#so very short sessions to get behaviors down is necessary
4dkellysworld · 1 year
Why clear the subconscious to realise Self
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I hope this helps people who are struggling with trauma/deeply rooted wounds and are looking for a way to reconcile this with their goal of self-realisation 💕
The prime obstacle we meet in seeking this unlimited being is the subconscious mind. It is full of thoughts of limitations which propel us every day and they do so automatically. We have made these habits of subconscious thoughts so strong that even when we recognize the direction we would like to go in, the subconscious thoughts keep directing us for quite some time (sometimes lifetimes) until we finally succeed in overcoming them. We overcome them with thoughts of what we really want to do in life, and in that way we become master over the mind, controlling and eliminating the thoughts until only the thoughts we want determine our behavior. Then we’re in a position where we can do something about the mind. We can start to transcend the mind, rising above it and dropping it. In short we let it go! And when we do we find ourselves this pure, infinite, limitless, totally free Being that we naturally are. Then happiness is complete. from Session 9: Mastering Mind and Matter of Keys to the Ultimate Freedom - Lester Levenson
The following excerpt illustrates Lester Levenson's own journey to self-realisation: he actually cleared a chunk of his own subconscious thoughts first before going onto self-inquiry. This would have allowed for a much quieter mind than if he just dived into self-inquiry without it.
I began correcting all my thoughts and feelings in that direction from that of wanting to be loved, to that of loving. And in that process, I discovered another major thing that kind of shocked me. I saw that I wanted to change this entire world, and that was the cause of my ulcers — or one of the major causes. In realizing how much I wanted to change things in this world, I saw how it made me a slave of this world, I made the decision to reverse that. And in the process of following out these two directions — actually unloading all the sub-conscious concepts and pressures in those directions — I discovered I was getting happier, freer, lighter, and feeling better in general. As I saw this direction was good, I made the decision that if a slice of pie tasted this good, I wanted the whole pie. And I decided not to let go of this direction until I got that entire pie of happiness, and with it the answer to “What am I?  What is this life, and what is my relationship to it?” This decision allowed me, as I claim, to get the answer to life itself in a matter of only three months. I believe if I can do it, anyone can do it if they have that much “want to”. In that three month period, all the ailments I had in my physical body corrected. All my miseries dropped away. And I ended up in a place in which I was happy all the time, without sorrow. Not that the world stopped pushing against me —it continued — but I was at a place where I could resolve things almost immediately. Having cleared out the negative fears, all the negative “I can not’s,” I would focus right on the answer to every problem, and get it very quickly. And so, my whole life turned around from being depressed and sick, to being happy all the time, and being in perfect health all the time. from About the Author of another version of Keys to the Ultimate Freedom, also probably in his autobiography No Attachments, No Aversions
I'm not sure why some of the digital versions of Lester's Keys to The Ultimate Freedom didn't include this final session 37 because it's in a scanned copy of a 1993 version (1 year before he died). He had spoken on the importance of clearing subconscious thoughts first to quiet the mind but this was watered down in the 109 page digital version and even overlooked in Session 1 where he says it's "not necessary to dig up this unconscious mind, in fact it's much better to try to quiet the mind." (the wording was changed in other versions to highlight clearing subconscious thoughts first). Depending on the individual ego's own history of trauma, limiting/negative beliefs, tendencies, habits etc (aka samskaras in Hindu philosophy), they may or may not be able to easily quiet their mind to see their Self (the main goal) if they keep getting bombarded with thoughts they can't control despite their best efforts to disidentify/drop/ignore/meditate/control it.
I also believe this is the missing piece and answer to dealing with trauma in a practical and appropriate way on the path to self-realisation. Any good therapy also ultimately concludes with releasing & letting go so it no longer affects the person anymore; this is the true essence of healing. I've personally found a lot of benefit and peace from clearing subconscious thoughts on my own journey and Lester did this too and benefited a lot - he didn't jump straight to self-inquiry (Ramana Maharshi considered self-inquiry to be a practice for 'ripe souls' and recommended other methods for aspirants first depending on their state of mind (to clear and quiet their mind in preparation for self-inquiry)).
So we are all going through the same trip of trying to discover what is this all about, where is my happiness, and when we stop chasing after it out there and we turn inward, we discover that all these hard negative, terrible feelings are only a feeling. And that it is possible to get rid of these feelings by releasing them. All these feelings are subconscious programs — every bit of them put in as pro survival — it's not only fear, but survival. All our feelings have been programmed in to automatically keep us surviving. They keep looking out there, trying to survive, keeping our minds active subconsciously 24 hours a day, so never do we stop to think and discover what we are. So what is it that is keeping us from being in the most delectable state that there is? Simply the accumulated programs called feelings, all these negative feelings have us constantly struggling to survive, having us constantly looking away from this tremendous thing that we are, and all we need to do is quiet that mind and become self-obvious to ourselves of this tremendous being that we are. How do we do it? I say it’s simple. The Release Technique*. It happens to be the fastest, the most effective way there is to achieve this high state of being. When we are in total control of our universe, where every moment is a wonderful, wonderful moment, it is impossible to be unhappy. And I say that is our natural state when these negative feelings are released. So I urge you to learn this technique. It’s a tool, and in one week's time, there will be a big change in you for the better, and from there on, you will continue to get better and better, lighter and lighter, happier and happier. from Session 37: Release your Loving Nature - Keys to the Ultimate Freedom *The appendix describing this technique refers to a whole book called The Sedona Method (written by one of Lester's students) and it was too damn long & boring for me to read lol. (If you're interested in the book, you can download it from my Google Drive) The basic instructions is to bring subconscious thoughts to the conscious so they can be dropped: Feel all the thoughts/emotions (if any) and imagine them leaving your being, acknowledge them then consciously choose to release & let them go now so they no longer have a hold on you.
So clearing a chunk of subconscious thoughts first (not aiming for perfection, just clearing the major roadblocks - in particular the ones that keep causing intrusive/compulsive thoughts no matter how much you ignore them) will help a lot in quieting the mind and then you can more easily do the other practices such as meditate/do self-inquiry/self-surrender with a quiet mind to see & know the Infinite Being you are.
Remember that there is no "one size fits all" approach to self-realisation because everyone has different history, traumas, mental/emotional/spiritual maturity, temperament etc (this is a reminder to let your Self be your main guide & guru and do what's appropriate for your own journey, you don't have to follow any guidance/practices/teachings that don't resonate with you even if others are saying something is this way or that way). Even Ramana Maharshi acknowledged this:
When asked once by Swami Yogananda, a Swami with a large following in America, what spiritual instruction should be given to the people for their uplift, Ramana Maharshi replied: “It depends on the temperament and spiritual maturity of the individual. There can be no mass instruction.”
Obligatory disclaimer that this post does not constitute as medical advice as I am not a therapist, this is based on my own understanding of non-duality as well as my personal ego experiences both on this journey and prior to. If there are major traumas that you feel you need to release first in order to quiet the mind, I would actually recommend finding a competent and trustworthy professional to help you unless you already have experience going through therapy and know how to dig into your own subconscious and release things on your own properly (going to therapy in the past gave me the understanding and experience to do this on my own now). I emphasize on the *properly* part because if you attempt to bring up major traumas from the subconscious without knowing how to properly deal with them, it could actually cause more harm to the psyche so be careful on this please.
So I actually do think therapy and trauma healing has a place on this path to self-realisation and this is where my beliefs deviate from 4dbarbie a bit (I still agree with leaving the mind alone but again, clearing the major subconscious traumas/wounds/blockages first has been immensely beneficial and effective in quieting the mind to make it easier to let go of/disidentify from ego and abide as Self). Everything that I share on this blog are intended to be pointers, suggestions and helpful tips for people on the same journey. If you resonate with it, feel free to explore it further and if it doesn't, you can disregard it :)
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cablyunkataplum · 1 year
Sanemi Shinzawaga x Male!/Pronouns Reader--- Spoilers of Final Battle Arc
Words: 2,110
Summary: The relationship between (__) and Sanemi could hardly be called that. After the defeat of Muzan Sanemi will try to form a link with (__).
Written Curse: Use of (__)! Third person! I'm not an english native speaker so I support on translators!-- I felt poetic lol-- Guys maybe i won't be able to post for a time thanks to school, but i'll do my best to keep sharing my stories, thanks for all the support! See ya Darlings!
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The whispers that the wind created as it collided with the petals at the gloomy dawn never seemed to take shape in the young man’s ears, more focused on his duty and survival than on the messages given to him. Two years had passed since that moment that changed his life so much but time passes fast for a short being, he could not afford to stop and observe details, listen to the least that was not killing. Sanemi Shinazugawa, pillar of the wind, he had taken a pupil, a tsuguko. Despite having been very against it at first, he taught him in a harsh and cruel way, just as the world would be with him if he decided to continue and he did so.
Now; being officially a member of the demon slayer corps, he took missions one after another without any rest.
Today the boy had returned to the estate of his superior, without waiting for him to be in the place he put his katana in the designated place and walked to the open area of the place. As he approached he could hear the fluid movement of a katana and others, when he arrived completely he could observe Sanemi training with great concentration so he did not pay attention to the pupil who simply bowed and greeted. Nothing, not even a look in his direction so he sat down and waited for the session to end. After a few hours Shinazugawa sheathed the katana and walked to the door next to the boy, the boy raised his head to look into the face of the other “Why don’t you train instead of sitting like a useless one for hours?” his voice rumbled all over the place with cold behavior, his gaze concentrated at the end of the corridor, his face somewhat twisted of discomfort causing his scars to be molded according to the tractions and contractions.
He just stared at him before nodding and starting to get up “Of course Shinazugawa-san” on the way to the previous point where the training had been done, both facing their backs, moving his head a little and making his jaw touch his shoulder he said to the pillar “Welcome”. The silence was the only thing that answered him before hearing steps walking away and finally ending up alone in the surroundings with a jester of disappointment drawn his own katana; he closed his eyes and took a lot of air. Again he could hear the whispers and laughter of the wind, how it got into his ears and tried to scream at him but the words did not make sense or that is what he thought, with one last breath he contracted all his muscles and prepared to move.
This was one of the many moments of interaction that both men had.
One night they ate without any words, the sound of cicadas or the movement of the leaves of the trees were the only thing that talked inside the room, the lamp illuminated what was necessary without hurting or forcing the eyes of those who were feeding, he swallowed the amount of food in his mouth and observed his pupil without expression indicating the emotion or feeling “Your skills are deplorable, this week I will have to train you again … What a waste of time” He gave a bite and watched the boy, he stopped chewing and nodded “Thanks Shinazugawa-san, I regret that my performance is not in your expectations” this annoyed the pillar who aggressively put the dishes on the floor “Do not apologize for being an incompetent” raised his voice enough to be heard outside if anyone was there but not too much to be considered a scream. The boy only nodded and continued eating, not that he accepted what he said or wanted him to continue with that thought, no, of course not, he knew very well that he was capable, that although there was always opportunity to learn and grow, it is not that he was in a place of first knowledge or practice as years ago. But in the end he was a pillar, someone more experienced, someone who had taken his body beyond the limit and had perfected his techniques, so he knew what he was saying, right? he just tried to harden him for the fatalities of his work but in the end he had an appreciation for him, even if it was minimal, didn’t he?
Their breaths had no pattern in their fighting movements, the grinding of swords a compass in the dance of the fight for the subjugation of the other, some screams were thrown by the pillar; about the talents and efforts of his pupil, of how they would kill him in the second that fought with a stronger demon, of how he was lucky to remain alive after all this time. Naturally the winner of the match was Sanemi, as the boy parted gasping trying to stabilize his breathing as well as his rhythm and heart pressure “you can’t even use full concentration breathing!” He rebuked “A pillar is your teacher and you don’t even seem to know the basics!” the boy bowed his head “Don’t lower your head when I’m talking to you, brat!” He clenched his jaw and looked up to meet Shinazugawa’s fury, his frowning and his eyes open to no more, his hands clenching the sheath of his weapon “If you follow this way I will get you out of the organization! Do you understand!?” His tone increasingly harsh and firm against him, he bowed in the form of respect “Of course master, it will not happen again, I promise” he returned to his original position and waited for the answer, for several seconds the tense air was static and everything seemed the same way, until he finally spoke “get out of here” he closed his eyes to not see the boy making it clear that if he tried to talk or engage in another interaction there would be punishment.
He bowed again for the last time before walking and leaving him alone. A knot in his throat pressed his insides, threatening to come out and reveal the emotions he felt. Apparently all his efforts had not borne fruit, maybe he was not good enough, so long with his training and not even a compliment, absolutely nothing but reproaches and reprimands, punishments and discouraging comments. Two years of his life trying to improve for the people, to help his and avoid heis suffering turned to dust and carried by the wind to nowhere.
But no person can endure such dealings for too long, at least not him, so the little relationship is further degraded over time. Now, 1 year later everyone was fighting with their lives to try to eradicate the evil that had therefore pressed them against the ground, enjoying their fear and pain.
His head was spinning as his body pricked every possible nerve, his sight barely made aware of the blurry figures in his immediacy, his ears seemed to bleed him, and his body moved involuntarily. What was he doing there?, What was happening?, For a few minutes he totally fainted until he regained it, when his eyelids opened slowly and saw the sky of dawn he felt some peace before his body forced him to take air choking through the puffs and coughed to calm his body, screams and metallic sounds finally reached his ears but did not move, he did not react, his body did not respond, that is why came to him, right, he was in a fight, a big and important fight. He had been one of the few who survived before the pillars ecountered Muzan... But now he had no idea what happened the instant he lay on the floor. When trying to move a wave of pain reached his brain almost making him lie down again but he had to do it, he had to stop and keep fighting even if it was the last thing he did, even if he did not know how he would but he would not give up, walking through the streets, with his hand hanging and the other one leaning against the wall he could see the commotion. He was quite surprised to see a great baby but quickly understood that that being was the first demon, Muzan Kibutsuji, he quickened his pace ignoring any pain or discomfort and instead anger, resentment and so on encouraged his walk.
He watched as Sanemi cut off his arm, reaching the side of the rock pillar and grabbed one of the Kakushi and began to pull with all the strength his body had, the sun and the light reaching every possible corner and burning the demon’s skin tearing apart pieces and then turning them into ash. The peaceful silence compared to the magnitude of the moment, all eyes focused on how slowly it faded until there was only the vestige of its horrors giving way to a new peace.
Days had passed since that miracle but now, there was a certain void, the space left by those who left a strong presence, a reminder that everything was real and that it always would be. His heart had been disrupted and broken just like his mind, he needed to think what he would do now that he no longer needed to fight for the lives of others and his own, everything seemed to be in a fog that prevented him from looking at the future.
In those same days Sanemi began to talk more with the boy but since he served, he wanted nothing to do with all this, less his teacher. The encounters were uncomfortable and forced, meaningless words but with intent on the part of Sanemi, sharp and one-syllable on the part of the pupil if he could still be called in such a way.
On a quiet morning the birds sang to wake everyone up just like the first rays of sun, the futon felt hard against the back of the boy and the cold of the floor was transferred to the fabrics so giving a jester he got up and accommodated the things in the room to go out and walk. At the end he opened the shoji with delicacy, the sound of his steps was dampened thanks to the socks he brought, he went to the common area with a piece of food, squatted and settled to sit with his legs crossed, he took a bite and closed his eyes. He heard and listened to the wind for the first time, the murmurs intertwined with his own thoughts traveling all over his brain, embracing each relief with delicacy.
Not long after he heard another person approaching, but he didn’t flinch until Sanemi spoke “Um, good morning,” he opened his eyes and simply moved his eyes so that his periphery could see it, he bit his tongue a little before speaking “Good morning” even though the tone of his voice did not reflect any emotion it was obvious that he was not so happy to see him or to talk to him. “You got up early” walked up to the boy and started to sit imitating the position of the boy who only nodded and finished eating “I… wanted to talk to you” started again hoping he was willing to listen but happened completely the opposite, the boy stood up and started making his way elsewhere, stopped for a moment “Why are you so kind to me now?” The words barely came out of his mouth but were sharp, not that he wanted to know the answer to his question but his mind could not help remembering all those times when Sanemi was very hard on him, even rude and arrogant, where he simply nodded and did what was asked of him without any complaints, so long trying to establish a relationship or some kind of contact that was more human.
Shinazugawa said a single syllable before boy interrupted “it’s just because you feel guilty, because you have nothing better to do” he frowned and squeezed his lips, some tears resting on the edges he continued walking until he reached another shoji, he grabbed the wood “I don’t want to see you again Shinazugawa-san, I’m leaving this place” Sanemi hearing all this stood up “It’s not what you think” swallowed saliva “(__) I’m sorry.” The boy squeezed the wood and looked at the floor “Me too” was the last thing he said before leaving the room and closing the shoji and to never returning to that place, to forget all the pain that for so long had contained in the depths of his being, letting the wind take away his sorrows and accompany him to a better place.
