#so wth did i just spend my whole day watching this show???
bellepark · 1 year
if i knew i was gonna like the eighth sense this much, i should've waited until the whole show was over. i literally binge watched all 8 eps today what the hell?
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minminho0 · 1 year
◈Why her?◈
<Scaramouche x Reader>
<Aether x Reader>
-Angst ~ No comfort
Summary: All it took was a single follower to ruin your relationship with him
Gender: Female
Warnings: Murder, violence, attempted murder, replaced, stalking, obsession, yandere-ish reader, attepted suicide, bad writing skills [Thats all i think]
A/n: I hope you enjoy~!
(Feel free to correct my grammar!)
You've been with Scara through thick and thin. You were always there for him, comforting him, supporting him, listening to him, helping him, killed innocents for him, anything you could think of, you did it all for him.
"Why are you doing this!?"
"Because I love him."
After hours of listening to screams and begs, you finally heard silence.
Here you are again tonight, killing another innocent family just because Scara wants you too even if you didn't want to, you did. Because you would do everything and anything for him.
"You're home" you heard someone say. You looked at the couch of your house to see him.
"Did you kill them all?"Scara said looking at you.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"Without me again?" You said while sitting down beside him, slightly frowning.
He just looked at you with a blank face and leaned on your shoulder.
"Oh! Scara i havent washed up yet! The blood would stain your clothes" you said, trying to gently push the man off you
He then grabbed your hand and said "I dont care, stay here" he glared.
It was nice being with him afterall he was your only someone and you're his only someone. You're not really good at socializing that much and besides you're to busy worshipping Scara to even make friends.
You were kind of glad that Scara...yk only comes to..you? And aslong as he comes home to you, you're happy.
But one day, all of that suddenly changed, when Scara found out about a little follower of his.
You were sad
You were angry
You were happy...?
..You said to yourself that aslong as his happy, you're happy!.....
'but.. why do I feel this way..? Why do i feel like i lost a part of me..?' You thought to yourself.
You looked at the dinner table and saw the dinner you made him untouched.
Each day, Scara's time at home lessen. He spends less time with you and only comes home once in a while.
And everytime he came home, he always talks about that follower.
You spend the whole night at the bathroom thinking about that follower . Feeling jealous because you spent half of your life with him!? And then when a little follower of his pop up, you were suddenly a nobody! You were suddenly replaced because someone new showed up!
"Why her!?"
You hate it so much you cant even scream, you just cried your heart out until you cant no more.
And everytime he talks about her, he always refers to her as his ' first follower' like bich ass what am i?! A roach!?
You spent half of your life with him just not to deserve to be called his follower!??
You cried, you cursed, you pulled, you scratch, you scream, you did everything to express your anger.
And when you found out that Your beloved Scara watches her sleep!? You freaked out!?!!(not infront of him)
You litterly worshipped him!? Why dosent he watch you sleep!? Like wth
"This is so unfair!" I silently screamed.
You're a bit mad that Scara refers to her as his first because he unsurprisingly gets pleasure from seeing your jealous/mad face.
And after you calmed down a bit you swore you're going to get rid af her.
After days, you finally found out where she lives and where her usual spots are.
When Scara has to go away for some things you took this chance to try and assassinate her.
You were about to slit her throat when a hand suddenly grabbed your wrist to a tight hold.
You looked up and you saw him..the same man you fell inlove with...
"I- ..I-"
After all what he did to you, he never failed to still make you shy..
"IM SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" You begged. Bowing so low you touched the ground below.
"Did i tell you to speak?"
You shaked your head, not daring to look at him.
You probably had the worst night after that.
Here you are laying at your bed looking so lifeless.
'What are you gon do now?
Your only purpose in life, left you for another..
'Why her?' You thought, recalling all your memories of him.
You were sad
You were heart broken
"Why am i like this!? Were not even together! We were nothing to begin with!"
'But i cant help it....'
You were walking around the village. Every one giving you wierd looks because you look like a zombie! You litterly tried to starve yourself to death but thought that your life aint dedicated to him so why are you doing this to yourself?
You were walking mindlessly when someone suddenly grabbed your shoulder, you turn around and saw a young man with blonde hair and on his side you saw a ..fairy?
"Hello miss, is everything alright?"
"Ye? Why did you ask ...and base on your clothing it seems like you are not from here.." You looked at him up and down.
After that faithful encounter, you two have gotten close, he visits your home everyday together with the littel fairy called Paimon, and you seem to have gotten better, to the point you start to forget him.
"Hey y/n!" Someone yelled as i turned around to look who it was.
"Oh hey Aether, do you need anything?" I smiled at him.
You admired his face, you grew fond of him and even developed a little crush but got pulled away from your little world when he asked you something.
"I wanted to ask you if you want to join my adventures!" He excitedly asked.
"Of course i would love to!" I chimed in excitement.
Months past..
You confessed to Aether about your feelings and he shyly accepted, it was such a cute sight that you just want to bite him smh.
Paimon annoying you both by teasing.
You were so in love that you completely forgot on who your first love even was.
And you three lived happily ever after~
Speaking of first love, what about him? Did he find his happily ever after or did he became a withered rose..
Scara's pov:
After that night, i slowly started to miss her..
Her sweet smile
Her sweet cuddles
Her sweet voice
Her sweet everything
I missed the time when i come home and shes there waiting for me with that lovesick smile, but now when i come home..its-..its just lifeless like me.(lol get it? Cuz hes a puppet and ye-😂😂.......🙂ye you probably didn't laugh..)
And what happened to my first follower?
Ye she moved on and forgot about me..
Cant believe i just lost another when im at my worst.
I thought about all the times i spent with her as i slowly watched her walk down the aisle to her future husband, whos slowly crying.
I settled on just watching her and protecting her from afar since Y/n seems to be enjoying her life more with another than with me..
It hurts but atleast shes happy
In the end, im just nothing but a lost soul.
And he live not so happily ever after~!
Thank you for reading this story!
The story might have changed a bit since ive been putting it off for a while😓
-January 22 2023
Happy Chinese New year 🥰
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coal-mine · 2 years
So one thing about Technoblade (Technoblade never dies!) is that, like...
Ok so I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just gonna do what he'd want us to do (or at least expect us to do), which is make fun of him.
Rememeber like the multiple half-kinda-face reveals he did and everyone was like "we've seen his face yet we couldn't tell you what he looks like"?
Or when Raboo talked about a face reveal, like before he showed his eyes, everyone was like "if this man one day forces us to see his face, or if we ever accidently see it, I will immediately forget it on the spot, it is wrong to see, it is against god's will"?
Ok, that, but real life. Because I've cried about his death multiple times, only to be forced to look up what he looked like because fuck, he was the most generic looking mf in the world. He was just a white dude and I keep genuinly forgetting what he looked like. Like that dude could've walked up to me in the middle of the street, told me to my face that he was Technoblade, only to take a single step back and melt into the crowd like Homer Simpson in a bush.
His dad said he was planning a face reveal before he died, and I'm sorry, but the entire comment section, me included, would have been like "Holy shit I watched the whole 20 min video and he held eye contact like the whole time and I still don't know what he looks like, how"
And we'd fucking drag him about it, because of course we would. We'd be like "Clickbait! You didn't show your face!", and "I trusted Technoblade, I trusted him when he said this was a face reveal in the title, and yet he has let me down", "L, he has no face"
And he'd start the next stream with chat being like "Technolate also he has no face" "TechNoFace" "Nofaceblade" TechNoFace!!" "technoface wth man" and he'd have to spend the first twenty minutes of the stream trying to convice us that he does actually have a face, he promises. And we'd scream lies and slander, and he'd beg us while barely holding back laughter, and eventually, he'd give in. He'd tell us that yeah, we're right, we figured out his big secret. The reason he's never showed his face before this is because he didn't have one to reveal. He'd tell us that we can't tell anyone, he's gotta keep his pig brand and how can he do that without a face? Which doesn't make any sense, but he'd say it with such confidence that we just had to believe him (he'd also refuse to budge on his reasoning). He'd talk about how maybe covid wasn't that bad because the mask has really been helping out when he goes to the store because now no one stares at his missing face, cause no one can see it!
It'd make it's way into the lore, somehow. His crown is suddenly the MCC crown and waaay too big, covering half his face, the rest of it covered by a medical mask. There'd be animatics of his speeches where he's standing the wrong way, shouting at nothing while characters behind him are whispering shit like "should we tell him?" because he has no face, which means no eyes. Or of Tommy doing that thing that kids to do to mall Santa and try and tug on his fur beard, only for his whole face to fall off because it was a paper mask.
It would have been great.
I miss him.
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Friendly Competition
Request:  Now I can’t get the image of Mikey and Leo prancing around the lair to try to impress Y/N and Raph and Donnie just exchanging glances like wth in response to this X,D Wait, are you open to requests? Because then I’d totally request if you could do the idea of Leo and Mikey trying to impress Y/N in outdoing each other…
Characters: Leonardo (Pining)/Reader/Michelangelo (Pining)
Content Warnings: Swearing, really brief reference to The Walking Dead (Season 4). 
Word Count: 1946 
“Carl, Carl! Oh my god, dude,” Mikey squeals, clinging tightly to Raph’s side. Any other day, you might have laughed a little at his reaction - once a little brother, always a little brother - but you’re not in much better standing this time. The boy on TV backs slowly away from the zombies a little overconfidently for your liking, and you can’t suppress the rush of anxiety that courses through you. He’s a TV character, sure, but you’ve watched him grow up! He can’t die now, right? 
And when the third walker appears, grabbing onto the young boy and pulling him down, you could have sworn the whole lair screamed. The room is filled with the “no’s” and various swears of your friends as the kid fights for his life, and you press yourself further into the couch to try and put some distance between you and the TV. You flinch at the sound of gunshots as he pushes the walkers away, barely managing to stay alive, when suddenly the room is pierced with a noise that’s somehow even more jarring and terrifying. 
Battle alarm. Of course. Some yokai...alien… whatever it is... had to terrorize New York City now, of all times? 
"Couldn't this have been an email or something? Really, the nerve of some people. Interrupting The Walking Dead now, of all times," You groan jokingly, pausing the show for the boys as they rise to their feet. 
“If you unpause it while we’re gone, I will take you as a prisoner of war and treat the Geneva Convention as a to-do-list,” Donatello snarks. 
You stick your tongue out at him, but you can’t help but giggle. “Noted, D. Hurry back guys, stay safe!” 
“We will!” Raphael calls, waving to you with a smile before stopping at the exit of the lair, waiting for his brothers to catch up. Donatello walks right past him, balancing his tech bō over the expanse of his shoulders. You smile and wave back at Raph, but soon after, you’re met with the excited cheers of Mikey. He takes a running start at one of the nearby guard rails, grinning as he lines himself up at an angle. He jumps, grabbing the bar and spinning himself around it with ease to face you. In the brief second where your eyes lock, he shoots you a wink and a grin, before spinning himself back around and walking off. I mean, you know he’s a ninja and all, but has he always been that smooth with his parkour? Or like, that smooth in general? 
He waves quickly at you with a smile and walks straight past Raph and into the tunnels of the sewer system. “Later, angel!” He chirps. 
Leo boos before taking a running start of his own. Not to be outdone, he avoids the bar completely, instead choosing to flip over it entirely. He clears the bar with ease, landing on one leg and sweeping the other under him to perform a small rotation towards the ground. As he regains his balance, he pushes himself up with one hand and removes his feet from the ground to do another rotation before planting them once more and performing an angled flip. His movements are quick and fluid, as though such acrobatic feats were innate to his nature. As he lands he grins and shoots you a pair of fingerguns - which you laugh at softly - before backing out of the lair. “Later, sweetheart,” he coos, and turns around to walk out properly. You chuckle again once you hear Mikey’s voice echo from the sewers. 
You swish the warm drink around in your mug and take a sip. You practically purr at the heat as it hits your tongue: it’s been far too cold for your liking lately. Or, maybe you’re spending too much time in the sewers. Maybe you should invest in some space heaters, if you’re gonna be down here all the time. You twiddle a pencil between your fingers as you fill out the tattered crossword in a vain attempt to wake your brain up a little. Who was Aphrodite’s son again? Did she even have a son? You suppose you’ll get back to that one. 
Raphael stumbles into the kitchen with a groan, fumbling around for a fresh mug. “Good mornin’, Y/N.” 
“Good morning, Raph,” you reply. 
He finally manages to find a mug, pouring some coffee and creamer and pulling up a chair next to you. He leans his head in his hands, clearly not awake yet. You chuckle. “Sleepy?”
He hums affirmatively and takes a sip of his coffee. You pat his shell gently and return to your crossword. You’ve never felt more like an adult, you think sarcastically. It’s like some scene out of a Lifetime movie. 
Out of nowhere, there comes a loud thump from the common area, followed by the quiet swears of Leo. You damn-near jump out of your seat at the sudden noise, barely managing to keep your drink in your mug. It sloshes around the rim, and you quickly put your hand up to steady it. Raph, meanwhile, stays glued to his seat, seemingly unbothered by the loud noise. “Good morning,” he repeats. You snort. “Good morning, indeed,” you reply. 
