#so naturally... as a reward for his efforts...
reidmotif · 9 hours
Check Your Window (He's At Your Window)
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Summary: Reader discovers her window faces into the apartment of her very attractive building neighbor, Spencer. She's willing to do anything for his attention. He's willing to reward her for her efforts.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: voyeurism, lingerie, masturbation, slight dubcon (but for like 5 seconds i swear), nipple play, penetrative sex, apartment break-in.
Word Count: 3.9 k
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It’s natural to believe you’re safe in your place of residency. You’re given locks, blinds, a security gate- all measures designed to invoke a false illusion of privacy. Of course, there are defects that no one can plan for that have the ability to shatter this illusion. 
Mine happened to be a badly placed window. 
Finding this apartment felt akin to love at first sight. It sounds dramatic, but I’m serious. Do you know how horrific real estate is these days? But when my eyes came upon piano oak flooring, the soft light of the day streaming onto a marble island, and of course, an in-home washer/dryer system, I was sold. 
Due to my inherent awkwardness around meeting strangers,  and lack of overt charm, I’d never been one to initiate introductions with my neighbors. I moved in quietly, packing up my life into neat little boxes and dispersing them throughout the emptiness of my new space. It was only then, when I realized a strangely placed window that seemed to fall exactly where I’d wanted my bed to be. 
And while examining my outlandish situation, I saw him. 
I didn’t want to assume he’d been watching me. I wasn’t paranoid like that. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to give off the aura of, for lack of better words, a creep,  so the quick aversion of my eyes from his gaze felt instinctual. Curiosity won over me a millisecond later, though, and against my better judgment, I quietly peered into the window again, wondering if the man in the glass had slipped away, or had looked away from where our eyes met last. 
What I hadn’t anticipated, however, was to be met with the unflinching stare of his eyes, far from concerned with how he came off, holding his gaze with an almost disconcerting and defiant presence. 
He gave me a subtle nod, before walking away, disappearing from view. I was left feeling.. unsettled. But also strangely thrilled. There was a certain peculiarity in knowing you were susceptible to an audience at any given moment. I vaguely recalled social facilitation as a possible explanation as to why the concept roused me the way it did, but whatever it was, I didn’t feel compelled to attach curtains or any kind of barrier to avoid the phenomenon. 
While my thoughts occasionally drifted to the man, I didn’t actually know anything about him. He lived in the building beside mine, so we didn’t even share so much as a landlord. I truly never expected to gain any insight on him besides the location of his domicile in relation to mine, and the thought didn’t bother me by any means.  I was completely fine with letting our connection stay as severed as it was. 
Fate, on the other hand, had other ideas. 
I found myself a few weeks later, struggling with an overstuffed grocery bag in front of my building, and in a terrible game of mismanaged weight and the flimsiness of grocery-store plastic, my bag gave way, scattering the contents of it across the ground. Further misfortune plagued me, as the bag in question had been holding a good pound of lemons, that rolled quite far from where I’d been standing. I immediately dropped to the ground, trying to gather up the ones by my feet in my arms, and noticed a presence nearby doing the same and bringing the runaway citrus to me. I was thankful, and was ready to express my gratitude to the helpful samaritan, until I saw a flash of recognition collectively pass over our faces as we made eye contact. 
Him. The man in the window. 
“You dropped these.” He says, his voice a little quieter than I’d expected from him, and I nod. 
“Yeah, no. It’s these bags. Not really equipped to hold a pound of lemons.” I say, trying to gather the rest to my chest, our eyes still trained on the other. 
“Can I ask why a pound of lemons?” He asks, a sort of playful lilt in his voice. 
“Lemonade.” I say, almost immediately. 
There’s a bit of confusion that flashes over his face. “Are you making a joke?” He replies, furrowing his brows a bit. 
I realize that my response might’ve come off as too deadpan, and I shake my head to correct his misconception. “Oh, no. I’m serious.” I say, offering a grin.  “I love lemonade. There’s a work party I’m attending, and I offered to make some for the office. Hence, the lemons.” I continued, gesturing at the aforementioned fruit, and feeling myself ramble slightly, but it didn’t seem to offend the recipient. 
“That.. is a surprisingly normal response, given the situation.” The man says, nodding. “I love lemonade too.” He adds. 
There’s a bit of silence as we both picked up lemons together, the man more focused than I on the task. I took the oppurtuinity within the lull of our conversation to truly examine the man, finally no longer separated by a pane of glass, and my observations all seemed to point towards one glaringly obvious conclusion. 
The man in the window was hot.
He appeared older than me, yet his age did nothing to diminish the beauty of his features. His doe-like eyes seemed to shine with the same curiosity that I felt towards him. His hair was a bit longer than I’d expect from a man his age, but it suited him. The smooth slope of his nose had a certain charm to it, and his cheekbones were impossibly sharp. I wanted to run my thumb over the bone, and kiss him senseless until we could barely remember our own names. 
“I’m (Y/N). You’re free to come over.” I say, a little more rushed than I’d wanted to. “For the lemonade, of course.” I add, trying to not drop the ball when it came to inviting this gorgeous man over to my apartment. 
“Spencer.” He replies, offering his name to me. “I'll keep it in mind.” He says, smoothly. He flashes me a kind smile as he places the last of the lemons into my other bags or directly into my hands. 
I’d hoped “I’ll keep it in mind” meant “within the next few days or so” but waiting seemed futile after a certain amount of time had passed. He never came, and I even stopped seeing him as often through the window in passing. In hindsight, it was rather naive to genuinely expect a near-stranger to come to my apartment, on account of an invitation that could have been interpreted as a thinly-veiled proposition.
It felt a bit dull, his lack of interest. I’d had a taste of his attention, and for some reason, I was hooked. It was irrational, and illogical, but I couldn’t help the desire I felt simply at the thought of this man. And in a mixture of perversion, desperation and pure brainlessness, I tried to use the one thing that had rarely failed me in the past. Sex. 
I reasoned by telling myself it wasn’t like it was guaranteed he’d see me. 
And it wasn’t as if I was standing directly by the window, exposing myself for his pleasure, and his pleasure only. So hey, if he saw my figure adorned in lacy lingerie in passing, and felt compelled to act on that in any way he chose, well. No harm, no foul, right? 
So that’s exactly what I did. To my benefit, it was one of the hottest summers D.C had ever had, so the lack of clothing worked in my favor.  I’d always felt quite confident in my own skin, so lounging around in bras, panties, barely-there cover-ups around my apartment didn’t strike me as the oddest thing to do.  I felt comfortable, and in turn, possibly seducing the man in the window. Win-win. 
And “win” I did, in some way at least, because I noticed the arrival of lingerie correlated in a sudden uptick in the times I’d see Spencer taking a longer-than-normal glimpse into my apartment. It was fucking exhilirating, to have his regard in this strange, taboo way. I’d find myself imagining him, surrounded by a sea of sheets and pillows slowly stroking his cock to the images of my scantily-clad body. I had no real way of verifying if this was the actual case, but the fantasy was enough to bring heat to my cheeks and an ache in my panties. 
It started to drive me a little crazy, however, when after a week of this,  literally no tangible reward came from the fruits of my labor. While I’d enjoyed his eyes on my form, that seemed to be all he was capable of. He seemed completely at ease with just watching (to my utter dismay) and it seemed the action I wanted him to take was sorely out of reach. 
Reflecting on his shy, soft demeanor from the one time we’d spoken, I concluded that he might not be as forward as I am. It made sense; he never seemed to have visitors in his apartment and, seeming to be in his 40s without a stable partner, he probably wasn't accustomed to a woman's attention in this way. He didn’t exactly exude “womanizer” anyway from what I knew about him, and I began to connect his lack of initiative to these points.
 It didn't deter me from continuing my attempts though. At best, I was at least providing a lonely middle-aged man some sorely needed imagery in the meantime. I’d always been a giver, anyhow. 
It’s reasonable to assume there’d be some payoff down the road, right? 
Wrong. I continued to wear increasingly revealing lingerie, going as far as just walking around naked once in a while. Nothing. I was a fucking saint at this point for continuing this for him.
It didn’t help that my mind insisted on taunting me with what I couldn’t have, as a moment of spare time in my day would constantly be preoccupied with thoughts of him in my bed, pinning my hands down and kissing up and down my neck. I’d imagine him pounding into me, or bouncing up and down on his cock, bringing us both to the throes of pleasure. I couldn’t halt the depravity of my thoughts, no matter how hard I tried.
What I also couldn’t stop, was the slow descent of my fingers into my panties one night, finding a delectable mess within them, signifying my deep arousal associated with the man. It’d been a long few weeks,  the smell of summer and heat encasing my apartment, and a profound craving I couldn’t resist. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I began rubbing the small nub, alternating between up and down motions, and then a slow, circular rub. Little moans poured out my lips, before I quickly shed my panties entirely, watching a string of arousal stuck to them, kicking them haphazardly to the side, wanting more access to my clit. 
My eyes naturally closed as I found myself lazing towards the precipice of release. Soft sighs and moans filled my apartment as I let my fingers rub a bit more desperately. I could see flashes of him again behind my eyes, his hand on me, instead of my own,  mirroring the actions I was performing. A gasp of his name came tumbling out of me as the image became clearer and clear, my eyes opening almost frantically as I felt myself closer and closer. 
That’s when I got the strangest sensation, and felt a pair of eyes on me. I jolted my head to the left, and saw Spencer, who was clearly watching at this point. His gaze was entirely trained on me, and similar to the first time he saw me, our eye contact didn’t deter him from his observation. 
I refused to let it either, and kept my gaze trained on him. I was entirely exposed. I wouldn’t have been able to stop my actions if I’d had a gun to my head. It just felt too fucking good. A moment more of eye contact from him, and I felt the familiar clench and release from my body, waves of pleasure wracking my body. I let out another moan, but not once did my eyes leave his, as my back arched against my sheets, a silent plea on my part being conveyed.  
Come here. What could you possibly be waiting for? 
I watched him disappear from the window as I finished, both literally and figuratively, and panted, wondering if finally, finally, my prayers and fervent supplications would be answered. 
After about 30 minutes, my anticipation was replaced with severe disappointment when I realized even after then, he wasn’t coming. I could no longer see him in the window, and at this point it seemed a little silly and pathetic to continue expecting him to come. 
Maybe he was just entirely sexually inadept. That could be a possibility, right? How much more explicit could I get than this? I’d masturbated in front of him! Albeit, through a window, but masturbation regardless! Was this seriously all he was willing to do? 
I roll my eyes at the thought. I came to accept that maybe, truly, there was nothing I could do to get this man to fuck me the way I deserved. Fine.
As I closed my eyes to get some necessary rest after my endeavors, I made up my mind that I’d buy curtains tomorrow. Fuck Spencer Reid, and his absolute inability to take any action in his goddamn life. Fuck this apartment. Fuck everything. 
Was I dramatic? Yes. Was I still right? Also yes. 
Despite the sour mood I’d taken to bed with me that evening, my dreams were anything but. The idea of Spencer Reid holding me down, whispering sweet and dirty nothings alike were all still incredibly tantalizing to my subconscious. I could hear his voice in my ear, soft pink lips brushing against the shell of my ear, a deep pressure imprinted onto my body, keeping me in my bed. 
“Wake up, sweetheart.” He murmured, beckoning me out of the peaceful cocoon of sleep. 
I felt a few more wet and warm kisses trailing up and down my neck, the sweetest sensation of pleasure being granted to me with every touch he gave. 
“Need you to wake up, pretty girl.” He mumbles. “You really are so pretty up close.” His voice is slightly patronizing, and it does nothing to help the excitation that was steadily growing inside of me. 
Suddenly, I became incredibly aware that the stimuli I was receiving didn’t appear to be a byproduct of my psyche, but rather- he was here? My eyes opened slowly to realize I wasn’t at all mistaken, the soft brush of his brown hair against my neck slightly tickling me as I came to. 
“Atta girl.” He mumbles, his lips still mapping out every inch of my skin. Out of pure instinct, a slightly alarmed moan came from me, still unsure if I was dreaming or not. Surely I had to be dreaming. I had to be, because how the fuck did Spencer Reid get into my apartment? Into my bed? 
“You want this, yeah?” He murmurs, taking a second to gaze down at me. I realized he’d been on top of me this whole time, and the pressure I’d felt in my dream was his skin on mine, trapping me in between his strong chest and the soft sheets adorning my mattress. “I know you do. Saw your little show and everything.” He breathes out, desperately, almost. 
I know I should’ve thought about it. Perhaps I should’ve pondered on the idea of letting a man who’d just broken into my apartment full access to my body as he pleased, but there was no time. He was here, and how could I have ever said no to that? 
There’s an equally as desperate and breathy, “yes” that escapes my lips, and before I can finish saying the word, he dives down, meeting my lips with his, absolutely devouring me with no hesitation whatsoever.  If I'd thought his previous ministrations were delightful, this was absolutely heavenly. 
I moan softly into his mouth, wanting to tangle my hands in his hair, or latch them onto his shoulders and sink my nails deep into the skin that resided there- anything to show even a semblance of control in this situation, but it seemed Spencer had already thought of that, pinning my hands against the mattress so tightly, I couldn’t have moved if I’d exerted every last bit of strength into it. 
“God, the first time- first time I saw you.” He mumbles in between kisses. “With those lemons. I knew they’d fall. Saw you through the window across the street and practically ran. Wanted to meet you so badly.” 
A small whimper escapes me, and I can’t help but get wetter at the thought. I knew he’d been watching me through the window, but the idea that I captured his attention, outside of my apartment, in the most mundane of situations only served to heighten the arousal I felt, my thighs rubbing together for any kind of relief. 
He notices the movement and grins, planting one last kiss on my lips before slipping down. His hands cup the backs of my knees, forcing me to spread my previously shut legs. 
“You had the prettiest voice.” He breathes out, examining my glistening heat. “Fuck. Couldn’t stop thinking about how you’d sound, screaming my name.” He leans forward, planting a chaste kiss on my clit that caused an incredibly breathtaking jolt through my body. 
“Spencer-” I moan, my head rolling back as I felt it, my back arching slightly. 
“Yeah, just like that.” He mumbles, clearly pleased. “Good girl.” 
His hands traveled upward from where he’d been situated between my legs and squeezed my breast blindly. It didn’t feel like it was for my pleasure, but rather that he was desperate to touch anywhere he possibly could. Anyone else, and I might’ve been annoyed with the incessant touching, but with him? 
 It was so fucking hot. 
“That goddamned lingerie.” He mumbles. “The things I wanted to do to you. Did you know that?” 
I looked at him through hooded lids, unsure what he meant, and he took my diversion of attention to quickly tweak one of my nipples, eliciting another surprised moan from my mouth. 
“I’m so much stronger than this, usually.” His large hands continue to squeeze and grope at my breasts. “But you.” He whispers, a hint of a growl making its way into his tone. “Had to push the limits. Practically begging me to come here and take you.” 
I let out a gasp as I felt his hands trail down my stomach, the cool touch of his fingertips causing the muscles to tense up there. 
“I’m gonna do it.” He whispers, his face only illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the open window, but I could still see the dangerous glint in his eye, thrilling me even further. “Fuck you exactly how you want it.” 
Before I’m able to react to the sentiment, he’s grabbing onto my hips and turning me over, a yelp drawn out from me. 
“Hands and knees.” He says, in an authoritative tone that doesn’t leave any room for any disagreement. I comply quickly, much to his elation. 
“You’re so good for me, yeah? Gonna ruin you. Just how you want.” 
There’s a hint in condescension in his tone, like he’s making fun of me for wanting to be fucked this badly, but I can barely pay any mind about it, especially when I feel his cock slotting itself betweet my folds, separated only by his boxers, a shaky moan coming from Spencer. 
I can feel his hands leaving my hips and the slight lean away as he quickly shucks off the fabric, and within the next second, he’s pushing into me, providing me with a stretch and fulfillment that was so much better than I could’ve ever imagined. It doesn’t take him long to set a fast pace, the sound of our skin slapping and the smell of sex permeating the room. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He moans out, and I let out similar noises in tandem. 
I can barely find it in me to stay coherent. I want to scream how good he feels, how big his cock feels in me, how close I was- but instead the only thing I could manage was the borderline scream of his name and loud sobs of pleasure, fully at the mercy of the man behind me. I can feel the way I clamp down on him, absolutely imploring him for as much as he could give me. 
“Gonna come for me, yeah?” He says, feeling the clench of my walls on his cock.  “Come on, pretty girl. Give me what I want.” He murmurs lowly, leaning down closer to my ear. His hand shoots out a moment later, beginning to rub my clit, similar to how I had been doing a few hours earlier as he watched me, and the memory and sensation of it is enough to hurl me off the edge, my walls tightening around his cock as waves of pleasure wracked through my body.
It seemed that was enough for him as well. I felt his hips still, and a sudden warmth at my deepest point. He let out a groan of relief as he thrusted once, twice more, and then pulled out, his cum slipping down my thighs as he plopped down next to me. I’d already collapsed the second he pulled out, panting as I came down from the orgasm. 
“You good?” He mumbles, wearily, and I can feel him moving aside my hair to kiss at my shoulder. 
“Mhm.” I murmur back, a small sigh of relief escaping me. There’s a beat of silence, before he breaks it.
“Tomorrow.” He murmurs. “Wanna go out with me?” 
I raise an eyebrow, turning at him with a playful expression- as playful as I could get in this state anyway. “Where to?” 
“Target.” He mumbles, still stroking my back lazily, his eyes shining with something less intense than lust now, but still enough to turn my stomach over with butterflies.
“Target?” I say, squinting my eyes. “Why Target?” 
“We’re buying you some curtains.” He says, a small grin appearing on his face. “And maybe a stronger lock.” 
I giggle at that, rolling my eyes a bit.  “But then you don’t get to see me anymore. I kind of liked what we had going on.” 
“I did too.” He whispers, his tone slightly vulnerable now. “But I like this a lot more.” 
A small smile plasters itself to my face as I nod.
 “Me too.” I whisper back, biting my lip. 
A mutual understanding passed through the both of us as we smiled at each other in the dark, and for a split second, I imagined myself possibly loving this more someday. 
All in good time. Right now, I was going to sleep, protected by his soft, strong arms. That was enough for now. We’d finally gotten what we wanted. 
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woah!! trying to finally get back into writing semi regularly i see. i hope this was enjoyable. this is one of those pieces i'm kind of unsure about, so please, please interact if you liked it! likes, comments, reblogs, anything! or let me know if you didn't! i live for feedback of any kind. thank you for reading anyhow, i am very grateful for it <3
also lol if it wasn’t obvious i listened to “she” for fic inspo lol. linked below
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smolwritingchick · 3 days
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 94- MAMA Awards 2016 Part 2
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Chapter Summary: BTS win their first Daesang! Tensions run high when Jen's friendship with Hyuna ends abruptly due to sneak dissing and a scrapped performance. BTS attends the Mama Awards making iconic moments that leave the world shooked.
Words: 6,000+
Genre: Big Jungkook Fluff. A little chaos never hurt anybody :)
Author's Note: This is the last bit of the chapter that couldn't fit in Part 1 on Tumblr.
Click here for PART 1 of this chapter
On stage, as it was darkened, it lightened up with red lights in the background, showing off her powerful silhouette. Once the audience saw it was her, they cheered loudly. She then began a dance break with the back up dancers, dancing fiercely.
"Hong Kong! If you don't know my name, you gon' know, tonight!" she shouted and began to sing, bouncing to the beat.
wave ya hands side to side
wave ya hands side to side
wave ya hands from side to side
wave ya hands side to side
Backstage, Bangtan was dancing along while they were being filmed by a Bangtan bomb. They bounced and jumped to her singing. Yoongi had been the one to post the fan chant lyrics on Twitter to prepare fans. His efforts were rewarded as he heard the loud fan chants. ARMY truly never lets Bangtan down.
"Wave your hands side to side," she continued to sing but then stopped as the audience, especially Armies, began to take over to repeat the lyrics.
Pleasantly surprised though pleased, she smiled and even saw the light sticks waving around on beat. As she walked, she placed the mic to her mouth and then the words began to flow while she looked at the camera.
