#so to see her bag it out in the press recently was a bit flat for me
pynkhues · 5 months
Twilight , happiest season, speak , camp x-ray adventure land
Yes! Thank you!
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
Mmm, honestly I reject all of these categoriations, because I always enjoy it but I also objectively think it's not very good, haha. It's fun, and as a series I think it's brought a lot of joy to people, but it's never really been one for me? Which is kinda funny given I was definitely the target demographic when it initailly came out and my best friend was obsessed when we were in highschool.
Happiest Season
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
I actually watched this at the cinema when it came out and was surprised by the level of hate it got. Like is it good? No, but I didn't think it was that bad either. It's just a pretty run of the mill mediocre holiday movie, y'know? And the fact that it was gay just drew more critical attention to it than it would've if it was straight.
That said, I will say though that while I know everyone was all about Kristen Stewart's character leaving her fiancee for Aubrey Plaza's character, my controversial take is that the movie should've actually been Mackenzie Davis' character coming home after Kristen Stewart's character has dumped her and finding her ex's ex and having a fun, messy, antagonistic relationship with her that lets her process why the breakup happened before evolving into a sexy will-they-won't-they because I love mess and mutual exes finding each other, okay.
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
Ooo, I haven't seen this one! It looks interesting though. There are a few actors in it that I quite like. I do tend to be a little wary of movies that explore speech disability these days as it strikes a bit of a personal note, but at the same time I'm also interested to see how it's depicted, so I'll add it to my list!
Camp X-Ray
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
I haven't seen this one either! I'm starting to notice a pattern though, haha. ;-) This one doesn't really appeal to me, although I'm happy to be talked around? I'm just not really interested in films about Guantanamo Bay.
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
It's been a hot minute since I saw it, but I remember really enjoying it at the time!
Ask me about movies!
0 notes
winxanity-ii · 26 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 19 Chapter 19 | hunting ground⌟
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The first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, casting a soft glow across your room. Despite the previous day's events, sleep had managed to steal you away for a few precious hours.
Classes had been cancelled for the top hero class and yourself; a decision made to allow the students time to process the close-call, something that left a bitter taste in your mouth. Unlike the rest of Class 1-A, who were given a much-needed day off to recover from the attack, you felt strangely restless.
You weren't one to sit idly by, to let fear dictate your actions. School was your cover, your carefully crafted facade, and a single missed day felt like a chink in your armor. So, here you were, lacing up your shoes, a backpack slung over your shoulder.
Reaching for your shoes, you were about to slip them on when a soft voice called out from behind you. "Y/N?"
Glancing back, you saw your mother standing in the kitchen doorway, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy. Sleep deprivation etched dark bags under her eyes, the strands of silver in her hair glinting amongst her frazzled hair.
"Yes?" you responded, your voice carefully neutral.
"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" Mei asked, her voice barely a whisper. "You could stay home, rest. I could make your favorite snacks; we could watch your favorite show..." her voice trailed off, then a small, sad smile tugged at her lips, "...Ugly Americans?"
You forced down a twitch in your eyebrow, clenching your fists to suppress the irritation that always flared at her smothering nature. In a flat, controlled tone, you replied, "I'm fine. Recovery Girl patched everyone up, remember? I'll be back after school."
Your response didn't seem to quell her anxieties. In a swift movement that surprised you, she rushed towards you. Her hands, trembling slightly, cupped your face. The gentle touch felt out of place, a stark contrast to her usual nervous energy.
"My baby," she murmured, her voice thick with unshed tears. She pressed a flurry of small, hurried kisses all over your face, muttering the same phrase over and over again. "My baby. My baby. My baby. My baby. My baby. My baby...."
It was suffocating, this desperate clinginess that had always been a part of her.
With a sigh, you knew this conversation was far from over. Gently, but firmly, you pushed her hands away, creating some much-needed space.
Mei was a frantic mess, her worries amplified a hundredfold since the villain attack. You remembered how she'd burst into tears the moment you walked through the door the other day, clinging to you for hours as if afraid you might disappear again.
Dealing with the aftermath of the attack paled in comparison to handling your mother's smothering affection. Even now, you could recall the relieved shock on everyone's faces at All Might's arrival. How the Symbol of Peace managed to defeat the hulking monstrosity known as 'Nomu' before U.A. reinforcements arrived. The anger on Shigaraki's face as he had no choice but to retreat.
Lost in the whirlwind of recent events, your mother's voice, laced with renewed worry—and a bit of hope—cut through your thoughts. "Y/N, are you absolutely sure you don't want to stay home? We can—"
"Mother, please," you interjected curtly, trying to mask your frustration. The stern tone seemed to have the desired effect. Her shoulders slumped slightly, and a frown etched itself onto her once-worried face.
"Of course, sweetie," she mumbled, her gaze drifting off sadly to the side. "See you later, then. Have a good day at school." With a defeated sigh, she shuffled towards the kitchen. You watch her go, noting the slump of her shoulders—a visual testament to her worries.
Straightening your tie, a gesture more for your own reassurance than anything else, you made a beeline for the door. As you step outside, you're greeted by the crisp morning air, a welcome relief from the stifling atmosphere inside.
With one last glance back at the house, you shut the door behind you and head towards school, ready to face the day and whatever challenges it might bring.
The early morning air was crisp, carrying the faint scent of dewdrops clinging to the grass. A lone bird chirped a cheerful melody, oblivious to the chaos that had unfolded just hours ago. You paused for a moment, the sound grating on your nerves. Cheerfulness felt like a slap in the face after the raw power and adrenaline rush of the previous day.
Taking a deep breath, you allowed your hands to swing idly by your side. There was no point in rushing to school. The cancellation gave you a rare window of freedom, a chance to operate outside the constraints of your carefully constructed student persona.
You decided to take a detour, your steps falling into a familiar rhythm as you meandered through the quiet streets.
The suburban landscape stretched out before you, a monotonous sprawl of identical houses and neatly trimmed lawns. Each picture-perfect scene made your stomach churn.
It was all so…bland, so utterly devoid of the raw energy that fueled your true self.
Here, in this world of stifling normalcy, you were Y/N, the quiet transfer student. Back in your past life, however, you were one of the lead Devil hunters—thriving in the chaotic dance between humans and devils.
A ghost of a smile played on your lips as memories flooded your mind. The thrill of the hunt, the strategic battles, the intoxicating scent of blood and fear in the air—everything felt so vivid, so alive compared to the suffocating monotony of your current life. You yearned for the thrill of a real challenge, for the intellectual dance of manipulating devils and humans alike.
Here, your power felt like a caged beast, a constant hum just beneath the surface. You missed the way it pulsed with a life of its own, the way it fueled your every move in the devil hunter world. A sharp sigh escaped your lips, the sound echoing in the quiet morning air.
This carefully constructed life felt like a prison, a gilded cage that held you back from your true purpose.
As your mind drifted further into the past, your body went on autopilot, your feet carrying you along the familiar route. You barely registered the passing scenery, your senses numbed by the stifling normalcy around you.
The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves—all distant noise filtered through a hazy fog. You were no longer on the suburban street, but back in the stark, blood-soaked warehouse where your final showdown with Denji had taken place.
The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, an acrid scent that invaded your senses. Denji, his once-vibrant golden-brown eyes clouded with tears, stood a few feet away. His voice, raw with desperate pleading, tore through the haze clouding your memories.
"Makima… please," he choked out, tears tracing muddy tracks down his dirt-streaked cheeks. "Stop this. We don't have to destroy everything… We don't have to do this."
With a shaky breath, you lunged at him, your nails extending into long, wicked claws. The movement sent a jolt of searing pain through your entire being, a stark reminder of the countless wounds you'd sustained in the fight. A metallic spray erupted as your claws tore through the air, missing Denji by a hair's breadth.
"Out of my way, Chainsaw Dog!" you rasped, your voice a harsh croak strained by exertion and internal bleeding. Your vision blurred slightly at the edges, the world tilting on its axis. Blood dribbled down your chin, painting a gruesome scene. The feral glint in your eyes intensified, a terrifying contrast to your pale, blood-streaked face.
Denji flinched back at the force of your words, but his desperate pleas didn't cease. "Makima, please listen to yourself! This isn't you! We can fix this, together!"
A guttural, humorless laugh, laced with a chilling edge, escaped your lips. "Fix it? Fix what, Denji? This world teeming with these… these weak, pathetic excuses for life?" You gestured around the warehouse with a dismissive flick of your bloodied hand. "Humans. All of them. They scurry about, consuming, polluting, destroying everything in their path. Like… like mindless vermin!"
Your voice rose in a crescendo, each word dripping with contempt. "And you, Chainsaw Dog, you're no different! Just another pawn, another cog in their malfunctioning machine! You think you understand me? You, with your fleeting human emotions, your loyalty to a species that deserves nothing but oblivion?"
A deranged glint flickered in your eyes. "All I ever wanted… all I ever craved was a semblance of normalcy. A family. A connection that transcended this… this curse I bear!" You slammed your fist against the concrete floor, the impact sending tremors through your already ravaged body.
"But do you see, Denji? I, the Control Devil, am incapable of such things! True connection, true love… it's beyond my grasp. All I can inspire is fear, obedience… a mockery of the very thing I yearn for!"
Suddenly, a surge of adrenaline, fueled by desperation and a twisted sense of affection, coursed through your veins. You lunged at Denji again, this time with a renewed ferocity. Your claw found its mark, tearing a bloody furrow across his cheek.
As he stumbled back, clutching his wound, a twisted grin, laced with madness, split your face. You raised your other hand, smeared with blood from your assault, and slowly dragged it across your tongue, savoring the metallic tang. Your eyes blazed with a feverish intensity.
Denji stared at you, his face a mask of pain and confusion. But beneath the hurt, you saw a flicker of something else—a stubborn refusal to believe your twisted words. He shook his head slowly, muttering under his breath, "No… she doesn't mean that…"
Denji's blind faith, however pathetic it seemed from your distorted perspective, only fueled your manic rant. "Don't lie to yourself, Denji! This world… this cycle of violence and destruction… it has to end! And who better to usher in that glorious oblivion than me?" You ignored the protests spilling from his lips, your focus solely on the warped dream taking root in your mind.
A world cleansed of humanity, a world where only Pochita and you remained. A twisted utopia where the Control Devil could finally experience the semblance of a family it craved.
Denji's voice, raw with emotion, cracked through the haze of your madness. "Makima," he choked out, his voice thick with unshed tears. "There's still good in you… I know it. Don't throw it all away!"
"You need to know you place, pet!" You hissed. Snarling with a feral fury, you lunged towards Denji once again. But this time, fueled by a desperate hope, he reacted with inhuman speed. In a blur of motion, Denji dodged your attack, his chainsaw arm extending with a sickening whir. He appeared before you in a blink, his face etched with a heartbreaking struggle.
You found yourself a hair's breadth from him, the metallic tang of his blood filling your nostrils. You could almost feel the warmth of his tears on your cheek, a stark contrast to the chilling emptiness that consumed you. 
Your breath hitched, a guttural rasp escaping your lips. A metallic tang blossomed in your mouth as a fresh wave of blood dribbled down your chin. You looked down slowly, your vision blurring at the edges. Denji's hand, encased in his chainsaw housing, protruded from your chest, the engine whirring ominously.
The pain was agonizing, a white-hot inferno that threatened to consume you. Yet, it was overpowered by a sudden surge of disbelief. You clawed at Denji's arm, your nails scraping uselessly against the metal.
"No…" you rasped, your voice failing. "This can't be… I… we were supposed to…" The world tilted on its axis. Your dream of a twisted utopia crumbled before your eyes.
Denji mirrored your fall, dropping to his knees with a heavy thud, he pulled his arm away, your heart in hand. His face contorted in anguish, a whimper escaping his lips. "Makima…" he whimpered, his voice barely a whisper.
The world dissolved into an inky blackness, punctuated by flashes of your life—a kaleidoscope of memories swirling beyond your grasp. The last thing you saw, etched into your fading consciousness, was Denji's face hovering above you, his blonde hair haloed by the warehouse's single, flickering light. His tear-streaked eyes reflected a deep, agonizing sorrow, his lips repeating your name in a heartbreaking murmur: "Makima… Makima…"
Then, silence.
Jerked back to the present by the jarring silence, you realized you were way too early. The imposing gates of U.A. High loomed before you, bathed in the golden hues of sunrise. Unlike the usual bustling mornings, only a handful of students dotted the entrance, their hurried movements amplifying the quiet.
The memory of Makima's final moments faded, replaced by the dull ache of loss and the weight of your current deception.
A deep, melancholic sigh escaped your lips,  the sound echoing in the stillness. "Pochita," you murmured, the name a bittersweet echo of a life forever lost.
For a fleeting moment, you succumbed to a bittersweet fantasy—a world where Pochita, the embodiment of your only solace, remained by your side. With a practiced flick of your wrist, you adjusted the strap of your backpack, pushing down the yearning for your old life. A mask of indifference descended, cloaking your true feelings.
The yearning for your past might linger, but your true purpose remained clear: to manipulate everything and watch it all burn.
The quiet hum of anticipation thrummed within you as you reached your classroom. Early as you were, the room was deserted, bathed in the soft glow of morning light streaming through the windows. It provided a perfect opportunity to gather yourself, the mask of normalcy settling comfortably in place.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Vlad King, your homeroom teacher, strode in. He stopped short, surprised to see you seated at your desk, a lone figure amidst the empty chairs. His usual boisterous demeanor softened slightly as he quirked an eyebrow.
"Akuma-san," he started in a surprisingly gentle voice, "Shouldn't you be home after yesterday's attack? Recovery Girl patched everyone up, but rest is important after such a traumatic experience."
You seized the opportunity, feigning a tremor in your voice, you cast your eyes down. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. "I-I just… couldn't stay home, Sensei," you stammered, your voice thick with a manufactured tremor. "The whole thing… it was terrifying. I kept seeing Shigaraki's grin, and what if they come back? What if they…" Your voice cracked, and a single, well-timed tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down your cheek.
Vlad King's concern deepened. He sighed, a weary sound before lumbering towards your desk, his bulky frame surprisingly graceful for its size. He knelt before you, his scarred face etched with unexpected empathy.
You sniffling slightly, relishing the momentary lapse in his usual stoicism. He then placed a calloused hand on your shoulder, the touch surprisingly gentle.
"It's okay to be scared, kid," he rumbled, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Yesterday was a close call. You did well, though. Recovery Girl told me about your... quick thinking with Eraserhead. Apparently, the EMTs at the hospital were impressed with the bandaging technique. The other students mentioned it was you who helped."
You blinked, feigning surprise. "Me? But, Kan-sensei I just..." You trailed off, allowing him to fill in the blanks.
"Don't downplay your actions, Akuma-san," Vlad said, his voice firm but laced with a hint of respect. "Your presence of mind bought us precious time. Recovery Girl could use an extra hand today. Why don't you head down there and see if there's anything you can do to help?"
Internally, you smirked. This was perfect. You'd not only managed to manipulate Vlad King's concern, but also establish yourself as a student with keen observation skills—a pawn with potential in this twisted game you were playing. "Of course, Sensei," you replied meekly, hiding your true motives under a mask of obedience.
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The dismissal from Recovery Girl's office brought a satisfied smirk to your lips. Recovery Girl, a sweet old lady with a surprisingly sharp wit, had been surprisingly easy to charm. Your attentiveness and eagerness to help with Eraserhead's recovery had undoubtedly softened her up.
It was fascinating, you had to admit, getting a glimpse into the world of hero support, the unseen heroes who kept the flashy fighters on the front lines in tip-top shape.
As you crunched on a blue-raspberry lollipop—a parting gift from the kind old healer—you approached the doorway of Class 1-B. The usual boisterous energy was muted, replaced by a tense silence.
You shrugged it off, attributing it to the events of the previous day.  Pushing open the door, lollipop stick held nonchalantly between your teeth, you were met with an unexpected sight. 
The moment you stepped inside, the entire class, faces etched with a mixture of relief and tearful joy, erupted in a chorus of voices. "Akuma-san!" they cried, their voices filled with a desperate hope you hadn't anticipated. Tears welled up in their eyes, some even sobbing uncontrollably. Before you could react, you were engulfed in a wave of bodies.
Komori, Fukidashi, and even the usually stoic Kodai clung to you desperately, their arms wrapped around any part of you they could reach. A cacophony of worried questions and tearful pronouncements filled the air.
"President! We thought you were hurt!"
"Yeah, we were so worried! We saw the news reports, all that destruction…"
"You could have died!"
"You're not allowed out of the room anymore!"
"President, please don't ever scare us like that again!"
The crowded room thrummed with a desperate energy, the sound of their fear and relief creating a suffocating atmosphere.
Lost in the whirlwind of limbs and muffled cries, you struggled to breathe. Just as you were on the verge of snapping, a familiar voice cut through the noise.
"Everyone, calm down!" shouted Kendo, her voice laced with a stern authority. Acting with surprising efficiency, the fiery vice president managed to pry your classmates off you one by one.
They stumbled back, wiping their tears and sniffling, their eyes red-rimmed but holding a glimmer of relief.
You stood there, momentarily speechless, taking a few deep breaths to regain your composure. The unexpected display of affection, was overwhelming.
"I appreciate you all for your concerns, everyone," you said gently, raising your hands in a placating gesture. "I'm alright, really. Recovery Girl did a fantastic job patching me up."
The classroom remained silent, their gazes still fixed on you with a mixture of concern and lingering fear. It seemed calming these overly emotional classmates would be another challenge to add to your ever-growing list. It's bad enough you have to deal with it from your mother, but classmates as well??
Stifling a sigh, you forced a reassuring smile as you finally reached your desk.
With practiced ease, you weaved an abridged version of your "heroic deeds," placating their worries with a carefully crafted tale of narrowly escaping the villain attack.
You kept it vague, focusing on the emotional aspects—the fear, the adrenaline, the close call. It was enough to quell their immediate anxieties, leaving them with a sense of awe towards their mysterious classmate, Akuma-san.
Just as the last sniffle subsided, Vlad King entered the classroom, his flamboyant entrance momentarily distracting everyone. Wasting no time, he launched into the day's hero curriculum.
The first order of business was a somber announcement regarding the aftermath of the USJ attack. He announced the upcoming security upgrades that would be implemented to prevent similar situations from arising.
A ripple of worried glances swept through the class, a few classmates directing nervous looks towards you. You schooled your features, maintaining a mask of stoicism that hid the amusement bubbling beneath the surface.
After the somber news, Vlad King's demeanor shifted dramatically. A harsh, competitive grin spread across his face as he announced the upcoming Sports Festival. "Now, listen up!" he boomed, his voice echoing in the classroom. "This year's festival is more important than ever! We've all seen the news reports. Class 1-A is getting all the praise, but that's about to change! This is your chance, Class 1-B, to show those 1-A students what you're made of!"
His words ignited a spark of excitement in the room. Cheeks flushed with determination, your classmates exchanged determined glances. This unexpected turn of events played perfectly into your hands. Vlad King's competitive spirit was a flame you could easily fan, molding it into a weapon to fuel your own agenda.
But you wouldn't settle for mere excitement. Making eye contact with Vlad King, you subtly unleashed a sliver of your power. It was a small push, building upon the physical touch initiated earlier that morning, allowing for a faster connection. A surge of competitive zeal washed over Vlad King, twisting his already intense grin into a ferocious snarl.
"And there's more!" he roared, his voice tinged with a new level of fervor. "This year, the stakes are higher than ever! Thanks to Principal Nezu's generosity, there's a special opportunity for exceptional performers. Based on their performance in the Sports Festival, the top students will be offered the opportunity to transfer… to Class 1-A!"
A collective gasp rippled through the room. The air crackled with newfound determination. This wasn't just about proving themselves to Class 1-A anymore; it was about a golden ticket, a chance to usurp one of their coveted spots.
As the details of the Sports Festival unfolded, a plan began to take shape in your mind. This inter-class competition wouldn't just be about showcasing your classmates' abilities, it would also be your personal hunting ground.
Who knows what fun is in store for you? 
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***Not much going on this chapter just wantd to update/give a litte filler. Ngl, im kinda getting excited for the sports festival arc hehehe, can't wait to see how my mind is gonna wind up these delulu-moments
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Spicy Romance Prompts:
"You like that, huh?" Ross & Demelza
Thank you
Oh @veryflowerobservation my old friend, thanks for the ask. I know you have politely left other prompts in my box and I do promise I'll get to them soon. Here's a silly little something (maybe from "The Shift" universe?).
Afternoons were hardest. To work alongside her and in such a confined space without recognising what they'd meant to each other just the night before?
Mornings were somewhat more tolerable. Perhaps they still wore the flush of love, and the way their flesh had just recently trembled when touched was easily recalled. Fresh memories that could satisfy them for a bit while they caught their breath and recovered their strength–and went about their jobs. The morning rush of customers who were already waiting when Ross unlocked the cafe doors (and who needed their coffee and buns yesterday) paused for no one. There simply wasn't time for his hand to innocently brush against hers at the till or for even a single flirty glance in her direction.
But by afternoon, when business was at a lull, Ross could bear it no longer. He’d watch Demelza stretch to reach for a cup or lean to wipe up a spill (Just how did someone make jeans and a tshirt look so alluring?) and he imagined the beautiful body underneath her work clothes. By now he knew that body’s curves and hidden depths, quite well in fact. Many times he’d seen her lean over him (in varying states of undress) and many more she’d stretched out (fully naked) on his bed. 
He closed his eyes, to see more in his mind and to suppress the groan that was forming in his gut. 
It had been her idea to keep their relationship secret.
“Just a little while, Ross,” she’d said. “I like that it belongs only to us right now and we don't have to answer to anyone.” She meant she didn't want Prudie or Jud or even Jinny prying or offering commentary, no matter if it was lewd or encouraging. She didn't want her good work at the cafe to be scrutinised since she was now sleeping with the boss. And she mostly didn't want her family–her volatile father and her pious brothers–to get a whiff of her sex life.
Of course Ross honoured that wish. He was never one for public displays of affection anyway and mostly kept his emotions–except for anger–under wraps. But pretending he didn't want her when she was so close was getting more and more difficult, and he found his lifetime of stoicism was rather easily discarded.
Once he’d almost thrown all caution to the wind and pressed her against the dairy case so that she could feel for herself just how he bore his desire. Surely the older gentleman hidden behind his Newquay Voice, was dozing, his flat white growing cold. And the two teenagers at the window table were both engrossed by their mobiles and wouldn't notice or couldn't be bothered to care if they did.
But instead Ross bit his lip and mumbled something about taking out the rubbish. 
“Do you need any help?” Demelza began but he’d already marched out, slamming the back door without really intending to.
She couldn't have helped him even if he required it. Someone had to think of the customers. 
When he reached the bin, he saw one of the flimsy bags had a tear in its side and had left a leaking trail behind him. He lifted it higher, trying to shift its weight and reposition the tear, hoping he could heave it over the side of the bin before it vomited its contents on the pavement, but only succeeded in spilling the muck on his trainers.
“Fuck, that’s foul!” He chucked the bag and kicked the wall to try to dislodge the gloppy mess–pasta primavera had been today’s lunch special–from his shoe. “Disgusting! What the hell am I meant to do with this filth!” he growled before he saw he had no choice but to use his hands to clear his foot. “Fuck me!”
"Okay, if you insist. But filthy, eh? You like that, huh?" Somehow Demelza had come up behind him. He heard her laugh and looked up into her amused face.
“You find this humorous?” he asked though he couldn't help but smile.
“I just wish it had been that lovely genoise sponge instead, then I might lick the frosting off you.” As she spoke her tongue peeked out between her lips, reminding him of just what that mouth was capable of.
“Demelza, you are torturing me...” But before he could finish she’d stepped closer and kissed him. One hand rested on his cheek, the other was woven through his curls.
He needed no further invitation and leaned into her mouth, seeking to consume as much of her as he could in this stolen moment. But without using his own hand to grab hold of her, he found he was losing his balance and stepped aside to avoid crashing into her with his soiled clothes.
“Don’t worry. Prudie showed up so she’s watching the shop,” Demelza explained, working hard to contain another laugh.
“I wasn’t worried about that,” he said and held up his filthy hand.
“Poor, Ross,” she said and lifted up her tshirt just a bit at the waist. Taking his wrist, she guided his hand to her bare skin and pressed it against her.
“Demelza,” he objected. “Now you’re…”
“Oops. Looks like we’ll both have to bunk off to clean up,” she offered.
“And strip off these foul clothes?” He said and pulled her into another kiss. 
“Maybe a shower together,” she whispered. “I’m feeling rather dirty, you know.”
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pattycakes5516 · 3 months
Any Given Sunday
Chapter Three - Excitement in the Mundane
(This contains a tiny bit of smut) ⚠️
Toji’s POV
Toji punches the bag at the gym, it buckled against his fist. This was usually the place where his mind was at peace. He lets out a growl in frustration. What is the root cause of this vexation?
“I’m the worst. But I have another mouth to feed so I can’t give up!” That statement followed by the counterfeit laugh, he lost control of his thoughts.
The explanation previously; her divorce. The haunted look in her eyes. The familiarity of her situation. Did he feel guilty at that moment?
Y/N overworks herself to the bone. She does not let anything stop her. He wonders if her child is struggling as much as she seemed to be.
Then the memories overcome him like a tidal wave. The fear he felt when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. The fights that followed about what to do. Losing her and giving up the one thing she left behind.
“Do you enjoy it?” Her question on the topic of fighting. His career flashing before his eyes. In his youth full of so much potential. Then one championship fight stopped him from making it pro. The cringe on Y/N’s face when he brought up the topic.
“I’m the worst…” Her tone was bitter, where her usual responses were cold and flat. The urge to wrap her up and make her forget. Using pleasure as a short term escape, just as he has always done.
As he swings his arm with all his strength the memory of her true smile makes him falter. “Hey you good?” A familiar voice interrupts his self destruction. “You're making a really scary face.”
