#so please don’t hesitate to Dm me lol
koda-arts511 · 2 years
Are you open to roleplays?
I am! My DM’s are always open for new partners, and I’ll be sure to update if that ever changes! Thank you for the ask!
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dixons-sunshine · 1 month
Yielding Isn’t My Middle Name—Chapter 4 | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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(GIF by @dixonscarol)
Chapter Summary: The arrival of Liam’s brother could only mean trouble. However, you and Daryl had to keep up your facades and win their trust. That should be easy, right?
Warnings: Swearing, talks of attempted SA, attempted murder, just read with care.
Word count: 3.1k.
A/N: It’s finally here. Chapter four. I can’t believe I actually finished this. It’s not great but it’s way better than the last chapter, in my opinion. (I made a few references to the show and past episodes in this. I’m genuinely interested to know how many of you catch them lol.) Anyways, I hope you like this!
Taglist: @dixons-girl89 @jupiter1700 @enlightndone @shadowcitrine @ddamm @caseylicious @celtic-crossbow (comment/DM to be added/removed!)
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“Liam, why didn’t you tell me that I would be in the presence of such beauty? I would’ve worn my best rags for this occasion.”
“Oh, please, brother. You and I both know that you aren’t capable of dressing to impress,” Liam countered with a smirk. However, he turned back to you and Daryl, his eyes alight with something you couldn’t quite decipher. “Say, the two of you must be dying of thirst. Where is Mariah?”
As if being summoned, Liam’s wife entered the room with a tray of drinks. A glass of wine, presumably for Daryl, a glass of scotch, presumably for Liam, and a glass of water, which you knew was yours. Mariah placed the tray down on the coffee table in the living room, wiping her hands on her shirt. Her eyes nervously darted between Liam and Lucas, the strange man that had flopped himself down on the couch a mere two minutes prior.
“Hey, Mariah,” Lucas greeted her in a flirty manner. “How’s life been treating you, beautiful?”
Before Mariah could open her mouth to speak, Liam interjected. “Bugger off, Luke. You know she’s spoken for. In fact, so is she.” He vaguely motioned over to you. “Sorry for my brother’s vulgarity, mate. He has absolutely no filter,” Liam apologized, regarding Daryl with an apologetic look. The Sunny Meadows’ leader, seemingly struck by a sense of realization, shook his head and readapted the smile you were growing to hate. “How about we each take a seat and discuss your stay with us? It would do us good to get to know each other better, don’t you think?”
Your eyes nervously flitted to meet Daryl’s cerulean ones. The archer both simultaneously exhibited a sense of nerves and a sense of determination, though he managed to uphold his tough facade in the eyes of the people who didn’t know him, and you mentally applauded your husband for being able to do so. You were hurting, exhausted, and about two seconds away from either breaking down, or throwing punches. There was absolutely no in-between.
“Please, do sit down.” Liam practically shoved his brother’s feet off the couch to take a seat next to him, before motioning to the couch across from him. “Let’s have a chat.”
You hesitated for a split second, before sighing and ultimately accepting his offer. If you and Daryl had any chances of escaping, it would have to start with getting on Liam’s good side. If you earned his trust, he would be less inclined to have armed guards following you around, meaning that you and your husband could potentially then have a clear shot at escaping. There was seemingly no other way to go about it. You could only hope that Daryl would go along with your plan.
Daryl reluctantly joined you on the couch. With your husband by your side, you felt more at ease under Liam’s intense green-eyed stare. When Liam leaned forward to grab his glass of scotch, you leaned forward to grab your glass of water, as well as the wine for Daryl. You then turned your head to thank Mariah, but you quickly noted that the leader’s timid wife was nowhere to be spotted. She had seemingly made herself scarce, another fact you locked into the depths of your mind for potential future use.
“So, tell me, what are your skills?” Liam began while taking a leisure sip of his drink. “What could the two of you contribute to our community?”
Shit. You couldn’t tell the truth in this situation, could you? If they knew the true extent of your’s and your husband’s abilities within and outside of a community, would they somehow use it to their advantage? Would they force the two of you to hard labour? Would they kill you if they deemed you too dangerous? You didn’t know, and not knowing made you nervous.
“M’a good fisher. Know my way ‘round a fishin’ rod. M’also a decent gun’s man, but I don’ feel confident in my skills to say m’good,” Daryl quickly and smartly responded to the question, cleverly noting that you wouldn’t be able to quickly improvise at that moment. “She ain’t usually part of my designated run crew ‘cause I choose to keep her outta harm’s way, but our camp got overrun and s’jus’ me and her now. Was teachin’ her the ropes when yer men kidnapped us and brought us here.”
“Oh, no. I don’t like that word. ‘Kidnapping’ sounds so harsh,” Liam interjected and shook his head. He placed his glass down on the coffee table before continuing. “We don’t kidnap people. We save them. We get them off the harsh streets of this new world and give them a new sense of purpose. We give them a place to call home. The two of you were on your own out there. You just admitted to it. We didn’t have to bring you here, but we did. We saved you.”
“What, so yer community’s the world’s saviours or some shit?” Daryl grumbled under his breath, his fingers tightening around his glass, his wine left untouched.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Lucas cut into the conversation, his green eyes—similar to his brother’s eyes—regarding Daryl with an intensity that would have any man trembling in their boots. However, Daryl wasn’t just any man. He stared back at the Davis brother with an intensity of his own.
Liam—either extremely smart or extremely stupid—interrupted the intense stare-off with the clearing of his throat. He clapped his hands twice and stood up from his seat. “No need for the hostility, gentlemen. We’re all mature, responsible, reasonable adults here. No need to rip one another’s throats out.”
“He’s right,” you agreed, shooting Daryl a look that he cleverly knew meant he needed to back off a bit. “I’m so sorry, Liam.” You feigned an apologetic tone. Truth be told, you’d quite enjoy seeing Daryl put an arrow in Lucas’ rear end, but it would do neither of you any good at that moment. You had to remain civilized with these people, no matter how difficult it proved to be. In your mind, there was no other way to go about leaving that place. You had to gain their trust, and then strike. It was the only way.
Liam shook his head and motioned over to the door adjacent to him. “Perhaps talking to you both one-on-one is the best course of action here. Daryl, if you’d be so kind, I’d love for you to join me so that we can have a nice chat.”
No. The simple word of denial was resting right on the tip of the archer’s tongue. He was one breath away from uttering that small word that could classify as a complete sentence. However, the knowledge that he could potentially gather vital information that could help with your escape from that place proved to his utmost concern at that particular moment. So instead of yielding to the urge to deny Liam’s request, he pushed his pride down to the depths of his being and nodded. “Alright. Let’s jus’ get this over with.”
