#so proud of it
eacart · 7 months
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defectivehero · 2 months
The villain squints at the silhouette at the edge of the rooftop, before ascertaining that it's indeed the hero, their enemy. They take a step closer, wincing as the gravel beneath their feet makes a slight noise. With any luck, the hero didn't hear that. They take another step, only for the hero to laugh. It's a dry laugh—one devoid of any genuine humor.
"You caught me," the hero announces, placing their hands on the railing in front of them. Their back is turned, as if they're hiding their face. "I hoped no one would see me." Their enemy admits.
"What are you doing?" The villain feels the need to ask. Typically, they'd be fighting by now. But the hero doesn't seem to be in the fighting mood.
Their enemy takes a moment to respond. "Hanging up the cape, so to speak," they eventually answer. The villain's heart drops to their stomach.
"You're retiring?" They choke out. The hero doesn't utter a word of confirmation, but the villain is able to sense their resolve nonetheless. "Not of your own volition, surely," the villain remarks, squinting at their enemy's shadow. They must've been bribed, blackmailed-
But the hero is silent. There is an utter lack of objection, argument, anything to dissuade the villain from the grim reality staring them straight in the face. "Really?" They hear themself ask. "You're quitting? Just like that?"
"What, going to miss me?" The hero asks. "We could work something out-" The villain can envision the smile on the hero's face—playful but manufactured, amusement failing to reach their eyes.
"No, you're missing the point," the villain interjects. They can't seem to organize their thoughts. There's a terrible foreboding itching at their skin. "What happened to your mission?"
"My... mission," the hero echoes hollowly. They rub a hand over their face. Their enemy looks horribly mortal in that moment, their shoulders hunched and their posture crumpled.
"Don't tell me you can't remember," the villain says, resisting the urge to grab the hero's jaw and force them to turn to look at them. "Right the injustices of the world. Give people a better life than I had. Any of that ringing a bell?"
The hero's nose wrinkles. They're still staring out at the horizon, a distant gleam to their eyes. "My dreams were just that: dreams. Too lofty and optimistic to ever become reality."
Anger bubbles in the villain's chest, white-hot and fast as lightning. "How do you know?" They demand. "You didn't even try-"
"Didn't even try?" The hero snaps, finally turning around to look them in the eyes. The villain immediately regrets wishing to see the hero's expression, as they stare at the uncharacteristic rage and defeat written all over their enemy's face. "I can excuse everything else you've just said to me. But I tried. I fucking tried—more than you can possibly imagine."
The villain is struck silent. The hero takes a step closer, slowly breaking the distance between them. "Do you know how long I spent pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion and injury, just for the idealistic hope of change?" The hero continues, fury glittering in their eyes, "Do you have any idea how tiring it is to work every day of your fucking life for a system that doesn't give two shits about you?"
"I think we both know that I do," the villain finally chokes out, once their tongue no longer feels glued to the roof of their mouth. The hero's eyebrows furrow.
"No," they say with a shake of their head. Their enemy clenches their fists at their sides. The villain suddenly feels nervous, for reasons they can't quite explain. "You don't understand. You gave up." Dread prickles along the villain's skin as they comprehend what the hero just said. Perhaps the worst part of their accusation is that it's entirely true.
"Where you saw an insurmountable obstacle, I saw an opportunity," the hero continues, "I fucking tried. You didn't. You were content to drown in your hatred, to let your own selfishness override the fact that, out there, thousands of people are still experiencing exactly what we went through."
"So don't you ever say that to me," the hero hisses, pointing at the villain's chest. Their touch is light as a feather, yet the villain feels as if their enemy's finger is tearing through their flesh and bone. "Because I gave everything I had to this job. And the agency chewed me up and spit me right the fuck back out."
The hero's eyes are glassy, the villain realizes. Tears are falling down their enemy's face and they watch as the hero furiously wipes at their face with the back of their sleeve. They're beginning to realize why the hero hid their face at first—they were hiding the tear stains running down their cheeks.
The villain is at a loss for words. Truly, there is nothing they can say that will change the reality of the situation—nothing that will fix the horrible injustices and cruelties that lay the foundation for the very system the hero operated in for so long.
"So, yes, I'm quitting," the hero says, their voice raspy and cracked. A part of the villain's stone heart breaks at the devastated tone of their enemy's voice. "I'm done and, if I'm lucky, you will never see me again." Something akin to fear strikes at the villain's chest.
"I'll still find you," the villain maintains, their stomach turning as they try to imagine a world without the hero, a life without an enemy.
