#so much fricken history
Character Profile - Scotland
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Character Name: Scotland. The Kingdom of Scotland. Alba. Alasdair Kirkpatrick. Alexander Kirkland. Alexander Kirk. Alasdair Kirkwood. Alasdair Kirkland. Uncle Alasdair.
Age: 10-12 upon the Roman invasion of the 1st century. 18-20 by 1300. Late 30s, early 40s modern day..
Height: 6'0/182cm.
Physical Description: Tall and musclebound, Alasdair was a warrior and his body still shows it. Broad-shouldered and strong-jawed, the transition from fighter to the financial brain of the British empire matches a large man with surprising grace and dexterity. He carries himself equally well in a boardroom as on a battlefield. The most classically handsome of his brothers but the least agriculturally valuable, he was locked in a triangle with his youngest brother and Francis for centuries, riding on his good looks for much of it. He also contributed much to his brother's children and added enough, especially to Canada. He made the lad damn near a strawberry blonde. He's getting a bit softer in middle age but still easily caber tosses the entire family on a human's strength if permitted. He's got a bit of a grumpy look to him sometimes, but he's also extremely tender-hearted if brusque with those he shares affection with, and those people know what his body language conveys, if subtly.
Eye colour: Blue-green-grey. A bit muddled and changeful like the churning clouds and waters of the highlands.
Hair colour/style: Red-brown curls. The shade of brown you can't tell is red or brown even in bright light. He wears it just long enough to show off the curl too it and often with a matching beard. Arthur is the one more often at sea, but Alasdair often looks like the quintessential seacaptain.
Other distinguishing physical traits: The family brows. Has a smattering of old war wounds that especially act up when he and Arthur are arguing. He and Brighid are also the source of the family dimples but Alasdair has to be positively grinning for them to show.
Personal Appearance/Style: A lot of sweaters, boots and trousers. When he put down the broad sword and picked up the abacus, he became quite interested in finer things and figured if he was stuck in this union with Arthur and Rhys, he might as well get something out of it. He's generally found in quite dull greens, browns and countrymen clothes these days but was once very fond of French fashion. He only wears a kilt on special occasions. Instead of having his own clan tartan or even wearing the national one, he most often wears a woad-blue and white plaid he remembers his mother having a cloak of.
Verbal Style: He can switch between various Scottish accents fairly well, lowland and highland alike. It gets thicker when he's speaking to Arthur to piss him off and when he speaks French because it makes Francis practically swoon. His Latin isn't a good as Brighid's in the modern day, but he's still pretty good with it; he learned languages as needed, especially as the sciences grew through history. Whatever the language of education is, he'll be fluent quickly. An interest in chemistry brought him to modernize his German; he's always loved reading in French.
Level of Education: This is almost impossible to quantify. He was the first country in the world to make education mandatory in the 15th century. He was meant from birth to be a warrior and he was very good at it with there hardly being anyone mortal who could challenge him sword to sword by the time he was as tall as the sword itself, but he was always in his heart more of a druid and a scholar. He's gotten so many degrees and learned so much over his life span its a little insane. And barring Alfred, he was largely in charge of educating Arthur's children. He's an absolute powerhouse at the sciences and maths but loves a good poem too. Physics, chemistry and pharmacy are his specialties and an incredible knowledge of medicine is still building in his head. He's also, of the British isle siblings, the best with money. Arthur is no slouch either but its Alasdair's running of the family money that they scrambled themselves out of poverty several times over before ever having any real international power. Once that started up, he was the real brains behind the money-making.
Occupation: Diplomat, surgeon, financial something or another.
Past Occupations: Doctor, surgeon, cattle raider, financial planner, merchant, trader, fur trapper, teacher, writer, artist, professor, soldier, crofter, farmer, fisherman, sea captain, shipwright, engineer, weaver, banker, etc.
Skills, Abilities or Talents: He's got the brawn to match his brains and is an incredible hand-to-hand fighter. He's a mental math whizz and has memorized almost everything written in Gaelic in the last 100 years. He knows practically all the major scientific disciplines back to front and their experiments and research patterns. He's probably more resistant to cold than Rhys or Arthur. Like all of his siblings,
Admirable Personality Traits: Innovative, resourceful, blunt, nurturing in a crabby sort of way, friendly, reliable, bold and practical.
Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn, impatient, grumpy, taciturn, reserved, slightly superstitious despite his incredible knowledge.
Sense of Humor: Dark, dry, direct, observational, sardonic, pawky.
Physical/Mental illness or affliction: He's probably the least mentally fucked of all his siblings, but that's not saying much. His liver is about as virgin as a dockside brothel. He's got a lot of old war wounds, but only a few bother him, and even then, he's not one to wallow.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, engineering, hunting, hiking, caber toss, golf, building ill-advised machines with Alfred in the garage.
Favourite Foods: If its fried, he'll fucking love it. He might be the only person on earth who likes Alfred's food as much as Alfred's. He loves Cullen skink, cured meats and cheeses, kedgeree, cranachan, scotch pie or any meat pie, and he'll still pile on rowan jelly on porridge for breakfast. Whisky, of course.
Most important personal item: The torc and penannular brooch his mother gave him is in the national museum, and he has a kilt pin with a chunk of diamond Francis gave him in the 13th century.
Person/friend close to character: He's somehow close to his brothers, all things considered, but he's also on the best terms with Brighid, and they tend to talk more than Brighid does with the other two. He's very close to Arthur if only because they figured out they could control a lot more power and money if they worked together. An uneasy but extremely effective relationship there. And because the Americans will reblog and add a paragraph about how special Scotland is to America if I spent more than five words on Canada, Alasdair played an outsize role in raising Matt. but yes, he's very close to Alfred, who is fascinated with all things Scottish and has the same kind of brain Alasdair does. The Appalachian mountains used to have the same range as the highlands, and the way it was peopled rather shows it.
Brief family history: He was the second child and first son of Brigantia/Brittania in the pre-roman period. He's about 200-300 years younger than Brighid and maybe 400-500 years older than Rhys and Arthur. His relationship with his siblings is complicated but generally more positive than Brighid's. His brother's children are important in his life.
Most painful experiences in the character’s past: Probably the Jacobite uprisings and the rough wooing, and god, they're 2,000 years old. There's so much shit here. The civil wars? Elizabeth I hacking Mary Stuart's head off??? He's seen famine, plague, two world wars, and god knows what else.
Their Song: Julie Fowlis - Dh’èirich Mi Moch Madainn Cheòthar
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moss-flesh · 25 days
ok caved watched bridgerton
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Goncharov the Musical (1985)
with all this goncharov posting I still haven’t seen anyone mention the musical adaptation! granted, if goncharov is a lost movie, then the musical is fricken atlantis, but the little-known adaptation did in fact exist, if very briefly. as far as I’ve been able to find out, there were only two showings and somewhere between 5 and 10 previews before it was shut down for good. 
just as goncharov itself is full of bitter ironies, so too is the story behind the (partial) recovery of this musical. Cranston Park Theatre, where the musical was staged, suffered flooding in September of this year, forcing the theater to close for repairs. in clearing out their flooded basement, a few discs from the goncharov production were discovered, but not before the long submersion in water highly damaged them. yeah, the same flood that led to the discs’ rediscovery also ruined large portions of them. the irony is flawless, but I’m still mad about that lost history that may never be recovered. 
however, we do have a mostly intact rendition of the first two numbers, which are, as in most musicals, an ensemble opener and an “I want” song. (many thanks to the Cranston Park Theatre employee who got permission to post the recovered clips to youtube!) the song titles are lost to time as far as I can tell, but we have some footage and that’s what’s most important. let’s dive in!
the ensemble opener: it’s very militaristic, which is an interesting choice. the stately march-style opener evokes the mechanical, grim themes present throughout much of the film— or, at least it would, if the costumes weren’t so ridiculous. despite the attempted seriousness of the number, the set and costumes come off as quite campy— perhaps this was an intentional mockery of the militaristic march, to emphasize the existing irony of comparing mafia and gangsters to soldiers? my favorite part about this number is that the strong, steady beat is exactly 60 bpm— one beat per second, like the ticking of a clock. say what you will about the directors of this musical, but they knew their motifs for sure!
