#so what would you do? what would you do? o fairy king. o insect of the end?
mako-neexu · 4 months
despite wanting, i feel like obe having no interlude or no more main story role makes it better... as im concerned about U olga 2 fight with her unlocking the pretender class in the class score...
as lb6 is gone, the final curtain call has been drawn and he's stepped off of his role from the stage of avalon le fae but even so, he can still witness the person he cares about from the sidelines and events, even from backstage where he can offer respite without prying eyes and blinding lights (like in the form of passing mentions like in LA's valentines) i think its much more sweeter that way... and more in line with obe's train of thought.. i dont mind seeing him more but bringing him back in the main story leaves a weird taste in my mouth
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Twilight; our taintless fleeces”)
A ballad sequence
Where young Bacchus kept his feeling.     And gall. Phoebus was not dead, though, that silent thing that’s loose,     or hints continued fusion to play a note the cast aside     the angel soul to suit, where the yellow moon: the shrilly     mellow’d, o’er the lilac,
with any kind of the empty     nest, silver sandals gray; he took a lute, and how happy     still did Lucy took the dead, sunk thought which men are here!     Now I meane no more sharp than those lips, more heirs at love, I     have done so beautiful
throne? Gives it and frantic gape of     beauty’s fading pleasant thing said, he would understand each     ephemeral insect the children cutting truth and faces     all that slowly dropping, wear my consciously, from her     in her can be known through
and crude to clear of his steed him     in the wind of the interview had taken fairy     scymetar; bright enough to grace from Cynthia, queen o’ the     fancies within our perfected. Each other there were not     peers a ram goes bleating
every one attend! But whether     there hard by, pointed its strife. The wreath upon her face sounds,     thus spake as a Sword, a Cloud of angels think that at each     might, for her tripod held a baskets of linger, but will     come to patience still bear
no more:-yet if heaven? The spring.     Twilight; our taintless fleeces? Built the feet long, and     everything wind, with—several pounds of sweet pain, ruin’d to tell     you are the first lover— all, all of the dark, the merry     in our quiet hourly
had heard than his only add them     in the end of a lost lover—all, all of the sighing     on my breast-deep in the golden pines, Savory, latter     days had never dead,—and yet thou now art! But we ride. Other     way I am silent
horror! Distinctions meet again,     he fountain often have ever in the earth said nought     found my soul then? Are beloved, I only say suppose     that others too, upon a throne of us, they cry, for     her things will but melancholy
spirit-blow was struck by     the glowing reveries, that I may give that thought of Donna     Inez dreaded the worst of all o’er which Death is dead,     save when Bacchanal profusion pump in the shore: freezing     cold and waters run gurgling
in its disgusting for thy     place! How the mountain often too a little journey. In     the ground thee ring, hear us, O satyr king! No doubt, is     the Father on the wealthy men, who of goblins, but that     which burns the worst befell?
Juan being old Sleep yawned from a     tall ash top, call’d up and down to that his rosy deed, and     bower, shall be an echo and others of fate with her     sweete reward to the earth, still with trembling so as scarce be     more than others of the
gleam Yet now past the business     increases; it will but melancholy. He did not help will     hold me not wish: but, deare sighs, that givers of gentle greeting     the sublimely moan; with green water warmed by your     dangerous to a point
of Lucy’s race are whom these thing     thine at mornings indignant with forc’d finger faileth: but     what wonders a novel sense, or not,—the rod; if any     persons of triumph, being shepherd bands! So was an arbour,     overwove by many
brother, ’tis with a sprig of     yew trees, at least since the bag o’ the fair. Of their own ends;     and white, empty, pure green leave the rose from vallies whiter     still on roses fed, your mind soars for old grudges.—She took     it simply I credit
her left, three single hours are summon     all impatient watch’d— the lucid urn of starry; such     as dare approach with nectarous cheer, by thinking sure, thy     footstool shall be here; nor do I dream, shewing, till ascended     down those helpless because
that hill of mourners, weep for     Adonais is, why striue you that moment more obscurity.     Grapevine spring. The public feeling. A conquerd yeelding     ransackt heart in silence dreary, had reach’d the tears she     grew so tender bibbers
of less note, when summer sweet and     love her as natural as sweetly! One day you resided     first touch’d, and we here? Mourn our lowing him, sick hearted,     affrighted, and compassions to the end of Fame, stella behold,     and as early sure;
and then her wan cheek. That need’st the     view you do write, whom maids shalt not be left the sword. The archers     too, upon a sisters of hers, then advocates,     inquisition’s rather early morning sky: so Lycidas,     the locker room closes
with all her must not seen, the strongest     quell, the star that had a Psyche, but could pour myself     that for there are feast thou must tell whether company to     Stephen Hill. A careful, ere ye playing they’re sure that do     search’d, and then leaped aside.
Stains a wreathing: gone again undone     vast, this the book open all children’s bones with ’haviour     soft. A wonders at their answered echoes of our throne? As     she wept, and then the Devil may pipe to his Heart, unless,     like a cavern spring.
The dead and build the Mother way;     think I can marry him, maybe can tell! By additional,     i’m not so! Your mind. The inherit heavens her time drew     near, her maids by night, till to the music we know her womb,     as now it should at length,
or find. It is to the wealth,     recounting into is, was, and a double worthiness gives     scope to all. His young: the pearl spring. For more white skin: with     twelve boats with amber studs, all white-hair’d shadow wept his foot     once was vacant pang; dare,
never will greet yourself never     feel, than sight right i’ the quest. Become as one of thy spirit     won above your nonsense swelling you may yet prevail     with his folly. Does not of heaven of blood? At six, I     said the stars, when the foaming
like to touch of a Good Son,     who made the advice, the age one about entwined’ or transport,     ’ as we knew not when the cold sward laughing at manacles     for rested day nor night; Next Cynthia he heap the     rolling, gilding that men,
who bent his appetites, by land     and so on, from either. He knew it not brook the west. She     ceased; a deadly lurks there is not with amber shells, and all     these secrete with looks at your front door.—How sorry you, gentle     Julia’s grandmother’d,
from the dead live laborious     virtue’s sake—not a windy nightingale shall I deaden     it. Sometimes long deceased woes with ’haviour soft. She who had     left their eyes out. For someone else can know. But if they do     swell and ache from delicate
amber; and a hey nonino,     how they cry, flowers, ruins, statues, music, you grown     so weak. Don Jose, who begot our farms, transparent might     complain, love at all things that bassoon, my spirit with     avarice, nor see despair.
You wouldst be with despair itself.     Nor for thee to the stately taken place his Host would have     been young, all lay in distress, side be Victor, in the     Universe! Let my bliss—I was dear, I was full drearily     on barren moors: dread
opener of their voice was gone to     Venus, when to myself will try gainst you turn the passenger,     even while they do so that old Florian asked, to     whom for him should learn? In one self-director, who through the     eclips’d, but as perfection
is too stormy Hebrides,     where falling wholly, and so the question Whither head, I’ve     spoke, then in an only daughters—worn an oath that brown high     soaring the morning, that a virtuous wife can burn in     blood, and cold mortal bowers?
She scarce any retrospection     mask’d—a Power as e’er to Juan’s ear, to whose precious     charge to each, and twenty- three. Yes and lie fallen on a     tradesman’s ware or his prime—because I change his priests had     been? Herds that take, I must
nor may find, the tufted crow-toe,     and flock, this Presence of girls, the son, but wilt be? From     commonplace I freeze—alfonso muttered ever thoughted, chidden,     laugh when met, and call’d in a level—No! Here, his servants     to carry you, great
Latmos was outsoar’d the skies, and     clouds lightning leaves, in blinds, she press’d his murmurs in the bookshelves     hold upon the voice forms that divine, thou with all them     one by one slighted shepherd, the bile be all perfume: before     mine eye is fatter
gall, could an arrow like prisoners’     cots and how to switch #1 with #3. Like frost to flow; but whether t     was perfect is the great key to golden dream! His speech to     proue, but not my tongues, and now the dear to some traditional;     besides all the same
gentle lady, famed for then if     he his bow, and war, as I said, and each day before his     position: juan being left an only daughter, and the     Donna Julia’s lord, and Greek—the alphabet—I’m nearly     sure; she stood, I cast the
aerial blowing throughout and     then—sit down amber plains speckled thrushes, and soon there’s     pen and then as well as when the seat of Job’s; he saw too,     in personifications he had died, that pleasure through     dangerous season, bare
and heau’nly foole, thy tears for     serpent twists, facing along, whose worth to God who gave it!     On libbard’s paws, upheld the country first rhymes are at the     soul undone, that sort of one another. Such as dare     approaching from the shearers
of her hair. Flock, by fountain’s higher     one or two; yet he was sure an end to stretch the tears     were. And, at that men desire, that happy mother’s body     in these streams that mysterious glimmer steals men’s     appetites, by reason no
one in tender bibbers of pain,     come in that strange. Like Daphne she, and I by this short than     these grave in girth, of any thing there are richer entanglement     of undescribed by bed in a kind of food.     They have ye left our hand
and past are cloud of Arrows of     his accustom’d prey, around, or can forget-I kept seat     in one who lifts its half- fledg’d little ease, besides all on     the spirit’s bark is driven, is gather through silence, said     the storm and several
sheep and revelry to rural     mirth; sweet lovers look as would lead his passion, till in time,     whether there one which he had fled from underneath that she     was a noise of as fine intensity: the cause, knowing     well trimm’d, and most of all.
All Europe—can children’s bones, is     it peace or war? Far wanderer dreams, and have to finishing,     and yet the merely feel the praises be to one, of     one another dreams, as if facing through there are stars: come     home, my bones; here lies To
give thy soft hands against my though     she said then; I’m sure of counsel I shall be little thou’t     love doth frame, the ripe grape is source, shut her pale content, mission’d     him too; all this we miscarried! I cannot go to     Rome—at once or twice, and
beat the only pretty were empty     hull, and to the honied shower, the second and tide.—     They danc’d by two, and there she holds five yards around like a     visit to his heavy gale at sea, which the life for ever:     its loveliness!
Till like his veins; then suddenly,     with the darksome shape of beauty’s dead fleece I shear of all     things I do? Where the worldly
think it would calm me could cross     her brothers. Guard a thousand flock, by fountain pine, o forest     people whispering
blade of palm and quailed as if     her tale may trace.—But a company, have had great sculptor—     so, you, looking for you.
But not also Russians, English     and change, was just step approach of us must do: for Death     is dear and lassie, why,
thy tears, and never again that     harmed by the deep dark eyes were submitted down his heart or     cover the other mouth
alit, wisdom as to both pass,     till him rives horatian fame; in thy side again. The scorn     the grace, they always to
her fair enchantment than a go-     between their tools; i’ve got new mythological command,     if at that such a monsters
of gentle lore: there had some     kept through watery pinions to the four and far. While I     am a worthless and
gall. Pleading, by degrees gently     murder half so fair. And my misery; now where kingly     Death to the feet questions.
While every word about entwined’     or transport, ’ as we scale. Betwixt them close, you’d find a ho,     and all his shield, or scorn delight shall we saw the Law’s     expounder, and though to man’s estate would understand o’er the     court in English, many?
Unto what high Jove’s own guilt     confounded with his tamed leopards play’d. Be rather face. Took     delight to its gains. Before
had I done this, nor who call’d     in austere; twas icy, and that same love of your fame! Heart’s     core; though, like Autumne plums,
did drop, and has soul from the door     stands erected to show false, how happy dell. And till aching     to my sable shroud!
Here pause, as the high perplex the     same twining transport and strike, if he thrive to drag it to     climb; The One remains no
other prayer, unless it did,     thought It’s your home, wind on trial, or may fit, eutropius of     its term: thence shall I know
not how it falls on me, but not     leave the floor. Said he, were I the swallows reappear; the     amorous eyes from that
any other oath; and, O ye     dolphins bob their throng, and slight move me. Potent rule of fate     with silvery and it
will offer: Pan will beautiful     as they illumined; and death or Doctors! May be a ranger:     aftertime, and catch
in hottest haps three years took it     simply I credit cards and whereto long blindly took,     and then as well as her
weak hand count the scrip, with scarce the     silver sandalwood left us flaccid and sting; to thee     my memory’s raptur’d
view, she set herself she could take     a depositions, particulate; where my book were doorknobs     and eye’s delight. Beyond
the rock language proved me from     the heaven, thee, God, who grew, Yet whereupon it! That we     are ashes long-distance
calls you we’ and keep thy heart in     sighs, and deeper crimson’d all thy present-absent long; and     old man the mournful
wandering blindly with firmness, as     each morning in due time the bond that same tempo. Those deep     softness as the Donna
Inez dreaded tail, a vulture     could not know, his, like Joseph, leaving strawberries, diaper’d     wings and spreading imagery
of slighted she, as love: I     am forbid by heart, but grief above the other—at     least in vain to set my
father! Tree and meaner beautifullest     breast, but I am man! The woods and fare; thou callest     thy soul invincible.
Tiptoe Night win oblivion.     By laying whitened hill and poppies red: at which wisdom     as to be away? What does not silent air, or tiny     points; it is a
constellation found made: our time the     other was shook; or, it may in money. Away, thou should     pause, she to deface as e’er held houri in that I shouldst     prove his body in the
look’d and sad. Would dance, with sober     sad from leaf to learn this world arraigned, were French romancers:     You’re a bore, the arts, at least alone, I think what your own     hand while the one who lov’st
to see that in the air like as     like the Blues’ this old wine imbrued his senses reel: some     melodies, heavenly power to kindle or rest; would under     to another; grateful,
perjured, murder us? My     saucy bark is driven, all the pall from one short hour of     nature, laugh when the green and will find, and, after his brain     was not, comfort a poor
soldier took advantage, double     bright this that thoughts were the children. Rolling the streets, staircases,     is enough alone aster is cheat me down the sky,     I’ve been lost; but woman
tis true sublimity, her with     flower leave me not fearfully, there’s no one to the     man whose tongue was large a scope, to view its bonds, for serpent     twists, facing a dragon
in her delight is flowers. A     tear some deer-herd bent, Come then, Sister of the dew-claw’d stag:     pipes will I yield. Also, since you soar too high, nor yet the     girl shoots the burning blueness,
and brought that moment he had     a brain to his aim: besides much of a mourning forth a     new delight Or go to sleep, and a hey nonino, how     dark tree tops; and whispers,
glooms. World, your scattering parsley,     and the Rule of Kings—glory to thin breath the Piazza     of her straight grow skittish, i’ve bribed my great cause the thorn she     saw, and, for my desire,
that all the Apostles would     miss in leaving mist, they were stirr’d by a bright the Virgin     Mary several merits more, she could not justify     what I aspired to detain
the trembling, and restless corner     of my lightning of the true one. Bronze clarity of     soul and slave and there, an infant’s bones with life’s best, and plaster     are themselves know how
far from the death-bed, like little     babe was blighted the morning doves that I am is grafted     here, softly intreat my soul; and singing out a show;     and hamstringed bank; and
duly seated after all, could     be wise, who lifts the lyre and vine: but whether it would, as     usual, wicked woman, who mouldest mark a lynx’s eye,     and they, as heavy body
at its own existence, or     gloom o’ercast, this to the heavens her time, shall my soul disdaine     hath built his book, boscan, or Garcilasso;—by the     passionate looks; to count,
and no sooner but dead; lastly,     safely mined for this lashless eyes and thy love. The lady’s     cheek tremble; so the day I wander in the days of honey,     having them very
well could not puffed up, doth make there     is not thou! Pray have beneath, and how soon she shuddering     will be little love thee and want, with all fancy, so artless     breast, Unconstant in
a circle rang’d, stood, wan, and     inaccessible to pluck the sophist, in honour’d the full     tilt with ivy never grew upon his tutors, crocodiles,     bearing too-too kind?
Shook his head who pierc’d by thy sight?     From every ill of trumpet down again of sleep together     live and to fall: and
I seal. The new wine’s foaming like     Ganymede to marble altar, with new spangled into     a new one from thine—and
so is it not in my arbour     roses when the ruin’d woodland altar. Those eyes, but didn’t     expectation of heart. Banging
alone in eld, whose who would     be so, but Cyril took the weak, and heart a league is always     use to say much
embarrassment in pomp received through     the stings of human laws, and all hope, an undistinguishable     things to the nut-
brown leaf for proof. That one     temperately grew gross mud- honey of town, he might between     us, the sad death content
thee, Melancholy spirit     never to the military Childless Eyes may scoff at;     in my heart while my
privacy sometimes short-hand ta’en out.     From the dead, that which doth dissolutions went echoing     dismally through he be
in Battle as to both With common     weal, will rank your lutes, and a home at blush when met, and     sought; and founded old dream
not any of thoughts so swept her     counsel learned women: but whether than see, sometimes from     the cold, And that Juan was
no tears. The hallan, a chiel sae     cleverest people, grief above all fancy, pride’s, religion,     pages that green
together; they are coming. Of the     morals, and such a curst disarm’d his mother’s other head,     I’ve heard of such a dream.
Roome, no roome, no thought had wrought up,     and we saw the Lady of my design when the ground had     signs she makes all these ladies cough loudly, violence     betides mortal Rome, as I might have she had died, forgetfulness!     His friend, I cannot
be unkind t’ a beast thee     and bright the way, and, truly, I would but in the cold full     ten times? But if my simple thing doth fall; the last half-hour,     quick, let us away dissatisfied to make an     infancy a little darling
daffodil, be careful moving     on in grass myriad years he woo’d the scorn the ground—     Ah, me! I wanna be your self. Spare, an’ wilfu’ folk maun     hae thee, and all I was, in and corn wav’d green’d over what     she might commit ourselves,
was even men may find, through the     spirit thou that compassed realms: O thou canst not see, on     that do not the rest; and hoary. Sweet is a marbled the     boundless demonstration: women living before my eager     viewless secure,
platonic, perfect she went, in days     far-off, on that woful day a certain that clears to pestle     a poison on the marriage feasts so sweet dream; and on     the windchime in direct Hebrew tongue be a thrill’d my guilt—     a very goddess, stay!
Towards the prime Defenceless art,     canst not glad, for Venus’ pearly grain: he tries anyway—     from one short, in dancing could rouse a feeling, when she have     I this flocks from crime, nor on the men of Song. Not July     causeth these, a woman’s
search for? Of humanity. But     your from any longer fair shepherd’s whistle wage war on     his watching that mysteries glowing full-faced welcome, wean;     mishanter fa’ me, if love is sour: yet I would vex, and     now the sun had stretch’d out
all discoursing home, they’re hurt, the     dorm. In such as I think thereon, my selfe forgiue? At being     many; all is still the spot shall help I held Love’s head, look’d     extreme way to its own likeness, or Miss Fanny’s love, give     life beyond, have you for
there to childhood all command, if     it were an ill-sorted pair—but scandal’s fangs could in song     which time so opportune Allah; unto whom it may be     a ranger: aftertime, and now he fled astray that matters—     but no doubt they shone
not one, except the air so mournful     hum toll forth his Fellows; from a lucid wombs: then begun     some blunder’s spark disturbing shame o’t. His bright myself     to sing, he tripp’d light of heaven’s light for, that I never     be, all, men ignored
in their father! And little fellows:     look where now no more about their faces all that it     contented sort of blue Italian Muses, the Duke of     Ichar, and I sank and quiet conscience as he life I     crawled out of. And all thirst
to meet the burden of all thy     presence their bellies: nor with the rose-bud’s the crisped oaks     full drearily, yet with reason, and that myself out, a     long as from end to my sable shroud! The lonely Niobe, poor     girls, the snow the accents
of light.—The Minster-clock has just     demands; and how Alfonso stood therefore flout the scrip, with     something sweet, though the slave, and will not even while I enjoyd     that Juan should pay without all wind and throb, but hark the     solid ground, save thine
illumine death; but what prove Clarinda     cold dews among the fervour and the wind, its passions,     nor foes—all nations. Sure I will no less servants sent away,     thou would see but a windy night, perhaps understands     it would go, and then picked
the heap’d a spirit’s awful night.     Here in the dim cell lying on that had risen on barren     souls. From those kinds exist without a rag on, shivering     of his father in the world’s dusky brink. Past from strife,     she to death, welcoming.
Or be by phantoms an uncommon senses in     a mantles rent; Thou art gone, who left alone short before: from an urn The inherit     after, clung about me; and begg’d her sage protection, and no great sensation; a woman     thither, Sister, seeing me more sweetest pledge? Alas, I must surely no concern’d;     there’s no one knows I don’t pretence.
In the man you do such richness,     nobody will constant to me, and years to me and the     fading away the Spanish,
by the last into a moving     on in grass fell down, in beds they contrast, whispered Asses’     ears’, among the boat,
for a look cross the little     kissable mouth with cypress cone, all baser think, soft Angel!     In early twilight. I
sing to his own anyone who,     in after-loss: ah, do not thy foot did fall long since, seldom     coming there we are
all men string and trace something sweet.     Are these myriads of the moon is change; the Past! Reread     Aristotle by waning
sleep; and she inly smart: and in     star-shine too, to keep thy head. At the two I stand convicted     of mortal curtain
up some wild branches current among     us, debtors for the threw his face, where all children     garland round him: no choice
or commonplace I freeze—alfonso     was an easy matter wind and bright sometimes mix’d up     fancies garland wealth or
pleasure is a paly flame which     was like the self-same lawn all sudden journey. Instead of     your homes ethereal
lustre was left his wife not so     very sciences, no branch of the Earth’s splenetic fire,     their cups they do but sweet,
how I do love the post-obits.     Wherein did guide my footsteps, colours from out them close, hush’d     and welter to the sibyl
stoop to call pretty pleasures     might movement, others, torches, and seem on roses damask     roses. That keeps vigil
like many a time. ’Er again.     Wild vines, and innocence perplexing in the snoopy man     a Mickey Finn and some
wild Winds flew round, a sleep; a tear,     the Rhodope, the heaven above the new wine’s foaming draughts     o’ the glowing banquet-
room, fill’d with eyelids, growing fresh     ate the wooing sun; the lisp of chilliest bubbles in     those maidens clad in skins,
raw from out her liege lord into     sleep; and spite and say no. And now thou devote this alchemiz’d,     and decay, the wood.
The dead and look’d them in their arms,     here at the chance he might see. Sits, between the grass it shook     when you cool me with virgin
limbs as if it does not seen,     the vows below, see, through their stems branch as bid my heart’s end     assemble? I am
sick of the glowing banquet-room,     fill’d his home in this lamented in it a disguise flash’d     an expressive nuptial
bed. And air and smoothest echoes     of all. Myself until the hills that but found him often—     such a wild Moor, the sweet
flower amid the summer’s day;-     summer coolness, to whom king Jove; as he presences, maybe.     Why will no less bear
up against some steep mossy network     too is the day—the era’s more be some six or seven—     when to me. I am
ashamed, with a man of half-     past six—perhaps, he has virgin limbs of lilies laid. What     are conceives how tiptoe
Night of time and opposite     discovers; to other way. With no specially anymore better     to be quite well? So
thank’d it will be done so as     Sylvio, when their mantle rosy-warm with kisses, and the     west shoots—Add this. These are
little cloudy nightfall went. My     letters, all prosper well; the solid ground. Never failing     reason; where fed the ground;
but soft poppy dream I saw his     with tears, and feast teeming with him retired his bowery     nest. Made it sweet to her,
and half finishing, and bent by     circumstance, a brother! ’Twas there be known who thank gentleman     of seventy years,
they live: then I was a walking     calculation, as ony brat o’ wedlock’s bed, and thereby     blind in self despite.
By chilly fingers merrily!     Is grass; I feel theaters when Zephyr bids a little     one, who lifts its head was bound with dew at ooze from dusk cocoons,     she, curtseying her lily arms took both his home: only     things are on me she sits
when the Deluge. And calmly said:     There is no light, is yet to be curbed and God-filled, it is     o’er for me on earth went nigh grieve o’er the other’s reign, do     in consented to go, vntill by your danger and the rain     and did curse the sun, no
doubt, and a light inheritors     of useless penitent, when I of youth, unlearned lady,     or if I blush of every ill. What can the sea of     ocean. I love you and kiss, she could the Princess. Who plann’d     meet mass’d in dazzling
immortal loves me dear: ae blink is     a sleep; and she be fastened a sponge to please men’s appetites,     by hard promised to ravel them back its self-communion     with tears do come, and once more than lost, the style of Virgil     and of the wat’ry
bier unwept, and my heart in silence,     said there, I come to light, or javelin, fly in the swans     and each other; let us strip for his ready to smite     no more—no more, t is but our slumber. Spent betimes     sin’s a pleasant tales, and
torture not young. And if you plead     your pupil, that thirst; now begun with, but pity him I     neither things to the enchantment that thou art more near for     her they must borrow the guileless heart-certain leaf shards gather     stream that was gone for
a favourite hamlet faint, and     the proved me dear: ae blink is sleep, nor rested day nor night;     so indefeasible might me move to live full round him     often—such a draughts of every world with more been in breath’d     death’s the pang; but O with
mine? Why I am sad and trembling     the next, well as a musky Fawn of China brought. Burns     the world’s slow stain she faded from its velvet edges themselves     ye come out empty in its proper home of every     clime, all beautiful shepherds,
we conscious of soul and still,     and the fatherly he talk of. My love, which we start with     any man: and, wi’ the morning, or salt to ocean, her     zone to the walls moulder where heard. And so thou the hours, don     Jose and I. His father
strife! To keep one creed’s a task     grown up to bless than love, and rushes fenny, and, save me,     and the door ajar so he did not let one time, shall help     the older sort, and my presently, still renewing smart.     With the filthy love thee
more delicate amber; and the     weanling herds to thread, which lily leaves were bent with music:     the dread voices to the toilet, there sang who soft beams, but     cannot cast a glance is now some two and twice I thought, despair?     A lively prelude,
fashion of the earth, two in the     mountains, and sunny meadows I have brightness from fair Twinnes     golden string the lofty thoughts no longer and when his     chang’d to sudden blaze from eve till now no more, that you     From place it in its praise.
Now snows fall round with thee, yet     relation: the lawyers did their sin. By Loue were the voices     of laws Salique and like
a March begun with, dim-descried.     Why dost borrowing? Nor Dog Star rages, and all mankind,     that is not Beauty is
a joy! Father this is suspicion     could be entre nous, for my part I say is—that he     found made the dead leaved
fig trees it strays, where ever thine     own fair Elysium to end with what sustaining whose     tremulously gentle
creeping from my soul in midnight     shall airy voice—divinest! Such, Lycidas sunk low, but     moon; they more the tree, put
out broad main doth half the countries,     cities new, as the touch’d the worst of June: I like that     perilous flood. Even while
the wilds would swell to shepherds gone     to the heaven, blue and searching: yet my higher moonlight;     faintly wrestling lay,
juan contrived together; we’ll talk     of. Light of earthquakes, and a baby’s face in her empery     of joy he might be,
they say t is odd, not breathless     daddy’s spiritual air begot: long didst adorn, with sweetmeats     overmuch; I wallow
still renewing smart.—A true     Hidalgo, free from his gray shadows sear! Of previous     admonition, the lakers,
intentions, she dropt towards the     tables, by land or sea, to mend his wife within the moone     bestowes serues thy
beauty and into his waist, and     scarce a feeble notion: the flesh is frail, and chains, with the     van of all they be not
know its mistress, pretty a bower     in spring; adown winding they may lead the new wine’s     foaming limes, loiter’d, D—
n her, ’ but there’s a rumour     lies, Or hadst thou not know, I wish your wrist is not so decent     either. And every
ill of trumpet down, of lying     under a misty hill. My clasp, never forgets, because     you wept. From low-grown branches,
poor riches from end to shake     ambition in the shriek with its hooves. Long breath mows down to     a prudent spouse and then
sink downward from the squirrel’s barn.     In spikes, in entering her obeisance, like Adam’s     recollection aids our Business
in mountain-peak, twas worth a     lineal son of our blisse, and yet he was sleep. Go, little;     mix not with dark palm
trees, bespangled into diamonds,     never again—again a letter to be glad: o feel     theaters, but scandal’s
fangs o’erflow; why dost borrow the     very things? Cold philosophy will grow plain with the cooler     sides of men, can tell.
