#so she has like. tiefling ass eyes.
basilpaste · 11 months
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did someone say pale prose lineup!!! no? well! here it is regardless!!
in ascending order, this lineup includes: Chasse Valzer (she/her), Jabber Pobble (they/them), Charle Jitter (she/they), Fretka Neogal (it/any), Alouis Pavone (he/they), Sunett Whilom (she/her), Mukkuk Guhack (he/him), and Onette Loutka (he/him).
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bitethedevil · 1 month
Living with The Devil You Know (Raphael x Tav): Chapter 1
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Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Read this fic on AO3 (Link)
Fic Summary: Tav broke their agreement by handing the Crown of Karsus to Mystra instead of Raphael. Not only that, but she also robbed his house and killed his incubus. Raphael is patient and he is determined to get his revenge.
…Tav isn't too bothered. She will figure something out eventually. Until then she just has to find a way to live peacefully with a devil.
Chapter Summary: Tav gets kidnapped and is surprisingly calm about her new predicament. She spends her first night in the devil’s bed. Raphael is a pain in the ass to share a bed with.
(AN: A pretty self-indulgent fic that I am working on. It is a lot more light-hearted than what I have previously written. The plot also gives me an opportunity to explore a more private and less performative Raphael. There will be more chapters.)
Warning: NSFW
It was a couple of weeks after the defeat of the elderbrain. Tav had been out drinking with a few of her companions. She had gotten very drunk and at some point during the evening she had gotten lost from the rest.
A handsome young tiefling man had approached her and bought her drinks. He had red skin, yellow glowing eyes, and a disarming smile.
They talked for a couple of hours. He claimed to be a wizard like her. She should have known something was up when he seemed to be very unknowledgeable about even simple spells, but what could she say? The man was charming, and the alcohol made it hard for her to care about him potentially lying just to get her into bed.
When they got to his place, she was half-way out of her clothes when something hit her head.
Everything went black.  
When she woke up, she heard the faint sound of something...jingling? She felt a sharp poke to her ribs. She grumbled quietly, still not entirely awake. She received another poke to her ribs. She whined and mumbled in response. Then there was a full force kick that squeezed the air out of her and made her turn to her side.
She held onto the boot that had kicked her and opened her eyes. Black boots that went into a tip at the toes. She knew where she had seen those silly jingly boots before. She looked up. Familiar orange eyes looked down on her. He was in his cambion form.
“Oh shit,” she mumbled.
“Indeed,” Raphael said in a dangerously low tone.
Tav had signed his contract back then and used the Orphic Hammer to free Orpheus. She did intend to give the Crown of Karsus to Raphael, but her companions made her change her mind. The Crown of Karsus ended up in Mystra’s hands instead, in order to cure Gale of his orb.
“Thank you for bringing her here, Cassius,” Raphael said to someone else while his eyes were still locked on her. “Now leave us.”
Tav looked behind Raphael to see the young tiefling man that she had gone home with. So, he was a warlock… It suddenly made all the sense in the world why he did not know his ass from his elbow when it came to wizardry. The warlock smiled at her as he left them. Tav’s eyes narrowed at him.
“Ugh…” she groaned and looked up at Raphael. “He’s one of yours? You couldn’t have sent Korrilla or something?”
“You know Korrilla’s face, little mouse,” Raphael sighed. “You may not be the brightest person I have ever crossed, but I don’t expect you to be so dull that you would walk into my trap willingly…Then again, nothing would surprise me with you.”
Trap? Why couldn’t he just whisk her away like he did that first time they met if he wanted her there? Tav’s brow furrowed as she tried to understand. She lifted her head to look down her body. She wasn’t wearing a shirt. That was going to have to be a concern for a later time, because she noticed that she was wearing something around her wrists. They were tight metal cuffs with infernal letters inscribed in them.
Her brain was not her friend between the high levels of alcohol still in her blood and the fact that she had been hit on her head with a blunt object. She held the cuffs up to her face and studied them with all the concentration she could muster. She had seen something like these cuffs before…
“Help me out here…” she said and looked up at Raphael.
“They are constructs like those that held Prince Orpheus,” Raphael explained. “I’m aware that your mental capabilities leave something to be desired at the moment, so I will gladly explain it to you in simple terms: You won’t leave this house with those on, and you won’t get them off without the Orphic Hammer.”
“Is that what all this is about?” she sighed. “You could have just asked for it back. The damned thing has just been collecting dust at my house anyway.”
“No, Tav,” Raphael said in a darker tone. “This is about punishment. We had a deal, and you broke it. You snooped through my house, took things that did not belong to you, killed my incubus…I allowed it because I thought you still had the sense to go through with what we agreed upon.”
She winced. It had been a stupid decision to go to his house and one that did not even pay off. When Gale had been offered Mystra’s help, they went to the House of Hope to gauge their options. Everything seemed so tightly secured and locked down that they decided not to risk it in the end.
“Listen, I’m sorry about Haarlep…” she said.
“Don’t be,” Raphael replied smoothly. “I have half a mind to make you his replacement until your dear little friends bring me my hammer back…Then, I will make you watch as your friends die a cruel and slow death. After, I will take what is now rightfully mine: your soul.”
This wasn’t good. Her friends would without a doubt come to her rescue if Raphael told them that she was held captive in his home. She needed to keep them away and bide her time until she could figure out a solution.
“Say that they don’t come,” She said. “What then?”
“They will,” Raphael said. “You will be treated well until then since I need you alive and in one piece to lure them here. You will be granted free roam of the house, three meals a day, and a soft bed to sleep in. Consider yourself prized livestock that gets pampered in its final days before being sent to slaughter. Not that you deserve it…”
She took a deep breath. She had to somehow contact her friends and ask them to stay away. Then, she would have to find a way out of those damned cuffs so she could return home. How in the Hells she would manage to do that without the Orphic Hammer, she did not know, but it was not an option to gamble with her friends’ lives in order to bring it to her.
Tav had always found a way to be calm and relaxed, even in the worst of situations. She already had half a plan in her mind. All she needed was a moment of privacy to use a sending spell to alert her friends.
Raphael extended a hand to her, to help her up and off the floor. She took it and was pulled to her feet. She winced and held a hand to her head once the blood rushed to her injury from the blunt object hitting her.
“Come,” Raphael said and led her through the house.
They stepped through the barrier to the boudoir.
“I trust that you have already familiarized yourself with this room during your burglary, so I believe we can skip the tour,” Raphael said with no short amount of bitterness and then gestured to a wardrobe. “You will find clothes and essentials in there.”
Raphael turned around to face her. He looked her up and down. His gaze lingered at her bra and cleavage for just a second too long. Tav crossed her arms to cover herself.
“Bathe, rest, make yourself at home,” Raphael said with a smug smile.
Tav looked around the room and then at Raphael.
“Where will I sleep?” she asked.
Raphael’s smile widened and he gestured to his bed. Tav’s brow furrowed as her eyes went from him to the bed.
“Are you serious?” she asked.
“Deadly,” Raphael said calmly. “You killed my bed warmer. I believe it’s only fair that you take their place…Of course, I would never force you to do anything. If this little arrangement doesn’t suit you, I can have a cell in the dungeons cleared out for you. Its last visitor has been decomposing in there for a while now…”
“Alright, alright,” Tav said in defeat. “Fine. I get it…I won’t complain.”
“I thought not,” Raphael said smoothly. “I have business to attend to before retiring. Until then, Korrilla will be watching you.”
Tav sighed. She had hoped for a moment of alone time, but Raphael was not stupid. He was probably fully counting on her trying something, so he made sure to keep a close eye on her.
Korrilla entered the boudoir shortly after.
“Evening, boss,” Korrilla said with a smile, greeting Raphael before turning to Tav. “Tav.”
Tav smiled and waved casually at her. She had never minded Korrilla. After all, Tav did not know the circumstances of her pact, and she did not feel like judging her solely because her boss was a pain in the ass.
“Remember,” Raphael said addressing Korrilla. “Do not let her out of your sight.”
Korrilla nodded and Raphael gave Tav one last glance before leaving the boudoir.
Tav and Korrilla stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other. Tav was trying to figure out how she could divert Korrilla’s attention away from her.
“I think I’m going to take a bath,” Tav said casually and moved towards the restoration pool.
“Good idea,” Korrilla said, already following her. “I have to say, you look a mess. Cassius really did a number on you, didn’t he?”
“Yes. Surely, he could have used a spell to knock me out instead. Not too bright, is he?” Tav said and started slowly taking off her clothes, waiting for Korrilla to give her a moment of privacy. “He’s new, I presume?”
Korrilla seated herself on the other side of the pool, so she had a clear view of Tav.
“Correct,” Korrilla answered.
“'Correct' to which statement?” Tav asked with chuckle. “That he is not too bright, or that he is new?”
“He is new,” Korrilla said with a smile that signaled to Tav that she did not disagree with the other statement either.
Tav pulled off her pants, leaving her in her underwear. Korrilla was still watching her.
“Are you seriously going to keep staring at me while I bathe?” Tav asked.
“Oh, don’t be shy,” Korrilla said and gestured for her to continue taking off her clothes. “I promise you that no matter what, I have seen far worse within this room.”
Tav sighed quietly. She reluctantly took off the rest of her clothes and slipped into the warm water of the pool. She felt relief as the water instantly healed her head-injury and took the edge off her hangover. Tav leaned her head back on the pool’s edge and closed her eyes for a moment.
After a long bath, Tav dried herself off and wrapped herself in a towel. She walked to the wardrobe with Korrilla at her heels. She opened it and sifted through the clothes.
There was a bit of everything: dresses, shirts, pants…Tav looked at some of the underwear. She pulled out a strappy leather bra with matching panties and showed them to Korrilla.
“Is he serious?” Tav asked with a deadpan expression.
“Leftovers from Haarlep, if I should guess,” Korrilla said.
Made sense. Tav looked after any type of nightclothes. Most of it was very revealing, but she managed to find a long silk night-gown. It was still suggestive, but it was her best option out of the bunch. The neckline was quite revealing, but at least it covered more of her body than the other negligees she found.
“This will have to do,” Tav sighed and put it on.
Tav crawled into bed after. It might have been the most comfortable bed she had ever laid in. The mattress was neither too soft nor too firm, and the sheets were silk. She felt sleepy moments after she had laid down. Korrilla was watching her from a chair.
“You’re not sleepy?” Tav asked and looked at her. Was there even a small chance that Korrilla would fall asleep so that Tav had the chance to send message to her friends, she would fight her sleepiness and stay awake.
“I’m not going to cuddle with you, if that is what you are asking,” Korrilla answered, looking wide awake. “I don’t sleep on the job.”
“Oh, you flirt. Not what I meant. I was just asking,” Tav mumbled with a sigh. Her sleepiness won against her determination. She gave up on her hope to reach her friends that night and decided to try the day after as she drifted to sleep.
She stirred from her sleep when she heard Korrilla leave, and Raphael enter. She yawned quietly. She made sure her night-gown was adjusted so it covered as much as possible before closing her eyes again. She felt a dip in the mattress as Raphael laid down behind her.
She gave a surprised yelp as Raphael grabbed around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her back was up against his chest, his arm held around her tightly, and he settled his chin on the top of her head. He placed his leg over hers, effectively making sure that she could not move during the night.
This was without a doubt the closest she had ever been to Raphael. His skin was unnaturally warm, like that of a person with a high fever. She knew that protesting would not get her anywhere, because there most likely was a reason as to why he held her like that: to make sure that she would not try anything during the night.
She tried making herself comfortable despite the restrictions to her movements. Raphael’s grip tightened slightly in response.
“Lie still,” he grumbled.
Tav felt the deep rumble of his voice through his chest, and she would have been lying if she said that it did not do things to her.
“You’re a really uncomfortable big spoon, do you know that?” she complained and squirmed again. “I’m just trying to make myself comfortable.”
She felt something through the fabric of her nightgown as she adjusted her position in his arms. It made her freeze for a moment.
“Are you naked?” she asked in disbelief.
“Mm,” he affirmed tiredly. “Sleep, mouse.”
“I can’t persuade you to put on some clothes?”
“You are very demanding for a woman in your position,” Raphael said. “No. I will sleep in my own bed as I please.”
She sighed and adjusted herself one last time before closing her eyes.
Sleeping in the arms of a devil was pure hell for a multitude of reasons. Tav had never sweated so much in her life.
With difficulty, Tav rolled over to her other side since her back was literally soaked with sweat. Raphael’s grip was so tight around her that she was almost forced to lean her head against his chest as she faced him. She refused to do so and leaned her head back and away from him. The awkward position made her snore softly in her sleep. She was rudely woken during the night by his tail hitting her thigh, as a hint for her to stop snoring.
She was rudely woken yet again, when he suddenly snaked his arm under her to grab her and move her with him like a ragdoll as he rolled over to his other side.
In the early morning, Tav opened her eyes as she felt something press up against her behind. She could hear on his breathing that he was still at least somewhat asleep.
He was rock-hard and his, what felt like, impressive size was resting against her ass.
He rolled his hips against her and groaned softly.
The arm that had been holding her tightly, moved down to her hip to push her back against him. Another soft groan.
Tav’s eyes widened, and she was suddenly very awake.
She was careful not to move, but she did feel a tinge of growing arousal despite herself.
He pushed her back against him once again and groaned slightly louder. It was followed by a sharp inhale and a stir, as he woke up entirely.
A few moments later he got up and off the bed.
Tav squeezed her eyes shut. They had both knew what just happened. Should she say something? Should she pretend that she was asleep the entire time? Pretend she was dead? The last option was honestly tempting but she decided to try her luck with option two.
She listened to his movements. After a short while, it got quiet. She waited a few moments to be sure that he had left, before opening her eyes.
This could be her opportunity to reach her friends.
She sat up quickly and looked around the boudoir. Her eyes fell on the young tiefling warlock who must have entered without her hearing a thing. He was sitting in the chair that Korrilla had sat in the day before.
“Morning,” Cassius said with a smile.
Tav groaned in frustration and slid back into bed.
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backonrepeat · 8 months
Gortash, who escapes the Hells after years of torture, and hires Karlach (a red tiefling) as his bodyguard because better the devil you know.
Karlach, late teens, orphaned and trying to find her place in the city, imprinting on Gortash (a thug from the Lower City, making his way up on the world) like a baby duckling, ignoring the parade of red flags.
Them working together well and getting along, despite opposite personalities and morals, because Gortash (who grew up unloved by his parents and abused by devils) enjoys being the object of Karlach's earnest, honest flattery and loyalty too much, and Karlach (poor street urchin with little to no formal education) sees Gortash scheme with politicians and criminals, design clockwork machines, and climb the social ladder with ease, and thinks the sun shines out of his ass.
If Gortash keeps the worst of his dealings hidden from Karlach, well, that's just good business sense. She's still young and green, she'll toughen up as she grows older and the reality of the world grinds her optimisim to dust. And if Karlach turns a blind eye to her boss' cruel streak, to the boxes of smuggled weapons coming in and out of the warehouses, and the dead bodies floating down the Chiontar, it's because they probably did something to deserve it, after all Gortash has been nothing but good to her.
Maybe Gortash starts to wonder if a little bit of goodwill could be leveraged to achieve more power. After all, a couple of kind words and small favours have worked wonders to ensure Karlach's loyalty. Maybe he can allow himself a kindness or two, ease the leash, raise the boot, just a smidge. Only for the harshness of reality to slap him in the face once again, the deal falls through, his enemies gain ground, he loses money and men, his plan pushed back, because he, for one instant, believed Karlach's rainbow coloured worldview.
So he tightens his grip on power even more, doubles down on his cruelty, and decides: Karlach must go. And when Zariel offers her deal, a soul for an ongoing supply of infernal steel, he sells her off without hesitation.
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seahagart · 4 months
I'd love to see how Drifa handled the Emerald Grove between the druids and the tieflings. It's not the romance, but I think her straightforward nature would be interesting in that situation!
Ooo yes! It would be kinda complicated.
Drífa is very pragmatic and is a ‘survival of the fittest’ type, the strong overcome the elements, wilderness vs man, etc. she probably would initially understand the druids, the tieflings showed up and are taking their resources and the Druids are ‘protecting their own’, people have intruded on their territory… these people are intruding on holy ground, holy ground to a god of nature (she worships a goddess of nature) she doesn’t dislike the tieflings at all, she probably doesn’t even really wanna be involved, Drífa falls ass backward into doing the right thing because she’s a good person
But when Drífa finds out the head Druid is going to kill a child for stealing, in her eyes, a rock, she immediately changes her mind. She would listened to the situation from both sides before casting judgement, but to her Kagha is going to kill a kid for stealing a statue that… she has back?
Drífa is a very stalwart person, but kids are the only thing that can stray her from her teachings and she would immediately be disgusted by the Druids. To kill for the sake of killing or for a show is against her beliefs and that’s what kagha is doing. To say you are guardians of nature and willing to snuff out life for a ‘false idol’ Drífa isn’t materialistic so the statue is nothing. She would be very straight to the point her disgust, and probably be a bit hostile to everyone in the vicinity because the idea that ‘someone is the high Druid by ‘right’ so we can’t stop them’ is ridiculous. Obviously the strongest and best for the community should be leading, and these are weak and cowardly so she will find the Halsin to restore balance.
Probably give Arabella a gruff and stern talking to, and pat on the head… but deep down is thinking of her child that she couldn’t save. She would then be very motivated to find Halsin and help the tieflings since the ones sworn to protect the natural order are being complete morons
I do think it’d be funny if to her Halsin is a tree hugger comparatively and she’s like ‘oh lord… another elf… this one’s a gd hippie….’ Jkjk I do think she’d be disappointed when the bear turns into a man. Obviously Halsin watches her eat honeycomb with her bare hands and needs her carnally
She would then help the tieflings escape because they deserve a chance to start their own community elsewhere
She’d help the tieflings and then put her hands on and nod and just leave and they have to chase her down to go to the party because ‘why you have talk to Drífa? Is ok- I go now- why thank?’