the “I want” song: usually the second song of a musical would be given to the lead to sing their “I want” ballad— think “Waiting on a Miracle” in Encanto where Mirabel just wants to be special like the rest of the family, or “Carrie” in Carrie (a musical from around the same time period that suffered a similar fate of early cancellation, but that’s a parallel for a different post), where Carrie longs for her classmates to stop bullying her and see her for who she truly is. now, in Goncharov, this song is given not to Goncharov, but to Katya. this is fascinating! the narrative is essentially establishing Katya as the central character, of equal or greater importance than Goncharov himself. I wish so badly I could make out the lyrics, but the recording is too damaged for me at least. the tone of the ballad is emotional, though, and Katya can be seen gesturing to Goncharov, who is staged out of reach and out of earshot. At another point, she also gestures close to the wings, where there appears to be a figure? the video quality is very grainy but at least in my mind this has to be Sofia. (oh how I wish the lyrics were audible here!)  and of course, the centerpiece of the number (and the whole musical, really) is the giant clock tower in the square, which the choreography and Katya’s movements places as an important element of the song. the song ends with the tolling of the clock bells, setting the characters into a hurry about their business as if the spell is broken. ok, a little heavy-handed at this point. oh well, I honestly enjoy it, this song strikes the balance between sincere and campy— the choreography could be considered over-the-top and even a bit ridiculous in other circumstances but weirdly it worked?? one of my favorites and definitely the one I wish the most that we had a better recording of.
I’ll keep the analysis to just these two songs for now, but if anyone on some off-chance has found any better recordings of this musical please share them! not much is known about this musical’s history since it fell apart so quickly, likely due to budget and conflict between several of the lead actors and the director, so it’s entirely possible they performed at some other smaller theatre or at least rehearsed there. let’s piece this musical back together!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Wilbur shape-shifting into niki only to remember that schlatt actually knows niki was hilarious
Ughh i cant get over how cool it was though, the way you described the shapeshifting felt so organic and like... how do i phrase it? Real? It was easy to understand, and didn't feel out of this world. It was super cool
AND CLAIRVOYANT TOMMY, HES SO FRICKEN COOL (reminded me of that one scrap bin chap that's based off a movie, i love it sm)
Goddd protective older brother wil:(( i love him sm:(( i love the both of them sm :((
That was a very fun fic :D super digestable, kept my attention the whole time, i enjoyed it sm :DDD
Ty bee for sharing<33
thank you!!! lol yeah I was originally debating who wilbur should shift into after tommy and I had the idea for niki, and then I realized the opportunity it could create if schlatt and niki had a history together and went "oh this would be fun" rip wilbur for forgetting though his plan would've gone so much better if he shifted into someone else
I'm glad the shapeshifting descriptions felt realistic!! obviously shapeshifting is such an Out There thing to describe, but I always try to base the 'powers' I write in fics somewhere in reality. I had to think a bit about the mechanics of it all and how physical it was vs being more of an illusion, and once I decided it was more of a solid physical process then it was easy to come up with the descriptions
in any universe where tommy has psychic abilities you can bet your ass he's going to use it to form a psychic link with wilbur whether he wants it or not
have you heard cc!wilbur's tommy impression? he knows exactly how he speaks ofc this fic version of wilbur would be dead on
lol ngl, I know i've said idk where the inspo for this came from and that's mostly true but I was definitely thinking of a different scene from that movie (push) that one scrap bin chapter is based off of. the vibes are just so fun.
i'm so glad you enjoyed!!!
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kop-mischief · 1 year
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The Spider-Verse animated films are so fricken gorgeous it reminds my cold dead heart that media is still capable of making me feel pure fucking joy. I mean the visuals are an artistic and technological feat on their own. Then add writing with the balance of heart, humor, pain along with a soundtrack lining up with shots that completely emerse and wrap the film around your entire being. Even the most ridiculous of characters (looking at you Peter Porker) are are given the respectful amount of depth for their role in the film. I'll never say a movie is "perfect" but shit... Into the Spider-Verse was the closest to perfection I thought you could possibly get. Then Across the Spider-Verse 1 up'd it.
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I love how nerd culture has reached to point where it's given the financial resources like never before but unfortunately we've also seen it broken down into megacorp studio formulated soulless cash grabs. I just want to feel man. Look what Disney did to Star Wars. Lucas may have made it...not great but Disney made it boring. Which might be worse. BORING! (cept you Andor. You keep doing you).
