#so maybe next week she'll actually let us speak??
jayswing101 · 2 years
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Ok so first off I'm just going to say that i know next to nothing about the fancasted Slytherin boys but i have been unable to get Mattheo Riddle out of my head for the last few day so here we are now
Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!reader Warnings: Use of Y/n, cussing, possible bad writing.( lmk if there's any others i should add)
The summer before your sixth year at Hogwarts was spent bettering yourself in all the ways you thought were flawed. You were tired of being the odd one out in your circle of friends. You wanted the love that they had. None of them understood when you told them you wanted the fights they got into, they'd tell you you're romanticizing it too much and that it wasnt all love and roses, but you understood that, you wanted the dark parts as well as the light parts - you wanted to learn how to fix a fight. You wanted everything, but no one else seemed to want it - actually, thats not true they wanted stuff like that just not with you. With you they wanted to use your body then get rid of you by morning. You didnt like it it but you'd decided long ago that maybe its all you deserve, all you'll ever receive from anyone. Until HE was partnered with you on a project in potions class. All was well in your little fake world until HE started flirting with you anytime you'd work on the project together.
Everything was fine until one day he got a dare from Draco. "hey mate, noticed you've been hanging around with that one hufflepuff" Draco smirks at his friend whilst sitting down at a table the others had set up for studying in the library. "care to tell rest of the class if she's really as good as everyone makes her sound?" As Draco spoke Mattheo could feel his jaw tense. "And what the hell are you on about now Malfoy?" "Oh you know just the fact that your crushing on a whore." Draco leans back folding his arms across his chest before Mattheo kicks the chair out from underneath him. "And how many girls have you used for the same thing Draco? You have no right to speak about someone when your the exact same." Mattheo raised his voice looking down his nose at the blond boy. "Oh don't believe me? Give her a month, hell she'll probably be trying to jump you after a week of being just plain nice." Draco moves to his feet while speaking. Mattheo continuing to look down upon Draco says a quiet and simple "fine." before pushing the bleach blond twat back to his seat and reclaiming his to go back to studying.
Over the week following that night Mattheo let his affections pour down on you, he'd gotten to know you and he let you see parts of his soul that no one else had been able to. After the month was up and you hadnt done anything about your feelings for him and Draco realized he was wrong he started spreading the knowledge of the dare to anyone he spoke to. Gossip wasn't much of a big thing at Hogwarts so when there was big news it tended to spread like wildfire, but often got skewed along grapevine.
You had been sitting in the library with Hermione studying for a test when you'd noticed she looked as if she'd had something she'd wanted to say. So when finally you'd grown restless of her bouncing knee you ask her the question you've been dying to know the answer too. "Merlins beard, Hermione what is it." She looked up at you with a look on her face as if she had no idea what you were talking about. "Hermione?" You said her name in a questioning tone and she looked as if she caved within her mind. "Well, Draco's been talking, about the many people you've been with - and i am in NO way shaming you for anything - but he's been saying that there was a bet, with Mattheo that involved you, and supposedly he bet Mattheo that you'd go along with anything if he had y'know with you, and that that's why you've been hanging around him so much." The red haired girl spoke cautiously as if expecting you to break down right in front of her. You opened your mouth to say something, the one person you didnt want to see walked in. You had completely forgotten about agreeing to tutor him. You looked at him, no longer with a look of happiness approaching your face but instead a look of animosity grew and without a word you stood and collected your books walking past Hermoine and Mattheo going to your dorm room to collect your thoughts.
Mattheo gave the Granger girl and questioning and concerned look to which she responded with a pointed one and told him to go find Draco before turning back to her studies. So he did, he went to the grand hall to see if he was eating lunch, he went to the quidditch field to see if the blond was gallivanting on his broom. And lastly - which honestly it should have been first - he checks the Slytherin common room and it's inevitably where he finds the blond lounging on a sofa. Mattheo bounds toward Malfoy and picks him up by the lapels of his uniform jacket and shoves him to the nearest wall. Matttheo on his search for Draco had heard the rumours that were going around and each one making him angrier and angrier. He wants to yell at the boy against the wall but he doesnt want prying ears hearing. "What have you done Malfoy?" His words dripping with acidity and the blonds name punctuated with a rough shove against the wall. "I know nothing of what you mean Riddle." Another rough shove to the wall and Mattheo asks the question again. "What. Have you. Done. Malfoy."
"Nothing, I was merely speaking with Nott in a not so private corridor about that bet we had. It is not my fault that people overheard." That sentence earned him another shove. "You'll take it back." Mattheo was trying desperately to know some sense into the otherwise senseless boy of what he'd just done without saying it outright but never the less Draco still figured it out. "You aren't in love with her are you Riddle?" Draco spoke seemingly disgusted at the fact. "You. Take. It. Back." Becoming more and more in pain, and the look on Mattheos face reminding him of a certain someone who can't be named, Draco finally surrendered, agreeing to take back what he'd said. Mattheo let go but kneeing him in the stomach before he left to make his point known. He then made his way to the Hufflepuff dorms to find you, and explain himself, and maybe grovel/beg for forgiveness.
When he gets to the to for the dorms he knocks, he has a friend in Hufflepuff that has been waiting for him. They let him in and tell him discreetly where your dorm is. He makes his way through the halls and up the stairs until he's standing in front of your door. Before he knocks he's wracking his brain trying to figure out what to say but all thoughts he had went running away when he heard your soft sobs through the door. No doubt because of him.
Instead of knocking he opens the door quietly (thank goodness it wasn't locked) and made his way inside, he closed the door behind. You looked up at the noise of the door closing and made brief eye contact with Mattheo before looking away again. "why are you here? I know about your bet so you can just forget about everything." Your words bitter as you snapped at him. "Love… there was no bet of the type that you have undoubtedly heard. Draco - called you something i don't intend on repeating to you, and I want- no- needed to prove him wrong. i am so desperately sorry for any pain he i have made you." Mattheo walks up your now standing form and kneels in front of you resting his hands on your hips. "I- I can't do this, I let you in. I- I broke MY rules for you - FOR you. Because I- I loved you." He shoots up to his feet and rests his palms on your cheeks. "Don't- don't use past tenses we can still have this, we can still do this it doesn't have to end just because of some pitiful joke i made in a fit of rage. Please, one more chance and if i fail you again i leave you alone forever, I- I promise." the look in his eyes told you he was sincere yet you still doubted it. The one person you'd let fully inside to see the darkest parts hurt you, but it was something small, and Draco has that effect on everybody. You pull his face to yours connecting your lips together, his hands move from your cheeks to the small of your back to pull you closer. When you pull away breathing uneven. "Is that a 'we can be together' type of kiss." He smiled wide when he finishes speaking. "oh shut up." You pull him in for another kiss.
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yanderedollhouse · 16 days
How possesive are all 3 yans when they're in public with Darling? How far are they willing to go in public and in private?
Ooh good question!
Raphael likes to be in public! He feels a lot of comfort in distractions and enjoys people-watching. In public with you, however, he turns into a completely different person. He's a very clingy guy, so you always have to be holding his hand or at least let him wrap his arm around your shoulders. He's actually a pretty good artist too, so I could imagine you and him camping out in an outdoor cafe area for hours drawing the other patrons and making up stories about them.
In regard to PDA, this man is literally such a prude. You could get away with a kiss on the cheek and hand holding, maybe, but he will be absolutely scandalized if you try to go any further. The only exception would be if he hadn't seen you in a while. If you're reuniting after a day or so apart, he might just get tunnel vision and kiss you after pulling you into a rib-crushing twirling hug.
Cordyline hates the public. How dare they exist where she is trying to go? She is all about getting what she needs and leaving immediately. If Raphael is the guy who draws people in public, Cordy always feels like she's the one being drawn. She always gets paranoid that everyone is looking at her and wants to leave. Taking her out on a date is like pulling teeth, but once she is out with you, she'll relax just a tiny bit.
Cordy can get pretty possessive, but she's definitely not one to force anything on you in public. If she thinks someone else is flirting with you, she'll just get really quiet and come 'save you' from them by dragging you away or faking a headache so you two have to leave. You should really be grateful to her, after all, she could have used the taser.
Andreas is perfectly comfortable in public. He is rarely seen in neutral territory, so he has no reason to feel threatened anywhere he goes. After he 'takes you in' like a stray kitten, he'll wait a few weeks before letting you go back out in public, just to make sure you aren't going to try anything stupid. If you're good, he'll reward you with a trip to your favorite shop or restaurant. Money is nothing to him, so he'll buy you as many books or treats that you want. You should absolutely take advantage of his 'generosity' because who knows when he'll let you out next.
Andreas is incredibly possessive of you in public, moreso than in private really. He will do all the talking and ordering for you, after all, he knows what you need better than you do. If an unsuspecting human decides to speak to you, he'll immediately intervene and end the interaction then and there. You know he's perfectly capable of ruining that person's life, so you kind of have to go along with it. When it comes to PDA absolutely nothing is off limits to this man. He's a bit of a slut, so choose your words and actions carefully if you don't want him to drag you to the men's bathroom for a little 'fun.'
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daydreamgoddess14 · 10 months
Support System: Alone Time
You and Roy try to find some time alone together...
Can be read as standalone but mentions characters introduced in the Support System series.
Roy Kent Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Living full time with Roy was the kind of wonderful you could have only dreamt of. When Lexie was around, your mornings would be relaxed and fun - he'd return from his session with Jamie, make breakfast with her, and let you get an extra hour in bed. When Lexie wasn't around, he'd wake you with something much better than breakfast. He was careful not to overstep with you in front of Lexie, not wanting her to feel awkward if he kissed you that little bit too deeply. It had meant that the previous habits of (mostly) keeping your hands to yourselves for half a week had stuck with you. Circumstances change, though, and Andy was currently over a week into a two week holiday. Aside from a sleepover with Phoebe and one with her grandmother, Lexie had otherwise spent the whole time with you both, and while it had been lovely to spend a really good amount of time together, you were feeling the frustration. 
"Did Phoebe tell you about the school trip next week?"
"Yeah, Lion King is fucking ace, we saw it last year."
"They're so lucky, I'm sure I never got to go to the theatre on a school trip." You slumped into the sofa next to him and rubbed your eyes, with Christmas approaching you had way too much going on at work. 
"Has Lex got a passport? Have you?"
"Yeah. If you tell me you're booking an all-inclusive beach resort for next summer, then I will definitely make it worth your while."
"I'm just going to lie and say yes that's exactly my plan, but I'm full of shit. It's not." He puts his laptop on the table and moves so you can sit between his legs with your back flush to his chest. You relax against him and focus on feeling his heartbeat thrum right behind yours, all the noise of work disappearing. You close your eyes and let your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
"Shame. Maybe I'll do it next week as a reward for us both getting through work."
"You should, I'll give you my travel agents' info. She'll sort us out." He runs his fingers back and forth over the hem of your shorts. "I've just got her to book something, actually." He says casually. 
"Hmm?" You ask, eyes closed.
"Paris for four nights right before Christmas," he kisses the spot behind your ear that makes your back arch. This time, though, it makes you turn sharply in his lap, your hands landing either side of his hips.
"What?! That's less than a month away!"
"Disney? With Sara and Phoebe. I've already booked her services to have Lex for a day so we can go into the city." The more he speaks, the more into his lap you climb, knees in place of your hands digging into the plush sofa seat, your chest pressed closely to his, nose to nose. 
"Really?" He nods, 
"Just need to send your passport details over. It's booked already," you cut him off with a kiss, arms around his neck. It's been too long (only a few days), so your body can't help but rock down against his. 
"I really fucking love you." You mutter through kisses, "thank you." You feel him smile, his hands running up and down your thighs.
"I love you. But we shouldn't do this here." He tries to stop you from rolling your hips but ends up pinning them in place, feeling the heat of your core against him. You can't help the needy whine that escapes, you push against his hands to try and force more contact but he's obviously far stronger, "nope," he growls. "Not here."
"Better get me to bed then, coach." You trail your hand down between your bodies, giving him the impression that you're about to slip your hand into his shorts and wrap it around him. Instead, you lift the bottom of your vest top and pull it over your head. With his hands still firmly on your hips to hold you in place, he's unable to touch you. You lean forward just enough to kiss him and then climb from his lap completely and disappear with a wink. He follows the path of your clothes all the way to the bedroom. You break the sultry pose you're holding - leaning back on your elbows with your legs crossed demurely - almost as soon as he walks in, falling back to lay flat on the bed in giggles. He's on you in seconds, hooking his arms behind your knees and pulling you towards him.
"You starting something you can't finish?" He leans over you, 
"Oof! I think we'll both finish just fine if you set your mind to it." You tease, pulling his t-shirt off. 
"That's not the worry," he kisses you, "It's you not fucking keeping quiet." His hand slots between you nudges your legs wider open. "What do you think?"
"I can be quiet." You nod, reaching for him.
"We'll see about that." His grin is wicked as he kisses a hot path down your body, roughly palming your breast as he nips at the dip of your waist. "If you make a sound, I'll stop," he warns just before he flicks your clit with his tongue. You draw breath and hold it for what feels like hours as he devours you. He eats you out like he's worshipping you, every touch designed to bring you closer to the edge. You have to bite your own fist to keep quiet, but it's impossible to disguise your laboured breathing. He knows how to read your body and doesn't need you to make a sound to know you're close, your thighs quiver and he gets right to the point where he's certain you're about to come… and stops, moving away from you entirely so he's not tempted to let you finish just so he can keep tasting you. Your mouth drops open in a silent cry of disbelief, and he has the audacity to kiss you, "good girl." He whispers, griping your hips lightly to flip you onto your stomach, but you roll back and pull him close so you can whisper right into his ear, 
"I don't think so, if you're going to make me beg for it, then you can look me in the eye while you do it," his laugh rumbles against you, 
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad. But if that's what you want -" Now it's your turn to laugh, 
"What I want very much, my love," you tell him as you kiss along his jawline, "is for you to fuck me absolutely senseless so that tomorrow, when we're both at work, you'll know that I'm still aching." He rests his forehead against yours, 
"Fucking hell babe, thought I was the one making demands." He sounds wrecked. 
"Hmm. Still going to make me wait?" You smile sweetly, rolling your hips up to meet his. 
"Course I am," he chuckles, his fingers grazing through your folds and pushing into your soaked pussy. "If you're so sure you can stay quiet, prove it," he challenges. Your breathing is already ragged. You both know it never takes long for him to make you come at the best of times, and he's already had you so close to the edge once. He knows your body probably better than you do, which is why he knows exactly when to stop again. He kisses away your frustration once more and lets you catch your breath. He brings his fingers to your mouth and while you suck them clean, your thighs are drawn together like magnets, desperately trying to put some pressure on your clit. He shakes his head and moves to open you up and rest his whole body between your legs, 
"Please, Roy. Please -" you beg, your voice low and husky. 
