#so these nature pics will have to suffice
vivipokedex · 8 months
Your animal anatomy foundation 100% feels very solid, do you have any books or online sources to recommend to budding artists?
thank youuuu :)))
im gonna be honest... i never really specifically sat down to study drawing animals, or followed any art-oriented books or guides about that or anything. tutorials tend to not be very helpful to me because they rarely deal with gesture and focus more on getting the proportions right, which by itself is only a small part of it. and live drawing classes rarely involve animals...
i think it helps to have an existing, like, sense and confidence when it comes to observation and capturing volume and gesture in general. at the end of the day pretty much everything can be broken down into basic shapes, planes, blobs. actually A Blob is a good starting point to draw pretty much any animal... draw a blob and then put a head and limbs and appendages on it. yknow?
another thing is to just be curious and have an interest in the diversity and minutiae of the animal kingdom. i know it sounds very basic but I Love Animals. there are some real crazy creatures out there. obviously i recommend looking up as many reference pics as you can, not necessarily to copy stuff, but to have a handy guide of where stuff goes. but just looking at pictures honestly isnt quite enough in my opinion... read up on the animal. get a sense of what makes this particular species unique among ones similar to it, how it lives and functions in its habitat... watch a nature docco. watch some footage of weird little shrimp. learn how to tell different species of aeshnidae apart.
also, yeah, youre gonna have to look at and draw some animal skeletons at some point. i dont think you have to like, study the skeleton of every vertebrate you wanna draw, but yknow, its good to have a general knowledge. it really does teach you a lot to draw a horse skeleton and the individual parts in it. ideally of course you would be sitting in front of either the real thing or a 3d model, but sometimes photos and illustrations have to suffice... it's just important that you pay attention to what you're doing.
as for books... well, a relevant point here is that photos arent everything. obviously theyll give you a faithful picture of the living breathing animal, but thats the thing, they wont always let you see the exact shape, all the distinctive details, and so on. so this is where i recommend getting into some old timey illustrated books. yeah youre gonna have to do some treasure hunting... but listen. ive got this awesome book from 1979 for example, which lists pretty much every species of bird that lives in my little corner of the world, along with amazing detailed illustrations. it's so inspiring and informative. it is the kind of stuff i really wanna urge everyone to get into.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Fanning the flames...
Are Jimin and Jungkook going around the world Namjooning?
In May they were in Japan.
We know they were together in New York in July.
And also in Connecticut during that same trip.
And now they're cooling their butts off in the ocean down in Jeju?
Where else have they been and we didn't know it?
Why is choreographer Brian Puspos posting on his Twi/X the video of Jimin and Jungkook's Own It dance practice and cryptically captioning it "may the story continue?"
Yes I get the reference to SEVEN but is there something else coming? Hmmmmm, Brian?
Side note: yes sir, we were definitely blessed in more ways than one with that clip...
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WhAt doEs it ALL mEaN?
Are we getting some sort of vlog or Bon Voyage subunit at some point in the future?
Is it for a subunit MV?
Are they on their honeymoon?
Is Jimin handling it right now? (of course he is)
It's Green Day in Korea. Or it was yesterday (time zones and shit). Remember? The 14th of every month has some sort of couples significance in Korea. Green day is the day lovers spend the day out in the countryside enjoying nature together. It was a beautiful weekend in Jeju.
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So which is it?
I have a burning need to know. But if they don't want to share, I'm cool with that too I guess, but usually, when you are caught sneaking something, the teacher makes you share with the class...
I am ready for show-and-tell, what about y'all?
Knowing they're well, safe and happy will have to suffice for now.
Disclaimer: Right now most information is rumor and speculation, information gleaned from several sources. The sightings were reported by eyewitnesses. Some have photos. Not posting those here of course. The Brian Puspos post is fact.
In closing, here's some pics I bet you've never seen before:
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veranavera · 1 year
So this is normally where I would go ahead and format one of my typical posts and show you the pics of me on top of the peaks I did: Chairback, Number Three, Number Four (yes those are the official names of those mountains), Barren, Big Moose, Couburn, Boundary Bald, and Kibby - all peaks in Maine that I did and got a photo of me with a trans pride flag at the top
Unfortunately, at the end of my trip up Kibby, I lost my phone, and since I hadn't backed up any of the photos from those 8 peaks, I can't do one of my normal posts. I could bombard y'all with details from that, and how it affected what peaks I've been able to do over the last month (yes this happened a month ago, my posts are SUPER backlogged), but honestly it kind of feels like a moot point
Suffice to say, this kinda fucking sucks. I put a lot of my time and energy into these projects of mine and whenever something like this does happen (very similar thing happened last year), it kind of feels like I wasted that time and energy
This does give me a good opportunity to share a trip I did a wee bit ago that I never posted about! Back in December I went on a backpacking trip with some friends to west Texas with the intention of hiking Guadalupe and Emory, the tallest and most prominent peaks in the state respectively. We were able to hit Emory, but on the day we were supposed to do Guadalupe, a winter storm rolled in and no one had brought their winter hiking gear, so we had to bail on that
Honestly, I don't know why I never posted anywhere about this, I guess it just felt like anything I posted would feel incomplete to me since I only accomplished half of my intended goal, even though it's a *very* common thing in hiking/climbing to have to abandon your original goals and either adapt to new ones or, bail on your trip entirely
Anyhow, if y'all will excuse the dramatic change in tone, landscape and appearance, here's some pictures of me with a trans pride flag on the most prominent peak in Texas :)
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And I have more nature photos to go along with that!
