#so the kitty cat is under my grandma's care for that time
damnprecious · 7 months
you know, it's incredibly rude that my parents' cat Mauno, whom I see a few times a month and love very very much, gives me a shitton of allergies while my uncle's cat, whom I see very, very rarely (but still love very much), doesn't give me any allergies whatsoever
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Welcome back!!! :) We all missed you
Could you please write one in which MC is an animagus and the characters react to them transforming?
Thank you so much and take it easy 😁
A/N: since no animal was specified, we're going with the classic kitty cat :3
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MC finally did it! After months of prep, and some good luck, they completed the animagus ritual....only to become a silver tabby. Not as epic as they would have hoped, but still cool. They needed to show their friends IMMEDIATELY.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Well aren't you adorable." He chuckles as he kneels down to pet MC. "I'm not surprised you became an animagus. I'm just disappointed you didn't ask me to become one with you." He picks up MC and carries them off. "Now I have a perfectly valid excuse to call you Kitten."
OMINIS GAUNT: "You know, I don't find it funny when you tell me you want to SHOW me something. My wand has its limits." He huffs and waits for MC to do whatever they were so eager to do. His eyebrows rise in shock. One moment he detects a person, the next, a small animal. "What in Merlin's name? You're an animagus??" He hears MC meow and rub against his leg, just like the castle cats. He smiles a little and reaches down to pet MC. "Whatever will we do with you?"
ANNE SALLOW: "Oh, not fair! I was going to go through with the ritual myself but the blasted mandrake leaf wouldn't stay put. Even so..." She picks up MC and cradles then in her arms. "Since you're here. You can be my lap warmer while I study transfiguration."
IMELDA REYES: "You're as mad as I thought. You risked your life to become an animagus, only to become a cat? I'd get my money back if I were you." She watches MC flop over and make some air biscuits with the biggest eyes. "...I see your point."
NATSAI ONAI: She has stars in her eyes and immediately changes in her gazelle form. She and MC dance around each other happily and run down the corridors to cause some havoc. It was entirely worth the detention.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Brilliant!" He watches in awe as MC transforms and starts purring against him. He picks them up and puts them on his shoulder. "Let's go raid Professor Sharp's storage room. He'll never suspect a cat." He now has a new mantra: Gain kitty, do crime.
LEANDER PREWETT: He looks around to see if anyone saw what MC just did. He leans down and harshly whispers to them. "You do realize that ritual is against the rules here right!? It's so dangerous! You could have died! Let alone the fact that you aren't registered. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught." MC flattens their ears and growls, he puts his hands up defensively. "I won't tell, but be more careful. I'm serious."
AMIT THAKKAR: "By the stars, that's incredible! Was the ritual as hard as it sounds? How many times did you attempt it? Was it difficult to actually keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for 30 days? These are questions I must know that answers to." MC just meows at him. "Oh...right."
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Whoa! That's amazing! Could you always do that?" He kneels down to scratch MC under the chin. "Hey, I need a favor." He grins devilishly and points at a distant group of students. "See the tall one? I need you to scratch the hell out of his legs. No questions. I'll pay."
POPPY SWEETING: She nearly screams from how cute MC's cat form is. She immediately scoops up MC and cuddles them close to her chest. "Please, for the love of Merlin and all magic, let me put little hats on you. My grandma knits all sorts of little hats and sweaters for her cats and I just KNOW they would look adorable on you." MC is locked in her arms. There is no escape.
ELAZAR FIG: "Extraordinary!" He was sitting at his desk when MC came in to show him their new trick. MC jumped onto his desk as a cat and slowly blinks at him. He reaches forward and gently pets their head. "I've always known you were capable of strong magic, and I'm glad you trust me enough to show me this, but do be cautious. Being an unregistered animagus is a big deal to some in the Ministry. Tread carefully. For now, you're welcome to nap on my desk."
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laxmiree · 11 months
[CN] MLQC's Lucien Binding Knot Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Translation under the cut~
[Notes from Lux: Here's the CN video link if anyone want to follow along his Voice Acting. VERY recommended to re-read S1 chapter 9 and his Chinese Wedding SP Bound By Love/A Love Not in Vain because this date specifically references these two stories. AND perhaps Sacred Mountain Date regarding his belief in God(s)]
[Part 1]
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Lucien: Today is Saturday. Didn't we agree not to work?
Lucien places a bowl of freshly washed blueberries on the coffee table and casually feeds me a few. I sit on the sofa, engrossed in the documents on my laptop.
MC: Kiki has sorted the photography registration form; I need to quickly finish reviewing it so that I can contact them earlier.
Recently, our company launched a charity project called "Taking Family Portraits for One Hundred Elderly People." After the announcement was made, we received dozens of registration forms in just two days.
MC: By the way, Lucien, if any professors from Loveland University are interested in this project, you can invite them as well.
MC: We've rented the best photography studio, and the photographers are top-notch, so you can rest assured about the photo quality.
Lucien: With so many people applying, I think we should try to avoid giving slots to people we know, right?
MC: Don't worry. Even though we're promoting it as a hundred people externally, we've discussed it internally and will try to accommodate as many as possible.
MC: We're willing to help strangers, let alone the people we know.
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Lucien: In that case... I do have an idea.
Lucien points to the peace knot hanging on my wall- a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave, and it still hangs on one side of Lucien's bookshelf.
MC: Are you talking about Grandma Wen?
Grandma Wen is an elderly person who lives alone. Lucien and I have a close relationship with her. We've learned how to weave knots from her and even borrowed wedding attire. So, we visit her whenever we have free time.
She is also very hospitable to us, always arranging snacks for us to enjoy. She also advises us young people not to focus only on work but to remember to take care of ourselves.
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MC: Actually, I did consider inviting her at first, but Grandma Wen's husband has already passed away, and having her take a family portrait alone might be a bit…
Lucien: Are you worried that it might make her uncomfortable?
Seeing me nod, Lucien leans back on the sofa, tilts his head, and smiles slightly.
Lucien: [chuckles] I think she won't mind at all.
Lucien: How about we ask her? One never knows.
After a lengthy discussion, we decided to call Grandma Wen. I carefully choose my words and extend the invitation, but Grandma Wen laughs heartily and readily accepts.
We finalize the shooting schedule. Lucien and I will pick her up together when the time comes.
However, Grandma Wen suggests she'd like to bring her cat, Baby, along for the photoshoot.
[Part 2]
On the agreed-upon morning, we arrive punctually at Grandma Wen's doorstep. While Lucien parks the car, I take the initiative to go and knock on the door.
The black-and-white spotted little cat lies under the eaves, rolling around playfully and occasionally pawing at something in the air, looking quite content.
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MC: Baby~ Come here kitty for a hug~
But the little kitty pays no attention to me, completely engrossed in rolling on the ground. It rolls several times and ends up a meter away from me.
Lucien: (gently calls the kitty) Baby, come here.
Just as Lucien approaches, Baby suddenly gets up, takes two steps, and runs to Lucien's feet. It raises its paw and paw at the cuff of Lucien's pants, meowing incessantly.
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MC: That's quite a contrast in treatment!
MC: Although I've played with it plenty of times before, it still prefers you. That's unfair!
Lucien lowers his gaze and sighs at the cat.
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Lucien: [chuckles] You see, I didn't do anything, but she's angry just because you like me more.
Lucien: If you could talk, I'm sure you'd also think this is even more unfair to me, right?
Lucien crouches down and strokes the cat's head, using his fingers to rub its cheek gently.
Lucien: Please remember to be a little more coquettish with her later. Otherwise, I'll be in a tough spot.
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MC: ...Hmph, you're not in a tough spot at all!
Lucien can't resist laughing and takes out a sealed bag of cat treats from his pocket, feeding them to Baby.
Lucien: Baby is actually relatively easy to please. Just give it some treats a few more times, and it will be circling around you.
Grandma Wen: MC, you're here…
I turn around and see that Grandma Wen is already standing at the door.
MC: Grandma! You look so beautiful today!
Grandma Wen is wearing a short jacket with a standing collar and a diagonal button today. It's evident at a glance that the craftsmanship is exquisite.
The satin fabric is smooth and lustrous, while the embroidery is lifelike with intricate stitching.
Grandma Wen sheepishly waves her hand.
Grandma Wen: These are old clothes I haven't worn in seven or eight years. It's rare that I've taken them out.
MC: Old clothes? I can't tell. They look just like new…
MC: Is the embroidery on the hem here the Lotus Pond? Each lotus is transitioned with several colors... It's really beautiful!
MC: Did you embroider this yourself, Grandma?
Grandma Wen touches the hem, smoothing the embroidered threads of the lotus leaves.
Grandma Wen: My husband made this for me when he was still alive.
Grandma Wen: From pattern drafting to embroidery, he did every step himself, insisting that his craftsmanship was better than mine.
Grandma Wen: These embroideries used to be even more beautiful, but unfortunately, the thread colors have faded over time.
MC: I can't tell that the thread colors have faded. I think it looks incredibly beautiful.
MC: Your complexion looks great today. When it's time for the photo shoot, we'll have a hairstylist do your hair. We must create a hairstyle that compliments this dress perfectly.
Lucien walks over carrying a cat carrier and lets Grandma Wen check Baby's condition.
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Lucien: I used some cat treats to coax it into the carrier, and it didn't make any fuss and was very well-behaved.
Grandma Wen: Baby~ Baby, today we're going out for a photoshoot. After we get in the car, you must be good and not cause any trouble for your brothers and sisters, okay?
Grandma Wen claps her hands toward the cat inside the carrier, and Baby starts to scratch the carrier, about to meow. But Lucien offers a cat treat, and it immediately quiets down.
I give Lucien a thumbs up - only he can do it.
Lucien: How about you sit in the back with Grandma Wen later? If Baby wants to come out, you can feed it some cat treats.
MC: Mm, no problem~
Grandma Wen: Is it time to leave? Let me grab a few things.
Grandma Wen goes back inside and returns with a Chángshān covered in a dustproof cover. I have a vague idea of who the owner of this robe might be.
Grandma Wen: I made this Chángshān for my husband when I was young. It was his favorite outfit. I'll bring it along for the photoshoot. So, it's as if he's also accompanying me.
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Lucien takes a half step forward, probably thinking that the gown in the bag is not light and wanting to help Grandma Wen get it into the car. However, when he catches my gaze, he takes a step back.
Lucien: Let's get in the car, Grandma.
Lucien opens both car doors, assists Grandma Wen into the car, helps her fasten the seatbelt, and then checks that the cat carrier on my lap is secure before closing the car doors.
[Part 3]
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After arriving at the photography studio, the makeup artist has to apply makeup and do the hair for Grandma Wen.
I'm worried that Grandma Wen might hesitate to communicate her needs with the makeup artist, so I am constantly accompanying her, talking to her, and helping her with her makeup.
Lucien is responsible for taking care of Baby, who starts running around as soon as they enter the photography studio.
Grandma Wen: When we first found Baby in the wild, it was only as big as the palm of a human hand. I made a nest for it with a towel, and it slept under the dining table.
Grandma Wen: In the blink of an eye, it has grown so big.
Grandma Wen: When it was little, it wasn't this mischievous. It used to lie in the corner every day obediently and didn't let anyone approach. As soon as someone got close, it would run away.
Grandma Wen: Now, it plays with birds, teases dogs, and does all sorts of daring things. There's nothing it's afraid to do.
Grandma Wen gently squeezes my hand and says.
Grandma Wen: You should go outside and take a look. It's not easy for Professor Lucien to keep an eye on Baby all by himself. There are machines everywhere here. Don't let that smelly cat cause any trouble for you.
I nod and walk out of the makeup room.
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In the living room of the photography studio, there is a bright lounge area. Lucien is holding a cat teaser toy, playing with Baby as it pounces back and forth on the sofa.
MC: You even brought a cat teaser wand?
Lucien: Not just that, I also have a cat jingle bell ball and a laser pointer in the trunk.
Lucien: I consulted my colleagues who have pets, and they said that if you want your pets to behave well for photos, you need to let them play for a good hour beforehand.
Lucien: Once they get tired from playing, they can cooperate more.
I walk over and sit down on the sofa, gently petting Baby's head. It doesn't resist and tilts its head up, allowing me to scratch its chin.
Lucien finds a moment to rest and casually picks up a book from the bookshelf, leaning back on the sofa.
MC: (smiles) It seems like this method is working. It's already behaving quite well now.
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Lucien: It's probably just temporarily tired from playing. After a short rest, it will be jumping around again.
Lucien: After all, it's the most mischievous kitten I've ever seen.
Lucien gently taps the top of the Baby's head, and the kitten raises its front paw, quickly grabbing his finger.
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Lucien: It climbs trees, catches birds, and even fights with stray cats... When it's full of energy, there's no stopping it.
I recall not too long ago when Baby went missing again. When we found it, it was in the middle of a fight with a stray cat outside, and its face was scratched up.
We were afraid that Grandma Wen would worry if she saw its condition, so we didn't return it directly. Instead, we told her that we were taking it to the hospital for a check-up and would bring it back once it recovered.
MC: (smiles softly) Do you remember what you said the last time we took Baby to the hospital?
Lucien: Hm?
MC: You said that despite its many escapades, Grandma Wen never considered keeping it indoors and always let it go out to play.
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Lucien: I remember, if it were up to me, I wouldn't let this little cat run wild everywhere.
I pick up the cat teaser toy and start playing with the little cat, swinging it on and off.
MC: As soon as we mentioned taking a family photo, Grandma Wen immediately thought of bringing the cat along.
MC: It's clear that in Grandma Wen's heart, it's her most important family member.
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MC: That's how it is among family members. No matter how worried or concerned we are, we still want the other person to be happy and do what they want to do.
Lucien: ….Our Great Producer has something to say and found a good way to start the conversation.
Noticing that I had a hidden agenda, Lucien had already guessed what it was.
Lucien: Grandma Wen already told you, didn't she?
MC: Right before the makeup session, Grandma Wen pulled me aside in a corner to talk.
MC: She said that you've been to the Matchmaker's Temple alone several times before and also visited her along the way.
I sigh meaningfully.
MC: Professor Lucien, have you encountered a problem that materialism* can't solve?
[T/N: Materialism in this context is more of a philosophical belief that only physical matter exists and that everything can be explained through the physical world and natural laws.]
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Lucien leans back leisurely on the sofa, wearing only a light smile.
Baby rolls over under his palm, purring contentedly.
Lucien: Gods don't solve problems. I'm a researcher, and I still have to uphold certain principles.
Lucien: But when it comes to matters of the heart, it's just too complicated... variables abound, and there's no optimal solution.
Lucien: So, I often wonder if a certain little fool occasionally worries about me or gets angry for me. Is it because I haven't done well enough?
He lifts the corner of his eyebrows, seeming not to be troubled by this matter, just candidly sharing his feelings.
The unbridled sunlight streams through the curtains, illuminating the tenderness in his eyes with exceptional clarity.
Lucien: Questions without answers are better left to metaphysics.
Lucien: Even if the problem doesn't get solved, you can still find some comfort in it to some extent.
As Lucien speaks, he no longer plays with Baby. The cat feels neglected and keeps nudging Lucien's palm with its head.
I stroke its fluffy head and realize that it's been a very long time since the first time I saw this cat with Lucien in the wheat field.
Some things probably don't have answers in either science or metaphysics; the experiences of life are what will eventually reveal the truth.
MC: Lucien, do you know what Grandma Wen just said to me?
Lucien: Tell me.
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MC: She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
MC: That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
MC: Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Lucien straightens up, seeing that there's no one around, and then suddenly leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.
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The warm sunshine reflects in his eyes as he looks at me. He smiles a little and casually picks up the kitty, holding it in his arms as if nothing happened.
Lucien: Grandma Wen is right.
[Part 4]
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After the lighting technician adjusts the lighting, Lucien and I stand in the corner of the photography studio.
Grandma Wen sits on the mahogany bench, spreading her husband's Chángshān flat across her lap. The photographer holds Baby and places it on the Chángshān.
The naturally mischievous cat is being incredibly well-behaved at this moment. No matter how the photographer handles it, it's willing to cooperate and even knows how to look at the camera.
Photographer: Grandma, please reach out your hand and gently touch the cat's head—yes, that's right, just a natural touch will do.
Photographer: This cat is so well-behaved, cooperative and calm.
Grandma Wen: Good Baby, I'll make you some fish to eat when we get back tonight.
Photographer: Grandma, let's maintain this pose and take two more shots.
Lucien gazes at the scene before him, momentarily lost in thought.
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Lucien: From the first time we entered her house, I noticed that there were no photos of her and her husband displayed in her home.
Lucien: Upon careful inquiry, I discovered that they had indeed never taken any photos together.
Lucien: ...Two people spending a lifetime together is something worth commemorating. They should have had a photo together.
After he says that, he turns his head slightly and whispers in my ear.
Lucien: Thanks to the producer's help, at least Grandma Wen has a family portrait now, regardless of the circumstances.
For a moment, I'm unsure of what to say.
He's truly humble for someone who has doubted his understanding of love.
After the shoot, Lucien and I accompanied Grandma Wen back the same way we came.
Grandma Wen: Stay for dinner. You two don't be so polite…
Grandma Wen: I feel bad that both of you have been busy all day. Having a meal together is no big deal, just a few extra pairs of chopsticks.
We don't want her to have to deal with cooking after a long day of photoshoots, so we politely decline.
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Lucien: Grandma, it's still early. MC and I plan to visit the Matchmaker Temple, so we won't stay.
Lucien: You've had a long day today. Remember to rest well.
MC: Yes, Grandma. After the photos are developed, I'll bring them to you right away. We'll have the meal you promised then.
Grandma Wen didn't insist on keeping us any longer, but she promised that the next time we visit, we must stay for a meal. We quickly nodded in agreement.
On the way to the Matchmaker Temple, the sun gradually sets, casting a beautiful array of evening colors between the trees and stone steps. It's hard for anyone walking through this scenery not to feel relaxed.
MC: It's quite rare for this place to be this peaceful.
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Lucien: Festivals have yet to happen recently, so there are very few tourists. The Matchmaker God can take a break too.
MC: With no incense burning at the Matchmaker Temple, does it mean that everyone hasn't been facing relationship difficulties? It seems like a good thing, doesn't it?
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Lucien: (shushes and whispers) Shhh... with a troubling view like that, you might upset the Matchmaker God. Be careful not to displease him.
I can't help but laugh at his teasing, and I also find his words reasonable. I quickly pull Lucien to pay respects to the Matchmaker and offer incense.
I hope that the Matchmaker is understanding and doesn't take my words to heart.
After offering incense and making a donation, Lucien and I found a couple of chairs inside the temple and sat down. We plan to watch the sunset for a while and leave when the temple closes.