After a moment of thought, you set down your cup and rise to your feet. You might as well check out the noise and make sure everything is okay. You pat Raph’s head one last time before walking out into the living room, only to find Mikey and Leo whispering loudly at one another. Their voices are so hushed that it’s difficult to decipher what exactly they’re saying, although you can certainly hear them. But judging by the force behind the indecipherable words - and the overexaggerated hand motions - it clearly isn’t a friendly discussion. You clear your throat and wave gently at them, which catches their attention. 
“Everything okay?” You venture. 
“Yeah-” says Mikey. 
“Yeah- It’s- Everything’s all good,” Leo stumbles, only to be cut off by his brother.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” He elbows Leo harshly, emphasizing some point to his brother that you’re clearly missing. 
The two keep stuttering and stammering, occasionally elbowing the other without warning. You raise an eyebrow at the strange behavior, and decide to intervene. “Okay,” you drawl, “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just hear… whatever that was. For your guys’ sake.” You joke lightly, attempting to lighten the mood a little and divert the attention away from that… trainwreck of an interaction. And the boys seem all-too-happy for the excuse, as Leo quickly jumps in with a quick question. 
“Hey, now that you’re here, could you do us a huge favor? We’re having a little…” he pauses, “brotherly competition, and we need someone unbiased to judge.” 
“Oh, that sounds fun!” You chirp, “What kind of competition is it?” 
“It’s a parkour competition!” Mikey interjects. 
The tension between the two turtles is thick, and you certainly don’t want to be the one to address it. Perhaps if you ignore it, it’ll go away on its own? Maybe they both woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe this competition has high stakes? You sigh internally: it’s too early to be thinking this hard. “Sweet! I’m ready to be impressed,” you jest. “Who’s going first?” 
“I will!” 
They reply in unison, cutting each other off for the umpteenth time today. You chuckle and roll your eyes, which catches their attention. You don’t miss the way their eyes light up… or the way Mikey begins to smirk. He looks almost devious, although you suppose such a mischievous look isn’t an uncommon sight with him. 
“Leo,” he starts, “How about you go first?” 
He takes the bait with a grin, clearly unaware of whatever plan Michelangelo’s formed. “Why certainly!” He rolls his wrist around in an overexaggerated motion, beaming with absolute confidence. “As the eldest brother in the room, I’d be happy to show you how it’s done.” 
And with that, he’s off. His movements are as smooth as silk as he runs towards the nearest crate, grabbing it at an angle to flip himself over once. He lands on his feet with a loud “thump” against the concrete, but he doesn’t waste a moment as he runs towards the nearest wall. He runs up its length the moment he’s in range, this time using his body weight to spin himself during his flip. He’s fluid in his movements, years of practice and training shining through in this brief moment. This time he lands straight up on both feet, although he doesn’t take any reprieve. Instead, he kicks himself up and over, sweeping the leg to enter a combative stance. A final flourish in his display, you assume. And just like that, it’s over. The show only lasted a matter of seconds, but it’s still enough to leave you starry-eyed and in awe. 
“That was fucking badass, Leo!” You clap. 
“Really?” He smiles, “Uh, I mean, yeah! Thanks!” He fumbles with his hands for a moment before finding a spot for them. He rests them behind his head, shifting side to side on his feet. God, that’s so fucking cute. 
You beam: You can’t wait to see what Mikey does! “Think you can top that, Mikey?” 
He returns your excitement wholeheartedly, shining back with something that seems like… so much more than his typical positivity. In most situations, he radiates so much positivity that one could liken it to a lighthouse for the hopeful. But his attitude seems different from that usual beacon of light. He’s excited, positive, and confident, but that’s not what’s throwing you off. Sure, they’re competitive, but what’s the motivator this time? Ah, you suppose you’ll find out soon enough. You’re brought out of your thoughts by his cheers. “Easy!” 
And god, Mikey’s movements are so graceful that he makes Leo’s look inexperienced, like a giraffe crossing a tightrope. He moves like a swan through water, scaling walls effortlessly and flying through the air like it’s his second home. He starts his routine off strong, leaping at the first waist-high object he could lay his eyes on, performing an impromptu 720 rotation and landing on the concrete protrusion hands-first. He leaps off it as quickly as he landed, using his momentum to propel himself onto a nearby set of steel bars. He throws himself from one to the other with ease, spinning and adding his own flair to each and every movement. You can’t seem to take your eyes off of him while he leaps his way to victory. He uses any ledge possible to propel himself higher and higher, and his movements are so light and quick that they hardly make a sound. And before you know it, he’s standing at the topmost bit of the lair. He plops himself down, dangling his legs off of the precipice and swinging them back and forth. From this far away, you can barely see the way his grin stretches across his face, but you know it’s there. He raises one hand to wave at you and Leo, and the way he wiggles his fingers signals that he knows he’s won. And to be fair, he has. You giggle at the way Leo mutters “show-off” under his breath - where have you heard that one before? - before signaling for Mikey that he’s won and to head on down. And god, the descent is just as impressive. He laughs as he kicks and spins his way down, and despite the competition being over, he continues to shine and demonstrate his skills flawlessly. 
“One and one, baby!”
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arhvste · 4 years
dad hcs with your top 3 HQ boys? 😚
my top 3 haikyuu boys? #exciting 😌
he’s always wanted 3-4 
growing up the only child in the household with his grandparents and father got a little lonely when he wasn’t with kenma
so you, y/n his wonderful and beautiful wife, fill his world with much more joy by bearing his children 
you have 3 so far and phew good luck
two boys and a girl 
kuroo has already started teaching your kids his trademark catchphrases 
to your despair your youngest son’s first words had been “oya oya”
your face dropped while kuroos hyena laugh roared through the house
“because bokuto dared me??”
for the first few weeks all you can hear is little mutters and screeches of “oya oya” and it’s driving you ✨insane✨
kuroo is however good with kids 
and he will put a stop to it by giving your kid a pacifier to keep quiet
kuroo would love if his kids took an interest in volleyball 
but he won’t force it on them 
he’ll support whatever they want to do
your kid wants to try ballet? kuroo will buy several pairs of specially made shoes
art? kuroo is more than happy to hire a whole studio for the day
swimming? he’ll have a pool installed in your house
material arts? kuroo will find a ninja to train your kid
he wants to be the best dad he possibly can for his kids 
i’m not saying he plays favourites but he does have a soft spot for his little girl
he will absolutely try and encourage her that boys are the worst and she shouldn’t date them until they get his seal of approval
he has a ridiculously high standard for the type of boy your daughter can date
you could be a high achieving graduate, astronaut in training, saved 36 old ladies on the street and a candidate for president 
and kuroo would still be like
“is that it? 🙄”
good luck to your daughter then 
he is there for every event 
his whole schedule will be made around any birthdays, graduations, shows etc
he will make sure of it
he doesn’t care if he’s scheduled a meeting with the highest world leader
if that meeting falls on the same day as his kids sports game he will not be sat in an office chair but rather in the crowd cheering his kid on alongside you
he wants to give his kids the best in life but he also doesn’t want to completely spoil them 
he was raised pretty normally so you and him agreed you should try to at least do the same
however when uncle kenma or uncle yaku babysits his kids 👀
“dad uncle kenma bought me a new pc!”
“uncle yaku bought me a pony!”
that’s it
kuroo will spoil tf out of your kids from time to time just to one up his friends
overall he is such a doting dad
yourself and the kids mean the absolute world to him 
and he appreciates you to no end for bringing them into this world 
together the two raise such humorous, perceptive and successful children 
and he couldn’t be more proud of his family 
years of practically babysitting oikawa have prepared him for this 
he has the patience levels built up
he is also extremely responsible and level headed 
the two of you have 1 son who is 4 years old
the toddler has iwaizumi wrapped around his little finger 
iwa denies this though
whenever your son misbehaves or makes a mistake (which is rare btw) iwa is looking down at him sternly
“s/n, you know better than this”
but all it takes it one pout and iwaizumi is all soft again and swoops your son into his arms 
lmao i just know he’ll teach your son to insult oikawa 
“say trash-y-ka-wa! that’s my boy!”
“iwa-chan stop teaching your baby to bully me i can’t even handle it from you alone 😩”
sometimes iwaizumi takes your son to work if you’re feeling particularly tired or have somewhere else to be
he definitely will wear on of those baby carrier harnesses 
that’s kinda hot tbh 
bokuto and hinata are all over your kid while iwaizumi is trying to train team japan
while he manages to get both players back over he notices his son is missing from the portable baby chair he brought with him 
“omi omiiiiii look! baby germs!”
atsumu is running around with your son securely in his arms while sakusa  is SPRINTING away from the blonde shouting profanities at him 
needless to say, iwaizumi tries not to bring his kid along whenever serious training needs to be done
he will bring him to more laid back sessions though
iwaizumi is THE responsible dad of the year
he cooks, he cleans and he knows how to handle your son
by now your son has started to develop into his personality more
being around his calm and level headed dad has really rubbed off on him
he doesn't get too overexcited and knows how to behave well
there is something that bothers iwaizumi about your son though
his first words
iwaizumi’s face dropped when the familiar phrase left his sons mouth
“shittykawa i will FLY over to argentina to personally beat you up”
“it’s not MY fault s/n likes hanging out with his uncle tooru 😗”
oikawa is a doting uncle too
whenever he can he visits your family and spends time getting to know your kid 
the nickname ‘trashykawa’ did happen to stick though
iwaizumi considered it fair now that your son called his best friend after the nickname he taught him 
another dad who would like if his son took up volleyball, but won't force it
your kid does actually pick it up though 
and he’s damn good at it 
not to be clichè but he will like the position of ace the best
this is to your husband and bokuto’s delight
iwaizumi will be there for every game and will absolutely let him come to work with him more often as he gets older so he can watch pros up close
maybe one day your kid will end up on the very team his father trains
and he’ll be there alongside you cheering him on
atsumu is blessed with the gift of twin daughters
hey, twins are in his genes it was bound to happen somewhere down the line
his girls are the most precious beings to him
other than you obv
to him, you are his heart, soul and everything inbetween
he treats his girls like princesses 
like kuroo, boys are off the table 
“oi if ya think you’re bringin boys home you can think again!”
“baby, it’s only their first day of preschool please calm down 😀”
unless these boys can beat him at setting, they’re not allowed within a 48 mile radius of your daughters
he will defo want you to bring them to his games
put them in personalised jerseys and he will be showing them off to his team and the crowd
every point he scores he’s pointing at you and your girls
when his team wins he will absolutely bring the three of you out onto the court and pull you all in for a tight hug and shower you all with affection for the world to see
your kids take a liking to sakusa believe it or not
they find his presence interesting in comparison to the other msby players
lmao sakusa will show your girls his flexible wrist trick and they’ll giggle in excitement 
“uncle omi is so cool!”
hang on a minute
‘UNCLE’ omi???
atsumu is in shock 
“how come’s ya nice to em and not to me omi omi?”
“they take after y/n more than you. they're not annoying and gross like you that’s why”
as he’s apart of the dedicated dad society, atsumu will make sure he’s there for every event he can too
if his games fall on the same day as an event with your daughters you can bet ur ass he is there as soon as his game is over
celebratory drinks with the team? not on his watch when his daughter has a dance recital 
any moments he misses when he's playing an away match or can’t get out of training he asks you to record so he can watch it back multiple times later
probably cries when he watches your daughter win her sports match or perform in a dance show
his camera roll is FULL of pictures of you and your daughters
insists on posting them all so he can show the world what a beautiful and loving family he has 
uncle osamu makes sure he tells your daughters embarrassing stories about their dad
“and then your dad turned around and told the girls to stop squealin like pigs when they were only showin their support”
“wth dad that's so rude 😠”
your family is raised super close 
atsumu always knew he wanted both of your families involved with his daughters upbringing so he makes sure everyone is included and the two girls are familiar with their whole family 
it’s important to him that they’re familiar with his volleyball family too
he loves the fact they're so comfortable and familiar with his teammates 
uncle bokuto and uncle hinata are a hit with the twin girls
but its uncle omi who takes the crown for favourite
there is never a dull moment in the miya family 
and atsumu couldn’t ask for better people to be involved with his daughters upbringing 
requests are open!!
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silverducks · 3 years
Game of Thrones - Jaime Lannister
A rambling character study of Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones.
Ok, so nearly a month since I finished watching Game of Thrones, and I’m still not over how it ended. Like some things I can reconcile myself too, some things just annoy me when I overthink what happened and some things - ok one thing in particular - is just not letting me go.
And that is the way the show ended for Jaime Lannister.
I know I’m like 2 years too late on the GoT bandwagon and no one cares anymore. But I’m writing all these posts because I still care, having recently experienced what you all went through 2 years ago. And I know what I’ll be posting will have all been posted countless times before and discussed in the fandom years ago. But I kinda need to still get my own thoughts written down and outta my head.
Before I go on though, I just want to add in here that I do still love this show and, even right to the very end, think the acting, crew, music, sets/scenery, costumes, basically everything was pretty much amazing. That is except the writing, which, went downhill after series 4. Before then it was pretty much amazing too (not always perfect (is anything?), but so darn good!)