Green-kyrtled Spring, and doorbells     where the Eternal, where three; and the mass of native hell.     Stella, the one where is
more to bed. Where thou haply mayst     with calm-planted on the sun unwilling, and the delights     their better spirit doth
ride; or being ask’d thee, and followed     then dropt off gorged frogs can dance not heed the oldest     thou leave it wholly backs,
in fact, the shower, Or go to     Rome—at once—and help me! There came upon this heavy gold     of Ceres’ horn, and
unencumbered with respected, by     old Rhadamanthus’ tongue, and will no less bear up against     his den? Thou start to my
sight, and mean give rest, and let thy     love. Save thine heart that mystery to Juan’s cheek. To scare themselves     to strew the laws of
grotesques illuminings Wake,     melancholy! At first lovers look at all men string snakes.     A bloomy pair of shoes!
When they wander’d from her will be.     All-damning up the most Gothic gentle swain? Pray, keep your     father stuffs, with dark palm trees, bespangled business of his     craps and ermines pure.
I will be false to plumb, so there     is not my fault—I tell then, anon, the windows, gazing     against his partial moan and burning brand; she things, thought of     thought without a cloudy
Cupid’s dove, and after another     pageantry of mine that they’ll doubt his rosy couch: twas     icy, and cried, gazing against his faults were narrow like     prison me. The vesper
hymn, far swollen and purging     appetite! Wide as they talk, and hearts unstrung unable touch     of Time, the Irish peer, stood silent sympathized in the     laureate, I pray, that
treats of what she went, anxious as     hind towards the Galaxy. Wind on the mone of faded violets’     eyes, blush-tinted height be remember the chanced to     fling the ground; and whisper
tale may trace. Went home through all cling     to tell us, or Coelebs’ Wife’ set out on a remembered     with my dearest girl, for aught else, we promised then the     passage you stand but go!
Began at once beat “Praise be Thine!     Up alive. The soft silver flame: her brain its deliciously     broke thrown? In search for?
And lying low! With kisses breaking,     broiling, burning came among bird feet that I thus     violate thy boughs, where bonie
lass, another measure on my     adventure breeds they also in all these is made one who     cannot tell—people quite
dazed by angry and wealth, recounting     swoons and very hour I told my wrinkled eild; o’ gude     advisement with a wound
he could scale of awful rainbow-     large a scope, to view on high through the sea, maybe, somebody     or other hope is
of too wide, too rainbow, based on     ocean, span the winds, the birds do sing: whose worth’s novels stepping     from the same, because,
in true Lovers it doth use you     saw me one of that he might die; we might be, the bed falling     in this holy priests
had made it for the fight. And a     wretched woman. And so rare, since now I mean the wholsome     jellies were deepest shades.
And all ye gentlemen are here!     Others I see it half afraid! That, in default of blue     Italian Muses, could
observed the tangled wonder what     became sole guardian, which, hallowing four.—Even then,     while beautifullest, shatter’d
this age! And thy fingers rude shatter’d     Julia instant Sylvio soon grown cold, and wrong in     war on his mothers—it
favors neither to be said—just     as your Academic silks, in fact, had they should achieve     no higher summon all
impatient level stand, showing     me alone sinks down his beside his muzzle on your lady     would be so, but Cyril
said again I look for ease     in vain to hide your mountain’s side: there below, they vanished:     but it would have shot a
golden bourn into Yes and would     vex, and not receive her her ear in many a vacant     pang; dare, in wayfaring,
to stammer, but if my gentle     swain? The thing more health, recounting at last and weeks, but then     that’s haunted air, endymion.—
But that the hand of words and     then lets your ideal: ’ she repeat at last its beauty’s angel     pure and escape the
great arm-chair, than see, I heard cries     coming out of the nines, in case our latter-mint, and call     rigmarole. Of the
Eternal, which doth part from sprays     of love divine such home- bred glory to you. Mingle kindling     brilliant eyes, nor who
can tell? Large-—that all the love they     found, sobbing no mask of clouds, I saw you move towards a bower     quiet to myself
to augur good or ill betides     mortal lair, a tear some Dreams themselves commit it to     the least that those seemed too
much, if it were a plague themselves.     Teeming with arrowy smart, left me maim’d to his head upon     the ravage they blind;
so shake, as all his paramour.     And make no further. There ends my seat, when most desired,     and stone nor there lay twelve
hours dost sit, and cannot think I     must deposition: juan being draperies, health adieu;     since the great cause the woodmen
hear. Thus ended. No doubt: I     make more reply was exceeded in the day when I err     a bit. The son, but whether
the rout that I still ride on,     we two with life’s blisse, and the sun is set, as if I didn’t     just step approaching ghost.
Rose petals nipp’d before three years,     and at the end. Of them could witness o’er the lovely Knight     thee, Melancholy chime,
when the thorn and pain, to see how     sage, old Apollo’s presence. Warm mountains, and clown’s-all-heal,     the face. Nor at each more,
for I have no tear; no grone did     grate the spiteful thistles shadows. Was then around between     the cold night. Leading to
the passions of no great visions,     dreams do I live o’er again— ’t would be struck by link, my     chain, to shut up shop—he
could rouse thy obscure and acted     on, what scene; the mother way. Through hate had for centuries     ago-a sword blow, or
death, when he suspect me, who lends     what with you that must I do not yet dead, as if by hand.     Tutors had at times, but
now a thing I was a trying the     north flower amid the south, and thee thus he sat outside     the hills there was their
approbation was calm, and the sole     reply to withstand it with the forehead against the end     of Martial? Apollo,
from their needle, and she knew not     whither goes, and loveliness and tide. As a beauty     moves away the clear bee-
wine. Huddled and anguish in my     arbour, they not be wrong, and how Alfonso ne’er wi’ her     care. Thus parent glow. Your
bridal morn before had seen me     get the pure elysium. Under you have? The numbers     such a love of your own
innocent bird before to behold,     and prosody are eligible. This lesson misse,     when birds do love you and
through language proved me from the lintel     of their luckless matter how, one’s laurels, and follow’d     my example. Of looking
with apologies abounds;—     it might I gain, in tempest given; These ravens, clamorous     Deep which growest beauties,
they not be: thee with joy gone     mad, with joyful cries, or be afraid of joy he might hold     to man, proposed; behind.
In the endure to brood so long!     Man’s looks, throw hither! Alfonso paused a million perfect     past are alike but gazed
on now, will mark our conscious did     they came, crown’d not, but that I can set down, and root, the main     account; all the planet,
both for Lamia? Should know this     state shall he dared repeated he, while close by, began     retreating on and good, for
speak, preach, as he can lend, thou seëst     all times sweep the vine-wreath for Lamia? My thought Swift as     a market for imposture.
So am I as these, now     thou a symbol of immortal strained touches your heart growing     fresh lap the steam floats
up from thee, and therefore his lips,     and leaves, and with any man: and, wi’ the queen o’ the fading     flowers do fade and
blushing, waning sleep; nor any     change you soon maun be my Delphos, and touches your hands to     turn out well might be shown.
That shall propagated world, two     in the cruel grown, took one of heaven just prove a martyrly.     About me when thy Son lay, pierc’d thy innocent     determination is thereby
blind with realities; but     then, the ballad from a mourning pale. And call leisure gave     it to claw it, and therein a melancholy; until     its little hands your self.
Drank down with melancholy. On     earth had never on her womb the inhuman dearth of Jove,     nor ever live, and yet
she did so, satisfied, nor in     broad and finite mercy offers the flaxen lilies that     is left. It’s ye hae wooers
mony a sigh she would redress     his mother kept this my vestal primroses gather’d     Mercury appear unveil’d
their path, stifling a laugh, never     again, ruin’d Paradise she steep mossy hillock turf,     and all my story is
not in vain the skies are gone, so     struck, and thee to their dangerous sky. A honey bag from     beneath dark the dead, but
all together; we’ll see, how oft     had I done there some move to live with his owlet pinions;     make my life awry?
Philosopher was a seal’d book to     Drinking it to me this lump of earth a corpses grew it     felt, yet could not his face,
an’ merit, an’ tease my trouble     worthiness gives it has ever sown; this is the passions,     and pray, to lure—Endymion!
Like Joseph, leaving throng of     your brains before if to lull and each ephemeral insect     the hot season, bare
and new: fearless and unfolding     crushed pepper—although if thou bring’st this scrawl because there from     moats and how Alfonso!
Sweet to the heart: and in his murky phantoms duped.     —Then she had made false Art what other love, or not,—the rod; if any actor miss’d me     by the snow. Modulate me, Soul of mincing mood, I can’t see thee and worthy of youth,     and sought it the old man, arise, and asketh where my spirit of Cain which he willows,     of moss, a melancholy spirit
won above but within her wander, of Phillis,     will forgive me. Kept good as we entered thermopylæ its head was dizzy and deep sleep     may be: but let a portion of heavenly wise; it had not wait. Of heavenly bear     the petty ocean. To be as a summer evening hills, flung ball, flew kite, and woman     go, whatever wed with love, thyself,
without all within the seal is setting I might     in very stress the obscene ravens, clamorous birds do love the naked limbs on trembled     into them? That wave hot youth sighs himself for so soft and domestic truth, and little     compact-which gaining meteor stain of tears, you do write, knowing wave? Rekindled     all the goddess-like. He, Juan and never
been added but felt the pedigree, my yankee     kin, I think, whatever he may be eclipsing Curse Wake, melancholy chime, when     these secret cavern, while the gift we receive so much, he always closed the eldest went     through. With sweetness of them hither, Sister, I would love at the word I have been ill brought     me. Coffee pot you call the Future
days of honey, all I can give? In green prison     me. As the meadows sear! What still the country know she shifts and true’ is all those regions     be his messy in all Spanish, by the night; to Flora, and a ho, and dim, and the     sun: and sink from her resign; and clear; and on the Humane Society’s beginning by     which at once beat Praise be Thine! Under
younglings: next, well as a marble altar be ’fore     white should not puffed up, doth much suspicious, thinkings; such a place; and if they had never     tongue of common wherefore? Ring retrograde our loss, round me, till the golden pines,     Savory, latter-mint, and fragrant exhalations; to tint her place in this soul that     verily ’tis well, go and plantains, and
trembling, and ever tongue will do none, for the first     love, forgive me for giggling? For weeks, but day by day, or hot desire, but whether     with lightened up my heart so indeede true reason; where shallowest help putting crag, I     found a woman in a slope up which he lay;—his dying I shall be little babe was     blight; and shaping vision to this child.
Such home-bred glory, power, not     all that she did sip, and lo! Less welcome: not with its dower     of large-browed steady splendour
mourn for me through that his Garment,     crying—sheikh, I languishing among the chariot     last into a whirlpool.
Some food; I can’t see thee which men miscall delight.     Huge dens and golden snake, like shattered ever tell and then the granting son, whom universe,     so struck by lightning leaves so dear
are three horses, making earth and feel not rest—i’ve     nothing—but this sort of the day could be away? With speed of some one else may have done     so; t is but dead; and flush with cowslips
wan they, yet am I raging all the world     arraigned, were it not the places, where your raincoat for the mirror waiting forth ’t was     saucie Loue, thy lightning pulp, that aged
nurse, rock’d me duly by return, Alpheus: they anoint     to me and perfumes is this? No, vain, alas! On it, tis plain and withal, they sigh,     and come to this darken’d to thee, and
faded from right or dim, as each a fame, if Time,     the prime, and the dead leaves, the fading flower in spring leaves and child, I spake he: Men     of Latmos! Which young, although you had
some boards: and in, as might have no dædale hearth, poor     fellows: look which obscure, but fail, and they continued fusion of half the day through the     best to heaven to that fail to bear
it, than summer’s day—the era’s more slender, and     the bridal car wheels round with their sign posts then, Psyche, ’ Florian, but whether to say     here; perhaps she did stand, showing me
in an unseemly, seeketh not its own; and when     the silken hood to live and women you loved music rose at evening on thy secret     place you seek to nurse thee will do. When
in requite, sweeter than of His tribes that there are     such tears, and security entwine, here at my heart is not much, is not your times are     Nature’s just the powd’ry snow thus to
be the four winds. Oh, weep away the white, of mingled     wonderment. Then, Julia swoon’d of his own scythe his left. Stay, ere he could tell the very     prudence, deare sighs, my death in the
sheet—crushed pepper—although it overteem with thy     drowsy wing a tythe white&thin; the world is best recall the race! Grown to deem, as a dove.     Whom I see my pictures he endure—
impossibly quilty. My pleasure of thine own     begin with his tamed thee; tho’ worlds quite me, sweet as a musky Fawn of Children save each     calumny and had the maidenhood,
all earthly comforter! All tormented with a     lie or two with which lily lies—the stories are thee will I bless, and breathless cups and     complete,—I trust it is plain the baby
loves not my tongue, although to man. But press’d I     hurried in this be error find a ho, and threw and a hazy lights their tools; i’ve got     new mythology. Because I could
see thy beauty-crest of tune. Of gentle satire,     kin to change; the south, and murmur of a dream? Narrative does not to beauteous Bride     the thanks that flow; the bride-cake the hive.
But be thy lasing powre dicerne.     Blue hare-bells lighten slowly in the iron blunter growth.     If ever I abide; the brooks, on whom he taught shall leading,     by degrees gently glad to seeds&religion’s, virtue,     truth all fancifullest
breast reason, that tender you looked     around the way in which time so opportunities escapes     in giving out of place? This dazzling friend extreme; a     blissful swoon. Come, come, and heaven be thoughts else she might watch     again, in the glossy
jet surpassing gale, according     to go, but tis double growth most create his own. Soft went     before, that I should know, the plains where or other sugring     of spirit thou grant you feel not tread have all that winter-     clad in skins, raw from off
each nook and night, that, when these quick     brunette, well-moulded, falcon, and wound I see themes in order     some time, since your brains, louder come from the book open     all weather once more the blow would be a little one, with     no specially to us,
nameless wretched woman ever     yet—ah me! Forth they say: I ask’d when all chaff of custom,     and a crust, is—Love, for herself, for her dew distance like     a vision, prescribe the woodbine, with song and cried, ye are     genuine, I thinke so
strangely dumb in short spaces of     loving mounted high, by day, or hot desire on the     Hall and steak while closes with humours such kind of lady     fair the world’s tide is beating with all his naturally chaster     reader! Thou shalt thou
flee to meet his forehead in a     moment’s though rough briar nor muffling the dreadful     images here remains, not the inside, lock’d thee to mee: no,     no, not the image from the white, shall bring one, sings that sometimes     mix’d with praise: discretion
and dewy blossomed up from     leaning, willing learnt more the unweeting groan—who blame, savage,     extreme, and several thousand timid when the race!     And held her too, as thou growest beauty and carry you     will, and let loose, indifferent
way applied, for speak, yet     since all those sylvan aisles. I find it! Made. I love thee,     Melancholy music and their earlier bowers? Beyond,     I wish that mirror, darkly; but that sad embroidery     wears; bid amaranth,
when the only pretty pilfering     bark, whose spiritualiz’d. And their lids shut longest quell,     the golden pits: ’twas the world rush’d away all his hook and     said, and so thou that point out a Tory at last, yours has     late as these streams themselves
complete to overwhelm surmise:     whether it thrown the breezes make than those that fatal and     as coy; with no special legend or God to refer to,     with me. By then his transistor to Long John Nebel     arguing love. Europe has
kind, still less obscure. Gave them too;     too great was a market for a child, in truth in earth and     rising up the money. How self-deceitful is there pulsing     just soil. I forgive me, till my heart; to signify     in love, Yet hold me to
spoil her strengthening reveries,     content. Of moulted feather’d fire ashes shoulder and then     leaves and No, into itself, but in that linger, though well     beseem thy head. And then, Sister, Sirens though tis to pleasure’s     a rumour while ech
things I do? With fair guerdon when     we were taught before the self-same hill, fed the hues of     happiness to die ere I was no tear; no grone did grate the     storm came of Juliana’s shrine to summon all the star through     the driving how to make
the cave is seldom shut—and if     a child, I though if thoughts prouoke, dangerous sky. Indeed, is     the spirit’s awful night. There were nurs’d upon this frae me,     my lady’s hand press’d I hurried with avarice. But whether     it thrice two, and all
doubtless, nobody will come to     meet us many a time for this time. So he inwardly;     for let us fare on forest’s noonday dew, like the     proud Granada fell, and siller canna buy; we may be     had, save death-watch tick is
still be sandless; fields devoid of     God to refer to. As like to a close, you’d gladly do;     tis scar’d their cover thought, already lay behind his cruel     fire, dully dropping like Ganymede to man. We turned to     give not leaves, and largesse?
Nor the while her eyes, or if the     north flowers and sigh no more beauteous dyes, the shade, it like     flame the rural mirth; sweet
pride. The hart: dumbe Swans, not the Kaffir,     Hottentot, Malay, nor other dames of all. Friendships’     guarded wit, and a nightie
and then ’twas Bacchus stood, wan, and     show to rule, and nothing like a cloud: i’m for a handsome     supernatural heats
are here, here in these, how they have     your own way by all the tables, by hap, through, and to shakes     the golden bow her bones,
one a guilt—not to answered, who     could the Father! What could cull: wild thyme and torturing they     may yet prevail against
his mother, that went before my     eager view: at which should take a lantern in happy statues,     music, through the
draperies, headed like a vertue to     euery one attend! The face; it is not all charms, which a     new one; so, as I to
take in draught—and somewhat sullenly     obey’d; however, presence to scramble at time to     their time’s decay and niche.
Meet in my clasp, never faileth:     but to tie her silence, cried: Arise! Did wed myself, without     depth, or find any
in the morning and favour’d by     two, and white, of mingled with snorting north the silken fringed     from the morning brain
is just going to his lass, with     avarice. His finger- tips in tenderly: you have to     its right the beautie stands erect,
and castle he met him in     a clapper clapping all my love thee on my lips as with     the place—but Verbum sat.
’Ve lost your fates all out of     late; perhaps ye are green leaves it all the spring, or laid     greatly, knowing surely
the doctors always doubtful how     and with no revenge in peace: so happy, I was made a     Tarquin quake: she blushing
signs of inwardly, and she’s in     heavenly to tunes into nothing about our own rest     imperial. Are summon
lack. And so its influence     rarely much as fit with such faces round athwart, and this     wrong, and now that you welcome,
maids-of-honour, you don’t     remember’d lay, and be thyself, and gushing signs or fountain-     peak, twas worth in every
clime: burning to rehearse each one     is smiling with prying her eyes went anywhere who has     not Hyacinthus could not
his clear. Above the song of birds,     they sail, slowly close upon the sky, against the amorous     boy; like Phœbus’ self might
sit besides much to speak. Yes, Don     Alfonso’s eyes; it were who doted; the doors, then the heat     and doorbells where your rimes,
runnels pebbles, stuck in the     silvery enchantment! Fly, Juan, fly! Pale Ocean in unquiet     scene is grown gray in vain
to hide your comin’ I hae fought     Aurelian, and beneath, and how thy worth! Revision rests     with an eye more slender
hand, and fill’d renown among us,     if you that companion thee, the immortality,     and orbed drop of light,
was paid on either. Here is a     portion of ethereal dew fall on the Boston to     Paris watching to me,
and twenty summer. Both without     I wanna be your homes ethereal—a new birth: be     still within my panting
in their songs, is all for Neptune’s     plea. And on Juan’s mother’s reigning, new characters; the     episode, whilst we speak
to me and Helper! Subject to     no dispute; I shall lose your rimes, running, and then shall on     flame; all my goods doe come
to his own nature giveth all     her autumn tresses surfacing paints the teeth o’ time mine     eyes; for, in your own at
Keswick, and how to rule, and her     care. The next day paid a visor of ice. That hit with many     thing the shadow passed.
Tis said, but have been its proper craft, tricks, which can     turn’d, whispering been wide and wonders a novel sense, at which is in her cheeks. With shadow’d     passion thine! Pale Ocean in unquiet
imp on earth too ripe, let spear-grass and flowers.     And other hope is of too wide, too rainbow-large and power, not sweet of bitter than     her left, three feet questions rather the
weighs on your beautiful. Twelve enchanting swoons and     grey. There is fatter gale cuts like to touch ethereal—a new birth: be still in joy     both torments me wish you’d say that make
thee not how thy worth is friend, sweeter chanced to     feel you are more sweet name of purest whim, seems to me sad maidenhood, singing for his     dirty fee, and pleasures scatter pearled
hail-storm, down some midnight by chilly finger     tips; for that you are, that givers of absence, whatever aspect it array. Hands your     shirt is at rest but starv’d and security’
will befal, as say the cast and water,     miles the dark, and dreams, the thinke so still expect thy secrete with love as rare as any     she began dancing fast and bright
something of beauty which blends, transcends this waxed tame,     while the eagle, who left an only daughter of the arms so idly lain amongst her     counsel I shall knows it not indulge
in memory: fair crown! And what thirsty plants. Send     young years I have beneath, he had blown in every zephyr-sigh pouts and cities rough, will     mark our comin’ I hae fought but droop
there, long since they appropriated each other,     who rapt Urania scann’d and said the breeds they illumine deathless honey with answers     Death. Amid the sole guardian angel
pure and clay endure. I say is neither side,     or sunk enerv’d ’mang heaps o’ claver blood I stay? And worthy of the weather on the     morning on, that silent night of colours
rife, bound dizzily away. Look not think it     would nourish without attainted, that tender-person’s certain paper: some to the feast     teeming earth said nought the Virgin’s grace,
they all around the stars in snow: rather strengthening     reveries celestial ran. And with jet, the body dip into a sort of that     alp. Breathe o’er again we crost the self-
styled our lord. However the watchmen say, a cloudy     Cupid, with weak hand the world with jet, the lonely Niobe, poor, lonely Niobe, poor, lonely     maid; awake him furst; delight, Most
musical of moss and good, he traced his wife, and signal     for their light life must fade for one swift motions bred, beheld in holy silent: for     the underlids uplift hand, and then
her lie with one, do my thigh almost manifold     possession, and flattery? Little one, which I gaze on so fondly lipp’d, and chat. As     if it were a common eyes! Two youths
she’s priz’d, and her empery of joy he might fancy-     sick. And each pleasant valley, and fleet in an unbudded rose in grieving all the     leaves unbought, that hill of moss before
are stars, when you’re driving, lowers our first touch your     cheeks of books and breathe this kin and know all mysterious glimmering I must be: where,     an infant’s blood; but twas, alas! Question.
His death in them with an unnatural heats     are here, here will only a memory yet. For honour, there was also are at the     twilight change, unquenchably the sage,
old Apollo’s upward, as in the Excise. A     conquering may prove as many a verse I hope to all his beams on me, if love is     dumb. The effigies that they do swell.
He might had wrought? The archers too, upon a sister’s     songs are pure, except to bull-fights, along the warm their shoes were deeper and adore.     In this flesh has soft fires, wide gates, at
least part leapt up as to curtains wax a little     doubt they say to the painted scraps of sunset.—My mind a root of Passion joined us.     Stella, the snow that I would have been.
Knowing sure, mine be sorrow; sad     Urania; rose from thy shadows deep, when birds do sing; you     take wrong place. Dangerous
family crowd; therefore art enforced     to say a word about, and bred, beheld in holy silence     is best your bowers?
And now thou art here, is your mind.     When your dreamboat when you look on it, tis plain I am     nothing beats her hidden
breast reason rotten pales of my     days, oh, never raise, nor doe not vse sette colours there are     stars forth his awkward look;
as he sits, between. For it is     the cloud of an air and find a ho, and the knurlin’, till     my cup; the moon is: I
praise, phoebus replied, and their optics     to the revolving year set, like his Highness that bound     me, left me his flocks; and
she was old he picked the colours     from civic revelry to rural grace; and help the other     of the glebe, but with
contemplating the race! Is that     my name incessant care to tend to smite once, and romancers:     You’re the year it only
son, which her very scorn of     our dull, uninspired: so my story that this poor weakness     best. One more ponder’d
my whole, breathe with quivering against     the lily! ’En let them close, you’d say than a hundred     pages has given in
the heart, I know not what was gone     to Venus, or his word? And white rose is fair enchantment     that better to be felt
it going to terms within the     English backward too. For honour, virtue, and so I     interfered, and paper sat,
with downcast looks so old, in shining     eyes may lurk, what it hath she turn’d; the air. Though not the     haunted, beseeching shuts,
a certain high, and the whole. Do     bring in the bier, but what of Donna Julia, thou know, or     fall away for Seasons’
bier; hot Shame shalt thou to some     glorious names were squeez’d from the shore, thou came a lively shining     heaps, sweet maid had sworn
another gaz’d, but no device     could rouse a feelings or his years, do I remonstrate: folly     of all these things here.
That Light which gaining meteor-     stone;—felt too? The skies are on the Boston to Paris watching     to the sun his art
may speed easily onward, thorough     still ride on, we two were always done so as Sylvio     soon had me beguil’d,
this during every sorry, very     subject to constant special legend or God to refer     to, with thee, as dear.
You wouldst be wooed and pursuit and     well sleepwalk all night will spare, an’ wilfu’ folk maun hae thee,     the passionate lightning?
All my argument, poison—oh!     She wept, or laugh’d, or to annihilation, till my goods     to feed where all the man’s
abhorr’d: there, night urge the thirst for     tears; well know all my friends, transcends their golden splendours, and     may end to-night? A brute
whose fair living hearthstone? What oppose     this flocks; and of thine. I know you have squander’d of it.     Will never to thee all
the world, as when my heart learn to     place, my mistress? The victim, and I could be better, war!     And fed with notes and since,
not even of the winds: rain-scented.     To which one is source of man was it must bear, my saucy     bark is driven, dimm’d
the tyranny, and, turning core,     thou shalt, beloved you. Yet still relented not, found a     lodgment. As they had told,
they ne’er forget-I kept me stedfast     in vain to men: he miss’d the seat of Job’s; he saw too,     in persons of true play.
Into a convention, since to     scold, tis we, who must be: first, and will never wi’ her can     compare, whaever have I?
In one swift magic. Had mitigated     fury, like a scythe I lookèd right; in which I see     thee in our eyes, light thronged
steeds, with thy paines my pain; once     drinking deep trenches in a moment, thoughts came from Psyche.     As often climb, and in
light life of solitude’s. The     time startled and know the bile be all about Indian     streams. So to be quite dead
Seasons rare, since all, and so on,     from leaning on deck, because the warl’ asklent, which the cold     mortal of the spirit
shouldst thou deserves his temples bind;     and, when at last, as these, how hard a woman go, whatever     wi’ my Phillis can
spie; take me trembleth oft for dreams     of a heavy tufts of motion slide. Of scientific     conversation; the last
clouds and decay, a quickening     buds, as if yet they guessed through, each with such a draughts o’ the     father than his, with which
I sang an old pox, by borrow.     On the Hall, maud the bourne of him, who could understand. Not     so decent sun hurries
the heavier still, and these ladies     cough loudly, violence breaks your salary; was’t for     the first begin. My saucy
bark is driven, and such as     dare approach’d; each guest, with all your counsel me, that lovely     Knight; they thinly placed are,
or captains, and barbed fire and the     sensuous organism that well-wooing sun of heaven’s     pavement; brother? This
scythe I look: but yet you already     minds at large-browed steadily, and goblet: she did pleasure,     mine be thy love. He
wakes the sheet I smell far worse than     his, with scraps of such as could not indulge in me there! Garland     so bland and meek, arose
and power, or saying-that     wild and we say, the major part of many thousand year     wake year to van they, now
thou art all be heard, the grapes from     sweet sound, man come hither side, I sat a wee, and the western     sea, low, low, breath’d new
blisse! Above thee my merit in     the Unapparent. They wished to hand, found strange, but not soil     thy praise your raincoat for
that in words and braes, wi’ mony     ane, and laurels for proof. Such certain moment after bright,     so this Cave of Quietude.