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gar-a-ash · 7 months
Teaching -BLANKS- in motion
Figured I'd try making some short videos with some training tips and demonstrating how I train my own dogs, and I figured I'd start with the surprisingly complex Whatever in motion. While Tassie knows this one very well already, going through all the phases step-by-step helps reinforce the behavior. Below I'll try to write out some more detailed instructions on each step. Keep in mind that she DOES know this; these are demonstrations of each step and should be learned over a greater span of time. It doesn't take weeks, though! Tassie learned the Down in Motion in two training sessions!
Step 1: Dropping on command
This skill is also very useful in teaching the Emergency Down, and the concept behind it is that your dog just drops as soon as the command is given. They don't take a couple extra steps forward, they don't turn around to look at you before doing so, they just drop. This is easiest taught with an ecollar, though one is not strictly necessary. You just need something that catches the dog's attention and makes them alert slightly before you give the command. For instance, Tassie is not trained with a click marker, so I could use a clicker, or a short whistle, something very jarring that makes sure your dog is 100% focused on you. I am a very big fan of using the startle (not fear) reflex in a lot of training and believe it helps cement snappy, quick obedience.
The easiest way to teach this is coupled with a hand motion and using a wall as a barrier. Heel along the wall with the dog on the inside, to limit their movement, and use your disruptor paired with a hand signal in front of their face and give your verbal command. With a few repetitions, start giving your dog a "Nope!" and move forward again if your dog does not drop within a second. It's a longer time than you think! Gradually shorten this time period and ONLY reward fast drops, but do not drill this repeatedly. Give a few attempts, switch to something else for a bit, and then come back. Let your dog puzzle it over and figure it out, and if they do it fast give them a HUGE party with their reward. Remember this is fun, and while there will be a lot of pressure at times, you're here to have fun working with your dog!
Step 2: Leaving your dog behind
I genuinely believe this is the toughest step, because it is quite a bit unlike how you teach your dog to Stay. Heel with your dog and give the drop command, then, WITHOUT rewarding or turning to face your dog (but please give a good job marker!), step forward with your back to your dog. You can use the Stay command for this if needed! The idea is to get your dog used to you 'leaving them behind', so to speak, without needing a treat to hold them in place. If you have a young or clingy dog, this is very difficult because your dog wants to be with you. If they get up to follow just give a "Nope!" and try again, it doesn't take long before they catch on but it requires some impulse control. It's why I prefer starting with the Down in Motion before moving on to anything else, it's physically more restrictive than other positions.
Make sure to always return yourself to Heel position before rewarding, do NOT call your dog back to Heel. Reinforce that staying in Down was the part that gets rewarded, not the part where they run to catch up to you. Eventually, once they start getting the hang of it, start shortening your pauses before stepping forward again without your dog, until eventually you're just giving a brief pause. Once again, don't drill this, only do a few reps at a time, and if they're really struggling with shortening time step backwards into a longer pause. Remember, at this phase you're reinforcing them staying while you move onwards. Eventually, you will only have to slow down the slightest bit before moving forwards.
Step 3: Polishing and other positions
This is where the steps come together and you work on polish, and it's also where an ecollar comes in really handy. Eventually you're going to get to the point where you don't slow down at all while giving your dog the command to drop, and your dog might hesitate to obey because you didn't slow and you're just moving at the same pace forwards so they're not sure. This is where you can give a small correction or "Nope!" and return to your dog, and then try again. The disruptor from the very first step will work wonders polishing this up, because it reminds your dog to pay close attention and obey.
Remember, this is really tough! They don't speak our language, and we have to make sure we're communicating clearly, and this is very confusing with a trained Heel. You're moving forward with Purpose, and they're supposed to follow at your side, except you're telling them to do something else and it's very conflicting to them. Reward heavily when they do it, and be very clear with your commands. It's why I use BOTH verbal and hand commands at this point with Tassie, so that she knows exactly what I'm asking for and there's no mistaking the command for something else. And then from a Down in Motion, I'll move to a Sit in Motion, and eventually a Stand in Motion.
However, when moving to other positions, ALWAYS step backwards to Step 1. You think it's just the Same Thing but Different, but to your dog it's a whole new command! They'll pick up the concept quicker because they will realize it's very similar, but if you try to move from a Down in Motion to your very first Sit without building it up first you're going to ruin the experience for your dog and potentially ruin the promptness of the first taught command while they hesitate and get corrected. Remember to have fun with the whole experience, and then you can show off your super-cool look how fucking awesome my dog is commands!
If this is something you would like to see more of from me, let me know and let me know what you'd like me to demonstrate! Thanks to Reese I had to learn some pretty unorthodox ways of training certain skills, and I taught Tassie to pivot BEFORE I taught her to pivot on a foot marker (she refused to do it the other way around) so I tend to have pretty, uh, interesting ways of doing things but, hey, they work! This is the one skill that using this method to teach worked extremely well for both dogs, and come next puppy I'll be seeing if I can go three-for-three on this method and if not I'll improvise and move from there. Remember this isn't the end-all-be-all, this is just how I trained this and it worked pretty goddamn well so I figured I'd share it.
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What To Expect From ABA Therapy
You've probably heard of ABA therapy. Maybe you know that it's the most effective treatment for autism and related disorders, or maybe a friend has talked about using it on their kid. Either way, you're probably wondering if it's right for your family. The short answer: Absolutely! The long answer is more complex -- but we're going to break it down for you here so that by the time you finish reading this post, you'll feel like an expert in autism-specific treatment methods.
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ABA therapy is a type of treatment that uses behavioral principles to help children with autism spectrum disorders learn new skills. It's also sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
ABA stands for applied behavior analysis, which means that it uses scientific methods to analyze behaviors and teach new ones. The goal is to improve quality of life by helping your child develop self-care skills, social interaction skills and communication skills so they can interact more easily with others in their environment. ABA therapists work with one child at a time; this is different from group classes where many children attend together but aren't directly interacting with each other. They may have separate sessions where they work on specific goals together though!
Expect To Use A Lot Of Time And Effort
The amount of time and effort required will depend on your child's needs, but it's a good idea to expect that ABA therapy will take up more of your life than you might be used to.
Your therapist will be able to give you an idea of how much time they think is necessary for your child's treatment, but in general:
The more consistent and committed you are with the plan and with following through on what has been agreed upon between yourself and the therapist, the better results will be.
Do not underestimate how much work goes into providing effective ABA therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
You're Going To Be Asked To Do Things That Seem Kind Of Funky At First
You can expect to do things that seem kind of funky at first. For example, you might be asked to clap your hands or make animal noises. This may sound strange, but there's a reason behind it: these exercises help kids identify and express emotions in ways they wouldn't normally be able to communicate.
Other therapies focus on activities like drawing or talking about feelings; ABA focuses on using language as a tool for social interaction by encouraging children to talk about what they're doing in order to express themselves effectively. This helps them learn how their behavior affects others and gives them more control over how they behave in different situations (for example, when someone is angry).
The Goal Is For Your Kid To Function Better In Real Life
The goal of ABA therapy is to improve your child's ability to function in everyday life. This is a long-term process that takes time and commitment, but it can be very effective when combined with other treatment methods.
ABA therapy does not promise that your child will automatically become "normal," but instead helps them develop skills and abilities necessary for them to function successfully in society at large. It also teaches you how to teach these skills yourself so you can continue helping your child after the therapist has left (or even if they're still around).
It's Not A Magic Bullet -- But It Can Be Very Effective.
ABA therapy is not a magic bullet. It's not going to cure your child in one session, and it definitely won't fix the problems that come with having ADHD or autism spectrum disorder. However, ABA can be an effective tool for helping children learn new skills and improve their behavior.
To get the most out of ABA therapy, it's important to understand that it should be used as part of a holistic treatment plan that includes other methods such as medication or behavioral modification. If you're interested in learning more about how ABA works or how it might apply to your situation, talk with your doctor or therapist about options available at their office!
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Thriving Minds Academy is a school for children with autism, offering ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy and services. Our mission is to empower our students to reach their full potential. ABA therapy near me informs our curriculum, and our teachers are trained in ABA techniques. Our teachers work closely with families and other professionals to design programs that meet the needs of each student.
Thriving Minds Academy 850 S Ironwood Dr Ste #110, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, United States +1 480-806-8000 https://thrivingmindsaz.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9988130058033023683
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Do you have any books/articles on how to train primitive (specifically northern) breeds? I’ve seen a lot these past couple of years that stubborn dogs aren’t necessarily that, just that you might not have the right motivator/approach, so do you have any advice on how you built engagement and managed to train your dogs? (As I’m assuming mushing does require a some level of obedience) Asking as someone who wants a northern breed but also wants to do obedience and wants to know if that’s possible😅
Obedience with northern breeds is absolutely possible, but if you want to do competitive obedience that is like giving yourself a handicap...very possible to achieve success but it will be much more work for you than your peers with border collies and retrievers as these sort of sports don't cater to most northern breeds best qualities. (I actually know quite a few Malamutes in competitive obedience, but again. It's not breed typical so this sort of desire for biddability I would absolutely bring up with any breeder you decide to purchase from. Slash for example loves working with a handler one on one and doing obedience work and I can work him for longer periods, Sigurd reaches a boredom threshold much much sooner and would not be good for this sort of work, but he listens beautifully in harness and on hikes.)
With primitive dogs it's all about finding the proper motivator for them to want to do something for you. Everything with primitive breeds is about want and desire. They're incredibly smart and a huge majority of primitive breeds also have a survivalist aspect to them which makes them individualistic and able to make decisions on their own (or as I like to call it the "why? factor").
Most primitive dogs when you ask them to do things without showing them what items/behaviors of high value you have to provide in exchange for work:
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Now I will say for my own circumstances, my dogs are not perfectly obedient (far from it), and teaching them to mush and do what I ask of them in that context is very different than asking them to do things outside of a working environment. Mushing was the easiest thing I taught my dogs, more than even basic daily obedience tasks, because running in harness is the ultimate motivator for drivey working bred sled breeds and they are more willing to listen to continue to be able to do so (vs disobeying a command in harness and having me stop the whole team to reset).
A really great blog is Couch Wolves, it's all about working with primitive dogs and learning to appreciate their individual way of thinking. The authors are extremely qualified and have worked with a number of difficult and primitive breeds in an obedience setting.
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merakiui · 2 years
camboy!azul thoughts.
(yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, implied murder, obsession, implied kidnapping/captivity, mention of disordered eating)
An adaptable, marketable boyfriend. That’s how he sells himself. If you want cute and submissive, he’ll don frills and lace and beg for release with tears in his pretty eyes. If you want cruel and degrading, he’ll crack a riding crop and talk down to you as if you’re nothing but filth. If you want soft and vanilla, he’ll smile sincerely and chant the sweetest things as he works himself towards an orgasm.
Azul wears these faces well, and he takes pride in what he does. Not only does camming earn him lots of Madol, it provides him with acting practice. When he confesses his undying love to viewers or acts like the jealous boyfriend who caught you sneaking out without his permission, he can try all sorts of masks and personalities. He’ll see what works and what doesn’t. His viewers eat it up, none the wiser to his actual reasons for camming. In reality, all of this is practice for your sake. He wants to be good in bed for you. He wants to be a good lover for you. He wants to say all the right things and have you fall into his arms like in the movies. He wants a storybook romance with you.
It’s you Azul thinks of before, during, and after each cam session. You’re the only one who’s capable of getting him so worked up, of filling his mind to the brim with risqué imagery and ideas. He imagines the fleshlight he uses as your hole and it spurs him onwards in his act. When he reduces himself to an utter mess, he throws his head back and thinks of how heavenly it would feel to have your lips wrapped around his dick, to kiss and hold you, to slot himself inside you while you grab at his shoulders and wrap your legs around his waist to pull him closer, all while you tell him how much you love him, how he’s the only one you’ll ever love, how you’ll always be his.
Azul wants to be your perfect, adaptable boyfriend and, hopefully, future husband. There’s just one problem. You have a significant other and the two of you have been dating for two years now. Two years. Two long, exhausting years. He despises the anniversary posts the both of you make on Magicam. He despises the photos where the both of you are backdropped by pastels and your lover pulls you in for a brief kiss. Sometimes he finds himself disliking you—only for a short moment, mind you. He could never truly hate you. It’s your lover who’s in the way, who’s disturbing the peaceful fantasies he’s working so hard to make real.
There’s another problem. You don’t know he exists. Sure, he’s walked past you on occasion, but you’ve never actually noticed him. You’ve never talked to him. You’ve never even looked in his general direction. Is it because he’s too plain? Too clumsy? Too unattractive? He’ll change himself for you. Whatever it is you like, he’ll like it, too. He’ll forgo a healthy diet in order to suit your tastes. He’ll ignore his favorite foods and snacks if it means he can look like your ideal sweetheart. He’ll do anything, so please look at him. Please acknowledge his efforts. Please love him. Only him. Reach out for him with your gentle hands and hold him tight and promise him you’ll never leave.
Azul is a master of disguises, a social chameleon who adapts to each and every situation he finds himself in. He can enchant with his silver tongue, offering hollow praise and remarks when necessary. He’ll never be artificial around you, though. He wants to pry himself open so that you can see the very truth buried within his heart. He wants to build this relationship upon trust and love and candied confessions.
There’s a new problem, one that lies in the engagement ring you boast on Magicam. He stares at his screen after having come down from another orgasmic high, his monitor blank and the stream ended, and static buzzes in his ears. He can taste his heartbeat. It’s metallic in his mouth, wet and warm. Azul doesn’t realize he’s biting his lip until the skin breaks and a thin trail runs down his chin. You’re engaged. You’re not going to break up with your lover. You love them. You’ll never love him. And once you’re married there will be no chance of wooing you, of sharing a wonderful life with you, of showing you just how good he can be when he fucks you into the mattress in the exact way you like. You’ll never look him in the eyes and tell him you adore him through pleasured wails and moans. He’ll never get to hold your hips and guide you up and down on his cock, watching you come undone like a spool of thread. He’ll never feel your warmth or hear your voice. He’ll never have you. Never. Never. Never.
This can’t be happening. He’s practiced these scenarios in front of the camera. He’s engaged in this exact situation before, playing the role of the shunned second lead, and he’s come up with ways on how to avoid that ending. He’s written pages upon pages of plans. Of what to do when the break-up tears your heart in two. Of what he’ll say. Of how he’ll swoop in and rescue you from the encroaching darkness. Those pages might as well be ash now. It means nothing when he realizes you’ll belong to someone else.
This can’t be happening. You’re the love of his life. He loves you. He needs you. He’s done so much for you. He’ll change himself again. Is that it? Do you prefer confidence? Do you like quiet men? Do you like the types who shop in bookstores, who sit in solitude in café corners? Or do you want someone strong and sensual? Do you want him to wear another style? Is business formal too much? Do you want him to be casual? Flirty? Fun? Sexy?
Adaptable. He’s adaptable. It’s fine. He can handle this. It’s not as if he sits in the dark in his room, listening to the hum of an air conditioning unit and staring at his trembling hands as he imagines how nicely yours would fit in his. He has to do something. This can’t be happening. He’ll do something. He must. He will. Azul can’t let you slip through his fingers. He’ll die if you aren’t in his arms.
His viewers don’t notice the manic glint in his eyes. It’s thinly veiled in lust as he puts on another convincing act. Today he’s your meek tutor. Tomorrow he’ll be your overprotective best friend. He is many things, but what he isn’t is yours. He’ll never be—not with that scum in the way.
There’s a solution to his problems. When he isn’t camming, he’s planning. It takes a while—weeks, months—but eventually the scheme is flawless. He knows of the repercussions. He knows he’ll be taken away from you if he’s caught. He knows you’ll be heartbroken, but when one door closes another is bound to open and Azul will squirm inside your heart until he’s mired in you and you’ve grown to appreciate him.
He wonders what inflicts the most suffering: a blade or a rope? A bullet or a sledgehammer? Blunt force trauma or slow, painful drowning? A slit throat or a shattered rib cage? He’s certain not even the ocean would want such trash, but it’s convenient and there are many desperate creatures willing to feast on human flesh, no matter how subpar it might be. Lots of humans find their watery graves in the sea floor. No one will bother looking if you’re trapped in underwater caves or at a depth no human has dared to explore. There are times when he’s proud to be an octopus merman. This is one of those times.
Azul, who wears faces like clothing, finalizes what’s left of the final chapter of the prologue—the life before the one he’ll share with you.
- - -
There’s a certain camboy you’ve often watched. He’s alluring and extremely talented, and he hides bloodstains behind carefully applied blush and a coy smile. But you’ll never know that, not until you find yourself confined in his room, chained to his bedpost.
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wandaromanova · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of cancer, death, cussing
A/N: hello! i’d like to put a disclaimer that i am not in any way knowledgeable of the medical field and all of the terminology and information used in this fic was found through research! happy reading <3
anon requested: hiiiii !! can i request like an angst into fluff natxfem!reader one shot where the reader has a really bad day and takes it out on nat and hurts her feelings and so they go to bed angry. but the reader realizes their mistake and the next morning just wakes her up by showering her with love and then takes the whole day to do cute little date things with her? like making her favorite meal or like dancing in the kitchen to their favorite song late at night or just super fluffy things? if not, that’s okay!! have a good day <3
Summary: The heavy weight of her profession gets to Y/N and she takes her anger out on her loving girlfriend; Natasha Romanoff.