Now, turns out when I came to write down my thoughts on Jaime’s ending, I had even more than I realised. Basically it’s turned into me writing one massive analysis of Jaime’s character based on the show. So I’ve split it into separate posts, with this first one more of an intro, a summary of my thoughts and overall opinion on Jaime and a bit of context on my own experience with Game of Thrones.
Now, spoilers for Game of Thrones ending
I’ve read/watched a lot on the internet since I saw those episodes (series 8, episode 4 and 5 in case you weren’t sure) and I know a lot of people don’t like how they ended Jaime’s story in the show either. But I’ve also read a lot of comments where people did like it, or at least thought it made sense. The reasons they give make no sense to me, but it’s made me think and overthink and analyse way too much about how they did end his story.
So, in order to try and get them out of my head, I’m putting them down here. It’s a long, pretty rambling read, split up into a few parts because it got so long. Across the posts I’m going to go through my own understanding and perception of Jaime’s character and his arc and why I think they completely ruined it in episodes 8.04 and 8.05. I’ll then focus on some of the main reasons I’ve seen why people think it did make sense, and why (even though I maintain everyone is entitled to their own opinion) I completely disagree. Jaime’s character arc was annihilated in the show even more than Kings Landing. And that is more than a bit frustrating.
Now, just a bit of background to add some context to my thoughts; I basically only got around to watching the show a few months ago (I’ve not read the books yet). I basically binged watched the entire show and am now just a little bit reeling from it all! LOL! Also, as I did binge watch it, it meant I didn’t spend time between episodes/series really analysing/theorising etc. I had a few ideas and thoughts, but not to the depth it would have been had I needed to wait impatiently for each new episode. This means I think my viewpoint is of the show as an overall whole, rather than each separate series, because it kinda all rolled into one. This may, or may not, have affected my opinion and so this analysis of Jaime Lannister and my disappointment in his ending. It also means, having only watched the show once, I’ve probably forgotten or missed bits. However, since I finished the show, I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos and read a lot of stuff on the net about it, including in comparison to the books. (And I maybe rewatched some of my favourite scenes just a few times…) And now I am analysing and theorising and thinking about this show way too much! LOL!
So I guess my viewpoint isn’t one of ignorance, but it might not be quite the same as someone who’s been invested in the show from the start.
Like most viewers, I pretty much thought Jaime = evil villain for most of the earlier series. He had the odd moment, but it wasn’t until he did that speech with Catelyn about the conflict of all those oaths he’d taken that I even started to take note of his character. And then series 3 happens, where he has his road trip with Brienne, loses his hand, saves her from a bear and basically starts his wonderful path of character development. And basically manages to go from a guy I pretty much do not like at all at the start, to one of my all time favourite characters ever.
Also, I’m definitely a Brienne/Jaime shipper and did wish them to have a happy ending. However, I pretty much never thought the show would actually even go there, let alone make it happy. In fact, I actually did my best to NOT ship them for such a long time because, being Game of Thrones, I knew it was very unlikely to end well. But, then yeah, their intense staring contests kept on happening and darn it, the way that Jaime’s voice breaks when he says Lady Brienne and him giving her a priceless sword, and what the sword represents and…
Ok, well, yeah, I could gush about them all day, but anyway, I ended up not being able to fight the ship any more after series 6 and THAT tent scene. But, even then, I still didn’t think the show would make it canon, like it would just leave it all open ended/make up your own mind kinda thing.
And then we get to series 8. Like we have a whole episode (that is actually named for their very storyline) with Jaime just staring at Brienne, being all dorky around Brienne and then, if that wasn’t enough, he even KNIGHTS Brienne! I mean, this is epic for this ship! And I would have been ok (not happy, but satisfied) as a Brienne and Jaime shipper if that had been it.
But then no, then he barely leaves her side in the fight against the dead in the next episode – they fight side by side with their two halves of one whole swords, each risking their own life for the other multiple times. And then in the next episode (where I don’t think there’s barely any scene where they’re NOT right next to each other) the show DID make it canon. Like it actually did go there, they slept together (in an adorably awkward scene I love). Heck, Jaime then even chooses to stay in the North and be with Brienne, even though he hates the North. Like this was just epicness of all proportions and I got so excited and all those shippy feels I was trying to hold back just came rushing out and then... and then...
THEN that scene happens. He leaves her. Like WTH…
Anyway, more on that in another post. I guess what I’m trying to say is that as much as I ship them, my issues with Jaime’s ending is less about his relationship with Brienne, and more just his complete 180 on character development. Jaime’s arc has been heavily influenced by Brienne, but it is still amazing in its own right. As I didn’t expect Brienne/Jaime to ever happen (so when it did and then got taken away in the very same episode, it’s incredibly frustrating and gives even less credence to what does happen), it’s not why I’m so annoyed and disappointed with what happened to Jaime.
I’m annoyed because they took all this amazing character growth over 7 series and then screwed it all over in less than two episodes. No, that’s not enough. It was a complete and utter character assassination that completely undermines and destroys 7 series worth of investment and development, completely nullifying everything Jaime went through as a character.
So, yeah, I’m a bit annoyed, but that’s because it makes no sense and it’s bugging me enough to write this whole series of posts. Because I can’t let it go. And having read people justify, even like it online, it’s made my inner analysis thought train go into override. And I’m sorry if these posts are like I’m preaching to the choir, or writing such obvious stuff and repeating myself, I’m just trying to get it all out my head as coherently as I can. Hopefully allowing me to move on a bit.
#Urgh #I need to sit in a corner and try to cheer myself up again before I can write anymore #Maybe watching some Brienne and Jaime fan videos will help cheer me up #And also simultaneously depress me even more.
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My Running Diatribe of Texts to My Friend While Watching the Winx Club Season 5 for the First Time
Want background on why I, a 23-year-old woman, am spending my days watching a kid show? Check out my post about Season 4. 
I just started watching the season of Winx with Tritannus 😂😜
[Friend]: My mans lmao
Dude, Tritannus’ dad is a dick. No wonder he turns out the way he does.
[Friend]: I mean he did name his child Tritannus.
Okay, but like, they’re merpeople. His dad’s literally Neptune.
[Friend]: But like, still…It’s the tannus part, tbh
Can you explaine to me the trope of “the established couple can never be happy”? This show is using one couple’s relationship problem plot after another and I’m so over it.
[Friend]: TV shows went “drama is fun” and then didn’t stop
Ugh, the main couple the bf took a nasty fall in a fight and has lost his memory 🤦🏼‍♀️ and “something’s blocking the healing. Sky, I think there’s something you don’t want to remember” 🙄
[Friend]: That’s annoying
Aaand the ex-fiance is back 🙄
Tritannus turned his mother and twin brother into pollution monster minions
[Friend]: Climate change fighting king
The new transformation songs have no business being the bops that they are
[Friend]: Yasss a bop
This season has a Christmas episode 😂
[Friend]: yasss
It’s kind of funny, because it’s only an Earth holiday. So, Bloom’s trying to explain it to all of her friends and they’re V confused 😂
And the Trix are trying to steal the “Christmas Magic” because they don’t get it either 😂
So, like, Icy is in lvoe with Tritannus and it’s disgusting & Darcy and Stormy are like seconds away from murdering her because she’s like 100% focused on Tritannus and his goals and nothing else anymore
So, we’ve randomly switched to 3D CGI animation
[Friend]: Wild
They really said, “5 minutes left in this episode? We’re gonna change the animation style to show they entered this new realm”
Kings and Queens of the magical dimension, there will be no more of your realms if Tritannus destroys the whole dimension!
Bloom, there were 100 different things you could’ve said to Sky and Erendor then that got your point across better than “A king can be wrong sometimes”
Icy literally said to her sisters "I will never leave Tritannus. Never, ever, ever, ever, eeever.” Like, WTH did they do to my girl? Where’s my “Ice Coffin” wielding bitch gone?
Everytime Darcy and Stormy have gagged at Icy and Tritannus, I have felt it on a spiritual level.
“Diaspro isn’t the problem, maybe it’s me” Honestly, Bloom, yes, right now, it is. It’s not 100% you and your relationship with him all the time. The dude’s a prince, he has duties to his people.
Why is Stella so much more vapid and self-centered this season? Like, they can’t go anywhere without “looking the part” now, why? I just, she was my favorite seasons 1-4, and now I can’t stand her.
Whhhy is this episode with the Tecna/Timmy date a thing? I thought we hashed this out in Season 1?
I need you to know that “Then, we can stick a fork in Tritannus” “Because he’ll be done” was actual dialogue just used in Winx. 🤦🏼‍♀️
[Friend]: oh my god
God, Nickelodeon totally fucked this show over.
Okay, 😂, Tecna just sat down at the wrong table and made a whole love confession, and honestly? I feel like that’s something I’d do. My poor girl 😂
Why do Tecna’s legs look like noodles in her CGI Sirenix transformation sequence? It bothers me.
“Nice to have you back handsome?” Icy says this to Tritannus in his pollution monster form. Does that mean she’s only attracted to him in his monster form?
Is there a purpose to this magical ballet shoes scene in the second to last episode? Or was it just shoehorned in to resolve the Flora/Helia relationship problems subplot?
I’ve seen pictures of Bloomix and I love the designs, but I don’t know if I can do season 6 if it’s just as bad.
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okayoonoh · 4 years
a/n: i have a bit more time now since school is out! i hope to get as many things out as i can!
here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! go and check it out!
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he has 2 kids, both boys. ethan lee is the oldest, 2 years later, eli lee was born.
ETHAN LEE: >> as a baby <<
a giggly little thing
he was honestly just a lowkey baby
like he wasn’t super energetic
he wasn’t super fussy
he was just lowkey
mark honestly was so nervous the entire first couple months of ethan’s life
he genuinely felt like he was doing everything wrong and was so scared that he would do something that would eventually hurt ethan
but you would reassure him that every new parent just needs to figure it out and everything will be okay
mark was still pretty nervous tho
ethan is the oldest of the kids born in his year
there’s only three of them
ten’s second son, shawn leechaiyapornkul and jaehyun’s daughter, jung lani
all three dads would come together as a joint baby sitting project
but honestly, ten and jaehyun went over to help mark and ease his nervousness
like shawn is ten’s second son, so even if ten doesn’t have it completely figured out, he at least has the experience
on the other hand, jaehyun has read a ton of parenting books and such so he knows a lot about the facts of the matter dealing with temperature of baby food, the right type of crib, the material of the baby’s clothes, etc.
jaehyun and ten would go to mark’s house a lot to help him out and teach him the ropes
(omg i have scenario ideas haha)
but a little snippet:
mark: okay, ten-hyung, he’s been crying for the last hour and i already fed, changed, and burped him and i’ve been trying to get him to sleep for a while now... what do i do?
ten: stop bouncing for a sec and hold him. *walks over so his face is level with ethan’s face* ethan look! *takes out a toy to distract the baby*
ethan: *gnaws on his fist but stops crying, his attention on the toy now.*
mark: how did you know?
ten: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  all experience, dude.
(another scenario)
mark: okay ethan, time for your bath!
jaehyun: waIT STOP
mark: ???
jaehyun: did you check the temperature??? you can’t put ethan in the same temperature that you bathe in... babies can be sensitive towards this... *puts his hand in the water* oh my goD! mark! this is way too hot!! turn down the temperature!