Liam sent Daryl a satisfied smile. “I like your style. Indeed, let’s get it over with. The sooner we’re done, the sooner we can get you both settled into your chambers. Please, follow me.”
Daryl spared you one last glance, his eyes trailing from yours down to your abdomen, a silent promise that he would somehow get you both out of there, before getting up from his seat and disappearing into—what you assumed to be—the office. The door shut behind him, effectively cutting you off from hearing what the man was discussing with your husband. It also cut your husband off from seeing and hearing what was going on outside the room.
It cut him off from Lucas’ unnerving gaze, a gaze that rested solely on you at that moment.
You cleared your throat and finally brought the glass of water up to your lips, the cool, refreshing liquid disappearing down your throat. You had never wished to be able to drink alcohol before more than you did at that moment. However, you didn’t just have yourself to think of anymore. There was a life growing within you, and you’d be damned if you put their life in jeopardy just because you wished for some liquid courage.
“So,” Lucas began, effectively snapping you out of your thoughts. His eyes trailed over your form in a provocative manner, and it made you want to hurl. However, you refrained from doing so, instead allowing a small shiver of disgust to trail over your spine. “What’s your story?”
“My story?” you questioned confusedly. Of everything the British-accented man could have asked or said at that moment, you definitely hadn’t expected that. “What do you mean?”
“Well, just that. What’s your story? How have you survived this long? I mean, just the two of you on the road since all of this began? It seems impossible that you haven’t kicked the bucket by now.”
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes. You didn’t miss the way he had said “you”, and not “one of you”. You could clearly see what type of man you were dealing with. You cleared your throat, placed your glass on the table, and got up from your seat to take a few steps away from him. “We weren’t alone. We had a camp, with a whole bunch of people. It got overrun a few days ago. It’s been just us since then,” you explained, going with the lie Daryl had told them.
“So, that redneck, is he your husband or something?” Lucas inquired, getting up from his seat as well.
You hesitated, afraid to reveal that fact to him. However, you knew that Liam knew of your marital status, so there was no point in lying to the other Davis brother. “Yeah, he’s my husband,” you finally told him, taking another couple of steps back when Lucas started approaching you.
Lucas gave you a small smirk, one that had you rather scared. “And he makes you happy?” he asked in a low, dangerous tone.
You gulped nervously and backed up even more. “Yeah, he does,” you agreed, your heart beginning to pound against your ribcage.
“Do you love him?”
You were beginning to get extremely freaked out. The expression on the man’s face made you want to run and never look back, but where could you possibly go? He had you cornered. There was nowhere to run. “Of course I do,” you replied, your voice cracking slightly.
“As my brother’s right hand man, I have certain privileges when it comes to giving orders. If I tell our men to kill someone, they’ll do it, no questions asked. So...” Lucas trailed off, his voice low and dangerous as he cornered you against the wall. “If you truly love your husband like you say you do, and with love means you probably don’t want him to die, how about I make you a little proposition; you spend one night with me, and I don’t have your husband killed?”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Your mind was struggling to comprehend what the man had told you. You couldn’t even utter a single word. You were the exact definition of a deer caught in headlights. Lucas had you trapped against the wall, his arms caging you.
He moved one of his hands to tightly grip your chin. “I didn’t hear a no...” he trailed off with a wicked smirk. His other hand trailed down your face and down your body, his fingers trailing over the top of your jeans. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll take good care of you.”
Your mind finally caught up with you. You were in serious danger. You had to get out of that situation, and quickly. You didn’t have any weapons with you, due to the men from earlier having confiscated them. However, you could make out the distinct glint of a gun resting on the table in the far corner of the room. You had to get to it. However, you had to get out of the vile man’s grip first.
Your mind was in overdrive. You barely even noticed that you had somehow managed to grab an ornament from the shelf next to you, or that you had brought it over Lucas’ head. You only realized that fact when the man tumbled down to the ground and you were sprinting towards the weapon.
“You bitch!” Lucas roared loudly, stumbling while trying to get to his feet. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
The gun soon found its place in your hands. You were relieved when you noted that the weapon was fully loaded. That definitely gave you an advantage. However, your relief soon dissipated when you saw Lucas draw his own weapon from his waistband. You had to think fast. You couldn’t let the man kill you.
Before you could even fully process what you were doing, you cocked the gun and shot at the man. However, Lucas managed to duck in the nick of time, so instead of being shot through the chest, like you had intended, the bullet penetrated his shoulder instead, making the man stumble back down to the ground. That didn’t mean that the shot hadn’t hurt him, though. The scream of pain he had let out was damn near deafening.
You took a few steps closer to the man, prepared to end his miserable existence once and for all. However, a pair of arms encircled you and a cloth with a weird, chemical-like smell was brought up to your face. You thrashed around in the person’s embrace and tried to scream, but to no avail. Your vision quickly got blurry. The gun fell from your hand down to the floor, and you quickly followed suite when the person let go of you. The last thing you could remember seeing was your husband. He was struggling to get to you, held back by two other people you hadn’t even realized were in the house.
After that, everything went dark.
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Daryl Dixon couldn’t remember the last time he had been as terrified as he was at that moment. You hadn’t woken up yet. Whatever they had used to knock you out was extremely potent. You had been out cold for hours, and that fact made Daryl scared. Were you okay? When were you going to wake up? Hell, were you even going to wake up? Were you... Daryl couldn’t even finish that last thought. He didn’t want to.
If Daryl’s calculations were correct, the two of you had been in that cell for a little over two hours at that point in time. After Liam had heard his brother yell, he had signalled for backup on his radio and had sprung into action. Daryl had instantly known that you were in trouble, and when he had seen that you were about to shoot Lucas and that some person had walked up behind you with something in his hands, he had wanted to grab him. However, he had been grabbed and pinned down and injected with something, rendering him unable to help you. After that, the two of you had been dragged down to a dungeon of sorts, where you both had been shackled to the wall.
Daryl wanted to kill Lucas. He didn’t know exactly what had happened that made you ditch your “we have to gain their trust to escape” mindset, but he knew it had to be something big if it meant you wanted to kill someone. You wouldn’t kill someone without a reason. You just weren’t that type of person.
The sound of metal doors opening had Daryl’s head snapping up. Liam emerged from the stairs, two men following behind him. Liam’s green-eyed glare met locked with Daryl’s blue-eyed one. However, the man simply opened up the cell and stalked in with the two men hot on his tail.
