#so this was no small drabble
homkamiro · 2 months
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dude i am SUCH a fan of your works you have NO idea, like I think if I hadn't read running blind that day i wouldn't be so fixated on speeding bullet right now. I reread nearly ALL of your fanfictions and I recommend you to every one of my friends. And seeing you here praising my art is just😭💥i need a minute
In a gratitude making a small comic based on that one moment from Little Things🗣️🗣️your dialogue writing is one of the best I've seen in YEARS and ngl I do plan someday making an animatic based on one of your fics perhaps...someday....and only if you're okay with that.....
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spidehpig · 4 months
sleazy retired SAS now car mechanic Soap relentlessly flirting and leering at you every time you come by the shop. He’s gross and pushy, definitely a bit of a perv, but god is he so flirtatious and handsome you can’t even be bothered to push him away when he finally crowds you against the door of your own car to shove his tongue down your throat. Calloused fingers still covered in motor oil sliding past the waistband of your jeans as he kisses you with entirely too much tongue, all wet, sloppy and eager. He tastes like cigarettes and the cinnamon gum he’s always loudly smacking in your face :(
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Sorry, but I just had a thought and I’m exhausted and don’t know if I’m going to write anymore tonight.
Just Steve holding a slight grudge against Nancy after she pretty much calls his love bullshit in the bathroom. He feels lead on, he’s slightly bitter but he knows how to be discreetly passive if he needs to be. But thing is he doesn’t have the energy in him to be passive. If this had been before the monsters, and someone who he thought was the love of his life did what Nancy did and proceeded to end up dating the guy who she said not to worry about within days after getting into a fight, he would have probably done something stupid. Probably would have ruined her locker with mean words or something like that.
He wasn’t sure what he would do, he was exhausted and couldn’t think of what used to come easy to him. Or maybe he’s grown to realize how immature that was, how it didn’t even seem all that fun to do to someone. Just thinking back to spray painting slut on the theater makes his gut twist uncomfortably. Once, he used to be the one to climb up there and spray something even worst. Now the thought made him want to throw up.
And maybe the grudge he is holding against Nancy isn’t really a grudge. Maybe he has matured to realized that the grudge he held was within himself for how fast he had fallen. For how stupid he was for thinking the girl would ever end up with him. He should have seen the signs. How she defended Jonathan even after he took non consensual photos of him and her about to have sex. Which he still felt disgusted by, his skin still crawled uncomfortably around the little creep whenever he was close by.
Though when the time comes, he realizes he was holding a grudge against Nancy. When he falls harder for someone new he realizes within minutes that something was different about this one. Instead of smacking him in the shoulder and scolding him for staring to long, Eddie would pull his hair in front of his face with bright eyes. Would do something dramatic to snap Steve out of the trance he was in. Like lick his face instead of kissing him.
That was the other thing Steve discovered. In the moments where it was just the two of them, it seemed like every other minute time would stop and Eddie would be in the same bubble as him. Lost in the same spell that Steve had tumbled into, needing to kiss the other just as much as they needed oxygen to breathe.
Nancy rarely had those moments with Steve, and they had stopped right around the time she started hanging out with Jonathan.
And Steve does hold a grudge, for how she stayed with him longer than what she had to.
Eddie made him feel in love and loved. Whenever Steve watched the other man he could barely keep his hands to himself and the best part was Eddie didn’t care. Steve could bite off Eddie’s remaining nipple and the man would still let Steve do whatever he wanted to him. Nancy never trusted Steve and never earned Steve’s trust the way Eddie did within one week of knowing each other.
Eddie was the moon and Nancy had been the sun for Steve. The sun burnt his skin and left him blistered while the moon wrapped his arms around him and rocked him to sleep every night. While Steve worried about when the sun would explode, he never had to worry about the moon disappearing for to long. It always came back, no matter what happened. Even if Steve had been an asshole.
God was Steve in love. This was it for him. And maybe at one point he had loved Nancy just as much as he did Eddie.
But now, as each day passes he only finds himself falling more in love with Eddie Munson.
He slowly comes to the conclusion that his love was and will never be bullshit.
And when he finally sits down to talk to Nancy about it, he finally gets it off his chest. What had been bugging him for almost years before falling for Eddie.
“Nancy, we were bullshit. But my love, it was all real. Maybe not as strong as it is for Ed’s but I know that if … everything wasn’t such bullshit I could have gotten there.” Steve says softly to Nancy. Shortly after she confessed she still had feelings for him. He seen this conversation coming from a mile away, especially with how many one sided sparks happened between the two of them while running for their life’s on spring break.
And as he stands up, leaving her in her own shock. Letting her process that he was with Eddie, a man. He can’t help but feel proud of himself.
He didn’t intentionally hold this grudge, but he felt as if he got back at her the healthiest way he could. By maturing and moving on. And looking down at Nancy, he could tell that she needed time to do the same. Not to be with another man or date in general, but to just grow as a person. But that was no longer his problem. His problem was currently running up the steps of the trailer with what seemed to be a moving snake.
“Hey Stevie! Look what I found.”
Steve was in love, and it wasn’t bullshit.
