#so this show is uhhhhhhhhhhhh not my favorite
navree · 2 years
Have you watched Rome (HBO)? If yes what's your opinion on it?
I've watched some of it, but to be honest I didn't really like it. They got things like how society operated in that time, and I think Ciaran Hinds is an incredible actor and did his best with the material he had, and if you just want a good drama and don't know anything about the period and the actual history that went on, you'll probably like it. Plus, James Purefoy was genuinely perfect casting. It's why I wish that the show was better than it was.
Problem is, I do know the history. I know the history quite well, because the general fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire is an incredibly interesting time and Augustus is one of my favorite people to read about, from a historical perspective he's fascinating. And the show bungles a lot in that regard. I've never been a particular fan of "we're going to invent these fictitious characters and make them important to the historical narrative" type things, and the combining of characters caused some major problems for me personally (combining Atia Balba with Fulvia to create the show's version of Atia was very annoying to me personally, considering how at odds it is to the historical Atia Balba), and just in general a lot of the characters felt very shallow and like they were crafted more out of a pop culture understanding of who these people were rather than actually examining them historically. Like, ooh Cleopatra is a sexually voracious and seductive minx and Octavian is a monstrous little viper, how incredibly novel, never been done before. Not like the reality of Cleopatra as someone who wasn't very attractive but was so intelligent and charismatic that she seemed leagues better than any other woman, but still prideful and stubborn enough to let it be her downfall is more interesting than cokewhore but make it Hellenistic. Not like Octavian as an incredibly smart person and brilliant politician whose complicated family life created a situation that had him latch onto Caesar as a father figure (and Caesar himself having lost a child shortly before they started getting close allowing that latching to be entirely mutual) and who started his journey to power as a personal revenge quest and whose litany of personal tragedies at a young age created the circumstances that allowed him to make colder and colder decisions for the betterment of himself and his family and his country is more interesting than wimpy deviant who can't fight. IDK, they made Livia marginally more two-dimensional than most other pop culture portrayals of her (I, Claudius your sins are numerous and shan't be forgiven), but that's about it. From someone who's read a lot about all of these people and has consistently found that who they actually were is leagues more interesting and creatively inspiring than anything anyone could actually make up, the show being composed entirely of preconceived notions with some sprinkling of "this is what I remember from Shakespeare's Roman plays" just did not do it for me at all.
Also, Agrippa/Octavia is a fucking cop out and anyone who writes it is a genuine coward. Like, you cannot tell me that out of the two siblings, the relationship you find the most interesting is the one he had with Octavia, when Agrippa and Octavian were friends since they were twelve and were completely and reciprocally so incredibly devoted to each other that it almost defies description and beggars belief. Agrippa never once tried to grab power even though he absolutely could have and was perfectly happy being nothing more than Octavian's right hand man until the day he died. Octavian's first ever political act, the thing that kickstarted his entire career, was asking Caesar of his own volition to not kill Agrippa's brother (it's complicated) and Caesar saying yes entirely because it was Octavian who asked, not only showing how loyal Octavian was to his friends but also essentially binding the two of them together for life. It was a forty year relationship of the most insanely codependent friendship of all time, either get with the program and make it homoerotic or just admit you have no talent and wanna hetify it.
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sarah-denial-cq · 6 months
my favorite
Thank you anon! This video is definitely not my thing which is why I'm so glad you've compelled me to edge to it. That shows I'm doing a good joAN HOUR?
Ah. Oh well. Here we go.
0:18 such nice tits 0:29 I love predsatory women that smile 0:55 I love unconscious womemn being felt up 2:12 exposed in front of all those cars <3 <3 2:26 I;m not into tied tits but this usn't about what I like it's about what u like 3:47 helpless helpless 4:32 no miss 4:47 I'll never know tat feeling 5:03 please take care of me too 5:15 so trained that's hgonna be u 5:39 yeah shut her up shut her up 5:59 gag me with them pls 6:37 yes yes yes shut up the bitch 7:51 they're porn 8:36 she was asking for it 9:22 I remember the feeling of screaming like that girls like us deserve it 10:16 night night dykebait 11:25 I wanna get slaapped like that so bad 11:54 I'm naked so often it feels normal for me but I bet for a stuck up bitch like her it feels extra humiliating 14:01 I could be her <3 14:42 I'm hitting mine too 15:04 I don't have any titties 15:24 turned up the vibe 15:40 "oh yesss, pull on those yes yes yes yes yes" 15:56 cry bitch 17:47 "do it harder" 18:20 I'm sorry I'm such a pussy 19:17 I love the flinch 19:35 I want to see her cry 20:42 just pose her by the nose 21:15 not done 21:45 such a whiny pathetic bitch 22:14 her crying will be so hot 23:25 god they could be a little grateful 24:13 I hope that homophobe likes the smell of pussy 24:49 I belong kneeling in there 25:38 tasted myself 26:20 oh I just notice the toe tit ropes 26:56 I wanna cum 27:02 yes degrading language for her tots she deserves it 28:40 lick it up 30:38 I love seeing porn sub girls look genuinelyt unhappy 31:07 lick lick lick 31:46 I want a remote shock collarso bad 32:12 she had one job 32:37 she's not a boss, she's porn 33:01 blackmail 34:50 I wanna cum 35:07 I moaned 35:22 losers don't deserve air 35:54 slapped myself 36:09 tasted myself 36:20 rubbed it on my face 36:50 not going to lie I rewound five times to watch her get spit on 36:50 and in slow motion 36:50 please spit on me 38:00 her tits look so abused 38:59 I hope I lose 39:50 I wanna cum she got to i can't believe I'm even less than her 41:08 this is what all lesbian employees deserve 43:05 yes YES tug it 43:36 they're so pathetic whining 44:06 I wanna get hit turned up the vibe 44:45 apologize 45:43 those adoring eyes 46:58 I'm a loser girl 46:59 I'm glad the small tit loser lost 48:10 I moaned 49:15 I taste so stupid 50:14 I gagged myself my panties for the rest of the video 51:10 "thank you" 52:25 what happened to that uppity cunt from the start of the video, huh? 53:20 they're porn 54:40 I bet she's so ready to take it out on her 55:07 girls hurting girls <3 57:58 lick lick 58:20 that's what she deserves for flauntiing her tits 59:45 OH 1:01:12 uhhhhhhhhhhhh 1:01:26 I WANT TO 1:01:53 I taste stupid 1:03:18 ex boss. Never gonna be respected again 1:04:00 seeing the focusing light feels so good 1:05:05 her face under an ass looks so right 1:06:00 cum like a lezzie boss 1:06:50 I'm drooling so much around my panties 1:07:20 dyke dyke dyke dyke dyke 1:08:40 I want it so bad 1:09:10 oh my god those eyes
Thank you for choosing how I edge.