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Anyhow, thanks for reading this far :)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
In between all the posts, I just wanted to jump in and say I am beyond excited for JMs next release. I am anticipating few things. I know his next release is going to be much bigger and potentially more commerical. I think with Face, it's been clearly apparent that he is probably one of the most popular if not the most popular member of BTS internationally especially in terms of music so I am keen to see all his achievements. I have a feeling some releases might be collabs or at the very least English songs so I am keen to see how he tackles them. I feel that JK, RM, JM and possibly Suga have the best English pronunciation so I am keen as a bean. I am also liking the directions he is going with his magazine shoots so I am hoping we get to see more of his recent looks. I love JM but I am done with mullets and Boba cuts. Yes we all know you can be cute but we also know you are deadly sexy so I want to see.more of those deadly sexy charms which comes naturally to JM. I guess it's suffice to say I am beyond excited. I waited for all the members releases and have recognised that the rap line and JM are the only ones that I am excited about artistically, more so JM to be honest!!
His recent photoshoots have made me even more excited.
By the way, hope you are having a wonderful day/night. Not sure what the time difference is.
Hi Anon!
Yes to all of this but please allow me to use your ask as an excuse to post his Elle pics. Somehow it feels appropriate.
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I like the energy he shows that goes from this:
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...to this:
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It's the "7" again... I love how much Jimin flaunts it.
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If you want sexy, adult Jimin in PJM2, Anon, it's looking like you might get your wish.
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My favourite thing about this pic is his chubby cute pinkie....
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He's perfect.
Despite everything, I'm very curious about Golden, even excited. I've warmed up to Jungkook's game plan in Chapter 2 and just want to see him blow it all out of the water with his poppy pop songs. I know I'm not fond of David's Stewart's production on BTS's English tracks so I likely won't like the songs he's worked on, but I'm looking forward to the others.
For Joon and Jimin though, my body sometimes literally buzzes if I think about their next projects for too long. And no I'm not exaggerating. How is Jimin planning to end k-pop in 2024? I can't wait to see it. And Joon, his energy tells me how anxious he is to show off what he's made. Because that's one of my favourite things about him, you know? How arrogant he is about his music. Because he's certainly earned a right to be, and it makes me happy to see how he basks in how good the music he makes is. Sometimes I feel he's driven almost insane by his obsession with perfecting it, a little bit more so than for Hoseok or Yoongi.
Anyway, more music for us in Chapter 2! Thanks and I hope you're having a good day too, Anon.
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tarot-junkie · 1 year
-firstly. These readings have been and were always hypothetical in my opinion. ALWAYS. Everyone interprets the data differently. I remember getting into an argument where someone said he would or will propose and I said BULLSHIT bc of a pentacles card 🫠. Admittedly…Way too in my head to interpret it without bias on REGULAR readings for evans. Whoops. My bad. Yikes. Frankly I looked at some of those readings incorrectly. //
I remember a while ago you said that the tower moment would most likely be for the fandom not for Chris and that has stuck with me ever since. You most definitely hit the nail on the head with that one
That’s the one thing I can agree on maybe getting right. And to be fair, the switch flipped for me when another friend read about his FS last year. It was a different take than most - Something about how she/FS had an idealized version of who he was and even SHE had to change her perception a bit. The tower showed up in her reading, “what will she think about him” or something along those lines. So then I wondered aloud if it was always about the fans and how they perceived of “Chris evans” LLC. And the image was the tower. And seeing it over and over wasn’t about HIM changing.
Consider the stark contrast between who he is/appears to be, and how most people have been like 👀 about the whole thing. It’s jarring for those who have invested a lot. (Sounds dramatic but) has shaken some foundations.
I don’t always ascribe to the “he needed to be fixed and heal himself and THEN will be rewarded with her” schtick bc that’s not how things always work. If you KNOW him personally, you might be able to argue that- but as it stands currently, we can only quote Kneepads (People) re: how he “feels” according to a SOURCE 🫠 and say that “that is accurate.”
Someone used the word shambolic yesterday and it really represents my feelings on this whole nonsense. (Chaotic, disorganized, MISMANAGED). These dumb plays ….what some people would just say “ugh you’re blowing it out of proportion,” really just make it seem like some people sat around in a room and came up with ALL OF THE DUMB ideas on what to do to release this. And they can’t sell it because they’re not that good at faking story lines.
