#so ofc i trained myself to do that by middle school
iamnotyourbabe · 6 months
really mad i have to start manually tensing my abs again. oh well,
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 months
my dad is super fucking overprotective that i, at the age of 19, am no longer allowed to lead church youth group without my brother. does that sound ridiculous? yeah, there’s a fucking reason for that
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ohimsummer · 2 months
sum’z selfshipz — HOW WE MET
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SUMORU — in elementary school <3 classes were outside at recess and satoru was playing by himself (other kids thought he was both strange-looking and intimidating) BUT i was also playing by myself and kept stealing glances at him until i looked again and he was looking at me :0 so i was going to ignore him but he came and asked me if i wanted to play with him anddd we hung out every day at recess after that and became bestiesss :33
SUGUMER — at a library :3 suguru was farther down the aisle and i uh…couldn’t reach a book too high up on the shelf </3 and it took me almost a good five minutes to ask him for help (he was glancing at me out the corner of his eye the whole time bc i kept looking at him and the book and it was so obvious i needed something) (he thought it was so funny that’s why i bite him on the shoulder every time he brings the story up). anyway he thought the book looked interesting (and also that i looked cute) and we started talking, we saw each other in the library a couple times again before starting to sit with each other and then exchanging numbers :3
KIRSSUM — we met in middle school, he was another one of the students in my class >:3 i was friends with sasha, and then connie, and THEN jean last bc he was a little asshole at that time so i avoided him mostly (he was really just awkward and shit at handling his feelings and i did not know he liked me) so i sort of ran in the same circle as him but I wasn’t actually good friends with him until like…the end of middle school/the beginning of high school :3 and then he ends up confessing his feelings on prom night (after poorly throwing out hints for like a month and chickening out of asking me to prom 🤨)
SUMREI — literally just. on the streets. both mob and dimple can sense my psychic powers but i am saitama-coded the way i am just an abnormally strong person going about my business as if i cannot oneshot somebody. and reigen is also an opportunist so he gives me his business card or whatever 🤨 and despite me seeing straight through him because i am not a 14 yr old mob so duh i know he has 0 actual psychic powers, i go to his office anyway and end up getting hired :3 (he was a little iffy about it but mob and dimple were fond of me and reigen sucked it up to have another esper working for him + he’s able to give mob more time off)
SAISUM — we met when we were kids in middle school and became friends because both of us were kind of outcasts <//3 bonded through a love of manga and remained like the other’s one (best) friend. i have a few online friends but to saitama i was his only consistent friend (until king and genos (and bang?) in the present). and then even though genos was “🤨”ing at us and fubuki and bang kept throwing out hints and king told sai right to his face that we would be a good match together (as fubuki kept doing to me but i can’t stand her and would actively block her out) me and sai figured it out on our own :33 (everyone groaning because they’ve been trying to get us together for months fjfjdjd)
SUSASU — we met as second years at jujutsu tech :33 I transferred from the kyoto school to theirs and it was like sharks to blood in the water because there’s only like 4 other people 🤨 + they saw me befriending shoko </3 got underestimated (ofc) because I am technically NOT a sorcerer and have no cursed technique BUT I am still very skilled in exorcising spirits as an esper regardless :33 and grow stronger as we grow older (with training)
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katasstrophy · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for Kaiser and/or Ness backstory?? I'm worried we won't have that much time left with them so I've been pondering, and Ness def gives me only child, middle class (maybe upper middle class), and lonely childhood vibes 😔 I feel like part of his obsession with Kaiser and a big part of his personality is accepting any and all crumbs of affection and recognition, which leads to an easy dependence on a sole model. I like to imagine though, while he didn't get to spend the most time with his parents especially as he started school, that he used to go mushroom and truffle hunting with his mom. I also see Ness as someone who likes or used to train as an ice skater!! I think it suits him and would be helped/lead to his flexible ankles. Also, has some kind of music background whether it's playing violin for a bit or being a choir boy.
He and Kaiser def have major theater kid energy, but I also see Ness as a lit nerd!! Used to be a bit of a snob about it too the little shit but he likes classics, mystery, and fantasy. Def see him as a LOTR fan while Kaiser doesn't know LOTR or Star Wars lmao.
And I think it'd be cute, if their friendship started more normally (though...who knows smh), that Kaiser and Ness used to talk about plays and musicals together. I think Ness would be a tragedy and romance fan (Cyrano de Bergarac, Medela, Titus Andronicus) while Kaiser loves EVERYTHINGGGG but is ofc a huge proponent of the classics, and is very pretentious about his personal meta and deep takes on them.
Also, between the two, only Ness knows some video games. Not a lot, but I think he would have played nintendo games like Kirby, Legend if Zelda (fave), and Mario and would know MegaMan, DOOM, some Resident Evil and such. I see him being given game consoles as a kid to make up for his parents not being there for him, which worked but the intent pushed Ness away from really enjoying video games to the fullest. But I think he'd have a soft spot for a lot of OSTs from different series, and with time, I think he could be a horror game fan but only now and then.
Meanwhile, Kaiser is like...bankrupt when it comes to video game knowledge and references. Anything he knows is from brief osmosis from being an attention seeker as a kid trying to make friends by lying out of his ass. If he ever were to play video games as a young adult, I think he might be interested in MMORPGs but his attention is short with them and he gets pissy if he's not instantly amazing at it. Which I see happening a lot bc I think video games would be a weakness for Kaiser lmao.
Sorry this ran rather long!! Ty for your time!!
hi nonnie!! no worries at all my apologies for replying so late. i have like, a few headcanons for our unhinged bastard münchen duo but some of them i plan on exploring in fics later on so i’ll be keeping those selfishly to myself for now sorry <3 but i feel like kaiser and ness won’t disappear on us any time soon!! we’ve already been with them for quite a while, and after the ubers game we’re still getting the pxg france match, so there’s plenty opportunity for us to learn about their backstories. imo they’re such interesting characters that it would be a waste - and if i can be so bold, bad story writing - not to explore their dynamics further in the manga. so i’m sure we’ll know more about them in due time!! but yeah it’s kinda criminal that their blue lock wiki pages have barely any trivia on them :((
sadly i’m not very well-versed in either theatre or video games but it seems like you def know your stuff!! and that’s really the beauty of hcs - that if it feels right for you why not own it? i can tell you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into mapping out their childhood and interests :)
so let me leave you with this lil brain nugget i’ve been pondering about: i really do wonder if it was ness who made kaiser into the self-obsessed bastard he is today. i feel like kaiser wasn’t born with a superiority complex. he was always good at football, but never thought too deeply about it until he met ness. ness was the original egoist. i mean, from his current skill set, he still surpasses isagi in many aspects. so it was ness who was really good at football, who didn’t have an equal until he saw kaiser play and it shattered his entire worldview, because just like isagi, he realised kaiser embodies that “perfect form of soccer.” and he made it look easy, effortless. so ness became obsessed and decided to devote himself to kaiser, who measured up to be the best in his eyes, and thus, slowly, kaiser started believing himself to be the emperor that ness made him out to be. wouldn’t you develop a god complex if someone was constantly at your beck and call and praised you for it? defended you against everyone who tried to stand in your way but ultimately failed? i’m pretty sure that’s not how their story will go but it is an intriguing food for thought no? (okay now that i'm reading this back it's low key giving a reonagi foil lol but i still stand by it)
i also wonder if kaiser’s rose tattoo has anything to do with his desire to leave bastard münchen but being unable to do so as of right now, hence the thorns symbolising that he is “shackled”. which means he’s looking for something or someone to set him free by “unlocking” the keyhole on his left hand. my guess is that isagi is definitely involved in that process somehow but we shall see!
