#so would it be dumb stupid for me to start bowing. just be like blah blah blah I'm sorry sincerity my heart Open and raw'
professorsta · 2 years
Eye contact and verbal vulnerability are stupid difficult while cutting the eye contact off after the heartfelt moment to actionably punctuate your sincerity by bowing seems a lot more agreeable to me personally would it be ridiculous for someone located in California to start bowing? Asking for uh- not for me, someone else, don't ask who
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ocean-anchored · 1 year
Dear future self.. August 29, 23
I swear I'll actually write more than just the shit I put up with from Zack. This just isn't working anymore & as much as I hate to admit or want it to work out, I know it's not going to. How did things escalate once again to you creating this bigger issue than it was. I have to carefully plan out my communication, plan out my words before I say them or you take them literally & you don't let me correct myself & you jump from 0-100 in seconds. I want glad to have finally talked to you because I didn't get to talk to you for most of the whole day & then you barley had 2 minutes with me before you hung up & said you'd call me when you checked in which turned into after an hour (when I find out you were in the parking lot of the hotel so that's great) that you were going out to eat & would call me "ASAP" which apparently meant another 2 hours, so yes I was glad to have gotten more than 3 minutes with you on the phone before bed but how quickly do you snap & turn your ears off of listening. How many times have I said that I don't appreciate when you call me grumpy? Especially when I'm not in the mood to take that joke which you should know by now. It's like you do it on purpose or to start shit. So yes when you make a comment that you acknowledge how you should show appreciation to me a bit more, yes I agreed with you. But how cut throat to jump on my back when I try to communicate & express MY needs in this relationship. Because everything is about you. I'm constantly adjusting MY life to fit for you & being away, I'm constantly trying to tell you how much I appreciate you & love you & asking how I can change my communication so that it doesn't start a fight with you. But the second that I try to express what I need, even after I've said it MORE THAN ONCE in this relationship, shame on me. Shame on me to even think for a second that I should be asking for anything from you because you're so exhausted & you work 10x harder, shame on me to ask YOU for more. How dare I think that I'm worthy of asking for what I need from you. How fucking pathetic. Never in any relationship have I ever been so disrespected & put down when trying to communicate my wants or needs. If that's not the number one biggest fucking redest flag there is than I don't know what is. But the fact that after this many times of me saying how I would appreciate if you would acknowledge and show you cared a bit more inbetween the constant joking around sometimes to the point where I've asked you to stop, how fucking dare I ask that of you. It's stupid. I don't need this. I don't fucking need a partner that won't fucking listen to me & then use my words against me. You fucking sit there & have told me in the past that you would "never use your words against you" & that you're always here to listen blah blah blah but when it comes time to listen you fucking don't. You make it about you & you twist my words when I say something wrong or am too literal & you blow up. I'm sorry but fuck you. I'm SORRY for trying to communicate my needs. I'm sorry for trying to express what I need to feel secure in this damn fucked up relationship. Fuck me for thinking I could. I'm not taking responsibility for this dumb fucking fight because this was not me, this was you getting mad at me that I brought up that I wanted more of some sort of appreciation in this relationship & fuck you for blowing it up & basically telling me that I'm in the wrong. I can't even be mad. I can't even cry because I'm so fucking stupid to think that anything would change. Stupid to fucking think that this type of relationship would work. Like seriously, good fucking luck finding another fucking girl friend that sits in the house 24/7, has no friends, doesn't go out, doesn't talk to anyone but you & waits like a fucking dog till you get home to just bow down to whatever you fucking want. Screw that. If you can't fucking respect me & literally even care enough to know what I need & want in this relationship than there's nothing there. This is never going to work out.
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Hi can you do a can a hc of Victor Krum x Hufflepuff male reader
Ok, ok, yes. Yes please. Yup. Please ignore me pretending I know anything about his character. I just got the fourth book and I'm trying-
Part 2
§×§×§ §×§×§ §×§×§
Let's be honest, you two met at Hogwarts during the TriWizard Tournament.
Well, not during it. You guys officially met before the games even started, but his school was there for it.
So, you'd probably bumped into bum in the halls or something and he brushed off the small butterfly in his gut and said it was no big deal.
But like there was a moment when he developed a little crush for you.
It was one of those moments where like you were sitting on a rock by the Black Lake and he was pacing and he was doin' his work out thingy and his eyes land on you when he's walking by and he's like
"OOP, a CUTIE-" and he walks over to the rock and his fangirls are like "NONONONO-"
But it's too late, he's already next to you.
And of course your nervous, he's a fAMOUS QUIDDITCH PLAYER AND HE'S NEXT TO YOU
And he's tall, dark and handsome, so 👀
Ok, but when he makes you blush, he's feeling gitty inside. Probably starts speaking Bulgarian souly out of excitement.
We all know the fangirls end up shipping you two.
And it doesn't take long for Krum to realize you sat on that rock every time you wanted to study.
So he stops by almost every day just to chat with you.
Adventually, you start opening up to him slowly and getting to know him and he gets to know you.
Viktor realizes your so smart and he's just like "He's cute AND a genius?!!"
You literally blow him away.
He wants to be able to give you his address or letter thingy so you guys can write all the time because he needs it in his life.
But first he has to get to know you.
So he does that. He notices the little things, too.
He sits beside you on the rock, and helps you study, when he knows how to help you in that particular subject.
You guys play like twenty questions.
He asks about your hobbies, you ask about what classes he takes, he asks about your favorite color, you ask about his favorite broom trick.
It's honestly so cute though because when you guys realize you have common favorites, you forget about studying and just talk about those favorites.
And somehow it comes to your favorite subject and your just like going off and your smiling, talking with your hands, your loud and he's just looking at you like "W O W"
Viktor probably doesn't understand much about the subject, but he loves seeing you like this.
But in reality, he's just staring at your sparkling eyes and thinking "Ah, yes, I am clueless........................... He's adorable, tho."
Other than that? His head is empty while you talk.
You're voice is like music to him, especially because of your accent. He just can not get enough.
Viktor tries to get you to tell him stories just so you ramble and get off topic.
He's smitten over you, it's quiet simple.
He can and will show off during the TriWizard Tournament tho.
He dedicates his win against the dragon to you.
He gives you the egg as a gift after you figure it out. He honestly doesn't care if he's even allowed to take it home or not, it's yours now and you will have to go through him to get it from you.
Like he'll wink at you from whatever he's doing and maybe do a little flex, especially during the second trial.
Honestly, he probably looked for you during the second trial to find you but you were in the Black Lake.
He DEFINITELY kisses your head while wrapping the towel around your shoulders. He spends his time gently drying your hair while everyone is excited and screaming around you.
Like yeah, he's happy he did it, but he's relieved your safe. He probably officially falls in love with you when you look at him with like big, innocent eyes and say thank you.
And that's when be tries to ask you on a date but you can't hear him over the screaming crowds.
Naturally though, he's very, very careful and protective of you after the whole lake thing.
I feel like he gives some of the best hugs.
I don't know why. He gives the best hugs and head pats.
He probably asks you to the dance and then asks you out at said dance.
Take him to Hogsmead. I feel like he'd enjoy it. Take him to the Quidditch shop. Do it. Watch him brag about his broom and then fluster himself by knocking over a stack of books or something.
Please. You guys'll be walking down the halls together and like bump shoulders and your hands will brush against each other and you'll blush and he'll smile and you guys act like nothing happened.
But he will ask you out to the ball.
And it's probably sudden, too.
Like you guys are eating breakfast together and he just blurts it out and you almost choke and die on pumpkin juice and he just smiles and chuckles while patting your back.
"Please don't die, I'd love an answer to my question." "I-I'm sorry, what was the question again?" "Would you like be my date to the dance?" "S-.. Sure! Yes."
He bows to you at the dance and asks for your hand. Definitely kisses your knuckles too.
He IMMEDIATELY compliments your suit/tux fuck it, dress, whatever you wore, dude. You do you. He loved it though and he thinks you look amazing.
Thinks your outfit is adorable and will not stop repeating it.
The color of your suit? His new favorite color.
But his new favorite colors are also: your eye color, your hair color, your skin color, your favorite color-
It's a whole list.
You're just his favorite.
He tries to spend like every day with you until he has to leave.
He writes to you first and it's something so sickeningly sweet you hang it up in your dorm room.
He can and will give you tickets to his games. Shows you off to his team mates.
Him giving you pointers on your broom so you guys are sharing one and his chest is against your back and his hands are over yours like in those muggle movies with the couples clay classes or whatever-
Just you two playing quidditch.
He let's you win, if you arne't used to playing. But if your on the Hogwarts team, you better be ready to fucking go.
And if your totally uncomfortable on a broom, he will teach you (once again, sitting behind you on the broom, hands over yours blah blah clay), and it's like 2 feet off the ground and he's holding you close to you don't fall or go any higher.
I didn't know I needed this until now-
Just kinda realized I didn't focus too much on the Hufflepuff aspect of the request, so I'm gonna add some more so here we go.
People joking about how every Hufflepuff has a Slytherin and how you definitely have one and he's like "... Who are they? I'll fight them. Give me their names-"
Krum losing it when you give him a special gift from your collection (ex: rocks, flower petals, stuffed animals).
If you make him a friendship bracelet, he will NOT take it off.
Give him a flower crown and he's making you one. Fight me.
This man lacks any toxic masculinity. He can and will wear jewelry you make him.
Him relaxing in the Hufflepuff Common Room and just enjoying the softness and everything. Just everything. He loves it all.
He loves messing up your tie and laughs when you smack his hands away and frantically try to fix it.
He loves pulling you into a kiss by your tie or your rob's and, once again, messing them up so your shaky hands have to do it.
He loves flustering you.
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freddie-weaselbee · 4 years
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Implied eating disorder, implied body dysmorphia, body insecurities, insecurities in general, mentions of food/drink, language, angst, fluff, sad and insecure Freddie :(
Summary: Fred can’t even look at his reflection without feeling bad about himself and thinking about how you deserve so much more than anything he has to offer. 
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. No matter who you are or what you look like, you are absolutely beautiful. If you or if you know anyone who suffers from body dysmorphia (specifically men because it’s not talked about enough), please reach out to someone and learn more. My messages are always open!
Arthur Weasley. Molly Weasley. Bill Weasley. Charlie Weasley. Percy Weasley. Fred and George Weasley. Ron Weasley. Ginny Weasley. The Weasley family. While all connected by their Gryffindor house and flaming red hair, each member of the family was unique in their own sense. 
Arthur and Molly were the parents. Arthur’s fascination with Muggles as a Pureblood and Molly’s blunt but loving motherly nature were what set them apart. 
Bill was the oldest, the golden child. He was loved at Hogwarts and became a successful curse breaker. No one ever had problems with the wonder that was Bill Weasley. 
Charlie forged his own path. The great Hogwarts Quidditch star who likely could have gone professional, had he not found his passion in dragons and made a new life for himself in Romania.  
Percy. Perfect prefect Percy, the one who would grow up to be the Minister of Magic, at least that's what everyone thought. He had every aspect of his life perfectly planned out down to the last detail, and oh how Molly loved her rule-abiding son, never a troublemaker. 
Ron had a more difficult time making a name for himself. The youngest brother in the family and yet not quite the baby. However, his friendship with Harry Potter and their knack for getting themselves into trouble every year made Ronald Weasley a known name around Hogwarts. 
Ginny was the only girl, which made her unique already.  Not only that, but she was fantastic at Quidditch, had the heart of a true Gryffindor Lion, and was overall a kind, vivacious, adventurous soul. 
Each Weasley had one thing that set them apart. Everyone, that is, except the duo that could never be separated. 
Fred and George Weasley. Not Fred Weasley and George Weasley. Fred and George. As if they were one person, joined at the hip with the same ideas, the same personalities, and the same feelings. No matter how hard they tried when they were younger, everyone always came back to calling them Fred and George. Even their own mother often got them mixed up, and showed no care in doing so. As long as it was one of the twins she was alright
Once their years at Hogwarts started, the two boys decided to stop fighting the inevitable, and thus began their reign as “Fred and George Weasley, Prank Master Extraordinaires.” They were always together. They were both Quidditch beaters. They pulled some of the finest pranks Hogwarts had ever seen together. They sat next to each other in all of their classes and would sometimes switch seats or call each other the wrong name to see if anyone else would notice. They never did. 
“Freddie, you coming?” you asked your boyfriend, jumping up onto his back. It was Hogsmeade weekend, which meant the tradition of you and your friends raiding Honeydukes, Zonkos, and finishing out at The Three Broomsticks was minutes away from happening once again. Fred laughed and spun around, quickly getting dizzy and pulling you both down into the Gryffindor couch. 
You rolled on top of him and pulled his chin in for a quick kiss, limbs awkwardly tangled in each other as you shared a sweet moment with the ginger you’d been dating for the last 3 months. 
“Ugh my eyes!” George stood behind the couch, hands covering his face in order to shield his view from the innocent scene in front of him. 
“Oh shut up George,” you said. “You’re just jealous.”
Fred smirked at his slightly younger brother and pulled you down into a deeper kiss. “Yeah, jealous,” he mumbled against your lips, which resulted in George physically separating your faces with his hands. 
“You two disgust me,” he scoffed. “Are you guys ready?”
Fred struggled against his brother’s hand for a second trying to recapture your lips once again, but he eventually gave up once you caved and pulled away. 
“I’m all set, has everyone else already left?” The rest of your small friend group consisted of Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet, who you had been close with since your first year. The three boys would run off and pull horrendous pranks while you, Angelina, and Alicia would roll your eyes, secretly coming up with new ideas for jokes to pull on Filch. 
George jumped over the couch and hoisted you up by your arms, his strength making you fly through the air for a few seconds before you landed shakily on the warm rugs decorating the floor. 
“Yep,” replied your friend. “They said they’d meet us in the Courtyard and we can go from there. If I remember correctly it’s your turn to buy butterbeers.” 
You groaned and threw your hands to your pocket, making sure you had the money. “I thought you would’ve forgotten about that.”
George wrapped his arm around your shoulder and gave you a brotherly squeeze. “Never, love. Let’s get going.”
Giggling, you walked in step with your best friend and wrapped an arm around his waist. You turned your head and put out your other arm, gesturing for Fred to come join you. 
“C’mon, Fred, what’re you waiting for?”
Fred wasn’t waiting for anything. In fact, the longer he saw you interact with George, the less he wanted to spend the day watching it continue to happen. He didn’t look at you and instead just fiddled with his sweater, the one you had stolen from him so many times until he finally took it back to appreciate how it now smelled like you. 
“I’m not feeling too well today, you guys can just go.”
You pouted and fully turned to face your boyfriend. “You were fine just a second ago, do you want me to stay with you?”
He could tell you were about to walk back over and crawl into his lap, but he really needed to be alone. “I’m ok love, just not feeling it today. Bring me back something from Honeydukes though, will ya?”
You gave him a small smile and nodded, wondering if there was anything else you could do to help. 
“Don’t worry Y/N,” said George, “I can take care of you. We’ll have a blast!”
“I can take care of myself, Georgie,” you said. Fred winced at the nickname. “But I thank you kindly for the offer.” You bowed sarcastically and began to howl with laughter as George tickled your sides and threw you over his shoulder. “See you later Fred, don’t have too much fun without me!”
He looked up at the last second, only catching a glimpse of your face contorted with giggles as his twin carried you through the halls of the castle. 
Fred sighed and got up from the couch, sulking as he made his way to his now empty dorm room. He lied down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, imagination and worries running wild. What were you and George doing right now? Was he still holding onto you, laughing as he clutched your perfect body in his arms? Fred’s jaw clenched, thinking about his brother holding you, kissing you like he did. Because what was the difference between him and his brother? Why would you care if it was George that was touching you instead of Fred. They were the same. To everyone in the world, they were just the mirror images of each other. Just a stupid, unoriginal reflection. 
He felt a few hot tears well up, so he turned onto his side and curled up, letting sleep take over and wash his troubles away. 
“Alright George, put me down, you’ve had your fun.” The Weasley boy pretended to drop you, only making you clutch his shoulder harder. 
“Oh I see,” George said smirking, “now you don’t want me to put you down, huh?”
“Sod off, loser.” You wiggled out of his loosening grasp and elbowed his side. George had decided to carry you not only out of Hogwarts, but also almost the entire way to Hogsmeade itself. An act quite impressive, but the beater was known for his renowned upper body strength. 
Angelina came up and grabbed your arm, slowing you down so you would fall away from the rest of the group. “Not trying to steal my love, are you Y/N?” she asked, trying to glare at you but breaking quickly and smiling in the end. 