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chaoticbardlady99 · 6 months
Lethal Woman: Chapter 8 (Astarion x GN! Reader)
Synopsis: You and Astarion have many misadventures while going back through the Blighted Village. Someone from your past makes a gruesome reappearance and reveals they are hunting Astarion. You and Astarion inadvertently confess to each other that there is, in fact, something between the two of you.
CW: Violence, gore, fighting, alcohol, Gnome racism (I don’t hate Gnomes I promise- just Dwarves because the All Hammer killed one of my favorite DND characters), torture, mentions of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse.
Chapter 9
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Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thank you for everyone who has been reading my little passion project!
Tracing your steps back through the blighted village was more eventful than any of you anticipated.
For one- you and Astarion stumbled upon an Ogre and Bug Bear couple (literally) bumping uglies. Astarion had insisted that he open it and you were really hoping it wasn’t what you thought it was. Considering your luck- you weren’t surprised they were fucking, but then they tried to kill you. So you had to ruin the party while the rest of your companions explored the other abandoned buildings while you and Astarion were trying to avoid being covered in various bodily fluids.
Second, Karlach informs you she befriended three massive ogres and they said they’ll send their aid when you “toot this little horn thing”. Then she gave you the news that they don’t promise NOT to eat you. You quickly convinced her to give it to you- you love your tiefling kindred spirit, but her impulse control is terrible sometimes.
Arguably the third incident may be the worst. Karlach had rejoined the other group when Wyll called her over so it was just the two of you again. You had attempted to help a deep Gnome by killing the Goblins that were terrorizing him- much to Astarion’s dismay.
Well, when the Gnome told you to stop the damn thing- you went inside thinking it would be one lever. It was TWO and they said what they each did IN COMMON. YOU CAN’T READ COMMON! And when you asked Astarion to pull the right lever- he had a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Consider the right level pulled, Darling.”
Needless to say, the only positive of that event was the hysterical cackling that erupted from your lover’s mouth as he fell to the ground- unable to contain himself until at least 10 minutes after the Gnome you promised to rescue became airborne and gained his Gnomeish wings. You had looked at Astarion and leered at him playfully.
“You are so mean,” you said while castigating him, trying not to let your love of his genuine laughter get in the way of basic morals, “that is not what I asked you to do at all!”
You are so glad no one else was around for that. Wyll would have stroked out.
“Oh Darling,” he said, wiping the tears from his eyes, “I never claimed not to be and next time- maybe be more specific instead of saying ‘can you pull the right lever?’’”
You sighed while pinching the bridge of your nose, now struggling to contain your laughter. Like the absolute shit he is- he found a loophole.
“Well as long as you aren’t tying me up to a windmill and flinging me into the heavens-“
You didn’t even get to end your sentence because Astarion began crying and laughing again.
Within an hour of the impromptu funeral, your situationship and the interests of the others in the group had been tested when you, Gale, Astarion, and Lae’zel found the Necromancy of Thay. You had accidentally stumbled across the room while searching the caverns underneath the Blighted Village and finding a strange purple amethyst. The book had immediately taken to it and you don’t know what Astarion had seen from the book, but he refused to back down and hand it to Gale.
“No!” Astarion says indignantly, “you aren’t eating this one!”
“I need it to stabilize-“
“I could give a rat’s ass about how stable your stupid chest orb is,” Astarion says while glaring, “this is far too special for the likes of you to consume.”
“It’s obviously a very powerful tome. It would be beneficial for helping my condition,” Gale huffs and then they both look at you.
Oh no.
“State your case?” You say awkwardly, “unbiasedly?”
They both scowl and Astarion pouts at you, but the look in his eyes tells you he understands to some extent that you at least have to let both parties argue their side. You did have a full blown melt down one of the first nights of the journey over not being able to make everyone happy. Astarion rarely put up a fight with you unless it was important to him. You do this with everyone, not just them, but you worry your relationship with Astarion will be seen as the influencing factor.
Gale simply stated that it had powerful magic that he would like to consume. You did mention that you have multiple items for him in your pocket at any given time, but he is still insistent.
Then Astarion makes his case and it’s actually very difficult to argue with it. It’s a book of Necromancy and he is undead. What if the book had a cure for his condition? Or at least a way to diminish the side effects? The desperation in his voice had somehow cracked Gale’s resolve- you didn’t even have to make a decision.
“Fineeeeeeeee,” Gale drawls, “have the damn book- you bastard.”
Astarion looks far too pleased with himself.
Asshole, you think with a smile.
You set up camp at your previous campsite near the Grove so that you can begin your journey into the Underdark.
The sun has already set and the moon shines brightly in the sky. You aren’t ready to go underground yet. You always miss the moon and stars.
You are sitting by the nearby river- enjoying the sounds of the roaring river with Karlach as the two of you try to sort out her love life.
“Soooo,” you raise your eyebrows at her, “is it going to be Wyll, Damon, or Shadowheart?”
“Ughhhh,” Karlach tips over and pretends to writhe in pain in the grass, “having choices sucks!!”
“Oh come on K,” you say teasingly, “you must have someone you are specifically gravitating towards.”
Karlach taps her chin and pretends to think. After a minute- she just looks at you and shrugs.
“I’ve got nothing.”
“Nothing? You spend so much time with Shadowheart and Wyll! Dammon I’d maybe understand being out of the running but what the hell man!”
“I know, I know,” Karlach sighs, “I mean you had Gale and Halsin up your ass- why Astarion?”
You are almost frozen by her question. Why does everyone but you notice when people fancy you?
Why did you choose Astarion? You know the answer, but you also don’t know how to phrase it without sounding like an emotionally clingy weirdo.
“Um well,” you cough awkwardly, “I guess I just really like who he is as a person. I think he’s really funny, intelligent, and whether he wants to admit it or not- he is kind, in his own way.”
You neglect to tell Karlach about the Gnome. You have a feeling she won’t love that whole mess.
“The first night we hung out and just talked was… it was like when I met Tessa for the first time. It was an instant- oh no I’d do anything for this person.”
You hug your knees and put your chin on them. You scrunch up your face and avoid her face.
“You look rather upset for someone who is horribly smitten.”
“I’m not upset- it’s just weird… feeling this way again,” you sigh heavily, “I really am a walking death trap though-specifically where lovers go to die. I probably should end it, right? To keep him safe?”
“I would let him make that decision if you are so worried about it,” Karlach waves her hands at you dismissively, “you like him-I believe he likes you. Fangs can make his own choices- we all know the risk of traveling with you as you know the risk of traveling with us.”
“That’s a good point.”
“Of course it is! I’m a genius!”
You roll your eyes, “So who’s it gonna be Karlach?”
The trek back to camp isn’t a long one, but you are ready to be in- well- a bed roll?
Astarion has found every excuse in the book to have you come and stay in his tent with him- except for just flat out asking you. It makes you quite giddy regardless.
One night he had even resorted to using the excuse that he needed your assistance and guidance in sharpening his throwing knives. You know what didn’t happen? Sharpening throwing knives.
The two of you had ended up tangled in each other’s embrace and talking until you eventually fell asleep. You woke up the next morning (entirely too early, the sun was barely rising) with him curled around you sleeping. You decided to go back to sleep- you weren’t ready to start your day. You’d rather stay here with Astarion.
You walk back to camp with a slight skip in your step- wondering if Astarion will want you to sleep in his tent with him again tonight. It had been a little less than a week since you had begun backtracking to the Underdark entrance and he had sought you out every night. You really REALLY hope he continues this trend.
Karlach is talking to you about the pros and cons of each partner- still entirely undecided- when you both hear a bone chilling cackle come from a tree in front of you. You both stop in your tracks immediately- Karlach reaches for the small blade she brought with her and you prepare your hidden daggers.
“Well if it isn’t good ole Corpse Eyes,” the mysterious woman says, “we thought you’d finally disappeared for good. Suppose we were wrong.”
You recognize the voice immediately as your fellow guild mate- Rinara. The two of you couldn’t stand each other. She wanted Dahlia to lavish her in all the attention and training she gave you- you just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
Rinara felt like you were a, “selfish fucking brat,” and had taken to calling you ‘Corpse Eyes’ because you had been entirely empty, rigid, and lifeless up until the last year. You were no better than a walking, mindless zombie to her.
Rinara steps around the corner and it takes every last bit of restraint you have not to let the horror show on your face.
Rinara was once a beautiful, almond haired half High Elf with a strong, healthy body. Now? Her skin is the color of Ash, her eyes are bloodlust red, her hair is coming out in clumps on her head, and her skin is peeling off like she has been sitting in an acid bath for a while now. Her left cheek is completely gone- revealing her teeth and gums.
“I was initially only here for the Spawn,” you feel your blood freeze as she smiles at you- all teeth and no light in her eyes, “but if Dahlia also had you…”
“You need to back the fuck off Rinara or-“
“Or what!? You’ll kill me?” She yells out hysterically, “I’m already fucking dead! You disappeared and so they sent fucking Dahlia to do your contract- a request from Obhark himself for the assassination of Lord Cazador Szarr.
“The woman struck a fucking deal with him- she’ll help get his prodigal son home and she’ll supply him with Deathbringers if she’ll be made his consort when he completes the ritual.
“I may not be able to control them,” she snarls, “but I do know that none of this would have happened if you hadn’t fucked off. This was supposed to be you! You are the one who should be tortured and violated! Not me! Not any of us!”
Huh, so your contract was to kill Cazador and because a Mindflayer kidnapped you- Dahlia took the contract and has gone rogue. How very convenient. This certainly tracks with the ridiculousness of the other circumstances you are dealing with. If it’s not devils, then it’s the Gith. If it’s not the gith- it’s some sadistic vampire. There is no winning in this group. Halsin is the only one that doesn’t seem to have an issue yet, but you are waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one.
That’s not important right now- knowing what the ritual is? That would be very valuable. You and Astarion have tried to figure out what the carvings into his back are and what they represent. You can read infernal so you know what it says, but it doesn’t make total sense.
Hoyc inferiu non iurare per igneu
Naec virba loquor
Eoai mundo muoat
This soul swears no oath by fire
Nor words does he speak
In the realm of death
You both has assumed it was just a way to prevent him from making contracts with devils to be free of Cazador, but now knowing there is a ‘ritual’ happening- you wonder if it’s an integral part of the ritual, the scars. If they are, then that means you are going to be doing some heavy duty bodyguard work- if Obarhk himself had requested it, then it must mean it’s not good.
Which also doesn’t surprise you given the circumstances.
“What ritual,” you say through clenched teeth.
Her smile is unsettling, “It’s a secret- all I know is that it’s going to make Master very very powerful.”
She looks at you with so much pain and anger. You are Dahlia’s favorite chew toy- you had been keeping her out of harm's way (unintentionally) this whole time and now that she has Dahlia’s attention- she seems to realize now why you didn’t want it in the first place.
Rinara looks borderline feral- you can see it now. Dahlia evidently doesn’t know how to complete the ritual or she used a different one entirely- that’s why Rinara is somewhere between a Deathbringer and a skeleton in the making. You bite back the bile as you watch a piece of her flesh roll off of her arms onto the ground below.
“She tricked all of us- requested every Assassins’ aid that was not a Deathbringer. Told us Obarkh is going to pick one of us for a special project based on our ‘performance,” she spits at the ground, “then she turned us into these things- only ten out of the hundred of us that went survived. Cazador’s blood and Dahlia’s black magic flows through my veins and I survived to tell the tale- I am rotting away. I wish I died.
“And now? I’m going to have a feast- at least I can enjoy one last full meal before I disappear completely,” she bares her canines at you, “I wonder how Half Drow tastes- maybe I should ask those pigs that ate your bitch mother.”
You don’t even have time to reply before Rinara is lunging at you and Karlach. You both deftly dodge the display of all consuming rage that Rinara throws into her movement.
Rinara has always been too blood thirsty to think logically during a fight and her recent transformation seems to have only made it worse- except now she’s stronger so she may be able to actually get some damage in- doubtful, but possible.
You and Karlach breakthrough the trees and you are barrelling towards camp. You are well-versed in unarmed hand to hand combat, but you can’t leave your life up to chance. You don’t know what Dahlia did to her, but it’s becoming clearer that it was not a Deathbringer ceremony that was performed. Her breathing behind you is ragged and rattling- the smell of her skin taints the air you breathe. She is here specifically for Astarion- you can’t afford to take any risk that could keep Rinara alive.
Everyone looks at you both in alarm as you grab your daggers from outside Lae’zel’s tent (she had offered to sharpen them and basically refused to let you say no). Karlach grabs her axe and yells frantically about some zombie woman who wants Astarion, but hates you and now she wants to consume you before taking Astarion back to Cazador. Oh and Dahlia is in on it too because apparently your disappearance had really caused some issues with a contract regarding killing the Vampire Lord.
You barely see the footsteps of the invisible person running up to you in time to dodge and you hear the scream of frustration rip through the air.
You make a wild guess regarding her location and throw a knife while she screams and cusses at you.
“I’ve been waiting to rip you piece by FUCKING piece since I met -“ she is cut off by a screech and revealing herself to your companions.
You had most definitely hit her- your blade stuck in her left eyeball. Rinara looks at you- significantly more pissed off than she was even a moment before-, rips out her eyeball using the throwing knife, discards it, and begins circling you.
Rinara is not bright and she lacks impulse control. She can remain in control for maybe only four or five minutes at a time- which would explain why hearing your voice is probably what set her off Astarion’s path. The chase bought you more time since Rinara loves a good hunt- you are almost positive you can break her down quickly and because she’ll be chasing a high, she’ll make stupid mistakes. Rinara also loves to talk and taunt her targets which infuriates you, but at least it’s a full proof trap for her.
“You don’t always need to be stronger than your opponents,” Dahlia says as she watches you get the shit kicked out of you by a hired mercenary, “you just need to be faster, smarter, and calm- let them dig their own grave.”
Your companions are clambering for their weapons and you send out a “don’t move” message telepathically. Astarion protests hit your brain like a wave- all you feel is fear. You tell him to trust you and you allow him to be privy to your thoughts and actions. You know exactly how quickly this will end after your next words and you don’t need her getting spooked.
“You know, Rinara, I’m not surprised Dahlia tricked you or that you were dense enough to drink Cazador’s blood- it certainly wouldn’t be the dumbest thing you’ve fallen for,” you smile at her, “I might actually feel sorry for you this time.”
You see your companions all staring at you as Rinara’s footsteps end just to the right of their line of sight. You can feel Astarion’s gaze burning into you and you have to focus hard on disconnecting. Embarrassment will not be helpful.
“What did you just say to me, you little wretch?”
The sound of Astarion’s laughter fills your head- you fight to stop the smile that is threatening to cross your lips. The rage bristling off of her is so wonderful. You feel a dopamine rush over the way her teeth are chattering in anger, the way her eyes are paranoid and unfocused as she looks at you. You have gotten under her skin and now it’s your turn to be the predator.
“I’m going to enjoy bringing your skeleton back to Dahlia after I pick you clean,” she roars, “I’m going to enjoy watching that stupid Spawn finally fulfill his-“
“Do you ever shut up or ?” You ask, snorts and laughter coming from your companions, “I feel like I left that at a really good spot and we should just move forward or whatever?”
Oh the look of embarrassment, shame, and fury on her face- how you wish Lucia could have seen it. She could not stand Rinara and the way her face twists with the sour emotions is a wonderful sight to behold.
“I’ve changed my mind. I won’t eat you, I’ll just bring you back to Dahlia like the fucking disobedient thing you are! You” she spits, “are nothing, but a walking Corpse. You should have stayed dead- I liked you better that way. If Dahlia can do it once- I’m sure she’ll love doing it again. You’ll be tolerable and compliant soon enough.”
The cackle that leaves your lips surprises you.
“You always have been so fucking stupid, Rinara,” you hiss, “if you want Dahlia to love you so fucking bad you can have her. The price of her ‘love’ is hardly worth it- the woman is madder than that weird old guy next to brothel on 8th.”
You could not roll your eyes further back into your head. It should be easier to leave the Nightmasks. The idiocy is putting years on your immortal life.
“Doubtful, but you are welcome to try.”
Rinara lunges fast, but you are definitely faster. You imagine having intact skin helps. Rinara is hitting you with attack after attack and you just focus on dodging, getting in close for a quick hit, then back to dodging. She is the one dying, not you- let her do all the hard work.
Whatever spell Dahlia used did not promote Stamina or basic hygiene- unfortunately. Rinara is breathing hard and is already losing power in her hits.
This goes on for a couple minutes before Rinara does what she always does- lifting up her back foot ever so slightly so that she can extend her blade farther. You don’t know how many times you have to trip her for this mistake before she realizes she’s her own worst enemy.
You move out of the way and use her momentum- with a swift kick of your foot- Rinara went skidding across the dirt. Her blade is stuck in the ground near you almost perfectly upright. You walk over to it and you push it even further into the ground then stand directly in front of it, cutting off her line of sight to it.
“If you want your cheap ass sword back- come get it.”
It’s actually a very expensive sword and Rinara is very very defensive about it.
Rinara doesn’t even allow herself to finish her sentence before she flings a massive bolt of lightning your way. Your companions are screaming as you run towards the lightning, but you know what you are doing. You dive just below the electric crackling in the air and roll back onto your feet. You watch as Rinara turns to you before she catches the blue bolt coming back towards her.
You didn’t always like to use your enemies weapons for their intended purposes, but when in need of a reflective surface- you can never go wrong with a sword.