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ramayantika · 2 years
I just remembered something. Now like most lower middle class children, I was also the one brought up with hindi movies, songs and ofc hindi serials. Now, I was all 12 when for the first time i was studying in one of those posh schools in kolkata. The area where the school wasn't that posh but the children definitely were. Bmws, businessmen, surgeons doctors, club owners, ameeron ke bache.
So i have met showoff kids who show their money and status discreetly like they will be your friends, give you notes, share tiffin but also in a way show you that you aren't rich. And i also met some realy rich kids who could afford partying at expensive hotels, but God they were so humble and down to earth.
That was when I had learnt how to fit in. Now my friends were the ones who from the start watched English comedies, knew the lyrics to English pop songs and watched web series.
For me the concept of web series, Netflix etc started in kolkata when I was 13-14. I would see the photos of their colonies and all and would go damn I want to live like them too.
Now to fit in I began watching those English movies and songs I trained my ears to understand the words because for the first time when you hear them it feels like a rap song at least that's what it was for me. Soon after a couple of months I learnt how to understand those lyrics without captions and stuff and could sing that. In free periods in my old schools we used to sing hindi songs retro to modern, here it went bieber, ed Sheeran, Taylor and all those. I went with the same now. I remember ny 8th grad winter vacation where I was learning their lyrics.
Now my friend had invited me to her birthday party. My brother was anyway angrez from rhe start so everyone consented to watch some old English comedy series
And boy I felt so awkward because I saw them clutching their stomach and laughing while there was me trying to find where was the joke -
I only focused on having 2 pieces of pizza for that entire show lol. I trained how to pick up English songs but not the jokes.
Somehow I ended up liking no loving 1d which started out again as a way to fit in with the others and now I have fell out of it.
You know being with them around them I too wanted to live their kinda lifestyle. Rich homes, big rooms, parties and events, those clothes and stuff, money outings. I was young and kehte hai na bahar ka dekh ke chaka chaundh hona?
But now I have lost all that interest I once had. Sure I want money and a good lifestyle but not that. Now that I am growing I see how many of them are shallow on the inside. With money clothes parties they don't see anything beyond it it's like a glittery cover on the outside.
And once again I found myself after I was separated from the school and the community. I can't enjoy Friends Or The Office. I cannot understand those sit coms shows like they must be good but not something for me. Taylor and other pop singers and other ones I do find them interesting and ofc talented in their respective fields, but yeah that's not for me.
I actually like this lower middle class life. I have been brought up living with uncertainty and maybe that's why I was taught to live in the present. For some time it was good in those bright rich homes, rich friends, shine and sparkles, but I feel much at home with niche baith ke khana, local dukano mein shopping aur hindi serials ka mazak bannate huye bhi aage ke episodes pe hooked rehna. Many of my friends ask me why are you so devi dharmik types because you talk about gods, wear Indian clothes and are all traditional when the world is advancing india too.
Bhai these are my roots my values and the way I was brought up. There's nothing wrong in either of those lifestyles. Mera gaon kahin andar odisha mein hai papa mere jis gaon school se the vahan ab tak bijli nahi aati. I like this simplicity that we live with. And dharmik devi stuff isn't my entire personality meri choice hai I don't like going out to parties and clubs and go around calling every boy and girl my bestie, babes, darling when I see them only once.
And middle class vale bich ke phasse hote hai ameer bhi gareeb bhi dono inme hai. You learn many things while growing up in a middle class family.
Bahut gyan de diya mein jaati ab padhne
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mnxxxie · 1 year
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Bnha characters favorite portals songs <3
Includes: bakugou, kaminari, todoroki, Kirishima, midoriya, Mina, and tamaki
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Literally change my mind.
He likes the beat and thinks the lyrics are badass asf.. ofc he won’t admit it.
I mean this song is basically abt Melanie (in this case Katsuki) growing as a person.
His favorite lyrics:
“Pluto destroy me, kill me off slowly. I’ll bathe in my ashes, rise like a phoenix, show me who I am becoming”
“I’m turning to expired routes, help me move on. There’s nothing in this tired town, for me no more. What once was a home is a hell I can’t manage, so send me packin it up.”
The entire beat drop with the last section.
♡ Kaminari♡
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The entire reason he loves this song is because of the “yeuAh” at the beginning. He thinks it funny.
Let’s be honest here, he probably has no idea that the song is about periods because.. y’know.. he’s a little bit stupid.
Once he finds out that the song is actually a distrack of Oliver tree, he likes it even more.
He stay an Oliver Tree hater.💀
His favorite lyrics:
“Why you always act so serious? I said ‘baby boy you know I’m on my period’ YUH”
“It’s so scary, how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle baby”
“Now he kissing on the ground that I walk on. Tryna get another taste, but I’m all cramped up. Pain like a blade on the front lawn, but I don’t give a fuck ‘cause I’m so strong.”
“I could win a fight on my period. Matter of fact, right now I could built a pyramid. You’re messing with my cycle that is dangerous”
♡ Todoroki♡
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He likes Melanie’s clever use of the word “Larynx”. Since a Larynx is basically the human voice box, allowing you to speak, or in Melanie’s case, argue, it goes along well with the theme of her album because a Larynx (for people who don’t know the meaning) sounds like some sort of mythical creature.
Reminds him with his relationship with his father a little bit.
Likes the instrumentals.
He also thinks the transition between LEECHES to BATTLE OF THE LARYNX was pretty cool and very smooth.
His favorite lyrics:
“You used all your words for a quick game, blew it all before you won”
“Poke me to battle, I’ll jump on the saddle, I’ll smile as you fall to your feet”
“And they talk without thinkin’, they bark while they’re shaking, with teeth that are round and dull. And they yell while they’re chasing, while I’m steady pacing. My syllables hit the floor.”
“I’ll reck you, if you chase me. But I’ll be silent until you cross the line. . . Don’t you battle with my larynx tonight”
♡ Kirishima♡
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Idk this song kinda reminds him of his quirk in a way? He can’t really explain how.
The bone crunching is satisfying to him …
She thinks Melanie is very manly overall.
Admires Melanie Martinez for her unique style and her ability to simply not give a fuck.
His favorite lyrics:
The snap in the beginning
“I don’t wanna bruise for you, holding back my words until my face is blue *GASP*”
“I’m done. I’m done. Done doing back bends, I break and I snap, it’s no fun. No fun. Push myself into a box while you held out a gun. IM DONE”
“OouAHA HA HA ha heh HAH..!”
“Got me like a bad tattoo (oh-oh-oh) always under skin even when it gets removed (ooh) never got a chance to undo (oh-oh-oh) positions that you forced my way into.”
The bones crunching in unison at the end slaps
♡ Midorya♡
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He kind of relates to this song.