I’m not saying all of it is PR. The public side of it is ABSOLUTELY PR. The timing, the cardboard cutout nature of all of it. I’m just saying if they came up with the idea of “let’s walk thru Central Park” then it becomes a whole mess of a sprint and it’s awkward af. If they take a pic of them kissing it looks like he’s making out with her mouth-chin character. Which is weird. They can’t sell it bc they’re faking a side of it for the public. Not the whole thing. Just the public part. That’s why I said at one point, maybe it’s real and they bungled the shit out of it bc they are awkward.
I also got the vibe some of this shit was for spite, so whatever clever blogs have said he likes watching it all burn…. I think back to some public questions we’ve discussed “Is she going to the premiere?” NO. Then she goes and it’s a dumb circus. Make sure she’s spotted looking “hot.” Is he ever going to do BOSTON Con? NO, his anxiety is too bad. And then he books TWO this year. And so on. And so forth. LSA kept saying “STOP SAYING THIS, it’ll happen!!” 😂😂😂😂
So. I think we need to just be all Justin Bieber and never say never. All the people like “ohhh they won’t last” 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😂 suffice it to say….old dude is doing tf he wants.
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cathartic-crypt · 5 months
so this friday is my final on-site day of a-levels and our teachers told us to come in dressed "hawaiian themed". so naturally i thought about what kind of clothes i have...and remembered i have a black button up with flames on it
suffice to say im dressing up as guy fieri. i have the glasses and some sort of thick bracelets too. im also putting my hair up in shitty little spikes with god knows how much gel after a friend bleaches it for me
pics WILL be provided
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xxthewolvenstormxx · 3 months
Hi iirc you had a jon snow meme for your background pic, now not so much. Are you done with jonerys and got fandom? I hope this doesn’t come off rude, I just want to know because your wips mean so much. Thanks for what you’ve done if you are
Hey Babe. Thanks for the compliment. Its been a *rough* few years but I am happy and well. Am I done with Jonerys and GOT? Welll... It no longer obsessively consumes my thoughts. But I still enjoy reblogging fanarts and rereading pieces. I actually reconnected with one of my tarts a few days ago and downloaded the Legends of Winters Peak (my beloved) last night so I can read it at work this week.
I really loved GOT. It had so much potential and it was all pissed away because quoth d&d "this isn't high school, stories don't have themes." Which is something that is... Deeply antithetical to my beliefs. I won't philosophize to an anon ask but suffice to say I disagree with their conclusion about the significance and nature of myth and the stories we choose to tell each other.
And occasionally, I get the itch and step away from my original stuff and my DND text RP and dip my toes back into one of my many WIPs. Seriously, we must have a psychic connection because last night I sat down and vomited out like 3000 words for one of my more controversial pieces. ( IDK if I'll get another chapter out seeing as the first chapter was 17,000 words. But I made a dent.)
I know thats not the answer you were looking for. But this is a very sweet compliment. It brings me joy to know that someone read something I wrote and it meant something to them.
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heliconcarpet · 2 years
Nara (the other side of the coin)
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Pic source
Relationship : Rengoku Kyojuro x Gn!Reader
Fire and Ice - by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice
Long before Taisho era was unveiled, like flame and water pillars, ice pillars are made by passing older generations to their younger. They served as slayers from time to time, building a firm foundation in one heartbeat. The flame ancestors clan, in particular, has a feud with the ice pillars clan. Though it was a healthy rivalry at first, perhaps any human relationship requires a dynamic.
Somewhere in a village during the Edo period, there was a mess caused by demons. They went there. Alas, a bad omen was on their side. They surely decreased the damage, but felt overwhelmed at the end. They might get help, expecting it to come from the clan of flame pillars. Instead, those flames they'd sought weren't burning down their suffering.
Since then, these clans have gotten worse. Until then, Rengoku Kyojuro's grandpa is keen to, at least, rebuild the bridge between the two. They made it, not the best, but significantly better than before.
In the lifetime of Kyojuro being a flame clan pillar in theTaisho era, there's a young kid from the ice pillar clan, a year older than him, who is raised through the dynamics of the two opposite clans. In fact, Kyojuro and (Name) are very familiar with each other. For the clan's sake, they fill a gap and swear in a childish way to make up for it in a pinkie knot. Oftentimes, they were sparring together with a wooden katana. They developed their signature breathing technique or form at age ten to eleven, a pleasant moment for a basic achievement. An unknown fire and a verglas.
Kyojuro Rengoku has a sunny personality, while (Name), (Name) is a cheerful child as well, though less bright than Kyojuro. It's because in the ice pillars clan, a sense of duty was beyond everything. A bushido in the extreme. Like ice, they literally become actual ice in human form. (Name) exterior is indeed warm, (Name) cares about the surroundings, while the heart sometimes says otherwise. (Name) level of care for everyone is at an all-time high until it runs cold and becomes numb.Kyojuro once noticed this side of (Name). He first noticed it during a real combat, at their very first mission together before hashira days. When these two were grouped for six, including them, when this group was in an edge situation, (Name) turned one's back from everyone. (Name) didn't flinch at dying meat. (Name) only wanted to fulfill duty and get rid of the demons.