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emilyrox · 2 years
ouat for the ask game?
Favorite Male: Killian Jones. There's no contest. Just Killian.
Favorite Female: Emma Swan. There's no contest. Just Emma.
Favorite Pairing: Ok I'm gonna list both my favorite main pairing and favorite side pairing.
Favorite Main Pairing: Captain Swan. You all knew this was gonna be my answer don't lie. Finally watched the Captain Swan wedding for real and it is the best thing ever. Also started season 7 officially and THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!
Favorite Side Pairing: Mr. Hyde x Mary Lydgate (I don't know what the ship name is someone plz help). Gonna be honest I don't exactly know why I think about them as much as I do. Maybe it's because Hyde is also a favorite, or because of their dynamic in general, or because I wish we saw more of them, but I just think about them a lot and what they meant to each other. I'm attached to a pairing that was together for ONE episode??? It's more likely than you think.
Least Favorite Character: uhhhhhhhhhhhh I got a few
Fiona "The Black Fairy". I did not like her. Yeah she's a villain so she's meant to be rooted against but other villains in the show are at least ENTERTAINING. Regina was an entertaining villain (and the og). Zelena was fucking hilarious (and still is as a hero I'm glad they kept that part of her). Cruella de Vil is a cruel dog murderer but I was always interested when she was on screen. But Fiona? She was just a bitch, and not an enjoyable one. I just wanted someone to finally end her. Was so satisfied when Rumple killed her for good.
Mother Superior/"The Blue Fairy". Just because I don't like Fiona and she and Blue were foils doesn't mean I like the Blue Fairy. I agree with the rest of the fandom that she was shady as fuck. She does some good things but also a lot of rude and shady ones. The way she treated Tinkerbell was awful, and her overall "I art holier than thou" attitude was just unpleasant. I could never really tell if she actually wanted to help the heroes or not, which would have been an interesting thing to think about during the show if not for her over-the-top self-righteousness.
Rumplestiltskin (Season 4, Season 5B-Season 6A. Season 7 TBD). He has had many opportunities to redeem himself and be a good person, which he claims he wants to be, but over and over again he kept clinging to "muh power." He is entertaining as a villain overall, and I do like Rumbelle, but not when he is being borderline abusive and possessive of her. I specified specific seasons where I don't like him because those are where he fucks up the most imo. 5A could have been his perfect redemption arc, and he was finally free of the Dark One Curse, but he willingly chose to take that power back. Which makes his actions more irritating in 5B. 6A Rumple was god awful. However, I am glad that by 6B he got his shit together (most of the time) and ultimately did the right thing. *I will say that I enjoy Rumple the most when he is in full-on Dad mode. Which is part of why I like him again in 6B. He genuinely cares about his sons, and I believe him when he says he would do anything for them.* Rumple in Season 7 has yet to be determined as I have not finished it yet.
Who's Most Like Me: Ok imma be completely honest I don't actually know. I feel like my answer, if i have one, would just be me projecting myself onto the character and not actually looking at canon.
Most Attractive: Killian is the obvious choice but ngl more than half of the entire cast slays. The costume department is a big reason why. I agree with the idea that most of the budget went towards the costumes and honestly that is 100% valid of them to do.
Three More Characters I Like: Here ya go:
Elsa. Fuck y'all the Frozen arc was great and Elsa was great and she cares about Anna and Kristoff and becomes besties with Emma and doesn't understand talking phones with Killian and she's great and I may or may not have shipped her with Liam (the first) at one point even though there is literally no way that could ever happen but consider this: it'd be cute.
Zelena (Season 5B and onward. Season 7 TBD). I mentioned how she was a very entertaining villain but ngl I think she's even more entertaining when she's on the heroes' side. She still has 100% of her sass, it's just now directed at people who deserve it. Like Fiona for example :D. I also love when she and Regina work together and help each other. I also believe, like Rumple, that she genuinely cares about her daughter, and seeing her go mom-mode is great. Overall, I think she became a much more likeable and enjoyable character after 5A, and especially by mid 6A. Zelena in Season 7 has yet to be determined as I have not finished it yet.
Lily Page. So from what I've seen online I'm not the only one that was hoping to see more of her after Season 4, right? I thought she was an interesting character, and I'm happy she finally reunited with her mom, Maleficent. Lily being her daughter was a plot twist I don't think anyone expected, but I really liked it! I would have honestly loved to see an episode where Lily and Emma, and maybe a few others, go searching for Lily's dad. They introduced that arc for Lily in the Season 4 finale, but then it didn't go anywhere. (Ok so I have been spoiled that it's revealed in Season 7 at the very end but I wish we got more than that ngl). I like Lily, I just wish we got to see more of her.
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tealightrook · 10 months
Oh wow I haven’t done one of these in a while. Got tagged by @chronicas so let’s go! I’m very tired so there might be typos
Last Song: Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea - Stripped by MISSIO
Favorite Color: Dark Blue 🌌
Last Movie/Last TV Show: Ummm I think it was either Spiderman Across the Spiderverse or the 1998 Trigun.…..it’s been a bit….
Last Thing I Googled: “costasiella leaf sheep gif”
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: SWEET EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!! I happen to say as I’m eating a saltine cracker
Current Obsession: Oh boy uhhhhhhhhhhhh Ocean Wildlife (most notably sea slugs, seals, and orcas at the moment), Maritime/Nautical/Research Expedition Horror, Sewing is a big of one, odd messed up gross medical things, and old horror stories/args. My brain constantly flips around things but that doesn’t stop the obsession. I guess OCs/friend’s campaigns fall under this as well? If so then yes that is on there
@maestaresintothevoid Ummm I don’t know many people on tumblr and Chronicas already tagged the only other person I know on here so oops 🤷
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akayna · 7 months
15: Favorite movie (gimme a couple, when you can't pick one)
16: I’ll love you if
26: My biggest pet peeves
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
15. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ???
16. I'll love you if you show me you care through actions, not hollow words.
26. Loud chewing. Reply-all emails. Dirty bathrooms. When people keep saying my name in a conversation with me. People refusing to do things the right way (or do the right thing).
33. how useful/helpful/informative I am. I actually hate hearing it directly, so it's more like just knowing it. I could never have a praise kink because of how much I fucking hate direct positive feedback. I'll always be a techie, if all is going well no one sees me. But being useful is all I want to be. (Can you tell I was perhaps the verbally/emotionally abused eldest child?)