The faint scent of sandalwood here blends with the natural aroma of the forest, creating a tranquil and enduring atmosphere that instantly soothes the heart. I lean closer to Lucien and ask softly.
MC: Lucien, what wishes did you make when you came here alone before? Have any of them come true?
Lucien bends slightly, brushing away a cluster of dandelion seeds that accidentally caught onto his shirt cuff. He then leisurely curves his lips into a smile.
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Lucien: I don't even remember the specific wishes I made anymore.
Lucien: They were probably just about small things, like planning to meet up but then having something come up at the research institute, causing me to break the appointment.
Lucien: Another example is when I promise to sleep well, but then accidentally stay up for a few nights and get caught by you.
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Lucien: (laughs softly)....
Lucien: Now that I think about it, they were indeed all trivial matters, and you've always been very understanding.
Lucien lifts his gaze, meeting my eyes.
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Lucien: Although we quickly forget these minor disagreements.
Lucien: But occasionally, I do pay attention to these little disagreements that fill our lives. After all, even the smallest things have their own meaning.
I can't help but let my lips curl up slowly, and Lucien lifts his chin, revealing a somewhat helpless expression.
Lucien: It's evident that the Great Producer is very pleased with my introspection.
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MC: …..Pfft, not exactly 'very'.
MC: I'm just marveling at how Professor Lucien sets such astonishingly high standards for himself.
MC: It seems like I don't reflect on my actions much when I make you angry... But from today on, I'll try to change that.
Lucien: [chuckles] It's okay.
Lucien changes the topic, and a smile spreads in his eyes.
Lucien: Now that I think about it, these little bumps and trivial matters aren't really that important.
He takes a knot from his pocket and hands it to me. The way the knot is tied resembles the peace knot that Grandma Wen had taught me before, but the weaving method seems more intricate.
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Lucien: This is a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave as a special thank you for us.
Lucien: She also said that the name of this knot is yí shì yíjiā (宜室宜家).
Lucien: Today, it seems like I have a clearer understanding of the meaning of this word.
[T/N: 宜室宜家 is a Chinese idiom that means "live harmoniously; make a harmonious and orderly home." It is often used as a congratulatory message on a wedding. The idiom comes from a line in the poem "Tao Yao" in the Book of Songs, which reads, "之子于归,宜其室家" (the son is returning home, where he should live harmoniously with his wife and make a harmonious and orderly home). And it fits with the date theme of living harmoniously together for a lifetime despite all the small bumps🥺.]
Suddenly, my heart feels soft, and I take a small step closer to Lucien's shoulder. I pick up my phone and open the front camera.
I put both of us in the frame.
The setting sun casts a gentle glow behind us, and the breeze is light, creating a tranquil and beautiful atmosphere.
MC: The sunset today looks beautiful. Let's take a photo together.
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MC: 3, 2, 1–
My trailing voice fades away in the warm breath as Lucien lowers his head and kisses me.
[Bonus Call - "Family Portrait"]
Lucien: Hello, it's me. I have some good news to tell you.
MC: What is it?
Lucien: Didn't you put Grandma Wen's family portrait photo on the company's public social media account?
MC: Um... Grandma Wen said it was okay, so I posted it. What's the matter?
Lucien: A professor from the university recognized Grandma Wen's clothes and said he had seen the person in the photo before, right at the West Moon Street intersection.
Lucien: This professor was a photography enthusiast when he was younger, and at the time, he noticed Grandma Wen's well-dressed appearance and couldn't resist taking a photo.
Lucien: Later on, he always wanted to give the photo to Grandma Wen, but he went to West Moon Street a few times and never encountered them again.
MC: "Them?"
Lucien: Mm, that's the good news I wanted to share. The photo the professor took is a picture of Grandma Wen and her husband.
MC: That's quite a coincidence!
Lucien: There's an even greater coincidence.
Lucien: I just got my hands on this photo, and in it, Grandma Wen is holding a tiny kitten the size of her palm.
MC: Is it Baby?
Lucien: Judging by its patterns, it seems so.
Lucien: Although the photo is quite old, I've contacted a professional photo restoration expert, and if all goes well, it should be restored within about a week.
MC: So, we can bring this photo to Grandma Wen next weekend?
Lucien: Exactly. They're real family portraits, and I hope it can truly make up for her regrets.
MC: ...It's really amazing, it feels like there's something guiding us in all of this.
Lucien: Who knows, maybe it really is.
Lucien: Let's go together to get the photo restored later. I know you're eager to see it as soon as possible.
MC: Um—I'll finish up what I'm doing, and then I'll come find you right away!
[Lux's Short Rambles]
I didn't expect this date to be this good huhu. It's far better than last pet date where it feels like a plot that got way longer than it should 😂. It's also nice to see old NPCs getting mentioned again. The story of Grandma Wen with her husband is touching.
The theme of spending a lifetime together, despite how short life is, never fails got my heart clenched. And I love how this date highlights what a sensitive person Lucien is (in a good way, well, most of the time). He doesn't mind her getting angry at him because he knows that she does it because she cares about him. But he also genuinely fears that she might not be happy; so he goes to the Matchmaker's Temple alone and cares about these small conflicts, believing that they also have meaning :". But in the end, such trivial things and bumps on the road don't matter compared to being able to live their whole lives together, so rather than getting caught up in minor conflicts or trivial matters along the way it's better to priotize living together harmoniously for a lifetime.
He also noticed the smallest things, like how Grandma Wen and her husband never had their photo taken together since the very first time he and MC met Grandma Wen back in S1 Chapter 9. To quote MC, for someone who claimed he doesn't understand what love is, he's truly humble; perhaps back then, he already understands what love is in his heart by loving MC.
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
A(nother) Difference Between That '70s Show and That '90s Show.
I've written about depth of characterization before, but I realized today by looking at the T7S circle .gifs by @tht70sblog that the life issues the T9S kids face (save Oz) are nowhere on the same level as those from T7S (S1-S5, at least). This might add to the Disney show feeling people have expressed about T9S.
T7S has very realistic parental neglect and abuse issues and the emotional effects of that childhood wounding. Parents who don't set proper boundaries with their kid, which creates a different cluster of emotional wounding that affects the kid's worldview and behavior. And gives specific details (or the whys) to make all this characterization abundantly clear.
The threat of homelessness at seventeen (several times) and fears of a bleak future. Significant betrayal in teen relationships. A son whose more sensitive nature doesn't fit with his father's idea of masculinity, which has a breadth of consequences (some good, some damaging). A pregnancy scare for a high school sophomore. Teen girls whose gender expression and interests don't fit stereotypes.
The list goes on.
This depth, seriousness, and kind of issues facing the characters of T7S resonates very much with my time as a teenager in high school (long after the '70s 😅). For instance: a friend with an emotionally and physically abusive mother who kicked her out of home in the middle of the night (not for the first time), and that friend showing up at my home for shelter.
That's only one specific example with the most basic of details (because privacy 😁), but T7S reflects so much of my serious teen experiences in its stories (not necessarily autobiographically but in spirit). Also the fun and great times (and burns, which we didn't call burns) during those years, too -- just like the T7S characters. It was a mixture. Both harrowing in a lot of ways and fulfilling.
T9S isn't there. Maybe it won't ever be because it's not the same show as T7S and isn't intended to go that deeply or realistically into teen life.
But T7S does while still capturing the humor that exists during all the crap teens have to go through or get themselves into.
That being said, the T9S teens are a little younger than the T7S teens (talking about the characters, not actors). Leia fretting over having a first kiss with Jay is sweet, and it's definitely a dilemma fifteen-year-olds have.
But when I was fifteen, friends were often fretting about a lot more than a kiss. Jackie and Kelso's sexual relationship when she's a sophomore and he's a junior is closer to my specific experience (with a few first kisses sprinkled in).
I find myself and parts of my life in T7S. I connect to the characters, their connections to one another, and what they go through.
I love Red and Kitty in T9S and enjoy the teens' antics and personalities. Even if the show remains more surface with its depiction of teen life in the '90s, I hope it goes deeper with the characters and builds the connections / friendships among them so we understand*why* they care about one another and hang out (with Leia and Gwen's friendship as the exception since that gets good development in S1).
Give me a "Class Picture" (T7S, S4) type of flashback like how Fez became part of the group that shows why Oz chose the other T9S kids as friends and vice versa. Right now, I have no idea.
Gwen's brother, Nate, is Jay's best friend. Nate is dating Nikki, and Leia is Gwen and Nate's neighbor during the summer. That explains the *why* of their interactions. It doesn't explain or illustrate the deeper connections among them, however. With sixteen episodes for S2, I hope the writers use that space for episodes like T7S's "Hyde Moves In," "Sleepover," "Cat Fight Club," "Grandma's Dead," "Eric's False Alarm," "The Pill," and so on that showcase and develop the relationships among the characters.
Side note: If I knew had to add a *read more (under the cut)* on mobile, I would. 🫣
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 60
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Third POV
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"Child, it's time to wake up. Dinner is ready, and we're eating it together - like a family." Grandma Abigail said while knocking on the bedroom door.
"Not hungry."
"Gurl, get your ass up! Come on! Abbie took a liking to you, so come on! Stop being so over dramatic!" Veronika shouts from behind the door.
Eboni almost snapped again but remembers her words. The sooner she gets through this, the sooner she'll be out of their lives. But Eboni can't help but question why they reached out to her in the first place. Considering how their treating her, it isn't out of love. Just what's their motive?
"Alright! Be down in five!" She shouts, crawling out of bed and reaches in her bag to put on a pair of pink leggings and a crop white hoodie with a pink heart in the middle.
The teen grabs her phone and leaves one airpod in her ear. She slips on her house shoes and opens her door, glad no one is there waiting for her on the other side. Eboni starts walking mindlessly, forgetting her way to the dining room - not that she cares. Why not explore a mansion that she'll never get the luxury to live it?
The floor is marble white, walls bricked and painted white as well. Eboni doesn't have a problem with the color white, but white on white like this can give anyone a headache. What this place needs is a splash of...color.
That's when the teen stumbles across a black metal door. It's odd how she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings yet is drawn to this door. The hall has no other rooms, no windows, and no stairs, just this door. Eboni moves closer to the door, reaching for the handle until a voice breaks her from her trance.
Veronika clears her throat, crossing her arms over her chest. "What are you doing?"
"Why is this room so secluded?"
"None of your business. No one is allowed in there. Now come on. Dinner is getting cold."
"Tch. Whatever..." she whisper, "led the way. This damn place is a maze."
Veronika eyes Eboni but doesn't say anything. Her glare is enough of a warning. The two walk into the dining room in silence, though the table is full of chatter. The only sit available is in between Kenneth & Abbie. Eboni was never close to her uncle. Her father never favored leaving his daughter alone with him for reasons she never knew.
"Hi Eboni!" The girl greets with a shy smile, holding her bunny close to her chest.
She looks at the child boredly, tilting her head. "Ah yeah...hey..who gave you that bunny? Your mom?"
Abbie shakes her head, smiling sadly. "It was a gift from my dad... the last one he gave me before he went bye-bye."
"I see... my parents gave me one too. I brought it with me. I'll show you mine later."
"Really? Maybe we can play too?" Abbie asked hopefully.
Eboni smiles softly, rubbing the child's head. "Yeah. We'll play together soon, promise."
Eboni stares at her food, questioning if she should eat it or not. She doesn't trust these people, not even for a second. With these thoughts, she feels something rubbing against her shin from under the table. Eboni looks down, noticing a kitty.
The girl smiles sadly, lowering her hand down to scoop the kitty onto her lap. She keeps the cat hidden, feeding it small bites of her food. No one seems to notice, except for Kenneth. For some reason, he can't keep his eyes off his niece. When has she grown to be so beautiful?- in a scary sort of way. His wife, of course, notices his stares but doesn't correct him. Instead, she hangs her head low, ashamed on what may take place later on in the night.
When dinner is finally over, everyone gathers into the living room to pass out one gift for everyone to open. Eboni watches from the corner of the room, memories of happier times flashing in her brain. She has to swallow the lump building in her throat as she witnesses the excitement in Abbie's eyes.
This used to be her. Dancing around the Christmas tree with her parents, opening one gift on Christmas Eve, drowning in eggnog and sugar cookies. Those her were happiest moments, and being forced to witness it all only fuels her hatred for this family.
A presence near her disrupts her thoughts, the person clearing their throat to get her attention. Eboni turns her head, looking up at her uncle Kenneth.
He holds out a glass a wine for her, smiling. "You looked a little down, thought this might help."
Eboni raises a brow but takes the drink. She isn't going to drink it, she learned her lesson from Alex. A lesson she'll never forget. The girl doesn't bother looking at Kenneth, keeping her eyes on the gift opening and family dancing.
"Not gonna talk to me?"
"What is there to say? I don't know you. You don't know me. I see nothing wrong with keeping it that way." She said nonchalantly.
"Aw, don't be like that kid. I'm your uncle for crying out loud."
"Mhm. My uncle, that didn't show up to my parents' funeral. Yeah, I know." Eboni said, voice voided.
Kenneth sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look... I'm sorry. I should've been there for you. All of us should have. Sorry for not showing. It's just that... you're dad, and I weren't on the best of terms. You were too young to understand."
"I'm not that eight year old girl anymore. Spit it out or leave me the fuck alone." Eboni grumbles.
Kenneth's eyes trail down Eboni's body, his lip quirk-ing up a bit. "Yeah... yeah, you're right. Your mother was a beautiful woman. My brother and I were the talk of the town. We'd pass our women around to each other. We were close like that. But then your mom came into the picture. I made my move on her, and that asshole broke my nose! He should've made it clear that she was off the market - married or not. He got a taste of my wife. Why couldn't I get a taste of h-"
Eboni lowers her now empty glass, tears building in her eyes and a hand over her mouth. ".....you didn't show for their funeral because of something so...so low? So, petty? Are you kidding me right now?"
Kenneth frowns, all eyes now on the two. "You're gonna pay for that kid." He whispers, low enough for only Eboni to hear. The older male then storms off, his wife running after him.
Eboni places her glass down on the nearest table, ignoring looks of confusion. She goes straight to her room and closes the door. She grabs her nightgown and other hygienic things used during her showers and rushes into the bathroom. She turns the water onto ice cold and steps inside, lowering her head under the showerhead.
Calm down. Calm down.
How can she calm down after being told such disgusting things. So what if her father used to be a dunce bag? He changed. Her mother changed him. Eboni is sure all those women were just hoes in the first place, just wanting to get to the money in his pockets. But Amara was different. Her father had enough common sense to not let his true love go even if it meant giving up his family just to be with her.
Once she feels her raging emotions calm, she begins her nightly routine. After her shower, she blow drys her hair and drys her body- slipping into her nightgown. When done, she walks out of her bathroom, greeted by Kenneth, walking in and locking the bedroom door behind himself.
Eboni tenses, the atmosphere instantly shifting to a theme she's all too familiar with. Her uncle moves from the door, crossing his arms over his chest. He grins, eyes scanning her body from head to toe.
"You know... you're just as beautiful as your mother. It's ashame I couldn't get a taste of her. Every time I tried, my selfish little brother would get in the way. He even moved! Ugh! Can you believe that? Anyways, since you look so much like her...I guess you'll have to do."
At this point, Kenneth is now towering over the her - a perverted grin taking over his lips as he licks them. This is why her father never allowed her uncle around. He's a predator, a sick demented predator. Eboni is sure Kenneth forced her father to partake in his antics by some type of manipulation - whatever the reason it wasn't of his free will. This family, this whole mansion, is full of monsters.
Without a second thought, Eboni knees him in his groin and runs out of her room. The male falls to the ground, spurring curses at her. The girl runs and runs until she once again stumbles across the black door. Eboni gulps, quickly looking around before approaching the door.
She reaches to turn the nob, but it's locked. Swearing, she pulls at the nob, hearing her uncle grow closer. The fear, that disgust of her experience with Alex, is beginning to make her panic. She can't go through it again. She won't.
Reaching into her hair, she pulls out a bobbypin and begins picking at the lock. She always keeps one in her hair, even after washing it. The closer he got, the more unsteady her hands became. Before he turns the corner, the lock clicks. Eboni pushes the door and rushes inside, closing it behind herself gently to not alert him.
Eboni locks the door from the inside and sighs in relief. It's a long walk down this hallway, and a knee to the balls will definitely keep him at bay for a while. She takes this short time to glance around the room.
It's a huge office, a file cabinet right next to the long desk that is covered in monitors. This must be the control room, but why would Veronika be so cautious when Eboni discovered the door? Because of this question, the girl moves closer to the desk - a file laid on it - said file with her name on it.
"The hell?" she questions, opening the file and reading through it.
The more Eboni reads, the more sick she feels to her stomach. Her whole life. Everything. From the moment she was given away up to now. Everything has been documented and kept inside this file. They knew of her whereabouts. They've kept taps on her since the beginning yet did nothing to bring her back. They simply did not want her back, so why go to such lengths to keep taps on someone you don't want?
That question is put on hold when the sound of the doorknob turning is heard. Eboni quickly places the flies down and runs to hide under the desk. She pulls herself as far as possible, bringing her knees to her chest and places her hand over her mouth & nose.
"Ma, that brat is smarter than we thought!" Veronika whines. "And Kenny, you should've left her be. I saw how you were looking at her - ya' sick freak."
"Oh fuck you! I can't help that she's thicker than her mother!"
"God, you're so -"
"Shush up now! You know the goal for this! You two are supposed to make her feel welcomed, not drive a bigger wedge between us!"
"Well, you weren't being too nice with her either." The woman grumbles, sounding like a child.
"Mhm. Anyways, yes... she is smarter than we gave her credit for. Poisoning her food was to amateurish, especially since that was done to her before." Abigail sighs, pitching the bridge of her nose.
"No shit. She was feeding that damn cat the food. Poor thing is dead somewhere around here." Kenneth said with a shrug.
"We could just stage another car accident." Veronika points out.
Eboni heart stops as ringing fills her ears. Another car accident? What the hell did she mean by that? Theres no way they played a part in... there's just no way -
"No, Veronika. The police are getting suspicious of us now thanks to your irresponsibility and lack of patience. You could've stayed with your husband for another year or so before killing him."
"He was hogging all the money! It was pissing me off!"
"I don't blame him. You're the reason we're in this financial situation in the first place. Hope his life insurance policy is paying off." Kenneth sighs, annoyed.
"No, it's n-"
"Our company is about to go bankrupt because of you, girl! Once everything goes according to plan, I will be keeping you on a tight leash. Do you understand Veronika?" Abigail scolds.
"Yeah... yeah, ma...to bad that brat doesn't have a life insurance policy like her parents did."
"Agreed." Kenneth grumbles. "Could use half a mil right now."