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Eddie hated this and he'd just started.
See, he was so proud when he made it, when he got his first office job. He saw what decades of physical labor did to Wayne's back, his hands, and he wanted to make his uncle proud. So he kept applying and applying and getting ignored and rejected and finally, finally he got a job in a pretty large corporate. Not exactly something prestigious, but hey, it had potential. The experience counted and all that.
He thought maybe workplaces would be different, that the good ol' high school dynamic would fuck off, but no. He was sitting at his desk, trying to fill in paperwork after a taxing phone call, but all he could focus on was whispering from the neighboring cubicle that was ostentatiously loud. He didn't know who sat there yet, the guy had been on vacation for the two weeks Eddie was in the company. From the stuff he was hearing, he was getting introduced anyway and not exactly the way he'd have liked to be.
"Can you believe they actually let him work here?" It was Carol, of course it was, the office gossip and mean girl knockoff. "I mean, he doesn't even look decent! Did you see that hair?" Okay, that hurt. He actually pulled his hair into a neat bun every morning, but you can't please some people. "And he has tattoos, what would our customers think if they actually met him, plus you should have heard the rumors about his past-!"
But just as he was about to slam down the pile of paperwork and either take an extended smoke break or gently ask Carol to go fuck a polar bear, he heard another voice. Bored and wonderfully bitchy.
"That's absolutely fascinating, Carol. Please tell me more, what could this guy possibly have done? It must be something juicy. Did he perhaps fuck his boss during the Christmas party and then lie about it to his boyfriend of five years? Oh wait no. That was you. Silly me."
Eddie had to bite his pencil to stay quiet, but his whole chest hurt by trying to keep the snickering in. And then the offended gasp. "I- you promised you wouldn't-!"
"I didn't promise shit, Carol. You just came to me, cried your eyes out - bad move by the way, invest in some waterproof mascara for god's sake, mascara in wrinkles doesn't good on anyone, and yes, you do have wrinkles - and tried to play the victim. Except I heard your small proposition to the guy before so it didn't really work out. But it's fine, you know," and oooh, the tone was smug, so bored, Eddie loved this guy already, "Tommy saw you as well and had a good time with Nicole to get even. So there's nothing to worry about. Now tell me, what did this horrible Eddie Munson do to summon wrath of such a righteous woman such as yourself?"
Eddie heard a sharp sound as Carol got up from the desk. "Fuck you, Steve Harrington," she spat out and sped past Eddie's seat. He just gave her a small salute.
When the sound of high heels faded, Eddie leaned over the cubicle wall and knocked to draw the guy's attention. And yeah, maybe he was a little bit biased because he'd just obliterated a textbook definition of a shrew, but this Steve was fucking gorgeous, light brown eyes looking at him, a smug smirk tugging at his lips.
"Oh hi," said Steve and offered his hand, shaking Eddie's. "Sorry for that. I'm Steve Harrington and whatever deepest, darkest secrets you're hiding, I don't care, I'm pretty sure I've heard them all. What did you do? Shave your head in school? Join a cult? Cut dolls apart and chant hail Satan?"
That had Eddie laughing again, but he still had an introduction to make. A proper one. "Nice to meet you, Steve. Eddie Munson, and I'm worse than your darkest nightmares. I sometimes wear socks in sandals."
Steve's eyebrow twitched. "Oh, Carol was right, you are a monster!" he muttered. "Speaking of monsters..." His head leaned to the side, towards Carol who was angrily carrying her coffee mug, her mascara running again.
Before he could catch himself, Eddie leaned over the wall and whispered as loudly as he could muster. "Can you believe some people wear dotted dresses with stripes on their stockings? We can't all be born with taste, I guess...tragic."
And again, maybe Eddie was just biased, but Steve's laughter was so pretty that it actually made dealing with Carol's bullshit worth it.
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spamgyu · 9 months
BEAUTIFUL // Hansol Drabble
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They had been eyeing each other the whole night.
Her gaze catching his first when her friend had notified her that one of the groomsmen had been staring from across the room.
It started off as sneaky glances all while the bride and groom continued with reception program, but the one second glances soon turned into lingering stares – a smirk playing on his lips each time their eyes would lock.
"Oh my god, please just go talk to him." Her friend urged as she caught her sending over a wink to man standing by the edge of the dance floor; looking down to hide his blush.
"A lady never makes the first move." She joked, toying with the straw of her drink; leaning back against the bar counter – waiting for her friend to receive her margarita from the bar tender.
She had only taken her attention off of him for a brief moment, taking a sip of her Paloma as her friend went on to talk about the floral arrangements at the celebration.
"Orchids who would have thou– gotta go." Her eyes wide, scurrying away from her without another word – leaving y/n dumbfounded.
Y/n jumped at the low voice that spoke behind her.
He had enough of their silent game, finally finding the courage to approach her – all with the help of Chan's nagging of course. He nearly stumbled on his own feet when his friend lightly shoved him towards the direction of the girl, reaching up to loosen his tie as he made his way to the her.
"I uh– Hansol." He held his hand out, the same soft smile he had been sending her on his lips.
"Y/n." She took his hand in hers. "I thought I would have to wink at you another time before you made your way over."
