#so whyd he grab both. if he only needed one...
bamtorrii553 · 2 months
the girl she never was, and never would be.
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SUMMARY: being bullied at school was hard for hanni, but she always had her best friend lia. hanni goes through the troubles of high school bullying all while keeping her academic status high. but sometimes hanni finds herself only thinking about ways to get her back..
GENRE/WARNINGS: nerd!hanni, highschool au, horror, cursing, mentions of making out, mentions of killing herself
CHAPTER 1: the usual
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“hey!!” someone exclaimed, running towards hanni. hanni looked the direction of the voice and saw her best friend lia. her and lia had been best friends for over 10 years and were pretty much always together. “hey!” hanni replied, walking towards lia. “did you study for the biology test last night? cause i didnt.. im gonna flunk this fuckin class again..” lia looked up at hanni with a helpless look. “i studied, you shouldve came over. we couldve studied together.” hanni said, looking down at her. “maybe next time.” hanni and lia both nodded, walking off to class. 
in math class, hanni’s eyebrows furrowed as she tried working on her classwork. despite studying a lot, there was occasionally questions that tripped her up. thats when she heard a whisper beside her, wonyoung. “having trouble with your worksheet?” she said with a teasing smirk. 
despite wonyoung not being the best at school, math was surprisingly not that hard for her, and she really liked to remind hanni about it. “no, im fine.” hanni retorted. she looked back at her paper slightly annoyed. after 45 minutes of pure boredom and almost falling asleep 3 times, class was over and hanni ran to lunch. at lunch, she sat with lia per usual.
“history class is such a bore, i cant get through one class without wanting to jump out the window.” lia said, she was clearly pretty tired. “yeah, i hear you. math is so boring. but its the only class i need to raise my grade up to a 95 to get valedictorian, so i need to do good.” hanni sighed. hanni and lia were eating their food peacefully when wonyoung walked past them, tipping over their phone that was against lia’s water bottle.
“phones arent allowed in the cafeteria, hanni.” wonyoung looked down at them amused. “dont you have anything better to do than talk to us?” hanni looked at lia. “other than makeout with her boyfriend, no.” lia and hanni giggled and wonyoung stood there, her face still. “at least i have a boyfriend.” “at least i have a life.” hanni responded. “oh sure, you totally have a life. studying and playing video games is a life.” hanni looked up at her slightly offended. “it is, excuse you.” “whatever, bye.” wonyoung rolled her eyes and walked off. lia and hanni sighed, continuing to watch their show.
after school, hanni and lia were at a cafe when someone walked in, anton. he was from a different school but hanni knew him through her brother. she looked up at him and her eyes widened, quicklg looking away. she had a crush on anton ever since they were kids, and he was even more handsome as they grew up. lia gasped and giggles. “ooooo, look who walked in.” hanni quickly tried to shut lia up so anton wouldnt hear, and luckily he didnt. but he did notice hanni from afar. 
after he grabbed his coffee, he walked over to hanni. “hey hanni, long time no see.” he spoke with a slight smile on his face. “h-hey anton. yeah, its been a while, how have you been?” hanni looks up at him curiously. “ive been good. you?” hanni nods and lets out a soft ‘mhm’. anton spoke up again. “hey, are you going to wonyoungs party next week?” “u-uhm..” hanni looks quickly at lia, and lia nods. “yeah! yes i am.” “nice, ill see you there.” anton walks away with a wave. “bye.” hanni reciprocated the small ‘bye’ and looked at lia. “i didnt know there was a party at her house! whyd you tell me to say yes?” lia looked at her and chuckled. “you had the choice! its not my fault i didnt know either!” hanni groaned and threw her head on to her arms on the table.
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a/n: i really hope this is good and theres no typos 😭 im a bit blind sometimes..... anyways new chapters will be coming out ever week so stay tuned! tysm for reading and have a nice day <3
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Second ask
Cassidy has a girl's day with her aunts, yes that includes Goldust.
Look at me. Late as usual. I'm good like that. Terrible thing is I've bascially done nothing today at all. Only walked my dog.
The Family of Destruction- Lucky Girls.
Cassie purses her lips as she sits at the dinner table. Chyna, Stephanie and goldust stand around her. "Whyd you do it?" Stephanie asks. "It was an accident.." cassie frowns. "Okay, shooting one brother? Accident. You managed to shoot two brothers." Goldust huffs moving towards the counter. "Yeah, shooting John was an accident." Cassie sighs. "That makes sense" goldust nods pouring wine. "Am I missing something? Why is every male okay with the idea of Leon being shot?" Chyna asks. "You two wouldn't understand because he's an angel to you two. He's a little shit with mommy issues. He only has mommy issues because he hasn't got a mother. Which is something we can't change." Goldust huffs turning towards the girls.
"Hes not bad enough to shoot" Stephanie states. "He is. And it was his bow and arrow. John was just too close, it went through Leon's arm and into his. I don't know why his arrows are so sharp" she frowns. "Because he uses them to hunt. The monsters around here are thick skinned" goldust hums. "So, we've got time to kill before your dad comes home to punish you. What shall we do?" Steph asks. "Wanna go out?" Chyna asks. "Might be my last for awhile. Can we go shopping?" Cassie asks. "Of course we can darling. You know I love shopping with you" goldust cheers downing his wine.
The girls look at him shocked before laughing.
"Can't you talk your dad into building a mall in the valley? The drive is way too long" goldust sighs. "Couldn't imagine living in the valley without a mall" Steph huffs. "He has got plans for a mall. The old land just outside the main town. Its out of sight, close to the field where the events are held, no sound complaints or building complaints." Cassie admits. "Seriously? Takers building a mall?" Chyna asks. "Mhm, tired of driving me and my friends out of town to shop but also tired of the complaints of the youth being bored youths who destroy things." Cassie answers.
"Has he started it yet?" Goldust asks, pretty sure he's seen builders around. "Yep. Papa did the designing for it. The build layouts are amazing." Cassie smiles. "Never knew Shawn had it in him" steph huffs as goldust parks. "So...you got the goods?" Goldust asks turning to the back seat. Cassie smiles and holds up the black and gold credit card. "How the hell did you get that?" Chyna asks reading the name on the card. Vince Mcmahon. "Leon stole it a year ago. Vince knows but doesn't care as long as its not steph or Shane." Cassie shrugs. "Lets see about that" steph mutters stealing the card and walking towards the mall. "Oh this will be fun!" Goldust cheers climbing out.
The girls walk around the mall spending vinces money with no worries.
Goldust watches as Cassie stops outside one of the only men targeted shops. "Feeling guilty bug?" Goldust asks grabbing chyna and stephs attention. "A little bit...especially John." She whispers. "Oh. All right I guess we can spend some money on those mutts" goldust huffs leading the girls in the shop. Cassie looks around. "It stinks." She winces. "Boys for you baby, boys." Chyna huffs looking around. "Well, they have a lot John would like. Not so sure about Leon." Steph admits. Cassie walks up to the basketball vests. "He was complaining his Lakers one needed replacing." Cassie states. "Then let's get him a new one." Chyna hums looking for his size. "Ill look for a baseball hat, for both him and Leon." Stephanie states walking off.
"What do you want to get Leon then?" Goldust asks taking the vest as chyna states she's going to grab matching shorts and sweat bands for them. Cassie frowns and looks around. Her eyes spot the not so sporty section of the store and she pulls goldust over to it.
"This could work" he nods looking at the leather jackets. Cassie doesn't say anything, just smiles as she picks up a necklace. She knows Leon does wear necklaces. He had a choker with a ring on it, just like their papa used to wear. The ring was a three way gift between Matthew, Valentina and Leon. They each got one and the ring has their initials in it.
She looks at the jackets and helmet accessories and smiles. "This will do perfectly." She nods.
Leon frowns as John leans against him. "So tired" John whispers. "Your heavy" Leon frowns. "Goldust said they went out shopping." Shawn whispers. "Shes in trouble. She shouldn't be having a girls day out!" Taker snaps. "Its fine dad..we are both alive and well." Leon huffs. "John has a match tomorrow and he's casted up and unable to use his arm!" Taker barks. Leon waits for him to continue. He doesn't. "Oh it's alright dad, I'm just a little sore" Leon huffs looking at his slinged arm. John let's out a huffed chuckle ad he rests his head on Leon's shoulder and closes his eyes.
"And you'll have a cool story to tell your classmates" Taker tells him. Leon rolls his eyes and rests his head against John's. "Sorry we are late! We got cassie her last meal" steph states carrying bags. "Last meal" Shawn huffs helping chyna with the bags. "I brought apology gifts." Cassie whispers holding up two bags. Taker looks at them. One with Leon's name and one withs John. "You are still in trouble. But go" Taker murmurs. Cassie nods and moves to her big brothers.
The adults gather behind the sofa and watch the interaction.
"I brought sorry gifts" she states. Both boys open their eyes. "You didnt have to bug" John yawns sitting up. "Speak for yourself" Leon huffs taking the bag. John rolls his eyes grabbing his bag. He smiles at the basketball gear. "Thanks bug" John smiles hugging her as he puts the hat on. Cassie smiles and looks at Leon. The leather jacket folded on his lap, the little helmet horns accessories sat on them. He hasn't got his own motorbike yet but he has a helmet for when he rides with dad.
Leon isn't smiling. His face is flat. Cassies heart races as he examines the necklace. John watches him concerned. Leon runs his finger over the emblem. A small smile quirks onto his face. "Ill give you this, it's a good one" Leon states glancing at his sister as he holds the necklace up over his head. Shawn and taker can't help but smile.
The necklace was a silver chain with a little silver arrow head on the end.
"You're a lucky girl bug" Leon smiles. Lowering the necklace. "I forgive you for shooting me" Leon states leaning forward, allowing cassie to put the necklace on him. "I forgive you two" John yawns resting his head back on Leon's shoulder. Cassie smiles at her parents. "No more girls days out for a month" Taker tells her. "And we will talk more about what happened today later." Shawn adds. "Mhm told you a girls day at the mall would work" chyna smirks. "I want vinces card back" Leon yawns.
"You little shit" Taker growls causing the others to laugh.
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 years
Hello there! I just read your Swatch x Reader headcanons and was wondering Could i possibly get a Spamton x Reader where Spamton is just totally confused on if the Reader genuinely loves him or if its just some sales pitch. Hes been my comfort character for a while so it'd be nice :>
thank you for reading my silly request :]
Hiya broski! Sorry this took a bit to answer! I didn't really know how to approach this ask. I'm new to fics so I needed to take a bit to prepare so I would know how to write this and to get into the lil man's head if that's alright! Hope you enjoy my dude and remember to lemme know if anythings wonky!
●True Intentions ●
"Here you go sir, your order?" He gave a polite nod to the server "Yes thank you." They gave a small smile and walked away. He took a small sip of his drink as he returned to his thoughts. Spamton was....confused to say the least. He met you about a week ago in the alleyway of his shop.
You'd been looking for your pet or something and tried to dig in a garbage bin....Which was actually his shop. That was locked. He just got back with some goods thst he got a nice deal on and all he saw was some stranger pulling on the lock to his shop. He angerly poked on your waist to see what you were up to.
"What are you doing?!"You jumped and awkwardly explained what it was you were doing when he demanded to know what you were up to.
"I uh..lost my pet..I thought I seen her go off this way?" Of course he was still skeptical but put his goods up and helped you look.
Eventually you two did find what you were looking for and you thanked him more times then we could count. Right before you left is when you started the confusion. You awkwardly asked for his number, and when asked why you nervously shrugged and said he was nice and you thought he was cute. Which absolutely baffled him
When was the last time someone complemented him? Let alone ask for his number and want to spend more time again. He accepted of course and didn't think anything of it.
He started thinking about it when he ran into you almost every day for the rest of the week. Everytime you saw him you were thanking him,and trying your best to make small talk.
This included asking him questions, like what did he do for a living,how many sales has he made,what's the biggest deal he's made. All if which he's awkwardly responded to with vague and short answers. This made him even more suspicious. Whyd you wanna know so much about his job and deals?
He hasn't seen you since everyone's moved to the dark town. Maybe he wouldn't see you again. If there's a whole 'nother dark world who's to say there's not more? Maybe you were somewhere else.
The smell of pastries pulls him out of his thoughts a little. Banana nut he thinks. He does admit you are kinda cute.. which brings him to the present. Why him? It's pretty well known he's a business man.
A horrible one at that. He only Ever gets people's attention when they want to get a deal or a-a..a sales pitch...
His fists clench. Of course. Why else would you go after someone like him? You just wanna make a sales pitch. Nothing more then that. You could of just said so. You didn't have to barge in his life like that and lead him on all for the sake of a deal. It all makes sense now!
Who makes small talk like that??? About deals,and sales...why was that the first question to asked? Why not start off with basic small talk?? Why be interested in him? Why him? Why'd you need to know what his biggest sale and deal was! Of all the people...You just wanted a good deal...
He doesn't hear the distant chime of the Cafe bell. He just angrily glares daggers at his own reflection. It wasn't until a shy familiar voice spoke pointedly in his direction did he force his head out of the clouds.
"Hey Spamton! I uhm.. how are you doing today?" You give a soft smile and take a seat in front of him. "I'm fine" He looked the other way. "Um.. " You glance at the window. You look at his order. "Ohh number 7! That's a good one. Moonberry fudge and a gram apple muffin. Nice." You give a soft smile.