"Nearly love, one more for me." He pins your wrists above your head and brings himself level with your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipple. Your hips rut up against his stomach, he can feel how wet you are, how much you need him, and it only makes him harder. "You like that? Think I could make you come like this?" He sucks at the soft, sensitive underside of your breasts, leaving his mark on you and dragging you so close to orgasm again. There's no doubt he could make you come just from this alone, he's done it before on nights where you'd spent hours mapping each other's bodies and marveling at the effect you had on each other. 
"No, please no," you plead as he denies you again, "I need you to touch me, Roy."
"Tell me what you want, babe," he whispers, moving above you held up on his elbows. 
"Fuck Roy, I need you inside me," you're quiet, but you really don't think you'll be able to stay that way, your body is vibrating with anticipation. He looks at you with such intense love, you must look a mess underneath him - your hair tangled in bedsheets, your lips red and swollen from where you've been biting them in an effort to keep quiet, and your eyes glazed with a heady combination of lust and love. 
"You're so fucking beautiful." His hand moves to slide up your thigh to encourage you to hook it around him, opening you up further to him. He lines up against your entrance, taking his time to push into you until he's fully seated. You're nose to nose as he thrusts slowly, building you up until you fingertips are digging into his shoulders, urging him not to stop. He kisses you as you clench around him and your orgasm shatters. Making you come undone after so long is enough to send Roy over the edge right behind you. He clutches at you, barely able to keep quiet himself as he spills into you. He collapses onto you, both of you boneless and panting. You run your hands through his hair gently, not ready to lose the warmth of his body. 
"Told you I could be quiet." You murmur sleepily, "Didn't expect you to fucking torture me though," you add, poking him in the ribs and making him squirm. 
"Maybe, but you loved it," he teased.
"Hmm. I love everything you do to me," you sigh happily.
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Lovesick puppies
Fluff conversation, between Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth admiring you.
Trigger Warning: Imelda Reyes
Created with chat ai because why not.
Garreth: "Hey guys, have you ever noticed how amazing Y/N is?"
Sebastian: "Of course, mate! She's gorgeous, smart, and has the best sense of humor."
Ominis: "I couldn't agree more. She's the whole package. I've been trying to get up the courage to ask her out for weeks now."
Garreth: "Me too! But, I'm always too nervous around her. I just don't know what to say."
Sebastian: "I know what you mean, Garreth. It's like every time she walks by, I forget how to speak."
Ominis: "But, that's what makes her so special, right? She has this power over us that just makes us want to be better men."
Garreth: "Absolutely. I mean, if anyone deserves to be treated like a queen, it's her."
Sebastian: "No doubt about it. And whoever she ends up with is one lucky guy."
Ominis: "Or girl. Let's not forget that she might not be interested in any of us."
Garreth: "True, but I think the most important thing is that we all respect her and appreciate her for who she is."
Sebastian: "Agreed. And maybe someday, one of us will be lucky enough to win her heart."
Ominis: "Who knows? Maybe she'll choose all three of us."
Garreth: "Now that's wishful thinking, Ominis."
All three of them chuckled and continued to talk about their admiration for her, each secretly hoping that she would choose them in the end.
As Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis continued their conversation, they suddenly heard footsteps approaching. They looked up to see Y/N walking towards them with a smile on her face.
Y/N: "Hey guys, what are you all up to?"
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged nervous glances, their minds racing back to the conversation they had just been having about her.
Sebastian: "Oh, nothing much. Just hanging out and chatting."
Ominis: "Yeah, we were just talking about Quidditch, actually."
Garreth: "Yeah, Quidditch. That's what we were talking about."
Y/N: "Quidditch, huh? That's cool. I'm not much of a player myself, but I love watching the games. Maybe we could all go to the next match together?"
Sebastian: "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! We should definitely do that."
Ominis: "Absolutely. It would be a lot of fun."
Garreth: "Definitely. We'll have to make sure to get the best seats."
As they continued to talk, Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis couldn't help but feel relieved that Y/N hadn't overheard their previous conversation. They knew that their feelings for her were real, but they didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way.
As the conversation continued, she eventually excused herself to go grab a drink, leaving Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis alone once again.
Garreth: "Phew, that was close. I thought for sure she was going to realize what we were really talking about."
Sebastian: "Tell me about it. I don't think I could handle the embarrassment if she found out."
Ominis: "Yeah, me neither. But at least we managed to keep our cool and not give anything away."
Garreth: "I just hope we can keep it up. It's not easy hiding our feelings like this."
Sebastian: "I know what you mean. But we can't risk scaring her off by being too forward. We have to be patient and wait for the right moment."
Ominis: "And in the meantime, we can just enjoy spending time with her and getting to know her better."
Garreth: "Agreed. She's worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis continued to chat and joke around, feeling more relaxed now that the topic of their feelings for Y/N had been avoided.
Imelda: "Hey guys, what are you all talking about?"
Garreth: "Oh, nothing much. Just catching up."
Sebastian: "Yeah, just chatting about Quidditch and stuff."
Ominis: "Exactly. Just a casual conversation."
Imelda raised an eyebrow, looking at them suspiciously.
Imelda: "Uh huh. Well, I couldn't help but overhear a little bit of your conversation earlier."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged panicked glances, fearing the worst.
Imelda: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But I must say, you three are quite the hopeless romantics, aren't you?"
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis felt their faces turn red with embarrassment. They had been so careful to keep their feelings for Y/N hidden, but it seemed that they had been found out after all.
Sebastian: "What do you mean? We were just talking about Quidditch."
Imelda rolled her eyes.
Imelda: "Please. I heard everything. You three are practically in love with her."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis didn't know what to say. They had been caught, and they knew it.
Ominis: "Look, Imelda, it's not like that. We just...we just think she's a great person, that's all."
Imelda: "Sure you do. And I'm sure she'll be flattered to hear that three guys are pining after her like lovesick puppies."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis felt their stomachs drop as Imelda continued to tease them about their feelings for Y/N. They knew that if she told Y/N, it could ruin everything.
Garreth: "Imelda, please don't say anything to her. We weren't ready to tell her yet."
Sebastian: "Yeah, we just wanted to take things slow and get to know her better first."
Ominis: "It's not like we're trying to pressure her into anything. We just...we just like her a lot, that's all."
Imelda smiled mischievously, enjoying the power she held over the boys.
Imelda: "Well, I might be willing to keep your secret...if you do something for me in return."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged nervous glances, wondering what Imelda could possibly want.
Garreth: "What do you want us to do?"
Imelda: "It's simple. I want you guys to help me practice Quidditch. I need to improve my skills if I want to make the team this year."
Sebastian: "That's all? We can do that."
Ominis: "Yeah, no problem. We can help you out."
Imelda grinned triumphantly, enjoying the way she had turned the tables on the boys.
Imelda: "Great. Let's make a plan for next week. I'll bring my broom, and we can meet up on the pitch."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis nodded, relieved that they had managed to keep their secret safe for now.
Garreth: "Thanks, Imelda. We appreciate it. That vicous beast"
Sebastian: "Yeah, we're happy to help. I'm going to hang her"
Ominis: "Definitely. We're all in this together. I will help you burry her"
With that, the group continued chatting, but Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over them. They knew that Imelda would expect something in return for her silence, and they had to be careful not to make any more mistakes.
Imelda: "You know, I heard that these three have been spending a lot of time talking about someone special lately."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged worried glances, hoping that Y/N wouldn't catch on.
Imelda: "I wonder who it could be? Maybe someone who's always got their nose buried in a book?"
Y/N looked up from her book, confused by Imelda's comment.
Y/N: "What are you talking about, Imelda?"
Imelda: "Oh, nothing. Just some silly gossip. You know how it is."
Sebastian, feeling frustrated with Imelda's constant meddling, decided to speak up.
Sebastian: "Imelda, can't you see that you're making her uncomfortable? Just drop it, okay?"
Imelda looked taken aback by Sebastian's comment, but before she could respond, the girl spoke up.
Y/N: "It's okay, Sebastian. I don't really know what she's talking about anyway."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis breathed a sigh of relief that the Y/N didn't seem to have caught on, but they still felt frustrated with Imelda's meddling. They already planned to get rid of her.
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fxllen-rxse · 1 year
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//The frustration is so real.... Here comes a work vent... If it's not you're thing, just ignore. I'll delete later, but I'm desperately needing to get this off my chest.
I've never been so utterly frustrated with work.
We have a young clerk that we hired back a little over a year ago. She's 21 now, has a one year old and is dealing with the kid's father, who is younger and cheated on her. So he's not really in the picture, so to speak. She lives with her mom right now.
She worked here when she was in school, but when c/vid hit, the owner "furloughed" her and someone else. Both ended up quitting. She was hired back when we had someone else quit last year since she was already somewhat trained.
Was fine at first, but her attitude towards others, we have learned, isn't the best. We've had mentions that she has been rude and at least 1 customer literally said that she has the personality of a tree. She has also been "written up" once or twice before.
She is currently less than part time so she can keep her state health insurance.
I've given her the benefit of the doubt, of course. Maybe it's just being blown out of proportion, but as time went on, she's become more and more flaky and undependable. Almost every pay period since she's been back she has missed a day a two. Either due to her kid or herself constantly being sick, which I get. It happens, but it's become such a regular thing anymore. Sometimes she'll also say she has some kind of emergency and is very vague about details and when or if she will be at work, which gives us little time to get coverage for her, if any. One time she was supposed to cover for someone on Saturday, but the day of, she was suddenly sick. This has happened on more than one occasion.
When she does mark herself off, she tends to either forget to tell anyone or just assumes it's fine. For example, a couple days prior, she half heartedly mentions that she won't be in on a Monday because it's her son's first birthday and it's special. Mondays are normally busy and she didn't even mark it down.
On top of this, she is supposed to take 30 minute lunch breaks. She marks herself down for such, but spends an additional 20 or so in the restroom afterwards. It might as well be an hour, but it's clearly not marked that way. Let alone the fact that she just randomly disappears in the middle of stuff for the same amount of time without saying anything multiple times per day.
So recently, several of us has voiced our frustrations with her. My husband, who is mostly in charge of the scheduling, talked with the owner, who already isn't fond of her because she has a nose ring, among other things. Supposedly he just wanted to fire her, but they're going with another approach. Getting fazed out, in a way. She will get her hours cut starting next week when school is out and two of our other employees can actually show up and work.
My husband informed her of this last Wednesday, after she somehow suddenly became sick and wanted to leave at 3. Afterwards, she left upset, and later texts him asking if she were to "accept" these new hours, which would be 3-6 m-f (because she doesn't want to work Saturdays, which is just 9-1), if she could get a raise...
When I was told about this, I couldn't wrap my head around it.... So she wanted more money for less work?!! And the fact that she assumed it was a choice?? I'm just.... I don't....
I have worked here for more than ten years and I don't think I've ever dealt with this amount of stress with another clerk. I am also a clerk. I am full time and, anymore, I feel like I'm babysitter when she's here just to make sure she isn't rude with people.
Maybe this is selfish of me. I'm older than she is, obviously. I have no kids and don't plan on having any, but as someone who doesn't and has had to work since I was 18, lost 2 parents at 20, and moved out shortly after to get away from my abusive step mother, I've been fortunate enough to work my way up to this point where my husband and I are stable with money and stuff and still have some luxuries sometimes. It wasn’t easy by any means.
And to some extent, I have some of my mom's leftover life insurance money to thank for a few things, but aside from that, neither of us were never just handed anything. We both have had to work our asses for this.
I will admit, her situation sucks all around. We have at least one tech who is against the idea of cutting her hours. He told my husband that it's "evil" and she's just a kid.
Maybe I am selfish. I have no kids and I don't know what it's like, but it's increasingly difficult for me to feel sorry for someone who's work ethic is almost nonexistent and just thinks she can get away with being paid more for doing as little as possible. Let alone made some poor life choices. I hate that I have think of it this way and I feel terrible, but I'm just frustrated to no end anymore.
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imagineit4amin · 9 months
Can't Sleep Cafe Part 1
Wanna know what I was thinking about last night at 3 am while I couldn't sleep, with my dick aching, wanting nothing but to ring a bell and summon you to a place & time. I was gonna go to bed but maybe I'll give you a taste, a sip. Like the coffee we were having. Who's we? Well of course it was you, your husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/whomever you may have alongside you as we have coffee. How did we get here? I asked myself the same question, especially after the whole this is all make believe but hey who knows, it's coffee grow up. Live A little. Surprisingly it's a fun conversation, he didn't jump over the table & pick a fight. I know something is up, I'm just not sure what it is. He stops smiling, looks serious "so we need to talk" I knew it was coming, what did I do wrong this time, right? "You're the first"First what? Is this a group murder thing? Cult? (Please at least let it be a sex cult) maybe he's dying? She's a he? He's a she? Threesome? Ah they're both astronauts and I've been picked to go to space. I don't want to miss a thing starts playing in my head. Nice asteroids "You with us? You seemed to space out there for a second?" He asks putting his arm around her (Ha spaced out good one 😆 don't ask me my favorite planet, cause sir she's sitting on it) "ha I'm good, all ears."(& eyes, he's a good looking guy but damn she's…)"we had a bet…""You're the first guy to win it" uh oh "May I ask what the bet was?" "If she could find a guy she enjoyed talking to, who didn't ask for any pictures, made her feel special, was honest & never ooops sent a dick pic for a consecutive six months" " isn't that called a friend?""Yes, but more importantly, this is actually her bet. Her fantasy, you winning is her prize." "Sounds fun, fantasy completed, happy I could help" (That wasn't so bad right? A fun story, no harm & her fantasy fulfilled, look at me making people happy.) They both laugh. Uh Oh?
