#horrible scars the audience enjoys seeing on them
mako-neexu · 4 months
despite wanting, i feel like obe having no interlude or no more main story role makes it better... as im concerned about U olga 2 fight with her unlocking the pretender class in the class score...
as lb6 is gone, the final curtain call has been drawn and he's stepped off of his role from the stage of avalon le fae but even so, he can still witness the person he cares about from the sidelines and events, even from backstage where he can offer respite without prying eyes and blinding lights (like in the form of passing mentions like in LA's valentines) i think its much more sweeter that way... and more in line with obe's train of thought.. i dont mind seeing him more but bringing him back in the main story leaves a weird taste in my mouth
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Oh I remember the Silent Night Au (laughs evilly)
Since all their clothes probably have holes to accommodate their wings, any clothes the yans give Reader is gonna show off their scars from their wings. For reader, it means freedom. Those scars were their choice, and that choice got them away from their abusers to the happiest years of their life ( Sad as that is). For the yans, it's a representation of all their failures. Because of their actions, reader can never fly again. They treated reader so horribly that reader felt safer permanently mutilating their body and hiding among people who would kill them rather than go back to the yans. Cause to reader, the yans certainly would kill them, at least with humans there is only a chance they'll be killed and thats if they get found out.
Also I can see yans keeping Reader's old wings in a cabinet, like in the Malificent movie. Like they are hoping to one day reattach the wings to the reader. (Despite them being way too small for them now cause Reader has hit puberty and grown quite a bit, the edges of fleash where they cut are rough and jagged, what hasn't been freeze dried by snowstorms is rotted away, and the bones are basically fossils now.)
I love it.
Reader is doing their best to hide, run away, or sleep in odd places, wanting nothing to do with their old abusers or even the new kids they have with them. Reader knows everyone can see their scars, that everyone flinches or shudders or makes sad crooning noises... and for Reader, while they don't enjoy it much, they're not going to hide their scars unless someone starts trying to touch them. Those scars are a part of them, the part they had to sacrifice to survive, amd they don't want to act like it never happened. Reader just wishes everyone would leave them alone or let them escape in peace...
The platonic yans keep Reader's wings preserved, but they aren't on display for all to see. They're in a lab, where they can study them, or feel their guilt in full swing without an audience. They hat what they caused. What they did. What they've made Reader feel. They view this as their fault, and want to fix it, to make Reader whole again. They can't reattach their old wings; they're too rotted and dead for that. But they can try to regrow them, make genetic copies, and grow the cloned ones, then simply reattach them to Reader... Or, they can plant them in Readee, and let them grow a bit more... naturally. They don't want to hurt them, but... they want, no, need, Reader to have their wings again. To be able to fly. To be able to clean them. To be able to let them have their instincts again. They know it's hard, for Reader to he around them. But they keep trying to run away, amd they keep having to hunt them down and bring them back. They want to be a family with them. They do. Amd hopefully they can work on it while Reader is getting prepped for having their wings back...
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
roles decided young
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Guardians of Ga'Hoole Ship: Gen (Kludd & Soren) Additional Tags: Double Drabble, Brotherly Angst, Brothers, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Canon - Movie Wordcount: 200 Summary:
Kludd chose his part. Soren chose his. There was never any way to turn back.
Every dozen times they played their games of Guardians and villains, Kludd would finally be in a good enough mood to indulge them. Usually, it was when their parents were already out (because letting them see him act so childish would be humiliating.)
Kludd always donned Metal Beak’s guise opposite Soren’s Lyze of Kiel. The false beak was getting too small for him nowadays. Kludd had a better screech for the role, more developed than Soren’s, who never wanted to be Metal Beak anyway.
Kludd almost didn’t mind that it meant he had to lose at the end every time. Almost.
It had been years, horrible bloody battles between them, a few more scars dealt each time.
Didn’t Soren look every bit the Guardian now in his gleaming battle claws and helmet?
Kludd screeched, the sound awful and broken through his burned beak. He attacked with a murderous fury that Soren, after all this time, still wouldn’t match. He wouldn’t fight Kludd as his enemy, only as his brother.
One of these days, Kludd would show him how stupidly naive he was. It would only take one moment’s hesitation, one well-placed strike of his talons.
And finally, he would win.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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Emotional abuse is NOT to be normalized.
Hello everyone! Anon from the “
I’m a victim of emotional abuse
” post. And today I’m going to explain my story of the emotional abuse I went through. 
My story begins as a lot do, online. I was about 10 years old so I didn’t know what were red flags, and what relationships I should avoid. I had a very toxic friend group back then that enjoyed self deprecation and honestly bullying each other, me included. We used to do the cringe roleplays children do and making cringe oc’s. I met someone we’ll call Rin. 
Rin didn’t bully me like the others in the friend group and very often came to me for opinions, and over all talking without making me feel like utter garbage. I ate up all the praise, all the love and support Rin gave me. However, even as early as friendship, they would get angry at me if I did stuff they didn’t like and would sometimes ignore me, sometimes verbally assault me into apologizing for things I really shouldn’t have. 
For context, Back then I was both unmedicated for anxiety and I was going through a harsh time with my aunt and cousins living with us. When I was 6, my drug addict uncle committed suicide and I’d been living with them for about 4 years by that time. (No, my parents nor aunt told us he committed suicide. at the time, don’t worry) They made my life HELL, constantly getting me in trouble and generally putting me down. 
Context: Rin was 16 when i was 10. 
One day I was doing our daily playing games with the friend group and Rin when one of our friends, Rose, Told us we’d make a *great* couple. By that time I had some feelings for Rin, we’d voice call occasionally, to me they weren’t a stranger. Rin had agreed and in hind sight I was kind of pressured into the relationship. 
All of the behavior I mentioned before, where they would get pissy whenever I did something they didn’t like or get nice when I did something they *did* like got WORSE. It’s nothing like what media presents, because when people wish to manipulate you they will without hesitation. 
Rin began threatening bodily harm, showing me cuts if I did something vaguely wrong. They would tell me I was worthless without them. That if I’d “Only just listen to me I could make you the best girl ever!" 
They found it funny when I’d get squeamish over topics, continuing the conversations and saying that if I’d just tell them that I’d like it then they’d stop. 
One day when I was 11, it just got too much for me so I said we needed to break up. You wanna know what Rin did? 
They threatened suicide. They told me if I left them they’d kill themselves. That I was all they were living for. That I was the love of their life and if I left them it’d be my fault if they killed themselves. 
I was 11, I didn’t know any better about the situation but I knew I didn’t want them to die so I stayed. I stayed in the relationship. I tried 3 more times to break up with the same result. the same threat of Suicide. Sometimes with photos. 
After that original threat they began getting s*xual. They began mentioning we should meet up IRL, despite us being several states apart. They began describing what they’d do to my body s*xually when we met IRL. They told me that if I didn’t want to fulfill their fantasy’s I was a bad SO. That I should only exist to fulfill their wants and *their* needs. It didn’t matter what I wanted.
when I was 12, I finally had an out. They had been stabbed and sent to the hospital. They weren’t online so I took the chance and broke up with them when they couldn’t do anything about it. They tried when they got back but I was long gone. 
Now normally Media presents this as when a trauma victim starts healing and returns to perfect normalcy. That isn’t the case. Its been at least 4 years since I left them, since I got out of that situation, but I still have the fears. Have the insecurities. I still hear their voice telling me I’m worthless, That I’d be better off a trophy on their wall. That since I’m not their perfect ideal woman I should just shut up and be the best wife to the next man that decides I’m worth their time.
my anxiety’s voice, once a always changing one *became* their voice. I’ve healed, I’ve moved on from the abuse but their voice haunts me. Their Abuse has left mental scars that will NEVER heal. 
This is why having Mental Abuse of any form be normalized is horrible. because it means more people like me will go through situations like these. and not be allowed to escape because we’re "over reacting”. Because we’re “just in hysterics. it’s perfectly normal!" 
this is a serious issue that shouldn’t be brushed under the rug. Miraculous Ladybug is the WORST offender of normalizing Mental Abuse I have ever seen. because I KNOW the red flags. I have trained myself to see them. To protect myself. 
Normalizing normal little issues is fine. But mental abuse? never. NEVER should ANY form of abuse be normalized because it means more victims will appear. This shouldn’t even be a thing but here I am. Having to fight for people to realize this isn’t a thing that should be just accepted. 
TL;DR: My first ex threatened to cause bodily harm when i was 10, and when i was 11 threatened suicide for me daring to try and break up with them. I escaped when i was 12, only barely. Now my anxiety has taken their voice and haunts me to this day.
If you’ve read this long, thank you! and have some
for what I just made you read. Thank you for your time. 
First of all, I want to thank you for your bravery in coming forward to share your experience. I am so sorry you had to go through this. Nobody deserves to be treated this way.
Second, you still raise a valid point. 
Media in general tends to downplay emotional abuse and parental neglect, a good example being Monica Geller’s relationship with her parents from Friends. Almost every episode featuring Monica’s mom showed her being insensitive to her daughter and constantly belittled her while undermining her achievements like prioritizing Ross’ new girlfriend over Monica’s weight loss in a flashback. Even if it was unintentional on her part, it still damaged Monica’s psyche, and this kind of treatment was always played for laughs.
The fact that even shows today tend to downplay mental trauma shows that people don’t really understand the kind of damage it can cause.
The way Chloe’s relationship with her mother is portrayed is a good example. At least Friends is targeted towards an older audience so it could be enjoyed in a morbid way by laughing at Monica’s misery, but at its core, Miraculous Ladybug is aimed at children. Children will see Chloe bonding with her neglectful mother and see it as normal, as a good thing.
The fact that Astruc still doesn’t get how bad Chloe’s upbringing was shows he doesn’t get mental abuse either.
You need to better understand mental trauma before actually trying to write it. Otherwise, you end up depicting mental abuse in the wrong way and give viewers the wrong impression of it.
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desencante · 3 years
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oi, march reads! I read a lot this month.
Please, don’t forget to leave a comment or kudos for the authors of these fics!
(The texts aren't the summary, just my ramble thoughts.)
Loving Cannibalism by glittering_git/@glittering-git (Mature, 2 works, 952 words) | Post-War, Angst, Established Relationship
Two marvellous and poetic histories about (loving) cannibalism. This is such a dark and heavy theme but the author does a great job writing and makes me enjoy reading them. (And I'm definitely here for more.)
(Please, read the Author's Tags.)
don’t say you love me, that’s extortion by LowerEastSide/@lower-east-side (Explicit, 1k) | Post-War, Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship
It is a domestic and loving and little sad history – about not saying 'I love you' but acting in that way.
The Pink Paradox by vina_writes/@dracothecupcake (Teen and Up, 1k) | Post-War, Humor, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Harry Potter Is Obsessed With Draco Malfoy TM. And Draco has pink hair. Have a fun time!
Harry's Promise by JosephineStone (Teen and Up, 2k) | Post-War, Angst, Reunion, Established Relationship
This one it's kind of part two of Circumpolar. The history continues the consequences of Draco's change, after the war – left me with a warm heart.
Burnt Casserole by Samunderthelights/@samunderthelights (General Audiences, 2k) | Post-War, Fluff, Established Relationship
Nervous Draco for Meeting Ron and Hermione. Getting back together and meeting your boyfriend's friends (who may hate you) showing them your (not) great cooking abilities.
Magical Homes, and Where to Find Them (in the arms of your lover) by Erebeus/@erebeus-roxy (General Audiences, 2k) | Post-War, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Who doesn't want some fluff established relationship sometimes? Harry has a painful case at work and then comes home to a calm and domestic night with his husband.
Together Like This by shealwaysreads/@shealwaysreads (Explicit, 3k) | Post-War, Getting Back Together
Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World TM. I find it so interesting reading stories where Draco denies Harry's love because of the war, and Harry is there to change his mind. Here we have that and it's written the super talented shealwaysreads.
For Old Times' Sake by thestarryknight/@the-starryknight (Teen and Up, 3k) | Post-War, Drugs, Potioneer Draco, Artist Harry
This one gives me such a cosy and domestic vibe. "'It's Complicated' is their relationship status" resume perfect what this fic is. (There're some cool references too, so pay attention.)
Like Gold by The_Sinking_Ship/@the-sinking-ship (Explicit, 4k) | Post-War, PWP
(It's always good to see.) Harry Has a Motorbike Just Like Sirius! Harry rides a motorbike and Draco rides him.
Harry and Draco's Little Talk by Ladderofyears (Teen and Up, 5k) | Post-War, Angst, Established Relationship, mpreg
Who doesn't hear 'I need to talk to you' by someone you like and run with? Harry thinks Draco will break up with him and freak (a little) out but maybe the subject of Draco's conversation is quite the opposite.
Sugar Sweet by The_Sinking_Ship/@the-sinking-ship (Teen and Up, 5k) | Post-War, Humor, Fluff, Auror Harry, Healer Draco
It is a very sweet story with a surprise party for Draco and Harry getting late but not so late.
Show them the night that they dreamed about before by fluxweed/@fluxweeed (Explicit, 6k) | Post-War, PWP, Threesome, Boss/Employee Relationship, Dubious Consent
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Percy Weasley)
All I have to say is: 😳😯���😈🔥🥵🔥🥵😈😏!
This Is How by bixgirl1/@bixgirl1 (Explicit, 6k) | Post-War, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, a/b/o
Omega Draco has an incident in the ministry Alpha Harry is there to help. After they fall in love! (One more reason to read: it's written by bixgirl1!)
It Never Occurred to Me That I Would Fall in Love With a Frenchman by lamerezouille/@elsalapizza (Teen and Up, 6k) | Post-War, Angst, Humor, Established Relationship
OMG, I never read something like this! The plot was so surprising – you will ever think about the Malfoys meeting the Dursleys? BOOM! Here it's a very awkward dinner that looks funny but has some depth stuff going on.
Litany by thistle_verse/@thistle-verse (Mature, 7k) | Post-War, Angst, Pandemic, Isolation, Touch-Starved, Ghost Draco
Ghost's story isn't my cup of tea, but I give this one a chance and don't regret it. The magic world is passing through a pandemic (just like us!), Harry is doing quarantine at home alone until ghost Draco, directly from Azkaban, shows up. Then, we have fluffy and sad conversations between the two and a turn of events in the end. (And lots of lists.)
As the Crow Flies by thestarryknight/@the-starryknight (Mature, 7k) | Post-War, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Animagus Draco, Werewolf Harry
Draco helps Harry on a full moon night. Domestic vibes with some angst. 10/10!
Circumpolar by LowerEastSide/@lower-east-side (Teen and Up, 8k) | Hogwarts Era, Angst, Sectumsempra Scars
I see an amazing fanart and spend some days obsessed with Draco having worse scars from Sectumsempra. (There's, in this list, another two fanfics with this concept.) In this one, because of the pretty bad scars Draco's plan about the war change – is interesting to imagine how one incident could put another thing in perspective for him. And Draco and Harry have a touching conversation on the Astronomy Tower! (I'm a sucker for long expressive conversations about feelings.)
if somebody’s there, then tell me who. by kryptidfox/@kryptidfoxwrites (Explicit, 11k) | Post-War, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Housemates
Much more like Idiots to Lovers! Draco has a disastrous way to make Harry notice him – bring every man possible to a one-night stand then call their name very loud – until things go wrong when he brings a guy named Harry. I constantly have a good time reading these two making dumb thing in their path to be together.
Commander by Cassiopeias_shadow/@cassiopeiasshadow (Explicit, 14k) | Post-War, Horror, Suspense, Drugs, Animagi, Auror Harry, Light dom/sub
Almost a case fic with dark things in the plot. Draco is addicted to potions and in a pretty bad place when he has a chance to help the auros in a big case. It turns out that Draco got so much involved with the case he needed Harry, to make him put his feet on the ground – the fine line between doing everything to make up for your past or lost yourself doing things for the great good. Featuring: Harry as a snake and parselmouth kink.
(Please, read the Author's tags.)
Fire and Wonder by Lomonaaeren (Mature, 15k) | Post-War, Dark-ish, Veela
Lomonaaeren written dark Harry, I'm here for! After the war, Harry get wing and has some controversial ideas about The Great Good. So, we see him put these ideas into practice with his mate Draco.
Hold what's dear in your hands (and never let go) by Fae_vorite/@faevorite-main-blog, PollyWeasley/@polly-weasley (Explicit, 16k) | Post-War, Arrange Marriage, a/b/o, mpreg
I was always here for some a/b/o and this story is a chef kiss! Harry can't find a partner; So he goes to an upgrade tinder and matches with Draco, then they live happily ever after. Featuring intersex Draco and a lot of sex kinks.
Keep Me Close (I Need Your Faith) by aviforsrose (Explicit, 23k) | Post-War, Angst, Friends with Benefits, Light dom/sub
Idiots in love! The old same GOOD story: I love him but he loves me? Yes, of course! Man, you two have been pinning each other for years now. Let's do some love confessions.
The Critiquer by dysonrules (Explicit, 24k) | Post-War, Humor, Romance, Secret Identity
Drunk Harry doing dumb stuff with Seamus and Dean, take him a very funny drive to Draco's hearty. Draco and his assistant interactions was another very humorous part. Can't forget to congratulate who made all of the edits, principally the text divisors.
The Nobility of Ascent by Lomonaaeren (Explicit, 27k) | Post-War, Angst, Politics
I love reading Lomonaaeren stories with dark-ish Harry. This is another great example of just not the good or evil side. Harry can't Make a Better World because of pureblood politics so he goes to Draco for help.
Can I tell you something? by GallaPlacidia (Not Rated, 33k) | Post-War, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sectumsempra Scars, Drugs, Auror Harry, Burlesquedance Draco
What I can say about this one? It's by GallaPlacidia, go read! The story takes place during a few years, after the war, Harry collides in parties with a drugged Draco, things happen – they lived a very real journey of connecting with someone, learning to love and to be loved and understanding the mistakes of the past... 10/10!
Says The Magpie To The Morning (Sorrow, Take Your Own Advice) by Femme/@femmequixotic (Explicit, 33k) | Post-War, Angst, Getting Back Together
Draco Horrible Sad TM after a breakup with Harry. Featuring so much PDA by Pansy/Ron, angst, miscommunication, angst, sharing a house with your ex and angst. If you are up to a sad time before a happy ending this nice story is here.
Eight Days (to Save the World) by gnarf/@gnarf (Mature, 47k) | Post-War, Friend to Lovers, Housemates, Case Fic, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Shit happens in The Wizard World again so Harry, Draco and company get together to Save The World Again. What will you do if you receive an order not so right by your superior? A very interesting story begins with the ministry's haunted easy target to blame for the new conspiracy. Enjoy too Protective Harry.
Turning Leaves by Kbrick (Explicit, 112k) | Post-War, Angst, Fluff, Time Travel, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Draco Tries to Concert His Friendship With Harry by Time Travel. This gives me The Cursed Child vibe but so much better, Draco goes to several scenarios trying to change one important moment in the past to make Harry like-like now. A great story who think about what will happen if Draco acts differently in the Hogwarts years.
Cannot Save You Now by tigrelilje (Mature, 132k) | Hogwart Era, Angst, Horror, Dark, Vampire Harry
Harry dies and comes back (as a vampire) for revenge! If you want to see Harry hating almost everybody this fanfic this here. Featuring: Slytherin Harry.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Gilded Cage - Part 6
This one is a little bit shorter, but I hope you guys still enjoy! It’s pretty intense.
Last time, our custom choice won out: Option C. However, there were still quite a few votes for both A and B. On account of the voting, Villain will attack Hero specifically.
Thanks to everyone for all their suggestions. There’s a lot, so I’m not going to name them all, but you know who you are, and thank you!
Now, let’s see our Villain suffer >:)
CW// Imprisonment, collars, shock collars, villain whumpee, (fantasy) steroids, extensive discussion of fire, torture, beating, blood, ambulances, being unable to breathe
You make fire. That was all you were, once. Before they knew your name. The pyrokinetic. The arsonist.
Villain felt their heart catch in their throat. The heat was suffocating them, now. Their breath had turned to steam. In tiny puffs, it escaped through the sides of their mouth-- though they could not be quite sure if that was real, or not.
They were Villain. Not a prop. Not a doll.
They cast their gaze, once more, out over the people looking on. The innocents that Hero claimed to work so hard to protect. To care so much about. The city.
And yet, it was Hero who had brought the firebrand to this place.
Kerosene welled up in their veins, flooding their heart, stretching ventricles until they threatened to explode. This flame, they had been forcing it down for so long. Their mouth tasted like gasoline, now. Gone were nervous, stuttering platitudes.
Heat warped the edges of their vision, now. It was not hard to imagine the stadium, torn apart by overwhelming, living heat, charred at its very core. It was harder, in fact, to see it in its current state. Unburnt and horrid.
Fixing it would be so simple.
The steam from the edges of their lips turned with such speed to licking flame.
You are afraid of destruction.
But were they? How long had they lived for destruction? How long had their name appeared in headlines next to addresses that now stood as rubble?
The pyrokinetic. The arsonist.
Villain lifted their head, heat-scarred vision gazing to the world around them.
The people.
They wanted nothing more than to tear this stadium to rubble. To leave it nothing more than a patch of scorched Earth. Nothing but bones.
If warmth is not evil, then why are you? 
These people, they depended on warmth. They spent their lives in their heated homes, until the warmth of streetlights and phone lamps. In the all-consuming heat of ignorance.
They did not know. They were under Hero’s sway, just as everyone was. Caught in the thrall of pleasant lies.
The lie of a reformed villain, smiling for the camera.
But could a villain ever truly be reformed? Through therapy? Through torture?
Villain did not know. These people did not know either-- and they did not deserve to die. They did not deserve pain.
No. This villain had a much better target to pursue. For a moment, just one, the heat of their own flame made it almost feel as though their neck was devoid of collar. A split second of freedom.
It was all the taste they needed.
I thought that you deserved to understand that. Do you understand?
Yes. They understood.
The chill of Hero’s voice was no longer marred by the sun. Amplified by their microphone, it rung out:
“We all know what Villain had done. I know it better than anyone. But bloodshed is never the answer. Harming Villain would make us no better than them.”
Villain did not realize that they had seized the microphone, not until they felt the plastic begin to warp beneath the contours of their fingers. The steam they called a voice threatened to melt the device’s metal head, too, as they spoke to it:
“Then I’m sorry to see you’ve sunken to my level.”
The crowd was silenced. Hero’s smile twitched.
“What?” Villain sniped. “You say my name so much, yet you get upset when I actually speak?”
Hero’s smile fell. There had been fury below it, all that time, but now it finally lot its spotlight.
“So, do it.” The pyrokinetic, the arsonist backed up a step from the podium, turning to face the audience. “You’re so proud of having tamed me. Why not give everyone a live demonstration? Show them exactly how you did it? Go ahead! It’ll be a special treat.”
