#so same with chips gummy bears
chrisevansonly · 4 months
Some Extra Goodies
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charles leclerc x female reader
summary: you are the master at sneaking things into the grocery kart, only this time…someone is watching
warnings: none very fluffy and domestic charles
a/n: thank you all for the cute little ideas i’m gonna work through them, i hope you enjoy these little blurbs!!
Grocery shopping was something you and Charles loved to do together, ever since you moved in together, and even when you both still lived in your respective homes; it was a tradition for you two almost.
Another thing you were good at was sneaking extras into the cart, whether it was your favourite candies or a little package of double chocolate chip cookies, luckily enough for you Charles never seemed to notice.
Until today.
“Chérie, what kind of apples do you want this week?”
You hummed for a second, having just sneakily added a package of cookies to the cart, your eyes then moving up to look at your fiancé who narrowed his stare onto you.
“Oh um let’s just get the honey crisp again! Those were really good last time”
Charles didn’t say anything before grabbing a few apples and placing them into your little fabric fruit bag, the bag you’d started to force him to use to avoid all the plastic use.
“Okay, we just need milk and then we are good to go”
Nodding you hooked your arm through Charles’s and walked towards the dairy section, not before subtly grabbing a pack of gummy bears and trying to hide them under the bushel of banana’s that had just been laid down minutes earlier.
It wasn’t until after you’d gotten the milk and some yogurt that Charles stopped by the cash register, a slight smirk on his face.
“So are we forgetting anything?” he asked softly
“Nope, everything is checked off on the list!”
You raised a brow looking at him and shrugged, showing him the crumpled up grocery list
“Yeah, see I checked it all off…is there something we’re forgetting?”
“Well I just noticed something funny…”
Charles kept his eyes on you, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pulled out the cookies, gummy bears and the little box of truffles you’d slipped into the cart.
“It’s funny because I didn’t see these on the list…”
“What! Oh well how did they get in there! Must have flown off the shelf!”
Charles couldn’t hold his laugh back at your fake shock, it was something he loved about you, how you’d get so animated and pretend as if you didn’t do something: you both knew you most definitely did.
“So I didn’t see you sneakily place these in the cart over our trip here?”
“Charles! I think you’re seeing things, should we go see a doctor?”
Biting back a smile you tried hard not to crack nor laugh, but as Charles pulled you in for a hug and pressed a kiss to your forehead, you sighed, finally breaking.
“Alright…you caught me…i just wanted some sweets…”
“Well you didn’t have to sneak them mon amour..”
You shrugged
“It’s more fun that way! Plus you never notice!”
At the look on thé Monégasque’s face your mouth dropped open
“You’ve known?!”
“Every year since we started dating…”
Now it was your time to laugh, all of this time you’d thought he’d never noticed your additions to the weekly groceries, when in reality he’d known everytime for the past 5 years.
“Let’s just say don’t become a spy…you’re not very good at hiding things”
Pressing one last kiss to your forehead the two of you made your way to the cash to check out and pack all of your things up to go home. Even if you weren’t a good spy, and Charles did know when you snuck extras in, he’d never say anything, in fact he loved that you did it.
Because half the time, he’d want the same sweets as you, he’d just never admit it….not now at least.
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plumlace · 1 year
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Have you ever wanted pregnancy cravings with real food in The Sims? So have I! I'm excited to present to you pregnancy cravings that sims can satisfy with real food in game.
There are currently 13 different cravings your sim can have. These will occur randomly throughout the pregnancy. Sims will not receive the same craving more than once.
•grilled cheese
•apple pie
•sugar cookies
•chicken nuggets
•white cake
•gummy bear pancakes
•eggs and toast
•garden salad
•mac n cheese
•chocolate chip cookie
This mod is base game compatible.
Once you satisfy a craving, you will receive a temporary buff that prevents another craving from coming through.
Future Updates:
I plan to add more craving options.
I plan to make cravings more complicated to satisfy, such as combining multiple foods per craving.
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roosterforme · 10 months
Batting Practice Part 31 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Nothing melts Bradley's heart quite like Everett's excitement for his upcoming adoption. While the three of you count down to the big day, there are unexpected houseguests to deal with and neverending happiness to absorb. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, smut
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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"Mom! Dad!" Everett shouted, running up the sidewalk when Molly arrived to drop him off at home on Monday evening. "Aunt Molly said I'm getting a baby cousin in March!"
Bradley watched as Molly hustled along the sidewalk behind Everett, and he went to meet her to get his soon to be son's overnight bag. "Thanks for watching him for the weekend," Bradley said, looping the bag over his shoulder while he thought about how sexy you'd looked in Palm Springs wearing your collar and leash. Then he glanced at where you were giving Everett a big hug on the front porch, and he thought about how hot you were even in full mom mode.
"We had fun," Molly said, stifling a yawn. "Bob took him on a hike, and then we did math problems with gummy bears. He's all ready to start second grade." Then she grinned at Bradley and said, "You owe me one for packing your wife's weekend bag with you in mind."
Bradley grunted, cracking his knuckles to try to keep his composure. Only about two more hours until Everett was in bed for the night and he could have his Kitten all to himself. "Yeah, I definitely owe you one."
Molly clasped her hands in front of her baby bump, clearly very pleased that he had enjoyed his wedding gift. Then she bent to kiss Everett and tell him goodbye. "I'll call you after your first day of school tomorrow, Ev. Love you."
"Bye, Aunt Molly!" Everett waved as Bradley's sister-in-law drove away.
Bradley scooped Everett up in his arms and followed you inside. While he had enjoyed the two nights away with you immensely, he missed Ev's laugh and his smile so much. "Pancakes for dinner? And then I'll show you the baseball jersey we got for you in Palm Springs?"
"Yes!" Everett cheered. And then as he helped Bradley mix some chocolate chips into the pancake batter with a spoon, he asked, "Did you adopt me yet?"
"Oh," Bradley grunted, pausing to really look at Ev. Wide, sincere eyes looked back up at him. He thought back to the very first day of tee ball, remembering just how much he really liked talking to Everett right from the start. How he only grew to appreciate him more and more. And he let himself feel all of the overwhelming love right now that he had for this kid. "I wish, Ev. Your mom has to call some people first, and make a few appointments. It might take a few weeks." Bradley didn't want to tell him that it might be next year before anything was finalized.
"Okay," he replied, and his shoulders slumped with dejection. "But I thought it would be cool to tell everyone at school tomorrow that I got a dad over the summer."
Bradley wrapped him in a hug and just held him for a few seconds. "You can still tell them that. I'm your dad, for sure, kiddo. It doesn't matter if it's not official yet."
"Okay," Everett whispered against Bradley's chest. "But when can I write my name is Everett Bradshaw?"
Anything. Anything in the world. Bradley would do anything for this kid. As he held him and thought about how much his life had changed, he figured the fact that he would do whatever it took to make Everett feel happy and loved was enough to make him a good dad. He'd learn all the other details over time. He would probably make more mistakes and inadvertently teach Ev more bad words. But he would do anything for him.
Bradley kissed the top of his head. "Not quite yet. But you know what? You and your mom can probably both start using Bradshaw for your last name around the same time, so that's good, right?" he asked, his voice not much more than a harsh whisper. Everett hugged him tighter, and Bradley didn't ever want to let go, because he found as much comfort in these hugs as Ev seemed to.
And then that was when you walked into the kitchen to find Bradley with tears in his eyes as Everett clung to him.
"I thought we were trying on our new jerseys?" you asked, and Bradley pulled you into the hug as well. 
He smothered your face in kisses before he said, "That's for after dinner. And then we're gonna pack Ev's bag for school and watch Toy Story. But first just let me hold you both."
The next day was pure chaos. Everett begged Bradley to drop him off at school on his way to North Island, and on your way to work, you answered your phone when you saw that Molly was calling. She was crying.
"What's wrong?" you asked her, trying to navigate your way through traffic, thinking you may have to turn around and head to her condo. 
"Bob's being deployed," she sobbed, and your heart clenched. 
"In a few weeks," she said, sniffling into the phone. "I can't do this without him."
You assumed she meant she couldn't handle her pregnancy on her own, but when you tried to ask, she just cried louder. You could barely understand what she was saying, and you already knew you were going to have to have a conversation with Bradley about having her stay at your house. 
"Molly, it's going to be okay. You'll be great, and I'll be around to help you. And so will Bradley."
She laughed through her tears. "My turd-in-law likes me now, because I didn't pack any real clothing for your honeymoon."
You rolled your eyes. "He has always liked you. I think that just made him like you more. Let me call you back later tonight?"
"Okay." Molly's voice was soft and small as you ended the call, and you hated hearing her like that. But you had other important things to take care of. 
As you parked your car and made your way into your office, you rolled your eyes at Frank. You had bigger things to deal with than him. Once you were settled at your desk, you debated with yourself about which phone call to make first: Danny or your lawyer. You decided on Danny, and when he answered after seven rings with a groggy hello, you got right to the point.
"Any chance you were planning on responding to the petition I sent you for child support?"
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes, and now you were thankful you caught him first thing in the morning. "I have one hundred and twenty days to comply. And that's according to my expensive lawyer that you're forcing me to pay for. I hope you realize that this would mean there's less money for Everett."
Now you were the one rolling your eyes. "It's already been months, Danny."
"I have one hundred and twenty days," he reiterated, practically snarling at you through the phone. "You'll hear more about it when I'm good and ready. I still can't believe you're trying to destroy my life like this. You weren't money hungry prior to a few months ago. And I could still have that tee ball boyfriend of yours charged for entering my home without permission."
"He's my husband now," you said, keeping your voice as steady as possible. 
"Good for you," he replied with a sarcastic chuckle. 
"You're right. It's very good for me," you said, raising your voice over his horrible laughter. "I was just calling to let you know that you're about to be served with some papers that will negate the child support petition. And if you don't comply with what I want, I'll drag you through the legal system until you're out of money."
The line went silent, and you had to bite your tongue, forcing him to be the first one to speak again. "What the fuck do you want?" 
You took a deep breath and thought about your husband and your son and your sister and how much love was in your life now. "I would like to give you exactly what you hoped for: nothing. I can remove Everett and myself from your life completely if you agree to do something for me."
After another long pause, Danny said, "Name your terms."
Bradley was anxious to learn how your conversation with your lawyer had gone. But when he got home, it was just you there in your little black skirt and high heels, standing in the kitchen sipping a bottle of tequila. 
"Whoa," he said, rushing toward you and taking the bottle out of your hand. But you were smiling. 
"I was going to make us some margaritas, but I got carried away," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. Bradley tasted the tang of the liquor on your lips and tongue. 
"Does this mean you have good news, Kitten?" He was holding you tight to him, forehead pressed to yours as he waited, hoping to hear what would make him happier than anything else right now. 
"What are you doing eight weeks from today?" you asked, raking your fingers gently along his scalp. 
"Baby, if you don't tell me right now that I get to adopt Ev in eight weeks, I'm going to cry."
You smiled and pressed your lips to his. "You get to adopt Ev eight weeks from today. We have the date set at the courthouse."
"How?" he asked as his eyes filled with tears. "How did I get this lucky? In less than a week, I got myself a wife and a court date!"
He wasn't sure how he could be this happy and also be crying so much. But when you told him that you got Danny to agree to your terms, he had to wipe away his tears even though he was smiling. 
"Where's Ev now?" he asked, kissing along your neck, overcome with so much relief.
"Molly picked him up from school. She's going to bring him home after dinner."
"So, we're alone?" he asked, smiling against the curve of your jaw and hiking up your skirt. "We're alone. Until I invite Molly to come stay with us while Bob is deployed."
Bradley's hand's froze on the bare backs of your thighs. "I'm sorry, what?"
You kissed and nipped at his lips, but he pulled a few inches away from you. "Bob is being deployed."
"Yeah," he replied. "I got that part."
You rolled your eyes and started to unzip his flight suit. "And Molly is going to be lonely and overwhelmed, and I think she might want to come here for a few weeks."
Bradley groaned. "You can't follow up the good news about Everett with this devastating announcement, Kitten."
"Bradley!" you scolded, playfully smacking his chest as he yanked your skirt up until he was palming your ass. 
"All I'm saying is that Molly is like this annoying little sister that I never wanted, and even though I do love her, she's going to cramp our style, Baby."
"How so?" you asked, easing your hand down the front of his flight suit and stroking his cock. 
