner @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @strafethesesinners @rhettsabbott @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @imogenkol @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @deputy-morgan-malone @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries and @nightwingshero + anyone else who wants to join. Taglist here.
Hey guys, SimpleGenius here! Decided to turn this short Q&A into a legitimate Oneshot for The Silver Chronicles, involving two OCs of mine; Silva and her younger half-sister, Elsa, set in a time in Hope County where Silva had no knowledge of Eden's Gate and the Omar's experienced a time of normalcy. There should be nothing but fluff, yes-siree. Oneshot below the cut:
The buzz of the worn-out camcorder complimented the numbing visuals of the frozen static, but swiftly the unused device booted up.
The specter on the screen was both haunting and ethereal, a memory from a time so much simpler. A normality so sparse in time.
With her trusty camcorder in hand, Elsa admired herself in the mirror. Hair twisted in many small blonde braids, wearing a white sundress laced with magenta patterns that looked like flowers.
The camcorder fizzled, the screen going blank for a moment. She gave it a good whack, faded red paint dusting her black gloves, and the camcorder proceeded to work like normal.
Elsa carried the camcorder away from the mirror, passing through into a lounge. Her hermana, dressed in a yellow flannel and black jeans, her dark hair flowing past her shoulders, seated on their couch having a cup of coffee.
"You ready, Sylvie?" Elsa asked, shuffling cards out of frame. Sylvester placed her cup onto the coffee table, laced gloves fixing creases on a dress she's not wearing. Realizing this, she stops the action and awkwardly cups her knees.
"Si, uh, seguro," Sylvester muttered out, clearing her throat, "How does this work?"
"Essentially, from what Rae-Rae told me, this is a fun little game where siblings answer questions for that net-work mambo-jumbo," Elsa explained, and again shuffled the flash cards she prepared.
"And since we're both sane enough to not invite people to put their noses into where they don't belong, I thought maybe, instead of doing this for strangers, we do it for Persephone," Elsa elaborates further.
Sylvester blinks, grey eyes staring at her younger hermana like a doe caught in headlights. She tilts her head, her right cheek sunk in, chewing her inner cheek.
"Elsa, she's una," Sylvester points out.
"Yeah, I know that," Elsa sighs, understanding but exasperated, "But she won't be for long. When she's older, we can show her this. Let her get to know her mamá and tía some more."
Sylvester's lips didn't quite frown, but she wasn't unconvinced either. "Derecha," she nodded, still wrapping her head around the camcorder's functions.
Elsa was likely grinning behind the camcorder, "Exactly! Now, to make this a bit more fun, I shuffled the questions out of order. Now let's begin."
Elsa showed the flash cards, the shuffle complete, and flipped over the first one.
"Question 19: Who has the worst ideas?" Elsa asked aloud.
Sylvester snorted, uncharacteristic of the person she's supposed to be, a small teasing smile on her healing chapped lips, "Well we both know who that is."
Elsa let out an exaggerated gasp, feigned offense, "Why Sylvie, I am but a respectable, humble and pious shopkeeper. Do you insinuate that I am anything but?"
"Bold words coming from the local daredevil who likes to worry her hermana to near-death," Sylvester retorts, arms crossed.
"...I'm guessing Rae-Rae snitched about my escapes on her roof?"
Sylvester had no need to answer, though Elsa must have seen that she had nothing to worry over, as Sylvester's smile held only amusement.
"Next question," Elsa declared, moving on, "Number 7: Most stable romantic life?"
Both wondered briefly, and Elsa states, "I gotta give this one to you Sylvie. You managed one relationship with Irene far longer than any ones I've had in our time here."
Sylvester narrows her eyes at Elsa, raising a quizzical brow, "Is that so? You and Ezekiel were like two peas in a pod every time you both talked with each other."
"That was brief, and we weren't official. Just some one-upping through flirtation. And he had been a real jerk at first, remember? At least you and Irene had a better start," Elsa deflects, waving a hand onscreen as she desperately denied her hermana's accusations.
Sylvester merely nods her head in feigned agreement as Elsa brings out the next question.
"Question 12: Best memory together?"