“How are you doing, mate?” Liam questioned. Daryl simply glared at the man, refusing to acknowledge his question, making Liam chuckle. The man crouched down in front of him. From up close, Daryl could clearly see a scar that tugged at the edge of his mouth. Had that always been there? “Oh, back to being the silent type, huh? Without your little wife to do all the talking for you, you’re not gonna be much use for information, are you?” When Daryl still didn’t say anything, Liam stood back up, towering over the archer menacingly. “Don’t worry, we have other ways to get information out of people. Plus it means we get to punish the wrongdoer in the process. It’s a win-win situation, don’t you think?”
Daryl didn’t like the sound of that threat. Liam turned around and walked over to your unconscious body, unlocking the chains from your legs and arms. The archer’s eyes widened in fear. “Wait, no! Don’ touch her!”
Liam simply chuckled as he continued working at the chains. “Oh, so you’re not completely mute. Still, it won’t do you much good now.” With the chains removed from your limbs, Liam harshly pulled you up into his arms, your unconscious body limply doing his bidding.
“Ya best let her go, ya fuckin’ asshole!” Daryl yelled angrily, desperately pulling against the chains that kept him shackled to the wall. Despite the furious facade the archer was keeping up, he was scared beyond belief. Where was this guy taking you? Would they hurt you? Would they kill you? He didn’t even want to entertain that last thought. “What are ya gon’ do to her?”
Liam, the man responsible for bringing the two of you to that hellhole in the first place, harshly pushed you into the arms of another man. He turned to Daryl with a wicked smirk on his face, the scar at the edge of his mouth adding to the cruelness the man exuded. Daryl would never admit it, but that look sent a terrified shiver up his spine.
“All I’m gonna say is that she never should’ve tried to kill my brother. Now she has to pay, just like everyone else.” With that, Liam turned back around and stalked out of the room with an air of arrogance around him. His henchmen followed closely behind, one of them dragging your unconscious body like you were nothing but a mere ragdoll.
As hard as Daryl pulled against the chains, as loud as he yelled, as much as he pleaded, it didn’t matter. The door to his cell was closed with a loud bang, leaving him in the darkness, alone with his own thoughts. As tears filled the huntsman’s eyes, only two thoughts remained on his mind; would he ever see you again, and would your unborn baby be okay?
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punkassfrance · 1 year
Owned, Anderson - Abby x Reader (Drabble, Kinktober Day 5 - Collaring)
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MDNI, 18+ ONLY You belong to Abby. She's determined to make sure everyone knows. This work contains collaring, strap sucking, established relationship, and dom/sub.
Having some fun with Abby!! You can consider this an extension of the boot worship if you want, a few years down the line, I just like to think of Abby as a very loving dom/girlfriend c: Again, I make no promises to do every day of Kinktober- just trying my best c: Thanks to @djarrex for the Halloween divider!
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As Abby pulls the black leather out of her bag, your mouth dries at the sight. There’s a simple silver ring in the center, perfect for hooking a leash into. The leather is thick with a sturdy buckle on the back- as you cautiously step forward, you can tell the material is real.
A tag dangles from the ring.
You shudder before looking up to your girlfriend, who’s turning it over in her hands like she’s never seen it before. You know she’s looked for it since your birthday last year, probably tossing aside several options before settling on this perfect gift. It really is, you think. Perfect.
She takes the tag between her fingers and flips it over, showing you the engraving on the other side. 
You reach out to brush your fingers over the tag, feeling the burr around the letters before looking up to her.
“Gotta get on your knees if you want it.”
You don’t hesitate to fall to the carpeted floor of her room, keeping your eyes on her loving smile. It’s perfect. She’s perfect, and she’s looking down at you like you’re perfect too. Her fingers run over the leather, raising it to her sanguine lips and pressing a kiss to the smooth finish. 
Cutting your worship short, she fastens the collar around your neck, pulling it just tight enough to keep a gentle pressure. You exhale, the feeling instantly calming your nerves- it feels like a good hug, or a heavy blanket. A new soother for long days and hard nights.
“God- you look so pretty like this, babe.” Her fingers trail up to your chin, holding you in place. “I thought long and hard about what to put on this, you know.” 
She sits up and undoes her belt, pulling her pants down just enough to bare her strap to you. You don’t wait for an order, mouth falling open to take it in. As she gently thrusts into your throat, indulging in your gentle moans, she continues.
“Slut gave off the wrong message- you’re mine.” Her fingers slide down into her boxers, rubbing slow circles around her clit. “Bitch didn’t feel like you.”
She moans as you hold the tip of her cock in the back of your throat, eyes on her. You see her wince at the pressure as she grinds on her clit harder. She catches her lip between her teeth for a moment before releasing it with a sigh. 
“Figured I should get right to the point. After all-” Her knees buckle just a bit before she regains her composure. “...anyone who sees this is gonna know you’re mine. You fucking belong to someone. Someone-” her other hand slides from your hair to the collar, hooking through the ring. “...who loves you enough to collar you.”
You look up with pleading eyes, whimpering as she throws her head back. She stops breathing for a moment as she cums, grinding down hard on her fingers, pulling you onto her cock by the collar. It’s suffocating, just for a moment. All you can do is watch.
As she starts to breathe again, you wait for an order, patient at her feet. Her chest is heaving, breasts sloping to a sharp peak under her tank top. You could study her body for the rest of your life and die happy. 
Before long, she helps you to your feet, folding you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Fucking hell, I love you.”
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Hope you're enjoying Kinktober so far!! I was so tempted to end this in a proposal lol, something about making sure everyone knows you're hers "in and out of the bedroom".
Currently looking for a beta reader, please take a look at my work and DM me if you're interested!
If you liked this, check out my about me, my masterlist, or my AO3!
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scrybe-scott · 1 year
Hello world!
My name is Cam (he/him), and I’m brand new to the whole tumblr thing!
I figure the best way to join an online community is with an introduction, so here we are! Please don’t hesitate to reach out or interact! I’d love to make some new friends!!!
Okay, so who are you?
I’m glad you asked! My pen name, which I’m going to use for this blog, is Cam Scott
I’m 24, recently jumping back into writing after a whole slew of life stuff, and am looking to start grad school here in the next year or two!
Some of my interests include: comics, movies, folklore and folk music, philosophy, pro wrestling (the greatest form of theatre), and video games!
What do you write?
All kinds of stuff! Fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, westerns, even a comic or graphic novel from time to time. If only I could draw…
The only things you won’t catch me really writing are romances. Nothing against em, per se, but that’s not really my niche. A subplot? Sure! But not really my vibe for a complete work.
I also don’t really do fanfic, but again, no hate if you do! I think it’s cool to read people play around in those spaces; I just have to get all these voice- er, stories… out of my head.
Do you have any WIPs?
Too many! But I’ll try to list some of the main ones! (And keep it short)
The Silver Circle: The first in a fantasy series, it follows a group of adventurers making their way through a war-torn continent to help a cast-out prince reclaim his throne.