Shyly rubbing the back of his neck, Hansol let out a soft chuckle. "I'm shy."
"Me too, but my drink gave me a little boost of confidence." She brought her glass up to their eye line.
"Glad it did." He hummed. "You look beautiful, by the way."
Now it was her turn to blush, looking down at her feet to hide the redness of her cheeks.
They were absolutely pathetic.
Flirting like two shy teenagers.
"You're beautiful too." She smiled, meeting his eyes once again.
God, his stare could easily melt her into a puddle.
"Thank you?" His held tilted at the compliment, being the first time to be called beautiful by anyone.
"Would you prefer being called cute?"
"Beautiful is fine." He nodded, his smile had now grown to a full one.
Yep, definitely putty in his hands.
"There's no plus one I have to worry about, right?" Hansol didn't know where this boost of confidence had come from, not wanting to miss another opportunity of getting to know the girl stood before him.
She shook her head no.
"No one will be mad if I asked for your number?"
"Not a single soul."
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mintymarabell · 9 months
Yautja penpal drabble
Imagine already living on yautja prime, just living a normal life when one day you decide to get a penpal out of boredom and the wanting of a new friend.
You had always remembered back on earth your friend had a penpal who was in prison, they had sent letters to each other whenever they could. You hadn’t known if it was possible but with a visit to a far off yautja prison, one that had usually held bad bloods you found out you could.
The guard gave you a weird look for wanting to communicate with a bad blood as it was frowned upon in the community but hadn’t thought much of it as you were a naive human and had just given you a random inmate number for when you did mail the letter to the prison.
It had took a week before you got a letter back, maybe the yautja who was writing back in horrible English was a bad blood who had killed an important political figure; was notorious for his horrible deeds and high standing in the bad blood society but had finally been caught and knocked of his high horse.
Maybe yall would talk for a while, getting to know each other and maybe he does find some sort of fondness for you though you could never tell because emotions can’t be read from a letter. Cant tell of his growing obsession over you, the few Polaroid photos you had sent always close to him.
Maybe one day he’ll escape, a whole bunch of his henchman had came to get him; he’ll shrug them off as he shoved all your letters towards one of them with a “don’t damage them” before making his way toward your small apartment.
He had known where you lived the moment he had grown an attachment, one of his goons finding your place with his demand.
He hasn’t approved of the low quality lock or the environment of the complex but he didn’t fret over it as he’d give you something better.
It was dark so he knew you were asleep, his step were quiet and calculated as he stepped into the apartment. He had crept to the bedroom, slowly opening the door to see you in bed asleep as he had guessed.
He had stood over your bed for quite a while, watching you as your chest rose and fell. When you finally opened your eyes, feeling the pressure of a stare you screamed when you seen him.
He had expected it, after all you had no idea what he looked like. Instead he only grabbed you gently by the wrist, pulling you up and hauling you over his shoulder.
He ignored your kicking and thrashing as he carried you out and towards his ship that waited outside.
Maybe a penpal was a bad idea.?
Now someone please write a fanfic about this. <3
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anantaru · 2 years
brainrotting abt soft dom kazuha w a corruption kink🙌😩
him being all gentle and patient knowing its s/o's first time but on the inside he just wants to fuck the living shit out of them....yummy
cw. corruption, fem! reader
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it‘s not like kazuha has any ill intend behind his tiny, little actions, you have to understand where he was coming from though!
it‘s just the way you were so— untouched, or how your body was beginning to smell just like him, his scent casted all around your skin— as if he had claimed you just now. The fact that no one before had the pleasure to taste and feel you like he did, right now, this very second. Naturally, kazuha will take his time with you, he himself wants to enjoy this as much as possible as well, however he also didn‘t want to put unnecessary pain on you in any shape or form, being aware that you‘d require additional time of preparation.
the moment he feels you helplessly clamp down on him though, or the flex of your strained muscles on his girth— your mushy walls gushing on him. He‘d turn everything upside down, into a different approach. His hair strands were clinging on his glistering forehead now, kazuha did his best to remain as calm as he possibly could, but his natural body responses exposed how difficult it had been for him to hold back.
fuck, just— you were so inexperienced and innocent in your touches, yet all the more intense in his eyes, he truly couldn‘t get enough.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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todorokies · 1 year
satoru loves to purposely fuck around to find out. he’s completely aware that he’s being an absolute brat, constantly trying to get you all riled up by teasing you. attempting to see how far can your buttons can be pushed until you snap. you, on the other hand, tries so hard to maintain the tight-lipped smile on your face after he purposely steps on the back of your house slippers again and purposely leaves the toilet seat up even after telling him so many times to put it down.
the final straw was when he had told you he threw away the printouts you were planning on using for scrapbooking (he really just hid them under the shared bed.) an “oops!” falls way too casually from his mouth.
the final ounce of your patience snaps like a thin twig. who does he think he is? grabbing a chuck of his white hair, you forcibly put him onto his knees and you send a nasty spirited glare that holds nothing but pure hostility, whereas, all satoru could do is gleefully smile like a freak . . . which makes you have a mean realization that he wanted this. it turned him on . he planned this out from the very beginning.
part two
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reblogs & feedback is appreciated !! <3
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son-n-heir-of-nothing · 5 months
"Do you even know how many people I've seen fall absolutely head over heels for you? " Mobius said in a light and joking manner, "Just once I'd like to see you like that. " he laughed. An amusing idea, Loki the god of mischief, finding himself dumbstruck and lovesick over someone. He took a sip out of his coffee cup.