Rinara goes flying towards the campfire- the smell of rotting burnt flesh fills your nose as she cries out in pain with every spark of lightning that jolts through her.
You take your time to walk back to the campfire, walking over with her sword in hand, and look through your pack- of course you left your Holy Water at home. At least you have wine- you pop it open and begin to drink. Rinara is still writhing on the ground and her flesh is even worse off than it was before. This really isn’t your favorite way to spend any evening- killing your formal frenemy because there is no rehabbing this version of her. It is all the worst of Rinara and then some.
You sigh heavily and walk over to her. You cock your head at her, leaning on her sword for support, and take another long sip of the wine. Rinara’s irritation is growing, but her body is practically in tatters now. She lashes out at you with clawed hands- you meet both of her wrists with her own sword- deftly cleaving them off her. The mortified scream that leaves Rinara’s mouth as she begins trying to back away from you. You smile at her with your vampiric stare- intensifying Rinara’s growing fear.
“Dahlia did a shit job training you. Didn’t she tell you the rules ? Use it and you lose it,” you take another swig.
“Hells Soldier!”
“Hey-“ you take an even bigger sip, “I’ve been waiting to take this one out back and put her out of her misery for five years. She’s obsessed with Dahlia of all fucking people and so she terrorizes me by interfering with my contracts! I will be enjoying my moment- thank you very much.”
“That’s not what I meant- you ‘use it, you lose it?’ That can’t possibly-“
You roll up your sleeves and the silence around the campfire is deafening as everyone stares- you should have probably not done that.
Blunt, deep lines around your wrist, old and faded into the skin. There are similar markings on your elbows right at your elbows.
“The reversal process involves blood magic and necromancy- if you were wondering. Oh and yes it does hurt, yes I have more, and no I won’t be talking about it.”
Rinara kicks you weakly- your shoulders slump. Is she serious right now? Consistency is key so off goes the foot. Rinara’s pained wailing echoes in the air.
One last giant swig and you feel less freaked out and embarrassed by your sudden onslaught of bravado. You hold out the bottle to Astarion who happily takes it and begins to drink from it- you can feel his eyes melting your skin and you are almost afraid to see the emotions in them.
You grab Rinara by the back of her collar and her wriggling barely stops you from being able to easily drag her along the forest floor all the way back to the river. Hopefully she’s close to the same concept as a vampire, but also Rinara can’t swim.
“Well my dumb friend,” you say with a snort, “this is where we part ways- permanently. I hope the fish like their dinner and you’ll stop talking so Goddamn much in fights during battles. This was way too much work for how fucking weak you are.”
Rinara is screaming and kicking. You let her go and walk about five feet in front of her- putting her between yourself and the river. You wave and smile like you are saying goodbye to a loved relative- followed with a middle finger.
You use a simple Push cantrip and watch with a sort of sick satisfaction as Rinara begins to burn up, steam coming up from the water as she is dragged away by the current.
“Well Roo, I would say that may be some of your finest work yet,” you say, giving yourself a pat on the back.
You turn around and see all of your companions. You suddenly feel ill and self-conscious. Wyll looks slightly horrified, Halsin is just unreadable, Karlach is giving you a thumbs up like it’s your first day of school, Shadowheart is nodding her head impressed, Gale is shocked, and Lae’zel is slowly clapping.
Astarion though? He’s looking at you with a mixture of gratitude, warmth, and pride. You try your best to avoid his gaze as you put your hand on your hip and lift an eyebrow at them. You might actually keel over from adoration if you look at him.
“What are you guys even doing? Good Gods you people are far too supportive and clingy,” you say trying to hide your smile and then look at Gale, “don’t you have something cooking?”
All of your companions turn around to leave, but Astarion begins to walk towards you and you feel like your heart might explode in your chest. You see Karlach celebrate behind him- giving you a thumbs up again and you shake your head at her.
You just fought a woman and barely broke a sweat, but the minute he even looks at you- you feel like your whole body is on fire. Strong hands, grab you by the hips and pull you into his chest before he then moves them to your face. Astarion cups your face in his hands and is looking in your eyes.
“You are a sight to behold, Darling,” he says breathlessly, “that was the most beautiful display of violence I’ve ever seen.”
“ I- uh,” you choke back the surprise, “just another day… on the job?”
“Oh well, let me thank you for your wonderful work then.”
“You don’t need to-“
Astarion presses his lips to yours and swallows up the words you were going to say. The kiss is rough, but slow and needy- hungry even. It makes you feel like he is yearning for you- worshiping you in a temple.
When you pull back for air, you see how his eyes are blown wide with lust and another emotion you can’t quite decipher- it’s positive, but also a little fearful.
“Stay with me?” He asks, his voice uncharacteristically shy, “in my tent?”
“Yes,” he pauses before saying quietly, “and every night after that too- if you want.”
You let a huge smile spread across your face and his nervous expression appears to melt away almost instantly. You step back from him and curtsy.
“I, a simple camp urchin, would be honored to stay in your tent with you, Lord Acunin,” you say teasingly.
Astarion rolls his eyes with a lopsided smile, but puts his arm out to you. You loop your arm through his as if you are two normal nobles courting each other.
“First we must feed you, my Lady,” Astarion states in an overly proper tone, you giggle and you see the corners of his mouth twitch further at the sound, “I must make sure my lover is well taken care of after all.”
You are hot from head to toe and Astarion absolutely has to notice. If he does, he doesn’t say anything, but you hope he hears how alive he makes your heart sound.
“Never have I ever…” Gale says, “worked for a Devil.”
Astarion watches as Karlach and Wyll begrudgingly take a large sip of their choice of liquor. You are leaning your head on Astarion’s shoulder- the alcohol making you slightly more affectionate in public. Astarion would be lying if he said it didn’t give him a thrill to be this close to you- even if PDA might not be his thing.
“Never have I ever- been a vampire,” Karlach says slyly.
Both you and Astarion grumble- taking a shot.
“Never have I ever,” Shadowheart says, tapping her finger on her knee , “lit a building on fire.”
Every single one of you but Halsin takes a shot. Shadowheart giggles and then also takes a shot.
“Shadowheart,” Karlach says and looks at her with confusion, “you aren’t supposed to drink if you haven’t done it?”
“Oh no- I have,” Shadowheart slurs, “I just wanted another shot and couldn’t think of anything else.”
Karlach begins to chastise Shadowheart playfully- commenting on how she is already way too messed up and Shadowheart saying, “I am a CLERIC I can cure my own hangovers!”
Everybody chuckles and returns to the game- it’s Wyll’s turn. Wyll regards you and cocks an eyebrow.
“Hmmmmm…. Never have I ever killed a Liche.”
You snort and take a shot.
“NO!” Wyll exclaims, “I thought I had you that time.”
“Mhmmmmm,” you hum in acknowledgement, “I think I was- 15?”
Wyll is sitting on the edge of his seat- actually everyone is. Astarion watches you squirm in recognization that everyone wants to hear your story.
“Oh it was just a complete accident,” you say with a fake enthusiasm, “I was exploring a nearby temple during a contract and just happened to run into one.”
Everyone bought the story- Wyll comments that you have terrible luck which you laugh at. He has no idea.
Astarion already knows this story- Dahlia had dragged your halfway dead body all the way into an abandoned castle off the coast of the Sea of Stars, resurrected you, and then shackled your feet and hands together. She later hid the key for the shackles somewhere in the castle for you to find.
It was an exercise- a sadistic one. You had pissed her off the night before because you had refused to let you cut your hair. She had cut it all off, every last inch, after she had beaten you into submission by quite literally killing you. This was the second part of your punishment.
She told you that there is a Lich hiding in the castle and her expectations of you were high- you are not to receive even a single scratch and the Lich needed to be dead. The punishment for not meeting these expectations? You would go without eating for a week and you would be locked away in the basement- not allowed to leave or see Tessa. You killed the lich, but you were horrifically mauled in the process because you couldn’t find the key. It was a long week in that dark, cold, horrible basement. Dahlia had also hired Abdirak to reinforce how horribly you fucked up.
Astarion absentmindedly puts his hand on yours and gives it a reassuring squeeze- trying to disrupt the spiral you’re evidently about to go into. You look over at him and Astarion feels like he could melt. You look at him with so much gratitude and as if he is the most important person who has ever walked this earth. Gods he has really really fucked up his plan.
The game has continued to go on without the two of you and suddenly everyone is staring at you both.
“Did you both not hear the question?” Karlach snorts while wiggling her eyebrows.
You both look at each other and you laugh awkwardly before turning back to Karlach.
“Never have I ever felt romantically towards any form of vampire,” Wyll states, “Gale, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart have had their shots already- so now we are just waiting on you two.”
Astarion doesn’t even have to think about it- which could partially be because of how intoxicated he currently is- obviously he is taking a shot.
He pours some more alcohol in yours and his glasses- then looks at you. This is about when his drunk mind realizes that he is basically stating, “I like you, but do you like me?” With his actions and that there is still the possibility that you could reject him. He did fling a Gnome you were trying to save into the air today- not the most attractive thing a person can do. (It was kind of worth it though).
“Cheers?” He says with a smirk on his face- hoping his eyes don’t reflect how nervous he feels.
You squint your eyes at him playfully before clinking the glass, “Cheers.”
Karlach claps her hands excitedly and Wyll’s eyes are sparkling while he looks at her. Shadowheart also smiles widely at the display of support.
You and Astarion have been speculating who Karlach is going to end up with for days now- Dammon is still a possibility, but you both have decided that it’s least likely. Astarion thinks Shadowheart and you think it will be Wyll. There’s 100 gold on the line for whoever wins. If it ends up being Dammon though? Well you will both drink and commiserate together about how blind you had both been.
It’s your turn now and you look directly at Astarion, he isn’t sure how he feels about the mischievous glint in your eyes. Then you say your sentence out loud and he feels a laugh bubble up from his lungs.
“Never have I ever flung a Deep Gnome from a windmill.”
Astarion falls off the log- laughing just as hard as he had done earlier- as you regale the group with the story. Gods it had been such a wonderful experience- the look on your face had been priceless. He also silently appreciated that you were far more impressed with his loophole than upset about his actions.
The goodies of the group castigate him, but they are all laughing equally as hard as the both of you are. You paint a very vivid picture using hand gestures and words that Astarion has been teaching you in common to describe things. He relishes in how lovely and lively you are- Alcohol is such a wonderful thing. He can just enjoy you without that horrible nagging in his head that even being involved with you anymore is a bad idea.
When Astarion finally finishes laughing- he happily takes another shot.
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Pathetic Man
Lily has some thoughts after Z'rell calls Gale a pathetic man. SFW.
“Hmmm. You have used the wizard well.” I beg your pardon!?!? “But the desperate one who would love such a pathetic man must hunger for greater delights, deep down.” WHAT?!?!?
Lily’s eyes somehow got wider than she ever thought possible when she, Astarion, Gale, and Lae’zel met with Disciple Z’rell. She killed that poor orc without a second thought. Gods, what further horrors are hidden here? She pushed those thoughts from her mind as they managed (by the most insane luck I’ve ever witnessed) to rescue all the gnomes and tieflings imprisoned at Moonrise Towers.
However, despite the jovial mood at Last Light and camp, her mind replayed that moment, even as she sat with Gale in his tent after dinner. The gall of that woman. Pathetic man, my ass. Gale is brave and smart and funny and perfect and—
“You seem very far away, dearest. Is everything alright?” Gale gently asked. He placed a kiss on her freckled cheek while the hand on her ample waist traced circles.
She squeezed her eyes shut. “You’re not a pathetic man, and I’ve never once used you. That nasty, nasty woman.” Rage. Rage. No. Not now. Her lips captured his in a deep but short kiss. “And by the way, I only want your greater delights, love.” She pulled him to her in a loving embrace. “If anyone here is pathetic, it’s me anyways.” Lily sighed.
Her lover let out a thoughtful hum. “Why do you say that, sweetness?”
“Because I fell in love with the first man who was nice to me…showed any interest in me romantically…if that’s not pathetic, I don’t know what is.” she said bitterly.
“You’re just a really good friend, Lily.”
“You are the Countess’s daughter---I cannot court you.”
“Who would ever want the fat devil beast daughter of a dwarf?”
“Ugly cow of a woman.”
“The Countess cannot raise your dowery enough, my lady.”
Gale shifted in her arms so he could look at her. Gods, he has the most beautiful eyes. I could stare into them forever. “That isn’t true. Not even remotely true. You said that noble who was courting you—”
Shit for brains.
“I didn’t love him. Not like how I love you.” I would gladly take a million arrows, a thousand cuts, hundreds of shocks of electricity, and run through a fireball to protect you. Glancing away, she stared at the ground. “The second I pulled you from that portal that was it. I fell in love with you.”
“If that is pathetic, then so am I because I too fell for you in that same moment.” He chuckled, blushing a little. “Let us be pathetic fools in love together, shall we?”
Wrinkling her nose, Lily smiled and held him closer. “Only with you, magic man.”
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reverieblondie · 9 days
Cal x Lae'zel
The Beginning: Meeting in the Grove
Part 1
A/N: This ship just popped into my mind one day and at first I was like, oh that was random…then I started to think about it more… and now I can’t stop… Thank you to @drizztdohurtin for letting me ramble about them in your ask box! You are such a kind soul! This will be a multi part HCs because I have lots of thoughts about this couple! Also hug shout out to @dark-and-kawaii Thank you so much for the pictures you sent me! You deserve all the smooches! Also if you want to read amazingly spicy fics go check them out! (this was supposed to be in bullet points but Tumblr didn't like that)
(I mean look at these two!)
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Now let's go to the beginning of this couple's relationship, and of course, it all starts back at the grove because obviously~
I imagine that Cal is at least slightly aware of who Lae'zel is because: One, she is in Tavs party and everyone seems to know who Tav is by this point. Two, she is a githyanki walking around the grove; of course, people will take note of her. Three, all the teiflings have heard about what Zorru saw and what happened to his friend Yul, so of course they keep a close eye on her… Including Cal, Lia, and Rolan. Though they are watching all the new adventures in the grove, Cal has found himself staring at the silver-clad warrior fairly often. She's just unlike anything he's seen before. 
Lae'zel, on the other hand, was unaware of Cal's existence. Until one day… when she decided to do some training… 
While the rest would spend time relaxing at camp when they were on pause with their adventure, Lae'zel is not one for relaxing; she needs to keep busy. So, while everyone else was doing their thing, she slipped away to a secluded spot to do some training. 
Lae'zel heard him before she saw him, fumbling around and lamenting his problems, something about him being treated like a baby. Rolling her eyes, she finally looks towards the noisy intruder. She doesn't bother to hide that she's staring daggers into him when he makes it through the thicket. Lae'zel does a quick assessment of him. Tall with apparent bulk, strong, sure, but from how he holds that spear, not fit for his build, she could outmaneuver him from the amount of training she has had, but he could possibly put up a bit of a fight…
Of course, Cal is getting nervous by the second as she keeps her keen eyes on him. Lae'zel's silver armor glimmers brightly on her olive skin, and her strong arms effortlessly hold her sword like it weighs nothing. She's altogether imposing, and he can't seem to look away.
Lae'zel, never one for subtlety ends the stare off with a command, immediately pulling dominance. A skill that has always served her well. "Teeth-ling, raise your spear and spar with me. I need a moving target for better training. Unless these words you speak of being compared to a baby are true?" 
Cal feels his tail flick widely behind him. Is she…taunting him? The short answer is yes, in a way. Lae'zel knows how to get under people's skin, so she wants to test Cal. "Fine," Cals says somewhat irritatedly, "But don't kill me…or seriously mame me…" Lae'zel tries to keep from rolling her eyes; she guesses she will hold back a little then…
It turns out Lae'zels holding back means she still is whooping Cal's ass. Not only is she strong, but she's swift, too. Completely overwhelming him, but Cal can't seem to keep his eyes off her and her immaculate form. However, Cal isn't the only one being impressed. Lae'zel watches the tall tiefling; she watches how he keeps falling and failing, but he keeps getting up, and when she goes for the same hit, he moves…A hidden resolve and a quick learner. Maybe he has some potential to be a decent fighter…
Cal sees something in her eyes, and he takes the opportunity to prove himself and make a hit. With his found spear ready, he charges forward to at least knock her down. Of course, Lae'zel simply side steps out of the way. Silly Tiefling putting all his weight into an attack without having a counterpla —Thwack!
She's unsure what has just transpired, but all she knows is that her cheek is stinging…Looking towards him, she sees that he looks completely mortified. "I'm…" she points her sword to his neck. "Don't apologize, just tell me how you did that!" Cal swallows before slowly lifting his tail to view. "It was an accident…" Lowering her sword, she looks at it quizzically, approaching closely; she almost wants to touch it but holds herself back as she watches him tense up. "What else can it do?" 
Cals is not exactly sure why, but images of debauchery and his tail twisting against some intimate places pop into his mind…" stuff…lots of different, nice…huh c-cool…stuff.." Her eyes narrow before she puts her sword away, heading to grab her things and leave. Cal guessed this must be the end of the training, so he also went to gather his things when his ears perked up at her voice. "Tiefling…you have potential; you just need practice. He feels his smile curl up, and excitement fills his chest; before he knows it, he's rushing out his next response, "You think I have potential! Maybe we can train again together…sometime… if you-" "Perhaps you could use the guidance…and I need something to batter at most days." Cal's tail starts to swish around wildly now; he hopes she doesn't notice. -wait…what does she mean by batter?   
Lae'zel heads back to camp, but before she's gone into the thicket, she calls over her shoulder. "Name," Cal is caught off guard by the demand, but he manages to stumble out his name. She hums, says her name, and leaves. Of course, he already knew it, but now, at least, she will stop calling him teeth-ling. 