"She'll have to sleep in the Phillies room," he whispered. "You know that's where we've been having our quickies."
"Hmm, you're right about that, Coach. Think I could change your mind with a blowjob?"
Bradley grunted and thrust against your hand. He tilted your chin up and kissed you. "Your lips on my cock could get me to agree to anything, and you know it."
You nodded at him with all the confidence in the world before you sank to your knees.
Spending several weeks waiting was not ideal. Everett was asking nearly every day if it was almost November yet. Now it was barely October, but the three of you had gotten into a routine. Bradley made breakfast every morning while you packed lunches. Then he dropped Everett off at school, and you went to work a little early. When you picked Everett up from school, most days it was just so he could rush through his homework and dinner and spend an hour or two at the park playing and practicing baseball with Bradley. 
Your husband was true to his promises. And he seemed to like practicing baseball as much as Everett did. When you joined them one day, the October air was cool enough to trick you into believing you could be somewhere besides southern California. And Everett was hitting Bradley's pitches so hard, it was unbelievable. 
"I thought you were the famous Bradshaw?" you called out, teasing Bradley before he threw a pitch. "Don't you pitch for the Navy league? That second grader is kicking your butt."
He glared at you out of the corner of his eye and then dropped his ball and glove and chased you until he caught you in his arms. Your laughter was so loud as he kissed you and tickled you, and you tried to get away, but he was too strong. 
"I take it back! I take it back!" you gasped, out of breath from laughing. "You're amazing! The best pitcher I've ever seen."
He conceded by hugging you from behind instead of tickling you. Then he whispered, "I'm not even kidding, Kitten, he's so fucking good at baseball." Then he kissed you one last time and returned to pitch a slider to Everett who looked permanently happy these days. And when he hit the pitch easily, you realized you were permanently happy, too.
But that night, you had to deal with the thing you knew was coming at some point. It was late, and you were in bed with Bradley's mouth on your pussy. You were close, so so so close. But your phone kept ringing softly on your nightstand, and you could tell it was Molly by the ringtone. 
"Don't answer it," Bradley grunted, licking a long stripe from your opening to your clit. "You can call her back when I'm done with you."
So you laced your fingers through his pretty curls and rode his face, whining his name as your phone started ringing again. Bradley slowed down his tempo, just like he knew you needed, and when he wrapped his lips around your clit, that prickle of his mustache on your sensitive skin sent you. He squeezed your thighs as you planted your feet, and you came so hard, you were seeing stars. Your knee was shaking. He was unrelenting. Your vision blurred every time you blinked, but a beat later, Bradley's body was wrenched away from yours, and he was out the bedroom door and at the top of the steps with a baseball bat in his hand. 
Then you heard Molly's soft voice calling up from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm sorry. It's just me."
You tried to scramble for your clothing, but you realized Bradley had undressed you over by the bathroom. And then you realized that he was standing there in his snug underwear with a massive erection, holding the bat like he was about to take someone's head off with it. He must have heard Molly let herself in the house. 
As you located your clothing on the floor, Bradley lowered the bat, nodded and said, "Your sister's here."
"Thanks," you told him, yanking your panties on and slipping into his undershirt. You kissed him quickly as you rushed down the stairs and into the living room where she was standing with a tote bag and a bouquet of those hideous flowers she liked so much. She was crying softly. 
"I can't," she whispered, and you wrapped your arms around her. "I can't stay there alone another night. I hate being away from Bob. You know what he did? He got the guy from the gas station to deliver the flowers to me today, because it's the six month anniversary of the first time he said he loved me."
"Oh, Molly," you whispered, kissing her forehead. 
"He set this shit up before he left!" she wailed. "I don't even know what he's doing today, because I haven't talked to him in a week. A week! And now I interrupted you having sex, and I can tell Bradley's mad at me."
You held her close. "He's not mad at you, Molly. He just thought you were a burglar or something."
"I'm sorry," she moaned, holding the flowers out to the side so they didn't get crushed. Her belly felt like it had gotten bigger since the last time you saw her, and you patted her there which made her smile. 
"Stop apologizing. You can stay with us until Bob gets back." You really should have run that past Bradley before you made such a bold declaration, but you knew he wouldn't fuss too much. Probably. So you coaxed Molly into letting you put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, and then you led her upstairs to where Bradley was wearing a full set of pajamas and brushing his teeth in your bathroom. 
"Coach?" you called out to him softly, and he made eye contact with you in the mirror. "She's going to stay with us." You weren't really asking, and he didn't look upset. He just nodded and then spit out the toothpaste.
"I figured," he said, rinsing his mouth and drying his hands. He kissed you and pulled you in for a hug before adding, "I'll go sleep in the Phillies room for the night. Just tonight. That way you can talk to her so she can fall asleep. But after tomorrow morning, it's all red and white and the letter P everywhere for your sister. I don't fucking care how much she misses Bob. Got it?"
"Got it," you told him with a smile. "You're the best husband in the world."
"I know," he said with a grumble, but he was smiling too. And when he passed Molly in the hallway, she was still holding one of the flowers. He kissed her on the forehead without saying anything else, and then he walked into the Phillies room as Molly climbed in bed with you.
Everett was up so early on Halloween, Bradley needed to drink two cups of coffee just to keep up with him. "If you're this excited now, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be collecting copious amounts of candy later." He raised the mug to his lips again as you and Molly walked into the kitchen. 
The three of you watched Everett bounce over to the white board on the refrigerator and update it to say that there were just ten days left until his adoption. That meant that Bob would be home in nine days. That also meant that Molly would be out of here in nine days or less, and that did indeed bring a smile to Bradley's face. 
It wasn't that he didn't like Molly. He actually loved her. Everett was obsessed with his Aunt Molly, and she loved spending time with him. She was fun and witty, and it brought Bradley joy to pick on her. But she was also messy, and she was eating all of their food, and he couldn't walk around in his underwear as much as he had gotten used to. 
But last night, she'd happily taken Everett out for dinner and to the movies for a few hours with Bradley's credit card. And you'd worn your collar and leash for him along with your cat ears and tail, and holy shit, he needed to stop thinking about it right now.
"Morning, Kitten," he grunted as he poured you some coffee. 
"Ten more days!" Everett shouted.
"Nine more days!" Molly shouted.
But you bit your lip and pulled a piece of mail out of the tray on the counter. "I thought it would be more fun to open this when we were all together," you said, tearing into the envelope and holding up your new social security card. "But I'm officially a Bradshaw."
"Yes!" Bradley whooped, hoisting you up into his arms as you squealed. Molly and Ev did an obnoxious dance across the kitchen as Bradley kissed your neck and ear while you chanted Bradshaw, Bradshaw.
"Everett will be next! I'm buying us one of those stupid flags people hang from their porch with their last name on it, I don't even care," you said as Bradley set you down, and his lips found yours.
"I love you, Kitten."
That evening, as the four of you got ready to go trick-or-treating, Bradley pulled on his Navy Waves uniform and then buttoned you into one of his Phillies jerseys.
"You'll have to borrow this until we can get you some Phillies gear of your own, Mrs. Bradshaw. Don't spill anything on this one," he muttered. "It's vintage."
You rolled your eyes so hard and then said, "No eating chocolate in it then?"
"No, no, no, absolutely no chocolate. This belonged to my dad."
"Oh," you gasped as he did up the last button. "Then I can't wear it tonight! It's too special."
You reached for the buttons, but Bradley stopped you with his larger hands. "Nah, it's okay, Kitten. Ol' Goose would have wanted you to wear it. I think he'd be happy to see me with you and Ev right now." Actually, Bradley knew both of his parents would have loved you and adored Everett. It was hard for him to think about the way Carole would have doted on her grandson. 
The look of awe on your face as you said, "Thank you. No chocolate," made Bradley chuckle. 
Then Molly's booming voice in the hallway had you pulling the door open to reveal her standing there dressed as a pregnant umpire. "Are you ready to rumble?!" she shouted into a bullhorn that had you and Bradley covering your ears while Everett chanted and cheered. 
"Baseball umpires don't use bullhorns! And they don't say that!" Bradley shouted over the ruckus, but when he reached for it, Molly yanked it away from him. 
"This one does," she said into the speaker, and Bradley thought one of them might not make it back tonight. 
But it was so hard to be annoyed when the four of you looked like you were ready to play baseball. And then Bradley had you take a photo of him kneeling down on the porch next to Everett dressed as a Phillies player. The photo was so sweet, he immediately set it as his lock screen. 
"Are we ready to go?" Molly asked using the bullhorn, and Bradley gritted his teeth. "Ev, that's a foul for looking so cute in your Halloween costume. You owe me a Snickers bar for that."
"That's not what umpires do," Bradley ground out, digging around in the massive bowl of candy that you had set on the porch steps, searching for the only thing that might make Molly stop.
"And my sister gets a red card for leaving the candy on the porch," she added through the speaker. "That'll get stolen by the first kid that comes by. Rookie mistake. I used to do that with my friends."
You just shook your head as Bradley said, "There aren't even red cards-"
But Molly turned the horn toward him. "And Bradley gets a foul for being a turd."
But then his fingers wrapped around the king sized Hershey's bar and he waved it in her face. "I'll trade you this for the bullhorn, Molly. Make good decisions."
She eyed him with trepidation, but he knew that candy was her weakness now more than ever. She'd finished a whole bag of fun sized Kit Kats two nights ago, and Bradley had to go to Target to replenish the Halloween supply. When Molly lunged for the Hershey's bar, Bradley quickly grabbed the bullhorn and shoved it discreetly into the shrubs as she immediately opened the wrapper. 
And after that, he had a pretty great night. Everett collected three pillowcases full of candy, and Molly ate it along the way while she repeatedly yelled, "Strike three, you're out!" every time Bradley tried to give you a kiss. But he was happy that Molly was having a night where she wasn't constantly thinking about Bob. 
"Can we get a family photo next to that huge inflatable pumpkin?" you asked, pointing at the lawn decoration in front of the last house on the street. Everett went running for the pumpkin, all hopped up on sugar. 
"Yep," Bradley said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Molly held her hand out to take it from him, but he shook his head. "You need to be in the family photo, too." So he flagged down another dad who agreed to take the picture for them, and you slipped your arm around his waist and gave him a kiss just after the photo was taken.
"Thanks, Coach," you whispered, your soft voice right next to his ear. 
"Thanks, turd," Molly told him, trying to hide the tears she was swiping at as she turned to chase Everett down the sidewalk yelling about interference and personal fouls. 
But it was after everyone got home and Everett and Molly were sound asleep that Bradley's night got even better. He was tired, he really was, but as soon as you very carefully unbuttoned and removed his vintage Phillies jersey, you looked at him and licked your lips. 
"Kitten?" he asked softly, his cock already very interested in what might be happening next. 
You closed your eyes and said, "I bought something I wanted to try on for you."
Bradley groaned, ready to beg. "Yes," he grunted, and you were pushing him toward the bed as he got undressed down to his underwear. 
"Close your eyes. No peeking," you whispered, turning on the soft bedside lamp and turning off the overhead light. So he closed his eyes and listened to you flitting around the room, opening drawers and the closet door. His hand was down the front of his boxer shorts, and he was stroking himself when he felt your warm lips meet his. He moaned softly, "Can I look yet, Kitten?"
Once you were straddling his waist, your ass rubbing his cock through his underwear, you whispered, "My name is Lieutenant Kitten," and his eyes opened immediately. You were wearing his khaki uniform shirt, complete with his Bradshaw name tag. His favorite pair of aviators were perched low on your nose, and his dog tags were tucked between your breasts, hidden by the shirt. 
"You're the sexiest naval officer I have ever seen," Bradley promised, skimming his rough fingertips down your soft thigh, bent knee and calf. He smirked as you raised his hand to your lips and kissed his wedding band. "Lieutenant Kitten."
As you leaned forward to kiss his lips, Bradley noticed some dark green lace peeking out from the collar of the khaki shirt, and he started working on the buttons as you licked the seam of his lips. 
He felt the fabric before he saw it. You were covered in green lace from your tits down to your pussy, and he was already nudging it to the side, dying to know how wet you were. 
"You're in charge, Lieutenant," he whispered, his voice harsh. "What would you like me to do?" 
"You better make me cum."