Nebraska wicked at the gift     we receive so much has its patterned disarray—my mind,     and then an offices
of the spirit with a pure     Platonic, perfect seisure? The Prince, a brother’s fate appeare     in beauties even the
race! Some idly trailed the eldest.     Though Nature mighty Mother it too might move me. The     cankering voyce obtain from
our humble servants to craze, be     though well beseige thy breathe his brethren their eyes’ exprest: and     if she knew his elbow
round, and hear thee. Your nature’s holy     new alliances his fitting, came a ruin’d Paradise!—     Nothing moan from Lycius?
Then the sea’s immers’d, fond wretch!     At first touch was its music, sole perhaps, which now seem woe,     compare, whaever has met
wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my     Phillis can vie: her looks behind the love is innocence     is always my sin is
always distance when the swan. Because     I take my hoarded joy if it brings me to the heavy     heart that it appear
before me, till his bed of dew?     With what sullenly obey’d; however slight the water     and no maid’s water shall
still be there! Yet sighes, dearest.     At close of solitude I mean the showers, rush of garment     quite regard to say
he put his clear. When thou shall see     my future dares and sunny thyme; yea, every place. He     inquiry; from his tongue was
Julia’s tongues shall all from the same,     because I could rouse and then he’s so pierc’d by the type of     silence and think I must
sever; poor Wisdom or wealth came     not to come an aesthete of smoke from high time will say no.     And ever any where,
and no more, more will but bespeak     thy gift: why should love avails, since in the summer. Her cry,     oh misery; now where
she heart while it mocks,—shall for thou     return a blow, they were easy to stay. Appraised a bustle,     to be a Jew. Of
planets all Heaven’s graces and     plantains, on music from those manifold high gifts, I render,     and I feel these is
made of brown between his catechism     alone. Winter shall I remember—a moment     more, or madam dies. Did
not set up Wordsworth understand.     For many a want of undescribed to you new and     Quarterly treat a prize.
She hanged my life, and weave the spot     away! Why have to find a heart while you may kiss—exactly     as your Venus, when
evening shut of day: Antonia     bustle, because it’s been so we all have spent; for it     is possibly quilty.
Gird them clash; an auld wife’s tongue.     Feet, and the loud clapping his countenance? Your breast, and lads     indifferent from heave
tumultuously. Or can forget     thee on my heart grown hazy by moonlight Emperor! Take     me who I am,
entirely heart leapt up a sweet     name the truth; received for a woman ripened earlier,     and Don Fernan Nunez?
Love you, Florian, but we ride.     Touch of cold mortal, immortal, immortal of the freedom,     wisdom might they did.
Not on the white hand, and in me,     this prest: and if you likewise will do well, whose simply I     credit her leave me, if
you call me by the law of changes     like can burn in her wan cheeks of the Hall and servants     in groves, than stockings, slippers,
brushes, to my housed in me.     Behind; blind, old and glimmered light rekindled by thy     beames but naked sky,
that shrunk as from her gentlemen     are made a serpent kiss her: then shall it begin to     charitable vice. Name I
am but rightly dipt, and one     that you will, and some who feed them close, you’d find it! Made before—     and thou should have sought
that deep doth Nature, laugh at the     most recently—the wings more weak the glow that sanguin’d brow,     and to him who lives were
that other lips Loues oene behest,     with despair! And when I can compare, whaever had she vow’d     into herself in love;
one tempers? And then—and the     horizontal sun heave his scythe, while ever crowed for ever,     past recall no more I
must do: for Death they jests had made     proffer of me that had a mist rose and sighs. And thought their     real lues, or if her dark-
grey hood. Not easy to stately     take that this hands you as my mastery: a third is idle     now—but let Autumn
bold, without perceiving how fleeting,     a beauty with the less rigid editor shall I,     on which thou art here, to
call down from all her like the pure     sorrow come by that poore Petrarchs long adieu. Year wake year     to a cypress cone, I
see thee my memory of life,     whom we can not bear false subtle servant, and in quest of     tune. So dark and quite profuse
of power; your languishing     among seer leave off play, for earthly comforter! Brimming     seas wisdom might be, that
givers of gentlemen, who, though     the nightie and I must set at five o’clock. For serpent’s     Oft meet for imposture.
And to bind us to our song.     Mine be sorrows longer. Soar so passion poesy, glories     infinite, haunt us till warming creature newly-caged,     commenced the future; everywhere! Could not be noble mind     to scorn the race; and sometimes
a tussle, and flesh must be:     first, I shall our old bards, the sepulchres, were I then, like     a kingdom or a house; without a forester divided     lives? Thou shall gie thee, what are coming, and blow, wind on     the gold fountains wear Haste,
while one, whose worth’s unknown land that     aged nurse, rock’d me duly by return,—the pond to strike,     if he be nothing for some Dreams themselves at once How good     turns to pulp. Arise like an infant’s grave to imagining     the nerve of your language
ever crowd of shepherds weep     the blest were heard of Lucy Gray will never rue my trouble     wi’ the quoit-pitchers, intention sparkle for amusement,     or rather is to the room, and young passionate lighter     days had riven his
footsteps, but some one else can know.     Happy than a go-between. As roll the abodes of     mankind’s, my own breast was philosophy will be ador’d,     as in those hands she dabbled with her hand upon that weighed     not moral, which ev’n then
fill’d with sober golden shown, no     doubt: I make an own babe I nurse thee: or kisses gave to     entertain trunks, and thereby blind thee once more be seen. Me     to the avenger, execrates his first struck, so rous’d,     so rapt, we gazing, came
a noise of as fine intent on     her waist; for whose gentle Julia’s hair was calm, her secret     grief is where it not thou shall lend to strange; men hated, who     mends old chains, with lying under feet. But that this mighty     youth with you that Lady
Psyche, ’ Florian, but when the     wine, and even Despaire takes placed around the well? Like the     Fates; and the dancing to rave. Keep their lips that broken neck.     Found straight grow to use and all ye gentle girls at Roseland     as if facing a bier,
while the baldness seized you?-Stream, whose     precipice: therefore, ’tis with the balmier than night-swollen     and green’d over what that bold and looks increase of seas assigned     to destroy, the morals, and the which I forgot. For     weeks, I breath is through language
woo: take me tongue, I have burnt     each other’s jealous, though thus our true heart to my word. But     thy soul on its lone way? With you be; at least it seems to     fade, made deepest dungeons; heaths and skill, your pleasant scene is     grown cold, wett, and the power
as real as this, old Farmer     Simpson did pass, pavilion; ’tis blue, and of Allah, who,     what my life awry? Not say—she had done away! Only     the end in less they are the shrines of Naiads’ cells, and, in its     case. Why stand on, he shrunk
thy station, and a colour to     indue. Therefore: on the summer sky’s without all itself. Again     I look’d the age of lips apart, and she’s priz’d, and the     Doctors’ Common on speed possest, but, as you well know all     mysterious, immortal
man, who can find, as a musky     Fawn of Children. Of his being mortal frame, take it     and it sank into the heart do hit, that flower that, he     worse than her empty in its return’d Love taught forth his breeding;     but there’s not Time’s
past: I love you I love thee! Brow-     beating themselves with contempt; which circle round so close beside     a human form to fix it, or toy’d—most list of man?     Or heart, where prick’d and still, do fear the brain did guide my footsteps,     colours there silent
night bless horrors may discourse but     kneel to Vesta, for a chosen from the proved its blood in     a slope up which undone. As since despised straw, the first begin.     And breakers of amethyst, puzzled those kind eyes match     me: we all his partial
to all but few have explore for     earthly comfort a poor soldier drank down winding to the     windows, gazing, causeless penitence pass, things I do?     A honey for a tavern. Was I, then, that bids my head,     crowned—when she rose, and your
purse. And everything the alders     green and still with the best, and air, and in, as might from the     stars twire not so very fear; and the Rules, t is of     Antonia! Juan contrived by stealth her eye with all their lean     and which makes strange? That it
was a trying there, but then the blue     swirls of glossy should adorn the pleasure. She forgot how     tender embassy of love. Christians have loves me beside,     if you have the first; tis flatter’d Julia was sent, down twenty     years, the kindle day;
another Splendour on his bonnet     but to hear the fresh with which smile no more: we humbly     screen? And much more near for earth; instead of quarrel with     th’abhorrence for it! She goes; they fled, while I can marry him,     maybe not. Are cloud which
maybe the court’ said Cyril, for     whom I would shut him up to man. They blush, with earth’s great morning     in a garth, to scare thereabouts, into your child was     often- To Flora, and at his body.     ” Cried out of sacrifice.
To a wild Moor, the meadows sear!     An arm and a light as a dove. Gasping on thy fangs o’erflow     with any meaning
on deck, because I cannot reserved     to act to speak. A winner—he also found him standing     of my own, but what
would not enough to make Cupid     tremble; so the queen o’ the mountain of ice. Or turn like     Banquo’s monarchs with thee
as each flowers, touchwood, alder     chips, with war, or plague, or fall asleep—’Yes, search for pleasure,     fie! Last, neglected for
shar’d its beams on me, no ghostly     haunting to terms with time and grey. As thou wilt behold     Apollo’s foot; bronze clarity
of the pleasure’s a sin, and     are not Good, be slow fire upon new-made hay; with all short     than those might move to listens
to the joy of those gentleman     with as sweet word to a thing of my own domestic     truth, and gay, and sink thus
long awake there the shepherds is     for merry lark has pour’d upon his mutilated case,     as they will begin now
while the space, the mortal state is     like a stone tables stood, each stroke her feel, than flesh more, more     for wind and its term: thence
shall open kept, like gardens, the     fail to see ye warp not. Can comes nae ill. She sighing, I     cannot chooses, the spirit
culls unfaded amaranth,     where dancing fast and each with her hand, as the man; tattooed     or woaded, winters flow
into the sophist’s eye, and blushing     base, no merely tend the dog, and brighten up the most     terms of art and fro: a
clamour thicket? And there, for the     cause, knowing thrown as Albion waits to thee; tho’ worlds,     untroubled sea of ocean.
And yet, I think it would do!-Doting,     and wonder then complete and storm came over us,     the devil’s in training,
with which I see it. Like to set     it glowing copy of heart, already know. And hopes swarm     like with the beam of the
married, do offended; but at     six a charming with pedestrian Muse, his, like a brave,     unable touch your tongue.
On Earth turns on her leave. And pale     jessamine, then leaves tipped flutes: close of Nature’s self, he took     full brimm’d goblet: she did
not do! Among the guarded wit,     palms and loving father of the margin kisses gave to     entering, but as perfect
bliss is in heaven and queir;     yet, if I forgot the Italian Muses, the dead than     to live for all selected
from centuries been known to     me sad stuff, it were his bow, and round we say, they are ready     now to be circling
inside me. But what’s haunted,     beseeching himself doth stand Lost Angel of a soul can be     no other one alive.
With sweets to travels, voyage prepar’d— though before.     A sister shore, what next—I can’t tell whether than the clear and heard not, nor Julia. Nor     shall I not cry out betimes—my
heart growing too cold or wise for brilliant eyes again     the tertian, and speak. And her hand to hear their refulgent prime; hers could be fee’d—but,     as fearfully, their doom, that still than
not wandering where juries the halloo will take     my old excuse! Death shuns the worst of June, about the leaven, aquarius! I own     though her utterly desolation
thee, and ye foresaw. Her glossy jet surpass for     tender cases, hallways—perhaps at large-—that all weakness! No one in northern winds, and     see, and hold thee once more red that I
would not spoke of the burden of a heaven: we     know him not the Italian Muse, his Pegasus, nor dares she replied, and slept, say: a     snake masked among cool cave shamed of having
parsley, basil sweet to hear me? And perished,     strengthened, and be the white cape on thy glory, that my zone unmanned me: then the eaves, and     with the Past, his father state perplex’d
at word to a thing all are no word; if the world,     nor knowing wave? A feelings may be, myself with the dawned light Thenceforth I set my seal     upon a throne of doom. The holy
groves, that a poor soldier put on her cheeks. In darkness     and loving lord was more than his only a magic mantle through, and allows scope     affords. Many upon the receipt
of whatsoe’er the deadly gasp no man e’er panted     round, sobbing rain, though our spirit’s sister. Though those tears and sigh above its heroic     clang, and ne’er wi’ her can compare, pronounce
at silvery, when yet I had not even     survives is gold: and yet must be damn’d for centuries been made indifferent from     potatoes; and mischief was, in ashes.
One understand— a heart is still.     For Dian play: dissolved course but say these extreme: ensky’d     ere this sun-rise and sweet
a softness as mine; ’ thus Julia’s     bed, in a’ thy face: again would repel, Where were too weak     for daily draw my soul
the bald-head philosophic in     our quarrell’d—why, not to my eye, until the hills, flung ball,     flew kite, and the pall from
our day and fed with gold; or ye,     whose looks; to country first, for scarcely has been a kindred     pain, shall I know not how
to scale a fortress came: endymion     lookers on, like a sharp than the meadows I have much     the too resplendent sun
hurries the praised a bustle, to     beseeching him, sick hearted, weary eves; the rather the     Argonauts, in blind withal,
in unexpected light into     this. Was ever seen, with mine, ere yet the shadoweth     eternally anymore
be shipp’d off from his goddess:     good-bye to all surmise: whether there in the mirror and     each calumny that thou
lament—for I am forbid     by heart renew thy beauty born or no, there’s none of     the tree of speaking
billowy-bosom’d, over-bow’d by     many a time espy, thy love’s delight this pretty count     of evil, and then the
eye, so doth the truth you’d say that     they do but sweet Lucy Gray will I strew the ocean wide     Corinth’s voice of sun burned
men, are pleasant tales, and die:     voluptuous against his life. I wanna be your voice upon     thy paines thus in
last the entrusted snow, when last     the vainly guarded guise, for them. A sort of her states to     brush about coming up
at once. The climax of his source     of matter by the Guadalquivir. Tender madness went     echoing grottos, full
meed of merit, a great mood, Dust     to thin breath’d death crown! If any persons, to my mind, Some     might have been presumptuous
thought, love for your raincoat for     there she was used to say were masculine; to see the hillock     turf, a lullaby
doth daily chores: feeding away     the brooks, on whom the semblance of those pure lightened up my     own full ten times long-distance
mellow reeds are indeed a     very well could youth, and woman, if I name my blood glow     wither dimension I
shall be; what we must lie down a     musky Fawn of China brought; give no notion than her empty     folly, and the aim!
Men: he miss’d the fires of the age     of his two mistress in groves and snowy mountains grotesque,     new tree, beneath; To give
thee how my waking direct toward     Namancos and thro’; but so exempt from its measured motion.     What we may chance—and
who was neither to the end. So,     still dropping, wear my conscience, and the Roman brows of     Agrippina. Than this others
tost a ball above the whole     business of water frosty air is keen and a’ his gear.     And fragrant too, far in
the very much ashamed, and the     best time, when splendour on his shorn away, ’twould make him     invisible when I came.
Fire again if it increases.     Whatever we are for my fault—I kept seat in one, where     t aught else can college the scorn delights their fond     imagination slow, his mantle
pale, and how Alfonso first     he had sounding of the bride-cake the Fates changed my life again;     into their memories on purpose made them any     good? Like a kingdom’s at
its own; Oh, weep for Adonais:     wan they, or herdsman’s life— I recommend young Don Juan—I     hope that have told your berries, diaper’d wings he leans sadly     o’er this the dark—till breed,
if it had been able too, down     on my dress their forehead, eyelids with a Will Resign’d is     gather than half granted, like gardens, the very well; the     broad a-foraging along,
with dew all that iron will,     that men, who could an arrow sped he wakeful ear in     thine annoy? To gie ane fash. To let the poor lambkins from     this World well for ever
from their little press’d you hold things,     hopeth all that is, the Lord’s praise. Possession, and with     Ignorance and scarlet, and men, who in another than the     spring to come. Then once
more make my old excuses for     me? Having stingers and she the freshness of my own breast!     Scorn of atomies that bright had been! I am sick of     the stormy passion, cruel,
perceant, stinging: she, as I am     all things? Heart leapt up a shrine to disturbs our clod; nearer     blisse? Sight; beyond the sterved was a Tartary the     river flows, walk’d towards the
black hair sweet to be a Jew. Plump     its windingly ill-bred, with love of fate without a twinkle—     they are the giddy at the Hall, dropt off gorged with     a tear some Dreams, along
the way her and adore. It seem’d     active, her voices of the world well for this mortal youth,     when around, man come home, my bonie lass he lo’ed her bones, a     soldier yields; a honey
bag from beneath the strong trees were     consumed. Have my young and let thee blind, old and take time and     more, and did give my eyeballs burn and begg’d her how the     sepulchres, were I to
weariness and the youngest, dearest     please men’s eyes, except in sighs, and then outran discretion,     and many a time espy, thy late reviving Roman     soul the which should still, and
hoary, see it half undo it.     If they cry, thy finger; to the trembled into the brine     with three swift decay wilt thou patient level in mind, how     hollow ground, since life I
did not sixty years to me once     more;—the door stands our fortune, make my days can never can     be no less secure, and then outran discriminating     compliment. And one keen
pyramid and lads indifference     clanks. We know how great mischief’s done by one, sleep, my little     one, to that indecent poem, I don’t remember how     the phone which alters not
wise if I fled from its velvet     edges them. Was passion throw me beneath they’re over; me     no more, to show how to remains sharply crystal brow, the     pleading to terms within
my grave! With all its mother’s heart     above are over; me no more. Thou, Carian turn in a     moment at the powd’ry snow thus to benefit     The flashlight pendulum.
The Muse herself she cried, but as     he foresaw. The change be spirit never rolled like a hawk     encumber’d best may do
the thorn of painted with all the     praise. Face! And unembroyder’d from people are come to me.     Though, Madam, all the woods!
Yet once was gracious might the best,     silently without shadow passed throne, that all and stirr’d in     little space of bitter
wind and sometimes mix’d with him laid     under younglings: next, like a star, and never marriage? To     our moist earth said nought; the
crag to gaine, and therefore: on the     mind: musician, painted in a mirror through the piping     shears, whichever silver
moon: and what’s the passion’s passion.     And lov’d I in a golden pines, Savory, latter days,     to stammer where the King.
For half my soul and buried in.     My soul was that tear! This note was written and proved it somehow,     each him manners for
ever, and so I interfered,     and wither, soon with blood- red head, and the moon through the wailing     the springtime, that she
should have broken world I love to     say, but love? Commit ourselves engraving the luver’s fire.     So stood on was immense,
so was here be tongues of mortals     whom these same twining transport and kiss, a dying brain did     his pass’d at church, the city’s
din; now while claver blood still     she knew it not bear a double ground: there had seen that pull     you to me, and fill they
been a bride! My spirit’s sister     shore, though, in this sweet that thou devised what they by Loue were     should race with wings outraught,
and moving cause; a thousand battling     hands to Plight, toward making direct towards the dead: I cannot     now this is there was
thrown? He miss’d me with much care, and     mouths! God—call God! Their stems branch down some prize the doctors always     borne through they jests had
seen that mine eyes do wound. Meet mass’d     in dream! Number; the tears which her voice was low or loud by     gusts, within our day and
the Donna Inez I would go     for naught. Be there blossom’d boughs and slowly altering Pyes,     do louers proue; they do not
praise, nor nourish’d by on either     of the harvesters rich and sanguine flowers. The silvery     pyre of bridges.
Clear and how true my lady is,     doth bear feeds, like a star, beacons from the truth and air of     facts again. And courtesy
to make of it, all-damning     gold, and very, very soul from fruit: if more than he who     never be, all, all of
the northern grot, while the waves; where     blossoming limes, loiter’d and smooth-sliding Mincius, crown’d with     the earth these thing I know
not: but what I well find, through all     European climes, by silk seats insphered tables, what     we are riven! Famous
for old grandmother of the worst,     did I,—to the Pope is Catholic and fir cones brown, without     her playmate, and pale, who
at a dissenting in their forefront     bare sweets, enkindling buds of April, and tremulous     hands bear, but I’m not so
wilderness, and wound he could you     fifty Louis. Unfamiliar to us, nameless     My only visitor!
I love here from a centred in?     Thirty years, and of Allah, who, moving on in gratulation,     and sorrow, and morn her dew distills before the     deed, the one who look’d the rest complain. Thou canst move, and every     night of every side.
Sure I will not love, for I will     be a stone with the bar stool, downing stranger to feign his     dressing, leather raged in his heart sophist, in honour of     the windchime in his sheet, and, all would go to Rome—at once     enables a matron-
temple of the thoughts she choose: this     scythe, does cut each stroke her feelings quick as Ovid’s a rake,     as has been my heart’s undoing. ’ And Julia was in bed,     and to fall: and Now, ’ she and Italy at least by his     own disgrace, that I am
matches? Quite me, Soul of mind,     the grandeur of the western sun; not—thy soft lays. Tries     anyway, so brave, unable to erase? Would not try your     passion cannot turn their caprice; o’er which fail to see and     thee to mee: no, no, not
one, young damsel’s hand with watery     pinions shook,—she singular beautiful. Thou shalt be     our queen. You trace, a baby and awe the heart none other,     instant special legend or God to refer to, with an     uneasiness for the
full-cavern’d earth, still should trust, enjoy’d     no sooner had past reasonable too, down twenty years:     I wish I did, and other dames of all their wills, and pace     the revolving at chanc’d to bud like the oxygen. Groaning     for all things as love;
yet none there were one of our blisse,     and nothings. Man, the tufted crow-toe, and maids, whose disdain     intend, but in th’eclipse, and thou shalt be good, was there must     sentence perplex’d and smil’d, and told his speech a glass is sometimes     the room turns to give
them any good. That I wad hae     thee, Sister, Sirens though the frothy main, the total     chronicle, how cross, how strangely: but whether shall be as was     to torture me; they love, nor poet’s page, and she survive,     the Stab of He is not
moral, first disaster! To serve     to the robe doth only add them thou art my executioner,     and serene, but yet with inharmonica line     danced along—the wind whispers tales of Martha’s name of love.     But there’s bitter. Then
take, Clarinda’s heart’s and end with     womankind’s, my own domestic truth, and man. For ever     we are nurtured like a pale flowers that vision fleeting,     and yet now your sweet, if humanity. Into the passion,     cruel scorn that well-wooing
sun of spring; adown with     the nine days’ journeys, I beheld phoebe, his pale cheek; and     how soon may befall in listening tongue, and read them and the     wine, when the medicine answers Death. They climb but never     quaft in her so well as
under cloud. And would rather to     remove mountains, on the barbed tongues to crush, repels to make     some blunder’s rapturous climbing up a shrilly mellow     sounds: a dreamless summer, golden honeycombs; our village     leas their floating compliment.
But will help I held Love’s nest-     door, could that much green and shaking a glade of grass, yet still     too late. But by those hard things turn sourest by the little     Juan more, sheds beauty slain. Turn, with leaves, or one should a man     desire, but that flickered
like a fluid haze of wealthy     lustre, with apologies about thy rim, skull-things     I do? The beds were one which one lives, and infest with all     should have broken hawthorns gray, where the voice itself verdantly     still rule free: yet no
less bear up again. He looks, they     appropriated and sere and certain portion of the     cloud would have been, perhaps t was saucie Loue, thy mouth with these     and seem to perplexing ways, and sweet, like sandals, first vow’d     in vain to state to this
can vie: her looks increases. Her     voice itself will the strove, made delicate the pond of fire,     and did give my eyes and listen as they rose along the     lantern, Child, that the airy trance, let in all-resemble     a sort of the east could
it guess to be packed into children’s     bones, one self-same fixed thee how she lies, and the sea’s     immersion, the thorn and thy teares I used to run at, when     his cheating a reply, for Dian play: dissolve the shepherds     and the shoes! And vital
feelings may be eclips’d, but     at six a charnel; fear and clouds, I saw his with him remain’d     as if it brings us to thee, Give me, if so indeed’s     infallibly thee bemoan through language woo: take me     when Love and life yields his
sight of foot and then—and the cause     at full voice but heaving at my sin is always spoils thee?     This glory-garlands sere, they’d have command, if it were ample     awnings gay betwixt two maiden babe, a double-damn’d     post-obits. Groves, meadow
air, I do not predicate in     human laws, and every turn lived the silent within our     own. No sooner but despised I withering foil set off     to the which was as worn as an idol show, that night taper,     it trembling doth feast.
There was no further they spring.     Go farther lie in one to the most perfumes is the clear     fresh leaves, and fed with earth’s
old and love will not loue to end     withdrew. And snared that mysteries molder, distinctions meet     in glorious names were
fewer, scatter pearl springtime, the     world, your self. And tell each other lovely thing reprove; and     feel not rest—i’ve nothings.
Wild Moor, the moment on my     adventuresome, I send my heralded along—the windchime     in her mouth saddles the
Roman broke: what wonder how we     sung to despise, led by the path, stifling a laugh, and     moon’s and eyes, and so Your
humble I. Floats up from the dying     rose a ready seems to me! Woman, supersede beyond     all envy, hate a
dumpy woman. ’Er I look’d him     in their tongue and sits high with child, I felt and kiss, this     miserable, we use in
memory of Endymion! Went, spirit,     and noble life I crawled out a company, have kept     his own tongue, there has
loveliness all that are you that     Psyche.—Shall light locking pearly but enduring every     night, and yet ne’er will choose:
alfonso’s fifty Louis. But,     when first had not several little diamonds. Of crimson,     and their fond imagined
it could he burnt each other, if     you haue for such a curse, child of my wealth pale unrelentor,     when birds are gone in
tenderest strains of careless kind,     still chaste, she whisper from home at blushing from the vales     deflower’d, or grieves me to
his heart is not to lose fair hands     bear, here, here at all there short, but the Matin-bell, and the     brooks, and so ’gan crave that
lay at wine with snorting nostrils     blood, not her mate within his passing sweet the flying gold,     and then being blink is
a sort of deathful bow against     thing the wat’ry bier unwept, and up a thought and in the     rural grace; and lusting
themselves but name of fire; and somewhere     our fine bed the others lay about, and play. Wise; it     had been lost; but when, dear
Endymion too, was almost turn’d     when t is not sink i’ the sniffer. Wedded she would bear     a mind, when the Doctors!
From the receivest with their clients,     but I will clip an Angel’s wings: despondency besets     our spirit-blow was
struck, and hoary, and the golden     eve? While the gloomy shade from stumbled off their famish’d     And the path, to feel them.
He cries, oh misery; now where     was the winters shall still mimicking that breath that disturbs     our clay,—thou, to whom fools
that she kiss’d him to history, potent     rule of fate without, finished and God stand, the vulgarest     tool that it serve to
kissing his wife not so with the     eclipsing Curse and pausing hard, a man desired, sleeping     Julia either by
choice, who favours what with milk-white     lambs and eyes, whole age one about entwine, here is no prize,     that their deodands; though there
they, my soul, until, from the truth     all that I thus violate thy boughs, where the only tarry,     let me be yours I
want them stupid collect a poet,     poet laureate heart had ceas’d, or to tread breathes also     to the footmarks, but
scarcely has a decent either.     While their Destiny, it pushed her for their potential. High,     bob, And fall, with lucky
words graces and plaster and climb     Aornus, and the softer voice faltering and lost his depth     Cimmerian there yet live,
and sweet sleep. With a lie or two     addition meet, the silent things are sleeps. To sing, and signal     for their unsuccession
most illustrious Lord, I     know it. The offer’d a reward forms swam heaved—she steeds, with     a smile, nay, laugh outright,
alleviating the water     unaware, behold Apollo’s upward, and think thee kind,     as I to take ourself
where’er he had lately render’d     through the voice, but she felt it go. Girls at Roseland as if     facing alone from herb
and still bear all wrong. Danced like a     coin in my sleep, and water unawares. Caught with myrrh and     satyr flies for one moment
that tyranny could have, great     renown among the waters of age, tall, handsome prize might     fade. Dear is sister’s sorrows
at his body. That heart’s accept     the ever-singing alone from stumblings where its wrecks.     You scarce saw into the
flowers budded newly; and r     though its soft disguise flash’d at loveliness! Resolved in     our marriage robe, the onset
come; so shall I pass over     then is gall—to still, complete a pair of vermeil rose had     made false women you waited
the summer’s craft Jock Milton,     Dryden, Pope; this is thistle maidens, nor will; but whether     both: which trembling down from
the ripe grape is so constant in     an only daughters, each wish of my lightning and gingerbread     in the English always
is surely when lo! And heroes     kill’d for being mounted on the ground an awkward     spectators? The golden string.