Aye yo, Cube & MAMA, why you lying saying I ain't ready?
Miss Bangtan standin' on business, you know she keep it steady
I'm a savage and tonight Jennie gon' wreak havoc
The way she delivered the last line as she leaned in close to the camera with a wicked grin and head tilt caused anticipation around the venue as they cheered.
Her sudden rapping caused idols to look stunned, especially with the passion in her tone. They expected her to sing but rap? It was about to go down as they glanced at Hyuna.
"Oh shit, it's happening!" Bam Bam started freaking out with Jackson.
"Here she goes," Namjoon smiled, noticing her whole demeanor change.
"Make us proud, smartie..." Yoongi watched on with a smile.
Looking this fine I make em turn quick
I stay bulletproof, I ain't no sidekick
Main character energy, what you mad for?
Haters obsessed with what I got next in store
She turned around with the backup dancers, giving a full view of her backside while rocking to the beat which got reactions from idols who 'whooed' and admired her stage presence. She turned back around to continue to dance as her hair bounced beautifully with the camera following her.
Natural Body looks so good they try to replicate 
No matter what y'all do you can't duplicate 
She was then left alone on stage.
It sucks I gotta work twice as hard to get that recognition
I'm just as good, a bulletproof girl on a mission
Bangtan applying that pressure and we 'bout to do damage
We stay looking fresher while haters be at a disadvantage
Taking a glimpse of Hyuna made Jennie begin to walk right in the direction of where the idols were sitting as the camera followed her. As she walked, people began to realize that she was walking towards her.
"Is she heading in her direction?" Hobi grinned.
"Yes, she is!" Taehyung cheered.
The members watched proudly, anticipating what was going to happen next.
Fans tweet:
'Is she walking over to her!?'
'Wait a damn minute is she about to do what I think she's about to do!?'
'Oh my God I think Jennie is walking right towards Hyuna!'
'Is this the moment where she finally responds!?!'
With the way Jennie's expression changed, Bangtan watched as she legitimately started to get angry.
"Control your emotions..." Yoongi murmured as he watched her.
The idols geared up for what was about to happen, glancing back and forth from Hyuna to Jennie.
'Remember Yoongi's words...stay calm or you're gonna lose focus,' Jennie thought to herself as she kept her composure.
She took a deep breath to relax and continued on the mic.
How's this? How's this? You better reap what you sow
All this buffoonery better stop now cause I'm about to blow
Gave you one too many warnings, let me get this off my chest
What I got to say can't even save you with a bulletproof vest
Tryna tarnish my image you better watch ya mouth
Claim you're a girl's girl yet like to bad mouth
Grabbing a chair, Jennie pulled it right to Hyuna and sat right in front of her as ARMY cheered loudly. She began to look at her dead in the eyes while idols looked around in shock. Some of the IOI members gasped, questioning if this was really happening. Hayoon smiled proudly while the rest of GFriend continued to watch on the edge of their seats.
"Damn," Jooheon grinned. "Right in front of her, eh?"
Bam Bam's eyes looked like they were about to pop out while Zico glanced at Crush and Dean, nodding, looking impressed.
"Oh shit!" Taehyung shouted.
"Did you know she was planning to do that?" Jimin looked bewildered.
"Nah, she didn't say a thing," Jin looked on.
"She said expect the unexpected. She's doing a damn good job with the unexpected," Jimin watched in awe.
Hyuna looked upset as a frown came across her face while staring at Jennie who continued to rap.
First things first, I am not the one, two or three
You still running your mouth yet you run from me
Bubble bubble pop bitch who likes to burn bridges, 
A storm is coming and you about to get stitches
Jungkook grinned to himself. "That's my girl," he proudly said while Yoongi laughed out loud with the rapline on her bubble pop insult.
She then leaned forward, keeping her eyes on her.
Fake female monsta, you talk when I'm not around but I like to be direct
So I'ma address you on this stage so you can get checked.
Yea I'm the best from head to toe
Still bulletproof, it's ridiculous that you don't know
Miss Hyuna, you stay sneak dissin' but go mute when I'm in your face
Bitches like you make me wanna catch a case
Jennie was surprised the show didn't cut off her mic and kept going, relishing the moment. She flipped her hair to the side and stared at Hyuna, unimpressed.
Face twisted up in anger cause I hit a nerve
I'll be the first to say that it's what she deserves
If you respond, I already know everything you'll say
She's disrespectful, huh?
Doesn't respect her seniors, huh?
She's ghetto, huh?
She's just a little rookie, huh?
I've been booed and hated, I've handled it all
Tonight is just another part of my K-Pop experience
Getting out of the seat, she kicked it to the side and stood in front of her to continue while moving to the beat. She prepared to use every flaw and insult she assumed Hyuna might use against her and twisted it for her advantage.
I got issues with being too friendly, what could I have done differently?
My friendliness can be a disadvantage, you clearly took advantage
Played me for a fool, I am foolish for trusting you
You look nervous, did you realize you bit off more than you can chew?
My voice cracked during my verse tonight but I still kept going
I messed up during the dance too but I'm still glowing
I get overexcited, too passionate, damn, I'm extra, I say it proudly
Sometimes I worry about the growing fame
Sometimes I overthink and wonder if I will end up in shame
Sometimes I think negatively about the what ifs
A habit I need to work on, you know this
4Minute members aren't too fond of you, I know the tea
And it's a good thing now that they are free
So what if I took years to dye my hair?
I trended for weeks while everyone stopped and stared
I don't care if I sound annoying when talking about Nike
Cause guess who got the endorsement, me, all high and mighty
She took a dramatic curtesy with a proud smile as the crowd cheered.
Give me a break, let me breathe
Give me a chance, let me achieve
You don't wanna work with me no more, OK
You mad our music video got more views than yours, OK
You underestimated my confidence and skills, OK
Can't swallow the fact I ate you up in your own music video, OK
Spreading this narrative that I'm a jealous hater
How many more lies does the media need to paint me as the bad guy?
You're not as innocent and unproblematic as you portray to be.
And nothing you say will break me
I love myself. I love my skin, I love who I am becoming
It looks like our little friendship was just a shortcoming
OK I broke a nose but I'm not violent until you put your hands on me first
Veteran or not, don't disrespect me. You ain't gonna coerce
If you dare make a diss track about me make sure it's somethin' they don't know about me
It's crazy how people switch up due to envy and greed
Witnessing it now, what a shame indeed
Never meet your heroes they say and you're the prime example
And I promise you this will age like fine wine in a future scandal
She ended her rap, predicting the future. She spoke over the instrumental while looking up and down at Hyuna in disgust. "This is the first and last time I'm addressing this. Don't you ever in your life play with me,"
Monsta X were grinning to themselves while the audience caught a lot of the idols' reactions and were quite pleased to see the drama. Jooheon thought about Show Me The Money and his fair share of rap battles.
The way Hyuna looked angry and upset, caused Jennie to smirk in satisfaction with the music changing slightly as she started nodding to the beat.
"Yeah. Wave ya hands side to side. Wave ya hands side to side," Jennie sang.
Some idols were waving their hands along with her and the audience with their lightsticks.
"Sing!" Jennie instructed, raising her mic up, as ARMY took over the lyrics.
wave ya hands from side to side
wave ya hands side to side
Bangtan started dancing and jumping around and began singing the lyrics too while getting filmed for a Bangtan Bomb. ARMY never lets BTS down. They were a huge part of this becoming successful as they continued to chant.
Wave ya hands side to side
Wave ya hands side to side
Wave ya hands from side to side
Wave ya hands side to side
Then she proceeded to speak on beat one last time in front of Hyuna. "Yea this trick about to go off, mad 'cause I'm so fresh. Fresher than you. I'm fresher than you. Fresher than you, oh,"
"Ah-Ha-HA~!" Miss Bangtan laughed loudly in a high voice and began to walk back.
Zico laughed at how dramatic her laugh was and applauded with Crush who was amused. Yoongi was proud and loved how she defended herself confidently and aggressively, applauding with the rest of the members.
"That's my fuckin' Smartie!" he shouted proudly.
Jungkook stared at the screen with admiration. This was her moment and she did it justice. She truly soared tonight and deserved this.
"Her rapline initiation is complete," Hobi said proudly as the rapline grinned at each other.
"Yeah. She handled herself well, out there. Cypher Part 4," Yoongi confirmed with a nod.
"The remix," Namjoon added as they agreed.
"Don't let Taehyung hear you say that," Jin laughed lightly.
"I heard everything! I demand a spot, too!" Taehyung whined.
"NO," the rapline shut it down, causing Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin to laugh.
Social media went crazy over Jennie and tweeted:
'The girls are FIGHTING!'
'Jaw is on the floor omfg'
'The presentation! Big Hit let her shine the RIGHT way! Thank you for allowing her to have that much time on stage! She deserved this!'
'Sometimes you gotta go that route and speak directly to the person. Hyuna was playing games,'
'Jennie is ANGRY. Do you see her fierce eyes?'
'The way she criticized herself for her flaws but flipped it,'
'Once she tweeted BET, that was a warning that a disaster was coming. SHE COOKED!'
'Y'all peep the idols eating this up but trying not to make obvious reactions? Jooheon was grinning ear to ear and it had me dying,'
'I owe Jennie an apology. We shouldn't have clowned her for not responding right away,'
'The duality!! Add Jennie to the list of responding to disses on the MAMA Awards!'
'The way she used some of Hyuna's lyrics against her was crazy!'
'That was brutal!'
'Mnet you can thank BTS for the boost in views because this whole stage is about to go viral!'
'If Jennie says "BET." then understand she's out for blood!'
'Mnet can thank BTS for the views because their whole stage is about to be the highest viewed video of all MAMAs and on YouTube!'
'This is going in the top 10 lists of MAMA Moments. Jennie became a history maker tonight! She sat in front of her and addressed her!'
'Oh...my God...'
'We will be posting this diss during black history month!'
'BLACK WOMEN! That's the tweet.'
'This is what happens when you provoke people.'
'Y'all clowned Jennie to respond and she finally did and now haters mad!'
'Hyuna deserved that.'
'This is why you leave the friendly people alone!'
'Her response did not disappoint my gawd...I...I'm not even Hyuna but I feel embarrassed for her. In front of the industry like this? Fucked around and found out,'
'Not y'all switching sides and cheering for Jennie after clowning her for taking a while to respond,'
'Why do y'all keep fucking around and finding out when it comes to black women? Leave us tf alone.'
'Jennie is not in the wrong. Hyuna started it. Jennie finished it. End of story.'
'Who said she needed Bangtan to respond? She handled it well!'
'Someone edit Jennie's MAMA performance with Brooke Valentine's Girl Fight in the background!'
'No for real! We need edits of Jennie and Girl Fight in the background! We bout to throw dem bows! We bout to swang dem thangs!'
'Jen's a boss ass bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch!'
'Stop! Stop! She's already dead!'
'Hyuna just apologize omfg.'
'Time to throw the damn towel Hyuna!'
'4Minute members must be happy af she got called out lol!'
'She gave her many warnings to back off and didn't take them. Now she sitting there looking stupid as fuck,'
'Bubble bubble pop bitch...I...'
'G-Dragon chose to right idol to mentor. I saw G-Dragon in her for a moment,'
'And that is ALL she wrote!'
'Miss Jennifer Walker respectfully...when she turned around and gave us a full view of her ass...God is the greatest,'
'She's not wrong about people trying to replicate her body. That thang was MOVING!'
'And there goes the ratings skyrocketing! It's about to be a girl fight!'
'I'm just happy Mnet didn't cut off her mic. Because this whole moment is going viral and it's good to see people backing Jennie after learning the context. She is not the bad guy here,'
'Jennie said: FINISH HER!'
'Jennie PLEASE! I cannot keep up with all this! First you kiss Jungkook now you going crazy on Hyuna my GOD!'
'This is the exact reason why people anticipate Jennie at the MAMA Awards. It's always a surprise! For a black woman to get this much attention at this show is amazing,'
'Dispatch is shaking trying to keep up with what's happening with Jennie lmfaooo'
'I need reaction videos to Jennie at MAMA 2016 NOW! Tag all the big K-Pop YouTubers!'
'I want them to fight so bad. Catch that case, Jennie, we'll bail you out!'
'Gotta love those Scorpios,'
'I do not want to hear about respecting your senior when she has said some horrible things about her unprovoked. She's a horrible person. Jennie is not in the wrong'
'Stop messing with the most friendly idols in the industry. When they fed up, they are FED UP! How are you going to come after Jennie?'
'One thing about Jennie is sis will make sure to keep herself talked about. And in positive ways. I'm happy she responded. I know the rap line is proud!'
'Y'all insulting her is proving her point lmfao. Hyuna is NOT classy. We don't know these idols or what happens behind closed doors. A lot of these idols might not be who they claim to be!'
Turning around, Jennie kept her head up high and strutted back to the stage. She proceeded to walk down the ramp as the background turned red to show her silhouette once more and the LED screen and background turned into fire. The music slowly transitioned to the opening beats of fire with the drums.
She broke out into a smile, observing all the light sticks and especially the army bombs still high up and lit for her.
"Hong Kong!" she announced in a shout, earning loud cheers. "I am Jennie of BTS and Bangtan is about to set the roof on fire, baby! Hong Kong are you ready!?"
She received louder cheers and screams as her strong, confident aura radiated off of her.
While she stood on the main stage, the rap line popped up to join her and the audience got even more excited.
"It's BTS! And you're now watchin' this one!" Namjoon announced.
"Hong Kong!" Yoongi shouted.
"Blow up!"
"Let's go!" Jennie shouted.
The music intensified as the rest of the group joined and started getting hyped up with the music.
"Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" Yoongi shouted.
As they performed fire, Jennie kept a big smile on her face, feeling elated about everything happening at the show, popping the moves out powerfully.
Standing near Jungkook, she leaned to the side and locked eyes with him while smiling at each other.
ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya
aesseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha
Errbody say La la la la la
"Say what!?" Yoongi called out.
Say La la la la la
"Say what!?"
soneul deureo sorijilleo Burn it up
"Hong Kong!"
Strutting up to the front, Jennie flicked her nose with her thumb, changing her face into a serious expression.
Going hard in the dance break as her hair flowed, she sang with her mic in her hand. “Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
Standing with Namjoon she dapped him up as their hands collided perfectly.
“Aye, live it up. Bangtan just exploded on the scene~!”
Hey, burn it up jeonbu da taeul geot gachi
“Aye, shout it out! I’m turnt up, it’s okay, I’m keen~”
Hey, turn it up saebyeogi da gal ttaekkaji
geunyang sarado dwae urin jeomgie
geu malhaneun neon mwon sujeogillae
sujeosujeo georyeo nan saraminde
“So, what~!” she shouted with them, raising a hand up.
"Go, Jennie!" The rapline shouted.
The boys rocked to the beat around her and people noticed the way the rap line smiled proudly at her as she performed her verse.
“Calling us extra yet you still want to hang. Bang to the tan, you wanna join this gang. Keep your eyes on me, I am still that chick! Don’t you stand too close, what, you think you slick? Admit we the shhh as we tear it down!”
The boys dramatically turned to her while she placed a finger to her lips before they followed her around as she continued.
“BTS is the flame they wanna water down! Bangtan is still here and we killin’ it still. We always start the fire, you just a fire drill! AH-HA~!"
geop manheun jayeo yeogiro
goeroun jayeo yeogiro
maenjumeogeul deulgo All night long
jingunhaneun balgeoreumeuro
As the backup dancers danced with them, Jen got hyped, shouting, 
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-“
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” the rest of the members joined in.
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
"One more time! One more time! One more time!" Jimin announced as everyone went around the main stage, hyping up the crowd along with the back up dancers.
Jennie jumped up and down, repeating her lyrics. “Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow 
After performing, Bangtan went backstage and they went in for a group hug, pleased with how their stage turned out. They were all tired and sweaty but still feeling the adrenaline of being on stage and happy for Jen's solo stage.
"Jennifer, that was fucking amazing!" Yoongi grinned and lifted her up, spinning her around as she laughed. "I am so fucking proud of you! You did it!"
He set her down as she felt overwhelmed with joy, thanking him and the rest of the boys for their support as they praised her.
"Undeniable. I told you," Namjoon confirmed with a grin.
"You had us laughing. You really went in. I was a little scared," Jin laughed. "But you looked powerful and beautiful on that stage. My heart leaped with joy watching you,"
"I have the coolest girlfriend ever. She sings. She dances. She acts. And now she raps. I'm a lucky man," Jungkook grinned and pulled her in closer for a side hug as he kissed her cheek. "You never cease to amaze me, you know that? Every day with you is a new adventure and today has been full of fun memories and surprises. I can't wait to see what else you do,"
"All those lessons have been paying off. I'm impressed, Munchkin," Hobi beamed. "You proved exactly who Miss Bangtan is. Your stage presence has improved a lot since last year,"
"That's our Ennie!" Jimin gave her an eye smile. "My favorite part was when you sat in front of her. That caught us all by surprise. You were fantastic out there,"
"I told you she was amazing when I saw her in the practice room! I was the one who believed in her first! Now look at you soar. Soaring like the beautiful butterfly that you are, flying to your full potential..." Taehyung pulled her in for a big kiss on the temple and a hug.
The rest of the members joined back in for another group hug.
"Thank you for always being my strength. All of you are the best. We did that shit, huh!?" She asked as she pulled away and high fived them when they all agreed. "We all did so well. The dancing, the singing, the rapping...we made a huge name for ourselves tonight. I'm proud of us. I'm proud of what we accomplished so far. Thank you for always creating such beautiful memories here. I can't wait to make more with you guys,"
As the members walked backstage, they continued to be filmed with the Bangtan Bomb.
"I am hot. I am sweaty. I am exhausted. I think I overdid it a bit but I'm standing strong," Jennie put up the peace sign as she walked.
"Ah, I'm disappointed. I could've done better," Yoongi brought up as he thought about his performance.
"What?! You did great! Don't down yourself like that. You had me hyped on that stage with you!"
"Really? Thanks, Smartie,"
"Of course," she smiled and placed a hand on his back, patting it.
As the show went on, Wiz Khalifa finally got on stage. He performed Young, Wild, and Free as BTS were on their feet, dancing to the song as it brought back memories. As the boys watched Jennie be in her own world, dancing happily, they gathered around in a semi-circle to hype her up as she kept moving.
A camera began to film them while she started to rap Wiz's part, not caring who watched as fancams caught idols watching Bangtan.
"It look clean, don't it? Washed it the other day, whatch how you lean on it. Give me some 501 jeans on it. Roll joints bigger than King Kong's fingers. And smoke them hoes down 'til they stingers. You a class clown and if I skip for the day. I'm with your bitch smokin' grade A!"
"You can't take me nowhere!" Jennie laughed as the boys sang the chorus.
"Hands up! Hey! Hey! I see you, BTS!" The DJ pointed out, causing the audience to cheer loudly when the camera showed them.
"I see you, Jennie!" Wiz pointed, shouting her out when she caught his attention as she rapped and danced.
She turned to Wiz and pointed back with a big grin on her face. Yet another fun highlight for the show.
As he performed See You Again, Jennie sang with the boys and laughed when the screen showed Bam Bam messing up the lyrics.
When GFriend won best dance performance for a female group, Jennie cheered loudly and immediately went to hug Hayoon.
Fans tweeted how they loved that it was becoming a tradition for those two to find each other whenever they win an award and that some still shipped them together.
Watching their acceptance speech made her tear up, especially when Eunha began speaking. When GFriend returned to their seats, she went to hug them all and congratulated them again.
When EXO performed, Jennie acted like the ultimate fangirl, making sure to sing along and cheer. She had plans to collaborate with EXO for the end of the year shows and she couldn't wait to dance with them. She and Sehun had something special planned as well and she was already practicing with him for it.
"I came prepared this time!" Jennie cheered and took out her personal EXO Lightstick, using it while they performed.
"Seriously?" Yoongi laughed with the boys as they shook their heads.
"What?" she asked with a laugh. "It's frickin' EXO!"
