#thats a rhetorical question....
professorsta · 2 years
Eye contact and verbal vulnerability are stupid difficult while cutting the eye contact off after the heartfelt moment to actionably punctuate your sincerity by bowing seems a lot more agreeable to me personally would it be ridiculous for someone located in California to start bowing? Asking for uh- not for me, someone else, don't ask who
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oifaaa · 11 days
Ive never been happier that I'm only on tumblr I've been discussing the new season of Bridgerton with my friends and one of them said "Yeah and people are being so shitty towards the Benedict and francesca reveal" and my reaction was what people??? I've literally seen nothing but excitement at which point they reminded me that twitter and tiktok still exist
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terrys-min-catl · 1 month
Mother Lauren
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jan-fiona-li-pona · 7 months
insane how trans women are one among the least visible groups internally in the queer community and yet are seen as the face of the pure evils of those damn queers externally. i wonder why this doesnt really happen to other groups. hmm.
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pcktknife · 2 months
praying xinyan shows up in the current itto event. having a rock and roll themed event and not having her involved is criminal
she probably won't they love to forget about her
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butchviking · 8 months
why is "if you have a problem with transwomen in your bathrooms mind your own business/stay home" always directed at women. why's it never at men. if men have a problem w transwomen using the sex-segregated facilities that match their sex then they can get the fuck over themselves or stay at home. how about that.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
One thing I will never understand is why some of y'all get so mad about Buck and Eddie being roughly the same age. I don't understand how people can learn that Eddie only enlisted when Shannon got pregnant and not just assume he was 18/19 when that happened. In what world a 23 yo would panic enlisted because his girlfriend got pregnant? I don't get it.
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baerryjj · 2 years
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Wake up babe more soft Finlenia bc my heart yearns 🌷🌿
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sanchoyo · 21 days
watching a lot of cooking videos lately (great for background noise while working) and just saw one where a cat hops on the KITCHEN COUNTER while the lady is cooking 🤢 that is disgusting do ppl rly let their animals up there!! that kitty has stepped in its litter box maam!!! or it could shed on that counter!!! and you're prepping food up there rn!! ew!!!
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the thing im enjoying most about learning a new language is learning new cultural context. i never noticed learning this with english probably bc youre already one foot in american pov before you even speak the language what with all the popular media coming from there, but with french i have to dig this knowledge out with my bare hands and it's really fun
like, when i read in a book that the english people at the english train station our english protagonist who just came home after 15 years exile in france is arriving at "were going about their business with their english sense of timing and rhythm", what am i supposed to understand by that? is that like a swiss clock sort of thing (another cultural reference you now realise you have learnt to understand the right way at some point even without knowing anything necessarily about swiss clocks) or more of a doctor who kind of sense of timing? what is the french cultural idea of the british and their sense of punctuality? i dont know yet! i feel like a child!
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triptychofvoids · 25 days
Hay doc you ever try making something with engi?
hah of course, all the time!! why else do you think we spend so much time in the lab or the workshop together?
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neet-elite · 29 days
that isn't what chav makeup looks like.
man. im getting sick of you FOOLS finding ur way into my askbox. im only here to say that if anyone shows up again who clearly hasn't read my blog info, im just immediately blocking from now on. do a modicum of reading outside of my smut and you'll find out that im from the UK. weirdo behaviour to feel the need to type this out, and in the time it takes you to hit send, you still press the big button anyway. like what purpose does this serve?
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not-a-cheese-thief · 1 year
I swear Sam Seaborn gets more autistic every time I watch the damn show
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cptnbeefheart · 4 months
i felt like i read a lot of books last year and its true that i read more than most years but i think i literally only read 3 1/2 books. reading is something ive always really struggled with and i think it has to do with needing to be like super hyperfocussed. idk i feel like if im not retaining and acknowledging the absolute most detail that i absolutely can then im wasting time. so I go pretty slowly and take plenty of notes to reference when i don't quite understand something mentioned in passing that happened chapters ago . and if i dont take a day or two between reading to absorb everything i feel overwhelmed. the notes help with my memory issues or putting everything together in my head. anyway ive always been super insecure about it and it probably sounds like no fun and too much work to everyone else and well it is a lot of work. which is what draws me to it and also discourages me. anyway pointless post im just saying it requires so much effort to me and i think its mostly due to myself and not the learning disabilities LOL. i heard once that dyslexic people tend to memorize facts because they learn information differently ironically i memorized this fact and perhaps thats why i feel like i need to get every single detail. also its just fun i really enjoy comprehensive breakdowns and literary analysis. i hope to read more this year perhaps its also a mix of not knowing what genres i prefer. vonnegut i can pick up immediately without trying as hard as other texts. i also force myself to read classics which are a bit more difficult bc i feel like i have to decode what theyre saying. ok im done now bye p[lease dont change your opinion on me im actually really self couscous (<- silly way to say self conscious ) about it
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memecatwings · 3 months
i wanna go to another concert why does nobody come to tampa
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eccedeus · 3 months
Is it going to take the death of six foreigners over more the deaths of more than thirty thousand Palestinians?
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