#so much respect for both of them
sophietv · 11 months
Can you point me
To some KAYLOR theories about the pregnancies and stuff. That’s the stuff that really holds me back from LSK
Ok, this is a question that I tend to avoid answering because I understand how this question can make people unconfortable.
I would not answer this on Twitter since I feel it is much more "public" and can more easily end up in the "wrong hands" than on Tumblr.
I think I might have some things that might help you understand the thought process of LSKs, or at the very least mine.
I'm gonna talk about theories around Levi here, if this makes you unconfortable, just scroll (I've hidden the rest for a reason).
And before you think that sending me hate anon would be "funny" or make me run away... I am a very loud Kaylor on Twitter... it's really not my first rodeo ;-), do with that what you will.
Here's my thought process about all of this:
There's A LOT of closeted artists for A LOT of different reasons.
Sadly, most of those reasons turn around how homophobic the entertainment industry is and how it's difficult for an artist/actor etc. to stay mainstream while being out.
So what's the solution for them if they want to have a family but also want/have to stay closeted?
I don't think it's fair or even possible to expect everyone of them to not have a family if they want to stay in the closet. In fact it's inhumane and not possible.
Sadly this means that some of them will have to do some things similar to this, and raise a family in secret.
Words can't describe how much I hate the entertainment industry for all that they make those artists endure...
2. That What I Will Say Episode
They will hate that I use this as an exemple since they are loudly anti-LSK but this is too good of an exemple to not use.
In one episode of What I Will Say they invite a person who dated a closeted singer (not Taylor) and this person explains how bearding works in hollywood.
They say something of the sort : About 70% of the people in the entertainement industry are gay so if they would all come out, it would be impossible to fire them all and still have artists...
Wich kind of help understand my first point better.
They also explain how the industry can "force" someone to have a Lavender Marriage or else they won't have contracts anywhere.
And they say that, although VERY RARE, it can even go as far as forcing a Lavender Baby.
NOW. I REALLY DON'T THINK that this is what is happening here. But this goes to show how inhumanely stars are treated in the industry.
Here's the link to the podcast, I highly suggest to go take a listen (X)
3. I really don't believe Joshlie is real.
There's so much that points to Josh being gay and in a relationship with Mickey.
This also explains a lot about Karlie and Josh's timeline.
I mean everybody agrees that at least until 2016 Karlie and Taylor were together.
Since Lover, most agrees that they were still together in 2019 and broke up.
This all implies that Karlie would have cheated on Josh with Taylor from 2014 to 2016 and most likely 2019. (Karlie and Josh are supposed to be together since 2012)
And Josh would have help Karlie???... (looking at you Burma post)
And then what? Karlie would have chosen Josh who she had cheated on all those years to have a family?
This also means, that Karlie did not date Toni before Taylor.
But Toni was with Karlie up till the 2013 VSFS where she was her date to the after party...
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Do you see how all of this does not make sense?
Also. Taylor confirms the relationship between Mickey and Josh in I Bet You Think About Me MV:
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To you right Josh lookalike, left Mickey's lookalike
Picture as proof:
Josh, Mickey and Karlie
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Taylor even "spills" her champagne while doing a close shot at Mickey's lookalike
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There's also this GIF at the end of this post where you see Josh and Mickey being REALLY close: (X)
And if you need more proofs, this post is VERY telling: (X)
Also, the weddings in 2018 and 2019 are not real.
I really do believe that they are not really married for many reasons, but to name a few:
no proofs of a marriage certificate
Compagnies still send cards to Karlie with "miss" instead of "mrs".
Taylor did hint at a fake wedding in The Man MV, and Don't Take The Money in 2018.
Karlie's dad liked those posts on Instagram in 2019, do with those what you will:
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Disclaimer: I don't think Josh is the devil reincarnate. I don't like that he's a Kushner and that his family had anything to do with Taylor's Master Heist or that he sought Karlie for bearding when she was 19 and him 27 (although this also protected Karlie in an industry that can be really "not safe" for girls, especially single ones).