As she waved her lightstick and did some of the fan chants, fans tweeted how she'd be one of the reasons to end the EXO/BTS fanwar and that what she was doing was one of the reasons why Exols liked Jennie the most out of Bangtan. Others thought she was hilarious acting this way and loved how she supported the groups that performed, vibing to their music.
Baekhyun's solo dance at the end had her losing her mind as the members laughed at her enthusiasm.
"Kings! Literally kings! They nail it every time!" she applauded.
After Twice won Song of The Year, it was time for Artist of The Year to be announced. Jennie sat in between Namjoon and Jin as they awaited the results. She sensed her leader's nervousness and the way he was anxiously biting his fingers made her start to rub his back. She then grabbed one of his hands, giving it a big squeeze as they awaited the results.
Will it be EXO again?
Ha Ji Won was the presenter as she opened the envelope.
"The award goes to...BTS!"
It took a few moments for Jennie to register as she sat there dumbfounded. All of Bangtan were shocked while Namjoon looked so relieved and happy as tears developed in his eyes. With them all standing up, they gathered in a group hug as the crowd cheered. The walk up to the stage was a heartfelt one as Jennie felt her emotions get to her.
Artist of the Year. They won artist of the freakin' year!
She stood in between Yoongi and J-Hope while Namjoon began his speech.
"ARMY!" he paused, feeling his emotions get to him. "Really, thank you so much. We went through a lot since we debuted and there were people who said we wouldn't make it. Thank you so much for believing in us till the very end. This was something we could only dream of having, thank you for making that dream into a reality. Those who have been leading us, Bang Sihyuk PD-Nim and Big Hit's staff, Pdogg, Slow Rabbit, Supreme Boi who have been making really good music for us. Also Coach Sungdeuk, Sangeun-hyung, and all our staff. We are really thankful to all the staff who have been with us. Thank you so much for making our dream into a reality,"
He switched to English to continue, "And ARMYs all over the world, let's fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 as well. BTS loves ARMYs as always! Thank you very much, thank you!"
Jennie hugged Yoongi who started breaking down into tears while Hobi also consoled him. Seeing Yoongi cry started to make her cry as she tried not to mess up her makeup. But the tears began to flow down her cheeks.
They all gathered into another group hug.
"Thank you very much. We love you all!"
"Thank you very much!" Jimin added.
"Thank you!" Jennie cheered.
"We hope that our music and stages will become that of many people's dreams and hopes," Namjoon added and went back to English. "I hope that our stage, our performance, and our music can be the hopes and dreams of many people around the world. Thank you very much. We will work really hard, thank you very much,"
They all bowed and clapped. When they were back in their seats, Jennie sat in between Jimin and Taehyung while EXO won album of the year. Bangtan was still overwhelmed with emotions that they won Artist of the Year as they tried to listen to their speech. However, Jennie and Jungkook couldn't stop their tears from flowing as they both began crying.
"Damn...we're artist of the year..." she broke down into a sob.
Jimin and Taehyung wrapped an arm around her to console her and the older members began to notice their youngest members crying.
"Both of them are crying. Ah, it's all right," Namjoon said as he comforted them.
Yoongi gave tissues to them as they wiped their tears. Jen could already feel a slight headache coming from the crying. Before she knew it, the show ended as confetti dropped from the stage. After pulling herself together, she stood up and proceeded to walk with the rest of the group, bowing at other idols and waving at fans, sniffling.
Feeling arms around her, she noticed that Hayoon had approached her to back hug her.
"Jennie~! Aw, you were crying?" she giggled while she turned around in her arms. She wiped Jen's tears. "It's okay! I'm so proud of you and the boys! Bangtan deserved the award!"
"Thank you, I'm proud of you! We're soaring high, huh?"
"Just like we said we would!"
Jennie met up with the rest of the members as they group hugged once more.
"I'm so damn proud of us! We did it!" she jumped up and down with them in celebration.
Still wandering around the stage to bow and say hi to familiar faces, Exols and Armies cheered loudly when Baekhyun and Jennie met up
"Jennie," he smiled warmly and embraced her.
She raved over his performance while he praised her work tonight.
"Congrats on your win tonight! I'm so happy for EXO!"
"Thank you! Congratulations on Artist of the Year! Bangtan is more than deserving. How do you feel?"
"A whole Daesang at MAMA? I cannot believe this is real,"
"Get used to it. This is only the beginning for Bangtan. Enjoy every moment. It's going to be a fun journey,"
She smiled and nodded, feeling the waterworks coming again. To see idols come up and be so genuinely happy for Bangtan was sweet. She thanked him and they embraced again.
"Remind us not to make you angry," Chanyeol said as he walked past, making both her and Baekhyun laugh.
"I would never do that to you, Chanyeol! I love you!"
"I like to be loved. I'm happy we're on the same page. I love you, too," he laughed.
As Bangtan walked backstage with cameras still filming them, Sehun called out Jennie's name, causing her to turn and grin. She broke away from the group to chat with him as they were filmed.
"Yo~!" her eyes lit up as she hugged him. "Congratulations! Okay, album of the year! Showing out, huh?"
He chuckled. "Thank you. Congratulations on Artist of the Year. It feels great, doesn't it? Hard work paying off,"
"Yeah! It really does! I'm still shaking. You see my adrenaline pumping?" she revealed her shaky hands as he nodded.
'Heartwarming meeting between two grand prize recipients. Maknaes of their respective groups,'
After chatting, the two embraced and the camera captured the sweet moment between friends. Once she made it to where Angelina was with Bangtan who had been sitting front row in the audience, Jennie happily embraced her. Angelina was thrilled about Bangtan's win and performance, losing her mind about everything.  
"GIRL! GIRL!" Angelina kept shaking Jennie, congratulating her on her successful evening at MAMA. "I am so damn proud of you! The rapping!? Who is this girl!? Suga, you turned her into a monster! That was lethal! Hyuna was so quiet, it cracked me up! She was mad as hell~! Suga, thank you for igniting this fire in my best friend! You should have seen me, I was filming and screaming for you. I am so posting videos and photos when we make it back to Seoul!"
After getting situated, Bangtan and Angelina were at the airport seated on their designated plane, waiting for it to take off so they could head back to Seoul. Jennie sat at a window seat next to Jungkook while the end seat was empty. The rest of the members and Angelina sat near them and all of them were on their phones. It was at this moment that Jennie and Jungkook were going to post everything they prepared for their relationship reveal.
"We doing this?" Namjoon asked with a smile, phone ready on Twitter.
"Just say the cue," Jimin happily grinned.
"Whenever you both are ready," Taehyung added.
"I got a lot to say so just tell me when you post," Angelina brought up.
All of them had their posts ready along with videos, photos, and large messages of support for them. This was a huge deal. This moment. Revealing that they were dating to the world. As if the kiss wasn't a bombshell, this reveal was about to be. A decision they thought over for a long time.
Jungkook blew out some air as he reread the post he planned to publish on Twitter along with the photos. Rereading everything, a smile came across his face.
"Our world is going to change once we hit post," he said as he turned his head to look at Jennie.
She nodded and met his gaze. "I know. And I'm not going to apologize for being in love with someone who has made me the happiest I've ever been,"
"I won't either,"
"You'll stand next to me through this like you said,"
"That I will," he ensured and pressed his lips against her sweetly. "I love you,"
"I love you, too. Okay. I'm ready. Let's do this," she smiled and clicked the post button for her tweet.
Jungkook immediately posted right after and so did the rest while Big Hit posted the scheduled YouTube videos and official statement tweet from Big Hit's Twitter for their relationship. Quickly going on Instagram, Jennie posted her truth there and once confirming everything had been sent, she deleted Twitter and Instagram. 
As she laid her head on Jungkook's shoulder, he laid his head on her head and they both closed their eyes. Might as well enjoy these final peaceful hours on this flight. Because once they stepped foot in Seoul...all that was going to end.
Hello, this is Big Hit Entertainment...
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sinningtamer · 6 months
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You don't think they're loosing on purpose, do you?
[ this is kink art! don't reblog to SFW/fandom blogs]
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
I am sad you deleted the post for it was good and true and funny but I am glad I caught it in the minute it was up... teehee...
Admittedly I Don't Know Anything and was just making the most basic "wow 'light' and 'shadow' twins"/"wow Masato trans and may as well literally be a changeling baby" associations so I will defer to you <3 I agree though and I too Like Samarie and am obsessed with that clip of Olivia <3
I was actually thinking domination soul RGGJo (again incredibly basic "Casca = D'arce = RGGJo's natural leadership+combat ability and also the idolization/weird secondhand ambition WRT Arakawa" association) so... The DNA Is There Is It Not... it could work for any of them methinks... not sure yet about Y7Jo though...
one day ill make a trans masato post and keep it up longer than twenty seconds.. <- doubt
I THOUGHT YOU HAD A THESIS IN MIND ALREADY its why i thought so hard... nevertheless i will continue thinking...
domination soul sounds fair for RGGJo with that thought process No Notes there... as for Y7Jo Unsurprisingly i have a few ideas: im ping ponging between the likes of tormented and blank.....
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ervotica · 13 days
you’re an angel, i’m a dog — a.donaldson
pairing; older!art donaldson x fem!reader
warnings; roughly written, badly edited, not beta’d (because when is it ever?), allusions to smut, implied age gap (reader is early 20s, art is early 30s), slight tashi x fem!reader if you squint, infidelity (but tashi is kinda cool with it), just some thoughts about older!art and his pretty girl
a/n; this concept has been eating at me for daysss so i had to write it at least roughly! should we make this a series? (maybe get patrick involved?🫢) let me know what you think! ART & CHALLENGERS (poly!art & patrick) REQUESTS ARE OPEN! any questions / conversation starters about this particular au are highly appreciated and encouraged!! please come to my inbox 📥 <3
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older!art is fucking obsessed with you— you, who comes to every one of his matches, who sits next to his wife in those adorable little tennis skirts you sport just for him, who whoops and cheers from the stands whether he wins or loses.
you’re forbidden fruit. so, naturally, he adores you.
tashi knows, because of course she does. she never pries, never so much as spares you a second glance when he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your neck and huffs hot air against the shell of your ear. she doesn’t care — you’ve made art better at tennis.
his confidence has skyrocketed since having a pretty thing like you cheering him on, his biggest and most enthusiastic supporter. he plays better, he second guesses himself less, he’s more relaxed.
you’re what’s been missing. the last piece of the puzzle.
an obedient little thing, glued to his side, wagging like a dog at his every command.
he fucking loves it. loves having someone relying on him for love and validation. loves the way you preen under his fervent gaze and flutter your lashes at the slightest touch.
when tashi asks you to join art’s team officially, you almost keel over.
“look, i don’t care that he’s fucking you… or that he’s in love with you. he has a shot at the us open this year, and he needs you by his side to do it.” she says. you’re quick to agree, ever obedient and desperate to please.
“he’s in love with me?”
she scoffs. “you’ve seen the way he looks at you. he almost creams his pants every time you’re in the same room as him.” she tilts your chin upwards with a crooked finger, giving your cheek an affectionate - albeit condescending - pat.
“you two can have your fun— but he has to win this year.”
art’s perched against the doorframe when you turn, corded forearms crossed over his chest. you scrunch your nose, pushing back a smile that crinkles at your eyes despite your efforts.
fucking smitten.
tashi rolls her eyes, a half smile tugging at the corner of her lips, and she nudges you towards him.
“go on.”
he opens his arms in greeting and you’re quick to fall into them, your fingers knotting in the shorn hair at his nape. his chest expands beneath your own as he takes a long breath, and he presses his nose to your pulse point, shuddering.
“love you.” he murmurs into your skin.
“love you more.”
he could cry; he doesn’t remember the last time someone told him they loved him and meant it. you’re obsessed with him, almost as much as he is with you.
at his next match, you carry his rackets and send him off with a good luck kiss that has him breathless, grinning as you roll his wad of gum between your teeth that you sucked right from his waiting mouth.
he wins.
how could he not with his pretty girl watching?
and that night, he rewards you with a thorough fucking, whispered love confessions against your lips, and a breathy moan as he cums that you won’t be forgetting anytime soon.
so, yeah. maybe this life isn’t so bad, after all.
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arthenaa · 6 months
my love mine all mine— mizu x f! reader
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synopsis: marriage is nigh for someone your age and with society's expectations of you, how long will you have to keep waiting for him?
content: 18+ nsfw, mdni, angst w comfort, fluff, she/her pronouns for reader, he/she pronouns for mizu, patriarchal views on women, arranged marriage, jealousy, use of sex toys, idiots in love
a/n: part 2 of nocturne (interlude)!! this is for that anon who was on their finals week (ur req got deleted i h8 tumblr) and to those who requested for a part 2 !!! a reward for your hard work
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Your relationship with Mizu was ... interesting.
After what happened that day, your relationship progressed into a deeper sense of connection. He was attracted to you as much as you were attracted to him. A fact that made your fingers tingle with anticipation every time he came down to your village under the guise of getting more medicine.
Your father had no complaints as business is business and provided him with what he needed, although you could see the occassional side eyes that your father gives him every time he stays longer than he was supposed to be. It was a comical sight indeed.
Mizu helped you out as much as he could—whether it be mundane house chores or taxing ones that require hard labor or a change of locations, he was down to accompany you in any way.
While yes, his efforts of providing you aid sent a surge of butterflies down your stomach, what ultimately led you to hammering a nail in the coffin was the subtle touches that he gave you.
You knew he knew and he knew that he was being smug about it. While it didn't show on his face, his eyes told it all. Whether it be passing by and gently placing a hand on the small of your back to excuse himself out of your way as if there wasn't a 2-meter space to your right or the brushing of fingers when he lent you something or if he's being bold enough, especially when your father's not looking, outright pretending that there was a fabric stuck on your hairpin and so he leans in close to you only to place a kiss on your cheek—he always has to have some sort of skinship with you during the day. It often left you struggling for words or having a flushed face.
"Dear," Your father furrows his eyebrows as he eyes your flushed cheeks. You tense in his gaze as he glances at Mizu who appears calm as he takes a sip of his drink. The blue-eyed samurai had done it again—saw an opening and took it like he was meant for it. He fooled you into thinking that your hair was out of place and offered to fix it. Your father had stepped out to get the food and you had hoped that he stayed somehow so that you wouldn't have to deal with all this bullcrap. Mizu took the chance to grab your chin and place a kiss on your lips. Your father came back shortly and you haven't relaxed since. "You don't look alright. Do you want me to—?"
"I-It's fine, Dad!" You intercept, hands raised as you shake no. "The soup was just... hot."
You glance at Mizu who looks at you from the side of his eye. He smirks over his cup.
It was safe to say that Mizu was also mischievous by nature. Despite his usual calm and cool demeanor, you didn't expect the man before you to be quite playful when it came to just between the two of you.
You did all these things, said all those things, looked at each other with things unspoken of and you're quite sure that your relationship was susceptible to the one thing you're quite sure would lead to.
A want for some, a necessity for many. You'd think that in your years of living in this town that you'd find a partner suitable for marriage and you did! Just a little bit later than others.
You had expected that... Mizu would propose. After all, what comes after dating but marriage? Your father and mother did that, your aunts, uncles, cousins, hell, even your friends already got married albeit some of them out of their own will.
You dreamed of having a true love marriage. One that you could be yourself and never have to be ashamed of loving someone despite their stature in life. One that you could coexist with and that could never demean your existence as a woman. You knew those things were far fetched from reality but everyone wishes to dream right?
You had tried discreetly asking about it, curious as to why he barely mentions anything but he only casts you an unreadable look on his face then a soft smile.
He kissed the back of your hand with a gentle touch, softness mirroring that of a snowflake's descent.
"... I can't," He says. You're not sure as to why he sounded in pain, like something was troubling him but you knew better than to pry. "Not right now."
So you let it go.
It was times like this that you felt the other half of the relationship. Like there was still a barrier you couldn't decipher between you. Why he often looks secretive with your father at times or why he falls silent at the most random of moments. There was something you didn't know and it often aches you that you couldn't be able to understand him unless you knew the inner workings of his mind.
The first instance that brought up the onslaught of problems that would soon arise was the arrival of a proposal from the south. It came in the form of a letter, writings neatly imprinted on fine parchment—rolled with the delicacy that of a noble.
You could see your father's nervous glance as the messenger read what was sent to him. You could hear bits and pieces of the arrangement, hands wringing each other in anxiety as your eyes trained on your father's back. Mizu had not arrived that day and normally, you would fret over such things but your father casts a glance at you over his shoulder and suddenly everything seems to have changed its course.
"Father," You pant as you gather the ends of your kimono, trying to match the pace of your patriarch as he travels all over the house. He seems to not be at rest from the talk with the messenger—a perpetual stone-cold look plastered on his face. "Father!"
He enters the part of your house you haven't gone to in ages. Not because you despised it but because you were afraid that the spirit that once dwelled in its abode would arise and look at you with those same eyes that once held all the love and memories when you were but a wee girl. You hesitate at the entrance but decide to follow him through.
"Not right now, Y/N," He mumbles, agitated as he crouches over a chest and begins digging through the array of clothes. Your eyebrows furrow.
"What—What did he say?" You stammer as you stand to his left, eyes watching his every move as he frantically rummages through the fabrics. "Father, I have—I need to know."
Your father pauses, defeatedly slumping against the chest as his fingers tap against the wooden surface in thought. Silence ensues between the two of you and suddenly he turns to you with a sympathetic look on his face. Your blood runs cold.
"Lord Shimizu—" He pauses, catching himself stammering as he looked into those eyes that were fruition of shared dreams and a love he hasn't forgotten in ages. "He asked for your hand in marriage."
You stare at him with a shaky gaze, breath going in and out as you tried to process his response.
"Then-Then tell him no," Your eyebrows furrow. Your father falls silent at your words. "Tell him like you've always told the others."
"I can't, Y/N," He whispers, tone shifting into despair. Your shoulders are low as he lowers his head in shame.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I can't," He emphasizes his words once more, eyes darting up to meet yours. "I have always tried to protect you but I can't this time."
Your face falls in desperation as you kneel down with him. You grab his hands in an attempt to convince him once more.
"Father, please, I can't—I don't even know him!" You plead as your grip on his callous fingers tightens. He looks at you with sadness. "Please Father, I'll do anything, just don't—"
"Y/N," He cuts you off with a stern voice. You fall silent as you wait for his response. "This man is from Kyoto. While the men here fear my stature as a medic, this man has access to professionals far greater than me. He doesn't regard me as someone important and if I dare raise my voice, we might as well be dead."
Your figure tenses at his words. He grabs your arms in an attempt to comfort you. In a last attempt to get him to decline the offer, you say the thoughts that have been at the forefront of your mind.
"I'm in love with Mizu," Your voice comes out in a whisper, eyes wide and tears welling up. He tenses at your confession, eyebrows furrowing at the implications.
"Father, I love him." Your voice comes out in a desperate attempt to get him to see you. Your hands raise to touch his arm but he suddenly raises to his feet, taking a few steps back. Your heart speeds up at his reaction.
"Is that why he—?" Your father whispers out in thought. You're not sure if he was angry or disappointed, but you're quite sure that this was a bad thing. His face contorts into a look of anger as he continues to look at you with a hardened gaze. "When was this?"
"You told me you wanted me to have a true love marriage, Father—This is it!" You look up at him with a defiance so strong that it almost gives your father a whiplash of how similar it looked. He falters in his stance but remains rooted to his cause.
"I know but not to—!" He catches himself at the end of his sentence. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. He runs a hand through his face before sighing. "Not like this. Not to him. Not Mizu, Y/N."
Your eyebrows furrow in anger at his words. "You can't dictate what I feel for him."
There's a moment of silence as your father casts you an unreadable look on his face. You thought that your father might approve of Mizu. They after all started at the same steps and eventually grew to the path they were destined for, albeit in different fields. You're not quite sure as to what led to this defiance against your choice for marriage but it already has you intruiged.
"The messenger talks of praises of Lord Shimizu," Your father diverts the conversation. "I also hear that he is a general and part of the Emperor's Kingsguard. He is of noble stature and earned his keep. He is a man fitting of your deserving."
You fall silent at his words before finally rising to your height and dusting off your kimono. You glance at the chest, eyeing the white fabric that pops out of an array of multicolored ones. You turn back to your father.