Toji is now back in the present and realizes the other people in the gym are clearly staring. “Yeah…” He grumbles pushing past the concerned staff member. As he heads to the locker room his phone lights up.
Toji chuckles at the one word text. He could see her bored expression as she typed it out. He figured he would leave her alone yet he felt the need to respond.
Get some sleep
Not even a full second later
Toji laughs again. He has no idea why this woman consumed his thoughts recently. The time at the bar solidified his strange obsession. It had been a long time since he wanted to get to know someone.
Her uninspiring presence was refreshing. Everytime he spotted a small reaction from her it excited him. He should let her be but it’s too late. When his focus moves from himself to someone else it’s nearly impossible.
Now he needed to figure out exactly what he wanted to take from her. The twisted ways his mind works made him fight himself. But the jarred and ragged pieces in his soul called out to her own. He knew both of them would hurt each other. The idea was sickly thrilling.
He puts his phone down and grabs a towel. Over exertion has caused him to sweat more than usual. It was late so he was the only person currently inhabiting the room. He begins to remove his clothes still with Y/N at the forefront of his mind.
As he turns on the shower and steps under the hot cascade of water, he takes in a breath. He remembers her small fingers caressing the hood of his car delicately. Her eyes wide with admiration. He wonders what they would feel like touching him. That same expression as she takes in all of him.
“Fuck…” Toji’s body is now burning and it has nothing to do with the shower. His cock now straining, begging for attention. He groans the moment his large hand wraps around it. His wide back presses against the cold tile a much needed relief.
“Please…” Toji whines as he begins slowly palming his tip, now leaking with precum. “This is fucking pathetic…” He moans imagining begging Y/N to show him the new faces he could have her make. He begins stroking his dick biting his lower lip to keep from mewling.
The image of her calling out his name while he buries himself deep. He fantasizes that she would try her best not to make a sound. The moment he hit just the right spot she would scream for him.
“Hah shit…” Toji curses as he cums quickly into his hand. His cheeks red, eyes dilated, and breath labored. Since meeting Y/N he had not been with anyone. He tries to make himself feel less pitiful by blaming this incident on that fact. “What the hell…”
Toji steps out of the shower after scrubbing himself clean. Trying not to think of how easily he caved into his urges. He was used to having all the control. He felt out of his mind. “I need a damn drink.”
The following weeks Toji tried to avoid her as much as possible. He convinced himself that he would merely be her rock bottom. And he needed to combat this strange loss of confidence.
Yet no matter his feet would not listen to his thoughts. She gives the best advice so of course while at the track he would go directly to her window. And the small bar is never crowded and the whiskey is cheap so it’s worth stopping in on occasion. It wasn’t about Y/N, not at all.
“Are you finally getting a day off?” That annoyingly chipper white haired character, who always leans a bit too close to Y/N, asks her. Toji’s ears perk up, interested in the conversation. He looked over and the blue eyed man was peering directly at him with a cat-like smirk.
Y/N merely shrugs to get him off her shoulder which causes Toji to feel pleased. “Yeah tomorrow and then my office job Monday is a Holiday. I need to get some errands done.” Toji could see her listing what she had to get done by the way her expression distanced.
“Can I take you to dinner now?” Toji interjects and feels furious when Satoru chuckles. Y/N looked a bit annoyed and it made Toji’s face heat up, a foreign pang in his chest.
“I really have a lot to get done. And I told you not to worry about paying me back. Save your money.” She states without batting an eyelash. Toji growls a bit to himself. He cannot comprehend the rejection.
“You deserve to be taken out Y/N! I mean this guy is not my ideal for you but he seems pretty loyal. Like a stray dog. Scruffy and pathetic.” Satoru shakes Y/N and Toji bites his tongue. This sarcastic man clearly has never been beaten up. His careless use of language easily triggers Toji who balls up his fists.
“Satoru, you better not be causing drama in my bar…” The dark haired man, Suguru, the most serious of the two reigns in his lover. Toji found their dynamic interesting in a way. They were opposites but what the other lacked they made up for. Satoru pouts and causes Suguru to roll his eyes.
“You ok Toji?” Y/N suddenly asks out of the blue as he frowns into his glass. His eyes widened, not used to her prying. He simply nods and studies her expression. “You have been a bit short with me. It’s ok you don’t have to act friendly if you don’t feel like it.”
Her nonchalant response irritated him further. He downs the rest of the liquor and slams the glass a bit to loudly, Y/N flinches. He feels a bit of shame witnessing her reaction. He wonders what happened to her in the past. “It’s not that Y/N. I really enjoy my time with you. I guess maybe I got my hopes up a bit.”
Toji watches as the two men, Satoru and Suguru step away to give them more privacy. Well Suguru drags Satoru away by the scruff of his shirt. “I see. It’s not that I don’t enjoy talking with you. It’s just been a while since I…” Her eyes dance around the room uncomfortably. “I’m not very good at this.” She concludes, causing him to laugh.
“I find it cute.” Toji admits gaining his footing. She narrows her eyes suspiciously. “It is. It’s a bit refreshing.” He explains and she stands awkwardly. He watches her disassociate once again and just as he was about to pull her back she comes to herself.
“It won’t be much fun. But I don’t really enjoy going shopping alone…” She hints causing him to grin widely.
“Are you inviting me to go grocery shopping with you?” He replies and she nods. He strokes his chin thoughtfully. “I’ll take what I can get. Text me the information.” She nods again and takes the tray of dirty glasses towards the back.
The next day they met back up at the bar, it was deserted since it did not come to life until later in the day. She was leaning on her car's hood staring off into the distance. Shaken out of her stupor by the rumble of his car's engine.
He parks beside her and she waves. She usually wore the same uniform when he saw her, a white button up top and black business casual slacks. But today she wore an oversized hoodie and yoga pants that clung on desperately to her thick thighs. “Shit…” he curses to himself. He runs his hand through his hair to control his dark thoughts.
He rolls down the window, “You wanted a ride?” Her lips upturned slightly at his suggestion. She nods and he unlocks the passenger side door. She pulls open the heavy door and slides inside, her eyes wandering the interior with a bit of awe.
Again her manicured fingers brush against the dashboard. “What a classic.” She mutters and Toji chuckles. She goes to pull the seat belt and attempt to click it in place. His large hands wrap around her own, as he leans toward her. He notices that she takes in a sharp breath at his closeness.
He forcefully buckles in the seat belt, “it’s tough to get in. Everything is original so you have to use a bit more force.” He explains and notices her body grow less tense at the explanation. She sits up straighter and he moves back over but not before he catches those thighs jiggle from her movement. He holds in another curse. Another test of his control.
The smile that plastered her face when the engine came back to life was breathtaking. His eyes kept wandering over to sneak a glance at it. They arrive at the small supermarket a bit too quickly. “Wow! I’ve always dreamt of riding in a classic like this. Thanks Toji.”
He reaches to pat her head but stops himself. “Yeah it's no problem.” He says almost as monotonous as her usual tone. She moves her small backpack towards her and shuffles around until she pulls out a small list. “That’s all you're getting?”
“I must confess I’m not much of a cook. So I stick with the basics.” She explains as she digs further in her bag for a ziplock bag full of coupons. “It’s double coupon day so I’m a bit stressed at how busy it will be.” She looks defeated even before they begin walking towards the entrance.
He grins at her and hates how cute she looks at this moment. “Well soldier, stiffen up that spine and get ready! I’ll be your fearless leader so you have no need to worry. People tend to cower just from my presence.”
Y/N actually laughs as he flexes his arms. It was such a sweet sound. “Don’t be too helpful. I might end up making you my emotional support person for every grocery trip.” A peculiar warmth traveled up his spine at her proclamation. He ignores it and grabs the closest basket offering it to her with a wink. She rolls her eyes but still smirks.
“Which looks better?” Y/N asks, holding up two tomatoes and squinting her eyes in judgment. He shrugs, not really the type to ever pay much attention to things. “Which feels more ripe?” She places both fruits in his palm and he squeezes causing them both to implode instantly. “Toji!!” She shouts trying not to laugh and looking around to see who had witnessed their crime.
“I guess they were both pretty ripe…” he mutters and chuckles as she runs to grab a plastic bag and places the destroyed tomatoes inside. She quickly selects one intact one and places it in the cart.
“Unbelievable…” she scolds but he notices she can’t stop herself from laughing at his dispense. “Let’s go to the frozen section so no more produce meets a terrifying fate.” He chuckles and gladly follows behind.
Though he felt the familiar gazes of others that he was used to, seeing her lazily lean against the cart and picking the best deal on bread, made him able to ignore it. He felt almost calm and nothing could bother him.
“Ooo free samples!!” Y/N shouted making a beeline towards the older woman at the stand. It was some generic cheese and pepperoni. As she lifted up a toothpick towards him it was like a five course meal. “Good right!” He simply nods and the older woman at the stand makes an enduring sound.
“What a lovely couple.” The employee praises and both of their eyes widen. “This would make a perfect snack for a romantic picnic.” This lady knew how to sell. Toji recognized and respected her game.
“Ooo no…” Y/N goes to argue but he wraps his arms around her shoulder. She glares up at him and it only makes him want to tease her even more.
“But you said you liked the sample honey. I only live to make you happy.” The older woman gushes at his statement. Y/N sharply elbows him in the ribs. Toji hisses and pulls back his arm. “We will take some!” He grabs a tray and sets it in the cart.
“Don’t tease me like that again…” she growls, poking his chest. He felt a sense of pride at the way her face heated up and she shook her head.
“I couldn’t help myself…” he laughs and she sighs but he notices she looks amused. She picks up a pack of toilet paper and throws it at his head, he quickly catches it and softly places it in the basket. “So feisty!”
As they finally check out and she hands the cashier the stack of coupons, he is amazed by how much the price lowers. “You got a real talent.” He says truly impressed and she scoffs.
“You're easily impressed.” She laughs as he takes the cart from her and pushes it towards the exit. “I’m giving you the destroyed tomatoes. Cherish them.” She jokes and he loves that she seems to have opened up just a little more.
She goes to load the trunk but he stops her. “I got this.” He then opens the passenger door and she hesitantly follows, sliding inside. “Before you ask I’m sure.” She grins and nods.
He quickly finishes and returns the cart. Then returns to the car. She holds out the buckle expectantly, he takes it from her and forces it to click into place.
They did not speak much on the drive back. It was not an uncomfortable silence. The windows were slightly rolled down and the sun was bright in the sky. He watches as she stares out the window looking almost content.
When they arrive back he refuses to let her move the food into her car and she grumbles a bit as she pops her trunk. After this was completed he turned to face her. She looks as if she is trying to form some type of sentence. “What’s up?” He asks and she shuffles her feet.
“I appreciate this. You distracted me enough to where my anxiety was at bay.” She says looking a bit embarrassed. “It’s a bit pathetic but I get so jumpy when I go alone.”
“It’s no big deal. Really.” Toji hates the sadness in her eyes. “I actually enjoyed myself. I promise.” She studies his face for a bit and he wonders what was on her mind.
“I know you wanted to take me to dinner…” She pauses as if contemplating what she was about to say. “I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything. Yet you were a big help today. Soo…”
Toji waits curiously to hear what she was trying to say. He knew from this point on he would not be able to avoid her. He was drawn to her in a bizarre way.
“Instead, would you like to come to my place for a light lunch?” She offers and he tries to hide his enthusiasm. Making her sweat he takes a while to answer. “I know it won’t be anything fancy…”
“I’d love to if that is alright.” He responds and she nods. He gets directions just in case he loses her in traffic and heads to her location.
On the way there his mind begins racing. He wonders if her kids will be home. Is she really willing to let him meet them already? He scolds himself for the dark thoughts of what could happen if they were alone. He needed to be in control, he did not want to ruin whatever was happening.
Her apartment was not too far from the bar, it was an older building. It looks to have been slightly refurbished but the brick was impressive. They fought for a bit again when he refused to let her take even one bag. She eventually gave in.
She pauses at the door. “Ok I have to warn you that I don’t get many visitors so he is probably going to jump all over you.” Before he had time to register her words she opened the door. What kind of wild child she was raising was his last thought before a hefty pitbull lifted it head in curiosity and immediately charged towards him.
Not expecting her child to have four legs, the force of the muscular dog knocks him on his ass. “Pork chop!!” She scolds pulling the excited pup away. Her eyes wide and apologies falling from her lips. Toji regains his thoughts and then bursts out laughing. Unable to stop his eyes began to water at the misunderstanding.
“This is the mouth you were talking about having to feed?” He says between breaths as she picks up the scattered bags. It seems his bellowing laughs were contagious because she giggles as she holds out her hand to help him stand.
“Well yeah… what did you think?” Then she cackles realizing he must have thought she had a kid. “Ooo no! I don’t have any children. Which was one good thing about the divorce.”
“I feel like an idiot.” Toji grins, patting the dog's head as it nuzzles his knee. She puts away the groceries still snickering to herself.
“I could see how you could have been confused.” She smiled as she began to prepare a pre-bagged kale salad. As he went towards the kitchen to help there was a knock at the door.
She passes by him and he peaks around the corner. When she opens the door a tall man, with a pale complexion greets her. His dark hair tied up into two buns. His eyes a bit sunken, he wore a baggy set of sweats and a band shirt.
“Hey you ok? I heard a male voice shouting.” The man looks very concerned for her. That pisses Toji off but he does his best to stay composed.
“Ooo it’s fine. I invited a friend from work over. And Pork Chop got pretty excited about a new face.” She giggles and the man’s eyes widen at her expression, almost in adoration. Toji squeezed his fist and his jaw tightened. “Thanks for checking Choso.”
“Y-yeah no problem. You don’t need me to dog sit tomorrow right?” The man now known as Choso asks and she shakes her head.
“Nope actually have two full days off. Thanks for always being there to help.” He smiles lopsidedly and looks past Y/N to spot the stranger in her home. When their eyes met, Toji knew unlike Satoru and Suguru, this man was a true threat to him. Someone that Y/N trusts to watch her precious Pork Chop. He did not like the way the man was sizing him up.
“Well if you need me I’ll be next door!” He says it loud enough for Toji to hear. Y/N returns as he was picking up the salad bag. In a bit of frustration he ends up popping the package and kale flies everywhere except the bowl. The sly pittie is quick to clean up the pieces on the floor.
He turns to apologize but is met with another continuous giggle, “you really need to learn how to control your strength.” She says breathlessly. The anger seizes immediately and he joins in her harmonies chuckle. “Pork Chop is definitely a fan now.” She points to the dog who is now sitting and looking up at him, tongue lolled to the side, waiting for another delicious accident to occur.
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helvetica12point · 1 year
Doll Trashion Tutorial
So I've mentioned the doll obsession I've had lately and the oh so lovely Gretchen Stripes here arrived recently:
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She's a raccoon themed Nanana Surprise teen doll, and they went all in on the trash panda theme. Trash bag shirt, shopping bag shirt, even her printed on jewelry is made of trash.
Anywho, I was chatting with @nanana-dolls about how cool she was and they mentioned the idea of making Gretchen clothes out of candy wrappers and I was immediately inspired because that leans into the trash panda theme even harder and is conceptually hilarious!
So last night I ate some candy and this afternoon I got crafty and it's been ages since I did a tutorial so let's get into it!
I've assumed a pretty basic level of skill, so depending on your own sewing skills some of this may be irrelevant or I may have skipped something you needed. Feel free to skip parts or ask questions as needed for your skill level
Step 1
Gather your candy wrappers! I strongly recommend using waxed paper wrappers-think starburst, now and laters, tootsie rolls, dumdum pops, that sort of thing. Could you do it with with more plasticity wrappers? Maybe, but they tend to tear so easily and it's going to be a lot harder. If you are really determined to use something like a 3 musketeers wrapper, I would honestly use tulle and make see through pockets to put the wrapper in.
I went with Frooties wrappers because we had some in the house and they're bright and colorful.
Step 2
No pics for this one either, but it's easy enough. Get your wrappers as flat as possible. Use a press cloth or bit of scrap fabric on either side of each wrapper and press them flat. Use a lower setting on your iron just in case your wrappers are plasticized instead of waxed. Once you've verified they won't melt, you can crank the heat a bit. I think I used the setting for polyester on mine. You may feel a bit of stickiness when you're done-that just means you got it hot enough for the wax to melt a little. (This is why you've got it sandwiched between fabric, so you don't get wax on your iron).
Step 3
Arrange your wrappers in a pleasing manner. Frooties wrappers have a really nice length, so I just put them in a row and overlapped them. I used 10 to get 7 inches worth of "fabric", but wound up adding a couple more.
Step 4
Normally I would never say this, but we're not using fine fabrics, so go ahead and use a bit of a tape to hold them together along one edge and sew those bad boys together! A 1/4” seam is about the biggest you want for doll clothes to avoid bulk.
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If you don't have a sewing machine, definitely use extra tape to hold them together because they're going to suck to hand sew. You can also do whatever size seam you want if you're doing it by hand, it's not crucial at this point.
Under no circumstances pin anything together as, it will leave permanent holes in your wrappers!
Step 5
I added a tulle underskirt so the wrappers wouldn't directly be touching her, and to give the skirt a bit more stability and support. For this I cut a piece of tulle about twice as long as my wrappers, ran out through the machine real quick with a long stitch and gathered it to fit. Then I stitched it to the back of the wrappers. Watch the direction you place your wrappers! The way they're oriented here is correct--if you have them the other way they may get mangled feeding through the machine.
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If you've not got a machine this can all be done by hand, and shouldn't be too awful.
Trim any excessive length on the tulle to your desired length. I trimmed mine pretty close to the length of the wrappers but just a hair longer.
Step 6
Do a test fit and just wrap your strip around Gretchen's waist. Make sure the two ends can fully overlap and cover her undies. If they don't, add a a couple more wrappers and a bit more tulle. I used some of the excess I trimmed off.
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Steps 7 & 8
This is where it gets hard. Now you've got to figure out a way to fasten it around her. I opted for an elastic waist, but you could do Velcro or whatever you like.
I folded the top edge of the wrappers where everything is sewn over and used that to make a channel. This seam needs to be over 1/4" away from the edge to allow room for the elastic (I used 1/4"elastic). Don't make it crooked like I did; you want a nice wide channel the entire length of the waist.
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Get your narrow elastic threading tool of choice and slowly insert the elastic from the bottom most wrapper (the free end in the above pic). Following the overlap will prevent you from poking out between wrappers.
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Step 9
Once you've got the elastic in, trim it a little long and overlap it at a point that's appropriate for Gretchen's waist. Stitch it together (I did this by hand cause it's fiddly), trim off the ends and gently move the wrappers over the joint. Gently do a fit test.
Step 10
Make any adjustments needed for a better fit. Hand sewing will probably be your best route here I wound up folding one end over a bit more and stitching it into place just to get it to lay better in the back and cover her bum a bit better. This is also a good point to mend any tears and reinforce any weak spots.
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The zig zag is where I overlapped after elastic insertion. You can see a tear along the channel seam where that end was on the narrow side. I'll mend that later.
Step 11
Gently slip the finished skirt up over Gretchen's hips and enjoy!
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I think it looks better with her shopping bag shirt than her original skirt, tbh
Various notes:
Wrappers can be stitched together in more places for reinforcement. Paper sews like fabric, except you don't have that give between fibers so any holes made by the needle are permanent.
Theoretically, you might also be able to strengthen and reinforce the wrappers by adding more wax to the paper.
You could also embroider the wrappers, or add a second layer of tulle over them for a more subtle/fancy look
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primamchorus · 4 months
A Night Out
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So many responsibilities, stacked and stacked and stacked. Weighing upon the shoulders of one who generally only wants to keep her head down and follow the rules. If the rules are followed, no one gets in trouble. If the rules are followed, perhaps she is rewarded. Perhaps the reward is a well deserved night out.
Word count: 1,956
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“A-a what?” Primam seemed surprised and confused by what she had just been told.
“A girls’ night out, Prim! You damn well need one after everything that’s been going on,” a girl her age had been saying. “We know you don’t have work over this next weekend, so just…y’know, come with us for a little bit! We’ll head down to Cosmos -- let loose and have fun!”
Primam adjusted the books she had at her desk before putting them away in her school bag. She mulled over the prospect of heading out to Cosmos, especially after everything that she had to deal with in recent weeks. Though she had not told any of her friends, the idea of going out to a karaoke bar felt…well, off and odd.
“I…I don’t know, Venus…” Primam finally spoke, glancing up at the ginger-haired girl. The response made Venus puff her cheeks a bit.
“Prim! You barely have any time to yourself! You have to deal with being class rep, training under the tutelage of the current Arms of the King and other Crownsguard, and balancing your job at the Balamb Gardens on top of all of that!” Venus pressed, reaching out and grabbing Primam’s arm to shake it gently with her urging.
“Priiiiimmmm, please!” Venus begged.
Reaching down to clasp her school bag closed with her free hand, Primam picked it up by the handle and looked back at Venus with a diffident smile. For now, she was simply glad that her makeup hid the serious bags under her eyes; it was a habit made since that one comment from another classmate of hers that had pointed it out one time during their lunch period.
“Who else is coming?” Primam finally asked.
Venus immediately perked up, her hazel eyes sparkling with joy as she beamed. Clutching Primam’s hand and jumping up and down excitedly, Venus replied with: “I managed to convince a few people. Stella was more than excited to get to go to Cosmos! A-and Gloria and Spe also wanted to come when I brought it up!”
“... Spe?” Primam asked questioningly.
“Mhm! She was also really looking forward to coming out! She’s never been to the karaoke bar!” Venus replied, finally letting go of Primam’s hand. “I guess if you’re asking who’s coming, then you’ll be there?”
Primam only kept that sheepish expression on her face while offering a shrug in response; “I suppose we’ll see what ends up happening.”
The night of the proposed ‘girls’ night out’ had come quicker than Primam thought it would. She had been busy studying the art of elemancy -- something she had grown passionate about after finding out just how good she was at controlling the King’s magic for training. Since having been bestowed her own blessing of the King that granted her access to the Crystal’s power, Primam had been training with her brother in seeing just how well they could master their warps and elemental control.
Rushing to throw on some nice clothes consisting of a loose white and blue striped tee, a black denim vest, and equally black denim capris, Primam was quick to use the bathroom so that she could brush her hair in the mirror. The sight of her silvery white hair was always cause for some minor concern…though she pushed her self-conscious thoughts away as she brushed and then braided her hair to be as presentable as possible without trying too hard.
“Jeez, where’s the fire, sis?” Tandem called out, watching as Primam hurried out of the bathroom to get her purse and then slip her white flats on.
“Sorry, Tan! I have somewhere to be tonight! Food’s situated in the fridge! Bought more garula flank, potatoes, carrots, and spinach if you wanted to cook tonight! Found your shopping list this morning,” Primam hurriedly said, double checking her purse and making sure she had everything.
Phone, wallet, keys, feminine products, gum, tissues….
“And…where are you going?” Tandem asked, folding his arms over his chest while cocking an incredulous brow.
“Out with Venus and some of the other girls from school! No boys!” Primam said, opening the door and slipping out. She then opened the door back up and looked at her brother. “If you don’t feel like cooking, I picked up a konbini grilled mackerel meal since I know you like that.”
Before Tandem could say anything, Primam closed the door once more to their shared apartment and briskly walked down the hallway toward the elevator to take her leave of the building. Pulling out a black card with the crest of Insomnia on it, Primam held it up to the sensor of the elevator, calling it with haste.
Once it arrived, however, there was a voice that called to her.
“Hold the elevator, please!”
The voice gave Primam a reason to pause as she looked down the hall. A familiar blond was running to meet her, and the white-haired Arm found her interest piqued.
“Thank you--ah, Prim!?” The blond seemed shocked, and Primam could only offer him a small wave of greeting before the two of them boarded the elevator car. Once the elevator was finally on its way down, the blond went on: “I didn’t expect you to be here. Were you also visiting the Prince?”
“N-no…” Primam said, not sure if she wanted to start idle conversation like this with her classmate. “I-I mean! My brother and I know that he lives here, but we also l-live here at…a-at the Caelum Via. King Regis actually…set everything up for us.”
“... Huh… You know, for royal retainers in training, you seem to have a lot more freedom than Ignis or Gladio…” the blond mused, rubbing his chin.
“Eh?” Primam seemed surprised by the statement. Shaking her head, she looked down at her feet and fidgeted. “S-sorry, Prompto. You actually have it kind of wrong. I feel like it only seems that way because my brother and I… We…we’re always having to juggle what we do as best we can. Gladio’s the Shield, Ignis the Hand, Tandem and I the Arms… Then you have Mollis as the Eyes, Ros the Heart, and any of the Vox siblings as the Ears. Each of our stations differ -- we’re taught this growing up. We Arms stay within arm’s length of Noctis that we might jump into action as soon as possible should a problem arise.”
The elevator remained silent for a time as it continued its descent. For Primam, it felt like ages when normally it would feel just like another day. She watched the buttons on the panel light up with each floor they passed.
18. 17. 16. 15….
“So where are you headed now, anyway?” Prompto finally asked. He glanced over at Primam, lifting his hands so that they were laced behind his head. “Just… I don’t think I’ve ever seen you outside of your school or work uniform, that’s all.”
14. 13. 12. 11….
“Ah…? Oh! I was just headed to a karaoke bar with…Venus and some other classmates…. That, um, that Cosmos place by the West Gate plaza. I…I have some time off, and Venus invited me…” Primam replied, both hands going to clutch the strap of her purse. Her gaze fell from the panel to the floor of the elevator.
Silence lingered between them, and Primam could swear she felt Prompto’s gaze on her the entire time.
“You don’t really seem excited about going,” Prompto observed, noting Primam’s lack of enthusiasm in the fact that she still seemed distant and detached from the idea. “S-sorry, maybe it’s not really my place to say anything! I-I mean, you look nice and ready and all… Just…the way you carry yourself makes it feel like you’re just attending another obligation. Like everything you do as class representative.”