"Enough chit chat. Listen, my children. Tomorrow will go accordingly: Eboni will be included in everything. She is to feel welcomed and loved. Then, when her guard is down, Kenneth will slip the toxins into whatever she'll be drinking - AFTER signing the papers. Get her drunk as well before handing her the papers."
Papers? What papers?
"Yeah, yeah. Treat her nice, get her drunk, make her sign over everything her parents left her, then BOOM! The toxins will kill her. Sounds full proof to me." Veronika said with a grin.
"Same...ugh- too bad I won't ever know what her insides feel like.." Kenneth pouts sadly.
"Again. Such a demented fucker!"
"Enough! Argue someplace else. It's time for me to rest. Prepare yourselves for tomorrow. This plan can not fall through, understand?"
"Yes ma'."
After the three leave, Eboni stays under the desk a little while longer- processing all she just heard. They did this. They planned all of it. They killed her parents for money, and now they're trying to do the same to her. All this pain, this abandonment, the endless misery. All of it brought to her thanks to her father's greedy family.
She slowly crawls out from underneath, body racking in so many emotions - her mind drowning in endless memories of her torment filled life. Eboni reaches for her file again, skipping to the final sheet inside. The girl pulls it out, reading over it slowly.
"This is the will of Amara Brown & Anthony Brown. All funds made by us will go to our daughter, Eboni Brown. Our life savings are to be kept inside a trust fund that she won't have access to until she turns eighteen. She is to be placed under the care of Veronika or Tiffany. Kenneth is never allowed near Eboni Brown, no matter the circumstances. In the events something happens to our precious princess, the funds shall be given to Anthony's parents- Abigail, and Clarence Brown. Nothing is to be shared among Anthony' siblings."
- Amara & Anthony Brown♡
She has to scream.
She needs to.
But she doesn't. Eboni holds it in as tears roll down her cheeks. All this time... all this time, it was them. They took her parents, placed her in the foster system, and made her endure home after unstable home in hopes one of those homes brought death. Tiffany, thankfully, somehow gotten ahold to Eboni when she should've been placed under her care to begin with.
There are so many unanswered questions. So many missing details, though Eboni will get all her answers - she'll make sure of it. Eboni has tried being a decent human being despite the hand she's been dealt with. She tried to keep her mind grounded, well rounded - but that white line, the thin white string has snapped.
They're going to pay. She's going to bring them hell. But not quickly. No. No, this has to be planned - well thought out. She's working on the clock here, and her head is also up on the chopping block, yet Eboni isn't worried. Unlike her family, she knows better - more skilled people to help her out.
Eboni collects herself, reaching under her gown and pulls out her phone she had resting in her bra. "BEN. I know you hear me. I need a favor."
Her phone screen glitches as BEN appears on it. He grins, raising a brow at Eboni's tear stained cheeks. "Whoa, are you -"
"I'm fine. I will be." Eboni shows BEN the monitors on the desk. "Think you can hack into them?"
"Duh. But you're pretty fair out. Out of Slenderman's jurisdiction."
"Is that an issue for you?"
"Nope! I'll be more powerful out of his range. It just might attract unwanted attention." BEN warns but shrugs nonchalantly.
"We'll deal with that later. I'll send you more information later. Stay in touch."
"Alright. Tell Jeff I said nice hair." BEN snickers before Eboni's phone screen returns back to normal.
The girl rolls her eyes, glancing around the desk again. She notices a map of the entire mansion, from the outside perimeter to all the wings and rooms within the mansion. Eboni takes pictures of everything, including her file and the will. When done, she sends everything to Jeff, placing her phone back against her bra strap.
As she walks towards the door, she notices a safe in a far corner of the room. Curious, she moves to it- rolling her eyes at how rusty it looks. Why keep something so old anyways? What could be inside? These thoughts in mind, Eboni begins punching in random numbers hoping to crack the code- but none work.
Out of spite, she puts in her birthday, eyes widening as the safe clicks open. She opens the door to the small safe, gasping at what's inside. Eboni pulls out a pink hand gun, bullets, and a note.
-to my princess from your dad.
Happy eighteenth birthday!
P.s. don't tell your mother ;)
Eboni laughs sadly, feeling more tears coming. The gun is beautiful, pastel pink with little charms over it. Eboni reads the engraving, allowing the few tears to fall as she stands back up - closing the safe door.
"My one and only princess..." she whispers aloud before placing the gun between her breast - making sure the gun is on lock before doing so.
Eboni carefully opens the door, peeking her head out. Sighing in relief, she steps out- closing the door behind. She quickly dashes down the hall, checking every corner before entering a new hall. When in the hall leading towards her room, she notices Abbie waiting for her with bunny in hand.
The girl's eyes brighten at the sight of Eboni and meet her halfway. "Eboni Eboni!"
"It's almost Christmas!"
Eboni rolls her eyes. "I know...what about it?"
"Well...um...wanna stay up and wait to spot Santa?" The eight year old asks shyly.
Eboni lowers herself down, tilting her head. "Abbie....there's something you should know."
"What is it? Are you gonna say yes?"
"No. The opposite. Santa isn't real."
Abbie's eyes widen as tears fill them. "That...that's not true! Momma said-"
"Your mother is a god damn liar."
"Those aren't nice words!"
"I'm not a very nice person."
"I'm gonna tell momma what you said!"
"Go ahead. That won't suddenly make santa real. How about you stay up and watch Uncle Kenneth eat those Christmas cookies you worked so hard on. If santa eats the cookies before him, then I'm the liar. If not- then your mother is."
Abbie nods her head, but her tears continue falling. "Fine! I'm gonna prove you wrong!" She shouts before running away.
Eboni rolls her eyes before walking into her room. She quickly scans around, checking every hiding place Kenneth could possibly be in. The girl is too paranoid to leave anything up to chance. When done, she goes to lock her door and place a chair under the doorknob for extra measure.
Eboni turns off her light and reaches in her bag to pull out her bunny. She turns it around, unzipping the back and placing the gun, bullets, and note inside. She puts on her bonnet and lays down, holding her bunny close and phone by her side.
While drifting off to sleep, her phone dings. Frowning, she picks it up, smiling at the text from Jeff. Her smile turns crazed at what his message read. He always knows exactly what she's thinking.
DD🖤🗡: When?
E: Tomorrow morning. I'll let you know when. Study the map and layouts. BEN will be helping with the cameras & power.
DD🖤🗡: This isn't my first run, princess. I know what to do. Now go to sleep.
E: Yes, Daddy😘
Eboni grins, placing her phone down and rolling onto her back to stare at the ceiling.
It's about time Eboni Brown finally says,
Fuck it.
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turtlemagnum · 10 months
so, quick summation of today's thanksgiving:
family didn't mind me wearing my noise cancelling headphones! i could still hear em just fine because they're loud and i wasnt listening to music, so that's fine
my grandpa got mildly upset when it turned out the clearly already opened and drank out of 2 liter of mtn dew wasn't brought for anyone but me (the guy who drank out of it with his mouth), but he stopped caring when the guy who owns the house was like "dude, we've got mtn dew". i knew they'd have drinks of their own which was why i didn't bother to bring something for them (aside from me fully expecting for the mtn dew to be what keeps me sane), but i wasn't expecting them to also just straight up have mtn dew
i don't like turkey, it's one of two meats i've had that i actively dislike. but sadly, it's the one bird our shitty founders happened to eat, so it's some harebrained fucking tradition, but whatever. the thing is, parts of my family also insist on having fucking ham, which is literally the only other meat i dislike!!! i like pork, chicken, beef, all kindsa fuckin fish, but they just surgically fucking target the two meats that i dislike!!! my aunt noticed this, and we talked about it a bit and she said she might get some chicken next year for me, which was nice. still, the rolls were decent and dessert was pretty alright, so it's not like im starved or anything
maybe it's just that i'm soft spoken, but i definitely felt like i got talked over and unheard a lot. wasn't nice! still, i managed to make people laugh a couple of times, so that was nice!!!
my uncle had a spacex hoodie on. i didn't wanna ask but i was mildly disappointed in him, albeit not remotely surprised
my aunt and uncle (different ones than the other ones previously mentioned, these are the ones that i'm close enough to actually consider to be family) kept asking if i was coming over to christmas this year, for god knows what fucking reason because the only reason i didn't go last year was because they weren't hosting. no fuckin clue what was going on there
i made a crack at my grandma (which is fairly typical for the entire family, pretty much everybody present also made a crack at her (to be clear the entire family does this to one another, but my grandma is rancid and is the one that usually starts shit so to me it's moreso retaliatory but eh)), but my mom specifically calls me out for it for some fuckin reason (my aunt said that what i said was a good one, at least, made everyone laugh)
got to pet puppies and a kitty!!! the cat used my balls as a place to put his paws before jumping, so i experienced something adjacent to getting kicked in the balls by a cat, so that sucked! didn't hurt that bad though, cat was about as gentle as one kicking you in the balls could be. cat liked being pet under his chin, younger dog was fairly energetic and loving, old man dog was slow and relatively immobile but still affectionate. overall, good time with the animals!! had to take a benedryl when i got home, but i didn't take enough to meet the hat man so i should be fine
all in all, not as bad as i was expecting, the animals were nicer than the last time i came! decent thanksgiving, even if i wasn't able to truly commit to the sin of gluttony
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macchiatioo · 7 months
Something about growing up that people don't talk about is how certain people become frozen in time.
What do you mean my niece is about to graduate high school? What do you mean she has her license and a car and a job and a boyfriend? She's still 10 years old. She wears clothes from Justice and her favorite movie is Tangled and she likes gymnastics and singing and Minecraft. I love her.
What do you mean my nephew is almost eight years old? What do you mean? He's still five and I can still comfortably carry him. He still calls transfer trucks "meat trucks". He doesn't spend all day staring at a screen. He still refers to petting an animal as "softing" because I told him pet a dog softly. I love him.
What do you mean my mom is 60? She's still 40 and she's making me punch on a sunny day in autumn while I run around in my Halloween costume and the windows are open and the curtains are blowing. She's still 40 and and helping me make bed at summer camp with my Strawberry Shortcake comforter. I love her.
What do you mean my dad is 61? I'm still in a hospital room watching Bleach at midnight with him because there's no point in going to sleep when I know the nurse is going to wake me up to take my vitals. We're still playing in the hotel pool together. I love him.
What do you mean my cat is 16 years old? What do you mean he doesnt play much any more? We just got him as a kitten. He jumped and climbed on and scratched all the furniture. He would keep me up all night by jumping on my bed and walking all over me and attacking my feet and licking my hair. I love him.
My do you mean I said goodbye to my great uncle in a casket almost 4 years ago? We're still at my grandparents house playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero. He still brings his black lab, Buddy, over. He still rides his motorcycle. He still comes over for holidays. We're still grilling on the porch. We're still looking at the constellations. We're still hoping for snow. I love him.
What do you mean my old friend and classmate got murdered at 22? He's 8. He didn't become a jerk in middle school. It's October. I'm at his house for his birthday party. His mom is cutting the birthday cake too small. His dad hasn't died yet and is still pretending to be the hulk and is play wrestling with him. He's still on the basketball team. I love him.
What do you mean I stopped talking to my first best friend in middle school? We're still having a sleepover. Her mom made fudge. We're playing in an inflatable pool. We're at her grandmother's house watching shark week. She still wears horribly bright knee high sneakers and and suspenders and tutus from Claire's. Her eyeliner wings are huge and her mascara is clumpy. I love her.
What do you mean I don't talk to my cousins or my brothers anymore? I love them.
What do you mean I'm 22? What do you mean I graduated college? I'm 3, I'm 7, I'm 10, I'm 12, I'm 15, I'm 16, 17, 18, I'm, I'm, I'm. I wear pink frilly night gowns. I have a canopy bed. I pretend I'm asleep so I can be carried from the car. I'm in a hospital bed. I'm at grandma's house. I'm on the playground. I like the Jonas Brothers. I like One Direction. I like Barbie movies and Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears and My Little Pony and Totally Spies and Winx Club and Hello Kitty and and and and. I'm watching my first horror movie. I'm by the pond under the willow tree. It's Christmas. It's Halloween. It's Easter. It's my birthday at the bowling alley and everyone showed up. It's my birthday at the park and no one showed up. I'm in high school and playing volleyball at lunch. It's my second year of college and I'm getting milkshakes and watching Big Brother with my roommates. I'm playing Smash Bros on the living room floor. I'm planning on breaking into area 51. I'm scared of the dark and too tall slides. I love her.
My love is an embalming fluid. My life is 10 or more dioramas and we're all glued to the floor. You didn't leave me and I didn't leave you. It's a book that I keep rereading. No one prepared me for a grief like this. You're all Eurydice and I keep looking back.
What do you mean?
I love you.
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Fractals and Feathers:Pt1
For as long as Damian could remember, his grandfather had grumbled about his wings. The outer color was fitting for the League, a deep pine green with brown eye-markings near the base. The underside, however… Were a soft, baby pink that faded into a grey-white. His soulmate was obviously some civilian girl who had no problems in her life. “It is unbecoming. If you were to ever meet this person, you must end them on sight, salvage some form of dignity.” Ra’s lectured, sneering down at Damian. “If you fail to do this, you will lose the right to have wings at all.” With that threat, Ra’s swept out of the training room, leaving Damian to consider what he must do.
The next five years were spent with Damian training hard, the threat of having his wings removed hanging over his head. He kept an eye out for his soulmate anytime he was out on a mission either with his mother or when he was alone. He was determined to not get his wings ripped from him, no matter what fate wanted for him. This went on until the fateful day his mother took him away from all he knew, and left him with his father. His father’s wings were jet black with small points of pure white like stars on the underside and slate grey with blue and purple markings on the outside. Damian didn’t care about the colors of the other boys’ wings, and ignored the color of his own, choosing to keep them tucked close enough that only the grey edges of the bottoms showed at all. This is why it took him 2 weeks to notice the first cracks.
Marinette had always found the dichotomy of her wings interesting. The light, pale pink fading to grey on the back, and the dark pine green on the underside. She thought it was pretty, and just a bit mysterious. Somehow, on hot days the inside of her wings would be just a bit cooler than the rest of her, soothing the heat just enough to be comfortable. On cold days, they gave off the heat of the summer sun, warming her through the cold nights in her attic bedroom. When Marinette got her miraculous, she worried about her wings giving her away, but instead of her pink/grey and green wings, she found that the pink was replaced by bright red with black dots, and the green was changed to black with red dots. Meeting up with Chat, she found him with startling acid-green and black patterned wings. “I guess they want to protect our identities.” He joked, laughing and admiring the pattern. “Let’s not focus on that, Kitty.” She sighed and turned to face Stoneheart. “This is scary enough as is without thinking about if they didn’t hide our wing colors.” “True… Let’s go.” His face turned suddenly serious. “Do you have a plan?” Stoneheart took time to defeat, and Ladybug forgot the Akuma, so they had to clean it up later, but… They were pretty happy with the partners they were starting to become. They started to get to know each other, not revealing identities, but learning everything else about each other. Until one day, Chat brought up something interesting. “Hey, what happens to your wings if something happens to your soulmate?” “Why do you ask, Kitty?” Ladybug paused as she was unpacking the dinner she’d brought with the two of them. “Someone I know, they commented about the color of a person’s wings when we were out together. They said something about how that person had lost their soulmate. Nobody ever said anything to me about the colors changing if we lose them.” He stared at his gloved palms, seeming to not see anything at all. “Why? Did yours change color recently?” Ladybug asked, alarmed. “No! No, they’re the same as always, but… My… My mother disappeared a while ago, and I want to know what to look for and how to know what happened to her if I see my father’s wings change.” He sighed deeply, dropping his head into his hands. “I know I can’t say more because we can’t know who each other are, but I just… I’m so terrified to see them changed one day.” Ladybug wrapped an arm and wing around Chat, pulling him to lean on her shoulder. “Oh Cat. I can tell you, but try to stay positive, okay?” At his nod, she continued. “Your color on the underside of your wings will change if your soulmate dies. If they die of old age, they turn pure white, if they were sick, pure black, if they had an accident, they become silver, if they died a hero or sacrificed themselves for someone, they turn gold, and… If they were killed, they turn blood red.” Ladybug sighed at the end and hugged Chat tighter. “Does your father have any of those colors without any other color or pattern? It’s only plain colors with no other pattern for if the person has died.” Chat took a deep breath, shaking his head, “No, they still look like Mom’s wings as of last I saw them. We… Don’t talk much.” He hugged Ladybug tightly, wrapping his wings around under the one she had put over his shoulders. “Thanks, Bug, I’m glad I know now… At least I know she’s still alive out there. Somewhere.” They finished their dinner, flying a circuit around Paris to make sure all is well before they called it a night. The next few weeks passed, and they kept up with the Akuma Victims, making sure to check in on the victims after each fight. The people of Paris started noticing something odd as this continued though. The Akuma fights, even though all damage was reversed after each one, were affecting their wings and those of their soulmates.
Damian squinted at the small spider-webbing of cracks that glowed gold on the underside of his wings. It reminded him of kintsugi in appearance, subtle cracks that showed gold between the usual colors. “Father, what does this mean? I thought your wings only changed color if your soulmate died?” He finally asked after the number of cracks increased to stretch in geometric patterns across the pink and grey feathers. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen this before.” Bruce frowned, looking closely and waving Tim over to him. “Will you try to find anything you can about this phenomena?” Uncharacteristically serious, Tim nodded and went to work right away, his red and black wings draped over his chair comfortably. Damian turned away before he noticed the colors inside his wings, not wanting to know. A sharp beep alerted him to his phone, and he raised an eyebrow at the photo. “It would seem Kent is having a similar problem.” He showed Tim the photo Jon had sent of his own wings, the blonde and emerald green feathers also showing cracks, in a similar geometric pattern, but in a mix of gold and blood red. “I shall inform him that we are already looking into it.” “Yes, let Jon know that we’re working on it. If his case increases at any point, or anyone else around him experiences it, have him notify us.” Tim called over his shoulder as he continued to work on the program he was making to search with.
How long does it take for your wings to change color when your soulmate dies?