"You raised me to not be a hypocrite," Your voice is stone cold. Your father flinches at the tone. "I expected you to not be one as well."
With that you left.
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The days were grueling.
Presents after presents were sent to your doorstep and while you wish that you could throw them all away, your father accepted them and kept them in the storage, still neatly wrapped for you to open.
Mizu had also arrived less and less over the past couple of days. He usually stays for more than an hour but now he leaves within the 30-minute mark. You felt like your time had been severed into bits and pieces after your fight with your father. You saw them talking, hushed in the receiving area. You expected your father to berate him for influencing his own daughter but their relationship remained civil. In fact, after his talk with your father was what prompted fewer visits and only coming for business.
He also became distant. Little to no skinship—sometimes even none at all. He talks to you in that cold tone of his and even grunts in annoyance when you try to bother him into coming with you to window shop in town.
You thought they were being unfair. That they could freely do things like this beyond your knowledge. Watch you crumble into a pit of despair at the concept of what you believed was the essence of true love. How naïve were you.
The final straw came when Mizu stayed a little bit longer than usual. He was swift with his purchase but remained seated at the tree located just outside your humble abode.
You approached him with soft steps, eyes trained on his head devoid of his kasa and the usual orange tinted glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He looked handsome.
"Why are you like this?" Your voice cuts through the silence, direct and swift as a breeze passes through you. You see the familiar curl on his forehead, swishing back and forth before settling down.
Mizu does not reply for a few seconds before finally responding. "Like what?"
Your breath shakes at his nonchalance. "Like everything's back from the start."
Mizu pauses before turning his head to look at you standing behind him. There's a long duration of silence between you, eyes only locked with each other as the breeze fills in the void.
"Y/N," Your name escapes his lips like a prayer. You will yourself not to fold. "I didn't mean to—"
"Didn't mean to what?"
He rises up from his seat on the ground, grabbing his Kasa in the process. He examines the item, eyeing the material woven intricately to form its shape. You could tell that there were a lot of things in his mind. You could only wait until he decided to break down the walls he built up so high.
"I didn't mean it to be this way." He finally looks at you in the eye, those beautiful shades of blue hidden by a tint of orange. He pauses himself before a change of expression is plastered on his face. "I think it's best if we stop here."
Your breath hitches. "What?"
"I said what I said," He mutters in that neutral tone of his, devoid of emotion. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "I... I am on a journey and I have wishes to accomplish. I operate on circumstances that prove to be unlawful. It's best that you don't associate yourself with me. I was too distracted to begin with."
Distracted? Is that what he thought all of this was about? Your hands shake in anger as your eyes darted any sort of giveaway that he might just be joking with you. The world was pinning its blame on your shoulders and now you have to receive the consequences of its actions.
You purse your lips, stopping yourself from bawling then and there. You can't give him the satisfaction of seeing yourself in a mess. You refuse.
You turn around without responding, making hasty steps towards your home before halting once more. You turn to see him putting on his Kasa, eyes in a daze. Upon feeling your stare at him, he turns back towards you. His gaze falters.
"I'm sorry." He says.
You could never will out the words you should've said.
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Lord Shimizu came on the 3rd day of the week. He wasn't what you expected him to be.
Naturally, nobles of that standing would appear to be egocentric maniacs who dabbled and flaunted their wealth in various entertainment establishments. They act crass and speak crass as if their authority gives them the pass to be an asshole to everybody.
You thought to yourself, this man could have anybody that he wanted. He was a general, a skilled warrior, and a candidate for marriage to Japan's array of elegant and noble women. Why would he pick a humble medic's daughter all the way from Takayama?
Well, the answer finally came to you in flesh instead.
"L-Lord Shimizu!" Your father stammers over his words as a young man, your age enters the establishment. You take a step back towards the panel of the receiving area, slightly shielding yourself from the onslaught of 3-4 men entering the place. "I didn't expect you to be here."
The man does not respond yet, his eyes wander the interior of the establishment before finally settling on you. You flinch back at the intensity of his stare. Your father notices his attention on you before clearing his throat.
"Y/N?" He calls over, eyes meeting with yours as he beckons you over. You grumble under your breath before making hesitant steps to your father's side. "Ah yes, this is Y/N Gojo. My daughter. Y/N, this is Lord Shimizu Kaito."
Your eyes peer up at him underneath your lashes, trying to take a peek at his face. Shimizu flashes you a soft smile before bowing in greeting.
"Apologies for not having been able to meet before. The Emperor had requested me to attend to several cases in various cities. I hope that you and Y/N can forgive my tardy appearance." His voice is proper and elegant but you could only scoff at his words. Apparently, it was loud enough for him, your father, and the two other guards stationed behind him to hear. Your father elbows your waist.
"Apologies for my daughter," He sheepishly smiles. "She seems to have a... cold."
He eyes you with a strict look on his face which you turn to look away at. Just as you wished for all of this to be over, a wave of a hand catches your attention. You turn to look at Shimizu who softly smiles at you once more.
"I know this proposal is sudden but I hope you can give me a chance." He says, voice and tone genuine. You hesitantly purse your lips at his words. "I'll be staying around this time. I hope I can get to know you."
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Lord Shimizu stayed true to his word. The past few days were nothing but him trying to get to know you as an individual. He was nice, accommodating, and even dare say, a proper friend you could talk to.
He helped you out in chores, got you gifts, had tea with you, learned your ways, and walked with you in town. If you were the person you were before, you could've deemed this man the perfect match for you.
While you appreciated his eagerness in wanting to get to know you, you also can't help but be reminded of a certain blue-eyed boy every time he did something remotely similar. He talks of his travels, his blade, his peers, his interests, and you're brought back to the time Mizu let you hold his blade in your palms, brought you trinkets from his previous adventure, talked to you about his annoying apprentice, or that he prefers his soba to have a little bit more soup in ratio to his noodles.
Everything remind you of him.
Mizu had not visited in a while. You tried asking about him to your father if he ever came to get medicine but your father denies every question.
Sometimes you catch glimpses of a familiar Kasa roaming the town streets but is only mistaken by a wandering traveler. You're not too sure how long it would take for you to lose your wits about everything.
Sensing the troubling thoughts that plagued your mind, Shimizu offered for you both to take a stroll in town at night and shop for trinkets that you might find interesting to place in your room. He tried his best to keep you entertained, asking about your interests, making you laugh, all that stuff.
The question that prompted you at the start of his arrival began to urge you to put forth a topic for conversation. You wait for Shimizu to finish his words before finally dropping the question.
"Why me?" You ask, eyes gazing into his as he halts at the question. He blinks a couple of times, not able to process the question.
"Why me, my lord?" You repeat, hands clutching your satchel. "I am but a mere servant's daughter. You could have anyone."
He licks his lips eyebrows furrowing. "But you are someone."
You raise your eyebrows, urging for him to continue. The man takes a breath, looking around before finally settling his eyes on you.
"I..." He starts off, words trailing as he gazes into your eyes. He continues. "I came here before. As a child."
Your eyes widen at the revelation.
"People talk of a man named Gojo-sensei who was able to remedy almost all illnesses. I was sickly and my condition was worsening." He responds. The city lanterns glow beautifully behind his figure, laughter of children, men, and women alike provides solace in the void of silence between you. "I remember coming in there and seeing you. Seeing your father then..."
He trailed off like he was remembering something painful.
"I remember a lady," His face softens at the thought. Your eyebrows furrow. "While your father did the aiding, this woman had brought me comfort. I was never really coddled and treated with such gentleness back home. I was an only child—a firstborn son. Being soft and dependent was out of the vocabulary."
You fall silent at his words as he looks down at his hands.
"She... she stayed by my side. Fed me, clothed me, made sure I was okay." He looked up at you. "I saw you sometimes, clinging to the ends of her kimono."
A chilling realization surges through your veins. Your silence prompts him to continue.
"I heard the news that she passed away years ago. I wasn't able to come due to my duties but I am indebted to her." He says. "Then, when I visited a month ago. I saw you—a spitting image."
Your breath shakes at the words. "You proposed to me because I looked like my mother?"
Shimizu looks down in shame, hands wringing in nervousness. "I thought that if I married you, I'd be able to receive that same love again."
You let out a breath of disbelief. While the topic of your mother wasn't something you detested talking about, her memory still was something you were quite hesitant to approach. You remember her sickly figure, her weak smile, the day your father broke. It was as if you threaded lightly along the edges of her carved path, wanting to preserve what was left of her image.
You take a step back, eyes looking at him in disbelief. Shimizu falters in his stance.
"I'm sorry, this isn't going to work." You softly mutter, shaking your head. Just as you take another step back, Shimizu panics and tries to grab your hand.
"Y/N, let me explain I—"
A swift change of air alerts you of a new presence and suddenly you feel deja vu. You turn your head to meet the familiar stance of a man you didn't expect to see again.
"I believe she said no." Mizu's voice is authoritative and deep, hand encasing Shimizu's wrist. The man furrows his eyebrows at Mizu who squints back a glare.
"Who are you?! Your jurisdiction?" Shimizu demands. He tries to pull his wrist away only to be met by a steel force. Mizu scoffs.
"I won't let you go until you promise to stay 10 meters away from her." Mizu threatens. Shimizu sweat drops, eyes glancing down at the hand gripping his wrist to the eyes shielded by tinted glasses. Your eyes dart back and forth between the two, afraid that a fight might brawl out and you're not in the mood to see blood spilled.
Shimizu was also a general and if word comes out that one of the Emperor's trusted military aides got injured by someone lower of his stature, your father will definitely pay for the consequences. You rush towards them and grab Mizu's hand to break them apart.
"Let him go," You say. Mizu turns to you with furrowed eyebrows. Your eyes soften, and you nod softly in reassurance. "Let him go, its okay.
Mizu hesitantly lets the man go and Shimizu stumbles back, holding his wrist. Mizu turns to you in concern, hand grabbing your arm as he examines you. "Are you alright?"
You nod, flustered by his attention. "I'm fine."
Feeling Shimizu's stare on you, you look back at the man to see hurt and a realization spread across his face. Your gaze falters.
He clears his throat and fixes his stance. "Apologies, Y/N. It seems that I have miscalculated my approaches. Forgive me for my behavior."
"It's alright, my lord," You respond. Mizu stands menacingly beside you, eyes trained on his figure. Shimizu glances at him and then at you. He smiles.
"It was nice being your friend," He says. He bows as respect. You curtsy back, albeit shaky. "I'll leave as requested. I wish you luck."
He leaves without turning back. You watch as he gets lost in the crowd, the breeze gently swinging your clothes back and forth. The lanterns dazzle the streets—performing a pretense of joy. You take a breath before finally facing the last of your problems.
Mizu stands there, eyes already looking at you with an unreadable look on his face. Your eyes soften.
"What are you doing here?" You mumble, lacking the energy to even be angry. Mizu shifts in his stance.
"I came back." He answers vaguely.
"For what?"
There a pause of silence before he moves to remove his Kasa. You can see his face clearly now, albeit those beautiful eyes of his still covered by his glasses.
"For you." He says. He gulps as if nervous and your eyes widen at his confession.
"But I thought you said—"
"I was a coward," He says. He heaves a breath. "I have loved before and shown them everything and yet I have ruined them. I was afraid that I might—that I might ruin you with what I am."
You fall silent at his words. You were confused, you had already seen what others claim to be the worst of him—in fact, that was what you loved most about his features. Eyes that seem to hold the waters—a depiction of nature. Just as he is about to continue, cheers erupt from the central town, you flinch as the others begin to gather to watch the amusement happening. Mizu, sensing your uneasiness, pulls you towards a nearby alley—dark and hidden from the public eye. He places you against the wall, eyes watching for passersby that might lurk in while your eyes are trained on his face.
You watch with admiration as his eyebrows furrow in their usual curl, those eyes that squint into a glare, chapped lips, and the glasses that begin to slowly fall down the bridge of his nose. Unable to resist the urge, you give in.
"Coast is—"
Mizu's eyes widen at the feeling of your lips against his. You cup his cheeks, pulling him down as you encase your arms over his neck. Mizu wastes no time in reciprocating the kiss. He kisses back with the same fervor, hand dropping his Kasa in favor of encasing your waist as he pulls you towards his figure. You whine as you feel his tongue intertwine with yours.
After a few pecks and kisses, you both finally pull away. There's a hushed silence of panting as Mizu places his forehead against yours.
"I am not being truthful," Mizu whispers, breath hitting your lips. "But I want to try. With you."
You smile, hands cupping his cheeks as you rub your thumbs across the surface of his skin.
"I want you as you are," You reassure him. "No matter the flaw, no matter what you tell me. I'll be here with you."
Mizu lowers his head and drops it to burrow against your neck. He hugs you close as bells and instruments begin playing. He pulls back softly before facing you with vulnerability.
"I..." He starts off. "I am not what you think I am."
You tilt your head in confusion as you encase his hands in yours. Your thumbs run over the scar that you've bandaged from before.
"I'm not a... a man." Mizu finally reveals. You pause, eyes blinking as you watch his reaction for any sort of context. Mizu purses his lips before pulling his glasses away, tucking in the side of his clothing before reaching up to pull at his top knot. You watch as his hair—no, her hair flows to her shoulders and then suddenly everything makes sense.
Mizu's breath shakes at your silence. "I-I cannot give you what you want—"
She falls silent as you lean forward to take notice of her features. The flush that adorns her cheeks and the eyes that entranced you from the start. A smile bursts from your lips.
"You're just as I dreamed of," You whisper in awe. Your arms make their way to wrap around her neck as you press yourself close to her. Mizu's face flushes at your words.
Your eyes trace the edges of her features, face contorted in a soft expression. There's a moment of silence before you finally continue. "My father wanted me to have a true love marriage. All my life, the idea of falling in love has always been my dream as a child."
Mizu blinks softly at your words, listening to your every thought.
"And now that I have it, I can understand why my father wanted me to do so," You smile, leaning your forehead against hers. "Marry me, Mizu. I just want to be yours."
The blue-eyed girl erupts into a smile, leaning forward and capturing your lips in hers. You reciprocate with the same intensity, fingers burying in her raven locks. Mizu then pulls away.
"I'll always say yes to you."
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"Do we really have to do this?"
Mizu eyes your figure seated on the tatami, eyes peering up at her as she stands in front of you. You giggle at her hesitance.
"Of course!" You grin. "Consummation between man and wife is a must tradition after marriage—well in our case, wife and wife."
Mizu rolls her eyes as she sits down in front of you. She props her knee up and places her arm on top of it. She grabs the cup of tea perched on the small table beside her and takes a sip. "Consummation is done with the idea of children, love. I'm sure you're well aware of that."
You pout before an idea arises in your mind. You lean forward, going on your knees as you crawl towards her. Mizu pauses mid-sip as she watches you with careful eyes. You grab her cup, placing it down on the table as she continues to watch your every move. You settle on her lap, the slit of your kimono revealing your thighs. Mizu's breath shakes.
You take her glasses off and place them on the table before finally focusing on her, arms propped on her shoulders. You feel her hands cup your hips as you stare down at her with a smile.
"What?" You taunt. "You don't wanna fuck me?"
Mizu pauses, eyes widening before she lets out a groan and lowers her head to your clavicle. You giggle as she takes a few moments to calm herself down. Finally, pulling away to face you, Mizu looks at you with her blue eyes clouded with lust.
"You are one dangerous lady, know that?" Mizu leans forward. You grin as you rub your nose against hers.
"Mhm," You say. "My wife told me so."
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"Ah fuck! Fuck!" You whimper as you grab the sheets behind you, trying to find some sort of stability from the onslaught of ministrations Mizu's giving you. "W-Wait—Mizu-Wai—Ngh!"
You're afraid that the toy one of your close friends gave you as a congratulations gift to your marriage would be too crass for your night with Mizu. You only brought it to tease her after all. You just didn't expect how much she'd be turned on by it.
"Where are you going?" Mizu's voice is deep and taunting as she watches you claw at the sheets, trying to get away from the intense pleasure. She grabs your waist and pulls you back down towards her, folding your legs to your chest. "You wanted this, why are you backing out, hm? You wanted to consummate so here we are."
She watches as the thick girth and length of her strap pushes in and out—coated with your essence. The noises from it are slick and noisy, causing you to flush in embarrassment. God fucking damn.
"So fucking pretty, aren't ya?" Mizu chuckles as she pushes her hips. She lets out a moan, feeling the other end of the dildo pushing deep with her. You whimper as Mizu presses deep, the tip of her cock bumping against that spot of yours. "So so pretty for me, aren't you momma?"
You shiver at the nickname, hands coming down to grab Mizu's lean arms—its muscle flexing as she speeds up her thrusts, making sure that it's the right spot.
"You've been adamant about this all morning. Especially, after the wedding." Mizu growls, slamming her hips against yours. "You want my kids that bad?"
You're too lost in the pleasure, moans, and garbles of her name only coming out of your mouth. Mizu smiles, hair falling down her shoulders and framing her face as she props herself up on top of you.
"If you want it so bad, I'll give it to you," Mizu leans down to bury her face on your neck, sucking a few marks as she begins to speed up her thrusts.
"Oh! Oh!" You whine as the spot inside of you becomes more sensitive with each bump. Mizu pays no mind to your sounds, reveling in the way your nails rake through her back. She smirks against your skin, licking down until she encases your nipple within her mouth. You moan at the feeling, hands reach up to bury itself in her raven locks.
"I'm close! I-I—please!" You plead as her constant torture of your cunt begins to teeter at the edge. Mizu pants heavily as she places a soft kiss behind your ear.
"I am too." Her breath shakes as her hips falter. It doesn't take long before you climax, body arching and shivering from the intensity of the pleasure. Tears begin streaming down your face as you twitch with each thrust she gives you. She smiles placing a soft kiss on your lips. "Good girl."
Mizu follows shortly behind, coming in grunts and low moans before slumping down against you. There's a moment of reprieve before Mizu props herself up once more to take a look at your afterglow.
You smile up at her, hand coming up to brush her hair over her ear. Mizu leans against your touch.
"I love you." You mumble softly. Mizu gazes into your eyes with a love so true that it warms your very being.
"I love you too."