(oh man imma have fun with these three haha)
ethan was born first 
shawn was born next
and lani was born last
they were all born rather close to each other tho
like coincidentally, they were all born like within 30 days of each other lol
ethan was born 2 weeks late (i know... poor you...)
shawn was born roughly on time
and lani was born like 2 weeks early
since they were all around the same age and such, jaehyun, ten, and mark found that as a reason to all get together and help each other
(it was more mark freaking out and ten and jaehyun helping him out haha)
just give mark sometime with ten and jaehyun and they’ll make sure he knows what to do :)
>> as a child <<
started to become a little more active
he’s so lovable
like he’s so magnetic
so many of the kids are just so drawn to him it’s weird
like even he doesn’t really know why but people just always want to be his friend
he’s so talented and so dedicated when he puts his mind into something
ethan is such a hard worker
he’s best friends with ten’s second son, shawn leechaiyapornkul and jaehyun’s daughter, jung lani
they all remain best friends basically for life
the three of them are pretty clever for kids
like they make really good decisions
they won’t go and buy the high quality toys that are expensive
they’ll buy the budget toys bc there’s more of them
the three of them all play well together
shawn is really shy and was really scared to try new things
he wasn’t really adventerous
ethan and lani decided it was their life mission to make shawn more social and adventurous
most of the things they all did together was to try and get shawn to try more things and be less scared of not scary things
and he loves it!
ethan is like the leader of the group
as the oldest, the other two tend to just follow him
ethan is the same way towards his little brother
like at first, he was awkward like mark was
tbh ethan is super awkward around babies lol
like he doesn’t know the right way to talk with them
he’s okay with his younger brother
he didn’t really know how to interact with eli when he was an infant
ethan gets better when eli is a toddler
he starts to gain an interest in rapping and stuff around this age
mark shows him some of his old videos and such
and he’s honestly so entranced
he thinks mark’s rapping is the coolest thing in the entire world (bc it is)
mark starts to teach him as much as he can
and ethan is just so interested in all of it
ethan spends almost all of his free time writing lyrics and such 
mark helps him out
ethan most definitely can speak english too
like mark made it a point that he wants his kids to be bilingual lol
ethan is just as passionate about canada as mark is
honestly? ethan looks like a mix between you and mark
but his personality is all mark
when he hits puberty, his voice is squeakier than average lol
he still raps through it tho
he doesn’t let the squeaky voice make him feel insecure at all lol
>> as a teen/adult <<
becomes such an amazing rapper it’s crazy
he doesn’t join a boy group
he becomes a solo artist
he’s honestly just as busy a someone in a boy group tho
like not only did he get his personality from mark
he also got his busy schedule :,(
this was unintentional
but ethan is such a good rapper that they just filled up his schedule
lani becomes a solo artist herself and they collab together a lot
like they collab together so much that at this point, they should just say that their in a group together lol
ethan is so multitalented
like his rap style isn’t limited to just one
like he can do all kinds of different styles
he can spit bars
he can deliver a super strong rap
he can even rap in a chill way
ethan’s voice is honestly so calming too
like he has one of those voices that you can just listen to for hours on end
his on stage persona is so intimidating 
but his normal personality?
he’s soft™
around lani? even softer™
like lani and ethan just decide that they’re together one day
they both probably danced around that topic because they both were scared that getting together would ruin their friendship
like lani didn’t want to confess because she didn’t think ethan liked her like that
and ethan vice versa 
ethan would probably be writing a song and he would call lani to be there bc she was his muse
and like they found themselves super close with each other and stuff
then they were like “look, let’s just start dating, wth.”
and they do
and they become the power couple of the century™
lol they probably were super scared to tell shawn
but when they did he’ll be like “FINALLY”
and lani and ethan were like ???
and shawn was like “y’all. I’m hella dense, but even I WAS ABLE to see that there was something going on between you two.”
ethan and lani were both hella relieved and their status as a couple didn’t mess with their friendship with each other and with shawn at all
ethan gets really famous bc he’s just such a good rapper and such
and he maintains his relationship with his best friends
and he also supports the heck out of eli
omg eli would like make a dance cover to every single one of ethan’s songs
and ethan and eli would dance together a lot
they were super good siblings
if ethan needed choreo, the only person he would go to is eli. periodt.
ethan is honestly such a good and awesome person :) 
ELI LEE: >> as a baby <<
he was so chic as a baby
like he would give you guys smiles and stuff
but the smiles only lasted a quick second
then his face is straight again
everyone was lowkey like “why is he so mad at us all of the time”
eli wasn’t mad
that was just his face lol
he was a rather bouncy baby
like he was definitely happiest when he was in his bouncer
mark was better this time, dw
he definitely wasn’t perfect
but the training ten and jaehyun put him through prepared him for this
eli also tended to smile a lot when ethan’s in the room
and mark is definitely happy to have a little helper
even tho ethan was still a little young when eli was born
he was still a huge help
like if eli was crying
ethan would walk over and hit him reassuringly
and eli would stop crying!
but it was out of shock and not comfort lol
it’s okay bc it gave mark enough time to get over there :)
eli honestly was the biggest momma’s boy
like the first day you were gone the whole day
eli couldn’t take it
he cried basically the entire day
eli loves mark, but he just loves you so much more for some reason lol
even tho he looked mad 25/8
he was such a pretty baby
like he was all you with mark’s eyes
those rare times eli did smile, oh man
the universe stopped when you saw that precious smile
he was a really sweet baby regardless of what people would say :,)
one of the quickest ways to make eli really happy is to put him in his bouncer
turn on some music
and boom
happy baby right there
mark is really good at playing with his boys
like both ethan and eli had such an active imagination
and mark was right up there with them
when eli was stomping and walking around, that’s when mark shined as a dad haha
eli is happy sunshine even tho he has one of the most severe cases of rbf lol
>> as a child <<
still pretty chic
like nothing really phases him
he looks scary or mean
but he’s honestly really sweet and nice
people would be really scared to approach him tbh 
bc he just looked so mad
but the second he opened his mouth?
happy boy™
omg but if someone was talking crap about eli?
ethan would have none of it
ethan will defend his brother until the day he dies. 
he’s best friends with yangyang’s oldest son, ryu wei
they’re born the same year
eli and wei both love love love hip hop
they also both are so talented at dancing
like when you watch like those dance company things (like the MILLENNIUM DANCE COMPLEX) and you see the little kids?
that’s eli and wei
their personalities compliment each other well
like their both goofballs
and they both work really hard
and they both have a huge passion for dancing!
omg eli is definitely the shy one between the two
okok imagine
it’s eli and wei’s first super huge dance comeptition
and they both have major solos / a duet part of the dance together
the entire family is there
(including all of nct and their kids lol)
(they totally take up half of the theater but that’s besides the point)
wei is HYPED
but eli is super duper nervous
to the point where eli doesn’t want to go onstage anymore
and even tho wei reassures him, eli is still nervous
wei knows exactly what to do tho
he goes and grabs ethan and takes ethan to eli
and after a quick pep talk and such, eli is all ready to go out
eli and wei both KILL it
they do so freaking well so like ofc they won :)
(without a doubt nct would be so freaking loud lol)
but it was genuinely so good!
eli is full of so much talent
but even so, he’s not lazy
both ethan and eli have such a good work ethic
they work hard to see their goals and it pays off :)
>> as a teen/adult <<
his face remains the same
like his stoic exterior is what makes him so popular
his facial expressions are honestly 10/10
he becomes a dancer
and he’s oh so good
he is another one of the instructors at youngchul and kaleb’s place
eli and wei are the freestyle teachers
like eli can do practically any style
but he feels like freestyling is the purest form of creative expression in dance
lol probably with his stoic expression, everyone thinks he’s the “bad cop”
but it’s the other way around
and like wei isn’t really the bad cop
eli is like “okay! good work guys! let’s take a quick break then start again!”
wei is like “okay! love the energy so let’s all keep it going with no break. we’ll take a break when our legs feel like their gonna fall off, okay?”
eli was probably casted a lot since he’s been in the dancing scene as soon as he could walk
and like he genuinely considered joining a group
like he knew how to rap a bit from practicing with ethan and such
and tbh, eli thought he would do it bc he thought that it would make mark “more” proud of him
but mark would tell him to do whatever he wanted!
like regardless if he joined a group or stayed as a dancer or heck, even get an office job
mark would be so proud
so eli decided (probably on a coinflip lol) that he’ll dedicate his time as a full time dancer
and honestly? he’s living his best life
like best best life
he gets to do his favorite thing everyday
he’s surrounded by family and friends?
eli is thriving
he also is super duper supportive of all of the other dancers in the group
like if a kid wants to dance for fun, eli and wei will teach them!
omg eli for sure inherited mark’s flexibility lol
if eli is really feeling the vibe of a song and wants to go off he’ll throw in the splits 99% of the time teehee
like all of his talent and hard work is shown through every performance
eli is honestly pretty awkward tho lol
like onstage and in front of a camera? he looks like the most confident person in the world
then offstage and someone compliments him? 
poor baby gets so shy haha
he calls you everyday
he’s still the biggest momma’s boy lol
eli is honestly just thriving :))
and there’s mark’s fam! i hope you guys liked it!
i have a ton of ideas for a joint baby sitting project between mark, ten, and jaehyun! it should be a ton of fun to write!
let me know if you have any requests! my request box is open :))
- amy <3
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always-there · 3 years
About a new job
Nothing beats the feeling of rampant success like being a trainee in your 30s.
I remember watching Friends when I was a teen and thinking that even though Chandler's career change so late in life was brave, it was also deeply lame. I resented his poor life choices, I felt that in his place, if I reached that age and had built a successful career, whatever it was, I'd just stick to it and make the most of what I had.
Now that I'm a couple of years older than most of the Friends cast at the time... man. I feel ya, Mr. Bing.
I have a consistent tendency to become a workaholic in no time and overwork myself to exhaustion. And with overworking and exhausting come resentment and anger towards my employer. Instead of creating boundaries or trying to solve the issue with my company, I go on until my body and brain just can't keep up with it anymore and quit out of the blue. The company, who was happily milking me to their heart's content, freaks out. They counter-offer, schedule urgency meetings with HR to talk me out of it. Because even though I'm dead inside and constantly burnt, I'm good. I'm really good at what I do, and I'm also what I usually call a working beast. Not in a hyperbolic way, in the farm-bull-pulling-a-carriage-of-debris-across-an-uphill-field way. So I invariably end up leaving in bad terms from the company, spend a month or so trying to launch my freelance career, fail at it again because my obsessive anxiety won't let me live not knowing exactly what my detailed future is gonna be in the next month, and start again at yet another company.
And here I am now. It's 7 am. I have to wake up at 6 am in winter. This is my third day and I already want to call it quits. It's winter here, so when I opened my eyes it was so damn cold and dark. Like, pitch-black night. It's 7 am and I'm working with a desk lamp on, which gives the whole apartment a look and feel of being working overtime at the eerie hours of night that does not help my overall mood.
I know, I know. I should be thankful for the blessing of having a job in this uncertain time and age, when so many are struggling to make ends meet. I am thankful. But I am also tired and in a deep no-bullshit state of mind and soul that is not convenient to start working on a new place.
What's killing me is how disorganized they are. To begin with, I started on a Thursday. Nobody said a word to me. I'm working from home for the time being, so you can imagine the feeling of WTH when you're staring at Skype on your desk, waiting for someone to remember that they have to train you. I eventually gave up. I devoted myself to reading the endless HR messages and whatever employee manuals they sent my way and then I binged a couple of episodes of Cherry Magic! on Crunchyroll.
Then someone showed up. I suspect they are my immediate boss, but who knows. I don't even have a company organization chart. They asked me to complete about 50 e-learning tutorials for a determined software, take the tests that would trigger once I watched it all, and send them the certificates of completion as proof.
I told them that in my previous job, and the job before that one, and the one before the job before that one, I used to teach advanced courses on that software for professionals. Do you really want me to do this instead of, you know, learning something more specific to my position that would allow me to be useful to you sooner?
No, do the tutorials. It will be good to review the basics.
Fine. My fighting spirit is dead anyways. I choose my battles now. My boss (I guess they are) made clear they expected the e-learning to take my whole first day, and vanished into oblivion.
So, I didn't watch the videos. I accessed the tests through a different website that gave people the chance to take them without watching that fuckload of tutorials, completed them in 15 minutes, downloaded my perfect-score certificates and devoted the rest of my working day to inking my webcomic.
Day 2 was no better at first until at some point near my lunch hour the exhausted coworker for whose immediate benefit I was hired appeared and gave me a task to complete. I won't bore you with the details, but in short, they asked me to prepare a batch of files to be sent for revision before the final delivery to the client.
I was not taught how to do it. They sent me a link to download a previous delivery to use as a reference.
I managed to complete the task, of course I did. It's what I do best, I find my way on my own under pressure and against the clock. But I'm pissed. I'm pissed because this, you don't do *this*.
I'm fine with it because I am who I am, a 30 year old with no soul, no expectations, and a ton of experience dealing with this crap.
But what if I had been a proper newbie in the industry? A junior fresh outta college, a kid on their first or second job. Do you know what kind of stress this situation would put them under? How awful it is to be treated this way?
I was in charge of training new hires before, and I took pains to make them feel safe and welcome. I would spend fucking hours burning their brains on shared-screen calls on Skype, showing them every detail. I wrote whole ass step-by-step process manuals, so simple and detailed they were annoying, so that they would know what to do even if nobody had time for them.
This neglect of trainees pisses me off. It doesn't matter that I am able to complete the task at hand, that I am able to train myself. I shouldn't have. Nobody should.
I know I say I'm dead inside a lot, and a great deal of that is thanks to years of abusive workplaces. So even though I don't give a fuck about a ton of things, unfairness triggers me. I won't have it, I don't want anyone to suffer it.
So yeah. That.
Last Friday the only coworker that speaks to me (the others won't even say good morning back to you, there's a suspicious lack of will to live in this company) called me an hour before my shift was over and rushed me through a ton of complicated processes and technical instructions and deemed me ready to undertake the next huge project that client sent, from start to finish. They would train me sometime later, they said, and I left feeling uneasy once I had completed my first hour of overtime on my second day.
I shrugged.
This place looks as toxic as it could get, but the person I am today is overflowing with nuclear waste, so I think I'm prepared to neutralize their shit with a ton of counter-not-giving-a-shit in return.
We'll see how it goes. Unlike Chandler Bing, I have no hopes here, so I think I'm better prepared to thrive.
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clamydomona · 5 years
Veronica Mars Season 4 (Spoilers)
I had zero expectations going into this season, didn’t watch any interviews or trailers or look up spoilers because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Most revivals I watched in the last years were ony so-so and most of the time when I was looking forward to something I ended up disappointed. Wth that in mind, I enjoyed a lot of what I saw.
Positive stuff:
- I loved that Veronica had a new dog that she named Pony, but I’m disappointed that he didn’t get to go on any of her snooping adventures with her like Backup in the old days.
- I’m glad that Wallace ended up married and with a cute baby and a good job and that he seems genuinely happy, that guy deserves it.
