#so thank you VERY much for the song rec; anon!! it is beautiful and so so fitting 🥹💙
singsweetmelodies · 10 months
not to add more piarles break up to your inbox buuuuut cedar by gracie abrams is soooooo good. "I forget you aren't mine" the whole chorus, "every empty sunday night", "it's been weird to miss you hits me at the strangest times"
WAHHHHHH... oh my god, anon, break my heart, why don't you?? 😭 but yeah, i just had a listen to this one, and god. GOD. you are absolutely correct - this is a perfect piarles breakup song 💔
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these lyrics are how i would write a piarles breakup if i ever did it, i think - the heartbreaking struggle to get used to not being his anymore ("it's impossible to acclimate") and the staying in contact (because they are friends first!!! always!) but not being able to tell the truth fully anymore ("every time we talk, we understate") and how the breakup was mutual (because one of their fundamental things is that they agree on most things/rarely argue, as pierre has said in interviews) BUT perhaps both left things unsaid here ("you told me that you felt the same // when i told you that i needed space // but i think it was a lie") AND THEN OF COURSE the extra heartbreak of losing closeness with someone who was your best friend too ("it's wild how it dissipates // how you're further from me every day // this could be the worst goodbye") and the yearning at the end that's like "remind me why?" why did we call it quits? can't we... can't we fix it somehow?
to me, that's how a piarles breakup would go. and this really is the perfect song for it 😭💙 thank you so much for sharing, anon!!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Weekly Blog July 21, 2023
Well, I didn't mean to take this long to get back to my blog, but priorities. LOL. The priority was my WIP fic. I've yet to find a beta, but what I did find was Grammarly Pro. My daughter has a subscription. She uses it for final papers for school. I'm sorry, but I'm old and didn't know this AI app existed. So I ran each of my 20 chapters (110K) through the app, and wow, did I learn a lot. As I said in previous posts, what I needed help with was SPAG, sentence structure and word usage. My alpha and I cover the plot continuity and canon issues. It's canon divergent after HBP, so sometimes things slip in that happened in HPDH. *oops* I also ran my the @hd-fan-fair fic through it.
The app does have its problems with what it suggests sometimes. But it's easy enough to work around those. As it doesn't understand the content, it continuously dings me for using pronouns, especially He. And no, I don't want every time I use the word order to be Order or cloak to be Cloak. But thank you for showing me that I use the words just, that, and over a ridiculous amount of times. And thank you for fixing all the double spacing between sentences in the chapters I wrote in 2007 with a simple push of a button. And thank you for reminding me that when someone is going to sit that I don't need to specify that they are going to sit down, or rose up from the chair, or walked over to the exit door.
So, that's what I've been doing, along with a bit of reading. I have two recs! One Drarry and the other Narcissa with a side of Drarry. Both fics are new!
What I've been reading:
The first fic comes from @hd-wireless, which is currently posting. About This Place (10K) by Anon. Here's the Summary:
Harry left everything, including Draco. Harry’s returned to everything, including Draco. Things are never quite so simple, though perhaps they could be. Based on ‘You and I’ by Lady Gaga for Wireless 2023.
This fic is dripping with atmosphere. The majority of the story takes place in a small burlesque bar called Ronnie's. Well, the author is much better than me in describing it:
Within the tiny burlesque bar (or, not-quite-burlesque bar, as Ronnie would say) are the queers that are a shade too queer for the regular gay clubs. Trans butches are ogled by confused twinks, a pretty femme in the middle of the room teases salivating straight women who came here just for fun, and a tall drag queen with an auburn wig flowing down to her waist is on the main stage, singing with a sea of androgynous dancers behind her, winking at her pianist as she launches into a song they most definitely did not rehearse beforehand. The pianist looks annoyed, but really, he’s good enough that he can handle anything Ronnie throws at him. His long blond hair is half up in a bun, and despite his winged eyeliner and red lips and high heels, he’s probably the most unassuming person in here. He’s very pretty, but also concentrated in a way that doesn’t invite people in; you would feel intrusive saying hello, or asking for his number. He’s wearing all black: high waisted jeans, a well-fitted turtleneck—his uniform.
The story, as the summary stated, is about Harry returning to London after travelling for a few years. He and Draco had been in a relationship before he left, and now Harry wants him back. Love this trope. Draco was hurt that Harry left, really hurt. And now, when Harry walks into Ronnie's, he knows he'll succumb to Harry's wants, but there will be resistance. Working through the turmoil of misunderstandings and being scared to take a second chance can sometimes be frustrating to read with this trope. BUT NOT HERE. The author's writing is so beautiful and poignant you become fully immersed. Harry's revelation about his time away, why he went away, and why he's back is just guh! Draco doesn't stand a chance. LOL. Still laughing about the couch!
About This Place by Anon on AO3
The second fic is Night Dragon, Dawn Bird (20K) by Xenjyn (AO3). As the author says in her notes, this is the story that gives Narcissa the agency she deserves. And it is pure poetry. The Summary is just two lines:
"Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?" "Yes."
It begins with the time period right after the war but before the trials. The location is Malfoy Manor, where Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco are living in the midst of the destruction left by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Narcissa is lying in bed as Lucius sleeps soundly next to her, and she's contemplating all that came before that led the family to this point in time. Draco is traumatized and coming into his own revelations.