He just remains quiet. You seem a little anxious by now. "..weather's nice huh?.." with only a human for a response you start brimming with anxiety. You try a different approach. "I had a good day at work! We didn't have any rude people.." You look at him.
"Uh how about you? How's work? You made any good sales today?" He looks up at you with a harsh glare. "Wouldn't you like to know!" You flinch and your happy aura quickly forms into an apologetic one.
"I-..im-im sorry..I didn't mean to ask anything sensitive.." You give a sorry look. "I didn't did i?" You look down at your hands. Spamtion hesitates for a moment. No.. He..He cant hesitate. He stands up.
"Yes. Yes you did impose. You imposed in my life acting all kind when I know what you really want." You have the audacity to look confused. "What are you talking about?." He ignores you and heads towards the exit. "Spamton? Spamton wait! Please..I just wanna kno-"
Your conversation fades to the back of his mind as he exists the Cafe and heads towards his house. He should have know better. That way it wouldn't have hurt as bad... He gives a soft wave to a wherewire and keeps walking. After a little bit he stops walking immediately when he feels I small tap on his shoulder.
He turns. "What?!" You give a hurt expression and focus on your hands. "I um..I just wanted to apologize for imposing.. I didn't know you didn't like talking about that" He rolls his eyes. "Just leave me alone already. It's pretty obvious you just want to talk business." Confusion crosses your face once more.
"What? What are you talking about?" His fists clench again. "Aw stop playing dumb already! It's pretty obvious you don't like me, Your just after a good deal or you want a chance at being some big shot with a sales pitch!" He didn't realize he was yelling.
Your practically cowering at this point. "I-what! No-No I'm not! Please believe me I really do like you.. I don't even know how to do business like that!" You have your hands up in front of you as if a policeman had pulled you over.
He falters for a moment. He looks back up again when you speak up. Sorta. "Please..is there anything I can do to make you believe me..." You say just barely above a whisper. He just remains quiet. After a moment of shared silence you were fed up.
"Fine then! I'll prove I'm crazy for you! Absolutely bonkers! You hear?!" You grab both his shoulders, "H-Hey! Put me down!" And yank him up and plant a big kiss on his cheek. "Now will you please go on a date with me?!"
Your face is absolutely covered top to bottom with a beautiful shade of red. Both from anger and embarrassment.After a moment of silence you awkwardly drop him. "S-sorry.." you hide your face in the neck if your shirt.
His cheeks are burning a bright peachy color. "Um..it's alright" after a small beat of silence he adds "yes."
You look back down at him. "Yes what??" You look confused. "...yes I'll go on a date with you.." He doesn't think anyone who'd want some deal would go that far. He believes you now and he says so.
Your quiet for a moment. A small smile works its way on your face. "Alrighty come on, I know just the place" you give a small wink and grab his hand dragging him off to who knows where. "W-what now?!" He gives a baffled expression as he tries to keep up.
You turn and look down again "yes now silly! I gotta make sure you belive me 100!" percent!. "A-alright then..." maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...
ISNSJSS God that was a lot! And toughie! I enjoyed it tho!
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Late Night Call
Warnings: Phone sex, fem!reader(might do a male/gn version), college age
This was starting to frustrate you. Since when did math have so much do with an art major anyway? Whyd you have to take the class just to get to the classes you really wanted. You sighed, the pencil sitting loosely between your lips as you stared at the problem. It'd been almost over an hour now and you couldn't for the life of you figure out this equation.
Countless times you've thought about calling your best friend Eren. He may be a little...aloof but he was pretty good at math. As much as it pained you to admit it, knowing he'd get a big head just hearing you say it. So you'd vowed not to call, nope, you wouldn't stoop that low. That's what you'd thought however, this was taking longer than you'd hoped.
You sighed, pulling out your phone to send him a message.
Hey Eren, need help on a math problem. Don't let it go to your head.
You places the phone back down and waited for a response. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and then 20 minutes passed with no response. Usually you weren't one for double texting or calling because someone wouldn't answer, but you really needed to get this done. Huffing out your fiftieth sigh of the day, you grabbed your phone and pressed his contact. Hesitant for a moment before you clicked the 'call' button.
It rang once, twice, and you thought for sure it'd go straight to voice-mail until you heard a click. Followed by a grunt, a yawn and then a voice. "Yeah?" You sat there for a moment, Eren's voice had never sounded...that deep before. Is it because he was tired? Was he sleeping? Why were you thinking about his voice now?
"Y/n!" You gasped, almost dropping the phone. "Damn it, Eren you almost made me drop my phone, you ass!" He chuckled, and let out a sigh. "Well it wouldn't have happened if you listened to the last five times I said your name." You blushed, fiddling with the end of shorts. Were you really that distracted by his voice you didn't hear him? And the chuckle?? Why was he affecting you in this way, now. You shook your head and cleared your throat, "Right well, ahem, I called because I need help with this math question." The last part came out in sort of whisper. Again he chuckled over the phone, the sound making your stomach do flips and you couldn't understand why. You never thought of him like that before, right?
"I see, princess needs help with math hm? What's in it for me?" Ugh, the nickname, he gave it to you when you first met. Something about how you acted, you didn't really understand it yourself but you always hated it. Until right now, the little name sent heat to your cheeks as you thought about how to answer him. "I don't know, helping out your best friend isn't enough?" There was a pause before he spoke, "Hmmm, nah that's not enough. If I help you then you have to...do your best sex noise impression!" What?? Sex noise impre-what was he talking about. "What? Why? Isn't that weird?" You heard him shuffle in his bed and something that sounded like a tap on his side table. "Maybe but I like seeing or well in this case, hearing you be embarrassed. So we got a deal?"
You bit your lip, knowing he'd never change his mind you mumbled a soft, "..yes." You could practically hear the smile through the phone. "Awesome! Now, tell me the problem." And so you did, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. Both from the nerves of what you have to do later and just him in general. You couldn't even pay attention when he was explaining, only the small breaths and chuckles he made.
"And that should help you solve it, I won't give the answer because then you learn nothing." You probably should've been paying attention but you didn't. So you scribbled something down on the paper, not sure if it was right or not. "I see, I think I got it. Thanks, Eren."
"Mm, let me know when you're done, I want my prize." You gulped, setting down your pencil. "D-Do I really have to..?" "Yep." Was all he said and so you took a deep breath, holding the phone close to your mouth. And in the best way you could, you moaned. Your face was as red as tomato, not to mention you felt all the nerves building higher.
"...fuck y/n, this was supposed to be for fun but you really, huh. Yup, my cock is hard right now. What do you think I should do about it? Or better yet, what should 'you' do about it?" You blinked, all the air leaving your lungs. You made him....hard? This shouldn't have made you this...excited, but judging by the clench of your thighs, you knew it did. "Well, princess? Any answers?"
"U-Um...uh, you...t-touch yourself?" You heard a dark chuckle and some movement on the other side. "Touch myself, huh? If the princess insists." Some more shuffling was heard until a soft groan came through the speakers. Was he really...?
"U-Um Eren, are you sure you should be...uh," what were you trying to say? Maybe he'd regret this later and then the friendship was over? Before you could voice anymore concerns the noises on the other end of the phone got louder. All of them heading directly to your core. You could feel how wet you were getting just hearing him. "No worries princess and if you're that worried why don't you-ha, fuck. Join me."
Another shock went through you, your mind blank as you nodded. Even though he couldn't see you, but you didn't think about that now. Only the feeling of your fingers slowly slipping off your shorts and your panties. "Fuck you're actually..? Damn, keep going princess. Make sure I can hear you." You heard him huff out, noises still falling past his lips. Slowly your fingers teased your clit, a gasp of pleasure slipping past. That's when you heard, what you guessed, was him speeding up? "Don't stop, keep going." And so you listened, fingers trailing all around your clit. Sliding in between your folds as you imagined he was the one doing it. And you hadn't realized till it was too last that you said his name. "Eren..."
"Fuck princess, say it again. Say name again." And you did, each time your finger grazed a sensitive part of you. Every time your finger dipped into your hole, his name rolled off your tongue. "Fuckfuck, I'm gonna cum, damn baby. Gonna cum with me? Hm? I know you want to, bet you wish I was there pleasuring you myself." You bobbed your head frantically, your fingers speeding up as you let his words wash over you.
"Wish...you were here...Eren, gonna cum." You heard a hiss and a low groan, he was close too. And with just a few more flicks of your fingers, you came all over your chair. A whine escaping your lips which was soon drown out by a growl, he'd cum too.
"Damn y/n, you should call me for math help more often."
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Crosshair becomes a dad but I make it as sad as Possible
I highly recommend listening to "Two Men in Love", "In this Shirt" by The Irrepressible or "Facelessnights like these" by slen, because it makes it that much more sadder there's alot more like "Broken" and "whyd you only call me when your high but the violion cover" but we arent getting into that
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Y/n stood there, the air still, the clones infront of her still.
Her friend, best friend, her everything. Her only one.
"Don't do this Cross." Y/n begged, it wasnt a distraction it was on pure impulse, on pure want- no need.
"Don't do this!" Y/n shouted at him.
It was a silent stand off.
"Good soilders, follow orders." Crosshair announced.
"Y/n get down!"
The blaster fire started as Wrecker had grabbed her, trying to keep her safe as he fired back at them.
"Wrecker I-"
"I know. It'll be okay!" He tried to soothe still shooting at the men.
"Get to the ship!" Hunter demanded the group attempting to rush off, Wrecker getting shot in the process, but everyone making it quickly.
This wasnt right, not at all.
Y/n sat in the Cargo hold alone most of the time after the incident, wanting to sit in pure solitude, she didnt feel like sitting with anyone, Hunter had forced her too though.
He was worried for her and even stopped her only a few days into there voyage.
"Are. Are both of you okay?" He asked worriedly.
Y/n put an arm around her stomach, "how..."
"I. You're uh...pregnant aren't you?" He asked, "It's Crosshair's, isnt it?"
He watched her expression as the words set in, her face droping, only to collapse into a fit of cries and sob as he hugged her. Unable to even speak she cried into his arms, tears rolling down her face as she held onto him.
Hunter held her close, attempting to give her any type of security as he rubbed her back.
"I-I miss him so much!" She cried.
The others on the ship hearing her cry at Hunter even behind closed doors.
"Why is Y/n crying?" Omega asked Echo.
"Y/n and Crosshair, they were closer than all of us." Echo told her, "Y/n loved Crosshair very much. She loves us all very much. Thats why when we get hurt she cries."
"Well you're all brothers and shes your sister right?" Omega asked.
"Y/n isnt a sister, even if she may be like a sister to us, such as Wrecker, Echo, Hunter and I. Y/n was a non clone that snuck her way into the ranks as a medic." Tech spoke, "what her and Crosshair had was a diffrent type of carring."
"Like what?" Omega asked.
"Like Cut and Su." Echo told her, "Crosshair and Y/n were like Cut and Su, and like them, Y/n always wanted to have children after the war, and she hoped to have them with Crosshair."
"Oh..." Omega spoke, Hunter walking back to the group who looked at him, and kept quiet.
"Listen men, We have to keep an eye on Y/n." Hunter spoke, "an extra eye out, shes vulnerable and the last thing we need is another one of us gone."
"Is Y/n going to have a baby?" Omega asked.
Hunter looked down at her, "I..uh...well yes."
Hunter kneeled down to her height as Omega frowned, "Well how is she going to be like Cut and Su if Crosshair isnt here?"
"She'll have to do it without Crosshair's for now. But not for long." Hunter told her.
"She'll have us!" Wrecker tried to lighten up the mood.
"But Tech and Echo said it isnt the same." Omega spoke.
"Well. They're right, it isnt," Hunter spoke, "But we're all she has right now and she needs it."
Omega nodded, they'd leave her alone for the next cycle or two letting her recover from her heart break from Crosshair, and she did with time, but never returned to how she would be fully.
Throughout the months her stomach stayed generally the same size, concerning the boys- wasn't she suppose to get big? Like- a ball under a shirt big, and they did try to help her- until it got to much- helping you down a ramp- or even to open a door. Y/n convinced them that she was fine. Omega tried to be helpful too, and the thought made Y/n smile within a few years she'd had a little girl or boy running around like Omega did.
It wasnt till Cid gave them another mission everything would go bad.
"You should be sitting this one out." Cid told Y/n.
"Im fine." Y/n responded with a smile, "but thank you."
Y/n left with the group, the mission going as planned until they ran into Crosshair.
Y/n rushing with Omega at her side, hiding her behind her own body.
"Omega! Get to the ship!" Y/n shouted rushing across the open hanger with Omega.
Hunter and the others rushing to catch up with the two as Crosshair stood in the middle hall the doors opening as he already was aiming his rifle at Y/n.
"Y/n! Get down!"
Hunter ran into Crosshair the bullet firing as Y/n was shot, as she fell to the ground on her side.
Omega pulling Y/n by the back of her armor behind a crate, as Y/n held her stomach in pain trying to keep quiet and not scare the child infront of her, but it wasnt long until Y/n was crying out in pain.
"No- no! Y/n! You'll be okay!" Omega spoke pulling off Y/n's helmet.