He moaned as you lifted your hips, and he slipped that finger right inside you. So warm and silky. The bodysuit fit you like a dream, and you were leaning back, hands on his thighs, letting him watch your pussy sink down around two of his fingers now. You were rolling your hips slowly, making Bradley throb, but he was determined to give you exactly what you wanted first. 
God, had you ever been this wet before? You were practically dripping. "Does that feel good, Lieutenant?" he asked. 
"Keep going. Keep going." 
With three fingers now inside you and his thumb on your clit, Bradley worked you over at a leisurely pace that had him almost in a trance. The way you were moving looked obscene, like he was viewing something so sexy, so filthy, it was taboo. He was barely moving his hand now, just listening to your little grunts and moans as they got louder while you fucked yourself on his hand.
"God damn," he whispered, tapping your clit softly each time you withdrew to his fingertips, earning him a little gasp. 
"Bradley," you whined, getting a little louder now as you tilted your head forward to look him in the eye. Your grip tightened on his thighs, and his cock was demanding a fair share of your body, but he could tell you were close to orgasm. 
"Baby," he whined, your slick coating him and glistening as you rocked your body forward one, two, three more times, and then your pussy clenched, grabbing at his fingers. "Fuck."
"Oh my god!" you whined, lips parted, gasping as you jerked yourself along his fingers.
"I need to fuck you," he said, nodding his head. "Please?"
"Yes," you gasped, easing yourself onto your back, legs spread wide. He pushed that little bit of green lace to the side and coated his cock with the wetness on his hand, and then he fucked you. And he fucked you so hard, your back arched. And then he fucked you even harder, your tits bouncing free of the bodysuit while he shoved his still slick fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet.
He didn't last; he knew he wouldn't. Not with you in brand new lingerie and his shirt. Not with the chain of his dog tags tangled up with your paw print necklace. He filled you up with his cum as he leaned down, easing his fingers out of your mouth and replacing them with his tongue. Everything was back to that languid pace you'd set earlier as you dragged your fingers through his hair and tasted his mouth. 
Bradley pulled away to look at your pretty face, and you smiled as you ran your fingers along the scars on his cheek. "Did you enjoy your Halloween, Coach?"
With a kiss to the tip of your nose, Bradley pulled himself free from your body and collected you against his chest. He carefully leaned back against his pillow, holding you close with you still in his khaki shirt. "I did," he said thoughtfully, rubbing your arm. "I...well, I know it's kind of silly, but the last time I spent a Halloween with my dad was when I was three, and now I'm a dad."
"That's not silly," you told him. "And you're not just any dad. You're the best."
He held you tight. "You think Ev is going to make us dress as baseball players again next year?"
"Oh, one hundred percent."
Just two more parts left now! Thanks so much for reading! If there's something for Coach, Kitten and Ev that you're hoping to see, hit me up. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and thank you for the banner @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 months
Johnny Headcanons <3
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Note: had to do it to them 😮‍💨 i decided to do a mix of romantic and random hcs cause i thought it was cutie but I did section them off from each other!! might write about tcm later on so i’ll take requests for it!!!!! @twsted-idiot :3
he definitely had a FUCK ASS haircut growing up. all those boys in that damn house did. NANCY HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS DOING 🗣️💥 she really pulled up with the scissors and said ‘alright sweetie just hold still’ and fucked up his entire life for a hot 10 years. after that no one gets near the hair…
fuck ass teeth lets be soooo real. from the amount of times he’s gotten into fights at the bar or in a street, he definitely lost/chipped a few in his prime teen years. his bottom teeth are also a lil crooked…but it’s cutie on him! our little gummy bear ❤️ (bitch has gums for days it’s ok to admit it!!)
i’ll talk abt a lot of his love languages in the romantic section but let me tell you, he’s good at pulling bitches but has trouble pulling ppl he’s ACTUALLY interested in 🗣️💥
^ what I mean by that is like. if he just wants a good fuck and a bougie dinner, trust he’ll have a bitch under his arm! but if he has someone he genuinely cares about and wants to be with, he’s more reluctant to show interest… if that makes sense.
everyone knows he has a farmer’s tan 😭 tan one second, takes off his shirt, WOAH!!! WHOS THIS WHITE MAN??? IS THAT A FUCKING GHOST??? oh no it’s just johnny’s tatas 😻
^ speaking of wish im a freckle truther so fuck you he has light freckles on his face 😮‍💨
ALCOHOLIC. REAL BAD. say bye bye to his livers 😿……but no seriously he has terrible drinking habits. practically drinks every night smh. and that’s on dealing with unbearable depression 😮‍💨
SMOKES HEAVY TOO. (johnny your lungs…😿)
idk abt yall but I think johnny’s a sweetheart to bubba….his mama taught him better than to boss him around and be an asshole like CERTAIN PEOPLE. although johnny can come off as demanding, i truly think he has the best intentions at heart when he’s interacting with bubba ❤️
kinda homophobic but gay at the same time 😮‍💨 and that’s on that TEXAN TIP 🇺🇸🦅💥 YEEEEHAW!!!
in my head i think johnny had his own room n stuff in the house up until he confronted nancy. after that and getting his eye fucked up, he wanted to be petty and sleep outside just to bother nancy. at first she didn’t care and thought he’d eventually just come back in but. he. DID NOT. instead he literally cleaned out the entire shack, found a cheap couch from some thrift store, n fucked that shit UP!!!!!! nancy was PISSED!!! 🗣️ “come back in”…..“no” type shit
loves keeping souvenirs of his victims. ESPECIALLY memorable ones. where did he get that belt? simple, really. this cute guy tried to use it as a defense mechanism! johnny strangled him with it shortly after ❤️ oh and this perfume? yeah, he found that in a REAL fighter’s purse. she was cute whenever she screamed 🌹
started driving at like. 10. nancy fucking FLIPPED OUT whenever she caught him riding around in a car as a literal CHILD. (influenced by certain people😒) but even after all her scolding, he never stopped 💀…that’s why he’s a good driver to this day!
this man loooooooooves his hunting. talking abt sum “THATS A BUTTON BUCK 🗣️” bitch no one knows what you’re talking abt be quiet. (I love him passionately)
johnny DESPISES wearing formal clothing. whether it’s some dumb church suit, dress shirt, or WHATEVER, he does NOT FW THAT SHIT ❌ the real ones know johnny walks around his house with just his boxers on…..and that’s on that country shit 🇺🇸🦅💥 (more like CUNTry)
CALLOUSED HANDS TRUTHER 💥 he definitely has some fucked up fingernails too. stained with oil n shit….SOMEONE GET HIM A PEDICURE IMMEDIATELY.
nubbins always instigates him into fighting a family member 💀 (usually sissy or the cook) talking abt sum: “she said you get noooo bitches…hot ones at least lolsies” or “he told me that he thinks you’re the weakest link of the family but yknow…” FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! but johnny falls for it every time 😭
HATES PHYSICAL AFFECTION AT FIRST!!! I’m telling you this right now he DON’T LIKE IT!!!!! and it’s not even in the cutie ‘aw he’s touched starved’—NO. HE DON’T LIKE IT. that’s not to say his opinion won’t sway a lil depending on the person (🤭) but at first that’s a big no no with him.
^ but once he starts getting comfortable with you, it’s impossible to pry him off. always wanna hug you n kiss you n play with your hair….he’s a lil love bug fr!
terrible at handling verbal affection. like god 😭 when receiving compliments, he kinda just scoffs, says something snarky, n tries to change the subject. keep doing it? he doesn’t know what to do with himself. it eventually becomes a staring contest with him being like ‘quit that rn.’ but let’s be honest, he likes it 😮‍💨
^ in terms of GIVING IT OUT, he’s pretty good at it. words of encouragement come easy to him since he just has to give you a ‘good job’ (maybe even adding a lil pet name if he’s feeling cute) n move on with his life.
^ but complimenting your laugh? your voice? your eyes? your hair? your clothes? he does it in the slickest ways possible. never over the top or on the nose, always subtle and almost unnoticeable.
he shows his affection through gift giving. stolen flowers from sissy’s garden, stolen jewelry from…trespassers, stolen expensive clothes with suspicious gashes through the fabric, severed limbs—LMAO OFC NOT!!!!! but yes he’s very inclined to give you lil gifts here and there.
surprisingly enough, he likes teaching you stuff. whether it be something small like the mechanics of a car or something big like gutting and skinning a corpse, he enjoys being the one who shows you how to do things he knows how to do well. and when he sees that he successfully accomplished his goal of educating you, he’s happier than ever. (this is also a perfect excuse for him to call you a good girl/boy!!!!!! he’s not slick!!!!!)
pet names consist of the TEXAN WAY BABY YEEEEHAW 💥🦅🇺🇸 sweetie/sweetheart, baby/babe, honey/hun, angel face/doll face, y’know how it is. and it’s kinda cute cause throughout your relationship with him, you unlock certain pet names!!
wanna see a magic trick? 🪄 MANIPULATION! johnny is a genius when it comes to manipulating you. and trust me, you will NOT know he’s doing it.
this is really fucked up (bc HE’S fucked up) but he definitely pushes your boundaries in the beginning of the relationship. it’s kinda like a test to see what he can get away with and how you’ll react to him being an asshole. are you gonna cuss him out? are you gonna hit him? cry? run off? he wants to know.
^ and by ‘pushing the boundaries’ I mean degradation n shit. you ask him what’s wrong and he calls you a filthy whore, a mangy slut, a stupid bitch, JUST TO SEE what you’ll do.
^ the way to pass the test is STANDING UP TO HIM. that’s what he WANTS. be an asshole back!! don’t lose your shit, just one-up him. for example, call him a bitch ass momma’s boy!! that’ll have him on his KNEES!!
who said jealous? BECAUSE YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. johnny IS insecure and thinks you’ll leave him, so it’s better if you DON’T talk to anyone he could perceive as a threat. he lays off with family n shit bc he gets it, but if they ain’t related to you? bitch they better know how to fight 😮‍💨
PDA is iffy with him especially around any of the family LMAO….but if he feels threatened by a guy or god forbid JEALOUS, best believe you’ll have an arm around your waist real fast. 🤭
you better like late night drives bc this man ADORES them. whenever he wants to have a sentimental moment with you or treat you real special for a night, best believe you’ll be in his car for a good while. takes you to the PRETTIEST landscapes he knows of and just chills with you.
^ cutie till he tries scaring the shit outta you with some horrific story abt what happened there or sumn. or even…idk…..starts the hypothetical scenario of “y’know I could kill you rn and no one would be able to hear you scream LOL! 😹” johnny…..if you don’t shut the hell up….
if shit is serious, you definitely made a blood oath with him that you’ll stick with him despite everything. basically marriage imo. peak romance right there <3
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hoony-parker · 2 years
Could you do a Steve x reader where she has anxiety and it’s really bad for the day and so she kinda just clings to Steve the whole day?? Like she constantly hugging him/cuddling into him while he works and runs errands (maybe picks up Dustin)?
notes: aaand i'm back! so sorry for the long wait, but i had to take some time for myself <3. i won't promise any weekly updates or anything, because i'm really busy with uni, lately. but, i'll try to post every time i can! hope you enjoy!
warnings: mentions of anxiety, mentions of not eating (very brief) a lot of fluff and some teeny tiny angst at the end (happy ending!!). a litte bit suggestive, also? i changed the request a little bit... hope it still works!
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
w/c: 2.9k (uh-oh)
four times you needed to be close to steve and one time the tables turned.
steve really didn't know what was going on with you.
he was starting to get concerned. it wasn't like you weren't an affectionate person. you always were— always cuddling him at night or while watching a movie, or always kissing his cheek when you were out or holding onto his hand at all times.
but, although you weren't all that shy about pda, you also knew your limits. after all, not everyone needed to see how needy you were with your boyfriend.
but this... this was on another level.
it all started the night before. steve had come home late from work after robin had literally abandoned him after telling him that same afternoon she'd help him restock the videos — she didn't by the way. she had a date, or something — and steve was left to rearrange the very, very large pile of films on his own.
he did make it up to you, though. steve made sure to make a quick stop on the service station near home to get some goodies for you: your favourite gummie bears and some sour cream and vinegar chips for you, and some tampons just cause he knew you were about to start your period.
when he safely made it home, he found you all scooped up in the living room couch, wrapped up in a blanket and what he could only assume was his yellow sweater, a sliver of fabric peeking out from under the blankets.
you were asleep, the room dark and the only light coming from the tv, still running some crappy sci-fi movie you had probably settled with after not finding anything good to watch. steve smiled tiredly, placing the plastic bag on one of the sofas and crouching in front of you so he'd be on eye level with your pair, and gently removed some strands of hair from your face, tucking them away and petting your head with gentle touches.
you hummed tiredly, eyes fluttering and a yawn way too cute for steve to handle, and he'd felt his heart clench behind his ribs because fuck, you just looked so cozy and comfortable.
he pouted when you humphed in annoyance at being woken up and leaned down to kiss your forehead, then both of your cheeks, then the tip of your nose and, finally, your lips, still plump with sleep.