He secretly feels as if he actually isn’t up to being the #1 hero and tears himself down for it.
The lyrics remind him of the way he was treated for not having a quirk back in middle school.
‘VOID’ reminds him that he isn’t the only one who feels the way he does and it motivates him to work harder.
He listens to this song while training.
His favorite lyrics:
“It’s tasting kind of lonely, and my mind wants to control me.”
“Eh-eh-eh-empty. There’s rotten things left in me. Injected by society. No one here but me to judge me.”
“Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow. I hate who I was before. I fear I won’t live to see the day tomorrow, someone tell me if this is hell.”
“My eyes are staring at me, and they seem so damn unhappy.”
“Ca-ca-ca-collect. My fickle insecurities. And turn hem into beauty. alchemize the dark within me-e”
♡ Mina♡
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She was a little skeptical at first ‘cause it kinda sounded like a title for an X video.. (iykwim..)
After the first beat drop though she was hooked.
Female empowerment all the way. This song hypes her up so much.
Also she love love LOVES songs with the creepy vibe, it’s safe to say Melanie Martinez was her favorite artist after this.
Her favorite lyrics:
“Drink from the leche of the sirens, summon the sailors in town. Strangle their fear of deciding. Which ones deserving to drown”
Every beat drop that goes “DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH “DROWNNNN”
“All of our sisters were killed and abused, by sword swinging men who would always accuse”
“The worst of a woman, who fights for our right, to be where we belong at the front of the line. Tired of silence and being polite, your legs turn to shimmering scales in the night.”
The end sequence that goes “nothing wrong with a little havoc. It’s fun when shit hits the fan. So guillotine their heads by shouting, cut them off, leave waters red.”
And ofc the signature “don’t feel bad when these fuckers all drown”
♡ Tamaki ♡
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He thinks the song is sweet and lowkey reminds him of Mirio.. *cough* totally not shipping..
(If this is a universe where y/n is in it, and they’re his s/o, then he’d 100% want to slow dance to this song with them..<3)
The shower/water sound effects are soothing to him and it puts him in a better, more positive mood.
His favorite lyrics:
“You are the light I’ve been searching for for ever, feels like man I’ve really never felt the rain.”
“But you, make me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you. Ohh the tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. you’re the shower of light I’d devour any day of the week. Baby cleanse me.”
“I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes. I never once was treated right. You’re what I’m missing in my life. As bright as the sun, give you your vitamin D. Let’s run, into another dimension. You make me feel like I’m on drugs.”
I might make a pt.2? 👀 (not proofread……)
I’m obsessed with this album… can you tell?
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hey it's pretty late for me so sorry if this makes no sense or is weird but. im a junior in high school and college talk is kinda inescapable rn and it makes me very anxious but ive been following you for a while and its just really nice to see you talking abt enjoying college and having good friends and walking around in converse with a pocket copy of howl and being genderqueer and its like oh!! i dunno it seems less scary when i realize there's someone like me having a good time out there. so thanks for being you and posting about it on tumblr ig 👍
this just makes me. feel so much. bc middle school and high school kinda sucked for me and when i was that age i really couldnt see myself even surviving past then but now. i’m having the time of my life. my friend is in a band and we went to see him play at a bar last night, my roommate and i shared a shooter in the bathroom, and i rizzed up the sax player. last weekend my friends and i took a roadtrip to go see an artist (which also happened to be at a bar and we had to sneak in. college is really all about “be gay do crime” ig) and then went to a house show. bc frats and parties arent my scene. and i could tell right away bc i didnt dress or act like the people who go to those religiously. but that doesnt matter bc i wasnt alone and neither are you. even if the music scene isnt your thing, i promise there is so much more to college. you’ll find what you love and who you love. college is. the best. you meet so many people, but you also learn to love being by yourself. i walk around campus listening to music and audiobooks. i sit on random steps and in the grass and write. i do endless amounts of homework in the library or outside my apartment under the tree blasting records for the whole complex to hear. and you’ll find your people. my favorite story ab one of my friends is the time he got plastered and started puking and between heaves would recite lines of howl and the wasteland. the amount of poetry and old music posters on the wall in my living room is insane. we have tons of instruments bc we have this avant garde performance art punk noise band that we always talk about but have played like one gig and practiced twice. this got really long, but like i said, the emotions are getting to me n i’m slightly hungover (which if you’re stressed ab not really being into drinking DW i literally didnt drink until this year. good friends wont pressure you and if you decide a year later than everyone else that you wanna join in, no one will tease you. i don’t and will not smoke and no one ever tries to get me to. also if you do drink they take care of you. like i tend to fall asleep on floors and wake up on the couch of my friends’ apartments or in my own bed. people can be good- but ofc make sure you trust the right people when you’re not in the right state of mind.) and i just made this even longer and i don’t remember my train of thought but. i’m so touched by this and i feel for you and you will love it!
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podcast ep2: needed but still by nobody
:mostly, we all grew up ofc with friends and what may have you, now what im going to talk abt today, is being needed, but also needing people. i sometimes feel like im not needed id just like to make myself involved in peoples' issues, or thats what id think to myself, i always sense that they dont like me or need me anyway, but id still try. i just want to be needed but also i need them. i just force myself into people i think, thats why i feel guilty, awkward, uncomfortable with people that i dont know really well, sometimes with people i know well as well. i'd check up kn my friends when i feel somethings wrong with them, but i dont know if people really do the same with me, not until my issues been spread everywhere, then theyd check up, me, id like to take actions before my friends problem has been out in public, id like them to explain the issue to a friend perhaps me, so that they'd know someone is there to understand them, wish someone was like that to me anyway. me, id like taking this to the heart, burying it within myself, all of that because i know they have bigger problems on their own, they dont need my story of how my so-called partner played with my fkng feelings and how it affected me emotionally, they only saw my anger, not my sadness, i dont even think ive unpacked those emotions anyway, ive just learned to live with it, she did too, i think, who knows? ive blocked her anyway. but if my friends were going through somethinf they need to talk about, need to rant, ofc they can come to me. but sometimes i even think that they dont trust me, because im a gossip-y person, and that thought made me want to fkng get h*t by a fkng bus, ive failed my duty or responsobility as a friend to them, because of my fkng own selfish mistake.
i miss my friend, i do miss her, i mean i miss her when we started that friendship, there were only two of us through summer training, that all changed when the school year started, or even in the middle of that summer training, she moved on to make friendships with our seniors, whereas i was left well kind of alone. but she did grew to be better, wish she knew that. now the school year's soon to be done. i miss her. when we can talk about anything, anyone, whats going on with her or with me, now we rarely speak to each other in training, but i know she has to focus. she has a bright future to be an athlete, i know it, if the time was only longer ive wouldve spend more time with her much as i can, but thats stupid, she knows what i mean, i know what she means with little things we do. i do think im pushing her away, and i know its my own fault. not just physically bc shes transferring, pushing her away emotionally, and it hurts to think of the moments that i wasnt supportive with her delusionships, but i only did that for her better, thats what id like to think.