“I don’t know Angie,” you teased, “if you don’t make a move soon maybe I’ll have to take both twins. Paris does sound very nice this time of year.”
She rolled her eyes and gave you a soft shove. “The annoying part is that you could probably pull both of them too. I see the way George looks at you.”
Your best friend, usually so confident and collected, was now very shy and insecure about her love for the younger of the Weasley twins. You and George had no feelings for each other. Both of you knew that and she of course knew that. But sometimes dumb thoughts plagued people’s minds. 
“Angie, wanna know a secret?” you asked. 
She looked up and nodded slowly. 
“The reason George and I’ve been hanging out recently is because he keeps asking me about you. ‘What’s Angie’s favorite food?’ ‘What does she like to do when she’s not kicking ass on the Quidditch pitch?’ blah blah blah.” 
Angelina laughed at your horrible impersonation of George’s voice. “You know he’s like a brother to me. I mean, if things between me and Fred keep going how they are then maybe one day he’ll be my actual brother.”
She nodded gratefully and sighed a breath of relief. “I know, I know. It’s just a little weird for me that you two are so close. I feel like I’m third wheeling whenever you guys are there, and you aren’t even the ones dating!”
“That’s just how George is. He’s so sweet, so he’s always there to cheer me up. But you have to trust me, there is not and will not ever be something between me and him. No offence to George, but that’s gross.”
“You’re dating his twin brother! How is that gross?”
“You of all people know that they’re not the same. I prefer my men cocky, arrogant, and pretty,” you quipped, calling Fred out. 
“And I prefer mine sweet, compassionate, and handsome, but it looks like George has got a long way to go before he can earn that title.”
Angelina was referring to the scene in front of you, where the man in question was currently shoving Lee’s face into the snow-covered ground. 
“Maybe we both need better taste in men,” you said, running with Angelina to tackle George and save your dear friend. 
It was 2 weeks later, and Fred was once again missing out on a trip to Hogsmeade. Gryffindor had just played Slytherin in the game of the year, a close match that had the entire school screaming and on the edge of their seats. 
“And there Malfoy and Potter go, racing into the sky with their eyes on the snitch,” Lee Jordan shouted into the microphone. “The current score is Gryffindor with 130 points and Slytherin with 110. It all comes down to who can catch this flying bugger.”
A loud crack resounded across the pitch as George sent a bludger straight toward Malfoy, hitting his broom and almost knocking him off. 
“Amazing hit by Number 6, beater George Weasley. This could be the end of the game folks, this could be it. Oh! Malfoy’s back on his broom and racing to catch up to Potter. Weasley gave the young Gryffindor seeker a great head start, and it looks like he might have it!”
“Fred!” Angelina cried. Fred looked to where she was gesturing and saw the bludger coming straight toward him. This was his shot. He had a clear path to hit Malfoy, securing the win for Gryffindor. 
You were in the crowd, screaming at the top of your lungs. He didn’t want to disappoint you, or the team, or his house. He didn’t want to disappoint people anymore. 
“Number 5 Fred Weasley winds up to hit a bludger, he’s got a clean shot toward Malfoy! If he can get this hit it’s game over and victory for Gryffindor!”
With all of his strength he sent the bludger flying, but apparently his aim hadn’t improved with the extra practice he had been doing. 
Lee continued to comment on the disaster that was about to happen. “One strong hit to the bludger, but it looks like it’s going in the wrong direction. Oh no! Instead of hitting Malfoy the bludger just hit Potter, sending him and his broom spiraling out of control! Malfoy has taken this opportunity to catch up to the snitch and...and...he’s got it. Malfoy catches the snitch, making the final score 260 for Slytherin to 130 for Gryffindor. A well played match by everyone.”
Except it wasn’t a well played match for Fred. He had let everyone down, again. He was used to it from his parents and older siblings, even most of his teachers. But he had never let down his house before. He had never let down his team. 
Fred locked himself away in his room, refusing to talk to anyone. He pulled off his Quidditch robes and shirt and stared at his reflection in the wall length mirror hanging in his dorm room. 
He stared at his body, something many girls would comment on and swoon over. He was Fred Weasley, star Quidditch player and resident hottie at Hogwarts. Except he wasn’t anymore. 
The definition of his abs weren’t strong enough. He was gaining too much fat, eating too much food. He wasn’t working out enough, that was it. If he would've worked out more then he would’ve made the shot during the game. 
Fred wasn’t as ripped as George, he knew that for a fact. Living in the same room for their entire lives, Fred knew how strong his brother was, how defined his biceps were and how he could lift you with absolutely no problem. Fred knew that George was the better beater. It was just statistics. He made the most hits, had the best aim, and won the team the most points.  
The only thing Fred was better at was making jokes, but he knew no one liked them. His friends must’ve laughed out of pity. There was no way anyone could not find him annoying, especially with how cocky and overconfident he came across. They just tolerated him because of George. You just loved him because you saw him as another George. You should be with George. 
Fred stared into the reflection of himself in the mirror, the one that looked equal parts like him and his twin brother. He groaned as he bent down to the floor, quickly starting another repetition of countless pushups until he would pass out from exhaustion.
Fred had stuck to his cycle. Wake up, eat (but not much), go on a run across the castle grounds, go to class, work out for 2 hours, eat dinner (but once again, not much), work out again and then pass out from working so hard. Any time he had outside of class was spent on the Quidditch pitch or locked away in his dorm, overworking his body and secretly comparing it to his brother’s. No matter what he did, he never caught up. He was still the more annoying, weaker, less attractive reflection of his twin. 
“There’s something wrong with him,” George said to you, walking to the courtyard for one of your breaks. “He’s been so off lately and I can’t figure out why.”
“You’re telling me!” You had noticed Fred’s changes in behavior and tried to talk to him about it. He had become quieter and less outgoing, usually choosing to be alone and do God knows what while you went off with your friends. In fact, the two of you hadn’t had an evening to yourselves in over a month. Not ever seeing your boyfriend was beginning to take a toll on you too. 
“I’ve tried talking to him and asking if anything’s wrong, but he always blows me off,” you complained. “He just seems so sad and miserable, and the worst part is, I have no idea why!”
George just shook his head. “Me neither. He’s my bloody twin brother and we never even talk anymore. He’s always on his broom or locked himself in our room. Doesn’t ever let me in, so I don’t know what’s going on back there.”
Thoughts began to race through your head. “Do you,” you gulped. “Do you think he’s hiding something from us? Or...or someone?”
“Oh Godric no,” George said suddenly, wrapping you up in a hug. “Fred would never cheat on you darling, he loves you too much for that. He would go on and on about how bloody beautiful you are and how you’re the perfect person for him and it took everything I had not to strangle the git sometimes cuz he would never let me sleep.”
You squeezed him back tighter. “When...when did he say these things?”
George paused for a few seconds. “A little over a month ago. I...I haven’t really heard him talk much recently…”
You broke down sobbing in your friend’s arms, lowering yourself onto a bench and turning to cry into his chest. 
“Shh, shh darling, it’s not your fault. I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. Freddie loves you so much, he would never hurt you, ever.” He grabbed your chin so you were looking up at him. “Do you understand me?”
You nodded, eyes red and puffy before going back to his chest to cry. You spoke to him through broken sobs. “I...I’m gonna talk to him tonight. I need to f-find out what’s...wrong.”
George stroked your hair soothingly and rubbed your back. “Sounds like a plan, love. You’ve got this.”
You thanked him and continued to cry until you felt all of your sadness release. George helped you up and walked you to the bathroom to get your face cleaned up for the next class. Little did you or George know that Fred, from afar, had just witnessed the entire scene. 
In his usual place as of late, Fred was curled up on his bed, unable to move from the intensity he had just put his body through. He tried to shift to get into a more comfortable position but it only made him groan and his stomach growl. 
His arms, which were supposed to be getting stronger, were weak from malnutrition. He wasn’t even strong enough to sit up and do his Potions homework, which only made him feel worse about himself. 
All his life it had been Fred and George. It didn’t matter that his name was first, because there was always George to follow. They were the same person, and yet he still felt inferior to his brother. No matter what he did, how hard he worked, George was always going to be better. He was the stronger twin, the kinder one, the more compassionate one who knows when a prank has gone too far. He was everything that you deserve, and everything Fred wished he could be. 
Fred was startled by a knock on the door. “Freddie,” your muffled voice called through. He stayed quiet, hoping you would leave and look for him somewhere else, or better yet give up on him altogether. He couldn’t stand to look at you at the moment. 
“Freddie I’m coming in.” Before he could do anything you had cast alohomora and were standing next to his bed. 
Fred turned his head away from you, trying not to let you see how red his face was from crying. He pulled the covers up over his face, blatantly ignoring you. 
“We need to talk.” You sat down next to him and ripped the blanket off, revealing a mostly naked Fred aside from his pair of boxers. You grabbed his shoulders to roll him over to face you, but you jumped back as he let out a pained groan. 
“Get out, Y/N. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “You haven’t wanted to talk for the past month and I’m tired of it. I know there’s something wrong, and it’s killing me to see you like this. Please, Fred, you need to tell me what’s happening.”
The boy rolled his eyes and slowly moved to face you. “Why?” he asked. “So you can run off to George and have him comfort you? Why don’t you just save us both the trouble and go be with him.”
You were shocked by his words. Fred had never been the jealous type. Whenever you would talk casually with your exes or other boys would flirt with you, Fred was understanding and calm, always saying that you were his and he knew he didn’t have to worry about anything. But now for some reason he was seething with jealousy, and over his brother no less. It didn’t make any sense. 
“What in the world are you talking about?” you asked indignantly. “You know that George is just my friend, my best friend. He’s in love with Angelina and I’m in love with you.”
Fred scoffed. “Yeah, alright then. What did you and Angelina do, draw straws and decide who gets who? It’s not like it would matter, as long as you got one of the twins.”
You sat down on the bed, fuming with anger. “Where is this coming from? You know I love you. I don’t love George, at least not more than a friend or a brother. I don’t love anyone else and I don’t want to be with anyone else, just you.”
Your hand traveled to his shoulder but he jerked up so that he was inches away from you. “Don’t lie to me. You’re just like everyone else. You got one of the twins, and then you realized that you got the worse one, so off you are to go seduce George, because he’s just my reflection but better. I know exactly how you think you worthless bitch!”
Both of you went silent. Fred had never spoken those things to you before. Never once had he raised his voice in anger, and he had never even thought about calling you a bitch or anything of the sort. 
You brought your hand back to slap him, but you hesitated when he just gave up and sighed, awaiting the hit and not even trying to do anything about it. He was weak and exhausted and had completely given up on everything. 
Lowering your hand, you moved it to caress his cheek. He leaned into the touch, letting small tears fall from his eyes and drop onto your fingers. You pulled him into your shoulder slowly, where he sniffled and cuddled up next to you. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean that. You’re perfect.”
After a few seconds you finally spoke up. “I love you so much. You cheer me up when I’ve had a bad day with your jokes.” Fred hummed into your shoulder. “You’re always helping me relax when things get too stressful, and you take me on the best adventures I could ever imagine.” He turned his head to meet your eyes. “You and George, while you might look the same, are completely different. I could never love him the way I love you, because he’s not you. He’s sweet, compassionate Georgie, and you’re fierce, loyal, loving, optimistic, beautiful Freddie.”
Fred nuzzled into your shoulder and pulled you down so you were both laying down on his bed. He mumbled something that you couldn’t make out. 
“What was that love?”
“Do you really think I’m beautiful?” He spoke so shyly, pieces of his insecurities finally becoming apparent. 
You held his face in your hands and stared into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “I think you’re beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, and absolutely perfect the way you are.” You ran your hands down his toned abs, starting to understand what he had been doing those many hours each day. “No matter how much muscle you have or how big or small you are, I’ll always love you. You look perfect to me.”
To show Fred exactly how you felt you kissed him all over his body, starting at his neck and moving to his chest all the way down to his thighs and calves. “Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean you have to be super buff and toned. All bodies are beautiful, and that goes for men too. And you are the most beautiful of them all.”
Fred squeezed you tight, mentally hitting himself for not talking to you earlier. You loved him and he knew that. You didn’t love George and you didn’t love him because he was one of the Weasley twins. You loved him because he was simply Fred. Fred Weasley. 
You shifted out of his hold and started to leave the room. “Where are you going love, please stay,” he asked, giving you his biggest puppy dog eyes. 
“I’m gonna sneak into the kitchens and get you some food. You need to eat, Freddie. I’ve seen you skip meals and it’s not healthy.” He nodded reluctantly, still self conscious about the weight he thought he gained. 
“Speaking of not being healthy, I think you should slow down with the workouts. There’s nothing wrong with getting a better body, but you’re destroying yourself in the process. Can you take a break for a few days and rest up before reevaluating your workouts?”
It took Fred a second to think over. He still wanted a body like his brother’s, but you were right. He wouldn’t get it from not eating and constantly hurting himself. “Yeah, alright.”
“I think there’s leftover ham and potatoes from dinner, does that sound good?” Fred agreed, cozying himself back up under the covers. 
“Perfect,” you said. “I’ll get food and we can eat and catch up, and maybe read that book I was telling you about? You said you wanted to read it with me.”
“Sounds perfect, love. Thank you so much.”
You nodded and walked out the door, closing it softly. Fred looked around the room he had spent so much time in recently until his eyes landed on the mirror hanging on his wall. With what was left of his strength he got up and stood in front of it. 
It wasn’t going to be easy. He had so many deep seated insecurities that he would need to work out, and it would take time. But for the first time in a while, Fred could finally look at his reflection and smile. 
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 47: The One where JGY Gets Kinky with WWX and NO ONE Likes It
so our boys are still wandering around yunping and wwx is trying his hand at being matchmaker
he starts asking lwj if there's any female cultivators that *insert list of traits here*
they're still walking ahead of wn, who looks distracted by smth idk what
lwj: what for?
he asks as soon as wwx finishes listing off traits
It’s off-screen tho so we don't get to see his expression
But this is lwj we’re talking about and we all know how he gets when wwx so much as implies interest in other people
wwx: it's not for me!!
and then he goes on to say how wn is all grown up now and probs can't spend the rest of his life third-wheeling them
wwx looks back and sees wn surrounded by children while lwj is still facing the other way
and i only mention this bc once wwx sees wn with the kids, wwx reaches over and PHYSICALLY TURNS lwj around by gently grabbing him by the shoulders
wwx: following me like this, is not an appropriate life for him. According to the bro code, i def need to find him a partner
this is actually so sweet tho, wwx doesn’t want his buddy to be lonely!!
wwx: hanguang jun, what do you think?
lwj: *nod*
wwx: at least, he needs to make some friends
wwx: lan zhan, i think sizhui is a perfect candidate
wwx doesn't dwell on lwj's abrupt departure bc when ISN'T lwj abrupt, right? 
After wwx rescues wn from the children, he tells him to go wait at the inn while he and lwj continue to investigate. 
wn goes all Sad Puppy about it.
but wwx doesn't see it bc he's already running towards lwj "lan zhan, wait for me!"
Small interruption to say that i really really enjoy watching our boys walk side by side?
we're constantly getting shots of their backs as they walk next to each other and even if they weren't EPIC SOULMATES, it’s still like, aesthetically pleasing.