Ice has always been selfish in nature, so does (Name). Even Kyojuro himself wouldn't believe what he saw that day. He just wanted to keep (Name) away from harm because (Name) was at second easily succumbed by rage. (Name) unlocked the ninth form of breathing. At first, it had no effect on (Name)'s body. It was exposed when the fight was over. (Name)'s whole deep hair color turned white.
(Name), as a year older than Kyojuro, has always told him about a protector wannabe. The oldest must keep the youngest safe under their wings. A tough cookie is, it leads (Name) to the final form of breathing technique. Among all other element hashira users, this is the most lethal and powerful. So, in order to stop the bloody injuries from getting worse, (Name) sometimes patched them by freezing them. The final form for (Name) is about to freeze the heart in a moment. The demon's attack didn't even work on this form.
Kyojuro and (Name)'s relationship were 'organic'. They grew up together as infants, knowing each other's habits through bad and good was like breathing the air. It's unbreakable, unshakeable. They're platonic, almost unconditional affection towards each other. In this kind of attachment, Kyojuro gradually realized that (Name)'s existence was as valuable as his, regardless of their age. He wouldn't be hard on himself to always check (Name) all the time, but at the back of his mind, he did it frequently. If (Name)'s heart runs cold, then it's his charge to keep it warm, keep it humane. 
Unlike their nature, an ice ain't a giver, ain't giving feedback to the circle of life. Ice is more selfish than fire, but fire can destroy evil and bring death to mankind, as well as benefiting the circle of life.
But ice only melts for the flame inside, just like Kyojuro, who always has been for (Name) to melt down the harsh coldness, and only the breeze of ice could cool down the raging of the fire. 
Rengoku Kyojuro to everyone, " For the clan's sake, (Name) is one of my responsibilities. "
(Name) about Kyojuro Rengoku, " He's under my control. Don't bother yourself to gain my effort only to say otherwise."
Now that your eyes are shining is a miracle
All the memories reflected in the revolving lantern
it's filled with you
I risked my body
to your happiness
Note :
Due to my lackness of KNY major stuff, this begins from the foreword instead of the plots themselves. My only wish is to catch up sooner with the whole story, aside from KNY's ending story which is know it before.
I'd enjoy myself in an opposite attraction thorpe. Since Kyojuro himself embodied a flame element amongst the pillars, then why not present the opposite of it. As simply as water element for flame element, an ice could be the other option for building a different perspective. While water at least still had a moment or it took a bit of a process to put the flame off, an ice in similar case, it gives almost an instant effect to regain one's composure.
For ice to be name's breathing technique, I've brought up summaries from other ice users (which were I've familiar with), such Aokiji(OP),Todoroki Shoto(BNHA), Rukia - Hitsugaya Toshiro(she's more like a snow, BLEACH, cmiiw), Jack Frost (Rise of Guardians), & even the iconic one is Elsa (Frozen). Ice users are identical with the white hairy person but I resisted it at first however got the idea of mixing it with Anna's case in Frozen where her hair gets white from Elsa's attacks.
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wendingways · 2 years
More art: Rebel graffiti!
It's also a sneak peek for Fortune's Rule p-III, ch-II! (Or possibly ch-III, depending on how stuff works out.)
So, I love it when SW fanart/comics include aurebesh. I really enjoy decoding the secret messages and seeing if there's anything interesting hidden in them! Naturally, then, I needed an excuse to write a bunch of aurebesh in my own art, and what better reason than anti-Imperial graffiti? Plus, it makes such a cool little snapshot of the political situation on... ahem, whatever world this is. (You'll probably know which world it is if you read the graffiti/translations.)
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It was a lot of fun to do all the aurebesh lettering! At first, I was really intimidated by the idea of doing aurebesh in different font styles, like how the heck do you do that, where do you even start? But, unsurprisingly, turns out that it's not a whole lot different from writing Latin letters in different fonts.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with how the whole thing turned out, especially given that the graffiti was added in a somewhat haphazard manner.
Aurebesh translations included at the bottom of the post!
This piece took two evenings, hand drawing in pencil and then going over that in Pigma Micron pen, and finally erasing the pencil. First night's progress:
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I dunno what was up with that shoulder at first. Suffice it to say, things went much better after I remembered that reference photos do exist and are a really good idea.
And second night's progress:
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Goodness gracious, that Anakin poster gave me grief. The CW reference pic I used had really dramatic lighting that must have tricked my brain somehow, because even though it showed him straight-on, I ended up drawing his face angled a bit toward the side, the first time? And then after that, he kind of looked a bit anime-style, which was interesting as I've never drawn in that style before in my life and didn't know it was a thing you could stumble into, but also inconvenient.
Final note—whoever was in charge of Imperial PR quite frankly sucked at their job. Because. The Imperial crest. It's insanely difficult to draw freehand. The Republic crest? Pretty easy. But the Imperial one, sheesh. Nobody's gonna be drawing that on their faces to show their support at sporting games.