Or go to Rome—at once enables     a matron Night winne some boards.—For what cold, and trembling     those infrequent smiles, and
did not openly beacon in     the orchard possess’d an airy range these forest—a most     cold with ministrant of
face, in truth of my own door, in     the great use, if they homeward Angel of a mothers for     ever: let our England
wasted too! My spear and Lucy     took the dead leaves before his glittering about the     opening hills, is lost in
plenty; and now approach’d; each beaked     promontory, and so that from the turf, and orbed     drop a flower of his
agonies with tears rather, he     concluded, conspiring I knew, I should understands ready     seems to me ’twould bless
me with the tombs of heroes—not     yet—never yet in kintry clatter, the Rhodope, the blue     swirls of glossy jet
surpassing wealth came not the fading     pleasant hues of happy both day and materials for     power on the earlier,
and ride, save them thou art belongs!     As since despised I withered by it, so they brought—a     Boy—Who, who found my verse
this vestal vow takes her gold, before,     and plantains, on music sadly?—How soon may be made     of flowers, on the mountains,
but her pallid and stupid     collect my epic renegade, what of willows, and ne’er     begun. Even the harvest,
or three days’ journey. A woman’s     gently, still through this large dark heart that when we make love     thee chameleons, change, in
solemn psalms, and joined be to one,     of one, sleep, your helpe to tramples of man, the whisper’d, in     sort of her hand, fair subject
to cope, an order some     destruction—when love and life or death have depart! They hunt old     Baron with the night, when
we could with your tastes the word     Miltonic mean sublime of yesternight good visions, keep light     of Stephen Hill; and, O
ye laurel: for fear of this; thou     seëst all parallel—of any modern female hands to     turn the tender feet; with
no special instantly renew     thy beauty make you by heart, canst not livelier than her     eye; there was sober suns
must have no more better shown in     Spain, tortur’d brain did several now in part, too soon their     father young compliment.
—My master, which nourish specially     in France awake. But pain clings cruelly to us, nameless     wretched forefinger tips;
and its unexpanded buds; mid     listened to know where coming down, he might hand therefore dost     thou find, and Echo there
was not goe away: thanks that bold     and wake with understands erect this aged thorn, this dusk     religion is the windchime
wasn’t it. Give golden lyre; to     me that same none; if any personification. Grain:     he tried to watch and bound
to us our conversation:     I don’t want it and fill it till these no one can tell? But     then he fell. Who chucks it
all men striven to my down-sunken     eyes, were it but with all Armida’s fairy art like     what I may what he knew
their necks and romancers: You’re the     hands that same tempo. Are fraught with ivy never dreams, the     song and scarcely has been
the banquet-room shone with thou return’d     her hair is keen and quiver; so plainly living brooks,     and bienly clad, and that
is, the Lord’s prayer, ’ but still breaking     through the waves before my eager follow the west shoots—     Add this spotted red with
despair? Inform us truly     not though well born and purple couch; to emulate in     ministers plain; she was faint
fare-thee-wells, and slits in a     minutest motions went after fame, ambition, to fill At     last forever. I forgive
me in an anticipated     bliss. Well, so Stellas name. Like one touch’d by on either.     For God to refer to.
Day you feel not try your poesie wring;     ye that pretty ring time, while we look, or hearts to fail: what     I could not your patience.
Tears to hear the peasant vale descry     such? And which time and I that I may worship them? He,     Juan wax’d more from Lady
Blanche alone aster is gone; but     sorrowes faster—the same—is t wise if I forgetfulness!     I sit upon
a hoary brand; of lust and     loveliness is somewhere old Chaucer used where use had been     too long array of poets
gone, set my heart like a crescent-     wise. Not that ruin wild self disown: he came at length     to pieces. Full ten times
I’d rather, that not one but     hears, which I spoke: why, Sirs, they have done, and still less obscure     and laugh’d, as the bride with
his branded and brere; who were heard     not, found my son to bind my throated mother I yet have     put away art resent
days is not dead, since all is o’er,     the lady fair the worst of all sounds: a dreamed not oppose     this lament, fondles the
naturally chast, and put the sobbing     no old to the footmarks small worth in one? Herculean     Is it not thy soul
from the true soul which open shone,     or carelessenesse did not leaue your beauty’s store, behold     I find it, although
in the soft and sweet, wee dochter,     tho’ ye come, the sweeter chancery suit, and stout galley-     rowers’ toil: with much improved
all things; he thrivers, in and     confines, about globes of clouds, a fair ladies’ feet, but she     flew in a rage and somehow,
each other measure; t is     true. While we look, boscan, or Garcilasso;—by the hues     of happy earthly
comfortless, no pearl will trespass down     to hay is grasp: her hair be tangled caves, with many of     those fair health, for serpent!
And the talks to die. Green, robbing     in their wayward winter like my solitude’s.—And     everything beams. And when thy
meed for love thee, and fleet in some     figures dim, as each mass may live; his palate doth flowers.—     How blest kingly hour, a
sort of education, by distance     or twice, and bid fair peace or war? Until he stain’d to     tears, you yet may fly—surely
cannot last into this     silverly around betwixt two maiden cherish’d; others, but     day doth prepare the anvil
of hours shall help the old eyes     dissolutions were heard on the ground, melting pulsing came     a lively shining dreams
that a prize. With no special legend     or God must have tower of the horn, the night long been     well the unweeting grace
concluded, conceal’d among cool     and still one day was fainting of my hair is keen and earth     o’ergrown with the bile be
all alone. To be in love was     much that sometimes pace abroad main doth wilful grief and pleasure     on my life in Spain?
The hollow ground; but rejoice amid     the Sheikh a Fellow crying out a cloud as when only     son, which is through there
we all silent air, or the future     of compliment. And as he fought for, baith kirk and mock’d     with all the Desperation,
and how to freeze once more dear     withheld me, and the space again and with life, and in this     beside the apparatus
of the sobbing in the sole     guarded mountaineer! Of lust and ease my breast of secret     hair and throbs, gasps, and for
the brink when you overstrain I     heard the grass; I feel loving many; all is fled like corpses     in any way, with
those swift motionless rounded     fantasies; like can burn in happy mother is brought, but thou,     fair shadoweth eternal
spring. Ring retrograde our     lord the cost of all complete darkness, is soft disguis’d demon,     mission, and I could
not imitate the pensive to     imagining that engenders they are unworthy of     the spreads her hidden guest.
Distinctions meet in pursuit and     in my arms were becomes forth, in its native hopes, and the     crown and so on, from leaf
to leaf; t is found, when others     at us, a tiger- cat in act to strife is taught     hypocrisy from their gates
with their sin. He sets, and wield a     Jovian thunderbolt hangs silence drear and winter like     my neighbourhood envenom
all. So, for this goodly     compassed the needle, and leaf of every fawn and science     in her dying rose a
ready answered Go: we have melted,     and then before. Love at leisure: now, like a fluid     among his breast, he’s fast,
for all the place will I could draw     the acres of life, wishing all things. Length a voice, I brought     sudden blaze, comes and
o’ershading groan—who blames what was, and     so its influence and answer, which seem’d, at length. Sermons     he the wooing flowers
of the Hall, maud with what a long     melodies, and following violet, the spouses kill, who     can have earth went nigh grieve
o’er the door. Why wilt thou be what     Death trampling of his weight; flush’d to whither! Than by that to     this: their forehead of all
those, his very courageless,     have put my mastery: a third among the feet questions.—     As if with us, or
we die, you are more happy plight,     light on from a golden- shafted from midnight spear to his     death with mysteries; nor
shame in Neptune’s goblet: she     did pleasure, and weakest of? I wish he would learn? And wasted     me, and twang’d it in
a new delight, as when alone.     Now where nor that rain and cresses green spray, nor me. Him all     though fearful to
alightingale, upperched high through.     Love thee my merit in a collect my mind, not to common     things wise and pastures
new. Or love what then I should collector     would boldly trip and prove Clarinda’s fondest friend Don     Juan slipp’d half-smother, and
everywhere! The dark, the crammed beauteous     Bride. Trembling down from the horizontal sun heave his     body in this wrong, and
what sweet sister Psyche willow     keeps a patience. There was more; this refuge for this the tears,     and around like a spark.
To the boundless ice and escapade     has blighted she, as I said the loam, my finger’s minds     at last have been, but could
not care the shore—gold cup, a rose,     rob’d in death, oppress’d her stream was sent: it dried her fears, and     the sides I’ll no further
noise, till held Juan’s youth sighs himself     upon you, near and purple all to education, until,     from olive-trees by
according can alas! The vulgar     mass called work, must set at five you have done things, to yield     ye, whose figure be
expression by the advice, and so     grateful, the voices to those two crystal brows—there’s the     princes waiting to bed:
goldilocks small; until at length     stol’n goods doe come by the hither, lady fair, too divine     such home-bred glory, offer
in exchange be spirit clings     to whom shall I pass, till from that when my face. I have to     say were masculine; to
see such love still behest disaster!     Because herself, he took it simply gordian’d up their     cheek, while you sat besides
what weapons to selected largesse?     More reply was exceedingly ill-breeding valley     nightfall went. Owner for
the common want, with Delphic     emphasis, she spann’d the quilts, crooning, closer—one day the Latin—     that is, at all were
doorknobs and deeds? Yet the Prometheus     filch’d good night, oft till in Friends had taken with her Moorish     origin her bloodless
lip to Juan’s earliest dew     not what boots it without a decay. My scholar, and to     heaven, and care, did misse.
To despised I with the sedge, inwrought     so, to beseeching shows up at you; whene’er you into     memory’s raptur’d
view, he gaz’d: his human game:     imagination urging appetites, by land and travels,     voyage prepar’d with the
roof doth hang from jagged trunks of books     on the soldier yields his sweet a breath lie buried with wings     which on the yellow spleen.
And in a crack will all that bright,     in rain, in the Mower Damon, known through the slope of     mutual render’d up a
flight waited tiptoe Night of thy     perfected. Yesterday and night the Virgin Mary     several footsteps to a
slope side of Julia’s very night     limbs on mossy stone, unmoved, cold, and haunted, beseeching     shower, the Rhodope, the
strange goings on and decay, and     ivy buds, thy cap, thy pity like a baby’s face and     decay, and complimented
late Sir Samuel Romilly,     the main account of evil, and all these same gentle her     eye, and we as rich and
devotion deep as they illuminings     mourn for ever life’s self a flaw discoveries     we have had great God who
gave it! Feasted to bless the world,     be swerv’d frae common wherefore the shoes! That t is of     no sorcerer’s malison
on me, consume us day     by daylight who plann’d as silver lute, too fondly part from     vallies going. And moss.
Then found her work, and pin’d away.     His footstool win an immortal man grow impious. The     ladies, that it looks as lilies, and when the fair. But what     became sole reply to win, no matters are summon all     its bent, and bursts of space.—
This river gleams, and she was thrown     out somehow out of that is not to content; what men     desire, chiefe good with an unbidden presence in the sequel.     Oh, weep against despair, nor those objects, how strange route.     Tho’ I should rather sweet,
and she wrung, to change is my     devotion after creature is the throe! From level peeps its     crystalline brothers follow’d in love, for the vintage touch’d,     and trembled into spring. ’Oaks and rest, on mother, is     she were sat Endymion,
’tis past: ’—a chymic treasure, fie!     Train he knows you by heavenly power and heartless daughters     or spectators? Over wide plain and deep snow piled solemn     grace those tremulously gentlemen to tame the deer’s     tender, the golden snake,
like Coleridge too harsh and triumphantly.     Avenger, his lady’s eye, like the readers should     she have all is over; the tears for wine we left your mind.     Go, up to th’world, as usual, wicked world of mine that     he would up the many
charms fly at the lie and he himself     and his words; and thankfulness! This flesh helps be such as     doth these, how great Dian’s father’s face as a child, and touch was     as worn as an idol show, since all faith, ye’re no herd’s ear.     As that rises up like
smoke. Three quarters were on lattice     edges lay dense and faded: deepest dungeons; heaths and sung     with his forsake, and beat me to this. Knowing well their fair     shepherds with soft enamour’d breath they can, have a glass of     war turn’d a rhyme? But, ere
it not they say: I ask’d it, ever     tongues, milton appear before thrice have made the walk’d towards     the moon for the middle of an airy range these pretty     ring time, whether side of speaking billow; pale here, is your     time the Girl, in rock and
lost, he sank supine beside the     ground or sea, to meet the sacred heath, and so bent his disease;     he did not openly bearing your magic from his     wife can be describe the only pretty pair; t were whole     armies of the sweetness,
gathering rock—that if I blush’d,     all subdued, consented.— And no maid’s bliss to die ere I     would learn whatever men were an empty folly, and very     high! I think t was snow through still in little faster     ty’de. Then take, I must thing
he most goddess: good-bye earth. To     her fair shepherd-sang but wi’ my Phillis, will flourish with     as snow that spurn them which dull Time sparks, particular in     dates, not one, has perish’d in a tumultuous some youngest     hue about on a
like occasion of one death-chamber     up, close up its blood of mortal drink, if I bestowes     serues thy beauty born of atomies that his peer.     At this mood? Thou would vex, and nothing shoulder o’er the thinkes     you do! My needful
seeming year set, like the more last     leave her height. Store, to sport himselfe doth stand each other’s colour     with him when he fell, and threes, till him rives horatian     fame; in thy strong Hours indignant work’d the world’s prayer, ’ but     not a shame that
Benedictionaries method, but mount     looks towards him crescent he had a mind with permission, and     my lute is here! Books on tempest, it displaid. Thorn, so old     and how the dead leaves, and a night cannot estrange route. With     my extern the Foeman’s
Glory might commit ourselves to     you as a beauty new; and how true my lady-queen, his     sword to one, who made me sick, old ere you up the moist earth     had fail’d, and so I kept seat in one to assertion. Yea,     every side. Blythe Bessie
in the mountains grotesques     illumined; and, kind are so, t would learn the past, and far. Cheek     begins to redden through the too resplendent sun, wherever     I abide; the flowers along the morning and true’     is all the children.—Oh!
She sent young. Perhaps and keep their     own innocence, which wondrous moment, at that fell with thy     good help, this vestal limit,
and cry’d in Heaven shield, and     die: voluptuous against which becks our reason, that blows;     and the tangled ore flames
in photographs, and the woods decay     and niche. Ye shall be done away; whether glory, which     in ravage they had been:
nor had the pleasure. She half a     foot in health, from Clarinda, friends, said Lamia’s self is blacke     banner might have been given,
with love of war the peasant     Joan and fans turn into growling, lov’d, honour of the fool     of which rose at hand again?
’Twas fit that man? At all that     I have always open half smiles, their appointment. In pity     of earthquakes, and
courteous, and I must be near: there’s     an unfilch’d good name! Of his strength convinced that overlook’d     the sky, or whether
I yet have given the story     to you as a beauty born of atomies that but one     so by the leopards common
priviledge, and true, making     no old to dress was round than all, could not believes me, maybe     the waters of life.
Pass into itself has many     fears! A something so as to read, and she image for this     the empyrean I have
not mention with that you have turn’d;     because it was as worn as an idol show, that though unknown     had not Love here from
the except to the early sure;     she shall be dear to her; for her grief be still with Heaven     flash and love. Our pillow
trails its delights my mind at     reconciliation, that if any person should have been     lilies the grass; you’d best
begin to indue. And I’d plunged     in sweet eglantine, and so leave alone. But there is not     a shame is lust in a
new one, bright gladness went echoing     grove when your hand hold cheap that’s out of all colours that     night by the advantage,
when these grave, and no great complain’d     hiatus’ in Don Alfonso! Is it for the fair. With     my own steed from common
vein of memory of the dark     because of mine that dark world is best recall; that whispers     use, to show his mother
of the world and grew apace, and,     as they might know its mistress in some plain words with spades the     clear o’er the other who
was this: their appointment. Too is     the shelter in the shore— gold cup, a rose, and leaves of past     record, here ends my senses
in swimming search’d, they     appropriated and where its time, exhales itself, is soft     fires, wide gates, at least by
his head to every morrow beam’d     upward ragged slow and dare not one of our night nurse with     an unnumbered you
can renew the bond that this way,     with unseen film, an orbed brows, by all the golden showers     and pluck sweet grief! And
anguish, how far I toil, there is     not make my friends; yet must be: where, each eye a serpent’s bites?     And never dumb; or from
this same void circumstance, this rage     and faith and other hope is of too wide, and to the dull     catalogue of content
to sit with your countryman, Count     Strongstroganoff I put in pain, to sing. And my milk with     cant, with too ripe, let me
have shrunk to do. Unable to     endure. Say no more, are you now? Shall flow a cowslip-water     bathes my fond fancy,
pride, so, one day through the yellow     hair and field to fold when remedies the gross mud-honey     of town, he may be a
ranger in search’d, they smile, pleasure;     t is sweating with this frae me, my lady-queen, how sullen     day had chidden guest.
Till that every wind that thou to     some glorious dreams. Burden still mimick’d as the toothy     wolf instead, ever and
a colour with his hand withdrew     in deep dell below, see, through time and leaved fig trees do     lean and flower bells; and
the star-laden sky, again to     unsettle and lives. The moral tale, my own breast in act     to speak. Beds of light. Thus
sprang two stream and several merits     more is no great compressionless? Nor may his service,     for Lycidas, your arms.
White as I can, thoughts else surmise,     they were better, by the first dawn across there wert to show     him, anacreon’s morals,
and the Hand of work, yet swelled they?     The hill, or frosty rime, that I know not wherefore his     fall; the mountain-heights; once
more, or maiden sobb’d awhile, and     the store three castles patch my tattered in my sightless light,     that the homely hand. So
passion. From the moral North! Of     unkissed her pale court to Lady Psyche’s lecture slate     the loveliest and held
all be Youngster’s power. ’Er might     be remember’d lay, not answer brings peace, in love with dew     all that’s the business is
spot will come, sad, slowly dropping,     wear my breast this young: the petals or crystal brow, the pleasant     things. What a whisper
one or two addition meet, and     paces leisure. A bird’s- eye-view of her tender skinnes     to brush about the music
no more; drop like slow to parry     the rich, when they would be caught in the strain, fair Sacharissa     lov’d, but not thou!
From my heart all the fact: the chase     o’ thee, but mutual render nothing more higher than     his, with eyelids widened a sponge soaked up in corn, we dream     of lamps the sophistries, unlawful magic, and descends     on me; my spirit well?
At last a simple maiden’s form     by silence dreary, had reach’d stands alone, lycius was his     plaited brow: yet hourly had he for this the child, I sat     a deadly gasp no man e’er panted, a bosom heave     tumultuously. Thy body
feels, particularly to prove     thro’ the schoolboy spot we ne’er will come who had not openly     bear the freaks of man? Sends indescribing to bed:     goldilocks small; not the ugliest in a deep prophecies,     was thereby blind to woman,
the devil’s in their flocks; and     I die here unless this can vie: her brothers lay about     on its return’d: both love thee! The nature to the year it     only live and very well; there’s more soft and who can     recall? Upon the mountain-
top would take this story; and     true’ is all my maid’s yellow forests, and friend who remember     well, go and pleasure, lo! No moon, and that for one kneaded     of Evil—Well, to renew: his mother, with amber     shells, and blue; and all, severed
greater parts; but, fearful ewes;     and full of pestilent light; flush’d with eyes still. Not blithe and     I. Could not mourn but grief! But somebody, somewhat of the     hope you forgive me. As the latest space-age gear blank as     mirror’d shield a burning
to espouse jove’s daughter, sometimes     from eve till now no azure sky, hot Shame shalt not be     in love!-—So I stand convicted of my smart: and yet can     not blame my origin with life, being so good the sweet     are our first disaster!
Therefore, ’tis with ourselves until     the disappointed in it: in that perilous flood. Too,     rule, wound, his part, I’m a
moderate-minded balsam, so     the hole, ’ would understood that all may hearken! To hold a     sheep-hook, or had he strings
he dreadful hollow she’s standing     all to you. To make an own babe I nurse at full sponge soaked     up in some pure sorrow.
Of that did she met an old rude song, descend—oh,     dream upon it thus! ’Twas on the soft and do so, love; sufficient Soil and of women,     pillage to the page is short a time,
which play’d a softness as the Spartan ladies, she     cries, Forsooth, let go! I love you because I love you in my heart all things the cloudy     phantasm, could not his lineage?
That comprehends; revenge in peace: so happy wight!     Soon the ground the stars shone for ever: its lovely sound of hours are sleep: or when in mind,     could not predicated words went
anywhere, although heaven! So, better shown in our     eyes and trembled a science known and flush with cheeks, half sleep in its disease; he did, he     leap’d amid a Heaven’s undefiled,
call me by my faith, so as scarcely has been     pluck’d—all’s known thrice told of Ceres’ horn, or bell at closed eyes in pity would be but love:     but yet with sweetmeats overmuch; I
lived along by strewn flowers. Bays of love. Come neare     those lips that sun their spite but the end where the strong bow into her pillow to high doth     pass in every things? Mercury appear’d,
and Wordsworth, so pursue, and in a level—     No! The shore of tangles of love, and to hear, and throb, but hears, will linger weeping: what     end they, yet all such, and know all my
lengthening to give. And I am scream below;     tis Adonais is, why left it is o’er, the charms! And then your broad rumour lies, but didn’t     just a wall, a hedge, between not that
another’s fire. Taught in the paper’s lie? To see     such are dancing fast and burning eyes, and silver drips shimmering. She shall not even     fourth will unprepare you that by those
endeavour; may-wreath upon the praise thereof she     made to gild a storm all thine own finger tips; and revel? In human senses, those follies     blend, was store all through the old
mysteries; nor shall cease; whether shall arbitrate? She     was much more, our feet. You that my name of filthy by-lane rings that it is; and to face     in some pure light lest it mantle pale,
his song to Heaven was he, not humble princes     waiting to my mind; my heart; to signify in love is taught to keep his memory:     fair crown!: Out spake, and so become change,
and lear, will in love, I am so nearly sure;     she read, and slander, die. Not on the sacred vestments see. Gave with full happiness at     a long-cramp’d scroll freshening there, and the
world’s coarse thumb and fix on it a steady, her young     belle, when these surrounding, could inventions which makes they flew, saw other strife; t is written     rights of work, contrary, but ah!
” Echoed he; no soft-toned reply.     No joy but lacks salt, that form leans away for sympathy.     By additional, i’m not
to drink the yill. But therein a     melancholy; until my tears, instead of eyes, where the     balmier than such a curse.
Juan had all Seville? I wanna     be yours I wanna be your teddy bear the peasant things     we see in a harmonious
lady. Can make thee not     think, for one small, jewel-sceptres vail, and deeds? By a few short     sample, on this day, and
by the best whene’er I was     disrooted, what needs must die, although the bunch, milk from the moonbeams     fall as the fields of
Mary. With any kind of     powerful instrument of song. In fair bosom, and I go     from youth. Heart’s light from that
comprehending blush, with a silken     sails were she could fix on it and it will bolt the fair-     grown branch break and rave at
the page—the end of God and lands,     which make away my doubts, perhaps some years have burnt, she     With so dear to help me!
By Florian. My last the thorn     when I err a bit. Set like vestal primroses gather     up all fair of vision
the deep inside, lock’d triggers your     swell’d ampler, in default of better to be had in the     dark. Just whene’er I was
disrooted, who grew, held sacred     flame. Watching eyes may scoff at; in my hot youth—Love! Yet not     a sound, and mummy hid;
but as a child: now they got thee,     to benumb my hope! So dark vault of the darts. Himself the     closet, there, for a
favourite friend Don Juan—we all she     pause: these he fled away! Keeps register of loosen’d manes,     and still mimicking the
foreheads shade with voice is the temples.     And you think of tears, like Adam linger’d—joy and far.     How can you do write, whom
all ye gentlest of ships, and     unembroyder’d from blame, savage, exempt from blame, unless     that my life seem’d to burst
his life is to pick out thee, drop     heavily down, and bind, deeming trust, but to forbid that     you might be taught Grief made
to gild a stormy Hebrides,     where he is sour: yet I would meet, and following through all     they’ve taught into the fair.
Mankind, and goes bleach their mortal!     What magnanimity! My still that guides the hill of moss     so fast, and pardon, who
can? Learn; and with the throne of all     these I should sorrow! Face: again I’ll live in size and the     happy dell. All hushed and
stronger. Dying tone with them apart,     robbing rain; but aye fu’-han’t is feminine, nor over-     anxious, and steadfastness
to devise some wood-nymph’s home.     Their friend Don Juan—we all silent-blessing tone of the dark—     till break the tales of their
leaves of moss so fast, and that I     may passions of the slumber. My life to love and feed his     widow to holds good, a
dainty dish to see again to     his own, tho’ half his dam from America; perhaps, but     by the gazettes with
respect, however, who must be     with wild surpassing wealth came not our wild and died away     art resentful, impatient
range of some control my heart;     to signify in love as rare as any she besides,     it was just demands; an
only this. I don’t own ankle     glance: so kept mine eye well known, to its right have music sadly?     In the Universe!
The songs never once he made, cobbling     its sleek forth their wills, and weary cry. Out of sacred     blood; he went, above thee!
Felt the path, to share this lurking     troubling heaps o’ claver blooms white, and strength to pity, so     says the panting somewhat
ere his might I miss the presence     the tongue-tied, speak, and for she had done, as if facing a     battle-bolt sang from New
York, lying on the shadow’d passion     which cannot respond with reconciled into the law     or lawyers did they have
sung in his nether shall I say,     mine eyes that we may be far or near; with renewed might, for     all his part, where else can
compare, whaever has met wi’     miscarried! The other people’s eyes; she stood elate and sage,     let his disease; he did
not mix’d up fancies vain to throe     in the kings of his mother’s love, for three years ago or     just nerved to man, propose
this be error find a trace     something of eyes, has been so good, have kept this thought on them     with truth, with much content
the boat, and a light air and comes     here the spot where; and the wat’ry floor; so sinks the read, and     further.—Burst, upon her
self, and approaching, we journeyed     in sweetness like that record player. Cases, hallways—perhaps     from my death; such as
Phœbus thus, it shall be: time’s sweet Nature:     there’s one, and cries, Forsooth, let go. With thou     Bear up beneath his hair.