"Omega! Go!" Y/n responded, tears rolling down her face, "Fucking go now! Omega go now!"
"I-I can't leave you!" Omega shouted- Y/n screaming in agony, she had never been like this when shes been shot.
"Omega! Get to the ship!" Tech demanded joining there group, as Omega looked at the two
"Y/n! Y/n! Where have you been shot!" Tech demanded an answer.
"Its her stomach!" Omega spoke Y/n shaking her head quickly.
"What a great time to dialating Y/n!" Tech argued.
"Oh fuck you!" Y/n argued back.
"Dialating?!" Omega asked.
"Shes going into labor!" Tech told them both, "help me get her up! Now!"
Omega helped Tech get Y/n up as she tried to fight off the pain.
Getting her up the ramp Tech ordered Omega to comn the others who were still in blaster fire, while Tech took Y/n into the back room.
"Hunter, Echo, Wrecker!?" Omega shouted into her comn, "Y/n's having her baby!"
"What!?" Hunter shouted back shocked.
The others rushed to the ship, exchanging in cover fire as Echo jumped onto the ship and they took off, leaving Crosshair and his clones behind on the hanger.
It didnt help hearing Y/n's screams.
"I'm going in here!" Wrecker demanded.
"Y/n needs her space! Let her have it!" Hunter demanded stopping his men from pushing any forward, including Omega.
It went on for over thirty mintues, finally when the screams came to a hault Tech came out the back room.
"They're both okay."
There was a heavy sigh if relief as the others came in the room. Y/n sitting agaisnt the wall with a blanket or two covering her.
"Hey.." she spoke horsely as she held the baby in her arms.
"What his name?" Omega asked.
"Well. He is actually a she." Y/n responded, "and well, her name is Eisley."
Omega sat next to Y/n with a smile, "Would you like to hold her?"
Omega looked up at Hunter, "Just. Be careful."
Omega was handed the baby carefully as she looked down at the baby girl who was sleeping, the others joining around her as Y/n thanked them all.
"Now all we have to do is get Crosshair back and you'll be like Cut and Su." Omega mentioned as Y/n smiled, handing the baby to Wrecker who was extremely nervous, but mellowed out as the baby slept in his arms.
With there misison complete they headed back to Cid's, with an I dont you so and a lecture at the end Cid still ended up holding the baby, but within the next day Y/n show severe signs of being sick.
Tech had detected it as an after sickness of being pregnant, but they weren't ready to find it fatal.
Y/n laid in a bed, in the back of Cid's place, paler than Echo, but with a tempture of over one-hundred "I'll be fine..." Y/n told Hunter who sat on the edge of the bed, "I've been through worse."
Before he could speak she turned away coughing up blood into a trashcan besides her, her nose bleeding.
"This isnt something a bandaid can fix Y/n." Hunter explained.
She sighed laying back down, "I...I know."
Hunter grabbed her hand as she smiled weakly, "I'm sorry Y/n."
His eyes had started to water as Y/n squeezed his hand with what she had left, "Don't be. And don't cry."
"Your in pain," Hunter tried to explian.
"I know." Y/n told, "Trust me I know, but its okay."
She tugged at his hand lightly as he helped her sit up, hugging him weakly he rubbed her back, but was in to much pain as she had to lay back down again.
"I'll send the others in..." Hunter spoke as Y/n nodded, "I'll come see you tommrow."
She smiled softly, "goodbye Hunter, thank you for everything."
He nodded with a small smile in return as he walked out the room shutting the door behind him.
Walking down the hall, he stopped at the small room they put together for the kid.
Omega playing with the small girl as Echo held her in her lap, the young one already trying to eat everything and that included Echo's socket arm.
"How's Y/n?"
Hunter turned his head seeing Wrecker besides him, all Hunter did was shake his head.
"She won't make it much longer." Hunter spoke, his chest tightening as he sighed, "in fact, I think she just left us..."
It was a solemn day, the group had been told, and Cid was told as well. The group standing around her bed as Omega held onto Hunter's leg. Echo held the baby as it was silent.
They couldnt speak, say anything, Y/n had been the light of the team for so long, and everyone was happy to see one of them finally be happy, not in war, with a life, with a family.
But there was that one.
Laying dead and covered by a sheet.
It was a day later they would get Crosshair's back.
He would apologize for everything and knew Y/n his one and only deserved that apology more than anyone.
But it would go quiet, and no one would talk. He found it odd, maybe she moved on, maybe he had killed her and he didnt even know it.
"Where's Y/n? And Echo?" Crosshair asked.
"Y/n. She's no longer with us." Hunter told his brother.
"I. I shot her-"
"No. Crosshair you didn't kill Y/n." Hunter told her, "and Echo, he's back at base."
"So where is she? If shes not dead? She left?" Crosshair asked.
The group quiet, "Crosshair, no. Y/n she got sick, after...she had a baby." Tech explained.
"What baby?" Crosshair asked.
"Crosshair. It's your baby. She had your child."
Crosshair demanded they take him to there base, and when they did Cid was infront of the house, making warm drinks for the two who sat at her bar.
"Crosshair?!" Echo questioned, standing up a baby in his arms as Crosshair looked at the bundle in his arms.
Pushing back Wrecker and Tech he stepped forward, Echo backing up a step as he held the child close, his last promise to Y/n was to keep her child safe, for no harm nor sickness come to her.
"Echo. He's okay." Hunter tried to ease the man as Echo nodded.
"I. It was the last promise I made to Y/n. I refuse to break it." Echo mentioned, "I just dont want to let her down."
"Can. Can I hold her." Crosshair asked, it was more of a demand, a soft one, a need over a want.
Echo handed the baby off to him carefully, a bit warry but tried to keep what Y/n would of wanted in mind.
Crosshair held the small sleeping bundle, a hand on the back of her head as she yawned,
"Whats her name?" Crosshair asked.
"Y/n named her Eisley." Omega chimed in.
Crosshair looked down at the child, Mos Eisley that was where the group went after there first successful misison located on Tatooine.
Refocusing her thoughts on the small girl, her eyes were opened, barring her mothers eyes as she stared up at Crosshair's in star strucken wonder.
The baby cut him off, laughing as her small arms reached out for him.
"Hi there...my little Eisley-"
He couldnt even get a full sentence out before he started crying, his eyes full of tears as he hugged the bay girl carefully.
So yes if I gotta cry you gotta cry too @thatmaroonjedi
Only homies cry together-
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Care *Smut*
Requested: Kinda, mentioned this yesterday, started as a request but when elsewhere. Orig Request here: Hey hun ease can I have a ddlg little girl smut imagine with sweetpea or fp jones not bothered which where I have been a brat all day and he punishes me thanks so much xx.
A/N: This was created and I accidently went somewhere other than the request, I am also using this as one of the bingo spots on my card: Aftercare. 
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 2339
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There was something off with you today and Sweet Pea could tell from the start. First it was waking you up, you didn’t want to, which was not much different than usual, however, this time you actually cried and Pea didn’t know what to do. You weren’t in pain, you weren’t going through anything really. He just held you while you cried and then eventually got you dressed and to school.
Finally at school when pulling in the drive you began to calm down.
“Wanna tell me what that was about?”
“I dunno, Daddy.”
Another odd thing to add to the list for the day. You were his little girl, mostly only in bed though, and once in a while after play when you slipped into little space. It was very, very odd and concerned him that you were calling him daddy in a non sexual manner while at school. You were often a brat in public, using daddy to turn him on, but this was entirely different.
“Baby girl talk to me”
“Gotta school daddy”
“Be a good girl in class and don’t say anything okay, I’ll see you during free hour”
“Okay daddy” you kissed him on the cheek something you always did while in little space
He was afraid you’d get found out, your kink and little space would be exposed and it would put you in even more of a rut. See no one really knew of yours and Peas' relationship except one or two people. You keep it secret, it is deeply personal. You went through a lot of trauma, falling into little space is your way of dealing with stress and hard times, he could usually make it better pretty quick but this time he had no idea why you fell into little space so hard and so quick. I mean you had both been busy the past few days. Not seeing much of each other than in passing and at night when falling asleep, but you never hid anything from him, and you hadn’t mentioned anything bad at all, so the fact you slipped without him knowing or detecting it made him so upset with himself. He knew he shouldn’t have sent you into class, but you had a test you absolutely could not miss and he was hoping you’d be okay alone. He has learned that when in little space you cling to him like a bear. Turning to your little side is your safe space, but without Pea there would be none of that at all. He is like the base to your tower.
The class could not have ended faster for him, he needed to see you and make sure you were all right. He always waited for you by the lockers. He watched and waited but hadn’t found you. He walked to your classroom and saw the teacher yelling at you. He walked in, not caring about anything in the world, plus he didn’t have this teacher for math. But saw you crying eyes watering red and puffy.
“What the fuck is going on”
“None of your business son, you can’t just barge in my classroom like that”
“I can damn well barge in here when your yelling and up in a girls face for no goddamn reason sir, plus no one fucking talks to my girlfriend like that I don’t care if you’re her teacher or not. You can speak to her on monday” Pea dragged you out of the room, grabbing your hand in the process. Tears still streaming down your face he brought you to a corner in the rec room, thankfully no one was in there, because your friends are usually the only ones there and they were all in class except fangs, but he was with Kevin. All you did was cry as he sat you down, no words coming out of your mouth. He loved you so goddamn much and seeing you cry was always a struggle for him.
“Princess you gotta talk to me or I can’t fix it or at least try to make it better” You shook your head pouting up at him
“Baby c’mon please whyd id he yell at you”
“Said… said i was bad at math and, and then he...” you started balling again.
“He got bad at me cause I got done early and it was so bad, but he, he got mad also cause I got done early and drew on my paper. I don’t get it daddy you always say I can draw!”
“Baby you didn’t do anything wrong”
“He… he yelled yes I did daddy he got mad. Was my drawing not good daddy”
“Im sure it was perfect aby, but sometimes there are things we just can’t draw on”
“Wanted to color but no pages, thought I could make a pretty picture but…” You cried one again Fangs walking into the room Pea glancing back at him.
Fangs found out you had a little space when he had walked into the trailer one day completely beat up and you were coloring on the floor while pea ran to the store.
“Pea I need… Y/N?” HE saw you sitting on the floor onesie on coloring away on a giant page.
“Hi Fangsy, come color, Fangsy color, pleaseeeeeee”
“Y/N I need you to patch me up”
“I, Uh… fangsy hurt?
“Yeah, can you get me ice and a bandage?”
“Mhm, '' you nodded walking over to the freezer, grabbing the ice before heading to the bathroom and bringing it all back over to fangs. You leaned down pacci hanging from your shirt.
Pea walked in then starting fangs down when he walked through the door.
“What the fuck Fangs!”
“Sorry bro im hurt, I just walked in I didn’t”
“Don't yell daddy! Fangsy hurts”
“Sorry baby girl, can you go into the bedroom and i'll be in, in a minuted”
“You nodded kissing him before walking off to the bedroom” That was the night Fangs learned about your little space. It only made sense he would find out. Him and Pea were always together, so that means you are always there too. SOmetimes you were good at suppressing it, and hiding it but other times it wasn’t so easy. Fangs didn’t necessarily get it at least not at first, neither did pea, but they both supported and were there for you entirely . Fangs was a good support system and closest to Pea, meaning when Pea couldn’t be there, he was.
*end flashback*
“Aww pretty lady why you crying” If pea couldn't calm you down, fangs would come in making you laugh and forget about it.
“Bruce didn’t like my picture”
“Well that means an old man is just an ass hat, I bet your picture was absolutely stunning. Just like its creator, a true artist”
“I not that good”
“Mhm you sure are, i think you should draw me a picture for my apartment, could you do that?”
“Mhm” you nodded your head smiling. Fangs got you distracted long enough to stop crying and calm down some.
“Baby girl yo okay now” you nodded your head slightly still clinging onto him “baby we gotta get to class…”
“Wanna go home”
“Baby we..”
“Want home Pea, need you… please, wanna forget” he knew exactly what it meant. Sometimes you wanted to color, have food made for you, a bath run with pea in it, and other times you wanted him and only him, not just cuddling you want more.
“Okay, let’s go...” He didn’t hesitate, he knew what you needed. In that moment he knew everything.
He tried letting you go to stand up but you didn’t want to. You clung onto him like a bear in the wild. You loved Pea, you needed Pea in more ways than you could even explain. Fangs grabbed the keys from his pocked and unlocked the truck as Pea placed you in.
“Thanks bro”
“She gonna be okay”
“Mhm she’ll be fine just needs some time today to decompress”
“Okay, I know you got her but call if you need anything, and i'll cover for you in class”
“Always bro, and thanks again”
You got to his trailer as he led you to the bedroom sitting you down slowly. He grabbed the silk ties from the bottom drawer slowly kissing along you wrists as he tied them together.
“Baby are you sure”
“Yes daddy want you”
“Okay Princess but you know your safe word right?”
“Can you tell me?”
“Avacadoooo” He chuckled to himself lightly remembering back ot the time that you created the safeword. You thought it was so funny because the first time you used it he wasn’t hurting you at all, but you were so overpleasured you couldn’t go on, out you screamed avacadooooo as both you and him simalteanosly ignished. Its one of his funnies and best memories of the two of you.