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Every couple of months this concept for a fic (a whole damn series tbh) pops back into my mind
I really want to make myself write it. Reasons I should give it a shot (this list is kind of just for me, lemme convince myself)
I used to start writing stories as a kid (many a few pages that I started but never continued) and even though I never finished them, it made me so happy. I think I'd like to explore the storyteller in me from a new place; not as a dancer.
All the writing that I end up doing now is for school. I'm typically not one to boast but I will say that my written responses and essays are reallll fucking good. And even with fighting my own brain trying to write for those assignments (anxiety, depression, adhd yall do NOT make it easy) I still Love writing those essays. I have Fun writing those essays
I say I don't have free time but I do manage to find time to rest. Usually though resting just ends up being laying in bed all day watching some show on my laptop. And then I feel shitty (physically and mentally) that I haven't done something more productive. Not productive like "you should've deep cleaned the entire apartment on your first day off in three in a half weeks" but like "hey girl could you just maybe do something that involves some healthy brain stimulation? pls??" I think this would be a good outlet yk healthy for my brain and my body
I'd really like to be able to share something of mine with the folks here I admire
Going off of #4, I have such a hard time sharing my art online but sadly my career path kind of depends on my ability to do that. I have yet to a really clean, simple answer of how to overcome that--at least they haven't been routes I've felt I could make myself do (I'm very stubborn). This however might be a good way for me to practice and build this skill, in a place where my career, My Dream isn't at stake.
so the plot..
Eddie Munson x (lemme be self-indulgent and also add to our minimal representation on here) BlackFem!Reader
Will the upside down be a thing that happened? I'm guessing no. But if it is then ofc this man survives -as he should as he should-
Eddie has finally graduated ('86 baby <3). He has another 6 months-a year afterwards working every moment he can and saving every penny. He finally leaves Hawkins (would need to write some sad shit with leaving Wayne ofc but yk maybe in a later chapter as a little flashback) for [SOME BIG CITY - i have some choices but it depends on details about Reader i haven't given thought to yet]. He's trying to get into the music scene-- make friends, find some footing, get a consistent gig somewhere if he can. There's a rock night at a local bar he sees a flyer for and there he meets this percussionist who's drumming with a band playing that night. BAM! They're instant friends. IMPORTANT: i headcanon that Eddie also managed to learn to play drums sometime in late middle school/early high school, he doesn't have formal training but can work his way around a drum set. Plot things plot things plot things -> New best friend percussionist has a job with this proffesional dance company as an accompanist; they play for classes and rehearsals and has recently been in talks with the director about their upcoming season because of a new work one of the choreographers will be building. It'll be a lot of workshopping but just conceptually it seems great. The other two accompanists who usually work with the company don't drum though and the choreographer really wants a musical focus on percussion. BestFriend calls Eddie while he's still at the studio speaking with the director and choreographer :)
WELCOME READER!! I'm not sure who exactly she'll be yet but currently mulling over some possibilities: a friend of this choreographer from a previous job who they've asked to help with the choreography? a brand new company member? someone who's danced a couple seasons with the company (corps dancer) and is getting her first larger role? Lots of possibilties but the point is that she's part of the new work too.
And they meet when Eddie comes for his first day-- it's company class in the morning and rehearsal begins later after their lunch break (again it's lots of workshopping, collaborative space, freestyle amongst the dancers as they just get to play around with the music). Eddie is a little entranced by Reader the whole time, and Reader tries to not get flustered and distracted in the middle of learning these movement phrases when she catches him watching her specifically.
Pretty, lovely, dream-like things ensue for them <3
That "quick rough summary" turned into a word-vomit brainstorm with a lot more detail than I anticipated. Cool.
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annbourbon · 8 months
I decided to give this a try because I love writing on my diary (I stopped a while ago but maybe I'll start again, tho I'm not going to post it here ofc.) but... I definitely feel too exposed by doing this so it's not going to happen again. I have no filter.
These weeks have been hectic to put it kindly lol
I've been sick. I made a quick recovery. Went to the hospital like, three times. Will be back to the hospital tomorrow. Another check up and study. I'm so glad it's free because otherwise idk how I would be paying for all those things.
Last week - From January 7th to January 14th
I'm so angry... and embarrassed too because I actually bought a $5 bucks green tea but it tasted like cheap boiled water or smth 😭😂
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Most expensive crap ever bought. Emphasis on crap. Yeah that's the most relevant thing 🤣 ahh and...
I'm writing.
Highlights: I'm now on Ko-fi! >< so excited!! Plus, I started selling soaps and I'm definitely starting strong this year.
This week - From January 15th to 21
I'm back to my ballet classes though, and I lost some weight~ *happy dance* and I'm selling my soaps ✨😌✨ I feel like I'm achieving some kind of superpower. I'm definitely becoming the person I want to be.
... ..........
Uh... almost lol
I'm reading the Bible. I swore to never touch that book again once I went out of school (went to catholic schools during a long time) but I'm back and I'm reading it. Literature skills and all that. I was advised several times that I should read it. So I'm back to it. My parents though... 💀 they're looking at me like I grew out two heads or smth... which is funny AF. Understandable though, considering how much I'm against it.
Genesis it's kind of heavy. I have had to put it down several times to not get bored and sleep on it. Probably for the best because I would end up drooling and the Bible is too pretty for that....
I'm not used to take that long reading a book. I went through the Catholic version first because it's the one I have at my disposal but downloaded a couple of apps. One NIV skipped several things through the Genesis. So many things it pissed me off because I thought Genesis was all about people being born and living way too long like if they were vampires or something. Turns out it's because of the version I'm reading. I tried the CBS but it was insufferable. I'm sorry. Finally I went through the KJV and found myself enjoying it so much I could spend the whole day reading it.
That's when I realize I need a physical copy of it. So I'm buying one. Went through Amazon and found a pinkish Bible. I can't wait to receive it and fill it with my studies~ meanwhile I find myself... bewildered because I'm actually enjoying something I thought I would never (?) Watching it as mythological stuff is different. Even my notes are really random and funny. But I don't want to offend anyone beliefs here so I won't be posting them. I am a firm believer in the good messages that the Bible has, just not, into it as religion.
Anyways~ one of my doctors is such a hottie... I feel like I'm in middle of a KDrama around him... even my mom likes him and calls him "handsome" lol
And there's a good reason for that... he's such a sweetheart around me. 🥺 I know he's only doing his job but I can't stop liking him. He's so touchy it makes me nervous but not in a bad way... it's just new... hope he never reads this lol
Highlights: The yellow dress I asked for has arrived. Finally.
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Week from 22 to 28
I'm skipping ballet classes this entire week 😭🥺 I'm back with hospital appointments. I probably won't be here long enough and won't have enough energy to write. These appointments make sure my energy is drained. Like, completely.
I'm also on a sprint to create as much soaps as possible 😉 Valentine Day here we go!!!
Highlights: The transporter for my cats has arrived!
/^♡^/ I have spent all week training them to go on walks together. Soon I'm updating with pictures ^^
Week from 29 to 4th February
I was going to take bus routes... part of me refuses to feel like it's a downgrade. I'm feeling like taking buses will enhance the feeling of an MC on a kdrama or a Ghibli character (depending on how I'm dressing up) but instead I downloaded Uber lol because I'm spoiled and I would say lazy but nope! I have time to read or study while I'm in the car. That's why I haven't learned how to ride yet.