Oh look, they found out that jgy's deed was to a Temple of Doom
or okay, a standard religious temple but considering what goes down in there eventually, i think Temple of Doom is a pretty accurate name for it
lwj mentions he senses a magic circle hidden in the temple and they proceed to talk plot stuff
but i'm just so distracted by their pretty faces
mostly wwx's, but lwj also has a pretty face
blah blah plot blah
it's decided they need to come back at night when it'll presumably be empty
now wwx is politely questioning a monk
wwx: Asks Clever Plot Related Questions
me: *dreamy sigh* so pretty wwx, so pretty
ooooh, wwx's Clever Plot Related Questions reveal that the monk is a FRAUD. 
idc about it or why he's a fraud but i just wanted to demonstrate HOW SMART MY SUNSHINE BOY IS. he’s got beauty AND brains!!!
cut to next scene and IT'S NIGHT TIME
wwx, lwj, and wn are approaching the Temple of Doom
lwj stops wwx from getting any closer to the doors with an outstretched arm
then lwj gets closer to the doors and kind of just...lobs a bit of his blue spiritual energy at the door
turns out it's warded! no getting in that way
so wwx says they'll get in through the courtyard or smth and tells wn to stand guard
wwx: i am half a wreck but we still have hanguang jun~
we get some alone time with wn who notices some ominous black clouds rolling in so he takes off to investigate
And that dumb dog is leading my precious brat of a son straight to the Temple of Doom!!
now we cut to our boys spying over the wall and they see a whole bunch of random dudes with bows/arrows
wwx is thinking to himself: why is jl here? why didn't wn stop him? naughty kid, leave quickly with the dog!!
we get a close up shot of wwx's eyes here and i'm mentioning this for two reasons
1) wwx has beautiful brown eyes and everyone should take a moment to be grateful for this close up of them
but, more importantly
okay back to the show i guess
jl manages to pull himself up BUT OH NO, THEY'VE GOT AN ARROW AIMED AT HIM
we see wwx gripping his bamboo flute 
and in the next second the bad guys loose their arrows at my bratty son!! HOW DARE THEY
wwx thinks fast and flings his flute at the incoming arrows and one of the arrows oh so conveniently splits the flute so it's unusable now
wwx: jin ling, run!!
now our boys are getting shot at and it's super stressful
but wwx and lwj leap off the roof (wwx does a fancy flip bc ofc he does) and wwx starts flinging talismans everywhere like nbd
they're smoke bomb talismans apparently
so smoke bombs right, and we see somebody walking calmly through it
our boys land on the ground and get ready to start fighting
lwj has his bichen drawn and pointed directly at jgy but he hasn't made a move yet bc wwx is being used as a human shield!!
jgy: i advise master wei not to whistle. it doesn't matter if the flute is broken. but if a finger or tongue is lost, that would be tragic
he says it with a fake, condescending concerned expression
wwx gives a little huff and says sarcastically: you have a good point
eeww, we hear the garrote creak as jgy starts walking backwards 
and wwx has no choice but to follow BC HE'S GOT A GARROTE AROUND HIS NECK
lwj keeps pace with them, sword still pointed at jgy BC HELL NO HE'S NOT GONNA LET HIM TAKE MY, I MEAN, HIS WEI YING AWAY
oh, side note, we get a nice peek at some decorative etchings along bichen’s blade, kinda like suibian’s red line, except they’re pale silvery blue
Have they been there the whole time?? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE??
I blame wwx’s beautiful face for distracting me at every turn
Anyway, the etchings are pretty, whatever they are
Jgy is like don’t even THINK of trying anything hanguang jun!!
at that, lwj stiffly lowers bichen and he immediately gets surrounded by jgy's henchmen
the expression on lwj's face!! this is him scowling up a storm
since this is lwj's face we're talking about tho, there's only the slightest downward pull at the corner of his mouth. 
his eyes, on the other hand, his eyes are glowering fiercely
wwx tells lxc not to feel so bad about being tricked bc after all jgy is the best at what he does 
now wwx and jgy are doing that thing i love, you know the trope?
when the good guy and the bad guy speak to each other lightly, casually 
As if no one is actually poised to get murdered or anything
with an implicit acknowledgement of each others' immense skill
And they exchange notes as to how the good guy discovered the bad guy’s nefarious plot and the bad guy taking it as constructive criticism for future evil endeavors
Good stuff, good stuff
as they do this, jgy keeps his eyes pinned to lwj, who is the only real threat to him right now
wwx: since we’re completely at your mercy how’s about you tell me what kind of treasure is in the Temple of Doom?
jgy: the price to satisfy your curiosity is high. are you sure you want to try, master wei?
he says all falsely regretful
look i hate jgy with every fiber of my being, but i do appreciate this sort of banter
unfortunately it gets interrupted by some henchmen dragging in my bratty son!!!
jgy gives jl a sweet benign smile, with dimples and all 
which kind of cracks me up tbh, bc it does not mesh with the fact that he's got wwx by the neck here
jl: uncle jgy!
jgy: 'sup a-ling?
wwx: what's wrong with you, kid? why'd you come here at night??
that was totally just a reflexive indignant response to wwx's tone, i love it
bc it's not like his one uncle is threatening to murder his other uncle or anything important lololol
and for all the dog lovers out there, to really hammer in how evil jgy is, jgy orders his henchmen to go murder fairy
my bratty son is very upset by this
lxc comes in here and is like, hey, jl is just a kid!! and also your nephew!!!
and jgy is all like, ofc i know he's a kid and my nephew! what do you think i'd do?? kill him???
well, i mean, you did murder your own infant son
i can't imagine killing your teenage nephew is that big of a leap for you, jgy
and then he goes right on to say that hey nephew, if you run or scream, probably something awful will happen to you so maybe don't do that
oh now we cut to the inside of the temple and people are digging into the floor
wwx is wondering what the heck jgy is looking for
then he looks at lwj and with just a twitch of his eyebrows indicates that OMG JGY IS DISTRACTED AND THERE'S AN OPENING FOR AN ATTACK, GO FOR IT LWJ
or at least i'm assuming that's what that eyebrow twitch meant bc lwj catches it and leaps into action
he raises bichen and dives towards jgy aiming to cut his head clean off, it looks like
but jgy sees it coming in the last second and jerks wwx in front of him. 
bichen stops just barely an inch or two away from wwx's bleeding neck
wwx closes his eyes in disappointment  bc they had been so close! 
and now he just looks so upset bc he thinks he’s ruined their chances by letting jgy use him as a shield
jgy: hanguang jun, put bichen down now. do you really want to kill master wei?
and omg wwx's face his eyes are red and teary, wide open and pinned to lwj as we all watch lwj obediently lower bichen
wwx: lan zhan, don't listen to him!
my sunshine boy's brow is all furrowed and he sounds desperate here
wwx: i have never blamed you! lan zhan, you go first to find reinforcements!
Lwj looks him straight in the eye and shakes his head no for everyone to see
bc nothing will tear him away from wei ying, not again, not when he finally got him back after 16 long long years.
jgy: great! Next, please sheathe bichen
there's a slight twist to lwj's mouth as he sheathes bichen angrily 
but he did it with no hesitation 
the sound fx team really made the shing-clack sound of it very prominent here
i'm assuming to emphasize how lwj is briskly and willingly de-fanging himself in order to keep wwx alive
wwx pants a couple of times (bc lwj is putting himself in danger!!) and his beautiful beautiful face twists into a snarl
wwx: jgy, don't go too far.
jgy: is it too far for you already? next i even want hanguang jun to seal his own spiritual power by himself. what would you call that?
wwx's eyes widen like, no, no don't
and we get a shot of lwj who is the picture of grim resignation
he knows that as long as jgy has that garrote around wwx's neck, he will do anything he asks of him, anything at all
wwx protests but jgy just tightens the garrote
lwj sees that happening and immediately locks down his spiritual energy
(side note to say that i really like the sound effects and the motions they choreographed for the "locking of energy" thing here. It’s really cool)
wwx: lan zhan…
lwj presses his lips into a firm line in response
oh and now there's a convenient thunderstorm TO SET THE MOOD I GUESS?? 
jgy is like, hey guys let's move this inside so we don't get rained out. no worries, if you do what i say i totally won't maim and/or kill you
cut to inside the temple
creepy breeze? Check
eerie candle lighting? Check
highly contrasted cool colors vs warm colors? Check
jgy also likes his classic villain tropes, it seems i wonder if he and xy compared notes on that...
jl is sitting next to lxc, clutching his sword
meanwhile lxc keeps his eyes closed like maybe if i refuse to see what's happening, it'll make it not be happening!
Which, hey, we’ve all been there! 
okay, maybe not this exact same scenario, but still! Totally a valid coping mechanism, probably.
and on the other side of the room we've got our boys sitting shoulder to shoulder against a pillar together
wwx: lan zhan, you don't have to do this. that year....you owe me nothing
Aka, it’s not your fault i died. You don’t need to atone for anything!!!
lwj takes in his words for a moment
lwj: i don't think i owe you.
he says it so seriously
wwx: so why did you do that??
lwj looks over to him
lwj: it's what i should do.
some mood-setting stuff happens
you know, creepy wind slamming open doors, blowing out candles, that sort of thing
huh, he's got an unconscious nhs with him
wow he just drops nhs on the ground like a sack of potatoes, rude
blah blah evil plotty exchange between evil master and evil subordinate blah blah
blah blah emotional confrontation between jgy and lxc that idc about blah blah
ugh gross now su she is approaching wwx and lwj and is talking to them all smugly condescending
i want to hit his face with a brick tbh
wwx just rolls his eyes and lwj looks off to the middle distance bc this insect is not worth his time or attention lololol
god that chip in his shoulder that he's got for lwj is really getting annoying
ss: i just can't stand his attitude, as if he's better than everyone else!!
idk about “everyone else,” but he's definitely BETTER THAN YOU, YOU GREASY LITTLE COWARD
lol wwx gets offended on lwj's behalf (bc lwj has yet to acknowledge su she at all)
wwx: when did lan zhan say he was better than everyone else?
awwwwww!! lwj sneaks a glance at wwx when he starts to defend his honor. that's so cute!
wwx: iirc, in the great big book of lan fam rules, there’s one that says "don't be arrogant and prideful"
jl: how do you know the principles of gusulan so well?!
wwx frowns all sulky and taps his nose adorably
wwx: i have transcribed it so many times that i memorized it.
jl: why did you transcribe the principles of lan??
wwx: do you think it was my choice? that (and here he glances at lwj from the corner of his eye and lwj is side-eyeing him and it's hilarious) was my punishment
jl: shame on you!
he says it all haughty and adorably irritated and turns his head away sharply. it's GREAT
After that, wwx is going on about how lwj has had that indifferent expression on his face his whole life and he can't really help it, it’s not bc he’s snooty or whatever ss thinks
and he continues to blabber on in that way he does
ss gets all mad and moves to strike him with his hand
and quicker than a blink of an eye, lwj puts bichen (still sheathed) between wwx and ss 
He glares at ss like, just try it, i dare you! and doesn't put bichen down until ss lowers his hand
i would like to point out that ss still relented to lwj even tho lwj HAS NO ACCESS TO SPIRITUAL POWER 
as soon as ss backs off, wwx runs his mouth again, i love it
There’s a bit where wwx says, "i'm not afraid of death, i just don't want to die"
which i guess is some kind of word play in their native tongue? Idk
wwx goes on to explain it but idgi; either it doesn't translate well or i'm not bright enough to understand it, lol
anyway, this all culminates to ss drawing his sword to kill wwx for being annoying
lwj does not look impressed lolol but you can tell wwx thinks it's pretty neat 
(not that he'll ever admit it bc you never admit those sort of things to your little brother, LOL)
jl is so happy to see him!
jl: uncle!
jc: you're calling me now? you know how to call me now? why did you run away a while ago?
and jl looks away with that yeesh expression kids get when their parents start in on their scolding lectures
wwx: lan zhan!!
lwj calmly lifts his arm so wwx can cower behind his billowing white sleeve
jl is commanding fairy to bite ss and as wwx is cowering, he's ALSO encouraging fairy to bite ss
(which really just means that, while wwx will probably never get over his phobia of dogs, he might eventually be able to get used to fairy maybe)
lol ss goes running with fairy hot on his tail
then we cut to wwx who notices how he's clinging to lan zhan's outstretched arm and gets embarrassed
he gently pushes the arm down and gives it a pat and smiles bashfully at lwj
fun fact, this scene is the reason i started watching the show, i saw a gifset of this little exchange here and was like, THAT'S AN ADORABLE SMILE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD
and now some henchmen try attacking jc and jc whips them away with zidian and is generally just looking AWESOME
then lxc warns him about the Evil Magic Music
so jc's solution to that is to grab a random sword with zidian and chuck sandu into zidian and then scrape the two swords together?? to block out the music with super irritating noise, i guess???
lol even lwj is wincing at the racket
you know what, i'm gonna ignore the weirdness of this makeshift solution and just enjoy how cool zidian looks
now jgy is monologuing at jc and it's boring
lol, wwx leans over to lwj while that's happening
wwx: seriously, he talks like xy
he is not impressed by it lololol
both jc and jgy hear him and give him a Look and wwx puts on an innocent face
jgy starts picking at jc's emotional wounds and complicated brotherly feelings
jc starts getting defensive and snappish
lxc: don't answer him. he's good at talking. 
so at least lxc is learning from his mistakes here, that’s good!
jgy switches tactics and starts in on wwx and his complicated brotherly feelings
but wwx responds with, hey man, i already know jc hates me so that isn't gonna work
oooooh, now jgy is revealing how he heard that jc was running around lotus pier asking ppl to unsheathe suibian
wwx's eyes get all wide and surprised
he throws a desperate look at lwj
wwx: my sword? didn't i give suibian to wn??
lwj doesn't answer but wwx realizes that he hasn't seen wn carrying suibian lately
and he starts frantically asking lwj how suibian ended up with jc and why the heck would jc ask others to draw suibian
wwx: has he drawn it by himself??
pretty sure he knows the answers to all those questions and is basically asking lwj to tell him his suspicions aren't correct
lwj: wei ying, calm down
jgy notices wwx's reactions and pushes on bc he's found a weak spot and he's def gonna exploit it
he's like, oh yeah, i also heard you were able to draw suibian from its sheath, jc
wwx's face is full of dread as he realizes what happened
he starts blinking back tears and he's getting all shaky bc this is his nightmare unfolding before him
he gives jc a sarcastic bow and keeps picking at those wounds
wwx jerks forward as if he was going to try to shut up jgy, but lwj holds him back bc honestly, what was wwx going to be able to do anyway?
jc staggers back as if physically wounded
wwx's eyes are red with tears bc this was never supposed to happen
jgy chooses this moment to attack and now we have a sword fight
we get a shot of lwj and wwx here
wwx is squirming in his seat like he wants to intervene but knows that he can't
Lwj is keeping a close eye on wwx, ready to stop him the moment wwx tries to sacrifice himself for jc (again)
in the middle of their fight, jgy suddenly flings his sword right at lwj!!
lwj tries to raise bichen but it's not gonna be quick enough
jc sees this and dives towards lwj and manages to block the sword
lwj looks at him in shock, which is understandable bc jc doesn't even like him
he could've totally just let that sword slice him in two and been guilt-free bc hey he's in the middle of a life or death battle himself, you know?
but he didn't! he took the time to protect lwj 
For his efforts, he gets wounded (like mortally wounded) and now he has another reason to hate lwj lol
Anyway, jc can't do much now except channel all his spiritual energy into the wound so he doesn't, yknow, DIE
wwx is watching him with worry
here comes su she, all bloodied up 
lol looks like fairy was able to tear into him a bit. what a good doggy!!
now i guess the henchman were able to finish digging or whatever, WATCH HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT NONSENSE
Let’s check in on our boys instead
wwx and and lwj share a look 
and all i can think is omg look at how close their hands are, if they each shift just a couple inches they'd be holding hands!!
But no, we're going to have an emotional discussion instead
wwx: did you know about it?
lwj gives a very reluctant nod
wwx: when did wn tell him?
lwj: while you were knocked out
also omg they're having this conversation and jc is literally only 3ft away
wwx: that's how we left lotus pier??
lwj: wn is very sorry about that
look at lwj being a bro and sticking up for wn!
wwx: i've told him time and again to never speak of it
jc: never speak of what?
and here they seem to realize that yeah, hello, everyone can hear their conversation
they look at jc all surprised
*facepalm* guys, guys, i get that you both get a little wrapped up in each other sometimes, but c'mon
But we still got quality times with our boys, and some fun times with jl and jc, so i guess that evens the scales!
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theslythertrash · 5 years
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So whenever I see superheroes I always freak out over small impractical costume things but I have never been angrier at show’s costumes than at bnha and this has been on my chest for several months now and it’s midnight and I’m half asleep so it’s the perfect time to write an essay about it on Tumblr. 
Here are my ranking for the bnha costumes for all of 1-A:
I’m fully prepared to be slammed for this. (Also I’m supposed to be an artist so if I ever find some free time I’ll actually draw my babies some proper costumes.)
Midoriya’s is 9.5/10.  It has an aesthetic, good color scheme and it compliments his quirk with iron soles and leg/arm enforcements. Has a nice belt, a mask for gas (hopefully) and facial protection. The only stupid thing is his bunny ears mask but it looks good when it’s down like a hood. My only correction would be to make his mask an actual hood. 
Bakugo is 8/10 Kacchan also has an aesthetic. His mask is a little ridiculous but I’m fond of it. He also has practical shoes and stuff. HIS GAUNTLET IS SO STUPID. HAS THE MANGA ARTIST EVER WORN LARGE BRACELETS? DOES HE KNOW HOW ANNOYING THEY ARE? YOU CANT WRITE. OR SCRATCH YOUR HAND. OR REACH INTO TIGHT SPACES. I know they’re for storing sweat but sweat is a liquid and if people can invent Aizawa’s magic scarf they can invent smaller gauntlets. Jesus. But his winter costume makes them smaller I think (idk I don’t read the manga but I’ve seen fanart) so 8/10.