- I could listen to Cliff for hours and still enjoy his relationship with Keith and Veronica immensely. I like that he seems ridiculous but good at his job at the same time.
- Same goes for Vinnie. I can understand why the police chief is reluctant to trust PIs if most of her interactions are with Vinnie. Less so with Keith and Veronica. But at least she seems more qualified for her jobs than the Lambs ever were.
- I enjoyed what we’ve seen of Dick, but I’m glad that it wasnt more than that.
- Big Dick’s right hand man reminded me so much of Mike from Breaking Bad I sometimes confused those guys.
- The thing I enjoyed most of all was Veronica and Keith’s relationship, their teamwork and their banter. That was one aspect of the show I liked the most and I’m glad this season had so much of that.
- Logan’s character development was great as well. I loved that he ha help working through his issues to move beyond his anger and resentment that drove him so much of his life, while still being enjoyable and recognizable as a character. I also absolutely loved the scene where Logan came home with blood on his shirt, acting like nothing happened. And that Logan seemed to have very positive relationships with Keith and Wallace, after their earlier animosities.
- I also liked that scene where the murder heads were all arguing about who really killed Lily. Seems very reflective of all the True Crime culture nowadays.
- The mystery was interesting enough and not as convoluted as some of the previous mysteries.
- I also enjoyed many of the Leo-scenes, there was some pretty good banter and I liked how they snapped out of their drunkenness to draw their guns withing two seconds. Could have done without the sex dream, though I never for one second thought that thing was real.
- Nicole was a very fun character and I’m sad that her storyline ended the way it did.
So-So stuff:
- While pizza guy Penn was an interesting character, after a while he became very annoying being featured so heavily.
- Matty was interesting as a mirror of Veronica’s teenage self, though I’m not sure I would have let her be unsupervised in the office after some of the stuff she pulled beforehand.
- While earlier seasons were certainly violent enough, I could have done without so much casual beheading. Seemed way over the top for me.
- After watching Jason Dohring in iZombie, I was relieved that his head didn’t look as tiny in comparison to his very defined torso as it did in that show. For some reason that was extremely off-putting to me last year.
Negative Stuff:
- Why so little Wallace? They could have found something for him to do, it can’t be that hard. Also I’m disappointed that he was treated as so disposable by Veronica. She treated spending time with him more as an obligation than anything else. Was that the same in the show, it’s been a few years since I saw that.
- No Mac. She was missing so much.
- Why they felt the need to rob Weevil of every positive thing in his life and regress him to the character he was in season 1 I will never understand. I understand that the falling out between him and Veronica was described in the books, but without knowledge of those, their relationship this season just seemed very weird.
- Why the hell did we spend so much time in the first episode with the spring break kids before the bombing, when nothing of that seemed to matter, the scenes could have been cut out and the story would have been just as easy to follow?
- Why did none of these people, except the brother of the congressman and Matty, seem in any way trauamtized or sad that they lost their friends/family in a bombing when they instead expected to have fun partying?
- Why was Veronica belitleing Logan’s therapy so much? Didn’t their relationship fall apart numerous times because of his destructive tendencies? Shouldn’t she be happy that he sought help, even if she is incapable of getting it herself (when she, let’s face it, probably needs it more than any other character apart from Logan)? After a while I honestly didn’t understand why Logan wanted to be with her, when in earlier seasons it was mostly the other way around.
- Is Logan an addict of any kind or not? I thought he was, since he was a sponsor in the movie, but he drank (and did drugs, did I understand that “E” correctly?) with Nicole, Veronica and Dick in one episode, so I guess not?
- If for some reason the show gets another season, it’s reasonable to expect that they will drag out Duncan again, right? He’s the only ex-boyfriend they haven’t used in any of the newer incarnations of the show.
 And then the ending:
I wasn’t spoiled, but it did not exactly come as a surprise to me, because Rob Thomas so fas has been incapable of writing a relationship that survived a whole season intact (at least on Veronica Mars and iZombie, I don’t know about any other products of his. I learned not to get attached to any of Liv’s reationships, because why bother when he kils all of them off anyway?). I honestly thought there was a bomb in her car when Logan reminded her on Skype to move it and expected the bomb to detonate when she went to move it while the cartell guys were watching her apartment. I expected the other shoe to drop the whole episode, so I couldn’t even get into the wedding because it was so obvious to me that the whole thing was far from over without any explosion in the finale.
I wasn’t surprised that the bomb went off, though I am surprised that the show seriously went there and appearantly killed off one of the main reasons people still want to watch the show. After watching so many supernatural shows (and a few soaps), I remain highly sceptical that he’s actually dead without showing the explosion itself, the body, the funeral or anyone mourning at all. Especially after they did something similar in season 2 but didn’t kill off Keith.
But after catching glimpses of interviews going around, I am stunned that the death at least seems to be intended to be permanent and I don’t get that argument at all. Why the hell is it necessary to kill of one of the main attractions of the show in order to “save” it? Who wants to tune into a show that killed off one half of a couple that became an essential part of that show? Seemed to me more like he wanted to make sure he would absolutely not get another season, and providing extremely shitty closure in the process. It just didn’t seem like the show to me. In previous finales, while Veronica went through harrowing experiences, the show still managed to end on a somewhat positive note (which might arguably be the case with Keith getting healthier and Veronica willing to see Logan’s therapist, but all of that seemed extremely hollow to me). Plus, the death was so tagged onto the case storyline, not intrinsic to it at all, but just added after the resolution. Random deaths might be true to real life, here it just seems to be shock for shock’s sake, but not necessarily good storytelling. Furthermore it’s just depressing to pile on more and more trauma onto Veronica without any of the relief of healing.
Also, I completely disagree that the show would not be interesting anymore with a married Veronica. Why couldn’t the conflict and drama come from the cases itself, while her private life was stable for once? I’ve really grown to hate this notion that couples are not interesting once they are in committed relationships, so they have to do will they/won’t they, cheating and love triangles. I’ve read tons of fanfiction that somehow managed it, why are so many showrunners incapable of seeing any appeal in that at all? Honestly, the show would have been more innovative if it had let Veronica be married and at least a little attempting to overcome her trauma. But I guess a happy Veronica is not an inspiring Veronica to the showrunner.
I honestly think Rob Thomas overestimates Veronca’s appeal as a character without any of the other elements. No Neptune, not Keith, no friends, no Logan, just Veronica going around solving cases does not sound appealing at all to me. If he wants something like that, it would probably be better to create a whole new show based on that kind of premise, or write this season like that to begin with. Just kill off Logan off screen in a war and start Veronica as a lonely and depressed PI somewhere other than Neptune if that’s what Rob Thomas wants to write so much.
I really have to thank the absolutely terrible finale of HIMYM. After completely screwing over my favorite couple, I just stopped being invested in any couple to the degree I was before. I never assume anymore that the story will go in the direction I expect it to go, no matter how obvious that outcome seems to me, because who knows how differently the showrunner envisions their work and what they see as “good storytelling” (which somehow often means killing someone off right before the end, how fun!). I am kind of surprised by how angry I am about Logan’s death despite my low expectations and diminished investment in the couple since I first saw the show. At least here I can ignore the ending much more easily than in HIMYM.
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crinkler · 5 years
Note: I made this before I finished KH3 but most of the points still stand
Edit: Putting this under a read more omg
hey okay. Xemnas. you gotta be kidding me. Listen up. I saw that scene in khiifm where zexion was talkin to i think vexen about finding new members. LIstEn. Anyone c-- hang on:
As I understand it, anyone can wield a keyblade if given proper training + they are granted one by a keyblade wielder (maybe master?? idk) No one in the organization has a keyblade until roxas shows up;
Roxas: So that's what the Organization does? Collect hearts? Marluxia: Actually, you are the first of us to accomplish it. Roxas: Wait, then-- Marluxia: The rest of us can defeat Heartless, but we have no way of collecting the hearts they release. Eventually, the hearts will turn right back into Heartless. You see, then, how special you are? ... Marluxia: Lucky Number XIII... At last, a chosen wielder of the Keyblade ... --Secret Report: Saïx-- The hearts collected by our two Keyblade wielders, Roxas and Xion, have gathered together...
Xigbar and Xaldin were supposed to recruit new members. Not “specifically these people i know about”. Zexion: I think eavesdropping is intrusive. Why are you even here? You and Xaldin were tasked to recruit new members. Zexion: Have you forgotten? Or were you procrastinating ???????: As if! I'm doing my job. I'll have you know I found one just yesterday. "Mar-" something. That puts the Organization's count at 11. If he was supposed to find someone specific, don’t you think he’d remember the name?
gosh. i can’t go any further without complaining about the GROSS MISREPRESENTATION OF EVENTS THAT HE HIMSELF WAS PART OF: ??????: How long ago was it... When a bunch of warriors wielding key-shaped swords appeared and unleashed a spectacular battle. And when it was all over, all that was left was a man lying unconscious without his memories. Xemnas--Uh, I mean Xehanort, was found by Ansem right around then, wasn't he?
Xigbar should absolutely be aware that there was? only 2?? warriors?????? unless you count the part at the keyblade graveyard, which is hardly “a bunch”. 6. anyway.
i don’t understand a lot more of kh lore than i care to admit... but for real. a lot can be explained as “well they (whoever is speaking) didn’t know about X” but hhhhhhhhhhh. 
How many Dandelions are alive today??
Why didn’t marluxia, larxene, luxord, and larxene go back to their Somebody names? (probably answered later in khiii or smth)
just How long ago was the keyblade war/khux? 
why does vexen think the only way to continue his experiments is to rejoin Org XIII? There’s literally no economy. Ienzo is able to spend literally his whole time analyzing data and stuff. He could just Do Things
why are people getting norted So Fast?
Did xehanort get them before they woke up? did they agree to be norted? 
why would larxene want to take over Again. literally what would you get from controlling a group of people possessed by someone else. like that seems BORING go take over a government or something
why would xehanort want people who Used To be able to wield a keyblade. Why not just get people who Potentially Could and Give Them Keyblades??? he can do it, he presumably gave one to Ventus and Vanitas! Aqua gave kairi a keyblade unwittingly, he could just freaking give them to people willy nilly!!!!
ok does xemnas go around to newly formed nobodies, give them a name, and leave again?? that doesn’t make sense. But he found roxas and gave him a name, then later that day, axel found roxas and they had ice cream. wth?? (Axel hands Roxas a bar of sea-salt ice cream. Roxas is surprised. He chuckles and takes the ice cream. They reminisce about the day Roxas was named. He wakes up in front of The Old Mansion in Twilight Town. A figure in a black cloak emerges from a corridor of darkness and walks toward him) ??????: You seek answers. (The man waves a cloaked arm between the two of them and the word 'SORA' appears in the air, the letters shiny, silver, and hovering) ??????: I can give you purpose. (The man waves his arm again and the letters swirl around Roxas, gaining momentum until they're barely visible as letters. The man slams his fist into them and four points of golden light shoot out, forcing Roxas to flinch. He opens his eyes and sees a new golden letter X hovering before him. The silver letters rejoin with the X in their center forming a new word, turning fully golden...) Roxas: Roxas. Xemnas: That is right--the new you. (Later, Roxas walks through Twilight Town, seeing a group of kids eating ice cream. He stops and starts to turn around, when Axel places a hand on his shoulder. The flashback ends) Axel: Man, I miss the old times. Still got it memorized? The day we met, when you got your new name, you and I sat right here, just like this and watched the sunset.
What’s going on when xemnas talks to roxas in the dark margin??? ??????: I've been to see him. (The seated figure turns his head toward the other)  ??????: He looks a lot like you.  ?????: Who are you?  ??????: I'm what's left. Or...maybe I'm all there ever was.  ?????: I meant your name.  ??????: My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember your true name?  ?????: My true name is...  ??????: You have been with us for six days now.  (The seated figure stands and removes his hood)  ??????: The time has come...  (He walks past the other and places a hand on his shoulder. Time seems to pass slowly and all sound drops)  Xemnas (soundless): ...Sora. ???? like. 1. why are they there. 2. why is roxas so comprehensible? 3. why is xemnas being all Dramatic to the new kid?? 4. the time has come for what. 5. Why does he remind him of his “true name” and stuff? through the rest of the game, he keeps any and all information away from roxas?
all my questions are about organization 13 i understand everything else perfectly.
why doesn’t xehanort just get a whole bunch of Past Versions of himself? wouldn’t that be easier? he’s already got 4 separate guys who are Just Xehanort. (well. some are terra but they are Past Versions.)
didn’t we kill ansem and xemnas? why isn’t Apprentice Xehanort here. He should have been recompleted, right?
does xehanort have an Extra Nort hiding somewhere just in case the whole Organization gets killed off? that’d be sensible.
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seoulfulcity · 6 years
August 3, 2018: As the Sun Sets - In Banpo
Golden hour is over; we threw our caps in the air during the evening of graduation; now we were watching our final sunsets in Banpo Hangang Park.
Night is falling and our time in Seoul is ending.
Friday, August 3, 2018: Water hell!
I was supposed to go do a tour around the Blue House (청와대/Cheong Wa Dae), the official residence of South Korea's president, Moon Jaein, at 2 PM. We were supposed to meet in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace at 1:30, and my plan was to go earlier and tour around the palace, since it's already been six weeks, yet I still needed to visit the most popular tourist spot in Seoul.