From that moment, Cal was learning to become a better fighter from someone who had been doing it all her life. But it was also the start of a new friendship?
Friendships are not a familiar concept for Lae'zel, but Cal seems determined to teach her. He starts small with conversion and jokes, but those seem to fly over Lae'zel's head most of the time. So then Cal began to do the next thing he could think of to build a conversation; he started to ask questions about her and her people. First, Lae'zel gave only short answers, but as the days went on, she would begin to elaborate more and then start asking questions of her own; the questions ranged from about Faerun and tieflings in general to more about Cal and how he ended up at the grove. Soon, she found that Cal was sharing all sorts of stories ranging from old legends to stories of his youth. 
It was odd, but Lae'zel found herself enjoying the stories. His life had been so different from her own. There was also just this way he spoke…such enthusiasm. 
On the other hand, Cal was excited to have someone to talk to, a new friend…then he heard her laugh. He told the story of when Rolan accidentally conjured a fire cat, and that's when he heard her laugh, and he was hooked…How could such a fierce warrior have such a beautiful laugh? It was infectious, and he wanted to hear more of it, to watch her full lips curl into a smile and hear that rare sound…
As Lae'zel finds herself in her laughing fit, she looks over to see Cal watching her with the warmest smile she has ever received from a person. It gives her a slight pause, and she feels the tips of her ears warm as she continues to watch him; how long have they sat here? And do his eyes always look…so soft and gentle… Lae'zel averts her gaze and swings his spear back into his hands, catching him off guard and kind of winding him a bit. "No more ideal chatting, let's get to training…" Cal watches her get set for training, but he can't stop smiling. 
When you get closer to someone, it's natural that you get them things…right? So it wouldn't be weird if he brought her one of the muffins he made, right? Does she even like muffins? There blueberry… Rolan likes them and he's not exactly a sweets person, but he enjoys them… Cal continues to agonize over the idea before telling himself to do it! 
As he packs away a few things, Cal fails to notice that Rolan and Lia are watching him…Rolan turns to Lia. "Where is Cal going?" Lia looks over and shrugs. "Said something about training." "He's been doing that a lot lately…" Rolan watches as Cal runs off with a wide, excited smile on his face, "Do you think he's training with someone?"  
Lae'zel looks at the baked good with suspicion. It smells sweet and is sure to weigh her down, definitely not the proper nutrients that her diet usually consists of. Cal watches her with anticipation; he apparently made the sugar-sprinkled treat…. It doesn't seem like she can toss it, so she takes a bite, and that's when the sweetness coats her tongue; it's delicious… Lae'zel scarves it down and looks at him with wide, pleading eyes. Cal laughs, turns out Lae'zel is a sweets person, wait till she learns about cupcakes. Maybe he could bake her something again…to say thanks for training him.
Since the day Cal gifted Lae'zel the muffin, she figured she should return the favor and give Cal something in return… As she walked with Tav through an abandoned village, she spotted it… the thing he desperately needed.
Cal couldn't help but smile when Lea'zel brought him the spear. It was a vast improvement from the one he had been using, and it was fit for his size! He no longer had to slouch so much he could stand to his full height! As Cal studied the spear, he could tell from how the silver end shinned Lae'zel had spent a lot of time sharpening and polishing it. "I grew tired of you using that old one, this shou-" Before she can finish, Cal is scooping her into a warm embrace, a soft thank you whispered in her ear. Lae'zel feels her body lean into him, her arms on instinct lifting to almost wrap around his back ...no..she doesn't…they can't… Lae'zel pushes Cal off, her ears red and eyes avoiding his surprised gaze. "No need for thank yous…just make sure you use it properly…" Cals is happy she doesn't seem to notice his cheeks slightly redder than usual. "Ha, ha…of course…" or the slight hurt in his voice. 
They…did it… Tav and her companions did it, they saved Halsin and defeated the camp of goblins, and Lae'zel looks unscaved…tired and covered in blood but she's okay! Her adorable ears are still intact, her striking face free from fresh scares…Wait? What is he thinking? Does he…sure they have grown close, but does he…
Through the crowd of faces, her large yellow eyes fall to him. For a moment, they soften, and Cal swears he sees her full lips slightly smile before giving a small nod to him. She's safe…and as he etches every feature of her face to his mind, he feels his heart stir further. 
Lae'zel has seen a fair share of battle celebrations…this one is far more tame than the ones she has experienced, but there is something surprisingly pleasant about it. Though she could use some people not being so loud… the camp is in full swing as everyone gets pissed on wine, though Lae'zel holds off on indulging; come morning, they must leave this place for the creche. Her journey ends soon… she is filled with relief and also… something else. As she thinks about the slight aching feeling, she looks up to see Cal approaching with a subtle sway and a drunken flush. 
He practically stumbles over himself, offering her a drink, but she declines. They sit together outside her tent as she talks about the battle and share their plans for where they are going next. Cal lets his thoughts fly in drunken bravery, "You know…in your armor, you're magnificent…But seeing you like this… makes you seem more real…" Lae'zel looks at him confused, "Of course, I'm real…how odd…" Cal feels his face flush, "Well, not real…but you know. Softer…less guarded…m-more exposed…” Lae'zel feels like she knows where this is going, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued…" exposed?"  Cal swallows and nods as he stares at her. "Y-yeah..like your neck…you have a lovely neck…" 
Lae'zel feels that familiar heat on the tips of her ears. If he likes her neck, she could let him taste it. But as she looks at him, she sees his shy smile as he fidgets with his hands. He's not used to this. Sure, she is used to the carless passion, but… she doesn't want his last memory of her being where he wakes up to an empty bedside. She's not sure why, but she wants him to be left with only pleasant memories, not hurt…
As Cal goes to grab her hand she nonchalantly moves it, faking not paying attention as she looks up at the stars. "This is probably the last time we will see each other…" Cal retreats his hand back into his lap and looks up as well, "Ha…yeah, so it will seem… Lae'zel…thank you…because of you, I mean stronger; I feel like I can better protect the people I love, and though I know it's foolish to hope…but I hope I get to see you again…" 
Lae'zel feels herself smile as she keeps her eyes on the vast sky…" So do I…"
(Part 2 we are heading to Last Light inn!)
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sm0lprism · 3 months
Bite-Sized (7) - A BG3 G/t fanfic
This contains g/t (giant/tiny content) so if that isn't your thing, then I suggest you stop reading. Thank you!
Read on ao3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Summary: Ria returns to camp after her terrifying encounter with the goblins. Now she has a proposition for the group regarding Astarion's feeding habits.
Pairing: Astarion x borrower!oc (Tav) (slow-burn, Astarion is a complete ass but eventually comes round in future chapters)
Warnings: Course language/swearing, blood drinking
Word count: 3.2k
By the time Ria had returned to camp, the others had also returned from their mission to the Blighted Village. She knew for a fact that she wasn’t going to mention her run-in with the goblins, and their rather gruesome demise at the hands of a certain pale elf. As far as everyone else was concerned, her walk had been pleasant and uneventful. Inhaling a shaky breath, she ambled into the centre of the camp. It still unnerved her to walk around so many giants, one wrong step from just one person would be the end for her, but this was one of the downsides she had to put up with for the time being. She could only hope that everyone would be considerate enough to watch where they were putting their feet.
“You should’ve seen the size of that spider, Wyll!” Karlach exclaimed, her clothing completely drenched in blood, her arms flapping about enthusiastically. “It was fucking massive! Mind you, I’ve seen far worse things in Avernus, but I’d never seen a spider so big!”
“It sounds like you had quite the adventure,” Wyll commented, flashing a warm smile at the tiefling. “I’m almost sad I was stuck at camp all day. I could’ve done with some monster slaying myself.”
“The spiders were pathetic adversaries,” Lae’zel said fiercely. “But their webs were most frustrating.”
“Yes, and who was it that got you out of those webs?” Shadowheart grinned rather smugly.
Lae’zel clenched her teeth, flashing Shadowheart a glowering look.
“Tsk’va! You said you wouldn’t speak of that, Shadowheart!”
Shadowheart tapped her chin with her index finger as a smirk spread across her face. “Did I say that? Maybe I was lying.”
“Do you want me to make you regret freeing me from those webs?” Lae’zel growled.
“Lae’zel, Shadowheart, please do cease this pointless quarrelling,” Gale chimed in, standing in between the two women. “There is no need for it, alright?”
“Chk!” Lae’zel hissed, curling her lip into a snarl.
Shadowheart heaved a sigh, rolling her eyes, but she didn’t make any further comment on the subject.
Now that the air had settled somewhat, Ria decided now would be the time to make her entrance.
“H-Hello everyone!” she called, waving her hands up at the giants that loomed ominously above her.
Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and turned their gazes downwards as soon as the words had left her lips.  
Karlach’s face lit up immediately. “Hey soldier! How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well,” Ria said warmly, craning her neck to look up at the giant tiefling. “It sounds like your adventure today was successful?”
“It most definitely was!” Karlach replied, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh boy, smashing some giant ass spiders really does a girl good to help let off some steam. In my case literally.” She chuckled lightly, her infernal engine glowing orange through her red skin.
“Careful you don’t get too worked up Karlach,” Shadowheart added. “We still need to find more infernal iron to calm that engine of yours.”
“Ahh, I can’t wait until I can hug someone!” The red tiefling exclaimed. “I am absolutely dying for a hug right now.”
Shadowheart smiled softly at the tiefling woman, warmth reflected in her gaze. “I’d be happy to be your first hug once you’ve had the next upgrade from Dammon. If you want me to be your first hug, that is.”
Karlach’s eyes nearly popped out of her sockets and she had to force herself not to squeeze the half-elf into a hug right then and there. “Oh, seriously, Shadowheart? That would be amazing! You better prepare yourself; you’ll be in for the best hug of your life when I get that upgrade!”
“I look forward to it,” Shadowheart chuckled.
Rumbling tremors rattled the ground beneath her feet as Astarion approached the group. She swallowed thickly, remembering that he was responsible for saving her life only mere hours ago – as much as she hated to admit it, it was the truth. He seemed to pick up on this as his gaze briefly hovered over her small form, a rather smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips. A scowl formed across her features. She certainly didn’t need a mind-bending tadpole to know what he was thinking.
“Greetings, Astarion,” Gale said, breaking the silence. “I suppose you had a rather uneventful day?”
“You could say that,” Astarion answered. “The same can’t be said for you, it seems.”
As Astarion and Gale continued to talk, Ria’s mind was swirling with thoughts. Convincing the rest of the group to allow Astarion to feed on thinking creatures was going to be interesting, but she was adamant that this was the best course of action to hopefully control the vampire’s bloodlust. Besides, if he only fed on bandits that they were going to kill already, what difference did it make? Better the bandits than her, or anyone else in the group. He certainly didn’t deserve her kindness, but at the end of the day, she wasn’t doing this because she was fond of him or anything like that. It was for her own safety considering how adamant the vampire was on eating her.
Ria cleared her throat. “I-I have something to suggest.”
All eyes suddenly turned back to Ria as she uttered the sentence. Astarion stared at her apprehensively, narrowing his gaze at her as he waited to see what she had to say next.
Don’t worry, you massive leech, I’m not telling them about the goblins.
“Speak,” Lae’zel commanded.
She swallowed a lump that had begun to form in her throat.
“I think it’s best if we allow Astarion to feed on thinking beings.”
Ria exhaled a shaky breath, and watched as everyone’s expressions changed from curiosity to complete shock.
“You can’t be serious!” Shadowheart exclaimed.
“N-not on innocents, of course!” Ria quickly added. “Why can’t he feed on bandits that you’re going to kill? They’re going to die either way, besides, it means he’ll be less tempted to bite any of you…” She swallowed thickly. “Or me.”
Astarion’s jaw slacked open, his eyes widening in disbelief, and for once he was at a loss for words. His gaze was fixed on her in that moment, completely perplexed as to why she was suggesting something that would benefit him.
Ria shifted uncomfortably on her feet, not meeting Astarion’s gaze, as her companions exchanged confused glances amongst one another. She had to crane her neck up just to look at them, reminding her once again of how miniscule she was compared to everyone else.
“Well, I don’t see how that could be a bad thing,” Karlach said. “I mean, as Ria put it, the bandits will be dead anyway. Why not feed Fangs while we’re at it?”
“I agree with Karlach,” Wyll added. “The monster hunter in me disagrees, but I can see why it might be a good idea. Vampires are typically better sated on non-animal blood and their abilities are enhanced a great deal.”
Both Shadowheart and Lae’zel seemed somewhat apprehensive at the idea. Gale, on the other hand, was pondering Ria’s idea away in that brilliant brain of his.
“Tsk’va. I am not thrilled by the idea of Astarion biting thinking creatures, but providing they are only our forsaken enemies, then so be it.” The gith shot the vampire spawn a scathing look, her teeth bared. “And a reminder to you, Astarion, if you so much as smack your lips when I’m near, I will sever you piece by piece. I’ll leave you to guess which piece I plan to start with. Am I understood?”
“No githyanki meals, I promise,” Astarion said. “You have my word on that.”
“And I hope you extend that to everyone in the camp,” Shadowheart commented, pushing her ebony braid purposefully over her exposed neck.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” Astarion replied, a hint of irritation etched in his voice. “I have already promised not to bite any of you, unless you’ve forgotten that?”
“As he’s mentioned, Astarion has already vowed not to bite any of us,” Gale finally chimed in, reiterating the vampire’s point, his brows furrowed. “I, for one, am completely open to Ria’s idea. As Wyll said, vampires simply perform better on sentient blood. If anything, this will help him get a hold on his bloodlust, and that’s better for everyone.”
“Exactly!” Ria said. “It works out better for all of us. I’m glad you all see that.”
Astarion’s gaze flitted over Ria’s tiny form, and she met his watchful eyes with bated breath. Instead of his usual sinister smirk that often adorned his defined features, his face softened as he looked down at her. There was a gentle glimmer of something else in his eyes – something that Ria hadn’t seen before on his face – warmth. Was she imagining it? Quite possibly. Whether she was imagining it or not, it made her heart thrum against her chest and a swarm of butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach.
Wait…no…why am I feeling like this? What is this? Stop it!
“I suppose this is all settled then,” Gale announced, tearing Ria out of her rather flustered thoughts. “Astarion can feed on our enemies or bandits that we come across – providing that they are not innocents. Is that understood, Astarion?” The wizard turned to face the pale elf.
Astarion pressed one hand to his heart. “On my honour, no innocents will be hurt. I can assure you that.”
No one objected, although Lae’zel muttered a small ‘chk’ under her breath rather discreetly.
“Right, now that’s sorted, I could go for a big meal right now,” Karlach announced, flickering embers dancing across her red skin. “Smashing spiders has got me really hungry.”
“Fear not, Karlach, your chef for the evening is getting right on it as we speak.” Gale began to swiftly rummage through a bunch of packs full of food and rations.
As Gale began to prepare for the evening meal, everyone else in the camp disbanded and went to their own respective tents. Ria took this as her cue to leave as well, and began to walk in the direction of her own little tent. Every so often Gale had to enchant it with the reduce spell for it to retain its miniature size, and the wizard had assured her it wasn’t a bother for him in the slightest after she had suggested that she could just sleep on the floor. Gale was having none of that and happily kept on using magic to shrink the tent each day. She was very grateful for the wizard’s kindness and that she had somewhere catered to her own size to reside in for the time being.
As she continued to stride towards her small tent, she realised that she had forgotten to ask about joining the group when they decided to enter the Goblin Camp. She needed to know more about blood merchants trading borrowers. This was the only kind of lead she had on finding more of her kind in years, there was no way she could afford to pass this opportunity up.
That can wait until tomorrow. We’re not at the Goblin Camp yet anyways.
Small earthquakes quickly jolted Ria out of her thoughts, signalling that someone was approaching her rapidly. She slowly pivoted on her heel to see Astarion sauntering towards her and a wave of dread quickly washed over her.
What does he want now?
“Ah, there’s my little friend.”
Little friend?!
Ria’s chest tightened as she watched the pale elf drop to one knee beside her, tilting his head to one side as a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“What do you want?” she snapped.
Astarion’s gaze suddenly shifted to the floor, avoiding her eyes, his lower lip quivering softly. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words uttered from his lips. This was incredibly strange for him, normally he had a witty remark for just about everything. What was going on?
He cleared his throat and fixed his red gaze onto her small frame. “I…I wanted to thank you for what you said earlier. What you just did was…unexpected. You didn’t have to persuade the others like that for me, yet you did.”
Ria’s eyebrows shot up in astonishment, completely caught off guard by Astarion’s gesture. Little did he know that she hadn’t persuaded the group for Astarion’s benefit, she’d only done it in hopes that maybe he wouldn’t keep on eyeing her up like some kind of snack. But he had saved her life only earlier that day, so perhaps a small part of her was also doing it as a way of thanks…he clearly saw it that way anyway, whether she meant it or not.
No, just ignore him.
Despite her negative thoughts, she couldn’t deny that he was looking at her differently. He seemed, for the first time since she had met him, genuine. Something about the way he was gazing at her stirred a subtle ache in her chest that she couldn’t quite explain.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” she asked, ignoring the growing feeling of warmth across her face. “You’re thanking me for something. That isn’t like you at all.”
A soft chuckle slipped past his lips. “I know, it’s very strange, isn’t it? I just…” His voice faded away. He was clearly struggling to find the right words.
“You did something nice for me when you didn’t have to,” he said at last. “And I appreciate it. Perhaps I was wrong about you.”
Now it was Ria’s turn to be at a loss for words. Her brain swirled with confusion as his statement left her temporarily unable to speak.
Is he serious?
She frantically searched his face, looking for a sign of deceit, but there was none. He was being completely honest with her and he meant every word.