Marinette chewed her fingernail as she scrolled through the results, reading a few different reports comparing the reported time of death and when the soulmates’ wings changed color, mostly reported by hospitals in the case of illness or death. “Within two or three minutes. That explains a lot, actually. But then why are they not completely changed, just showing cracks?” “You have dealt with some pretty destructive Akuma recently.” Tikki recalled from her place on her Chosen’s shoulder. “Maybe those only kinda count because they would have been permanent if you hadn’t done the Cure?” “I suppose. Syren was pretty intense, and so many of the people who have the markings were probably people whose loved ones and even they themselves drowned.” Marinette sighed. “I wonder what Mamman and Papa think about all this?” “You could probably ask them… It isn’t so strange to wonder since you can see the cracks in their wings, and in other people’s at school.” Tikki suggested. “Good idea, what would I do without you?” Marinette giggled, patting Tikki’s head and opening the edge of her blazer so Tikki could listen in from there. The bakery was quiet at the moment, so Marinette had little trouble catching a few minutes of her parents’ time. “What do you think about them? I saw Alya and Nino with the markings at school and I’m not sure what they mean.” “Well, I’ve seen them before, but not this much on one person.” Her Papa said carefully, “Your Grandpa Roland had a heart attack not long before your Maman and I got together. Did you notice the black edging to some of Grandma Gina’s feathers?” “I thought she just had black markings.” Marinette answered softly. “On the back of her wings, yes, but his wings are just grey and white with the black tips.” Tom sighed, rubbing his face. “This many cracks… and the mix of colors. It’s very unusual. I can only assume it’s because of the akuma attacks. Which means that either your soulmate is very lucky, or they aren’t in Paris.”
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your-greatest-queen · 2 years
I just watched the most heartbreaking scene
My great grandma has worked so hard her entite life. Even in old age she was taking care of her siblings and her friends and after they all died, she started looking after animals, often times very sick ones.
She's in her 80s now, so she's finally stopped working and adopted a sweet old kitty that was in great health. She loved this cat for years, helped her through A LOT of pregnancies before getting her fixed, and took care of her through thick and thin.
After my grandma's partner died, his family (asshole people) told her she has to move because the house is under his name and they want to sell it (they aren't even giving her any of the money afterwards).
Since she's too old to take care of a whole house anyway, but is still too healthy to move into the senior living section of the hospital, she has to move into the town's senior apartments, which do not allow pets.
So my mum and I are taking the cat to live with us. We've had this plan in place since about April, so everyone was prepared, but today (July 14) we finally went to get her.
It was really upsetting. I don't cry over much, but seeing my great grandma sobbing as she said goodbye to her kitty was heartbreaking. My grandma (her daughter) was crying, my mum was crying, everyone was crying over seeing my great grandma so sad. She made my grandma promise to take her to our house (in another city an hour away) so she could visit the kitty.
She had people in town offer to take the cat, but she insisted we have her, so I know that she knows we'll take good care of her. But she was still so sad and I get it, I've parted with my fair share of pets, but it was still devastating to see this old woman have to give up her cat after losing all of her siblings, her friends, her partner, and then her home.
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holdmyowos · 4 years
Training (Aizawa/Shinso x Neko Female Reader Smut)
Includes: Age gap, neko, polyamory, predator-and-prey dynamics, bondage, use of word 'sensei', unprotected sex
A/N: The two of you are done with hero studies but Hitoshi still trains with Aizawa pretty frequently.
You had been with plenty of other guys, but Hitoshi was by far the best you had ever been with. He was so sweet and caring. Plus, he loved cats! Since your quirk let you transform into one, it was perfect. The only downside was that he was a virgin, and he refused to have sex with you. After a couple months into your relationship, he had decided that he was finally ready to take the next step. You had it all planned out. That special occasion would be nowhere near when you were on your period, so he could do as he pleased, and you would be totally ready for him. Often you had caught him looking at cat girls on his phone and touching himself, so you knew exactly what he liked. His favorite color was black, and his second favorite color was silvery grey, so you made sure to incorporate that into the design. Since he was a pro hero with a ton of money, he gave you all the money you wanted to make your costume. You were going for an e-girl type of vibe. You had a black choker with a small silver bell on it. You had long boots on with fishnet tights. You were wearing a short black skirt over your lacy grey panties that matched your lacy silver bra. You had your hair back in two loose buns, tied with silver ribbons. You topped it all off with a black crop top with a revealing boatneck. You put a deep red color of lipstick on. When you were done with your eyeshadow, you worked on making your eyeliner wings perfectly sharp, matching. Your tail and cat ears were out. When you looked in the mirror, even you were impressed. It was ridiculous, no doubt. If you walked into a store, everyone and their grandma would be staring. Any other day you would have laughed at how over-the-top it was, but today you looked sexy as hell. You put your hand on your butt and took a picture in the mirror. Today was going to be a day to remember for sure.
After spending half an hour getting ready, you called your boyfriend, sure he could hear the smile in your voice. "Hey baby, are you ready to come over?" You tried to put as much excitement in your voice as possible. He chuckled. "You better believe it. You want to prepare yourself before I get over there, so we can fully enjoy ourselves?" You shuddered at his implications. "I'm not so certain I catch your drift," you prompted him. You got the desired reaction. "Listen, kitty cat." You could hear the tightness in his voice, as if he wanted to fuck you then and there. "I want you to take that vibrator that I got you for you as a present, and shove it in that tight pussy of yours until it's leaking for me." He clicked the end call button, and a buzz went off in your ear as you turned the vibrator on a low setting.
Your plans were totally falling apart now. You soon became bored with playing with yourself, and angrily called your man. He would not answer. You texted, 'Where the hell are you?' Happily, almost immediately he started typing. 'I had to go train with Aizawa. Sorry. Just be patient, I'll get home around 8.'8? Freaking 8?! It was currently 5. You were not waiting that long for him. He had promised you, and you had been planning this for too long for him to just say 'later'. He had even taken the last couple days off of hero work just so that he had plenty of rest. He had recently looked really good, for once not totally sleep-deprived and running only on coffee and kisses. "Gotta make your first time special, 'toshi," you muttered to yourself as you slid in the car. If he was not coming to you, then you could come to him. He was not getting around this, even if you had to fuck him in front of his old teacher. That thought caught you off guard. In school, you had a slight crush on the young, handsome Shota Aizawa, but thinking of fucking your boyfriend in front of him was a bit strange.
When you were finally at the building, the gym that Hitoshi and Aizawa trained at, you shut the car off and turned off the lights. The gym was privately owned by just the two of them together, so they often came here to train during the day or whenever they had free time. Aizawa might seem modest, but he had a huge salary just like the rest of the pro heroes, so he could afford things like that. You walked up the stairs to the door, slowly opening it. You heard breathless sighs and grunts. It was pretty cute. They must be busy training. You slowly shut the door with nothing but a small click. A small brick wall about four feet tall separated them from your view. You glanced down to the area below the walking track that you were on, leaning over the edge to see. The two of them seemed engaged in a sparring match, both of them having discarded their shirts. You found yourself looking at Aizawa instead of your boyfriend. He just looked so sexy, his long hair rubbing against his large muscles. Reluctantly, you turned your gaze to Hitoshi, not unimpressed with what you saw there either. Hitoshi had abs? His workout sessions must have been paying off. The two stopped their match when Aizawa glanced up towards you apprehensively. You ducked under the wall before they could see you. The two talked in hushed voices. "Did you hear that sound? Is someone else here?" One of them said quietly, but your cat ears picked it up. Footsteps came up the stairs. Maybe you could have fun making them chase you.
You flicked your bell so it jingled, and ran in the opposite direction of the stairs, ducking so they could not see you over the wall. You skidded to a halt as Aizawa landed in front of you, his capture weapon having propelled him up from the ground. Sadly, his shirt was back on. You frowned. In a matter of seconds, he had you hanging from the ceiling, suspended upside-down, your head a foot away from the floor. You put your skirt up so it was covering your thighs again, and held them there with your hands. Being held upside down had made your skirt drop, and he probably saw your panties. "Hello, Aizawa-Sensei!" You said, enthusiastically. It had been awhile since you had seen him. Aizawa had gained a cute little scar on his cheekbone, right below his eye. He scoffed, loosening his white rope that he had tied around you, yet he still did not let you go. "Oh, it's just you, Y/N. What are you doing here, in my gym? I thought you were a villain, or something." He remembered your name! Yay! That must be hard, knowing the hundreds, perhaps even thousands of students he had to go through.
Your croptop flipped, revealing the underside of your breasts and your bra. You kept your hands on your skirt, however. You giggled at him. He noticed the motion of your croptop against the gravity, and eyed you up and down, as if only now realizing what you were wearing, he looked away from you. "And why the hell are you wearing something so slutty? A man with less self control could become a villain with just the lust of looking at you." He turned his back to you, running his fingers through his hair. Was he trying to hit on you? Did he think you were here for him? Your tail swayed gently at the thought, accidentally and lightly brushing against his neck. He shuddered at the touch, running your tail through his fingers. Rarely did anyone ever touch your tail, and usually it was intimately. You gripped your skirt tighter at the thought, not wanting him to see how wet your underwear was getting. Or did you want him to see?
Hitoshi came up behind you from the stairs, panting and out of breath, his shirt still off. You turned to see him, still dangling in midair. You were staring at his muscles that moved as he breathed and walked towards you. He sucked in a breath as he saw you. "Y/N, is that really you? You're stunning," he said, amazed by your looks. "Hitoshi, there was many better ways to get up here faster than running. You need to learn to use your rescources," Aizawa said, not looking you in the eyes, dropping you from his capture weapon and holding you bridal style in his arms before letting you go, waiting for your feet to gently touch the floor before he stopped supporting you. It was a really sweet gesture. You twined your tail around Aizawa's arm, then let him go.
The three of you just stood there in an awkward silence. Hitoshi came forward. "Sorry, sensei. This is my girlfriend, Y/N. I think you already know her." Aizawa simply nodded. "Well, are you sure she's your girlfriend?" He challenged. Your heart leapt at the words. "W-what do you mean? She even dressed really nicely for me. I... I was supposed to do something with her tonight, but I postponed it to train with you when you asked. That's probably why she's here." Aizawa backed you into the wall behind you. You gulped, face flushed. You loved and hated this feeling at the same time. What would Hitoshi think of you being aroused at this man's advances? He gently held your arms, pinning them above your head, and pressed his lips against your neck, trailing up to your face. His chest rubbed against your sensitive breasts. "What a pretty kitty," he said. You blushed, not smiling, at Hitoshi. "Hey, leave her alone! She doesn't want you!" All that Aizawa did was let out a low chuckle. "Of course she does. You've made her wait too long. I would never do such a thing. I'd... feed my kitty whenever she felt hungry." He growled the last part of his speech in your ear. Your heart skipped a few beats. "She likes you and doesn't want to offend you, I can tell by how she doesn't smile at me, but her blush and her cute little voice says something else all together." He took his hands and gently fondled your breasts under your shirt, and you let out a very slight whimpering sound, biting your lip to try to keep it from betraying your feelings. "Y/N, is this true?" Your boyfriend asked. You looked away from him in shame, making the mistake of meeting Aizawa's intense eyes. You did not need to say anything, since the deafening silence spoke volumes.
Surprisingly, Aizawa slowly released you from his hold. To say you were disappointed was putting it mildly. You practically whined at the loss, his warm hand's touch still lingering on your breasts. He smirked at Hitoshi. "However, since you brought her back to me, I will make you a deal. First one to find and capture her gets to control what happens next. Sound good to you, kitty cat?" You saw Aizawa slip him a pair of handcuffs. So that was how the game was going to be played. You nod. Seeing Hitoshi's uncertainty, you goaded him. "What, you're not scared of him, are you?" He fell for it, snapping at you. "I am not!" He turned to the older man, who obviously knew what he was talking about. "Fine, I'll accept your dumb terms, but with one condition. We both have to do what Y/N tells us to do." He stuck out his hand, and Aizawa immediately shook it. A thrill went up your spine, knowing that both of these men had fallen hard for you, willing to do anything just to be with you. Both of them turned to you.
Hitoshi flipped the lights off, so only you and your cat eyes could see well. "You better run, kitty. The chase is on," one of them said. You held the bell tightly in your hand, keeping it from jingling too loudly. You kicked off your boots so you could be more silent, moving around the track and down the stairs onto the training floor, making no noise other than the small muffled jingles. There was no way either of them could find you. You were in your element, the darkness was your friend. If there was one thing a cat was good at, it was quietly slinking around. You let go of your bell, and let it jingle once.
"Hey there kitty. I found you." Aizawa popped out of seemingly nowhere, forcing the handcuffs on your arms, pressing his knee gently into the small of your back, sending a small wave of pain over you. You knew he did not mean anything of it, that was simply the best way to do it. Still, you let out a tiny cry, a mewl of pain. "That was cute, kitty. Do it again." He pressed on you harder. Now he definitely meant it. "Sensei, please let go," you said desperately. He reluctantly got off of you and turned half of the lights back on, giving the place a different vibe. You looked up at his head as Hitoshi came towards you. He had on his yellow glasses, the ones that let him see in the dark. He had a giant grin on his face. "What did I say, Hitoshi? Think smarter, not harder. You need to learn to use your resources," he said, clicking your handcuffs off once Hitoshi saw that he had won. He sighed in defeat, realizing the power his teacher had over him.
"What's our safe word, kitty cat?" He all but hummed. You were turned on by how abrupt he was. "How about catnip," you suggest. "Great idea. Perfect for my little kitten," he said, piling up some of the training mats for a makeshift bed. "It was supposed to be 'toshi's first time. Please go easy on him, sensei," you admitted for your boyfriend. He only let out a sadistic chuckle, guiding the two of you to the mats. "Fine, then. Show me what you were going to do for him when he got home," he said. You were only too happy to oblige. "Well, first I was going to beat his ass for getting home so late, figuratively, of course," you said, glancing at Hitoshi. "Then I... well, I think it's best if I let the actions do the talking for me." Aizawa nodded.
You kissed Hitoshi fiercely, so happy that you would finally get to feel someone's skin on yours. You had been denied for too long. You straddled his body, and made the kisses deeper, practically eating his face, and he did it right back, desperate for you before Aizawa stole his fun. He shuddered, breathless, gasping for air from the kiss. You pulled away. Little smears of your lipstick were obvious on his face. You wiped it off of him with your thumb. Hitoshi had a face so red, you knew what had happened. You glanced down at his pants. "Hitoshi, did you already cum? I hardly even touched you!" He looked away in embarrassment. "Well, you just looked so pretty and everything happened so suddenly."
He tried covering his face, but you pulled down his pants and boxers. "You're doing this for me, aren't you? So you should have waited until I let you cum. I would have gladly let you do it inside of me," you whispered. You straightened his still hard dick, running your fingers up and down it's length, smearing his cum all over. He was average in length, but had a wide girth. You gave kitten licks to the tip and under the head, right where the bundle of nerves are. He smelled delicious. Slowly, you took him into your mouth. He held one of his hands in your hair, lightly pulling in it as you sucked him off. He used his other hand to gently pull on your collar.
Feeling a slight touch at your butt, you almost turned around, but you were too busy. You had all but forgotten about Aizawa with what you were doing to Hitoshi. He smoothly tugged your skirt off, and you crossed your legs. "Come on now, kitty. Why are you hiding from me?" Hitoshi pushed you down deeper onto him, almost having you gag. "Y/N your mouth feels so good wrapped around me," he said. Your heat warmed up with his words. You used your tongue against him, pushing it to the side of your mouth. Aizawa uncrossed your legs and tenderly pulled your leggings off, leaving you with only your panties on your lower half. He gently teased you with his fingers running along your folds. He slipped a finger under them, your juices gathering on his fingers. "Wet for me, my kitten? I could just stick myself into you without preparing you." You let out a moan in response, vibrating on Hitoshi. He gripped you harder. "Kitty..." he said, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in pleasure. You let out a cry as Aizawa penetrated your pussy, muffled because Hitoshi was balls deep in your mouth, but still audible. He had not even taken the time to remove your underwear, so you were unprepared. You adjusted as his length came down inside of you. After a couple months without sex, it felt so good to finally have something filling you up.
It seemed to go on forever. He was long. Once he was finally all in, or you guessed he was, he stopped moving, as if content to just be in you. You continued with Hitoshi as Aizawa's hands roamed your body, groping your ass and pulling and pinching on your curves. He pulled your bra up and fondled your breasts again, squeezing the nipples. You found yourself clenching around Aizawa and sucking in your breath for Hitoshi. "I'm close again, kitty," Hitoshi informed you, pulling out of your mouth. He backed away from you. You gasped for air, finally able to use your mouth to breathe. Behind you, Aizawa slowly thrusted up a few times, hitting the spot that made you claw the mat. "Sensei, please!" You clenched your fists around the material around you. "You like that kitten? You want me to fuck you better than Hitoshi can?" You nodded, unable to control yourself. He moved his hands away from your chest and to the floor so he had a better angle. "Hitoshi, the key to making a girl happy is giving her what she wants. If it's a little rough," he thrusted hard into you and you yelped, more in pleasure than pain, "...so be it." He started pounding you into the mat below "It's too much Aizawa!" You felt your walls squeezing around him as he continued his relenting attacks.
"You can take it, kitten, I know you can. Take it for me." He kept hitting that one spot that made your vision blur. Your boyfriend was in front of you. You wondered what Hitoshi was up to, but when he placed your hand on him you got to work, squeezing with Aizawa's thrusts. You moaned and squeezed Hitoshi, and he came into your hand. Still running your fingers against him, you felt a knot in your stomach. You had felt your own climax building up for a while now, and you saw white as you came hard onto Aizawa, and you felt yourself being filled up with his seed. When he was done, he pushed his fingers into you, pumping you a few times. Your juices leaked all over the mat, leaving a white stain. He got up to get some paper towels. You dizzily got to your feet, about to head to the bathroom to clean yourself up. He put a hand around your throat in a loose grip. A threat. "Where do you think you're going, kitty? You were supposed to be mine. I won't let you forget that when we get home," he promised. "Or maybe now. Do I need to teach you a lesson?" Your body ached at the thought of more, knowing that you would hurt for quite a long time after.
He spread your legs apart, and buried his tongue into you. You tugged on his hair as he did, lapping up the juices. "I think it was unfair that Hitoshi got to cum two times. I think you need to come back here sometime again so we can have a rematch," Aizawa said, fully clothed again as he came back and gathered in the scene. "Young people," he sighed dramatically, cleaning up the dribbles here and there. You were too busy feeling Hitoshi's tongue squeezing inside you to notice Aizawa gently brushing through your hair and tail fur with his brush. He wanted you as much as you had wanted him.
Slightly inspired by Cat Girls Are Ruining My Life by Corpse Husband
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randomfandomnerd · 4 years
Sunshine and Shadows-Chapter 6
Will was playing cards with Mitchell and Jake, but his thoughts were with Nico. Sure, he’d seemed happy enough, but he wondered if he was rushing him, even though a meal outside was something that he’d promised him.
Mitchell made a little noise of glee as he won his sixth game in a row, and turned to the other two. He was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt under some black dungarees with a pair of black and white Vans, and his ear sported a small diamond stud.
“Another game?”
Will shook his head, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair.
“Nah, it’s roundabout time for dinner. I’ve got some stuff to do in the infirmary beforehand.”