I woke up at 11 AM, just in time for Davy's Cheong Wa Dae tour to start, and checked my phone to see how hot it was.
"Feels like 114 degrees".
Well, that was the end of my day. I suppose I could always visit the palace on my next visit in Seoul. If it survived thousands of years, I was certain it will survive just a few years more.
My phone lit up with messages from Kakao Talk.
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Our Naengmyeon Homies group chat was living up to its name. Valentino wanted to leave at 11:45 AM as he was still finishing his draft to send to the KUISC director in regards to Minki-hyung (민기형) not getting his certificate for participating in the buddy program. They said that since he missed the Boryeong Mud Festival (he told them he was sick, but we know he went to the booze cruise with us), he lost participation points, therefore rendering him unable to receive a certificate. Of course Minki-hyung (민기형) was very upset, so as a group, we started sending the KUISC director emails proving why Minki-hyung (민기형) deserved that certificate and the Best Buddy award that was given during graduation.
Even though Minki-hyung (민기형) didn't win Best Buddy award, the whole auditorium knew how popular and special he is to our group since we were the only ones to cheer for him every time his face showed up on the KUISC highlights video.
Valentino said Cara woke up vomiting but was still willing to get bibim-naengmyeon with us; so, we met up in front of Frontier House and went to the usual naengmyeon place, just by the cheap kimbap restaurant.
During our naengmyeon meal, Cara nonchalantly grabbed the mini trash bin on our table and vomited. Only I and a Korean lady next to us noticed her vomiting. Valentino, who was sitting next to Cara, looked over the table next to her to see the Korean motioning him to check on Cara with her eyes.
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After the meal, we decided to mix our credit cards on the table and pick one card to pay the bill with, and I didn't realized I whipped out my Frontier key card; Cara also did the same, but after we left the restaurant, she noticed that she forgot her Frontier key card on the table and she pushed me to ask if they have it on the counter, which they did.
Water hell! Did I just have a déjà vu moment?
On the way back to Frontier, we talked about how much we would miss Sulbing and authentic bingsu in Seoul, so we stopped by Anouk, a bingsu place just next to the Frontier stairs. We got the God of Bingsu for ₩18,000 with green tea, black choco, and red cherry flavors.
While waiting for our bingsu, we started creating memes from last night's drinking videos, such as Joyce saying "water hell" really fast.
We would make terrible memes incorporating "water" and "hell" together so much that Hyungki-hyung (형기형) asked the group chat:
Hyungki-hyung (형기형): wth is water hell
In which Cara corrected him with "water hell is water hell"
Our table erupted in laughter.
Matt also took a picture of the sign in Anouk directing where to get water and attached the word "hell" by it, and also posted a link to an apparent email he sent to the KUISC director in the group chat, just for it to be redirected in a never ending page of "water hell" repeated over and over.
Water hell, right?
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We went back to our dorms and I sat on the lounge in the third floor just to cool off and I started realizing how empty it was becoming. It used to be loud and busy, with Ben's music playing in one end of the floor and guys singing across the other end.
Naengmyeon and bingsu left me tired, so I slept through the rest of the afternoon.
I woke up at 7 PM to the group chat in Banpo Hangang Park for the Dokkaebi Night Market (도깨비야시장). We've been talking about going to Dokkaebi Night Market since we saw the posters in Line 6 during the first weeks in KUISC yet nobody had decided when and where to go, since the night market was every weekend in four places: Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Cheonggyecheon Stream (Mojeongyo Bridge-Gwangtonggyo Bridge), Yeouido Hangang Park, and Banpo Hangang Park.
I wanted to go to Yeouido Hangang Park since it's the biggest out of the four and I haven't been to the park and took a picture with the "I Seoul You" sign; but Minki-hyung (민기형) insisted we go to Banpo Hangang Park because he's never been there and it's still as lively even though there's less people than Yeouido Hangang Park. This was going to be our last hangout in Seoul together.
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I arrived at Banpo Hangang Park at 9 PM and bought pork tteokbokki and earl gray chocolate latte at Oppa truck with Carolina before heading to the center of the park just next to the Banpo Bridge with her, Matt, Florence, Minki-hyung (민기형), Jordan, Harley, Peter, Darren, Cindy, Angela, Lina, Maite, and Davy. Angela's roommate was kind enough to let us borrow a picnic blanket, so we sat down and played music with Matt's speaker.
Of course, since iKON just released their mini album Continue the day before, I blasted "죽겠다 (Killing Me)" during the night.
After being six weeks in Seoul, I never had the chance to try dakgangjeong (닭강정/sweet and spicy chicken), so I went back to buy a sweet dakgangjeong (닭강정) at Double 8.
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Wendelyn joined us after; Valentino and Cara wanted to join with us too, but being too far from Frontier made them not want to go and asked us to meet with us around Anam later instead.
Darren, Angela, Cindy, Harley, Jordan and I went to the opposite side of the bridge to Sebitseom (세빛섬), which are artificial islands with different centers and buildings, such as for arcade games, performing arts, etc.
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We took the bus and subway going home, where Davy taught me and Lina some tricks to work the Rubik's cube, although we both did not pick up any new knowledge.
Erin messaged us that she was giving away her remaining 10+ SF9's Sensuous albums from when she bought 40 albums to try and get a fan sign pass to meet the boy group.
When we reached Anam, everybody dispersed but Wendelyn, Florence, Matt, and I headed to McDonald's to meet with Valentino and Cara. Peter volunteered to pick up the box of SF9 albums at CJ International from Erin and kept it in his room until I picked it up later that night. We stopped by the arcade place where Wendelyn was trying to win a white bear plush. There was a guy next to us on the Pokémon claw machine trying to get bulbasaur, which was on the verge of falling. He left to get his money changed and I tried my luck to get the Pokémon plush - which I did.
My first ever claw machine win.
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Matt had to drag us out of the arcade place because we were so close to spending a lot of money to get Wendelyn her white bear.
At McDonald's, I had Valentino sign my taegukgi (태극기) since he was leaving in the morning to reunite with his family in Seoul, before leaving for Japan.
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They all headed straight to a noraebang (노래방), but I wasn't worried about not going because I would still see them the next day. I went back to my dorm to start packing and picked up the SF9 box from Peter, which included a Blackpink poster and BAP's Ego album. Thanks Erin!
Sophie wanted one copy of the album for each version, while Valentino, Matt, and Cara each wanted one for their own. Carolina asked to keep the remaining albums so she could mail them back home in Brazil.
I finished packing my main luggage within minutes, just for me to finally realize that I needed to buy another one. I was so terrified that I might be charged excess because the main luggage only had souvenirs and extra materials I collected and bought from all the way in Hong Kong two months ago. I really needed to get an extra bag to fit in my clothes.
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It was barely 2 AM and everybody was still at the noraebang (노래방) and Lina wanted to meet up with me in front of Frontier so we could head to meet with the group together; but first, she needed to pick up a few things from Maite at the Global House. Maite was leaving in the morning and gave us a Don Q Pasion Puerto Rican rum since she couldn't take it back with her to Puerto Rico.
Sophie. Thai. Jon. Maite. Four gone, more to go.
Lina needed to stack up on the cheap cigarettes in Seoul for her to take home to Singapore, in which she bought a total of 21 packs from two convenience stores. The poor guys working probably had so much questions by the way their eyes reacted when Lina told them to give her 21 packs with her basic Korean skills.
Her biggest worry is getting them through the Singaporean customs since the country places a very expensive tax on cigarettes.
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So, Lina and I were on our way to the noraebang (노래방), when we bumped into Darren, who was headed home and invited him to join us.
"I can't. Maybe next time?" he said.
"There will never be a next time," Lina responded. That phrase hit me how close we are to perhaps never seeing each other again.
That was the last time I would ever see Darren.
At the noraebang (노래방), Matt and Cara were screaming love songs, while rocking their head back and forth as if they were hosting a screamo concert. Wendelyn, Valentino, Asra, Salli, Joyce, Florence, and Peter were sitting around Matt and Cara, while drinking soju bottles and Maite's Puerto Rican rum. Salli was so excited to pour everyone a cup of the rum, since, as another Puerto Rican, it was her favorite alcoholic drink.
We all knew that it was going to our last noraebang (노래방) session together, so when we ended our final one with the most iconic song of the last six weeks.
김범수의 "보고 싶다"/Kim Beomsu's "Bogo Shipda/I Miss You".
Matt, Tino, Cara, and Peter hailed a taxi cab to take them back to Frontier House since they were feeling lazy walking back up the Frontier stairs (and the taxi cab was only ₩3,000), while Lina and I walked on the way back. She picked up extra cardboard boxes so she could place her excess luggage in it and ask Florence to mail them to her home in Singapore.
It was four in the morning on Saturday, August 4. I was leaving South Korea the next day.
When I returned to my dorm, Matt messaged us a copy of the email he sent to the KUISC director regarding Minki-hyung (민기형)'s buddy certificate, which showcased how much he went above and beyond his responsibilities to make sure we had the best six weeks to the point that he wasn't even our buddy anymore. He was our friend who had partaken in every single adventure with us in KUISC and outside the program.
Minki-hyung (민기형) welcomed all of us (group 3 or not) into the circle and we really appreciate him immensely.
The group chat became emotional and started reminiscing the funny memories we had created with Minki-hyung (민기형) in the last six weeks. We really hope to reunite with him one day, but until then!
Chris 「크리스」
P.S. The homecoming event for the students who just came back from studying abroad is tomorrow, so I hope to use that event as a means to relive the good times and as a reminder to never forget everyone's contribution to making this year's summer worthwhile.
P.P.S. I hope to finish writing and post the fourth and final blog of the "As the Sun Sets" series, which is the last blog of my entire study abroad adventures within the next few days. I plan to follow up with a few blogs on the homecoming event and some informational blogs regarding the study abroad program.
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purintarts · 6 years
My RFA + Saeran Personal HC
He's inexperienced in the dating department so don't be surprised when he under or over doing it
Yoosung could be dense and as observant as a wall
There would also be times when he could be selfish
You're cold? He might not notice a thing since he's seeking warmth for himself
Or eating the last piece of pizza without asking or splitting
He might not pick up the double meaning flirt you tried on him too
Blushing and stuttering when he finally gets it
But when he dotes on you, he will dote on you
He'll try his best and even do research for dates and gifts
He saw a cake you just like? Expect it on your table soon
He can be bold and dominating if he wants to 
He ain’t all that innocent, he knows what he’s doing *wink*
But not in the first few months of you started dating, it's gonna be a daily thing soon
Despite how much time he spends on his game, he cares for his future
He's a responsible man, trust me
One time your period was late, The boy was already searching for a job
Always send you before your curfew and informs your parents if he's taking you out
His dream is to have a family and to be the perfect husband and father
He tries not to get jealous but he tends to
He's sweet and cuddly If he sets his mind onto something, he will do his best to achieve it
He's rather impatient and impulsive
so you have to calm him down a lot
He loves touching you or just be near you
Yoosung's flirting could actually take you off guard
You would be stun and couldn't even mutter a word when he teases you
Angry Yoosung would be savage Yoosung
He tends to keep it bottle up so when his anger had reach the limit, he'll tell you every detail that you won't even remember
He holds grudges till his death
You don't want to crossed him when he's angry
Trust me when I say he gets better with age
You'll wake up in the morning and thank your old self and the heavens for choosing him as your life partner
He works hard and put his all in his work
Quite sensitive and he's not afraid to show his tears
A devoted lover, you'll be the most prettiest and perfect person in his eyes and no one could say otherwise
A giver
Girls wish they were you if they knew how he could be to his lover
One time you two were on break to focus on your studies, three girls approached him
"I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend"
He would come to you in the middle of the night if you were sick
Always make time for you and the people he loves
He knows he's young and childish so works hard to be a man that you could be proud of
Boyfriend/Future Husband Material
You'll never feel awkward with himHe makes everything natural and you don't have to act or force yourselfHe talks a lot but he's also a good listener
Gossip partner
"So what happen to Susan from work? Did she get back with her man?"