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a/n: mwehheheheheeh hope yall enjoyed that <3 not proofread will do it later mwehe
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clairdelunelove · 10 months
badges of honor
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
genre: fluff! (sticker drabble!)
warnings: slightly suggestive, cursing, protective!ghost
synopsis: ghost doesn't understand the appeal of receiving stickers, a tangible reward, after the completion of successful missions. never thought it was necessary for his efforts. however, his mindset changes when he finds out you're the one handing them out–
a.n. just a silly lil blurb that floated around in my mind for some time! decided I'd write it and I'm thinking about writing something similar for könig too! hope you're all well! and if you wish to show more support here's my kofi! <3
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holding onto the belief that ghost would stubbornly swallow his pride and allow you to decorate him in cutesy unnecessary stickers.
it starts with price’s recommendation of implementing a routine of handing out stickers after successful missions. he insists it’s a great way to dial into intrinsic motivation. to keep the task force motivated to dedicate their best into every operation. a way to recognize positive behavior. a byproduct of hoping for the most favorable outcome in war where the only images are bloodshed, conflict, and hostility. it’s a stark difference. “who knows,” price’s shoulders lift into a casual shrug as he addresses the fierce group settled around him, “it might just help you lads.” it’s a harmless and cost-efficient idea to justify the boxes of tangible reinforcements that are shipped to the base. literal cartons of sticker books that range from the traditional ‘great work!’ to ‘prized soldier!’ and the notion seems childish (disguised to be more of a scheme, in all honesty). that is, until the pieces of sticky, illustrated adhesives start working– boosting the soldiers’ determination for the taste of victory– because you’re the one handing out the affordable versions of chest candy. they adore saccharine treats. and over time, so does ghost. 
ghost who initially loathes the new process that price endorses. he’s good at his job. knows he’s an expert in clandestine tradecraft. doesn’t need a miniature label tapped on his chest to recognize that no one does a better service in infiltrations or sabotages in risky environments than he does. he’s in and out like a gust of wind. well, more similar to a grim reaper that takes and punishes whoever he deems fit. a brutish force not to be reckoned with. and he reasons that this little sticker ceremony ultimately wastes time. precious alone time that ghost exploits to catch up on some well-deserved rest or exercise. because training after an intense mission totally makes sense to the lieutenant. yet, he’ll doggedly line up with the rest of the task force and await getting crowned with the bane of his existence. doesn’t wish to stir the pot with price and sit through being lectured. so he stays. and he’s a bit taken aback when he catches a glimpse of you handing out the stickers; a beaming smile on your lips while you press an overly exaggerated thumbs-up design onto the front of a soldier’s vest. 
ghost who rasps, “I’ll pass,” before your fingers can pin the sticker onto him. unaware that his voice would come out grainy from the weeklong mission and, involuntarily, blunt. brash. the complete opposite of how he wished to sound towards you. notices the surprise in your eyes due to the acidity of his voice and how you instinctively shrink from him. he shifts, straight away, and hastily tries to take back his tone of voice. to right his wrongs. to atone for his mistake. however, your nervous movement is swiftly replaced with your usual upbeat nature as you plaster on a grin and dramatically bring the back of your hand to your forehead to mimic a fall, “woe is me.” you exhale pointedly while mentioning, “whatever shall I do with all these stickers then?” and ghost understands that it’s so typical of you to hide your hurt with witticism. you’re too considerate. too bright. a touch of color to his monochrome soul. venturing a step closer to you, he lightly scoffs at your melodramatic behavior and remarks, “woe is most definitely not you. now get up, pup.” and before you can comprehend, his gloved hand wraps around your wrist to gently pry it away from your face. “changed my mind,” he murmurs while indicating to the book of stickers that you casted aside, “pick one f’ me, will ya.” 
ghost who refuses to comment on your shaky fingers to save you from embarrassment. it’s endearing that despite the layers of heavy clothing, you’re still hesitant to touch any part of him. “you’re all set,” you quickly chirp before stepping back to admire your handiwork. or so you tell yourself that excuse. in reality, you’re teetering on the edge of becoming distracted by the heat that he radiates. and he savors how your gaze dances across his masked face but evades his intense eyes. the most profound part of him that reduces you to stumbling on your words like a drunk. intoxicated by him. it’s like he’s drinking you in and allowing himself a selfish taste of your beauty. a thought that causes you to heavily gulp. to take your mind off of the blatant yearning, you teasingly raise the sticker book up to him, “how about I add another one? this one has glitter—” “that’ll do,” ghost interjects and turns to leave. his immediate answer and retreat brings about a genuine laugh from your lips. it’s music to his ears. wagering a glance to his chest, he notes the sticker you chose for him. cursive letters twisting into ‘you’re a star!’ followed by a smiling gold star draws his attention. you don’t spot it but as he leaves, his gloved fingers reach up to smooth the sticker over his vest. to pat it down so it stays a while longer. 
ghost who attempts to convince himself that his disinterest toward the small slips of adhesive paper is still the truth. they’re just for show, right? no one really pays attention to how some of the stickers varied in size. they’re all mature adults. and it was completely unrelated how there’s regular bickering amongst various recruits that compared their hard-earned rewards. doesn’t admit that his chest visibly swells with pride whenever the other soldiers point out that ghost always receives the biggest sticker. purposefully taunts them by stating, “get better then, yeah?” he also fails to acknowledge that you’ve coerced and conditioned him to accept them like a pavlov experiment. after all, your unwillingness to comment on how he noticeably leans over so you can put stickers wherever you wished must mean that it doesn’t happen. and in the scenario where it could perhaps occur, you shouldn’t blame him because ghost was certain no one else had the willpower to brush you away. you with gentle fingers and an angelic voice. singing him a siren song whenever you mutter, “for your excellent work, lieutenant,” as you smooth on another ridiculous sticker. his heart stutters in his chest when he feels how your hand tentatively flattens against his chest. the broad muscle causing you to hum appreciatively before gracing him with a coy smile. an interaction that replays in his mind whenever he’s awake and follows him to sleep. 
ghost who clenches his fist so tightly that his blunt nails bite into his own palm when he overhears a lowly recruit outrightly insult the implemented routine. hears them utter (when you’re out of earshot of course because goodness forbid that they have courage) ‘bullshit’ and how you were ‘off your rocker for putting up with this waste of time.’ and ghost isn’t usually responsive in situations like this. he’s got a covert operation to focus on in about 15 minutes. a level-headed person was far more intimidating and efficient during classified matters. now, however, his heavy boots thud against the floorboards when he stalks toward the recruit. an abrupt wave of darkness and unabridged horror before the recruit is face-to-face with ghost. “problem?” he asks challenges, voice dead and devoid of sympathy. his head slowly tilts and the action creates a dismal shadow over the eye sockets of his mask. ominous and menacing. everything that ghost is infamous for. knows he’s won when the recruit’s apology is nasally and on the verge of crying but their reaction isn’t his personal interest. what he does undertake as his responsibility, though, is when he’s called into price’s office for a debrief. he pockets some of the miscellaneous sticker books that sit on the superior’s desk. wordlessly hands them to you when you’re both briefly passing each other in the hallway. and while you profusely thank him for the additional sets (vaguely wondering what caused the change in his behavior), you playfully press a sticker above the lower portion of his mask– right where his lips are. somewhere new. you leave him rooted to the spot, the sweet gesture sending him into a stupor, and call over your shoulder, “compensation for the stickers!” he watches as you hurriedly dart away before he can react but there’s no need. he unabashedly smuggles more stickers from price’s office in hopes of reaping a similar repayment again.
ghost who reasons that stickers aren’t that bad if you’re the one giving them out. he organizes himself with the rest of the force, a brooding figure that patiently waits in the back of the line. favors being the last one because you’re able to utter more than a few words of encouragement to him. if he’s lucky then you converse and excitedly share your day with him– like you currently are. “want me all to yourself, do you?” you heartily tease him upon noticing that he’s consistently been last in line for the third time in a row. he shifts on his feet, makes a show of looking around at his fellow team members that are filtering out of the room, and deliberately concedes, “‘suppose so.” his frank answer is followed by a flustered roll of your eyes but it’s the genuineness that causes your heart to flip. you force yourself to concentrate on the task at hand– giving out prizes. unsteady fingers lifting at the sticker page, you skim the options before spotting a perfect one. your teeth catch the edge of your bottom lip as you can’t help but question, “you say that to everyone, simon?” his real name on your glossy lips. a prayer that he desires to hear being chanted over and over as he holds you in his arms. the gaze he wraps you in is burning. tempting. exhilarating. you push yourself up on your toes to reach out and place a sticker on his cheek. on the hard shell of his skull mask that you’ve learned will ultimately end in halfhearted chiding because the adhesive is difficult to remove off of it. ghost catches a glimpse of the sticker that you’ve picked. the bolded words of ‘#1 lieutenant’ flashes at him. and the sticker is like a brand you’ve adorned him in. an embellishment that he proudly displays and wears because it’s what you’ve given him. he hums, dark and inquiring, when he leans to graze his masked lips against your inner wrist. his eyes are heady and half-lidded. clouded with a violent craving for you– always you. visibly strains to make contact with your exposed skin by tilting his head to place another chaste kiss on your hand while murmuring, “just to the sweet ‘n pretty ones that I fancy.” 
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harvatat · 3 months
heaven help a fool who falls in love || alhaitham, kaveh, tartaglia, wanderer, zhongli
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alhaitham falls for your kindness and bravery- he finds both equally foolish traits, for they are traits that do not help anyone in the end, since they are as volatile as an architect he refuses to name, but when he is the recipient of said kindness and bravery? he has no answer to give. he sees your bravery in completing the most arduous tasks the Adventurers Guild can offer with devastating ease and your kindness in the distance. he sees more kindness in the space you give him when a certain task rubs him the wrong way and in the food you cook for him and the massages you offer him. he has tried so many times to leave you behind in the dust- he is not fit to be a lover, love does not come to him easily, but oh, you leave him weak in the knees and with a heart stuffed to burst, and despite his fears, he finds it hard to let go. 
kaveh falls for your carefree nature- you do not let life hurt you, despite bleeding so many times. If it were him, he would have screamed and cried, and cursed the gods over and over and over and over again until he bled to death. but you are not like that, he surmises when he sees you at Puspa Café, chirping happily like a Dusk Bird with Aether and Paimon. however, your nonchalance does not extend to peers you care about deeply, and somehow, that includes him. you are overly concerned for him, kaveh thinks, and you will only stand to get hurt. everyone has only ever gotten hurt, there has never been anything good for him. but all of that is lost when he sees you in the market, chatting happily and cheering on friends and acquaintances alike, and wonders if you'd do the same for him. 
tartaglia falls in love with your self-worth, or as most people call it, your arrogance. he knows better than to call it that, of course- as a soldier, it is important to be acknowledged for your efforts and rewarded for the pain you go through, and you, despite not being a soldier, demand that from your kith and kin. you would never have to demand it from him, tartaglia thinks as he sees you bow in thanks when the alchemist in inazuma lets you use the booth. you give as much respect as you are given, and that is the trait of a harbinger, a mastermind, no, the tsaritsa herself. such blasphemous thoughts should never be entertained, the delusion on his waist and his blood-red mask remind him, for who can be compared to the god of Cryo herself? she who has advanced snezhnaya and given him a home? but you too, have given him a home, he argues back, his delusion glowing a faint purple, mocking him silently. he attempts to avoid you, running in the other direction when he sees the ends of your hair shine in the sun- until you make your way to him one day, and ask why he'd been avoiding you. maybe the goddess of love would forgive his blasphemy, tartaglia thinks as he cooks up an apology, satisfying you with his silver tongue.
wanderer falls in love with your honesty- you tell him, the scorned one of the Vahumana darshan, about his attitude and how it hurts people, about his apparent good looks, about his intelligence and wisdom, all compliments and insults to which he responds with a scoff. a mere child should not be able to affect him this way, so why does his lead heart stir so uncomfortably when he sees you with your friends, running across darshans to attend madam faruzan or tighnari's lectures? you wish him a good morning, treat him just as horribly as he treats you that day, and have an infuriatingly large amount of self-respect- and he loves you for that. you do not judge him for his past, just his present, and just the 24 hours that reset every day. after everything he had done, everything that had happened to him, he supposes he can let you in, but he could never lie to you, so wait for him until he is honest, please.
zhongli falls in love with your wisdom. no, you would not normally be considered wise, in the typical sense, for your hair is not yet grey, and you do not have wrinkles or crows feet that symbolise a long life well-lived. no, your wisdom shines in the way you treat the people around you, interacting with them with due respect and kindness, with an extra dose of patience for the children. and he fears this flutter in his heart and skip of the beat when he sees you smile. he was never meant to be at peace or be happy, after all. but you draw him in, gently and with open arms, calming like the ocean that draws the sand in and he cannot help but drown in you, your wisdom and inherent sense of understanding comforting him more than his allies who lived and died and fought for him through the archon war and the war against khaenri'ah. maybe one day, he would reveal to you who he truly is, and maybe, he hopes silently, you would love him even then.
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another repost lolol (from my old account @.ameleii)
© leichor 2024.
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mrwavellswaps · 25 days
His Reward
Steven still couldn’t believe it had actually worked. The two jocks who used to bully him whenever he showed up at the local gym were now rubbing and worshipping his body as he slowly grew larger. Running their hands lustfully over his burgeoning muscles as newfound masculinity flooded Steven’s body.
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Before all this Steven was nothing more than a thin twig of a dude. He’d been skinny all his life and even into his 20’s he’d found it hard to put on any kind of size. So eventually he’d decided to sign up to his local gym in an attempt to grow at least a little muscle. Just enough so that he could look in the mirror without thinking a moderate gust of wind could blow him away. Unfortunately it wouldn’t be that simple. Not only did Steven struggle to pack on muscle but it also happened that two jocks from his old high school frequently went to that very same gym.
Pete and Caleb had made Steven’s school life hell back in the day. Being the two biggest dudes in the school at the time, it wasn’t a surprise that they picked on a stick figure like Steven. Always trying to embarrass and insult him by telling him how he’ll never be a real man like them. And now here they were again at Steven’s local gym. Though they couldn’t bully him outright now due to the gym’s rules of course, they still tried their best to make Steven as uncomfortable as possible. Leering over at him and chuckling as Steven exercised, quickly taking a machine just as Steven was about to use it and just generally making any effort they could to give Steven the worst possible exercise.
The young and still lanky man heavily considered changing gyms to one further away or even quitting altogether. That is until he was visited by a strange man who just showed up on his doorstep one day. Mr Wavell, he said his name was. A gorgeous looking silver fox of an older man dressed in dashing clothes. Everything about him was so enchanting that Steven felt compelled to listen as the strange man pulled a strange vile out of pocket which he claimed to be a magical potion of some kind. Ordinary Steven would’ve thought this was complete nonsense and closed the door yet for some reason he found himself taking the vile as soon as it was offered to him completely free of charge. Only then did this Mr Wavell step inside Steven’s house, convincing the latter that they sit and have a cup of coffee as he explains exactly what the potion will do.
The next day Steven found himself at the gym with the vile in his pocket, now armed with the knowledge of what it should do. Of course Pete and Caleb were there as they almost always were. And just like always they attempted the same tactics they usually did to make Steven’s day as hellish as possible. The two hulking jocks were surprised however when Steven eventually strode right up to them without a drop of fear. The two men sneered down at the tiny Steven in an effort to intimidate him as he stood before them. Yet Steven only smiled as he took out the vile from his pocket, popped the lid off and drank the entire potion!
Both jocks were confused at first. That is until Steven’s eyes glowed a bright purple just before lunging forwards and reaching Pete. Before the meathead could react, Steven had wrapped himself around the bigger man’s meaty body before swiftly planting a kiss on one of Pete’s thick pecs. Immediately the hunk froze up before suddenly standing to attention as his mind went blank. Steven’s lips pressing against him had turned Pete into a complete slave to Steven.
“Pete! Grab Caleb so he can join you in being obedient.” Steven swiftly commanded, having seen for sure now that the magic potion actually worked.
Before Caleb could even react or process the situation, Pete was wrapping his arms around his former bro and holding him firmly in place. Caleb struggled naturally but it wasn’t nearly enough to stop Steven coming up to him with a wicked grin before kissing Caleb’s neck. And just like that both bullies had been turned into Steven’s play things… but that wasn’t all. This was only the beginning. The potion had a far more exciting effect to come.
With that Steven took both jocks by the hand and led them out of the gym where he proceeded to guide them back to his house. Once there he took the jocks inside and guided them to the living room where he commanded them both to strip down to their underwear. Even though they’d been his bullies, Steven still couldn’t help but drool at the sight of Pete and Caleb almost completely naked. Their hot hulking manly bodies on full display. Their bulges just begging to be squeezed. Steven almost still felt embarrassed taking his own clothes off in front of them just because of how tiny he looked beside them. But luckily that was soon about to change because as soon as Steven was down to nothing but his underwear as well, he gave the meatheads another order.
“Caleb and Pete. I want the two of you to start worshipping me. And as you do i want you to slowly transfer your size and masculinity over to me. Got it?” Steven commanded, the magic of the potion still flowing string through his veins.
“Yes sir…” Both jocks said dumbly in unison before making their way over to the puny man they’d made fun of for years before starting to rub his small boney body. Squeezing Steven’s skinny arms and shoulders gently as their hands exploded his form gently. All the while the two hunks began to imagine all their size and masculinity being drained into the tiny stick of a man.
Steven’s eyes began to widen with excitement and wonder as he saw the first few signs beginning to show. His once flat chest slowly began to grow as Pete and Caleb ran their hands over it. Steven’s arms finally started to show signs of actual biceps and triceps while his back and shoulders subtlety began to grow broader. At last after all these years Steven was actually growing larger and thicker.
It didn’t stop at his muscles however. As his arms, legs and torso slowly continued to enlarge, Steven began to notice other changes happening to his body. All his life he’d been smooth and hairless but that was now about to change as body hair started sprouting across his chest and stomach in a modest quantity. It spread down his forearms as well but it was nothing compared to his legs which grew hairy as fuck! Steven couldn’t believe his own eyes to the point where he began running his own hands along his body between Pete and Caleb’s just so he could get a feel of his new fur. It was incredible to say the least.
It was only after this change that Steven really started to notice the changes Pete and Caleb were undergoing as well. Not only did .they seem slightly smaller than before but almost all of their body hair was gone! They hadn’t been the hairiest of dudes before in fairness but now they were both completely smooth.
From there Steven just tossed his head back and allowed the transformation to continue in full force. Eager to see just how far it would go. And he wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. The more the two jocks rubbed and groped at Steven’s body, the more of their mass was drained away. Steven’s slowly adding more and more bulk onto his frame with every passing second. His chest developing into full on squeezable pecs. His thighs growing thicker and meatier. His ass plumping up with muscle into a much rounder shape. All the while Pete and Caleb continued to shrink.
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Soon enough Steven began to feel the prickling of hair on his chin as stubble started growing across his face. He looked towards the faces of both jocks to see their facial hair quickly vanishing all the while his newfound stubble proceeded to grow and flourish into a thick full beard that simply radiated masculinity. The likes of which he never imagined being able to grow. He couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly while running both hands through it.
With every passing minute Steven’s body swelled more and more. A few inches were noticeably added on to his height, boosting him from his former 5’5 statue up to a very respectable 5’11. Meanwhile Caleb and Pete had lost about 3 inches each respectively making the three men all about the same height now. And slowly as Steven drained more and more muscle mass from the two meatheads, the scales began to tip in his favour. They were crossing the midway point and finally Steven was actually starting to look bigger! His pecs and biceps bulging bigger and bigger while his shoulders rounded out and his back grew more defined. He was becoming a total fucking hunk just like he’d always dreamed of being.
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“That’s it boys…” Steven grunted in a noticeably deeper voice than before. “Keep worshipping and gimme all that fucking muscle and manliness you never deserved.” He demanded as his cock couldn’t help but throb. Only it wasn’t just throbbing. He could feel it growing longer and fatter as a thick outline made itself more and more visible through his underwear. All the while Pete and Caleb’s bulges diminished just like the rest of their bodies.
Steven was already feeling such an intense high of both power and dominance as his testosterone level rose. Getting probably the biggest rush of his life as he not only got to see the two men that’d made his young life a living hell slowly lose everything they’d worked so hard for but also watch as he took it all for himself. The feeling of his muscles actively growing and bulging larger by the second was an indescribable feeling adjacent to pure bliss. The sight of simply being able to look down and see his pecs heaving further forwards while they were worshipped was one that could make him cum on the spot any moment.
Steven closed his eyes and smiled. Was this his reward? For always trying to be a good person while having to put up with assholes like these two? Was that Mr Wavell acting as a conduit for the universe to give him what he truly deserved? Whatever the case he didn’t really care. All he knew was that he was gonna keep on draining Pete and Caleb until they were both skinny little twinks like he once was. By the end of which he would be a massive fucking beast of muscle. And he was gonna love slamming his enormous cock into their asses afterwards like the little bitches they were.