"That just won you the meeting & the excitement of the next stage of prizes." I stop him "To be clear, what he says is really your idea? I need to hear it from you directly" looking directly at you "mmmhhmm" You mumble nodding your head, sucking on your bottom lip. smiling . That quiet excitement, it shows for the first time, a fast simmer wanting to erupt into a boil. Oh you wanna play, "Please. Say the words" Looking over at him this time as I say "If that's ok with you, of course." "Fuck yes! I want this, now shut up and listen to what he has..to say" I sit up straight to listen. Getting serious. You reach your hand across the table, you can feel my hands shaking. "Really I do, it'll be fun" "So here's the first challenge." He says, reaching his arm out as another woman walks up & sits next to him. WTF is going on"This is my prize, I won our bet a little while back. Now she…" Sliding you off the bench to a stand, getting comfy, leaning back into his bimbo of a prize. As I finally get to look at you in that way, without trying to hide the stare of amazement "wants one of her own.""You've seen the movie Swordfish." He chuckles. "Here, now, under the table. You have to last 2 minutes & hold a conversation with us, without cumming. If. If you cum early, you can never speak to her again." You squeeze my hand, not helping with that stare, you're trying tomake me fail as much as pass it would seem. Damn this is fun & crazy, right? "and if I make it?" "2 minutes, you get one local date/evening & you can remain friends. 3 minutes friends with whatever benefits she wants. 4 minutes" everyone starts laughing as a crowd starts topay attention, he's been talking a little too loudly. I'm starting to think this isn't real. I mean the challenge is, but is this just a game they play? Has anyone won? It's been a week, there's not a chance I'm going to make it. Cutting him off "5 minutes & I want her…all of her. In everyway I want her, in everyway that she'll have me. AND!" I hold up my hand, quieting him & the crowd. "if she gives up before I do, after the five minutes minimum of course…I get you & your prize too." I look at you, you nod. He nods. She nods. Agreed. You lift the short tablecloth & begin to drop below the table. I stand up, raise you up by the hand. Bowing slightly kissing your hand, then wrapping you in a hug that we've both been waiting for, for so long. A tight, cuddly, full body, sweet only, lingering hug "It was nice to finally meet you, even if this is good bye" "Don't be such a pussy!" you say loudly, pulling me back in for one last hug, before pushing me back onto the padded booth bench, as you duck under the table. You don't even unzip me just yank my pants & boxers down. Your head peeks out in between my legs, I can feel your hands on my thighs, that smile, I could just…not yet. We haven't even started. "Ready!" you call out, he's literally using a fucking track meet stopwatch. I feel your hands slide off my thighs, grazing my balls, sliding right up "Begin!" your lips wrap around my tip. You can already taste precum. You're slow playing it, inch by inch. I close my eyes, block out the noise of the crowd. Put my feet on the floor, palms down on the table. One hand scratching softly at my balls, the other sliding upwards.You feel amazing, this feels amazing, but a bet is a bet. Mind fuck challenges over physical prowess. Sitting up straight, opening my eyes, keeping my composure "So how was your week?" I ask him, full eye contact, taking a sip of coffee, unabashed as she's sucking my dick.
I have dreamed of this moment, not in this way. Torn between trying to enjoy the moment & also rubbing it in, damn, easy on the teeth, their faces when I win them all. Imagine what I'd do with everyone, on second thought, don't think that. Although it would be..No, focus."What do you think of their breakup" Showing me a picture of that milf of an actress of who just broke up with her stud of a man, not that I give a tmz rats ass, but the picture was her, all of her. "Oh & that's 45 seconds, well done. Dear you doing ok down there? Enjoying?"Yes this is fucked up & yes I feel dirty writing this, but yes I will meet you. Let me know when You bounce your head up & down, slurping, mouthing uh huh, mmhmm at the same time, I crack a little, sliding a hand under the table, running it through your hair. Resting You shake your head side to side trying to throw off my hand. I slide it back up & take a peak. Big mistake. You're looking up at me, eyes wide open, smiling, you grip, twist & slide as punishment for peaking. I drop the cloth & pick up my coffee, slamming me into the backOf your throat, before sliding me forward, against both cheeks. I drop the cup on the table, my hands gripping the table to regain my composure. "I think life's too short" Taking a strained, controlled breathe. "If they're not happy" I have to peak again. You're not looking up at me, focused on enjoying. "Everyone should find happiness, what do you think" She squeezes my balls, almost liking my answer as her finger twirls lower, circling around my taint. "Nicely done, a minute & a half. Only thirty seconds more. Hun speed up please, no mercy." He snaps & two women slide up next to me, moaning in my ears, running their hands up & down my body "You can't make it! You don't deserve her" one says "ohhh, yes cum for me" the other moans right in my ear. You speed up as told. My mind is being pulled in every direction. "20 seconds!" I normally love countdowns but this is too much. I need to take back control, before I lose it. Fuck this shit. I reach around pulling both of them off of me laying them on the table. "stay!" I command. "You!" Nodding to him. "watch how bets are won."10…9…"I stand up, put both my hands on your head "8! 7!" & match your motions, thrusting back, buying me time. I look down & wink "We're gonna have a lot of fun you & I. "5..4.." I pick up the fresh cup of coffee,sit back down, lean back, take a sip "let's discuss date options""2…1…2 minutes!" He looks a little nervous, I look down, running my hand down your hair, cupping your face in my palm. "Good girl! Now let's win the next round, of course if you'd like to win " I look at him, "I bet her knees hurt, let me fix that" picking up the table. Tossing it over her to the side into the crowd, (yes the other two got off the table, I'm not a monster) standing up & lifting you off the floor, spinning you over onto your back, throwing your legs over my shoulders. Bouncing in unison "time check please!" Burying my face. In your clearly soaked, light blue panties. I turn us to face the crowd with you hanging there, bouncing on my dick, hair brushing against the floor, dress halfway up your stomach. Biting them with my teeth, tearing a hole in them large enough to slip my tongue inside. Just enough to finally taste you "2:45" I don't give a shit about time, just you, possibly us. nuzzling into your pussy, holding your split thighs like a barbell, pulling you up & down against my lips. Lip curls. Upside down too long isn't good, returning you to your knees"56..57..58.." I want to, but not yet! "3 min!" "I'll up the stakes!" He laughs nervously. "Make it to five while.." "No need to up the stakes, but I agree to the challenge" picking you up off your knees, hovering your spread legs over my throbbing soaked dick. "Wanna win?"You're smiling, trying to push down onto me. Caught up in the pleasure & competition.Your hands wrapped around my neck, burying my face in your tits for the first time as I tear off your panties. The room melts away. It's just me & you, for a moment. But no one's here to see
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stonewallsposts · 1 year
family troubles update 
I went over Saturday and talked to both my sister and mom about my sister's daughter JL.  
On Saturday, my niece was still absent, bringing the total up to 5 days of simply abandoning her oldest two kids. Both my mom and sis are agreed that JL has to go. I suggested that while there is a legal process to go through, we shouldn't bother with trying to comply legally right now. Just let her know she has 30 days, and if she hasn't voluntarily left at 30 days, then remove her stuff and lock her out.  
My sister told me JL would be streetwise, but streetwise isn't legal-wise. And even if JL did understand this eviction wasn't fully compliant with county law, it would be on her to get representation and challenge the issue, none of which she is likely to do once she's out. 
So I got some eviction forms from online, printed them out and Sunday, went over and sat down with my niece briefly to explain that she was being given 30 days to find other living arrangements. I told her that this didn't bring anyone any satisfaction to do it, but there was too much turmoil and emotional stress in my mom's house, and it needed to be resolved. She actually accepted this and said she understood. Now, I confess I don't know what that means in my niece's head. Maybe she understands and is planning on moving out, or she might understand we want her to, and is planning on staying and maintaining business as usual. That remains to be seen in the next few weeks.  
I hate to be underhanded, but I felt it might be best not to tip my hand and tell her we'd remove her stuff at the end of 30 days, so I left that part out. Anyway, so far, so good, at least as far as my niece is concerned. 
The other concern I have is: I'm expecting my sister to come unglued on me again. 
Some years ago her son was staying at mom's, and was increasingly being a problem. My sister had complained about how dangerous her son was, and warned me beforehand that it wouldn’t be easy to remove him. She knew the night before it happened and was fully informed of our intentions. Then the day after her son was removed, she turned on all of us and sent me hundreds (yeah, literally hundreds) of text messages informing me of how awful a person I was. I was actually up on stage leading worship with my phone in my back pocket blowing up, with message after message filing in. 
So I'm fully expecting the same reaction. In fact, I wrote in the first post how I was surprised that she even called me to ask what to do, given her statements about how uncaring I was towards her kids. But I sort of understood even then why she did it: she didn't want the responsibility of making the call about what to do. She knew there were only bad choices, so she wanted someone else to pull the trigger so she could blame them later.  
Fortunately for my mom's sanity, I don't care too much what my sister thinks of me. And my sister should probably keep in mind that if mom's stress levels are the deciding factor in removing JL, my sister should probably beware of causing stress herself. If she unloads on both mom and I then she'll be getting an eviction notice next. 
In fact, speaking of the devil, as I'm typing this, I just got the first text messages from my sister questioning the way I did things. And yep... she's blaming me. Let's hope it doesn't go too far, especially with her bugging my mom. Mom, who is the sweetest woman alive, is already torn up by having the turmoil, the yelling and name-calling that goes on between my sister and her daughter. Then my sister, who does nothing and pays no rent, occasionally launches tirades at mom, because my sister is, well, mentally unstable and barfs her emotional baggage on whoever she happens to be near at the moment. 
Anyway, that's where it stands right now. We'll have to see how it goes down for JL moving out. 
As mentioned in the previous post on this subject, there was a difficult choice with the kids. Right now, my sister says she will get guardianship, so at least the kids won't be put in the system, but if she does keep the kids, and stays at mom's house, then it doesn’t really clear up the amount of noise/stress at the house. Interestingly enough, just recently, my sister's son, the one who we kicked out years ago, showed back up and was asking if when JL is gone, he could live there in her place. Mom said no, thankfully, but then he had the temerity to tell her she wasn't being fair. Thankfully again, this time mom said she wasn't going to hear that from him.  
The main thing I'd like to see right now is: for my sister and her daughter to clear out of mom's house and go someplace else. If there has been some small benefit to my sister being there to help with picking up prescriptions or taking them occasionally to the doctors, It just hasn't been worth the trouble. 
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iamcalmdammit · 2 years
Bravo Six - part 1 || [Steven Grant x reader]
summary: You were visiting the museum with your niece when you met Steven. He wanted to take you out for dinner, but you chose to get a private lecture about ancient Egypt from him. Maybe things were moving a little fast for his liking, but you were just about to go on a business trip and didn't want to leave without knowing if this could be something more serious than a one-night stand.
warning: no warning needed, it's fluff. i'm asexual so i suck at writing smut.
note/hint: "Bravo Six, going dark," aka I stole John Price's call sign. If you know who he is, you might have an idea who the reader really is. Maybe her team is looking into the case of some weird cult. Maybe she'll meet Marc on a mission. Who knows. Also, it's unedited. I was in a hurry as usual. Feedback is always appreciated.
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The corners of Steven’s lips curled into a barely visible smile the moment his gaze landed on you. It had been two weeks since you visited the museum with your niece, and now the lovely pair of you were back. And you were on your way to the gift shop. All right, no reason to panic. He may have toyed with the idea of asking you out in the past few days but he didn’t necessarily have to actually do it.
The little girl ran into the shop, heading straight to the posters. She picked out one, thought about her decision, then put it back, already reaching for the next one. Steven couldn’t hold back a quiet chuckle at the sight of the undecisive young lady. But when his eyes moved over to you, his heart stopped beating for a brief moment.
You let out an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of your nose as you watched your niece. “Sweetie, if I take you home with another poster, your mother is going to throw us out with it,” you informed her.
“She loves me, I can stay,” the little know-it-all replied. “What about this?” she asked, pointing at another poster near her.
“Whatever, just pick one.”
Steven didn’t want to interfere, but the poor girl was stuck choosing between two options. So he took a deep breath, bracing himself for a conversation with another human being, then walked over to you with an awkward smile. “If I were you,” he began as he walked past the girl and picked up a poster she hadn’t even looked at yet, “I would choose this one. It would go great with the one you got the last time.”
Oh, shit. He shouldn’t have said that. Now he sounded like some creep and the way you looked at him made him wish he could just crawl into a hole and die. Your eyes narrowed as you watched him cautiously, one hand already reaching out to grab a strap of the kid’s backpack. He wanted to explain himself, pointing out that he was the one who sold you the other poster as well, but his voice failed him.
Then, as if it was some sort of a miracle, the little girl pointed at him, her eyes shining from the sudden rush of excitement. “Look, it’s Steven! Hi, Steven,” she said with a small wave of her hand.
The look on your face slowly shifted into something entirely different. “Oh, right. The goldfish with one fin,” you said as you let go of the backpack’s strap. “I’m sorry, I didn’t put two and two together. You know what, Lily? If he says you should choose that one, I think you should choose that one.”
You smiled at him. Was it a polite smile or was it more than that? Could you be flirting with him? He had no idea and the uncertainty was slowly killing him. But if he wanted to ask you out, he had to be fast, there was no time to waste. “Look,” he spoke up, earning a questioning look from you, “I know it might sound weird and out of the blue, but I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me?” he asked, speaking so fast that he had trouble following himself.
He was terrified of hearing your answer. Your beautiful smile faded and you reached for your phone instead of saying anything. Good God, he made a fool of himself.
But just when he gave up all hope, you suddenly let out a thoughtful hum. “Well, I’m going on a business trip tomorrow and I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. So,” you began as you slipped the device into your back pocket, “it’s pretty much today or never.”
“To—today?” he asked hesitantly. When you nodded with that gorgeous smile on your rosy lips, he cleared his throat and said, “Sure, sure, it’s great. Here, if you could give me your number… You know, so I can call you with the details,” he added as he gave you a pen and a piece of paper.
Steven had a huge smile on his face for the rest of the day. Even Donna couldn’t ruin his mood with her usual rude remarks. It was a small victory for him, and he sure felt proud to be able to ask you out for real. And when you said yes—well, that was the cherry on top.
There was a nice restaurant he found for the date, but when he called you to discuss the plan, he was surprised to hear that you didn’t want to go out and eat. Instead, you wanted a private tour in the museum—which was impossible—or at least a nice lecture about ancient Egypt from him. Apparently, you remembered the way he had explained a few things to your niece the first time you met and no wanted something like that.
It was flattering, really. But at the same time, it was also terrifying. He wasn’t a tour guide, he wasn’t used to structured lectured, and in the end, you agreed to meet him at his own apartment. That place was a bloody mess and he didn’t have time to tidy up and also find the books he wanted to show you. Taking a deep breath when he closed the front door, Steven took a quick look around. He had to prioritize so he made a short checklist in his mind and followed it step-by-step.
In an hour or so he managed to get everything ready for your arrival. At eight o’clock sharp his doorbell rang, and there you were, wearing a floral dress with black heels—a sight that took his breath away. Shaking his head, he put on a smile and invited you inside. You handed him a bottle of red wine which he took to the kitchen, using this opportunity to calm himself a bit.
Would it help if he didn’t consider it a date? Maybe if he thought about this as nothing more but a friendly dinner, he wouldn’t be so stressed.
“I ordered some food from this nice Italian restaurant in case you were hungry,” he explained when he walked back to you. “Or would you like some wine?”
Shaking your head with a smile, you walked up to the fish tank. “This must be your friend with the one fin,” you noted with an amused look on your face. “Hello, buddy.”
As he watched you place your fingertip on the glass and moving it up and down then to the sides to get Gus’ attention, Steven couldn’t help but cross his arms and stare at you with a dreamy look in his eyes. It was surreal that you came to his apartment on your first date. He normally chose a neutral location for the first dates, but he just couldn’t say no to you when you suggested this private lecture idea of yours. He wondered why. He was dying to find out why you wanted to come to his place if the museum wasn’t an option, but he was a coward and didn’t know how to ask you.