Click below for aurebesh translations!
Aurebesh translations! Proceeding in order from top left of the drawing, based on location of the first letter of each sentence.
[NA]BOO WEEPS (partially cut off)
FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE---ENLIST! (stormtrooper poster)
LON[G] LIVE [THE] REPUBLIC (partially cut off)
THE HERO WILL RETURN---HAVE NO FEA[R] (partially cut off)
INACHU MOCO, POODOO LORDA (Huttese: eat maggots, sh*t boss)
FOR [THE REPUB]LIC (mostly cut off, Clone Wars poster)
[MAY THE] F[ORCE] BE WI[TH] US A[LL] (mostly cut off)
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pictopye · 1 month
Figure Fridays #2
TLDR: First selection of figures picked by friends & family; Haslin 1:10 scale progress check-in; Figure #1 Last Alliance Elven Archer WIP; Failed on taking enough WIP Progress shots - will improve! Start on 1:10 Astarion figure. LONG (Rambley) Version: It's #Figure Friday - so here's a breakdown update as to where things are at from last week!
Last Friday: I asked friends & family on Facebook to pick some numbers/roll some dice for me to blind grab some miniatures from my craft-box to work on.
The current list is: 01. Last Alliance Elven Archer - LOTR 02. Glorfindel Lord of the West/House of the Golden Flower - LOTR/SIL 03. Gimli son of Gloin - LOTR 04. Strong - Fallout 3 05. Gondorian Warrior - LOTR 06. Pippin - LOTR 07. Nazgul #1 - LOTR 08. Cooper Howard/The Ghoul - Fallout (TV) 09. CX404/Dogmeat - Fallout (TV) 10. Ori - The Hobbit 11. Elrond with Mount - The Hobbit/LOTR
(Once I've worked my way through this list I plan to do another blind draw selection from folks who choose to participate!)
I then double-checked my clean-up on the first line up of models - ensuring sprue bits were removed, all mold-lines well sanded/scraped off, and prepped figures for priming.
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The weather was alright (though a monsoon storm was on the way!) I lined my first seven up for priming on a paint stick with some tack. I used Vallejo black primer to base-coat everything. I had some gusts come up and get me when I was trying my best with the white Vallejo primer for a Zenithal highlight stage. I still need to work on perfecting how much flow medium to primer I need to use as well as usage technique to reduce speckles; but over all I was pleased with my 2nd use of an airbrush!
(I had primed my 2x 1:10 scale figures a few weeks prior but hadn't started documentation at that point. It had felt pretty easy - but I can tell more technique practice is needed to really 'get good'.)
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I then proceeded to absolutely get sucked-into 'the zone' and by the time I realized I hadn't taken any WIP/progress photos I had done the base coat, some mid layers, and started detailing....
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Suffice to say it was a facepalm meets a forehead slap moment; and hopefully will be a lesson learned, and retained! I also had prepped a small base for the figure with some muddy ground terrain mix, sand & gravel from my yard, and a small tuft of grass. I primed it all with black, and added some mid-tones to bring up some of the details. I then affixed Figure #1, and started detailing/blending the figure with the base. Which is where we're currently left off on - since the paint needs time to dry.
Other WIPS: (mostly prior to the establishing of Facepalm #Figure Fridays) I had been working on my 1:10 scale 3D printed Halsin from Baldur's Gate 3. I realized (belatedly) that I should have been snapping progress pics as I went along - but it's how I even came to the idea of starting up doing #Figure Fridays, so now you (and I) know that even continued 'oops' moments can have good results! I already had assembled, cleaned up, added to, primed, and base-coated him by the time I really had that thought. I have been working on his face details, and good gods nailing the hair color down has been a PITA! It's warmer than your standard medium brown but not as warm as auburn/reds; lovely for sure, but it's been a challenge to replicate. The clothing/leather/armor though has been a pretty easy-breezy painting experience though, so that's been really nice! I started him with an undertone painting of mixed greens - which really has lent well to the figure remaining cohesive as I work along.
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And the last WIP update: After having gotten so far on Figure #1 I had wanted to use up what was on my pallet so it wouldn't go to waste. The colors currently left over were not ones usable on Halsin due to their cool-tone nature; So I started applying an undertone wash of blues, purples, and violets on my 1:10 scale figure of Astarion - also from Baldur's Gate 3. To replicate the success I was having on Halsin with his warm-green undertones. I did manage to catch myself before I completely doused Astarion - to show that yup I had used a Zenithal primer. XD Progress lol!
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coenvs3000w23 · 2 years
A Sunday Afternoon
As these deep winter weeks roll on by, with snowfall coming and going, snow melting and falling… I've been reflecting on what I miss most about nature. The weather has been super inconsistent this week in Toronto. The week started with a foot or so of snow; all that is left is mud and slush. At the same time, school has begun to ramp up. I find myself without much free time, with the weather being all over the place… I haven’t gotten to go outside much this winter, let alone go and enjoy it. I miss it.