Uraraka is 5/10  Uraraka has a cool aesthetic. I enjoy the space theme and colors. A helmet is good since she’s flying around (though I don’t understand why it doesn’t cover her entire head? Protect the back of your head! Also her mouth- that should help against gas and things but I also know she vomits a lot so it’s probably better without one). 
However, she’s sexualized too. Even outside of it being skin tight, she has a camel toe? Literally no one mentions it ever and it drives me crazyyyy. Look at her- why does she have that line there? Why? And why is her belt so bulky. How is she supposed to squeeze into tight spaces? AND ONCE AGAIN UNNECESSARY LARGE BRACELETS OH MY GOD. The manga explains her bulky heels and bracelets are to help with nausea but I refuse to believe they can’t invent smaller ones. And also boots without heels. Who is gonna run over debris on heels? 5/10
Iida is 7/10 He is too bulky. Why are they all so bulky.  He looks like when he walks down the street he clanks as he walks. Way to be stealthy dude, smh. 
Todoroki is fine I guess. Little boring but it’s passable. I wish it had more stuff for his quirk. Like maybe thermal fabric so he can cool down faster? Idk. 7.5/10
Tsuyu is a much bigger improvement over Uraraka. She’s got big ass bracelets again but they look like soft fabric so it’s probably easy to ignore. Her outfit has a wet suit aesthetic so that’s practical. Her goggles look a little bulky again but they are practical.  WHY IS SHE IN HEELS.  8/10
Mineta looks like he has a diaper kink and it’s not even there to help his quirk. -10/10
Kirishima. Baby. Put on a shirt. Also what the fuck are those gears. Why are you wearing bulky shit that’s unrelated to your quirk? How are you gonna lie down comfortably when you have large ass rings on your shoulders.  Why are you wearing a muzzle thing? How is that related to your quirk? If your gonna put something on your face wear something to protect your mouth from dust and gas.  His bottom half is fine ig. I’ve got mixed feels on his cape/skirt thing but at least it’s an aesthetic.  6/10
Don’t get me started on Yaoyorozu. God Almighty. Even outside of the perversion, why does she have a whole ass bookshelf on her butt instead of an iPad for easy access? And not only is it AN ENTIRE BOOKSHELF, its HORIZONTAL. Why do you have a horizontal ass shelf when it can be vertical at the very least? She needs tech with Siri so she can ask what chemicals are in stuff into an earpiece. And also some pants. And a bra.  -10/10
Idk what Tokoyami is doing. Being edgy I guess.  6/10 it’s fine.
Kaminari is fine I guess? He’s got the same problem as Tokoyami and Todoroki where it’s just an outfit and doesn’t actually help his quirk in any way.  He could include metal bits on his gloves so punches have an extra shock to them. Or maybe a rubber helmet or something to protect his brain from his own shocks...would that work? I’m not a scientist. Maybe carry around extra shock-resistant fabric in a belt or something so he can protect bystanders before releasing a full attack.  I REALLY like his added equipment for long-range attacks and I think he could go further with the idea- maybe add cords in the style of bows and arrows?  Basically very boring but fine ig. 7.5/10 (solely adding the .5 for his new equipment)
Aoyama looks like he has the same bulky and loud problem as Iida but it’s toned down and I’m low key very amused by it so it’s fine. 9/10 for my flamboyant boy.
Jirou looks like she is going to the mall. She has no aesthetic and looks super boring. I like that her outfit actually helps her quirk with her speaker boots but she should carry around some weapons too. And wear a padded suit for hits. Actually they all should have padding. Goggles and mask would be helpful too.  It’s fine I guess. Boring. 6.5/10
Okay, I’ve seen a lot of people complain that Ashido’s is really ugly. I’m actually amused by it so I don’t mind too much. The fur is ridiculous and the colors are loud but they are as loud as her personality so at least it has an aesthetic.  I’m more bothered that it’s impractical. It doesn’t help with her quirk. She should have gauntlets similar to Kacchan’s so she can store acid (don’t make them bulky though, please). Padding too. Her shoes can have an extra retractable surface for gliding on acid. It would also probably be helpful to carry around a similar blanket to the hypothetical one Kaminari would have so she can shield civilians from her acid.  It’s fine ig. At least she’s not sexualized. 7/10
Shoji looks like he has multiple nipples.  At least it’s kinda practical tho.  6/10
Ojiro looks like he was on his way from karate class when a cat died on his shoulder.  Once again he’s boring and doesn’t have anything interesting to compliment his quirk. He’s a good fighter so maybe he can also carry around a staff or nunchucks or something. He should pad his tail so the hits are extra hard.  Boring but passable if he removes the stupid fur. It looks like it’ll tickle his cheek when he runs.7/10
I actually really like Sero’s. It fits his aesthetics and is practical. His helmet and shoulders could be a tad less bulky but whatever. It would be cool if he had like suction cups on his shoes or something to make it easier to stick to walls but I imagine that would be hard to walk in so it’s fine.  8.5/10
Tooru is naked.  She has no costume.  She’s 15- that’s so gross. Also she’s probably constantly cold and extremely vulnerable. I can’t imagine all the scraps she gets just from running around. And her sensitive parts are exposed to disease- she’s going to get a yeast infection. And not to be gross on main or whatever but what does she do when she’s on her period? ALSO, how can she feel comfortable running around without a bra?  If Mirio can have a costume made of his hair so can Tooru. 0/10
Sato looks like a banana.  Very boring with no aesthetic but at least he has pockets to carry sugar in so that’s practical. Some padding would be nice.  6/10 boring
Why the fuck is Koda in shorts. He’s gonna get scraps on his knees. What is that ugly ass symbol on his chest? At least he’s practical with his mask to hide when he’s talking to animals. Personally, I think it’s ugly but at least it’s useful 6/10
Woo I'm done. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk/ midnight essay.  Winners: Deku, Kacchan, Sero, maybe Tsuyu. Maybe Aoyama.  Absolute losers: Mineta, Momo, Tooru, Uraraka.  Everyone else is varying levels of average
Also, I know I said I would only do 1-A but I have a special little place of hate in my heart for Aizawa’s costume so here’s my rant on him too:
JESUS CHRIST MAN CUT YOUR FUCKING HAIR YOU DINGUS. I know you're trying to have a hoboTM aesthetic and you have stubble and blah blah blah- I get it. We got it. (I lowkey think you’re hot) you wanna have dramatic hair. Noted.  But you're entire personality is about being practical and not wanting attention. That’s why you disliked All Might. Set an example for your kids PLEASE.  Why are you even bothering with goggles to hide when you blink WHEN YOUR HAIR IS A BIGGER TELL. I PROMISE I’M MORE LIKELY TO NOTICE YOUR HAIR DROP THAN YOUR EYES BLINKING YOU DUMB DUMB IDIOT. 
Either cut it, put it in a bun (best option imo) or get a hood. 
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
How To Torture Your Heroes
Summary: Demencia and Clem teach the gross cockroaches of the world how to properly obtain and torture your enemy better than some nerdboy could!
Words: 2,454
Characters: Demencia, Flug, Clemencia, and Black Hat (briefly)
Warnings: A bit of torture, but nothing too bad.
I had too much fun with this
Demencia sat at the metallic table with her arms crossed and glaring at the shaking Cam-Bot and Flug, who was clearly smirking underneath his bag. She just narrowed her eyes at him, while, at the same time, erratic noises and lights that were going on beside her. She then slowly glanced over to her side at seeing Clemencia strapped up in a chair, wrapped in a straitjacket, and her mouth covered by a mask. The unicorn witch was currently vibrating in the chair, hearts in her eyes changing various of colors, and her powers were sparking from her horn. She was also making many high-pitched squeaking sounds and they only became louder the moment Dem’s eyes were on her.
Demencia’s stare went back to Flug, who was setting up Cam-Bot and ordering, “Alright, remember that Black Hat wants you to do this. Honestly, I wouldn’t care and the only commercials I would have you do is one for rabies vaccinations or one where we send you off to space.”
Flug was expecting Demencia to make a “witty” comeback like her becoming queen of the moon-people or something that idiotically implausible, but she just kept glaring at him. He just rolled his eyes and then looked as Cam-Bot’s recording light come on, saying, while holding up cards for her to speak off of, “Okay, Cam-Bot is recording. Go, Demencia.”
Demencia narrowed her eyes further at him before speaking in an even, annoyed tone, “Welcome, you bottom feeders, are you sick and tired of using the same old methods to capture and torture heroes? Do they always get away from your clutches? Always stealing your shit-” “Demencia, stick to the cards.” “Ugh! Always stealing your equipment,” she mocked in an obnoxiously nerdy voice by plugging her nose and then continued, “and leaving a mess everywhere? Then, fear not, for- this is so fucking stupid! Couldn’t you at least have tried to make the script sound like me, instead of your disgusting, lameass nerd language!?”
Flug pinched at where the bridge of his nose would be and then spoke in a professional manner, “You know, I really did try to, Demencia. However, you must understand that it is quite difficult to translate caveman speak to our natural, everyday colloquialism.”
Dem slammed her hands down on the table and shouted at him, “Say that to my face, punching bag!”
“You’re literally a few feet in front of me! How is this not saying it to your fa-” “Because it isn’t, chicken shit! If you were brave enough, you would say it right here, instead of-” The two began bickering over one another. Flug giving out the most intellectual disses the world has ever known, while Demencia resorted to “colorful” language, gory descriptions of Flug’s demise, and the occasional, never defeated “bleh bleh bleh” method. 
Meanwhile, Clem watched the two fight amongst one another like a child watching their parents argue. She casually shimmied out of her straitjacket, unbuckled the straps, and took off the mask. Skipping over to Flug, she looked down at the cards in his hands and asked, “Can I see those?”
“Yeah, sure,” Flug said absentmindedly, as he just went back to quarreling with Demencia like the goof that he is. Clemencia just went back to her seat and sat down, reading over the cue cards. Cam-Bot turned off its recording for a few seconds to look in-between the two villains and shook its ‘head’, wondering how it hasn’t short-circuited from all this madness. The only thing that was able to break them out of their squabble was Clemencia shouting, “Whaaaaaat!? Dangle them over hydrochloric acid? Painful injections? Lead them to you with what they love? What is this absolute crap? I thought you were supposed to be the best in the business, Flug!”
Flug immediately put a hand to his chest, feeling absolutely offended, while Demencia snatched at the cards and started reading them over. The scientist shouted, “Okay, listen here you randomly generated Tumblr OC, I don’t need someone like you telling me that-”
“I'm gonna stop you right there because you clearly do! None of this would truly work! It's, dare I say, old hat! I mean, who dangles people over acid anymore?” Clemencia asked, while Demencia finished reading and winced, “As much as I hate to agree with sparkles over here, I think she's got a point.”
Flug crossed his arms, scoffing and sputtering, before taking a deep breath and giving in, “You know what? Fine! I'll let you both take over, see how well you do, but I'm not gonna be responsible for how Black Hat reacts!”
The two multicolored women weren't even listening to him, as the two were writing down suggestions and even making some pictures on their garbage writ- er…“script”. Clemencia then pulled down a large, long projection screen out of nowhere and the two hid behind the screen. Clem whispered, “Aaaaaaaannnndddd...action!”
Cam-Bot just shook its head and then rewound the footage before starting it back up again. Suddenly, an image of a half lizard and half unicorn skull crying out rainbows in front of heart that had nails all over it appeared on the screen. The two magically poofed in front of the screen. Demencia was holding a bloodied baseball bat that had nails all over it and Clemencia held a pink and gold axe that had hearts within the blade and pink bows along the handle. Flug groaned, as he sat down with a mug in his hand that...possibly held coffee, “Oh boy.”
Demencia greeted, “Welcome, you gross boils of the underworld, it's your ruthless, badass Demencia to teach you scrubs about how to truly capture and torture your victims, whether they be a hero or a disgusting, useless, sidekick, nerdboy!”
Flug gave loud sigh, but didn't say anything. The lizard woman pointed to Clemencia and introduced, “And who better to check over such methods than with- Gah!”
Clemencia suddenly brought her into a spine-crushing hug and lifted her off of the ground, exclaiming, “Than with her no-as-equally-but-pretty-dang-close-at-least-hope-so-or-I’ll-cry-in-the-tub-again-tonight gorgeous girlfriend, Clemencia!”
Dem growled, as she hit her over head with the bat, “I'm not your girlfriend, dumb broad!”
Each hit that she made just made a squeaky toy noise. Flug blinked at the both of them and then cleared his throat. The two stared at him before going back to their normal poses and Dem went on like nothing happened, “Than with this horrible excuse of a hero over here!”
The unicorn witch smiled and giggled, while her horn made random sparks of pink magic. The screen then changed while Dem continued, “Now, some idiots would give you stupid little ideas that you can lead your victim by using things that they love,” a drawing of Clemencia had her being led to a trap by a Demencia doll on a string, “or being hung over acid,” another image of Clem being hung over acid that she just changed into jello with a confused, smelly Flug, “or, even lamer, with injections,” and then the final was another Flug with the words “gross nerd” over his head poking a confused hero in the eye with a syringe.
Clemencia then quickly added in, “Well, I never thought they were lame or anything, just that I know you can do it a bit better with that big boy brain of yours, Fluggy~!”
Flug corrected, “That’s Dr. Flug Slys to you.”
“Ya got it, Flug-bug!” Clemencia smiled with a cute little wink afterwards, making Flug just take bigger gulps of his “coffee”. Demencia put a finger to her mouth, fake gagging, and asked in an annoyed tone, “Are you two done being weird?”
Clem mumbled, looking slightly concerned, “...I-I was being…” and then a fully forced smile came across her face and she said cheerfully, “Yes, I am, my wonderful savior! ...Um,” she then levitated Flug’s mug to herself, grabbed it, and then tossed it right into his face with a blank expression. The mug spilt all over Flug upon impact and he fell back with a loud thud, shouting, “WHYYYYY!?”
Demencia blinked at the whole and then went back to the commercial, “Anyway, a little help from Dem and Clem will get your ass back in line with these three easy options! Number one: Don’t go for all that complicated garbage! Your own body should be plenty to attract those dumb heroes.”
The image on the screen changed to a drawing of a hero cornering Demencia in an alleyway, while she was wearing chainmail armor lingerie that had a the Black Hat logo on her panties. Clemencia’s eyes turned into hearts, despite one of them twitching at the “dumb heroes” comment, and added in, “Which should be plenty easy, if you’re as sexy as Demencia! However, if you’re not- which a good majority of you aren’t -then this second option is for you! Number two: As much as we heroes love kicking your butts from here to Atreno City,” a Clem drawing had her kicking villains, while they’re curled up on the ground, like Flamme, Mother Poltergeist, Mawrasite, and, of course, Flug, “there’s nothing we love more than peaceful agreements.”
Next was a copy-and-pasted picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but they had a bunch of villains’ and heroes’ faces drawn poorly over all the political figures’ faces with Clem and Dem sharing Thomas Jefferson’s face. The actual document was scribbled with Demencia’s crayon and Clemencia’s sparkly marker writing that read: “Blah blah blah,” “Dem for president,” “Clem was here <3,” and a signature “Flug the virgin.” Clemencia went on, “However, we also have a high sense of smell to know when there's bullshit afoot, so try to at least seem a bit more genuine than what you’re actually doing,” a picture of an annoyed Vanity appeared at a dinner table with Dark Phantom in a suit, who was looking extremely nervous and holding a ray gun behind his back.
Demencia then said, “And, finally, the torture! The fun part! Now that you’ve clearly used the first method to capture your foe because the second one is for complete morons-”
Clemencia shifted on her and chuckled nervously, “Heehee...right…”
The lizard hybrid then went on, “The best way that you can torture your hero is by causing them the slowest amount of pain possible and that their screams are filling your entire lair!”
The image on the screen showed a hero tied up to a chair, looking absolutely terrified, while Demencia was doing various tactics on them like using thumb-screws to drill through their fingers, using a red hot iron rod to brand their skin, or reading bad fanfiction. All the while the hero seemed to be in extreme anguish. Demencia then added, “However, if the hero is somehow resilient, you can also do the same to the sidekick or family,” the drawings changed to her doing the same to those people, instead of the hero.
“Whichever one you do, the hero should be able to do whatever you wish after a whole 24 hours of torture, but if you’re as good as me, you’ll have it done in less than 30 minutes. Heroes are absolutely traumatized afterwards though, so make sure to throw them out afterwards,” drawing Dem was throwing the hero into the incinerator, “Although, that may be hard because most heroes are stupid and useless already to begin with. Right, Clemencia? ….Right!?”