The Clockwork Lounge: A neon noir/cyberpunk-esque sci-fi story in which a man is hired to solve a murder in a casino run entirely by automatons.
Untitled Mystery (as in I came up with this yesterday lol): a man bounces back and forth between three bodies in three different time periods: the sailing age, the jazz age, and the far future in order to solve three murders that are somehow all connected.
If any of this sounds like anything you like, please don’t hesitate to follow! I’m also down for any tag games, asks, DMs, etc! I’d love to make new friends and really get involved with the community.
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adampage · 1 year
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-> starts Friday, July 21st, 2023 and ends Thursday, July 27th, 2023
Hello, everyone! It's me, Emi adampage here, coming to you fresh from the post-Double or Nothing high, to announce that HANGMAN PAGE BIRTHDAY WEEK will be happening again this year! I am going to make this considerably hard on myself, as I will be out of the country during the week of, but I will do my very best to reblog any creations you make!
That being said, here's what I have in mind for this year :)
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To create wonderful works [edits, gifs, writing, art, videos, etc] in the name and in the honor of our lovely cowboy, Hangman Adam Page, during the week of July 21st, 2023, to July 27th, 2023.
There are prompts/themes for each day, sometimes even two. You may choose to do either or both! You may also do multiple of each, if it strikes your heart to do so.
Do not take the prompts at face value. You may interpret them in any way you would like! (If you cannot choose one of something for a theme, feel free to talk/write/create about more than one. Multiple loves and multiple favorites are implied!)
You can use any form of post available to you through tumblr. Video, photo, gif, text, audio, etc etc. It’s ALL up to YOU! (Fics can be linked from ao3 if it’s easier for you)
If you only want to do certain days, no worries!! Do everything in any way you would like. And if you’re a bit late on some prompts than others, that’s completely fine (just don’t be early lol)! the hangman gang will want to see them either way <3
If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please don't hesitate to DM me or send me an ask!
Day 1 - July 21st - FRIDAY: Hangman + LOVE
Day 2 - July 22nd - SATURDAY: Hangman + HATE
Day 3 - July 23rd - SUNDAY: Hangman + BLOOD (or, if that's not your style, SILLY/GOOFY)
Day 4 - July 24th - MONDAY: Hangman + PLAYLIST
Day 5 - July 25th - TUESDAY: Hangman + FOIL* (or other literary device, such as 'parallel')
Day 6 - July 26th - WEDNESDAY: Hangman + FANTASY/DREAM
*it was brought to my attention that this one can seem confusing. The definition of "foil" is as follows (from literarydevices.net): Foil is a literary device designed to illustrate or reveal information, traits, values, or motivations of one character through the comparison and contrast of another character. A literary foil character serves the purpose of drawing attention to the qualities of another character, frequently the protagonist. This is effective as a means of developing a deeper understanding of a character by emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a literary foil allows writers to create a counterpart for the protagonist that puts their actions and choices in context. (You can use this definition, or you can get inspiration from it. Or, you can use a different literary device, if you so choose. You can also liken the word 'foil' to, I dunno, tinfoil. What I love about word prompts is that you can take a word and create something completely different than someone else. Go crazy!)
As always, thank you to @mistress-omega-majesty, @jonmoxleys, @sheslikealostflower, and @cowboyshit for the feedback on the prompts!
Please remember to mention the THEME in your post, as well as to TAG YOUR POST with the following: #HANGMANPAGEBIRTHDAYWEEK within the first five tags, and to tag ME (main @adampage​), in a reply comment under your post, or in the body of your post, whatever is easier. I will be posting my edits to @bloodycowboyclub, and likely will post any text posts/writing from my main.
PLEASE REBLOG TO SPREAD THE WORD! Even if you only plan to enjoy the creations!! I want as many people as possible to participate and it’s only possible if this ends up on their dashes! Thank you (:
Don’t forget to have fun!!
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codgod-moved · 2 years
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just dm me here or on my art blog [ @bluuscreen-png ] if you’d like to commission me! i’m only gonna have 3 slots open for now so i don’t get overwhelmed, check my pinned/bio [again, here or on the art blog] for whether or not comms are open :p
regarding prices/payment:
prices are all in australian dollars
background/environment prices can be negotiated based on complexity. if it just a flat colour or like, a shape or something super simple like that it’s no extra charge
each additional character is full price
payment is done via ko-fi and done up-front before i do your commission
i will probably be quite slow. it’s a lot easier for me to work on personal projects and i easily lose track of time due to my adhd, so it may take me a while to finish your commission. if you need something done on a deadline, especially a tight one, i reccomend you go to somebody else
that said, you’re absolutely free to ask for updates/remind me about your commission! i appreciate reminders :]
before you send a dm please have in mind exactly what you want, such as pose, expression, etc. [trust me it’s best for both of us if you’re specific. if you don’t have a pose/expression in mind even just a personality description will help, especially for oc’s]
i won’t work solely off description for character designs in oc commissions — please have some kind of reference, even if it’s just a picrew [that allows being used as reference] with additional description for the stuff the picrew can’t capture, or some sort of faceclaim/photo reference
and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! i’ve done my best to word everything here clearly but i’ve also not done this before so i may have missed something lol
if you’d like to support me but don’t want a commission, my ko-fi can be found here!
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
I love love love your little terror series! Would you consider making one if maybe like more gareth forward or like gareth being the main caregiver? He seems like he would just be the sweetest caregiver and I'm honestly just in love lol, maybe he calls the little bunny?? Thank you so much!
Little Bunny
Gareth Emerson x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - Jason is a bully
Notes - Gareth is aged up to be a senior in highschool on his second go around so he’s at least 19, I think, I don’t know how American schools work … Also this is short, I’m coming back from a very long hiatus so please just bear with me <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW
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The parking lot was as loud as ever, students chatting, catching up after a long summer, cars parked so close doors could hardly open, and new students lost to the point of no return. Senior year seemed to creep up on Gareth like no other, the excitement of becoming the Hellfire club's new DM had taken up most of his summer, the thoughts of math homework, english class, and graduation lost on him as he began planning his first campaign.
Ever since Eddie, Little Terror and Jeff had graduated, the school felt less alive, no more table top rants, or chasing a lost little through the hallways after school. Everything just felt empty and broken. "Gareth!" Dustin called out, waving him over to the group of people he seemed imbedded in, Mike and Lucas both present. "This is Elle." He pointed to a girl, her giving him a shy wave in return. "And that's Will, they're new, and old." Gareth just shook his head, Dustin was sure to explain what he meant later. "They wanted to know if they could join the club?"