“Aww, postcards!” you suddenly said, moving a finger above them as you read what was written on them. “I haven’t seen such things in years. Well, only in stores,” you added as you turned to look at him.
“Why don’t we go and see some of the books I chose for you?” he asked with an awkward smile, pointing at the desk.
“Can I be brutally honest, Steven?”
Honest? Oh, God, this wasn’t a date. He was such an idiot. Why would a woman like you ever go out with someone like him? Maybe you were only there to sell his organs or make fun of—
Suddenly your lips crashed into his, hungrily kissing him as if you’d been waiting for this for a really long time. Your hands got lost in his unruly hair while you pressed your body against his, and Steven couldn’t help but react accordingly. He wasn’t the one in control anymore, his instincts were slowly taking over. His hands grabbed your hips and he took a few steps forward so you reached the nearest table. Without hesitation he picked you up and helped on top of it. Every single movement of his was leading to one thing, something he wasn’t really fond of doing on the first date.
If he had ever gotten into this situation, that is.
But just as suddenly as you began, you came to a halt and leaned back to build some distance. “Your eyes,” you said with a wide grin.
“My eyes?” he asked with a confused look, his body already experiencing withdrawal symptoms. “What’s with my eyes?”
“I love them. When you looked at me today… I was lost in them. I—I know it sounds stupid, but I just really, really love your eyes,” you explained as your fingers worked on unbuttoning his shirt.
Now that was more like it. You didn’t want to stop out of the blue, you wanted to keep going. Good. Very good. Without thinking much, he kissed you again, smiling to himself when you continued everything from where you’d left off a minute ago.
Then you stopped again. Why? Why were you doing this to him? He rested his forehead against yours and let out a frustrated sigh.
Gulping, you said, “Hey, I don’t want you to do something you’re not comfortable with. I mean, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who’s into one-night stands.”
“Is it just a one-night stand then?” he asked, feeling a little hurt by the thought. Was this what he deserved? Terrible, failed first dates or being nothing more but a one-night stand? “Be honest with me. Will you disappear from my life after tonight?”
“Not if you don’t want me to disappear,” you admitted. “I want to see where this could go.”
“Me too,” Steven told you with a short laugh before kissing you again.
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weaver-z · 2 years
Hey. So this is absolute lunacy but I need some advice and was wondering if you would help. (I'm not a stranger btw, hi, we're mutuals but I'm afraid to go public with this)
I've been friends with this girl for a long time, and since the pandemic we upgraded to best friends and became really close. I used to think she was the best person in the entire world, I would do literally anything for her.
Unfortunately, she's a pathological and compulsive liar. She will lie about everything. It was something I didn't realise until we became super close. But it's even to the point where she'll lie about super obvious mundane things that I can immediately see aren't true. She has a problem but won't get psychological help. This caused me to cut her out for a few months last year. Perhaps I shouldn't have let her back into my life, but I missed her and found myself depressed thinking about the good memories we made. She promised me she'd work on being honest with me. Stupidly, I agreed to this and took her back.
Unsurprisingly, the lies have continued. Last time I stayed at her place for a few days I was using her phone and ended up finding multiple emails, DMs and text threads to different people where she shit talked me but it was ALL lies. She even blamed me for an accident she had but I wasn't even there. I was furious, but instead of calling her out I sat quietly on the information.
I've decided that instead of immediately cutting her out for good, I want her to feel the way she's made me feel.
Last year we ended up sleeping together, but we discussed it and decided we would continue being just friends. But a few days ago she admitted to me that she's actually got romantic feelings for me and has been struggling with them for the past few weeks.
So now I've decided to lie. I told her that I feel the same way, and we've made plans to meet up and spend time together romantically. We'll probably end up sleeping together (again) too because she's said that she wants me. I'm going to do everything in my power to make her feel as besotted and attached to me as possible... and then as I leave to go home I'm going to turn around and tell her that it was all a game to me, it was all a lie like the lies she's told, and that she's deluded if she thinks anyone would ever want someone as fucked up as her. I'll delete her number and socials and never speak to her again. I know it will hurt her and she will definitely cry about it because she did the last time I cut her out.
The normal thing to do would be to just tell her everything plainly and maturely and then walk away. But that wouldn't be satisfying. I want her to feel hurt the way she's made me hurt. I genuinely hate her now, I feel nothing, I can't stand her, in fact having to pretend to like her these next couple of weeks before I visit is going to be torture.
Maybe I'm an asshole for this. I don't know. You can chew me out and judge me if you want. I just wanted to know if you think I'm doing the wrong thing.
Thanks for listening, and sorry.
Niccolò Machiavelli? What are you doing in my inbox???
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chaolie · 2 years
Fundy Week, Day 4 - Adventure
Whoa, look at that! It's the 4th day of @fundyfiles' event and I'm still not falling behind! That's rare! I also tried to make the paragraphs kinda shorter in this one because I think that'd be an improvement, but I'm not sure if it worked. Oh, and don't worry about the "implied death" warning, I'm still not sure if it actually happens... Someone is just not here, that's all! I'm pretty sure I explained that better in the end notes on my Ao3, though!
[Last chapter] [Next chapter] <- Not yet
Warnings: Implied death
Words: 1.8k
Characters: Fundy, Wilbur, Yogurt
Summary: Fundy's still sad that Sally suddenly isn't around, but his father's offer of going on a cool adventure together lightens up his mood. Maybe one day they could show her whatever they find? Taking a page out of his father's book, Fundy realizes that it's best if he calls moving to Las Nevadas "an adventure" in front of his son. It sure made him feel better about moving to a new country in the past.
For the past few weeks, things have been awfully… quiet. That was never a good thing, Fundy thought.
He had a feeling that his mother was the reason. Or rather, the lack of her presence. It's been over a month since she set out on a sail and they've heard nothing from her since. That was very unusual, Fundy couldn't recall the last time it took her more than two weeks to return. Sure, he knew she was very knowledgeable about the sea, and that she trusted her ship and the friends she sailed with, but... A month? Fundy was really starting to grow worried.
His dad seemed to share his concerns. Just a week after Sally left, he was starting to grow quiet, and after a stranger visited them over two weeks ago to speak with him, his attitude changed completely. He stopped playing his guitar, he stopped telling jokes, he didn't take Fundy out on long hikes through the forest anymore, he spend a lot of his time sitting in his bedroom... He seemed really sad, and his son was starting to feel the same way.
The gloom that hung around the house wasn't too bad, though. It didn't change everything. They'd still eat together (even if the meals were spent mostly in silence), Wilbur would still sit with Fundy on the couch and read him some stories every couple of days (even if he stopped making the funny voices when he read characters' lines), and he would still sometimes tuck Fundy into his bed... Even if he did that less often now. So while things were heavy and sad, they still weren't horrible.
One night, almost exactly five weeks since Sally left, there was a slight change in the two's routines. Shortly after Fundy went to his room for the night and just before he could fall asleep, he heard his door creak open. He blinked a couple of times while adjusting his eyes to the light that came from the other side, but that apparently wasn't needed, since soon enough his father stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. He silently walked over to Fundy's side, looked at him for a moment as if to check if he was awake, and then sat down on the edge of his bed with a sigh. For a moment, they were both silent.
“...Fundy…” he started eventually. The fox kit let out a quiet hum to show he was listening. “I... Know that mum hasn't been home in a long while, and... I don't think she'll return anytime soon," he admitted. Slowly, Fundy forced himself to sit up.
“...Why?” he asked nervously. Wilbur seemed to think his answer through before saying anything.
“She's... Very far away. And she's busy. Maybe she's looking for a treasure? But I'm sure she's happy! She loves sailing, and seeing new places, and... I'm sure she's collecting the most beautiful things she can for us!" he exclaimed, but the smile on his face seemed almost fake.
Fundy hung his head. He didn't want pretty stones or beautiful shells, he just wanted his mum back. Wilbur sighed, and his smile faded.
“I... Know it's sad for you, Fundy. I'm sad she's not here, too,” he admitted. “...But we have to be brave. She wouldn't want us to be sad, you know?”
“...Yeah,” the fox kit nodded. She probably didn't want them to be sad. Wilbur nodded, and they both fell silent again.
“...I have an idea how to stop being sad,” Wilbur said suddenly, and Fundy looked up at him. “We'll just... Go on our own little adventure!”
“...Where?” Fundy asked, and his father shrugged.
“We don't really need a plan, do we?” he pointed out. Fundy frowned, he was fairly certain that they did need a plan. “Tomorrow, we'll pack our things into the van and start driving, okay? We can pick some people up on our way, and then we'll find somewhere nice and far to settle!”
“...What about mum?” Fundy asked, and his dad seemingly flinched.
“...Well, she's not here now, and... Don't you want to show her something cool once she comes back? How awesome would a new home be, right?” he explained, and Fundy nodded. That did sound good, he supposed.
“Yeah,” he nodded, and Wilbur smiled again.
“...And do you know what's better than a new house?” he asked. The fox kit thought about it for a moment, but ultimately shook his head. “...A town, a city! An entire country!” he exclaimed dramatically, and Fundy giggled for what felt like the first time in ages. “I'm serious! Look, I even made up a flag!” he said, pulling out a notebook and flipping through it until he found the right page.
He proudly showed Fundy his flag. It had a black half-circle lined with gold on the left side and three stripes on the other one - blue, white, and red.
“Whoa!” Fundy gasped. It looked very pretty, he thought.
“Thank you,” Wilbur laughed quietly. That was certainly the first time in the past five weeks. “I still feel like it's lacking something, though... Any ideas?” he asked. Fundy hummed in wonder for a moment before gasping again.
“An X!” he suggested. “For a treasure,” he explained, and Wilbur smiled. He gently wrapped an arm around his son and pulled him closer.
“That's perfect. Maybe two X's, for you and for me?” he suggested. Fundy considered that for a moment before shaking his head.
“Three,” he decided, and Wilbur went stiff for a moment. They were a family of three, after all.
“Right,” his father nodded before clearing his throat. “Well, either way, I think my little champion needs some rest now! We don't want you to be sleepy while we're packing, do we?” he pointed out, and gently lied Fundy back down.
“Okay,” the fox kit sighed, making himself comfortable while his dad tucked him into the bed. “...I love you, dad,” he said quietly.
“I love you too, my little champion,” Wilbur answered, running a hand through his son's hair. “Good night, Fundy.”
“...'Night,” the fox kit muttered. He couldn't wait for tomorrow, he thought. He couldn't wait for their own adventure.
It'd take him an embarrassing amount of time to realize that they'd never show Sally what they built.
Walking back to his cottage, Fundy felt good. He did it! He secured a place in Las Nevadas! Now he could move there, he could be around some reliable people, he wouldn’t be so alone anymore! Just one more improvement, he told himself. He couldn’t wait to move and build a new house just for himself and Yogurt- Right, he realized. Yogurt.
That could be an issue.
If Fundy wasn’t wrong, his son never left the forest they lived in before… would he be okay with moving anywhere? Not to mention, Las Nevadas was almost nothing like their current surroundings… it was a bit cold, sure, but that was where the similarities ended. It was a big, mostly open space, it had roads, tall buildings, bright lights, it was covered in sand and it was right next to the ocean! Fundy doubted Yogurt had seen any of those things before! Not to even mention the other citizens!
How should he explain the move? How honest should he be? Should he tell him everything? Should he make the things sound better than they were? Maybe he could leave him in the cottage for some time to get started on a house first- No, no, he couldn’t do that to his son. He wondered, was there a way to make the move seem like a good thing? Make it exciting? Ensure Yogurt doesn’t feel bad about having to sleep in a tent until they make a new house?
An old memory from his childhood suddenly appeared in his mind. A memory of him lying in his bed and his father telling him all the great things they could make if they moved, if they went on an “adventure” of sorts… Maybe that wasn’t a bad idea?
It was certainly worth a try, he thought. They were going on an adventure! An adventure to a wonderful place, a desert with snow! A true marvel of nature, absolutely not constructed by a human hand! If he put it that way, maybe his son would be more eager to go? Well, as his cottage came into view and he spotted the fox kit looking out of the window, waiting for him, he realized there was only one way to check.
“Dad!” Yogurt greeted him as soon as he opened the door to the house.
“Hey, Yogurt!” he smiled, picking his son up and pulling him into a hug. “Did you have fun today?” he asked, and the fox kit nodded.
“Yeah!” he confirmed with a grin.
“That’s great,” Fundy hummed before clearing his throat. “Yogurt, there’s… something we need to talk about,” he started.
He crouched down and set his son on the floor before sitting down. He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts one last time before he’d start an explanation… Yogurt looked at him with a tilted head, and he seemed somewhat nervous.
“...Is it... bad?” he asked, and that was enough to snap Fundy out of his thoughts.
“No, no, it’s nothing bad!” he assured quickly. “We’re just… going on an adventure!” he exclaimed. Now his son seemed surprised.
“Adventure?” he repeated slowly. Fundy nodded.
“Yeah! An adventure,” he confirmed. “We’re going to a very cool place for some time! You won’t believe the things we’ll see there! It’s like a desert, but… it snows there! It’s nice and cold, just like here! It’s like magic!” he explained, and while for a split second, he felt bad for saying it all like that, the amazed look on Yogurt’s face made that feeling disappear.
“Really?!” the fox kit gasped, and he found himself nodding.
“Yeah! And that’s not all! It’s right next to an actual ocean! Imagine our little lake, but so big you can’t see the other side… that’s how big it is!” he claimed, and his son only seemed to get more excited. “There’s cool people there, and there’s all these colorful lights… I’m sure you’ll love it!” he claimed. “So… Do you want to go on an adventure there with me?”
“Yeah!” Yogurt beamed, and he seemed so… excited! Fundy smiled at the sight and nodded.
“Alright, we’re going, then! Let’s go to your room and figure out what we need to take for you, and we can go as fast as we want to! I’ll… tell you more about that place on our way, okay?”
“Okay!” Yogurt grinned, and immediately turned to run into his room.
Following him, Fundy couldn’t help but think… maybe his father had some decent ideas.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Gojo x Fem!Reader
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After your time at the library, you rush right back to your dorm building and knock on Nobara's door. She opens it up quickly, though the look of confusion on her face shows that she's clearly not expecting you to tell her what you just did.
"Hey, what's up?" she asks with a hint of concern in her tone.
"Can I come in, please?" you ask nervously as you practically push yourself past her.
"Woah, slow down and take a second to breathe."
Your body tenses up at her words, remember that Gojo says almost the exact same thing when you're alone with him. 
"What'd you say?" you reply as your voice cracks. 
"I told you to take a breath and calm. Come sit down with me and we can talk about whatever's bothering you," she expresses in a calm manner that has you actually do as she says.
