#so what’s the name that this faction gave them?
labyrynth · 1 year
i’ll be honest, the aeon/god concepts in hsr are really fucking cool?
like. take an abstract concept—preservation, abundance, destruction, elation, etc—now dial it up to a thousand percent. congratulations! you now have amoral, enigmatic beings who exist solely to embody their singular aspect—and they will take that aspect as far as they are able to.
it’s really driving home that Divine and Monstrous are not mutually exclusive
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shirecorn · 1 year
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Changelings! Six legged insectoid beasts grown to the size of ponies, their target mimic species. Rather than evolving perfect physical mimicry, changeling imitation is a two-pronged process. In addition to a color-shifting carapace, magic distorts and twists the silhouette to match the mimicked subject. The spell is weaved with a rapid beating of the the wings, which creates a delicate network of invisible magic threads that tie the changeling's physical form to the projected mirage to make it move. After casting the spell, the changeling needs to recast it periodically, so if you doubt your friend's identity, listen for the buzzing of wings.
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It takes a lot of concentration to keep the illusion in place, and changelings are naturally much taller than ponies when standing at their full height. Inexperienced or agitated changelings may forget to crouch, which breaks the illusion in a terrifying way. Because the features of the mirage are bound to the underlying insect body, moving wrong will distort the perceived form before it reveals what lies beneath.
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The reason changeling bodies are so much longer than their target species is to allow a changeling to mimic creatures many times their size, provided they have the wingspan to reach the entire length of the target individual. A full wingspan is the sign of a healthy changeling, one that has enough magic to cast their illusions without much effort. Without sufficient magic, a changeling must constantly refresh their spell, and the ceaseless beating tears their delicate wings to shreds.
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There is one changeling with enough magic to spare: The Queen. Drones store magic in their tails and bring it back to feed her. The queen of years past has been bleeding them dry and soaking up all their magic, leaving what should be a healthy reservoir in their tails as a withered pocket. This new style of ruling could possibly have started as a response to the ascension of the Goddess of Love, and the resulting magicification of feelings of romantic and platonic love.
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For millennia, changelings evolved to feed on emotions directed at them (or rather the being they mimic) and convert it into magic. Positive emotions were the most stable, but any emotion worked. But when Love started to feel an entire meal, and gave the drones strength to subsist on their own, their queen demanded every drop of intoxicating love for herself, leaving them in a constant state of starvation and desperation.
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Just a little love can go a long way. Changelings are forbidden from changing their colors or illusions to express themselves, as they must be seen as "mindless drones" and part of a single hive mind, despite their potential for individuality. Instead, they remain black unless imitating a pony or other creature. Each section of a changeling's carapace has a clear top layer with liquid suspended above the actual armor layer beneath. Microscopic grooves display different colors and shades based on how much of the liquid fills them, and how much pressure it's under. With the base colors set, wings spin the illusion of form to completely disguise the changeling beneath.
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But what if they didn't have to save all their energy for disguises? What if there was enough love to go around?
The Changeling Revolution is an ongoing battle, but it has a hopeful, vibrant spark. Led by a mild-mannered former "drone," a growing faction are discovering peace, safety, and individuality by feeding off love directed not at illusions they cast, but to the people they truly are. It's a scary, vulnerable first step to allow others to see your true nature, but the rewards of loving and being loved are worth it.
Revolutionaries are not "reformed" so much as healed by embracing individual love. It turns out when each changeling allows themself to have their own color, preferences, and name, then the love felt from one changeling to another can be converted into magic, and a hive can become a thriving ecosystem within itself.
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Nymphs, once destined for a viscous cycle of deception and starvation, are now able to bask in love given to them by hivemates, and they grow up stronger and kinder than any generation before. Though they can only shift into pastel colors until their carapace fully hardens and darkens, they still express by choosing their own look, name, and destiny.
The healing of the changeling population is as varied as their prismatic colors, and as beautiful as their glittering wings.
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fandomfucker · 4 months
Can I request poly! Judgement Day x virgin fem! Reader?
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Mixed with this request: TJD X female reader story where they're all just chilling at home (rest and relaxation day) and the day ends with the devils tango?
WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT!! (Condoms used, oral f&m receiving and giving, spit, fingering, vaginal penetration, choking, pet names, anal mentioned, praise, slight degradation, hair pulling)
A/N: Sorry its taken so long 😅
Word Count: 4,816
Reader's POV
As a pro-wrestler in a polyamorous faction, we took our days off very seriously. We didn't get many and even when we did get one, despite all being on the same show, the five of us were rarely all together.
Now, for the first time in almost two months, we all had the day off together. And we were going to make the best of it.
The first thing we all did together was sleep in. We had pushed two king beds together for one massive bed to fit all five of us when we moved in and we loved it. Not only could we all cuddle together at night, but it gave us more room for sex.
Having never been in a relationship before this at all, much less a poly one, I had been waiting to have sex with any of them. Just until I felt completely ready for it.
My other partners however, relished in the new amounts of space with each other. They would always reassure me that it didn't matter to them if I never wanted to have sex, so I've always felt very secure in my choices.
I woke up tangled in a mass amount of limbs. Being in the middle of four other people was usually wonderful but could also be suffocating at times.
Damian clung onto my back, his face pushed into the back of my neck while Finn clung to his. Dominik laid in front of me with his forehead resting against my chest while Rhea laid in a similar position as she spooned him from behind.
Taking a second to just breathe them all in, I snuggled back into my cocoon between Damian and Dominik and just enjoyed the moment. For once, there wasn't an alarm clock forcing us all to get up and leave, and all five of us were finally together.
"Mornin' sweetheart."
I lifted my head as best I could at the voice, still wrapped up tight in the boys' arms.
"Mornin' Mami," I grinned back.
"You want some breakfast? It's already almost 10:30." Rhea asked me, sitting up and beginning to stretch as her eyes roamed over the situation I was in and huffed a small laugh in pure amusement as I just stared up at her.
She began trying to gently pry Damian's hands from my waist where they were locking me in as she rolled Dominik over so he was also away from me.
"Come on! Get up!" Rhea playfully huffed as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me up.
Groaning, I made myself dead weight which only made her try harder to get me up.
"Can't we just stay here all day?" I pleaded, using my best persuasive voice.
"We can, but got to get some food in you first, my love."
Rolling my eyes I finally conceded with an "okay, okay, jeez" and let her pick me up to carry me out of bed so as not to disturb Dominik.
As soon as I was removed from his grasp, I heard him grumble his half-asleep annoyances before moving into the spot I'd just vacated and cuddling up to Damian who immediately wrapped his arms around him.
Rhea and I awed at them as she carried me out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Sitting me down at the kitchen counter, she kissed the top of my head before walking over to the fridge and examining the contents inside.
"What do ya' feel like?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.
I hummed to myself in thought as I looked past her into the fridge. "Can I just have some yogurt and coffee?"
She raised a brow at me. "That's gonna hurt your stomach."
I just waved her off and gave her a big toothy grin as she rolled her eyes but gave me my yogurt and began making a pot of coffee.
Heavy footsteps padded down the hallway and before I even had the chance to turn around to see who it was, a large hand landed on the top of my head, pulling me into them.
A kiss was planted on the top of my head, with a mumbled "good morning" before I was released and the chair next to me was pulled out and filled in by Dominik.
"Mornin', Mami," He greeted Rhea sleepily.
She threw a small smile over her shoulder, bidding him a good morning in return before going back to what she was doing.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dom scrutinizing me from where he sat not even a foot away.
"What?" I asked him.
Instead of responding to me, he just frowned and leaned down, grabbing the leg of the stool I was sitting on and pulling it towards him so that the seats of our chairs touched.
"That's better," He mumbled to himself as he slumped against me, holding me tight as he closed his eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.
My cheeks quickly heated as I looked over to Rhea in confusion, who was now watching us in amusement. She just shrugged at me before moving to the cabinet to grab some mugs.
I wrapped my arms around Dominik and began to lightly stroke his arm, tracing his tattoos.
Goosebumps began to spread out across his body underneath my fingers and he shivered, making me giggle. I cradled his head against my chest and gave the top of his head a kiss in apology.
His grip tightened on me and he snuggled his head further into my collarbone.
Rhea came over and placed two steaming hot mugs of fresh coffee in front of us, making Dom's head shoot up but his grip on me never faltered.
He stuck one of his knees in-between mine to keep me close as he reached out only one hand and grabbed my mug, beginning to cool it off by blowing on it.
Watching him do this simple little gesture of affection and care made me fall even harder for him. Once he had cooled it to what he deemed to be an acceptable temperature, he handed it to me, accompanied by a forehead kiss, before grabbing his own coffee and doing the same thing.
Sipping my perfect temperature coffee I just stared at him in wonder and love. In all the other relationships I'd been in since I was a teenager, no one had ever cooled off my coffee for me simply because.
He caught me staring at me and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes mid-blow.
My cheeks flushed again and a ducked my head down, staring at my coffee to avoid eye contact.
I could hear both Dom and Rhea laughing at me but before either of them could say anything, Finn walked into the room, followed closely by Damian.
"Mornin' loves," Finn went around the kitchen giving all three of us a kiss on the head before seating himself at the head of the kitchen table.
I myself gave him a small grunt in greeting as I began to shovel my yogurt into my mouth so we could all go back to bed sooner.
"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy, mi amor." Damian took the spoon out of my hand, forcing me to swallow what I already had in my mouth before taking another bite. "What's got you in such a rush?"
I stole my spoon back, receiving a quick frown in response as Rhea answered him for me.
"She just wants to spend the whole day in bed with everyone. But everyone else still needs to eat first too so slow down, babe." She reprimanded me.
Dominik stole my attention away from our girlfriend by resting his hand on my knee.
"I'm not hungry so once you finish we can go back to bed until everyone else is done, okay?"
Nodding happily, I took my time and slowly finished the rest of my yogurt, taking sips of my now lukewarm coffee in between bites.
Rhea made Finn and Damian some more coffee while Finn made the three of them a proper breakfast. Watching them just interact with each other as I ate my own breakfast made me happier than anything.
I sat and watched Rhea, swatting Damian's hands away from trying to take her vegemite away from her. And then Damian complaining that her kisses would just take like vegemite now, and her putting even more onto her toast.
She pulled off a bit of the crust with a much smaller amount of the vegemite on it, and handed it to me. I happily grabbed it and popped it in my mouth, thanking her as I enjoyed the Australian treat.
Of the four of us non-Australians I liked vegemite the most. Not anywhere near the degree that Rhea did, but I did like a small bit on occasion.
Once I had finished my yogurt, Dominik took my hand and helped me off the stool. I went and gave Finn, Damian, and Rhea, who had now joined them at the kitchen table, a kiss on the cheek before taking Dom's hand again and letting him lead me back to our bedroom.
Immediately I catapulted into the bed, scrambling to get under the covers and comfy as I possibly could be. I heard Dominik laugh at my antics before also jumping into the bed, landing right next to me as he also scrambled under the covers.
Fully enveloped in the blankets, we stared at each other in the dark, giggling like we were little kids hiding from our parents after doing something we weren't supposed to.
Dominik kissed me on the nose before rolling over to lay on his stomach, and I quickly followed suite.
Our whispers filled the bedroom as we huddled close together under the blankets, as if we actually had any secrets from the others. The others who would soon walk into the room and stop dead in the tracks at the sight of us underneath the blankets, our whispers having ceased the moment we heard them cross the threshold.
"Gee, I wonder where Dom and Y/n are!" Damian playfully exclaimed before immediately divebombing on top of us. Dominik and I both let out a grunt as the air left our lungs and the blankets were pulled back to revel Damian's grinning face.
"Whatcha' doing in there?" He waggled his brows at us, resulting in me slapping his chest lightly as a light blush coated my cheeks while Dominik giggled beside me.
I ducked my head down to hid my face but was immediately brought back up by Rheas fingers underneath my chin, only increasing the heat on my face as our eyes locked.
She grinned at me, leaning in to give me a kiss on the top of my nose before settling under the covers next to me.
Still blushing, I settled back fully under the covers, situating myself to now lay on top of her. My arms rested together on Rhea's plush tatted thighs, my head laid atop them as she massaged my head with her nails.
The feeling of her nails on my scalp soothed me and pretty quickly I was falling asleep. Not that I minded, as Rhea's legs are always the best place to fall asleep. However, I was rudely awakened not long after by Dominik calling for my attention.
I peeled an eye open, seeing Rhea glaring at him from above me and slowly pushing myself to sit up.
"What?" I asked grumpily. I heard Rhea chuckle above me before she started scratching my back with her nails, something I often did to the four of them as well.
"There was an update on your game!" He excitedly showed me, shoving my Nintendo Switch in my face. Disney Dreamlight Valley was a game I had started playing by myself a little while back as it was a very relaxing, peaceful, game. Dom and Rhea both wound up getting into it a bit as well and would play on my world just to get me more materials and money. If we weren't all playing together then sometimes they'd take my phone to help me level up as well as was the case currently.
"What? No way! It's not supposed to be 'til tomorrow!" I excitedly grabbed my phone back from Dominik and began looking around in the game and checking for updates. I heard Rhea make an "ooh" noise behind me and soon both of them had joined my world and were running around with me.
Finn and Damian posted themselves at the ends of the bed, Finn cuddling into Rhea with Damian into Dominik and me in the middle of them all. The TV turned on and the two eldest of the group began channel surfing, Rhea imputing her opinion every so often of what she didn't want to watch. In the end they settled on Tattoo Wars again.
For the next few hours, I just played my  on my switch, while the TV played in the background, my partners surrounding me on both sides. 
Eventually, my legs started cramping and my eyes burned from the bright glare of my screen. I put my switch to the side and slide down the bed, under the covers, and rolled onto my stomach. I laid my arms back across Rhea's thighs and began idly tracing her tattoos.
Her leg twitched, nearly kicking my own leg, as she let out an involuntary giggle from above.
The covers lifted above my head and I looked up, meeting her eyes. "What are you doing, bug?" I grinned up at her innocently, dragging my finger up her thigh again making her shiver.
Like a panther, quick as lightning she lunged for me and had me on my back with my hands pinned above my head as she straddled my hips. She gave me a grin of her own now as I was completely in her control. Or as she and the others liked to say, under her spell.
My eyes widened slightly and I could feel my core grow hot with lust as I stared up at her above me, her necklaces dangling in my face. All three of the boys had now stopped what they were doing and watched us from where they each sat around the bed.
Breathing became harder as each of us refused to break eye contact, her looks quite literally taking my breath away. She leaned down and grazed my cheek with a kiss, making me shiver now.
Pining my wrists together in only one hand as the other one trailed down to my exposed thigh. She trailed her finger up and down the center before inching her way towards the inside of my thigh.
On pure instinct, my legs parted, making way for her hand to do whatever it pleased. "Good girl." She whispered in my ear, pulling away to grin wickedly at me as the ends of her hair now tickled my face.
The small pool of wetness between my legs only grew with her words. Her hand began to tease the brim of my shorts as she lowered her mouth to mine.
I moaned into her, the taste of her vegemite toast still on her tongue as she used it to explore my mouth. My hips lifted up into her hand, chasing friction as she slipped under my shorts, tracing circles on my clothed core.