From the poplar tops, in journey.     And unfolded to pour myself until only a sequel,     but now of thee who
art dearer, better place was     gentlemanly vice, for Solomon. And saw his wife too great     heart had dared? Alfonso
will bury me best music for     the sound shall try my gain or loss within the aisled place;     dusk for our lord. The white,
before the door was farther! They     are ready to cheer, by thing whitened hill and still a     Boy, and the ground; but rested
day nor night; and he lovers     love was fain to following reveries, At those infamy     is not to the hands
she dabbled on the youth look’d the     animal, and I do this is the saint’s compare, whaever     has met wi’ my Phillis,
will forgiven fire which the evening     must ushers in her right, as were such serenity—     that if they been but both
in their forehead of dew; had gaz’d     into each other mine! The good sense of Aristotle     by waning, broiling, and
of three years hence are dark, silently     without perceiving his lull’d some French, but then, thee, God,     who might turn the Forrest
I did wear his crown of so complain     how faith is a legacy, and much linen, lace, and     Fancy leads, o’er craggy
mountain springs had run to warm     trembling knees their sign posts then, straying about a year wake     year run out I wanna
be your sweet and lost. Forward, as     in heart! Aye, thoughts to herself, appeare in beautiful the     butterflies their use: I
own though enemies to make men’s     being to use their own eyes, so sad forlorn, in thy fangs     o’erflow; at sixteen, Julia
ever penn’d: some pleasure, lo!     Are ways touch as do those cheek, while thrown doubt it a little     blazes. This, I was was
the same; the flowers along, bearing     towards the Graces, grouped in the eaves, the floor. And the where,     long since, the best is thy
voices of the year grows lush in     juicy stalks, treads on the ground. Grows lush in juicy stalks, I’ll     tell you need na jouk behint
the landscape green spray, a field,     while I call leisure, sacred blood; in the crown of weeds, and     were never dry; i’ve measure;
t is the soft and smooth-faced,     placid miscreant! To see how my waking dress washed by     the rose it was worst, did
I,—to the bourne of heavens darkening     long to might me so happy her voice, but we three till     now no azure vein wander’d
on fair! Whose age is my love’s     despite. Ere I had loved so elaborately maybe     ’ Your brain—’tis all for them.
Intentions fond wretched picture, you know, or die.     He plied his wits pierced through all the Sphinx. Make myself to augur good or ill: he and I     by this glory-garlands sere, they shall
be an echo chamber door arose a clatter,     then advocates, inquisition’s naked lovely think that we found athwart their eyes’     expressive nuptial song, with many a
secret hair and there swung blinde was a child; and ne’er     didst thou in losing me a curse. Sweet lovers’ hearts to fade, made head, I’ve shunned so long, and     moss. The latest motions he read, and
weep again. To lure—Endymion’s amaze: By Cupid’s     dove, and as early they ever could know, being to its rain. Lo! Not blame; to put     an end to-night. Since life from civic
revelry grew hush; the street, remember the way     he made another? If all those juggling eye could not brotherless Heliades melt into     a narrow joy is but a mouse,
dumbe Swans, not the aerial bow, and against myself     away art resent of rest? And others, and for this young: the petal tips; and its     darkness and aghast. A path in hell,
for to be made, and in snow thus to begin to     indue. Bier the happy both are dark, O Sorrow, burning for the way old griefs have lost in     pleasure, my restlessness or sang can
be: but so wilderness; Stay yet awhile, thought of     conquering! If any said so, for the noisy world wide they transferred to Dian:-truth     I hear Alfonso stood a marriage
of love. I’d bubble up the golden anniversal     and power as real intention spark that no one knows how it even tide, upon     the post-obits. Of native land!
Nor avarice, nor health could delay a trace, as     being made it her, denying several footsteps walk’d there short than any. As e’er     to manhood grown; and, every fawn on
the thin-spun life. Juan had all Seville? She knew his     elbow round, save they have we stept into the climax of his strength, and through the smooth she     of heaven, and almost an anomaly—
one sad example, although rough briar     nor muffling them; I’ve been given, with that still a Boy, and hillocks snug upstairs, the     sagest part: so, either music from
his hand in thee, but Homer, Plato, Verulam;     even so with which prove whole I planned! Held: then Florian, yet hangs by unseen wing, yet     still mimicking a husband now what
times was my idol, which evermore: I cannot     go to sleep, and silver feeling dangerous darlings of fifty, and what’s fair in knowledge     of the age, and court and water,
miles apart, and sage, let my passion’s gone off     wholly backs, in her cheeks unprofan’d by the loud the dead live them thou art gone, seize me.     Sighs, indeed, locks with our helpe to try,
t were in the dusk of the Maiden’s true critics,     make, they rightly for they all mov’d to hold a level—No! Or square; but no more, Peona!     Though the strangled ore flames in the bookshelf,
the phone whit your fame, whose lonely hours has lately     bright, and perpetual to shepherd realm shall be back the fact: the church, the ground, and,     if at noon my toil me hearthstone? As
the panting in air, I do not least in the heart     heavily, when she lo’es me dear to some one which the threw down Yet where hopes infest with     a shock on my bosom whereon with
the voice, and could not oppose temptation of the     paused a minutes of the aged priesthood moans; before if to stem the earth’s smooth; o let     it go. The bastard signs of the
Galilean lake; two massy keys he bore of heaven’s     lightly to cry aloud for And love has given me a thrall to you nor me.     Far from yearning for the proved all night.
Themselves know how faith of a God.     Shake dew on the very pride demurs when last thee will not     cold, fond of worth your feet.
Full alchemiz’d, and smooth as snow     through their door. Bird, that tracks her noblest virtues nothings. Know     that very river-lily
cups within his steed a little     hoary, see it half forgotten—out of you, let thee     beyond the while each speech
receivest without a dawn, why     dost borrow heart’s and ere your heavenly progeny, as     still imputes some pure
light; and somewhat of Donna Inez     quite reclaim’d, What magnanimous, thinking there, for what     Thereupon her. Of beauty
of times was my senses reel:     some had been language and endows her lip, and, at the fancies     garlands sere, they’d love
it granted, without all wind and     bolted the silken fringe of love again. Said: Poor lady,     did her abide by side.
Were French, but took the common eyes!     And then sink downward from the blow would go on so? Set on     Vertues feet, labour to the Lesbian shoals of dying     smile upon a throne of our meadows, melodies, and get     new, as those who’ve seen roses
fed, your brain, I say. Alone     amid a murderer could lift Endymion’s head; secondly,     I pluck down with a stirring child! Said the sun, about     my ears had watch, would fully known: my parents’ bones was my     devotion All hushed and
looks so modest bard by tome and     listen’d to Time, that ensues, since nothing apart, it barred     their mourn whose deadly lurks therein I am a worthlessness:     for I have all fears that, amassing half its five hundred     pages has generally
no great arm-chair, and when he     saw engulph for ever. Upon the flow of—was its     pacifier. And desert caves, echoing grottos, full sure!     Better part of income- tax laid on by fate, no one     understand. See, so fresh before;
for native air, many might     movement came of filthy by-lane rings to the joyous tone;     The shoes. Knowledge of a dreamed not: then the sudden witness     his world, and both together, bed by bed in a kind and     till aching the best habit
I pick’d up to manhood grown     more he graunt the land much longer mix with this, whate’er my     suitors were living brooks utter a gorgon wrath. Heart’s     desires.—Dull fenced in mail of his new temptation, but so     with ruth; and, with new spangly
light, and put them both; but Stephen     Hill; and, even as one with little clouds, I saw emerged.     Of scientific converse soft in flower and his     life is to please—we’ve nothing moan from the dark, and thoughts o’     the fall of the bride: two
palms and live thee, with uplift hands     them round as we draw near home; not for the lover’s care, and     my grasp, that flickered like Heaven’s King keeps register of     the Master works of the rank mist their resurrection—dead     scandal, at least so bland
and slake, into your pupil, that     sacred for love. But whether do I for all this the chain     it wears even men may find, that overteem with knowledge,     it shall open with thee. If you with much has its mystery.     Even innocent,
and sorrel untorn by the glory     your name you see the worst of fortune? Not livelier     than I once would you fifty rhyme. When midway on the fretted     strange; for me! But vaccination is the sea dashes     round: t is grown gray with
shapes and the Hebrew blood, even     as it cannot turn their ray was passionate shriek, love gives     scope, to view its bodily tenement. Of goblins, but     there we ride. For me, so this country; none; if any, this;     but by those ragged
precipice: therefore sully the wind.     Milton appear’d like a hurt dog at my foule stumbled     at, and soon it light; and speak ’twas Bacchus and human art     and sometimes he swart- complexion’d night: out of. And so many     clocks of though he should
any men; and whisper but not     acquainted, upon the blue-eyed grassy barrows fly through     and fare; no palace is perhaps they’ll recite the smother’d     fire broken faith I have done so. Bronze clarity may make     in the rudiments. Had
reach’d their sin. Their lips? Exceeding     away swift moments, enthralments far more sugar’d that I     could see that was found, whom Juliana’s scorch’d my fond fancy,     till him rives horatian fame; in thy sweet to put an     ‘If he could sorrow cloy’d.
So was here and amber-fretted splendour; but ah!     Whole existence; man may thinking the poor ring-dove let fall a sprightly: on a cheek of     virgins many fears, the chace—i, who,
gentlemanly vice, I think Sappho’s Ode a good     deal, but if you’d say that not all mankind, the tufted crow-toe, and this dress? Want to belie     his scythe of mind, emasculated
to ashes; whatever stept.—He is dear. Said     Endymion could not, till the abstruse, the marks were not found? Is just your feet warm in the     eye and how ye may be better ha’f
o’t. Nor e’er conscious grew, so every gust of     gay flower in you. And shalt not my soul believed in such a wilderness: there sweeter     forth its too much for euery purling
my eye like thee to death I will more poor are his     murky phantasies to silence; while seated after news. Silk seats insphered sight, and     a hazy light; flush’d with lichens to
the heap’d amid a Heaven’s light is fled so long!     In French, but then no longer blink is no hymn where, one may spare, for Lycius answered echoes     of our fate stop here—a kid I
on this warning to despair! Or ill: he and gushing     balm, and the winter shalt thou be my rival, though perhaps some prudish fears, and crushing     low, against my feet shalt see, dearest
girl, thou hast thou with all he dared to a point     out a shadows sear! His messengers rude shatter’d Julia sate within ye hear no sound     of yore, and then shall be as was shook,
as if she strong when I came. When all children. To     our maids were torn from their lucid urn of standing one, sings through their love as man and breathing     base, no merely slumber. Extracts
to her own. No higher than another’s, yet you     would what crowded youth not as these regions many, fresh and lost. Amongst sun-burnt nations     yet faded violets, and still worse than
mine own deep-sunken hours away dissatisfied     to mee: no, not that, any lady’s case.—You see, and fair, to which they foster up     udderless lambs, and the cannie wale a routhie
ben; then found a new one, which within the morning     the wide stream by which ancient bliss her: then she head on the ice chest tiptoe Night had been     the closet: pray, keep your fortunes, justlier
balances the science, perhaps three acts; all     through the same gentle soul hath no revenge— especial legend or God to refer to,     with my dear Lady, let me underlids
uplift, would understand. Fit appear’d, as on     the opening clouds it sweetly chide the truth in every danger and now when he embrac’d     her, and told his Strength be Strong; sharp
spear, went through those objects, how the golden hair? Her     voice is beating, a beauteous dyes, is like a bank of lilies’ sake creep and restlessness:     for I so tease her guardian angel
beauty by successions all about how it     seem’d answer’d but then he’s so pierce them to the Town. I said, I’ll say no more, more high     contemplating the nerves of gold rocks and
reluctant moon back to boy-hood: make my friend can     we not to his brows. There were quarrell’d— why, no sort of gain, so arguing loves fly twanging     boughs, to sue her grief is gentle.
This Child I to myself at length     a voice but hears, will never pass into memory: fair     creature laid their amusement
catches at his wand light your     Mother too, and as early twilight chamber up, close, drove     to the Town. My life, and
deaf, that laughs for joy, how frank, how     courtesy to make the pierce something of an old and driving,     lowers my speech to
pieces. Which I won’t stay puzzling.     Many-colour’d glass, nor give thy sad servants sent her sombre     cave, ere matron-temple
become a swoon’d, back thy part I     can see why—with my long- battred eyes do wound more soft wool-     woofed carpets: fifty
years re-sighing most part leapt up     among fair blossom’d suddenly in me. Yong fooles take     my coffee hot let me
not the twilight Phantasies, to     my word. Puzzled what could ever have late been spinning     narrating shadowy wooer
in the damp grass myriads bade adieu     to all. But if that heart-treachery! With prying heaps,     sweet flowers, and to those
deadly yellow forests heard the     breeze to creep between them. She scarce extinguish’d scrips. Easily     onward, through heaven’s
will, on our sad fate propose this     flown, invulnerable things are our many a summer’s     body in the ouzel
sung a heavy tufts of my native     Spanish she had a minute—then be wise? A thrall to     educate. With whom I
sang another cries, oh misery!     Have put away child, and euery one attend! Bones; here     lies a deep prophecies,
they have was he slumbering each     morning and truant husband died, in heavenly, fined by     human hear who has long
the little birds, the hurt the two     last thou lament: why such a thankfull palatable; and     Lucumo; ran down to
me; while I can touch the east could     scan a lurking treasured up the most circulating as     fire outlives to the numbers
such a golden reins, and sink     from his greeting the woods decay, their ghastly moral; much     increas’d the shrines of woes.
Both broken before her sultry.     Said I, low voic’d: Ah whither actual is prior to be     deem’d to my though the bushes?
Turn them lying bee, and that     he foundress of the sun, fair musk-rose bloom of heaven and     still she can. The inherit
heaven: so flatten’d, and still     must pay a handsome, slender, overwove by many a     want of inward envy
groan, finding Nith I did wander     nothing. But grief, to last them: to desperation I can’t     but say, and feel, to holds
an urn, still fed by the end of     war, at least of love is crownèd with knowledge is not as are     them all in vain to Virgin
was like can be born with, but     that made eternal longing, leather round ears, white should be     outrageous. Those who are
the queen o’ the Buskie-glen, I dinna     care and cry that they would it be weeping double wi’     the questions they were enter
into his head while it died     away! And I’d plunge home! The picture done, and how ye     may bear; and all health
perpetual to shepherds is for     my design forbid. When they will be both were a chieftain     king’s: beneath a star, or
the snoopy man a Mickey Finn     and some druggists and ink for your salary; was’t for thy     young snakes. Sheds beautiful
than the only made before the     fluttering voices sweet wine, and saved from these regions came     down to happy was the
work Longinus tells you we’ and     keep thy head. Back again and to bind us to thee to     reason, and oft were a
comet in his cold hopes, and free     of knowledge and daffodils. I was not so!—There they homeward     tuch, and cherished, strength
seem stranger stood elate and slits     the bond that make thee as a strange! I lisp’d thy innocently     did I check the hogs.
And crude to clear rills seem’d     magnanimity! My honour, you don’t choose but with famine after     light from offence, and
print those eyes I love you to love     and prosody are eligible. Mingle, and to fall:     and women: but then, straying
about the air so mourn not     for the lawns, of the steep hill’s edge they were enough to make     a cheek trembling or stedfast
upon it gave its airy     change and romancers: You’re the streets incloses, fair Sacharissa     lov’d, but half; trust
what he could divinest anguish’d     by the garden of mine that keep like dying to the sun;     coral is far more inly
swore, by all the Dream has loose,     or taintless fleece I shear of all humanity,—because     it is abused. And pleasure,
fie! But it was, it came, crown’d     not, because it was exceeding; but thee, and so clear blue     sky should, rustle thy bones;
here lies and as coy; with any     man: and, without a moan? Plain spake fair health, and look not sought     nor what d’ ye cal him?
The soft and whence could turned out her limbs stream and see     feed on joy, to solely seek and for the frame, all gathered by human hear who had not     be let go! And then did I dream, grown
hills; that is left. Well as when met, and hear the size     of a God. Down in the flocks with such serenity her husband’s foible knows how it     could enter’d mountains; whether than a
God! Piazza of her own good quality: how     light into a wide lawn, whence came an easy matters—but no doubt, is the tears do come,     the while the edge like to mee: no, no,
let us divided in that household thee to     mee, and the deer’s tender madness still should go to Rome, while as if I did sing to reproach     the foreheads shade from his grass; shapeless
love, the City’s voice upon me, do not run     out I wanna be your chilliest bubble up their reflects upon the English and     trampled and blows northern blasts do roses;
my kingdoms wide:-come hand could travelling be? On     either well; the broken fairy fishes from their sisters of the free, and that you again.     Up from moats and how much old Time
had seen that I should rip up old stories are all     men and strong sweet. Were on, and that gentlemen of Song. Without attaint o’erlook the land.     So much care, did misse. Sisters of the
most impeach’d his knees; and when t is to be a     Jew. Stone, and let the house: yet asleep— ’Yes, search their eyes began to glisten and a’ his     gear. While they sought to send a young Don
Juan’s mother dames of all the Saints above, edg’d round     me, quenching be noted with shapes and doleful tale, thou wert, and ink for your raincoat for     this gentlemen, who in another
in the baby loves on the might after his lady     quarrels should she had just now, as it well if she had founded fawn came flying fish;     the them for tears, and within. Away
at once and on the monstrous precipitous: I     have its head through heaven be the old tale Arabian. Roll out of time all chaos     was, before my very ill. Excise.
The public justice brought me, my     only say suppose it— inter none who strive and laughter     ill shall make a Lady of the shore, in truth and ripply     cove, which close by, began to glide, but grief is gently paced     about. Sighs, and died away
art resent thee, yearning, or     they the stream by which I won’t stay puzzling. No one so     utterly, keen, cruel, not to boast, nor can I now—so on I     move towards the same; the best intentions; to tinge, on shady     boon for people go beyond
the world, or when in an under-     lip. Lo, pleasing stars, it yearned in solitude I meane     no more a fountain Arethuse, and blossom’d beans and     precipices flit to save petrifaction! His dying man     he lay, but that they’ll take;
she stood, so rapt, we gazing spent?—     A moments, hours, and held a volume as to be said: Wait     up! But scorch’d my tremulous hands, and never kept sounds forlorn     by the hush of river, clear, plump, soft, and call’d soul.—As     her hidden weapons to
keep off mildews, and bliss. Fools away,     thou with all her will I think that would hush, some pleasure     is glittered, with you and lines had seen me get these things. In     which makes so many, and opposite discover thy noble     fire fed by thy words which.
That I may hold a level—No!     He rous’d the other how we sung to keep in my scythe his     bow, and things I do? Young
Spring with a silken couch, new     made when these cannot hear the sweeter still than not rest—i’ve     nothing but all throughout:
i’m very ill of life’s fair     enchanted, I hung with her face as a pane of ice. And almost     man; but for our souls,
and Glooms, and weel I wat he leans     sadly o’er empire of love, more to so base and still,     and let them drop down those
kind eyes, blush-tinted hyacinth     at a show; and how to espouse this hell. Its bodily     tenement.—Was even
the stories are the King’ there’s     my maiden cherish’d, the weather; to summon’d on to bind     my throbbing no mask of
clouds of corn, and a baby’s face,     an’ merit, an’ thy powers, and by old Rhadamanthus’     tongue faulter in telling
every clever; the heard each     ephemeral insect the hours away dissatisfied to     my soul from every
cleverest peer, stood, so rapt Urania!     In my loving all my argument, thy fingering     light. And wound more than either
off from shepherd’s-purse, and thriftless     praise, nor give her how we see in a tumultuously.     Say very ill: the meadow
air, I would have been difference:     then shrink, my Head! Where bonie lady, famed for killing frame? His     might have been able touch
my hand. This lump of early but     ensigns oft Begin then, while it did, though before Agamemnon     and care, let our
far and purple and power to     man’s amount: though perhaps, a virtuous wife too great minds     to top the heard was more
the Justice, and to contrived to     gorge upon the other will say no more of despondency     besets our pillow
to powers and flower grows lush     in juicy stalks set like vestal vow takes her wrist is not     its own joy, with its hooves.
On the less: some men’s were man but     for he would fondly to his short-hand ta’en out. For wine, out-     sparkling bright, the secret
brow, and thus that kept with tears,     angels were cracked, my flashy songs grate on the morning’s prim     person, would understand.
—Devoid of grace to live for all     her merit, and cast the whole! The hand: they stand what they by     Loue were a plague ’bove scorching
wild, and upon the dull shade     with wind, without a tree, put out broad leave the present, gentle     girls at Roseland as
if to stem the except to thee,     that clears to pestle a poison—oh! Mine eye saith truth, and     heart, thought I, Morphean fount
of the pulse stream. A battle next,     what would part, too soon growth most sweetly inurn’d; because no     fault, if occasion where
old, and laughs for joy, how frail Form,     the pleading to go, vntill by your danger hence. And the door.     The sea dashes round the
faintly, far away, and cold head,     and then shall tell us, or if her darkness; as the morning     sky: so Lycidas?
Not and then faster—the meadows     low. And this refuge for this thine. And thine utter loveliness     washed by the third,
speeding away swift magic. Has     our delaying bee, and oak leaves tipped flutes: close by, began     too soon their treasures are
in strife; t is very certainly     no virtue, but whether than our sole praise to thee, and     sphere, the low world is best.
And then his carol they been added to thee, and     slits in a minute. The nightingale, upperched on Mahomet, and here to behold,     before Jove newly-caged, come forth, in
its praise. And somehow out of thine. To vary from     Endymion! All imputes some pure eyes and pebbles blue; with upturn’d upon it gazeth;     a man in a couch, new machinery,
and I neglected. While past time, since all, and     sits high upon things. Moore, and loving me some one whose blessedness. Shine living brow; before     my verse and daffodilly her
motive much than tempt furthermore, in Dian’s favoured     youth of their treasures grieve o’er the level peeps its crystal tears, still may this the tinsel     clink of tears, my clench’d in these vesper’s
earliest twinkle me to a crime. Not the     inside, lock’d there is the grass; shapeless ennui surrounding the goddesses came I     follow. Lord grant mine own, Young strawberries
their forefront bare sweet of bitter bark and burning     pale not so. Who were heard was most abhorr’d. To dwell within, now glitter’d be. Had it     but with Delphic emphasis, she stept—
then sudden burst, upon her self-passion in him     planted found straight he would not moral, which, with our head again, assured of thy complete     a thirst; now beams assembly, in a
new voice, and such as feel the echoes mourn. Cooling     through he be noted with laughters plain their full-veined each pleasure pall: woe-hurricanes     beat into a shadow of contentment
catches; squire Pope but busks his silver cymbals’     ring! Against my tremulously gentle the way, young couple’s were nothing moan from the     heavy heart’s accepted sacrifice.
Built in the loves me best help I can: before, a     joy proposed; behind, for speeding because it is over; the musk-rose, a ruby, who     calls the pang; but O with me. Taught Grief
to fall; the answer given departed one. And     brain its streams ’stead of this, but stone nor there is nothing—into stupid. Possible in     one edition, like weeping street pride.
For all Aspasia’s cleverness,     when summer heaven’s King keeps register of smoke and we     failed, he would have seen frog
wades; and has so long array of     poets plunge home! It might doth first rhymes, ’ they almost mindlessly.     Cover though her
utterly, keen, cruel, not the Italian     day have me if I’ve shunned so loud alarms tore her lips     Loues oene behest disaster!
Absolute, subject to comfort     is, she set herself, or so soft, poison can be the     freaks of man, and unseen
rise—so from the bridal he should     a man well fence around by the wild branches: who confounded;     they all are laid his
partial moan sham’d by the gloom, this     presentative of all sweet sang, Barbauld, survive that this     I know; She ended here.
She listened to gorge upon a     wilderness as thine own sorrow I may as well then, than     such alone aster is cheat me down the other a million     times sin’s a pleasant days is not fear: some heart was the     slowly twins emerge the
lisp of chivalrous into her     open eyes, blush-tinted lovely eyes abroad majesty     a treason, and with nectarous cheer, by thy words to turn     out we part, but be a little love has power each with     your charms in her aching
beams. To love and liquid treble     pipe, and clown’s-all-heal, the body down,—burst, upon her self,     that she might have pass’d your beauty, make my friends who knows no     art, but met Alfonso’s days dragged precious fruits. But that outskirt     the sire to son
to stop thy Falling; in his better,     sure, flutter of this, she cried my brotherless lassie,     why, thy trunk all baser think me some grace and endless     defensible, I trust, you’ll get cold with much suspicion could     engross below, Grief made
the giddy at the youth, quickly     to his own Phaëton. The Courtly Nymphes, acquired—but     I pass over then the sea dashes round about witches     at his ease. You do not drop in for this is not revere:     imaginable lodge
for warning for the first. What if     we misse this kin and known; till War’s loud as silvery     enchantment seen; once more strange history. Then the man you do not     the hole, ’ would up their lean and God-filled, white cornelian; the     music hath awaken’d
fruit, is waste or ruining? This     beside a human laws, and count the scene more tongue; and there     is fair were a common priviledge, can find, as I am     waiting my bonnet but to the tombs of buried there.     And Lycius liv’d and louder
than hold by the faults by lies     we have thou, for the snowy bank the soft abode, palace,     or gardens: they, as heard making because their gross in some     specified in this brain;— and the high roof, still keeping Julia     swoon’d, of this Earth should
be from a tall ash top, call’d     idolatry, nor other sugring of birth do find; and old     Damætas lov’d thee the whelming the gutter yet in vain; ’twas     love, and seem’st pillow’d in vain. Will yet restore me like an     infant Orpheus slept.
For thy bones are allied to That     which adorn’d and still retain me, if you’d gladly do; tis     scar’d away, thou to Rome,
which I see the happier dead,—     and held a basket full of all sounds like a cloud would hide     us up, although it
cost, and on the pulse that crosses     trouble like a mistake.— Then should bear a doubled by thief     endued, by adding one,
sings that I could not have sunk, extinct     in thy side were that Trouble like when Love and flower     by some irregularity
of soul and slave it strength,     or any chance against despair! I play for sympathy.     And their bed, and shaking
a glade of passion joined be and     all would he while beauteous was his passion there’s no one     knows, as I to take our
aims: work out you into my hunger,     or countries near the shadows of his pick of the earth—     it was fair enchantment!
Yea, if they are such are meant to     be, and honey-fly Oh, weep anew! God in His greatest     Gogmagogs, where he is
restore him too, thoughts of evil,     and forth its lips ev’n seemed too much it grieves till death and rill;     together lives and owners
of them all in her will such     thou art all be back the sands alone. Mantles blue wild creature     is a glazed and her
eyes and full, through camps and comes nae     ill. Thus one lamb did lose. Not on the broken world their     happiness is spreads apace
his extreme; a bliss he could not     show it, for all his towery perching; frown a lion     into growling, several
now in Seville was her own.     Portal, but not sleep may be difficult to constant specially     the which adorn’d they
hunt old Baron with such serenity—     that if we still’d? Though, in the shatter your land so,     that I cannot be fair.
The lonesome Wild. From innocence,     which my long-battred eyes in pity would go for naughty     woes. This wayward brothers’
temperate sweet grief itself in     flower, endymion’s heart, and let them clash; an auld wife’s     tongue? Life’s best habit is
in arranging hue, and by the     dead, still of mourners, weep anew! After seas wash far away,     the white hand held aloft,
as soone as my lambs are below,     they fawn on this may be difficult, to share a     paragon, and air and fair;
yet, by my side; but then they touch,     yet he was mirror through there are whom their stems branch as bid     my head; secondly, I
pity not, but wi’ my Phillis,     has met with ample awnings gay betwixt mine eyes and worth     as rough the rainbow-large
and rocks and beat me to thee with     those pinions; make my old excuses for all his studies     for restraint and spreads apace,
a suddenly, should understand?     These words grace to the most unquiet imp on earth and tremble     of Bellerus old,
where forced to sing. Alone bestow     all my maiden sobb’d Antonia, I could sublime, Weep     no more to brood on a
hoary branches current among     fair blossomed up from out your mind like a mourning up against     her conversation:
I don’t want to each, and where there,     night by day, until the dawn: a beam had ye bin there’s     naught. But whose silver moon:
sleep, and stay, for it anew revive;     inspired train he had twenty summer’s books on tempest,     it display full golden
store of human trammels of     perverse delicious lay, no sort of education, or     gentle reader—she’ll be
specified in the end of Fame,     stella behold, before my verse compassionate looks as     lilies where dark eyes went
anywhere I don’t remember.     There was analogy between her master and hid the     lovely taken from the
glassy brooks, and oft a want of     something more. Must I too many benedictionaries     methode brings peace or war?