The corner of the podium, where a certain Hero’s hand had been grasping, shattered into wood splinters. A moment later, podium turned to projectile, polished oak flying towards Villain with a furious force.
It only managed to sail a few inches, before it turned once again from podium to ash.
Finally, finally, Villain’s flame escaped.
They had not so much as noticed the security personnel, rushing towards the stage, but they quickly stopped being a concern. The ring of flame, several feet in height, that sprung up around the stage’s base provided more than enough protection.
“You aren’t going to do anything? Not going to protect your precious city? Not going to show everyone just how heroic you are?”
That did it.
At last, the microphone gave in, turning to melted plastic beneath Villain’s hand. But no mic was needed to project Hero’s furious scream to the world.
Said scream was followed almost immediately by a strangled gasp. It must have taken all of Hero’s will, to grip their hand around Villain’s neck without snapping it.
The latter struggled to gargle out a few more words, but their voice had been already stolen. The solid ground below them, too, was taken, as the hand about their neck lifted them nearly a foot from it.
“You ungrateful piece of shit!”
The two met eyes, brutal flaming gazes, for only a second, before the stage’s facade was shattered by Villain’s body, flung like a ragdoll through it. They filled their lungs with panic croaks, attempting to clamber to their hands and knees, but there was no time.
All around, news cameras zoomed in as a single kick from Hero flipped the broken Villain onto their back. The boot did not wait to make its next attack. To the panicked crowd, the snapping of ribs sounded horribly like a gunshot.
A shot that sounded, again and again, until the flame spilling from Villain’s mouth was thoroughly replaced by coughed-up blood. Any feeble attempt at a counter-attack was quickly and utterly destroyed by yet another stomp.
Every snap, every break, filled Hero’s victim with utter, frigid cold. Heat spilled onto the stage’s floorboards in the form of scarlet, seeping through the cracks and dripping to the grass below.
The audience was screaming. At first, Villain thought it to be cheering. They expected it to be cheering. But it was not.
All those people, thousands of voices, all mixed together in terrified choir, all sounded off:
Villain was afforded no time to think about this development. The second kick in their side was worse than the first, shifting already shattered bones and sending them flying to the lip of the stage’s front. Far too close to their own flame that still raged, yet had begun to flicker.
Sidekick had wanted a show, after all.
The absence of the next attack was almost as painful as if it had struck.
Had Villain’s eyes not been sealed closed by agony, they would have seen two of Hero’s teammates, grasping them by the arms, holding them back with all the might they could muster.
Sidekick had wanted a show, and Villain had given it to them.
There, on the floorboards, skin feeling to be ice, they gasped. Their lungs screamed for air, air that they could not provide. Instead, any particles of oxygen that could be brought in were accompanied by a rush of crimson.
Pain wasn’t enough to describe the feeling.
When they at last managed to open their leaded eyelids, they found their ring of flame, protecting them from the world around, to have shrunk to half its height, revealing those who tried to breach it.
They were not soldiers. Not guards.
No. They were civilians. Citizens. The city. Teenagers and teachers and office workers and mechanics. Some beat at the flame with spare articles of clothing, while at least one had managed to acquire a hose.
Villain could not let them in. They would ruin the show...
But their eyelids were so heavy. Every blink carried with it the effort of pushing a boulder uphill.
A coughing fit was what finally sapped that last shred of their energy, leaving the ring of flame as only a memory and a ring of burnt grass.
They closed their eyes.
The hands that laid upon them, now, were not those of newspeople or torturers. They were so kind. So unimaginably gentle. Truly kind, more than the facade of a plush duvet. Moving them to their side, opening their airways. Hastily removed sweatshirts, pressed against their bleeding wounds, all accompanied by quiet voices:
“I’m a doctor. It’s okay, they’re breathing.”
“Can we get an ambulance?”
“We already called one. I sent my wife out front, she’s going to bring the medics back here.”
“Am I pressing hard enough?”
“A little harder. We need to stop the bleeding...”
“Are they going to be okay?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know.”
All indistinguishable, but all so terribly kind.
By the time Villain heard a voice they recognized, they finally felt as though they could once again breathe. Constant pressure on their wounds had turned to quickly moving hands, deftly wrapping their injuries with torn shreds of clothes.
The voice they heard... they did not know if they were glad to hear it or not.
“Villain.” Sidekick muttered, nearly whispering to their ear. “You did good. You did so, so good. Are you ready to go with us? Are you ready to be free, again?”
What should our Whumpee do? It’s up to you to decide!
There are two options, each one leading to a separate story branch. Alongside each option is a question specifying what exactly will happen. Answering this question is completely optional, but it is great if you have any particular ideas! Otherwise, feel free to just put a letter.
To vote, feel free to use any means you would like to contact me. Replying or reblogging this post works just fine, as does PMing me directly or sending me an ask. I am unsure when I will be writing the next part, so as long as the next part hasn’t been posted yet, voting is still open!
I will choose the story path based on which option has more votes, and will choose whichever answer I find the most interesting to base the next part upon. The choices and questions for this part are as follows:
A) Yes, you are ready. Go with Sidekick - Even if going with Sidekick, should they be trusted? B) No. Going with Sidekick is not freedom. Go to the ambulance - Where should Villain go afterwards?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. This is my first time doing anything like this, so I apologize if it’s odd or confusing ^^
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behold-the-griffin · 3 years
Honestly, my feelings on Endeavor are super complicated. Because is he objectively a dogshit person who I would like to hit with a steel chair? Yeah. Did I like watching his face get bashed in by that Nomu and then his son absolutely scalping him with the “Nice scar”? Yeah. 
But at the same time, I absolutely cannot read fics where Endeavor gets the realistic consequences of his actions given to him, and Todoroki gets the happy and loving parental relationship he so clearly deserves. I get a bad feeling in my gut when I see people calling bullshit on Endeavor’s redemption arc, even though that was something that I also did myself when I first watched it. 
I’m almost angry at myself, for wanting Endeavor to be a good dad. He’s fucked up for years, though, and at this point, it’s really too little too late for Real Family to happen. But still. I will see a fic with the tag “Good Dad Endeavor” and there is a high likelihood that I will look at it.
I’ve read some really good ones, or at least, ones I’ve enjoyed. Even if they aren’t accurate to the character, but that’s what you’re gonna get when you fundamentally change the motivations and actions of someone. Though I wouldn’t even know the correct characterization for an in character and Non-jackass!Endeavor. 
Which might be a problem later down  the line, as there is a fic in my series that I’m planning that is also rapidly approaching Writing Time for. But I digress. 
I can’t help myself from comparing Endeavor’s redemption arc to Zuko’s. Forgive me if I get timeline details wrong, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve watched either show. 
Besides the obvious parallels, they both get what they want. And then they’re not satisfied with this goal they’ve worked a fair portion of their life to attain. But I think that Zuko’s arc did a few things that Endeavor’s didn’t. And they make, or in this case, break, whether the audience supports their turnaround. 
It was established that there was good parts of Zuko. However, the environment he was raised in told him that kindness was weakness and weakness was death. It was his compassion for others that got him into this mess, whereas it was just Endeavor’s drive to become the number one hero (or at least, sire a child better than All Might) that landed him in the Jackass Pit. We get no redeeming traits for Endeavor, or at least none that I can think of. Like. He’s driven? I guess? His profession is saving people? Can you tell I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel? 
Zuko’s arc was slow in execution, quick in payoff. He actively hunted in season one, he settled in season two, and then joined them in season three, going on life changing field trips with Aang, Katara, and Sokka. Endeavor, on the other hand, while not quite doing an about-face, definitely took that corner on two wheels. It’s quick in execution but slow in payoff, maybe not paying off at all, because he recognizes that the ones he hurt have no obligation to forgive him whatsoever. 
Everyone wants a Zuko redemption arc, but not everyone can be Zuko. And the people who dislike his redemption arc and think it’s horrible and the people who think the exact opposite of that both have valid opinions, but here I am in the middle, calling bullshit but desperately wanting it to work out in the end. 
I’ll be honest here, it’s probably because of my own relationship with my father, so like… yeah I’m biased. I want my father to recognize that he’s hurt me and at least try to be better while not expecting forgiveness, and since I know that this will never happen, I hope an anime about a broccoli boy with superpowers will fill the gaping void. 
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writingsweetroll · 3 years
**Summary: Louis has worries for his one year old, and Clementine soothes them by opening up about her own issues.**
Louis tried his best to not toss and turn, he really hated these beds. They were so springy, you do anything on it, so much as lay a hand on the mattress and it would make a springy noise. The noise wouldn’t annoy him as much if Clementine wasn’t laying beside him, he quickly found out she was a very light sleeper. It broke his heart that she wasn’t born a light sleeper, she just adapted to being one due to all of the trauma she faced. He wanted to make sure she got as much sleep as she could- so tossing and turning would definitely awaken her and that was the last thing he wanted.
So, he lay stiff as a board. Looking above to the mattress above him. He anxiously counted the number of bars holding the bed above him, distracting his mind to the best of his abilities. Because every time he couldn’t sleep at night, his mind went to dark places. *You have no idea what you’re doing.* He would think. That main thought spiraled out of control to other thoughts. But, that one main thought started from the time he was child, to now. It adapted to whatever situation he was in. As a child, ‘You have no idea what you’re doing’ related to the spelling bee, now, it is related to parenting his one year old daughter.
He grabbed the chair next to the desk, and placed it near the bed. He sat on it and watched her sleep soundly. A warm feeling was felt in his chest, unknowingly smiling ear to ear. He examined her features, and the midnight moon shone upon her face. She mainly had Louis’ features, his freckles, skin color, and eye shape. But, her lashes were full and her eyes were as golden as Clementines, her hair was also kinky just like Clementines. She was a perfect mix between the two.
*You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?*
Louis furrowed his brows as the thought entered his mind. No matter how many baby books he read, or conversations with Clementine he had about how to raise a baby into childhood, his mind was never satisfied with himself.
*To put your girlfriend through so much pain during her pregnancy, so selfish to bring a kid into this world, you’re a monster.*
That wasn’t true. Louis knew it. It wasn’t a mindless decision or an accident, it was multiple conversations and respectful debates about when or if they should start a family. After weeks, they decided together that they wanted a family, and they had enough resources to do so. And the pregnancy went better than expected, minor pain here and there, and the delivery had no scares. Thankfully, whenever Louis would remember this, it seemed as if thoughts grew quieter, and instead he imagined a world where the apocalypse wasn’t here. He wondered what her parents would think of him, or Lee, even Kenny. He didn’t know much about them, but he knew enough to know she cared deeply for them.
Suddenly, his daughter sniffled, causing him to go into panic mode. He calmed himself down once she went back to her normal state. It was spring, and it was just allergies but he was still terrified of her getting sick. Louis sighed, slouching against the chair now.
Although Louis truly thought he didn’t know what he was doing, he knew one thing. He’ll never be like his parents. His father, manipulative and a gas-lighter. His mother ignored it and was just focused on her public image instead.
*“Chin up, baby.” His mother whispered down to him. “Play your little piano and smile.”*
*His mother’s tone was sweet, and caring. But Louis wasn’t stupid. He knew his family milked his skills during fancy business parties like these ones. But, he played the piano nonetheless, because this was the only time he could truly feel like he had an audience that enjoyed his talent, his dream.*
*“My son! Ladies and gentlemen!” Louis’ father widened his arms towards Louis playing the piano. Families of prestigious wealth clapped for him. In this moment it was bitter sweet, should he feel happy that people enjoyed his music, or should he feel angry that his parents only supported him if it benefited them? Louis brushed off the confusing feelings and instead put his emotions into his music, making it authentic and oddly charming.*
*“Beautiful, Mandisa.” A woman patted his mothers shoulder. “You’ve raised a wonderful son.”*
Louis slightly groaned in irritation. ‘*They raised a horrible kid.’* Louis thought to himself. Now that he was older, he realized that he shouldn’t have beat himself up as much as he did when he was 17. Guilt had always occupied his mind when he thought about what he did, how he broke up his parents. But in reality, they raised him like that. They raised him to think of yourself first, not others. Survival of the fittest.
*“Please, I have a family William!”*
*Louis sat on the couch with his mother, they were just chatting when they heard the commotion coming from the office room. His father opened the door and held his hand out. “You’re not needed anymore, Mark.”*
*“I-I’m not needed?! Are you serious!? I helped you start this business, what the fuck man?!”*
*“But- Mark. You seem to forget. People like me. People like my beautiful ‘exotic’ wife, people love my son. What do you have Mark? A regular housewife, who’s pregnant and unattractive? A son who doesn’t excel in school? He doesn’t even have a talent to show off. You’re dragging me down. You understand, don’t you?”*
*“Excuse me?! The fuck did you-” Mark gulped as a security guard walked up behind him. “Fine.” Mark muttered.*
*The guard escorted the man out. Louis’ father looked at Louis with a smile, as if he didn’t just ruin someone’s life. “See son,” he started. “-sometimes, we have to make the hard decisions to get what we desire. It’s just business. Nothing personal.”*
Business came first, passion and feelings came last. That way of life ruined his childhood. He believed from a young age hurting others to get what he wanted was ok.
He gently stroked Willows head, *‘I’ll never teach you that.’* He thought to himself. No matter what, he’ll always make sure she knew it was ok to express herself, to talk about her feelings. He wanted her to know that no matter the situation, she was loved and *accepted.*
“I promise.” He whispered. “I promise I’ll give you a better life than mine.”
Suddenly, he felt slender arms wrap around his neck, a semi-heavy weight on his shoulders. He smiled, hearing Clementine mumble something out of exhaustion.
“What was that, darling?” Louis asked, holding her forearm.
“You’re doing great.” She yawned. “You don’t have to keep worrying Louis. You love her and that’s—“
“The bare minimum, Clem.” Louis cut her off.
“-not really. Not anymore.” Clementine said sadly. “Even back then, dads used to run out on their kids, unable to either provide a stable life or love. You could’ve ran out so many times, so many opportunities and you didn’t.”
“Why would I ever do that?” Louis replied, almost offended.
“I’ve seen it happen before. Of course I knew you wouldn’t but…there’s always that lingering exit you can take, and the urge is probably there for you-“
“Clementine.” Louis said sternly, waking her up a little. “I would *never* do that. Do you really think that?”
Clementine stayed quiet. In reality, no. Of course she knew Louis would never leave. It was just her inner insecurities popping out, she’d hidden it for years but it came out eventually. The *constant* fear that she would be alone again lingered in her mind. Louis noticed her silence and sighed. He got off his chair, and then hugged her tightly.
“Isn’t it crazy?” Louis chuckled.
“How we only started dating a month into knowing each other.” Louis started, caressing her arm a bit. “Now, we’re in a family together. Clementine, I didn’t fight a war with you, fell for you in the middle of it, wrote songs about you, spent literally almost every second with you for the past 4 years to just leave.” Louis reassured.
“But now we have a kid.”
“Even more of a reason to stay. I mean *who* can actually say they have a kid with the most beautiful, bad-ass woman of the apocalypse world? Only me! I’d be a fool to run from that.” Louis joked.
She shook her head, a big smile on her face. Louis kissed the top of her head, pushing her slightly towards the bed, there he dropped her on it. She got into a comfortable position, and Louis lay next to her.
“I was serious.” Clementine broke the silence. “When I said you’re doing great. It’s not only the love you have for her Louis. You don’t even go to sleep before she does. Even though I tell you I got it. You care deeply for her and that *is* enough.”
Louis sighed, twiddling his fingers with one another, only staring at the bars above him. “I know. Thanks. Sometimes it just feels like I’m not enough, even before Willow.”
“Louis…” Clementine muttered sadly. The thought of him degrading himself saddened her. She sat up, grabbing his curious glance. Clementine took off her oversized sweater, a tank-top underneath. There was enough moon-light to see the faint, pink branded mark on her arm. She slid her fingers over it slightly, a grimace appearing on her face.
“You finally gonna reveal the meaning behind that?” Louis chuckled, over the years, she’d always refuse. ‘*The past doesn’t matter.’* She’d say.
Although he was joking, she wasn’t.
“I got this when I was 13.” Clementine started.
Louis shifted himself upwards, a frown shown on his face as he eyed the scar.
“I only did it to make sure AJ was safe. But, then he got ripped apart from me in the same group. After that, I had nothing more to lose. And when you have nothing to lose…you do scary, stupid things. I was horrible, Louis. I wasn’t the same person you know today.”
Louis nodded, taking in her words to the best of his ability. Trying not to react negatively in anyway.
“After I got AJ back—I only had *him.* If anyone ever—and I mean, *anyone* tried anything to hurt or kill him, I wouldn’t hold back. Yes I love AJ. I really do, but that feeling of hopelessness for your own self is so damaging.” Clementine opened up. After a brief moment of silence she continued. “I didn’t have hope for my own life, only for his. I didn’t mind if I got bit, as long as he was safe, I didn’t care. Not because I was sad or anything but because I just felt like this world wasn't for me. When I was a kid, I loved to be social, playful even. I've changed so much, I was forced to. I used to be innocent. Now, I'm finally getting some sort of my old self back."
Clementine grabbed Louis’ hand and squeezed it slightly. “You saved me.” She said, her tone hoarse. Louis squeezed back on her hand.
"I'm glad to be of service." He smiled at her. “I love you.”
She smiled, and kissed his cheek. “I love you too, Louis.”
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chaos-caffeinated · 4 years
Emotions help you remember: Final Draft
Alright everyone, the story got too long to post, so this is the final piece to connect all three. Please enjoy!! It was a pleasure working on this part!
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A silver knife was revealed from the black coat, the face hidden in the shadows as he twirled the knife in his hand. Frozen from shock, you stood there with your lips trembling slightly as your voice froze in fear until you felt your foot jolt and you turn to run from the mysterious man behind you. You let go of the coat that were on your shoulders and used the strength you had to run for your life. You cried out in pain as your feet throbbed in the heels you were and the frustration of having such a bulbous dress when a memory flashed in your head: Madam Hopkins had given you insightful information, an additional information regarding the dress she was lending you.
“(Y/N), I want you to take this dress instead of just a dress you typically wear, you should wear something nice, you are a tailor: be one. I shall even grant you this special one I made with my new inventions on it. Just pull on this thread here and it will fall off.”
“Fall off? Madam such a dress could stir controversy-”
“Controversy, controversy, it won’t be long before women will be able to wear this with confidence like moi!~" before she spun after she tore away her skirt to reveal the shorts underneath with the visible garters.
Desperately looking for the thread, you felt your chest compress as you were beginning to tire out. You heard the rapid footsteps before you heard a nearing voice, “As entertaining you were, I must end it already-”
“No!” You cried out before your hand grabbed a handful of your dress and pulled it away desperately. You now felt many chills on your bare legs as the shorts, fitting perfectly against your skin, were exposing you into the cold night and you blushed at the vulnerable position. She had made a replica of her shorts with garters, at first you were confused as to why you felt the garters in place when you first put on the dress.
Blushing a dark red from the vulnerability, your body felt much lighter to move as the skirt flew back, tangling the man’s legs only to cause him to trip over it.
The man was in shock to see the skirt fly back, not even thinking for a second that it was possible before he watched his vision focused from the girl ahead to the dried up leaves and mud. Landing face-first on the ground, he let out a short grunt before he got frustrated, blushing from his embarrassing situation and turned to sit up and using the knife in hand to rip the skirt in pieces. He growled, “Now I will not take you down with ease!” He slammed his knife-bearing fist against the dirt.
“I’m afraid you won’t take anyone for that matter.” A voice rang within the shadows, a mixture of a windy laced with an ominous tone, “Mr. Kindred.”
Flinching from the novel voice, the man on the ground looked around in an attempt to view his next victim, shouting, “Who are you?! Make yourself visible!!”
“My, what a rude guest, tormenting the guest of honor as well as shamelessly ordering around.”
The man on the ground was still looking around before he met with a pair of piercing red eyes, a chill ran down the man’s back, fear entering immediately as he began to drag himself back, “What the hell are you?! Get away from me!”
“And now ordering to step back? What a delusional human you are indeed. However, my young master has ordered me to ensure that you, as well as Miss. (L/N) return back to the manor.”
Dried leaves were crunched as the footsteps got closer, “Unfortunately, I only need one of you alive,” His voice growled towards the end as he appeared out of the shadows in his sharp butler outfit, his shoe stepping over the gravel. It was silent, surprised to see the man on the ground watching the butler walk out of the shadows and his eyes were back to the dark eyes of his.
This is what his victims must’ve felt, unease, nothingness, but also knowing that everything will stop. Every woman he killed and dismembered were all pleading for their life hopelessly, knowing very well they were going to die for his sadistic pleasure. He felt chill after chill from his presence and he opened his mouth to say something only to stutter or mouth words.
Fear...that is what he felt, fear of a being stronger than him. Fear of losing control.
“Oh...cat got your tongue?” The butler taunted as he leaned forward slightly, “You seemed very sure of yourself that you would get away from yet another merciless murder tonight in my master’s grounds. However, as the Head Butler of the Phantomhive Manor, I can not allow that to happen...for you see, I am one hell of a butler.”
Gripping the knife in his hand, Mr. Kindred had the realization that he had the weapon in his hand, something to fight as his expression slowly began to change, “You have nothing, butler...nothing! I at least ha-” He raised up to slash at him only for a ripping and broken sound was heard ahead of him. It seemed so slow as he saw his own arm twisted horribly, body instinctively cringing and screaming out in agony as he fell back onto the ground.
“A pesky knife. I know what you’re feeling...hopelessness, a rush- not a kind one either- controlling your whole body as the idea that I can take your life-” he snapped his fingers before flashing his teeth, startling the man below him.
“Like that...and you don’t like that idea because all this time you believed you were much stronger...simply slashing women's throats...while I can do...so...”
He inched closer and closer to the shaking man below him, the dangerous smirk plastered on the demon’s face, his eyes shifting to his fuchsia color, “much worse than you humans can even grasp.” The air around shifted, a weight so immense you could die of suffocation. The man flinched when he saw from his peripheral feathers falling through. He looked up once again at the demon only for him to be covered completely by the falling feathers. The amount of fear possessed by a single man, scarred forever at the interaction.
The agonized screams traveled far and beyond, but not even the hypnotizing music can break free the audience’s attention, but one.
The screams reached to your ears no doubt, only pushing you further and further away into the deep forest.
Sebastian remained in the position for a second before huffing, “What a mess indeed-...” He glanced to the side, only for his eyes to widen at the skirt you were earlier in the ball entangled between the man’s legs. His eyebrows quirked, “Is she...?” He asked himself, placing a finger over his chin, before his smirk became more mischievous, releasing a chuckle as he removed the skirt, “Miss. Hopkins, you have aimed to surprise me even without your presence.”