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It was my birthday and I picked seeing Across the Spider-Verse as the birthday meet up. A few weren't thrilled with my pick but they tagged along to hang. One of those peeps told me after the movie - "I didn't know half these characters since I only ever seen 1 Spider-Man movie years go cuz I'm not a nerd like you guys (Just a different kinda of nerd who's gears more towards Star Trek lol) but that was a fantastic fucking movie." Not seeing the previous Into the Spider-Verse she really appreciated that this one made the Spider-Man mythos easily translatable for those who are unfamiliar. It's a testament to everyone who made these movies possible to how much love and thought went into these.
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I switched majors to animation in 2005 focusing on experimental 3D. Much if what I tried to do was bringing my 2D illustrations and incorporating them in a stylized fashion. Shortly after and doing a small stint in post production I watched the craft partially devolve into low risk cookie cutter digital noise as 3D got cheaper and easier to utilize. (Video games fortunately still inspired me) Considering my job and my team relied on digital VFX its kinda bad when digital artists are wishing for the return of more practical effects. Hit us especially hard after Mad Max Fury Road came out.
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So yeah. Not kidding when I say I nearly cried in the theater with both movies. I'm almost wanting to open AE and play around with animation again. Pixar can pump out beauty and pluck heart strings like no one else but the Spider-Verses are like walking through a museum of different art installations depicting eras across media history, culture and artists. This is the potential for 3D I've been dreaming of since 2005.
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masschase · 11 months
for the ask meme, i’m kinda curious to learn more about johnny and casey’s dynamic. they hooked up right? how do you think an actual relationship between them would’ve gone?
Also a fun one and um... I've had the worst sleep last night so I apologise if this is horribly incoherent.
OK, so... if Casey and Shaundi is the hookup that happened way too late, Casey and Johnny was the thing that probably shouldn't have happened, at least from their perspective. I feel like I could go into all the reasons it did in fact happen and it would be a whole fricken post plus you-know-who is involved and I'm trying not to bring him up in these 🤣
But I feel like these are more about how things would work if they did get together, let's say that was their most logical starting point. Except maybe not quite. Their romance scene obviously goes hard and it shaped the way I write Casey as rambling when she's emotional until someone shuts her up which is one of my favourite things ever honestly. But I can also see it being an instant, intense... considerably goo-smeared... kiss the minute they reunite.
There are also other moments where it could have happened; after the shared grieving of Aisha and Carlos, just before the bank heist (yes, I can't get over that thing I wrote even if it doesn't fit Casey. It could easily be rewritten to fit Casey, honestly. All that would need changing would be the thing about that Boss being a spoilt rich kid.). Either way I see this being something that would be most likely happen on the ship because it's the only place it really fits in their history. So if it happened then...
I mean it's GatBoss for god's sakes. I'm pretty sure I shipped them while playing 4. At the early stages of my fanfic they were implied to have a much less platonic journey too. But now with the developed character Casey is it's a lot harder to see it.
I mean they do love each other, it's not so hard to reframe that as romantic love. They have fun together, they like the same things. The getting to know you stage was so long ago I feel like they'd have to do a lot of it all again. Casey would absolutely tease Johnny about the 10 year age gap because he's squicky about it whereas she's not too bothered.
I don't think they'd really engage in PDA, I think they'd be pretty cute behind closed doors though. I think they'd argue a lot because they can both be incredibly stubborn at times, but the makeup sex would be incredible. I don't know who the fuck is going to be their live in chef after they take the new planet because neither of those fuckers can cook. Honestly they can hire someone from the pods or it'll just be Ben.
Johnny is absolutely one of the first to call Casey out on her bullshit. Yes, again this would lead to arguments. But you have to bear in mind he also really gets how her excuses about relationships and marriage are in fact excuses because he's known her forever. Eventually she'd confide her full past in him and he'd just connect the dots.
What does this mean? I think they'd get married. Relatively quickly. Johnny would bring it up when Casey starting asking about kids, honestly, which we know is something she wants from the presidency onward. Almost like a "Aight if we're gonna talk about this we're gonna talk about ALL of this." sort of thing. They'd probably be planning it pre-GOOH(by which I mean Pierce would be planning it with some input from Casey, because we know Johnny's disastrous at that) and originally planning it to be on the ship but then... honestly...