Draco is alive and hidden in one of the midnight dark parlors, knees drawn to his chest, sitting in a chair which used to swallow him when he was young. Now he’s too tall for it, his long legs curled to his chest and his hands clutched tight around them, his face hidden in his knees. He’s sleeping, or weeping. Shoulders rising and falling. Or trembling.
Perhaps he sleeps less than her, now. The blanket she conjures flutters around his shoulders, weighted, warmed with a charm. It barely touches him but his eyes open, a frightened start, and then her hand is in his hair, thicker than she remembers it, curling at his temples, stroking over his scalp. “It’s only me, my darling. Sleep.” “Mum,” His voice is so small, so rasping, like he were ill, in the deepest clutch of a fever. His hand finds her wrist, squeezing tight. “ Mum . ”
There is a dreaminess to this story. We're immersed in Narcissa's thoughts, and they flit from the past to the present and conjecture of what's to come. And there is a background voice in her thoughts: Bellatrix. She's always there pushing Narcissa with her comments. It's quite creepy but oh-so-delicious.
Bellatrix spins, pulses at her, a star-shine fading in and out, closer and distant, like the voice that used to sneak into her room, like the whisper of a laugh when they were girls, like the hiss of madness outside Severus’s door. Cissy, Cissy, Cissy. She calls, I can ’t sleep, Cissy. I’m bored, Cissy. Play with me, Cissy.
There are four relationships (Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa & Draco, Narcissa & Harry, Harry/Draco) that we are privy to, and the most surprising is the one between Harry and Narcissa. That forest scene was a nexus point for both. They're connected. But the most heartbreaking is between Lucius and Narcissa. We're treated to their past and how they got together. How much they were in love, but then, Lucius fucked up. I won't give it away, but it was one of the most insightful scenes I've read in dealing with their marriage. There is a side of Drarry in the story, and it's like a soothing balm with everything else that is going on.
I feel like I'm failing to say how good this story is in how beautiful it is to experience Narcissa and her path to her agency. Never forget she is a Black witch. Bellatrix says it best. Cissy, not a threat?
Night Dragon, Dawn Bird by Xenjyn on AO3
I hope you get a chance to read both these fics and please give them comments of love.
I would love to know if you use or have used Grammarly and what you thought of it.
That's all for now,
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puckpocketed · 3 months
Hi! Sorry if this is weird but do you have song/video recs? I have enjoyed what you recommended in the past. Please ignore this if you want, I know this isn't really a hockey ask :')
so does everyone else have a playlist where they store all their favourite essays/documentaries miscellaneous vids. or is that just me?? anon i hope u like hearing from me, if u wanted short answers u came to the wrong person. here are various faves from over the years:
Dawn from Pride and Prejudice (2005). i think about it often. it's a beautiful piece. i listen to this song and experience the movie all over again. the mud on elizabeth's skirt. dancing at parties. lovely potatoes. darcy and his cleavage. the mist in the morning. "you have bewitched me, body and soul. and i love, i love, i love you." the sun rising as she kisses his hand. HELLO!!!!
minesweeper is literally causing me health issues by i am error. a harrowing look at addiction through the lens of a minesweeper fixation. very funny and warm video.
The Best Food Movie Scenes Supercut by William Adiguna. fascinated by this. also i have used it for painting study reference.
How J Dilla's Timefeel ACTUALLY Works by Digging The Greats. right so. i know everyone's been making posts about black artists in the wake of the Kendrick-Drake beef and white tumblr subsequently figuring out that rap exists outside of Hamilton and music as a whole exists outside of uhhhh taylor swift. I don't think I've seen anyone mention J Dilla in my circles yet so here's a small essay about how he changed music history forever and you should absolutely listen to him. we lost him too fucking early, but his legacy lives on in the beat!!
The Lincoln Highway: Across America on the First Transcontinental Motor Route by Noah Caldwell-Gervais. this is a 7 and 1/2 hour travelogue by one of my favourite writers of all time. he has shorter videos about games and travel, but this one is an all-timer for me. I admire him so much. His writing voice is so lush and intentional, he weaves narrative with every sentence, and yet nothing feels superfluous. i have listened to this video multiple times and always find something new to think about.
Savestate vs Armada - The Quest for the Frozen Turnip by Melee Stats. if you made it this far down the list we are either best friends or you are super bored and want something to watch. here's the sell: Armada is one of the 5 Gods of Super Smash Bros. Melee, Savestate is this weirdo who does speedruns and loves to break the game. they go head to head at a tournament, super smash con. the frozen turnip is a bug that sort of breaks the game. chaos ensues <3
Stylish Academic Writing a lecture by Helen Sword (Harvard University). I think about this video a lot. As someone who writes a lot of academic essays and For Fun essays, this lecture was formative.
Time and Again - How to Write and Understand Time Loops by Replay Value. dissecting and categorising time loops, and teaching you how to write them in the process. excellent video even if you aren't a writer or don't have an interest in writing sci-fi/time travel!
With Love by Harbour. this song makes me so happy. i will dance to it with my future wife in our kitchen. i will sing this to her under under our pink lights. that kinda vibe <3
thank you for dropping by!! <3 and giving me an excuse to inflict a bunch of recs onto my followers!! hit me up for more recs any time ig??
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Hi!! I'm the pomme anon, just a little message today<3 (or maybe not too little). I don't have any songs now, but a lot of words.