You panted desperately, leaning against a tree. You tried covering your mouth, you shook in place as you tried to get smaller to not be spotted. tears streamed down your cheeks as shook. Having not realize that absence of the murder, your mind raced images, and the mere fact that he could be taunting you by making you believe you were safe was terrifying enough. Your eyes wandered in many places, side to side, up and down, any clues that he was nearby. You didn’t even know how far you were from the manor, to get to Ciel, to get to Sebastian-
“My, my, has mon chaton lost herself in the woods? What a pity indeed.” A sound so soothing, and calming with a tinge of mystery wrapped around it like a bouquet. You thought you had gone mad, to need him so much that you envisioned him rescuing you. His voice alone calmed your essence, yet your eyes aimed towards the source. You yelped and jumped up, running a few steps before turning to face body. Anything and everything kept you edge, even if you were unarmed, you were willing to even use a stick to once again distract him.
Sebastian, once again, appeared from the shadows under the light from the moon, lightly smirking towards you with his arms raised slightly in defense. In his right hand, however, he was holding a bunched-up skirt, “Everything is alright, my lady, your assailant is no longer in the premise. It has been handled.”
You gulped, still shaking from the anxiety, “N-no, he is still here-”
“If he was, this skirt would have been deemed useless as a capturing device.” He took a few steps forward, “Which I very much recommend wearing, my dear. It’s not only cold outside, but you are improper at the moment.” He guided your emotions into a calm one, “I promise you, my lady, no one is here other than you and I.” He reached out his hand, awaiting for yours.
Hesitating, but trusting him, you raised your shaky hand on top of his hand, “...I could have died...” you commented.
“But you did not, my dear. For as long as I am by your side, you will never go through that.” He raised your hand towards his lips to place a kiss before slowly helping you back into the skirt, “There. You look as wonderful as before. Now then, shall we go back?”
You took another shaky step before you yelped from the sudden rush of Sebastian lifting you in his arms, “You are still unsure, so I will carry you, my lady while you rest up. Do leave your concerns with me, I will be by your side for the rest of the night if that helps reassure you.”
You nodded slightly, confirming as you pressed against him, “Please...Sebastian.”
He smirked slightly at you as he proceeded forward to the mansion.
With you standing next to the earl himself, and Sebastian by your side, most of the guests could not help but glance towards your way. You noticed some women responded ill with their eyes, someone commenting to the person beside them about you as they walk by, and you could not help but sigh deeply, “...I believe I feel better...I must retire to my room now. I do not want to continue spoiling the party.” You were saddened to have to see the party end so soon, already stepping away when you heard the same voice that managed to wrap around your essence speak.
“But my lady, I seem to recall you wanted to have at least one dance?” Sebastian asked, turning halfway to meet your eyes.
You looked downwards with a sad look, “I did..but...it just... feels off now with what occurred...”
Now it was Ciel’s turn to speak, “He has been arrested quietly, (Y/N)…his presence will no longer disturb your moment of happiness.” He stared at the ball before he slightly turned to you with a small smirk, not of arrogance, and not of confidence, it was a soft, gentle one, “Do not let an opportunity pass by like that. Enjoy it wile you can.”
You stared at the earl for a few seconds before your eyes trailed off, thinking of your choices, “...Yes, Lord Phantomhive.” Then you walked towards Sebastian, surprising him the slightest at your upfront being, “Sebastian. I would like to have my dance with you.”
Sebastian was slightly surprised, but at the same time he was not. Smirking softly, he tried changing your mind, “But my lady, I am simply a butler, there are multiple chaperons whom would enjoy to dance with you.”
Feeling the slight confidence to smile softly at him, you responded, “Lord Phantomhive said not waste the moment, and it is you who I do not want to waste the opportunity to dance with.”
Ciel smirked at your quick-thinking, glancing at your incoming strength as he viewed his butler look slightly surprised, yet accepting. He watched as Sebastian, now smiling softly, bowed slightly with his hand over his chest, “Very well then, my lady,” he offered his hand in the same position as he raised his crimson red eyes to yours, “It would be an honor to have this dance with you.”
As he guided you onto the dance floor with a few other couples dancing to the music, you sensed something change within the musicians. As a matter of fact, you sensed the atmosphere change with the strand that the lead violin was stroking.
You both stood in front of each other, feeling his hand gently place on your hip and the other awaiting for your hand. It was then you felt the sparks, the tingling sensations he sent over, the  way your body responded to his touch, triggering memories from earlier. You blushed, your cheeks tinted softly with a red shade as you place your hand on his.
The room was silent for a few seconds before-
Voom-Ba-bum, Voom-Ba-bum, Voom-Ba-bum, Voom-Ba-bum...
The way the violins and cello captured the way your heart was pounding loud in your ears was extraordinary because as soon as it started, the more it became evident of how much he had influenced you: he completely corrupted you for himself. The way Sebastian lead their dance in a perfect unison, despite you never learning the dance before surprised you even. He swayed with the notes in the air, the violins carving a path and him following it, or could it be the other way around? It was all so warming, enveloping your body as a whole to the rhythm of the strokes before you listened to the next part with your heart. You looked up to see his gorgeous, captivating eyes once more before you felt yourself weaker, and weaker, and weaker-
(Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum)
The way he approached his head near yours while moving was enticing, you needed him close to you, your body needed him-
“My lady, I must say, as we dance so close together...I cannot stop envisioning our ‘studies’...” He smirked softly as he squeezed your hip ever so softly. His grip tightened when he heard you gasp softly, trying to regain as much strength needed, “...P-please...not here.” your voice trembled. You were weak enough that any word he let out would not help your situation.
As the music rose in speed and volume, you heard him chuckle, “You remember so well, mon chaton... as expected from my favorite student. I must admit, that even your being has captured me in a way that I never thought would have such an effect...your skin, your hands, your body...the way you begged for me without raising your voice, the way you gasped, the way you moaned...you will never cease to exist in my being...even your bite I will remember very well. Your markings truly changed me...” he whispered.
You whimpered softly, mentally begging him to stop, the images overwhelming you in a state of steam. You were embarrassed, your cheeks tinted ever so dark, once again you can hear your heart pound, but this time it grew louder and louder, beginning to deafening you until you tried biting back with his own medicine, “And what about you...” you chest heaved slightly, the heat radiating from you, “The way you took me without mercy, your weakness and your strength becoming one. The way you felt me like I was your life source, the woman that marked you as hers. The way you clawed me as a desperate need to get ahold of, it all penetrated my thoughts. And for that I blame you Sebastian Michaelis.”
As your list grew, Sebastian’s fascination towards you more and more, internally smiling and breathing deeply. The way you handled yourself with his words was truly amazing. You tried to get at him with his own words, and though it did not work, the effort was there. His own heart pounded, and he refuses, at full, to leave your side.
The music around them rose in tempo once again, the rhythm beating identical to their heart soundings. Neither wanting to leave the other. The want, the yearn, the desperation, the urge was lingering closer and closer and they could not do a single thing. Inching closer and closer to their lips nearly locking, the music ended. They did not make it, yet they remained like that, Sebastian first to react as he smirked and let out a chuckle, “You have done a certain type of damage in me, my lady.” He blushed slightly as he panted ever so slightly.
Panting as well, you responded as quickly, “And you as well...diable.”
Sebastian sucked in air, ready for a comeback when he stood back, bowed, and stood back up, “Well done, my lady. Would you like another dance, or would you like to take a small rest?”
“...No...I think I will retire.” you spoke, but Sebastian capturing the truth behind those words, “Goodnight, Sebastian.” You took both sides of the skirt and bowed slightly before heading to your room.
Subtly, but effectively, Sebastian was able to mask biting inside of his cheek, “Goodnight, my lady. I shall return to you.”
You simply smiled small at him before leaving from the ball.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Sebastian had dismissed the guests along with Ciel, his behavior seemed rushed, with each wording having no charisma he usually portrays with many. Some men could understand why, holding a smirk with a tinge of jealousy, but the women saddened from the shortened conversations. It felt so quick, and Ciel noticed as they stepped inside the manor, “I’m guessing this has to do with (Y/N)? You were rather quick to dismiss the guests.”
“I do apologize my lord, but she did make a request of my presence.” He justified, “She said she was not feeling well.”
Ciel suspected for a different reason, but he understood why you would be shaken, “Very well. Do so after I’ve retired.”
“Yes, my lord.” he guided him to his chambers before helping him to his bed.
Meanwhile, you rested in the tub of hot water, sighing with content as you rested your head against the tub, your hands feeling your skin, each giving you a flashback of your affair.
His hot, full lips pressed against yours in a passionate kiss, his dominating groan as he pressed your body close to his.
The flashback ended abruptly as you heard a knock on the door, “My lady?”
Blushing, aside from the temperature, you answered, “Come in.”
The door opened, and coming in was the butler himself you imagined not even ten seconds ago, “From the unfortunate events earlier, I brought you some tea to calm your nerves. How are you feeling?” He asked, closing the door afterwards with a hand, the other holding the tray with great balance.
You took another deep breath, swaying the water in front of you, “I’m feeling better now.” You smiled small, “I am just...focusing on the water...” your voice went softer and softer, your eyes feeling heavier as your body, feeling safe, decided to rest up.
Sebastian gently opened the door to the bathroom to see you close your eyes and he smiled subtly, “I am glad to hear that, my lady. Shall I finish you up and help you to your bed?”
“Mm...no...are you currently free at the moment, Sebastian?” You asked, opening your eyes to meet him with a soft smile.
“My duties have been completed, my lady. I am all yours tonight...” He reciprocated the smile, creating butterflies in your stomach.
“Then,” you rose in a sitting position, your arms crossing over your chest as you leaned forward slightly, “Come join me in the tub please. It’s still hot.” You invited him, “Nothing ever beats a hot bath.”
Eyes widening from the invitation, he rose his fist, the side of his finger covering his lips as he chuckled lightly, “Not even the studies, my lady?”
Blushing already, you simply remained silent as you gently patted the water.
“Your generosity overwhelms me, my lady.” He turned slowly before proceeding to remove the articles from his body. You even shamelessly watched as he removed his clothes.
“Staring is an improper thing to do as a lady.” He teased without turning.
“Mmm...then at this moment I am but a simple being enjoying a wonderful view. I might even reconsider this being better than a hot tub.” You teased back.
“I feel ashamed for not fixing anything about that mouth of yours.” He remarked with a smirk, turning his body to you as he took your chin between his fingers, lifting it in the process. He purposely tilted your head to make eye contact, to make you feel weak in front of him, but you bit back like always.
“I would have enjoyed it, Sebastian...but right now...” you say to increase the anticipation, raising your wet hand to place on his abdomen, only to caress his lean muscles, “I just want to relax...and you are perfect for that need.”
“I am honored to serve you in this way.” His lips slightly part, “Let us begin.”
It felt heavenly, it felt sublime, it felt like a happiness that you have yearn for so long, the missing puzzle to your day-to-day life. You wished to remain in his arms, those strong arms, the ones placed on your sides, resting on your skin. Those same arms that have caused damage, but in such a pleasurable way. You let out a  breathy sigh as his fingers brushed against the bruises that were prominent over your body, reminders of his attempt of corruption.
You leaned your head back against his shoulder, tilting your head to the side slightly before arching your back. His heat, his presence alone made you want to back out what you said earlier and take him head-on, but for once your mind had different plans.
Sebastian smirked as his hands lightly brushed against your skins, occasionally massaging some parts of your breasts, “If you allow me, my lady, a massage is a suitable, don’t you agree?” He placed his hands on your shoulders, kneading the trapezius. The stiffness in your shoulder caused you to yelp from surprised, the pain threw you off, yet you concentrated on the kneading. The way he pressed harder on a few places than everywhere, making you groan softly made it pleasing.
“My, my. You have a lot of knots, you really must have worked so hard, Lady (Y/N). Working day in and out to please your Madame. You remind me of the essence of a butler, and for that I highly place my respect for you.”
You rested the side of your head on his shoulder, interrupting his massage. His words, his gentle words. Though he may not see it, the fact that he managed to to pull flashbacks forward to you made you numb, and silent. Each event that occurred, the passion that sparked to initiate your education with Madame Hopkins. Madame Hopkins is a savior, a savior that brought you onto your feet once more. The extra thing you needed in your life, her ability to see new when everyone else got stuck in the past. You enjoyed it enough to be a part of it.
Sebastian was surprised to see an extremely soft side, he was not used to the sudden change of heart, to see you so quiet, so vulnerable. His raised his hand behind your head, inching closer and closer to your hair as he smirked with confidence before he stopped.
He felt the cold breeze before feeling drips, his crimson eyes following the path to your teary eyes, “Crying, my lady?” he maneuvered his hand to wipe your tears off, “Has today really brought so many emotions to your eyes?”
You sobbed, “No...Sebastian.” You raised your face to see him eye-to-eye, facing him with your tears, pride enveloping you, “Sebastian, weakness is not shown in the act of crying, is the act of developing.”
Remaining silent from the impressive resilience you possess, he stared at you with such a surprise look on his face. His hand cupped your chin subconsciously, holding it in place for a couple seconds before pulling you in.
As your lips connect, the chills stored send to each other’s body, surprising the demon butler all in all at the immense amount of influence from a single human. How does one human like her possess such power in hand, then he remembers just then:
“crying...is the act of developing.”
His appetite increased tremendously as his master further his goal, but for something that you would say, something was emphasized, and that emphasis he made loud and clear. His kiss deepened, his arms holding you closer and closer to him. His high regard he held for you has overwhelmed him at the slightest, and that brought concern to his being.
“Her soul...I want her soul...”
You pulled away at the slightest, only for Sebastian to pull forward reveled the realization which forced him to back down.
“And I thank you, Sebastian. Without you, I would not have realized just how much my memories mean to me; the ability to remember so much. So with that, I really thank you, Sebastian Michaelis.”
You picked yourself up, the water dripping from your body as you were careful to get out, “Feel free to use the tub, please. Don’t let my absence rush you.”
You took the towel and wrapped around your body before walking back to the room to select your night gown.
When the door close, the lonely demon butler stood in his sitting position with his head tilted downwards, bangs covering his face. His lips were parted in a emotionless rest, and yet...he slowly rose back to his usual self. His smirk penetrated the still room, the water flowing around his body dropped in temperature. His raised his hand up to his face before rubbing downwards, chuckling darkly, “Oh, My lady (Y/N), you truly possess a soul so exquisite, so divine...” He eyes, so dark, and so filled with the hatred shifted into his instincts, possessing those bold fuchsia eyes.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~
AHHHHHH I FINISHED! I feel so satisfied with this piece, so much so I cannot believe that I wrote so much. I also did so much when I used so little, I wonder if you can figure it out (mueeheheh). Anyways, I would like to thank you all for reading, for taking this time to be part of this adventure, to leave your comments, and your sharing. I appreciate that with all my heart. 
That being said, I have to say adieu, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!~~
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clickbait-official · 3 years
from @artwitch28's headcannons
tw: implied/referenced abuse, depressive themes, and transphobia
Endeavor was a stuck up little bitch.
Not that a lot of people knew.
Oh well. He’ll get his revenge one day.
Touya sighs, setting his keys on the counter.
“Keigo! I’m home!”
The house was big- airy, if that was a word. Birdboy hated closed spaces. Touya couldn’t blame him, either; he couldn’t stand anything that looked like his “training” room.
There was a thunk upstairs as Keigo ran down to greet him.
“How was work? How was Dad?” He asks.
“Dad”, Atsuhiro Sako, was Touya’s adopted dad. They worked together under their agency, the League of Heroes. The League of Heroes were made up of heroes who were told they were villains, or considered outcasts.
“It was alright, Big sis Magne started asking people if they wanted interns.” Touya responds to his fiance.
Keigo comes up behind him, hugging him and wrapping his wings around Touya.
“Hmmm. Did you look for an intern, dove? You could get your brother~”
“I didn’t think about it, no. But there’s Toga already. Did you?”
Touya can feel Keigo smile into his shoulder.
“There’s one with a bird quirk.”
“Oh, I see.” Touya smirks.
His stomach rumbles as he does.
“Aww, does my little birdie need some food?” Keigo says, a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll go get you some.”
He grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen.
They look through the fridge, then the freezer.
“Chinken nuggets?” Keigo asks, after a beat of silence.
“You did not just reference that, again.”
And Keigo laughs, loud and clear. Touya thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever heard.
God, he’s in deep, isn’t he?
They sit together at the counter while they wait for the food to cook. They don’t talk for a bit, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Speaking of Shoto, how’s the family? Rumi’s been talking ‘bout Fuyumi a lot.” Keigo says, taking the pan out of the oven.
“Oh my goodness- remember that crusty kid I was talking to you about? He’s dating Natsuo.” Touya deadpans, and Keigo bursts into giggles.
“God, he could do so much better! And he chose the crustiest kid on this side of Japan!” He rants, Keigo staring from across the table.
“Hana’ll kill you for that.”
Touya sighs again, knowing that he was right. “Yeah, I know. I still don’t know why Natsuo chose her crusty brother, but he’s happy. And it gets him out of the house, too.”
Keigo nods. “Away from Endeavor.”
“Away from Endeavor.”
They sit for a while in silence at that. Touya knows Keigo used to idolize Endeavor, and he knows why.
God, out of all people, couldn’t Keigo have a good childhood?
At least he’s not hurting now.
The sun has fallen, and they’re laying on their bed.
The moonlight filters through the curtains. Keigo’s been asleep for a while now.
The slightest breeze drifts into the room.
If we lived in a harsher world, we’d be so much more cruel.
Oh, what a beautiful night to be alive with you.
Touya brings Keigo into the agency. He’d been curious about how it worked- the League was unprecedented.
Touya hoped he’d want to join too. He wouldn’t mind his soon-to-be husband patrolling with him.
Hero work is a dangerous game to play, after all.
The League of Heroes’s building is not very intimidating. It’s survived thunderstorms, 52 mental breakdowns (not by the same person), and now the prank the entire League is in on.
It’s time for the hero charts.
It had taken so much bribing, from the poor intern that worked for one of the higher ups, to one of the higher ups themselves.
Touya could only hope it was worth it.
Oh, it was worth it.
On live television, in front of nearly the entire world, Enji Todoroki, known as Endeavor, had gotten massively pranked.
First, it was the glitter. Then, the water balloons and the rainbow slime. After that, it was the chicken and the three fire extinguishers.
And of course, copious amounts of cheese.
And it was all filmed. It was all broadcasted to a live audience.
Oh- and everyone knew who did it.
But there was no evidence.
God, Touya loved trashing Endeavwhore (and that’s an insult to sex workers).
It was the night after when Twice suggested something Touya had never thought of before.
The night was young, fireflies just beginning to come out. They were on the balcony, drinking and catching up like family would.
“Hey,” He said, “Why don’t you sue him? Get your bro outta that place and over here.”
Twice was a genius.
Twice was a goddamn genius.
Headlines were all over the place. “Endeavor gets sued?” “Enji Todoroki- an abusive piece of shit?” “Endeavor loses custody!”
God, the journalists were having a fucking field day with this. Touya can’t blame them, though.
The day was beautiful. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and little kids were running around outside. Keigo was sitting next to him, listening to his music. Touya finished up some paperwork to finally, finally get his siblings out from under Endeavor.
Thankfully, there was enough evidence to prove he was at least neglectful. People could finally see just how much of an asshole he was, and how high his civilian casualty and endangerment rates are.
There was one teeny, tiny, thing.
The Commission.
The only reason Endeavor was still in the top ten is because of that fucking Commission.
God, he hated the Commission. The things they did to Keigo, the scars that still remain on his psyche.
Fuck the Commission.
It just- It made him so angry. The way Toga and Spinner were treated, how Twice wasn’t able to get help until he became a hero- God, he hated it.
And he didn’t even know how bad it was! He was sheltered from Quirkist attitudes. Well, as sheltered as you can be, living with Endeavor as a dad.
He only knew a little bit of how much they had suffered under this system. He knew there was something more to how Twice always stayed in his hero costume, or how Magne avoided that one part of town. How Toga stared at that one schoolyard for a little too long before walking away.
And he hated it. So, so much.
Fuck the Commission.
It’s Touya’s first free day. The hecticness of moving all of his sibling’s stuff into their house was crazy. Who knew that keeping a house was so hard? Not him, that’s who.
So, like any rational person, he goes out to catch up with a close friend.
He had met her during his time at U.A. Her name was Hana Shimura. They bonded through their shitty parents. She was the older sister of the crusty fuck, Tenko.
Why did Natsuo decide to date him? He'll never know.
Somehow or another, the conversation went from how their days went to when Tenko got his quirk.
“Yeah, he decayed the dog! Thankfully he froze up after, so I got Mom. If he didn’t freeze up, I’d be dead.”
The way she had said it- so casually...She probably was terrified at the time.
“There was a UA student that helped him, too. Oboro? I think that was his name...Anyway, Oboro really helped him! He’s kinda a father to him, if I’m being honest.” She went on, telling Touya how proud of Tenko she was.
How he had become a search and rescue hero, which he already knew, and using his quirk he had helped so many people! Because he can decay the debris trapping civilians and rescue them!
They walk down the street, still talking about their siblings and generally how life was going.
They were gonna meet up with Twice. There was a new restaurant that he noticed during his patrols.
Touya heard it was pretty good from Fuyumi and Rumi.
It looked pretty nice, too. He’d walked by it a few times.
“So how is Twice, anyway? I don’t hear much from him these days.” Hana says, pushing open the door to the restaurant.
“Guess you’ll find out, huh?”
Twice is sitting at an empty table in a corner. He was smart enough to change out of his hero costume, just like Touya and Hana.
He lifts his head as they get closer to the table.
“Hey guys! How’ve you been!” He greets them as they sit down.
“Good, good. We were talking about my brother, Tenko.” Hana says. Touya nods in agreement.
“And also how he got to be a hero, too.”
“Did I ever tell ya how I got to be a hero?” Twice asks them, barely containing a smile.
He never told them, well, not Touya.
Turns out, when he was having trouble with his Quirk, one of his doubles went and got a hero license. At the time he was barely of the streets, so he became a hero, joining up with Mr. Compress and Magne to create the League of Heroes.
Because why not? It kept him off the streets and he could help people like him.
A win-win for Twice.
Touya hated how his weird uncle was treated before he became a hero.
Because he was a person, like anyone else. Just a person.
So why was he treated so differently? Why didn’t people help him when he needed it?
God, Touya was so tired.
It’s late one night. Touya is alone with his adopted father.
“Dad, why’d you decide to be a hero?” He asks out of the blue.
Atsuhiro’s eyes mist over, and Touya worries for him. Touya’s told him all about the horrific shit he’s gone through, and he can’t help but wonder if he had gone through something horrible too.
Atsuhiro takes out a silver locket, and gently pries it open. He points at the picture inside.