But you won't see me throw shade his way and call him Jerk, I really don't fell like I know enough about the situation, their dynamic, their relation etc. to do that.
Also, in the last couple of years, they really do seem to get along and Karlie does seem confortable when she does stunts with him. I do appreciate this.
Taylor hints at a baby in Peace:
"Give you my wild, give you a child"
In a song where she talks about being insecure because she can't offer a normal life to the person who decides to share it with her.
"People think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret. The devil's in the details, but you've got a friend in me"
It's also in The Lakes on Folklore that she says that her relationship was able to flourish outside of the puclic eye: "A red rose grew up, out of ice frozen ground, with no one around to tweet it".
Also in Anti-Hero: "I have this dream my daughter in law kills me for the money"
How would she have a daughter in law if she doesn't have a son?
5. Taylor did leave a lot of "easter eggs" around the time Karlie was trying to get pregnant, was pregnant and after she gave birth.
Wich sealed the deal for me.
Here's a link to a great post that lists some of them: X
Other interesting "easter eggs" I've found:
The tied me to you bracelet is the loudest thing they ever did in my opinion (before this weekend's baby shower that is):
Karlie's post with a bracelet with Levi's name on it, Gigi's post with a baby with a bracelet that look alike, and Taylor's Folklore Merch that is the exact same...
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In April 2021 Taylor releases for the first time a mother's day collection (Levi was born in March 2021) : (X)
Look at how many items are golden.
She did the same thing in 2022:
On April 13th (clearly she was trying to tell us something)
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Also notice how The Best Day socks have a daisy on them?
And how they are like the ones she wore this week? (right before Karlie's shower).
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Midnights Mayhem with me:
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Notice how she holds the phone upside down for Anti Hero (Track 3) and Vigilante Sh!t (Track 8)?
3/8 = Karlie's birthday.
Now the phone on the other ear on You're On Your Own Kid (Track 5) and Bejeweled (Track 9)
In 2021, the year Levi was born (in March), Mother's Day was on May 9th.
In Dear Reader, the opening is really family-like. You hear someone cook, someone play piano from the other room etc.
But, if you pay attention. You also hear a child say : Mom!
3 times in the song: 1:30, 2:41. 3:01
In Sweet Nothing, this song really sounds like a lullaby.
It lasts 3:08 minutes (Karlie's birthday)
And was co-written with William Bowery.
Here's a thread I made on Twitter explaining why I'm pretty sure Karlie is William Bowery: (X)
There's also her Mother's Day speech at the Eras Tour that was pretty telling: (X)
Or Taylor being really suspicious in her SN TV announcement last week saying that it will return to it's mother.
And Taylor Nation commenting this:
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A few days after Midnight's release:
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Karlie does a post with a baby seat, the same week Taylor posts a video with a baby seat as well.
Also there's something really cute about the "Thinks her cat is her son"
Since it's Benjamin.
Karlie was named after Carly Simon, Taylor was named after James Taylor.
They were both married and had a son named Ben...
How to forget the Our Song easter egg:
Karlie posts this earlier in the day
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And that very night, Taylor plays Our Song: "I was riding shot gun with my hair undone on the front seat of his car. He's got one hand on the steering wheel. The other on my heart"
Or the posts Karlie did on Taylor's birthday. With a story with 13 slides of her spending the day cooking with Levi.
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But this picture in particular is just -
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Every cake has a story by Milk Bar...
Karlie bough a Milk Bar cake for Taylor's birthday, and Taylor raved about it in interviews. She said it was the best birthday cake she ever had...
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There's soooooo much more, but I hope you see my point a bit better.
6. Then you have timings that are odly convenient to deflect attention from Karlie and the baby.
Like Taylor releasing It's Time To Go and Right Where You Left Me in January 2021 wich made most people think that either there was really a falling out/betrayal (Swifties) or a break up (Gaylors).