It's then that you finally let it all out like word vomit, admitting to her every little detail about Fushiguro in the library. As you speak, her mouth drops to the ground in absolute shock at what you've told her. However, that's not to say she's not absolutely loving the drama that you're now involving yourself in.
"I thought you said you were gonna cut it off with him?" she asks once you're finished speaking.
"I thought so too but that's not what ended up happening," you sigh. "I really did try to talk to him but I just couldn't do it."
"So now what are you going to do?"
"I've got no idea," you groan as you put your hand to your head. "I was kinda hoping you'd have an idea."
"I don't know," she shrugs. "This is kinda your decision. Do you want to keep screwing around with our teacher or see where it goes with Fushiguro?"
"Right now there are no strings attached with either..." you mumble to yourself. "Do I sound like a horrible person if I say maybe I can keep it going with both, at least for now? It's all going well so far and I don't really know which way to go."
"Yeah, 'so far', but it won't be perfect forever. I don't think it's a good idea, Y/N," she tells you, causing you to let out a sigh of uneasiness. "How are you even going to keep it going like this without either of them finding out... Gojo does have a big mouth."
"I've got absolutely no idea," you grumble, resting your head down on your friend's shoulder, "but I've got to figure something out soon."
Fushiguro's P.O.V.
I'm walking back from the library with a bright red face. I'm still in shock, unable to believe what actually just happened. I stick my head deep within my half-torn-out book hoping not to draw attention to myself as I cross campus.
However, as I'm walking someone stops me and places their hand on the top of my book. They slowly bring it down until they're able to see the flustered expression on my face. And of course, the person on the other side of my protective wall that was my book, is Gojo. I sigh to myself when I see him, not ready for this talk.
"How'd it go at the library?" he asks as he attempts to hide the grin starting to grow along the side of his lips. "Did you get any studying done?"
As I look at him, it's quite clear to tell that he already knows everything that happened. Although I'm not quite sure how he knows, it's obvious that he does.
I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for the headache I'm about to get. "It went well. Now I'm going to get some food before heading back so I'll see you in class tomor-"
"Did you happen to run into Y/N at the library? I asked her to go and I just want to make sure she did get some studying in, too. Though she's quite excellent with using her technique, I fear she does not know what she's capable of."
I can feel my face burn at his words. What the hell am I supposed to say? 
"Yes. We studied together a bit so I can say that she did get some work done," I vaguely explain.
"Good," he chuckles. "She and I did the same a few nights ago. I suppose she'll be all ready for this week's exam."
Why the hell did I mess with Y/N when it was so obvious she was doing it with Gojo? I'm such an idiot for getting involved. 
Gojo wraps his arm around me and walks me towards the school. "Perhaps the three of us could study altogether, yeah? The two of you would both get a lot of good information out of that session."
I tense up under his touch which only causes him to laugh a bit harder at my uneasiness. "I mean if it's what Y/N wants then maybe we should just give it to her."
"Why the hell would I be interested in doing that with you?" I scoff, getting extremely frustrated by him.
"If you really like the girl, then prove that she needs nobody else 'cept you," he tells me as he stops walking and turns to face me. "Unless you think your skills aren't quite as good as mine," he then taunts, leaning closer to me with his stupid smirk growing wider on his face.
I'm just so damn pissed at everyone that I don't even know what to think. I'm angry at myself for getting involved and doing what I did, mad at Gojo for having the audacity to mess with his students' lives, and upset with Y/N for being reckless enough to get herself into all of this.
"Fine," I scoff as I take a step away from her, "but don't expect this to be a reoccurring thing. I expect you to at least give us some kind of hint about your stupid test, too, since this is all your idea."
"Hm, alright then, Megumi, you've got a deal."
Even though he continues to talk to me, I just walk away. Whatever else he's got to say on the matter I no longer care to hear him out. He better just keep his promise. 
Taglist: @gothic-illustrations @thisbicc
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White Lies (Pt. 20 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 1.6 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
<- Previous part (19)
Next part (21)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
The moment you open the front door, you know something's off. It's night already, and you're sure, by how dark it is, that every single light is turned off. Keanu was supposed to stay with Liam as you went to your appointment with the psychologist. Another one, someone who will give you a different perspective. So you don't get why the house seems to be empty. He doesn't take Liam out without telling you, and you do the same, always letting the other know where you'll be.
“Keanu?” You call, throwing your purse on the couch and taking your heels off.
Fear starts creeping over your skin when you see something weird on the floor, some feet away. Walking there, you bend over to take it, and at the same moment you realize what it is, you see another, and another, and one more after, forming a trail that leads to the back of the house. Furrowing your eyebrows, you wonder why are there so many red rose petals on the floor.
“Keanu?” You call again, making your way to the backyard, an unusual yellowish light getting your attention. “What–” The words get caught on your throat when you notice more and more the petals, and as you follow and then, raising your head, your eyes go wide at the sight of the backyard, completely lit up by candles.
There's a table set in the middle and roses all over the place. Keanu stands by the table, in a damn suit, which makes him look even more handsome. Mouth half open, you take a look at everything, perfectly set, before starting at Keanu once again.
“Ke... What...” He moves his hand a little and a slow, soft song starts playing. You gasp, biting your lip.
“Can I have this dance?” He asks, and you nod, making your way over him and taking his hand on yours.
Keanu guides your arms around his neck, his big, warm hands resting on your hip, and it burns right through the delicate fabric of the green dress you're wearing. And then, you start moving, from side to side, following the rhythm.
“What's this about, Ke?” You have to ask. It's been a while since you decided to start dating. It does sound silly, given everything that happened, but you both thought it would be a good start. You also promised not to let out what happened between you two, since people wouldn't understand and you don't want to affect his career. You forgave him, wholeheartedly, and you know he did what he did to keep you safe.
“Just thought we needed a romantic dinner.” He simply says, taking your hand and pushing you away, so gently, before pulling you back into his arms. “And don't worry. Liam is with Mrs. Jackson.”
“Alright...” Raising an eyebrow, you look up at him. “Is it a special occasion? Like my birthday or something?” The day you were born was mentioned, but you didn't really pay attention.
“Not for a couple of months.”
“You're oddly mysterious tonight, Ke.” Tiptoeing, you place a kiss on his lips.
“What's wrong with a little bit of mystery?” When the song ends, he takes your hand, guiding you to the table.
“There's nothing wrong with it.” Shrugging your shoulders, you smile at him, taking your seat.
“I'll serve dinner. Give me a minute.” You nod as he walks back inside, taking the time to look around again.
The yard was never so beautiful, the candles casting soft, warm lights. There are red petals, scattered around the place, and roses on the centerpiece. Reaching out your hand, you take one, bringing it to your nose and breathing in the amazing scent.
“(Y/N),” Keanu calls when he's near you, and when you turn around, you don't find anything on his hands. “I was going to wait so we could have dinner first, but...” Taking your hand in his, Keanu pulls you up, and you furrow your eyebrows at him.
He takes a deep breath before searching for something on the inside of his suit, and you feel your blood running cold when he gets down on one knee.
Keanu reveals a small, dark box, and when he opens it, there's the most beautiful ring you've ever seen in it. It shines, lit up by the candles, and you see three stones, the one in the middle a little bigger than the others.
“(Y/N), I know it's only been some months since we started... Dating.” He begins, and you feel your hands shaking. “But everything happened to us in quite an unusual way and I'm completely in love with you.” You're already crying, a hand covering your mouth. “I thought I knew what love was, but I was so wrong. This is love, and it's... Undescribable. The way I feel when you walk in the room is... You own my heart, it's yours.”
Biting back a sob, you let him take your hand in his.
“So I couldn't wait anymore, beautiful. I want what we had while stuck on that lie to be real. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine. Forever. So... (Y/N)... Do you want to be my wife?”
“Yes,” you mutter, a little too fast, but since you're not sure if he could hear it, you nod, watching as he slides the ring on your finger.
There are no words to describe this moment. As Keanu stands up again, welcoming you into his arms and lifting you up, and you know this is right. Maybe everything meant to lead you to this moment. You know there are important people you left behind, like Daniel, your first husband, but you can only count on what you remember. And maybe just maybe, this was meant to be since the beginning. And you're happy, beyond happy, to have found the love of your life.
So it doesn't take much until the preparations start. Actually, they start on the very next day. For the general public, you'll be just a wedding vow renewal, since you don't remember the first. But it doesn't matter what they think, only what you know.
Laura is overjoyed, and she takes it into her hands to help you with everything. The date is set for only two months after the proposal, so it gives you little time to put everything together. And Laura is as indecisive as you are about the wedding dress. You do want to know Keanu's opinion, but you really want it to be a surprise, so you manage to chose it without asking him.
Things start getting hectic as the day approaches, but thanks to Laura, and to some people Keanu hired to organize everything, stuff is getting done just in time. When the day comes, there's not a single thing that isn't perfect.
There weren't allowed any journalists, just a single photographer, who's friends with Keanu. You know the pictures will find their way online, and you're well aware of some paparazzi hiding away. But nothing else matters. When you say ‘I do’, dressed in white, eyes on the most handsome man on Earth, nothing else matters.
And when you kiss, sealing your love before all the guests, you finally understand the true meaning of happiness. And as you walk down the aisle, hand in hand with Keanu as he holds Liam in his free arm, you smile at the camera, barely able to believe your eyes.
Sometime later, you're watching Liam playing in Mrs. Jackson's arms as you're seated on Keanu's lap. It was just for some photos, but you decided to stay.
“I have some news. But only if you agree.” Keanu says, low voice on your ear.
“Let's hear it.”
“I thought about a week in the Caribean as a honeymoon. But in November, so Liam is a little older. And if you think he'd be alright without us for this period.” As he speaks, Keanu pulls your hair away, placing a kiss on your neck.
“If we can hire Laura as a babysitter, I think it'll be alright.” Biting your lip, you look down at him. “And you should at least try to control yourself, Mr. Reeves. There are still some hours before we can be alone.” Lowering your voice, you smirk, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Because you're so good on self-control, Mrs. Reeves.”
“Oh, I love my new name.” Kissing him again, you only pull away when a song starts playing. “Ok, we have to dance.” Jumping to your feet, you start moving already, holding his hand as you walk to the dance floor. The song is fast, so you get this chance to be all over Keanu the best you can without letting anyone else notice the teasing.
“Do you really think it's a good idea to tease your husband before the wedding night?” He asks, his huge hands coming to encircle your waist, pulling you against his chest.
“It's the best idea I ever had.” Winking, you turn around, moving along with the rhythm, rasing an eyebrow to see Laura dancing with Robert. That took some time, but you finally see something happening.
The rest of the party goes on wonderfully well, and when it's over, you go back home. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson offered to stay with Liam tonight, so you and your husband have the house to yourselves. You're not entirely surprised to find your bedroom all decorated with candles and roses. You love it, but before actually getting into bed, you completely fail on the self-control thing, joining Keanu in the shower.
But of course, it doesn't stop there, and in no time, the amazingly decorated bed is messed up, once again claimed as yours. And even though you're tired of the party and the ceremony, you can't stop. You can't have enough of Keanu, you can't have enough of finally being his.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303 @june-harris
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karlajoyner · 3 years
Stamps (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this one was rather long. I don’t know if I liked it very much but that’s just me being critical of myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
Requested by: kennice1 (Wattpad)
Warnings: None
My eyes opened slightly to see my boyfriend laying beside me in his suit from the night prior.
We had done it.
We played the Orpheum.
And got rid of Caleb stamps.
Now we were here the very next day in Julie's garage like we'd been the past couple weeks feeling better than ever.
"Good morning beautiful" His raspy voice spoke as he to was barely opening his eyes.
"Good morning Luke" I replied staring up at the ceiling.
The bright sun rays hitting many different points of the studio since it was probably near mid day now.
"Morning? It's afternoon" Another voice in the room spoke making my head whip in their direction.
"Well then good afternoon my dear brother" I grinned sitting up only to see Reggie still passed out on the barkin lounger.
"Has Julie come in today yet?" Luke asked sitting up as well, pulling my body into his.
"Yeah. Said she was gonna go have breakfast and get dressed before coming back for practice. She also said she'll bring us something back"
"Oh to have breakfast. What a privilege we now have" I said stretching out my body.
"I sure did miss pancakes. I hope we have that" Reggie spoke in his morning voice.
"Look who's awake"
"Afternoon" I corrected him standing up.
"Where are you going?" Luke pouted.
"To get dressed for practice too. In case you haven't noticed I need to get out of this thing" I spoke pointing down at the long royal blue dress that sat tightly on my body.
"Or you could just stay in it. Maybe rip it up a bit make it more fitting" Luke suggested pushing the dress up my leg.
"Can you not try to sexualize my little sister in front of me?" Alex spoke.
"Sorry" Luke apologized.
"My boyfriend can sexualize me all he wants" I argued making my way towards the exit.
"I think it's endearing" Reggie said making me giggle.
"I'm gonna go see if Julie has anything I can barrow. And maybe a sewing machine. I think you were onto something there Lukey" I teased the boy watching a smirk take over his face before I walked out.
I giggled deciding to surprise Julie at her front door for the first time as an actual human being again.
Since I couldn't just poof into rooms anymore.
A grin formed on my face as I reached the front porch being careful to avoid any windows up the driveway.
"Look at you y/n. Looking as lovely as you did last night"
An all too familiar voice spoke from behind me before I could press the doorbell.
My heart immediately dropped as I spun around coming face to face with the devil himself.
"Caleb" I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh I just came to pay a little visit.... Tell me how does it feel to be alive again. Oh it must feel great"
"Just leave us alone. We've already defeated you and we're not joining your stupid house band" I bravely spoke watching as he inched closer.
I gulped nervously backing up until my back hit the door behind me and he was only a few feet away.
"That's not very nice of you to say. I've offered you and your boys everything and this is how you repay me. With insults. Nice try trying to be brave sweetheart but we both know your scared out of your mind. Scared that I'll hurt you. Or your little bandmates. Am I wrong?"
"Leave us alone" I repeated attempting to stand my ground
"I can see why Luke's so infatuated with you. Your strong headed like him. Too bad you won't make it home for breakfast"
My eyes widened as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders. My eyes rolling the back of my head.
"I have a fight too" I smirked hearing footsteps coming up the pathway.
My eyes fell upon a face I recognized to be none other than Nick. Julie's crush she'd been telling me about for weeks.
"Oh there's someone here" He said noting my presence.
"Hey, you look familiar. Wait. Aren't you that other girl in Julie's hologram band?" He asked hopefully.
"That's me" I smiled at the boy.
"I'm y/n" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He took it smiling back at me.
“I’m Nick”
"So your here to see Julie?" I asked ringing the doorbell for the two of us.
"Uh yeah. I didn't get to see her last night after the show so I thought I'd bring her these" He said showing me the flowers in his hand.
"How sweet. The broken hearted teenager fighting for his girl" I spoke mischievously raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked.