Shrugging his jacket on, he went down the stairs of Cabin 9,and out the door, waving at Harley and Shane, the latter of which was holding a sheet of celestial bronze steady as the former enthusiastically bashed it into shape.
Outside, camp was busy with demigods lingering around, chatting on their way to dinner. As Will headed to the infirmary, he was waved over by a rather concerned-looking Malcolm.
The son of Athena was looking worriedly in the direction of the area behind his cabin as Will caught up with him.
“It’s not another spider, is it?”
Will asked. Last time Malcolm had looked so worried was when a spider had been found on his pillow, and he’d nervously asked Will to remove it. Unfortunately, Annabeth had gone to ask for help from Cabin 9, and so before Will could catch it in a glass and let it go outside, the spider (and Malcolm’s pillow) had been destroyed by Harley’s flamethrower. Will was eager for that to never happen again. Later on. The spider was found to have been snuck in by Travis Stoll, who was only caught because he was laughing so much.
When Malcolm shook his head to confirm that there was not a spider, Will curiously went round the back of the cabin. He immediately saw why Malcolm had been so concerned.
“Well, Clovis sure does have weird dreams.”
Lying on the grass behind the Athena Cabin, was a cat. Alright, it could have come from anywhere, except for the fact that it was blue. Will turned back to Malcolm, who had approached behind him and was regarding the cat apprehensively.
“Well, I think Percy will like it.”
He quipped. Will carefully leant down and scooped up the cat. It stared up at him with big curious eyes, but didn’t make a fuss. He decided to take it to the infirmary and put it in one of the back rooms while he was at dinner, then sort out something a bit more appropriate for it afterwards. He said goodbye to Malcolm, before going to get Nico and drop off the cat.
In the infirmary, most of the patients were either dozing or eating food on the trays provided for them.Cecil had been discharged, so the bed next to Nico was empty. Will drew back the curtains to reveal Nico, who had at some point changed into the shirt Will had gotten him. As predicted, it looked good on him.
Nico looked baffled by the purring bundle of blue fluff in Will’s arms.
“It’s one of Clovis’ dreams”
Will explained. Nico came over and gave the cat a little pat on the head. Will placed the blue feline in his arms as he prepared some blankets in an empty back room. They left the sleepy kitty there, closing the door on their way out to dinner. Kayla waved to them as they left.
The dining pavilion was buzzing with noise when the two boys arrived. Almost immediately they were approached by a grinning Jason and Percy.
“Hey, Nico, come and sit with us The Big Three kids are allowed to all sit together because otherwise we’d be all sad and lonely. Except Thalia. She sits with the Hunters because she’s scary.”
Will looked at Percy, amused, although he had to admit that the Hunters were mildly terrifying. He looked anxiously over at Nico, remembering the fate of his sister, but the son of Hades wasn’t showing any outward signs of distress. Will just hoped he wasn’t inwardly distressed either.
He waved goodbye as the two excitable boys dragged Nico to the Poseidon table, the shorter boy between them as they chatted away. Will turned to head for the Apollo table and squeezed in next to Austin, who was looking on in disgust as Lillie tucked into a burger. For someone so small and innocent, she practically attacked her meat at every mealtime. Will had sometimes found himself wondering whether she was really a hyena in disguise.
He laughed,
“You know, she probably feels the same way about what you’re eating.”
Austin looked down, confused at his brown rice and kale. Unlike most people who would eat kale, Austin wasn’t really a health enthusiast; he just, for reasons Lillie could never seem to figure out, genuinely liked it.
Will suddenly remembered,
“Oh, by the way, don’t open the door to backroom 3. There’s one of Clovis’ dreams in it. It’s a blue cat.”
Austin seemed to find this less concerning than the piano, and just simply said,
“Percy will like it if it’s blue”
Will looked across the pavilion to see Percy eating bright blue spaghetti, as Nico looked mildly disgusted. Although, he couldn’t be too disgusted, considering the fact that he was laughing at a comment Jason had just made.
“You know, you’re the second person who’s told me that, and I have a feeling that you’re right; I think I’ll show him it later.”
He carefully broke off a bit of fish with his fork, before nibbling the edge of it. Austin snorted.
“You’re always so dainty when you’re eating.”
he said with a mouthful of rice. Will cringed at the sight. It was a natural reflex; his grandma was a stickler for manners, especially at the table. The first time Will had eaten pizza with a knife and fork at camp, Travis Stoll had laughed so hard, juice came out of his nose.
Will snuck another peek at the Poseidon table, where Percy and Jason were trying to recreate the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp. They were… interesting, but Will was happy that they clearly cared about being friends with Nico and treating him well.
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addercharmer · 3 years
Izumi is so excited to be going to the cat cafe, when Sansa-san had told her it was a place to get hot chocolate and spend time with kittens she had begged Tsukauchi-san to take her.
Now she was standing just outside of the building all but shivering in her excitement. Tsukauchi-san had told her to wear the pants that he had bought her, he said it was because cats were strange creatures and he didn't want one to doing something that could make her uncomfortable.
Izumi didn't really care to be honest, cats were soft and fluffy, she knew that they could be mean sometimes, but all living things were like that.
Tsukauchi-san sighed a little as he pulled open the door for her, she knew that particular sigh was only something he did when he felt he was 'soft'. Izumi didn't really understand, the only soft thing about Tsukauchi-san was his hair, and sometimes the sweaters he wore at home.
"Go find a seat Izumi-chan." He told her, and walked toward the counter to hopefully get the promised hot chocolate.
Izumi skipped her way over to a large pile of pillows, it looked like a nest that she could maybe shift around a little for maximum comfort.
Her shifting of the pillows to allow for support but still give the feeling of a nest didn't take long, but it did attract the attention of a big fluffy gray cat.
Once Izumi was settled comfortably the big cat climbed into her lap, he was almost the same size as she was.
"Hello kitty!" Izumi chirped quietly. "I'm Izumi."
With light fingers Izumi started to pet the top of the cat's head, it took her a little but she saw a baby blue collar hiding in all of the cats fur. With her free hand she gently turned it to look at the tag.
"Mor-phe-ous." She sounded out the name carefully, it wasn't a word she was familiar with, it made her fingers itch to know what it ment.
When Tsukauchi-san came over to where she was he had the men they had visited yesterday with him. Izumi wanted to be surprised but she knew from when he agreed that this was a set-up of some sort.
Not really bothered by it, Izumi asked the group of men. "What's a Mor-phe-ous?"
Tsukauchi-san looked a little confused when she met his eyes, she looked at the black haired man who the photos had said was her uncle. He looked just as confused, Izumi sighed at that and looked at the blond.
"Morpheous is the god of dreams." The blond answered her quietly, Izumi smiled at the man.
"Oh!" She exclaimed happy with the answer. Turning back to the cat in her lap she says. "You must bring good dreams then."
Tsukauchi-san is sighing again before he drops into the nest beside her, he's holding two plastic cups, one he passes to her.
Izumi sniffs the little opening where she thinks that what's inside will come out and gives a happy hum when she smells hot chocolate.
"Thank you Tsukauchi-san." She chirps before taking a careful sip.
"Can we sit Izumi-chan?" Her uncle asks her, she just nods at him.
He sighs and Izumi wonders why all the adults seem to do that so much.
"Hi, I'm Izumi." She says to them finally, remembering that she should be polite no matter how scared she is.
"Hi Izumi-chan, I'm Hizashi, and this is Shōta." The blond speaks, there is something about his voice that Izumi likes, it's soft and deep, there's something in it though that draws her attention.
"And I'm Tsukauchi." Izumi giggles lightly at the detective trying to make a joke.
With the adults finally sitting more cats come over to investigate their little group, Izumi is beyond happy when a pure white cat lays next to her in a loaf. Quick light fingers find their collar and look at the name.
It's another word she doesn't know, but she still carefully sounds it out. "Se-le-ne." She looks at Hizashi for an answer as to what it means.
"Selene is the goddess of the moon. Looks like the cats are trying to make you sleepy." He tells her, Izumi can't stop the giggle that wants to come out.
Shōta snorts and sighs into his own plastic cup, Izumi kind of wants them to just tell her why they are here, she needs to know what's going to happen to her. But she keeps quiet and pets the fluff that's taking up more of her lap than she has to give.
All of them are quiet, more cats joining them as they sit there. Izumi feels the awkwardness in the air but she's refusing to pay attention to it.
"So, Izumi-chan." Her uncle, Shōta-san starts talking. "I know I asked before if you knew who we were, but can you please tell us what you know?"
Izumi tilts her head to the side and looks at the man through her bangs.
"You are Inko's brother." She tells him simply, turning to face the blond. "You are my dad." Her words are blunt but Izumi believes that she needs to be.
The blond 'Hizashi' she reminds herself, jerks backwards a little and his lips start to wobble.
"Ah, yes." Shōta-san says slowly. "We didn't know about you."
"I know. Inko liked to tell people I was her cousin. She didn't want people asking questions." Izumi tells them. "It's okay if you want to forget about me, I know something is wrong with me."
Hizashi-san jerks backwards again, then he learchs forwards and grabs her hands.
"Nothing is wrong with you." Hizashi-san tells her, his eyes are wet as Izumi meets them. "If I had known I had a daughter I would have been there to take care of you, even though I was still in school when you were born." Tears are falling down Hizashi-san's cheeks.
"Oh." Is all Izumi can get out, Hizashi-san is still holding her hands, but she's lost on what to do.
Shōta-san clears his throat, catching Izumi's attention.
"It's not that we don't want you Izumi-chan, it's that we don't think we can be good guardians." He tells her, and Izumi is a little confused about how that matters.
"What?" She asks as she looks at Tsukauchi-san.
The detective seems to understand what she's asking, his lips are set in a hard line that Izumi has learnt means he's unhappy.
"How Inko and Hisashi treated you wasn't right. Yamada and Aizawa are scared because they are very young to take care of a little girl." Tsukauchi-san tells her, Izumi nods.
"But…" She begins to argue, then stops when she remembers what Sansa-san had told her about how parents are supposed to be. "Oh." She finishes lamely.
Shōta-san sighs, and it sounds a lot like the one Tsukauchi-san when he wants to do something but is scared of the outcome.
"I'm okay with your choice. I mean I don't know how a family is supposed to be, so it's not like I'll miss anything." She tries to soothe the adults, but it doesn't seem to be working as Hizashi-san starts to cry harder.
Izumi doesn't know what to do, but following some instinct she carefully slides out from under the cats and wraps her arms around Hizashi-san's arm that isn't pressed against Shōta-san.
"Please don't cry!" She begs the blond. It seems to make him cry harder so Izumi takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and sings an English song that one of the nice grandma's taught her.
"Listen, children, to a story
That was written long ago
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley-folk below."
On the mountain was a treasure,
Buried deep beneath the stone,
And the valley-people swore,
They'd have it for their very own."
Izumi loved singing, this song the grandma had said was a prequirk protest song. Izumi didn't really understand, all she knew was that the words and melody tasted good on her tongue.
"Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end,
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day,
On the bloody morning after,
One tin soldier rides away."
The verses of the song tasted sad and angry, it gave the same feeling of a slow burn spice, the kind that sneeks up on you after a few bites of food, but it stays with you even after the meal.
"So the people of the valley,
Sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill,
It came an answer from the mountain,
With our brothers we will share,
All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there."
The choras of the song always tasted like 'giving up' and 'its your own fault' did. It was a flavor Izumi liked but she hardly found anything with the same mixture as this song.
"Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end,
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day,
On the bloody morning after,
One tin soldier rides away."
Coming to the last verse of the song Izumi finally notices the arm she's hugging has stopped shaking, but she doesn't care, she wants to finish her song.
"Now the valley cried with anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!",
And they killed the mountain-people,
So they won their just reward,
Now they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain, dark and red,
Turned the stone and looked beneath it,
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end,
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day,
On the bloody morning after,
One tin soldier rides away.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end,
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day,
On the bloody morning after,
One tin soldier rides away."
She lets the last nite of her song fade, and cracks her eyes just enough to have the men's expressions.
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Survey #406
“turned on all the lights, the tv, and the radio  /  still, i can’t escape the ghost of you”
Have you ever had an ulcer? No. Do you have any rare medical conditions? I believe AvPD is considered to be a rare mental disorder. Do you have to carry an epi pen? No. What color is your mailbox? I think it's black. I don't pay attention. Would you ever want a job working with animals? I'd love to. The thing is, without a degree in something, my duties working with animals would almost certainly involve cleaning up after them, which I am WAY too squeamish with fecal matter and vomit to do. It's extremely embarrassing, but I've never even been able to clean up after my own pets if they ever had an accident or got sick. I obviously couldn't do it with random animals. Did you have a good high school experience? It's... so odd, retrospecting on high school. In some ways, it was the best time of my life because of my memories with my friends and especially Jason, but at the time, I absolutely loathed it and was horribly depressed. But at least I saw a future for myself. I took better care of myself, all that stuff... That Brittany would be fucking mortified to get a glimpse at who she becomes. Have you ever watched any Monty Python movies? Which one is your favourite? I know I've seen some of at least one. Would you ever get a "below the belt" piercing? Nah. If a couple is married, do you think there should be any legal punishment if one person cheats? No...? Like don't get me wrong at all, I am firmly against cheating under any circumstance, but for there to be legal retribution seems extreme. What is the greatest source of anxiety for you? My future. Are there any hallucinogenic drugs you’d like to try? Nah man. What made you choose your current job? I'm unemployed. Do you feel uncomfortable on the dance floor? Or are you confident with you dancing abilities? Oh hunny, you won't see me on the dance floor. Unless MAYBE if the Cha-Cha Slide comes on, or the Cupid Shuffle. That's as skilled as I get, haha. Is it exciting to you to imagine having an affair with a teacher? ... No??????????? It's fucking creepy. Adultery isn't exciting. Do you like your smile? No. I absolutely look high when I smile. What is something silly that you believed to be true when you were a child? That I could invoke the traits of any animal, which I just referred to as my "animal powers." Like for example, if I "called upon" a kangaroo, I could jump higher. I was a weird fucking kid. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you completely connected with on a mental/emotional level, but did not find physically attractive in any way? Was physical intimacy a problem? How did it work out? I was never really physically attracted to Girt, but it was never a big deal to me. I cared way more about his personality and how much he cared about me. We were never really "intimate," per se, we just would give each other a simple peck. It didn't work out, but not at all because of physical things. He was just too much of a brother to me. What classic or cult movie have you never seen and have no desire to? Hm. I know there's some, but I'm blanking. Does The Human Centipede count here? Like everyone knows about it, so I would assume it does. I have ZERO desire to see a second of that repulsive movie. Have you ever taken a real liking to a band/singer you never ever....ever thought you'd enjoy? Maybe Melanie Martinez? Her voice is so cutesy, as are some of her songs, but I really enjoy how dark her lyrics can be. People who know me would probably be shocked to hear I thoroughly like her. After seeing the movie Avatar did you suddenly view our Earth as ugly and/or boring? If you have not seen the movie, do you think it’s worth your time? I've seen a little bit of it, but I never finished it because I was very tired and chose to go to sleep. I actually do want to see the full thing, though; it looks very good. How helpful are your parents to you? Would they help you to pay for your first apartment? College? Where does the line end? My parents are truly incredible with helping me the best they are capable of. They helped me pay for school, among other things, but I doubt they'd help with my first home, whenever that is. I wouldn't really want them to, either, because that's my responsibility for sure. Do you like playing video games? If so, what do you usually play? I love video games, and horror is absolutely my favorite genre. I also love fantasy games though with deep stories. I've never been the best at playing super long games, like Final Fantasy games, even if I'm seriously invested in the story, though. I burn out. Have you ever sewn a garment? No. Are there any plants in the room you’re in? No. I don't bother with plants. What’s your highest level of education? Some college. What’s the most important thing in any kind of relationship? Proper communication, probably. If you wear lipstick, what’s your favourite colour to wear? I only really put on lipstick to occasionally take a picture, and it's pretty much always black. Is your style feminine, masculine or somewhere in the middle? Somewhere in the middle, I guess? Are there a lot of dragonflies around your house? I've never seen one around this house, and I doubt I ever will because it's too urban. When we lived in the woods, however, I saw them a lot. Of all the Disney couples, which one would you say is your favorite? Kovu and Kiara came to my mind first. Do you think it is cute/funny or disgraceful when a child swears? It's shocking, more than anything. You don't expect it. I don't believe it should be encouraged, but only because children just don't know when swearing really isn't appropriate. If/when you have a baby, how do you think you would want to decorate its room? I don't want kids, but I'll entertain the question and assume this is before the child is born and develops interests. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I'd probably go with a cutesy animal theme. Would you more likely buy a shirt with a picture of Mickey/Minnie Mouse, a Winnie the Pooh character, Snoopy, Hello Kitty, or Tweety Bird on it? None, honestly. Perhaps like, a gothic Hello Kitty. Of all the states you have been to, which one did you have the best experiences? Putting aside the AWFUL heat and humidity, I probably had the best time in Florida. I loved all the palm trees, seeing so many lizards on my grandma's patio, and going to Disney World was a blast. I liked that swimming pools were always warm, too. Have you ever had a crush on someone “too young” for you? No. Do you regret losing your virginity to who you lost it to? No. I was madly in love with him, so no regrets on that. If your boyfriend ever hit you, would you dump him? HA, BYYYYEEEEEEEEE MOTHERFUCKER. ZERO hesitation. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? He did, but I honestly don't know if he meant it. Is there anything you want to say to someone? It'll probably go unsaid for the rest of my life. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? Yikes, hard pass. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? Noooo thank you. Did you wake up in the middle of the night? I always do. Does your animal sleep with you? My cat does. Venus obviously sleeps in her terrarium, but she is in my room. Last color you dyed your hair? Red. Will you keep your last name when you get married? Very unlikely. I don't like my last name. What are you looking forward to? Hearing back again from the woman whose wedding I shot literally two years ago. I thought she ghosted me, but she messaged me the other day about seeing the pictures again and going through them to actually buy some. I don't know why the hell it took her two years, but whatever, I guess? I spent two whole hours resizing the files and re-adding the preview watermark (I deleted the OneDrive folder for space forever ago, but I have the files still), so I hate to sound like an ass, but she better buy something. Between sweating my ass off on location when I shot the wedding, editing those 100+ pictures two years ago, and now re-doing the previews, I have invested so much goddamn time into them that yeah, I think I have the right to be pretty damn salty if I don't hear back from her again. If your significant other cut sex out of your relationship for any reason, what would you do? It'd be whatever. I mean sure, that sort of intimacy is a very special part of serious romantic relationships to me, but I can live without it pretty easily. What was the last thing you said out loud? "Thank you for dinner" to my mom. She brought home Hardee's. Who are your godparents? I don't believe I have any. Do you like Gushers? omggggg yes Can you touch​ your nose with your tongue?​​ No. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? Nope. Are you waiting for something to arrive in the mail? No. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favourite character? Uhhhh what was it... The Shining, I think? I didn't really develop a favorite. Do you have a friend whose name starts with ‘L’? Describe him/her. Lisa. <3 She's one of my WoW friends. She'll talk your ear off, but I don't really mind. She is SO sweet and caring for other people and loves to cook. She recently had triplets, and seeing as she had a son only months before accidentally getting pregnant with the triplets, she's obviously been MEGA busy so we haven't talked much lately. When you’re being kissed do you like it when they hold your face? Yeah, but not too early on. Doing that has a promise of seriousness and passion in it to me, and it would probably weird me out if that happened too soon. Last thing that made you cry? My health. Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? Nah. I don't think it would look good on me. Do you enjoy being outdoors? If it's cool outside and I have a place to sit when I want to, yeah. Do people tell you that you have an accent? Only sometimes. It's definitely not as bad as your average Southerner, though. Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July? Ha, what nice timing. I think they're very pretty, but I believe I went over in a recent survey how I don't encourage their usage in consideration of veterans with PTSD as well as being conscious of animals and the absolute terror it can cause for them. What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? So my sister is a children's social worker, and she shares a LOT of stories with Mom (and me, if I'm present) that I can't listen to. The ones that involve pedophilia and/or rape, especially from the child's very own parent(s), I just cannot listen to. Period. It's so fucking repulsive and just unimaginable to me how even a monster of a human can commit something THAT goddamn vile. What’s your opinion of root beer? I'm not a big fan. I mean I can tolerate drinking some of it, but I don't really *enjoy* it. Have you ever seen The Breakfast Club, and what’s your opinion of it? I have, and I didn't get the appeal at all. Did you have a Furby when you were younger? Oh god, I did. Those things are so creepy. If you had a baby boy, what would you name him? Damien, most likely.