Conveniently, Karlie gave birth two monts after.
Also, the timing of announcing the birth right when Taylor was on stage at the 2021 Grammy's.
Making it impossible to be her baby right?
And then, 2 days after the Met Gala this year where we learned about Karlie's pregnancy, news of Taylor's new PR relationship with Matty Healy drops and everyone talks about this.
Especially Gaylors.
7. The baby shower this week was sooooo loud.
Like the loudest thing they have ever done.
Taylor flagging daisies twice during the week:
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And a bag named Elizabeth and James:
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After singing Daylight with a giant smile similar to the Riptide smile, the weekend before.
Then, Karlie does the baby shower that is daisy themed, with 13 daisies on the cake...
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8. All this, plus all the hints they both are giving that they are still in contact to this very day.
Here's a list of some "koincidences" since 2019 that I did on Twitter: (X)
And here's a list of all the Midnights things Karlie's hinted to in advance just in the last year: (X)
9. Karlie's been hinting at being in (at the very least) a very serious relationship.
She wears this ring on her right ring finger since long ago (symbol of an LGBTQ+ marriage).
But since around August 2022, she's even more loud, and wears that ring on almost everey posts she makes.
Here's a post about this: (X)
The ring is a Cartier Love Ring. (Can't add anymore pictures in the post sorry...)
The very definition of Love Lock Down: (X)
"Lock in your love forever"
Whoa this is a long post! Sorry for the novel...
There's so much more to say, but I think I made my thoughts clear enough... at least, I hope!
So yes, I really do think that those two babies might be Karlie's and Taylor's.
As far as Josh's implication, no idea, he might be the donor, he might not. But that is not what is important here.
Disclaimer: I don't buy the theory of the child actor or the robot or anything lol.
Disclaimer 2: although I don't think the wedding is real. This does not mean that I think Karlie did not convert to Judaism. If you look at everything she said about this, this was clearly something important to her and independent of her wedding.
I think they both have one beautiful son and another baby on the way and they very unfortunatly have to hide this beautiful reality from the world.
At least for now.
I hope this helped you understand it all a bit better!
If you have any other questions concerning LSK let me know!
BTW! Thanks guys for sending me anon, I'm very new to all the Tumblr thing and it warms my heart that you guys take the time to send me your questions!
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they won :)
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The two types of babygirls
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Beefy Himbo too good too pure for this world and Psychopathic war criminal
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joshuamj · 2 months
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The Traveler // The Chosen One
+ the battle sprites the poses are based off of and alt colors
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sunnythanalan · 4 months
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Then let us delay no further
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iridescentpull · 4 months
Actually, I'm gonna ramble about Pac and Ramón for a bit:
Pac knows how it feels to be abandoned– after all, he was abandoned in the orphanage after his parents' divorce. He knows the trauma of waiting for that person to come back, but ultimately never coming back, and feeling like maybe it was his fault for that, and the need to prove you deserve to be loved.
They both had to grow up quickly, albeit for different yet similar reasons. Pac had to grow up quickly because he had to take care and protect his best friend, Mike, and at the same time fight for their survival after the orphanage shut down. Ramón had to grow up because his other father, Spreen, didn't like how childish he was (the moment with the boucy ball comes to mind**) and then he lost his 1st life, which meant he had to be extra careful.
They both also only have had one other person for most of their lives, someone they can trust 100%. It has always been Fit and Ramón & Pac and Mike for the longest time. Of course, other people have come and gone, but in the end, it has always been the two of them.
I think the reason Pac is so affectionate and caring of Ramón is because he knows, he understands him. He wants Ramón to get to experience all the things he couldn’t. Have a big adoption party? Yes, of course. Have two lovable parents who cherish him? Done and dusted. Have domestic and relaxing activities with close family? That can be be arranged, just say a day.