Social butterfly, he gets along well with everyone including your family and friendsYou know when he's angry when he starts cursing and ranting at the same timeShort-tempered and could get angry at the smallest things like
Not putting back his stuff after using it
Which you always do but you learnt to put it back eventuallyHe rants at everything, pretty muchHe has a bag full of cosmetics and makeupZen's self control is better than what he credits himself
Literally stopped himself halfway despite you both being half naked just because you had rush somewhere
You told him you can be late but he begs to differ 
"I'll take you once you return. We have the whole night"
He doesn't discriminate men doing feminine things like getting their nails done and going to the spa
Because he does it himself (Couple spa is his favourite)
He is more than being beautiful and sex
He always works hard and a major workholic
Despite the fact how he loves it when people compliments his looks, he loves it more if they compliment his skills and talents
Boyfriend Material
Expect lots of cheesy pickup lines
Never fails to call you once a day even for a minute to say good morning
Sometimes get embarrassed if he watches himself on tv with another person
Despite the fact he smokes, he hate smelling bad
He carry mints and perfume everywhere he goes
He will never be boring
Even if he has a lot of female co-workers, he always keeps his limits (whether or not he is in a relationship)
He respects people's personal space because he wants people to respect his
Gets insecure every now and then
But he will never let you feel that way
Supportive Lover
He'll support you in everything you doAlways up for a rant on someone or something
The number one person in the RFA to be a parent because of an accident
Sensible and responsible
If you had a bad day, she'll listen and give you advices
She gives warm hugs
She will support you in everything you do too
but she will always talk about the down side and the consequences
She doesn't like to lean on people and tend to do everything herself
Quite a lone wolf
Doesn't care what people think of her
"They don't know me"
She'll tell you to take care of yourself but neglect her own well-being
Overthinking, she looks to the future and sometimes you need to tell her not to worry
Rather paranoid
Always up to fangirl 
Don't let her looks fool ya, she read those fanfics especially about Zen
"Oh I love reading this! Jaehee you should try reading it"
"I've already read it twenty times"
"...It's good"
An observant person, she knows if there's something wrong if you answered her differently
Sometimes, she doesn't answer her phone because she doesn't want to put with any shit
But calls back 10 minutes later because she's afraid it might be important
She's very patient and doesn't get angry easily
But when she is, you better prepare yourself
She lied, she wasn't going to sleep, she has a marathon to watch
Your minds are connected (great mind think alike)
Soul sisters/Lovers
Despite the fact how he is never afraid to tell you about how he feels about you
There are times when he could be quite cold
Especially when he's very busy and occupied, he might not give you any attention at all
But he'll make it up later when he calls you
Always makes time for his love ones
Responsible and mature
He knows what he wants and find ways to get it
Observant and calculative
Don't bother hiding what you like or dislike, he already knows.
But there are also times when he could be quite dull and dense
Jumin could be awkward and there are times when he doesn't know what to
Sometimes he doesn't know what actions he should take and ended up with using his money
Because that's what his father usually did (don't blame him for his only parent as a rolemodel)
Watching his father had gave him a lot of different views and creates the him now
Passionate Lover
When he gives you all his attention, you will be suffocated
He doesn't get angry even when you did something stupid
but he will show an emotion of distaste by a frown
Never filters what he wants to say
He's spoiled, don't deny it
He doesn't know how to wash the rice or do the laundry
Don't even bother asking him to help you with the house chores, he'll make it worse
But he's neat so his penthouse wasn't that dirty to begin with
Fast-learner, he picks up things fast whether cooking, babycare or you
He swore to himself that his children will grow up with a mother 
Very forgiving, he'll forgive you even if you did him shit
But never forgets it
If he's angry, he will let it out in one shot
He doesn't stay angry for long (it's easy to coax or make up with him)
Doesn't care what people think of him, but cares how you and his father thinks
He likes keeping people together, he doesn't like broken friendship (unless they are very toxic, goodbye)
The perfect Husband material.
Yes, he is fun
But not always
There are times when he's cold and quiet
If he's really tired (like haven't slept properly for a week tired), he's a short fuse
He'll tell you to eat but he himself forgets to eat
Tend to forget the time 
"What day is it? What time is it? What? I've been working for over 28 hours?"
Sometimes you think he's out but really, he's just in his room
He has depression and insecurities
He might be laughing in the chatroom but he was probably crying a second ago 
"I deserve this" 
Taking his guilt to beat himself up
Be it about his brother or you
Really bad at comforting someone
You need to show him what you want when you are crying and he'll do it
Or he’s going to awkwardly patting you back with that awkward laugh
He can get serious and it much serious than Jumin
"This is no laughing matter, MC" 
He doesn't really know how to show his love
So the only time he shows it is in bed
Other than that, you have to make the first move
He'll learn by watching your actions
Always worried about you, afraid that someone might take you away or hurt you
Stalker Lover over here
And he doesn't bother to hide it
He is always afraid but he will never show it
You could be sleeping in his arms and he'll stare at you while crazy scary situations plays in his head"
Hurt me, never her
"He would die for you, literally, as long as you are safe and soundIn his good days, he would do crazy things with you
He doesn't control his image
He doesn't have an image wth
Well rested, no work Seven is the best Seven!
Stubborn, very stubborn, it's hard to persuade him
He doesn't have strong self-control, and he's rather impulsive
Brilliant but like any men, could be quite dense
“Take you? Take you where? I can't take you out right now, I have work”
If he had been overworking, don't even bother making a conversation 
“Orange is the new black? Orange can't be the new black it's a different colour. If Orange is black then what is black?"
"Seven...It's a TV show"
...especially a joke or sarcastic remarks
"How do I know why the chicken cross the road, It's a CHICKEN!"
Brain overworking- Error!
Overworking Paranoid Lover
No, he's not always sugar and smiles
There are times when he has his bad days too
He'll be quiet and coldV is gentle no denying
but he could also be demanding at time
He likes to shut himself out rather than to talk about his feelings
Those bottle up emotions will burst during an argument
He accepts everything because he feels that he deserve it
Even the pain
He's not brave but he tries too
He tends to run away rather than facing the problem
A great listener and also good at persuading people
He has this power to make people listen to him
As a lover, he is passionate and caring
A true gentleman
Ideal Boyfriend Material over here
He'll always be there for you when you need him
But he is quite selfish
Sometimes he do things what he thinks it's best for you two than discussing with you first
Which end up with more argument
But you two never be in bad terms for long
Because he would apologize and discuss about it
The people he loves, left him
He tends to think that he is the problem
Needs lots of assurance
“I'm with you because I want to, Jihyun”
Love making is usually gentle unless during making up after an argument
He could be rough and merciless if he wants, which is rare
He will make sure you are cared and loved
Because he knows how it feels like when no one cares
He loves to travel because he feels free
He accepts everyone as who they are 
"There's nothing wrong with you"
The man to accept you even your flaws
He's bipolar, ain't denying it
He's ray when he's happy and excited
He's unknown when he's angry or annoyed
But it's him.It's like dating two people.
He's gentle and shy at one moment
Rough and bold the next
But it is him
He hesitates and overthinks alot
Doesn't like crowds or skinship unless to those he's close too
The only way to know that he's comfortable with it is if he did the first move
Anxiety, insecurities are his biggest weaknessB
ut also his biggest strength
He tries to help people so they won't go through the same thing he did
Which is why he fits in the RFA
To be frank, he was scared falling for you
What if you leave him too?
But his feelings were out of control and he's glad for that
He is still a child in a man's body 
So he love cuddles, compliments, appreciation
He craves love
But tries to hide, but it's so obviousT
ends to have conversation with himself, he will be muttering under his breath
Don't worry he's not that crazy
It's just Ray and Unknown debating
"What if she doesn't like it"
"She's waiting for it"
"What if we thought wrong"
"It's your chance"
"i don't know"
"Do it, do it now”
Then he'll turn around only to kiss your forehead
Unknown may be toxic but he is the motivator
Without him, Ray might not exist
Saeran will live in total despair and sadness
The debates within himself is what kept him alive
"Kill yourself? What a waste, escaping the witch to live only to kill yourself in the end? Pathetic"
"But I'm not needed... I deserve to die"
"Without revenge?"
"...We need revenge"
He's very possessive and gets jealous easily
For you, he would do anything to keep you by his side
He acts like he doesn't like it, but his eyes will tell you want he wants
Open relationship with one man
Ideal son
But I don't want him to be my son therefore I'll bear his son instead
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love-mom17 · 6 years
12.25.17 (LONG POST SRRY) :(
Im really upset... like beyond upset.
so my husband and I have been switching each year for the holidays... and we had agreed on that the day that we spend the holiday with one family IF both are in town we would go to the opposite family the next day. (I hope that makes sense)
well this year we were supposed to spend thanksgiving and New Years with his family, and Christmas with my family... meaning that the next day we would spend the holiday with the other family. This year he asked me if it was possible to do it differently. He wanted for my family holidays to be thanksgiving and New Years, because  his aunt from Mexico was going to be in town for Christmas. I said it was fine...
he was drinking last night and he was starting to make plans with his family for tomorrow (today) with his family. so I simply looked over to him and stated �� don't forget that we are going to go over to my family’s house tomorrow” he looks at me and gives me a strange look like he had no idea what I was talking about. So by then he says “so we are going to be there all day?” I was like wth is your problem. Why would it matter? I obviously didn’t say that. but I stayed quiet because I wasn’t going to have THAT talk with him in front of his family.... I let it go and stoped saying things... he then started to push my button by asking me the same thing OVER and OVER AGAIN! (which is where ‘I’ started the problem) So I was starting to get really upset and so I walked into the restroom and let it be... but before I walked away I said well we always go to the opposite family’s house the next day  ( I was still sitting down) I told him, when I called my dad while we were opening presents he wanted us to go to my grandmas house to join him. (then I walk away)
He started yelling and saying “why are you walking away?, whats your problem? You always make plans with out letting me know” etc.
I started crying in the bathroom. because this is what we had agreed on 2 years AGO!!! after the whole disaster of holidays the first year we were married. But according to him it wasn’t true at all. He said that it was never mandatory for us to go see the opposite family on the next day... WHICH WE HAVE DONE IN THE PAST AND HE DOESN’T WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT! He was like PROVE IT. I showed him picture of last year how we went over to my grandma’s the next day. and we opened presents that they got us...
he didn’t say anything but between all of this he was talking a lot of shit about my family... and he crossed the line... so yes I did step in. we yelled at each other and he wanted to say that if I didn’t want to be there to leave.... 
I was trying to leave the restroom and he kept blocking the exit... I was trying to walk out... the hole time his family is like saying shit that they don't even know. and I called my dad and I told him everything and he was like they don't know... they will only say things they see but they don't know how it really is... my dad was trying to calm me down and was trying to keep me sane for the baby. 
the whole argument is that he claims that we never spend time with my dad.... and that when we do, we don't acknowledge him... My dad works 7 days a week has two full time jobs... if I ever get to even spend some time with him I do... and for his bitch ass to talk all this shit he don't know pissed me off. Then his sister was like “well she's going to regret it once he's not here” 
I went off on them... FUCK YOU for saying shit you don't know. FUCK YOU FOR EVEN SAYING SHIT LIKE THAT!
then my husband was like she don't care about that kid, she's over here causing problems and isn’t watching her temper... well bitch keep talking shit and I will stand up for my own. Stupid ass should know that by now because I've done this for him as well. Like FUCK YOU! 
I admitted where I was wrong because I was wrong for just assuming that he knew what we were going to do the next day... I should of talked about this before all the holidays started to confirm that we were on the same page... but then he wanted to still come back and cause more shit... so I said I was done. I tried to admit where I was wrong and you want to cause more shit. FUCK YOU then.
All of a sudden me going to school is a problem... Im paying for it not him.. I don't need his permission period! I will sacrifice everything to be able to make it to where I have to be. Why can he better himself financially but I can't? His family thinks the same way. My family gives me their full on support. and honestly thats all I NEED! FUCK this shit!