Sylvester leaned back on the couch, looking up for a moment. With Sylvester pondering which memory she liked the most, Elsa already found one.
"I'd say buying this residence," Elsa admits, "A place we can forever call our home. Wouldn't you agree?"
Sylvester looked to Elsa, and gave a short nod, "Si, it is up there. But... I'd say my favorite would be when it first rained. Just... playing and dancing like kids do... like we should have been allowed to do."
Elsa must have sensed the solemness in her voice, and replied, "At least we got to do it."
Sylvester hummed, appreciative of that fact.
"Question 15: Would you rather not being able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?"
Sylvester was immediate in her response, "Not shower for a month, obviously. We can just bathe in baths instead."
Elsa laughed, cheerful and loud, "Never thought you'd be the one to take advantage of a loophole Sylvie."
Sylvester smile wholeheartedly, grey eyes sincere as she admitted, "I learned the best from my crafty little hermana."
"Aww," Elsa lightheartedly cooed, and proceeded forward, "Question 5: Who sleeps the most?"
Sylvester raised her hand, "Mother of one very curious and fussy niñita, right here."
"No arguments there," Elsa replied, "Question 14: Dream trip together?"
In a moment of synchronized thought between hermanas, they both state, "Spain."
"Question 16: Who's the older one?"
Sylvester raised her hand once again. Elsa flipped to the next flash card, "Question 10: Who had a weird phase?"
Both pondered for a moment, trying to think of any moment in their lives of such a phase.
"I don't think we were ever given a chance to do so," Elsa states. Sylvester hummed in agreement, shaking her head in confirmation.
"Alright then! Question 6..."
Elsa paused, reading the flash card: 'Who's Mom and Dad's favorite? (If there is one?)'
Sylvester waits, worry building in her gut, and asks, "What's the question?"
Elsa hesitated, but responded, "Who's.... mo- ahem, father's favorite..."
Sylvester briefly gaped, but recovered, stating, "Well, we both know the answer to that question is neither of us."
Elsa hummed, throwing the card away as she proceeded with the next one, "Question 18: Role Model? Mine's you, of course. But who's yours Sylvie?"
"I'd have to say Paul," Sylvester mustered out, clearing her throat, "He saved me after all. Raised me. Gave me something that we were denied."
"I wish I got to meet him," Elsa admits, "From what you told me, he was funny and dramatic."
Sylvester smiled at Elsa's words, "You two would have adored each other."
Allowing Sylvester a moment to keep herself together, Elsa proceeded to the next card, "Question 3: Who eats the most?"
She raised her hand this time, the various rings displayed for the camcorder to catch, "That'd be me! Speaking of which..."
Sylvester cringed, swiftly adding, "I had a sandwich earlier."
But Elsa was not deterred, "While that's good, you skipped breakfast nor have you had any fruits or snacks prior to lunch."
"I'll have something later," Sylvester flimsily promised. Elsa, not satisfied, retorts, "I'll hold you to that."
"Question 8: Worst habit of each one?"
Sylvester sighed, "Well, you already know mine. Though your recklessness is concerning considering your condition Elsa."
"I'm not made of glass, Sylvie."
"Elsa, your bones are brittle and break easily."
"...Okay I'm a little like glass, but I'm not stupid. I can take care of myself. I know what I'm doing when I climb a tree, or go bungee jumping or help Rae-Rae around her farm," Elsa defends. Her hermana replies, "I... I know that Elsa, but even so, you've been seeking out riskier and riskier thrills lately, and I can't... help but worry."
"I appreciate it," Elsa assures, and adds, "But you worry way too often."
Sylvester doesn't argue, and Elsa takes advantage of the momentary silence, "Question 4: Who has been on the weirdest situations?"
Neither hermana could think of either one being in a "weird" situation. Sylvester opted to gesture to Elsa, "Well, given your escapades so far, I vote you."
Elsa huffed, "Seeking thrill is not the same as getting stuck in chance and strange situations."
"And how likely am I going to be in such situations?"
Elsa mumbles, indistinctly playful, and moves on, "Question 20: A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?"