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needdl · 4 years
How to Baffle Your Genin
Neji-sensei was sort of a mysterious man.
Rated M for language. Also available on FFN and AO3.
“Shut up, Tomoe!” Akari yelled, furiously launching herself at her teammate and pummeling her over the head with both fists. Tomoe let out a growl and raised her arms in defense, and seconds later the two were scuffling on the ground wildly.
Behind them, a nervous-looking Higuma stepped out of the way and did his best to ignore them both, squinting his eyes at the houses lining the streets and trying to determine which was the specific one they were looking for.
“I think that’s it,” he told Akari and Tomoe, pointing at a moderately-sized house with neatly kept bushes. His teammates ignored him, pulling each others’ hair and swearing loudly.
“Hey!” He kicked some dirt at them. “Knock it off! We have to meet sensei.”
Tomoe  gave him a mean look and stood up menacingly, taking half a step towards him. “Do we, freak?”
“Leave him alone, Tomoe!” Akari stood up and dusted herself off. “Let’s just get this over with so we can all leave. What’re we doing again?”
“Choosing weapons.” Higuma muttered. He was the only one actually excited for it.
“Stupid.” Tomoe said derisively. “I can use a jutsu to fight. People who use weapons are weak.”
She gave Higuma a sneer. “So I guess that makes you the shittiest shinobi in Konoha.”
Higuma scowled back. “And what happens when you run out of chakra, dumbass? You get killed.”
“Ugh, both of you shut up.” Akari pushed past them and marched up the walk to the door. She rang the doorbell with decisiveness. 
They waited for a while, shifting on their feet. Tomoe shoved Akari’s shoulder, just to be annoying, and had her foot stomped on in response. 
“Should we ring the doorbell again?” Akari wondered. Higuma shrugged, and Tomoe just muttered, “Whatever,” which probably meant she thought it was a good idea. Akari rang the bell again, and this time they heard light movement in the house as someone approached the door. It opened.
“Hi sensei,” Akari and Higuma chorused, Akari very chipper and Higuma… not. Tomoe just grunted. 
Their sensei inspected them slowly, pale eyes inscrutable. After a moment, he said, “Students,” and gave them a nod of acknowledgement.
His hair was messily braided with a pink ribbon bow on the end, but he was such an intimidating presence that none of them, not even Tomoe, commented on it. 
He continued, “I realize you’re here to pick out your weapons, but I’m afraid my contact is running a little late. But she’s nearby, so we’ll be going to her.”
“Okay!” Akari said, very peppy. Higuma shrugged morosely, and Tomoe grunted again.
There was the sudden thumping of feet on tatami mats, and a little boy came careening around a corner to run to their sensei’s legs.
“Baba, I grabbed my kitty-cat-” He began, then suddenly noticed the three of them standing outside and instantly dove behind their sensei’s legs, peeking out at them with wide eyes.
“Good, Haruki-chan,” their sensei told him. “Is there anything else you want to bring?”
The boy ducked back behind his legs, his little hand clutching the fabric of their sensei’s tactical pants. “No,” he whispered.
“Then let’s go.” Their sensei stepped out of the house and they parted for him, swiveling back to look at the little boy. He stared at them, frozen in fear and clutching a little toy cat in his hand, then yelled, “Baba!” and ran after their sensei. 
Their sensei, who had already mostly disappeared from sight along the corner of the house, waited a few moments for the boy to catch up, then continued on, calling behind him, “Close the door and follow.”
The three of them startled into movement- Akari and Higuma both reached to shut the door at the same time and wound up awkwardly closing it together, while Tomoe slouched her shoulders and skulked after their sensei and his kid.
They walked for a few blocks towards downtown Konoha, a few meters behind their sensei as his kid clutched his hand and gave them wide-eyed looks in between chattering to his father.
“I didn’t know sensei had a kid,” Higuma muttered.
“You don’t know it’s his,” Tomoe snarked back. “Maybe he’s watching it for someone else.”
“It called him ‘baba’, idiot.” 
“Yeah, so? That’s what I called my grandma. The kid’s stupid.”
“Some immigrants in Konoha use it to address their fathers-” Akari chimed in, her tone edging into know-it-all territory. Both Tomoe and Higuma quickly cut her off; “Okay-” “Yeah yeah yeah we get it.”
Akari sniffed. “Whatever. Point is it’s probably sensei’s kid.”
The boy stopped dead in the street, whipped around to face them and yelled, “MY NAME IS HARUKI!”
They all stopped and stared at each other for a little. The three of them were very taken aback- and slightly guilty at being so easily eavesdropped upon by a toddler. Their sensei stopped too, and waited patiently until the little boy- Haruki, apparently- had enough and ran to hide behind him again.
He picked Haruki up and tucked him against his side, calling back to the genin, “Keep up.”
He jumped up to a rooftop and started darting away, leaping from one to the next at a pace they’d be hard-pressed to keep up with. Tomoe let out a loud swear and hurried after him, which sent Akari and Higuma flurrying into movement as well.
They caught up to him while he waited for them on a rooftop a few blocks down, talking to another shinobi.
“Holy fuck, who’s that?” Tomoe said incredulously. She was right to be shocked- the other shinobi was possibly the largest man any of them had ever seen, towering over their sensei and completely dwarfing the child in their sensei’s arms to the point of comedic proportions. 
Oddly enough, the kid seemed all right with the man, talking cheerfully to him and showing him the toy he had while the man smiled pleasantly down at him. In fact, for all his fierce size, the man exuded friendliness.
The three of them approached cautiously, trying not to stare up at the man. He gave them another pleasant smile. “Hello! You must be Neji’s genin team!”
They nodded dumbly. 
“Students,” Their sensei intoned, “This is Akimichi Choji, the leader of the Akimichi clan.”
They let out awkward hellos- or at least Akari and Higuma did, Tomoe just nodded- equally as awkward as her teammates, at least.
“See you next week, then,” Akimichi-sama told their sensei. “Bye-bye, Haruki!”
“Bye!” The kid yelled after him, as the man leapt- completely silently and with all the skill of a highly trained shinobi- from roof to roof until he faded from sight, which took a much longer amount of time than if the man had been of average size.
Their sensei strode to the edge of the roof and said, “Come,” before dropping out of sight. Akari let out a startled noise and raced over to the edge to look down, and surprisingly enough Tomoe was only a step behind her. They both peered over the edge, and Tomoe muttered, “Fuckin’ showboat.”
Higuma, perplexed, joined them, and gaped with Akari over the scene below. Their sensei was coaching his fucking toddler through chakra walking, holding both the kid’s hands in his own and walking backwards down the wall in front of him. The kid was wobbly but had clearly practiced it before, and could get in about three steps on his own before his control wavered and he fell forward against their sensei’s legs with much exaggerated oof-ing.
Their sensei wasn’t looking at them at all, his attention completely focused on the kid, but he was wearing the softest expression they’d ever seen on his face.
Suddenly he looked up at them staring, and they all jerked a little. Even after all this time, his gaze was… unsettling.
“I presume you are all standing there because you need me to walk you down as well, or else you would have done it on your own.” His dry tone was all the rebuke they needed, and they scrambled over the edge.
They made it to the bottom at about the same time the kid did, which was… somewhat embarrassing, but he’d had a head start.
The kid didn’t even say anything, just ran into the door of the storefront they had just walked down. The three of them watched him go in slight alarm, but their sensei seemed unbothered.
“Before we go in, have you given any thought to what type of weapon will be most useful to you?”
“Kusarigama,” said Akari immediately. Their sensei gave her a searching look, then turned to the others. “And you two?”
“I don’t know yet.” Higuma shifted awkwardly on his feet. “Maybe like a- a katana, or something.”
“I see. Tomoe?”
She scowled- not at their sensei, she was actually somewhat respectful to him- and muttered, “I don’t need a weapon.”
“Perhaps not,” their sensei acknowledged. They all stared at him, surprised to hear him admit such a thing. “But being proficient in some weaponry is a useful skill to have.”
He looked them all over again, and they unconsciously straightened up under his gaze. 
“You should know that my contact won’t care about what weapons you think you should have, and will in all likelihood give you an entirely different one. She will hear your fighting techniques and match you to what will be best, and there is no use arguing with her about it. She is blunt and does not care what you think of her. Remember this before you cross her.”
Ominous, cryptic warning given, he turned and walked into the shop.
Even Tomoe hesitated a little before following.
The store was a weapons store, unsurprisingly, and the walls were lined with huge, antique weaponry with signs that read, ‘DISPLAY ONLY. NOT FOR SALE. DO NOT TOUCH. ALL WALL DISPLAYS ARE RIGGED. WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY INJURIES THAT OCCUR IF PIECES ARE TOUCHED, BECAUSE WE PUT UP THIS WARNING AND YOU TOUCHED IT ANYWAY, IDIOT.’
The more standard shinobi weapons were on racks and in display cases throughout the store. Higuma covertly looked at the blacksmith’s insignia on the kunai and found it matched the ones they were given at graduation- the store must have been the main supplier.
Most startling, there was a girl sitting behind the main counter, a stack of shuriken in front of her that she was sharpening and polishing with alarming expertise.
(Sure, she could be an Academy student- but they didn’t start any real weapons training until they were about eight, and nobody mastered it as well as this girl apparently had until they were genin at least.)
The girl spoke without looking up from her task, “Hello, welcome to-” She glanced up. “Oh, hi baba!”
“Hello, little bird. Is your mom around?”
“She’s in back taking inventory. But Haruki went to see her, so she probably got distracted.”
“Probably.” He turned back to the three of them, who were reeling at the revelation that their sensei apparently had not one, but two kids. “Go ahead and take a look around, but heed all the warning signs.”
The three of them slowly dispersed, and poked around as their sensei turned back to his daughter. “Your hair looks good, baba.”
“Thank you. I had an expert stylist.”
The girl giggled. Akari leaned over to Tomoe and whispered, “Was that a joke? Can sensei even make jokes?”
Tomoe poked at some senbon and shrugged. 
Footsteps sounded from behind a doorway with a sign that said, ‘EMPLOYEES ONLY’, and a few seconds later a woman pushed through the doorway carrying a crate of something metallic and clanky, judging by the noises. The kid from before followed close behind her, meowing and making his cat toy jump up and down her leg as she walked- which seemed like a safety hazard of some sort.
The woman was dressed in a manner somewhat foreign-looking, with a qipao of red and pale pink that had frog ties across the collar and her hair in two elaborately braided buns. Her eyes, when she looked at the three shifty-looking genin skulking around her store, were bright and warm, but also keenly calculating.
After a moment, she turned to look at their sensei. “Hi, honey!” She set the box down on the counter he was leaning on, then leaned up and kissed him.
The genins’ jaws hit the ground at the exact same time, the most synchronized they’d ever been. It was almost a shame that their sensei missed it- but he seemed rather busy kissing random women in weapon stores, surrounded by his secret children.
The woman pulled back and said, “Love the hair.”
“Thank you. Hui Na helped me with it this morning.” The girl at the counter giggled.
The woman turned to the genin again, and Higuma chewed his bottom lip nervously as she approached. 
“So,” she said, “You three are Akari, Tomoe, and Higuma, respectively.” Her friendly smile broadened until it was too wide and they could see the feral bite to her words. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
She stared at them for some very long seconds, her mouth still stretched in that too-wide smile and her eyes terrifyingly blank. 
Higuma had a sinking feeling in his stomach. If she was as close to their sensei as all the- kissing indicated, then he had probably told her all the horrible details of their team practices, and how they couldn’t stop fighting long enough to do anything their sensei directed them to do.
“Well!” The woman chirped brightly, stepping away from them and clapping her hands together. It was as though a cool breeze had gone through the room, and suddenly the three genin felt like they could breathe again. “Let’s find you some weapons!”
Tomoe made a very quiet, derisive noise. The woman smiled at her, all warm brown eyes and bright sunshine. “Hm?”
“We don’t even know who you are,” Tomoe pointed out. Akari and Higuma exchanged a look, silently agreeing. 
“You don’t- Neji, did you tell them anything?”
Their sensei looked up from where he was playing dolls with his toddler, using a shuriken as a stand in for another cat toy. “I told them we’d be picking weapons.”
She tch-ed. “You’re hopeless.” She turned back to the students, tassel earrings swinging against her neck. “I’m Tenten, the Weapons Mistress of Konoha. How nice to meet you. Now do everything I say.”
Akari went first. “I want a kusarigama!” 
“Hmm…” The Weapons Mistress cocked her hip out and stroked her chin in thought. “What’s your main attack?”
“Gōkakyū no Jutsu!”
“And how’s your taijutsu?”
“It’s… well, it’s fine for my level.”
“Mhm.” The Weapons Mistress thought on it for a moment, then declared, “No kusarigama. I’m giving you tessen.”
“The last thing you need is a long-distance weapon if your main skill is Gōkakyū no Jutsu. Tessen will make you balance out your skills more in taijutsu and give you something to fall back on if you ever run out of chakra.”
“But… a kusarigama.”
“A flashy weapon that is far beyond your skill level.”
Akari pulled a face. “That’s the point of training!”
“You don’t have the base skills yet,” The Weapons Mistress told her frankly. “Once you’ve mastered tessen, then maybe you can persuade me to let you try out a kusarigama.”
“...Don’t think I won’t.”
The Weapons Mistress grinned. “I hope you do. Here-” She crossed to a corner of the store and pulled twin tessen off the wall and weighed them in her hands for a few moments, then handed them to Akari. “Try those. Start with them closed, using them with the same movements as defensive kunai while you adjust to the weight. Do that for a month-”
“A month?”
“Yes. Do that for a month and then come back to me so I can teach you more.”
“A… month…” Akari thoughtfully hefted the tessen in her hands for a few moments, then shifted her grip so she was holding them towards the ends. “Is this how I hold them?”
“Yes. Good instinct.”
Akari looked pleased at the praise. “Fine, I’ll use them.”
“How nice.” The Weapons Mistress smirked at her for a moment, seemingly amused. “There’s a training yard out back if you’d like to go give it a shot now, or you can wait-”
Akari was already walking out the door. “Good luck guys see you later-” The bell tingled as the door opened, then again as it slammed shut. 
In the silence that followed, the two remaining genin stared blankly after their teammate. The little boy, still sitting on the counter and playing cat-and-shuriken with their sensei, said, “Hey mama?”
The Weapon Mistress turned to look at him, her eyes softening. “Mmhm?”
He held up his toy. “Did you see my kitty-cat?”
“I did.”
“Oh.” He turned back to their sensei and said “Baba?”
“Did you see my kitty-cat?”
Their sensei just stared at the kid for a few seconds, and the toddler started to giggle. Finally, he said, “No, Haruki-chan. I did not see your cat.”
The kid let out a sharp burst of laughter. “Yes you did!”
“Are you calling me a liar?” Their sensei leaned forward and folded his arms on the countertop, pressing his forehead against the kid’s and smiling down at him. 
“How rude.” 
Over the sound of the wildly giggling kid asking the girl if she had seen the kitty-cat, the Weapons Mistress turned to the genin again, who were now reeling over the fact that their sensei apparently had at least one kid with the Weapons Mistress of Konoha.
(It seemed like the girl was probably hers too, but no confirmation yet.)
The woman’s gaze settled on Higuma. “And you? What kind of weapon did you have in mind?”
“It- uh, uh, uh-” Higuma rapidly spiralled into panic. He was fine when she was addressing them as a group, but the second she actually fixed her attention on him he felt like he was going to barf. Finally he squeaked out, “Sword?”
She tilted her head. “What kind of sword?”
“... a… pointy… one?”
Her brow pinched. “Uh-huh.”
They stood in silence for a moment. Higuma was almost positive the girl at the counter was laughing at him.
“What’s your main ninjutsu?” The Weapons Mistress finally asked.
“Erm, I use genjutsu, mostly. I’m not great at ninjutsu. Or- or taijutsu. Or genjutsu, really, but I’m better at that than the other ones.”
“What do you think your problem is with ninjutsu?”
Higuma inwardly balked. He hadn’t expected the conversation to take this sort of turn. 
“It’s, well-” He struggled to find the words, looking anywhere but at her. His gaze landed on his sensei, watching him calmly as his kid(s?) played together. 
His sensei, after a moment of looking steadily into his eyes, inclined his head slightly, a ‘go on’ sort of gesture.
Feeling desperate, he blurted, “Hasn’t sensei told you anything?”
“Doesn’t matter. I want to hear what you have to say about it.”
“Great,” he muttered under his breath. He shifted on his feet, feeling sweaty and upset as the silence grew larger and heavier.
The Weapons Mistress cleared her throat, just a hint of impatience bleeding into her expression.
“I overthink it. I start to worry about amounts of chakra and how to control it and how to make the jutsu do what I want and then I panic and it all goes wrong.” He blurted, then gasped for air.