“Look! It’s them…My perfect little family... That’s them! There’s my little girl, and the most beautiful person to ever exist. There they are…”
It’s silent for a moment, the only thing one could hear were the cicadas far away from here.
Touya opens his mouth, “What...What happened to them?”
“A hero. He didn’t care for protocol. He killed- He killed them! And no one believed me…” Atsuhiro trails off, looking down at the floor.
Touya can’t help but feel sorrow, too. He could’ve had a mom, another sister...
He really needs to stop adopting people.
He can’t imagine the pain Mr. Compress must’ve been in. To lose a lover, a child? Oh, it must hurt- so, so much. To lose what was essentially a part of you?
Oh, it hurts to even imagine.
“...They’re really pretty, Dad.”
“They...were both so beautiful in this picture. Toga reminds me of her, y’know? They are both so pretty, so grown-up, and have that same sense of humor…”
Touya’s not sure to who he’s referring to, but nods anyway.
Who’s he to question grieving old men?
“And the days fly by so fast now, I can’t help but feel as though I’m supposed to be insulted by it. But I can’t bring myself to care anymore…It hurts, Touya, it hurts. Sometimes...I can hardly bring myself out of bed...I feel like a ghost…”
It’s silent for a moment, before Touya speaks.
“Dad, I think you need to get help. This isn’t normal. And…I think they’d want you to be happy too, Dad. Don’t you deserve to be happy, too?”
“...I don’t know.”
“You don’t...know?”
“I don’t think I am. But...I want you to be happy. And Tenko, and Hana, and Twice, and Magne...But it’s so tiring, being happy. And I don’t know what to do!”
His sobs seem to echo through the building.
“Come on, Dad. Let’s get you help. You can get some rest.”
He leads Sako back to his house, Atsuhiro being half-asleep by the time they get home.
Mr. Compress takes the spare bedroom, and falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Keigo notices Touya, and walks over to him.
“Heya dove~ How was your day?”
“Worrying. Dad...Dad needs some help. He’s got some shit going on...He’s so tired, Kei. We need to get him therapy or something.”
“Oh, baby…” Keigo whispers, but Touya is too tired to hear.
He falls asleep in his fiance’s arms, safe and sound.
The house is abuzz with activity when Touya wakes up. Keigo’s laughter echoes around the place, filling the air with a sense of home.
What a beautiful way to wake up.
Touya gets dressed and walks downstairs. Keigo’s in the kitchen, talking amicably with his sister, Fuyumi. Dad was smiling fondly at the sight, picking at his food. Natsuo was talking on the phone with someone, blushing a little.
Keigo turns towards him, and oh, he was so handsome.
“Good morning, dovely~”
Unbelievable. It was too early for puns.
“Ugh, no. Don’t ever make puns this early. Dad, you doing okay?”
Atsuhiro looks over at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“I’m doing just fine, sonny boy~”
“God, it’s too early for this shit. Keigo, get me some coffee, will you?”
“Language!” Fuyumi scolds.
Eventually the coffee is made, and tables cleaned. Breakfast is done.
Keigo helps set up an appointment with Fuyumi. She’s a part time therapist, part time substitute teacher.
Touya takes a deep breath. One day, Dad will be okay. He’ll be alright.
Time for work.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day when Touya goes on patrol again. This time with Magne and the new intern, Toga.
He already knew somewhat what the girls had gone through.
“Good morning, Magne, Toga.” He greeted them.
“Good morning!” Toga says, and then they go off.
Touya’s stuck in his thoughts as they walk to a coffee house while on break. He listens in as he reaches for the door.
“Yeah, my parents threw me out cause they didn’t think I was a girl.”
“My parents threw me out, too! I had to run away, they didn’t like my quirk very much...I got lucky, and Mom became my mom! That’s how I became a hero! How did you, big sis Magne?”
“Mr. Compress saved me from one of those fucking creeps. He let me stay with him for a while, and helped me get back on my feet. I decided to be a hero then, to help people like me.”
They sit down at one of the tables, still talking about their lives. Touya takes a bite of his muffin.
Ah, life was alright, if just for a little while.
--- requests & asks are open! (request em here) ---
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sumzysworld · 3 years
Get to know me! Tagged by @girlinthemikrokosmos
Sorry, I took a long time to reply to this!
when is your birthday?
September 6th!
What's your favorite colour?
I'm a designer and this question makes me sweat. Personally, I end up picking blacks, reds or whites
What's your lucky number?
I like 9 though I don't know how lucky I am when I use it.
Do you have any pets?
No, I wish I did!!
How tall are you?
I'm short. Exactly 5'
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Three. One for running, one for work, one for parties.
Favorite song?
What's with these impossible questions?
I have a lot of them. Currently listening to Non Believer by London Gramnar on loop.
Favorite movie
Tough, again. One of my Go-to.kovies will always be "Guns of Navarone"
Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Nope. The closest encounter I had with the law was to report a public groping incident.
What colour socks are you wearing?
Grey, cos they're easy to replace
Bath or Shower?
Shower. Something feels absolutely cleansing about sitting under a hot shower letting the water wash the day's troubles off me.
Favorite type of music?
I listen to a wide variety but enjoy songs where the guitar/drum/instrumental portions come out beautifully
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Rather than pillows, I surround myself with heavy cushions, like a nest
What do you have for breakfast?
Hot steaming Idlis with Chai.
Have you ever tried archery?
If you count improvising a bow and arrow in school with pens and rubber bands and a pencil for shooting, then yes.
Favorite fruit?
Favorite swear word?
"Bloody" - the way the Brits use it 🤣
Do you have any scars?
Acne scars - yes. Battle scars - no. Clumsy scars - no comment.
What's your personality type?
What's your favorite type of girl?
Someone honest, direct and the type to not give up on a bond.
Left or right handed?
Favorite food?
Keeps changing. I prefer savory to sweet though
Are you clean or messy?
I consider myself "organized messy". Like I know where my stuff is and why I categorise them there. But it doesn't look terribly clean to someone else.
Favorite foreign food?
Lately I've been tripping on Tibetan Thukpa
How long does it take for you you get ready?
30 min
Most used phrase?
Holy mother of all fuckin' Gods...
Are you a good singer?
Yes I am. I've been asked multiple times why I haven't made a career out of it
Do you sing to yourself?
Yes I hold impromptu concerts at home for an audience of none save me frequently
Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert with a dash of cynical humor for my Extrovert friends.
Favorite school subject?
Horrible question - I excelled in all of them so I couldn't pick. But I'll say, Art.
What makes you nervous?
Realising I have to match up to higher and higher standards all the time.
Who was your first real crush?
The head of our college theater group - the wisest most sensible guy I had met at that time.
How many piercings do you have?
Two - one in each earlobe.
How fast can you run?
Very slowly
What makes you angry?
When I don't live up to my own standards
Do you like your own name?
What are your weaknesses?
I hate opening up. Being vulnerable. Asking for help. I have a prideful streak.
I would rather conform to rules than actively flout or slyly break them. I allow people to treat me like shit in proportion to my self esteem at that time.
What are your strengths?
Being able to see another's point of view. Questioning myself or others ruthlessly. Accepting and supporting those who have often been sidelined, or to stand up for a principle (I've vocally and actively supported bullied classmates, stood up to family who did the same and sided with friends who had trouble coming out, or female relatives who were suppressing themselves for tradition)
The colour of your bedspread?
Dark blue
The colour of your room?
Teal (landlord's choice, not mine)
I'm tagging @weirdgirls4eve-r @sunshyngal @xjoonchildx @afangirllikeme-blog
If you guys haven't already played and don't mind, please share a little bit about yourselves!!
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
For the writing bingo: Madame Nu as a dragon. The Archives is her hoard, which she lets people borrow from but if they mistreat it she will roast them. Five extra points if she lights Dooku's pants on fire for deleting the records of Kamino. 100 extra points if you work in the Bookwyrm pun XD --Papook
200 Follower Bingo Prompt: Dragons Rating: G No Pairings Ao3 link
Fiery Wrath
A great, trembling roar shook the entire city down to its very foundations deep on the surface of the planet. Far deeper than most living beings had ever dared venture. Glass shattered and rained down, sparkling like tiny gems as the shards fell onto the panicking crowds below. People raced to find cover, desperate to get away from that horrible noise. The people of Coruscant would not soon forget the destruction caused by the Zillo Beast before it had been killed.
Every Jedi on Coruscant shivered with unease. They knew that sound and had heard it hundreds of times from the moment they were brought to the creche. Madame Jocasta Nu was terrifying in her wrath, especially towards anyone that messed with her hoard. The Archives held one of the biggest collections of knowledge in the known galaxy and was under the protection of a dragon far older than any of them could actually remember.
No Jedi could ever remember her wrath flaming and burning this hot before.
With all the panic, unease, and readiness from civilians, clone troopers, and Jedi alike, none compared to the petrifying terror of Count Dooku. Nothing the Sith Lord had ever done could come close to the fury of an angered dragon. Especially one as ferociously protective and dangerous as Madame Nu. He knew she knew he was on Coruscant—it was why he’d avoided the Core planets religiously since the war started. No one tampered with her archives. No one had ever dared. Not until Dooku erased the existence of Kamino completely.
She knew he was near.
Dooku knew he was doomed.
There would be no escape.
From the roof of the Jedi Temple, a beautiful and terrible dragon, glowing a pearly white with silver and hyperspace blue outlining each scale, took to the skies with barely a beat of her wings. She glided through the air towards the small transport rapidly ascending towards the Separatist battleship in orbit. It was their only hope, but one that was fading with every second.
“DOOOKUU!!” the dragon roared and the transparisteel in the front viewport rattled and cracked.
It was too late.
The ship went down in a smoky haze, Chancellor Palpatine and General Grievous shrieking in fear and outrage as the dragon batted them out of the air and back towards the Senate Building. Dooku strapped into a chair calmly and awaited the death in store for him as flame and smoke licked the edges of his cloak.
At least, if he was going to die, it would be at the hands of Jocasta Nu and not Darth Sidious or his future apprentice.
“—and that’s when I smelled Sith Magic on the Chancellor,” Jo finished and calmly took a sip of her tea.
“But . . . why did you eat him?” Mace asked, rubbing his temples. He’d been run ragged ever since Palpatine had been revealed to be the Sith Lord and orchestrated all of the problems within the Senate, the war, and the downfall of the Jedi. At least people weren’t demanding Jo’s head. Yet.
“I beg your pardon, Master Windu,” Jo sniffed. “I did not eat him. I simply bit off his head and spat it at Grievous. That was enough to finish off both of them, no eating required.”
Master Mundi turns a judgmental eye towards her. “And Dooku?” he asked.
Jo sat primly, the proper, stern Master Archivist as she was, and simply said, “He knew the consequences.”
A shudder raced through the rest of her audience in the refectory. Jo sipped her tea. She blinked slowly and dared anyone to comment on her methods.
Mace sighed. Jo allowed herself a feral grin, baring her sharp teeth, triumphant.
“In that case, if you will all excuse me, I need to get back to the Archives. I have a few things I would like to research and some Sith artifacts to properly store.”
Several Masters groaned despairingly and Jo’s grin sharpened.
“You are a menace,” Mace said as he dropped his head into his hands. “I don’t know whether I should preemptively veto any requests to venture out to Sith Temples with your squad or just give you free rein and start working on the paperwork.”
“At least you don’t need to personally deal with the Sith Artifacts and Temples,” Obi-Wan pointed out helpfully. He was now the favorite. “Jo will handle all of that for you.”
“And find dozens more things for me to worry about,” Mace said. “Go on. Go play with your new toys, you Bookwyrm,” he grumbled, though anyone with any kind of observational skills could see and hear the fondness within Mace.
Jo glided from the refectory, radiating smug satisfaction and a greater sense of peace. The war was over—the Jedi would not be required to fight and die for a Republic that did not care for them and the clones would not be killed by the thousands. And if the galaxy was rid of a couple Sith Lords, then no one would really complain.
Besides, she had five eager boys waiting to hear her side of the story and who would thoroughly enjoy cataloging the Sith Artifacts and go on adventures with her. She was a Librarian. It was time to get back to her greatest passion: gathering knowledge and sharing it with the galaxy.
(Bingo card under the cut))
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[Image ID: Bingo Card. Row 1: Platonic/QPR, Overwhelm, Omegaverse, Mer AU, Sleepy Cuddles. Row 2: Celebrations, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Scars, Tattoos, Exhaustion/Insomnia. Row 3: Competency Kink TM, Reunion, Free, Self-Sacrifice, Friends to Lovers. Row 4: Pirates, Animal Transformation, Enemies to Lovers, Cadets, No Order 66. Row 5: Major Character Death, Meet Cute, Post Order 66, Force Artifact, Dragons. Dragons square has a pink squiggle crossing it off. End ID]
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HASO “Evidence.”
Still working on the trial arc, and sorry I am late in posting. I had to go to work at seven and am trying to write in between helping guests. 
CREDIT and a THANK YOU to one of my amazing discord community members Eddi, who has been working for the last few months on the audio visual and transcript logs seen here. I did not write them, Eddi wrote them an was kind enough to let me use them in this story. I loved it and thought it brought a lot of authenticity to the story by bringing in an outside voice. 
WARNING: GRAPHIC blood, gore, and bodily mutilation. The Steel eye project development is VERY horrible, so don’t read if that is something that bothers you. 
It was a beautiful day.
The sky was a bright eggshell blue stratified with only the occasional cirrus cloud highlighting the sky with a touch of distant white. The sun was bright though the temperature was moderate only in the mid eighties.
Swimmers could be seen as distant pinpoints of light and froth on the surface of lake Geneva. Voices echoed up from the city coerced mostly by the purring of hover-car engines.
Towering white buildings rose high into the sky adding height instead of width to a city that had not grown outside its own borders for the past thousand years other than to go up.
Itw as a more environmentally efficient way to build, and left the countryside untouched by the scars of infrastructure and humanity.
Adam stared out the window for a long moment wishing for the peaceful embrace of the skies and the roaring of a jet engine. A soft whimper at his leg, and he looked down to see Waffles sitting at his heel, her head tilted back to look up at him. WHen he didn’t immediately respond to her she whined again and scooted closer, her paws making soft clicking sounds on the wood flooring below.
Finally he reached down and scratched her behind the ears.
She could sense his agitation, and it was clear that she didn’t much like it.
He couldn’t blame her.
He didn’t like it either. He sighed and turned his head away from the do and he window, back to the mirror in front of which he now stood. He didn’t see himself.
The man in the mirror was tall, straight backed with sharply trimmed and styled hair, jaw squared and raised. Both eyes were green though one expanded and contracted like the appriture of a camera. The expression on the man’s face was stern and unyielding.
He looked…. Like his father.
He had never seen much of a resemblance between them, but now he could certainly see it.
It didn’t help that the stars on his uniform seemed to add an extra ten years to his age.
With a soft sigh, he pulled his captain’s cap down snuggly onto his head and whistled low for his dog.
She fell into a perfect heel at his side, and he clipped the leash onto her colla.
Her black service vest was strapped on tight with a pair of doggie saddlebags on either side carrying water bottles. Waffles always liked having a job to do, and a little extra work would help to keep her relaxed during the trial rather than antsy.
She was going to have to stay very still for a very long time for the next few days.
“Ready girl.”
Her tail thumped against the floor at his voice.
“At least that makes one of us.”
He transferred her elash to his left end, though he didn’t technically need it, and led her out of the bedroom and into the large living room. It was a lot of hotel room for just one man. He would have been fine enough with a double queen personally, but he supposed if the UNSC was paying there was no reason to argue otherwise.
It felt strange, going to a hotel on the UNSC’s Dime to testify against the UNSC in one of the biggest trials of the century.
His stomach churned.
Waffles nosed his hand.
Dr Krill floated down from his examination of the chandelier, “I admire human artistry, but pragmatism is still my preferred way of living.” he motioned around the room, “A bit opulent.”
Adam nodded his agreement, “You can say that again. I haven’t slept on a bed that big in my life.” In all honesty, he was trying to keep his mind off of what was to come. He didn’t really care about the bed and certainly didn’t know if he had ever slept in a bed that large.
He sort of doubted it, he was in the UNSC after all.
A knock came on the door and he turned reaching for the handle and pulling it open. The driver from yesterday was waiting for him, his suit pristine. He bowed slightly, “The car is waiting for you, sir.”
He nodded, and motioned the other man to lead the way.
The man nodded and thanked him, stepping down the hall and leading them down into the lobby. They got a lot of looks as they made their way down, most likely because of krill, though his uniform might have caught some attention.
He was led out towards the car and slid into the back seat, suddenly surprised to find that he wasn’t alone.
“Admiral Kelly!”
“Good morning, Adam.”
“What are you doing here.”
“I am here to witness the trial. UNSC representatives thought it would be best if some of the newer brass came to oversee proceedings.”
He quickly looked out the window, suddenly remembering which side of the conflict this was on.
A hand rested on his arm, “I’m not here to make you feel bad about your decision, Admiral. You’re doing what needs to be done.”
He sighed and nodded, “I… thank you ma’am.”
“You sure this is something you are ready for.”
He paused and then shook his head, “No… I’m not ready, and I never will be.” She went to open her mouth but he stopped her, “But I’m the only one we have, so I will do what it takes.”
The car went silent as it slowly accelerated into the early morning traffic.
It was going to be a very long day.
Admiral Kelly turned to look at Krill speaking with him quietly while Adam looked out the window.
He wasn’t in the mood for talking right now though he knew how odd that was.
His stomach continued to churn as they drove through the streets heading towards the outskirts of the city where the Geneva court had been built just over 200 years ago.
The last buildings on the outskirts of town  went by and their first view of the court appeared in the car window. It was made in the classic greco-roman style with large white pillars and sloped rooftop and carvings on the top that depicted all the deities of justice ever conceived by historial religion, all cast and depicted in marble.
The thoroughfare up to the building was long and wide with a decorative reflecting pool at the center and a set of daunting steps leading up to the ornate front doors.
The grounds were meticulously kept with hedges shrub and flowering bushes, with what must have been miles and miles of water features and fountains off to the side.
It was a beautiful location, and it seemed that visitors found it a nice spot to rest while they enjoyed touring the sites.
He didn’t see much in the beauty today.
This was the UN supreme court, and the history of Geneva made this place hallowed in ways that made the court case for today all the more poignant.
The car pulled to a stop before the doors and a few gloved attendants stepped forward sharply dressed and opened the doors with almost militaristic precision as Admiral Vir and Admiral Kelly stepped out.
Waffles followed at his heels
He knew as soon as he stepped onto the marble steps that he wanted to leave, an the only thing that kept him there was the memory of those faces…. All the people counting on him back at the house, all the people who had never been given a chance to recover like he had.
He took a deep breath and ford himself up the steps and towards the front doos where a group of people were already congregating.
There were a few reporters there, without cameras, waiting to attend in the audience and record the proceedings for their news stories and daytime television. A few of them snapped discrete photos of him as he passed and was led through the wide double doors into the expansive inner hallway with a beautifully muraled ceiling and a line of decorative plants down the side.
Voices echoed inside the building, rising up around him to bounce off the marble.
The voices themselves were indistinct and difficult to understand as he made his way further into the room.
Men in suits lined the walls.
He eyed them critically wondering if any of them happened to be the defence.
A hand was placed on his shoulder, and he quickly turned to eye another attendant, who had evidently been trying to get his attention, “Right this way sir.”
He nodded and was led through the halls and into a nearby antichamber.
A wand was passed over his body.
“Please hold out your arm , sir.”
He did as ordered and watched as his forearm implant was temporarily deactivated. 
“The room is completely radio proof, sir. No signals go in or out. If you must make a call, I urge you to take it during the court recess.”
“Please step inside and sit on the second row on the right side behind the prosecution.
He did as ordered, and stepped into another wide curving room.
It was much bigger than he would have thought, two stories high with amphitheater seats, and a massive curving desk at the front where nine Geneva court judges would be seated on their entrance.
There was no jury.
The Geneva court judges would be the jury for trial at this time.
Law practices had changed a lot since world war III but there was still some semblance of the old ways that still lingered on.
He took his seat, waffles grumbling softly as he slid onto the ground beside him.
Two people in suits followed him inside one in a dark blue suit and brown shoes, the other in pinstriped balck.
The one in blue was a woman, dressed sharply, her hair pulled back into a bun so tight you could have strummed out a tune on the hairs. She paused next to Adam and held out a hand, “Admiral Vir, we spoke over the phone.”
“Ms. Trevor.”
She nodded and motioned to the man, “And my partner Mr. Jackson. I trust you understand your purpose here today?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Jackson lifted his head, “Our case here is solid, admiral. This case isn’t about who is going to be punished for what happened, but about how long they will be punished, not to mention it is likely to set up some new legislation for the ethical creation and use of military hardware. Once we are done, something like this is unlikely to ever happen again.”
He wasn’t entirely sure he believed that, but he nodded and let them take their seats in the desk before him.
Waffles whimpered and prodded at his hands with her nose.
He stroked a hand over her big pointed ears.
The courtroom filled up within the next hour, and, Looking across the room, he saw a line of men and women sitting on the second row of the defence. Something about them put him on edge.
He had a feeling they were the scientists.
They were the ones who had developed the steel eye armor.
“All rise! For the honorable Geneva court judges!”
The entire room took to their feet as the nine judges filed out of a back chamber and stepped onto the floor. All of them wore traditional black robes with white collars as had been tradition for nearly thousand of years. They took their seats with a mass shuffling.
“Please be seated.”
The room shuffled back into place.
The head judge,at the center of the table leaned forward.
“On this day June 24, 4024 we open the Geneva Court case of The People VS UNSC Biomechanics Division. the court will begin by hearing opening statements from the council.”
Council for the prosecution stood, shuffling her papers once before stepping up to the lectern.
“Honorable judges and members of the court, today we are here to present evidence against a faction of the UNSC scientific division for gross ethical violations, torture, and pruposeful endangerment of human life. Evidence suggests over 29 killed, over 21 critically injured, maimed, or permanently crippled, and over 61 with lasting mental trauma. This is not counting over 50 Steel eye soldiers coerced without prior knowledge, into participation in the program, 30 of which are now deceased 15 of which have lasting mental trauma, and five that, while functional, still feel the effects today. Today we will be presenting, written documents, video recordings, and audio files from prior testing as well as first hand witnesses of both the testing and the war as well as expert witness from the scientist who read and compiled the files before trial. What was done to these men and women constitute as war crimes and their victims deserve compensation and closure for what was done to them.”
She stepped back from the podium and nodded.
The defence stood and made their way to the podium in turn, “Your honors, and members of the court, while it is true that some unfortunate incidents happened during testing and development of the steel eye project, there is ample evidence to prove that none of these men or women were coerced against their will into participation. All subjects were volunteer and duly informed before proceedings began. Furthermore, scientific ethics had not advanced far enough at the time to cover weather or not what they were doing was an ethical violation. The Defence is not asking for complete vindication for the accused, but the sum of what happens is surely less than war crimes.” 