By now, the amount of times you had been together he could read you like a book. The emaming of every movement the change in tone of every breath sound, he knew ever bit and piece of you, and your life and you wouldn’t have it any other way”
“Good girl” he began tying your hands to the bedpost.
“Want you to fuck me hard daddy, wnat to hurt, want to forget” when you were so subby that you slipped into little space forhours you wouldn’t always know what you needed or wanted. Pea knew you didn’t need to be fucked you needed love.
“You ready baby”
“Yes daddy”
You felt his body press lightly onto your own, he began kissing you, heading up to your neck, probably one of your weakest spots.
“Daddy not fair, you have your clothes on”
“Wanna take them off princess” You pouted up at him, you couldn’t you were tied.
“Well guess they stay on” You began to whimper eyes filling slightly
“Hey hey princess no crying tonight okay, want you happy”
“Always happy with you daddy” He took of his clothes bringing his body to yours once again. His cock already hard. You atche dhim come up to you, his lips ghosting over your own. HIs tip tickled over your entrance as you whimpered for more. He began thrusting slow short at first, then deeper as he went. The quicker they got the more you moaned. His hand found its way up to your neck, a firm grip, your breath halting for a moment. The feeling arousing you to no end. You felt your orgasm building.
“You like that princess”
“Yes daddy” he untied your wrists with a pull, your arms making there way around his neck as he thrusted into you . Head in the crook of his neck you moaned out.
“Daddy I can’t”
“Gonna cum for me princess”
“Mhm, yes fuck daddy”
“Fuck.” He cried out. CUmming  as you came, eyes rolling back into your head he watched you come undone. YOu let out a loud moan of his name, as you felt his hand tighten by accident a second wave of pleasure passed through the both of you. He kissed you on the lips as he laid down next to you, pulling you to his chest. Your breathing remained heavy, your orgasm being one of the stronger ones you've had with pea.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Worry overcame him. He never wanted to hurt you. He never wanted to be that guy. He always made sure to protect you, always made sure to make sure that you were okay.
“No you didn’t daddy” you smiled, your eyes fluttering shut as his lips pressed to your forehead.
“I’m gonna run your bath and get you water okay” being with someone for so long helped you realize what they needed after certain things. For you water was number one. A bath always comes second due to the ties and your skin. Luckli silk helped you not get hurt, but it still could leave marks especially with how hard you pull to get away.
He came back and moved the blanket off you watching his release drip out of you. He picked you up placing you in the warm water, before slipping in behind you. You whimpered as you felt him lean you back against him, your hands touching the water and the little marks stinging. It was not a pain you didn’t like. It was nothing that Pea did, everything he did was perfect, but it always made him upset.
“Baby i’m”
“No… don’t apologize, I needed it, thankyou” He leaned down kissing your shoulder blade. You both sat in the water till it became colder. Your eyes began to get heavy. He stepped out watching you shiver from the cold air, as his body heat was removed from your skin. He helped you stand up legs still weak from the session. He grabbed your lotion and helped you over to the bed to lay you down and apply it to you.
“Wanna sleep”
“No baby, not yet or at least lay down so I can cover you in your lotion okay” You laid down, as his hands casted their way over your skin you began to fall asleep, him talking as you closed your eyes. The blanket soon made its way over you, his body coming to touch your back, “I love you” You felt a kiss to your head before you fell into a sweet darkness. Waking up the next day you were better than you had been a while. You thanked him with morning kisses, getting dressed and ready for the day as you both went to Pops for breakfast. He was your rock, your night, the light in the darkness you felt, and he’d always be there.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 022 [Winchester’s Starting Line]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 3,282
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“You know you’re fighting in a losing battle, Making a noose out of your hollow crown. I hold a match up to your paper castle, and watch it all burn down.” Ellie Goulding, “Hollow Crown”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The smoke cleared and the boss was on the other end of the room, his body embedded in the back wall. The male standing in front of me was breathing heavily, sword poised in front of him in both hands. Wait, I recognize that mop of green hair!
He glanced over his shoulder, giving me a nervous smile. “H-Hi, Jen-san.” He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt under a green vest. His hands were covered by gloves and he wore a brown utility belt around his waist, legs covered by blue pants. He’s also a swordmaster.
“Deku?! What the fuck are you doing here?!” Bakugo yelled, stomping over to the boy.
“U-Um, I… you looked like… you n-needed help…”
“Hah?! As if I’d ever need help from a nerd like you!”
“You say that, but Winchester would have been a goner if he hadn’t stepped in when he did.” Iida approached the two, dressed in a suit of armor, his helmet tucked under his arm. He’s the knight class.
“That’s her fault for being a fucking weakling!”
“Gee, thanks.” I rolled my eyes, coughing again.
“Don’t worry, Jen, I can heal you!” Ochaco smiled brightly as she kneeled beside me, dressed in a short tan dress with a red hood over her head. Black leggings covered her legs, disappearing into brown boots. She carried a wooden staff, her right hand wearing a red glove. She’s the mage class. Ochaco hovered her hand above my stomach and it started to glow purple before my health shot up. “There, all better!”
“Thanks,” I pulled myself to my feet, dusting off my pants.
Iida snapped his gaze to me. “Why are you here? You’re not even level fifty yet!”
My eyes narrowed. “I’m half a pubic hair from being fifty. Fuck you.”
His cheeks burned. “E-Either way, this area is far too advanced for you! Show some responsibility for your actions.”
“You know, you really fucking piss me off, Prep.”
“P-Prep? My name is -!”
“I don’t fucking care,” I scoffed. “Oi, Bakuhoe. You got five minutes to finish this bitch off before I call it quits. I’m fuckin’ hungry and now in a bad mood.”
“Che, don’t tell me what to do!” He turned his back to me. “Let’s go, shitty hair!”
“Right!” Kirishima blew smoke from his nose.
Izuku and Iida joined the fight, while Ochaco stuck close to me with a magical shield up in case the boss decided to attack me again. Ten minutes passed and Kirishima dealt the finishing blow with a swipe of his clawed hand. Or is it a paw? Dragons don’t have paws right? Feet? But that makes me think of the back legs not the front.
As the boss shattered, an annoying jingling started to go off in my ear like I had just won the fucking jackpot on a slot machine. My level shot through the roof, jumping from forty-nine to seventy-nine. My body feels lighter, stronger, and now I have a shit ton of power points to assign again. For fuck’s sake.
Kirishima’s body started to shrink back to human form and he fell back onto his ass, a bright grin on his face. “I can’t believe we did it! You’re super strong, Midoriya!”
The greenette flushed at the praise, not missing Bakugo’s glare. “N-No, I’m really not -”
“Of course he is!” Iida pushed up his glasses. “Not only is he max level, but he also has the legendary Allmiber!”
Allmiber? What, is that the fucking love child of All Might and Excalibur?
“How the fuck did you hit max level?! And where the fuck did you get the most OP weapon in the damn game?!” Bakugo demanded, trying to grab the front of Izuku’s shirt, but the anti-PVP system prevented him from doing so.
“That’s so cool!” Kirishima jumped to his feet, eyes sparkling. “Only five people in the entire game have managed to find Allmiber!”
“And you, shitty hair!” Bakugo’s vermillion eyes snapped to the red-head, pointing an angry finger at his face. “How the fuck are you a Dragonling?!”
“What’s a Dragonling?” Ochaco whispered from behind me.
Izuku answered, his eyes shining. “Dragonlings are the rarest race in the whole game! They can’t be chosen or even bought, you can only get it as a drop from a powerful boss. The drop rate itself is only .01% and the drop location changes every week. They say that Dragonlings are unbeatable because of their massive health bars and insane defense and armor. They’re also the only race in the game that can change their forms in battle! Their dragon forms have been called the gods of the game! Did you know that the creator -”
I glanced over my shoulder at him, sweatdropping as he continued to ramble on about the game. A simple, ‘it’s rare!’ woulda been fine, ya know. But Ochaco and Iida are listening intently to him, as usual, nodding their head every few words.
Kirishima laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I was just killing some scarecrows for a quest and it dropped.”
“You got a Dragonling from a fucking level five quest?! I’ll kill you!”
My lips tugged down as I watched the two groups interacting with each other. Why do I feel a sudden pang in my heart? I cursed, turning toward the exit portal that had opened up after the boss with destroyed. It took me back to town and I quickly logged out of the game, pulling myself off the wooden floor and turning the console off. I can still hear Bakugo screaming over the phone and I hesitated.
Should I say something? I decided I didn’t want to bother them and just ended the group call without a word, glancing at the clock. Nine-thirty.
The front door opened and closed, Toshi stepped into the living room looking tired and ragged. He smiled when he saw me. “Hello, young Jen. What would you like me to make for dinner?”
I grunted, pushing past him before he could step into the kitchen. “I wanna work on my cooking skull. You don’t mind, yeah?”
He sent me a confused look, but it soon melted to one of warmth. “That’s fine with me. I’m guessing tacos since I lifted the ban?”
“Nah. I’m in the mood for some curry.”
“Oh…” he shifted in the doorway, watching me closely. “Is anything bothering you?”
I sent him a small smile. “I spent all day playing an RPG with Bakugo, so I’ve just got a bit of headache.”
He sweatdropped. “That’ll do it. I’m gonna go take a shower.”
My smile dropped as soon as the bathroom door closed. To be honest, I don’t really know why I’m suddenly feeling so… isolated and down, I guess? I don’t wanna worry him, especially when I don’t even technically know what my problem is. Thinking about it, a lot of time has passed since I came to this world, since I started at U.A.
While everyone else has been forging friendships, I’ve been too damn busy keeping people at a distance. I haven’t made any efforts at all. Bakugo only asked me to play with him because he had no one else, but now he knows that the golden trio and Kirishima also play. They don’t need a low level to babysit that knows nothing about the game.
I groaned, rubbing my forehead in frustration. “Why is this bothering me? Get a grip.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
My phone buzzed for the millionth time and I sighed, opening my messages. From Bakugo:
‘Where the fuck did u go?’
‘Oi, fuckin answer me’
‘…somethings wrong aint it?’
‘Stop fucking ignoring me!’
And from a number I didn’t recognize:
‘Hey Winchester! Got ur number from Bakugo!’
‘This is Kirishima btw’
‘Whyd u log out so suddenly? Everything ok?’
‘That sword u got is really cool btw, it costs a million gold!’
My brow furrowed. Why did he give my number to Kirishima? Why’d he want it in the first place? Are they really worried about me? And that sword… why did Bakugo give me something that’s worth so damn much? I don’t understand anything.
I sighed, throwing my phone onto the couch before plopping down onto the floor so I could put my sneakers on. I heard shuffling behind me as Toshi walked quietly down the hall, pausing when he noticed me.
“Young Jen, you’re up early!”
“Don’t sound so surprised, Toshi.”
“You’re never awake when I leave in the mornings.” He commented, sliding his feet into the over-sized loafers. He suddenly grinned, his body expanding as he took on his muscle form. “Shall I carry you to school today? Ahahaha!”
I rolled my eyes as I pushed the door open. “I’m not a kid, but I’m sure Izuku would take you up on that offer, though.”
He laughed again, closing and locking the door. “I’m sure he would! By the way, I wanted to thank you for befriending young Midoriya. I feel more at ease knowing that you’re there to watch his back.”
“I’d hardly call myself his friend,” I muttered under my breath.
“Hm? What was that?”
“I said you’re welcome.”
He smiled brightly, slapping my shoulder. “Be safe on your way to school, young Jen!” He kneeled down, kicking off the ground as he took to the sky. I waited until he was out of sight before starting to walk, stuffing my hands into my pockets.
It was still dark outside, the neighborhood peaceful as the residents slept. Crickets chirped tiredly in the distance, pausing when the wind blew through the trees. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always found solace in the darkness. I’ve always been a night owl, preferring to be awake through the night rather than during the day. Maybe it’s because I hate the sun, or maybe it’s because there are fewer people around at night… I don’t really know the reason. This little strip of time before the sun starts to rise makes me feel at peace.
I took my time walking to school and the sun was just starting to glare over the horizon as I walked through the archway, casting shades of orange and purple across the sky. It was beautiful, sure, but I ain’t fond of the sun.
I entered the school building, heading for class 1-A. The room was empty and, for a minute, I just stood in the doorway. It felt weird without the loud chatter of the other students. It was eerie, like I had just stepped into an alternate dimension or some shit.
“Fuckin’ creepy,” I muttered, flicking on the light before heading to my desk. What do I do now? I left my phone behind, so I can’t play any games. I guess I could work on my homework… I started it last night but couldn’t concentrate so I ended up giving up and going to bed. Scrunching my nose up, I grabbed my notebook and the worksheets we had been given and got to work.
The door slid open a few minutes later and I glanced up, meeting surprised heterochromatic eyes. I returned my gaze to my notebook, where I was working on a doodle of Deadpool wearing a taco hat. At least he ain’t glaring at me, but the day is still young.
The legs of the chair scraped against the floor as he sat at his desk. He was quiet for a moment before speaking up, almost hesitantly. “Good morning,”
I raised a brow at him, but he was staring down at his desk. “Uh… sure.”
“Are you all healed up?”
“That’s good,” he nodded his head, pulling his notebook from his bag. “Does my voice really keep you calm?”
I nearly snapped my pencil, a bead of sweat rolling down my cheek. Damn, talk about being blunt. I cleared my throat, “Why are you even talkin’ to me?”