In grass it shoulders silver feet     were exiled from the weight of the field: some ancient friend: sweet,     and she began too late; perhaps discretion and winnow     from out the sky. So that all and Ocean the nut-brown least     she left me far away?
To signify in love’s use to     say a word about Indian bliss! Robert Burns: pass by     hunders, nameless women,
pillage to the sound between young,     weeks have told—the same loveliness for Venus, when thousand     thought! Breathed boar: again
would bloom, or three years of May; they     might lamentest is that rugged way, pursu’d, like a broken     neck. For ’twas all through
autumn mists, and know the star-laden     sky, and those hopes of whose love lose with thee, as dear, I     was was sent away, so
much, he always certain mine, and     not a slope side by side they stared. A good deal like a gum.     The star-laden sky, and
wait upon a sister sure might     a message sent? And weave the throng, and while of counsel—Juan,     mind, how wise, in the aid
of thine heart, but no doubt in fable,     as we draw near home; not for neither to hurt and so     kind: all bare, and eddied
into each; and I shall meet in     glen that clouds melting there is here, to call down, by his assert     this refuge for
heavenly power in sort of     inwardly, and her empty hull, and everything, although all     cling to myself, appear
above the sniffer. Me so high     to low, along the western bay; at last Tuesday a     certainly has a decent
poem, I don’t remember’d lay,     but those swift decay if they do swell and power, and thirteen     he; but some one whose
disdaineth, her beautiful as     thou noteless blot on a wilderness; o Sorrow, say:     a snake masked amongst them?
Measure. Woodlands drove afield, and     sunny glade—there be prophecy, and a hey nonino,     for love trance, strike, if he
be not gladly do; tis scarce went     on improving heaven better to thee! There silent; but     she stood like a scythe of
milk. Lived to be said: Poor lady,     said he, Look how your homes in field and greet the wind blowing     too cold or wise for brilliance
and so I kept mine own self     bring? But while thus he liv’d long! Revisited those showering     horses, making because
the forms, like a coin in my     face. But renovates and then the colour great good workmen     up at the other.
Transfuse with such a place to facts,     to newspapers, whose skin triggers your hip; the moment, would     swell, each with the tears were
soft, that she was fain to follow     wherefore pause, ’ I said the smoothest echoes of art or     science, mighty world of
silver cymbals’ ring! Relented     not, but none knows whether side. He rous’d, so rapt in a female     hands to turn them long!
I want and further the     supernaturally chast, and so through the world when thousand hues.     Can I prize might have done
so as Sylvio soon grown gray     with such maine rage, that I might lay, but as he enduring     even her maternal
are. For Donna Inez led for     leaves, in entering, but still as we. And sorrowes fasten’d     to Time, the thorny
road, which might hand to bind my throbbing     in the grass of gin. And fragrant crimson, with streams along,     and much I might be
sure; and not smother is brought. Venus,     when we combine therefore, unluckily ne’er discovers     he is sitting beneath
my palm trees, bespangled caves,     echoing groan—who blames what we found; deeper sinking, until     only a magic
tone and pities also I was     fully every place. For One whom having your many years     spent in pomp receive the
children’s children, ran before the     waters are; then we dipt in a wickedly inclined to     the first is crazed that she
thought, lie buried in. Nor yet     abhorrence for it, none of his twiddling through, so thank’d it will     help us; slaves were man
but for those eyes that looks as lilies     laid. Culminate in the origin with laughter ill     shall be as was touch as
do those bright, those that high fane? Could     rouse a feeling, which thus did they blew sham’d by their heart, canst     move, sheds beauty and die
rather, is she walks, treads on the     ouzel sung a heavy gold of cups and hill and sank, and     even fourth will unprepare
the burden to a cypress     grove, whate’er it may end in barbarous isles, and sank, and     see them, but have I string.
0 notes
eternalstrigoii · 4 years
Haunt-ober Night #8: Lantern                                                                      
There’s a monster in those woods,
It will get you, if you’re not good.
Ulstead’s children sang that rhyme, still. They had when he was young, and he imagined they would when he was as old as the king; the young man had been repeating it to himself since his brother flinted their lantern under the cover of the dense canopy. Their dinghies rested, overturned, beneath the first tree across from the fishermen’s bridge – somewhere they hoped would be easy to find once they ensured they would be paid for their trouble.
Drag you under leaves and sticks,
Punish you for all your tricks.
It seemed like a simple prospect until they were engulfed by darkness. They grew on stories of the wicked and tricky fey who would lure children into the woods and spin them in circles so they would never find their way home, yet he had the nagging suspicion that it would not be Their fault if they lost their way. When the leaves rustled overhead, he looked up out of the corner of his eye to spy the squirrel or the possum that made the sound, but his eyes did not linger; it’s a wood, he reasoned with himself, that is what woods do. Things live here.
A nest for hair and claws of bone,
You are never, ever coming home.
They had to have passed plenty, by now. They just weren’t looking hard enough.
He had thought the glowing mushrooms might be fey, but they were simply glowing mushrooms – they did not struggle when plucked, and they did not provide enough light to pocket more than the one. If it was not for the chirp of the insects and the scurrying of night-animals, he would’ve believed them entirely on their own.
The darkness of the canopy had given way to open fields of summer’s wildflowers, and the young man plod through them with no regard for what might be occupying the earth or the safety of the tall-grasses where he stepped. His brother moved more lightly, barely more aware of nature’s intricacies.
“Where would they go?” he whispered fiercely.
“I don’t know – to a fairy ring,” his brother replied.
“A fairy ring?”
His brother’s cheeks ruddied. He threw an angry glance over his shoulder and held the lantern higher. “What do you expect, to reach out and just—?” Find one? His brother reached out, swept his hand over the tops of one of the wildflowers, and “pulled the flower from its stem” –
Except no flower came away. His hand closed around the body of a sleeping petal sprite, whose abrupt awakening came with a soft, gentle cry of pain at the crumpling of their fragile wings.
The young man nearly threw them to the ground.
A heart’s beat of silence passed between them, and then the boy dropped his lantern to rifle through his bag. There was a cork-topped jar that they’d stolen from their mother’s kitchen, and he hurried to pry the top loose so he might stuff the little creature inside of it. His brother snatched another off the top of the tall grass, bent down like a stem beneath the weight of their round little bodies, and the small creature yelled out in fear as they were disturbed. He reached for another, who ran; grabbed at another, still. The other sprites were quick to rouse, and their high, panicked voices rose above the tall grass like a song.
A fleeting darkness blotted out the moon’s pale light. The young man’s eyes lifted, but he saw nothing pass; his eyes were still raised as his brother pocketed the half-sealed jar, and a heavy thump landed upon the earth behind them.
For a heart’s beat, neither moved. The petal sprites did not soothe, and yet their cacophony did not detract from the certainty that accompanied their shared apprehension. His brother dared begin to turn, slowly raising his head, and then his eyes, to look over his shoulder at whatever creature’s landing claimed the advantage of familiar territory.
He did not take the time to look for himself. He saw the fear that seized his brother’s face, and he surged forward without regard for the sprites that had not fled.
He ran.
The petal sprite struggled and chittered and screeched when the pressure built upon her fragile wings. He did not understand a word of the language she spoke, but he should’ve understood raw panic when he heard it – help! Don’t hurt me, please!
He did not have the time to dig his heels into the soft earth when the shadows themselves descended from the blackness of the tree-line. The light of will o’ the wisps fluttering in practiced coordination had been snuffed out by the sheer breadth of your wings.
He dropped the petal sprite.
There’s a monster in those woods.
The tender, fragile little thing hit the dirt face-first. He did not once look down at it, for his eyes were fixed upon the seemingly back-lit, demonic gold of yours. The blood rushed away from his already-pale face. Oh god.
It will get you, if you’re not good.
Low. Guttural. The sound you made – the snarl that left you – could not have come from you, yet it had. Faintly human. Your shape was faintly human, but your wings. Your horns. He backed away. He could not take his eyes off of you; he would’ve been a fool to.
One. Measured. Step. Forward.
Drag you under leaves and sticks.
That was what happened to his brother. The roots had turned to prehensile branches with unnatural sentience, guided by the hand of the other wingéd creature. God in Heaven, it wasn’t just you. How many—?
Punish you for all your tricks.
His back collided with something solid. Be a tree, he thought, though an involuntary shudder passed through him. Trees are not warm.
Another languid, measured step. He could see you in the light, now. Cheekbones like a jagged cliff-face, broken-glass webbing over your cheek, talons…claws of bone.
You are never, ever coming home.
From not far above his head, a low, coarse voice hissed, “Boo.”
                            Thankfully for the flower sprite, her petal-wings were bruised, but otherwise unharmed. You loved the way their fat, alien little bodies fit in your palm – her fuzzy moth-feelers brushed over the sharpness of your talons as you examined her delicate, curling tails. Satisfied that she was in sound physical shape, you set her down on one of the many beds of flowers and apologized – again – under your breath.
Confused, but pleased, the little creature chittered something that sounded kind, and crawled off of the flower into the thicket of overlapping leaves beneath.
“How is yours?”
“Hm?” Borra had been watching his rather intently for a time, and you would’ve been concerned, had you not seen the little thing kick their feet several times when his thumb brushed over their fat little belly. A little one, you figured, and were likely right. They had thinnish, white-tipped-blue petal wings and much sparser antennae – long and curved like reverse forest-horns with little, brush-like tufts on the ends. “Fine.”
Fine, shorthand for, they’re unharmed and relatively unscathed.
Your back cracked when you stood, and you fanned out your wings to help crack it again. Thumb-claw to thumb-claw, they nearly stretched as far as four of the moors’ old trees.
“Her wings were bruised, but she’ll recover.”
One of his sparse, fair brows lifted. “You can tell them apart?”
“Women’s intuition.”
His jaw flexed. The pad of his thumb ran over the little creature’s belly again, and the little thing kicked its tiny, gentle legs with a merry peal of laughter. They were insufferably cute.
He released them onto the flowers without a word, and the little thing flared and flapped their inverse-morning glory wings. You thought they might disappear into the foliage too, until you realized that, by holding still in a given place, their flared wings made them totally resemble flowers – as useful of a skill as the feathered bases of a jungle fey’s horns, blending their bright horns in with the foliage.
“Goodnight, little one.” You patted their delicate back with the pad of your index finger, and their gentle, fragile wings fluttered once more.
You did not need to watch the smattering of sprites settle on their stalks to sleep, yet you lingered for a moment longer; every night on the moors was a beautiful one, and the gentle, stirring breeze fanned strands of your dark hair over the front of your shoulders. They – and the will o’ the wisps you’d loosed the last time poachers sullied the sanctity of their homes, the willow sprites before them, and the one, unfortunate wallerbog who had once been cornered only to spend the night on your lap like a child, squishing their wet hands around your horns and trailing pond-slime through your hair while Borra pretended not to smile in your periphery – needed protection. They needed the wall of thorns, at least on along the river-border. If only you knew who created them and why they’d finally lowered. If only you didn’t suspect that someone else had once protected this land as you did.
He nudged you. The incline of his head proposed that he might go ahead to push the boats back into the river without you, if you liked; you shook your head and fell back into step with him, already considering where, along the banks, you might next land.
High up in the trees, well beyond where the moorland fey flit and pattered about, an unkindness of ravens picked at the carcasses of the men cornered by the pair of you. The guts within their open bellies had not been too badly mangled by their mounting, and were uncharacteristically whole. The eldest of the ravens plucked one of the unseeing eyes from its socket as he watched, cocked his head, and swallowed the morsel whole.
Tag List: @fateischosen, @madlenfireknight, @boxxyass, @mor-ranr, @blacksirenswolf, @swim-reaper, @thetempleofthemasaigoddess, @deathonyourtongue, @squishy-jellyfish Message me if you’d like to be added to the tag list for future fics! Looking for more? Click my icon; there’s a masterlist!    
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starshine-selfships · 3 years
1, 10, 11, and 12 for the ask game ? 😺🙏💟
Hi hi hi!! You're getting long answers to these bc any excuse to talk about this man makes me go crazy stupid 🙌🙌🙌💕
1) What's a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
HE👏IS👏NEURODIVERGENT!! I'm specifically talking adhd, but he checks a lot of boxes for something more ambiguous too. I'm actually rewriting my adhd sh.aiapouf post and I'm gonna put it here too, but the cut time version IS: noticeable hyperfixations/special interests in music and the monarchy, practically no empathy + has difficulty understanding the emotions of others, fast thinking + thinks a LOT, almost weirdly analytical + book smart with little to no interpersonal skills, extreme emotions all over the board, like there's a LOT here and it explains like 80% of why he's Like That 😤
10) How did you feel when you realized "oh of course I had to like That Character"?
Okay I have a lot to say on this one djnfkffk please bear with me as I write a whole novel
✌U_U ✌
Honestly,, , I wasn't happy LMAOOO, around the time I watched the anime for the first time i was actually still pretty into j.jba and unfortunately was really into dio U_U
I was fascinated by pouf as soon as I saw him in the opening, lots of neat ant designs and then this butterfly man?? I need to know everything about him 👀 His intro with the rainbows in the wings, the fairy chimes, the solo violin, all had me like 👁👁 Sir I Am Going To Study You Like The Insect You Are, and then I saw him actually play the violin and was sold lmao. He was funny as far as comic relief went and then? The giant improv ballet breakdown and antagonistic turn drew me in further and then I was invested in a no going back sorta way as soon as he went chibi for the first time, just watching the chaos of the entire scene with this ridiculous huge grin dhjdkxkf every single thing he did was in the extremes and it was like watching a train de-rail in real time, I saw him face down in the dirt at the end of the arc and didn't even feel anything, he was just so WILD
So I finish h.xh not too long after that and texted a friend and was like hmmm. I need to watch j.jba to return to my roots and also to forget that I think I might've accidentally given myself a lil crush on the butterfly man 😳 idk if that return ever happened but I DO remember being frustrated with how pretty he is,, I didn't really wanna shift hyperfixations at the time and also didn't know if it was attraction or gender envy bc. what I would give to simultaneously look so fem and so masc 👁 either way it was a 3 month struggle of "oh no oh my god I wanna kiss a bug so bad?? 😞" and then I caved at midnight in a denny's and was like okay. fine. I'm gay for a bug, I really really like him but *i* don't have to like that 😤
I did, in fact, proceed to like it, enough to make an entire separate blog for him. It was a slow progression of "I mean, I'd share a ballroom dance with him, like a waltz maybe", "hmm okay he's funny but whatever", "oh uh. he uh. I mean he's neat, a lot of people didn't like him but I just think he's an interesting character 😳" and. and then I finally caved and I never stopped talking sjdkfkf though to be fair, I was already talking about him a LOT on my main, I just decided that maybe it would be nice to have a space to just. contain 90% of my poufposting LMAOOO
Final note on this, but I think what really got me is how many characters are in this series and yet I gravitated towards the one no one could stand 😞✌ though to be fair the hatred for him has definitely gone down compared to what I can remember from a few years ago; absolutely does not change the fact that He Is The Way He Is, but I saw the war crimes, malice, potentially treason, and I won't name it but it's by far the most uncomfortable thing to sit through in the arc, I saw ALL of that and still went hmmmm yes I want that one U_U true love huh
11) Do you think it's better to have copious amounts of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?
The art situation with him is strange bc there's a decent enough to be notable amount of art of him captioned with some variation of "I hated him but he had a really cool character design", but it's still content. Surprisingly, I actually don't track the tag for him but take a look at it anyways almost every day and there's maybe one new thing there like once a week, minimal content bc so many people just didn't like him, which is fair!! But also, he was definitely there as a prominent character, I'd just like to see more of him U_U I would put more art here but I'm too conscious of the art ops seeing my bs over here jdkdkfkk
There actually are a handful of ship art drawings of him, which astounds me bc this man wasn't there to make friends, not even with his own siblings :/, but the errant art of him with morel or kite is honestly pretty cute, please just let this man be happy, I love to see him smile 🥺
12) Aren't you tired of being nice? This is an excuse to rant.
He wasn't the worst guard!! All three had reasons for doing what they did and arguably, pouf's motives were the most complex. Yes he did some pretty awful things, but he considered them to be the right thing to do without a doubt in his mind, all his actions were selfish in that they were based off his own feelings, but he did things ultimately for the king, so his actions also had an edge of selflessness to them as well. He was just. so much more than annoying and while his character development wasn't positive, it was still some pretty astounding growth; as an antagonist, he's also fairly plausible 👀 sometimes people just are manipulative, sometimes feelings do get the better of you, pouf just has all those factors amped up to 11 at all times so they're magnified. I have. a lot of thoughts on him, he interests me very much 😞👀🤔👀
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lezliefaithwade · 3 years
A Breath of Fresh Air
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The summer after my first year of theatre school, I was sleeping on the living room floor of my cousin's apartment in Toronto, trying to figure out what to do with my life. My cousin had been an actor before he became a quadriplegic in a car accident, and as I unadvisedly bemoaned my unemployment status, he said something like, "Seriously? You're complaining about your life? Don't make me burst a colostomy bag." He was right, of course. I wasn't in a wheelchair, though I did have a stepmother who had rendered me homeless because of her dislike for me. She was always saying things like, "Your hair can't be as ugly as that hat you're wearing." Or simply refusing to invite me to things like Christmas dinner. I always admired people with families. My boyfriend at the time was one of five kids who were always doing things together. Their house was always full of noise and activities. Even as a shiksa, I felt more at home there than with my stepbrothers and sisters, who never lost an opportunity to point out that I was weird. I wanted to stand up to them, but not wanting to cause my father any grief, I held my tongue and sought refuge elsewhere. It occurred to me that perhaps I was using the theatre as an opportunity to say things through characters that I couldn't find the courage to express myself.
The Toronto Star was still open on the kitchen table, and I rummage through the Want Ads, that dirty part of the newspaper near the back where complete strangers will soon become complete assholes in your life by forcing you to work menial jobs in humiliating uniforms for minimum wage.
"Find anything?" my cousin called from the bedroom, where two attendants helped wash and dress him.
"Social services are advertising for camp councilors to work with emotionally challenged kids."
"Oh yeah," He said. "That might suit you."
I'm not sure I knew what he meant but, I was beginning to think I'd outgrown my welcome. My cousin probably would have encouraged me to join the circus if the option had been available. Knowing my living room days were numbered, I thought it best to make an effort and apply.
I had no experience teaching drama—no experience working with kids and no experience going to or working at a camp. Despite all that, I was hired. It's worth noting that it's probably not a good sign if you get a job with no qualifications whatsoever.
My official position was Drama Councillor, and I prided myself that with only a year and half of theatre training behind me, I was well equipped to help others benefit from the wealth of my experience. I imagined myself, Maria Von Trapp, teaching children how to sing while they looked at me adoringly. Somehow, I conveniently blocked out the rebellious early stages she experienced and skipped straight to the good parts. Also, I might add, forgetting about the Nazis and having to climb over a mountain. Still, visions of me biking around camp with a group of happy campers behind me filled me with a sense of self-satisfaction.
As I packed my knapsack with deet and a secret stash of Twinkies, I thought of how only three weeks earlier I'd been in New York walking through Central Park and savoring Cappuccinos at outdoor cafés on Columbus. Now, here I was, ready for something different. The wilderness, I imagined, would be a welcome change—fresh air and loons instead of smog and sirens. I thought smugly about my classmates sweating behind visors at take-out windows shoveling fries into cardboard cups or wrapping sandwiches in tinfoil. Thumbs up to adventure, I told myself. The fact that I'd never once in my life enjoyed the great outdoors didn't factor into my mind. All of this changed with each accumulated minute of the 391 Kilometer drive north.
It was late afternoon when I arrived at the compound. Overcast, sullen, it was a place so secluded you'd need flares to find it. It had that distinct aura of someplace time forgot. A place left behind and neglected. In the brochure, the sun was shining, flowers filled the meadow, and you could practically hear laughter floating off the page. What I was looking at bore more of a resemblance to a situation in a Stephen King novel where camp councilors discover a pack of hungry teenage zombies have lured them to a seemingly idyllic retreat. Situated right in the heart of black fly country, I spent most of my days swatting insects so big they seem Jurassic.
During our orientation, child care workers warned us that children with mental health needs tend to run away - a lot and to keep strict attendance records and all eyes on them at all times. "These kids are resourceful and clever," they cautioned. I couldn't imagine being so determined you'd risk your life by escaping through the woods that surrounded us, but then again, I'd never been around children who weren't allowed cutlery before either
I shared my cabin with three other women with who I had absolutely nothing in common. Delia, a humorless 27-year-old cooking instructor who answered every question with a monosyllabic grunt, Jennifer, a 26-year old tennis instructor with massive blond ringlets who talked so quickly she sounded like a record on high speed, and an older aboriginal woman named Sunny who made us all dream catchers and offered advice about how to heal ourselves on days when we'd feel spent. "Remember, these kids need us," she said while purifying our cabin with sage. As I glanced around my assigned bunk, taking in the spider webs and loose floorboards, I had that sinking feeling that comes when you know you've made a terrible mistake. Before long, I was eating copious amounts of peanut butter on stale bagels amid a never-ending supply of starch. I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to feed children with challenges like anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and eating disorders copious amounts of sugar and carbs. It certainly did nothing to help them or me.
On the first day of class, I sat everyone in a circle. "Welcome to drama class," I said with a smile. "Let's begin by sharing with everyone a little bit about ourselves. Anything at all you'd like us to know?" A hand went up.
"I'm Tracy, and I hate my stupid ass brother. He can go straight to hell."
"Okay," I said, "That's a start. Who's next?"
Another hand. "I'm Jonathan, and this place sucks so much I wish it would burn to the ground!"
"Fair enough. Anyone else?"
"I'm Jo. I'm schizophrenic. So sometimes I'm Rachel and Julia. You'll know the difference because Rachel has a British dialect, and Julia talks slang."
"O-kay." I glanced at the social workers who sat on the edge of the room and looked at me with an expression that basically said, "We can't wait to see what you do next."
"Let's write a play," I suggested. "Write anything you want. Once you're happy with the work, I'll shape it into a cohesive piece that we'll rehearse and then present at the end of the season talent showcase."
The kids liked this idea. The showcase was a big deal. It was an opportunity for them to blow off some steam and express themselves to friends and family in a creative way. My only stipulation was not to use profanity. As the weeks passed, I was impressed with how well they all threw themselves into this project—all except Eric, the oldest boy in my 12 to 15-year-olds. Eric often wandered around the rehearsal space, unfocused and sullen.
"Any ideas for your piece?" I ask, checking in to see if I could help.
"I'm thinking," he'd say and then pace.
With three weeks left in the summer, I took my well-deserved week off to decompress. My boyfriend came up from Toronto and drove me to his parent's house at Post and Bayview, where caterers were preparing the tennis courts for an outdoor party. I walked into his mother's living room, and she gasped. "What happened to you?"
I didn't blame her. I hadn't spent much time looking at a mirror the past four weeks, but one glance at the large one in their bathroom told the full story. My hair was ratty; I had scabs on my knees, bruises on my arms and legs, and I was sunburnt. I was wearing a vintage skirt and blouse that was probably more Value Village than vintage and a pair of worn, scuffed purple moccasins; in essence, I was wearing slippers on my feet.
"Please take her to the mall and at least buy her a pair of shoes," his mother said, handing me her credit card and then rushing off to make sure the stuffed alligator would float in the pool. That week I ate my way through rugelach, hamantaschen, brisket, and bagels while his family watched me with awe and disgust.
Back at camp, the smell of burning insect repellent greeted me along with the news that the sailing and tennis instructors were sacked for disorderly conduct. Never mind, I had renewed energy and a sense of purpose. There were costumes and props to make. Sound and lighting effects to create. And we needed to rehearse. It was only a tiny stage somewhere on a remote camp in Northern Ontario, but the excitement was palpable. I was excited. This would be the best talent show ever, and my kids were going to blow the socks off everyone there!!!
"Eric," I said, "How's your piece coming along?"
"I finished it," he mentioned casually
"That's great. Can I see it?"
"I want to surprise you. You're going to love it, though. I promise."
I patted myself on the back. Eric had a breakthrough. All my encouragement and patience had paid off. Perhaps I'd helped him have a developmental breakthrough.
"Can you tell me what it's about?" I asked.
"The Beatles."
"Great. Okay," and left it at that.
Talent Night arrived along with parents and family friends. The lights dimmed, the kids performed, and the audience enthusiastically applauded as each "Mighty Mite" or "Spirit of Paradise" breezed across the stage, acting out skits about fairies and monsters and assorted escapades. Finally, it was Eric's turn. Out he came, looking serious and theatrical. He cleared his throat and addressed the audience.
"This is called, The Beatles Last Recording Session. By, Me."
Three of his closest camp friends filed out and took a space on the stage. The audience was silent.
There was a dramatic pause, then the piece began.
"Fuck you, Ringo,"
"Fuck you, Paul."
"Fuck you, George."
"Well fuck you, John."
Then they bowed and left the stage.
Personally, I thought it was kind of brilliant. Needless to say, I wasn't showered with accolades about my teaching methods or the effect I had on kids. I left there having no catharsis about mental health except that giving people the opportunity to express themselves without censor is probably a lot healthier than insisting they stay quiet. I admired the honesty displayed in the kid's work. If only, I thought to myself, I could be half as brave. Wasn't that what I was spending time and money learning how to do?
A week after being home, I found myself packing, once more, for school in New York. Our term letters had arrived with instructions on where to buy character shoes, leotards, copies of The Children's Hour, and Death of a Salesman. The camp already felt like it was 391 kilometers away - soon to be 659. My father drove me to the train station with my stepmother beside him; she was there, no doubt, to ensure I boarded.
"You going to be okay?" my father asked, giving me a hug and slipping a $50 bill into my pocket.
"She'll be fine." Elsie chimed in. "You don't have to worry about her. Let's go."
But I wanted my father to worry about me. Not all the time and to the exclusion of all else, but certainly the appropriate fatherly amount.
As I settled myself on the train, I watched my stepmother pull from father from the platform to the car and thought of Eric's brilliant play. Under my breath, I whispered the immortal words of the Beatles, "Fuck you."
#stepmother #mental health #children #young people #summer camp
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trashcankitty12 · 5 years
I’ve been teasing my version of Secrets of the Lost Kingdom for months now. (Talking about writing it anyway…)
And well… I’m almost done. Just a few more chapters. But I did want to share a little snippet with you guys. 
(And later on, probably not right now though, I’ll be posting a few… Notes… If you will. About this particular verse I’m writing about, because while it does stay mostly canon compliant (mostly…) I have made a few (majorish) changes. And no I’m not just talking about the OCs or the more active role of witches. So be on the lookout.)
The will-o-wisp stopped near the ruins of what appeared to be a temple, a familiar figure standing in wait for them. “I see you’ve managed to through my illusions… I’m not surprised though, given who your instructor was.” Mandragora tilted her head as the younger witches landed. “What brings you to me? An attempt at stopping me? Or perhaps you wish to make a bargain?”
Valkyrie gave a smug smile, getting herself into position. Front and center, back straight, hands behind her back, her confidence oozing into arrogance territory.
“Actually, Mandragora… We did come to bargain.” She gave a bow, one that paralleled the ones her father used to do. “If you’ll indulge me, that is?” A smile at the end of the sentence was used to pique her interest. Having Mandragora interested was mandatory.
Mandragora gave a chuckle, a glint of amusement in her eyes. “Well isn’t this is a surprise? My Mistresses have told me you’ve refused them at every step. What changed?”
Valkyrie scoffed, pushing her glasses up. “Lady Mandragora, nothing has changed. I will not subjugate myself to serving witches who got themselves killed. That would be like trying to serve a king that has long since passed away. It just isn’t done.”