They took their seat.
Adam wasn’t a lawyer, but he knew which opening statement he liked more. Now maybe he was biased, but certainly he felt that one presented greater amounts of evidence than the other. Of course it was up to the prosecution to show evidence that would convince the judges, beyond a reasonable doubt, that these men and women were guilty.
He listened to some more speaking, half falling asleep and assuming maybe this would be as bad as he thought it would when one of the prosecution stepped back up to the podium.
“The prosecution presents time stamped dated and logged evidence to the court for consideration. The first testing log we wish to present is from the eighteenth of October 4016 and overseen by Dr. Tato Nkosi written as log number 23.” 
Experimental Log #023:
So far we have not experimented with a human subject, All the sample tests and simulations indicate that there should be no interference with normal function nor create any feedback loops that could induce seizures. This is the first human testing that we will be doing. We have noticed that the animal testing resulted in significant irritation and irrational behavour from the subjects, We however suspect this was because they were unawares of the reason for the implantations.
The subject is unconscious for the process of implantation to prevent movement. 
-recording break-
The subject reacted violently to the implant, removing it in a highly violent manner while screaming and trying to injure any nearby scientists. We expected some level of resistance, but this indicates far more sensitivity than expected. Further testing will be required.
“The council for the prosecution wishes to present the audio/visual log.” A light flickers on as a video clip begins reeling.
Audiovisual Log Transcript:
The subject wakes suddenly, seeming to be woken by extreme pain. Screaming almost instantly and scrabbling at implant on their hand and wrist. Subject seems to be attempting to remove the implant. One of the scientists attempts to calm the subject only to be beaten by the subject who continues screaming. The scientist retreats from the subject just as the subject finally removes the test implant by ripping it from the subjects skin, tearing with it the subjects local nervous system along with large sections of the subjects musculature and ligaments. Seeming relieved at the lack of contact with the implant, the subject sinks to its knees. The subject is losing significant amount of blood, though we suspect the subject is unaware of this as large sections of the nervous system is still attached to the implant. The subject appears to be in shock as it observes its ruined lower arm and hand. The subject has resumed screaming and is now trying to get the scientists attention to fix its ruined lower arm and hand. The subject is sedated and arm treated. The recording ends here. 
Adam throws a hand up over his face feeling bile rise into his mouth at the image seared into his brain. Muscle and ligament dangling uselessly against a steel eye prototype. He felt a bit lightheaded but takes a deep breath in and out to calm his breathing. All around the room there are gasps of shock and disgust. A few people stand to leave the room unable to witness any more.”
The council steps forward, “This was the first log in a recorded series of proceeding logs with similar effects. We know in experimentation that accidents happen all the time, and we might have considered forgiveness if the experimentation had stopped here. Clearly implementation on human test subjects was not ready, as evidenced by the animal’s discomfort. Perhaps if they had stopped here, some measure of understanding might have been allowed. But they continued past this point with full knowledge that this sort of catastrophic event could happen. This test subject will never regain full use of his hand. Instead of stopping the experiment like hey should, the scientists determined that the use of painkillers was in order to make the subject operational. For this the prosecution calls expert witness Dr. Alexander Gladstone to the witness stand.”
On the bench to his side, a man stands slicking back his salt and pepper hair as he moves to sit in the witness stand and is sworn in.
“Dr. Gladstone, tell us a little of your credentials.”
“Of course, I received my PHD in Biomechanical interface and Engineering as well as an additional PHD in Mechanised robotics. I have worked as the head scientist for the UNSC testing division for nearly five years now after my predecessor quit. I helped to re-engineer this project under Iron eye as a step forward from the Steel eye project in a more controlled and ethical environment. I am also the scientists who reviewed these logs and compiled them for analysis today.”
“Thank you Dr. Now, may I ask why these scientists would have chosen to implement a drug dosage?”
“To understand why they had to do this, you must also understand the steel eye project itself. Steel eye was designed to enhance the strength, speed and durability of the wearer. We already have exo suits designed for use in factory and industrial settings, however the main issue we run into in a combat setting is that the machine responds too slow. The nodes detect electrical impulses from the muscles and then have to fire following that meaning the subject has already begun moving almost seconds in advance of the machine. Steel eye was created to integrate the machine directly into the body to intercept nerve impulses before the muscles even fire, thus making the wearer faster, and the augment making them stronger. To do this you have to make a direct interface with the nervous system. They first implemented small microfivers which would wrap themselves around the nerves in question to detect electrical signals. These were designed to cluster primarily along the spine but have additional nodes in the major muscle groups. However, direct stimulation of a nerve or nerve cluster sends signals to the brai nthat are interpreted as…. Unbelievable agony, which is likely the agitation that they were seeing in the animal test subjects. However, with a high enough drug dosage, you can mitigate these effects, or distract the brain enough to keep the wearer functional for some time.”
He sat back in his seat.
“And in iron eye, how did you get around this problem?”
“Subdermal implants that do not require direct contact with the nerve endings themselves.”
“And does Iron eye cause any significant damage to the wearer?”
“No sir, the only danger is an infection of the implants, but that is with almost any implanted medical devise.”
“The subjects have no pain.”
“A general soreness that goes away within two to three days.”
“So in my understanding it is clear that there were alternatives to their original course of action. They could have pulled back and tried to implement a way to mitigate the pain rather than mask it with drug dosages?”
“But that isn’t what they did.”
“The prosecution presents Transcript 27 to the court for viewing.” 
Experimental log #27:
We have begun testing various drugs to suppress the pain, this test is with acetaminophen, commonly referred to as Codeine. 
As per usual the subject was implanted while unconscious and atop this it was given a high dose of codeine prior to it awaking. 
-recording break-
It appears that while the subject was capable of withstanding the pain from the implant for a longer period of time than our previous subjects However the subject clearly seemed to suffer increasing mental instability as the sensations returned, culminating in the subject violently trying to destroy the implant. Learning from prior experiments and in an attempt to reduce harm to the scientists, the subject was left alone while it was in this state and no attempt was made to aid the subject.
Adam turned his head away unable to stomach what was coming next. His hands were sweating terribly. He felt cold and weak. He had seen horrible things in war and in his time, but watching this… .watching steel eye. It was just too much.
His mouth had gone dry, and his skin was hot as if he had a fever.
The dog nosed his hand but he barely acknowledged her.
Audio-visual log transcript:
The transcript begins once the Codeine begins to wear off. 
The subject begins by itching at the area around the implant, the reaction is far less violent than the prior subjects. After several minutes of ever more irritated scratching and aggressive tugging at the implant and plaintive noises the subject began to violently bash the implant against the wall. Growing ever more violent with the abuse of the implant. This continues till the test implant is mangled and ruined with the subject pulling the mangled chunks of metal off their skin, this however seems not to alleviate the subjects pain and irritation. This is likely due to the destruction of the implant not removing the interfacing needles The subject continued to scratch and pull at its skin, the plaintive noises slowly becoming screams of pain. This action continued without interruption from the scientists till the subject had torn most of the skin of its arm and taken chunks out of its musculature, the subject finally passed out from pain or blood loss after several minutes of self mutilation. 
The room spun around him, and he took a few long, deep breaths hoping that it would stop.
He wast sure he could survive another few hours of this.
He wasn’t sure at all 
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The Reader is a virgin and Erik gives her oral turning her out/Erik dry humping The Reader playfully
I am doing two imagines in one because I wanted to write these two together I think it fits lol. Also, it took me forever to write this that is why I haven’t updated in like three days. Very long, and very detailed. Enjoy 💖
Warnings: SMUT, Bickering, slight FLUFF, Daddy-dom, mention of blood, Virgin SMUT, dry humping. 
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“Yo, am I gonna have to pop this clown! Nigga, don’t you EVER put your fucking hands on my best friend like that. When she tells you no that means no, nigga.”
She looked at him with cautious eyes. Her best friend, Erik Stevens, was there to save the day. Thank God for him. The guy who had a death wish was pushing up on her and grabbing her ass after Y/N told him multiple times that she wasn’t interested. All she had to do was hit up Erik and he came to the rescue. He didn’t fuck around when it involved Y/N. That was his Thickums.
Don’t nobody fuck wit’ my Thickums. I will kill for her.
That’s just how it was.  Erik and Y/N  have been best friends since she met him through her brother. It didn’t take long to connect and vibe the way they both did. Tony, her big bro, died in a motorcycle accident and even though she hates to say it, that accident brought Erik and her closer. Now he was Y/N’s protector since Tony was dead. Erik is older than Tony by three years and Y/N by four.
“Aye, my fault, bruh, this yo girl?” The drunk asshole with frisky hands asked.
“Does that matter? Don’t worry about all that,” Erik pointed a deadly finger at the guy almost shoving his head back, “Don’t touch her again, BRUH, before I put you six feet under-“
“Erik!” Her prominent eyes went wide staring up at him before she mouthed let it go. Over the years Y/N gained some upper body strength with the number of times she had to hold Erik back from killing someone. The thing is, he would literally KILL someone. He didn’t hide anything from her. The times he’d been away was times when he was off doing a mercenary job adding scars to his body. He would come and go with little communication and each time felt like a hole was being drilled into her heart.
Now here he was. Back home after a couple of months. He seemed angrier than the other times he came back from a job. His eyes were stone cold and pitch black. Nostrils flared and blowing smoke like a dragon. Hennessy running through his veins. Fists clenched and veins popping out his arms. Y/N grabs Erik’s jaw to make him look down at her. When she did, his eyes seemed to soften and then a teasing smile spread across his lips.
“I’m cool, Thickums,” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “I won’t kill nobody tonight, I promise.”
They both had an audience at this little bar and lounge that Y/N’s friend, Paige, dragged her to. All the black people staring over at the bar to see if a fight would break out so they could record. The disgusting guy who tried to touch Y/N walked away muttering something and Y/N was sure that Erik overheard it. Pulling Y/N in closer, Erik placed a kiss to her forehead before turning her back around to face the bar. The smell of his Tom Ford cologne burned her nose. He dragged his face along her wild curly hair with his arm still around her. Y/N didn’t complain because she knew her best friend missed her and he was also very drunk. However, that wasn’t until Erik leaned against her, causing her breasts to painfully smash against the edge of the bar. He was doing that shit on purpose now.
“Erik, stop! you’re putting all your body weight on me, “ Y/N complains as she rolls her eyes before pushing Erik away.
“I miss you, Thickums. It’s always good to see my best friend when I come back home.”
“If you miss me so much you wouldn’t leave like you do, stupid,” She could feel Erik wrapping his large arms around her waist, prompting his biceps to mold into her hips. He was very touchy-feely when he was drunk and Y/N knew she was going to have to babysit his ass. No driving at all.
“Why would you drive here drunk, Erik?” She spoke with a stern voice.
“Because...I can,” He looked down at her with an elevated brow, “Why, you’re gonna punish me, Thickums?”
“If only I could tame your big ass.”
“You wish you could tame me, baby girl. So what’s really been up with you?”
She chuckled before taking a seat at the bar, “Besides the same old everyday boring shit, I’ve been getting set up with blind dates by Paige and her friends.”
“Blind dates? Really?” Erik shook his head before smiling, “And how did that go?”
“Fucking horrible. That’s all they want is sex. I don’t have time for that mess.”
Erik bit down on his bottom lip to suppress a laugh.
“What?” She asked with a bothered tone.
“I keep forgetting you still have your V card.”
She looked around her at the crowded bar to see if anyone overheard him. Blushing, Y/N takes a sip of her mixed drink. She didn’t want to get on the topic of virginity.
“Let me guess,” Erik nudged her with his shoulder, “You don’t wanna talk about it?”
“Nope. And definitely not here.”
“We ain’t gotta talk about it here we can talk on the way back to your place.”
Y/N leaned back from Erik with a playful smile, “You’re spending the night with me, bestie?”
“Only because I don’t feel like making that drive to my new spot. You gotta come through soon it’s dope.”
“Just like that Audi R8 V10 you got parked outside?”
Erik glanced over at her with low eyes and a smirk, “You love the whip, huh?”
“Love it?” Y/N’s eyes rolled with a leering expression on her face, “Love it doesn’t even describe how much I envy you right now.”
“You’re not driving my shit, woman,” Erik shook his head before waving his hand in her face, “I said no! you can’t drive for shit.”
“HERE WE GO,” Her voice grew loud and defensive, “I can drive jack ass-“
“Not when you swerve up on the sidewalk you can’t-“
“Bitch, don’t even play with me like that it was one time!”
Erik glared at her, his voice becoming deep and gravely, “Did you just call me a bitch?”
“I-Yes, yes I did.”
“You better watch your fucking mouth, Thickums. You’re lucky you’re my bestie because if not...”
Erik smirked before turning away from her. Y/N blinked at him with interest, impatience written all over her face.
“If not, what?”
“...Put my dick in your mouth to make you shut up.”
“Oh...” her skin felt like a furnace.
“See, that’s why I didn’t want to say it. You need to loosen up, bestie,” Erik nudges her shoulder playfully.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me, E,” Y/N avoided Erik’s eye. She couldn’t understand why she felt so...turned on. Maybe it was because that was the first time a guy ever said something like that to her. She wouldn’t feel so awkward if he said that to another girl but he was referring to her in that manner. Now, the wheels in her head were turning. What if Erik wanted Y/N to be his girl? What if he thought about having sex with her but didn’t mention it for obvious reasons. Y/N was so deep in thought at the bar that she hadn’t noticed Erik calling her name. It took for him to wrap his arms around her waist again and pull her close to him for her to finally snap out of her daze and come back to the present.
“Huh?” She said with a whimsical expression on her face.
“You good? Should we bounce?” Erik asked with concern. His brown eyes focused on her intently.
“Um, yeah, we can,” She grabbed her clutch from the bar, grimacing a little because it was sticky at the bottom, “let me just tell Paige and then we can go-“
“Paige ain’t worried, look,” Erik pointed to a small section near a bar on the other side of the lounge. Paige was surrounded by a few men and her other friends she brought with her. They were freak dancing and flirting with drinks in their hands and low eyes.
“Paige ain’t worried. She too busy freaking on some dude.��
“And drunk out of her damn mind,” Y/N added with a disapproving tone.
“Jealousy isn’t a good look, bestie,” Erik joked.
“Jealous? Why the fuck would I be jealous, Erik?”
“Because deep down in your virgin heart, you want to let loose and grind that thick ass on a nigga. I know you do. You ain’t even gotta front with me. I know you better than you know yourself, Thickums.”
“Clearly you don’t, because-“
“Save all that shit, ma,” Erik threw down some money that the bartender graciously grabbed before someone else did, “Let’s go. We need to have a little discussion.”
“No,” she shook her curly head, “You are drunk, I’m calling an Uber.”
“I’m not getting in the back of somebody’s car when I have my own,” Erik snatched her phone from her hand, “And I’m not drunk, just a little buzzed. I’ll finish off my bottle when we get in the house, ma.”
“Whatever,” Y/N stomped away and through the crowd, leaving Erik behind. He caught up with her and grabbed her hand, both of them rushing out of the claustrophobic lounge. Finally, outside, Y/N was thankful for the 60-degree weather because it felt much better against her skin than the 90 degrees in the lounge.
“Can I have my phone back now, DAD?”
“Not with that fucking attitude,” Erik pulled her arm like she was a bad kid, “Let’s go.”
Y/N stayed rooted to the spot. She pulled her arm back causing Erik to stumble and a black couple to walk past snickering. Erik looked down at her as if she tried to kill him. Eyes round saucers, nostrils flared, breathing heavily like a dungeon dragon, grip on her hand tighter than before, Erik was pissed.
“Y/N,” Erik looked from side to side before speaking in a gruff low tone, “Don’t make me embarrass you out here, best friend or not, I will whip that ass.”
“Okay, Killmon-“
“Say it.” Erik dared her. Y/N snapped her mouth shut before lowering her head to fight a smile. She loved toying with Erik.
“Getting on my damn nerves,” He pulled her again, “now come on before I throw you over my shoulder.”
“Fine,” She stopped with her games for now. They both walked down the street and around a corner to find Erik’s car parked next to a Subway. He unlocked the doors with a click of a button before walking to the passenger side to allow Y/N access. She slipped inside and watched Erik shut the door softly. As he walked around to the other side, Y/N opened the door again and slammed it shut. She snickered and damn near lost her breath at the way he stopped in front of the car and scowled at her. He nodded his head slowly before walking with his chest poked out to the driver's side. Y/N could not control her laughing. Hand clutched for her chest, eyes welling up with tears, breathing nonexistent. She was in literal shambles.
“WHAT THE FUCK, GIRL!” Erik growled, “You really asking for it don’t be slamming my door like that!!!!fuck is wrong with you!!!”
“You should have seen your face, oh my God,” she threw her head back, “You were ready to kill me over your whip.”
“You wanna try me again?” Erik asked with an even tone. But it was a dangerous tone of voice.
“If it makes you look all angry like a pit bull then HELL YEAH,” Y/N closed her eyes, falling into laughter again.
“I really wanna throw you over my lap and pop that big ass butt until you cry.”
Y/N licked her lips, the laughter gone and replaced with a shocked expression.
“...did you? I mean...did you just?”
Erik didn’t say a word. He started his car, turned the volume up on the radio, and focused all of his attention on driving even though his hands were itching to spank her good and hard.
“Erik?” Y/N asked with a soft tone. Still, nothing from him.
“E-Kill-I’m sorry,” She put an innocent smile on her face, “I love you, bestie, don’t be mad at me.”
“You really know how to piss a nigga off.”
Y/N beamed, leaning over to kiss Erik’s cheek, “It was all jokes, kay? I just like messing with you.”
Erik shook his head, “It’s because you know I won’t get you for it. But that’s where you’re wrong, Thickness,” Erik reaches across to the passenger side, grabbing Y/N’s exposed thigh and squeezing it hard. She swatted his hand away before kissing her teeth. Erik laughs before mushing her playfully.
“What do you mean?” She looked at him with wary eyes while massaging her upper thigh. His grip was firm.
“My best friend is too beautiful and sexy and she needs to let loose a little, cut all that shy shit out. You hear me talking to you, Thickums?”
“I hear you but I’m not following,” She gave Erik a puzzled look.
“When we get back to the house,” Erik paused for mystery, “I’m gonna teach you some things.”
“You’ll see. Put your seatbelt on.”
Y/N fastened her seatbelt. She kept her eyes on Erik to see if he would break down and tell her but no, he acted like she wasn’t even there staring at him with her doe eyes. Y/N pouts, folding her arms across her chest. The silence was eating her alive. The drive felt longer than usual. As soon as they pulled into her Apartment Complex and Erik parked his car next to hers, she hopped out and walked to her building to unlock the door. Erik took his time grabbing his bottle of Hennessy to annoy her further. He even turned up the music in his car to bop to a little while drinking.
“Drip to hard/don’t stand too close/you gon’ fuck around and drown off this wave/doing all these shows/I’ve been on the road/I don’t care where I go/long as I get paid/bad lil vibe/she been on my mind/Soon as I get back/she gettin’ slayed/do this all the time/this ain’t no surprise/every other night/another movie getting made!!”
She watched Erik rap in his driver's seat, tapping her foot rapidly against the concrete with a mug on her face. She was fuming watching him have his little concert.
“Erik!!!” She yelled at him even though he could hardly hear her with that loud music.
“What’s up, Y/N!”
Y/N turned to see her neighbor, Sharnese, walking towards the building in a pair of leggings and a thin ass T-shirt with a bonnet on her head.
“Hey, Nese,” Y/N groaned, her eyes focusing back on Erik dancing in his driver's seat.
“You okay, girl?” Sharnese followed Y/N’s line of vision and a big smile appeared on her face. Sharnese squealed like a schoolgirl, jumping up and down making her titties bounce around.
“Yeah, that’s his annoying ass-“
“OH MY GOD ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE IVE SEEN HIM!” She rushed towards his car. Sharnese ran around to Erik’s side, knocking on his window. Erik looked over at her before smirking, rolling his window down. Sharnese wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck before leaning into the car, all in Erik’s face, planting a kiss to his cheek. They were talking a little too close for Y/N’s liking. She was growing jealous.
Why is this bitch on my best friend like that?
Sharnese giggles then she bit her lip.
Girl, you do too much.
“Erik!!!!!!” Y/N yelled making her throat raw. Sharnese and Erik looked over at her as if she interrupted something.
“What? Let’s go!” Y/N finally unlocked the door to the building before pulling it open and stomping up the steps to her place. She was so angry that she dropped her keys a few times while trying to get her apartment door, 2C, opened.
“I haven’t seen Nese in a minute, Y/N, stop acting like that.”
She ignored Erik and walked into her place, kicking off her shoes at the door. Feeling a vibration inside her clutch, Y/N pulled her phone out to see that she’d gotten a message notification from Paige letting her know that she made it home safe with everyone.
“She was all in your face, Erik.”
“I know,” He walked to the kitchen to retrieve a few cups, “She’s cute. Pretty and ghetto.”
“Erik, shut up.”
“I don’t want her, Y/N. Stop being jealous. Every time I come home you have me to yourself. A nigga has needs too. Just because you ain’t getting none doesn’t mean I don’t want none.”
“Was that a jab at me for being a virgin?” She was truly offended.
“Let’s talk about that.”
Y/N saw Erik pouring two cups of Hennessy and apple juice.
“What is there to talk about? I haven’t had dick Erik, boo-hoo, what’s so special?”
Erik almost spilled his drink, “What’s so special? Man,” He laughs, “You wouldn’t be saying that if you let a nigga pop your cherry.”
“I don’t want just any nigga taking my virginity, my pussy is too precious for any nigga.”
“You’re right,” Erik swirled his drink around his mouth before swallowing, “That’s why I have a suggestion.”
“If it involves one of your friends, fuck no-“
“If you shut up and let me talk, Thickums, then you’ll know.”
Y/N sat down on her carpeted floor in her living room, head leaning back against the couch. She motioned for Erik to speak.
“What if...I help you out?”
“Come again?” She asked him to clarify.
“What if I am the one to...” Erik made a motion with his hands to make her catch on to what he was inquiring about. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion at that very moment. Y/N stares unblinking at Erik. Even him snapping his fingers in her face didn’t break her out of it.
“Oh my God,” Erik ran his hands down his face frustratingly, “It’s sex, Y/N, I’m asking you to let me be the nigga to pop your precious cherry.”
Still bewildered, she opened then closed her mouth like a fish in the water.
“Hello?” Erik said with annoyance, “Why are you giving me the silent treatment now?”
“Um...” Y/N laughs nervously,  lifting from the floor to take a seat while gripping the edge of the couch, “Erik...are you for real?”