I finished with the soaps and I'm selling them at my school. I'm already making some money with this but expecting to make some money with my stories too. Which is why I've been working so hard on this. To go back to write again while the soaps are selling themselves. And before you ever think about me making a promo on my stories, mmmm yeah i'm not sure because I'm too busy. But maaaybe?
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Anyways one of my teachers stand me up this week without notice. I got really pissed because I lost money and time because of that. I never felt so bothered by something like that but now I understand what my nom was talking about being punctual and responsible. Guess I'm an adult now since I'm the one paying for the uber *sighs* my mom also got stand up by one of my classmates. And it was raining. A lot. I don't hate rain. It made me feel nostalgic, but my annoyance was huge so I didn't get to enjoy.
Highlights: Nothing really. Ohh~ we're finally buying a treadmill.
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0 notes
bakuvantea · 3 years
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ‘it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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softxsuki · 3 years
if it's okay, i wanted to req a letter for the valentine's day event!!
for the requirements :
manjiro sano from tokyorev
pet names - angel, baby (ahh they make my heart go brrr :D)
the relationship status - partner that you've recently started dating/been dating for a few months
comfort letter :) !! i've been feeling really down lately, suffering with tw!! suicidal thoughts and self harm, and i really needed some comfort from best boy mikey <33
location: he snuck the letter into my school bag, with the help of draken ofc, when i was buying lunch with my friends.
other info!
i have dark green eyes, nape long brown hair that's usually wavy but it can be fluffy at times, i wear round glasses, i have some freckles on my face. i'm under average height for my age (i'm 4'7 kinda) and i'm 13, almost 14. i really enjoy practising martial arts and training. i'm fairly muscular for a female of my age and i have quite a masculine appearance. my hobbies include: sleeping, fighting, listening to music, playing the guitar and creating art.
i'm fairly insecure about my body because most girls at school aren't muscular and they are much thinner than i am. even though i am at a good weight and have a desirable body type, my biggest insecurities are my large thighs and stomach. i always make an attempt to hide them with baggy clothing so that nobody can see them. because of my view on my body, i developed an eating disorder. it's gotten better, but it sometimes comes back and hits me hard, resulting in me not eating for a while.
i'm really introverted and my personality type is INTJ. it takes my friends to literally beg for me to agree to go out somewhere with them - i really don't enjoy going out. however, if i want to go somewhere, i tend to go myself so that i won't bother anyone whilst i'm looking around.
the relationship between mikey and i is really good. even though it has only been a few months, i can imagine myself spending the rest of my life with him. he makes me so happy and helps me feel better on the days when i have zero motivation to do anything. he's the light in my life that i so desperately needed, especially since i grew up around unhealthy love and toxic relationships. i look after him after fights, patching up the wounds on his body. even if it was the middle of the night, i wouldn't mind. he sneaks in through my window and we just talk for hours, enjoying each other's presence. the love that i have for him legit cannot be put into words; he's so amazing and kind when he's not picking on me :(
for the letter, could you add mikey reassuring me that no matter what i looked like, or how many scars that i have on my body, that he'll always love me for who i am? he tells me that, no matter how many times that he needs to, he'll hold me close and make sure that i feel loved, even on the days when i don't love myself.
i'm sorry if this is kinda weird and too much detail! i just didn't know how much you needed, so i just wrote a bit ;D
thank you ! have a great day :]]]
-senju <333
Mikey's Comforting Letter To His Girlfriend
Valentine's Day Letter Event Masterlist (CLOSED)
Pairing: Mikey x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of eating disorder and mental health, scars, all that
Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Post-Type: Letter
Word Count: 910
Summary: In which Mikey asks Draken to sneak a Valentine's Day letter into your bag, which is full of love and comfort.
[A/N: Hey Senju, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you so much for participating in my event :D. Your request wasn't weird at all and you gave me the perfect amount of details, so thank you! Hopefully you enjoy it! Have a great rest of your day <3]
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“Just slip it into her bag without anyone seeing and act like you just went over to say hello, Ken-chin. If I go over she’ll know something is up,” Mikey pouts to the taller boy, trying to get Draken to go along with his plan of sneaking a letter to you.
They were both hidden behind the cafeteria door, peeking into the busy cafeteria where you stood on line, talking to your friends as you waited for your turn to get lunch.
“Why would I cut everyone in line just to say hi to Y/N? She’s not gonna buy that, Mikey.”
“Yes she will, now go! Before she reaches the front of the line,” Mikey hands the letter to Draken before pushing him into the cafeteria.
Draken glares back at him and Mikey beams at him with a thumbs up, encouraging him to complete this task for him.
With a sigh, Draken gets moving in your direction, stopping behind you as he carefully slips the letter into an open slot in your bag before clearing his throat.
“Hey Y/N,” he greets casually, stuffing his hands in his pocket, “What’s for lunch today?”
Your conversation with your friends pauses as you look up at him, “Uh I’m not really sure. I was just getting a salad though.”
“Hmm, okay. I’ll just get lunch with the boys later then. See ya,” he waves before sauntering back out the cafeteria.
You shrug your shoulders and get back to talking to your friends.
The note stays safely in your bag without you realizing it, until you return home for the day and dump your bag onto your bed as you prepare to study–that’s when you spot it. An envelope with the words ‘For My Baby’ written on top of it.
You knew it was from Mikey as no one else would call you ‘baby’ unless you had some secret admirer, which you thought was highly unlikely, but you read it anyway, getting comfortable on your bed.
To My Angel,
Hi baby c:. Happy Valentine’s Day to the light of my life. I thought this would be a good way to greet you on such a romantic day. See, I can be romantic ;). We’re still students and you actually attend your classes so I couldn’t really plan anything super spectacular, but I hope you enjoy this letter from my heart to yours.
Baby, you’re so incredibly strong, not only physically, but emotionally as well. I know you compare yourself to your classmates on a daily basis, who are thinner than you, but you’re the only one I see. Your thighs and tummy are perfect to me, I couldn’t picture you any differently and I love you just the way you are. I just wish you could see yourself the way I do. You’ve been through so much with your eating disorder, and mental health, but I want you to know that I’m proud of you for making it through each day at your own pace. No matter how many scars litter your skin and no matter how you look each day–even if you’ve got crazy bed hair and bags under your eyes–you’ll still be perfect to me. You’ll always be perfect to me.
I know you don’t need protection as you’re a natural in fighting, thanks to your martial arts skills; hell you could even be a part of Toman if you wanted to, but I’d prefer if you didn’t for your safety angel, heh. I know you say that I’ve helped you through so much, but you’ve helped me just as much, if not even more, than I’ve been able to help you. I feel so light around you, as if everything is going to be okay. I always sneak into your room whenever I’ve been hurt and you gladly patch me up no matter what time of the day it is. I love our late night chats as we just lie in each other's arms and talk about our days, about the future–our future together.
I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it–that I love you and that you’re perfect, until you believe it yourself. I’ll always be here for you even on the days when you’re upset at me or I’m upset at you, but even through that, I’ll still love you. Happy Valentine’s Day, Angel. I love you so much.