Your fic literally saved me. I was in a very bad situation this year, and it was really hard to find something that worked as a distraction. I'm always on tumblr and reading mlb fanfiction, but I don't usually find one that really caught my attetion. I saw in various posts this one called One Does Not Love Breathing, but in my depressed state it was very difficult for me to take the initiative to start reading it. When I did it, I knew it was the right thing.
I just FELL IN LOVE. The characterization, the dynamics, the plot, the dialogue, everything. It was just so interesting! I didn't even realized and I was already thinking more about theories and predictions about the next chapter instead of negative and self destructive thoughts. Sharing a few songs was a way of participate in this, I wanted to do something and find a way of saying that I really cared about this!
And now is over. I saw that the chapters were already planned, and I was kinda sad knowing that it would end sooner or later. But today I readed it, and I knew what I would do next: read all of it again with everything I know now, and enjoy it ever more! It became my comfort fic, and I feel so so so safe in it's words 💖 and I feel better now, is new year, and if Adrien could get out of that hole, maybe I could too!
Thank you so much, Wackus. For sharing your idea and work, with so much love and dedication💖 I'm in tears now, happy tears! I can't believe there's such masterpiece in this fandom. Fics like this make me think that there are many good and beautiful things in this chaotic fandom after all 💖
Thanks again! So much love from Chile!
crying right now. pomme anon, thank you for sharing all this 💖 i feel like writing is my calling for this precise reason... "if i can stop one heart from breaking, i shall not live in vain" (dickinson). knowing that you liked my fic at all is already an overwhelming blessing, but to know that it was also a blessing to you too just makes me incomprehensibly happy.
i'm so happy it meant this much to you. when i put a piece of my writing out into the world, i can only hope it has 10% of the effect on someone that it seems to have had on you. thank you for the beautiful song recs, and thank you for sharing your story. i hope my fic will always be a spot of light and comfort for you, and i hope you know i will always send hugs and hope your way every time i hear a pomme song!
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Finally have some time so I'm rereading all of Dangerous Dreams before starting reading the stars and man i just love your Din voice so much. His POV/thought process in your stories is so so good and feels so in character. Also after rereading the storm, the ending just makes me think of the daughter song 'be on your way' which has been running through my head non-stop lately. anyways, thank you for reading my ramblings and thank you for sharing your stories. Very excited to get to the stars soon!
Anon, the fact that you not only came in with such kind and lovely words about my fic series but also dropped off a song rec!?!?!!?!?
What a wildly beautiful haunting song oh my god. It really does fit with the vibes and the story told in The Storm holy shit. Thank you for sharing this song and your thoughtful ramblings, and thank you so much for reading :)
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
hey music anon! I absolutely adored all of the music you've recc'd to me so far! Is it possible for me to ask for some more? I've loved all of it but found that some I have loved the most are EX0, Beyonce, Heize, Monsta X, Tiger goods and wonder girls.
If not that's cool, you've already given me so much more to explore :) I actually ended up getting recommended SZA by spotify and loved her stuff :)
I don't remember everything I rec'd you before, so sorry if I end up reccing something I already rec'd you but I remember your general taste from the first ask and might mix tht in
but also I'm gonna take a LOT more wild swings to kinda test the boundaries a bit, so it's okay for you to tell me what DIDN'T work for you
you might like:
t by 88rising with utada hikaru (disclaimer, the song isn't the greatest but it's nice playlist filler)
make it by 2pm
sour diesel, wrong, too much by Zayn
soul lady or neon by yukika, this feels a bit like a reach but if i remember hte heize tracks i rec'd you it's maybe not a reach??
thank u soooo much by yubin (she was a wonder girl!)
drink i'm sippin on by yaeji
how we do by xiumin (he's from exo!)
easy by wjsn the black, unnatural or new me by wjsn
love talk by wayv
love me do by vixx might match your exo tastes
freak by victoria monet
love foolish by twice
tri-angle by tvqx
retro future or 365 fresh by triple h
walkin by tomoko ikeda (not kpop, jpop)
rascal, save room for us, 2 on by tinashe
scent of you by &TEAM (again, not korean, it's japanese)
sexuality or criminal by taemin
runner by t1, raiden, baekyun (from exo!!), and changmo
sunmi is a member of wonder girls and it's hard to rec any one song by her! curve, sunny, heart burn are all great ones but gashina and siren are her biggest tracks. if you liekd yubin, sunmi did a track with her called who am i
16 shots by stefflon don, this is more a shot in the dark but i think it might combine some energies you're into?
fntsy by so!yoon! again this is a HEAVY out of bound swing but.... maybe?
do you want it right now siedah garrett
te felicito or chantaje by shakira or... since you like beyonce now... listen to shakira's collab with her "Beautiful liar"
fear by seventeen
28 reasons by seulgi or her song feel good she did with irene (would be listed under irene & seulgi i think)
F'd Up by Savannah Cristina ft Flo Milli
Smooth Operator by Sade
if you liked beyonce, know she recently sampled show me love by robin s. used to know me by charli xcx ALSO samples this but idk if charli is where you're at rn
my friends who like monsta x also seem to really like pentagon but i'll admit i only know two songs by them?? shine and naughty boy and they aren't... quite monsta x energy. but idk amybe it ticks the same boxes?? i am VERY unsure of these but the songs are cute
i hear my two cats fighting and have to take a break to break them up but i was going reverse alphabetically by artist so i can pick back up after M if you still want more or want to use this list to stop me where i'm overreaching and encourage specific sounds
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Heyy i just read your substack and i thought it was really good!!. you really have a LOT of potential (that almost makes it sound like it's subpar, not what i mean), and i'll def check out some of your other stuff! and this is coming from someone who tends to be on the overcritical hater side of things. I was wondering, if you read poetry, could you give some poetry book recs that are similar to your writing (for lack of a better word) vibe? Thanks! :)
HI ANON!!!! first of all thank u so much that means the world <3 so glad to have a hater on my side!!!!!