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
did you have a favorite character on sense8? i only watched the first season i think and i liked all of them but i remembered really enjoying Wolfgang, Sun, and Lito's arcs personally
oh man it's been ages since i watched and i'm bad w names (memory problem) so let me just cheat and check the wiki.
i'll lead with: i really like every character in sense8. picking a favourite would be hard. actually i'm just going to ramble on the cluster and associates and let u draw ur conclusions lol. i'm very indecisive n bad at picking favourites. there will prob b spoilers nonnie sorry i don't remember what was what season in my head it's all one chunk of television
will: took me a while to appreciate him, but i like how his story ended. i really like him n riley, but i don't appreciate either of them alone? like i'm thinking about it and i don't have much to say other than one thing i'm putting in riley's section to give her some meat.
riley: see will. also, i really like...there was that thing when they were playing a trick on where they were? so they got the yogurt? i was super excited bc i really like icelandic yogurt so i was like YEAH THAT'S MY SHIT
capheus: OH MAN i fucking love him. i didn't get his references and i thought it was funny when he said zebra (rhymes w debra) but i really, really, really grew to love him. he's just such a warm guy and i can't think of a single moment he was on screen that i didn't like. also as someone who can't drive (or, well, couldn't at the time and now a very big "it's complicated"), his driving? like? that was easily the MOST superhero shit in the show to me
sun: i really liked her plot line, but not while i was watching the show. i was watching this show as a fairly young teen, so i didn't really have a good appreciation for what was going on with her at first. i was very "screw your family! why the hell are you making these decisions!" now, looking back, with the benefit of a good number of years (and some more life experiences and cultural awareness), i have a lot of love for her.
lito: i lied he's my favourite. as soon as he came up on the list i realized that, without hesitation, he's my favourite. no ifs ands or buts about it. i don't know why. i never really related to him very much (i would LATER, but i always adored him), and i wasn't like "oh cool gay character!", so i can't really say. i just know that i adore this man. what he does for daniela? holy shit dude. lito my beloved.
kala: i really like her but i don't have much to say. also i like the scene where she's mixing chemicals. i like her relationships. i just really like her but in a quiet way. she never stole the show for me, but i love her a lot.
wolfgang: eh...i d k. i never got into his plots. nothing against the dude, he just never really spoke to me? i did LIKE his plots, i just wasn't half as invented, and i thought he just was kind of meh. like cool dude go have your diamonds. whatever. i want to b really clear that the fact that i'm being so passé about him is deceptive because if you asked me to compare wolfgang and a character from like. anything else. i'd go oh yeah wolfgang is 10 million times better.
nomi: uhhhhhhhhhhhh. she's torn up in a tangle of emotions for me. i was watching this show as a young, trans teen with home life issues (if you can't tell from the disorder), but she also didn't "hit too close to home" or even "close to home." at the same time, she was kind of the dream. (well, sense8 plot aside.) she got out. she transitioned. she had a fucking amazing girlfriend. so i have this weird emotion about nomi i don't know how to express. i think it's positive, though.
amanita: what you thought i was only doing the cluster? nope. i have to get amanita in here so we're also doing a few bonuses. i fucking LOVE amanita. i love how she adapts to nomi's situation. i love her i love her i love her. going through the past few months, i now know just how valuable having a support like her is when you're dealing with multiple people in your head. (no, osddid and sense8 aren't alike, except superficially, but there are some meaningful comparisons to be made.) so. yeah. she's always been really top tier for me, but i have a new and profound appreciation for how important she is.
hernando: he's fine. i just feel weird leaving him out since i'm gonna do daniela. i get his struggle, i really do. i just don't love him.
daniela: FUCK YEAH DANI. okay i love her sm. she really, really had to grow on me: at first i thought she was kind of a bitch, and then i thought she was REALLY a bitch, and then i loved her. i have no idea when the flip switched, but it did and it did HARD.
riley's dad: sorry i don't feel like seeing if he has a name i assume he does
wait hold on tumblr yelled at at me for having too many characters in a block LOL
staff hey hey hey staff please make bullets not work as one block if ur gonna b like that about it that's really annoying
(also please let me copy text across more than one block. it's really hard to move around multiple paragraphs of text at a time. it's been driving me crazy. pls help me.)
okay ANYWAY.
riley's dad: i really, really love him. holy fuck i want to give him a hug. no. i want to get a hug from him. i love him sm.
so yeah that's how i feel lol
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
Love, Victor
I actually haven't seen that show. Love, Simon was good but really not my type of media. I keep meaning to watch it, just to have watched it, but it's not high on my priority list.
That being said, I did some googling and here's my thoughts based on that
favorite male character: Rahim. Fandom Wikia says he likes photography, ergo he is my favorite.
favorite female character: Lake Meriwether because while trying to google her to learn more, I found out that there is a lake in Virginia named Lake Merriweather and I vibe with that
least favorite character: Benji because I saw that name on this list and remembered how my best friend lost the class chess tournament in 8th grade cause her opponent was using psychological torture by chanting 'Benji' the entire game. Idk why Benji specifically but I remember that.
prettiest character: Bram. Keiynan Lonsdale is a fucking icon.
funniest character: Felix looks like a bit of a jokester. And Felix is bit of a funny name, I think he's just living up to it. (I literally didn't even read his wiki, watch when it turns out he's the most serious one lol)
favorite season: uhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 is always a good number. Things have been introduced, they're not relying on drama to carry it on yet. 2 is good.
favorite episode: eeny meeny mineie moe catch a tiger by his toe if he hollars let him go my mom said to pick the very best one and you are it s1ep6 "Creekwood Nights"
favorite romantic ship: I guess Victor/Benji? Since they're the main couple? I certainly don't restrict myself to canon ships but I also have no idea what kind of shipping wars this fandom has and the canon main couple feels safe to pick
favorite family ship: whoever are siblings with a cool fun relationship
favorite friend ship: Victor & Felix are the first platonic ship suggested when filtering the ao3 tag by relationship so I'm going with them.
worst ship: again I am wary of shipping wars so I'm going with the canonical exes here Victor/Mia
Give me a TV show/movie and I'll give you my opinions
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geddyqueer · 3 years
starred wars
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
AHSOKA TANO MY FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER OF ALL TIME. Although lately I have been doing a lot of “thinking” about Mando/Din. “Thinking,” yes, that’s it.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Luke… him…
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Padme in the clone wars. Remember the episode where she calls bail organa and is like “meet me at the docks after midnight. Bring a gun” and he’s like uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Or the (many) times she hid anakin under her senate desk so she could feed him treats while she works. God. I need to rewatch that show
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
is it cheating to say glup shitto. No uhhh every time a clone wars character shows up in the live action shows I start hollering
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
ANAKIN….. I am sorry. I know he killed the women and the children. I still think about him every day and night. I guess Kyle Ron also falls into this category.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
>:) also anakin. Also Kyle Ron. Sorry.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
you know what? nobody. They can all enjoy super heaven together.