All in all, I think them being in each others lives heals them respectively. Pac being able to love and take care of Ramón helps him heal his inner child. Ramón being able to get the second parent he always wanted (while also making sure Fit is not alone) helps him get to feel like a silly kid once again.
I think that's beautiful.
(** If you dont know, Ramón once had a slime ball he used to play catch with. One time, he gave the ball to Spreen in hopes of playing with him, but Spreen scolded him for being childish and that he had to grow up. After that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ramón with the ball again [i could be wrong, though!])
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coquelicoq · 6 months
we get a lot of really great stuff in system collapse about murderbot's relationships with ART and ratthi, which makes sense, because it spends almost the entire book with them. but i also love how even though mensah isn't there for most of the story, other people keep reminding mb of her:
chapter 2, page 25: “From ART’s personnel file, she [Karime] was older than Mensah and she didn’t look like an intrepid space explorer, either, even in the protective environmental suit.”
2, 27: “It took Karime three seconds to process the abrupt statement. (She was almost as good at not looking annoyed as Mensah was.) She kept her expression neutral and patient.”
2, 28: “In the underground colony room, Karime lifted her brows. ‘Another occupied site?’ I thought she was being careful not to show too much reaction. It was the way Mensah would have played it.”
4, 70: “Iris looked at me and I saw her hesitate, because her hesitation looked a lot like Dr. Mensah’s hesitation. And I realized I really didn’t want to go down there.”
5, 104: "Iris has that same thing as Dr. Mensah, the thing where she’s able to look and sound calm under circumstances where shit is possibly about to go down.”
it's spent so much time with her and it knows her so well and respects her so much that she's the model against which it compares all other humans. it thinks about her when they're not together. it's protective of her. it has such total faith in her competence. it (non-romantically) loves her and doesn't want to not see her again. idk man, it just gets to me! and they were teammates (oh my god they were teammates!!)
I said, aloud, "You have to be kidding me." (ch. 2, p. 28)
seven pages later, in reaction to the same thing:
Mensah had had time to review the feed video. She muttered, "Oh, you have to be kidding me." Yeah.
twinsies 🥰
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
The big differences between the pokemon anime and the yugioh animes' approach to the format is that pokemon goes to great lengths to make portray competitive battling as pleasantly as possibly: handshakes, compliments, every contestant is respectful and polite.
Meanwhile, in yugioh, you get extra points if you manage to make your opponent have a psychological breakdown mid duel.
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blueteller · 1 year
Hey, remember how Cale was constantly scared of Choi Han at the beginning, because of how in the TBOAH timeline he brutally beat OG Cale?
Now remember how Cale beat up the White Star with a rock, in the Test of Wrath in the Sealed God's Temple?
I think.... just as Cale influences other people to act just like him, Cale started emulating Choi Han (or at least, how he sees Choi Han) – in the moments of high stress I mean 😂😂😂
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skullinacowboyhat · 2 months
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my favourite enemies to best friends duo [both she/her]
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spiterunsmylife · 3 months
It really would be the funniest thing in the world for Zutara to be live action endgame
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tricoufamily · 11 months
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they all listened to max scream in the car for an hour straight
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cry-ptidd · 1 month
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Whatever this is
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Cannot stop thinking about how Fernando was the first one to hug Seb after Monza 2008:
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avnasace · 3 days
i hope next episode we get more solidarity between the original 118 trio about how much they hate gerrard sjdjsjdjs
bc that was certainly a pointed choice of a character to bring back, so theres def going to be a reason
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plounce · 1 month
elle and emmett from the legally blonde musical are one of those m/f couples that i think work best as a woman and a man purely because their relationship and how elle wouldn't stay at harvard for him because she has grown to want true respect & success more than a man she loves' approval/desire is like so important to the themes of the story and it's the whole point and it's part of what makes them so good. on the other hand emmett could be such a hot butch lesbian it's crazy i want to eat drywall when i think about emmett forrest but a butch lesbian BUT it simply would not improve and in fact would detract from the themes of the story. they have to be m/f
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