A gasp left my mouth at the sensation of her cool fingers on my hot skin. "Be a good girl for Mami and I'll give you what you want, hm?" She murmured on my lips.
I nodded as another gasp escaped me, putty in her hands as she rubbed circles around my clothed clit.
She sat back a little and looked around at the boys who were now watching us raptly. "Can the boys join in too or do you want them to leave?" Rhea leaned back down to ask me quietly, just in case it would hurt the boys' feelings.
"They can join." I replied, albeit shakily.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." I smiled nervously at her.
She kissed my lips again, leaving me chasing after her as she pulled away from me, slinging her right leg back over my hips to sit on my my right side.
She moved the both of us so that she was on her knees, back against the headboard while I sat in front of her with my legs extended. She kept me there with a tight grip on my shoulders as Damian moved to be in front of me.
Rhea massaged my shoulders, her hands traveling up and down my arms sensually as I tried to focus on Damian in front of me.
He laid a hand on my thigh, the other hand coming up to cup my face. Leaning in, he placed his lips against mine. His hand on my thigh traveled up to the bottom of my shorts while one of Rhea's hands traveled down to cup one of my breasts through my shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait," I stopped, pulling away from Damian's lips.
All four partners immediately stopped in their tracks, whether they were touching me or not, and the ones that were pulled away.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked me in concern from the other end of the bed.
I nodded, "Yeah, um but...c-can we..."
Damian gripped my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at him. "Anything you need, Princesa. Just tell us what you want."
Blushing at the nickname, I wet my lips nervously before taking a deep breath.
"Can we use condoms? I know y'all usually don't and Rhea and I are both on birth control but I feel better with the extra protection."
"Of course carino, whatever makes you more comfortable." Dom piped up from where he now laid under Finn.
"Do you just want pregnancy protection or do you want me to use some too? 'Cause I have some in the drawer." Rhea questioned me. She still sat behind me on her knees massaging my shoulders and has now started up again.
I smiled at the genuine worry in her voice, truly willing to do whatever I wanted to make me comfortable. "No that's okay, babe. Just for the vaginal stuff with the boys. Everyone's been tested and hasn't been with anyone outside the group right?" I received four nods in confirmation. "Then I'm all good. Just nervous." I grinned up at her.
She grabbed my throat, forcing my head back even further, "Perfect. Just lay back and we'll do the rest."
She leaned over me and kissed my lips, still keeping a tight grip on my throat. Damian grumbled in front of me at the loss of his position and moved himself between my thighs. He hoisted up my hips, pulling my sleep shorts down and off my legs, my underwear entangled with them.
Reaching over to the bedside table, Damian withdrew three condoms from the drawer. He took one for himself and passed the other two to Finn and Dominik who were off to the other side of the bed but just close enough for me to reach them.
Rhea slid her lips down my chin, all the way to my throat, just under my ear and began her assault there, biting my skin only to lick away the hurt a second later. Breathy gasps left my mouth as she left her mark on me.
My shirt was ripped off my body for better access, my nipples hard and aching under her sensual touches.
A hand on my upper thigh made me turn my attention back towards the man in front of me. I'm met with the sight of his now covered cock standing stiff as he strokes himself, watching me and Rhea together.
A particularly hard bite makes me yelp at the same time Damian grips my thighs, harshly pushing them apart to bare myself to him. Sliding his hand up my thigh, he dragged his thumb up the center of my folds before leaning down and spitting right where his hand just was.
Upon seeing this, Finn and Dom both scooted their way over, moving around so each of them was sitting on either side of me. They each gripped a thigh and leaned down, adding their own spits to the mix.
And Rhea had no problem leaving my neck to move down and spread around the mixed spits of our partners with her tongue through my already soaked folds.
Without Rhea behind me now I was able to lay back on the pillows like she had told me to, as my partners all had their way with me.
I could tell they were still holding back a little and taking it slow though.
Finn and Dom were both naked now as well and I stroked each of their cocks just as Finn had instructed me to as Rhea fucked me with her tongue, using our partners' spit as lube. Damian watched over us all and positioned himself behind Rhea, pushing down on her upper back as she laid bent over on her knees before me.
He pushed her head further into me, making me moan aloud and squeeze the boys' dicks as well, causing them both to moan too. Dominik moved closer to my face and motioned for me to put his dick in my mouth. I did as I was told but wound up having a bit of difficulty still stroking Finn at the same time.
Dominik gripped my face in her hands, cupping right where my jaw met my throat. "Just focus on Finn, cariño."
I followed instructions and just focused on Finn as Dominik gather my hair in one hand, keeping the other hand cupping my jaw as he began to fuck my throat. "Tap my thigh if you need me to stop." He huffed out, continuously slamming his hips into me over and over again.
Not having to focus on two things at once now, I was able to stroke Finn faster, stretching my fingers down to knead his balls, making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Rhea kept eating me out, fucking and sucking with her tongue until I was practically vibrating with the pleasure. She hummed onto my clit in amusement as my thighs squeezed around her head, only adding to the pit of fire brewing in my stomach.
I watched as Damian kneeled behind Rhea and, without a word, slammed himself into her, making her moan as she was thrusted into my pussy. When he had even taken her shorts off was a mystery to me.
Being the most unexperienced one there, I came first. My thighs clenched and shaking around Rhea's head as her metal tongue piercing swirled around my clit, being pushed and pulled into me as I watched from my vantage point Damian fuck her hard and quick.
"Fuck!" Dominik exclaimed right as he came hard into my mouth. Pulling out, he gave me the option to spit or swallow it.
I maintained eye contact with him as I swallowed it, the grip he had on my hair getting tighter as he watched it go down.
"Good girl, you beautiful little slut." He praised, kissing me on the mouth before pulling away and turning my head towards Finn.
Taking Finn's cock into my mouth, I set the pace this time as I felt Rhea dislodge herself from between my thighs.
I sucked Finn off until he abruptly pulled out of my mouth and came on my tits instead of in my mouth.
He grinned at me hungrily as he watched the liquid slide over and down my breasts, mixing with my sweat and making them shiny.
"Ah fuck!"
I turned and saw Rhea on her stomach just to the side of me with Damian still fucking her from behind, his hands holding her hips tight.
Just by the look on her face I could tell that she was coming pretty hard. I bit my lip as I watched the two of them together.
Damian moaned and gave one last large thrust as he also came into the condom he wore, still inside of Rhea. He head was thrown back, his eyes closed but when he turned to look at me it was like there was no one else in the world.
"You wanna get in on this?" He questioned me, moving away from Rhea to take off and throw away the condom. I nodded eagerly and awaited my instructions.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dom and Finn already back on top of each other, kissing each other like their lives depended on it while Finn fucked Dom.
"What do you want then, sweetness?" Rhea breathily asked me as she pushed herself up.
My face grew hot at the nickname. She hadn't called me that one before and it caught me off guard, not to mention, I was too embarrassed to tell them I wanted her to sit on my face while Damian fucked me blind.
Sensing my nervousness, Damian reached out and tucked back the strands of hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.
"Y/n, I promise you, whatever you want is totally okay with us. We've probably done it before anyways," He smiled at me. "Just tell us what you want so we can make you feel good."
I sucked in a deep breath, before just speed-running my words. "I want Mami to sit on my face while you fuck me."
"That, we can do." Rhea grinned cheekily at me. Gripping my shoulders she gently pushed me down to lie flat in my back, throwing some of the extra pillows behind me to the floor for more room.
My hands reflexively gripped her thighs as she swung her left leg over my hip. Smiling down at me, me began making her way up my body until she was directly over my face.
She stroked my hair as I held onto her upper thighs for dear life. "You ready?"
I nodded, the more than perfect sight of her bare pussy over top of me more than enough to steal my breath away.
Rhea leaned on the headboard with one hand while the other stayed entangled in my hair as I felt Damian put my legs up so my knees were in the air. 
I felt him situate himself between them, gripping my own thighs for support as he rubbed his cock up and down my pussy.
Rhea turned back towards him and gave him a nod but before I could ask them about it, Rhea spread her knees out and rested all her weight on top of me, while Damian simultaneously inserted himself into me, straight to the hilt.
My back arched in ecstasy as Damian began to pound into me, the same way he had to Rhea. I kept my tight grip on her thighs to keep myself grounded as I reveled in the sensations from both partners.
Rhea's grip on my hair tightened when I stuck my tongue into her cunt, making me go deeper and faster than I thought I could. Keeping one hand on her leg, I brought the other one down to rub on her clit.
I could feel Damian doing the same thing, thrusting into me as he drew circles on my clit making me moan into Rhea's pussy, only adding to her own pleasure even more as she grinded down on my face. 
Soon, I could feel both of our thighs beginning to shake on the verge of orgasm as well as Damian's thrusts beginning to become erratic.
With a final thrust of both tongue and cock, all three of us came, shaking and panting.
As soon as Rhea was able to move again she removed herself from my face, resulting in a whimper from me as her slick stuck to my chin, strings of it connecting the two of us as she pulled away.
Feeling a weight that wasn't Rhea on my stomach I looked down to see Damian's exhausted head lying on my lower belly. I smiled and ran my shaky fingers through his hair, a smile tugging at his features as sweat shone on his skin.
I didn't even notice Dom and Finn's absences from where they had been next to us until Finn was holding a wet wash cloth and making Damian get off me. He kissed my thigh before spreading them apart again and starting to clean me up.
I smiled at him in thanks, still at a loss for words as my head rolled to the side, watching as Dominik cleaned up Rhea.
"I think I'm ready for actual food now." I announced. "And maybe a shower," I scrunched my nose in fake disgust, watching as my partners all looked at me like I had hung the moon.
"Actually, I'm thinking we have a girls only bath time, hmm?" Rhea responded, holding out her hand for me to grab.
Once my hand was enveloped in hers, she led me off the bed and into the master bathroom, locking the door behind us to the annoyance of the boys.
That night started me and Rhea's tradition of taking a bath together after every group session. Not only because we both despise being sticky, but because it also gives us a little bit of girl time after being with all the guys.
Which 90% of the time just led to more sex between the two of us. The boys don't need to know that.
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #136 part 1
Danny felt disgruntled as he slowly came back into consciousness. He was in the middle of the Observants going over some of the new factions that have been growing since he became King. A sudden surge of power flung Danny through a portal and he tried to escape or make sense of what happened but he lost consciousness soon after. 
Coming too Danny was a lot smaller than what he thought he should be. His body had a different feel to it and he could tell he was turned into something that walked on all fours. He lifted his head and took in his surroundings. He was in a field, a field of wheat. He couldn’t even see anything besides the wheat and the sky. The portal that dumped him here was no where to be found either. He was going to have a hard time getting back home, especially in his new form. He could still feel his core but the transformation had done a number on him and he felt exhausted.
Suddenly he heard the wheat snap to his left and he whipped his head around to find a person carefully leaning down a few yards away from him. They seemed to analyze his body movements a little bit before he held out his hand that had a small piece of sausage in it. Danny knew not to take food from strangers but it honestly smelled heavenly and he doubted Sam would ever find out, so he hesitantly walked over and gave it a sniff. After he had taken it from them, they started petting Danny on the head. 
“You're an adorable little puppy aren’t you!” Ah so Danny was apparently a puppy, he probably should try to find a way back home but maybe being a dog for a while wouldn’t be too bad. He hasn’t had a break in a while and the Observants are so damn pushy sometimes. The stranger continued, “I’m going to take you to Damian, he knows a lot about pets. I feel like him and I got off on the wrong foot the other day and I think you’d be the perfect gift.” 
Danny wasn’t sure about being given away as a present but he supposed he had no where else to be and if Damian knew his pets as well as this guy said then Danny would be well cared for.
He was picked up and after a bit of walking they arrived at a farm house. Danny was better able to assess the size of the person holding him and they seemed around 10-12 years old. The kid ran excitedly into the kitchen of the house holding Danny out to an adult that, much like the kid, had black hair and blue eyes. 
“Dad! Look I found a puppy!! Can we bring him tonight to the Watchtower meeting so I can give him to Damian? I think he needs a friend and I want to apologize for how I acted the other day.” The kids dad seemed to give Danny a once over before responding.
“It’s probably fine but let me talk with Bruce first and make sure everything’s OK. We don’t want to force a pet on them even if Damian is good with animals.” He finally responded, he gave the kid a hair tussle and then continued, “Jon, why don’t you give him a bath upstairs while I give him a call, I think I still have some dog shampoo from last time I gave Krypto one.” 
The kid apparently named Jon ran up the stairs with Danny clutched against his chest. Soon he found himself wet in a bathtub, and then he was dried. He was finally able to get a good look at himself in the mirror, he looked like a miniature husky with white fur and dark black patches along his tail, back, and head. His icy blue eyes were piercing and he could see why someone would think he were cute, in fact he was down right adorable. 
After that Jon brought him to a bedroom he assumed belonged to Jon. It was a very basic kid’s bedroom and Danny found himself sprawled on the bed along with Jon. Jon spoke very fondly about Damian and the more he spoke the more Danny got the feeling Jon had a little crush.
Soon Jon’s dad came into the room to tell him that Danny could be given to Damian at the meeting tonight. Danny didn’t know what sort of work Jon's dad did but it sounded like Jon’s and Damian’s dads worked together. He wondered what kind of place the watchtower would be but he didn’t have to wonder for long. 
He also realized how different this world was from his own. Jon and his dad could fly and they wore these skin tight suits, honestly they looked like superheroes which was probably exactly what they were. They flew through the air and eventually they were in front of these tubes Danny honestly didn’t know what they were. Jon and his dad did though, and apparently it was teleportation. Danny was awestruck at the site in front of him, the Watchtower was in space and he could hardly keep in his excitement. 
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pastel-greene · 1 month
The Daughter | king!sukuna x curse user!reader
Prologue | Chapter 1 - The Summons | Chapter 2
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Summary: The mother of curses happens upon a blind child and decides to impart a portion of her power to them as an experiment of sorts. The power morphs the child in their image until they are part curse and part human. So what happens when they get employed by the King of Curses? Will humanity bloom as newfound emotions flow between the two? Or will they usher in an era of never ending terror?
Notes: not all of this will be canon, it will be loosely based off of the jjk universe :) taglist is open, comment ur request on any chapter to be tagged in the next
Genre: female reader, fluff, angst, ‘loads’ of smut, violence, sukuna true form but like not with the weird face just two sets of stuff, dark reader
Warnings: profanity, explicit smut (two dick sukuna, sadistic sex, sub reader, dom sukuna, biting, oral m & f receiving, pet names, more to be added), violence, depictions of gore, dark minds cause yk, mentions of rape, toxic relationships, chaotic neutral reader, trauma, possessiveness from reader and sukuna, torture, vampire themes (reader’s blood is infused with the Mother of curses so if a curse user is to drink it it basically gives them a temporary stat boost bc what can i say vampire sukuna seems hot), and more to be added as the story progresses
Word count: 7.3k
This work contains mature content, so absolutely no minors I will block you if I find out :)
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His eyes glaze over as they roam your body. The need within them allowing you to twirl his inhibitions around your finger and use them as a leash to guide him. He knows he shouldn’t let you close, but closer you get and god does it feel good. He knows he shouldn’t follow your command without an ounce a dignity, but oh how he wants to please you. He would do anything for you without a single question now that all his pesky thoughts were gone. The perfect toy to play with.