“No, I’m for play,” Erik chuckles, “Yes, Thickums, I’m asking you to...let me...you know...lay that pipe.”
“Nah,” Y/N motioned for Erik to pass her his cup, “That’s enough devil juice for you tonight, bestie, you are really tripping.”
Erik threw it back in one sip before placing his cup on the coffee table, “I’m dead ass, ma, no games over here. I really wanna hit.”
“Wow. What the hell happened to you when you were gone for two whole months?”
“Nothing, I’m still the same old Erik. Just...okay don’t look at me like that,” Erik rolls his eyes, “You want me to keep it real?”
Y/N tilted her head up at Erik, “Yes, I want you to keep it real and stop messing around. You don’t play and say something like that unless you really want to do that, you get what I’m saying?”
“Yeah,” Erik lets out a breath slowly, “which is why I’m about to be brutally honest.”
“Fuck,” Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip.
“Fuck ain’t even the word, Thickums,” Erik looked over at his Hennessy, “I’m gonna need more to drink.”
“Fill mine up too,” Y/N really needed it. Her stomach felt queasy. She figured drinking Erik’s favorite drink would calm her nerves and prepare her for what this man had to say. Erik walked over with her cup and the bottle, settling next to her on the couch. He poured himself a cup, then handed her the mixture he made with the apple juice. Y/N curled up into the corner of the couch while tucking her toes into the cushion to warm them. She fixed her skirt so Erik wouldn’t have a straight-on view of her panties.
“Aight so listen,” Erik leans on his thighs while twirling his cup in hand, “I’ve thought about having sex with you on plenty of occasions but I didn’t initiate it because you’ve been my best friend since like, forever, and I just didn’t want to make the shit weird-“
“Like right now?” Y/N spoke with a shaky voice.
“Yeah...like right now. This shit is mad awkward forget I brought it up-“
“Nope,” Y/N takes a long sip before scrunching her face with disgust. Too much Hennessy and not enough apple juice.
“Don’t get scared over there cuz I know you can’t talk about sex for five seconds.”
“You’re so petty,” Y/N scowled, “Keep talking.”
“I told you I’m going to be brutally honest. And... I peep shit.”
What did he peep? Y/N sat up straighter. She felt like she was sitting in a confessional with a lie detector attached to her arm.
“For one thing, you get mad jealous when I talk to other women. Like...possessive. Two, you stare a nigga down hard when I got my shirt off and when I’m walking around in my grey sweat pants-“
“Don’t interrupt me again,” He said with a husky voice. Y/N closed her mouth and listened.
“You blush anytime I make a reference to sex or compliment you, especially if I talk about your ass. You love it when I call you my Thickums. Makes you feel special doesn’t it?”
“I hate you.” She could feel her cheeks heating up. Y/N covered her face out of embarrassment.
“No, you love me,” Erik reaches across to pull her hands away, “And you have feelings for me.”
“Leave it alone, ERIK.” She was starting to grow frustrated.
“You want me to be that special nigga that pops your cherry-“
“Didn’t you pop Paige’s cherry? If that’s the case then you’re not so special, ERIK.”
Erik mugged at her, “The fuck you mean by that? I ain’t never fuck Paige. That’s a fucking insult to myself, especially this dick,” Erik pointed to the dick in question. He kissed his teeth, “Man...I can’t believe you put me and Paige in one sentence like that.”
“That’s what everybody said, Erik! And you didn’t deny it either-“
“Everybody must wanna die. I don’t like motherfuckers lying on me, Y/N. You know how I can get,” Erik’s jaw tightened, “Really? And you of all people believed that shit?”
“Because you DIDNT DENY IT.” She yelled.
“Number one, I was hardly around to deny it. Two, I don’t entertain that bullshit. It’s child’s play. Three, I would never disrespect you like that and fuck your homegirl-“
“Erik, you fucked one of my homegirls STOP IT,” Y/N laughed harshly.
“WHO?” He argued back.
“JAMILLA.” Y/N fired back.
“JAMILLA? Big titties? Chocolate? Short cut hair?”
“...Yes.” Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose. Erik was deep in thought for a second before a coy smile spread across his lips. Y/N hated his handsome smile at that very moment.
“I remember Jamilla,” Erik reaches for his cup but those dimples couldn’t be hidden even if he tried, they were too damn deep.
“She was cool,” He shrugs, bringing that cup to his lips but as soon as he looked over at Y/N’s glaring face Erik damn near spit his drink all over his crisp white T-shirt.
“Fuck you.” Y/N said with spite.
“Listen, can we just get back on topic? About you? I’m not worried about Jamilla, Paige, or Sharnese, okay? I’m worried about my best friend-“
“That you all of a sudden want to fuck?”
“It’s not all of a sudden-did you hear what I said earlier? I SAID that I thought about it plenty of times before, Thickums.”
“Well...why bring it up now?”
“Because I figured I should tell you and get it off my chest since you want some dick from a worthy nigga such as myself.”
“What makes you think it’s you that I want dick from?”
Erik bites his lower lip, “That’s really cute, ma, real cute. What other nigga is worthy? You turn down any dude that gets in your space, and I’m the only man that you’re this comfortable around. So, if that doesn’t confirm it I don’t know what else does. Unless...there are some personal reasons that you haven’t shared with me,” Erik raises a brow at her while looking at her body. Y/N felt exposed and purely shocked at Erik looking at her the way he was. All seductive and sexy.
“Admit it,” Erik pushes, “You want to lose your virginity to me but you’re afraid. You’re afraid to ask because I’m your best friend and you don’t want to make it weird and ruin our friendship. Admit it...you were saving yourself for me.”
Y/N had a vacant expression on her face. She looked away from Erik and down into her lap, twirling the ring around her finger. She couldn’t look Erik in the eyes. He was right. She was saving herself for him. She thought she could deny it for however long and hope that he would somehow make the first move on her. She hadn’t expected that day to be today. He could read her so well. Was she really that obvious?
“I don’t hear you talking, Thickums.”
“Shut up, Erik.”
“Talk to me-“
“NO!” She threw a pillow at Erik’s head, “No! I’m not saying shit.”
“Cuz’ I’m spot on,” He laughs, “I knew it-“
“Erik...shut up...right now.”
“NO. You shut up before I lay you out on this fucking couch-“
“Don’t tell me to shut up-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Erik raised his voice.
“Who are you talking to?!!!-“
Erik Damn near charged at Y/N on the couch, pinning her body down flat, bringing her arms above her head, and placing his strong body on top of hers. She squirmed, squealed, fussed, but Erik wasn’t letting go. He allowed her to grow tired so that she would have no other choice but to give in. Finally, she stopped moving and started whimpering. Erik was laid out on top of her, his crotch resting on her upper thigh. The more she made those little whimpering noises the more his dick grew. He looked down at her thigh then up into her face. She weakly met his eyes before looking away to avoid them.
“Look at me,” Erik demanded.
“No. You need to get off of me.”
“But you don’t want me to.”
Y/N moved her thigh that was directly under Erik’s crotch, giving him some friction. Erik swallowed spit. That thigh meat felt good against his dick. He went to move against her causing her to writhe beneath him, her thighs moving up and down. Up and down. Side to side. Side to side.
“What are you doing?” Y/N glanced down at her leg.
“Nothing,” Erik plays it off.
“Erik,” Y/N threw her head back against the arm of the couch, “get off of me.”
“Pleaseeeee.” She begged.
That only made Erik move against her thigh again. Alarmed, Y/N started twisting her wrists to try and release herself from his grasp.
“What are you d-doing?” She staggered.
“Just playing,” Erik laughs.
“Playing?” Y/N watches Erik move his crotch up and down her leg.
“Erik, are you-“
“Just shut up and let it happen, Thickness,” His dick was almost at full capacity. About 95% hard. It was Y/N’s thick thighs. Felt like he was grinding into a couch cushion with how thick and soft she is. Each time his dick would rub against her, his balls would jump.
“Erik, a-are you humping me?” Y/N barely spoke. Her voice was so low in his ear. How did it get to this? One minute Y/N was calling up Erik to help her out and now he was grinding his dick against her thigh. Her face was frozen. Her limbs were stiff. She could feel that thick pole and all its length glide against her skin. Each time he came back up his dick would twist to the side in his jeans and touch her inner thigh. He was...she couldn’t find a word that best describes how big he was besides large. Enormous? Monstrous? Vast? Colossal?
“What does it look like, ma?” He bit into his lip, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth at Y/N’s expression. She was lost. Barely able to register what was happening.
“That’s what it looks like,” Y/N spoke off to the side because she couldn’t look Erik in the eye.
“This too much for you, Miss Virgin? I mean...” he swiveled his hips causing his dick to move from side to side on her thigh, “I know you’re pure and all...”
“Fuck, Erik. Please get off of m-me,” Y/N’s heart was thumping in her rib cage, “You’re drunk and when you wake up tomorrow you won’t even realize what you d-did.” She felt exhausted and all she was doing was laying there taking Erik’s assaults. He clearly thought the shit was hilarious because Y/N could tell that he was smiling in her peripheral.
“You got me over here dry humping you’re leg. Stop acting like you don’t like it and let go.”
“I can see that,” she said with an awkward tone, “Erik, I’m in literal shock right now-“
“See what? You ain’t seeing shit with your eyes looking at the wall.”
Y/N rolled her eyes before biting her tongue. She did like it. She’d never experienced it. He was centimeters away from her crotch. All he had to do was pull his pants and briefs down and there would be skin on skin humping. Y/N would probably cum right then and there from that alone. Her pussy was throbbing right now, “I have more courage to focus on the wall than at what you’re doing to me right now.”
“Thickums,” Erik whispered in her ear, “don’t you wanna see it?” Her heart stopped.
“It?” She asked with a perplexed expression.
“Yeah,” He smiled, “Tell me what it is.”
“...I don’t want to, Erik.” She shook her head, trying to force herself to breathe normally again.
“Why? Tell me, I’m your bestie.”
Why is your dick so big? Why are you making my pussy so wet? Can you please pop my cherry? I’ve always wanted this too. Erik, I’m dick-hungry and I need it. Show me?
Her eyes closed.
“Why are you so damn thick?” His breathing was ragged.
“Genetics,” she answered sarcastically.
Erik kisses his teeth, “You’re so damn uptight. Loosen the fuck up before I make you.”
“Erik, please-“
“Nah, I want you to stop acting all shy. It’s me, Erik, your best friend for like, 15 years?”
But,” Y/N licked her dry lips, “My best friend is getting...getting hard because of me. It’s...I can’t even think straight.”
Erik grabs her chin, making her look at him. When she did, she saw all of the desire in his eyes. Raw, uncontrollable, desire. It stunned her. Now, Y/N couldn’t look away. He wasn’t giving her an annoyed look like he usually would. He wasn’t ready to burst into a laughing fit as if to say “gotcha”. Y/N knew he was dead serious. She felt her body relax against his. This was Erik. She could be open with him and honest.
“Erik...,” Y/N looked from her thigh to his face, “I’m not gonna lie...I’m nervous.”
“I know. That’s why I want you to loosen up. We don’t even gotta have sex-“
“No, no. I want to.” Y/N felt her body shivering.
“Yeah. I do want you to be my first. I can’t think of anybody else...”
There was silence for a moment. Erik and Y/N just stared at each other. They were silently accepting what the next move would be. Kiss. Undress. Touch. Lick. Suck. Fuck.
“I got you,” Erik kisses her forehead, “I promise it’ll be amazing. None of that wack shit. I want my best friend to have a memorable first time.”
“Okay,” Y/N spoke with a soft voice.
“Okay,” Erik let go of Y/N’s wrists above her head slowly. Her hands came down at her sides. Erik watched her for a moment to see if she would change her mind but Y/N waited patiently for Erik to make the first move. Any move. Erik’s eyes admired Y/N. Full lips, prominent brown eyes, round nose, head full of kinky curly hair that frizzed at the ends because she picked it out. Now, his eyes were staring at the silhouette of her body. Curvy, soft, chocolate. Everything that he loved. Everything he wanted to eat, suck, lick, bite, fuck. Erik reaches his left hand up to Y/Ns face. Using just his fingertips, Erik strokes Y/N from her forehead down to her chin. His thumb would delicately touch her cheek while he gazed into her eyes to watch her every reaction.
“You’re so beautiful Thickums,” Erik smiles.
“Thanks, E,” she bashfully looked down.
“Especially those lips,” Erik bit his lip, “Those lips looking really juicy.”
“Oh gosh,” Y/N giggles while biting her lip.
“Stop, STOP,” Erik deepens his voice, “I’m supposed to bite that lip.”
Y/N slowly dragged her lip from between her teeth. The moment her spit covered lip released, Erik takes his teeth to bit her lip lightly. Y/N’s body jumped. She wasn’t used to that type of contact. Of course, she kissed guys before but never like this. Erik’s lips sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. Y/N could taste the Hennessy on his tongue. His tongue was so warm and silky smooth. Each time he dragged his tongue along her bottom lip, Y/N would take her fists to grip Erik’s shirt tightly.
“You’re gonna let me stick my tongue down your throat, Y/N?”
Erik gripped her neck lightly, taking his much fuller lips to mold with Y/N’s. He took her breath away each time he kissed. Y/N brought her hands up to hold Erik’s face, closing her eyes to relish at the moment. She couldn’t look at him while they kissed. It was too intense. Erik didn’t even speak, his body did all the talking. Grinding his iron-hard dick into her thigh, grunting into her mouth, tongue wiggling in her mouth, hands coming down to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his solid chest. He could feel her nipples through her Demi bra and thin white top.
“Erik,” Y/N stopped kissing Erik to breathe and lick her swollen lips, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“I can’t either,” Erik reaches up to grab her left breast, “but I like this shit. My dick is...so stiff.”
“I know,” Y/N whispered.
“Look, let me show you.”
Erik sat on his knees. Y/N watched with low eyes as Erik unbuttons his jeans. Then comes the zipper. The one barrier keeping that long dick away from her. Erik takes his shirt to rest under his chin, his hands sliding into his jeans and briefs, pulling them down in one clean motion. Her gasp and wide eyes were the reactions that he wanted. Y/N covered her mouth, her eyes never leaving Erik’s dick. Long, girthy, smooth, groomed, chocolate, veins protruding through his skin, tip shiny from his precum, Y/N was blown away. 
“You see how hard my dick is?” Erik moved his hips to make his dick bounce, “I’m so hard, bestie.”
“Um,” Y/N licked her lips, “It’s nice, Erik...it’s...a lot of dick.”
Both of them laugh.
“Yeah,” Erik grabs Y/N’s hand, “touch my dick, Thickums.”
“I’m scared,” Y/N nervously laughs.
“It’s okay, relax, ma. Didn’t I tell you I got you?”
“Yeah…,” Y/N looked up at Erik through her lashes.
“So let me take care of you,” Erik rubs her hand with his thumb, “Here,” he spoke softly. 
Erik wrapped Y/N’s hand around his shaft. Her fingers hardly touched with her hand grabbing him. She swallowed spit, her chest rising and falling swiftly. Y/N was afraid to do anything else but the warmth and softness of his dick made her pussy convulse. Imagine all that smooth dick sliding inside of you. Covered in your cream, stretching you out, digging deeply, and making you cum and squirt. At that moment, Y/N forgot about what her fingers and toys could do. She wanted to find out what Erik’s dick could make her do. 
“Look at that little hand grabbing all this meat.”
“Fuck, Erik.”
“Don’t worry, just wait, you’ll be able to take all of this.”
“I-okay…” Y/N was unsure.
“That tight pussy can stretch, Y/N, before you know it, that pussy is gonna’ take all of me.”
She whimpers.
Erik didn’t say a word as he started untying Y/N’s long wrap skirt. He pulled the skirt from her body and stared down at a pair of yellow lace panties wrapped around a chocolate treat. 
“Mhm,” Erik took his fingers to play with the corners of the crotch of her panties, “This the pussy I’m taking, Y/N? This virgin pussy?”
“Uh-huh,” she spoke timidly.
“Uh-huh is right,” Erik leaned down to her again, Y/N’s hand still wrapped around his dick, “I’m eating your pussy too.”
“Okay, you can eat my pussy,” She nibbled on her bottom lip.
“You can eat my pussy,” Erik mocked her sweet voice, “Damn, just like that, huh?”
“Yeah,” Her voice was shaky.
“Bet,” Erik grabbed the end of Y/N’s shirt. He pulled it up past her belly and then over her bra. She had on a brown Demi bra. 
“Damn, nice full titties, ma,” He pulled down the straps and watched each fleshy mound pop out with hard Hershey kiss nipples. Y/N closed her eyes, skin heated from Erik using his thumbs to pluck her nipples and twirl them. Erik then pulled her nipples and shook her breasts, releasing them and watching them bounce. Y/N’s deep breaths became louder and louder while she squirmed beneath him. 
“Shit feels good doesn’t it?” 
“Yessssss,” She hissed.
“Ima suck em for you-“
“Please?” She reached out for him.
Erik wrapped his lips around her left nipple. He sucks nice and hard. She could feel her nipple repeatedly being pulled and suckled between Erik’s tight lips. Each nerve ending in her nipple ignited and sparked. Her thighs rubbed together, and her hands clawed his arms, mouth unhinged and stayed wide open with no sound escaping. So this is what it felt like to be suckled on? Now, she wanted him to show her right breast some attention. Y/N takes her hand to grip the back of Erik’s neck, pulling his face over to her other breast with a pout of her lip.
“Ha,” Erik looked up at her through his long lashes, “My bestie feenin’ already.” 
“It feels good,” She blushes.
“Mmm,” Erik gave her right nipple the same amount of attention while using his thumb to play with her left nipple. Y/N’s body arched and writhed. She ran her fingers through his dreads, pulling the coarse hair. He made her body tingle all over. Her toes curled and eyes rolled. If Erik kept this up she might cum. It felt that strong and good that she was ready to burst. 
“Fuck, girl,” Erik’s chin was stained with spit, “You taste like chocolate all over these nipples.” Erik licked her nipples one by one to give them equal amounts of attention. Her fingers in his hair were so violent. Erik could feel pain in his scalp as if she was trying to snatch his hair out. Y/N’s skin was at high temperature and now her thighs were squeezing Erik’s hips. 
“Chill out, Thickums,” Erik reaches around her body to pull her bra fully off, “That’s better,” his hands squeezed and massaged her breasts, “Give me a kiss.”
Initiating the kiss this time around, Y/N leaned forward on her elbows, sloppily crashing her lips into Erik’s. He softly chuckles, blowing air from his nose that tickles her upper lip. It was unhurried, steady, and gentle. Y/N wanted to learn Erik’s mouth and what he liked. Did he prefer for her to use a lot of tongue or did he enjoy the way she sucked on his bottom lip? Erik seemed to approve of whatever she did because he was grunting into her mouth repeatedly. Kissing him made her body have chills. Y/N felt like her soul was being sucked through her mouth into his from how breathless she was at the moment. 
“God,” she broke the kiss, taking in a deep breath. Erik trailed his kisses down her neck and back up over and over. Goosebumps rose over her skin and his hands stroking her shoulders didn’t help. 
“Your lips are so fucking soft, Mhm,” He nibbled on her bottom lip, “Why did you move your hand from my dick, ma? Put it back on there.”
Scared, Y/N grabs Erik’s dick again, testing the weight of it. He was so sure that she would be able to take him just fine but the more she squeezed him and lightly stroked him she started to feel apprehensive. Y/N’s hand moves down to touch Erik’s balls. She trembled, her breath coming out uneven. 
“Y/N,” Erik could feel her hand shaking around him, “Relax, baby, relax, Aight?”
“Shhh, don’t talk,” Erik pulled at Y/N’s panties, “Let me take care of you, okay? That way, you’ll feel more confident to take care of me.”
Y/N simply nodded her head. Erik grabbed the sides of her panties to tug down her legs. Her knees quaked as soon as the fabric was down past her toes. She was now fully exposed in front of her best friend. Her best friend and now her fuck buddy. It was now or never. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your clothes, E?”
“Not until I’m finished with you. I want you to undress me.” Erik carefully placed his hands on Y/N’s knees, “I’m about to spread these thick thighs, ma, you ready?”
Dragging her tongue over her bottom lip, Y/N nodded her head sluggishly.
“Talk to me, ma, say yes,” Erik’s hands dragged up her thighs.
“Yes,” Erik was captivating her with his smooth voice. He can get all the pussy in the world with his voice. 
“Good girl. See? That wasn’t hard, Thickums-“
“Erik…,” She shyly looked away, “um...can you take off your clothes too? That’ll make me feel more comfortable if you're naked like me.”
“You sure?” He asked with a single brow upthrust. 
“I’m sure, E,” Y/N smiled, “Let me.”
Erik stood from the couch while Y/N sat in front of him. She helped him out of his jeans and briefs before tossing that on the floor in a wrinkled pile. Now, her fingers lightly pulled at the bottom of his shirt, hitching it up to reveal his scar covered abdomen and chest. Erik helped her out the rest of the way, pulling at his shirt from the back, then up and over his head forward. Even undressing him was stimulating. Erik was a lot of man. Able-bodied and powerful. 
“Lay back, girl, let me taste you.”
She could feel her body laying back against the couch but her mind was elsewhere. She was enthralled but at the same time, she was a nervous wreck. Erik’s strapping body hovered over hers for a moment before his chest touched her naked one. The scarring gave Y/N a pleasant texture against her nipples. His lips sucked on her throat before trailing down the middle of her chest, her belly where he licked her outie-belly button, and now all over her phat mound. She was smooth down there and could feel the moisture of his lips caressing and tasting her. She could feel her body thrusting up into Erik. Y/N’s heated eyes watched him push her thighs back gently so he could kiss her pussy lips delicately. Even when he kissed her outer lips, Erik could still taste her arousal. Sweet, syrupy, goodness. It was the natural lubricant that leaked from a virgin puss. Erik wanted to growl. 
“Goddamn,” He was fanatical, “This motherfucker tastes good.” 
“Thank you,” she withdrew her eyes from his, “It feels good...I like it…”
“How much?” Erik stroked his thumb up and down her pussy lips to rub in her natural lubricant. Each time he drew his thumb back, a slimy string would connect to the pad of his thumb from her pussy lips. Erik sucked his thumb each time causing his best friend to gasp with surprise. 
“Tell me how much, Y/N.”
“So much,” she said with a self-conscious voice.
“Girl...I’m gonna break you out of that shy shit tonight. Wait and see.”
“Erik, I’m sorry-“
“Don’t apologize. I know, baby, you can’t help yourself. I’m putting my lips on this little pussy and it’s too much to handle. Just know this though...I’m gonna make you handle it.”
“Oh,” she lets out a shaky breath, “You’re nasty, Erik.” She nervously bit into her bottom lip. He was too nasty. 