His eyes met mine, growing wide. “Should I not be?”
I shrugged. “You’ve always seemed perfectly content just glaring at me.”
Peppermint quickly looked away, his hair covering his eyes. “I’m sorry. You just… remind me of someone.”
He was silent for a moment and I figured he wasn’t going to answer. When he finally did, his voice was like ice. “My father,”
I raised a brow, humming. So a pretty boy with daddy issues, huh? Interesting. “Right. Good to know I remind you of an old man.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he mumbled, his cheeks gaining some color. “Will you answer my question now?”
“Yes, you have a calming voice. Happy?” I sighed, turning back to my notebook. Man, I accidentally stabbed Deadpool in the face.
The door slid open again and Fumi stepped inside, tilting his head as his eyes met mine. He approached my desk with a smile. “Good morning, Jen-san.”
“Sup, Fumi.”
“You’re usually one of the last to arrive. It’s quite alarming to see you here so early.”
“Sheesh, a girl tries to be a diligent student and everyone thinks the world is comin’ to an end.” I grinned, leaning back in my chair. “I wanted to try somethin’ new, but don’t worry, I hate it and won’t be doing it again.”
He chuckled, his eyes scanning my notebook. “You did this problem wrong,”
“Heh?” I glanced at the math problem he was pointing at. “Fuck math,”
“If you’d like, I can give you a hand.”
“For sure, thanks Fumi. The last thing I need is a lecture from Ectoplasm about not paying attention in his class.”
He nodded toward the pencil. “May I?”
“Go for it,” I watched as he scribbled down a number on the corner of the page.
“You can message me anytime you find yourself stuck and I will do my best to assist you.”
“Yeah, I will.” I smiled at him. “Thanks, Fumi.”
He nodded, returning the smile before heading to his desk. I caught Peppermint’s gaze but he quickly looked away. What’s his deal today?
Students slowly started to filter into the room and the silence morphed into loud chatter. In a way, their loud natures is annoying as all hell, but… I think I prefer it over the alternative.
“Wait, who are you?”
I glanced up at the sound of Alien’s voice, seeing Rin standing in the doorway. What’s he doing here?
He bowed, offering a kind smile. “My name is Hiryuu Rin from class 1-B next door. I’m looking for Winchester,”
Her eyes fell on me, half-hidden behind Momo. I stood up and approached him, grabbing his wrist and tugging him from the room. I could already hear her excited whispers. I swear if she starts spreading some stupid shit… I brought Rin to the stairway, which only had a few students passing by. As soon as I turned toward him, his arms were thrown around my neck, my body tensing at the contact.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He spoke with a voice full of emotion, his grip tightening around me. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest. “I heard about the attack, about two students being seriously injured along with Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen-sensei. I came to see you yesterday, to see if you were okay, but your entire class was gone. I was so worried about you, Winchester!”
My body relaxed as I wrapped my arms around him, gently rubbing his back. “The faulty thought it would be a good idea if we took a day off after the attack. Me and Izuku were a bit reckless, but it ain’t a big deal.”
“‘A bit reckless’?” He pulled back, eyes narrowed in frustration and worry. “You could’ve been killed.”
“I didn’t think you cared that much,” I muttered, scratching my cheek as I glanced to the side.”
“You’re my friend, of course, I care!” He sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides. “You’re okay, that’s what matters.”
My heart skipped a beat, my chest growing warm as my lips curled up. My hand rested on his head. “I’m sorry I worried you, Rin.”
“Call me Hiryuu.”
“Only if you call me Jen.”
“Deal,” he grinned.
“Hey, Rin! Class is gonna start soon!” An orange-haired girl smiled at us as she walked by with a girl that looked like she just stepped out of My Little Pony.
“Be right there, Kendo!” He called before turning back to me, pulling his phone out of his bag. “Can we exchange numbers?”
“Oh, uh, sure. I forgot my phone at home, though, so I’ll text you back after I get home.” I gave him my number and we parted ways, entering our own classrooms. Two numbers in one day? You’re turning into a player, girl. My good mood fizzled a bit when I entered class 1-A, eyes locking with angry vermillion.
“Morning, Winchester!” Kirishima grinned. “Last night was so much fun, let’s play again sometime!”
“Ooh~ What did you two do last night?” Alien asked, clapping her hands excitedly. “And who was that boy? Is he your boyfriend, Winchester?”
Satan, grant me the strength I need to not kill anyone today. “No, he’s just a friend.” I ignored her disappointed pout as I headed for my desk. I was almost there when a hand grabbed my shoulder roughly. Green met vermillion as we stared at each for a moment.
“You didn’t fucking answer my messages,” Bakugo’s voice was surprisingly calm as he gauged my reaction.
“I fell asleep after getting offline,” I lied, keeping my expression blank.
“Why the fuck didn’t you answer when you woke up, then?”
“Forgot my phone,”
“Stop fucking lying to me!”
I grunted, pulling myself from his grip and plopping down at my desk. Why do I suddenly feel so guilty about lying? Why did I even lie in the first place? It had been an instant reaction, I didn’t even consider it. We’re not even friends. He just tolerates me because I do the same for him.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance before stomping back to his desk.
“Hey, you guys! Did you watch the news?” Invisigirl asked, excitedly. “It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background…”
“Probably not,” Octo agreed.
Tail sweatdropped. “It is difficult to stand out when you’re just gloves…”
“We’re totally big deals.” Sparky’s voice was full of arrogance. “Those news channels love us, we’re basically celebrities!”
“Yeah, it’s kinda crazy, right?”
“Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked and that’s what they care about.”
“Who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn’t shown up.”
“Death. That’s what woulda happened.” I commented, dryly.
“Why’d you say that?!” Grape freaked out, his eyes full of tears. “I’m gonna pee myself just thinking about it!”
My lip curled back in disgust. Why is this fucking brat even in the hero course? I’ve seen more heroism from a fucking cockroach.
“Ah, shut up! Grow a pair, loser!!”
“Did you guys see All Might fighting the bird guy? That guy was super strong and he still destroyed him!”
“Yes, his strength is truly a thing of wonder.”
“Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!” Iida ordered as he stood at the front of the room.
“Uh, we’re all sitting.”
“You’re the only one standing.”
Iida fell into his chair, body shaking. “Dang it,”
“Don’t sweat it,” Ochaco smiled. She’s honestly too precious for this world.
The door slid open and a heavily bandaged Aizawa appeared. His face was still covered, and both arms were in slings across his chest. “Good morning, class.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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honkhonkrichard · 5 years
21 with reddie
 21. Best Friends Sibling AU
This got way longer than I thought and I’m calling it ‘Get it right the First Time’ after the billy joel song okay ‘njoy! (WC: 1600+)
“He’s adopted. We all are.” Stan said out of the blue, after dinner. 
“What?” Richie asked.
“Eddie. He’s adopted. So is Ben. Bill is too.” He said again, louder this time. 
“I-I mean.. I guessed.” Richie shrugged. “Cause they’re white and you’re-” Richie threw a hand over at Stan. “Not.” 
“I forgot the word.” 
“I-I didn’t have to know, dude, it’s not a big deal.” Richie stammered.
“You were staring at Eddie the entire meal.” Stan said loosely, eyes never leaving his book. 
Richie shifted. He was staring at Eddie. How could he not? He was… gorgeous. Big grey eyes, freckled, tan skin, wavy blond hair and the cutest little face. He had a look of perpetual surprise and annoyance, like someone just stole his parking space. 
He sat a the table quietly nearly the whole meal, watching the conversation with curiosity and every now and then, his eyes shifted over to Richie. 
Richie couldn’t take his eyes off of the younger boy. He was so… pretty. The light from the dining room was framing his face this side of perfect, and his sweater was too big and it gave him the sweetest little sweaterpaws- 
“I wasn’t staring at Eddie.” 
Stan’s eyes looked up from his book, sharp and intelligent as usual. “Liar.” 
“So what If I was?” Richie said, probably too defensively. “What’re you gonna do about it?” 
“Give you my blessing.” Stan said from behind his book, light green eyes still locked on Richie. 
“I don’t think I get you, Uris.” Richie lied, because he was quite sure he did. Rich hadn’t been subtle with his idiot grin and enthusiasm with trying to talk to Eddie, who didn’t reciprocate in the slightest.
“I think you do, Tozier.” 
“Stanley?” Someone said from the door. 
Richie looked up to see Eddie clamped around the door frame, sweater paws and cute grumpy surprise in full swing. Turns out he was wearing little shorts too. Richie gulped. 
“Yes Eddie?” Stan said innocently, putting his book down.
Eddie shifted uncomfortably and looked Richie over, the frown in his lips grew. Richie felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?” 
“Sure.” Stan blinked, and stood up. He looked considerably older than his siblings, Richie decided, trying not to imagine his hands around Eddie’s thighs. “Rich, you’ll give us a minute?” 
Stan left the room, and Eddie disappeared with him, leaving Richie alone with himself to think about how much Eddie licking his lips after dinner had drove him crazy. 
I gotta stop. Richie thought, rubbing his face. Gonna go half chub thinking about it too much. He decided to mindlessly fiddle with his bracelets. 
Stan strutted back into the room not longer later, sunk back down into his desk chair, handed Richie a small slip of paper and tucked his hands behind his neck, stretching out like a cat. 
“Get out.” 
Richie’s eyes widened. “Eddie doesn’t like me, does he?” 
Stan shrugged ominously. “It’s me that wants you out.” 
“You have a crush on my baby brother.” Stan said simply.
“Baby.” Richie grinned.
“Out please.” 
Richie huffed and grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you tomorrow though yeah?” Stan nodded in response, and Richie left the room, closing the door behind him (He may be a douche but he wasn’t a barbarian.)
Richie silently gazed into the hallway. All the doors were labeled. Ben’s door was closed, Bill’s was half open (Though loud horror movie noises were coming from behind it.) and what Richie assumed was Eddie’s was wide open; the quiet sound of tapping the only sound from it. 
The horror movie paused and Bill swung his door open, eyeing Richie curiously. 
“Sup man?” Richie waved. 
“W-What’re you doing?” Bill asked, voice lower and more angry than it had been at dinner. 
“Uhhhhh I just left Stan cause he kicked me out and then I got lost in thoughts. What’s up with you?” Richie admitted. 
Bill glared him up to down. Richie wasn’t sure why he was angry. They got along fine at dinner, joked about how they had no idea they both worked at the same place (Charlie’s vinyls, Bill had the day shift, Rich took the night shift) and now he was being judged. 
“If you fuck over my brother, I’ll slaughter you.” Bill promised, and then closed the door. 
“What?” Richie mumbled as the horror movie clicked back on. 
Richie made a face and went down the hall, and couldn’t stop himself from peering into Eddie’s room. 
There were lots of knick knacks everywhere, succulents, a big desk and Eddie curled up in his too big sweater, typing away on a laptop. He noticed Richie, clearly looking at him through the corner of his eye (still surprised and annoyed) and took a deep breath, trying to continue typing. 
Richie gave a him a toothy smile. Eddie did not respond. 
“So… Uh… Do you.. like… Did I- Um.” Richie tried. Words weren’t working. 
Eddie sighed and got up from his chair and then-
closed the door. 
Richie snapped some finger guns at the closed door. “Cool.” He said. “Dope I’ll uhhhhh see you later.” 
That night, Richie nodded along to the music blasting through his headphones, and emptied his pockets. Wallet. Phone. Rings he forgot to put on after he washed his hands for dinner. Piece of paper Stan gave him that he never read. Pop can tab. Wait.
Richie picked up the paper and unfolded it. It had a small message written in red pen on it; it looked like it had been scribbled over relentlessly. It also had a snapchat username.
Snap: KasperEddie youre rly hot attractive and it makes me nervous but i wanna keep talking 2 to you - eddie (the small blonde one of stan’s brothers who gets really nervous around you)
Richie didn’t bother fighting the smile off his face. His day was looking up. Even though it was 11:26 at night. 
He nabbed his phone and collapsed on his bed, adding Eddie’s username, and taking a quick photo of him lying in bed and sent it to the cutie patootie. 
Tozier Boy🤙 (Trashrecords): Heyyyyyyyyy got ur message closing the door on me was rly sex c of u
The response was almost immediate. It was a photo of Eddie’s computer. Looks like he was writing an essay.
Eeeeeeee: Sorry you make me nervous I didn’t know what else to do
Richie grinned wildly and stuck his tongue out at the camera, still lying in bed
Tozier Boy🤙: ill let it slide cause youre cute as hell xox
Then he texted Stan.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:29): you BASTART whyd u kick me out if eddie liked me
And got a snap from Eddie: A photo of his keyboard:
Eeeeeeee: oh!!! 
“Holy fuck.” Richie whispered. “You are fucking adorable.” 
and he sent Eddie a photo of his ceiling saying just that.
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:35): Because Eddie told me to. Said you made him nervous. He also told Bill he liked you and if you started speaking to Eddie Bill would put 30 rounds in your chest.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:35): hot damn 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:36) Also; Ben wants you to come back over and give him “Romance Advice” because you seem “With it” 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:37): u never told me ben was a grandpa
The next image was of Eddie’s face, which was cute enough, except he had drawn blush onto himself. Eeeeeeee: thank you
Immediately following it was a black screen: omg im covered in acne and im sweaty im so sorry
Richie took a photo of him making a desperate face. 