The elevator lurched to a stop, and the doors opened with a ding. However, Primam found herself staring at Prompto after his statement. A look of realization and surprise were both evident on her face, and she pursed her lips.
“... D-does it really seem that way?” Primam finally asked, her expression falling as she left the elevator with her classmate. She paused just outside its doors as Prompto walked ahead. However, when he noticed that Primam had halted, he also stopped and turned back to look in her direction.
Bringing a hand to his chin, Prompto hummed in thought as he gazed up at the ceiling.
“You know… You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Prompto mentioned. “It’s your time off, and if you don’t get a lot of time, maybe you should do something you’d want to do instead?”
“What do you suggest?” Primam asked, making Prompto look at her in surprise before shaking his head.
“No, no!” Prompto hurriedly replied, waving a hand to dismiss the question. “It’s not about what I can recommend or tell you to do. Today should be about you and what you want to do! Like, uh… M-Maybe you want to check out the new arcade cabinet at ViVi? O-or, uh…what do girls like…? Oh! Maybe try a new fragrance or lip balm at BG&WD!” Primam thought about Prompto’s words for a moment. She never really played video games, but she did sometimes get some stuff ordered from BG&WD in terms of makeup. Just some concealer, usually. She did lose a lot of sleep a lot of the time.
“... What if…I just spent today with you?” Primam asked, looking up.
“Eh!?” Prompto seemed more surprised than Primam could ever recall seeing him. He scratched his cheek nervously, an equally nervous smile gracing his lips. “I-I mean…if that’s what you’d like? If you don’t mind? I’m not really going anywhere special. Noct’s got ‘royal obligations’, and so I got a lot of free time. I was going to go to Hirofuta’s to look at some of the camera accessories and development fluid. I got a lot of photos I wanted to develop.”
Primam lifted a hand to her mouth, hiding the small smile that appeared.
“I think I’d like that a lot more than going to a karaoke bar…. I don’t even like singing. Not in front of people, anyway…” Primam admitted. She seemed more relaxed after it seemed Prompto showed he was amenable to her accompanying him. “If…you’re not too terribly busy, perhaps you can show me around Insomnia? I don’t get to travel the city much. Not properly, anyway.”
“Really? That’s just… I see Gladio out quite a bit -- bastard scolds us sometimes if he catches us at the arcade--” Prompto stopped himself before walking ahead and motioning for Primam to follow along after him. “That aside! I can show you quite a bit. How do you feel about animals? I like stopping at Bastet to look at all the cute little puppies and kitties that are up for adoption. Oh! And what about vegetarian meals? Clock Out’s pretty good for that!”
“Um… Well,” Primam shrugged, falling into step alongside her classmate and hopefully someone who considered her a friend? “H-how about we simply make an adventure out of it? Just whatever catches our eyes? It’d be a first for me, just going wherever in the city!”
“Then an adventure it is! The first of Primam and Prompto’s ventures in the concrete jungle of Insomnia!” Prompto announced, pointing a finger to the doors with a grin. He went over the top with his motions as he posed in a way that reminded Primam of the cheesy action shows on television. She raised her hand to her mouth once more, giggling softly at the display.
It seemed that this evening would certainly shape up to be an interesting one! Certainly more interesting than clamming up at a karaoke bar.
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klinemartin7 · 2 years
Valentino Replica Observe Top Black Valentino
Very slightly thicker heel than KP’s, however it’s onerous to tell. Annie and Kaitlyn Pan don’t promote dimension 8 footwear though, as dimension eight is a half dimension (39.5 CN) in China. You can tell IMMEDIATELY after putting them on that they don't appear to be snug — I feel like I’m placing my toes into foot-shaped plastic cups. Not flexible and not very comfy, and undoubtedly artificial. Most snug, however not a lot difference from Annie’s. We will defend replica sophia webster shoes private info by cheap safety safeguards against loss or theft, in addition to unauthorized entry, disclosure, copying, use or modification. — A selection of products inspired by the newest trends and styles. Launched in 2008, is an online boutique that sells purple backside footwear at significantly discounted prices. It's a cool twist and provides a cold pull to the in any other case heat fragrance, creating a pleasant stability all through wear. I own several pairs of the KP RS flats as a result of they're more comfy than the originals as a end result of additional padding. For kitten heels, the original RS are more snug than the KP ones mainly because I think the patent leather is a bit softer. Her back on the day of the Rockstud Spike is a normal small sheepskin black fashions, the above rivets are Replica Valentino Bags regular champagne. It’s the kind of perfume I want extra of, the type of scent I need everyone to make. Vanilla Diorama is a spicy take on vanilla that makes you're feeling comforted, cozy, and horny. The model will tell you Spell On You "conjures the ecstasy of love, blending sensuality and lightness," and I love any fragrance impressed by love as a result of fragrance is so tied to emotion. Analysts believe their arrests are an attempt by Beijing to strain Canada to launch Meng, whose firm has been accused of being an agent of Chinese intelligence. The Trudeau authorities still hasn decided whether or not it's going to ban Huawei or not.. Printed on high-quality, thick, glossy card they will look nice in your friends’ and families’ mantle pieces this Christmas. And after all, all funds raised will help us proceed to make sure very important healthcare reaches individuals in a number of the hardest to achieve elements of Africa. And it doesn't cease there...Motor Sports Travel has teamed along with Two Wheels for Life to take care of your journey needs and ensure a comfortable keep during the weekend. Together to match the measurements of a standard measurement 6 and achieve the distinctive surface design impact of the Valentino costume. — A selection of the most recent devices and electronics at competitive costs. — High high quality merchandise with discounts up to 90%. Press the area key then arrow keys to make a selection. The tips of the pumps are flawlessly straight on the top picture, while they're very squiggly on the replica model. You can see this by trying on the gentle reflection on the black pointy suggestions. None of the other four in Tereshkova's early group flew and, in October 1969, the pioneering female cosmonaut group was dissolved. Even although there have been plans for additional flights by ladies, it took 19 years until the second lady, Svetlana Savitskaya, flew into area. Plus, its recent scent notes make it ideal for vacation travel. We solely supply our scents from Grasse, the world’s fragrance capital. Our merchandise are produced from clear elements for the highest quality potential. It's one of those scents that really feel like spring, however it's so good you wish to wear it all 12 months. Props for taking pictures of the particular product although, and never simply stealing photos from Valentino and Photoshopping their own brand name in like Mavirs and VASHOP LOL. Valentino's distinctive cool-pink take on a nude colour, you are probably out of luck. I've looked through the WeChat moments of a lot of the trusted sellers and have not seen any really accurate Poudre pairs. Of course, the female star of Datian Dynasty doesn't present weak point. Domineering like Fan Ye, the queen of the goods, “Yang Mi”, and the fashion flower Song Jia have became their true love powder. Speaking of the Rockstud Spike handbag, this is also the new work of artistic director Pierpaolo Piccioli, so as to lead the brand’s new creative path. She is understood for being the first and youngest girl in area, having flown a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. She orbited the Earth 48 occasions, spent nearly three days in house, and stays the only girl to have been on a solo space mission. The Spike series has three sizes, massive, medium and small, all designed with Nappa lambskin and durable! The large size is 30cm x 20cm x 18.5cm, and the capability remains to be very large! The colors are more numerous, the eye-catching red is probably the most eye-catching, the traditional black, the elegant nude shade is superb, and we can choose one for each issue. Just in time for the holidays, Sephora is offering 20% off all of its full-sized fragrances till Dec. 24 so you possibly can present your family members a luxe bottle of fragrance or cologne for a refreshing start to the model new year. The buying information said that the purple is durable and the pink jeans may be coloured. In view of the character I don’t care about, I bought red. I can’t see any traces of dirty damage, and it's frequently used. However, this flight plan was altered in March 1963. wikipedia handbags Vostok 5 would now carry a male cosmonaut, Valery Bykovsky, flying alongside a woman aboard Vostok 6, both to be launched in June 1963. I am a low/block heel devotee (no heels higher than 3” for me, thanks) and could see myself sporting both for hours. I ordered three colours of Valentino Rockstud kitten heel dupes/reps from 3 completely different sellers, so thought I’d do a side-by-side comparison of the shoes with the authentics here. You can also use this information to learn to authenticate Valentino sneakers yourself. Our "Internet-Only" approach enables us to cut the overhead value and give you brand new red bottom on the lowest costs you will ever see. Even although the tags won't be seen while wearing shoes, it is likely one of the most necessary particulars to try while authenticating an item. https://phoenet.tw/valentino-replica.html The shade of the strings has been mismatched by the replica factories, as they are supposed to be darker as shown on the authentic model. Very first thing that must be talked about is the black shiny leather-based used for the pumps. While it must be very shiny, it mustn't go over the top, which can make it look cheap-looking which is the exact case in the best picture. It ought to replicate mild as properly as it is proven on the genuine model.
0 notes
karolincki · 2 years
Coming Out
Summary: Yennefer was very sure that Triss was at least a little bit in love with her. Romantically. And now she was about to lose it all.
Pairing: Yennefer/Triss
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 1151
Written for The Passiflora Aro Week
Read here or on Ao3
Yennefer stared at her hands. They were shaking slightly. She was sitting on a bench, waiting for Triss. They wanted to go together through the park after work because they didn't get to see each other much in the last week.
It wasn't a date, but it also… was not not a date. Yennefer was very sure that Triss was at least a little bit in love with her. Romantically.
They had met at a party. Jaskier had celebrated the release of his first album and invited a bunch of his friends. Yennefer and Triss had immediately hit it off; they had started talking over cocktails and never really stopped.
Yennefer had been a bit overwhelmed in the beginning. She never had many friends and most certainly not someone she would call best friend. But Triss had made herself at home in her life so fast, it had been terrifying. Weekly dinners, movie nights, walks in the park, and constant texting made sure that Yennefer couldn't imagine cutting Triss out of her life anymore.
And now she was about to lose it all.
Recently she had noticed Triss' behaviour changing. Any time the beautiful florist came over after work, she would bring some flowers. Only those we can't sell anymore anyway, Triss would wave it off, don't read anything into it. Just a little pop of colour for your flat. She started to sit closer to Yennefer during their movie nights, accidentally brushing their fingers together when they both reached for the chips. When they went to dinner, Triss would insist on going for a walk afterward, always along a beautiful boulevard or to the water fountain.
Yennefer's stomach twisted. Triss was clearly trying to woo her.
Her hands were still shaking. She felt her breathing becoming more laboured and her vision growing hazy.
She was scared.
Suddenly, she heard someone call her name. When she looked up, she could see Triss coming towards her, her hair shining in the sunlight, pretty little sundress flowing around her body. She is so beautiful, Yennefer thought.
She could absolutely imagine having a more physical relationship with Triss. Yennefer had never really wanted a sexual relationship, but over the last few months there had been a feeling growing inside of her that she had never experienced before. Spreading Triss out on a bed and crawling underneath her sundress didn't seem to be such a bad idea. But sadly, no romantic feelings had developed.
Triss was still a few paces away, but beamed at her with her smile. Why wasn't she also falling in love?
"Hey, I brought you something from the bakery. I'm sure you haven't eaten yet since breakfast."
Yennefer scowled a bit. She hadn't, work had been too busy.
Triss just laughed at Yennefer's expression and pressed the bag into Yennefer's hands while sitting down next to her. She sat too close, not really letting go of the bag, which caused their hands to entangle. Yennefer swallowed.
"Triss… I…"
Triss' face fell.
"I'm sorry,” Triss said in a meek voice. “My friends convinced me that there is more going on between us, but you don't feel the same at all, do you?"
“It’s not that. There is something more, but it… it is complicated.”
Yennefer stared down at her lap again, tears springing to her eyes again. She saw how Triss raised one of her hands and slowly with a touch to Yennefer’s cheek turned her face towards her.
“We are good friends, aren’t we, my dear? We are best friends, even. Whatever the problem is, we will work through it together. And don’t worry about losing me. I’m not giving you up as my friend.”
A single tear fell down Yennefer's cheek, but it was quickly wiped away by Triss. Yennefer took a shuddering breath and scooted a bit closer, resting her head on Triss' shoulder. She couldn’t look Triss in the face for what she had to say next.
“I like you, Triss. I really like you a lot. You are smart and funny and sexy and you put up with me through all my moods. But, I haven’t ever felt romantic feelings for anyone. I hoped so much it would happen with you, but it didn’t. I want to spend all my time with you, thinking about spending the rest of my life with you, I… I never thought I would want that with anybody. But I can’t reciprocate your feelings. At least not like that.”
Triss pulled her closer, squeezing Yennefer in her arm’s as hard as she could.
“Oh dear, I’m happy you are being honest with me. But this doesn’t have to be an issue. Were you uncomfortable with anything we have done so far?”
Yennefer shook her head slightly.
“Well, then there is nothing to worry about. We don’t have to have the same feelings for each other. What I want in a relationship is commitment. As long as you can promise me that, we will work out how a relationship would work between us. Every relationship is different anyway and I would love to find out together with you what it means for us to be together.”
Yennefer shuffled a bit so she could look at Triss. She had been so worried, but all she could read in Triss’ face was love and adoration.
“I don’t think I will ever be comfortable with being called your girlfriend.”
“That’s fine. Is there a term you would prefer?”
“I don’t know, I never had to think about it really.”
“Hm, we have a lot to talk about, but stop worrying for now . I can see it in your face how the wheels are turning overtime. Soon smoke will come out of your ears!
“We don’t have to figure out everything right now. Let’s both think about what we exactly want, and then we can discuss it some other time. Just relax, my dear, and know that I’m not letting you go either way.”
Yennefer blushed horribly at that. She was so happy, she didn’t know what to do with all the emotions.
Before she could overthink it, Yennefer moved closer, stopping inches away from Triss’ face. She saw how Triss’ pupils dilated and she gave the tiniest nod. Yennefer quickly pressed her lips to Triss’, pulling away again immediately. She could see the smile spreading across the other woman's face. Yennefer blushed even harder.
Yeah no, this is enough emotions for the day, she thought and abruptly stood up. She coughed a bit and straightened out her clothes.
“We wanted to go on a walk?” She cringed a bit. Her voice sounded so raspy, much too affected for her taste.
Triss stood up and took her hand. “Yes, I would still love to.” And with that she started to pull Yennefer after her.
Yennefer couldn’t suppress her smile anymore. Maybe she wouldn’t lose Triss after all.
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Could we get a emily prentiss x reader were the reader tells emily SHES pregnat and emily Is all happy
A Not So Secret, Secret
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Thanks for the request, sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x fem reader
Summary: Emily didn’t think she could be happier after the two of you married, but somehow it’s possible after hearing about the new addition to the family.
Warnings: Pregnancy, a bit of angst at first, mentions of miscarriage, and like one or two swear words.
Words: 1.9k
It was supposed to be your day off, just you and Emily. One day as a normal married couple. Not two FBI profiles who barely had a social life.
You couldn't help but groan as Emily stirred beside you, tangling her body further with yours. You kissed her shoulder whispering a "sorry" on her skin before untangling yourself.
There was no way out of it, so you picked up the phone and cursed everything when Hotch's voice came through.
The two of you couldn't hide your disappointment as you grabbed your go-bags and headed over to work.
You were the last two to arrive.
Hotch briefed you all when you got on the plane, mentioning Texas and 5 bodies, but that's all you caught. You could hardly hear over the sound of your stomach beginning to reject the Chinese you eat for dinner last night.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes, praying you could keep the food down. If you couldn't, you'd cause a scene. Even if Emily was the only one who didn't know.
You could feel her eyes on you, so you gave a small smile. Hopefully, you just seemed tired. It was 7 am after all.
She gave your hand a small squeeze.
Images of a month ago played in your mind. 
After missing your period again, you had to face the hunch you'd had for a few weeks now. You took the test.  You were more than surprised to see it was positive.
How could you not be surprised?
Weeks before that you'd gone to a fertility doctor and decided on a sperm donor. Emily was on a case and couldn't come, but had confided in you before she left she'd rather you carry the baby, and you happily agreed.
Unfortunately, at the doctor's they informed you that your fertility was lower than average. Therefore, you were more at risk for miscarriages and less likely to conceive.
The doctor made it clear that it still wasn't impossible to have kids, just more difficult.
You were extremely discouraged by the news, worried you were ruining your future with Emily.
They told you not to get discouraged, it rarely happened the first time for anyone anyway, and there was still a chance you could get pregnant.
You went home that day, defeated, feeling hopeless and lonely, but you didn't tell Emily about your low fertility, afraid you'd upset her.
But nowhere you were. A positive pregnancy test in hand.  You couldn't wrap your head around how it was possible.
Excitement bubbled in your chest at the thought of telling Emily the news. But with the doctor's words echoing in your head, more likely to miscarry, your excitement quickly disappeared.
You knew Emily would be thrilled. She had told you on more than one occasion how excited she was to start a family.
Still, the fear of losing this child and disappointing Emily was so deep you just couldn't tell her.
Not then at least.
Your eyes shot open. The churning of your stomach only seemed to worsen as you got higher in the air.
You swallowed hard, trying to focus on Rossi's story, but you only caught bits and pieces. Your spotty vision could make out smiles, so you smiled too.
You just hoped your face wasn't as pale as it felt. Convincing a plane of profilers you were fine wasn't easy, and the look JJ shot you every few seconds was her way of asking, "how are you feeling?" Which you knew she knew the answer to.
She had been the only person you'd confided in, considering she had gone through it all before.
You had a sneaking suspicion they all knew though. Spencer had started giving random pregnancy facts, which earned him a death glare every time. Derek started calling you mama more, with too much emphasis on the word. Hotch gave you a meaningful look every time you rushed past him to the bathroom in the early morning, and you weren't entirely convinced Rossi didn't know before you, somehow. The only other person besides Emily who didn't know was Penelope, which you were sure of. If Penelope knew then the whole FBI would know.
The smell of bacon hit your nose causing your stomach to somersault. You glared at Derek, who was just about to take a bite of his bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit, but one look at you and he decided against it, putting it away. 
You swallowed hard again, trying to push back the vomit creeping up your throat.
"You okay (Y/n)? You look a little pale." Emily whispered in your ear, forcing you to stop concentrating on not puking.
You gave a weak smile, nodding your head.
"I don't believe you." Her eyebrows had creased together.
"Em, I'm-" Talking had been a big mistake.
You jumped up from the seat. All eyes were on you, 5 looks of pity, and one of concern, but you didn't care. You knew there was no chance of you pushing the vomit down.
Your shaky legs bolted to the bathroom, barely closing the door before you spilled your guts. It was a relief to finally get it all out.
You slumped against the toilet. Any other time you would've been grossed out by your face touching the toilet seat, but it was cooling your sweaty face.
You didn't realize you were crying at first. Not until you lifted your heavy head off the toilet seat and felt the cool drops of water slipping down your face.
What was wrong with you?
You were pregnant your first time trying; after being told you'd have trouble, living the dreams of thousands of women in the same situation.
Why weren't you glowing? Why couldn't you just tell Emily, she'd be ecstatic?
"(Y/n), sweetheart," you jumped at the sound of Emily's voice.
Didn't you lock that door? How long had she been standing there?
"Hey Em," you gave a half-hearted smile, but it was pointless. You hadn't bothered to wipe the tears.
She closed the door behind her. It locked for real this time with a click.
The small bathroom left little room for the two of you, and when Emily slid down beside you your knees knocked together.
"You're scaring me (Y/n)," she placed a soft kiss on your head. "All of the throwing up, and mood swings. You've been so antsy recently.
So she had noticed. "I'm sorry," you said, followed by more tears. "I promise I'm not sick or anything."
"I know."
"So why are you scared." You fidgeted with your fingers, nervous about the direction of this conversation.
"Because my wife has been pregnant for a month and is too afraid to tell me. And I can't for the life of me figure out why she'd keep that from me."
Your head whipped towards hers so fast you almost smashed it right into her forehead. "Y-you knew the whole time," you gulped.
"Of course I did!" She exclaimed. "First of all I'm a profiler it's my job to notice. Second of all, you're my wife, I love you. It's my job to notice.
Your cheeks flushed crimson. The whole time you thought you were fooling her, you were just fooling yourself.
"So...do you care to explain why you didn't tell me. Did you not want to tell me," her voice cracked, but she cleared her throat quickly to cover it.
You guiltily chewed on your lip. Emily had known for a month and probably wondered every day why her wife couldn't tell her such exciting news.
"No, no of course not," you squeaked.
"(Y/n), angel, please. What is it? Why couldn't you tell me?"
You took a deep breath. "When I went to the fertility clinic the doctor told me my fertility was a little below average. There's a chance I could have a miscarriage," you sobbed.
Emily turned her body so the two of you were somehow closer. "Shhh, it's okay. You're okay," she said, pressing you to her body.
"I'm sorry. I want this for us. I want to be happy, but I'm just so scared I'll mess this up."
"Look at me (Y/n). You're not going to mess anything up. Women miscarry all the time. For some awful reason, it's part of life. It's nobody's fault."
Emily wiped a tear off your cheek. You didn't say anything, just watched her.
"Don't profile me," a crooked smile found her lips.
You smiled back. "I wasn't."
"Listen, I know you're scared. I am too, but we have to take it a day at a time. Right now there's a miracle growing inside you. Our miracle." Her eyes flicked to your stomach, and for the first time since you found out, you were pregnant excitement bubbled in your chest again. "If we worry about the what if's we won't have time to focus on the what is." This time she placed her hand on your flat stomach.
You smiled, wide.
"See. There's already a motherly glow about you."
The more Emily said the more the worry began to fade, excitement replacing it.
You were gonna start a family.
"I have to tell you something."
"I'm pregnant, it's yours." She nudged you playful, even she had a motherly glow about her right now.
"What! You're just telling me now," she teased.
You smiled.
"I'm truly sorry I didn't tell you sooner," you mumbled, placing your hand over Emily's, which was still on your stomach.
"Well, I know now, and you've officially made me the happiest woman alive." She placed a sweet kiss on your lips. "Thank you (Y/n)."
"We're going to be parents!"
"The best parents!" Emily added. "We are, aren't we."
"Now come on, they'll think we've fallen into the toilet by this time."
You laughed. "We can't have that."
Emily stood up, offering her hand, which you took happily.
She placed one last kiss on your lips, then grabbed your hand before you open the door. You always stayed professional at work.
When you opened the door Derek almost fell on top of you. "Hey Mamas," he said, a shit-eating grin taking over his face.
"We're you guys spying?" You asked.
Emily chuckled, squeezed your hand, and headed back to her seat.
Nobody answered.
Spencer was looking anywhere but you, JJ was pretending to get a bag of Cheetos, and Rossi and Derek were smiling shamelessly.
"At least Hotch isn't a snoop," you noted. Your boss was still in his chair doing paperwork.
You shoved Derek playfully and headed back to your seat next to Emily. She automatically reached for your hand.
"Actually, Spencer objected, Hotch listened at the door with us for 5 min and 23 seconds before saying, 'We shouldn't be listening to this."
Hotch didn't even look up from his paperwork, but a rare smile was playing at his lips. "We shouldn't have been. But congratulations you two."
"Thank you!" You and Emily said in unison.
It wasn't brought up the rest of the flight but you could feel the air of excitement and relief nonetheless.
The rest of the flight was filled with little conversation and file reviewing.
Every so often you'd look over at Emily, who was looking out the window, a big grin plastered on her face, her hand on your stomach.
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let me be your ruler.2
Warnings: guns, dubcon, noncon, handjob.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (dark!mob!) Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You try to forget about Peter but he won’t forget about you.
Note: I hate that I am the way that I am. I wanted to keep this to two parts but you know me. 
Anyways, I’m excited for this and hope you are too.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Drowsy in the afterglow of sex and alcohol, you fell quickly into a deep sleep. You didn’t even change before you sank into bed. You hardly recalled the elevator ride up or stumbling into your apartment and tripping around the shadows to your room. It was only a fractured journey from the car to your mattress.
You woke as your phone vibrated under your pillow. You must have buried it there before passing out. You groaned and rolled over as you dug it out. There were several notifications next to a single name; Peter. You thumbed through each message; written in the same tone as his voice. Demanding, without question.
‘Great night, Princess.’ ‘We’ll do it again Saturday.’ ‘Wear something nice.’ … The messages escalated smoothly from doting to commanding. It jolted you back to the night before, the way he seemed to just thrust you through the night. The dress, the drinks, the men, the guns…
You sat up, your panties crooked on your hips. You muttered and swiped away the messages. You weren’t seeing him again. You couldn’t. You had stuck your toe in too deep already. It was best to nip these things in the bud. Not to let yourself get dragged in so far you couldn’t see the surface. 
Peter was more than mysterious; he was dangerous.
You went to the kitchen and waited for the machine to grind as the scent of coffee filled your heavy body. You drank too much, did too much. You still felt Peter’s hand between your legs. It made your chest tight and your head spin. You looked down at your body, the red dress wrinkled and askew.
You left the coffee to brew and retreated to your room. You tore off the dress and your panties. You pulled on a cotton shirt and loose pajama pants. You stormed back into the kitchen and shoved the clothing in the bin. You snatched your phone from the counter and swiped up the lock screen.
‘Sorry, I don’t think this is going to work out.’ You typed. Your hand shook as you hovered over send. You heard Halle’s door and you pressed your thumb down. You looked up at her before you pulled up the block option.
“How was your night?” She asked as she inhaled the aroma of your morning ritual.
“Eh, you know, another dead end,” you pushed your thumb down and the conversation disappeared. “Just not my type.”
“Really?” She whined. “He seemed so nice. And he liked you so much.”
You blackened your screen and placed your phone face down. “Well, you know, things don’t always turn out.” You shrugged and pulled out a mug, “You want some?”
“Are you at least going to tell me about it?” She pouted. “And yes, lots of sugar.”