Dem growled as she sharply turned to her, only to stop at seeing Clem holding onto herself and also shivering. Clemencia started tearing up and she stuttered, “I-I’m...I’m n-not useless….o-or….stupid...r-right?”
The lizard hybrid just bit her lip and looked away, causing Clem to whimper and then teleport out of there. Right as soon as she did, Flug came back into the lab, holding a cloth covered ice pack on his bagged face, and asked, looking around, “Hey, where did the poster child for insulin shots go to?”
He then noticed Demencia looking somewhat saddened and guilty, as if she made a mistake. Flug was about to reach out to her and ask if she was alright, but then suddenly the projector caught alight by red flames, as Black Hat rose from the flames. His eye completely black with a red, slitted pupil and his form shifting and changing as eyes, mouths, and tentacles appeared. The tentacles squeezed around the two, strangling them, and Cam-Bot quickly ran out out of there before it got taken. Black snarled at the two, “What is going on here!?”
Demencia made a stupid comment about Black Hat always taking her breath away, while Flug made his famous dying seal squeaks.
At White Hat’s manor, as the moon was rising, Clemencia hung half her torso off of the balcony connected to her room, sighing at all that Demencia said and wondering where exactly she went wrong. She messed with the bow on her ponytail, while her unicorn hoodie’s eyes started tearing up. She mumbled to herself, “Maybe I’m just too bubbly at times...and I doubt myself too much...and...I eat too much cake! Ugh! I need to change my ways! I need to get tough and more wild like Demmie!”
She then lifted up her body back up to the top and the moment that she did, she felt lips press against her cheek, as well as catching the scent of roses, spray paint, and raw meat. Clem summoned a large mallet and shouted, “How dare you steal Demencia’s scent!?”
She then looked around and saw nobody there, but did see a note placed onto the railing of the balcony. She tilted her head as she placed the mallet back into her hair and grabbed onto the note to see what it said: “I wasn’t talking about you being useless or anything like that, dum-dum! You’re pretty...alright. I just gotta keep up an image, ya know? Now stop being so emotional or else I’ll have to cuddle you! >:3c”
Clemencia blinked at the letter before her eyes turned into hearts and a dopey smile grew across her face, while hugging the paper close to her chest. Yeah, it wasn’t anything all that poetic, but it was absolutely beautiful in her eyes. She then looked down at at her balcony and noticed some red and green paint that was on the railing of where the note was. She turned the note around and saw red and green painted words that read: “By the way, got ya a surprise! Turn around!”
The unicorn witch spun around with a bright smile and saw a bomb with “Dem waz here” spray-painted onto it, making Clem coo, “Awwww, Demmie!!!”
I’ll probably make some fanfic about the other two...uh...*looks at hand* Shite Bat and Plug
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smuttyassholes · 6 years
Bad Girl
Tumblr media
Request: Maybe a scenario with Jungkook in the police outfit from Dope? Where Y/n is punished or whatever.
the uniform says swat instead of police but he looks so hot like this fight me
Rated : M
You woke up to your alarm for what seemed like the tenth time this morning, and rolled over, resisting the urge to cry into the pillow. Why was sleep so hard to get?
“Y/n. That’s the third time you’ve ignored your alarm.” Your friend and roommate for the tour, Jungkook said, throwing a pillow at you.
“Fight me.” You bit back, getting up and throwing the pillow back at him.
“I would, but we both know I’d win.” He smiled. “And since you hate me so much, I’ll just go get the coffee I brought you and give it to Yoongi.” He poked his tongue out at you, quickly walking back to the kitchen before you could yell at him some more.
It had only been a month, and you were exhausted. Why you had let Jungkook, drag you onto the Kcon tour was beyond you. You totally forgot how he even managed to get you to come, and why you were dumb enough to agree.
It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t the same thing, same songs, same everything, really. The only variety on this tour was the locations, but it’s not like it mattered, you couldn’t even go sightseeing.
You sighed and made your way to the kitchen, finding that Jungkook had left your coffee on the table, with a note saying they were heading to the venue already, making you feel a little rushed to get ready and be on your way.
It wasn’t that you weren’t supportive of his career choice, or had a problem with touring with the boys, but it did get on your nerves that you couldn’t do anything. At all.
That being said, you sat in the empty venue while all the groups did rehearsals for the billionth time, and decided to text Jungkook while finding out how many positions you could sit in while in the small venue seat.
“What time do you even go on?” - You
“After Vixx.” - Jungkook
“So not ‘till like, forever?” - You
“No. About an hour or two.” - Jungkook
“That’s forever.” - You
“Stop whining, or I won’t buy you anymore coffee.” - Jungkook
You laughed. Did he really sink low enough to bring coffee into this?
“Boring, huh?” Said a familiar voice, but you couldn’t make it out that well, as you were slightly upside down, moving to reposition yourself so you were sat like a normal human being.
“Well, I’m not an idol and have nothing to do while everyone’s busy. So, excuse me for being bor-” You turned but got cut off as you were met with an extremely handsome boy, hair and makeup done, proving he was an idol, but you’ve never seen him before.
“Ah, you probably don’t know who I am.” He laughed. “I’m Kun. Nct U.” He smiled, extending his hand. That’s where his voice was from. Your friend always made you watch Nct v-lives with her whenever you hung out. You were a fan, but you never caught up with who the newest members were due to lack of time.
“Ah, Y/n.” You said, taking his hand to shake it.
“I’ve seen you look bored out of your mind at every venue so far.” He laughed, grabbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use a friend. Our rehearsal ended already.” He smiled, gesturing to the seat next to you.
You nodded and he took the seat.
“So, what made you come on the tour? Got any friends in a group?”
“Something like that.” You smiled.
“That’s cool. Now you’re friends with someone else.” He smiled.
After what seemed like a short time, you were cut off mid-conversation by the last group thanking the staff for all their help.
“Well, I guess you’ll be going then.” You said, getting up.
“Yeah, but could I get your number? You’re really nice to talk to.” He smiled and laughed nervously, taking out his phone.
“Sure.” You said, taking the phone and typing the numbers.
“I'm not sure why my number’s so important though.” You laughed, giving his phone back. “You’ll be seeing me almost every day.”
“Is tha-” Kun started but was cut off by your phone ringing.
You groaned, pulling out your phone and seeing Jungkook’s name splayed across the screen.
“That’s my friend. He’s probably wondering where I am.” You said apologetically. “I’ll text you later though.” You smiled.
“I’ll be waiting.” He smiled back, watching you walk away.
You had answered the phone as you walked away and of course, all you heard was Jungkook yelling about how you forgot to meet them backstage after they got off stage, and how they were waiting at the hotel now, and that he could easily lose you in a different country and blah blah blah. You groaned loudly. You completely forgot about that. You didn’t even remember them going on, to be honest.
You had walked the short distance to the hotel, and made your way up to Namjoon’s room, knocking on the door.
“Don’t you have the key to your room?” Namjoon asked, with a raised brow.
“I left it with you?” You raised a brow back.
“No need to give an attitude.” He grumbled.
“Well, if your friend didn’t ruin my chance with a guy, I’d be just peachy.” You grumbled back, making your way to the counter where you left your room key, and walked back out, going next door and going in, going straight to the couch.
You had about five minutes of peace before Jungkook emerged from the bedroom.
“So now you’re here.” Jungkook glared.
“Can you not?” You pleaded. “I just want to watch my show.”
“Who was that guy from earlier?” He blurted out.
“Why does it matter to you?” You asked. “You’ve never cared about the guys I’ve talked to before.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“One, you missed our set because of him. I saw you not paying attention. Two, I don’t know him.” Jungkook said.
“I just met him today, and I wasn’t paying attention because I see the same thing every time you guys step on stage.” You scoffed.
Jungkook seemed taken aback by your comeback.
“If you didn’t want to co-”
“Oh don’t start with that, Jungkook.” You said sternly, looking at him. “You talked me into coming. Why else would I jump on a tour I have no business being on in the first place.” You said, getting up and walking to the restroom to shower, leaving Jungkook alone on the couch.
The next day, you didn’t go with the boys, opting to wait for Kun outside the venue where he said he’d meet you, but when you got there, he was there waiting for you.
He had walked you in and lead you to the VIP section, though you had a pass, he wanted to make sure no one gave you shit.
“Make sure to look out for me.” He winked before walking off.
Once he turned the corner, your phone buzzed in your pocket.
“Since when did you get so close” - Jungkook
You rolled your eyes.
“Since last night. We talked for most of it.” - You
“Well can you not make it so fucking obvious.” - Jungkook
“I’m not even trying, but if you want me to make it obvious, I definitely can.” - You
You didn’t even read his reply, going to Kun’s contact.
“And why should I be looking out for you? (:” - You
His response was quick and you couldn’t help but smirk.
“I may or may not have something to give you. You are right in front of my spot. (;” - Kun
The concert had already started, and so far, three groups had already gone, Pentagon, Vixx, and Winner. Nct was up next, and Bts, last. The following day had five other artists.
As the intro to the song started, the members all walked out onto the stage and took their places, and once Kun was in front of you he winked and tugged his jacket sleeves so they were loose, and when the lights shut off for a quick second, you felt something land on you. When the lights were back on, you noticed that it was Kun jacket, and you raised a brow up at him, but he only winked and went on with the performance.
After Nct, Bts went on and did their number, but you really didn’t care. You were too caught up in asking Kun about his little stunt.
“The building was getting cold. Thought you could use it.” - Kun
“I know you’re lying.” - You
“So what if I am?” - Kun
“I just want you to keep it. I figured it would be nice to see you in.” - Kun
You had walked back to the hotel first, trying to avoid the mass crowd that was bound to happen after the concert finished.
You had set your phone on the charger and grabbed some water from the fridge, looking at Kun’s jacket that laid on the chair, curiously walking towards it, and put it on, surprised that it fit perfectly, and even smelled nice. You snuggled into it and made your way for the couch.
You weren’t quite sure how you’d fallen asleep, but you stirred on the couch, as Jungkook barged into the hotel room, still in his concert outfit.
“You really weren’t even gonna watch our performance? Are you that mad at me?” He nearly yelled.
“Can you like, give me a minute to wake up? Fuck.” You said, rubbing your eyes, and stretching.
“Where’d you get that jacket from.” He said lowly.
“What?” Your brows furrowed.
“The jacket, y/n.” He was clearly upset, but your hazy mind could only focus on how you hadn’t seen him in that hot ass police uniform in ages, and he was finally in it again.
“Huh? Oh. It’s Kun’s.” You smiled.
“Why are you wearing it?” He said through gritted teeth.
“I told you I could make it obvious.” You said simply. Fully awake now, and remembering that you were supposed to be mad at him.
He sighed, bowing his head so he could pinch the bridge of his nose.
“You really don’t get it do you?” He scoffed. “You’re really gonna be like this?” He said, stepping towards you, causing you to freeze in place.
“W-What do you mean?” You swallowed.
“Don’t tell me you really don’t know. I know you’re not that stupid.” He said, leaning down once he was in front of you so he was eye level. “You can’t honestly tell me that you had no idea I’ve liked you this long.” He whispered.
You turned your head and moved to get up, but Jungkook was quick to push you back down.
“If you don’t stop moving, I might just have to handcuff you.” His voice was husky. “This outfit has its perks.” He smirked.
You tried to move your gaze away from his, but he was quick to put a stop to it, gripping your jaw.
“Nu-uh.” He shook his head. “Tell me. Tell me if you knew and were fucking with me, or if you really didn’t know.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made you weak.
“Maybe.” You let out. “You were drunk. I thought it didn’t mean anything.” You blurted out.
He groaned. “Don’t you know that drunk words are sober thoughts?” He sighed. “So you knew. And you still went out there and flirted with whoever that was, right in front of me, and kept it up even when I got all worked up over it?” He cocked his head, and all you could do was nod, feeling too small to produce words.
He tsked. “I think you’ve been a bad girl, y/n. I think you might need to be punished.” He licked his lips, and you nodded, feeling the wetness form in your legs.
“Are you sure?” He said. “I won’t go easy on you.” He looked down at you.
“I’m sure.” You whispered, waiting for him to do something.
“Get up, and go to the bed.” He started, watching you get up, and stopping you. “But first.” He growled. “Take that damn jacket off.”
You did as told, leaving the jacket on the couch and making your way to the bed, trying to ignore the way you could feel Jungkook’s eyes on you, and how his sudden change in attitude was making you extremely turned on.
Once you reached the bed, you were going to sit, but his voice stopped you.
“Strip.” He said, his hand wrapped around his belt, causing his police uniform to lean against his torso.
You swallowed thickly and started peeling off your shirt, trying to look anywhere but back at Jungkook. His stare is too intense for you.
After you stepped out of your panties, you stood there, waiting for him to say something, but all he did was smirk.
“If I had known you were so submissive, I would’ve done this a long time ago.” He bit his lip, looking at you up and down. “Go on, get on the bed.” He nodded, walking towards you.
You sat down, and laid on the bed, watching as Jungkook made his way to you.
“Arms up.” He said with his hand reaching behind him, grabbing something from the belt.
You did as told, and stretched your arms out until they were above your head, and Jungkook pulled out a pair of handcuffs from behind him.
“Told you.” He smirked, placing the metal around your wrists, and clicking them in place. “Now.” He started. “Be a good girl and keep these here.” He said getting up, letting you get a view of how the uniform was slowly becoming untucked, and you wished he’d just take the damn thing off and-
“What are you staring at, baby?” He cocked a brow at you, and you realized you were still staring at his almost exposed hip.
“I. Uh.” You started, but couldn’t find the right words.
“Let me guess, the uniform?” He chuckled, and you could feel your face heat up.
“Well, this is gonna be fun.” He bit his lip as he made his way to the edge of the bed, pulling your legs so you were in front of him. “Remember, don’t move your hands.” He said before sinking to his knees so you could only see his shoulders and up.
He let his hands roam all around your thighs, hips, only avoiding the one spot where you really wanted him, but you didn’t dare open your mouth. He should give in eventually, right?
After a few moments, he pressed light kisses from your knee to the inside of your thigh, and you tried, in vain, to move so you could get him to get on with it, but instead, he bit harshly at your thigh before continuing with his teasing.
When he seemed to be showing no signs of stopping, you broke.
“P-Please.” You whimpered.
“Please what?” He said, looking up at you.
“Do something. Anything.” You pleaded.
“But I am.” He smiled cockily. “You’ll have to do better than that.”
“I’ll do anything you want, I’ll be good, I won’t ever get out of line again, just please.” You whined, your voice coming out broken.
“We’ll work on your begging.” He said simply, before licking a strip up your slit, and flattening his tongue against your clit.
The feeling caught you off guard, and your hands flew to his hair, but he moved away, and glared at you.
“Strike one.” He growled as he waited for you to put your hands back where they were before he touched you again, but the second your hands were back, he spread your legs further apart, and buried his face between your legs, sucking and kissing sloppily at your clit, desperate to lap up all of you.
You, however, were battling with yourself. The pleasure was too much and you knew you wouldn’t last long with the way Jungkook’s tongue worked against you. You whined. How could not moving be so hard? Jungkook chucked against you as if he read your thoughts, and your thighs shook from the sudden vibration being added.
“O-Oh fuck.” You let out as you felt the familiar knot in your stomach form, unsure of how long you could hold it. But Jungkook was already on it, shoving two fingers inside you roughly as he drew harsh figure eights on your clit with his tongue.
You dug your nails into your palms to try to keep your voice down but by the way, your orgasm washed over your, you let out a loud whine as your legs shook around him.
“Strike two.” He smirked as he pulled away, licking your remains from his fingers, chin wet with your juices.
“W-what?” You gasped, still trying to catch your breath.
“Cumming without permission.” He smiled.
“You didn’t stop.” You protested.
“You still should’ve held it.” He shook his head. “Good girls get permission before cumming.” He said, getting on the bed, and kneeling between your legs.
You watched as his hands went to his zipper, but your dismay, that’s all he did.
“Take it off.” You pleaded, but you only got a scoff in response.
“I don’t think you deserve it right now.” He said, pulling his hard cock out through the zipper hole, and ran it up and down your slit. “Piss me off one more time, and you won’t get to cum at all. Understood?” His brow raised.
“Yes.” You nodded your head for emphasis, but he wasn’t pleased.
“Yes, what?” His tone was angry.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” He said as he pushed himself inside of you, and gave you a few seconds before pulling out and going sliding back in.
“Oh, shit.” You threw your head back. “You feel s-so good.”