Tozier Boy🤙: can we go out i need to get you comfortable with me holding your cute little face as soon as fucking possible also can u go call Ben a grandpa its very important
A photo of a confused bed tucked into a beanbag chair: Eeeeeeee: he said stan JSUT called him that fjkdhflkjdhfjdkhjkd
Richie smiled against his pillow, trying to breath slowly to calm himself down. Holy fuck this fucking kid. 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:45) We’ve made Ben very sad. 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:45) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:46) He told me Eddie called him a grandpa too and made the “:(” face and then told me you just “Walk with.. uhm.. swagger and stuff. [You] just seem to know what he’s doing..” Little does he know-
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:46) who’s gonna tell him im dumbass
Then Richie went back to Eddie, trying to pull himself together, took a photo of his dog. 
Tozier Boy🤙: so…. did u…… wanna …..hmmmmmmm… go out sometime.?
The next photo was of Eddie’s wide eyes, it was blurry, like he was moving as he took it. 
Eeeeeeee: !!!!!! CAN U BRING UR DOG
“God damn.” 
Tozier Boy🤙: which one I got 2 an old man corgi (Amante/Ames) and this baby (Bellissima/Belle) 
Then Eddie sent another black screen. 
Eeeeeeee: Fr though I would like a date. Do you like ice cream?
Tozier Boy🤙: im lack toes and taller ants i love ice cream how about this saturday at noon?
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:53): Eddie’s cackling madly what the fuck did you do
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:53) lack toes and taller ants dude
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:54): Cool. Stop it.
Eeeeeeee: sure!!
Richie dropped his phone to the side and danced against his bed. Waving his hands to The Safety Dance. Dates, dogs and cute boys. Okay. 
He spent the rest of the night talking with Eddie, grinning widely the whole time. 
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Prompt suggestions -Alice and Jasper have a talk about Maria -Jalice during their two years as nomads -Jasper and Alice searching for the hybrid in Breaking dawn. -overprotective fool scenarios. -taking a ride on the Ducati/in the Porsche
Alice has a vision of the waitress cutting her finger, and being devoured by Jasper, the man from her visions who was now sitting across from her. Alice knows she has to stop Jasper from noticing the scent of human blood, or they'll have to kill everyone in the diner, and clean it all up to hide the evidence. She wasn't opposed, but it certainly wasn't her ideal first date.
"I dont think you told me where you're from. I like your accent."Alice mentions, distractingly"I was born in Texas.""So then what brings you to Philadelphia?""Just getting out of the rain, I suppose.""They don't have diners in Texas?"Really, that's all you could come up with? "I thought the visions told you everything you needed to know.""They do. Mostly. Which is how I know that we should continue this conversation somewhere else."She suggests, grabbing his hand.He takes hers, and the two newly united soulmates left their meeting place, and headed towards the woods.
"Why do you want to keep your past a secret so desperately?" Alice inquiries"My past isn't pretty, Ms. Alice, I wouldn't want to scare you off." "I woke up under an overpass in a hospital gown and an identification bracelet with no memory of what had happened leading to that moment. You can't scare me." What have I gotten myself into? Maybe I'm the one who should be afraid."
He jokes.
"Fine, I was a major in the confederate army. I got turned by a woman who was creating an army of new vampires. I stayed with her and trained them, until I decided to leave."Alice nods, although she doesn't fully have a grasp on what he was, or even the war he fought in."Whyd you leave?""I couldn't stand killing the underperforming soilders. They didn't deserve it, and I could feel every bit of fear and angusish they felt. I couldn't take it anymore.""So she wasn't a kind woman?" "No where near it." "Did she love you?" "I thought she did." "What was her name?""This 20 questions games feels a bit one sided. Lets talk about you.""I woke up alone under an overpass,"Alice repeats"I've  been the same way ever since, until earlier today, when I met you."She pauses trying to remember any details, and as usual,  she can't. "There, Ive told you everything I know about myself. You'll be by my side for the rest of my story, so I don't think I need to tell it."She looks up at him with a smirk "Oh look at that looks like it's your turn again." Jasper sighs, defeated. "Maria." "If she was so awful, why was she okay with you leaving?""She wasn't. Snuck out in the night with a few other newborns." "You thought she loved you. Do you think she'll try and find you?" "Maybe.""Is she dangerous?""Her not so much. Her army, could be.""Can we take them?" "Let's hope we won't have to.""But if we do?""You worry a lot for someone who can see the future. ""I just don't want to lose you.""I've know you for 10 minutes. I know vampires work different and all but-""Vampires do work different,  especially when one is physic. I've known you for years.” She inturupts."We'll have pleanty of time to catch up." She assures."After you teach me how to defend myself.""What?""You said you trained vampires before. Maria won't be able to hurt us if I can fight." "Maria isn't going to track us down. She's likely got better things to do, besides I'll keep us both safe." "Two is better than one." "If we get into a conflict with others of our kind, I don't you anywhere near it.""Can't always get what you want, Jazz, I'll be right by you the whole time. The outcome will be better if I know what I'm doing, wouldn't you think?""No." "Come on Jasper, it's 1948, women aren't just trophies any-"A vision stops her in her tracks."I hope you're a fast teacher, we're going to have some company."Jasper stumbles over words trying to decide which question was more important to ask. "No time." Alice responds as the other Vampires approach. "Don't let them get their arms around you." Jasper demands, in a hushed tone. "What business do you have here?" The first demands. She towers over Alice, but who doesn't? Her eyes are peircing red, and the scent of human blood lingers around her. "Just passing through, we'll be going now."Jasper ensures. "I don't think so." The second teases, leaning to block their path. She's taller than Jasper, maybe the tallest woman Alice has ever seen. Her hair is buzzed off. Alice wonders if she knows her hair won't grow back."We don't want any trouble."Jasper promises, taking Alice's hand"Oh, neither do we, but, you're in our territory. " lies the first"We already said we'd leave just let us!" Alice exclaims."Alice..."Jasper growls in warning "Your Friend is right, dear Alice. The grown ups are speaking. Why don't you go play somewhere else?" A growl escapes from Alice She's definitely getting killed."Hey, we're all red eyed here, obviously no one is residing here, just let us leave in peace. It'll be like we never met."Jasper continues to try and persuade them to no avail.  They want a fight, and they'll get one too."How about we get this over with?" The second Woman suggests.She lunges at Alice, who retreats into the branches of a high tree. "Leave her alone!" Jasper exlaims, tackling the larger womanEverything is going according to plan, for the other vampires, anyway. The smaller woman grabs Jasper from behind and drags him away from the other Woman. She's got her arms around him. Alice doesn't know much about fighting vampires, but thats the one thing she knows isn't good. She leaps from the branch and lands on Jasper's attackers shoulders. "Jasper, what do I do?" Alice asks desperately "Rip her apart!" He gasps in reply.She holds the breath she didn't need, and rips the womans head from the rest of her, her body falls along with Alice who lands on her feet. "Are you okay?" Alice asks"We've still got bigger problems." He dismisses, and stalks toward the other woman.She dissapears before they can confront her."Are we safe?"Asks Jasper. Alice pauses to check any visions, but is inturupted by footsteps behind her. "Nevermind. Alice, get out of here, she must've changed her mind. I'll handle her.""Yeah because that went well last time." She says bitterly. "We're in this together jazz."  She reminds him. The other vampire grabs Alice by the wrist, she throws a leg in the air, kicking the woman, and freeing herself. Jasper grips the womans arm and yanks it away from her body, throwing it on the pile with the peices of her mate. The newly armless vampire whips around and places a bite firmly on Jaspers shoulder before he can react. Alice lunges at her and gets her to the ground, she holds her down with a boot across her neck. She applies all the pressure she can manage and detaches her head. Alice and Jasper glance at eachother, the silence deafening."Overprotective fool." She scolds, walking over to him. "I had it under control." She continues and takes his hand."Are you hurt?" She asks"Nothing time won't heal." Jasper ensures."For now, pile up the peices, I've got a lighter.""Whats that for?" Alice asks, grabbing a detached arm"The only way to kill our kind is to tear us apart and burn the pieces." He explains."That's sick." "Yeah, but at least we wont be cold tonight." Jasper jokesAlice lets out a chuckle and throws a torso onto the ever growing pile of body parts"I guess that's true. I see a bonfire in our future. Do we have any marshmellows?"Jasper briefly checks his bag, and tosses a lighter to Alice. "Nope. I'm fresh out."He jokes."We should go, we don't want to be too close to any evidence."Alice stops to glance at him."What if the fire spreads. Don't you have any concern for the wildlife?"Jasper applies venom to the newest bite of his ever growing collection."I barely have concern for humans. What do I care about an animal?" "For an empath, you don't have a lot of it." Alice notes."For someone who can't recall being human, you sure have quite alot of it." He responds. "Why be mean when you can be kind?"She questions, arranging rocks around their pile of bodies, and setting them ablaze "You realize how ironic that is, right?""How what?""Ironic?" "Yes. What's that?" "It's like, funny, but not in a laughter kind of way." "How am I funny?" "You're speaking of kindness as you set the remains of the people we just killed on fire." "I guess that is a bit funny. We didn't have another choice though. I checked."
For months the two of them traveled the country together, doing their best to stay out of trouble. They traveled from state to state leaping through the trees, and racing eachother to the forest's edge, teaching eachother everything they knew along the way, including how to feed off of animals.Alice had told Jasper of a vision involving them joining a coven, but as he watched her dance among the branches and look back at him with the light of a thousand stars in her eyes, he had to wonder, was joining a coven who survived soley off of animals, so they could pretend to be humans would be worth giving all of this up?He couldn't imagine so, but he couldn't help but to blindly follow Alice in whatever adventure she wanted to embark on next. Even if it meant loosing everything being a vampire stood for.Things were perfect for nearly the entire time. The only fight they ever had was when Alice attended public school alongside her adopted siblings for the first time. Halfway through the year the class had discussed the civil war, unearthing what Jasper once was that she hadn't previously had the education to understand. From then on, it was smooth sailing. Until Bella came around, that is. Alice loved Bella, no matter if she was human or not. Jasper? Not so much. But when Alice Cullen wants something, she's going to get it.Alice and Jasper fought with their family, and survived battle after battle, but, this one was going to be different than anything any of them had ever experienced. Bella was a mother now, and the Voulturi weren't too fond of that. "Jasper we need to go." Alice demands in a hushed whisper. "We can't just abandon our family when they need us most, Alice!"He argues."If there was a snowflake's chance in hell that we could stay and everyone would be fine, do you think I'd still be leaving?" She snaps, adding clothing to a backpack"We stay and the only survivors are Edward and I." She continues softly"If you can see the battle you can tell them what to avoid." "No, Jasper, the only reason we survive is because the volturi takes us hostage to join the gaurd. They've always wanted us for our powers. Our only hope is to find another like Renesme." "Another? There's more of her?" "Yes, well, maybe. He's in my visions, he must be important." "Alice, please, this is insane. We need to be with our family. We can't abandon them to follow a rediculous vision." Alice is taken aback, her patience with him being replaced by anger."My visions are not rediculous! If you're not coming along, fine, I can't make you, but I'm going to do everything I can to save our family weather you like it or not." She throws her bag over her shoulder and raises the window"So much for forever." She adds with a glare in his direction. "Alice, I didn't mean- fine, fine."He surrenders."Are you sure you're not an empath? I'm coming, but shouldn't we at least tell them?" "Don't worry about it.""This is completely unfair to our family."Jasper stumbles over discarded clothing that has over taken their room, trying to find his own"It is," She agrees "But something tells me they'll forgive us when they're not dead. They can't stay mad at me. Now, hurry up, before they catch on. We don't have a lot of time." Alice jumps from the window, and takes off. She leaves her apologies, instructions and cryptic hints, and finds her way back to wait on Jasper in her porsche. "You're taking the porsche?" Jasper criticizes, dropping from a tree branch"You're not very good at being inconspicuous, are you?""It's simply not in my nature, besides,  would you rather have taken the bike?"She challenges.  "Yes."He admits."You're just as bad as me." She laughs in response. He hadn't heard that in a while. "I could go back for it." He suggests. "Jasper, this is life or death!" She reminds him harshly, snapping back to their current conflict."I'll be quick. What if we end up somewhere the porsche can't get?" "We'd just run! We were nomadic for years!" She reminds him, hastily."You still owe me a ride together."He taunts smugly."Maybe when we aren't in immediate danger, Jasper." Jasper decides its better to drop it. He joins Alice, who floors it nearly immediately. Their first stop is to find their old friends Peter and Charolette, they're mostly nomadic these says as missing people cases are activley worked on in this day and age. Then they'll head off to wherever corner of the world this hybrid was. Hopefully the visions would tell Alice soon. Jasper takes Alice's hand, sending calming waves, but still startling her out of her vision watching."Would you like me to drive so you can focus on your visions?"He asks after hours of silence. She considers his offer, but decides against it.
They finally arrive to where Alice's visions told her they'd be. A department store in Texas. They approach the two nomads from behind as they're examining a display cabinet of jewelry.  Nothing wrong with that picture at all. The cashier seems to notice the same thing as she stalks over to confront them.