Word Count: 3K | navigation
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Becoming a doctor was no easy feat.
Once high school is completed, one must receive your bachelor’s degree before taking the MCAT exam and applying to medical school. After four years of medical school, you must endure a year as an intern before being promoted to a resident. 
Depending on what specialty one has selected, residency can span from three to seven years. Fellowships follow after but are typically an optional course that provides extra training. 
Yes, there are a lot of necessary steps to take in order to set foot into the medical world, but somehow, the years of foreplay could never compare to being a full-fledged physician; and you knew this all too well.
You are a pediatric oncologist and your job was to diagnose and provide treatment to children and teenagers who had cancer. You specialized in hematology; the treatment of blood disorders.
You were the head of pediatric oncology in a Manhattan hospital. You dealt with a lot of patients, but a two-year-old little girl named Sarah was secretly your favorite. 
Despite being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, Sarah’s positivity and playful personality never faltered.
Even if she didn’t understand the circumstances because of her young age, you knew she was suffering. Regardless of it all, every session you had with her was endearing.
You met with the child once a week to administer chemotherapy. Her enthusiasm never failed to have you awestruck. Most of your patients were exhausted from the treatments, but not Sarah. 
She was a hyper child who would attempt to sing Frozen songs, performing as you tried to fight a smile from taking over your features. She had a stuffed Olaf doll that she brought with her to every visit and it was heartwarming to see her hug the doll close to her chest. 
Sarah would even bring you drawings every week that you would keep in your locker. You’d admire each and every one of the drawings, even if you couldn’t really tell what they were.
You’d grown fond of the little girl in the past two months you had been treating her. You were also relatively close to her parents, who were probably the kindest people you’ve ever encountered. It made sense that Sarah was the ball of sunshine she was, she obviously got it from her parents.
Most times, parents were on edge and extremely short-tempered. If parents saw you often, that meant that their child was diagnosed with some form of cancer. Understandably, they would be rather hostile whilst interacting with you, but you never took their behavior personally. 
If you were in their shoes, you were positive that you wouldn’t be very friendly either. 
You had grown fond of the beaming child. You were aware that growing emotionally attached to patients was unprofessional, but how could you not? 
You adored children and for that very reason, you had chosen a specialty that allowed you to help kids as much as medicine would allow. You always had a soft spot for kids and you found joy in helping them as best as you possibly could.
Sarah had a very good chance at pulling through. With consistent treatment and her young age, her survival rate was around 68%. Those were considerably good odds in these circumstances. Not to mention, the chemotherapy seemed to be paying off. At the rate she was improving, she was predicted to be out of the woods soon enough.
However, the child had developed a bacterial infection. Since she had been receiving chemotherapy, the treatment had damaged her white blood cells which are responsible for fighting off infections. 
All you could do was provide antibiotics to try and fight off the infection. You had monitored her for some time in hopes of seeing any sign of improvement, but unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Her immune system was extremely vulnerable and there wasn’t any way to reverse the damage. 
Your heart was torn to pieces when you delivered the news to her parents. They broke down in the hallway outside of Sarah’s room as you informed them of Sarah’s rapidly shortened life expectancy. It was only a matter of time before the young child would pass and honestly, this was what you hated most about your job.
You hated that you couldn’t help every single patient. You hated how cruel the world could be to take away an innocent child from their loving parents. 
You allowed her parents to spend time by her bedside. They laid on either side of her bed, clinging onto her for dear life. What broke you the most was the paleness of Sarah’s once glowing skin. Her smile was still present but didn’t quite reach her eyes like it used to. 
Her parents quietly sang ‘Love Is An Open Door’ to Sarah. You felt your heart clench in a bittersweet way as you silently watched. Normally, Sarah wouldn’t hesitate to join in, but her lack of breath prevented her from doing so. All she could do was close her eyes and lightly nod her head along to their voices. 
Sarah passed hours later and it was an extremely somber experience. Hearing the cries of parents who lost their children wasn’t easy and it never would be. Your job had its pros and cons, and this was the biggest negative.
You fought back your own tears as you exited the room, giving the two mourning parents some privacy after you recorded Sarah’s time of death. You found the nearest restroom and allowed the tears to fall down your face. 
A pure soul had been ripped away from the world, never having the chance to experience the great things life had to offer.
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
4 Hours Later
You trudged into your loft, immediately taking off your coat and hanging it up before tossing your keys on the small table by the front door. 
Your girlfriend, Natasha, had heard your arrival and quickly exited the bedroom to greet you, a wide smile on her face. However, her smile fell when she noticed your defeated state. 
Your shoulders were slumped as you slouched slightly and your eyes were dripping with sadness. 
“Honey? What’s wrong?” Natasha approached you while you stood frozen in front of the door. Her hands came up to cup your cheeks as she stared at you in concern, her eyes scanning over your features. 
“I lost Sarah.” 
Natasha’s eyes widened and her heart sunk at your words. She was aware of how much you adored the two-year-old. Once a week, you would rave about the child and how adorable she was at the dinner table. You would go on and on about how Sarah would sing to you, draw pictures for you, and bring along stickers to place onto your coat.
The redhead loved how happy you looked whenever you spoke about any of your patients, but most especially Sarah. It brought Natasha some joy of her own to see you speak animatedly about Sarah; your happiness was her happiness. 
So, the news hurt her almost as much as it hurt her. She knew how much you loved Sarah, despite never saying it straight out.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I know how much you cared about her. Are you okay?” Natasha’s voice was oozing with sympathy. You couldn’t help but feel irritated by her question. 
You tore her hands off of your cheeks and walked past her and into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water as the redhead watched you intently. 
“Am I okay? I’m fine! It’s not like I lost an extremely young patient today or anything. What kind of stupid fucking question is that, Natasha?” You took a sip of cold water to try and calm yourself damn, but your attempt was futile. 
The redhead made her way into the kitchen, standing on the opposite side of the island as you took another sip of water, eyes burning a hole into her head over the rim of the glass. 
“I know, that was a dumb question. I just want to help you, Y/N/N.” Natasha remained calm and patient as she spoke to you. She was no stranger to the loss of a person she desperately tried to save and knew all too well the sadness and anger that accompanied the tragedy. She was an Avenger, after all. 
“I don’t want your help and I don’t need you!” You slammed your cup onto the counter as you raised your voice. Honestly, it was surprising that you hadn’t shattered the glass with the amount of force you exerted. 
Natasha felt an ache in her chest as you yelled at her. She knew that you weren’t in the right state of mind and didn’t take it personally, but that didn’t make your words hurt any less. 
“You save entire cities and I can’t even save a single fucking person!” You were turning red at this point, tears of frustration streaming down your face. The redhead hated seeing you cry, but she knew better than to approach you at this moment. 
“Babe, you save so many pe-” Natasha’s tried to speak, but you quickly interjected. 
“If you’re going to try and spew some philosophical bullshit to me right now, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear another god damn word from your mouth.”
The redhead looked down defeatedly. She had never seen you so upset, let alone direct your frustrations towards her. Her eyes fell down to the marble counter between you both before looking up at you. You were breathing heavily, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. 
Without another word, Natasha retreated back to the bedroom, shutting the door softly behind her. You watched her until she was out of your view and let out a sigh. Your hands gripped the edges of the kitchen island, supporting your weight as you shut your eyes. 
You brought a hand up to your face and pinched the bridge of your nose. After a few minutes, you made your way into the living room, chucking off your shoes before collapsing onto the couch. You didn’t feel like interacting with Natasha anymore tonight, knowing that you most likely wouldn’t be able to control your temper. 
You were just so fed up with the painful losses you had to endure from your profession. 
You knew that being a doctor was more dark clouds and thunder, than sunshine and rainbows, but you just wished that for once, the weather forecast would work in your favor. 
The emotional day had finally caught up to you. Your body relaxed as you sunk further into the couch, eyes fluttering shut as you succumbed to a much-needed slumber. 
Unbeknownst to you, Natasha was still awake. She laid flat on her back and stared up at the ceiling in thought. She was mad at you, as much as she didn’t want to be. Natasha had gone through the same thing and never lost her cool with you as you had with her. 
The redhead calmed down slowly, turning on her side and facing the empty space beside her which you normally occupied. She reached one arm out, her skin colliding with cool sheets, already missing the warmth of your body. 
Natasha hated sleeping without you by her side, She didn’t feel complete when you weren’t steadily sleeping next to her, your arms wrapped around her body. However, she hoped that things would improve in the morning.
And with that thought in mind, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep, clutching the sheets firmly in her hand. 
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
 The Next Morning
You awoke to a blinding light, the morning sun shining through the windows and landing directly onto your face. You let out a groan and slowly sat up, stretching out your limbs with a groan. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable place to sleep, you were aching everywhere. 
You sat there for a moment as the events of the day before caught up to you. Not only had you lost Sarah, but you upset Natasha. You immediately felt guilty as you recalled the harsh words you spat at her in a fit of rage. You felt like a complete asshole, and rightfully so. 
You quickly stood up and entered the kitchen, retrieving some bacon from the freezer and eggs from the refrigerator. You grabbed two separate pans and washed your hands, making sure to get the coffee pot running before you began cooking.
Your girlfriend absolutely loved bacon, eggs, and coffee. She described the combinations as a ‘party in her mouth.’ So, this was going to be an ‘i’m sorry for being a bitch last night’ apology breakfast. 
You got started on the meal and by the time you finished up and had the stove off, Natasha stalked out of the bedroom slowly. She eyed you carefully as she approached, you sent a soft smile her way.
“You made breakfast,” Natasha spoke and you shyly nodded your head. You moved away from the stove and rounded the counter. The redhead stood in her spot as you wrapped your arms around her waist, her arms reflexively going around your neck.
“I was an asshole last night.” You stated and your girlfriend nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, you were a total pain in the ass, the absolute worst.” You rolled your eyes at Natasha’s teasing tone.
“I’m sorry for how I behaved. I was just so upset about… Sarah. I didn’t mean to take it out on you and I can’t even begin to tell you how bad I feel for yelling at you when all you wanted to do was help me.”
Your voice was full of emotion, your eyes boring into her emerald irises as you poured your heart into every syllable you uttered. Natasha smile gently at you, her fingers lightly tugging on the baby hairs on the nape of your neck. 
“It’s okay. I know you weren’t mad at me.” You let out a sigh of relief as the redhead stared at you softly. She let out a small chuckle at your dramatics before continuing.
‘I understand how you feel. The team and I, we try our very best to save as many civilians as we can, but sometimes it’s completely out of our control. It’s the exact same situation.” 
One of Natasha’s hands found its way to your cheek, gently cupping the skin as you leaned into her touch. You were listening intently to her every word, mesmerized by the calming rasp of her voice.
“Don’t dwell on what you couldn’t do, but give yourself some credit for everything you did do. I may not know what happened, but what I do know is that you tried everything you could, no?”
Natasha questioned you and you nodded your head. “I gave her antibiotics to fight the infection, but it was too severe.” The redhead rubbed her thumb against your cheek. 
“All that matters is that you did your best and that’s all anyone could ever ask for.” Natasha ended her little speech as she placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. You couldn’t help but smile, an overwhelming feeling of happiness taking over. 
“Thank you. I love you and your… what was it?” You furrowed your eyebrows in concentration before your face lit up. Natasha raised an eyebrow at you. “Philosophical bullshit. That was the words.” The Russian let out a laugh, shaking her head from side to side at your antics. 
“Seriously though, I’m so grateful for you. You’re so amazing to me even when I don’t deserve it. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Natasha’s laughter died down as your tone turned serious. Your eyes were so full of love and adoration as you stared into her eyes deeply. 
“Well, let’s hope you never have to find out.” Natasha smiled once more and you couldn’t resist pressing your lips against her plump ones. Your mouths moved in tandem at a slow pace, enjoying the rawness and love that accompanied each movement. 
You broke the kiss when air became an issue. Nat’s eyes fluttered open as you wiggled your eyebrows at her playfully. 
“So, are you ready for some breakfast? Maybe after we eat, we can go on top of a rooftop and I’ll serenade you with a rendition of ‘Sorry’ by Justin Bieber.”
Natasha’s head flew back as she laughed uncontrollably at your words. “What? Do you not like the Biebs? If you want, I could play ‘Baby Come Back’ by Player from a boombox and hold it over my head, instead.” The redhead continued to laugh profusely and you soon joined in. Your arms tightened around her waist as your giggles subsided. 
“I think cuddling on the couch and watching the Kardashians eating ridiculously large bowls of salad will do.” You nodded your head in agreement but didn’t make a move to release Natasha from your grip. She didn’t let go either. 
The two of you just stood there, basking in each other’s embrace, a comfortable silence falling over you both. 
Natasha never failed to say the right things to pull you out of the dark abyss that was your mind. She was completely right, as always. There would always be bad days, patients who were progressing one day and deteriorating the next. 
However, there were also good days, and you shouldn’t allow the bad to overshadow all the good you’ve done. Like with Natasha, she wasn’t always the superhero she is today. She took her dark past and turned it into a bright future. 
Nat didn’t let her bad days define her and neither should you.
Of course, you would always remember every single patient you had lost, but now, you would take the pain and turn it into motivation; motivation to improve yourself, not only in your professional life but in your personal life as well. 
You would do right by the ones you’ve lost and the one who stuck by your side; Natasha Romanoff. 
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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pastaimpact · 4 years
Since ur a catboy and maid simp 👀👀👀👀
Catboy maid headcanons for xiao, scaramouche, zhongli, kaeya and diluc?
Like, they lost a bet and have to drink a potion from albedo that turns them into catboy maid or smth pls?
-mac bulli anon
if u see me rotting, no u didnt
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Xiao’s displeased by the transformation, but he has better things to do than to get worked up by a small thorn in his side. He has evil spirits to get rid off, and archons be damned if he’s going to let a pair of furry ears and a tail get in the way of his duty. It’s an odd sight, seeing him swing around his jade spear with his mask on, only to be moe-fied by his ears.
He insists on carrying out his own duties, saying that your selfish desires to have him as your maid won’t overrule his original contract to Rex Lapis. Chances are, you won’t even get him into the maid outfit before he goes running off to dispel some spirits. It can’t be helped: Xiao is someone who values Liyue’s peace before he values anything else, although he does feel a bit fuzzy inside when he sees how ecstatic you are over how cute he looks.
If he does find a moment of reprieve, that’s your best chance to capitalize on his transformation. Xiao claims that he needs no attention or extra love from you, that he’s a yaksha who works alone out of fear of harming you, but he’s still someone who craves for the gentle touch of a fellow being. Tell him that he’s done a good job and that you’re proud of him while cupping his face, and next thing you know, he’ll have slotted himself against your body and tell you that this isn’t necessary, all while his tail wags around happily. Archons forbid that anyone tries to interrupt your cuddling session, because he’ll start hissing like an actual cat the moment your attention is turned away from him.
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Xiao purred against your skin, his head resting on the area in between your shoulder and neck. He was always cat-like to begin with: coy, distance, but still gentle and affectionate at the right times. You fondled his ears the way he liked them, and his tail curled up in satisfaction.
“What a pretty kittycat you are,” you cooed, your voice low and calm, like the careful trills of a lullaby. “Always working so hard... Always caring for someone other than yourself... What a good boy.”
“...Keep going,” he murmured, scooting closer to you when you stopped petting him for a second. You let a smile grace your lips as you stroked his soft fur again, enjoying the way the catboy immediately relaxed against you. 
How adorable.
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Scaramouche is livid, to say the least, by this change. He’s a Fatui Harbinger, and someone who demands nothing short of utmost respect and authority from those around him. Being demoted to not only a servant, but not even a human one at that, is a stain against his spotless, untouchable command.
The entire time he’s placed under your care, he grumbles and snaps at everything that comes his way. He mutters that you should be grateful he’s even putting up with this, and he might just flat-out refuse to do the things you ask of him—until you tell him that you’ll ask someone else, like Signora or Childe. Only then does he come scrambling back to you with a pout on his face and his ears pressed against his head to scold you and say that he could do a better job than any of those sloppy Harbingers could.
He also threatens you, saying that you owe him for humiliating him like this, but he also forgets all about being mean to you the moment you start petting his ears and scratching behind them. Scaramouche swears on his life that he hates being treated like this, but the way he clings to you and purrs loudly clearly says otherwise. He’ll get huffy and frown if you stop petting him, so be prepared for him to completely monopolize your time.
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“I hate you for this,” he hissed, practically bristling in your lap. You bit back a laugh, feeling the way he wrapped his arms tightly around your torso, pulling himself as close as he could to your chest. “You’re terrible.”
“It’s ‘You’re terrible, Master’ to you,” you teased, burying your fingers in his hair to tease his ears. The Harbinger opened his mouth as if to snap back at you with a haughty remark, but he immediately melted into your touch instead, giving soft mewls and twisting his head against your skin so that he could feel more of your touch.
“I-I still hate you,” he grumbled, forcing himself to frown at you and huff. He dug his nails into your clothes, settling his chin on your shoulder so that you couldn’t see the blush rising to his cheeks. “Master.”