"Sure, the more the merrier!" He smiled, faking his enthusiasm, the change that this year was to bring too fresh on his mind. "Just make sure they have what they need purchased by Friday!" He shouted as he walked away, the group chatting as he left them behind.
"Sorry." A voice pleaded, the sound heard by Gareth as he walked to his locker, the language hall usually quite, hardly any students in it before school, just those unlucky enough to have their lockers located there. "I really didn't do it I promise! I didn't do anything!" The voice continued.
"I don't believe you!" A harsh voice called back, one that belonged to Jason Carver, the second year senior who's dad apparently couldn't pay off the teachers to let him pass. "You did this on purpose! And you're going to pay!"
Gareth walked towards the commotion, almost hesitating as he instinctively waited for Eddie to barge through and deal with Jason. "Ahem." Gareth cleared his throat, leaning against the lockers closest to the pair, his new found height doing wonders to his intimidation tactics.
"This is none of your business' Freak." Jason spat, turning back to the crying person in front of him.
"Pretty sure it is." Gareth said sarcastically, looking around to add dramatic effect, as if he was looking for a care in the world for Jason. Before the Jock could get back to tormenting the clearly new person, he spoke again. "Seeing as they are in Hellfire, this situation is definitely my business, so tell me what's going on here."
Jason just laughed, looking to the poor soul and then back to Gareth. "Should have known they were with you, all you Freaks look the same."
The words made Y/n cry harder, standing still, tears running down their cheeks as Jason turned back to them before walking away, not having the time to try and mess with the Hellfire Club this early in the year. "'m so sorry!" Y/n cried, looking now to Gareth, their eyes wide, heart beating fast. "I promise I din' do anyfin, 'm jus' clumsy 'nd fell." Their tears were fatter now, their shoulders shaking slightly.
Gareth's heart broke, 'Why do we always meet littles in moments of distress?' He asked himself. "I know you didn't do anything, and even if you did, your secret would be safe with me." He smiled, pretend zipping and locking his lips.
Y/n wrinkled their nose, a small smile now on their face as tears fell. "I'll leabe now, 'm sorry for bothering you."
"You're not bothering me, don't worry." He chuckled, Y/n quite literally making his day. "Why don't I take you somewhere and help you calm down? Wouldn't want to spend your first day sad, would you?"
"You don' wan' me t'go with you, 'm, 'm ..."
"Feeling tiny?" Gareth asked, Y/n's eyes widening when they heard his words. "Well, if you don't want to come and play with allll the toys I have, that's fine, I'll just let them know you don't want to be their friends." He said, fake sadness lacing his voice, turning to walk away.
Gareth smiled, nodding his head, gesturing for Y/n to follow him.
+ + + + + +
The drama room lights turned on with a buzz, the room suddenly flooded with warm light, the large table in the middle as clean as it will ever get all year, not yet in use, costumes on racks surrounding the perimeter of the room. "They should be over here, you can take a seat if you want." He smiled, walking towards the back wall in search of the box of second hand toys Little Fairy used to play with, all donated by those in the club, along with Eddie's thrift store finds.
Y/n wrinkled their nose as the box was placed in front of them, contemplating what to pull out first, before their hand landed on a stuffed bunny, one Little Fairy refused to play with because of their little blue and orange stuffed blobs.
"You two are a prefect pair." Gareth chuckled, his arms crossed as he stood a few steps back. "You both have cute little noses." He laughed when Y/n looked up at him, their nose scrunched in the perfect bunny like way.
Y/n smiled, giving the bunny a little wiggle, their hand wiping the tears off their face, a smile on their lips rather than their previous frown. "I's cute." They giggled, showing the bunny off to Gareth.
"It is very cute, why don't you take him with you today?" Gareth asked, now crouched down, his arms laying on the table as he looked at the thing, giving one of the ears a little pet. "He sits in here all day alone, I think he’d enjoy the company.” He smiled.
“Really?” Y/n’s tears had mostly dried, but sadness seemed to be permanent plastered to their face, like no amount of stuffed animal would rub it off.
“Of course.” Gareth sat in the seat next to Y/n, one arm leaning against the table. “Why don’t we meet up at lunch, and you can let me know if he’s behaving?” He asked, knowing he wouldn’t be a good ‘hellfire babysitter’ if he didn’t check in on them later, though he would ask even if it wasn’t for the club, Y/n and him seemed to click, sort of like Eddie and Little fairy.
“M’kay.” Y/n smiled up at him, wrinkling their nose once again. “Tanks.”
“Of course, Little bunny.”
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sugarr-moon · 7 months
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welcome to the bathbomb nation
making a new pinned bc my old one was bad, here is a short introduction to me n my blog!
- you may call me moon or sugarr or any variation of those two!!
- i go by any pronouns and my neos are ghost/moon/lune !!
- if you know me it is probably because of my bathbomb art, hi yes!! i am bathbomb ceo!!
- pls do not DM me unless its important, we have interacted, or are mutuals! it makes me uncomfy sorry
- if you ARE my mutual or friend… hi i love u! ur pawsome! pls dm me i dont bite
- i am. SUPER hyper-fixated on rain world nd i ramble about it a lot lol if you came here for some other reason you’re probably going to be dissapointed
- I AM A MINOR please don’t be weird to me 💔
other socials are sugarrmoone on twitter and sugarrmoon on youtube
join my emote server here
basic dni list is no proshippers, exclusionists, zionists, nsfw accounts etc… i will block u without hesitation! back off and respect my boundaries thank u!
tag navigation:
#my art - art pieces i have made!
#ramblings - text posts and rambles :)
#rw shipping - i am a big rain world shipper so i use this tag quite frequently
#rw bathbomb - also use this tag often! my fav rw ship they’re so dear to me
#rain world - this is like a 99% rain world blog so expect this to be everywhere
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tomaytow · 2 years
omg im having brainrot about venti and how do u think he would cuddle windblume? would he be big spoon or small spoon? lmk ur thoughts!
i am so sorry it took me a while to respond bUT OOO
i hope you’re still having a venti brainrot because i’m still having a brainrot abt him (24/7,, check my dms with tala aka tumblr user blooming-cecilia LOL i flood her with venti stuff a lot)
cuddling venti hcs, you want? i’ll give it to you. let me just ransack my mind for a bit;
- imagine just laying supine on the bed and venti just. crawls on top of you and buries his head on your chest. venti likes listening to your heartbeat and he also likes it when you stroke or pat his head. go on. run your fingers through his hair. he’ll probably sigh, pleased, and if you stop – he’ll definitely tell you to do it again (do it again! why should you not?) if you’re feeling playful and decide to stop, there are chances he’ll put your hand back to where it belongs.