Sylvester raises a brow, "Whoever finds it first."
"Pfft, a bug ain't that scary," Elsa comments, "Question 17: Describe each other in three words."
Elsa and Sylvester held gaze for a moment blurted out their answer.
"My badass worrywart-hermana." "Daring little hermana."
There was a silent beat before both responded to such descriptions.
"Surely that is four words, Elsa," Sylvester argued, but Elsa interrupted with her pointer finger as she replied, "Ah, but you forget my lovely older hermana, the power a hyphen holds."
Sylvester shook her head in disbelief, but did not debate further as Elsa brought forth the next question, "Question 1: Who looks the... ah mierda, another one?"
'Who looks the most like dad?' the question read.
"Is it another relating to... him?" Sylvester tested, her lips pursed in a thin line, her voice softer and quieter than normal. Her grey eyes dulled, hands clenched into her jeans.
Elsa sighs, a hand going out of the camcorder's view, probably to play with her blonde locks, and most likely undo a braid in the process.
"I... Do you mind if we skip this one?" Elsa asks, and Sylvester eagerly nods, much to Elsa's relief, "Question 11: Best cook of the family?"
Elsa answers before Sylvester could have a chance, "Yeah, I can't cook for shit, that's you right there, Sylvie."
Sylvester closes mouth, making no comment on Elsa's lack of culinary skill. Elsa flips the next flash card, "Question 9: Who's the most dramatic?! Why that would be me!"
Sylvester nodded with absolute certainty.
"Question 8: Worst habit of each one?"
Sylvester beat Elsa to the tea, "I got this. I'm a nagging worrywart who forgets her own needs sometimes, and you, mi querida hermana, are a crafty daredevil with a big ego that often gets you into trouble."
"Hah! Wow, you know me so well," Elsa said, flipping to the next flash card, but mentions, "However, you're wrong in your description; you're not a nagger."
Sylvester doesn't visibly react to this, but she seems to be stuck in a forlorn gaze. However, the next question snaps her out of this odd pause, and Sylvester listens attentively.
"Question 13... uh, worst memory together?"
Sylvester and Elsa pondered together, brainstorming.
"Our entire childhood was jodido and never the best," Elsa mentions. Sylvester frowns, and points out, "Si, but the run for the docks weren't any better."
Elsa couldn't not hum in agreement, and she moves on, "Last Question. Number 2: Who looks the most like mom...?"
Sylvester looks baffled as Elsa blows a raspberry, "Irrelevant. We've never met nor did we have the same mother."
Elsa throws away that flashcard out of the camcorder's view, much to Sylvester's visible annoyance.
"And... that's it. We finished the game. Yay!" Elsa lightly cheered, her camcorder focusing on Sylvester, "So... food for thought?"
Silva watched herself, younger and with so much more innocence, more hope, than she had now. The camcorder in her gloved hands was running hot, the flashing sunset-red indicating a coming end, but she could care less, holding onto the memory in her hands for as long as she could.
Sylvester chewed her inner cheek and said, "Besides two nosy ones, I'd say it was... nice?"
Elsa's mock offended gasp was as exaggerated as the younger hermana's mannerisms had always been, "Just 'nice'? This is a memorial moment for the both of us. It is evidence for Persephone to watch and rewatch for years to come."
Elsa placed the camcorder on the coffee table, and sat down next to Sylvester on the couch, a big grin spread out, pearly teeth shown. She grabs a hold of Sylvester's laced gloved hands, despite the latter's exasperation over the former's words.
"Wasn't it you who emphasized the importance of this? To immortalize ourselves through memories our family can visit decades after we're gone? Whether it be through ink, our voices or our image? You have to agree that this is quite a viable way to do that," Elsa assures Sylvester, who's doubt dissipated the longer she thought.
The camcorder began to buffer, the orange-red blinking faster, but Silva continued to watch, wanting to savoir this for as long as she could.
Sylvester's grey eyes looked to Elsa, softly asking, "Okay. But I have to ask; are you sure?"