He didn’t respond, instead, setting a faster pace, and using one hand to hold your hip so he had a better angle.
He leaned down and latched onto your right nipple, sucking and running his tongue over the small bud, causing you to grind your hips.
“Jungkook, fuck please.” You whimpered as he bit at your nipple. “Can I touch you?”
He pulled away and looked down at you, slowing his thrusts down until they were hip rolls. “You can touch me, but you don’t get to cum.”
“Fucking hell Jungko-” You were cut off by a particularly hard thrust and you were about to scream, the coil in your stomach coming back.
“I’m gonna, oh shit.” You sighed as he moved his hand from your hip to rub your clit.
“I-I’m close please.”
”Please what?”
“Fuck, please can I cum?” It came out more rushed than you intended, but you were desperate, and you were pretty sure he knew it too by the way he rubbed harsher circles on your clit and sped up his thrusts.
“Hm, try harder.” He smirked down at you, and if his dick didn’t feel so damn good, you probably would’ve slapped him.
That thought intensified as he pulled out suddenly, leaving you a huffing, pissed off mess.
“What the fuck, Jung-” You were cut off by him roughly flipping you over, and lifting your hips so you could hold yourself with your knees.
“You look so good like this. Face down, ass up.” He groaned, running his hands over the soft flesh of your ass cheek, before slapping it, causing you to bite your lip.
“Fuck.” Was all he said before pushing back inside you, setting the pace he previously started, slapping the same cheek he did before, slipping his hand around your hip to go back to your clit.
“You like getting spanked, baby? You’re wetter if that’s even possible.” He groaned out the last part as he felt you clenching around him. “You like it when I talk to you like this? Like the little slut you are?” His voice husky as he emphasized his words with his thrusts.
You whined. “Please, fuck can I cum? I promise I’ll be a good little slut for you, just please.” You begged, tears starting to form as you were trying to hold on, but he stayed silent. “Daddy, please!” You yelled.
“Go ahead, baby.” He smirked. “Cum all over my cock.”
You let go, legs shaking around his waist, and he came soon after, pulling out, and finally taking off his clothes, leaving his boxers on, and going to the restroom. He came back with a wet towel and cleaned you up.
“So.” He chuckled. “Daddy, huh?”
- asshole 4
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Real Blood Vs Twilight - Which Has the Even bigger Chunk?
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Two of the most important and most expected paromantasy collection are earning (or have built) their debut this thirty day period. Accurate Blood hit the compact display on June thirteenth with its time 3 premiere, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the big display screen on June 30th. My dilemma to you is: Which is the ultimate vamp saga: True Blood or Eclipse? The fight of the Twilighters and True Blooders has been raging on, both with massive followings. This isn't going to imply that the Twilighters are not admirers of True Blood, or vice-verse - it is just the debate of which one is the better of the two sequence, the two in literature and on-display. Twilighters are fierce in their assist, as noticed by Twilight's complete take in excess of at the MTV Movie Awards this earlier Sunday. Accurate Blood is not slacking in the awards arena, with the two an Emmy and a Golden Globe less than its belt. It is also obvious that neither phenomenon is likely wherever. Alan Ball confirmed in January that True Blood will be back for a fourth time and Wyck advised the Moments previously this 12 months that Breaking Dawn is heading ahead (however not absolutely sure if it will be one film or two), and taking pictures will start out this Drop. So, what is actually the verdict? If you check with me: Real Blood wins - Arms Down! Hold out! Just before you hit deliver on the despise electronic mail you just set alongside one another, hear me out. You should not get me completely wrong - I enjoy the Twilight Saga and contemplate myself a Superfang, but True Blood has it all: Motion, Romance, Mystery, Horror, in addition it is just basic steamy. Vamps and Werewolves are scary, sinister and hot - which is really a lot why we love them. Accurate Blood delivers this to the forefront earning you adore them and panic them at the similar time. Essential Illustrations: Try to remember when delicate and tranquil vampire Invoice went a minor loco and killed Sookie's molesting uncle - was not that the sweetest and scariest factor you ever observed?! How about Eric Northman? Do I even have to give you an example? That vamp is walking hazard and intercourse on pretty extensive legs (sorry, you can obviously inform who my paromantasy vamp is). Twilight can be the full opposite. It does have times of motion, but it is in essence a really like story, without the added reward of gore and suspense. We can fairly substantially forecast what is likely to materialize from beginning to close. Even the followers out there have to admit that it can also get down correct depressing at times! Keep in mind the scene in which Bella sat at the window for months following Edward left - ugh. I was screaming at her to get up and get about it previously. Sorry, that component just ticked me off. That potential customers me to the future little bit Correct Blood people are just extra entertaining. Let us consider a appear: Bella vs. Sookie Sookie can be ditzy and downright aggravating at periods, but she will not choose crap from anybody (or everything!). She sticks up for what she thinks in and isn't really concerned to consider the bull by the horns, or ought to I say the vamps by their fangs. This woman is intense when she needs to be. Additionally, she can read through minds and that's sizzling. Bella is the complete opposite. She's sensible and shy, but she is too dependent on many others. Arrive on - Confess it! When she missing Edward, her planet turned upside down. She was pretty significantly the strolling useless, which is humorous trigger isn't that Edward's job:) She stood in that insane zombie state right until she started off hanging out with Jacob. When Jacob preferred to ditch her, Bella virtually went insane all over again - she begged him not to depart her. Not neat! Like I explained ahead of, Bella and Sookie are entire opposites. Bella's energy: The vamps can't read her brain. Winner is: Sookie Primary Adult males Do you like a vamp that sparkles or is entirely useless in the sunlight? Do you like a vamp who will recite poetry to you or a vamp that will make you scream poetry in the bed room (if you capture my drift)? When you appear at the major male characters of Monthly bill and Edward, figuring out a apparent winner is fairly hard. These two are specially related. Two vamps that want to go towards the grain and lead "typical" lives. They want to better by themselves alternatively of becoming the monsters that you listen to about in terrifying stories. They are both equally clever, previous fashioned and are really protective of their ladies. Both equally are melancholy and a minimal to blah for my flavor. That is why I am staff Eric and crew Jacob! Winner is: Tie. They are as well considerably alike to connect with a apparent winner Woman Stealer You are unable to have a paromantasy with no throwing in a adore triangle. Not to fear: Eric and Jacob are below to give us the drama we want. Eric: Ah, Eric. What can I say about him? He is strolling sex, danger and evil, with a concealed gentle spot in that non-beating heart of his. Just isn't that an oxy moron for you? He locks up and tortures Lafayette just one minute, then will save Sookie and cries for Godric in the following. His character leaves you on your toes at all situations. Do you belief him or not? Are his intentions pure or does he just want something from you? Is he sizzling or is he sizzling? Okay, that last a person isn't going to make sense. The issue is: with Eric, almost nothing is predictable, very little is straightforward and every little thing is erotic and sexy. This is why we like him. Males want to be him and females effectively we want to do substantially, a lot far more to him-) Jacob: He is the lovable werewolf who will die defending the people today he loves, especially Bella. He is both equally immature and mature for his age. This is bewildering, but real. When it will come to Bella he is naive, but when it comes to lifestyle - he gets the big photo.   If you liked this write-up and you would certainly like to receive additional info concerning 日に焼けるまで 田舎の従姉弟と姉と弟 kindly go to the web site. This werewolf is lovable with an edge. Winner is: Eric. Did you even have to check with?! This just one is no contest. Supporting Solid Correct Blood This is in which factors get exciting. True Blood has a huge array of characters that are all appealing, entertaining and down ideal funny. Scenario in position: Lafayette. Who will not like the flamboyant gay male who can be your makeup artists, stylist and your bodyguard all at the identical time? He dances, wears make-up and can toss a killer punch. He is the manliest guy in a skirt and I adore him. Jason: He is the dumb, incredibly hot, athletic blonde brother of Sookie whose key goal is to get laid any prospect he receives. He is funny and potent. A difficulties seeker, but faithful to individuals he enjoys - sweet and very stupid. He is the girls man whose escapades go away us dying, figuratively and literally. Tara: She is a comprehensive aggressor. She will just take on the planet, but is also pretty gullible. I have to admit that she is not my beloved character and I favor the guides model of Tara to the Tv version, but there is also never a dull minute in her everyday living and that helps make for excellent enjoyment. Pam: Eric's sidekick may possibly not be a frequent, but when she is on - she is memorable. She is elegant, fairly, snarky, witty and sarcastic all wrapped up with a comically evil bow. This fashionista vamp can acquire a group down in seconds with no wrinkling her outfits or messing up her shoes, apart from when she was searching for Maryanne - wasn't that section funny. She is also warm, but you should not underestimate her. She'll try to eat your young ones for supper - virtually.  
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btsfanficss · 7 years
Stay Professional! Pt. 9
Work AU! Fluff, Angst and Suggestive smut: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 (10 will be a continuation) 
Summary: It feels like you’re going up against Jungkook in a mind boggling game of Chess. You both made moves that were rather questionable and things you wouldn’t normally do just to spite each other. It was a professional event, yet there were 2 people in the room who didn’t seem to understand that. 
A/N: Say hello to angst angst and more angst~ I plan on finishing up this series soon but ye. Also this chapter has a lot of dialogue. 
You let out a quick puff of air from your cheeks as you scoffed at Jungkook’s immature behaviour. The roll of your eyes indicated your frustration at the situation you were put in: the person you had genuine feelings for did turn out to be what you despised most- a detached fuck-boy with too much money in his hands. You couldn’t believe your eyes, more like- you didn’t want to believe what you were seeing. 
Jungkook smirked at your reaction, it was exactly what he wanted to see- you riled up with jealousy. 
Essentially, it was your fault that Jungkook reverted to his old-self after you left him for Jimin. You still managed to look like you actually enjoyed Jimin’s company and that really pushed his buttons, buttons he didn’t even know existed as he’d never gotten this attached to anyone before. Although it was unintentional, you ended up playing along to Jungkook’s new declared war because you were caught up in the moment- and that’s exactly what Jungkook had planned.
Things were about to get ugly when it really shouldn’t, at least not in this professional environment. But you’d be surprised as the power of jealousy... and how it can persuade people to act rashly- rather, stupidly.  
He was clearly trying to make you jealous even though it’d be proof that your words to him were correct- about him being a fuck-boy but he didn’t care at that point. He just wanted your smile to belong to him and only him but since that wasn’t the case, he didn’t want anyone else to have it. Not especially Park Jimin for he knew that he did not deserve someone like you. 
Jungkook’s assistant looked a little flustered by the sudden contact. The most they’d physically interacted was only their first handshake. Jungkook was far too busy to pay attention to his new assistant but he did know for a fact, he didn’t like her very much because of her nagging. That didn’t matter to him though, she was the perfect chess piece to bring you down. Jungkook’s genius plan was to flirt with his assistant to get you riled up. But of course, the stubborn Y/N definitely wouldn’t back down without a bloody good fight.
A new burning feeling started to eat away your stomach. You felt as though bile crept it’s way up your throat as you almost immediately wanted to throw up at the sight of Jungkook so close to this random girl you immediately deemed ‘annoying’. 
“Lead the way, sweetheart.” He placed a swift kiss on the back of his assistant’s hand, making sure to shoot you a smug expression whilst doing so. 
Fuck! It was that nickname! You remember how shook you were when he first called you that. That was when all your feelings started to form. From that one simple little word. And now he was casually throwing that word around to this chick he hardly knew. Of course you were mad. 
“Let’s go back to our seat, Jimin.” You boldly linked arms with Jimin who seemed to freeze under your touch. You clinged tightly onto his arm as you made sure Jungkook saw you press your chest into Jimin’s side. You snickered inside as Jungkook’s jaw immediately clenched at the sight. 
Two can play the game. 
Throughout the conference, the two of you stared at each other with puzzled and angered expressions, almost trying to communicate through just death glares. Jungkook had a hard time trying to understand what was going on inside your head and so it was mutual for you. Why would he do this to me?
Because he’s Jeon Jungkook Y/N, I told you to be careful of him. One side of your brain scolded whilst the other spoke gently, he’s only doing this because he wants you and he can’t have you. Which side were you meant to trust? 
The conference seemed to go on forever. Each person spoke confidently and spewed facts and stats about their business and blah blah- which were points that you should’ve been making mental notes of but you didn’t. Simply because Jungkook stealthily scooched closer to his assistant as each 15 minutes passed. You could tell that his knee was probably touching her thigh by now- and it was really really ticking you off. His strategy was childish... but annoyingly effective. Couldn’t he just hold this dumb war until after the conference? Obviously not. So you chose to fight back. 
You noticed Jimin reaching out for a glass of water. He had a relatively loose grip on the cup and immediately, your brain sparked an idea. He brought it close to his lips and started to drink it, taking small gulps at a time. You swiftly elbowed his arm with a subtle but powerful WHACK and that was then he dropped the cup from his fingers- the water spilt all over his dress shirt and pants. You pretended to look shocked and started muttering apologises immediately. But in reality, this was exactly what you had planned. 
The people’s attention turned to you and Jimin. You pretended to be in a state of panic, muttering ‘I’m so sorry, Sir’ repetitively before pulling out several tissues from the nearest tissue box. You could practically feel Jungkook’s angry gaze glaring at you. You boldly wiped away Jimin’s dress shirt with the tissues, making sure linger your touch over his ridiculously toned lower abdomen muscles. 
Jimin seemed a little annoyed but he hid his feelings and just continued to smile, reassuring everyone in his sweet voice that, “everything’s okay, please continue.” 
He wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what you were trying to do- but that didn’t mean that he wanted to get involved. You continued to wipe the water that drenched the bottom of his shirt with the tissues. You froze a little before proceeding to wipe the remaining area- his pants. Thankfully, the water spilt over his thighs and not his crotch. 
Jungkook’s fist had never been so tight before. He could feel his fingernails dig into the soft flesh of his palm. His ears were bright red and you could practically sense the steam of anger that radiated from him. Maybe you took the game a little too far? 
Jimin suddenly stopped your actions by gently gripping onto your hand. He gave you a small smile that practically pleaded for you to stop. You finally came to your senses and immediately bowed your head at him. What were you thinking? You’d just risked your job for some dumb game Jungkook was challenging you in. 
Until the conference ended, you chewed on your bottom lip with anxiety sitting heavily on your shoulders. Would Jimin be furious? Would he fire you? After all, it was a very serious and professional conference and you were sitting there playing a mind game with Jungkook- which you’d won in the end but victory tasted bitter on your tastebuds. 
Jimin cleared his throat loudly and pushed out his chair to stand up. He then looked down at you to examine your facial expression. He took mental notes of the way you fidgeted with your fingers and bit your lip so much to a point it turned pink. He found it a little cute how you were suddenly so scared of the consequences despite being so bold before. 
“The conference is over, Y/N. Would you like to join me in the hall for some refreshments?” Jimin spoke with a straight face- immediately worrying you. 
“Y-yes Sir. That’d be nice.” You fanned your face with your hands and pushed your chair in before departing with Jimin leading the way. 
Jungkook was still riled up at your bold move. At least he was subtle about his intentions, you were just too bold for your own good. His jaw became sore after all that clenching in anger and his assistant was noticeably confused. 
“Are you feeling well Sir Jeon? Shall we go to the hall for some refreshments? Perhaps that’ll help you cool your head.” She spoke, this time she sounded genuinely concerned- which surprised Jungkook. 
“Yes alright. Good idea.” and so the two of them headed off to the hall, too- both parties unaware that each other would be there. 
“Stay here I’ll get us some drinks.” Jimin left abruptly, leaving you alone in your own thoughts. This scenario reminded you too much of what’d happened in Santorini. The rehearsal dinner you attended with Jungkook- and how he left with his mother for business reasons, then the brawl you had with him on the beach which turned out to be the most passionate make-out session. That night when he made love to you and you were sure of your feelings for him- but then he left. With no notice. 
“I liked your little act back there.” A familiar voice rang in your ears- it’d be so long since your ears had been blessed with his chocolately tones. 
“I.. Look.. I wasn’t thinking straight.” You admitted, turning your body to face him completely. 
He just snickered at your response. You stared at him and you saw nothing but tiredness and emptiness. He looked so drained. Did he lose some weight? 
“And I thought I was the asshole for trying to play with your feelings.” He slid his hand inside his suit coat as he continued to stare at your expression that deteriorated into one of guilt. 
“Didn’t actually think that you’d stoop down to my level and beat me at my own stupid mind-game.” Jungkook didn’t hold back on his words. He had no filter on and he was fully aware that his words were hurting you- but what else could he do? You were the one that left him. Now you were the hypocrite- playing with his feelings even more than Jimin was. 