The man before you is the leader of a growing religious faction that preached about being able to save people from damnation for only a small price. He made promises of how his newfound god could protect anyone from the horrors of the world and all they needed to do was follow a set of rules— and of course money. It started with one bronze coin before growing to three silver coins. It also started as something one could choose to participate in before it slowly turned into a cult you were forced to be apart of. If you didn’t have money to pay the initiation fee, then you had to give up something else. If you were a married man, you could give up your virgin daughter and be granted a higher position in the hierarchy. If you didn’t have a daughter then you could give up your wife for general admission. If you were a woman without a husband, then you often were never seen again. If you didn’t willingly give one, then they would come and take what they falsely claimed was theirs and justify it with the name of religion. Sometimes even if you gave one, they would come back to take the other.
This contract came to you from a woman whose husband had sold their daughter. She didn’t offer anything material, but begged you to take her offer. You’re not one for charity, but you are one for dark pleasures. You asked if she would kill her husband and then herself, as punishment and payment for not protecting their daughter’s safety. She didn’t even hesitate to say yes. All she could think about was freeing her daughter from their grasp, her loss of life was of no consequence, and killing her husband… Killing her husband for selling their daughter away like a piece of meat would just be an added bonus.
So here you are, in the preacher’s chambers showing him a facade of paradise. Your smiles, your laughs, you lingering touches driving him further and further away from reason. Your power seeped into him, you could do it immediately and have him never see it coming, but that would be too easy. You wanted him to remember making the decisions that led to his downfall. You want to see the mortified look on his face as he realizes he chose this fate. The way his face would contort from panic as the weight of his sins crashes down on him. The way the panic would blend into fear fueled hysteria as he started lashing out and revealing the rest of his true colors. So you’re taking the long way. You’re setting everything into place so everyone can witness a showcase of reality that’ll send them into chaos.
”Mistress please, let me touch you,” he says begs while blindfolded to a chair. A chair he didn’t know had been transported to a very public area that people started to flock to. Horror and disgust on their features as they watched the man who boasted about how high and mighty he was begging for sexual pleasure. Your powers infected his senses so he couldn’t hear or feel anything you didn’t want him to. They also kept any party crashes from getting too close to the scene.
”Wrong line,” you said before letting the sturdy piece of wood in your hand lash against his skin. He let out a scream accompanied with a melody of sorries.
”Mother I have sinned,” a smile crept across your face at the ode to your Mother.
”Is that so? List me your sins and oink after each one to show what a filthy fucking pig you are.”
”I have lied to the people in this city. The god I made is not real, I made them up from a story I heard a few towns over. They were all just stupid and desperate enough to believe in it and hand over all of their valuables, oink!.”
The crowd’s faces were painted with disbelief and anger as the truth was unveiled. Dark thoughts started brewing between them making your blood hum as they continued to watch the scene unfold.
You let the wood crack down on the tops of his bare thighs once again, “What else are you guilty of?”
”I took their wives and daughters for my own sadistic pleasures. Me and the higher ups used those filthy bitches while they kicked and screamed against us. We would use them until we had our fill. Then I sold them off to the highest bidder. Some continued being sex slaves, others became mediums for sadistic fantasies, oink,” he said this line with a smile on his face as he recounted all of the deeds he had done to the girls.
Mothers that remained sobbed and some broke down in the street while others started taking their pain out on their husbands. Blood started to spatter as the number of fights spread like an airborne illness. Men started shouting and punching against the barrier you had put up, some fought out of love for their stolen family members and other fought out of spite for the harmed ego.
You let the wood smack down directly onto his dick and his scream echoed throughout the night skies before being silenced by his thank yous. “What else are you guilty of little piggy?”
”I told the higher members that I would get them into heaven. That all they had to do was listen to me and it would all turn out okay, but we are all damned now. I wanted everyone in this town to be as damned as me and now they are. They think there is a higher god but I am the god here. My words are law, my will is reality, those fucking sheep will give up their own fucking innards if I asked them, oink,” his words started carrying a laugh the more he went on. He actually believed that in this world he held power. You let out a laugh at the thought and he thought you were laughing with him.
”Tell me the names of the men who did this with you.” He started spewing out a list of names and with each one read a new fight began. The crowd dogpiled on whichever one they first laid eyes on and started bludgeoning them to death.
”What a good pig. I have a gift for you for being so good,” you said as the girls and women who survived his kidnapping came out from the building behind you each holding their preferred weapon. The crowd went still at the site of their neighbors, wives, and daughters. The abuse and torment they had undergone was evident as in the faces, clothes, and bodies. But it was their eyes where it showed the most. There was no light in them, no, currently that light was completely consumed by the darkness of revenge. They gathered around him in a circle, quietly waiting for their part.
”Mistress you are too kind to a soiled pig like me,” he said clearly thinking the present would be something splendid he would receive in the privacy of his own quarters.
You drew closer to him and brushed your hands along the sides of his as you removed his blindfold from behind, allowing him a full view of his victims. His eyes grew wide as he took in his surroundings.
”Wh-w-what-t’s happening? Where am I,” he asked in a panicked frenzy as he saw the girls and the bloodied crowd before him.
You walked around to the front of him, “Do you not recognize your own subjects?”
”You witch this can’t be real, we-we were just in my quarters. I would have heard them, I-I would have felt us move!” He started pulling against the restraints but they remained the same. “Don’t believe anything! This is all a lie! A facade put on by her! She is a witch! You need to kill her! Whoever kills her gets to join me at the top!”
You smiled down at the pathetic man, “Goodbye, little piggy,” you said as you started walking.
You looked to the girls, “You have 20 minutes before the others can approach him.”
They nodded at you and started circling the man as you walked into the building they came out of. You could hear the way they made him sing as they tore into him. You had fed enough of your energy into him that he would stay alive and conscious until the barrier fell no matter how much damage he took. He would feel every ounce of revenge they had for him. Inside, there was still one girl. The girl in your contract. You took her hand and told her you were taking her home. She had heard and saw what you had done. She gave you no hesitation as she walked behind you. Upon getting to the house, the mother rushed to her daughter with open arms. They both sobbed as they hugged each other and fell to the ground.
You let them have a minute before clearing your throat. The mother looked up to you and then back down to her daughter. She held her face and then wiped away her tears, telling her something you didn’t bother to catch. The girl looked up at you while still on her knees and started begging and crying. It all fell on deaf ears as you took the mother into their house where her husband was currently tied up. You handed her the dagger your Mother had given you all those years ago and she grabbed it tight in her hands.
”Thank you,” she said while smiling at you through watery eyes. She then turned around and stabbed her husband over and over. Each plunge accompanied by a scream of liberation. She looked down at his mangled torso before taking a deep breath and looking at the moon “Thank you,” she said again before plunging the dagger into her own abdomen. You grabbed the dagger and left, walking past the daughter who was still on her knees outside.
When you finally made it back to your home the sun was rising, you were exhausted. You grabbed an already open bottle of sake and took it to your bed deciding to forego a glass. Most crimes didn’t bother you but you always hated ones they dealt with girls being sold. It made you want to take the whole town off of the map for letting it go on for so long. The way that mother ran to her daughter irked you too. You couldn’t remember your parents or really anything before being sold. You had always assumed they realized you were blind and got rid of you as quickly as they could. You knew there would never have been anyone waiting for you with open arms after going through the traumatic events you did. It would have always been you having to comfort yourself, telling yourself it was okay. And that was okay…
You awoke sometime around noon to a fight happening in the hallway of where you were staying. Some man didn’t have something he owed the other man blah blah blah. Didn’t they know where you were? This was the city of night. Arguing that loud while it was still light out was a death sentence. You opened your door to look at them. It was two well dressed men—obviously not from around here. Your guess is that one of them was hiding from some debts here and the other came to collect.
”Keep your fucking voice down before I rip out your vocal cords and shove them up your ass”. Heh then he could really talk out of his ass.
”Mind your own business whore. Where’s your owner to keep you in—,” his sentence was cut short by your hand around his throat.
”Go on, finish your sentence,” you said without letting up on his throat. All that came out were gurgles as his face started to darken. You were fully ready to kill him when your friend Ieriri opened her door and sighed.
”Can’t we have a morning without a body in the hall?” She leaned against the doorframe clearly feeling the full effects of a hangover, her lips pouting into a plea.
”I thought you would enjoy a new body to experiment on Ieiri,” you said returning your own pout as you slightly loosened your grip on the man’s throat. “Plus he was so mean to me”.
”Ple-ease am- sorry,” the man choked out as he held onto your hand.
Ieiri put her hands together as she begged you to just let it be. You sighed and eyed the man that he was obviously here for.
“Both of you, out—now”.
The other man went to rebuttal but immediately shut his mouth when he felt your aura pierce through him. You released the man you were holding and he grabbed the other man by his hair before dragging him down the hallway and out of the building. You groan as you haggardly waltz into Ieiri’s room, still exhausted from your interrupted sleep.
”Well come in,” she jokingly says since you’re already on laying on her bed. She closes her door and comes to lay with you, “rough night?”
You sigh and nod your head. “I had a job a few villages over that required a lot of setup and was extremely fucked up. Like I will think I am fucked up, but when I see towns like that, I almost feel like a fucking saint,” you laugh.
”Fuck I know, right? I almost like going to towns like that though because I enjoy feeling like a saint and holding myself over people”, she says while literally holding herself over you which makes you laugh.
”Oh hardy har. Please madame teach me the ways of civility, turn me into a real upstanding lady!”
You both can’t help but laugh as she crawls into bed next to you. You had found Ieiri when you first came to this town 12 years ago. You were both children stealing for food, but she had gotten caught and almost killed on the spot for it. You had saved her and she had been glued to your side ever since. At first you kept telling her to go away, after all, you had never had a friend before. You didn’t know what to do with it, what she wanted. So you dealt with it the only way that made sense to you. You made it a partnership. She had knowledge of the town and you had power. You guys became town menaces in a town already full of them. It was the perfect paradise for you. Now you both knew it was more than a partnership, it was true companionship. You considered her to be like a sister and would turn the world over if anyone ever hurt her, but you would be surprised if they could. You had been teaching her how to use cursed energy ever since you felt a trace of it within her. She could easily hold her own against an average human. Your giggles died down as you both found rest in each other’s arms.
You walked the streets of your home. Some people gave you friendly greetings, some even approached you for a hug, while others hurried past you and didn’t dare to make eye contact. In a town full of criminals and assassins, they knew you were at the top of the food chain. Those who had challenged you in the past were either never heard from again or had come back so altered it was like there was no one home behind their eyes. Just walking zombies. Those were the ones you let Shoko play with. After running whatever experiments she wanted on them, they came out a ghost of their former selves.
You made your way to your favorite bar and as you came in the barkeep brought out an imported bottle of tequila that he knew you loved. Your eyes lit up as you beelined towards him. “Kentooo you shouldn’t have,” you said as you reached for it.
He pulled it back to your shock, “Oh I shouldn’t have? My mistake I will sell it to someone else then”, he said with an apologetic bow reeking of sarcasm. You put out your lips in a pout but he didn’t budge so you sighed.
”Thank you so much my knight in booze plated armor for remembering my favorite drink and fighting the terrifying trade company to retrieve it. I give you my most sincere thanks for bringing it back to me in one piece. Your efforts shall not go unacknowledged, what shall thy knight’s request entail,” you said with laughable grandeur.
He tried his best to keep up his end of the rouse but once one laugh fell through they all did. “You’re a little shit (Y/N)”, he said while opening the bottle and pouring you both a shot.
“And you’re an idiot for not taking up the invitation for me to grant you one request,” you said while clinking his glass and downing a shot with him.
”We will just say you owe me one then,” you were about to rebuttal but he remembered something,”By the way, you have a client in the back room waiting for you. He said he was a messenger for Lord… uhm well you know who.”
It wasn’t often you saw Kento get nervous but whoever’s name he was referencing definitely did it. You motioned your eyebrows to ask who but he acted as if a customer called him and walked off.
”Hey, where are you, KENTOOOO,” you shouted behind him to no avail. You sighed and grabbed the bottle as you walked towards the back to meet a messenger of Lord Spooky apparently.
In the back you saw a man in a very expensive garb and figured that was who you were looking for. You sat down at the table he was waiting for you at and took a drink.
”What do you want,” you said with little regard. Lords usually wanted some other Lord killed or a crime hidden away. They were also usually stingy and tried to slip payments thinking you couldn’t touch them. Man you hated dealing with them.
”I am a messenger of King Sukuna, he has requested your presence,” he said showing the same lack of regard to you. To him, you looked like a wench with a drinking issue. Not an asset.
You just looked at him, “Get out of here you fucking liar. The King has no interest in people here. We’re all just swine to him.”
His eyebrow twitched in annoyance, “While I don’t rebuke you being swine”, ohohohhh this motherfucker wanted to walk out with his head facing his ass, “he did indeed request your presence in the throne room, by 10 tomorrow.”
You blinked a few times, “So let me get this straight, the King wants me there by 10 tomorrow? It is currently 2 in the morning, and it takes 7 hours to get to his shrine. So within an hour I am supposed to drop everything and go?”
”Well you see, I arrived here 6 hours ago but this forsaken town doesn’t wake up until the sun is down, so technically you were going to have 2 hours to get ready, we would have left four hours ago, and then had plenty of time to fix your appearance for the king. But now, we will be leaving immediately and hoping there is time to wash the stench of booze from you and find out if there is a presentable version of you”.
Gobsmacked. Your jaw was left open at his onslaught of words and you were about to shove your fingers through his neck and beat the rest of his body with his skull when he held up the King’s stamp. Holy shit. You grabbed it and looked at it closer. It was real. It was really fucking real. The King wanted to see you. The King that had so many fucking horror stories written about him that maybe it actually should be Lord Spooky instead of King Sukuna.
”Uhm, well give me 20 minutes and I will meet you back here,” you said while getting up still feeling a little surreal.
What did the King want? Was this going to go bad and turn into a fight? There were very few people you didn’t want to seriously throw down with and he was one of them. From what you have heard, he is a powerful curse user like you surrounded by other less powerful curse users. Fuuuck if you were going to fight you wanted to do it in a neutral area not his fucking shrine. That’s not even fair. Although, it also made your blood tingle at the prospect of fighting someone at your level. Someone who also used cursed energy and was absolutely fucked in the head. Maybe a fight wouldn’t be bad.
”You have 10 and if you run the King will come here himself to retrieve you and take out this town in the process,” he said while getting up and walking towards the door where his carriage was ready, “Don’t. Be. Late.”
Kento who had heard the last bit of the conversation looked at you in shock before inching closer. “What was that about? Why would the King come here? Why does he want you? What the fuck did you do?” He was directly in front of you while rambling off questions. You just hugged him. “Don’t touch my tequila while I am away.”
You hurriedly ran to Ieiri’s and told her the gist of the conversation and your goodbyes. She was reluctant but knew you could handle yourself, even if it was against the King. She knew you would come back home, so you hugged and then left.