Elsa laughed, her dimples caught by the camcorder's lens, as she says-
The camcorder's screen was blank, only reflecting Silva. The blinking light gone, the heat prevalent, and despite desperately pushing the power button repeatedly, Silva knew she wouldn't get those reassuring words she needed to hear. Not now. Nor ever again.
Silva's shoulders slumped, still sat down on the old wooden floor in the decrepit corpse of her home. The home she had taken care of for almost a decade. Even after her hermana's death, despite the ache for her visits. Even after Persephone's passing, though the yearning for her hija's laughter echoing in the halls hurt more and more with their absence.
And now... her residence, her home, was nothing more than a burned and decrepit husk full of dust and debris. All the memories that mattered, all the memories she held close to her, the journals, the photos, the shrines they rested under, were all tattered and ripped and frayed and singed and gone. Just gone.
And now... with exception to Silva's own visage of Elsa... the last thing of her hermana that she could have shown to her familia, could no longer function. The Collapse had reduced the resources required to charge such a small device to ash. Even if something survived, the camcorder was aged, and had some bugs.
Silva flipped the lid screen closed, clutching the little camcorder in her gloved hands, pushing it against her chest as she let out a shaky breath. The foliage that claimed her house rustled as a breeze swept past.
She shook where she sat, holding onto the pain, the knowledge that change has come and another chance away from her before she could appreciate it.
The wood creaked, and Silva didn't want to look at her amor's beautiful face, didn't want to shoulder her with more of her own pain and grief. But a dainty hand cupped her face, and Silva couldn't resist, relenting to her beloved's request.
Her tearful grey eyes connected with the warm green of Faith's. Her beloved, her esposa, her amor. Her Faith.
I am hers. And she is mine. As we both vowed.
And Silva wouldn't hide herself away from her. Couldn't. Even if she tried. How could she? They both knew the best and worst of each other. Intimately.
There was no judgement pitting them against one another anymore. Like now, there was only understanding. The grief for a present that they could no longer return to.
Silva did not resist the tears that fell across her cheeks. Nor did she push away Faith when she wrapped her arms around her. An embrace that held a strength that others underestimated about her. Both possessive and a comfort. All to tell Silva, I'm here.
Silva felt two more pairs of arms hold around her. The first was of her inventive Azriel, her grip unyielding as she buried herself into Silva's shoulder, just like she had done when she found her at age nine.
And the second came from her youngest. Her Mercy, clutching onto her with small hands, light-brown hair nuzzling into her body, perhaps not quite knowing why her madre was sad now that they were out of the bunker, but doing her best to lighten the load with her presence.
Silva placed down the old camcorder, and did her best to compensate in the embrace by wrapping her arms around her Faith and precious hijas. Her familia.
The grief was ever present, but this time, Silva would not be lost to it.
[A/n] I lied, the fluff was merely a front, there's only angst here. Well, mostly at least. Set before Old Dusk (the New Dawn WIP), with only a camcorder showing pre-Silva's Hope stuff. They probably only recently left Silva's bunker and well, Silva's obviously gonna be depressed about the state of everything. At least she has her family to keep her grounded? Also I haven't written in a while, so if it was repetitive or tone death, my bad, I've been trying to get my motivation back. Anywho, hope you enjoyed this lovely (and angsty) oneshot, and see y'all in the next one!
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sixxxer · 1 day
trop would've probably been as popular as hotd if they shipbaited silvergifting instead of saurondriel lmao
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feluka · 7 months
used to be extremely self conscious about the proficiency of my english and when someone corrected me i would get so embarrassed and apologetic and i would allow this behavior to go unchecked from several online "friends" even when i never asked them to correct me or for their advice, and it only took me seeing this same behavior happening towards *other* non-native english speakers to see how condescending and rude it is and now i want to fight anyone who ever does that.
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mephoj · 1 month
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water post bc i do not want the op to see this but good lort. where am i
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mantisgodsart · 6 months
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We have finally finished this project, and thus, The World's Worst Dating Sim is finally DONE! Just in time for April Fools Day. Now, with our six new contestants, choose, uhh... who's dateable? Or not dateable? This last batch was determined almost entirely by People Telling Us Who To Add, contains multiple AUs, and is... hmm. "Unconventional" may be a good term? Half of these are probably undateable but you can still shoot your shot.