"Peter, Charolette! It's great to see you too again!" Alice calls, throwing an arm around Charolette.  "Excuse me" Inturupts the cashier "Do you know these two?" She questions harshly.Alice lays her keys down on the counter, casually, but with the porsche logo in obvious sight as she leans over the counter to the cashier."They're old friends. They haven't been causing any issues have they?"She asks innocently "Yes they ha!-""What's the damage? I'll take care of it." Alice inturupts. "Don't give her anything, Alice! We didn't do shit this time!"Charolette defends"Hand me your bag." Alice requests."Alright fine, give her the money." Peter responds in defeat.Alice slides the cashier a stack of bills."Sorry about them. You can keep whatevers extra." The four head out of the store before Peter and Charolette can find themselves in any more trouble."So, what's the occasion? Or did you just see that we were gonna need some help?" Charolette asks."We need your help." Alice admits."Edward got a human pregnant. We didn't know it was possible, but now we have a vampire-human hybrid on our hands.""I don't do kids, Ali." "No, no, someone reported us to the volturi for having an immortal child. They're coming to kill her, and likley us too. We need people to convince them that she isn't dangerous." "We're in." Peter decides for the two of them. "Great. We have some unfinished business that I can't go into detail about because mind readers are involved, but we'll be back for the fight." Alice promises."You guys have got to get cell phones." Jasper kids, shoving peter playfully. "Yeah whatever, we'll see you there." He replies, shoving him back.
Alice and Jasper return to the porsche. "I'm driving."Jasper announces. "So you can keep an eye on our hybrid." "No, it's fine, I can barley see him anyway. It'll be just as much of a needle in a hay stack no matter who drives.""Good, then it won't make a difference if I drive?""That's not what I meant." Alice complains, settling into the passenger seat. Jasper takes her hand and places a light kiss on the top of it. "Relax, Alice. Whatever happens happens, okay?" "I'm not used to not knowing what comes next." "Really? I would have never guessed." he says with a laugh as he starts the car.The next hours are spent greatly exceeding any speed limit sign they passed on what seemed to be a never ending interstate. "I got something!" Alice exclaims with glee. "What is it?" "We're in an airport, the ticket says, well, I can't see the exact location." She admits."But somewhere in south America!""At least we've narrowed it down to a continent." Jasper encourages. His foot becomes heavier on the gas, pushing the little car to it's limits. They eventually take their exit, and get to their destination airport. They travel to a secluded south American village, and find exactly who they're looking for. He reluctantly agrees to travel back with them, mostly because we wants to meet another person like himself. He'd never been in an airplane before. Alice and Jasper found it to be amusing watching an indistructable vampire worry about the logistics of an airplane. Jasper helped to calm him down, he may have overdone it a bit as he slept for the remainder of the multi hour flight."Jasper?" Alice asks softly"What is it darlin' ?" He asks touching her hand."The cullens. Do you think they'll still let us be part of their family when we come back?" "Alice, I'm sure they will. They love us.You'd be the one to know, wouldn't you?" Jasper says reassuringly, squeezing her hand."Renesme and the wolves are blocking a lot of my sight. I can't see them since they're all in contact with eachother. " She explains."I'm just worried that leaving may have turned them against us, but it was our only hope.""How about we worry about it after the fight?" "I can't just put off worrying about whether or not we still have a family, Jazz.""You'll always have a family with me. Even if its just you and me." Jasper promises. She rests her head on his shoulder, looking up at him."Thanks." She says quitely.The plane lands, and it's a race against time back to forks. Alice drives home at the car's full potential the whole way back, and contemplated for a moment if they'd do better running. If we didn't have the hybrid, maybe. She decides.  He'd probably prefer it though, the porsche didn't have much of a back seat.They make it back to the Cullen's house with no time to spare. The rest of their family and all their friends are already in the clearning. "Let's go!"Jasper demands taking to the trees. "He won't be able to keep up, Jazz, I need to be at the clearing as soon as possible.  You'll have to bring him with you while I go ahead." She instructs. "I've got it covered." Jasper says with a smirk.  "Hey kid," He says turning to the hybrid"Ever ridden a motorcycle before?""A what?" "Just hang on, kid." Jasper encourages, taking off at vampire speed to the garage. He mounts and starts his ducati, and takes it back out to the hybrid"Come on, let's go." As soon as he was on, the two went as fast as the bike would take them. Eventually they even managed to catch up with Alice. She made her way through the branches and stopped at the edge, awaiting Jasper. "Now or never." Jasper encourages. The three walk out onto the potential battlefield, the hybrid stays behind with the other vampires."Alice!" Aro exclaims. Not this creep.A member of the gaurd separates Alice and Jasper from Aro, but with some convincing, she's able to show him her vision. You've only got to live through this vision 2 more times, maximum, Alice. She lies to herself, watching members of your family die in front of you is hard to forget, and she knows it'll always be in the back of her mind.Luckily for everyone,  aro decides retreating is the best option.The volturi leaves, and everyone gets to live another day. Except Irina, of course.  Alice feels terrible for thinking so, but she decides it's a trade she was more than willing to make. Her family embraces their return just as Jasper said they would. A couple of their visitors had found new mates through their visit.Prehaps things would be okay for a while.
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quackspot · 5 years
Lemon x character of ur choice fan fiction please *leaves tip of cookie run diamonds*
firelemon firelemon firelemo nfire le
thank u for the cookei run diamonds i shall have enough to get whatever new cookie (milk) comes and his pet and whatever new treasure comes (this happesns a lot becuase i dont level up my cookies,)
it seems a bit long but its not the longest thing ive written, cough cough nudge nudge at 41 page google doc umg
actually it is kidna long for things i write but thats becuase i like firelemon Quite a Lot, minecraft,
Minecraft. Lemon was going to play Minecraft, right? He was. Instead of doing that, he was texting with some other cookies in a group chat on Cacophony, a gaming-friendly voice & text app. He was on the 🍊🍋Citrus Buds group chat.
“⚡welcome to the block parade:
 whats up
🍊sister sweet!: 
nothin much!
🏐sister sour!:
 absolutely Nothing you feral cow
🍊sister sweet!: 
LIME say sorry
⚡welcome to the block parade: 
i was just going to play minecraft and you had to do this
that’s so mean”
He sighed, going on “Don’t bother” mode and starting up Minecraft. As usual, his closest friend, Fire Spirit, was already on. He was building dicks on the server, which was luckily only made for adult players and advertised on CornCob: the porn video website. 
“hey,” he began to type. “whos been building dicks?”
“DJSLJKFLSJKFLJSKLJKLSFJKLDSKLAaOIWRUIODSxmFKF” Fire Spirit keysmashed, probably slightly burning his computer while doing so.
“why are your keysmashes so long”
“shut up im biulding dicks”
“*building” Fire Spirit corrected himself. His username on Minecraft was HottestManAlive and Lemon’s was SourMan (what even is a man? That’s a mystery).
“anyways, lime bullied me and--” a ding came from Lemon’s computer. He got pinged on Cacophony.
“🍊sister sweet!:
@⚡welcome to the block parade lime said sorry”
“Ugh.” He sighed, going back to playing Minecraft.
Fire Spirit was busy, shown by the fact that Lemon was completely surrounded in dirt. He tried to dig himself out, but it felt like every time he dug, there was another block in the way. Soon, he was in a strip-mine in Fire Spirit’s extremely large dirt block.
He finally got out. Even though everyone was on creative, it took so long to punch all those blocks.
“hey lem whats up”
“fire spirit whatd you do” 
“OK.” Lemon flew away from Fire Spirit, who followed him.
“wait lem i wanna ask you something”
“wanna go on a date” Lemon’s heart pounded.
“haha thats funny hahahahahahahahahahahaha”
“im being serious lem lets go on a date in REAL LIFE” 
Lemon was sweating. His hands were uncomfortably moist, as were his armpits. He was almost certain his shirt had sweat stains, but when he checked, they didn’t.
to where”
“i dunno i could visit ur house bc i live in a cave irl”
“wait what i thought u lived in a house” The yellow-haired sour man stared at his screen, taking in every word and ignoring the fact Fire Spirit was building around him again.
“well i mean we could probs meet up at sparklings bar and go on from there
just hang out n stuff”
“that’s cool,” Lemon replied. 
Almost right after replying, Lemon’s door slammed open.
“I THOUGHT YOU DIED!” Orange ran in and hugged him. She looked at his screen. 
“Uh-- Hi, Orange.”
“You got a date? That’s so cool!” She let go of him. “I already asked the time for you!”
“Oh- okay.” 
“I’ll see you on Cacophony later!” She left. 
What the fuck just happened? Lemon sighed, going back to Minecraft to see what was up.
“whyd you type like that you never capitalize anyways it could b any time even right now” 
“im ok with it being rn and orange asked that” Lemon’s fingers were extremely quick, like lightning, one could say.
“ok i’m omw to sparkling’s bar”
“-HottestManAlive has left the game.”
“-SourMan has left the game.”
Lemon put his jacket on, grabbed his cube, and put his phone and his wallet into one of his pockets. Since he had male pants on, the pockets were deep enough to hold a phone AND a wallet. Take that, female clothing!
Fire Spirit stood outside Sparkling’s bar, waiting for Lemon to come. Does he live farther away? Is he walking? Can he fly? Were a few questions he asked himself. Instead of wearing his usual clothing, Fire Spirit put on something more casual-- a red tank top and some shorts. He wasn’t wearing any shoes, not that he’d need them, as he was always hovering a little bit above the ground and wouldn’t be hurt by it anyways. Plus, he doesn’t have any shoes. Or socks.
“Fire Spirit!” His attention was caught by a shorter, yellow-haired cookie. “Welcome, are you coming in?” It was Sparkling cookie.
“No, I’m waiting for Lemon Cookie.” He sighed. 
“Oh! He’s in here. He was waiting for you.”
“That’s lit!” Fire Spirit walked in as Sparkling was dying inside.
“Oh, hi, Fire Spirit.” Lemon’s voice was much quieter than Fire Spirit expected-- and not as deep. It was okay though, as he loved it. Adored it.
“Uh- hi-” Fire Spirit was taking in the view in front of him. He knew Lemon’s Minecraft skin was made by him, but not of him. His heart pounded at the rounder, more handsome version of Lemon.
“That’s weird,” Vampire started, causing both Lemon and Fire Spirit to jump a little, “you never say ‘uh,’ what’s up, Fire?” 
Fire Spirit took Vampire to the side. Lemon stared.
I could check Cacophony, I guess. He turned his phone on and began to read through messages. It was being painfully obvious that Orange thought he died because of the lack of reply. Oh. She told everyone about this. His face was heating up-- who knows what Lime will make fun of him for? 
Fire Spirit sat down next to Lemon in a booth, away from Vampire. 
“Anyways, how are you? I’m doing great.” The flame-haired cookie smiled at Lemon. Vampire Cookie gave Lemon two thumbs up.
“Me too, especially now.”
They chatted-- mostly about Minecraft, but sometimes going on topics of music (Fire Spirit had a surprisingly limited amount of music he listened to, as he only listened to VHS recordings on a boombox) and what was happening outside of Minecraft, like when Orange barged into his room.
“Excuse me, you two, it’s almost time to close,” Sparkling helped Fire Spirit up.
“Pshh, the bar never closes! It shouldn,” Fire Spirit commented.
“Are you helping Fire Spirit back home?” The green-eyed cookie asked Lemon.
“I could take him to my house, I guess.”
“Just be careful, if he gets too angry, his hair can actually burn stuff. Otherwise, you should be fine. It’s surprisingly painless to put your hands in his hair, and it tickles him.”
“How do you know all that?”
“He comes around often, one time daring me and Vampire to put our hands in our hair. Vampire went first.”
“Oh.” Lemon imagined petting Fire Spirit’s hair, his heart beginning to flutter quite a lot more than it already was. “Come on, Fire Spirit, let’s go.”
He made the somewhat long walk to his house. It didn’t feel that long due to Fire Spirit’s slurred compliments and flirts. Lemon sat Fire Spirit down on his couch and sat next to him.
“Wha’s gonna happen now, Lem~,” Fire Spirit joked. 
“I dunno, maybe we can watch a movie.” Lemon yawned.
“Nah, we can, we can sleep!” He suggested. “Or maybe jus’ you. I can go home myself, and then, tomorrow we can do this again.”
“We can both sleep. I’ll be in my room--”
“You’re gonna make me sleep on the couch?? I wanna cuddle you, Lem!” He quickly leaned towards and hugged Lemon. 
Lemon flinched at the contact, but calmed down. He turned on the TV and began to pet Fire Spirit’s hair, making the flame-haired cookie begin to laugh.
“Oh no! My one weakness!” The legendary managed to say within his laughter.
“Oh-- I’ll stop.” Lemon never liked being tickled and could only imagine whatever pain Fire Spirit was going through.
“You don’t haaaaaaaaaaaaaave too! I love it!”
“You need to sleep.”
“Fine, fine.” Fire Spirit sighed.
Lemon channel surfed until he found something that played a marathon of How It’s Created. The two watched it until, eventually, they fell asleep. Fire Spirit was asleep first, as he kept talking to Lemon during the show and waking him up, then apologizing and forgetting a few minutes later.
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secretblog1212 · 7 years
Reddie soulmate AU Chapter one.