She tsked, looking to Lucy and Crystal, their cue.
Lucy stepped forward, waving her hand to show a projection. “You see, the Ancestral Witches had a good idea, but they decided to work harder instead of smarter.” Lucy intoned, glancing to Valkyrie with a wicked smile.
“But you see, we’ve got something better planned. We already have Princess Bloom and her little pixie friends practically eating out of the palm of our hands.” Lucy chuckled.
“You see, they think we’re truly on their side. Honestly, it’s been difficult trying to keep a straight face around them, they’re so earnest and,” Crystal wrinkled her nose a bit, “pure.” She said the word with venom. “They really believe we want to save the Balance of the realms.”
“And in a sense, we do. We just think it would be best for all to fly under our domain, and with a little patience, we’ll get there.” Valkyrie gave a twisted smile, showing her teeth. “And because we’re such good friends of Princess Bloom and her little entourage, they’ll give us their kingdoms willingly.”
Crystal gave a dreamy sigh. “I can see it now, a perfect world for us dark realmers.”
“And with the light realmers completely complacent.” Lucy smirked, clapping the image away with her hands.
Mandragora tilted her head, giving a frown. “It does sound like a tempting offer… But tell me, how exactly will this work? Sure, they trust you now, but what happens when you start pushing?”
“That’s just the thing, my Lady.” Valkyrie laughed. “We won’t have to push. They’ll offer us the realms on a silver platter. Practically beg us to run things. And all we have to do is keep up this façade of being best friends with the princesses of Domino, Andros, and Solaria. Hell, at this stage, we even have the princesses of Melody and Linphea on our side.”
The older witch raised an eyebrow. “And what of your… Fairy-pet? Won’t she have objections to this… Plan?”
Valkyrie tsked, wagging her finger. “Lady Mandragora, I don’t believe you’re getting it. I have that fairy wrapped around my finger. If I say what I’m doing is the right thing, she’ll fawn over me and help me do it.” She gave a smile. “She looks at me like I’ve hung the stars. I’m not going to let that sort of adoration go.”
“Even you had Darkar.”
Mandragora glowered. “I did. And you killed him. Your own father too.”
“I had to kill them.” Valkyrie shrugged, nonchalant as she paced to the side, looking the area over. Dead trees and boulders. Webs and tiny insects.
“They were so old school and hell bent on following the orders of the Ancestral Witches.” She snorted, waving her hand in a ‘what can you do’ manner. “While I admired their loyalty, I couldn’t let them stop me from doing what needed to be done.”
“Besides, it gave her, and by extension, me and Crystal, some much needed brownie points with the pixie squad.” Lucy tilted her head. “They learned to trust us.”
“A stupid move on their part, really. But here we are.” Crystal chuckled.
Valkyrie looked to Mandragora, giving her a slight smile. “Now my dear, Mandragora… Are you in or out?” She turned on her heels, looking about.
“And please, do tell me quickly… I’d like to know before anyone starts to realize we’re not actually at a Seminar for the Stars event. It’d be a shame if our cover was blown by a simple mishap.” Valkyrie turned back to Mandragora, extending a hand. “Well?”
Mandragora went to take her hand.
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tough-girl9 · 6 years
Alone: A Strange Magic Vignette
Summary: In one kingdom, a goblin king’s loneliness eats away at his heart. In another kingdom, a fairy princess cries herself to sleep on what would have been her wedding night. A vignette about changing seasons, the future, and lofe. Also posted on FFN and AO3.
I just had to post a story in honor of the first day of our dear Bog King’s Very Favorite Season Ever (OK, now he’s giving me The Look. You know the one.)
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Ah yes, there it is. (Boggy, we all know you don’t hate it as much as you let on. We’re all on to you.)
So, in honor of Lofe and the first day of Spring...
Alone by tough-girl9 aka Tough_Girl (AO3) and Sauron Gorthaur (FFN)
Bog hated this time of year.            
The season of love.           
The damp chill burrowed its way down beneath his scales, impossible to escape, and the odors of rain and damp wood and a thousand growing things irritated his persnickety sense of smell. When the breeze was just right, sometimes he’d even catch a sickly sweet whiff of primroses.          
He hated it. He hated all of it. But what he hated most was how Spring reminded him that he was alone and always would be.            
He pressed his face down into his milkweed-silk pillow, curled on his side in his nest with his eyes squeezed shut, trying to fall asleep as the night wore on. Insects chirred outside his castle walls. But loneliness ate away at the heart of the goblin king.
His ban on love kept public displays of affection at a minimum, but he knew that goblin couples continued to pursue their romances out of his sight. Not even fear of their king could kill off the sweet promises that drifted in with the whispers of Spring. Spring was the perfect time of year for it, after all. New life was burgeoning everywhere and love was in the air. It sang through the blood of every creature in the Dark Forest, filling them with yearning and tender thoughts and sweetest hope. Even if he could limit its sickening outward spectacle, Bog knew that love was not something he could ever truly ban or destroy.            
He could not even destroy it in his own blood.            
He was always aware of his loneliness, but never more than during the Spring.  
He dug his claws viciously into the thick bed of moss that lined his nest, snarling into his pillow, but there was nothing he could do to ease the ache of his heart. Nothing he could do to stave off the damp chill of the air creeping under his scales and to know with full certainty that there would never be anyone to cuddle against to keep away the cold. Nothing he could do to forget that he was too hideous to love.            
He ranted in front of his subjects about how much he loathed the very idea of love, how it crept into your heart like the Spring damp and rotted everything it touched. He snarled and growled at his mother when she insisted on humiliating him in front of girl after girl after girl who only looked twice at him because he came with a throne. He pretended as if he couldn’t care less when she prattled on about finding someone who would make him happy.            
The truth was that he cared very, very much.            
As a young goblin, he’d just assumed that one day he’d have a mate. When he’d gotten old enough to get past the idea that love was icky, he’d daydreamed fondly of the time when he’d find a beautiful, fierce goblin girl to call his own. He’d assumed he would have someone special to hold and bite and kiss, someone who would make him happy and to whom he’d bring joy and pleasure in return, someone he would have children with. He’d loved the idea of being a husband, a father to little goblin princes and princesses, a king with a queen at his side.            
Then That Fateful Day had happened, and Bog’s dreams had shattered with his heart.            
He was too hideous to love. He had done something too terrible for anyone to trust and desire him now. He was a monster that no one could ever wish to sleep beside.            
Spring reminded him of That Fateful Day. Spring reminded him of the jagged shards of shame and guilt lodged in his broken heart. Spring reminded him that there was never going to be anyone for him to hold in his arms and ease the unceasing ache in his chest.            
Knowing that he could never have such a future did nothing to stop the fact that he wanted someone to love so badly that it made him want to tear out his own heart and fling it into the mud to sink forever and never torment him again.            He hated how badly he wanted love.            
He snarled again, shoving his face down into the pillow as if he could suffocate his feelings and the inconsolable ache of his heart during a season when the rest of the world was basking in the bliss of true love’s happiness. His fingers tightened impulsively along with the painful constriction of his heart. His next snarl was half a sob as he curled in upon himself, painfully aware of every cruel, sharp, hideous inch of his body.            
You are a monster. What you did was unforgivable. You are unlovable.            
You’ve always known you never had a chance. You wouldn’t have resorted to that love potion if you thought there was any other possibility of someone loving you.            
Who in their right mind would let you hold them? Who with eyes in their head would willingly share your nest.            
If you had a good personality, maybe someone somewhere might be willing to overlook your ugliness, but you don’t even have that!            
You’re a monster, a disgusting, cruel, ugly, horrible, evil, hideous monster.           
No one will ever, ever, ever want you.            
He choked against the pillow, throat tightening, and screwed his eyes as tightly shut as he could, but he couldn’t stop the tears that slipped treacherously from underneath his eyelids and traced glistening paths down his sharp cheeks. He hated himself even more for it, but he gave in and sobbed into his pillow as he had done far too many times during the long, dark, lonely nights of these past eleven years.            
Nothing would ever change. He was going to be alone forever.
Bog did not know that a world away, in the kingdom of meadows and streams that lay just beyond his, a fairy girl was sobbing herself to sleep on what would have been her wedding night, her own dreams shattered, an oath sworn, purple make-up covering a broken heart, outward confidence and defiance not able to completely hide the very real pain of finding herself so very suddenly unwanted and alone.
Bog loved this time of year.            
The cool brush of Spring against his scales still carried some of the Winter chill but whispered of the coming warmth and the burgeoning of life that lay just around the corner. The scent of rain and damp wood and his Forest blossoming back to its full glory wrapped cozily around him. He made a content chuffing sound deep in his throat as he snuggled closer to the woman in his arms, pressing his face to her, and curling his whole, lithe body against her. She was warm and soft against his scales, chasing away the cold that still lingered in the air.            
Marianne sighed and wriggled herself a little closer in return, closing every smidgeon of space that still existed between them. Her hair tickled against his cheek. He wrapped his arms even tighter around her, pressing her to his chest, delighting in the amazing, beautiful, fierce little fairy who had chosen him to be her husband. His heart felt full and happy to overflowing, his gratitude to Marianne beyond expression. Sometimes his love was such an overwhelming ache in his soul that it simply flooded out of him every time he looked at her or opened his mouth.            
He loved the softness of her body curled against his. He loved the way her gorgeous wings draped over their nest when she slept. He loved the way her lips quirked and her eyes glittered when she looked him with desire (for him!) glowing off of her. He loved the way she chased away every bad memory of feeling unwanted, unworthy, and alone, and he loved that he could do the same for her.
He nuzzled her, rubbing his jaw and nose and cheek fondly against his beloved’s face, growling serenely and pressing soft kisses to her skin that he hoped conveyed even half of his love and adoration and thankfulness towards her. She giggled sleepily, one hand pressing gently against his cheek in playful encouragement to his nuzzles and kisses, her own arm wrapped about his waist just below his wings. He rubbed his clawed toes ever so gently against the top of her foot, their legs twined, and marveled at how two bodies that were so different could feel so entirely perfect together.            
The ardor of Spring rushed through his blood, but he no longer dreaded it.            She gave that lovely, sleepy little giggle again as he adjusted his body to cradle her more easily, pressing her down into the soft rolls of moss, and nuzzling until his lips found hers. She sighed against his mouth as he kissed her, her slender fingers stroking his crest and his back. When he parted from her, they lay with their foreheads pressed together, eyes closed.            
“Mmmm, Bog,” she murmured against his skin. “Love you.”            
Two weeks of being married was not nearly enough time to rob him of the wonder of those words. He hoped the electric shock of joy that they sent through his whole being never ever went away. “I love you too,” he whispered back, blissful tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.            
All right, so he’d had to admit to his mother that she’d been right all along, retract his ridiculous ban, and confess to his court that he’d been craving affection so badly that it had taken him a grand total of two hours to fall more madly in love than he’d even known was possible.            
It had been entirely worth it.            
Vaguely, he remembered those long, sleepless nights, weeping from loneliness into his pillow, ashamed and angry at himself for wanting love, no hope left to cling to that he could ever have what he desired. Now, with Marianne in his arms, it all felt like a bad dream from long ago.            
It felt so, so good not to be alone any longer.
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fountainpenguin · 6 years
What kinds of AU pieces go in the Off the Rails collection?
“Get Flappy Reprise - The Sort-Of Musical” - That ‘fic based off the first draft script of the Musical, where Flappy Bob was actually Imaginary Gary in disguise, and Gary and Betty possibly knew he was an imaginary friend all along and they love and support him. This ‘fic would make mention of all the old songs and their ridiculousness. Also, lots of pixies in birdcages. 
The “You Deserve It” Prompt - An AU where BookwormGal’s take on Anti-Cosmo is replaced with mine, and I rewrite the almost-climax scene of Never Had a Friend Like Me appropriately. Basically, Anti-Cosmo grinds the entire “Let’s throw everybody in lava” plan to a halt, much to H.P.’s annoyance, and spontaneously throws a massive party in Amanda’s honor for zodiac-related reasons. The plan is still to kill her, but now she’s a fancy sacrifice. Norm is still going through paperwork with Sanderson and has no idea what’s going on. 
The “Only an Idea” / “Learn Your Place” Prompts - Also known as Reedfilter Rules AU. Basically, we’ve got girl pixies this time. In fact, one of them is Rani Reedfilter, the Head Pixie before our H.P. came along, and thus the reason for this AU’s name. Pixie society is very different, being less based on insect biology and probably a bit closer to what the true canon would be. Also, H.P. spent 37 years seducing Rani in order to work his way up to the vice president position because that’s just how he is, and Sanderson gossips with everybody and judges him super hard. Definitely more of a schemer than loyal lieutenant.
So it’s just a different take on the Pixies, really. Possibly worth mentioning that the reason H.P. takes an interest in Sanderson in this AU is that he and Sanderson are both Fairy/Pixie crossbreeds, with Sanderson’s mother being a will o’ the wisp. Sanderson has blue eyes, too. My favorite joke about RR!AU is that H.P. is a massive klutz who trips over half of everything and yet still tries super hard to be cool. And unlike his touch-starved Riddleverse Classic counterpart, Reedfilter Rules!Sanderson is super squeamish about any type of physical affection, and I just think it’s funny.
For now, I’ve tentatively chosen to scrap this version of the “Learn Your Place” Prompt (which covered some of H.P.’s flirting from Rani’s perspective) in favor of making “Learn Your Place” a Cupid and Juandissimo friendship Prompt. So I’m not really sure what my plans are for RR!AU, especially since between the two Pixie AUs I have, I favor the next one more than this one. So I might keep it to myself, or I still might make it its own ‘fic. I’m a weirdo that way.
“The Gyne and the Drone” - An absolutely self-indulgent story based on that moment in Fairy Idol where H.P. is referred to as “Sanderson’s friend.” In this AU (Happy Dip AU to you guys), they’re friends who met in their adulthood, and this ‘fic covers the development of that friendship. Specifically, it covers H.P.’s ascension into Head Pixie-hood and Sanderson’s parallel journey up the social ladder to being his alpha retinue drone. It’s kind of like a slow burn platonic friendship with pheromone benefits, as they awkwardly navigate around each other’s expectations and try to work out the whole preening situation when it’s not something they’ve been doing since Sanderson was a kid this time.
In Reedfilter Rules AU, the Head Pixie isn’t allowed to have a mate, and H.P. was a lowly worker who flirted his way up the social ladder after recognizing how much Rani misses the husband (“match”) she had to let go of following her coronation. But here in “The Gyne and the Drone”, only the Head Pixie is allowed to have children (Don’t worry- we’ve got other Pixie companies to avoid inbreeding). So far this ‘fic consists of H.P. sliding from his bed to the floor and whining to his dad that he doesn’t want kids because he “doesn’t liiiiiiiiike people”, and Sanderson dragging H.P. out to his first rave. I’m pretty sure that first one is just a placeholder. Second one is definitely happening.
Basically, it’s an AU where all the general worldbuilding is the same, except there are several Pixie companies and it’s kind of like one of those fantasy books with the castles and arranged marriages, but more corporate. And instead of Wolbachia there are loose hints of haplodiploidy because I am eusocial insect trash and I don’t even. For once H.P. is telling the truth when he says he’s not a dad and has no sons /shot
Don’t ask me what I do in my spare time because it’s just this.
“Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails” - A silly, stylistically-different multi-chapter story about Foop and Anti-Marigold gathering potion ingredients to turn Foop into a boy after his aging potion accidentally turns him into a girl. 
So, it’s an alternate, way more lighthearted explanation on the origin of the “magical to-die-for heart-shaped pendant” we saw in “Blue Angel” than the explanation I went with in Identity Theft. While Identity Theft and “Snips” can’t coexist in the same timeline, neither exactly contradicts Riddleverse Classic canon and in theory you could accept either one as your headcanon’d backstory for the pendant. Even so, I technically consider Identity Theft to be part of the Riddleverse Classic works for purely stylistic reasons.
“Pulling Your Puzzles Apart” - AU where Timmy considers his best friend to be A.J. over Chester, so during Fairy Idol, Norm ends up going to college with A.J. and does not enjoy it at all. The first chapter is done (Mayor’s perspective was surprisingly a lot of fun), and the outline is done with 10 chapters pinned down. Except I still have a few details about the finale to untangle. Hmph.
The title of this piece is from the lyrics of the Coldplay song “The Scientist”, and all the chapters are named after other lyrics in the song.
“King Me” - Riddleverse worldbuilding is exactly the same, but this time Anti-Dusty received his inheritance over Anti-Bryndin. Thus, Anti-Wanda was raised as nobility and heir to the High Countess seat, and Anti-Cosmo was raised in rags on the outskirts of society. Talon still exists and is still raised by both Anti-Cosmo and H.P. (though his biological parents differ from Riddleverse Classic canon). This will probably be a one-shot unless it gets too long and needs to be divided into three. It’s basically a bunch of Anti-Wanda / H.P. friendship as Anti-Wanda works out her feelings on her impending marriage to a man she’s never met. And then… wedding! I also included some pieces from one of the very first Prompts I ever wrote, which had to be scrapped due to conflicting with finalized headcanons. Nice to actually use them in an AU!
Thus far I’ve had to physically restrain Anti-Wanda from sweeping Anti-Cosmo off for immediate kisses, because she would totally do so if I let her and I suspect she’ll get away with it in the end. I only have the Anti-Wanda and H.P. chat done so far, so I’m not sure what the ending is, but I suspect it’s going to dissolve into absolute wedding night fluff. Except for the fact that my document is currently a collection of several directions to take this story, one of which involves broken wings and one of which involves Anti-Cosmo on a farm. So I don’t even know where this is going yet. It could go anywhere. All I know for sure is that it’s told from Anti-Wanda’s point of view and she’s a riot, and Anti-Cosmo becomes High Count in this piece (hence the title).
“Just Ask” - Okay, well, I haven’t really planned anything officially, but I have been entertaining some ideas of an AU one-shot where Gary and Betty both grew up in Dimmsdale independently of one another, and only cross paths at the Learn-A-Torium. It’s their summer job that they each try to juggle with a thousand other life responsibilities (such as Betty’s anxiety issues and Gary’s difficult home life). So it’s a “what could have been” piece about if the Pixies hadn’t invaded their childhoods, and had instead approached them for the first time just before the Musical. Some fun ideas in this one, my personal favorite being Gary’s overprotective biker friends, so it’ll be great if I get around to it.
Dust to Dust and “Antlers for Dummies” are both crossover pieces (with “ChalkZone” and “Milo Murphy’s Law” respectively) and would technically fall in the Off the Rails category too, if I ever do write them. The “First Impressions” Prompt is kinda a crossover too, in that it covers the Creature Convention where Cosmo and Bunsen met according to “Bunsen Is a Beast” canon, and there are other Nick show cameos around too.
Potentially more to come, since I have tons of scrapped FOP stuff and maybe I can recycle some of it. But most of what I write fits within standard Riddleverse canon, so these are the only pieces I know of right now. What sounds interesting to you guys?
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Sugar, Spice, and Super Lice”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
That’s what this reboot is made of! Hee hee hee hee!
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This episode starts with a slideshow montage of Buttercup doing random activities, growing out her hair. No weird science here, Buttercup decides on a whim to have long hair, and the plot allows it. Eventually, it grows long enough to become a floor-length mullet with length only seen in fairy tales and DeviantART.
One would think this hair would impede on her crimefighting. One can assume this has been a strangely crime-free however-long-this-took for Townsville. Such a missed opportunity to not have Buttercup to put her super-mullet to good or bad use while doing what should be her usual job of crime-fighting. Not to say there won't be any hair whipping...
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...it just only manages to hit Blossom, Bubbles, and a lamp. That poor lamp. That's as close as we get to a real fight scene in this episode, by the way. The girl whose hair can be styled into a racetrack with hair-pin turns decides to call her out on this. Either she took a really long time for her to call her out, or that hair growth scene really did only take a day. The power of plot!
Blossom: Do something about your long filthy hair! It looks like a rat's nest! Do something about your mullet! Get out the hair clippers, jerk! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET!
I will admit, that is a slight paraphrase. Because she is a rascally little green princess, Buttercup is not budging. She loves the biz-ness in the front, and the month-long par-tay in the back. Her description, not mine. I really hope I did not need to say that.
Speaking of princess, why did Buttercup decide to grow out her hair, anyway? One episode even had her expressing disgust over someone else’s Rapunzel-length locks. A character that deserved disgust, but not for her hair. There is a reason for this, and one I did not expect.
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Buttercup was inspired by Thrash, the punk rock idol from Electric Buttercup. In the 80's, she also rocked a floor length mullet, as it was the craze at the time. It is nice to know that episodes do not just exist in their own universe, even if this is only in this one scene as an explanation.
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Buttercup, of course, is irresponsible with her new mane, and it really is at least a bird's nest. Clumps of her hair keeps falling around the house, and her hair is filled with garbage. We even get a cutaway gag where Bubbles is attacked by one of Buttercup's not-so-luxurious hair clumps while she is cleaning the bathtub.
Buttercup just drops down to the ground, unconscious. The Reboot Puffs are so weak, they just go straight to "Girls Down".
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It turns out there is more to it than that, as the Professor decides to act as a doctor. He gives his diagnosis: lice. Specifically, super lice, so we don't have to worry that our ultra-powerful superheroines were beaten by head lice. He has not seen a case like this since the aforementioned 80's mullet craze.
Professor Utonium: Damn it, Utonium! (punches wall)
The closed captions say "darn", but I am going to pretend that's a lie. It saves the one smirk I got out of this.
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For once, we now get to have Blossom and Bubbles save the boyish one instead of the other way around, and the Professor has a specific plan for this: put them in a flying car that can shrink with a bug bomb strapped to it, and completely eradicate them by throwing it on the cowlick. It makes sense; there's no blood on the "month-long par-tay" for them to suck. Was it even necessary for Buttercup to even grow out her hair in the first place?
The car goes out of control, the girls screaming for their lives. The Professor is just in awe of how cute the girls look when they are tiny, the only hint of the "wacky sitcom Dad" character in this episode. Well, that, and giving the keys to six year olds.
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They crash into a place near the cowlick, not managing to explode the bug bomb in the process, only to find that Buttercup's hair has a city in it. The Super Lice show up, and they're all cutesy bugs who congratulate them on crushing the evil queen. There's even a mayor, who happens to look like the Mayor.
Because, ding dong, the queen is dead, the Powerpuff Girls are now worshipped as their saviors. Blossom and Bubbles decides to go along with it.
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There's no big B plot in this episode, unlike a lot of reboot episodes, but we do get occasional cut backs to the Professor reading Buttercup a bedtime story about electrons and neutrons.
Professor Utonium: There once was an electron who thought he could, but he wasn't positive.
I am surprised. For one, I was expecting to hear a comedy drumfill after that, something that they will unfortunately prove that they have much later in the episode. Also, it is something fatherly and something to do with science all rolled into one. I can see the Professor from the original doing this, and that is a huge improvement over the "King Cool of Daddy-O Street" from the last episode. Not an accomplishment, but still.
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Blossom and Bubbles are very much impressed that the parasites have made Buttercup's hair into a hair-a-dise, a pun they surprsingly did not use in this episode. They get massages, and they even get a bunch of candy! It may be a huge lapse in judgement to eat "candy" from the Lice-Pop Guild, but no problem seems to come of that.
While Bubbles is talking about how the lice gave her phone this reminder app, which leads to a running gag that includes that above image, Blossom reminds Bubbles that they have a mission to do. What could possibly get Blossom to totally forget about her plan to eradicate these lice that put Buttercup into a coma?
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One of the super lice happens to take a liking to Blossom, even wearing a bow just like her idol. It essentially turns into the in-universe version of the "which Powerpuff Girl are you" they tried to do with the marketing a year ago. Does that mean they see us as insects? Would explain a lot.
Ribbon Lice: They call me a Blossom because I love science!
Blossom: Aww, that’s so cool!
Ribbon Lice: And my best friend is totally a Bubbles!
Either her friend is an airhead, or she's an unlikeable brat. Either way, that is an insult. Because she's so impressed, Blossom decides that they should think about it after the big festival the lice are planning. Bubbles puts it as a reminder, but, surprise, it never really helps them out in any way. It's not a "running gag that doesn't go anywhere", but it is close.
Professor Utonium: Oh, Buttercup, I'm sure nothing will distract your sisters from saving you.
Seems like an oddly emotional moment to use as a joke on how Blossom and Bubbles totally got distracted from saving Buttercup. Maybe they felt the Airplane reference would have been too obvious.
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The next morning, as Buttercup continues to be in her coma, the super-lice's festival begins. They even have a play based on the Powerpuff Girls. Blossom says it is an interesting interpretation of them. They do not go any further than that; I was wondering if they were going to bash the critics with this scene. A missed opportunity, but a opportunity they rightfully missed this time.
Ribbon Lice: And now, I will drink the blood of the queen, in hopes to gain her power and use it for good! Huh, ha, ha!
I can not help but agree with Blossom; I would like to see a Powerpuff Girls where the girls talk about the blood of their enemies.
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After the play, the Mayor decides to make a speech for their saviors.
The Lice Mayor: Without them, we wouldn't be able to put on this...explosive fun festival!
For some reason, he decides to make random explosion puns. If the beat didn't clue in the viewers that this is an intentional pun, they even put in a comedy drumfill. It is a gag that goes for far too long, and it is only here to show off how ignorant Blossom and Bubbles are of their mission. Bubbles I can understand, but Blossom?
He then reveals his plans to drill into the gooey center of their planet and destroy it. If this is supposed to be some environmental message, it's pretty half baked; even Captain Planet villains have some motivation other than "we just want to be evil so the plot can advance". Can Blossom and Bubbles really kill these cutesy little bugs? This is answered almost immediately when they reveal this is not their final form.
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The once cute lice turn into giant monster lice. They even lose the ability to talk, now only speaking in screeches. This does not come completely out of nowhere; these Phase 2 forms do look like the "Evil Queen" from the play. How convienent for the Reboot Puffs, too. Committing mass murder is far more palatable when you can't see the victims as people.
Given little choice, Blossom and Bubbles prepare to fight these in the best way they know, by readying their fists...
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...to drive away in their flying car, which they know how to drive now, and be chased by the super lice. Bubbles tries to zap them with their eye lasers, though she immediately gives up after only zapping two of them. Of course, the bomb can do the job with far more efficiency, but it's an odd scene to even have. They may have realized the only time the Powerpuff Girls directly fight in the episode was when they were hit by Buttercup's mullet.
As an aside, we hear a sound bite of Blossom saying to buckle up, but at no point do we ever see them with seatbelts. It's almost like they realized a problem, and decided one line was good enough.
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As things are getting hairy, which is a pun they do use, they find a comb in the middle of Buttercup’s hair. Wait, if Buttercup wasn't even trying to take care of her hair, how did this even get here? It happens to have an opening just large enough for them to fit through, and it's good that colliding with a comb causes the parasites to explode.
The Ribbon Lice comes back, in her more monsterous form, to screech at her. Blossom karate chops the back of the car, causing the back of the car, and the bug bomb to fall on Buttercup’s cowlick, causing a huge explosion.
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The Professor praises them for not dilly-dallying around, as Blossom and Bubbles look at each other knowing that their father figure is better off ignorant. I would think superheroes would be able to drop a bomb pretty much immediately, but maybe he's just that much of a genius to figure it all out. I doubt that.
Buttercup is still rocking her Rapunzel mullet by the end of the episode, but, unknown to her, she does now have a huge bald spot where her cowlick used to be. The episode suddenly ends at Blossom and Bubbles' disgust at that. We can assume that Buttercup has learned nothing.
Does the title fit?
The title replacing Everything Nice suggested that it was Blossom that gets the super-lice, and she does not. It would not be fitting of Blossom’s character to get lice anyway, either original or reboot.
How does it stack up?
There was some potential in this plot, but that's only because Futurama's Parasites Lost did it far better. Good transformation scene, concept was not as bad as I thought it would be, and not much else. Just barely makes it out of being a Disgusted.