You poured her coffee and handed her the sugar dish. You frowned at how much powder she scooped into her cup but it was her most endearing trait. She knew what she wanted and she didn’t care what anyone thought.
“Uh, well, it wasn’t anything special. He took me to a party but… I don’t know. What kind of first date is that? Take me somewhere I don’t know anyone…” You ran your finger around the rim of your cup. “Maybe when I was younger but now.”
“You sound like such an old lady,” she snickered, “Oh my god!” She stood straight, “Are we old?”
“I am, but you’ll always be young at heart, Hal,” you rolled your eyes.
“So you’re not going to try a second?” She prodded.
“I don’t think so,” you cradled your mug, “He… hasn’t even messaged me back.” 
You hated lying but Halle had gotten you into this mess and you knew she’d harp on you for not even giving Peter a chance. But you had. He wasn’t what he seemed and you didn’t want to stick around and find out what exactly he was hiding.
“What?” She huffed. “Well, fuck him then.” She sipped from her coffee and her lips curved as she swallowed. “Wait, did you…”
“Hal, come on,” you snipped.
“Oh, fine, but you know, maybe if you got laid, you wouldn’t be so uptight.” She teased.
“Not this again,” you groaned and slid your phone off the counter. “You know what, I got work to do.”
“Uh huh,” she hummed as you turned to leave, “Work. When did you get so old and boring?”
“One of us had to,” you called back over your shoulder, “And we both know you’re never growing up.”
Your phone was pleasantly still for the rest of the day. You felt a twinge of guilt having blocked Peter but then you recalled the men and their holsters. You found your mind drifting away from your work and your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought back. 
The company he kept added to the uneasiness in your chest. Steve was friendly but arrogant. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, what was it he introduced you as, “Peter’s girl”. And that man, Bucky. He didn’t seem too fond of Peter but the way he’d grinned at you, as if he knew something you didn’t. Well, he did, they all did. Your head stormed as you tried to figure out their secret.
You shook off the curdling paranoia and hunched as you squinted closer at your computer. You made yourself focus as you skimmed the tight font and added your suggestions in the margin. You sent off your edited draft as your stomach groaned; empty and churning from the acidic coffee.
You grabbed your phone and your mug as you stood. You checked the time. Almost noon. You grumbled and went back to the kitchen, thankfully empty as Halle had left for work an hour ago. You set your cup down and expanded your notifications. A single phone call from a private number and a new follower on your mostly empty Insta.
You opened the neglected app and hit the notification. The profile was emptier than yours. the profile pic was just black and there were no posts. The name gave you no hints as it was obviously generated by the site. 
You went back and a comment popped up on the picture of your and Halle at last year's winter market. ‘Gorgeous, Princess.’ You read and reread the two words as you leaned against the counter. You bit your fingertips and went back to the mysterious profile. You hit ‘block’ and locked your phone.
Surely, he’d get the hint sooner or later. It was one date and the man seemed to have no trouble with women. He’d move on and you’d both forget about that off putting night. You just had to wait him out.
A week rolled by as you kept yourself busy with your work. The phone calls stopped after the first day and you had no more peculiar alerts awaiting you. Your plan had worked. It wasn’t exactly the best; it was a bit cowardly, actually. Yet, knowing how Peter was and how ‘no’ seemed beyond his vocabulary, you had more faith in your evasion than his understanding.
As the weekend approached, Halle convinced you to come out with the girls. You had eluded those opportunities for the past year as you found yourself disillusioned and disinterested in the club scene. You felt as if you were aging out of it and seeing all those fresh-faced coeds assured you of it. Even so, the girls liked to dance and in their words, you need to ‘let loose’.
You couldn’t disagree. You had been on edge and the mounting emails in your inbox didn’t ease the stress of everything else.
With a pre-drink burning a whole in your stomach, you pulled on a pair of flats as your bag hung across your chest. You were comfortable but not stuffy in your tight jeans and the bright pink top with the criss-cross straps. You felt pretty good and the vodka made you optimistic.
You headed down to the street and caught a cab. The dread evaporated the closer you got and as you pulled up to the front of the flashing club, Molly and Desiree waved at your approach. The four of you joined the line as you searched out your ID.
“So,” Molly said, “Halle told us about your little date!”
“Date?” You blinked. “Oh, yeah, that didn’t pan out.”
“Of course,” Desiree scoffed, “That guy was so cute though.”
“Yeah, he was nice, but we just didn’t…”
“He’s ghosting her!” Halle interjected, “Didn’t even text the next day, ugh.”
Halle crossed her arms and you nodded. You weren’t going to correct her, you didn’t need the other two piling on about your dormant love life. You came out to have a good time, that’s what they promised you, and you didn’t want to think about the night that still stood so vividly in your mind.
As you stepped up to the bouncer, he barely looked at your card. You were almost offended as he waved you through and carded the next party more closely. You glanced around at your friends but they hardly seemed bothered. Well, only Halle had reached that big three-o with you, and the other two girls still had a year or two to go.
Madonna’s voice pumped from the speakers as you neared the bar. You looked around at the streaming lights and the bodies shadowed in the strobe. You were surprised you recognized the song and you nudged Desiree as she waited for Molly to order the first round.
“What’s up with the music?” You asked.
“It’s retro night! Duh! Just for you!” She giggled and you elbowed her harder.
Molly turned and passed out the plastic cups with their thin straws and you followed Halle to the low stage where the smoke machine billowed. You coughed at the taste of the fog and sucked on your straw. You began to sway as the other girls led the charge. You could help but be enlivened by the deep base and the energy all around.
As you danced, the girls yelled back and forth about their recent drama. Desiree’s date had been more successful than your own, Molly was certain she was in love with Charlie? You still didn’t know. And Halle was just riding the vibe.
You finished your drink and the other girls stacked their cups in yours before you crossed the stage to leave the garbage on the table just beside the platform. 
You looked over at the bar, pondering another, and your eye was caught by a figure who seemed out of place. The cut of his suit, the way he leaned on hand on a stool, and the intense gaze sent in your direction startled you.
You blinked and stumbled over to the single step down to the floor. You pushed through the bodies, nearly tumbling as a tipsy guy crashed into you. You got to the bar and looked up and down it. Girls waved their hands to get the bar tender’s attention and guys sidled up to them. 
Bucky was gone. It was him. Maybe the air was filled with smoke and the lights were flashing like a siren, but you were certain. Why was he there? How had he found you among the city? Among the reverie in that club? Why had he been watching you? And where had he gone?
You went to where you’d seen him and searched the perimeter of the bar. You went back through the club and slipped past those just getting in. You tapped on the bouncer’s shoulder and he grumbled before he turned and bent to hear you. “What is it?”
“Did you see a guy in a suit leave? Dark hair and--”
“There’s a lot of people here,” he shrugged you off.
You snarled and turned back. You got ahead of the flood of new arrivals and fought your way back to the three girls on the stage. As you walked up, Halle pouted and grabbed your elbow. “Boo, we thought you were getting another round.”
“No, no, I…” you squirmed and tried to get back into the rhythm, “I had to use the restroom.”
“Well, how about now? Wanna refill the tank?” She jibed.
“Uh, sure,” you picked at the purse. “Be right back.”
“Make mine a double,” Molly called after you. “Thanks.”
Despite drowning yourself in alcohol, you barely slept and when you did, you were back in the club, staring at a man you never expected to see again. You wondered if maybe you’d imagined it or if Peter had sent him after you or if it was someone else and you were just tipsy and blind. Whatever it was, you couldn’t shake the foreboding that followed you into the next morning.
Your Saturday was painful and lazy. You spent your hangover on the couch and barely saw Halle as she cowered in the dim light of her room. You fell asleep there and dragged yourself to bed just before nine. You really were old, or at least, getting there.
Sunday slapped you in the face after another night of disjointed dreams. Peter and the room full of men, Bucky at the bar, and static in between. Responsibility called you from your mattress and you cleaned up and dressed for your weekly trip to the grocery store. 
As you came out, Halle was glaring at her phone. “What’s up?” You asked as you shoved your wallet in your purse. “You coming to the store?”
“I got called in for one.” She pouted. “Tell me why I fucked that asshole?”
“Shit, Hal, I’m sorry. Well, I’ll just do the shop myself.” You frowned, “Let you get ready to deal with all that.”
“It’s all because he fucking texted me on Friday and drunk me decided to reply and then… urgh, why do I do this?”
“I don’t know why you’re asking me?” You grinned.
“Oh, please go before I throw this at you,” she shook her phone, “And don’t forget my oat milk.”
“Whole milk?” You asked as you slipped your shoes on, “Got it.”
“Don’t,” she warned.
“Alright, alright. Hopefully I catch you before you go,” you stood and grabbed your keys from the hook. “Have fun with Mr. Bossman.”
“Shut up,” she buried her head in her hands, “Oh my god!”
You tried not to laugh as you left. You felt bad for her as you didn’t know what you’d do in her situation. Looking for a new job had been her first thought but the market was never very good and the man who was driving her away, wasn’t exactly a shining reference.
You took your usual route to the grocer. You had your list on your phone and loaded your cart. You filled the reusable bags and set off for a very inconvenient subway ride home. Your arms screamed as you carried the load up your street and struggled to find your keys at the door. The elevator was too slow and you ended up hauling it all up the stairs. You were out of breath as you got to your apartment.
You turned the knob just a little and kicked open the door. You stomped in and dropped the bags. “So, I got your damn milk--” You stopped short as your voice collided with Halle’s. She was already dressed for work but her braids were still loose. She stood behind the couch as she talked to your unexpected visitor.
“Oh, there she is,” she said snappily, “I wouldn’t blame her for kicking you out but I’ll leave it up to her.” Halle turned to you, “Look who’s here. Only took him a week to come around.”
“Hal,” you said softly as you set the bags down. “What--” You lowered your voice, “Why’d you let him in?”
“So he can apologize to you,” she huffed loudly and passed you to close the door, “Don’t you worry, I still gotta finish getting ready so you have lots of time to hear him out.” She looked at him sharply.
“Really, it’s…” You gulped as you peeked over at Peter. He sat calmly in the chair as he watched you. “Yeah, okay.”
She marched into her room and as her door closed, you reluctantly approached the back of the couch where your roommate had just stood. You stared at Peter, uncertain what to say. You hadn’t been prepared for this; for him to be there in your apartment, your home.
“Peter,” you ran your hands over the couch cushions.
“You lie to everyone you know?” He asked. “As I recall, I’m not the one who’s been… ‘ghosting’, as your friend says.”
“I…” You shifted and picked at the seam, “Look, I told you it wasn’t going to work--”
“You barely gave me a chance. Gave us a chance,” he said as he pushed his legs apart. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Well, you know, I have work and it’s just not a good time for me right now.” You sniffed. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but--”
“Ha, princess, I don’t hurt so easy,” he smirked, “Why don’t you sit down and we can talk properly… finally.”
You scratched your brow and cleared your throat. “I don’t think we need to do that.”
Your voice trailed off as Halle opened her door again. She swept out and you waited as she scooped her purse off the counter and sidestepped the groceries still sat on the floor.
“Gotta go,” she sang, “I’ll see you after work.” She stopped by the door as she wiggled into her heels, “Let me know how you deal with… him.”
“See ya,” you said quietly and watched her go. You looked back at Peter slowly as he chuckled.
“What did you tell her about me?” He wondered.
“Nothing. Really.” You said. “I have your jacket. You want it back--”
“Sit,” he gestured to the couch. “We’ll worry about that later.”
“No. Peter, please. I’m just not interested, okay?”
“You seemed pretty interested in the car,” he purred, “Seemed real interested.”
“I…” You looked at the wall and squirmed. “I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You were asking for it in that dress,” he intoned. “Now,” his movement drew your eye as he reached into his jacket, “I don’t like playing things like this.” He pulled the pistol from its holster and rested it on the arm of the chair, his hand firm on the handle. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.”
You stared at the gun. Your blood burned hot and you felt blindly as you came around the couch and dropped down. Your eyes never left the muzzle. Would he use it on you?
“Oh, princess, don’t you worry, I’m just getting comfortable.” He taunted. “Now, I’ve been tryna figure out where I went wrong. I got you a pretty dress, I took you to a nice party, I fed you champagne, and I even gave you a little dessert,” he mused and his lip curled, “So I gotta confess I’m confused as you why you’ve been hiding from me.”
You were paralyzed. You clutched your knees and gritted your teeth. You didn’t know what to say. You’d convinced yourself that you’d never see him again. Your method was tried and trued, at least, when it was used against you.
“Don’t be afraid. You can tell me. I really would prefer the truth.” His finger slid along the short barrel as he spoke. “So?”
“I… Peter, I don’t think that we would, uh, work out. Look, I don’t like guns and…” Your lashes fluttered, “I don’t really know that I wanna be around someone who carries one. Not too mention, your friends--”
“My friends. Princess, your mine. They won’t touch you.” He raised his chin. “They’re not that bold.”
You were silent. Your heart pulsed loudly and you took a breath. You stood cautiously and crossed your arms. “Peter, we talked. I told you my reasons. I think you should… go.” You said as firmly as you could.
He laughed again. His cheek twitched and the smile fell away from his face. He rose slowly and turned his gun to tuck it away under his jacket. His eyes never left you as he did.
“You really want me to go?” He asked.
You nodded and held your breath. “Yes.”
He threw his hands out and clapped them against his pants. He shook his head and crossed the room. You turned to watch him as he passed and suddenly, you were thrust towards him. His hand was on the back of your neck as he pulled you against him. He held you tightly and you felt his gun poking through his jacket.
He grinned, his lips only an inch from yours. “I’m going, princess, but not without you.”
“Let go of me!” You struggled with him. “Get off!”
“Princess,” he warned as his fingers dug into your neck, “Settle down.”
“No, I told you to go.” You hissed as you grabbed his wrist. “Please.”
“Let’s get this straight,” he said, “You don’t tell me what to do. Even if it gets me hard.” He crushed his lips to your suddenly and you wrestled with him, your teeth grazing his lip before he pulled back sharply, barely escaping a bite. “You don’t wanna do that.”
His hand went to your chin and he looked you in the face. He rubbed his nose against yours and growled. You beat on his chest and he squeezed tighter.
“Shit, let’s not just rush out of here,” he released you, “You should get those away before they spoil.”
He stepped back and placed his hand on the front of his jacket, where his gun was hidden. You gaped at him and your eyes flitted to the door.
“Ah, don’t worry, we’ll be on our way soon enough,” he said, ���So long as you hurry up.”
You swallowed and he moved with you as you went to the bags. He blocked the door as you pulled the straps apart and began to unpack shakily. You dropped a can and it rolled along the floor before he stopped it with his foot. He kicked it back and leaned an elbow on the door frame.
You picked it up with several other cans and went to the cupboard. You snapped the door closed as you felt around the drawer with your other hand. You heard a click and looked to Peter as he aimed his pistol at you. He tilted his head. 
“Don’t do that,” he intoned as your hand lingered just inches from the knives inside the drawer.
You went back to the spread of groceries and tried to ignore him as you put everything in its place. As you bent to fill the crisper, he purred, a sizzly ‘princess’ under his breath. You finished up and packed the bags one into the other. You left them on the counter and again, he put his gun away.
“Princess, let me tell you something,” he gripped the door handle, “I don’t take that out without using it very often so don’t press my patience.” He turned the knob slowly, “I’ve waited on you long enough.”
The car ride was tense and long. Peter drove you uptown and you watched out the window helplessly. You rubbed your palms together nervously as they dampened with sweat. He’d taken your phone when you reached for it. He tossed it and it was somewhere on the floor.
He drove past the condos and the walk-ups and continued on nearly the exact path he’d taken on the momentous night. Another grand house awaited you but you remained in the seat as Peter climbed out. He opened your door and still you didn’t move. He reached across you to unbuckle the seat belt and grabbed your arm. He jerked you out onto your feet and sighed.
“Peter,” you begged, “What’s going on? Please, you’re scaring me.”
“Princess, have I done you wrong?” He asked but you didn’t answer. “I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re hurting me right now,” you wriggled your arm and he shoved you ahead of him.
“In,” he demanded as you stumbled up the rounded steps. “Now.”
You opened the door and stepped inside. You crossed the marble floor of the foyer as he directed you from behind. He followed at a pace, close enough that you couldn’t flee. Even if you did, you wouldn’t make it far.
“Pete,” the voice startled you and you stopped at the bottom of the wide staircase. Bucky stood in a doorway to your left. His gaze moved from you to Peter and back again. “I didn’t realise you brought company.”
“You’re still here?” Peter snipped.
“Was I supposed to leave?” He sneered. “You got me and Steve running around and you’re gonna kick us to the curb.”
“You don’t look very busy to me,” Peter growled and neared to rest his hand on your lower back. He leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Upstairs, turn left, the room at the very end. I don’t like hide and seek, you got me?”
You nodded and looked at Bucky again. His mouth slanted knowingly and his tongue poked out for just a moment. You turned up the stairs and left Peter behind. You reached the top and listened for a moment to his muffled voice.
“You and Steve do your fucking job and leave me alone. Understand. I don’t want to be bothered.” Peter snarled.
“Oh, I wouldn’t wanna be interrupted either,” Bucky snickered. “Not with her.”
“Go,” Peter barked. “Now.”
“Ay, you might be Tony’s man but you still gotta watch yourself,” Bucky warned. “This little arrangement isn’t gonna last forever…”
You went to your left and to the door at the end, like he said. You entered and couldn’t help but gasp at the immense bedroom. The black and white decor was expertly matched in marbles and exotics woods, plush velvet and polished sconces. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury.
You didn’t close the door. You glanced around dumbly and stood in one spot as you feared you might break something. You wrung your hands as you heard the steady footsteps and you spun as Peter entered. He looked even more agitated as he cracked his knuckles.
“Sorry about that, Princess,” he said, “Now where were we?” His eyes roved the room as he thought, “Ah, yes, an apology.”
“Apology. I…”
“Should I close the door?” He raised a brow, “You’d be surprised how sound carries in here.”
You frowned and he laughed as he swung the door shut. He neared you and bit the tip of his tongue as he considered you. His brown eyes bore into you and you took a step back. He stayed near and caught your wrist. His other hand fumbled with his belt and he let out a slow breath through his nose.
“Princess, I’d love to treat you how you deserve but you gotta be good to me too.” He pulled on your arm and twisted as you tried to resist. You hissed and he pushed your hand against his crotch. “I don’t forgive easy but I’m sure you can change that.”
“Don’t... don’t make me do this,” you uttered.
“Oh, but princess, you did this,” he pressed your hand around his bulge. “You take care of me and I’ll do the same.”
You parted your lips to argue and he grabbed the back of your head. He kissed you roughly and guided your hand to the top of his boxers. He slid your fingers under the elastic and urged you on, wrapping your fingers around his dick with a groan.
He squeezed until you gripped him firmly. He led your hand up and down as he held you to him, his hot breath filling you as it picked up. He forced his tongue into your mouth and you clawed at his jacket as he kept your other hand around him. He parted from your mouth at last and pressed his cheek to yours.
“Keep going, princess,” he purred as he slowly withdrew his hand from around yours. “You don’t wanna use your hand, I might think of something else.”
You quivered and slid your hand up and down his length. He nuzzled your neck and nibbled as he moaned against your skin. You could only move your hand as you stood against him stunned and rigid. He gripped your waist as you felt him tense and he murmured hungrily.
“Oh, princess,” he breathed and pushed his pelvis against your hands as he came. 
You felt the slick heat seep down your hand and slowed until he was breathless. He stilled your hand with his and carefully eased your hand from his pants. He stood straight and eyed your glistening fingers.
“Shit,” he swore as he caressed your cheek, “You made a mess of this suit.” He dropped his hand to the front of his pants as he smiled. He inhaled and pushed his shoulders back. “I forgive you, Princess.”
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loousir · 3 years
(Vampire Story) Chapter Two
Masterlist | Prev. Part | Next Part
All characters depicted are 18+
Warnings: Mention of the v-card word, mention of crazy ex and reader being bi, reader being watched
The day went on with little incident and otherwise nothing happening. Minimal assignments, everyone was just getting used to the atmosphere of the new highschool year. Lunch for Kai was a different story.
---Kai's P.O.V.---
Kai sighed as he walked out to one of the courtyards that he was told held the cherry tree Darian mentioned. He looked around for a moment and observed the area, spotting the blonde who had invited him. Darian had seemed to find Kai as well, waving him over.
Kai took the spot next to Darian who was looking around for someone. "So, Kai, what brings you to this school?" He asked, looking up to him after. Kai shrugs, not wanting to say the real reason why he was here. "My parents moved here recently and this is the closest place to my house." That was a flat out lie but he seemed to buy it.
"You know, there aren't many guys like us here. Why wouldn't your parents move to a, oh, I dunno, a not human territory?" Kai shrugged. "No clue, they never tell me whats going on in their life anyways." That was true, Kai is always left in the dark when it comes to why he's sent to do things but once he saw you, he knew why they sent him to this school.
"Look, I don't really wanna talk about my family." He said, pushing his hair back slightly. Darian raises his hands a bit as to say he wouldn't press anymore after the aggressive response. "Anyways, I saw you staring at (Y/n) in the gym this mornings." Kai looks over to him with a skeptical glare.
"He's a virgin."
Kai raises his brows slightly. "What?" Darian rolls his eyes. "Probably in the way you're thinking but not what I meant. He's not marked and has never been drank from. And as far as I'm concerned, he's single." Kai "ohs" softly before seeing you walking along side Andy. You looked over and saw him too, offering a small wave and a smile. Kai returned the gesture.
Good to know he's available.
Darian seems distracted as Kai kept his eyes on you. You and Andy had sat down under one of the weeping willows to eat lunch together. "Darian, are there any other vampires in this town?" Kai asked, looking over to the blonde. Darian nods and locks eyes with Kai. "There's a few. Be careful about them, they aren't exactly here to play nice." He pauses and texts something on his phone.
"And be careful with (Y/n). Im pretty sure he's got some eyes on him that aren't yours." Kai nods and thanks Darian for the warnings. Lunch had passed pretty quickly, Kai asking Darian for more "need to know" information. But of course, things had to be cut short as the bell rang, saying lunch was over.
---(Y/n)'s P.O.V.---
You sighed and fiddled with your pencil slightly while sitting in class. You knew this teacher would be no fun but damn. This was just not it. Kai was sitting in the seat next to you which was the window seat. Both of you were fortunate enough to sit in the back of the class. The teacher was mumbling on about something when you heard something fall. You looked down then looked under your chair by your foot to see a mechanical pencil that wasn't yours.
Right as you went to pick it up, another hand collided with yours, making you glance up. Kai was in very close proximity. "Sorry," he whispered to you, grabbing the pencil. You shook your head and when you both sat back up, the teacher was looking at you and Kai. A couple other students were looking too.
"Sorry Mr. Wells, Kai dropped his pencil."
Kai nodded and held it up as "proof" while you did the classic "Im the teachers pet" routine. Mr. Wells gave a slightly skeptical nod before going back to what he was doing. Kai smirked and looked over to you, catching you looking at him. He winked before turning back to his paper.
You blushed softly before doing the same. Andy was one of the students who had watched it unfold but was the only one who noticed the aftermath. You were ever grateful this was the last class of the day.
The final bell rang and you packed up, waiting for most of the students to clear out before standing. Kai and Andy seemed to have done the same. "Are we still going to that Cafe?" Kai asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he stood. You nodded and stood up as well, looking over to Andy who was waiting by the door for the both of you.
"Let's get going."
The three of you had made it to the Cafe pretty quickly thanks to Andy. It was a small, family run place that always gave off fall vibes, even in the middle of summer. You placed your orders before talking about the surrounding shops and neighbourhoods. Kai listens intently as you speak, thankful you're telling him about the area.
The moment that you had paused to thank the waitress, Kai took the chance to change the subject. "(Y/n), can I ask you about yourself? Like what you do for fun for example." You were in the middle of taking a drink but nodded none the less. "Yeah, uhm," You pause for a moment and think. "Well..." You listed off a few of the things you liked to do in your free time. One of which was going on picnics.
Kai smiles and watched you as you talk. Andy simple sat quietly and played on his phone, not really interested in making a new friend. "Oh and, Andy is my best friend. I see him as a brother." Andy looks up at the mention of his name and looks between you and Kai.
"What?" You roll your eyes. "If you weren't anti-social for once you would know what I was saying." Andy's lips press into a straight line. He breathes in to say something before stopping himself, knowing you would have comeback for whatever it was. "Whatever. I'll warm up to him..." He mumbled out. You looked to Kai with a smile and a shrug.
Kai smiled a little more as well and takes a sip from his own drink. "Do you think I could know a bit about you?" You asked as he set his cup down. "Sure. But where to start..." You said to start at the same place as you, with likes and dislikes.
"I enjoy reading, and stargazing. I can't think of much else I enjoy doing off the top of my head but..." You smiled and shook your head. "No worries, I'm sure we'll learn more as we talk." Kai nods and Andy looks to the both of you. "Hey uh, I gotta get home soon. Do you want a ride back to your place?" He asked, looking between you and Kai again.
"Please. Is it alright if we cut it short today?" You asked looking up to Kai. He nodded, "I don't mind. There are plenty of other days we can talk." You smiled and stood up, going to wait in line to pay the bill. Andy looks up to Kai. "Hey, uhm, I should warn you about his crazy ex. She's kinda freaky so you might run into her. If a chick with heavy eye make-up and a blonde streak tries to confront you, that would be her." He spoke only loud enough for Kai to hear but he nodded and took the warning seriously. "Thank you for telling me, Andy." He nods and looks to you making your way back over to the table.
"Lets get going."
1301 (sorry these have been so short, also not proof read)
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sserpente · 3 years
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A/N: Surprise! Here’s the thing—I don’t normally write sub!Loki at all. However, since Christmas is a time of gifting and making wishes come true and it has been requested quite a few times in the past, I decided to take on an anon request. I can’t write fully-fledged sub!Loki, I just can’t… so I hope this will do! There’s another anon request in there too. I hope you all enjoy it!