The whole summer I basically spent outdoors. Spent it outside surrounded by trees and sunlight, lately, I've missed that. Over the summer, and even most of the fall, I spent most days outside working at my summer job; go Karts. Growing up in the city, I have never been the nature kid, but experiences like this were the closest I had to that. Now for all the country folk, it may not seem like a lot. But to me it was everything.
How much nature could you possibly experience while on a racetrack?
Being in the city, the closest a lot of people get to the outdoors is late at night when they go to throw the trash out. The closest to wildlife you get is the scene of a raccoon scrummaging through your trash as a dog barks at a squirrel. Suffice it to say, not really a moment you sit with yourself and appreciate the things around you. Being on that go-kart track meant and to this day means a lot to me. Waking up in the morning, getting outside, and on the less chaotic days; I would often find myself embraced in the sun. The track is in the middle of a big park and next door is a large conservatory. It's not the perfect nature experience, but it was mine to hold. With ponds scattered around, turtles were often available and every morning and dawn I would watch as they scurried out to get the last bit of sunlight they could. Often they would venture too far so I would be assigned the task of animal rescue. Wildlife conservation if you will. Every so often I would get a radio in that some cute little midland turtles were found on the track. Many times, I would find myself tracking and putting turtles back onto the pond beach. As I let them down, I would watch them scuttle through the tall grass back into the pond. It would be the best part of many days.
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Jeremiah, a recurring guest at the track :)
The track was filled with wildlife. Robins, the occasional blue jay, snakes, of course, squirrels. As I am writing this, I'm remembering a small family of coyotes who lived at the back of the track near the forest area. I believed it to be a mother and three cubs, who used to live in an old and destroyed storm drain. Just before close, often at dawn the cubs would come out and run all over the field and track. I wish I had more pictures of some of the wildlife but I rarely had my phone on me to snag pics. This year when I go back I will for sure try to capture it in the moment.
Growing up, as I have mentioned in blog posts before this, used to be void of much nature and wildlife. My experience at the track… is my connection with nature. It may not be much, may not be authentic, but it is something I hold close to me. Although I am envious of the people growing up in the countryside or up in the Muskoka’s, whatever it may be… this is the experience I miss. I think I am going to try to go out more. There is a valley near my house maybe I’ll go and walk my dog more. I don’t know, surely, I will find something…
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Ignore the transmission towers ;)
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zenruption · 2 years
Finding The Legal Help You Really Need
There are a lot of occasions in life when it is necessary to get hold of a lawyer, or some other kind of legal help. But because you might only do this once or twice in your life, it can actually be quite challenging to ensure that you are doing it right. However, if you can bear a few essential things in mind, you should find that this is made a lot easier. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best ways to find the legal help you really need, and how to do it right every time.
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Free Options
First of all, in some cases there are going to be some free options that you may want to consider. It can obviously be really helpful to find free legal help and advice, so it’s something that you can think about and which might prove to be quite useful. But bear in mind that it is not always the best approach, and that sometimes you need the help of different kinds of lawyers and so on. However, it is something you can think about and sometimes it will suffice, so that is worth remembering all this too.
Specificity Above All
Depending on the nature of the situation, there are going to be a lot of lawyers out there who might only have something to do with whatever you are trying to do. It is best to aim for specificity above all, because the more experience the lawyer has with your particular problem, the better they are likely to help you. So if you are concerned about your baby’s cerebral palsy and you want all the information you can get from the doctors, a cerebral palsy lawyer is the person you want on your side. This is something to think about every time.
Initial Consultation
When you do find a lawyer that you think might be able to help you, the first thing you’ll need to do is to have an initial consultation with them, to help figure out whether they are able to help and if so what they can do to help you specifically. That is the kind of thing that you always need to be aware of, and you’ll find that the way you approach the consultation is actually quite important as well, because you’ll want it to be as useful for you as possible. Get all the information you can early on.
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Look At Track Record
Finally, remember that it is really important you are looking at the track record of any lawyer you might be considering hiring, because you want them to be as likely to help you out as possible. A strong track record in the specific area will show that you can trust them, and that they are going to be useful for you, so that is really something that you are going to want to make use of as best as you can. It’s going to make a difference.
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fukozawa · 5 years
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30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2019!!
Day 2 - post a selfie!
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I know this topic is a little old, but what do you think about the Jimin and jungkooks matching concepts? I’ve seen some say they don’t want to make their work and debuts about each other and I’ve seen others think it means something, so I wanted to know what you’re thoughts on it are?
Didn’t we already conclude that it’s definitive proof jikook are mated and fornicating on the regular?
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Seems obvious to me that Jungkook was very heavily inspired by Jimin’s concept pics for FACE. We already know he’s a keen student of many things Jimin does. He’s said so many times, said he’s learned about performing by watching Jimin, said “even when I don’t say anything I’m always watching you Jimin-ssi”, said in the comments on Jimin’s Wlives how big of a fan he is. Jimin has flat-out called him his copy-cat (affectionate), Jungkook has shown himself imitating Jimin on Wlives, in Bangtan Bombs, on stage.. Hell, Jungkook even used to have this funny habit of dying his hair colour highlights to match Jimin’s hair colour.