“Do you really mean that?” she asked hesitantly, still not quite believing his sudden change in demeanour.
Astarion furrowed his brows. “Darling, if I wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you right now.” He exhaled a long breath. “You could’ve easily ratted me out to everyone as well with the goblins, but you didn’t do that. I think we should start over.”
Before she even had time to react, Astarion extended his index finger towards her.
“Deal?” he asked gently.
Ria stared at his index finger intently as her body stiffened. She quickly glanced from his hand to his face, her heart racing feverishly in her chest. Her right hand was gripped firmly around the handle of her little dagger, concealed behind her back, and an idea pierced through her brain. No way was she letting him off that easily after everything that had happened.
Without a second thought, she lunged forwards and thrusted the dagger into Astarion’s exposed index finger.
“You little-!” Astarion exclaimed, utter shock painted across his face as he immediately retracted his hand away from the borrower.
A tight-lipped grin pulled at the corners of her mouth as she watched Astarion glare at her, trails of blood now dripping down his pale skin from the fresh wound on his finger.
“Okay, we’re even,” she grinned. “We can start fresh now.”
Astarion’s gaze softened as a smirk flickered across his facial features.
“Cheeky little pup.” He grinned. “I suppose I may have deserved that.”
Ria blinked slowly at him. “May?!”
“Fine, fine, I did deserve that.” He rolled his eyes before removing the tiny dagger from his finger as if it were nothing more than a splinter. He inspected the miniature blade for a moment before passing it towards Ria, holding it in between his index finger and thumb. She hastily grabbed the dagger from Astarion before wiping off the blood with a small rag in her pocket.
“It amazes me that Dammon was able to make a blade so small.” He began licking at the oozing blood from his finger. It oddly reminded Ria of a cat cleaning its paws and a grimace of disgust spread across her face.
“Ew, you’re licking your own blood?” she said, giving him a dirty look. The sight of blood made her squeamish.
Astarion paused his licking to stare at her, one eyebrow arched. “Darling, I’m a vampire, drinking blood is what I do.”
“Yeah, okay, but your own blood?”
Astarion shrugged. “It’d be a shame for it to go to waste.”
Ria shook her head lightly and rolled her eyes.
A small moment of silence passed. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of Gale attempting to make dinner and Lae’zel sharpening her sword. Sensing the incoming awkwardness, Ria swallowed a lump that had begun to form in her throat and began to turn to leave.
“Well, I guess I’ll leave you to your blood licking.”
“Wait!” Astarion said rather suddenly, lapping up one final drop of blood on his finger.
Ria paused in her tracks and blinked at him in surprise.
“I don’t want you to run off just yet,” he said slowly.
She stared at him like he had grown a second head.
“You…you don’t want me to leave?”
“You intrigue me,” he replied, a small grin curling around his lip. “For such a little thing, you are quite resilient. Facing those goblins, not shying away from Lae’zel’s battle training…the fact that you want to fight back is at the very least admirable, considering how hopeless it is for someone of your height. And then you even stood up to me.” A small snicker flitted past his lips. “I’m not easily impressed by people of your stature, but you’re a lot stronger than I gave you credit for.”
Somehow Astarion had managed to both compliment her and insult her at the same time and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.
I suppose that’s about the nicest thing he’s ever said to me.
She pressed her lips together in a thin line. “I thought you didn’t like me.”
“You have your charms…more than you think.”
Ria couldn’t tell if he was lying or being serious, but she remained cautious. There was a small glint of hunger reflected in his crimson eyes which reminded her that she was in fact dealing with a predator. But...despite this, there was something else there too. Something that was mixed in with his hunger that was perhaps preventing him from lunging forward to eat her right then and there. It was the same look that he had given her before – his features had softened, the sinister glare from his gaze completely gone.
She hated how it made her chest flutter.
“You aren’t so bad yourself,” she replied.
Why in the hells did I say that!?
She forcefully bit her tongue to stop any more words from tumbling out that she might regret saying. She wasn’t sure why she had even said it to begin with, but it made her want to kick herself.
He wanted to eat me a couple of weeks ago, and he probably still does. I need to remember that.
“Well, this has turned into a surprisingly pleasant conversation,” Astarion smiled.
“Don’t get too close,” Ria said, gripping the handle of her dagger instinctively. “I’m not one to easily forget.”
His eyes crinkled as he simply chuckled at her. “I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
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jynxeddraca · 8 months
Hi yes, more Baldur's Gate brainrot. Sorry not sorry.
First of all look at my Tav:
Tumblr media
She's adorable yes?
So fun fact I did not at all realize that 'Tav' is the default name given to all custom origin characters. I thought it was randomized and liked it so I kept it. So meet Tav Moonridge y'all!
Tav is a tiefling bard who grew up in the Outer City of Baldur's Gate, lives in the Lower City, basically raised her sister - Temerity Moonridge, and is currently 'on an adventure' that she really didn't want to be on and desperately wants to get back to her sister. I am also picturing her as like 5'2"/157 cm and often described as "willowy" or "reedy".
And now head canons of Tav interacting with the other characters. There are some spoiler-y things ahead.
No one has any idea how or why she ended up leading them, not even Tav. Tav is constantly baffled why anyone listens to her, but accepts it if it means she can talk everyone out of killing each other.
Tav broke Astarion's nose when they met via headbutting him in the face.
Karlach and Tav gossip in Infernal at camp. They never use anyone's names while doing so, but Astarion has a suspicion about which phrase might refer to him. Spoiler, it's Infernal for 'pretty boy' and it absolutely is referring to him.
Tav is a flirt when she's been drinking and kissed Shadowheart (during her first romance scene) and felt awful about it the next morning.
When they found the hat that is located near Alfira, Gale was able to tell it was enchanted but not really sure how. Tav laid claim on it and wears it at night to cover her eyes when she doesn't want Gale to bother her because he doesn't really get social cues and she doesn't want to hurt his feelings by just telling him to leave her alone for a bit. Gale thinks she's doing it because she had a headache or is about to go to bed.
Tav winds down in the evening by using her long tiefling talons nails to essentially fingering out tunes on her lute, without actually plucking the strings, and quietly humming along. She often does this leaning back against a stump or a rock with her eyes closed. She hasn't noticed that the camp tends to get quieter around this time because everyone likes to hear the humming - even if they refuse to admit it. She sometimes does this while wearing the hat.
When Astarion accidentally reveals he's a vampire and Tav ends up offering her neck to him - he ends up concluding that Tav has zero survival instincts. She also jabbed him in the armpit with her thumbnail to keep him from making her a corpse.
Tav fully is aware Astarion's flirting and seducing is him using her - but she thinks he's using sex as a way to secure blood from her willingly rather than his actual plan.
Lae'zel, after having to save Tav's ass one too many times, teaches Tav how to use a sword. Wyll helps out. Everyone learns that Tav is not good with blades and she is informed that she is to stick near Astarion and snipe using her crossbow.
Halsin can pick Tav up one handed and has done so to keep her from rushing into potential trouble without a plan. Tav deeply dislikes when he does this and Shadowheart has compared her acidic looks to him to a disgruntled cat. Karlach calls this 'air jail'.
Karlach will also put Tav in 'air jail' from time to time after her heart gets fixed. Astarion nearly doubled over laughing at Tav's betrayed expression when it first happened.
Astarion constantly thinks Tav has some ulterior motive for letting him drink her blood that she is really good at hiding. He eventually begrudgingly accepts that she doesn't.
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whathebeep · 8 months
Okay so I LOVE Tav being a tiefling so long story short, just a lil bit of how I think certain characters would react to Tav returning to camp with their horns cut off 👀 once again with a romantic focus on Tav/Astarion/Halsin poly couple. Based early act 3- specifics under the cut!
TW- blood, wounds, trauma
Basically what would have happened if Orin took Tav instead of anyone else, and Tav escaped
When everyone wakes, Tav isn't there. You're gone for days, and when Tav finally does trudge back into camp, you are bloody, beaten, scarred; and your horns are gone. They weren't broken by any means, but had been brutally and roughly sawed off, leaving two mismatched stumps, bloody and jagged.
Halsin being a morning person is the first to see Tav return, and is quick to call for Shadowheart and Astarion as he runs to help Tav, as you collapse into his arms. The two guide Tav to a bedroll and begin using healing spells, Halsin taking care to reassure you that you're safe now. He's glad you are back and you're still breathing, but gods does it hurt him. He's seen you take many hits and still get back up, but somehow...the distant look in your eyes. Something dreadful happened, and he will do everything to help you heal. He's gentle, cleaning what remains of Tav's horns, even as you wince.
Astarion is quick to arrive at their side, kneeling above Tav and letting your head rest on his knees. He's reassuring, he's trying to be strong but it truly breaks his heart to see what's happened to you. The team doesn't know who did this, so he fears the worst; that Cazador somehow did this to you, because of him- and it hurts. He cups your cheeks and brushes your hair from your face and promises you're okay but his heart breaks thinking this was somehow because of him.
Gale and Wyll gather supplies to bring over- water to help clean your wounds, unopened bottles of alcohol for any deep wounds. They're both careful not to crowd around but they're both ready if Shadowheart or Halsin tell them to get anything. When the immediate urgentness of getting your wounds cleaned and your body healed, Gale starts on making a pot of stew. He's the first to notice how pale you look, how past the wounds and dried blood you look like you haven't since you were last in camp. He's sure to make sure it isn't too acidic but with plenty of veggies to help you feel better.
Karlach sees your horns gone and she feels a pit in her stomach. Of everyone at the camp she knows how much something like that can destroy you- she lost one of hers, after all. This was purposeful, to destroy your spirit. She has a sneaking suspicion that Gortash is somehow responsible, that he had your horns cut off to mount on his wall- and it burns. She wants to get angry, she wants to track him down and kick his ass right this second- but she doesn't. She sees how much Tav needs support, and is sure to gather blankets for you, and brings you Clive to hold onto as well.
Minsc, Boo and Lae'zel keep their distance. Particularly Lae'zel gets him to help with patrolling the edge of their camp, keeping an eye out for anyone who might have come after you. Jaheira stands by, particularly to get specific plants that Halsin would ask for to help with the healing process.
When Tav's wounds are cleaned and bandaged, Halsin and Astarion help Tav change into clean clothes. They hadn't even been taken while in their gear- they had only the tattered, dirty remains of their camp clothes on. Helping you change, Halsin and Minsc carefully move you to Astarion's tent, where Karlach helped make a proper bed for you.
When you are resting, the party meets around the fire. Astarion stays by your side during this.
Jaheira divides up shifts of watch. Two on watch for 4 hour rotation during the day, 3 on watch for 4 hour rotation at night. Until you have a more secure camp within the city, there can be no risks.
When Tav wakes early that afternoon, they're screaming. A night terror of sorts- it startled most everyone, but Halsin and Astarion are there to comfort you. There's tears and Tav weeps in the arms of their dearly beloved.
Tav doesn't speak after that. Not for a few days- and when they finally break their silence, it is to Halsin and Astarion. It's to tell them what happened, to tell them they were sorry for not talking sooner, snd Halsin and Astarion are more than understanding and comforting to their love.
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kittenintheden · 3 months
Wyllstravaganza Day 1: Perception
LET'S GO THIS BOY DESERVES POETRY LET'S GIVE IT TO HIM. I'm going to be participating in Wyllstravaganza this month in whatever way my tired ass can manage, which probably means I'll be selecting specific prompts and/or doing some shorter drabbles. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR WYLL DRABBLE REQUESTS IN MY ASKS!!! Especially if there's a specific prompt from the prompt list you'd like to see!
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The blade is heavy in his hand. It has never felt so heavy.
She stands before him like ruby fire and fury and he knows what he must do. He always knows what to do.
Protect the Coast. Protect the meek. Protect the people. It is all he has ever been good for, since even before the bloody horror-strewn night when an errant claw left him with one less window to the world.
This devil is a danger. They all are.
Yet his hand will not obey.
The terms were clear, were they not? Infernal contracts are many things, but they cannot require anything unwritten. Devils only, she'd said. The cambion with the smile like knives, the one who keeps him like a dog on a leash.
One more kill and he'll be free. Free to...
Free to what? He can't go back. Even free of his pact, his tongue will remain stuck to the roof of his mouth should he ever try to explain. To tell the man who sired him and raised him at a distance that it was only for the Gate, always for the Gate. Just as he'd been raised.
He squeezes the hilt of the rapier and readies a strike.
And then a vision of pain, of grief, of fire and fighting and so much wounded rage. A hollow chest. A burning cry.
When he blinks back to himself, he's unsure if the rage came from her... or from him. No. No, it can't be his. It's a lie.
He says as much. He will end this. He is ready. He is so, so beyond ready to rest.
But there's a gentle hand on his arm. Pleading eyes, asking him to listen. Really listen. They all saw it too, his new companions.
You know, they say. You know the truth.
He looks to the devil and sees a tiefling instead. A lost soul. Someone to save.
Slowly, he lowers his blade.
The rage still burns, somehow.
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atsadi-shenanigans · 20 days
Feeding Alligators 57 - Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
What to do with a boatload of goblins?
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On AO3.
There are a shit ton of goblins. Goblins shrieking. Goblins belching. Goblins taking a piss in the corner. Goblins chanting, and goblins drinking and throwing bones at each other and two of them fistfighting. It reeks of sour sweat, rot, and alcohol. You regret every, single choice you ever made in your life that brought you to this point.
Until you spot the owlbear cub. At least, you think it’s the same cub. It cowers in a corner with three goblins around it. The lead one offers you a bet in a game she calls “chicken chasing.” And you ain’t one to knock on other folk’s games—your White side plays corn hole for fuck’s sake—but you draw a hard fucking line when it involves cruelty.
You decline her request as polite as you can. Which means letting her insult you. The others give you looks (Lae’zel seems especially disappointed in you), but you ignore that and ask Gale for a talking-to-animals potion.
It is the same cub. And he’s scared to hell. You offer your camp to him, but one of the goblins looks over and his little ear tufts fold back and he scurries off.
You survey the courtyard. Used to be a temple to a goddess named Selune. Shadowheart seems real pettily amused about the recent remodel. Calls it fitting. There’s maybe twenty goblins out here.
You look to Wyll. “Can you check the left side of the courtyard? Get a head count and general location of everybody over here?”
He nods. Karlach bounces all hopeful, so you ask her to go with him.
There’s a section above, and you spot movement up there. Look over the crew. You need somebody nimble, and somebody with good judgment.
“Shadowheart, would you mind taking Astarion up there to do the same?” you say.
Her flat expression smooths to Kansas levels.
“Please?” you add.
“Just counting?” she says. And oh. There’s something hidden in there, ain’t it?
No point in trying to sugarcoat it. “If the druid is alive, we’re gonna have to break him out. Don’t know what kinda condition he might be in, and if we can, I’d like a clear exit.”
Her head tilts back. Astarion’s eyes go all half-lidded and a smirk twitches on the corners of his lips.
Cause yeah. You’re planning murder. Your fingers find that horn in your bag.
You’re planning a lot of murder.
Lae’zel makes a short, soft sound. She watches you all cool. Has been since the spider fight. Still ain’t dragging you to her workout, but it’s the first time she’s responded to you with something that wasn’t a sneer.
“On it,” Shadowheart says.
Astarion meets your gaze, that malicious smarm all over him. He gives you a kind of flippy hand salute, and heads after her.
“You really intend to do this?” Gale says. Holds up a hand before you can do more than turn to him. “There’s a lot of goblins. I only worry we may be calling more trouble to ourselves than necessary.”
“That’s why we’re scouting around first,” you say.
Gale frowns thoughtfully. Or maybe it ain’t thoughtful, as the owlbear cub runs trilling in desperation with two goblins on his ass. “It may not be necessary to do what I suspect you’re planning. We might find a different way in, find the druid, and spirit ourselves out without calling attention to ourselves.”
You think of them tieflings. The bodies all over the place. Kahga tried to do that shit with the idol because she was scared (and also a despot well on her way to authoritarianism). And if that fuck-bitch who hit your brain is what’s causing all this…if she’s real. If this is a militarized group of fanatics…
You’re stuck here. Probably forever. You got skin in this fucking game, now. You know shit like this don’t stop once it starts moving. And that’s only when it’s being driven by one power-hungry asshole and his dipshit of a wife. But they throw in a mind-whammying goddess?
Goblins drink and tear into half-cooked meat. One of them is a human foot. They’re people—they got customs and dress, language and rules and games. But these particular ones are a threat to you and your crew and that whole grove and anybody they come across. Whatever shit they start next, they ain’t gonna stop until somebody makes them stop.
“We see what we’re dealing with here,” you say. “Ain’t got no other plans until then.”
Gale nods and turns as shrill hooting starts. A goblin leads a man in the most foppish hat you ever seen out onto a crude stage. He looks kinda familiar.
“Isn’t that Volo?” Gale says.
You notice most of the goblins is drinking from mugs. You also notice they’re refilling from a single barrel across the courtyard.
There’s one of them man-wolf guys running around—called “bugbears” for whatever reason. A crowd of goblins cluster around another with feathers in his hair as he boasts about killing somebody. There’s a naked dead guy at his feet.
This place reeks.
Y’all keep your distance.
The others meet back in the main courtyard. There’s red at Astarion’s neckline and Shadowheart’s nose is wrinkled.
You almost don’t ask. But you need info.
“There were five above, one of them was a bugbear,” Shadowheart says.
Astarion picks a tuft of fur outta his teeth. Flicks it away with a grimace.
“Past tense?” you say.
“It’s clear,” the cleric says. “There’s also a weak spot in the wall. I think Karlach could handle it, should we want to avoid the main door.”