- imagine sleeping so deeply that nothing ever wakes you. a venti comes to join you for bed, and when he sees you hugging a pillow, he won’t hesitate to replace said pillow with himself. venti will either nuzzle his face on the crook of your neck, or he’ll let your head rest on his chest. hm. he likes smelling your shampoo, by the way, because it makes him feel so much at home.
- ((akshsjbsjsjsjb the idea of venti just content with windblume… it’s so nice…))
- in the idol au, i discussed a similar concept where you try to make venti jealous by cuddling a plushie instead of him. it didn’t end well cuz venti couldn’t take it (archons, he’s just so silly-) and threw it across the room, before glomping you. why is the plushie getting more love than him??? he’s your boyfriend!!
- during the morning, it’s hard to get up because of venti’s hold around your waist. you’ll have to wake him up so he can let go of you. (but bear in mind, though: that venti’s very clingy—an understatement, tbh—and he loves you very much. i think waking him up just made it worse because he’ll hold you tighter. he refuses to let go.) there is no e s c a p e.
- cuddle him and he’ll cuddle you back. it has more passion and vigor it’s overwhelming. he’ll giggle a lot. cuddling is his favorite past times with you.
- you expect me to not think abt needy venti???? wrong. needy venti is for the soul. imagine him just sitting on the couch and has his arms raised. hands closing and opening in a grabby motion. he pouts at you, “windblume. cuddle.”
- he wants your attention, your affections, so it’s not so surprising when you’re on the phone with someone and you feel arms squeezing your waist… and kisses on your cheeks…
- don’t get me started on possessive venti during cuddle sessions cuz even though you both look cute & wholesome on the outside, who’s not to say that venti’s mind is only filled with mine, and only mine… mine always
- the anemo archon “i’ll be your alternate jacket / hoodie / sweater!” barbatos, then proceeds to BEAR HUG you
- AJAHAJWBDKJDKKDLNDNP i just remembered abt his wings 🥺🥺 venti will definitely wrap his wings around you for more warmth……they’re so soft and comfortable and fluffy
- imagine you just both sitting together and one of his wings guide you close to him
- during rainy days / winter season, cuddles with venti will increase (if venti’s being a lil trickster, he’ll insert his cold hand under your shirt)
- “windblume, i’m cold. i think i deserve some cuddling, don’t you think?”
- personal hc: venti can’t choose which position he likes, but he has a soft spot for digging and hiding his face on your neck… he wants to be in his haven; his paradise; your arms around him, his arms around you. or just you, really. you’re home to him.
- after a long day, venti just drapes all over you. there are no words exchanged but you can understand what’s happening. he’s recharging. praise him, will you? comfort him? give him little kiths… or if you can, sing him songs? (yes. when venti’s upset, he calms down when he just presses himself closer to you)
- venti’s hugs are just the best. there are times where things are hard and it’ll always be resolved with proper communication and really— just a tight hug will suffice.
- when you’re both curled with one another, venti rubs your fingers with his thumb tenderly. hand holding with venti is always nice because you can feel that he really loves you, even in simple gestures.
- look at venti whenever you guys cuddle. yep. the soft gaze. the small smile. ah, yes. he loves you very much.
as for the big spoon and little spoon… venti can be both. he can be the big spoon or the small spoon.
that’s what’s perfect about him.
he doesn’t care.
as long as he’s cuddling you, he’s satisfied.
at first i only thought him as a small spoon because i want to give him the comfort that he deserves uNTIL I REALIZED THAT BIG SPOON VENTI IS GOOD, TOO. i mean. wouldn’t you want to be spooned by the anemo archon???
((tho… i’m in a huge big spoon venti mood rn…….. time to feed myself))
so yeah!!! it depends on the mood.
but you know. venti prefers it more when he sees you.
there’s easy access to the lips—easy access to the eyes. easy access to the face. he loves seeing you.
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crowboybites · 4 months
Hello, please allow me to introduce myself.
You can call me Casper or Crow.
this is my horny sideblog so i don’t have to be horny on main lol. if that ain’t your vibe, feel free to skedaddle. minors return from whence you came!!!
some nicknames I love: good boy, pretty boy, angel, prince, love, darling, honey, boytoy, pet. I am open to other names as well.
pronouns are they/it/he (no major preference)
primarily t4t <3
sub leaning, fairly new
virgin but a slut at heart <3
likes/limits and important info under the cut! <3
praise (seriously, i’ll melt)
breeding (no preg)
light restraints
light pain / impact
very mild exhibitionism
light petplay
love ppl with tattoos. tattoos are so hot
very mild cnc
gentle doms!!!! <3
did i mention i like tattoos
Hard Limits
misgendering / detrans
watersports / scat / ect
ageplay and similar
incest / fauxcest / anything similar
heavy cnc
minors are not welcome here! minors and blogs without a listed age are blocked on sight.
homophobic/transphobic/ect (i am trans and queer you are not welcome here!!!)
a-spec exclusionist
generally if your here to be a dick or start arguments or whatever, i don’t want that shit here
blogs centered around s/h
ed/thinspo/ect. blogs
Boundaries and other info:
MINORS DNI (obviously)
asks/anons : open and encouraged <3
dms : open
seriously, feel free to be silly or horny in my asks all you want as long as it’s not anything on my no or dni list! i may not always respond or may take awhile, sometimes i get nervous or can’t think of things to say BUT i promise they are appreciated :) (I love attention lol)
at the moment, i do not give out other socials and am hesitant to interact using my main blog for personal reasons. i am happy to interact here (reblogs/asks/messages). this could change in the future but for now it is a firm boundary.
within that vein, i do occasionally follow from my main blog. i try to keep this blog as separate as possible BUT if i follow you you’re welcome to follow back, happy to have new mutuals! but i still prefer interacting here for horny stuff tho and if you know my main blog… no you don’t :)
do not call me a girl/princess or anything like that. i do not tolerate intentional misgendering, you will be blocked.
i block as i see fit. feel free to block me if my blog ain’t your vibe, you’re not hurting my feelings.
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angelbxxy · 2 years
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Hey y’all idk how this works I’ve never been struggling this hard before. My two daughters lost their dad my fiancé a week ago from a heart problem we didn’t know he had. It was sudden and now I have to plan a funeral alone. I never imagined that he would be gone we were just talking about getting a life insurance policy like a month ago but never did it. I already have our two daughters I gotta take care of on 1 income now I don’t know how I’m gonna pull this funeral off of anyone can help us send him up the right way plz consider donating 🥺😭❤️
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Cashapp $prettymom18
January 15th 2023🚨⏰⚰️
Still waiting on donätîons I currently only have $250(I took out a loan that’s all I was approved for)/$3,400(cost of funeral service and funeral home plus casket. The $3,400 DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BURIAL 🪦🥺😭⚰️😣♥️
Please help us if you are able and I would appreciate it if you can not help us financially, a reblog and prayers will always be appreciated.