i am, tragically, incredibly unaware of what it means to have a style so i cant really reccommend u a book of someone that writes like me, but what i CAN do is give u a few poems that i always go to for inspiration!!!
i am so depressed i feel like jumping in the river behind my house but won't because i'm thirty-eight and not eighteen by sandra cisneros (who i ADORE i highly recommend her book a house on mango street)
lana turner has collapsed! by frank o'hara (i love a lot of his stuff too, there's a lovely bit of desperation in it)
a boat by richard brautigan
i'm going back to minnesota where sadness makes sense by danez smith (their book homie is incredible and i will reccommend it until im blue in the face)
the end of love by ada límon
saying your names by richard siken (from crush, which is all over tumblr but for very good reason!!!)
girl in amber by nick cave and the bad seeds (not a poem, a song-- theyre similar enough for me, and this is an exceptional one)
my friend morgan's substack post, existentialism for dummies
beat poetry in general-- i'm on the road a lot, so a lot of beat poetry resonated with me!!! i reccommend allen ginsberg, jack keourac, lucien carr, and leonard cohen (who was a BEAUTIFUL poet before he got into music)
hope that helps!!! all the love mwah mwah <3
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violentviolette · 2 years
oh dude have you heard "heaven's sent" by fob ? heard it for the first time in the past year and fuck it itches that lil' snail in my ear so bad. also no idea if you've heard "for the departed" by shayfer james but I have an inkling you'll like it, even if the smallest bit, so I recommend.
i think the title is heaven's gate but if so then yea! it's pretty good, definitly solid but not my favorite. mania is probably my least listened to of all their albums. i've loved fob since i first got my grubby little emo hands on take this to your grave as a kid so im extreamly biased towards their earlier stuff lol but if ur thinking of getting into them i highly recommend it!! my favorite songs by them are grand theft autumn/where is your boy and dead on arrival off that same album. after that i'd say anything off infinity on high and under the cork tree are gonna be amazing i feel like folie au deux marks a big turning point in their sound, ryo insists its their best album and while i dont disagree with him it still just ranks low on my list. it's good as a complete work but it lacks individual bangers imo save rock and roll and american psycho/american beauty are like one era imo and while there's some bops i feel like those were very much more of a mainstream poprock trend albums. they sound like what was popular which means they sound like imagine dragons and patd but the fob remix version. which isnt to say that they were bad, just that they lacked a lot of the raw emotion that ive always preferred from them. if i can understand what patrick stump is emotionally yelling at me in the first listen its not peak fob to me lmfaoooooo
i haven't heard of shayfer james before tho i'll definitly give that a listen, thanks for the recs anon! also sorry if u didnt want my personal thought breakdown on fob's entire discography but u accidentally activated my emo trap card so u got it anyway lmfaoooo
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rosyfingereddawnn · 2 years
Part 2 on the Ghost recs please!
ohhhhhh bestie you do not know what you’re getting yourself into !!! really i do love you for enabling me anon i owe you my life <3 here we goooooo. as always it’ll be under the cut :)
oh and here’s part 1 !!!!
secular haze - fucked up carnival-core. i really don’t know how to explain this one except it’s really good??? instrumentals are so very good, and the vocals really send me into oblivion sometimes i think !!! look in a way it’s very hypnotic it’s hard to explain but secular haze doesn’t get enough appreciation. also whisper singing thank you papito !!!!
dance macabre - look. LOOK. insane 80s vibes it’s truly so fun. tbh one of the first songs i listened to when i got into them and it’s just such a banger through and through. i would like to be bewitched in the moonlight thank you <3 no but literally i have no words it’s so amazing the lyrics make me so feral. good instrumentals as always <3 OH AND THE BACKING VOCALS ARE SO PRETTY UGH 😌 because Yeah. Cataclysm, Armageddon.
pro memoria - priddy intro 🥹 also it’s a very beautiful song but look. the lyrics are like. good but also kinda funny to me??? like it’s pretty but also the chorus comes and i am stifling laughter because it’s just. wow. you’ll see. but yeah layered vocals guitars piano/organ drums keys. SO good. a lil bit of satanism to spice things up <3
absolution - guitar, drum and bass fuck this entire song. so very good so very spooky so very HOT. a common theme in like all of their songs but yeah like. literally it’s spooky and then you can’t help but Shake Ass. i mean you get papa growls too??? you get the chorus with amazing vocals???? sexy, genuinely good lyrics??? it goes hard the entire song. AND THEN THE BRIDGE COMES AND YOU ASCEND.
witch image - PRETTY VOICE PAPA <3 i kinda have no words for this one except so fucking catchy??? i mean every aspect of it is so fun and so memorable??? and the lyrics are. really something. wow. uhhhhhh yeah this one is kinda pro memoria-core for a Lil Bit, but it’s genuinely well-written and needed in our society at the same time???? if that makes sense??? but god HARMONIES AS ALWAYS. D R U M S O L O.