"Julie's told me about you Nick. It seems she's canceled on you a few times now hasn't she?"
"Well yeah but that's just because she was busy"
"Are you sure about that? In all honesty she just doesn't seem that interested if you ask me"
"R-really?" He asked looking down with a frown.
I cheekily bit my lip as the front door opened.
Taking my chance and caught the boy off guard, pulling him in for a passionately rough kiss.
Making sure that he fell into the trance. The flowers in his hand fell to the ground as he held my waist pulling me closer.
"N-Nick? Y/n?!" Julie's voice rang through my ears.
"Oh Julie. I-uh didn't see you there" I panted pulling away.
Slipping a note into Nicks hand before his eyes went from purple swirls back to his normal eyes color.
"J-Julie" he stuttered going to pick up the flowers.
"I-I don't know what happened"
"I think I can explain what's going on here. Nicks just not that into you Jules. Sorry. Anyways don't tell Luke about this. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now would we? See you later" I smirked walking down the front path of the house. Leaving the two dumbfounded.
I made sure I was out of sight before poofing away to the one place I called home. Awaiting for my revenge.
Julie's POV
I stood there in shock as y/n walked away. Leaving Nick and I standing on my front porch.
"Julie I- I can explain. She just- She was here and we started talking. I didn't even know her. I though she was your friend"
"I did too" I mumbled in confusion. What was wrong with her?
"She left me this. It probably her number but I don't want it. Your the only girl I want Julie" He said throwing the paper on the ground.
"I-I don't know what to say Nick. I um- can we talk about this later?"
"Of course. Take all the time you need"
"I will"
"These are for you by the way" He said sticking his hand out holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks" I muttered watching as he too walked down the same path out the front gate. I picked up the paper Nick dropped. Confusion coursing through me. Until I opened the paper.
She's home at last. But alone. Don't make this any harder and come join my house band or else....
~Your friend at the HGC
I read to myself. Everything making sense now. I had to show the boys.
Y/n's POV
I glared at Caleb who sat across from me. Specifically at the same table we were seated at the very first night we entered this dump.
"They're not gonna come" I stated crossing my arms.
"Really? You think so?"
"They're not that stupid"
"Y/n you underestimate your bandmates. Your Luke's girlfriend, Alex's sister, and Reggies bestfriend. Of course they're coming for you. And when they do they'll be gifted with a new stamp. Just like you" He grinned at me making me scoff.
As if on cue someone flashed into the middle of the room making me audibly groan in frustration.
"Seriously?!" I shouted.
"Told you" Caleb spoke making me roll my eyes.
"Boys welcome home"
"This isn't our home. We came for my sister and we're leaving" Alex spoke up.
"That doesn't seem to be on my schedule for the day. Why don't I have Dante help get you boys settled into your new rooms?"
"Y/n let's go"
"She's not going anywhere. She can't yet"
"Why not?"
"Show them" Caleb said as I glared dagger through him.
"Oh now you don't want to speak. Don't be rude y/n show them what I've gifted you" Caleb encouraged me again.
I simply kept quiet with my arms still crossed.
"Fine then I'll show them" I let out a scream as my arms separated from each other turning until my wrist was finally viable to the three boys in front of me.
"What did you do?" Reggie asked as they inspected the golden stamp on my wrist.
"This my dear pal Reginald is a new stamp and once activated will send shocks through y/n here once again. Only this time it'll hurt just about three times as bad. That is until you agree to become apart of my house-band. Or you could just leave her here on her own it's your choice really" Caleb spoke tapping my wrist.
My eyes widened as the stamp began to float in the air before placing itself back on my wrist.
Suddenly an excruciating pain coursed through my body immediately making me drop to my knees.
"You have until tonight's show to make up your mind" He spoke before flashing out leaving us alone in the empty ballroom. Immediately I was engulfed by a pair of strong arms as the pain tingled on my wrist.
"Y/n! Baby are you okay?" Luke asked wiping away the stray tears that had escaped my eyes
"What happened? How'd Caleb get to you?"
"It was in front of Julie's house this morning. I went to ring the doorbell. I didn't even get to do it before Caleb showed up, possessed my body, made me kiss Nick in front of Julie, and then brought me here"
"He made you do what?!" Luke shouted.
"Uh- did she not mention that?" I asked sheepishly.
"She did not"
"All she said was that you were acting really weird and that you left this note" Alex said pulling out a folded up letter from his back pocket.
"Then forget, I said it" I quickly spoke attempting to move the conversation along.
"We'll talk about his later. We need to figure out how to get this stamp off your wrist" Luke said inspecting it closely.
We sat in Julie's garage trying to come up with an idea on how to get the stamp off which wasn't going so well since it still was sending electric shocks directly through my body.
I groaned in pain as another jolt course me evidently leaving me weaker as the time passed. It was getting dark out and we were running out of time.
"Guys it's almost 8:30. The show starts at 9:00" Julie said showing us her phone screen.
"We've got to figure out how to get this thing off" Luke shouted in frustration at the rest of the band.
The three of them expressing concern on their faces.
"Okay we have to think. What happened last night? What did we do to make your stamps disappear" Julie asked as Luke helped me sit up.
"Easy. Julie said she loved us. We said it back then we hugged"
"That's it! Julie said she loved us. She connected with us and we did with her"
"So your saying Julie has to say it again and hug y/n?" Reggie asked.
"We could try it" Julie suggested walking over to me.
I nodded standing up immediately falling back down as I was zapped once more. The stamp on my wrist tingling afterwards.
"Baby are you okay?" Luke whispered holding me in his arms.
"I-I'm fine. Let's just get this over with" I spoke standing up once more.
I looked at the girl in front of me seeing her eyes filled with hope.
"I love you" She spoke softly pulling me in for a hug.
"I love you you too Jules" I whispered in her ear. We pulled back seeing the stamp flatly sitting upon my skin.
"It- it didn't work"
"Do it again" Luke demanded.
"It's not gonna work Luke"
"It has to. Do it again" He ordered. I shook my head no looking at the girl in front of me. Her eyes beginning to tear up.
"It's okay Julie. I'll be okay" I whispered wiping away the single tear that left her eyes.
"Don't worry about me"
"How could I not? I can't lose you a second time y/n. Your like my big sister and I really do love you"
"I love you too. But I guess it only worked the one time" I said before another shock hit me.
"We could always figure out your unfinished business" Reggie suggested as I regained my posture.
"We don't have time"
"I have to get the Hollywood ghost club before that show or I'll become thin air"
"I'm coming with you" Luke said standing up.
"No your not. You are staying here. With Julie. Where your safe"
"Julie's not my girlfriend you are. So I'm going with you whether you like it or not. I'm sure Caleb wouldn't mind anyways"
"Luke Patterson you are not going anywhere"
"He's not but I am" Alex spoke.
"I am too"
"Not you guys too" I groaned looking at Julie for help.
"Do you understand what'll happen if you guys come back with me? Calebs going to brand you for life"
"So what?”
"So everything we've accomplished up to now would've been for nothing"
"It's going to be nothing if your not here with us" Reggie spoke.
"Julie a little help here"
"You guys need to go with her" The girl said letting out a breath.
"No Jules. You need them here with you. It's not Julie and the Phantoms without the Phantoms"
"Forget about the band right now y/n. You need them with you. You can't live whatever life you have left without your friends, your family, and your true love" I sighed looking at the girl who smiled softly at me.
"You guys brought music back into my life and for that I'll be forever grateful. And with Flynn I'll get through this. But I will never forgive myself if I separate you from your boys" She said making my eyes water.
"Our boys" I corrected her pulling her in for a tight hug.
I sighed in content as the rest of the boys joined our hug one last time.
"I love you guys"
"We love you too"
And that's when I felt it.
The feeling from last night. I was no longer week. The tingling had stopped.
"Your shining!" Julie gasped pulling away first.
Smiles formed on everyone's faces as the stamp arose form my wrist dispersing into thin air.
"W-we did it!" We did it!" Alex shouted jumping up and down excitedly.
"It makes sense now. I didn't just hug one of you. I hugged all of you!"
"I guess love really does conquer all" Luke stated pulling me into his arms, making sure to leave space so I could still look up at him.
"We did it baby"
"We did it" I confirmed pulling him in for a loving passionate kiss with everyone cheering in the background.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
‘Anti Bully Buddy’
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You weren't someone who would take shit from others and a were naturally protective of the ones you loved, but the world just didn't work out in your favour and you always became the bad guy.
Enter Tall, Handsome new guy with too much free time and a goody two shoes complex who's forced to stick by you.
Huh, maybe the world was working in your favour this time...
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Pairings: Kun x fem!reader
Theme: Highschool, Bullying, Comical, humour, fluff.
Characters: Kun, Winwin, Ningning, Ten, oc «mentioned» Jisung.
Word Count: 3.7k
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It wasn't an uncommon phenomenon for you to find your wrists bruised and, yourself slightly wounded sitting outside the principal's office. There were three other kids sitting opposite you and they were all three years below.
The principal walked out, looked at you and sighed “Bullying these kids again y/n?”
Your head hung low as anger started to boil inside you and you clenched your fists that were on your lap.
“Sorry ma'am” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Here's the thing those three kids belonged to very influential parents in the school so no matter what you said you were always the bad guy. The bully. But you didn't mind it. That reputation helped keep a lot of unwanted people in your life away.
The three boys sat in front of you with smirks and bruises on their faces. You didn't mind the title of bully, but you didn't like when the three devil incarnates always got away with what they did because it was YOU who was deemed bully.
“And that to kids who are your juniors?” The principal scoffed “This is happening way to often, and I don't like it” she said sternly, but you couldn't bother it was the same every time. She'll scold you a bit more and then give you some sort of creative punishment she worked up, and then you go home.
“Well we'll sign you up for the anti bully program I guess” the principal looked at you and sighed while you looked at her, confused.
One of the demons sitting opposite you spoke up asking her your doubt “Anti bullying? Isn't it supposed to help the victim not the bully?”
The principal smiled slightly at the boy “It's a newer approach where we assign someone to keep an eye on the bully, so they don't cause trouble. We could protect one victim, but the bully will just bully someone else” the principle smiled, and you frowned. That means your privacy will be taken away. Not that you do anything secretive, but you just aren't that fond of people.
You groaned and the principal glared at you “We already have volunteers” the principal said sternly her glare still on you “I'll check through whose schedule matches yours the most and tomorrow you're getting your anti bully buddy” the principal said sternly “Or how I like to call it A.B.B” the principal said the last part turning to the three boys giving them a quick smile.
“I'll see you in my office first thing tomorrow y/n” the principal said to you while flashing you a rather strict looking smile. You gave a slight nod and left.
It might be surprising to many how you could take on three boys at once. It had to do with your dad. He was a great fighter and told you that if there ever was a day he couldn't protect you, you should know how to fight. And so you learned, you went for karate classes and learned hand-to-hand combat. But it wasn't something you took very seriously, but then your mom died giving birth and everything went downhill. Your dad wasn't the same anymore, but he had to push through to raise your baby brother, but he was mostly drunk and spiraling while your aunt swooped in and handled the baby, and you were left alone. You needed an escape from that, so you spent more time at your dojo practicing and practicing and using it as a way to let your anger out. Because you knew you would crumble too if your brain didn't focus on something. But slowly everything got better, and you were starting to function normally as a family again. Your dad could smile again. But things changed again and your dad met someone. She made him happy, so you approved of her, so they got married. But they forgot you and your baby brother. Don't get them wrong they were good to both of you providing you with everything you needed and were never harsh or mean but to them, it was as if you weren't part of the family. It was easy for them to forget you. The person who you loved the most forgot you and moved on. And so you did to. You moved on and learned to live with it. And did the best for your brother too. He was the last memory of your happy family with mom and dad. And well know your only family that actually felt like family.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realise when you reached class and when it ended. But all you knew was that it was lunchtime now.
“So another fight I see” Ten, one of your closest friends said with a smirk. “They deserved it” you grunted as you sat down next to him.
“I don't doubt that” Ten hummed out and just then two trays were slammed down onto the table in between you and ten. “So another fight and what is your punishment this time?” Ningning who slammed your and Ten's tray of food asked as she grabbed her own tray from Winwin who was behind her and sat down next to you. Winwin took the last seat available on the small circular table, between Ten and Ningning.
“How is jisung?” Winwin asked concerned.
“I got there in time, but he was hurt so he's resting in the infirmary right now” you said grimly.
You the looked at Ningning “Ohhh my punishment might just be the worst one yet because there is going to be someone who will FOLLOW me wherever I go in school to make sure I'm not causing trouble.” she gave a small chuckle at your irritation.
“Not that bad your lonely ass will make one more new friend” Ten said cheekily with an awfully cheeky grin on his stupid face. You punched him lightly and he dramatically fell back and threw his hand over his head and gasped “You wound me y/n” you just rolled your eyes and smiled and then naturally your group fell into conversation.
After you returned home from school and once diner was done (it was just you and jisung for diner) you lay on bed smiling. The day wasn't that bad except for the incident in the morning. You then frowned remembering what was to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow came in a blink of an eye, and you were now seated in the principal's office next to this...guy. He had blond hair that extended below his eyes, but his eyes weren't covered because his hair was neatly parted showing his dark chocolate brown eyes. He had given you a smile when you entered, and you also saw that he had dimples. The cutest dimples that you had ever seen. But in all fairness you hadn't seen that many dimples because you didn't know that many people- you've mainly just seen pictures of people with dimples. But still his were cuter than the pictures.
“So this is your A.B.B” the principal said pointing at the boy beside you and he gave a small smile, you noticed him slightly cringe at the name.
Your principal started to speak cheerily “His name is Kun! But then her cheer fades and she said darkly "If you attack him too you're getting expelled”
You turned towards Kun and forced a smile. Kun smiled at you, again. He genuinely smiled and his teeth might have actually sparkled by how bright the smile was.
“Now off to class you two have the same schedule except for one class at the end of the week” the principal said and got to the work that was on her desk as you and Kun left.
Your smile dropped, and you turned to Kun “Look” you started, and he looked at you expectantly “You don't have to take this seriously cus I'm not really a bully per se so just mind your own business, and I'll mind mine”
Kun frowned “That's not going to help you get away with it and plus it's my job to stick by you whether you like it or not. I cannot have you bully people. It's sad that you find the need to pick on people and I hope to help you stop”.
You narrowed your eyes “I don't pick on people. You don't even know me”.
Kun sighed “I was already filled in on how you bully the kids from a younger class by the principle. I know your probably going through those teenage angst phases and that's okay I'll help you through it” Kun said not noticing the change in mood and how you were about to snap. “And maybe that is because you don't get along with your brother but beating him and his friends up and sending him to the infirmary isn't goo-” “What would you know” you interrupted him in a low hiss.
“YOU” you yelled stabbing his chest with your finger “DON'T KNOW 𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮” you yelled emphasizing the anything as you continued stabbing him in his chest with your finger and then stormed off to your first class.