You made it back to the carriage with a just a small knapsack. You didn’t keep much with you. You had your dagger, some snacks, money, and some changes of clothes. Not that you expected to be able to wear the clothes as your usual attire wasn’t really fit for where you were going. You assumed they would continue to “make you presentable” while you were there.
”On time. I suppose you do have some class,” the messenger said as he opened the door for you and motioned for you to enter.
You gave a sarcastic bow while holding his eye contact, “Opening the door for me, I suppose you do know your place, peasant,” you said with a grin as you got in and he followed with a face so red it was almost purple.
The ride was very long, and very bumpy. “Soo, what’s your name,” you asked.
He just scoffed at your question and refused to look like you.
”So you’re just going to act like a child then?”
Nothing. More silent treatment.
Act like a child? Two could play at that game. “Hey, hey, hey, HEEEEEEYYY-“
”WHAT”, he cut you off seething.
”I asked you a question.”
”I don’t answer to you.”
”Do I have to repeatedly scream my questions to get you to answer them?”
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Geto Suguru”.
”Seeee that wasn’t that hard,” you said much to his annoyance, “so what does the King want with me?”
”He will tell you when we get there. And before you scream at me that is all I am allowed to say so please let me ride in peace.”
You sighed. You guess you can ride in silence with him but there will be no peace for you. You wanted to be a little shit and make sure there was no peace for him either but given his obvious disdain towards someone of your class you were sure it wasn’t peaceful for him either. Whatever you thought as you leaned back into your chair and looked at the ceiling of the carriage.
At some point you had dozed off because Geto kicked you in the leg to get you to wake up. Or well tried. As soon as you sensed his foot near your leg you stood and raised your leg to the side of his throat. For the first time you saw his expression change from annoyance to shock. He was sure you were dead asleep from how you were snoring and drooling, but here you were with a kick that left air to blow in his face from the sudden stop next to his neck. He didn’t even see it coming. Maybe you could be an asset after all.
”Y’know a simple hey would suffice next time ass wipe,” you said while lowering your foot and exiting the open carriage door. The attendants kept their heads bowed but you could tell they were just as shocked from the scene and some had to stifle laughter from your insult to him.
You stretched your arms up over your head as you got out and let rip a hearty yawn. As you finished you started taking in the shrine and palace. It was so clean, obviously Sukuna had some very good help with how spotless this place was. You looked at the attending and noticed that even they were well kept. With all the rumors about him you almost expected them to be in haggard loin clothes covered in dirt. Instead they all wore black and red kimonos. They were simple but still nicer than what you wore when in a hoity toity setting. You wore a simple loose shirt that hung off your shoulder when knocked out of the center, loose pants with deep pockets, and an expensive pair of boots with steel on top of the toe. It wasn’t fancy but with how much blood got on your clothes there wasn’t a point in buying nicer ones.
“Weapons are not permitted. Hand over all that you have,” Geto said as he walked up beside you.
You figured it would be like that so you had used your magic earlier to slip the dagger your Mother gave you into a pocket realm and handed the rest over to Geto.
He looked down at the daggers you gave him, “Anymore?”
”Nope,” you said before trying to continue onwards to which Geto reached his arm out and barred your entry. “Oh what now?”
”I don’t believe you.”
You sighed and spread your arms and legs, “Go on then search me”.
He felt up your legs to your thighs to your back pockets. His body towering over you as you stared into his chest. His hands slid from your ass to your waist and then started moving up until they cupped under your breasts.
”Oi they’re not bombs they’re my tits, although I can understand the confusion since that sour look you wear makes it seem as if you’ve never been laid,” you said while looking up at him.
”I know what they are, although given their size I almost thought they were little bombs,” he said with a smile while moving his hands to your back and then finally up your shoulders and down your arms.
You just laughed at his comment. Your boobs were not the biggest but not the smallest either. You never had any complaints from past lovers so you felt indifferent about it.
”Well now that you know that they aren’t a bomb but just the bomb, are we done?”
He shook his head at your comment but you swore there was a ghost of a smile on his lips. Maybe all it took for him to start to like you was almost kicking his head off. He jerked his head to the side in gesture for you to follow so you did. Once on the grounds, you got to see how diligent his servants truly worked. They worked very obssesively all with their heads bowed, refusing to make eye contact with anything aside from what they were doing.
”Why are everyone’s heads bowed,” you asked.
”It is a rule. Keep your head down so you don’t make eye contact with the King on accident. If they do they are killed right where they stand.”
“Why can’t I look at him? Is he… y’know not quite-“
“I’m going to stop you right there. You may be a requested guest but you will be killed all the same for disrespecting the King. He is fine, it is a sign of disrespect to look him in the eye so don’t,” he said while guiding you into the servant’s wing of the palace.
You couldn’t help but giggle, “So you think he is fine, huh? That why you don’t like boobs?”
”Gods you’re insufferable”, he led you into a room with a bath waiting and a few female servants. “Bathe and get dressed—quickly. I expect you outside in 20 minutes”, he said before closing the door and leaving you alone with the other women.
They came to help you undress but you gave them a gentle wave of no while smiling and thanking them for the offer while you undressed yourself. You noticed them staring at your body. You were probably the most muscular woman they had seen and you had a few scars on your back and abdomen from before you were gifted by the Mother. You just smiled at their stares and got into the bath helping them quickly scrub you clean. The products they were using smelled like lavender and bergamot. Scents you didn’t realize you were quite fond of until basking in them. You got through the bath quickly and moved onto dressing. They put a black and red robe on you that was made of a nicer material than theirs and had designs along the inner trim and bottom of the sleeves. They went to put socks and sandals on you but you protested asking to just wear your boots. They looked mortified and panicked. You wondered if they would get killed if you showed up differently than planned so you just sighed and put on the socks and sandals. They tied your hair up into an intricate bun with black pins donning red tassles holding it into place. They moved onto your face applying a dark stroke of black to line your eyes and dark red lipstick that reminded you of how you look when you bite people.
You were sure they normally do more given all the beauty products laying in front of you but time was up. You bowed and thanked them to their dismay, a smile forming on their lips, as you went to the door. When you open it you meet Geto standing there waiting. “Alright time to go”, he said but as he turned towards you he stopped. Once again, surprise bloomed across his features.
“Oh piss off. A sprinkle of makeup didn’t transform me, let’s go”, you said while walking off.
“Wrong way”, he shouted which made you turn around and start towards the opposite end of the corridor that he had already started walking towards. He had found your features to be attractive before, so no you didn’t transform, but gods did you look good like that. If only he could wash and redress your attitude.
Before opening the door Geto reminded you to not look at the King, not to cuss, to be respectful, not to speak unless spoken to, and basically go against all of your natural instincts. To which you sarcastically thanked him and took a deep breath. You had played many roles over the years and this was no different. You calmed your energy down until you could feel it was perfectly poised, put on a friendly yet neutral face, put your hands together in your kimono sleeves, and kept you head down as Geto led you into the throne room.
You could feel the King’s presence as well as a less stronger presence beside his throne. There were a few other people in the room but you and Geto were the only other ones with cursed energy. The odds of winning a fight against all of them would be absolutely rough, unless you put them in your domain. There it would be them against an army of your creations, but you wanted to keep your domain under wraps for as long as you could.
You could feel all of their eyes on you, sizing you up as well. Gods it was so fucking stupid that you couldn’t look at them as well. The hypocrisy made you want to look directly in his eyes and flip him the bird. Shit you almost let out a little giggle at that. Keep your thoughts cool dammit.
“Welcome (Y/N), I have heard a lot about you”, a voice with a deep timbre and light rumble said. You didn’t have to look to know it was the King.
“I wasn’t aware you had heard of me my King, but I am honored at your invitiation”, you said with a practiced voice that had Geto side eyeing you wondering where the fuck the actual you went.
You could hear him getting up in his seat, but didn’t give into the desire to look.
“Do you know why I called you here, (Y/N)”, he said as he started descending down the steps leading to his throne.
“No, my King. I-“, you feel a wave of cursed energy shoot towards you and step out of the way of it before feeling the King’s energy approaching you rapidly. You brace yourself and he appears in front of you, you manage to keep up with his speed and dodge his incoming physical attacks while using your cursed energy to fend off his own. His attacks have no malice behind them and he is keeping you two in a small radius clear of destroying anything, so you assume this is likely a test. You keep your head down and your arms in your sleeves. You feel as if you’re doing well at the test until two more arms appear from nowhere.
What the fuck is this asshole part spider? How many fucking arms does he have?
Just when everyone in the room thinks that he has you in his grasp, you disappear. They’re left in confusion as they look around for you.
”Do you know why I am here my King,” you ask from in front of his throne with a slight hint of sarcasm on ‘my King’, your places now switched from how they began.
He smiled before appearing right in front of you again, “Serve me”, he whispered in your ear.
He let out a maniacal laugh, “Well one, you have no choice in the matter. You will serve me or die by me. I will be nice and give you a two though”, he said while circling you like a predator, “we are the same. Well maybe not in power, but I have heard of your work. Seen what remains after you're sent to do a job. You don’t just do what the client tells you, no, you sow seeds for cursed energy to grow from, don’t you? I can feel the hunger inside you, the pit that demands chaos paid in blood. Feed it with me”. He is behind you, his face beside your ear again.
“What are the terms of my treatment? Am I stuck here or do I get to go outside the palace? Also, what is your end goal? Why rule, why dominate? What world are you hoping to get out of it?”, you ask turning around to face him, this time staring right into his eyes.
He grabs your throat when you make eye contact, but quickly lets go in slight shock. “Were you draining my power just then?”, he asks with a wild smile on his face.
”Yes my King. I wouldn’t advise touching me against my will. It only takes a few seconds for me to send it to that pit that you mentioned,” you boldly take a step towards him, still maintaining eye contact, “I will work with you but there will be conditions. You will find that I am much nicer to work with when I am happy and that I am very easily made happy”. You say with the smile you learned from your Mother while unleashing the veil you always kept over your power and could feel the others’ spike in response to yours. The humans in the room launched their heads back before looking at the King, eyes matching the color of yours. All of the sorcerers, could feel your power tapping around in the heads, not in them, but letting them know they could end up out of control if they slip up.
Sukuna’s POV
This annoying little bitch coming into my throne room and challenging me. I could stick my fingers through her fucking brain until she has no choice but to be an obedient slave and part of me loves that idea, but the other part loves where this is going. She can disappear from even me and reappear without being sensed, tap into others minds, and drain other users of their power. She may not be as strong as me, but fucking hell are her abilities useful. And something about her presence makes my power hum with a feeling I can't place. Lust? Hate? Familiarity? Fuck I don’t know but I want her near.
I sit back in my throne, eyeing her up and down. With me sitting we are closer to eye level than before. Her eyes look like pools of blood, begging to drown the world in them. “What are your requests then, brat?” I can see the shock on the other sorcerers' faces, but also understanding on Geto’s. He must also realize she is an asset.
“I require alcohol, casual wear fit for fighting, an area where I can train but it doesn’t need to be private, and while I understand I may not be able to leave often, the ability to visit my home for 24 hours at a time not including travel time,” she said while still fucking staring me down. Cheeky bitch. But none of those are terrible, I suppose.
”Oh, and I would like to be able to have sex”, she added while nodding.
”With who?”
”You—“, Geto and Uraume both choked on air at her request as my eyebrows raised. Who does this fucking wench think she is demanding stipulations and then to fuck me I—“ Kidding, sorry. I didn’t really have anyone in particular in mind I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t off the table since this is kinda a shrine”, she said as if she hadn’t just informally joked about having fucking me—her fucking King.
I just sit and stare at her for a minute wondering what the hell goes through her mind that compels her to speak to me so casually. What happened to the demeanor she had in the beginning? Speaking like a bratty fucking whore now that she is close to me. Normally, I would grab her by her fucking throat and slam her around for such insolence, but I can still feel the hole she drained from my power. That ability is pesky as hell. Maybe I can get her to lower it and then smash in her skull. Hmm that would be nice.
“I will agree to your terms, but you will only drink after the sun sets, wear the clothing I choose outside of daily routine, and you may leave three times a year upon my approval and failure to follow those terms will results in losing one of those visitations. You will also speak to me with respect for here on out. I will not hear more slander about fucking a ran through whore like you or I will snap your neck, power drain or not. Are we clear?”
She gives me a shit eating grin before slightly bowing her head, “Crystal clear my King. I look forward to working for you.”
Holy shit why did I say him? What demon inside me fucking compelled me to risk my life over that? Although…everyone’s reaction was funny.
“I will agree to your terms, but you will only drink after the sun sets, wear the clothing I choose outside of daily routine, and you may leave three times a year upon my approval and failure to follow those terms will results in losing one of those visitations. You will also speak to me with respect for here on out. I will not hear more slander about fucking a ran through whore like you or I will snap your neck, power drain or not. Are we clear?”
Except the end. Ran through whore? I am sorry, but who is it that has MULTIPLE concubines? Hypocrite.
“Crystal clear my King. I look forward to working with you.”
With that he waves his hand in dismissal and I walk away with my head still bowed and Geto following behind me. Once out of the room he smacks me on the back of the head.
”Fuck you actually do drain people’s energy don’t you?”
”Yea did you think our King was lying? You accuse him of being a liar? Don’t you know that is direct disrespect to him and punishable by death”, you say with a dead serious look as you stare at him.
He stares back absolutely baffled. “If anyone needs advice on how to not get killed by the King it's you. You flat out asked to fuck him like a goddamn maniac”, he says while guiding you to where you assume your quarters will be.
“Yea imagine if we got into a real fight. I wonder how it would go? I think it’d be pointless. We are stronger together. I am more of an asset than any of you know, killing me would suuuuck”, you say with an overly playful tone for the topic.
“How can you be so sure that you’re such an asset that he wouldn’t kill you?”
“Can any of you do what I just did?”
”Teleporting yes and—“
”I didn’t teleport. I went to a different realm that is in this one but not. Can any of you walk between realms?”
”I don’t even know what that means or what to do with that information. You make my brain hurt, for many reasons”, he stops and opens the door in front of you, “these are your quarters. I am sure your servants will be by to take your measurements and specifications for clothes and alcohol preferences soon. Do not leave this room without your attending servants until you have been told you may wander alone. Okay?”
You smile as you walk in and do a few spins in your room, “Yes, I understand. Wait for my servants and don’t leave without them”, you say without looking at Geto as you take in your room. You hear your door close, leaving you to your own devices
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Notes: chapter one ayoo hopefully you guys like it. Some notes about the reader and Sukuna
- The reader’s cursed powers follow many techniques just like the Mother’s. The realm in between she mentioned is the Mother’s domain. Her domain is so big it is literally separate realm that exists on top of the other one without detection. The Mother and reader are the only ones that can travel to it. This realm is full of stored cursed energy and curses crafted by the Mother and reader. The Mother and her spawn stay in a palace that the reader cannot reach in that realm as they are taking a hands off approach for a while, so the reader can only use creations made themselves. Similar to Geto’s power but on a larger scale. This will actually make the two of them a good combo in the future.