RIP my one and only Prince Charming 🥺❤️🪦⚰️
Cashapp $prettymom18
UPDATE JAN15th 8:54pm
Still 0 help but I’m still great full for all the reposts and likes if you know anyone who may be able to help or has a big following on here PLEASE don’t hesitate to tag them in ur repost or just tag them on the comments ❤️🙏
PS my friend said if someone wants to donate but they don’t have cash@pp I can give them her Venmo or chime or PayPal so if that is what is stopping you from donating DM me and I can send you her vënmø or paypãł
Thank y’all again♥️
Katie 🥰⚰️🪦🫶🏽👩‍👧‍👧❤️‍🔥💔✝️
I probably should’ve put this in the original post but I’m having trouble getting donations and I’m doing this all by myself his family hasn’t even called me since I told them he passed and I was a foster kid so I really don’t have anyone to help. The only person that is helping me is financially struggling too but she took out a loan bc my credit sucks so I was denied anyway thank u if u have anyone on here who u talk to a lot see if they can repost it too I wanna get some type of traction lol
Tumblr BLOCKED ME FROM MESSAGES WTF HAPPENED!!!! Someone plz help me get my messages back
Plus still no donations so please keep reposting and thank you for all the support from the reblogs
Jan18 update
Thank you to whoever sent $5 that’s the first and only donation I’ve gotten so far
Please if u can’t donate repost and tag your friends!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t raise enough for the funeral, I don’t even have enough for a cremation
Jan 20 update
Im $30 short to start a payment plan with the funeral home I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am PLEASE SEND HELP either repost or dono
Anything helps us!
Help us bury my kids dad and my fiancé!
Jan 30th update♥️❤️‍🔥🥺😭🚨
So I DIDNT get enough money to have a funeral for my fiancé 😖😭 we had to cremate him and they put me on a payment plan. I still want to have a repass but I need to get a hall or something to gather everyone. The cheapest one I’ve found is $350 for 5 hours
I want to celebrate his short life and the memories we all have with him ♥️
It’s been 3 almost 4 weeks since he’s been gone and life being a widow mother of 2 is a lot harder than I ever imagined. Please repost even if you can’t help ❤️‍🔥
@localmacguffin @laymedowninsheetsoflinen @enderamethyst @transgendz @othert @pixelstx @spongebobssquarepants @queenpandaxoxo @pukicho @shareyourdollar @mutual-aid-booster @horangi @jacklant3rn @bugs-for-hugs @difficult @commie-cosmo @yellowgirl93 @racism-inc @mousedetective @vaspider @shineemoon @queenpandaxoxo
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thinkingofchishiya · 3 months
Info about me + masterlist + guide for alice in borderland requests !!!
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Hi guys, short intro as to who i am!! i’m 19 and use she/her pronouns. Super friendly don’t be afraid to DM for random chats!! right now my current fixations are alice in borderland and all of us are dead. Im a hugeee horror fan and movie fan in general :)
now the good stuff,
masterlist here ⤵️
the charecters i’m currently writing for:
•tatta (my boy needs more love)
•canon divergent niragi
•last boss
•more characters may be added + if there’s any AIB charecters you’d like me to write for that aren’t on here please let me know i can try my best!! probably will be able if it’s fluff but i can try smut too, just please no king of spades that man in my no1 ENEMY.
Will write:
•can write specific random readers ( for example iv written for both teacher!reader and kpopidol!reader x chishiya)
“Rules” + other info
(tbh there’s not many on this page😭)
•18+ if your requesting smut please :)
•no male!reader x kuina
•no charecter x charecter unless it’s a threesome
•will write the harder stuff like yandre if requested but no underage or incest please (basic big no-nos)
•will not write specific appearance requests like body type,hair colours etc as that way my writing can apply to a bigger audience, also mainly writing with use of Y/N (not any names or oc’s !!)
•will write slightly ooc if requested :)
Requests id love:
•sub! niragi (probably preborderlands but i could also cook something up for dom!reader x niragi at the beach)
•sub!tatta or just tatta requests in general
•bestfriend! arisu and/or bestfriend! karube stuff
•bestfriends sister reader x charecter (for example arisu x karubes sister! reader)
Don’t be shy!! :) Dms and inbox are both now open to take requests, i also don’t mind at all if you want to request more than one thing because iv got a lot of free time and one big aib hyperfixation - so pls don’t hesitate to flood my inbox lol
if you do have more than one idea for requests just make sure you send them as more than one inbox for each request that way it’s easier for me to post them for you guys
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super-chi-art · 1 year
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Just reposting these Art Fights for @acaciathorn , @pistachiozombie , @zaidepersonal , @farcrying and SupportiveSins (who I shall try to notify outside of Tumblr, lol) - I still have the original physical drawings laying around, so if anybody was interested in owning theirs, please message me! I can ship it to you (I only ask that you please cover the shipping fee, which can range from $2.50 to $6). If not, that’s all good - I might use these as commission examples at art shows. :)
If anybody is interested in commissioning me in a similar style, don’t hesitate to send me a DM!
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a-f00ls-bl0g · 6 months
<3-My ‘master list’ for my blogs + Rules & fun facts of me-<3
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-My pronouns are she/her, it/its, they/them but you can really use almost anything tbh.
-I’m 19 years old, but with that being said I don’t want 17 & younger following my blog/s because I’m a NSFW blog sometimes and one or two of my other blogs is very much NSFW!!
-I’m autistic, and prob dyslexic so don’t expect the best grammar on here, & don’t bring your ablest mindset around any my blogs, you won’t be welcomed!!!
-I’m very chill with most neo-pronouns & will happily refer to you with them if you want me to…but with that being said, I won’t respect them if you’re using slurs, bodily autonomy or anything like that as ‘pronouns’, you will be blocked. (I’ve seen people do that- I’m not even joking)
-I’m taken by a very, very lovely person irl, keep this in mind please lol.
-I’m in multi fandoms, some of which are. TWDG/TWD tv show & dead-city, RDR1 & RDR2, life is strange 1, hazbin hotel & helluva boss, saints-row (mostly 4 tho!), furry fandom, Ark survival evolved, sims 3 & 4, gacha club, creepypasta, MLP, etc.
-trans rights are human rights, women rights are human right, queer rights are human rights, POC rights are human rights, everyone needs equal rights and if you don’t agree please leave my blog.
-MAP’s, ZOO’s, racists & sexist people will be blocked without hesitation!!
-Queer isn’t a bad word on my blog, Disabled isn’t a bad word on my blog either nor is  Hypersexual, don’t act like it is whatsoever on my blogs/pages!!