Loki hummed in amusement and smiled to himself, "it wouldn't take much. " he said looking over at Mobius. His eyes lingered on the way Mobius' eyes crinkled when he smiled, and the way his laugh sounded- he could just get drunk off of it.
Something stirred in his chest as he assessed the analyst in depth along with a sense of overwhelming fondness for the man. Mobius looked up from his cup, meeting eyes Mobius shoots Loki a smile.
"No, not much at all. " Loki thought to himself.
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heretoobsessstuff · 2 months
“You know I really did believe that if there were two B-17s left, it’d be me and you flying them.”
Gale said quietly. The train was slowing down. He could feel it. John was looking at him with a frown. This was his moment. He had to say it now or never open his mouth again. They could be stopping any minute and from then who knows what would happen to them? What kind of death awaited them? A bullet right between their eyes? being attacked by their own planes? A mob of angry germans? He and John could be dead in seconds. Gone and left to rot. John had said it himself, No one would remember them. Like they never existed . John’s eyes could close forever and his ears would never hear the words Gale had been dying to say for years. He held tighter onto himself. His frame shaking from the cold and the anxiety. He needed to say it now. Say it or stay silent forever. Swallowing dryly he willed his vocal cords to work. One last time.
“These past few years would’ve been a lot rougher without you John.”
His voice sounded far away and foreign to his own ears. He knew he was a coward. Had been one for years. Even now, on the brink of death and the dark unknown that was awaiting them when they got off the train, he couldn��t say it. He looked at John desperately. Willing his eyes to convey something he could never say. To form the three words his tongue could never form. You’ve known me for years, he thought. You could always read me like an open book. You know me better than I know myself. This last time, please understand. Please hear what I can’t voice. I love you. I wasn’t planning on getting shut down and dragging you down with me. Never wanted you to follow me here but somehow I’m less terrified of death if I’m dying by your side. If I’m looking into your eyes when I take my last breath. I love you. It’s not hell if it’s with you. I’m not lost if I have you looking for me. You were what kept me alive all these years. You were my solace and my consolation. I couldn’t live this long without you. I love you I love you I love you I love you.
John continued to look at him. His eyes softened ever so slightly as recognition bloomed on his face. In that moment Gale knew. His body felt relieved. He felt the nerves calm. John understood him. He knew he did. He knew it now. John hummed. Eyes glassy. Gale knew it wasn’t from the cold.
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fancifulflora · 8 months
Something New: Soda (Mychael x Reader)
I now am writing for a new character! He just gives me so much serotonin I had to crawl out of my cave to throw something down. The character for those who don't know, is Mychael from Mushroom Oasis. A VN by Deersphere Studios if i remember correctly
Mychael stared down at the aluminum can with vague recognition, the tip of his tail swinging back and forth as he lowered his head down to be eye level with the drink.
It was really shiny. Colorful too.
"I picked up something from the store for you," you did your best to explain as you unpacked your groceries, fighting back a smile as you watched him cautiously wrapped his tail around the soda and lifted it for closer inspection. "You do know what soda is right?"
"A little... I've seen it on the sides of roads. Although not like this..." He muttered, squinting at the drink before giving it a small shake. For Mychael, who liked keeping his trysts to the modern human world short, soda was just crushed litter that filled the sides of roads and forest paths. Shiny litter, but litter nonetheless.
He gave it another shake, hearing the slosh of liquid inside.
Oh no.
Your raised voice instantly cast a spell on the recluse, Mychael as still as a statue, only his his widened eyes daring to shift over to you across the table. Did he do something wrong?
"Just... be careful." You warned, placing a hand on his tail and lowering the can to safety. "It might blow if you shake it too hard."
Mychael's gaze turned fearful as he looked down at the nuke you had just brought into your shared home, a cold sweat sliding down his back.
Now that would certainly explain all those crushed pieces of aluminum wouldn't it?
He placed down the can as gingerly as possible before pulling his tail to safety. Then he looked over at you an awkward smile given in thanks for such a dangerous gift.
Amusement, the corner of your lip was raised at the sight of him. Oh... You must have been joking... probably.
"I'm only teasing," Your confirmation lessened his worry as he watched your retreating form fetch two cups and crack open the can, the fizz bringing another twitch to Mychael's ears as he watched foamy liquid begin to be portioned out for the two of you.
"What does it taste like?" He asked, taking a cup from you and feeling a light mist hit him as he took a precursory sniff at the drink.
Not much to note smell wise.
"This one is lemon flavored. I'm pretty sure they take some flavored syrup and then inject carbonated water into it to make soda."
"What's car-bun-ate water?"
"Uh... I'll explain it to you another day," Mychael nodded at this, happy to settle for one new piece of information at a time. Carefully he tilted the cup and then took a deep sip of this mystery drink.