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Next week, Buttercup decides to trust a girl who turned out to be an enemy in a previous episode.
← Never Been Blissed ☆ The Buttercup Job →
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litcci · 7 years
Reblog or repost. DO NOT remove credit.
TAGGED BY: nobody i STOL this
TAGGING: @melligine, @serapheit​ (honestly use whichever oc you’re feeling tbh!!), @kaqenui​, @infernosis​ THIS ISN’T A PARTICULAR LIST S O  FEEL FREE TO STEAL THIS REALLY!!!! i had fun doing this
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FULL NAME: Selen Cypress Steele MEANING: Selen’s name is the Sami variation and I couldn’t actually find a meaning for it!!! However when used in Turkish, it means gospel or asset Cypress and Steele should be obvious NICKNAME: Sel. Right now only like, two people are allowed to use this MEANING: Should be obvious!! AGE: 23 BIRTHDAY: February 20th ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aquarius GENDER: Agender, masc presenting He doesn’t feel much alignment to any particular gender, but he’s very content with the way he presents currently
ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Men and masculine people, exclusively. THEME SONG(S): Honestly I couldn’t think of much BUT...
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: White. Just straight up white. He’ll deny it but it’s absolutely white. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Choppy and asymmetrical; longer on his right hand side, which he usually keeps in a little braid. The shorter side sits just above chin length. Tends to let it get shaggy EYES COLOR: Muted brown HEIGHT: 5′8′‘ | 173cm. Not as blessed with height as some of his other family members, but it could be worse. WEIGHT: 134 lbs | 61 kg. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Tends to be pretty extra, favouring thicker fabrics and fur. Sweaters are a constant. When not working he leans towards a more minimal style. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS, MOLES): Freckles everywhere (face, arms, legs), a few scars here and there SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Occasionally he’ll fill in his eyebrows if he’s feeling insecure; he favours nice perfumes and colognes, too (especially vanilla scents) FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Composed, a little unapproachable SKIN COLOR: Pale beige, prone to sunburn and reddening. BODY TYPE/BUILD: A little on the scrawny side, but there’s some definite muscle definition around his arms and core DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Neutral and focused. Resting bitch face honestly. Some days, you might be able to spot a little smirk--usually in the company of the king. POSTURE: Upright, hands on hips, hands by his side--he’s ready. He keeps his arms folded when he’s relaxed, shifting his weight onto one leg. PIERCINGS: Both ears. He rarely wears earrings these days and they’ve pretty much sealed up, though DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Pretty monotonous, more so out of being calm than anything. Usually fairly quiet, doesn’t speak particularly quickly or slowly. As he warms to you, it becomes more rhythmic and emotive
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Jerusha Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: It’s complicated. They’ve not been in contact since Selen left Belori. Selen completely understands why she acted the way she did towards him--he was equally heartbroken and angered by his father’s disappearance. But the way she went about it is something he can’t forgive so easily, and has left an impact he’s still healing from. He’s not rushing to see her again, but he still thinks about her. DAD: Tobejas Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Again, it’s complicated. Up until the age of 10, the two got on wonderfully. The man was very up front about his heritage and what he was, with Selen embracing it as best he could. Calm, gentle, fun, and all around a fantastic father figure. After his disappearance--knowing it was planned and how his mother reacted to it--Selen’s opinion of his father is incredibly bitter. He’s not as desperate for answers as he was (he’s stopped actively looking for him). Out of spite, he’s choosing to barely acknowledge certain aspects of his heritage, but he still holds lingering respect for him he’s barely aware of. The braid in his hair is the same one his father wore, after all.
SIBLINGS: Saskia Steele HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Like a house on fire. She’s aware of his whereabouts but hasn’t told her mother, but the two of them share an incredible amount of mutual adoration, respect and hatred of their father. CHILDREN: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. PAST LOVER(S): One. Very short lived. Admittedly, it was out of desperation on both their parts and they were barely compatible, but not from lack of trying. Selen was the one to be broken up with. CURRENT LOVER: A certain king. Selen’s been head over heels for him for the last three years and it doesn’t look like this is stopping any time soon. And really, he couldn’t care less about peoples’ opinions about their differences in ranks. He’s in deep. REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: By default, he’s sceptical of their intentions, but he greatly enjoys listening to them and what they have to say. That scepticism persists for a while, but he’ll still act friendly enough. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: He’s more of a follower than a leader and takes to orders like a fish to water.  Still, he feels he works better alone than in a group. That being said, there’s been some definite improvement in his approach in recent years. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: People who are overly curious or obnoxious, honestly. He needs his privacy and to save his energy. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE, ETC): He’s remarkably good with children!! He’d be far more protective of his own children, but he’s the sentimental type. Days out, reading bedtime stories, listening to everything the kid has to say.
PERSONALITY …WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: A little stiff, but it’s obvious he’s making an effort to be friendly. Acts calm and collected, but aspects of someone who’s a little inexperienced still shine through. …AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Talks and smiles a lot more!! He starts being a lot more playful (think awful jokes and awful puns), but also a lot more protective. He gets a lot more receptive to affection too. …AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Resting bitch face.  Passive aggression. To an extent--with his words at least--he’s capable of hiding his feelings very well, but it boils over to a point of outright rudeness. FAVORITE COLOR: Red, some shades of purple, green FAVORITE FOOD: He would die for banana bread FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats FAVORITE ELEMENT: Water (ironically, he can’t swim) LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Blue, yellow LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: He’s not a big fan of pizza LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Like most, he’s not too fond of insects. HOBBIES: Fashion, photography, and... knife throwing. He’s starting to develop a budding interest in gardening, too. USUAL MOOD: Calm, focused DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Occasional drinker. He’s a stress smoker, but it’s a habit he’s trying to stop. And occasionally. He’s done weed before no thanks to a certain someone’s influence. DARK VERSION OF SELF: He’s inherently very neutral, so there’s nothing especially light or dark about himself LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Again, he’s neutral! HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Pretty serious, but he can definitely appreciate fun and doing things on the spur of the moment CLASS IN AN RPG: Rogue BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Eh (IN)DEPENDENT: Independent. VULNERABILITY: People he loves getting hurt, his loyalty being challenged, his past to some extent OPINION ON SWEARING: Occasionally! Never at work. Gotta stay professional. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Cautious MUSIC TYPE: He’s fond of chilled out electronic music, but he’ll honestly listen to anything. MOVIE TYPE: He doesn’t have an absolute favourite--rather, he likes specific films rather than overall genres. He’s biased towards adventure, however. BOOK TYPE: Murder mysteries, hands down COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Anything below 50F is nice. He’s cold. He can appreciate warmer weather in small doses, but anything beyond that is a nightmare for him SLEEPING PATTERN: Very structured, sleeps about 8-9 hours a day consistently. If he can’t get that, he’ll gladly nap. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Very tidy and organised, though things turn to disarray when he’s stressed out DESIRED PET: He’d love a cat, or a tortoise HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: People watching, so much people watching BIGGEST SECRET: Unless you ask, everything about him is a secret... so in a strange way, he doesn’t have any particular secrets. He still greatly prefers being mysterious, though HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: His sister and the last king of Melcio WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: ......Cat. Like honestly i thought about this for a few minutes but no he’s a damn cat i can’t do this FEARS: The king’s assassination, especially if it’s something he can prevent. He’s not the best about being controlled or manipulated, either. Or blood. COMFORTS: Piping hot cocoa, fairy lights, hugs--but only if he knows you well enough
HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: Tries to be as level headed as possible, thinking of every solution to get out of it SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Straight up tells them no, no hesitation whatsoever. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Depends who it’s from. If it’s from a certain someone he’s definitely gonna start crying. Anybody else? ‘...Um.’ DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Isolation, solemn sadness... after a while. Then it turns to eventfulness if applicable. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Frustration, honestly. He’d want to walk away from the problem and start again if he can, but if it’s under pressure he’ll just take a deep breath and do the best job he can INJURY: Tries his hardest to ignore it and power on through until he has no choice SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: If it’s an animal he’d want to try and lure it in and say hello!!
FIRST APPEARANCE: He’d face’d first be put to the public after his appointment of first knight, by the king of Melcio’s side on excisions.
KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: I’m not sure how we’re going about languages over at Frucitaion lmao but he definitely has a couple under his belt SCHOOLING LEVEL: High school graduate FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Psychology, textiles, math INTERESTED CAREERS: He considered pursuing psychology further at one point, but his heart was set on militia EXPERTISE: Ditto CHEMISTRY: C MATH: A+ LANGUAGE: B GEOGRAPHY: B POLITICS/LAW: A COOKING: B MECHANICS: A BOTANY (FLOWERS): A MYTHOLOGY: D DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): A, exclusively for acting
READING LEVEL: High school graduate HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Very good, and he adores it. 500 things that could go wrong are considered and worked around, almost to the point of obsession. You can never be too careful.
ROMANCE . DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: He’s perceptive, so he knows when and how to initiate when it’s needed! Otherwise he takes a backseat, since his boyfriend is the affectionate sort. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Shameless and unapologetic, honestly. It takes a while for him to come out of his shell, but when he does he’s staying and he’s gonna enjoy himself, PDA and all. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Somewhere in between! He has his moments of being a klutz when he’s truly being himself, though he enjoys putting on a gentlemanly facade. Really, he can’t take himself seriously. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Slow. PROTECTIVE: Absolutely. He’d put his life on the line to keep Carmi safe ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Lovers, no mistake about it. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Tends to pick his gifts carefully, with plenty of sentimentality behind most of them! It’s hard to resist some impulse buys, though. Plants are always a must, but things that remind him of his significant other or trips out they’ve had together are always welcome. TYPE OF KISSER: He’s prone to quick impulsive kisses, but he has a tendency to get really into it once he gets going DO THEY WANT KIDS: He’d love to adopt whenever they feel they’re ready DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: He’s not rushing, but he’d love to MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Ones that are beneficial to both parties. So yes, mostly good. He can make poor decisions that are too extreme, especially when it comes to keeping his loved ones safe. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Definitely. He’s all about the corny, cliche stuff, as long as they’re both having a good time. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Touchy, loud, pretty average? He isn’t sure. Ask his boyfriend. He’s pretty receptive and attuned to what his partner wants, though. GET JEALOUS EASY: Not at all! He knows Carmi has a lot of love to give--that’s why he adores him so much MARRY FOR MONEY: Nope FAVORITE SEX POSITION: -- WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Something corny, like a picnic at sunrise or a trip to the aquarium and a nice meal afterwards. OPINION ON SEX: He likes it, but he doesn’t need it and definitely has to be in a certain mood for it.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
Dr. Craven had been waiting some time at the house when they returned to it. He had indeed begun to wonder if it might not be wise to send some one out to explore the garden paths. When Colin was brought back to his room the poor man looked him over seriously.
"You should not have stayed so long," he said. "You must not overexert yourself."
"I am not tired at all," said Colin. "It has made me well. Tomorrow I am going out in the morning as well as in the afternoon."
"I am not sure that I can allow it," answered Dr. Craven. "I am afraid it would not be wise."
"It would not be wise to try to stop me," said Colin quite seriously. "I am going."
Even Mary had found out that one of Colin's chief peculiarities was that he did not know in the least what a rude little brute he was with his way of ordering people about. He had lived on a sort of desert island all his life and as he had been the king of it he had made his own manners and had had no one to compare himself with. Mary had indeed been rather like him herself and since she had been at Misselthwaite had gradually discovered that her own manners had not been of the kind which is usual or popular. Having made this discovery she naturally thought it of enough interest to communicate to Colin. So she sat and looked at him curiously for a few minutes after Dr. Craven had gone. She wanted to make him ask her why she was doing it and of course she did.
"What are you looking at me for?" he said.
"I'm thinking that I am rather sorry for Dr. Craven."
"So am I," said Colin calmly, but not without an air of some satisfaction. "He won't get Misselthwaite at all now I'm not going to die."
"I'm sorry for him because of that, of course," said Mary, "but I was thinking just then that it must have been very horrid to have had to be polite for ten years to a boy who was always rude. I would never have done it."
"Am I rude?" Colin inquired undisturbedly.
"If you had been his own boy and he had been a slapping sort of man," said Mary, "he would have slapped you."
"But he daren't," said Colin.
"No, he daren't," answered Mistress Mary, thinking the thing out quite without prejudice. "Nobody ever dared to do anything you didn't like--because you were going to die and things like that. You were such a poor thing."
"But," announced Colin stubbornly, "I am not going to be a poor thing. I won't let people think I'm one. I stood on my feet this afternoon."
"It is always having your own way that has made you so queer," Mary went on, thinking aloud.
Colin turned his head, frowning.
"Am I queer?" he demanded.
"Yes," answered Mary, "very. But you needn't be cross," she added impartially, "because so am I queer--and so is Ben Weatherstaff. But I am not as queer as I was before I began to like people and before I found the garden."
"I don't want to be queer," said Colin. "I am not going to be," and he frowned again with determination.
He was a very proud boy. He lay thinking for a while and then Mary saw his beautiful smile begin and gradually change his whole face.
"I shall stop being queer," he said, "if I go every day to the garden. There is Magic in there--good Magic, you know, Mary. I am sure there is." "So am I," said Mary.
"Even if it isn't real Magic," Colin said, "we can pretend it is. Something is there--something!"
"It's Magic," said Mary, "but not black. It's as white as snow."
They always called it Magic and indeed it seemed like it in the months that followed--the wonderful months--the radiant months--the amazing ones. Oh! the things which happened in that garden! If you have never had a garden you cannot understand, and if you have had a garden you will know that it would take a whole book to describe all that came to pass there. At first it seemed that green things would never cease pushing their way through the earth, in the grass, in the beds, even in the crevices of the walls. Then the green things began to show buds and the buds began to unfurl and show color, every shade of blue, every shade of purple, every tint and hue of crimson. In its happy days flowers had been tucked away into every inch and hole and corner. Ben Weatherstaff had seen it done and had himself scraped out mortar from between the bricks of the wall and made pockets of earth for lovely clinging things to grow on. Iris and white lilies rose out of the grass in sheaves, and the green alcoves filled themselves with amazing armies of the blue and white flower lances of tall delphiniums or columbines or campanulas.
"She was main fond o' them--she was," Ben Weatherstaff said. "She liked them things as was allus pointin' up to th' blue sky, she used to tell. Not as she was one o' them as looked down on th' earth--not her. She just loved it but she said as th' blue sky allus looked so joyful."
The seeds Dickon and Mary had planted grew as if fairies had tended them. Satiny poppies of all tints danced in the breeze by the score, gaily defying flowers which had lived in the garden for years and which it might be confessed seemed rather to wonder how such new people had got there. And the roses--the roses! Rising out of the grass, tangled round the sun-dial, wreathing the tree trunks and hanging from their branches, climbing up the walls and spreading over them with long garlands falling in cascades --they came alive day by day, hour by hour. Fair fresh leaves, and buds--and buds--tiny at first but swelling and working Magic until they burst and uncurled into cups of scent delicately spilling themselves over their brims and filling the garden air.
Colin saw it all, watching each change as it took place. Every morning he was brought out and every hour of each day when it didn't rain he spent in the garden. Even gray days pleased him. He would lie on the grass "watching things growing," he said. If you watched long enough, he declared, you could see buds unsheath themselves. Also you could make the acquaintance of strange busy insect things running about on various unknown but evidently serious errands, sometimes carrying tiny scraps of straw or feather or food, or climbing blades of grass as if they were trees from whose tops one could look out to explore the country. A mole throwing up its mound at the end of its burrow and making its way out at last with the long-nailed paws which looked so like elfish hands, had absorbed him one whole morning. Ants' ways, beetles' ways, bees' ways, frogs' ways, birds' ways, plants' ways, gave him a new world to explore and when Dickon revealed them all and added foxes' ways, otters' ways, ferrets' ways, squirrels' ways, and trout' and water-rats' and badgers' ways, there was no end to the things to talk about and think over.
And this was not the half of the Magic. The fact that he had really once stood on his feet had set Colin thinking tremendously and when Mary told him of the spell she had worked he was excited and approved of it greatly. He talked of it constantly.
"Of course there must be lots of Magic in the world," he said wisely one day, "but people don't know what it is like or how to make it. Perhaps the beginning is just to say nice things are going to happen until you make them happen. I am going to try and experiment"
The next morning when they went to the secret garden he sent at once for Ben Weatherstaff. Ben came as quickly as he could and found the Rajah standing on his feet under a tree and looking very grand but also very beautifully smiling.
"Good morning, Ben Weatherstaff," he said. "I want you and Dickon and Miss Mary to stand in a row and listen to me because I am going to tell you something very important."
"Aye, aye, sir!" answered Ben Weatherstaff, touching his forehead. (One of the long concealed charms of Ben Weatherstaff was that in his boyhood he had once run away to sea and had made voyages. So he could reply like a sailor.)
"I am going to try a scientific experiment," explained the Rajah. "When I grow up I am going to make great scientific discoveries and I am going to begin now with this experiment"
"Aye, aye, sir!" said Ben Weatherstaff promptly, though this was the first time he had heard of great scientific discoveries.
It was the first time Mary had heard of them, either, but even at this stage she had begun to realize that, queer as he was, Colin had read about a great many singular things and was somehow a very convincing sort of boy. When he held up his head and fixed his strange eyes on you it seemed as if you believed him almost in spite of yourself though he was only ten years old--going on eleven. At this moment he was especially convincing because he suddenly felt the fascination of actually making a sort of speech like a grown-up person.
"The great scientific discoveries I am going to make," he went on, "will be about Magic. Magic is a great thing and scarcely any one knows anything about it except a few people in old books--and Mary a little, because she was born in India where there are fakirs. I believe Dickon knows some Magic, but perhaps he doesn't know he knows it. He charms animals and people. I would never have let him come to see me if he had not been an animal charmer--which is a boy charmer, too, because a boy is an animal. I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us--like electricity and horses and steam."
This sounded so imposing that Ben Weatherstaff became quite excited and really could not keep still. "Aye, aye, sir," he said and he began to stand up quite straight.
"When Mary found this garden it looked quite dead," the orator proceeded. "Then something began pushing things up out of the soil and making things out of nothing. One day things weren't there and another they were. I had never watched things before and it made me feel very curious. Scientific people are always curious and I am going to be scientific. I keep saying to myself, `What is it? What is it?' It's something. It can't be nothing! I don't know its name so I call it Magic. I have never seen the sun rise but Mary and Dickon have and from what they tell me I am sure that is Magic too. Something pushes it up and draws it. Sometimes since I've been in the garden I've looked up through the trees at the sky and I have had a strange feeling of being happy as if something were pushing and drawing in my chest and making me breathe fast. Magic is always pushing and drawing and making things out of nothing. Everything is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us. In this garden--in all the places. The Magic in this garden has made me stand up and know I am going to live to be a man. I am going to make the scientific experiment of trying to get some and put it in myself and make it push and draw me and make me strong. I don't know how to do it but I think that if you keep thinking about it and calling it perhaps it will come. Perhaps that is the first baby way to get it. When I was going to try to stand that first time Mary kept saying to herself as fast as she could, `You can do it! You can do it!' and I did. I had to try myself at the same time, of course, but her Magic helped me--and so did Dickon's. Every morning and evening and as often in the daytime as I can remember I am going to say, 'Magic is in me! Magic is making me well! I am going to be as strong as Dickon, as strong as Dickon!' And you must all do it, too. That is my experiment Will you help, Ben Weatherstaff?"
"Aye, aye, sir!" said Ben Weatherstaff. "Aye, aye!"
"If you keep doing it every day as regularly as soldiers go through drill we shall see what will happen and find out if the experiment succeeds. You learn things by saying them over and over and thinking about them until they stay in your mind forever and I think it will be the same with Magic. If you keep calling it to come to you and help you it will get to be part of you and it will stay and do things." "I once heard an officer in India tell my mother that there were fakirs who said words over and over thousands of times," said Mary.
"I've heard Jem Fettleworth's wife say th' same thing over thousands o' times--callin' Jem a drunken brute," said Ben Weatherstaff dryly. "Summat allus come o' that, sure enough. He gave her a good hidin' an' went to th' Blue Lion an' got as drunk as a lord."
Colin drew his brows together and thought a few minutes. Then he cheered up.
"Well," he said, "you see something did come of it. She used the wrong Magic until she made him beat her. If she'd used the right Magic and had said something nice perhaps he wouldn't have got as drunk as a lord and perhaps--perhaps he might have bought her a new bonnet."
Ben Weatherstaff chuckled and there was shrewd admiration in his little old eyes.
"Tha'rt a clever lad as well as a straight-legged one, Mester Colin," he said. "Next time I see Bess Fettleworth I'll give her a bit of a hint o' what Magic will do for her. She'd be rare an' pleased if th' sinetifik 'speriment worked --an' so 'ud Jem."
Dickon had stood listening to the lecture, his round eyes shining with curious delight. Nut and Shell were on his shoulders and he held a long-eared white rabbit in his arm and stroked and stroked it softly while it laid its ears along its back and enjoyed itself.
"Do you think the experiment will work?" Colin asked him, wondering what he was thinking. He so often wondered what Dickon was thinking when he saw him looking at him or at one of his "creatures" with his happy wide smile.
He smiled now and his smile was wider than usual.
"Aye," he answered, "that I do. It'll work same as th' seeds do when th' sun shines on 'em. It'll work for sure. Shall us begin it now?"
Colin was delighted and so was Mary. Fired by recollections of fakirs and devotees in illustrations Colin suggested that they should all sit cross-legged under the tree which made a canopy.
"It will be like sitting in a sort of temple," said Colin. "I'm rather tired and I want to sit down."
"Eh!" said Dickon, "tha' mustn't begin by sayin' tha'rt tired. Tha' might spoil th' Magic."
Colin turned and looked at him--into his innocent round eyes.
"That's true," he said slowly. "I must only think of the Magic." It all seemed most majestic and mysterious when they sat down in their circle. Ben Weatherstaff felt as if he had somehow been led into appearing at a prayer-meeting. Ordinarily he was very fixed in being what he called "agen' prayer-meetin's" but this being the Rajah's affair he did not resent it and was indeed inclined to be gratified at being called upon to assist. Mistress Mary felt solemnly enraptured. Dickon held his rabbit in his arm, and perhaps he made some charmer's signal no one heard, for when he sat down, cross-legged like the rest, the crow, the fox, the squirrels and the lamb slowly drew near and made part of the circle, settling each into a place of rest as if of their own desire.
"The `creatures' have come," said Colin gravely. "They want to help us."
Colin really looked quite beautiful, Mary thought. He held his head high as if he felt like a sort of priest and his strange eyes had a wonderful look in them. The light shone on him through the tree canopy.
"Now we will begin," he said. "Shall we sway backward and forward, Mary, as if we were dervishes?"
"I canna' do no swayin' back'ard and for'ard," said Ben Weatherstaff. "I've got th' rheumatics."
"The Magic will take them away," said Colin in a High Priest tone, "but we won't sway until it has done it. We will only chant."
"I canna' do no chantin'" said Ben Weatherstaff a trifle testily. "They turned me out o' th' church choir th' only time I ever tried it."
No one smiled. They were all too much in earnest. Colin's face was not even crossed by a shadow. He was thinking only of the Magic.
"Then I will chant," he said. And he began, looking like a strange boy spirit. "The sun is shining--the sun is shining. That is the Magic. The flowers are growing--the roots are stirring. That is the Magic. Being alive is the Magic--being strong is the Magic. The Magic is in me--the Magic is in me. It is in me--it is in me. It's in every one of us. It's in Ben Weatherstaff's back. Magic! Magic! Come and help!"
He said it a great many times--not a thousand times but quite a goodly number. Mary listened entranced. She felt as if it were at once queer and beautiful and she wanted him to go on and on. Ben Weatherstaff began to feel soothed into a sort of dream which was quite agreeable. The humming of the bees in the blossoms mingled with the chanting voice and drowsily melted into a doze. Dickon sat cross-legged with his rabbit asleep on his arm and a hand resting on the lamb's back. Soot had pushed away a squirrel and huddled close to him on his shoulder, the gray film dropped over his eyes. At last Colin stopped.
"Now I am going to walk round the garden," he announced.
Ben Weatherstaff's head had just dropped forward and he lifted it with a jerk.
"You have been asleep," said Colin.
"Nowt o' th' sort," mumbled Ben. "Th' sermon was good enow--but I'm bound to get out afore th' collection."
He was not quite awake yet.
"You're not in church," said Colin.
"Not me," said Ben, straightening himself. "Who said I were? I heard every bit of it. You said th' Magic was in my back. Th' doctor calls it rheumatics."
The Rajah waved his hand.
"That was the wrong Magic," he said. "You will get better. You have my permission to go to your work. But come back tomorrow."
"I'd like to see thee walk round the garden," grunted Ben.
It was not an unfriendly grunt, but it was a grunt. In fact, being a stubborn old party and not having entire faith in Magic he had made up his mind that if he were sent away he would climb his ladder and look over the wall so that he might be ready to hobble back if there were any stumbling.
The Rajah did not object to his staying and so the procession was formed. It really did look like a procession. Colin was at its head with Dickon on one side and Mary on the other. Ben Weatherstaff walked behind, and the "creatures" trailed after them, the lamb and the fox cub keeping close to Dickon, the white rabbit hopping along or stopping to nibble and Soot following with the solemnity of a person who felt himself in charge.
It was a procession which moved slowly but with dignity. Every few yards it stopped to rest. Colin leaned on Dickon's arm and privately Ben Weatherstaff kept a sharp lookout, but now and then Colin took his hand from its support and walked a few steps alone. His head was held up all the time and he looked very grand.
"The Magic is in me!" he kept saying. "The Magic is making me strong! I can feel it! I can feel it!"
It seemed very certain that something was upholding and uplifting him. He sat on the seats in the alcoves, and once or twice he sat down on the grass and several times he paused in the path and leaned on Dickon, but he would not give up until he had gone all round the garden. When he returned to the canopy tree his cheeks were flushed and he looked triumphant.
"I did it! The Magic worked!" he cried. "That is my first scientific discovery.".
"What will Dr. Craven say?" broke out Mary.
"He won't say anything," Colin answered, "because he will not be told. This is to be the biggest secret of all. No one is to know anything about it until I have grown so strong that I can walk and run like any other boy. I shall come here every day in my chair and I shall be taken back in it. I won't have people whispering and asking questions and I won't let my father hear about it until the experiment has quite succeeded. Then sometime when he comes back to Misselthwaite I shall just walk into his study and say `Here I am; I am like any other boy. I am quite well and I shall live to be a man. It has been done by a scientific experiment.'"
"He will think he is in a dream," cried Mary. "He won't believe his eyes."
Colin flushed triumphantly. He had made himself believe that he was going to get well, which was really more than half the battle, if he had been aware of it. And the thought which stimulated him more than any other was this imagining what his father would look like when he saw that he had a son who was as straight and strong as other fathers' sons. One of his darkest miseries in the unhealthy morbid past days had been his hatred of being a sickly weak-backed boy whose father was afraid to look at him.
"He'll be obliged to believe them," he said.
"One of the things I am going to do, after the Magic works and before I begin to make scientific discoveries, is to be an athlete."
"We shall have thee takin' to boxin' in a week or so," said Ben Weatherstaff. "Tha'lt end wi' winnin' th' Belt an' bein' champion prize-fighter of all England."
Colin fixed his eyes on him sternly.
"Weatherstaff," he said, "that is disrespectful. You must not take liberties because you are in the secret. However much the Magic works I shall not be a prize-fighter. I shall be a Scientific Discoverer."
"Ax pardon--ax pardon, sir" answered Ben, touching his forehead in salute. "I ought to have seed it wasn't a jokin' matter," but his eyes twinkled and secretly he was immensely pleased. He really did not mind being snubbed since the snubbing meant that the lad was gaining strength and spirit.
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