Your Favorite Boy,
Mikey <3
As soon as you put the letter down, a new feeling of fullness settles in your heart as you hear a familiar set of knocks at your bedroom window. You knew exactly who they belonged to.
You rush to the window and there was your blond boyfriend, stood outside waiting for you to open it so he could climb in.
“Hi baby,” he beams and presses a kiss to your cheek as soon as he climbs into your room.
You wrap your arms tightly around him, squeezing him tight as you nuzzle your face into his chest.
“Thank you for the letter. I don’t know how you got it in my bag without me knowing, but it was a great surprise.”
“Then you’ll love this surprise as well,” he says while holding out a single flower that he was hiding behind his back and hands it to you, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Angel.”
It was a Happy Valentine’s Day indeed–your first one with Mikey and it would be one to remember forever.
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Posted: 2/14/2022
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angelicallyblack · 3 years
I'm gonna try really hard to trim this down but I tend to be super wordy when I write so I apologise in advance if this is practically an essay, and I seriously will not blame you if you're like "this is long as hell I'm not reading that". But do you have any advice for overcoming envy? I experience it in relation to a lot of different things, but the main one is beauty. It's kind of confusing because I've had people walk up to me on the streets and tell me that I'm gorgeous, I've been told I could be a model, things like that, but I look at myself in the mirror and I KNOW I'm ugly so my guess is that people just pity me. I also know because growing up I was always treated as "ugly" by my classmates. Not as much in high school, but in middle school it was really bad. People assume that you're stupid, they laugh at everything you do, etc. Even teachers treat you differently. I've always been extremely insecure about my looks and have had points where I've been too ashamed to even leave the house or considered suicide over it.
I'm almost 20 and I feel bad because I know I should see beautiful women and be happy for them, but I just get extremely depressed and bitter. I don't take it out on them ofc. It's not their problem that I have issues. But I still have a sense of resentment towards them because I know that even at my absolute best I'll never be as good as them at their worst. People sometimes say that it's actually harder to be attractive, but I don't quite buy that. I read an article once about how much harder life is as a beautiful woman, and the writer talked about sexual harassment. Of course that's awful, but I grew up being harassed regularly and have been assaulted multiple times, so I don't think that's just a "pretty girl" problem.
It just feels like every time I see a pretty girl I'm reminded of how inferior I am, and I spiral. I feel that my insecurity is extremely obvious and can be very annoying and unattractive. I feel the need to apologise for all of my flaws because I'm terrified of people thinking that I consider myself attractive. I constantly talk about all the things I need to change about myself. I'm underweight so I've been trying to weight train and build curves, but I can only work out at home because I'm scared people will laugh at me. I can't go on dates because I feel like I'm subjecting them to some kind of torture by making them look at me. I literally cried in public once scrolling through Instagram. I don't think I'll ever stop hating myself but I just want to stop having a borderline meltdown every single time I see someone who's better than me.
Ok. A few things.
1. People don't tend to tell someone they're pretty if they're not. Especially strangers on the street? I'm asking you to think about that logically for a second and wonder what a stranger could possibly get out of telling you that if it wasn't true.
2. Beauty is subjective. I know that you feel like you're ugly, but other people clearly don't agree. That's the thing about beauty. Everyone can have different opinions on it, and that's okay. Just because you see yourself as unattractive it doesn't mean other people do because they don't have your brain nor your opinions so there's nothing to be confused about. They think you're pretty, so believe that that's their honest opinion.
3. Just because you were perceived as ugly as a child, it doesn't mean that's the case now. Take it from someone who lived that. Obviously my family thought I was pretty, but in school, I felt like I was ugly because of how boys reacted to me vs other girls. People would tell me I was pretty (even had a classmate tell me I was the prettiest black girl he'd ever met) but the actions just weren't lining up with the words. Of course now as an adult, I look back and realize I wasn't ugly I just wasn't white 💀 Naturally that didn't click at the time because I was a teenager, but interacting with a broader audience definitely helped.
4. I wouldn't say that being attractive is harder but it does come with its negativity. People apply narratives to you that can be harmful. There's pressure to continue looking a certain way. There's jealousy (as you well know) and while you're not one of those people who takes it out on others, plenty do. Don't think that just because someone is attractive that they have it relatively easy.
Honestly, you just have extreme self esteem issues. I'm not saying that to be mean, but stating what seems to be true. People tell you that you're pretty, and you don't believe them or you think they're lying despite the fact that they'd have no reason to do so. You literally feel the need to apologize for your appearance and don't want to "burden" people with it. Ain't nobody in the world that ugly. I don't throw terms like this around loosely, but Id even go so far as to say you have body dysmorphia. You don't see yourself clearly, at all.
That's something that needs to be unpacked. You need to figure out why you see yourself that way. You need to think about the things you don't like about yourself and ask yourself why you view those characteristics as ugly. I'm sure there are so many people out there who look like you who you probably think are gorgeous. You mentioned that you're underweight and while I support you trying to get to a healthier weight, don't think that you need to have curves to be attractive. If that's something that will make you feel better and improve your way of life, then I support it, but skinny doesn't inherently equal unattractive just like curves don't inherently mean attractive.
I mentioned that a broader and more diverse community helped improve my self esteem and how I saw myself. The more I saw gorgeous women who looked like me, the better I felt. My logic was that she's pretty and she has my nose so my nose must look pretty on me too. Or she has my body type and she looks amazing so the same must be said for me. This is one of those instances where social media can be a blessing, but truthfully, unless you're at a place where you're improving your mental health and how you see yourself, I wouldn't recommend it.
In your case, I would step back from social media. The only way to stop being envious is to be at a place where you're secure with yourself. You can't be envious of someone else's job when you love yours. You can't be envious of someone else's house when yours is literally your dream. And you can't be envious of someone else's looks when you're pleased with how you look. You need to work on building your confidence and being happy with how you look, and I don't think scrolling on social media will help with that. So many people edit their photos and fabricate their lives and it's just not healthy to consume so much from random people on the internet.
Make a list of the things you want to change. I have no issue with people doing things to improve their appearance if it will make them happy. If you think you'll look better with a specific hairstyle, then get it done. If you want to start doing your makeup a certain way that you believe will suit you better, then hop on YouTube and find products and reviews and tutorials. If you think certain clothes will compliment your figure better, then revamp your closet. Do things that will make you feel better about yourself. I promise you that no one at the gym is going to laugh at you. You're all there for the same thing and that's to improve your bodies. Everyday you need to start complimenting something about yourself. I don't care if you don't believe it, you keep repeating it until you do. You need to start wearing things that will make you feel good. Even if it's just a small change in how you see yourself that day, something is better than nothing.
Lingering on your insecurities while doing nothing about it isn't helpful. Even when I struggled with my insecurities constantly, I was still looking at makeup tutorials and fashion videos and things I could do to improve upon what I was working with to make myself feel better. I was determined to be pretty. Like I said before, I did my best to take advice and inspiration from girls who looked like me. It made it seem more attainable even when I thought I was the ugliest thing to grace this earth. I just got to a point where I was sick of feeling "ugly" and unhappy with how I looked. Like you, I was tired of looking at other girls and wishing I looked as good as them or wishing I got the attention they got. That can literally be you. You can literally be one of those women. All it takes is effort and a change in mindset.