"c'mon, sweet face. let's go to bed," he whispered, as not to disturb you further. you hadn't fully opened your eyes yet, and he could only imagine how exhausted you were.
it was finals' week and you had been studying your ass off since last month, simultaneously going to work every day for eight full hours and as if it weren't enough, you had to bare with the asshole of your boss, who just couldn't shut his damn mouth.
with his words, you finally opened your eyes, stretching your legs under the blanket and shaking your head no, then wrapping both of your arms around steve's shoulders and burying your face into the juncture of his neck. he chuckled lowly, breathlessly, because he felt you press a few wet kisses to his skin and then nuzzle further into his warmth, and he couldn't help his pulse from picking up its pace.
tha blanket had fallen from your back, and steve placed one of his hands there and caressed up and down so you wouldn't lose any warmth. he kissed your temple and put his lips just above your ear. "could you get any sleep at all? hm?" and then a few more kisses.
you only hummed, the answer unclear to your boyfriend. but, when he made a quick move to get out of your embrace and stand up, you whined and sat up straighter, not letting your arms fall from around his shoulders and you wrapped both of your thighs around his waist, hoisting yourself up along with him. steve made a little 'umph' sound in surprise, laughing and placing both of his hands under your thighs to keep you safely close to him.
he didn't complain. how could he? when all he had wanted all day long was to have you just like that — in his embrace, all sleepy and yearning for his warmth, ready to fall asleep in each other's arms.
so, he carefully walked up the stairs, chuckling softly every now and then after hearing your sleepy mumbles you let out.
steve didn't hate a lot of people, but if his alarm clock was a fucking person—
it was a thursday, and you had a day off. finals' week was finally over, and steve may or may not have called in sick for you, so you could stay and catch up on some much needed sleep. he, however, couldn't stay with you.
keith had made it very, very clear that steve could forget about coming back to the store if he called in sick again this month— he had done so for at least four times already. it wasn't his fault, really. it wasn't like the supernatural would let him get his sleep after attacking hawkins.
but, what really didn't make it any easier was how, when the absolutely horrible sound of the alarm, he felt you hug him tighter and you cuddled closer to his body, sighing in annoyance at the idea of having your boyfriend leave your embrace.
"mmh, no. you don't get to leave," you mumbled into his chest. steve chuckled, bringing one of his hands up to your hair and scratch your scalp, making you almost pathetically melt into his touch. in return, you gently traced figures with your nails on the skin of his stomach, your hand under his shirt, and you smiled when you felt him shiver beneath your touch.
"gotta go, sweetheart. keith'll fire me if i don't," he insisted, though his smile was almost sad at the idea of leaving you and having to yearn for your snuggles all day long.
"i'll get you a job at the bakery, then," you mumbled, and steve tickled your sides, his smile widening when you squirmed away. "i couldn't possibly rock that cupcake hat like you do, doll."
you didn't answer, only nuzzling your face into the softness of the fabric of his shirt. "don't want you to go yet, though," you sighed. steve frowned, looking behind him to get a glimpse of his alarm clock.
"it's still pretty early. why don't you have breakfast w'me, hm?" he offered, brushing your hair out of your face. you hummed, smiling in approval. "you gonna make scrambled eggs?" you asked sheepishly. he laughed. "with a glass of orange juice and some coffee. what d'ya think?" steve mumbled into your hair, leaving sweet kisses on the crown of your head.
when you nodded with a smile, steve slowly took your arms from around him and stood up from the bed, stretching his arms over his head. "gotta take a quick shower first, 'kay?" he looked at you, and you made a smiled softly, still laying on his sheets, and made a single 'come hither' motion.
he smiled in return, letting himself drop on the bed and putting his hands before him as not to crush you in the process. you giggled, placing one of your hands on the back of his neck and pulling him in, lips on his, and you felt him smile through it all. when you pulled on the hair on his neck, steve let out a low moan, and he pulled away, panting into your lips and dropping his forehead on your collarbone. "i really have to take that shower," he repeated.
you bit your bottom lip, wrapping your legs around his waist in silent question. he groaned needily, supporting your weight with both of his palms under your butt and hoisted you up, pushing his lips back on yours and walked the two of you into the bathroom.
breakfast with steve was the best thing of the day. and, because it wasn't every day you could enjoy it together, as you weren't living together — not yet, at least —, that just made the two of you yearn for it even more.
you sat on the countertop, legs swinging back and forth while you watched as steve cooked breakfast, a cute apron over his bare chest and his hair still tousled from sleep. he hummed to a song, absentmindedly swinging his hips while he stirred the eggs on the pan.
you laughed to yourself, hopping down the counter and walking to the other side of the kitchen, taking two mugs from the shelf and taking them with you on the way to the coffee machine. you poured some of the beverage in both of the cups and prepared them just how steve liked it, before walking to him with both of the cups.
placing one next to his hand on the countertop, you kissed his bare shoulder, singing the lyrics of the song he was humming seconds before.
"thank you, sweetheart," he smiled warmly, turing his head over his shoulder and puckering his lips, asking for a kiss.
you did as he asked, a quick peck on his pink lips and you took your free hand to his forehead to clean his sight from any fallen strands of hair, then caressing his cheek with your thumb.
after deciding against hugging him from behind while he cooked, because you knew steve gets distracted very easily and it was for the best for him to finish breakfast without any incidents, you waited for him on your seat by the window. he quickly joined you, putting a bowl with the scrambled eggs on the small table next to you and his cup of coffee next to his plate, sitting down on his chair.
quickly, though, you decided that he was sitting way to far from you. so, you took your mug, rounding the table and walking towards him. he frowned, confused, but you placed a hand on his shoulder and just waited for him to get the hint himself. when he leaned back, you climbed on his lap, one hand around his shoulder and the other bringing the coffee to your lips. he just smiled at you, his fingers tracing patterns on your thigh and his other hand gripping his fork.
steve knew you had a test today. he knew, because you hadn't slept at his in weeks trying to prepare yourself for it. and, yes. it was torture for him, sure, but he was worried for you.
even though you and him weren't meeting after your shifts or after your lessons so you could study, you'd try to make some time to grab lunch with him, or meet on your respective breaks. he'd seen the bags under your eyes, the way your nails looked bitten and the skin around them looked red and angry.
he could feel your anxiety from a mile away.
you had your morning shift today, and then your exam half an hour after your last lesson of the day ended. it was noon now, almost eight, and he had yet to hear from you.
it was funny, really. how, even though he couldn't even imagine himself sitting for an exam as hard as the one you're sitting for right now — something you had told him multiple times before that he's more than capable of doing so —, he felt as nervous as if he was the one in that classroom with the sheet of paper in front of him.
but he had seen you through the process of getting ready for it. he'd seen you with your head in your hands, highlighter in hand while you went over and over the same page, trying to get all the information in it to stay in your head.
he'd seen you skipping meals, only ingesting caffeine as if your life depended on it, and it worried him.
so, he waited, and he waited, and tried to busy his mind by restocking the videos and organizing them by alphabetical order — just like keith had told him and robin they had to actually organize the movies like, but hadn't really done so before — but it wasn't really working. a frown found itself permanent over his pretty brown eyes, and robin watched, amused, with her chin on the palm of her hand on the counter.
"watcha thinkin' about, lover boy?" she smiled, teasingly. steve hadn't had any time to bother himself from reacting to her teasing. "haven't heard from her since this morning, tha's all," he mumbled under his breath, not even looking up nor facing her, as he continued placing the videos on the shelves.
"she'll come soon enough," she assured. "speaking of," robing exclaimed and, as if on cue, the bell above the door ringed. steve looked up, and he barely got to see your figure, head down while you walked with long, hurried steps towards him.
"hey, sweethe—", he interrupted himself with a sound of surprise, your body crushing into his and you buried your face deep into his vest.
he could feel your heart beating hard and quick, but, even though he tried to get a glimpse of your face, the angle wouldn't allow it. steve, looked at robin with a worried face, which she mirrored, and she shrugged, leaving the room and walking into keith's — now empty— office to leave you some space.
your breathing was heavy and your grip was tight, and steve, although it took him some time to understand the situation, didn't hesitate to hug you back just as tight. it wasn't until he felt a wet patch forming on his shirt that he realised you had started crying, and he kissed your forehead and began to sway the both of you side by side. "s'all good, doll. jus' breathe f'me," he mumbled into your hair, his voice hushed and sweet like honey, calming and comforting like a fuzzy blanket in a cold morning.
after a couple of minutes of silence, only the sound of your sniffles in the empty store, steve spoke up, still holding you tightly. "hey, how 'bout a movie night? you've wanted to watch back to the future for a while now, right? we can take it from here. no one'll notice. and, if they do, we'll just blame robin," he shrugged, and felt himself perk up at the sound of your teary laugh. "don't be mean," you accused.
"hey, she's been stealing the pb&j sandwiches you make for me for months now. she'll get over it."
steve was a reserved guy. never been one to talk about his issues with anyone. not when nancy broke up with him, not when he went through all the supernatural. he's never told a soul.
but, when you came into his life, things slowly started to come out of his mouth by themselves. as if they'd just slip from his tongue swiftly and without struggle. as if the words had been begging to come out for months now and needed the relief.
however, steve had never, ever, talked about his family to you. you knew it wasn't easy. knew he didn't have a great family and, being an only child, he was all by himself for most of the time. even more when his parents were away for work trips for the most part of the year.
you didn't know when the breaking point had been. when, all of the sudden, couldn't even talk about his parents. about his dad, specifically. but, a couple of years forward, steve had graduated from community college.
it wasn't a big deal, he had said. although, it really, really was. and you couldn't have been anymore prouder.
the ceremony had been small — just the family of the graduated students and their friends — but they were just a few of them. of course all the kids had been invited and every single one of them had shown up. but, even though you knew steve was glad all of you had made it, he couldn't mask the disappointment on his face when he looked around the room and didn't catch his parents' eyes.
he'd been quiet the rest of the day; at the restaurant you had all gone to to celebrate, at dustin's house, where his mother had so kindly baked him a cake with frosting that read 'con-grad-ulations, steve!'.
steve was more than grateful, of course. he had recieved more love from all of those people than from his own family in his entire life. but, nonetheless, his smile couldn't quite reach his eyes. and you couldn't blame him for it.
when you made it to his house — emtpy, as usual—, steve threw his cap on the couch and walked into the kitchen. you knew he needed his time, so you went upstairs and got ready for bed.
once in bed, you waited for him with a book in hand. a couple of minutes later, he came into view, already in his pajamas and threw himself over you, immediately burying his face in your chest, tangling his legs with yours.
your hands went, as natural, to his head in a second, petting and comping and scratching his scalp to get to relax him. but, when you felt hot tears meet your skin, you held him tighter and let him cry. he cried for minutes, gripping you with such strength, as if he was scared you'd slip away from him. you kissed his forehead, hands and fingers, nose and cheeks, and let him cry.
"shh, breath f'me, mkay? s'all good, honey."
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@filmsbyemma @m-rae23 @hello1276 @bijleegiregi @tiaamberxx @dirtytissuebox @mads-weasley
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
QPR chimera be like
MK + Mei: literally two sides of the same coin. they are a 2 in 1 package. do not separate. nobody will ever know them like they know one another. they grew up together through their roughest and messiest (so far) years. they built a connection of mutual blind trust that only being in the same martial arts academy can. they've seen each other naked more times then they can count. they've bared their whole souls to each other over a plate of chips and gummy bears. they finish each other's sentences and sandwiches. they've molded themselves around each other, and now they can't stand on their own without the other.
MK + Red Son: they lean on each other, they could talk together for hours and never get tired, they are constantly reminded of each other, they can never have enough hours in the day to share together. they can be vulnerable and open about stuff they never could with others, because that vulnerability with others they are close to involves breaking some sort of illusion of how they present themselves. they are learning more about themselves everytime they just sit together and just, Be. the power imbalance goes both ways and they know it, and they work with it instead of around it. they are building something together everyday, and its dearly cherished.