“This ain’t nowhere near how nasty I can get,” Erik looked down at Y/N’s pussy, “open these thick thighs so I can see this little pussy, okay?”
“Okay,” hesitantly, Y/N opened her shaking thighs. Erik watched her juicy peach span out for him. The sound of her wetness against the skin of her pussy when her lips spread had Erik grinding his hips into the couch cushions. Y/N’s pussy is beautiful. All that honey sticking to her clit, labia, and outer pussy lips. He didn’t even want to lick it up just yet. It was so breathtaking coated in her sloppy goodness. He remembers taking some chick virginity when he was in high school and all he wanted to do was cum. But now, he took his time to fully admire how beautiful her pure and flawless pussy is. 
“Baby girl...I don’t even want to ruin this just yet...oh my God-“
“Why?” She asked with a perplexed expression.
“Because it’s so precious, that’s why,” Erik licked his lips. 
“Well...I want you to eat it, Erik, right now, please?”
“Right now?” Erik smirked, “look at you, demanding me. How about you lay there and watch me eat this pussy. How about that? And you better not look away either.” 
Y/N gave Erik a nervous smile, “I’ll try…”
“Nah, you better do it, Thickums, you ready?”
Erik adjusted Y/N’s hips on the couch. He got down on his knees and spread her legs wide. Y/N sat up on her elbows so she could watch him like he instructed her to. Erik’s hands smoothed up the back of her thighs before holding them firmly like he did when they were in the car. Pussy spread open and ready to be devoured, Erik started off by giving his best friend soothing kisses to her clit and labia. Y/N reluctantly watched Erik. She tried to pay attention but what she really wanted to do was hide her face with a pillow. She felt so exposed and watching her best friend kiss her pussy, her special place, made her want to shrink away. Erik is so intimidating and experienced, Y/N felt like she wouldn’t be able to keep up with him.
“Erik...Erik,” She called his name. He was too busy getting his lips covered in her juices. Y/N let out a silent scream when she felt the first lick. He dragged his long tongue between her inner lips and up over her clit. Erik repeated this a few times before looking up into her eyes. Y/N gave Erik a sheepish grin. 
“I like it when you say my name like that.”
He tongue kissed her outer lips on each side before placing that same kiss but slower on her clit. Erik had a finesse with eating pussy that Y/N wasn’t prepared for. He took his time to work her up to even more wetness and a powerful orgasm. Now Y/N was being needy. She could see her hips pushing up into Erik’s mouth each time he gave her attention to her clit. Even while he teased her she felt the full capability of what he could do. Erik didn’t even suck on her clit and tongue fuck her yet. 
“You like it when I do this,” Erik finally sucked on her clit and labia at the same time.
Y/N moaned, hummed, and sighed. She could only make noises. The vocabulary was a second thought. Erik wrapping his lips around her like that had her ready to scream. How could she miss out on something like that? Her clit felt so sensitive between his lips. 
“Answer me, ma, talk to me.” Erik did it again.
Y/N shook her head no with a pout of her bottom lip. 
“We gotta talk to each other, bestie. You don’t wanna talk to me?” Erik spoke with faux sadness.
“E-Erik-Umph!!” Y/N pushed at his head, “Ahhh, my God-“
Keeping her thighs back because Y/N was ready to smash his head like a grape, Erik really showed her just how nasty he could get. Erik used his whole mouth and all its skills to eat the fuck out of her pussy. He wanted his bestie to remember what that mouth could really do. Her arms covered her eyes and her teeth painfully bit into her lower lip. Erik watched her stomach flex. She was ready to fly off that damn couch. 
“Erik, Erik, Erik, Erik, I can’t, Erik,” she whispered, “It feels so good I can’t, Erik. I-Umph!, Erik!”
Erik allowed her to grab hold of his dreads to move his head while he worked his mouth. Whenever she would move his head to the left, he would take care of her there. The same thing for the right, his lips would slurp and kiss whatever he could reach. That middle is what had her moaning and groaning. That’s where she smashed his face into her pussy. His lips sucked her directly over her clit before his tongue rolled out to flick at her entrance. He felt her pussy tighten around the tip of his tongue. 
“Oh my God, ahhhh, Erik, it’s-I’m gonna cum-“
“Mhm, mmm,” He mumbled into her pussy. Erik stuck his tongue out and pushed it as far as it could go into her pussy before he started moving in and out. His tongue was so sharp, wet, smooth, warm, and textured while it fucked her pussy. Her clit didn’t feel left out either because Erik’s thumb would circle it and pluck it. 
“Oh, my goodness, Erik,” She gasped, “Erik shitttt, fuckkkkkkkkk, this is too much-“
Fingers clawing the couch, Y/N threw her head back. She wipes her face to catch the tears. That wouldn’t be the first time she cries tonight. The feeling was extraordinary. As if choking on her breath, Y/N felt her lower belly tighten and a feeling creeps up and over her skin. She knew what this feeling was whenever she rubbed her own clit. Erik reaches out to interlock his fingers with hers while he took care of her, giving his all. She fought to breathe through it all but the second her eyes rolled shut and the muscles in her body tightened it was all over. Y/N erupted into Erik’s mouth. Her fingers tightened around his and she allowed her tears to fall. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me,” Erik praises her.
“I…” she didn’t even know where to start. 
“You came so much best friend,” Erik was amazed.
“Baby,” Y/N moaned.
“You’re a good girl, cumming in my mouth like that,” Erik soothed her pussy with kisses, “Are you gonna be a good girl for the rest of the night?”
“Uh-huh,” she cleared her throat.
“Because I gotta teach you how to suck Daddy’s dick, okay?” 
“Umph, Erik-“ 
“It’s gonna be really good, look at this Daddy dick best friend.”
Y/N lifted her head to stare at all of Erik again. He was pulsating. His dick was really struggling. Erik was much larger than before. Maybe this was his full capacity. Y/N nervously nibbled on her fingers. 
“It’s okay...it’s okay, best friend...I’m gonna take care of you, I promise.”
Erik stood up in front of Y/N. She moved her body to sit on the edge of the couch. Y/N grabs Erik’s dick, looking up at him with her innocent eyes to wait for his first instruction. 
“Good girl, now, you see Daddy’s tip,” Erik rubs it with his thumb, “suck on Daddy’s tip nice and slow for me.”
Y/N timidly wraps her lips around the head of his dick. She felt the sides of her lips stretch uncomfortably before he finally settled in her mouth. Her tongue flicked the tip to taste his pre-cum. More saliva produced after that. 
“Yeah, Good, now suck on it...don’t rush it.”
Y/N did her best and sucked lightly on Erik’s head. She worked up a slow rhythm to help herself get used to it.
“Tighten them lips, ma...yeah, just like that, good girl.”
She kept her lips snug while sucking gently. Spit drizzled to her bottom lip and fell to her chest. This was going to be a mess.
“Damn, bestie, that little mouth…you ain’t so innocent anymore.”
She was getting used to twirling her tongue around his dick and sucking on his head. Now, she wanted to give the rest of him some attention. Y/N lowered her mouth some more over him. She stopped to accommodate the amount of dick she slobbered on now. Her body jerked a little because she felt like she wanted to gag.
“Be patient,” Erik fisted her hair, “You’ll get there, ma, it’s too much for you right now. Take your time wit’ it...uh-huh, Hmph, yep, that’s what I mean.”
The sounds of her sucking made her sunken cheeks blush. He felt so good in her mouth. She didn’t want to stop. She wanted to take the challenge and fit all of him in. 
“Fuck, Y/N, look at you, still tryna’ fit more of me in there? Y/N…breathe through your nose, ma.”
She did, and it worked just a little bit. She wouldn’t be able to speak in the morning. Ten inches of dick trying to fit into her virgin mouth is a lot.
“That’s how you want it, huh?” Erik asked with a breathless voice, “okay...okay.”
Erik took over, moving his hips in and out. Y/N grabbed his thighs, closing her eyes to calm herself so her throat wouldn’t close up. She wanted to challenge herself while sucking dick for the first time. The sounds Erik made while he swiveled his hips made her pussy drip to the floor.
“That’s it, let Daddy fuck this nasty little mouth. I’m gonna turn you into a real freak, best friend. Watch how you end up. Gon’ have you sucking dick and taking dick. You like that, don’t you? Turning into a slut? That sound good?”
She nodded her head with watery eyes.
“I’m gonna train you so well. Before you know it, you’ll be able to swallow this dick just like I like. And for that puss,” Erik reaches down to slap her pussy, “that little motherfucker gon’ know when Daddy in it, have you cumming and cumming fucking with me.”
Mmm,” she whimpered.
“Your jaws are tight,” Erik closed his eyes, “Goddayummm.” 
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut. Erik was heavy and thick in her mouth. She tried to be a good girl for him but the second Erik thrust his hips she gagged around him and slipped her mouth off his dick. 
“Shit, come here,” Erik’s eyes were dark, “Nah, your mouth feeling too good right now.”
Y/N shook her head, “Erik, I can’t handle it.”
“You were just handling it,” He was desperate, “What if I went slow? I can go in and out real slow for you, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N wrapped her lips around him again.
“YES,”  Erik growled, “Let me fuck your mouth nice and slow.”
He went at a measured pace. This also gave Y/N time to admire the faces he made. Scrunching his nose, biting his lip, licking them too. His eyes were no longer a deep brown but more of a piercing black. He looked at her like he wanted to devour her. Not once did he blink. He’s so sexy. So handsome. All that beautiful dick in her mouth. All of this man standing before her ready to turn her out. 
“Guess what?” Erik pulls his dick from her compressed mouth, “I’m this close to cumming,” He put his thumb and pointer finger together to show her how close, “If you let me, bestie, I’ll cum in your mouth.”
“You want me to swallow it?” Y/N asked while staring at Erik jerk his dick.
“Uh-huh...swallow my cum for me?” 
“Yes,” She nodded her head leisurely.
“Good fucking girl, I swear,” Erik rubs the tip of his dick against her lips, “open up.”
Y/N closed her eyes as Erik’s dick went deeper into her mouth. His hands came up to hold her face while he thrust his hips into her mouth. His mouth unhinged and his head went back to stare at the ceiling. She could hear him mumbling something. Probably saying how good it felt. Now, Erik stood still, taking one hand to palm the back of her head, using it to bob her head up and down his dick. Y/N used all the strength she had to accept his rapid pace. He didn’t care about slow and careful anymore, this big dick was about to bust. 
“Fuckkkk, girl fuckkk.”
Y/N took it up a notch and grabbed his balls to squeeze.
“The fuck- Oh SHIT!” 
Y/N’s windpipe gave way to Erik’s dick. She gagged around him.
“ECHHH, ACHHH,” Y/N gurgled. Her eyes widened and blinked when she finally felt Erik’s cum hit the back of her throat. Thick, warm, tangy, it was a new experience. Wanting to get all of him, Y/N gulped him down while jerking his dick to empty him. Erik breathes deeply. She didn’t think it would end with how much it was. 
“Girl, I swear to God,” Erik pulls his dick out, “I bust so much, girl.”
Y/N wipes her mouth, “I know, Daddy.” 
“I’m Daddy,” Erik lifted her from the couch, “That shit felt so damn good, mmm. And you’re my little girl.”
Y/N thought about that. Being Erik’s little girl. And his best friend. 
“We takin’ this shit to the bed, Aight?”
Y/N covered her chest, walking past Erik with a bashful smile. Erik reaches out to lightly slap her ass. That shit jiggled like a bowl of jello. 
“Take your hands down. What I tell you about that?”
Y/N lowered her hands.
“Go and arch over the bed. Ass up, baby girl.”
He wanted it like that already? Y/N took her time walking to her room. While there, she crawled on the bed, lying flat on her belly. She shivered. Ass up? How would she be able to handle that? 
“I thought I said ass up?” Erik walked in with his dick swinging.
“Umph, okay,” with difficulty, Y/N hiked her ass up and turned her head sideways to face Erik. Erik looked over her body before his eyes connected with hers.
“Now it’s time for lesson number two. I gotta teach you to take some dick in that little pussy. That arch...that arch ain’t good enough, ma.”
Erik walked up behind Y/N, grabbing her hips. His fingers massaged her hips in soothing circles. She closed her eyes. Now, Erik’s large hands were in the middle of her back, pressing down further. Y/N clenched. She never curved her body like that. Her chest was pressed into the mattress. Her ass was really lifted into the air. She shook slightly. 
“This is how you arch. Get that ass up as far as it can go. See? This how you bring that ass north,” Erik slaps her cheeks, making them sting.
“Daddy…,” Y/N spoke weakly, “I-I’m scared.”
“Shhh, cut that out,” Erik rubs her ass cheeks, “Stop doing that. What did I say?”
“You’re gonna take care of me,” She spoke with a small voice.
“Exactly. I wouldn’t lie to you. It’s gonna be your first time, bestie, and my dick is big. Once I'm there, you’ll be feenin’ so good you won’t want me to stop,” Erik leaned forward to kiss her back, “You’ll want me to fuck you anytime and that’s cool cuz I plan on doing that anyway.”
“I trust you.”
“I swear, I promise.”
“I’m ready.” She convinced herself. 
Erik got down on his knees to spread Y/N’s pussy open. She was still very wet but he knew she would need a lot more. 
“Do you have lube?”
“Yes,” Y/N pointed to her dresser, “In there.”
Erik got up to retrieve the lube. He found it hidden between her socks and underwear. Erik walked back over to her, getting down on his knees again. He put his mouth on her pussy again to warm her up to it. Y/N reached back to grab his head. Erik slurped her up all over. She whimpered into the bed. 
“Daddy, I love it when you eat me,” She spoke softly.
Erik went crazy. Now she was getting her pussy eaten from the back. Once he started he couldn’t stop. Y/N made the sexiest noises. Erik’s tongue wiggles everywhere and Y/N’s ass rocked back. She was going to cum each time Erik sucked on her pussy. 
“Ahhhhhhhh!” She shook, “ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!”
Like before, Erik drank her empty. Y/N pulled the covers from her bed. 
“Girl, I’m telling you,” Erik rubbed her pussy, “I’m going to fuck your little ass up.”
“Please,” She begs, “Please fuck me, Daddy.”
Erik takes his fingers, two of them, and slides them inside of Y/N. She instantly gripped him. Erik couldn’t even get his fingers out from her vice grip. He was steady with his fingers. The more he stroked, the more cream spilled from her entrance and trailed down to her clit. When it reached her clit, the fluids dropped to the bed. 
“This pussy can’t stop leaking,” Erik wiggles his fingers deep, “I’m reaching in that pussy, best friend?”
“I gotta stretch you to fit me.”
“Please fuck me.”
“I will-“
“Why do you have to beg me like that?” Erik grunted.
“Because I want you to pop my cherry.”
“Y/N,” Erik slaps her ass, “Say that shit again.”
“I want you to pop my cherry, Daddy-“
“Fuck, you know how bad I want it.”
“Then get it, fuck me like a Daddy is supposed to fuck me.” 
“Ain’t shy no more. You talk like that now?”
“Mhm, please-“
“Bet, I got that ass.”
Erik opened the lube, squeezing some on his fingers. He applied it to his dick until it was fully coated before sinking those same fingers into her pussy again. He didn’t go too deep in her pussy but deep enough for her to feel him. She wanted that cherry popped it was going to be with his dick. Erik stood behind her, taking his dick and bringing it to her pussy. He rubbed it around her clit before placing the head of his dick at her entrance. He looked at her tiny fuck hole and the head of his dick was bigger than that. He would really have to squeeze in there. 
“I’m sorry, baby girl, but you have a little pussy on you and...It’s gonna hurt at first, okay? Don’t be scared, I promise I will make it better.”
Y/N swallowed spit. She was panting like she ran a marathon.
“Y/N?” Erik asked with concern.
“Just do it, Daddy. Will this help?” Y/N reached behind her to spread her pussy lips, “Is that better, Daddy?”
“Yo,” Erik shook his head, “Oh, that’s fucking better alright. Keep that pink puss open just like that and take this big ass dick, okay?” 
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good fucking girl,” Erik takes the base of his dick, then at a slow-going pace, he pushes the head of his dick in. It felt like he had already popped her cherry with the way her body jerked and how his head went in. Smooth at first then pop it landed right inside. 
“Are you okay?” Erik looked around to see Y/N’s eyes closed and lips parted. 
She licked her lips before speaking with a hoarse voice, “Yes.”
“Okay, I’m about to put more in,” Erik watched Y/N’s pussy slowly engulfing him while her walls damn near wrung him dry. She was so wet and compressed around his thick pipe. Y/N’s hands let go of her pussy lips to reach for Erik. She had her face smashed into the bed. Erik pulled back to the tip and when he did that, Y/N clenched up and whimpered in pain.
“Ouch,” she cried, “Ouch, ouch, ouch.”
Erik looked down at his dick to see a little bit of blood. He did it. He popped her cherry. Y/N breathed so rapidly that Erik was afraid she was having a panic attack.
“Y/N are you cool? I don’t like the way you’re breathing right now.”
“I-I’ll be okay,” Y/N breathed out of her mouth, “Just...just please keep going.”
It stung, and now her pussy throbbed with pain but it wouldn’t last forever. Erik was stretching her and she wanted more. Under that pain is a tingly sensation inside of her. The reaction to the way he glided in. If that’s what it felt like she needed more of it and now.
“I popped that cherry, ma, you bled out on my dick.”
The sound of that turned her on. He took her virginity. His big dick invaded her purity. She loved it. Loved it a lot. Y/N could tell Erik did too.
“Can I see?” She asked.
Erik walked around her to show her. Covered in cream and her clear fluids with a little bit of blood on the upper shaft of his dick. No wonder she bled out as well. Erik is a big boy. She was surprised that was all that came out of her.
“You like this,” Erik smirked while jerking his dick, rubbing it in, “I like the shit too.”
“I want more,” Y/N reached back to rub her swollen lips, “please, Daddy, I want more.”
She was so excited and nervous at the same time. Erik was behind her again, fixing her arch and adding more lube. She was already so wet but he needed to be sure she would feel comfortable. Satisfied, Erik brought his dick to her entrance again, sinking back inside. Y/N clawed the bed, before turning her head to stare forward. Her toes flexed. She was stuffed full of dick. Finally, Erik had all of him inside of her pussy. 
“Goddamn,” Erik brought his hands up to rub down his face, “Hold still for me, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N rubbed the bottom of her belly. She felt a lot of pressure there. It was this damn position. 
“Gotta pull out some so I can get back in this pussy. You have me hooked.”
Erik pulled out to the tip of his dick, then bam! He hit her again. Y/N gasped aloud. He repeated it again, his hands on her hips. Y/N could hear her wet pussy covered in lube. After Erik thrust a few times she started getting used to it, arching her back even more and moving her hips. That deep pressure made her eyes roll. 
“I’m fucking this pussy up. You ready?”
“Damn, I’m about to show you some shit, girl.”
Grabbing the sheets, Y/N felt Erik’s hands get tighter. He pulled out again to the tip, then bam! Back in but this time he knocked the wind out of her. Her hands came back to grab his wrists. Erik pulled out...bam! Her eyes popped open. He increased with each stroke until finally, Y/N was experiencing what it felt like to be fucked by a big dick. Doing it nice and slow felt good but doing it fast felt amazing. He made her cheeks clap against him, loud moans escape her mouth, and her legs shake. He brought his hands up to her spine, Y/N’s hands falling to the bed. 
“Nope, that’s not how we arch, girl,” He barked out, “I’m fucking this little pussy don’t play with me.”
“Pussy so tight, give me that pussy,” Erik presses in deep, “still shy, baby? You’re doing so well, such a slut aren’t you? That’s it, keep that pussy open, fuck, you look so cute when you’re struggling, desperate mess.”
“Daddy,” She moaned. Sniffling back tears, Y/N tried to be a good girl but damn he was banging that thing to death. 
“I fucking love hearing you struggle.”
Y/N was crying and drooling.
“Can you take some more?” 
Y/N quickly shook her head no but Erik lifted her ass up more and kept pounding anyway. When he did that, he stroked her G spot. Y/N couldn’t pull away even if she tried, Erik had her arms. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Please! Cum, Daddy! Please cum! I can’t take it!-“
Instead of him cumming, Y/N spasms, her eyes rolled almost to the whites and she leaked all over his dick. It happened so suddenly. She didn’t see it coming to be able to prepare herself for it. Now, her pussy felt overworked. Erik pulled his dick out of her. Y/N fell flat on her stomach while her body quivered. 
“Flip over, baby, I’m not finished with you yet,” Erik strokes his wet hard dick. 
“Daddy...I don’t know if I can take anymore.”
“You can, and you will. Flip over.”
Y/N flips over onto her back. Her curly bush was matted to her head and her face was stained with tears. Erik grabs her thighs, bringing them over his shoulders. When he did that, her pussy lips spread and she could feel it convulse with need even though it was sore and thoroughly fucked. 
“Now you get to see how my dick gets all this pussy.”
“Erik...please be gentle.” 
“I’ll try but I’m not making any promises.”
Y/N was in another dimension. Erik put his dick in and basically said fuck gentle. One clean thrust of all his long dick had Y/N gasping for air. Her hands came up to push into Erik’s chest but there was no use, her arms were like noodles. She looked around the room with wary eyes. He didn’t go too fast and he didn’t go too slow. She found herself staring down at Erik’s dick and the view had her in a trance. She would have never thought that all of him could fit inside of her. Y/N locked her ankles and wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck. She wanted to kiss him. He understood what that meant, bringing his lips to hers and took her breath away. It was sloppy and passionate while he was inside of her. The minute Erik’s hips smacked against hers loudly Y/N broke the kiss to moan. Erik took that opportunity to ruin her further. He sat up on his hands and fucked her just like he was fucking her from the back. Hard and long. 
“Erik! Pleaseee! Just cum, Daddy! Cum! It’s so big and it’s too much!” 
“Whatever Daddy wants, Daddy gets, ma-“
“Oh my God-“
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” Erik leans down to kiss her throat, “But you gotta stop moving and be a good girl for me, okay?”
Y/N quickly nodded her head. She wanted him to cum badly, that’s how sensitive she is. His dick would drag over her G spot, causing her to tear up. 
“Look at me.” 
Y/N looked up at Erik.
“Go ahead, cum on this Daddy dick.”
She exploded. 
“Good girl, now...let Daddy cum all over you.”
“Can I cum on these big titties?”
“Umph, yes-“
“You gotta say it, Thickums, tell me where you want me to cum?”
“I-I want you to c-cum on my big t-titties.”
“Yes-yes, baby, let me cum on you. Your pussy making me do this. I don’t ever wanna’ catch you giving this good tight pussy to another nigga, understand me?”
“You’re mine now. Make Daddy happy, baby.”