Words: 2357 Warnings: sub!Loki-ish, fluff, smut
Additional NSFW warnings: light bondage, oral, usage of anal sex toy
You cursed when you stubbed your toe on the door, shutting it aggressively all the while flinging your bag into the corner like it was the reason for all of your problems. You were trembling, anger and exhaustion gnawing at your guts.
When you let out a desperate sigh as you kicked off your winter boots, Loki tilted his head. He had appeared in the threshold leading to the living room on your floor—an entire floor on Stark Tower, all to yourself. Today, however, this very circumstance did not cheer you up in the slightest.
“A good evening to you too, pet.” He said, eyeing you with curiosity.
“I bloody hate working in retail!” You spat in response. “Why are people being so idiotic, can you tell me that? Oh, I want a refund on this obviously used item which I don’t even have the receipt for, oh, can’t you hurry up I need to catch a train—I had hours to spend on browsing but I want to pay for this immediately or I’m just gonna leave, oh, can you recommend a gift for my niece, I barely know her or her interests but surely you’ll find a gift for her because I am too lazy to use my own brain?” You were fuming. Loki chuckled.
“My dear… breathe.” He was never this gentle with any of the other Avengers but then again, you were the only one he had taken a romantic and sexual interest in. You sighed when he approached you to pull you into a tight embrace, forcing you to calm down for him. Your hands wrapped around his middle almost automatically, allowing him to lift you off the ground and carry you into your bedroom.
Loki spent most of his time in your flat here in Stark Tower. Here, he wasn’t always under suspicion of plotting world domination again—and in fact, all he did was reading, stealing your sweets and learning more about Midgardian culture, first and foremost Christmas. Last week, you had forced him through all Santa Clause films and he had actually ended up enjoying them in the end.
Another sigh escaped your lips as you pressed your face against his chest, letting his hand stroke over your head. Perhaps you should finally let the cat out of the bag and tell the others about your relationship. Loki could be so sweet… and he loved being pampered by you, even if you made sure to take your time teasing him thoroughly first.
“Is there a particular reason you left me a gift this morning?” He changed the topic. Oh yes. You had almost forgotten about this. You had shoved part of Loki’s Christmas gift into his green and gold socket above your bed before you had left this morning. It was Christmas Eve and since you would be spending the 25th with the other Avengers, you had decided that him receiving part of his gift in private would be more appropriate.
“Me?” You asked, playing innocent. “That must have been Santa, Lokes.”
“Are you going to tell me what exactly it is?” He probed. You giggled, looking up at him with innocent eyes.
“I was hoping you’d ask. Where did you put it?” Loki conjured it up seemingly out of thin air—you’d never grow tired of seeing him use his seidr—and handed you a black plastic packaging which contained an equally black butt plug with a prostate massager for men. Loki and you had recently had a conversation about toys for men as opposed to women only and much to your surprise, he had shown quite the interest in the topic. The faces of the Avengers would have been priceless, had you put it under the Christmas tree for him along with his main present.
You grinned. “Lie down on the bed for me—and magic your clothes off, will you?” Loki smiled at your request. He did not often let you command him around like that—but when he did he knew you needed it, to have some fun with his arousal for you to distract yourself from work and other sorrows, much like today. You shouldn’t be in such a bad mood on Christmas Eve, after all.
Still smiling gently, he did as he was told and then slightly raised his eyebrows for you to make the next move. You winked at him after admiring his semi-hard cock for a bit, disappearing in the bathroom. Once you had returned, hands washed, clothes changed and sex toy sanitised properly, you got to work. Loki’s eyebrows shot up all the way when you produced the bondage rope you kept in the drawer right next to the bed and then climbed on the bed as well, straddling his strong thighs.
“Please? Let me play.” You pouted. Loki sighed—allowing you to tie his hands together and then to the bedpost. Both of you were very well aware that he could rip himself free at any time—it was more a matter of it looking pretty and downright hot to have the God of Mischief tied up and at your mercy, at least hypothetically.
He shifted on the mattress just a little when you reached for the toy again which you had already coated in a thick layer of strawberry lube and brought it to his anus. It was designed to directly stimulate his prostate and you positively couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
“What are you doing?” His question was a warning; reminding you it was a privilege he was playing submissive for you and that the… situation could change at any moment. You swallowed, your own arousal pooling in your knickers like a waterfall.
“Trust me? It will feel good, I promise.”
Loki sighed once more—and gasped when you slowly and carefully worked the butt plug inside of his rear. His cock twitched, joyful anticipation mixing with impatience. By the time it was snugly in place, he was as hard as rock and moaned upon you wrapping your hand around him, giving him a few strokes with your hands partially still covered in the strawberry lube you had used.
Loki bucked his hips almost immediately, growling when you drew your hand away again. You chuckled. “You look pretty adorable like that, you know… desperate for pleasure…”
He growled in response. “You will be the one desperate for pleasure and begging me for my touch if you keep this up for long.” He threatened. Your giggle intensified. You felt so much better already.
“Just you wait.” You said, pressing the button of the small bullet vibrator inserted into the butt plug. Loki tensed up when it hummed to life, sending continuous vibrations through his anus and stimulating his prostate.
Then, taking mercy on him, your hand returned to his impressive length, jerking and pleading for attention. A few drops of precum had already formed on his red tip—it was too tempting to ignore. Unceremoniously, you bent down and closed your lips around him, licking over his slit and lapping up all he had to give for now.
Loki tugged at his restraints. A little more strength and he’d tear them apart altogether and he was barely just containing himself anymore already. Knowing he could stop this anytime and pin you down underneath him to just take what he desired for some reason only fuelled his arousal. He bucked his hips in an attempt to plunge himself deeper into your mouth but you were being particularly relentless today. He growled once more, watching how a grin formed on your lips. With a smacking sound, you released him again, continuing to stroke him all the while the prostate massager kept vibrating inside of his rear.
“Does that feel good?” You asked, almost timidly. Loki was an experienced lover, you knew this much. How many Asgardian women had had the pleasure to learn what had earned him the nickname silver tongue you did not want to know and yet, even though his confidence in bed and knowledge of pleasing a woman was exciting, at the very same time it intimidated you.
Loki nodded, blue eyes locked with yours. “Yes. Keep going, my dear.” It almost sounded like an order—one you’d do better not to defy. You took it as an invitation and pressed the button of the vibrator again.
The setting was on high now—but not high enough to tip him over the edge just yet. You needed to hear him whimper first. You had managed once, a few weeks back when Loki had allowed you to tie him up and tease him for a while for the very first time. In the end, it had resulted in him flipping you around and fucking you roughly from behind so hard you had been unable to walk the next day. Your cunt clenched upon remembering how deliciously sore you had felt. It was a risk you were willing to take again.
Loki bucked his hips once more, thrusting up in a steadier rhythm now and desperate for more friction… which gave you another idea. Biting your lower lip, you stood from the bed and peeled off the comfy trousers you had changed into, right along with your underwear. If only Loki could see the wet spot on them as you stepped out of them, he would be grinning like a cat who got the cream but fortunately for you, you were in charge tonight—or at least, for now.
He eyed you like a hungry wolf, growling in an animalistic manner as soon as your slick pussy lips rubbed against his tip and you massaged your clit with it for a while before slowly, painfully slow, sinking down on him and sheathing his cock deep inside of you. You moaned, throwing your head back. Riding him always felt so much deeper than when he was on top… unless he hauled your legs over his shoulders that was.
“More…” He choked out, his blue gaze getting almost feverish, about to turn him into a mindless beast. You stilled, not moving an inch and just kept him inside of you all the while the vibrator in his rear kept stimulating him. He gritted his teeth when you failed to move, bucking up his hips in a desperate attempt to get you to ride him but you decided to take your time. Leaning forward, you began covering his chest and neck in light kisses, tongue darting out every now and then to taste him. Loki was already sweating, his limbs shaking and you knew then just how badly he needed his release. The restraints keeping his hands above his head on the bedpost gave a suspicious tearing sound as he thrust up into you once more.
He was close. He was so close. Smiling, you kissed him and moved back up and into a sitting position. Your fingers found the switch of the vibrator, turning the setting even higher. There was no need for you to move and ride him anymore. Loki came by himself and finally, gave you the whimper you had so desired to hear from him. Your lips parted when he starting twitching inside of you, spilling himself with a groan. His warm seed coated your walls, his cock jerking until he was all but spent. Once he had caught his breath, you turned off the vibrator… for now.
“Get that lovely quim of yours up here.” He ordered with a hoarse voice, once more raising the question whether you had ever truly been in charge of his pleasure. But who were you to defy him? Biting your lower lip, you let him slide out of you, whimpering at the loss of feeling so deliciously full, inched forward until your most private parts were only inches from his mouth and then carefully sat again, your thighs to either side of his head.
Loki wasted no time. Humming contently, he licked over your slit and clit, suckling on your outer lips and circling your sensitive bundle of nerves, tongue pressing against it, massaging it, until you dug your fingers into his raven hair, urging him on. You were so incredibly wet for him it wouldn’t take you long to gush all over him either and so you did. Loki ate you out like you were his last meal, pampering your clit until your body couldn’t take it anymore and you fell, seeing stars as your orgasm crashed over you like a tidal wave, drowning you in pure pleasure. You only realised once you lifted yourself off his face because he would not stop that he had wrapped his fingers around the bars of the top of the bed. The bondage rope was torn apart beyond repair.
You smiled, allowing him you wrap you in his arms as he flipped you both around so you came to lie on the bed more comfortably.
“Feeling more relaxed now, my dear?” He asked with a sly smile.
“Much better. Thank you.” Loki hummed in response. “I’m pretty hungry… how about an early Christmas dinner? Just the two of us, without the others.”
“That sounds promising. But first I will need you to get that thing out of me.” He said, eliciting a devilish grin from you.
“I think I’m gonna leave that thing where it is for now. You’ll get a taste of your own medicine. Remember that golden butt plug you made me wear on Christmas last year? Revenge is sweet. So…” You paused. “Are you going to help me cook?”
Loki’s expression darkened, sending pleasant shivers up and down your spine. “You are going to remove that right now.”
“Nope,” you announced smugly, freeing yourself from his embrace and climbing off the mattress. “I’ll be in the kitchen, whenever you’re ready.”
Truth be told, you never made it to the kitchen. Loki was after you in a matter of seconds, dragged you back into bed and made sure you came to regret teasing him like that. Oh, and you most definitely lost count after at least five more orgasms.
A/N: There’s a hint in there for another smutty Loki Christmas Imagine soon to come. Can you find it? ;-)
If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥ 
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resusheart · 3 years
After surgery (part two)
I raced to cubicle number three once again, her lips and fingernails had a bluish color, I watched her move her chest desperately, using all accessory muscles to breath, but she just couldn’t, the team had already lowered her bed to be totally flat, had taken the pillow from under her head and after tilting her head back, placed the ambu bag over her mouth and nose. She was still awake and I could not sedate her enough because of her weakened state. We had to aspirate her first. After pressing the ambu bag five times, I asked for the suction tube and slid it deep into her lungs, she was shaking as I did this, slowly losing consciousness. Her heartrate was shooting straight up, something I definitely didn’t want to happen to her recently sutured heart. Her blood pressure tanked while I was suctioning. Shit!  I gave the order to start chest compressions. This was going to be a mess. Every time her chest sunk from the pressure, her belly popped out. One could even hear the sound of both sides of the sternum rubbing against each other, and I am sure I heard a rib pop during the maneuvers.
The resident was trying to intubate her and failed, once, then twice, blood was coming out of her mouth so the nurse suctioned her again. Her eyes, open, staring into nothing, pupils sluggish, but I had to do something, this was not over yet. I asked for a pause to feel pulses, but even with chest compressions they were mostly absent. I had to crack her chest and at the same time, get her airway taken care of. So we started doing both things at the same time. While team B was performing an emergency cricothyrotomy to get a breathing tube in, we (team A) were spraying her chest with betadine to open her up. I knew something was wrong inside the cavity because her blood pressure couldn’t hold. The clock was ticking and I had to find out what it was and do it fast.
Her chest was sterile, I couldn’t open her up through her sternum because I had wired it shut just a few days earlier and it would take too long to go in that way, so I placed the scalpel on the fifth intercostal space and made a long incision. I quickly placed the rib spreader and was immediately splattered with blood that had accumulated inside the chest. Blood products were already being warmed and placed in the rapid infuser. I used suction and surgical gauze to try to clear the space so I would be able to see the bleeding site.
It was crazy and things happened quickly. The patient now had a breathing tube sticking out of her neck, two new lines had already been placed and we had asked the OR to be ready for us. The team started the pumps with blood units and I put my whole hand inside her chest. With my fingers, I reached to feel her barely beating heart to position my hand correctly and began compressing it firmly. While doing so, I felt the leak that was causing all these problems. Every time I pumped the heart, blood poured out of one of the veins that fed it directly. I asked for a clamp and immediately closed the hole. I kept massaging the heart internally, sterile drapes wrapped around my arm as the team tried to cover the wound (with my arm still in it) getting ready for transport to the OR. They released the brakes of the bed and we started rolling. I was walking, but my only focus was compressing the heart and getting enough blood flow to avoid any brain damage, if possible, while we got to surgery and I could fix her heart once more. When we got to the operating room, a junior surgeon took over the internal massage while I went to wash all over again and change my clothes. I was practically drenched in blood, so I was looking forward to getting on some clean, warm surgical scrubs. In the meantime, the junior surgeons were placing the patient in a proper position to continue the surgery and placed the lines to bypass the heart and divert the blood flow to the heart-lung machine. I quickly positioned myself in a comfortable position to start the surgery, with the machine now humming. I injected the extremely cold paralyzing agent straight into the heart muscle and began the surgery. Her poor mangled heart has gone through a lot. I was very careful, fixed the tear in the vein and checked that the heart valves had not been dislodged in all the resus efforts.
So now, all patched up, it was time to get that heart beating again. Because blood flow to the brain had been reduced for a long time we were going to do things differently this time. We were going to keep her body colder than average. We didn’t start the process of heating up her body, the fluids that we were introducing were not warmed up. If she was to have a chance at a normal life, I would have to keep her in induced hypothermia for at least 48 hours.
But first, I had to get her heart beating again. With sutures placed in the artery and vein and the removal of the clamps, blood began flowing back into her heart. It didn’t move at all. It had sustained injuries during CPR and was not looking great. It was not swollen yet and that is what I would try to avoid by cooling her down. I massaged it once more, as I had done hours before, but this time, it was colder and not surrounded by a pool of blood. I was hoping to get a small hear beat. I was begging in my head: “Come on, give me something to work with!” But the heart muscle stood still. I injected epi followed by amiodarone and massaged it once more for a while. It began moving a bit. I injected more epinephrine and hoped her heart would pick up the beat. Finally, it began quivering, I waited for it to find a rhythm on its own, but it didn’t, so I asked for the internal paddles, I placed them carefully around the heart and asked for 20 joules. The shock made the heart jump and the rest of her body contract gently but after a pause, her heart kept beating erratically, I asked for 30 joules and another dose of epi. The shock was more visible this time, her whole body shook in a single movement and then stood still. I couldn’t get a regular rhythm though. I decided to max out the epi and another dose of amiodarone before giving it another shock with the maximum dose acceptable for internal paddles, 40 joules. I held my breath and shocked her again. This time her body visibly jumped a bit with the shock. I sighed with relief when her heart began beating softly at a regular rhythm. She was OK…. for now. The junior surgeon proceeded to close the chest and I watched the EKG closely, her heart was beating at a steady pace but the blood output was small. If she didn’t improve we would have to consider using ECMO, but right now my main concern was keeping her at 30° Celsius (86°F) to prevent as much inflammation as possible in her heart and brain. I was trying to give her the best chance to live, but I knew, that right now, her chances of survival without serious brain injury were around 1%. We just had to wait and hope. I thanked everyone and left the room. After I had finished my notes I went into her ICU cubicle. She had a cold air blanket covering her whole naked, mangled body. New electrodes had been attached to her chest, running a permanent EKG, her brain function was also monitored through electrodes placed in her forehead under the cold water helmet the ICU team had placed on her head. Her core temperature was being monitored intravenously. She was heavily sedated. I was just hoping she would make it through the next 12 hours. Then I glanced at the window and realized it was dawn already. I thanked the teams that had worked the code hours before and left the hospital to get some sleep back home. While in the car, I kept remembering her pale skin, cold to the touch, her bluish lips and all the equipment surrounding her that always reminded me of old sci-fi movies. She was now my sleeping beauty, resting in her chilly sleep. And we had to wait and find out, first if she would survive, then, if she would have neurological deficits and what they would be. But, for now, we both needed to rest. I took the coastal highway to my apartment taking in the beautiful views, got home, changed into my most comfortable sweatpants and rested for a few hours, then went to the gym and took a dip in the pool. I had not heard anything from the hospital. No news is good news. I would go back in the evening to check on her again. I trusted the ICU team completely, so I ate a snack, relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon
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But if you'll really hold me tight
Wow. I actually did it. Can't quite believe it tbh and it was a close run thing for a while. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all the lovely comments on all the fics, they've really helped me get them done.
So this is actually a rewrite of a WIP that I started and abandoned AGES ago. I wanted to finish it but I could never get it going. It was a Red, White and Royal Blue AU but it's kind of changed, but the premise is still the same. Anyway I've deleted the original WIP 'you were the best idea I've ever had' and this is the replacement. It's mad but I hope you like it.
Basically Jack is PM, and Faith is the Queen...bit mad eh, but go with it. I've nicked some details from our royals but other than that it's just nonsense, but tbh I do kinda like them so I really enjoyed writing it :)
I wrote about 10k of this in one day so forgive any mistakes ;)
Happy new year everyone! If anyone wants me I'll be lying down in a darkened room.
Day 31
(AO3 link)
Robert looked round the room as he dumped his bag on the bed. It did look comfortable he supposed, but that didn’t mask the fact that he didn’t want to be here. The room itself was nothing special, nothing like most people would expect in the home of the British Prime Minister he had no doubt. It was bigger than he expected, no doubt thanks to the Blairs and their renovations back in the day. It wasn’t his home though. He had a flat, a perfectly nice flat in the middle of the city that suited him and yet here he was.
”You’re here then.” He turns to see his Dad standing in the doorway, suit as immaculate as always. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen him look casual, even when his Mum used to force him into a sweater or polo shirt during the summer.
“You didn’t give me much choice.” He’d expected the call, as soon as he’d woken up to a phone full of news notifications. He supposes it’s not every day the son of one of the most popular Prime Ministers in recent history is caught red handed with the sister of his beloved wife. It didn’t matter that in private their marriage had been over for months, that Chrissie was already with someone else. No, he was the one at fault, all manner of rumours doing the rounds, because they’d kept their separation private so as not to harm his father’s reputation.
What rankled most, as it had most of his life, was that his Dad hadn’t even called himself, not even his closest assistant had been the one to make the call, a lowly staffer was all he got, telling him that ‘the PM thinks it best you move into 10 Downing Street for the foreseeable’.
It wasn’t that he wanted to be front page news, he didn’t go looking for it like some, but ever since his father had swept to power on a promise of reuniting the country, the press had been on him like bees round a honeypot, half the time making up their own gossip without him even leaving his living room. He wasn’t like his brother, the fine upstanding Andy, who still ran the farm that their Dad had grown up on, Andy with the sick daughter who everyone doted on, including Robert, he’s not that terrible a human being. Then there was Vic, the darling of the press, who smiled and waved every time she left the building, who would often take some of her newest creations out to the waiting press gaggle for them to try. Robert was just trying to live his life, but that wasn’t good enough, never had been.
“I need you to come with me tonight. I think it would be a good idea for people to see you doing some good for a change. Diane is already attending a charity event.”
“Where is it?”
“The palace. Be ready for 7.” He turned to leave. “And Robert, I don’t want any silliness, not like last time.”
Honestly, he thought, you get slightly merry one time at a Downing Street party and you never hear the end of it. It’s not like he’d declared war on anyone, he just, well he might’ve broken a vase. As he’d told his Dad numerous times it was hideous anyway and deserved to be broken, but apparently it’d been a gift from some country or other that the country needed to trade with. Robert really didn’t think that trade deals depended on a frankly ugly piece of china but as had been pointed out to him equally as many times he knew nothing about politics and should keep his nose out.
It wasn’t that he was politically ignorant, he voted, he read the news, he researched anything that might be relevant to him or his job, but after years of hearing his parents fighting because his Dad was forever away from home or spending more time sorting out his constituents problems than those in his own family, as far as he was concerned the whole thing was a pantomime. The happy family that had stood on the steps outside, smiling and waving, was nothing but a charade. He and Andy barely spoke, which was fine by him, his Dad could barely stand the sight of him and Diane and Victoria just wanted them all to get along and that meant Robert should shut up and get on with it.
With his Dad gone he turns to start unpacking. He was here for however long it took for the stories to die down whether he liked it or not.
“They told me you were here.”
“Hiya trouble.” He pulls his sister into a hug, eyeing up the doughnut she was holding, he was starving after missing breakfast and lunch. “That for me?”
“Thought you might need it. Dad said you were going with him tonight?” She hands him the plate before bouncing on the bed. Sometimes it’s hard to believe she’s a fully fledged adult.
“Not willingly.” He mumbles around his food. “This ’s good.”
“It’s boring is what it is. Why won’t you try some of my other flavours?”
“Because you do not mess with jam doughnuts Vic. Some things have to remain sacred in this world.” He smiles a little at her huff and licks the sugar from his fingers before joining her on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go tonight?”
“I went last time. Besides, it’ll give you the chance to stare at you know who all night.” He groans, regretting once more the late night conversation a few years ago when he was still living at home.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“Debatable. Anyway I don’t want to stare at anyone, least of all him.”
“So the words His Royal Hotness didn’t pass your lips?”
“Vodka had passed my lips.” He pointed out, hoping she couldn’t see him blush. So he fancied the second in line to the throne, it wasn’t like he was alone.
“So you don’t fancy him then?” He shakes his head at her, irritated but loving her all the same. She was the only one of them who knew he was bi, well no, he supposed his Dad did even if they’d never actually managed a conversation. He idly wonders what it’d be like to tell everyone what had happened, to see the scales fall from the eyes of the nation about their perfect leader. He’d never do it, would never hurt Vic like that, but sometimes the look on his Dad’s face if he did would comfort him somehow.
“No!” She’d tease him all the more if he admitted it.
“The man never smiles Vic. Last year, at his cousin’s wedding, did you even see him without a scowl?”
“You took notice of him then?” He half heartedly smacks her arm, making her laugh. “I’m glad you’re here, Rob, I missed you.”
“I’ve been here.” It’s lame, because he hasn’t, not really.
“I mean more than a couple of texts and a phone call once a month. How long are you going to be here?”
“Until I’m not grounded anymore.”
“Idiot. I’m going, Try not to annoy Dad anymore tonight.”
“I meant what I said Robert, best behaviour tonight. I think you’ve made enough headlines with your dalliances for a while, don’t you?” It’s on the tip of his tongue to drag up Rachel, something else that no one knows but family, but he stops himself. It’s not worth the hassle. Hopefully if he gets through tonight he won’t be asked again for a long while.
“Just once it’d be nice if you pretended to have even an ounce of faith in me. You do know Chrissie is right now shacked up with someone else, don’t you? And was before I went anywhere near Rebecca.”
“No one cares about that. Just behave yourself. Is that too much to ask? This isn’t just some party, it’s the Queen and her family. Show some respect.”
Privately he thought that Queen Faith looked rather fun and would be quite at home gossiping over a few glasses of red rather than endlessly shaking hands but he keeps it to himself as they pull up the gates of the palace. He can’t help looking up at the building a little in awe. He’s wouldn’t really class himself as a monarchist, but he doesn’t wish any of them any ill, and he watches all the pomp and ceremony on TV like everyone else. He just doesn’t particularly want to spend the night minding his P’s and Q’s because he’s really not all that good at it.
He takes a deep breath as the car stops and the door is opened. As he watches his Dad step out he can’t help but think his world has really taken a turn in the last 24 hours.
It’s a damn cliche and he hates them, but it’s like something out of a fairytale and he’s only in the entrance hall. Are they called entrance halls in palaces? He really thinks the least his Dad could’ve done if he insisted on him being here was give him a cheat sheet about these things. He’s not even here to ask. He’s already working the room, shaking hands and making contacts. Robert doesn’t even know what this whole shebang is for, for goodness sakes. It’s not like he hasn’t been to an event like this before, but that’s always been a fundraising thing, or a couple of small gatherings once his Dad was elected and they were playing the happy family card. This though, this is a whole other level. One foot wrong and it could be treasonous.
“And this is my son Robert.” He swallows as his Dad approaches with an unfamiliar face but it’s absolutely the type of person he knows will be useful. His father doesn’t bother with anyone who isn’t. So he smiles, shakes hands, and hopes someone will offer him a drink and soon.
It’s all over in a flash. One minute he’s chatting away about the impending black hole in the country’s finances having finally found someone having an interesting conversation, and the next he’s flying towards the ground.
Ok, so maybe he made a joke about the canapés and the amount of money spent. Maybe it was a rubbish joke and he was just trying to impress people, but Prince Aaron had heard him and taken offence. He’d tried to stop him leaving, to explain, reaching out to grab his arm as he did. How was he to know that a simple grab of the arm would mean a punch in the face from an heir to the throne.
All he can see as he gets to his feet, bits of ridiculously expensive canapé all over his best suit is his Dad’s face, redder than he’s ever seen it. He doesn’t even look over at Prince Aaron but he can sense a flurry of activity around him, whereas he’s just stranded.
“I…I’m so sorry.” He daren’t look round, just edges his way out of the room hoping it’s in the direction of the way out, of safety. He knows his Dad is following and hell why does he feel like a kid again.