Kun stood there dumbfounded for a second but then immediately snapped out of his dazed state and realized that you had already left and began to run after you to your shared first class.
The entire day consisted of kun following you around and trying to start conversation with you and you trying to ditch him and ignoring him.
Lunch came and he followed you then too. You turned to him annoyed, but he smiled “Aren't you going to have lunch?” You asked clearly mad “Of course I'm going to have lunch” he said with his seemingly constant smile but didn't move.
“So why are you still here?”
“Like it or not” he said in a sing-song tone “I'm going to be having lunch with you”
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes and stomped towards the cafeteria. You soon saw Ten and Ningning already at the table conversing with each other.
You approached the table with Kun on your tail and Ningning and Ten looked at you confused but only for a few short seconds, soon Ten's eyes lit up knowingly “Oh A.B.B!” Ten exclaimed pointing at Kun who just awkwardly smiled.
“You can call me Kun" Kun smiled.
“But I like A.B.B.” Ten frowned.
“And I prefer Kun” Kun said a bit sternly.
“Kun works too I guess” Ten sighed.
You rolled your eyes at the exchange and sat down. A tray of food was already placed on the table for you and winwin, but you couldn't see your Jisungs tray.
“Oh ji took his tray and is sitting with his friends in the garden” Ningning said noticing you look for him.
“Kun if I knew you'd be joining us we would have got a tray for you too” Ningning smiled at him apologetically.
“Oh it's alright I'll get my own tray and sorry for just imposing in on you guys but I have to follow y/n around.” he apologized and left to get his tray.
Ningning smiled “He's sweet”
“Not when he's following you around 24/7” you groaned and Ten snickered. Just then Winwin arrived and sat down.
“What misery of y/n's are we laughing at today” Winwin asked, and you glared at him. Ningning just smiled but Ten spoke “oh her A.B.B is here and is going to be following her around throughout the day” Ten snickered.
“Ohh that's nice less trouble for our tiny bully” Winwin said patting your head, and you sneered at him.
“I'm not that short, and I can take you so don't test me”
Winwins eyes widened at the very real threat for a second before he flashed one of his adorable smiles, and you could no longer be mad at him. That's the thing. Everyone loved Winwin. And that's why the brat got away with everything he did.
“Sicheng?” someone called from behind you and everyone turned to see Kun standing there with his tray shocked.
“Kun ge?” Winwin asked his eyes scrunching in confusion before the widened, and he was smiling again.
“Kun ge! What are you doing here” Winwin said immediately getting up and hugging Kun.
“I just transferred to this school three days ago” Kun said one hand wrapped around Winwin and the other holding his tray.
“That's why I haven't seen you before” Ningning muttered under her breath but you and Ten heard it too.
“Oh, and I'm y/n's anti bully buddy to so” Kin said laughing nervously.
“Wait really” Winwin jumped up in happiness and turned towards you “Kun ge was from my old school, and he helped me a lot there” Winwin said beaming at your group. Winwinw was the latest addition to your friend group around two years ago.
Ten had made friends with him first and you and Ningning easily grew fond of him too.
“Yes sicheng and I were really close-”
“Sicheng? Who's that?” Ten asked and you, Winwin and Ningning gave him a deadpanned look.
“Umm Ten.. Winwin's real name?” Ningning said and Ten's jaw dropped and Winwin scoffed in disbelief and threw Ningning's banana at him earning a smal protest from her and a whine from Ten who was hit in the face.
“As Kun ge was saying we were close, but I lost contact when I changed my phone number.” Winwin changed the subject still glaring at Ten while taking a seat, Kun sat next to him. And soon enough your group fell into easy conversation with Kun.
You even decided to finally talk to him and Kun stopped to smile at you in shock, but continued the conversation immediately.
For the first time that day Kun was not unbearable. He was actually really cool guy and talking to him was so easy. You two then talked about everything and anything and suddenly you didn't hate him any more, couldn't hate him any more. You had a class after lunch and then a free period where you continued to talk. You even decided to take him to your favourite spot in the school: the garden.
“Y/n” he suddenly called out and you just hummed in response while continuing walking towards the garden.
“I-” he stared “I had my assumptions about you but their not true and your actually really nice and have friends who are a good influence for you too” Kun said but stopped. You stopped walking and looked at Kun, he wanted to ask you something but was waiting for your permission “go on” you said as you resumed walking.
“How come you're categorized as a bully by the principal and are always in trouble” he finally asked after a long pause.
“Because she doesn't know the truth” you sighed and muttered softly.
“What?” Kun asked not having heard you properly you were going to tell him when you heard a small bang coming from one of the inner school corridors.
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You and Kun looked at each other wide-eyed and both ran towards the sound. What you saw made your blood boil.
In front of you were the three boys that you beat up barely two days ago and on the floor agains the lockers was Jisung clutching his stomach. “Yah!” You screamed and that seemed to get their attention.
Kun who was looking at the scene unfolding wide-eyed had now come to his sense but Instead of his usually gental and calm eyes his eyes were in fierce glaring slits.
“Didn't I just teach you three a lesson yesterday” you snarled.
“Yes, and now we're teaching him a lesson. He was being pathetic and showing off in class” one of the three morons you were going to beat up spoke.
You began to charge in their direction only to be held back by a firm grip on your hand.
Kun shook his head, but you didn't care they deserved it, and you shoves his hands off you but he had other plans holding onto you tighter than before.
“Wait” he said struggling to hold you back but failing as you escaped out of his grip again, not that that was really hard to do with your training and skill, but you still waited, impatience clear on your face.
“Let me handle it” Kun said and you thought for a second about it. If anything went wrong you could still take all three of them, so you stood aside your guard up. In all honesty you wouldn't mind a different way to deal with those devils.
“So it's because he” Kun pointed at your brothers figure on the floor “is showing off? How?”
“He's getting all the answers right but refusing to help us.” One of them complained.
“Stuck up. That's what he is” the other added.
“And your solution was...?” Kun asked raising an eyebrow.
“Knock some sense into him” the third one smirked.
“So physically knock some sense into him? As in attack him... physically?” Kun asked the boys, and you were starting to get frustrated you were about to take a step ahead, but Kun held his hand out in front of you stopping you.
“Yes. You got a problem with that ha? What are you gonna do about it beat us up to?” They laughed.
“Oh yes I got a problem, but I won't beat you up. Instead,” Kun pulled his phone that out of his pocket and that's when you realised that he had been recording everything. You didn't know when he started recording or when he carefully placed the phone in his pocket with the back camera facing the boys. All you knew is that this time you got them. You couldn't before because of your school's crapy camera placement a.k.a. it being placed in only a few corridors that were close to important rooms where things could be stolen from and even those cameras were ancient.
“Instead I'll show this to the principle. And life will get easier” Kun said with a smirk on his face. It was kinda attractive but now was not the time to think about it.
Before you could register what was happening one of the boys lurched forward and tried to grab the phone but Kun simply stepped aside, and he went tripping ahead. The other two soon followed, but you had enough time to react and block them.
“So that's what..." Kun muttered still holding his phone in his hand watching you block but not attack the three. Suddenly it made sense to him, after all those conversations he realised you were very close to your brother, and he knew these three boys were also slightly influential in school. Good thing he was more influential than them Kun smirked to himself and made a run for it. He ran towards the principal's office and showed her everything.
What happened next, happened really quickly, the boys and their parents being called, acknowledgement of their bullying and your innocence, because you still used voilence, you were give a lighter and fairer punishment. All three of the boys, to their dismay had an A.B.B now, and you couldn't be happier. Oh and they also got suspended.
“Thank you” you said to Kun, and he smiled.
“Was glad I could help” his gaze then shifted to the floor “I guess I don't need to follow you any more” he said with a soft but dry chuckle.
“Yea…” you trailed off “but you could still join us?” You asked hopefully and Kun's eyes seemed to light up. “I'd like that” he smiled.
“Oh and you have to let me thank you properly” you beamed at Kun.
“You really don't need to”
“But I want to! So tell me how?”
Kun hummed in thought “Give me sometime to think about it, and I'll tell you later” he smiled and patted your head as both of you continued to make your way to class.
Time passed and things got better. You and Kun got closer than ever. You always hung out with him, either in a group or one on one. Furthermore, you found it easy and relaxing to be in his presence.
Maybe along the way you started liking his presence way more than you used to and felt for him in a more than Platonic way. But you kept it in- you aren't going to mistake his kindness for anything else.
One day when the both of you were walking to your house after you friend group parted ways after spending the entire morning and lunch together, with ice cream cones in each of your hands you remembered and asked “I never did get to repay you for how you helped tell me how can I return your favour”
“You know you don't really have to?” Kun smiled at you and immediately you felt your face go warm.
“But you know I want to”
Kun stopped in his tracks and pretend to think, you rolled your eyes at his acting but smiled nonetheless.
He then smiled and bent down leaning in, he was so close that you could see every detail on his face, even the little scar on the right side of his face “How about you take me out?” your breath hitched.
If your face felt warm earlier it was hot now. “O-out? Where do you want to go?” You bit your lip nervously as you kept reciting to your self in your head 'it isn't what you think it is. It isn't what you think it is.'
“I don't know depends on you really” Kun shrugged and then smiled again (it was as if he was trying to kill you with the number of time he gave that smile that caused you to stop breathing) “Which are your favourite dating hotspots?” and whatever defence you built up against him came crumbling down, and your jaw dropped, and you just stood there staring at him.
For a long while- like really long while because now his features fell “I mean y-you don't have to go on a date with me if you don't want to you know...” He trailed off taking a step away.
“YES! YES I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU” you yelled and then your eyes widened, and you settled down into a more relaxed position and cleared your throat “yea sure I don't mind” you said making your voice lower and puting on a facade that Kun saw right through (obviously) because he was smiling, and you couldn't help it you smiled too.
“So Saturday's at four?” Kun asked smile still visible, but he was really nervous and you didn't need to know that.
“Yes” you said giving him a big smile.
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A/n: To the people that made it to the end....I'm sorry you read that. This is my least favorite fic among all my stuff and I honestly just posted it because I wrote this for a friend who I care for too much to have her idea hidden in my drafts forever. Well more of a demon child but yea she specifically asked for this and my conscience can't keep this hidden.
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erzaguin · 3 years
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Huntmira Week Day 5/6/7: Masquerade/First Kiss/Favorite Headcanon
“Welcome one and all to the Emperor’s Coven celebration of the fast approaching day of unity! Emperor Bolos has graciously opened his home to all of you for a masquerade ball! Now come in and celebrate with us!” 
Once the announcer's speech was over the gates to the Emperor’s Coven were open to the select few that had been invited to the ball. Only the most high tear residents of the Boiling Isles had been granted the honor of attending the event. 
“Alright you three I want everyone to be on their best behavior, only the most elite were invited to this event so we should take advantage of this opportunity to make new connections.¨ said Odalia as she scanned the room for potential targets. ¨These masks will make things a bit more difficult but itś nothing we can't handle.¨
“You two know what you need to do right?” asked Odalia while holding on to her husband's arm to keep him from running off on his own. The man is a genius when it comes to inventing new products but he needs a bit of help when it comes to socializing. A skill that is essential to growing their business.
“Yes mother” responded the twins in unison giving her their best smiles. 
“Good now go mingle” she said as she started pulling her husband along with her towards an unsuspecting group of potential clients. 
While their younger sister was charged with testing and showing off Blight industry products the twins were tasked with being the faces of the company. They were meant to one day take over their mother's role as promoters of the family business. She knew that the twins were more than capable at speaking with clients and investors which is why she always kept them on the forefront during social events. They were naturally charismatic and had inherited her quick witts. One day they would be the ones running the company so it was important they build strong business relations. 
 “So what do you think?” asked Edric as he squinted in an attempt to survey the room. He needed glasses but he never wore them in front of others. The only times he used them was when he was home alone doing homework. 
They were already drawing a lot of attention. Though this was intentional Odalia liked for all of them to stand out in these types of events. Making a lasting impression was good for business. 
Emira was wearing a big beautiful off the shoulder golden gown with emerald detailings with her hair done up in a bun wearing a mask that matched her dress. Edric who was standing next to her was wearing a suit similar in design to his sisters with a matching mask.  Even in a room filled with extravagant attire the two still stood out.
“You heard what mother said we have to mingle. See anyone we know?” responded Emira while she scanned the faces of the people starting to make their way to them. 
“Nope I can’t tell who anyone is with all these flamboyant outfits. Want to just hit the obdurves table?” 
“Amity is lucky she didn't have to come. She gets to hang out with her girlfriend while we get to mingle with business partners” mumbled Emira to herself. 
“I see you’re mad you don’t get to see your boyfriend today” said Edric without thinking. Emira had still not fully forgiven him for ruining the first time she and Hunter met outside the library. “I mean uh yeah today is when you would normally go meet up with Hunter right?” he added in a panicked tone. The look on Emira’s face made him regret bringing up the subject.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve already told you we are just friends. Besides, we haven’t spoken since that day at the carnival.” noted Emira in a grim tone. 
“I’m really sorry Em I really messed things up between you guys” apologized Edric feeling genuinely remorseful. Emira had helped him find a partner and he had ruined her relationship with the first boy she liked. 
“Like I said there was never anything between us. Let’s just go, come on.” mumbled Emira as she started to make her way to the obvdorbes table with Edric quick behind her heels. 
It was true there wasn't anything between her and the Hunter. They were just friends if you could call them that. Even though they had been spending a lot of time together for a few months now Emira was not sure how Hunter saw her. They had never spent any time together outside of the library. He never spoke about himself to her all Emira knew was that Hunter was raised by his uncle but he wouldn’t say more than that. Most of the time he acted like he didn’t want her there. 
It was her own fault. She knew better. The number one rule that has been drilled into all three siblings is do not get attached. The moment you get attached to something you lose. But I had been sure it would be different with Hunter. It was different with him. They would spend the days they weren’t together sending messages to one another. Or at least they had until that day at the carnival. It had already been a week since then and Hunter had still not spoken to her. The only message he had sent her after the carnival just said one word. 
“I know Ed blames himself and at first I blamed him too but I know it’s not his fault. I was the one that fantacied there was something there when there obviously wasn’t. Live and learn right? At least it ended before it started. I just wish he would have said something instead of just ghosting me. I thought that at the very least the time we had spent together would have earned me that much.  Who knows maybe I’ll meet someone here? One thing's for sure next time around I won’t be making the same mistake again.” thought Emira to herself as she kept moving forward.  
"She's pretty" noted Emperor Belos from his throne to Hunter who was standing next to him.
"Huh? Who?" Question Hunter puzzled by his uncle's words. He had never heard Emperor Belos refer to anyone as pretty or even note a person’s appearance. It somehow felt wrong coming from him, especially while he was wearing his mask. 