Red Son + Mei: they are mirrors of each other. they know each other's struggles for simply being born as they are better than anyone else. they are royalty, their parents have expectations, they adore their parents, the filial piety could swallow them whole and they'd let it. they know loyalty like its carved into their very bones, they know devotion like it runs in their veins. they'd kill and they'd die for those they care about. they'd tear each other apart if their family asked them to, and neither would hold a grudge about it, because they Understand. they don't even need to speak to each other to know when something is wrong, and what they need to feel better. they have the same favorite snacks, and incense, and favorite bike mod content creators. they match.
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vrisrezis · 9 months
hello (i have read you're taking requests at the moment. it's okay if you can't do this but if you can i will be so so so grateful ) could you please write satoru x reader who has kind of a stronger, more introverted personality (a bit of a tsundere) so people normally deem them as intimidating, emotionless and hard to approach but satoru is falling so hard for them? like they've been close because he's been one to genuinely care and get to know them for who they are and that's why he's so protective and whipped. he's the only one who the reader lets baby them around and vice-versa, because they both know how hard it is to keep the "strongest" facade while being so soft and love starved inside. thank you if you do this really it means a lot!
SO CUTE. love satoru x tsun! Readers opposites attract okay….
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- satoru is not one to be intimidated by anyone, so you don’t scare him like everyone else. He probably finds you personally fun to tease as you get annoyed easily!
- also, it’s just nice to see you show emotions since everyone thinks youre so emotionless and he likes to know he has an effect on you!
- but eventually aside from the teasing he tries to genuinely be your friend, which he doesn’t do with many people (the only true friends he feels he has being shoko, nanami, geto, and haibara. Secretly utahime too but.)
- this mainly comes from a place of finding you fun to be around despite your personality, (you’re fun to be around cuz it’s fun to tease you) but also he does genuinely find you interesting and wants to learn more about you
- a friendship would be formed of course, and slowly he’d get to see every bit and piece of you and falls for you in the process :)
- he’d be aware of it too, and kinda just accepts that as his life
- he would really value your friendship a lot though, due to how he can’t really be this vulnerable around anyone else, except maybe geto but it’s not the same.
- the closeness he feels with you is really special to him, so he wouldn’t tell you how he felt for a long time as he valued what you two have together
- regardless, satoru is very sweet to you! Aside from all the teasing cuz he does love to do that a lot
- but he actually goes out his way to buy you things! claims it’s cuz you’re such close buds, but you see a chibi geto laughing in the corner for some reason
- he likes buying you sweets :) he knows despite that rough exterior deep down you’re a softie just like him who loves to munch on some gummy bears
- also he isn’t subtle btw
- like he thinks he is but he isn’t
- bro straight up watching a movie on the couch and then be like “oh man! It’s so cold in here! Can I cuddle up to you?” and it’s like 90 degrees outside
- satoru typically isn’t all that protective of people he likes, cuz I genuinely can’t imagine him with somebody he would view as weak (I also think even if he did it’d be very unhealthy and savior complex-y)
- he doesn’t doubt you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t like to stand back and watch people judge you and assume you’re some robot, incapable of feeling. Incapable of being sad or incapable of being exhausted from a long day. You’re a human being, and he will not hesitate to remind people of that, if you won’t.
- and vice versa cuz even satoru forgets he’s a human being that’s allowed to rest
- satoru will ask for some of your praise cuz it’s his favorite but you almost never deliver. The few times you do he’s blushing and also never shutting up about it. Two years later and he will still talk about the time you said he did a good job baking those chocolate chip cookies.
- satoru feels like he can tell you anything, his worst mistakes, his fears, his guilt. And he’s happy you feel the same way. That you can let down your walls too.
- your relationship is interesting because of how similar and different you both are, you both build up walls and hide but in a completely different manner. You act mean and tough all the time, while gojo acts happy and silly all the time. You both have a hard time being vulnerable and letting people in, and you both know what it’s like to be the strongest and have people assume nothing bad could happen to either of you because of the strength you both constantly show to the world. But you both have such big and soft hearts that you’re both terrified to share. And yet, because of that understanding, you both find solace in one another and let eachother in as if neither of you cared about letting people in, in the first place.
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ya-boy-polaris · 9 months
Can i request a raihan x reader seperate? Enemies to lovers but they live in the same apartment together?
Heres the raihan version!
Raihan x Reader: Enemies to lovers
You and Raihan are rivals clear as day!
The two of you have been at each other's necks since the very moment you became trainers.
Everything becomes a competition, my tent is better, my cooking is better, my pokemon is better, etc.
The two of you become influencers but obviously only one of you goes one to become a gym leader
You two are enemies but in the goofiest fashion, you two make videos with each other trying to see who's the better of the two.
Absolutely nobody was surprised when you two decided to do a spicy eating competition.
It escalated from "Trying out Kanto's spiciest ramen!" to "Spicy Gummy Bear" to "Spicy Soda" and then lastly, to "The world's hottest chip."
What you didn't expect to happen was for Raihan to be sent to the hospital because of how bad the chip hurt his stomach...
You immediately show up, Raihan is surprised to see you but you can't help but just kinda like sob and beg for forgiveness, you NEVER wanted him to get sick!
Raihan laughs and explains that he's alright but gonna stay the night at the hospital. He asks if you can stay.
So you do. You stay that night, talking the night away, reminiscing over old times and such.
A hospital nurse staff or some papparazzi uploaded a video of you and Raihan cuddling each other in the hospital bed. You go back to eating regular moderately spiced food from that point but will tease each other about that incident.
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8aji · 1 year
We need to hear your shin hc!!!! What you write abt him it’s always so good >_<
a glimpse of a relationship with shinichiro sano...
a/n. very self-indulgent + i went all in with these TT i got so excited and im sorry it took me so long to post !! i wanted to perfect them as best as i could !! i had so much fun writing em as well and im so down to do more of these ngl. a part of me thinks i should do a more neutral layout for my fics or hcs as well LMFAO BUT ANYWAY !! i hope yall enjoy :D
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Loves it whenever you ask for his help to put sunblock on your back; it's a way to show he cares + a mild form of intimacy. Will literally melt when you help him do so in return; borderline squealing, he loves the feeling of your hands against his skin. 
Learns your skin care (+ makeup) routine down to a T. He’ll hand you your serums and moisturiser and any other product that you use all in perfect order while he does his own routine — the one you designed and he enthusiastically learned.
On that same note, he loves it when you help him do his skincare. It relaxes him to feel you lather his face with moisturiser and serums and sunscreen and whatever really. He can't help but hum in satisfaction and close his eyes as if he could fall asleep with him standing up between your legs while you sit on the bathroom counter
Loves when you curl his lashes. Ik a lot of people don't think much of it but for me curling someone's lashes requires a lot of trust and can be a very intimate moment between people. Youre letting someone else get up close and personal to you and use smth that looks like a torture device close to your eye. But anyway, he loves the way you hold his face in place, gently yet firmly before using the curling thingy; is amazed by the result as well, princess lashes look pretty on him — I think he's got fairly short lashes ngl
I think he loves being taken care of because he’s used to always taking care of people. Of course this doesn’t mean he doesn’t like taking care of you. This mf ADORES doting on you. Will literally go above and beyond to make you happy and fulfil any sort of need you have. One of his love languages is definitely acts of service. 
Whenever you are too sleepy/drunk he’ll wipe your makeup off and do a fast version of your skincare. He knows it's important to you so he’s happy to help. Plus, he’ll gladly play along to your booze induced rambling. He still blushes at the memory of you drunkenly mumbling about ‘asking him to marry you someday’
Whenever you buy a bag of gummy bears, he eats the gummy flavours you don’t like. I think it’s cute. You don’t like the blue gummy bears? he’ll happily eat those without a complaint. And whenever he grabs your fave flavour by mistake, he’ll just put it back without you noticing
Always, and I mean ALWAYS, enthusiastically agrees to go to the store with you. Even if you’re just going to a corner store to buy a bag of chips. He’ll go where you like tbh, as long as he’s with you
On that note, he loves going shopping with you. Idc what anyone says, Shin is the perfect designated bag carrier. Is happy to follow you into any store and look at as many things you want. The only “downside” is he genuinely thinks everything looks amazing on you so if you are indecisive or want an unbiased opinion he isn’t your guy; in those situations he just nods because you’re so pretty, you should get anything you want.
Will blush if you take him underwear shopping. Still follows you inside and gives his opinions when asked, even if they consist of ‘I think you look really pretty in both :)’ while he sports a blush and a lovesick smile.
Aside from the designated bag carrier, he’s also designated swatch palette. Perfume? Makeup? Skincare? Wall paint? He offers his arm any time you want to try anything. Its a very endearing sight tbh, Shinichiro with a thousand lipstick stripes on his forearm with his hand in yours. 
Even in cute family outings with his siblings and you, he’ll be the one to carry your bags. And the breathing swatching palette act is even more adorable when you have a grown ass man following his s/o and little sister around a makeup/skincare store so they can use him as a canvas. At least his enthusiasm makes up for Mikey’s bored groans and disgust over dramatic complaints whenever he sees the two of you kiss or hold hands.
Shin doesn’t care tho, he is and will always be a hand holding enthusiast. Sometimes he even swings your interlocked hands back and forth to make the two of you giggle. He can’t help it that he loves how your fingers fit so nicely against his; he likes having you close whenever possible.
I was at the beach while writing this so forgive my biases but — one of his fave things about summer is going to the beach with his friends and then falling asleep on top of you after swimming in the sea. The two of you are still in your wet swimsuits, hair dripping with salt water and enjoying the feeling of the water droplets cooling the skin of your chest and arms after being exposed to sun. His cheeks are smushed against you, forming a pout on his lips while he hugs your torso; bonus points if you brush your fingers through his hair while he drifts off, smiling at you and your friends chatter.
He is a bitch for getting called pretty.; gets all smiley n sometimes shy. Won’t outwardly ask for you to compliment him but is a sucker for those. It doesn’t even have to be about his physical appearance, although those def have a positive impact on his self-esteem. It makes him feel appreciated in a way.
So the way he shows his love is through quality time and acts of service, but he likes receiving words through words of affirmation, touch and quality time — IMO, ME THINKS
And like everything in life, a lot of my hcs are up for change BECAUSE i'm indecisive <3
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© 2023 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work.
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the first instalment for the bruise childhood friends au, mostly setting the scene before we get into all the shenanigans and fluff. Jay and Cole are about 8-9 here. cross posted to Ao3
Jay hummed quietly while his dad talked with the adults. They were at another event — Jay didn’t care to remember which, they were all the same to him. Get in the car with the driver, arrive at the destination, don’t bother Dad while he talks with the grown-ups. Maybe play a game or read a book, but don’t be loud. Today was no different.
“—I think that it will go well,” his dad said. 
The man he was talking with raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yes, if all goes according to plan it’ll be a hit.”
“I would hope so,” the other man said. “I’ve invested too much time and money into this for it to fail.”
“Of course.”
Jay continued to sit in the corner, but he was bored. Just as always. But surely he would only need to wait a bit longer, and then he and Dad could go out for dinner. He was starting to get hungry. Really hungry. Jay decided to take the chance. 
He walked up to Cliff Gordon and pulled his sleeve. “Dad?” he said. “I’m getting hungry,”
“Not right now, Jay. I’m talking with Mr. Brookstone here.” Jay’s dad turned to the other man. “My apologies, he gets a bit restless,” he gave a dry chuckle. 
Mr. Brookstone laughed. “That’s alright. My son is the same,”
Jay’s dad looked down at him. “Jay, why don’t you go wander around for a bit? You can go buy a snack,” he placed a couple coins into Jay’s hand. Score!
“Okay, Dad.” Jay said. 
Dad turned back to Mr. Brookstone. “Now, where were we?”
That was Jay’s cue to leave. He turned and went out the big fancy door they’d come in through, then went down the hallway. There had definitely been a vending machine somewhere.
When Jay finally found it, he was shocked by all the options. “Wow,” he mumbled, mostly to himself. “So many choices.”
“Yeah,” a voice from behind said. 
Jay squeaked and spun around to see another kid, probably his age. 
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” the kid frowned. 
“You just surprised me.”