“I’ve never been so embarrassed Robert. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“It’s not like I assassinated the Queen with a blini, Dad. It was a tray of salmon things. I was the one being punched you know! I’m fine by the way.” He touched his jaw gingerly, hissing as pain blossomed.
“And what did you say to him to make him punch you?” He opens his mouth to answer. “Oh just be quiet Robert. When we get home I don’t want to see you until tomorrow morning. In my office, with Nicola and we’ll see just how much of a mess you’ve made.”
He escapes before the car has even pulled up at the entrance at the back of Downing Street, pushing past the protection officer and storming upstairs to his room only to let out a groan when he sees his sister has made herself nicely at home in his armchair. He does smile when he spies the bar of his favourite chocolate on the table and a beer waiting to be opened.
“So you had a fun night.” She hugs him and just for a second he could imagine it was his Mum, ready to make his day all better. “Is Dad angry?”
“You mean you didn’t hear the explosion all the way over here?” He shakes his head as she sheds his jacket and throws his tie on the bed. “Wasn’t even my fault.”
“Really? That’s not what it says on Twitter."
“I…I just…look it is obscene that they’re spending that much money on food and diamonds and who knows what else. I only said what a good chunk of the country thinks.”
“Yeah but they don’t say it to the second in line to the throne.”
“I didn’t know he was there! Can I at least get a little sympathy for the fact that he might’ve broken my jaw?”
“Rob, I don’t think we’d be having this conversation if he’d broken your jaw. You’re so dramatic sometimes. I’ll get you some frozen peas.”
“Bring the ice cream too.” He calls after her. “The good stuff.”
“You’re going to give yourself diabetes or something.”
“Right now I could care less.” He wanted to wallow, he thinks he deserves that much. He wasn’t the one who threw a punch and ruined the evening. All he’d done was grab his arm, and that was what he got for his trouble. The beloved Prince clearly had anger management issues and he wasn’t taking the blame for that.
All in all he’d enjoyed the rest of the evening. He and Vic had settled into the oversized armchair, somehow managing to fit even if he was half perched on the arm, with the ice cream and more than a couple of beers, watching trashy movies until he literally couldn’t keep his eyes open, all thoughts of what lay ahead forgotten.
He’s suffering now, his jaw aches, his head is banging and his eyes are full of grit thanks to the early morning call to wake him up. He likes Nicola, his father’s head of communications. She’s fun and she takes as well as she gives, but he’s never been on the wrong side of her until now. Any inkling of friendship they may have formed on those few times he’d campaigned for his father was likely gone. It was even odds that she’d have him hung drawn and quartered in the rose garden if she thought she could get away with it.
“You just can’t go more than 24 hours without giving me a headache can you? Do you think I’m in need of work or something? As if I don’t have enough to do with the Cabinet!” She sweeps into the sitting room, arms full of the day’s papers, slamming them onto the table making him groan. “Serves you right. What on earth did you think you were doing?”
“Would you even believe anything I said? Have you got any paracetamol in that bag of yours?”
“No. You can sit there and suffer just like I am at having to sort out your mess. You’re an idiot.”
“It’s been said.”
“I’ve spoken with your father, and the palace who are just as keen as us to do some kind of damage control.” He winces as she paces around the room. He should’ve just stayed in bed, that would’ve been a very good idea.
“I would’ve thought it’d be easy for them. Blame it all on me, it’s not like I’m already in the country’s bad books.”
“Oh do stop feeling sorry for yourself Robert. It’s not an attractive look on you.”
“Aw I didn’t know you cared.” He sits forward, trying to catch sight of the notes she’s making. “So go on, or are we waiting for the old man.”
“He left you in my capable hands. More important things to do apparently.” She actually looks sympathetic so he can only imagine what his Dad had actually said.
“Right. What do I have to do?”
“You’re going to be Prince Aaron’s new best friend. Well, when I say new, I mean we’re going to tell the press that you’ve been friends for a while and that what they saw last night was an accident after a friendly squabble over the football or something.”
“You’re joking, right? Why have I got to play nice with him. He punched me!”
“After you insulted his family. I always thought you were bright but I’m reevaluating my opinion.”
“I only said what half the country thinks.”
“That’s as maybe, but they don’t do it in the sovereign’s house. I don’t care what you think of them, no one does, they only care what it looks like. Your father can’t be seen to think like that because the majority of the country don’t.”
“I’m not my father!”
“It’s all the same thing in politics.” Finally she sits down and pushes the stack of newspapers to him. He swallows heavily as he looks at the top one, pictures of the punch, of him sprawled on the floor clutching his jaw. “So we’re going to do this, and you’re going to play nice with him or so help me God Robert I’ll stick you on a plane to the most inhospitable part of this planet with a one way ticket.”
He nods, anything for some peace and an easy life, and she relaxes. It looks like he has a new best friend then.
Within two days it was all arranged. They were to visit a local children’s hospital to meet staff and patients as well as launching a new charity fundraising campaign for one of Aaron’s good causes. Surely even he couldn’t mess that up.
The car journey is excruciating. Aaron doesn’t say a word, only nodding in the right places as Nicola explains everything.
It’s a different story inside, then he’s all smiles and Robert follows his lead, shaking hands, smiling in all the right places, everything he’s been told to do. He watches as Aaron sits by beds, listening to stories, empathising with them. He tries but he isn’t as good. It’s when he sees a young girl with bandages all the way up her arms that he stops.
“What happened?” He asks the nurse escorting him.
“A fire. She got out but her arms were burnt. They’re not too bad but they’ll take a while to heal.” He nods, and approaches the bed, crouching beside it, trying to smile. He’s sure she doesn’t know wh he is as he tries making conversation. She asks about Aaron and he’s glad to fetch him, in awe as he works his magic.
As Aaron had walked over her eyes had widened so much he’d been on the verge of calling for help. Aaron had said nothing, just sat at her bed and chatted about her favourite band, football team stuff like that, just normal stuff. She’d been dumbstruck at first but he just kept talking, putting her at her ease and Robert had been impressed. He’d hung around when Aaron had moved on, to have another chat with her.
“Was that really Prince Aaron?”
“Yep.” He said with a smile. “Cool huh?”
“He’s really normal.”
“He really is.” He said it perfectly normally but inside he realised he was speaking the truth, he’d come to notice that Aaron didn’t have the airs and graces he’d expected, he didn’t ask his aides to get him out of places, he stayed and talked with the children and staff for as long as he wanted even when his aides had been looking at their watches anxiously.
The next thing he’d known they’d both been hurried away and stuck in what amounted to a cupboard. It was really an office but there wasn’t room to swing a cat. They’d sat in silence for ages before he said anything, not entirely sure how to break the ice considering what had gone on.
“So, you made quite an impression.”
“On the kids.”
“Kids are easy enough. Adults cause the problems.” He said and went back to his phone.
“I don’t know how you do it though, doesn’t it get to you? I mean that little girl, she could be scarred for life. Doesn’t it ever get too much?”
“Sometimes but we only see people for a few minutes, it’s the staff who deal with it more than me. Besides, if meeting me makes her day a little better isn’t that a good thing?”
“I suppose.” He’d never thought of it that way before, never had to. He was used to his father, only doing things for votes, when there was something in it for him.
“What is it about her? In particular I mean.” He puts his phone away then, listening, looking at him with those bright blue eyes.
“It’s just burns…my mum, she died in a fire at our farm when I was fifteen.” He shrugged, seeing that girl had brought it all back, the burns to his hands, minor in comparison, that he’d got trying to reach his mum. “Just can’t help remembering.”
“I’m sorry. You should’ve said. Nicola and Leyla could’ve sent us somewhere else.”
“Not sure they’d do me any favours right now.” That makes Aaron laugh. “You should do that more often.”
“Laugh. Makes you look more approachable than your usual scowl…more beautiful…shit, sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“You don’t think I’m beautiful?”
“Of course I do…wait…um…”
“I’m teasing.”
“I’m sorry.” He says after they’ve been quiet a while, the silence less awkward than before even though he’s still embarrassed.
“For what?”
“The other night, at the palace. I had no right to say what I did. I didn’t even mean it, I was just trying to be funny.”
“Maybe don’t give up your day job to become a comedian.” He replies, and Robert can see a hint of a smile. “You’re not the first person to put their foot in it. We take bets on how long it’ll take.”
“Yeah? Well I’m sorry anyway. My only excuse is my Dad forcing me to go along when he knew I was in a mood. I was just being childish.”
“Well then I should apologise for hitting you.” He nods. It’s done with, he’d not even done any damage despite his dramatics. “It was just, you grabbed my arm…”
“Yeah sorry. I was trying to say sorry.”
“I don’t…I don’t deal well with people grabbing at me.”
“I s’pose it happens quite a lot.” His brain catches up with him a moment too late. “Oh…yeah sorry.” He remembers now, reading the story when he was little about someone trying to snatch him, when he was little. No wonder it’d got the reaction it did.
“Stop saying sorry, it doesn’t suit you.”
“Sorry. Damn.” They smiled at each other as if they were sharing a secret.
“You know you’re not so bad.”
“For someone living such a privileged life you mean?”
“Yeah. I really am sorry. It’s not like my own isn’t, being the PM’s son opens doors one way or another and I’ve taken advantage of it even though I swore I wouldn’t. I just…that night, me and Dad, we’d had a row and he dragged me along knowing full well I didn’t want to be there.”
“You don’t get on?”
“Understatement.” They fall silent again and he checks his watch. “How long do you reckon we’ll be here.”
“Who knows. Ellis will come and get us when it’s safe.” Robert had met Ellis, Aaron’s protection officer, was suitably intimidated even though the two of them seemed to get on well enough.
“Happen a lot?”
“A fair bit. Usually nothing though.”
“Well at least we’re talking now. Should keep people happy.”
“Is that all that matters?”
“No. Look I know I’ve been an idiot but you’re alright. We could just do what we’re telling people we’re doing.”
“And what’s that?”
“Being mates. I’m guessing they’re not that easy to come by in your position, and, well I’ve never been the best at having friends.”
“You want to be mates? With me?”
“Is that such a surprise?” He’s disappointed that Aaron sounds so surprised, he thought they’d started to get along alright.
“Well yeah, you hate me.”
“No I don’t. I’ve told you why I behaved the way I did. I’m being serious, but if you don’t want to then we’ll just keep up the pretence for as long as we need to.” He gets up, no real idea where he’s going as they’re stuck in this room but he can’t keep sitting there next to him.
“I didn’t say that. It’s just…really?”
“Yeah. Don’t sound so surprised.”
“You’re right.” Aaron tells him quietly. “It’s not easy having mates being me. There’s lots of people, but not many that I can talk to. It’s lonely sometimes.”
“You’ve got your family though at least.” Aaron just shrugs and doesn’t answer. Robert leaves it, he knows families aren’t as simple as people think. “Look, I’ll give you my number then you can call me, whenever. I mean it.”
“So go on then, what’s it really like?” He asks Aaron, settling himself down on his sofa, happy to be back in his own home now his Dad was satisfied with the positive press their visit to the hospital had got. The furore had died down pretty quickly once a prominent footballer had been caught partying the night away before an important match. He’d feel aggrieved that he and Aaron had been relegated to the middle pages if he wasn’t so pleased.
He’d been surprised when Aaron had turned up at his door not a week after the visit to the hospital. He’d been about to ask how he found out where he lived but stopped himself before he could look a fool. Of course Aaron would be able to find out pretty much anything he wanted.
“Being a royal.”
“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”
“No? People to cater to your every whim…sounds pretty cushy to me.”
“How’s your life going, from your fancy flat and poncy car?” Aaron teases back laughing.
“Still had to cook my own tea though didn’t I?”
“And you think I didn’t? It’s not all silver salvers round mine you know. Not when it’s just us. Gran, yeah, but that’s not me.” He goes quiet and Robert has the sense to stay quiet. “It’s really not this perfect life people see you know. Like I told you, it’s pretty lonely.”
“Do you think I get to just meet people like you do? Everyone I meet, I’m always wondering if I can trust them, or wondering what they want from me. I’m not confident like my cousin Debbie or Belle, I don’t like the limelight.”
“Oh…” He didn’t really know what to say.
“It’s alright, I’m used to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.”
“What are you going to do, stage a revolution?”
“Given my track record of getting things right lately I’m not sure that’d actually help you.” He laughs, sipping at his beer. He marvelled a little at how his life was turning out. Not long ago he’d felt like he had nothing, he and Chrissie were over, he was bored at work and the only person in his family who cared was his sister. Now he was drinking with a member of the royal family.
“Probably not.”
“At least you’ve got me, eh?”
“No…you got me. I can’t keep it in any longer, I’m actually after your money.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Sorry. I was just…it was a joke Aaron.” He sits up, realising he’s put his foot in it, that Aaron’s gone back to being closed off, the frown fully back in place. “I promise. I wouldn’t do that.”
“Plenty would…have.”
“The last guy I was seeing, no one knew, not like I can tell everyone is it. I really thought it might go somewhere. Turns out he just wanted to be able to say he’d had a member of the royal family.” He sets down his mug, hunching his shoulders, pulling his sleeves over his hands as if trying to hide himself away.
“Aaron, that’s awful. Hope you set your guards on him.”
“He was gone, I didn’t care anymore…just…wish it could be different.”
“Can’t you…I mean some of your family have left, well you know, they have regular jobs and that.” Aaron shakes his head.
“I’m too high up…besides my mum would never allow it, even though I barely do anything as it is.”
“Does she get a say? Over your gran I mean.”
“Not really I suppose. It’s just easier, my mum, it’s just difficult.” Robert nods, he doesn’t get it, not at all but he can tell it’s difficult for Aaron and he doesn’t want to push. He likes him, even just sitting here chatting is more fun than he’s had in ages and he doesn’t want to ruin it.
“You said…you couldn’t tell anyone about him. I guess you meant go public, can I ask why not? It’s not like your being gay is a secret is it.” He remembered the interview he’d given when he turned twenty one, the fuss in the papers after about Aaron coming out. He’d thought it incredibly brave, wishing he could be even half as brave as that. He’d only told his sister, couldn’t even think about anyone else knowing.
“It’s not about that, it’s about it being the right person. Until then, it’s best if things are kept…quiet.”
“It’s just how it is. You get used to it. Better that than being plastered all over the papers.”
“Is that you or the family talking?”
“I don’t know…you’re the one who’s been getting the headlines lately, what would you prefer?”
“Fair enough.” He picks at the label on his beer bottle, weighing up his thoughts, wondering whether to just go for it. “I, um…as we’re telling truths…no one knows except my sister. I’m bisexual.”
“Oh. Well thanks for telling me, for trusting me.” He lets out a breath, not entirely sure what reaction he expected if any. It was just new to even say it out loud.
“I know it’s not the same and no one’s making me keep quiet.” Not entirely true, his Dad’s opinions made him reluctant to say anything. “But I do get it, in part at least.”
“Thanks. For telling me, for listening. You’re alright you.”
“Gee thanks.”
The next few weeks are the best time Robert’s had for ages, if not forever. He and Aaron talk every day, just stupid stuff like the football scores or something fun that had happened, and he found himself looking for updates on any of his engagements any moment he had spare time.
It was a week ago that it happened, they’d been on his sofa, sitting close watching a movie. He’d suggested the cinema without thinking, before his brain could catch up with the fact that something like that wasn’t simple for Aaron. So they’d settled for an old Bond movie in his flat, complete with a takeaway.
When the film finished he’d leant forward to pick up his drink and he’d felt Aaron’s lips on his, just a slight touch, but enough to make him stutter.
“Don’t be. I just wasn’t…well you know.” He sighs. “I’m making a mess of this.”
“So you wouldn’t be averse to it happening again?”
“Averse? Smooth.” He laughs, trying to ease the tension that’s fallen over them.
“You don’t have to laugh at me.” Aaron gets to his feet heading for the door before Robert can get up.
“I’m not. Aaron, wait…” He goes to follow him out of the door but Ellis stands in front of him as Aaron walks away. “Aaron!”
“So have you spoken to him?” Vic asks as she moves around his kitchen. “What am I saying, of course you haven’t. Robert, you’re not going to solve anything sitting here and moping into your beer.”
“Of course I’ve tried to speak to him! He won’t answer me. I can’t exactly turn up on his doorstep can I? I’d end up with a bayonet in my face!”
“Do I have to do everything? You know who you need to talk to don’t you.” He frowns at her. “Nicola.”
“What? No way.”
“She was the one who started all this, making you spend time with each other. Maybe she can come up with another event the two of you can attend. Then he’ll have to talk to you.”
“You’re really quite devious aren’t you, beneath that innocent exterior. Thing is, Nicola’s not exactly one for doing me favours. You could ask her though.”
“Please Vic. I need to talk to him, to make him see I’m not…well I just need to talk to him.” She glared at him but sighed and nodded. “You’re the best.”
“I’ll be expecting an absolutely massive present for my birthday and Christmas for this.”
“Whatever you want.”
He doesn’t know what Vic said to Nicola but when he meets her at the arts centre where she’s arranged something she’s got that knowing smile on her face.
“The Prince will be here in a minute. You’ll watch a quick performance by the students and look interested and then you’ll meet them. After that, oh dear his car will have been told the wrong time to collect him so you’ll be gallant and offer him a lift in the car your father has kindly loaned us.”
“Do you want my help?”
“Then be quiet.”
“Just one thing, how did you swing the car thing…he’s got bodyguards and all that.”
“I know people. Don’t question it, just make the most of it because I’m not doing you any more favours even if you do send your sister to do your dirty work.”
“You’re a little belter really aren’t you?”
“Yes, and don’t you forget it. Now go on, they should be here any time.”
He hangs around until he hears a ripple of applause outside and he guesses Aaron’s car has arrived.
The event goes without a hitch, even if Aaron doesn’t so much as look in his direction, only doing just what is necessary. When Ellis tells him the car hasn’t turned up the frown deepens on his face and Robert wonders if there’s any point in trying to speak to him.
“I’ve got a car.” He blurts out. “I mean, my Dad loaned me a car for the day…I can take you home. If that’s alright with Ellis.”
Nicola had obviously got to him because he agrees without hesitating and Robert breathes out a sigh of relief. Sitting in the back of the car with a driver and Ellis in front is awkward but he knows it’s his only chance.
“I’m sorry. About the other night.” Aaron doesn’t turn away from the window. “Aaron come on. You just caught me by surprise that’s all. I didn’t laugh at you.”
“Yes you did.”
“No, I laughed at…you sounded so formal that’s all. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.”
“It’s not easy for me, I told you that.”
“I know. I put my foot in it quite a lot if you hadn’t noticed.” Finally he smiles and lowers his voice. “I really wouldn’t mind if you did it again…in case that wasn’t clear.”
“Here?” His eyes flickered to the front of the car.
“Maybe not, but you could come to mine for dinner.”
“Do you know what I really fancy? And don’t say you. I want to go out, just us, where no one knows who we are.”
“And that’s doable is it?” Aaron nods. “Ok.”
“Can’t say this is what I imagined.” He says looking round the burger joint Aaron’s brought him to.
“What did you imagine?”
“I dunno, starched tablecloths, six or seven sets of cutlery.” He teases. “I’m kidding. Just didn’t expect you of all people to know a place like this existed.”
“I’ve been coming here for years. A mate of Ellis’s owns it and he keeps his mouth shut so there’s no press about. I can feel normal for a while if I’m here…and the burgers are pretty good too.” Robert nodded in agreement. “So…what are we?”
“Well I’m Robert…and you…well you keep surprising me.”
“Prat. I meant me and you…is this like a date or what?”
“If you like.” It’s weird, it should feel odd, the prospect of dating royalty, but it doesn’t because Aaron’s nothing like he imagined, there’s no airs and graces, he’s just like anyone else. Maybe he shouldn’t be so surprised but he couldn’t help it. “First date I’ve been on where someone’s needed a bodyguard but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.”
“Ellis is alright. Most of them are, but he’s a little less boring. Not that he couldn’t flatten you in seconds if he needed to.” Robert didn’t doubt it. He’d not seen the man without a smile yet, but he was sure that’d change pretty quick if Aaron was in trouble.
“Has he needed to often?”
“Not him, no.”
“Sorry, I forgot, about what happened when you were a kid. I s’pose your family got a bit more overprotective after that.”
“You know you said, the other night about me not being your usual royal.” He nods. “Sometimes I wish I was.”
“What all the handshaking and knighting people? Can’t really see you doin’ that."
“Maybe not, but the way it is now, I don’t feel like I actually do much of anything.”
“Of course you do, look at the kids at the hospital, they adored you. If you were one of the stuffed shirts you wouldn’t have that.” Aaron doesn’t answer, just pokes at his food. “So why aren’t you?”
“Why aren’t you out there like the rest. Second in line to the throne is fairly important isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Like I said, my family are overprotective. No one knows this, and you can’t breathe a word Robert.” He nods, he’d never do that. “It wasn’t an attempted snatching, when I was a kid. They actually did take me, only for a few hours but…yeah.”
“Aaron…You must’ve been terrified. What were you, six, seven?” Aaron nods and Robert reaches for his hand. “God.”
“Yeah. It was kept quiet, presumably to stop it being raked over every five minutes, even though it’s in every article written about me. That and to stop someone else doing the same, thinking it was easy. They made up some story about me being rescued by my protection officers before they could ever get me out of the car, and the papers bought it. After that I think my family decided, well my gran, that they wouldn’t put me in harms way again and so I was never given an actual role. In some ways it’s good. I get to pick the stuff I like, the causes I’m interested in, but most of the time I’m bored.”
“So tell them. Tell them you’re an adult now and you want to do more.”
“Can’t see anyone trying anything again. I wouldn’t argue with you, let alone Ellis.” That makes him laugh. “Do you think about it much?”
“Not really. It doesn’t bother me much anymore, just like I said, if someone grabs at me, just memories you know.” He nods and tries to change the subject, wants Aaron to smile again.
“So…if this is a date, is it presumptuous of me to ask what happens next.”
“I’d thought that was obvious.” He winks at him with a smile.
“Ha ha. I meant with you being who you are. You said things were kept quiet…is that the case for everyone? Have we got to sneak round?” He wasn’t entirely against the idea, he had no desire to talk to his father about dating Aaron but he wanted to know where he stood.
“Not exactly. I’ve never been serious enough about anyone to tell my family before but in the end I will I suppose. But I don’t think either of us are there yet are we? Let alone the press finding out.”
“No. Definitely not.” He’d had his fill of being in the papers. So, we just carry on as we are then, for now. No point involving anyone else.” Aaron nods. “My Dad will go mad, just as a warning.”
“Yeah? Does that bother you.”
“Probably more than it should.”
“Then like you say, for now we don’t tell anyone. Sneaking around is half the fun, don’t you think?”
“Eat your burger.”
They exist in their happy bubble for the next few months, they’re not really sneaking around but mostly they’re spending time at his place, and the odd time when Aaron sneaks him into the palace. It’s all a bit of a dream, but he never wants it to change because he’s falling for Aaron like he’s never done with anyone before.
“You want to what?” Vic cries when he goes over to Downing Street to see her. She’s the only person he’s told about Aaron, the only one he’d want to tell.
“Would you shout it a bit louder, I don’t think the coppers at the gate quite heard you.”
“Sorry. But…really? You want to propose.”
“Yeah. Do you think I’m being daft? We’ve only been dating a few months, I know, but he’s it Vic, I know it.”
“It’s not like marrying just anyone Rob. You’re going to be in the papers for stuff that you don’t even do, you know that. You’re giving up your privacy, everything.”
“He’s worth it. He really is Vic. He’s not like the others, he’s not how you imagine. He’s like us. He’s funny, he’s clever…he puts up with me.”
“He must be a keeper then. Dad’s going to freak out.”
“Something like that yeah.” He wishes he could tell her, so she could reassure him that it’d be alright but he’s never been able to. She loves their Dad too much he could never do it to her.
“So how are you going to do it?”
“I don’t know. Probably at home, it’s not like we can really go anywhere special, and it doesn’t feel right to do it where we do go.” As much as he liked their dates in the burger place it wasn’t somewhere he wanted to propose. “You could help me cook something special couldn’t you, make it proper, like a real restaurant or something.”
“Yeah, of course I can. You’re really going to do this? With everything that comes with him, his family, the press…all of it.”
“He’s worth it. I don’t want to be without him Vic.”
“You didn’t say we were dressing up. I’m just wearing this.” He tugs at his hoodie, scowling at Robert in his suit.
“It doesn’t matter. You look amazing, as always.”
“Oh god, what’ve you done, you’re putting on the charm.”
“Shut up. I just felt like dressing up. Would you prefer I just took my jacket off?” Aaron nods so Robert takes it off and throws it to one side. “Right, beer?”
“So, what’s your day been like?”
“Boring, you know.”
“Well no, I don’t, do I.” Robert actually liked that he forgot that Aaron didn’t live a normal life but he hands him his beer and tells him about his day, about the annoying clients, the office gossip until their meal is ready.
“This is good.”
“I had help. Vic came over. She’s angling to meet you, just so you know.”
“I don’t mind.”
“We’ll sort something out, I’ll never hear the end of it if I don’t.”
“I’ve been thinking.”
“Always dangerous.”
“Ha ha. No, do you ever think about the future, going public I mean.”
“You want to?”
“Well not right now, but do you? Think about telling your family about me, us?”
“Sometimes. I know how it’ll go and that’s not something I’m ready for yet. Not because of you, but…once it’s out there that’s it.” He picks up his beer and moves to the sofa, Robert following. “You’re part of the circus and there’s no stopping it.”
“What if…I mean, what if I wanted to be part of it?”
“Then I’d say you were insane.”