- Sukuna had someone watch the events described in the beginning. He is interested in the reader because he has heard many accounts of their power and the technique is always different. He has also heard accounts of them lifting grown men twice their size as well as other items of great weight. Her speed has also been made a point of interest. Her bloodlust has also reached his ears and the depictions of gore she has left behind. Her killing didn’t discriminate on age or gender, but he had noticed her scenes were more intense when involving rape.
- The more cursed energy a sorcerer has the more of a pull her blood will have on them because the purer their energy is. It can feel the Mother within it and yearns to feed on it. This is why the King will let her get away with more and will act more erratic around her because he doesn’t know why he feels the way it does but he is oddly possessive/protective of her now. He would still beat her for the insolence if it wouldn’t drain him, but he has no intention of killing her.
- Ieiri knows more about the reader’s powers than anyone else and experiments on people to come up with new ideas for curses. She finds out what hurts the most but keeps the patient alive, different things that affect their vitals, tests on humans and sorcerers to ensure effectiveness, different ways to get inside people’s minds, and an array of ways to attack people in general. This has allowed the reader to create curses completely different than the Mother’s.
- If it came down to a fight, the reader would win in cursed energy, but Sukuna would win in brute strength. It would come down to how both played their cards throughout the match. The reader’s domain is able to open within Sukuna’s and is the inside of the Mother’s palace. So while he may have Malevolent Shrine, she has Malevolent Mother but the reader would rather die than run to her mom, so y’know.
Taglist: @missroro
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bihanapologist · 9 months
✮ noob saibot harassing his wife into joining him in death out of twisted love and care for them (feminine terms used but no gendered pronouns for reader)
w/c = 1.7k
cw = slight suicide ideation, noob calls reader "little bird" if that pet name is too cringe then please don't read!
a/n = the reader has a chronic illness and is the physical embodiment of spring simply because it parallels bi-han
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You weren’t supposed to be here. You were instructed to hide. Your clan was supposed to protect you. But they’re gone.
Your only option is to run. Return to that reprehensible faction. Find your brother-in-law — the only person you trust. Despite knowing that embarking on this treacherous journey would be unkind to your sickly body, you have to try.
Your body condemns your choice. You’re wheezing and hacking up blood as arrows whizz past your face. Your legs throb, begging you to end this excruciating torture. At last, your knees finally give up on you, sending you pummelling into the dirt. You lie there as footsteps grow closer and closer. Debilitated, parched and miles away from Articka, you close your eyes and resign yourself to your fate.
Loud, heavy thuds follow pained squawks. Your eyes snap open. You push through the bursts of pain to turn, to face your unexpected hero…or future killer. A man cloaked in black stands within the shadows — not under, no, he isn’t just shrouded under the shadows; he is one with them — a bloodied sickle in hand.
"Who are you?"
"Your saviour," the man replies with a rasp, his voice soft yet menacing. "Don’t you recognise me, little bird?"
Your blood freezes.
“You can't..."
"Can't what, (Name)?" he asks, a subtle amusement in his gravelly voice.
No, this couldn’t be him. But the only one who called you by that pet name was your ex-husband. Your dead ex-husband.
Years ago, you were wedded to the elder Sub-Zero — Bi-han. Although the union was solely for diplomatic reasons, it was a blissful marriage. Despite your illness and weak body, he never viewed you as a burden. At times, you would sing to cheer him up after a particularly tiring mission. In turn, he affectionately called you ‘oriole’ after the golden songbird. Your former husband — the one who cut you fruits and watched over your feverish form when you were bedridden — couldn’t possibly be the same man as the one in front of you.
His shrouded body ripples like ink, chalky pupilless eyes probing into your soul. His sickle glistens, beads of scarlet dripping down the polished metal only adding to the macabre image. The only word you would describe what you could behold is grim. Grim. Yes, his garb is akin to that of a grim reaper.
If this is Bi-Han, he is nothing but a shadow of himself.
"It's been too long, little bird.”
"You're not Bi-Han," you mutter, holding your breath as you take in his haunting silhouette. "My husband is dead."
"Dead, alive, it makes no difference to me. I am merely the tool of my master's will. But I do remember you."
Every step is slow. Every step is deliberate. Every step echoes through the vacuous forest as he treads past the lifeless bodies. Those same men that butchered your entire clan like they were cattle. The same men that chased you across China and were mere seconds away from claiming your life. All dead in the blink of an eye, slain by ghostly hands. He makes his way closer and closer to you, his presence alone instilling fear and dread as you slowly back away.
"I remember your beauty and kindness, but most of all, I remember your fragility,” he remarks, towering over your fallen form. "You are still so delicate. But you have more resolve than I give you credit for."
"Who resurrected you?”
"The Sorcerer Quan Chi, of course. He perfected me, gave me the power and body I deserve."
He straightens himself, the moonlight casting upon his umbrous form, beckoning you to bask in it. Your eyes only reflect fear and pity. This isn't the man you married.
"Perfect? Bi-Han, you've become a shell of the man you were!" you protest.
The mask covers his perpetually emotionless face, making him impossible to read. Bi-Han watches you in silence as you are overtaken by grief and anguish at the sight of him. You couldn’t even recognise him. You have heard of the horrors of the Netherrealm and creations that Quan Chi constructs but this is beyond anything you have ever seen. He doesn’t have his voice, he doesn’t speak like him, he barely looks like himself, can you truly call this your Bi-Han?
"You have no idea what I am," Bi-Han sneers. "I have become darkness incarnate. I am more powerful than you can possibly imagine, (Name). This perfected body allows me to do things I could never have done as the human Bi-Han. I have been reborn, reforged now by the darkness. And soon, the realms will know my terror.”
"Oh, Bi-Han," you croak, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. "How far you have fallen."
"I have not fallen. I have ascended with the darkness, and the shadows are where I belong."
"You belong with your family, Bi-Han!" you protest, voice breaking. "You belong with Kuai Liang and—"
"A dead man needs no family," Bi-Han states in that unfeeling, inhumane voice. "I am what I should have always been — but you will come to understand, once you join me."
Your eyes widen. "Join you?"
He takes another step closer, his silhouette blocking the moonlight and looming over your cowering form. Your heart hammers against your ribcage, feeling like a cornered animal in his presence.
"Yes, join me.” He extends a gloved hand. "Join me in the Netherrealm and be reborn."
"Why would I want to die?!" you bawl, backing away.
His gloved hand remains outstretched despite your blatant show of horror, his sickle in his other hand hanging by his side. There is a bleak, void-like darkness radiating from him, white pupils glowing in the night.
"For the same reason I did," he replies, his voice low and quiet. So that you can live."
"That doesn't make sense," you object, furrowing your eyebrows. "I am alive. My powers are of spring and rebirth. I'm the physical manifestation of life."
Bi-Han doesn't answer right away. Instead, he stares at you with those unfeeling eyes, his mouth hidden beneath the mask. You stiffen at the sound of laughter. It's the first instance where has shown emotion in this encounter.
"You call this living?" the wraith challenges you. "This existence where you are forced to live like a caged bird, hidden from others, tied to a bed, a slave to medicine. Can you honestly call that living?"
Your mouth goes dry. Your gaze is fixed to the ground, trying to form the words. He retracts his hand and he folds his arms. There is something ominous in the calmness of his movements, in the wisps of shadows emanating from him.
"What's wrong? Nothing to say?" He closes the distance once again, but this time, you don’t back away. "Do you know what it's like to truly live? I do. Being reborn as the shadow, the darkness — it is true freedom. Freedom you can only dream of.”
You bite your lip. "Bi-Han, look at what you've become—"
"I am more than I ever was,” he boasts. “The darkness has freed me, just as it will free you. You know better than anyone, oriole. This flesh you wear, it is weak. You could live without it, without those constraints. Be reborn, (Name). Let the darkness save you from the fragility you have always possessed, the weakness you have tried to hide."
“I can't bear to see you like this…”
"I offer you immortality, little bird. I am offering you the means to escape this fragile existence. There will be no more pain. Only life. Eternal life."
Tears flood your vision. Your head hurts. Your bones hurt, your body hurts. It’s cold and an airy breeze blows past your face, sending goosebumps up your skin. For years, you cried for your late husband. For years, you wish that someday, in another place and time, you could be reunited with him. Not like this. Your husband, your Bi-Han…how could he?
You freeze at the feeling of cold metal against your throat. You swallow, blinking away your tears as you gaze up at the wraith.
"My little bird," Bi-Han whispers, "I would do anything to protect you. Join me, and I will save you. I am the embodiment of death. And you are the personification of life. Let us dance in death together, under the moonlight."
…Living is a burden.
You never chose to live. You never chose to be born with this illness or to be hunted for your powers that you couldn’t even awaken. Is a normal, peaceful life too much to ask for? You had a glimpse of it when you were with Bi-Han. If you squint, you can still taste the sweetness of peaches swirling on your tongue. He always fed you when you were too tired to lift up your arms. He was so good to you.
You miss him.
You open your mouth to answer. But the feeling of hot ichor dripping off his sickle and puddling on your clothes causes the words to vanish in an instant. You stiffen when you catch the glint of the blade in the moonlight. Dread makes its home in the pit of your belly.
You don’t want to die.
A flash of ice hits the wraith square in the chest, toppling him off his feet and sending him colliding into a tree. He lays there motionless, his form sprawled over the ground. For a moment, you think he is dead until he lets out a groan and rises to his feet. His eyes glint under the shadows of his hood and he looks towards the source of the ice.
Lucidity clicks back into place and you let out a sigh of relief as you shake your head. "You arrived in time, Kuai Liang."
"(Name)!" Bi-Han’s younger brother runs over to you and helps you up. "Forgive me, I didn't arrive fast enough."
The wraith’s expression remains emotionless despite being hurled by the ice blast. Yet, you could tell that isn’t the case by the way his grip tightens around the sickle’s handle.
He snarls as the shadows covering his silhouette begin to gather, the darkness swirling around him like a cloak. He grips the sickle tightly in his hand as the shadows rise above him, shrouding his form in a blanket of darkness. The shadow shroud ripples in the night, and then dissipates, leaving nothing but emptiness. The forest is quiet once more.
“Was that really Bi-Han?” you croak, vision blurry from tears.
“Unfortunately so,” Kuai Liang answers. “We can talk later. Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
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divider by @/cafekitsune
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vigilskeep · 3 months
i think rook is actually going to know varric better than we think? corinne busche described faction choice to gameinformer as determining “who your rook was before, how they met varric, why they travel with varric instead of their faction, and more”. we’ve also been repeatedly promised that rook chose to be a part of this team. so while the barfight may have been the first time varric and harding saw them really fight, as expressed by the reveal trailer, i feel we can be 99% certain this wasn’t actually the first time they met, despite the jokes i personally have made about it. which is why i don’t think we actually need to worry about seeing, uh, whatever happens to varric, from the perspective of someone who doesn’t care
rook may not have been recruited that long ago, as they are still asking for details about solas’ plans during the intro, but that kind of has to be there as exposition for new/casual players. and rook does also, in the very first conversation we see so before the ritual starts and things said earlier that day might change, ask varric if he “still” thinks he can talk solas down, implying to me they’ve discussed some part of this at an earlier date. they at least believe in varric enough to have been recruited by him, and he believes enough in rook to ask them, specifically, not harding or anyone else, to “take care of the team” for him. over the course of the gameplay reveal, varric casually gives rook a friendly tap on the side/arm (i can’t quite tell) that they barely react to, rook helps him make a climb with a steadying hand on the back, they easily move in tandem in preparation for a fight, and rook looks genuinely worried when varric goes to confront solas. there’s some relationship here, is my point, even if it does pale in comparison to what we built up with our previous protagonists
to go out on even more of a limb, i wouldn’t be surprised if “rook” itself is one of varric’s nicknames, a name he gave them, and rook continuing to use it will quietly demonstrate his impact on them and the story even after he dies in the intro
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danieyells · 4 months
Thank you for sharing the tdb affinity lines! I know I won't be naturally getting any of these for ten years (if the games even still around by then) lol.
I was wondering if you could share any interesting lines of Taiga's? No pressure tho! It's just after seeing some of his lines from other people, he seems to have a bigger role in the story and I'm curious if any of his lines give any more clues to the situation on hand. Also would be interesting to see if he genuinely starts caring for mc besides wanting to like. Eat her for lunch lol.
It's no problem! And yeah that's part of why I wanna share them--getting the units to high enough affinity is a pain and to even see any of the home screen dialogues you need an SR or SSR, which means good luck with the gacha buckaroo.
YES TAIGA MY BELOVED. he's my favorite behind maybe Towa. Chances are if you've seen the one line you've seen the only one referring to that, although there is one more that may be related? But it might be general. As for caring for the PC, this is a joseimuke so. The characters will always love you more and more with time. And Taiga most certainly does haha doesn't prevent the hunger from rising up though. friendly reminder to feed your Taiga!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"...Who're you? Don't pop up out of nowhere like that.  Wouldn't want me to shoot you by mistake, would you?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Huh? You got a letter. If it's for me just reply for me, yeah?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"What are you again? A middle school student? A transfer student? Got it, an honor student! Gyahaha! I'm never gonna remember that!"
"Heads or tails, even or odd, on or off... It's all so fucking tedious!"
"Playing with these morons is exhausting... Lulu gets all mad if I win too much..."
"Don't talk to me. I feel like shit."
"That smells amazing... Shit, where's it coming from?"
please feed your taiga.
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"It's too early for your bleating. Shut your trap unless you wanna get abducted."
once again, welcome to sinostra's house of human trafficking--
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"That dealer sucks. He's been here the longest? Why should I give a shit? Fire him."
what the fuck is tenure?
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You wanna know what kinda meat this is? Anomaly meat. What else would it be? ...Who the fuck're you again?"
he recognizes you enough to ask 'again'! progress! also I guess he almost exclusively eats anomaly meat.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Oops. I lost all the money Lulu gave me. Better make a run for it before he notices."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm bored... Hey, you over there. Come play five finger filet with me. Gimme your left hand."
five finger fillet, also called the knife game, is when you put your hand on a table and stab the gaps between your fingers with a knife in a sequence! Of course, you can also play it with someone else's hand, as Taiga is suggesting. Obviously stabbing the hand being played with means you lose. Taiga's chibi plays it when he's idle!
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"They nabbed one of ours? You guys aren't toddlers. Deal with it yourselves."
it's fascinating that there's such a faction divide within Sinostra that members of Taiga's side get abducted by Romeo's, and probably vice versa. And I bet Taiga doesn't care about any of this. Or at the very least it's not that serious to him.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Gambling and shoot-outs are pretty much the same thing. Morons who panic mess up and get dead. Gyahaha!"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"None of you morons have any flair for the table. Lulu needs to raise the minimum bet already."
isn't it your casino too. . .or even specifically it's in your name. . .can't you raise the minimum bet too. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You're a real smooth talker, huh? Don't remember anything you said though. Ciao!"
your seduction attempt didn't fail because of a bad roll, it failed because taiga failed a perception check lmao. . . .
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Can't sleep? Sit over there. I'll deal the cards."