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penismage · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @comrade-cabbage to answer some lil questions :3
name: :)
sign: ⚣ (jk it’s gemini ☉ capricorn ☽ pisces ↑)
height: like 5’10, 5’9 ish idk. 176 cm
time: it’s currently 8:22 pm as i answer this question
birthday: may 23
favorite bands/artists: i love kesha so much. uhm i’ve been listening to fall out boy since i was in like middle school. tbh i don’t listen to music all that much and what i do listen to is sporadic i’m not consistent with artists i’ll listen to like an song from an artist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
last movie: rewatched my big fat greek wedding, one of my faveys, the other night with @catgifsinthesenate
last show: uhhhmmm i’m genuinely not sure. probably rpdr as7
when i created this blog: this blog was december 2020 or maybe january 2021 but tbh it’s just exactly the same as my last blog but sluttier; that one i made in august 2013
what i post: everything lol text posts and jokes and memes and art and pretty pictures and hot guys just whatever honestly
last thing i googled: inches to cm
other blogs: i have a blog for fiber arts (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) but i post extremely infrequently because i don’t do any of those as much as i’d like to and i finish even fewer projects than i do start 😅 @knitsmage and a side blog for reblogging porn that i never post my own stuff to lol that blog’s just for me
do i get asks?: i get some! but infrequently lol, mostly from my mutuals <3
following: 914
followers: 1,348
average hours of sleep: i really really try to get 8 hours or more every night but it’s really hard not to stay up late especially when i know i work the next morning and won’t have any free time the next day :/
instruments: i play the piano and i played the violin in school. i really wanna get back into the violin but they’re expensive and lessons are expensive and i’m far from wealthy lol. i also have a ukulele that i strum from time to time, and i’ve tried to learn a bunch of other instruments too to varying degrees of success
what i’m wearing: i was wearing scrubs when i started this at work but i didn’t waste an instant taking all my clothes off when i got home lol so nothing now
dream job: i do not dream of labor :) but the job i wish i had rn would probably be something like data entry where i can sit by myself with no customers or middle management and copy/type things up for a couple hours and then leave
dream trip: there’s a lot of places i wanna go tbh. i would love to go to germany and austria someday, and around other parts of europe too. i also really wanna take a cross-country train trip, i love riding trains so much. and i’d love to see every national park in the us
nationality: unfortunately am*rican ://
favorite songs: no <3
last book i read: heh i really don’t read as much as i’d like to 😅 i think the last book i finished was listening to pjo the sea of monsters again (and then didn’t finish the titan’s curse). the last book i started was, i think, house of leaves
i’ll tag uhhhhhh @daaaaanver @zelmoe @holleywoodsigns @adamsmasher @12-hour-630-mile @its-scoots and anyone else who wants to ofc!!
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flower-of-assiah · 3 years
How are you handeling the hiatus?
I'm so curious about what will happen in the future.
I, for myself have so many questions, maybe they'll inspire you, too:
What is with the war going on? Will it be the last? The final? (Pls dint be i need more of aonoex)
Shiemi, my baby, are you okay? Will the other's come for her? Will she come to the war?
Will there anything happen in Koneko's story? I mean Bon hat his, Shima's soy story is on-going, but will anything happen to Koneko?
Yukio's and Rin's full ancestory? I didn't quite get it. Aren't they also son's of Azazel? (Because technically Satan used a clone of his).
Will there be a point in the story where Izumo's sister remembers everything?
Who shot Mephisto?
What even is Jeremiah's deal and the whole "kidnapping" Shiemi thing?
hey! :D I'm handling the hiatus okay, sometimes it's harder than others, has been weird not having new aoex chapters to read each month that's for sure tbh been spending a lot of the hiatus drawing and just chilling in my RinShi server to keep company, feel we've done good still enjoying the series as much as possible even with lack of new story progression plus Kato's new art she posts often on twitter has definitely helped as well! ooooh! all good questions! I'll share some of my thoughts regarding them if that's alright!
1) What is with the war going on? Will it be the last? The final? (Pls don't be I need more of aonoex)
tbh the war feels kinda like that battle in the middle of a story that'll be a fake-out! it has that "vibe" of what you might get during the last battle, but usually this type you got all the good guys thinking they'll win, just for things to go wrong and need to make a technical retreat
at the moment they think things are switching in their favor, but anything could happen (plus have a lot of unanswered questions I feel more arcs are needed to happen before the end!)
2) Shiemi, my baby, are you okay? Will the other's come for her? Will she come to the war?
gosh I'm always wondering the same! because Kato has it sent up so many ways! part of why I'm worried for her is that little flashback to Jeremiah when she was a child looked hella traumatizing (and setting up the fact Shiemi was likely mentally abused by him growing up, which subconsciously also explains a lot of her self doubt she's always had and feeling like she wasn't good enough) I think Jeremiah is gonna be her big bad villain in her story, and she's likely to go through a lot emotionally/mentally because of it, we are likely in for a feels train for her ;o; this actually goes with my thoughts on the other thing you said!: I think Shiemi is gonna join them in the fight/war but I also think when things start falling apart (my theory) she'll be big in helping in retreating, she's done huge barriers before (which the forest she made DID actually hold Demon!Rin at bay!) so in a similar scenario with Satan I see that helping for injured people to get out of there, I don't think that would be all she'd do ofc and Kato can always prove me wrong, but that's the fun of theories! I do think they will go to help her! not sure when/what would finally happen so they can, but I especially feel Rin and Izumo will be big in Shiemi's arc, as they both I feel are the closest with her (Yukio is too, but I think he's also recovering from a lot/still has his guilt he might struggle with from their last interaction so he's kinda complicated for me to think on as much) Rin I've noticed has a tendency to worry about overstepping where he thinks he shouldn't, so while he was upset when Shiemi quit cram school and could tell this wasn't like her/not what she wanted, and she wasn't telling them what's going on, he wanted to respect Shiemi's space even though he's been worried too, it took til the Christmas party for him to express truly how he felt and he was worried/upset at her seeming to give up her dreams out of the blue we did get to see him after she said she was okay and all that him start trying a new approach with bringing up how he kept a secret and how it affected everyone, and if she wanted to she can trust him which is good! but I have a feeling come more of her arc he’ll have to take stronger initiative in the situation and follow his gut and be a bit less apprehensive about overstepping and speak his heart if it can help
and Izumo well you can see how much everything has been affecting her ;o; ever since Shiemi was taken by the Uzai she’s been worried, heck even before that like Rin when Shiemi quit cram school! I think both in particular will be pivotal to whatever happens in her arc, especially potentially regarding destiny/responsibly and also choosing your own dreams and those you care about and not having to give up one for the other.
3) Will there anything happen in Koneko's story? I mean Bon hat his, Shima's soy story is on-going, but will anything happen to Koneko?
gosh I hope so, I keep hoping he has more of an arc but I’m not sure what Kato’s planning, but hey we’ve seen her delve into more background on each character in ways we’d never expect so anything is possible!
4) Yukio's and Rin's full ancestry? I didn't quite get it. Aren't they also son's of Azazel? (Because technically Satan used a clone of his).