rats - AHHHHH RATS MY BELOVED. look this one is so so fun and the lyrics make me go bananas because like. based on the title you wouldn’t expect it to be Good i guess?? also once again all around good instrumentals?? also the rolling of the r on rrrrrats is my Entire sexuality thank you copia for my every right <3 god GORGEOUS layered vocals guitar licks sent from the heavens (hehe) OH WAIT THE FUCKING SOLOS AHHHHHH FUCK. WOWOWOWOWOW makes me batshit <3
majesty - if i could i would slurp the entirety of the intro through a silly straw it is So. Fucking. Good. Ough. THE GUITAR LICKS IN THIS SONG i am crunching and munching on them. sexy papa voice as usual tbh. once again just a lil bit of satanism for the sex appeal and all that !!!! some scrumptious organ !!!!! the chorus is so pleasing to listen to i don’t even know what to say it’s just so nice <3
jigolo har megiddo - mwah mwah mwah i love this song so much it’s so SEXY. also the “richly endowed” part um i want it tattooed onto me on every available inch of skin thank you. there’s just something about it. no but good bass. gooooood bass. good vocals as usual. ugh it’s just So catchy and the guitar solo is. mwah. ough. ALSO THERES LIKE A LIL WHISPER SING BACKGROUND VOCALS PART THAT GETS ME OH ITS SO GOOD.
kiss the go-goat - um. well. somehow it’s the ultimate daddy issues anthem and it’s also about Kissing Satan’s Bumhole. yeah i don’t know either papa nihil’s a lil weird :// but no this song. is such. a fucking BOP. satanism is um. at the forefront here. okay. BUT during this like. growl/speaking part the DRUMS. oh GOD. ohhhhh wow. w o w. good guitar solo As Usual and just like. sexy all around. “it ain’t always what it seems that glitter wasn’t gold as opposed to what they told you” i’m Screeching. also HI THE GROAN AND KISS AT THE END. nope. instead i will focus on the sexy lil flourish at the end after That.
if you have ghosts - emotional support ghong (ghost song). this one’s about loneliness!!!! and it hurts me personally!!!! violins at the beginning hello!!!! the lyrics seem like Weird at times but if you look into the meaning and what is actually being said it’s like Especially emotionally taxing !!!!! also just. “in the night i am real.” yeah it hurts meeeeeeeee <3 ough good guitarrrrr i am crunching and munching all the time. good BASS TOO THANK YOU. VOCALS OH. OH. this song hits so so hard always and it shouldn’t but it does. terzo singing this especially hits but that’s because of his voice AND for lore purposes that i won’t talk about ever
ritual - fuuuuuull of satanism. sorry mom sorry dad sorry everyone. it still fucks. nah but this is said to be ‘one of the most evil songs in history!!!’ and it’s literally sung by a dude who plays the kazoo. yeah. it’s sexy and tbh sorry to anyone who is especially christian/catholic but the lyrics give me giggles constantly <3 sexy guitar all the way through (SOLOS!) and some Growling from primo thank you <3 i don’t know how to explain it but the Pace of it is so fun and the chorus just builds and swells and it’s So Good.
missionary man - AGAIN SORRY TO ANY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC FOLKS BUT THIS IS THE ULTIMATE CATHOLIC DISS TRACK !!!!! you have a man dissing missionaries and catholicism while a soul/gospel singer Kills it in the background. lyrics are So. Funny. terzo has good flow honestly. also this is about catholicism but it’s also Blatantly about sex too <3 thank you. instrumentals are INSANE and so good, background vocals are so so so Scrumptious. don’t even get me started on terzo though HOO boy. sexcee!! literally the entire song is so bangin and So hilarious.
life eternal - papa lullaby part 2 🥺 ow ow ow owwwww oh it’s so good and so pretty 🥺🥺 i don’t know what it is about the lyrics here they’re just so gorgeous??? and there’s really something about like. forever being entwined anyways i’ll shut up. underrated bass. PIANO AND ORGAN. pretty layered vocals again 🥺 THE PART WHERE THE GUITAR COMES IN ?????? THE SWELLING AND ADDING-ON OF VOICES AND THEN THE TUNNEL QUALITY THEY GET WHEN THE GUITARS TAKE OVER. G O D. PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 all of it is just SO transcendant and i’m trying not to cry while writing this because it’s genuinely so emotionally effective in every way.
square hammer - WOAHSJAKAJA HOO!!! square hammer sexyyyyyyyyyy. it’s starts off kinda spooky but this is ULTIMATE ass-shaking opportunities. Ugh drums get me Fucked up and the guitars and bass just meld together so well??? i Have seen this performed live (like. in a video because unfortunately they never fucking COME HERE) and it really is such an experience i would combust. anyways yeah it’s like. the Money Pink Floyd of ghost songs. the show-closer as of late and as it should be because holy Fuck guys. it’s insane. guitar solo mwah. sexy vocals <3
call me little sunshine - ough god. drums drums drums. i want to fuck the guitars in this song i am So serious about that. the lyrics are so interesting?? a lil bit of satanism as you may expect but it’s like. shifting the narrative here?? i will not go into it lest this turn into an essay BUT yeah it’s so intriguing. mmmmmmm vocals. deeeep papa voice. layered as usual but just. the chorus is truly so insane i think i levitate whenever i listen to this song. drum fills GOOD again. bridge MUNCH MUNCH CRUNCH.