-my Favourite colours are Forest-Green, Dark-Blue & most neon colours!!
-some of my favourite animals are  hammerhead & great white sharks, cheetahs, killer whales & ants!!
-if I happen to post something that might/dose  trigger you feel free to send me a ask/DM to ask me to tag it in the future!! If I see it I’ll most definitely tag it after that! (IE things with eyes, bugs, foods, saliva & things like that!! I want my blog to be a safe space for people!!)
-I have a theme with the word ‘April’ with/on all my blogs so far- so feel free to call either that or ‘Oct’ in Asks you might send me if you decide to.
-if I reblog a meme you happen to like please go to the original poster of it to reblog it if you  must reblog it, I’d prefer the eyes be put on OP’s blog for that and not mine. (The same goes with art & writing)
-If you happen to feel the need to block me on one of my blogs then please block me on all of my blogs!!
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My Hazbin/helluva muse/rp blog I’m not too very active on rn! (17 but preferably 18+) -> @a-f00ls-muse
My Elden-Ring (& soul-like games) RP blog (18+!!) -> @an0ther-f00ls-muse
My Walking dead blog!(17+)-> @a-f00ls-walking-bl0g
My NSFW/NSFT multi fandom & ’personal’ Blog!(obviously 18+!! + a quick TW/CW for intense/darker kinks & such!!!!) -> @a-f00ls-pet
My Saint Row blog for my bosses/HC’s or one-shots & such. (18+) -> @a-f00lish-saint
My fallout 1-TV show blog, 18+ -> @a-falling-f00l
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deanstead · 2 months
I really need to vent.
So I’m 27, single and unemployed.
I’m not from the US.
I have some health issues; ADD, PTSD and very temperamental eczema - all three have kinda interlinked and caused to me to be out of work since 2019.
Now I know the pandemic happened in early 2020, while I was looking for work after dropping out of university and waiting to be seen by specialist doctors.
But I don’t seem to be progressing in life.
Everyone my age or that I went to school with are either marrying, having children, climbing the career ladder, buying homes or emigrating abroad to Australia or elsewhere.
I’m not stupid and I know there have been so many things that have worked against me, but I’m just so tired of it all and just want to get my life completely fixed.
I just don’t know what to do anymore.
I don’t know what sort of job to go for anymore.
I know I want something that will allow me to move abroad and away from here for a fresh start.
But at the same time, that sort of job would probably require me to attend university for 4 years and I’m already 27, so I’d be 31 when I graduate if not older if I start older than 27.
I want to date, get married, have kids too.
But I’ve never even had a boyfriend ever in my life and I know I’m not pretty or cute and that I’m considered ugly and weird looking.
Hello love!
Please know that you are not alone!
There are things that people call the "normal track of life" where you're expected to follow the normal flow of life - date, marry, have kids, but I happen to be an anomaly on this!
I'm in my early 30s, not seeing anyone (or actively seeking out dates). I did a career change late last year, which set me back a little in my pay grade, but it was a good change, at least in terms of my mental health. I'm not into climbing the career ladder, just want to make enough to survive, and definitely not buying a home. The culture is slightly different here in terms of home buying, but the social "pressure" to meet someone and get married might be even more intense in Asia lol.
Even so, don't let anyone tell you what you have to do! The trajectory of life is different for everyone. Did I want to have kids? Sure. But not with an unreliable partner (story for another day). Being with the right person is always more important than settling just to fit into societal norms and I will die on this hill!!!
As for jobs, I'm afraid I can't give a lot of advice on this front since the market/situation is very different region to region. But what I can tell you is to try to go for something you enjoy!
Currently, I'm doing several jobs but I enjoy all/most of them so it feels less draining even though I'm really busy.
Most importantly, chin up! You'll get through this! And if you ever need to talk, inbox and dms are always open, don't ever hesitate to reach out! Sending much love, hugs and positive energy!
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enteragoodnamehere · 9 months
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quick links: Flight Rising | Toyhouse | Sheezy.art | Artfight | AO3
last edited: 8/6/24
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Cicada. It/its pronouns. 17. alloaro baby butch objectum. artist, writer, worldbuilder. horror and circus and insect and mannequin fan. weird cat thing.
This blog has a little bit of everything, mostly reblogs with original stuff thrown in too. My art/writing/etc. tag is #cicadas creations, feel free to check it out!
Spam likes and/or reblogs welcomed and appreciated here
I have bad anxiety among other things so I may not be the one to reach out first, but I don't mind DMs or asks or any other form of interaction at all! Feel free to message me or send me asks, if I don't respond its likely because I didn't see it or I saw it and forgot about it.
I trigger tag things as "cw: [thing]". Note that I don't really tag general horror (unless it features something else that needs tagged, such as gore) or bugs/insects (unless they're spiders). If you need anything tagged, please let me know and I'll fix it right away.
No set DNI because they're not super effective, I'll just block you if I don't like you. Please inform me if I reblog something from a t*rf/racist/zionist/other bigot, as I don't always know or check.
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Credits: Stained glass dividers from here. Header from here. TMA userboxes from here and here. RW stamps from here. "parasite lover" stamp from here. "Self-Made Being" and "Funny Jester" blinkies from here.
Thanks for reading :3 Tags will be below the cut
Content warnings and potential triggers will be tagged as "#cw [item]" please don't hesitate to reach out if you need something tagged
A lot of these are self explanatory but idc. I like explaining things
#cicada screams -> textpost and rambling tag
#cicadas creations -> as mentioned above, tag for things I make (art/fic/etc.)
#nicky tag -> photos of my pet cornsnake, Nicky :]
#fav -> my favorite posts
#save -> things I'm saving for later. Could be art references, resources, or things I want to remember to come back to
#i think i hauve covid -> things and people that i think are (meme voice) kinda hot. Some of the stuff tagged is kinda… odd. Don’t worry about it (thumbs up)
#other people’s art -> art by other people. My most used tag because I reblog a Lot of art lol
#[name] posting -> tags for specific characters I really like
#therian stuff -> tag for my own posts/reblogs about being a therian
#bug tag :D / #cat tag / #snake tag / #paleo tag -> tags for bugs, cats, snakes, and dinosaurs + other prehistoric life respectively
#dragon tag -> like the tags above, but for dragons
#various beasts tag -> tag for any other animals than the ones above
#poetry tag -> tag for both poetry and creative writing in general
#🏠 -> stuff about houses, especially living and haunted houses (think House of Leaves or Anatomy by Kitty Horrorshow)
#oc: [name] -> original characters
#dragon: [name] -> like my oc tags but for my flight rising dragons
Most of these will be tagged below this post for convenience. Again, thanks for reading :)
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