Rin and Yukio’s ancestry is such a complex thing it seems lol but I think yeah they are kinda related! physically you can see the resemblance between Goro (the clone Satan possessed) but also genetically obviously Satan’s and Yuri’s sons too! so I think that makes them definitely related to Azazel too! also being as Goro and Shiro were clones/brothers Shiro is legit related by blood to them their uncle (though regardless of the crazy family tree Shiro will always be their true father)
4) Will there be a point in the story where Izumo's sister remembers everything?
I hope so, I have no idea if Kato will explore that more again since Izumo’s arc ended, but I would love to see anything regarding her and her sister getting the chance to reconnect
5) Who shot Mephisto?
I always forget about that lol my guess? probably someone from the illuminati since they were trying so hard to push Yukio to join their side
6) What even is Jeremiah's deal and the whole "kidnapping" Shiemi thing?
that part we are yet to find out, whatever his goal is it dos not give me a good vibe, especially with Shiemi whenever she sees him mentioning he makes her uneasy to be around and scares her, and that flashback in chapter 131 leaves me believing her uneasiness isn’t wrong, and in fact will be given more reasons he’s scary 
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I look forward to what’s to come and finding out Shiemi’s whole story! 
thanks again for the message! sorry this got so long though lol
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serafilms · 3 years
Hi Ash!I'm not sure if you still write for dc but in case you do,i'm here to resend my request!Can you please write headcanons for Jason Todd x gender neutral!Reader where Y/n was adopted by Clark and Lois when they were 10 because Lex Luthor killed their parents in a rampage across the city and that caused them to unlock their pyrokinesis(fire powers)so Clark took them under his wing as his sidekick so that's how they met Jason?They have anger issues like Jason which their adoptive parents took them to anger management classes for as a kid and they worked and go by Clark's last name(Kent) + the hero name 'Sparks' so Jason calls them 'Sparkles' and the main plot is them getting together after Jason comes back to life?
jason todd x pyrokinesis!reader hc's
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↳ pairing – jason todd x gn!pyrokinesis!reader
↳ genre – headcanons; bulleted scenarios; fluff; gender neutral reader
↳ warnings – mentions of death
hi frankie! when i moved blogs, i decided to reinvent my masterlist to fit my current interests, and i realised that dc doesn't fall under that category so i put a miscellaneous section of the masterlist for the odd thing i may write. so yeah while i don't write for dc anymore, i still wanted to write this for you as my friend and one of the best supporters i have on tumblr <3333 (i've also put atla and pj under misc as i don't see myself writing for them a lot, and well, you saw the announcement). i hope you like this!
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10 years old was a rough age for you
you suppose it all started when lex luthor staged an attack on metropolis
you had been asleep at the time but your parents had woken up in a panic
they had yelled at you to wake up and run
so you did
when it was all over you couldn't find your parents anywhere and your house had essentially collapsed on itself
it wasn't all that hard to figure out what happened and you found yourself falling to your knees and crying
something snapped inside of you and the next thing you knew you were surrounded by a ring of flames
and that was when clark found you
as superman ofc
he saw your powers in action and had a big oh my god moment and decided he couldn't just leave you on the streets
so he took you in
it was tough goings at first
you had a lot of difficulty controlling your powers, and even more difficulty controlling your emotions
you found yourself exploding at the tiniest things
both metaphorically and literally
clark did his best to train you, but hero training and emotional training are two very different things, so you had yet to prove that you could be brought into a field as a sidekick
eventually clark and lois had to bring you to a specialist to work through your anger
your attitude became better
you had less outbursts
and you were more in control of your powers than ever
finally you were allowed to go out into the field
your first mission ever was a situation in gotham city that had gotten out of hand
and it was there that you met batman and robin
you and jason were snarky with each other at first but eventually you called a truce and made peace with each other
and you two became the best of friends
for the next few years you two would do everything together (that you could, living in different cities)
you understand each other well, having similar pasts and even more similar personalities
when he died you were devastated
your emotions were out of check and clark had to pull you from field work and put you behind a desk so you wouldn't burn down metropolis
after a few months you were ready to go back into the field again and for a while you tried to enjoy it
it was nice getting back out there
but it wasn't the same
so you quit and decided to focus on the last few years of high school and then college
clark and lois had become parental figures to you and they wholeheartedly supported your decision
so that's what you did
you moved on with your life
it wasn't easy, but you tried to live out the rest of your adolescence and beginning of your adulthood as best you could
when the time came for you to go away to college you said your goodbyes to them and your old friends and moved away, to a crappy little apartment closer to your school in gotham
gotham may be a freak show, but goddamn their universities are good
yeah ok shh it's for the plot
you didn't have any roommates and it was a somewhat unsafe area, but it was still pretty average and heaven knows you could take care of yourself
it was in this apartment that you and jason met again
clark had told you about a new vigilante with a red helmet and leather jacket who had been causing trouble in gotham
he still kept you in the loop even though you had quit the hero business years ago
sometimes you thought he might just want you back as a sidekick
i mean you were pretty amazing
you didn't really think much of it
new vigilantes, heroes, and villains popped up all the time so it wasn't anything surprising
until of course he showed up in your living room
you were in the kitchen cooking a budget college student dinner (toast. it was just toast.)
"can i get some of that?"
cue heart attack
you shot a blast of fire towards him, it he dodged and it disintegrated out the window
"whoa, whoa, whoa. it's me"
he took his helmet off
"jason? wtf"
you couldn't believe it
you'd literally talked to bruce
you were sure jason had died
there was no way you were mistaken
"hey sparkles"
"stfu bitch ur dead"
"yea about that lol"
you spent the next 2 hours sitting around your kitchen bench eating toast and drinking tea, trying to catch up with each other and make sense of what happened (jason and then you, respectfully)
it was really nice
you offered jason a place to stay for the night since it was getting late, and he accepted
the two of you lay in the dark of the living room that night, pretending like you were middle schoolers having a slumber party, and not young adults who had just reunited for the first time ever
but the next morning you woke up to the shower running and when jason came out, dressed in his clothes from yesterday but still with wet hair
you couldn't help but
notice him
dying and coming back to life really did something for him
and this became a regular occurrence
every now and then, red hood would pause his duties to come visit you and hang out
he would make sure you're ok in your sketchy little neighbourhood and you would reassure him with a small demonstration of your powers that you were fine
jason knew you could take care of yourself, but it had been years since he'd seen you, and since then you'd retired as a superhero
he couldn't help but be a little worried about you
so this routine continued for a while until one night you were lying side by side on your bed watching this show you had become obsessed with after jason's death (that he obviously missed because he was dead)
and you fell asleep and CUDDLED HIM
while you were dozing off, somewhere in the state between awake and asleep, you felt him kiss your head and whisper "i love you sparkles"
the next morning you were in a daze
you couldn't do anything properly and almost burned the pancakes you were making
"whoa, you ok, sparkles?"
you turned abruptly
"did you mean it?" "huh?"
"last night, when you said you loved me"
awkward silence
"well,,,,, yeah"
"oh,,,, cool,,,, well me too"
"i love you"
*open mouthed fish jason*
"hurry up and kiss me, jackass"
and you all lived happily ever after :)
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