It stung against his taste buds... but not in any overly painful way. And there was an almost sickly sweetness to it. Like berries a little too ripe into the season, just, he supposed, without the berry flavor.
He could sorta taste the lemon flavor, perhaps lemons were different for the humans that made this drink. Or maybe it was a type of lemon he couldn't forage for or buy around this area.
Either way... it was good.
His best friend's laughter brought his attention back to them, a finger bring pointed at his tail.
"I can see you like it a whole lot," You mused, watching his tail wildly whip back and forth. It stopped the moment you pointed it out, a dark blue spreading across Mychael's ears and face as he frantically tucked the wayward tail away.
"I-It was really good, the drink. Kinda weird, but in a good way!"
"Well I'm glad you like it, it's not the best thing to have all the time but if you want, I can grab a new flavor every once in a while... let you see try them out and see what you like." The offer was almost as sickly sweet as the drink he could still taste on his tongue, Mychael looking down at his now empty cup before giving a small lick of his lips and nodding.
"Yeah...yeah, I think I'd like that, please..." he whispered, the shy request bringing an unnoticed smile onto his guest's face.
"It's a deal."
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fbfh · 11 months
Hey! Then in hoo it is mentioned that Leo has dealt with a lot of bullies and horrible people since Esperanza died, I could ask for something like him and his s/o going to do something normal like shopping and end up running into one of these people And they keep making fun of Leo so his s/o defends him and comforts him or something like that(sorry if it seems confusing, English is not my first language haha)
first of all your english is great babes!! not confusing at all <33
ah yes. the bitchy girls. the asshole mean girls who have a fucking superpower for sniffing out adhd and autism and other neurodivergent traits like fucking blood hounds. the devils in lululemon leggings and nike sneakers who worship the ground hailey bieber walks on and keep their marc jacobs tote bags full of knives to stab anyone and everyone in the back with the moment the see an opportunity to.
those girls.
Leo's been able to avoid them for a while. Drew was the worst at camp, but she was a watered down version of them - Leo realized at some point that Drew adopting those traits was her own way of dealing with shit, and the more time she spent at camp since Piper became head of cabin, the more chilled out she's gotten.
There were barely any mean girls at MIT, none he had trouble avoiding at least. But now he's here, back in the real world, shopping for groceries for your little apartment you have together. And in the real world, fresh out of nursing school, is Emily. The exact same Emily from the school he went to before camp half blood. At 15, Leo went through a lot of shit. School was hell, his foster family was so bad he ran away enough to be sent to the wilderness school, and he was at one of the lowest points of his entire life.
You don't know who she is, but from the look on Leo's face, the sudden, sharp drop in his energy, the way he starts picking at his hands and gets all jittery. He hopes he can get away with it, hopes she won't even recognize him.
"Oh my god... Leo Valdez?"
you grimace at her voice, the way she mispronounces his last name, and your hackles rise. She looks at you in shock, seeming to hold back a laugh.
"Wait, is he your boyfriend?"
She says it like it's some joke, like this whole thing is hilarious.
"He used to be so awkward!" she giggles, "Wow, you look exactly the same."
Leo can read you like a book, and he knows you are SO pissed off for him.
"Yeah," You say with an equally sarcastic smile, "I had no idea you guys were the same age, you look so much older. I never would have known you guys were in the same class."
She blanches a little, and you double down.
"Leo actually just graduated top of his class at MIT. He has, like, a dozen job offers already." You smile at him proudly. "So how about you, are you... doing anything?"
"Mhm." She nods, the humor suddenly gone. "Nursing school. I just started."
"Oh," you nod, glancing over at Leo and sharing a subtle look with him, "well, we better get going, we have some open houses to get to."
As you walk away, still close enough for her to hear, you mutter to Leo, stifling a smile.
"Wow. The mean girl to nursing school pipeline is real." You chuckle, "And like, she does know it's not 2016 anymore, right? Cause her eyebrows don't seem to..."
He's so surprised that after an interaction with her, after all these years, he actually feels... okay. Outside the shithole of high school, with you by his side, she doesn't seem nearly as intimidating as she had. He's not sure how you got him to realize that so quickly, but he realizes that there's nothing that feels that intimidating when you're by his side. And you're right, her eyebrows are just as awful as her personality.
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usiel21 · 10 months
The Trauma of Enid Sinclair.
After her fight with the Hyde, Enid can't forget that night, seeing Wednesday covered in blood, the knife wound that was going to kill Wednesday haunts her dreams. Every night. Her dreams filled with an image of Wednesday dead, slumped over, knife sticking out of her gut.
It fills Enid with a ruthless determination.
Every morning at home she wakes up and does 100 push ups. No exceptions and then goes for a run.
The six full moons over the two month period should be ones of joy, but she spends each one, alone, away from the pack, hunting. Honing her instincts. Each one culminating in a kill so bloody and so savage that even her mother can't bring herself to criticize it, the deers and a singular bear have been mauled beyond the point of reason. She leaves the carcasses on the back porch with the other kills.
Her brothers begin to fear the savagery that their little sister is now capable of.