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bamgyw · 7 days
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ c.bg; six nights ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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summary: six nights of emo boy gyu sneaking into your room without your daddy knowing. afab reader x softdom!beomgyu warnings: everything, unfortunately. minors dni. heavy smut ahead. lots of pretentious writing, too. catholic guilt and imagery. abusive behaviour, parental neglect. drug use. violence. everyone is sad. i’ll keep on updating part-specific tags. a/n: i,, don't know what happened. originally this was supposed to be your classic manipulative gyu x church girl reader, but i wrote this line in which he's being all caring and gentle and i was like,, hot i like it. so it became more and more angsty, the final product being the aberrational catholic guilt ridden catcher in the rye wannabe porn document i present for you today. if you make it through the prologue you're a soldier and your efforts shall be rewarded. index: prologue: the house of god, first night, second night, third night, fourth night, fifth night, sixth night, dawn of the seventh.
prologue: the house of god
when daddy wanted to hide something from you, he would turn to his beloved bible. and ever since you turned fourteen, he had been holding on to a passage that he would repeat to you every night before going to sleep: 
"let no one say when tempted, "i am being tempted by god," for god tempts no one. but each person is tempted when lured by his own desire. then desire gives birth to sin, and sin brings forth death."
that is the only sex talk your daddy ever gave you. it was more of a sex mantra than a talk, or a warning, or even a prohibition. just a rule of nature that he wanted you to have engraved in your mind: desire is sin, and sin is death.
when daddy didn't want you to do something, he'd blame the rule on god. and there's little you could say against that. 
as you grew up, you realised that god might not be real, but daddy most certainly was. a punitive, disciplinary god. and one feels much more compelled to obey divine rule when god lives under your roof. when you can touch him, and he can touch you.
when god lives in your house and his wrath can tear your flesh apart not in hell, not in heaven, but in this life; you become more cautious than the most devoted of christians. so even when everyone in your grade started drinking, dating, having sex; you had it very clear that the priority was to protect yourself. not from the dangers of drinking, dating, or sex; but from daddy, that is to say, from god.
none of your friends from school understood it, that the fear of god was not irrational. you had scars and bruises that god had given you which you could perfectly show them. but then daddy would get in trouble. besides, he wouldn't like you showing your body around. 
none of them could ever understand what living with god was like, so they were the kind of people who would ask that stupid question; if god loves us, why does he hurt us? 
the first person to understand god was a boy called choi soobin. 
daddy had remarried choi soobin’s mom the year before you started college. she was a beautiful woman, lively and hopeful to start a second life after becoming a widow. it must be thrilling to get a chance at a second life when your first one has gone wrong. soobin’s mom could have been very happy in another universe. you felt sorry that she had stepped into daddy‘s trap. 
you had always wondered how daddy had managed to get a woman like her. bright, cultured and affectionate. but then you figured that maybe, as he was god, he didn't necessarily need to be yahweh, or elohim. he could also be zeus and disguise himself as a swan to kidnap and rape leda. 
you found out later that soobin‘s mom had never fully recovered from the passing of her first husband, and she often suffered from major depressive episodes. daddy saw that void in her, and her urgency to fill it. he forced himself into the hollowness of the void, and obstructed her veins, bones, and heart with the word of god.
soon enough, soobin’s mom had no limb or internal organ she controlled herself. she had once had colours, you remembered; rosy cheeks, a hazel head of hair, lips tinted with vibrant red. but daddy had turned her grey. 
soobin’s mom had been kind enough to see the good sides of daddy, you had liked her for that. but you regretted that she hadn't learned to hide her colors so that daddy couldn't steal them away, like you did. 
she became a shadow of herself, an almost non-verbal phantom trapped between the real world –that is, the confines of daddy's house– and the world of hopeful prayers and the salvation of soul.
the boy called choi soobin would never forgive daddy for that. but it was alright. you understood. in a sense, he had killed his mom. you had to love daddy because he had created you, but you didn't think choi soobin was obliged to. 
people said choi soobin had changed, too. that he used to be a gentle kid, polite and sweet, but he had turned hostile. that, like most teens, he had become self-absorbed and belligerent without a cause or that he had gotten those adolescent mood changes so late in his life because he was an attention seeker. people say things like that when they don't understand what living with god is like.
you were the only one who didn't believe daddy when he said that soobin had a demon inside him. you knew better than that, you knew that daddy saw demons everywhere. but soobin’s own mom believed it. when daddy tried to exorcise the demon away from soobin with fist and blood, she looked away.
all that soobin had wanted by acting up against daddy was to save his mom. to bring her back from the dead. but after that betrayal, he stopped trying. 
soobin had never been violent towards you, though. not once. not even mean. you were the only one who understood him, the only one who told him he wasn't evil. you knew that god's tyrannical rule could break a person, fill them with hate. and so soobin and you became close, often talking against god. every whispered defamation, every blasphemy, the danger of it felt so exciting. not because of the mischievous sin, or because of the disobedience, but because you felt like you could speak your mind at last.
your first kiss was soobin. you felt loved when it happened, something you realised you weren't used to. the feeling bloomed throughout the following week as you hid from god's watchful eye to be together.
soobin told you a hundred times that you were the most beautiful girl in the world, kissing all over your face, clasping you as close to him as he humanly could. he would sneak his hand under your skirt and whisper, "don't think about him right now. it's just you and me." and though his touch never went very far in the magnitude scale of sin and punishment, it was enough to breathe a new life into you.
you sensed that a big part of why soobin wanted you so bad was because he got turned on at the idea of defying daddy, and groping his holy daughter was the greatest offence he could commit. but that was alright. you felt the same way. and you hoped that that hate-induced lust would turn into love, in time. you could then be happier, even in the house of god. 
or you could have been happier. because god is omnipresent. and he would soon act to see you separated. the blossoming flower was brutally ripped from the soil.
when daddy found out, he locked himself into the master bedroom with soobin one morning, and he didn't let him go until the sun began to hide. it was scary. soobin had left that room broken and dead in life, just like his mom, but he didn't have one single bruise. maybe daddy really was god, after all. 
soobin never talked to you again. spoken, yes, but it was hollow. you never felt loved again. you learned a lesson that day: your pleasure brings pain to everyone around. the mantra became true. desire is sin, and sin is death.
so if there was any need left in your body to touch, to kiss, to lick, to possess or be possessed; you confined it to the darkest pit of your ribcage, way past your heart, never to be accessed again. 
until choi beomgyu came around.
he was the second person to understand god. but he had brought his lesson learned from home. he knew god’s ways even before he met daddy. he had a god of his own. you called yours daddy, he called his ‘that narcissistic sadist’. but strangely enough, you felt like they meant the same thing. 
choi beomgyu was sort of soobin's friend, if you could even call it that. they never labeled each other as such, never sought out each other's company for the sake of friendship. they just wanted to live through their loneliness while sitting in the same room.
beomgyu’s dad was a dealer. he made a living out of ruining people's lives, as beomgyu saw it. growing up, he had promised himself that he would never be like that, the kind of person who doesn't care about poisoning someone's body if that meant keeping the cash flowing. but as he grew up, he learned that it wasn't all black or white. that all of those fools kept showing at his father’s doorstep, like they had no other choice. like they enjoyed hurting themselves. 
beomgyu, like soobin, had become hateful. one of the things that bothered him the most was the "why me?" question. how unlucky he could have been to be born of such a father. but then again, he could run away. he could sort his shit out, get a job, never see his father again. but he kept going back. like he had no choice. like he, too, enjoyed hurting himself.
his dad barely knew he existed, and if beomgyu ever tried to make himself heard, he would silence him in cold blood. so any semblance of love or validation beomgyu could aspire to, he sought out with mathematically strategised plans. he craved the drug of attention and knew exactly where to get it.
he'd linger around fancy schools and church events, scoping out a certain type of girl. there was always a few of them going through a rebellious phase, desperate to go out with a bad boy and piss off their high-official dad. 
it didn't take much effort for him to get what he wanted. he was handsome enough to make it easy, and even though he was a spiteful nihilist, he could be charming on command. just a smirk, a tousle of the hair, and some cheesy lines like, "i'm messed up, but with you, i feel like maybe i could be better," or "you're too beautiful for a screw-up like me." and he would have them wrapped around his finger. 
he would bring them over to his place and fuck them rough on his drug-money-bought mattress. if there was shouting, or a gunshot coming from another part of the house, he'd fuck into them harder, muffling their fear with a rough kiss, using their panic to fuel his own twisted thrill. you fucking scared? i've gone through this crap every day since i was a kid. 
if he could crack the shell of a privileged princess, dragging someone along with him down to his mud, his pain would slightly numb out.
for just a little, but never enough.
that pattern of behavior didn't lead to happiness. not even to satisfaction. it was a vindictive way of muffling his pain with the aching moans of someone who had it easier. but in reality, it only pierced what was left of his soul, making him even more hollow. it was soobin who made him realize that.
until that day, beomgyu saw soobin as almost a kid—pitifully weak and too sheltered. but when he told him about his exploits of going after posh girls, soobin didn't applaud in shared bitterness as he often did.
beomgyu explained to him how hard he got seeing the fear in their eyes as they realised that the life he led, that freedom of the rebel, wasn't as cute and bohemian as they had romanticised.
soobin responded curtly. "and then what? you cum, the spell wears off and you stare at the ceiling in silence, thinking of how miserable you are." he said. "and then you feel guilty for being a piece of shit and using that girl as a blow-up doll. and because of that you feel even worse about yourself, which means becoming more hateful and ruining more people. its not a you thing, you're not that special. that loop has been said and done. probably how your dad feels after beating on you."
beomgyu was taken aback. he didn’t even find it in himself to get offended. he remained pensive for a while before saying, "hyung. do you think i'm a bad person?"
soobin replied; "i think you can choose not to be."
and beomgyu took the advice. he put an end to the hunter-gathering of rich girls. he respected soobin from then on, too. soobin had therefore been a good influence, one could say. or at least an influence beomgyu was willing to accept. he started hanging around your house more, to the point of almost never leaving.
you learned about him as if he were a mythological figure—someone everyone talked about but whose existence you couldn't confirm. as a friend of soobin, beomgyu was bound from the start by an unspoken rule to maintain the least possible contact with you.
beomgyu was made aware of that rule very early on. what he didn't know, because he had been misled, was your age. that's why he didn't think much of it at first; he thought you were a kid. so, whatever—he couldn't talk to soobin’s annoying little stepsister. big deal. he didn't care about kids anyway.
this, combined with the prison-like structure of daily life in that house—minimal time in common areas and endless hours rotting in your own cell—fulfilled daddy's command to keep your life and soobin's, and therefore boemgyu’s, completely separate.
but even though you hadn't seen choi beomgyu in person, you had been able to construct a fairly accurate forensic portrait of him, pieced together from your father's warnings about people like him.
about the piercings, daddy believed that the body is holy, and anyone capable of mutilating within sin. about the music they played when locked up for whole afternoons in soobin’s room, he believed that god is serene, and disturbing that peace is a sign of the devil. he considered long hair on a man an abomination, and much like the eccentric clothes, a mark of a sodomite.
daddy didn't approve of him, and saw him as no more than a threat to the sanctity of his home. but beomgyu was quick to remedy the situation.
beomgyu was most acquainted to the ways of gods. he knew they were capricious, proud and pathologically narcissistic. so he made sure daddy could see he was a troubled young man and played the role of the lamb seeking guidance. he convinced daddy that he could abduct him, like he had done with soobin and his mother.
when soobin recounted the scene to you, his voice had sounded more hopeful, more full of admiration than you had ever heard. "he went to your dad and talked to him as if he was the buddha. said that he was lost and needed someone to guide him on the right path." soobin said. "he had some quotes from the prodigal son parabole learned, and he just delivered so naturally. not a trace of shame at lying. it was like watching a play. your dad bought everything."
from then on, beomgyu became an unsung hero in your eyes. the boy who had outmanipulated daddy into having it his way. the boy who had defeated god.
around halloween that year, beomgyu and his dad had a terminal fight. it ended on a threat so destructive that beomgyu thought it was for the better if he stayed away from his father's place for a couple days. maybe a week. soobin, knower of the impotence and humiliation of having to sleep under the roof of the one who lacerated you and torn you to pieces, offered him shelter.
daddy's eyes lit up with greed. he saw the definitive chance to welcome a prodigal son into the fold. for beomgyu it was almost a joke. he was amused at how fast daddy allowed him in. so clueless and hasty, like one of the girls he used to charm into his bed.
in truth, beomgyu wasn't even to blame when he inevitably bumped into you. it had been daddy's mistake, he had let him in himself. you thought maybe that made daddy more human, somehow. that he forgot to close the back door to the prison and the devil strolled in.
but it wasn't really a matter of having let his guard down. daddy was still as stern, still as disciplinary, still as paranoid as he had always been. choi beomgyu was just much smarter than daddy.
he was a demigod, he was a promise. he was soon to make you his.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ next part
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ please let me know if you think reading about booty sex is gross (i'm doing market research)
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fiendishfables · 1 month
Lucifer is one of those guys who is really happy to love someone & to be loved in return. He would treat you right, that’s for sure. 💕👹
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Lucifer Morningstar Headcannons
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warnings: nsfw, fluff
words: 584
a/n: this feels a bit rushed because I tried to make it earlier, but tumblr loves to delete my progress on things so- blep. Also, whoever is sending these in, I LOVE YOU, these are fun, hehe <3
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Due to his questionable past, Lucifer has always been a bit skeptical of love
Unfortunately, he is used to the good things in his life, the things he so happens to love the most, up and abandoning him 
But then, Lucifer being Lucifer, he’s all too forgiving
He is quite the incentive driven creature 
If he goes into a relationship where he knows he will be granted the gift of receiving the same pleasures that he himself provides for his partner, he just might have to poke at you a bit to ensure that you are indeed a real being, and not some walking figment of his imagination
His motivations are similar to those of a puppy
Besides being a good boy as unintentionally as he does, he is lured in by the sense of some sort of reward
Bonus points if that reward involves some sort of physical contact, no matter the level of intimacy
This man is touch starved; put your hands on him in one way or another, please
Honestly, just jump on his back and hug him; he loves little displays of affection like that the most (even if you almost give him a heart attack the first few times)
You openly offering him the affection he so dearly craves from another person, it’s a for sure way to get him to stick around 
In fact, you may never be able to get rid of him
Lucifer, despite being in Hell, may just be the most loyal soul down in that shithole
Once the two of you have an officially established relationship, just the thought of being with anyone else other than you makes him cringe
He makes sure to mark his calendars for any sort of important date; anniversaries, date nights, dinners, etc
Yes, he has multiple calendars; he forgets things easy, but that just shows his devotion towards you is as true as he claims it is
Randomly will turn up at your domicile with a bouquet of flowers every now and again
Doesn’t have to be a special occasion or anything; just wants to show his love and appreciation for you
Finding someone that reciprocates his lovable energy and spirit is not easy, but you managed to snare his heart from the get-go
Speaking of reciprocating love for another, Lucifer is a natural at pleasuring his partner
He refuses to leave the bedroom unless you convince him that you are truly satisfied with his efforts
Won’t let you pleasure him and then not give you anything back
It's just not in his nature to leave his lover awaiting his touch; he can’t go a day without yours, so why should you have to?
His tongue is as talented as they come; he can eat you out like there's no tomorrow to do so
King of praise
Loves to praise you and make you feel good with his actions, as well as his words
Always asks if you’re enjoying whatever he’s doing to you; if he gets even a hint that you’re uncomfortable, he’ll freeze like a deer in headlights
Probably cries during sex sometimes, claiming that he doesn’t deserve you; then proceeds to go on a fifteen minute rant about how lucky he is to have found a kind soul such as yourself to make him happy again
Every time you two make love it’s as if its your last
You’ve done so much for him; the least he can do is make you feel good
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livlaughloveluke · 3 months
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 - 𝐥.𝐜 🪸
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daughter of demeter! reader x luke castellan 🫧
summary- the “best friends” of camp half-blood maybe wanna become a little more..
warnings- fem!reader, not proofread
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Camp Half-blood was illuminated by gold streaks casted from the early morning sun. Light seeped into Cabin 4 through the window, painting the room with warm hues of yellow and orange. The bright rays were a natural alarm, gently waking you from your warm sleep. 
As the covers slipped off your skin with ease, you carefully tiptoed out of the twin bed to close the blinds. Young campers softly snored, and you couldn’t help but smile at their blissful state. Grabbing the rough fabric, you quietly pulled the two pieces together, blocking any more sunlight from startling your siblings.
Sleep still threatened to drag you under, so you slipped on sandals and trudged towards the kitchen, eager to get a warm cup of coffee, or really anything to help you wake up. 
Outside was fairly silent, contrary to the rowdy and noisy afternoons that typically filled the camp. The only ones awake were boisterous birds, who sung an enchanting song, and a few other counselors who were busy setting up  for the day. 
Your steady steps carried you to the small camp kitchen, where snacks littered the room as a reward for the effort of the counselors. A small jet black coffee maker stood on the counter, with Luke Castellan lingering next to it, facing away from you. Your presence went unnoticed by him, and you watched as he swiftly picked up two steaming mugs.
He slightly jumped at the sight of you, surprised by your hushed entrance. 
“H-Hey. Made you your coffee.” He said, reaching out to awkwardly hand you one of the energizing brown liquids. You delicately giggled at him for his initial fright, and accepted the sweet gesture.
“Thank you. Excited for today’s activities?” You asked, taking a sip of your toasty drink. Today, Hermes and Demeter Cabin were partnering up for a lazy day doing arts and crafts and indoor activities. The kids spent the past week relentlessly training, working hard from dusk till dawn, so an easy day was needed.
“Any time I get to spend with you is exciting.” Luke replied, smirking, before realizing how that sounded and backtracking. “I- Uh, I didn’t mean it-“ 
You laughed again, quickly cutting him off.
“I know what you meant. See you at eight.” You turned away, teasingly bumping his shoulder. 
“See ya.” He whispered out, pursing his lips and doing a slight nod as he witnessed you sauntering away. 
You and Luke had been close friends since the beginning. He arrived with Annabeth and Grover, confused and broken by the world. Luke never wanted to be a demigod, to lose Thalia. It was all too much for him.
But then you passed by in the infirmary, practically radiating a positive energy. You smiled at him, a genuine smile, with your nose scrunching up and your eyes nearly closing, before going to chat with some Apollo kid.
You were selected to give him and Annabeth a tour later that afternoon, presumably for your friendly and charming personality that seemed to lure people in. Luke got to observe your perfection firsthand as you helped the his sister adapt to the new surroundings, sweetly showing her everything to love about camp.
Luke followed you around like a lost puppy, mesmerized by your every move. With every step you took, luscious flowers blossomed, creating a beautiful scenery. Not to mention, the kids looked up to you so dearly, with the way you patched their nearly invisible cuts and grew them tulips on their worst days. 
The sad reality was you were more of a mother to them than their biological parents, even if you were only fourteen at the time. You did your best to make them feel “normal,” to let them live a glorious childhood that you were never granted. 
In those five years after his arrival, you became close as ever. Whether it was spending time basking in the strawberry fields or splashing around in the lake, you spent every minute together, your bond stronger than any weapon forged in Olympus. You laid by him on those restless nights before he got claimed, and after, too. And when you had a small cold, he went full Apollo-mode and spent hours glued to your side until you felt better. 
However, there was one teensy issue. Luke was hopelessly and utterly in love with you. Every one saw the way he gazed at you a little too long and with a little too much love in his eyes for just a friend.
Well, all noticed except you. The poor boy thought you weren’t interested, but the reality was your concept of love was so twisted and blurry that you had no clue what “love” even looked like. 
So, both you and him stayed silent, hoping one would realize eventually, and end this torture of a situationship.
Which brings us back to now, a cool and humid lazy morning with the campers, lounging on the few picnic tables decorated outside Hermes Cabin. Luke watched as you sat with your (and his) siblings, carefully threading pearly pink beads on a flimsy string. You laughed as you talked to the young children, making sure they were all included. The sun brightened your features, making you appeal heavenly. And your eyes twinkled with curiosity as a little unclaimed kid ranted on about some silly story.
“Dude, you’re staring again.” Chris chimed in, raising his eyebrows as he continued to paint navy shades of blue onto a rock.
“Shut up. Aren’t you whipped for Clarisse?” Luke sarcastically asked.
“If anyones whipped here, it’s you. How long have you liked her now? Can’t you just tell her already?” He was quick to return the sassy attitude, remaining unbothered by his friend’s remark.
“It’s not that simple, you know that. What if she doesn’t like me back and-“ He tried to ramble on, negative thoughts swallowing him whole. Luckily, Chris was there to pull him out of his own mind with yet another dumb comment.
“Damn. I knew you weren’t Athena’s son, but I didn’t know you were that clueless.”
“What?” Luke questioned, slightly offended.
“How many guys has she dated since she met you?”
“None. But I don’t see how this really relates-“
“And how many have asked her out?”
Luke paused for a second. There was Ethan from Ares, who tried asking her on a date a week ago, but she declined. Or Jack from Aphrodite, who, let’s be real, was the most attractive boy in camp, but she rejected him, too.