He'll play with you until you fall asleep. . .or maybe he'll sit around making ASMR card shuffling noises until you doze off.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"...I'm not gonna play today. I'm sleeping. I don't care if the place is burning down— don't wake me up."
fun fact, he's making this face when he says this lol
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Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What's that guy's name again? You know, the one who's gonna become a judge or a cop or something. ...Whatever, I'll just forget it again."
at least he was interested in knowing for a second! maybe he'll give him a nickname.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I spy, with my little eye, a tasty-looking kitty-cat.... Come over here so I can pat you. ...Nah, changed my mind. Scram."
maybe it's just my interpretation but I like to think he's hungry and he saw you and he mindlessly tried to lure you closer because he wanted to eat you, then came to his senses and told you to go away so he wouldn't do something stupid like trying to eat a human. . . .
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm starving... You, get my usual. It's breakfast time."
i wonder what his usual is. what's a good breakfast anomaly? Dagravnen? Latte? Pompillar to keep the doctor away?
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"How does Lulu always have so much energy this early in the morning? It it 'cause of all that expensive water he drinks?"
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Stop talking. I don't care."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You going to bed already? Aren't you a good little kitty-cat. Whatever, do what you want."
he'd rather you stay up with him but he's not attached enough to try and make you stay up. . .yet.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You want a surefire way to win at the table? Doesn't exist. You just gotta keep playing."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Hey, go warm up my bed for me. What do you mean how? Get in there, dumbass."
either you're gonna get fucked or you're gonna get disappointed when he really just wanted a warm spot that smells nice to lie in and he makes you leave after he gets in bed. Or maybe he'll let you sleep in the bed with him and use you as a little body pillow!
I'd also like to add that he's using the "adult" expression so uh. leaning more towards you're gonna get fucked here.
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Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Where you going, kitty-cat? Class? You don't need to go there. I got something more fun in mind for us."
the expression used here is once again simply labelled "adult" so. . . . No going to class and no going to sleep.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"That's it, kitty-cat. I feel like my luck'll change if you're around."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm starving... This isn't enough... I want more... More..."
they've gotta stop letting him go so long without eating because he clearly loses his mind if he doesn't eat enough meat.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm the only one who sees how fucked we are. But he won't believe me. So just let it all burn down—I don't give a shit anymore."
if Taiga sees the future or knows the future because of timeline/loop shit, then that Taiga doesn't seem to actively care much about being Captain or doing his job makes sense. He knows that if nothing changes everything's going to fall apart anyway so there's no point in trying. We don't really know what his stigma does either--in fact, his "good luck" could be that he can see and react to future events, so he knows things like what cards will be drawn and such. But he's getting tired of everything always going so bad no mater what he does in response to what he sees. And Romeo(? it doesn't say who he's telling about how bad things are getting) isn't helping to make changes. . .so he's just giving up. But now you're here, maybe you're different somehow. Maybe somehow you're an outlier in this timeline. Maybe injuring you was on purpose to change something in the future he saw. Maybe that's why he's telling you about the spy. . . .of course this is all speculation. Until we learn what his stigma does or what he means by 'ditch this future' then. . .all speculation. But there is a wickhive post that someone can see the future. And the more I think about it the more I wonder if it's Taiga. (also because i'm sure someone will point this out, the wording 'let it all burn down' is specific to the English dialogue, so it's not a callback to the pre-prequel sequence where the school is on fire.)
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"If you don't like pain then quit flailing around. I'm getting a taste of you, so close your eyes and shut up."
welcome back to the torture chair! You're probably getting cut like a piece of good meat before he just sinks his teeth into you! Your hands and legs are bound and he's not going to let you get away without eating at least a little of your flesh, so suck it up. That or scream and hope somebody comes to rescue you. . .but the desire to eat the pc never goes away. Most likely because he just wants to eat fresh meat in general and the more he likes someone and the more they hang around him the more he wants to eat them. . .although I assume he unlearned it and now you're here and he just can't help himself. . .if they did consume demons to become ghouls, I bet you're the only thing short of maybe Romeo that'll taste anywhere near as good as that demon did.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"You're not getting away from me, kitten. You're here till death do us part, whether you like it or not."
oh and also you're married. y'know in case you wanted to do that. or even if you didn't. you don't have a choice in the matter.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"(Yawn) Man, why am I so tired today... Someone spike my food?"
'hey did someone drug the anomaly they brought me to eat so that i would get sleepy if i ate it' baby the weather's just getting warm you're sleepy because spring is cozy
(between 11am and 4pm)
"What? Cherry blossoms? Is it that time of year already? Man, that snuck up on me."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Fuck it, I'm taking a nap. Come over here and be my pillow."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"What's with that vacant look on your face? You need more excitement in your life? Come over here, I'll play with you."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Too hot... Hey, I want my breakfast on ice. They got tons of it over on Jin's turf, go nab some."
hey uh why do you remember Jin by name. like i know Jin's short enough of a name to not need a nickname but also you remember not only Jin but where he lives and how cold it is? Then again you started in the same year, maybe Taiga remembers all the third years since he's known them for two years?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Why don't we make a giant pool in Sinostra? It's so hot here. I'll put up the cash... Wait no, I used it all yesterday."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Quiz time—where's Lulu going all dolled up on a stinking hot day like this? Answer— he's cheating on me! Gyahaha!"
THEY ARE FEEDING MY SHIP WHAT DO YOU MEAN TAIGA JOKES THAT THEY'RE DATING. they have such awful married couple who hate each other but also love each other energy.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Shower? I don't wanna... Shut up and strip me already then."
man he has no fucks to give that you'd be taking his clothes off and seeing him naked huh. . . .
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good weather for sports? You get a lot more exercise fighting to the death. Gyahaha!"
how frequently do you think he fights to the death. . .probably a lot less than he used to. poor baby needs his deadly enrichment. Also the fact that he finds the idea of fighting to the death fun explains why he smiles when he takes damage in combat lol
(between 11am and 4pm)
"That looks tasty. Gimme a bite."
so given one of the most common autumn foods in japan is like sweet potatoes(and also the pc probably doesn't eat raw anomaly meat) I assume this means he does eat normal food, just prefers to eat raw meat especially from anomalies? Either way, i am once again remind you to feed your Taiga.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"We're going out. I've been eating more lately and these guys are too slow. Gonna go stock up."
you've been eating more lately? because it's autumn? what are you, a bear about to go into hibernation?? also he's taking you grocery shopping i guess. or anomaly hunting. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Watch your back. Way easier to jump people when it gets dark so early. Gyahaha!"
i'd like to think he stuck his gun under your chin and snuck up behind you from in the dark here lol
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"You trying to pull my covers off? Wanna die?"
my boy does NOT like being cold. Or getting up in the morning. So winter mornings? just leave him in bed.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I wanna go nab some food from Harry's place, but it's too cold for that shit..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh, I got an idea. I just gotta use someone as a punching bag to warm up. Hey you guys, stand over there."
Taiga beating the shit out of his own men because the exercise will keep him warm. . .why do people side with you again?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't like the cold... Come on, come be my hot water bottle! Let me cuddle up to you!"
Getting all tangled up with Taiga under his blankets while he shivers because Sinostra is in a desert and deserts in the winter can be FUCKING COLD especially at night. It gets cold and he's just the whiniest little meow-meow. Until he gets hungry.
His birthday: (October 16th)
"Huh? Whose birthday? Mine? Gyahaha! Totally forgot about it! Grazie!"
it's okay Taiga, I forget my birthday too most of the time.
Your birthday:
"Is it your birthday today? That little twerp told me. Okay, you can take one thing from my room."
Ritsu fuckin doxed you? is that legal? Doesn't Taiga's room have like a pile of coins in it. . .is one coin 'one thing' or is 'the pile of coins' one thing. . .then again the background is AI generated so. not really sensible and doesn't say much about him sadly. considering taiga's described as spending his money wastefully I assume he buys a lot of random things he doesn't need or use--then again he probably spends most of it on gambling. But considering he's offering you anything out of his room, I assume there's a lot of nice stuff in there.
New Years: (January 1st)
"You gonna go skipping off to a shrine together just to get your fortune told? That's dumb. Here, let me guess what it'll say—you'll have an okay year."
the fact that he guesses your fortune is a tiny piece on the 'taiga can see the future' evidence pile but it's a piece nonetheless
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Is that for me? Sure I'll take it, but it better be edible."
i was gonna say 'has he never gotten valentine's day chocolates before?' but i remembered that he probably doesn't really remember if he has so. this is probably his general reaction to gifts lol 'is it money and if not can i eat it'
White Day: (March 13th)
"What's that expectant look on your face? Lulu was harping on about mimosas or something before. That what you want?"
of course he doesn't know what white day is lol but he does remember that Romeo had something tasty!
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"I'm gonna die soon, you know? And I'm taking Lulu with me. ...Gotcha! Gyahaha!"
wait you didn't remember white day but you remembered april fool's day? maybe someone tried to prank him first lol remember guys, suicide is not an appropriate april fool's prank!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat. Where you gonna put your chips, kitty-cat?"
I think if you're trick or treating then they're supposed to decide if you get the trick or the treat. . .but it seems more like Taiga to give you something that could be a trick or a treat lolol russian roulette is a totally acceptable halloween party game right? of course!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Come on Santa kitty, tie a ribbon 'round yourself and get over here. Gyahaha!"
at least he knows what gift he wants! unfortunately you don't know what for but based on his expression you may not get eaten. . .depending on your definition--
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...This is boring. I'm outta here."
(13 affinity and above)
"Are you done yet? I'm hungry over here."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet."
AND HERE"S THE LINE THAT'S CAUSING SO MUCH SPECULATION. . .what does that even mean Taiga. . .what do you know, what have you seen. . .and can we fix this future instead of leaving it to rot--
UH. YEAH. I THINK I'VE SAID ENOUGH HAHA. . .everything Taiga says is so. . . ./gestures weakly) IT REALLY DOES SEEM LIKE MORE IS HAPPENING THAN YOU REALIZE RIGHT??? The game's still so early on we probably won't learn for a very long time lol. . . . But, yeah. Taiga definitely loves you--and lusts after you. As his affinity goes up, he asks "who are you" a lot less, did you notice? He starts to remember and just say "kitty cat" and "kitten", because that's who you are and he can remember that. So far the only people he remembers are Romeo, Hyde, and Jin it seems. And you.
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ripleylove · 4 months
The light of the group - part 2.
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requested by @thegalacticnacho091 saying: hello!!! I was just wondering if I could request another judgment day fix still with a girly reader but it’s something like she left stuffies or candies or something in the clubhouse? Totally cool if you ignore this no rush or anything💕
pairing: The judgment day x fem reader (platonic)
genre: fluffliest fluff </3
summary: your love for stuffies and candies is immense, and the judgement day always offered to buy some more if you didn't have any.
A/N: IF YA SMELL WHAT SOLE IS COOKING 🗣🗣🗣 (insanely short but whatever)
(also listen to this ⬇️)
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
You were a strong sweets lover: gummy bears,sour patch kids,m&m's,skittles,snickers and lots of more candies were a must in the clubhouse and in your bag.
You loved to munch on some candy while waiting for your entrance music to start,or to relieve anxiety or just because you were hungry.
And if any of your friends or any backstage workers asked to try a piece,you didn't hesitate to feed them: in fact,in your free time you went around locker rooms offering some candy to other wrestlers, cause they never decline a sweet treat!
You always brought Rhea,Dom,Finn and Damian's favourite sweets too,so when they feel anxious or upset you can just go to them like:"candy!"
Also,you could never forget any of your stuffies.
As they were your comfort items,you always had them with you in any circumstances, because you felt more at ease.
You had many stuffies: a squirrel one (named Dominik,who knows why? Oh,I really don't!),a cute froggy one,a koala one (that could or couldn't be your favourite, but nobody knows) and a lion one.
(Each and one of them was named after your best friends,the members of the judgment day,and they found it secretly adorable.)
That's why a lot of little peluches and stuffies were just around the clubhouse: you'd find one on the couch,on the shelves, on the floor and even on the makeup vanities.
Everyone knew you were a bundle of joy,always happy and smiley,unlike the others members of the faction you were in; but if you didn't have those two things in your bag or near you,you'd freak out (like,actually freak out),like you did some weeks ago.
"Oh my goodness." You said,searching for candies or stuffies in your messy bags,and a massive pout made its way in your face.
"This can't be." The look of horror on your face alarmed Rhea,who was sitting right next to you.
"What happened? Is there something wrong?" She,being genuinely worried,asked; trying to peek in your bag,trying to see what was the matter.
"I forgot my candies and stuffies at home." Your tone was quiet,and Rhea started to panic: she knew how anxious you would get without your comfort items,that's why she always had some skittles in her bag.
When Rhea gave them to you,your face expression was priceless.
Your eyes lit up,and a smile made its way on your face.
While you were happily munching on the sweet treat,Rhea secretly called the guys,asking them to buy some candies on their way to the arena,and they immediately complied.
Let's say you were overjoyed,but that is an understatement, and you gave each and one of them a big bear hug,before sharing your sweeties with them.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa
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directdogman · 2 months
what was your first game made with rpgmaker? (or just first finished video game in general) I’m thinking of getting rpgmaker for my first game and I know you have used rpgmaker before
Most of my first 'completed' games were a string of in-jokes, basically. I started using RPG Maker when I was maybe 9 years old and mostly I just made stupid little games to show my friends from school. The games weren't pretty, basically used stock images + pngs i found online, and weren't much to look at under the hood, but it gave kid me something to do in my off time. I didn't start actually uploading games online til I became a teenager, though.
Beyond that, I had a string of smaller projects, most of which I never finished because I'd learn so much while developing and realize I'd prefer to just scrap my work and start over. First fangame I ever made was a prototype Pokémon fangame using the essentials kit for RPG Maker that basically aimed to add more RPG elements to Pokémon. I got some neat features working, like sidequests that had choices in them + physically affected the world, each NPC having a relationship value that was determined by something in the world (like sidequest choices), even a neat thing where two factions would fight for control over cities both on-screen and off-screen using map events, with npcs/gyms switching hands. Part of it was based on cut content from Skyrim's civil war (namely the under the hood stuff that didn't make it into the game.)
It was more of a proof of concept than a whole game (just a few cities and a few routes connecting them, but I was fairly happy with how well the systems worked. None of them were any more complicated than the code I use now, really. Actually, on several occasions, I almost made a full fangame (and had pretty detailed drafts for what these could be, with a few of my collaborators from the DSaF days encouraging me to develop some of them) but after Pokemon Uranium was sent a cease and desist by Nintendo, I fully abandoned the idea and stuck with FNaF fangames.
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justdiptych · 5 months
The original Fallout had one group of raiders. That was the name the game map gave to them - 'Raiders' - but they were in fact known as the Khans. They were a relatively minor faction, being tied to quests in the first town the player is likely to visit, but we learn a lot about them in their brief appearance.
Many of the Khans are given names and dialogue, and will tell the player about their history - including how they came from the same place as the people of Shady Sands, Vault 15, and feel entitled to share in the town's wealth. Some see their raiding life as a way to claim control of the post-war world - ruling through strength and fear, believing that old ideas of morality died with the rest of the world. Others treat it as just another job - they support their group by trading, maintaining equipment, preparing food, and other everyday tasks.