As previously, it can be a platonic date if you want, you just can't be neutral. Deadlander Lambda belongs to @cordycepsbian and has been moved into our studio for duration of this poll. Profiles below the cut.
(we're linking the first poll here)
Deadlander Lambda - Maybe - Deadlander - Good question - At least a little bit
This, uhh...
...is this safe? We don't think this is safe. ..."Already had kids before"? What do you mean it's a parent?
...well, we can't get it out of the studio, so it's an option now? We guess? This... really doesn't seem like a good idea.
Rogu - He/him - Ant drone - Very rude to ask a gentleman that, don't you think? - I wouldn't worry about that.
A charming mystery from somewhere only described as "a faraway land", though he wasn't quite scheduled in this lineup, we think we can make an exception. This silver-tongued bug seems to be able to say just what's needed to get under your skin... and from the look of it, he's angling to take you somewhere private.
...come to think of it, haven't we seen that face before? On a poster, maybe? Well, it's not a surprise he's been modelling for things, he's certainly got a pretty enough face for it, but why do we feel... nervous, all of a sudden?
Carmina - She/(scribbled in)it - (illegible) - (illegible) - (illegible)(scribbled out with "No longer relevant" written in its place)
...where is she? She was meant to show up hours ago. What on earth could have held her up this long?
Pebbles - He/him - Moth ("iterator") - Juvenile (estimated) - Unclear
Right out of surgery, this one. While we're not sure if it's entirely responsible to include this one, and we certainly don't speak whatever language he's speaking... he's cute, isn't he? And looking for a home? Well, maybe if you're the sort of person who might want to rescue a domestic moth in a bad situation...
Wereweevil Vi - It/its (wereweevil form) - Wereweevil - 19 - Aro
Pre-existing hangups mean that you can only date this one in wereweevil form. Good luck.
Kina - She/her - Mantis (big) - Haven't asked - Also haven't asked    
Well, we assume that you can do less lethal than the bandit who people mostly know thanks to her former job as a corpse disposal unit, but some people might be into that sort of thing, honestly. Are you, perchance, also a mantis?
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maxiemumdamage · 8 months
Honestly, when I discount the pacing issues as a consequence of a short season with no confirmation of a continuation, I have only one real gripe with the finale.
The way they framed Vaggie’s choice to let Lute live.
Like, to be clear — I am not opposed to saving Lute for season 2 as a returning antagonist. She’s a cool character with a lot of depth even if she’s a violent hypocrite, and she’s kind of a perfect microcosm of a lot of the issues with Heaven. I am not even opposed to the idea that Vaggie would specifically choose to spare her.
But…the framing it like Vaggie did it as a power trip, just a way to make Lute feel bad about herself and be a failure? No.
There’s so many ways it could’ve worked. Have Vaggie use it to prove Hell’s moral superiority — “unlike you, I won’t kill someone who clearly has no hope of fighting back.” Have it be proof of her OWN goodness, that even though she has every reason to hate Lute she won’t. Have it be a reminder of Vaggie’s trauma and guilt — she can’t kill Lute because she WAS her, and with the heat of battle over and Lute trapped she seems…pathetic.
But leaving an enemy alive just so they can feel bad about themselves is neither morally right nor PRACTICAL. Because what did Lute do? Immediately ripped herself out of the rubble despite it costing her a limb, running back out to try and kill Charlie and Vaggie all over again.
Mercy is important. But it should also be reserved for those who are not actively trying to kill you in that moment.
Basically Lute’s whole character has been living proof of how people in power get away with the same behaviors that get others labeled as deviants — she’s violent, she cusses, she’s cruel, she’s power-hungry. And yet, even as none of that has changed, and Vaggie can see that, she spares her. For no reason other than that she can.
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alelinkez · 1 year
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tsc redesign as requested by @inkuiry-perhaps :]
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blooeyedtroll · 3 months
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Also thanks for the patience with the explanations the last time I questioned something like that (bisexuals OTL) I was called a bigot by many people instantly 😂
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