“Fuck, Daddy,” Y/N let out a sigh when Erik slowed down. His jaw tightened right along with his balls. He was really holding off his cum to feel her more. If she was his and only his, then he would have her pussy anytime. He didn’t need to hold off when he would be cumming again because of her sweet little pussy. 
“Come here,” Erik hooked his hands under her ass, “Come to Daddy, baby.” He said with a gruff tone.
Erik slips out dragging his dick up to her breasts and shooting a hefty load over her nipples. He jerked and jerked as Y/N watched ropes and streams of cum shoot out and hit its target. He finally stopped cumming, a long string left over and oozing from his dick. 
“S-suck Daddy dick, baby girl, clean up the m-mess you made,” Erik could barely talk after that big ass nut, “Clean up your fucking mess. All this because of that g-good pussy.”
Y/N wasted no time. She grabbed Erik’s dick up, opened her lips wide, and wrapped her them around him nice and tight. She could taste his cum on the head of his dick and her cum on his shaft. Erik was covered in it all. Y/N didn’t even need to be told to grab Erik’s balls. She squeezed them while sucking his dick. Erik was still iron-hard and ready to fuck. His limitless dick wanted more and more of her. She could tell because of his pitch-black irises. The killer look in his eyes. She popped her mouth off of his dick, a long string of spit hanging from her bottom lip while her innocent eyes cowardly gazed up at him.
“I don’t know what it is right now...but I feel like thumping that ass real good.”
“W-why?!” Y/N clenched her ass cheeks.
“It’s the way you’re looking up at me, girl. I really wanna spank that ass. Make you cry.”
“Erik, no,” Y/N shook her head, “You are too much.” 
“You want it,” Erik smiles at her darkly, “You would like that, wouldn’t you? Be polite and ask nicely.” 
Y/N was back to being faint-hearted. This was Killmonger. One taste of Y/N’s pussy and now he was giving her evil looks and commands. 
“Spank me, Daddy?” She spoke with a fearful tone.
“I can’t hear you, baby, what is it that you want?”
“Spank me.”
“Turn that ass over and arch your back.”
Y/N turned over and arched her back again. She flexed her neck to look back at him. 
“That’s how I want you. Look back at me while I pop this big ol’ ass on you, girl.”
“Daddy...what did I do to deserve this?” Y/N was scared stiff.
“Making me cum like that, had a nigga stumbling over his words like you’re in charge. I’m in charge. Hear me?”
Erik’s hand painfully struck Y/N’s ass without warning, “Good girl.”
She instantly screamed. 
“I’m gonna turn you into my trained little slut, do you fucking hear me?”
“Turn your little ass out, make you a slut for this Daddy dick. This is your dick now, slut, this is what you cumming on, okay?!”
“YESS, pleaseeeee.”
THWACK THWACK. Y/N’s legs shook tremendously. She no longer has pain receptors in her ass. She was going numb to his spanking.
“You like my cum on your tits?” THWACK, “Do you like my nut on your tits?”
“Ughhhh yesssss.” 
“Daddy’s pretty little slut. Not a virgin no more, huh? I took that shit didn’t I?”
“Yesssss,” She cried.
“I popped that cherry and took that tight puss. I made that shit mine, am I right?”
“Daddy, yess,” THWACK, “Oh, gosh, Daddy-“
“Does it scare you that I could do anything to you right now? Like, take that puss again? Fuck that puss and make you scream?”
“Oh, Gosh- OH MY GOODNESS!!!” 
Erik’s dick was in her again.
“What’s wrong, baby? Finding it hard to focus?”
“Umph! Umph!”
“Yes, moan like that. Yessss, you sound so fucking sexy.”
You know what’s good? When someone with nice big hands is making you moan while they fuck you but the second you let out a sound they immediately cover your mouth and tell you to…
“Shut up,” Erik commands. 
That’s what’s good. Y/N’s eyes rolled when Erik’s large hand with his thick fingers covered her mouth like that. Bonus points for him because he clapped that ass from the back while still keeping his hand around her mouth and the other in her hair. Now, he was putting his fingers in her mouth to make her suck on. It still kept her quiet anyway. 
Erik leans forward whispering in Y/N’s ear menacingly, “You’re fucking mines, yeah?” Y/N mumbled against his hand, “you’re a messy slut, I can feel you dripping all over me.” 
“Erik...stop,” she spoke with a muffled tone because of his hand. Y/N was done. She came on his dick again. She was afraid by the end of the night she wouldn’t be able to cum anymore. Y/N was definitely a virgin no more. Now that Erik took that pussy, she would be on his dick whenever he wanted.
“THAT'S it, baby. Feel good doesn’t it? Just needed a little more hm?” 
“A-Ah-ahhhhh,” she moaned with a struggle.
“What is it, angel? That made you feel good?”
Y/N nodded her head with a whine.
“What? Like this?” Erik thrust back in and abused her sweet spot, “You’re so goddamn beautiful. Fuck, I’m gonna cum again, girl!”
Two more thrusts in her pussy had Erik pulling out and cumming on her ass now. His dick jumped against her ass. He didn’t even need to jerk it, his hazy eyes just watched his dick jump and spurt out cum covering her ass cheeks and lower back. Erik finally grabs the base of his dick, rubbing the rest of his cum onto her ass. He stood back watching her body slump into the mattress. He was definitely weak and in need of electrolytes to refuel himself. Erik walked to Y/N’s bathroom to retrieve a warm wet rag to wipe her down. It was late as hell and she needed some rest. He would run a bath for her in the morning. He made it back into the room, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N to clean her pussy, ass, and back. As he wiped her pussy, heavy, drawn-out, gurgling noises came from Y/N.
“Wow,” Erik laughs. He laughed so hard his stomach hurt. Y/N was snoring sleep with her mouth hanging wide open. Erik put her to bed. He flips her over to wipe off her breasts. She grumbled and snorted. He forgot how much of a snorer she was. Erik pulled the covers to her bed back, picking her up and laying her in bed. She automatically curled up into a ball, snuggling her face into her silk pillow and reaching out to grab her large teddy bear almost the size of the bed that Erik got her for her birthday. 
“So fucking adorable.” He flicked off her light, pulling the covers back to lay next to her. He snuggled her close to him, his arm reaching over her bare chest to rest on top of the bear. As soon as he closed his eyes, sleep overtook him as well. 
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theaterism · 3 years
!! hello okay, how does the florist feel about working alongside olive? do they regret binding her to the flower shop at all?
relationship meme - accepting
“Olive! My lovely assistant.” The Florist was already beaming. “Oh, but magicians say that, don’t they? They introduce their lovely assistant and then stuff them in a box and saw them in half. Quite morbid. It’s all pretend, of course, but still — I’m not about to saw Olive in half, pretend or otherwise. I’m a florist. Not a magician. Though I do fancy a bit of magic.
“Oh, but let’s see. Let’s start from the start, shall we? How do I feel about working alongside Olive?” The Florist hummed in thought as they plucked another berry from the plant and dropped it into the bucket slung over their arm. They stood in a room in the back of the shop. Sprawling plants sprouted from the dirt floor, each one speckled with red berries and deep purple flowers. They covered stone statues of various animals like ivy. Others crept up the walls or hung from the ceiling. The ones beside the Florist’s muddy boots kept trying to climb up their legs, the thin tendrils twining around their ankles. The Florist noticed this and side-stepped to free themself. The vines shrank back with a rustle of disappointment.
“I like working alongside her,” the Florist declared at last, decisively. “She’s interesting. She also has quite a knack for the magic in the shop. And, according to her, the place was ‘a positively atrocious mess of disorder’ when she arrived. I’m not entirely sure I agree, but… well, I don’t trip over things nearly as often now, so I suppose it’s good she tidied things up a bit. She seems to like cleaning. Enjoy it, even. Imagine that! She does other things as well, of course, from caring for the plants to guarding the shop from thieves, and I’d say she excels at all of them. She puts her whole soul into everything, which is perfect, given her whole soul is stuck here.
“I am also, in her words, rather ‘accident-prone.’” The Florist set the bucket beside their shoes and tugged up their sleeve to display a scar beneath. It looked as though a vine had wrapped around their forearm, then burned in place, its stem and leaves scorched into their skin. “That one was a rather nasty trick, though,” they noted sourly, pulling their sleeve back down. “And a tale for another time, I believe.” The plants had begun tangling around the bucket. The Florist brushed them aside, tutting in disapproval, before picking up the container once more. Their tone was breezy as they resumed picking the berries. “It would’ve taken much longer to heal without Olive’s help, in any case, so her magic comes in handy for that. I’m quite grateful to her.
“Now, in my experience, blood magic folk do tend to be a rather unpleasant sort. Olive is no exception. In fact, one might say she’s a shining example. So, is it difficult to have an assistant with the demeanor of a cactus? Yes! And I do wish she’d be a bit more pleasant sometimes, at least to the customers. But I happen to adore many unpleasant plants, and I’ve never been one to despise a cactus simply because it poked me. I’m a florist. Just because she’s difficult to care for doesn’t mean I won’t care for her.”
A falter. Horror slowly dawned on the Florist’s face. “Oh, no. Oh, awful.” Their voice had hushed to an appalled whisper. “I haven’t got any cacti.” They glanced around worriedly, checking to see if anyone else would overhear their mistake. “How horrible. Any florist worth their berries needs a fine assortment of flora, how could I possibly forget the cacti!” They pressed a hand to their forehead, leaving berry stains on their skin. “Oh, but which shall I get? A moon cactus? There are such pretty colors on those. Or a queen of the night, a simply lovely one, always nice to have another night-blooming flower as well. Or maybe… oh, perhaps…. perhaps a fishhook cactus?”
It took a few seconds for them to remember they still had an audience. They lowered their hand with a sigh. “Oh, what was I saying… ah, yes! My decidedly unpleasant, positively delightful assistant. She also has an astounding memory, you know. Everything simply sticks to it, like when you have sap on your fingers and everything— oh, I’ll show you.” The Florist called toward the doorway at one side of the room, “Ollie, dear, what’s the Latin name for a queen of the night? That lovely night-blooming cactus?”
“Olive, not Ollie,” came the brisk response from somewhere beyond the door and to the left. There was a pause, in which those with the keenest of hearing — such as the Florist, whose mouth quirked in an smile and green eyes glinted with amusement — heard a quiet mutter: “For the umpteenth time.” Then, louder again, “And why do you want to know?”
“‘Why do you want to know,’” the Florist echoed slowly, savoring the sound, and wrinkled their nose as though the words tasted bitter. “See, I never would have guessed that was the name. Never heard one like it before. Doesn’t taste like the truth, though, I really must say. Are you certain that’s correct?”
A faint, exasperated sigh could be heard. The reply was weary this time. “Epiphyllum oxypetalum.”
The Florist beamed and clapped their hands together in delight. “There we are. Epiphyllum oxypetalum.” Each syllable rang with glee. “Such a wonderful name. And a wonderful talent, having a memory like that. I wish I could take memories. Or… no, no, that’s not quite right. I wish I could… have a better memory, but— but one that belongs to me, you know, not— not someone else’s memory— oh, that’s tricky to explain.” The vines had redoubled their efforts to wrap around the Florist’s legs. The Florist tugged free once more, their brow still furrowed in thought. Realization flashed across their face at last, and they snapped their fingers. “I wish my memory was better. Those are the words. That’s what I mean.
“Now, do I regret it?” The Florist’s nose wrinkled again. “That was the question, wasn’t it? Whether I regret the whole soul-binding mishap? Oh, regret’s such a tricky thing. It was an accident, and we’re meant to regret accidents, aren’t we? So, I suppose I should regret it. But… I’m quite pleased with how it’s turned out. She’s a remarkably talented assistant. I suppose you’d call that a happy accident, yes?” A pause. “Speaking of accidents — it was an accident. Have I mentioned that? Because it’s true. Olive doesn’t believe me, you see, not entirely, and having her accuse me of not telling the truth is… well. A little nettling. But really— I only meant to keep her for a day, which she would have deserved, because she was rude.” They’d begun rolling a berry between their fingers absently. It was too squashed to salvage, so they flicked it away. “Also, have you any idea how tricky it is to bind a soul? I’ll tell you— it’s quite tricky. And several facts should be taken into account.” They raised their chin, pride chiming in their words. “Like, for instance, how I am self-taught at it.”
The plants at their shoes had flinched backward, as though sensing the Florist’s mood had spoiled. Still, by the time the Florist carried the bucket to a fresh spot for berry-picking, their indignation had faded. They hummed softly. “She would be happier if she could leave,” they admitted. “So I suppose it isn’t an entirely happy accident. But I’ve really no idea how to set her loose myself.” They skimmed their thumb over a leaf, thoughtful. “She’s tied to the core of this place, see, the deepest roots. I imagine you’d need to burn it down.” The Florist pressed their lips together and shook their head, releasing the leaf, which wilted slightly. “That isn’t a wise idea, though, not in the slightest. I’d rather this place stay unburned. I’m quite attached to it. I am the Florist, after all. Who would I be without my flowers? A flowerless Florist. How sad that would be. How terribly tragic…
“Anyway, even if she could leave, I suspect she hasn’t got anywhere else to go. Anywhere else to stay, that is. So, on the sunny side, my slip-up gave her a marvelous job and a marvelous place to live. A stroke of luck for her, really. And I do try to make sure she’s happy. I make her tea whenever she gets those dreadful headaches of hers. Oh, and she has such a lovely room as well. I used to store such splendid little succulents in there. There were dozens of them, all different shapes and sizes. I told her they wouldn’t mind a roommate, but she insisted I move them, so I moved them each a snail’s-width to the left. I really thought I’d get a laugh with that one, but! Nothing! Not a trace of a smile, either. And then she got finicky about the details.” The Florist sighed with disappointment. “She always gets finicky about the details, which tends to be either dull or troublesome. But I persuaded her to keep seven — seven splendid little succulents — because she needs friends.
“She’s rather poor at making friends, you see. I had that nervous man over to unfold the back of my shop more — because I have quite a growing collection of plants back here — and she nearly scared him away, which is a shaky start to a friendship.” The Florist frowned, concern creasing their brow. “In fact, I think she did scare him away. He left in such a hurry. Oh, what if he refuses to come back? What would I do? I can’t simply stop expanding my collection. I need his wonderful new rooms. He’s an architect, you see. Isn’t that a fun name? All snaps and sharp angles. It fits his line of work delightfully well. I wouldn’t mind being called an architect. Though… I don’t have the necessary skills, so I suppose that wouldn’t work out. Oh, well. Florist flows rather better anyway. It’s even got an ‘o’ to trace flower petals around.”
They sighed. “But that’s neither here nor there, is it? Really, I think I’ve quite lost my way entirely. We’ve flown right past here and there. And where else is there, aside from here and there? Whichever place we’ve arrived at, I suppose. They haven’t got signposts for the sort of lost we are.” The last berry they’d picked rolled into their cupped palm. Their expression was distant as they gazed at the vines, longing in their tone. “Oh, how I miss getting people more lost, though. Time flew in ways they couldn’t even begin to imagine, and each moment of glorious evening felt like the first and the last all at once. Splendidly dizzying. The dances and laughter, and such beautiful flowers. We had such fun.” They hummed and shook their head, tipping the berry into the bucket. “Anyway, I believe I’ve answered the question. Or… questions? There were two, yes?”
Berries brimmed in the bucket now. The Florist hefted it with both hands to carry it more easily, and they shot a warning glare at the tendrils stretching toward their ankles, which shied away. Then they paused, their thoughts racing down another rabbit trail. Their nose wrinkled with distaste. “Oh, but Olive did take my scissors. I’d very much like those back. So, if you could return them to me, that would be wonderful. Though she might cut you in half before you got around to the returning bit, I imagine.” A memory flitted through their mind, and the Florist gasped. “Ah, cut in half! Magicians! Lovely, lovely, we’ve gotten right ‘round to the beginning, which is either here or there or somewhere else entirely, but I suppose it doesn’t matter as long as you find the path. And the door.” They beamed again. “Unless you’d like some tea for the journey, that is?”
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libralita · 4 years
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Suzanne Collins
Summary: Ambition will fuel him. Competition will drive him. But power has its price. It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games. The once-mighty house of Snow has fallen on hard times, its fate hanging on the slender chance that Coriolanus will be able to outcharm, outwit, and outmaneuver his fellow students to mentor the winning tribute. The odds are against him. He’s been given the humiliating assignment of mentoring the female tribute from District 12, the lowest of the low. Their fates are now completely intertwined—every choice Coriolanus makes could lead to favor or failure, triumph or ruin. Inside the arena, it will be a fight to the death. Outside the arena, Coriolanus starts to feel for his doomed tribute . . . and must weigh his need to follow the rules against his desire to survive no matter what it takes.
Rating: ★★★★★
So, this is a bit of a “disclaimer” or more of an interesting fact: I’ve technically never read The Hunger Games Trilogy. I had to read the first book for my English class, and it was a time where I hated being told what to read so I used SparkNotes. We also watched the first film in that class but that doesn’t really matter because A) that was like 8 or 9 years ago and B) it was for my class so you can bet I wasn’t playing attention. So, for all intents and purposes, I have not read the Hunger Games. Now you may be asking why I decided read this…seemingly controversial book rather than the much beloved original trilogy. Cuz my friend said I should, the audiobook sample intrigued me, and when are you going to see a review of this book from someone who hasn’t read the original trilogy?
Before I go into spoilers with this book, I just want to say as someone who has at best a surface level understanding of the Hunger Games trilogy, I think people are being a little bit harsh about this book. This book made me completely understand why Coriolanus Snow went down the path that he did while also not glamourizing it or making excuses for it. I genuinely felt bad for this young man who has delt with so many hardship that no one would should suffer through. However, he still does horrible things and the book recognizes that he does horrible things. It is a fascinating character study with a bit of background on how the Hunger Games came to be. Perhaps my opinion will change once I read The Hunger Games trilogy (which I intend to do) however at this point I think this was an amazing book and you should give it a fair shake. Now, onto spoilers.
The only flaw I found with this book was it was a bit too on the nose with a couple of things. First some of the names. Gaul. Satyria. Highbottom. I know that Collins started off as a middle grade writer and these feel like very middle grade character names. They just describe the characters a little too perfectly. In YA, it’s more popular to make characters where their names’ meanings give an insight into their character. Not a huge problem but a bit silly.
Second, I’m a little conflicted on the political talk. On the one hand, holy shit a YA book that talks about political theory? In an intelligent way? That’s not just screaming about real world politics? Oh my! On the other hand, it’s a little too on the nose. Gaul having Coryo write about the Social Contract and then this conversation:
“‘I do. Unless there’s law, someone enforcing it, I think we might as well be animals,’ he said with more assurance. ‘Like it or not, the Capitol is the only thing keeping anyone safe.’ ‘Hm. So they keep me safe. And what do I give up for that?’ she asked.”—Page 434
Hobbes would swoon over Coryo. It wasn’t bad just on the nose. And to a degree, I get it, I’m working on getting my masters in political science and I’ve read Hobbes and Rousseau whereas most the intended audience probably hasn’t. So, I call this a nitpick for me
Other than this book being a little too on the nose, I found very little fault in this. Maybe the Post-Games story line was a little less interesting but it still wasn’t bad by any means.  This book is a character study of Coriolanus Snow, so I’d like to talk about him and his dissent. While reading this, my friend asked me if I hadn’t known that Coryo would one day become President Snow, if I could see it coming. And, while it’s hard to tell exactly, I think Collins manages to balance both Coryo being sympathetic and showing how he could become the person that he is in the trilogy. There are three…phases or Coryo’s life that really illustrate how he becomes President Snow. First is his life during the War. Second, is his life During the 10th Hunger Games. Then his life Post-Games. Collins does a wonderful job of portraying what it was like for Coryo during the war. The horrors he had witness of enjoying the life of luxury at an early age and then his world crashing around him. Of his family dying. Of the struggles to survive. Of him witnessing his friends’ parents restore to something horrible like cannibalism. It’s brought up a lot because it’s something that scarred him.
Now his During-Games life/the first half of this book. Coryo and the people around him are clearly dealing with the PTSD of growing up in a war zone. He’s essentially starving through most of this section during the book and on the verge of losing of what little he’s held onto since the War ended. I feel really bad for him. There was a part of me during this section where I hoped along side him that Lucy Gray would win the Hunger Games, he could go to University and continue his relationship with her. Maybe they could have changed Panem for the better. And while in this section he was no pure angel, you could see Gaul and Highbottom pushing him to become a worse person. You could also see the red flags that become worse in the Post-Games section.
There are two major red flags I picked up on during this read through. First, is his relationship with Lucy Gray. He’s very possessive of her and he gets very jealous when she sings about another guy during The Hunger Games. This made the relationship slightly uncomfortable for me…though let’s be honest if Sejanus was pining after Lucy Gray he would be acting no different from any other YA love interest (shots fired.) He actually reminded me a lot of Jace from The Mortal Instruments. The second red flag is his treatment of Sejanus. In a meta sense Sejanus is your typical hero and the fact that Coryo is using him (and really anyone besides maybe his family?) is a giant red flag to me as a reader. He doesn’t like Sejanus or Mrs. Plinth. He just wants to use them. Which is really sad but shows that is eventually dissent into Post-Hunger Games Coryo is foreshadowed.
Now, let’s talk about Post-Games. I took a break once the Games ended because I was a little unmotivated to keep reading. I didn’t know if I would like Coryo leaving the Capital. I liked seeing the political maneuvering of the Games and his dynamics with his classmates. However, watching his dissent was great. His relationship with Lucy Gray went from slightly concerning to full blown toxic. His possessiveness of her really amped up. Coryo also isn’t really happy to see Sejanus because it’s a friendly face, it’s because there’s someone to recognize his status and for someone he can use. Again, another moment of possibility of where Coryo could have let Sejanus and maybe Lucy Gray escape and he could have gone off to become an officer. Work his way up and become the President. However, he didn’t take that path.
It was so heartbreaking to see Sejanus die, there was still a glimmer of Coryo’s humanity where he genuinely felt guilty but you could see his self-preserving nature showing its ugly head. And then his journey is cemented when he can’t handle being out with Lucy Gray so he may or may not have killed her, then he goes back where his family pictures are ruined and his mother’s powder is mush. The only thing left his is father’s compass.
Speaking of his father, one final character I’ll mention is Dean Highbottom. I wish we got a little bit more of him because his view of Coryo is interesting. It seemed like Collins gave a very subtle story about how Highbottom was worried that Coryo would turn out like his father. But Highbottom ended up created the monster he wanted to prevent. If he had shown Coryo compassion and understanding, he might have turned out differently. This ended up getting Highbottom killed which was a great way to end the book. Sad but great.
Overall, I think this is a great story. I loved seeing all the different roads Coryo could have taken and how things could have turned out differently. I am planning on buying the Hunger Games trilogy so it’ll be interesting to see how this changes things for me.
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