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Survey #541
“i just wanna be the one who got up & came back strong”
How long was your longest make-out? I... don't keep a timer???? This isn't something I pay attention t o. Have you ever sucked in helium and talked funny? It's possible I've done it once, but I don't remember with certainty. Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? I'm 26. No. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without their shirt on? Ye, he mad handsome. Honestly, if you wanted to get laid right now, could you? He is not going to leave work and drive 30 minutes just for that. I'd judge him if he did, ha. According to your ex, you are: There's a very, very good chance he'd describe me as "the psycho ex." In some ways, I wouldn't blame him. Have you ever used your bra to hold things like you would a pocket? No. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What’s their name? It's not his real name, but I've known him as "Girt" since we met. When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is? No, I didn't. I did develop a crush on him, but he was a senior and I was a freshman, so I know there wasn't a whole lot of time to get to know him. Regardless, we definitely developed a friendship. Later found out he wanted to ask me out, but he didn't want to be "the weird senior dating a freshman." He even told me it's one of his biggest regrets that he didn't laksjfl;akwjeo;iwrjeir. But anyway, I was very nervous that after he graduated, we'd never see each other again. But here we are, ha ha. Is he what you "normally go for?" He is. We share similar interests and he's a very good person. Does he ever take you shopping or spoil you rotten? Ew, I hate the wording of this question somehow. I'd never, ever ask him to take me shopping or spoil me monetarily. I just want a reasonable amount of time from him. Do you know anyone who has diabetes? Yeah, it runs heavily in my family. Have you ever had to block anyone online? Yep. Name three things in your room that others probably don’t have in theirs: A limited edition Japanese flyer for Silent Hill: Revelation, a beautiful, flowery moon wreath my sister made, and a ball python. What’s something you can cook or bake like a pro? Nothing, ha ha. Do you tend to flirt a lot, even when the person isn’t single? No, that's a garbage thing to do. I only flirt with my boyfriend, but not like with every sentence that comes out of my mouth. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? Furniture aside, my giant Pyramid Head poster. What’s something that you think is really cute? Velvet worms alskjfalkwejklqr What’s a pretty bird? Shit man, birds are just beautiful. One of my favorite "basic" ones though are blue jays. Have you ever hacked into somebody’s account? UHHHHHHHHHHHH I did this with Jason once, not very proud of it. Word of advice: just don't. What’s something good that’s on your mind right now? I'm just feeling like my life has direction again. Halloween costume idea for this year? I REEEEALLY want to dress up as a handmaid from The Handmaid's Tale one year. It's an easy costume, and I'd want to splatter fake blood over the abdominal area. Do you want to go to pregnancy classes? If it's ever a choice relevant to my life, I wouldn't. My mom knows fucking EVERYTHING about this shit, ha ha. I'd be way more comfortable asking her about everything. Do you ever cringe at the thought of living in a disgusting house? I have no words for how deeply I actually fear this, being depressed and so dependent. Yet at the same time I want to be a housewife, so it's like???? bitch pick one. I just don't want things to build up and spiral out of control... all that stuff. How often do you let cleavage show? Well I'm almost always in tank tops in my own home, plus a bitch got some HONKERS, so I mean, it's kinda common ig? When I'm in public I pay attention to just how low it goes, 'cuz I'm more conservative in how I dress. Does anyone call you babe or baby? Girt. The latter is more rare, and on one instance where I was crying he hugged me tight and called me "baby girl" which I thought I would FUCKING HATE but I actually like, loved it??? It was very affectionate and just brimming with genuine love, the way he said it. It's strange, there's so many tiny things that used to irk me relationship-wise but now it's like, I just don't care. Intent is everything. Last night, you felt? I was pretty happy, actually! I had a lot of fun chatting with Sara for quite a while, and of course Girt and I talked a lot, too. He even shared something he was really nervous about telling me, and it felt great to know how much he trusts me. What are you looking forward to? Nicole's birthday this weekend! We're going out to eat at her favorite Mexican place. They're cheesy shrimp quesadillas are BOMB. It'll also just be nice to see her and catch up, and Ashley and the kids should be coming to the house for dessert, too. We don't know why, we really don't, but they NEVER come to our place. Do you own any shirts that cost over 100$? Hell the fuck no. How far away from your town/city is your state’s capital city? Around an hour. Have you ever worked somewhere where you had to clean the toilets? Yup... What are your three top favourite flavours of ice cream? Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, Moose Tracks, and ig plain vanilla because I love it with chocolate syrup. I've also really been craving mint chocolate chip ice cream lately, even though it's never been a strong pick for me. Do you know what your neighbours even look like? Nope. How many siblings does your best friend have? She has two brothers. Girt has one sister. Do you put ketchup on your fries? Sometimes on the side. Have your parents ever worked in the agriculture business etc. on a farm? No. Loosely related though, my lil sis has been talking with a person of interest who is a farmer. He just lives two hours or so away, but they really seem to dig each other! I hope Nicole gets to see him more and they can maybe make something happen. Nicole gets sad sometimes that she jusjt hasn't found "the one" yet, and she's MIGHTY picky. From the little I've heard of the guy though, he sounds like a good one. Where was your mom born? New York. What is your significant other’s middle name? Y'know, I actually don't know if he has one. I should ask. What’s one thing you think about regularly? The future, oh boy. What kind of exotic animal would you like to have as a pet? I would LOVE a dragon snake, but they do absolutely horrible in captivity, so I wouldn't put one through that. Who is your favorite athlete? Literally don't care. Who has helped you out the most in the past 6 months? Emotionally, absolutely Girt. He's brought me so much happiness. Are you happy with your love life right now? Yeah! Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? Sigh, yeah. I wish I had other gals to hang out with here. Do have false finger nails? No, that would drive me fucking insane. Are you on speaking terms with your parents? Yep. Are your parents religious? Yes. Mom's much more expressive of it, though; I mean I don't see my dad much, but for as long as I've known him, he doesn't talk about it very much at all. His wife though is VERY religious and there's absolutely no way she would marry someone who wasn't, so, y'know. Do you want a church wedding? Absolutely not. What do you typically have for breakfast? It's been cereal, lately. Favourite foreign food? Pizza, ig. Can you name all 50 states of America? Nope. Do you want a boy or girl if you have a kid? If that's something I ever want, I'd REALLY prefer a girl. Goriest movie you’ve ever seen? I'm sure it was a SAW film. Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Ugh, yes. I just don't understand how you can stomach doing that if you want the baby. Do you hate when people talk to you about their relationships? No, unless that is literally ALL they talk about with me. Let people be happy and in love. Random embarrassing fact about yourself? Hm. I don't know something truly embarrassing that I'm willing to share. Do you wear makeup? I never do anymore. For me personally, it feels like a waste of time. It's not my obligation to look "pretty" for anyone. Do you like cats? All cats are my Children. What’s your favorite GameBoy game, if you have one? Oh man, I don't remember. We had quite a lot. Are most of your friends Christian? No. Have you ever been so lonely, you cried? Many times. Do you try to stand out, or be like everyone else? I don't *try* to do either. I just act like myself. Are you the type to read a book at a time, or a few? Absolutely one at a time. Do you believe, deep down, that we are all the same? At the very core, of course. All of us are human, no arguments. We're (in most cases) given the same basic bodily structure and features, the same planet to experience... Now yes, our lives themselves are all different, but in essence, I see us as equal. We're all capable of the same emotions, goals, beliefs, etc., you get me? Do you like reading just the first book in the series, or all of it? It depends on how much I like the first book. What are you listening to at the moment? Super Best Friends Play's Bloodborne playthrough. I started it a while back but got distracted with other games, so it's been some time. Happy to be back into it. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I can't even remember why. Where is the person who has your heart at the moment? He's at work right now but will be stopping by my place afterwards because he knows I'm really scared over this tornado warning. I didn't even bring him driving all the way here up, but he offered and seems totally willing. He's the actual sweetest. Who or what do you feel the deepest responsibility towards? Girt, as a partner. I don't feel "responsible" for him like a parent would a kid, obviously, but I deeply feel I owe it to him to be a good, functional, not-a-waste-of-time girlfriend. I want him to feel that I'm worth it and am someone he can be proud of. I also feel an extremely deep responsibility over my snake Venus, because I'm the only one who knows and is unafraid enough to take care of her. Mom could handle Roman if god forbid I was gone, but Venus completely relies on me. Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? GIRT. He naturally has a loud voice, and even with just very mild rage playing SotC with him, I really, really don't want to hear him seriously raise his voice to a yell. Ever. It scares me when men in general yell, but to hear your boyfriend do it and for it to be targeted at you... that's terrifying. Though thankfully it's really, really difficult to imagine him yelling at me. He's just always in all ways been really gentle with me. Have you ever eaten any kind of food off of someone else’s body? No. o_o York Peppermint Patti or Reece’s Peanut butter Cups? That shit's easy: Reese's. I do love York's, though. I'm telling you, I've really been thinking of mint chocolate lately, ha ha. What store would you most like a $10,000 (about 5900 British pounds) gift certificate to? BIIIIIIITCH give me that for Rebel's Market so I can live out my goth fantasy. What band T-shirts do you own? A lot, I don't feel like mentally going through the list. Have you ever taken a lock of someone else’s hair? No, that... is incredibly creepy. Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair? No, still creepy. If you had a locket what would you put inside? A picture of Teddy. <3 Is blood a turn on for you? Er, no. Like personally it's a part of the aesthetic I enjoy, but I'm definitely not aroused by it. Have you ever written anything in your own blood? No. Have you ever drank or licked someone else’s blood? Jesus, this survey took a turn. No. Not interested. Could you possibly fall in love with a prostitute? I personally couldn't. I'm not willing to share my partner in that sense. Do you bury your pets, flush them, or throw them away? Bury or cremate. Please, please do not flush any pets. And throwing a dead pet away is just... despicable. Horribly disrespectful. Their life was not trash. Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? My mom, I'm sure.
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003 for nino from miraculous ladybug! (or any other character from that show that you want to do this for) <3
how i feel about this character:
OH BOY !!! well, it’s probably pretty obvious at this point that he’s my favorite character in mlb !!! he just cares about everyone SO MUCH and he’s SUCH a good friend! he’s reliable and awkward and speaks through music better than words, he’s insecure, prone to assumptions, a generally sweet guy,,, FRICK i love him <3
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character:
well, obviously i am a huge fan of djwifi. i think they’re adorable and they compliment each other so well and just. ahhhhhhhhh. but adrinino is also Really freaking cute,,,
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
hmmm,,, well, obviously adrien and nino is like. The Best Friendship in the show, but other than the obvious,,, nino and mari and kim being childhood friends is something that can be So personal,,, and i also like thinking that chloe and nino could’ve been great friends had they let it happen :(
my unpopular opinion about this character:
idk he doesn’t deserve any salt that he gets. “oh but nino believed lila over mari--” no that was just bad writing and also he’s like thirteen or fourteen like my God he’s a child
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
he should’ve been the guardian over mari. i’m sorry but,,, i honestly think he would’ve been better suited. not only would it cause a Lot less stress for mari, but then nino could be in charge of handing out the miraculouses and would get to know her and adrien’s identities, so then she wouldn’t have that crisis. knowing their identities would also allow him to support his friends the best that he can. also, he and wayzz have SUCH a sweet friendship and i just would’ve enjoyed that a lot more <3
favorite friendship for this character:
i mean already kind of answered this one lol
my crossover ship:
uhhhhhhhhhhhh none???
how i feel about this character:
freaking. i freaking love him. he has SO MUCH DEPTH that people don’t see !!! so many people see him as the bully-surface level type or just the idiot (albeit, that can be SO FUN and actually here are some funny fics about that--they’re all pretty short: kim being “scared” of monkeys, kim & kagami bonding, kim and max accidentally discover h*wkm*th’s lair). he just. all in all, he’s a good kid who genuinely cares so much but isn’t great at expressing it and he has GREAT character development and you can see his character growth from s1 to s2; from letting chloe boss him around to doing what he loves. it’s just. it’s SO GOOD. also, he’s so freaking funny. “meta-who?”
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character:
uhhhhh i mean, kim x ondine is cute ! i can see the appeal of kim x max, but i do kind of prefer their friendship, tbh
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
hmm, always a sucker for kim and max friendship because DUH (i mean,,, the way that max screamed kim’s name was syren dragged him under water,,, the way they stayed behind together in zombiezou,,, they care so much,,,), like i said abive: i am a firm believer in kim, mari, and nino growing up besties, kim and alix is always a good one,,, tbh, i also love the prospect of a kim and rose and kim and kagami friendship <3
my unpopular opinion about this character:
oooooooo SO MANY okay so uhhhhh hmmmm where to start... he is the Number One believer (after adrien) of chloe redemption (and prolly hates the s3 finale lol) and is never truly able to give up on her becoming a better person despite the way she treated him (he just. he sees the good in everybody...), carapace is his favorite superhero (especially after working with him lol--he definitely had a bit of a crush on carapace ngl), he likes trying new things and often asks his friends to teach him about stuff they’re interested in: he and rose scrapbooked together, he cooked with mari, followed alya around while she chased lb and chat (he took the pictures), etc... he works out with alix and mari (and convinces max to join them sometimes), he and markov are besties actually, he has adhd, his sexuality is “doesn’t care about gender, doesn’t acknowledge his sexuality because he doesn’t want a label he just wants to love because he has so much of it to give”, his mom is a hairdresser and his dad is a biological anthropologist, he like stickers, max was the one who told him that he should try swimming because he saw how much fun kim had while doing it at school, on bad days kim doesn’t think that he’s a good enough person to be king monkey. about that: he takes his redemption arc very seriously and i will get to that with the next question...