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Zhongli has seen his fair share of oddities, being an archon and all, so he’s grown to get used to whatever life throws at him all while honoring his own approach to life and any traditions he upholds. While being transformed into a cat and a maid, for that matter, is surprising, it’s probably nothing more than a mild inconvenience to a god that once held the ability to shift into a variety of different forms.
He’s a skilled and knowledgeable man, so he’s more than willing to assist you in a variety of topics. His one condition while being placed under your care is that you treat him with the same respect you would show him at any other time. While he may be relatively polite and mild-mannered, he still was a very potent and feared God of War at one point in his life. He doesn’t expect much from you; just drop any funny business around him, and he’ll entertain you for hours with his knowledge about politics, arts, and other fine subjects.
Zhongli is good about keeping his emotions in check, and even with cat ears and a tail, it’s still fairly difficult to gauge how he truly feels. Of course, his new body does betray him every now and then: a flick of his tail to signify intrigue, ears pressed against his head for annoyance, a twitch of his nose for interest. It’s best not to tease him or pry into how he feels whenever he does make an odd movement, but it wouldn’t hurt to present yourself appropriately depending on whatever mood he’s in based off of his little actions. Besides, it’s not everyday that you can see someone as respected and feared as Zhongli in a cute maid dress with his tail swishing excitedly behind him.
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His entrance was quiet, and the only thing that even signaled his presence in the room was the rustle of fabric as he walked towards you. His tail was still, and his ears perked up like it had been for the day, ever since he downed the transformation potion. “I brought you tea.”
You looked up from your paperwork, smiling softly at the former archon. You pulled a stray chair close to where you were seated, inviting him to sit down as he set the teacup down in front of you. “You shouldn’t have!”
He shook his head, his ears twitching with the slightest hint of satisfaction as he sat down. “It was about time you took a break. I thought I would remind you not to push yourself too far by bringing you something to relax with. Do drink up; I brewed it myself with prized leaves.”
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Kaeya’s all about staying a step ahead of the game, and the moment fluffy cat ears and a tail sprout up on his body, there’s a good chance that he’s already found loads of ways to capitalize on his features to get what he wants. The best way to get information from anyone is to get them to let their guard down, and it’s hard to be intimidated by someone who looks like a stuffed animal.
Which is exactly what he does. There’s a good chance that Kaeya’s been observing you for a while, for whatever reasons he might have (be it personal or for the Knights of Favonius), so he’ll definitely use his cat features to his advantage. He’ll snuggle up to you and let you relax by teasing you with his tail and his ears, and he’ll let his silvery tongue do the rest as he extracts bits and pieces of information from you like he was extracting honey from a beehive.
Kaeya rocks the whole maid concept better than anyone else. Flexibility and adaptability are just a few of his many strong suits, and he might even go along with playing pretend with you just out of the goodwill of his heart. He’s extorted you already for loads of intel, so the least he can do to get you to keep staying so lax around him is to humor you just a bit. It’s also a good chance to see you smiling and laughing as you bury your head into his hair, and it sure doesn’t hurt to hear you gush over how much of a majestic catboy he is.
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You felt his fluffy tail slink against your arms, Kaeya splayed out across your lap with the most smug smile you’ve ever seen from him. “Awwww, your tail is so cute! I wish I could just hold it and fall asleep! It feels just like a cloud!”
“Does it now, Master?” Kaeya purred, batting his eyeslashes. It had only been about fifteen minutes since he barged into your room to show off his cat features, and he had already gotten enough info about you to entertain him for weeks. “You can pet me more, if you’d like.”
You lit up, completely oblivious to the fact that Kaeya had you wrapped around his little finger. You were far too innocent, too careless even, and Kaeya found it amusing. “Oh, Kaeya! You’re the best!”
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Diluc’s also fairly annoyed by this mess, but he isn’t one to viciously fight against what’s already happened. It is rather irritating to have to put all of his responsibilities aside for another day, but he’s capable businessman who’s used to having to adapt to all sorts of situations. Being turned into the catmaid is by far not the worst of his problems, but it’s enough of a change to actually make him think about how he presents himself not only to you but the people of Mondstadt as well.
He has maids around his winery, so he mimics his ow behavior with what he wants of them. Of course, you don’t make him cook or clean or anything like that, and similarly to Zhongli, he makes sure to treat you with respect as long as you do the same. Diluc’s a very pragmatic man, and he simply takes his duty as a maid to keep you out of trouble, accompanying you whenever you need to head out to protect you from stray monsters or helping you with any finances that you might have to sort out.
His only request is that he doesn’t let anyone outside of his immediate circle know about his current affliction. The last thing he needs is his reputation as a respectable tycoon tarnished, and he sure as hell doesn’t need Kaeya strolling around to mess with him. If it incentivizes you to keep the whole temporary catmaid thing under wraps, he’ll tell you that it can be a little secret between the two of you. It’s best that you give him your word, lest you end up on the wrong side of his stoic mannerisms.
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“Good work today,” you remarked, offering up a meek smile to the Dawn Winery owner. “It must have been a lot of work. You know, having to deal with the whole transformation thing while running a business.”
Diluc glanced momentarily you, his ears pressing against his head. You wasn’t sure if it was out of annoyance or shyness, but you decided that it was the latter, as Diluc hadn’t walked away from you just yet. “It’s fine. Albedo said it should wear off any day now.”
“Mmm. But still, if you ever need help from me, let me know, okay? I know I’m your ‘master’ temporarily, but we’re still friends,” You laughed. The corners of Diluc’s mouth twitched as he turned away.
“Goodnight then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Chapter 4
⚠WARNING: Swearing, mention of previous characters' deaths
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“I just don’t get why no one wants to help me plan the shrine visit and picnic lunch.” Oikawa pushes his now-empty plate away and turns his head. You share a look with Makki and Mattsun.
“We just don’t want to get in the way of your vision.” Mattsun replies. “You’re the most creative of us all and we don’t want to bog you down.”
Oikawa only glances towards Mattsun before glancing at you and Makki. You both put on your most sincere faces, hoping to placate your irritated friend. It seems to do the trick, as he huffs and rolls his eyes.
“Well of course I’m the most creative. I guess I can plan everything and tell you all what to do.”
You smile at Oikawa, nodding. “That sounds good.” You enjoy the last bit of your dinner, keeping your eyes on your plate.
Since Hajime’s passing, there’s been a visible gap in your friend group. It’s not a gap that can easily be replaced or filled, but the balance of your group has been thrown way off course.
Makki and Mattsun try to lighten things up with jokes but most of the time they fall flat. And it’s not fair to always depend on them to keep the mood light when they can’t muster the energy to do it.
Most of the time you’ve remained silent on the outings. You’ll laugh at the jokes from Makki and ask everyone about their days, but nine times out of ten you’re hindered by the absence of Hajime to make meaningful conversation.
Surprisingly, the most consistent of your friends is Oikawa. But since there’s no Iwa-chan to reign him in, he has become the leader of your group - making plans, driving conversation and trying to keep your group from falling apart. The only problem is that Oikawa has utilized more...forceful tactics to get what he wants.
“For lunch tomorrow we’ll have to meet somewhere by the gym because I have training in the afternoon.” Oikawa states later, while everyone is leaving the restaurant. “And we have to get salads or something similar, I can’t eat anything heavy before.”
You send a quick glance to Mattsun, pleased to see Makki holding his boyfriend’s hand tightly. Of everyone Mattsun is the one who snaps back against Oikawa the most, unwilling to deal with his antics. Makki is the best at keeping him calm while you would try to keep Oikawa from escalating the issue.
“Oh, I can’t meet tomorrow, sorry. I’m getting lunch with my friend.”
Your friends all give you questioning looks - Makki and Mattsun look more excited (and ready to tease you if necessary.) But Oikawa narrows his eyes.
“Is this the same friend you ditched us for lunch yesterday and today?” His tone is accusatory and you inwardly sigh. So it’s going to be this kind of night.
“Yes.” You don’t want to beat around the bush but you don’t want to antagonize your friend with smart-ass answers. “He wanted to get lunch again so I agreed, I wouldn’t if we were planning on getting lunch.”
Oikawa scoffs. “You should always plan on getting lunch with us, Y/N.”
“Oikawa I think you’re skipping over an important detail.” Makki steps in, inadvertently stopping Oikawa from going off on you. But before you can relax he turns to you with a shit-eating grin. “You’re meeting with a guy?”
Mattsun appears over Makki’s shoulder, giving a similar smirk. “Please elaborate, Y/N-chan. Who are you meeting with?”
“And when can we expect an introduction?”
You give Makki an annoyed look at his extra question. “His name is Osamu, and we worked on a project together for one of our classes. We worked well together so we decided to get lunch. It’s no big deal.” Your last sentence is directed to Makki and Mattsun, both waggling their eyebrows.
Despite their childish behavior you’d take it every day over Oikawa’s snide attitude.
“Osamu, huh?” Oikawa looks down at you with his head tilted to the side questionably. “How come this is the first we’ve heard about him?”
You shrug. “It’s no big deal, Oikawa. Don’t be a jerk.”
“Hey I’m just wondering why you never wanted to tell us about him.” He held his hands up innocently. “Are you keeping other secrets from us perhaps?”
You feel your eyes narrow and you can’t help but let a little venom into your words. “I’m not keeping secrets, Oikawa. Osamu and I worked on a project together, he found out about Hajime and I found out that he lost his twin brother, so maybe I’ve found another friend who I can relate to.”
Oikawa’s eyes widen marginally at the mention of Hajime and he doesn’t reply. His hands lower and he looks off to the side. You see Makki and Mattsun stiffen before Mattsun steps closer to his boyfriend.
It’s no wonder that people tell you not to joke about death or dying. It’s easy for people who haven’t understood how devastating the loss of a loved one is to make those simple jokes, because they’ve never experienced the instant the mood of a group plummets. It’s a powerful weapon, made to bring the strongest down a few notches. It’s one you wouldn’t ever use unless absolutely necessary, and even this time mentioning how you and Osamu were able to bond over your shared trauma was a slip made out of anger. But it was effective in shutting Oikawa up.
“Oh.” Makki says into the stifling silence. Oikawa still hasn’t looked away from the ground and now you feel guilty again for bringing the mood down. Twice in two days is not a record you wanted to make. Makki speaks up again. “That’s so sad, how did you find out about that?”
Here is where you hesitate, because you can’t say that you were texting Hajime’s old phone number and serendipitously the stranger receiving those messages not only is a student at the same university you attend but also lost someone close to him, and you agreed to meet with him for coffee after five minutes of your “meeting.”
“I think it just came up organically,” you reply, hoping you sound somewhat nonchalant with your fabricated explanation. “I don’t really remember the conversation exactly.”
“Huh.” Mattsun says. “Well if you guys are going to hang out more maybe see if he wants to come to our group therapy sessions. The next one’s in a few days.”
At this Oikawa whips his head up and glares at Mattsun. He doesn’t say anything in response to Mattsun’s suggestion but he looks livid. Mattsun in turn meets Oikawa glare with his signature, unaffected gaze.
“Okay, we’re gonna head out now.” Makki grabs his boyfriend’s arm and steers him towards their apartment. “Oikawa, we’ll text you about lunch tomorrow. Y/N, I want all the details from your ~date~”
“It’s not a date!” You call, but Makki doesn’t reply save for a little hand wiggle he sends over his shoulder. You sigh out loud and shake your head at your friends’ antics.
You turn to your silent companion, who has taken to glaring at the ground again. “Are you ready to leave?” He doesn’t answer you, not even nodding in agreement, but he stands straight and you both move together towards your apartment buildings.
Oikawa speaks up after a few blocks of walking in silence. “Did Osamu really lose his brother?”
“Excuse me?” You turn to your friend, appalled at such a question. “Are you really fucking asking if he was lying?”
“I’m just looking out for you.” Oikawa doesn’t meet your angry gaze but his voice has lost its disapproving tone. “Some idiots will lie to get sympathy or try to connect and get closer to you. It’s fucked up.”
Still feeling aggravated you turn forward and roll your shoulders. “I guess. But you didn’t see him. You’d have to be blind to take one look and think he’s okay.” His tired face pops into your head again, the look of a person just trying to scrap by one day at a time. It hurts to think about.
“Do you like him?”
You turn back to your friend, angry again, to see him giving you a calculated look. There’s something else there too, almost something like indignant hurt.
You know why he’s looking at you like that and it makes something in your stomach twist.
Oikawa is the only other person to know of your love for Hajime. He pried it from you years ago but had sworn on his own hair products that he wouldn’t tell a soul. In spite of Oikawa’s general obnoxiousness and seemingly fictitiousness, deep down he’s a very loyal friend. And even though he knew one of your deepest secrets, you knew it was safe with him.
But he badgered you for days on end to confess to Hajime and every time you told him no. He was annoyingly persistent, but not once did he say well what now? after Hajime passed.
You missed that annoying weirdo. You don’t like the possessive, mean and cruel Oikawa that’s taken his place.
“I don’t like him like that, Oikawa.” You say now, turning back ahead first this time. “He’s just a friend.”
You feel Oikawa’s gaze on you still but you don’t look back. He doesn’t say another word to you, save for a short remark when you leave to go into your apartment building.
“Have fun on your date tomorrow.”
He drops that line and walks away, leaving you to stare after your friend with your gut twisting.
Why does he have to do this?
Insecurity, jealousy, anger, depression - maybe a mix of all four and more. It’s partly why you’re giving him a pass for now.
Your phone pings when you get into your apartment, and you feel the tension from the day leave your body when you lock the door. You feel wrung out and you honestly just want to sink to the floor and just lay there.
Before you give into your urge to become one with the floor you pull your phone out to see who texted you.
If it’s Oikawa I’m going to flush my phone down the toilet.
But you’re pleasantly surprised to read the screen and not see it was Oikawa who messaged you. You unlock your phone to read the text, feel a smile tug at your lips and send a reply back.
Glancing down at the floor, it suddenly doesn’t look as appealing as it did before. You walk through the apartment, heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
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A/N: And we get a bit more of a glimpse into Y/N's friend group, and the dynamic is.......not ideal. Hopefully the friends can work through their problems and help each other......anyway, thank you for reading!
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito
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obae-me · 4 years
hi!! may i please request nsfw headcanons of the brothers (+ Diavolo and Barbatos, if you can) with an MC with a pastel aesthetic who usually wears skirts and thigh highs who loves plushies and is a brat in bed??
This is my first time writing NFSW headcanons so I hope you like them! 💜
NSFW Below The Line, Please note that even if these are suggestive I always write with equal consent in mind.
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Oh no. When they came down from the human world in light pink clothes, looking innocent and naive, he knew he was going to have his hands full. Their stark contrast against the Devildom’s bold dark colors was just screaming for some lower demon to take them.
The more he got to know them, the more MC drove him wild, but in a good way. They pushed his buttons in all the right places, puffing up his pride and then tearing it down in a tease.
Whenever they wore thigh highs, which was often, he would get distracted, wondering what those thighs would look like tied up in his many ropes or ribbons.
When they finally got to bed together, their behavior was even worse.
“Is this all the Demon of Pride can do?”
They were a brat, and he needed to put them in their place. If they were going to act like a child, they would be punished like one.
He wouldn’t stop till they were obedient. Till the mouth that would dare mock him was singing his praises. Till they knew who to obey. And he wouldn’t give them any pleasure till they begged for it.
Their bright and soft aesthetic reminded him of a child, and the last thing he wanted to do was be a human’s babysitter. However he would never have guessed how deep MC would have him wrapped around their finger.
He’d end up giving them anything they wanted to keep them happy. MC would abuse this just a bit. If he was going to be their sugar daddy without knowing it, they wouldn’t refuse. He’d pamper them with clothes, cute gifts, plushies, all because he couldn’t resist how they looked when they pouted their lips and asked him for it.
They teased him though, god, how they teased him. Not only how they looked but how they acted, especially with demons other than him. But push Mammon too far and he can be even more possessive than Lucifer. He’s the Demon of Greed, and if he wants something, he’ll take it by any means necessary.
If they’re already in bed with him, kissing and teasing, but being a brat? Denying him what he wants with a smile and a roll of the eyes and watching him get flustered over it? That’ll drive him wild. He’ll growl in their ears and take what’s his. Making sure to mark them in several places so everybody can know who MC belongs to.
They remind him of a kawaii anime character. He’ll fall in love with them immediately. None of the demons around here ever looked like that. Even the school uniforms RAD had were always dark and mature. He could barely look at them without blushing.
MC knew this and lived off it. They’d purposely get close to him, grabbing his arm and pushing their chest close against it. Wearing extra short skirts just to expose just enough skin to make him all red in the face. He’s a shy baby most of the time, until the demon comes out of him.
They would dare question his otaku reputation? They would dare talk about being with someone else just to make him jealous? They would dare snatching one of his prized figurines to hide it behind their back?
“If you want this back, you’ll have to go through me~”
He’s played so many dating games that he knows the only way they’ll be satisfied is through force. He’ll play them like a game and make sure he wins. With his fingers in all the right places till MC finally ends up the one red and flustered.
He couldn’t care less how MC decided to dress. Aside from a cultural perspective, fashion was never important to him, what someone looked like was insignificant next to how much they knew.