“Well let’s be honest here. You’d actually have to like me first to get hurt.” You spoke through clenched teeth and squinted eyes. 
It seemed to push another button in Jungkook. His facial expression suddenly turned soft- his eyebrows that were knitted together before softened into the normal shape as you swore you saw a glint of hope flash before Jungkook’s eyes. 
“I have our drinks.” Jimin interrupted, terrible timing as always. 
“Thank you.” You loosened your jaw and quickly downed the drink. The drink blessed your tastebuds with an authentic taste of the tropics but you didn’t have the correct mindset to enjoy it. Maybe if Jungkook stopped staring at you, you would be able to think straight. 
“Sir, I brought our drinks.” Jungkook’s assistant gently bumps his elbow to get his attention. She’d have normally just called out to him but she was aware of what Jungkook had been trying to do the whole event and she played along with him. She found it awfully amusing as she watched her boss experience a different emotion that wasn’t ‘stress’ for the first time since she’d worked with him. But ‘stress’ wasn’t nearly as bad as ‘jealousy’. 
He didn’t say anything and took the drink from her before inhaling in a big breath, ready to speak. 
“This is Y/N. She was my previous... assistant and the man next to her his Jimin. He’s one of our recognised advisors.” Jungkook took a step to the side so his assistant could properly shake hands. 
“Nice to meet you, please call me Yujung.” She smiled at Jimin and firmly gripped his hand. She turned to you and you watched as her facial expression fade into a smirk- she practically scanned you from head to toe. How rude! 
You gave her a forced smile in which Jungkook could barely hold back his laughter. He couldn’t help but smile at the fact that despite being in such a professional environment, your childish nature managed to shine through all the time. Which wasn’t particularly a good trait but Jungkook found it the cutest thing ever. 
There was an awkward silence that fell upon the 4 of you as no one knew what else to say. Jungkook’s assistant seemed to eye you endlessly and you found it rather annoying. You bit your tongue back incase you let anything carelessly slip out of your mouth, quickly downing the juice to shut yourself up. 
Perhaps your mind was too clouded that you didn’t seem to drink the juice properly- your breathing became faltered at the sensation of it going through the wrong pipe. You immediately put your hand over your mouth incase you’d cough it up but what you didn’t realise was- you moved too quickly and forgot you were still holding the cup that had juice half way full. You managed to keep the liquid inside your mouth... but you had to sacrifice your crisp white blouse and black pencil skirt. It was now stained a tropical orange from the fruit juice and you frowned in disapproval. 
Yujung giggled noticeably loud as Jungkook and Jimin both quickly grabbed some tissues for you. How embarrassing! 
You stubbornly swallowed the juice and coughed loudly at the burning sensation. Your lungs had started to burn a little from the lack of oxygen and you had tears pricking your eyes due to the the uncomfortable sensation.
Here you were, trying to look good in-front of your replacement and now look what you’d done. You felt like you’d made a fool out of yourself. You took the tissues from Jimin and started to wipe your ruined shirt- still coughing violently as you’d just choked from the juice. Jimin gently stroked your back as a sign to steady your breathing but Jungkook misread the situation and he thought the war had just been declared again. 
This time, for real, Jimin was innocent. The only reason why he took you to this conference was to test and see if Jungkook was mature enough. As a mentor, his job was to make sure that Jungkook grew up to be the perfect fit for his upcoming position as the CEO. Jimin tested Jungkook’s ability to stay professional under a serious environment and to see if he’d revert back to his past self. But judging from how he was acting, Jimin knew that Jungkook had to learn to tame his emotions. How else was Jimin going to teach him not to get feelings involved in a professional environment? He thought he’d already taught him that- by taking you away from him. But obviously, his plan had backfired completely. 
Jimin had never expected Jungkook to act so rashly like he’d done today. Sitting basically on his assistant’s lap at an annual conference just to spite you? What was he thinking? Jimin was a smart man. He knew everything he needed to- to make a business run smoothly. But, he clearly didn’t know the power of attachment and infatuation. 
Jungkook’s grip on his thin glass tightened. It looked as though it was going to shatter within seconds. You continued to cough violently whilst Jimin tried his best to soak up the remainder of the juice on your blouse. Jimin had helped you purely because of his instincts- he didn’t actually realise how he’d basically been feeling you up this whole time. Jungkook did notice though, and he didn’t like it one bit. 
Embarrassed at the whole situation, you made your way to the bathroom, quickly croaking up an “I’ll b-be back” with loud coughs in between. 
Jimin looked a little worried as he knew you probably felt super embarrassed, which you did. Jungkook bumped Yujung’s shoulder and looked over at you quickly opening the door to the toilets. He indicated for her to follow you- to make sure you were okay and nothing more. 
The atmosphere felt heavy on Jimin’s shoulders knowing that he’d just messed up majorly with this whole ‘don’t get JK attached to anyone’ thing. His plan had completely backfired and now for the first time in a long, long time- he didn’t know what to do next. 
Jimin thought that if he were to take you away from Jungkook, then he’d never get attached to anyone again and learn from the experience that people shouldn’t be trusted properly- especially not in the world of business. But nope. Jimin had no idea just how attached JK was to you and now that he was the one that took you away from him, Jimin could tell for sure Jungkook wasn’t pleased with his actions. 
Jimin’s plan had completely backfired and now it was all going downhill. Jungkook’s work had been below average and so was yours- it wasn’t a win win situation after all. 
“How have you been, Kook?” Jimin tried to soften the intense stare Jungkook had on Jimin by reminding him of his affectionate nickname he’d given him back when they were like brothers. 
“Don’t call me that.” Jungkook immediately smirked- a rather maniacal one. He wasn’t exactly the most ecstatic person since Jimin’s involvement in his personal relationship with you.  
“Oh come on. I can’t believe you’re being such a brat over this. You know I’m only using her to teach you a lesson right?” Jimin’s choice of words seemed to anger Jungkook instead of the opposite. 
“A brat? Using her? Are you even listening to yourself?” Jungkook clenched his fist tightly as he prayed that Jimin would shut his mouth.
“Are you listening to yourself? Wake up kid. Stop trying to defend her- don’t forget she’s the one that left you. Don’t you get it Jungkook? You can’t trust people easily- no matter how genuine they seem because people are manipulative.” The twinkle in Jimin’s eyes completely faded as he’d just come to realise just how attached Jungkook was to you. 
“If you hadn’t fucking brainwashed her maybe she would’ve actually listened to me.” Jungkook took a step closer to Jimin. He could feel Jungkook’s breath on his cheek as he spoke through clenched teeth. Jimin had never seen him so angry before. 
“She was special to me and you fucked it up for me, hyung.” Jungkook suddenly snatched onto Jimin’s tie and grabbed him by the collar, tightening his grasp on this silky fabric around his neck. For the first time in a long time, JK was sincere about the word, ‘hyung’. Whether he liked it or not, it was the truth. Jimin had taught him everything he knew and as a younger brother, he wanted to let Jimin know of how much he’d failed him. Not as a mentor; but as a brother. 
Bitterness spread all over Jimin’s tongue. It was a disgusting feeling. For the first time, Jimin had started to question his own actions- which was something he’d never previously done before. 
Guilt immediately washed over his eyes as he tried to think of ways to fix the mess. He couldn’t just suddenly ask you to return back to Jungkook because Jungkook had broken your trust whether it be because of himself or Jimin. He couldn’t just sit still and wait until Jungkook got over you- it would take bloody forever. There really was nothing Jimin could do. And it finally seemed to hit Jimin that this was really something he shouldn’t have messed with. 
“Hey hey! Break it off!” You rushed in between the two men, quickly pulling them apart from the centre. 
“Look at yourselves! Stop behaving like children, this is not the time.” You whispered harshly and Jungkook slowly loosened his grip on Jimin’s collar. You saw Jimin’s muscle relax as he let out a frustrated sigh.
“Isn’t that ironic?” Weren’t you the one that was practically molesting Jimin 15 minutes ago?” Yujung placed her hand over her mouth to quieten her evil giggle. 
Jungkook’s eyes widened at the aggressive comment, finding it completely unexpected. You could barely process what had just escaped out of her mouth. 
“Oh come on, don’t look so shocked. I know we were all thinking it.” Yujung snickered as she found your facial expression terribly priceless. 
Jungkook’s was still so shocked that he didn’t even think to even defend you. 
“That’s enough. This is stupid. I can’t believe we’re all being this immature right now. We’re all adults here. Business should remain business. Stop mixing your dumb feelings into everything.” Jimin spoke through gritted teeth- also evidently annoyed at her comment. 
At least both Jungkook and Jimin were on your side- even though you didn’t know that at the time. 
You were still taken aback by her rude comment that you didn’t notice your palm was almost at the state of blood shed as your fingernails dug deep into the soft flesh. You were evidently a bright shade of red- whether it be embarrassment from the truth of her comment or just pure rage, it certainly wasn’t a nice feeling. 
The car ride home was terribly silent. Jimin didn’t speak at all, despite being sat awkwardly close to you. You kept your thoughts to yourself and stared blankly outside the tinted glass. The world’s beauty had been blurred since your problems with Jungkook. Deep down, you were miserable at Jimin’s company and you couldn’t concentrate because all you could think about was- how happy you would be now if you had kept your stupid mouth shut and not spoken during the spur of the moment. 
“Thanks for coming with me today.” Jimin gently placed his hand on your knee. It was awkwardly affectionate and you didn’t know what to think of it. 
“It’s fine. I don’t even know why I agreed- I knew it’d be a bad idea but hey.. I still did it.” You chuckled, slowly inching away from him to open the car door.
“Yeah. I think I figured out just how much I fucked up today.” Jimin let out an inaudible confession. 
Your hand lingered over the handle of the door. “What do you mean...?”
“This is a long and complicated story, Y/N. It involves Jungkook, obviously- and I.. I don’t know what to do anymore.” Jimin admitted as he kept his gaze on his shiny shoes. Jimin had never had to ask anyone before for advice but somehow, the look on your face comforted him in more ways than one. 
“I..I have some time on my hands.” You admitted, a small smile grew on your face as this was the first time Jimin had been sincere with you. 
Your smile seemed to transfer to him. You watched as his eyes crinkled in relief as you opened the car door to exit. Jimin followed closely behind you up the stairs and made sure to look down instead of up- at your nicely shaped ass. Although it was hard to do so, he tried his best to keep his eyes to his feet rather than the delicious glory in-front of him. 
You opened the door to your worn down apartment with a rusty bronze key and kicked off your heels carelessly before placing them nicely next to Jimin’s rather large and expensive shoe. He looked around with wandering eyes and you felt a blush creep up your neck.
“Sorry it’s really messy.. and it’s really not much. I’m barely surviving so.” You quickly trotted over to the kitchen to put on the kettle. 
“I ran out of coffee.. do you mind tea?” You rested your eyes upon Jimin whom was now seated on your old sofa that seemed to almost devour him whole. 
“That’d be lovely thank you.” He gave you another sincere smile and it put you in a weirdly good mood. For once, Jimin felt like he was an actual person. All this time, he’d been so closed off and inhumane it made you so intimidated of him- but now he was a little different, vulnerable and it made you feel better. 
“This goes a long time back. Well, not too long because Jungkook is still a kid- at least in my eyes, he’s still a kid. You might see him as a man though.” His lips curled into a sly smile. It’d reminded you of your first encounter with him and how mysterious he was. He was finally opening up to you which was very rare- especially for someone like Jimin. 
“What are you suggesting?” You noticeably stirred the cup of tea faster than before which informed him that you knew exactly what he meant. 
“Don’t play dumb with me. We’ve been playing dumb for too long now. You can just admit it, Y/N. It’s blatantly obvious is it not?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jimin.” You let his name casually slip out of your mouth. He’d been so used to hearing ‘sir’ from you it felt nice to hear the change fall from your lips. 
“I’m just going to pretend that you admitted your feelings to speed things up.” He chuckled before downing a couple of gulps of the hot tea. 
“For your information, that’s not how you drink tea.” You tried changing the subject in hopes your red face would stop burning from embarrassment.
“And for your information, you shouldn’t have accepted my job offer.” He got straight to the point. His gaze on you felt terrorising but you knew that he meant no harm. 
“Why are you telling me this now? I thought this was apart of your mastermind plan of some sort. Didn’t you want me to leave Jungkook’s side?” You placed the teacup on top of your thighs with your fingers gently circulating the cup. 
“Essentially, it was yes. But... I’m sad to inform you that my ‘mastermind plan’ is now officially fucked.” He chuckled at his own curses. 
“Okay so. Before we go ahead, I gotta give you some context. Basically, Kook’s mother hired me as his ‘mentor’ since he was a child because I was so successful as a business man. She asked me to teach him how to be like ‘me’ and hence why you might notice a few similarities in the way we tend to behave.” 
“Okay..” You blinked slowly as your brain worked abnormally slow to absorb the information. 
“I thought I’d done a pretty good job at raising him judging from his recent rise to success but I had one more thing to teach him before he was completely ready to take on the cruel world of business.” 
“You make it sound like it’s a war out there.” 
“Oh baby girl, trust me it is.” Jimin cackled silently at your comment. 
“I wanted to teach Jungkook an important lesson. The lesson being- he shouldn’t trust people easily. Because at the end of the day, people are always going to be picking options that maximises their personal benefits. Especially when we’re dealing with companies that constantly lie, Jungkook needs to build up a resistance to..” Jimin’s eyes had shifted from his half full tea-cup to your eyes. 
“Attachment.” He smiled at you. 
You formed a small ‘o’ with your mouth and finally so much of the unsolved problems had made sense. 
“I understand if you still dislike me for my actions. Honestly, I’d hate me if I were you.” Jimin interrupted your now clear thoughts with another honest confession. 
“Not at all. I don’t hate you, in fact I think you’re a pretty good guy. Despite you know, being super manipulative and a total liar.” You giggled and joked to lighten the heavy atmosphere he’d created. 
“Sadly, I can’t deny that.” He laughed with you which made your stiff shoulders relax a little. 
“Plus.. not all of this is your fault. It was my stupid self that spoke in the spur of the moment. You were right in using me to teach him that people aren’t loyal. I mean come on, I did end up leaving him after all.” You looked down at your cup in shame as you found it suddenly hard to maintain eye-contact with the smiling man sat across you. 
“Yeah and so I thought that this alone would be enough to teach him. I thought that maybe if I took away someone that he trusted, he’d know in the future to not trust people so easily. I’d been wondering for so long how I was going to teach him this.. and then suddenly you came into his life.” Jimin sighed heavily. 
“You were the perfect puzzle piece- my successor. I thought that if I used you against him, for sure he wouldn’t give out his trust so easily in the future.” 
“Wow that.. that kind of makes sense. Now I understand why you got involved.” Your mind was further blown by his genius plan.
“But hey. It completely backfired. I didn’t think that he’d actually get this attached to you. Jesus you should read some of the reports he’s written since this incident. I could write them better by smashing my face into the keyboard.” 
“You don’t know for sure though.” You interrupted his small chuckle. 
“For sure of what?” 
“You know.. You don’t know for sure if he’s even attached to me. I thought you mentioned before that Jungkook was always a playboy. I’d been meaning to ask you this whole time. Why is Jungkook like that?” 
“You can’t be bloody serious. Do you honestly not realise that he has feelings for you?” His eyes suddenly widened at your statement. It looked as though he was a little confused at your inability to understand the situation. 
“Don’t ignore my question, Jimin.” 
“I don’t actually have an explanation for that though.” You felt your heart sink past your stomach. 
“I’m not going to sit here and lie to you by saying he’s not like that. For one, I can admit that yes he did sleep around with many women prior to you. But what’s important to note here is that- he suddenly stopped when you came into his life. He did sleep around but that was just to cure his sexual needs. Not getting laid can actually impact your work efficiency more than you’d like to think.” 
“How can I believe you..? Before you were just telling me that he was ‘playing’ with me. I thought you said I was just a ‘toy’ to him.” 
“Well.. he treated all of his previous.. ‘partners’ like toys but.. he sees you differently from what I know.” 
“Then why did you tell me something different before?!” 
“Because I was trying to get you to shift to my company, remember? I needed you to leave him so he’d have his trust broken.”
“Jesus Jimin.. I don’t even understand how you can manipulate people so easily.” You scoffed, half amazed at his ability to do so whilst the other half wanted to stab him. 
“It’s a skill you need for business. Jungkook’s picked it up pretty well. He’s also seemed to pick up my skills in charming women. He’s got you completely hooked, hasn’t he?” Jimin quirked up an eyebrow and looked as though he’d accomplished the hardest task. It was cute how prideful he was towards Jungkook. 