The return to Nevermore is a quiet one, her heart sings in elation at seeing Wednesday again. Seeing that she is alive but still recovering.
But Wednesday is far from stupid, she notices the changes in Enid immediately but doesn't comment on it, she finds herself silently counting every push-up and every sit-up. The colour of her roommate is still there albeit jaded.
Enid takes an almost obsessive interest in the investigation revolving around her stalker. Enid studies outcast bestiary encyclopaedias. Making notes and annotations to them. Specifically notes on where the arteries run, where vital organs are located and how far she would have to cut in order to reach them.
Enid wakes up in the night, pads over to Wednesdays bed and carefully presses her fingers to her pulse and hovering her hand by her mouth, feeling the slow outtake of air. She would heave a sigh of relief before going back to sleep.
Thing tells Wednesday everything, the notes, the checking to see if she's still alive. But still she make no comment on it.
The first boy that tries to ask Wednesday out doesn't even get a chance to speak to her, Enid is already there.
"She's not interested, back off" the last two words come out as a growl as her fangs descend and her claws elongate. Once the boy runs away terrified she sheepishly turns to look at Wednesday who only gives her a curt nod in return, it makes Enid preen all the same.
People soon learn that Wednesday is off limits. Well almost all of them that is.
Xavier fucking Thorpe.
It happens on the third botany lesson of the year, with the new teacher, Miss Reeves. Enid watches with intensity and a boiling, bubbling anger as Xavier attempts to flirt with Wednesday, who shows no interest in return.
Yoko notices it first, the extended claws, the yellow eyes but has no time to stop it as Xavier makes a play to hold Wednesdays hand. The other girl flinches away, disgust evident on her face. And Enid sees red, every emotion, every bit of fear, every piece of anger coming to the forefront.
Xavier has no time to react as Enid bolts over her table and tackles Xavier to the floor. The boy screams 'What the fuck?!" as he hits the floor.
the half-transformed wolf snarls and growls above him.
"DO NOT TOUCH HER!" She screams down at him. "Miss Sinclair!" Miss Reeves roars but gulps and takes a step back as the wolf's eyes round on her, a genuine murderous intent gleam there. But Enid backs off but doesn't back down instead she turns until Wednesday is behind her, keeping the her precious raven safe, all eyes are trained on her, all of them now threats to Wednesday.
And all that runs through her head is a singular, terrifying thought.
Protect Mate
Until she feel's Wednesday's hand tentatively come up to brush her fingers.
"Enid, I'm okay, it is okay." Wednesday's soft whisper comes from behind. She whines and whimpers as Wednesday's touch is like a spark upon her skin, so gentle and so soft. Yet Enid doesn't back down, it just gives her an even more greater reason to protect and defend.
Wednesday's whisper is barely audible but regardless everyone hears it.
"My sweet and savage wolf" Wednesday whispers, taking her hand. "Stop...please." the last word is almost pleading. And it shakes Enid out of her kill rage, the claws retract and her face returns to that once sweet girl that everyone would describe as being like sunshine. She ducks her head away, ashamed and mortified. But their eyes meet conveying everything she can't say.
Wednesday's sharp eyes turn to Miss Reeves.
"Inform the rest of the teachers that Enid and I are returning to our room. I will handle this in what way I deem fit." She pauses "If the new principal does not approve then inform him that anyone that messes with Enid will incur the wrath of the Addams clan."
Wednesday pauses to look down at Xavier.
"Touch me again and I won't stop her next time."
Xavier incredulously looks at the girls joined hands and at Enid who is now clinging to Wednesday's arm like a koala bear. But wisely says nothing.
"Come, mi sol" Wednesday gently says, leading Enid from the room.
Miss Reeves rounded on Xavier "You foolish, idiotic boy!" Xavier nearly choked on the words that died in his throat in protest "You know better than to touch a werewolf's mate!"
The walk back to the dorm is a quick and silent one. Until Wednesday locks the door behind them as Enid retreats further into the room.
"You must hate me so much right now, Wends" Enid mutters tearfully.
Wednesday steps forward.
"Why would you think such a ridiculous notion Enid?" Wednesday questions.
"Because of what just happened, Because I'm a shitty friend... because i'm a failure." Enid says, all but breaking down. The tears come thick and fast, every bit of despair, every fear finally letting itself explode.
"If i could have wolfed out you wouldn't have been stabbed!" Enid wails. Wednesday can't say nothing other than watch Enid rip herself to pieces with guilt that isn't just.
"If I had beaten the Hyde faster, if I had been better!" Enid laments "If I had known Thornhill had taken you if I wasn't too busy sucking face with Ajax! I could have stopped it!"
Wednesday moved towards Enid until she was right in front of her, their eyes met.
"If you died I would have died with you." Enid confesses softly.
And Wednesday had never been told something so terrifying. Enid turned away and continued to sob. Wednesday moved until she was right in Enid's personal space.
"But i didn't die, I'm right here Enid. Look at me." Wednesday said. Shimmering Blue eyes met hers and Wednesday held out her hands. Enid's shook as she placed them into the ravens.