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Anime, and Apparently: , Okay Ibl, story ame when I wss younger, had this Irish friend who pred our school when w as like 17, Dude ded recently nd here丐the ballad of the merveeus bsstard be average as fuck 17 year old Bribong Some foreign guy has just joined, his family just moved here city called Dery in Mgved here with his dad and his lite sister, his mum died when he was younger He gets put in my class and ends up stting nest to me This is howl met Eigh-Beers Mgee the all him Call him a hippo because of his fucking industrial size frant teeth and his big flucking lps Greg uses his adism to get out of doing and saying whatever the fuck he wants noing EB wth she lke Greg has his desk very paricularly arranged, pens on one side in a straight ine pencis on the other Dude is OCD as fuck with his pencilcase and shit Goes nuts i anything gets moved, so this desk is sightly apart from everyone elses We all get in shit twe fuck with him an purpose, We ought to know better The sutistic hippo keeps trying to get a reaction out of EB the whole class All af a sudden EB just casualy raises a foot and pushes the Hppo's desk right the fuck over Teacher hurries oer and trying to explan to EB atma Gregs autism while Greg teaks the tack G in his chair, breathing reawy ss thoug gh nong bd sheer辍tstie resentment EB looks at Greg and betsthe teacher "Oh sorry, wedant have Wid bump with more nenhinbeland' h on EB's third day at our school He's a pretty cool guyikes the 쑈me vidya and movies as me and is a big fan of Rugby, was captan of his team back iieland ell hem the school has s rughy searn he says EB goes to check it out, starts off on the lower team because hes think theyire ston of kind of fast runners gets recks fucking everyone that next hal f hel take him Jumps on him, grabs him by the neck to pull him down and iterally rolls on him ike a fucking rolling pn -EB didniteven have the bal What the fook you playin at son I didnt even have the ball, do you even know how to fookin play the game lad EB grins You know over in Ireland you have to be fit to play sports, the fatties get leit on the sideline EB grabs his amn and tosses him to the ground dude twists his anke or something and starts twitching and squeaking lke a baby elephant with parkinsons EB gets put on top team Anonymous (D wHTHOgC) 03 19/14(Wedj20 28 25 UTC-5 No 538041137 Reple 41T months without inc dont give long as youre cool to him dents aside from a few close cals with Greg the Mildly Autistic Hppo e pretty close Apparently ㅲ Ireland they don't have gangs they have paramitanes fighting between whether Northern lreland ts Britsh or hsh >He plays 4down a kal, bd ican tell some shit mu have Pagpened because he always changes the subject when gets clos·tohame Edgy fapgot Luke comes back to school Luke hangs around with a pack of riggers who are all apparenty in a gang, he les to pretend he's part of this "gang" and carries this fucking Stanky e around that he panted red and bue for some reason aOne day at lunch Like corries up to EBied o ofnotere starts askrig his datisalcoholc Nope aound Tm guessin your mam had a far lew belore you were born though mate Well tuck Ind wanna sift speI had to sht out a dat bastardlke yourset. Jog on ン"You win t)4ck with the wrong person t y inst, boy?" EB starts laughing, IHeraly loses his sht at the ste of this Itle fagpot in a trenchc oat with a stanley knfe and actualy presses EB grabs his wrist, takes the fabled blade from the hands of the chosen one tosses t over a fence and punches him straight in the face We're out geting beer, Tm with a 7/10 GT that Ive had a crush on for tucking months Her and EB get along realy wel, athough I sort of think she only hung out with us because EB did That right when we're all drunk, me and QT end up fucking Leaving out my side because this is the ballad of Eght Beer, not me Spend ages taking with QT,estabǐshthat shè apparenty seat, ikes me back EB heads up to bed, I stay down with the other guys to watch TV, QT was askeep when 1 came down QT comes running do wwith a towel round her, soaking wet, and rung out the ont door Apparently EB sleeps naked, not surpnised since Ive found him naked before after a night of drinking Says she came on to himeven ater all he shit she said aLaugh숨 and says he took aprt to bed with hm,awas cn e tablo and when she ed onwth him he lossed all over her Threw her clothes out the wendow into the rain and told her to go and fetch Two weeks later he takes me to a pub and hooks me up with a 910 Anonymous (TDwHT HOC) 03/1914(Wed 20.43 59 UTC-5 No 538044014 Raps.4380408044772 332420 EB and me are total bros after being fnends for a few years 가%aving hm as a best friend is Ike havngtose nasty trainers as a kid Shit get pretty he avy >Him and E汨were close, mostly because EB would buy him vidya and act super interested in the anime sht he lied because nobody else other than me would loses his har chermo aGotovst him, EBisgung me there >He thinks rs awesome get our photo taken together witout any har EB lets him draw all kinds of dumb sh on his bad head, lets him draw a dumb moustache on him o Spend ages just dicking a >Son of a bitch luke who R is, Dukey the Rookie is across the bar in the same tucking trenchcoat he wore back at school >EB says hi chats away to him lbe nothing ever happened >We head home and EB spend the night sitting up with me playing Batlefront on my old P52 and drinking, just trying to cheer me up me every time Sorry for that 2sad4me post, but iti make sense later Anonymous (IO woitth%) 05/19/14(Wed)20 52 46 UTC-5 No 530045357 Reeses 씌38amsrme esaaa Lving together in a let with some chick and her boyfriend The one song I remember is "Uncle Tommy by The Rumjacks, because it played when sht went down EB told them that he "ain't lookin any trouble lads, have a beer and forget that tripe for the night aye? 4 of them jump on him, start beating the shit out of him -l tackle one of them to try help him, get the fuck beaten out of me but fuck that it's goddamn E8 in there EB broke the dudes fucking am He gets up, bleeding out of every pore in his beaunful iwish body Bouncing around with his fists up, Ieraly looks ike he could fly around the room he's bouncing that much The skinheads keep going for him but back off every time aher he swings, it looks lke he could knock a building down with that sh Babbling some incoherent shit in lrish rage, nobody understands the words but everyone understands the meaning pack up there sht ike a scene from a fucking move Eight tucking beersl You splied eight of me fucking beers you hairless tuckin mongrels Eight beers lad, eight fucking beers What's the fucking craic there lke Anonymous (D: wHTiHOgC) 031914(Wed]21:6 02 UTC-5 No. 538047326 EB sgoing back to Ireland to vist his nan, she's real sick 기we lar dr, Befast-thritrs the captal of the oth but not of Ireland ckhow t wori ed EB never eaty expla edit, 5ad you wont understand the bullsh politics unless you grew up there go 1o vist his nan with EB' Sweetest tucking old lady ever, says that EB was always a rough lad but awk he'd never hurt a sour greedy fucker This woman is clearly the most infuenial famly member in the Eight Beer famly EE shows me round Derry, tels me about how 5pIt relgusy and shows methes bg ass wall cood place Takes me to Belast agan and shows methe pace wherethe ttanc was bu -we end up going to place caled The Crown Bar Ger pretty drunk, or Tpped as EB calls it Walked around Belfast for a bt, he tells me about the history of some stuf »Spend a few nights there, have a fucking blast but decide to head home don't wanna be an inrusion on the whole nan stustion Lad you're practicaly a part of the famly Anonymous D wH7HOQC) 03/19/14Wd21 18 48 UTC-5 No 538040230 Getting close to the end now Shits hard to wrte, I miss hat fucker Life is prety uneventful for a wle pparentty some Kiddy Fiddler called Wilm Whight fucked EB when totally agan family home a load of sht, fucks 2EB spends all nut there next to her, nearly gets wolent when staff ask harto leave so doctors can sort some 닸官out calm him down and we wat r, hosptzd for brig bme B's Sister gets beter, but is pretty fucked for life Never taks never leaves the house she's pretty much a goddarmn vegetable EB spends all of his time off work with her, never comes out anymore, just sts in with her. We sometimes come ound and drink with him but he refuses to leave the house -One night while he's sieeping, EB's fucked up sister C's faul, that's pretty much the main subject of t. I don't get why she'd need to say that but whabever Tels me he waan't that close with his family back home his dad is fucked up with grief and everythings just a mess ie doesn't want to go home because he has nothng there other than remnders, but doesn't want to stay here because of what has pened Does his best to be the usual bi9dck coolguy that he always was, puts on a brave face but f you c h him on his own he's luckn9 merable ite gets in 갠 few fights when we're ot dmkrg ry one who gnestmamy 5hvt gets m edistety fucking amidated none ofths ads everyone on" that he used to do s fighting back tears already guessed, but he starts teling me about how he blames himseffor what 거had pened to his sis have tucking known better >Lterally carrot change his mid anthis shit, looks like he has himse#1uly convinced th this is his taut we talk about old imes laugh a be things actualy seem back to normal for whie Ainight mabe. Let's have one for old tme's sake, ae? Hie eventualily leaves, but before he goes he tells me that 'You've been a good mate from day one mate. Honestly out on a limb rd do fuckin' anything for ya Take t easy lad speti ong tme EB doesn't reply to teats or Cutign place doeant answer B tucking hung himsel is fanly tatoo many things that I don't need thanked every tme fucker
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lakeblue1 · 7 years
HSC Advanced English Tips (’17)
Here’s a guide to the train wreck that is Advanced English. I came 8th in a cohort of 112, but I got the 2nd highest mark in trials. Trust my advice at your own discretion.
Here are some of my study tips for English:
General Essay Stuff
I’m really lazy so for my HSC I ended up memorising an essay plan (for more information see this guy: https://atarnotes.com/dealing-with-english-for-maths-students/) and honestly it worked out for me this year. It’s pretty solid most of the time, so if you do use it, use it at your own discretion and try and have backups
Try and know some ~fancy~ technique names bc teachers love that stuff and it makes you sound smarter. Don’t be afraid to use semicolons and colons and dashes, I don’t think they actually care and it signals to them “WAIT! I’M NOT DONE WITH THIS IDEA YET!”.
Okay so on the topic of water and bathroom in the middle of the exam: I’m against it. It’s only 2 or 3 hours, and you could be spending it writing those few extra words that mean all the difference when you’ve got 1 min left-- Of course, if you get really anxious or panicky then a bathroom break is important if it’ll help you calm down quickly. Take care of yourself, and be honest when you need a breather
I’ve been told I’m really good at introductions and conclusions but tbh they just follow the same format:
Introduction: This is my thesis, usually some derivative of the question or a unique thesis if I feel up to it; this is an optional sentence elaborating on my thesis if there’s a “yes, but” component, or if I couldn’t express my whole thesis in a grammatically correct way. This introduces my first text, with name, title, year, and general summary of how it relates to the thesis. This introduces my second text, see format in last sentence. This is a third text if I’m a baller. This is a sentence that links all two/three texts in terms of purpose, technique, effect on responder, or whatever. This sentence summarises my thesis, occasionally omitted if it’s Module A or C.
Conclusion: This is a summary of my thesis, with a pretty transition word at the beginning (I tend towards As such, Overall, or Thus). This summarises how my first text relates to the thesis, as explained in my body paragraphs. This summarises my second text, and so on. This is an optional summary sentence linking all the texts again. This is an imperative philosophical ending, usually about how bad things help us grow as a person, bad people will eventually get retribution, or how with enough perseverance society will start to change for the better.
Section I
Honestly there’s not much you can do to ‘study’ for it, but you should be familiar with literary and visual techniques (though they haven’t given a visual in two years *grumble grumble* we got a mango poem instead…)
Get your literary devices here! http://literary-devices.com/
Section II
HAHAHA what is creative writing. Here’s your chance to write the cutest happy lil things or the most dark and depressing story (I’ve got both)
CLICHES MY TEACHER SAYS NOT TO DO: tears/crying, school setting, exam setting, meta-stories about the marker marking your story about the marker marking your work about…
I know some people have said they memorise and adapt a full story, or just go into the exam with a character and some plot ideas, but I can’t work that flexibly, so what I do is I write Vignettes. Little snippets of a story that you can piece together in many different ways to show different things about discovery.
For me, my character is a sailor in the 17th century, so vignettes I’ve written include: the death of his parents, his recruitment into a pirate crew, learning about how to be a sailor, his first time killing a person, first time trying alcohol, etc.
Trust me, it makes it so much easier to adapt your story. And you remember more or less the same amount of words
Pick a topic you ACTUALLY LIKE. No brainer. They’re not gonna take this last bit of freedom from us without a fight. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time a few months before we started Discovery, so my creative was about pirates and the 17th century Age of Sail (still can’t believe I did that…)
And then RESEARCH. Research the heck outta that time period, or that sport, or that music, or whatever. It’s gonna take time, but if you like it enough it’s soooo worth it. And it builds verisimilitude (authenticity)
Plus you learn some cool stuff! Did you know middle names weren’t popular until the mid-1700’s? Or the Age of Piracy happened because nations stopped fighting and sacked all of their sailors, who became pirates, and then they recruited those pirates back into the Navy to fight the growing number of pirates. Idiots, them.
Section III 
Probably the part you’re most familiar with. Essays! Yay....
Really really really make sure you know your rubric. Cuz when you do, you can quote whatever the hell you want out of the rubric and kinda tweak the question/thesis a bit to include the part of the rubric that you want (*cough* memorised..)
If they ask for two RTs, USE YOUR MODULES ONE! It’s better than nothing, and chances are you know your analysis better than the unseen texts
Same goes for Modules, use your Discovery RT if you’re hardpressed for 2
Module A-- King Richard III and Looking for Richard
Okay so I actually didn’t understand LFR at all when I first watched it (like wth is this old dude going on about Shakespeare and there’s so many random cuts and whatnot)
They can really ask any part of either text so be prepared. Know your stuff for the main values (power, providentialism, female frailty, morality, etc) and the more obscure stuff you can usually adapt a pre-written response
Module B-- Speeches
I didn’t know this until two days before the HSC but if they prescribe a text that you are NOT prepared to talk about, you only have to mention 2 or 3 quotes and its analysis and then link it to a speech that you actually know
So your paragraphs goes a bit like: 1. Speech you like, w/ two quotes from the prescribed 2. Another speech you like
And unless they say “MAKE DETAILED REFERENCE TO”, you’ll be fine honestly.
So just memorise 3 quotes from each speech and know a few of them in depth
But only if you’re desperate. Try and know analysis for most of them
Different from the other modules, you CAN (perhaps should) talk about the entire speech in one paragraph and then the other speech in another paragraph, as opposed to integrating it
Just make sure to link it by topic sentences-- e.g. “Similar to Sadat, Keating also attempts to address concerns he sees in society, but on a much smaller scale.”
For this reason, you can memorise analysis for a speech to put in a paragraph, cuz it either answers the question or it doesn’t. Just tweak the topic and summary sentences.
Tbh doing 3 speeches should not be scary-- it might even be easier! Cuz you don’t have to go into as much detail for each speech!!
Honestly, each speech in a 2-speech essay has 450 words, while each speech in a 3-speech essay has 300 words.
Module C-- Brave New World
Ok People and Politics is interesting but I hated BNW-- and rightly so, cuz I think Huxley meant for us to hate the people so that we can better criticise aspects of the World State (hence satire = promoting change)
I talk a lot about context, because it goes a lot into representation-- if you read my essay plan for Mod C, most of it is about Huxley v changes in society that he disapproves of
English is actually a tolerable subject when you’re not cramming it for an exam. Any questions send em here and I’ll do my best to answer and give feedback <3
Good luck!
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