Words- 1154     
It was common knowledge that everyone had a soulmate. When you turned sixteen anything you wrote or drew on your body (With the exception of personal information like your real name) would show up on your soulmate.
    When Eddie woke up he almost forgot what day it was. Today was his birthday, his sixteenth to be exact.
    He sat up and searched his arms and legs as if his soulmate would know what today was for him. He had faint marks appearing but he wasn’t able to communicate until he was also sixteen.
    Eddie, admittedly excited grabbed a pen, not paying much attention to what kind though he would later wish he had, began to draw on the inside of his wrist. It was a simple and small heart, not even large enough to fill a centimeter square. Only when he looked back down did he realize he had grabbed one of the glitter pens Richie had brought and left in his room last night.
    He had just drawn his first message to his soulmate in neon blue glitter gel pen.
    His face flushed, ‘Way to make an impression Kaspbrak.’
    Eddie got up and went to prepare for school. He was in his junior year. Richie had to keep coming over to tutor him in English at least twice a week. He guessed with as much talking as Richie did he must of gotten pretty good at it over the years.
    He grabbed a soft sweater since it was getting colder and threw on a pair of blue jeans. He parted his hair and went to put on his watch when he saw a small purple heart next to his own with little dashes around it. Under it was written ‘Happy Birthday!’ in slightly sloppy handwriting.
    Eddie shoved his sleeve farther up his arm and grabbed a pen, black this time, he made sure. ‘Thanks ‘ As an after thought he added, ‘How are you?’
    Within seconds he saw letters forming on his forearm. ‘Well aren’t you sweet, I’m good But why the pen switch? I happen to like Blue.’
    Eddie smiled, ‘That was an accident.’
    They wrote to each other until their arms had been filled and Eddie told his new friend that he needed to go to school. After washing his arm Eddie pulled down his sleeve so no one could see the faint ink marks left, especially not Richie. Richie would never let him hear the end of it, his soulmate hadn’t written back to him yet.
    On the back of his hand he saw a message as he reached for his backpack. ‘Whyd you erase it?!’
    Eddie felt back but wrote back anyway. ‘If my friend Richie saw I would never hear the end of it. Sorry!’
    There wasn’t a reply for a few minutes before Eddie had to rewatch his hands and leave before his mother woke up at seven.
    Richie  normally walked with him to school, so he made sure he had everything and went to wait on his porch.
    Richie showed only minutes after Eddie had locked his house behind him. He came up to Eddie and squeezed him in a hug. “Happy birthday Eddie spaghetti! Anyone chat you up yet?”
    Eddie shook his head at his friends antics. “I don’t believe it’s any of your business if i have or not now is it Richard?” Eddie was surprised when he dropped the subject without much more prompting. Eddie was curious, but not enough to break the rare silence.
Once they reached the school they met up with the rest of the losers and everything went back to normal. Mike had convinced his grandfather to put him in high school but Bev was still with her aunt. She came to visit on the weekend and after school some days. Her aunt moved closer too but not in Derry so she could be a s comfortable as possible with everything she had figured out about Bev’s dad.
    They were all glad, Beverly most though. Well her and Ben near equally.
    Nothing happened until Eddie's chemistry class, he had been checking his arms periodically when the others weren’t looking. Small hearts began to cover the palm of his hand.. He fisted his hand before shoving it under the table. God, his soulmate must be a sap.
    In response Eddie drew a large heart in the center of all the others. He couldn’t focus until he finally reached his lunch period.     Eddie had went to the bathroom to wash his hands only to find more hearts littering his right palm. Apparently his soulmate was ambidextrous.
Eddie only shared his lunch period with Richie and Mike but mike had to go to the schools library for some English project. Once again it was only him and Richie.
    They made small talk, Richie making jokes before asking Eddie if he had any messages yet. The only response he got was “Beep beep Richie.”
    By the time Eddie was home and had finished his homework he and his soulmate were talking again. Eddie and him had given each other the first letter of their names so they would have something else to to refer to each other as. His soulmate, R, convinced him to switch into shorts since ‘Theres more room on legs than arms.’ Also they had discovered that R liked rock music but was okay with most other music types, enjoyed horror flicks, and was honestly craving some ‘Fucking chocolate.’. Also that they both were male. Not that Eddie really expected anything else.
    Eddie had known he was gay since It the thing… He felt bad for having a crush on Richie when he had a soulmate somewhere out there. He wasn’t ignorant to his sexuality.
Not realizing how much time had passed he jumped and covered himself with his comforter when he heard a knock at his door.
“Come in mom!”   
    His mother walked into his room and sat on his bed. “So… How is she Eddie bear? You going to tell me about who’s been talking to you? Unless you haven’t written yet?
    Eddie panicked, swallowing past the lump in his throat enough to say, “Yeah mom, their great, real polite too.”
    Sonia smiled at her only son. She was still over bearing but had relented in the past few years and wasn’t forcing placebos on him anymore. She couldn’t, trust Eddie, she had tried.
    After a few more minutes of small talk she left, asking if Eddie was going to shower tonight.
    “Yeah mom, I will in a few minutes.”
    Eddie passed on the message of his shower to his leg and within minutes they had said their goodnights and Eddie was washing away the ink that covered his thighs while thinking of how best to tell his mother that his soulmate wasn’t exactly what she would expect. And by that he meant that she was a he.
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kibcu · 8 years
quick komaeda ova summary told by me
well ok the plot is this
so its all komaeda's dream for a while where he just wants everyne to be happy he talk about it in a monologue while walking to school, where he runs into maizono while she’s running and gets hit by a truck and smacked into a tree and some type of pokey sticy thing from the tree fell all over him and scratched up by a cat so we see his luck
cuts to the classroom (where even ryouta is there and twogami is dressed as twogami) where souda and kuzuryuu greet him and ask him what the hell happened. komaeda exlains mikan was taking care of his injuries when a ball flew in and knocked open a chemical cabinet and got komaeda covered.
sonia walks in and souda is jsut “aaaaa its my baby” and greets her and sonia is very nice to him? this ova has a LOT of sonsou moments... souda is just “man i really love sonia i wanna hang out with her” and komaeda encourages it
so cut to the next scene where theyre outside a cafe and souda is depressed? i think souda and sonia were going on a “date” and komaeda and kuzu came to watch. but souda was nervous. this whole quest for happiness includes souda and his quest for sonia's love. komaeda is jut “NO FAM YOU WILL BE HAPPY EVERYONE ELSE HERE IS HAPPY” he even encourages him to go see her bc since she's a princess she wont be around long
then him and kuzu are taling ad theyre talking about talent and komaeda is just “talent? i hate talent. id kill all the talented people” while threatening kuzu in a way. peko is on standby but kuzu hushes him and then they go on with their day. ko trips ona bottle and gets a face full of mikan’s panties too.
so basically theyre all living happily
when "izuru" shows up
izuru, in this world, is kind of like the moderator... since he had to break in to wake ko up and from what i could gather the only a to do that was to make him unhappy..... so first "izuru" killed souda through murder and kuzu and sonia get pissed!!! those 2 and peko go to find whoever killed souda while ko is just "no you cant get caught up in trouble"
but the three of them are just "we need revenge" so while komaeda is monolouging its this shot where kuzu grabs his gun peko gets her sword AND SONIA IS IN HER WARDROBE FILLED WITH DESIGNER PUSES AND SHIT
but anyways so they go to where "izuru" is and theyre like WHYD YOU DO THAT TO SOUDS and "izuru" i jut "bc im this world’s monitor and i need to destroy this world" so they get all pissy and kuzu grabs his gun but then sonia takes the first shoot with a fucking bazooka right into him
so it cuts back to ko in a dorm where he gets a call fom peko explaining that the person who killed souda is not human, but a "god" in a sense and she tells him “he's coming for you so please stay safe” and explains what this “world monitor” is capable of. but then world monitor izuru catches up to her and kills her as well telling komaeda to meet him
where we then see sonia and kuzu on the ground fucking dead so he goes in and they monolgue about hope and luck and then ko is just "ill show you"
basically ko explains how he is talentless and a part of the mob because he isnt a true talent, but his luck is ok? he throws one of those clinging tree things around and it gets tuck on him. he throws the baseball from earlier around and catches it while talking to “izuru”. then he threw the ball one last time to make the screams on the support in the building they were in collapse
then he pulls out the gun kuzu had, aims it at world monitor izuru, then is like "sorry kuzuryuu-kun" shoots the gun away from him and the bullet strikes him in the head because his luck
and the building collapse. so the dust has cleared and world mointor is still ther and then from the rubble rises komaeda in his sdr2 outfit. the whole time he was in his school uniform. so then world monitor izuru is like "ok the simulation is over we can wake you up now" and then tells him about the result of the neo world program.... and they talk about the future.... about hope and stuff... then he wakes up from his coma and then they all get on the boat from epsiode 5
he hugs kuzu and souda and theyre both “dude what the fuck” and ko is just “sorry i just had a really bad dream”
and it ends with "To the Hope Side" meaning to the Side Hope
and thats the ova
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oswednesday · 7 years
there was a start to this but i cant express it what happened it was very like raw electric responses from my brain as if i could feel each neuron snap and spark and i woke up my heart was beating so fast it was the only thing i could feel really this out of body my sense of self isnt awake just the too fast beating of my heart then i fell back asleep and dreamt i was on the school bus heading to school like grade school or middle school and i was sitting with a girl and was surrounded by boys and one of them was like super sleezy and i was like calling him out about shit and then it was like a feeling of time lapsin and the girl beside me left and i was all alone, the boy was choking me now and i had to kick at him to get him off me and then a new girl sat besides me and we had a lot in common and we both were youthful goths and she was being really nice and not letting the guys say shit either and we resolved  to hang out at school but it wasnt the same as the girl who sat by me first then by the time we got to school i just couldnt get through the door of the school building it was like the physics of the dream id step and slip and i was too tired to push through the school so i just went home, it was some kind of making a poster day so i was doing it at home and the girl like joined me in skipping like came to my house and i was like all bundled up in blankets in front of a computer and the dream shifted into something else
like the house i lived in was really really huge and the girl wasnt there any more, the phone was on the second floor like literally like that one part of that layers of fear game, the house was all browns and brozens sepia tones and it was ringing and picking up and i was being spoken too in these horrible voices, then like this really dusty like cookoo clock with shelving in it i was trying to clean it and just all the parts were going off and i was a guy now and i had two parents and there were demons in our basement and a fucked up gang accross the street of like serial rapists and stuff so i invited them into my family home after releasing the demons from the basement they were mostly oiled up men but two women were with them and their boobs were so big like plastic surgery big they had trouble squeezing through the door together and then i bolted the door behind me with like an industrail strength gun or w/e and left and as i was walking along the street time elapsed and it was like a news paper reel of like Tragic Party everyone found dead, eatened, disembowled and a bald tattooed dude drove past me in a big white pick up van and was all like dude heard about the party youre so hardcore and i was like yeah haha drugs too lit haha and the guy drove away but like some kind of spiritual guide was like hes turning around up the block you need to get out of here
so i did i like burst into a house and a really thin and tall older teen younger adult girl woman was like oh you can travel through the room above me and she opened the bit of a ceiling up that had a hatch and there was a bathroom and a closet and also like stuff that she was storing like painful memories and i told her id take these things out for her so she could use this space again and then her brother who was younger than her but still also an older person saw that i had gone to her room, im still a guy at this point and he was like mom, dad, isnt it time to wake her up so i hid in the closet until the parents went through then i booked it out the house
and then i was like me again kinda i was both me and like this abstract person and i had this other person with me and we were in this like really sterilized house with a family and they were washing and scrubbing us really brutally hard and we both got out, and then we raided someones house for food and just BARELY got caught and i had to lie my way out of why i was poking into (we were leaving)  a house and i was like lying how i smelled smoke and how like we were raising funds and the woman who was like there with her husband was all like oh the church raffle and i was like [quick look around noticing polish catholic stuff] yeah haha and she brought up how she was so excited to have this one famous american polka band and i was like i just moved my last church [name drop] we use to get them all the time at the very least the summer cultural heritage fest (which irl i do believe is happening rn) and she was all gushin and stuff and then we got out and i was making like haha polish people are good liars joke and the other abstract person who was kinda a girl didnt get it and like there wasnt really a joke like that (like im sure there is) but i was just underplaying my resourcefulness and it was all snowy like really slick with ice and we were holding hands SOOO tight i was holding her hand so tight and she was like is there anyone else you’d hold hands with and in my dream i thought about jenny and was just like yeah one other person but just one and the abstract person got REALLY upset like youre holding my hand SO HARD yet there’s someone else you’d hold hands with and she like dragged me by my ears (i was like an abstract animal person with shapes and lines but also a person) and she took me back to that house at the start and was like ive brought this one back they need cleaning theyre very dirty and the mother figure was very brutal with the two of us like and the other abstract person wa like no whyd i do this, this isnt what i meant to do and i managed to open a window and got out with my human self like my real self and i watched the abstract now empty me get smashed against the glass of the other window (there were a lot of windows) and the other abstract figure like brutalized and tortmented and i kept opening the windows from the outside, at one point i grabbed abstract me and pulled it out and eventually the other abstract person got out of their body and climbed out the window and wanted to run without getting their abstraction 
then i woke up before we did anything else
0 notes