"Do you think i care for you so little that if you died against the Hyde i wouldn't have met him in battle knowing that i would come to you even in death?"
Enid's lip quivered at Wednesday's words. Wednesday stepped closer.
"Do you think i could ever hate you? Even when we first met I found I simply couldn't as much as i wanted to."
Enid whimpered.
"Do you think I love you so little..." Enid's eyes widen at the proclamation. "...that even death would have been able to keep me from you?"
"Wends..." Enid can't help but utter, hearing the most loving and romantic thing anyone has ever said to her.
"Your not the only one that lost a part of themselves that night Enid, I lost a part of myself to you and I never want it back"
"That is literally the most loving thing anyone has ever said to me..." Enid whined, bringing their clasped hands to her chest.
"This is not the way I wished to tell you..." Wednesday said, casting her eyes to the floor.
"It was perfect Wends." Enid said stepping closer as Wednesday looks at her again "I..." Enid begins, her words hitching in her throat. "...I..." Wednesday steps closer, they're both so close now that they can feel each other's breath.
"Yes Enid?" Wednesday prompts softly. Enid composes herself enough for the briefest of moments. "...I... I love you!"
And Wednesday is the one that takes the final leap of faith by pushing forwards, their hands clasped tightly together between them at chest level, capturing Enid's lips blissfully with her own, the spiderweb window directly behind them.
Enid cries during their first kiss. The wolf, exhausted half drags Wednesday to her bed, before collapsing upon it with Wednesday in tow, their bodies entwined. Her final thoughts as she drifts off a comfort as she tucks her face into the seers neck.
Mate safe.
Mate in nest.
Mate warm.
Mate happy.
Mate alive.
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strawberryspence · 1 year
Summer isn't Steve's favorite season.
He has always hated it. The sweat, the heat, the brightness. He'd rather have the coolness of fall, the leaves crunching as it finally falls.
There's a wet patch of sweat on his back, making his shirt press against his back. His only solace is the shade the tree provides for him, the rustle of the leaves against the wind reminds him of the summers spent as a child in the lake.
When he opens his eyes, he sees Eddie laughing, hauling a basket of fruits. Eddie is the summer personified.
"I stole this from the kids." He snickers. The kids in question are playing, their shrieks of joy and excitement spreads with the wind.
Eddie sits crisscross beside him, opening the basket of oranges.
"Want one?"
Steve shrugs, pulling his glasses up to his hair to see him clearer as Eddie starts peeling the orange. First, the top, then the skin. One by one.
After fighting a silent war, it's been easier to find peace in the in betweens. There's peace in washing the dishes, in the painstaking task of mowing, in the noisy D&D games.
Eddie breaks the orange in half. He takes the first piece and offers it to Steve.
Eddie's smiling at him, whole eyes bright and fond. There's a wrinkle in his forehead, just above his eyes. The wind sweeps his hair, tied in a high bun. There's wisps of hair framing his face. He is smaller now than when Steve first met him, skin and bones turned into bait, his body still healing. His energy still radiates off him, like a ball of energy only Eddie Munson can possess.
With Eddie, there's always peace. There's no in between.
"Thank you." Steve finally says as he takes the slice and pops it in his mouth.
The first burst of flavor is sweet. Hundreds of tiny pulps dancing on his taste buds. There's a hint of tanginess in it, but it's only part of its charm. It's refreshing, perfect for the hot, sunny day.
Eddie watches every emotion on his face, "Good?"
Steve smiles. He smiles the best smile he think he has, lips curved upward, teeth gummy and wide and he thinks it's never going to be enough.
Not one smile will ever be enough to show Eddie just how happy Steve is to be with him.
"Good." Steve moves forward to leave a sticky kiss on his cheeks.
"EW!" Eddie laughs, it's loud, and crass, and wonderful. It's all the good things about summer, all bundled up together in one laugh. It's the cold water, the refreshing lemonade, the longer days.
Summer is Steve Harrington's favorite season.
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checkmatein3moves · 3 months
noir // halloween?
"Just call me useless and inept and an idiot for doing this to myself. Please do it. I want to hear it from the mouth of someone smarter than me. I'll feel better."
"I may be smarter than you, but you're underestimating your own superior deprecation ability," Raven says, annoyingly.
Noir glares at him, mouth a hard line. "I am not. I would never. Thank you for acknowledging one of my few talents, though. Even if it's not what I asked for."
His assistant only looks up through his eyelashes, not moving his head while he types away at an email. "Insulting you is not what you're paying me for. The more miserable you are, the more abominable the vibes in this cage with you."
He does have a point. Noir's office is a single room on a busy floor in a building owned by the president, thus it is surrounded by hundreds of others who believe they can build their own empire.
It's not their fault. They buy what they're sold. And he'd be hypocritical to judge, he's buying into the same delusion to cope. Raven's intelligence and dedication are all but wasted on him but the difference between Noir and the rest of the ants in the nest is the salary he can afford to pay his help. A fancy office would be naught but a corporate tomb for someone like him, a pretty place to sink.
Really. The office is the least of his reasons to be miserable. He'd never share such a pitying sentiment with Raven, but keeping someone so clearly destined for better cooped up in here weighs on him more than any claustrophobia.