"The girl you've been staring at all evening" teased Emperor Belos who was now looking directly at him. 
Hunter had never been so happy to be wearing his helmet as it shielded his burning face from his uncle. "No I wasn't… I was scanning the room for threats… yeah threats'' sputtered Hunter as he panicked at the sudden accusation.  His uncle had no idea of the secret meetups he had been having with Emira over the past few months and Hunter prefered to keep it that way. 
“Ah yes that young lady does certainly look very threatening.” mused Belos looking back in the direction of the. “ Is she? She’s the eldest Blight girl right? That’s her brother next to her. Hmmm looks like she doesn't have a date. You know you should ask her for a dance. That way you can put your suspicions to rest.”  said Belos as he leaned in towards Hunter so only he could hear him. 
Although he knew it was impossible Hunter was afraid that his uncle was able to see how red his face had become through his mask or that he could hear the beating of his heart which sounded like drums playing to him. He was at a complete loss of words at his sudden brashness. “...I … no I have to stay close incase of trouble.” managed Hunter. Belos gave a light chuckle before putting a hand on Hunter’s shoulder and giving him a slight push forward. “Go have fun, this is a celebration after all. And don’t worry about me, I think I can manage without you for the duration of a dance or two.” he jested in a warm tone. 
Hunter stumbled forward before taking a look back at his uncle who was gesturing for him to go. This was not like him at all although they had never been in a situation where Hunter could actually socialize with people that were not in the coven or direct followers of Emperor Belos. It still felt wrong. 
“That’s an order, go have fun.” added Emperor Belos in a more authoritative tone but Hunter could still hear the smile behind his mask. “Besides, we need someone that represents me to interact with our guests. Who better than my right hand man?” he added in a more relaxed tone. 
Hunter took in his uncle's words before responding “Yes Emperor Belos”as he gave a bow in the direction of his uncle. He then turned around and started making his way through the crowd in the direction of Emira.  
Edric noticed him first. It was the Golden Guard making his way straight to them ignoring everyone that tried to make conversation with him. “He must be mad,” whispered Edric to his sister. 
“Who?” said Emira looking around for the source of her brother's concern but it did not take her long to realize who it was. 
“Hey Ed, did you do something to the Golden Guard without telling me?’ asked Emira while raising an eyebrow at her brother. 
“I was going to ask you the same thing” responded Edric. “What do you think he wants?”
“He probably wants to talk business since the Emperor practically owns Blight Industries now. Although that doesn’t explain why he would want to talk to us.” pondered Emira. 
“Maybe he would rather talk to us than mom.” offered Edric. 
“Well mom did say to mingle. Who knows maybe we can get on his good side?” replied Emira
Before Edric could respond the golden guard was already standing only a few feet from them. Just standing there staring in their general direction. Or at least they assumed he was it was hard to tell with his helmet on. 
“Ask her for a dance” he says, like it's that easy. Mumbled Hunter to himself. She doesn’t know I’m the golden guard, she'll probably think I’m just some creep. Not like it would be easier for Hunter to ask her for a dance. They hadn’t spoken since the carnival. When he came back to the castle that day he had been informed about the ball his uncle was throwing. Ever since then he had been extremely busy with managing the event. He hadn’t even had time to respond to her messages. The last message he sent to her just said busy. She probably hates him now. 
Pl”us I’d never asked someone for a dance before and this was Emira. At least as the golden guard she wouldn’t be able to see his reactions to her teasing.” thought Hunter to himself as he continued to make his way through the crowd. “What am I supposed to say? Hey Em it’s me Hunter wanna dance? Oh this yeah I’m the Golden Guard. Yeah, the same Golden Guard that threatens your parents no big deal.” Scoffed Hunter to himself. He allowed himself to look back at Emperor Belos. He wasn’t surprised to see his uncle was watching him make his way to the twins. 
“Right I was given an order and I have to follow it through. Maybe Emira doesn’t need to know who I am. That way I still get to follow my orders and she won't hate me as much” tried to bargain Hunter “...she’ll find out eventually though.”   He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t realized he was already standing just a few feet from the twins. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before taking a step forward “Here goes everything” thought Hunter to himself.
“Smile Ed,” whispered Emira to her brother who was getting more and more uncomfortable with the man standing before them. The Golden Guard stood there for an uncomfortable amount of time just staring at them or at least looking in their general direction; it was hard to tell with his mask on.  
“Hey are you o…” before Edric could finish the Golden Guard took a step towards them which caused Edric to stop speaking. 
Both twins bowed before the Golden Guard but when they lifted their heads they were surprised to see his hand was outstretched towards them. 
Hunter cleared his throat before asking “Could I have this dance?” 
The twins were momentarily dumbfounded. Did the Golden Guard just ask for a dance? He was directing his question at Emira but before she could respond Edric stepped forward and took the Golden Guard’s hand.
“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” said Edric as he feigned bashfulness.This was not the first creep that had set their sights on his sister and it wouldn’t be the last. This guy had muscled his way into their families business. Their parents had been on edge ever since their interaction with him. Golden Guard be damned there was no way Ed would allow him near his sister.  
“Uhh I uh” Hunter was compleatly taken off guard by Edrics advance. Not to mention the sudden shift in his demeanor. Even though they had only met once before Ed had come across as a kind, warm, and childish individual. His words and actions did not match his eyes; the person in front of him had no warmth in his eyes. I wouldn't have thought he could be so assertive. “That makes sense after what you did to their parents,” thought Hunter to himself.  
“That’s enough Ed” said Emira while placing a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Besides I believe he was asking me, right?” she noted with a smile while giving Hunter a wink. 
“I uh yes ...um” Hunter felt his face get hot and once again was grateful for his helmet concealing his face. 
“Em are you sure” whispered Edric to his sister while shooting a glare at Hunter. 
“Yeah it’s ok I can handle this besides it’s just one dance. Why don’t you go find mom and dad? I’ll meet up with you guys after ok.” she whispered back trying to sooth her twin. 
“...Ok” said Edric before shooting one last cold glance at Hunter and walking away to find their parents. 
“...Isn't that right Honey '' gushed Odalia who was speaking with one of Blight Industries frequent customers about a potential new product. “Honey?”
Alador’s attention was completely enthralled by something off in the distance. “Alador?” puzzled Odalia as she began to worry. 
“Dear is that our daughter dancing with the Golden Guard?” queried Alador who was squinting his eyes in an attempt to get a better view. Just like his son he also needed glasses but Odalia had given up on trying to get him new ones since he always broke or lost them. Now his goggles were his only glasses which he never remembered to use when he was not working on a project. 
“What?! Where?!” asked Odlia while searching the dance floor for their daughter. Emira was not hard to find due to the extravagant dress. Not to mention people were giving the couple a bit more space given that her daughter's partner was indeed the Golden Guard.  Odalia had made it a point of getting the twins the most extravagant attire she could find. It was important to make lasting impressions. Although she never thought that would earn this type of attention. 
Odalia let out a slight gasp when she saw her eldest daughter dancing with Emperor Belos' right hand man. “Where's Edric?” breathed Odalia while she looked for her baby boy. There was no way Edric would have left his sister with the Golden Guard and she knew it. He had always been protective of her which means he might have done something reckless.  
“I’m right here mother” grumbled Edric who was still staring daggers at his sister's dance partner from behind his parents. 
“Oh dear, come tell us what happened,” whispered Odalia to her disgruntled son, making note that he did not have a scratch on him. That was a good sign. 
“He just approached us and asked Em to dance, I tried stopping it but Em said she could handle it,” mumbled Edric who was still unsettled by the situation. 
Odalia let out a sigh of relief and straightened herself. “Don’t worry dear, your sister can handle this, she's a very smart and resourceful girl. Before the night is over she’ll have the Golden Guard eating from the palm of her hand.” bragged Odalia while giving her son what she thought looked like a reassuring smile but was more self satisfying than anything. If Emira said she could handle it then Odalia was sure her daughter already had a plan in mind. Out of her children Emira had sertently been the one to have inherited her cunning.  
“This could be a great opportunity for us,” added Alador who was still squinting at the dance floor. 
“Yes indeed” noted Odalia who was already thinking of all the benefits that could come out of this. 
Edric on the other hand was not convinced and he still wanted to get Emira away from that guy as soon as possible.  
“Step one two three.. Step one two three.. don’t step on her feet.” thought Hunter to himself as he tried to keep his cool. “Focus Hunter it’s just one dance you can do this just don’t look at her eyes. And remember you have the advantage since she can’t see your face. Yeah but you can see hers. Oh titan, how is she so calm?” 
After a while of dancing Emira finally said “So you’re the Golden Guard?” she mused while giving him a mischievous smile. 
Hunter had been spending all of his concentration dancing that he flinched when she spoke. “I um yes” he stammered before clearing his throat and saying it again this time with more confidence “Yes I am.” 
“Who would have thought that nerdy boy I met at the library was actually Emperor Belos' right hand man,” wondered Emira to herself as she kept on dancing without any hesitation. 
“Yeah… wait what? I... uh no don’t know what you mean,” faltered Hunter before finally giving up. “What gave it away?” he whispered, getting ready for the backlash that was sure to come. 
“Your voice, I knew as soon as you asked me to dance. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to tell it was you?” she asked with a smile genuinely amused. “I will say that I was taken off guard at first. Not that you were the Golden Guard but that you were actually asking me to dance.”
Upon hearing this Hunter felt a huge weight lift off his chest and he felt his body relax. He had been so afraid of losing his best friend he never even stopped to think that no matter what she would always accept him for him. 
“I’m sorry Em…” he started but  was cut off by Emira who had leaned in to kiss him. Or at least she kissed his helmet where his lips would be. 
“Curse this stupid helmet” thought Hunter to himself. He tried to speak but the only thing that came out was something that sounded like a whimper rather than words. 
Emira giggled to herself while trying to hide her smile behind her hand. “Was she blushing?” thought Hunter.
“That was a lovely dance. We should do this again sometime but maybe next time lose the helmet? She said as she pulled away from him. “See you around Hunter.” she said as she started walking with that same smile on her face. 
“What just happened? Did she just kiss him? Why did she kiss him? And why was he wearing this stupid helmet?!” thought Hunter to himself as his brain scrambled to make sense of what just happened. 
It wasn’t until now that Hunter realized that the song they had been dancing to had long since ended. 
As soon as Emira reached her family her mother quickly pulled her into a hug. 
“You did good, dear” said Alador in his usual monotone voice. 
“Way to go you just made that boy fall head over heels for you.” added Odalia in an excited tone. 
She knew that her parents ment the remarks in terms of a business achievement but Emira could not help but smile at the thought of them praising her for dancing with the boy she liked. 
“Thanks,” she said with a smile that brightened up her face. 
The only one that was not in high spirits was Edric who could not believe what had just happened but before he could confront his sister Emira took him by the arm and pulled him away. 
“We’re going to get some punch ok?” said Emria to her parents as she pulled her brother along. 
“Alright have fun,” said Odaia before quickly turning around to speak with the crowd of people that had gathered around them. Having their daughter dance with the Golden Guard had definitely gotten them some attention. 
As soon as he gathered his bearings Hunter made his way back to Emperor Belos' side. And although he could not see his face he got the feeling that his uncle was grinning at him. But before he could reach him he was approached by Kikimora.
“How unsightly to have the Golden Guard walking around with lipstick on his helmet. You are supposed to be a representation of Emperor Belos yet look at you. Walking around like a love struck boy. You could hardly stay on your feet after that girl kissed you. How embarrassing.” sneered Kikimora low enough so that only Hunter could hear her. 
“What lipstick?” thought Hunter to himself before the sudden realization dawned on him. Instead of heading back to his uncle he took a turn to go to a part of the castle that was sealed off for the rest of the party. Once he was out of sight he took off his helmet to inspect it and sure enough there it was. Emira’s lipstick from where she had kissed him. His face turned a deep crimson color when he realized he had been walking around like that on top of the realization that he had not imagined it she had kissed him. 
He made up his mind, without putting his helmet back on he headed to his room to change. 
“Em, wait, what’s going on? And why did you kiss that guy?” demanded Edric, digging in his heels so that his sister couldn't pull him anymore. 
“Calm down Ed I just want to get somewhere we can talk without being interrupted ok?” said Emira who was still smiling. 
“Fine, how about over there behind the stairs?” sighted Edric as he pointed to a set of stairs not far from them.
“That’s perfect” said Emira as she started making her way to them with her brother walking next to her. 
As soon as they arrived Edric quickly started again but was silenced by Emira who had placed her hand over his mouth. 
“I know what you’re going to say but wait and listen to me first. That was Hunter.” noted Emira before removing her hand from her brother's face. 
Edric was in a brief state of shock unable to comprehend what his sister had just said. “Wait Hunter? Like your Hunter?” he asked, still not believing what his sister had said. 
“Yup he’s the Golden Guard,” added Emira with a small smile.
“You knew? And you didn’t tell me? Em I was so scared” muttered Edric “Did you not tell me because of what happened at the carnival.” he whispered, sounding hurt.
“No Ed it’s not like that. I didn’t know either, I just found out too. You know I tell you everything.” she said, giving him a reassuring smile. 
Edric returned his sister's smile before asking “So did he confess his undying love for you?”
Before Emira could respond Ed spun her around so she could see Hunter, not the Golden Guard, making his way towards them. He was wearing a white suit with a golden shirt and a mask that only covered his eyes. 
“Ready for round two?” he said before stepping forward to greet Hunter. After they exchanged some words Emira could not make out Hunter continued making his way to her whild Ed used his magic to make sure nobody else could see the pair.
“Hey Em,” said Hunter, who was looking at the floor in a futile attempt to hide his face so she couldn't see him blushing. 
“Hey,” she responded, trying to keep her normal composure. 
“Um… you said you wanted to try a dance without the helmet right? So.. would you… like to dance with me.” said Hunter who had his hand outstretched towards her and whose face was the deepest shade of crimson color she had ever seen. 
“Of course” said Emira while taking his hand. 
The song that was playing was a slow song and it gave them time to talk. Once that song was over they kept on dancing to the next ones and catching up on everything they had not spoken about in the past week. How busy Hunter had been and how he was afraid that she might be angry at him to which Emira confessed she thought Hunter no longer wanted to be her friend.
Hunter had not realized he had made her sad. He always assumed she would be mad at him but it neve occurred to him that he would hurt her. She was the one person in the world he would never want to hurt. It must have been the sadness in her eyes which were always so full of joy and playfulness that made him lose his sense of reason. Before he knew what he was doing his lips were already pressed against hers.
When he pulled away he was ready to apologize for kissing her so suddenly but then she kissed him back. 
When she pulled away Hunter could see her face. She was blushing and had a smile that lit up the entire room “I really missed you,” she said. 
At seeing her face and hearing those words Hunter's heart skipped a beat. Nobody has ever said they missed him.
"I missed you too," he replied, returning her smile. 
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