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
so he was incredibly ashamed of himself after dark cupid--that was a huge realization he came to. he did do some pretty crappy things before that, though: he was mean to ivan, helped get alya suspended... and he did it all for mean!chloe. there’s no way he’s just all buddy-buddy with everyone without like. talking to them about it. so what i’m saying is, i wish we got to see him apologize and make amends. i wish we saw alya forgive him and ivan not being ready to forgive him yet but appreciating the apology. even if it was just in the background, i wish we saw a friendly relationship between ivan and kim develop: see ivan begin to forgive him and for them to become friends...
favorite friendship for this character:
i mean already kind of answered this one lol
my crossover ship:
uhhhh none???
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shachihata · 3 years
me rambling about rejuv’s storytelling structure under the cut i didn’t edit this post so if i’m unclear well. That’s what you get
ok so basically as i do my *checks watch* third replay of rejuv, i’ve basically been putting together what i’ve been calling like... a “lore walkthrough” of it? essentially, i’m writing synopses of each of the “story beats” of rejuv in correlation with the “gameplay beats” of rejuv, as laid out by jra’s 100% walkthrough. which seems kind of nebulous, but i mean something like this...
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where i’ve put the “story beat” next to, in parentheses, the one or more gameplay sections that they correspond to. and the way i’ve split up the story beats is, i’ll admit, pretty subjective. i’ve been sort of basing it off of the natural “flow” of events, with each chapter having some sort of exposition and then a main conflict/climax. for example, chapter 4 looks like this:
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“goldenleaf town” sets up the exposition for the chapter conflict, while “wispy tower” is the main climax that provides some sort of resolution to this conflict. simple!
most chapters, i’ve noticed, are around 2 story beats long, with each story beat taking place in a different area from the last. chapter 4 is divided into the goldenleaf town exposition and the wispy tower conflict/climax; chapter 8 is divided into the magma stone exposition and the valor mountain conflict/climax; chapter 9 is divided into the past aevium exposition and the west gearen sewers conflict/climax. longer chapters sometimes break this flow by introducing what i call a “falling action” beat. an example of this would be chapter 5: from the pre-blacksteeple exposition of the disappearance of akuwa town, the blacksteeple castle conflict where you confront neved and madame x, and the terajuma island falling action where you’re introduced to the next main “hub area” of rejuv. i’m on chapter 12 right now, and the only chapter that’s been shorter than two “story beats” is chapter 3, one of the shortest chapters in the game gameplay-wise, anyway. the exposition and climax both take place inside of chrysalis mansion, and occur in such short sequence with basically no falling action to speak of; story-wise, there’s nowhere that feels “right” to split it up, if that makes sense.
now, i’ve noticed that what i consider to be the “weaker” chapters of rejuv actually are the chapters that have three story beats -- these chapters, as you might imagine, are the longer ones that tend to drag on in terms of their conflicts and resolutions. chapter 5 “naturally” ended with the ending of blacksteeple, but you have to sit through a sequence at terajuma island that imo breaks the mood of the chapter by introducing you to... a tropical jungle where everyone’s complaining about the heat, literal minutes after the INCREDIBLY intense sequence where melia reveals that she’s still alive, you’re introduced to who madame x even is, and madame x kills nancy. the conflict has come to its natural close, and yet you’re immediately thrown even MORE problems that DON’T have a natural conclusion with the end of the chapter. instead, they get “dragged on,” meaning that to end your gameplay session with the end of the chapter leaves you feeling “unsatisfied” with the few answers you’ve received: saki is missing and nowhere to be found, alex and sam reveal that angie is the next big bad guy of the terajuma arc, nim is getting weirdly sick and weak, a cutscene with ren shows him joining team xen... and so on.
obviously, in any story, there has to be an overarching plot and conflict that does span multiple chapters. like, i’m not saying that all the problems in a chapter need to be resolved in that chapter. i’m saying that the “weaker” chapters introduce multiple smaller conflicts that simply aren’t on the level of the main plot that don’t get addressed to any satisfying degree, which weakens the overall impact of the chapter’s conflict and makes it feel longer than necessary. if that makes sense!
it’s this tendency to “drag on” that makes rejuv’s storyline much weaker after act 1 (the ending at valor mountain), imo. chapter 8 was an incredibly strong chapter, definitely one of my favorite in all of rejuv -- magma stone exposition plus a powerful ending at valor mountain where a lot of subplots are either resolved or, at the very least, addressed in a way where the player’s reassured that they haven’t been forgotten about (just off the top of my head... crescent’s connection to the player, jenner’s love for melia, nim’s psychic powers and inhuman nature, zetta’s problems and disorders, team xen’s weird immortality-at-a-cost, etc etc etc). it’s a natural ending to the main conflict of act 1: Team Xen Has Problems And Wants Melia Soooooooo So Bad. you win! ...at a major cost. it provides satisfying resolutions to the problems that’ve been presented in the first half of the game, while still setting up the stakes of the next act (angie, team xen at large, Crescent’s Connection To The Player). you’ve got a pretty clear idea of What To Do Now and What The Plot Is Going To Address Next, but the main threat still on the table is Madame X And Co.
...and then act 2 comes in and starts muddying stuff up. the reason why act 1 works so well is because even though there are so many minor problems being introduced, the major problem is still hanging over your head at any given moment. melia dead? it’s team xen. keta’s dead? it’s team xen. aelita’s being tortured? it’s team xen. amber’s being kidnapped? You Guessed It, It’s Team Xen. there’s no ambiguity about what the overarching plot is, as opposed to the myriad of “overarching arc-spanning problems” that are introduced in each chapter in act 2. once again, off the top of my head: your role as the “interceptor,” the role of bladestar, kieran and clear, the puppetmaster, nim/lorna, angie, vitus/indriad, the stone incident... and team xen’s previously-monolithic strength is undermined by madame x’s role in the doomed future, as she becomes a semi-ally even though there was very little prior character development for her besides “evil lady who killed your mom and warned maria in the prologue and has some sort of goal that you’re unwittingly ruining.” their importance in act 1 is diminished by all of the new problems suddenly being thrown at you in act 2 that have arc-wide importance, even though you, as a first-time player, have no idea why so many problems seem to be having arc-wide importance.
expanding off of what i was talking about earlier with chapter 5: the problems “drag on”! a TON of problems are introduced with VERY little resolution in each chapter, and the previously-rigid story beats start falling apart, making the story less satisfying to play through even though you know there will be a resolution at some point in the future. take my (very very tentative) outline for chapter 11 so far:
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i wasn’t... very sure how to split this one apart, tbh, because every beat has so many problems and so little resolution, everything ends up blurring together. the first beat, “grand dream city”: the missing rune. bladestar. valarie not recognizing you guys. alice and allen and karen and their connection to the theolias. cassandra’s connection to team xen. madelis’s new job. the second beat, “stone incident”: venam being turned into stone. isha and the hospital of hope. nightmare city. who the fuck is the puppetmaster. nightmare zetta. aelita’s problems and issues disorders. being the “interceptor.” the xenpurgis. the last beat, “rose theatre”: what happened to aelita. souta’s connection to the eldest. your crew being signed up for the festival of dreams tournament.