twenties - okay. o k a y. this might be their hardest song and like. 90% sure it’s about war so take that as you Will. but it is So theatrical and So cathartic and it’s just. incredible???? i wasn’t a fan actually like. the first time i heard it but i Understand Now. BRASS INTRO INTO HARD GUITARS BASS AND DRUMS. ENSEMBLE VOCALS IN SOME PARTS. “i’m number one you’re number two you’ve got a lot of god’s work to do”??????? hi. growling papa is always Fucking sexy sorry mom sorry dad <3 like it’s kaisarion’s more fucked up brother because it truly is so energy-inducing except this one makes me want to commit every crime against authority that i can. also this guitar solo is so chaotic and soooo well-played it fits incredibly into the song i think. like this one’s not for everyone but it’s for me thank you tobias <3
ghuleh/zombie queen - i think ??? this is the longest song they have?? at like 7 minutes ???? BUT you get two! songs! in! one! its all about some fucked up zombie lady so lots of death imagery which is really interesting in the way they portray it??? whisper singing <333 it’s so calm and pretty at the start and the vocals match that. soft guitar riff that grows and gets me absolutely fucked up. halfway through there’s like. what sounds like a harmonica moment??? it’s a bit western film-core and then you SHAKE ASS SO FUCKING HARD. HELLO. THE ENTIRE SONG IS JUST SO UNDERRATED AND I NEED TO HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT IT MORE. guitar remains insane??? there’s the western elements throughout and it’s just a really interesting mix of Vibes honestly???? everyone go listen to zombie queen NOW. N O W.
hunter’s moon - ough. sexy little guitar riff to start us off. i don’t know if this was actually written for halloween kills but it Was featured in it and idk it’s. just so good. once again ghost is incredible with subverting expectations??? and genres???? and their SONGS????? because it is so pop-influenced in certain spots but then it’s like. oh yeah that’s why it was in a horror movie. there’s some Sick ass chanting right before the guitar solos and then LAYERED VOCALS PAPA IS K I L L I N G IT. OH GOD. and then fades are put in it’s truly just a masterclass in spooky music i don’t know how else to put it ????????? also there’s. lore. attached to this song in my mind and it hurts a Lot so yeah i’m a hunter’s moon stan first and a human being second.
once again there Should be financial compensation for anyone who reads to this point Sorry For This i was enabled. thank you so much to the absolutely lovely anon for the ask <3333
i hope i have converted some folks into ghesties <333333
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 6 months
https://eddiebabygirldiaz.tumblr.com/post/745787400611086336/hi-ryan-i-hope-you-are-having-a-lovely-day-im ryaaan im this anon i finally got to listen to this songs i knew cupid already and it was on my list due to an buddie edit that is so goood but i wanted to share my though because omg all those songs are so good? and so buddie ? like i can't believe i didnt listened to the show before , tribulation is such an buck pov of eddie song , deep end is pining wihtout admiting is pining ,i can picture perfectly buddie being all domestic and cozy with finally\beautiful stranger and i can talk about each song so much so i wont bother you but really thank you because you gave me amazing music and very buddie so like two birds one stone, i already know who im asking for music rec in general and for specifics
hiiiiiii darlin!! im SO glad you enjoyed the songs and all their buddie-ness and please you are no bother at all! i love discussing music and my blorbos and could do so for hours so im more than happy to do that with you!! tribulation is honestly one of my top buck songs it just fits so perfectly with the yearning but not truly knowing how to do this right and wanting to keep that person close but also at a distance bc he feels the way he loves isn't right. and deep end inevitably ends up on all my fic playlists asdfghjkl because it screams buddie pining! and finally i think is one of the sweetest songs for them once they figure their shit out and are starting this new thing together.
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autodaisy · 1 year
same anon i love your blog and it is truly relatable and idk if you are still here but i want to show you some autoromantic songs because i have a playlist but here is just some,
yves tumor- secrecy is incredibly important to the both of them
kaina- apple
loona- one and only
OHH THANK YOU i love song recommendations!! and thank you so much for the kind words ;w; listening to the recs as i write so a lil review hehe:
helio - ohhhh this is VERY auto!! i like it a lot :> very self worship vibes we love that
secrecy - "i touch the hand of my lord it's so familiar" ok so i'm obsessed with this line now also this goes HARD
apple - ok off the bat i am like. obsessed with religious symbolism haha also a banger!! ohhh working with yourself to see the beauty within yourself and loving your uniqueness......!!