The kid shrugged. “Why’re you here? Didn’t think the audience was allowed backstage,” he uses a lot of big words, Jay thought. 
“My dad works here,” Jay said. At least, he was pretty sure Dad worked here. Though he hadn’t been in this building before, so who knew?
“Your dad’s an actor too?” Jay asked. 
The boy shuffled a bit, like he didn’t like this conversation. That was okay, Jay didn’t really like it either. “He’s a singer,” he finally said. 
“A singer? Like The Fold?” They were a band that Jay’s dad worked with before. He remembered them because one of the members gave him a lollipop. 
“Yeah, kinda. He’s a Royal Blacksmith,” 
Jay had not heard of them before, though that wasn’t surprising. He hadn’t heard of a lot of people. “Sounds cool,” he decided on saying.
“I guess,” he said. 
This kid seems lonely, Jay thought. Like me. 
That makes us the same. Couldn’t hurt to be friends, right?
Jay held out his hand. “I’m Jay Gordon,” he said. “We’re friends now. What’s your name?”
“Cole Hence,” the other boy said.
“Great!” Jay smiled. “I’ve got some money. Wanna share chips or something?”
“Yes, please,” Cole said shyly. 
Jay turned back to the vending machine. “‘Kay, what d’you want?”
“Anything’s fine,”
“Gummy bears?” 
Cole hummed. “Yeah, sure,”
Very, very, carefully, Jay inserted the coins into the slot. Then he pressed the little number pad. 0-4-6, he typed. The packet of candy fell out. “Got it!” Jay said cheerfully. He held their prize up. 
“There’s a table,” Cole pulled Jay’s arm. “We can sit there.”
“Why’s there a random table?” Jay wondered. 
Cole only shrugged in response as they sat down. 
Jay tore open the pack and passed it to Cole. “So which one is your favourite flavour?” He asked. 
“Strawberry,” Cole said. “Yours?”
Jay thought for a moment. All of them were pretty good, in his opinion. “I can’t decide,” he said. “They’re all too good!”
“That’s true,” Cole agreed. “But I still think strawberry is the best.”
“I think real strawberries are better,” Jay took another gummy. 
“That’s also true,”
By now, they had finished the pack. There hadn’t been a lot inside. 
Cole looked at the empty packet, then at Jay. “Do you want to go exploring?” He asked. “I don’t know when your dad will be done working, but mine won’t be for a while.”
Jay’s dad wouldn’t be finished working for a while, if the way he sent Jay off was anything to go by. “Mine too,” he said. 
Cole smiled a little at that. “Great!” He said. “We can keep talking then,”
“And exploring,” Jay reminded him. “I want to explore.”
“Where shall we go first, captain?” Jay put on a fancy accent, like the ones that he saw on TV.
“Hmmmm,” Cole looked around. “The balcony? It’s where fancy people sit!”
“I thought balconies were for standing,”
“I dunno,” Cole shrugged. “That’s just what my mom told me,”
“It does sound cool, though,” Jay said. “And I want to pretend to be a fancy person,”
“‘Kay,” Cole said. “This way,” he lead them up a flight of stairs — they were so pretty! Who thought even the stairs needed to be decorated? Jay wondered.
He decided to ask Cole about that. Cole seemed to know a lot about this place. “Hey, Cole?”
Cole turned to look at him. “Yeah?”
“How come everything here is so fancy?”
“Because it just is, I guess.” 
A lot of things just were, Jay thought. Like how Dad just never had time to play with him, or how Mom wasn’t around, or even how his classmates didn’t like him.
“We’re here,” Cole said, snapping Jay out of his thoughts. He looked around. The stage was very far in front of them, and he could see the giant speakers too. Jay felt very small compared to this room. 
“It’s huge,” he said in awe. 
Cole grinned. “Yeah, it is.”
“You can see the entire theatre from here!”
Cole considered that. “Well, maybe not the entire theatre,” he said. “But definitely a lot of it.”
Jay laughed. “It’s so cool!”
“When they’re performing, the entire stage lights up,” Cole pointed at the lights. “They even change colour.”
“You’ve seen it?”
“Yeah. My dad performs here a lot,”
“That must be fun,” Jay said. 
“So, do you—“ Jay was cut off by a loud “JASON EDWARD GORDON! WHERE ARE YOU?”
“Oh! I’m in here, Dad!” Jay called out. 
Dad marched in looking angry. “Jay, what are you doing in here? I’ve been looking for you!”
“I was exploring,” Jay said softly.
That did not seem to be an excuse for Dad. “You were supposed to get some food and then come back,” he scolded.
“Sorry,” Jay mumbled. 
Cole was still frozen near the railing. “Um, sir?” He squeaked. “It wasn’t Jay’s fault. I’m the one who thought of coming up here,”
His expression softened at that. “And who are you, lad?”
“Cole Hence, sir. My dad works here,”
Jay’s dad frowned. “And your dad is..?”
“Lou Brookstone.”
“Ah,” Dad looked around and shook his head. “I was talking to your father earlier. He’s in the main lobby right now, waiting for you as well. I can bring you there to meet him.”
Now Dad was looking at Jay. “Jay, next time you wander off you need to tell me,” he had a strict look on his face. “Do you understand?”
“Good. Come on, let’s go meet Mr. Brookstone,” Jay’s dad marched the two of them out the door and into the elevator, then to the main lobby. 
“Dad!” Cole ran up to Mr. Brookstone. 
“Hello, Cole. Where have you been?” Mr. Brookstone looked mildly confused. 
“I was exploring with Jay,” Cole pointed at Jay, who waved awkwardly. 
“That’s nice,” Mr. Brookstone said tiredly. He patted Cole on the head. 
Jay’s dad looked uncomfortable, and he cleared his throat. “Ahem,” he coughed. “It’s getting late, and we still need to get home. We’ll meet again next week as planned, yes?” His smile was very strained. 
“Yes, of course,” Mr. Brookstone said, like he was just realising how late it was. “Come on, Cole. Let’s go,” he pushed Cole in the direction of the door. 
“Bye!” Cole waved cheerfully, undeterred by his dad’s sour mood. 
Jay waved back. “I’ll see you next week! I’ll bring games and everything!” 
Dad looked at Jay. He didn’t seem as angry anymore. “It’s good that you’re making friends,” he commented. 
“Really?” Jay looked up. 
“Yes,” Cliff said. “We have to get home now, and you still need to eat dinner and shower. So hurry up,” he walked out the door, Jay following closely behind. 
I made a friend! Jay smiled at that thought. And I get to see him again next week! Maybe getting dragged to his dad’s meets wasn’t so bad after all. 
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punsmaster69 · 4 months
he lugged me over his shoulder.
excluding ambassador stuff this morning, papyrus is dragging me around to do everything he's doing today.
"it wasn't 𝘯𝘰𝘵 helping."
"it 𝘸𝘢𝘴 easy though."
i make complaints, but i'm glad to have someone to lug me about when i can't seem to be able do it myself.
even if my lack of movement probably makes folk think i'm some weird stuffed animal hung over my brother's arm.
"did we need anything?"
"snack run?"
"sounds good."
"sounds gooder."
tori puts me in the cart herself on occasion. beats walking.
bread labels pressed against my cheek, celery against my forehead, whatever else they've gotten burying me...
waking up under the groceries is a risk worth taking if it means less legwork.
in the time i spent spacing out 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 being buried, i'd been hidden under a mass of things; like pasta boxes and microwave meals i could recite from memory the back-of-box instructions to right now.
i shifted around to free my hand, lifting a cereal box off my face.
not hit with sugar cravings very often, but i decided to look anyway. papyrus picked up on the fact that my gaze was flitting between the cookie choices. he grabbed one of each and decided against actually 𝘁𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 the packages into the cart, keeping it metaphorical and calmly handing them to me to avoid breakage.
"what about uh.. those one red licorice things?"
he spun around to grab them before pausing and narrowing his sockets slightly as he inspected the labels closer.
starting to crane my neck to the side to look at them,
and stopping when i couldn't remember a difference between the types.
𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 tossing the non-fragile red licorice into the cart with me.
he picked out his own candy - one bag of gummy bears and one of soda-shaped gummies, before wheeling the cart around to the chip aisle.
shopping must have been the last thing on his list of things to carry me around to do, since i'm allowed to slump back onto the couch again.
not that i'm alone on the couch.
there's a seat occupied by our snacks on one side of me, and a seat on my other side by my brother; leaned forward in focus as he finds a movie to put on.
a glance over at me.
he settles with one we've both seen countless times.
in the dark, i hear my brother shuffling about to clean up the mess. taking wrappers to the kitchen, sweeping crumbs off the couch, all that.
papyrus pauses in front of me. i close my sockets as if they were like that the whole time.
seeing through it but carrying me to my room anyway, he tread lightly to avoid making the stairs creak.
after laying me in bed, he quietly whispers something as he pulls my blanket up.
i cracked a smile and let my eyelids open for a second to look at him.
"you just want to be right."
he kept his voice lowered.
"..it's an improvement."
"it's not sulking. 's closer to sinking."
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theaawalker · 6 months
Sparks & Sprinkles [Kim P. + Ramona F.]
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Pairing: Kim Pines + Ramona Flowers (fluff) Song Inspo: SugarCrash! by ElyOtto Word Count: 1,126 Summary: Kim Pine and Ramona Flowers have a girl's day out: defeating ninjas, eating frozen yogurt, and not talking about Scott Pilgrim. Warnings: violence, use of "slut", mentions of cigarettes Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
Sometimes Kim Pine wonders why she even gets out of bed in the morning. She hates her roommate, Hollie (cheating slut), she has the lamest job in the world (yes,sir, we keep those sorts of DVDs in the back, behind the Transformers display), and the one decent thing in her world, playing drums in the band (We are Sex-Bomb-omb!) has ground to an amazing halt because they are "recording."
She just wants to spend a little time with her best friend's surprisingly cool ex-girlfriend Ramona Flowers (soon-to-be-not-ex if he can pull up his pants and woman up) before they have to meet up with Scott later. A day at the yogurt shop sounded just right. Just Kim & Ramona.
Of course, a gang of ninjas wouldn't give her the satisfaction.
Really, jeez, she thinks as she twirls a drumstick around her finger and pokes one of the ninjas in the eye (ZING!), while punching another with a gloved fist (THUNK!) -- is it too much to wish for a bonus level every once in a while, instead of always having to fight toward the big boss at the end?
Ramona obviously feels the same way. Her hair flies back as she scissor-kicks her opponent with a booted foot.
"All!" She spins and slices at another in the throat.
"I!" She cartwheels over to snag a tray.
"Want!" She smacks a girl ninja full-face.
"Is!" The girl stumbles back to crash into one of the red plastic tables.
"A frozen yogurt!"
Kim elbows the last one in the mouth, and he crumples. The ninjas flash like seizure-inducing strobe lights and then disappear. A shower of prize coins hits the table where they left their winter coats. There is a smattering of applause from the other patrons, and then they all go back to their desserts.
Just another day in Kim Pine's Annoying Little Life.
Ramona swipes a hand across her sweaty brow and nonchalantly brushes herself off. Then she walks over to their table and picks up one of the glittering coins. "You want this?" she asks Kim. "I just got paid, so..."
"Yeah, okay." Kim slides the coins off into her hand and then into her pocket. (KACHING! Kim Pine gets $15.79 and 10 exp. points!) No need to go advertising it, but she could use a little extra. Kim jerks her head toward the register. "I'll go get the yogurts. What do you want?"
"They got anything tequila-flavored?" Ramona drawls.
Kim barks a laugh. "You should put in a comment card."
"Then whatever. You choose for me."
"Vanilla, no toppings," Kim says, deadpan. "Don't want the gummy bears to clash with your hair."
Ramona smiles, twirling one pink-dyed lock between her fingers. She gets Kim's sense of humor, unlike Hollie (two-faced slut). "Nice." Ramona says, feigning a lack of sarcasm. "And so thoughtful."
Matching Ramona's sincerity with a bright little nod, Kim slides up to the counter. "One small white chocolate with chocolate chips, and one small vanilla..." She steals a glance at Ramona, who is staring blankly out the yogurt shop window. It's funny. Even with her bright pink hair, Ramona almost seems to fade into the crowd with some unspoken sadness. "...with strawberries."
"Got it." The guy at the register types in the order and then looks pointedly over at the overturned tables to the left.
"What." She gives him a glare. No one picks up at No-Account Video when there's a brawl in the family section except her.