In short, the Khans are a fully-realised community, as much a part of the story as any other. We learn that their brutal leader, Garl Death-Hand, took command after killing his abusive father. The player can kill him, or negotiate with him, or impress him with acts of cruelty, or even challenge his nihilistic views by convincing him that they're his father, back from the dead. Killing Garl and destroying his compound is treated as the best choice for the region as a whole, and is confirmed to have happened in the next game in the series, but it's certainly not the only option.
Fallout 2 has two groups of raiders. One - again marked 'Raiders' on the map - turn out not to be raiders at all, in that they're not attacking towns to steal their wealth. Instead, they're a mercenary company, hired by a disreputable businessman from one town (New Reno) on behalf of another town (Shady Sands again, now the capital of the New California Republic) to harass a third town (Vault City) to convince them that they need outside help in maintaining their defences. It's part of the game's major subplot about the three societies competing for control of northern California and western Nevada.
The other group are the New Khans, founded by Garl's son Darion after the original Khans' defeat. These Khans aren't nearly so fearsome as their predecessors - they mostly operate in secret, hiding behind a group of squatters who have moved into the ruins of Vault 15 and pretending to help them restore it for use. Darion is wracked with resentment over what happened to his father's crew and guilt for having survived, and his gang ultimately present little real threat to the outside world.
What I'm getting at here is that, in the world of Fallout as it existed in those early games, 'raiders' were not a major factor. There was one group who conducted raids as part of their regular economic activity, but only against particular communities - Shady Sands saw them as raiders, but to the Hub, they were just traders. Raiders only existed in a particular context - they had particular interests, beliefs and opportunities that would not always be possible or applicable.
Most of the games' conflict came not from the existence of raiders but from bilateral political and economic competition between groups with overlapping but not identical interests, which was reflected in their respective ideologies. We see this in Killian and Gizmo fighting to control the future of Junktown, and in the Master's attempt to reshape the world with the Unity while the different groups of New California try to retain their independence.
We particularly see it in Fallout 2, with its three-way battle for economic domination between the constitutional democracy of the New California Republic, the mafia-ruled narco-state of New Reno, and the elitist technocratic slave state of Vault City. Which of these groups continue to rule and expand, and which crumble, is what ultimately shapes the region's future - with control of Redding and its gold supply as the linchpin.
While the Enclave are the story's primary antagonists, they're chiefly characterised by their refusal to engage with this new socio-economic order - they believe that all outside authorities are illegitimate, and all outsiders non-human, and their only plan is to release a bioweapon into the atmosphere and kill literally everyone on Earth but themselves. The Enclave's defeat is necessary for New California's survival, but, otherwise, they change very little about how people live their lives. They're like Darion's New Khans on a larger scale - relics of a fallen order, robbed of their purpose, hiding in an old bunker and driven by nothing but resentment of having been left behind.
I might, in future, talk about the contrasting depiction of raiders in Fallouts 3, 4 and 76, and about New Vegas's use of raider and bandit groups like the Khans, the Legion, the Fiends and the White Legs. For now, I think I've made my point - that raiders are not a fact of life but a product of a particular place and time, and much less relevant to the universe of Fallout than other forms of competition and violence.
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banshee-king · 5 months
Seeing the reactions to female Custodes has been… interesting. What’s really sad though is the amount of people acting like the Sisters of Silence have been dealt some savage blow by this.
Some people are genuinely acting like being female is all the SoS have going on for them. They act like you can’t have female Custodes and SoS, that somehow one makes the other redundant. I know ‘Sisters’ is in the name, but being women isn’t their job, it’s not why their organisation was founded, it’s not their beliefs, it’s not what they “do”. SoS are female, coincidentally, but female Custodes no more diminishes that than female Guardsman, Skitarii, or Sisters of Battle.
The Custodes are bodyguards and the SoS are anti-psyker hunters, but nope female Custodes are replacing SoS apparently. The SoS are all psychic nulls, but again apparently that doesn’t matter. The SoS are mute and speak through sign language, but normal talking female Custodes is still stealing their identity. It’s really telling that some people’s understanding of the faction doesn’t go deeper than the name, but they’re still getting upset at female Custodes.
Like these people are upset that SoS don’t get enough attention in lore/models, and I completely agree with that. It is really unfair, but SoS were getting fuck all when Custodes were all male too. FW updated Custodes and gave SoS next to nothing. GW updated Custodes and gave SoS literally nothing. Female Custodes isn’t going to change that. Dark Angels have got more models unique to them since 8th ed than SoS ever had. Black Templars got more unique stuff than SoS.
The SoS have NEVER been treated as well as other factions, and whether or not they might get more stuff in the future, it’s not going to be altered by the inclusion of female Custodes. No one is going “I’m going to add more models/books for the SoS, wait, actually since Custodes can be women I’ll give them stuff instead”. Nobody’s doing that. It’s “We’ve already decided on doing stuff for Custodes, but now they can be female.” SoS haven’t lost anything, they can’t lose anything when they weren’t getting anything.
It's just so frustrating to see people be against female Custodes and try to hide/excuse their distaste by pretending to be a SoS fan.
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Things Enver does as a Father:
When their oldest was four, he started to understand what explosives were, so Enver spent three days teaching him how to make fire powder because, "What's the harm? He can't reach the shelf with the ingredients. So he'll never make them without my supervision." He may not have been able to reach the shelf, but that cunning toddler learned how to climb into chairs really fast after that.
When their children started being interested in tea parties, Enver gifted their children a sturdy but beautiful silver tea set. They couldn't brew the tea themselves, nor could they bake their own pastries to go with it, but Enver instructed their servants to fill the teapot with a caffeine free tea anytime the children asked. The trays of croissants and cookies were, of course, also provided.
When Enver joined those tea parties, he used it as a time to test his children's leadership abilities. He asked them how they planned on handling fake issues in the kingdom. Often, he assigned names to fake groups of people, inventing far off countries that sent either banes or boons to their doorstep. "What shall we do about all these refugees?" "The crops from the west fields have failed. Shall we attempt to grow more before harvest, or should we depend upon our reserves?" "Two different political factions are at each other's throats. One is the farmer's guild, and one is the merchant's guild. Who should we side with?" "There's only room in this year's budget to donate to the orphanages, or the trade school programs in the Lower City. Who do we support?" His children sometimes waved his questions off, wanting only to eat the snacks and play games, but sometimes they paid attention. Sometimes they even gave insightful solutions to these problems that were simultaneously fake and yet very real. Enver was always careful to nurture any of his children that showed promise in these matters
Of course, some of his children simply weren't suited for positions of higher leadership, which was fine. He loved his children all dearly, and loving them meant meeting them where they were and accepting who they were. His children that weren't leadership material had other talents. Archery, swordsmanship, art, dance, and more. His youngest daughter, the middle child of the family, actually had a knack for making friends and organizing events. While it wasn't something most would consider a highly prized skill, in her teenage years she turned it into a passion for charity work, especially with orphans and refugees. Something that he made sure the newspapers always reported on. Why not make sure the public viewed him and his family in a favorable light with the candle of his child's charity cases?
One of his children showed a knack for archery at a young age, and Enver wasted no time in designing moving targets for her to sharpen her skills with. His wife introduced their little prodigy to that vampire friend of hers, and soon his daughter was sneaking around the castle with a bow and quiver full of enchanted arrows. The servants only complained a little.
His brood grew in number until he was often walking around the city with a gaggle of eight children at his heels, looking every bit like a proud father goose. His youngest was almost always in his arms, a young boy with chubby cheeks and his father's grin. The public went wild with love for the sight of his hoard of children, calling them the Pride of the Gate. His wife insisted nicknames didn't count if he ordered the press to call them that, but Enver disagreed.
Enver was a firm believer in raising his children with an iron fist. Not in anyway did that mean physical punishment, of course. He detested the thought. But his children had a busy routine of tutors, governesses, coaches, and many extra curriculars from very young ages. His wife was often worried they were expecting too much from them, but Enver was always quick to remind her that they lived in a cruel world, and their children needed to be ready for that. His children were loved, but not coddled.
And as Enver grew older, he felt comfortable delegating more and more tasks to his children. Until finally, at the age of fifty seven with the entire sword coast under his iron fist, he named his heir, split up responsibilities among his other children to ensure there would be no infighting, and retired with his wife to a nice little castle in the upper city. Somewhere close enough to help should his clan require it, but far enough that he and his lovely wife could relax in their old age. He loved spending his mornings sitting on the balcony and having breakfast with her while he read the paper. His middle child, the charity worker, had taken over propaganda, and she was quite skilled at it. He would chuckle with his wife over humorous tidbits from his children's accomplishments.
And of course, then there came grandchildren. Little heathens running around his home, always so happy to visit "Grandma's House". Enver often rolled his eyes at the title of his castle. "I bought the damned thing." He complained to his eldest son one day. His son laughed at him, "Father, don't pout. They may call it her house, but they're always talking about wanting to see your inventions, play with your magic items, and um... Steal your shoes." Enver sighed at that. "None of you ever inherited my glorious fashion sense, and I regret that every day... Maybe one more child-" his wife interrupted them, "No."
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gay-wh0re-slut · 9 months
can i request rhea x reader fluff where the reader’s social battery runs out while they’re out somewhere and they start clinging onto rhea and she honestly doesn’t mind??
thank you sm and again I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM
hey so sorry about the delay :/ it’s been a lil over a month since you sent this in but i’ve had no motivation to write lately BUT this is so cute i couldn’t resist so thank you. i hope you like it :)
My Girl
rhea x reader
content: going to a wwe party with your hot buff goth gf but it got overwhelming towards the end but she comforts you just right bc she’s perfect in every way possible obviously
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You and Rhea had been invited to the WW-Extravaganza. A yearly party for everyone to bring their significant others and show them off while they learn the ins and outs of the upcoming year. It was usually in October or November when no other holidays were happening.
Rhea couldn’t wait to take you. You hadn’t been able to go in the past because of work or family but you were finally able to this year. Though you had met almost everyone in the company, she was still excited to show you off.
She could tell you were a bit nervous as you were getting ready but she calmed you down easily, she was always so good at that.
You were in the middle of your makeup when this wave of anxiety hit you. You were shaking and trying to not to cry in hope of not ruining your makeup. You didn’t want to worry her so you kept quiet. When she walked past you at your vanity, she could immediately tell something was off, she was always good at that too.
“You know everyone there and there will be good food and drinks, and I’ll be right next to you the whole time, no need to worry,” she said holding you tightly from behind.
You took a deep breath as your nerves calmed underneath her. As she kissed the top of your head, you kissed her bicep.
“Plus you’ll be the hottest one there so,” she giggled.
“Look who’s talking,” you snap back.
“Can you blame me?” she posed behind you flexing her arms, devilishly smirking in the mirror as you looked at her.
You laughed shooing her away, “don’t get me going! I have to finish!”
“Okay, okay!” as she winked and walked to the living room.
The time came and went and the two of you were mingling throughout the crowd of muscular people and their significant others. Rhea immediately found Dom and the boys and as you talked with their wives about random things.
“So glad you could make it this year, it’s always so fun!” they said. “It’s so good to see you,” they ogled at your outfit and makeup as you glanced over to your girlfriend. She gave you an ‘I told you so’ look as you scrunched your nose at her before going back to the conversation.
It was maybe about an hour or so of talking with other wrestlers and making your rounds as Rhea’s girlfriend, holding her arm for comfort.
“Alright everyone please take your seats!” a booming voice said.
Shuffling around everyone found their way to their respective tables that had fancy name cards and decorations to represent the factions or groups of people. So of course, The Judgment Day’s center piece was purple and black with a scale and feathers. Where they found the scale was a question of its own but it was definitely a good choice.
Triple H talked while food was being served about how the year would go. Like what days the PLE’s would be, when specialty guests were coming, and other things of that nature. He wasn’t up there for long though but he did try to crack a few jokes.
“Now, please enjoy the food!” he walked off the stage, that had a makeshift ring, as everyone clapped.
“(Y/N)! I’m so happy you’re here,” Dom said.
“Me too! I’ve heard so many fun stories from the previous years,” you took a sip of your complimentary wine.
“And now you can make yer own,” Finn added.
“We’re gonna dominate in the games, don’t worry,” Damian tacked on.
“Yeah, last year Damage Control won almost all of them but we have you now,” Dom nudged you smiling.
You laughed, “I can’t wait!”
A familiar tattooed hand found its way to your bouncing leg and calmed it immediately. Rhea gave you a soft smile before going back to her food.
You talked and ate then played the games. There were games like: Pin the Belt on the Wrestler, Ring Pong, and Trivia and other wrestling inspired games strewn around the room. And just like Damian said, you and The Judgment Day brought home the gold, well, a silver plastic trophy that had a dumbbell statue on it with ‘Winner!’ engraved on the plaque.
“Hell yeah!” the australian yelled double high-fiving her boys. “You’re our good luck charm, baby!” she gave you a kiss as she dipped you back while the boys cheered.
Once the games were over everyone went back to talking and mingling. Some people left, but most stayed.
Your mind became tired and your body felt drained, you wanted to go home. It was already later than you wanted to stay out. It’s not like you weren’t having a good time but you realized quickly that your social battery was very low. You didn’t want to bother your girlfriend because you knew how much fun she was having. So you decided to keep quiet and try your best to stay involved.
You held Rhea’s arm, then switched to her hand, then back to her arm. When you were sitting, you laid your head on her shoulder, and rested your hand on her thigh. You did all this trying to stay attentive and in the conversations. You followed her around like a shadow the rest of the night.
“You okay baby?” she asked quietly.
“Yeah, just a bit tired is all,” you gave her a small smile.
“I noticed you’ve been attached to me for a bit, you sure?” she cups your jaw for a moment.
“I’m sure, just a little partied out,” you sigh, “but don’t worry I’m fine…really.”
“We can leave whenever you want,” she reassured you.
“No, I’m okay. I don’t want to stop you from having fun…” you took a deep breath before realizing it didn’t sound like you were having a good time so you added, “I am having fun too though, promise.”
“No, I know you. You’ve ran out, we can go, it’s okay. We’ve finished everyth-” she started.
“Baby,” you squeezed her arms, “I promise I’m good.”
She looked at you long and hard with her icy blue eyes, “okay,” she exhaled. “It’s late anyway, I was thinking about leaving soon, if that’s okay?”
“Perfectly fine, my love, whenever you want,” you raised yourself on your toes to kiss her before thumping back down.
“I love you so much. I’m so happy you’re here,” she smiled.
“Me too.”
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deramin2 · 5 days
Working at a Renaissance Faire for 18 years has made me totally immune to thinking it's a failure of Bell's Hells to not have unified opinions.
Literally no one at a Renaissance Faire agrees on how shit should be done or what's most important to do or what improvement would even look like or whether anyone's ideas would even work. There are people who have been threatening to quit for a quarter of a century because they're sick of putting up with everyone's stupid bullshit, but they'll be back every single year until they drop dead and we build them a memorial while carrying on in their names.
That's just what it takes to get shit done in the real world. People talk about activist groups like they had unity and every battle planned out, but I promise you they were also a bunch of disagreeable squabbling geese honking at each other while still flocking. Various factions always think others with virtually identical views are standing in the way of progress and true liberation with their stupid ideas and actions.