one and only - OHH SELF LOVE!! pouring out of this one!! it's so cute!! i feel like there aren't enough pop-y love songs about self love this is so lovely!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
BEST MOTIVATION!!🥳 i'm glad u are handling things better!! LMAO THE JIHOON BRAINROT HIT U HARD but tbh i'm very good with him being the main character lmao and aaa thank u for telling me!! hope u manage to set it up🥹
aaa those are amazing🤌 i wish i was a proper kpop stan just to experience them fully💔 aa only listen to them when u have the time and u are in the mood for it!!! i will be here if u want to give a review about them later and not immediately!! it's so hard to get it right f with kpop songs for no reason😭 my friend still surprises me to this day with what kind of songs she likes and i know her music taste very well but some how i still manage to mess it up😭 TBH I WOULD BE DOWN FOR SONG RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CIX CUZ I NEVER LISTENED TO THEM!! the boyz english line is just too funny imo😭
OMG GOOD JOB!!!🥳🥳 GO OFF STEM GIRLIE!!! oh my lord i'm not surprised then that it's very difficult😭 u are very smart for even just getting into it!!! i will probably take it very badly cuz i already have issues in high school so whatever🥱 buuut i'm sure i will get through it somehow lmao if i even get in😙✌️ aaaa thank uuu so much i really appreciate u and love talking with u!!🥹🥹💕💓💓 (liebestraum anon💞💖)
girl im struggling. tried creating the side blog but i for the love of god cant come up with a proper url 😭😭😭😭 why did i choose a bias w the most unurlable name ffs everything looks terrible. i also havent been writing as much lately i think im having writers block which is really :// so lets pray it goes away soon
i added all the songs u recommended into a seperate playlist and tried listening to them the other day but then i got unreasonably angry at something so i just switched to my angry playlist 😃👍 howEVER i managed to get through the thrill ride ep and so far the title track was my fav,, i didnt find myself drawn to the other songs but that might honestly be bc of my shitty mood that day so im gonna give it a relisten and then gather my thoughts 😌😌 kpop is so diverse and so different than anything else so getting the songs right is always so difficult AHAHA
CIX RECS SAY LESS i actually havent heard their whole discography yet so take it as u will but. u might know movie star, numb or jungle (both of which fucking slap to this day,, their songs age like fine wine) oR cinema thats one of my favs from them!!!! their whole debut ep is very good but esp. like it that way and what you wanted are SOSOSO good oh lord. also 458 and without you (istg that song is one of the most beautiful kpop songs imo) are very very good 😌 hope u like at least some SJSJDKSK let me know if u do (no pressure to listen to any of these tho!!)
good luck w getting into uni im sure u can get in!! 😌😌 hs unfortunately cant prepare u for the shift (at least in slovakia) so it will definitely be something u need to get used to but trust me at uni nobody rlly cares abt grades anymore 😭😭 after a while u lose energy for that LMAO the only thing needed is passing 👍👍👍 rooting for you!!
it was nice hearing from you 💕 hope u have a nice weekend/the next week mwah!!
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dahyun · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to rec some bgs too 💓 pinwheel, lie again, pang!- svt. Sunshine- onew. Honest- key. White tshirt- jonghyun. Beautiful, the game- pentagon. Hope you enjoy some of these 💓
i already know & love honest and white tshirt by my beloveds key and jonghyun!!
pinwheel is sooo pretty, i love it!!
lie again is ssssssssoooooooo GOOD i loved it the second it started A+, 5 stars, etc i'm going to listen to the hell outta this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pang! is fun i love the prechorus. the chorus is a little interesting but i think i like it lol
sunshine is just good. it makes me want 2 go on vacation 😔
beautiful is very very nice i like it a lot
i was entranced as soon as the game started. i love the incorporation of opera and that instrumental break before the bridge... its so good
i liked every single one of these thank u very much anon <33333
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Hii 🐞🐈 As I do with every update, I came to share a few songs for the odnlb playlist<3 (yeah, I'm that anon 👀)
Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold (sounds like a moment in the future where Adrien and Marinette have already met again, safe and sound, promising each other that they'll always be together<3)
Two Birds - Regina Spektor (our senti twins. The curious thing is that, in my opinion, both of them could be any of the two birds. Adrien can be the one saying "come on" because he's the most optimistic of the two, the most innocent after all... But he's also the "I'm tired", the boy is going to explode at any moment. On the other hand, Félix could be the "come on" one since he's the one who has been studying the most rational ways to break the bond, for years, totally determined. But he's also the most realistic, and he knows their luck is running out)
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry (Ladynoir, angsty Ladynoir)
Atlantis - Seafret (Mari, Mari, Mari)
Car's Outside - James Arthur (Adrien safe with his lady in the future)
Can't Pretend - Tom Odell (Adrien angst)
This Town - Kygo & Sasha Sloan (everyone moving on, while Adrien and Marinette are still there)
Good Looking - Suki Waterhouse (Mari trying to understand everything about AdriChatWalker)
Power And Control - MARINA (Lila. For her is love = power and control)
Ride - Twenty One Pilots (Luka! He's just taking his time, the boy needs a break)
I hope you like them! Thank you for the amazing fanfic💕
omg but it fits so well! they were lost but then they found each other 💞 i know exactly which scene this song should play during actually so thank you pomme anon ❤️
absolutely love this for the senti-twins. the fact that it's hard to tell which one is speaking to which makes this more profound, i think. they're both tired in different ways, and yet both want to get each other out of this mess. 10/10 i love it.
you know what, i was listening to this song and thinking it COULD be odnlb ladynoir! without the part of them being a couple ofc even though they were basically a couple. and i was debating on whether or not to put this on the odnlb playlist. the fact that u rec'd it feels like a sign.
yes!!!! especially the way the singer says, "i can't save us, my atlantis." it was built to sink just like ladynoir and all their secrets. aaaahh you did not just do that to me 😭
omg this is beautiful. this song conveys sadness and relief and yearning in such an adrien way! absolutely, yes, fully on board. after ladynoir come out of this safe, they are staying together.