He backs down and shrugs. "Two yogurts, coming right up."
Kim turns her back and doesn't bother to watch him make them. She plays it cool, waiting until he's got the little cup under the noisy yogurt-spewing machine to say, "And don't even think of spitting in them." She doesn't even ruin the effect by turning around again to catch his bewildered, guilty look.
Instead, she watches Ramona.
She's mysterious (Kim likes that), cool under pressure (Kim would give her prize Zildjian to be as cool as Ramona) and fun. Kim doesn't know if it's just the way New Yorkers act, but Kim really enjoys her touch of American badassness in this way-too-Canadian city.
When the yogurts are done, she brings them to the table and sits. Ramona takes her spoon without comment on the strawberries, and digs in, still lost in her own thoughts.
Kim wants to get Ramona out of this sudden funk, but she can't come up with a decent topic of conversation. "Um..." she starts, wincing inwardly. "You... make any interesting deliveries lately?" Then she winces outwardly.
"Huh?" Ramona says, coming out of her daze. "Interesting deliveries? Oh... no, nothing really."
"Still, it's gotta be more interesting than working in a video store." Kim exaggerates a yawn, her plastic spoon hanging from her mouth.
"All right..." Ramona leans forward. "Last month... I almost lit one of my packages on fire with a cigarette."
Kim almost chokes on her spoon. "HAHAHA! How?"
"Guess I shouldn't try to make deliveries the morning after one of Julie's stupid theme parties." She takes another bite of her yogurt. "Too hungover to do two things at once."
"Oh, man, I wish I'd been there to see it...!"
As she's laughing, she sees another freakin' ninja sneak in the side door out of sight of Ramona. Kim prepares to jump up and take him down, but Ramona's hand slips quietly into her purse, and withdraws her giant mallet from the subspace pocket.
With a whirling leap, she smashes the mallet down (THOOM!), just missing the ninja. He jumps over the top of the weapon, sailing above their heads. Kim tries to tackle him to the floor, but Ramona's mallet doubles back and hits the ninja's spine with a satisfying CRACK! He explodes into multi-colored coruscating fireworks.
(LEVEL COMPLETED, 500 bonus points!)
Ramona calmly stuffs the mallet back in her purse. "I almost didn't get that one."
"C'mon," Kim says, completely serious. "You're Ramona Flowers."
The corner of Ramona's mouth turns up. "Guess so."
"Hey, you wanna get some coffee?" Kim asks, pushing her hair out of her eyes.
"Sure," Ramona says, blowing at a curling strand of pink in her face. "I think we've reached our ninja quotient for the day."
They push their way out of the yogurt shop into the biting winter wind. Kim smiles as the cold starts to numb her ears. Maybe Scott will forget all about this stupid meeting she's secretly bringing Ramona to (he doesn't deserve Ramona, anyway).
She wouldn't mind at all.
• ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ •
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ssirenaamae · 3 months
HER|Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter three
"Should I get jelly colas or gummy bears?" Chung-Ae asked.
With no hesitation, I replied, "Both, obviously."
"Both it is then!" She threw them both on the cart.
Right now, we were shopping for snacks because of our impromptu sleepover. I usually don't keep snacks at home because I get too tempted to eat them instead of important meals—and I'll end up binge eating at night, which I'm not very fond of. Midnight snacks are a big no-no for me.
Nevertheless, it won't hurt to break the rules for just one day.
We almost bought half of the store with us because why not? We bought chips, nachos, ice cream, chocolates, and candy. I mean, who could resist them?
"Did you decide on what movie we will watch?" Chung-Ae questioned, casually opening a bag of chips.
I shook my head, "No, not really. We'll search for something interesting to watch when we get home."
She hums, proceeding to eat some chips. I felt like we forgot something, but I'm not sure what it could be. It's certainly not food, that's for sure.
How could I forget? We went to the drinks aisle, picking a bunch of different beverages. I'll need to donate most of the stuff we bought to the food shelter since I'm sure we won't be able to eat or drink all of this.
"Oh my God, the craziest thing happened—"
Oh, no.
Out of all days, why would he decide to go to the convenience store today? I feel like the universe hates me sometimes.
Chung-Ae's eyes widened, staring at me as I glared back at her. Could she be more obvious about it? I could feel his questioning gaze on me, which made me sigh. I mean, it's practically piercing my back.
I turned around and faced him with a forced smile, "Hello, sir. How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks. I hope you're feeling better than last time," he grinned.
His smile literally melts my heart. The way he's looking at me so politely and yet at the same time concerned is truly affecting me. Chung-Ae must've noticed me immersed in my thoughts, clearing her throat to bring my attention back here.
I coughed, "Um, yeah I'm doing better. It was just a tough day, that's all."
His smile faltered a bit, seeing right through my lie. Nevertheless, he decided to speak about something else, which I'm thankful for.
"I see. I probably caught you at the wrong time, haven't I?" he gestured at our cart piled with multiple snacks, which made me cringe.
It's like we packed everything there that would cause us health issues.
I nervously laughed, "Yeah, well uh we're having a movie night so..."
He turned his attention to Chung-Ae, politely greeting her while she did the same. "Do you take Psychology too?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he knows she doesn't. He's probably trying to be polite and not leave her out of this conversation.
"No, I don't. I work as an interior designer," she said.
He hummed, "That's a lovely job. "
He looked at me, "I won't bother you guys further. Have a lovely Evening."
"You too, sir," I smiled.
Right as he left, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Chung-Ae snorted, shaking her head at how helpless I am. I seriously need to get a hold of myself. This can't go on any longer.
As I scrolled through the list of movies to watch on tv, I heard the front door open which alarmed me. Chung-Ae is here with me, so I know it's not her. Did someone break in?
Grabbing my charger, I shakily walked towards the door, ready to whip whoever dared to break into my house—that is until I heard a familiar voice, which made me sigh out of relief.
"Kyung-Mi, where are you?" My mom called out.
"I'm in the living room, mom!" I shouted.
Mom entered the living room, throwing her bag across the room, not caring where it lands. Her eyes lazily traveled to me and she raised her brows. She stared at my hand that was holding the charger like some sort of weapon and snorted, "Did you think someone broke into the house? Never mind that—did you actually think a charger would do anything?"
I scratched my head, "Well, that was the only thing near me that I could find which could serve as a weapon, so..."
She sighed, extending her arms as I ran to her and hugged her tightly. It's been a while since I've seen my mom. I wish I could live with her again, but I need to be independent. I know that if I move back into my mom's house, I'll be so dependent on her again. That's probably the last thing she wants.
My mom has been a big part of my life and still is. I truly couldn't live without her.
"Oh my God, is my mind playing tricks on me, or did I just hear Nara's voice?" Chung-Ae squealed. She ran from the kitchen and indeed saw my mom standing beside me.
"Nara! It's been so long!" Chung-Ae hugged my mom.
"Yeah, well, things have been hectic at the company," she laughed.
After the jump scare I received from my mom, we caught up a bit with her. Chung-Ae and mom talked about work struggles; meanwhile, I searched for a movie to watch for us three.
"Yeah, like can you believe her? The nerve she has," Chung-Ae scoffed.
My mom laughed, listening to Chung-Ae talking about her coworker animatedly.
I couldn't help but wonder what would mom's reaction be if I told her about professor Park. Would she be disappointed? Would she accept it?
My mother did marry early, after all, and had me at the age of 20. There was an age gap between her and my father, but it wasn't so huge. Still, her experience wasn't that great. It left her being a single mother to a child when she was just young and clueless.
Since then, my mom has been wary of relationships. Wary of men. It was an irrational fear of hers, which is understandable considering the emotional trauma she went through.
I know if I brought this up to her she would freak out. Knowing that her one and only daughter had fallen for her professor. She tried to educate me on how to find the right man for myself and learn through her mistakes, but I did the exact opposite. I'm deliberately hurting myself by liking him. If only professor Park wasn't so great, I wouldn't have liked him as much as I do now.
"Anyway, you should visit us more often. It's getting boring not having you around," Chung-Ae's voice snapped me out of my daze.
Mom sighed, promising her that she'll try to come here whenever she was free. She then looked at me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it while smiling at me. I felt myself relax at her touch.
She always knew when I was feeling down. She's my mom, after all. I don't know what would I do without her.
For that, I will never disappoint her.
A few months later
Today was finally graduation day. It felt so—surreal.
I had my makeup professionally done, but it wasn't anything major. It was just a soft glam look. I had my hair professionally done too, giving my pin-straight hair some volume and curls.
Chung-Ae helped with my graduation dress shopping. The dress we picked out looked so much better on me than I had anticipated.
I must say, I looked really nice. I felt confident for once. It was rare nowadays to feel confident, but I hope things will change in the future.
Anyway, I wore the graduation robe alongside my hat and looked at myself through the mirror in one of the University's bathrooms.
I finally graduated.
It truly hit me once I saw myself in the robe. Not going to lie, I'm kind of nervous about being an actual adult. I'm going to have to work to earn a living, and I'll be fully independent.
But I'm excited to finally face the real world.
I left the bathroom and went to the auditorium, standing in line waiting for my name to be called. I could see Chung-Ae and mom sitting next to each other, waiting for my name to be called out.
When my name was finally called out, I couldn't help but grin like a child as I headed up the stage. I shook the hands of the professors and took a picture with my certificate.
I left the stage as I received my certificate while feeling that I'm finally free. I'm no longer going to stress out over midterms, or exams ever again in my life.
As I went to take a seat beside my other colleagues, I saw Professor Park standing at the corner of the auditorium, clapping.
He mouthed to me "congratulations".
After the ceremony was done, I went to Chung-Ae and mom, receiving endless amounts of hugs and praises from them. I then looked back to the corner of the auditorium and saw that he was still there. I couldn't help but go to him, which left Chung-Ae and mom in a state of confusion. They didn't know where was I going, but I couldn't care. I had only one thing in mind, and that was closure.
I beckoned professor park to follow me to the hall, which made him perplexed. As we stood in the hallway, I took a big breath and bowed to professor Park which made him panic.
"Ms. Deung, please—"
"Thank you, Professor, for everything!" I cut him off. I stood up and saw his panicked face, which would have made me laugh if I wasn't so serious.
"Thank you for being a great role model to me, for consoling me, and for being so understanding. I couldn't be thankful for you enough. I probably wouldn't be where I am today without your help. I hope that I could somehow help you the same way you helped me, but it's not possible. So for that, I will be forever grateful for your help, sir." I said, feeling some tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
Professor Park smiled a soft smile and grabbed his handkerchief as he dried the tears that I didn't know I had shed.
"First of all, my help isn't what got you here in the first place. It's you, Ms. Deung. If you weren't as smart and amazing, my help would have meant nothing. You need to give yourself more credit, okay? And please, don't thank me for all of this. I'll gladly do it all over again because you deserve all of it," Professor Park said, patting my face gently to dry it off.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Now, go celebrate. You won't get to repeat your graduation day, so make it count!"
I nodded to professor Park, bidding him goodbye one last time before leaving him to go to mom and Chung-Ae.
This chapter of my life is finally closed and done.
Lol I wrote this chapter while I'm sick, so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
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As an autistic person, I can't stop thinking about autistic!van x autistic!reader and helping each other with struggles and all that.
What do you think?
Hi there, also as an autistic person I absolutely adore the concept of autistic!Van x autistic!reader, so I'm gonna write these out as head-cannons, since I have many thoughts on it.
Also I am gonna elaborate more on some of these in the Van x Reader fic I have lined up, so yeah, look out for that if you're interested.
Quick disclaimer: I've only been diagnosed recently (but have pretty much known I am for the last year, I just needed stuff filled out etc, so I could finally have a proper diagnosis), so I'm pretty new at understanding my autistic traits, and if they are to do with my autism or are just me in general, so this is gonna be based off my own experiences and what I've seen about autistic traits.
Also I may have accidently integrated dating head-cannons or general Van head-cannons, since I couldn't really tell the difference, so enjoy those as well if there are any.
@zhivaxo @kyleeservopoulos
🧡Autistic!Adult!Van Head-Cannons🧡
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Safe/Comfort Foods: PB and J's, Donuts, Cinnamon Rolls (any pastries really), Pretzels, Pop Tarts (doesn't really have a favourite flavour but absolutely hates the strawberry ones, although that could just be me deflecting), Chocolate Chip cookies, Twizzlers.