Chris took his silence as a victory. “Exactly.” He retorted.
“Whatever.” Luke shrugged, hopping up to sit by you. You scooted to your left, making room for him instantly. Cheers erupted from the campers as they saw their (second favorite) counselor.
“Luke! Y/N told us that you still snore when you sleep!” One of them pipped out, sending the rest of the minions into a giggle fit. Luke took a dramatic gasp in, placing a hand on his heart to pretend he was hurt.
“I do not!” He yelped, making the younger laugh even harder. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched the kids joke around.
“I can’t believe you would betray me like that!” He said to you, trying to fake upset, but the huge grin on his face said otherwise.
“I mean, am I wrong? You are the loudest sleeper I’ve ever met!” You reply, grinning.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He looks the other way, and before you can say anything, a voice cut you off.
“Hey! Luke, Y/N!” A blond Apollo child shouted from afar, gently jogging while approaching them. They shifted their attention, prepared to fulfill whatever task presented.
“Chiron needs you in the office. New kid arrived. They said his name was Percy or something?” He finished, jogging away, most likely to get back to the infirmary.
The leaders looked back at their older friend, wondering if he could cover while they helped this newcomer out. 
Chris gave a thumbs up, signaling he could watch them for a few minutes. 
You and Luke playfully danced around one another on the short stroll, talking about anything and everything while you walk through the woods.
Soon, you reached the open building, the stain glass windows casting a colorful glow. You peer inside to see a blond teen, looking around twelve years old, arguing with Dionysius.
“Peter Johnson is here!” The drunk croaked out, and the two counselors made sure to swoop in. 
“Percy, Right?” You said, slightly a little too enthusiastic for 8am on a Tuesday morning.
“Yeah. At least someone around here can get my name right.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Sorry about that. He can be a little.. chaotic. I’m Y/N, counselor of Demeter Cabin, and this is Luke, counselor of Hermes Cabin. We can give you a tour, if you want.” You explained, gesturing towards Luke who gave a friendly smile.
“Yeah, sure.” The blond boy replied.
“And this is Hermes Cabin, where you’ll be staying.” Luke exclaimed, pointing to the rough looking room.
“Uh, no offense, but why am I staying here?” Percy asked, disgust lingering in his words as he stared down the messy bunks.
“Uh, Offense taken. First of all, we’re definitely the best cabin of all time. And all unclaimed campers stay here, along with children of minor Gods.” The brunette said.
“Hate to break it to you Luke, but Demeter absolutely solos your Cabin.” You cut in, mouth letting out a ‘tsk’ sound. 
“Slow your roll there. Your cabin may be neat, but the amount of plants in there is slightly concerning.” Luke joked, you and him now unknowingly engaged in your own little conversation.
“It’s better than your pig pen!” You shouted, your sweet laugh echoing throughout the area.
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He replied, and Percy took a step back, running into an older teen, staring at the “friends” who were flirting right before everyone.
“Do they always act like this?” He asked, referring to their nonstop conversations, and their slight physical touch. Your fleshy fingers were somehow always grazing his calloused skin. 
“Always. It’s sickening.” Chris replied.
“Agreed.” Percy sighed out, as Luke looked back at the two. They both gave an encouraging look, telling him to shoot his shot. 
“Hey, I was wondering if you, uh, wanted to go out to the lake tonight? Just us?” He asked you, throat going dry and knees threatening to buckle as he fidgeted with his thumbs.
“I’d love too, Luke.” You replied, blushing as you swayed nervously.
“Great! It’s a date! Unless you don’t want it to be-“ He was quick to start, but you briefly interrupted.
“I’d like that.” 
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lovifie · 2 months
Villager!Reader and Villager!Ghost They're in love but their families are enemies...
Masterlist - Taglist Form
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💚A Village Apart💚
The Riley family, and yours, have a history of feuds and quarrels going back years, decades, and if there were writings to back it up, centuries.
It is a small village, where houses are inherited and everyone knows each other. Therefore, all the inhabitants of the small village are aware of the enmity between the families.
And being such a quiet village, the amusement of many arises from taking one side of the families and criticising the other.
It is natural at this point in the story, and each generation that is born the rest of the village waits for the children of each to marry so that they can see how the story continues.
The Riley family earned their name and respect for their construction work in the village. Rare is the house that his family did not build.
Simon began working in his father's shadow almost as soon as he could walk, and as soon as he could carry weight, he became a bishop in his father's small army of builders.
It was not because he was the boss's son that he had it easier, some even say he was the one who had it harder.
It is a hard job, with admirable physical effort, but unfortunately, it left most of the workers without energy to enjoy the little free time they had after a long day's work.
Simon found a reason to keep a little extra energy reserve for when his day was over.
And that reason is you.
Your family is not as well known as his, well, everyone knows each other in the village; but yours is accorded less respect than his.
Unlike his, your family is humble, with enough cattle to feed the family and sell the leftovers when there are any.
It is a humble job, with difficult working hours, considerable physical effort and often little profit or reward.
But there is always food on the table and animals to look after; the people may not appreciate your family's work as much as they should, but the innocent animal eyes you look into every day make it worth it.
Another reason driving you on was Simon.
It was difficult at first, as you both knew it was a forbidden relationship. Your families had told you again and again to stay away from each other's families.
"They are women, Simon. We haven't worked as hard as we have to stoop to that level."
"They think they're better than everyone else for moving stones, sweetheart. You don't deserve that treatment."
"If they see you hanging out with her, the rest of the people in the village will think they have the right to talk to us like we're equals too."
"They're machines, honey. They're not capable of producing emotions those Riley's, you deserve better than someone obsessed with money like that."
But still, despite everything; it was impossible to avoid the sidelong glances as you passed each other walking through town.
When you went to mass, when you went to the village fairs, when friends in common met.
Normally, for a girl like you to meet boys would be frowned upon; but with the village being so small, they were the boys you played with years ago and it was an idiotic feeling to deny such good friendships.
Besides, they were the perfect excuse for you to see him when he joined the meetings; which, curiously enIt had nothing to do with the fact that he would ask before attending if you were going to be there.
Many times in the evening Simon would be exhausted from working all day, but if he was told that you were going to be there, there was no physical exhaustion that would prevent him from seeing you.
Many times he would be on the verge of falling asleep when they were gathered together, waiting for the chance to be able to walk you home.
"A young lady like you shouldn't have to go home alone."
"It's a couple of steps, Simon."
"Not if we follow my route."
"Your route?"
"Yes... Do you want me to show it to you?"
It turned out, knowing the structure of all the houses in the village, Simon knew perfectly well what route to follow that kept you hidden from the eyes of all the villagers.
The first night, it was pretty much just awkward silence. Both of you still internally debating whether it was worth the possible quarrel with your families just to meet the other person.
But the second night you got back together, the decision was made and the conversation flowed as if you were lifelong friends.
Innocent questions about each other's lives evolved into questions about each other's future plans,
You both decided to ignore the voice in your mind that told you not to continue, if anyone in the village, and God willing, anyone in your families, found out; a war would break out.
Your family was much more permissive than his, which meant that if you dared to associate with Simon, they would send you to a convent or marry you off to someone else.
You knew that those were the good options, you preferred not to think about what might happen to him.
It was easier to forget the possible consequences, especially when your hands brushed as you walked. When you felt the heat emanating from Simon's body, warming the side of your body that walked beside him. He walked slower, both so you could keep up effortlessly and to slow down the walk so he could spend more time with you.
In spite of everything, and knowing full well everything you stood to lose if it was discovered. It was during the harvest festival that Simon kissed you for the first time. Hidden in the barn of your family's farm, lying on the hay.
You were both lying down, with you on your back and your head resting on Simon's arm and him lying next to you on his side.
His other hand, the one not under you, rested delicately on your waist, pulling you close to him as if afraid you were going to run away.
His lips were full and warm on yours; a kiss almost innocent and overflowing with inexperience on both sides. Your hand slowly moved up to his jawline, stroking the nascent hair of his beard.
You were both pushing against each other, needing each other's touch and proximity. A mess of tongues to the point that you no longer knew whose was which, as your hands travelled up and down each other's body.
It is because of that proximity that you found it impossible to ignore as Simon's shaft grew in size and hardened against your thigh, the discreet hip movements seeking more friction and rubbing.
"Simon" You called out to him, panic invading your senses.
"Easy... I don't mean to do anything but kiss your lips, sweetheart. But I can't help it when I finally have you in my arms after so long dreaming about it."
And he kept true to his word, his hands never went beyond your hips nor were his lips more daring than kisses at the corner of your lips.
If you noticed moisture on your thigh on the side where he was, you said nothing. Nor did you mention the growing wetness between your legs.
But once you tasted the honey, you couldn't help but visit the hive.
Until then, it had been easy to avoid temptation; you didn't know the sweet sensation, the warmth of each other, the security of being together, the desire, the passion, the possibilities....
But you had to continue to be careful, you didn't know when someone could surprise you.
But when the innocent kisses in the barn turned into something more than kisses on the lips, you could easily expect the punishment you were facing.
"Simon, we can't" You moaned as you noticed Simon's hand move up from your ankle up towards your thigh underneath your dress.
"Why, why delay the inevitable when I know you're the one for me?" he murmured with his lips pressed against the skin of your neck, kissing you wetly and raising every hair on your body.
"But we can't..." You tried to insist, but no longer with any strength against his hand. "I must come pure to the marriage, Simon. Our parents would never forgive."
"Then let us marry, my love. Here and now. The moon and the stars as witnesses that I am yours far more than you will ever be mine, that I was born decades ago but not until I joined you did my heart begin to beat. Witnesses of my love, that there will not be a day that you wake up that is not in my arms, that there will not be a day that you wake up that you do not feel loved. That my work in this life will be to love you each and every day of it. That I don't care if I go thirsty and hungry every day if at nightfall it is your arms that pick me up, that there is no wound or blow that hurts me like when you reject me, when you take me away from you. Don't you realise, love? Don't you realise that I need you more than air? I promise you, my love. That if you accept me you will never ever regret it."
One kiss from your lips was all the answer I needed, the seal of the contract of your unorthodox union.
He kissed you back with the same fervour, a moan escaping his throat as he finally savoured you without thoughts in his mind that would take him away from you and the now.
He moved his hand under your dress, lifting your petticoats in the same way so he could reach your wet folds.
You whimper against his mouth, the touch of the man igniting something inside of you that was waiting asleep in the depth of your body. It is easy for his finger to slip inside between the folds, arching your back at the feeling of the intrusion.
You feel his lips on your jaw, travelling calmly to your ear where he stays professing his love for you, making you mewl when it mixes with the feeling between your legs.
“Simon!” You moan when he adds a second finger, the palm of his hand rubbing against your clit sending a shockwave up your column
You are still surrounded by the feeling of prohibition, the tension of possible discovery with its corresponding punishment. But the sensation of Simon's fingers so deep inside you leaves your mind blurred and you can only moan in moans and whispers of his name, urging him to continue, to give you more, to love you as intensely as you love him.
Your self of mere weeks ago would drag you away from the farmer, scolding you for this lack of decorum, this promiscuity.
But then you look into Simon's eyes, and you doubt which shines brighter; the love that overflows from his eyes or the moon that shines from the window.
"You are the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever had the grace to glimpse, my darling." He says suddenly, forcing you to tug at his shirt to crash your lips to his so he doesn't see your blush.
The man who is normally so stoic, perfectly cordial but not saying a word beyond the obligatory. Suddenly turned into a poet in your presence.
If it weren't for his broad fingers caressing that spot inside you that you didn't know existed and that has you swaying your hips to receive his every wrist movement, you would think beyond the now. Of how you will continue this without anyone knowing, how you will continue together when you know perfectly well that none of your families will allow it.
But not now, now all you can think about is how good Simon makes you feel and how you need him to give you more.
You find it impossible to ignore as Simon continues to move his hips against your side, the hardness of his crotch obvious and pressed against your thigh.
You lower your hand, feeling it's only fair to return the favour; but before you even reach the waistband of his pants, Simon takes your hand, raising it to his lips and kissing your knuckles.
"Don't worry about it, love. I just want to make you feel good, don't worry about me." His lips travel up to your neck once more, leaving wet kisses and licking the spot that makes you cry harder.
There's a knot in the centre of your stomach, which becomes tighter and tighter as Simon continues to touch you. Your hand gripping his shirt squeezes tighter and tighter as the knot tightens.
Never before have you felt this sensation that has you with your face tight, eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed and your lip between your teeth to prevent a scream from escaping.
This is futile when you feel the knot suddenly loosen, feeling as if your body is drained of energy. Biting your lip proves useless in preventing the moan that escapes your lips before Simon presses his hand over your mouth to prevent the entire village from hearing you.
His hand continues to move, slowing and slowly slipping out of you; the wet sound it emits as it leaves once again causing your cheeks to flush.
"Simon... Let's do it... You said it, why delay the inevitable." You say, repeating his words.
He again touches his lips to yours, letting your bodies speak when you are at a loss for words.
You notice him moving, sitting up to kneel between your legs. He lifts your dress, leaving you completely exposed to him with your legs wrapped around his wide hips.
Your glistering folds shine on the moonlight calling him in, but the pain on his groin makes him selfish enough to limit himself to free his hard shaft from his pants, slightly slapping your sweet cunt with it.
It makes your legs shake and a whimper to leave your lips, desperation flooding from you as your hand goes down between your legs. Simon can't help but stare as your inexpert hand finds his tip making his shudder when you press it against your wetness.
His hips move involuntarily pushing himself between your hand and your folds, making his moan your name. His hands lands on your hips, physically stopping himself from moving more against you knowing perfectly fine he wouldn't last long.
There are already beads of his milky seed threatening to spill from his tip, but it is your hand the one that slowly pushes him lower until it catches on your entrance making the both of you shudder.
He looks at you, catching you looking back at him; last chance to pull back. But your hand moves to his hip, silently urging him forward and he gladly complies.
He slowly pushes in, his length getting engulfed inch by inch into your warm cunt making him whine in unison with you. The stretch makes you hiss just for a second before the juices make it easy for him to move.
He moves back and forth torturously slow, entering inch by inch, moaning when he finally bottoms out. The two of you need a moment to adjust; you to the feeling of getting filled to the brim and him to the feeling on your tight muscles choking him in.
Simon is no stranger to the feeling of his callous hand around his length, already used to the constricting feeling; but never in a thousand years would it compare fairly to the feeling of you around him.
You clench around him, desperate for his movement; but it sends him to bend forwards, his hands resting beside your head. But then he comes face to face with the image of you sprawled under him.
Your legs spread to adjust to his wide hips between them, your folds just as spread to let his girth into your core, your soft hands resting on his ribs to feel him close, your hair messy resting on the hay, eyes half closed blinded by the lust, lips glistering with the mix of saliva from both and cheeks blushed as if by the cold of the morning.
He realises then and there that you are the only thing he needs to survive. That he will fight and kill God himself if he dares to try and pull you away from him, let alone a mere mortal. That he will love you for as long as you love him, and that when you stop doing it he will make you fall in love with him again. That he will travel to the deepest level of hell and back if Death feared to steal you from him.
His hips begin to move, making you arch your back when he finally does and it urges him to compose himself only to manage to feel you come undone around his length.
He has a clumsy rhythm to it, voluntary and involuntary thrust mixing together in a weird dance but still consistent enough to make you feel the knot on your stomach tighten again.
He feels it too, when you start to clench around his length. Softly crying his name as your hands move down to his thighs, urging him to move closer, deeper.
He sees how you close your eyes, head falling back with your mouth open in a silent cry with your wet cunt choking harder and harder his shaft, until you finally breathe out, a moan loud enough to awaken the dead from the tomb and wetness making his way around his length when you finally fall over the edge.
Simon barely has enough control to pull out, the first dribble of his milky sticky spent falling on your pubes before he spurt thick and heavy over your stomach; the change from you welcoming cunt to his dry hand almost keeping him from coming.
He looks down, his seed painting your body, marking you his, soft abdomen moving up and down with your difficulted breathing from the orgasm pulled from you.
“Do you really love me, Simon?” You suddenly ask, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. The fear of the consequences finally setting in on your minds now that lust is no longer driving it.
“I do, love. I love you more than anything on this land.” He says, still breathless as he bends down to kiss you again.
Tomorrow, when you meet across the church; the two of you will act as if you didn't know each other. You will ignore the dull pain between your legs and he will ignore the pull of his pants when he remembers how pretty you looked under him.
Every other night the two of you will meet, back in the barn. Professing love and exploring each other's bodies.
And in a couple of months, when you come crying to him, holding onto his shirt; about how your father has told you that he is marrying you to another man. He will hug you, consoling you, and tell you to meet again two days later.
When he will arrive, in his father's cart being pulled by his two better horses; and the two of you will disappear from the village at the crack of dawn, never to be seen again.
In the village there were no more arguments between the families, both ashamed that they lost their kid to their stubbornness. That if instead of fighting they would have supported the two of you, they would have met their grandkids years later and the eternal fight between the families would have ended in a love story.
Instead, Simon and you settled down far away from the village. Where nobody knew where any of you were, and where everyone was told to address you as Mrs. Riley. Where you build your home and your family, and you both lived happily ever after
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Presenting this as an entry to @glitterypirateduck Ghost challenge for Prompt 21 - Ghost and Reader are from warring families/friend groups, but fall in love 💚💚💚
Taglist: @whos-fran @thevoidwriting @sklt987659 @dumb12bvtch1212 @thatonepupkai @darkangel4121 @spadekip @herefor-tojis-tits @soupinasock @marymustdie @arbesa-mind @cmbghost @multifandomheathenannie @tooloudarts @panikk-attackkk @reap3erslov3 @mothsdrabbles @ghosts-hoe @cassiecasluciluce @sleepdeprivedkat @lunamoonbby @hatterripper31 @contractedcriteria @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @cod-z @fraserbraw @rosiehale23 @keiva1000 @sw33tsnow @loveandplanet @sobbingnshtting @dprmoon @simpsallthetime1997 @ladyxtiger @soapsmohawk-16 @nina6708 @katreintjie @sacvh @mothymunson @archenillo @thesinsoflust @sodavrr @yuki2129 @mikaronn @idk-justkane @shanhalen @crashtestbunny @going-to-ikea-for-the-fries @wolfieisacat
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zaynesaurora · 2 months
ʟ&ᴅꜱ ! reaction to dry humping — (MDNI)
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a/n: yowhza this made me have to get up and walk a lap, i struggled with caleb so hes demoted to bonus boy again srwy bout that :(theres a new bonus boy though,, i may have been swayed by recent events.
zayne ! sets a lazy pace, almost lack luster as he perches you on top of him in the confindes of his office during a particularly quiet dinner break- big hands tucked under the hem of your shirt so he can tickle at your skin until it begins to burn from the delicate friction, a skilled tongue dipping into your mouth in the same less than hurried attitude his hands are showing.
he would stop your hands as they journey towards the zip hiding his hardening self from you, cool fingers engulfing your own as he forces you to hold on to his belt buckle for the remainder of your ride.
"too risky my dear, im on the clock"
he cant silence the squeaks of his desk chair as he meets his end. leather groaning in effort when his hips chase you into the air above, eyes rolling to the base of his skull in the most beautiful display of bliss. he buttons his lab coat up before leaving his office. stains of your love hidden behind the stark white.
xavier ! always wears light coloured briefs incase his moment arises, loving the way the material becomes sheer as he leaks with excitement- load after load decorating the cotton in puddles as he ruts into you.
"hmph- so messy" he's babbling in your ear between heavy puffs of air from his nostrils.
xavier likes it when you play hard to get in this particular scenario. when your belly down on the bed, scrolling your phone and barely taking any notice of his manhood smoothing over the hills of your backside. he gets lost in his own fantasy- perverted nature making itself known in the way he wraps his body around you, hands tucking below your chest and thighs squeezing your own into a tight line. he keeps going, going until he can barely hold himself up and his weight becomes invasive when he's lay on your back in exhaustion.
when he eventually pulls away, a stringy mess connects the pair of you, another outfit christened by a make out session gone too far.
rafayel ! thinks he has control of every sexual situation ever. outright laughs in your face as he mocks your whimpers- deliberately pulling his hand away from the delicate lace covering you just as the warmth in your belly makes itself known. his teeth are bumping yours with every taunt, chests squishing with every snicker. until you grab him through his boxers, deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"hmm scandalous, naugh-" words caught in his throat when you tug him harder than before.
its no secret rafayel is competative , and usually sulky when you try to overpower him but he can't help but give in when you everwhelm his senses in so many ways- need for release growing with every passing moment. he's certainly well behaved when you form an o-shape with your fist, instructing him to use your hand like a toy through his pants. pretty noises being rewarded with a quick tightening.