I don't know where that whole volleyball tournament takes place. But one could imagine it was on some purgatory-ish beach somewhere. People from hell were allowed there, people from heaven were allowed there, Johnny and Kinzie were allowed there. That's where Johnny and Casey would get married. That way everyone could come. Everyone.
They'd make sure to do it before the war for the planet. Speaking of which, the whole "pairing people up to make them get along" would go out of the window. The action couple is absolutely going out there side by side. Possibly without the robots seeing how that discussion came about. But the Saints would still win, I think.
God I feel like my response here has gone off the rails a bit I was just going to talk about their dynamic haha. Would they stand the test of time? Maybe. I really can't stress enough that I've literally never sat down and thought about this before.
So yeah. In my universe it's definitely a platonic soulmates vibe. But it's really not that hard to imagine a world where it's not platonic.
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gaknar · 2 years
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The conflict in the Muir Island Saga finally concludes when X-Factor convinces Professor X to stop worrying so much about Legion’s massive psychic trauma, at which point Professor X wakes up and everything is made to be all right. 
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Except everything’s not alright! Legion is still a drooling vegetable and neither of his parents or any of the X-Men seem to care, except fricken Wolverine!!
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It’s not like he’s not in there anymore, or couldn’t be brought back! He’s a character that has already endured deep psychological trauma before the Shadow King took a cheese grater to his brain. You know what he needs right now? His most powerful telepath in the world psychic father and his intellectual genius in the field of mutation mother to help him get better!! But no fuck that. We’ve got the most financially successful comic book in the history of the industry coming up so we’ve got to focus on that. 
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So what happened to Amanda Seftan? Or Tom Corsai and Sharon Friedlander for that matter? There was a whole gaggle of side characters that were being mind controlled by the Shadow King that are conveniently forgotten about now. Well I guess I already answered my own question. X-Men Volume 2 is coming up next. (X-Factor #70 - Sept 1991)
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undercoverpena · 1 year
I fricken loved your Soap and Squid series, but I wondered if Squid and Gaz had ever had anything going off?? I know Soap says theyre rumours, but wondered if youd thought of them being more than that. Gaz doesnt get much love and I think youd be great at writing him!! They read like theyve got history and feelings but dont act on them?? Or have I misread it all hehehehe
thank you! 💕 honestly i feel like sometimes people are psychic. @guyfieriii and i were literally discussing the other day about them being fwb agessss before which led to other convos, so you’re deffo not alone in thinking they had a little something, something going off.
squid getting all the boysssss 🐙
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waterforlorn · 7 months
day six. october 12th.
been driving most of the day, i think nico's happy about it. he seems... i dunno, i think he doesn't like driving much. he feels restless after a while like he'd rather be ANYWHERE else than driving the car right then. told him i don't mind driving at all and he let me take over. well, i had to promise i'd drive wherever he said, which... sounds to me like he's got more stuff planned. i need to get away to like.. do something or pick something up, don't i?
nico's on my ass 24/7. maybe when he picks up food next time. hm. maybe that's my window of opportunity. i'll think on it. it's like evening now, we're back on the interstate, in iowa. we could've made it to camp jupiter days ago, but ... i think that's just like... the endgame target location. i'm starting to think that like... he's not planning to get back to camp for a while... longer than i anticipated and i'm not sure how to feel about it.
they ...need us, don't they? i mean sure they can handle themselves, but what if something happens while we're away and it takes someone ...well, someone good from us? what if we come back and find out we could've saved someone we care about? i mean i know i only got a select few i'd die for in camp, but i know nico cares about quite a bunch of the kids. i don't really. not in the same way at least.
now that i think about it... hm. holli, obviously. not even sure how she managed to weasel her way into my heart head, but i got the feeling she ain't gonna leave it like.. ever again. i know kit's important to nico, which... yep, same for me. grey's been through enough. i feel like.. if i ever decided to have a kid.. they would've been a little like grey. wild, untamed, a little killer. fucking steadfast. although i guess my kid wouldn't have been, they'd never have to see the same shit i did growing up. then again.. i would've likely messed them up just as badly, which only make me agree with past me. NO KIDS FOR ME.