MC knew this and so they would act dumb around him, but for the life of him he couldn’t discover as to why. They did just fine in their studies, and surely they couldn’t be as dumb as they pretended to be.
Until they got a little more familiar, and MC would do things to him and act stupid as an excuse to get away with it. Surely they knew how he felt when they rubbed against him in sensitive areas. About how he felt being compared to Lucifer. Were they insulting him? Insulting his intelligence? Nothing made him angrier.
“But how am I supposed to know unless you teach me?”
Oh Satan would teach them a lesson alright. Class was about to be in session. They would know how to behave around him. They would be taught how to act if they wanted for him to please them so badly. If MC knew what they were doing, they would have to be prepared for his wrath to be unleashed so well bad they’d not be able to walk to school tomorrow.
MC is so cute he can’t stand it. They’re both pink and bright and beautiful. The Devildom is so bland and drab, meaning MC is such a breath of fresh air. He knows all sorts of outfits that would look amazing on them.
Ooh, they’re going to be bratty? How cute, he can be bratty too, so who would win in the end? Anything MC said to him he just found endearing. He’s been in bed with everyone, honey, he knows how to handle them.
Ah but what he wasn’t expecting was for them to cut them off completely. To shun them and act like he doesn’t exist, on purpose. He had enjoyed the bratty game, because it was some form of attention, but now they’re not even giving him any of it? The shining Demon of Lust has to be the center of all their attention.
That outfit MC was wearing wasn’t cutting it. He’ll tear it off and give them something...better to wear. He has a separate closet full of clothes he wants to see MC in. Especially if it makes them turn that bratty attitude shy.
He’ll make sure they don’t forget him or ignore him again. He’ll have them memorize every inch of his body and sear it into their mind. He’ll have his moans be the only thing they hear all night. Ensuring it’s impossible to ignore him. He wants MC to know his body better than their own.
MC reminds him of something sweet like a marshmallow, he has to be held back not to eat them right off the bat. He only just needs to be patient...
He doesn’t really pick up on the behavior at first. They want something to eat? He’ll get it for them. If they throw a little tantrum if the food is wrong, they can have his, he’ll eat anything. He’s more of a protector, not a punisher, and so he doesn’t quite get why MC keeps acting like this around him.
So MC had to step up their game, and decided to eat the last of his special ice cream. When he found out, he was furious. MC knew it was his, and it was a limited flavor that won’t be back for another century. 
“What’re you going to do about it?”
If they ate his ice cream, he was going to have to eat something else. He’d just have to have MC as the appetizer, main course and dessert. He’ll take their clothes off with just his teeth. Leave them with faint bite marks as he nibbles on them. He’ll finally get to taste them through thoroughly, feasting off of them until he’s full.
MC looked soft, like a pillow or a colorful cloud during sunsets he remembers seeing in the human realm. Even just looking at them made him sleepy. 
He’s Sloth, he doesn’t have the time or the energy to deal with MC’s taunts or advances. It exhausts him, and he’ll just sleep it off.
Or that’s what he’d like to do if MC would let him sleep. They’ll talk about anything to keep him awake. They’ll shake him. Bother him. Rattle him up. Even go so far as to sit on him and straddle his body, refusing to let him get rest. He gets cranky when he’s tired.
If that’s how they wanted it...he’ll stay awake, just to pin them to the bed. He’ll make sure MC’s noises are muffled by his pillow so they’re not too loud. He won’t stop until they’re so exhausted they’ll have no choice but to fall fast asleep, with him doing even more to them in their dreams. That night MC will be his pillow.
He liked how MC looked. It was different. It was human. He couldn’t get enough of amazing little humans. He especially was fond the way MC seemed to forget the fact he was a ruler. A Demon ruler. The brothers that MC had gotten to know so well were fallen, yes, but were angels originally. They weren’t Hell Breed demons. So no one had ever treated him the way MC did, and it drove Lucifer up the wall which he found so much more entertaining.
MC was trying so hard to get him riled up, but he’s been alive for ages, he’s had demons of all sorts out to get him mad, to lose his composure. To ruin his image. It wasn’t going to happen, adorable human, try as they so desperately may. He’d let them think it was working, just to humor them.
He thought it was so refreshing to be teased instead of worshiped for once. He wants to see how far they’re willing to go. How far they’re willing to push their luck. He’ll treat their boldness with rewards, but he also has an image to maintain, so there’s no way MC is getting out of this without ending up on their knees. He’ll just postpone it as long as he’s able.
He’ll have them discover how much power he has, how much people fear him, how much special treatment he’s given them thus far. They’ve never seen a demon like this before. His very presence emanates superiority. At the end of the day he’ll find out how much more satisfying it is to have MC at his feet than anyone else.
Barbados is Diavolo’s source of information. None other than him could be the one to directly serve the Lord himself. He knows everything about MC. Everything. Every MC from every timeline and possible outcome. Which means that the fact that this MC was here like this says he chose them. He chose to be here in this present with this MC.
He’s the most composed demon in the Devildom, even surpassing Lucifer and Diavolo himself. No one will ever know if they’ve pissed him off, his expression is unchanging and they’ll find themselves along the branch of time where they die their worst death.
So the fact that MC was purposefully trying to frustrate him up was amusing. Of course he’d never do anything to harm them since they were important to Diavolo and the program, and he was quite fond of them.
He’d show them possible bedroom events they could have together, but would never give them any until they asked for it. He was still a gentleman and a butler, and so he wouldn’t do anything until someone told him to. He’d be pleased watching MC spend ages trying to pry him out of his cool-headed nature so he could do as he would with them. But eventually they would succumb against his unwavering gaze and beg for Barbados to fulfill some of those futures that he taunted them with.
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Day 6: Farewell / Dorm Leaders
He should have known better. A caged canary wouldn’t sing for him.
Originally, I wanted to write for the Dorm Leaders, but it got messy trying to write for all seven in a short piece. Instead, we’re going to focus on 🦁 (plus a brief 🐆 appearance)!
There’s some callbacks back to my EBG storyline, for those who recall that. Also there is Jade being a dutiful pretend househusband—
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“Jade, I’m heading out!” Raven called from the doorway. “I’ll be back by lunch time.”
“Fufu. Very well, then.” Jade offered a practiced smile. “If, by chance, you are not back by noon, I will come and fetch you myself.”
“There shouldn’t be any need for that,” she insisted, feathers bristling. “It is meant to be a quick meeting—just to see if the dorm has been behaving.”
“Perhaps I would be more inclined to believe in your safety if you hadn’t been held hostage the last time you visited Savanaclaw.” His teeth made themselves known, flashing dangerously despite his calm eyes. “Now, who was it that had to come and pick you up from the lion’s den?”
“Don’t remind me,” Raven sighed. “I’d... I’d like to think that Leona-san has changed since then, that he has learned to be more of a capable leader. Even if it is just a little.”
“... We shall have to see.” There was a touch of shrewdness in Jade’s voice. “Have a safe trip to Savanaclaw, Miss Raven. I eagerly await your return.”
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As per usual, the lion was lounging in his bed when she, clipboard in hand, arrived. Raven knocked on his door to announce her arrival—and, as expected, Leona ignored it. She frowned and tried again—louder this time, earning a groan.
He (finally) rolled over, casting a glare her way. His mouth tugged into a smirk when he realized who it was calling for his attention. “Well, well, well... If it isn’t the little canary. Come to do the headmaster’s dirty work, have you?”
“He’s busy. I’m here in his place for weekly inspections.” Raven glanced at her clipboard, then back to Leona. “... You know, to avoid another confrontation where your dorm members gang up on Uncle and demand more funding.”
Leona snorted. “A necessary move, if we were to get him to act.”
“... I would disagree, but that’s not the point of my visit.” Raven ran her eyes down the checklist Crowley had provided for her. “I trust you’ve familiarized yourself with the arrangement by now?”
3 months’ worth of good behavior, and I will grant their request for Magift Stadium renovations, the headmaster had promised, along with an assortment of brand new equipment. That meant limited brawling, maintaining non-failing grades, and definitely no hostage situations. Subject to weekly review by a third party, of course—the very reason for Raven’s presence.
“Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to recite it again. Hurry it up with the questions, I don’t have all day.”
... You were literally just napping when I walked in. She held her tongue on that comment
“How many fights have there been since the start of the probation period?”
“How many instances were these fights so violent that they required medical care or a trip to the infirmary?”
“Did the parties involved in said fights attend the debriefing session recommended by the headmaster?”
“Some, not all.”
Back and forth they went, questions and answers rocketing between them, like the disc in a game of Magift. Raven’s inquiries were fast, but Leona’s responses were even faster, and pithy. It was times like this when she was reminded that he was far more sharp than he initially let on.
“... We’re done,” Raven declared, marking off the reply to her last question. “Do you have any additional comments to make?”
Leona propped his face up with a hand. His tail swished lazily behind him as he regarded her through emerald eyes. “Hmph. You’re colder than expected, canary. Eager to get the job over with before you fly back to that cage you call an attic?”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t refer to my home like that,” Raven retorted. So much for Leona-san changing for the better.
“Isn’t it one?” Leona struck, pouncing on her annoyance. “I hear one of the Leeches has invaded your home. It may as well be a cage with an eel breathing down your neck, watching your every move and collecting information for blackmail.”
“What he’s doing is no different than when I had you in my claws. It’s worse,” Leona scoffed. “But I don’t see Octavinelle having to jump through the same hurdles as Savanaclaw. I don’t see you feeling uneasy to return to him.”
“That’s different. Uncle told Jade to...”
“You’re being played, canary,” the lion interrupted. “Used—both by the headmaster, and by the slimy eel. Just because they smile doesn’t mean they’ve done no wrong.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me.” She pursed her lips, speaking with a clipped tone.
“I’m telling you what you’re too bird-brained to accept.”
Raven fell silent. Her face contorted in various small ways—the twitching of the eyes or the corners of her lips—as she toyed with Leona’s ideas. Turned them over and examined them in her mind’s eye.
She gritted her teeth. “... I’ll let Uncle know that you believe Octavinelle should be closely monitored as well, but that is all I will be able to do for you. Speak rudely of others again, and I’ll dock points from your weekly review.”
“... Hmph.”
Raven scribbled a few more words on her papers, before tucking them under her arm. She curtsied, moreso out of politeness than out of genuine respect. “Enjoy your nap. Until next time, then.”
The rest of his words caught in a knot on the tip of his tongue.
The bird turned and fled, darting behind his door and out into the world. Leona remained upon his mattress, watching her every step of the way. Not so much as a farewell lingered in the space between them.
Only a brief bitterness remained.
He should have known better. A caged canary wouldn’t sing for him.
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“Leona-saaan,” Ruggie called, poking his head into his Dorm Leader’s room. “How’d it go? Didja convince Raven-kun to hang out? The tire swing’s starting to get all dusty without her.”
“... Go away,” Leona snarled through his pillow.
“Nishishi. Guess not, huh?” The hyena chuckled into his hand. “Scared her off instead?”
“Shut up, Ruggie. I’d like to see you do any better.”
“You gotta be more gentle when you’re trying to be friends with a bird! They’re really jittery.” The second year shrugged. “Try offering a trail of free birdseed next time. Maybe then she’d try eating outta your hands.”
Leona scowled deeply. “I’m not snuggling up to anyone.”
“Being gentle’s not exactly the same as that... But tell you what,” Ruggie snickered, touching his index finger and thumb together to form a circle. “I can give you some lessons in Birdspeak if you pay me~”
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hangang River Bride (OT7 x Reader) 🐾☁️💜🔞 Chapter 2: Dog Teeth
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🍁Pairing: OT7 x Hybrid!Reader
🍁Genre: hybrid AU!, mild angst, fluff, romance, smut
🍁Warnings: fluff!!, clingy Jimin 🥺, playfighting, cursing, minor injury (Little fox burns her hand), protective Jungkook!, a lot of cuddling, suggestive themes, kissing, heavy making out, alpha!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, knotting, threesome, two to be exact, or is it more like a six-some I dont know okay, big dick! Gang Koo & Tae but wbk, Sweet aftercare, naked cuddling, biting, marking, can someone get me a guy like Namjoon pls, pack dynamics, Yoongis tongue technology, so much soft love gestures like nuzzling and Eskimo kissing and pls don’t touch me this was a wild ride okay-
🍁Summary: after slowly settling down, little Fox slowly gets used to living with the bunch. It’s safe to say that she’s never experienced so much happiness in one place; and sometimes that can get quite overwhelming. And also, she's far from done with experiencing new things; there's so much more for her to explore. Good thing she had more than enough help to teach her the proper way of living- and loving.
Chapter 1 (summary of past events) || Chapter 2: Dog Teeth || ???
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Again, major warning for mobile users: The wordcount on this one is a bit over 7.3K words.
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It had been a while since you officially moved in with them.
Slowly but surely, you got more and more comfortable with the different personalities of everyone around you, at first a bit overwhelmed with all of the energy and sometimes chaos- after all, all you had known was order and discipline. Yet it felt like this was an actual family, a pack of some sorts; it made you feel safe and warm. Every time everyone was home, it was like everything was complete as well.
Even Namjoon and Seokjin, who you'd admitted to being quite wary off since they were human, had somehow managed to win your little heart along the way.
But what exactly were you all?
You sometimes caught Jimin stealing a kiss or two from Yoongi, who'd never been shy about it at all, yet he also never truly admitted to anything romantic going on between them. Asking any of your owners was useless as well, since Seokjin had just laughed his signature squeaky laugh at you when you'd asked. He'd simply pat your head, telling you to find that out yourself- and you were frustrated ever since. You couldn't just go out and ask them all if there was some sort of relationship going on, that would be way too intruding! After all, you were still the last one to join the dynamic, the lowest in rank if you will. Your entire nature didn't allow you to simply outright ask for what the hierarchy was; it was normal for foxes to find out themselves by simply observing.
Yet that was the issue.
Jungkook was clearly an alpha male, yet he never showed true intentions of actually dominating anyone in a sense of taking leadership. Sure, he was very much dominant in getting what he wanted, yet he never truly used that to his own advantage- for example, he always made sure Jimin got his food first, which, for a very short period of time, made you believe that maybe he was the top dog. Yet then you saw how Yoongi always changed the entire dynamic of everyone's behavior as soon as he'd step inside the room- making you wonder if he was the highest. But that all changed yet again when Seokjin playfully lectured him one time for cutting him off mid sentence. Both humans may stayed oblivious, but you could see his ears tilt back a bit in shame.
So what was true now?
It all didn't make sense at all. How were you supposed to find out your place if you didn't even know what everyone else's was? It confused you to no ends, leading to the situation you were in now; frustrated and sulky inside your room, covered under soft blankets as if to shield you away from the group until you'd finally figured it out. A knock pulled you out of your thoughts, as you could hear a voice soon after.
"Y/n? I called for dinner but- what are you doing?" Seokjin asked with a slight chuckle, sitting down next to the lump of fabric he suspected you under. His hand lifted a part of the blanket a bit, revealing one of your ears and your face to him. "Why are you hiding sweetheart?" He asked gently, scratching behind your ear as he began to look a bit worried.
"I can't figure it out." You huffed, sitting up and looking at the broad shouldered man with a desperate look in your eyes. "You said I should but I can't- none of it makes sense!" You whined, making him smile and deflate a bit as he finally noticed what the issue was. He sighed.
"What did I tell you the first day you were here?" He gently asked, running his fingers over the velvety smooth fur on your ears, chuckling as they snapped back and forth from the tickling feeling.
"You said you're all equal.." You answered, yet it didn't truly satisfy you at all. There were five hybrids in one household, six now with you counted in, there had to be some sort of balance. "But how.. Jungkookie is an alpha but he never eats first.. Jiminie is too soft to be a top dog, and Yoongi always puts himself lower in rank when you're there.." You queried, genuinely feeling your head throb at that.
"Well, you answered your question though." He said, and you tilted your head to the side, not understanding his statement at all. "It all depends who is with who." He said, sitting down a bit more comfortably before patting his legs, inviting you to climb out of your makeshift den and to sit on his lap, which you happily did. "If I'm not there, but Namjoon is, Namjoon is in charge of everything. If he's not there either, Yoongi is. And if he's not there-" He said, smiling at you, "then Taehyung is." He said, and your eyes widened. Sweet and jumpy Taetae? Jin seemed to almost hear your thoughts as he grinned. "Taehyung had quite a problem with his dominance when he first got here. I know it doesn't seem like it, but he's quite demanding at times, forgetting that this household isn't solely his. He's a bit overprotective, you could say." He explained, making you nod your head. It did make sense why you never noticed him bei like that- after all, you hadn't left the house much, and if so, always with someone at your side, never alone. You basically knew no one apart from them. "Jungkookie is a special case you could say. He can dominate any situation at any time, but he chooses not to willingly." He clarified to your now absolutely interested gaze. "He doesn't want to mess with the dynamic too much, and keeps himself in check most of the time. That doesn't mean he won't get into fights with someone- he and Jimin fought a lot when Jungkook first got here. It was a mess, really." He remembered, making you furrow your brows a bit. But jimin was so sweet and soft? "Jiminie was used to being a bit.. pampered you could say. He was looking forward to finally not being the lowest one, so he tried to get Jungkook to fill that role. It didn't work, obviously." He stated, and you nodded. "You could say, Jimin is above you now, which is why he got so emotional when you left back then. He's not a dominant character, but he hates being reminded of that." You flopped against Seokjins chest, making him huff out a breath as he grinned. Your head turned towards the door as you noticed Namjoon. How long had he been standing there?