He chuckles. "So you're not going to call me an idiot? You'd rather hear me do it to myself? Over and over..."
"You're a clever idiot. You should know you're never going to win."
Noir sits up in his grey armchair, mouth open. "You just—"
"A useful idiot. Watching your love life founder like this is making me very happy about the non-existence of mine." Raven smirks, forefinger and thumb resizing something on the screen in front of him.
Noir gasps, all but delighted to hear the beratement. "I knew you liked me, after all. And not just because I pay you. Though I'd take what I can get, at this point."
"If that were true, you'd be swanning about that estate now, probably moaning about the streamers not being a dark enough shade of black," Raven points out in his same lifeless tone, though the shift from concentrating on their work to dividing his attention is perceptible; long hair is pushed back behind a stylishly protruding ear.
It's enough of a cue for Noir to stop being considerate about distracting him. He gets up out of his comfy chair, plopping down on the cushion on the plastic chair in front of his desk, meant for visitors but seeing little use.
This is enough to earn a sideye.
"You seem to be under the impression that we'd be...courting, if I was still with them. I'd be their date, but I certainly wouldn't get a say in the decorating. And I wouldn't dare complain about their choices if I did. Not until later, anyway, to some innocent person who had no say in the matter." He has a belated realisation that he is still invited and planning to go. He has no choice; not going, sitting in his apartment or at work with their face plaguing his thoughts, would be the only thing worse. "My word, Raven. Tonight's gonna be like stepping into a minefield. You have to watch me."
"I'll keep you alive, but I won't keep you from throwing up on yourself," Raven says with the first ripple of laughter in his voice. "I could suggest you keep a clear head and find an opening to approach them to apologise, but I could just as soon grow a flower garden out of concrete."
Noir rolls his eyes. "Apologise? It's far too late for that. I can hardly go back and beg them to take a coward back. No, they deserve better, Raven. They shouldn't have to deal with the added stress of trying to prop me up alongside the empire they're already managing."
There's a moment of silence in the conversation; Raven thinks. He doesn't try to mindlessly pacify. Noir has the realisation that he's actually talking about his feelings to somebody and curls in on himself, crossing one leg over the other and squeezing his own upper arm. He's been vulnerable since the day he was born, always feeling exposed and flayed, but he balked as soon as a potential protector actually expressed an interest in him.
Bedsheets softer than his own, draped over his lover's waist as the last breaths of summer air mingle with the cooling heat of bodies. Noir's fingers trace their shoulders, their spine. His lips get jealous and press a kiss between their shoulderblades, and in turn his fingers turn desperate and grip their arm instead. They gasp, but it sounds delighted, and he has to initiate a crushing kiss when he flips them over so he doesn't have to see their tired eyes sparkle. It's guilt. He's making every second last, leaving them with every bit of proof that his body wishes he could stay. But by morning he's gone, short note left detailing that he just can't keep distracting them anymore.
"You don't understand a whole lot about relationships, do you?" Raven chases away the ghost that haunts him, though it never goes very far. "Not that anybody could blame you, of course. But I don't think abandonment issues help much more than...well, what's the worst effect you have on them? Bad optics? Getting in the way of prospects that they don't really need?"
Here's where he can't go any further; he can't confess to anybody that a fear of his own dependency was slowly creeping up on him. He was craving them all the time, seeking comfort hiding behind their skirts, at risk of becoming even more useless.
He redirects. "Funny you should bring up my understanding of relationships. I'm curious about yours. It isn't a lack of wisdom stunting your ability to find love, then?"
"If you hadn't noticed, I spend most of my time sequestered in a tower analysing reports. Full time work, it tends to...kill off the desire," Raven responds dryly, not seeming surprised or offended by the question.
"What if you found someone who understood, though? Like...someone you had enough chemistry with that you'd actively enjoy taking it slowly with?"
Raven's eyes narrow suspiciously now. "It sounds like you're—"
"I met Vinteren's assistant, Sunny. Only the once, but—"
"You roll that sentence back right now—"
"What's wrong with—"
"No. No, no, no—"
"Raven!" Noir snaps exasperatedly, noticing that he's covered his ear back up.
"My boss is not trying to matchmake me. It's not happening. This is all a terrible misunderstanding."
Wondering if he's crossed a line, Noir hesitates. "I can point him out to you, tonight, if you want. But if you really don't..."
"Perhaps," he says tautly. "Perhaps. But I assure you, this is mere curiosity. Do not mistake my acquiesence for interest."
Noir smirks, feeling like he's hit the jackpot of things to distract him from his own anguish. There's no way Raven's actually worse at this than he is.
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mintymarabell · 7 months
I kinda of stole this from an old western show but imagine getting injured and having amnesia. An elder who cannot for the life of him find a mate, finds little oh you on earth and takes you in. When his son tells him you have amnesia maybe he comes up with this little devious plan to tell you, you’re his wife and that you’ve recently got married?
Maybe a couple months into the relationship though, between the doting and affection. You get your memory back and remember that you are not married to this strange alien thing and in fact do not live on this hot planet in the middle of nowhere.
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