If the concepts were his idea, then I think it’s obvious that Jungkook, once again, was very comfortable borrowing inspiration from Jimin. And I think he was right to do that too cause Seven is about portraying a mature, virile male who can keep at it seven days a week. A well oiled and exposed midriff is a firm requirement for such a concept. Abs too.
(Personally I would’ve preferred more emphasis on his thighs but beggars can’t be choosers, as they say)
I think at this point, it’s clear Seven was somewhat hastily put together, but that all the members have input on how their projects are presented. If the point was to convey an adult JK, I can see how several people in the room thought those concept pics would suffice. Nevermind how identical it is to Jimin’s.
Whether or not the identical nature of their concept pics was the point is anyone’s guess. But I also don’t think it matters all that much. I certainly don’t think suspecting they’re inspired by each other takes away from either of their debuts. It’s just another ‘jikook thing’, one of many curiosities or coincidences that some people notice and maybe raise their brows at, and then move on while jikook continues jikooking.
Because at the end of the day, jikook are always jikooking.
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
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Reader is gender neutral
Warnings: contains fluff, a little bit of angst and some suggestive ideas but no actual descriptive smut
A/N: I get so engulfed in writing fics that I forget I can make Headcanon posts like these. As always, I will happily make more for whatever JJK or demon slayer character y’all wanna see
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He’s shy and a bit hesitant to fall in love
There is something different about you, something that makes him willing to slowly try again
He’s careful with his heart, especially after his traumatic past. He’s scared to lose someone he loves again.
You, however, change that outlook for him. Yuta can’t describe how safe he feels when he’s with you, not in words at least
You are so patient and understanding with him, so tentative and kind, he feels safe enough to allow you into his heart
Once you start dating, Yuta quite literally is the sweetest man you’ll ever meet — as if he wasn’t already
Yuta is the type to always text you good morning and good night. Especially at the start of your relationship
Once you settle in more, he asks you those things in person. Literally the moment you wake up he’s whispering a soft good morning
Yuta loves when you wear his clothes but he knows you are too shy to ask. So he usually leaves his hoodies laying around for you
He loves cooking dinner with you, he’s absolutely the cheesy type to play some music and dance you around the kitchen while the food nearly burns
You do face masks together and have self care nights whenever you are both free
Yuta is a bit insecure about the dark circles under his eyes, so you’ll do eye masks with him and tell him he’s handsome with or without them
He makes sure he has time set aside for dates with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s been a month since you started dating or five years, he’ll always make sure the dates are romantic and sentimental
“Do you… go on a date?” He’ll already have the whole thing planned out, eagerly waiting for your response. If you tell him you don’t feel like it he’ll be okay, he’ll just save it for when you do feel up to it
I think Yuta would be supper in tune with you, he can always tell when something is off with you. Curse energy aside, he’s really good at reading you.
“Are you feeling okay?” He’ll always start off soft, if you tell him you need space or cuddles or whatever, he’ll happy oblige. Yuta doesn’t get offended when you say you need some space, he’s been there and he gets it
He can have some pretty bad days, I really think he has some PTSD from his childhood and it can creep up on him out of nowhere. He’s thankful that you are always there to help him sort through it
Yuta gets you a promise ring for your one year anniversary. He knew you were the one literally within a month of dating but he wanted to make sure you felt the same
Pet names are a bit embarrassing for him but eventually they flow naturally. He doesn’t even realize it when he calls you names like “my love” , “darling”, “sweets” etc
He’s not a morning person at all but you make it easier for him by having breakfast and coffee ready. On mornings where you are far too lazy to get up and do that, cuddles and kisses also suffice
Now for the fun stuff…
You coax Yuta into being more daring when it comes to being intimate — it starts with you convincing him to send suggestive pics
He’s always leaving his face out of them, usually it’s just his body. You’ll occasionally get a glimpse of his face in the pics and he’s always so red
Sexting and FaceTime sex become a frequent part of your lives when you are away on missions. Usually you are luckily enough to go with Yuta when he’s sent overseas but it’s not always the case
He’s soooo sweet during it, like praise galore. He just can’t stop telling you how pretty you are, how hot you are, how much he loves you
Which speaking of saying he loves you…
Yuta says it first and it slips out by mistake. It was literally only a few weeks after going out with you, hence why it came out by mistake. He didn’t want to scare you with such a bold statement
You were both laughing over something you said, Yuta was absolutely entranced when he saw that big grin spread across your cheeks, your laugh was like music to him. It slipped out almost breathlessly, a quiet little “I love you, so much.”