That sort of stuff.
When you went through a baking/cooking hyper-fixation (or bake/cook in general), you made sure all the recipes catered to both of your food preference's.
This includes the time you made huge batches of different types cookies, (chocolate chip, which Van loved the most, was the main favourite) and you now make them for her when she gets sad to cheer her up.
She also carries a pouch of sour gummy bears wherever she goes (as a grounding technic I guess), in case she gets anxious or overwhelmed when she's not at home (which I do and it works every time, in case people wanna do that and know how well that works).
Watches video tapes of her favourite shows/movies from the 90's to help comfort her when she goes non-verbal and when she occasionally has meltdowns over different things (usually things that upset or stress her out).
She loved horror movies pre-crash (she still does a bit, but prefers not to since she's already kind of lived through one), and would watch them religiously (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, The Shining, etc).
She also watched Scream 1 and 2 once everyone got rescued, to catch up in a way, but realised that horror movies didn't feel the same as before.
Definitely listens to vinyl records and cassette tapes of bands/singers she listened to pre-crash (I imagine her listening to ABBA, The Clash, Queen, Blondie, The Cure, Nirvana maybe, that sort of music), and that helped her cope after everyone was rescued and help her in general when she's under or overwhelmed.
I also think she'd be a bit of a secret Swiftie (only you and maybe a couple others knowing that she is), more of a Fearless, Speak Now and Folklore Swiftie compared to her other albums, but still doesn't mind them.
Plays retro games she grew up with/genuinely finds interesting (Pac-Man, Super Mario, Tetris, Sonic the Hedgehog etc) to reset her mindset when she's overwhelmed (also maybe as a little bit of a regression).
General Autistic Traits/Head-Cannons:
She hates the noises of fireworks and thunder/lightning (since they remind her of the crash and almost being turned into a human marshmallow, twice), so she has to wear noise-cancelling headphones during firework displays and storms, but loves lying in bed watching the actual sparks of them.
This girl is prone to bumps and scrapes, so an extensive, assorted collection of plasters/band-aids (whatever you call them) is necessary.
Animal ones, flower ones, food ones, cartoon ones, even plain white ones that she loves letting you doodle on.
You name it, she's got them.
She always used to make sure, before she opens the store and after she closes for the day, that the video tapes she has in her store are stacked right alphabetical and genre.
You even made signs saying "Please put back where you found them" that you put up around the tape displays, to help out with it so Van doesn't stress or overthink about it too much.
Sunday's in the store are usually very quite, so she dedicates that day for restocking whatever needs restocking (I don't really know how that stuff works, so imagine what you will), which tends to be stressful. So you always make sure you have her favourite snacks, drinks, music and movies (maybe even a cold case of beer if she needs it), are on hand at the end of the day, just in case she needs them at the end of the day to cool off.
As seen in the show (which I also do), she uses film/tv show quotes during conversations, and mixes them up when she gets upset or overwhelmed.
Definitely has a pack of sticky notes and several pens in her back pocket at all times as a communication system in case she goes non-verbal.
She even uses them to write small notes with love hearts on around the house, sometimes even in your bag, which she insists is necessary (for reasons she changes or adds on to each time you talk about it).
This took a lot longer then I thought it would, but I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next one.
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Gummy Bears
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Gummy Bears | A 🦊Foxy and 🐺Wolfy One Shot
Warnings: Nothing. This is just pure fluff.
Rated: For Everyone
Summary: Bucky isn’t really a big fan of your dietary consumption. To be honest, he thought, despite the nerdy exterior, you would be conscious about those things. You just scream it but then he gets to know you and has the privilege to spend a whole day with you. Bucky was proven otherwise as he watched you consume copious amounts of chips, red bulls, and your self-proclaimed favorite, gummy bears. So when you run out of it, Bucky, despite the protest of his stomach and six-pack abs, would do anything to get you your precious Gummy Bears.
A/N: This is my first time posting a story. This is a Mafia!Bucky x Reader. The reader is presumably female but I tried my best for a gender-neutral approach. Please do not repost to other sites! Reblogs and comments are much appreciated.
P.S. A few changes has been made :) But not much only adding the nicknames that has been declared to a one shot related to this universe. Check out: When Foxy meets Wolfie. - J💕
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Bucky doesn’t know anymore. It was supposed to be simple, an easy job to do. Search for it and get as much as he can. Apparently, it was bad timing to find it at this time of the year. He couldn't help but grunt as he glared at the near empty shelf. Running a hand through his now growing hair. 
He huffed and looked at his right to see Steve intently looking on one of the shelves. His big arms swarming through it trying to find the one thing that Bucky wanted to have right now.
“Had any luck?” Bucky asked and Steve grunted a no. Bucky almost, almost, whined out loud with the ridiculousness of the situation he is in but instead he growled. Scaring the mother and her child who is reaching towards the shelf beside him. For God’s sake, why is all of it no where to be fucking found?
“Stop scaring the damn patrons Buck,” Sam’s amused voice came in, making him sharply look to his left as he saw Sam walking back to him, empty handed.
“I don’t care. I need to find it,” Bucky grunted and side stepped the petrified mother and son to walk towards Sam. His eyes glaring in frustration and anger. Sam, used to the looks and not deterred by it just stood there with an amused smirk.
“It’s Halloween, what do you expect? It's either that or the chocolates,” Sam supplied trying to appease Bucky.
“But the chocolates are still very much in stock while the one we are trying to find is nowhere to be found,” Steve unhelpfully supplied. Not really attuned to Bucky’s anger despite witnessing it for the good 28 years of being friends. Sam hissed at Steve who finally looked up from his rummaging to see Bucky fuming. 
“Great comment Steven,” Sam said as he turned to Bucky who clutched his hair now in frustration. 
“Fuck, this is the tenth fucking store,” Bucky mumbled and Sam was about to reach out to stop Bucky on making himself bald. A familiar ring tone started to play in Bucky’s pocket as he pulled it out. Brendon Urie’s voice blasted through the speakers as he sang into the unknown. Bucky, oblivious to the shock of his two trusted men, immediately answered the phone.
“Did you find some, Wolfie?” A small voice spoke before Bucky could even talk. Bucky can’t help but sigh sadly as he closes his eyes and presses the pad of fingers over it.
“Hey Foxy, I haven’t found some yet. We are just going to the last–”
“It's okay,” Your voice cut him off. It got a bit lower now and fuck, you sound so fucking sad that it made Bucky clenched his jaw in frustration. Wishing he was there to comfort you.
“No baby, its not–”
“It’s my fault anyway,” you continue to mumble. He could hear some shuffling on the other side. His mind can’t help but conjure the image of you probably moving from your couch which was the last place you are at when he left towards the bed. Your eyes are downcast and a bit sad. Fuck, Bucky wants to go back to you at the same time wanted to get what you wanted. “I should have brought them before Halloween week. I thought it would have lasted until next week,”
“Come on Foxy, it’s not your fault. I’m going to find you one. I promise just wait—”
“No Bucky, it's okay. Just come back here please?” Bucky bit his lip at your request. “It's okay, I still have some Lays in here. I’ll be fine,” your voice loses that bit of sadness in exchange with the soft and sweet voice you coax Bucky with. A weakness of Bucky that he happily told you after the both of you slept together for the first time. “It’s just some stupid gummy bears and besides its childish,” You added.
Bucky huffed as he looked back at Steve and Sam. Steve is back at the shelf and haggling with some patrons if they see any more gummy bears in the store while Sam approaches an employee. “But baby, I promised you I will find one. It's not childish,”
He can hear you huff on the other side of the phone before talking. “But?” You trailed off extending the u’s in the word. Bucky can’t help but roll his eyes at that.
“But even though it's unhealthy and not really good for your body. You love those stuff and I told you when we got together that I would give you anything you love and need,”
Bucky heard you sigh affectionately. “That is such a cheesy thing to say Bucky Barnes your reputation as the big baddie is waning,” 
Bucky chuckled. “What can I say? I like being cheesy with you,” He teased, making you giggle on the other side of the phone. “Though if you say that to anyone, there will be consequences,” he mused as he lowered his voice. Trying to implicate the things he would do to you. Things he plans to do to you all the damn time.
You giggled “But seriously, just come back here. It's just gummy bears.”
“But that’s your favorite–”
“I have a new favorite now and that is one big beefy mob boss named Bucky Barnes.” You told him and Bucky bit his lip trying not to scrunch his nose at the cheesiness of the line.
“Okay, I can see it now, that is just a cheesy thing to say,” Bucky can’t help but say and he smiled as he heard your laugh.
“Now you know how I feel but seriously. I want you back here now Wolfie,” You told him and Bucky sighed. Defeated, because he knew that is the one request above every request you can make that he can never say no to. 
“Okay, but we will hit this last store—”
“FOUND IT!” Sam cut Bucky’s line as he turned to see Sam with a basket half full of Gummy Bears.
“Baby you heard–”
“Sam found one?!” You squealed and Bucky couldn't help but laugh at your reaction.
“I thought I’m your favorite one?” He teased you as he mouthed a thank you to Sam who dragged Steve towards the cashier to pay. Steve, who apparently, made a shopping trip of his own grabbed a couple of kit kats and cadbury eggs that undoubtedly wild end up in his and Sam’s pantry for a couple of weeks. 
“Yeah, but Gummy Bears, Wolfie! Gummy Bears!” You exclaimed happily. “It actually helped me complete the prosthesis you are using now, Mister,” You added.
Bucky shook his head as he walked back out towards his bike to wait for Sam and Steve with the purchases. “I seriously got beaten down by mere Gummy Bears?”
You hummed and Bucky made a sound of being offended. You giggled but then you went quiet suddenly making Bucky straightened.
“Foxy? Are you still there?”
“Yeah, just had this feeling of being grateful,”
Bucky’s brow scrunched at the sudden turn of the conversation. “What for?”
“Nobody really goes to great lengths for me just to get me gummy bears,” you started as he heard you shuffling around again. “You really are different from what they tell about you Bucky Barnes,”
Bucky couldn't help but smile as he looked down at his feet. “You just realized it now, doll?” His Brooklyn accent peeked through as he cockily said it.
He heard you groan. “Now I just fed your ego, great.” You told him bitingly and Bucky can’t help but laugh. “Thank you Bucky, not just for the gummy bears but for everything.”
Bucky is now itching to get home to you as he just wants to smother you with kisses and maybe urge you to do something else with less clothing but instead he settled for a few words. 
“Anything for you, doll. You know I’ll do everything and anything for you,”
“Ditto,” you replied and Bucky can’t help but chuckle. There was a moment of silence as Bucky’s mouth twitched. The two of you haven’t said those 3 words yet but you and Bucky always settled with the phrase. But now, the urge to tell you those 3 words came stronger but before he could speak out about it you spoke again.
“But Gummy Bears are still my favorite. So get back here Wolfie so I can thank you properly,” You shyly suggested and Bucky can’t help but smirk as he saw Sam and Steve finally coming out. He aggressively started to sign to Sam to hand him over the Gummy Bears.
“Oh Foxy, I’ll be there 5 minutes tops and when I come home I think I can make you reconsider me,”
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Big boy Colossus hour
This one is just about Piotr getting used to mansion life and that he can have his own food
When first arrived Piotr didn't know he can openly have food, specifically snacks, in his room at the mansion (at his home he couldn't do that and was told, mostly by his mom, to eat at the table even his treats he bought from the store
He would sit quietly and watch every during meal times and see how they interacted, he wasn't used to eating with like 10+ people
Ororo noticed first (I'm going from the point that Ororo considers Piotr her "little brother" and keeps an eye out for him)
She took Piotr to the store and told him he could buy whatever he wants to have and that he can have it in his room as his own, he doesn't have to share.
Of course, Piotr blushed and nodded quietly saying he really likes that idea
So this started a cycle of every two weeks Ororo would take Piotr (and whoever else needs to go to the store) and him, still shy, quietly taking his food to his room and putting it away
He doesn't go overboard even though he's mind-blown by all choices they have in shelves - he always says they never had this in the city I grew up near
His starting favorites were chips, Oreos, and gummy bears and of course the classic Russian ones he's eaten before
He still feels bad that he can try all these new things while his sister is stuck with the same everything so he sends her a few things every now and then
I feel like in the beginning when he first arrives he feels a little embarrassed about his size and how much he eats so he generally eats his non-main meals in his room (but later on he gets confident)
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