"Don't be too upset though." He simply said, walking closer until he sat down on the side of the bed, hand reassuringly running over your back, making you purr against Jin's chest. "Since you're a female, I highly doubt anyone will treat you as a true lowest. They all simply want to keep you safe, which by the way, isn't exclusive to them." He said, looking at Jin with fondness as he nodded. "Everyone wants that." He stated, and you attempted to say something, before you heard feet running over the floor, someone sprinting up the stairway as well.
"Hyung no, thats unfair!" Taehyung exclaimed with a loud whine, bursting into the room and jumping on top of the mattress, hugging you from the side and rubbing his nose against your neck in an attempt to scent you- even though that was really not necessary. Now that you knew about him more after what Jin had told you, you could actually see it more clearly. He was claiming you even though Seokjin and Namjoon were way too close to make it useful for him to do so, yet he did it anyways as if to prove a point. Namjoon gently tugged on his ear, a small reminder for the hybrid to tone it down and not get carried away with his antics.
"Hey, we're waiting downstairs to start eating while you guys have a comfy cuddling session?" Jimin exclaimed scandalized, making you laugh into the white shirt of Jin.
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"What happened?" Hoseok asked frantically as he bursted into the kitchen after hearing you yelp. You instinctively hid your hand behind your back as he offered his own, waiting until your showed him your hand, fingers a bit red as you had accidentally touched a hot plate in the microwave. He cooed at you, leading you towards the sink where he gently let cold water run over them to soothe the pain a bit. "Better?" He asked, as you nodded, smiling at him again. "Good!" He exclaimed, leaning down to give you an eskimo kiss, making you giggle.
He loved these moments.
At first, you'd been a bit intimitated by his sheer endless energy, worse than Taehyung as he would at least calm down after a bit. Hoseok was always energized it seemed, randomly singing or underlining his actions with cute sound effects here and there. This was him, and you slowly learned to simply adore these things instead of questioning them; after all, you really loved him, and he'd been nothing but sweet to you. He was an absolute ray of sunshine.
It inspired you.
You learned from him to slowly come out of your shell, getting more bold and brave in your actions, even sometimes playfully fighting with Jimin over food- a fight he'd always let you win, even though he was higher in rank than you, and typically always ate first. It didn't matter however, as everyone adored you too much to deny you anything.
Hoseok loved holding you like this, simply having you close and breathing in your scent as he thought about absolutely nothing. He didn't need to, because as long as everyone was in one place, everyone was happy as well, and that instead made him happy. It was as if it was an energy exchange, as he always diffused situations and lightened the mood, his own batteries would charge the most effectively whenever everyone had fun.
This was how it was supposed to be.
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"I'm gonna get you!" He exclaimed with a playful growl, before you sprinted away from him, knowing that you couldn't outrun him- but this wasn't a true chase, it was a playful game, something that you have had to learn. It was now a regular thing with everyone around the house; sometimes even Yoongi would join in, yet that was pretty rare. Taehyung and you however bantered quite a lot, usually ending up cuddled together after getting told to stop before you could break anything.
"Careful-!" Namjoon yelled, yet Seokjin simply put a reassuring hand on the shoulder of his husband, turning his attention back towards his cooking. "Those two.." He sighed, trying to not slice his fingers as he began to attempt to chop a carrot under Jins surveilance.
"They'll be fine. Y/N is way more confident these days, she'll tell him if things go too far." He said, and Namjoon nodded. He'd noticed that shift in your behavior as well, a special change which made him incredibly happy. It meant that you had truly accepted everyone and your own place, feeling comfortable enough to sometimes even challenge Jungkook- even though it was never truly meant seriously. He had been worried at first on what could happen if that ever was to occur, yet the wolf hybrid had surprised him entirely, by simply letting you jump on his back at random times, and even letting you win in tickle fights sometimes, even though he was clearly stronger than you were. He was so gentle with you that it made him feel absolutely comfortable leaving the house to his hybrids whenever he had to go to work and Jin couldn't stay home either.
"Gotcha!" Taehyung barked out, as he spotted you hiding behind the couch, playfully throwing himself over your form as he nipped at your neck.
What happened next however, caught him completely off guard.
He could suddenly feel your behind pressing upwards- straight into his pelvis, as your tail flopped to the side, front dipping low. You had seemingly misunderstood his actions entirely by the way you suddenly presented yourself- or it was simply out of instinct. After all, Taehyung was a domestic breed; he didn't understood nor felt his hybrid animal instincts as much as you or Jungkook did. However, with something as absolutely obvious as this gesture, even he felt himself pick up the pace of his breathing, skin suddenly feeling clammy. He'd never thought about you in this way- sure, you were absolutely pretty, but he'd been so concerned over your past that he'd never quite seen you as a potential partner.
"Yah, could you not do that in the living room you two?" Seokjin yelled, spotting the two of you. "Also stop dominating her Taehyung, you know this!" He said, getting closer to him. Yet he stopped in his tracks at what happened next.
Taehyung actually growled at him.
Namjoon, hearing the words, came into the living room soon after, instantly pulling Seokjin back by his shoulder as if to warn him. The way they could see Tae's eyes watch them warily, and the fact that he now held you firmly, canines holding your neck in a possessive way making your ears tilt back flat against your skull.
He'd fallen into a feral state.
The only reassuring thing was that you seemingly had no fear towards him, just pure submission, which did ensure your safety in this very high-risk situation you had found yourself in. Taehyung was way taller and stronger than you, so you fighting against his hold could end with injury- even if Tae was a sweet young man. In this state of mind he wasn't to be messed with, even if he was only a domestic breed. Yoongi came inside the living room after hearing the commotion, eyes widening at the scene. He immediately turned around, Pushing Jungkook inside the nearest room- which was the guest bathroom in that case, before the wolf could react any further.
This was bad.
Seokjin however, held nothing back, shaking his husbands hand off as he went closer to the two of you, not backing away or getting intimitated in any way, not even as Taehyungs growls got louder, Namjoon getting more and more nervous. Jin however, held his ground, grabbing the younger hybrid by the hood of his shirt as he pulled him off of you, pulling him to the ground. It may seemed awful what he was doing, as he held him down to the ground by his neck, yet this was necessary to make him snap out of it. Your eyes widened at the dog hybrid down on the ground with the elder holding him firmly by his neck, knee positioned on his back to keep him where he was. You jumped up, running upstairs as you shut your door, burying yourself under your blankets. This was your fault.
And you felt horrible.
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"Taehyung, do you know why I did that?" Seokjin asked gently as he ran his hand through the hybrids hair, now sprawled over the elders lap on the couch. Namjoon had opened windows to get rid of the stuffy air, while Yoongi talked to Jungkook, calming him down and reassuring him that nothing had happened, and no one was hurt. As a predator he was way more sensitive to shifts in a situation like that, so it took a while, but he eventually became calm. Taehyung was back as well, now a bit teary eyed as he held onto a pillow, his very sudden adventure into a feral state leaving him vulnerable. It was normal, Namjoon said. He would get over it in an hour or two, as soon as his pheromones were back to normal again.
"I know- I know and I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I-" He stammered, holding onto the pillow even tighter as he remembered what had happened. "I don't even know why I-" He said, and Namjoon squatted down in front of the couch, scratching the boys ears as Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, a bit on edge yet visibly calm enough to walk into the room and not bite the head off his elder packmate.
"Well I know." He simply said, sitting down a bit further away, back against the cold glass door that led to the front porch. "She was presenting, it was normal that you did what you did." He explained, and Yoongi nodded as well as he stood near the sofa, watching Taehyung.
The cat hybrid sighed. "I don't mean to you know, sound like a pervert or anything, but it's bound to happen at some point." He said, explaining further as Seokjin and Namjoon looked at him questioningly. "She's a female, she's submissive, and due to her species she compliments both canine and feline hybrids." He clarified, Namjoon nodding. "It doesn't matter if we all take surpressants or not; as long as she doesn't undergo some procedure to prevent her from being able to get pregnant, we're all walking on eggshells." He stated, making Namjoon furrow his brows.
"But that doesn't make sense." He disagreed. "She's a completely different species. There is no way for her to get pregnant in the first place." He argued, making Jungkook nod this time as he chimed in.
"Thats true." He said, before looking at Tae. "But that doesn't mean she won't smell ready." He clarified, and Seokjin became more serious, making Taehyung sit up now. "So, to make it clearer; just because we can't knock her up, doesn't mean we won't try." He said, making Yoongi snort a bit at the way he phrased his sentence. That diffused the situation a bit, making everyone less tense.
"I'm gonna go to Y/N now.. I-" He said, slowly getting up. "I need to apologize. She's probably feeling super bad right now." He said, and Namjoon nodded, against the very concerned face of seokjin. The elder however didn't say anything, trusting his partner that he knew what he was doing. He had more knowledge after all.
"So what does that mean?" Jin asked, now a bit torn. Could this mean they had to give you up?
Namjoon sat down now. "It means we'll have to see. If she doesn't want to be intimate with anyone, we'll ask her about a procedure to be done. If she doesn't want that either, we'll simply have to adjust. We can't simply give her away anymore, with how much she's bonded already." He said, and Jungkook nodded.
"There's another issue though." Yoongi grumbled, as he sat down next to Jungkook. "You can't just try and fool me by saying you aren't attracted to her in a romantic sense. Lets face it;" He offered, letting his head rest against the cool glass behind him. "We're all whipped for her."
Everyone was silent for a moment, before Namjoon sighed. "We can't force her to love any of us. After all it took us all enough time to settle down our feelings with each other as we were, and that never involved intimacy apart from Yoongi and Jimin, and me and Seokjin." He said, and everyone agreed.
This was a mess.
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"Y/N?" Taehyung timidly asked, knocking at your door softly when he couldn't spot you. He saw some movement underneath the amount of blankets piled up on your bed, making him sigh. He went closer, sitting down as he let his chin rest on the mattress, hand reaching out. "I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't.. I don't know why I did that." He mumbled, and suddenly a small hand emerged out from the blankets, searching a bit on the surface before finally finding his, holding it. He smiled gently, unfolding some blankets to finally meet your eyes; thankfully not scared, but hesitant nonetheless.
"I don't know why I did that either, I.." You mumbled, now sitting up and playing with his hand. "And you got in trouble because of me." You apologized, gaze falling downwards in shame. "m' sorry.." You said, as he shook his head, climbing onto the bed to sit, his hand running over your head a few times.
"No, it's alright, we were both kinda out of it." He said, and you looked towards Jungkook and Yoongi entering the room, body suddenly curling up and trying to appear smaller as they came closer.
"It's alright sweetheart, no need to back down." Yoongi said, walking closer and sitting down next to tae, leaving Jungkook to simply pick you up and settling you onto his lap, tail softly swaying from side to side in fondness at your body being so close to him. "But I think its best to talk about it." The eldest in the room said, looking at you. He felt a weird sense of comfort seeing you in Jungkooks arms, as if you were right where you were supposed to be. He shouldn't quite feel that way, considering his actual romantic interest in you, yet it somehow didn't feel wrong- there was no envy whatsoever.
"Do you like us?" Jungkook questioned, voice rumbling in his chest against your back, making you shudder a bit. The question was absolutely out of the blue and so unexpected that you had to collect your thoughts a bit before answering with a yes. Of course you did, after all, they were your family- you trusted them with your life with both eyes closed. Taehyung however shook his head, as Jungkook asked again, this time, a little differently. "No, not like that. Do you like us, as in, love?" He asked, and again, you nodded.
Yoongi sighed from his spot, crossing his arms with a flick of his ear, showing his irritation. "Jungkook is being shy again." He said, making the wolf look at him with an absolute scandalized expression you couldn't see, but it did make Tae laugh, so it must've been hilarious to see. "Let's phrase it like that." He said, crawling a bit closer to you as you swallowed. Yoongi had always had this charm to him- his feline eyes had always made you feel weak. "If, let's say, Taehyung would kiss you-" He asked, making yours and said dog hybrids eyes widen. "What would you do? Or better- what would you feel?" He asked, making your skin suddenly feel all tingly.
Those were thoughts solely kept to yourself. You surely had wondered what it would be like to feel them in a more romantic sense of skinship, of course, but you respected the boundaries too much as to ever let it go from a simple daydream to more. And now Yoongi sat in front of you, all serious, and asked you.. this? What in the hell were you supposed to answer? "I'd.. I- don't know.." You said, and Yoongi hummed, sensing your nervousness.
"Then what if we tried it?" He said, making you almost stop breathing. "Not him, but let's say, me." He offered, making Taehyungs ear fall a bit, yet he understood why he was changing the person of interest now. Even though he was calm again, there was still a high risk that he could fall back again, and with Jungkook in the room, that could end horrible. "Only a peck, alright?" He asked, and you nodded- maybe a bit too enthusiastically, as Jungkook chuckled behind you, and the cat hybrid in front of you smirked.
It all went so fast.
His lips were suddenly on yours, molding perfectly in your opinion, before pulling away, giving you no time to really think about it. It was short, way too short, yet it only ignited something inside you you'd held captive for so long. You whined, ears flattening against your head as your head chased after him, making Jungkook hold his hand against your chest, holding you back. "No, I said just a peck, not more." Yoongi said, making you pout in defeat. "So?" He asked, and you scoffed.
"I wanna go again." You argued. "That was too short, I wanna go again-" You said, before Taehyung placed a kiss just barely on the corner of your lips, making you squeak. "Nooo, Tae that's not fair, now I-" You whined, before Jungkooks hand found its way underneath your chin, making you tilt your head and body a bit to allow his lips to fall against yours as well, just for a short moment, before pulling away. You growled, and it made everyone coo- since it sounded nothing but cute to them, considering you didn't mean it seriously whatsoever. "How can I concentrate now?!" You complaint, as Yoongi pulled your attention towards him again.
"So, you want to kiss all of us now?" He asked, and you nodded, before turning red, and trying to undo that statement. "No darling, you don't get to take that back. We don't mind that, it actually makes us really happy." He said, genuinely smiling at you as you could spot his sharp canines, gummy smile now blinding you. He rarely ever smiled this widely. Taehyung chimed in, now excited as ever as his tail thumped on the mattress beneath him in a fast pace.
"What about Jiminie? Or Hobi?? Or Namjoon and Jin?" He asked, and you shrunk down in Jungkooks lap with a red face, simply nodding as Taehyung smiled brightly at Jungkook, who chuckled. "Hyung, hyung, she loves us!" He exclaimed as if Yoongi hadn't heard nor seen any of it, his tail going a mile a minute as Yoongi laughed, shoving the hyperactive hybrid off of him with a grin.
"Who loves who?" Jimins voice asked from the doorway, making Taehyung jump up and cling onto the cat hybrid, grinning at Hoseok and their two owners behind him with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Y/N loves us all!"
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Things continued actually quite normally, apart from the fact that everyone- including the two humans- got way more touchy than they used to be. Kisses were shared, some more in secret while others were placed with purpose, showing open affection and or to tease you. You didn't mind at all- it made you feel special, and loved.
Sometimes however, kisses would turn warmer than usual, more needing, and leaving doors to uncharted territory opened for you. It wasn't like you were a virgin by any means- yet you never truly tied sex to romance at all. For you, those things were two entirely different things, one of them making you feel good, and the other simply necessary act to try and produce offspring. So you were a bit surprised when Taehyungs kisses got a bit more demanding, his hands wandering underneath your soft cotton sweater, roaming over the skin underneath. Why was he being so.. delicate? If he wanted to take you, why be so unsure with it? "Hm, I love you.." He hummed in between kisses, making you smile a bit. He chuckled before slightly lifting the piece of clothing, as if asking for permission. You seemed confused. "Do you.. not want me to.?" He silently asked, making your eyes widen a bit.
"Why do you ask?" You wondered, making him detach himself a bit from you, eyes now a bit glazed as if hurt. You were confused.
"I do but-" He said, voice a bit strained as he realized what your confusion could be a sign for. "Sweetheart I don't want to do it just because I want to. I want you to want me too." He said, and you still tilted your head, unsure what he meant. You couldn't give him any pups whatsoever, so why would it be something you would want as well? "Have you ever, you know.. made love before?" He asked, now confused as well.
"Made..love? Wait, is that what you guys call sex?" You bluntly said, and Jungkook stopped in his tracks as he walked past your room, now peaking inside, curious what you were talking about. "Hello Kookie!" You waved, happy smile on your face as Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away from you, deep in thought.
"Hello love." The wolf greeted, walking closer and patting your head, tapping Taehyungs back a bit. "You okay?" He asked the older one, who suddenly looked at Jungkook with eyes holding somewhat of a helpless glint in them. "What're you guys up to?" He asked, trying not to get too concerned for now.