“That.. that answer can wait. What I need to know now is- 
“Oh come on it’d make things so much easier if you’d just admitted it.. Look, I don’t have all day to sit here and try to get you to admit it. For now, I just need you to help me out.” 
“How exactly can I do that?” You scoffed, a little worried that he was putting the responsibility on you. 
“I don’t know! I’ve never been so emotionally invested in someone romantically. Maybe you should consider talking to him? I’m not going to ask you to solve the entire problem- I’ll think of something but I just need you to get him back to his normal state. You know, when his sanity was still in tact and could actually write decent papers. If this keeps up, his mother is going to flame me for being a shit teacher.” 
“Well this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t messed with his feelings in the first place.” 
“Yeah I realise..” He took a deep breath in and shifted his gaze to your eyes. 
“And I’m sorry for that. I thought that this plan for sure would teach him an unforgettable lesson.” He sounded almost inaudible. His inflated ego was beyond deflated now. It was the first time you’d seen him step down from his cloud- he looked so terribly vulnerable you actually felt sympathy towards him. 
“It’s fine.. what’s done is done. I’ll try and talk to him.. But I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to do anything. For all we know, he could get even more pissed now that I’m suddenly going back to him. Oh god, what is he going to think of me?” Suddenly realisation had hit you harder than the world had intended. 
“Jimin he’s not even going to listen to me. Did you see how I behaved at that conference? And don’t forget I actually ditched him completely!”
“Y/N, you don’t know for sure until you try.” He said, sounding weirdly optimistic. 
“I like this side of you so much better, Jimin.” You admitted, smiling at him genuinely. 
“Me too. I’ve been so caught up with everything I forget that people actually have hearts. Like you, Jungkook’s lucky to have you.”
And with that conversation, Jimin left your apartment with a warm handshake- a symbol of reconciliation. Even after all the bullshit he got you into, you couldn’t help but forgive him. You could tell that he had a hard time opening up so you were grateful that he shared his insights with you. Now all you were left to do was to go talk to Jungkook and get him to not hate you so much. 
That was proven to be quite easy- as all he could think about was how much he wanted to hold you in his arms. 
“I’m so nervous I feel like I’m about to throw up.” You whispered harshly into the phone. A soft chuckle calmed your nerves that were practically lit on fire. 
“Don’t be, Y/N. Jungkook definitely has feelings for you. Why else would you get such a reaction out of him at that conference? Just go in there and talk to him. Everything else will come naturally.” He cooed across the line as he made his way out of the meeting he was in. Jimin would’ve normally never done that. He always turned off his phone- but after opening up to you, he felt obliged to lead you through your problems too. He was starting to understand what Jungkook saw in you. 
“Yeah you have a point but.. what if he kicks me out of his office?” You bit on your fingernails. 
“I assure you he won’t do that. Y/N please remember that I’m not asking you to fix the problem. I just want you to be on ‘okay’ terms with him. I’m really sorry Y/N but I need to get back to the meeting.” 
“Oh my god you actually picked up my call in the middle of it?” You sounded shell-shocked and it made Jimin smile with content. 
“Yes I did actually what a surprise. I suppose you have a talent in bringing out the soft sides of us.” He also referred to Jungkook. 
You hung up with a shaky finger. Your mind was in complete chaos and you felt as though you were walking straight into a minefield. Oh god I can’t believe I’m actually here. Your eyes scanned the tall building quickly- remembering of the first day you’d met Jungkook. As you waited to reach Jungkook’s office floor, you could feel your insides tremble from anxiety. It was that same feeling before entering his office the first time he asked for you- but worse. 
You started to think that maybe jumping out of the window wasn’t such a bad idea. You stepped out of the golden elevator with a weak stride and paced around nervously in-front of his dark mahogany door. You swallowed thickly and you could feel the saliva travel down your throat as a desperate attempt to calm down your nerves.
 What am I going to say to him? Shit I haven’t even rehearsed anything! What if I get a restraining order?
But all those thoughts were interrupted by a sound you certainly did not expect to hear. You slowly walked up to the door with a facial expression beyond puzzled and leaned closely to it in hopes that the sound you’d just heard was a hallucination. Then it happened again. A soft moan of some sort. Your eyes were squinted in confusion and at that point, you couldn’t control your actions anymore. 
You heard another moan- this time much louder than before and without thinking- you opened the door with a quick twist of the golden knob. 
There he was, sat down on his usual leather seat- messy locks draped over his tired eyes as your mouth dropped open in shock, not to mention disgust. His tie was loosened and a couple of his dress-shirt buttons were popped open, revealing his collarbones you loved so much. Then, there she was. Straddling his lap- her cleavage in his vision and her black lace bra strategically exposed. You could see her lip was swollen pink and her bun was messy. 
You put the puzzle pieces together inside your head and you were too infuriated to process their terrified facial expressions. Naturally, as soon as you realised what you’d just walked into- you slowly took a couple of steps back- never blinking or taking your gaze off of Jungkook’s shocked eyes. Your trembling hands had stopped shaking and the world came to a complete stop- it started crashing down at your feet. 
You quickly turned on your heel and started to walk away from his office. Then suddenly, all your senses had dulled- all you could hear was the constant ringing in your ears that drove you to tears. You couldn’t make out the muffled sound of Jungkook’s desperate shout from behind you as your legs carried you faster than you expected them to. You could taste the familiar salty taste of your tears- so soon, too. 
To your luck, the elevator dinged and immediately opened after your rapid and violent harassment of the innocent button. You stepped inside and closed it immediately- quickly dialling in Ground floor as you continued to sob uncontrollably throughout the elevator ride. The fact that inside the elevator had mirrors installed certainly didn’t give you the confidence booster you needed. 
Your eyes were bloodshot red and you cursed the world for the unfortunate events you’d had to face. All you could think about was how fast you planned on sprinting out of the elevator to take a taxi home and dive into your sheets to sob for another good couple of hours, drowning your pillow with your never-ending tears. That was when you finally admitted to yourself- you definitely still had feelings for him. 
But what was the point in verbally admitting it now- it was useless. The worst case scenario had just devoured your life and you didn’t know how to deal with it besides from drowning yourself in alcohol and your own tears. 
Part 10!
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lesbianreginageorge · 8 years
if supergirl was smart or as woke as they thought they are then they could have easily had one of the best seasons in TV history (warning this is a long ass post but i loved writing it)
imagine this:
they’ve set up an alien infiltration, which feels like it could be a certain alien race searching for world alien domination (that shapeshifter who’s disguised as the president) — but obviously kara + crew don’t know that, only the audience does.
mon-el is in the pod. doesn’t wake up until wayyy later. so ignore him right now.
so, now imagine mimicking reality rn — the government is awful and we see it coming from a state level at first. national city’s governor is this huge fucking asshole who starts declaring anti-alien rights and so there’s rumors brewing (and here’s where we introduce maggie, and she becomes this link to the alien demographic in a time where alien hatecrime is rising but so is anti-human crime. it’s slowly becoming a war, but maggie stays set that aliens are refugees and they’re here after planets getting destroyed, this is maggie/alex angst bc alex despite knowing good aliens, is still reeling off alien takeover/distrust from astra, etc. but then the closer she gets to maggie, the closer she starts to realize her own prejudice)
now, cat grant leaves. what kara doesn’t know, is that cat grant got a tip from someone in DC that there’s been alien infiltration and she doesn’t tell kara or supergirl bc cat knows that kara can be a little reckless. but she does entrust james with the company and lets HIM know what she’s “diving” for. but also because she does care about kara, she tells james to keep an eye on her and supergirl and tells james she knows, but for the sake of dramatics, let’s kara pretend she doesn’t. and she tells james that when they’re ready to attack, she’ll get supergirl’s help. but “somethings only human can do, james. somethings don’t require super strength, just a desire for the truth and a big heart.”
so she’s in DC trying to discover this gigantic alien infiltration that is presumedly going on underground, and so we do still get glimpses of her in newspaper titles. like, cat grant lands in DC. potential entry into politics? and so she does, she gets involved in government but WE know. and so does james. and that’s james “guardian” secret in an essence, you feel me? he’s keeping that away from kara, and that becomes his new storyline. 
back to national city, the rise of a new governor who got elected entirely through anti-alien rhetoric. (he’s our trump character) but it sets the mood for the season. where season 1 was appreciative of aliens (the city liking kara) this season, the city isn’t turning on supergirl (bc of course people are dumb and they like what supports them) but they’re very much starting to hate aliens, and kara does feel it. but she doesn’t know how to stop it.
now james again, cat grant is sending him information about plausible alien infiltration at the state level in smaller states where (they’ll make the joke bc season 1 cbs didn’t care lmao) rednecks run wild and group think is big and stupid, so alabama, mississippi, tennessee etc... but then she says national city. so james starts disappearing a little bit from on screen, but not while becoming “national city’s guardian” and voice of reason. 
for every anti-alien rhetoric that this governor throws out, james and kara introduce alien support. and they starts it by running an article on kara’s journey, reaches out to people by showing her pain. very emphatic. (and james and kara work so cutely together in this, there’s scenes of them at home looking up funny alien conspiracy sites and kara’s telling james about the aliens she did meet, and they’re sort of handpicking aliens to profile and feature on the article. james takes pictures and kara writes them hehe)
second article, j’onn, and he talks about his life and what similarities they hold to american culture (aka valentine’s day) on mars and what he does now as a “human.” so james is helping build empathy and understanding. then we get m’gann who (tbh to be honest i want as a love interst for j’onn i dont care sorry only straights i want after kara/james) talks about overcoming her government and finding j’onn on america and love. and starting a new life in a world they find safe now, together. 
they can keep the cadmus storyline, too. we’ll work that into the storyline bc if lex is anything to go by, we can say his mother had very similar attributes too. she may hate aliens, but if it means that she can get a throne when the world is taken over, then who cares if she’s working with aliens. plus, she’s been told by the alien president person that she can dissect aliens and thus she’s making alien weapons to use against humans.
so this is kara centric obviously, we’ll see kara doing what she always does. fighting aliens with the help of the DEO and winn now. and it’s just her bc she’s fucking supergirl she doesn’t need no fuckign superboy or even a guardian (love u james, clearly but)
and then we get lena. and her storyline stays very similar to the show, because she’s a GOOD PERSON. and if y’all want to add some love interest to kara, then cool we’ll do that too. but i want some more action and i want kara to bring lena in to introduce to everyone, and so when she does that shit to save all of them at the party, james gears in his head start turning and she knows she wants to get her to help but not yet....... 
so where’s mon-el, you guys ask? well ideally he would be dead but if we have to use him ok we’ll start maybe around episode 13. james gets a REAL fat tip from someone about possible alien activity in city council. (they’re meeting at someone’s house in the outskirts of national city.) 
this is where we get the james/winn team up. james is a little scared, bc duh he’s a fucking HUMAN and not stupid to think he can go up against aliens lol. and asks winn if he can help him with some drones and maybe get him some more protective outerwear if he does face anything. and maybe a gun, bc who doesn’t want a gun? so winn starts doing his techy stuff, and builds james a lesser guardian suit (nothing too dramatic, more stealth) and together they go out into this pinpointed location and set up cameras/infiltrate the base and that’s when james sees it:
mon-el’s big ass fucking mug on the wall where cadmus/alien government infiltration thing are meeting (look i’m not a screenplay writer so my description is lame but y’all get where this is kinda going. imagine like a stalker having a wall of people up, and mon-el’s face is in the middle.) and then in red print is DAXAM PRINCE. 
so now winn/james/and cat are talking and scrambling together to meet up but cat says she hasn’t gotten sufficient info yet to stage anything with the DEO. but she can 100% admit that there are ALIENS walking among us (and winn snorts bc lol duh) and cat gives them a glare through webcam and she tells james to tell kara who mon-el is and that he got a scoop about alien infiltration in national city’s government, but not about DC yet. and that she’s got something brewing...
so mon-el still isn’t awake but kara’s telling all this shit about how daxam is a hedonistic country and how they were awful, and they were old krypton settlers and blah blah. so she calls in clark for some help about getting him out of his coma and what not. and so clark isn’t too much of a big entity just sort of smartly helps alex and eliza bring him out of his dormant stage. so mon-el attacks clark instead of kara bc we don’t support abuse out in this country and kara gets to train him but it’s not that important. lmao
he becomes a new comedic relief, and him and kara do bond a little bit about being from dead lands and he talks about how he was a prince but he hated it and he sucked at it blah blah. and when he says he doesn’t want to be a hero because he doesn’t know, kara lets him go because kara isn’t going to force anyone into doing something they don’t want to. but kara takes care of him and shows him about earth and we get the headcanon that someone said here that every week mon-el has a new job. and he’s not important to the plot YET. but we start getting inklings of how important he was, because people will bow down to him at the bar.... so hm... and he does date eve and they’re a cute little annoying couple
then KARA and alex and maggie check out this secret house out in the outskirts and boom boom they find alien fucking weaponry and they see that they’ve been stalking out aliens and taken them to cadmus, so they ask LENA for some help in dismantling the weaponry and she and winn work together to find the coordinates of cadmus.
 and they do, but then mon-el gets kidnapped and so everyone is working together to really get him out of cadmus and they do. w/e i’m emitting details but when kara gets to mon-el he points something out like “there was a lady here, kara. and she looks.. she looks like the lady you said was kind of like the queen of here??” 
and kara’s like ?? “you saw beyonce HERE?” and mon-el’s like “no!! i love beyonce i would know who SHE is anywhere, but no... the president, i think that’s what you called her.” 
and so kara’s first thought is CAT bc cat’s been dealing with the president a lot and i’m sorry for bringing this in too late, but there’s been “alien terrorists” attacks recently and that’s part of kara’s storyline is fighting off these aliens like in s1 when we see that, you know?
so she manages to rescue mon-el but not before getting CAUGHT and that’s when she meets lena’s mother and so she’s in this cell and everyone’s trying to rescue her but we start to see how STRONG aliens are. so there’s like this weird alien group fighting the DEO and then JEREMIAH saves her!!! and gets kara out!!!
so now we’re back at the DEO and kara is telling everyone what’s happening and she mentions lena’s mother and kara comforts lena and lena comes clean about knowing what her mother was up to but was scared of ratting her out bc it’s her mother and kara gives her a hug and says she understands what it means to feel disappointment about parents and tells her bout her mom. so we get a cute lena/kara bonding moment and then kara whizzes off to DC to see cat. 
and she lands on cat’s balcony and they have a nice little banter and then kara tells her what she knows about the alien infiltration and the president blah blah, very much like when kara told her about myriad. but cat sighs, sits down and tells her “i know.” and there’s a little bit of a fight and cat comes clean about everything, but doesn’t mention james bc she ain’t no SNITCH. about how she left bc she got hints and blah blah. and kara like is so MAD bc she put herself in DANGER!!!!!!!!!!! and they get through it bc duh kara knows who cat is and what she’s after, and so she asks what she knows and eventually cat says she misses national city, she misses her family and she misses.... “even that silly little, awfully dressed assistant kiera.”
and kara finally comes clean, but not without a scoff. and then cat just laughs and says I’ve always know, you silly little awfully dressed superhero.”
and so humans are TERRIFIED and people are calling for anti-alien stuff again!! and aliens who aren’t the murderers are getting hurt and attacked and they’re getting mad!!!!!!! and it’s like a small war has broken out and the media is going crazy!!
but kara stops the attack with the help of lena’s super weapon (like imagine the dinner thing again) and james and winn come clean about knowing about cat and kara feels so betrayed but kara’s a generous person and she understands but she’s MAD AGAIN BC WHY IS VERYONE IN THE WORLD LYING
and i’ll give y’all some supercorp bonding, after everything kara says THANK YOU FOR HELPING and they bond about parents and kara brings lena donuts.
and look i’m running a little bit out of steam so i’ll just end it around here but point is
EVERYONE teams up to bring the end of the infiltration and expose the alien both via brute strength and the media. kara, james and cat speak to the humans via catco media about having hope and loving one another, including aliens.
and mon-el, kara and m’gann and j’onn talk to the aliens about overcoming prejudice not only with humans, but with each other (daxam vs krypton and mars)
and season 2 ends with a huge new years party, to signify the start of a new year. and EVERYONE is at kara’s house, and they’re toasting. and the big twist at the end (don’t worry i didn’t forget) is a BREAKING NEWS broadcast and jeremiah’s destroying the town as CYBORG SUPERMAN
ok there’s some plotholes but w/e still better than this season 2 lmao
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