She considered it for a moment. “How’s your chakra control?”
“Fine, except when I have to do any real jutsu and then I panic.”
“I see. It seems to me that you might benefit from something that forces you to use chakra more.”
That was the opposite of what he wanted. “Okay.”
“I can tell you’re not happy with it, but you’re choking those feelings down like a champ. Here-” she grabbed a short sword-thing off of a display. “Standard chakra blade. Start by using it as a stand-alone blade, and work separately at channeling chakra through it. You’ll be able to tell when you’re getting better at it based on how it feels.”
“Uh… okay.”
“Good. Go practice.”
Obediently, Higuma took the blade and headed to the practice yard. Akari was doing katas with her new tessen, wielding one with a great more ease than the other- she never did like using her non-dominant hand with weapons. 
She spun to face him and held up a closed tessen to his throat. He blinked, alarmed. 
“What’dya get?” she chirped.
He held up his weapon. “Chakra blade.”
“You suck at using chakra.”
“I know. She said it’d help me balance it out more.”
“Huh. Well, she’d probably know.”
“Yeah. Hey, guess what?”
“No. Just tell me.”
He sighed. “That ruins the whole premise, Akari.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re really going to argue with me about this? You’re the one who has something to tell me.”
“It’s some pretty mind-blowing information, so it’s really your loss.”
“That’s fine.” She swivelled away again, doing some more katas and looking completely unbothered. After a few seconds she yelled, “OH!” and spun back, jabbing the tessen excitedly in his face. “Let’s spar! Me and my tessen versus your chakra blade.”
He absolutely did not want to do that, but the only way he could think to get out of it was to blurt, “Those kids in there are sensei’s and the Weapons Mistress’s.”
“What?” Akari’s tessen fell from her hand and hit the ground with a dull clang, but she didn’t even seem to register it. “Sensei and the Weapons Mistress?”
“Yeah. I mean she did kiss him when she came in, remember? But I guess I didn’t make the connection until the little kid called her ‘mama.’”
“Holy fuck.” Akari blinked at him for a few moments, before her face turned thoughtful. “Well, I can see it now that I look back on it. The girl sharpening the shuriken did look a lot like the woman, but she had eyes like sensei’s, did you notice?” He hadn’t. “Plus it explains why the kid was so excited to see her, and so comfortable with her.
“I mean, I knew sensei is married, but-”
That was news to him. “Wait, really? They’re married? No, not even that, sensei is married?”
“YES!” Akari scooped up her dropped tessen and gestured with it wildly in irritation. “I keep telling you both that he’s actually a super well-known, super powerful shinobi in Konoha and it’s really easy to find information about him, but you guys never listen to me! I’m not even from a shinobi family like you two are, how come you don’t know this?!”
Higuma was still digesting the information that his sensei had a wife. “He’s… married… weird...”
“Okay, whatever. Let’s spar.”
“No, wait, I don’t want-”
“ThreetwooneGO!” She leapt at him, tessens flashing, and he hastily yanked his new chakra blade up in front of him to parry her attack.
She continued striking at him, with much twirling and theatrics, and he stayed on the defensive, trying to use the blade the way that he’d been advised. His hand wasn’t used to the weight, and it wasn’t long before his grip began to tire.
Akari knocked the blade out of his hand with a loud “HA!” and a flourish of her tessen, snapping the other one open and fanning herself with it dramatically as she smirked at him. 
It occurred to him then that the Weapons Mistress really had known what she was doing, because Akari had a flair for the dramatic and the tessen were just flashy enough to keep her interested.
“Yield,” he sighed to his teammate, and she grinned, smug.
There was a clattering from the alleyway leading into the sparring yard, and suddenly Tomoe came storming in, looking stone-cold furious. Behind her was the Weapons Mistress, juggling a few kunai in her hand and looking bleakly cheerful.
Their sensei was a few steps behind, and his approach was best described as… cautious. A chill went down Higuma’s spine.
Tomoe spun around to face the Weapons Mistress. “It’s all bullshit. I don’t need a weapon.”
“Then prove it,” she fired back. Her grin was maniacal. “If you don’t need a weapon, that must mean you think that if you run out of chakra, you’ll be able to fend for yourself with taijutsu, right?” 
Tomoe snarled wordlessly. 
“You attack me as much as you want. I’ll defeat you with this senbon and nothing else.” She held up the senbon between two fingers, and it glinted in the low lighting. 
“Tenten,” their sensei called abruptly. “Disarm yourself completely.”
The woman huffed, but started to comply, tucking the senbon into her hair and removing the bracelets around her wrists that the genin were suddenly realizing were actually summoning scrolls, then taking off the kunai holster from around her fishnet-clad thigh in such a sinuous and purposeful manner that it had both Akari and Higuma flushing a little.
But if they thought that was bad, then what she did next was even worse, which was to snap open the ties of her dress and pull out two sai and a handful of shuriken from her… ahem.
She flicked them over her shoulder and they embedded themselves in the tree their sensei was sitting against, coming very close to slicing his skin. He said nothing, but the look he gave the Weapons Mistress was scorching, although the exact nature of it- whether it was in anger or in some other, more debaucherous emotion- wasn’t clear.
“There,” she said at last, uncoiling an honest-to-god chain from around her waist, which had been concealed under her belt (that apparently acted as another scroll container when needed) and setting it on the ground. “Senbon only.”
“Your boots,” their sensei called.
She cursed under her breath and pulled three slender knives from the sole of each boot, then a small jian from each calf. “Is that good enough for you?”
“What about the karambit in your hair?”
“What about your hair, Neji?” She fired back, reaching her hands up and tugging at the strands to her buns.
“What’s to discuss? It looks very fashionable.”
“Yeah, to a nine-year-old.” The woman pulled a curved blade from her hair and flicked it over to rest at their sensei’s feet.
“If you are insinuating that Hui Na did this to be fashionable, you are sorely mistaken. She was trying to embarrass me.”
“Well you’re really rolling with it, so the joke's on her, I guess.” The woman grinned.
Tomoe had been standing with her fists curled tightly, her aura darkening as the woman seemed to take her so glibly. “Are we fighting or not?”
“Oh, of course,” the Weapons Mistress pivoted smoothly to face her, senbon glinting obviously in hand. “Ready when you are.”
Tomoe charged her, one hand ready with her Crystal Release. The woman’s hand flicked out in an idle motion, and seconds later an entire branch from a tree fell down, almost on top of Tomoe. She barely managed to dodge out of the way.
The genin all gaped. The Weapons Mistress twitched her finger, and Tomoe threw herself to the ground as a sharp whistling noise filled the air and a streak of silver, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding air, whistled past the spot her head had been.
The Weapons Mistress raised a casual hand and snatched the senbon from the air. 
Tomoe mustered herself again and spread her legs apart, ready to charge at a moment’s notice. Her hands flickered through their positions, and she braced herself and yelled, “Crystal-”
Another twitch of the finger, and the blur of silver was darting away again, this time to slice against the dip between Tomoe’s index and middle fingers.
It was a painful, distracting wound, and Higuma winced in sympathy as Tomoe jerked her hand into a fist with a curse, blood welling up and running over the back of her hand. She didn’t let it deter her for long, however, gritting her teeth and beginning the motions of her hand seal again. 
She was stopped once more as the senbon went darting away again, headed for Tomoe’s arms. It stuck deep into her bicep and stayed there.
Tomoe  let out a grunt of pain, trying futilely to yank the senbon out as blood darkened her sleeve and slicked up her fingers.
Higuma tore his eyes away from the mildly disturbing sight of his teammate’s struggles to look at the Weapons Mistress. She was standing silhouetted by the setting sun, resting her weight on her heels with her arms folded across her chest, back ramrod straight. For the first time, she was standing completely upright, not cocking her hips out to the side, not tilting her head, not leaning over to rifle through bins and shelves of weapons.
She was taller than Higuma had realized.
Finally seeming to decide the senbon wasn’t worth it, Tomoe stopped pulling at it and charged straight for the Weapons Mistress, hands flicking in her seal and finally yelling, “Growing Crystal Thorns!” 
One of her mysterious crystal structures began to form and leapt towards the Weapons Mistress- but stopped abruptly as Tomoe staggered to a kneeling position, gasping for breath.
Higuma and Akari both took a lurching half-step towards their teammate before remembering she was in the middle of a spar and stepping back. Akari chewed her thumbnail nervously. 
Tomoe stared up at the Weapons Mistress, her eyes glazed, then shoved herself back to her feet and stumbled towards her again. She got three more steps in before sinking down again, chest heaving as she crumpled onto the ground.
The Weapons Mistress walked over to her small form and pulled the senbon out of Tomoe’s bicep, wiping it on a small cloth before tucking it out of sight within her hair. She glanced over at their sensei. 
“Pass me my right wrist scroll?” She caught the scroll as their sensei tossed it to her and unsealed a small vial from it, then injected some of the contents into Tomoe’s other arm. Then she hoisted the genin over one shoulder and stood, fixed her eyes on Higuma, and said, “Run down to the Yamanaka flower shop and get the blonde woman working there- Ino. Tell her that Tenten wants her to swing by the shop to monitor the effects of her Beta strain.”
Higuma blinked, stuttered, “Yamanaka flowers, Ino, Tenten weapons shop, Beta strain.”
“Correct. Come on back once you’ve delivered the message.”
Higuma nodded, and dashed away.
Akari watched with wide eyes as the Weapons Mistress (Neji-sensei’s wife, probably) carried an unconscious Tomoe back into the shop through the back door, laying her down on a small table before moving out of sight in the doorway.
Neji-sensei, meanwhile, had picked up the various weapons the woman had removed and was starting towards the shop himself. “You can come in too if you wish, Akari.”
She followed him in, clutching her tessen- which she already loved, even if they weren’t what she was expecting to get- and peering around nosily at the back of the store. It was slightly smaller than the front part, with crates on shelves containing common shinobi weapons, and another section leading further down to the left with a sign saying “SPECIALIZED.” There was a door directly to the right that read “SMITHY”, and another door at the edge of the room that was unlabeled, but presumably led to the front of the shop.
Tomoe, on the table- which was greasy with oil and who-knows-what from all the weapon-ing that occurred in the shop- twitched slightly, her eyes fluttering. As far as Akari could tell, she’d been knocked out with some sedative, and probably an unusual one because Tomoe was weirdly immune to the common ones they’d learned about in the academy.
(To be fair, a lot of senior chunin and most jonin were immune to the common tranquilizers, but that was a combination of specific training against them and the build up of the body’s natural defense after being poisoned with them enough times. But Tomoe was a genin and barely batted an eye the day they’d all been tripped with the slightest amounts to make them understand and identify the effects.)
Tomoe opened her eyes fully and glared at Akari. “Son of a bitch,” she muttered, then passed out again. 
Presumably, she wasn’t referring to Akari as the son or the bitch in that phrase, but Akari sniffed and put on an offended face anyway. After a moment, she glanced over at the Weapons Mistress and Neji-sensei, who had given the woman back her weapons and was now standing close to her, tilting his head down to look at her as they spoke quietly. Feeling a little awkward, Akari looked at Tomoe again. She had drool running down the side of her mouth.
After their conversation, the woman turned and walked briskly out the door to the main part of the shop. Neji-sensei turned to Akari.
“Tomoe will be fine after a few minutes, and we’re having a poison and antidote specialist come along to monitor her progress just in case. Would you like anything to eat?”
“Uh, um, no thank you.”
“Very well. Stay here with her for a moment, please.” He followed after the Weapons Mistress.
Akari lingered awkwardly by Tomoe’s side for a few moments before reaching out to poke her. She didn’t respond. 
Instantly bored, Akari started looking around the room in earnest, now that she was unsupervised. There was a large whiteboard on one wall that had order forms pinned to it, organized into sections presumably based on their status of completion. There was a calendar just next to it with bright red notes scrawled on certain dates- some of them were the dates for order pick-ups, but there was one written in bold handwriting that said “HUI NA’S BIRTHDAY ♥️♥️♥️”- whoever that was.
Akari’s wandering attention led her to the specialized weaponry section, and she peered nosily up at a few of the more intricate pieces- they were very interesting and shiny.
Footsteps sounded down the hallway, and Akari thought wildly for a moment about rushing over to her teammate’s side to pretend she wasn’t snooping- but then she decided she didn’t care, and just turned to look at who came through the door.
It was the girl from earlier, struggling a little with the weapons from earlier all loaded into one crate. She met Akari’s gaze with a polite smile and said, “Do you mind helping me put these away?”
“Sure.” Akari crossed to the door and grabbed the other side of the crate, then they hefted it over to the common weapons shelf and started filing them into place.
“I’m Akari, by the way.” She told the girl cheerfully, running her thumb over the edge of a kunai that had a chip out of it.
“Oh, I-! I, um, already know. Hui Na,” the girl introduced herself. She smiled a little shyly up at her, and Akari felt her own smile widen- she was cute. 
“Are you in the Academy, Hui Na-chan?” The girl immediately flushed at being addressed in such a way, but her smile remained genuine.
“Yes. I’ll graduate in three years.”
“Cool! What kind of jutsu do you like to do?” She didn’t ask wha jutsu Hui Na was good at- experience had led her to ask about people’s interests, rather than their skills, because usually it made them like her more. If people wanted to brag, they would. And if they were like Higuma, they’d talk about how cool Nara-senpai was instead of talking about themselves at all.
(Which was so stupid- Higuma wasn’t cool, obviously, but he was smart and funny in a sarcastic and somewhat macarbe way. He needed to be more confident in what he did.)
“I’m pretty good at the Hyuga Clan jutsu- at least the ones I’ve been allowed to learn- and I really like using nunchucks, like Lee-ojisan.”
“Wow, I bet you’re really good with them if your mom’s the Weapons Mistress!” It was a bit of a gamble, to assume that she was, in fact, Neji-sensei’s and the Weapons Mistress’ daughter, but it paid off when the younger girl smiled in delight, her serious expression changing completely.
“Well,” she giggled a little, “Really, mom gets a little bored with nunchucks, since she mastered them ages ago- she likes swords a lot, though, and she’s been trying to collect all the legendary swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist for years now.”
“Huh! Any luck?” 
“Of course not- most of them are in Kirigakure, and it’s not like they’re going to give them up. But mom’s really stubborn and everytime Baba tries to point out that she won’t get them, she gets all pouty.”
Akari snorted at the image of Neji-sensei trying to placate his wife. Seems like he had a little practice before he had to deal with two sulky genin- not her, of course, she was a star pupil.
Thinking about her teammates made her remember Tomoe, still lying prone on the table, and she turned to look. Yep, unconscious.
“So what’d she stick Tomoe with, then? She’s immune to a lot of stuff, so it’s pretty impressive that it worked so fast and so well.”
“I’m not sure. She and my auntie Ino develop and test new poisons together, so it could be a lot of things. But mom wouldn’t have used anything that would hurt her.”
Hui Na put the last kunai into place with a little clink, then stood back up. Akari grinned at the still-shy look she gave her from behind her hair.
Aw, sensei’s daughter is so CUTE!
There were voices sounding down the hall- two women, from the sounds of it. The Weapons Mistress came in first, looking moody, and a few paces behind her was the head of T&I, poison expert, special jounin, goddamn leader of the Yamanaka Clan, Ino Yamanaka.
Wait- Hui Na had called her auntie Ino- was she that close to her?
Akari’s head was spinning with new information- sensei was married to and had kids with the Weapons Mistress of Konoha, was friends with the leader of the Akimichi clan, and his kids considered the head of freaking Torture and Interrogation as an aunt.
Yamanaka-sama gave Akari an appraising look with a friendly smile, which broadened into a beam when she looked at Hui Na. “Hey sweetie!”
“Hi, auntie.” Hui Na’s tone remained as steady and calm as ever, but she bounced up and down on her feet a few times in excitement.
Yamanaka smiled at her a few seconds longer before turning to Tomoe. “Seriously, Tenten, you just left her back here…?”
The Weapons Mistress muttered churlishly in reply, too soft to be heard, and the two women descended into quiet conversation. After a moment, the Weapons Mistress turned to Akari and Hui Na, watching mutely, and said, “Why don’t the two of you head up front? Higuma is there, probably dying of awkwardness as your dad tries to prove how wise a sensei he is.”
Hui Na laughed- and Akari couldn’t get over how much her expression changed, from quiet seriousness to pure joy- and told her mother, “All right. Good luck, auntie!”
“Thanks, baby. I’ll see you for your lessons tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay!” Hui Na bobbed up and down one more time, then turned and obediently trotted out the door. Akari gave a little wave to the women and followed her.
The hallway was quite short, leading past one other tiny room filled with weaponry before reaching the storefront. Just as the Weapons Mistress had predicted, Neji-sensei was looking as serious as ever as he spoke quietly and intensely to Higuma, who fiddled listlessly with his new chakra knife while looking generally miserable. 
Haruki-chan was sitting on the floor with his little feet turned out, playing with his cat figurine. When the two girls came in, he gave Hui Na a delighted grin but kept playing.
Neji-sensei paused in his conversation with Higuma. “How’s Tomoe?”
“Auntie Ino didn’t say,” Hui Na said, crossing to where he stood at the counter and plopping down in the seat. She tucked herself against his side, and he reached up and ran his hand over her head.
Akari turned away, feeling slightly uncomfortable to be privy to the private moment, and her gaze met that of Higuma. “Hi, Higuma.”
“Hi,” he said glumly. She scowled at him.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“If I knew that, then-”
“Ugh. Shut up, Higuma. You’re a perfectly decent shinobi but your attitude makes me tired.”
He sputtered, finally looking a little more fiery, and she nodded once in satisfaction. She swiveled to her sensei and chirped, “Anything else for us to do, Neji-sensei?”
He tilted his head thoughtfully, and she realized too late that they were doomed.
Tomoe woke up and immediately shot a fist up in the air to punch the face staring down at her.
The face cursed, startled, but swatted her hand away with ease. Then it said, “Tomoe-san. So glad you’re up.”
Tomoe rocked up to a sitting position, glaring at the face- which turned out to be Hyuga-sensei’s wife. The psychopath.
It was all the worse that the woman had defeated her so thoroughly, in such a fuckin’ awesome way. Now her rage was mixed with deep respect, which was way too confusing. 
She fixed her glare to the other woman in the room, who was blindingly blonde and statuesque. She gave Tomoe a smile that was nothing short of dazzling and said, “Oh, goodie! The strain lasted just as long as it was supposed to for your body weight. I think we’re ready for the next phase of testing.” All of which was said like Tomoe was supposed to understand it.
Instead, she just scowled and took a look at her surroundings- the back of the store, it looked like, with shelves of weapons all the way up to the ceiling. It smelled like fireworks- and when she saw the sign that read “SMITHY”, it made sense.