— bonus —
caleb ! does that thing boyfriends do when they pretend to be hitting it from behind when you bend over for any reason, except this time his make believe thrusts get a little too close and before you know it he has his palm flat to your back , pushing you into the countertop so he can keep you in place and indulge in the feeling of his loose sweats rubbing on his bare junk- lucky for him he's known for being commando in the comfort of his own home and the material is swallowing his tip in a way that feels so right.
"thats it baby, jus- a little more"
jeremiah ! blooms into a mix of pinks and reds as the colour works its way up his chest and into his cheeks- timidly meeting your eyes before snapping them shut in avoidance. you can hear the unsteady rythm in his ribs, you can see the resolve slipping in the vice like grip he has on the sheets he's sprawled on- if they were living he would be drawing blood by now and his hips spring forward everytime your underwear meets his. even when the pressures almost none existent.
"calm down sweetheart, you can do it"
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im ab to be annoying ab dimension20 fhjy but im genuinely loving the character arcs for the bad kids this season?
kristen going from self-annihilatingly stupid to trying to build a genuine bridge with the man who not only wielded the religion that traumatised her (bobby dawn), but also was trying to ruin her life, just bc she thought a grieving father ought to be comforted in some way? her genuine distress at being unable to revivify buddy even though the two had only had negative interactions, or her biting her tongue in front of her parents so she could better look after her little siblings? grappling with the fact that she still, on some level, expected practising religion to be easy and convenient for her as a holdover from an entire childhood spent being a Chosen One, and finally putting her nose to the grindstone and committing to working her ass off for a deity that couldn't even benefit her for a hot minute? making an effort to be cordial with tracker's new gf and letting go of that codependency? the kristen applebees from ep20 would NOT do all the same stupid shit as ep1 and i love that.
fabian being humbled by the narrative again and again has been an absolute treat for his character. the whole ivy/mazey situation was great: freshman/sophomore year fabian would've gone for ivy no sweat, i mean her character seemed pretty similar to pre-redemption aelwyn and he had a huge crush on her then. but this time, when he realised he'd hurt a genuinely great person, and intentionally swallowed his pride to make it up to mazey, even though it required him being 'uncool' with the whole twister thing. his general arc of learning that earnestness and humility doesn't make him less of a man felt like a natural extension of fabian defining his own version of masculinity- sure, a 'maximum legend', but also someone deeply involved in the arts, and someone who is less afraid of saying sorry and being vulnerable in front of someone he likes
fig. fig fig fig. what a woman. its been absolutely fascinating watching build her sense of identity over these three seasons. at her core, fig is a character that loves so deeply. in freshman, she was terrified of the depth of her own devotion, so she tried to distance herself emotionally from everyone. in sophomore, she built herself around that love for other people. in junior year, fig's arc has been learning she can do both: that she's defined by her love for others, but not solely by it. ik emily wanted to retire the character before this season but i think fig's paladin arc was the best capstone to her journey possible.
gorgug's arc has been about establishing clear boundaries for himself and i love it. im aware there's been some Discourse ab the mango soda scene but to me that was pretty easily chalked up to teenage insecurity. a big part of gorgug's arc was trying to believe in himself when everyone around him told him he was too dumb to follow his passion- imagine struggling in an area that you have no natural aptitude for, and someone comes along and also trounces you in the one area you thought you were the best in. i'd be petty and reactive too (gorgug follows up calling her a freak with the fact that she beat the shit out of him, so its clearly him just still smarting from a bruised ego and not actual malice). in general, i've really like gorgug learning to put his foot down and say enough is enough without completely losing his gentleness.
adaine hasnt had an obvious arc, but considering she addressed most of her baggage in the first two seasons, i'm not surprised. i would've liked to see the other bad kids address her 'teenage adult' behaviour, but her self-awareness about it and relying on fabian to pull in clutch for the oracool stuff still felt like she'd learned to rely on her friends at least + her reaching out to aelwyn and the two of them healing from their parents together has been rewarding it its own right.
riz is perfect and has learned nothing. his neuroticism is part of his natural swag
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
Hiii!! I saw you take requests! I was wondering if could request something.
Really sweet sex with Chan x fem! Reader. You go out to a fancy party he needs to be seen at. He helps you into your dress and zips it up for you, he applies your mascara. Once they get back from the party, he just wants to show his love, you know? Really sweet sex with chan where he’s super gentle and sweet. I don’t have any preferences for that other than that at some point, he eats us out.
Also, can I be 🌻 anon?
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A/N: You gave me too much liberty with this fic. Something about Chan in a suit just makes me wanna go feral! I made it so he cough proposes cough because what’s cuter than that? Nothing! Anyway, I had so much fun writing this, it’s my longest fic to date and I’m so proud of it so I hope you like it and it does you justice! It just makes me so happy when people enjoy my writing!
WC: 3.5k (I genuinely asked myself what the fuck I was on when I saw that I wrote over 7 pages… this is the longest thing I’ve ever written)
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: Non!Idol Bangchan x Gf(to a little more?)afab!reader
Warning: Tooth rotting fluff, like I felt like my teeth were falling out while writing this because I tried making it hella cute! Unprotected sex (Is it really one of my stories if they don’t have an underlying breeding kink?) 
“Hey babe, can you please help me zip this up?” you ran into your and Chan’s shared bedroom wearing a black tight-fighting sparkly dress. You guys were attending the Grammy’s where Chan was being nominated for best producer and songwriter. He was dressed head to toe in Givenchy, wearing a full black look. “Fuck baby, you look amazing,” he said while coming behind you and zipping your dress. 
He kissed your shoulder, his face falling into the crook of your neck. “So do you,” you said, turning around to admire him. He had kept his hair natural, his curls framing his forehead. “I’m so proud of you!” 
You kissed his lips, your lipstick slightly rubbing onto his, making his lips look red. “I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve achieved.” Chan had worked so hard to get to where he was in life and you would be stupid not to admit that. You know the time and effort he put into his work and you want him to see that what he has done has not been futile. 
You wanted to see him up on that stage, receiving the award that he has been working the last 7 years for. His close friends, Jisung and Changbin, were also going to be there, rooting him on. “We should get going, we don’t want to be late to you winning that award” you gave him a grin. 
“Babe, there are so many other more talented artists that are up for that award, I don’t think I’m going to win.” He groaned, following suit behind you, picking up your car keys from the counter. 
You stopped him mid-in his tracks. “Are you fucking kidding me?” you turned him around, forcing him to face you. “You are so talented and need to stop looking down at yourself” You fixed his tie, “You are going to win and then when we get home I’m gonna give you a reward.” You walked away from him quickly, hearing him jog to catch up to you. 
“And what would that reward be?” grabbing your waist as you were getting out of the door. “Now that is a surprise.” 
You both finally got into his car, you in the passenger seat while his right hand gripped your thigh, the other on the wheel. It was a comfortable silence, while you zoned out, looking out the window, he occasionally looked at you. He grinned to himself, what would he do without you. 
When you finally arrived at the show, you told him to walk the red carpet alone. “They don’t know who I am, but they need to know you, so please just go.” He wouldn’t budge, “I’m not going without you, I would rather turn around and go home. Jisung or Bin can represent me instead.” 
You groaned out loud, “Why, this is your moment, you should do this by yourself.” He stopped you mid-sentence. “This is our moment, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, so we are going together or not at all. “Fine, let’s go together superstar” you giggled into his ear, eliciting a laugh from him. 
You guys walked through the red carpet, cameras flashing all around you. You felt like you were going blind, but for Chan, it was second nature. Someone had called him over and he dragged you along with him. 
“So Chris, tell us what you are dressed in. If I may say, you look quite dapper.” The reporter stated, causing Chan to laugh a bit. “My girlfriend and I” he wrapped his hand around your hip, pulling you closer to him “are both wearing Givenchy.”  
“Wow, can I say, you both look beautiful, but now on to the serious question. How does it feel to be nominated for a Grammy? 
“I feel great, I’m so thankful to all my fans for putting me in the position where I can make music that they enjoy. I am also thankful for my family, friends, and most of all my girlfriend for always being there for me, giving me constant support, and dealing with my constant all-nighters” he poked your cheek, “to help me get to where I am and do what I love.” 
“Wow, well thank you so much for your time, I wish you the best of luck and I hope the two of you have an amazing night!” 
You both waved the reporter goodbye, wishing her a good rest of her night. You both walked around a bit, meeting big names and saying hi. Looking around Chris could feel the effort he’s been putting in for the past few years. 
The all-nighters, the never coming home, the days where he forgot dates with you or anniversaries. You stood beside him through all of it, you were the one that was constantly supporting him, and that’s why he wanted to surprise you when you got home tonight.
The ring he had bought to propose to you was burning a hole through his pocket. He prayed that you didn’t know, that it could be a surprise for when the two of you got home. He even got Changbin and Jisung in on it, convincing them to let him go home with you after in exchange for tickets to the after-party. 
“Wow, it is beautiful in here,” you said, looking at the room in awe. Then you pointed out the stage, “look that’s where you are going to get your award” you giggled, kissing his cheek. 
“How many times have we talked about this, I don’t know if I’m going to win or not” he groaned into your ear, the both of you walking to your designated seats, sitting down. “How many times have I told you not to think negatively? I believe you are going to win, so that’s good enough for me.” 
He sighed next to you, you had no idea how lucky he was to find you. He would have been lost without you, aimlessly swimming in the sea, if it wasn’t for you, his rock. When the two of you first started dating, you always told him to achieve his dreams. 
It was five months into your relationship, and you both were supposed to go on a date, but he was so wrapped up in work that he forgot about it. He also forgot basic necessities, like eating and sleeping, he was just too enamored with his work. You had ended up calling him and asking him where he was. He profusely apologized telling you that he had lost all track of time, that he would be right there, but you just told him to not worry about it. 
What he didn't expect was that you were going to bring him a basket of food he liked to his studio. “I told you not to worry about it!” you giggled, bringing his favorite dish. “I know how hard you work, so please don’t worry about it. It’s okay if you forget sometimes, I don’t want to get in the way of you and your passion, as long as you make some time for me!” 
That was the moment he knew he was in love with you. From then on, he tried to put a little less focus into his music, and some into you. He loved that after work, you would come to the studio with him, listen to his demos, and give input. His last relationship was nothing like this. He was constantly busy and the girl ended up cheating on him, making it hard for him to trust others again, but when it came to you, everything came naturally. 
It wasn’t just him that loved you, it was the artist he worked with. Jisung and Changbin also loved you, constantly asking to hang around with you. You were perfect for him, and he never wanted to let you go. 
“Are you excited, your category is next!” He had lost all track of time, just thinking about you. He just smiled, he wanted to win, but he also knew that if he didn’t he still had you. You would never amount his success to the numbers or awards he won, but the effort he put into his work. He just looked at you with his signature smile. “Yeah, I hope I win.” 
That was the first time he ever said anything like that and you beamed a smile at him. “I know you will” you whispered into his ear. As the commercial break was going on before the next award was presented, he took a sip of your champagne, trying to cool down his own nerves. You looked at him in shock, Chan barely ever drank. “Something to help with the nerves,” he told you and you just nodded. 
The infomercials had finally ended and they were about to announce the winner of the best producer of the year. You took Chan’s hand in yours in anticipation, “And the winner is… drum roll please” Your grip around his hand tightened “Christopher Bahng!” 
His face was one of shock, he was bewildered seeing the camera on him. You just smiled at him, clapping. He quickly got up and walked to the stage. The hostess passed him a mic while he stood with the Grammy in his hand. 
“Ummm, wow I was not expecting this at all” the room laughed, “I want to keep this short and sweet, but I don’t think I can. I truly appreciate everyone who has been with me since the beginning, it warms my heart knowing that so many people enjoy the music I make and I am appreciative to my close friends Changbin and Han who helped me make my music” 
You heard them shout behind you, while people stared in their direction. “I want to thank my family and especially my girlfriend especially because without them I don’t think I would have made it this far. I am entirely grateful for all the support, and please look out for new music. Thank you once again!” 
Everyone cheered as he got off the stage and you ran up to him, giving him a bear hug. “I told you, I know everything, I knew you would win.” Before you could even finish your sentence, he kissed your lips. “Thank you, for everything, truly, I love you so much,” he said, kissing your lips again. “I love you too.”
After the show was over, you were prepared to go to the after-party, but as you got into the car, you saw the map showing your address. “Channie, don’t you want to go celebrate?” you asked, a bit puzzled. “I do, and I want to celebrate with you, in the comfort of our home.” 
You just sighed, confused by his decision, but happy that he was going to get some rest at home. The drive back was just as silent, you falling asleep, face pressed to the window. You were tired from the entire day and were glad to get some rest, Chan was also glad because he knew the night you both had in store.
When you both got home, you were about to open your side when Chris stopped you. “Nuh uh” he said, wiggling his finger causing a giggle from your lips. He walked around, opening your side of the car. “Wow, I really am a passenger princess aren’t I?” 
“You don’t even know the most of it.” 
Before your feet could even touch the ground, he picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the door. As you got inside, he told you to enter, he had to get something from the car. You just nodded, taking off your shoes at the front entrance, and turning on the light to your apartment. 
You saw an entire row of pedals on the floor, covering every inch. You walked in still confused, seeing your living room covered with pictures of you and Chan, memories from your dates, even the napkin from your first date when you accidentally dropped coffee on his lap, profusely apologizing. “Channie, what’s going on?” 
You turned around to see him on one knee in front of you. “I didn’t expect to be giving two speeches today, but this one is more important than the one I gave earlier in the night. You have been here through thick and thin, you stayed up just to see me and give me a kiss some nights. You sat with me when I got the flu, you make me feel like I’m the only man in the world. That day when you brought food to my studio, I knew I was in love with you. You are the only person in this universe for me. Will you please make me the happiest man on this planet, and marry me?” 
You began to sob in front of him, “Is that a yes or a no? Because I had to bribe Felix to do this for me, and that was hard, I had to buy him a brand new CPU and GPU.” Before he continued to ramble on, you grabbed him, brought him back to his feet, and kissed him. “Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes.” 
He grinned into your kiss, placing the ring on your finger. “Christopher Chan Bhang, this is way too big, how much did this cost?” You looked at the ring placed on your finger, it was huge. “Not much for a Grammy award winner like me” he giggled, picking you up and spinning around. “Now please, let me show you how much you mean to me.” 
You simply nodded, allowing him to take you to your shared bedroom. “Though I think you look absolutely stunning in this dress, let me take it off you?” You simply nodded, allowing him to undo the zipper, slowly pulling the dress off you. You covered your tits with your arms, the dress having padding, making it so you didn’t have to wear a bra. You were just in your panties. 
“Fuck baby, you always look so beautiful,” he said, causing you to look at him shyly. No matter how many times you both have slept together, you always felt like it was the first time. He was so attentive, loving every inch of your body like you were heaven on earth. He placed a kiss to your lips, laying you on the bed. 
You tried to undo his pants as he took off his tux jacket, but he stopped you. “Tonight is about you princess okay? Be a good girl and let me take care of you.” You just nodded, wanting to speak up, but not wanting to stop him. 
“Fuck princess, you look so good. Always look so good for me, look at you.” He dragged his hands against your thighs, kissing you as he brought a hand to your nipple, playing with it. You moaned as he began to rub against it. “Fuck, always so vocal for me.” 
He placed another kiss on your lips before he went down, slowly opening your thighs with his hands. “Just want to taste you, baby”
He began to kiss your thighs, making you squirm underneath him. His kisses were wet and hot, but they felt amazing. He slowly worked himself to the place you needed him most. He placed a kiss on your covered cunt, taking his hand and hooking it to your underwear, slowly bringing it down your legs. 
You could feel the cool air on your pussy, causing you to moan. Before you could even react fully, he licked a strip on your folds, making you moan. “Fuck baby, you just keep tasting better and better, can’t get enough of your delicious cunt.” 
He began to dive into your pussy like a man starved, placing a finger on your clit while he worked in and out of your hole. You moaned and brought your hand to his hair. “Want you to sit on my face, can you do that baby?” You nodded, you had never done it before scared that you were somehow going to hurt him, but he looked at you with his pleading eyes. 
You couldn’t say no to him, it looked like he wanted to do it more than you. You got up, allowing him to lay down underneath you. He rid himself of his clothes first, the only piece of clothing on his body being his boxers. You placed your hands on the headboard as he lay underneath you, grabbing your things with his hands. 
“I have a pretty big nose you know, and it’s perfect for this.” Before you could even giggle at what he said, he began to eat your cunt out. His nose was rubbing against your clit, causing you to moan out his name.
“Fuck, so good Channie, so good, you feel so good.” He moaned in response, the vibrations being sent through your hole and to your core. His tongue was hitting that spot inside of you, making you feel wonders. You didn’t think you could stay up any longer. “Feels good baby?” He spoke into you, causing you to moan even louder. “So good, can’t control myself”
“It’s okay baby, get off on my face, cum all over it baby please.” You moaned, he took one of his fingers, adding extra stimulation to your clit, causing you to cum all over his face. He kept going, over-stimulating you. “Fuck baby, you taste so good, can’t wait to taste you for the rest of our lives. 
“Please Channie, need you, need your cock inside of me.” That was all Chan needed to flip you around. You were underneath him and you could still see your cum dripping off his face. He kissed you, his tongue entering your mouth, allowing you to taste your arousal on him. “Baby, I’m so excited for you to take my cock.” 
He took off his boxers, and let his dick slap his stomach. Chan’s size never seemed to surprise you, he was so big, but it was perfect. His cock was perfect for you, always hitting the specific spots inside you. “Give me a second baby, let me go get a condom” 
You stopped him, “Want it in me raw this time” You looked at him with your doe eyes. If looks could kill, Chan would be dead right now. He felt like he ascended to heaven right there and then. “Fuck baby, gonna fuck you so well then. You weren’t joking when you said you had a surprise for me.”  
He slowly entered his cock inside you, making the both of you moan at the same time. “Fuck princess, this pussy takes me so well, I’m so glad that this is going to be mine forever.” 
His cock was finally fully in you, he slowly began to fuck into you, already hitting that spongey part inside of you causing you to moan his name. “Fuck, so good Channie, you feel so good.” 
He kissed your lips again, you both weren’t fucking, you were making love. He started thrusting inside you faster as you wrapped your legs around him. It was your signal to him that you wanted more, that you wanted to be drilled into the bed, and that’s exactly what he did. 
You were both moaning, your pussy clenching around him and his cock throbbing inside of you. You both were close, your moans becoming more and more as his grunts became louder. “Want to cum with you okay princess” you just nodded, “want you to cum in me Chris”
That was exactly what you both needed to cum over the edge. His cock came inside of you, your walls covered in his cum as your walls milked him dry. The both of you lay like this for what felt like hours until he spoke up. “Let me clean you up”
You allowed him to, he picked you up after he drew a bath for the both of you. 
“What was that surprise you wanted to give me?” he asked as you guys finally got back into bed. “You will find out in the morning,” you said kissing his lips before the both of you fell asleep in each other’s arms. 
You woke up to hear screaming outside your room. “There is a puppy at our door!” you heard him shout from your shared bedroom. He ran into the room. “This was the surprise?” he grinned, his smile spread from ear to ear. “We have to start our family some way?” you said. He stared at the dog in awe, petting behind his ears. 
“What should I name you, huh?” he said in a baby voice. “I’m thinking wolfie, he kind of looks like a wolf, and you. That’s why I got him.” 
He came over, pecking kisses all over your face. “I love you y/n” 
“I love you too Chris” 
taglist: @sclassstay @minhosify @brooklynie
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