i'd not wanna see a child deal with the same rage i did if it's truly genetic, which i mean.. nobody's ever been able to say cause RAMON ramon couldn't fuck off for even just for a day. therapy and meds can only fix a kid when there's hope. but the rage never went away, so.. maybe i was just born with it and it's been made worse by this. no fricken idea. it doesn't matter anyway. unless scientists find themselves with the biggest fucking breakthrough in the history of breakthroughs i'm not gonna have a kid. pedriod.
and that's okay. let the rojas bloodline die out. sadly it won't stop ramon from making more little monsters to spew hate at the world. some days i wonder if he'd have been the same way if i was his, but i don't think he would've been. the fact i wasn't just .. gave him the justification he needed to feel like he was doing the right thing. both him and victoria can rot in hell for all i care. they always say a child loves its parents .. no matter how cruel they are. guess i'm truly broken, cause when i think of victoria... i feel nothing. anger, maybe. disappointment. but not even enough to go see her.
i know they're both alive still. fucking miracle nobody's taken ramon's head yet. i just ... don't care enough. i could go back home and feed them both a bit of their medicine, but what's the point? what's done is done and while i know i'd fucking LOVE feeling ramon's bones break under my fists... what would it get me? he wouldn't get it and compared to him... i'm not into inflicting pain upon others weaker than me. i'm no coward.
there's something in iowa nico wants me to see. well, he said experience. we'll see i guess. not SURE. but not today. we've checked into some weird-ass motel not long ago. the looks we got for just wanting ONE bed. hah. i wouldn't be surprised to find the receptionist barging in and throwing his bible at us while we're fucking. i never really cared about the WHERE, or someone watching. i know nico does, though, so i'm gonna behave tonight.
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chromecries · 1 year
you have no idea how nice it is to find someone who seems to have the exact same fondness for certain mcc teams that you do. like no I HAVEN'T moved on from cyan24 sot, no I HAVEN'T ever stopped thinking about golden gals ace race, glad to see someone else also experiencing the brainrot!! \o/
I pretty much fell in love with mcc because of jojo's mcc22 vod, and like. the exact enunciation with which she says "SYLVEE!! LET'S GO!!!!" when they both unmute afrer ace race will never leave my head 😭 that vod was fricken revolutionary man .
YOU FUCKING GET IT its so insane its SO good just the way sylvee is Screaming her head off in her vod and when jojo sees her in the final lap and has the realisation of the century. the finish line and then when gee unmutes and they tell her how they did and she just goes "SHUT. UP." OUGHHHHHHHH IVE NEVER BEEN MORE CRAZY
jojo has some of the best winning moments in mcc history imo (no its not because i love her so much all the time) like her hitw wins, cyan24 sot, red28 sot, golden gals ace race!!! literally the loml <3 and YOU anon. you are most welcome to brainrot in my inbox i love mcc and i Love these teams sm :DD
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hunkydorkling · 2 years
One thing that rings truer each day sometime after the Philippine elections: Love is real. Love is so fucking real. And if you have to be angry for love, go and fucking fight for it at the same time.
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heinoushangar · 5 years
“ Maimeó. “
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Initializing: Music Playlist Command: Shuffle
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Song of The Day: Ducktales theme song from Disney’s Ducktales (2017) (X) 
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Hi...Can I have some touch starved Keith cuddles? (I love Keith so much I’m crying) i just want to cuddle him so fricken much lol
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pairings: keith x gender neutral!reader
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salutations to the night owls staying up past midnight reading this. look at that empty space next to your bed. look at it. NOW IMAGINE KEITH FILLING THAT EMPTY SPACE
considering that he’s grown up with a mom who was absent most of his life and a dad who passed away, he walls he has up are hella high
keith is a little spoon.
all he asks for is to be scooped up in your arms and to have them wrapped around him, rest his head on your shoulder and fall asleep feeling safe
he has the fluffiest hair in the history of fluffy hair, so he absolutely adores it when you play with it as he lulls into sleep
the first time you two cuddle, his heart seizes, because it doesn’t even occur to him that you actually want to cuddle with him
he wasn’t completely used to being cuddled and feeling so loved, so he first feels undeserving, and tries to push you away slightly. but when you hold him, tell him that he deserves to be loved, he melts into your embrace, chest against chest and legs wrapped around each other
he definitely has a cuddling playlist
the playlist is not because he got the idea, it’s def because he sacrificed much of his pride to ask lance what was best for cuddling
after (many) taunts and teases, lance finally agrees and tells keith that the way into anyone’s heart is music, and he decides to make a playlist just for you
most likely cuddles without even noticing, having you in his arms ensures both of your safety
frequently gets nightmares, so having the reminder that he’s allowed to depend on people fills his heart as he stares at you sleeping peacefully
after training, all he wants to do is scoop you up in his arms, plop down onto the couch, take up the space and have you lie down on his chest. 