She turned to Tenten. “Do you make all the weapons yourself?”
“Not always. I import stuff like kunai and senbon, then just refine them and add my insignia. The special orders I usually forge myself.”
Tomoe watched her for a moment more, then grunted and looked away again. She refused to like the woman, even if she seemed smart and interesting.
“Where’s Hyuga-sensei and the genin?”
There was a pause, and the Tenten said, in a carefully controlled voice, “You know you’re a genin too.” Tomoe looked over at her, brow pursed at her tone of voice, and scowled when she saw the woman fighting back laughter.
“I’m above their level. Where are they?”
“Out front in the shop,” the blonde woman said. She reached out, and before Tomoe could snap at her, injected her with something. Tomoe snarled, hackles raising, and the blonde told her “That’ll help fight any residual nausea and dizziness. You’ll be back to normal within an hour.”
Tomoe glowered. “I’m leaving.” She swung her legs over the bench and trudged to the door that must’ve led to the shop front, pointedly not looking back at either woman. 
The door didn’t even slam behind her. Damn it all.
She opened the door to the storefront with a loud bang that made her feel a little better, then stopped short at the sight of Higuma, Akari, and Hyuga-sensei’s daughter busily polishing all the weapons on the shelves. For his part, Hyuga-sensei was reading quietly while his son fell asleep in the crook of his arm.
Everyone (except the sleeping toddler) turned to look at her when she came in. Embarrassed, she snapped, “What?” 
Akari rolled her eyes and turned away, Higuma made a face like she was being unreasonable, and Hyuga-sensei’s kid twitched her shoulders and pinched up her entire face before jerking around to face her work again.
When Tomoe turned to look at her sensei, he was watching his daughter with a blank expression on his face that didn’t change one bit when his gaze met Tomoe’s, but still somehow became terrifyingly oppressive.
She actually sighed in relief when he looked away again. He stood, hoisting the kid in his arms, and said, “Hui Na, come here for a moment.”
The girl put aside her rag and followed him into the back hallway. Akari and Higuma instantly whipped around to face her, both pale, and Akari hissed, “What-did-you-do-”
“Nothing!” She scream-whispered back. 
“Clearly you did something, I’ve NEVER seen sensei like that-”
“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP LET’S JUST FINISH CLEANING ALL THE WEAPONS OFF FOR HIS WIFE AND THEN MAYBE WE CAN LEAVE WITHOUT HIM KILLING US.” Higuma, somehow, came through as the voice of reason, and after scowling at each other for a few seconds more Tomoe and Akari began working again.
They worked in silence for ten minutes before Hyuga-sensei came back into the room. He gave them all a slight smile and said, “That should be sufficient, thank you. Shall we go to lunch? I will pay for it-”
Akari didn’t even let him finish his offer before she threw her arms up in the air with a gleeful “YES!” Her polishing rag smacked into the ceiling, clung for a bit, then came back down. She snatched it out of the air with a sheepish look.
They all ignored her, quite used to the theatrics, and Higuma nodded to Hyuga-sensei’s offer. 
“Tennie, we’re going to lunch,” Hyuga-sensei called back to his wife.
“Don’t call me that!” She hollered back. She sounded a little flustered, and they all gaped, incredulous, as Hyuga-sensei grinned to himself- outright grinned. 
Fucking Akari let out a little sigh, like she was swooning, and that snapped Tomoe out of it pretty quick. She didn’t need to hear the dumbass mooning over Hyuga-sensei’s good looks again- because she didn’t fucking care about his dimple and never fucking WOULD, Akari.
Their sensei looked back at the door. “Ino, would you like to walk with us?”
“Sure!” She yelled back. “Just a minute!”
They waited in silence for a bit, then suddenly the door rocketed open and Hyuga-sensei’s son bawled out, “BABA, I WANT TO COME TOOOOOOO!”
He looked like he was on the verge of tears, and all the genin immediately took a step back from him. 
Hyuga-sensei’s expression went all soft again, and he said gently, “That’s fine, Haruki-chan, but weren’t you going to help your mama in the store?”
The kid thought hard for a second, then said, “I want to go too more than I want to stay here today.”
Tomoe squinted her eyes at him, trying to decipher his complicated toddler nonsense-speak. Hyuga-sensei just smiled and held out his hand.
The kid booked it over, seizing his father’s hand and chattering happily.“Tell mama,” Hyuga-sensei told him softly. 
Silence for a few blessed moments, then another voice. “Waaaait, Baba!”
“Yes?” Thank fuck, Hyuga-sensei and his other kid seemed to be less of the hollering type, and more of the ‘speak at the exact volume needed to be heard’ type.
“Can I come too?”
“Of course, little bird.”
There was some raucous cackling, then the blonde woman came through the door, still laughing. The kid followed a few steps behind, smiling down at the ground.
“BYE, TENNIE!” Blondie bellowed.
“Bye, Tennie,” their sensei echoed.
“I- don’t call me that!” Her tone had gone from annoyed to flustered again, and Tomoe rolled her eyes. What, like her husband was all that? Seriously.
“Y’all cute,” Blondie told Hyuga-sensei. 
“Thank you.”
The door opened- again, fucking hell- and Tenten came in, looking sulky. “If no one is staying, then I’m going to lunch too.”
“Yay!” The toddler shrieked.
This was the worst day of Tomoe’s life. 
Wordlessly she pushed out the door and started walking towards Ichiraku’s, not even really caring if they followed her or not. She had money.
To her (expertly hidden) surprise, Higuma caught up to her a few seconds later, walking in silence at her side as the flock of people behind them loudly and chaotically got themselves sorted out. He looked glum, but she couldn’t be fucked about it.
“What’s wrong with you?”
He eyed her nervously. “What?”
“What’s wrong with you, dipshit?”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes and ignored him again.
Behind them, Tenten had put her hysterically laughing toddler on her shoulders and was playfully biting at his legs. What the fuck.
The girl was listening intently to Akari as she talked her head off- seriously, she didn’t know how the kid did it, because Akari was the most annoying person in the world and she was staring up at her like she was made of gold.
Hyuga-sensei and Blondie were walking side by side at the back of the herd, talking. The woman was ridiculously tall, with a good couple centimeters on their sensei- who was by no means a short man. This was a weird day.
She got to Ichiraku’s and settled into a chair. Higuma sat next to her, which was irritating, and Akari sat on his other side. Hyuga-sensei sat next to Tomoe, and his wife ushered the two kids into the seats on his other side, with her on the end.
Blondie just yelled goodbye as she kept walking, then said something that stopped the genin in their tracks. 
“Oh, hey, Naruto! Playing hooky again?”
“Hi Ino!” The fucking Hokage was genuinely bouncing in his seat to see the woman. “Aw man, and Neji and Tenten too! Lucky timing for me!”
“Hello, Naruto,” their sensei said in a measured tone. Tenten just waved distractedly at him as she tried to settle the toddler in the seat, because the kid was basically trying to run across the counter to get to-
“Naruto-ojisan! Hi, hi, hi!”
“Sit down, love bug!”
“Mama, it’s Naruto-ojisan! HI!”
“I know, sweetling. But we gotta sit to eat, okay?”
“Okay,” the kid said, looking terribly sad.
The Hokage had been talking to Blondie, but she departed with a slap on his back and he turned to face them all. 
“HARUKI-CHAN! How’s it going, buddy?”
“GOOD!” The kid launched to his feet again and went off talking a mile a minute, and the Hokage seemed entirely engrossed- except for when he gave Hyuga-sensei’s daughter a huge grin and a hair ruffle when she wordlessly went over to sit down next to him.
When Tomoe was able to turn away from the golden, radiant presence and tune back into her other surroundings, Hyuga-sensei had already ordered all of their usual food and was watching over them with an amused smile tugging at his mouth. 
“Naruto is a long-time friend,” he told them quietly.
“And cousin-in-law, honey,” his wife called to him, a glitter in her eyes. 
He sighed, looking a little more annoyed. “...That too.”
“What the fuck, sensei.”
Tomoe had been thinking those very words so intensely in her head that it took her a moment to realize that she wasn’t the one who said them.
They all turned to stare at Higuma, who was going steadily redder. “Uh. Sorry.”
“Seriously, Higuma!” Akari reprimanded. “He’s right though,” she told Hyuga-sensei. 
Much to their surprise, Hyuga-sensei laughed, tilting his head back a little. “It’s too bad you and Ino didn’t get to spend more time together,” he told Akari. “Another day, perhaps.”
Akari looked both thrilled and terrified at the very prospect.
Teuchi slid their bowls in front of them, and they all rustled around hastily for the chopsticks. Tenten had given up trying to contain the toddler, and let him run (on the ground) to go sit next to the Hokage as well. She slid into the spot next to her husband, running her hand over his shoulder blade as she did and then leaning up to kiss his cheek.
Hyuga-sensei held his chopsticks over his bowl and murmured, his gaze focused elsewhere, “Thank you for the food.”
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amintyworld · 4 years
The Last Visit
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Characters: Marinette/Ladybug, Adrien/Chat Noir, Emma Agreste, Louis Agreste, Hugo Agreste, Daniel Agreste, Juliette Agreste, Nicky Agreste.
TW: Implied Major Character Deaths, Dying, Sickness. (Let me know if I missed any!)
Marinette breathed slowly as she lay on the bed, looking out the windows with a smile. The pure autumn breeze swept through her greying locks, and she closed her eyes for a moment. "Beautiful day, isn't it Adrien?"
The room was silent. "Yeah, I thought so you silly kitty." The wind whipped the older woman's hair back and forth. 
"You know Hugo's a fighter now, on the front lines? He sends me letters everyday, to make sure I'd never worry. You know how I worry, cat."
She paused. "Louis took up the bakery - hopeless romantic, that boy. Clumsy, too." Marinette laughed. "Emma's settled down, got married a few months after we got the letter. I… I know you wanted to be there."
The older woman took a breath.
"It's funny, you know. You left so quickly, yet I know you're still here. I guess you kept your promise, kitty." She swallowed. "I'm sorry that you've waited so long for me. But, I'll get to see you soon, you know. The doctors can only do so much about age." A tear slipped down her cheek. 
She wiped it away with her finger slowly as the hospital doors opened, and she shifted in her bed to better sit in it. A nurse gave her a small smile. "Visitors, Ms. Agreste."
A small child ran up, jumping on Marinette, throwing their small arms around her neck. "Grandma!"
"Nicky!" An older woman, with long golden hair and blue eyes scolded the little tyke. "Grandma Marinette can get hurt easier than we do. Be careful."
An older dark-skinned teen with black hair and green eyes entered quietly, hands inside her jean pockets awkwardly, staring toward the floor. After the girl filed in a dirty blond haired boy with an earbud in, texting on his phone. He looked up and smiled at his little brother as he awkwardly tried to hug carefully.
"Sorry we're a bit late, Mom."
"No worries at all, Emma. I know you're very busy these days." Marinette said, smiling warmly at her daughter, and helping the smaller toddler down from the hospital bed. "Goodness, you're getting so big!" She said to Nicky, making the toddler smile, a few of his teeth missing.
"Momma says that I'm getting so big, that I need new clothes soon!" The tyke said, smiling once more to his grandmother.
"Oh really?!" Marinette said, giving the toddler a warm smile. "Hey, you know what? I think that there's some ice cream in the kitchens. Why don't you guys go grab some and leave me and your Mom to chat for a bit. My treat." 
"No, Mom, it's okay. You don't have to-"
"I insist." Marinette said. 
The older brother, Daniel, took the twenty dollars from his grandmother and gave a smile. Marinette smiled. "Tell Melissa I sent you, alright?" She put a hand to the side of her mouth as she whispered. "You'll get hot fudge."
Nicky's eyes were wide, chanting as he left the room, his brother guiding him out with a chuckle, their sister tagging quickly behind. "Hot fudge, hot fudge, hot fudge, hot fudge!"
Once out of earshot, Emma let out a happy sigh. "You're really good at spoiling them."
"What can I say, it's a talent." Marinette laughed. "How's Hugo and Louis?"
"I haven't gotten any messages from Hugo in a few weeks, and Louis…" They both sighed in unison, saying the next part together: "...still in love with that barista."
Emma's face turned serious. "Sorry Elliot couldn't come today, he's just so busy…" She trailed off. "Mom, remember how you and Dad met? How, Dad was in love with Ladybug, and you were in love with Adrien?"
"Yes, of course." Marinette said, looking at her daughter's focused face.
"How did you know?"
"What?" Marinette asked.
"How did you know you were in love with Dad?" Emma asked.
Marinette breathed, thinking. "Well… there was something about… about the way he was. When we wore those masks, we were us, truly us. I always knew that your father would be there." She paused. "Even after I'd rejected him over and over, he was still the same. He was my partner, and he was also my friend." She reached up to touch her earrings. There was no need anymore - but she still wore them, just because she felt as if she took them off, she'd be losing a part of herself. 
"Even if I hated him, even if the world was falling before us, even if I had caused it - he wouldn't leave my side. After the reveal, everything just locked into place. He had always loved me, even when I didn't love him back." She smiled. "I realized that if I didn't have that, if I didn't have him - I wouldn't know what to do."
She sighed. "I would… I wouldn't be able to carry on without him."
Emma looked to her mother, smiling. "Like, he was a part of you, and if you took that part away, you'd never be the same again."
"Yes." Marinette said. "Is… is this about Elliot?"
"Emma Elizabeth Argeste." Marinette said sternly.
"He's just been in the office a lot lately, and I've just missed him. It's… it's nothing."
Marinette smiled fondly, cupping her daughter's cheek in her hand. "Honey, if you miss him, if you feel like that part of you is missing - that's love." Marinette breathed in a bit deeply and coughed for a while, in a coughing fit that rattled her body.
"You alright, Mom?" Emma said, clearly concerned. 
"I'm fine." She said. "Just old."
"You know what Dad said about going off to fight - how he was fighting to make sure that you got to live to see so many amazing things, to watch me, Louis, and Hugo grow." Emma said. 
"Seems everything he wanted came true." Marinette smiled. "Did you bring the miracle box like I asked?"
The faded ladybug spotted oval container was plopped on her hospital bed table. She opened the top flap and took out the two familiar boxes. "There's something coming, Emma. People are going to need Ladybug and Chat Noir again."
"What?" Emma said. "But… But how? And more importantly, who?"
"I have some ideas." Marinette said. "Tikki!"
The red and black kwami rushed out of Marinette's purse quickly. "Tikki, I… It's time." 
"What? Marinette, no!" Tikki said. "You… you can't!"
"You need to go to your new miraculous holder." Marinette said. "A new Hawkmoth could emerge at any moment, and we need to be ready." 
"Marinette!" Tikki said, crying, flying to her master's side. "You were the best Ladybug I ever had."
Marinette smiled. "You were the best kwami I ever had. Promise to help the kid?"
"Of course." Tikki said.
"Look out for the doofus. He's…he's a bit of a mess, and, after changing schools - he needs a friend." Marinette said, Tikki's small head pressed against hers as she reached for her earrings. "Goodbye, Tikki."
"Goodbye, Marinette."
Marinette quickly took off the earrings as Tikki vanished into the box. She slowly set the earrings inside, closing the lid.
"I won't be a good guardian, Mom! Please, pick someone, anyone else!" Emma cried.
"You will be a great guardian, Emma." Marinette said, holding her daughter's hand in her own. "Someone needs to look out for them, hm? I could think of no one better. They'll get over their heads - keep them safe, and keep them in line."
"But… but-" 
Marinette only smiled at her daughter. "You've got a pure heart and a good head on your shoulders. If Hawkmoth could be defeated once, he'll be defeated again. Find someone for the cat miraculous - good of heart, and kind - a sense of humor of course!" Marinette laughed. 
It seemed ages ago when she and Chat had finally recovered the miraculous, only to find it missing within a few days. It was a great tragedy, but Adrien had assured her they would get it back - all it took was to wait for the villain to appear again.
"I know that you can do this, Emma." Marinette said, cupping her daughter's cheek with a smile. "You are the best parts of your father and I - we're so proud of you. I'm sorry you have to work to fix my mistake, but I don't have much time left. I love you, and I believe in you." Marinette smiled, coughing for a bit before continuing, her voice extremely hoarse.
Marinette's smile was replaced with a stern look. "Now, go give that villian exactly what they deserve, okay? A nice smack to the side of the head would do nicely to knock some sense into those brains of theirs." Marinette said, making Emma giggle and smile.
"I promise, Mom."
"I love you, Emma." 
"I… I love you too, Mom."
As the visit was ending, Marinette was walking the family to their car when she fell on purpose, knocking into Daniel as he caught her and she quickly slipped the earrings into his bag. She had to admit, it was a bit of deja vu for her as she remembered Fu doing the same thing to her not too long ago.
"Oof, I'm so sorry, must just be my hip." Marinette said. Her grandson gave her a smile. 
"Be careful, Grandma." Daniel called. "We don't want you to take a spill. You should go rest up that hip though."
"Will do, Danny." Marinette smiled. She couldn't help but see so much of herself in her grandson - the determination, nervousness, awkwardness, the hidden confidence behind his eyes.
As everyone was in the car and driving away, Marinette said a silent goodbyes to Plagg and Tikki. Emma had tucked the miracle box under some cloth and crochet yarn determined to keep her promise to her Mom.
That was the last time anyone had seen Marinette before she had passed away a few days later, still staring out the window, smiling. Her thoughts were only to Adrien, and she could swear she saw a bright light with Chat Noir holding his hand out, with the biggest smile. 
"My lady, you're finally here-"
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wwerewwolves · 4 years
hello dog talk time..............this is corkie shes a 10 yr old shih tzu and shes evil and a princess. sharing the funniest pics i have of her and one is when we had to cone her before taking her to the vet a few months ago because she went fucking crazy rolling around outside and got a burr stuck in her foot and it got infected and she couldnt stop messing with it. we had to take her in bc she was my grandmas dog but she cant take care of her anymore and shes the fucking worst she wont eat normally we have to pretend like we are taking her food away to get her to eat. also she has horrible separation anxiety and cries whenever my mom or i leave the house. i love her
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my kitty applesauce can hang i swear......and he and corkie like to take naps together except he fucking loves water and pushes her away from her water bowl sometimes bc he has to drink FIRST. its humbling for her i think
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God dogs who only eat under specific requirements are always the WORST... I love social eaters though I think it’s so cute when u have to sit there for a dog to eat like they’re lonely!! But honestly I’m now crazy for Corkie and her inability to eat unless she feels she’s going to be under attack and get it taken away.
Also big fan of applesauce I love tabbies and the fact that he goes bonkers for water!! King shit!! Hydration is the name of the game baby!!!! None of the cats at work like to drink water regularly so I am in full support of him
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