"And what will you do?" The hero hums. Their voice sounds empty; there is no sign of the unending determination that first drew the villain to them. "I won't fight you." They state.
"You don't need to," the villain tries.
But the hero simply shakes their head. "Goodbye," their enemy says instead, their visage fading as they disappear into the shadows. The villain stares at the space the hero had just occupied, wondering how it all could have fallen apart so quickly.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHHHHHHH. ahahahahhahhahahhah. HAHAHAHAHHA. hahahaha.... ha.... ah.... ha.... heeheehee
happy ending? never heard of her! :3
tag list: @lateuplight @wit-is-wisdom @greengableswriting @whump-me-all-night-long @noawhite @rekhyt-of-arcadia @the-blind-one-speaks @sufferfictionalcharacters @basically-psyduck @alexkolax @subval01 @emerald-blade @felicia609 @surplus-of-sarcasm @ilickedanenvelopeandilikedit @a-chaotic-gremlin @unknownogre @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @whatwhumpcomments @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @agayprince @starsick1979 @a-lonely-little-ghost @agayprince @plum-tello
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max-the-silly-guy · 3 months
*throws my Newton redesign in your face and runs away while giggling*
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Blood peach in full bloom 🌸
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sandyhelga · 9 days
Hi there!
Happy to share with you our new Outer Wilds song! This time, we focused on the Owlks and the Nomai, and with the help of our amazing vocalists, we were able to bring those species to life.
Hope you enjoy it^^
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shaken-veil · 1 year
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magicalgh0st · 6 months
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Hello rtumblr, here’s a sneak peek of a drawing I’m working on💕🌸
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I’m very tired so my seven sentences will be a day late and I will read all your snippets tomorrow when I wake up because I love you all and I’m so excited to read your words, BUT FOR NOW, I’d like to share my boxing fic progress before I crash for the night 🥊
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!!!!! ☺️
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rotcolon · 1 month
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I have alternate versions for them because I like how the pants came out but I wanted the cowboy chaps so both
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stranger-detective · 1 month
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notsolittlelittleguy · 2 months
Alright guys. Who let me into the happy jar.
Anyways, this is dedicated to MY home😸❤️‼️ (love you)
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p1nkpony-g1rll · 9 months
it took me like two (2) hours which is surprising because an older piece took SIX (6) HOURS anyways here ya go
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tiskdotjpg · 2 months
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This year's 420 YCH is finally here! For $45 you get an awesome icon for 4/20, symmetrical and with all the fixins
YCH includes options for tongues, ears, and more! Piece will be shaded and you can choose any color you'd like for included smoke, drool, tears, etc.
Also offering multiple slots! No limits at the moment! Commissions taken by April 15th WILL be done in time for 4/20!
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hermit-called-he · 10 months
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I’ve been thinking of you when I think of space
After all, sci fi brought us closer together 
It transports us out of this terrible time and place 
I swear it shoots me up into the ether 
Not only is it space the final frontier
It is also time and relative dimension in space 
I don’t know how I managed to get us here 
It’s like I traveled at warp 9 pace 
Take me away on the Enterprise or steal a TARDIS with me, good sir 
I don’t think you understand the extent of your allure 
I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame 
Even so, I’m not brave enough to stake my claim 
That would put too much pressure on you, pressure you don’t deserve 
I doubt this kind of attachment is something that can be learned 
We’re both introverts, I understand we both need our space 
I promise I’m not going to pursue you like I’m on a chase 
You’re a gem to be sure
You continue to surprise me every time we talk 
A liberal, feminist, southern, poet nerd with motives so pure 
Sometimes the way I act around you makes me want to throw myself out of an airlock 
There’s a lyric that says “You are the sun and I am the planets spinning around you”
You make me want us to make that statement true 
I could orbit you all day 
If you’ll just allow me to stay 
You are just an original in the sea of men 
I don’t think I’ll ever see your like again 
I’m lucky that you’re in my blip of infinity 
Also that we’re even going to be in the same vicinity 
I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t meet you
You make me want to feel beautiful and confident too 
Let me float around aimlessly in your space 
I know relationships aren't a race
I’m not fussy about the label
And that your feelings might not be willing and able 
To accommodate mine 
Although I wish I didn’t have to ask you myself if you’d be willing to give it a try 
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lovenotesfromprincess · 11 months
⋆*.⋆ ♡⋆*. ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆*.⋆ ⋆ ♡⋆*.⋆
daddy's good girl
⋆*.⋆ ♡⋆*. ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆*.⋆ ⋆ ♡⋆*.⋆
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dragonherder2030 · 2 years
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I found my passion for art again
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