"Taehyung asked me if I ever made love, but I don't know.. how do you make that?" You asked Jungkook, who's eyes only softened at that, understanding more deeply than the dog hybrid did. He came from a place similar to you, still sure he'd seen you before in the halls back then. He knew what female hybrids were typically used for, yet until now he'd hoped you were one of the few who'd escaped before it could happen. But if you were that clueless, then he was wrong- meaning that you had already been 'taught' what intimacy was.
It had been confusing for Jungkook as well at first, when he'd noticed Yoongi and Jimin emerging out of their room one day, way more clingier towards the other than usual. It didn't make sense why two male hybrids would ever want to be together in that sense, considering there was no actual use of it. There was absolutely no way that offspring would occur, so what was the point? He'd had a long talk with everyone back then, as they explained to him that no, sex didn't need a purpose other than showing another one that you deeply cared for them. It was not just a way to reproduce, but to also feel close to someone else in the most pleasurable and intimate of ways, and Jungkook had to really get used to that concept for a while, before eventually finding the sense of logic behind it.
It seemed the same with you.
"Look, little fox.." He hummed, sitting down close to you as he combed through your hair with his fingers. "I know what they probably taught you about all this. Please forget everything about that, okay?" He said, and you looked at him confused. "Your purpose is more than just getting bred, alright? You're more than your body, and you're more than just a pet." He stated, making your eyes glaze over the same way as Taehyungs had done.
Said dog hybrid nodded, before hugging you close, licking over your ear as if to console you as he noticed your scent shift. "H-how do you.. make love then?" You asked timidly, now curious but also too hesitant to take any initiative. You felt so open and exposed, you felt as if the only way to mend you back together was with the gentle touch of those two lovers of yours, who had such a delicate way of touching you. "Can you.. show me?" You asked, and Taehyung wanted to disagree, telling you that you should wait until you're ready, but Jungkook simply nodded.
This was difficult, because you would never know when you'd be ready. Right now you were vulnerable and at the same time sensitive to everything around you, making it the perfect moment to exchange any bad memory you had with this kind of stuff with new, loving and warm ones made out of affection and love, not out of pure reason. "What do I have to do?" You asked, ears now alert, ready to follow whatever they'd tell you. But Tae simply shook his head, nose nuzzling the crook of your neck where your scent was strongest.
"Nothing at all sweetheart. We'll take care of you." He mused, as Jungkook gently pulled your sweater over your head, exposing your skin and underwear to both of them, making him lick his lips. He should be angry at the large hands of Taehyung which wandered over your skin, mapping out your body to for his mind as if to imprint it for himself so he could forever feel you whenever needed, yet Jungkook simply watched in absolute endearment as the size difference of the hybrid and you got more prominent, your tail now swaying from side to side, ears moving frantically as you sighed, experiencing new feelings. He should be concerned with the open door, but they were all well aware of each other's antics, so there was no need to keep anything a secret. "Hm, is that good?" The deep voice of the dog hybrid whispered almost, as you nodded your head, own hands now reaching for Jungkook who'd simply watched until now. You turned on Taehyungs lap to face the wolf, as the alpha leaned forwards, kissing you with a newly ignited fewer, tongue immediately exploring your mouth as you mewled, moving on Taehyungs lap as he kissed along your spine, unhooking your bra for you before he tapped your arms, making you slip out of the straps holding the underwear safe on your shoulders.
As it was dropped carelessly onto the ground, Taehyungs hands instantly moved to fondle your breasts, sighing in content at the soft feeling of them, making you squirm a bit on his lap, putting pressure on his already rapidly hardening length. Jungkooks hands turned their attention towards your shorts, pulling on them a bit more impatiently as Taehyung had done with your clothing, making you wriggle out of them, your underwear alike, making both of your lovers sigh at the view of glistening slick already dampening the fabric.
You tried to turn around, getting ready to present as Jungkook held you in place firmly, making you slip lower with an oof as your head landed in Taehyungs lap, who smiled above you. Jungkook immediately changed his position, face immediately dipping lower, as his tongue licked from your entrance up to where your center began, growling possessively at the taste and scent of it. "You're so precious, sweetheart." He hummed against you as he continued his motions, making you close your eyes at the foreign feeling of pleasure. You held onto Taehyungs arm as his other made sure to give your chest enough attention, eyes full of adornment as he watched you cling onto him in pure bliss, hips moving in a rhythm only you seemed to feel. You began to huff suddenly, getting more sensitive as Jungkook stopped, moving to get rid of his clothing as well, nodding towards his friend to do the same, as they began to both shed until they were bare, Taehyung now taking charge as he crawled over you, Jungkook taking your hands as you reached for the dog hybrids length, ready to please him. "No, this is about you." He gently said, making Tae nod as he held himself in his palm, running his head over your slick entrance before entering you, making you take in a sharp breath, before your eyes glazed over. "Are you okay?" the wolf asked a bit concerned at your reaction, making the dog hybrid stop for a moment.
Were you okay? You were more than that, you were overwhelmed with the feelings that shot through you. You felt so loved, so comforted, so complete that it made your eyes water, making you cry in happiness as you sniffled, nodding your head to console both of them. "I'm just.." You began, voice a bit croaky. "I feel so happy." You said, making both of them coo at you, as the dark haired hybrid wiped away your tears, kissing your forehead, then your cheek, then the tip of your nose as Taehyung began to move, slowly, without any goal in mind. "Tae-" You chanted, making him chuckle as you whined at the teasing tone of if, as he licked at your neck, mouthing at the sensitive spot there, while your hands kept seeking contact with Jungkook, who's heart swelled at the gesture. "Hng.." You hummed, as Taehyung slipped out of you, palming himself towards his release, before switching spots with Jungkook, who was quick to fill you again, his pace much more aggressive, yet not less filled with love. "Want-" You began, getting interrupted by your own moan as Taehyung ran his hands over your shoulders, giving you a silent reminder that he was still there, as he nipped at your ear playfully. "Want you knot-" You whined out, and Jungkook growled along with Tae at the pleading tone of your voice.
"You want my knot little fox?" Jungkook queried, a hint of teasing color to his tone as you nodded, back arching so enticingly as you came closer to your own release. "Hm, you sure you can take it sweetheart?" He asked, picking up his pace as he felt his end approach. "Want me to fill you up? Hm?" He asked, and again, you nodded, craving him, slowly understanding what he'd meant with feeling close. You felt so safe, so protected, so utterly loved and adored that you could've sworn you were able to fly, able to grow wings and reach for the heavens without any boundaries. He grunted out a curse as he dipped down, biting the unoccupied side of your neck hard, yet not hard enough to truly hurt you long-term. His hips stuttered as he felt himself swell up, making you mewl out as you felt him inside you, locking himself safe as his warm cum spurted out, filling you up with its warmth. Taehyungs hand reached between your bodies as he noticed your frustration but tries to keep quiet over the fact that you were so close- yet unable to come. You violently breathed out as his fingers reached your pearl, using your slick to run over it a few times, making you finally tumble over the edge, your walls clenching as Jungkook breathed deeply, the feeling making him a bit oversensitive as he let you both fall to the side, careful to keep you close as to not hurt you with himself still locked inside you. Taehyung laid down close to your back, making it possible for you to rest against his chest comfortably without fearing to tug on Jungkooks knot.
The simple feeling of skin against skin, the way both of them groomed you with outmost care, and how they both had you in their middle, shielded from the world, made you purr out in happiness, breathing in your now mixed scents.
It smelled like home.
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"Seems like you guys had fun." Yoongi grumbled from his spot leaned on the doorframe as Jungkook still held you, and Taehyung continued to sleep as he buried his head into your neck. "You good there, little fox?" He asked amused, as he saw your head emerge from between both males, happiness clear on your cheeks as they were still a bit red, your hair a bit unruled. He smiled at you, before Jimin stepped inside.
"I want to cuddle as well.." He carefully asked, unsure if both would really want him close. Taehyung giggled and patted the bed behind him, as Jimin jumped in, making you all giggle as the carefree situation shifted when Jungkook sighed, his knot having gone down enough to finally have him slip out of you, his cum seeping out, still warm from how you safely kept it inside. Yoongis pupils contracted, sharply locking his gaze on the scene as he felt the need to claim you as well grow inside of him. He stepped forwards, kneeling down as he pulled on your legs, making your body slide towards him as his hand ran over the mess you unintentionally made, before placing his tongue onto your bundle of nerves, tasting not only you but also his two packmates on you, making him smile. You squirmed a bit at the feeling, entirely different from Jungkook or Taehyung, as Yoongis tongue was naturally a bit rougher due to his feline nature.
He hummed, a bit teasingly still. "Hm, Tae and Kookie been eating good as well, it seems?" He wondered, as you slowly grew red around your cheeks. "How about I'll show you how to really enjoy a meal, yeah?" He stated, and you simply whined as he dove back in again, this time a bit more demanding, a bit more dominant as he held your legs open for him, Jimin now crawling over, watching the ordeal with his own eyes darkly on your pleasure- drowned face. Taehyung moved to the side a bit as he made space for the feline hybrid to take his place next to you, watching Yoongi eat you out like a starved man, exactly knowing how to push your buttons by instinct. Jimin turned your back towards him, pulling you close towards his chest as he laid on his side, having already gotten rid of his clothes simply because the majority of you didn't wear any as well, and he craved a more intimate skinship with you either way. He was a clingy lover, always trying to keep the people dear to him close, needing physical touch as a form of confirmation that he was loved. It was logical, in a sense; as a male calico cat he was said to be weird and unnatural as they rarely ever occured in cat hybrids. He was everything but that, but it had taken a bit to boost his confidence to a more normal level.
"Hyung's really good, isn't he?" He whispered into your ear, voice lower than you'd ever heard it being, making you arch into his body as he carefully led his length towards your entrance, slipping in with ease as Yoongi momentarily stopped, watching as the younger one filled you up so perfectly, making him palm himself in his sweatpants, painfully hard at this point. "What do you think, little fox.." Jimin wondered as he spotted the older one on the ground. "Think you can help Yoongi?" You nodded, already reaching out to him as Jungkook moved tiredly to the side, Yoongi sitting on his knees close to you, your hand already finding his cock, soft hands moving with gentle motions, inexperienced yet oh so pleasurable, simply because it was you. He felt his precum smear over your hand as you looked at him with such warm eyes, full of bliss and happiness, as he grunted, leaning down to kiss you hungrily, making your movements falter a bit before you resumed, now a bit more confident as he sighed into the kiss, breathing a bit heavier as he struggled to shed his pants and underwear, finally joining the rest in ridding himself of his clothes, room way too stuffy and hot anyways to keep them on. Jungkook and Taehyung simply watched from the sides, enjoying the show as Yoongi spilled into your hands, catching his breath for a moment until Jimin bit into your neck, teeth a bit sharper than Jungkooks and therefore leaving more distinctive marks as he stalled, cum spurting inside you as you came as well, with yoongi rapidly rubbing over your lower lips, making you yell out silently, reaching for yoongis hand to push him away in oversensitivity as Jimin pulled himself out of you, cum slowly dripping down.
"What a mess.." Yoongi mused, moving to stand up, yet Jungkook suddenly held him from behind, cuddling up to the older one as he made him lay down with you, everyone suddenly needing to be close again.
"Just sleep, hyung. We can clean up later." He grumbled into the older ones neck, grooming him respectfully as Jimin still held you close, Taehyung behind him as well.
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"Hyung." Namjoon hushed, catching the older one's attention as he pointed inside Taehyungs and Jungkooks shared room. "I think the issue solved itself." He whispered, making Seokjin smile.
Yes, maybe it really did solve itself.
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446 notes · View notes
emakenz · 3 years
I do not know what this is, if it is a drabble or a prompt or short story, I have no clue. Just thoughts in my head. Storylines that are realistic within the canon of the show. I say self indulgent because it's sort of a self insert of myself, but whatever, I dunno. It's almost 7 AM. I would actually write this as a story or drabble or whatever but I don't have the drive, if I have a thought I gotta write it down right then or it disappears. If I wrote fanfics, they wouldn't make sense because my mind wanders so fucking much. I might still do this someday, I dunno, but if anyone wants a crack at it, be my guest. I encourage it, as I'd love to read this as an actual story rather than... what it is. But if you write it, ya gotta make sure you include the big details I write down. The small details like, the whole Jack thing, that's not too important unless you want to keep it for showing character and/or character development. And ya gotta credit and tag me because I'd love to read it, as it is my brain's own little bundle of ideas. Holy shit I'm writing so much here goddamn. Anyway.
. . .
Hannibal is reader's friend and he has an interest in reader. Reader is an artist, they work as a forensic artist for the bureau. They do what the usual forensic artist does, but they also like to draw the crime scenes. They have a fascination with recreating the work of a suspect, it can help them connect dots and understand the suspect's intentions and ideals of commiting the scene of the crime. Reader is kind of like Will, in a sense, as they are on the spectrum but, unlike Will, they are unaware of it. They are an empath, they view everything from different perspectives and try to understand each side, like Will. But you see, Will only looks into the suspects' minds, but reader looks into the suspects, the victims, and even the witnesses' views. Hannibal finds their insight to be valuable (for his own "hobbies", in his career, and just plain interest, of course).
Reader has trouble with Jack yelling at them for "talking back," though in reader's mind they didn't realize what they said could be considered rude, and this happens more often than not. They can't handle loud noises, and Jack's booming voice messes them up. They tend to avoid Jack because of this, as they usually have an internal meltdown and shut off when he blows up.
An example; reader was explaining how the victim of the killer in a specific scene wasn't really the victim, but that they were the actual killer. Will disagreed, as he views the suspected killer to be the actual killer. Because of Will's insistence that reader was wrong, Jack shut reader off mid sentence by interrupting their defense. Jack trusts Will's insight more than reader's because he's known him longer and Will's always been right, so far, and he didn't want to risk messing up. He didn't want to get the investigation incorrect so he didn't take the chance of listening to reader rather than Will.
(In this scenario, the killer is the victim in the scene, and the person that killed them was the killer's intended victim, but the victim they intended to kill was a serial killer as well -- the victim pulled the ol switcheroo on em. So both Will and reader are right. If this doesn't make sense, please let me know, I will try to elaborate more on this if you're actually interested.)
Jack and reader don't have a bad relationship or anything, it's just a lot of miscommunications and underlying issues (like the reader having undiagnosed autism, not being aware that they're socially impaired can, well, impair their work and relationships. Such as here.) Nobody really notices the odd behavior from reader, as Will is like that too, so they don't question it. They all assume it's already understood that reader is autistic.
Reader isn't like Will when it comes to being social, as they are more reserved (as odd as that is, MORE reserved than Will Graham himself?? It's more likely than you'd think.) and don't fidget around with stuff around them. They don't nose around, they keep to themselves, closed off from everyone and everything. Will likes to roam around Dr. Lecter's office and tinker with stuff in the room, but reader is too anxious and shy to do such. Reader hates it when people come into their space (like their room, even their property in general) and they especially don't like it when people nose around in their stuff. It feels rude to them, so they don't do it to others. They don't consider Will to be rude because he does it though, they only consider it rude when a person comes into their space and does it, as reader would make it clear that they don't feel comfortable with people doing such. They wouldn't want a person unknowingly seem rude to them, they would inform them beforehand, but if the person still does it, then that's rude to reader. Call it being territorial, reader is just cautious about their property.
If reader is in a conversation, and being asked questions about themself, they usually just give short and simple answers. They don't like to talk about theirself. And they especially don't like letting people know them well. They are very cautious about relationships. They don't want to get hurt. They have a major rejection sensitivity disorder. They hate that about themself.
It's not that reader is cut off from the world and dismissive of others, they do like to talk and joke around occasionally. They're sarcastic yet literal, depending on the topic of conversation. They just don't give more input than they believe necessary. They're more of a listener (by that I mean they space out when a person is excessively talking to them. They can only handle so much.).
Hannibal notices reader's quiet, timid behavior and wants them to find some release, therefore he engages in conversations with them, though it is hard for them to keep the conversation going, he still pushes. He wants them to let loose, to trust him, so he can bond with them. He is aware of reader's autism, but he will only bring it up when he deems it's important. He knows everyone else knows and that reader doesn't, but he wants to see if reader would eventually figure it out on their own (they don't, he brings it up to them eventually). He's also aware that reader has anxiety and ADHD, with the occasional depression and mood swings. Reader is somewhat self aware of those parts of themself though, it's not a big deal. Reader doesn't really care about their mental health until Hannibal comes in and becomes Dr. Lecter to reader. They're not actually his patient but he will treat them as such when he feels they need a therapy session. Reader doesn't like the idea of therapy at all, not for them. Hannibal has to be discreet when getting them to open up. It works sometimes. Other times, reader just changes the subject to avoid the topic of theirself. While Hannibal does still have an interest in Will, reader is more of a craving for Hannibal's appetite. Hannibal sees reader as a rare delicacy that suits his taste, but he never gets enough, and he always wants more. Will can satisfy him in his interest, but reader doesn't give in to him like Will does. Reader is more hesitant, even when they are comfortable. Eye contact never ceases making reader uneasy, they can't hold it more than a few seconds, though Will can hold it as time goes on, reader can't. Will and reader's relationship is close, as reader relates to Will a lot, and vice versa. They connect. Reader likes to help with the dogs and assist in fixing motors and even go fishing with him. They're pretty much best friends. They're more open with Will than anybody else, as much as Hannibal envies Will for that, he also likes to learn about reader from Will. Since reader doesn't really open up to Hannibal willingly and knowingly, he uses Will for information. Will gives him what he wants, it's not a secret that they talk about reader often, it's just that reader doesn't engage in their talks so they make do. Whether Will has a crush on reader is a mystery, reader is unaware and Hannibal wouldn't allow it if he did. Will knows that Hannibal likes reader, he knows that if he had a crush, it's more than likely going to hurt him more than anything. Hannibal often attempts to get reader's attention in different ways, but reader never understands the message is for them. Will knows he can't be honest with reader as he's afraid that reader would feel uncomfortable around him if he did. He doesn't let himself crave reader after seeing Hannibal attempt to ease his own cravings for them, and seeing how that panned out, he knows he doesn't have a chance with reader if Hannibal of all people doesn't. Reader doesn't really... understand romance. They are capable of feeling romantic, but they don't know how to identify their feelings, so emotions are never clear for them. They feel everything but they don't understand anything.