“Some sort of obstacle course over there,” Wyll says. “Deserted, but I’ve spotted an alarming amount of goblin burrow holes. I don’t think the doors will matter much should a general alarm sound.”
So. A way in and out above, the path cleared. An ogre stands at the main doors, a bugbear to the right, and about twenty goblins in the courtyard, give or take.
That’s a lot of people.
But if you leave this, even if you get the druid out, the tieflings can’t stay where they are (you wouldn’t want to, either). And as long as this encampment is here, they’re in danger. You look to the big spit turning over the fire where a cut of ribs you highly doubt are pork sizzle.
This is your problem. And you know there’s no such thing as a fair fight. There’s winning. And there’s losing. And you been at the mercy of winners before.
None of the party-goers pays any attention to you as the bard warbles something about door rags. None of them notice you pull something outta your bag.
“That’s,” Shadowheart starts. Something flashes in her eyes. It looks a lot like…approval.
You catch Karlach’s questioning look (and it is a question, not any kinda concern, they don’t know shit about you).
“Wyvern poison,” you say.
“The one you said you’d drink should the tentacles start sprouting,” Astarion says. He shifts his weight to his back foot as his head cocks to the side.
“That’s called lying.”
His eyes narrow. Then he snorts. That almost looks like a smile.
“Poison?” Karlach says.
You don’t look at her. She’s good people. Violent as fuck—she ripped Harvey Dent’s head clean off like a Thanksgiving turkey drumstick—but she’s got a good heart.
“A coward’s weapon,” Lae’zel says, because of course she does, the woman oozes judgment.
“You wanna win, or you wanna die?” you say. “Or do you wanna just fuck around all honorably until your skin splits off and you throw up your own guts?”
She snarls silently.
And you make a decision.
This is an army. Whoever them goblins are as individuals, as a people, this band is an army and will kill everyone in their path.
Lae’zel hates this, both Wyll and Karlach are too good for this world, and the others…no. No, you need a sneaky bastard.
“Astarion,” you say. He’s a member of this crew. Y’all are working together to keep y’all’s faces intact. Whatever happened (whatever coulda happened) you gotta bury it and move on. “You’re good at sneaking. Can you get over to that barrel with this without getting caught?”
He examines you, expression buttoned down tight. Then comes to a decision of his own. His smile oozes bad intentions. “Rather easily, darling.”
You hand the poison off. He looks it over, nods, and sort of disappears it with a gesture.
The Volo guy from the grove is still prattling on, though a couple of goblins have started to hiss. One throws a bottle that misses him by a good four feet.
There’s your distraction.
Not all the goblins are sloshed. But it’s a good number of them. And what’s left…your fingers dip into your pack again and find the cool enamel of the war horn.
“Let’s go,” you say.
It takes maybe thirty minutes. Astarion disappears, only to reappear next to one of the ringleaders as she proposes a toast. You ain’t sure if poison does anything to vampires? But you do catch a subtle wrist flick from Astarion, and you know without asking the man just found a way to toss the contents of his cup.
As that’s going down, y’all join in on the harassment of Volo. And then goblins start dying. And that, naturally, pulls attention to all y’all.
There’s a good dozen goblins left, with others pouring in from the right side. So you pull out that horn, bring it to your lips, and blow.
It goes to fuck shit carnage after that. Them ogres ain’t kidding around. They tear through camp like an industrial corn thresher. At some point—you think it’s McClubby—dual-wields two goblins to swat other goblins in the most fucked up game of put-put golf you ever seen in your life.
Y’all barely have to do anything. There’s a couple of archers, and that ogre by the door, but an arrow from Astarion and a fireball from Gale, and both the archer and big boy go down right in front of them main doors, blocking them from opening.
Then it’s over. The Volo guy ducks out (says something retrieving his dog??) and promises to meet y’all back at the grove. The owlbear cub made himself scarce the second them ogres smashed through the front gate, and you hope he got away.
Leaves y’all standing in a field of carnage full of corpses as Mr. Eloquent and his, uh, lads get busy…eating.
“I can see why you gentlemen are in such high demand,” you say, voice trembling with the urge to vomit.
Mr. Eloquent grins as he slurps up an arm still holding a mug. It crunches between his teeth and something squelches.
You swallow.
“It was a pleasure doing business,” he says.
He still got them piggy eyes. Time for y’all to get the fuck away.
“Damn,” Karlach says, brows raised. “I’ve seen some one-sided battles, but damn. D’you see them throw that guy?”
At another, fleeing goblin, yes. They both went down with broken bones and broken wails.
And this is just the courtyard.
Time to head in and see if any of this was worth it.
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psalacanthea · 2 months
Vampires, Romance, and Other Dead Things- Ch. 7
a new chapter in the Modern AU astarion x drow bard tav story found HERE! Having set up a counter-ambush to an anticipated attack from the other vampire spawn, now all Zyn has to do is drag his ass onstage. He promised Shadowheart one live show, and afterward they'll draw out the servants of Astarion's mysterious vamp daddy.
But Zyn's used to working alone, and it's starting to cause problems.
Certain the Harpers were shadowing her, she’d found a back street that didn’t look like it would damage too much if there was to be a scuffle here.  Between a half-dozen old buildings converted into multi-housing units there was an empty lot.  There was a No Excavation notice on one of the walls, which explained why it was here.  Seemed like this place was over one of the many dangerous structures under Baldur’s Gate.
Maybe caves.  Or a drop into the Undercity, like the place by hers she’d dumped Aradin’s corpse down.  A scan showed no convenient dumping spots, however.  A broken stone bench, a lot of weeds, and a few bags of garbage.
“Hey Vamp Juniors,” she called, stepping dead-center between the buildings, gazing up at the sky.  How funny would it be if they were up there, being trailed by invisible Harpers?  Stupid vampires.  “I’m here for my money!  My friends are bringing your guy!”
She stood with her hands in the pockets of her jacket, feeling arrogant enough to do it.  They’d cobbled together a pretty good trap.  No way they’d figure it out.
“Didn’t you refuse the offer?  We were told to get rid of you,” an unfamiliar voice said from the shadows, snide and superior.
He walked out of the shadows with another vampire beside him, scarlet eyes glowing, casual upscale bar look slightly impeded by the…well, by the face.  And the hair.  They hair was the worst, really, with the poofing, and the– well, it looked like a guy with straight hair had tried to make his look kind of like Astarion’s.
His face also gave that impression, weirdly enough.
Budget Astarion.
Creepy, but also triggering to…certain instincts enhanced by her having reached out and touched misfortune.  “I don’t make it a habit to speak with men, they’re too lacking in reason and emotional control.”  She turned her attention to the vampire next to him, tiefling woman with scarlet skin.  Glowing eyes.  Hopefully it meant the vamp daddy could…see out of their eyes or something.
She wanted him to watch.
“Do you want him or not?” she asked, noting movement out of the corner of her eye.  A trash can lid, jostled, fell to the ground with a thud.  Bad luck for them.  There were more than two of them, for sure.  “And if you try to sneak behind me , I’ll teleport to the roof and fireball this space, so you can either get out here or you can get crispy.”
“Clumsy,” the elven vamp said, voice high and mocking.  Almost childish.  Okay, maybe she wasn’t the one to speak to.  “Sister Dalyria, isn’t that embarrassing for you?”
“Violet, stop,” Great Value Astarion said.
“I was sympathizing.  Everyone’s always picking on me,” Violet pouted, crossing her arms under her breasts.
Zyn couldn’t tense up as two more vamps stalked out of the shadows– a wistful-looking elven woman and the long-haired shirtless guy from before.  Four was still doable.  They were fine.  “Okay, so I can see the tropes we’re going with her.  Insane child vampire was always a favorite of mine.  Bet you’ve got all sorts of creepy dolls!”
Violet glared at her.
“But I can’t quite place you.  Comic relief?”  she suggested to badly-cloned Astarion.
“Can we kill the prattling bitch, already?” he asked, scoffing and taking a step back.
All of their attention shifted, fast as a hastened monk, as the sound of voices started echoing from where Zyn had come from.  All five of them stood poised in silence as the voices and footsteps came closer, people finally emerging from the alley.  Astarion was being carried over Karlach’s shoulder.
Through the high of bullying, Zyn felt a tingle of amusement.  Of course he’d made Karlach carry him.  What a bitch.
“Got him secured?”  Zyn called.
“Put me down, you brute~” Astarion called with posture still completely relaxed, voice lilting a little too theatrically.  She wouldn’t be surprised if his cheek was propped up in his hand.  
How was he a bad liar, on top of everything?
The man was in politics!
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traceofexistence · 8 months
you know what I despise the most?
double standards.
so apparently someone translated the word kainyank, Lae'zel says to shadow when they are about to enter the helm after rescuing her. and it's not flattering at all, though I didn't find anything official myself, and that person claims a friend translated it to them, but regardless of the meaning, it is obviously diminishing by tone alone.
so that person is like "chill girl" and im like why should she?
did you say to shadow to chill when she outright go on about how Lae, A PERSON WHO SAVED HER ASS, is dangerous, that she knows of her kin, that you should not trust her, that "who put you in charge" line that gets the kainyank reply.
later on she keeps on saying that Lae left us, and we shouldn't look for her.
and then there is my playthrough were I failed the dice to open her damn pod, and mind you I didn't trigger Lae's "we have no time" dialogue, because I went straight to the machine. and since I failed the dice, and I need her ass to get the fire sword. I had Lae do the rescuing and talk to her, just go make a new game with a tav, and let Lae do the whole thing, and test all the lines, save scam and test them all, from the "I saved you cause you asked" to the rude ones, in every single case Shadow is ungrateful and refuses to join the party unless tav asks her.
in the case you dont save her, or not wake her up after the crush, she will be at the grove. and if you have Lae with you, she will unpromptly tell you, that Lae is going to stab you in the back, and you should ditch her if you want shadow to join.
Lae reacts with just saying "I offer a cure" she doesnt say anything that implies to exclude shadow.
so yeah "chill lae'zel, why wont you, this woman over there has only been racist to you from the moment you meet her, save her, offer her to join forces, how can you be so angry and rude and use whatever the diminishing word you said on her" /s
and if we are to speak plainly here, every single character EXCEPT KARLACH, be it companion, friend, or foe, has been racist at the very least to one race in the game, the goblins, the only one who said something good about them was Karlach.
and Lae'zel exhibits tendencies of unlearning and relearning, she had never been out of the astral plane, and her first reaction to tav, is "good im fortunate we can escape together" then when she's trapped, her first words are "I offer a cure" and when you release her, she says again "I have a solution and you gonna get it too" and she doesnt even know you so early in the game. you ask her what a creche is, and that yes you will join her to find it, and she instantly tells you you made a friend/ally in the githyanki.
when you correct her on the pronunciation of tiefling she doesn't disapprove(as in actively dropping her approval score) she rolls her eyes yes but what she says is that she doesnt know of and you will have to teach her.
so just up until the grove she has changed 40 times her world view, while shadow (and I pick on shadow cause no other companion is being anti lae) all she has offered is, insult after insult after insult, and discrimination, and bias.
if you have them together in the party, their banter is along the lines of shadow deaththreat and lae reacting with the same vigor.
later on lae asks shadow to tell her why she holds a relic of her people, accusing her of stealing it (which she did)
and the next thing we know is shadow trying to kill lae in her sleep, and even being canning enough to tell her "I will lie that you attacked me, everyone will believe me"
and you know what? lae could have killed her, if she wanted to, she's way stronger, and martially adept to do it, but she chooses not to.
and if tav takes shadows side, she kills lae
but if tav takes Lae's side, she simply hit her with a rock, but not kill her (even if the companions are bugged and talk about the massacre that just happened, while shadow is alive and well at her tent)
so if we compare the two, it's shadow that has to chill.
and dont get me wrong this is not some kind of attempt to hate on the character.
this is a mere observation and what actually happens in the game.
as I said at the beginning of this post, is the fandom's double standards that grind my gears.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 6 months
Lethal Woman- Chapter 6 (GN! AFAB! Reader x Astarion) 18+ MDNI
Author note- work has kicked my ass left right and center. I also deleted my draft of this chapter like three separate times until I finally wrote something I loved.
CW- mentions of still birth, mentions of miscarriage, smut, fluff (I think? Any emotional intimacy is fluff to me 💀), mentions of torture, mentions of rape/sexual assault, mentions of physical and emotional abuse, violence. (I think that may be all? Also this all looks not awesome, but I promise it’s a lot more awesome than you think and not Uber grotesque.)
It’s been mostly edited and I definitely have chapter 7 basically done so I’m anticipating being happy with my draft by Sunday. Happy reading! Thank you for everyone who likes my little self indulgent angst fic!!!!
Also- please remember I take creative liberties. A good chunk of the Nightmasks are dead canonically (RIP my guys) but for the purpose of this story, they are alive. Oh and the names are hard so forgive me for the lack of consistent spelling lmao
Chapter 7
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“Ugly, wretched little thing.”
Dahlia’s term of endearment sticks to your brain like- well- an illithid parasite. You are sitting with Karlach and Shadowheart, each of you on your fourth glass of whatever alcohol you could find as the Tieflings jovially celebrate around you. You want to feel the same warmth and happiness everyone else does, but you are too busy trying to ignore the fact that Alfira and Astarion have been talking since the beginning of the party- Alfira immediately walking up to him with her stupid, beautiful face. And her stupid kind heart and pretty voice.
You liked her enough to be her friend, but now? You are struggling not to haul her off by her horns and kick her into the river in the stinking Owlbear den.
Get yourself together Rowan, it was never going to happen anyway.
“Soldier, you might want to stop burning a hole through the Bard with your eyes- Astarion can’t tolerate fire remember?,” Karlach jests and you give her a sour look.
You hadn’t really talked to Astarion since earlier in the day when he had come to your aid when Priestess Gut had a firm grip on your mind, then he fought by your side while you freed Halsin. You had split up after that, him going to help Shadowheart and Karlach and you off to support Wyll and Gale’s group. The fight against Dror Ragozlin and his crew of misfits was easy and Lae’zel evidently enjoyed getting to fight next to you for once. You wanted to enjoy the moment with your companions, your victory just in your grasp, but you had been somewhat distracted during the battle because Minthara’s thoughts had been so Gods damn loud.
You appeared to be the only one experiencing this problem- you assumed that she is specifically targeting you for a reason, but you couldn’t figure out why until she showed you a different image than the fight in front of her.
It was you, standing over a drow female in Menzoberranzan. The alley way is dark with her blood dripping into the cobblestone. You could feel Minthara’s rage- you had killed her lover.
You remember that contract now- It was one of the few you had received where it was required that the target be mutilated and you hated every second of it. Minthara was one of the few people who had ever managed to almost catch you, but you had evaded her successfully. The picture changed, she showed you a flash from Shadowheart’s perspective- it’s you and Astarion, talking in hushed voices and close to each other by the fire. The scene is far more intimate than you realized and certainly incriminating. Her voice boomed in your head.
You killed my lover. Now I’m going to kill yours.
A scream pierced the air as Karlach cried out for Shadowheart. You watched in horror as Shadowheart hit the stone wall hard and dropped flat on her face- unmoving. Karlach was at her side within seconds, trying to get her to wake up. Then Karlach pitched forward after a spell hit her. Karlach was screaming in terror at the top of her lungs and rolling around in pain. You stared at the scene for what felt like hours- rigid and mortified- until Minthara caught your attention again.
Minthara showed Astarion- fighting for his life against her as her blade nicked him and cut him superficially. Thankfully he is a lot faster than her, but your feet were moving before your brain had time to process your actions. Your rage is all consuming- every part of your body feels like it’s on fire.
Between the use of Ghost Step and Spider Crawl, you made quick work of sneaking into the battlefield. You waited for an opening- Minthara and Astarion were neck and neck, blow for blow before Minthara managed to break one of his daggers and slam the hilt of her longsword atop of his head.
Astarion stumbled backwards and fell over on his side. You tried to suppress your own nausea as you watched him struggle to get up as Minthara began menacingly moving towards him. The bloodlust in her thoughts- you could taste it on your tongue. Vengeance is in her reach, but you are not the same you when Tessa died. You will be damned if this bitch of a woman was going to torture two of your closest friends and kill the one person who has made your barely beating, locked away heart a little less heavy to carry.
You cast Evard’s Black Tentacles and manipulated them so that one vine grabbed Minthara’s right hand and ripped it away from the left- her long sword fell to the ground. You picked it up as she screamed profanities at you.
You manipulated another to wrap around her throat and it pulled her down on her knees- she faced the bridge with horror on her face as you stalked towards her with your vampiric stare. You watched as she confronted her own mortality with angry tears- her tadpole hurled profanities at you in Elvish, Drow elvish, and Common. You just smiled at her, sweetly, slowly, like you had perfected for years now.
Minthara’s tears were running down her face and she fought against the tentacles as they squeezed tighter around her throat and wrists.
The next words you had spoken in Elvish- “Say hi to your lover for me”- before you cut her head clean off her shoulders with her own weapon.
You hadn’t looked at Astarion after you had killed Minthara- you were actually too afraid to see the way he may look at you. Would he be repulsed by you? Afraid? You didn’t want to know.
So now, instead, you are stuck watching him flirt with the feminine, beautiful tiefling that you want to go and feed to the resurrected harpies (they aren’t resurrected- yet). You know it isn’t her fault- you just never stood a chance.
“Roo, really, he is barely focusing on her,” Shadowheart says with a roll of her eyes, “he keeps looking over here at you anyway.”
“Oh I’m sure he is after I brutally murdered someone in front of him,” you cross your arms, your tone laced in venom, “yeah that’s a real attractive quality to have- I am capable of brutal MURDER.”
Shadowheart goes to protest, but Karlach beats her to it.
“I don’t know Soldier, he looked pretty dazzled to me.”