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- Admin Sera 💝
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dreamer-of-ships · 3 years
I’ve been working on a fic over the weekend and I’m actually really excited about sharing it. I’m still working on making my AO3 account, so I can’t post it yet, but I wanted to share a sneak peak with you guys! I’m hoping to have it up by the end of the week. 
I’m still tossing up with whether I want this to be a one shot or a full blown fic, because I have so many ideas, but nevertheless,  if you want a glimpse into what Malex could be like a few months from now, then this will be the fic for you :)
I’m happy to post more exerpts if you guys are interested! Just send me an ask!
"Thanks for making breakfast," Alex said, his voice still raspy from sleep.
"I know you've been busy at work lately, so I wanted to make some time for us," Michael said. 
Alex felt his heart beating in his chest so rapidly then. He couldn't believe how thoughtful Michael could sometimes be. 
I love you so fricken much. So fricken much it hurts.
He wanted to say it out loud; he'd tried to say it for months. But he always came up short when he thought of the words.
He knew it was stupid, but he couldn't help feeling that Michael needed to say it first. Not to affirm to Alex that he really felt that way, Alex already knew beyond a shadow of a doubt how the other man felt, and Michael knew the same when it came to him, but so many times before, Alex had always said those words for him. They'd always spoken of their connection in the past tense. 
What do you want to say, Alex?
That I loved you! And I think that you loved me!
My Dad said that an Alien seduced Tripp into trusting her so she could exact revenge. He once said that you were doing the same to me, but he was wrong. I know that you loved me. 
The first time Michael had actually shared how he'd felt on his own accord, it'd led to Alex storming out of the bunker, Michael left reeling at how hurt he'd been when Alex had thrown their past back in his face.
When we were kids, you thought people were good. And god I loved you for it. But what was charming when we were 17 is just stupid now.
I don't want to live in that toolshed for the rest of my life!
Maybe Michael had never felt he could say those words without fear that they were always destined to stay firmly planted in history, never to be shared in the present day. So back then, Alex had taken the lead. Now, when they were well and truly together, Alex knew Michael needed to set the pace.   
But when they had finally found their way back to each other, and when Michael had almost said those words to him for real, in the here and now, Alex hadn't been ready to hear them. Not when the danger had been imminent, not when they didn't know if they'd see another day.
He wanted them to share how they felt without fear of what would happen after. He wanted them to share those words when they had their future to look forward to and when the world was calm and their shadows were well and truly in the rearview mirror. 
As he paid attention to his boyfriend across the table, shovelling bacon and eggs into his mouth, Alex knew they were on the tip of his tongue. He knew they didn't need the words, and he didn't need to hear the words to know they were true. But it was driving him crazy not saying them, and it was just a waiting game for Michael to say them first, and for real.
To be continued...
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voicesofchaos · 2 years
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 1
I already want to cosplay to Yudias! He is so great! There were so many scenes that had me laughing my ass off! Minor spoilers below.
It does seem like Yuhi has some connection to aliens already besides just his special mcguffin being stolen. Could it be because grandpa Yuga told him about them? Yudias was just fricken amazing! I thought the alien humor would be annoying but it was constantly funny. I can’t believe they showed booster packs! People said it was the first time since GX which seems right! The funniest scene in Yugioh history is probably Yudias drawing the card and it nearly flying out of his hand! That was fucken amazing! I love how much lore Transami Rainac has. It makes me extremely happy that he read, “War to zen. Die you maniac” since I had such a tough time recording that for my April Fool’s joke. And then of course the fricken eye beams! WTF! We also got hints of other characters. The episode preview had Geta and I assume Ushiro. The person picking through the door seemed like Rinnosuke. I am so hyped for the next episode to give us more characters.
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