Even the AIDS quilt, widely regarded as one of the most moving works of political art ever created, had plenty of other queer activists who thought it was a bad idea holding back real progress. So did the Civil Rights Movement March on Washington where MLK gave his I Have A Dream speech. Climate change scientists on the bleeding edge of research into how to best protect the planet are constantly getting into passive aggressive paper publishing wars about why each other's conclusions are total horse shit. The work gets done anyway.
You bitch at each other about how things should get done, but crucially while also doing the work and making the next decision in front of you. Then writers look back later and pretend all those decisions were cohesive and everyone definitely agreed this was the correct path to take. That's what we put in all the stories. But the truth is that everything seems like incoherent bickering while it actually happens because no one knows what the results will really be. It's holding out for unity and clear solutions that actually undermines progress. All that really matters in the end is you keep working together to make things better. Because really none of us has the faintest clue what better really is.
To me that's a story worth telling.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
HC on a modern fallout. Like same characters just in now times.
Like Obvs Nick would still be a PI but what of the others? Would factions be a thing still or would they all have normal jobs?
What of the synths?
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Modern Fo4 Headcanons
➼ Word Count » 3.3k ➼ Warnings » Spoilers for many character arcs ➼ Genre » Modern AU ➼ A/N » This took me WAY too long, but I had so many things I wanted to write down and expand on.
COMPANIONS [ these are how I imagine them before meeting Nate and Nora, a random couple who just happens to enter into everyone's lives ]
MacCready grew up as an orphan in Virginia where the older kids raised him. He never got adopted and, while he was thankful for the teens who raised him, there was always a sense of abandonment and negativity that he'd always attach with the state. So, when he turned 18, he hitchhiked to Boston, hoping to find a happier and more fulfilling life. It didn't happen as soon as he'd wanted, however, and he bounced from place to place looking for a stable job. His rugged exterior and immature attitude forced him out of a lot of areas, but there was a group that didn't mind any of that. MacCready was ecstatic when the Gunners first picked him up. They gave him jobs, sure, but they had also given him a group he could identify with in the same way he did with the kids back at the Orphanage. After a year of working with them, MacCready met Lucy. He'd originally planned on robbing her, but her name reminded her too much of the Lucy he'd grown up with, and offered to walk he home instead. When they had gotten to her door she asked him about why he was wearing army pants. He jokingly told her that he was in the military who was currently on leave, which she ended up believing. It surprised MacCready since his Gunners tattoo was visible on his arm, but he found her gullibility to be endearing. After that, the two spent a lot of time together, but right after Duncan was born, she pieced together his association with the gang, left him, and quickly moved into an apartment located in a safer area. Heartbroken and consumed with guilt, he quit the gang for good and worked to better himself and clean up his act so that he could be a part of his son's life, and maybe try his relationship with Lucy once more. He does a few odd jobs here and there but, so far, none of them have stuck.
Once Nick's testing was over, the students at CIT didn't know what to do with him other than to let him roam the campus, so he stuck with what he knew - police work. He'd wander the college as an officer, looking for any job or event that could require his help. At first, he was treated more as a Protectron than an actual member of the force, but that never really bothered him, as long as he was actively making people safer, then he was content. What did bother him, however, was the amount of jury trials he had to be present at for being the product of unethical testing. It always made him feel guilty that he was an unconsented clone of the real Nick Valentine's mind, and if he could, he would've chosen not to be created at all. Knowing the amount of pain his existence had caused an actual person made him feel awful, but he'd rather put that energy into his community over hating himself for something that was out of his control. He never really got over the confusion and sadness he had when he thought about who he was but, over time, many of the students began to treat him as if he were a real person. They'd greet him in the mornings, buy him ties on special occasions, and every once in a while someone would bring him coffee, forgetting that he couldn't drink it. His life slowly changed from him not understanding what his purpose was, to becoming a well-respected member in his field. Even the real Nick grew to appreciate him after he helped to hunt down Eddie when no one else wanted to. His memories of DiMA were still there (as it had only been a 2 or 3 decades compared to 2 centuries), but his brother didn't stay with the school, instead opting to discover himself elsewhere. As soon as he was allowed, he left for Maine and made a name for himself as the first robotic philosopher and occasionally sending letters to Nick.
Cait ran away from home at 15 in an attempt to escape the abuse she received from her parents. Scared, alone, and incredibly fragile, she was an easy target for many others on the streets and was taken advantage of both emotionally and sexually by almost anyone who saw her. As the years went by, the more hardened and angry she had become. Finally able to adapt to her surroundings, she stole, fought, and threatened anyone she could. This led her to be put in many juvenile detention centers and child reformat camps, both of which never helped change her view on the world. Still living on the streets at 18, she went and bought her first gun. She thought of going to visit her parents for a while, wondering if it would make some of the pain she felt go away. On the day she decided she was finally ready to go kill them, she ran into Tommy, a sleazy businessman who was desperate to strike it big in the corporate world. Seeing the potential and opportunity that a young, angry, mistreated girl could present to him, he offered her a deal. If she focused her rage into wrestling and let him be her manager, he'd help her get off the streets and really make a name for herself. She agreed and very quickly became one of the best and most well-known wrestlers in Boston, although, most of the press that covers her is about her attitude and allegation regarding her addictions. She still holds onto that shotgun she bought. It reminds her of what could've been and helps her feel a sense of security. She knows no one will take advantage of her again because she now has the means to ensure of it. She's still waiting for the day her parents beg her to take them back so she can tell them off, but they never did. It hurts her more to know that, even now that she's found success for herself, her parents still don't want her. So, until it kills her, she'll drink and inject herself with whatever she can get her hands on, desperate to numb as many of her thoughts as she can until she passes.
Danse was also made at CIT, although he's much more advanced than Nick is. Almost immediately after being created, he left to go to DC where he met Cutler. Cutler was on the verge of homelessness and pitched his idea of starting a small business to Danse who agreed quickly (he had no other plans). They sold odd things they either built or found for a few years before they were approached by a general in the US Army. He was only browsing, but Danse felt compelled by his stories from when he was in combat. There was something about serving his country and defending the common man that he found to be incredible, and so he and Cutler quit their gig and signed up for the army. There've been robots who've joined the military before, but none who made the decision on their own volition. All the others are Assaultrons and Mr. Gutsy, so having one who willingly wanted to be a part of the cause was astounding to many. Cutler eventually got mortally wounded and Danse, who was clearly devasted, was then assigned to work with Haylen and Rhys out of fear that he'd go haywire or malfunction due to the impact of his friends death, and that's where he's been ever since. The memories he'd been given were vague and slightly foggy, but the army gave him something to identify with and a cause to work for. He was prideful in the work he did and, although there were others, he served to be one of the first instances of a robot showing a willingness to fight for his country.
Ever since he was young, Preston had looked up to those who did right by people. At first, he joined a police academy to be an officer, but after a bystander got caught up in one of the scenes he'd been sent to, he quit, deciding that this wasn't something he was cut out to do. The guilt of not being able to successfully protect an innocent civilian eats away at him, so, in an attempt to make it up to himself, he went into hospice care. At least here he knows the deaths aren't his fault and that all the people he cares for have lived long, fulfilling lives. Currently, he's caring for the long-time addict, Mama Murphy (who still manages to sneak a few pills into the room every now and again). Preston adores her, but every once in a while she'll tell him about a dream she's had where the world had ended and he played a part in rebuilding it. He can't let her describe it for long, though, otherwise she'll start to panic and he'll have to grab her medication to help calm her down, and he hates having to give her drugs. Luckily he knows that she's just and elderly woman suffering from schizophrenia and none of what she says about a war torn world holds any truth. As much trouble as she causes him, Preston isn't sure what he's going to do when she's gone. He only hopes that it doesn't shatter him as much as the bystander incident did.
Codsworth still operates under Sole's roof in taking care of Shaun and the home. Nothing changes with him, however, when he went to drop Shaun off at college for the first time, he met Nick, and the two got along quite well! Whenever he goes to visit Shaun with the family he always makes sure to stop by to chat with the detective.
Piper runs a very controversial newsstand right in the heart of Boston. There are so many authorities and higher-ups whose reputations have been ruined due to her articles, and even with a mob of protestors against her, she still does whatever she wants. She grew up in a smaller town on the outskirts of Massachusetts before she managed to work up enough cash to get herself and Nat to the city, where she could finally begin to look for work to support them both. However, she quickly found that the 'big city' had many issues on its own and, since then, she was dead set on bringing people's attention to them. She doesn't care about the death threats or riots that sometimes occur outside her home. The police know her well enough by now to keep an eye out in her neighborhood. Especially Nick, who met her once while she set up a debate booth on campus and interviewed students for an article she planned on publishing. She's not rich by any means, but she loves her job. And, to her, there's no better feeling than that. She's just praying Nat isn't as prone to controversy as she is.
Curie was placed in a research facility where she helped to test and study different diseases with a group of other doctors before being places in a hospital. She mainly cares for sick children but is reveled to be one of the best doctors as she doesn't need to sleep or take any breaks. She adores her job and never stops working on cures and medicine for her patients. When she heard about the synths being created at CIT, she asked her supervisors if she could swap bodies so she could better fit in with the rest of her coworkers, as well as be able to hold vials and syringes better. They agreed and got her a custom made body for her to subvert her subconscious into. Eventually, when he's older, Shaun will come into her clinic in hopes of having his cancer fully treated, but that'll be years from now when he's in his 70s.
Even though Strong isn't affected by the FEV in this timeline, he still holds that same barbaric and thuggish aura. He's not affiliated with any gangs, but he's no stranger to violence and lives in the part of town where shootings happen the most often. Despite his intimidating stature and hostile disposition, he still frequents the local libraries. More often than he'd care to admit. He loves old literature and has a bit of a soft spot for anyone who likes it too. He claims she's overexaggerating, but Daisy will usually sit and listen to him ramble for hours about the beauty and symbolism littered throughout Shakespeare's plays or Lovecraft's short stories.
Hancock is a well-known politician who is loved as much as he is hated. Ever since Piper outed him for his drug addiction and put into question his validity and dedication to his cause, he's been somewhat of a controversial figure in the political world. Despite it all, he has no ill feelings toward Piper or Publick Occurrences and is constantly hyping it up as a reliable news source. Although he owns quite a bit of cash, he's constantly pouring it into the slums of Boston. Some think this is just a publicity stunt to make up for his occasional violent outbursts (the drugs do a number on him since he's not a ghoul), he does it because he genuinely believes it's right for him to do. Besides, the people are friendlier there. Now his biggest concern is building up his reputation again so he can beat his brother when they run for mayor against one another. Him and his secretary, Fahrenheit, have a lot planned for the city and they'd like to see those ideas become reality as quickly as they can manage.
No one's really sure who Deacon is, and some are cautious of him for it. One thing that is certain about him is that he's a massive history buff, and is almost always in a museum of some kind. His favorite past time is striking up conversation with strangers who probably just want to be left alone while they browse the artifacts displayed, but he doesn't really care. Eventually, he happens to start a conversation with Nate and Nora in the Museum of Freedom and he quickly integrates himself into the couple lives. Him and Barbara like to show up spontaneously on their doorstep with a pack of beers in their hands and grins on their faces, but surely they don't mind.. even if they still have no idea what he does for a living.
X6-88 is another one who doesn't change much. He works as security for CIT along with Nick, and few other courser's, although none of them are as approachable as the detective seems to be. He's very strict about his job and carries it out very well, however, when Shaun eventually begins to attend the college, they sorta hit it off? Not really because either of them are particularly kind to one another, but more so because they like it when people are straight forward, intelligent, and blunt and they both just so happen to be that.
Dogmeat’s a stray that everyone seems to know. Officially, he’s Mama Murphy’s, but most everyone claims him. He appears whenever someone's in distress or wherever his owner's vision take him. He's a mysterious dog with strange motives.
Old Longfellow lives as a fisherman up in Maine. Nothing particularly changes with him, he's still got the same closed off personality that he'd always had. His wife got sick and died and few years back, but his daughter went and became and engineer in a similar area to DiMA. Longfellow thinks DiMA's a kook but his daughter thinks he's a scientific masterpiece and will often ask him questions about his creation or how his mind was built.
Gage grew up around gang violence and quickly learned to steal, lie, and hurt to get the things he wanted. He never really lived in a stable home and mostly just squatted or camped wherever he could. Despite living in poverty, whenever he and his friends managed to scrap together enough money together, they'd hitch a ride to Nuka World and spend the day there. He grew to have a soft spot for the amusement park as he got older, and took up a maintenance job for them (they don't do background checks.. or any skill checks for that matter, but Gage is a quick learner.)
The synths operate in society along with the other robots of the fallout universe. But, unlike the Protectrons, they can actually hold conversations. Because of that, they normally take on your regular lower-class to lower-middle-class jobs. They don't tend to be rich at all in their lifetimes due to the stigma around treating them exactly like humans. A lot of those opportunities have been stripped away from them for those exact reason. Some of them still manage to find ways around it, but it's a lot harder than how it'd be if they were a regular human. For instance, synths can't start businesses on their own. Many argue that it's because they're just not meant to do anything on their own and that they were created to help humans, but no one can give an argument on how them doing their own thing would harm them either.
The Railroad is the main group that's actively against the stereotypes and discrimination faced by the synths. Although, they've received a lot of backlash for naming themselves after a former anti-slavery group (many don't think it's fair to compare 1800s racism to whether or not bots can work higher-paying jobs), they've still become a huge relief to many synths who are desperate to be treated the same as any other person would.
The Institute is just a college in the modern age. Despite them receiving some backlash from the public about whether or not the practice of creating human-like bots, arguing that it's too 'Frankenstein-like', the students and professors still continue to build and work to make more and more realistic, artificial creatures and beings. Mr. House helps to fund their research as he finds it useful and because he also went their for school.
The Minutemen don't exist. There's no need when you have the police force, the fire department, and properly operating Protectrons active in the community. Most of hose who were a part of this faction have taken up community-centered jobs like farming or social work.
The Brotherhood of Steel continue to exist as the US Military. They're more focused on defending the country than they are preserving technology and the only places you’ll see one is in military bases or along the coast.
The Atom Cats (along with Sturges) are a group of young adults who work at the local Harley Davidson. Tuesdays and Thursdays they host poetry night and generally just open the place up as a garage for anyone interested in mechanics or just hanging out with a bunch of strangers.
Raiders and Gunners are just the Bloods and Crips of the modern world. They stick with their own groups and despise anyone from the opposite side of the tracks. Shoot outs and common between them and it's best to not be associated at all if you can help it.
The Children of Atom are a strange and niche group of zealots that migrated from somewhere in Virginia to spread their gospel. No one’s sure who they are or what they want, but they’re attracted to the pollution cities bring and generally advocate for the betterment of the earth.
Ever since DiMA's arrival, Acadia's national park has turned into a debate ground for different thoughts and philosophies. People from all over the world come to visit to talk and discover other points of views. There's even a Atomite Pastor that frequents the area and promotes the newly found religion with those who are willing to listen. A strange place for stranger people.
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