He had hoped you didn’t hear him, but you froze, eyes widening and before he could try and stutter over his words — you said it back
Anyways, back to the smexy stuff :)
Yuta is much more into “making love” than “fucking” — that sounds so ridiculous lmfao good bye
What I mean by that though, he’s not into rough sex, degrading, stuff like that. He’s much more soft and sweet, all about making you feel good & definitely into body worship. He secretly likes overstimulating you … and himself to be completely honest
He prefers doing these things in the comfort of your shared apartment — which you two moved into about a year after dating once he promised himself to you
Yuta really treats you like you are royalty. I cannot see him ever putting up a fight when you ask him for things, but that’s not to say you don’t get into quarrels.
It’s natural for conflict to happen when you spend so much time with someone. Though your “fights” never really get too serious or last too long
Y’all have a HEALTHY ass relationship. When you know you need to walk away, neither puts up a fight about it. Y’all can argue, realize it’s getting stupid and say you need a bit of time to calm down
Yuta values you way more than he values winning an argument. Regardless if he’s in the right or wrong, he can’t see himself without you and doesn’t want to hurt you
He really wants to marry you — but he also wants to quit being a jujutsu sorcerer before taking that next step with you. He wants to make a world where the two of you can live a happy, normal life.
You write each other notes — I mean in cute and sad ways. Usually you’ll stick some post it notes in his luggage when he’s leaving while he’ll leave post it notes on the mirror in the bathroom for you to see when he wakes up.
Sometimes the note is as simple as “got in at 2:30am, I’m alright, I’ll see you when you get home from work.” Especially since you both do everything in your power to not wake the other up — sleep is crucial
While Yuta may only be second to Gojo in terms of cursed energy and technique, he still manages to get himself hurt from time to time — so you took it upon yourself to learn first aid & some more complex things like stitching in the event Shoko isn’t around to heal him
You quickly learned that Yuta’s love language is physical touch — whether you enjoy that or not lol.
If you enjoy physical touch, Yuta is very hands on with you. He’ll always be holding your hand, reaching for your sleeve, wrapping and arm around your waist or shoulder
If you don’t like physical touch, he’s much more careful with you. Things like locking your pinky with his, holding your sleeve, standing close enough for your shoulders to touch, etc
Yuta is easily embarrassed so I can totally see him getting bashful when trying to be lovey with you in public or with friends — especially with friends actually. They’ll tease the ever living fuck out of you two
Yuta is a 10/10 boyfriend — I literally cannot imagine this man doing anything wrong… like ever. This mf has killed someone and honestly he’s still a 10/10 sweetie in my eyes
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homocidal-invader · 2 years
@brisargs wrote a professional argumentative essay as to why @z-ib should send feet pics and now I am sharing it. Read it here, in its intended format, or click the readmore to read it on tumblr.
Brisa R. Gutiérrez
Prof. Zib
Annoying 5050
May 10 2022
Why zib should send feet pics… in a scientific way
First of all, I would like to clarify that our intentions about zib's… feet are not necessarily “sick, depraved, etc”. Some of us have been arguing for a long time now whether or not you have your complete feet since, by observations or even theories, it was concluded that the Irken can have from 2 to 3 toes;  an example is the user the-best-invader, in one of his pictures you can see his feet and it seems that he has just 2 toes, nobody gave mention to his feet because he didn’t make a drama about showing them, mind you; but I’m not saying it has to be the same for you; i know it’s a private thing and we’re Internet people that probably aren’t even from the same dimension. We can't force you to do it,  but let me tell you that it was a mistake to challenge the Internet, much less a group of humans that has been following you for at least a month, if I’m remembering correctly. Anyway have that  leaving aside, my point is that our intentions are merely scientific. If you allow me to say it, humanity is curious by nature,  and it is not like we know many human hibryd Irken isn’t it? If your body is slowly changing, how is this reflected? The feet, however, are going to be one of the many questions that you have already been asked or will be asked in the future. This topic would have been quickly forgotten if you didn’t show yourself so… annoyed about it. Half of the people who follow you loves to annoy you, you just fueled the fire.
There’s no one here to blame anyway. In second instance  the question is weird and uhm,  your whole thing is weird, can you blame us for being curious when you could have found yourself in that position? And let me say that I am 90% sure that you ever had doubts about the Irken and did everything in your power to have that information under the argument of “I am saving humanity, I need to know about my enemy to defeat him”. Well- , we are asking out of curiosity and a bit because you look upset about it; also,  we know you have something better to do, like escape, but is there  a reason why you feel it would be a terrible mistake to just do it? Absolutely not, from a minority point of view. I mean,  we really just want to know what they look like, it’s more of a descriptor of what they look like or even just saying “I have all my toes”, “I have only 3 toes”, “My feet are more or less green, what did you expect?”, which  would have sufficed and the topic forgotten.  
In conclusion, no; photos of feet were not totally and necessarily mandatory. If people kept asking,  it was to see if you would do it or not as well as with your hands but who first thought we have a foot fetish and had to dare us to do it? So, on behalf of the people who genuinely were asking nicely and are just curious, here is my essay with 500 words counted, maybe a little more.  
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