“Stop it. I mean it…I love you.” It wasn’t the first time they’d said it, but every time it brought a smile to their faces. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“What?” He reaches behind him, to the drawer in the side table and retrieves the ring box he’d placed there earlier. “Robert…”
“If I could I’d do this in some fancy restaurant, but I know you’d hate that anyway. But,” He slid off the sofa, onto one knee on the floor. “Aaron, will you marry me?"
“Get up.” His heart drops but he does, sitting further away from Aaron than he had, Aaron immediately moving closer. “Always going to the worst possible outcome aren’t you. Of course I’ll marry you, you idiot.”
“You will.”
“Yeah. For some reason you want to join my mad family and in my book that makes you pretty special.” Robert can’t speak, and Aaron smiles, opening the ring box, taking one and placing it on his finger. “Looks pretty good doesn’t it.”
“Amazing. I know we can’t wear them yet, but…”
“One day we will.” He leans in to kiss him, neither one of them pulling away this time. “I guess now we have to tell my family, and your Dad.”
“Mmm. Maybe not just yet though eh? Much more interesting things we can do tonight than talk about them.”
Weeks passed and still they hadn’t plucked up the courage to tell anyone. Even Vic didn’t know he’d actually asked Aaron, he’d fobbed her off any time she mentioned it. They were happy just the two of them, sharing a secret and they didn’t want it to end even thought they knew one day it had to. Neither of them wanted to let the real world in.
He’d woken one morning after a late night working to a phone full of messages, mostly from Aaron but some from his dad and sister too. He switches on the TV while he wakes up enough to read them, freezing when he hears his name.
“…private texts have been released which seem to suggest that the Prime Ministers son is having an affair with the prince. The palace have refused to comment…”
He just stares at the television, stunned, doesn’t even correct them on the fact it’s not an affair. He can’t make himself think or do anything, just watches as the news shows archive footage of the two of them rehashing old stories as they do. Before he knows it his phone is ringing and he answers without looking.
“Robert, what the hell are you thinking? How dare you embarrass me like this.”
“Dad I…” He stops, nothing he can say will make any difference, he won’t listen.
“Is it true?”
“I…” He wants to talk to Aaron, he doesn’t want to answer him.
“Yes. I’m sorry…” He stops, because he’s not, he loves Aaron even if he’s not told him yet, he loves him and he’s not apologising for that. “No, I’m not sorry. Yes we’re together. We’re getting married.”
“How could you do this. I thought I’d told you what I thought about this.”
“You mean when you hit me? When I was fifteen? I’m an adult now, I can date who I want and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He hoped his voice sounded braver than he felt.
“Your sister is going to be so disappointed Robert.”
“I doubt it, she’s known for ages.” He wants to slap himself for letting that out, now his sister would be getting it in the neck for keeping it from him. He’ll have to call her as soon as he gets off the phone. “Look I’m an adult, I’m not apologising for falling in love.”
He doesn’t get an answer, just the beeps to let him know his father has hung up on him. He sighs, texting Vic an apology before calling Aaron.
“It’s me.” He hears Aaron sigh over the phone. “I’m sorry.”
“What for? I wrote them too. Can you come over? My Gran, and Mum want to see us.” He sounds awful and Robert wishes he could just whisk them away from it all and just be alone. “We’re alright though aren’t we, me and you."
“Yeah, course. Give me half an hour and I’ll be there.”
“Has your Dad said anything?”
“A bit, then he hung up. It’s fine, no more than I expected. I’ll see you soon.”
The trip to the palace is uneventful, thankfully no reporters appear to have found his address, but as they approach the gates the cameras start flashing and all Robert can do is keep his head down as they drive through. Aaron’s waiting with Leyla when he gets out and he wants to just pull Aaron into his arms and tell him everything will be ok, but Leyla’s all but frogmarching them through the hallways.
“We’ve set up in the main sitting room until we can work out what our response is going to be.”
“What do you mean? Aaron and I are together. What kind of response do you want?”
“It’s not as simple as that.” Leyla’s just looking at him as if he’s got two heads. “There are ways of doing this. We should’ve controlled it, made a proper announcement, and now we’re playing catch up.”
“Thank you Leyla, we’ll take it from here. I’ll call you when we’re ready.” Aaron’s Mum is stood at the door, eyes boring into him and he makes himself stare back. They’ve not met before, not properly, but from the things Aaron said he’s already got an impression of her and it’s not particularly good. “Come in, both of you and sit down.”
“How could you do this Aaron? Show us up like this?” She says, her fingernails tapping on the desk, setting Robert’s teeth on edge. He wants to intervene to put her straight, to tell her that he’d been the one who had started emailing, had kept on until Aaron replied, but the squeeze on his hand told him to be quiet.
“Mum, it’s not as if you didn’t know I was gay. Surely even you could work out that one day I’d meet a man I liked.”
“That is not the point! With him Aaron! How does it look, hmm? Your grandmother is meant to be politically impartial. How can she be when you’re cavorting with the Prime Ministers son! No, you’ll have to end it, that’s all there is to it.”
“Now hang on.” He can’t keep quiet, can’t stand to see the way Aaron shrinks into himself as she speaks. “My father’s politics are nothing to do with me.”
“Mum…” Aaron starts but she just holds up a hand to silence him. Only Aaron’s pleading look stops him saying anything.
“We’re waiting for your grandmother and then we’ll get to sorting out this mess.”
“Mess? Is that what you think this is?”
“No, Aaron. We haven’t done anything wrong. Last time I checked we were two consenting adults who like each other. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Maybe in your world, but in ours it’s a different matter. I told you Aaron, I told you we’d find someone suitable for you.”
"You’re kidding right? It’s 2021, you can’t just arrange marriages.”
“Robert don’t.” Aaron pleaded, and he shut his mouth. “Mum, we’re together, that’s it.”
“No that is not it, Aaron. I’ve called a family meeting, and you will attend and explain yourself.” Aaron shakes his head as he opens his mouth to answer, to tell her not to look down her nose at him. Before he can say anything to Aaron the door opens and the Queen walks in, followed by her heir and others he recognises as Aaron’s extended family.
“Well now, this is all a bit of a pickle isn’t it. Come on then, sit down.” Robert follows Aaron’s lead, sinking into one of the sofas, keeping hold of his hand the whole time. “Oh don’t look so worried Aaron, there’s nothing that can’t be fixed.”
“Mother! This is a mess, one that could’ve been avoided if Aaron had an ounce of sense!”
“Oh be quiet Chastity.” Robert thinks he could quite easily love Aaron’s grandmother if he wasn’t so intimidated by her. “The person you should be angry at is the one selling secrets.”
“No I think we should be angry at them for hiding!”
“No wonder given the way you’re acting!” He bites back. “Such an incentive to be truthful.”
“Robert, don’t.”
“You don’t speak to me like that! That’s beside the point, as is whoever leaked those messages. What’s important is that the two of you have embarrassed the family, the monarchy.”
“How?” He speaks up finally.
“How have we embarrassed the family? By falling in love? Last time I checked my father hadn’t yet made that illegal. All we’ve done is send each other texts here and there. It’s not our fault that they got hacked. Probably by some kid in his bedroom with nothing better to do. What?” He asks when he sees Aaron smiling at him.
“Sounds like you’re talking from experience.”
“If it is I’m not likely to admit to anything in front of your grandmother am I?” Aaron grins at him, knowing exactly what he’d been doing. He can’t help noticing that Aaron’s uncle is smiling so maybe not everyone is against them. That’s something at least. “It’s not like they’ve got pictures of us doing anything, it’s just texts. They’re really not that interesting.
“Cheers.” Aaron mutters.
“That’s beside the point, and just because my son inexplicably finds you funny doesn’t mean that I do. Do you have any idea what this could do to the monarchy? I wouldn’t expect a farmers son to understand.”
“Hey!” He stands up. He might have his own issues with his father but he won’t stand for anyone else looking down on him. “I don’t think you understand, sat up here in your castle. It’s the twenty first century, maybe the monarchy should drag itself into it.”
“Oh no doubt you’d like that. That’s what started all this. He’s just infatuated you know, Aaron. Wants to get his feet under the table so he can change us, maybe even get rid of us altogether!”
“Mum you’re being ridiculous and hysterical.” Aaron turns to his grandmother. “Gran, we’re sorry about all this, honestly, but we’re not sorry we’re together.”
“Aaron love, it’s alright. Your mother is just a bit overwrought as usual.”
“Hush. I think what’s best is if the two of you wait next door while we chat and then we’ll talk it over.” Aaron sighs but he nods and motions for Robert to follow him.
They escape then, and he holds Aaron as he cries, so angry he wants to storm back in and have it out with her.
“You don’t have to put up with this you know.”
“I do. It’s how it works.”
“So what, you’re just going to let her run your life?”
“What choice do I have?”
“Stand up to her. Someone has to change things, and I’m right here with you. Don’t make yourself unhappy.”
“That’s not how it goes.”
“Well it should be! Not you being sent out of the room while they decide your fate for you as if you were six years old”
“Alright sunshine?” He turns to see Aaron’s uncle heading for them and Aaron’s nodding. “Your mum…she’s…”
“Controlling.” He says before he can stop himself.
“You’d do well to be quiet a minute about stuff you don’t understand.” He nods, he doesn’t want to make things any worse for Aaron. Besides he might not be frightened by him like many are but he’s also not stupid. “Why don’t you come back and we’ll get this sorted.”
“There’s nothing to sort Cain, we’re together.”
“No one’s saying different, but there are things to talk about, now come on. You too.”
They go back in and Robert’s surprised to see that Chas is still there, he’d half expected her to walk out. Maybe wishful thinking on his part.
“Ah there you are. Now then love, let’s talk about this sensibly and without any drama.” She turns to look at her daughter fixing her with a stare. Robert wants to kiss her, maybe would if it wouldn’t get him locked up.
“Thanks Gran.” Aaron goes to sit beside her, clinging onto Robert’s hand so he has no choice but to follow. “I really am sorry I didn’t come and tell you myself, we were planning to but…”
“Oh that’s all done with now. What we’re going to do is call Leyla back in here and sort this out. We’ll put out a proper announcement and tell everyone that we’re all very happy for you and that they should respect your privacy, and that will be that.”
“But…” Chas pipes up and Robert can’t help the glare he sends her way.
“And that will be that! Understood?” She fixes her gaze on her daughter and Robert can’t help but be impressed. “Now, there’ll probably be a few events you can both attend you know, but other than that both of you carry on.”
Robert can’t help but look at Aaron, sees him coming out of the shell he’d retreated into when his mother had been shouting.
“Actually gran, I think I’d like to do more. I know why you’ve not asked before, but I think I should.” Robert’s smile is making his face ache but he’s so proud of Aaron for telling them what he wants he doesn’t care.
“We can talk about that love…it’ll be lovely to have you getting stuck in. Now is that all?”
“Um…” He speaks up, ignores Aaron’s frantic whispering, but he figures that now is as good a time as any. “There’s just one other thing, if that’s alright I mean.”
“Oh get on with it.” Cain grumbles.
“I asked Aaron to marry me, and he said yes. I just thought…well that might as well go in the statement as well, if we’re being all up front and that.” He sits back with a smile as all hell breaks loose once more. Even Aaron kicking his shin can’t dent his enjoyment.
“Your Royal Highness, Mr Sugden is here.” Robert can imagine the way Aaron smiled as the courtier left and Robert walked in the room. They weren’t usually so formal, he could come and go pretty much as he pleased these days, but this week just wasn’t ordinary.
When he walks in Aaron’s on the phone and he sits to wait. It was moments like this that made him marvel at how much his life had changed. These days he’s welcomed at the palace like an old friend rather than with suspicion.
Now he was just as likely to be included on the guest list with world leaders as he used to be invited to business dinners.
Ever since their engagement had been announced it had been like a whirlwind, of events, of planning, of dealing with Aaron’s family. Most of them had been happy for them, Robert immediately got the impression that Aaron was the darling of the family, and he knew why, and he’d been welcomed with open arms.
“Where’d you go?” Aaron’s waving a hand in front of his face, and he realised he’d zoned out while Aaron had been talking.
“Nowhere, just thinking. You alright?” His mind has been doing it all day, wandering off, reminiscing he supposed.
“Yeah, fed up with all this nonsense. Better now you're here.”
“Our wedding is nonsense?” He’s teasing, but maybe a part of him still needs the reassurance.
“No! The rest of it, the ceremony room, the flowers, the napkins, and whatever other problems Leyla has been coming to me about for the past month and a half. I just want to marry you, why do I care what colour the napkins are? All you do is wipe your mouth, or worse on them.” Robert can’t keep the laughter in any longer, backing off when Aaron slaps a hand on his chest. “It’s alright for you, you get to leave of an evening. I’m stuck with it!”
“As if I’ve got it any better? I’ve got Vic staying! It doesn’t matter. In two days it’ll all be over and we’ll be off to somewhere hot and private leaving all of this behind.”
“The way our luck’s gone there’ll be a volcanic eruption or something.”
“Ah there’s my Aaron, always looking on the bright side.”
“You have to admit, it’s not exactly been plain sailing.”
“No, but we got through it didn’t we? That’s the important thing. Just this last interview to do and then it’s just us.”
“At a dinner for both our families, that your idea of just us?” He wraps his arms round him then, knows just how much he hates all the pomp that comes with his family, how much he enjoyed sneaking out those times, just the two of them and Ellis as security, when they’d go to the burger joint they could and just be, well normal. They hadn’t cared that most of their dates were in his flat, it didn’t matter as long as they were together.
He hates to think how Aaron coped before they met, stuck in this world, trying to be something he isn’t. They were both stuck now, not that he minded quite so much, he’d rather be here than back at Downing Street with his father.
“What are you thinking?” Aaron asked as he let him go, straightening out his tie as he did.
“Just about Nicola, ordering me to be your new best friend. Don’t think she expected us to end up here. Neither did I to be fair."He could remember he face, the day it had all come out, shouting at them until he’d thought she’d explode before she burst into laughing, patting him on the back and wishing him luck.
“You were a bit of a prick back then.”
“And you were a grumpy git. Still are to be honest.” He laughs and Aaron’s pout. “I’m kidding. Do you think we can do this?”
“Bit late now. My mother will have you in the tower if you so much as hurt a single hair on my head let alone jilt me.”
“It’s even odds that she’ll do it anyway even if I don’t.” His usual charm had failed to win her round and he didn’t think he ever would. Whatever he tried, no matter how good an idea it was or how much Aaron asked her to be nice she barely gave him the time of day. “I am trying with her you know.”
“I know. Everyone can see it except her. I don’t care, Robert. I love you. If she doesn’t stop she’ll end up pushing me away and I’d rather that happened when I was with you than be on my own.”
“I hate to think of you back then, dealing with her all alone, with all of it.”
“Just like I hate to think of you dealing with your Dad. We can’t change the past, but from now on we’ve got each other.”
“Nothing else matters.”
“Too right.” He reached up to kiss him. “Come on, or we’ll be late.”
“Last chance to elope.” He asks, only semi joking. They’d even talked about it once, even thought they knew it was a pipe dream.
He swallows the water from the glass on the table as though it’s a lifeline, other hand clasped in Aaron’s as they wait for all the cameras to finish setting up. Aaron looks calmer but then he’s done this before. Every royal does an interview when they hit twenty one, but this is Robert’s first time, the nearest he’d got was standing outside number ten the day after his Dad was elected and all he’d had to do then was wave.
“Alright?” Aaron whispers.
“Yeah.” He turns, to try and ignore the cameras, only to see Aaron’s uncle standing in the doorway, arms crossed.
“He’s on our side you know.”
“Yeah. Still wish he looked less like he’d gladly bury me in the palace grounds.”
“That’s just Cain. He’s a teddy bear.”
“Right, I think we’re ready.” Leyla tells them, giving them a once over and Robert can’t help but think back to school, as if he’s being inspected. “You’ll do. Now, you remember what we’ve said?” He nods, they’d met the interviewer and everything, going over it all. It hadn’t made him feel any better. He just had to get through it.
“Yes. It’s imprinted on my brain Leyla. You and Nicola have drummed it into us. We’ll be good boys.” Aaron tells her and Robert resists the urge to say something to make him laugh.
With that she goes and the camera lights are switched on. Robert takes a deep breath and puts on the face he usually reserved for clients he detested. It felt appropriate.
“Your Royal Highness, Robert, thank you for granting us this interview. I wanted to start by talking about how the two of you met. I believe it wasn’t love at first sight as it were.”
“Not exactly.” Aaron laughs and squeezes Robert’s hand. “You could say that we disagreed on certain ideas he had about my family.”
“I’d say it was more that I could see the potential for a little bit of modernisation.” It was a complete lie and Aaron knew it. Although Queen Faith had actually begun to make some changes, nothing big as yet but it had left him feeling slightly vindicated.
“Of course there were reports of a fight between you. Robert I believe you were left with a black eye.”
“Oh no.” He jumps in before Aaron can feel guilty all over again. “It was nothing, just a disagreement and I tripped. It startled Aaron. Anyone would react that way if startled I’d say.”
“And your comments that evening?” She pressed.
“Shouldn’t be held against him anymore than some of the things I’ve said or done in the past should be held against me.” Aaron insists, taking his hand once again.
Many times over the last couple of months on the joint engagements they’d done in the lead up to the wedding had he said something sarcastic or cracked a joke before realising he’d put his foot in it. Aaron had been there to smooth over ruffled feathers, to say a few words to undo the mess he’d got them in.
He’d drifted off again, thinking back to how miserable he’d been that night, not realising just how everything was about to change only coming back to the present when Aaron nudges his shoulder, and he has to ask the interviewer to repeat her question.
“I asked what your first impressions were of Prince Aaron?” He looks sideways, sees Aaron smirking.
“I thought he was pretty moody to be honest. He hadn’t laughed at any of my jokes.”
“That’s because your jokes just aren’t funny.” Aaron fires back and he knows what he’s doing, trying to make them forget all of the tension there’d been, to move the interview on. It was their own fault, they’d both agreed it was to be no holds barred, none of this pre-agreed nonsense.
“I’ll have you know I’m extremely funny.”
“Right, and next you’ll be telling me you’re a good dancer.”
“If I may…I understand that you were instructed to play nice as it were after the negative press headlines. How did that feel?”
“You get used to it.” Aaron says, shrugging.
“We got on with it, I wanted to undo any damage I’d caused, and my father’s head of communications came up with a plan. It’s not unheard of. Besides which, without her, we wouldn’t be here now, would we?” He turns on his best smile, still doesn’t see what anyone finds so interesting about it all.
“You didn’t feel bad about deceiving people, pretending to be friends when in fact you couldn’t stand the sight of each other.”
“I wouldn’t say that. Have you seen him?” His eyes widen, he hadn’t meant to say that at all. “What I mean is…um…”
“What he’s trying to say, unsuccessfully, is that we both understand how these things work. We were glad to get together for the charities we worked with during that time, and the fact that it brought us together was a pretty good by product. In fact we’re asking that instead of gifts and stuff, that we really do appreciate, that people give to the chosen charities instead.” Robert nods along, thanking goodness Aaron was miles better at this than him. He could only wonder what his Dad would be thinking when he watched.
“So how exactly did things change. How did you go from enemies to a couple?”
“Ah well. To be honest it’s pretty boring.”
“I’m sure it’s not, but our viewers would love to know.”
“Well it started with a security scare. Our protection officers took us to an internal room where we’d be safe, and we were there for quite a while and we got talking.”
“We found out that we had far more in common than either of us realised, and that was it really.”“So it was that moment that changed everything?”
“Oh no I still thought he was a prat, just not a complete idiot.” Aaron laughs. “We just started talking more, texting the odd funny story or something that had happened in our day and it went from there.”
“There’s not many people who really understand the scrutiny you’re under if your family is in the public eye. I don’t even understand how Aaron feels because it’s a different situation to myself, but I do know that it’s incredibly hard to find people to trust, to know that they like you because of you, not because of who you are. So yeah, I guess we kind of gravitated towards each other, and became friends before we realised how we felt about each other.”
“Speaking of that trust, how did you feel when your private texts and conversations were made public.”
“Devastated. We should be able to expect the same level of privacy as anyone else.”
“You don’t think the public had a right to know?”
“No. I don’t want to know about their relationships unless they want to tell me so why should they expect to know about mine.” Aaron answers and Robert can see the steely look in his eyes that he knows so well.
“You weren’t trying to hide?”
“But you can understand why it might seem like you were, the constant denials while behind the scenes you were sneaking around.”
“We’re entitled to a private life. We shouldn’t have to feel pressured to reveal anything about our lives before we’re ready. We would’ve gone public when we were fully ready.”
“Can you tell me how you felt when it did become public knowledge?” Robert looked at Aaron remembering exactly how he felt. “How your families reacted.”
His Dad had been furious, would’ve disowned him if it wouldn’t have looked so bad to the electorate in an election year. As it was he’d had to be persuaded by Victoria to even put out a statement of support. Ever since he’d been frosty with him if they had to be in the same room. Vic had tried her best but he wouldn’t budge. Robert hated that despite everything he found he missed him even thought he can’t remember the last time they had a proper conversation.
“Disappointed of course, us that is, that someone would take private communications and leak them to the press. As we’ve said, whoever you are you are entitled to some amount of privacy. As for our families, they’ve been nothing but supportive.” He doesn’t catch Aaron’s eye as he speaks, because they both know it’s a lie.
In the end it had done neither family any harm, the public had loved them from the start, lapping up all and any photographs or stories, so much so that they’d pretty much holed up in his apartment for a good month hoping the fuss would die down. Both the royal family and his father had never been more popular, not that their parents were grateful.
“Yes, we all remember the speeches they gave.” Robert would dearly love to put her straight, to tell her just how his father had needed to be forced to support him but it wouldn’t do any good. Who would believe him anyway.
“Of course.” Aaron was closed off, his mother still did nothing but make little comments every time they saw her. She couldn’t stop them marrying, not once his Gran had given her blessing, but she could make it difficult for her son and Robert hated her how it made Aaron feel.
“Now, moving onto the wedding.” Robert relaxed, this was better, this was something good they could talk about. “The guest list is quite an eclectic mix, and not the usual list of people for a royal wedding.”
“Well we’re not your usual royal couple.” Aaron tells her. “My grandmother told me I should have who I want there, not who I’m told to have. I’m…we’re very grateful to her.”
“And, can I ask where your honeymoon will be?”
“No.” He tells her, a little shortly.
“What he means is, he’s being mean and won’t tell me.”
“Do I really have to explain the concept of a surprise again?” He looked at the interviewer as if to say, see what I have to deal with.
“And after the wedding, will you be residing in one of the royal residences?”
“Oh, well we haven’t really decided yet.” That was an understatement. What he should’ve said was they were still arguing about it. Robert wanted them to live in his flat, it was nice enough, with security already in place, while Aaron, or more precisely his family, wanted them to have an apartment in one of the palaces.
“And lastly, what is it you love the most about each other?”
“I suppose, having someone there for the bad days, for the good times. Knowing that he’s always there for me, no matter what, whether I mess up or whether I’m doing something brilliant. I think that’s what everyone wants isn’t it?” He knew that was a dig at his father even if it was subtle, but he didn’t care. That’s exactly what Aaron gave him, unconditional support.
“Your royal highness? What about you?”
“He makes me feel safe.”
Robert had dragged Aaron back to his flat after the interview, knowing his family would be all over him otherwise. His final comment would’ve raised some eyebrows and Robert wanted to protect him from it the best he could. They’d have to go back, they had the dinner to attend but they could just take some time for themselves first.
“Are you alright?” He asks, handing him a mug of strong tea, just how he liked it. “What you said…is that true? That I make you feel safe?”
“Yeah. Course you do.”
“No, I mean…did you not before?” Aaron shrugs.
“I s’pose. The bodyguards and stuff mean we’re safe, but…being who I am means people think we’re their property. Everywhere we go there’s people, pushing and shoving, trying to get close, wanting photos, all that. But with you, you don’t expect anything.”
“I didn’t realise. It always looked like the dream life I suppose.”
“Well it’s not terrible but, I guess I’ve never felt completely safe, as if there’s always something around the corner. It’s not like I could say anything, you just have to put up with it and get on with the job.” Robert wants to storm up to the palace, and rail at his mother for not seeing how much her son was suffering. He knows he can’t, some things you just can’t change. “Ever since I was a kid they kept me from it way longer than anyone else like I told you but I couldn’t stay hidden forever.”
“Well not any more. You’ve got me.”
“I know.”
“It’s been a hell of a few months hasn’t it?” He chuckles. “Did you think we’d ever get here?”
“I did. I knew how I felt about you and nothing was getting in the way of that.”
“Tomorrow just makes it all official, that’s all.”
“No getting rid of me after that.”
“Good.” He laughs and they set about getting ready for the evening ahead.
“Where do you keep going?” Aaron asks a while later and he realises he’d zoned out again as he was tying his tie. He should really stop that, otherwise it might happen during the vows and that would be disastrous.
“Nowhere, just thinking about everything that’s happened, that’s all.”
“No second thoughts then.”
“Never. I suppose we should go.” Neither of them was particularly looking forward to the formal dinner. It had been a compromise, the wedding and reception were to be just how they wanted, but they’d had to agree to the more formal event beforehand. “It’ll be alright, and then tomorrow is our day.”
Robert’s up early the next morning, the sun barely risen as he looks out of his window. It was his wedding day. He couldn’t believe it was finally here. He wants to text Aaron but the man was annoyingly traditional and had insisted on no contact after the night before.
“Rob, you awake?” His sister’s voice floats through the door and he tells her to come in. “You alright?”
“Yeah. Just missing Aaron, that’s all.” She gets that look, the one as if she’s going to cry and he rolls his eyes fondly and hugs her. She’s stood by him the whole way through, standing up to their Dad for him and helping them with all the plans. “You going to cook your old brother breakfast then?”
“I’m not waiting on you hand and foot just because you’re marrying into royalty.”
“It’s my wedding day! Go on, while I have a shower. We’ve got to be at the palace at ten.”