You bust up laughing, choking on some of your wine.
“Dazzled, you say?”
“Razzle DAZZLED!” Karlach offers big explosive hands with her statement, “and I mean- he’s into blood so it’s not like you beheading something is all that damning. Maybe he’s really into it.”.
You choke on your wine again, this time it comes out of your nose. You are both dying laughing now, evidently the alcohol had gotten to your heads. It wasn’t because you were making fun of him- it was just the whole idea itself was so ridiculous and the fact that you can nonchalantly talk about beheading a person as an endearing prospect with these two individuals is so bizarre. Shadowheart was laughing despite herself.
Eventually the three of you make your way to the firepit and join Halsin and Gale while they smoke something out of Halsin’s pipe. You ask to try it and it burns your throat as you cough harshly. Halsin laughs hardily and says you’ve passed initiation. Shit, you don’t even remember walking over to the campfire anymore.
Another hour or so passes, Astarion is out of sight and the high has worn off. You feel pleased to see Alfira standing and talking to her friend dejectedly. Maybe he rejected her? You might be a terrible person, but you feel like you already knew that.
You feel overwhelmed all of a sudden by the proximity and warmth of everyone around the fire. You wait for the right moment to remove yourself from the situation- desperately needing a moment of peace and quiet.
If anyone notices you get up, they don’t say anything. You quickly steal another bottle of wine from beside Gale and Halsin and sneak off into the woods.
You crack open the bottle and slowly sip on it as you meander through the woods, finding the secret path to the beach that you have come to adore so much. You had been eyeballing one specific cliff edge ever since you and Astarion had found this place. It wasn’t a massive cliff, but the pool at the bottom of it is deep enough for you to jump into the water without injury. It was something your father used to do with you when you were a child. There was a river that ran outside of your little town and as you moved further into the woods, you could find a waterfall with a deep pool at the bottom. He would teach you flips and different jumps. He had deemed you the world’s finest diver right before he died- cheering you on from the ground below.
You feel warm and melancholy from the memory. Gods you miss your parents.
You drop the bottle of wine and strip down to your underwear and make your way towards the top of the waterfall.
Astarion had finally managed to get Alfira to leave him alone. She is an adorable little creature, but she is not the one on his radar right now. Adorable does not compare to the vision you are- nor the protection you provide.
Astarion had spent the last painstaking hour and a half watching you laugh with quite literally every person in camp who has a crush on you- Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Gale, and even Halsin is fucking smitten now. Gods could you just stop being yourself for five minutes? Astarion needs (and silently wants) your attention to only be on him. It is absolutely crucial to his survival. Speaking of which, where the hells were you?
You were no longer by the fire where he had last seen you before he snuck into Gale’s tent to steal one of the nicer bottles of wine he hoards away from everyone. Astarion had planned on using your shared connection to ask you to meet him at your spot, but now you are nowhere to be found.
Astarion fights the urge to scream out of frustration as he treks through the woods towards the spot on the beach hoping by some miracle that you may already be there.
Astarion stops as your scent hits his nose. He walks around the corner of the rock that you both use as a landmark and freezes when he notices your clothes are sprawled across the ground and a bottle of wine is a third of the way empty. He tries to ignore the ache that is starting to consume his chest. Did you bring someone else here? Shadowheart maybe? You were sitting rather close to her earlier…
Did his three days of stubbornness really just allow you to fall into someone else’s arms?
Astarion’s sinking feeling gets worse when something flashes out of the corner of his eye.
He sneaks around the corner- reminding himself that he is merely just making sure Shadowheart isn’t being… Shadowheart?
Imagine his shock when Astarion doesn’t see Shadowheart at all. Instead, he witnesses you complete a perfect aerial twist before graciously diving into the waves below. He feels completely frozen until you break the water and laugh wildly. Astarion thinks his own heart might start beating from his chest being filled with the sound.
You jump out of the water and race back up to the top of the rock using Spider Crawl- something you had promised to teach him when you found out Cazador had never actually made him privy to the entirety of his capabilities as a spawn.
Astarion grins as he watches you once again go flying into the air, doing a backflip before straightening out, disappearing once again into the water below.
You break the surface and get back onto the shore. You pretend to bow and wave saying “thank you” and “I’ll be here all week.” It’s silly and he’s enjoying every minute of watching you just be yourself.
Astarion knows you aren’t a serious person, not really, but you pretending to bow for an imaginary crowd of adoring fans in a (not) private moment? It feels authentic to your silliness- not just when you and Karlach are joking together.
You are funny, kind, and entirely too cunning- despite what he said three days ago. Your prowess in combat is second to none and you speak a couple different languages- infernal being one of them when he noticed you and Karlach speaking it back and forth like it was also your native tongue.
Elvish is the other one and he only knew that from overhearing what you said to Minthara while he was too busy experiencing shell shock from how quickly you had gotten over to him. Oh and the hit to the head didn’t help either.
Astarion’s thoughts are interrupted when you make eye contact with him and freeze.
You look down at your semi-exposed figure and then up at him.
Astarion flashes you a flirtatious grin and sweeps his eyes up and down your body as you look at him. You are a work of art and the blush that creeps up your neck is an added bonus.
The scars on your body are numerous and varying in degrees of severity. It doesn’t make you any less attractive to him or revolts him by any means; It makes you more real if anything.
“Well hello there, beautiful,” Astarion says melodically as you walk over, “I was hoping I might run into you here.”
“Oh is that so?” you say and put your hands on your hips, teasing him “and to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Astarion smiles widely at you. He holds up the bottle of wine.
“I was hoping I may be able to drink with my most favorite companion at camp,” he looks at you with a sly grin, “but I didn’t think I’d be getting a show. You are delightfully talented in multiple faucets, Darling.”
You smile shyly at him while adorably scrunching your nose.
As you bend down to grab your shirt, you look at your bottle and scratch the back of your head awkwardly.
“I might need to apologize considering I already started without you.”
Not telling me to piss off so that’s an optimistic start.
“Hm,” Astarion hums, cracking open his bottle and taking a drink, “I’ll allow it this once. I suppose I do owe you for my… words the other day.”
“I’ll forgive you,” you say with a mischievous grin, “but for a price.”
“Oh?” Astarion purrs, “and what is your price, my dear.”
“I demand at least half of your spoils in loot.” you say with flourish and over exaggeration- you aren’t even remotely serious.
“No, no, no, “he emphasizes, his finger waving around in the air, “Never. Going. To. Happen.”
“Ugh fine, I guess I’ll just have to accept that you saved my life earlier.”
“I still think you are ahead on that front, but who’s counting really?”
“Definitely not me,” you say and cough a number under your breath.
Astarion playfully glares at you and you giggle in response.
You close the gap between the two of you and gently grab his hand, pulling him to sit down next to you at the edge of the water. Astarion pushes down the giddy feeling that arises- hoping you didn’t notice he flinched when you first went to grab his hand.
You look at Astarion and then your clasped hands- you definitely noticed.
You begin to pull away and he feels his body protest, grabbing your hand back and interlocking them again. Astarion drinks out of his wine, refusing to look at you- this is entirely too intimate. Entirely too much like the lovers he used to hate and envy in Baldur’s Gate, but he can’t bring himself to let go or stop the slight smile that creeps on his lips.
You drink out of your bottle of wine and put your feet in the water. Astarion glances at you and notes the growing grin. He feels a twinge of guilt when he thinks about his plan and how fragile your heart probably is. Astarion pushes it away. Astarion needs his plan to work and so far, it’s working.
The space between the two of you is silent- nothing but the ocean waves roaring in his ears. It’s not uncomfortable, but Astarion doesn’t necessarily know where to start. He wants to begin the process of seducing you, but he’s also unsure of how well that would play out- considering what he’s seen thus far in your memories.
“My dad taught me how to cliff dive,” you say in a melancholic voice, interrupting his thoughts “we would go all the time over the Summer when we lived outside of Daggerford.”
“I was wondering how you had managed to pull off such an impressive feat.”
You guffaw at him and then pout with a glint of humor in your eye. He rolls his eyes at you.
“Fine Darling,” he muses, “I suppose you are rather impressive in all facets.”
Your face is practically burning with his compliment. Astarion has decided he will leave out the bait and let you take it. If you give him any signal or specifically say “I want to have sex” then Astarion will pleasure you and you will see how useful he can be in return for all of your gifts- your blood, your protection.
Your company.
Whatever feelings Astarion felt over the last three days- he never wants to feel again. You have been the one and only person to be kind to him, protect him in 200 years. You treat him with respect and like a friend- not the monster he absolutely is and that you should hate him for being. It had been a very lonely three days without your company-besides, no one else is nearly as fun to converse with. Astarion hears the whisper of a previous conversation in the back of his mind.
“So what does boar taste like?”
“I don’t really have much of a reference, but better than rats and flies,” he scowled.
“Gods, how filthy was that palace?” you murmured under your breath.
Your comment had caught him off guard and he couldn’t help but bark out laughing. You had felt horrible for it- you thought he wouldn’t be able to hear you. In your defense, you had spoken very quietly. Astarion assured you that he found your observation quite peculiar and hilarious.
Astarion likes that you point out the small things and allow him to decide how much of the larger things he wants to tell you. You never push him and Astarion isn’t used to it, but he knows he never wants it to go away- to be treated any other way ever again.
“What else did your father teach you?” Astarion asks softly.
You smile, “My father followed Ilmater. He was a ranger. He dedicated his life to helping others.”
A daughter of Ilmater worshippers turned into a half-dead creature who is forced to kill by an evil vampire, Astarion thinks, I guess even the Gods have a sense of humor.
“What happened to him?”
The pause is pregnant and loud. Astarion notices the single tear that manages to escape your eyes. You clear your throat.
“He’s dead,” you whisper, “a group of Ravagers destroyed our village. They didn’t like that it was a mix of humans and Drows escaping from Lolth- and they especially hated us ‘filthy half breeds’. Made the women and the children watch as they beheaded their fathers and husbands.”
Astarion doesn’t know what to say to something that horrific. He just merely looks at you- waiting for you to continue speaking.
“He just kept telling my mom and I how much he loved us. How he’d always be protecting us,” you manage to choke out, “I can’t even tell you how many times I have prayed to Ilmater for help- only to be reminded how alone I am and that, despite being the God of Compassion, Ilmater doesn’t care.”
Astarion knows that feeling all too intimately, but he wants to hear more.
“How old were you? What happened to you and your mother?”
You are looking at him wearily now, so he gives your hand a squeeze.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to Darling.”
“I want to, I’ve just never talked about it before.”
“Well then,” he states in a flattered tone, “I’m honored to potentially be the first and only keeper of your deep, dark secrets.”
You laugh breathily while you roll your eyes at him. The smile on your face is replaced by an unreadable expression. You take a deep breath before you turn your gaze back to the ocean.
“I was 5. They sold us to a mine outside of Westgate. It was run by a group of fanatics that I can’t even remember the name of anymore,” you shake your head in disgust, “all I knew was that they were terrible people. They threatened us children to get our mothers to do anything they wanted. One of them raped my mother and ‘blessed’ her with a child.”
Astarion squeezes your hand as he feels you tense. You look at him with your teary, angry eyes and the intensity of your emotions- your grief- are written into every crack and crevice of your face. Astarion notes that you look uncomfortable, but he gives you a soft smile, encouraging you to continue. You take a big swig of your wine- he shortly follows.
“I don’t know what happened, but the baby… didn’t make it and mom developed a blood illness. It was the week before she had planned on breaking us out. I didn’t know she was dying- she told me she was going to be okay. I should have known- She gave me everything for the escape and had explained the plan to me so many times in that week she was dying that I can still recite it to this day.”
You chuckle to yourself before pulling your knees up to your chest.
“I asked them if I could have a funeral for her. They took me outside and made me watch while the pigs ate her. They told me that’s the only funeral a Drow deserves.”
“What a bunch of racist assholes,” he states.
“Oh, they were only the biggest.”
“You escaped a prison by yourself then or?”
“I did. I was 9 years old and probably one of the only people who has ever escaped that mine. I haven’t seen anyone from my village since. I went back to Daggerford one time and it was still decimated- no one ever came back to rebuild it.”
You both sit in the heavy silence. Your thumb begins to absentmindedly rub circles along his thumb- the gesture is simple, but it’s probably the softest touch he’s felt in the last 200 years that was not filled with the anticipation of sex.
“I’ve only ever had one failed escape,” you sigh harshly, “I was going to run away with Tessa because I didn’t want to go through the ceremony to be a Deathbringer, but Dahlia didn’t care what I wanted. She was too busy trying to win Obarhk’s favor.”
“How did you end up with Dahlia then? If you didn’t want to be a Deathbringer?”
You scoff and he sees the resentment behind your eyes.
“I was 13 and had been living on the streets for a while by then. I had my little tent and I had managed to convince one of the local inns to let me clean the rooms,” you scrunched up your nose, “it was gross, but decent work and they fed me once a day; let me use the baths. Sometimes they even gave me extra food and if it was cold out, they’d let me stay in a room if there was one available. I didn’t have to steal food anymore which was nice. I was actually very happy. I was saving my money so I could travel to the Underdark and hire a sword to go with me- to my grandparents- like my mom had told me to do.
“Then one day, a few of the other local boys, also urchins, had watched as I was given a decent amount of gold and a burlap sack of food. They followed me to my tent. I had offered to share and to give them some gold to help, but they didn’t want just some of it- they wanted all of it and all of me too. I thought I was going to die- the fight was brutal and they were so much bigger than I was, but I wasn’t as easy to take down as they had thought.
“Right as they had slammed my head into the pavement, right when I thought it was over- an Ilmater Priestess had appeared out of no where. She had killed them all. She came up to me, was kind to me, promised she would protect me, give me a home, teach me how to be stronger than anything else in the dark while she helps me travel to the Underdark. I was thrilled. I thought Ilmater had finally heard all my prayers. Then she took me outside of the city- I thought we were maybe going to a temple. I was so naive and stupid.”
Your voice breaks and you struggle to compose yourself- taking a shaking breath.
“She changed- the kind Ilmater priestess I had just been following to safety ended up being the Queen of Venom and a Sharran priestess nonetheless,” you spit out with disgust, “Dahlia stripped me of my clothes- she beat me, cut into my skin, threw me around. Dahlia kept telling me how ugly, wretched, small, and weak I was for hours- how she would be the only person to ever love me from now on. Then she chained me down to the floor, unmoving for I don’t even know how long in the dark. I just know when she finally came back, I was on the brink of death. She starved me and refused to give me water until I stopped asking her to leave. I stopped, but then I learnt how much worse it could be. I also began to accept that I would probably never be free again.”
“Are you free now?”
“Barely. A bit over a year ago I was assigned to the Faceless himself.”
“What changed?”
“I won the Deathbringer Tournament and Lady Thistle Thalaver, the fucking consort of all people, said that she wanted me to be assigned as her personal Deathbringer. Thistle made the point that we are close in age and it would make her happy to have someone she can talk to and protect her. News flash- I was more horrified by that than Dahlia. How the fuck does someone who is a literal husk of a person become the prize comfort pet of the Consort that is the reason you were even kidnapped to begin with,” you say, throwing your hands up in frustration, “Dahlia hated her. She was envious of her already and boy, when Thistle asked for me? I thought Dahlia might kill me and Thistle right there if Obarhk hadn’t stepped in.”
“She sounds like a sore loser.”
“ Oh she is, this grudge has lasted a little over a century or three supposedly. I can’t ever seem to get the exact date right, but Dahlia had allowed Obarhk to change her and became one of his Nightmasters because she had hoped to be his Queen and consort,” you shake your head, “it was childish- supposedly. Obarhk was going to go through with it initially, but then Thistle’s father had extensive debts to the guild and offered his only daughter as payment.”
“What a shitty father.”
“Oh the shittiest,” you agree pointedly.
“If she wanted you to help her gain his favor, why did she hide you away?”
“There are rules within the Guild for how recruits are to be treated. Obarhk plays with his cards very close to his chest and he has an absurd amount of political pull. He doesn’t want word getting out that the Nightmasks beat their assassin’s and thieves, but not their Deathbringers- it’s bad for recruitment. Guess they used to do that and damn near went extinct, not everyone is into becoming half-vampire” you shrug, “Dahlia had ‘presented’ me to gain Obarhk’s favor- not his consort’s. She lied and said I sought her out days ago, begging to get a chance to become a Deathbringer. When I was asked if it was true, I said yes, the alternative was whatever hell awaited me later. At least if I didn’t survive the ceremony, I would be laid to rest.
“Except Thistle won. Obarhk may not be particularly loving towards Thistle, but he won’t deny her what she wants if it’s reasonable. I was still under Dahlia, but now if I disappeared for days on end or came back beaten, it was noticed. A year ago, Lucia and Ghost found me bleeding out in a street with Dahlia over me- it was the first time she had done serious harm to me since the ceremony and the first time she was caught,” he watches you smile despite yourself, “Thistle wanted her to be tortured for what she had done- for creating the infamous ‘Hollow Deathbringer’ as I was called when I first started, but Obarhk doesn’t interfere with religious affairs and Dahlia claimed it was for her Sharran worship. So the solution was that I would report directly to him, Phultan, Lucia, and Lady Thalaver only. If Dahlia attempts to hurt me again, I am allowed to end her life and if I attempt to attack Dahlia, she is allowed to end my life. She isn’t allowed to send her assassin’s after me either or there will be consequences. That’s the same day I found out Dahlia had been lying to me- she is Obarhk’s spawn, not a Master Vampire. She never would have been able to get away with half of her threats if I had known, but I’m sure that’s partly why she isolated me from the Guild until I was old enough and skilled enough to compete.
“We’ve been in a very strange stalemate over the last year. Unable to find each other, but I don’t even know if I could kill her anyway. At least, not by myself.”