Hannibal does get reader to give in but it takes a lot of time and effort to pry them open. Once reader is bare, they become insecure and vulnerable. They panic and get scared, and shutdown. Hannibal is a therapist and he knows how to handle this, though, and helps reader. He becomes their guide. Reader thrives off of independence but Hannibal slowly takes their need of independence away, having reader rely on him more and more. It makes him feel powerful. His cravings are nourished at this point in time, he's more addicted than ever, and reader is the center of his world. I guess you could say Hannibal is yandere-esque, not my intention but that's the vibes I'm getting from this. He's overprotective and possessive of reader once he has them under his wing.
What attracts Hannibal to reader is the same reason he's interested in Will. He enjoys having someone clever enough to understand him, to climb over his tall walls. Reader doesn't mean to do this, reader just sees him, and unlike Will, accepts him immediately. Reader never disliked Hannibal, reader's just cautious, as I've stated time and time again. Something about reader's mix of strong empathy but lack of understanding compels Hannibal. Reader sees and infers well enough (guessing close enough to what others think) but they can't really grasp it and latch onto it for theirself. They can't understand the feelings, but they can guess on them, and they can sure as hell feel em. They have trouble explaining stuff to others, and they try to always compare something to something else. They see something as a different thing than what others see. (An example, reader sees the shape and color and texture of a giant hotpocket in the ground, while others see a patch of dirt where grass hasn't grown) (I don't mean they literally see a hot pocket but they make the connection that it looks like a hot pocket) (that example is specific, as it is personal experience LMFAO)
This being said, they can be wrong a lot of the time when they try to infer a killer's intentions, as they sometimes just can't see the intentions being anything else than what they see. They have to rely on others for reference, to mimic their thinking patterns and then make a final guess at the killer's intentions. That's why Will and them connect so easily, as Will usually thinks straight AND helps reader figure it out in their own view. They help the team with investigations for other perspectives while Will helps with the "finalized" guess on the case. If this doesn't make sense, I can give another example, as I don't really know how else to word this. I doubt anyone will actually read any of this and I'm fine with that, I'm just rambling about my ideas. I swear to god though, if someone takes this idea without credit (in general, like the big picture of it) I will cry so so hard you will drown in my tears. Deadass.
Enjoy my rambles ig :)
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Don’t Use a Tea Towel to Dry Your Hair
A non-canon Forging a Path Through A Mountain with A Spoon Deleted Scene
Takes place in chapter 13, in the week of Kodya’s secret training. 
Happy Birthday Kodya
“Shower’s free,” Kodya grunted as he ran a hand through his still wet hair. Gyrus gave a nod as he hurried in to their bathroom, no doubt eager to get the sweat of their training session off of him. Kodya felt a bit bad, it was already so late and this would only keep him up longer, but he squashed that down. This was for his own good.
“His own good,” Kodya repeated to himself as he collapsed on the bed, hoping it would sound more believable if he said it out loud. He turned to stare up at the little camera on the wall. That was added for Gyrus’ own good too. Kodya scowled up at the watching eye. Technically, he wasn’t even supposed to acknowledge it, but tonight it was Oli, and he tended to leave well enough alone.
Don had given Kodya a list of who was watching on what days after Gyrus had insisted his “roommate” get his room back. It was supposed to make Kodya feel better about the constant vigilance he was now subjecting himself too. It didn’t, but information was information, as Gyrus used to say. At least he’d know what day Ragan or Xinju were on watch, and could then nudge the Kid into perfect behavior as needed. 
Not that it seemed to matter. Ragan would always find something to complain about. Which would be annoying, if it didn’t put the Kid directly in danger. As it stood, the Kodya walked on egg shells every morning, worried that whatever Ragan had found wrong this time would be enough to tip the balance in Don’s mind and make him give up the farce that kept the Kid roaming free. Kodya had hoped that as more people began to notice how harmless the Kid was, both in and outside the room, Ragan would wield less influence, and he’d eventually be able to persuade Don to stop the surveillance. 
No chance of that now of course, Kodya bit his lip. Not after the truth realm had exposed how Kodya screwed up and nearly broken the carefully woven lies that Don had made clear were explicitly necessary for Gyrus to remain among them. The Kid’s quarantine and Kodya’s own temporary demotion was supposed to be the end of it, but Don placing Ragan in charge of the mission sent a message loud and clear: Don didn’t trust Kodya’s method of handling the Kid, and it was only a matter of time before he let him reset.
Like hell Kodya was going to let that happen. He rolled on his back, glaring up at the ceiling. He’d train the Kid all night, every night before he let him reset again, Ragan be damned. He’d already lost one Kid. An image of resigned purple eyes and a sheepish smile flashed across his mind’s eye. Go easy on me next time around okay? Kodya set his jaw. He wouldn’t lose another one.
“I’m out...oh,” Kodya broke from his dark thoughts to see the Kid watching him, emerald hair darkened to a familiar forest green from the water. “Are you taking the bed tonight?”
“What?” Kodya sat up, inwardly cursing himself for his carelessness, he should have remembered this wasn’t his and Gyrus’ bed anymore, just the Kid’s. “No. I’ll move.”
“It’s fine!” The Kid waved a hand in a very familiar - cute - gesture as red flooded his cheeks. “You’ve been so busy with our training -” Kodya shot him a sharp look and the Kid shut his mouth. He’d told the Kid not to talk about the secret training anywhere outside the stables or the supply closet. It might be Oli tonight, but he couldn’t allow The Kid to get to comfortable. Just in case. “- I mean you do more work in the stables.” The Kid hastily amended as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
Kodya sighed, the Kid was to nice for his own good, a trait he’d never seemed to grow out of in the three lifetimes Kodya had known him. Still, Kodya could use a good night’s sleep tonight, despite the image he liked to project, even he felt sore from all their training. But he didn’t want to banish Gyrus to the lonely mattress under the desk. And if he was honest, he didn’t want to sleep alone, like those horrible nights after Gyrus’ first death. “We can share,” he offered, hoping he sounded nonchalant. They’d done it before after the party, surely it wouldn’t be weird if he suggested it again. 
He ignored the way his heart still raced at the very thought. 
“O-kay!” the Kid’s oddly chipper voice was punctuated by a yawn. He clamored up onto the bed, completely ignoring the water droplets falling from his still damp hair. Idiot, Kodya thought fondly, he’ll mold the pillow.
With the flick of his wrist, Kodya pulled the towel he’d had wrapped around his own hair and surveyed it. half of it was still dry, as his hair wasn’t anywhere as long as Nephthys’ 
“Come here,” he grunted, the Kid gave him a wary smile as he cautiously moved closer, settling just a bit to far out of reach.  Kodya rolled his eyes and pushed himself forward, capturing Gyrus’ green locks in the blue of the towel. “You’ll catch a cold,” he said, trying to sound annoyed to offshoot the gentle way his fingers caressed Gyrus’ head through the rough fabric. 
The Kid gave a happy sigh at the motion, fully relaxing against Kodya as he massaged the short locks. Odd really, since he’d always been a little vain about his hair and who touched it. He must really trust Kodya, and the very thought made Kodya’s heart flip. He should stop this, should push him back and keep the distance between them for both their sakes. But he was tired, and it was Oli tonight. 
 “You know something?” Gyrus whispered, and Kodya gave a slight hum to show he was listening. “Underneath all those curt words and harsh training-” Gyrus’ eyes closed under Kodya’s ministrations, “-you’re a really awesome guy,” Gyrus let out a little yawn as Kodya felt the room heat twenty degrees, “I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you. I couldn’t ask for a better roommate.” There was a smile in his voice, Kodya could hear it even if he couldn't see it. A thousand different emotions flew threw Kodya’s hear, and he pressed the towel closer to the Kid’s scalp to try and ground himself under the sudden onslaught. 
“Kodya!” The Kid yelped at the sudden grip and batted him back. Kodya pushed his head back down, pushing a towel free hand through Gyrus’ now dry hair, he indulged himself for a moment as he felt the short strands, noting how it was still as soft as he remembered.  The Kid stirred beneath him and he pulled away, hiding his burning cheeks as he busied himself hanging the table over the dresser.
“Get some sleep Kid,” he ordered as he practically dove under the covers, a cowardly retreat, but a necessary one. He felt rather than heard the Kid doing the same through the movement of the sheets. With a shaking hand, he pulled the light, enveloping them both in darkness.
“Goodnight Kodya,” Gyrus whispered against the silence, and Kodya clutched the covers closer at the achingly familiar words. A part of him felt grateful that he’d gotten the side of the bed where his back was to both Gyrus and the camera that hid Oli’s watching eyes. He didn’t want anyone to see the slight smile growing on his face at his name on Gyrus’ lips. 
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Do you have some headcanons for Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter?
This was, without question, the most difficult headcanon list for me to make for any of the Smash characters. Ryu’s headcanons in particular were the hardest part of this entire list.
I haven’t played any of the Street Fighter games, and from my research, I learned that the plot of the franchise is... insane. It’s a little hard for me to follow.
I probably didn’t need to know the plot of the Street Fighter franchise, but I wanted to make sure that my headcanons were as accurate to the plot and the characters as they could be.
Be warned, there may be spoilers for some of the games in the Street Fighters franchise. Be sure to exercise caution as you read these headcanons.
Ryu tends to be neutral about tickling (he doesn’t really like to be tickled, for the most part), but if he gets dragged into a tickle session, he would definitely be a ler.
If you want to tickle him, then I wish you good luck. His just as ticklish as Simon is. If case you don’t remember what I said about Simon, he isn’t that ticklish. Ryu’s ticklishness is identical.
He only has one weak spot on his entire body: his sides. Good luck trying to tickle him there, though. He is a master at protecting himself from tickle attacks.
You won’t get that much of a reaction from him if you tickle him on any spot that isn’t his sides, but he might let out a chuckle sometimes. If you tickle his sides, then he will laugh a bit. Either way, he probably isn’t going to like it, and he’ll try to get you to stop. There are a few people that can get away with tickling him, but I’ll get to that later.
Pinning him down is next to impossible. Most people can’t even get him down on the ground due to how strong he is, but Ken is the exception. He’s one of the few people in the Street Fighter universe who can truly match Ryu’s strength. In Smash, he’s the only one who can pin him down.
Ryu doesn’t squirm while he’s being tickled. If anything, he’ll trash about rather violently. He does this to all of his lers, but there are a few exceptions. If Ken is his ler, then he will try to reduce the trashing so that he doesn’t get hurt. He won’t trash around if he’s being tickled by the younger fighters of Smash, either. He can’t bear the thought of hurting them on accident, since he cares deeply for children.
He doesn’t want to admit to this, but the reason as to why he dislikes tickling is due to the time that he was brainwashed in the Street Fighter Alpha series, and all of the times that he lost control over the Satsui no Hado within him. Of course, tickling is nowhere near as bad as being brainwashed or losing control over the darkness within you, but it can make you laugh uncontrollably. This doesn’t sit well with Ryu at all, because it reminds him of all of the times that he lost control over himself.
The only ler that he has in his home world is Ken. This doesn’t really change when the two of them are in Smash, but on some occasions, the younger fighters of Smash will target him too, especially Young Link.
Ryu doesn’t really care about being a ler, so he doesn’t tickle people that often. However, when he does tickle someone... well, they’ll be in for a surprise. He has a hidden talent for tickling other people, a talent that even he was unaware of until he tickled Ken for the first time.
As Ken will tell you, Ryu has the ability to dig into your worst spots and make it feel as though the tickling is going deep into your skin. Don’t worry, he’s not trying to hurt you. He’s just really good at drilling his fingers into someone’s tickle spots.
If he’s tickling someone like Ness or the Ice Climbers, then he will lighten up his touch. Like I mentioned earlier, he can’t stand the idea of hurting a child, so he will be even more careful with his tickling if he’s tickling someone who’s in that age range.
He doesn’t even need to pin someone down. All he needs to do is hold them close, wrap his arms around them, and let his hands roam free. When he does this, he’ll regularly check in with his lee to make sure that he isn’t hurting them. He knows that he could easily crush someone with his arms, so he will make sure to stop and ask his lee if he is hurting them in any way before he goes back to tickling them.
Ken is the only lee that Ryu has in his home world. He doesn’t willingly go after any of the other fighters in Smash (other than Ken), but if the younger fighters decide to target him, he might turn the tables on them and tickle them.
I don’t know why, but it was really hard for me to come up with headcanons for Ryu.
Ken was a bit easier, but I’m not sure if the upcoming headcanons are good or not. I’ll let you be the judge on that.
Since Ryu is essentially the same as Simon in terms of ticklishness, then Ken is essentially the same as Richter in terms of ticklishness. Basically what I’m saying is that Ken is more ticklish than Ryu is, and he doesn’t dislike tickling as much as he does.
Ken is primarily a ler, but unlike his rival, he does have a lee side, though it doesn’t show itself all that often. His lee moods will only occur in the presence of a trustworthy ally, and even then, it is still entirely dependent on chance.
Ken has more worst spots than Ryu does, and those spots are his underarms, the palms of his hands, and his neck. He prefers to tickled on the last two spots, but you are allowed to tickle his underarms if he knows who you are.
When he gets tickled, his behavior is the opposite of Ryu’s in that he doesn’t thrash. He squirms about instead, though he tries to restrain himself. He knows that he could easily throw his ler off of him, both on purpose and on accident, and he doesn’t want to hurt his ler by doing this. He accidentally did this to Ryu once, and he wasn’t happy with himself for a few days afterward.
Similar to Terry, Ken likes to fight back against his lers by reaching up his hands to tickle them. If he tries to do this to you, target his underarms straight away (if you weren’t doing so already). He’ll quickly clamp his arms down and trap your hands under his arms. Perhaps he could use this as an advantage, but at the same time, it is an effective method of countering Ken’s attempts to turn the tables.
If you don’t pin his legs down, then he will kick them a bit. Be on the look out, because he can kick you on accident, and it will hurt. A lot. It might even send you flying a short distance if he kicks you the right way. None of this will be done on purpose, even if you were a stranger to him (he’ll fight you off if you are a stranger to him, but he won’t punch you or kick you, unless he deems it necessary for his safety).
In his world, Ken’s lers are Ryu and Eliza Masters, his wife. Ryu is still one of Ken’s main lers in Smash, but he will also get targeted by Little Mac from time to time.
As a ler, Ken is very competitive. Much like Little Mac, he will give his lee a chance to fight back against him.
I should warn you that the above statement is true, but it’s only 99% true. The other 1%? This is when Ken gets really competitive, and he will try to keep you pinned down so you can’t do anything but laugh. He won’t let you move, and he won’t let you get him back. If Ken is ever in this mood, you might want to run.
His competitive side won’t come out if his lee is a child like Mel (his son) or Lucas. He usually lets them win if they start a tickle fight with him, worried that he’ll hurt them on accident if he tried to tickle him back. He would also be a little worried about discouraging them from tickling him if he fights back against them. He’s not about to shatter anyone’s confidence, even if it’s unintentional.
Ken doesn’t dig into a person’s worst spots like Ryu does. Instead, he’ll scribble his fingers all over the lee’s body, searching for a spot that will give him the best reactions.
Turning the tables on him can be quite hard, but he will give you the chance to do this by leaving himself open while he tickles you.
His main lee is Ryu, but he will go after Eliza and Mel as well. In Smash, he will continue to target Ryu, but he will also go after the younger fighters too. Out of all of the younger fighters, Lucas is the one that Ken will target the most. He doesn’t have a reason for targeting the young boy (other than cheering him up whenever he feels sad), he just likes to see him happy and laughing his head off.
At long last, I have finally finished my headcanons for Ryu and Ken! I am very sorry for making you wait all this time. There were several reasons as to why this took so long. First, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I have never played any of the Street Fighter games. Second, trying to stay true to the characters and their stories/personalities was rather difficult for me to do.
The final reason? Well, to answer that, I’m going to have to make a confession to something, and that confession will be written as a separate post. Don’t worry, the confession has nothing to do with you at all!
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