“I can’t believe it Rob, it’s so exciting! Like a fairytale.”
“Mmm.” It was far too fancy for him but Aaron’s position pretty much demanded it. Maybe it’d be fun if he just relaxed and let himself enjoy it. To her credit the Queen had made it all as easy as she could but there were some things that even she had no control over.
“Have you heard from Dad?” He shakes his head. He hadn’t spoken to him directly since that morning when everything blew apart. Not that he’d really expected different. In public he’d been all smiles and support but Robert knew the truth, knew the smiles didn’t reach his eyes, could see the strain on his face. He knew he’d turn up, he couldn’t not in his position, but he didn’t expect anything else. “I don’t understand him Rob.”
“It’s alright. Me and Dad, it’s not like it’s ever been any different. It used to bother me, but not any more. He’s made his choice. Same with Andy. So, don’t worry about it, ok? I’ve got you, haven’t I?”
“Of course you have! Now go on, shower or you’ll be late.”
A couple of hours later they’re in the car on the way to the palace. He has to admit they do know how to put on a show, flags draped all along the route, and crowds are lining the streets. He can’t deny feeling a little nervous, knowing the eyes of the world are on them. He and Aaron are private, neither of them like the limelight but they’re both practical enough to know they can’t avoid it on a day like this.
The rest of the morning is mostly waiting about in one of the side rooms, Leyla in and out but other than that it’s just him and Vic. He wonders how Aaron’s feeling and after a while the urge to go to him is too much.
“Where are you going?”
“To find Aaron.” He tells are he peeks out of the door to check the hallway.
“You can’t!”
“I have to.” Before she can stop him he slips out of the door. He knows where Aaron’s rooms are, he just needs to get there unseen. Aaron had shown him the back way round before he just hopes he can remember it. He wouldn’t want to burst in on the Queen, or god forbid Aaron’s mother by mistake.
Eventually he finds it, knocks quietly on the door before going in. Aaron’s just sitting on the bed, already dressed, but he looks sad and for a minute Robert thinks he’s had second thoughts. Then he looks round, smiling as soon as he sees him.
“What are you doing here? We said we wouldn’t.”
“Think you’ll find that was all you. I needed to see you. Everything alright?”
“Yeah…just, well, Mum was in before.” Robert sighs. “Why can’t she just be happy for me? Everyone else is, the public love us, it’s just her.”
“I’m going to say something that you might slap me for, but your Mum doesn’t matter. It’s not our fault if she’s just too bitter to be happy. Maybe she’s miserable in her own relationship and it’s coming out on us, I don’t know, but I do know that a parent should be happy for their child on their wedding day and the fact she’s not is not your fault. It’s all her.”
“I know…I just…”
“Yeah, I know.” He felt the same, as many times as he denied it, he wanted his dad’s approval more than anything even though he knew he’d never get it. It hurt all the same that it wasn’t there. “Do you want to…I don’t know, wait? Do this another time.”
“What? Do you?”
“No! I just…it’s meant to be the happiest day of your life isn’t it, but it’s bothering you.” He shrugged.
“We can’t. Everything’s sorted, planned.”
“Want to bet? My car’s downstairs.” He winks at him, not entirely serious but if Aaron asked he’d do it. “Well?”
“No. I’ll be alright in a minute. You’d really do that for me though? Just leave?”
“There’s not much I wouldn’t do for you, you know that.”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever…I mean I know my family love me but…”
“I know. Good job we’ve got each other then, isn’t it?” He wrapped an arm around him, not caring if he creased his suit or not. “You ready?”
“Yeah. You should go back to Vic.”
“We’ll collect her on the way. I’m not leaving you. We’re doing this together, all the way.”
A few minutes later they’re at the ceremony room, hand in hand, and by the end of the day almost every news outlet is proclaiming never to have seen a couple so in love.
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arwamachine · 3 years
John cleared his throat. “Um. Yeah.”
Sherlock reached into the bag—a plastic evidence bag, nicked from Scotland Yard, he noticed—and pulled out a thumb. He twirled the digit between his fingers, scrutinizing it. Male late forties desk job accountant likely recently divorced bit of an alcohol problem stumbled in front of a bus boring boring boring. “Why have you got fingers?”
John was scratching at his head, avoiding eye contact. It had been a bit of a confusing blur, the last two minutes, and Sherlock was so rarely confused, which made the whole of it all the more intriguing. Sherlock had been examining some blood samples at his microscope when John burst into the flat and quite literally shoved the evidence bag into Sherlock’s hands. John said nothing by way of explanation, only stood there, nodded at the bag, and then immediately started looking anywhere in the room except for Sherlock.
Pulse elevated breathing rate heightened perspiration increased. He’s nervous.
“They were a bit hard to get, the fingers,” John said to the bit of table just to the left of Sherlock. “Don’t know how you come by them so easy. Body parts, that is. Got a hell of a strange look from Lestrade.”
“I should think so.” Sherlock peered underneath the fingernail of the thumb in his hand. A bit of dirt there. From the Soho area, Sherlock would guess.
“You know you aren’t actually supposed to have body parts?” John asked. “Something about a health hazard?”
“Yes,” Sherlock said. “That’s why I tend not to ask Lestrade directly for them.” He turned the thumb over. The severance at the joint was clean and performed recently. Post-mortem. “Molly, however…”
“Yeah,” John said. His hands were now so far deep inside his pockets it looked as if he were hoping to pull himself inside his own trousers and hide out for a spell. “She was more agreeable.”
“She tends to be,” Sherlock said. He plopped the thumb back into the evidence bag and pulled out another finger. This one had a faded tan line, the spot where the man’s wedding band had sat until approximately one month ago. Oh these fingers were boring. “And why were you bothering Molly for fingers, John?”
John cleared his throat again. He rocked forward on his toes. “It’s a bit difficult,” he said. “You. Because you’re so…” He gestured vaguely in Sherlock’s direction, as if that communicated something. It did not. 
Sherlock narrowed his eyes. It was challenging to understand John when he was like this, all half-sentences and nonsensical gestures.
“You wouldn’t go for flowers,” John said. “Probably say something about them being some hare-brained romantic construct, then deduce what kind of kinks the florist had. Then start talking about bees for some reason.” John looked at his shoes. “Chocolates seemed out too. God knows if you’d even eat them. I’d end up sharing them with Mrs. Hudson.”
“Indeed,” Sherlock said. He could practically see John’s pulse hammering in his throat. He could smell John’s deodorant, working overtime. The whole of it was fascinating.
“So I asked myself,” John said. He was trying to keep his breaths even. He was struggling a bit with that task. “What do you like? You know, what sorts of things make you happy? Crime scenes, obviously. Little puzzles, things to solve. Dogs, for some reason.”
“And fingers,” Sherlock said. He plopped the ring finger back into the bag.
“Well,” John said. “Body parts in general. I tried to get you a spleen, didn’t think you had one of those. Molly wasn’t that agreeable. So…” He waved a hand at the bag. “Fingers.” John looked up then, catching Sherlock’s gaze for the first time since he threw the fingers at him. “Do you like them?” He looked heartbreakingly hopeful.
Sherlock glanced at the bag of fingers. He had deduced everything he could from the things mere seconds after John handed them to him. Molly had given John some very simple severed parts. John would really need to learn how to haggle with her a bit better.
John deflated. “You don’t like them,” he said. He scratched at his head again, doing his best to recover. “Right. Bad idea on my part. Just…” he waved a hand at the bag again, as if trying to erase it, “forget I did that.”
Sherlock stood, stepping towards John. He took John’s face in his hands, forcing John’s eyes back to his. Nervous hopeful fretted all week over this no two weeks it would seem trying to communicate something doesn’t have the words never does really but it’s alright he loves me he loves me so much.
Sherlock pressed a kiss to John’s mouth, slow and sweet. He felt John exhale against him, relief slipping over his lips. John’s hands found Sherlock’s waist, running along Sherlock’s sides as their mouths moved together. When they separated, the hope had returned to John’s eyes.
“I like you,” Sherlock said.
John smiled, and it was lovelier than all the severed fingers in London.
“I love you,” Sherlock said, “if we’re being precise about matters.”
John’s smile widened. “I love you too,” he said.
Sherlock kissed him again. John’s arms wrapped around Sherlock’s shoulders, pulling him close as the kiss deepened and took on heat. Sherlock pushed John backwards, maneuvering him down the hallway, towards their bedroom.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, John,” Sherlock whispered as the two tumbled onto the bed.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Sherlock,” John said.
And the fingers were all but forgotten.
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luminouspoes · 3 years
until the poets run out of rhyme
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pairing: poe dameron x f!reader (modern au)
summary: poe and the reader go out for drinks with their friends, but soon have to make a detour in their evening plans. (based on the prompt: if you want to leave, we can)
word count: 4k ~
warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety, sensory overload
You curl and uncurl your feet, burying your toes into the plush of your carpet, gnawing on your bottom lip as you stare at the dress on your bed. In just under an hour, your long-time best friend Poe Dameron will be showing up to pick you up to take you to Maz’s for drinks with Snap, Jess, Kare and Sura to celebrate Sura’s most recent journalism award. 
You aren't as close to them as you are to Poe - they were more his group of friends rather than your shared one of him, Finn and Rey - but they’d welcomed you with warm arms long ago, much like how your group of friends - Kaydel, Beaumont and Rose - welcomed Poe.
Which means that you really want to go to Maz’s bar and enjoy drinks with him, his friends, and celebrate Sura’s big moment because you know how much ass she kicks at her job and just how hard she's worked to get where she is today. But familiar icy ribbons of anxiety have coiled in your gut, spilling up and twisting around your heart at the idea of going out.
You close your eyes, breathing out slowly. Briefly, you remember something Poe once said, half as a joke, half as a genuine reassurance to himself, and you mumble it out loud to yourself in the empty room, “Happy beeps. You can do this.”
It doesn’t erase your anxiety, but the memory of your best friend is enough to bring a sense of comfort to you, and you grab the dress with a gentle smile on your lips to get dressed. The skirt flares out at your knees, and is a deep shade of red, with a sheer neck and sleeves. It’s comfortable, and once you add a pair of flat heeled ankle boots to the look, you think you’re just about ready.
You grab your purse and duck out of your bedroom into your living room, stopping by the bookcase to make your decision on which book to take. Finn and Rey were at first baffled by this trait of yours (then immediately started joking about how you really were perfect for Poe), but you never left home without a book within reach. Most of the time, you didn’t actually get a chance to even read it, but knowing you had one...helped your nerves. It was like carrying a miniature hug in your purse.
It took you longer than you expected to land on a decision: by the time you’re shoving your selected paperback into your purse, there’s a familiar knock on the door. Your heart does a quick somersault in your chest, and you bound to the door. You peer out the peep-hole, to see Poe standing in the hallway, waving a cheeky hello in your direction.
You grin as you unlatch the door, opening it with a swing. Your greeting flees from your mind as you take in the sight of him. It’s not so different from his usual attire, but he’s ditched his usual tee-shirt and beat-up leather flight jacket for a black button-up and black leather jacket. The jeans, however, are the same.
“Wow,” Poe breathes, beating you to the compliment as he gawks at you. “You look...really pretty.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you duck your head, giving a slight twirl so the skirt will flare out around you as you spin. When you come back to a stop in front of him, Poe’s still got that gobsmacked expression on your face that sends butterflies soaring in your gut. “You think?”
“I know,” Poe affirms, composing himself. “You ready for this?”
You nod once, “Just let me get my purse, I forgot it on the counter. You can come in, you know. You don’t have to wait outside every time, you’re not a vampire.” You don’t look behind you as you move through your apartment, but you hear the door click behind Poe as he follows.
“I could be, you don’t know for sure.” Poe calls. 
You bark a laugh as you pull your purse over your shoulder, twisting to face him as he crosses the room to you. “Mhm, I’ve seen you doing your hair in the mirror before, you have a reflection. You love the sunlight, and you always eat the garlic bread I make when we have dinner parties.” 
“I could be a recent vampire?” Poe tries with a lopsided smile, and you giggle again. His eyes light up at the sound; he loves hearing your laugh but especially loves it when he’s the cause of it. He’ll be purposely ridiculous for it any day of the week. “Got your book?” 
You pull it from your bag to show him the cover, and he clicks his tongue appreciatively, “Good taste.” 
"I always have good taste in books.”
Poe hums in response, taking a step closer to you. Moments like these come easily, where the rest of the world just...fades away until it’s just the two of you. It drives your friends up a wall, but you couldn’t care less when Poe looks at you like you’re his whole world and his lips are quirked up in a little bit of a smirk as he banters back. “I don’t know about,” he says in a low tone, dragging his gaze from the cover back up to your face and you swear for just a moment he pauses on your lips, "you like horror novels.”
Your heart thundering against your ribcage for a much different reason now, you fight to keep your eyes in a safe zone. The way he’s looking at you makes every possible response you could normally think of fly right out of your mind, as your mouth goes dry. Finally, you take another step forward, challenging him with a smirk of your own, "That’s because I’m not afraid to read them like some people, Dameron.”
“I’m not afraid,” Poe protests automatically, the argument a familiar one, but neither of you are really focused on running through the motions of it right now.
The room seems to crackle with energy and potential around you, and part of you so desperately wants to take that leap, but the other half is terrified that if you do, then you’ll lose this magic, this friendship you’ve nurtured with Poe for the last five years. So you dip your head at the last second, folding first. 
Breaking out of his own trance, Poe takes a slight step back before he holds out his arm to you, “Ready?”
There’s that spike of nerves again, but you brave through it, nod once and loop your arm through his. “Let’s rock and roll,”  you hesitate just a moment as you think of the moment before and how easily the two of you still managed to fall into each other’s personal space again. Maybe you really don’t have anything to worry about. “Oh and Poe?”
“Yeah?” He asks as you step out into the hallway, cocking his head towards you.
“You look pretty wow too,” you tell him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek. 
It goes well, for the most part. The others grabbed a booth in the corner of the bar, placing you away from the brunt of the noise and crowd. You knew this wasn’t a coincidence: Snap, Kare, Jess and Sura were always accommodating for your anxiety, and it wasn’t as though they didn’t have their own to contend with either. 
Poe leads you to the booth with a hand on the small of your back, a wide grin on his face as he nears his friends. You drink in the sight of his joy, as you do every time you meet up with them, in between reunion hugs with everyone. Then, the two of you settle into one side of the booth, you at the wall and Poe sliding in next to you, his arm winding around behind you on the back of the seat, as he always did, but you surprise him by keeping one hand on his thigh the entire time. 
The conversation comes easily between the six of you, laughter flooding through the corner as you knock back cheers for Suralinda’s accomplishments. By the time you’re halfway through your first (and only) drink, you’ve nearly forgotten about your apprehension. 
It comes back quickly before you hit the bottom of the glass when a new, far rowdier group enters the bar. They aren’t doing anything malicious, but their loud rumbles and hollers are too much combined with the rustle of silverware and clinking of glasses and the noise of the pool table and the radio blaring above, and the tv stationed by Maz’s bar.
You tense up as you try to tune out the rest of the noise to focus on your friends, but you can already feel your nerves beginning to fray, and you just want to run away to somewhere quiet, and that only frustrates you more because you want to be here, in this corner and -
“Hey,” Poe’s voice was but a concerned whisper to get your attention and it cuts through some of the haze in your mind. You turn to him, opening your mouth to...say what you have no idea, but recognition flashes behind his eyes. Poe has an incredible sense for when you’re getting overwhelmed. “If you want to leave, we can.” 
You want to protest, because you’ve barely spent any time here, but before you can, someone drops a glass from across the room and you jump at the sound. “Alright,” Poe says as he locks eyes with Jess, tilting his head toward the door and jerking his thumb in your direction as Snap, Kare and Suralinda continue their argument over a show they all watch. Jess nods in understanding, and then Poe’s standing up and offering you his hand.
You take it after a beat of hesitance, and then he guides you away from all the noise, back outside toward his car. He was one of two designated sober drivers of the night - Snap being the other one.
You slide into the passenger seat, Poe closing the door behind you, before coming around to sit in the driver’s seat. He twists around to face you. He wants to reach out for you, but he knows sometimes touch can make things worse when you’re overwhelmed. “Better?” he asks.
“Yeah, thank you. Sorry for messing up the evening.” You tilt your head back against the seat-rest, eyes closing with exhaustion. This is far from the first time you’ve all had to cut an evening short or take a breather from things, but still...you were hoping tonight would go by smoothly for the celebration.
“You didn’t mess anything up,” Poe assures you, giving you a pained look that you miss. He hates how you blame yourself for things that aren’t even your fault, how you seem to think taking care of you is some horrible burden he and the others have to deal with. He can’t even begin to count how many times you’ve taken care of him when he needed it, how in the last five years, you’ve come to understand and know him in ways that so few could, that you knew exactly what to do to calm and ground him. 
How many times had you held him after he woke up from a nightmare while you were staying at his apartment, or him at yours? How many mornings had he woken up feeling safe and loved, still in your arms in the morning light? He could only hope he made you feel the same way. “We’ve all had a great time already, we got to celebrate Suralinda’s big moment, and if you want, when you’re ready, we can go back in for more fun - and if you’re not up for that, then that’s okay, too.”
You exhale deeply, focusing on his words and the sincerity behind them. You know it’s true - really, you do. You know it’s not as big of a deal as your brain is trying to make it out to be, you know that your brain can lie to you, make shit up that simply isn’t true to make you feel alone, but sometimes it’s hard to rationalize through that, sometimes it’s hard to remember what’s true and what isn’t.
But Poe knows that.
You turn your head to face him; Poe’s half washed in golden light from an overhead streetlight, half cloaked in shadows, and the smile on his lips is rueful. You don’t know how you lucked out at having such an amazing best friend in your life, but you’re suddenly choked up with some soft, overpowering emotion as you realize - not for the first time - how much he means to you.
You duck your head. “Thank you, for always having my back.”
Poe reaches out for you, catching your wrist lightly and his touch burns in the most wonderful way as he grazes his palm down over yours, interlocking your fingers together. “Thank you for the same,” he tells you, before adding with a lopsided smile, “what are best friends for, right?”
You shake your head, a laugh bubbling from your lips before you can help it, and you echo his words in agreement, “What are best friends for?” 
You head back into Maz’s long enough to say goodbye to everyone and congratulate Sura again, and then you’re climbing back into Poe’s car. You kick off your shoes into the floorboard, tucking one leg under you as Poe offers to drive you around town to help clear your head.
Most nights when you’d go on drives like this, the car would be filled with songs from your favorite playlist and the sound of you and Poe singing along to them. However, tonight it’s filled with a gentle silence occasionally broken by Poe filling it with stories from work that week: he worked at Alderaan Books, a small mom and pop store that’d been a staple in the town for years. It was run by the gentle powerhouse of a woman, Leia Organa, who’d inherited it from her parents Bail and Breha. 
Alderaan Books was entirely the reason why you even had Poe in your life. When you moved into town five years before, you’d decided to familiarize yourself with the various shops and stuff. Eventually, a storm had caught you, and the bookshop was the nearest dry place within quick walking distance. You’d burst inside, shivering and soaked from head to toe, and then there was Poe: with black as midnight curls and twinkling eyes and a soft, friendly smile as he offered you a towel to dry off with.
You’d spent the rest of the afternoon in the shop, talking with him - because of the storm, you were pretty much the only customer there - getting to know him. By the time he was offering you a cup of coffee and a book recommendation, you knew Alderaan Books and Poe Dameron would become an important part of your life here in this town, and you hadn’t been wrong.
Eventually, he’s turning down the road that leads to his apartment and you feel the rest of the tension in your body deflate. You didn’t fancy the idea of going back to your own apartment, empty and quiet as it was, after tonight. Which Poe would’ve known because you’ve asked to stay with him after being overwhelmed for that exact reason before; still, something warm stirs in your chest as he does so instinctively. 
He does spare a glance at you, to double check if that’s alright, and you give him a grateful nod, reaching out to squeeze his hand. He twists his so that your palms are flush against each other, and he interlocks your fingers together.
(He wishes he could pull your hand up to his lips, press a kiss to your knuckles, and maybe in another life, he could. But in this one, he doesn’t).
You’re both practically leaning against each other as you walk up the stairs to his apartment, your shoes in your hand, as Poe tells you about a book he’d found in their stock that he thought sounded up your alley. This was, in a way, a love language for the two of you: sharing music and books were as much a staple in your relationship as your banter and lack of personal space.
As you reach his door, Poe’s still describing the plot as detailed on the back cover as he unlocks it to let you in. You smile gratefully at him as he holds it open for you, letting you in first. Immediately, you look around the living room to see if you can spy Poe’s beloved cat, Beebee, but he doesn’t seem to be in the room - probably curled up on one of Poe’s bookshelves in his bedroom, since that was one of Beebee’s favorite haunts.
You collapse onto Poe’s couch as he heads to the kitchen to start boiling some water in the electric kettle. You sit your ankle boots neatly between the space between the couch and the little table beside it, and then crash back against the soft pillows. 
“Why is your couch so comfortable?” You call to the kitchen. Poe leans out from the window frame that bridges the kitchen to the living room, his curls falling haphazardly over his brow at the sudden movement.
“Because I have excellent taste,” he reminds you, before he pulls his body back into the kitchen. The ridiculousness of the man that is your best friend makes you laugh, and you slowly haul yourself from the comfort of the cushions to pad to the kitchen. You’re still a little worn out from the evening, but there’s a quiet thrum of energy in you now that you’re somewhere that feels safe and cozy.
He’s pouring water into two different mugs for you both, tea tags hanging loosely at their sides. Your heart warms as you realize he’s pulled out your favorite mug - a dull orange one that you always used for tea, because you’d unconsciously adapted a system at his house and had a different mug for coffee and tea - from the cabinet. When Poe turns around, there’s a gentle smile on his face as he motions at the mugs. “They’ll be done in about four minutes,” he announced unnecessarily, because you knew how long it took for his favorite brand of tea to steep. 
Wordlessly, you pull your phone from your dress’ pocket, and pull up your music player. You press the shuffle button and sit the phone down on the counter, letting the room fill with soft tunes as you wait for your tea, leaning against the counter and letting your head roll back and forth.
Poe’s hand skims down your arm, leaves goosebumps in his wake, “You feeling better?”
“Yeah, I am. Just kind of restless now, you know?” 
“Well,” Poe drawls out, his eyes flicking over to your phone and back at you, a mischievous smile lighting up his handsome features, “we’ve got some time...and you so helpfully gave us a soundtrack,” he presses his hand over his heart and gives you a small bow, flourishing that same hand out to you in offering, “would you allow me this dance, sweetheart?”
Your cheeks warm, a smile rising to your own face and you accept his hand. “I’d like that a lot.” 
He tugs you closer to him, linking both your hands together, and you both begin to dance around the kitchen - clumsy, dorky movements that follow the beat of an Abba song, laughing each time one of you bump into each other or step on each other’s feet. Eventually, you collide against each other, still swaying and bouncing to the music, and you rest your head against Poe’s shoulder.
As the first song fades out, your shuffle immediately begins the next — which just so happens to be “Can’t Help Falling In Love”. Poe shifts into a slower dance and you follow his lead. He presses his nose against the side of your head, and you can feel his breath against your earlobe as he begins to murmur the lyrics of the song.
Like earlier in your apartment, the air between you grows weighted. This isn’t just him singing along to a song, the way he’s reciting the lyrics feels like a confession: a gentle one, one that you could easily ignore if you wanted to - and a thrill of anticipation thrums under your skin as you realize you don’t want to ignore it. You’re not sure you’ve ever known someone so beautiful before: not just in appearance, but in soul. He practically radiates light and love, a constant source of warmth and sunshine in your life that you’ve come to rely on. You can’t imagine life without him: he’s who you picture beside you whenever you think of the future: late night car rides with him, bickering together in the kitchen, cuddling on the couch reading together. He’s your best friend, he’s -
You swallow hard. He’s more than that. You want him, more than anything, and it’s suddenly imperative that he knows that.
“Our tea should be done,” Poe says when the song comes to a close, pulling back to search your eyes for your reaction. 
“They were done by the time Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! ended, Poe.” 
“So they’re really strong cups of tea now,” Poe offers with a lopsided smile. His hands have found a home on your waist, and their warmth seeps through the fabric of your dress. When you still don’t move out of his arms, but rather shift closer to him, placing your hand on his cheek, his breath hitches just slightly before he says your name.
He opens and closes his mouth a few times, like he’s internally debating something. Finally, he whispers, “You’re beautiful.”
“So are you,” you reply as you run your thumb along his cheekbone. You lean up on your tiptoes, searching his gaze for any signs of hesitance at your closeness, then you finally ask what you’ve wanted to for a fucking long time: “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” Poe replies but he doesn’t move any closer to you, instead just asks, “You sure about this?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” you tell him lowly and the heated look he gives you in return, paired with a dazzling smile you want to remember for as long as you live, is enough to give you the courage you need to crash your lips against his.
He gathers you up in his arms to draw you closer, a warm expansive hand sliding up your spine,to cradle the back of your neck as his other hand grips your hip, fingers bunching around the fabric of your dress. You move your hand from his cheek up into his curls, dragging your fingers through them experimentally, dragging a hum from low in his throat that you want to pull from him again.
You move forward, intending to nudge him back against the kitchen counter, but Poe has other plans, and at the last second, he spins you around so that the counter presses against your back as he presses flush against you. He pulls away from your mouth to pepper kisses everywhere he can reach: your brow, the tip of your nose, your eyelids, your jawline, and finally, your neck, where he stops and stays, burying his face in the crook of it as you hold him against you as you try to catch your breath.
Eventually, with one last brush of his lips against your skin, he straightens and fixes you with a bashful expression. You loop your arms around his neck, smiling up at him, feeling warm and happy. “Poe?”
“I love you.”
He leans down again, and when your lips meet a second time, you can feel his smile pressed against your own, as he murmurs, “I love you too.”
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