...how many of these are resolved by the end of chapter 11? uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. yeah. compare this to how much “tighter” chapter 4 felt! the first beat, “goldenleaf town”: geara coming to intercept you in goldenleaf. ren’s connection to goldenleaf. narcissa’s problems with goldenleaf. mosely’s conflict with goldenleaf. the wispy tower incident. the second beat, “wispy tower”: mosely comes back to help you! you realize that the wispy tower is somehow connected to team xen/houses information important to team xen, and beat geara’s ass in the process! you beat narcissa in a gym battle, and goldenleaf changes their ways! ren tells you that he has problems with goldenleaf because it was his father’s last wish that he “save” goldenleaf! it sets up future conflict (ren’s dissatisfaction with the outcome, what sirius and co. were studying in wispy tower, geara meeting up with jenner/zetta/nim in the altered dimension), but there’s a clear main conflict that gets resolved and ties back to the main enemy, team xen. it’s clear-cut, it’s strongly written, it’s done.
yes, act 2 expands the scope and heightens the stakes of rejuv a lot, which is why so many problems Are Introduced At All -- but the main conflict gets very heavily muddied with all of the minor problems that are thrown at you with every single conversation, it feels. i’m only on chapter 12 but from what i remember, this “dragging on” problem happens a lot throughout act 2 (although there are some sections i think are very strongly written, don’t get me wrong). that’s why chapter 15 is so good, in comparison: it provides so much fucking resolution. it’s a “return to form,” in a sense -- conflict is set up and resolved in that chapter, while questions from previous chapters are brought back and answered (to... some “vague” degree of “clarity”). this is very much opposed to a lot of the chapters in act 2 imo, where a bunch of problems are set up with no resolution in that chapter at all. idk. my memory of them is kinda fuzzy and i gotta just keep chugging through the game, it’s interesting just to break down how all this stuff works in a meta storytelling sense ig :T
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zukkaoru · 3 years
For the ask game, I don't know this series but I've seen you talk about it and am curious so...the librarians? Or jjk, i can't decide which so you pick? <3
oooh okay i'm gonna do jjk first and then the librarians under the cut bc uh. i know no one here is following me for the librarians anymore sksdgfk
Favorite character MAKI!!!!!! she's my love the light of my life my bestie my everything i would die for her and kill for her and she could hit me with a car and i would be happy about it
Second favorite character geto 🥰 i just think that He
Least favorite character t0ji my absolute beloathed. i would strangle him with my bare hands <3 every day i fantasize about running him through with a sword in the denny's parking lot
The character I’m most like honestly probably megumi. it's about the hiding your emotions from everyone and also creating your own moral code based on what you think is right rather than what the people around you say you should believe
Favorite pairing um. uhhhhhhhhhhhh well. hm. see. satosugu makes me go stupid go crazy every day. but also i whenever i see nobamaki i almost lose my entire mind. but also itafushi makes me wanna rip my heart out (affectionate). i don't think i can pick just one.
Least favorite pairing anything with big age gaps. anyone with sukuna. anyone with t0ji bc he doesn't deserve to be happy in any capacity and i would never want to sentence anyone to being in a relationship with him.
Favorite moment uhh so far overall it's from ch 0.4 but i don't want to spoil anything specific so. from the anime, i'd say probably maki's backstory. i just love her 🥺
Rating out of 10 8/10. it makes me lose my mind every day but also can we please stop hurting the characters? they've been through enough let me wrap them in warm blankets and make them hot chocolate and kiss their foreheads and stop anything bad from happening to them ever again
the librarians
okay first of all. thank you so much for asking me about them bc i love them and i miss them and we deserved another season and i'm still salty tnt cancelled the show when it was literally one of their top viewed shows just bc it didn't fit with their ~aesthetic~ but anyways
Favorite character cassandra cillian my BELOVED an absolute sapphic icon
Second favorite character ezekiel jones!! but also i really really love flynn so he also gets to go here
Least favorite character idk i guess just any of the Big Bad Villains? like they were good villains but bad people. WAIT no you know what? estrella's brother. i don't remember his name but. he can fight me.
The character I’m most like probably flynn tbh
Favorite pairing EVLYNN!!! my beloveds they are everything to me,, i miss them so much i hope they're happy
Least favorite pairing ngl i really just did Not vibe with cass.kins :// or j.assandra for that matter. like i don't absolutely loathe either of those ships; they're just. not for me
Favorite moment once again. all of them? okay no but seriously the cassandra / estrella kiss and also the rest of that episode andddd also all of and the final curtain but specifically the "do you trust him?" "eh" "do you trust me?" "i trust you the most" conversation. AND also the airport fight between eve and flynn is top tier
Rating out of 10 10/10. i don't give many shows perfect ratings but this one? absolutely deserves it. truly my favorite show of all time.
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eternal-bangtan · 4 years
interview tag!
the rules are to answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
i was tagged by @crytaeby @jeongookie @yoongiandthebiaswreckers  and thank u so much!!