OOOH THIS IS A GOOD ONE FOR ADRIEN! was it written for odnlb adrien? 👀 it feels like it was because this song gets him exactly right. the way he just wants to fight! to break out! the way he questions love and angsts about his existence lol wowowowow
not only is this adrinette being stuck but it's them being stuck on each other 🥺💔 i'm weak over the undertones of the need for escape, for each one another! ugh my ladynoir heart ❤️
ladywalker/mariwalker supremacy hehe. she's so into him but she also hates him but she wants learn all his secrets in a very intimate way. this might be my favorite one on this list!
there are so many good lila anthems out there but this one is PERFECT. @lesbitorte i have a candidate for the volpina playlist 👀 love is a game to her, a game of power, and she wins when you fold.
omg thank you for the luka song rec! i have been thinking about him and "mirrorball" but this one is so good too!! haha even the song's narrator is in a mess like luka, and he and luka are both like haha i've been thinking too much help me✌🏼
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howtotrainyournana · 2 years
ello, it’s the da capo anon! I love The Crane Wives too they’re phenomenal!! y’all have good taste!! :]
a couple of my favorite songs: curses, never love an anchor, the moon will sing, easier. I’m in a modern band class and we performed I talk in my sleep and it really grew on me, too!
(nominating easier for da capo vibes - “I’m at a loss for better plans, ‘cause this is all I have, so I’ll just close my eyes and try to pretend that it gets easier”)
new version of hello my old heart is phenomenal and actually my preferred version, too (both are great, though, because it’s a great song - just different vibes)
hozier is a bit hit or miss for me (most artists are, rip, I’m picky about music) but I still lodge a lot of his songs! Like real people do and shrike are phenomenal, like real people do hits me right in the feels just. in general, completely unconnected from any media. it’s great.
ooo, I actually had not read hold me softly before seeing that snippet, and I did to get the context, and! I am intrigued! the deal Dream made w the blood god where he wins if he dies! did & dreams relationship being so soft! it’s very neat!! re: the excerpt, so I see Dream is upping his game by kidnapping a king lmaooo. he’s a very polite kidnapper lol, eret is having a fun time. I’m sure this will not go wrong at all!
I haven’t gotten around to reading schrodinger’s ghost yet, but the excerpt is very interesting, even if I have no idea what’s going on. I love your writing! It’s straightforward & not cluttered, but you always include beautiful little details too.
I should give an artist rec too shouldn’t I hmmmm
have I already rec’d Of Monsters and Men? they’re an indie/alt/rock band (I think, I’m not very good with genres haha) if not, they’re phenomenal! I’m particularly fond of “King and Lionheart”, which is phenomenal vibes all around, “Little Talks” (nominating for da capo vibes again - “It’s killing me to see you this way, ‘cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore” and “Some days, I don’t know if I am wrong or right, your mind is playing tricks on you my dear”)
hope everyone in this extended indirect conversation has a very nice day!!!
Da capo anon i am holding you gently in my cupped hands, you ALSO have excellent taste!!!
I just listened to "Easiser" by the Crane Wives and - oh my gosh!!! The da capo vibes are!!!! So real!!!!! it is now on the playlist. Good gosh I love the Crane Wives so much. Their harmonies and tone are just . . . splendid. Folk music is so invigorating.
I'm so glad you read hold me softly and liked it!!! aaaaaa!!!! that story is my baby. My firstborn child. Dream's deal is so deliciously fun to work with from a storytelling perspective. There's so many layers of it and it's so fun to reveal layer by layer of it as the story progresses. Also! Dream and XD's relationship in this story is so fun! My wife has listened to hours upon hours of me spinning details of this story and the character's reasonings and motivations, and by far one of the most fun relationships to pick apart and dissect and extol on is Dream and XD's. XD is a benevolent god in this universe, instead of the indifferent/malicious one he is in canon, but he's not without his ruthlessness. Which is a fun balance to try and hit. Also? Dream kidnapping Eret? Dream is just using Eret as a means to an end and doesn't have anything personally against Eret. He's going to be a gentleman about the whole thing. Unfortunately for him, Eret is going to make his life a living hell - not because he dislikes Dream, but because it's fun t mess with Dream and let it never be said that Eret is an easy or willing target, even if he likes his kidnapper. Eret is going to make Dream work for his goals.
Thank you on telling me what you like about my writing! I make sure to include little sensory and environmental details - it's like gilding on a book or molding on a wall. Not necessary, but a pleasing embellishment that adds to the development of the overall atmosphere. There's plenty of that in Schrodinger's Ghost, if you ever do check it out.
I hope everyone in this extended conversation has a good weekend! Remember to drink your water, eat your food, and give yourself a compliment! Love you guys!!!!
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jinpanman · 2 years
I’ve been very busy to go onto tumblr. But whenever I do go back, I always go back to read “Stinkin Adeerable”. I swear it’s such a fav of mine. I love the story so much 😔💜 also, song rec for you: Waves-fiji blue
Hope you have a good day!
oh anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i have no idea how old this ask is but 😭😭😭😭 you have my whole heart!!!! thank you for loving my deer!hobi and skunk!yn 🥺 and OH MY GOSH EEEE!!!! THIS IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SONG?!??!? OMG?!??!?!? HI PPL HERE’S THE YT LINK AND SPOTIFY LINK EEEE <<3333
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