It was a lot to take in at one time. Your entire world is so heavily influenced by vampiric beings- no wonder you were so nonchalant about him being a spawn and him feeding from you.
Astarion will admit though, he isn’t necessarily thrilled to find out another sociopathic vampire might be hunting them- specifically you.
“Darling, if Dahlia ever darkens your door step ever again,” he leans toward you and speaks his next words with conviction, “I’ll rip her throat out myself.”
You smile at him and squeeze his hand.
“ Thank you Star, but you don’t need to do that. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t listen to hypocrites- Miss ‘I’m going to put Cazador’s head on a pike and we can parade it around the city’”
You gasp, “how dare you! I felt like that would be a fun leisure activity.”
“Oh believe me, it will be very fun,” he says with a malicious grin,” but someone needs to keep you humble, my dear.”
“Oh okay,” you roll your eyes, “because I’m the one who needs humbling here. Thank you for your service kind sir, I will never be able to repay you.”
He can tell that you are done with the previous conversation- he’ll have to thank you for sharing later and ask follow up questions. Astarion has a plan to execute.
“Well of course,” he lifts your clasped hands and kisses the back of yours, “ I live to be a hero for the common folk.”
“You’re lucky you’re a beautiful bastard.”
“Why thank you, my Dear. I am rather beautiful, aren’t I?”
You turn, facing him now and you move closer- giving him a light shove. One of your eyebrows is lifted in amusement- a lopsided grin on your face. This is most definitely the moment he has been waiting for.
He leans in, your faces near inches apart and he savors how your heart begins to race.
“I must admit, I was lying to you before,” he muses, “I maybe would like to do a little more than just drink wine with you tonight.”
“Y-you do?”
Astarion smiles at the way your breath hitches.
“Well of course, I believe you may be one of the most bewitching individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,” he says while gently brushing your hair behind your ears, “but only if that would be okay with you.”
You look at him- there is lust in your eyes and you worry your bottom lip with your teeth. One of your canines graze your lip and a bit of your blood begins to paint your lips- Astarion fights the urge to smash his lips to yours. You search his face for deception.
“I want to. Very badly,” you pause, “but I need to be open with you. I’ve only ever been with one man before and it wasn’t my choice. That was over 10 years ago. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go completely through with it or give you some wildly fun time… it would probably be vanilla at best even if I can get through it…”
You trail off and look at the ground, gently pushing his hand away from your face. Astarion frowns.
“If you want someone who you can actually have fun with, it might be better to go find Alfira again,” you whisper woefully, “I would absolutely understand. No harm, no foul.”
Astarion’s heart breaks for you. He gently guides your eyes back to his. You look sad and dejected -like you are ready for him to get up and walk away. You are expecting him to confirm what Dahlia has always told you- that you are an ugly, wretched, little thing. Unloveable at best and absolutely unforgivably intolerable at your worst. Astarion has slept with plenty of virgins before- he knows how to say all the right honeyed words to get them to bed, but this is entirely different. This is you and your first, consensual time with a man if you choose. If you don’t, then he won’t press the matter, but leave his door wide open. Astarion is not Cazador or Dahlia- he is not going to force you.
“I don’t care about any of that Darling,” Astarion assures you quietly, “I want you, not Alfira. We only have to go as far as you are comfortable with- if you want to.”
Your eyes are wide and searching for any hint of insincerity.
“We could even try multiple times if needed,” he says jokingly, but he knows that you can tell he’s serious.
You beam at him and your posture straightens up- a new found confidence in your eyes.
“Okay,” you finally say, “I trust you. I want to try.”
You would be lying if you weren’t feeling slightly anxious. The last person you had been with was Tessa and she’d been in the ground a little over 8 years now. The two of you had made a lot of groundwork in your last year together before she died. You had attempted to be with others before, but it never felt right so you could never go through with it.
This feels right. You just aren’t sure what your reaction will be, but you want him and Astarion wants you. You trust that he won’t hurt you.
Astarion pulls you up off of the sandy floor and gives you a smile, “I promise you, you do not want to try this in sand. I happen to know a very nice spot, but we are going to have to make a brief stop first.”
You smile enthusiastically and allow him to take your hand in his as he leads you back to camp.
The walk is a blur, you barely notice that Astarion had grabbed a blanket, taken you quite far from camp, and without warning, Astarion pulls you in for a breathtaking kiss.
You have to fight the urge to collapse completely into him, your arms snaking around his neck as you kiss him back. The kiss is slow, melodic and soft. Astarion’s strong arms hold you close to his chest as he picks you up before laying you down on the blanket.
You help him discard your clothes and your wet under garments. Astarion quickly discards his shirt and pants before he returns to kissing you sweetly, softly. You let your hands glide up his torso to his shoulders and let your hands fan out as you try to memorize every inch of his body. He groans with approval at the touch and when you go to touch his back- you find if you go a little too far over where there is raised skin, he tenses up.
You stop and look up at him- he doesn’t seem like he is all there.
“Star, are you okay? Are you sure you want this?”
Whatever trance he is in, he seems to snap out of and he kisses you sweetly before placing his forehead against yours.
“I assure you that I want this, that area is just… it has some sensitive spots.”
“Okay,” you whisper, “I’ll be mindful of that and try to avoid them. Is it mostly in the middle of your back?”
Astarion stares down at you and for a moment, you think he might start crying. Astarion’s face looks so raw and appreciative in that moment- as if you are the first and only person to ever take the time to listen. Maybe you are. Maybe this is just as much of a fear of his as it is for you.
“It is,” he says huskily,” I- thank you.”
You beam up at him and gently cup the left side of his face with your hand. He leans into the touch and you stroke his cheek bone with his thumb.
“Of course Astarion, I want you to feel safe too.”
Astarion kisses you with a neediness that wasn’t there before. The kisses are still soft and innocent, but a bit more urgent as his hands begin to slowly roam your body. Everywhere he touches leaves you feeling like you are on fire and you find that you never want it to stop. You are intoxicated and so wrapped up in his cologne, his lips- everything. Him.
Astarion’s lips leave yours and you breathlessly look at him. He smiles down at you and slowly moves his hands up to your breasts.
“May I?”
You shyly nod in approval. Astarion slowly begins to pinch and tease your sensitive buds with his fingers- you arch your back and cover your mouth as you whimper needily at the touch. It’s embarrassing how touch starved you are. Astarion pulls your hand away from your mouth and he stares at you through hooded eyes.
“None of that, my Dear,” he commands, “I want to hear every little sound you make.”
You blush and then are quickly squirming underneath him again as he gently takes one of your nipples between his mouth, sucking, licking, and teasing it while he rolls the other between his thumb and forefinger.
You are a complete mosning mess underneath him by the time Astarion’s fingers move from your breast to your throbbing clit- earning a loud, despairing whimper from you. You need so much more- you can feel your own slick coating the inside of your thighs, weeping in anticipation.
“My, you are a very needy lover,” he chastises you as he slides a finger in,” Gods you are so wet for me already. If I had known you wanted me this badly, I would have said something a long time ago.”
“Astarion-“ you gasp as he enters another digit inside you, causing you to arch your back keening as he teases your G-spot. His other finger continues to play with your now very swollen clit and with every moan you make, he praises you. The praise alone is enough to send you over the edge.
“You are being such a good girl for me,” as he enters another finger inside.
His mouth hovers over your clit, “I’m absolutely certain the Gods sent you to ruin me.”
“You taste like the heavens,” after his tongue has been flicking inside of you in tandem with his fingers.
You come undone underneath him- your hands have made purchase in his hair, and struggle to be as gentle as possible. He groans as you gently tug him up to your mouth, kissing him, tasting yourself on his swollen lips.
“Do you want to continue Darling?” Astarion whispers as he kisses up your neck, along your jaw, and slowly nips at your earlobe.
You need him inside you and you want him to be as close to you as possible. It’s like a Dam had broken open inside you and you never want it to stop flooding.
“Fuck- Astarion,” you pant, “please continue.”
Astarion kicks of his undergarments and dips his fingers between your folds and coats his cock with your orgasm. You are speechless as you watch him slowly stroke himself, looking at you.
Astarion puts himself in between your legs and you feel him tease your entrance.
“Before I start,” he says, “you need to tell me if it’s too much and if we need to stop. You will not offend me nor hurt my feelings. We can try again another time if you want.”
“The same goes to you.”
There was that look again. Astarion grabs your bottom lip between his teeth, the neediness has certainly grown since the last statement.
You feel him begin to guide himself inside you, slowly moving until he’s bottoming out- curse words and your name leaving his lips like a prayer. You feel the tears prick your eyes at the pinching and pressure as you adjust to his size. He slowly rocks himself in and out, barely making any movement, but enough to stimulate you more.
“Are you okay?” He says with alarm, wiping your tears.
“Yes- I promise,” you say between panting whimpers, you press your ankles into his lower back to keep him there. It’s beginning to feel better and you open up through the tadpole to show him you mean it. The thoughts were probably far hornier than you meant to show him and he smirks at you.
“Cheeky pup.”
Astarion begins to make his thrusts longer as your moans became louder and more euphoric sounding. You kiss him with fervor as he pumps in and out of you, keeping a slow pace.
“You can speed up now,” you whisper between kisses, “you feel really fucking good inside of me Star.”
Astarion moans against your mouth, the kiss becoming sloppy as he teases your bottom lip between his, pulling slightly. You feel his hips begin to snap slightly harder against yours and you cry out as he begins to hit that perfect spot faster and slightly harder.
“You are so beautiful,” he says while grazing the sensitive skin on your neck, “and you feel so fucking good around my cock.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to stand any of our other companions looking at you sideways ever again.”
“Then give them a reason not to.”
That seemed to be enough for Astarion as he immediately goes to work leaving hickeys along your neck, your shoulders. You will have to ask him how he’s able to do it so gently.
Astarion’s thrusts inside you are getting sloppier and you have your hands dug in the earth as he slightly lifts you off the ground to get more leverage. You moan his name in between curse words and whimpers as another powerful orgasm rips through your body. You feel him stutter as you tighten around him and finish inside of you. Astarion’s pace moves to a slow rhythm before coming to a halt.
Vampire and half-vampire perks- the whole kid thing? Basically not even remotely possible.
Astarion lays gently on top of you, kissing your neck lazily.
“How was that, Darling?” Astarion asks as he looks into your eyes with concern and worry.
You gently grab his face with your hands and leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
“It was absolutely perfect,” you say, your brain foggy and swimming in the throes of bliss and your deep fondness of the man above you, “you are absolutely perfect.”
You had fallen asleep quite some time ago in Astarion’s arms. The concept of what happens after sex (normally) was quite foreign to him. Usually he was dragging people to their death after sex, but now he gets to sit and enjoy you- have you all to himself. After it had all been said and done, you had curled into one another, practically nose to nose and just talked. You caught up with each other about what the other missed over the last three days, picked the next ideal type of book to read, and how disasterous the Crèche is likely going to be considering Shadowheart is insisting on going. Lae’zel is positively miffed about it. You laugh and he asks about Minthara. You tell him about the vision she showed you, but he could tell you were holding something back. You don’t push him- he won’t push you.
You tell him about your mother- a former Lolth sorceress who didn’t align with the Spider Queen’s ideals. She was shunned by her parents when she denounced Lolth and she moved to the surface- meeting your dad. Your mother was practical and pragmatic- calculating and protective. Your father, on the other hand, was like a warm breeze on a perfect sunny day.
Astarion tells you about what little he remembers of his life as a Magistrate and his parents. You both ponder what they could possibly be doing in the world right then- pretending there is a possibility that you could find them together when this was all over- even just so he can know.
Astarion’s head is swimming with confusion. It was all very different than when Astarion had gone out hunting for Cazador.
You and him had spent at least a two and a half weeks getting to know each other extensively, spent quality time together over mutual hobbies, and you’ve even seemed to meld together as a fighting duo. You are friends- Astarion expected it to be maybe slightly different, more enjoyable than usual.
Astarion was quickly proven wrong.
This was eons different. Despite the feelings of it being tainted to some degree due to his past, it had been jaw dropping, sweet, simple, and, dare he even say it, intimate. Astarion finds that he actually craves more of you this way, but he also still wants you the way you had each other before. The shame and self-loathing are choking him. There is no way you’ll see him as something other than sex now.
Astarion honestly isn’t sure and that terrifies him. You were so kind to him tonight while you were in his arms. You respected his boundaries; you avoided that part of his body even though he didn’t tell you not to; you wanted him to feel safe with you too. You took the time to talk to him and play with his hair while he spoke about his parents, becoming a bit emotional.
Vanilla is hardly the word to describe what just happened between the two of you- it was wonderful and frightening. Astarion questions if it’s selfish to want more, to abandon his plan all together.
Astarion stares down at your sleeping face as your limbs are tangled with his. He wants to stay, but he wants to run away from you too. Except Astarion needs your protection- that’s what this was all for, wasn’t it?
That’s what compels him to leave soft kisses on your forehead and to hold you a little tighter- it’s why tears fall from Astarion’s cheeks onto the blanket beneath you when he thinks about the day you’ll end up letting him go.
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tealfling · 6 months
Little Headcanon Scenes
I imagine happen in my Amaranth playthrough that I don't have stories to go with.
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- Amaranth flits around camp, ever the busybody, checking on the other companions and helping them with their chores. Asking if they need anything. Ever since she allowed him to drink from her, Astarion has been acutely aware of presence. Always a ping on the compass in his mind. But she'll do things that'll catch him off guard. Like sneak up behind him (hard to do) while he's reading. She'll grab him by the chin and tilt it up to her as she leans in to study his face. At first he's startled by the touch, but will relax when he sees it's her. He'll try to collect himself and not melt into the devastating warmth of her hands. Like always, he'll reflexively throw a seductive line at her, while asking what he can do for her, but she'll stroke her thumbs from the dark circles under his eyes down his cheeks. It's so gentle, caring. Astarion won't know how to react. Suddenly there's nothing to focus on but the sprinkle of white freckles across her purple cheeks, like a starry night, or the way her long silver hair has fallen around his face like a protective curtain. or the way her crystal clear eyes read him intently, almost concerned. He can almost feel himself blush from her heat. Her voice is be soft when she says "Just checking." Astarion's brows will crease confused. "On what?" It's a defensive snap, and harsher than he means. "On you. You look like you haven't fed well in a while, would you like a little midnight snack?" Amaranth's voice is low enough so only he hears, but her tone is playful and her cute little nose crinkles. Astarion couldn't help the small smile when he said, "How very altruistic of you. But if you're offering Darling, how could I say no?" He meant it to sound much more suave, but her smile grew. "Alright, I'll see you later then." For the briefest second, he thought she might say something else. Maybe it was the glance she gave his lips like she might press hers to his, but she just popped up, sauntering away, and Astarion wished she had.
- The first couple of days of their journey would have been hard for Amaranth to deal with only having one pair of pants. The pair she had on while abducted. Eventually she'd try to fashion her own out of some looted pair she finds. It's hard to get the right fit with a tail to consider. Why not get some at the Grove, from the tiefling refugees? Because, they're refugees!! Hasn't enough been taken from them?! And now you want her to take their pants? Absolutely not. Obviously she can make do with what she can find. She's a pretty good quilter after all, but not really good at tailoring. She's already removed all those bullshit sleeves from her shirts, how hard can it be? Those skills aren't as transferable as she thought, however. What, like, you've never had a meltdown over a seam ripper before? Astarion will swoop in to fix it bc how is he supposed to act when he finds she's crying with half her vast ass hanging out of some pillaged pants? Dry those tears and put away that pouty lip, it's.... making him feel bad. He'll take care of it for her, he's used to fixing his own clothes. It's the least he could do with everything she's given him. He'll also be stealing something better for her to wear as soon as he can. It'll be a nice little gift, something to repay her with.
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- As soon as Karlach is touchable, Amaranth showers her bestie with all the hugs she can handle. Literally, hanging off her bigger friend half the time. [At least until she overheats, Amaranth still hates being sweaty, as much as she loves her friend.] Piggy back rides are a frequent occurrence. Occasionally, with Karlach on the receiving side, Amaranth is surprisingly strong, but Karlach actually prefers her little purple backpack, it’s a comfort thing. Being finally held by another. It’s around this time that the others in the party were starting to suspect something might be going on between Amaranth and Astarion. Lately they've been visibly inseparable, constantly whispering secrets and inside jokes. It's also been noted that when one seemingly disappears the other is also coincidently missing. So it’s kind of strange that Amaranth's suddenly very touchy with Karlach, even more so than Amaranth's normal chumminess with them. Astarion is never far behind the two tieflings, still seemingly at the purple one's beck and call, but the others can’t get a read on what’s going on there. Gale and Wyll are constantly exchanging glances. Who’s going to say something first? Wyll cracks first, not one to forgo the opportunity to poke at the vampire. He looks at Amaranth wrapped behind Karlach, then elbows the pale elf, “So, Astarion, you and Amaranth seem pretty close. How come we never see you carrying her on your back?” The other man never gets the chance to reply. Somehow Karlach beats him to a punchline, “Because she can ride me longer obviously.” Amaranth grabs the red tiefling from behind by the horns and shakes her head. “Karlach!” She exclaims with a nervous laugh while Karlach cackles. The elf clicks his tongue and crosses his arms, turning his head, clearly pouting. "Oh I assure you, I'm the best ride any of you could ever get," he bites. Amaranth tugs back on Karlach's horns so they can look at each other from the side, "Well, none of my rides have made me 'see stars' or taken me 'to the FeyWild and back,' so I guess we all have room for improvement." Karlach groans shamefully as the three men look at them. Gale and Wyll exchange confused glances, and Wyll mutters about being sorry he said anything.
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