uhhhhhhhhhhhh lets get it
name|nickname: karina
pronouns: she/her
height: 164 cm but didnt check for few years but i dont think sth has changed 
time: 21:30 (lets see for how long ill make it) (ok i finished at 22:03 :|||)
when is your birthday: 5th of march
nationality: ukrainian
favorite band|groups: :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i think my blog shows it <3
favorite solo artist: ehhh idc i just listen to whatever slaps esp with using tiktok nowadays literally thanks for most of my playlist lmao
song stuck in your head: fack eminem sahdasdasjd
last movie you watched: cry-baby and oh boi young depp,,,, lets not dig deep here im gonna yell the movie is weird tho lmao 
last show you binged: recently i started rewatching skins hahaahahahaahahaha 3rd season idk for what but also last proper one was sex education,, i barely watch them even tho id like to
when you created your blog: i think summer/late spring 2016 but it became a bts blog only in nov 2017
last thing you googled: как приготовить хумус 
other blog: @bangtanger 🤙
why i chose my url: ill be short so when i was listening to mots7 for the n-th time on the second day of release i think i was listening to moon and some lyrics touched my heart so much and realized once again how important they r to me and then i took a part of we r bulletproof eternal song name and was like they r truly eternal and thought this is very symbolic and also important to me and changed url immediately without even thinking about it it was the most impulsive thing ive ever done lmao also before i was quite scared to change url cuz ‘what if moots wont recognize me’ and all those weird arguments
how many people are you following: 390
how many followers do you have: 3,975
average hours of sleep: oh lately its been hella good 6-8+
lucky number: im not into that lolol
instruments: ekkkkkkkkk i have a keyboard but idk notes i can only play by listening to sth and trying to repeat with one hand the most simple things i wish i actually learnt it :(
what i’m currently wearing: slippers warm socks warm leggings pants long sleeved warm shirt sweatshirt yeah its cold 
dream job: i like retouching and taking pics so like,,, 
dream trip: half of the world in theory (but i wont name countries cuz who knows maybe ill want to visit more) but i just miss traveling in general :( sensitve topic hahahah
favorite food: whatever is tasty lmao it may be absolutely different cuisines but i dont like seafood 
favorite song: ok lets choose from non bts songs cuz itd be too hard hayloft - mother mother, stunnin’ - curtis waters, then leave - beatkind, queendom come  dunno what r they about but they r jammy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im ok with real world but lets make it ✨utopian✨ in a certain way thats all im gonna say dude i dont fuck with it im very paranoid id go crazy if i knew there is sth supernatural around that can hurt anyone :|  
im tagging ok ill tag same ppl lmao: @lifegoesmon @flipthatjacketjiminie @darlingjoon @stargazingjin @syubb @seokljin @jiminswn @jjeongukie @baechwita @kkulmoon @taemaknae @vjimin @vorenamjoon once again not forcing <3
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ohcoolnice · 4 years
jem carstairs for that long list of things (?)
Thank you for the ask! 
Do I like them: Yessss I love Jem very much. (Actaully I didn’t really feel like his character spoke to me the first time I read TID but literally all it took was one reread and I realised I was a dumbass)
5 good qualities: 
1. He’s so kind: literally this boy could have had a really intense villian origin story, and have been super selfish, but he’s so precious??? 
2. He’s calm and in control of his emotions (very rare for shadowhunters, we stan)
3. Caring (sort of touched on this in point one but okay here we go): Jem has suffered SO MUCH and when he meets WIll he tries to help him. Of course, Jem also needed a friend, very much, but in a very big way, Jem saved Will from himself in that moment, and many times again and again.
4. Forgiving: Will did some stuff man i dunno what to tell you I would have slapped him daily. But Jem forgives. you could argue that it’s because he believed he only had so much time left to live, but that’s why it’s even more amazing. Jem could make others feel terrible for every little thing, because he’s sick and he could use that as some people use it to get others to do what they want, but he doesn’t. 
5. Not exactly a quality, but he took Kit in and I love it. Also he’s a DADaksjdhasjfdasjf
3 bad qualities:
I’m struggling lmfao uhhhhhhhhhhhh okay:
1. He’s too popular, the other silent brothers are getting tired of WIll busting into the Silent City with broken limbs demanding to see him. 
2. He’s so smart and aware of feelings but he didn’t see how Will felt for Tessa and it was SO obviousasklfksf but tbh it’s not that big of a deal for me I can’t think of any bad qualities okay Jem is baby.
3. I hated the hair on that Jem from the show. Gives me nightmares.
Favorite moment: Too many but here’s one:
“Say something in Mandarin,” said Tessa, with a smile. Jem said something that sounded like a lot of breathy vowels and consonants run together, his voice rising and falling melodically: “Ni hen piao liang.” “What did you say?” Tessa was curious. “I said your hair is coming undone — here,” he said, and reached out and tucked an escaping curl back behind her ear. Tessa felt the blood spill hot up into her face, and was glad for the dimness of the carriage. “You have to be careful with it,” he said, taking his hand back, slowly, his fingers lingering against her cheek.”
OTP: Jessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (except I’m also a very big Wessa shipper. I’m flexible like that *flips hair*)
BROTP: Will and Jem (except....*squints* “Jem is my greatest sin” mmkay will)
OT3: I- do i even have to answer?????? 
NOTP: Anything but the above but i haven’t seen anyone make that mistake yet so we good.
Best Quote:  “Heroes endure because we need them. Not for their own sakes.”
Headcanon: That the other Silent Brothers, after welcoming him in and seeing (ha) his relationship with the shadowhunters, remembered that they were more than just Silent Brothers - they had once been men. (I thought about this after the way some of the Silent Brothers have interacted with shadowhunters in TLH especially, with emotion and empathy. makes me soft)
Thank you for the ask! 
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kow · 7 years
there is no1 on this earth who has watched gilmore girls more than i’ve watched gilmore girls
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confirmed-for-trash · 3 years
tagged by @boolproptestingsooth 💜
favorite color: green, purple, blue
currently reading: more like currently NOT reading... here's a short list of books I've been trying to read tho:
Dune, by Frank Herbert (I'm struggling y'all, please tell me it picks up after the first 50 pages)
Mort(e), by Robert Repino (the first chapter was so sad I couldn't pick the book up again but I wanna finish it)
NeuroTribes, by Steve Silberman (the parts that discuss Hans Asperger upset me a lot and I haven't picked it up since...)
Axiom's End, by Lindsay Ellis (dnf, don't recommend unless you're really really into alien-on-human romance and purple prose)
last song: Autumn in Ganymede- Yoko Kanno & The Seatbelts
last movie: sunuva bitch what was it. fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhh. I think it might actually have been Dune 2021. I literally can't remember rn.
last series: Netboy Flixbop. Cowflix Netbop. aka discount Firefly. 👎 I'm only still watching it cuz my partner likes it, if it was up to me I'd have bounced after episode 2
The Wheel of Time. haven't watched episode 4 yet and it got off to a rough start imo but the world/setting is fascinating to me and I love Rosamund Pike. that scene where she explains the history of the folk song they're singing ✨👌I don't know shit about the books and will probably never read them but it sounds awesome, can't wait to see where the series goes
Star Trek Voyager. well it ain't Deep Space Nine My Beloved but it's still classic Trek. I recently watched the one with the salamanders. it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, it was mostly Tom Paris losing his mind for 30 minutes, still don't regret watching it tho
Midnight Mass. more like Midnight Mass-terpiece. been a long time since I was so in love with a show.
sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet, but spicy is also nice
currently working on: I've been working on the same original fiction project for like a decade... it's a goddamn mess cuz I'm bad at structure and linear thinking and half of the 'chapters' are just sketches of scenes or half-finished cuz I don't know how to conclude them. neurodivergent writer gang rise up
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